#I am sorry if anyone is upset or hurt by whatever is happening at any given time
musette22 · 2 years
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becomingmina · 9 months
FUCKBOY MIN 2. little series w/ LEEKNOW + HYUNJIN
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pairing: hwang hyunjin x female reader x lee minho genre + warnings: slight angst wc: 3.5k mina's note: I really enjoyed writing this. Sorry it took a while! This part was was like a filler, I know.
other works here ; any comments and thoughts you can drop them here ; ty for reading.
series chapter ➵ part one, part three ending one
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“You done crying yet or?” Hyunjin jokes after watching over you for the past thirty minutes. He was in the drivers seat handing out countless tissues to you, who was in his passenger’s.
“Hyunjin, stop,” you crack up at his teasing. You were done crying now, you just weren’t done being upset yet. A heavy feeling still lingering around your shoulders as you try your best to block out Minho’s words circulating in your head.
“Are you still not going to tell me what he said to you in the bathroom?” A hand comes to wipe away the last of your tears, his tone gentler now.
Hyunjin can see the marks on your neck, anyone can. He can tell what happened in the bathroom and he knows Minho must’ve said something to overwhelmed you to cry, but he just doesn’t know what exactly.
“I don’t want to re-live it Hyunjin,” you couldn’t tell him. You didn’t want to tell him that you said the L word to Minho within the same month you got rejected by him. Hyunjin could never judge you for that but how can you tell him without telling the whole thing, how it was forced out of you. Dirty? Dirty because of Hyunjin? The words repeats again, haunting you. Hyunjin was involved in Minho’s mean and hurtful words and you feel guilty. Hyunjin did absolutely nothing wrong, he didn’t deserved to be dragged into whatever mess was going on between you and Minho.
“Why? Is it because you might cry again?” He playfully says, not wanting you to feel downhearted at your own actions. He lets out a giggle after observing how you quickly pierced your eyes at him sassily - something you picked up from him. It doesn't matter what situation you're in, Hyunjin always makes it light hearted. He's so playful but in a way where he is still careful and you never fail to warm up to him. Just like this moment.
“I just got my heart broken by the city’s fuckboy, I don’t need the city’s heartbreaker to feed into it,” you chuckle and he follows with furrowed brows, unable to keep a straight face at the names.
“Those names are crazy Y/N,” he remarks.
“I actually don’t think you’re a heartbreaker Hyunjin, it’s just what everyone calls you,” you reassured him, hand finding his to give him a tight squeeze.
"I probably am one," he held yours back tighter, letting you know he didn’t take it to heart. "I'm curious though," he continues .
“Curious to why the city’s fuckboy keeps yelling at you,” you eyed him again, arms crossed this time with a fake pout. “Or is it that you’re just a cry baby?” he laughs but he was serious though, he wanted to see why Minho keeps leaving you in tears.
“I’m not a cry baby,” you defend yourself. “You’re probably tired of me crying hey? I know how to smile too!” To be fair, you were kind of a cry baby especially as this is the second time he has picked you up and wiped away your tears, all within a month.
“Wait, can you actually?” he continues.
“I’m actually really sweet Hyunjin, I promise!”
“How about the city’s heartbreaker takes you out one day?” The tension from the incident with Minho start to disappear as Hyunjin slowly soothes it, directing your attention somewhere else - something he is very good at.
“Hmm?” brows furrowed together. His question had taken you by surprise, you were unsure if he was serious. “Like on a date?” You clarified.
“Mhmm,” he confirmed. “So you can show me how sweet you can be and that you’re not just a cry baby.” He already knows how sweet you are. Last couple of weeks you guys spent together talking about everything and nothings have really shown him what type of person you are. You were caring, cheerful, playful. You loved to tease, loves to be teased and takes on jokes like a champ. You were just full of laughter and happiness and meeting someone like you is hard for Hyunjin. It seems that he has developed a soft spot for you, but unlike Minho he isn’t afraid to show you.
You just giggle back, unaware of the thoughts going through Hyunjin’s head, everything falling into silence right after.
Hyunjin is a lovely person and you hate to say yes just to distract yourself from Minho. But Hyunjin has that effect on you, where he has made you forgot about Minho whenever you’re with him. You don’t know how to explain it. Like earlier tonight before all of this, when you went with him to the party, you had zero care for anyone and anything besides Hyunjin and wine. Or like right now, Minho was slowly fading away in your head. If you give him a chance, maybe he’ll be better than Minho. He always was, seeing as he was the one who was here, unlike Minho who didn’t even chase after you.
“A date with you sounds cool,” your silly smile returning. He couldn’t control his smile back, his eyes turning into thin lines as his upper lips disappears a little showing his white pearlys.
The man who broke your heart an hour ago long forgotten, in moments like this.
“You okay hyung?” Han asks, after observing Minho for the past hour just downing his drinks.
“Yeah.. Good.. I’m good.” Minho could barely reply, slurring on his words clearly intoxicated.
“What happened in the bathroom? What did you do to her?” Han was worried about you both. He still doesn't understand what you did to get Minho to push you away like that, especially when Minho would used to reschedule his plans with Han and their friend group just to be with you. It was clear to Han that you guys had something going on. Minho wasn’t much of a drinker too but seeing him suddenly finish all these drinks made Han sense something was up.
“Nothing, I just.. Nothing just shooed her away like usual,” Minho replied, acting uninterested in the conversation.
“Marks on your neck tells me otherwise,” Han replied back, eyeing up at his hyung. Minho doesn’t reply, instead he stays quiet, one hand coming into contact with the marks you left on his skin. His head is in a daze, the scene of you pressing kisses to his neck, how soft your plump lips felt, your tiny hands holding the back of his neck to keep him in place while the other was wrapped around his..
“Hyung? Hey hyung?” Han snaps the older man out of his thoughts, holding him by the shoulder trying to steady him. “She’s a good girl. If you don’t like her don’t do that to her.”
“She gave me the marks Jisung.. I didn’t do anything to her,” Minho huffed, trying to defend himself.
“Sure, it’s not like she didn’t walk out of the bathroom with marks herself,” Minho just rolls his eyes. “If you don’t like her like that, stop hurting her.”
“Looks like you also want to fuck her, seeing as how you’re talking about her-”
“-Just because I feel sorry for her doesn’t mean I want to fuck her, hyung. No girl should be treated like that,”
“Whatever,” Minho pushes the smaller boy’s arms off his shoulders making him stumble back a bit.
“See how you act? You’re a dick. How is it that every other girl gets let off easily when they admit they like you and when Y/N does it she gets yelled at?” Han was over his hyung’s antics, also fuming from the way he was pushed even though he was only trying to help him up.
“Last month you pushed her away then tonight you’re all over her again just because she’s with someone else. You’re so possessive. What did you do to her in the bathroom?!” Han has never called Minho out like this but the way Minho acted was very possessive. It was like he hates seeing other people interested or talk about things that was his. In this instance, you.
“I don’t know,” as much as he hates to admit it, your words engraved itself to his brain. He couldn’t come up with a reason why he treated you the way he did tonight or ever. Just the words I love you bouncing in his head, hitting every surface of his brain. Did he like you back? He’s not in-love with you right? Or was he just possessive over you? Did he want you to himself only? Minho was overwhelmed with his thoughts, unable to voice anything else, eyes just seeking some sort of help from the younger boy.
“You okay hyung?”
A couple weeks go by and Minho catches himself thinking about you every second pf his day. He doesn’t know how to make it stop. He contacted so many girl just to ghost them before they meet up as he has this feeling of guilt. Not towards the girls, they don’t mean anything to him but guilt towards you. It was like he was doing something wrong to you. But you weren’t even his and he doesn’t even like you back. He has just be constantly in and out, and his friends aren’t any help either. Well to be fair, he’s only been keeping his thoughts to himself so it’s not really his friend’s fault. But you and Hyunjin has been the topic of the week, updates of where you guys went or what you guys did was brought up every single day in conversation.. well ofcourse it would, seeing as how Hyunjin and Minho shares mutual friends.
“You think he really likes her?” Felix asks the others.
“Yeah, if he didn’t he wouldn’t have come with her to the party the other week,” Chan clarified and they nod in agreement.
“Why wonder we haven’t seen him all of last month, he was with Y/N.”
Minho listens to the conversation, quietly contributing and attacking Hyunjin in his head. Yeah but she doesn’t like him. She clearly loves someone else.
“Wasn’t she one of your flings?” Chan’s question wakes Minho up.
“Hmm? Y/N?” Your name comes out more tender than expected from his lips. “I don’t remember,” Minho lies.
“Anyways, I reckon the photo he took of her from earlier this week was cute,” Seungmin says, the rest giggling like high school girls at their friends love life.
“Looks like the heartbreaker Hyunjin found someone he really likes.”
“And Y/N seems to really like him too,” Minho was furious, wanting to tell them what the reality was but even himself wasn’t sure if it was true anymore. Maybe you have fallen for Hyunjin. Maybe you have forgotten all about Minho now.
He looks to his side, watching Felix swipe through Hyunjin’s instagram story. It was the first time he saw you since. You were as pretty as ever. Hair in a half up half down look, in a black dress looking and smiling at Hyunjin’s camera.
Hyunjin had taken you out to one of his favourite bakery and art museum. He had told you to wear something pretty, and be ready by noon. You got dolled up, picking out your most gorgeous dress and by the time he promised, he messaged you to come outside. Hyunjin was lean up against his car, his camera strap across his body, a small bouquet in his hand. It was something you never experienced before, you couldn’t help but smile instantly at the sight. Oh how sweet he was, and definitely very handsome.
“You look like you can be very sweet, Y/N,” he playfully says before pulling you into a hug. You hold him back, arms wrapping around his body pressing your cheeks against his toned chest, staying there a little bit longer than you extended.
“Ready to go?” He asks, and you remove yourself.
“Mhmm, ready to go and ready to show you I can be sweet!” The conversation you had with yourself, a couple days ago still implanted in your head. You will give it a try with Hyunjin. He has always treated you well, despite his title he received from everyone, but a little part of you is afraid. Minho treated you well too, but turned his back on you the second you liked him. You were afraid you were going to fall for it again. Hyunjin could never make you fall for him then ditch you right? But to be honest, has Minho ever picked you up in broad day light like this? No. You guys would sneak around all the time, and was only ever relaxed in a closed off area - that being his house. Minho has never planned a date this. But did your heart wanted that more than this? A unlike tingling heavy feeling fallen in your chest, the feeling is different.
As Felix continues to tap his screen, more images of the date appears. You guys spend a while in the coffee shop just goofing around with each other, then at the art museum.. Oh the art museum.. countless photos of you standing infront of and looking at the art works makes Minho go red.
“Fuck-” Minho bites, fist forming into balls as he feels his blood boiling. Minho was angry now, he was jealous. He didn’t ever show you off like this and was mad someone was able to do.
“Gotta go, gotta go call Bella,” Minho walks out, everyone else looking around trying to seek a reason why he was acting like that.
It was dark and late, 9pm to be exact. Silence fill the air as you and Hyunjin both just sit in his car. You shyly glance over to him, unsure of what to do now, he just gives you a smile. You really enjoyed your day with him, it was fun and quite the romantic day. But do you invite him in now? Do you take it slow? What would you do if you invite him in anyways?
"I enjoyed today with you too Hyune," you break the silence. "I'm actually really tried from everything though" you lie, you needed to distant yourself for the rest of the night, to work out what you were feeling. You needed to take it slow. The tingling sensation before was still around you, a feeling you can't explain. "I think I might start ready for bed," you observe his reactions, but there is none. Just him keeping a small smile like earlier.
"We did so much today, I’m tired and ready for bed too," he agrees, one hand reaches over to hold yours. He was so soft, it's like he knows the barrier you had set up. He doesn't questions it and just lets it be.
"Thank you Hyune," you reply, twisting your wrist so your fingers can interlock with his now, giving him some sort of affirmation. You lean in towards him and ahe air grows a bit cold now. You had to do it, to show your gratitude. You continue to move in, giving him a peck to his cheeks. Hyunjin freezes in return, the sudden affection makes him flustered. "Goodnight Hyune." You retracted back your hand, collecting your stuff, along with your nice bouquet of flowers and exiting his car.
It was clear to Hyunjin after the peck that he liked you. He really liked you but he was still unsure of where your feelings stands. Regardless, he wanted to keep trying with you.
You were in the middle of the dance floor, to the grand party that Hyunjin asked you to be his date at. Well technically, you were invited by Minho's mum but you can't turn down a cute date with Hyunjin.
“Where are you?” You ask on the phone, eyes searching for a lost Hyunjin. He has disappeared from your sight so suddenly after you guys had spend a hour of drinking the free wine.
“At the table we were before," you can hear him slurring on his words, unable to keep your giggles in at how tipsy he is.
“Okay, coming! Stay where you are," as you turn around someone pulls you back, making you stumble a bit forward into them.
“Can I talk to you?” You encounter a familiar face. Minho was standing in front of you, his hand gripping your wrist not painfully but strong enough for you not to pull back. Your eyes scan his face. He looked so different. He had his hair down covering his forehead, something he never wears out in public. His eyes were coated with a thin cover of gloss, almost looks like he had been draining in his emotions for the longest time ever. Minho looked so soft, you were taken back.
“I gotta go. Hyune’s waiting for me,” you reply trying to pull away from him. You needed to avoid Minho, unsure why but you had too.
“Yes, Hyune,” you managed to escape and walked off, only because he loosen his grip. Minho was left on the middle of the dance floor, watching you make your way through the crowd.
“Hyune?” He whispers to himself, confused. A nickname already? Maybe the boys were right.
You don’t know why but a sudden urge to spin around got the best of you.
“Hey Min!” The nickname makes him instantly turn around but he knows it wasn’t going to be you standing there, so he prepared himself for whoever was there.
“Hey, I was looking for you,” he lied to the gorgeous woman infront of him, Bella.
You watch as Minho smile at her, his hand coming in contact with her cheek. You spun around again, not wanting to watch any more of what he got up to, going back to Hyunjin.
The music was blaring now and you feel yourself getting light headed from the countless shots and mimosas you consumed. You lean into Hyunjin’s chest, wanting to stay still for a minute to regain control of your body.
Minho doesn't know how he got here but there he stood a couple steps infront of you, watching you with Hyunjin. He has Bella in-front of him holding his hands as she sways to the music, seeking for his attention.
“Hey, I’m losing you here Y/N,” Hyunjin laughs, although him himself was feeling the same thing. He had to control it, he couldn’t let you both loose to alcohol.
“I’m so tired Hyune,” you replied, unable to move your head from his upper chest.
“You wanna go sit down?” He asked, hands coming to your waist to help hold you up. The small contact with your body makes you widen your eyes. You steady yourself back on your heels as you make eye contact with the sweet boy in front you. Your eyes catch his lips for a second, they were so plump, so full and the perfect shade of pink, almost a reddish. A thought ran through your head and you feel guilty about it but you wanted to do it. You want to feel his lips on yours to confirm that feeling that keeps staying around in your chest. His eyes flutter from your eyes to your lips. You looked so pretty like this, your cheeks was pink, eyes looks so bright and full, you were so kissable. Hyunjin slowly leans in, one had holding your face and when he doesn’t see a signal of you avoiding it, he closes the gap between your lips.
Minho’s heart sinks watching Hyunjin kiss you. He has always been possessive of you, hating when your attention is on another person. He has always been annoyed, always been angry but right now, he feels broken, he feels hurt. He didn’t come here with Bella because he liked her. He came here with Bella because he wanted to use her as a distraction. He wanted to use her to get over you. He doesn’t realise it until now, after witnessing the kiss, that since the night you confessed your feelings to him, he felt the same. He felt the same but he was too afraid to say it, to show it. Liking someone was overwhelming, let alone loving someone. Minho was just afraid.
The feeling doesn’t go away, it’s heavy it’s numbing your body. You pull away from Hyunjin’s lips, hands on his chest to help you detach. You can’t keep his eye contact, letting out a heavy breath.
“Hyune, I..” you look up over his shoulder and catches Minho eyes as he towers over Bella. Minho stops to observe you, observing your next move. For a second the world stops, everyone’s face was blurred, the music goes from blaring loud to a long beep, something you hear when your brain restarts similar to the sound in movies when the main character watches someone close to them die. It was only you and Minho.
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qwimblenorrisstan · 3 months
The Clandestine Culinarian Pt. 3 | Azriel x Reader
Summary: After the mating bond between you and Azriel snaps, he hides away in Rhys’ townhouse, spending time with Elain, only to run into you at Rita’s
Word Count: ~ 3.3k
Warnings: Angst, Rita’s, blades, hot dresses (and women)
A/N: Soo sorry it took me so long to write this, but I’ve been scheming this for days, hope you like it<3
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Azriel had finally managed to calm himself down after an hour or two, with Rhys consoling him and Cassian quickly rushing to the townhouse to figure out what the hell was going on.
“She’s your mate? Am I hearing that right?”
“Yes, Cassian. And keep your mouth shut about it.”
Rhys replied, giving Cassian a pointed look before going back to watching Azriel closely. He was in shock, mainly. He’d thought that after all these months of getting close to her and comforting her and helping her adjust, Elain had to be his mate, just had to be. And she wasn’t.
He knew his anger at you was irrational, but he wanted Elain, not you, you were just some female he’d met and bought poisons from. You were deadly and cunning and ruthless, nothing like his sweet, soft, and precious Elain he’d grown to love. You were not what he wanted.
“I can’t stay there with her, Rhys-“
He managed to get out, before Feyre and Elain both slipped into the room, clearly wondering what was wrong and why Azriel’s face was red and puffy. Elain seemed to already know what was happening, based on the sadness in her eyes. Gods, he’d do anything to get rid of it, anything. He would go through an army to make her feel better, slaughter anyone he needed to, and do anything he could.
“Feyre, this is not the time, nor the place.”
Rhys said, a hint of something pleading in his eyes. Feyre seemed to want to help but understood that helping could come later. Right now was about damage control. She put one hand around Elain’s, before going to walk out of the room. However, Elain got four words out before being pulled away.
“Can he stay here?”
She asked, her tone so broken that he would stay here forever, the rest of his life if it would fix her. Cassian’s face hardened, clearly thinking, Rhys only sighed before giving a nod.
“You’ll stay here until we can work this out. Cassian…do you think she’s far enough along to pick up training with the Valkyries?”
Cassian sighed, knowing that while you had progressed very far in your months of training, there was no way in hell you were at the same level as Nesta, Emerie, and Gwyn.
“I can try.”
He said, his tone already unsure. It wasn’t a definite no, but it wasn’t a yes either.
After Azriel had left, the House felt noticeably emptier, to you at least. It wasn’t any sort of noise you missed, but just the way his presence was subtle but always heavy in whatever room he took up. You didn’t dare pull on the golden threads tying you to the shadowsinger, not when he’d seemed so shocked and…upset.
That had stung worse than him leaving, maybe. His face had been contorted in shock and hurt as if you hadn’t been his first choice, and the only reason you were even on the roster was because of the bond. You weren’t sure how to think about that.
Luckily, you barely got any time to think with the new training with Cassian you’d picked up. You knew that working those blades couldn’t be easy, but good gods you hadn’t expected it to be so difficult either. Nesta on occasion tried to help you, but you still failed the ribbon test every single goddamn time as the ribbon remained there, hanging from the doorpost, dancing in the wind and taunting you.
Your body was sore and aching, but you were more muscular than before, you’d admit. At least the training was worth something.
Your mind still kept wandering back to Azriel, and to Elain as well. You’d seen the way he looked at her, with a hint of hope and longing in his eyes, and how she looked at him like he was the oxygen she needed to breathe.
So, like you did with any other girl problems, you sought out Nesta. You found her in the smutty section of the library that was formed to match her tastes, seeking out a new book among the shelves.
She took one look at you, a sort of pity and empathy in her eyes that usually wasn’t there, and sighed, sitting down on a large windowsill and inviting you to sit next to her.
You sat down next to her, not knowing what to say before opening your mouth to speak.
“I already know, I saw the whole shitshow go down.”
She said in that bland tone of hers, picking at her nails in what seemed like a way to cover up an anxious habit. You weren’t surprised she’d seen. It had been right around training time for Cassian and the Valkyries, and they’d probably seen the entire thing go down. Embarrassment flooded you before you could stop it, creeping up your cheeks as you stared down at the hardwood floor, hands shifting constantly as you swallowed.
“He’s..in love with Elain, isn’t he?”
You asked, your voice a lot more resigned than you would like it to be. Nesta seemed to think about it, glancing at you before speaking.
“I think he’s got a crush, and I won’t lie, I think he was just looking for his mate. Elain, though…she’s infatuated with him, a bit ridiculous considering she’s already got Lucien groveling for her.”
Nesta said, a hint of distaste in her tone as she mentioned the mating bond between Elain and Lucien. She was still protective over her sister, it seemed. Even if she didn’t agree with her choices.
“Do you think she’ll be mad? I mean, of course, she’ll be, but..”
You went on, before realizing you were rambling and cutting yourself off with a sigh. Nesta simply shrugged.
“She won’t be happy, but she’s Elain, what could she possibly do? Not let you have a slice of her pies?”
That got a little huff of laughter out of you, some much-needed laughter after everything. Nesta glanced over at you, looking you up and down, before getting up and offering you a hand.
“Me and the girls were planning a girl’s night at Rita’s tonight, would you like to come?”
You hesitated, before taking her hand and getting up, nodding.
“Yeah, I could use a drink or two.”
What she then displayed could only be described as a wolf’s grin, her hand slipping off of yours to grab the book that had been on the shelf she wanted the entire time.
“Good. Wear your sluttiest dress.”
She said, a conspiratorial tone in her voice before she slipped off into the winding labyrinth that was the library, ever-shifting and moving to adjust for her.
“I’ll grab it.”
His dark voice spoke, reaching over the middle Archeron sister to grab the measuring cups that were just out of reach for her. His chest pressed ever so slightly against her back as he grabbed it, before placing it on the counter for her and then going back to maintaining a respectable distance away.
He could’ve sworn that she always kept those cups lower down, but they were higher this time. As if someone had deliberately placed them there. As if someone had wanted the help of someone taller, who always was there at every beck and call.
“Thank you.”
She spoke softly, smiling up at him with a warmth that could melt the sun itself. Elain looked ethereal in this light, and she’d looked beautiful even before being turned to High Fae. Now she could rival the Mother herself.
The months being in the townhouse had been hard at first, being constantly away from his mate, but slowly the urge to be near you and touch you and hold you had faded away, replaced by Elain. Now that he thought of it, he could barely remember what your face had looked like, or your voice…or anything about you.
It was a sign, he supposed. A sign that even if the Cauldron had paired you two together, fate didn’t agree, and he was fully content here, eating every little home-cooked meal Elain made him, savoring the unique taste that was her cooking.
She never let him watch her cook the full meal, insisting that he not know the secret ingredients to the recipes she’d originally made during the starving days when she, Feyre, and Nesta had lived in that tiny little cabin in the woods. One day, she’d let him know the entire recipe. And that day would be soon, he was sure.
“I heard Feyre’s going to Rita’s tonight, maybe we could go together?”
She offered, her smile warm and safe. Everything he’d prayed for when he’d heard stories from Rhysand’s mother of love affection and support. The hope that he’d one day have it. What had her name been?
He’d never been as happy and just so free as he’d been with Elain in her kitchen in the townhouse with her, and the others had noticed a bit as well. How he seemed a bit more prone to accidentally tripping while lost in thought of her, or how he seemed to daydream or sleep so much better.
He snapped out of his thoughts, looking down at Elain with a small smile. It was odd that she of all people, the cook and soft, gentle woman, sensitive and affectionate, wanted to go to a bar for a girl’s night out. She seemed much more like a restaurant type of female, but he didn’t question it. He was happy for any excuse to spend time with her.
“Sure. We could go. What time?”
He asked, his voice soft as he watched her bake what seemed like a sourdough starter. She seemed to know without even thinking.
“5:45 should be fine.”
She said. It struck him a bit odd how sure she seemed. He hadn’t heard her ask Feyre at all, and his shadows, though most chose to stay at the House of Wind with the other female, hadn’t noticed anything of it. But she was Elain, she probably just knew.
“Another round?”
Nesta asked with a grin, you returned the grin, too drowned in drinks to even care how drunk you got tonight. “A drink or two” her ass, Emerie was downing another glass, probably going to regret it in the morning.
They’d all worn the sluttiest dresses they had, with Cassian lurking nearby in the bar, fully ready to bite the head off of any male who got a bit too handsy with Nesta.
You replied, at which Nesta proceeded to order another round out of her own money. She was rich as hell since the High Lord paid her for whatever the hell she did. You didn’t particularly care as long as it kept the drinks coming.
“Careful with the drinks, Nes. Feyre said there’s been some lapses in their bank, and you’re the prime suspect.”
Cassian said, giving her a nudge with his wing. Everyone knew of Nesta’s previous behavior, buying rounds and rounds of drinks with the High Lord’s money, and wasting it.
“That’s bullshit, she knows I wouldn’t do that anymore.”
Nesta replied, simply rolling her eyes and going back to downing her drink, eying Cassian with no shame at all. He only gave a cocky grin and eyed her back. She was wearing a black dress that sat snug against all her best features, and Cassian was loving the view, as were the other men at Rita’s brave enough to ogle her.
You wore a silky red dress with a high slit in the side and a cut that showed plenty of your cleavage, not to mention how the fabric hung and was tight in just the right places to be flowing but also leave little to the imagination. It was enough to get you a cheap hookup, at the very least, based on the men watching you.
A good way to keep your mind off of Azriel.
You gave Nesta a look, and she gave a nod before you strode off to the prettiest male you could find in the room, one of the ones who’d been watching you the closest. A sly smile grew on his lips as his dark eyes glittered with lust. He knew what you were looking for, wearing that on a night like this.
“What’s your name, pretty?”
He purred, hand going around your waist as you slid into his lap. One of your hands went to curl around his bicep, fluttering your lashes at him.
“Yours, if you can handle me.”
You said back, voice smooth as the silk you were wearing. The male’s hands began to wander, and you didn’t even bother stopping them as he leaned in closer to you, a low chuckle coming from his lips.
“Care to come home with me?”
He murmured, his breath hot against your skin. He smelled of a male musk, his scent reeking of cheap alcohol and arousal. You were too drunk to care.
You murmured back to him, not bothering to glance back at Nesta or Cassian, or anyone else in the bar as the male slowly got to his feet, hand around your waist, and began leading you out of the bar, from the back entrance. Your attention was solely on him, on his touch.
That was until you saw Azriel and Elain right outside the bar, engaged in painfully slow, heated kisses.
He’d gotten dressed in some casual enough clothing, not overly fancy for a bar, but not to where he was underdressing. Elain had donned a cute blue dress, looking straight from a fantastical cottage out of a book he’d once read when younger. Maybe Rhysand’s mother had read that one to him. He couldn’t remember anymore.
They’d slipped in quietly, having a few drinks, which Elain seemed to wrinkle her nose slightly at the taste of the alcohol, but seemed more keen on getting him drinks. Something that would’ve sent warning signs in his mind blaring if he’d been able to remember just what he was doing here.
Elain kept glancing around as if watching out or looking for someone, or hoping not to be spotted. He hadn’t asked her about it out of the courtesy of being polite, but it still made him curious, until his brain was too fuzzy to care.
“Let’s get out of this stuffy place,”
She had whispered to him under her sweet breath, leading him outside to the side exit of the bar, before pulling him into a kiss. He couldn’t recall how or why it was happening, but his lips were on his, and he couldn’t find in himself the strength to pull away. His limbs felt wobbly, his shadows moving slower than usual as if weighed down by something. His head was swimming. What had been in that alcohol? His mind tried to think, but couldn’t. Everything felt so, so heavy.
And then he saw her. He could recognize her anywhere. His mate. His soulmate. His partner seemed by the Cauldron itself. She was dressed in what could only be described as an extremely revealing dress, red and silky, her cleavage and thigh on full display to the male who hungrily watched her, leading her to gods know where to get his fill and leave.
He saw something in her break when his gaze met hers, and Elain separated from the kiss, glancing over at the female with what looked like a mockingly empathetic smile.
Two things hit him at the same time; the fact that Feyre hadn’t been anywhere in that bar, even though Elain said she’d been invited by her, and the fact that ever since Elain had started feeding him every meal, breakfast lunch, and dinner, he’d completely forgotten the face of his mate, forgotten things he should know, his guard had fallen down, and now he was weak and put in the spotlight as the villain.
And then he hurled his guts out all over the ground, sobering up in an instant as he saw your tears. He needed to fix you, to fix this and figure out what the hell had been happening.
Even as he felt the slap of your hand against his cheek, and saw Elain go slightly pale with realization, he realized there wasn’t any fixing to be done right now.
This was about damage control.
“You fucking bastard!”
You yelled as you slapped him, hot tears rolling down your cheeks before you could stop them.
The male that had been so hungry before stalked off, clearly not eager to be involved. Coward.
Azriel had come here knowing that you’d be here, and that bitch Elain had probably led him. He looked wrong. He was a bit pale and seemed dazed, out of it. His wings were dropping and scraping against the ground, eyes drooping. What was wrong with him? Even the shadows seemed sedated.
“What did you do to him?”
You seethed to Elain, and she seemed pale and wide-eyed as she began stammering.
“I- I had a vision where you hurt him, and I thought that if he forgot then-“
Cassian burst through the door of the side exit, alert and looking completely sobered up from his earlier drinks. Nesta was stumbling behind him, wondering what the hell was going on.
He was by Azriel’s side before you could even speak, helping his poisoned brother up and hoisting him into his arms. You were eliminated as a threat and the only person who’d been around him long enough to get anything into Azriel’s system….
“What was it?”
He demanded from Elain, voice harsh and pissed off. Elain sniffled, tears welling in her eyes as her hands shook slightly, she swallowed before speaking.
She almost whispered, her voice so quiet and timid that even you could barely make it out.
The seer bitch had poisoned Azriel with one of the most deadly poisons in existence, and the only place she could’ve possibly gotten it…
“You stole from my room?”
You asked, voice horrified and shrill. The leftovers you’d had from when your old shop had been burned to the ground by Kier and his men you’d carried on you, hiding in the room.
Elain only swallowed, nodding. Volucrae was deadly, yes, but in small enough quantities, it could cause confusion, memory loss, tremors, strokes, seizures, and more. She’d risked the shadowsinger’s life just because of a vision, a vision of you hurting Azriel, a vision that had been fulfilled with the slap, all because of Elain’s actions.
“I’m sorry, I-“
You and Cassian snapped in union as he took off with Azriel in his arms, now unconscious, probably going to find Madja to get any sort of solution to it, leaving you, a drunk Nesta being dragged away by Emerie, Gwyn, and Elain.
You stormed off, going anywhere you could to avoid everyone. You didn’t want to talk. You didn’t want to speak with any of them.
You winnowed straight into the House of Wind’s training grounds, picking up the Valkyrie blade and going straight into furious training, the only way to burn off this pure anger making you tremble and shake.
It was then, in the middle of the night, barely sober, still crying and angry out of your mind, that you cut straight through the ribbon.
The one-half drifted gracefully to the ground, falling like a leaf in the wind as the moonlight caught and illuminated little pink highlights of it.
It fell and fell, until reaching the ground, settling lightly on the dirt of the training grounds.
You stared down at it until it was all you could see and think of and hear until it was burned into your mind as your hands gripped the blade so hard your knuckles went white.
And you stared, until the possibility of Azriel’s death faded completely from your mind, until all you could focus on was the future.
And you swung your blade again.
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candycandy00 · 11 months
The Doll House - A Geto Suguru x Reader Fanfic Part 4 (Final)
You sell yourself to a brothel to feed your family and Geto Suguru is in charge of training you to be the perfect submissive sex doll.
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4
Read Toji’s Part Here!
Read Nanami’s Part Here!
Read Sukuna’s Part Here!
Read Gojo’s Part Here!
Read Choso’s Part Here!
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AU! Each trainer will get their own story! This is Geto’s. I’m not sure how many parts it will have. If you’d like to be tagged in future parts, let me know! You must be an adult to be tagged! Any feedback whatsoever is adored!
Smut. 18+. Dubcon. Submission. Extreme humiliation. Voyeurism. Light degradation. Masturbation. First time sex. Fem Reader. This Divider by @benkeibear!
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When Suguru enters his room, he finds his doll huddled in a corner, shivering. She’s pulled his shirt on, but it dwarfs her, the sleeves covering her hands. He approaches slowly, and stops a few feet away before kneeling down to her level. 
“Can we talk?” he asks her, his voice soft and even. “Not as trainer and doll, just as people.”
She looks up at him. Her eyes are puffy and wet. Seeing the anguish on her face makes him feel like he’s been stabbed. “You said you wouldn’t hurt me,” she says. “You said I can trust you, that you’ll keep me safe. But when I felt unsafe, when I was scared, I turned to you! And you… you…”
“I hurt you, and I’m sorry,” he began. “You have no idea how sorry I am. I thought this would upset you, yes. But I didn’t realize how much it would hurt you. If I had, I swear I wouldn’t have put you through that.”
To emphasize his apology, Suguru bows down low to the floor, touching his forehead to the carpet. “Please forgive me for failing you as a trainer, as a person.”
He doesn’t look up to see her reaction, but after a few moments of silence, he hears her voice say, “I want to know why. Why did you do it? What did I do to deserve punishment like that?”
Finally lifting his face, he gazes at her wet but determined eyes. “The truth is, you scared me this afternoon,” he tells her. “I could tell you’re getting too attached to me. Remember what I told you? The cruelest fate for a doll is falling in love with her trainer. Because that trainer is going to hand her over to some other man and then move on to the next doll. I’ve seen it absolutely devastate dolls in the past, and I didn’t want that to happen to you, so I thought if I did something drastic, it would stamp out your feelings for me.”
She doesn’t say anything, just stares at him. It’s agony not knowing what she’s thinking, but he goes on. “That’s also why I haven’t had sex with you yet. I’m afraid it will only make the attachment worse.”
He doesn’t say so, but he’s even more afraid of the fact that he’s growing attached to her. He denied it to Satoru, but his longtime friend knows him better than anyone, and he’d hit the nail right on the head. 
His doll narrows her eyes at him in a look of disapproval that sends a shock of panic through him. No doll has ever looked at him this way. “You’re selfish,” she says. “You decided what you thought was best for me on your own. You didn’t even ask me how I felt or what I wanted! Yes, I’m attached to you. Yes, I’m in love with you! But maybe I’m prepared for whatever heartache I’ll feel when we separate. Maybe I still think it’s worth it!”
Suguru blinks in surprise. Is his doll actually stronger than he thought? Looking at her now, with steely resolve in her eyes, he thinks she’s more beautiful than she’s ever been. Not to mention the fact that she’s wearing his shirt. He’s seen her naked this whole time, but somehow knowing his shirt is  against her body is getting him riled up. 
God, he’s falling for her. 
He bows his head down again. “To make things right, I will submit to you for twenty-four hours. I’ll do anything you want, no matter what it is.”
You stare at Suguru’s bowed, submissive form. Is he serious? Is he really going to do whatever you say? You decide to test him. 
“Tomorrow morning at breakfast, I want you to go to the dining hall naked! And jack off in front of everyone!”
His eyes become as round as saucers, a blush creeping over his face. Then he takes a deep breath and looks straight at you with a strained but determined expression. “Okay. If that’s what I have to do to make things right, I’ll do it.”
He nods. 
You can’t resist laughing. “I’m just kidding! I wouldn’t make you do that. I’m not that cruel.”
His face shifts from relieved to guilty. “I really will do anything you ask. Just tell me what you want.”
You think for a moment, then climb to your feet. “Take your clothes off, and don’t wear anything for the rest of the night.”
He stands up from his kneeling position on the floor and looks down at you. Again you see that fire in his eyes. He’s already shirtless, so he unbuckles his belt. Then he kicks off his shoes, opens his pants, and slides them down his legs, leaving only his boxers. 
You find yourself breathing a little faster as you watch him push his boxers down and step out of them. There’s something lurid about seeing him stark naked here, outside the bathroom. 
His body is divine. Perfectly toned, with smooth skin, eyes like darkened amber, hair a black river pouring down his back. His cock is growing hard before your eyes as he looks at you. Why? You’re actually covered up for the first time in two weeks. Regardless, you can’t stop staring at him. 
“Now sit on the edge of the bed,” you say, “and pleasure yourself.”
He seems surprised for a moment, then gives you a sensual grin and lowers himself onto the bed, sitting on the mattress, facing you. He opens his thighs slightly, now fully erect, and begins lightly stroking himself while looking at you. 
His hand moves slowly at first, sliding up and down his shaft, his thumb brushing over his tip. Then he starts to move a little faster, a little harder. After a few minutes, you can see a sheen on his skin as his hand smears precum from the tip over the rest of it. You want to wrap your lips around it, but you don’t. This is his punishment after all. Instead you stand just a few feet away, watching. His eyes never leave your face, and just to tease him, you lick your lips. 
You hear his breaths come harder, see his face flushed pink as his hand strokes faster. His hair is still loose, some of it in his eyes as he moves. You’ve never seen a hotter sight in your life. You rub your thighs together under his shirt, but it’s not enough. Not enough friction. While he stares at you with lusty eyes, you reach down and press the soft fabric of his shirt between your legs, against your bare, wet pussy, and rub. 
The fire in his eyes becomes an inferno. You hear his creamy voice gasp out, “Fuck, you’re so…” But he stops before he can finish. He’s breathing fast, jacking off faster and faster, and you know he’s close. You can’t resist any longer. You drop to your knees in front of him and open your mouth, extending your tongue. He looks surprised, but then he quickly presses his tip to your tongue and releases, cumming into your mouth in great spurts. 
When he’s empty, he falls back on the bed, panting, one arm draped over his face. After he regains his strength, you insist that he takes a shower while you watch. You’ve done this every night, but somehow it feels different when you’re covered up and he’s not. You also order him to dry his hair but leave it hanging loose. 
You finally get to shut the door while you shower, reveling in the comfort of the warm water and the privacy. You steal another one of his big comfy sweatshirts to wear for the night, but when you start to put the one you wore earlier in the hamper, he stops you. 
“I’ll wash this later,” he says, gently pulling it from your grasp. You watch him fold it and shove it into a drawer, thinking that’s sort of gross, but a little flattering. 
“I’m sleeping in the bed tonight,” you tell him, already crawling under his covers. 
“Of course,” he says, getting the blanket you’ve been using from his closet and preparing to sleep on the floor. 
“Wait. I want you to sleep in the bed too.”
He pauses, looking at you. “Are you sure?”
You nod, then look down a bit shyly. “And… I want you to cuddle me.”
When she said those words, Suguru made his decision. But it will be weeks before he tells her. 
He slips under the covers, then scoots as close as possible to her. She’s lying on her side, facing him, looking at him with wide, glassy eyes. He pulls her into his arms, the warmth of her delicate frame wrapped in his sweatshirt feeling incredible against his naked body. 
For a while, they just stay that way, the only movement coming from the rise and fall of their chests as they breathe each other in. She smells sweet, like the cherry shampoo he put in the shower for her. Finally she shifts, turning her face up to look at him. “You aren’t too cold, are you?”
He smiles down at her. “No, you’re keeping me warm.”
She snuggles even closer to him, and he’s overcome with a feeling of guilt. He can’t stop thinking about what he did, about her terrified face looking to him, hoping for him to stop that whole nightmare. Feeling the way he does for her right now, with her in his arms, he wishes he could go back in time and punch himself in the face. 
But it’s done, it happened, and he can’t change it. He can only work to make it up to her. Right now, he only wants to make her happy, to make her feel good, to be even closer to her. 
He tilts his face down, and does something he’s never done to a doll before: he kisses her lips. 
She blinks, surprised, before her eyes slide closed, her mouth opening to allow him to deepen the kiss. She tastes as sweet as she smells, and his hands glide over her body beneath the covers, sliding under the shirt. 
He rolls them both over, leaving her on her back with him on top of her, and kisses her again. When he stops to take a breath, he looks down at her and asks, “Do you still want me to fuck you?”
Her eyes seem to light up with excitement. “Yes!”
You thought you’d be scared. You’ve imagined your first time over and over, and it always left you feeling both excited and nervous. But right now? With Suguru sliding his sweatshirt up your body to reveal your breasts, his lips planting kisses down your neck and collar bone before taking one hardened nipple into his mouth, you only feel elation. 
Every touch is gentle, soft, warm, as his hands explore you in ways they never have before. His movements are intimate, affectionate. He lightly grinds his hard body against you, and you can feel him all over. His hair, still loose, flares out around him, falling over both of you like a curtain. Your hands can’t resist grabbing it, running your fingers through it as he pushes your legs apart. 
His fingers slip between your folds, stroking your clit until your pussy is glazed and ready. It doesn’t take much. You’ve been aroused all night, with him walking around the room completely naked. He scoots forward, positioning himself, then looks at your face. 
You raise your head from the pillows and kiss his lips, confirming that you’re ready. 
Suguru presses himself inside you, slowly, inch by inch, watching your face intently. There’s discomfort, but no pain, as you feel yourself stretch around him. He’s going slowly enough to give your body time to adjust, careful to avoid tearing the delicate skin. When the stretch becomes a bit much, you wince, and he pauses. 
“Are you okay?” he asks, so sweetly. 
“Yeah, I’m fine,” you tell him. 
“Can you take a little more?”
You nod your head. “I want all of you.”
He pushes further in, and finally he sighs in pleasure. “It’s all in,” he says. 
For a while, he doesn’t move. He’s letting you get used to his size. The discomfort you felt fades away, leaving only a pleasant sensation of warm fullness. He’s inside you. The man you’re in love with is inside you, and just thinking about that makes your whole body tingle. 
“I’m going to move now,” he says, and then he slowly pulls part of the way out before pushing back in. He watches your reaction carefully, and when you show no signs of pain, he begins thrusting slowly in and out of you. 
Your breath hitches as his cock goes in deeper than before, hitting a spot that makes your toes curl. He looks down at you with that fiery expression, eyes almost dazed, hair messy around his face. And he begins moving a little faster, going incredibly deep each time, continuously hitting that sweet spot until you’re moaning under him. Your arms fly up to wrap around his neck, pulling his beautiful face closer so you can kiss him again as his thrusts become stronger, faster. 
He’s using one arm to brace himself above you, the other is curled around beneath your head, holding you up, fingers in your hair, as his mouth devours yours. The way he’s looking at you, the way his breathing is matching your own, the way his thrusts are so deep and deliberate… he’s not having sex with you. He’s making love to you. 
As if you have no control over them, your legs automatically wrap around him, and then your whole body is clinging to him, pulling him impossibly close. 
“Feels so good… Suguru…” you moan out, barely noticing that you forgot to call him Master. You feel him twitch, feel his body becoming tense, and you know he’s on the edge, just like you. “Please… cum inside me…”
He’s breathing hard, staring at your face with such a lovely, lustful expression. Then he plunges deeper than ever into you, pressing against that heavenly spot, kissing you at the same moment. 
It pushes you over the edge, and you cum around him at the same time he releases his seed inside you, your mouths drinking in each other’s moans.  
When it was over, he helped you pull his shirt back down your body and the two of you fell asleep snuggled into each other’s arms. 
Several weeks later, you find yourself standing in the welcome room of the Doll House, wearing your own clothes, waiting to meet your new owner. Your suitcase is sitting on the floor beside you, and you’re a nervous wreck. 
Ordinarily, buyers are expected to come in for several in person visits before the transfer of ownership, so that the new owner isn’t a stranger to the doll. But your buyer preferred to remain anonymous and forgo the visits. 
You said your goodbyes to the other trainers and dolls this morning at breakfast, then to Suguru this afternoon. You were a little sad that he didn’t seem as bothered by your separation as you were, but you suppose that’s to be expected. After all, he’s said goodbye to countless dolls before you. 
You tried to stay calm and strong. You promised Suguru you could handle this, that you wouldn’t fall apart or make a scene, but it’s hard. You want to cry. You want to storm back into his room and beg him not to let you go. But you won’t do that. 
Ever since that first night you made love, the training changed. Suguru insisted you wear one of his oversized shirts every time you left his room. He let you sleep in the bed every night with him, cuddled up like lovers. You still had to call him “Master Suguru” and obey all his orders, often doing lewd things to him or in front of him, but you came to enjoy those orders. There was a softness to him, a warmth in his smile when he looked at you. Because of that, you’d hoped… Well, best not to dwell on it. 
As you stood there fidgeting with the hem of your shirt, you heard a familiar voice behind you. 
“Excuse me, miss? I’m in the market for a doll.”
You whirl around to find Suguru standing behind you, grinning. You look at him in confusion. “What?”
“All trainers are allowed to pick one doll they’ve trained to keep as their own, just once during their career,” he says. “So I’m your new owner, if you’ll have me.”
Tears are stinging your eyes already. “If? If I’ll have you?!” you ask, wiping your face. “What a silly thing to say, Master Suguru!”
With that, you dive into his arms, feeling safe and comfortable for the first time since you signed the contract. There was no longer a looming shadow of some unknown owner who would control you for ten years. There was only Suguru, the man you loved. 
The next ten years were looking very bright. 
Tag List:
@suguguro @kaedear @onyxsphynx @poopoobuttsy @butterskyy @collectionofdolls @akaotv @witchbybirth @bloofinntoona @wasurenagusaa @tclbts @tojirin @lucyrocks86 @badbyeyoongi @97britt @aydene
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that-starry-freak · 1 month
Yknow what? I have to rant about this this has been eating me up for forever. Fuck confessions I'm going to do this here.
I fucking hate old moon
Do I love his sass? Yes. Do I love how Reed plays him most of the time? Yes. Do I love how he interacts with other characters? Yes!
Do I like him as a "person" and for what hes done? Absolutley not. He abused Sun, and when he found out the daycare exploded his first reaction was to be upset because THE STICK HE WOULD ROUTINLY HIT SUN WITH was fucking destroyed. I'm sorry bitch what??? That's disgusting Moon I wish you burned in hell <3
I also absolutely hate that no one saves Nexus
Do I think it was Sun's fault? Absolutely not, he has had way too much shit to deal with. Do I think its Earth's fault? While I think Nexus was absolutely right for calling her out for not being a therapist, she has every right to be upset for him saying he'd kill her. Do I think its the families fault in general? No, Nexus pushed them away and hurt them, they did try.
You know who I do blame? Who should understand Nexus better than anyone? Who even admits partial responsibility for it, and pretty much denies any sort of redemption for Nexus?
Mother fucking Old Moon.
Old moon committed arson. He abused Sun routinely (forcing him to go to dangerous dimensions. Hitting him. Calling him stupid. Having a clear power difference between the two and abusing it). He put his killcode in Sun and is literally the reason Eclipse exists and terrified their family.
But no, Nexus is the one in the wrong. He's the one that will have to do soemthing huge and grovel to be redeemed. Because he threatened the family after having hallucination and literally going insane and mourning his best friend, and feeling like he wasn't good enough and spiraling cause he couldn't bring Solar back, and then joined Dark Sun whos known to be exteemly smart and manipulative. Not Old Moon, who did so much worse. No, he gets to rejoin the family after apologizing and promising to do better (and yes, he is doing better) sure, Sun doesn't forgive him (and im proud of him for admitting that <3 that's very strong of him), but still.
Plus, Nexus is literally the youngest family member. He's a lot younger than Earth and Sun and Moon and Lunar. He isn't Sun's twin, and he isn't Earth's older brother. He is the youngest. And that should be addressed, because that means he is much more immature. He hasn't had all the time to grow up like the rest of them have. Moon has had years to grow as a person. Nexus has had a year.
Anyway, tldr. I dont blame the family for what happened to Nexus, I blame Old Moon
Also sorry for bad spelling or grammar or autocorrect or whatever, I'm not rereading this
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I need a fic where Merlin doesn’t know he’s Emrys and doesn’t know about his destiny, he’s just a good person who sees someone constantly almost dying and saves him because he can’t just sit and do nothing.
Kilgharrah doesn’t exist. Plot holes aside, the bitchy basement gecko can go to hell.
This all takes place during The Beginning of The End episode.
Mordred doesn’t call Merlin Emrys, he just cries out for help (and for his dad). Merlin steps in, the rest of the episode is the same but Merlin is determined to help the druid boy he found. Without crusty dinosaur harping on, he gets to choose the right thing for his own morals and critical thinking. Gaius is unsurprisingly resistant, so Merlin is being extremely careful, then Arthur finds him in Morgana’s chambers while he’s healing Mordred.
Let’s go with Morgana already knows about Merlin’s magic and he’s been helping her too against Gaius’ advice.
Arthur feels betrayed and is upset because Merlin can’t seem to give him a straight answer about anything. It’s all still new to him, but he’s learning that Merlin is good even if he doesn’t answer any of Arthur’s questions about magic or why he doesn’t use spells or anything like that. He’s angry but he can’t punish Merlin and free Mordred without being hypocritical, so he mostly sulks.
In all the perceived lies, Arthur snaps and instead of punishing him, he doesn’t let Merlin leave his side until he tells the truth.
So when Arthur takes Mordred back to the Druids, Merlin goes with him. Iseldir greets them as “Emrys and The Once and Future King” They’re both confused, but obviously Arthur is the future king so Arthur asks who Iseldir thought Merlin was.
Iseldir reveals their destiny that Merlin is the god of magic. Merlin is silent and Arthur is so confused and hurt about why Merlin didn’t trust him.
Iseldir answers all of Arthur’s questions about destiny and the prophecy while Merlin doesn’t say a word. He takes it to mean Merlin is ashamed or something similar about the truth coming out, meanwhile Merlin is grappling with the fact that he supposedly isn’t human. After days of Arthur picking on him for “lying” and all the unintentionally cruel jibes, when Iseldir tries to say Merlin was blessed with his power and that it was something he should be grateful for.
Merlin breaks down in a Percy Jackson style “I’m not a god! There’s something wrong with me! I get that whatever I am isn’t supposed to happen, I know I’m a monster, believe me. I never even learned magic and every time I’ve tried to get rid of it, it’s almost killed me! So don’t tell me that this is a blessing, that this curse is something I should be happy about because it’s the reason I’ve spent every single day of my entire life terrified!” Then he stops for a second and the tears roll down his cheeks, “I’m sorry, but I’m not what you think I am. You need to find someone else to believe in.”
(Skip to the end for a happy ending, this is angsty. Warning for dark!Arthur and major character death)
Arthur thinks Merlin is lying and banishes him on the spot. Iseldir warns against it, but Merlin is just so tired so he doesn’t fight it. He’s left broken and believing he’s a monster, so be leaves to protect his friends.
Until a month or so later Arthur is on a hunt when he gets separated and lost, then injured by bandits. Merlin finds him, (he’s been sent off by the druids for failing this destiny he knew nothing about, in search of a solution but they’re not very forthcoming with information) and Merlin heals him. Then they get all the diamond of the day moments while Merlin is nursing Arthur back to health until he succumbs to infection.
Merlin gives his life for Arthur, knowing that he’ll be a good king. This leads Arthur to become really dark, he kills his father and takes over Camelot, welcoming magic but killing anyone with a different opinion. No one is safe, war breaks out and Camelot falls. When Arthur dies, young and during an uprising, he meets Merlin again in Avalon. Merlin doesn’t recognise Arthur with all he’s become, and Arthur is punished to watch all his people suffer with his old mind while watching Merlin continuously pushing him away because “he’s waiting for Arthur, he shouldn’t be alone when he gets here. He would’ve been a good king, he needs someone to take care of him now.” And it breaks Arthur’s heart to hear it every time.
That’s all I got so far, it could be that they’re both driven mad waiting, Arthur by watching his people and Merlin by waiting for a man he’s doomed to never recognise again. I’m not sure, I haven’t gotten that far.
Or for less angst, hurt/comfort where Arthur has to realise that Merlin is just as in the dark as he is, he really doesn’t know any of the questions Arthur had and he’s probably been looking for answers a lot longer. They work together to fix everything and while it’s difficult, Merlin still has issues with lying to protect his friends (intent/outcome issues) Arthur is too trusting still and they have to deal with Morgause and all the other threats but they overcome it together. Albion is united and they live happily ever after.
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a petty wife (original form!sukuna x reader)
WARNINGS: Murder, baby trapping (not Y/N’s doing), mistaken adultery
Ryomen Sukuna was a deviant who conquered a quarter of old Japan, he was the demon feared by the Emperor himself, and he was the master of mortals and curses alike. He was renowned throughout the land as someone who took pleasure in punishing the pettiest offense–from a soldier daring to speak out of turn to a lowly maid meeting his eyes without permission. Cruelty unbridled, the man couldn’t even be considered human anymore. 
This monster who had over a thousand soldiers at his beck and call, who had hundreds of powerful slaves licking at his feet, was currently tailing his wife with a branch blooming with fresh cherry blossoms. A train of pink petals fell behind him with each antsy step forward.
The servants-in-training watched from a distance.
Seeing their seven-foot-tall master seemingly struggling to keep up with the mistress of the house was a hilarious sight to behold, but they were more baffled than anything else. 
 “What’s happening?” A newbie asked.
The eldest in the group answered as they resumed sweeping the ground, “It seems that the madam is upset with Lord Sukuna.”
It wasn’t that he couldn’t keep up with your steps, it’s that he knew better than to walk next to you when you couldn’t even bring yourself to meet his eyes, so Ryomen had no choice but to slow down his steps as he did his best to coax you to speak with him–
“How many times must I plead innocent?”
“Because I am innocent.”
“What do you want me to do? Do you want me to kill her?”
You flung your body around, accusing finger pointing at him. “This isn’t about her and you know it.”
“My love–”
“Hmph!” With a huff, you crossed your arms and spun around. Of course, you knew he was innocent. If there was one thing you knew for sure in this life was that your husband, king and conqueror, would cut down an entire mountain to build you a palace before he would betray your trust. But you despised how many times different women tried to seduce him–and the gall of others to claim that they succeeded! Inconceivable. 
And he seemed to revel in your shock. Every. Single. Time. 
He sighed and two free hands carefully reached for your shoulders. “Darling,” he cooed, rubbing circles over your clothed skin. “What can I do to make you feel better?”
“...Stop being charming.”
He let out a ha! but quickly cleared his throat, withering under your glare. 
“I’ll do my best.” He nodded.
You sighed and finally unlocked your arms. 
Smiling, Ryomen tenderly turned you around before lowering the sakura branch to you. “Do you still want me to kill her?”
Without saying a word, you plucked a single blossom from the branch before giving him a soft smile.
He grinned and leaned down to press his lips on yours.
“Is this proof enough for you?” Ryomen asked, pulling back his claws.
You really didn’t need confirmation, and yet there was a joy in seeing the wench unmoving on the floor as you peered down into her torn torso. Despite her ridiculous claims, her abdomen was empty of life. Not that it would have mattered. 
With you as an exception, Ryo-chan wasn’t fond of anything or anyone. He was an equal-opportunity hater who did not discriminate in his hurting. On the other hand, while you didn’t hate children, you weren’t particularly attached to them either. Whatever was inside her would’ve been gotten rid of immediately by your husband for fear of pissing you off.
You sighed and went to embrace him, who raised two of his arms, careful not to get any blood on your new kimono. “Yes, yes, I’m sorry for doubting you. Kiss?”
He leaned down to meet your puckered mouth before embracing you with his lower set of arms. You glanced over his broad back and at the body on the ground. 
Smiling quietly, you wondered where to hang this one.
A/N: It feels weird addressing Sukuna as Ryomen, but it would be a lot more peculiar for the love of his life to call him by any other name. 
Also, I feel like for Y/N to be in a “healthy” relationship with the likes of Ryomen Sukuna, they’d have to have a rather abnormal sense of right and wrong. Forget black and white, we’re talking blue and orange morality here.
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luvghostie · 2 years
Could you do the main 4 after a fight with their s/o, and how they would make it up to them? (South Park)
GN Reader
TW: Semi-angst, language, and aged-up characters
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When you guys fight it's usually Cartman's fault. He'll bring any sensitive topic to the surface to get back at you. Whether that be something embarrassing or traumatizing he doesn't care. If it makes you angry, that's what matters at the moment.
Whenever the fight gets out of hand the others will step in. Kyle yelling at Cartman for being a dick, Stan telling you that it'll be okay, and Kenny giving you hugs or rubbing your back. This happened at once a week maybe, twice.
After being confronted and proven wrong Cartman runs home. When he reaches his house he cries for hours on end. He cares about you, however, he also knows some things were uncalled for. He shouldn't have brought up such hurtful things. Likewise, Kyle shouldn't have jumped in.
You sometimes hang out with the rest of the group to cool down. They all give their advice and try to help. Some of the advice is awful but you still appreciate the effort. The first thing Kyle always says is, “kill the fat ass.” Of course, you won't, but what the fuck Kyle.
Cartman will sneak out of his house later to see you. When you hear him throwing little rocks at your window you let him in. He apologizes over and over again. Truth be told, he feels horrible for what he did. If you forgive him Cartman will never bring up those subjects again. He loves you a lot and fights happen in relationships.
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Kyle and you don't fight a lot. On the downside, the fights always happen because of his mom. She and you aren't on good terms. She's very open about how she thinks you aren't good enough for her son. That being said, you bump heads more than anyone.
You wish Kyle would stand up for you. Instead, he just sits back emotionless. He thinks you are good enough for him he just doesn't want to argue with his mom. He's always been a momma's boy and doesn't dare go against her word. You love him but you wish he would at least talk to her.
In the middle of a fight, you give up. It's always the same things coming from him. “What am I supposed to say?” and “she's my mom y/n I can't be fucking rude!” as soon as you try to leave he stops you. An argument with Kyle has never lasted more than twenty minutes. Either he apologizes or you do.
“Wait, y/n, I'm sorry,” Kyle said hugging you. “I'll try to talk to her.” most times you wouldn't believe what he said. Yet, he actually did speak to his mom. (with encouragement from Cartman and Stan) the next time you saw Shelia she didn't say a single word to you. Whatever Kyle did you were grateful. No words were better than being told you weren't enough.
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It takes a lot for you and Kenny to fight. Like, A LOT. Whatever pushes that last button causes you to yell at him. Perhaps, it was the fact he was okay with how badly people treated him. Maybe, it was because of how much you disliked his shitty parents. Something finally made you upset to the point it turned into a fight.
Kenny doesn't get heated until you question his love. He cares deeply for you, so hearing such things are bound to hurt. He's worked many hours to give you gifts. He's even stolen items just to see that beautiful smile on your face. “What the hell do you mean I don't love you?!” he asked still muffled.
The boys watched in silence as you argued back and forth. It was almost weird to see it happening. Cartman, Stan, and Kyle just stared at each other questioning whether or not to stop the quarrel. I mean, it's not every day that something like this occurs.
You were fixing to walk away but just as you took a step Kenny died from a flying football. It felt unreal, but it was horrible to see him dead. You witnessed this all the time but that didn't mean it was easier. It was so unexpected Cartman even let out an audible gasp.
A couple of days later Kenny showed up back up to School. You were so happy to see him that you ran to hug the boy. “Oh, Kenny, I'm so sorry for fighting with you,” you said, burying your head in his shoulder. “I missed you so much.” Kenny hugged you back feeling the same way. Now, whenever you fight (which only happens at least three times a year) you always try to end it on good terms just in case.
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Just like Kenny, it's very rare you two fight. Wendy is always the reason it does transpire. You've never liked her and she never liked you either. Stan and she used to have a thing for one another. You assume she still does based on how she acts. Sticking her nose in your relationship, flirting with your boyfriend, and even saying nasty things about you.
Stans made it very clear he doesn't like Wendy to you. You try to believe him but you still worry that maybe he's lying. Your worrying caused the fight to begin. He gets upset knowing you question his loyalty and feelings for you. A year and a half together he anticipated some trust.
Many hurtful things were said to both parties. Unlike Cartman, nothing traumatizing was brought up. Kyle will move Stan away to cool off and Kenny has you sit down. It takes a bit for you to calm down and realize your anxiety got the best of you. You go to find Stan right away and try to make amends. It feels icky knowing you should've listened to what he said.
Stan forgives you and apologizes as well. While you guys were separated he talked to Wendy. He made it obvious the feelings he once had for her were gone. It warmed your heart knowing he did that just to reassure you. As the days passed you began to trust him more and more. No one butted between you and him. If you ever get anxious again don't worry, he'll be there with open arms.
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quite-right-too · 1 year
Do you know what kills me about The Runaway Bride?
The fact that Donna's appearance in the TARDIS happens literally minutes after the Doctor just said his final goodbye. Just imagine it from his perspective.
The woman you love so much that you subconsciously changed your entire anatomy to be perfect for her; all of the characteristics of the ideal partner integrated into you because it's Rose and why wouldn't you want to give the best. You barely get a couple minutes to say goodbye to her, now locked in a parallel universe that you know cannot safely be opened enough to bring her home. You don't even have enough time to say I love you before the breach closes. You're crying and you're grieving, but only for a couple minutes. Just enough time to move the TARDIS into the Time Vortex. Suddenly, this loud ginger woman in a wedding dress impossibly appears in your console room. You just lost your best friend, your partner, your everything. And now you have to get back into action to save humanity again without getting the time to really handle this loss.
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Don't even think I forgot the dialogue and even the scenes where we actively see him upset while thinking of Rose. Everything reminds him of her and it's like the universe is trying to rub it into his face.
(Donna grabs a blouse that is hanging over the railing.)  DONNA: I knew it, acting all innocent. I'm not the first, am I? How many women have you abducted?  DOCTOR: That's my friend's.  DONNA: Where is she, then? Popped out for a space walk?  DOCTOR: She's gone.  DONNA: Gone where?  DOCTOR: I lost her.  DONNA: Well, you can hurry up and lose me! How do you mean, lost?  (The Doctor takes the blouse from Donna and throws it through a doorway.)  DOCTOR: Right, Chiswick.
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DOCTOR: Trust me.  DONNA: Is that what you said to her? Your friend? The one you lost? Did she trust you?  DOCTOR: Yes, she did. And she is not dead. She is so alive. Now, jump! 
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DOCTOR: I spent Christmas Day just over there, the Powell Estate, with this family. My friend, she had this family. Well, they were my-. Still, gone now.  DONNA: Your friend, who was she?  DOCTOR: Question is, what do camouflaged robot mercenaries want with you? And how did you get inside the TARDIS?
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What about when Love Don't Roam is being sung by the singer at the reception, and all the Doctor can do is reminisce sadly about him and Rose. Also, Love Don't Roam was written specifically about TenRose canonically so...
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DOCTOR: I'll sort it out, Donna. Whatever's been done to you, I'll reverse it. I am not about to lose someone else. 
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Or how he decides he's gonna kill a bunch of children because he's hurt and not thinking clearly. He needed Donna to snap him out of it. DOCTOR: My home planet is far away and long since gone. But its name lives on. Gallifrey.  EMPRESS: They murdered the Racnoss!  DOCTOR: I warned you. You did this.  EMPRESS: No! No! Don't! No!  EMPRESS: No! No! My children! No! My children! My children!  DONNA: Doctor! You can stop now!  EMPRESS: My children!  DOCTOR: Come on. Time I got you out. 
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DONNA: That friend of yours. What was her name?  DOCTOR: Her name was Rose. 
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And let's not forget that in Turn Left, Donna's alternate universe that Rose finds her in shows what would have happened without Donna there. The Doctor actually kills himself because he couldn't stand to be without Rose. HARRIS: The Doctor is dead. Must have happened too fast for him to regenerate. Escort the ambulance back to UNIT base.  (Donna walks on. A blonde woman runs towards her. She speaks as if her top lip is glued to her teeth.)  ROSE: What happened? What did they find? I'm sorry, did they find someone?  DONNA: I don't know. A bloke called the Doctor, or something.  ROSE: Well, where is he?  DONNA: They took him away. He's dead. I'm sorry, did you know him? I mean, they didn't say his name. Could be any doctor.  ROSE: I came so far.  DONNA: It, it could be anyone.  ROSE: What's your name?  DONNA: Donna. And you?  ROSE: Oh, I was just passing by. I shouldn't even be here. This is wrong. It's wrong. This is so wrong.
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Just him mourning breaks my heart every time.
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indigos-stardust · 1 month
Violet, Blue, and Bruised All Over: The Shame
Part 1/ Part 2/ Part 3/ Part 4 Click for the link <3 Reblogs/comments appreciated <3
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Green had a busy day. The sort of busy day that made you feel as though there was a hunted bird inside your head that was constantly flittering about and crashing into your skull.
You had to pretend everything was fine, ignore the feeling of your skin itself tensing to block out all the sensations as you went from task to task and person to person. Hide any annoyance or ire or anything that would make people lose faith in him. If the people didn't have faith or respect in him as a knight then he wouldn't be able to help anyone.
All he wanted to do was head home with Red, eat a hopefully not totally burnt dinner, and lay in the quiet darkness of his room until he was taken into the realm of dreams.
The crashes and yelling from the other side of the front door wasn't promising. He and Red rushed forward, and then pushed Red to the side (he'd express his sorry at a later time) in order to frantically scramble to open the old janky lock with his key-
Heart beating, mind even more frantic and whirling than all day had been- He forced the door open and forced himself to breathe and take everything in.
Any fears of some assassin, burglar, freakish monster spawning, medical issue, or feral racoon are immediately cut off by pure piercing biting cold striking him to his core. His heart has sank to his stomach. His mind is near silent. The only sound heard in the outside world is heaving ragged breaths.
Broken glass and pottery lay scattered on the floor. His shoulders fall. Droplets of blood shine against the floorboards. His heart constricts and expands all at once. Heavy twin thunks echo through their home. Green's fingers and eye twitches all on their own. Two familiar, near identical caught blank faces freeze.
Green is going to kill them.
"I am going to give you both five. Seconds. To give me, a good explanation," Green manages to force out, somehow emphasis on every letter.
Red tries to interject, trying to calm whatever is going to happen, placing a firm yet nervously shaking hand on his shoulder. Green shoves it off, as gently as he can despite the utter rage he feels coursing through him.
Green doesn't get mad often, he really doesn't. Sure, he could be annoyed and frustrated. Sure, he took matters into his own hands when the others pushed things too far. He goes out with his threats when he's upset, hide their items, ruin their plans, force them to do the things they hate the most. Even guilt them. Anything with a touch of irony to really teach the lesson, all with a smug grin on his face and a glorious pun or two. And a disappointed face that would immediately make them crumble. Enjoyable, efficient, and kind at the end of the day. This wasn't one of those days.
He wasn't upset. He was furious.
Blue and Vio instantly glanced towards each other for a split second, apprehension and alarm clear on both of their faces.
They mirrored each other's silence as they both turned to Green.
"ᴳʳᵉᵉⁿ, ᴮˡᵘᵉ ʷᵃˢ⁻"
The roar was deafening.
A sob broke out from behind him. Red managed to wriggle his way into the house from where Green was still blocking the doorway.
"Hylia- You guys are all hurt! And- Is that my FAVORITE MUG? I madE THAT WITH ZELDA!"
The small outburst ended with Red's voice cracking until he hopelessly pawed against his flushed face, failing to stop the tears.
Blue and Vio meekly winced and began to intensely study the dirty floorboards as crimson began to join the colors on their bruised skin.
They both had a hand in knocking it over by accident. It'd been collateral damage.
Green pushes himself to take in a l o n g deep breath. Both boys are dragged by the ear despite their indignant protests and their squashed egos. Good.
Red's never liked fights and the tension is unbearable, he quickly excuses himself to hurry for the medical care box upstairs. Blue and Vio are sat on the couch, despite the disarray surrounding them.
With the adrenaline winding down the shame could now properly eat at them both. Extremely and obviously agonizingly for the two more prideful of the Links.
Blue's hunched over, hands grasping his knees with tense shoulders and clearly attempting to not look small as his withers into a tiny ball of shame and avoid any eye contact. Vio is still, eyes trained forward staring a hole into the wall, his face perfectly neutral and strict. Nearly a statue. Not a trace of emotion.
Unless you counted the swelling bruise on his head. Or the blood on his lip?? Was that from a bruised lip that hadn't swelled yet or-
Green couldn't do this. But he had to. So. He. Did.
He smiled, so wide and sharp that it really highlighted the gorgeous look of death and murder in his eyes.
"First of all," He starts, " I am, and perhaps you didn't notice, very tired. Exhausted really. I've had a HORRIBLE DAY." The last bit loses the infuriated sarcasm as he slams his fists into the coffee table.
"And THEN," he's gritting his teeth, a perfect image of barely restrained control, "I came home. Expecting, maybe by some miracle of Farore, that you two might be capable of making a somewhat edible dinner without killing each other!?"
Green 'rests' his chin on his clenched fists, leaning over entirely too close, "You know what I found? I Found This. Both of you, supposed- SUPPOSED KNIGHTED HEROES OF HYRULE-" Green stands, "FIGHTING LIKE A BUNCH OF MOBLINS OVER ROTTEN SCRAPS OF MEAT?!"
Green sits, head hanging low, the disappointment is suffocating. Blue swallows against his will. He's warm. Burning even. Sticky sweat drips down his neck. He hated how stupidly efficient and good at this Green was. And how it felt so targeted at just him for some reason. He hated feeling all weak and pathetic and childish.
"Who wants to explain?"
Now it was only a matter of who broke the silence first. It could mean influencing the perspective, to get Green's good grace, or facing the storm and facing the full ire of Green's righteous fury.
Next part will be posted tonight or tomorrow lol. It's very fun <3 <3 sorry that this was mostly buildup instead of the sillies but to the buildup is important!!!
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aonungyoufuck · 2 years
Runway {Pt 6}
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Runaway Masterlist
Synopsis: Your 'relationship' with Ao'nung grows stronger. Everyone with eyes can see it. And Tuk teases youf or it too.
// I was on a roll and finished this much quicker than I expected to. So enjoy
You gasped. Almost dropping the clay bowl on the floor. “Ao’nung! My Eywa you scared me” 
“Forgive me i hadn’t mean too” 
Silence fell again. You put away things and take small breaths. Waiting. Hoping he would say something more. 
But he didn't, he just watched from afar before standing behind you. “May we talk?”
“About us”
You turned to look at him. Stepping back as you watched him. Eywa give you strength. “Dont you think there is no us?”
“I think you know exactly what i mean” 
You sigh. You knew it would happen tho you had hoped it would be brought up much later than now. “Ao’nung..”
“You dont need to except me. Not at all and i wont force you too. But i would like to tell you now. If you allow me such kindness would you-”
“Y/n! There you are Come hurry!” Kiri spoke breaking into the pod. Staring at you who was very flustered and Ao’nung who looked angry and upset
“Oh Kiri. Sorry what is it?” 
“Ronal would like to speak to you.”
You looked at Ao’nung. With your eyes bidding him a sorry as you headed off with Kiri. Silently thanking her for saving you from whatever that was. You weren’t ready for it. Not just yet. You were high on the emotions of today. You didnt need this right now.
Excusing yourself as you pushed forward where your parents along Ronal and Tonowari was you continued to stare. 
“Ah Y/n! Come come sit”
And you did. Sitting next to her as she smiled at you. Handing over the babe to her mate as she turned to you. “As you know now you are well. I wanted to hear and see if your inner pain is gone” 
It embarrassed you a little. But you followed her orders as you inhaled and exhaled. 
No pain. 
“I hear no trouble. Your Daughter has fully recovered” 
Neytiri smiled gently holding you closer to her as she had been the happiest to know you were alive. “That’s my girl”
“As you know now you can continue with your chores and with your training.” Tonowari spoke pushing Ronal’s hand away as he wanted to continue to hold his son. 
“And soon you will be able to choose a mate my dear. Of course with our blessings as well”  Ronal warned you. And it made you gulp how at this moment Ao’nung had sat next to his parents. 
“Of course” You agreed. 
“We won’t decide for you. For our clan does not decide for our children. But We will be the ones to pass the blessings to you and your siblings if whenever you decide to have a mate” 
Ao’nung stopped trying to get his father to hand over his brother. Turning to look at you and his mother as you continued to talk. 
“Do you have anyone in mind?” 
You gulped down your breathe looking down at your hands and briefly at Ao’nung. “ I mean… I do but” You turned to look at your family. “ i think i shall like to wait first. And besides that. I can not have them as a mate” 
Ao’nung’s ears flattened. Looking at the floor. 
“And for whatever reason my child?” your Mother asked you. You didnt want to say it. You couldn't say it. But anything to get them off your back 
“Because… Because they are home and not here” 
Ao’nung felt his heart beat slow. And it ached and it hurt. But he looked into your eyes for any indication that there was any truth to them. 
And the fiery burn that was deep in your eyes told him otherwise. He understood. He did but it didn't make his heart hurt any less. 
“Oh. I am sorry child. I do hope you find someone here if your heart ever allows it” 
You only smiled at Ronal. Thanking her for her kindness as you spaced out. Did you love someone else before? Truthfully you knew that you didnt. Not anymore. Your heart hadn’t beat like this for a long while until now. 
You looked at Ao’nung begging him silently for forgiveness. Because you did want him. You did. But you had heard Ronal’s words. You knew she would never approve. 
But you also knew that no matter what Ao’nung wanted you. He had made it very clear. 
You toned out the rest of the night. Too focused and yet so far out into space. 
The following month had been uneventful. Nothing truly happened. Well nothing with you. You had gone home yes and you had been well off back into training. Skimwing riding went great. Unfortunately for you it had been before bonding with a Tulkun. Something that was not uncommon. 
However Today was the Day Ao’nung would tame his. Finally becoming an adult in the eyes of the clan. You wanted to see wanted to cheer him on as you had your siblings. 
But your heart was telling you to look away. After this he was free to choose. And you were so mortified. So terrified. But you just had to look. 
You watched on as he had Managed to finally hop on to a skimwig. You swore you could hear him exhale. Even from out here to the shore you swore you could hear his stuttering breathe as he grabbed at his queue. You giving just the most silent of prayers to Eywa. 
You waited with bated breath. Watching as he had managed Tsaheylu. Letting go of your worries as you watched him maneuver through the water. Hoping that he wouldn’t fall off. That he wouldn’t his his head. Or maybe if he did that he’d get some sense knocked into it. 
“Be at Ease Y/n. My son is well” Ronal spoke next to you. You had been so caught in a trance you didn't even notice that she had come next to you. 
“Oh. Im sorry its just. I guess i'm nervous for when i finally do have a spirit sister” You commented back. Hearing the joyous cheers of the people. Tonowari howling with it too. Ao’nung had come back with minimal injury too. 
“In due time my dear” 
You didnt know if it was because you helped deliver the baby or the fact that the pregnancy changed ronal? But she was much more docile. Still fierce and ruled with Tonowari with an iron first. But it was more warm now. It was more at ease and you found yourself liking her presence. It was like having Mo’at here. Though much more like an older sister too. 
You watched as They proudly presented Ao’nung as an adult now. Watched as his pride could not be more fed like his ego. You watched him intently. His gaze softened to you and it seemed like he was staring so deeply into your core. You wanted to look away. Maybe run to him? Congratulate him? 
“I am proud of you my son” Ronal spoke smiling at him, placing a hand on his shoulder and offering back his song cord with his three new beads. “You are now Ready to choose a mate. When you do please tell us so we can give our blessings” 
Ao’nung nodded. Staring at his parents before looking back at you. You were far out. Standing behind your family as you looked on to him. He would have to work but his heart was set. 
“Y/n! Do you think i could ride a Skimwing!” Tuk asked jumping up and down. Neteyam had come to help you as she still didn't fully know that you couldn’t carry her.
“In due time Tuk.” You laughed watching as she gently hit Neteyam to let her down. 
“Pretty soon You will be joining us Y/n” 
“Oh please. All ill be doing is the same as usual. Now that we aren’t home i dont have to do any Tsahik training.” You stretched feeling the slightest bit of ache. 
“Well that is to be seen” Lo’ak butted in. 
You turned to him. Raising a brow as you smacked him on the arm. “And what is that suppose to mean?”
“Oh please.” Lo’ak raised a brow. Batting his lashes as he mimicked your expression. “Everytime i see you and him you guys have this face and its getting a little sick”
“Wha- I do not!”
“But You are Y/n” Tuk butted in this time. “Its groooooossss”
“What we mean is. Its kinda creepy how suddenly you are the best of friends. And! It seems you look at eachother with big eyes” Neteyam spoke this time. Putting Tuk down. Her running to hold your hand. 
“I… is it that obvious?”
“Its gross” Kiri commented, not even bothering to look at all of you as she just watched the festivities continue. Glancing at her parents who were talking, none the wiser to what their kids were doing. 
“I just”
“Pretty soon you two can be with eachother” 
“I'm surprised you're okay with this Nete” You spoke looking as his smile dropped to dramatically frown. 
“Oh im not but. You never seemed to like anyone. Its nice of you to be tamed and not have so much bite to your bark”
“I regret saving you sometimes”
“I agree with Neteyam sadly. I dont like Ao’nung as a brother. BUT. If you want him. Who am i to say anything”
You smiled. Your heart burning with pride and happiness. But you knew better. “Be real. I cant and this cant happen” 
“Why?” Kiri asked you. 
You sighed, resting your head on your hand. “ I do want him. I do. And maybe in some sick way he wants me too. But He’s the Future Olo’eyktan, and no matter what we do. We still are the outsiders. I dont think even with or without the arrange mates. I dont think his parents would ever agree” 
“You mean Ronal” Kiri commented. 
“Oh whatever you know exactly what i mean”  You spoke while watching Ao’nung from afar. 
Regretfully you pushed this thought behind. 
“The Tulkun Arrive soon” 
You Finally tuned into the conversation. The lot of you had taken time off from your chores and your daily activities, that you had come back together like old times. It had been a year since your family came to this land. 
And only a few months since Ao’nung became an adult. 
This was your opportunity to complete training as well. And maybe you were nervous. Youd be an adult.. You’d have to find a mate. 
“Oh Y/n! That means you will be able to find a sister!” Tsireya clapped her hands together. 
You could only smile. “And how would i know that they are wanting to be my spirit sister”
“You will feel it in your heart and in the way you speak”  Ao’nung Piped up now. All this time he had not lifted his gaze from you. It was soft and yet ravenous 
“I see” 
You picked yourself up and dipped into the water. “ I think ill just go for a swim then. Your welcome to join” 
Tuk jumped in after you. And it wasn’t like you didn't want to spend time with Tuk. But after she found out..or was told about your feelings for Ao’nung. She constantly made a few jabs at her. Jabs that you wanted to dunk her head in the water to shut her up. 
She gave you a smug look as she knew that you knew that she was going to tease you to hell and back. 
Without looking back or really caring you dipped into the water. You had managed to find an underwater cave that had the smallest of air pockets. You had managed to spruce it up a little. Realistically you could probably fit two full grown adults and maybe a kid of Tuk’s height. So you realistically didn’t worry too much. 
Grabbing a hold of Tuk, Pulling her up to the rocks as you showed her the little area. 
“So when are you going to make Ao’nung our Brother?” Tuk so casually asked. 
“Wah- huh! Tuk!?” 
“What? Im only saying what everyone else is thinking?”
You could only stifle a laugh. Ringing your hair as you stared at the walls. Perhaps they needed more of a touch of home. “Don’t worry about what i do Tuk. You just worry about yourself”
“I'm not a kid anymore Y/n! Pretty soon After Lo’ak and Kiri its my turn to become and adult! I can have Big kid talk now too! Its boring but i can” 
You smiled, patting her head. “ I still dont think it's your place to worry about it tho Tuk. If Ao’nung wants me and if its allowed we’ll see where that takes us”
“Good! You two are more bearable than Lo’ak and Tsireya” 
You could only laugh as you two continued to talk. Your mind often wanders and goes back to the thoughts of Ao’nung becoming your mate. And any time it comes to your brain. It makes the pit in your stomach that much more painful. 
“Ao’nung please! Please dont” You pleaded. Your wrist fitting ever so perfectly in his hand. It was way past the eclipse. You were lucky your mother even allowed you out to clear your head. Unknown to you Ao’nung had found you. 
You didn’t want to talk. You were too focused. Lost in your mind thinking of your feelings for your new life. Your potential future. And here he was holding you as you had tried to move away and head home. 
“Please Just listen to me” 
“Please don’t tell me you are afraid for the feelings you have for me” 
“You’re crazy to think i have those feelings” 
“Don’t hide from me. All the time we spend while you were recovering me, you haven’t even hid your chest from me so don’t think you can hide your feelings for me so casually”
“Im not hiding anything!” 
“Yes you are! What are you doing now then!”
“I'm Afraid!” You admitted. Your chest heaving as you looked on to him. Was he always this tall? Was he this attractive before. Did he hold such kindness in his eyes like this before? Did he always look concerned for you.  “I'm Terrified even of what this feeling is doing to me” 
“So you’re regretting ever feeling anything for me?” 
“I’m regretting not being enough for your family Ao’nung. Do you think this is going to be easy for me even if we do get your parent’s blessings?’ You began to tear up a little. Bringing your hand to wipe your eyes. As you looked out into the ocean. You wanted badly for anything else to happen but you continued forward. “And its so horrible to have these feelings for you because Even if i am Toruk Makto’s daughter you still are the Future of this clan. You Deserve to have someone of your status. And im still just an outsider. The weaver of this clan. Im no leader no future Tsahik and it hurts because” 
You inhaled sharply feeling his hand on your cheek as he waited. You wanted to scream
“Because, I see you” You wanted to eat those words as soon as you said it. Placing your hand on his bringing him closer as you just continued to stare at each other’s eyes. 
You felt him place his forehead on yours. Kissing your nose as he took a deep breath. How he longed to hold you this way. To have to be so incredibly close and yet you were so far out of his reach. 
“When the time is right and you’ve finished our right of passage. Will you accept to wait until I stake claim on you?” 
You could only let out a laugh. Tackling him to the ground feeling the cold water bring you back to Pandora again. You’re damn lucky its just the two of you alone out here. 
“Don’t worry about my mother. I’ll go ahead and talk with her in the morning” 
Perhaps you shouldn’t have been so startled to see a very livid Ronal heading your way. With an apologetic look Tonowari gave you. Ronal spoke to you
“Y/n, To your feet. I need to speak to you in my Marui” 
You turned to look at your parents. Shooting them a worried look as you followed behind her. You could only hope. You hadn’t made a big mistake the night prior.
= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =
Taglist: @simp-erformarvelwomen / @luvlykrispy / @yeosxxx / @fanboyluvr / @littlethingsinlife / @eirianna / @elegantkidfansoull / @tsukibaby1 / @adaiasafira / @1-800-not-simping / @reggiesslut / @cmfouatslota77
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satansapostle6 · 6 months
Kids | Rodrick Heffley
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Spotify Playlist Link
Rodrick Heffley becomes obsessed when he finally meets his thirty-five year old band mate, Bill Walter’s, younger sister.
Warnings: Mature themes/language. Sexual content.
“Black Hole Sun”
“This Night Has Opened My Eyes”
Rodrick hadn’t gone to school for almost a whole week. No one had even seen him apart from his father and brothers(he had been refusing to acknowledge his mother’s presence ever since the incident).
Susan had since apologized for what she’d said about and to Sara Walter, but Rodrick refused to accept her many apologies so long as they didn’t include an admission of guilt. Although Susan was sympathetic to his pain, she still did not quite apologize for her role in the re-traumatizing of Sara, who still hadn’t spoken to him since everything that had happened at the Heffley house.
There was a gentle knock on Rodrick Heffley’s bedroom door as his father entered the room with dinner, concerned.
“Rodrick,” Frank Heffley said, cautiously entering room.
“Go away,” Rodrick mumbled, hidden under blankets and pillows alike.
“I brought you some spaghetti, and garlic bread,” he attempted entice him. “Your mom made your favorite.”
“Tell her I’m not hungry,” Rodrick said emptily.
“Rodrick. You haven’t eaten since last night,” his father stated, concerned. “You need to eat something. I’m getting concerned.”
“I’m not hungry,” he repeated.
Frank sighed, sitting down at the edge of the bed. “This isn’t healthy… Is there something else you’re hungry for? Maybe I can go pick something up.”
“I’m not hungry.”
“I’ll get you Taco Bell. Or McDonald’s! How does a happy meal sound?” he asked hopefully.
But Rodrick didn’t seem very receptive.
“What am I, four?”
“It was worth a shot.”
Frank looked at the lump beneath the covers, fully aware Rodrick hadn’t showered in about two days, and was so upset he refused to even listen to music, any music: it just all reminded him too much of Sara.
“Look, I know Your mom’s really sorry about what happened the other day. She’s apologized multiple times now, you know,” he reminded him.
“No, she hasn’t,” Rodrick insisted. “Not really.”
Rodrick heard nothing as Frank remained in the room for another moment, setting the plate of food down on the floor before silently leaving. Rodrick thought he knew where his father was going; back downstairs, and eventually upstairs again for bed, but he was wrong.
“I’m stepping out,” Frank Heffley announced to his family, before grabbing his jacket and leaving.
“For what?” Susan Heffley questioned, not receiving an answer.
Frank knocked on the door, praying for an answer. After a few moments, the door opened, as he whispered a frantic thanks to whatever beings did or didn’t exist. But another obstacle was revealed.
“What do you want?” a voice said coldly.
“Bill,” Frank realized, immediately feeling incredibly guilty.
“That’s me,” Bill said stiffly.
Clearly, he’d heard everything, or at least enough.
“Bill, I’m sorry. I’m so sorry,” he sighed, hanging his head in shame.
“Don’t tell me,” he responded laconically.
“See, that’s what I could use your help with,” Frank said, thrilled to be finally getting somewhere, “I want to tell your sister. Please.”
“Why should I let anyone in your family anywhere near her?” Bill demanded, his paternal instincts toward his younger sister kicking in. “All you Heffleys do is judge people, and hurt people. My sister’s barely left her room in a fucking week, and she won’t drink anything that’s not wine, or vodka.”
“Yes, I know,” Frank promised him humbly, “But I wanna fix that… Please. Just let me speak to her,” he begged Bill.
“Why? So you can just call us white trash again?” he asked expectantly.
“Words cannot express how awful I feel about that, Bill,” Frank breathed. “I know that Susan and I have both spoken ill about your family on multiple occasions… and I know that I’ve never made an effort to make you feel welcome in our home even though you’ve always been nothing but kind to us. It’s unfair, and I’m sorry,” he apologized.
Bill still had nothing to say as he studied him, wondering whether the apology was sincere.
“You and your sister have proven to be nothing but friends to our family, and we’ve spat in your faces every time,” Frank said guiltily. “I know I can’t make up for that kind of close-minded, immature behavior… But I wanna try. Please,” he begged.
Bill Walter stood there, silent, for a moment, considering his options before eventually opening the door out of kindness, despite the fact that he probably didn’t deserve it.
“Fine. If not for me, then for my sister.”
“Yes! Thank you! Thank you so much!” Frank gasped, eagerly following him inside.
“Who’s this asshole?” Randy called from his armchair.
“He’s probably thinking the same thing!” Bill shouted back as he silently led Frank to Sara’s bedroom.
Frank looked back awkwardly at the unpleasant man, not quite sure what to think. Bill knocked on his younger sister’s door, waiting for a response. “Sara?”
“Yeah?” she called.
“…Mr. Heffley’s here to see you,” Bill informed her.
“Mr. Heffley’s here to see you,” he echoed. “He wants to apologize. He seems pretty serious about it…”
Sara quickly opened her bedroom door, seeming to have been laying on her bed, drawing. Frank couldn’t help notice with his keen father’s eyes that she looked awful; her hair was a mess, her makeup didn’t look like it was all applied today, and beneath her eyes, black smudges were married with dark circles.
“Does he?” she asked sharply, cold eyes fixed on Frank.
“Yes,” the man nodded earnestly, “He does.”
Sara studied him for a moment, before turning back to her brother. “Leave us.”
“Are you sure?” Bill asked skeptically.
“Yeah,” she nodded, eyes fixed on Frank as Bill just walked away, knowing better than to question his sister.
Sara opened the door wider as Frank gingerly stepped inside, not knowing how to go about this interaction. She shut the door, crossing her arms expectantly.
“How are you doing, Sara?” he asked kindly, genuinely worried after having seen the state of her.
“I haven’t slept in three days,” she remarked. “So. Let’s hear it,” she said, sounding less confrontational than Frank had anticipated, given that she was more than entitled to her feelings of rage.
“Sara, I… I want to apologize. For Susan, and for myself,” he said slowly as she just listened. “We were judgmental, and unwelcoming, and unfair.”
“‘We’?” Sara asked.
“I’m equally to blame,” Frank nodded earnestly. “I should’ve stepped in more whenever Susan got angry at you. You did nothing to deserve that.”
“You’re right,” she said softly.
“Listen… I don’t want you to think we haven’t noticed the difference you’ve made in Rodrick’s life lately,” he told her. “Because we do. I do. He’s happier, and calmer, and he cares more, about school, and his brothers…”
“Then why did Susan say I’m a bad influence?” Sara demanded, as Frank prepared himself for the question.
“Sara…” he was afraid he didn’t have the words in his vocabulary to explain why she had been made his family’s scapegoat. “Rodrick and his mother have always had a very complicated relationship. She wants the best for him, and he wants her to back off,” Frank said.
“You know I’m not the best,” Sara reminded him. “I’ll never be.”
“I don’t think that’s true,” he interjected logically.
Sara paused for a moment, taking in what he said.
“Look, I know about what you and Rodrick do; you’re kids; both of you. Of course you’re gonna do all that stuff,” he admitted.
“But, Sara, you’re a good kid,” Frank told her. “…My sons love you. All of them,” he expressed.
Sara’s gaze softened as she took in his point.
“Manny adores you; you’re one of the only people he still lets pick him up. And Greg thinks very highly of you,” he continued, “Greg’s thirteen; he doesn’t think highly of anything.”
“What’s your point?” she asked quietly.
“My point is, that we’ve taken you for granted,” Frank summarized. “Your influence on Rodrick, and our family, has only been positive, if anything.”
“And what do you want me to do?” she asked tearfully, a look of frustration in her bloodshot eyes. “Your wife hates me.”
“No, she doesn’t,” Frank insisted sympathetically, “She doesn’t know you.”
“She doesn’t want to,” Sara insisted. “She thinks I’m trash. End of story.”
“It doesn’t have to be,” Frank tried to convince her as she just stood there, a pained expression on her face. “Sara. Do you really want this to be the end of you and Rodrick?”
She was silent as she considered his question, her chest tightening.
“I’m not saying the two of you will definitely last forever,” Frank offered thoughtfully, trying to sound realistic, “But… is a little conflict gonna stop you from finding out for sure?” he asked, hopeful that she’d listen.
Sara looked up at Frank, a pain in the child’s eyes he wished he could heal.
“You can leave now,” she said with finality.
Frank tilted his head in confusion, unsure of what to make of her sudden conclusion of their conversation.
“You said your piece,” she stated, looking more tired than anything. “I heard what you have to say.”
He was strangely shocked by her response.
“If you want me to go, I’ll go,” he agreed reluctantly, respecting her wishes with his hand on the doorknob. “But, remember. If you break Rodrick’s heart, our whole family goes down with him. That’s the kind of family we are.”
Sara’s eyes followed him as he left the room, leaving her to her thoughts.
“This sucks,” Greg Heffley sighed, watching the edit of his and Rowley’s video of them on their bikes at the skatepark.
“Why can’t we get it right?” Rowley complained pitifully.
“Because. Sara always helps with these,” Greg reminded him as he flopped down onto his bed. “She always helps pick the clips, and the music.”
“We know good music,” Rowley insisted optimistically.
“No, we don’t,” Greg gave up. “Not like Sara. And even if we did, we still wouldn’t be able to use it as good as her.”
“What do we do to get her back?” his friend asked.
“Get a new mom?” Greg offered the only suggestion he could come up with.
He found he had meant that a bit too much.
“I miss Sara. Having you and Rodrick is like having brothers,” Rowley thought wistfully, “But having Sara is like having a sister.”
“Yeah,” Greg agreed, feeling the words deeply.
The two of them were sharing a rather melancholy moment, at least before their silence was drowned out by the increasing sounds of screaming coming from the garage. Rodrick and the guys had been practicing for their gig this weekend at a backyard party, and it seemed like they were reaching for peak of their song. Until it didn’t.
“What the fuck?!”
“-Some dumb ass fucking shit—!”
Greg looked around in confusion as he tried to rational the snippets that he was hearing coming from downstairs.
“Are they fighting?” he wondered out loud.
“They play metal,” Rowley reminded him.
“No, this is different from that,” Greg said, leaving to go check on his brother’s band.
Rowley followed him down to the garage, and it seemed he was right. Something was going on between Rodrick, Chris, and Ben, worse than anything that had happened in a while.
“Fuck you, you’re being a fucking asshole!” Ben shouted angrily.
“Should we be down here?” Rowley questioned anxiously.
Greg just ignored him as they watched from the doorway. The guys hadn’t even noticed them, they were so caught up in the drama.
“I’m not an asshole, you’re just a fucking dick, dude!” Rodrick shouted back, seeming genuinely upset.
“Whatever!” Ben cried. “Your set list is shit!”
“Guys, let’s all just chill! I think everything’s getting a little outta hand,” Bill reminded his band mates.
“Yeah, guys, let’s chill,” Chris agreed, also uncomfortable.
“Shut the fuck up, Chris!” Ben snapped.
“Hey, you shut the fuck up,” Rodrick demanded, suddenly threatening him with an abandoned drumstick, “Or I’m gonna fucking snap your neck—!”
Greg turned in horror to see his mother hurriedly rushing past him and Rowley.
“Hey, what is going on here?!” Susan questioned.
“Nothing, Mom, Ben’s just about to get rocked.”
“Rodrick Heffley, don’t you hit anyone in this house!” Susan scolded him.
“Right,” Rodrick nodded, not missing a beat, “Let’s take this outside, you little bitch!”
“Rodrick!” Susan Heffley shrieked.
“Everybody, let’s just take a fucking chill pill!” Bill exclaimed, extremely tense.
“Don’t tell me to fucking calm down, this is my house!” Rodrick shouted over him.
“Actually, this is my house, and I will not tolerate violence, or frankly, any of the language that’s being used!” Susan interrupted.
Rodrick glared at Ben with a hatred that had been building up and simmering for years, chucking one of the drumsticks in his hand over Ben’s head.
“Rodrick!” Susan cried, horrified at his behavior. “Don’t throw things at people!”
Greg and Rowley watched, kind of scared, as the situation began to escalate.
“Yeah! Listen to your mommy, Rodrick!” Ben taunted. “Don’t throw things at people!”
“Fuck you, you fucking loser!” he boomed.
“Rodrick! Upstairs, now!” Susan yelled.
“Come on, Rod!” Ben jeered. “Be a good little bitch!”
“Ben, shut the fuck up!” Chris said impatiently.
“I’ll make you my bitch!” he fired back.
“Guys! Enough!” Bill began to lose his temper.
“All of you, there are other people in this house,” Susan reminded them, “If you can’t be respectful, then leave.”
“We’re really sorry, Mrs. Heffley,” Bill apologized hastily as he eyed all of his band mates, “We’ll stop bothering you guys. It won’t happen again.”
“Sorry, Mrs. Heffley,” Chris added courteously, “We’ll stop.”
“Yeah, we’ll be quiet, Mrs. Heffley,” Ben promised, completely full of shit.
She eyed the group of boys skeptically before deciding to take their word for it. “Okay. But one more disturbance, and none of you are welcome here ever again. Got it?” she asked the room.
“Got it,” Bill promised.
“Yes,” Chris assured her kindly.
“Got it,” Ben nodded.
“Okay. Thank you,” Susan said, slowly turning around as she wanted nothing to do with the group of boys.
Rodrick, who had been silent and plotting the entire time, glowered hatefully in Ben’s direction before making up his mind and chucking the one lone drumstick left in his hand straight at Ben’s head, which was met with an immediate hothead reaction.
“You fucking piece of shit!” Ben hollered as a fully fledged fight broke out.
Before anyone could do anything, Ben was charging Rodrick, who had decided to go all in and angrily leapt over the drum set at him and tackled him to the ground with a loud thrashing of the cymbals. Chris was in shock and Bill jumped in, almost dog piling on top of them to pull Rodrick off of Ben.
Susan screamed for her husband as Greg and Rowley froze, no clue as to what they were supposed to do. Rowley was spooked like a cat, and Greg found himself having a desire to go home despite already being there.
“I don’t like this!” Rowley wailed.
“Me neither,” Greg agreed, not having much else to offer.
But Rowley was completely distraught.
“Sara wouldn’t let this happen!”
“Losing My Religion”
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fangsforiris · 3 months
Hihi!! I say ur ask box was open (srry if I’m wrong) and I wanted to see if you could maybe do how Shuu, Ayato, Kanato, and Reiji would react to falling deeply in love with someone who is incredibly self sacrificial? I’m sorry if I didn’t do this right, it’s my first time submitting an ask so I’m a bit nervous. Have a good rest of ur day/evening!! ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡
Sakamaki’s Reaction to S/O Who’s Self-Sacrificial
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“Don’t act like that, please… I’ve already lost so much, I dont’t know if I can possibly handle another… Just stay with me…”
• This would hit Shū the hardest by far. Considering how he’s already lost a lot (ex: Edgar,) he wouldn’t want to lose another thing precious to him.
• It’s like a cycle to him which he so desperately wants to get out of.
• This would either make or break him, since he’s emotionally repressed himself for years, or even centuries, just to save himself the fear of once again not being enough to save anyone else he cherishes.
• Falling in love was never his expectation nor was he looking for it. For it to happen so suddenly, and to someone that happens to be the same sacrificing trope like a certain someone, it’ll definitely throw him for a loop.
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“You mustn’t let yourself succumb to such acts. I am a vampire, your sacrifice will be in vain. You mean more to me alive… more than you’ll ever know.”
• Reiji wouldn’t want to deal with someone self-sacrificial, really. As in, it would really have him at a loss for words at times.
• In the sense that, when seeing them, he doesn’t want to be reminded of how naive and ‘over the top’ he was in his own past.
• He 100% wouldn’t want to see his S/O attempt anything he may deem foolish (that is, attempting to sacrifice themselves at any given moment.)
• He’d find the sentiment a bit shocking, especially with his past of rejection. For someone to now want to do certain things for him, in the name of him, all for him… it doesn’t seem real. It doesn’t feel as if he deserves it.
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“Oi! Don’t go doing anything stupid! Your place is beside me, not 6 feet under me…! Stupid…”
• Ayato doesn’t usually fall for people other than by their looks.
• So for him to now suddenly get an emotional connection to someone who’s so helpless devoted to him, it’s as if he’s the only one in the world that matters.
• He’d find the sentiment cute, in the sense that someone is willing to do anything and everything for him— the great ‘ore-sama.’ However, if someone is his, he has no intention on letting them go.
• I feel as though he doesn’t believe as much in the ideology that ‘vampires kill for love/killing is the ultimate act of love’ as much as other characters may (Ahem, Laito.) So this would hurt him more if anything, since he did canonically feel a bit of guilt killing Cordelia, as well.
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“You will stop this silly attempt of yours to end your life! Why do you want to leave me and Teddy alone, huh!? Am I not worth it…?”
• Kanato would be deeply upset. As in, I think he’d show the largest outward reaction to both himself, his brothers, and you. 
• He canonically has high abandonment issues, so to have someone with a high tendency to resort to self-sacrificing methods, it would set him off. Almost as if it’s a trigger.
• He would most likely place it around himself, using terms like ‘why are you leaving me, why do they always do this to me, why me?!’ That sort of thing.
• Kanato would do a lot to stop this. You’re his toy, and he doesn’t exactly play with broken dolls— as stated by him. For an immortal being, he wouldn’t want to be left alone and would do whatever it takes (even if it’s unhealthy,) to rid their S/O of the mindset.
Authors Note: You’re all good!! Thank you for the ask, hope you enjoyed !!
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rhaegang · 3 months
Free use Ollie? At saltburn just chilling when Felix comes up, bends him over and fucks him wherever he happens to be.
I mean if you want to describe what is essentially Oliver’s idea of a perfect life this isn’t far off tbh.
The first thing to understand is that this isn’t who he is. Not in any other context. Not in any other place. Oliver isn’t…he isn’t a slut. He’s not a virgin, no, but he isn’t some desperate, needy thing who bends over for it either.
It’s just this place. The way everything and everyone in it is all covered in Felix, like he’s actual fucking glitter that’s all over, in the fibers of the carpets and in the texture of the wallpaper and poisoning the cabernet Oliver is served in the evenings. This place, and this infection called Felix — it’s made Oliver sick. Please understand.
It’s like being in a place that doesn’t exist. It’s like being on stage in a play, merely make believe. That’s what it feels like to walk the halls of Saltburn house. Especially because there’s always, always an audience.
In hindsight, Oliver ought to have considered that more carefully. He’d been seen with Venetia. It had been completely foolhardy to think that no one would have seen him slip into and out of Farleigh’s room.
Who it was, or how it came to be that what they saw made it to Felix’s ears, Oliver chooses not to question. Because it’s pointless to know who, or how, or why; the only thing that matters is the what. And what happens is this:
Felix, with a tight smile, and a wink, ushers Oliver into a room — one of over one hundred fifty, does it matter which — early in the morning. The furniture is old, and the art is priceless, and Oliver would not have imagined it would happen ever, let alone that it would happen here in this room that means nothing, but Felix throws him, physically throws him, down over a chaise.
“You lied to me, Ollie.”
About a lot of things. He isn’t sure which thing this is about. He isn’t sure how to formulate a defense. He opens his mouth, regardless.
“You got with my sister, and you lied, and even though you knew what…what I said, you went and got with my fucking cousin, too. What am I meant to make of that? What do you want me to think of that? Of you?”
“I’m sorry—”
“For what? For being such a slag?”
“Felix.” That’s what comes out of Oliver’s mouth. A default sound that he wheezes when struck, like an oough or an oof, more about the release of it than anything.
“Do you have any idea how terrible you’ve made me feel, Oliver?”
He shakes his head. He truly doesn’t. He doesn’t know what about his transgressions should make Felix feel terrible. Terrible, not gross or disgusted or disappointed or—
“It’s fucking hurtful.” Felix’s eyes are wet, even though his fists are solid. “How you’ll just give it up for anyone, anytime, except for me.”
“What?” A croak of a question. Oliver doesn’t recognize his own voice.
Again. Please understand. It’s this place. It’s not real. None of it ever feels real.
“You’re a fucking slut, Oliver. And here I thought you were mine.”
“I am!” Are they lies, or lines, or the only words Oliver’s ever meant in his entire life? “I am! I am, I am—”
“Are you? You haven’t fucking been acting like it!” And something breaks, something expensive and irreplaceable, when Felix throws it, gouging the wainscoting in the process.
“I am! I will!” He will. Oliver will do whatever he needs to do to prove it. Because it’s here, in this nowhere room with Felix on the verge of tears, more upset by his own violence than Oliver is, that Oliver understands why it was he put his mouth between Venetia’s legs, why he crawled atop Farleigh’s hips instead of merely snatching his mobile while he slept.
He did those things because he is Felix’s, but Felix wasn’t taking what was there for the taking. Oliver hadn’t understood the exchange before. He hadn’t known how explicit he needed to be in his offer. But, he realizes, he was trying to show Felix it was available. If he wanted it.
He hadn’t been foolhardy in thinking he wouldn’t get caught. He had been hoping for it.
“Whenever you want,” he mumbles, reaching his for his belt. “Whatever you want. For as long as you want.” Oliver, frantic, shoves his shorts down, peels his polo shirt up, off. He kicks his clothes aside, sandals slapping the wall.
He’s been naked in front of Felix before, but not like this.
“Whenever.” Felix’s teary eyes are narrowing. His pout has twisted with suspicion. “Whenever and whatever I want.”
“Yes.” Oliver nods, and he thinks his might choke on his own saliva from how hard he swallows. “Anywhere. You don’t even have to ask. It’s always gonna be yes, anyway. ‘Coz I’m yours, yeah?”
“You’re mine.” Felix still seems to doubt him. “Mine, not theirs. Not yours, even.”
Please. Please understand. The heat. The thickness of the film of L'Eau D'Issey that coats everything. The glitter of Felix in the white sun, blinding him. Understand. Understand.
“Not mine. Only yours.” As he says it, as he gives Felix this, and sees the relief and gratitude spill out of him like the glow from a lighthouse, Oliver feels more powerful than he has ever, ever felt.
How simple a thing it is. It costs Oliver so little to purchase Felix’s happiness. Yet it’s beyond ecstasy to have the only currency valuable enough to do so.
He goes to his knees. He offers his mouth.
And that’s what happens.
The first time.
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jaymesyourplaything · 6 months
ver they/them is sherlock he/him mod
john he/him is johns mod.
all purple are links.
hello,, i think to start this, i will have to be very transparent. this is going to push a lot of my comfort zones, and... well, writing this is going to... be very difficult for me. i'm sorry. if i give too much leeway, some friends may be upset. if i speak at all, i fear i'm losing some automatically.
but, i wanted to speak up. push myself. my friend gave me the okay, and along with bewitched they are both giving me the courage every day. 🥺🥺🥺
i struggle with speaking up. my co-mod was always the one who, spoke for me. in my life; i am very much a wallflower. in my personal life, people don't like how i am so very willing to see the good in people, even if they hurt me. this is because i was abused and neglected started from a young age.
due to my abuse;
i have a dissociative disorder
it makes it very hard for me to interact with people around me in my day to day life. whenever i am stressed, whenever i feel i should be quiet-i was conditioned well-or if anyone so much as changes their tones, i'll be gone. it's questioning when i come back, but it's often when i'm more comfortable.
so, when someone is out of line, or otherwise mean to me, i would dissociate, and often forget about it. my caretaker once commented on how i wasn't there mentally, i didn't have the ability to hold a grudge. it was not because of a mental deformity, but the neglect i suffered.
i was only ever "real" during happy moments. i would lose focus during un-happy moments. it was easy to create false memories, especially if all i had to go on was my (caretakers) retelling of any story.
my memories, my thoughts and feelings on people, are based entirely of whatever i can remember of them at that moment, and what other's tell me about the memories/people. my reality is easy to be altered. (which is why i stepped back so long, all my thoughts are based on my partner of 10 years, childhood friends who do not interact with this website or anyone in it, or some of my friends who have been helping me correct my behavior who have all stayed out of it for their general lack of like of drama and also it helps me tremendously to interact with the world "alone" and learn how to proceed in my life/process. alone as in they don't interfere, other than advice i ask for. mostly i'm saying i purposeful stepped back from ver and bewitched -and john- anyone involved and spoke to those not involved for my opinions here. )
the best coping mechanism we found is to be extremely grounded. the last year has become the best year of our life after we became aware how severe the abuse was and why i've been the way i have. (we as in my partner and i. we have been together for 9 years now. )
this is why i struggle keeping a narrative for long. i'll lose it, i'll go through various stages of understanding, or memory loss. my narrative is based on those around me and what i see, and other things i can trust. it takes awhile, so i can gather what other's think of what's happened around me, so i can base the truth off it.
(i stayed out of this because i couldn't just, listen to everyone when this is /my/ experience. hence why i talked to my partner, or other -childhood friends not related to anyone here in this space- about such topics for so long, or other trusted friends, until i could gather an idea that isn't biased from my friends. because i trusted john, it hurt a lot for this to happen, it was hard to believe, hence dissociation and why it took so long. heughhh... )
also, yes, co-mod
i co-moded this blog once. if you know who the co-mod is, please keep it private. we have since talked and he has agreed to stay out, he's leaving me to handle the experiences on this account. he has remained quiet by my request. he now has only commented on his own experiences on his blog, only. john never knew the identity of this other person, in fact i don't think i told him my identity either. we spoke as "i" or "we".
edit: gdi pookie i said keep it private wts
my co-mod quit the fucking whore
thats a joke i don't mind they quit. poor communication, i would dissociate and he disapproved that i was continuously supporting him [john] even though i was clearly, by my own mind's definition, in discomfort talking to him. i wanted to be a good mod, keep contact with the other mods. ): i didn't like how he treated people behind the scenes, gossip and stuff. devaluing sherlock for a long time.
my friendship and thoughts on john and ver
i don't think ver is emotionally manipulative, but i didn't think john was abusive either. john has certainly shown he has been abusive since the split at least, but it suspects he could have always been abusive.
john planned replacing sherlock with his friend, from early january at least, but i suspected it back around august 2023
he said early on ver would deserve being replaced. said mine would be a better sherlock once, said he was tired of ver's sherlock, supported the idea of the other sherlocks popping up since jan but said they were also crazy and not to talk to them.
but anyway, here's wonderwall
aka my statement
there are boundaries. revealing personal information about ver, at first in private (with me, who else could he have? ) and then later in public, or messaging them after they (publicly ) told him to stop. then slander, or public harassment (public attempts to communicate, or throw accusations at, or now accuse of sending anon asks without proof -turn off anon asks then john. ) i don't know what happened in private, but publicly john has continuously escalated a situation that ver has attempted to be quiet and respectful on continuously.
i ended my friendship with john because of his continued abuse towards ver since he abruptly and without warning replaced ver.
uh , last thoughts? and a message from me
john was a mean girl who decided to fully bully and harass ver now that ver was free.
ver is just emotional and reacted to johns /empty/ threats of quitting.
which again is mean of him, empty threats, he knew he wanted to replace ver, not quit lol
since he kicked ver out and cut them off, he has continuously reached out, even after ver requested he stop. he has no even made a new account (sherlockbbc-rp blog ) so that he could interact with us (we all had to re-block him, or otherwise ignore him ) since we all have been trying to move on
he is obsessed with ver, which is weird when john is the one who wanted ver gone. ver even tried to help john every step of the way (and wanted the same respect and help. ) which john refused. i believe ver and believe john blew them off until he replaced him, since he's refused my help in similar ways countless times.
i hope ver can move on and recover, they do seem really shaken up and shy because of this event, and john continuously just, escalates. now that we've all done statements, i want to help ver move on. i want to plan and plot more interactions, i want to help cheer them up. i hope johns friends continue to watch and take care of him too, but i honestly am happy i'm not one of them now. it's stressful. i don't need to be friends with someone who puts that much thought into slandering and harassing someone and has no intentions of growing as a person and stopping that behavior. i've been trying, and i'm sure most of my friends would agree i'm doing so much better. i am proud of my improvements, and i am so very proud of ver for moving on and taking all steps i would have. i am not proud of john. i am proud of me for leaving john. my friends are proud, it was difficult for me, very very difficult.
this was difficult to write. as said, in my personal life, i am too soft, too nice. last ex, i remember we talked it out and ended with me saying (so us agreeing ) we were both too immature for the relationship. in reality they were cheating and petty lol. i.. i am often harassed for, not... speaking up, for taking blame, for ending so many things on good terms. two people i respected a lot even judged me when it took me so long to cut john out of my life. it hurt a lot. i've withdrawn a lot, since then. i am excited to move on from this chapter of my life, and continue growing as a person, from poor behavior to just being more assertive.
thank you for reading this, i... i feel no one really cares, but a close friend comforted me, and reminded me that even if no one else cares, that my friend ver appreciates me helping. i was silent so long, partially their request, some was a mutual agreement between me and my co-mod, and a lot was processing... what was going on with john. please be respectful, please be patient with me. this was my friend too. this was ver's friend once too. thank you to my friend, thank you to my continued friends for always helping me in correcting my behavior, or just remaining patient with me during this journey the last year with my own personal growth, and thank you to bewitched and ver for giving me the courage and help to speak out in the first place. i love and appreciate all of you very much.
john, please stop trying to contact me.
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starsurface · 7 months
Your writings are very good, they make me happy! Would it be possible to write Shang Tsung from the 3d era taking care of an age regressed reader that uses diapers?
Awh, thank you!!! I'm so glad that they make you happy!! <3
I will admit, i know incredibly little about this character!!!! :D (I tried to do research, but do call me our or dm if I wrote some things wrong, I can totally redo or make a pt 2 or something!!)
Like, . . . I know he’s evil. And has an island. And works for Shao Kahn. And is one of the more first big boss fights?? And that 3d is like, Deception, and Armageddon, and Shaolin Monks (the cutscenes only version of that game is so funny, the storyline is so fast).
And not even zesty evil!!! But like, actually evil. :(
Small Warning (?): It just kinda feels like there are some darker undertones in these?? Not exactly yandere like, but mildly possessive, and little to no hesitation to hurt others for you. It’s not implied that he’d kill, but it is implied that he’d use them as experiments (which I can totally change if anyone gets uncomfortable with!!!)
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG 3d era Shang Tsung w/ Regressor That Uses Diaper Hcs
🐛 I know I said he’s evil . . . but I think he adores you
🐛 Your his baby, how could he not love you!! He’s cruel and a villain, but your his Precious, he couldn’t just let you go <3
🐛 While a man of evil and Shao Kahn’s sorcerer, he would never make fun of you for using or needing padding
🐛 Babyspace regressor? You’re very tiny!! Of course you might need some help, and that’s okay!!
🐛 Toddler? Well, accidents happen all the time, and he’d rather be safe than sorry anyways
🐛 Big kid? Well he’d still classify you as a baby, but whatever you say <3
🐛 Middlespace regressor? Everyone can use diapers!! Whether for medicine or comfort, that’s your regression, and no one else’s
🐛 And if anyone were to magically tell you otherwise, well, they strangely disappear!! :O (and maybe end up in Shang Tsung’s lab)
🐛 Might get a bit grumpy if you wake him up at night, but almost any thoughts of anger or upset wash away when he sees how upset you are
🐛 . . . Although he’s also super tired and might put on your padding backwards
🐛 It is literally not his fault, it’s two am, and he has work tomorrow
🐛 Although he’d rather you wake him up than sit sobbing in bed, work or no work, you’re his first priority
🐛 He’ll also get some of those potty mattress protections, just in case you may or may not have an accident again (but only if your cool with it)
🐛 Magic show distractions!!!
🐛 He could give you something to fidget with during the process . . . Or he could use his super cool sorcerer powers and make a little light show to distract you
🐛 From what i’ve seen in almost every Shang Tsung, they have a way with words
🐛 So it’s not him buying your regression supplies, it’s Shao Kahn <3
🐛 Shang Tsung works for him, how could he not also supply for his precious baby that he gets very little time with because of how often he has to work and prepare for the tornoment?
🐛 ^ Lies, Shang Tsung can and will pause any type of working if you regress and come for him
🐛 Maybe unless he’s in the middle of an experiment, but he’s left his studies many times before
🐛 Your not really allowed to talk to Shao Kahn though :\ (Shang Tsung’s worried Shao will be mean or cruel to you in your headspace)
🐛 But you get much time with Dada!! :D
🐛 He’ll make a little regression area in his laboratory!! It’s Shang Tsung’s Island, who would tell him he couldn’t put a secret passage way into a small regression area just for you?
🐛 ^ No one, that’s who, so of course he does it!! (and Shao Kahn gets the bill for it >:3)
🐛 He does make sure to put it more where the potions or his study books are and not where his experiments are (he doesn’t like you seeing them in your headspace)
🐛 Don’t you dare ever try to touch his potions, he will get incredibly upset and you’ll get in trouble
🐛 They’re for big kids and big kids only, plus you could get seriously hurt and Dada might not be able to help you from some of them
🐛 Or you could just regress in Dada’s room, which is much comfier anyways
🐛 If you end up having any type of accidents, he’s very gentle about the process, gently shushing and comforting you, drawing you a nice bath and picking out some comfy clothes
🐛 His clothes to be exact, what could be better?
🐛 If you’re ever embarrassed about using padding, he’d call you silly
🐛 There’s no reason too!! Whether for comfort, or medical, or just because, if it works for you, then he’s more than happy to help with the process
🐛 Your his baby after all, and he’s going to make sure you have the world <3
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I like the Caterpillar emoji, it's cute. :3 (also they didn't have any potions :\)
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