#I blame sis so hard
aealzx · 2 years
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First of all my sister is a punk. Go watch the ROTTMNT movie she says. Doesn’t matter if you don’t like it. Well naturally I went and watched the series too for context before watching the movie because heck it was good dumb popcorn stuff. But no, there’s a reason this things acronym starts with ROT. e<e
On the otherhand do ya’ll old folks like me remember that 2003 TMNT episode where Donnie got double mutated and Leo bamf just walked towards him firing tranquilizers repeatedly until he fell over? Yeah. * points at doodle * brain’s Rise version of that.
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myname-isnia · 1 year
Naming OCs actually sucks so much sometimes, especially when the creators of the source material have no fucking idea which culture they’re drawing from
#I’m trying to name Ghazan’s parents okay. cause if I continue my Haya fic it’ll come up#and the process just made me realise how much of a mish mash of cultures the avatar world is#and how hard it is to pick a name that would be appropriate#sometimes I wish I was 12 years old again and just picked stuff that sounded good#like there’s literally no reason for Suiren and Midori to have Japanese names considering ming-hua’s is Chinese and Ghazan’s is afghani#but again I was 12 and it’s been way too long and way too many connotations to their names have been formed for me to change them#just assume that since they’re in the red lotus their parents wanted to pick names separate from their respective nations/cultures. ok? ok#anyway back to my main point#I started with looking up origins for names I knew. particularly Ghazan’s bc I picked Haya’s on a whim#literally writing the first chapter of SotRL and typing up the first name that came to mind#which accidentally ended up being my actual distant aunt’s name oops#point is. it’s apparently hebrew. which really just throws everything off#so I looked up ghazan’s and it’s from an afghani dialect I believe. don’t take my word for it though blame google if I’m wrong#I checked multiple sources so I’m 80% sure if it#so I’m like. okay. and opened a list of afghani names on the side#then I remembered my recently adopted headcanon of Ghazan’s parents being originally from si wong desert#so I looked the sandbender tribes up and that’s when I started losing my mind#known names range from mongolian to chinese to thai#the sandbenders themselves are clearly inspired by arabs and north africans#so there’s a bajillion sources and o have no idea where to start#currently just scrolling through lists and writing out ones I like#I also want to avoid names with meanings that are too religious or ones that end in -aya or -an#so it’s a struggle lmao#there was a point when I thought it’d be funny if I named the mom Niloofar or Nilüfer cause it also means water lily like Suiren#but then decided it might be a bit too on the nose. I’m not really too into the whole ‘name your kids after family’ thing#even if it’s tangential#idk. it’s a cute idea but probably not the right call#writing woes#kind of
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darkacua · 5 months
The Cain instinct
I demand canon moments where Silver and Malleus treat each other like siblings whenever they're alone, especially if Lilia or Sebek aren't around them. Where they show that outside of their typical treatment of respect is the fact that they were raised by the same man whom they both consider their father. They love each other eternally, they would kill, they would die and they are capable of destroying the entire world for each other, one to a greater extent than the other.
Especially since I'm sure they both have ridiculously strong Cain instincts.
One day you are a prince taking care of your caregiver's adopted son and the next a being who lives in an eternal circle of revenge and destruction towards the cruelty of humanity (Silver bit his finger when he was 8 years old and Malleus pecked his eye in Consequently, they continue to blame each other whenever they can)
Imagine a Silver who fell asleep in the forest and Malleus just finds him. If Lilia, Sebek or anyone was near him he would feign complete concern and take him to his bedroom. But he's alone, so he's going to wake up the young man he considers his brother with a loving kick in the ribs (nothing too hard, he wants to bother him, not kill him).
Or a malleus who is simply reading and out of nowhere feels a wet finger in his ear, a finger that belongs to a 17-year-old with a smile too kind for someone who has just drooled in the ear of the next king of the Briar Valley , and someone who is also a coward since he runs away the moment the older man gets up from his seat.
It is better if neither of them knows what is happening, they just know that there are days when they have to be mean to the other or they will go crazy, they have accepted it as a royal decree and will continue it until the end of their days. .
Imagine that no one knows about this kind of treatment, until someone enters Diasomnia only to find the all-powerful Malleus Draconia screaming like a dying child because Silver has him in a wrestling hold (which it is very obvious he can get out of, but… Where's the fun in that?)
Anyway, I need an irrational Malleus and Silver being a shitty little brother. I leave my delusions here.
Español bajo el corte
Exigo momentos canónicos donde Silver y Malleus se tratan como hermanos cada vez que están solos, sobre todo si no están Lilia o Sebek a su alrededor. Donde muestren que por fuera de su típico trato de respeto está el hecho de que fueron criados por el mismo hombre al que ambos consideran su padre. Se aman eternamente, matarían, morirían y son capaces de destruir el mundo entero el uno por el otro, uno en mayor medida que el otro.
Sobre todo porque estoy segura que los dos tienen un instinto de Cain ridículamente fuerte.
Un dia eres un príncipe cuidando al hijo adoptivo de tu cuidador y al siguiente un ser que vive en un círculo eterno de venganza y destrucción hacia la crueldad de la humanidad (Silver le mordió un dedo cuando tenía 8 años y Malleus le pico un ojo en consecuencia, se lo siguen echando en cara cada que pueden entre ellos)
Imaginen a un Silver que se quedó dormido en el bosque y Malleus simplemente lo encuentra. Si Lilia, Sebek o cualquiera estuviera cerca fingiría completa preocupación y lo llevaría a su dormitorio. Pero esta solo, así que va a despertar a él joven que considera su hermano con una amorosa patada en las costillas (nada demasiado fuerte, quiere molestarlo no matarlo)
O a un malleus que simplemente está leyendo y de la nada siente un dedo húmedo en su oreja, un dedo que pertenece a un joven de 17 años con una sonrisa demasiado amable para alguien que acaba de babear el oído del próximo rey del Valle de Briar, y alguien que también es un cobarde ya que sale corriendo en el momento que él mayor se levante de su asiento.
Es mejor si ninguno de los dos sabe que es lo que pasa, solo saben que hay días en los que tienen que ser malos con el otro o se volverán locos, lo han aceptado como un decreto real y lo continuarán hasta el final de sus días.
Imaginen que nadie sabe de este tipo de trato, hasta que alguien entra a Diasomnia sólo para encontrar al todopoderoso Malleus Draconia gritando como un niña moribunda porque Silver lo tiene en una llave de lucha (de la cual es muy obvio que se puede zafar ¿pero dónde está lo divertido en eso?).
En fin, necesito un Malleus irracional y un Silver siendo un hermano menor de mierda. Hasta aquí dejo mis delirios.
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reverieblondie · 2 months
Summer Vacation
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Pairing: Miguel O’Hara X fem!reader
Warnings: 18+, NSFW, Smut with Plot, Fingering. You and Miguel have to be sneaky.
Summary: College has been stressful and your finally off for summer vacation... But then you receive a surprise visit...
A/N: Ya'll thought I wasn't writing for Miguel anymore... oh how wrong you all are... If this dose well I will make it a mini series! Just let me know! Enjoy!
Word count: 3,242
So much for your plans for a quiet vacation…
It had been perfect in your mind. Your parents were out of town, and their house was so close to the beach that you couldn’t pass up the opportunity to have a nice and relaxing summer vacation all to yourself. School had been hectic, and you needed some serious relaxing time lounging out under a shady umbrella, cutting down on your TBR list with a frozen drink at your side and maybe a summer fling on the other.
But now... that’s not going to happen, not with the little surprise visit you received…
As you had settled in last night, you heard the sounds of a slamming car door. Your first thought was your parents made a surprisingly short trip, but that’s when you saw him entering through the front door. 
Your brother? What is his goofy -
But before you can finish the thought, you saw him following in. You haven’t seen him in years, but as soon as you see those familiar eyes, you know exactly who he is. Miguel O’Hara, your older brother’s best friend. The last time you remember seeing Miguel was the summer before he and your brother graduated. Lots of people assumed Miguel was a grumpy jerk from his quiet nature. Still, you always found him funny and kinda charming. You especially loved when he gave your brother a hard time: Miguel was definitely your favorite out of all your brother’s friends.
In contrast, the others ignored you, where Miguel was always friendly and looked after you in his own way. Sure, he wasn’t stopping you in the halls to talk to you your freshman year, but you would catch how he would be subtly watching you, and without fail, every time you were doing homework at your dining room table, Miguel would slide in next to you to whisper what questions you got wrong. Okay, sure, you planned it out to be there when he came over, but could you really blame a girl? Miguel was top of his class, plus it also helped that Miguel was quite cute.   
You ended up developing a bit of a crush on him, but he was off-limits, and that was only a silly little freshman year crush. You are way past that. So, as you sit here lounging on your couch, watching him walk in looking taller, buffer, and undoubtedly cuter, okay, he’s actually sexy as hell now…
As soon as Miguel walked in, his eyes met yours. At first, he was equally surprised to see you, but his shock quickly turned to a smile, like he was actually excited to see you. Though the smile was short-lived, as when your brother turned around to grab his bag from him, Miguel went back to his ever-stoic look. 
After your initial surprise wore off, you told your brother about disrupting your plans. He was quick to assure you that he wasn’t going to ruin them as he walked over and ruffled your hair, “Don’t sweat it, sis. Me and Miguel won’t bother you too much.” 
“Too much?”
He laughs as he saunters into the kitchen, “Well, I am your older brother, and I can’t just not mess with you!” 
The audible groan you give only earns a laugh from your sibling. Older brothers… 
While your ruined vacation plans are flashing before your eyes, a clearing throat catches your attention. Turning around, you see Miguel looking down at you with a bit of a smile back to his full lips, 
“Guessing you’re not too excited to see us…” 
Well, if it had just been Miguel….that's a different story… “Let’s just say I had plans for a stress-relief vacation and can’t exactly do now with an older brother lurking around…” 
Miguel chuckles and quickly looks you up and down for a moment. His eyes go to your brother as he leans down and whispers, “You could… if you know how to be sneaky about it…” 
For a moment, you don’t think this is happening, but… is Miguel flirting? You look at him, confused but very intrigued… you haven’t seen him in forever, and this is how he acts? Maybe you’re just reading too much into it; Miguel always gave you homework advice. Perhaps this is just him doing that, but your horny brain is misinterpreting… But just in case….
You look into his eyes, seeing that once warm brown now, has a tinge of red to them. “How do I know you won’t rat on me to my brother? Get me in trouble?” 
“Let’s just say I can keep a secret… troublemaker.” 
Troublemaker? You could be a troublemaker if he’s going to be the one that’s going to spank-
No, No, No! Off limits! Brother’s best friend, I don’t care if he’s built like a god and has a nose that you would pay good money to grind against. You can’t be the one to stick your neck out. Maybe Miguel is just a flirt now; all talk, but it doesn’t mean it. Off limits!
While your brain can still form some rational thought, you rush off to bed before Miguel can notice the blush rising to your face. As you make it to your door, you think you see Miguel leaning back to look down the hall at you with a smirk. Being a sane person you quickly scramble through your door and slam it shut, you go and flop down in your bed, cursing your brother for having brought with him Miguel. Out of all his friends, he had to get the one who makes your insides scream. 
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Now here you sit, completely forgetting about the book in your hands as you stare at Miguel, looking so damn distracting! You know you shouldn’t be staring at him, but watching him running shirtless with his bulging biceps, massive chest shining in a sheen of sweat, and his flexing abs. Don’t even get started on his ass and legs in his swimsuit. You quickly slam your face in your book; stop sexualizing him… off-limits…off limits! 
Though you never were one to have good self-control. So, peering up from your book, you look at him. Sweat has never looked so good. 
Miguel just looked so effortless in his movements, and from the looks of the others staring, you’re not the only one to think this. Something in your chest tightens with that thought, the thought of him swarmed by admirers. For as long as you have known him, you have seen how people trip over themselves to fawn over him, but he always remained single from what you knew… you are sure he has had girlfriends before, but every time he was around you… he didn’t bring one up, he always was single, or at least appearing to be.
Then lost in your staring, his eyes meet yours.
You want to blame the sudden rush of heat to your face on the summer heat, but you know it’s from him… that same auburn gaze that always makes your stomach flutter and your insides ache. 
Miguel watches you as he pushes back his sweat-drenched hair before he lets a smile form on his full lips and gives you a slight wave. You work up the nerve to wave back, then quickly hide behind your book again. You’re stuck rereading the same line over and over, trying to hold onto the words, but that smile and those eyes…
Perhaps another peek won’t hurt…
Going for it, you take another look and see your brother, Miguel, and two pretty girls. The girls are all perky and smiles as they chat, something your brother is eating up, while Miguel has returned to being stoic—his ever-trustworthy defense mechanism. 
Looking away, you’re going through a swell of emotions. Well, more like one bitter emotion…
You have as prided yourself on being a supportive girl; when you see a girl shooting her shot, you always wish silent good luck for them, but right now, seeing them talking to Miguel… It’s making you feel bitter. In no way is Miguel yours, hell he’s off limits for what you’re concerned, but watching this… hurts. This is ridiculous. Jealousy? Really? With a sigh you try to just forget it, though your skin is feeling hot, and you’re fighting the urge to stare.
To calm yourself, you place your book to the side and strip off your cover-up, the material that was once comfortable now irritating. You hadn’t planned on swimming or being out of your cover-up, so of course you make this the day you wear your smallest bikini. It’s funny how things always turn out like that. Stripping off the material, you instantly feel some relief. However, you have that distinct feeling of someone looking at you, watching you. 
With a glance, you see Miguel looking over everyone’s heads to make eye contact with you again…
Getting back to your book and swallowing down your jealousy, you keep your eyes on your book to keep yourself out of trouble. Finally, after a bit, when you're just getting lost in the text, there’s a nudge on your leg. 
“Uhhggg, please tell me you didn’t come here just to sit around.” Narrowing your eyes at the complaining source, you see your brother nagging you. 
You look down at your book, “You enjoy your time your way; I will enjoy mine my way.” 
Your brother rolls his eyes before grabbing his water bottle, “Goes to the beach and doesn’t swim or play soccer with her big bro. Are you depressed or something?” 
More like irritated… and frustrated… 
Before you can give your rebuttal, Miguel silences Your brother by bouncing the soccer ball on his head, “Stop messing with her.” 
Your brother, as dramatic as ever, holds his head and whines, “Ouch! When did you get so overprotective?” 
Miguel looks surprised and almost guilty for a moment before the mask comes back. “I’m not overprotective; just… let the kid relax like she wants.” 
As soon as the words leave his lips, they are ringing in your ears. A kid? He’s older than you, sure, but calling you kid? What the hell? Is that how he sees you? You don’t know what’s the worst label: best friends little sister, or kid? 
Your brother pats your head, “Aw, got to be nice to the baby!” 
The words sting deeper. It’s not like you’re not used to your brother’s teasing; that’s actually how you two play with each other and show affection, but today…
You quickly stand, swatting his hand away. Your brother pauses and looks at you, confused. “Wow, what’s your damage?”
“I’m not in the mood…” You bite back, grab your bag, and walk off. 
“Where are you going?!” 
“None of your business!” 
You’re not even sure where you are going, but with your chest burning with embarrassment and annoyance, you just don’t want to be somewhere you’re labeled as a kid. 
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You ended up at the concession stand to get some ice cream. Okay, not precisely screaming, mature lady. But your irritation at the situation is reaching a peak, and you need a nice cold comfort snack to cool you down.  
A kid… he sees you as a kid, you’re a woman in college, and he calls you a kid… and here you thought he was staring at you. Fooling yourself to think he’s interested. Looking down at yourself, you feel worse, wearing this bikini revealing your body secretly hoping to grab his attention. Ugh! Maybe you should go home, hide in your room till they leave… And why is this line moving so sl-
Suddenly, the feeling of a giant hand grabbing you close startles you. You’re pulled into what feels like a brick wall. Looking up at the sudden grabber, you see that familiar strong jaw and that dark wavy hair, but not his gaze. No, Miguel is looking off at a nearby table at a group of guys who are visibly avoiding eye contact and sweating bullets. 
You look between them for a few more minutes before you ask the million-dollar question, “What are you doing?” 
Miguel doesn’t take his eyes off the group, “Just... keeping an eye on you…”
This only seems to piss you off more; now he’s watching over you like you can’t handle yourself.
You push yourself out of Miguel’s hold, getting his attention to your huffy face, “What’s your problem?”
“I don’t need a babysitter!” You bite back. 
Miguel furrows his eyebrows at you, “I didn’t say you did!” he says, equally frustrated.
“Then stop treating me like I’m some kid!”
Miguel looks at you, confused, before he remembers what he said. “Look… I didn’t mean it like that.”
Before Miguel can finish, he’s being pushed past, you’re doing your best to show how thoroughly pissed off you are. You ignore him the best you can as he walks after you. Trying to ignore how his voice makes your skin tingle as he says your name. But right now, you can’t focus on that. You’re just wanting to slip away and hide! What you were not expecting as you slipped into one of the colorfully painted private changing sheds was for Miguel to follow behind you.
Miguel locks the door behind himself, and you groan. “I was trying to get away from you.”
“Will you at least listen to what I have to say? And stop acting like a brat?”
You roll your eyes, “Oh, so now I’m a brat!”
Miguel continues to get irritated with you, and you’re not listening, so he has to listen to your ranting. You go one about how you're not a kid, how they ruined your summer vacation, and what was the deal at the concession stand.
Miguels finally had enough. If you won’t listen to you he will just have to take the risk and show you.
So, during your rant, you feel two large hands gently grabbing your face. The gentleness of the touch sends currents of desire through your body. His eyes are steady on yours as he watches you lose your words, and your anger die down. Slowly, his thumb moves from your jaw to trace over your lips softly.
“Can you pause for a minute so I can kiss you?” 
You didn’t have to say yes; all you had to do is close your eyes and stand on your tiptoes to let him know you want it as badly as he does—to kiss him.
Miguel touches his lips to yours; their soft fullness blurs your thoughts. All that tingling turns into a back-arching static as Miguel guides you through the kiss. The intensity of the kiss grows with every second, with every careful caress, and as Miguel finally presses his warmth against you, you’re fully lost in him—lost in each other.
The feel of Miguel’s hands dropping to your hips makes your lips part with a gasp, allowing Miguel to slip in his tongue. The taste of him was completely intoxicating, making your thighs tighten and your pussy get wetter with every pass of his experienced tongue.
 Before he can completely lose himself in your kiss, he quickly turns you around so his chest is pressed against your back, and his hard cock is against your ass.
Miguel brings his lips to the shell of your ear, his warm breath softly panting over your skin, making you lean into him. Reaching behind you, you grab a hold of his dark hair between your fingers.
“I’ve wanted to do that since the second I saw you again.” he whispers in your ear.
Miguel slowly moves his large hand to the hem of your bottoms, his fingers teasing the material,
“Then... I’m forced to look at you in this tiny thing, which is driving me even more crazy.”
You can hardly think coherently as you let out a trembling whine, “Crazy…”
Miguel lets out a low purring hum as he slips his finger under the material, his fingertip softly teasing your slick folds. Tempting you to beg. How badly you want to beg... but the feeling of his rough fingers on your soft flesh as your hips slightly rolling against him. It’s all the begging Miguel needs (or that he can handle...) before he finds your slit and starts to tease your opening.
You can’t help but squirm, sick of the teasing and needing to feel him. With a shuddering pled, Miguel finally gives in to his lust, and your lust, and he sips in his finger. The stretch makes you rise to your toes, and your breath gives, the feeling of that curling pressure making you want more. Miguel presses his lips to your neck, his erection growing harder the deeper his digit goes. Miguel can’t help but grind his clothed cock against your ass as he whispers sweet words into your skin. Then right as your pussy is adjusting to his thick finger, he adds another, pushing in deep, all the way down to his rough knuckles. Your sticky arousal dripped down his thick fingers and pooled into his palm.
A sheen of sweat forms on your skin that Miguel eagerly licks up from your neck. Your core is starting to burn, and right as you think you can’t take anymore, his other hand comes down and starts rubbing your clit. Your legs tremble, and you begin to lose yourself in the feeling. Miguel’s breath matches your own as you start to approach that eye-crossing pleasure…
You feel yourself clenching on him, your whole body quivering. This feels like a dream: Miguel, the man you have been silently pining for, is touching you... kissing you... something he has equally wanted as much as you. The girl who was always so close... but off limits... Though now, you both couldn’t take it anymore how you needed each other…
Right as your bottoms are dropping to the floor and a moan is breaking from your throat, Miguel’s lips are on your rapid plus... then a ringing...
You both pause, gazing at each other, then at your bag thrown in the corner during the start of your rant. The ringing continues. You both knew who it was, but you didn’t want to leave this moment. At this moment, you two didn’t have to hide your wants, but if you didn’t answer, your brother would come looking.
Begrudgingly, you two part, with an irritated groan from the both of you. Bottoms back on your reaching for your bag, but your wrist is caught by Miguel before you can pick it up. Looking up at him confused, you see that classic stoic look,
“I don’t want this to stop here.”
You’re completely dumbfounded. Here he is, the man you want saying the thing you want. “What if...” You don’t finish the sentence or want to think of any possible consequences.
Your Phone is still ringing, but you’re too entranced by him. Miguel leans his forehead against yours, “Be sneaky with me, trouble...”
Your summer plans might not be completely ruined after all…
“Think about it... and get back to me... Miguel gives you a chaste kiss, and before you know it, your bag is in your hands, and he exits the changing room. 
In your Miguel daze, you answer your Phone, reassuring your brother that you’re no longer mad and that you and Miguel are on your way back.
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apute11as · 1 month
Liability - Alexia putellas x reader (+platonic Lucy bronze)
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Based on this little request of ficlets (more will follow) x
Warnings: no warnings just Alexia being overly protective
- part of the “everything happens for a reason” universe 🤗
It was around 9pm and Lucy had just returned from dinner and analysis with the team when her phone started to ring. Glancing down at it, she was met with a picture of Alexia bent down as you poured champagne into her mouth out of the Champions league trophy, a contact photo that captured a rare moment of pure joy from the Catalan midfielder. Lucy wondered what on earth would her captain be calling about this late at night, worried it was to yell at Lucy for not telling her that you were pregnant, the second she found out. Hesitantly, Lucy accepted the face time.
“Ay dios mío Lucia today would be great” scolded Alexia.
“Sorry Ale but may i ask why you’re calling me out of the blue?” She replied
“Y/n is pregnant.” She stated bluntly.
Ah yes Lucy could see this one coming but she was not about to be blamed for anything Alexia was ready to accuse her of.
“She is. Congratulations.” Lucy responded in an equally blunt tone.
“I’m very happy” Alexia added.
“You really sound it Ale” Lucy mocked
“Excuse me?” exclaimed the blonde, a hint of annoyance laced her voice.
“Why are you calling me Alexia, I’m very happy for you both too but this phone call seems rather pointless, like something that could’ve been done over text?” Said Lucy, hoping her captain would get to the point so she could be on her way to bed.
“Right yes, there was a point” Alexia stated, clearing her throat as though she was preparing a pre-match speech. “I love y/n very much but she’s ridiculously stubborn, I mean she hid a whole pregnancy for a while just so she could play in this tournament. Whilst I’m mad at her, I can’t say I wouldn’t do the same so with that being said, I’m asking you to watch over her for me.”
Lucy was taken aback, she was not sure what she’d expected from this conversation but this wasn’t quite it.
“You’re asking me to babysit your wife?” Laughed Lucy
“Sort of? I’m just saying I know I already told you to make sure she didn’t do anything stupid, like play through and injury and when I told you to keep an eye on her sickness and stuff but now she’s carrying mi princesa, even more of a reason why I won’t let her do something dumb.” She explained
“Alexia you and I both know how stubborn she is, if I start hovering she’ll kill me” Lucy argued
“Fine I tried to be nice, she always tells me if I use my captain voice it’s not fair but Lucia I swear to God if anything happens to her or my baby I will get you benched for the rest of the season and then kill you” Alexia responded with a stern, demanding voice.
“Okay okay but if she finds out and calls you to complain that’s your fault not mine” bargained Lucy.
“Si si, of course! Make sure she eats enough, lots of vitamins, make sure she doesn’t train too hard, make sure she gets lots of sleep and-“
“Crshhhhh lo siento Capi the phone is- crshhhh breaking up- crshhhhh”
And with that Lucy hung up, rustling her crisp packet worked every time with Alexia as she had been told by you, bless Alexia and her inability to understand technology.
Just as Lucy opened her hotel room door, Mary came running down the corridor with you on her back, Alessia and Ella hot on her heels. Dear God what had Lucy gotten herself into.
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fairlyang · 1 month
Missing You 🕷️
w/c: 944
tags: 18+ smut. mig's turn, masturbating, realization, teasing, down horrendous, phone sex, mutual masturbation,
part one
imagine going on about your day but unlike miguel you don’t let him get a word in because you need to say every single detail or else you’ll forget things. so you don’t even question why he isn’t responding just assuming he’s politely listening like always.
but in reality he's stroking himself, listening to you ramble. 
he couldn't help it. he was just like you in the sense that he loved, loved your voice.
he couldn't help if he got turned on just by hearing your pretty voice. it was so soft and sweet in his ear, how could he possibly be blamed when he gets hard just hearing it? 
you were oblivious to the fact that he wasn't really listening, keeping your story going while he stroked himself over his sweats. he was already so hard and leaking precum through his boxers. 
he laid his head back against his headboard and closed his eyes, imagining it was your hand slowly stroking him and not his own. he bit his lip to keep quiet and slid his hand under his sweats, starting to stroke himself over his boxers. 
he's missed you so fucking bad, his own hand was practically useless but for the time being, he genuinely had no other choice but to use it. if it were up to him, he'd have you jerking him off while he sucked on your tits. or he'd be between your legs and eating you out for hours because he's missed being there desperately. 
what he's missed the most is being inside you. it's been too long he swore he forgot how you felt. how you squeezed him to perfection. how you let out those beautiful moans and cries for him. 
his hand finally went under his boxers and he didn't wait a singular second to jerk himself off fast. he nearly let out a moan but he disguised it for a cough. his eyes shot open when you stopped talking for a second, not catching the moan but instead hearing the sounds of him masturbating. it was identical to how it was just a few days ago so it was hard to miss.
you stifle a laugh and grin, "aww did someone miss me?" you teased, making him roll his eyes and groan. 
"so happy to hear it baby." you say with a little giggle. 
he couldn't help but grin, he didn't think he'd be the one who'd get so turned on just from a normal conversation, now he didn't have anything to have other over your head. "been missing you so much nena.. couldn't help it." 
you swore under your breath and quickly got into a comfortable position so you could join him. "ahora somos iguales huh?" you tease earning yourself a chuckle from him. (now we're the same huh?"
"pues ya que…" he joked, making you roll your eyes. (i guess…)
somehow having the upperhand wasn't enough to help your case but help his. 
after a few seconds you both started to touch yourselves, trying to hear the noises the other would make but you were both too quiet. finally he sighed and just admitted defeat because he wanted to hear you already. "si somos iguales y te necesito aquí ahora mismo." he murmured, it coming out nearly as a desperate plead. (yes we are the same and I need you here, right this moment) 
"fuck-" you moaned and he was somehow already able to hear your wetness in the background.
"estoy contando los días…" he murmured and started stroking himself faster. (I'm counting down the days.)
"I am too baby.. wish you were in our bed." you whimpered, making him groan. 
"yeah? where would you want me?" he asks breathlessly, feeling himself getting closer to the edge just from hearing everything from your side of the line.
everything was practically crystal clear and it drove him insane. 
"on top of me." you cried and the noises only got louder. 
and before he could ask you to be more specific, you kept going, "wanna hold you close while you fuck me."
the moan that came out of him sent shivers down your spine and to your core. spending so much time apart was driving you both insane and all you needed was each other but you still had to wait a few days. 
it was torture.
luckily this was the next best thing and you both had strong voice kinks so these calls were able to help your urge to not just beg for him to come home. he'd do it in a heartbeat which was the problem, he needed to finish his job.
so you'd both torture yourselves by just getting off together. making each other moan and praying the days would go by faster.
continuing the back and forth of dirty exchanges just to make your need for one another even worse.
"doing so good for me baby." he purred, closing his eyes once again and envisioning you on top of him. 
he needed you in every position as soon as he could get to you, he's missed it all. 
his hand went even faster and your moans were becoming louder, just the motivation he needed. 
his orgasm quickly came when you whimpered out his name and let out the most needy moans he's ever heard. that coil in his stomach erupted and he spilled his load over his stomach, and the last bit of it on his thighs. 
he tried to calm his breathing as he heard you also having an orgasm. loud moans and desperate pleas to come home filled his ears and he nearly came for a second time.
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beiasluv · 11 months
lego schumacher | m. schumacher (47)
a/n: i blame tiktok pov, now I’m obsessed with mick 🤭 enjoyy
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yourinsta’s story
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landonorris: excuse me, you’re my racing engineerr
: going back rn 😦 stroopwafels?
landonorris: I’m going to tell Zak 😙
: I’m taking oscar next season :(
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liked by oscarpiastri, mclaren and 367,552 others
yourinsta dear zak, this is my weekly report.
peace out, your favorite racing engineer.
view all 97,812 comments
landonorris why does oscar and mick get all the cool pictures??
yourinsta the worst the better! 😚
landonorris only because you’re my favorite racing engineer
yourinsta I’m your only racing engineer 😐
mclaren OUR favorite engineer! 🧡 thank you mick for joining the testing!
mickschumacher thank you for having me 😁
yourinsta come back soon!
mickschumacher 🧡
username mick is trying so hard not to send the red heart
username try not to flirt challenge
username we need them together ever since F2 😩
username we need more gen z racing engineer out there. restoring my faith in mclaren 😭
username nahhhh have you seen the “never back down never what” of hers and lando’s 😩
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liked by landonorris, estabanocon and 791,519 others
mickschumacher danke to my favorite photographer yourinsta !
view all 276,317 comments
yourinsta anytime :) - your favorite racing engineer ☺️
mickschumacher 🤍
landonorris you are not leaving mclaren 😦
username mick, blink twice if you need rizz help
username pleaseeee they are so blind 😩
username is she or he blind 😭😭
username girl. mick is trying so hard
georgerussell63 great pictures, mate 👊
yourinsta ikr???
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liked by mickschumacher, f1 and 517,961 others
yourinsta happy birthday seb!! thank you for being my biggest supporter/mentor/believer/personal driver 😚 thank you for bringing me joy and comfort during my path in motorsport, miss you!
Ich liebe dich bis zum mond und zurück!
view all 175,781 comments
sebastianvettel thank you, liebing ❤️ (did you use google translate again?)
yourinsta you have to teach me some more german :(
sebastianvettel I know I have someone else to teach you 😄
yourinsta fair enough :( miss you seb!
username mick is punching air rn. I know he wants to call her liebing so bad.
username are we missing the point that mick is also in this??
username WE ARE TALKING about ‘someone else’ to teach her german???
username ikrrrr obviously who??? 🤭
yourinsta’s story
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liked by mickschumacher, lewishamilton and 862,418 others
yourinsta happy summer break!
view all 268,672 comments
mickschumacher I’m not a lego 😕
yourinsta yes, you are ☺️ missing angie alreadyyy
mickschumacher missing you more 🤍
oscarpiastri 👊 welcome to aus!
yourinsta thank you os!! see you next season!
username I pray to Tom holland for the manifestation that they’ll be together, amen.
username amen, sis
username going on a trip together isn’t enough to prove that they’re together???
username girl. It could be just a friendly trip, who knows?
username friendly my ass 😭
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comment for part 2???? 😬🤭
edit: part 2 is out peopleee
like, reblog, anything if you liked it 😃 if not, then why da fuck not? jk lolll.
today’s a great day to take care of yourself!!
2K notes · View notes
heartfullofleeches · 5 months
Yan Ex-Idol Catman + Fan Golden Retriever Hybrid Reader
He's done it a million times before. This should be easy-
"Maybe it's time for me to move again."
Moving cost outweigh the humiliation. He can always find another house near a park or school. One so close to either is hard to find around these parts, but he'll manage. The neighbors, on the other hand... It'd be hard to find anyone like that sweet mutt next door.
"Shit...." The feline scratches behind his ears - molars nawing at the plastic heart glued to the pen grasped in his fist. Torn scraps of notebook paper flutter to the carpeted floor around him as he props his arms up on the table - written signatures of differing scale and quality penned on each. If he could rewind the clock a decade or so - and used a pen with better ink, he'd have done it right the first time. All he had at he desk where the glittery pens his daughter left behind during her last visit. The kind that only seemed to work every other stroke. Had he really sunk so low to blame the inability to write his own name on a cheap pen? Why was he even doing this anyway? The day he quit, he swore he'd live his life for his fans no longer. Why go through all this effort now?
Fingernails claw at his front door. Makariy closes the notebook, tucking it beneath the couch cushions as he climbs up into the furniture. He pauses briefly to check his shirt for stains before speaking.
"It's open."
A gust of wind scatters more pages across the living room floor as the door is ripped out. While he may have hide the book, the physical evidence was still present. He brushes a few of the notes beneath the couch as you enter - trotting up to the coffee table where you drop a fatter stack of paper.
"I brought your mail, made you some lunch, and.... Are those?....."
Kneeling, you gather up some of the pages off the floor. The accelerating wag of your tail creates a small vacuum to which the remainder are sucked into. You snatch them up as well - bouncing on your heels from all the excitement coursing through your veins.
"Are these the signatures I asked you for?" Your voice comes out in quick exhalations - barely sparing a breath between each word. "I mean I only asked you for one, but I can have these too right?! Wait, are they for other people? I'm sorry for being greedy if they are, I just didn't think you'd actually do this for me! Thank you, thank you, thank you- Sir!
Makariy jumps up out of his seat as you bow at his feet. He pulls you off your knees, dragging you up onto the couch as he hears you digging underneath for the other scraps s he hid. "Hey, hey- What did I tell you about that Sir, shit. I'm just your neighbor, got it?
"I know, Si- Makariy. It's just not everyday you mean the lead singer for your favorite idol group. Let alone have him as your neighbor. I hope the food I brought will make up for my outburst."
You have to be conscious of it by now. Even you can't be this oblivious. If you continue to look at him with those eyes there's no way he'll be able to get out of this neighborhood anytime in the near future. There's no telling when the wonder in them will fade once you realize he's nothing like he was back then... He's not sure if his heart can take it.
"You're fine. Just stay for once instead of running off when I start eating. Why do you do that anyway?"
"Just trying to respect your privacy, Sir! Ack- I did it again, and didn't I....."
Oh well... Better to enjoy things while they last.
494 notes · View notes
kittykattropicanna · 9 months
Going absolutely feral over Mechanic!Simon and how you met him :(( I just want him so badddd
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TW: pervy!Simon, smut, creampie, possessive!Simon, dirty talk (praise), he just wants you so bad girl, swearing, kinda naive!reader, brief mention of spanking
Mechanic!Simon masterlist
Regular masterlist
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Just imagine you’re driving through a shitty little town somewhere in England, you don’t even know where you are at this point.
Your ex just kicked you out of your shared apartment in the middle of the night and you have nowhere else to go, your only option is to drive in your little shit box of a car as far away from him as possible. 
Of course its poring rain and of course your car breaks down in the middle of the road surrounded by scary looking government houses and a very obviously high homeless guy screaming and yelling all sorts of profanities :(
With shaky hands you quickly look up every mechanic in town on your phone, its almost dead and none of them answer :( of course they wouldn’t! Its the middle of the night! 
You don’t have insurance either! Everything is going wrong, you’re so lost and scared :( 
You start to panic when there’s only one number left, with a shaky breath you call it and just as you think you're out of luck, a deep cranky voice answers begrudgingly obviously pissed that someone dared to call him at this hour.
Tomorrow is his only day off for the week  >:(
Simons personal number was attached to the shop after Price promoted him to manager, now he has all sorts of dumb fucks calling him all times of the day and he hates it!!
But how could he say no? A poor girl called him in tears gasping for air between sobs and absolutely hysterical :((((  His not an ethical guy and a young girl like you that knows absolutely nothing about cars :( imagine all the extra money he could charge you? You wouldn’t question it either! Oh how could he say no to such a silly girl…
After what feels like hours a very tall, bulky, thick man with a scary balaclava knocks on your driver seat window and you scream so loud!!! His so scary and big! And his eyes! They’re are so angry :(((( he must be so angry at you for calling him :( you feel so bad :(
After he loads your car onto the tow truck he insists on driving you home
“Ohh come on sweetheart, would hate to see a pretty baby like you stuck in the rain, let me take you home darlin’” 
His so pervy too! Subtly touching your arse and looking at your hard nipples that poke through you soaked shirt :(
He can’t help it! You can’t blame him! You’re not wearing a bra! 
And with a beautiful face like yours and a body like that, what did you expect him to do? Not eye fuck you? Don’t be ridiculous. 
You tell him that you have nowhere to go because your shitty ex threw you out and Si insisted you stay with him!!
“Oh pet, you poor poor girl, you want to get a room at a motel? No. Nooo. That’s no place for a doll like you, come stay with me darlin’, come on sweets, I’ll sleep on the couch, promise yeah?”
“I’m just tryna’ keep ya safe honey, its not nice around these parts, okay? hate for somthin’ to happen to ya”
And you know his right :( he came all this way in the middle of the night, left his comfy bed in the  pouring rain just to help you, his from around these parts and he knows best!
His voice is so deep and husky, you just know a man like him could keep you safe!
You jump in the shops tow truck and he insist you take off your soaking shirt and put on his company jacket. 
Its covered in oil and dirt, smells like cigarettes and is wayyyy to big for you. “Riley” is printed onto the left breast pocket with a large logo with the words “Price’s Motor Repairs” on the back. 
Its so disgusting and smells musky but something about it makes your pussy clench!!! His so manly, so dominant, how could you not get turned on by him!!! You could feel his eyes roam your breasts as you sit in his jacket, chest completely bare underneath, hard nipples rubbing against the fabric :(((
Once you reach the shop, he drops your car off then shows you around.
He wants to impress you sooooo bad, showing you all sorts of tools and telling you what he uses them for, how he uses them to fix things. The whole time his talking all you could look at is his big muscly arms as he purposely flexes them for you. 
Never in his life has he seen such a gorgeous, gorgeous girl and all he wants to do is bend you over his modified truck and fuck you so hard you’re creaming on his cock :(
And that’s exactly what he does! Before driving you back to his, he has you bent over, back arched and his callused hand wrapped around your hair as he ruts into you while you're still in his company jacket :((((
Your poor pussy hasn’t taken such a big girthy cock before, his wide hips connecting with your arse and slamming your much smaller body into the hood of his car :3 
Thrusts so deep his car shakes from the force :)
As you moan and babble completely cock drunk you can hear him snickering and grunting behind you, whispering dirty words in your ear 
Praising you between grunts….
“Look at you love, fuck, look at that perfect fuckin’ pussy, taking my cock so well, such a good girl, aren’t ya?” As he pounds into you so deep the tip of his leaking cock touches your cervix. A small squeal exiting your lips as he holds you there for a second, letting you feel for the first time what a real deep pounding feels like :)
“Never been fucked this good have ya baby? Never cum his hard before” he’d snicker has you cum for the third time, legs shaking and mascara running not from the rain this time, but from the tears of pure pleasure his so kindly giving you :(
And of course his coming inside of you! His loads are so big as well, when he finally lets himself cum he absolutely floods your pussy :)))
Your moans bounce around the tin walls of the shop, the sound of him slapping your arse echoing  at the same time
You can feel the hot ropes shoot up inside of you as he continues to slowly thrust making sure none of it goes to waste. 
He tries to suppress his moan, disguising them as grunts but a few slip past his lips :( 
He doesn't pull out but that doesn’t stop his cum from leaking out of your cunt and down you beautiful thighs, 
“Look at tha’ baby, fuckin’ hell, you did so good for me my gorgeous girl, so fuckin’ good”
He just met you but his already so, so possessive. :)
He carries you to his truck because your legs feel like jelly :( his so gentle with you too, whispering in your ear how good you did for him and how you're such an obedient girl, his obedient girl. 
You fall sleep in his truck, curled up in the passenger seat, his company jacket still wrapped around your bare chest. 
You’ve had such a big night and the sound of the soft radio and drizzle of rain lulls you to sleep. 
You wake up in Si’s arms as his gently placing you into his bed. 
“You’re alrigh’ darlin’, jus’ close ya eyes for me, ill be here”
Its safe to say he didn’t take the couch that night :3
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Request are open for Mechanic!Simon, I would love to hear your thoughts so feel free send them through and add to the AU. im just obsessed w/ himmmm
!Disclaimer! - Above is NSFW content - MDNI - If you follow my blog without your age in your bio, you will be blocked - If you are under the age of 18, you are not welcome here, otherwise, enjoy :)
Cat divider sourced by @positively-mine from Pinterest - Pink line divider by @eloquentreverie - MDNI divider by @cafekitsune
Basic blog housekeeping -  fic requests guidelines, boundaries and my rules for minors
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spidybaby · 5 months
Not The Romantic Type | Part Three
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Part One | Part Two
"Aren't you nervous?" Fer asks, hands busy helping Pedri fix his smoking. "I'm about to colpase from the excitement."
"I feel like I'm going to cry myself to sleep, but in a bad way, I can't believe that I'm actually on the top three to get this."
If you ask him, only in his dreams he was able to be on the top three of the most likely to get the ballon d'or.
He improved so much over the years, he worked more on perfecting his game to be able to classifie into the best players.
He remembered the Golden Boy award, Messi won one before winning his ballon d'or. Now he's following into his idol footsteps.
"Mom wants a picture of you on the suit." Fer says as he snaps a picture of him. "Venga, let's go get some food, we still have that meeting with the constructor."
Pedri thank the designer, changing into his normal clothes back to meet the new contractor.
Fer and him are partnering in a restaurant, he trusted his brother as a chef for his whole career. It was obvious he was trusting him with something this big.
"We need an interior designer." The constructor tells them. "I know you have a vision of how you want this to look like. However, I feel that with a little help and more inspiration we can make this amazing."
"Vale, if you think it's what we need, then let's do it!" Pedri says excitedly. "Fer will be the one meeting up with this person since I'll be at the field."
"No problem, I think my girl will be the one. Not that I'm talking bad about the guy, but she's just a star when it comes to modern luxury style."
"Perfecto!" Fer smiles, "Let's meet up with her, I'm so excited."
Pedri was excited about everything, the ceremony in France, the new project, the possible winning of the Champions League.
He was focused on the field and nothing else. That's why Fernando decided to be the caregiver or the project, so Pedri would be all into his element.
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The dressing room was euphoric, the players happy about winning the semifinals, they're playing the final at home.
"Visca al Barca" Gavi yells.
"Visca al Barca" they all second.
"And let's all celebrate to our next Ballon d'or, the magician Pedri." Ter Stegen shakes him. "Vamos Pedri!"
They throw all the water they can at him, making him smile and laugh at how much support he has from his friends. His second family.
After the celebration Ferran invited Pedri to a little party he planned. "No lo sé, tiburón. I'm kinda tired and I have to meet with the designer to measure the tux"
"A little party never killed nobody." Ferran insisted, but he denied. He needs rest and peace.
"Vale, pero me lo debes." He hugs him tight. "See you around, pepi."
He drives home, passing in front of the place where the restaurant will take place. He can't help but feel pride, this feels like an extension of their parents' hard work.
Fer was laying on the couch, checking some ideas the ID (interior designer) sent them.
"Hola, tonto." Pedri pulls lightly his brothers hair. "Are those the ideas this girl sent you?"
"Si, look at this, I love this idea she has." Fer pass him the iPad. He sees the ideas, loving all of it. "She's amazing, first thing and I'm already in with everything."
"Yes, this is cool." He checks everything, loving every idea. "When are you meeting her?"
"I think tomorrow." Fer gets up, walking to the kitchen and pulling out food. "But don't worry, I'll update you on everything."
"So, as you can see here." The constructor pointed to the ceiling. "We thought about lighting that can be dimmed as the sun light goes down."
"My brother and I loved that idea, specially because we have that at home recently installed and I think it will go so well."
"Perfect, our designer will come any minute now, she told me traffic was hectic and she was just a block away but stuck."
"It's okay, I get it. It took me an hour and a half to get here today, so I can't blame her." He laughs, interrupted by his ring tone." Excuse me for a second."
The constructor kept looking at his structure with your design. The sound of heels makes him turn, you were walking fast while holding your iPad and a few more things.
"I'm so sorry, Marc." You apologize, leaving your things on the desk. "I think today is not my day. Is the client mad?"
"Not at all, Y/n." He pats your back. "He's an amazing dude, super relaxed. You will hit it off real quick."
You smile relief. You didn't want to lose this client, specifically because Marc told you they wanted to expand if the first restaurant goes well, meaning you will expand with them.
"Let's meet him them." You nervously giggle. "What's his name again?"
"Fernando, he's a chef."
Before you can even connect the dots, Fer walks into the room, saying goodbye to the person on the line.
"Fernado, so nice you're bac. This is our interior designer, Y/n."
You smile at the sight of him. Haven't seen him since the breakup. He has more facial hair, and he's stronger and definitely more mature looking.
"We know each other." You smile, still surprised at his presence. "We go way back actually."
Fer is as astonishing as you are, opening his arms to greet you into a hug. "It's been a long time no see." He laughs, hugging you tight. "Gosh, I can't believe you're our designer."
"I can't believe you're my clients." You laugh. "Let's leave the talk for later, I want to explain this to you, and then we can use the time."
He nods, letting you explain every part of your ideas. He can't deny that even if it wasn't you, he loves the ideas and can't think of any way to make it better.
You ask him about colors, measurements, textures, and different stuffs you will need to prepare yourself for your work.
"Perfect! We can't say that this meeting was a success." Marc happily says. "I'll keep working while you two chat a little, excuse me." He wayves goodbye while Fer and you say goodbye.
"Entonces," Fer says, picking your side like he used to. "You're a well-known designer." You nod, smiling.
"And you're a well-known chef, Mister González." You laugh. "It's so nice to see you. How have you been?"
"It's been good, I'm older but I think wiser." He hands you your iPad. Helping you with some things. "What about you?"
"I mean, you can tell how I am. I got my dream job and I feel like nothing can go better than this." You shrug.
Fer wants to ask. He needs to ask if you have someone or not, but he doesn't want to intrude into your private life.
"So, how's the family?"
"They're good, nothing to report." You nod. "What about your family? How are Rosy and Fernando? How is the Tasca going?"
You can't help but miss them, specially Rosy, she acted like a mother to you, always worrying about you, taking care of you when you were sick.
"Mom and dad are so good. They are healthy." He smiles at the thought of them. "The Tasca is doing good. This is a little extension of it, but bigger."
"I'm so happy for you, Fer." You hug him, happy about him, making his dream of having his own restaurant come true. "How is Pedri?"
Fer is speechless, he didn't think you will ask about him, not after the way you two ended things.
"Bueno, no le va mal." He laughs. "He's on top three to win the ballon d'or, Barcelona is on the UCL finals, la Liga finals. He's at the top."
You smile, you're happy he is getting all the awards he deserves. He's always been amazing at his job.
"I'm happy for him." You nod. "Even tho I haven't really been aware of the team. I've been busy lately."
"Maybe you can catch up, he's also in this with me." Fer smiles as big as he can "and he's single." He elbow you.
You laugh at this, blushing a little at the confession. You did hear some rumors about him and some girls, deep down wanting for it to be just that, a rumor.
"Don't know why that's important." You giggle, looking down. "We been over for a long time now."
"Well, if you want him back, he's available to be picked."
"Fer." You laugh. "He wouldn't pick me, specially with all the girls he's probably getting." You look away while saying that.
He always got girls, and nobody could deny that. In your mind, they were girls who were hotter than you, prettier than you, more experienced than you.
That was something that made you feel insecure, not that he was engaging with them in any way, he always ignored them or just straight up blocked them.
But you had that little insecure voice from time to time that told you that he had better options and that you needed to step up.
"Don't say that." He says in a serious tone. "You were the best thing Pedri had."
Fer wasn't lying. After you left, Pedri went down a very dark path. He was going out, drinking, bringing girls home.
Everything to make him forget about you. Girls who looked nothing like you, who acted nothing like you.
Girls who went after his money and his fame. They were doing everything they could to show they were with The Pedri from Barcelona.
You on the other side, always made sure to be cautious about not getting recognized. You never wanted the attention that came with being his girlfriend.
You were with him since he was that Canarian guy at Las Palmas, that skinny boy who made it big.
You were there before the fame, before the fans, before the name. But you were his past.
"If you say so." You exhale. "I will send you a virtual look of everything with all of the things you picked."
The change of subject makes Fer think you may not be as interested in his brother as he thought you would be.
Maybe you moved out and didn't want to let it out. Maybe you changed your likes and now you're not up for a footballer.
"Thank you, I'll see you here next time I pass by?"
"You will, I'll be here a lot more."
With a hug goodbye you both walk out to your cars. You wave him as you enter your car, getting a honk from him.
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Fer can't even believe the picture he's seeing. He thought Pedri was being honest with him when he said that no more one night stands with random girls whom the club invite to their parties.
He can't help but feel embarrassed about talking to you all this past days about how much Pedri would love to have you back.
But now his little brother is on all the magazines and gossip news of Barcelona and Spain as a taken man by this random influencer who obviously posted more about being at the party.
One part of him can't blame Pedri, he was in a committed relationship since he was sixteen, he obviously went out and went crazy after the break up.
But six years later was a little too much for him to keep his crazy behavior. He had a chance of winning the girl of his dreams back.
Fer can't help but think about you. If you see this news and pictures, you will definitely think all he's been saying is a joke and that he's playing with your feelings.
And how right he was, you can't help but feel anger. He's been spending all this time changing topics to Pedri.
"Pedri was busy but says hello."
"Oh Pedri can't wait to be here to see you."
"When you're back together, I'll be the happiest brother in law you will ever have."
Was he teasing you?
You don't even want to go to work today. You want to call in sick and spend all day in bed thinking about how stupid you are for believing Fernando's words.
But you won't. The breakup didn't stop you back then, and it won't now.
You will walk with your head up, ready to work in your nice outfit. You won't mind, you have so much to lose, he already lost you.
He lost you.
You didn't lose him.
"Buenos días!" You say, giving Marc his favorite coffee order as usual. "Any news I should now?"
"Well, the Calcutta Gold Marble is taking longer than expected but after that nothing to worry about."
You nod, leaving your things at your little station. "As always with Calcutta."
"By the way, Fernando was looking for you. He's outside talking with David." You nod, thanking him and walking to where Fer is.
You know he's about to mention the picture. He can't help it but be so obvious about things. But you will change the subject as much as you can't.
"Hey, boss." You smile "heard you wanted to talk to me."
"Hey, how are you?" He plays with his necklace.
"I'm good. I had a very nice sleep." You smile. "I want to tell you, the Calcutta Gold Marble we picked for the bar area is taking more time. Don't worry about it. That's normal with that material, but just a heads up."
He half smiled, not sure how to approach you. He wants to say sorry. He wants to kick his brother.
"I'm sorry." He spat, can't even think straight due to the blame he feels. "You probably saw the picture and -."
You sigh, not wanting to have this conversation this early. "Fer, let's focus on what we need to focus."
"I just feel like I need to apologize."
"You don't. Let's move to what's important here. Your restaurant."
He understood quickly, not bringing the topic again. That made you relax. Before this project you were fine not thinking about Pedri. You are fine now.
You focus on making this project happen. You wanted Fer to have the best reaction when he sees his project finish.
"So, are you nervous about tomorrow's match?" The press guy asks him. "It's the finals for the UCL, and then you have to go to France for the Ballon D'or. You have a pretty crazy schedule."
"Bueno, I think I've always had a crazy schedule." He laughs, making the interviewers laugh too. "But I'm not nervous, I trust my team, I have a big trust in all the work we've been doing. We trust out Mister, so to me it's about focusing on staying healthy, making goals and winning."
"Walk us through the process you have for your next trip to France."
"Joder, it's not that much. If I'm honest, I have the tux, have the shoes, have my family, don't think I need anything else."
"Pedri, we got many requests to ask you if you don't walk with a ballon that night, will we see you walking with a special someone?"
He half smile at that question, knowing he fucked up by getting too close to María at the party.
"I don't have a girlfriend. If that's what you're asking." He shrugs. "I'm single. And probably the only lady I will be going to hug during the ceremony and after is my mom. Thank you."
He walks away, mad at himself for allowing this to happen again. He knows this girls just want the hype attached to his name. Specially now, with all the winnings of the club.
"Dude, you okay?" Gavi asks, noticing his frown. "What did they say?"
"They asked if I'm walking out that fucking auditorium with someone, es una putada, I will celebrate the week I don't get linked with some random girl."
Gavi lift his eyebrow. "Si, but the rumors don't just appear." he scuffs and turn to his locker.
"What do you mean?"
"Pedri, you used to be out and about with a different girl every other week. You flew this girl to Manchester. When you came back, you had this other girl in a new hotel. You're doing this to yourself."
He can't even argue because it's true. He did all those things. He flew all these girls. He fucked up his reputation.
"Me cago en la puta." He threw the towel at the inside of his locker. "I just wish I can have some fucking privacy."
"Then don't involve yourself with girls who only care to expose that they're with you." He hits him with his jersey. "Dude, you can go out and find a nice girl who will want a relationship and not just sex and a picture."
He nods, stresses about the topic already. Gavi is right. So is Ferran when he advise him not to mess with every girl that flaunt at him.
And when Fer tries to get some sense into him finding someone to settle to. Someone who will be happy to welcome him after a long day, someone who wants to grow a family with him.
He doesn't want that. Not without you.
He agreed to move out that day when you asked him to be happy, to find someone who would celebrate all his victories.
But he had that. He had you.
He lost you.
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The game was about to finish, the extra time about to finish.
The Bayern had a corner. So they have to step up and prevent them from scoring. Just two minutes more and that's it.
"Vale, a ver." He yells, catching up the attention of the players near him. "Marc, just this cover up and the Champion is ours, please catch it." He makes them laugh. "Fermin, cover Davies. Gavi, cover Saliba. I'll cover their number 10."
They all nod, positioning themselves. They were nervous, this was their chance. This was their final chance.
When Marc let the ball go, Gavi was at the right place at the right time. He hit the ball with his feet, making it go out of the goalkeeper area.
Raphinha runs away with it. Getting the ball as far as possible from their area. Just when he's trying to make a assist to Pau, the referee blows the whistle.
Pedri runs to Gavi and Fermin. Hugging them while screaming. The public was as static as they are, cheering for them.
They won. They got the Champions League.
He look over at where his family is, they're screaming and jumping. Everybody is, the whole stadium is.
Running to his parents open arms. He can't help the tears of happiness as he hugs his family.
Feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrr added to his story
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You are happy for him, you can't lie to yourself like you do to other people.
You feel proud, he got everything he ever wanted, he got la liga, he got the Champions and he's probably will get the Ballon.
And he did what you asked him to do. He got himself someone to celebrate all that with. Someone who will make him happy.
The sour taste in your mouth haven't left since you saw that picture of him with that girl at the party.
He left you behind, like you asked him to.
You tried to focus on the work you were doing, turning the tv off to pay more attention.
You can't, your mind goes back to the way things used to be. He made mistakes, and you accepted all those mistakes because you loved him.
While he is at his party, with his family and his new girl. You are trying to forget about the memories of him.
You fix all the things Fer asked you to fix in the design, making the things he wanted as similar as possible as he explained.
You texted him, asking him if he was able to come see you to approve everything so you order the material.
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Fer answers you while he opens the door of his home. He was still ashamed about the picture situation. He could sense the change in your attitude before and after that picture.
"I need your help, I don't think I can walk upstairs by myself." Pedri whine, he drank more than he should, making him dizzy.
Fer helps him, carrying him while walking upstairs. "Pedri. You need to help me just a bit."
He feels bad, he doesn't want to celebrate alone. All his teammates with their partners and kids and he's alone.
Yes, he has his parents, his brother, this family and friends. But he needs a hug at night when he gets insecure. He needs a shoulder to cry.
He craves intimacy, not sexual intimacy. He wants to feel secure with someone to the point of trusting all his worries and deepest secrets.
He wants someone to know his family, to sit at his parents' table and have a relationship with them.
"I'm sad," he confess. "Am I allowed to be sad?"
Fer can't even understand where this is coming from. He never saw signs of Pedri being sad or never heard anybody telling him to suck it up.
"Pepi, you can be sad." He reassured him. "Why are you sad? Tell me"
Pedri just shakes his head, not even sure how to approach the topic. "I miss my life back when I was twenty."
Fer understood, his brother carries a lot of responsibility on his shoulders, especially now with the whole <he needs to bring the ballon d'or home just like Messi>
"How can I help you, pepi?"
"If you have a magic wand that can bring me back to when I was happy and didn't have to fuck a girl every night to feel something, please use it."
He frowns, not sure how to reassure his brother. He knew Pedri felt alone. He can tell. He told him off about his sex life.
Not shaming him, but making him understand that the pattern he was following was not healthy at all.
"I can help you by not leaving you alone." He hugs him, pating his back lightly to calm him down. "I'm here, always will."
He helps Pedri take his clothes off and get into bed, he wants to check him in case he feels down again.
Once Pedri is passed out, he tries to plan something, how can he help him?
He picks his phone to text his mom that they're home. He sees the last text he sent is to you. The light bulb on his head turns.
He can help him, he's not with anyone, not that girl at the party and is done with the playtime every other week.
If he asks him to go to the meeting and approve the things you need, you can meet and reconnect.
He just needs his brother to be ready tomorrow to meet you. He knows he still thinks about you, and you might still do the same.
He texts you, asking you to meet at four p.m., by that time his brother will be up and fresh to see you.
Feeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrr added to his close friends
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"I don't even want to be near a drink in my life." Pedri makes a disgusted face, he needs a whole gallon of water.
"Finish the drink so we can go."
The drink looks bad, very bad. Even tho it was just a tea with no sugar. "Maybe I'll just go brush my teeth."
Fer feels excited. He wants his plan to go well. He's anxious but happy. He knows it's about time you two make a move and solve what needs to be solved.
"Vamos, big head." Pedri smack the back of Fer head. "You drive, I can't do nothing yet."
The trip was not as long as usual. The streets were lonely and Fer was driving slowly. He confirmed you were coming before leaving the house.
When he parked, he noticed Marc's car parked in front of the building. To his luck, the parking lot was being modified, so he needed to park in the nearby building.
"Oye, I'll find somewhere to park. There's a little office, white door to the left. Wait for me there."
He does as he's told, walking with his head down. Still feeling the pain from all the drinking he did.
"Hola?" He asks, opening the door a little before entering.
He looks at all the things on the walls, the chair textures, the floor wood, the bar design, the lamps options.
He's in love with all the ideas, with the little real-life version of what the restaurant will look like. With the little pink pen notes the designer left. The door opening can't bother him. Looking at all the planning that they made in so little time.
You can't even blame him, you weren't paying much attention either. Focusing on answering Marc's text about something related to a change that needed to he approved as soon as possible.
"Hola Fer. Sorry I haven't gotten a chance to greet you properly. I've been so busy with all this little things."
You open your bag to search for your iPad, wanting to show him everything quickly to move out and not waste more time.
Pedri turns quickly, the sound of your voice amazes him. You're there after so long. After all this time.
"Hey about the Marble, I think it's best if we just switch the whole piece. This is taking so long." You won't turn, he won't say a word. "Fer?"
The two of you are just standing there, looking at each other, no words in between. Nothing.
Pedri thought a lot about what would happen if he ever saw you again. Definitely all that planning went out the window the second he heard your voice.
You practice too, what if you find him in a bar some day in Barcelona? You wouldn't mind it. But you're minding it very well.
"Hola." You finally say, voice breathless and gone.
His eyes are rooming you up and down. He can't help but point at every little detail that's different about you, different in a good way. You feel the heat coming up your cheeks. He's there, looking more mature, more handsome.
You shake your head, you have one job to do, getting the changes approved to the project move forward.
"Is your brother coming? Because I really need him to approve this for me." You grab your iPad, tying to look uninterested.
"Oh, I can approve it." He extend his hand and you hand him the device. "Just explain to me what this is exactly?"
While you explain every little detail about the changes, showed him how it was before to compare and to see if he likes it.
He likes everything, but there's something about the way you talk, something about the way you smell, you didn't change that perfume you love.
"I like your hair." Your hair is longer. He loves that. You always talked about wanting to let it grow to try new hairstyles.
You smile, the closeness not helping the situation. "Thank you." You say softly.
You might act calm, but from the inside, you're about to burst because of the way he looks. It's a good thing he changed his style.
Also his perfume, he's using the same perfume you gave him once, he didn't change it. And that facial hair is gone, he's shaved and clean.
"Do you like how everything is, or do you want to make any more changes?" You ask, trying to act professional.
"I mean, you're a star. This looks amazing." He praise you. Making you feel a wave of pride. "Fer will love this."
Your smile grows, you're happy he likes the changes. But you like even more the way he's praising you work like never before.
"So how are you?"
You close the iPad, sending Marc an "approval" copy of the digital prototype. "I'm good, been working hard and I've been busy with it." You shrug, not sure what else to say. "Congrats on the UCL, I heard you guys won."
He smiles, winning the game with his two goals was more than he ever expected. "We did, thank you."
"two goals huh?" You tease him. Feeling a little confident.
He rolls his eyes playfully. Laughing at your teasing. "I'm kind of proud of that, I'm in my Messi era? Or something like that."
You both laugh, you missed this, miss having someone to joke to. You back away from his circle, haven't seen his friends since then, when you are in Tenerife you won't go to his parents Tasca.
You missed having someone from your past in Barcelona. Someone who knew you before the city, someone who knew you as well as he did.
"That's great." You pat his arm. "I guess I'll see you around." You walk with him to the entrance. "Tell your brother I'll text him, I still need to show him some things."
"Sure, if not, you can text me. It won't hurt if I get a little more involved." He throws the jab at you, noticing your little lip smile.
"I'll ask your brother to send me your number." You say, stopping in from of the exit door. "Bye." You walk over the construction area, he can't keep his eyes away from you.
When he's out, Fernando is waiting for him in his car, the smile he has, knowing what he did. He acts as if nothing happened, he couldn't find parking and wait for you.
"Hey, was everything looking good?"
Pedri scuff, shaming his head while smiling. "Hijo'puta" he jokes, hitting him in the head. "You didn't told me she was here"
"I wanted to surprise you."
"Joder, she looks beautiful. Her smile hasn't changed at all, and her eyes, mierda, are shining like crazy."
Fernando is happy hearing Pedri talk about you, he haven't seen him this happy in a long time. Haven't talk about anyone like this in a long time.
"Her perfume, Dios mio. She hasn't changed that perfume, the same since we met." He's still rambling about you. "You didn't tell me, why?"
"I thought it was for the best, plus you were finding out once you started coming."
"Would it be crazy if I confess that I might be in love still?"
The smile on their faces is comical. Fer knew he never forgot you, and Pedri was just admitting it out loud.
"No." He laughs. "You have one more chance, dude. Don't blow it."
And he doesn't.
Every chance he gets now, he will visit the place. He will be there even tho there's nothing of interest happening.
He loves making small talk with you. Having you explain everything you do or everything you order.
It's weeks and weeks of him doing this, bringing you a coffee or drink every time. You can't help but smile at him, still remembering your order of drink.
Also if he has training in the evenings, he will bring you something to eat for lunch. Worrying because you don't give yourself a little break. In his words.
"This is what I was telling you the other day. If you put this on the bar, it will look better than this other one." You show him, thinking he's playing attention.
"Let me take you out on a date."
You smile, not sure what to say. You want to accept, you still have feelings for him. But you don't want to feel what you used to feel when you were with him.
"Please, I know a place you would love."
"Pedri, I don't think it's a good idea. We are working together and if this doesn't go well its just going to be awkward for us."
"It will not, please just give me a chance." he beggs, grabbing your hands. "If you don't like it or you don't feel good I promise I will back off."
His hands on yours, thumbs caressing your fingers. You want to say no, not repeating the pattern. But you want to give him the chance his asking.
"Vale, but you have to promise me that you won't wear those ugly skinny jeans."
He laughs, he knows how much you used to hate those kind of jeans. Always asking him to let you into his closet to get rid of them.
"If you want to you can dress me, I'll be Ken and you can style me all the way."
You shake your head no while laughing, "I don't think you'll like me throwing half your closet."
If you had. A chance back then, those Jean shorts and skinny jeans were a must in the out of the closet list.
"Let's go tonight, I'll pick you up and everything."
You nod, writing your address in a pink post it. Thing that make him smile, you loved leaving little notes for him everywhere in his house or car.
"pick me up by 8?" You ask, making him nod. "Te veo entonces." You kiss his cheek goodbye.
You do your best work trying to act normal. When you're on your car you let a big scream. You were excited.
It's been six years, obviously it was nerve breaking.
You hurry home, you have time to calmly change and get ready. You picked a nice outfit, nothing too casual or too formal. The perfect middle point.
You have a long everything shower. Making sure to be as smooth as possible. It's not like you're thinking about doing anything but just to be sure.
Pedri was doing basically the same thing, making sure everything is clean and nice for the night.
He even make sure his car is in neat condition, asking Fer to go to a car wash to get it ready.
"You look fine, niño." Fer reassure him again. "vete ya, or you'll be late."
"Deseame suerte."
"You don't need it, just don't fuck this up and you'll be fine." Fer laughs.
You pass around your livingroom, you boots heel making a sound with every strep. You wanted this to go well.
The doorbell made you freeze. You check mentally if everything is good. Check yourself on the little mirror before opening the door.
"Hola, guapa."
"Hola." You blush a little at the compliment. "What is this?"
He hands you the small bouquet of your favorite flower. "A little souvenir from me, to you."
You small at the little game of words, you taught him that. Every time you got him something you used to say that to him.
You like how he tries to fix the past by not making the same mistakes, he bought you flowers, like you say you wanted back then.
"Gracias, get in, I'll put them on water."
He checks your house, he can't deny that he loves your taste, always did. You have a beautiful house.
His eyes land on a specific blanket, he gifted you that on your second anniversary. He remembered that you wanted the blanket and since he was winning some money on Las Palmas. He went out and got it for you.
"You still have this?" He caresses the material. Memories of how happy you were when you got the gift.
You check what he was talking about, smiling a little when you see what he means. "I do. I love that blanket." You grab your bag and stand next to him. "Plus, I usually watch movies or take naps on the couch, so it's the perfect location."
You walk to your door, making him follow you. "I didn't think you had it still."
"That means you don't have any of the gifts I've ever given you?" You joke, knowing most of the things you gave him were clothes.
He thinks for a second, he does have a ring you gave him for his birthday, he loves that ring. Or the bracelet with an eight engraved.
"I do." he smile, he had everything you gifted him. "I have the ring you gave me when I turned eighteen."
When you walk to the car you see a black Lexus. "Where is the Porsche?" You ask as he opens the door for you.
"Had to upgrade a little bit."
You see a crazy clean car, smelling fresh. You laugh a little, he was never this clean with his car.
The drive to the place was confortable, he asked you about your past works and you asked him about football. The usual.
Dinner was fine, you did liked the place and the food. He was right about it. He even ordered dessert and acted as if the waitress had forgotten the other one just to share it with you.
"It was amazing, thank you very much." You say, turning back to face him as you reach your front door. "I had so much fun"
He steps closer to you, hands on your waist. "That means this is me winning my chance with you?"
Your breathing accelerates. His closeness is making things to you. The tip of his nose is touching yours. You nod at his question, unable to say something.
He smiles, he can tell by your accelerate breathing and the way your hands are on his arms that you don't mind him being this close.
He lay his head on your shoulder, hands on your back and thumbs caressing your sides. Your hands roam his arms. Scratching lightly.
"You have practice tomorrow." You say as you finally get some sense back into you. "And it's getting late."
"I think they will be fine without me there. I just won us the UCL."
His breathing on your neck is tempting. But you want to take things slowly, you want to take baby steps with him.
"I don't." You try to think of an excuse on why he can't stay. "I don't have an extra toothbrush."
He laughs, understanding the message. He wants to go slowly too, proving that he's not the same one who hurt you.
Plus, you are not one of his one night stands, he doesn't want you to feel like one. "Oh no! That means I have to go home." He kiss your collarbone and pull away from you.
You fix a piece of his hair, hand on his arm, securing yourself. "I like your hair like this." Your nails brush his hair. Making him close his eyes at the sensation.
"I'll come see you after training." He pulls away from you. "I really want to take you out again, I missed this."
"I would love that." You kiss his cheek goodbye. Entering you house and waving him a quick goodbye.
The whole trip home was him and his mom on the phone. He always trusted Rosy with anything, her and his father were the first people he calls when something good or bad happens.
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He's mad, throwing his phone on the coffee table next to him.
He doesn't understand how people get to judge him based on things that are not related to football. On the field, he does the work. He makes sure he does assists, he even got some goals like the two of the last game.
He's good, he won't say otherwise. It took him so much effort to admit that he's as good as everybody else and saying he's not is unfair to his work and progress.
"Don't mind the things people say on the internet about you."
"I can't help it. Those random dudes on x saying things about me as if they know me."
"Their opinion don't matter." You pull him by the shoulders. He lays on top of you, hiding his face on the crock of your neck. "Don't let a random person affect your day."
You two have been seeing each other for three months, he makes sure to always go check on you after or before practice.
Always bring you something, some flowers, some coffee or a drink. Something to eat. Named it, and it'll be there.
He loves how much you two progress, and you love how much he showed you he changed, how much different he is from who he was back in the day.
"Don't go to work today, stay with me." He pouts.
You smile, nails scratching his scapl. "I have to go, either way your brother will be blowing my phone with questions and worries about every other thing."
"Block him." He jokes, knowing that Fernando was a perfectionist and wants this project to be as perfect as possible. "Seriously do." He kiss your shoulder before getting off of you.
"If I do I'll be fired." You joke back.
He makes a face. "They can't fire you. I'll get you back in." kissing your lips as he hugs your waist, head on your lap. "I don't want to do anything today."
Your fingers scratch his head, trying to calm him down. "I'll be here later, we can watch something on tv."
He nods, loving the feeling of your hands on his hair. Calming down from his frustration. He missed that, the level of confort, not needing to hide to feel intimacy, he missed feeling happy with a girl.
"I wish I could stay, but right now, I'm the one who calms your brother down when he gets perfectionist with every little detail." He understood, enjoying the feeling of being in your arms.
"Am I crazy or are the lights way too yellow?" Fer asks, judging every little detail he feels is wrong. "And the material, do you think is okay?"
You wanted to laugh, this was a very common thing with clients, they all freak out with the progress.
"Fernando, please don't worry. I promise this would look amazing in a few weeks when things are more placed and organized."
He nods, going to question Marc about something he thought was not right. You move to your office, wanting to organize your things.
You answer Pedri's text, and he told you he was bored and lonely without you. You laugh and answer with a picture of your messy desk.
You hear a knock on your door. "Can I come in?" When you see who it is, your eyes light up.
"Oh my God! Hello." You say happily.
"How are you, nena? I missed you."
"I've been good, working like crazy. You know me, kinda workaholic." You laugh. "How are you? How's Fernando and how's the Tasca doing?"
"We're fine, the Tasca is doing great, a lot of people. You need to go back and pay us a visit." Rosy says, taking a seat next to you. "Fer told me you were working with them, I'm so happy for you."
You love Rosy, she was like a mother to you. She took care of you when you needed it. She cooked for you, she went to your high school graduation when your family couldn't.
She was special to you, really loved her like a family, the same with Fernando. They were family.
You got away from them after the breakup, you needed space and so did Pedri. You thought that invading his space by being near his family was wrong. That's why when you were on Tenerife you didn't went out to see them.
"I am, I didn't know it was them when I got into the project. I'm happy I did. I've missed them."
You talk for a while about different topics, mostly her telling you about all the things that happened all this years.
You also told her about your years, how you ended up with this job and how it was. It was nice to have the talk you two had.
"I missed you, I miss my daughter." She confess. You smile at that. You missed them too.
"I missed you too, sorry I didn't come back to your place. I thought it was the right thing to do after the breakup."
"I get it." She grabs your hands. "Pedri also told me that you guys were trying to see if things work out again."
You smile, nodding. "We are, I feel like we both want that and I feel this is the right thing to do."
"I hope it works out for you two, I want my girl back." She hugs you.
You two talk a little more until Fer went looking for his mom. You grab your things and walk with them to the entrance. You all say goodbye to Marc, asking him to text or call you if he needs anything.
You say goodbye to them, saying that you will call Fer to meet up for lunch on another occasion.
"Do you want a little smoothie?" You ask Pedri as he walked downstairs. "I made a banana and strawberry one."
He nods, walking over to you. He wraps his arms around your waist, kissing your shoulder and your neck.
"I have training at two." He says in a raspy voice. "And I have to pack, will you help me, preciosa?"
You nod, passing him a glass with smoothie. You kiss his forehead and fix his hair a little. "We can work on your luggage after training. I have a meeting and I can't keep missing work." You bop his nose.
He smirks, he knows you work hard, but you have been missing some days of work thanks to him. You didn't have that much problem since they were the one who hired you, and Marc was okay with your working from home.
"I'll pick you up after practice." He smile, kissing you. "I'll get us some food and we can watch your favorite movie while you help me."
You both enjoy your smoothies, talking a little about different topics. Not caring about anything else but each others company.
He planned to ask you to go to the ceremony with him in Paris, he wanted you there, he needed you as much as his family there.
He went to practice, the technical team and his teammates organized him and Gavi a little celebration for good luck.
"I need to know what cream this dude is using because those bags under his eyes disappeared in no time." Raphinha jokes. Hugging him.
They are all in the bathroom, having a chat while getting clean and fresh to go home.
"He's using vitamin love." Ferran jokes from the bathroom. "He's a lover boy now."
They all hit Pedri's head while congratulating him about being in love. He enjoys the messing.
"Venga, this is not a crazy new." He says, fixing his hair.
"It is." Fermin says, hitting the back of his head. "You were the whore of the group and Ferran is here, take that in."
"Mira capullo, I'm a saint." Ferran yells.
"Joer', it was not that bad." He tried to justify himself.
"It was." Gavi says. "That why we are happy that you have a stable relationship. With someone you love and who loves you." Gavi hugs him. Making all the others hug him too.
After the shower chat, he left looking for some flowers, looking for some fresh food from your favorite place, your favorite dessert.
He knocks on your door. When you open, you're greeted by a big bouquet of flowers, you smile taking them from him.
"Hola." He smiles. "You look so pretty." He close the gap between you two kissing your lips. "I have our dinner in the car, ready to go?" You nod, putting your flowers in a pot before leaving with him.
Your relationship has improved, you love the effort he's making.
When you broke up, you told him he didn't have time for you, that he never gave you flowers, he never cared for you to feel like you matter to him.
He wants to change that. He wants you to feel validated, and he wants you to feel loved. Because he loves you and would change a thing about you.
"I have a little something for you." You say, picking the little box and putting it in your purse. "Let's go, guapo."
He asks about it, questioning you about the content inside the box. You told him that he has to wait until later to find out.
When you two arrive at his house, you help him with his bag. Talking about something you saw on tv the other day.
"I forgot to tell you, Gavi and Ferran say hi." He says as you walk into his room. Food in hand. "And Ferran wants to know if you can unlock him on Instagram." He laughs.
You laugh with him, promising you will do it later. You left your phone charging downstairs, so he had to wait.
"Do you know what you want to take?" You ask him, your eyes fixed on the screen as you search for your movie. "It's cold, and you have to have some outfits just in case. What if you got an outing that needs something formal?"
He nods. "I have a list on my phone of what I want to take, some cargos, a bumper jacket, the suits are being taken by Dolce."
He pulls a luggage, opening it on the bed so you can help him pick the clothes and help him with organizing.
It was a fun time. You ate while organizing and feeding him most of his food to help him some more.
"Oye." He calls your attention. "I want to speak with you about something."
You nod, taking a seat on the edge of the bed. He was standing in front of you. "Tell me."
He takes a deep breath. He needs to be prepared for a bad answer in case you don't feel comfortable with the invitation.
"I want you to know that no matter what, you can say no, and I'll be okay with that." He began saying. "I want you to come with me to the ceremony." He says.
He takes a few more breaths. Trying to prepare himself for the question. "I want you to come with me and my family. I want you all there. My mom, my dad, Fer, and you." He grabs your hands. "The thing here is, I know our relationship is not established as in right now, but I want to know if you would like to come with me as my girlfriend."
You smile. Thumbs caressing his hands.
You need to talk with him before compromising yourself again.
Yes, he did progress. Yes, he did change. Yes, he was better.
But you can't swipe things under the rug. You can't be one of those who start over without making peace with the past.
"Can you sit down with me?"
He nods, taking a seat next to you. He thinks you're saying no, preparing himself for that.
"I want to talk to you." You began. "Before answering your questions, I need you to compromise with me on something."
He nods, already agreeing with whatever you want to say.
"I need you to compromise and tell me if you ever feel like what we have is bothering you. If what we do is making you question our relationship. I want you to be honest with me. To trust me and to be straightforward with how you feel and how I make you feel."
He's surprised, he thought he was getting bad news but no.
"If we are doing this again, Pepi, talk to me." You giggle. "I want your honesty, I want your opinions, I want the long run with you. But I need a compromise." You grab his hands. "I'm not getting younger, I want a family, I want someone to come home to after a long day, after a sad day or just after work. Someone to spend my weekends with watching something or reading a book. And if you can't do that or simply just don't want to. It's okay." You smile at him. "Just be honest."
He frees his hands, grabbing your cheeks and kissing you. "I promise you that I will be the most honest person you'll ever know." He smiles. "I promise that you never were a bother and never will. I want the same as you, I want everything."
You hug him tightly. Sitting on his lap as his hands roam up and down your back.
It felt right. It felt necessary.
You finally got your past to be friends with your present.
"Now about what I asked, if you could answer." He says, giggling a little.
"Yes, to everything." You kiss his lips.
"Also about the gift?" He asks, curious.
"Yeah, you'll wait more than just a few minutes." You say, caressing his cheeks. "But I'll be worthy."
"Do I look fat in this tuxedo?" Fer asks.
Everyone in the room takes a look at him, questioning if it was the nerves of the situation or if he was serious.
"No." His father says, he wanted to laugh but kept it.
They continue helping with getting ready, leaving soon after everything seems under control.
Pedri and you were alone, finishing with your clothes and looks for the gala. You reassure him that his tux and hair looked good.
"Amor, everything will go the way it is supposed to go." You kiss him quickly. "Trust yourself."
He nods, hugging you to calm his nerves. He can't deny that he's not feeling as confident as he says in the news or interviews.
A knock on the door makes you separate. "Pedri, ready?" His manager asks.
He nods, taking a last look of himself in the mirror. When he's about to leave, your eyes caught the glare of the little box in the nightstand.
"Wait, your gift." You say, walking to the furniture and grabbing the box to take it to him. "Open it before we leave."
You were excited for him to see what's inside. You kept it a surprise until today, knowing he would be less nervous like this.
"How?" He asks, taking the tux bow out of the box. He recognized the piece. "I thought I lost it."
You smile. The bow has a meaning for him. He bought it before leaving to play for Las Palmas. He spent a good part of his savings on it.
"You told me, before leaving the island, that this was the bow you were going to wear when you got your first ballon d'or." You help him with taking the bow he has on and putting the new one in place. "And tonight, this is happening."
He feels his eyes getting teary. He can't help but think about his little self buying the bow at the local shop.
He knew back then that no matter what, he was going to work hard to get into that nominations and into the podium.
And he did.
"Te amo." He kiss you quickly. "Ahora vamos por ese jodido balón." He laughs, making you laugh. (I love you. Now let's go get that damn ballon)
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pedri De las mejores noches de mi vida ❤️
Thank you Culers for all the love and support. Without you, this wouldn't be happening. This is not only mine but yours too ❤️
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fcbarcelona Our winner 🏆❤️💙
ferrantorres grande hermano ❤️8️⃣🐐
leomessi felicidades Pedri 🐐 bienvenido al club de campeones 💪🏻
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🏷: @gadriezmannsgirl @mbappe-pedri @coco6514 @coco657 @gavisfanta @jajajhaahaha @urmotheris @dessxoxsworld @girlidekanymore @lanussysworld @largavidaalsol
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frogchiro · 1 year
HELLO LOVELIES!! due to popular demand I present to you this, a kinda 2 part to this baby. I wanted to thank you for the overwhelming love that little brain rot got so I'm writing something extra ^^ While this may not be a direct continuation it's set in the exact same universe and everything so you can read is as a stand alone another part of perverted nasty Ghost (and a guest!) or a continuation of other nasty shenanigans that Si would do to his little hacker girl :(
fem!reader, nsfw, nasty perv Ghost and a special guest, can be read as kinda dark? nothing hardcore it's just implied that Simon is terribly possessive bordering on obsessed and he has dark-ish tendencies so be careful!
That being said, nasty perv Ghost who's almost buzzing with barely repressed anger, almost snarling, teeth baring beneath his mask. He's standing on the sidelines of the mattress laid out on the gym floor as he watches Price go at you almost like a wild animal, grabbing and tossing you around like you're a rag doll, ultimately pinning you down to the floor with his massive body with your hand behind your back and laid out on your tummy, all tired out and panting with Price leaning down to your ear and growling something to you that made you let out a pathetic keen.
Simon didn't hear what the captain said to you but judging by your facial expression it must have been something suggestive; nasty and perverted and delivered in that deep growly rumble of Price's voice.
The blonde man knew that this whole 'compulsory hand to hand combat training' was a load of bullshit, it always was. It was organized a few times a year when the higher ups insisted and there was no way out. It was usually terribly boring, just a load of loud and sweaty men tumbling like beasts while screaming at each other and a few hot-shots who showed of like peacocks.
Except that this time there was a new addition to this mess, little old you. The new hacker of 141, the young lady who always dressed nicely, nails always manicured and smelling oh so deliciously with your perfumes. Since you're technically not a soldier Ghost thought that you'd be spared from the training but apparently he was very wrong and he hated it. He could see how flustered you were earlier, how small and soft you were in the presence of all these big hardened soldiers. He could see that you were nervous and he didn't exactly blame you therefore he decided that he would be the perfect match for you for training; it would be a win win situation!
He'd treat you as gently as he could so you wouldn't have bruises and aches from a rough treatment, and him on the other hand would have jerk off material for the next month. He could almost taste it, taste you. How he'd press you against him, how his big scarred hands would be able to run over your soft body all he wanted under the guise of training. How his big sweaty body would rub against you, his musk rubbing off on you and making you smell like him, like Ghost; a primal way of marking you. How he'd listen to all you little whines and mewls when he'd grab you too roughly and how you'd be able to feel his hard cock press against your ass as he mounted you from behind to press you into the exact position as you were now. Except it wasn't him who had you caged in his grip, it was fucking Price.
That fucker snatched you right from under his nose. Literally. Simon was just about to go up to you when suddenly Price appeared seemingly out of thin air and swooped it to basically tell you that you're gonna be his sparing partner, not even asking, he was stating a fact and since he was your captain you couldn't really say no right? :(
As John was leading you away from a growling Simon he could swear that the older man turned slightly to him and gave him a smug look that said 'better luck next time son, she's mine' and what made his teeth grit even more that he could perfectly hear these words in John's smooth growly drawl.
He's very well aware that Price has the hots for you, that dirty old pervert. He caught him looking at you more than once now, his gray blue eyes following you like a predator watching his prey, how whenever you stopped by his office to deliver some new intel or paperwork Price's voice suddenly dropped a few octaves into a deep, hot and enticing drawl that made you stutter and goosebumps appear on your skin. Also Simon heard Price going at it in his office, jerking off or doing god knows what and growling your name, or the occasional pair of your (stolen) panties peeking out from a drawer, the delicate pink material stained white with John's seed. His naturally possessive character getting amped up whenever you're with them on a mission or even in the same vicinity, any soldier who has the balls to talk or even flirt with you getting swiftly removed and ordered to run 30 laps around training grounds.
And now Ghost lost to that old perverted fuck and he will have to endure his smug commentary about how nice your soft body felt under him, how your delicious ass pressed against his cock and how you whimpered in confusion as you felt your captain grind against you and growl into your ear to 'be a good girl and get a feel of your captain, feel what will be breeding you later' and you couldn't help but whine and wiggle around a bit, you were so hot and so embarrassed, pinned under your captain with all those men watching you with heavy eyes :((
You soon stopped your wiggling and just laid there under the heavy man, his panting and growls rumbling against your back as you got a bit intoxicated on his heavy musky scent, pure masculinity and dominance oozing out of him and rubbing off on you.
You started to wonder if he'd truly keep his promise up and take you with him later, lock you in his bedroom and ravish you, breed you good with his babies :(
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cntloup · 6 months
G/N!Reader implied rough sex, light choking, use of safe word/gesture, aftercare
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You try so hard to get into it. Maybe your body isn’t responding correctly.
Is there something wrong with you? All your friends are into this kind of stuff.  
But no. You feel nothing but pain as he pounds into you harshly, your legs propped on his shoulders and his hand around your throat, lightly squeezing.  
You start to feel dizzy, but not the good kind and your legs start to go numb.  
Two taps on his wrist and he stops immediately.
“What’s wrong, love? Did I hurt you?” he asks as he halts his movements, panting heavily, concern written all over his face. 
His worry grows bigger at your lack of response. 
He slowly pulls out and rolls on his back, pulling you in with him so you’re in his arms with your head resting on his chest. 
You wince as he moves you, “Fuck! I'm so sorry. Does it hurt?” he asks
and you can only nod as tears start to roll down your cheeks after you come out of your previous shocked state. 
“Shh, baby. It's ok...” he coos as he embraces you tighter and you sob in his arms, clinging to him.
“Si, I'm sorry!” you hiccup, “What for, love?” he asks, confused.
“For not liking it. I couldn’t get into it, no matter how hard I tried.” you reply, voice breaking with sobs. 
“Hey, hey. You don’t have to force yourself to do something you don’t like. I wish you had told me sooner to stop. But it's not your fault, love.” he responds, tone filled with sorrow as he silently blames himself for hurting you. 
“You’re not mad at me?” you ask, lifting your head to look at him.  
“ ‘course not, love. You did nothing wrong. I'm sorry for being too rough.” he says apologetically, almost ashamed that he went too far and didn’t notice the signs of you being hurt. 
He got too lost in his own pleasure, too selfish.
“It’s ok, Si. You didn’t know. Please don’t blame yourself.” you whisper softly to him as you caress his stubbled cheek with a smile. 
He wipes your tears, returning the smile, eyes filled with regret.
He gently cups your face in his hands and brings you in to capture your lips with his, mumbling ‘I'm sorry’ into the kiss over and over again. 
“I'm gonna run you a bath, love. How does that sound?” he asks, trying his best to soothe your pain, physical and mental. 
“Hmm. That'd be nice.” you hum and he slowly gets up, trying not to hurt you any further. 
He goes into the bathroom and returns after a few minutes. 
“Can I pick you up?” he questions worriedly, almost afraid to touch you in case he hurts you again. 
You nod and he gently takes you in his arms, lifting you up so delicately as if you’re made of glass. 
He places you in the bathtub and washes your sore body tenderly as he sheds silent tears. 
He swore that hurting you was the last thing he would ever do, yet here he is, tending to your aching body which he is the cause of. 
More tears slide down his cheeks as his eyes land on each bruise on your body that he, his hands, his body have caused. 
“I’m so sorry, love.” he apologizes again, holding back sobs and you turn to look at him.
“It’s ok, Si.” you place a tender kiss on his forehead.
“Please forgive me.” he mutters into your neck.
You wrap your arms around his shoulders and nuzzle the back of his head, “I forgive you.” you whisper back.
He gently picks you up and wraps a towel around you, then carries you to bed, delicately wrapping his arms around you as you lie on his chest.
"You feelin' better, lovie?" he asks quietly so as not to disturb your peace, his heart weighing heavy in his chest.
"Yeah. Just a bit sore." you reply softly, mind beginning to drift off,
'sorry' he murmurs against your temple and places a soft kiss on your skin.
"I love you." he whispers, kissing your forehead, leaving the subject for now so you can get some rest.
"Love you too, Si." you mumble as you drift away into a slumber.
comments/reblogs are greatly appreciated ♥ 
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cod-dump · 2 months
Bruise (teen!Ghost au)
Kyle was reading in the living room when Simon passed by, heading to the front door. Of course he looked up to ask where he was going, that's when he noticed the bruise.
"Si what happened!?"
Simon stopped and blinked, looking down at the large bruise peaking from his collar.
"Oh, that. Johnny hit-"
Kyle's mind went blank. He put his book down quickly, practically dropping it. He wasn't even sure if he had marked his place. In a instant, Kyle was out the front door and heading across the street to Johnny's house.
"Kyle? Kyle what are you doing?"
Simon followed, confused and concerned. Kyle passed Alejandro sitting in his care, the reason why Simon was heading out the door. The boy blinked and peaked his head out of the window and called out to Kyle.
"Why are you making that face-?"
Kyle turned and interrupted him, murder in his eyes, "Johnny hit Simon."
Alejandro quickly got out of his car. Simon, by this point, realized what was happening and ran to Kyle, grabbing him.
"Kyle no- I'm fine!"
Alejandro, unrestrained, marched to the MacTavish house, and Simon squawked when Kyle forcefully removed himself, patting Simon's shoulder before he took off after Alejandro.
With the yelling and Simon desperately trying to deter Alejandro and Kyle from doing something they would regret, neighbors came out from their houses. Only a few of them, and one of them recognized Kyle and Simon, pulling out their phone to call their father. And Johnny came out from the back garden, confused. Simon grabbed Alejandro the moment he saw Johnny, fearing that he would do some serious damage.
But Kyle was left free and Simon was immediately regretting every decision that led to this moment.
Johnny didn't get another running as Kyle, his best friend, charged him with murderous intent. Screaming, Johnny turned and ran back into the garden.
Alejandro freed himself from Simon as he was distracted with distress, charging after where Johnny and Kyle disappeared to. Panicking, Simon followed, trying to catch Alejandro.
When they made it to the back garden they found Johnny narrowly escaping Kyle's grasp. One of Johnny's sisters was watching from a window, Andy, and the look on her face was one of pure disbelief. She disappeared further into the house and Simon was hoping it was to fetch an adult.
Simon managed to grab Alejandro at his waist, Kyle lunging at Johnny in that same moment.
Finally an adult arrived, Johnny's father running out of the house. He clearly had jumped out of the shower, his shirt sticking to wet skin and hair plastered to his forehead as he ran out of the house barefoot. Johnny dove behind his father and Isaiah stopped Kyle.
"Whoa whoa- What's happening?"
It took several minutes for Isaiah to calm down everyone enough to get a straight story out.
"A baseball? Since when do you play baseball?"
"Johnny was trying to show me how to play!"
This event had occurred a couple days ago, Simon having missed catching a rather hard thrown ball and it nailing just below he collarbone. Johnny had already felt horrible about it but Simon had assured him it was fine and he was fine.
They both had neglected to share what had happened and Simon's modest style hid the forming bruise. Now Simon was trying to get over an anxiety attack while Johnny was rapidly explaining to Alejandro and Kyle and his father what happened.
Simon was honestly surprised Kyle jumped so quickly on trying to fight Johnny. Alejandro? He wasn't even surprised.
"Boys, I admire your spirit but please, please, try to at least talk about it first next time."
Johnny couldn't look at Kyle or Alejandro, he was partially hiding behind his father and Simon couldn't blame him. Kyle was showing regret and shame. Alejandro?
"Good thing I didn't hit you. No taking that back."
Unbothered, Simon felt like he was going to have to knock some shame into him later.
"Sorry Johnny."
"Probably would've done the same if I found a bruise on one of my sisters."
Johnny inches from behind Isaiah and Kyle approaches.
"Should've asked questions. But now you know how I would act if you purposely hurt my brother."
Johnny's eyes widened and Isaiah snorts, "Better keep that in mind."
"Oh... I will."
Simon groaned, this was a horrible start to the weekend.
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onlymingyus · 1 year
blame it on me
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pairing; yoon jeonghan x f reader
genre; smut, fluff, humor
warnings; brothers bestfriend!jeonghan, joshua's sister!reader, unprotected sex, oral (f receiving), fingering, banter, pet names, hair pulling, eating food, alcohol
w/c; 5.4k and some change
requested; no
a/n; i am honestly in love with the brother's best friend trope and it had been a while since i had written it myself.
before continuing remember reblogs are incredibly important and please read how to support me here
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“Listen sis, I swear that I won’t miss a single month of rent and I’ll even follow your rules. No naked chicks in your apartment.” 
You were hearing Joshua’s words in your head as you stood in your kitchen at 6 o’clock in the morning on a Tuesday staring at a half naked man sitting at your kitchen table. Granted it wasn’t a naked girl, but a naked human nonetheless. 
Furrowing your brows you let out a whine that causes the man to look up from his cereal. His eyes brazenly move along your bare legs to the end of your nightshirt before he smirks against the spoon resting on his pretty lips. 
“Hi, Y/N. Long time, no see.” 
The naked man—well, half-naked man—knew your name. How did he know your name? Before you are able to question him, you feel Joshua push past you in a hurry, a scoff falling from his lips as he sees the man for himself. 
“For fuck’s sake, Jeonghan. Put on a shirt, this isn’t your house. Have some respect for my sister. Speaking of, uh I told Jeonghan he could stay with me…or well, us, until he got back on his feet. His lease fell through, but he’s going to get something in a couple weeks. He swears.” 
Blinking at the rush of information, you lift your hand to argue but Joshua just whines at you seeing the look in your eye. You knew he was already late to work. He was trying hard to get back on his own feet, hence the living situation you already found yourself in. 
“Jesus…fine. Just for a couple weeks, and he lives in your room. He uses your bathroom, he eats your food. Speaking of which, that is my cereal. Teach him what he can and can not eat, Joshua or else.” 
Grinning, Jeonghan lifts the spoon to his mouth savoring your cereal knowing this was going to be fun. He had always liked you. You were like some restricted treasure that he could only admire from afar before, and now? Now, you were a stunning grown woman standing in front of him in nothing but a sleep shirt. 
“I can be a good boy, Y/N. Don’t you worry about me. I’ll even buy you some cereal for my bad behavior.” 
Rolling your eyes, you watch the man smirk before he tips the bowl back drinking the milk. Joshua groans in disgust, a full body shiver taking over him as he turns to his friend throwing up his hands in question. Jeonghan can only raise his brow as if he had done nothing wrong, leaving his best friend wondering if this was the worst decision he had ever made. 
“It will only be a couple of weeks and then the moron will have his own space. I love you very much for tolerating me and him, sis. Thank you. Now, I have to go to work before I lose this job for being late, fucking again.” 
You and Jeonghan watch Joshua rush out the front door only for you to feel eyes on you once again. Taking a deep breath, determined not to let the boy that you had known for years have any sort of affect on you, you moved past the kitchen table towards the coffee maker going up on your toes to reach for your favorite mug. 
Jeonghan grins, his head tilting to watch how your shirt lifts to show the end of your short sleep shorts. So you weren’t just in a sleep shirt, that was somehow disappointing to him, but he was still pleased with his view. 
“So, Shua says you have some fancy job now?” 
Hearing the sound of the spoon hitting the bowl causes you to jump slightly as you drop back down your heels on the tile floor. Jeonghan had been so quiet for a few seconds that you hadn’t expected him to start up a conversation so quickly. Glancing over your shoulder, you find the man smiling at you, his brow raised. 
“I don’t know about fancy, and I haven’t talked to you in what, like…two years? A lot has changed in my life, Jeonghan.” 
Shifting his eyes over your body once again, Jeonghan mutters, “clearly” under his breath before sliding out of his chair to bring his bowl towards the sink only to slide behind you closer than necessary. You furrow your brows to the feeling of his warm body so close to yours and the smell of his cologne that overshadows the coffee in front of you. 
“I–look, Jeonghan. I’m going to give you the same rules that I have given Joshua, okay?” 
Turning to lean against the counter, Jeonghan raises his brow again in amusement waiting for you to continue. You only pause for a moment as your eyes move over his lean frame stopping at his defined abs before you look down and away to keep speaking. 
“Clean up your own shit, eat your food or in this case Joshua’s. Respect my space and don’t have naked girls walking around my house. Got it?” 
Lifting his bowl, Jeonghan shows you as he washes it and puts it into the drainer as if he just completed some impossible task. 
“Got it. I told you, I can be good.” 
Taking a deep breath you let it out slowly, tipping the coffee pot towards your mug to fill it up. This was going to be the longest “couple of weeks” of your life. 
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“Jeonghan! Close my door!” 
Your hands over your breasts, you stare at Jeonghan in disbelief as he stands in your bedroom doorway with an amused look on his face. It was the third time he had opened your door “on accident” in a week. 
“I’m sorry! I swear to God, I thought I was going into Shua’s room!” 
“Close it!” 
Hearing him chuckle, you wait until Jeonghan has closed your door before you walk over to it, clicking the lock into place swearing that the next time you will remember to actually do that. You hadn’t had to worry about it with Joshua. He would have freaked out seeing you naked but for some reason his best friend seemed keen on it. 
Smirking to himself, Jeonghan pushes Joshua’s door open to find his best friend with his brow raised as he pushes his headphones off his head. 
“What the hell are you doing? There are four doors in this house. How can you possibly forget which one is mine?” 
Jeonghan shrugs flopping down on the bed behind Joshua causing the other man to grunt in frustration. 
“I just did. It’s fine, she’s fine. It’s not like I saw anything.” 
Making a face of disgust, Joshua pushes his elbow back against Jeonghan’s ribs causing him to groan out a laugh before he turns over to rest his head on his arm watching whatever video was playing on the man’s laptop without sound. 
“So…is she seeing anybody?” 
Joshua stares at the screen of his computer as if Jeonghan had just asked him a question about quantum physics. Clearly the man wasn’t speaking to him or he had fallen on his head on his way back to his room. 
“Are you drunk? Did you get into an accident today? There has to be something wrong with you, if you are asking me that question.” 
Jeonghan laughs at Joshua’s dramatics. It wasn’t like they were teenagers anymore. Hell, they were in their late 20’s. It was a perfectly reasonable question to ask. 
“I’m just curious! Is she? She never has anyone over. She is never really on her phone except with some girls from work.” 
Sliding his headphones off his head completely, Joshua presses pause on his laptop before narrowing his eyes at his best friend. He knew this routine. He had seen Jeonghan be interested in people before. 
“No, not that I’m aware of. But, I don’t ask about my sister’s dating life because I don’t care. It’s none of my business and it’s none of yours Jeonghan. How do you know it’s “girls from work” on her phone, anyway?” 
Shrugging, Jeonghan picks at a loose string on Joshua’s comforter avoiding his best friend’s eyes. 
“Cause I asked, and she told me.” 
Joshua scoffs and nods at Jeonghan’s words. That made perfect sense. That was a completely reasonable question to ask your best friend’s sister. 
Jeonghan mocks Joshua as he pulls his headphones back up, placing them securely over his ears. He knew that Joshua was probably right. He probably should leave you alone, respect that unspoken bro code, but fuck if you didn’t make that difficult. 
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“I didn’t know it was your favorite mug. I thought it was like a household mug.” 
You stare at Jeonghan as he holds your mug in his hand. The same mug that you have used every single day for years, and specifically the same mug he has seen you use since he showed up to stay with you and Joshua two weeks ago. Lifting your hand towards him, you whine dramatically because not only is he drinking from your property, he is once again half naked in your kitchen. For the past week it seemed like Yoon Jeonghan was doing his best to break you. 
“Why do you hate me? Seriously? What have I done to the universe to deserve you?” 
Jeonghan smiles into the mug taking a sip of his coffee, his eyes following you in your cute little pajamas as you walk past him into the kitchen. He couldn’t help himself when you got close enough. Reaching out, Jeonghan pokes at your side causing you to gasp and jump at the contact. 
“Oh, you! I’m gonna…” 
Sitting the mug down next to you on the counter, Jeonghan grins at you, stepping towards you to push your back against the cabinets. Your brows furrow as you feel your stomach tighten and your heart beating quicker at how close he is to you. 
“Gonna, what?” 
Jeonghan watches you swallow hard. Your fingers move to grab at the lip of the countertop for stability when the man leans in closer to you and you feel overwhelmed with the scent of his cologne. 
“Slap me? I might like it. Yell at me? Call me names? I could give you a few options.” 
Opening your mouth to speak, you find the words are harder to come by than you would like. Jeonghan looks like he is about to speak again when both of you hear Joshua’s voice causing the man in front of you to step away grabbing your mug once again. 
“So, I just found out I have to go out of town for the weekend. My boss wants me to represent my division at this meeting. It’s kind of a big deal.” 
Finally looking up once he is in the room, Joshua seems to feel the tension furrowing his brows. 
“You guys okay?” 
You weren’t sure if you could answer that question so instead you just nod as Jeonghan lifts the mug in his hand as if he is offering Joshua a toast. 
“Good luck man. Know you’ll kick some ass.” 
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It was the first day that you and Jeonghan were alone in the house together. Joshua had left for his business trip early Friday morning promising to be home as soon as he could Monday night. You had tried to ease his concerns by telling him that you could handle Jeonghan’s bullshit just fine on your own, but could you? 
Now it was Friday night and you had hoped that Jeonghan would want to go out. Maybe you could avoid the feelings that had been growing between the two of you over the past couple of weeks. 
The house seemed quiet as you walked into the living room, your favorite mug securely in your hand. You had decided to use it to hold your wine despite having perfectly good wine glasses. Ever since Jeonghan had stolen it from you, it felt more important to use it at any given opportunity. 
With the man nowhere to be seen you let out a soft sigh deciding to flop down on your sofa and turn on the television. It had been days since you had let yourself relax in your own house. Every time you had tried either he or Joshua would find a way to include themselves. 
It wasn’t that you didn’t enjoy their company, but it was Jeonghan’s lingering glances, the way he was undressing you with his eyes. It was the way you were enjoying it that made it impossible to stay in the same room as him. You couldn’t let yourself fall for your brother’s best friend. There was an unspoken sibling rule. 
“Oh, there you are. What are we watching?” 
Jeonghan sighs lazily as he sits next to you, his body resting far too close to yours than necessary. Glancing over at the man, you furrow your brows and slide your legs closer to yourself under your body as if you are giving him more space on the three seater sofa. 
“I was going to watch some trash television, but I can do that in my room. Here…you can watch whatever you want, Jeonghan.” 
Offering him the remote, you watch Jeonghan’s face fall before he lets out a sigh taking it from you. 
“Y/N, did I offend you or something?” 
You purse your lips and shake your head starting to slide off the sofa when Jeonghan grabs your hand to stop you. 
“Jeonghan…no, you didn’t. I just–whatever it is…I can’t. It’s not that you aren’t great, I’m sure you are, but –” 
“I’m Shua’s best friend.” 
Jeonghan watches you nod causing him to sigh and furrow his brows. 
“But we are also both adults, Y/N. I mean…fuck, I have liked you since I was in high school, if I am going to be completely honest with you. I know I have been a bit of an ass while I’ve been staying here, but why does Shua get to say what we can and can’t do?” 
Leaning your head back as Jeonghan talks, you can’t help but to close your eyes and whine a bit at his words. It was unfair, this was all unfair. He couldn’t pull the high school crush on his best friend's sister card on you right now. 
“Y/N, seriously…look at me.” 
Finally looking back down at Jeonghan you sigh when he takes your mug out of your hand to sit it on the coffee table so he can hold both of your wrists. You can’t help the way your skin erupts with chill bumps to the feeling of his thumbs rubbing gentle circles on the inside of your arm near the heel of your hand as he waits for you to talk to him. 
“He will be upset with me if this happens between us.” 
The man in front of you smiles and you can’t help the way your stomach tightens to the sight of it. His handsome face was something that had always made you swoon since the two of you were teenagers. Jeonghan laughs before biting his lip and pulling you back towards the sofa to sit with him. 
“Then just blame it on me.” 
You scoff softly, feeling Jeonghan’s fingers brushing along your arm briefly as he leans towards you speaking. It isn’t until his lips finally touch yours that you speak once again. 
“Oh, I will.” 
Jeonghan grins before capturing your lips for the first time with a soft groan. He had been wanting to kiss you since the moment he saw you that morning in the kitchen. Sliding his fingers along your neck, Jeonghan brushes his thumb along your jaw as his other hand moves to pull you closer to him by your hip. 
A soft moan slips from your lips as you slide over his thighs and onto Jeonghan’s lap on the sofa. You feel his lips pull up into a smile against your own, causing you to pull back to look at him as his hand slides under your shirt over your back. 
“Sounds so pretty, baby. Why are you looking at me like that? Hmm? You like how I feel between your thighs?” 
Shaking your head, you can’t help but to whine out your answer feeling Jeonghan’s fingernails scratch along your skin. 
“You are insufferable.” 
Laughing, Jeonghan rolls his hips upwards to press his growing erection against your soft shorts. He was loving your reaction to him. Every little whine and whimper. Every time your body jerked to his touch. 
“You like it, I think."
Shaking your head, you lean your head down to rest your forehead against Jeonghan’s. Your own hips roll down to meet him as a shaky breath slips from between your lips when you try to speak once again. 
“I–maybe. God, just touch me already, Jeonghan.” 
Still smiling, Jeonghan raises a brow to your demand. His fingers slowly explore your skin just below your shirt. 
“I am, Y/N. Why don’t you be a good girl and tell me exactly what you want, huh? I think you’ve been wanting this for just as long as I have.” 
Cursing him under your breath, you can’t help but to whimper when you feel Jeonghan’s lips press to the column of your neck as his fingers press into the top of your shorts waiting for you to do as you were asked. 
“Fuck you…ah! Take my clothes off, Jeonghan. I’m so wet, don’t you want to feel that? I thought you had been thinking about this since high school? Wasn’t I some wet dream for you?” 
Jeonghan groans into a laugh at your words, his mouth pressed against your collarbone before he nibbles at the skin. Pulling back the man stares up at you, his hands sliding under your shirt to push it upwards exposing your skin to him little by little. 
“You have no fucking idea. Used to get in trouble all the time for staring at you. Wondered what it would be like to have your attention back then, but baby…I know what I’m doing now.” 
With your shirt discarded into the floor, you let out a soft moan feeling Jeonghan’s lips press to the center of your chest just above your breasts. Lifting your hands you run them through his soft hair arching your chest towards him feeling his fingers sliding up your spine towards the clasp of your bra. 
“You did have my attention. I…oh god…your mouth.” 
The moment your bra is on the floor with your shirt, Jeonghan’s mouth finds your breast. His teeth, tongue, and lips moving over your soft skin as if it will sustain him for months while he listens to your sweet moans between words. 
“Mm, tell me, Y/N. ‘Cause it didn’t feel like it. I was just your brother’s stupid friend. You were this Goddess, even back then. Untouchable…” 
Shaking your head, you whine out Jeonghan’s name causing the man to thrust his hips up towards yours. He finds himself wishing his sweatpants and your shorts were out of the way already. 
“No…fuck, Jeonghan. I wasn’t anything special. I’m still not.” 
Lifting you up, Jeonghan laughs quietly against your sternum before he shakes his head and moves to stand pulling you into his arms. 
“You got no idea how special you are. I’ll show you in time, but right now...I’m gonna fuck you like you deserve.” 
Smiling against Jeonghan’s lips, you wrap your arms around his neck feeling his fingers pushing at your shorts and panties before he lets gravity pull them to the ground. 
“Oh yeah?” 
Nodding, he smirks against your smile before nipping at your bottom lip walking you out of your clothes towards the hallway and your bedroom. 
“Yeah, fuck you so good you won’t think of anyone else. You gonna be a good girl and let me?” 
Walking backwards into your bedroom, you can’t help but you laugh at Jeonghan’s words even though they cause heat to rush to your cheeks. Pushing your thumbs into the top of his sweatpants, you push them down with his boxers only feeling a bit of resistance when his hard cock springs back towards his stomach. 
“Thought you were my good boy, Jeonghan? Now you want me to be your good girl?” 
Jeonghan grins at your words, a glint of mischief in his eyes as he takes a step forward pushing your knees against the side of your bed causing you to be pinned against it and him. A gasp forms on your lips when you feel his hard cock press against your lower stomach smearing it with pre-cum. 
“That what you wanna call me, your good boy? I can go by that? Or daddy, sir, master, baby…” 
“Shut the fuck up…” 
Jeonghan’s laugh stops short and turns into a groan when you wrap your hand around his length and twist it from his base to his tip, letting your thumb glide over his head to collect some of his pre-cum. You enjoyed rendering the man speechless, though you knew it was short lived as Jeonghan opened his eyes, his body shuddering at your touch. 
“Call me whatever you want, just as long as I am inside of you. Lay down for me, baby. Spread these pretty legs for me.” 
Pushing you back with his body, Jeonghan watches you fall back on your bed, your body bouncing once as he smirks down at you. His eyes wander over you, taking in every inch of you that is visible to him now until he stops between your legs with a groan. 
“So pretty, and all mine?” 
The man was possessive but you weren’t complaining. Instead, you were getting off on it. You could feel the way you were getting wetter with each word from his mouth. Sliding your hands along your bedding, you nod to Jeonghan’s question causing the man to smile at you. His hands work their way along your legs to help you spread them as his mouth waters for you. 
 “Can I taste you? You are so wet, Y/N. I might die if I don’t get my tongue on this pussy.” 
Your face felt like it was on fire at Jeonghan’s words, but you nod and whine out a yes, giving him permission to go down on you. You weren’t sure you had ever had a man talk to you like this before. You weren’t sure you could think of a time when someone had looked at you the way Jeonghan was, like you were everything he had ever wanted. 
Lifting your leg to his shoulder, Jeonghan shakes his head in disbelief at his luck before turning his head to kiss your calf. You watch as your body trembles to the feeling of his kisses working their way to the center of your legs as he moves from either thigh taking his time. It’s only when his mouth is level with your pussy that Jeonghan looks up at you again and smiles. 
“What are you waiting for?” 
Jeonghan laughs at your question, his warm breath causing you to arch off the bed slightly as you feel his left hand sliding under your hip so that his fingernails can scratch at your skin lightly. 
“Just admiring the view, sweetheart.” 
“Oh, my god..just do it or…ah!” 
Jeonghan causes you to gasp mid sentence as he uses his hand against your hip to pull your pussy against his mouth. You moan his name, feeling Jeonghan’s tongue circling your already pulsing clit as he groans to your taste. 
Digging his nails into your skin, Jeonghan can’t help but to smile against your pussy, feeling you roll your hips against his face. He loved that you were enjoying being with him this much already. He loved how your moans would go higher when he would press his lips together around your clit and suck at it like you deserved. 
Jeonghan was doing his best not to rut into your comforter to the feeling of your slick around his fingers, as he teased your tight entrance. You were clenching and dripping so much as you whined his name. Jeonghan wondered if you were getting close, but as he slipped a single finger into you, his tongue running flat along your soft folds he knew his answer. 
Your body arched almost violently, feeling Jeonghan’s index finger slide into you. The moment it curled back against your spot and the man’s lips sealed back over your clit you were a goner. Your fingers found Jeonghan’s hair drawing a long deep groan from him as he worked you through your orgasm. 
Taking a breath as he pulls back from between your legs, Jeonghan groans out your name looking up at you while you catch your breath. He had never wanted someone as much as he wanted you at that moment. The afternoon sun catching the sweat forming on your skin, your breasts rising and falling with each breath, the way you whimpered his name and reached for him. Everything about you was driving him crazy. 
Sliding from the bed, Jeonghan ran his hand through his hair glancing around the room before looking at you again. 
Shaking your head, you reach for him once again and the man furrows his brows letting you pull him back down to the bed on his side. Your lips meet his in a slow, languid kiss before you speak to him explaining yourself. 
“I’m on the pill, I’m okay. Long as I can trust you, can I?” 
Jeonghan groans to the idea against your lips, his fingers pressing against your side as he rolls over on his back pulling you over him. Nodding the man slides up the bed with you until his lean is against the headboard. You feel his knees slide up under you causing you to whine to the feeling of how his cock rests against your stomach. 
“You can trust me, baby. Here…” 
With one hand, Jeonghan guides you to your knees while the other strokes his length slowly. Your eyes move from his hand moving over his cock to his face making Jeonghan smile when he teases his head between your folds. 
“I’d tell you to sit down slowly for your sake, but that’d be a lie. Sit down slow for me, darling. You are so tight and wet…I might lose it too quickly if you aren’t careful. As much as I’d like to watch you fuck yourself on my dick…” 
Shaking your head, you lift your hand, putting it over Jeonghan’s mouth, feeling the man laugh before he kisses your fingers, getting the idea to shut up. Your hands moving to his shoulders, you let Jeonghan guide his cock into you as you lower yourself over him slowly like he had wanted. 
Letting out a soft moan of his name, you lean your head forward once you are sitting over Jeonghan’s cock completely, your knees resting on the bed. He wasn’t so big that the stretch was uncomfortable, instead he had a length that hit you perfectly. 
Swallowing hard, feeling you clenching around him, Jeonghan leans his head back. With a groan he rests his hand that had once been on his cock on the bed so that he could lift himself and you up slightly to thrust into you once feeling you push down to meet him just like he had wanted. 
“Fuck…just like that, Y/N. You’re perfect, baby.” 
Jeonghan’s words cause you to whine, your eyes finding his as he watches you roll your hips over his cock to meet each deep, deliberate thrust. You could already feel the coil inside of you once again winding tightly. Your velvet walls hugged Jeonghan’s cock so tightly that he was seeing stars with each movement. 
Your words are whispered, but Jeonghan hears them and can’t stop the smirk that crosses his lips. His eyes watched your pretty thighs beginning to shake and even though he knew he was so close to following you it was more important to him now than ever that he pushed you over that edge before him. It was as if he had something to prove to himself at that moment, listening to you beg him for your release. 
“Yeah? Baby? You wanna cum for me? Hm? Be a good girl and cum on my cock.” 
You knew that you should be annoyed with Jeonghan’s words, but instead they just cause you to whine and nod. You did want to cum for him. You wanted to be good for him. God you hated how much you wanted it. Letting out a loud moan you fall forward against Jeonghan’s chest, feeling his hands slide along your back, his hips pistoning against yours as your orgasm washes over you once again. 
The feeling of your cum around his cock was like nothing Jeonghan had felt before. He had slept with other women before. He had made other women cum with his cock, but it had never felt like this. He had never wanted it this bad, so when your mouth rested against his shoulder and you cried out his name during your release, Jeonghan was a goner. 
Fingers dig into your skin, small half moon divots imprint themselves where Jeonghan’s nails find purchase at your hips as his mouth rests against the side of your head when he cums into you. Thick, warm cum paints your walls and mixes with your own release with each hard thrust as Jeonghan fucks you through his climax. 
Breathing hard, Jeonghan collapses against your mattress with you laying on top of him. His legs fall flat under you out of exhaustion, but his hands hold you close like a man afraid to lose something important. 
Your voice is soft and almost angelic as it cuts through Jeonghan’s post climax haze. The man smiles, his fingers finally relax and brush over your hips as he lets you go, letting out a groan to the feeling of you rolling from him. It’s only when you start to sit up facing away from him, that panic ripples through Jeonghan. 
“Wait…where are you going? Did you not like it?” 
Feeling his fingers wrapping around your wrist, you can’t hide your smile as you glance over your shoulder at the handsome, sweaty man on your bed. Leaning back down you press your lips to him drawing a smile from him and causing him to furrow his brows in confusion before you finally speak. 
“I liked it, baby. I’m just going to start the shower and use the bathroom. I’m not leaving you. Remember, you said I could blame you. None of this is my fault.” 
Grinning against your lips at your words, Jeonghan finally lets you go watching you slide from the bed to move towards the bathroom. 
“You called me baby.” 
Waving your hand, you dismiss his words and Jeonghan laughs, turning back on his back to look up at your ceiling and the patterns from the sun going down. He knew that Joshua would be back in a couple days and that eventually he would have to explain this to him but he was determined to make the most of the time he had with you before that. 
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“Explain this to me as if I were five. You two are what?” 
Joshua looks at you and Jeonghan from his chair to the sofa. Jeonghan’s arm on the back of the sofa, his fingers trailing along your shoulder. 
“Dating. Going out. Making sweet love on the regula–” 
“Jeonghan I will fucking kill you if you don’t stop talking.” 
Putting your head into your hands, you listen to your brother threaten his best friend. It isn’t until you hear your brother whine out your name that you look up, raising a brow when he seems like he’s looking for an explanation from you. 
“He said I could blame him, so it's Jeonghan’s fault.” 
Hearing a betrayed gasp, you meet the eyes of Jeonghan as you stand up with a laugh pulling his hand from your shirt. 
“Nuh uh, baby. You said and I quote, “then just blame it on me”.” 
Gesturing towards your brother, you blow a kiss at your new boyfriend as he playfully narrows his eyes at you. 
“It was rhetorical!” 
“What, you can’t take the heat but you wanna date my sister? Some boyfriend you have, Y/N!” 
Walking away you laugh listening to the sounds of Jeonghan and Joshua’s playful banter as the two dissolve into laughs. You knew they would be fine. 
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© onlymingyus - all rights reserved. Reposting/modifying of any fic, or pieces of original writings posted on this blog is not allowed. Translations not allowed. 
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askinkiskarma · 11 months
➸ ɢʜᴏꜱᴛ ᴡʜᴏ ᴄᴜᴍꜱ ɪɴ ʜɪꜱ ᴘᴀɴᴛꜱ ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ ɢʀɪɴᴅ ᴀɢᴀɪɴꜱᴛ ʜɪꜱ ᴄᴏᴄᴋ ᴀꜰᴛᴇʀ ɴᴏᴛ ꜱᴇᴇɪɴɢ ʏᴏᴜ ꜰᴏʀ ᴀ ᴡʜɪʟᴇ
pairings: simon "ghost" riley x female!reader
warnings: pwp under the cut (18+ mdni), pet names (doll, love)
ghost masterlist (x) | click here if you want to be tagged (x)
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Can you blame the poor guy? Trapped in missions for weeks, sometimes months at a time, unable to feel you, to have you, to fuck you. He's so focused and intent on finishing his duty as thouroughly as possible, he's unable to think of much else, except for seldom, lonely nights where he's missing you just so much more than he can even conceptualise, his throbbing cock aching from the need to spill his load inside your tight, spasming walls, as he pushes past the point of pleasure into almost pain, an endless desire to overstimulate you and see how much you could take before you were cock-drunk and limp around him.
But now, after so long, here you are, safe in his arms, and he’s promised himself he’s going to take it slow, promised he wasn’t gonna pin you to the ground the second he saw you again and show you exactly how much he missed you… so instead, he suggested a movie, an innocent, romantic… slow movie. And he tried to focus, tried to pay attention to the dialogue that was too sappy and cheesy for him to ever truly take seriously, but how could he, when your ass was so perfectly nestled against his crotch, and with every small, inconsequential movement he felt his dick get harder and his thoughts more incoherent, the need to own you almost feral. 
"Having fun there, eh, love?"
"I don't know what you mean..." it was coy, and almost believable, the surprised tone of your voice, if only not accompanied by the smirk he knew and loved so much, and the mischievous slow grinding of your ass on his now rock hard cock, that was begging for a hand or a pussy to wrap around it, that was almost rabid with want.
"I missed you, Si." you feel so good, even like this... so sinfully good, in fact, he can't help groaning at the sensation and buck his hips impossibly closer to yours, playing carefully in his mind's eye all the things he was planning on doing to you later, how you're going to regret making a man like him, a strong, unyielding man weak in the knees, seeing white in front of his eyelids as the pleasure becomes too much and he comes, thick ropes of cum spilling into his underwear and staining the underside of his jeans.
"Oops!" you laugh and the chuckle gets stuck in your throat as he pushes two large fingers past your panties and into your soaking pussy.
"You have no idea what you did, doll. Now let me show you what happens when you misbehave."
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taglist: @codsunshine
793 notes · View notes
d0youc0py · 1 year
Could you do any 141 member (I don’t really care I love them all) comforting civilian!reader while she’s on her period? Like the cramps, nausea, mood swings?
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He winced as another pained groan left your lips.
“Pain killers didn’t help?” He frowned. He laid down behind you tucking you against him. He pressed a kiss to the back of your head, his hands pressing down on the heating pad against your stomach. The pressure made you feel better and you softly grabbed his hand and put it under the heating pad, silently asking him to massage your stomach. “I got you.” He pressed another kiss to your shoulder.
“Are you done with your paperwork yet?” You whined.
“Ya, Sweetheart.” He lied. The thought of leaving you alone to suffer on the couch made his stomach turn. “You rest up, now and I’ll fix us some dinner later, yeah?”
“Don’t leave till I fall asleep please.” You requested, scooting closer to him.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
He’s literally the dream partner when it comes to this stuff
He has always been a very nurturing person
He has your special week marked on his calendar so he’s never caught off guard if you snip at him or you wake up and need to change the sheets
When he can’t be with you he always ships a care package to your house with all the things you could possibly need (snacks, pads/tampons, medicine, a card saying how much he loves you)
He’s the best honestly
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“Kid, open the door!” The door handle jiggled. You splashed cold water over your face trying to calm down, but no matter how hard you tried sobs wracked your body. You blamed the hormones. You and Simon were new in your relationship, about five months in, and you had just recently started spending the night at his place. You always had a plan for what to do if you got your period during the night but you didn’t plan for it to come almost a week early. You woke up feeling a familiar wetness and practically ripped yourself out of Simon’s arms. To make matters worse he had his thigh resting between your legs, meaning- you didn’t even want to say it. You shook the thoughts out of your head.
“Sweetheart, c’mon.” Simon sighed from the other side of the door. “You know what I do for a living, yeah? You think a little blood is gonna scare me off? I find that a bit offensive if I’m being honest.”
“It’s disgusting and embarrassing!” You shouted through your sobs.
“It’s not disgusting.” He shot back. “Whoever made you feel that way is a cunt. And it might seem embarrassing now, but I promise you in a week it’ll make you laugh. Out you come.” He shook the door handle again. He did make you feel better. “There she is.” He whispered. You looked him over, happy he had changed his sleep shorts. A clunky thumb wiped away a few remaining tears.
The man is completely unbothered
You can throw a whole hissy fit and he’ll just ask if you’ve eaten anything today
Bodily fluids don’t faze him at all- you could bleed, vomit and cry all over him and he’d just pat you on the back
He’s still doesn’t always understand how to take care of other people, so if you want/need him to do something all you have to do is ask
He never ever makes you feel bad/embarrassed about anything
“Si, you aren’t going to believe the blood clot that just came out of me.” “I’m proud of you Sweetheart.”
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“I just can’t believe he did that to her!” You sobbed, wiping your eyes on your husbands shirt.
“What a bastard.” He growled, wiping a tear from his own eye. He wrapped an arm tighter around you, throwing a few pieces of popcorn into your mouth.
“Get off the screen!” You shouted, throwing a few pieces of popcorn at the TV.
“Ya, fuck off!” Johnny yelled after you tossing a few pieces as well. You both looked at each other before bursting into a giggle fit.
Every time you on your period it seems like Johnny also goes on his
You would think both of you being so emotional would cause problems, but it really makes you feel less alone
He definitely steals higher grade pain meds from the base to help you (Price caught him and started doing it for his own partner)
Absolutely loves to take warm showers with you
This man is also unfazed by bodily fluids ;)
Whenever you feel sick he is on the other side of the door cheering you on
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You hated when you got your period and he wasn’t here. It always reminded you of how sucky life was before him and how much spoiled you are now. You pressed yourself deeper into his pillow, inhaling his scent. Your muscles relaxed slightly- but it was nothing compared to the real thing. The pain killers had yet to kick in and your body felt so hot and uncomfortable. Your ears piqued up when you heard the door open.
“Ky!” You screeched. The ache in your stomach couldn’t stop you from running through the flat to greet him. “What are you doing here? Your not suppose to be home for another two weeks?” You questioned between both of you pressing kisses against each other.
“I can just stay for two days.” He sighed, scooping you up. “I told Cap you weren’t feeling well- and let’s just say being the favorite has its perks.”
If you thought Price was good wait till you meet Kyle He definitely learned it from Price
Total Princess treatment to the max
“Ky, I can tie my shoes.” “Don’t worry bout it love.”
He shows love through acts of service so this is his time to shine ✨
Has a stash of all your favorite snacks/drinks for when the time comes
He usually puts you between his legs and the two of you play video games for the next eight hours- distraction helps take you mind off of the pain
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