#I built my Yuusona around that concept
phoenix-manga · 10 months
Yuu No. 83 Birthday Vignette
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"A party? For me...? Oh, how nice of you. Oh, but make sure Shin and Ghidorah don't fight over the cake, okay?" - Yuu No. 83
NRC School Newspaper A Birthday Interview with Yuu No. 83
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Grimm: First off, henchman. I, the Great Grimm, would like to wish you a happy birthday!
Yuu No. 83: Thanks, Grimm.
Grimm: Now, onto the questions! Firstly, I would like to know how you found something like Shin and Ghidorah, and why do they look so weird?
Yuu No. 83: Ah... They're a special kind of organism. Something ancient, yet new. Like an endangered species, yeah? Doesn't this world have all sorts of magical beasts?
Grimm: Is that so? Sounds fishy...
Yuu No. 83: *nervous chuckle* I'm sure you're much more iconic than any magical best, Grimm.
Grimm: Fufu~! Yeah, I am! Not even a dragon can be more popular than the Great Grimm!
Yuu No. 83: But Shin beats you in being the cutest *smirk*
Grimm: Wha-! Hey! I'm much cuter than that chihuahua thing anyday! You just have a bad eye for cuteness...
Grimm: Next, what is up with your name, Yuu? And why is your last name 83? It sounds very weird to have a number for a last name...
Yuu No. 83: Oh, you probably didn't know...
But "Yuu" is the nickname everyone in NRC decided to give me because they couldn't remember my number ID.
Grimm: How hard could it be to remember 83?
Yuu No. 83: It's actually 083-116...
Grimm: Funya!? That's it?! No real name or anything!?
Yuu No. 83: Let's just say... I grew up somewhere militaristic. There were a lot of "kids" in that facility- I mean, "boarding house".
They couldn't give all of us names so they used numbers to be more orderly... But I do agree that it seems out of place.
Grimm: How many were you all living in that place?
Yuu No. 83: Umm... about a thousand.
Grimm: Aren't you cramped in there?!
Yuu No. 83: It was a really big "boarding house", okay? So, can we drop the subject and move onto the next question... please.
Grimm: What's your favorite food?
Yuu No. 83: Noodles! I love the broth, the toppings and I love the variety. I am a huge fan of beef noodles!
It's so good to eat on a cold day or when you get sick.
Grimm: Noodles aren't that full of meat though, if it were me, I would want a big juicy steak!
Wait... now that I think about it what do Shin and Ghidorah eat?
Yuu No. 83: Well... Shin eats mostly anything, sweets, meat, and fruits. But he likes raw meat the most. It's quite hard to stock up, especially when I'm not that good at hunting...
And I don't want to impose on Rook even if he was offering to help.
As for Ghidorah... he eats minerals. He doesn't eat anything else other than that. I tried but they all end up being thrown away... or at me. *scowls at Ghidorah*
Grimm: I can understand, rocks taste good too if you pick the right ones!
Yuu No. 83: ...
Grimm: By the way... what's with that pink little box that you always carry in your pocket?
Yuu No. 83: It's my taser.
Grimm: What's it for?
Yuu No. 83: It's for self defense. Just a press of the button and... ZAP! They get stunned long enough for me to counterattack or run away. Useful, isn't it?
Grimm: You must be paranoid or something... Do you really need something that severe?
Yuu No. 83: This thing is the only thing keeping us away from being squeezed by Floyd.
Grimm: Good point...
Grimm: Look at all the gifts! Which ones do you like best, Yuu?
Yuu No. 83: Professor Crewel gave me these custom harnesses to carry Shin and Ghidorah around. It doesn't lessen the weight, but at least I have both my hands unoccupied!
Though, Shin is the only one I bring around campus. Ghidorah is too heavy to carry on my side. I have to hold him in the front.
His weight makes my back sore...
Grimm: He is bigger than Shin.
Yuu No. 83: Then Vil gave me this ring that was modeld after his crown. I don't wear much jewelry, but I like the simple yet elegant design of the ring.
Grimm: I bet it's worth a lot of madols!
Yuu No. 83: It probably is... And I feel so scared to acidentally scratch it.
Grimm: What's this one?
Yuu No. 83: Oh, that's the last of my favorites. Deuce actually took me to a place where we can spin gacha machines.
I spent a good chunk of my savings to get a bunch of cute and tiny figurines, hehe!
Grimm: You seem oddly fixated on those things. You don't even use them for anything.
Yuu No. 83: Hey, it's just a hoard, okay? I don't judge you for stuffing mountains of tuna cans under the bed.
Grimm: Urk! Anyway... happy birthday once again, Yuu. This concludes the interview from yours truly, the Great Grimm!
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