#I can do this. I can do this. these are regular normal activities. I’ll be with you the whole way
galaxywarp · 10 months
Goals for today: get the bloodwork done that my psychiatrist has been begging me to do. Get my car’s oil changed. Get my haircut at 5pm. Take out one bag of trash. Buy more wet food for the cats.
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phant0mth1ef · 1 month
when i’m around, slow dancing in the dark.
ua wasn’t known for their reputation of doing normal school activities, and not once in your three years of being there had you ever thought that you’d get the normal highschool experiences.
like dances, attending school sports games, or even regular normal school festivals where everyone is welcome & allowed to interact with the students.
so when ua announced that they’d be throwing a winter formal for the third years due to the war they were forced to fight in back in first year, oh you could be all your money that you & the girls were going to go all out.
in the weeks leading up to the dance, the hall was filled with decorations, people asking other people to the dance, and even just a cheery feel in the atmosphere.
you’d nearly shrieked when kaminari snuck up on you asking how he should ask jirou to the dance, of course you’d helped him.
once kaminari let it be known that you were the one to give him such flawless advice, many men from your class came to you looking for help in their endeavors.
tokoyami wanted to ask asui. midoriya wanted to ask uraraka. iida wanted to ask hatsume. ojiro wanted to ask hagakure. kirishima wanted to ask ashido. even awase from class b wanted your help when he asked yaoyorozu.
even through all this, you still hadn’t managed to find a date for yourself.
you’d turned your head, unable to find the source of the noise.
“pssst! over here!” the whisper grew louder as you walked in the direction of the noise.
monoma neito met your eyes as he tugged you into a hidden portion of the hallway, nearly tripping you in the process.
“listen. i don’t have a date. you don’t have a date. i don’t want to look like a loser. connect the dots, if you will.” he spoke hurriedly as your face contorted into a look of confusion.
“i thought you would go with kendo?”
“she’s bringing some guy from shiketsu. it infuriates me, yes, but not more than the possibility of me not having a date. it can be strictly platonic, i just can’t show up alone.” he grabbed your shoulders, trying to make sure you understood completely.
“oh. yeah sure i’ll go with you.” you nodded, and with those words he disappeared. likely a quirk he stole in action as you were left there by yourself.
you’d been bombarded once you arrived back at 3a’s dorm, the girls huddling around you and whisking you away while giggling about how monoma was going around bragging that he had a date.
in the corner of your eye you swore you could see s tuft of blonde hair staring at you, his mouth slightly agape as you were shoved into hagakure’s room.
he’d wanted to ask you. of course he’d wanted to ask you. you’d been his best friend since second year, the one person to really understand him and his motives.
the night of the dance came rather quickly, and in the days leading up to it monoma had shown up at your dormitory a few times, coming to pick you up so that you could go find a dress and so he could color coordinate his suit to yours.
because “he’d be damned if you showed up looking a mess to his big night.”
each time he’d picked you up, bakugou would scoff. making his dislike for the boy very unknown.
the dance itself wasn’t much fun. monoma was great and all, but he wasn’t him.
kendo had come up to you both about an hour into the dance, saying she had to urgently talk to monoma. and a few minutes later, he was grinning at you with a thumbs up as they both danced together in unison, the slow song blasting through your ears.
the sound of a chair scraping against the floor echoed through your head as you looked at the noise, your best friend taking a seat with an angry scowl on his face.
“did copy machine just ditch you? that’s fucked.” he scoffed, a glass of punch in one hand as he looked at monoma and kendo.
“nah, we just came with each other so none of us would look stupid alone.”
“are you sayin’ i look stupid because i’m here alone?!” his face turned into a look of realization as you snickered at him.
“a bit, yeah. i dunno. thought you’d ask someone.” you spoke, a look of disappointment on your face.
“eh. don’t like anyone in that way”. you’d looked down at your dress, the fabric bunched in your hands.
“y’know next time you should go with someone who wouldn’t ditch ya. like todoroki or something.” that took the cake as you rose from your seat.
“if you wanted me to go with someone who wouldn’t have left me so bad, then maybe you should’ve asked me yourself!” with that, you turned on your heels retreating back to your dorm room quickly.
he sat there, shocked before he snapped back to reality and followed you.
your heels were discarded once he’d reached the dorm, and you were lying on the couch in the common room as you watched 500 days of summer.
you’d gotten up when you saw him, racing back to your room but he was just too fast.
he grabbed your wrist, prompting you to turn around as he saw slight traces of your mascara had been running across your face.
were you crying?
“look. okay wait stop, just look.” you’d tried to wriggle out of his grasp before deciding to listen.
“fuck. okay. i’m not good with.. this. i dunno. i’ve never done this before. how the hell was i supposed to know you wanted to go with me?” he rambled, tripping over his words. god this was so unlike him.
“i dunno, katsuki. maybe the fact that you’re the only guy i spend time with is part of it!” you were still mad, and tears were pooling in your eyes.
“i know that! okay! i know that! but in my defense, i was going to ask you but then i found out you were going with fuckin’ monoma of all people. who the hell wants to go out with monoma besides kendo? and he wasn’t exactly making it known that you were going in a platonic way.” he’d grumbled the last part.
“i’m sorry, okay? i’m sorry i ruined your night.” you’d pulled him into a hug, he stood there in shock before he hugged back.
“s’not ruined.” you mumbled into the crook of his neck, his eyebrows raised.
“c’mon.” he broke away from the hug, his hands still on your wrist as he led you outside onto the patch of grass that was in front of ua’s dorm.
“gonna look stupid. but i don’t care anymore.”
the music from the dance could still be heard from where you both stood, a slow song beginning to play as he grabbed your waist. instinctively your arms reached for his neck, wrapping around him.
he began to spin you around to the music, the light shining from the moon engulfed the both of you.
you were slow dancing, with bakugou katsuki, in the dark. away from everyone’s eyes.
and when the the song finished, your lips captured his as he returned the action.
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itsabouttimex2 · 6 months
May I ask
Which characters will include in the primal moon scenario ?
Essentially, whichever characters I can think of scenarios for- writing Monkiefam was pretty easy, because monkeys have complex hierarchies to draw from. I spent a while observing different species at a local zoo (they’re mean. God, they’re so mean.) and decided to write a fic based on the behaviors I saw. (I’ll post that video at the bottom!)
Despite their status as the lowest ranked member of the ‘troop’, Wukong sees Y/N as his biological child. He won’t listen to any arguments about the difference in age or species, no matter what evidence is presented to refute him. Macaque is seen as his ‘little brother’, their rivalry temporarily forgotten. (Though only on Wukong’s end.)
The Great Sage is just lucid enough to recognize MK as his cherished student, and tries to give him advice… but his mind is a little too muddled by viridescence to offer anything sound. He also accidentally enables the worst of Primal!MK’s traits by complimenting and comforting him whenever things go wrong.
He’s thankfully rather laidback about the whole thing, only getting violent when he feels that his ‘family’ or status are threatened.
Macaque returns to his long-forgotten docile demeanor, a remnant of his days as a member of the Sworn Brotherhood- though he tries to fight the shift. It butchers the simian’s pride to resume a position of submissiveness, especially now that it’s to two people- one of whom may well be a teenager. Also, he’s sincerely desperate for comfort and companionship, so he spends most of the week fighting himself to not participate in any bonding activities.
He’ll make a ‘rank-scaling’ attempt or two, only to get beaten down and potentially pushed behind even Y/N in terms of status if he does it enough.
Sun Wukong->MK->Macaque->Y/N is the troop ranking, and it’s pretty rigid.
MK is, uh… in a pretty rough state. He’s never had any preparation for the Primal Moon, thinking himself a regular human for almost the entire time that he’s been alive.
Honestly, it’s Tang that gives me the hardest time! assuming we can call upon his cicada ancestry, he’s- got absolutely nothing. Female cicadas use their ovipositors to slice into thin branches many times, leaving clutches of eggs as they go- that’s about as far as parental instincts go for them, given that they and the males die soon after breeding. (The males, in fact, die pretty much directly after.) I guess I’d place him with Princess Iron Fan and Ne Zha as the ‘normal’ guys.
Pigsy is, as you know- a male pig. Who are notorious piglet-killers. Eating piglets, stepping on piglets, rolling over and crushing piglets- intentionally killing entire piglet litters to force females back into estrus- it gets pretty brutal. So I still haven’t figured out what I want to do with him for this story- though I imagine he’ll be aggressive/hair-trigger, with Tang being the one thing that holds him back.
Mei was pretty easy to write, but I did a lot of research on Chinese dragons in order to keep my representation of her respectful. Dragons in the west are usually reduced to bloodthirsty beasts of pride and rage- creatures to be slain and overcome as monstrous final obstacles. This portrayal even dates back to Beowulf, with the dragon portrayed then going on to characterize many dragons that came after it. (For example, Smaug was based partly on Beowulf’s dragon, and partly on Fafnir- so if any others dragons are based on Smaug, then they too call back upon the original.
In Chinese culture, dragons are considered wise and powerful beings. They’re worshipped as symbols of prosperity and good luck, and considered very auspicious beings.
So, Mei seems more composed in this AU- but it’s all an act. Given the stigma that non-humans have on account of the Primal Moon, she spends a lot of time pretending to be something that she’s not so that no one ends up being afraid. Mei’s obsession with with Y/N primarily stems from their complete acceptance of who she is, inside and out. Instead of having to pretend to be dignified and wise and rational, she gets to be the real Mei. She can goofy and energetic with you, not afraid to roughhouse or throw hands.
For Bullfam, I think Princess Iron Fan very much would be the ‘only sane man’- if two things weren’t occurring:
1. Her husband wasn’t trying to talk her into having a second child and worshipping her every step, his tongue spinning crude admirations of her beauty and battle prowess.
2. Her son wasn’t clinging to her waist and arms, begging for validation and attention, futilely trying to drag her into his workshop to compliment his blueprints and machines.
So she has her boy (after some headpats and a little bit of buttering up) run off to the surface and snatch a suitably young human who’s been left unattended, imposing them as a temporary ‘second child’ and ‘younger sibling’… before getting attached. Even though they were supposed to be disposable, she works them into a more permanent fixture of her family.
Given that Red Son is the one who picks you out, he feels a special bond with you. Instead of being more aggressive or even prouder- Red gets clingy. His desire for love and respect comes to the forefront, leading him to latch onto Y/N as tightly as possible. Hugs, headpats, back rubs, hair combing- he wants affection in as many forms as possible. I like to think he temporarily grows horns during the Primal Moon, and that he really likes having them rubbed and polished.
And as for Demon Bull King… this man is already aggressive as hell and pretty damn tempestuous, seeing red at the drop of a hat. So, with very little inhibition as is, he’s the sort of demon hit hardest. Bull King’s mental faculties degrade by a touch or two, rendering him very animalistic. He’s the opposite of Mei here- she puts herself through a ton of suppression and training and it all pays off spectacularly. He actively leans into the instincts and new power the viridescence brings, reveling in a more bestial state.
So, while Y/N openly and freely gives Mei love and affection, they instead cower and hide from Demon Bull King.
He wants more kids. Wants to spend more time with his wife. Wants to fight and break and feast. And when Y/N is abducted brought home, his aggression outright doubles. This is kinda good, though- now he’s so protective that he’s pacing the fortress in hourly patrols, wearing himself out as he digs deep grooves into the earth, carving his sigil into the stones around him many times over, marking the territory as inextricably his.
And all he wants upon returning home is a nap- with his entire family piled onto the bed, of course.
Also, if anyone has recommendations for how characters should act, I’d be happy to hear them!
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shina913 · 11 months
I wish you would write a fic where....reader is going to get a pedicure but her normal nail tech is out, and the owner's cute son (you pick the member) who's back in town volunteers to do reader's appointment. (hehehe)
Jess!!! I did it 🤣 I didn’t think I could but I actually had a lot of fun with this! Thank you for this ask. I hope I did it justice 💜
Self-Care Sunday | JJK
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Pairing: NailTech!Jungkook x Fem!Reader
Rating: 18+
Genre: Meet cute; fluff
Warnings: Some naughty thoughts but nothing explicit; slight references to gender stereotypes and occupations
Word count: 3k+words
Summary: You arrive at your mani-pedi appointment to find out that your usual technician is unexpectedly out. Instead, the salon owner’s son offers to do your nails instead.
A/N: Just for fun! Also, I was too impatient and wanted to actually post on a Sunday, which is why I didn’t have time to find a proper banner image for this. I’ll fix that tomorrow 😅 Thank you @midnightagust for your eyes 🥰 hope you all enjoy this!
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Every weekend, you make a point to treat yourself to some form of pampering. Whether you went out to get your hair done or simply curled up on your couch to enjoy a book, ‘Self-Care Sunday’ was a big deal for you. It was a way to reset and prepare for the week ahead.
This weekend, you’re going for a mani-pedi. You walk into the nail salon about five minutes before your appointment time.
The small reception booth in front is empty, but the rest of the ladies who are busy with customers pause to greet you since you’re a regular. You begin to scan the room for your usual manicurist, hoping to check in and get set up.
Oddly, she’s nowhere in sight so you ask one of the ladies closest to you, who was giving a pedicure to another client.
“Annie just left. She said she was feeling sick,” she says to you.
“Oh no.” You look around again to see that everyone else is tending to their own clients. There’s no way any of these ladies would be able to take you on this morning. You’re disappointed but it’s not the end of the world. “I guess I could just reschedule my appointment–”
“No, hun, you don’t have to! It’s why she didn’t call to cancel. Our manager will take care of you.”
The salon’s manager, Lily, wasn’t afraid to jump in to help out whenever it was busy. It was a small comfort to know that the day wasn’t going to be a complete waste and you knew that you were in good hands.
The nail technician points to the vacant spa chair next to her and you help yourself. She pauses her work to fill the basin with warm water so you can soak your feet in while waiting for the manager.
“He’ll be right out, okay?” She says with a smile before turning back to her client.
Your eyebrows scrunch in curiosity. You could have sworn she said 'he,' but maybe you were hearing things. You dismiss the thought and activate the massage function on your chair, then start scrolling through your phone while waiting.
A few minutes later, you notice movement in your peripheral vision. As the figure settles on the low stool in front of you, you raise your head to greet them. Your voice gets caught in your throat when you realize that it isn't Lily.
You’re stunned at the sight of a man sitting in front of you. He looks young and devastatingly hot. You would never expect to see someone who looked like him at a nail salon, let alone working at one. His big, round, beautiful eyes make you want to melt into the water your feet were soaking in.
“Uhm…h-hi,” you choke out once your brain lurches back to life. “I thought the manager was going to do my mani-pedi.”
He grins proudly, spreading a towel on the footrest of the spa chair. "Yep! You're looking at him!"
You feel confused. Did Lily quit or hire someone new? It’s been three weeks since your last appointment. In the background, you hear the other nail technicians giggling amongst themselves.
Seeing the worried look on your face, he explains, "My mom is taking a break, so I'm filling in for her."
You vaguely remember Lily mentioning her children in passing. Since she looks relatively young for her age, she’s always said that people are shocked to hear when she tells them that she has a grown son.
Well, consider yourself shaken to the core.
"I'm Jungkook, by the way," he extends his hand towards you. You're both baffled and overwhelmed by how handsome he looks. The massage chair's tapping setting propels you forward, snapping you out of your daze.
You reach forward to shake his hand and introduce yourself. Although he has a firm grip, his hands are surprisingly soft, sending a chill down your spine.
“When Annie said that she wasn’t feeling well, I offered to take the rest of her appointments for the day,” he divulges.
You look at him skeptically. You’ve never received a manicure and pedicure from a male technician before—especially not from one who was this cute.
He chuckles. "I know, I know. You're probably thinking, 'Does this guy even know what the hell he's doing?' Well, let me assure you that my mom personally trained me. If she's ever worked on you, you can expect the same level of quality from me. But I understand if you feel uneasy. The last thing I want is for a client to feel that way.”
You’re still apprehensive but he sounds confident. You get a grip and nod, giving him consent to continue with the appointment.
“Thanks,” he says softly and with a look of relief. “You booked a deluxe pedicure and manicure, right?”
The deluxe mani-pedi comes with a longer-than-usual massage on your hands and feet. Thinking about this man's hands kneading your tired muscles makes you sweat.
“Y-yes, I did,” you nervously confirm.
He nods in acknowledgment, and you gulp as he begins to dip the pumice sponge into the basin to scrub your heels. He’s careful and gentle with each pass, totally unlike what you’ve been used to. It’s a stark contrast to these ladies, who have manhandled you in surprising ways—especially the petite, older techs. They’re still sweet, though, and they do a great job, but you admit that this is a nice change of pace.
The rest of your pedicure prep goes smoothly until it was time for the massage.
He drains the water from the basin then he props your feet on the footrest. The stool is too low for his frame but he doesn’t complain. He’d rather make the adjustment so you wouldn’t have to bend awkwardly from your seat.
After drying your feet with a towel, he squeezes some lotion into his hands and starts massaging it into your calf muscles. Typically, some ladies prefer to keep their gloves on for sanitary purposes, but Jungkook has taken off his gloves just before the massage. You figured he was the manager on duty, so he could do whatever he wanted. And not that you had any objections, as the skin-on-skin contact feels nice. Better, actually.
You don't know why, but your gaze is drawn to his thighs, which are spread widely in front of you. It's incredibly distracting and you struggle to look away. You wonder if the awkward positioning of his knees against the spa chair is causing him to sit like that, or if there is something else between his legs that he's trying to adjust for.
“Is the pressure okay?” His question pulls you back into reality.
"What? Oh, yeah. It's good. It's fine," you manage to cobble together. His touch is firm, yet gentle enough to be relaxing. Silently, you think, if he was this good with your legs, how would his hands feel on the rest of your body?
"Are you sure? I could apply more, if you prefer. I always try to start off slow, but I can go deeper, depending on how you like it."
You grip the chair's armrests in response as your mouth goes dry. "N-no, you don’t need to go deeper. What you're doing is...great.” Your voice comes out breathy, but in an effort to distract yourself, you dig your phone out of your purse and start randomly scrolling through your social media feed. Now was not the time to be getting horny over your nail technician.
He suppresses a smile at your response. "Okay then.”
You manage to survive the rest of the pedicure without any additional incidents, much to your relief. He slips your sandals back onto your feet with ease, without smudging your freshly painted toes, and helps you over to the manicure table.
Once you settle in your seat, you rest your hands on the cushion and dip them into a cuticle-softening solution while he sets up the rest of his tools. While waiting for your fingers to soak up the solution, he checks in with you.
“Can I get you anything while you wait?”
“I’m good right now, thanks.”
"Okay.” Then, he leans in, lowers his voice, and asks, “How do you think I’m doing so far?"
You smile warmly at him. "I have to say, I'm pleasantly surprised." Your toes didn't look streaky, nor did he get polish on your skin. You were impressed!
Your response makes him smile from ear to ear, his nose crinkling in amusement.
"Thanks. I know most women think it's weird to get a mani-pedi from a dude."
You sigh and decide to fess up. He seemed self-aware and appreciated honesty. "Well, I have to be honest—I was definitely apprehensive at first," you admit then follow it with a shrug. "But then I thought, hey, it's a job. If you can do it and have the skills for it? Why not? It shouldn't be restricted by gender."
His brow arches at your remark. "My thoughts exactly!" He agrees emphatically.
You feel another spark of electricity surge through you as he lifts your hand. You watch as he examines your fingers under the light.
“Mm…nice, long, nail beds.” His compliment followed but his thumb brushing over your fingers makes your belly flutter.
“But I bet you probably get that a lot,” he adds with a laugh.
“Not as often as you think,” you say. If you didn’t know any better, you’d think he was coming onto you.
“Just a regular manicure, right? Not gel?”
“Yeah. I thought, if I got the gel, I can’t get the usual hand massage—”
“I can still give you the massage,” he interjects.
“Oh. But what about the oils? I thought it’s not good for the gel base?” You hesitate.
He shrugs as if it's a non-factor. "I can do the massage after I cure your nails under the light. That way, the polish adheres nicely and it’ll be all set. But if you still prefer a regular manicure, that's fine—we’ll do that. I just want you to know that you have the option," he assures you.
You purse your lips to think for a few seconds. “Well, if you’re sure the massage won’t mess with the gel—”
“It won’t, I promise!” He says confidently. “My mom’s old school and she’d never do it that way but I think that you can still make it work.” After he says it out loud, one of the female technicians next to him scoffs. Seems like she prefers the standard method, too.
Jungkook rolls his eyes subtly at her reaction and turns his attention back to you. “If you don’t like it, I’ll give you your money back.”
That sounded fair to you.
“Alright. I trust you.”
After you decide on gel polish colors, he begins to trim your cuticles and file your nails. But just when you thought you could easily survive the pedicure, him being this close, and at eye-level, was going to be an uphill battle. He looks so focused and precise in his movements; it’s relaxing to watch. Even the little pout he does while maneuvering your finger to apply the polish with the utmost precision to cover every surface of your nail is cute.
You make small talk while he works. Not the usual gossip that you’re used to with the female technicians. You feel comfortable around him but not enough to spill all of your secrets.
“So, are you doing this full-time?”
“No,” he answers before he guides your hand into the curing lamp. “I have a day job but I mostly work from home. My mom said that needed help and I didn’t hesitate to step up. She works very hard.”
Oh no…he’s not only cute but he also loves his mom. You can’t help but feel endeared. You also note that he doesn’t have a ring on his finger. Lily hasn’t mentioned any daughters-in-law, that you recall.
You decide to sound casual to break the tension a bit. “This job must be a great way to pick up women, too, huh?”
He pauses before meeting your gaze. The corner of his mouth curves into a cocky smirk. “Wouldn’t you like to know?”
Your cheeks heat up. You immediately realize that your comment may have crossed a line, thinking you were at that level of comfort with him just because he touched your bare feet. You kick yourself internally for being presumptuous.
“S-sorry,” you shyly tear your eyes away from him. “I was just trying to make conversation.”
He brushes off the exchange. “It’s cool. Honestly, there aren’t many women falling over themselves to go out with a male nail technician,” he says in jest. “Some people have specific perceptions. They’re usually wrong but I don’t bother to correct them.”
“Oh,” you suddenly feel bad as you’d made assumptions about him too. “I mean, I think you have a lot of patience to be working on nails. Not to mention that you’re a handsome guy who gives great foot massages. I don’t see why any woman wouldn’t want to get more of that.” You catch yourself too late when you realize what you’ve just said.
He snorts your comment but doesn’t pile on it. “You’d think, right?”
You clear your throat and attempt to recover. “Well, you’re also easy to talk to. You keep the conversation flowing.” Your voice is still tight, embarrassed from your ‘cute guy who gives great foot massages’ comment.
“I appreciate that,” he smiles. He examines your nails, one last time, running the pads of his fingers over the polish to make sure that it has set properly. When he’s satisfied, he says, “Looks good. I’ll be right back, okay? Then we can get to your hand massage.” He excuses himself and gathers his tools to soak them in a cleaning solution.
When he walks away and disappears into the back room, you release a breath you seemed to be holding in for far too long. You’d never been this wound up during a mani-pedi.
A few minutes later, he returns and sets a warm towel down. He then moves the magnifying lamp out of the way, giving you a complete and unobstructed view of him. Unfortunately, this doesn't bode well for you.
“So, do you have any plans after this?” He asks casually while massaging circles into your forearms.
You’re all flustered again. “Not much. Maybe I’ll grab some mid-day coffee or something then head home.”
“Nice. Where do you grab coffee?” The feel of him dragging the pads of his fingers on your slicked skin, couple with his piercing gaze are causing your breathing to go ragged again. Suddenly, your brain blanks out on where your favorite coffee spot is.
“Just, uhm—” you struggle to pull the name out of your memory at first but manage to blurt it out when he squeezes your fingers. “It’s not far from here.”
“Oh. I don’t live in this neighborhood so I’m not familiar.” His thumb and forefinger knead your muscles in a way that should normally not feel arousing to you, but it does. And you can’t help when your thoughts slide back into wondering what else those magic fingers can do.
“I figured, if I was going to be helping out here more, maybe I should get to know the area– especially places to eat. You think you can you give me directions to the cafe?”
You shift in your seat. “Well, it’s sort of a hole-in-the-wall place. The GPS is kind of spotty on it. You have to be a local to really know where it’s at.”
“Well, my break’s coming up after this. Maybe we can drive together?”
It takes a couple of seconds for you to realize it. He's not stupid, and you were right – he's definitely self-aware. He knows that you're affected by him. Smiling to yourself, you’re happy to let him know that the feeling is mutual.
Your eyebrows twitch at how forward he’s being. “A break? But it’s only 11:30?” You laugh.
“What can I say? I think I worked you really hard–”
His response makes your eyes bulge and causes your jaw to drop.
“Oh, sorry–I meant to say, you worked me really hard.”
You throw your head back in laughter, and it makes him laugh out loud, too. He was a cocky little shit but you’re not mad at it.
When your laughs die down, he says, “I think we can both agree that we did our best to fight this–” he gestures at the space between you two.
“Oh, is that right?” You ask playfully.
"Yeah. I think we deserve a little treat. Maybe grab some lunch, wherever you want." You’re mildly aware that the massage is over but his fingers are still lingering on your hands while he patiently waits for your answer.
This is one of the most unusual ways you've been asked out, but there's a first time for everything. After thinking it over, you decide to give it a chance. "Okay. But if I agree to go to lunch with you, do I still need to tip you for the mani-pedi?”
He purses his lips in thought for a few seconds before countering. "Tell you what—if you let me take you to dinner tomorrow night, the service is on the house. We can call it even then.”
His playful proposition catches you off guard but it also intrigues you. Again, you find yourself unable to resist his charm.
Your response makes him smile full-on and it’s infectious, so you can’t help but smile back. He starts to clean up his station, then turns to the older nail technician next to him who saw the whole situation unfold.
“Auntie, please don’t tell my mom,” he whispers mischievously, causing her to laugh after she agrees not to rat him out.
You giggle at his request and tell him, “I guess I’ll meet you out front whenever you’re ready?”
“Sounds good. We’ll take my car so we don’t ruin my masterpiece there,” he points at your hands.
You laugh at his retort and shake your head. Never in a million years did you ever think that you’d find a date a the nail salon. It’s one of the better things to come out of your Self-Care Sundays.
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Main Fic Masterlist
You’ve reached the end! Thank you so much for reading!
If you loved it, please comment, reblog, or send me feedback! 📩. I love hearing from readers! If you didn’t like it so much, I would still like to hear about it. Help me become a better writer! 💜
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Jax x timid!reader
A request from ao3! Since I jumped aboard the bandwagon oops
Ever since you arrived at the digital circus, you’ve been spending a lot of time around Jax, which nobody knew why, since they soon found out how timid you are, and Jax is… quite the opposite. Not even you know why you spend time with him. Whenever Caine gives you activities to do, you will usually help Jax with them, unless you get pulled along by one of the others, or if he’s suddenly disappeared in the middle of the activity.
It was another day, you had gotten up from a nap; you knew you didn’t really have to sleep, but it felt nice to just close your eyes for a while. You were going to meet up with the others, so you left your room, closing the door behind you, and went to where you would usually meet up. However, Caine had another activity for you to do.
“I have come to a decision! Today is going to be a little different, as I want to make Y/n here a little more comfortable.”
“And you didn’t think to do that when they first got here?” You glanced over at Jax, who had been standing beside you this whole time.
“Oh never mind that, Jax! Anyways! We’re doing something a little simple this time around! There are papers scattered around the place, and I want you all to find them and make something out of it! Can be anything!”
“That is your activity? That… is super (meep!) lame.” You heard Zooble say behind you. You actually were pretty glad it was something tame this time around
“Well that’s the activity, and I’m not changing it! Now have fun!” And with that, Caine disappeared like usual. You looked back at the others, and before you could say anything, you heard Zooble speak up
“Yeah, I’m not doing this (beep!). You know where to find me if you need me.” Figures. You looked back at Jax, hoping that he would do this activity with you.
“What are you giving me that look for, Y/n?” He asked as he noticed you looking at him. “You… want me to do this activity with you?”
“If you don’t want to then I understand.” You said just loud enough for him to hear as you pressed your fingers together nervously. Jax was going to say something, but noticed the look Ragatha gave him of “you better not hurt their feelings or I’ll hurt you,” which normally wouldn’t affect him, but he had a feeling that if he didn’t say yes, then she was actually going to hurt him.
“Alright, we can do the activity together.”
“Really?” Your eyes lit up. “Let’s get to looking then..!” You two started walking to find some paper that Caine had scattered around. As the two of you walked, Jax was a bit lost in thought as he occasionally glanced over at you, thinking about how you spend so much time with him and that he actually didn’t mind it. While he won’t say this to you out loud, he actually thinks you’re kind of cute, despite how timid you are. Jax was brought out of his thoughts as you spoke up,
“I found some!” You held up several sheets of paper, some were regular sheets of paper, while some were colored, that you had found after wandering the different rooms.
“That’s great, Y/n. Now come on, let’s go find a place to sit and just… I dunno, create whatever.” You nodded and followed after him. As you were walking, you were thinking of what you wanted to do with the paper, but occasionally your thoughts would focus on Jax. You were afraid to tell him, but you enjoyed being around him, despite how you were practically polar opposites, him being a little smug and confident, while you were timid and not so confident. You may or may not have feelings for him, but there was no way you could ever tell him that either.
You squeaked a bit as you suddenly bumped into Jax, looking up at him.
“Is something wrong..?” You asked him, holding the sheets of paper close to your body.
“Nah, was just going to ask if this space will work?” You looked over to see a decent sized table in front of you. You nodded and went over to the table, setting the paper down in front of you, Jax sitting across from you. You grabbed one of the sheets of colored paper, which was (f/c), you started folding and bending the paper, and soon, you held up the origami swan in your hands, a faint smile on your face
“I haven’t done that in years.” Jax grabbed one of the papers that you set on the table and started folding and bending it… however, it seems he was having trouble.
“So you just want to watch me struggle, hmm?” He asked you as he glanced back up at you. You laughed a bit and moved closer to him.
“Here…” you took his hands into your own and showed him what you did, and the next thing you knew, you had helped him with an origami swan. “And there we go! Th..that’s what I did.”
“Thanks, Y/n.”
“Of course..! I..it’s not a problem, Jax.” You two went quiet as you grabbed another paper, doodling and other things. That is, until Jax spoke up once more.
“Y/n, can I ask you something?”
“Yeah? What’s up, Jax?” You looked up from the paper you were doodling on.
“Why do you like hanging around me? I mean, I ain’t complaining, just… curious.”
“Well…” was he onto you? No, there’s no way.
“Because I like you. I like hanging around you.” You glanced away from him, pressing your fingers together nervously, but stopped as he grabbed your hands.
“Are you being serious, Y/n?”
“Y…yes.” Now you were even more nervous. Was he going to tell you to stop hanging out with him??
“Good, because I like you too.” You felt your hair being ruffled as Jax chuckled softly.
“Wait… what?”
“What? I said I like you too.”
“You really do?!”
“Yes. I do.” You swore you thought you were going to cry, but you shook your head, got up and over to him, hugging him.
“Whoa, hey..!” He laughed a bit, caught off guard by your sudden hug, but eventually hugged you back.
“S..sorry, I just didn’t think you’d feel the same way.”
“It’s alright, Y/n. Come on, show me how to make other origami things.”
“Oh, okay..!” You nodded and you two spent the next several hours making origami and talking about whatever came to mind, bringing you two even closer together.
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salaimoi · 5 months
talk to me nice or i'll cry, seriously ;ଓ
- 𝘢𝘯 𝘰𝘯𝘨𝘰𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘴𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘣𝘺 @𝘴𝘢𝘭𝘢𝘪𝘮𝘰𝘪 -
⋘…𝑙𝑜𝑎𝑑𝑖𝑛𝑔 𝑑𝑎𝑡𝑎...⋙
⤷what is this series about?
it consists of silly, random dialogue-packed, short interactions between reader and a JJK character :3
⤷victims of this series:
Gojo Satoru, Toji Fushiguro, Ryomen Sukuna (maybe Choso Kamo later on)
⤷how is this different from regular fics on tumblr?
the only difference is that these stories will be more dialogue than narration. maybe it’s bc I’m tired of narrating fics, but I’ve always wanted to read/create more stories where the characters interact directly with one another via words.
⤷why not just write drabbles?
I’m taking the easy way out by writing in this format. yes, you read that right. sometimes I picture a character saying/doing a certain thing in my head, but I don’t want to write a 500+ detailed fic about it. for me, personally, a drabble is too short for what I have in mind. at the same time though, a fic is too long
⤷can you make requests for this series?
not at the moment — since it is a brand new piece of work for me, I want to get used to it before I begin to accept requests. my ask-box will always remain open tho! so if you feel as if you need to submit a request you’ll probably forget later, do not hesitate to drop it there and I’ll get to it in due time. please be patient with me ! ^^
ೀ 🍨 ‧ ˚ 🎀 ⊹˚. ♡
now that that’s out of the way. every time I publish a new story, I will come back here to update it. all credits go to original creators — other than the gojo section, all pictures are from pinterest.
all fics go in order from newest ➜ oldest respectively for each character
Gojo Satoru ⋆.˚🦋༘⋆
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⌗ rich boy activities .ᐟ where gojo intends to transfer you all the money in his bank account for the sole purpose of receiving a compliment from you.
Fushiguro Toji 𓊆ྀི✰𓊇ྀི
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⌗ 𝐒𝐭✰𝐫𝐠𝐢𝐫𝐥 .ᐟ where you shamelessly state that you’re going to get toji pregnant, but he’s not having it with your weirdness today.
⌗ i love you .ᐟ where you ask toji if he loves you mid morning sex session.
Ryomen Sukuna ★₊˚﹟🪐 '
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⌗ yawn .ᐟ where you beg sukuna to have a normal conversation - devoid of sex - for once.
⌗ cloud talk .ᐟ going sight seeing with the king of curses
more coming soon to a theater near you .ᐟ
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galaxyshine24-7 · 3 months
The Silver Bullet AU🍺
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Chapter 9 Hennessy
TW Foul language
It’s been a month since the Heartslaybul incident and things have finally started to get back to normal. Well almost normal, the Silver Bullet is now filled with Heartslaybul members that always stop by to chat and drink. Ace and Deuce are here almost every day becoming rather good friends with Yuu. Today Yuu gets ready to open up the bar wiping down tables and cleaning glasses as they wait for the morning rush.
“Yuu!” Just in time Ace and Deuce come bursting through the door.
“Good morning you two, so the usual?-” Before Yuu could finish Ace pushed a piece of paper in front of Yuu’s face.
“Yuu! You won’t believe what happened!” Deuce exclaims as Yuu takes the paper from Ace’s hand.
It’s an advertisement for a fighting ring, an upcoming competition.
“We just got three free tickets from Cater for the upcoming fight, and with Savanaclaw hosting it you know it’s gonna be a blood bath.” Ace beams.
“So it’s a fighting competition?” Yuu looks over the poster showing two fighters going at it with a Savanaclaw symbol branded at the bottom.
“You never heard of them?” Ace gasps. “You're a bartender how could you have not heard about it?!” Ace takes the poster back.
“I don’t keep up with fighting rings.” Yuu shrugs.
“This isn’t an ordinary fighting ring, it’s the best around only a select few can even view it and only the best fighters get a chance to participate,” Deuce explains.
“Yeah, and this year it’s time for the NRC King’s Roar where every gang gets a representative to compete against Savanaclaw’s best. If you win you get a lot of money and street cred, the gangs around here love the excuse to fight each other and show off so it’s a huge deal.” Ace takes out a ticket handing it to Yuu. “Cater wanted us to invite you, to come out and have some fun, I’ve only seen you working at the bar.”
“Thanks, but I don’t know if I want to watch fighting.” Yuu shakes their head.
“You don’t have to watch the fight. The Savanaclaw district has clubs and high-class bars, and the arena is full of activities to do everyone’s gonna be there.” Deuce adds.
“Think about it like this you can get new inspiration for drinks and get a low down of what the trends are nowadays.” Ace leans in.
“Please come with us Yuu!” The boys beg with wide pleading eyes.
Yuu can’t say no to that, and for such an exclusive event Cater must’ve had a hard time getting the tickets
“Fine… I’ll go but I won’t stay for the whole time.” Yuu sighs giving in to their pleas.
“Yes!” Ace pumps his fist in the air.
“This is going to be fun trust us Yuu.” Deuce smiles.
“We shall see, now do you two want the usual?”
“Yes please.”
Yuu nods their head getting the drinks and dishes ready.
“And another thing they're going to have events before the big fight. These tickets will allow us to get into everything.” Ace watches Yuu work around the bar and kitchen getting their orders out fast.
“How did Cater manage to get them?” Yuu raises a brow. These tickets seem a little too exclusive.
“Something about a friend owing him I think.” Deuce answers even though he seems a bit unsure.
“Who cares as long as they're ours now.” Ace lets out a wicked grin as Yuu comes over with their dishes.
A hot Cherry pie and an egg sandwich for her two regulars.
“Meow!” A high-pitched whine comes from Grim as the puffball jumps on the counter trying to after Ace’s pie.
“Urgh get away cat!” Ace holds the plate above his head as Grim tries to swat at it with his gray paws.
“Grim seems more food-driven today.” Deuce takes a bite out of his sandwich.
“I know right, he’s been begging for food all morning even though he’s already eaten.” Yuu could only watch for so long before Ace drops his pie on the floor. The bartender takes the cat getting out some cat treats from a nearby cabinet to please the small food goblin for a little. Grim rushes upstairs happily with a treat in his mouth.
Ace lets out a sigh of relief finally able to enjoy his pie in peace.
“Besides the competition? Anything else happening?” Yuu asks handing the boys some glasses of water.
“Ever since Riddle’s accident, it’s been pretty quiet. Now we can focus on who led the attack.” Deuce explains finishing his sandwich.
The attack, Yuu had almost forgotten about all the recent events. The gangs must still be trying to investigate things. Now with Riddle’s overblot over the question remains why such a talented magic user went overboard without anyone noticing before it was too late, along with adding the other overblots something isn’t adding up. The thought just makes Yuu’s head hurt as they focus on their two friends chatting away at the bar.
Now that Yuu thinks about it they wonder what the Savanaclaw district is like. They have only heard Vargas talk about it and the other teachers say it’s a pretty rowdy place compared to the other districts. Yuu heard its full of fighting rings, nightclubs, and themed bars very much a party district for more of the common man. Crewel always talked about how unrefined individuals like to hang around there, but it just intrigued Yuu more. The gang leader of Savanaclaw can be pretty lax with the rules when he wants to be. Yuu won’t admit it right away but they could use a fun night out with some dancing and drinking. One thing the district has is a lot of exotic vegetation and even it’s own botanical garden is said to be pretty remarkable. Savanaclaw was founded by the King of Beasts from the Afterglow Savanna so a lot of the architecture is based around those lands. With that information, Yuu can’t help but be a little excited.
“Will there be any events at the botanical garden?” Yuu asks.
“Um, I think so.” Deuce looks over the flyer containing the events. “There is a new bloom of flowers showcasing for the locals but we get to get in for free with our tickets.” Deuce exclaims.
“I would love to go see for myself.” Yuu perks up.
“Really? Then we should go right away.” Ace finishes his pie.
“I have work,” Yuu states.
“It’s a bit empty today everyone is over in Savanaclaw, besides a little break won’t hurt.” Ace leans on the counter letting out a sly grin.
This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and the bar has no customers besides Ace and Deuce.
“And it said pets are welcomed.” Deuce cuts off Yuu’s thoughts.
Grim jumps on the counter meowing up a storm.
“Aw, Grim do you want to go.” Yuu scratches under his chin.
Grim purrs in response placing a gentle paw on Yuu’s hand. How could Yuu say no to that? “Fine let me get ready.” Yuu give in.
“We’ll watch the bar and the cat for you.” Ace smiles watching Yuu head upstairs fist pumping Deuce when they are out of eye shot.
Yuu changes into more causal clothes and finding a shoulder bag for Grim to relax in as they make their way downstairs. The ribbon around their neck fits well with their outfits, no surprise that Crewel made it so. When they reach the bar Ace and Deuce wait by the door talking amongst themselves.
“I’m here, just let me lock up first.” Yuu places the bag on the counter as Grim plops right in. He sure is a smart cat, a very lucky find in Yuu’s case. Grim looks even happier with the surprise trip outside letting out a set of happy meows.
Ace and Deuce stop their conversation to stare at Yuu in their new outfit standing up a bit straighter as they walk past.
“Woah you look different outside of your normal uniform.” Ace lets out a stretch as he steps outside.
“Thanks, I guess.” Yuu chuckles locking the door behind them as they start to head to the Savanaclaw district of the city.
“So do you like plants Yuu?” Deuce starts up the conversation as they walk. The weather was nice today with little clouds in the sky.
“Yes, I would like to find space to plant some at the bar, but I haven’t had time to,” Yuu answers.
“You should come to see the main garden that Heartslaybul takes care of you’ll like it for sure,” Ace suggests.
They continue their talk about the different places they should visit as they get closer to the district it starts to get more crowded. Music can be heard from every corner as dancers grace the street. It seemed like the public treated this event as a festival of sorts drawing in people from all over with its variety of activities. The smell of food lingers in the air making Yuu’s mouth water.
“Sautéed Mutton over here here!”
“Steamed Bananas 3 marks!”
“Rice crepes anyone want a rice crepe!”
Food vendors from trucks and stalls yell out into the changing crowd grabbing the attention of many passersby. Restaurants with outside sections put on food prep performances catching the eyes of many people. This place was full of surprises and of course, Ace, Deuce, and Yuu had to stop for some treats on their way to the garden.
The garden was easy to spot with its giant glass doom looming over the center of the district a line of people appeared around it taking pictures with family or buying from vendors around the area.
“Woah it’s bigger than I thought it would be,” Yuu exclaims as they walk up to its doors.
The guard at the door sees their tickets and lets them through. Yuu couldn’t believe the whiplash of coming out into the city and a giant jungle. They couldn’t believe something like this was possible on the concrete streets. The smell of fresh flowers fills their nose as live greenery surrounds them at every corner.
“This place is impressive.” Deuce looks around in awe at Yuu.
“It’s fine, but I’m more into the nightclubs.” Ace yawns as he follows Deuce and Yuu down a designated path.
“I can’t believe they have all these kinds of plants. It must’ve taken years to collect them all.” Yuu bends down to look at a bright red flower as big as their head. Grim sniffs around from the bag eyes darting to every corner.
“Well yeah this place is funded by the gangs, a lot to get potion ingredients are made here and a whole group and gang members use this place to conduct potion experience,” Ace says in a hushed tone as a family passes by.
Yuu shouldn’t be surprised that this has ties to the mafia and gangs. Though it would’ve been nice if some places could remain untouched by criminal activity. However in NRC that is just a daydream. Yuu stands up from inspecting the flowers as they make their way around the garden with Ace and Deuce. They stop by an outlook of a man-made waterfall to sit down on the available benches. It is then when they catch their breath when Ace’s phone rings.
“Damn.” Ace frowns fishing out the phone from his pocket. “Hello? Oh hey, Trey. What Really?! Do we have to? Ugh, fine later Trey.” Ace hangs up the phone angrily and turns to Deuce.
“We’re needed back at Heartslaybul.” Ace sighs.
“Really?” Deuce asks.
“Yes.” By the look on Ace’s face, it seems to be serious. “Sorry Yuu but we gotta go, do you want us to take you home?”
“Oh no it’s okay, I wanna stay here for a bit.”
“Are you sure?” A flash of worry crosses Deuce’s face.
“Yeah, don’t worry guys I know how to take care of myself, promise.”
“Okay, but text us when you're back home, and don’t stay out too late.” Deuce advises.
“And here take this.” Ace hands them their ticket. “Don’t lose it okay.”
“I know, now get back to Heartslaybul before you get scolded.” Yuu waves them off as they offer up their last goodbyes. Yuu watches until they disappear among the crowd. They then lean back on the bench a rest their head letting the sound of the waterfall and smell of place bring them to a point of peace. Maybe one day Yuu can see a real waterfall and see the plants in their natural habitat. Until then they can just take in the sights the city has to offer.
“Meow!” Grim starts moving around in the bag very frantic.
“You okay Grim?” Yuu looks into the bag to check on their feline friend but he jumps out of the bag racing into the bushes.
“Grim no!” Yuu jumps up looking around to see that the outlook is all but barren now, with no one to see them going off the path. Yuu ventures into the tall bush being very careful not to step on any precious plants. “Grim come back.” Just how big is this place? This might as well be an actual jungle. Pushing away any low-hanging vines and leaves Yuu finally reaches a clearing seeing Grim munching on a berry bush. “Grim you bad cat spit that out,” Yuu whispers harshly going in to scoop up the ball of fur until they step on something on the ground.
At first, Yuu thought it was a stick up until it started moving making the bartender jump back in surprise. It’s long and brown with a tuft of fur at the end resembling that of a tail.
“Oh, great sevens.” Yuu gasps watching the tail disappear into the foliage as a deep growl causes their blood to run cold. They wouldn’t have animals in the garden, right? The sound of the growl alerts Grim as he dashes back into the bag having get his fill of berries.
“Who the fuck stepped on my tail!” I voice erupts from the bushes as a hand shoots out grabbing Yuu by the collar. The person now makes themselves known by stepping into the light.
Long brown hair cascades down his shoulders and back as a loose-fitting shirt covers his shoulders but exposes his chest. Vibrant green eyes glare at Yuu as white fangs reveal themselves. A large scar rests on his eye making his identity known. Leona Kingscholar ruler of Savanaclaw holds onto Yuu tighter bristling with frustration.
So much for their promise to Ace and Deuce.
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kny-agere · 4 months
A little angsty request Muichiro regresses and thinks Obanai is Yuichiro
Didn’t do it tooo angsty but I hope it’s still good (and added Mitsuri bc I felt it pushed things along better).
“He won’t let me put him down.” Iguro had been holding Muichiro for at least an hour at this point. As a demon slayer he had the strength to do so but somehow it was still tiring. Iguro wanted to go lie down for a bit or simply have some time to himself.
“Maybe he’s hungry,” Mitsuri suggested. She was clearly worried. Usually the younger hashira clinged to the woman. They could hardly be separated. For Tokito to barely have any interest in her was a sign something was wrong, except the boy seemed perfectly happy. “I’ll get some fruit for us!”
She disappears and still Muichiro barely blinks. He happily nuzzles Obanai’s chest and pulls at his hair. The one or two pieces that are a little longer are easy to grasp. The younger boy seems a little spacier than usual. In between soft kisses and tight hugs he stares at Iguro’s face with a strange look on his face. Then he blinks rapidly a few times and goes back to being more active.
The few times Kanroji had tried to take him into her hands Tokito had almost immediately burst into tears. His face screwed up and the boy gripped Iguro’s haori like a lifeline. Normally he’d be treating Kanroji like that.
At least in the older slayers arms he wasn’t complaining or squirming around much. Though it didn’t seem like the boy would be falling asleep any time soon either.
“We had peaches! I cut them up really small so Mui-kun doesn’t have trouble eating them.”
“He can eat regular slices just fine.”
“It’s better this way! He’s my baby and I’ll treat him like one.” Kanroji sat beside Iguro and waved a small peach cube in the young boys face. Muichiro huffed and turned back into Obanai’s chest. Immediately Mitsuri wilts.
“Do you think he hates me?” The woman sounds nearly hysterical. Tears build in her eyes.
“He doesn’t.” Iguro almost growls. He refuses to think that anyone could even dislike Mitsuri. “Don’t you want your mama?” This time he directs the words towards Tokito. It’s rare they use such familiar words, ones like mother and father. Obanai hopes it’ll remind the younger slayer who cares for him most.
“Bubber.” The words are utter nonsense but Muichiro speaks the words a few times over while he nuzzles any part of Iguro he can reach.
“What is he saying?” Mitsuri manages to stop her tears for a few minutes. “Do you have a little nickname for Iguro-kun?” She pokes his cheek and at the very least he doesn’t whine at all.
Muichiro takes a deep breath. “Brud-bur.” He focuses very hard when speaker. One of his small hands tugs at Obanai’s hair again. The older man still looks confused.
Kanroji has gone very quiet. She looks sad again but not for herself. Leaning in close to Iguro she speaks very softly, “I think he’s saying brother.”
Suddenly he doesn’t care so much about having to coddle the young boy.
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sunnystrollblog · 5 months
So some ideas that I think would be cool for the Borrower au (that you are completely free to ignore or veto):
The Borrower trolls do end up moving into the village but they pull a Canon Branch and immediately start building a series of Ant-like tunnels under it. Both Peppy and Poppy worry about them collapsing like the escape tunnels but eventually are convinced to let them do it.
Borrower trolls have a bit of a skewed sense of ownership. Like they respect sentimental objects but otherwise it's the Classic Borrower idea of "is it useful? Will you notice its absence? Good it's ours now."
To outsiders it's almost impossible to tell the difference between a regular Pop troll and a Borrower troll. After Barb's invasion this accidentally gains the whole tribe the reputation for being 'Preppy Neon Sleeper Agents'. This reputation is strengthened when the Putt-Putts come into the picture.
Ooooh I love these ideas and I’ll expand on it. When borrower trolls are reintroduced into troll society the other pop trolls have no idea how to interact with them. For one they don’t party much afraid it could lead a dangerous critter to them. So it hard to get them to join in group activities were there is going to be a good amount of noise. Not to mention that if anyone feels threatened at any time they can go in four different survival reactions. Defenders usually go for fight, scavengers go for freeze/hide, rescuers go for fawn and caretakers are a toss up which can be very dangerous for whoever makes them feel threatened. the first time regular pop trolls saw branch take down a large critter with no sweat was definitely surprising. They’ve also developed harder skin to deal with the rough ground in Bergen town
Secondly their diets have changed drastically since they were used to scavenging for any scraps of food they could get their hands. It’s not uncommon to catch borrower trolls taking discarded foods from the trash or even just storing away any food items given to them. And pop trolls sorta had trouble feeding the caretaker trolls because they literally refused to eat until all the younglings did.
And gift giving is a nightmare because of how practical these trolls are. Now the first time someone gave hype a gift our boy immediately broke it apart and basically only kept the parts that he could use for traps or another invention. It wasn’t until the troll who gave him it started crying did he understand that’s not a normal thing to do. So yeah gifts need to be practical especially clothing.
Now while some borrowers look basically the same as others trolls that’s not the case for many as their roles in the compound influenced their outfits drastically. For example scavengers wear things that can blend in with their surroundings so now that they live in the forest they wear floral clothing mostly consisting of green leaves or flowers that can blend into the environment. Caretakers wear soft and simple clothing so the children can recognize them immediately. Rescuers and defenders wear any protective clothing anything that can hold together in a fight and they’ll wear it. But if you didn’t know that about them then yes you’d have absolutely no idea you’re talking to someone who could snap your neck in less than a second and who’d use your body as critter bait
But there are still some things that are similar. Like hugs, now you might think they’d all be touch averse because of living in Bergen town for so long. But actually hugs and physical contact helped a lot of trolls when they lived under the bergens. It took away some of the stress and anxiety that living there caused and it helped them stay connected to each other even when words were hard to find. And music is another thing that they hold dear, now just because they couldn’t play loudly didn’t mean they didn’t listen to music at all. In fact lullabies and and soft instrumental songs were loved by all no matter the age
Anyway yeah they’ve all changed a lot since the troll tree. But they still are trolls and that doesn’t change just because they’re different now. Just means others need to be more accommodating
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lilacxquartz · 5 months
Those Late Summer Nights | Chapter 4
Satoru Gojo × Fem Reader × Suguru Geto
This is a dark yandere fic that features upsetting themes and it is canon divergent. Updated every Wednesday.
ABOUT: You moved to Tokyo over the summer to take a teaching job. As you get settled in, you find yourself entangled in a toxic dynamic.
CHAPTER SUMMARY: Suguru has an unavoidable family event to go to, Shoko is needed for inner city training and Satoru was busy with clan related activities. As a result, you’re the next in line.
TRIGGER WARNING: Your boundaries get pushed. Suguru gets too touchy and feely.
SIDE NOTE: Reminder, this is canon divergent, so his family is still around.
< Previous Chapter • Next Chapter >
4. Plus One.
You blinked as you stared at Suguru.
He wanted to meet up with you today while everyone else was busy, not explaining much over the phone call prior. This was the first time you had been to anyone else’s apartment that wasn’t Shoko’s and his place seemed oddly fitting for someone like him. Minimally yet tastefully decorated and tidy with warm accents.
“A platonic date…?” you repeated it, hoping that it would sound less absurd the second time around but it only became weirder the more you processed it—especially when you were the one who said it.
He explained that he wanted you to be his plus one for a family event because nobody else was available for night. He could have taken someone random he said, but he wanted to be around someone he could both tolerate and trust not to embarrass him in front of his family.
So that’s why he couldn’t just find someone random, he claimed.
You weren’t sure if this type of request was common among friends but you tried your best to be understanding about it. Friends did favours for friends, right? So maybe this was normal.
“For a family gathering type of event, yeah,” he nodded along, throwing you a piece of black clothing, “you can wear this, Shoko wore it the last time she stood in for this sort of thing.”
You scrambled as you looked at the dress in its entirety; a midi length black dress in a soft and breathable fabric with a slit down the skirting, sporting a square neckline.
You could see this looking great on her but you couldn’t imagine it on you. Maybe it would? Who really knows.
“It’s nothing serious, I promise,” he said once again, talking you into it, his voice melodic and yet so casual, “it’s just some family thing I can’t avoid so I would rather not go alone, you know? It’s regular people so you won’t have to talk about sorcerer stuff, if that makes it less scary for you.”
It did make the prospect less scary, he was correct about that much. His eyes focused on the dress as you seemed to consider it and then a little on you, something in his face lighting up just a little bit as the seconds passed but whatever it was, he didn’t comment on it out loud.
“I suppose I could…” you considered, feeling just a bit pressured. You knew already that you wouldn’t do too well in new social situations, but you also wanted to be someone that your new friend group could rely on.
Or would that only make you into a pushover?
Was that why he asked you to begin with, so early on into knowing you? To see if that’s what you potentially were?
Your mind stirred at the thought.
It certainly felt that way at least, the longer he continued to stare at you with those almost knowing eyes. There was something about him that you couldn’t quite read too well.
“Perfect. I’ll pick you up from the halls at let’s say… 6 in the evening tomorrow?” Suguru replied as he walked you out of the front door. “Wear something comfortable on your feet though, there’s a lot of standing involved.”
You stared at the now closed door with some further disbelief, sighing at the idea. You spent an extra half hour getting lost on your way here and you were already being turned away so soon.
You didn’t really want to do this but you didn’t want to be a disappointment either.
You texted Shoko on your way back to the campus as had to take the bus to get back there as it was quite out of the way of the city. You wondered if it would just be easier to live in the city, the commute be damned but you’d be closer to everyone else.
You asked her how to possibly get through this thing, how to interact with his family and why it had to involve wearing something so formal.
Her texts came back as a chaotic stream of broken down replies but you were able to piece them together bit by bit. As far as you understood it, all you needed to do was smile and nod, laugh at the jokes told by his family no matter how bad they are and to help yourself to the complimentary booze provided in the kitchen.
Maybe you could get through this after all.
You surrendered to this sort of idea as you texted back and forth what you actually needed to be doing and by the time you were back on the campus, the idea didn’t seem too bad after all.
This was just something he did with friends, just as you suspected.
He just didn’t want to be alone for something potentially boring, maybe even daunting and that was something you could understand.
You were ready by 6 the next day just as you had promised you would be. You slipped into the dress relatively quickly and styled your hair to rest a little better on your shoulders. You decided to accessorise the dress with a simple silver necklace to make it look less plain and wore some flat black sandals to finish off the look, figuring they would be comfortable enough.
There was then a knock on the front door not too long after and you opened it up, revealing a slightly more dressed up Suguru who looked good in what he wore.
You could admit that much, but you didn’t dare tell him. Would it be weird if you did?
You both eyed each other up before anything was said. He wore black slacks and a form fitting black jumper with his hair pulled back. It all looked a little too much for the weather, but his sleeves were rolled up and he didn’t seem to be dying from the heat.
He took a good look at you but didn’t say anything, leaving you both thankful that he didn’t comment on your appearance but also a little nervous all at the same time.
“Don’t you get scared living in a place like this all alone?” he asked after a moment as he took a look around, his eyes scanning the halls with some familiarity in this gaze.
“It’s not that bad,” you shrugged, unsure how to reply. Your expression slowly grew nervous, overthinking his comment.
“You know, Shoko might be quiet about it, but she is looking for a roommate,” he said after a strained moment of silence.
You liked that idea though. You wanted to live with someone in a way, both for reassurance but also because you genuinely wanted to be her good friend.
“I can think about it…” you added after another moment of pause, realising that you didn’t quite reply immediately. You were too lost in thought.
In fact, the silence between the two of you only continued to brew. You were both too reserved without the two other people who would otherwise fill in the gaps that were vacant from your presence.
“Anyway,” he spoke up at last, clearing his throat as he did so, avoiding staring at your body as his eyes couldn’t help but trail over to the way you wore the dress again and again, “I’ll be driving us there, so just follow me.”
He let you into his car which was conveniently to his style as well, a sleek black car that seemed to be a semi recent model. The drive happened in relative silence aside from what played in the background as the road gradually grew slowly darker, but not quite night as the sun began to set. He listened to chill house music that idly played, not seeming too bothered by the mutual quietness.
You felt his eyes wander back and forth to your body as you tried to pay attention to the outside, catching a glimpse of him staring in the reflection every now and then. Such a feeling left you feeling just a little uncomfortable whenever he would do so and the fact that he never once said anything only added to the tension that you didn’t even know was there.
At some point, he pulled over to a less travelled spot where the cars didn’t pass by as much, right beside some trees. He fanned his fingers and his palms over the steering wheel before taking a deep, sharp breath before exhaling through his mouth in a controlled manner.
His closest hand drifted away from the wheel as if by pure impulse and off towards you, balling into a fist as he seemed internally conflicted with something before returning his hands back to where they were supposed to be.
You kept incredibly quiet throughout this encounter, unsure where it was going and not feeling too safe as it happened.
“Sorry about that,” he said after a while of sitting in silence with you. His eyes didn’t dare move to look at you as he took a few more deep breaths to calm himself down from whatever it was that was bothering him before driving off again.
“I just had a thought that I shouldn’t have had,” he muttered to himself, just loud enough so that you could hear him too.
You didn’t reply anything to him, but you did gulp somehow absurdly loud as the discomfort on your end finally made a more noticeable appearance.
What was that?
For your own sanity, you chose to ignore it for the rest of the ride, (but you knew that you shouldn’t have).
He finally pulled up to a house in the countryside off of a more beaten road. Many other cars were parked in a array of chaotic ways around each other, some cars locking others in. The house reminded you a little bit of home, but that sort of design wasn’t really that uncommon in areas like these and especially with older builds.
“You’ll be fine,” he spoke up, his voice finally normal again, “most people are from a bit further out into the country.”
He was glad in a way that he didn’t have to educate you on the correct mannerisms the same way he had to do with Shoko, but he didn’t say it to you directly.
He led you out of the car instead and introduced you to the people inside. You tried your best to follow Shoko’s guidance rather seriously, smiling and laughing and nodding, subconsciously drifting to the table that had refreshments as you sought out liquid courage to ease the social pressure.
You weren’t doing too badly you thought, but your heart raced the entire time, gradually being replaced with a heavier sort of feeling as the wine settled in your system and relaxed you.
Slowly but surely, you could get through this.
Suguru stuck closely by you to your surprise, you were expecting him to do his own thing for some reason.
The reality was that he was still feeling what he did back in the car when things got a little too heated for him and he didn’t like that sensation nor what it did to him. There was something about you in that dress and the way that it sat just a little tighter on you than it did on Shoko; your body filling it out in all of the right ways that made him see you in a way he shouldn’t be looking at you.
At least not if he wanted to keep your friendship.
You didn’t notice the male attention on you like he did, so he was just being protective of his friend in a new setting, that was it. Nothing more. But with the way his own relatives looked at you, he couldn’t help but just feel a little jealous—not that he had any right to feel that way, of course, but it did trouble him all the same.
You, on the other hand, didn’t notice a thing aside from the fact that you were just being closely watched though, thinking that this was all just a part of his intense personality. You didn’t know that he was actually quite a relaxed person, not too far off from Satoru when he was around his friends, that he was equally casual and non-caring, but that wasn’t the side of him that you were getting to know.
And as the gathering seemed to eventually thin out, he didn’t quite know why he took off with you in such a hurry either, without as much as saying a single goodbye to the rest of his family. It was just you and him, straight into the car with even more silence that followed you both on the way back.
This time though, he drove faster down the road once he got onto the freeway, not quite caring about the speed. The veins on his forearms were beginning to tighten as his knuckles that firmly gripped onto the wheel grew pale, driving off somewhere that didn’t quite seem like you were going home before he pulled over once again to the side.
The same sort of thing repeated as before; the breathing exercises and the internal struggle and the tension to top it all off. He really tried his best to talk himself out of it but surrendered this time to crossing the barrier of where you two sat, his hand spilling into your half of the car and his hand meeting your knee, wrapping around your leg where the dress didn’t reach.
His grip around you continued to tighten as he enjoyed the sensation of your soft, smooth skin as he slowly brushed it up, reaching just the edge of the skirting to your dress, so close to your thighs, so close to your—your—wait.
“Please stop,” you interrupted him, causing him to freeze in place.
His eyes widened as he realised what he was doing and he kept frozen in place for about ten painful seconds or so before lifting his hand away in a sudden hurry—quickly gulping down what he actually wanted to say.
From your peripheral vision, it seemed that he was acting based on a different type of thinking entirely as he stayed silent, his hand drifting over to his trousers as his legs pushed him up a little, quickly adjusting what was going on in his pants to ease the problem he had.
Luckily for him though, you didn’t notice that part too well, your eyes instead pointed directly at your legs instead as you tried to process your own discomfort.
The rest of the drive continued on in pained silence until you both got out at the campus and much to your building up concern, he followed you right to the door, but he didn’t seem to be pressuring you anymore. In fact, he seemed normal again.
“Hey, so, I’m really tired, I don’t think I can drive again,” he spoke, stretching his arms out as he yawned, “think I can take the hall sofa? I’ll be out of your way right where you can see me, I promise I won’t do anything again. I don’t know what I was even thinking.”
Your judgement was a little off but you could still feel the buzz from the drinks before at the event cloud your judgement. You sighed and allowed it before heading off to your room to process everything that had happened today.
If you could both simply forget what happened, then that would be great.
Something told you that it wasn’t quite the end of that, though.
And with the way his eyes couldn’t keep off of you as he followed you inside, your hunch was about to be proven correct—not that he’d let you catch on, though.
He was going to be subtle about it, if he could help it.
Just for you.
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saltofmercury · 2 years
hi i love ur writing sm and i hope you dont mind my request! can you do one where könig has a s/o that's prone to fainting and he's the one who catches them and just wait until they wake up like it's a normal occurrence now? IM NOT SURE HOW TO EXPLAIN but im prone to fainting and just hope for a könig in my life
hi hi! omg are you my twin? I used to pass out ALL THE TIME. Especially from period pain.
Pairing: König x f!reader
Summary: König helps you when you pass out.
a/n: This was so fun to write because I have passed out multiple times because of period pain, not being hydrated, and even one time because I got my ears pierced and the pain was too much. LOL enjoy!
You remember the first time it happened.
You had a weird pain throbbing against your stomach, that wouldn’t go away for some reason. You were shopping in the store with your mom. You figured it was nothing, but then you felt hot, how hot your body felt, you kept going throughout the store, when suddenly, the room started to get dark, small bubbles of black and white appeared in your eyesight, your legs felt like jello, and sure enough you woke up breathing heavy, covered in sweat, with over 5 people crowding around you. Your mom had wondered where you wandered off to, but she did not expect this.
The second time it happened it was because of not eating. You were outside in the hot heat. You were a camp counselor rushing to your next activity planned for the day. You forgot to eat something and ran over to the next group. As you started talking, you felt fuzzy. The heat pounding on your head, you started to feel hot again. Why didn't you pick a swimming activity like the rest of the counselors? You moved up the hill with your troop, drinking water excessively, when the dots appeared again. You settle yourself on the floor and let the other adult take the activity. Not this again.
Again, you woke up with the kids and adults surrounding you, covered in sweat, breathing heavily. 
Several trips to the hospital, multiple scans, and even an EKG but nothing abnormal was detected. You just passed out.
The doctor had ruled out multiple theories, just told you to keep hydrated, eat something beforehand, to keep something with you in case your blood sugar went down. There was nothing wrong with you.
Several more instances played out throughout your life, and you knew to carry snacks with you at all times, not stay out in the sun too long, if you were in pain, to reach out to someone or lay in your car until it fades away. It became regular, there was nothing to really do.
It became less scary, and just something you knew how to deal with. 
It was one of the first things you told König on your dates. When you told König about it, he looked at you skeptically. 
“Are you sure, schatz?” he took a sip from his coffee in front of him, “There HAS to be more tests done.”
“Nope,” you said, secure of your doctors and self. “It just happens, there's no clear diagnosis.”
“Could be because of pain, low blood sugar, heat, anything really.”
And you hadn't had a fainting episode as of lately, your blood sugar didn’t run low, you weren’t in any pain, and you drank plenty of water. It seemed fine.
“I’ll let you know if it ever happens.” you said confidently. “I can tell usually when it's going to happen.”
König looked at you like you were crazy. 
“You can tell?” he stared at you, one eyebrow raised, and his hand toying with the cup in front of him.
“I'll explain it to you, usually I get really hot when it happens.” you paused looking at him. He looked like he was mentally taking notes.
“For some reason, I get clammy, hot, and I can tell I feel a little weak.”
He nodded, telling you to continue.
“Then when I can feel that happening, I see black and white dots taking over my vision, sort of like a dark aura coming into play.”
He looked at you like you were making it up. How were you not scared?
You smiled back. “It’s not as scary as it seems, it just happens.” you shrugged.
The first time it happened with König he was thankful that you were so calm. You guys had been wandering around an IKEA store finding a bookshelf for your books, and a new coffee table to put inside the entrance of his house.
You hated IKEA. The place was designed as a never ending escape room, on a constant loop. You were bumping into things constantly, and lost. König felt out of place here. He was like a giant placed inside a doll house.
“Everything here is so small, are you joking?” He looked at the table for six people. He looked like he could take up half of the table.
You were leading the way hoping and praying you would find the bookshelf section when all of a sudden you bumped your hip into some weird corner of a dresser.
“Oh… OW”
You rubbed the spot furiously.
“Are you alright?” König asked. “I saw you from the table section running straight into that.”
“Yeah I'm fine. It really hurt though.” The pain for some reason did not go away, and you started seeing the black dots come into vision.
“König…” you said gently, now the spot had been throbbing. “Don’t freak out, but I think I'm going to pass out.”
He looked at you. You had suddenly become pale, your face drained from blood, and you were sweaty all over. “Schatz… you don’t look well.”
“OW ow ow, yeah just, stay calm i’ll come back to-”
You closed your eyes and tumbled back.
König could only describe it as a limp doll falling backward. He immediately took two steps to catch you, and had held you, positioning your legs up against the dresser that caused this.
He remembered Horangi telling him about fainting and helping his other teammate when they passed out from a wound. 
He was starting to freak out. Luckily there weren't too many people around, and your breathing went from shallow fast inhales, to normal, regular inhales.
You gained consciousness again, hearing König mumble in German. Your eyesight wasn’t back completely, but you could hear, and once you focused your vision it was back.
König had held your head on his lap, was fanning you with some throw pillow, your legs propped up against a dresser.
“Hi” you said weakly.
“Jesus schatz, you scared me! How are you feeling?
You smiled weakly and answered “I’m ok just sweaty is all.” You picked yourself up, König behind you insisting you sit down a bit.
The car ride home he kept pestering you,
“BUT HOW did you know it was going to happen?” He kept questioning you as if he couldn’t believe it really happened.
“I just know” you said calmly
“We don’t have to call 911, or get you to the hospital?” He questioned you endlessly.
“No, just I'll be ok.” you grabbed a small candy bag from your backpack. “It was just pain, guess my body couldn’t take it.” you laughed and popped a candy gummy fish.
The longer you two dated, the more König started taking things seriously and even had started packing things for you. A small bag of candy in case you needed sugar, a hydration packet, an ice pack, and sugar gum. Small things like this just to prevent what happened at IKEA.
You guys were heading out to some event in a small town, you insisted that the whole place was going to be fun.
The place was crowded, filled with food vendors, different vendors selling their items, children running around, families having picnics outside, and many other small events crowding the area.
You held König’s hand as you guys walked through the crowd, worried that it could be too much for him. He was holding your hand because it was hot out today, and you didn’t have enough water.
You had found a spot to buy food from, while he found a small spot under a tree, placing your blanket down.
The heat was awful, standing in the line, you felt the heat beat down your hair and sweat dripping down your neck. There were 2 more people in front of you, a mom making changes to her order constantly. Your stomach grumbled and you felt your mouth dry up.
Fuck not again. You could see it happening, you tried not to psych yourself out because if you did it would happen. You tried to find König, he was only a couple feet away, but you could see he sensed it. He made eye contact with you, and ran over to you.
Cold water bottle in hand, he jogged a couple feet, you barely reached out to him, before your vision tunneled. This time it wasn’t so bad, you could feel him catch you before mumbling,
“I got you, you’re okay.” He said softly, dumped some cold water on your head, picked you up, wrapping your legs on top of his arms.
Your vision, still blurry and pitch black, you could feel the wind on your face, the sun’s rays on your eyelids trying to keep you down.
A few small cries of “Is she okay?” “That was such a good catch! “Do you need anything?”
König talking back to the people “She’s alright happens more often than you think.” Walking around with you.
You regained consciousness again, your head on König’s lap, he had a cold compress on your forehead, playing with your hair, fanning your face.
“Sorry..” you mumbled. Trying to face him.
He hushed you, “It’s alright babe, I kind of saw it happening.”
You blushed, looking away from him.
He put the fan down and grabbed the candy bag out of the backpack.
“Let’s get you hydrated and some sugar back in you, yeah?
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junk-story · 6 months
Interview: Ongaku to Hito and Sakurai Atsushi - Ichikawa Tetsushi x Kanemitsu Hiroshi, Part II
This interview is on pages 52-57 of the magazine. Footnotes are included in numbered parentheses and can be found at the bottom. For Part 1 of this interview, click here.
Ichikawa: It may have been a shock, but in short, [BUCK-TICK's] material elevated. Really, because they were able to turn their work into art, we can grasp now how they were able to bring forth a decadent rock masterpiece like 21st Cherry Boy. Although that kind of dark decadence is seen as a negative, they established it as an excellent form of entertainment, which is fantastic. When I listened to that, I wondered, “Why has Sakurai made a breakthrough to this point?” What did you make of that? 
Kanemitsu: I think he was able to gradually create distance between himself and the band - in a good way. It wasn’t because their relationship had worsened, and there were still times where they’d be up until the morning drinking, but, as you might expect, after nearly 20 years had passed since they debuted, their relationships with people had expanded too, right? When that happened, this sort of scene, where Imai-san would finish an interview and the other 4 were drinking while they waited for him, it almost completely disappeared. This positive sense of individualism is how BUCK-TICK came to be born. 
Ichikawa: I see. In the 21st century, I was listening to the works of B-T as a fan only, so I didn’t bear the weight of that darkness. 
Kanemitsu: What I call acting out the darkness, that elevated their work as entertainment. But normally, when you have this individualism come to be, it leads to actively pursuing solo activities…and that can be troublesome, certainly. 
Ichikawa: That’s the self-indulgence I talked about earlier. (laughs) When that happens in a regular band, they disband and it’s over. Suddenly some new thing starts, and the other members end up not knowing what to do. But Sakurai ended up feeling guilt about this, because he was a man with a kind heart. Thanks to that, the unique worth they had as a band that continued for 35 years with its original members came to be. 
Kanemitsu: In what ways did you feel Sakurai-san’s kindness? 
Ichikawa: Well, in many ways, the Sakurai Atsushi I carry with me is still a yankii(1), you know, a good-looking yankii full of chivalry. We talked about the time when his mother passed before, but there is no shortage of that kind of material. For instance, the launching issue of Ongaku to Hito. I asked Sakurai to be in it as well, and even though it wasn’t around the timing of any [album] release, he said, “Well, since it’s a magazine Ichikawa-san is creating, I’ll do it”, and in the middle of a national tour he came back to Tokyo from Numazu after the concert was over, and it was after midnight at an oden food stall in Sendagaya where we had a no-makeup photoshoot and interview. He was a man who could simply do such things. 
Kanemitsu: What about Sakurai Atsushi made us so charmed by him, do you think? 
Ichikawa: Hmmm…his face? 
Kanemitsu: Well, that’s some brutal honesty!(2) But certainly, it was important. (laughs)
Ichikawa: Wahahaha. There’s that issue with Sakurai Atsushi on the cover where he’s wearing an unremarkable white shirt and has a slight smile, right?(3) That one is among my top three favorites. For some reason, it was a time where there weren’t any interesting releases, and there was no content to be had during this lull, so we ended up in a tight spot for an artist to put on the cover. To be honest, we made the offer to Sakurai like, “heeeelp!”, and I was grateful when he readily consented. They also didn’t have any releases coming up, so I suggested we try a risky(4) cover with no decadence, where Sakurai had a casual appearance and is looking into the camera with a smile; he had also become more concentrated(5) at that time and said, “Let’s do it!”
Kanemitsu: That’s why he cut his hair without anyone’s permission. (laughs)
Ichikawa: I’m glad we didn’t go that far with it. (laughs) But really, Sakurai Atsushi could not be detached from my magazine. There were always plenty of guys skillful at conversation, but I have never met another frontman who, even though he wasn’t good at speaking, could expose his inner thoughts to such a point. Of course, there were also those with negative feelings, like, “It’s all just to tickle the B-T girls’ fancies”, but I hoped, even without him knowing, if we could drain the low-water swamp called Sakurai Atsushi, something amazing would happen. I wanted to do something with this man. It was the same for you too, right, Kanemitsu? 
Kanemitsu: I didn’t have that “I want to do something”. But I did have something like a maternal instinct. (laughs)
Ichikawa: (wry laugh) I understand that too. You can’t leave him alone. 
Kanemitsu: Because at some point, there were only a few articles about the album releases outside of ours. 
Ichikawa: Why was that? As I said earlier, during my time, he spoke frantically as if it was needed to confirm something to himself - so in other words, something must have changed where he could become more self-contained. 
Kanemitsu: It was like Sakurai-san created his own style. As though, dressed up in decadence and gothic imagery, he tried to act out his ideal Sakurai Atsushi. 
Ichikawa: The same as kabuki. The great name of “Sakurai Atsushi” was focused as he would be in the traditional Japanese arts. 
Kanemitsu: Yes, yes. I think that was a good thing. 
Ichikawa: It finally makes sense to me. So that’s why it happened. That Prince of Darkness character was created. 
Kanemitsu: There was what you call the Prince of Darkness character, but he also loved cats, which brought out his playful face. If such a person were to appear on TV with Shiina Ringo, everyone would be hooked. 
Ichikawa: A rare creature, really. (laughs) This may be inappropriate, but it seemed to me that Sakurai could only bring the curtain down(6) on Sakurai Atsushi in the way he did, or by going into a life of seclusion, unknown to anyone. Because he was carrying such sin(7) with him. 
Kanemitsu: Well, as someone who saw him from the 21st century point of view, I feel that he’d aged well in this way, and he wanted to enjoy the rest of his life happily. It’s just that he was a sensitive person, so he was affected by things like children being displaced by war, the oppression of people based on gender, and so on, and when he tried to get closer to the emotions of the weak, he would be forced to remember his own pain, so I suppose in the current era, it was hard for him to live…that’s what I think, anyway. 
Ichikawa: Hearing the talk about the Sakurai Atsushi of the 21st century from Kanemitsu today, it makes sense now. For me, who only knew the Sakurai of the 20th century, the Sakurai of the 21st century is like a different person. I was very fascinated with him all the same. I don’t mean this in a bad way, but it’s like he established a whole separate persona. How can I say this…maybe I could call it guilt. I could see his guilt so clearly through his songs in the 20th century, and it was made invisible in the 21st century. And, invisible things aren’t bad ones. Because that just shows how accomplished he was at fulfilling his role as Prince of Darkness. That’s also how he elevated to being a charming big name. 
Kanemitsu: As a musician, an artist, the purity of his expression had reached a level so high as to be incomparable [to anyone else]. 
Ichikawa: His skill in the 21st century clearly went up. But, although the Sakurai Atsushi of the 20th century was still a work in progress, that progress had turned into a serious dead end that was plain to see. So there were many people who were able to empathize, and I think he himself, the band, the media, and the fans all came together, able to become a community with a shared destiny. It’s strange, but in other media, BUCK-TICK was just shown as a cool band, right? However, at Ongaku to Hito, it wasn’t like that in either the 20th or 21st century. 
Kanemitsu Because we got to see them as 5 people with 5 different styles of character. 
Ichikawa: In other words, they’re “Osomatsu-kun”(8).
Kanemitsu: Hahahahaha!
Ichikawa: When I was doing it, they were “Osomatsu-kun”, and while Kanemitsu’s been doing it they’ve been “Osomatsu-san”. Their appearance between the Showa and Heisei eras was totally different, but the original people were the same. In both the 20th and 21st centuries, Sakurai was Sakurai, and his foundation and attitude didn’t change, only his appearance from that of an unusual self-deprecating man to the Prince of Darkness did; as a result, he was popular in both cases. So, as Ongaku to Hito, speaking from our beginning, he is the person we should be the most grateful for, and he was the kind of man who made me feel like I had to include him in our publication. 
Kanemitsu: He was. No matter how cool Sakurai Atsushi looked on the stage, everyone knows that he actually also had these traits. 
Ichikawa: Of course, with that presence, that appearance, and the look in his eyes, no one would know he was actually this cute and loveable character. 
Kanemitsu: Through the medium of Ongaku to Hito, you and I wrote about those parts of him, so now everyone knows. 
Ichikawa: That’s true…a long time ago, when I was doing a late-night Friday FM radio live broadcast, I had Sakurai on as my first guest. We were at the Satellite Studio in Ginza, and even though I hadn't asked them to come, Takuro and Hisashi [of GLAY] came. We finished at 3 AM and the 4 of us were drinking when Sakurai said, “Will you come to my place?”, which was unusual. When we went there, the windows - all of the windows - had these pitch black curtains on them, it was like being at a planetarium. (laughs)
Kanemitsu: Hahahahahaha!
Ichikawa: We drank in that dark room until we eventually were struck by sleep, but even when I woke up, it was pitch black and I had no idea what time it was. (laughs) When the sun was at its peak, I woke those 2 [from GLAY] up and they went home, but while that was happening, Takuro said to Hisashi, “If you’d told me 10 years ago that I’d go to the home of BUCK-TICK’s Sakurai Atsushi and drink together with him, I never would have believed you”, and I’ve never forgotten that. It was purely moving, emotionally. 
Kanemitsu: Everyone wanted to become like Sakurai Atsushi. 
Ichikawa: It must have been a dream for them. However, it’s a dream that no one could achieve. This sounds misleading, but I think you have to want to be like Yoshiki [of X JAPAN], if you’re going to abandon yourself to despair(9). (wry laugh) But no matter what gimmicks you make use of, you’ll never be Sakurai Atsushi. And for better or worse, it was tough. 
Kanemitsu: I’ve said this many times, but him finding that gothic style was big. 
Ichikawa: The gothic atmosphere seemed like maybe the one he was most comfortable in. The decadence created a kind of surreal and abnormal worldview. But Sakurai Atsushi himself was not abnormal at all, nor was he trying to intentionally deviate strongly from what’s accepted(10). It was just the suit of armor(11) that best fit when he was confronting the world, definitely. 
Kanemitsu: It was Sakurai Atsushi’s suit of armor, wasn’t it. But whether he ended up putting it on or not, he empathized with people’s sadness, and he was a person who could shed tears. And because that seeped out, everyone loved him. Those feelings [of empathy] were expressed in what became his last album, Izora. 
Ichikawa: I see. Well, perhaps he would have continued on expressing it, if he could. 
Kanemitsu: I really think so. There were yet many things he could do, and many he would have wanted to do.
~~~~~~~ Footnotes: (1) I think most people into this scene are familiar with this term, but in case you aren’t - yanki/yankii refers to a young delinquent, usually one who dresses in a sort of street/biker style. (2) If someone has ever said to you, “wow, tell us how you really feel!”, it has the same sort of feeling to it as that, although a bit more polite since Ichikawa is the elder of the two, lol. (3) I believe he is referring to the January ‘95 issue cover, based on his description. (4) Risky in the sense of something not usually done. “Nikopachi” is the type of photography he describes, and online sources generally spoke negatively of it as something not befitting professional photography. (5) Literally “boiled down”. I think this is a reference to paring back his visuals from what they were earlier in their career. (6) This is a metaphor for Sakurai’s passing - but I liked the nuance of his wording and tried to retain it. (7) This word really does not translate well - in different contexts it can be sin, guilt, karma. I translate it again as “guilt” below as it’s more befitting the context, but in all cases here, it’s a sort of heavy emotional load brought upon oneself. My husband’s preferred definition translated to “a living with the burden of past wrongdoings and feeling a sense of remorse”. (8) Per Wikipedia: a comedy manga that revolved around of group of brothers who cause all sorts of mischief. (9) I asked for more clarity on this - what he is getting at is, it’s possible, if you really want to, to become like Yoshiki, but no matter what you do, you can never become like Atsushi. (10) The direct translation for this was “be a heretic”, but heretic is a loaded word in English, and this does not have any Christian overtones. (11) He specifically says “mobile suit”, as in the suits from Gundam.
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kiwi-solace · 2 years
Yandere!Ateez: How You Meet (Pairs)
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Warnings: pussy eating, *cough* eiffel tower *cough*, unprotected sex, creampie, yandere themes: obsession, implied stalking and legit stalking for now, dubious consent. If this isn’t your cup of tea, then kindly skip. 
Word Count: 6.3k
A/N: Soooo February is coming up and even though I have not written in so long (college and other stuff) I wanna get back into it. Plus I am lacking in yandere content (my guilty pleasure) so I decided fuck it I’ll do it myself lol. Plus y’all can’t tell me you don’t find yandere!ateez fun. BUT, I have to layout the groundwork first from the beginning before diving on into their profiles. I did not mean for San and Wooyoung’s to end up as a straight up smut. I haven’t written smut since like 2017 so that was a shock lmao. No beta read we die like men 👀
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♡ Hongjoong - Seonghwa ♡
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Order, Dilligence
Every few months, you like to dress in your best evening gown and treat yourself to the city's best operas. Normally these places are out of your price range, but your college had managed a deal with the opera house with its prestigious drama department. However, you don’t go unless you feel you’ve earned it by successfully passing a critique, surviving midterms or finals, and other things of the sorts. Just last week you finished by not only surviving your finals week, but passing with flying colors that included your critiques for pieces that made you feel passion you hadn’t felt in a long time. Why not let that passion grow by watching a show stopping performance practiced and perfected by performers out of your league in expertise? It’s a chance to finally relax and enjoy the arts surrounding you. 
You know it’s common for the wealthy to appear at the opera house on a regular basis, which gave you a lovely excuse to buy an elegant gown, but you knew to stay out of the way for the most part. The last thing you wanted was to get on the wrong side of some celebrity or accidentally offend someone’s future CEO. On the other hand, this was a great opportunity to grow your network and make connections that would help you out in the near future and you will one day–you just haven’t worked up the courage to do so. That didn’t stop you from random conversations during intermissions and finalies on occasion, which brings you to your current situation. It’s unfortunate you know the celebrity that you caught the attention of would only cause trouble rather than provide any future positive aspects into your life. Little did you know during this interaction two stark personalities were watching you closely from the private balconies.
“I appreciate the kind words Jinyoung, but I believe there are far better prospects in this room than just me.”
“Nonsense. Nothing could be better than your divine presence. I should be thanking you for letting me be this close,” he smirks as he leans in closer, arm snaking behind your back. You can feel the stares this is garnering and the malice of envious women are even louder. You start to shuffle away in an effort to get away from his grasp, but his grip only tightens at the movement making you fall stiff in the denial of your efforts. “Trying to get away doll?”
You really want to roll your eyes at that. “I just think it’d be more appropriate for the setting if we were not so close to each other. I do not want to ruin your reputation.” You could care less. What you do care about, is the amount of attention you’re earning yourself instead of staying the invisible nobody you believed you were. It’s nice to pretend once in a while and act like you are desired by such high profile people, though you actively avoid trouble as you’d not like to be on the receiving end of hate campaigns online or in person. “I appreciate the consideration, but I can’t let such a person leave me now,” he purrs. In that moment, you spot a glint in his eyes that wasn’t there before making you freeze in place before you could comprehend what was happening. It seemed like everything stopped around you, including your own body against your will. As panic begins to settle in, two figures approach behind you and one of them places a hand on your shoulder, making you jolt in place. 
If you weren’t in such a public setting, you’d be freaking out at Jinyoung, wondering what the hell just happened to you. You’re cursing him in your head as the fear that rose starts to turn into anger when a voice from behind you brings you back to the situation at hand. “Who’s this lovely lady Jinyoung?” a deep voice says. You shift your body to face the mysterious speaker only to come face to face with the city’s most prestigious CEOs and high society couple–Park Seonghwa and Kim Hongjoong. 
Your eyes widen as you acknowledge their presence and politely bow to them. “A lady with manners is always a plus in my book,” Seonghwa states as he gives you a quick once over then turning his attention to the now silently glaring Jinyoung. “I’m sure you won’t mind us stealing her from you now would you Jinyoung?” Hongjoong questions, but anyone watching could tell it was rhetorical. You don’t know why you willingly looped your arm around Seonghwa’s arm as you made eye contact. You don’t know why everyone seemed to be looking away as they moved out of your way when the three of you walked towards the exit. You don’t know why you willingly got into their limo, squeezed between the both of them even when there was ample space to spread out. Your mind felt empty. Nothing was being comprehended besides bits and pieces of conversation between the two of them and sometimes aimed at you. 
“Just let us lead you doll, we’ll take care of you,” Hongjoong cooed as he hooks his arm around your lower back. “You were right on coming tonight Seonghwa. It seems like others have become just as intoxicated with her as us.”
“When am I ever wrong dear?” He smirks. “But this little stunt will bring some unwanted press unfortunately…we should also do something about Jinyoung touching what’s ours,” he scowls.
“Nothing we haven’t taken care of before. You know the drill by now,” Hongjoong’s eyes gaining that similar glint before he steels his face as they approach their limo waiting for them.
“Ah~ our love is finally with us darling,” Seonghwa purred as he tucked his face in the crook of your neck and took a deep breath. “Even with all the years of life we had, she’s the most intoxicating I’ve ever been connected to…besides you love.”
“I couldn’t agree more,” Hongjoong laughs as he mirrors Seonghwa, dragging his unusually sharp teeth along your neck. Had you been in a better conscious state, you would’ve pulled away from the both of them. None of this was making sense. You felt trapped in your own body, thrown into the lion’s den in their presence as the driver began the journey to god knows where. 
“W-where…” you attempt to speak, but it’s taking much more energy than you can expel at the moment. An intense wave of exhaustion washing over you just from that one word.
“Oh. Our love really is meant for us. No one is able to even utter a word when compelled by you Seonghwa~” Hongjoong teases before leaving a light peck in the crook of your neck and sitting up. “But this better not be a sneak peak of future disobedience,” he sighs. “So troublesome.”
Seonghwa laughs a little as he also sits up and rests his hand on your thigh. “She’ll be the perfect little pet in no time even if she did Joongie. She is our soulmate after all. She’s the missing piece to us.” He pauses to turn your  head towards him, a smile gracing his face as his eyes begin to glow an ominous red. “You can rest (y/n), we’re finally taking you home where you belong with us.” 
And with that final command, you lean into him and fall into a deep slumber.
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♡ Yeosang - Jongho ♡
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Service, Attentive
Had you known you would be catering your kingdom’s royal anniversary party you’d think someone was playing a prank on you. In fact, you still think it’s all a dream as you and your team bring in the large order of pastries into the kitchen to be inspected and set up in the ballroom for the kingdom’s kings to celebrate their anniversary of taking the throne a millennia ago. You weren’t alive when they first began their rule, only being a young enough witch, your kind isn’t really known for their longevity in age unlike other supernatural beings in the world. It really all depends on the class and path your magic chooses. You had known since young that you weren’t cut out for the more offensive or combat driven magic. Enjoying helping others, you learned that you could pair spells into objects including food to be digested for the masses. After years of training and perfecting your technique, you finally opened your own modest bakery that sold pastries based on health, luck, and fortune. Each category had varying effects, but your strongest spells were the ones in health, including longevity and especially disease ridding spells. It had become the talk of your small seaside town that had spread through the kingdom within a few years that led you here, in the kingdom’s grand palace today. 
It was last month when a messenger had come to her bakery with a royal summons in hand. At first you thought they had the wrong witch in mind, you were only a small bakery owner with a bit of witchiness to add onto it. Very modest. But the messenger insisted the letter was for you and you were to cater for the upcoming anniversary with a variety of your pastries for the established guests that would be attending along with the majesties. Ever since then, you had been working nonstop with organizing the spells for the increased number of people you’d be serving along with your regular customers throughout the normal work day. To say you were tired was an understatement, but you can’t say it wasn’t worth it as you passed through the threshold of the palace. You never imagined you’d be able to step foot into the palace let alone potentially meet the majesties. You’ve heard many rumors about them ranging from their ethereal beauty to their dominating presence. Growing up in a town on the outskirts of the kingdom doesn’t grant you many opportunities if at all seeing them in the flesh. Even in their routine visits around the kingdom, it’s been recorded that they’ve only approached your town a handful of times. Times you weren’t even born yet. 
Setting up was easy with the palace servants aiding their help to move things along faster than it would’ve taken if it had been just you and your team of your five apprentices. As you worked, you heard a range of excited whispers about the presence of the kings nearby. Apparently the servants have seen less and less of them over the years for some unknown reason. Many guessed it could be as small as needing a break, but some had believed one of them had fallen ill. You hope it wasn’t the last reason, knowing if that were true they’d have eager invaders in a heartbeat and your town would be one of the firsts to go. The health of the kings is the strength of the kingdom. By the time you dismissed your team to change for the party, the sun had started to set and guests were beginning to arrive at the gates. You knew it wouldn’t be until another thirty minutes when they’d be allowed to enter the ballroom, so you went ahead to change yourself and look for the garden you had spotted when walking through one of the long corridors. 
With a few slips up on the path, you manage to find yourself in the middle of the royal garden. You wander around until you see a fountain up ahead surrounded by the tall shrubbery that lines the path beautifully. The sun dips lower, painting the sky in pink and purple hues signaling the moon’s takeover soon. Every passing minute you can feel your own magic radiate underneath your fingertips. Now that you think about it, you don’t usually feel your magic this strongly even when there’s a full moon at its highest peak. You were far from being the strongest witch, but it didn’t mean you were weak either. As you approach the fountain you gaze into its tranquil ripples as you try to pinpoint why almost your entire body starts to vibrate until you hear a sharp sound to your right, alerting you of another presence. The man you come face to face almost takes your breath away as he stares directly at you, questioning. You opened your mouth to greet him, but before you could say a word, you felt an overwhelming pressure suddenly drop onto your shoulders as he continued to stare. He seems to notice your discomfort and approaches you to lift a hand to your arm. “Are you alright?” His voice was much deeper than you expected from the way he looked, but it was a pleasant surprise. 
His touch also not only lifted the pressure you felt, but reigned in you magic tenfold. “I am okay now, thank you,” you smile and take a deep breath, noticing he hadn’t let go yet. “Did you come to see the sunset in this garden?” Being silent would only make things awkward with a stranger, and you’ll be damned to embarrass yourself even once in front of him. You can already feel your skin heat up from his lingering touch. 
“Yes I did. I believed I needed a time of peace before I made my appearance in the ballroom.” He smiles. You look away from him and at his hand to avoid any more unnecessary eye contact. Just his presence makes you nervous, and you’ve never been one to flirt. Following your gaze, he pulls his hand away seemingly embarrassed to have forgotten he was holding you. “I apologize for touching you without permission. While I wanted to soothe your magic, in turn it began to soothe my own being.” He pauses before stepping away from you toward the palace. “I hope to see you at the party later,” he says before making a swift exit, leaving you alone with your thoughts. The encounter felt important, and yet you couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason why. In addition, just his touch was able to reign in your magic, which was already alarming, but your magic seemed to soothe him too if what he said was true. Shaking your head, you decide to compartmentalize that for later deconstruction. As of now, you had a party to attend. 
You and your team of apprentices stuck to your display of pastries as the guests mingled and danced with one another. Occasionally, you’d try to push your apprentices to make connections and you could stay and answer any questions the guests had for each pastry available, but they insisted on staying by your side. It wasn’t until a bit halfway through the majesties finally made their appearance, the air changing with the pressure they brought and the guests all stilled and to bow their way. Before you could bow, you stood shocked as you realized the man you spoke to in the garden was none other than one the kings and you barely showed your respect. You moved quickly to bow before the situation fully settled in. As you rose along with the other guests you could feel his stare on you, but you refused to raise your head in their direction as they were announced to the guests. The one you met was none other than King Yeosang and next to him was King Jongho who looked more beautiful than the rumors could supply.
You may have not realized it now, or even as the party progressed and made their rounds, but Yeosang couldn’t get his mind off of you. No one outside of Jongho could settle his turbulent soul and calm his rampant energy that has only grown more restless as the years went on. They’re in a time of peace, while that is good for the wellbeing of their people, it’s not in their nature to remain so kind, so his soul has been more than disobedient ever since. When he left the garden, he made a beeline to Jongho to tell him of this experience. He had to share the news of a particular witch he encountered that was able to achieve such a feat, but knowing how protective Jongho is, he wasn’t surprised by his apprehensive curiosity. They planned to keep you here close to them to explore this new revelation and see if you really are their missing piece. 
Their queen.
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♡ Mingi - Yunho ♡
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Protection, Adoration
It had been years since you returned to your hometown you think as you open your childhood bedroom door. Ever since you graduated high school, you were college bound in the big city and haven't looked back since. It wasn’t until almost five years later with constant pestering from your family and old friends you decided to finally visit. Placing your bags down next to your closet door, you move over to your window sill to gaze at the old yet familiar view of the right behind your house. You recall your friends growing up had always been afraid to sleep over your house and would only come during the day time. By the time the sun would threaten to set, they’d be long gone so you would usually be the one to travel to them after the fifth disappearance happened while in your middle school years. 
Your friends always wondered how you weren’t afraid of the forest right outside your window, but you shrugged off their concerns and told them you didn’t believe the rumors, knowing damn well the people that would go missing were very real. Denial can be a powerful thing if you put your mind to it. Though you know the real reason why you never felt afraid was far from the more rational side of reality. A pull to the forest had always been felt by you, even as you gaze at it now, a deep longing is felt. When you moved away, that longing only increased tenfold as you went to pursue your dreams, to the point after these five years, you couldn’t take it anymore. You know you shouldn’t walk into that dark forest, the light being unable to pierce through its density even in the bright hours of day, and yet you find yourself getting up to leave the house in a daze. It’s like an out of body experience before you realize you’re at the edge of the forest not long after. In shock, you take a deep breath and look at your surroundings to see if anyone could see you standing at the forest edge. I shouldn’t do this–but you must. Even your thoughts are contradicting themselves as you take the first step to cross the threshold. The crunch of the fall leaves sounds louder in the stark silence, making you hesitate on taking your next step. Last chance to back out. Closing your eyes, you take another step, releasing the breath you hadn’t realized you were holding. You open your eyes to take in the reality of things and turn around only to not see the houses that were once there. Only darkness surrounds you now–panic begins to settle in at your current situation.
“How…” you say to no one but yourself, unable to believe what just happened. Steeling your nerves as best as you can, you turn forward to continue moving, hoping you’d find something that could help lead you back out of this unknown maze this is turning out to be. You don’t know how long you had been wandering, the concept of time lost on you when the sun and moon isn’t there to lend a hand, all you do know is that you’re being watched. That telltale feeling as if something or someone is staring at you hasn’t left ever since you began your path further into the forest. No matter how many times you checked around yourself, you couldn’t find anything except more trees and plants. You haven’t even seen a single animal in this forest adding onto its eerie nature.
Far up ahead, you think you can see the forest lighting up as if there was a light at the end of this endless tunnel. This could be the edge of the forest you were looking for to get back to your home! With that thought, you pick up your pace, not wanting to fully run to conserve energy, but the desire to get out of this forest is overpowering the longing you originally felt that brought you here in the first place. Approaching this edge, you stop in your tracks at the sight you’re met with. A beautiful flower field stretches beyond you as the sun bathes it with its rays. Wandering further in, you’re amazed that something so beautiful was hidden in this dark forest–it almost feels like an entirely different plane of existence. Where the forest filled you with fear of the unexpected and a cold feeling, this field wrapped you in its warmth and happiness as you sat in a patch of grass, careful to not crush any of the neighboring flowers. Looking back up at the sky you see that the sun hasn’t reached its highest point, which means it was still morning. At most maybe two hours had passed since you entered the forest, yet it feels much longer than that. Sighing, you lay back onto the soft grass, lost in your own thoughts of how you got yourself in this situation. Why have other people get you into bad situations when you can do it perfectly fine by yourself, you laugh to yourself at that.
You don’t know when you dozed off, the comforting warmth of the morning sun and the peaceful atmosphere the flower field created leaving you in a tranquil daze, but by the time you woke up the sun was a bit past its highest peak in the day. Blinking away your sleepiness, you don’t register the furry warmth on either side of you, nor the curious yet excited eyes that watch your every move. Lifting yourself to sit up, you yawn and stretch out, arms rising and falling to the side only to land on furry warm bodies instead of the cool grass below you, making you jolt in place. An embarrassingly high squeal comes out as one of the large wolves to your right, with a warm auburn color sits up and brings its face closer to yours. You move to pull back away from you, until you realize the wolf with black fur moved behind you to keep you from moving away, all with an excited tail wagging at an alarming speed. Why are they so excited? If I were their prey I feel like I should feel way more alarmed than just the confusion and shock I have as of now. The auburn wolf moves to clumsily lay in your lap as you’re lost in your thoughts, ignoring the fact its way larger than what your lap could hold. Its whines bring you out of your thoughts to focus solely on them. “H-hello?” You don’t know why you’re talking to it, but from the way it’s looking at you, you can’t help yourself from trying.
The wolf from behind you scoffs and shifts to move in front of you as well. He eyes the auburn wolf and tries to push them off of your lap with their nose, causing adorable whines from them as they reluctantly get up to sit in front of you instead. The black wolf then barks at you before raising its paw to you. With how incredulous this situation is, you’re not surprised at yourself when you lift your hand to grasp their paw in your hand. When you woke up in your cottage today, you didn’t think you’d be shaking hands…or paws with a wolf, but I guess you can check that off your imaginary list. The auburn wolf, annoyed with the lack of attention, rolls onto its back to attract your attention and maybe even a few belly rubs if it's being honest. You let go of the black wolf’s paw and let out a giggle at the display the other is showing. After a quick inspection, you come to realize the wolf was male and reach over to give a few tentative pets on his belly. His tail wags in approval as your petting becomes more confident. The black wolf begins to mimic its friend, wanting the same amount of affection and you happily oblige the both of them. While this interaction was bizarre, it was a welcome distraction from your daily work/life schedule. 
People usually say to avoid the forest surrounding your hometown, but finding this flower field in addition to adorably cute wolves was making you think otherwise. If you hadn’t wandered in, you would’ve never had this experience. It wasn’t long until the sun started to set, alerting you to the time that has passed since you awoke from your unexpected nap. Getting up, the wolves perk up from their resting positions from your sudden movement. You sigh as you stretch out from sitting for an extended period of time and turn to face the both of them. “It was nice spending time with you both, but I have to get home now,” you smile as you turn to leave towards the direction you came. However, you only make it to the edge of the clearing before the large black wolf runs in front of you, interrupting your path. Stunned at first, you move to go around the wolf and wave, but he only follows to block you again. The auburn wolf joins him at his side and growls as you move to step aside once again, causing fear to slowly well up inside you. “I have to get home you guys, it’ll be dark soon,” you plead your case. You don’t know why you’re talking to them like they understand you, but their eyes seem to speak louder than your own words. The black wolf nudges you back as the other gently bites your sleeve to pull you in the opposite direction. You try to yank your arm back and move again, but their growls make you still in your movements. Will these wolves hurt me? What was I thinking to trust wild animals? You can’t help but talk down on yourself over ignoring the lessons that you’ve been taught since young. 
There’s a reason those who enter this forest never leave and now you’re the next victim. Never enter the forest.
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♡ Wooyoung - San ♡
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Infatuation, Dependance
“Sannn, we need another person, they’re not giving me enough energy,” Wooyoung whines as they exit the apartment complex their latest treat lives in.
 “It’s not my fault you’re so insatiable,” San retorts with a knowing smile, “but I do agree, we’re gonna need someone new soon.” They continue their walk, traveling with no destination in mind at the moment as they discuss their plans when Wooyoung stops in his tracks before looking around. Even though it was still the middle of the night, it wasn’t hard for them to sense or see anything in the night.
“Over there,” he says and points across the street to you, walking briskly with your headphones in. San looks over in your direction and has to stop himself from running over and taking you right then and there. Normally they have their instincts under control, but even from this distance your soul smelled like the most appetizing treat they’ve had in a long time. Last time they had encountered a delicious soul like yours, they devoured them all that night, while he did regret not savoring them, they sure as hell had a memorable time they’ll never forget. But ever since then, it was like nobody ever lived up to the level their taste had been raised as they were left to feed from mediocre (at best) souls. “Well what are we waiting for,” San smiles as he and Wooyoung begin their trek to you.
On the other hand, you were quickly trying to return home after your shift. Tired from the day, and feeling tense, you’d like to unwind before taking yourself straight to bed afterwards. Seeing your apartment complex finally come into view, you pick up your pace until you’re stopped dead in your tracks by bumping into someone. You could’ve sworn you were the only one out here, but as you look up to see maybe the most handsome man you’ve laid eyes on with a friend with just as much beauty, you take a step back and begin to apologize. 
“It’s no problem at all, I should’ve been watching where I was going,” San says as he steps to the side. You nod in response, afraid you’d make a fool of yourself if you opened your mouth. “You shouldn’t be out here alone, you know. We could walk you the rest of the way if you’d like,” Wooyoung offers as he steps towards you with a kind smile. Normally you’d have your alarms blaring in your head, but as you look at them, you can’t help but nod again to allow them to escort you. “Well then lead the way doll.”
It was a quick walk, and really didn’t need an escort, but who were you to say no to them. You could barely think of a coherent sentence let alone have rational thoughts. Now at the entrance to your building, you turn to thank them for escorting you and wish for them to get home safe.
“No problem at all. Hope you have sweet dreams tonight,” Wooyoung winks before they turn to leave.And boy did you have the sweetest of them all.
You open your eyes when you hear a sudden to the left of you. You don’t know why, but you feel as if you were no longer alone in your room. Slowly turning your head you squint as your eyes try to adjust to the darkness, but are unable to see anything.
“Right here love,” a voice to your right suddenly says, causing you to jolt upright and look to see who’s beside you. You hear a giggle from your other side when you acknowledge the person beside you was one of the men that escorted you. 
“W-wha–” you begin before you’re cut off with Wooyoung’s finger. “No need to think about it right now (y/n), we just want to pleasure you. Will you let us?” he asks as San from the other side of you pulls you closer to his lap. His lips trace your ear as they wait for your response, fingers lightly pulling at your shirt. “We can take care of you so well baby,” San whispers into your ear, sending shivers down your back. You whimper slightly from embarrassment of how much they affect you so easily, but also because in that moment San starts to nibble right below your ear, making you feel weak. Wooyoung, not wanting to be excluded from the fun, moves in front of you to open your legs and pull down your shorts. 
“No panties?” he smirks at you before lowering himself to your thighs, trailing light kisses that evolve into full love bites the closer he gets to your core. San reaches around you to pull your shirt off and immediately grasps your breasts to fondle them. “No bra either,” he laughs, “it’s like she knew we’d be here.” San moves your head to the side to gain better access to your neck, then latches onto it without hesitation. Your soft pants egg Wooyoung on to finally lick your slit, causing you to instinctively close your legs, but he grabs onto both of your thighs and pushes them back, folding you. 
“Let go for us (y/n), we’ll take good care of you. Right Youngie?” San smirks as he looks back at his partner lost in between his legs. He knows he’s not going to get a reply from him as he’s too lost in lapping at your lips to care about anything else around him. You yourself are lost in the feeling as Wooyoung begins to suck on your clit like his life depends on it and easily slips in two fingers in the meantime. San attaches his lips to yours, swallowing your moans and moves his hands to pinch at your nipples. Your breath hitches a bit at the pain followed by a loud moan as San lets his tongue wander your mouth, overpowering your tongue in an instant. You feel like you're going numb yet you’re being lit ablaze between the two. Tightening around Wooyoung’s fingers, he proceeds to add two more as he lifts his head to look at the state you’re in.
“Sannie, she tastes so good, can she be our pet?” Your walls pulsate around his fingers at the implication. You haven’t been able to explore your kinks before, only really having few vanilla experiences, but this is giving you the chance to explore things you never thought you’d like. You moan at the thought of being their pet, being taken care of, punished if you misbehave, but rewarded if you’re good…you need that in your life. Even if this is just a dream, you want this to continue every night if possible. Wooyoung doesn’t wait for a reply, focusing on increasing his pace and lifting his head to leave a trail of love bites along your abdomen. San presses himself against you from behind so you could feel the effect you had on him and what to anticipate. 
“Of course Youngie, she can be our pretty kitty,” he purrs happily into your neck. You can barely hear him at this point, too focused on the familiar coil that’s ready to unravel. “I-I’m–” You don’t even get to finish your sentence as you feel Wooyoung pull away from you and hear both him and San laugh at your whines. “I was so close–” you lift yourself up a bit to face Wooyoung, “Why’d you stop?”
“Can’t let you cum unless it’s around one of us kitty,” he teases and finally removes the last few articles of clothing on him, San following suit. From there San moves to the top of the bed, pulling your legs closer to him as Wooyoung situates himself behind you. “On your hands and knees,” San commands as he taps your thigh. You flip over to get in position and look up to see Wooyoung positioning his cock in front of your face with a smirk. You felt him before he was fully hard, but you didn’t expect the size he grew too. What he lacked in girth he made up for in length and it left you salivating for it.
“Open wide kitty,” Wooyoung says and you happily oblige, his tip laying heavy on your tongue. You push yourself forward to take him in more, moaning at the taste and the breath he takes in above you before sighing from the relief. “I’m gonna fuck your mouth now, just relax,” he warns as you open your mouth wider, eagerly preparing for him. He starts out slow to give you a chance to find a proper rhythm before he begins to snap into you. His moans fall deliciously from his mouth, getting lost in the feeling of your mouth, you want nothing more than to give yourself to him. Losing yourself in the feeling of Wooyoung, you’re reminded of San behind you as he presses himself against your core, slowly trailing his cock up and down your slit before lining up with your hole. 
“Don’t forget about me kitty, you’re doing so well for us,” he slowly begins to push inside of you, groaning as your walls greedily suck him in. “Fuck, such a slutty hole sucking me in like that kitty.” You moan pathetically around Wooyoung, your walls throbbing around him as he starts his relentless pace. San was thicker than his partner, and he knew how to use it, making sure he brushes against your g-spot with each thrust. If you were able to think before, they’ve successfully fucked you brainless. All you can try to ground yourself with is the intense grip you have on the sheets below you, but it’s not enough to take your mind away from the mind numbing pleasure being given to you. “Shit, she’s perfect for us Woo, how could we have gone so long without this,” he grunts, grip tightening on your love handles. “I’m sure our kitty would love to be bred all day everyday,” he smirks when he feels the effect his words have on you. “Such a dirty girl.”
“I’m sure she’d pass out before we got our fill,” he laughs in between his moans, pulling San forward for an intense kiss. San’s hips stutter a bit, getting lost in the feeling of his lover and his potential lover. After getting a taste of you, they can’t let anyone else even think of touching you.
Hearing them above you pushes you closer to your peak, bringing your hand to your clit to let you reach it quicker. At the movement, San breaks away from Wooyoung’s kiss, eliciting a whine from the latter, to focus on you. “She’s close Wooyoung, and so are you. Be good for me prettys and cum.” With those words, Wooyoung whines as he stills his hips, shoving his cock as down your throat as he can, spilling his seed down it. “Mm, I think she loves the taste of you, fuck,” San’s hips start to stutter, approaching his eye as your orgasm finally washes over you. 
You don’t remember much after you came around San’s cock. You vaguely remember San pulling out of you after he reached his own high, making sure he made his claim deep inside of you before Wooyoung began the aftercare for you. “You did so well kitty, you were so good for us.”“Just rest love, you’ll need it for later,” you hear one of them laugh next to you. You feel yourself being tucked in and cuddled on either side of you. After being pleasantly filled, your mind is left fuzzy and you can’t help, but fade into darkness from the comfort being provided. 
“We’re gonna have so much fun with you kitty~”
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ohanny · 7 months
stabby murder husbands kentakim au!
does this make much sense? no. is it going to be long? yes. am i sometimes very happy about what my mentally ill lil brain cooks up while i sleep? very much so.
tony chen is a rotten super villain in every universe but in this one kenta was his assassin until he finally had enough, turned on his master during the bloodiest night known in these circles, john wick style, and then disappeared off the face of the earth. was tony running the high table? how deep does the lore go? who knows. i was asleep. my brain did not have the capacity to figure it all out.
flash forward some years. kenta is living a normal life. he has a boring office job. he’s reconnected with babe, his estranged brother who ran away from home at the first sight of sketchy activities and was spared from all of tony’s bullshit. unfortunately for kenta, babe - happily married and pregnant - is channelling all his extra hormones and boredom into a mission to socialize his hermit crab of an older brother.
which is how kenta ends up eating dinner in babe and charlie’s warehouse loft of doom, sitting opposite of kim - a regular customer at the couple’s garage and a casual friend. it’s an awkward affair because a) kim can't stop staring b) babe keeps shooting these looks at kenta all “see, i brought you a hot ginger, do something with it” and c) kenta would much rather be at home. unsurprisingly, when kim offers him a ride home at the end of the evening, kenta says no.
this turns out to be a bad call because on his way home, kenta gets jumped. it happens sometimes - after all, he was tony’s weapon for over a decade and made a lot of enemies, no one can escape their past without occasionally being haunted by it. except this time when he limps out of the alleyway, clutching a minor stab wound on his side, there is a car idling by the pavement.
it's kim, rolling down the window and telling kenta to get his ass in. against his better judgment kenta does.
kim speeds off the scene of the crime with the kind of ease and confidence kenta has only ever seen from babe. it quickly becomes apparent that he knows way more about kenta than he should because he starts asking about cameras and when kenta just stares blankly - bleeding all over the nice upholstery - kim laughs and says “don’t worry, even if you got a bit rusty and missed one, i know a guy. or two. since they live with me you'll meet them soon anyway.”
and fuck, kenta should have just trusted his instincts instead of chalking kim making him nervous up to having someone so pretty pay any level of attention to him. he finally finds his voice (and lowkey also his knife) and demands to know who the hell kim is or if he's even called that. “oh i am,” kim answers gleefully, “and you could say i’m a… freelancer.” which, great. just amazing. kenta is being kidnapped by some amateur bounty hunter and his day officially couldn't get any worse.
… but it does. because once they reach their destination, the second he's ushered into an apartment he's greeted by an obnoxiously loud scream of “holy shit, he actually did it!” followed by a slightly less obnoxiously loud “our kimmy here is a big fan!” and then “oh fuck he’s bleeding all over the place, get the med kit dumbass!” and kenta realizes he wasn't kidnapped by some amateur bounty hunter. he was kidnapped by a fucking fan boy. on the bright side they do seem to be capable of basic wound care so there's that.
(yes, the trio is living their best mercenary vigilante life. kenta’s purge of tony happened right as kim was getting into the game and he went full “holy fucking shit, this man took down tony fucking chen and got away with it?” and basically became obsessed with the legendary lore of john wick kenta. so imagine how pumped he was when babe of all people introduced him to his ultimate murder crush goals)
kim: obviously you'll need to stay the night since you're so injured. You can have my room. i’ll just sleep with north and sonic.
kenta: …
sonic: you have a problem with three men sleeping together?
kenta: … no?
north: great! but if you hypothetically did you could ask kim to share with you instead because trust me, he's like super interes -
kim: shut up or i’ll evict you.
north: pls, whose day job is paying the bills here since you only take on charity cases?
kim: my name is on the lease! and i'm being a good person!
sonic: honey, you kill people.
this is where i got with my dream sequence but other things that just make sense in this verse:
the first person kim ever killed was winner. he was a toxic college hook up who kim dumped after few gos but who wouldn't take no for an answer. kim could have dealt with him being a dick on campus but then he started harassing kim’s dorm mates, north and sonic and kim just… snapped.
it all came to head on an alley behind a trashy gay bar. winner tried to grab sonic and kim honestly just meant to beat the shit out of him but went too far. when they read the news the next day it's weird. none of them regret it. they’re happy about it. and when no one knocks on their door to ask any questions, they realize how easy it actually is to get rid of a bad person.
the second person kim kills is a campus dirtbag who likes slipping shit into girls’ drinks and taking them home. they plan it all together but kim goes out alone and after… he's a mess. winner was a crime of passion in the heat of the moment but this is something different. he's all keyed up. he can't settle down and paces around their living room. a man is dead and he thinks he got off clean but only time will tell. he's nervous and elated and half-hard and full of adrenaline and it's sonic who nudges north and goes “look at the poor thing, we should take care of him.”
the night ends with kim’s head on sonic’s lap, sonic’s fingers in his hair, telling him he did well and he's so good when he cries as he's getting fucked into the mattress by north. kim wakes up sandwiched between them, in a mess of limbs. he has a very brief freak out about what the happened - the sex, not the murder - but north shushes him, telling him it’s not a big deal. “we love you, hyungie” sonic shrugs and pecks his cheek. “you two get some more rest and i’ll bring breakfast, okay?” and that's that.
needless to say kenta is in for a culture shock with the northsonickim arrangement. like he's taking a shower with kim and things are getting good when sonic barges into the bathroom, yanks the shower curtain back and goes on a rant of “kim, you gotta tell north to do the laundry because it was his turn but he forgot and now my favorite pants still have cum stains on them!” and kenta is like “um, excuse us?” but kim just rolls his eyes and proceeds to yell for north and then has an entire damn conversation with his dick out while kenta just stands there all 🧍‍♂️. (after he's done chewing north out for the laundry, he turns to sonic like “and you! we talked about this! kenta is new, we don't want to spook him!”)
the whole murder thing will be another conflict. kenta is happily retired. he killed because that's what he was raised to do and he didn't have any other options until he did. kim though? kim kills because he wants to. kim kills because he believes certain people deserve to die.
kim: i have a date with a wife beater at 2am. wanna come?
kenta: stop calling them dates. and you shouldn't be so… flippant about it.
kim, smirking while pulling on his leather gloves: don't tell me you never enjoyed it.
while kenta’s kills were always obvious hits, done using knives and guns, kim likes to deliver justice personally. he warms up using his hands and finishes the job with whatever blunt object he can pick up.
one time kenta’s boring office job takes him out of town for business and kim is climbing the walls. he calls kenta all “please quit and just become a hit man again, the pay is better and you'd be home when i need you” and kenta sighs because yes, his job is boring but he's trying his best to be normal and he has a morning meeting. so he tells kim to go occupy himself with north and sonic
kim: wait.. What?
kenta: don't you guys have sex with each other all the time?
kim: we did, BEFORE i met you
kenta: … huh. well. go fuck or get fucked or whatever before you start hunting pedestrians for stress relief.
kim: is this a trap?
kenta: no? i would never mess with whatever the three of you have.
Kim barging into north and sonic’s room, growling at them to take their clothes off and sonic’s first reaction is “oh shit, they broke up” but then kim’s like “dick first, rings second, i’m going to wife that man so hard he won't know what hit him” and everyone cheers and no one feels bad about having a pre-engagement celebration threesome not involving one of the grooms.
also, pete? did he step up after tony’s death? does he run a business like the continental? is way his weird attic wife that fucked himself over in the business and now can't step a foot outside the hotel without getting his brains blown out the less fun way? in any case he would have an eye on both kenta (because their whole… brotherhood) and kim (because kim is a wild card and truly independent and neither follows nor knows the code).
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feminist-space · 2 years
"Do’s and Don’ts of communication and dementia
You can’t control memory loss – only your reaction to it.
For people with dementia, their disability is memory loss. Asking them to remember is like asking a blind person to see. (Common questions like “Did you take your pills?” or “What did you do today?” are the equivalent of asking them to remember something.) A loss of this magnitude reduces the capacity to reason. Expecting them to be reasonable or to accept your conclusion is unrealistic. Don’t correct, contradict, blame or insist. Reminders are rarely kind. They tell a person how disabled they are – over and over again.
People living with dementia say and do normal things for someone with memory impairment. If they were deliberately trying to exasperate you, they would have a different diagnosis. Forgive them…always. For example, your wife isn’t purposely hiding your favorite pair of shoes. She thinks she’s protecting them by putting them in a safe place…and then forgets.
Here are some basic Do’s when it comes to communication with someone with dementia:
-Give short, one sentence explanations.
-Allow plenty of time for comprehension, and then triple it.
-Repeat instructions or sentences exactly the same way.
-Avoid insistence. Try again later.
-Agree with them or distract them to a different subject or activity.
-Accept the blame when something’s wrong (even if it’s fantasy).
-Leave the room, if necessary, to avoid confrontations.
-Respond to the feelings rather than the words.
-Be patient and cheerful and reassuring. Do go with the flow.
-Practice 100% forgiveness. Memory loss progresses daily.
Here are some Don’ts:
-Don’t reason.
-Don’t argue.
-Don’t confront.
-Don’t remind them they forget.
-Don’t question recent memory.
-Don’t take it personally.
We’ve put together some specific examples of good and bad communication below, keeping these do’s and don’ts in mind.
“What doctor’s appointment? There’s nothing wrong with me.”
Don’t: (reason) “You’ve been seeing the doctor every three months for the last two years. It’s written on the calendar and I told you about it yesterday and this morning.”
DO: (short explanation) “It’s just a regular checkup.”
(accept blame) “I’m sorry if I forgot to tell you.”
“I didn’t write this check for $500. Someone at the bank is forging my signature.”
Don’t: (argue) “What? Don’t be silly! The bank wouldn’t be forging your signature.”
DO: (respond to feelings) “That’s a scary thought.”
(reassure) “I’ll make sure they don’t do that.”
(distract) “Would you help me fold the towels?”
“Nobody’s going to make decisions for me. You can go now…and don’t come back!”
Don’t: (confront) “I’m not going anywhere and you can’t remember enough to make your own decisions.”
DO: (accept blame or respond to feelings) “I’m sorry this is a tough time.”
(reassure) “I love you and we’re going to get through this together.”
(distract) “You know what? Don has a new job. He’s really excited about it.”
“Joe hasn’t called for a long time. I hope he’s okay.”
Don’t: (remind) “Joe called yesterday and you talked with him for 15 minutes.”
DO: (reassure) “You really like talking with him don’t you?”
(distract) “Let’s call him when we get back from our walk.”
“Hello, Mary. I see you’ve brought a friend with you.”
Don’t: (question memory) “Hi Mom. You remember Eric, don’t you? What did you do today?”
DO: (short explanation) “Hi Mom. You look wonderful! This is Eric. We work together.”
“Who are you? Where’s my husband?”
Don’t: (take it personally) “What do you mean – who’s your husband?” I am!”
DO: (go with the flow, reassure) “He’ll be here for dinner.”
(distract) “How about some milk and cookies?… Would you like chocolate chip or oatmeal?”
“I’m going to the store for a newspaper.”
Don’t: (repeat differently) “Please put your shoes on.”…You’ll need to put your shoes on.”
DO: (repeat exactly) “Please put your shoes on.”… “Please put your shoes on.”
“I don’t want to eat this! I hate chicken.”
Don’t: (respond negatively) “You just told me you wanted chicken. I’m not making you anything else, so you better eat it!”
Do: (accept blame) “I’m so sorry, I forgot. I was in such a rush that it slipped my mind.
(respond positively) Let me see what else we have available.” Leave the room and try again.
Need support? We’re here to help! Speak with one of our dementia experts by calling 858.492.4400 or emailing [email protected]."
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boomboompowpow · 7 months
As a Christian I am reminded daily to not idolize humans (CCs, actors/actresses, etc.) because of situations like this. Always remember, content creators are normal people and can screw up JUST LIKE NORMAL PEOPLE. We should all learn from this to stop putting them on pedestals. I think I am finally beginning to understand why it is not good to rely on CCs for comfort!
I want to reach out and say that when you are going through tough times, maybe instead of trying to find happiness through CCs (a total stranger), try to maybe do something else?
Go outside, talk to someone, read a book, watch a TV show about FICTIONAL CHARACTERS! Do not sit alone in your room living vicariously through someone in a video. We need to remember that we do not know the real versions of them.
Back during covid (like everyone else) I felt alone and like I could only be happy when watching videos and streams. However, now I’m starting to think if I was more productive and did more self care I would not have needed to rely on other people.
I’m not saying you can’t enjoy content, cause you most definitely can! But it’s not healthy to make them the center of your universe while believing they are perfect. It hurts when reality hits but I think this is a good lesson learned for us fans.
Let me reiterate that SA and other forms of violence are not normal and should never be normalized. What I mean is people mess up all the time and we shouldn’t paint strangers in a way that makes them seem perfect. Only to find out that they are just a regular person and can perform horrible actions.
I even see people comparing other CCs and saying “they would never blah blah blah” but the sad truth is THEY CAN! Now I hope they would never do anything bad but stop acting like they are some amazing person for doing the bare minimum. Quit trying to make yourself feel good for supporting a certain creator! I used to be like this but as I have said I now understand better. You should find confidence in yourself and not because you watch someone’s YouTube videos. I mean, if you think about it, all these CCs that are speaking out against Wilbur and George might seem amazing and sweet. HOWEVER, again we do not know their true character and they might just be doing this for brownie points. This includes Dream as well for speaking out against Wilbur. I hope that isn’t true but again WE JUST DO NOT KNOW! So think twice before you praise someone for doing something in that light. It might be performative activism.
I am curious about his stream, and yes I will watch it if he even goes live. I’ll have an open mind but until then support victims/survivors.
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