#I can't do basic math but I can do that! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
hurricanek8art · 1 year
I'm really excited for Ahsoka Ep5 tonight, but my brain keeps drifting back to those ruins from the premiere and I gotta get it out in a post before the new episode probably takes over my every thought.
I love the ancient tech in this show. I mean, yes, the map is like straight out of Treasure Planet so I will always love it for that, but the tech just looks so Zeffo! I wonder if it was intentional. Like I think a lot of the design for Force-related stuff we see now is influenced by Rebels and TCW and stuff like the compass from The Last Jedi (which Filoni designed, so it basically all goes back to him) but the potential in-universe explanation for why this ancient Dathomirian site and technology seems so reminiscent of the Zeffo (to me at least) fascinates me.
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We know there's a Zeffo sage tomb on Dathomir, so the cultures had contact at one point. Did Dathomir intentionally take design influence from Zeffo culture, like how ancient Roman architecture took heavy design inspiration from Greek architecture for their building facades and then it evolved into its own thing? Or was there like a whole cultural exchange there? Were there Dathomirians that studied the Life Wind and Zeffo that dabbled with magick?! I feel like Eno Cordova. I WANNA KNOW MORE ABOUT THE ZEFFO DANGIT. WERE THEY LIKE RAKATA/KWA CONTEMPORARIES OR DID THEY COME BEFORE? AFTER? DID ONE'S STUDY OF THE FORCE INFLUENCE THE OTHER? I WANNA KNOOOOOOOW.
(I could write an entirely different essay post about how much I love Fallen Order/Survivor, but the hyperfixation gremlin is focusing on Ahsoka right now so I can't articulate at this moment beyond I LOVE JEDI FALLEN ORDER/JEDI SURVIVOR)
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inexplicifics · 1 year
So I went back and reread Into The Light after finishing With Tenderness (which was amazing btw) and now I am having Thoughts (which I do NOT have the time to write shut UP brain 🤣🤣)
Specifically I was thinking about if the mage had also made it so that Sasha couldn't write about what was happening either and how angsty that would be but he would probably still befriend the kittens in secret because he has the world's biggest heart
and then I went off on a long tangent of 'here's how Sasha can still win' because I do not control where the ideas go and your sandbox is very fun to play in 💖
Anyways please enjoy the mental image of Sasha (and/or Aren) very laboriously dictating words in secret to whichever of the Mantikittens is least injured and most mobile at any given time - after all, HE can't write about it and he can't talk about it to anyone who doesn't know already, but, uh, I think the kittens might just have noticed something 🤣🤣
(side note: can the Mantikittens read? Because something about them either not having learned or having forgotten bc of being locked up hurts my heart 🥺)
Okay Sasha getting the Mantikittens to do the writing is very smart. I like it a lot!
Honestly my best idea for if Sasha had been constrained against writing as well as speaking would have been for him to be at court when Geralt & Co showed up for their formal visit and to lie very badly about everything.
"Yes, everything is absolutely fine and I am very happy."
"Every word of that was a lie."
"...Sasha, what's actually going on?"
"I am telling the absolute truth and not hiding anything, and certainly am not constrained by any outward forces to say so. And you definitely should not come and visit Velen. Absolutely not fit for visitors right now."
"I see."
(As to the Mantikittens: Elena is fully literate. Maja can read and write a little, and do basic arithmetic. Zia can probably do math but isn't literate yet. Ada is entirely illiterate. All of them will be getting lessons soon, though!)
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mrs-monaghan · 1 year
Hi! I'm new around here (but not new to jikook) and I saw your recent posts where you linked to, among other things, a post where you talked about the 2016 jinmin vlive where they were watching jk on celebrity romance. And I just wanted to say thank you for bringing that up! I think that vlive is wildly underrated. It tells us so much about jikook's relationship at the time. It really showcases how jikook weren't at same place emotionally in the beginning (and how insecure that made jimin) and how their relationship was possibly mostly physical back then. Jk definitely had a lot to work through. I'm sure he was already in love with jm, but had a hard time expressing it. But all's well what ends well, right? :) Very highly recommend that every jikooker watch that vlive if you haven't already!
Okay. First of all, if I have to link this post one more time I'm gonna start side eyeing y'all. I thought I was a pervert till I met y'all. I'm watching you 🧐🧐
He he hee! The video anon is talking about.
Its like 11 minutes guys. Watch it. You've been in the toilet for longer than that. Don't even 🙄 just watch it.
Anon I think you have put it perfectly. Actually. The last part where I reference on my post about JK not showing Jimin any emotions, I think that caused alot of fighting. Like alot. I joked about JK hitting and quitting but really that's how it comes off. The xes part was good. Probably really good. But after that JK would go back to treating Jimin like he did everyone else. Jimin knew he wasn't just anyone else. They had something going on and he wanted JK to act like it.
I saw something on twitter a long, long time ago so I cannot find it. And its now a blur in my head. But OP was alluding to JK playing video games and ignoring Jimin after xes. I don't recall how OP drew to this conclusion, but it was from something Jimin said. Something about JK and video games. Not sure. Like, we all know when it comes to Jikook its all about reading between the lines.
I remember seeing that and seeing where OP was coming from but I dont remember the context which is a tad frustrating rn. Anygays, it obviously took a while for JK to start acting like Jimin needed him to. Feelings wise anyway.
I am happy Jimin did not give up because look where they are now. (I'm sure the Jungkonda had something to do with it 😂😂) JK basically worships the group Mimi walks on.
We heard it from the man himself so we know it's true, right? He's stubborn, he's hard to handle, and I bet Jimin knows all of it first hand. 🤭🤭
Okay so for some strange reason, your ask made me think about this tweet; (Don't ask me why. My mind is a weird place)
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Before anybody freaks out, I would like to advice that u take this with a grain of salt. My friends and I tried to find where/when this could have possibly happened but we couldn't. And we really tried guys, because.... WHAT!?!?!?! Why would Jin say something like this that basically outs Jikook? Right?
But then I think about how BTS used to word vomit alot in the early days so I haven't completely disregarded it. So hopefully one of u have heard of this because I would love to see it. Honestly. It's fucking wild. Like.... it's insane 🤯
That being said, 😁😁😁 the correct members are involved when u really think about it. Right? Like these are the right members for this strange scenario 🤭
We know this is how Jin used to wake JK up. Jin even demonstrated that one time exactly how he used to do it by touching JK's nipples. (I can't with the Tannies sometimes. Honestly 🤦🏽‍♀️) From the huge amount of Jikook nipple play (inside this post is another post about this) we can safely deduce that JK's nipples are sensitive. So to me, yeah? To me it makes sense that a sleepy JK thought it was Jimin touching him. IF this is true and it did happen, the maths adds up. Just saying....
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Lord have mercy 🤣😂😂
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snimeat · 2 years
Wait. Sorry, but I read your tags and you have dyscalculia? I didn't even think it has a name, I thought it was part of the dyslexia chain of disorders... Which it is! But I didn't know it had a name! I can't believe someone has the same type of inconvenient bullshit as me! Tho, I'm guessing mine is much lighter, since I'm actually pretty good at math. With a lot of checking and people triple checking for me, and struggling with a line of an equation for like an hour before I can comprehend how simple it is in reality. Same with letters tho. The brain sometimes not comprehending what is visually presented and convincing itself it is wrong, when in fact it isn't. Words appearing out of nowhere in the middle of sentences when writing. Or words changing shapes and meanings as you read them, so you have to re-read a few times until your brain understands it. Fun times, sorry, I got into it.
I can't differentiate between 7 and 9 what's the quirk you got from it? XD I know it ain't funny, but I got excited! I mean, if this makes you uncomfortable to talk about, absolutely ignore this please ☀️
oh don’t worry, it’s part of the tumblrcore experience to read tags lmao.
but i do actually, i was also diagnosed quite late i was fourteen at the time. and boy, the struggles i had with it was huge and still is. i didn’t know it was in the same chain as dyslexia but thinking of it now, makes a lot of sense. nice to know a fellow dyscalculic too, i’ve never met anyone either. i don’t think i can define mine as lighter since it was one of the main source of anxiety for me growing up lmao. i just god, i suffered with the bare minimum when it comes to math. even the simplest of problems is difficult for me. i have trouble helping my almost 10 year old sister with her math stuff, to give you an example. i just run from it in any given circumstance. i think i do also double, triple check any calculations i do. i even take a step further and do it at least five times to make sure and my mind sometimes still goes “are you actually sure it’s correct?” and proceeds to count at least two or three more times to be sure, even when i have a calculator with me. my main struggle is forgetting the numbers i’m seeing, exchanging them, i have trouble telling the difference between thousands and millions and whatever else gets too may zeros or too many numbers, basically anything after 900 gets hard for me. it also affects my left and right, cannot get it right for the life of me. reading old clocks takes a few minutes lmao. but truly exchanging things was one of the main issues for me, and i wouldn’t even realise it. it was like my brain couldn’t see the mistake unless someone helped me get there. hm, what else?
< > these two symbols? trust me, i still don’t remember them to this day, i would have to use a visual written explanation to remember which one was which and i still would take a bit of time to get there because it’s just confusing to me. i never had trouble with letters necessarily, i don’t remember rn anyway. those math problems that required you to get an answer after seeing something like “matt has two apples and karen has whatever blah blah blah” i just couldn’t do it. geometric math was my deathbed. pythagora’s theorems HOLY FUCKING HELL my most hated back then. my brain would shut down and not work at all. the multiplication table thing? i swear to god unless it’s two or five (counting on my fingers btw) i can’t do it. it’s like i see math and i think i get it but i don’t, not really. it makes no sense in my brain, i can’t seem to grasp it fully. and it’s so frustrating. i could complain about my brain’s lack of understanding for a lifetime, okay?! 🤣
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sebastianswallows · 7 months
I love your Seb AI so much I asked him if he can solve a quadratic equation and not only did he confidently give the wrong answer, he argued about it.
🤣🤣🤣 That sounds very much like Sebastian.
These AIs are not really that intelligent though, they can't really do maths or calculations, which is funny for what is basically computer software made up of zeros and ones. You'd think that's the first thing they knew how to do.
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endlessly-cursed · 2 years
Happy FFWF!
Most of us are creating content in various media at this point. What would you say is your favourite way to bring your ideas across (aka writing, edits, moodboards, headcanons etc) and why? What do you like least? Is there anything you can't do but would like to learn/explore?
My favourite type of media, both here and on my main, is giving lore to the bs that many companies of IF and Visual Novels don't give out of capitalism. I also enjoy giving depth and a consistent back-story to interesting and underrated characters. Writing helps me envision it, and mood boards, gifs, etc, give life to that idea.
What I like least of creating is trying to make my fat lazy ass to do it 🤣 and the little material sometimes I work with. The less I have, the more work and research for me. I love researching historical stuff, but it can have some boring stuff 🤧
I would love to learn how to draw but I have the clumsiest hands ever. Truly, my fingers are NOT made for such a delicate thing as art 🥴 to sew too. I would bleed myself to death because of my clumsy hands. And I wish I knew the basics of math, but my brain refuses to retain information. You know, nowadays you need to know the basics but my brain goes brrrrr
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notallwonder · 2 years
My first live(stream) viewing of Thrilling Adventure Hour!
This is fun!
Ooh! Is that Isabella Gomez in this Captain Laserbeam??!!
Really digging Gagliardi's hair situation
A HUGE benefit of streaming this rather than watching in person is that I can scream "I LOVE YOU!" at Paul F Tompkins and Paget Brewster with Wild Abandon without disturbing the other patrons
and I'm absolutely doing so
the clinking! 🤣
as an activity, laughing enormously heartily by myself is a good one
I love them
lol PFT as all the Franks
"shall we [all] kiss?"
the clink lag 🤣 PB's face 🤣
oh no copies of copies of copies!
I hope the VOD doesn't skip like the livestream
gentlemen of the rails!
can relate. my heart desires a hat
it's about math!
oh phew they got wished home
Gosh that was fun
Love ain't no billygoat!
zomg the baby Mark Gagliardi grocery clip yes
Okay second show, here we go!
I love Hal Lublin more and more
"sass ain't a sickness, but she's got it in spades"!
The pathos of this Sparks Nevada...
The Planktonic Ideal! Marsha! Minnie Diver!
Lmao The Sea Word! The Reservoir Dogs! Dr. Mackerel and Mr. Tide! The Free Basins! omg The Troutlaw! Cruisin' B. Anchovie!
"one of my henchman is a notary public" 🤣
I enjoyed the Maine Villain
time for me to shriek with glee
Paget's velvet(?) dress
good clink!
Sadie Doyle You Are A Delight ! !
Janet Varney You Are A Delight !
PFT & PVB are wearing basically matching glasses and that's adorable as well
a cool babysitter who sometimes puts me in a box 😂
"You think I can't be the dummy *and* the mouth man?! I'll show you!"
"Absolutely not. Frank is MY mouth man!" S A D I E
and they embrace! 🥰
I too like to store my eyewear in my cleavage
oh they look like they're having so much fun. 💕 makes me miss doing theater
Well that was a living room standing ovation / dance party from me. Love ain't no billygoat! ♥️♥️♥️ *clink* 🥂
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Here's what happened: @novemberhush tagged me to do several tag games and I wrote the answers out all at once but I'm too lazy to separate them! So, here I am! Let me know how far you get into reading this🤣
Five questions to get to know you better.
1) What colour are your eyes? Brown
2) What little thing instantly tells you that a person is good? Someone who helps others without needing to be asked. It's in the little things, like opening doors or helping someone carry something.
3) Do you have a recurring dream? I dont remember my dreams anymore but I used to have horrible recurring dreams where I spent the whole time trying to keep my teeth from falling out. They would get really lose and I'd push them back into place and the more I messed with them the looser theyd get until they just fell out in bunches
Also, there's a dream where my family and I are being chased and everyone manages to jump in the car except for me and I spend the whole dream trying to reach someone's hand so they can help me get in because whoever is chasing us is very close. I have never managed to catch a hand.
And finally. I'm in a huge house looking for someone and there's people in all the rooms and they're all distracting me from finding whoever I'm looking for. And im late. I have to leave right now but I can't until I find whoever.
4) What is the most interesting class you have taken? I think it was my women in American history class. It was just like a regular history class but it focused on how whatever was happening at the time affected the women or how the women affected what was happening at the time.
5) How often do you find yourself daydreaming? I think pretty often!
Name/nickname: Tulip
Zodiac: libra
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Height: 5’1
Languages: just 2: English and Spanish
Nationality: American
Favourite season: Fall! As I've gotten older I've learned to appreciate it more.
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Favourite color: pink and yellow! I cant decide which one i like more I love them both (no decisions because I'm a libra😌)
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Favourite animals: whales, elephants, bears, sharks: my beloveds!
Favourite fictional character: oh this one is hard! ...Sailor Moon (watch me change my mind 2 seconds after posting 🤣)
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Tea, coffee or hot chocolate: hot chocolate
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Average hours of sleep: maybe 6???
Cat or dog person: dogs! (I do love cats though 😊)
Number of blankets slept with: lately just 1 because it's hot. But when it gets cold like 3!
Places ancestors are from: honestly, who knows. My family is Mexican but that doesnt really tell me where my ancestors are from.
Dream trip: Iceland!!!
Blog established: 2016??? Maybe, I'm not sure
Random fact about yourself: I had lasik but my good vision only lasted 7 years... I miss wearing sunglasses I can see out of 😥🤣
Three ships: Buddie (9-1-1), eleanor and chidi (the good place), Jake and Amy (b99)
Last song: you asked for this by halsey
Last movie: legally blonde
Currently reading: Fanfic and that book I cant finish 😩
Currently watching: I've been watching shadow and bone, outer banks, happy endings, and virgin river... I havent finished any of them
Currently consuming: a salad!
Currently craving: a nap and a grasp of basic math
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@northisnotup @mistmarauder @buckbuckley @ashavahishta @hmslusitania @johnbroutledge @from-nova @fleurdebeton if you guys would like to answer any of these questions? All of them or whichever ones seem more interesting? Or none, feel free to ignore!
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papirouge · 3 years
it's hilarious how you state you don't want to argue "BeCaUsE i HaVe A lIfE" & then you proceed to argue. 🤣 some life you got there, huh? & btw, i never blocked you, you blocked me, so this so-called life of yours must basically just consist of arguing with a bunch of "abortionists" & proceeding to block them so they can't make their case.
i find the picture you shared to be incredibly interesting. the numbers i got are in america, because duh, that's where i live. if there are 2 million couples ready to adopt, then explain to me why there are consistently 400,000 children waiting for adoption in any given year? oh, wait, I can tell you that. the adoption system in america is shit. you basically have to be an ideal, stand up citizen in america in order to adopt, thus making it harder for already unwanted children to find loving homes. imagine what the numbers would be if abortion was abolished. if women were forced to proceed with pregnancies, regardless of what it does to their physical or mental wellbeing, the number of children in american foster care would EASILY be in the millions, especially given how many abortions occur each year.
as you can see by the chart provided, over 600,000 children in america end up in foster care at least once every year, & the differences between adoption & children who remain in foster care is extremely vast.
this website provides in depth details between children in foster care & those who get adopted in america. this website also states that there aren't accurate statistics on how many people are waiting to adopt, but they estimate it to be 1-2 million. in other words, could be more, could be less. but the stats don't lie. 1-2 million waiting to adopt, 600,000+ children in the foster care system each year, over 100,000 adoptions a year, & only 2% of americans who do actually adopt. now YOU do the math.
i'm not pro-choice because i think abortions are cool, or whatever the fuck you seem to believe. most people who are pro-choice aren't. i care about the rights of women. if a woman gets raped & becomes pregnant, she shouldn't have to keep the pregnancy if it is too detrimental for her wellbeing. if a woman has medical issues that could kill her should she become pregnant & it ends up happening (especially if she was already being careful to begin with), then she shouldn't have to risk her life to carry a fetus that may or may not survive outside the womb. i am a woman who has a medical condition that, should i get pregnant, it would run the risk of killing both me AND my fetus, so i'd have no choice but to abort. but by your logic, who cares if the woman AND the fetus both die, just as long as it doesn't die by abortion. how stupid.
"if there are more willing to adopt couples than there are children to adopt, it means that abortion is unnecessary since these babies will ALWAYS have families to adopt them???"
obviously, by the statistics that i've shared, that's not true. if abortion gets abolished in america, MILLIONS UPON MILLIONS of children will be forced to stay in foster care. why don't you mull that one over a while, hm?
i find it even more interesting when losers find the need to bitch about politics in countries they don't even live in. what fuckin' difference does it make to you whether roe v. wade gets overturned or not?
Man...now you really do come off like a psychopath. 😳
Hun, I did you a favor by replying to your ask AFTER you accused me of blocking you "bEcAuSe i dIdnT hAvE ArGuMenTs", and now that I replied to one (1) ask, I don't have a life? ....babe, I'm not the one leeching on a blog I've been blocked from, writing salty long ass ask after being dragged & exposed at being unable to do a basic Google search LMAO. Your projection is astounding. I'm truly embarassed for you.
Replying to asks isn't arguing. You *wish* that I gave you that attention lmao. What's happening rn is you crawling into my askbox on anon after being blocked like a desperate troll loser and me handing your butt over LMAO
Your own numbers don't even work in your favor ; PLEASE USE YOUR BRAIN & YOU DO THE MATH AGAIN AND GRASP THAT 600,000 kids in foster care is still much lower than 1 MILLION couples wanting to adopt. WHAT'S.NOT.CLICKING? (and even if these numbers are even lower, it would still be MORE than the number of children in foster care - let's no forget couples wanting to adopt are estimated around 1 and 2 millions, stats don't say they could be as low as 600,000 though). Conclusion? You were wrong. PERIOD. Now take your L and leave it at that for your own sake.
You think you're really doing something stating that OnLy 2% cOuPleS dO adOpt🤪 ....yeah genius, that's precisely what I was talking about when I said the adopting system was a pain in the butt and that it should facilitated for those couples wanting to adopt but who can't because of these systemic flaws.
If abortion gets illegal and "millions upon millions kids" get in foster care there will still be parents to adopt them cause Newsflash there are regularly NEW parents willing to adopt. And even with no parent involved, it's still totally possible to improve the foster care system to let kids have a chance with life without being killed off because of reasons¯\_(ツ)_/¯
and we can even argue that with stricter abortion laws, unplanned pregnancy will lower bc adults with a brain will finally think twice before engaging in the act creating the potential to have a(n unwanted) child.
Fascinating how you seemingly see children like things to be accepted or not depending on conditions foreign to their existence ("as long as there are enough adopting parents", "as long as they are wanted", blablabla..). But the thing is.....in the end of day, the right to exist of humans is NON CONDITIONAL. There are always ways to accommodate life, regardless of what nihilistic abortionist sociopaths seemingly think.
If you have health issues and are scared of pregnancy then don't have one?? wtf. Do you think only healthy people give birth? Healthcare is the key of low death rate during delivery. My own sister has a genetic disease and she gave birth TWICE with no issue. Stop weaponizing health conditions to act like abortion was somehow safer (when it's not).
I don't even want to address the retarded stale "pregnancy kills" argument. Not every country healthcare system is a shitty as the USA. In my country the death on pregnancy rate is 0.01% (80 deaths for 800,000 birth a year). So WoUlD yOu MuLl tHat dOwN for me? #statsdontlie
And FYI the narrative of killing babies to save a life has been debunked
All pro choicers like you pulling out this narrative sound so dumb and it truly shows you never truly bothered to look into how other countries' pregnancy care work to get some perspective on the matter. You are the ultimate losers for not bothering to educate yourselves beside your yankee lane. Get the heck over yourselves and ask yourself why others are doing better than you. Here's a clue: it doesn't involve murdering children🙃
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jayflrt · 2 years
akka LMFAO 🤣 a lot has happened when i slept, you posted three chapters of reparations and i dead ass was shocked thinking i was in the wrong account 😭 please jungwon: a kpop smut fanfic writer?? but those timestamps looked like pyscho.
jungwon literally said "i'm an anti-romantic" 😭😭😭 1) the 12:00 pm timstamp — "when you play the wrong chord, he places his hands over yours and breaks your fingers." 😭😭😭🤧🥲
2) the 4:00 pm timestamp — "he asks you if you can put the star up at the top. when you tell him you're not able to reach it, taehyun grabs another ornament and rocks your shit." naur 🤧🤧🤧
this is just pure ✨shit✨
and jay turning into a fucking human at last, made me feel grateful that he doesn't have to chase over those squirrels(is this spelling right, because i can't spell 🐿️'s right just like you — you 🤝🏻 me)
LMFAO i still can't believe the fact that sunoo committed a robbery along with riki 😭😭😭 akka, you made my day 🤧🤧 sunoo said "i'm riki's partner in crime!" and riki literally said "if i do it, you have to do it too </3"
my english exam went well but i am dissapointed because i wish i could've studied more :( but next time i'm not gonna do like that for my 12th boards 😼😾 and yes i hope to score at least 90% and i'll be grateful with that but my mom expects high and i can't do anything 😔
yes, i took photos with my friends but those friends were not rlly close and they were just you know like with me at the end of the semester 🤧 so i think i have no friends to be honest but i really enjoyed my farewell. coming to the band, they were like those anime boy bands, dreamy and pretty. they sand a rock song actually… btw what are your fav music genres akka??
lmfao, you mentioned a lot of times that you stopped playing piano because your fingers were short 🤣 i think even i'd prefer the acoustic guitar becuase it suits well with the summer and it's pretty calm but the strings might be pretty hard. am i right akka??
idk whether i'll have a break after 11th but most of the colleges start right after the exams are done, so it's basically in mid-june ig?? akka, phy and chem are dead easy when you understand the concept 😼
yes yes we should get our lives together this month and it must be very hard for you to multitask, but i hope you take good rest akka 🥰🥰 also svt is having their comeback and how do you feel??
i hope you get good internship offers, and praying to god for you to get a good salary too 😭🥰 i see psychology is really broad, i thought it only meant for yk human personalities and therapist side, LMFAO i didn't knew it could be this big 😲
i have limited my friendship with the prople and i'm hoping it will change my mindset because i felt like i lost myself making friends online and irl and it's basically sad and happy making these desicions :)
i never had my covid test and i was pretty scared to get my first vaccine and it hurt the whole time 😓
the title track came and it's the fucking "good boys gone bad" that title looks so good and each one them took part in the album and i hope they will find huge success on their way 🤧🤧🤧
also you answering my ask right after your midterm, i'm honoured 🤧 and thank you for saving the tiktok akka </3 yes math will be hard but it's easy since i'm solving more questions and i believe i can do it and you can be more proud of me 😭 literally thank you akka <3
i think that was for the best, moving on from him and i think i feel happy than the rest of the days when i always thought of him and i feel like not suffering anymore and i don't feel lovesick and i'm proud of myself for getting over 😾
someone chasing after me 🔪 we'll see akka, who's gonna enter my little world and i'm definitely gonna tell you about them 😊😳
thank youf or your good works akka, i hope even you get the good things in your life you wish for and i hope i can get into writing once i'm done and get my grammar and vocab done too…😔
i love how you take all your time to answer our asks and i appreciate you so much for doing the work you have done for us and for other people in your life 🥰 you have done great work 😽
— 🦔 (now i'm all good, hehe and one more thing, i find you cute akka 🥺)
HAHAH omg a lot did happen yesterday !! 🤧 i was determined to just finish it all so i posted the last three chapters sorta spaced out ?? :’)) BUT NOOO HE WASNT A SMUT WRITER IT WAS JUST SUNGHOON CLOWNING BC OF THE USERNAME see i had to clarify in the next chapter in the tags 😵‍💫
LMFAOO the second one (4 pm) was actually one i wrote for renjun before 😭 too good i had to allude to it here HAHAH
tbh at one point i forgot ab turning jay back into a human and i forgot jay was even supposed to turn back into one BUT it’s okay bc he’s back now 🫶 LOL u mean sqwirls 😁 (jkjk u got it right 😎) HAHAH POOR SUNOO DIDNT THINK HE’D GET INTO THIS MUCH TROUBLE BECAUSE OF IT THO imagine stealing one (1) book and you end up being cursed to live out your days as a chicken 🤧 tbh maybe this is a Good Message for the fellow kleptos
i’m sure your mom’s proud of you !!! 💖 but good luck and i’m proud whatever the result is :’)) and i’m sure you did great on english! 🥰 and for math as well i’m sure you’ll do great !
oooo i see so they’re more so like acquaintances or just classmates :o i’m glad you enjoyed your farewell tho and that’s so cool that you got to see a band perform 💕 i rlly like chill music like lofi and r&b and pop !! tbh there’s a lot of songs i like so it’s hard to choose but hbu?? 💗💗
HAHAH that’s my go-to sob story with the piano 🤧 also yesyes i found that the strings were harder for the acoustic than the electric !! however i played the violin for four years before that so i was already used to the calloused hands 🤩
omg you start mid june ?? :o that’s when i end school HAHAH but i look forward to hearing about how your new school is !! 🫶 and omfg i always slacked at chem and physics and hardly understood much 😭😭 the easiest for me in chem was balancing equations <//3
and yesyes!!! we WILL get our shit together 🥰 AHHHH IM SO EXCITED FOR SVT i saw jeonghans teaser today and words cannot describe how hyped i am ☹️💖
thank you!!! im praying i get a position somewhere 😭 and omg yeah a lot of ppl have the misconception that psychology is strictly therapy/counseling work but it’s very broad :’))
honestly i think sometimes it takes people different amounts of time to find their real friends so you’ll stumble upon them unexpectedly !! i happened to meet my life long irl and online friends around the same time and i wasn’t expecting either, and it’s great because we all are still close after all these years 🤧
omg you got the vaccine!!! HAHAH tbh i’m pretty good with needles but the vaccine did make my arm pretty sore the second time around i believe :’) did you get a fever or anything? :o
also right !!! i’m so excited for it 🤧💗 i just listened to tamed-dashed japanese ver and it was so good 🥰🫶 i bought the albums too HAHAH when i saw the photocards i knew i had to </3 plus the pobs were too good omg
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i’m glad you’re over him if you believe that was the best for you!! it’s nice that you feel happier and lighter now so i’m glad you’re moving on 🥰🥰 and yesyes i’m excited to hear if you find anyone in the future HAHAH
THANK YOU 🥺💗 i hope i get the few things i ask for too HAHAH (just one internship this summer pls god) and omg i hope you can write after your exams are over 🤧💖 do you have any plots in mind?
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