#I cant have kids cause that was taken from me quit literally
nourrris · 6 months
I hate, and love Steve Rogers.
there is no character who's given me as many conflicted feelings as he does, i can't tell if i absolutely hate his guts or adore him helplessly, one side is coming from the fact i love tony stark, and steve rogers is an absolute cunt for the way he's treated him at times (which some instances are understandable, but i still hold civil war against him) and then theres the version of him that i hold so close to my heart, excluding his confident demeanor and severe savior (guilt?) complex, he is still the man who couldnt help himself and risk his life for everybody else, the man who was pushed into a situation so life changing, experiencing the quite literal horrors of the world and humanity, both pre and post serum, he lived a rough life, especially with the timeline he lived in originally, and then the entire ordeal with bucky, the horrifying realization what's happened to one of the closest people in his life, what he's become, and the fact he's alive. (not that he ever got the chance to mourn anyways)
and thats not to talk about how his life was ultimately changed completely within such a small time frame for him, prior the modern years, living through a whole different world, about to sacrifice his life to mankind, then he wakes up 70 years later, the love of his life has aged in a way he didn't get the chance too, the world has became something completely separate to the timeline he lived in, he has to learn new social customs, new ways to adapt to how society exists, how is he meant to grieve or mourn through any of this at all? he had absolutely no time, he was consistently put into the highest of stress situations.
i hate how civil war went down, he gave away his life he had began building, of course there were multiple different ways to act and he definitely did not choose the right one, but i'll give the smallest inch of credit and say i'm not sure how i'd act either if i found my best friend (who was supposedly dead, now a deadly assassin) was back in the limelight for the worst reason possible, one that was causing the entire world to hate him, but not only that - his identity of actually still being alive is now public for the entire world to see, even if the man they saw hadn't actually been him.
i can't say i would have taken his side as confidently so brashly, almost killing a person you could almost consider a close friend in defense when they just found your supposedly dead (now assassin) bestfriend is at fault for who killed his parents, tony acting irrationally was rather reasonable, i'd understand bucky defending himself, steve through? i'd say its different, maybe?
he's also rather arrogant in same situations, especially in 'the avengers' when he says 'Big man in a suit of armor, take that away and what are you?' as if tony wasn't the genius behind making every little detail in the suit, constructing it all single handedly, and the prototype that had been created in a very spontaneous manner which still worked miraculously better than any person managed to create in a much larger time frame, and a much less stressful situation.
i cant pretend and believe that steve must know this information of course, they seemed like they had been roughly introduced to eachother, but also to make such a claim against somebody like him who's father was also an insanely credible genius, he should have given him at least some benefit of the doubt, or actually attempted to learn more about him before going straight for eachothers throats like a bunch of kids.
another part of that quote that irked me was the sacrifice one, i frankly do not understand that part, the entire idea of iron-man is one big ol' self sacrifice, there is no safe (or really sane) way to make a machine like that and go into conflict way too big for one person to overtake, he's almost died multiple times for the sake of helping society, the idea of getting his information right isn't even the biggest issue, its that i just genuinely dont understand why he keeps spouting out things with absolutely no context? he says he see's the videos, but its a little hypocritical steve rogers of all people is letting other people define who tony stark is when he lived his entire life being defined what society deems of him just by a single glance, unless of course he just saw one random iron-man video of the stark expo performance with the girls. (which god, i cringed at myself.. why tony, why)
still to act as confident as he did, i would have assumed he attempted to well.. learn more about the guy. i genuinely think this part itself is a poor writing issue though, it felt weirdly out of character, but i can understand it from a certain viewpoint i guess.
once more, another point i wanted to make this time was somewhat against tony's actual response to what steve said, of course in a way hes completely correct where "everything about him came out of a bottle", in a physical sense, but steves over eager need to help was always very evident, his courage in place since the dawn of the world. although, he realistically would likely have never been able to become the man he is without the serum, so well technically theres not much to fight back there, but the serum could have distinctively (and quite literally has) gone to the wrong hands, i'm not sure if i should be applauding him for having morals, but at last, its difficult to say how anybody would react to such a life altering experience, and not really even getting the chance to understand whats happening, or how it works.
i've likely gotten off track, but point is i think he's a very flawed character, but at the same time still one of the kindest people with a heart made out of gold, albeit a bit of a blockhead at times, he truly tries, and he was frankly put in a very unfair position, no matter what he signed up for, there was no world it could have possibly entailed what he's gone through so far, even if he doesn't regret it, or would do it a hundred times more.
anyways, i hate him and love him all the same, and still very strongly hate his ending in endgame (as a total writing issue, i cannot possibly blame the character).
thank you for reading this ramble, so sorry if this upset you, or if i actually got any of the lore wrong, do correct me if i have!
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s0lar-ch3ri · 1 year
what if i just rambled
like ik people have thoughts that they cant get out but what if i became so autistic enough that i understood the blorbo and- fuck it lets talk about a jrwi character again (spoilers obvi)
i couldnt choose between ollie and jay but i feel like ollie i got more to talk about for so ill do him first then jay cause they feel very connected for no fucking reason
so i think everyone acknowledges that ollie is just a kid but he really isnt just a kid? like he semi has the mind of an adult from the usage of the compass, because it didnt just mature him physically, but mentally too. from what i can guess, it was slow and unnoticeable until it was too big for ollie to know how to handle. thats when ollie was a kid.
yet ollie adapted, and while he really was 12 for that time still, he wasnt a kid. he grew up for a bit, he was an adult. and thats what scared him. because we all have been scared of growing too fast. so when ollie had that hit him like a truck, he didnt want to leave bed and shit. yet he became the adult his body reflected. sure, he never was fully an adult, but thats because hes not just an adult, hes still a kid.
and after he had adjusted to it, he got to have it for a couple more days. then it was gone. all the growth was now unnecessary and he didnt know what to do again. yet he didnt handle it like he did the first time. he thought about it. and again, he got over it. yet he didnt let go of what maturing so quick taught him, and hes still grown after. because hes something in between an adult and child, yet its not a teen or something.
another thing to note: ollie didnt have a say every fucking time. when he aged up, he didnt ask for it. he asked for a way to get him home and maybe it brought out another desire ollie had inside him by using it so much (touching on that more later). when ollie adjusted, he didnt ask to. he probably just wanted to curl away in that blanket and hide, because it was scary out there. yet somewhere inside he thought earl was right (earl calls him a baby or smth because he just keeps on staying in bed) and forced himself to adapt the new adult body. and when he was aged back, he didnt get a say. chip just decided it, thinking thats what ollie wanted. and he did, he did want to be a kid again. yet he wasnt ready yet. but when would he be?
so why do i bring up so much his lack of input? because it sounds similar to how he got onto the albatross. he first was taken from his home, then working with marshal jon, then working with the albatross. now being so amazed by the sea yet scared of its dangers hes been accustomed to quite a bit now, soon enough hes going back home and has to act like he didnt have the most terrifying and great adventure of his lifetime (another detail i wanted to add is theres no way jon and ollie didnt encounter some form of sea monsters or danger after being out at sea so long, we jsut arent told anything about it so yeah extra trauma thoughts).
so to me, ollie's lying (like his dad aka chip would /j). to me, ollie's desire wasnt just to return home. i doubt it was more then just a whiff of a thought that loomed in ollies head. because yeah, he wanted to go home, but not yet. he wanted to be on the ship longer, but not jsut that. he wanted to be able to help his friends. he didnt like seeing his friends come back beaten and bruised, yet being in the corner doing nothing. and he was told by chip that when he was older he could hang out with them on the ship again. so ollie, unknowing of consequences that could happen, wishes for not just a way home, but a way to help. i literally could write theory shit for this cause its not just thoughts for once! niklaus has said that the people's desires can twist from their greed, and maybe ollie didnt realize his greed (or the amount he was asking to be brought real was "greedy" and ollie didnt notice) so it twisted his desire (it being the compass), thus why niklaus doesnt understand what happened with ollie, because accidentally beign greddy can happen, or being greedy in the eyes of another.
i literally dont think ill have the motivation to wrap this up yet so ill do so later
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locklylemybeloved · 1 year
i can sort of understand why ppl are calling lockwood kaz brekker dupe, but like,,, think abt it. they have their similarities but in NO WAY are they “same character, different font”. like at all. (bear with me, this is gonna be long asf, dont say i didnt warn you) DISCLAIMER THIS POST IS BY BOTH A SOC AND A LNCO FAN I LOVE BOTH WITH ALL OF MY HEART
yes, they both are edgy white boys who have dead parents and were left to be taken care of by an older sibling whose death scarred them forever. yes they both wear suits. yes they both call the girl they love some form of financial holding. yes they have ungodly amts of trauma and mental issues and are now the assigned leader of their respective found families. thats all valid. but.
kaz brekker is a child yes (well, like, seventeen but whatever. still a child.) but hes not a teen in the sense that lockwood is. hes hardened, cruel, and quite literally a dangerous crime boss. he is a criminal mastermind, hes super smart, always has a plan, almost always seems to be controlling everything.
and then theres lockwood. yes lockwood seems dark and mysterious, but thats partly just cause were seeing it from lucys pov for the most part. hes insanely charming tho, always smiling and outright showing his love to george and lucy (and holly) even tho, yeah, he could do better when it comes to romantic love for lucy. but hes not a mastermind. hes smart, yes, but hes reckless. hes impulsive. kaz mulls over things a million times, starts planning with each teeny step, lockwood takes one look at a problem and thinks quick little thoughts in his brain and formulates a plan. and then does it. like, way more often then not they are extremely dangerous and in many cases borderline suicidal.
lockwood relies on charm for the most part when it comes to living beings, but when that doesnt work, when he cant get someone to do what he needs, hes almost lost. look at barnes, winkman for gods sake. when hes hit a million times, he breaks, and he shows it. and he isnt always outright violent. and in that way, he just seems so much more like a kid than kaz brekker.
again, i totally understand why ppl think theyre similar, they def are, i mean on top of the stuff i already said, theres also the fact that they both only do what they do with the amt of zeal that they have bcs they are seaking revenge in their own ways. and then theres the cane/rapier thing, and ofc like i already said but im saying it again, jessica/jordie. and theres probably more.
but my point is, THEY ARE NOT THE SAME CHARACTER. THEYVE MADE THEIR MISTAKES, THEYVE DONE SIMILAR THINGS, BUT IN THERE DEPTHS THEY ARE SO DIFFERENT. yes i see the similarities, but i can also see all of the differences. and yes, saying kaz brekker dupe can be funny if its a joke, but it also feels a little bit like ppl are trying to mash lockwood into something hes not. and it bugs me sometimes.
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sunattacksthemoon · 2 years
I’m going to write what I think while I reread crimson rivers
So first of I’m not starting at the beginning if I’m being completely honest I haven’t cr in quite literally months because I….. I forgot to include a warning for like major spoilers. One sec.
Don’t fucking read this if you haven’t read crimson rivers!! Please for the love of the gods listen to me bc I will not be held responsible for spoiling. Like if you tell me I spoiled something for you I will feel immeasurable guilt.
Anyways so I haven’t read past the part where regulus meets the fucking death eaters in the beginning parts of the second games. Like they are about to go in but haven’t yet?? I hope that makes sense but I haven’t read it in awhile because frankly I’m a little bitch. I’m waiting til they are all happy and the wars over. I’m going to be starting the new chapters today because they are finally happy. But I reread my fav parts, essentially every wolfstar part in the early chapters because I’m an absolute whore for them. They just fill my brain with happiness. So I decided to reread the chapters and then eventually just started rereading the first games instead of just skipping till it’s Remus or Sirius’s pov. And I was bombarded with the absolute heartbreak of it all. Like I cant remember when Zar said this but he mentioned in a post that mulciber and Avery were actually boyfriends and don’t get me wrong I Do Not like them but that shit hurts. I think people genuinely forget that none of them should have been in the arena in the first place. Like with original books they have their version of the death eaters ( I can’t remember what the called them) like Cato, but I remember watching the movies with my family and everyone absolutely hating on him. But like he was a kid raised to be a little assassin. I’m a self-proclaimed Cato apologist till I die. But I don’t like people just hating them, especially Peter. Like I love how Zar wrote his character because he is so fucking interesting. Like I could write about him for hours.
Moving on. I don’t know when to do transitions so I hope that was seamless.
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This part destroyed me in the best possible way. I don’t have children so I can’t even begin to imagine what this felt like, but learning that all their fighting was to get back home to their partner and have a family is heartbreaking. And when reg and James are doing the tour and they learn about it is just ughhh. I cannot put it into words.
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Now this scene hurts for an entirely different reason. I am a sucker for happy endings. I really am, that’s genuinely all I want. Like to the point I don’t usually read angst, hence why I have taken a break from reading until they are somewhat happy again. The fact that James is so hopeful one second and then he is utterly heartbroken the next makes me weep. I felt this, like with my whole being. Which is so fucking cool that Zar has that ability with their writing to cause such pain. So round of applause for them👏👏
That’s pretty much it, I will be making another post about Sirius’s talk with Remus about desire because it’s a must. I might make more for jegulus’s relationship idk.
Okay uh bye 🤘
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levisgirll · 3 years
𝐅𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞 (𝐋𝐞𝐯𝐢 𝐀𝐜𝐤𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫)
text: hello everyone! first off wanna thank each and every one of you that liked and enjoyed my writings <3 this honestly makes me happy and I’m glad to know that! so I decided to write this out for everyone as I had many ideas about this cute idea! you, y/n is levi ackerman’s first lover! it was stated by hajime isayama (author/illustrator of attack on titan) in a interview that levi has never been in a romantic relationship, but that all changes when he met y/n. It was also stated that when it does come to romance and love, isayama said that he expresses levi as awkwardly/clumsily when it comes to his lover. So find out some cute headcanons about him in his first relationship with Y/N!
synopsis: how’s it like for levi ackerman to be y/n’s boyfriend? and not only that but it’s also levi’s first partner ever, and including you! But you both don’t know that :,) so, what are the things you both would do as newbies in a relationship? (incoming real cute fluff- and levi trying his best to be your best boyfriend.)
fluff, headcanon, aot world ♡ —
To start off, you guys are both confused. Not sure what to do. Levi Ackerman’s first relationship and his first time having a partner actually makes him feel quite nervous as he wants to make sure he comes out as an ideal boyfriend for Y/N. Would definitely also start to overthink a lot at his start of his new relationship.
That’s cause, he wants to show you he is cool and got things under control and also even stronger towards you, he tries his best.
BUT, he doesn't know that it’s also y/n’s first relationship! and when they joined the Levi squad after Eren was taken in by the survey corps. Levi caught their eyes, and their causal interactions, talks and bond started to grow and slowly developing feelings.
Eren would definitely figure out that you had a crush on Levi and he would say in a shocked tone “Seriously...out of all the men. It’s the scary captain you like!”
After you guys got together, he started at first to show you some of his affections which is ruffling your hair, and he would do that whenever he catches you looking down or not smiling. He wants the best for you, and to smile instead. He wants to see that on your face cause it was one of the many things he loved about you. You lowkey liked that everytime he would ruffle your hair and you could feel his soft and gentle fingers on the top of your head, so lovely it makes your heart race.
He would let you call him Levi at first and he would kinda get upset sometimes when you say captain.
Whenever you go outside the walls, he knows you will be on the other side sometimes and not in his zone and that makes him worry like shit. He cant even focus on his mission and would think “Y/N, please dont die. Please.” Begging that you would be safe. When everyone regroups, he would look for you and and in a split second he recognizes you from afar and that makes his whole tense body relax. “Fuck. What took you long?” he would say that and go up to you, “I went to get some water for my horse, are you alright Levi?” He just stood there, studying your eyes which would make you blush and you guys....end up giving butterfly kisses to each other! and that now become your thing. And guess what, he REALLY likes them, it ironically gives him butterflies in his stomach too.
Once you guys part away, he would touch his eyelashes softly just to feel your touch again and sense that are you still by his side. alive. (please give him more hugs)
Whenever you get a cut, even the smallest ones, he would always say and bring his hand out towards you “Come here”. “Levi, dont worry its a small cut!” You shyly say, “I see the injury, so come here.” and he would proceed to treat you so carefully and his full focus and attention while treating you makes your mind race like crazy. His sharp grey eyes on your knee and his finger tips would be cold when he touches your skin and that would make you shiver but you felt his love. And it made you love him again and again.
He would take any opportunity to treat your smallest injuries just as his ‘excuse’ to be really near you. And when he is done, he would look up and glance at your eyes and you guys just sit there looking at each other so loveling. He wants to try kissing you so bad and you can tell by the look of his eyes on how he focus on your pupils as it dilates, and he gets lost in your beautiful eyes. You both were about to kiss until someone calls out your name and that broke your focus and jolted up so quickly, blushing like crazy. He gets also lowkey embarrassed, and both of you get up. “O-Okay, I have to go....thanks Levi.” and he would nod with a slight blush.
Whenever he sees you carrying stuff as he would pass by, he always offers to carry it for you but still takes it away from you either way. 
He notice he is such a gentleman towards you especially and he is actually a loyal and a great man for you (too great).
He knows he stutters a lot whenever he tries to talk to you, so he doesn't trust himself to talk much to you cause he always fucks up, so he would rather listen.  When you guys meet up and talk about your day, Levi ends up being such a good listener and he loves hearing what you always had to say. “Go on, tell me more.”
Later in the relationship, he starts to feel less nervous after having many talks with you during late nights in his office and he open up to you. About his past, his life in the underground and then you later realized he is quite talkative. Would  definitely bitch about you with others and he does that on purpose cause he wants to see you laugh about it, and when you do he feels so great, you boost his ego. 
Once he was with the other soliders to train them combat style training, and he did such an impressive move that you saw from a distance. You would later go up to him and he noticed you, "Wow you're awesome when you did that move!" you would say with such an amazed expression and that actually makes him happy inside but then said “...and when I don't?" This man is always concerned, and he kinda lowkey wants you to complement him more?? Becomes needy about it.
Mentioning that, you guys slowly started to use pet names for each other. He really takes pride to it and feels so lucky to have someone to call him that and not anyone but you saying it to him meant the world for him. but, once you did not say love just once, and he actually went back to his office and really though about it for the rest of the day. He becomes really quiet in the evening and you can’t figure out what it is. So you asked. “Love what’s wrong?”. And there, he started to talk a lot more now. He realized then he can act like a kid sometimes but you found it so cute.
He also memorized and remembers your knocks and footsteps and just calls you in before even addressing anything. He was secretly waiting for you to come and he got the tea ready, and of course the table clean and even the chair extra clean cause he doesn't want any dirt on you. And of course, you are his lover so he wants the best for you.
You and Levi planned to go out to the city to buy some stuff, but he wanted to surprise you and take you to wall sina instead to this small shop to buy you an accessory that you liked. But that failed since it started to rain, “Great, shitty fucking weather.” 
Always touches your cheek tenderly and ask what is wrong when he sees you down. “Love, tell me.” He would keep looking at you and you would suddenly forget what made you upset and start to get timid . “Come on...stop you are making me shy..”. He just loves looking at you especially your eyes. “Y/N”. Suddenly he got all serious, and he gently grabbed your both of your shoulders. “I really…l-like you…” he tried to say all clumsily while leaning close to your face, but you know he is trying his best to show you his affection and love.
Whenever he gives you his back and you would see his neat and clean undercut, you would leave small kisses on it. That’s when you found out thats his soft and sensitive spot and he blushes like crazy, not expecting it but doesn't say anything. Once he was in his office alone, he would cover his face with his left hand and start to nervously say ‘Fuck...why is Y/N so damn cute, I’m gonna lose it.’
Levi loves to tease you sometimes, when they tell Levi to cut it out, but he would turn around and give you a small smirk and...chuckle a bit? You would think, wait actually nevermind let him continue.
Anything, literally anything you ask Levi to do or bring something, he is already up and willing to get it for you. “Hey love, could I please-”. “Here.” He knew what you wanted, a snack, so he just open his drawer and gave you your favorite pack of biscuits. “Have it all.” It was one of his ways to show affection and would actually feel good once you thanked him. Watch him giving you more next time.
Keeps. every. single thing. you give your man. He even has a separate drawer for you and he cherish the things you give him. You are the only one who does that to him and he loved that you were the one.
Outside, in the training area, when no one was looking he would push some of your hair that was hanging on your side behind your one of your ear. And you both would exchange glances, a look which both needed the other and the love was real.
Surprise, but he loves it when you kiss his Adam’s apple and would close his eyes while hugging you tightly.
You are the only one he trusts to have his keys to his office and once when Levi entered his office, he saw y/n laying on the coach, sleeping so quietly it warmed his heart. “Y/N waited for me this whole time?”. He would sit beside y/n and cover them with his jacket. He secretly then takes your hand and kisses it.
Overall, Levi has finally found the one, which is you, y/n. And this man would risk his life just for you. He would love his partner so deeply and wants to always be by your side and make sure that as long as you both had each other, things will be okay, and once everything is over he already thought that he wants to spend the rest of his life with you. 
well this was longer than I expected!! I really do hope you all enjoy this and somehow you felt some love and fluff from Levi c: please do leave a like or a reblog if you liked it! 
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asfearlessasamango · 3 years
Sorry if this is late, but 🔥 for the ask game?
🔥 pick an atla character to ship zhao with
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the clownery of me writing this jokey question then me having to answer it. omg. okay. you CANT ship zhao with any northern water tribe characters— i just refuse. zhao + most main characters are also, ethically speaking, in “what the fuck” territory due to the fact that zhao is a grown man in a kids’ show and the age/power gap is way too much. bee tee dubs, if i’m going to be romantically fiddling with zhao for some well-adjusted joyful relationship, i’m also going to be planning an at least 10% redemption arc as well, as if zhao has survived his failed attack oh the nwt, and has perhaps been disowned/exiled or taken prisoner.
zhao has some options:
iroh (no) (okay it would be really funny watching zuko react but)
ozai (no. this is a strangely popular pairing, even tho it wrecks ozai, zuko, azula, and the fire nation’s entire deal. also i like the idea that zhao is an illegitimate child of sozin’s, that he is ozai’s and iroh’s brother and zuko’s uncle, so zhao is fighting for the power he believes he should have. he's so bitter and ambitious, particularly towards zuko, because of his situation. his illegitimacy is also why he’s gotten so many promotions.)
ursa (they could bond over ozai i guess? but NO bc ursa is a very passive wilting character who wished to leave and zhao is all fire and ambition— they wouldn’t be able to stand each other)
jeong jeong (more important for zhao to seek out his old teacher and apologize and learn jj's enlightened ways, i think)
piandao (huh?)
but quite frankly, for zhao to have the best most dramatic romance and plausible half-redemption arc, he must venture outside of the fire nation elite and its exes.
zhao must... date from another kingdom.
hakoda, bato, or a swt warrior (NO, because bakoda is too important)
king kuei (no??)
king bumi (no??)
aunt wu.
after failing in his attack on the southern water tribe, but wimping out of actually dying cause he's a puss puss, zhao is hauled back on board fire nation ships to promptly be exiled. his former soldiers begin sailing him to the earth kingdom, where they'll toss him ashore. it's a strange and ego-breaking trip for zhao, their former commander. none of his young soldiers will look him in the eye or pay his orders attention, not even the few that liked him. the rest humiliate him. they blame him for their loss, for the losses of their comrades. by the time zhao is literally thrown onto random sand, he's nearly glad to be kicked off his own ship.
zhao is in the middle of nowhere, on purpose. mentally/emotionally he is also in the middle of nowhere. what is he even supposed to do?? he wants power, he wants revenge on his ex-soldiers-- but he can't have the only power he wants anymore. he doesn't want to overthrow the fire nation government. he wants it to succeed. he doesn't fully comprehend that he'll never be able to go home. zhao has no idea where he is, at all.
after a few hours of sitting where he was thrown on the sand, watching his ship disappear forever, zhao realizes he has to start walking. zhao may be morally rotten, but he's not stupid-- he steals clothes from clotheslines to disguise himself as an impoverished refugee. which is totally not what he is, okay? he's just casually begging for work because he kinda needs something to do.
this is where he runs into the reality of what he and his country have done to the earth kingdom-- the first little town he finds is poor as shit. they have nothing to offer him besides a bowl of thin soup, a bed of molding straw, directions towards the next town, and a ride to it, if he shares the ostrich-horse of a young son moving there to look for work. zhao accepts. what else can he do? in his mind this life is still temporary. an adventure to recount to his cousin when zhao gets back to caldera, eventually.
the son is stupid and fascinated by this world-weary traveler. zhao wishes he'd pretended to be mute or injured. anything so he could stop mumbling a fake backstory that contradicts itself every few sentences. mostly, zhao decides to describe the time he razed an earth kingdom village two years ago as if he was one of the villagers, not the razer, and even throws in a killed fianceé so this boy will stop asking questions.
the son asks, "don't you fucking hate those firebending bastards?"
and zhao snaps, "firebending is the greatest sport on earth."
the son looks at zhao and says, "is that why you have firebender sideburns and a hoity-toity caldera accent and yellow eyes?"
the son is not as stupid as zhao thought.
zhao arrives at the next village covered in bruises, with an old injury in his leg absolutely screaming in the language of fucked-up, tied up at the hands and ankles, the son's half-hour rant against the fire nation still rambling on, and is once again promptly and literally thrown-- this time into jail. "the jail" is an old horse stable with not even a guard. it does not bode well to zhao that they believe he has nowhere to escape to.
but this village is larger and nicer, with better houses and a beautiful volcano behind them. zhao almost feels at home, looking at the volcano through the small window in his cell, for the hours they leave him there.
until gross earth kingdom farmers show up after a day in the fields and start evaluating him.
he can't be treated as a welcome guest or a new villager because... it's pretty obvious to them, after the son shouted all about it, and zhao refused to deny it, that zhao is definitely from the fire nation's military. possibly the upper ranks.
"can we ransom you?" one of the farmers wants to know.
"no," zhao says, scowling. even that bratty prince wasn't so openly stupid. "they'll kill me if they see me again."
"you must've not been a very good soldier."
zhao grits his teeth so hard they almost break. "i saw a girl exiled for eating her commanding officer's dinner," he tells them. (because zhao had just wanted to eat his own fucking dinner, okay??)
in the end it doesn't matter. they decide zhao isn't their problem to punish, but he certainly isn't their exact problem to take care of, so if he's not opposed to the idea, he could be reaching the next village by nightfall.
except zhao can walk about two feet per minute, with a cane.
let's just call aunt wu, one man says next. as zhao is sitting on the barn floor in humiliated silence, trying not to touch or massage his injured leg in front of anyone, doing the math on exactly how far he has fallen in the past 72 hours, the most beautiful woman his age he has ever seen in his life sweeps into the room. she's wearing goth white robes and raises a contoured eyelid at him.
"i knew you'd be here sooner or later. but i didn't predict you'd be so dirty," she says.
her solution is pretty simple. zhao, after being pressed but not smirked at, quietly admits that he is willing to work for food and a bed. aunt wu needs a helper around the house, for weaving, dish washing, gardening, and keeping an eye on meng.
aunt wu looks at this filthy beaten-up fire nation exile who probably has money, somewhere, and a tragic backstory, probably, and an elite family, maybe, and is just a fucking miserable unloved human and is like "this is my new poor little meow meow".
zhao looks at this single milf his age in his area, who 1000% has all the power she wants or could need, with everyone eating out of her palms out of love, not fear, (everything zhao has ever wanted!!) and this look on her face like ZHAO!! KILLER OF THE MOON (for like a minute)!!! could not do a single thing to sway her smug opinion of him, and is like "what the fuck."
thus begins zhao's campaign to overthrow/impress/intimidate aunt wu. it's two months of increasing shenanigans and shouting and zhao demanding fortunetelling just about every day (he's gonna prove it's wrong! it's a hoax! he'll kick aunt wu from grace and he'll have the power! he also maybe likes it when aunt wu holds his hand!) zhao has sympathy-kicking bouts of nightmares and trauma symptoms (you! will! sympathize!).
aunt wu, who has zhao sleeping in her small house, definitely wakes up to his nightmares in her house, so they end up sitting together nightly. it's zhao seeing this impressive woman alone at night and learning more about her lonely, impoverished childhood on the streets of a different village, where she learned to read people like open books. aunt wu, when pressed, tells him quietly about her husband, buried beyond the volcano after a yearslong withering illness, leaving her alone. how she adopted meng, an orphan of the sickness that swept the villages a few years back, when no medicine could be found.
zhao does mental math about a trade blockade the fire nation set up on the earth kingdom around then and feels sick. aunt wu presses him for details about the war and the world and he tells her how much both things suck. he describes caldera, a red-coated city where people make a living off trading cruelty. it’s not like here, he says. aunt wu raises her eyebrows. you think we’re kind here?
zhao evaluates his hands, stabbed with 400 needles, raw from scrubbing dishes, and stained with paint from a project of meng’s he helped with. he thinks about how he could not more clearly be a guilty bastard. and how wu took him in anyways, as her own problem. and how wu insists fire lord sozin was wrong to not acknowledge zhao as his son, that ozai is cruel and wrongs his own blood, that zhao is her favorite out of all the fire nation bastards.
yes, he says, and wu smiles and tilts her head, and the next morning zhao's palms apparently say that his soul has chosen a new path.
and then zhao’s leg heals. he keeps exaggerating his limp and pain to put off leaving. because he has to leave, right? he has to keep wandering around in this penance purgatory until he dies, right? or finds some shittier village to scrape by in? he keeps meaning to mention this to wu— that he’ll be leaving soon. but the thought of leaving her alone with meng again is something he can’t do.
and wu never mentions zhao leaving, either. so... he kind of just doesn't. one day he walks without his crutches or cane, and no one mentions it, and to make his intentions clear, zhao goes ahead and walks around the village all the next day to do wu's errands and shopping and comes home to her at dinner with an extra tapestry he thought she would like.
(it's ugly as fuck. zhao got it with his own money, tho, and wu is blushy anyways.)
and it's like, not a full redemption, and it's not a soulmate romance-- it's mostly fueled by foully horny middle-aged sex and practical acts of service, the nice aspects of companionship. zhao is 55 with bad joints but he can go shirtless and carry around wood to uhhh. repair aunt wu's roof with the best of them. they both learn more about what things actually, emotionally fill you up and aunt wu teaches admiral zhao where the clit is (i'm so sorry) but it is what they deserve. they deserve each other! these two ambitious bastards could help each other settle down! i'm sorry! i ship aunt wu and zhao now.
the emoji atla ask game
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thefanficmonster · 3 years
Take That!
Corpse Husband & Reader (Female) ft. Streamer Gang
Warnings: Mentions of Depression, Suppressed Sadness, Swearing
Genre: Platonic Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, RPF (Real Person Fic)
Summary: What is a friend? Your smile through the tears. The umbrella over your head when it starts raining. The ointment to your wound. But if you wanna put it in a more literal manner, a friend is something that doesn’t have a concrete definition. It can be the person you sit next to in class or the person who’s hundreds of miles away from you and you’re connected to through a Discord call.
Requested by Anon. Hello dear! Thank you so much for your request, sorry it’s taken me so long to complete and post it but here it finally is and I hope you enjoy the read if you happen to come across the fic. Love, Vy ❤
There are those days when I wake up excited for a new day. There are also those days when the thought of playing Among Us with my friends is all that gets me out of bed. And then there are those days when not even that can get me to budge. Today is one of those days.
I’d still be in bed right now had I not needed to use the bathroom. On my way back to hide under my covers, I heard my cat’s meow from the kitchen, reminding me she needed to be fed. After tending to that task I just sort of lost will to return to bed either. Speaking truthfully, today is a will-less day. The type of day where I have no idea what to do with myself because I feel so odd and uncomfortable: heavy and bustling head, motivation below zero no matter whether I have zero tasks to tend to or a mountain high pile of work. It’s a laying on the floor and letting my mind eat away at me type of day and I can’t say I appreciate it.
The only thing I have to look forward to is the game of Among Us Corpse invited me to yesterday. Had I known I’d wake up feeling like absolute shit, I wouldn’t have accepted. I just know I’ll be a downer the whole time because I suck at covering up how I feel - my smiling masks and faux happiness don’t cut it but staying quiet is even worse because I’m typically and energetic and bubbly person, always having something to say or a comment to add to the conversation. Always looking to make people laugh.
Well, it’s hard to make people laugh when you feel like a deflated balloon.
I can’t describe the feeling any better than that - I feel empty, maybe a little sad somewhere in the mix, unmotivated. I keep these feelings to myself cause whenever I bring them up people just blow me off, saying I’m describing laziness but more dramatically. Either that or burnout which is sometimes the case, but I’m more than sure that it’s not the culprit for today. You can only blame burnout so many times.
Anyway, I make a mental note, promising myself I’m not gonna bail on my friends regardless of whether my mood gets better or worse. Who knows, maybe a gaming session with them is exactly what I need.
                                                              *  *  *
Not much has changed with my emotional state - I’ve spent a good chunk of the day surfing through TV channels and my socials with nothing else to occupy my mind but the overwhelming knowledge that I’m not feeling ok and that hyperawareness of a void that I feel but cannot describe. At one point, Corpse sent me a text to confirm I’d be participating in the gaming session and I was this close to saying no. This close to coming up with some bullshit excuse and bailing but I didn’t, thankfully. 
Here’s the thing about this drop in mood of mine - I know it’s gonna be gone by morning. It bullies me, beats and batters me for only twenty four hours - never more, never less. Like clockwork and as precise as a Swiss watch. And so fucking annoying. No matter what I do, I can’t end it prematurely and I can never wake up feeling down and unmotivated the next morning - there’s always a surge of motivation coursing through me and it drives me to be super productive as if making up for what I didn’t do the previous day when I was in the dumps.
It’s a twisted way of it showing me I’m powerless and at the mercy of a force that, despite being mine and existing within me, I’m completely unfamiliar with. It’s so fucking unfair, it’s disheartening.
“Hi everyone! Sorry I’m late.“ I greet the five people who have already gathered in the Discord call and the Among Us lobby.
Yeah, sorry I’m late, I was contemplating not showing up at all last minute
“Don’t worry about it, many people are running late as you can see.“ Rae replies reassuringly, “How’s your day? Anything spectacular happen?“
I can’t help but scoff, “Yeah sure, a TON of spectacularism in my life on the daily. From the large stack of papers I couldn’t bring myself to touch, to the dusty surfaces all over my apartment I didn’t convince myself to clean - it’s all fabulous over here.”
Fuck, that was too real
“Whoa, where’d all this sarcasm come from?“ Rae asks, sounding genuinely baffled rather than teasing, “It’s never been your strong suit.“
“Neither has unproductivity.“ Corpse, my best friend, chimes in, “Everything ok?“
Well, I admit, I should’ve known better than to have an outburst like that in front of people who have known me for a while now and can probably gauge my emotions even without me admitting to them. I truly don’t know where it came from. Hell, I didn’t even see it coming.
“Nah, it’s ok. I’m just being lazy, I guess.” I’m quick to withdraw and brush off any suspicion. The last thing I want is to worry my friends or, even worse, receive the same response from them: that I’m being dramatic, that I’m attention-seeking, that I’m just lazy and unmotivated as are most people of my generation.
“You know, what people often self-diagnose as ‘laziness’ often turns out to be something more serious. I don’t mean to scare you, but it could be depression.“ Corpse says after a brief moment of silence in the call, his voice soft and cautious as if explaining a complex problem to a kid who’s bound to be hurt by what it’s told.
I can’t help but chuckle. He has no idea how much he’s relieved me by saying that. I always ‘don’t want to talk about it’ and ‘want to change the subject’ while what I truly need happens to be the complete opposite. I need someone to hear me out, I need someone who will not brush me and my concerns off like we don’t matter. I need someone who’ll understand. And if these people who have openly struggled with anxiety or depression don’t get me, who will?
“Yeah, I genuinely thought I thought of myself as a lowlife while I was in college cause I started losing motivation for everything and started fearing what was to come. I began avoiding going out and talking to people cause I felt like I was the sore thumb in the friend group I had - the only one without any specific goal or a dream.“ Leslie says out of the blue, “Turns out I suffered through a burnout so bad it turned into an anxiety/depression combo that I just blamed on being a lazy college student.“
“Same here!“ Toast pipes in, “I was bedridden for a while during the first days of my streaming career, for a very ridiculous reason - I believed I didn’t deserve the attention I was getting and I wasn’t doing as well as people gave me credit for. So that had me crippled with self-doubt for a long while.“
“I still don’t believe I’m doing as well as I get credit for, but oh well.“ Leslie laughs, “I already told you all about my dumpster-fire of a brain, so I’m instead gonna say: what you need is an appointment with a therapist. Also - you need to stop underestimating your struggles. Invalidating yourself and what you’re going through is gonna make things only worse for you. You need to love yourself.“
“And you need us!“ Rae exclaims, “You need the best support you can get and, lucky for you, we’re the best in the business. Count on us always being there for you, Y/N. Cause we always will be.“
“You’re never alone. We’re all just a call or a text away. Especially me.“ Corpse adds, “I’m basically at your service 24/7, just like you’ve always been for me. What are best friends for if not sharing mental struggles and lifting each other up afterwards?“
I don’t know when this smile made its home on my face but it seems to be rather happy with where it is and wants to stay. Something tells me that thanks to these guys, it will indeed stay there for quite some time. And every time it tries to slip away, they’ll be there to bring it back.
“Then let’s lift each other up, shall we? I mean, what better way to do it other than killing each other and getting away with it?“ I attempt a giggle, hiding my emotions behind it like my life depends on it. Chances are they heard all I’m feeling in my voice, but I can only hope they’re not gonna mention it.
“Y/N, hun, I’m sorry to burst your bubble but....you never get away with it.“ Corpse wheezes, causing me to narrow my eyes and frown.
“Oh, you’re so gonna get it now!“ I exclaim, cracking my knuckles before getting my hands on my keyboard, “Start the game! I have a point to prove!“
And just like that, in what felt like the blink of an eye, the clouds have shuffled aside to make path for the sunshine to grace my brain with positivity I was not expecting to feel until tomorrow morning. I can’t give myself the credit for that though - it all goes to these amazing people I have the honor of calling friends.
I may have no power over it on my own, but with the gang’s help, I can take full control of it. And as a middle finger to the melancholy, I’ll do it all with a bright smile on my face.
Take that, brain!
@maat-the-prescriptive  @simonsbluee  @save-the-sky  @itsminniekat  @hacker-ghost  @bi-andready-tocry  @imtiredaffff  @jazzkaurtheglorious  @hereforbeebo  @fandomgirl17  @chrysanthykios  @maehemscorpyus  @loraleiix  @letsloveimagines  @annshit  @i-cant-choose-a-username-help  @enigmaticmaze  @divine-artemis  @waterlilypat  @idontknowwhatthisisfam  @evi-ka  @classyandfabulous00  @redperson58  @lilysdaydreams @solowheein  @mythicalamphitrite  @axen-gers  @luckygirl144  @nj01  @buddyemily   @the-albino-lioness  @stardream14  @gdhdkfnn  @nomadicgypsyy  @preciousskye  @fluffysuicideunicornsworld  @o-kaelin  @manacharlotte  @awkward-youtube-trash  @lolalee24  @bonky-beerns  @meme-lord-and-savior-sebastian  @strawbrinkofdeath  @teenloves  @tams0527  @browneyespinkhair  @starstruckllamapuppy  @daisychains012  @y0ulooked  @tinytacosuitcaseflap @supernatural-is-my-only-life  @jula-pauline  @melodykitty  @just-that-bi-girl  @crazybutconfidentaf  @lowellshade @alphakees  @bellero  @weallneednamjesus  @starryhanji  @boiled-onionrings  @husherstan  @fockingwhore  @melaningoddessthings  @prettypastelpetals  @haleypearce  @godwhyamiawkward  @y-napotat  @daisychainyoonmin  @little-miss-rebel3  @free-wheelin-bi-sexual  @redmoon261 @darkacademic2  @wiseflamingoqueen  @into-the-end  @namikhai-i  @nastiablr  @thelittleplantlover  @mirktuan  @dont-hyuck @jjk-bunny  @vintagegothlover  @easygoingtheatre  @itsrandombooklover  @miiaivi  @emmybaybee  @befourgolden  @jjk-is-my-shit  @eternalteaaars  @spacebadgerx  @princesslunalight  @acequinn14  @samm48  @misselsbells06 @simp-lykawa  @fo-love  @marishimomura-blog  @therealglenncoco  @cinnamonbun332  @killtherandomness  @sanshinexxxsan  @fee-btheweeb  @press-lay  @cathleenpotgieter16  @jazzydoesstuff  @moonlxghtbay  @forestrain2000  @hyunjinhugs  @blood-of-fandoms  @lovellylies  @ukiyolixx  @simpforhpcharacters  @chrisdylan17  @parkerjisung  @pedernille  @theodonyous  @wineandionysus  @malfoystilinskii05  @morbid-x  @coryisagee  @jessewa26  @scoobydooluver97 @mindintheskies365  @raeanneinwonderland  @indecisive-empanada  @gluttonypalace  @loriane2503  @btsiguess-kpop  @khaoticbunny  @lucidlycactus  @smiithys  @rottenroyalebooks  @kpopgirlbtssvt  @fangirl-tc27  @fr0z3n-1  @notmesimpingfortechno  @shotarosleftpinky  @kunoi-chan  @idk-whats-wrong-with-me  @yikeroonie  @goldenstarofthunderclan  @poetry-and-tea  @ama-do-writing-stuff  @wishbonewolf  @emeraldxhope  @t0xick1tty  @kusuinko  @speakyourselfloveyourself  @sophia902103  @lo-manburg  @classsykittykat  @dmgama  @depressedpuppythatneedscoffee  @btsiguess-kpop  @akaashi-baby  @gun-jong-simp  @geschichtenfee  @yerapotato-wp  @browneyedgirl365  @thysagclub  @sparklycloudnight  @helloatomicshadow  @queentorresstuff @vtte @val-gal  @lucy-bunny17  @aaliyahh0  @katluckybear  @boyleanti  @straybids  @franchesca-791  @cosmicstorm19  @averyisbackinthetrashcan  @aomi-nabi  @xlanawriter  @allensimpsforcorpse
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fairestwriting · 3 years
slams open your door/ one angst request for a childhood g/n reader with deuce, ace, jack, ruggie and vil coming right up! "if we're still single by 30, let's get married! (for housing benefits lol)" it was a childish promise made in jest, but the boy never forgot. in the end, it ends with unrequited/pining feelings from one/both sides that cant be returned due to bad timing/prior engagements/etc when they reach of age (go hogwild with the scenarios lis!!)
(slams my hands on the table) yes yes yes yes YES i love this trope
+ if you like my writing, you can buy me a ko-fi to support me!
Deuce Spade
You make the promise to him after you confessed to your crush sometime in 7th grade and got rejected, left to cry by yourself behind the school. Out of all your friends, only Deuce came to comfort you -- And so you, in your dramatic childish glory, feeling like you’d never find anyone to love, tell him the two of you should get married if you’re single by 30.
Deuce remembers every detail of that event down to how your eyes gleamed with the tears, how the light of the sunset casted that golden glow on your hair -- It was when he knew he loved you. It took him a while to find the right words to describe the feeling, but he’d been feeling it for a long time.
He doesn’t pursue you because he feels like he’ll grow out of it. You go to NRC together, the two of you against the world, and it’s like everyday he falls in love a little more. You support him through his attempts of being a honors student, and on the day of your graduation, the first thing you do is hug each other tight, cheering about how you made it, you finally made it.
You don’t lose contact with each other even after school. Deuce and you are basically attached to the hip, meeting up every other week to talk about college and then your jobs. Through all of this time you’re friends, both of you go through a handful of relationships each, but none of them are really serious. As you approach 30, Deuce remembers that promise from back then.
When your birthday comes up, you’re sort of gloomy over recent breakup, and Deuce, naturally, is the first one to be there for you. He shows up in the morning with a gift and makes you breakfast, your dear best friend warming your heart once more. You rant about your latest partner and exchange anecdotes about how last week went before everything goes silent, and suddenly his hand is hesitantly on yours.
“D-Do you remember, um.” He begins, face flushed. “That promise we made in middle school? That if we were single until 30...”
You blink. Really, that? It felt like so long ago -- It was hard to remember even. You can barely catch what he was going to try to say before you laugh your middle school self off, snickering at how naive you were -- Something in Deuce seems to shatter, then, and his hand retracts. It’s so fast you can barely tell what’s happening.
And he stays with you through the birthday regardless, of course he does. He’s your dearest friend, isn’t he?
the rest is under the cut cause... its long
Ace Trappola
You hated Ace, initially. You met in kindergarten and he was the worst, literally. Always pulling pranks on everyone and acting just so infuriatingly cheeky, your 5 year old self learned real rage through that little redhead boy who always hid your things just to get a rise out of you.
One day you decided to prank him back, causing massive trouble in the classroom that ends with the two of you getting intensely scolded, and that’s how, somehow, a beautiful friendship blooms. Ace gets this sparkle in his eyes when you’re done getting yelled at, and says that the two of you should be friends and work together on doing this to other people.
Since then you two became inseparable. You’d never stop bickering, but you also never left each other’s side. The two of you were a menace, an absolute terror to your teachers -- Whether you were a good kid before meeting him or not didn’t matter, Ace is great at being a bad influence.
Near the end of 4th grade, you begin hearing about how one of your classmate’s single parent was getting married again. This sparked a big conversation between your class, somehow, with everyone declaring who they wanted to marry. It was a silly childish thing. When your turn comes, you proudly announce that when you grew up, you’d marry Ace if you hadn’t married anyone else by 30, ‘cause no one else would choose him but me! You snicker after making the comment, amused at how mean you were being, but somehow your snarkiness seems to fly over Ace’s head.
It’s a thing that happens that you two never really talk about again, but it ticks in the back of his mind for his whole life as you two grow up. Even entering middle and then high school, he always remembers it when he goes through some sort of romantic disappointment. You really were the only one who always stuck around, after all...
Years go by and somehow you’re still by each other’s side. Every birthday that passes Ace thinks about it a little more, he wonders if that promise from ages ago was true. When your 30th birthday comes up the promise is constantly in his mind, he’s driving himself up the wall with expectation. And he doesn’t even know why he’s feeling like that, really, you two are just childhood friends, right? There’s no reason for him to be feeling so... like this.
Eventually, he just blurts it out, a couple days after said birthday. You two are probably just hanging out and ranting about work when he goes “Hey, you remember that stuff you said in 4th grade? About, uh, us getting married?” And you go silent for a beat. His heart races as he wonders what the hell he’s doing, even.
But you laugh it all off. What, that stuff about marrying you? Yeah, I was such a dumb kid. I was right, though, look how you’re still single, you joke, and it feels like a punch to the gut to Ace. He laughs awkwardly with you. Yeah, sure, how foolish the two of your were for thinking of something like... you two... being together like that...
Jack Howl
Jack was, before everything, the scary boy in your 2nd grade class. Beastmen weren’t exactly common at school, especially wolves like him, so he ended up sticking out quite a lot. Most kids, your friends included, thought he was far too scary to approach. And Jack himself seemed to be fine with that, not really interacting much with anyone.
That was all he was for you until, one day, an older kid gets mad at you during lunch for bumping into them and staining their shirt with juice. They’re about two or three years ahead and so much taller than you, you’re genuinely scared -- And who would know that in a moment like this, the one kid in your class you weren’t very fond of would stand up for you, convincing the bully to go away.
Afterwards, Jack asks if you’re okay, you two end up eating together, and the rest is history. You find out he was actually really sweet, despite seeming so tough, and you get comfortable with it. Jack was always a reliable, loyal friend, someone you knew you could count on.
This included when your friends started being weirded out by you for getting close to the scary boy in class. They get it in their heads that you have a crush on him and tease you for it, which makes you upset, but Jack stands up for you again. This was enough for you to be pretty starry eyed at the age of 7, so you declared that, hey, who cares about what these mean kids are saying! Maybe you and Jack should be together anyway. Actually, if you two got to 30 and you were still single, you should get married! Jack gets just as starry eyed as you, and you seal a pinky promise that day.
What you never knew, though, was that he wouldn’t grow out of it -- Because as time goes by and you two grow up alongside each other, it ends up slipping your mind. You meet new people and learn new things, getting into some relationships here and there, and though you’d taken the promise seriously for a bit when you were a kid, it was just something you laughed about now.
You don’t even remember it on Jack’s 30th birthday. You’re one of the first people to show up to the small gathering, naturally, you had known each other since forever. You’re teasing him about how he was so perpetually single even now, that you were reaching “marriage age”, and this seems to fluster him a bit.
“Well...” He starts, his ears going slightly limp. “I wanted... to keep that promise, you know. From when we were kids.” His voice is quiet, uncertain. It��s different from how you usually hear him talk, and you have no idea what he’s talking about. You question him about it, and he’s wide eyed when he realizes that you actually forgot.
He questions you about it. How could you forget? You two actually made a pinky promise about it -- But you’re just confused as to why he’s bringing this up, saying that of course it wasn’t a big deal, you two were just kids when it happened! Was he really expecting something from that? And when you ask him that, he’s silent.
Needless to say, the birthday is soured. Jack asks for you to leave, it’s a mess. You don’t know what you did wrong, exactly, just like you’re not sure how you could possibly fix this.
Ruggie Bucchi
“Partners in crime” was the only possible way to describe what sort of relationship you had with Ruggie. It starts in elementary school, you’re walking around in a farmer’s market near the slums and you catch him taking a handful of apples from a stand, without paying. Your eyes are wide as you remember who that boy was, a classmate of yours, and despite what your family had taught you about stealing, you walk up to the person taking care of the stand, and start chatting with them to distract them.
You’re not sure what really made you want to help this boy you barely knew, but it turned out to be the one thing in your life you’re the most grateful for, because the next day, when he sees you again in class, he runs up to you to thank you so many times in a row. And since then, you two started spending time together.
And you got along so well! Ruggie got along with most of the other kids and you had some friends of your own, but nothing was compared to how close the two of you were. You two scheme your way in and out of trouble through your school days, and at one point you can barely imagine your life without him.
Sometime mid 6th grade, your classmates start talking of crushes and dating and such, which gives you a lot to think about. You’re a bit upset that you seem to be the only one who isn’t in on the new fun, so one day, when you’re hanging out with Ruggie, you complain about feeling like you’d be single forever. Ruggie laughs and says that if no one wanted to be with you, then no one would want to be with him either. You still wonder what that meant.
In a fit of childishness, you say decisively that if you two were single until you were 30, you’d get married. Looking back on it, you can’t tell if you were kidding or not, but Ruggie and you shake hands mid-laughs, like you’re sealing a deal.
So time goes by. You don’t think too hard about that promise and Ruggie... doesn’t seem to, either, you actually wonder what’s going through his head often, because he rarely tells you what he’s thinking. You end up going to NRC together, to both of your families’ joy, and that just ends up making you closer, as two kids from the less-privileged side of the Afterglow Savannah in such a prestigious academy...
Your bond ends up really fire-forged after those four years, so it’s no surprise to anyone that you’d still be close even after you graduate, even as adults. Nothing could break a friendship like this.
You think about it on the day of your 30th birthday, when you’re out for drinks with Ruggie to celebrate. Really, how the hell did you stick to each other’s side for so long? You ask him as you loop an arm around his neck, and he grins. “Well, maybe we should get married like you promised then, y’know... when we were brats.” He says, a little quieter than your previous conversation. There’s a hint of some kind of different feeling there that you don’t catch at the time, scoffing at him and going, yeah, in your dreams.
The rest of the night goes normally, though you don’t hear from him for a couple days afterward... and when you do, he barely looks you in the eye. You wonder if anything bad happened, if you did anything wrong.
Vil Schoenheit
When Vil Schoenheit moved into your town, everybody was talking about him before he even really set foot into the classroom. Everyone had seen him somewhere -- The poster boy of villainy in all your favorite movies, a kid with a pretty face and a haughty aura.
You’re as curious as everyone else to meet him, though you don’t really share that strange vindictiveness the other kids seemed to have, angered at Vil himself for what his characters put others through. It’s so stupid, you thought, isn’t he just the actor? He might actually be nice.
When he arrives into the classroom, people are about as annoying towards him as you expected. Their disdain towards Vil bothered you, he’d barely said anything to others and yet they were already pegging him as a mean, arrogant person. So stupid, you repeat to yourself, and you decide to talk to him normally, and that’s how your ages-long friendship came to life.
Vil wasn’t like anyone you’d ever met. You come to find that he’s rather haughty, yes, and very strict with pretty much everything, but he was also very kind deep down, and willing to help you with anything you needed. He was a good friend. He was also, as you came to find out as you grew a little more, astoundingly pretty. With people disliking his “villainy” or not, by the time you’re starting middle school, he already consistently gets confessed to.
You’re a bit jealous. Not because you wanted Vil for yourself, no, he was just a good friend, but you wished people would find you as attractive as they found him, sometimes. You express that to him when you’re walking home together one day, and he laughs it off, saying it wasn’t as good as you thought it’d be. Still, you make him promise that if you were single by 30, he’d have to marry you, because if he just let you die alone, he’d be a bad friend. Vil seems strangely mesmerized by that, but he agrees.
Time goes by, you get to watch each other grow. Even with all the people going in and out of Vil’s life, he seems to keep you closer to his heart than everyone, and you never really lose contact with each other. Even when he’s busy, with movies or modeling or school, he still makes time to check up on you, and you see each other often.
When you’re actually nearing 30, Vil has reached a sort of stardom that burned your eyes just looking at, and you were so goddamn proud of him it was real. Somehow, he still makes time to show up for your birthday, after about a month of not really seeing each other -- And he spoils you to death on that day, the two of you spending all of it together and talking until it was late at night.
As the sun is about to rise, though, Vil’s chattiness subsides. About as sleep deprived as you, he says, softly “So since we’ve gotten there, and we’re both still single... maybe we should fulfill that promise from years ago, shouldn’t we?” You take a moment to process it, it’s tough remembering exactly when you made such a promise, but eventually you do. You feel like that should’ve been a joke, but the way Vil looks at you isn’t saying joke at all.
You sort of laugh it off either way, though. What, that silly promise? You ask, are you rubbing it in that you’re prettier than me? I can still find a partner looking like this, y’know. You think it’s funny, but Vil suddenly falls completely silent.
He then sighs, almost wistful, and says “Sure you can” before the conversation progresses... you’re not sure what happened, but life goes on after that like nothing happened. Deep down, Vil is feeling stupid for having taken the promise to heart, like he should have known better... but if you never really meant it, then what could he do but give it up? Even though it was the thing he wanted to do the least... he valued your friendship too much to do something that could possibly ruin it.
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sappyscarfy · 2 years
I just saw Doctor Strange 2 it was epic! Sorry im gonna have to yell about it
Spoilers below!
[Ok first im a normie mcu movie-only fan but i do frequent comic discussions so i know some things]
DS2 has been my most anticipated phase 4 marvel movie. I went into it 100% for doctor strange cause he's my fav character. Im not that huge about wanda sorry so i wont have much opinion on her,,, I won't lie i was quite worried for this movie with all the delays and reshoots, not to mention early reviews/reactions seems rather "mixed" so my expectations are kept in check Things i wanted to see before going into the movie: -Better magic fight. Frankly the magic in DS1 was rather meh. But they have been powering him up for the past couple movies so i had high hopes -Strange not getting overshadowed by Wanda and cameos -Better magic. Seriously i just want to see some cool magic. See that cool Strange vs Thanos battle in Infinity war? I just want an entire movie of that 💀 And they delivered! The magic was much more creative and varied! No more boring fistfight (except for that one scene where they literally cant use magic lol) A huge huge upgrade over the first movie. The music battle with darkhold strange (idk what to call him) was incredible! And when zombie strange turning the spirits into a cape. Metal af!! (Im gonna have to draw that someday). The magic in this movie is absolutely eye candy! Also holy fuck this movie is brutal i can't believe its PG-13. Black bolt head just fucking pop and Reed Richard is just shredded like spaghetti and its clearly see on screen. Rip all the parents bringing their kids into this movie I know many people are disappointed that the Illuminati were taken out so quick but im not a comic book reader so i wasn't obsessed over these cameos. Tho Professor X in that yellow chair was so funny i cant get the mental image of him rolling around in it during the battle with thanos out of my head So for the characters. Strange did get huge character development and i think he was really well written. I love the whole thing of him being able to accept that he doesnt always have to be the one wielding the knife. Christine role was very good too and im so glad she didnt give Strange a goodbye kiss at the end. Really like that last scene where Strange repaired the watch to show that he was finally able to move on too. Im very very glad that they didnt get back together at the end -The new character America Chavez i love her! I've only known her for 2 hours but if anything happened to her, I would kill everyone in this room and then myself. She punch star portals. Coolest thing ever! Needs more development in the future tho -Wanda. Im not wanda stan so i dont mind whatever role she's playing in this movie. I think she was a good villain. Tho im actually glad that it was the darkhold that corrupts her because going from wandavision to murdering a bunch of people is way too steep of a character turn -Wong my beloved! I was so scared they're gonna kill him off to make Strange the sorcerer supreme but im glad they didnt. He was really funny in this movie and i love the banter with strange as usual. There's that scene in Kamar Taj where he yells "FORTIFY YOUR MIIIIIND!!!!!" was so hilarious to me -Mordo (838) he doesnt really do anything. But im glad they didnt kill off og mordo like some leaks said -Who is that green minotaur i want to know moreee
Visual-wise this movie looks way better than most mcu movies. Lots of more interesting shots and better color grading. Tho some of the transition scenes are really goofy like that one going from Wanda's apple field and fading to Wong face lmao. And Raimi really loves eye closeup huh
Hm hm what else? Yeah the post credit. Im sorry I know many comic fans are very excited for Clea but that scene has strong "it's me blorko" energy skskskks. Anyways idk anything about her but she seems very cool and im excited to see her in the future I think the pacing in this movie is a bit too cramped. Def needs some extra minutes in some place like the beginning to kamar taj fight
Side note, this movie has a B+ Cinemascore (which is a rating system used in box office community to represent the casual general audience opinion). The only other B range mcu movies are Thor 1 (B+) and Eternals (B). Im honestly baffled that people like thor 2 (A-) and black widow (A-) more than this 💀 Overall good movie, better than NWH for me!
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ms-indifferwnt · 4 years
Clouds pt 1
Boyfriend!Taeil x genderneutral!Reader
"Its your choice, pretend you don't know or go inside and confront them about this"
Warning: Cursing, Suggestive, Yelling, Angst, mention of mental harm 
Word Count: 5.4k
Note: Yayyy!!! 100 followers
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Taeil and you probably take the cake for the most Clichè love story. The Best friends to lovers trope. Like seriously, you and Taeil have been friends since birth, technically, Your mom and his mom has been friends since college you see, met and gotten married to the love of their lives a year apart, gotten pregnant almost the same time and have birth a couple of months apart, so in reality, you and Taeil have been fated to be bestfriends 
When you were born six months apart after Moon Taeil, he and his family visited you and your mother in the Hospital while your dad was busy running around the hospital telling everyone he was a dad
Ofcourse you and Taeil had no memory of this but your mom’s were more than happy to introduce their children. Shipping the two of you since you were born
You were six years old, that was your first memory of Taeil, maybe because you always thought of him as the annoying kid that lives a block away who loves to pester you, you were playing with other kids when, your neighbor, Doyoungie (who you had affectionally nicknamed, bunnie at the time) had kicked the ball to your face you remembered that you cried as he said sorry. You were angry and hurt and Taeil was the only one who laughed at the scene but upon seeing your crying face he hugs you and holds your hand “Aww don’t cry, Y/n” he says happily “Lets go play more ok?”
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Taeil’s first time thinking of you as someone more than the snotty brat he was forced to take care of was when you got lost, he didn’t have to take care of you then, but he thought he’d bring you along, he was five and you were turning four and he wanted to buy ice-cream,  you wanted ice-cream, so he took you along to that ice-cream shop by the corner. It wasn’t dangerous his mom was with you
He bought ice cream, two of them, knowing that you won’t be able to finish it so he can eat two ice-creams but the moment he turned he doesn’t see you. He panicked and started looking for you all over the shop, trying not to alert his mom but when all hope seemed lost, he started sobbing, where are they? are they hurt? They’re mom is gonna be so sad-
“Mooooom!” He cries and runs to his mother who holds the boy in her arms 
“Why are you crying what happened?”
“Y/n” He looks around “I cant find”
His mom smiles fondly at the boy “Are you worried?”
He nods “I’m supposed to protect them!” He cries and his mom coos gently carrying him and taking him out of the shop, placing him down
“ok, my strong boy” His mom says and kisses the top of his head, “look there” He obeys, with teary eyes only to spot you walking towards them with cotton candy in her hands and he pulled away from his mom to run to you
“Where were you?” He asked and held your face 
“Clouds” You claimed happily showing the cotton candy proudly to him
“You should’ve waited” He sniffled and you reached over to wipe his cheeks, he smiles, but didn’t stop you
“Sorry” You whisper and he nods opening his mouth so he can taste the clouds and you happily letting him take a bite
He looks up to see his mom and your dad grinning at the sight “Hi, Y/n’s dad” he waves and looks at you who was playing with the cloud on your hand “No, Y/n.” He takes it and bonks your head making you wince “you’ll get sticky-”
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You and Taeil literally grew up side by side, He was there for you back in middle school when this girl bullied you because you and Taeil would always be together.
Taeil wasn’t happy the way that girl treated you but you always ignored her, she was just jealous that you were bestfriends with him, so you had a habit of holding him back whenever he was about to say something to her, or you try to anyway
“Taeil” you hissed and tugged on his shirt again once he stared down at her, of course you know Taeil is a big softie who cries over Hachiko, The dog that waited for his master by the train station despite his master dying, and that dog from I am Legend, so you know he really means no harm, its just, its his big brother instincts that make him fight anyone who attempts to harm you cause as he quotes “You’re an annoying little snot rag I had to take care of, So if anyone has the right to mentally harm you its me” and rewarded him with a kick to the shin “Lets just go, leave her be”
He looks at you and you smiled softly “We can go get clouds before we go home” you offered once he allows you to take him away, he raises an eyebrow at your words
“You’re fourteen and you still call them clouds?”
You roll your eyes “Cotton candy” you said in distaste “That is the most disgusting word I have ever heard of, Clouds on the other hand, sounds more magical”
He laughs “What about I start calling dumplings as meat pockets again?”
You made a face “What are you five?”
“I’m as cute as one”
“I hate Toddlers”
“No you don’t” He says and leads you to his bike, getting on it after handig you his backpack “You love kids”
You sat by the back, sitting on it with your legs to the side while you held on to his waist, pinching his side “No, I don’t”
He flinches and moves to swat your hands “Yes, you do, you love kids, you would play with them at the park whenever their parents are busy,” he points out and starts biking
“I have no idea what you’re taking about-”
“Look its Baby Yuri” he says saying the name of that child you were always so fond of
You perked “Where?” only to see that its an empty road and a laughter coming from him as a reminder that Baby Yuri’s house is far from here “Jerk” you glared at him and pinched him again, he swats your hand away “now hurry up and teach me how to read Morse codes” you said and held on to the back of his shirt
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The time Taeil stopped thinking like you were his little sister was when you dated on your second year of high school. Yes, cliché, but, at first he didn't care, he congratulated you and helped look stunning, he wasn't bitter that you were trying to show off for someone else, or that you were nervous to go on a date with someone else (not true, he did care, he was bitter, he hated every minute of it)
Three months into your relationship, you were crying in Taeil's arms, cause, apparently you had a fight, cause you were to close to Taeil and your fight resorted to yelling and you attempting to kick them
So when you called him, but you didn’t speak, he just heard your heavy breathing he knows you were upset, he knows that you’re trying every thing to not cry, he knows that if you speak you just might, so, he spoke first “Yours or mine?” he stops about three seconds after the first choice so you can hum or grunt (whichever you had the energy to do), then he’ll know what your answer is
You grunted at his second offer, and he stands up from his bed to start cleaning up around the house, “Sure, come over, you want me to pick-” He looks at his phone and you declined the call, so you’ll be coming over yourself. 
He moves to get to work, cleaning up the mess and getting the snacks you like before you arrive, and when he was finished, there you were, on his porch, looking like you were about to kick his door in
He reaches out to hold your hand which you pulled it away and walked inside. He wasn’t offended, he knows why you don’t like the affection, he knows that you breakdown easily. The fact that you haven’t even teared up yet was amazing, but you aren’t outside, you aren’t alone, It’s Taeil, your bestfriend the boy that has been by your side all your life so he knows, you need a hug
He grabbed you by the arm to pull you into his chest, you gasped and attempted to push him away but he shushes you with a small affectionate kiss on your forehead, “its ok,” he whispers “I know you wanna be strong, so its ok, its just me, you did well, you’ve been so strong up until now” he holds you close that you tightened your grip on his shirt “Its just me, Let me be strong for you”
You cried into his chest that day, after his words. You would never admit it, but Taeil is probably the only one who has seen you cry, he doesn’t mind, he’s your Strength, he knows that, you know that, so when it gets too much Taeil lets you cry on him lets you take it out, he makes you feel taken care off And he wouldn’t have it any other way
He managed to calm you down, petting your hair and then he bonks you, making you look at him, tear stained cheeks, eyes bloodshot, he laughs as you rub your head “Feel better?”
“A bit, yeah”
He hums and pulls away “Go take a shower,” he moved to his cupboards and taking out a fresh towel, handing it to you, well actually he didn’t hand it, he fucking threw it to your face, and yeah it hurt, but it made you laugh and he smiles back “Go clean up, I’ll lend you some of my clothes” he sighs “again. Snotty,” He teases “You gotta return my clothes sometime today, the near future”
You smile “No, I like them, go buy new ones instead” 
He laughs “Brat, I need my clothes”
You pout and crossed your arms "You're gonna make me cry again, big brother" you called him that only when you want something, and yeah, it usually works, but something about being referred to as big brother 
He rolls his eyes and threw one of his sweatshirts to you making you yelp, “Shut up and go”
You obeyed, smiling softly at him. He stares at his hands, You haven’t called him Big Brother for a very long time and something about that made his blood boil
He just wishes he knows why. He’s been feeling like this for quite sometime, whenever you get to friendly or to close to someone, he has no idea if he should be angry at you or that person your talking to. 
He settled on the sofa with a sigh and looked at the tv, where the opening scene of your favorite show was paused, your favorite snacks on the coffee table. His ears perked when he heard the familiar sound of his bathroom door opening, you were done, he turned to see your figure disappear somewhere behind his house, he knows what you’re doing you were gonna hang the towel you borrowed, then you reemerged, hair still obviously wet (you didn’t bother to properly dry it, he guesses, again), leaving wet splotches on his sweatshirt. You went up the stairs, he smiles, he has a feeling you’ll get pillows from his room, he can hear the door of his room open, yup he is right.
He stood up to get the towel you hanged and walked back to the living room to see you eating the snacks while cuddling his pillow, He really does know you now. He throws the towel at you “Dry your hair properly, or shave your head” he points out and you sigh, doing as your told with a playful kick to his thighs
Once you were done he leaves to hang it again, when he returns and sees you, he smiles excitedly sitting beside you, and you play the movie
It was just a random movie that you accidentally started liking (he was ninety-nine percent sure you only like it cause Ewan McGregor, who you think is “surprisingly charismatic”, is in it). He wasn’t watching though, the movie wasn’t interesting, he was watching you, reading you body language and facial expression, checking if you really are feeling better
He didn’t realize how hard he was staring at you, ‘till both of your eyes met, he froze, you were so close, his heart skipped a beat, was it just him? or was your eyes always that sparkly?
You lift your hand and placed the snack against his lips, feeding him “take a bite so you’ll stop looking at me like a lost puppy”
He blushes and nods, taking a bite. Looking away, he held his hands. He is fucking screwed
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You on the other hand found out you liked him around college. Unfortunately, you and Taeil have drifted apart over time. You don’t hang out as usual, he is studying a different major than you after all, it was only natural you both have other friends
You didn’t like it
Over time you and Taeil have been going through your own time, like getting your own apartments and campus that we want to be on, It doesn’t change, you and Taeil go to and from the Campus and Your houses around the same time since you are neighbors but when the two of you get to the Campus its like neither of you know each other 
Growing up with Taeil means, he was with you every waking moment and all of a sudden its gone, who will get used to that? He has been the person you grew with, who held yo while you were in pain and made you laugh when you were sad 
“I miss you” You whispered one time as you sat on to the passengers seat of his car when you both were heading home for the holidays “A lot” you whispered quiet enough so that he won’t hear but you were wrong
Ever since Taeil accepted the fact that he likes you he has become more insightful in things that upset you, and he can see (he doesn’t know why) but he can see how upset you were and hearing you say that, he didn’t mean it, but it gave him hope that you liked him too
That week Taeil climbed your window to wake you up, knocking on your window 'till you eventually woke up
You weren't exactly asleep, you were to busy looking at your hands, thinking about your Christmas dinner at the Moon Household, you and you're family was there except you and Taeil haven't even attempted to try and speak or approach each other and it only hurt you more when neither of you tried. You sat up and froze, seeing a shadowy figure by your window and your instincts went to overdrive and you opened your mouth to scream for your father
Taeil noticed your on guard position and he shakes his head, knocking against your window in a pattern that he wishes to every one holy that you remember
“Da-” you stopped midway once you hear the knocking looking at the figure, you realized it was Morse code, you listened as the figure tapped the glass, long tap, pause, That’s a ‘T’ tap, long tap, pause, And that’s an ‘A’ tap, pause, what is that one again? Tap, Tap, pause, I remember this one its an ‘I’ tap, long tap, tap, tap
You looked at the figure “Taeil?” you asked and opened the window, Taeil climbing in letting out a sigh of relief “What the hell are you doing here?”
He laughs “I was bored,” You frowned and sat on your bed, glaring at the boy making him raise both his hands in defense “I’m kidding, don’t hit me”
You rolled your eyes and lied sown on the bed “Yeah well, leave, I was sleeping” facing away from him
“We both know you weren’t”
“shut up”
He smiles and taps your thigh over the blanket “Scoot over, I had a nightmare, don’t wanna sleep alone”
You turned to look at him “What are you five?”
“Is that a no?” He asks with a sly smile, holding the blanket up so he can join you when you agree
You sighed, scooting to the side and he slides in beside you “Big baby”
He laughs, but covered his mouth to not wake your parents “I didn’t really have a nightmare” he whispered and moves to tuck an arm underneath his head as you copy his movements, the two of you facing each other “You were avoiding the at the party”
You scoffed “No, you were avoiding me” you huffed
“Are you ok?” He asked reaching up to swipe the hair that covers your face “You’ve been extremely quiet”
You yawned, you felt safe I his presence to even fall asleep to it, you couldn’t help but smile softly at the action “I’m ok” you lied, closing your eyes
“Don’t lie to me” he says, he has known you long enough to know when you lie and he won’t let it pass “I wanna help you”
“There’s nothing you can do”
“There will be if you tell me”
You opened your eyes only to see him staring at you, with worry and care “I hate you”
He smiles, and you felt your cheeks warm up at the sight “No you don’t” You rolled your eyes and he nods “Tell me when you’re ready, but for now” he takes her free hand in a promise “I won’t leave your side, and don’t leave mine”
You looked at him, the at your hands, before nodding “Promise?”
He nods “Promise” He smiles as he watches you yawn “Get some sleep, ok?”
“Ok” you whisper and start to doze off “That’s all I ever wanted,” you whisper “I miss you” you whisper and fall asleep
Taeil’s heart was beating rapidly against his chest, miss him? what is that supposed to mean? was that even supposed to mean anything? And he was aware that your hands are still intertwined, he blushes, and holds it tighter, afraid of letting go. He watches you sleep this time, glad to see you peaceful, seeing you always made him happy, but sometimes knowing that you will never return these feelings, made him so weak that he wants to do nothing but lie in bed, he closes his eyes,  his finger tapping mindlessly on your pillow
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You and Taeil are still very much a bestfriends. And you two hang out majority of the time since Lee Taeyong, someone from Taeil's group of friends, and Suh Johnny, the American exchange student you became friends with started dating
So bam! You and Taeil were automatically the third wheel, which was fun since you two were already friends, everyone was talking and playing around while you and Taeil were speaking to other people. Taeil looks at you as you fed Jungwoo the tart you ordered and Taeil had to bite his tongue from saying something to the innocent boy
He starts tapping against the table as he looks through his phone, hoping you could understand the Morse code despite how loud the surroundings were
You did. And you couldn’t stop smiling, Fid me 2, He spelled, Feed you? and you understood, you must tease the boy “Ew” you said aloud so he’ll hear and he huffs making you laugh
“Aww I didn’t know you guys can read each other minds” Yuta teases and kicks Taeil under the table 
Taeil shrugs “We’re that close”
You roll your eyes, feigning annoyance but you smiled at Taeil as he focuses on other people, joking and playing with them
“I’m hungry” Taeyong says making everybody listen to him, and Johnny nodding 
“What do you wanna eat my love?” He asks and you gagged, making him elbow you 
Taeyong chuckled and nodded “something sweet” he starts and hums
Johnny looks at everyone as they start suggesting food, Johnny and Taeyong turn down some till Taeil spoke “What about clouds?”
The whole room turned quiet and you stared at the boy in front of you, wide eyed while the room started to rumble with questions
“What the fuck is a cloud?”
“We’re talking about food Taeil”
“Taeil, are you stoned?”
“Since when can you eat clouds?”
You bursted out laughing once he starts to redden from your friends words before glaring at you “Y/n help me” You shake your head still too busy laughing, he growls “Its nothing, its an inside joke, you guys wouldn’t understand!” he huffs and lean against his chair, crossing his arms 
Your laughter died sown as you stared at him, his eyes meeting yours and you blushed, taking a bite of your tart, Why are you blushing? you asked yourself, Why is your heart beating so fast? you might pass out if it continues, surely you don't like Taeil, TAEIL of all people, not him
“Y/n did you hear me?” Jungwoo says making you look at him and apologetically shake your head making him chuckle “I asked when you started liking him”
“I don’t”
He raises his eyebrow “Oh really? cool, cause I have this friend who wants me to set them up with Taeil”
You glared at him “Do you wanna die?” you asked annoyed
He laughs and winks “I will once you admit of your feelings” 
You kicked him, then you hear the table buzz, looking up to see someone approach Taeil, shyly offering him a box, “I,” They smiles, cheeks painted red and you couldn’t help but glare at the new comer “I got you some chocolates, I hope you like them”
Taeil bows and takes the chocolates, and you look away, while Jungwoo looks at you, with a sly grin, and you point a threatening finger at him “Not a word”
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Taeil and you confessed in the least romantic way possible, but you loved it all the same, granted you both fought, but it was cute and emotional all the same
He mindlessly played with the flashlight, switching it on and off against his wall, you were asleep on his bed cause you had a fight with your dad about a boy and you decided that sleeping over at Taeil's for the night wouldn't be that bad, so while you slept you lent hi your phone cause his was broken, why? easy, you threw it against the wall cause he wouldn't turn off his alarm "You dance to this shit Y/n" "I don't mind breaking your arm too"
So there he was switching your phone's flashlight on and off after he got bored spamming your gallery with his face. He was a little out of it, but he knows you're awake "You'll drain my battery" you murmured
"It'll charge" He mutters "My phone on the other hand" he says a bit snappy
You pout "I said I'm sorry, and I'm repairing it ok?"
He shrugs and continued going though your phone
You sat up and leaned your forehead against his back "I'm tired I wanna nap again"
"And I wanna date you, we don't get what we want"
You looked up at him so fast that you thought you'd have whiplash "What?" you’re heart beating against your chest
He smiled slyly, trying his best to not blush and moving away from you “End scene” He laughs and playfully winks at you, he chickened out, he hates how angry he has been these past couple of weeks, he hates seeing other people approach and flirt with you, he hates being the subject when you call someone your bestfriend or your older brother, he hates how he can’t push people who wanna keep you away cause he has no right. He hates that it was starting to hurt to look at you, to think about you, its not fair that he likes you and you’ll never be in his arms the way he wants you to. He hates how you’re seeing someone, and it isn’t him. He hates the fact that he loves you, why out of all people, he could love, why you?
“Taeil!” You raised your eyebrow and your voice “What the heck was that supposed to mean “You were kidding?” you didn’t mean it, but sounded so offended and sad, does Taeil really like you? your heart thumped at a quick pace when he looks at you, searching your face for answer
He gulps “why?” he asks facing you “What if I wasn’t?
You stared at him processing “Well-” He moves to tilt his head waiting for you to answer him, you retaliated by hitting him on the shoulder “You didn’t answer me asshole”
He looks at your phone not answering, not fiddling with anything except the morse code app you had in there, turning the sound and you can hear the message
-.-- . ... / -.-- . ... /-.-- . ... 
“What the heck is ‘yes’ supposed to mean?” You started as he starts pressing the app to send you another message and you groaned “just tell me”
.. -- / -.- .. -.. -.. .. -. --. / .. -- / -.- .. -.. -.. -- -. --.
“I’m Kidding?” You read aloud and scrunched your nose “What the heck is that supposed to be? Tell me Taeil!” you yelled and moved slap your phone away from him when he tries to type a new code “Tell me, do you like me or not?” he stares at you “Was it a joke or were you serious?”
He looks at you in shock as you angrily told him those words, why were the you taking this seriously? you don’t like him, right? then why are you so angry? why is it affecting you? “What’s it have to do with you?” 
“Taeil just tell me”
“Why do you need to know if its a joke or not?”
“Just tell me”
“Why? You’re dating someone right now right? why do you need to know?”
“Taeil I’m not..”
“No, tell me why” You opened your mouth when your phone on the floor of Taeil’s room started buzzing, speak of the devil, your phone flashed with his name and it mad Taeil’s blood boil even more when you stood up to take your phone, he grabbed it from your hands before you could answer and threw it to the side, grabbing your wrist and pulling you back on the bed, keeping you there, a hand on your wrist and the other on your waist “Tell me”
You glared at him gripping his collar “What the hell is wrong with you?” You asked angrily “You’ve been salty ever since I asked if I could stay over! You don’t want me here? That’s fine, tell me, you don’t need to let me stay when you clearly don’t want me here!” You’re chest heaved and he could tell you’re just starting “you wanna know why I want to know the truth from you? Cause I care for you more then what a friend, a sibling should do. I hate seeing you with Kim Kochan or Lee Robin those two flirt with you on a basis, you know that right? they cling and keep you all for themselves and I hate it! I hate how fast my heart beats when you smile or when you buy me snacks cause they’re my-”
He cuts you off with a swift kiss to your lips. How could he not, you just confessed you liked him albeit angrily, you still confessed. His lips moved slowly against yours and you froze, your mind on hyperdrive, ‘till he pulled away “I like you too but you’re really loud when you’re upset, we shou-”
You rolled your eyes and pulled his collar, making him crash into you, kissing him again, this time you slowly moved your lips against his, his hands snaking around your waist, to pull you closer, your arms wrapping around his neck
He licks your bottom lip, you groaned softly and he happily sticks his tongue in, gently brushing over your tongue, making you slightly whine and he grins, keeping hold of your as you both play tongue-sies
He pulls away, a string of saliva being the only thing connecting you both before he groans softly at the sight “I love you” he breathes before leaning to trail kisses down your jaw and neck making you tilt your head upward giving him more room. He smiles at the shudder before gripping your waist and pulling on it to make you go up and straddle him “Taeil” you gasped at how bold he was being and he chuckles 
“Say it” he whispers against your ear licking a stripe on it while a hand travels under your shirt making you gasp at the coldness of his hand and the heat of your body, and he smiles “Please? Need to hear you say it”
“Really at a situation like this?” You huff and he only grins at you making you whine “I’ll tell you later, ok?” You tugged on his shirt, in a silent way to command him to do something, and only met with a shake of his head “Taeil” You whined again “fine, I love you too you big dork”
He smiles and happily kissed you again, holding you close before taking your shirt off and giving you everything you asked, encouraging him with every tug of his hair, a gasp and a moan of his name. He was addicted, he never wanted to stop to make you so whiny and needy and putty in his arms
He was happy that night, well dawn, finally having you in his arms, your neck covered in nothing but his marks, and he can see from his position your bruised waist. Oh and his hair, it was in pain, from the way you would pull and tug on it but he loved it, only reminding him that it was all real, his arms and shoulders were bruised but he just smiles at the slight sting before tightening his hold on your waist and kissing the shell of your ear
“No more” you whined and pouted “Please? I am so tired” you begged cupping his cheeks and he couldn’t help it he kissed your palms 
“Stop” he bit his lip and looked at you all wide eyed, seeing your expression, your marks and looking absolutely fucked that he swung his legs over and kissed your nose “Just, just one more, ok? one more round”
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“Dad!” Taeil grumbled “Are you serious right now?”
His dad nods “Yes” He points a finger at his chest “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t care if you are sleeping around, as long as you don’t get STD’s or have a failing grade” He reminds “But any other than that, you’re free to do anything you want. You’re mother and I back in college, we had out share of fun”
Taeil covers his ears “no! no no, I don’t need to know, I don’t need to know my birth story, I don't need to know how sexy mom was, I am seriously going to run away screaming”
“Stop being a baby” His dad says and hits him upside the head, “I’m just saying, when you would sleep with someone, you stay over their place not the other way around, so I was wondering who is that? My son’s special someone? and also, I heard everything lastnight so I’m pretty sure it is a special person, and I wanted to ask if they’ll stay the morning cause, It’s my turn to make breakfast and I wanna know if I should add one more serving”
All of a sudden an excited squeal leaves his mother’s lips as she excitedly ran down the stairs and tackled Taeil “I am so proud of you” She praises and kisses him on the forehead “So so Proud”
“What happened?” His dad asks and She spins to look at her husband 
“It’s Y/n”
He blinks and looks at his son then his wife, around the same time the mom clinged once again to Taeil, “I have been shipping you both since you two were in the womb, I waited twenty one years for the two of you to get together” she squeals and hugs him “Even better you both slept with each other, Honey, cook an extra serving for Y/n. And Taeil good job, satisfying your partners needs in bed is much more important, I approve”
“Mom!” Taeil groans 
“Do you think Their parent’s know? we should invite them , lets go invite them!”
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Part 2
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bangchanshehe · 3 years
The Only One pt.4
You and your life long best friend Chanyeol were like the same person. You knew everything about one another, and whatever problems you had you faced it together. But what are you supposed to do when you discover that your best friend loves you so much that only he can be important to you, and would go to great lengths to make sure that he was the only one? Yandere!AU
Chanyeol X OC
Word count: 2k
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Jongin had let out a nervous laugh as he continued to get stared down by Chanyeol. But as Chan stared Jongin down you looked at his face with complete shock.
“he’s kidding” you said trying to alleviate the mood that had suddenly turned so cold
“no, I’m not” Chanyeol replied but now he was staring straight at you.
You had stared back at him with your eyebrows pursed and shock and confusion written all over your face. you had no idea where to even direct the flow of conversation from here on, but for now all you could do was drop it and move on. Matter of a fact… you should move on from this whole night.
“you know what” you started looking up to Jongin to give him an apologetic grin “I’m really sorry but I’m starting to feel really tired and I’ve got a little bit of a headache.” You didn’t wait for anyone to speak up or say anything as you began to pack up all of your things in your bag. “I think I’m gonna take off for now. see you tomorrow!” you said to Jongin
He stared up at you confused and concerned “wait!” he called out to you and you only turned your body slightly to face him “what about today’s lecture notes?” he asked
You let out a sigh before responding “I’ll get a picture of them tomorrow.”
Jongin nodded his head and gave you a small blank smile “goodnight. And feel better!”
You smiled a fake grin one more time before you walked out of the restaurant and on the path to get back to your apartment.
While you walked your mind kept replaying Chanyeol saying that he liked you. And you couldn’t help but feel a pain in your chest and a mixture of emotions all at once. Sure, there was a small part of you that was more than excited that Chanyeol had shared feelings for you that you had once had. But those feelings were buried deeply inside of you and you wanted to keep them down at bay… it was the only way that the two of you could keep things from falling apart. Or maybe he was genuinely only saying those things so that he could drive a further wedge between you and Jongin….
Jongin… why would he do this to me? You thought to yourself. He was admired all over campus and women quite literally threw themselves at him so you had no reason to believe that he could be capable of doing something like this. And if he really wanted someone he could have his pick of anyone on campus. So why would he result to using such evil and malicious tactics to take advantage of someone?
You sat down on a park bench so you could take a few breaths and calm down before you began on your talk home again. There was at least another mile in between you and the safety of your apartment, and you wished now more than ever that you had a car, or at least a bike.
What would happen to you if you had been feeling serious side affects of whatever Jongin had put in your drink? Would you end up asleep on campus somewhere? Or would someone else take advantage of you In such a vulnerable state? Just the thought of what could have happened caused shivers to run up your spine and tears to spring to your eyes.
You were reaching up to wipe the tears before they could fall from your eyes when you felt the firm grip of a hand on your shoulder. The sudden contact had caused you to quickly turn to the side and look up to see who had startled you. And you let out a half satisfied sigh when you saw the familiar face of Chanyeol looking down at you.
“are you okay?” he asked panting like he had been running for miles.
You didn’t say anything to his question but nodded your head and let it hang in exhaustion. Chanyeol had walked around the bench and sat by your side, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and holding you close to his side. He looked at your face and let out a deep sigh.
“no, you aren’t.” he took your hand into his and he traced small circles into your palm with his thumb “look at me”
Slowly you had turned your face towards him at his request and you could see in his eyes that he was really concerned about you. Feeling so small and disappointed you let the tears run down your face. Chanyeol eagerly wiped them away and pushed your hair out of your face.
“don’t cry…. Don’t cry.” He cooed “I’m here. I’m gonna take care of you” he said softly before he pulled your frame into his chest to give you a warm hug.
The two of you sat there for a minute while you cried and Chanyeol did his best to comfort you. You had so many emotions running rampantly through you at once and you didn’t know how to deal with them other than allow for them to flow out with your tears.
You knew that you would eventually need to deal with what all was said and done tonight, but for now the most important thing was for you to get home safely. You had taken a few deep breaths to calm down your breathing and stop your tears. And as soon as you could think calmly again you sat up and gave Chanyeol and appreciative small smile.
He in return gave you a small smile back before he stood up and held his hand out to you. You glanced at it for a moment before you took it and stood with him at his side.
“come on. Let’s get you home.” He said softly before he guided you hand in hand back to your apartment.
The entire time that the two of you walked together you held complete silence. There was no exchange of words and instead you let the subtle sound of the breeze against the trees and the crickets fill up your mind.
And as the two of you approached your apartment you halted your steps forcing Chanyeol to stop and turn to face you. You weren’t sure why, but you felt like if he were to follow you inside then things would change. for some reason it felt like allowing him to go in with you would be a confirmation of sorts, and you weren’t ready to deal with the consequences.
“what’s wrong?” Chanyeol asked you slightly concerned.
You shook your head and gave him a small polite smile “nothing, I just want to be alone right now” you said quietly
“I cant go home!” Chanyeol said in a quiet hushed tone “that guy knows where you live. What if he comes back?” he exclaimed “or what if you end up getting sick from whatever he put in your drink!”
You wanted to Immediately turn him down so you could have some alone time to think before you had to face both him and Jongin once more…. But the longer that you thought about it the more you believed that it would be safer to stay together. Especially after seeing the podcast update about a girl who’s apartment got broken into.
You looked at Chanyeol in the eyes and you could see how in distress he was. Right now it didn’t matter if Chanyeol liked you or not, he simply wanted to take care of you and make sure that you were okay. Plus, if he did he had at least respected you enough to not take advantage of you last night so there was really no reason to feel suspicious about him.
“okay” you whispered and Chanyeol responded with a smile
The two of you quietly went up stairs and the moment that you were inside of your apartment you were hyperaware of all of his moves. You watched as he made himself comfortable by getting a glass of water from the tap and then sat down in front of your tv to turn on Netflix.
You decided that you needed some time and space so you quietly took off to go to your bathroom to shower. As you stripped down and allowed yourself to soak under the hot, cascading water you thought about where things were going to go from here on.
Surely you couldn’t be friends with Jongin anymore or even act like everything was okay. Dropping the class was not an option. You were already so far into the semester and your grades were way too good to give up at this point. And your mom would kill you If you told her that you needed to drop a course. Giving up was simply not an option. Plus if you had told your mom that something like this had happened to you on campus she would have raised hell and completely removed you from this college all together.
you had let out a loud groan and ran your hands through your hair, exasperated that you had to deal with something like this, and yet so very very thankful that nothing was taken any farther.
“are you okay?!” Chanyeol asked busting through the bathroom door.
“fuck you scared me!” you yelled back
You were completely caught off guard by Chanyeol barging through the door that the sound immediately had you clutching at your chest and left your heart pounding.
“sorry.” Chanyeol said softly “are you okay though?”
“yeah” you mumbled back “I’m just thinking about things”
“okay, ill be outside”
“wait…” you called out and closed your eyes before you continued “channie….”
“yeah?” he asked
“what you said at the restaurant…. Did you mean that?” you asked him and waited what felt like lifetimes before you finally got a response back
“about me liking you?” he asked back in what could barely be heard.
You didn’t respond to him and instead waited quietly for any sort of response. And you were scared of that question itself. You were halfway scared to even hear what his answer would be. Because a part of you wanted to only remain friends so that you would always have each other forever. And the other part of you loved the idea of being able to be with Chanyeol as a real couple instead of daydreaming about it like you had for years.
“of course I like you….” He said like a groan “you are the most amazing and beautiful woman that I know. But I would never do anything to damage our friendship…which Is why I kept it a secret for so long.”
You had remained silent and you could only hear the shower as it hit the bottom of the shower floor and the pounding in your heart. You had a million questions for him and a thousand things to say, but you couldn’t find the words to speak.
“if me confessing to you is going to change things and make everything awkward then just forget that I even said anything…. Because I would rather be friends with you than not have you at all” Chanyeol said before he walked out of the bathroom.
By the time that you had finished your shower you had walked out to see that Chanyeol was lying down on your couch with a pillow and a blanket, and the lights turned off. And instead of bothering to check if he was really asleep or not you continued to bed. Hopefully tomorrow would be a better day for you and Chanyeol both. But only time could tell.
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Ikerev Guys and Languages
I got it through my head that there has to be other countries in Ikerev (IDK if that canon or not but whatever) besides Cradle. It doesn't make sense to me that this country is thriving so well but without outside help in terms of resources. Magic crystals have to be worth quite a bit if they only grow in cradle and the country itself seems small enough if you are able to get to the red army HQ from the black army HQ in the same day (right?). Also most countries (if I can remember simple geography but I don't) have trouble growing some things like in rockier areas cant grow wheat or super sandy areas aint good for growing in general so they have to have some sort of imports. Anyway that was a ramble, go below cut please:
Red Army
Lancelot Kingsley: I feel like it could be 3 but its English then whatever 2 languages that are spoken in the 2 most prominent countries they are in contact with. He’s the King of Hearts, he prolly would want/need to know some more languages. Anyway fluent in 3 and conversational in maybe 1 other.
Jonah Clemence: At least 3 like his family put all this pressure on him being perfect there is no way that he didn't get some sort of language lessons. He’s the Queen of Hearts, he prolly has to talk to officials from different countries. Anyway, I think that he is fluent in 3 languages but conversational in 2 others.
Edgar Bright: you cannot convince me that Edgar doesnt know at least 2 other languages besides English but it has to be closer to 5 fluent and 4ish conversational. He can literally do almost anything from what MC and the other officers say so why wouldn't he know 5 languages fluently?
Kyle Ash: YOU CANNOT DENY THAT HE IS SMART, LIKE REALLY SMART. That being said I don't think that he knows a lot of languages fluently (like he learned the second most spoken language in Cradle to better communicate with patients) but he picked up simple phrases, words, and such in lots of languages. He might not be conversational in these languages but he can get to point A to point B with the directions he does understand. 2 fluently and like 4 others where he can figure it out.
Zero: We know he is a sweetheart and we all love him but he actually wasn't supposed to become the Ace of Hearts so he actually only knows his Native language and super simple phrases in the second most spoken language.
Black Army
Ray Blackwell: He likes his books and his family owns a bookstore (right? Someone check that) so I bet to get more books he learned another language (prolly the second most spoken in cradle). 2 fluent languages and then maybe some words in a 3rd.
Sirius Oswald: IDK why but for some reason I have it in my head that 1 or both of his parents are immigrants to cradle. So going with that he speaks one/both his parents native language and he prolly took another in highschool that he actually got fluent in (he doesn't seem to be the type to leave anything half done). So fluent in 3 languages and maybe conversational in a 4th  if there is a large immigrant population in cradle.
Luka Clemence: like his brother he got language lessons but it was more to keep up the family image i would think. So i think that they invested 2 languages in Jonah (minus their native language) and invested in 1 language for Luka. I also think that he didn't tell anyone that he spoke X language and just started to speak it at an ambassador which shocked the black army officers. 2 fluent languages then got others to teach him words/phrases in other languages.
Seth Hyde: (Spoilers?)We know that he worked odd jobs here and there to support him and his sis before she was taken. Taking that into account and the fact that he never got to be a kid/teen himself and I’m not even sure if he finished highschool I think he is fluent in his native language and just knows bits and pieces of others (like 2). Fluent in 1 and can understand but has trouble speaking in 2 others.
Fenrir Godspeed: Can't keep still for too long doesn't really speak to me as knows a lot of languages but he has to know at least 1 other language and he picks things ups real quick so lots of words/phrases in other languages but he isn't conversational or fluent in those. 2 Fluent and in 2 others he understands like ⅓ of what you are saying.
Neutrals (kinda)
Harr Silver: He is also SUPER smart so I feel like he knows at least 3 languages but 1 is a dead Cradle language because some of the magic books he wanted to read were not translated yet. He also prolly picked up on some of the other languages spoken and a little bit of another dead language in cradle. Fluent in 3 languages but conversational in another dead language and knows some in another one.
Loki Genetta: So I think he came from a kinda well off family? I don't remember. Anyway he also gives the vibe that his family immigrated here or was planning on leaving cradle. Whatever was the case he did end up learning a second language and living with Harr he prolly picked up on some others (not conversationally but enough to figure it out eventually). 2 languages he is fluent in but knows a little bit of the dead languages that Harr knows.
Dean Tweedle: IDK what he teaches but he seems to be the type to know another language just to be able to communicate with his students better. Prolly picked up some in another language too because of his students' cause lets be real highschool students are so ready to teach each other curse words in another language and he prolly overheard. He can fluently speak 2 languages, is conversational in another, and knows fair too many curse words in several others.
Dalim ’Dum’ Tweedle: I feel like his bar is one of the most popular in cradle, so he prolly gets quite a bit of tourists there who don't always speak the language of cradle and therefore he speaks bits of at least 3 languages (enough to get their order and understand it).Unlike his brother he never actually learned another language. So he is fluent in 1 but can get an order in 3ish languages.
Oliver Knight: Kinda screams at me “I know more languages then you” type of energy but I think that he is actually only fluent in 1 but is conversational in 1 more. However Blanc prolly taught him some phrases in some that he knows.
Blanc Lapin: ANCIENT, CANNOT CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE! Literally knows all the dead languages that were in the area, all the languages currently spoken in cradle, and if he isn't fluent he is conversational. Fluent in all and if not conversational.
Mousse Altas: He learned one other language as a kid, then before he made the job change he learned some more languages to be fluent in them. I want to say 3 fluent languages but they ain’t the countries that they already have trade deals in but rather the ones that they don't have trade deals in. He knows 2 others though conversationally and can read and write in another but can't speak it.
Anyway this is my opinion dont get mad or whatever ✌
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amphii-writes · 4 years
Random Haikyuu Head Canons I Have
these are all taken from my discord server cause i remember to write them there, if you want to request fanfics, my requests are W I D E open! there is also nO order! these are just all the headcanons i could find tbh
warnings: mentions of blood, and just overall wild times, swearing
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Asahi loves knitting sweaters because his shoulders are broad and he also loves seeing the reactions from his teammates when they get a sweater from him! He says he buys them but he doesn’t
Aone likes knitting socks because he has big feet and he loves fluffy knee high socks but his team will never know
Asahi and Aone regularly hang out and knit together! (after asahi wasnt scared of him anyways)
Nishinoya gives you shiny rocks he finds because “your eyes shine like them!”
Yamaguchi likes to have your head rest on his chest while cuddling!
Aone likes to bake
Aone dressed like a polar bear because koganegawa told him to- halloween was amazing
Daichi secretly can make some kick ass steak and is amazing at grilling sorry
Okay but real talk, Kenma and Yaku swear like sailors and it scares everyone because they always whisper the most foul, insulting things under their breath. Hearing it is like seeing a cryptid
Speaking of cryptids, Fukunaga and Shibayama are THE most true crime, mythology, and mystery obsessed fanatics on the team and often fanboy about it together 
Fukunaga’s obsession with moth man has gotten to an unhealthy stage
Kenma absolutely had a vampire phase and has read twilight. Only Kuroo knows and has sworn to secrecy via blood pact
Kuroo’s a musical nerd. Knows all of the lyrics to Hamilton, BMC, DEH, Heathers, Rent, Beetlejuice, Etc. Kenma considered dropping him because of it
Iwaizumi tells the worst dad jokes and Kyotani, wanting to beat him, started doing it too and it drives everyone insane
Yahaba and Matsukawa get along surprisingly well. Both are true crime freaks and bond over their forensic files obsessions
Matsukawa didn’t really like his thick eyebrows so he got one of his female friends to pluck it for him, but almost cried and gave up after the first hair. Oikawa called him a pussy for the next year
Hanamaki jokingly flirts with everyone on the team so most of them just got used to it, but it still confuses Kindaichi to the point of mental breakdown
Makki called Kyotani ‘puppy’ as a joke once and now mad dog is truly terrified of him
Kyotani’s dog absolutely ADORES Oikawa and it’s the funniest shit to the rest of the team
Mattsun and Makki play DnD and once convinced Yahaba and Kyotani to join. Kyotani kept rolling to fight everyone and Yahaba was a bard that kept rolling to seduce everyone. They kept yelling across the board so they had to kick them out
Outside of his school uniform, Goshiki specifically wears only plaid
Tendou makes little chocolates for the whole team every once in a while so they don’t think he’s scary
Semi and Shirabu once had a fistfight in an abandoned McDonald’s parking lot while Tendou filmed and Goshiki cheered them on
Everybody makes fun of Shirabu’s haircut but nobody dares to say it to his face. its gotten to the point where they say he got it done by a blind old lady
There’s a running joke about Shirabu also getting his haircut from prison but Goshiki is starting to suspect that it may not be a joke
Yamagata and Tendou are good friends with the mutual goal of collecting as much blackmail on their team as possible
Tendou loves animals generally considered to be ‘ugly’ like rats, crows, reptiles, etc.
80% of Goshiki’s playlist is shit overplayed on the radio. Him, Shirabu, Tendou, Kawanishi and Ushijima have a permanent ban from the aux cord
Nobody watches YouTube with Ushijima because he never skips the damn ads (other than tendou)
Suna once said y’all’dn’t’ve unironically and made a first year cry
Akagi once said UwU unironically and had an identity crisis.
Osamu has one of those rainbow gaming keyboards and is constantly on a discord call. Atsumu always yells weird shit in the background to embarrass him and once pretended to be him
During Seijoh group chat arguments. Hanamaki and Mattsukawa like to drop facebook minion memes in just to piss everyone off even more
mattsun and maki both have separate photo albums in their phones labelled ‘minion memes to piss everyone off’
Hinata carries a pocket knife and no one has no fucking idea why
mattsun and maki both have matching rat fursuits that look like they actually where in a sewer- they chased oikawa around
For all his talk of plant analogies and metaphors, Ushijima cant grow shit
Goshiki’s Bangs are the way they are because his favorite character was Rock Lee from Naruto
Oikawa has watched Ouran High School Host Club front to back so many times and he can quote all of Tamaki’s lines by heart -He keeps bothering Iwaizumi to “be his Haruhi, since you’re shorter than me”
Koganegawa has definitely gone as an Angry Bird for Halloween
Fukunaga has those reflective cat eyes, and he has terrified Yamamoto on several occasion
Hanamaki and Matsukawa have a teddy bear that they pretend is their child and they share custody
Suga always sprays whipped cream straight into his mouth whenever he sees a can
Nishinoya definitely bit people as a kid
Nishinoya would be the guy to wear shorts all year round and even if it's snowing, he'll insist he's not cold
Tendou is still stuck in his emo phase and would fangirl over Creepypasta with me and I appreciate that (me too buddy, me fuckin too)
Kyoutani LOOKS like he’d listen to viking death metal, but in reality he listens to Mother Mother and knows all the words to Ghosting
Sugawara would definitely encourage me to dumb shit and not stop me, and you’re all dumb for thinking he wouldn’t 
KENMA IS NOT ‘uwu owo’ SHY, HE IS ‘your fucking gross’ SHY SO LITERALLY STFU
Bokuto listens to Nicki Manaj. And knows all the words. To every. Single. Song.
Ushijima for some reason knows an odd amount of 90′s-2000′s R&B and he will hum along to the songs if they come on the radio (he also loves Dolly Parton) ((he says he relates to her music))
Bokuto once ate instant ramen for an entire month
atsumu let’s you put makeup on him and pretends to eat the brushes (do yk what im talking about- like n o m)
tendou ran for school president as a joke but actually won
i 100% believe that all of karasuno’s third years apologize when they bump into inanimate objects, but when suga is really tired or stressed out, he’ll yell at them instead.
Tanaka, Nishinoya, and Taketora have a group chat called "Bros who want sum hoes" and they send each other hypebeast memes and shit
Sugawara knows how to do a bunch of flexible shit because he sometimes goes to yoga with daichi and asahi's moms, its fucking hilarious
tanaka and noya both breakdance- they work as a team and sometimes go to tokyo for underground competitions- saeko drives them
Daichi knows a little ballet- nobody other than Kiyoko knows because they saw each other at the ballet class and had to work together- dont tell tanaka and noya that he lifted her though
Osamu once put glitter on Atsumu's pillow- he still finds hot pink glitter on shit
kita knits and crochets with his grandma
Kita's grandma knows everyone's names because kita talks shit bout them, her favorite is Aran
Kuroo has burnt his eyebrows off doing an experiment. His goggles didn't cover all his brows,,, so he just showed up to practice like that. No eyebrows and a chemical burn
kenma has played all kinds of games, but he was dared to play corpse party by kuroo. He wasn't scared because of the gore, he was thinking about the trauma the characters went through. Punched kuroo the next day because that game was fucked up
Lev isn't a strong swimmer, so he often grabs people by the head to keep himself up. happened with kenma and lev couldn't walk due to the force of kenmas suprised water kicks
akaashi has those fancy pens that you have to dip in ink and they're so nice
Bokuto has and will eat pencil erasers again
Daichi once almost lost his shit at his team but instead he lost his shit at the door that decided to stub his toe on the way out of the gym. not the best thing to be found yelling to.
Yamaguchi for sure has been dragged to one of terushimas parties because he didnt wanna say no. oh and terushima has like frat boy level parties too. Yams has for sure had some wild nights and doubts anyone other than Tsukishima and the party-goers will ever know
Akaashi can actually flirt very well! He reads romance novels sometimes and has analyzed any and every book in his possession! so he's actually quite charming
Daihsou unironically posted on twitter after mika broke up with him "I still see her shadows in my room"
Mattsun and Maki run a fake oikawa account; its been going ever since twitter even started getting popular and they even started sending messages in spanish. The posts would range from "I love all my fans!" to flirting with them :) Oikawa is pissed cause the account got verified before he did and most of his fans also follow the fake oikawa. Tooru has no idea who runs it JUST IMAGINE OIKAWA JUST LIKE RANTING TO THE SEIJOH 3RD YEAR ALUMNI AND JUST "no Iwa-chan, you dont understand! they run a fake account and pretend to be me!" while makki and mattsun laugh their asses off
Oh, kenma for sure has pretended to be a girl on discord and has gotten someone to buy him stuff. after they do he says in his normal voice "fucking simp" and then hangs up and blocks the other persons discord
Yamamoto, despite his rough appearance, loves kids and has and will be a human jungle gym
suna in middle school had a game with his friends about who could make kids cry the fastest
The twins switched places back in middle school and nobody could tell because of how great they are at acting like eachother
Daichi once arrested coach ukai for public intoxication after a game :|
Daichi has arrested many people from his old volleyball team but the most memorable case was when he arrested tanaka and noya for reckless driving. poor idiots got so scared when they saw their old captains face in their mirror and started to pray
tanaka, while trying to intimidate someone, once said "You dont gotta tell me twice, i may be straight but these hands are bisexual" and he often cringes at night thinking about it
Kageyama, as a comeback to Tsukishima, said "one thing about us royalty is that we love to feast" and he also fuckin hates what he said
the third years made a cult for Kiyoko. they chant every wednesday "i'll do anything for kiyoko, she makes me go loco"
oikawas fangirls are known to be fucking rabid
Makki and mattsun sang two trucks in front of the entire team. everyone was so confused. Makki: "twO TRUCKS HAVIN SEX!!" Mattsun: "oH yEs!"THEY'D SWITCH OFF AND HAVE LIKE CHOREOGRAPHY TOO LIKE THEY'D DO A TANGO WHILE THE SONG IS LIKE "two beer trucks, making love"
tendou once called Oikawa "mr. no-nationals" and got kicked in the shins before iwaizumi could save him
Tsukishima had a my little pony phase
you work with matsukawa at a morgue and he makes dead people jokes while you fix some dead guys face with wax and makeup he'd be like "so didnt he like,,, stick his head out of the sunroof of a moving fuckin car??" he'd be singing dumb ways to die the entire day
i feel like Kuroo has one crazy accident a year. like it might not be deadly but its fucking crazy like for example: Kuroo for sure has ridden in a shopping cart at past midnight with kenma (who pushed him down a hill) causing Kuroo to get scratched up hella well. he lied and said he spent the night with a girl and kenma fucking hated himself cause he would be the girl if that was true
Mattsun has flirted with the 4th years moms before (AS A JOKE), and because of this: he is known as “fuckin milf hunter” sometimes by the team
Warning, this next headcanon is talking about cannabis, weed, mary jane, the zoink root. so if your uncomfortable, please dont read below :)
dude i wanna get high as SHIT with Asahi 
i think Asahi would be one of those mfkers who takes one hit and is gone 
IMAGINE HIM SEEING TSUKISHIMA AND JUST "he looks so judgemental,,, im scared" 
OR LIKE A MAD DAICHI AND JUST "i'm gonna,,, im gonna go jump out the window now" 
Noya and Tanaka would know tho, i feel like they'd have a 6th sense when it comes to weed. they probably get some from Saeko cause she'd rather they do it in the house. they'd smell asahi like fucking dogs and just so,,, big guy had fun without us huh? 
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jeffrrandell · 3 years
I'm intrigued by your Balance theory. That little man plagues me. I wonder what everyone's circus sideshow counterparts would of been.
I tried finding it but couldn't if you'd be willing I'd love to know your theory
I’m very flattered that you’re interested in it! I wrote this a little while ago, but hopefully it still makes sense.  (this is like my 5th time trying to post this too ugh) WARNING: very long post!!
Episodes important to the Balance theory-
- In Dreams - episode 49 S1 (mainly speculation)
- Balance - episode 50 S1
- Tales of Madrynia - episode 15 S2 (mainly speculation)
- Clarences Stormy Sleepover - episodes 5-10 S3
- A Nightmare on Aberdale Street: Balances Revenge - episode 26 S3
In Dreams
In this episode, we have Clarence experiencing a Lucid dream, he meets his buddy named Jeremy. Jeremy lives in Clarences head. He is playful and fun, but never wants the fun to end. He did everything in his power to make Clarence not want to wake up and leave him. The dream surrounding Clarence gets out of control and almost seems nightmarish, like a crazy place you cant escape. However Clarence does manage to wake himself up, and promises Jeremy he wouldn't forget him. He left Jeremy.
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Balance is a character who looks to be Clarence but quite opposite from him, and acts that way too. He's a circus act whos main talent is balancing on objects. Supposedly he goes to the school to escape the circus and live a different life, but he appears to be much more than that. He isn't one for making friends with any of the kids, but Clarence being Clarence, of course he tries to. This angers Balance and he grows a distaste for him. He threatens Clarence not being a nosey Nancy or there could be consequences. Balance does this thing where he gets into peoples minds and tells them exactly what they dont want to hear. And by get into their minds, I mean quite literally. He plays this trick on Belson and Clarence comes to defend him.
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Next scene, Balance is seen in class carving an apple in the shape of Belsons head. He then proceeds to slice the apple in half, cut to Belsons look of terror. Balance is already aware of their fears, he knows Belson is special to Clarence much like all his friends he talked down to.
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Clarence comes up with a plan to try and get Balances intimidating words on tape to show the teachers, and he sets up Belson with a tape recorder. Another mishap occurs and Mr Reese interrupts. The boys give the tape to Mr Reese, believing they caught what Balance had said on tape. To their surprise, somehow all the tape played was Balance singing a tune. They are both confused and baffled, Belson steps away from the situation too freaked out. During class next scene Balance goes to the washroom to shave some stubble. Clarence catches him and runs to the staff room to alert them, but Balance fools him once again, appearing in the room entertaining the teachers. Balance says to Clarence: "how did I what, doc? How did I switch the tapes? How did I know you were gonna come here? Well you see, I've always been here Clarence. And now, I got the teachers eating out of the palm of my hand. I can make you think you're hearing anything I want, even smell anything I want. Listen to me boy, theres the mans world, and theres the spirit world, but you cant handle my world. Little bird, fly away home. Your house is on fire, your children all alone-"
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hes cut off by the ringmaster. During his speech however, it shows everyone around him in a hypnotic state. He gets taken away but escapes in the very end. This could all be seen as silly, but I think he really means it. Balance is an entity, an entity out for horror and fear upon others, for that's what he lives off of. He's like a mind demon, abusing his power and controlling what people think and see. I also dont think the invisible circus is even real, hinted at the fact its called "invisible circus"
Tales of Madrynia
This is mainly just extra, but let me explain anyways. This episode is centric on Percy and Clarence. Percy has these imaginary characters he wishes to be real. Clarence has him over that day and has said animals in the garage. Despite them being literal wild animals, Percys imagination takes over. This is where Jeremy and/or Balance comes in. The animals in Percy's head talk about 'the pink one', Clarence. There's a story going along, but at the end of the episode theres a song sequence about them talking about killing 'the pink one'. Percy is so in this little world that he believes hes moving along with them, needle in hand, and marching to kill Clarence with his animal friends. He snaps out of it of course, nothing would've actually happened. But possibly, this was Balance being able to manipulate Percy's imagination into trying to potentially harm Clarence. The reason I mention Jeremy is because if Balance is in Clarences head, he has met Jeremy. (definitely confirmed in later eps) Jeremy has the ability to world build, make believe like a child and could be able to create a daydream. Balance takes this to his advantage.
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This whole series of episodes is all a story told by Balance himself. Though the outcome is positive, it still has a lot of fearful aspects. Clarence 'goes missing' causing Mary and Chad to freak out, they get stuck with Jeff who feels as if hes the cause of a power outage AND Clarences disappearance. They go out into the storm to find them. Throughout this, Jeffs starts hallucinating and seeing Clarence talking to him. He kinda drives himself insane. Belson and Mr Reeses story are more about lesson learning, probably because Balance had a real fun time picking out the things Belson was guilty of in his debut episode. Not much of anyone else's story is very easy to tie to the explanation, but in the end Clarence finally gets his sleepover, bonds were made and everyone was fine. People learned and grew.
Clarences Stormy Sleepover
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At the very end of Balances story, he goes over to a crib, which was in front of him while he read. Inside the crib reveals Jeremy, who he refers to as 'my child'. It is possible that Jeremy was a set up from Balance from the start, a creation of his.
Balances Revenge
This was the first episode seen where all of these theories took place, really. Clarence has people over on Halloween. He all enters their dreams, which all turn into nightmares. This is all Balances doing. He uses Clarence to enter other peoples dreams and turn them into terrors, a pink goop appearing more than once in disturbing ways in all the dreams.
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Each time he gets out of the others dreams, they disappear in what appears to be real life. When theres no one left, he decides he needs to enter his own dreams.  Hes met up with Jeremy. All of Clarences friends are caged up by Balance. Jeremy tries to help Clarence rememeber how to control his dreams. Honestly, probably just a pawn at this point pretending to be friendly towards Clarence in an act to make him stay. When he feels he's ready he attempts to fight Balance, ending up in his capture as well. Clarence, being himself once again, plays by the dream rules and gets them all out of the kerfuffle. In the end Balance gets turned into nothing but pink goop. Does this mean hes gone? Naw dont think so. I think he just got away this time. You cant kill something thats merely an entity
What does this all mean?
Basically, all of this means that Balance is a figment of Clarences imagination, but not quite at the same time for he seems to be very real. He wants to use his power to manipulate and control his friends around him to see and experience horror and fear, causing them distress. All of this causes Clarence distress, for the one thing he cannot stand is his friends being hurt. I think that his dreams will haunt him for a long time, and will haunt others when around him. Like in Tales of Madrynia, I feel that in others dreams they will see Clarence as a monster. Like he did something wrong, or he is the villain. All of their dreams play with their biggest fears. Jeffs possibly being things like failure, guilt, imperfections and uncleanness. Sumos possibly being failing in protecting his friends and them ending up hurt, being met with disappointment and disapproval, and failure. Belsons possibly being criticized and met with the way he treats people, being shown his actions and how they hurt people, hard truths about his personal life and what he'll never gain from the way he acts.
Clarences would be about letting people down, his friends being hurt, being alone, and so on.
Some dreams could contain disturbing imagery or night terror material, scarring them for life. All horrible, but Clarence just has to cope. He feels guilty that hes the cause of his friends nightmares during sleepovers and such. A potential end to this has not crossed my mind yet.
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piratecrew-moving · 3 years
i have mixed thoughts on deltarune cause like hmm…. it definitely comes across as a toby fox game and u can feel that same sense of humor/storytelling in the way the game is written but it doesnt quite feel like an undertale sequel? maybe bc its an alternate universe but it feels like previous game’s characters were only thrown in for nostalgia cause they didnt really impact the plot in any way and u have the option to skip talking to them altogether most of the time,, like i love the new characters and i had a lot of fun playing with them, it just confuses me why it has to be an undertale sequel other than toby fox wanting to use the same mechanics in a new game
more under the cut if u like my twisted mind (jk this has all probably been said before because im literally three years late to the party)
because its an alternate universe it makes it really hard to predict whats gonna happen next… why did kris rip their heart/soul out? i mean it looked like a heart since there was blood and they made a fist to grab it so it must be smth physical but also after they ripped it out there was that flowey laugh sound and the knife which implies that they’re gonna start killing people and losing their soul means they lose their ability to feel compassion/guilt… but that doesnt explain WHY i mean i guess thats the point its a cliffhanger
was it like… a suicide attempt? everyone is commenting on how kris is acting strange by going out of their way to talk to people when normally they’re ‘creepy’ and silent and whatever, and i know its a thing where when people are planning on killing themself they go and tie up lose ends/reconnect with old friends for the last time/etc etc. but why does kris wanna kill themself when they’ve finally made a friend and it seems like things are turning around (idk i guess they were friends with the noelle girl idk i cant tell if shes just being polite or smth) UM but yeah thats just going by it being a suicide attempt
on the other hand kris also could have taken out their soul bc they want to start killing people? but then their motivations for wanting to that are very unclear. in the first place if they wanted to kill people we know from previous games that u don’t necessarily have to lose ur soul to do that you just need to gain LV and numb urself to it. so then kris is like ‘i want to kill people so i need to steel myself and lose my emotions so i wont hold myself back’ i guess??? but again why… they didnt seem like that kind of person to me but tbf we never really learn what kris is like on the inside, susie and lancer have clear character arcs and ralsei is always shown to be very kind and good-natured (unless thats a facade but i think thats one too many plot twists for one game 🙄) meanwhile kris is just like ??? the vessel for the player to act through wait omggg as im typing this im realizing that maybe the reason their personality is unclear is bc they’re just a vessel. thats what they were called at the survey at the start of the game OMGGG WAIT SO THEN MAYBE THEY WERE RIPPING THE PLAYER OUT OF THEIR CHEST SO THEY CAN START DOING WHATEVER THEY WANT??? BROOOOOOOO IM A GENIUS wait i like kris i dont want them to be a villain :( silly little creepy child… um where was j going with this… i had fun!!! im excited to play chapter two over the weekend!!! oh lord if any of u spoil me i will rip my heart out like kris and come after u all.
i think the moral of the game is that quiet kids are unpredictable. as a quiet kid i already knew that but yeah ^_^ great job toby!
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hiuythn · 4 years
do u have any krbk fics that u can rec? any favorites of urs! ☺️
you’re in luck bc i just made a rec list for a friend so i have this ready for you
also i’ve got over 200 krbk bookmarks on ao3 so feel free to check that out if you finish this rec list.
all (except one) of these are completed. they're in no particular order. i tried to find ones that are less known, bc idk how much you've read but i'm assuming all the popular ones are familiar to you. happy reading! 💖💖💖
Inevitable - Legendaerie - 8k - mature CLASSIC 'bkg thinks they've been together and kiri thinks he's still pining' TROPE. it's INCOMPREHENSIBLE to me why this doesn't have more fucking kudos!!! why!!!
Tiny Truths - Quirk Archivist (OneHitWondersAnonymous) - 4k - teen bkg gets de-aged. kid him reveals sth to class 1a, more imptly, to KIRI, abt some ideas about what it means to open a hero agency together. it's super adorable!!
Punch My Mouth with Your Mouth - QuestCat44 - 4k - teen bkg spars with deku more bc OfA is acting up and he's the only one in the know. kiri gets jealous but he's so good-natured that his jealousy is only bc he misses sparring/spending time with bkg. BKG, on the other hand, is worried kiri is mad for different reasons asdkjfhasdhfa
all according to keikaku........... - carolinaa - 8k - teen the title should already tell you how good this is. I LOVE JEALOUSY FICS WHEN THEY'RE MORE FUNNY THAN ANGSTY AND THIS IS SO FUNNY. kiri gets tired of deku being a pussy around todo and decides to flirt with todo to get deku jealous enough to do sth about it. bkg and todo are both horrified for VERY different reasons DHADSKDFHJS
doll me up - shizuumi151 - 6k - gen kiri gets turned into a doll by a kid's quirk and no one knows. bkg still ends up caring for him :’)
These Words Are Ours - deviance - 2k - teen soulmate au but bkg figures who's going to say his words before it happens, and honestly that's kind of the point. he's not the type to fall in love at first sight. he MAKES the choice to love kiri and that, my friends, is my kind of soulmate au.
all good things need sunshine - shizuumi151 - 3k - teen FLORIST KIRI. BKG WANTS A BOUQUET THAT SAYS  'FUCK YOU'
feedback loop - bigstupidjellyfish - 1k - teen PRO HERO BKG GETS THROWN BACK IN TIME FOR A BIT AND MEETS MIDDLE SCHOOL KIRI AND HE'S SO SOFT TO HIM ASDFHKASDFJ. i am a big fan of bkg being a fan of kiri. i can't get ENOUGH OF IT. can someone give me more fics like this
mixed signals - bigstupidjellyfish - 2k -teen a short 'what if' fic where kiri and bkg went to the same middle school. bkg's still an ass but kiri's still his equal it seems, and is just as good as handling him as ever
Dreaming of a White Mocha Christmas - let_me_wander - 8k - teen ANOTHER COFFEE SHOP AU.  BARISTA KIRI AND HIS FAV CUSTOMER ;) GET SNOWED IN  
Something Warm - let_me_wander - 15k - teen YES FOLKS IT'S A A A ANOTHER COFFEE SHOP FIC, THAT'S RIGHT!! BARISTA BKG THIS TIME. also kr is in a band and writes a song for bkg asdfhksjd
Kneel - deviance - 7k - explicit idk if you wanted explicit stuff but this is pretty light sub stuff, they're not even properly together at the beginning, and there isn’t sex til the end. i just liked how kiri is the only one bkg would rely on for sth this private, and it's more emotional than it is sexual?
Everyone Knows That Cats Are Independent - PurplePersnickety - 39k - teen YET. ANOTHER. COFFEE SHOP AU. but also?? daemons?? katsuki's got a lionness, and kiri has a...i'll let you find out. anyway they become closer and closer and closer and the flirting is so fucking excruciatingly obvious but cute and sdkjfhasdjs it's such a queer experience like 'is he...no he cant be...but what if he did like me - no that's not possible. but what if?' and they get so domestic sometimes i swear i'm about to puke from how cute it is. this is my fav coffee shop au ngl
Broken Bridges - DeathBelle - 68k - explicit plot fic!! krbk loses touch after gradutation. kiri comes back from korea and starts to work together with bkg, dealing with a series of murders and MAN the action is 👌 easy to follow but it hits all the beats, has that Flow. krbk being a power couple will never get old!!
Of Ghosts and other Inaccurate Things - chezka - 56k - gen pretty sure you've seen this one around but STILL. BKG FALLING FOR 'GHOST' KIRI IS BEST. this au really takes FULL COMPLETE advantage of the fact that krbk CANNOT TOUCH and the yearning practically astral-projected me back into the my past life when i was a dung beetle that got crushed under the foot of an elephant. it hurt, basically. but it hurt so good. JUST LET BKG HUG KIRI!!! happy ending ofc.
Catching Bees - MonocerosRex - 2k - teen bkg has to pay his classmates compliments. class 1a hijinks. the krbk in this is short but it made me squeal sdhfkakjl
i'm going to the forest to kick my own ass - WannabeMarySue - 5k - teen TODO PRANKS BKG BUT UNLUCKY FOR HIM BKG IS COMPETITIVE AND ACTUALLY LEARNS SOMETHING
Playing Favorites - vaporeon_ninja - 2k - gen AKSDJFHJADHFKA BKG GETS CALLED OUT ON HIS KIRI FAVOURITISM
(Not Quite) Proposal - imatrisarahtops - 783 - teen DRUNK BKG IS SAPPY WITH HIS BOYF
A Dragon's Hoard - chezka - 10k - teen kiri gets turned into a dragon bc of a quirk. LOVE HOW DRAGON KIRI STILL LIKES BKG BEST
Love Notes - PurplePersnickety - 5k - teen LOVE NOTES BKG LEAVES LOVE NOTES FOR KIRI IT'S SO SWEET
Define: Oblivious - PurplePersnickety - 45k - teen this is the second part to Love Notes, it's still updating BUT PLEASE CHECK IT OUT TOO BC KIRI DOES STH SO BADASS DURING PRACTICAL TRAINING I LOVE HIM I REREAD THIS NOW AND THEN JUST FOR HOW COOL HE IS IN THAT ONE CHAPTER. also the steady, careful way krbk define their relationship and bkg's demisexuality is so sweet, so good.
The Hard Easy - dirtbag - 4k - teen this one is pretty popular but i still gotta mention it bc. kissing lessons. KISSING LESSONS!!! i love how eagar bkg is askdfhks
Kitsune's Pride - kytrin, Mslead - 147k - explicit okay this was A DOOZY like i???? the plot???? the time travel and the oni and kitsune stuff???? bkg and kiri being badasses??? bkg wanting the best for kiri and angrily supporting him??? this was the first time i kept up to date with a fic when it was still updating and commenting every chapte,r i was so hooked. and ALSO like the authors have written SO MUCH more longfics like this like they have NOVELS and i REALLY rec you check them out like....bro idk how they do they have so much out already and i think and they're updating two more rn and i'm. their bitch tbh
Burden of Proof - kytrin, Mslead - 153k - explicit OK ONE MORE REC FOR THESE AUTHORS. burden of proof is so. so fcukign good. i have adhd and these guys have never one lost me even tho their fics are upwards of 60k. this fic has dragons, it has plot, it has growth and healing and found families and i WISH i could write sth this intricate.
Burger Kings - plantegg - 5k - teen stupid teenage boys being stupid. kiri blackmails bkg into going on a date asjdfhkdsjfakd
Day 6: Fandom - PullingAllMighters, SweetBrew - 9k - mature bkg and kiri don't know each other until they're pro heros and only bc they start a competition to see who's better and they go to each other's signings undercover and develop crushes on each other and deku is an enABLER ASHAHAJFS
Scales Ain't The Same As Feathers - Julietwasanidiot - 2k - gen GOD THIS IS SO CUTE BABY BKG "FINDERS KEEPERS" A BABY DRAGON KIRI SKDHFHD but he thinks kiri is a chicken
Charades - orphan_account - 4k - teen this is just soft....game night....at one point bkg acts out a really romantic word for charades and he's EMBARRASSED SDJFHA. also kiri falls asleep on him and there's some hair stroking....soft...
Cranky-rishima - PurplePersnickety - 29k - teen kirishima is the one with nightmares in this one and he gets CRANKY and BKG has to be the one to reach out and i thought that was such a fresh reversal loved it
No Secrets to Success - kingdoms - 7k - teen THIS IS MY FAV!! MY ABSOLUTE FAV JUST BC I LOVE IT WHEN FICS MAKE PEOPLE GAPE IN AWE FROM HOW SOFT BKG IS WITH KIRI. also krbk forming their relationship outside of school in this au was so??? sweet??? it's just them hanging out together. ALSO KIRI IS SO GOOD AT POKING BKG'S BUTTONS ASJDFHASK
Built to Fall - bigstupidjellyfish - 68k - explicit pro heros fic. they had a bad breakup in third year and oh god the angst is QUALITY. DW THEY TOTALLY MAKE UP AND IT'S SO FCKN WORTH IT. bkg also got therapy so he’s a little more stable as an adult lol
A Name That You'll Remember - heronfem - 33k - mature bkg is a fail!villain. he fell in with the wrong crowd when he was younger. he doesn't actually do anything wrong. in fact, all of his 'crimes' are generally stopped by kiri and somehow all end up exposing corruption anyway, so he's actually helping. kids love bkg. he always makes sure they're safe before he robs a jewelry store or sth. somehow kiri ends up flirting with him in all their fights and bkg has no idea what to make of him. the public can't get enough of them
strawberry mango sweet - redriotinggg - 9k - teen it's just a really sweet smoothie shop au!!! it's good reliable fluff!! what else can you ask for!!
cultivating something so divine - redriotinggg - 10k - teen redriotinggg yet again, i love this au, it's vet!au and kiri is so good at loving animals that bkg hires him and they fall in love and it's also got some competency porn, as in krbk are hella good at their job like power couple ayy
Tension Reduction - acernor - 10k - explicit Kirishima is a massage therapist and Bakugo needs help relaxing.
Mistletoe? Mistletoe. - Tearsaresalty - 2k - teen class 1a keeps making bkg kiss kiri and neither of them really mind wow i wonder why 🙄
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