#I crey every tiem
spatsandcravats · 1 year
You'd think I would have learned my lesson about saving my game progress by now.
And yet.
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turmoiltrolls · 2 years
Hey I feel you don't get enough attention in the community TBH, I LOVE your art and troll designs a ton, just wanted to say!
Tumblr media
tysm aahhhhh im cryyyyyyy
tbh its def my own fault for not posting much character info or in general lmao but thank you thank you thank youuuu
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eternalpizzaparty · 1 year
Rewatched Guardians 1 and the movie opens up with Peter as a kid with a black eye cause he fought other kids that were hurting an animal and like PETER IN 3 SAYING NO KILLING UNTIL HE SAW WHAT THEY DID TO ROCKET WHEN HE WAS A LIL RACCOON LIKE I CREY EVERY TIEM
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thesummonerofaskr replied to your post “calamuscrest: (from the back of the room, on a chair, yelling loudly...”
Camus types. What can you do?
Love them to bits and weep over how nobody shows them the proper love or respect they deserve, and be really pissed that the localization team gives another character the same name when they KNEW the first one existed (don’t fucking think I forgot that you put her in Awakening SpotPass IntSys, I never forget), making finding appreciation for them even more difficult. You know. Something kinda like that.
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sugawara-kkoushi · 8 years
BotW Shower Thoughts
Husband: *Kills Chu Chu* Ha! I get all your jellies now, how do ya like that!? Me: What if the jellies are its babies? Husband: *Gasps softly* ....I crey every tiem.
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dvddggs · 8 years
Is it bad whenever I see a live performance of the original Hamilton cast? So much hard work was put into that show and they all are so into their characters you can see the passion fuming. It's honestly brings me to tears because it's so beautiful. Their hard work is beautiful. And knowing Lin put so much work into this besides the couple of years he performed Hamilton, and it being as big and successful as it is, is tear jerking-ly beautiful.
liek if u crei every tiem ((in all honesty tho sAMe))
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sparatus · 8 years
tagged by @danceswithturians!! doing it now cause im procrastinating circuits hw lol
Meme as follows:
Always post these rules!
Answer the questions given by the person who tagged you
Write 11 questions of your own. Tag 11 people.
1. Favorite minor NPC- like, really minor.  Who had that one line you heard in passing that just made you laugh, or that one conversation that has stuck with you.
oh please we all know this one.... lt abrudas from the comics of course, burly crestless turian extraordinaire with maybe 5 pages of screentime tops.......... she could pick me up with one hand and break my face with the other and i’d say thank you
2. Which line of dialogue breaks your heart every time you hear it?
in tali’s loyalty mission in me2 you can listen to an apocalyptic log from a researcher on the alarei who leaves a message for her son jona and i crey evry tiem
3. What’s your favorite Mass Effect fanfic?
honestly that’s tough....... i’m gonna go with this april fool’s one just for the humor factor ;)
4. One headcanon about your favorite race.
turians, before encountering the other species and taking on the volus as a client race, ran entirely on a barter system. i mean, think about it, they needed an entire other species to help them figure out how money and capitalistic business models work and adjust to a galactic society that uses those things, canon stated to be because they instinctively value helping others over personal gain, that strongly implies that prior to joining the citadel they just.... didn’t have a money-based economy
even in modern times their economy is still primarily based around barter rather than currency. they use volus currencies when dealing with aliens, or if they simply have nothing to barter with on hand. imperial citizens have badges and id chips that basically anything that would ask for money from aliens can run a scan on, and from there the turian in question’s “account” gets a mark that is automatically deducted from by an equation factoring in how long they’ve been a citizen, what their merit rank is, what their job is, etc; basically you pay via your service to the empire, not with money.
as a result of this system, a lot of turians tend to accrue large amounts of money in their bank accounts, just because they see no purpose in using it when they can trade instead. most turian households allot their paychecks as such: whatever doesn’t go towards living expenses (rent, taxes, etc) is then divvied up into two portions, one that goes to charity and one that’s squirreled away as a “just in case” fund. the percentages of which is which obviously changes according to the specific turians and their jobs.
5.  Creepiest Reaper creature?
i’m tempted to say banshees on sheer fear factor, but honestly?? brutes. just like, the sheer wrongness of smashing two radically incompatible species together like that makes my crest quake, man
6. What are you looking forward to most about Andromeda?
rubbing my grubby autistic hands all over everyone’s faves and making neurotypicals mad is always a highlight of my week (vetra is autistic, i licked my hand and touched her with it so she’s ours now)
7. Describe your phone cover.  If you don’t have one, why not?
i don’t even have a screen protector lol.... bad sensory
8. How do you take your coffee/tea?
coffee with a lot of sugar and a little cream, tea with a lot of sugar and a spoonful of honey
9. What’s your alcohol of choice for easy drinking?
i’m still underage (5 more months.....) and i’m on medication that conflicts with alcohol, so i don’t drink much.... i’ve always wanted to try pina colada though
10. When I say “fire,” what image do you first picture?
close-up of a campfire
11. What nerdy thing are you most excited for in the future? VR, self driving cars, underwater cities, robot companions, etc.
the EM drive!!! we don’t know HOW it works but it does!! especially exciting for me cause im an aerospace engineer!!!! this is my future!!!!
ok uh 11 questions. lessee:
What’s a pairing you never would have considered, but the fic authors really brought their A game?
What was your worst subject in school?
What’s a book/show/movie/other media thing you can’t recommend enough?
What smells make you feel safe?
Deep space or deep ocean, and why?
Something you’re looking forward to in 2017?
Recommend a fic author. Not one specific fic, just an author you love.
Which platform do you use for video games? If multiple, which is your favorite?
Do you have any pets?
What’s something from the trilogy you hope is improved on in ME: Andromeda?
What’s your go-to comfort food?
tagging: @threewhiskeylunch, @nightmarestudio606, @shadowbroker, @kryterius, AND I HAVE TO GO TO CLASS NOW SO TAG URSELVES IF U WANNA
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crossgartered · 4 years
P5R Liveblog (15/?)
School festival!
This is such a bad idea.
I really do think they should 1) invite Akechi, as the vote called for, through legitimate means (aka via Sae or potentially through me since, y'know. we hang out. We have a social link. I don't remember if I have his contact info but I think I remember seeing that brown square at some point so I think I do even if he usually doesn't contact me.
That said.
I also think that if we wanted to get Intel from him, as Phantom Thieves responding to his broadcast, we should 100% do an Alibaba and contact him that way. Why are we not doing that. WHY ARE WE NOT DOING THAT????
Also, thank you for recognizing that I have his chat id, game
This is a lot to put on Makoto. Can't we at least brainstorm it a little bit to ease the pressure?
It seems like she's worried about my well-being; that's good...
Oh man can I hang out with her at the festival please
It's kind of funny; I've only ever managed to hang out with Haru or Ryuji at the festival.
I've dated Hifumi, Makoto, and Haru in my 3 playthroughs of p5. Wait, hold on, I've actually done 4 playthroughs, haven't I. Because I dated Hifumi twice...
The learning at school music is playing but also IS THAT FRIEND FROM COLLEGE SHIBUSAWA BC
Oh. Oh no. False memories, huh...? Now, is that false memory yours or Kasumi's? Atm I'm leaning Yoshizawa bc she's got a lot of weirdness mixed up with her and her circumstances
Man, I'm so annoyed. I was one gaming session away from maxing out my Knowledge and getting the highest grade. Guess I'll have to settle for top 10. It's not like I need the charm, anyway. All I really need at this point is Guts. But I haven't really been hanging out with Takemi or Iwai, so it makes sense. Oh well. At least I can hang out with Hifumi more now.
In my first playthrough of p5, I got through to rank 3 proficiency really quickly, made some tools to quickly bypass Yusuke's thing, and then completely disregarded it afterwards until Haru needed it, and then I prioritized everyone else since I wanted to finish as many people as possible and starting on a stat to start someone new would have sucked. Iirc I did get to rank 2 or 3 with her, enough to get baton pass and maybe something else, but I was very frustrated
...Where was I going with this? Oh well
Shut up, pompous male customer
Hey! I have max knowledge, Sojiro!
Haru is so down at all times to try weird stuff. I love her. She's always up for new experiences
Another reason why she & Yusuke should hang out more
LMAO I love this bit
Yusuke is on top of things as usual. : )
Oh, this is an extremely interesting counseling session, actually.
"However, if you are the one leading them to their conclusions, are they truly making the choices for themselves? Isn't that just submitting to another person's will?"
"In all honesty, I'm sure there are people out there who think that... But life in this world confines people to certain frames of mind sometimes, and without them even realizing it. If I can help lift the weight off their shoulders and free their minds, I believe the results are worth it."
"I would wish... For the world to see my mother's painting the masterpiece that it is, no matter how briefly." ...Yusuke...!
Reblog if you crey every tiem
"And if at all possible, I would also wish to meet a wonderful master - one who would take me in and guide my brush with care." YUSUKE...! TAT
JESUS I remember playing this part for the first time. my heart was pounding. I could barely tear my eyes away from the screen I was so nervous like what was gonna happen?!
The tension is still high even after the fifth time seeing this scene but damn that first time was something special
I wonder how he scheduled that phone call
All right, Pancakes.
It's weird seeing the PE Faculty office from this angle
Now THIS was an interesting bit
...wow, nobody invited me to the post-festival party. Not even Haru... I'll have to look up how that works later
Hey, it's Kasumi! Hmm. Maybe it's just that the default changed from Haru to Kasumi.
Kinda sucks for Haru, though. Now we get even less content of her so far. I thought the talk after the festival was actually very interesting stuff for learning about her character.
Members of the dance club? Um. Okay? This is new
...and he just stands there. Dammit
This is such a high school genre thing
Those shoes look really uncomfortable to dance like that in
Please be canon good dancer please be canon good dancer please be canon good d
Dating this girl would be a tragedy dating this girl would be tragic dating this girl c'mon she's dead you know she's dead and will disappear probably when you break the illusion come on don't do it you know it's a bad idea
But what if I dated her in this playthrough
Hmm? Now they're giving me the option to go to the post-festival party? But I just went? Huh?
I know that this is an optional event, but damn if I didn't wish it started a whole new subset of rumors
I wonder if you can hang out with Futaba at the festival. That'd be nice
The dissonance between Morgana being like 'we should tell the others about Boss!' And 'nah we'll hold off on telling them about Kasumi' is kinda getting to me.
God, this all happened in one day. What an emotional rollercoaster for our Thieves.
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i was gonna play vidya games but i left the dongle for my mouse at the shop reblog if u crey every tiem
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exclusivetrashcan · 7 years
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hetteh-spegetteh · 8 years
I was tagged by the lovely @starsfadingbutilingeron <333! Thank you!
Rules: answer the questions in a new post and tag 10 blogs you would like to get to know better.
1. nickname? My nickname is actually Jacki! My full name is Jackilyn. :)
2. star sign? capricorn
3. height? 5′5″
4. time right now? 4:28 pm
5. favorite music artist(s)? David Bowie, Fun., Basically any musical soundtrack haha
6. song stuck in your head? Evil Eye by Franz Ferdinand
7. last movie watched? Honestly.....Bee Movie loloo
8. last tv show watched? Broad City
9. what are you wearing right now? A demin-type dress, black cardigan, grey leggings
10. when did you create this blog? Ah January 2015 I think?
11. what kind of stuff do you post? YURI ON ICE AND HIGH QUALITY ANIMOOS LIKE HELLA. dank memes and my lil doodles :)
12. do you have any other blogs? nah
13. do you get asks regularly? maybe like one per day..ish?
14. why did you chose your URL? That damn video of the mom in the kitchen saying “WEN UR MUM COME HOME AND MAKE THE HTE SPEGETTEH” liek if u crei every tiem
15. gender? Female
16. hogwarts house? I actually do not know...!!! Tbh outside of the movies I don’t know a lot about HP
17. pokemon team? AGAIN IDK IM A NOOB.....I like the yellow electric tam so is that Instinct...????
18. favorite color? Turquoise and Minty Green
19. average hours of sleep? Around 7
20. lucky number? 7! ;)
21. favorite characters? BRUH....Ok so rohan kishibe, josuke higashikata and noriaki kayoin from Jojos, Yuuri and Viktor from Yoi, Shiro from Voltron.....those were my main shows this past year so I will stop while I’m ahead haha (AND MOB FROM MP100 WHAT A SWEETHEART)
22. how many blankets do you sleep with? four
23. dream job? storyboard artist/illustrator
24. following? 1,084
I tag @realm-of-spells @lilweebtrash @floateron @hanabifox9 @riddleblack246
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menstruacion · 9 years
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heypunpun-blog · 10 years
I am going to force my girlfriend to learn the japanese alphabet so she stops butchering the pronunciation like a fucking weeaboo!!!!!!!
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mattibee · 10 years
papapalkia replied to your video:LIKE THANK YOU FOR GETTING RID OF OTHER BUGS BUT...
**burdcrane is suffering
reblag if u crey every tiem
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seductressslutty · 10 years
In case any of my followers who play Mass Effect were wondering, the Paragon Lost movie is a crime against humanity.
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scarecrowcoffee · 11 years
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