#I deadass texted my friend when I got the call
nvrsaidiwasinurcloset · 6 months
Can You Feel My Heart - GF!Ethan Landry x Fem!Reader
This was a request I got over a month ago, and the person that asked for it was very detailed in the things they wanted, and I didn't want to give away the entire fic before anyone read it lmao. If you're the one that requested it, I hope you like it! It's definitely a bigger one, 5.9k words🙃
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I can't drown my demons, they know how to swim
This contains SMUT - Minors DNI
Summary: You were supposed to die in Tara and Sam's apartment, but you never showed. When he tries to finish the job, he realizes that he can't hurt you, and you help him decided to save the rest of your friends.
Contains: Dryhumping? Oral - m & f receiving, p in v, fingering. Nothing too crazy, Ethan's an inexperienced virgin for the most part in this.
A/N: Deadass want to write something where reader makes Ethan cum in his pants💀
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Ethan knew he couldn’t do what his family asked when it came to hurting you, but after hours of Quinn telling Ethan that you’d never want him, and that you would never see him as anything more than a pathetic loser, he’d channeled enough rage towards you to hopefully do the job he was asked to do.
When he popped out of Quinn’s closet that night and killed her flavor of the week, the adrenaline was already pumping through his veins. When he went out to the main area of the apartment, he searched for you. He thought back to the text you sent him about being bummed that he had econ and couldn’t join you and the rest of the friend group, so he knew this was where you were supposed to be. He didn’t let you not being there throw everything off, it just meant Anika had to die before it was originally planned.
He met with his dad before he had to show up at the crime scene and play the roll of the grieving father to explain how everything actually played out.
“She wasn’t there?!” Wayne yelled, as Ethan nodded, his breathing still heavy from all the running to get away from the apartment before anyone had a chance to see him. “Fuck, I thought you had this all planned out!”
“I’m sorry,” Ethan said, “She was supposed to be there. I guess she changed her mind.”
“You’re going to finish the job though, right?” Wayne asked, knowing how much convincing it took to get Ethan to want to kill you in the first place.
“Yeah, I’ll take care of it. I know tomorrow’s supposed to be the end of all this, but I have her schedule memorized. I’ll just break into her apartment before she get’s home from class, kill her, and I’ll meet you at the theater,” he said, as Wayne nodded in approval.
“I knew you wouldn’t let me down.”
The next day, you went to class. You’d heard about another attack but had no idea it was Anika and Quinn. With you backing out of coming over to Tara and Sam’s last minute before the attacks happened, your friends couldn’t help but wonder if you could’ve been the one that caused her death. You were the last person they’d suspect, but they thought it was a little strange.
Finally, Tara called you when you were walking back home after your morning classes.
“Hey, sorry I didn’t come over last night. I was so tired,” you said, as soon as you answered the phone.
“It’s a good thing you didn’t,” Tara said. You immediately heard the sadness in her voice.
“Wait, what happened?” you asked, before you heard Mindy yelling at Tara for calling you in the background. “Tara, what’s going on?”
“The killer came to the apartment last night…Quinn and Anika are dead,” she said, as you were walking through your front door.
“Oh my god,” you said, bracing yourself against the doorway as you took in the news she just told you. “Is Mindy okay?” you asked as you started to get emotional. You weren’t the closest to Anika yet, but you were getting there. You loved her sweet yet sarcastic personality, and you’d recently started to get to know her better from the study sessions with her and Ethan.
“No, not really,” Tara sighed, “Were you really home last night? I hate to ask you because I don’t think you’d do anything like this…but you saying you weren’t coming over last minute was a little suspicious.”
You were taken aback by her accusations, and were about to respond, when you heard the beeping that someone else was calling you. You felt annoyed as you saw the unknown number, quickly declining it before you responded to Tara.
“Tara, I promise you I was at home. I was so tired after class yesterday,” you got out, before you started to get another unknown number call, “Fuck, someone keeps calling me. I’ll text you in a little bit. We’ll figure out who’s doing this.”
“Okay, be safe,” she said, before you ended the call and answered whoever kept calling you.
“Hello?” you asked, the irritation in your voice obvious as you heard a chuckle on the other end of the call.
“I thought you were just going to keep ignoring me.”
You immediately recognized the voice. You’d heard it several times before in the Stab movies, and started to think this was some kind of sick prank.
“Who is this?” you asked, walking towards your kitchen, “Because this isn’t funny.”
“Oh, you sweet, dumb thing,” the person responded, a hint of laughter still in their voice. “I think this is hilarious. You’re all alone in your apartment, no one to save you…”
You tensed up as you glanced around the areas of your apartment that you could see from the kitchen, before inching your way towards the drawer that contained the knives.
“Don’t even think about it,” the voice said, the realization that whoever this was could see you in that moment setting in.
“Who the fuck is this?” you asked, your voice a little shaky as your anxiety kicked in.
“Aww, are you scared?” the voice cooed, “Because you should be.”
That’s when you saw the masked figure darting towards you from your bedroom. You tried to make a run for the front door, but Ghostface was hot on your heels. The knife was shoved in your direction in attempts to slow you down, but the knife penetrated the wood of your door. The killer struggled for a few seconds as they tried to get the knife out, giving you the smallest amount of time to get away from them.
You ran to your living room, searching for anything you could use to help you defend yourself, when you noticed that Ghostface had joined you in the room, holding the knife up as they stared at you.
“Why are you doing this?” you cried. Seeing you like this had Ethan feeling so guilty, but Quinn’s words kept replaying in his head. He didn’t say anything as he charged towards you again. You tried to fight him off, but you were quickly overpowered by him.
He threw you to the ground before he straddled your body. You kept trying to fight, refusing to just give up, even though this person was a lot stronger than you. Both of Ghostface’s hands were wrapped around his knife as they held it over their head, your life literally flashing before your eyes as you waited for it all to be over.
Ethan hesitated, though. The fear in your eyes, your tear-soaked cheeks, and the sobs slipping past your lips were something he knew would haunt him if he went through with this.
“I’m so sorry,” you heard, recognizing the voice as the knife was lowered and clanked on the floor beside you. “I can’t do this to you.”
“Ethan?!” you choked out, gaining enough strength to shove him off you. You used your hands and feet to back yourself closer to the wall, pulling yourself up by the windowsill as he sat on the floor. “What the fuck is wrong with you?!”
“I don’t know,” he cried, pulling the mask over his head and throwing it in frustration. “I can’t do anything right.”
You eyed him as you stood against the wall, watching him cry. You were so shaken up and furious, but you couldn’t help but wonder how Ethan ended up in this position. He was this shy, sweet person that you enjoyed spending time with, and maybe it was your personal feelings towards him, but you felt bad for him.
You walked over to where the knife was, kicking it to the other side of the room under your tv stand. If he had a change of heart and decided he wanted to kill you, you knew him trying to fish that out would give you enough time to escape.
“What the fuck, Ethan?” you sighed, standing beside him as he still sat in his place on the floor. “Why?”
He just kept crying, so ashamed of himself that he got roped into his dad’s plan in the first place. He felt sick, and not just mentally. He was fighting his nausea as you finally crouched down beside him.
“Talk to me,” you said, as he finally looked up at you. He looked scared, his pupils huge as his chin quivered.
“My family is behind all this,” he said, jumping up off the floor as you hesitantly stood up. “Fuck, they’re gonna kill me.”
You started to get nervous all over again as he paced the floor. His hands were shaking, and you couldn’t tell if it was out of fear or anger, but you stepped as far away from him as you could.
“I don’t even understand why you were a part of this in the first place. You didn’t have anything to do with Richie dying,” he ranted, before pausing for a second, “Are you close to your parents?”
You just stared at him, unsure of what to say. This wasn’t the Ethan you knew, and his erratic behavior had a huge lump in your throat.
“I bet your parents love you. I bet they’d never treat you the way my dad treats me,” he said, after you didn’t answer him. “I bet they never make you feel like you’re worthless.”
“You’re not worthless,” you said softly, his head snapping in your direction. You hesitated before speaking again. “Your family is doing this because of Richie? How is he a part of this?”
Ethan stepped towards you, as you backed even further against the wall. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
You shook your head as you looked at him, “You just tried to kill me, Ethan…I’m terrified of you right now.”
“Fuck,” he said, tearing up again. “Richie was my brother. I know you heard the story about Sam stabbing him and slitting his throat,” Ethan paused, you nodded for him to continue, “My dad and sister wanted revenge. I didn’t want to do any of this.”
“Then why did you?” you questioned, as he wiped tears from his cheeks.
“Because my dad told me that it would finally make him proud of me for something…and he said he’d just kill me too if I didn’t help with all this.”
You started to relax against the wall a little as you processed everything. This wasn’t about him wanting to hurt you or anyone else, he just wanted to be loved by the one person that should’ve loved him regardless. He was broken, and even though the voice inside your head kept screaming that you were stupid for wanting to comfort him, your huge heart was breaking for him.
“Ethan,” you said, slowly stepping towards him, “Everything will be okay.”
“No it won’t!” he yelled, making you jump, “Shit, I’m sorry,” he said, noticing that he’d scared you again. He started to speak in a softer tone, “My dad is a fucking detective…even if I try to run away from all of this, he’d just find me.”
You stood there in silence for a few seconds as the realization hit you, “Detective Bailey?” you asked, as he nodded.
“Quinn is a part of this, too. She’s my sister.”
“Ethan…Quinn died last night. This isn’t making sense,” you said, as he scoffed.
“She’s not dead…I wish she was, though. I fucking hate her.”
You both stood in silence for a few minutes, the only sounds heard in the room was his heavy breathing and the occasional sob he’d let out…and the pounding in your chest but you were sure only you could hear that.
“I know you probably hate me right now, and I’m so sorry that I scared you like that. You didn’t deserve it,” he finally said, his eyes connecting with yours. “I’d rather my own life be over than take yours.”
“Your life isn’t over,” you said, as he started to awkwardly laugh.
“It is, though. I still helped with this. I’m going to spend the rest of my life in prison.”
“Not if you stop all this. You can still do the right thing,” you said, his eyes growing wide at your suggestion. “I’m the only person that knows…I won’t say anything.”
He looked at you in disbelief, unsure if you were serious or if you just had a really good poker face.
“I do have another question, though,” you said, walking closer towards him, until he was right in front of you. “Why didn’t you kill me?”
You wanted to pull him into a hug. You wanted him to feel like he was cared about. But you really needed to know why he changed his mind last minute before you did anything.
“I uhm…” he said, trailing off as he tried to find the right words to say, “I really like you, You’re just so sweet, and you’re always showing interest in the things I like, even if you don’t understand it. Quinn tried to make me hate you enough to do it, but I couldn’t.”
“So…Quinn tried to convince you to kill me?” you asked, a little confused. You’d spent plenty of time with her at Sam and Tara’s. You now knew that her kindness towards you was all an act, but you didn’t understand why she thought you needed to die.
“Yeah, she knew how I felt about you,” he said, glancing at the floor as his cheeks started to turn a rosy pink. “She said you’d never want to be with me. That doesn’t matter, though. That wasn’t a good enough reason for me to finish the job.”
“Is that all I am to you? A job?” you half-joked, as he started to smile, looking back up at you.
“Not at all.”
You both just stared at each other as he started to calm down. His eyes were red from all the crying, the guilt for even trying to hurt you painted on his face, but you still grabbed his hands and pulled him close to you.
“It’s going to be okay, Ethan. I’ll help you get through this,” you said, as your hands comfortingly ran over his back. He relaxed into your touch, but he was still a little shocked that you didn’t hate him at that moment.
“Are you okay?” he softly asked, “I know I slammed you on the floor pretty hard.”
“I’m still pissed at you, but I’m okay,” you said, as you started to pull away. He held onto you tighter, not wanting to let you go just yet. “Ethan,” you said sternly, “We need to talk about something else.”
“Sorry…you have no idea how long it’s been since I’ve had affection like this,” he mumbled against you, before pulling away. “I’m really fucked up, aren’t I?”
“I might be a little fucked up, too. I want to make you feel better after you tried to kill me,” you said, as he shook his head.
“You’re not fucked up, you’re perfect.”
You grabbed his gloved hand and led him over to the couch. He realized that he was still wearing the robe and pulled it off, tossing it on the floor before he sat down beside you. Your eyes connected with his as you slid the gloves off his hands and threw them on top of the robe.
“I know your family has their plans, but we need to save the rest of our friends,” you said, his heart pounding when you said the word ‘we’.
“No, you can’t help. I can’t let anything happen to you. I’ll take care of it,” he said, as your hands still held onto his. He looked down at them, before looking back up at you. “You mean a lot to me, even if you don’t feel the same way I do.”
You smirked at him as your thumbs rubbed against the top of his hands, “I never said I didn’t feel the same way you do.”
The tension was building up as you just looked at each other. He wasn’t the most experienced, and you knew that, so you decided to make the first move. You leaned in and gently kissed him before you pulled away. He had a sweet smile on his lips, his cheeks pink, but he wanted more.
He gained a little confidence, leaning forward to kiss you. It wasn’t a simple peck like yours was, as his lips needily moved against yours. Your head was spinning as he pushed you back on the couch, his body hovering over yours as you ran your tongue across his bottom lip. He gasped at the feeling, giving you the opportunity to slip your tongue in his mouth. He didn’t know what to do at first, but soon enough, his tongue was moving with yours.
After a few minutes, he pulled away so you could both catch your breath. He was panting on top of you, a small gasp slipping out of your mouth as he adjusted his hips to get more comfortable in his place between your legs.
You started to get a little lost in thought, wondering if you were crazy. You didn’t expect to be making out with Ethan after he held a knife over you and scared you more than you’d ever been, but it just felt right.
You grabbed his shirt and pulled him back down to kiss you. The grip you had on his shirt relaxed, your fingertips gently running down his chest. He started to tense up a little when your hands reached his stomach, a small groan slipping into your mouth at the feeling. He didn’t pull away from you, the kiss only getting more intense as he started to grind against you.
“Fuck,” you mumbled against him, before nudging him back. “My bed is a lot more comfortable…just saying.”
“Okay,” he said, trying to catch his breath.
After both of you stood up, you could see how hard he was in his jeans. He subtly tried to cover it with his free hand, his other hand laced with yours as you led him to your room.
It got a lot harder for him to hide it once you pushed him back on your bed. You glanced at it before you straddled him, his cheeks turning pink, yet again.
“You keep blushing,” you said, as you started to roll your hips. “Is this okay?”
“Yes,” he spat out, so quickly that you started to giggle. “Please don’t stop.”
Your hips kept moving as he placed his hands on them, pulling you closer to him. You gasped at the friction it was giving your clit, your panties getting more soaked by the second. He was starting to groan, his mouth falling open as his eyes fluttered shut.
“Okay, we need to stop,” he said, his breathing heavy as his eyes snapped open. “You’re going to make me cum in my pants.”
“Would you rather cum in my mouth?” you asked, your eyes looking deep into his. He didn’t know what to say, because he was so embarrassed that just you grinding against him was enough to almost bring him over the edge. He knew the second you put him in your mouth, he’d cum on the spot. You could tell he was nervous, his hands feeling a little shaky as he held onto you. “It’s okay, baby. We can stop.”
“No, I want to…I just don’t want you to be disappointed,” he sighed, turning his eyes away from your gaze. “Whatever we do, I know I won’t last long.”
“Ethan, I know you’re a virgin. I don’t expect you to last long.” He started to get flustered, hating the fact that his inexperience was so obvious. “It’s okay. If you want me to make you feel good, I will.”
“Shit,” he mumbled, “Okay, we can do it.”
You smirked as you slid off him and started to unbutton his jeans. He lifted his hips as you slid them down a little, the wet spot on his boxers from his precum making your mouth water even more than it already was. He sharply inhaled the second you grabbed his cock out of his boxers, his hips jolting forward at the simple action.
“Relax, baby,” you said softly as you leaned down to take him in your mouth.
You were trying to tease him a little, just swirling your tongue against his tip, when his hips jerked forward again. His cock hit the back of your throat, making you gag around him.
“Fuck, I’m so sorry,” he whined, his chest heaving at the feeling, “I didn’t mean to do that.”
You just kept gagging around him, intentionally making your mouth more wet for him before you started to bob your head. His hands tightly gripped your comforter as you sucked, the feeling better than he could’ve ever imagined. He was trying so hard to hold back, but you made it impossible for him. His groans turned to whimpers as you started to stroke what you couldn’t fit in your mouth. You knew he was close when he started to babble, only recognizing the words ‘Perfect’ and ‘So good’.
His hips started to rut forward again, his legs shaking as one of his hands went to your hair. He tightly gripped it as the feeling washed over him, his salty cum filling your mouth. After his hips stopped thrusting, you swallowed and slid him out of your mouth.
You sat there for a minute after you pulled away, watching him fully come back down from his high. He felt your gaze on him as he slowly opened his eyes and smiled at you.
“That was…fuck,” he sighed, pulling you closer to him. “Can we do that again sometime?”
“I hope so,” you said, as you started to think about what Ethan had to do. “When is everything else supposed to happen, like with the Ghostface stuff?”
You sat up a little to look at him as you waited for his answer. “Shit, if I’m going to stop it, I need to get to the theater,” he sighed, pulling his boxers and jeans back over his hips. “Can we finish this later?”
“Of course,” you said, fully sitting up on your bed. “I want to come with you.”
“No, I’m not losing the girl I’m in love with,” he said, jumping off the bed and landing on his feet. He paused when he realized what he said. “I guess you know how I really feel in case I don’t make it out of this alive.”
“I’m not staying here and worrying about you all night,” you said, sliding off your bed. “Do you know the theater well?”
“Yeah, but you’re not coming!” He was starting to get irritated, but he knew with your persistence that you were coming with him whether he liked it or not. “You could get killed, babe. I can’t keep you safe and take down dad and Quinn at the same time.”
“If they already think I’m dead, don’t you think that would be helpful?” you asked, “I’ll get our friends out before anything happens to them.”
“Fuck, okay. But we need to leave right now.”
You were hoping you could catch your friends before they made it inside the theater, but you peaked around the side of the building as soon as they were going in.
“There’s a back way, just let me scope it out for Quinn first,” he said, as the two of you walked around the old theater. He slid the robe back on and covered his face with the mask before he turned to look at you. “Wait here,” he said, before he opened the door and walked inside.
You were outside for a while before you heard screaming and Ethan’s voice booming on the other side of the door. You didn’t know what was going on, you even started to think that he’d decided to go through with the original plan, after all. You screamed once the masked figure walked out, the bloody knife in their hand.
“It’s okay, babe. It’s me,” he said, reaching for your hand. You hesitantly took his hand in yours as he led you inside, noticing a huge pool of blood on the floor.
“Is that…Quinn?” you asked, noticing the body hunched over in the corner.
“Yeah, we don’t have much time. Dad will be here soon,” he said, leading you down the hallway towards the museum-like display.
You bumped into Chad and Tara when you came around a corner. They both froze when they saw you, your hand still in Ethan’s.
“It was you?” Tara asked, as your eyes went wide, realizing how this all looked.
“No, but we need to get you guys the fuck out of here,” you said, motioning for Tara to come with you. They both stood in their spot as Chad glanced around, looking for something Tara could defend herself with as he tried to take down the masked person. “I’m fucking serious! We have to go!”
“Please just listen to her,” Ethan said, as Chad and Tara looked at each other. “I know how this looks, but you need to go with her. I’ll get Sam and Kirby out next.”
“Why should we trust you?” Chad asked, as Ethan lifted the mask off.
“I’m trying to do the right thing…and it’ll all be for nothing if you don’t go with her. Please, my dad’s on his way,” he sighed, as Chad hesitantly nodded.
“We can both take her if this is bullshit,” Chad whispered to Tara as she nodded. “You’re going to get Sam and Kirby?” he asked, as Ethan nodded. “Fuck, let’s go.”
You led them down the hall as Ethan made his way into the theater to search for the other two. Once you got closer to where Quinn was, you warned them.
“Try not to freak out, but there’s a body around the corner,” you said, noticing the blood spreading across the hall.
“What the fuck is going on?” Chad finally asked, “Whoa, who is that?”
You turned to face them, the confusion on their faces obvious when they noticed the red hair.
“That’s Quinn, she never died. Detective Bailey is in on this,” you said, before trying to think of the best way to explain Ethan without telling them his involvement. “Ethan is Quinn’s brother. He figured all this out today, and he wanted to stop it.”
“Oh,” was all Tara said, as you led them out the back door.
The three of you waited outside for a while. Tara was starting to freak out, the concern for her sister’s safety made her want to go back inside.
“Where the fuck are they?” Chad asked, as he heard Sam start to yell for Tara from the front entrance.
You ran around to the front of the building, panic setting in when you saw Sam and Kirby, but no Ethan.
“What happened?” you asked, peaking around them, hoping to see him walk out behind them.
“We didn’t believe Ethan at first…until he started to fight Detective Bailey,” Sam said, noticing the sadness in your eyes as your thoughts ran wild. “He’s okay, he’s in the ambulance over there.”
“Oh my god,” you said, running over to him. He smiled at you as you crawled into the back, your anxiety fading once you saw he was okay. “I forgot to tell you something earlier,” you said, sitting down beside him. You leaned in to kiss him, mumbling “I love you, too,” against his lips before you pulled away.
You were soon joined in the back by a paramedic, who was looking over a huge gash on Ethan’s arm that you didn’t see before, the blood unnoticeable with the black robe he was still wearing.
“Oh shit,” you said, looking at it. “How hurt are you?”
“This is it,” he said with a smile, before wincing at the numbing medication being injected into his arm. “That burns.”
You were shocked after he was all stitched up and one of the new detectives on the case said he was good to go, but that he’d just need to come down to the police station the next day. Ethan looked over to you, silently thanking you for keeping your word and not ratting him out. You knew he was wrong for doing what he did to Anika, but it was so easy for it to be pinned on his dead dad.
“Thank you, Ethan,” Sam said, as he hopped out of the back of the ambulance. “We’re going back to our apartment. You guys want to come?”
You and Ethan exchanged your glances as he took your hand in his.
“No, I think we’re going to…uh, hang out?” he said, like it was a question. It made you giggle as Chad curiously eyed him. He stopped Ethan before the two of you walked away, discreetly pulling a condom out of his wallet.
“Just in case you need it,” he said, as Ethan nodded and slid it into the front pocket of his jeans.
“Thanks, dude.”
Once you made it back to your apartment, you couldn’t figure out if you were with the same nervous Ethan from earlier in the day. He had you out of your clothes in minutes, your bare back against the plush comforter as he trailed kisses down your stomach. His hands were inching up your thighs as he pushed them apart.
He moved lower, groaning at the sight of your soaked pussy before he started to place gently kitten licks to your clit. You started to moan as his tongue moved faster, your hand tangling in his curls to encourage him, as if your moaning wasn’t already doing that enough. Once he moved his tongue a little lower and swirled it inside of you, your hips involuntarily jolted, much like his did earlier in the day. When your hips kept moving, he pinned them down with his free hand as he kept lapping at the wetness dripping out of you.
“Shit, Ethan,” you moaned, which only made him go faster.
His mouth worked you closer to the edge when he pulled away. You whined at the loss of contact, knowing how close you were getting to your orgasm. He wasn’t going to let it slip away, instead using his fingers and curving them inside you.
“Right there,” you whimpered once he brushed his fingers over the spongy spot inside of you.
His fingers firmly pressed as they moved, his tongue moving back up to lick fat stripes across your swollen clit. The orgasm you were so close to having was quickly approaching again, your hips still trying to buck against him as he struggled to hold them down. Your vision was getting hazier by the second, your whimpers getting louder as your legs started to shake.
“Fuck, I’m cumming,” you whined, as your pussy started contracting around his fingers.
He pulled his mouth away from your clit to have a better view of your face as his fingers slowed inside of you. You were a panting mess as you came back down, your eyes hooded as your hands reached for him.
“Don’t take this wrong because that was amazing, but that wasn’t what I expected,” you said, your breathing still labored as he snuggled up beside you. “I didn’t really have to tell you what to do at all.”
He started to laugh to himself as his hand reached over to run along your naked body, “I guess it just came to me. I knew moaning meant I was doing something right.”
“You did everything right, fuck,” you sighed, feeling his hand run over one of your breasts, gently pinching your nipple between his fingers. “No pressure, but if you want to have sex, we can.”
“Seriously?” he asked, sitting up a little to look at you.
“Yeah, I know you already have a condom,” you said, running your hand over the pocket of his jeans. “Chad should really be a little less obvious.”
“He just wanted me to be prepared,” he sighed, sliding the condom out of his pocket.
He crawled off the bed to take his jeans off. You started to giggle as he climbed back up, the tent in his boxers obvious as he sat on his knees and looked at you.
“Those have to come off, too,” you said, as he started to blush. His hesitance made you roll your eyes as you sat up and leaned over, shimmying his boxers down his hips. “You have nothing to be self-conscious about,” you said, as his cock stood at attention right in front of your face.
You grabbed the condom off the bed beside you and opened it. He intently watched you as you rolled it on his length, the feeling making his breath hitch in his throat.
“Please don’t hate me if this doesn’t last long,” he said, as he got settled between your legs.
“No pressure,” you assured him, as he started to push inside of you, stretching your walls.
He took it slow, at first. His hands teasingly roamed the areas of your body he could reach, the tickling feeling only building your anticipation up even more. Once he got through the initial fear of cumming too quickly, he started to move a little faster. His bottom lip was in between his teeth as he looked down at you, your tits jiggling with each thrust. He held on to one of them as his other hand went to your hip, holding you in place as his thrusts sped up.
He started to groan as he fucked into you, his cheeks red as his mouth hung open. You could tell he was trying to hold back, his mind somewhere else as he tried to distract himself. You moved one of your hands to your clit, rubbing quick circles as your other hand grabbed onto his arm.
“Baby,” you moaned out, as he started to focus on you again. “Go a little faster, I’m close.”
“Shit,” he groaned, snapping his hips into yours. You started to move your hips to meet his thrusts, the feeling of the tip of your cock repeatedly hitting your g-spot had you teetering on the edge.
You let out a loud moan as the euphoric feeling washed over you, your skin tingling as your pussy clenched him. His eyes started to flutter as his thrusts started to falter, a whimper slipping past his lips as he started to fill the tip of the condom. He stilled inside of you as you just kept tightening around him, his head hanging as he caught his breath.
“God, babe,” he said, sliding out of you. “I just want to stay inside you all the time.”
You giggled at him as he laid down beside you. “Is it that good?”
“You have no fucking idea.”
You were starting to get some post-nut clarity as you laid your head on his chest and listened to his heartbeat. He’d killed three people in one day and tried to kill you. You were still so proud of him for saving the rest of the people you cared about, even if he had his little psychotic tendencies. You made a mental note to bring up therapy to him once the investigation was over, knowing he needed to work through the daddy issues he ultimately had after years of neglect. You knew that you were going to be by his side the whole way, not wanting him to feel like he didn’t matter ever again.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 5 months
Rebuild & Restore - Chapter 6
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I do NOT give permission for my work to be translated or reposted on here or any other site, even if you give me credit. DO NOT REPOST MY FICS
Reblogs, comments, likes, and feedback ALWAYS appreciated ❤ 
All OC Characters belong to me
Series Masterlist
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Saturday Afternoon..
“This is so fucking stupid.” Joe mumbled to himself  as he drove down I-95. After another one of his text messages sent to Kiyana went unanswered. He was down bad. He just didn’t understand. Kiyana and Josh were divorced now, so there was nothing standing in the way of him and Kiyana being together now. The stupid part wasn’t even that he was driving to Pensacola because he could just play it off as wanting to see his parents, it’s that fact that this impromptu trip only took place because Kiyana was active on social media but not responding to his text messages.
6 hours down, 3 hours and 30 minutes to go.. 
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“How did Josh take the news?” Samara asked as she and Kiyana walked around the mall looking for stores to go in. Samara narrowed her eyes at Kiyana when she didn't respond back.  “Kiyana Marie…” 
“I didn’t tell him yet.” Kiyana muttered as they walked into a store. She could feel the heat of Samara’s stare as she picked up a dress from the rack and held it up to her body. 
“That’s ugly, put it down.” Kiyana rolled her eyes and put the dress back. “Why the hell not?” Kiyana huffed as she started looking through another rack of dresses.
 “I just don’t wanna spring it on him Sam,” Kiyana huffed out. “We’ve only been divorced for like what? 2 weeks is that not too soon?” It took everything in Samara to not knock her best friend upside her head. 
“Key, y’all were married and he was sleeping with that girl, it’s no such thing as too soon when it comes to y’all.  You don’t owe him anything..”  Kiyana sucked her teeth, but she knew Samara was right, she didn’t owe Josh anything. “Fuck Josh.” 
“You’re right,” Kiyana muttered as her heart started to ache in her chest. She knew she needed to move on.. She had to move on for her own sanity. Josh had proven to her that he wasn’t the man she thought he was, it was time for her to move on. 
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“I wasn’t expecting you back for another hour or two.” Josh stated as Kiyana walked into her living room. She eyed him, frowning her face up as he looked a little too comfortable in her living room, sprawled out on her couch. The boys weren’t used to him not being in the house yet, so he had been spending his days off at the house instead of his apartment. 
“I just wanted to pick a couple of things up from the mall.” She said and Josh nodded, his eyes peeking over at her bags, eyes narrowing as one of the names stuck out to him. 
“Damn, you got a date or something?” He jokingly asked, trying to peek into the lingerie store bag.  Now or never 
“Yeah,” She said, “I actually wanted to talk to you about that. I need you to take the boys tonight.” 
“Wait.” Josh chuckled, sitting up and grabbing the remote, turning the t.v off. “What the fuck is you telling me right now?” He asked, feeling his stomach tighten and his heart start to pound faster. A date? Nah, he must’ve heard her wrong. 
“You’re not seriously mad right now are you?” She asked and he scoffed 
“What the fuck - of course i’m mad Kiyana. I’m your husband -” 
“Ex-husband!” She cut him off. “You’re my ex-husband who decided that he no longer wanted to be faithful. ” 
Suddenly, Josh couldn’t breathe. He drowned out whatever else Kiyana was saying and just stared at her pretty face. This can not be happening right now. The thought of Kiyana being with someone else made him sick to his stomach. “I’m gonna go.” He said, not looking at her as he put his shoes on and started walking towards the door. 
“What about the boys? Can you take them tonight?” Josh scoffed and shook his head. 
“Nah, not tonight.” 
“Josh!” She called out, leaping up from the couch and following him out of the house. “You being deadass?” 
“You think imma sit in the fucking house, filled with memories of us while you out on a date? You got me fucked up.” Kiyana threw her hands up and let out a long sigh. 
“So don’t stay here. Go to your place.”   Oh this bitch, Josh thought, knowing better than to call her that out loud. 
“Bye Kiyana.” Her jaw dropped open as she turned his back to her and stomped towards his car. 
“Fuck you Josh!” She yelled at him, not caring about the neighbors, flipping  him off as he got in his car and drove away. 
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Joe let out a sigh as he pulled up to his destination. Making sure he had his phone and wallet he exited his car and walked up to the front door, knocking three times. 
“Oh shit, big Uce! Whatchu’ doing here?” Jon said as he dapped up his older cousin. 
Joe smiled. “Just decided to take a drive and clear my head.” Joe lied and Jon furrowed his eyebrows. 
“From Miami?” He asked, moving to the side and letting Joe into his home. 
“Nah, I've been in town for a couple days.” He lied again. “Wanted to see my folks.”  Joe stated as he sat on the couch with Jon. “Decided to come and see what my favorite cousin has been up to.” 
“Now I know ya’ ass is lying.” Jon laughed. “Whatchu’ really doing here Uce?"
“Alright, Alright.” Joe muttered, wiping his hands on his gray sweatpants. “I know Josh is your brother and all but fuck, i’m here to see Kiyana.” Trinity, who just entered the living room, shared a look with her husband. “No. Don’t look at eachother like that. I just want to make sure she’s good. She hasn’t been answering my text or phone calls.” 
“I mean, can you blame her?” Trinity spoke up. “I’m pretty sure she is only still in contact with Josh because of their kids. Look,” Trinity sighed, sitting down next to Joe. “Josh is already making it hard for her, she doesn’t need you popping up and making it worse.” 
“How can I make it worse by checking up on my friend Trinity?”
“Y’all are not friends anymore Joe. The second y’all had sex, y’all stopped being friends.”  Joe opened his mouth to argue, but the sound of the front door opening and slamming caught their attention. 
“A fuckin' date! Divorced for 2 weeks and she has a fucking date!” Josh ranted as he stomped into the living room, stopping short at the sight of Joe sitting on the couch. Josh immediately jumped to conclusions, Kiyana had a date and Joe just so happened to be in Pensacola. “Imma kill you.” Josh muttered before lunging towards Joe. 
Luckily, Jon was quick and grabbed Josh before he could land a punch.  “Of fuck off!” Joe snorted standing up. “It was six months ago and y’all are divorced now. Get over it.” 
“Get over it?! You’re going on a date with my wife and you’re telling me to get over it!”
Oh my god.” Trinity muttered, rolling her eyes. “She’s not going on a date with Joe dummy. And even if she was, she’s a single woman now. You want her to be single the rest of her life? It’s stupid as hell. She’s allowed to move on Josh.” Josh sucked his teeth and pushed Jon off of him. 
“Whatever.” He muttered, throwing a glare at Joe  before stomping his way back out of the house, slamming the door behind him. 
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Kiyana stared at herself in her bedroom mirror. “You can do this.” She whispered as she took a deep breath, smoothing down her dress. She was beyond nervous for her date with Eli. This was her first date with another guy in twenty-three years. Her stomach was already in knots. 
 Walking into the living room, she rolled her eyes as Samara catcalled at her. After Josh’s little tantrum earlier, Kiyana called her best friend who was more than happy to spend the evening with her nephews. 
“Good, it looks easy to take off.” Kiyana rolled her eyes again with a chuckle. 
“I’m not having sex with him.” 
“Booo!” Samara threw a couch pillow at Kiyana. “Why the hell not? Just get it over with.” 
“Because it’s our first date Samara.” Kiyana laughed as she walked over to the bar cart to pour herself a shot of Hennessy. “I don’t want him to think I'm easy.” 
Before Samara could respond there was a knock on her front door, causing the both of them to look at each other in confusion. 
“I thought you said eight.” Samara said, looking at the clock on her phone. 
“He’s early,” Kiyana responded, before walking over to the font door and opening it, her heart rate picking up when she saw who was standing on the other side. 
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“Joe?” Kiyana whispered, shocked that he was standing in front of her. 
“JOE?!” She heard Samara yell out. 
“What are you doing here?” 
Joe shrugged and placed his hands in the pockets of his gray sweats, “I came to see if you were alright. You haven’t been responding to my texts.” 
“I’ve been busy.” Was all Kiyana said and Joe narrowed his eyes at her. 
“Kiyana -”  He was cut off by the sound of someone’s car tires screeching to a stop in front of her house. 
“You can’t go on the date.” Joe called out as he exited his car and made his way up to the house, standing right next to Joe. Kiyana looked between the two men with wide eyes. 
“Excuse me?” She asked and by now Samara had made her way to the foyer and was watching the mess unfold. 
“Uh, Is everything okay Kiyana?”  Oh what the fuck Kiyana thought as Joe and Josh turned to look at Eli who was walking up to them holding a bouquet of red roses. 
“Who the fuck are you?” Joe and Josh asked at the same time. 
“Elijah, who the fuck are y’all?”  Kiyana turned to glare at Samara when she started laughing. 
“I can’t do this.” Kiyana muttered, as she started to rub her temples.  This could not be happening to her right now. What were the odds of all three of them showing up at the same time tonight?!
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LMAO. I would probably just turn around and go back in the house if I was Kiyana 😭
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honeycrispappletree · 3 months
ivy // hajime iwaizumi ♫⋆。♪ ₊˚♬ ゚.
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part 2: wiseman
by: frank ocean
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“Can I get a whiskey sour?”
       After the set, her band mates all scattered around the venue. She sighed as she leaned against the bar, waiting for her drink. She turns to look over at Iwaizumi, who is shooting pool with that same laser focus he has when he plays volleyball. Biting the inside of her cheek, she thinks back to the conversation they had earlier, unaware that he cared that much. A guilty pang shot inside her chest. Why did she feel so bad? She turns back and downs her drink faster than usual. She shuts her eyes and grimaces at the sour taste.
“Hey, you’re yn ln right?”
Her eyes shoot open in embarrassment as she sees the person that has suddenly appeared next to her.
“ Jesus christ”, she mutters as she turns to face him, “Sorry, yeah that’s me...who are you?”
He chuckles lightly at her bluntness , “ Didn’t mean to surprise you. I’m Osamu Miya, it’s really great to meet you. Cool set by the way.”
“Thanks, Likewise”, she gives him a cautious smile. This isn't the first guy that's come up to her with seemingly good intentions.
“I do have a motive for coming to talk to you,” he begins. “ I work for a record label downtown, Twin Style Records.”
Everything that was whirling around in her head freezes. “A label?” She questions, like she didn’t hear him the first time.
“Yeah, it’s me and my brother. We are on the upstart still, but we’ve been looking for local talent. We saw a video of one of your guys shows and we’ve been really wanting to get in touch with you.”
Her face is plastered with a genuine smile now, “Are you deadass? Fuck, I mean serious.” She mentally curses herself. “Sorry, I’m horrible.”
“Don’t worry about it,” He laughs, with a certain glint in his eyes she can’t seem to place. “ Here’s my business card, call me whenever. We can talk more about it”. He hands her a small card with his label information, along with  his own.
“Seriously, thank you so much.” She tells him, still looking down at the card. She runs her fingers over the lettering.
“Anytime, I’ll see you around, yn”, he gives her a 'see you later' look and disappears into the crowd.
She watches him leave, and she ignores the fact that her heart almost flutters. 
From across the room, Iwaizumi tightens his grip on his pool stick and shoots the ball just a tad harder than before.
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yn AND kuroo have a teensy little smoking problem
iwaizumi refuses to live in a world where yn doesn't get her dream of being a successful artist
osamu thinks twin style is the corniest name ever but atsumu printed 700 hundred business cards before he could object
lev is so nervous around kageyama he thinks he is really cool and scary, kageyama likes hanging out with lev because it boosts his ego
a/n: ok we r getting somwhereeeeeeeee! canva is actually my best friend. I got so lazy w the business card AND I meant to put twin style in the text not miya
also what is grammar genuinely
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Hangman x female reader
Hangman falling in love with wolfmans daughter,she was so overly sweet and gentle,she couldn’t ever stay mad at someone and he didn’t understand why but she was the one girl who truly made him feel weak to his knees.They we’re best friends and she never once judged him for how he held himself around others,through the arogence and the cockyness somehow she saw straight through it all an when he was having a really hard night and nobody seemed to know because he was great at hiding that,she ended up just sitting in his lap after he finished playing pool and running her hand through the back of his hair not saying anything at all,it was her just trying to relax him though jake found himself making getting excited about something else.
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southern belle
pairing: jake “hangman” seresin x fem!reader
warnings: none
wc: 1.5k
a/n: i hate to be THAT person but sorry this took so long, i had this uncompleted in my drafts and i scheduled to post it last week but a hurricane deadass annihilated my state but anyways i decided to make jake and the reader in an already established relationship i hope that’s okay!
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“I’ve been hearing some talk about you around base, Bagman,” Natasha said while finishing her turn in pool.
“Well, what can I say? Pilots are big talkers,” he responded, bending over the table to take his shot.
“Saying you’ve got someone back home,”
Jake looked up at her, “Yeah, you didn’t know that?”
“So it’s true?”
“Are you fucking with me, because it’s not funny.”
Bob, Javy, Bradley, and Mav walk up to the area where they normally hang out in the back of the Hard Deck.
“What’s Jake doing this time,” Bradley asks, handing a beer to Natasha.
She takes a sip of her beer and looks around at everyone, “Is Jake actually married or is he fucking with me?”
“He’s married,” almost everyone says in unison.
“Bagman? Like Jake Seresin? Is married?”
Maverick laughs, “Yep, his high school sweetheart if I’m correct,”
“Yes sir,”
“How do you know that? How did everyone know he’s married?”
“He’s married to my Goddaughter,” Natasha’s mouth dropped open and it was like her jaw was going to hit the floor.
“And one of my childhood friends,” Bradley added.
“Yeah. None of us have met her but Jake’s said things here and there about her,” Javy says, taking a seat and pointing in between himself and the rest of the squad, excluding Jake, Bradley, and Maverick.
“This is unbelievable. How is Jake Seresin married and I’m not?”
This weekend was one that wasn’t too busy for the aviators, so you decided to come up to go house hunting with Jake. You wanted to be with him, but you also wanted him to stay at his base in San Diego. So you compromised and decided to move out to California.
Of course you were going to miss your little place in Texas, but it was worth moving if it meant you would be with Jake again. You had been apart for almost 3 weeks while he worked and you got the moving details sorted out.
You flew in around 7 and texted Jake that you were there. He told you to come down to a little bar called the Hard Deck. You heard your stomach rumble, yeah, you could eat.
You managed to get a rental car and drive yourself out there. When you arrived, you couldn’t help but to feel nervous. You hadn’t met any of his fellow pilots or friends in California, well except for Maverick and Penny.
You grabbed your phone and hopped out of the car. Walking in, you spotted Jake across the bar, and you felt like you had butterflies in your stomach. Even after 6 years, he could still make you feel like a high school girl with a crush.
You divert your attention away to behind the bar where you spot Penny. You walk over to her and lean against the bar. She’s pouring a beer, “I’ll be right with you,” she slides the beer down the bar and turns to you.
She gasps and smiles widely, exclaiming your name. “What are you doing here?” She tells someone to cover for her and walks out from behind the bar. She engulfs you in a big hug.
“I’m up here for a while to look for houses with Jake. I mean he’s got a place but we just figured we would rather have a bigger place with a yard, you know, just in case,” you winked.
“I see,” Penny smiled back. She worked her way back behind the bar, “Well what can I get for you tonight?”
“Get me one of whatever Jake is having,”
“I’m on it,” she winked and smiled while going to pour your drink. You kept yourself leaning against the bar.
Jake spotted you from across the bar and got butterflies. Even after 6 years, you could still make him as flustered as the day you met. He set down his cue stick and walked over to Natasha, “Hey, Trace, how much do you bet that I can get that girl’s number,” he pointed over to you.
She looked at him confused, “I thought you were married?” I mean, he had to have a little fun tonight. Jake pretended to slick back his hair and made his way over to you. Natasha watched with a shocked face, but Maverick knew exactly what was happening, this wasn’t the first time he had pulled a stunt like this.
He finally got to where you were standing and leaned against the bar next to you, “Hey, Darlin’, what are you drinking tonight?”
You turned and smiled at him, “You know, I’m havin’ whatever my husband is havin’,”
“Shame you’re married, we could’ve made a good match,” he pretended to pout. You giggled and wrapped your arms around his neck and he leant down and kissed you softly.
Across the bar, Natasha dropped her pool cue in disbelief. She watched Penny come back with a beer and talk to Jake and the mysterious woman. The woman grabbed her beer and Jake grabbed her hand, leading her back to the group. Natasha’s mouth was still wide open.
The pair came over, laughing. “This is my wife,” he introduced you to the Dagger Squad. Natasha shut her mouth, which was now dry and she watched your interactions with the rest of the team. You walked over to Maverick first and he engulfed you in a fatherly-like embrace. “It’s good to see you kid,”
“You too, Uncle Mav.” Okay so Maverick wasn’t lying about you being his Goddaughter. This was unbelievable for Natasha Trace. How in the world is Jake “Hangman” Seresin, married to a sweet thing like you?
You made your way around the area, introducing yourself to all of Jake’s friends.
“Bradshaw,” you smile.
“Wolfe,” you squint your eyes at him, “Not anymore, Bradshaw, I’m a Seresin now, I have been for a while too,”
“Really? You’d rather take on this dip’s name, rather than keep the cool one?”
“Alright, Bradshaw, that’s enough slander on my humble family name,” Jake cut in. Natasha watched the interaction between the three of you, well I guess Bradley wasn’t lying about you being childhood friends.
Maybe she’s in some sort of nightmare, this can’t be real. You walked over to Natasha last, “Hi,” you tried to introduce yourself to her, but Jake interrupted you, “This is the Mrs.,” he said proudly.
You rolled your eyes at him and introduced yourself to her in the way you wanted, “You must be Natasha, I’ve heard so much about you from Mav. He says you’re an amazing pilot,” you smiled at her and she smiled back, in a forced kind of way. She wanted to reach out and touch your face to make sure you were real.
“So you’re married to Jake?”
“Yes, ma’am,”
“Like, you?”
You giggled, “I am,”
“Natasha, seriously–”
“Jake, this is your wife? But she’s so sweet and you’re so… not,”
You gasped, “My Jake? He could never even hurt a fly, his momma raised him better than that. He’s the sweetest man I know!” You knew he wasn’t, but you had to have a little fun. You’ve been with Jake for 6 years, of course you knew he had a temper, teasing tendencies, and a bit of an attitude, but you’d never admit it out loud.
“See, thank you, sweetheart. At least someone has my side,”
“Of course, baby,”
You spent the rest of the night trading stories and sipping beer. The bar began to empty and soon enough it was only your group in there.
Jake was sitting across from you, watching you tell stories of when you two were in high school. He didn’t know how you did it, but just the looks you gave him made him weak in the knees. He began to get more tipsy and more emotionally overwhelmed.
He came over to you and sat down, he laid his head on your shoulder and you didn’t even think twice. You ran your hand through his hair as he lay down, you didn’t even blink when he came over, you just continued to tell your story.
When you were finished talking, he pulled himself up to your ear and whispered to you, asking to go home. You nodded and waited for Bob to finish his story.
When the end of the story came, you stood up and grabbed Jake’s hand, “I think it’s time for us to head out. It was wonderful to meet you all tonight, we should do this again soon.” You all said your goodbyes and you dragged Jake out to the rental car.
“Baby, my truck,” he pouted.
“We can come back for it tomorrow, honey, right now let’s get you home,”
He nodded and followed you to the car, you helped him in and you got into the driver’s seat, you having had much less to drink than Jake. You pulled out of the parking lot of the Hard Deck and began to make your way home to the apartment.
A perfect ending to a perfect night.
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not-goldy · 2 months
No because when you see how important GCF-T is for Jungkook, how he constantly brings it up including his White day live, look into the lyrics of the song
'But I can't do this alone Sometimes I just need a light If I call you on the phone Need you on the other side'
'Boy, I'm holdin' onto something Won't let go of you for nothing I'm runnin', runnin' just to keep my hands on you',
'I'll be there for you But you gotta be there for me too'
his cover of Only Then
If you start to like someone else If I get used to not being with you When that time comes, when it’s that time Whether you want it or not, I’m going to hold onto you When I get too tired that I can’t even walk When that time comes, when it’s that time Only then we can break up
Like, I understand why Jungkook was kinda salty. That's a man who was literally begging for Jimin to come to him, commenting on his post saying he misses him, doing marathons of Jimin-related content, that's a man who was spoiled by Jimin, by his love and attention. Add to that looming military service and a possibility of not seeing each other for 1.5 years (JK literally got upset when Jimin brought this theme on AYS?). Bro, I get him, I would be sulky, petty and salty, too. I'd want to spend every day, minute and second with my man, too, especially when the said man is Jimin. People need the get tf off Jk's dick.
It's not even that darling
I feel people just like to be miserable like that show is fantastic brilliant fun I was just smiling through out watching them just go and be themselves with eachother and I'm not commenting on anything at the moment because I'm waiting for all the behind scenes and interviews to peice things together to confirm my hunch about them
But one thing we learning, Jimin is not always running to save Jungkook nor is Kook always babying him. Matter fact, when asked who babies Jimin the most members thought that was Tae not Jungkook and there a reason some of us gravitated towards Vmin in the 1st place.
And its interesting watching and wondering what goes through their minds in such moments like is it the adrenaline rush the high the unjudgmental environment cos what makes Jungkook look at Jimin and go I miss him and insist on being with him all the time while Jimin literally be running away from that man sometimes.
Is he overly stimulated by Kook is that why he runs because yo me I'm looking at them as a whole picture not that they exist in these fragmented moments
And I used to say on my main how their dynamic was mostly JK being the one chasing an elusive Jimin and not the other way round.
I'm yet to dissect their conversation about not hearing from eachother blah blah blah but my assumption is if this whole trip was Jimin's way of reconnecting and giving Jungkook that us time he was pouting about that would make so much sense. But also I'm interested in the why they weren't hearing from each other or texting cos I've been said when you see Tae Kook spending a lot of time together it's almost always the case JK and JM on some bs shenanigan.
But I was hoping that wasn't the case this time and Jungkook was genuinely making efforts to connect with Tae- which I deadass feel is the case in this situation. Cos like Jungkook come on, you can't always be this predictable 🙄
Now I'm just starting to wonder, if in going solo acting solo and independent was getting out of hand for both of them. Because for me, I don't see anything wrong with Jimin focusing on his career, getting his own apartment living independently from Jungkook.
If they both want to eat their cake and have it that is what they both ought to do. If they both gonna go into MS together and sell that they are just friends 🙄
And I trust Jimin to handle this level of detachment well. With grace and commitment to the plan.
If Jungkook is being pouty about that- sir don't do that😩
I really hope that's not the case here and this was Jungkook going hey let's not create the impression we been doing the gay all this while cos we can't stand to be kicked out of the buddy program 🤡
Jikook has been so careful post their solos and I feel everything they've said and done post solo was so they don't end up screwing serving together.
Like Jimin mentioned, even while they are there they still gotta be careful with what they say and do. People don't understand how serious this whole MS business is for them.
We like to act like shit can't go wrong for them- they still stand to go to jail if they are ever caught.
Or may be I'm just being paranoid on their behalf. I won't lie, unless you've been persecuted for your sexuality you won't understand how serious this whole thing is.
So two things have been confirmed for me, for us:
One, that this while Jikook in MS is serious business and we were not delusional for assuming their were or have been exercising caution with everything going they do.
They don't have the luxury that someone like Tae has to be fueling gay rumors about them.
In fact if it will save them, I will personally lead the Jikook straight campaign cos sometimes being straight keeps you alive.
Two, and and I mean it is clear and there was never a doubt that this whole journey was them wanting to connect- we perhaps just didn't know why.
For me I assumed they wanted that because they were going into Military might be separated for a while but then it turns out they were actually gonna go together anyways so it didn't make sense to me that they didn't spend that time with other people such as family and friends and even the members instead.
Rather they chose to do a show just the two of them.
Now everything is making sense you know??
And Tae saying it's Jeju he couldn't let them do that without him- it wasn't even about spending quality time with his "friends" right before enlisting its more so hey that's somewhere I wanna go.
To me the dots are still not connecting
Cos Jimin, he's like we going away and we doing this for our fans- great idea except if it's for the ones we would have appreciated an 0T7 travel show or at least a majority of OT7 show right before MS. Starting with Jin who went 1st.
This is them. This show is about Jikook. It's not about anyone else but Jikook it's not about BTS vminkook tryminkook no body else but THE TWO OF THEM.
When Tae arrived they called him a guest. I know that's right. It's the Jikook show period purr purr.
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mcrcki · 4 days
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back at it again with a massive combination plotting / starter call !!! very excited to throw characters into this fantasy medieval nightmare time we created. i just love this vibe so much and i can't wait to see how everyone interprets things and makes their own spin on things -- anyways before i keep rambling , quick housekeeping for my call + threads ; please like for plotting, and reply for starters. each character will be capped at FOUR THREADS, and THREE PER WRITER. i may adjust this depending on out of fandom requests and plotted starters. if you do not plot with me and just request, i'll dm you just for quick ideas. you gotta specify who you want starters from or i'm deadass ignoring you xoxo. ** please know that i am taking this opportunity to clear out a ton of threads throughout the week. so i'll be dropping things as time goes on and then when the event starts, i'll be dropping anything left over and starting fresh for post event! (lowkey going on my honeymoon right when this ends so i wont be around for post event stuff until after anyways, hence the big cleanout) but because i ramble, we're gonna stfu now and finally get to character plots !!
alani desilijic tiure | star wars - 0 / 4
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she/they pronouns - alani believes dc has always been in this time period since she arrived here, and they work for their father still as a mercenary and helping to slowly infiltrate into higher society. higher risk, higher reward! ➳ potential plots ; clients, nobles she tricks, people she can employ
charlie morningstar | hazbin hotel - 3 / 4
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she/her pronouns - charlie also believes dc has always been like this since she got into the city from hell, and has fallen in line as whatever role the city deemed her to fill, which was a visiting princess from a neighboring kingdom. she's brought her court with her, as she's traveled here with her father. ➳ potential plots ; members of her court, friends within the castle, people she can help, someone to take her out into the world
starters : angel dust ( sunny ) , sir pentious ( britt ) , vaggie ( risa )
daniela dimitrescu | resident evil : village - 2 / 4
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they/she pronouns - a harlot, deadass. she knows dc hasn't always been like this, and they think it's weird as hell, but they aren't going to question it too much. they're kinda having fun being a harlot and luring manthings to their death because ya know, a girl's gotta eat. ➳ potential plots ; people she can lure to eat, people they can menace, if you wanna be a harlot they can help ig
starters : evelyn serpeni ( anna ) , heidi volturi ( swan )
danika fendyr | crescent city - 3 / 4
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she/they pronouns - knows dc is different, girl had a fucking gun like three hours ago and was on the phone texting bryce stupid ass memes, and now?? what?? the plague is an actual real problem and not just a joke they can say when they're too hung over? has found some work taking up bounties/monster hunting to keep supernaturals in line while they sort this out ➳ potential plots ; other people who know this isn't right, supernaturals she can track down, people with bounties, a drinking buddy
starters : jennifer check ( anna ) , zhao yunlan ( ollie ), baxian argos ( kasey )
elain archeron-vanserra | a court of thorns and roses - 1 / 4
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she/her pronouns - elain is aware that something changed washington, but honestly, she's not really complaining. this is at least slightly closer to her normal life than modern dc was and she's alright with that. she's the sister of a noble lady, so she has just fallen into that world alongside her family. happy to still be doing her gardening and baking her spare time, but is definitely trying to help in some political capacity where she can. ➳ potential plots ; other nobles, friends within the court, anyone who knows anything about being a seer (pls girl is struggling with that)
starters ; satine kryze ( alex ),
juliette monrose benoit | the vampire diaries - 0 / 4
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she/her pronouns - juliette has no idea washington has ever been different, when she arrived here nearly a year ago, it's always been this time period.. hasn't it? she's an innkeeper, and is just happy to offer a helping hand if anyone needs it. ➳ potential plots ; patrons of the inn, maybe a tax collector she owes money to, someone to help her with her son during the day
kaya dura | star wars - 1 / 4
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they/she pronouns - a knight. did we expect any fucking less? girl got dropped here from space and immediately traded lightsabers for swords. they have no idea that dc has been modern before, and is just assuming this is how it's always been. they're happy though, they have no problem just falling in line with the castle guards and protecting people ➳ potential plots ; other members of the guard, a noble they're assigned to protect, some protestor/criminal they can arrest, people they have arrested
starters : kaul hilo ( ollie )
leia organa | star wars - 2 / 4
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she/her pronouns - queen organa at your service. keeping life simple and having the presidency just shift to the royal family. leia does not things are different, she very much remembers modern dc, and would like to know how the magic there was able to accomplish this. but she grew up as royalty, this isn't a hard position for her to fill. if anything, it feels more natural than president. ➳ potential plots ; members of the court, other advisors, anyone else who knows something is wrong, citizens she can help, a failed assassination attempt (i don't want her dying i just like drama)
starters ; sheev/ahsoka ( kasey ) , xenia solo ( dee )
marley bishop | the vampire diaries - 2 / 4
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she/they pronouns - local bog witch coming at you. marley is very much aware that things are not right, and thinks it's total bullshit. she just got used to modern dc and cellphones and now you're throwing her into fucking medieval times? she is taunting people to try and burn her at the stake because it's funny and this has to be some fucked up trip, right? ➳ potential plots ; others who think this is a fucked up trip or something, someone they actually convince they're some evil witch, someone who tries to get them to help them with magic, general menaces to society
starters ; dani bishop ( risa ) , mason bishop ( moon )
morrigan | a court of thorns and roses - 0 / 4
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she/her pronouns - mor is completely unaware, both of her life back home in prythian, and of modern dc. she believes she's always lived here, a visiting lady of another nobles court, living within the castles court for years, rising in status with her ability to determine who is telling the truth and who is lying about their rumors and other gossip surrounding the court. ➳ potential plots ; people she's exposed, friends within the court, friends outside of royalty, someone to help her get her memories of home back, someone who hires her to spy for information
omega | star wars : the bad batch - 3 / 4
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she/they pronouns - omega is also completely unaware of their life before dc, and they believe they've always been in this version of washington. they were an orphan here, until they were taken in by feyre, and has lived as a noble since. though, they still cling to some of those past tendencies, sneaking out and committing petty thievery, while occasionally taking on bounties under a different name ➳ potential plots ; their personal guard they escape from, someone who catches them stealing, bounties they've collected, friends within noble society that know about their other "hobbies"
starters : toph beifong ( sunny ), jorah mormont ( alex ) , mouse honrada ( moon )
rosemary winters | resident evil : village - 1 / 4
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she/they pronouns - another one !! completely unaware !! rose still doesn't have their actual real life memories, and they also believe dc has always been like this. they're currently studying as an apprentice to an alchemist. has debated becoming a plague doctor but they don't think the outfits look comfortable enough ➳ potential plots ; the alchemist they're the apprentice of, someone to help them get their memories back, maybe other apprentices, friends
starters ; francis barton ( maria )
sella palpatine | star wars - 1 / 4
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she/her pronouns - sella has no idea dc was ever different, and has lived in this world since waking up here. it was a strange adjustment at first, but honestly, she likes it enough to not complain. her father is a grand duke, and she follows whatever life he's lined up for her. while also still spending all the time she can be with a certain princess. ➳ potential plots ; friends in the court, her guard, artist friends they can paint with
starters ; serena van der woodsen ( dee )
sophie hatter | howl's moving castle - 2 / 4
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she/they pronouns - sophie is aware that something is wrong, and dc has not always been like this, but doesn't know enough about portals and everything to figure out how.. still owns their flower/hat stand, and is happy to keep that for herself and their friends, while also bringing home whatever gossip people are spreading about their husbands castle in the woods. ➳ potential plots ; patrons of their stand/people to buy their hats, people who ask about the hidden castle in the woods, those who claim she's a witch, someone to help with morgan during the day, other employees of the stand
starters ; jesper fahey ( june ) , buttercup utonium ( maria )
sulpicia volturi | twilight - 2 / 4
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she/her pronouns - add this to the list of things sulpicia does not like about this city. one moment it was modern, and the next? we're back in time to when she was a damn human? she's on edge, doing her best to hide in plain sight as a noble lady within the court here. ➳ potential plots ; someone who knows their vampire secret (good or bad), friends, the nobles she's in the court of, people they can drink from, perhaps an arranged marriage (she won't follow through with it she's already married but it might be funny)
starters ; phoenix volturi ( atlas ) , lucy westenra ( maria )
tatum riley | scream '96 - 4 / 4
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she/her pronouns - tatum has no idea dc has been any different from this since waking up in the city, and she's doing her best to just make it through each day without making some comment about her home timeline that will label her as a witch. she's a tavern wench and like.. it's fine, she's fine, she just wishes corsets weren't so uncomfortable. ➳ potential plots ; patrons of the tavern, someone who over hears her talking about home and claims she's a witch, open to an arranged marriage situation
starters ; sanji ( alex ), lott jinrhu ( june ) , billy loomis ( britt ) , kol mikaelson ( moon )
vesta starkos | star wars - 0 / 4
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she/they pronouns - vesta thinks dc has always been this way since she arrived, and is kinda loving it. it's so much easier to get people to be afraid of her little freak vibes in this time. she's mainly a thief, but also very much trying to convince people she's a witch just cause she thinks it'd be funny to try and get burned at the stake and then be able to escape :)) ➳ potential plots ; alright who's joining their cult? , people who are intrigued or put off from their awful vibes, someone who catches them stealing
victoria sutherland | twilight - 0 / 4
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she/her pronouns - victoria showing up in dc, seeing the time period is exactly the same as when she was turned : i'm back in the fucking building!!! yeah, even though she's unaware, she also has no idea dc has been any different and man does she hate it. right now she's basically hiding in the woods, but if she can't find food from animals, she is debating just.. being a harlot to lure a meal to her ➳ potential plots ; whoever's getting her her memories back, someone she can drink from, a monster hunter who finds her in the woods
violet sorrengail | fourth wing - 1 / 4
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she/her pronouns - violet is currently fully unaware, but once she wakes up here in this timeline of dc, her memories are going to smack right back into her. you can't exactly be a dragon rider and see a dragon and not immediately get vibe checked. she'll know dc is different, and is going to be spending her time trying to find her friends, and also attempt to teach people about dragons before they become ash.. will probably fall back into a scribe roll if she ever finds time for a job. ➳ potential plots ; someone she stops from getting fucking eaten by a dragon, other scribes, people who need help learning how to fight, just anyone confused and needing advice on creatures/procedures here in this time.
starters ; xaden riorson ( kasey )
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carmello-matcha · 1 year
Technically headcanons but are just expanded on canonical facts about the MC
Spoiler-ish but it should be irrelevant enough since I'm only focusing on the MC themself who at the moment is the equivant to a camera in terms of plot relevancy (I am so sorry but you really can replace them with a lamp n it'd make no difference and most of them are more from the side quests anyway)
Can be quite charismatic.
Frankly speaking its Hagrid but considering that they were a first year at that time to fully convince him to accompany them and Daniel to go to the forbidden forest under the guise of supervision/safety The text when you invite Daniel to dance. just that. in general.
Is a bit mischievious
In the MP regen potion quest where the mc has the option to suggest adding bertie botts flavor beans into the potion
Knows a thing or two about fashion.
the male mc deadass goes to diagon alley in an outfit called "tailored overcoat" if that doesn't scream fasionable idk what is A more story based reference would be heading to Madaam Malkins with Cassandra since the MC gifts her a pair of gloves as thanks and she comments that they're not hopeless at all which is high praise in her words
Is a skilled duelist
A regular dueling club member and can hold their ground against a dark wizard long enough to overwhelm them to retreat (Ashwinder quest) and beat a 7th year (seriously Elliot its one thing to make yourself look strong against a horde of acromantula in front of a group of third years but you got your ass handed by one of said 3rd year)
For some reason knows how to sneak out of Hogwarts without anyone noticing???
Its more of an overlooked trivial footnote but I find it more funny if the MC can sneak out of the scotland countryside all the way to central london undetected and back in their first year (Erumpent Sidequest) but still needs a parent's permission and be a third year to go a village within walking distance from hogwarts
Has some insecurities due to them being a muggleborn
Feeling like they're a bit behind compared to their friends (Hermione Sidequest) Which is a bold faced lie considering they're constantly saving their friends asses from their shenanigans ahem daniel during the entire second year plot line ahem
Other than the owl Hagrid gifts them, they also have a pet niffler
according to the niffler side quest they're the one taking care of it which goes to my next headcanon
Is excellent with magical creatures or just creatures in general
Manages to convince said niffler to return their friends stolen objects, befriending a hippogriff, and make a firecrab listen to them Even Slughorn himself comments on their skill that he'd go to them if Hagrid wasn't available
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emmyrosee · 2 years
HI HI HI I came up with this one when I was in a superrrrr giggly mood and I’ve been saving it up in my little notes thing so I hope you enjoy Suna 2 hehe <3 (and it’s fitting bc I’m in a mood similar to that again now 😭)
Suna sending you pictures from his camera roll/more texts/making you laugh in general in situations you shouldn’t be laughing (like a lecture or something). words, inside jokes, memes that he just KNOWS are going to fuel the fire. He will watch you struggle to hold in a laugh with tears in your eyes when someone calls you out with the fondest look on his face (which he’ll try to hide ofc cause he doesn’t want anyone to know he’s part of the issue, the little shit)??? He’ll push it to the point where you can’t even look at him for the rest of whatever it is you’re doing without immediately having to look away in order to not make a scene. God forbid you guys are sitting NEXT to each other, he’s going to make your life a living hell. He’s less likely to do it when you two are sitting together, actually, cause he has less self control and will probably end up wheezing too. At least from across the room he can hide his amusement and the most emotion that comes through is his stupid little smirk. (it doesn’t have to be this setting, this man will literally make sure to do it in the WORST possible situations for you bc he’s nothing if not a menace who wants to see his baby loosen up a bit bc of him)
But honestly he just loves to make you laugh and seeing you lose control like that just makes him so soft. Later, when you’re annoyed with him for making you suffer like that (even if you both know it was incredibly funny) he will gladly cuddle you as an apology. And if you’re willing, he’ll show you a couple other things he had in his arsenal to hear your laughter clearly this time (in whatever form you see fit!!)
anon <3
But honestly like. He is the absolute worst.
Because okay. Like, rintaro knows when it’s not time to fuck around because it’s serious (which is like. 0.003% of the time you’re together, other times you’ll just swat the shit out of him-) but he considers any other time free game, because he can see the way your shoulders tense, or the way you gnaw at your lip, or dig at your cuticles, and he hates to see you like that.
So. Like any other menace, he sends the worst kinds of things at the worst kind of times.
One time, you were out with some friends who were just kind of like, not engaging with you, so when you texted Rin to tell him you were bored, he immediately sends this tiktok, and it has you choking on your drink.
A few weeks ago, his family was having a little get together, and despite having been together for years, you still sometimes get a little shaky around his family, so, naturally, as you’re talking to his aunts and mother, he sends you this meme, and it makes you snort aloud.
It has his poor aunts chuckling awkwardly, and you scowl because you know damn well in the hammock seat three yards away, some dickhead with a middle part is snickering victoriously.
Even yesterday, when you were getting ready to leave, you slipped and fell on your ass, and a few hours later, you got this tiktok sent to you, and it had you tearing up to hide your laughter at work.
And it’s like. Healthy, because once you start firing back at him, the two of you going out just becomes an absolute mess of laughter and wheezing and the occasional annoyed look but tf they looking at, they’re just jealous-
This tiktok in particular almost got you kicked out of a restaurant from a few noise complaints, mainly from his snorts.
And even if it’s not always appreciated, it’s always from a good place. And that’s what makes it special; be it something dumb like fart noises, or cat pictures, it’s always something he knows is going to make you lose your mind in the best way he thinks you need it.
Of course it is best to see him nudging for your attention when you pretend to be mad about it.
“I know you laughed,” he whined, tugging at your shirt. “Come onnnnn, we got yelled at together!”
“It was embarrassing,” you grumble.
“You’re already dating me, how much more embarrassing could you think this gets?”
That, to your dismay, gives him another snort, and now that he knows you’re not actually upset, he leans over to nuzzle his head against your cheeks and neck, “you can’t resist me and you know it.”
“I hate you so much,” you scoff, trying to shrink your shoulders to get his face away, “and fuck off with the ears and neck shit!”
“I thought you liked when I whispered in your ear,” he teases, despite knowing you, in fact, have extremely mixed feelings about said action.
And sure, when you shove him off the bed to get away from him and it sparks a whole new round of play fighting, both of you know it’ll end with your head on his chest, his slender fingers gently rubbing up and down your back while his other hand shows you the knew chaos on his for you page.
It’s a cycle at this point.
And you’re fairly sure it’s not one he’s looking to break anytime soon 🥺💖
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uwukillmenowowo · 5 months
𝐅𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐓𝐚𝐦𝐞𝐫 𝐭𝐨 𝐆𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐥 [Tokyo Debunker X F!Reader]
[ 1 | Red Train] 『🩸』
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Key's for the story: Insert - Narrative - And then she stared at her reflection in the mirror [Insert] - Author speaking - [Eyyy there- wazzup readers] "Insert" - Talking - "Hey there!" [But can also be air quotes] 'Insert' - Thinking - 'Dame he's cute...' "Insert" - Whispering - "I- I messed up..." [But can also be an emphasis on a word/phrase, or flashback] (Insert) - Inner mind..? - (Deadass doesn't know how to explain it here) *Insert* - Action - *Sighs with their head down* [INSERT] - Magic - [OFF WITH YOUR HEAD!] or [IGGNAIM!]
𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: [ 0 | The Dark Mirror] 『🪞』
[Book 0] The Academy of Ghouls
[Chapter 1] All Aboard the Red Train
{Your POV}
I stared at myself in the mirror. "I still look 16." I chuckled to myself and pulled out my new phone. "Ah... It's night time." I sighed and then looked around. I was in a rather nice bathroom. Like ones you would see at airports. Since I can use magic now, I put all my bags into a storage space and exited the bathroom. "Hmm? I'm... at a train station." 
I questioned myself as I approached the ticket gate. I downloaded an app, logged into my old account, and held my phone to the gate scanner. The gate opened and I walked closer to the rails. "Huh... I'm... actually not that far from home. Maybe I should pick up some sacks before I go, since I'm already out." I smiled and waited for the train. When the train finally came, I got into car 7 and took a seat right below a window so I can see Tokyo again. 'I missed riding this train.' I smiled as I watched the lit up city continue to shine.
Tokyo nights are loud and bright. The low hum of the train and scatter chatter of other passengers buzzed in my ears. I turned up my headphones and played Piece Of My World. 'I've really gotten attached to this song.' I thought as I leaned back into the train seat. 
All of a sudden my phone buzzed. 'Huh? Who's texting me?'
[Friend's Name]
[Friend Name] OMG! GIRLIE YOU'RE ONLINE! [You] [F/n]? [Friend name] GUUURRRLLLL I MISSED YOU OML! [You] Haha- Sorry, I had a lot of stuff to do. But I'm back on a train and I was just looking at Tokyo Tower. [Friend name] Really? Me too! Are you crossing the Rainbow Bridge right now? [You] I am! how did you know? [Friend name] Because I am too! We might be on the same train! Can I come talk to you face to face? [You] Hmmm- Actually I dunno... [Friend] Why not? It's been so long. That's why I'm here...
I raised a brow. "What's with the last message? They're so weird." I sighed 
"We will soon stop at Kisaragi Station."
I blinked twice in confusion. "Kisaragi...? That's not my stop..." I looked up from my phone and became even more confused. The world had somehow turned the color of burnt steel. "What..?" The train brakes screeched, and the train slowly ground to a halt. Heart thumping in confusion, I glanced around. I was completely alone. "Where... did the other passengers go? What's going on???"
*Bzz* I looked back at my phone after hearing it buzz. Someone was calling me.. but...
[No Caller ID]
I sighed and decided to answer it. But when I did, "We'll be together soon." I sweatdropped and hung up. 'That's weird...' I thought. But then my friend texted me again. She was asking why I hung up but that it didn't matter and how we were gonna be together soon. Followed by her asking what car I was in. Slowly she started counting from three and I got very anxious for some reason.
'What number is this car?' I thought and I looked at the door. 'It's number 7.' Then I heard the sounds of footsteps, followed by the sound of a door opening. Noises got louder and suddenly I heard a voice, "Guess who~?"
I flinched when someone grabbed my shoulder and when I turned around I saw a lady covered in flowers. I just stared at her in confusion but then an big eye bloomed from the flowers and I screamed in shock.
I ended up t over tripping my feet and the lady held her arms up, like she was going to pounce at me. 'W-What is that thing?! It's nothing like the phantoms back in Twisted Wonderland!' the lady approached me and I shivered. 'Get up! Run away! AT LEAST DRAW YOUR WAND!'
I slowly reached towards my wand but before I was able to grab it, someone else spoke, "GYAHAHA! Wait till I get my teeth into you!" I flinched in shock. When I looked behind me I saw someone with red hair, with a white shirt, red suspenders, IS THAT A GUN?! He was standing on a train seat and I just sat there in even more confusion.
'Who is that?' I thought as I tilted my head. The man jumped off the seat, stood right behind me and then smashed his head into the glass window. I yelped in shock and stood up to avoid the broken glass. The man's head was bleeding but what shocked me was that he grabbed the broken glass shards and muttered, "[Malab]. Be good and hold still now." The man then loaded the gun with the broken shards of glass and pointed it at the flower lady.
"You want me to take you out, don't you?" After that, the man started firing his gun, I tried to back away as far as I could but one of the stray glass shots ricocheted and sliced a big wound into my leg. I flinched at the sudden pain and ended up falling again.
"Fuck, I'm out. That's a buzzkill." I raised a brow at the red haired male before I placed a hand to my wand and pointed at my wound. "[Heal]" I whispered as my wound slowly started to heal. But it wasn't healing fast. 'There must be some small shards stuck in the wound...I'm bleeding more than I normally should.' I thought and bit my lip.
"Huh?" Just as the revelation of having glass stuck in my leg wore off, the stranger noticed me. He cocked his head and stared, then strode across the train to stand over me. A cold brutality permeated his piercing yellow gaze... But honestly it wasn't that bad. 'Floyd was much worse...' I thought and stared back at him. "You see that?" He asked me. I just nodded. "The bleeding, flower monster? Why yes. Yes, I do see it."
The man then smirked. "Whatever. I'll just chuck you out there." I blinked twice and pointed to the broken window. "There?" He smiled and nodded before he picked me up and threw me over his shoulder. "OI OI! WHAT?! WAIT!" he then headed for the broken window. He showed no sign of heading me. Reaching the window, he threw his leg up on the seat and peered outside. A strange acrid smell strung my nose. On the other side of the window, an alien landscape robed in red fog stretched out into oblivion.
'If he throws me out there, I'll-'  "Wait! Wait! L-Let me go!" I tried to escape his grasp but his grip was like Jade's. "Quit strugglin'. I can't get a good angle." "Dude! Who ever are you?! Why are you gonna throw me out like this?" I asked in confusion. "Heh. Just your friendly neighborhood ghoul! Man, I have always wanted to say that!" I stopped struggling and stared at him with slight awe but much more confusion. "That was actually a pretty cool line... But What the heck's a Ghoul? You mean those ghost monster things from T.V?"
The man just laughed and smirked. "Gyahaha! Ciao~!" "WAIT! WAIT!" The stranger hefted me up and swung me back, preparing to throw. I grabbed my wand and was about to use Epel's Sleepy Kiss but then another voice spoke up, "Come on, man. Don't do that in front of me."
When I looked to the owner of the voice, I saw a taller man with school uniform quite similar to Pomefiore. The man had brown-ish green hair and from my angle, the man had light amber eyes. "The fuck you want?" The man who was about the throw me asked. "I'm just saying. I'll have to tell the academy, and no one wants that." ACADEMY?! 'T-There's another messed up weird supernatural school..? AND I'M GETTING INVOLVED WITH THEM?!' My mind was a mess as I thought back to Night Raven's College. 
'I DON'T WANNNAAAA! I JUST WANNA GO HOOOMME!' I internally groaned and bit my lip. "Stay outta my way, asshole." The red haired male snarled at the newcomer. "!!!" The red head tossed me onto a seat like discarded luggage. 'Hahaaahhh... I'm still alive...' I sweatdropped and put my wand away. "Chill out, Taiga. I'm not trying to swipe your prey." I hummed in thought, 'He better be talking about the flower monster and not me! But also- Red head is Taiga... got it.'
"This civilian saw you, right? I'll take care of cleanup." The red head, who I now know as Taiga smiled. "Oh, for real? I'll go after that thing then." The guy that would fit into Pomefiore waved at him. "Yep, sure. Maybe try not to destroy anything?" Taiga punched a hole in another window "What did I just say..." The man asked himself as he held a hand to his head. Taiga picked up a handful of shattered glass, leapt through the window frame and went to follow the flower monster.
"All right. Let's get out of here for starters." The man whom I didn't know the name of yet looked at me with a calm smile. The then stretched, then knelt on the floor of the train, back straight. He pulled out a long flute, pressed it to his lips, and blew several notes into the air. 'What a beautiful sound... and it smells like-' before I finished my thought, a stream of bubbles flowed from my mouth. Somehow I was underwater. 'A-A sneak attack?!' I thought as I started to black out. 
'I- I can't breath! Everything's going dark...
I... I just got back home...'
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𝐍𝐞𝐱𝐭 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫: [ 2 | Not Home] 『🏠』
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thecomfywriter · 2 months
🖋️"what inspired you to write your WIPs?" for every WIP you have :)
oh boy okay let's buckle in and try to answer this:
originally, volume 1 and volume 2 of tov was one singular book because i was delusional and forgot formatting made my 657 page book over 1000 pages
anyways, the ogog draft of tov was born (i'm assuming) because of my obsession of my dragons? i genuinely don't know i was 6 years old. the rewrite was because i was bored at a pre-wedding ceremony (i'm indian so there are like... 20 different rituals and this one was slow to start because things were getting delayed) and decided to go wandering in the mountains/hills, which reminded me of the volcano in soilaila, which reminded me this book existed. so i decided to spend the wedding writing the first 3 chapters of tov on my mom's iphone's notes app. i proceeded to get obsessed, and the rest is history.
i've mentioned this in a previous post but a poem i read during my dark academia dasam granth studies (i define dark academia by the person i become when i study the dasam granth lol) is what inspired the personality for lotf's main character, evan. i'll share a fun (and embarrassing) fact tho...
evan's name is based off the one and only crush i had in middle school. i HATEDDDD the fact that i had a crush on this person (i just don't like crushes in general, and it was my first time having a proper crush, so needly to say i was distrESSED) so in order to sort my feelings out, i took the guy's name and gave it to my character. surprisingly, it worked, and now i lowkey can't call the original guy by his real name, because in my head, his name doesn't belong to him anymore LMAOO
but yeah. poem + crush + what if scenario for a post-tov world resulted in the lotf series
my imaginary friends and roleplay games! i used to play these games with my sister where i would "transform" into the superhero character, Neha, and my sister would "transform" into her twin sister, "Serina". And we'd go on these superhero adventures in this abstract world in order to defeat the big bad villain. Imagine "the floor is lava" x "punching the sofa and wrestling the air" x "figure skating on hardwood floors in socks" x "spinning around in dizzying circles" x "rolling down hills" x "climbing walls, roofs, and trees", but on steroids and with a consistent, continuous plot.
the doll games i played with my barbies, monster high dolls, and bratz! it was so detailed and for WHAT.
honestly, it wasn't that serious until my sister got mad at me one day and beheaded my favourite doll. that is the ONLY reason why the TIS series became so dark-sided and transformed into a high fantasy political murder mystery whose plot kickstarts with the assassination of the doll she killed.
yeah. you heard that right.
rather than 5 year old me deciding, oh this doll is gone? let me just move on and play games without her, I decide to make her death A PLOT POINT.
deadass, what was wrong with me?
alrighty. i condensed the explanations a bit. forgive me, friend. if you have follow up questions though, don't hesitate to ask! asks, dms, and discord chat is always open!
here's a link to the writerblr discord, where writers can chat, share their wips, collaborate with other writers to create unique projects, and promote their work!
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moonjxsung · 10 months
omg everyone’s ex story have got me with my jaw DROPPED (!!!)
but lol, if y’all don’t mind i gotta trash talk my ex too bc he makes me laugh lol. SO 👏 my entire life i had mostly been interested in girls (i’m afab) but i had this guy best friend since high school that was crushing on me hardcore the entire time and i knew, but i was just never interested in guys so i just kinda looked the other way lmao. but anyway, i loved him so much and he was the only person i had ever opened up to completely. like every traumatic thing that had ever happened to me? he 100% knew about it.
so anyway, fast forward to college and we start spending a lot more time together and i was frequently stealing his bed at the dorms because my roommate wasn’t a good person and at some point i realized that i might also be having feelings for him too and i was very confused because again, i mostly liked girls and only ever made an effort with girls. but hey whatever, i tried to play it cool but one night we took shrooms together and we ended up having some VERY emotionally invested sex lmao
THEN we started dating after that and i shit you not, we only lasted a MONTH. the thing was that we had a friend in common who lived like three houses away from campus and we often visited her there and she hosted a lot of parties. one day i couldn’t reach him at all, so i contacted his roommate and he said that they were tripping together alone at her house and i was like ??? excuse me??? so i basically flew over there and they were making out on her couch
when i tell you i was LIVID. ohh i was pissed.
i then found out that out of the four weeks we dated, they’d been a thing for three 🙃
this asshole, who had been my best friend since high school, to whom i’d shared e v e r y t h i n g about me to, who’d been chasing me since the beginning and was still chasing me in college started cheating with our friend the moment he pulled me lmfao and made me look SO stupid every time we visited her at her place because ALSO EVERYONE knew except for me 🙃🙃🙃
HUH????? HELLO?????????? DID I READ THIS CORRECTLY 😧😧😧😧 no fr what IS IT with men who are so persistent at chasing after you… AND THEN THEY FUCKING CHEAT ON YOU….. like colossal waste of everyone’s time and makes you feel so fucking stupid 😭 4 weeks is crazy and 3 weeks of those being with a whole other person is crazier 😭😭😭😭 might be a stupid question but do you guys still talk at all?? I feel like I’d have to cut him off for the rest of my life I deadass could not deal with that knowledge 🤕 I tried breaking up with my ex the first time he started playing games and he would not stop texting me in the middle of the night and calling to apologize and begging me to stay and he was so drunk when I answered so I felt bad and took him back and he literally started seeking out other girls like a week later and then cheated on me maybe 3 months after that. Fucking waste of my time scum garbage human fr I was going insane trying to piece together who he was cheating on me with and everyone called me crazy and I was right about every single thing in the end. I needed so much therapy I dyed my hair red my eating disorder got so bad I fr was never the same and I can’t bring myself to date again 😭 I’m so sorry that happened to you anon you deserve so so so much better and I hope you never get your time wasted like that again ☹️🫶 I love you and I’m always here if you need to vent !! 🩷🫶
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Oh shit, Mae? Honestly kinda loving it.
Sometimes murder is okay, especially when the killer is🥰🥰
Idk if Woo is just acting or suddenly a tolerable non-douchebag…. Prolly the former
Hiii!!! How are you? You eating and/ or feeling good? Hope you’re drinking water! Sending love and support 🫶🏽🫶🏽
Bestieeeeeeee!!!! So a few things
1.) the dance is Friday, i’m freaking outt
2.) we’ve been holding hands a lot(!) and recently i’ve been chilling on his lap, but today i took a lil nap while on his lap and after waking me up for class he said “I couldn’t feel my arm but it was worth it, i’d let it happen again, many times actually” and i just🥰🥹 cause i was scared that i’d add too much weight of sumn and without me even bringing it up i was reassured 😭.
2.5) this one isn’t big just felt like mentioning it. During the last class of the day we sit next to each other and we were holding hands under the table right? Then when i had to write j moved my hand, now i expected him to start writing too but no! he moved his hand onto my thigh and kept it there until i stopped writing (cause then i could hold hus hand again). Its amazing bc im a stage 5 clinger & he reciprocates the clinginess😊
3.) so I have this ring that is soo cute but doesn’t fit any of my fingers, so i put if on a chain. We now share the necklace.. like deadass if i feel like wearing it ill just go take it off of him then give it back later. And its not just the fact that he’s wearing something of mine but also that he likes it, and he looks good in it.
4.)im in marching band yea? So tonight was a v important game (it was against the rival school, we won 47-0) and he came!! Like ik he was coming but still☺️. So once halftime is over meaning band is done with the halftime show i see messages from my dad & aunt….. why were they sitting right behind him 😭 they got along but i was so scared the entire time, not to mention the nerves that were already there from performing in a bigger stadium than im used to
Like im convinced he’s trying to kill me. Cause literally why else would he be this great? Like wdym you like clinginess, you get along with my dad, and you’re keeping your hand on my thigh??? This man must be stopped. Anywho just wanted to do a lil catching up (and ranting abt him bc im sure my other friends are sick n tired of hearing abt him
Is it actually Mae though 🧐 she could kill me and I would thank her regardless 🥵
Hi bestie 🥰 I'm doing well ! Drinking water and eating well. I hope you are too. Sending so much love and support your way. It's coming. You can't stop it 💕💕💕
Omg bestie all of this. All of this is so cute. I am obsessed. Like I feel like I was there and watching my best friend find someone good for them and I'm just smiling 🥹 this is so cute and soft and I am so very happy for you !!!
Such a green flag that he gets along with your dad honestly. And that he supports you. Like yes. So much yes. I am seeing a neon sign that says yes !!!
And you can always come here and tell me about everything because I love hearing about this ! I want to know everything. Please tell me everything 😭
But omg bestie my boyfriend has been too cute to me lately. He keeps calling me his princess and his wife and I 🥺 he even did matching profile pictures with me because I asked. He will literally just randomly text me out of the blue "wife I love you" and I swoon every time. This man is the whole ass love of my life I swear.
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platinum-iridium · 3 months
I’m the Claire wall of text anon, thanks for your reply. I love ur takes in the tag bc everyone else in there is shippers, reddit has too many men & ppl ik irl don’t give af bc copaganda (true but this isn’t a scholarly study plus they be acting down lmao). Anyway I agree about Skoda, total NUT. How are you psychologizing when you hate half the population??? sent an ask about the prostitute ep a while back and idk if you’ve gotten there yet but his behaviour put him on my eternal shit list. I only got to s13 but I hope he was harmed. And slow. Also agree about Abby. She would definitely be a terror but not the way they wrote it. But that’s men for you lol. Also ‘kim jong il’ about that woman’s fashion took me down!! & season 12 is also where the writing starts to noticeably take a dip for me (10 if I’m being strict but Lenny & Ed made it fun). With 12 it doesn’t help that they’re writing to shock and Jack and Serena don’t have that easy chemistry he had with the others. I tried to see if she was lezzing out on the low on my rewatch but I got nothing. There’s one gay male case but she’s not overly sympathetic to the man and later she tells a story about her closeted ‘friend’ but that’s it. No dyke drama in least lol. I do like her tho, mainly because I think the actress was better than the writing which was so flimsy. And same on SVU those two are grown and playing footsies like this as a senior citizen is insane & pathetic. Bang it out and move on fr
idk how people are inspired to ship fr. jack and claire should have left the viewers with lasting ship induced trauma.
i like skoda as a character (not as a person) because he really represents how psychology can be wielded as a weapon institutionally, especially in contrast with olivet. and really the both of them are guilty of it bc she’ll call u mentally ill and get u locked in a facility and he’ll call u sane and send u to prison. either way ur fucked.
abbie was honestly a missed opportunity. she was good but she could have been great. i think the writers looked down on her too much to give her the writing she deserved.
yes lmao honestly i like briscoe and green but the writing was definitely better in my memories. they’re fun and funny though so we can overlook subpar writing. but the law part can’t be carried on charisma alone, especially not with jack and serena. maybe the subtle awkwardness is supposed to be the only hint at her sexuality we get. that would actually be kind of funny. i just hate that the writers couldn’t seem to actually nail down her values. she feels inconsistent. her opinions are whatever side the writers wanted to argue with jack. her or nora.
lmaoo i can’t even believe people want bensler that bad. like their chemistry was so much more potent when it was ‘will they or won’t they’. this limbo of he wants her but she’s too damaged or whatever is giving me an ulcer. at least she’s still fucking other men. if she was deadass holding out for him i’d have stopped watching
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hellsbellschime · 9 months
SO, I have been on vacation in Florida to visit my dad on his birthday for the past week, and I've been on tumblr mobile so I haven't had the time or ability to write this absurdly long chronicle down until now. But this is the bizarre story of how five people on my plane from LAX to Charlotte got kicked off and wasted an hour of everybody's time.
So, on January 4th I had a flight from LAX to Charlotte, and then Charlotte to Florida. I shuffle on to my first plane at LAX, and as I and 20 other people are standing in the aisle, there is a flight attendant having a conversation with a passenger around the center of the plane. The flight attendant is blocking the aisle so we're all sitting there, for an awkwardly long amount of time. Eventually she moves out of the way so we can all walk forward, so I walk to my seat in the very last row of the plane.
Despite the fact that the FAs announced that it was a full flight, I have the aisle seat and there is someone in the window seat, but the middle seat is empty, and I think it's probably going to stay empty because I always get on the plane as late as possible. So I'm like sick, extra space, love that for me.
So I sit down, and after a minute or two the girl in the window seat says, "excuse me, do you mind if someone sits here?" And because I am a reflexive people pleaser and a dumbass, I'm like "oh sure that's fine" and about five seconds later am thinking why in the fuck did I say that because I do not want someone sitting here at all.
So, the girl in the window seat starts loudly trying to get the attention of "Paris," and although she is speaking at a near yell, apparently Paris cannot hear her. So I'm like "oh hey, well maybe wait until we're in the air and she can move then," and she's like "oh she doesn't like being alone," and I figure that means she's afraid of flying or something so at least there is more of a reason for me to not be a little bitch about not having a free seat next to me for four hours.
Then the girl next to me gets the attention of another passenger who is standing by the bathroom, and deadass says to this random person, "hey, could you get that ginger haired girl up there and tell her to come back here." The lady is obviously WTFing about that one and responds, "I don't think I'm supposed to be moving around here right now," which, facts, and props to you for actually thinking shit through on the fly unlike myself.
But apparently Paris finally got the texts that my row partner was sending or something, because a girl comes back and sits down in the middle seat. And I'm not one to judge anyone's body language or anything, but she does not appear scared or disturbed in any way, so I'm wondering what the hell her friend meant when she said that she doesn't like to be alone.
So we're sitting there for IDK, not even five minutes, and a flight attendant comes back to our row and addresses Paris, saying "we're not going to have any problems are we?" So I'm like oh mother of god what have I done. But Paris responds and is like "oh no of course not we're all good," and she at least seems fairly normal in that response so I'm like okay maybe it'll be fine.
So the flight attendant walks away and maybe a minute or two later Paris takes out her phone and makes a FaceTime call, which is on speaker phone. And she and her friend on the phone are not talking about anything related to travel or some kind of information that he'll need in the immediate future, they're just shooting the shit. LOUDLY. And I'm thinking holy fuck, the FA just came up to you to ask if there was going to be a problem and not even five minutes later you're on a speaker phone call?!?! WTF?!?!
Of course, one of the flight attendants comes back and is like "uh can you please take that off speaker phone," and she's like "oh sure no problem," and she takes it off speaker phone but continues the conversation. So I'm like cool, the next four hours are going to be a fucking nightmare.
Finally, we start pulling back from the gate, and by this time of course both girls in my row have taken their tray tables down so the FA is like please put your tray table up, and then we're off. I'm on my phone not paying attention to where we're going or what's going on, but eventually I notice another flight attendant halfway up the plane once again in conversation with a passenger, which, okay, weird. This goes on for a few minutes, and then finally the flight attendant walks away toward the front of the plane, shaking her head and making this movement with her hand.
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So I say out loud, "oh what is going on," and the girl next to me is like "I don't know." So again, I'm in the back of the plane not paying attention to where we were going, so while I thought we were going toward the runway, we were actually going back to the gate.
After we stop, a couple of flight attendants come toward the middle of the plane and they ask a woman there to come off. As this woman stands up and gets into the aisle, the girl next to me says "oh, that's Titi." So I'm like mother of god I'm in real trouble now that is NOT what you want to hear in this moment.
So they take "Titi" off the plane and once again a flight attendant comes back to my row, now asking Paris if she is with this woman. Without missing a beat, Paris says "no." In my head I'm like oh good lord what is happening right now CLEARLY I KNOW THAT SHE IS WITH THAT WOMAN WHY IS SHE LYING. But the FA is like "okay well there are two underaged children she was with that are still on the plane and should we take them off the plane," and apparently giving up the ruse, Paris is like "no they need to stay on the plane."
By this point, everyone in the back two rows of the plane has been hearing this conversation and collectively decides that the kids can't be sitting by themselves for the entire plane ride, so since we have two spare open seats here let's rearrange the seating situation so that the kids can sit with the two girls back here. At this point I'm like yas gawd please seat me anywhere but here, and as I'm standing in the aisle the people around me are like where do you want to sit, and I'm like "I literally don't care I will sit anywhere." So a woman with her husband in the row diagonally across from me says "here my husband will move to the middle seat here and you sit in the aisle seat," and in my head I'm like SUPER as long as I don't have to sit with these kooks.
So I sit down and immediately realize by the look on the husband's face that his wife voluntold him to move and he's really not happy to be giving his seat up to me, but there are other things going on so I'm just like whatever. The two kids come to the back of the plane, one of them sits in my old aisle seat, and the other sits in the aisle seat across from my old seat.
NOW another problem has arisen, because A. the lady who was kicked off the plane is saying she wants the kids to come off the plane with her, and B. apparently some of her stuff is in the kids' luggage and she needs it. Paris argues that this woman is not their mom, she apparently has their mom on the phone, and their mom is saying she wants them to stay on the plane. So the flight attendants deadass ask them to find whatever it is the woman wants in their luggage and they'll bring it to her.
At this point the kids are like "oh wait she has some of our stuff too" and this conversation goes round and round to the point where I kinda stopped paying attention, but for reasons that are unknown to me, at this point the flight attendants decide to take ONE out of the TWO children off the plane. So the dude next to me is stoked and is like "oh so you can go back to your seat now," and I turn around and look and I'm like "uh no there is still a child in my seat," so he once again is devastated.
Now there are multiple flight attendants in this conversation because the lady who was kicked off is REALLY insistent that both kids need to come with her, and Paris keeps on asking them to talk to the mom on the phone so she can tell them that she wants the kids to stay on the plane, and they're understandably like "no we can't do that," presumably because how tf do they know that the rando voice on the other end of the line is any kind of authority over these children.
Fucking FINALLY some other dude shows up and he must have some kind of authority over the plane, because he's like "okay, all three of you need to get off the plane." Paris, somewhat validly, is like "but she's the one who was acting out not us," and the guy is like "I'm sorry it doesn't matter, we can rebook you on another flight but all of you have to get off the plane right now." So, the remaining three people in this party get up and get off the plane.
At this point, boner killer, this entire nonsense has taken AN HOUR, so we're SUPER LATE and a bunch of people are already asking about their connections that they'll miss, and thankfully I scheduled my layover to be like 2 hours with the intent of having dinner at the airport lounge, so I won't be able to eat but I also shouldn't miss my flight.
But oh, GOD BLESS, now that all of these people are gone there is NO ONE LEFT IN MY ASSIGNED ROW. So I'm like DEUCES to the very relieved dude who gets his aisle seat back and I'm like holy crud, I get this whole row to myself and can actually lay down and sleep, SICK.
So finally we actually take off, there is no more seat rearranging, and I actually get the opportunity to lay down and take a nap for most of the flight. I didn't miss my connection and all's well that ends well, it was an annoying inconvenience but I was the luckiest person on the plane in the end (which, I swear, I have always employed a strategy of not picking my seats until the last possible second and it has always gone well for me, but this was the best result I got so far and it was a total fluke).
But weirdly, despite all of this nonsense, I still have NO IDEA what that first woman did to get kicked off the plane, aside from having weirdly long discussions with the flight attendants she didn't yell or freak out or do anything noticeable that would have led to their removal, so I wonder what in god's name she could have said to the FAs that made them be like we gotta get her out of here. And that concludes the tale of my very strange flight.
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yasminsqueendom · 1 year
2. Handling Business
WC: 3028
TW/CW: Nothing too serious, Some physical violence, Suggested torture (not portrayed), Breaking and Entering
“So, what’s goin’ on?” Erik was seated on her futon, sneakers sitting by her door. He was holding a half empty bottle of water. He was always better at staying hydrated than she was. Micky’s bottle was still untouched. “Talk to me.”
She stood in her tiny kitchen, leaning back against the fridge. Where do I even start? “Nothing really is going on. Just the usual stuff.” Micky didn’t know why she was lying. He did just do something incredibly nice for her with no hesitation. It just didn’t seem like he was the right person to be having this conversation with. Well, you don’t have anybody else to talk to. You don’t have friends, close family, acquaintances…… Erik was sitting so patiently. He wasn’t going to force her to talk, she had complete control here. He was prioritizing her comfort.
“Um. So, how you been?” It sounded as awkward coming out as it did in her mind. 
“Good. You know, work as usual. I visited my cousins for a little while. Then, I had a few assignments here and there. Nothing special.”
“What kind of assignments?” She knew this never came with a clear answer, but she always asked anyway.
“You know I work for the military, and some side stuff. I can’t go into detail, but I mostly work in busting trafficking rings, and stopping cartel drama from spilling into civilian areas.” Micky stood in shock for a moment. That was the most clear answer he’d ever given her. She wondered if he was lying about it. 
“You playing with me?”
“Nah. I’m deadass.” And he was. There wasn’t an ounce of humor in his features. 
“Well, now I know how you afford all that fancy shit.”
His dimples popped at that. “I like nice shit.” He didn’t say anything else. Clearly, he wanted her to open up to him, but she wasn’t ready. He reached for her remote, turning on her smart TV. “You still using my Netflix I notice.”
“Yeah, well. I figured...I mean.” Well this was uncomfortable. 
“I don’t mind. I’m rarely home. I thought about canceling it a few times.”
“You knew all this time I was using it?”
“Yeah. It don’t bother me. Like I said, I’m not home a lot.”
“Yeah I know.” She knew quite well that he was almost never around.
“I hear that shade, babygirl. It’s cool. I know I be gone a lot.” Erik downed the rest of his water, and crushed the bottle up. “I’ll take this with me.” He got up and grabbed his sneakers. 
“Where you goin’?”
“Home. You standing as far away from me as you can get. And, you don’t want to talk. I don’t mind hanging with you. But you look mad uncomfortable. So, I’ma let you have your space.”
“I’m not uncomfortable with you. It’s just been a long day. I’m sorry.”
“I told you to stop all that ‘sorry’ shit. You don’t owe me an apology. Text me, or call, if you need me. Okay?” And just like that he walked out of her apartment. 
Micky felt deflated. Here Erik had done right by her, and she could barely even stay in the same room with him. She hadn’t meant to be so awkward, but she had to be honest with herself. The sex was what kept her around. Without it, she didn’t know how to be with him anymore. Even in those moments when she missed the intimacy they used to have, she never thought of him as much more than a dick appointment. She certainly didn’t think he thought much of her, given his behavior. 
And then there was work. Their schedules never lined up, and if he did half the shit he claimed to do, he wasn’t really available. Surely, there were other women, too. She knew she had that good good, but she couldn’t be the only one. Erik was fine as hell. Those little baby dreads that he was starting made her fingers itch to touch them. His dimples gave her the most inappropriate thoughts. And those hands. See, that’s why you couldn’t get close. You nasty.
Micky took a deep breath. She hadn’t eaten since the morning, and it was nearly 7pm. She started shuffling through her fridge. Nothing was cooked. It was gonna be a cold cereal kind of night. Damn. She sat on her futon, and picked out something to watch. She could still smell Erik’s cologne. She grabbed her phone to thank him for helping. At some point, she dozed off.
Erik wasn’t sure how long he stood in front of the window in his condo. His mind kept going back to the way that Micky wouldn’t meet his eyes for too long. The way sexual tension sparked between them whenever they were together. It was too much. But this time, something different was happening. This time, her whole mood was off. Something was happening with her, changing her. She would melt in his hands any other time, but this time, she kept things distant.
When she’d called him ‘baby’ on the phone, it triggered something in his mind. The panic in her voice had him ready to commit all kinds of crimes to keep her safe. The way she looked crying in that car had him thinking about looking for that punk, and making sure he never stalked another woman again. The only thing that saved the motherfucker was the sound of her voice telling him to stop. Erik could see the park from his window. I think I might spend a couple evenings there. See what I see. A plan started forming in his mind. Yeah. I think I’ll be jogging in the evenings now.
Erik shifted his weight and caught his reflection in the window. He almost laughed at the way he was standing there, looking like a 90s R&B video. He could almost hear the music in his head. Looking dumb. He walked back to his kitchen. Everything was shiny stainless steel. He liked his shit clean. The fridge had some prepackaged salads in it, but his stomach wanted grease. Erik unlocked his phone to order in. 
Idk if I ever thanked you for coming to my rescue today. So ummm. Thanks.
He couldn’t even eat without her in his head. It’s cool, babygirl. Have a good night.
By the time he finished ordering, she responded. You too. :) He smiled at that.
He muted his phone, and sat on his sofa. He figured she was in the house now, so she probably wouldn’t be in any danger. He could disconnect for a while. He pulled up Netflix and saw his “continue watching” list had a new addition. I can’t even watch nothing without her. He decided to play a video game instead. MarioKart was the last thing that came up on his console. Why not? He had just fucked up the person in first place with a blue shell when his phone buzzed that his food had arrived. He looked at the picture of the delivery driver, and almost choked on his spit. You gotta be fucking kidding me.
The face that stared back at him was the creep from the park. Erik didn’t have a picture of himself on the app, so the stupid motherfucker had no clue who’s house he was at. Erik could see the year, make, and model of the car. Even the license plate was listed. More importantly, he had a name. Clarence. He would be a fucking Clarence.
He thought back to when he was driving to the park to help Micky. She had stayed on while she waited for him. Her words rang in his ears. "My nigga coming, so you might wanna disappear." A smile slowly spread his lips, but it held none of the warmth he showed Micky. Nah, this was all cold Killmonger instincts. 
His buzzer went off at the same time that his phone rang. The nigga was even annoying as a delivery boy. Erik answered. "Clarence?"
"Yeah. I'm dropping off your food."
"I'll be right there." My nigga coming, so you might wanna disappear. Oh, he was coming alright. 
Micky woke up at 2:12 am. The screensaver had come up on her TV. Damn, I passed out. Slowly, the day came back to her. All the stress, the tears, her family, the creep, Erik. She checked her phone. There hadn't been any more texts since they said goodnight, and Micky was oddly relieved. She liked Erik, but she wasn't ready for that intimacy yet. Something had shifted between them, and she didn't know if she wanted to keep things going that way.
She set an alarm on her phone for 7:30am, and yanked her futon into position. She was too tired for pajamas. Clothes and bra on the floor, she curled up in her panties under her weighted blanket that she stored under the futon.
Erik had left his phone in his condo, along with any other traceable markers of who he was. He only wore a Timex watch to keep up with how much time he had to execute his plan. He liked them because they were cheap and reliable.
It would have been stupid to get Clarence right as he was delivering food. Erik had deliberately taken a while to come down, and predictably Clarence had left the food at the front desk. Erik's timing was perfect as he stepped out of the elevator right as weak ass Clarence was walking out the automatic doors. Yeah that's him alright. I know that weak ass strut anywhere. The nigga even had the same clothes on. That was all the confirmation needed. This was in fact the creep from earlier.
Erik checked the watch again. 1:56am. Work was gonna be a bitch in the morning, but this was necessary. The moment Erik had grabbed his food he was on his second phone in the elevator giving all the details he could to a discreet contact. Within 10 minutes he knew where Clarence lived, and where his day job was. Things unfolded from there.
"You need anything else?" his contact had asked.
"Nah. This is personal. I don't need a team." And he hung up. Nothing else needed saying.
Now, Erik was waiting for the bus. The last one came at 2am on the dot. He looked down the street as it turned the corner. Right on time. Clarence lived close by. Exactly seven stops down. The bus would arrive at 2:12am. This time of night, the stops would fly by.
My nigga coming, so you might wanna disappear. Clarence would be doing that whether he wanted to or not.
The stop came up, and Erik hopped off. He made sure that the dark hoodie he wore kept his face hidden as he climbed off the back of the bus. No chances could be taken this close to home. He had used exact change to board the bus, and there wouldn't be another until 6 am when commuters started moving around again. As the bus pulled off, Erik looked up at the row home in front of him. 
The area was residential. Little to no activity this late, the people were respectable. Mostly elderly folks. A quick scan of the outside of the surrounding houses showed no visible surveillance systems, but that wasn't hard in 2020. Even old people were getting tech savvy, or making their offspring handle it. No lights were on in any of the houses. 
Erik redirected his focus back on Clarence's home after another quick check of the time. 2:14am. Erik walked around to the back of the homes, counting down the row until he reached the one he wanted. Bedroom or basement? A bitch nigga like Clarence slept in the basement, close to the dirt where worms belonged. The house was owned by a Ms. Clarita Hayworth, grandmother of Clarence Hayworth. 
He'd brought a small messenger bag with him. Now he needed the tools inside. He had to be fast. If the house had an alarm, there would be no more than 45 seconds to disarm it. 
The moment he had the door unlocked, Erik swept in and immediately ziptied Clarence's feet. He had the man's hands together before he was fully awake. He pulled his knife from a sheath under his shirt and pressed it to Clarence's cheek whispering "The alarm code now." There could only be about 20 seconds left. 
Clarence had the audacity to look like he wanted to refuse. Erik was running out of time. "If it goes off, you die slow. And Grandma will be joining you." Another 5 seconds. "59358." The threat had reached through Clarence's thick ass skull. Eric shoved the corner of the blanket into Clarence's mouth before he padded up the steps to the main door, entering the code with a single second to spare. It gave a short beep that would have awakened any young person, but Ms. Hayworth, in all her 76 years, was still contentedly snoring in her bedroom. Erik could hear her from the bottom of the steps. He could also hear Clarence's whimpering. The dumbass was finally remembering that he should probably be calling for help. What a clueless piece of shit. 
Erik took his time heading back to the basement. The house wasn't anything spectacular. Row homes weren't meant to take anyone's breath away. But still, it had a certain appeal. One might call this home, given time to adjust to the stale smell in the air. Like no one opened a window here in years. 
Finally back in the basement, Erik stood and watched Clarence struggle against his ties. The man's eyes were wide with terror at the thought of what might happen next. The irony wasn't lost on Erik. His hood was still up, and he knew the shadows kept his face completely covered. He'd put on a bandana outside of the house just to make sure. Clarence, on the other hand, was very visibly naked now that he'd squirmed out of his blankets. No wonder the nigga gotta threaten people for some ass. They prolly laugh at him. The man couldn’t weigh more than 150 pounds. He was lanky, smelled awful, and his dick was smaller than Erik’s thumb. Erik took a good long look at him. His fury was slowly uncurling itself in his chest. This was the creature that harassed Micky.
"You a bitch nigga. My least favorite kind." 
Clarence spit out the last piece of blanket. "Please don't kill me. I swear I didn't do any-" Erik struck him with the handle of the knife across his cheek. To his credit, Clarence cried quietly. You can teach a dumb nigga every once in a while. 
“Where is your car key, Clarence?” The dumb motherfucker wouldn’t speak, but his eye twitched toward his raggedy jeans on the floor. “You don’t wash your clothes very often, do you? This shit stink.” Erik fished out the keys, jingling them in Clarence’s face. “That’s your car in the driveway right? Let’s go for a ride.” Erik yanked the man’s arm until he rolled off his mattress to the floor. It wasn’t a far drop, but the floor was cold. Clarence yelped when he made contact with it. Erik kicked him in the chest, taking away the breath of the bound man. 
“Let’s play a game, Clarence. If you can stand on your own two feet, I won’t torture you. I’ma wait exactly 60 seconds.” Clarence struggled ferociously to get his feet underneath him, wheezing all the while. Erik counted only loud enough for them to hear it. The more seconds ticked by, the more snot slid down Clarence’s face. With his hands bound behind his back and his ankles together, he was ill-prepared for the task at hand. 
“10….9….8” At this exact moment, Clarence pissed himself. He’d only managed to sit up with his feet in front of him. Erik snorted as he finished his count. “4….3….2….1.” He gripped the back of Clarence’s neck, pulling him into a standing position. “Let’s go bitch nigga.” Clarence tried to walk, and immediately fell back on his mattress. Erik glared at him in disgust. “You can’t be this fucking stupid. Fuck it, I’ma drag ya ass.” Erik grabbed a dirty pair of socks off the floor and shoved them in Clarence’s mouth, taping it shut. Erik watched him dry heave a few times until he blew out enough snot to breathe through his nose. 
2:21am. Erik pulled his catch by the ankles all the way to the back door. Clarence kept crying out as his bare skin caught on various odds and ends scattered on the floor. “You should clean your room more often, fucking bum.” He went out the back to unlock the car and get it started. He went back in to fetch Clarence, who was trying to wiggle away like the nasty ass worm that he was. “Where you going?” The sound of Erik’s voice made the former tough guy flinch. Pitiful.
After some shuffling, Clarence was placed in the passenger of the cramped 4-door sedan. The back seat was full of trash, and random clothing. “You really are nasty as fuck. No wonder you not getting pussy.” Clarence sobbed to himself in the front seat. 
Erik checked the time again. 2:25am. He had 4 hours and 35 minutes to get himself back to his house. Am I forgetting anything? Erik decided it would be best to leave the alarm in the house off. It could mean more time before Clarence’s absence got noticed. “Y’all got a shovel? We got winters, so I know you got one in there. He went back in and saw a supply closet under the basement steps. As he grabbed the shovel, he heard a car horn honk. Fuck. Racing back to the car, he pulled open the door and punched Clarence squarely across the jaw. He sat the unconscious man up in the passenger seat, and hopped in on the driver’s side.
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analogousanybody · 4 years
I interviewed for a job I really wanted on Thursday and thought I bombed, thought they left the interview hating me and thinking that I was incredibly underqualified. Was depressed for the rest of the day because of it and told everyone that knew about the interview that I probably wasn’t going to get it. The following morning they called to offer me the position. 
Anyway I guess moral of the story is we’ve all got a lot of shit going on in our heads that is simply not there in reality and I know this anecdote has virtually nothing to do with eating disorders, but I think in a way it does. I’m just hungover and can’t really articulate how to relate it back to them. 
If you can get help, please do. 
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