#I decided not to include Avatars sorry guys
luliho · 5 months
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Judge me based on my current favorite FE ships ✌️
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lilith-91 · 14 days
The fact that certain people dislike Aang because
"He's a pacifist" - he's a monk, guys. Horrifying. Also being a pacifist is a crime it seems. Killing people and starting wars is more cool
"He's childish" - he's 12 🤦‍♂️ he matured a lot during the series and he was forced to grow up quickly like the rest of the gaang. Let alone that most of the time is copyng mechanism, he's dealing with his trauma is his own way
"He didn't kill ozai" - ah yes, still missing the point of the series in 2024. He’s the LAST airbender of a genocided culture. The way this fandom don’t value culture is insane. Which character in this series was ever asked to fore sake their culture? yeah, no one. Aang isn’t wrong for preserving his, stfu
"He had it easy" - the GENOCIDE SURVIVOR had it easy, ok. The lion turtle didn’t give Aang an easy way out. It gave him a choice, after that Aang, the AVATAR aka half spirit, prayed for it. He said he would have killed Ozai if he had no other option and he almost killed him in their fight, but he decided to stay true to himself and to preserve his culture. Aang almost died to take away Ozai's bending, easy my ass. You wanted him to be a cold blooded murderer? watch another series
"He has no development/growth" - sigh. Did we watch the same series? some of you think that you have development if you change personality/beliefs 🤦‍♂️ Aang has a GREAT character development. He makes choices that push him in a way that allows him to move beyond what people, his past lives included, expect of him. He became far more mature and he accepted his role as the Avatar and his responsabilities for the sake of the world. The reason his beliefs never changed is because many characters pressure him to give up his core values which come from a genocided culture. The air nomads, who raised him. If the only way you know of character development/growth is them being forced to change their fundamental beliefs, you don't know what character development means. Aang is the Avatar the world needed and he put an end to the cycles of hatred
"Aang values his culture above other cultures" - lol no he doesn't. Not only Aang is extremely respectful of other cultures (if you talk about the sea prunes again, i swear) but he values his culture because.....again, it was genocided. He never hold it above other cultures, but uses his own to make his own decisions, which is different. Mind you, other characters in the series hold their beliefs above his and dismiss his (Zuko was one of them btw). The adults, like general Fong, literally forced Aang to use violence and the Avatar state. But sure let's ignore it
"He's too perfect/he makes many mistakes" - make up your mind. Not even his haters know wtf they're talking about
"He has a crush on Katara" - how inconceivable. Damn, i'm still traumatized. Also Katara has the audacity to love him back. Horrifying
And then the shipping reasons....yeah i'm not gonna bother here, braindead takes from delusional people
All opinions that i will never ever take seriously, sorry
Free Aang
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anangelwhodidntfall · 2 years
Hey, Jealousy: Neteyam Sully
Avatar Masterlist 
word count: 930
Request: you grow up with the sullys— raised a human, raised like spider was— you get jealous over neteyams interactions with tsireya. neteyam x reader.
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You sat there angrily carving your branch that would soon become a bow as you watched Neteyam and Tsireya pratice their swiming lessons for today. Ever since you got this to this island, it seems like all he cares about is her and forgets that at your here and it hurt and each time you saw them together it made you more upset. And you don't blame him, Tsireya is beautiful you could see why he would be interested in her. 
"You know if you crave that branch anymore, your not going to have left to make a bow." Jake said taking a seat next you as you looked down and realized he was right. 
"Oh I didn't realize." You said setting it down and letting out a sigh as you looked at the water. 
"Are you okay baby girl? Lately it just seems that your angry about something." He said making you laugh at how right he was. 
"Hit the nail on the head with that guess." You said.
 "Alright so what's going on with you then?" He asked you concerned as you heard Tsireya giggle making you look at them. 
"Ohhh I get it now. It's because of that...isn't it?" He asked as you nodded your head. 
"Seems all he cares about is her and being with her and I'm just here until he decides to ready to pay attention to me again. It's stupid I know."  You said quietly as the tears threatened to fall. 
"Oh babygirl, it's not stupid. I'm sure he's not intentionally ignoring you, maybe he's just focused on learning how to swim since it's taking him a bit longer than everyone else to grasp it, including you." He said wrapping an arm around you.
 Neteyam saw you and his dad sitting on the dock talking and the sad look you had on your face, making his heart break as he hadn't been spending much tiime with you since they got here but then again he was doing this for you. One day Tsireya had taken him and Lo'ak out to the most beautiful spot that he knew you would love, and he wanted to be take you out there on his own, so he had been getting extra lessons from Tsireya who was more than happy. 
"It's okay Neteyam, I think after two more lessons you should be able to take her to there." Tsireya said as Neyetam agree going back to his lessons. 
A few days later you were walking along the beach, trying to keep your occupied from thinking about Neyetam ignoring you when you saw him walking towards you. You stopped curious to what he wanted, he smiled as he approached you.
"Hey Y/n, I know that I haven't hung out with you much lately, but I promise that I have a good reason." He said nervously.
"I know I've seen you and Tsireya, and honestly you two look really cute together, I'm happy for you." You said making him confused.
"What are you talking about? Me and Tsireya aren't together, she likes Lo'ak. Why would you think that?" He asked taking your hands in his.
"Your not? But I saw you two together alot." You said as he sighed.
"I know you did and I promise this will make sense once I show you something. Will you come with me?" He asked walking out towards the water where his illu was waiting for him.
You nodded your head and followed him out to his illu where he climbed on first and then helped you on as you wrapped your arms around him, curious as to what he had to show you. You guys swam for a bit passed the island until you reached this beautiful waterfall as his illu lead you to the small island in front of it.
"This is so beautiful..."You said looking all around you as he helped you off his illu, loving how big you were smiling  right now.
"How did you find this place?" You asked finally looking at him.
"During one of first swim lessons, Tsireya took us here and I immediately wanted to bring you here because i knew you would love it. That's why I've been with her so much the past couple of weeks is because I wanted to be sure I could make this trip with you and not have you get hurt. I'm sorry that I made you think I didn't want to spend time with you or that I like her because I don't your the only I want." He said wrapping his arms around you.
"I'm sorry for being so jealous. It's just that you up and ignored me for another girl that I couldn't help but think you wanted to explore your options. Do you think you could forgive me?" You asked him.
"Of course I can, I understand where your coming from. I love you and don't want anyone else. Your it for me." He said placing a kiss on your lips as you smile at his words.
"Your it for me as well Ney, I love you." You said as you two pulled apart.
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
First of all, love your analysis!! They are legit my favourites <3 second, do you think the brothers have had past relationships before MC? Were they intimate or just some fwb kind of thing? Do you think that some nobles try to get with one of the brothers? Sorry if I sound nosy!! Just wanna know your guys opinions cause you guys always have the best answers! >:D (ps. you guys are my favourite obey me blog hehe)
Ahhhh thank you, you're so sweet!! Σ(O///O) (,,>﹏<,,) Apologies for the delay in answering this!
As far as past relationships before MC go, yes we think there probably have been some. It is a dating sim, so of course they want to make it that MC is ✨special✨ for them, but let's think realistically about it. They've all lived an incredibly long time before MC!
We certainly do know that nobles and others are interested in them. Barbatos mentions that all of them have fan clubs, and there's even a memory UR card titled "Popular with the Ladies" after all! And Great Witch Maddi is infamously aggressive for trying to get with some of them, including frustrating the hell out of Satan and Lucifer -- as well as a rather dark implication about what she might have done to Mammon once.
As to the particular nature of their past relationships, though, it probably varies a lot from brother to brother!
Lucifer doesn't do anything half-assed, and he's way too prideful for anything that could damage his or his family's reputation. He might go on a few dates for political reasons, but he thinks of those as work, not romance. If he actually gets into a relationship, it's serious. That said, he's such a workaholic that past relationships are probably pretty few and far in between except with Diavolo.
Mammon is the type to hook up intending it to be a casual one-night stand, and end up in love before he knows what's happened. He falls in love fast, and though the relationships may have burned up just as quickly, he really loved them -- even if he might never admit it.
Leviathan prides himself on being a hardcore shut-in, so his relationship history is probably mainly littered with online relationships with fellow gamers. He may have been too shy to actually ever meet up with any of them, or maybe not.
Satan has a lot of acquaintances and is generally well-liked within the Devildom, so he's undoubtedly had his share of admirers. And he's always trying to expand his horizons by trying new things, to get away from being "only wrath." So yeah, he's probably tried dating casually, maybe had some that were considered more serious, but didn't really have that full-blown understanding of love until MC came along.
Asmodeus is, well....let's just be realistic here. He's the Avatar of Lust. We saw the brothers giving him shit for hitting on everyone even when he was an angel, so of course he's probably hooked up with tons of people before MC. But the whole reason MC has been so special to him is because they're the first one that he feels like really loves him for more than just his beauty, so they're the first serious relationship for him.
Beelzebub is one of the "popular with the ladies" guys, but it just isn't really a priority for him. Still, he's not one to say no if someone invites him out for a meal, so he's definitely gone out on dates from time to time, even if some of them may have been accidental. But it seems MC is really the first to be equally important to him as his family, so any past relationships probably weren't nearly as serious.
Belphegor isn't a total shut-in like Levi, but frankly he just doesn't care a whole lot about anybody outside of his family. So he might have had casual flings with those who showed interest, but he likely would have hit a point where he would have decided it's not worth the effort.
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oneatlatime · 8 months
A Precariously Stacked Pile of Random Season 2 Thoughts
These are notes I took as I watched the season. Usually after I’d already posted about the episode in question, and I thought of something I would have added to the post. Rather than edit them into my posts, I’m rounding them up and posting them all at once. As such, they are vaguely chronological. Unfortunately, because I made the notes legible to me and me only, I didn't bother to write down what episode I was referring to. I've also added some notes in as I was editing these notes. So this is also a bit of a scavenger hunt. Enjoy!
Iroh poisoning himself: dumbass moment or 5D chess?
My autocorrect corrects “Sokka” to Sock, and “Sokka’s” to socks. This causes double takes when editing.
Badgermoles have excellent eyeliner. Is that where the Kyoshi Warriors get their jaw dropping cat eye?
Why is Ty Lee spelled Ty Lee and not Tai Li? Why is Dai Li spelled Dai Li and not Dy Lee?
Sometimes Sokka makes me think of Mulan. Am I crazy?
Are the swampbenders’ moves based on a real martial art style too?
Why didn’t Aang use his swamp sense to locate Appa post-appanapping?
Where did Toph, who spent her whole life as a prisoner of her parents’ house and a moonlighting WWE wrestler until Team Avatar busted her out, get such emotional intelligence?
Why did Zuko’s dad put forward the plan to disinherit Iron in favour of him less than 24 hours after Lu Ten’s death? Why did he think that moving quickly was the right approach? Does the Fire Nation not do grieving periods? In what world was 'strike while the iron is hot' the correct course of action here?
Looking back, I’m amazed that season 2 didn’t end in Zuko’s redemption. I didn’t much like Zuko Alone, but I was sure that a season that included that much set up for a Zuko redemption arc would prioritise finishing that arc.
I haven’t even met this Firelord guy yet, but I am peeved that that twerp has a name as cool as Ozai.
Why haven't I met that Firelord guy yet?
I really thought that the older brother character in Zuko Alone would make an appearance later on in the season, giving Zuko a chance to flex some newly acquired morals. But the parallel to Lu Ten and the general message about the evils of war lands better if we never hear of him again.
Zuko in the first half of season 2 had me so annoyed that I was incredibly uncharitable to him in my write ups. Reading through some of the stuff I wrote while watching episodes, I kind of wince now. Zuko in the second half of the season was much less annoying. Which I feel bad for saying, because he’s clearly not in a good place in the second half of the season.
I would love to know why the writers decided to have Toph and Iroh meet in the wilderness. I think it’s a good choice, but I want to know how they came up with it, and why those characters? Is there anything about Toph (especially at that point, when we’ve known her for 1 episode) that suggests that she and Iroh should meet? Or would get along if they did?
Zuko has so many rock bottom fake outs this season: Zuko Alone? Nope, he gets worse in The Chase. The Chase? Nope, he gets worse in Bitter Work. Bitter Work? Nope, he gets worse in the finale.
I’m still peeved that Azula won a 6 on 1 showdown. Sorry, but that breaks immersion.
I bet the Blue Spirit could make lightning.
If water is the element of change, why does the Northern Water Tribe have such strictly defined traditions? I get that it's literally the element of change, in that water can exist in different physical states, but shouldn't the metaphorical interpretation also be true?
I like that Toph can think like an Airbender sooner than Aang can think like an earthbender.
What is Sokka’s boomerang made of? Is it metal? Because if it’s metal, does that mean that there’s a blacksmith somewhere in the South Pole? With a forge?
I still can’t get over how dumb the whole eclipse plot was.
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Suki is TINY!!!
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I mocked this guy’s 80s aerobics video leotard aesthetic, and I stand by that mockery, because this guy is ugly. Those colours are awful. But do you know who else has those colours?
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Jet this season fascinates me. He’s positioned as genuinely repentant and legitimately seeking a second chance and I don’t believe him for one minute. Why don’t I believe him? This show has a theme of learning from mistakes and doing better, so shouldn’t Jet be a perfect fit for this show’s themes? I should be primed to believe him. And yet I don’t.
I have to applaud Iron’s enthusiasm for their new life in Ba Sing Se. A lot of that cheer (at least before the tea shop) is put on for Zuko’s sake. I don’t know where Iroh gets the energy to keep trying with Zuko after years of minimal results, but I’m glad he does.
I think Aang and Ty Lee should hang out. They have similar circus energy. Or maybe it’s that they’re the only two characters in the show so far who are remotely playful.
Aang = surface silliness, core of calm. Not that the silliness doesn't run deep, but he seems to have an untouchable anchor of calm deep within that rarely gets disturbed. Gyatso raised him well.
~~*~~*~~*~~*~~Poetry bouncer ~~*~~*~~*~~*~~
I need next season to have more Appa & Mono subplots à la their escapades in The Swamp. Not à la Momo’s Tale.
Tales of Ba Sing Se definitive ranking: Momo Aang Sokka Zuko Iroh Katara & Toph
I love that Momo still sleeps in the Momo bag from The Blind Bandit
Are Suki and her warriors sitting in the middle of some Earth Kingdom forest in their underwear?
So are Smellerbee and Longshot just done? Will they be back in season 3? What happens to their life now? They are known associates of an enemy of the state who was just executed. It doesn't look good.
Everyone on this show has big ears. Zuko has the smallest ears simply because he has the least amount of ears remaining. But everyone else? Big ears.
Can I have more Gyatso? I forgot how cool he was. More Guru too please.
Everyone in the SWT has such wonderfully fluffy hair.
I like Sokka’s boots. Southern Water Tribe boots in general.
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If this is the grand total of the SWT, I have some bad news about population dynamics.
Is there a proper naval term for what the SWT are doing? They’re a stealth strike force that seems to be going after individual enemy ships, using both direct and indirect tactics. Not pirates, because as far as we know they aren't going for FN supplies. They're doing what submarines do, but above water. There’s got to be a proper name for that.
Is there a raft of FN corpses chilling in the waters in front of the NWT's big wall?
I saw ATLA described as a show where all the characters are Asian-inspired people of colour, but isn’t Suki a blue-eyed redhead?
I had no idea that you could decline an Agni Kai. Zuko should have done that.
Why are the Dai Li so in love with Azula? I get that they're pissed with Long Feng for getting arrested, but wouldn't the logical choice be to direct their loyalties to the Earth King rather than a wildcard princess? I'm not going to pretend for a minute that the Dai Li are loyal to the Earth Kingdom or to Ba Sing Se, but the Earth King is a known quantity. Seems to me that it would be easier for them to re-puppetify him, rather than a FN princess.
Katara & Zuko bonding over their missing mothers is the same “makes sense until you think about it for five seconds” as Song & Zuko bonding over losing their fathers to war. Technically the same, sort of, on paper, but actually kind of rude to equate them once you know the full story. Same with the parallel between Lu Ten and the older brother in Zuko Alone. The proper dead mom parallel is Katara and Jet. Although Katara doesn’t object to the Zuko comparison, so I have no grounds to do so.
I’m really glad that Katara didn’t remove Zuko’s scar with her spirit oasis water. Both because she kind of really needed that water, but also because one thing this show has always done right is permanence. No quick fixes, no fake outs, no take backs. Lu Ten is dead, and he stays that way. Princess Yue is the moon, and she stays that way. Half a dozen people’s moms are dead, and they stay that way. Aang is the last Airbender, and he stays that way. Zuko is scarred, and he stays that way. There are no hand waves, no easy fixes. All the characters can do is learn to live with it, and go forward. And I’m grateful the show is like that, because that permanence, as well as being a good lesson to learn, functions as a reward for audience investment.
Aang did come to a crossroads of destiny in the finale, chose his duties to the world over his friends, and got aggressively slapped down for it. I have a feeling that he’ll take the wrong lesson from that, since he was already inclined to shun that path.
Overall Season 1 was prettier.
Ty Lee was the cause of more than one Beat Up Sokka Quota fulfillment this season. Make of that what you will.
Will Zuko & Azula spend season 3 bouncing between the FN and Ba Sing Se? They could be heavily involved with establishing the FN governance over Ba Sing Se, since the city is already inclined towards royalty.
Favourite episode this season? The Guru. The Blind Bandit and The Swamp are tied for second place.
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writerquil · 11 months
Could we get a ragatha x reader where she falls for and eventually confesses? Maybe some dating headcanons afterwards.
Ragatha x GN Reader (Small Oneshot)
When you first stumbled into the digital circus, Ragatha was more startled by the sheer attractiveness of your digital avatar rather than the fact that you just popped out of nowhere and accidentally body slammed into Kinger.
Luckily for you, you had more than enough hysterics to go around regarding the entire situation, including the common questions like 'where am I', 'what am I', 'who are you?'
And although Ragatha was usually delighted for some new company and willing to fill in the gaps for any newbies, she found herself just gawking at you with bewildered eyes until you noticed her staring and cautiously pointed it out.
"Oh!" Ragatha exclaimed, shaking her head vigorously in an attempt to reset her brain. "Sorry! My name is Ragatha!"
She extended a nervous hands towards you and you shook it with a small anxious smile. Ragatha was surprised by your ability to keep so calm... but she supposed the panicking sometimes came later.
"You look like the dolls I used to get." You stated, retracting your hand again.
"Really?" Ragatha asked, a smile spreading across her face.
She'd been told that many times before but it was always intriguing to hear every single time.
"Yeah, they were my favourite dolls." You sighed. "... So pretty."
Ragatha knew you must've been referring to your dolls specifically but still felt some kind of warmth spread across her cheeks, as her avatar was a doll, she understood it wouldn't reveal the blush dotting her face...
... But she knew for a fact that she felt it.
Since then you and Ragatha were the tightest in the circus. During Caine's ridiculous adventures you typically strayed together, hiding away or trying to put a stop to the adventures yourselves.
But it wasn't just adventures you guys hung out in, you baked together, strolled around the circus together, set up random karaoke sessions together and even more events that varied from frequent movie nights to friendly outings.
The more the hangout sessions ensued, the more the feelings rose up in Ragatha's chest, until she simply couldn't deny it anymore.
She had fallen for you... and the feelings weren't going to leave until she heard your answer.
So as you huddled together, watching a movie fabricated by Caine, out of a vintage TV, Ragatha warily turned towards you and cleared her throat, taking your attention away from the TV.
"Um... I have something to tell you." Ragatha decided uneasily.
"Yeah? What's wrong?" You asked, concern surfacing in your voice.
Ragatha sighed, biting her lip nervously before wrapping arms around her knees, hugging them closer.
"It's just... I know I shouldn't feel this way, after all this is all digital and I understand that I've never truly seen your face or witnessed the real you and... and I've always been worried about becoming too connected due to abstraction but I can't deny it anymore." Ragatha confessed. "I'm in love with you."
You fell silently and blankly stared at her.
"... Oh dear. Please say something." Ragatha exclaimed worriedly.
You laughed and for a few dreaded seconds, Ragatha assumed you were laughing at her confession before you pulled her down into a gentle kiss.
(I was going to fit headcanons into here, but I feel like they're too long so this post would become way too long. But if any of you guys would like to see them then you can send in a request if you'd like! :D).
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yawntutsyip · 2 years
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shenanigans with the avatar kids:
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warnings: cussing
characters include: Ao’nung and Lo’ak + a lil bit of Neteyam
context: part two with getting in trouble with Ao’nung and Lo’ak
Part one • masterlist
AN: sorry if this is shit 😭 I wasn’t sure if I should’ve done what happened after or just other scenarios when they got in trouble but I just chose to do what happened after. I can make other getting in trouble scenarios next if you guys like or if you guys have any request for scenarios idk 🤷‍♀️
I hope you guys enjoy it , I’m still kinda ehh on it 😭
Y’all I have too much free time in my hands…
Getting in trouble with Ao’nung and Lo’ak Part 2:
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The principal decided to give you guys after-school detention because he likes you guys so much…totally not because you three were all on your knees pleading for him not to call your parents.
He like like “okay okay okay fine, just get out and go back to class- I actually have a job and need to work ya know”. After that, you guys dipped so fast.
Instead of going back to the class like he said to…
You three all agreed to just skip the rest of the period and go chill in this one ‘teachers only’ bathroom that was far away from the classes, it was hidden.
You had gotten the key from this one teacher's daughter. You made a deal with her that if she gave you the keys you would set her up a date with Neteyam.
Now, you were not a complete monster..ofc you asked Neteyam to do it so you can have the key.
This caused you to also make a deal with him- you had to be his personal errand girl for the rest of the month and give him a copy of the key 😭
You said fuck it so now here we are, you with the key in your hands walking to your guy's new hang out spot.
The things you do for this friend group 🙄
When you guys hang out in there It usually consists of you guys messing around taking photos, sleeping, dance-offs you don’t even want to know, and sometimes Lo’ak brings board games to school.
Or even RARELY y’all be actually studying, (Ao’nung and Neteyam are the ones tutoring you guys) shocking I know.
Literally, y’all be doing anything but go to class.
When you open the door you find Neteyam in there already chilling sitting against the wall.
“Hey ‘Teyam~” you walk in holding the door behind you for the boys.
“Hey (y/n/n)~ Hey Ao’nung, Lo’ak” he replies waving.
Neteyam was not skipping, he actually has free periods cuz the boy got them extra credits 🤪
Y’all are jealous, you wish that was you huh.
You go and sit next to Neteyam with your head in his lap and he goes straight to playing with your hair with one hand, scrolling on his phone in the other. (teehee 🤭)
Lo’ak follows after with him laying on your legs and Ao’nung laying on your stomach.
After you guys were chatting for a bit you three ended up passing out with Neteyam having to wake your asses up when the bell rang for the next period.
time skip to after school, y’all were meeting back in the principal's office except you were late.
So Lo’ak and Ao’nung were sitting in the room silently with the principal.
It was awkward, you are the neutralizer of the trio. Without you, the group falls to mush.
A couple minutes of awkward waiting later you come running panting.
“I’m sorry! *pant* I was in *pant* PE *pant*” you came in the room hunched over, hands on your knees
“Damn girl, I think I might need to start taking you to the gym with me if you can’t even handle the school's PE” Ao’nung says while watching you sit down next to him catching your breath.
“…coach made me run laps the whole time because I pointed and laughed that his pants were inside out…” you tell them groaning in annoyance.
Like what?! The man’s pants were literally flipped inside out and he got mad that you told him? Ungrateful ass-
“How did he not notice?-“ Lo’ak began laughing but the principal cleared his throat making him shut up
“Your after-school detention will be cleaning the girl's bathroom. Some girls decided it would be funny to write on the walls with a sharpie.. the janitor had put the supplies in there already. Once you guys are done you may go home”
Then y’all left to do your punishment.
“Hey, Lo’ak this is gonna be the closest you get to a girl~ enjoy it while you can” Ao’nung teases while wiping the mirror.
“Very funny, I’ve been close to a girl before- just ask your mom” cue Lo’ak’s cocky ass smirk as he shouted from one of the stalls
“What?!—“ Ao’nung is this emoji rn > 😧
“Omg don’t you dare start fighting right now, also fyi- I'M LITERALLY A GIRL HELLO???” You shout at them offended.
Honestly they forgot for a second lmao
“oopsies” we’re giving to you by them.
Once you guys were done scrubbing and cleaning, all that was left was the writing on the wall in the big stall.
Y’all three look at each other and let out big sighs. “Let’s get to work boys”
Put your back into it 🙌
While you guys were cleaning Ao’nung was playing music on his phone. Just random ass music.
You guys took dance breaks, Lo’ak and Ao’nung we’re trying to see who could get sturdy better.
You were just shaking ass while the boys hyped you up, they will always be your number one hype men.
The janitor heard lots of shouting and commotion so they walk in and you guys quickly pause the music and went back to scrubbing the walls like nothing happened.
They quietly observed before leaving again, queue music and dancing again.
“Who the fuck was dumb enough to even write this shit on the walls?” Ao’nung complained trying to get rid of the words on the stall.
“Haha look at this one it says ‘I have the biggest dick in this school’ what kind of dumbass writes that- especially in the girl's bathroom” Lo’ak points out to Ao’nung.
You walk between them and read it. “Oh yeah that was me- and your sisters-“
“You guys are idiots.” They both tell you.
It took y’all an hour and a half to finish. like goddamn. But it was because you guys kept getting distracted and taking breaks.
Ao’nung was the only one out of the three to get your license so he took you both home.
Lo’ak’s parents don’t trust him enough to be behind a wheel but he swears he can drive with his eyes close- yeah self-explanatory.
And you were just too lazy 🤷‍♀️ plus Ao’nung was basically your private Uber driver, and it was free?!? Yeah, you’ll take your time with getting your license.
Leaked photos of the gang in the bathrooms 🧍‍♀️:
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So you've probably noticed that despite submissions officially closing on Friday, it is now well into Saturday.
Let me explain.
Originally, I decided to make the hard deadline midnight Pacific Standard Time, since I know based on when activity peaks on this blog that a lot of you seem to live on the west coast, and wanted to make sure everyone had a chance to put in last minute submissions. But then I stayed up tumbling down the Fate rabbit hole, and because it's a Saturday I overslept until noon. Also, someone asked me what my pronouns were a while back, and despite that being a one-word answer for reasons I can't explain that answer ended up being 2500+ words, and then I fell asleep in the bathtub and forgot to put out the announcement clarifying the new deadline, or queue any overnight polls.
So this is the NEW deadline.
Submissions will now close at MIDNIGHT, PACIFIC STANDARD TIME, FOR REAL.
...until I oversleep and forget to close it again, so it will probably still be open after that. But when I do wake up, I'll close submissions INSTANTLY. But if you do manage to sneak in a little in overtime, I won't blame you, and they'll still be eligible for the bracket.
But this is officially your last call - so please, feel free to send in as many submissions as you like! Remember, this is your last chance!
Thanks for sticking with me and my bullshit guys. Every single one of you is a treasure, and I mean that from the bottom of my heart.
I'll be updating the master post with this information.
There are three other things I want to update you on.
Firstly, a lot of people have started submitting takes through asks - do not do this. Yes, I might make a poll on it, but it will not be eligible for the bracket. Please use the form.
Secondly, yeah, I forgot about the PFP poll again.
The struggles of being an airhead.
The winner of the poll ended up being Hellmo - but I've decided that I can't bring myself to change it. As stupid as it sounds, I've unironically grown so attached to this Astolfo avatar that I genuinely can't bring myself to change it; now that I've gotten so used to it representing me on this blog, the idea of changing it now is heartbreaking to me.
It doesn't help - and I'm being 100% serious - Astolfo was unironically my actual idol when I was a teenager, despite me knowing absolutely nothing about Fate. There's some backstory there which I won't get into now, but I was secretly overjoyed when someone actually suggested them as an avatar, even though it was in literally the weirdest way possible and didn't even relate to 'hot takes' in any way. I didn't say any of that because I didn't want to influence the results, but I will admit that secretly I was really hoping they would win, as unlikely as it was - which is why I decided to use them as an avatar for the short time I had left before the poll closed, knowing they would be swept and that I would be devastated when I did have to change it.
So, I know I said I would abide by the results of every poll, no matter what - it's literally one of the main rules of the blog - but just once I am going to break that rule.
Instead, I'm going to make the Hellmo picture the blog header - I really hope you can at least understand why I'm doing this, and I'm genuinely so, so sorry for letting you guys down like this. I know I've let you guys down before, and I can't apologise enough.
Secondly, I know I've massively overshared on this blog before, and now that I know it might happen again - sometimes I start writing and the words just keep pouring out onto the page - I've decided to start using the tag #h-t-t backstory for those posts if I ever do make another. Those posts might relate to mental health and similar issues, potentially including substance abuse. And I know a lot of you guys don't want to see that, so absolutely feel free to block that tag.
That's all for now - again, thank you all so much, and keep putting in the submissions! <3
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alicelufenia · 1 year
Today marks my 3rd anniversary of taking hrt. My egg cracked October 2019, so this year I'll be coming up on year 4 of my transition.
In that time, I've chosen my new name, came out to my family and friends, started hrt, got my legal name changed (surprise, it isn't actually Alice!), updated all my documents and utilities, including my passport.
I've come a long way in my transition, and I feel like an important part of it has actually been mirrored in my FFXIV character. So, for this anniversary post I wanna showcase that part which, while intersecting only slightly with my real life, is still special to me and also in theme for this blog and I'm sorry, I'm not making a sideblog anytime soon to put all my irl talk or whatever.
Don't worry you don't need to know anything about the game other than you play with other people and can make your own character.
At the very start of my transition, I changed in-game from the male character I started as to a female character. Surprise, I was a black-haired sun kitty. And it instantly felt right and comfy, and I went through all of Heavensward to end game with her.
Since it was early in my transition, I was doing my best to move as far away from masculine appearances as I could in my life, and my online character followed suite. I liked how unapologetically feminine and cute she was!
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Sadly few pictures of her, but here she is!
After reaching endgame, I started playing with her more. I changed her to a lizard girl. Around this time I would start hrt, and was starting to build my character's personal lore, trying to make her more of a person than an avatar.
I liked the idea that she was a trans woman like me, and that she was undergoing a fantasy version of hrt. It was especially amusing for me, since the male and female Au Ra models are so sexually dimorphic, the guys being huge while the ladies are all tiny. Growing up I was always very short compared to the boys around me. I gave her mismatched eyes, an-ingame sign of hrt use (it's magic that's all it needed to be). I love how serenely confident she looked in her femininity.
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I love her RBF too.
Time passes, and as I'm coming up on my first year hrt anniversary, my anxieties around performing femininity and suppressing masculine tendencies were beginning to relax. I've spent a long time seeing myself change over time, and within the transfemme spaces I inhabited where a lot of women who didn't have the bodies of your average cis woman. They were taller, more broad, "harder" facial features.
And they were all beautiful. I'm going to be honest, there was a long time where it was difficult for me to see other trans women. I would be giddy over transition timelines, but I felt bad that I was seeing ways how they were different from conventionally attractive cis women. Too tall, too broad, jaw lines a bit too defined. I felt really bad about feeling that way.
But during my transition, I also began to recognize that many cis women also are not conventionally attractive. Yet they are no less beautiful for it. I decided I wanted to make my character more un-conventionally attractive. Closer to what I found attractive in those other women.
In a way, the fem Miqo'te and Au Ra models were the conventionally attractive choices in the game; round faces, small dainty features, soft jaws, lithe and thin bodies but with ample boobs. So I looked at the other races, and fell in love with face 1 fem hyur highlander.
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Highlanders have so much tgirl swag!
Thus Alice's modern look was born! I made her to embody all the things I had anxiety about seeing in myself and other women; she is max height and muscular sliders (and max boobs cause of course). She is in-game equivalent of 6'5" (towering over my irl 5'6"), built like a brick house, and has sharp features that are (imo) clocky <affectionate> and proud of it.
While she isn't exactly [goals] for me (I lost a ton of muscle mass since starting hrt and don't see myself gaining it back anytime) seeing her gives me confidence and comfort with my own body, knowing that traditionally masculine traits can be embraced by women who are still undeniably feminine. She is The Boundless Queen and a small but important part of my transition these past four years!
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babygirl 💜
As a parting gift, I want to recommend a video essay that I've watched (and been rewatching too) that has really resonated with me. It is Jessie Gender's "The Myth of 'Male Socialization'". A massive 4 hour video essay divided into two videos; the first covering the concept of modern masculinity as is imparted by our patriarchal capitalist zeitgeist, while the second video, called "Ending the Trauma of Antagonistic Masculinity", where Jessie discusses what we can build beyond the all-consuming black hole of masculinity we currently experience.
It's a unique and touching essay, especially as it stars a non-binary trans woman weighing in on masculinity, a topic we are rarely invited to, but that we have a unique experience in growing up with expectations impossible for us to live up to, and that cis men have more in common with us (and more to learn from us) than they might think.
It is, admittedly, a big ask for anyone to watch both parts all the way through, but if you do take the time, I hope you get something out of it, as I did.
Happy Pride 🏳️‍⚧️🏳️‍🌈
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squishmelo · 2 years
for the tea ask thing - chamomile & sugar 🧡
Oh no, these are terribly dull questions for me, i'm sorry!
chamomile:comfort movie?
I honestly don't..have a comfort movie. I'm not the kind of person who wants to rewatch something over and over again. I think the closest I have to a movie I'd always switch to on tv, is The Princess Bride.
I also really love About Time, which isn't comforting at all times, but terribly compelling and touching to me.
sugar:tell me about your first crush
Hooooo boy. Wow. Okay. I was not a crush person. I ..did not have crushes. There were people I found attractive and took notice of, and that was about that.
My first was a guy named Derek, who was I think a sophomore when I was a freshman. (So, 9th grade vs 11th grade) We had Algebra together - which was a class he had decided to retake to get better grades for college admissions. He was also in the same spanish class as me, but one period earlier, so he'd sometimes walk out when I walked in.
I sat in front of him in Algebra, which he was typically pretty quiet in, and very relaxed. He leaned all the way back in his desk and knew all the answers but rarely participated.
I have very few memories of him. We chatted sometimes, had to mark eachothers work a lot because he was the last in the row and we were paired up. He had blonde hair, and a truck. (Which was common. It was south dakota, after all).
The next crush I had was in a video game (duh) on an MMO, on a guy nicknamed Pez. He was a canadian guy a year or two older who was also a bowmaster, and always like 10-20 levels higher than me. His parents were immigrants from Jamaica, and we talked long hours into the night, sometimes the only ones online in our friends lists. Sometimes we trained together when I got higher up in levels, and we'd do the all-level new events that would come out together. We were in the same guild for a while, but it disbanded eventually.
I've included them both because one I saw in person but knew nothing of, the other I never saw besides his avatar, but I spoke to very often.
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This pinned post is long overdue at this point, but hey, better late than never, right?
🍄HELLO IT IS I!!! THE SMALL TOWN CRYPTID… guy… sometimes I regret my url choice LMAO🍄
Just a brief explanation of this blog:
This is my main!! I have… three side blogs… and counting… 💀💀 Two of which I hardly use, but they’re still there LMAO. Here they are in case you want to take a look:
💖 @smalltownotomeenjoyer - This is my blog where I shamelessly post about otome games. I post there more frequently than this blog tbh… what does that even say about me?
💗 @smalltownhostclub - This is the one I started for OHSHC, but decided to include Black Butler, mostly because I felt like it.
❤️ @ultimatesmalltownnerd - This is the newest one. I post about Danganronpa here, because I’m cringe trash- but I’m free.
Okay, self-intro time:
🍄‍🟫Pronouns: She/he/they. Gender?? I HARDLY KNOW HER!! (No but seriously, gender is a rule I intend to not follow by any means. It’s totally chill if anyone else has a gender they like, but I don’t, so… I’m just going by the beat of my drum lmao.)
🍄‍🟫The most bisexual individual you might ever meet. This applies to every gender identity, and no I don’t care that Bi technically means two. You can fight me on that.
🍄‍🟫I’m over twenty. No, I don’t trust the internet enough to give an exact age.
🍄‍🟫You can either call me by my url, any combo of my url, or Flynn. Flynn is a name I’m trying out rn, so that might change.
FANDOM TIME!! (These will be the fandoms I post about here, specifically. There are a lot, and I can’t guarantee I will consistently post about any of them.):
✨Gravity Falls
✨Fullmetal Alchemist
✨Bungo Stray Dogs
✨Stardew Valley
✨Avatar the Last Airbender
(Might add more as needed.)
Things you should know:
🪴Originally, this was going to be a T+ blog, but I’m gonna up the rating to M. Not because I intend to post NSFW stuff, but because I want to be safe rather than sorry. Enter this blog with that in mind.
🪴I block people- a lot. It’s not personal, but some people post content I don’t like. I only report bots, so if you’re a bot, you’re getting the block/report double whammy.
🪴I believe cringe culture is stupid, and am trying really hard to embody that as much as possible. I’m gonna post about whatever fandoms I want, and that’s final. You guys should try it, it’s so fun.
🪴If you want to block me, go for it! I mean that positively, if my content isn’t your cup of tea, I don’t mind. I realize my stuff isn’t for everyone. I’m mostly here for my own entertainment, and if people like what I post along the way, all the better!
🪴I use a lot of different, typically gendered terms of endearment (ex: man, gurl/girl, dude, girlfriend, etc), and I use them on everybody, regardless of whether they actually fit the gender the terms are meant to convey. HOWEVER!!! If you don’t feel comfortable with me using specific terms, jokingly or otherwise, let me know!!! I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable, even if my intentions are good. I might slip up occasionally, but I’ll do my best.
🪴I’d love to hear from you guys!! If you wanna DM me, send in an ask or whatever, I’m totally chill with that! Keep in mind though, that 1) once again, I am in my early twenties, so keep that in mind if you wish to interact with me. I will do my due diligence to keep things appropriate on my end, so long as you do so yourself. And 2) I have… bad social anxiety, and poor time management, so if I don’t respond to a DM or ask right away, I promise I’m not trying to be rude, I’m just struggling to be a functional human being right now, lmao.
That should be it. If any edits to this post happen, they will be listed below. ENJOY MY CHAOS!!!
(Posted 7/30/24)
(Edit 8/2/24: added a fifth thing to the “things you should know” section.)
(Edit 8/10/24: added a sixth thing to the “things you should know” section.)
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marypaol · 5 months
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Gaang x fem!Reader
Summary: The Gaang is on the way to the Earth Kingdom where they meet an Earth Bender, and they can’t help but be amazed at her abilities.
Warnings: Nothing I’m mindful of! Let me know if y’all find anything.
Note: Thanks for requesting @fqshionkilla! This request was quite interesting and wonderful! I had so much fun writing it and I hope you enjoy it. (I may have added a little Aang x reader but just a little bit I couldn’t help it.)
Also this isn’t based on a specific part in the show, I just made it up lol.
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“We have to keep moving.” Katara encouraged, watching as her brother fell to the ground from exhaustion for what seemed the hundredth time in the past hour. Momo was sitting on his shoulders, wide eyes looking at the boy as his tail wagged with confusion. That was most likely Momo’s way of saying “Seriously, what’s wrong with this guy?”
Toph groaned from the rock she decided to sit on, and Aang slipped from the tree his back was leaning against at the sudden noise, but he quickly regained his posture.
“‘Keep moving’?!” Toph repeated, faded eyes widening in disbelief. “I’m dying out here!”
Katara crossed her arms, the map in one of her hands as her eyes scanned her tired friends.
“I know you guys are tired, but we have to keep walking if we want to get to the Earth Kingdom. Aang, do you think Appa is rested enough for us to fly again?”
Aang was in the middle of rubbing the sleepiness out of his eye, and his hand stopped when he was addressed.
“Sorry, Katara,” he started, “but Appa was carrying us for two hours; not to mention him walking behind us this whole time. He’s tired.”
Katara looked bumped out that they couldn’t move on, but she sighed after a moment of thinking. “I guess so, I just want to get there in time.”
“What’s the rush?” Sokka intervened, rubbing the sweat off his face with Momo’s ear, despite the animal’s objections. “It’s not like something major’s going on.”
“Right Sokka. It’s not like a war has been going on for one hundred years!” Katara injected sarcastically, her already crossed arms tightening as a way to cross them for a second time.
Aang sighed. “Although you’re right Katara, Sokka’s also right. We’re not really in a hurry to get to the Earth Kingdom. I think we should make camp. Rest for a night.”
Katara, basically the mother of the group, had trouble being convinced, but the three of them including Appa and Momo already decided on staying the night, their bodies visibly relaxing at the thought of finally being able to rest.
“I suppose we can rest.” She allowed, but none of them seemed to hear her, for they already knew the decision was made before it was spoken.
So the team made camp, Toph creating a rock tent for her to sleep in, four thick walls surrounding her tiny body that was totally fight proof, while Sokka, Katara, and Aang planned to sleep in sleeping bags.
Sokka reluctantly gathered fire wood and spent five minutes rubbing two sticks together before he realized he had matches on him.
Together they sat along the fire, satisfying cracks coming from the flames. All their eyes reflected the flames, fire dancing in their orbs.
“Too bad Aang doesn’t know Fire Bending yet; the fire would have been a lot easier to make.” Sokka commented, only trying to innocently start a conversation, only to get a harsh glare from the Avatar himself, making the boomerang guy sink his shoulders.
“Sorry.” He mumbled. “Just trying to fill the silence.”
“Well it’s definitely working.” Toph said sarcastically, making Aang and Katara stifle a laugh.
“How about we tell some stories?” Aang suggested, leaning against Appa’s white fur with a grin plastered on his face. “Anyone got something interesting?”
Toph shook her head. “Sorry to disappoint, Twinkle Toes, but I’ve got nothin’”
“Katara?” Aang asked, hope filling his eyes as he died for have something fun and wild to think about before he went to sleep.
She shook her head. “Unless you want to hear old Water Tribe legends.”
Sokka groaned, having heard them a thousand times from their Gran Gran. “No thank you.” He said, Momo’s ears covering his eyes as he laid on his stomach.
Toph blew some hair out of her face, the noise breaking the short couple of seconds of silence. “Sokka?” Aang hesitantly asked.
Sokka shrugged the best he could while laying down. “I’ve got nothing.”
Aang leaned back onto Appa, his excitement wearing off. He previously lept forward in hopes of hearing a suspenseful story, but leaned back once he got no response.
“Well, I guess that settles it. Let’s just go to sleep I guess.” Aang suggested, a slight frown on his lips out of disappointment.
“Sorry Aang, we tried.” Sokka said, getting up lazily and making his way to his sleeping bag. He yawned loudly, arms stretching up high but forgetting Momo was sitting on his shoulders, and the poor animal fell to the ground with a noise of protest, crawling over to Aang in hopes of comfort.
Aang petted the lemur’s head, blue arrow on his hand shining in the fire’s light. The boy yawned himself. “Goodnight, Momo.”
The lemur seemed to get the message, body curling up into a ball, tail wagging a couple times before it made home beside him. His wild unique eyes shut, slumber slowly taking over.
The whole team felt the wave of sleep come over them, all eyes shutting after a few yawns were heard.
Suddenly Toph bended the rocks around her to the ground, a loud cracking noise from the rocks doing so. A gasp was heard coming from her lips, her body standing up so her feet could feel-see-better.
The urgent tone of her voice got everyone sitting up, Sokka rubbing the heck out of his face to show that he was in fact dead asleep a couple seconds ago before the disturbance.
“What? What is it Toph?” Katara asked, grabbing her container filled with water just in case.
“I feel someone coming.”
“What? Who?” Aang asked, hand reaching for his staff as he took position of a fighting stance, looking in all directions for any sign of movement that wasn’t from the wind.
Toph suddenly slammed her foot to the ground, a sharp line of rock scurrying along the earth’s floor toward what looked like just a dark spot on the woods. All three of them watched it, including Momo who was on top of Aang’s head, trying to get as far away from the danger as possible, and Appa, who was still lying down, eyes half open.
The line suddenly changed course, and before Toph could stop it, it bumped right into her foot, her body falling to the ground.
“Toph you okay?!” Sokka yelled, making his way over to the girl only for him to trip on what was left of the line of disturbed earth, arms flying in circles trying to regain balance but he failed to do so, body falling to the ground right next to Toph.
“How did that happen? Did it run into something?” Katara asked confused.
Aang shook his head. “Not something. Someone. Someone’s Earth Bending from the woods.”
Once Sokka and Toph were off the ground, they were about to start slowly walking towards the woods to check things out but someone came out of the trees, revealing themselves.
“You know, you didn’t have to do that, I was just exploring; the forest is pretty at night.”
A girl was standing there, dressed in dark green Earth Kingdom clothes, hair half tied up, an Earth Kingdom pin tucked in the strands. Her cheeks were flushed at the sight of many people looking at her strangely.
Suddenly all of them went in a stance, ready to strike. One boy, blue arrow in his bald head held his two hands up with a staff in one of them, clearly ready to Air Bend if needed. A second boy dressed in blue- she figured he was Water Tribe- held up a boomerang in his hand. The girl in a matching outfit of his had water wrapped around her arms, and the -blind?- girl next to her held two rocks in the air.
“Woah!” She said, holding her hands up to show she didn’t have weapons on her. “What’s this all ab-”
“Oh don’t act like the Fire Nation didn’t send you! Stay away from Aang!” The boy in the blue yelled, holding up his ‘weapon’ higher as a way to prove his point.
The girl was surprised. “Fire Nation? Why I’m on earth would I be on their side?” She said, stepping closer.
The girl holding rocks in the air suddenly put them down, the two rocks crashing back into the ground. “Wait.. I recognize you. Your voice I mean.”
“What? How?” Aang asked, titling his head.
“You’re one of the best Earth Benders in the world!” Toph exclaimed instead of answering Aang’s question.
“What?” Sokka said disbelievingly. “No way. She’s been sent by the Fire Nation to capture Aang. Stand back, Toph.” Sokka said, stepping in front of Toph to protect her.
Toph wasn’t having it, and pushed Sokka out of the way.
“Calm down. She wouldn’t work for the Fire Nation. She’s one of the best warriors ever!”
“It’s nice that you’re a whole fan and all, but please someone tell me what’s happening.” Katara asked, her water going back into her container strapped to her side now that she knew the girl wasn’t a threat.
Topph smiled. “You don’t know her? Seriously, you guys need to educate yourselves. She’s known in all the Four Nations- mainly for being one of the best fighters in the world.”
The girl smiled sheepishly. “I don’t really go around telling that to everyone but thanks I guess.” She said, chuckling nervously. “Sorry, you know, for frightening you guys. I guess I shall be on my merry way.” She said, saluting them with her first two fingers on her head, spinning around and starting to walk away.
“Wait! Stop!”
The girl turned back around, looking at the boy skin the blue arrow on his head. He was a couple steps in front of the group, staff still in his hand but no longer in a threatening way, and she just then noticed the lemur on his head.
“What?” The girl asked.
“Where did you come from? And are you really a good Earth Bender?” He asked curiously, eyes widening. She laughed nervously and rubbed the back of her neck.
“Yeah, I’ve been told. And I come from the Earth Kingdom, King Oblivious.” She nicknamed him, and his cheeks got red and this time he was rubbing his neck. He chuckled awkwardly.
“Yeah, that’s pretty obvious.” He said, glancing at her clothes that were indeed Earth Kingdom attire.
“I don’t believe you.” Sokka injected, right before he suddenly flung his boomerang at her, the weapon coming straight for the girl. She didn’t spare a glance, waving her hand as the once was settled earth rose up instantly and blocked the boomerang, so instead of hitting her it just simply smacked the rock and fell to the ground.
“Don’t even try.” She said, making the rock go back down into the earth so she could see the boy’s face. Aang was watching the girl with admiration in his eyes, orbs sparkling.
Sokka dramatically wept, leaning down and grabbing his boomerang and holding it close to his chest. “Boomerang!”
Katara rolled her eyes, and walked closer to the girl.
“Well if you’re not a threat then what are you doing here?”
The girl shrugged. “I honestly don’t know. I was just exploring away from my campsite when I say an earth worm scurrying toward me.” She remarked, referencing Toph’s Earth Bending mechanism. The blind girl flushed. “Sorry.”
The girl waved her off with a simple gesture of the hand. “All good.”
Toph’s eyes suddenly widened with excitement.
“Can we keep her?” She asked desperately. Aang nodded very enthusiastically, turning to Katara. “Please?” He asked, making his eyes wide like a puppy.
The girl waved her hand again and earth came bursting up from the ground, knocking Aang over onto his back. “Oof!” He yelled. “What was that for?”
“I can’t stay with people I don’t know the names of.” She reminded.
Aang burst up with a whirl of air. “I’m Aang!” He introduced. “And this is Katara, Sokka, and Toph. Oh! And that’s Momo and Appa.” He said, pointing to each of his companions.
The girl smiled. “Cool.” She said quite sarcastically because she’s never seen a flying bison before.
“So, can we keep her?” Aang asked, begging Katara, almost on his knees beside Toph. Katara rolled her eyes.
Aang and Toph burst up out of excitement, high giving each other. (Once Toph found Aang’s hand that is.)
Sokka made a noise of despair. “We’re keeping her?! She bent my boomerang!”
“Come on! You gotta show me some tricks to use against the Fire Lord.” Aang said, sleep the last thing on his mind as he grabbed her arm, leading her to the cliff that was great for Earth Bending.
Let’s just say that Sokka’s complains weren’t being listened to and the team’s so wanted rest wasn’t granted.
Thanks for requesting and I really hoped it was what you wanted! 🫶🏻
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slimepuparibaba · 1 year
Stars and Asters: Chapter 1.0 - "How to Train Your Drunk Bards' Dragon" Act 1... or something
Ari's Braindead Notes:
guys i know liyue was included in patch 1.0 okay but listen cut me some slack im literally covering all of mondstadt in this fucking chapter kJHAKLDFHAKLJDFHL
also yes characters interacting time, this will be a lot more fun for me
we do be skipping around to get to the more interesting points
if u wanna like make this fully fledged by all means have at it or like do anything with it i rlly dont care plz just end my misery i am like at my computer dying, wondering what ive done with my life
this is so unserious ok im so not sorry
without further ado:
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[WORD COUNT: 8.2k words (i am... so sorry)]
Areas of Genshin canon covered: Beginning of Game to End of Four Temples of Mondstadt
&lt;prev> <masterlist> <next>
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Ah, Teyvat. Beautiful, innit? Amazing world full of--
Oh shit, nope, wait. Nevermind. Wake up, bitches, time to run, because the Cataclysm (chat noir??) happened.
So we introduce our two heroes, Aether and Lumine. They wanna escape Teyvat, and then Miss Totally Not Kiana The Unknown God, Asmoday (we think that's her name) shows up, forbidding the Travelers from escaping.
Fun Fact: That Unknown God? That's our corrupted God Program right there, taking the form of the most powerful entity in the world at present to exert control. So far, nothing's gone wrong. Haha. Haha.
Anyway, Aether and Lumine decide to fight her, flying towards her, and then just as they dive up and are about to strike, the Unknown God freezes Lumine first.
Panicking, Aether calls out to Lumine before diving at the Unknown God. Yup. Aether is the prota--
Nope. Wait. Hold on. Wh... What's happening with Lumine's prison?
Suddenly, something LITERALLY NO ONE SEES COMING, Lumine breaks out, and through some unknown ability, is able to teleport RIGHT BEHIND THE UNKNOWN GOD, THIS CLOSE to getting a headshot.
Panicked, the Unknown God instead freezes Aether. Lumine calls out his name, then goes to strike again, only to be frozen second, crying out for the Unknown God to give Aether back.
Lumine, in the World System's eyes, has now been fully registered as the Traveler. While Aether, registered as the Abyss Prince.
So, fun fact: according to the "original world seed", that wasn't supposed to happen. Aether was supposed to be the protagonist, not Lumine. Like... something was wrong.
And the God Program? Was pissed.
She kept demanding that the World System reset. Again and again, but the World System refused. The only way the World System would reset was if the God Program reset with it.
God Program: Everything went wrong... you were supposed to be the Abyss Monarch, not your brother...! God Program: No matter... I can simply restart-- World System: Failed to execute deletion due to preexisting condition. God Program: ...Condition? What condition?! The condition claimed that her brother remain the protagonist. If she fails that condition-- World System: Teyvat ver. 5410010 World Console Rule No. 1 - The twin who is first reduced to nothing via the Unknown God is embedded with the Abyssal Monarch spirit data, whereas the leftover twin is embedded with the Traveler Twin spirit data. God Program: But resetting is the only way to get the story to work-- World System: Teyvat ver. 5410010 World Console Rule No. 1 Clause 1 - Once the Traveler and Abyssal Twins have been decided, this decision is permanent and no resetting is allowed. The only options include: deletion of the world console and the Overseer, continue with the storyline. God Program: ...That little bitch... God Program: Show me her data. Now.
The World System pulls up Lumine's data, and something of note is... different about her.
Avatar Name: Female Traveler Nickname: Lumine Model Type: Girl Weapon Type: Sword Element: Changeable Special Condition: Carrier of the Charitas Gene
For simplicity's sake, I'm not gonna explain what the Charitas Gene is. But the God Program is definitely not happy about it, far as I can tell.
(eyo ma'am we get it, youre miguel o'hara but a bitch goddamn--)
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And so, Lumine falls asleep for 500 years. And now, we reach Mondstadt's beach, where she talks to Paimon and recaps her on everything that happened.
Paimon is also a literal fish out of water (get it? Because. Because she was fished out? ...okay, I'll see myself out--)
The two became close friends over the past two months and Paimon decides that their first stop should be Mondstadt! Which is. Literally right there. (like c'mon guys, it took you this long to figure it out?)
Also because I like showcasing character moments, please enjoy the two's banter. Please. They're actual sisters.
Lumine: You know... I never really understood how you could've nearly drowned. Paimon: What do you mean by that? Lumine: Oh, nothing... Lumine: I mean, you could've just flown out of the water. Paimon: Hey! J-Just so you know, there's LOTS of other animals that can fly, but they ended up drowning too!  Lumine: That's because their wings got damaged and they couldn't fly out the water. And, as far as I'm aware, Paimon? You don't have wings. Paimon: (unconvincingly) W-well... u-uh... it was... Paimon's legs! Yeah, her legs! They were super sore! Lumine: (chuckling) Mhm. Sure, they were.
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The two head over to the first Statue of the Seven they find, and Paimon catches Lumine up on some of the "lore" of the world--about the Archons, about the elements, the statues. And then, immediately, Paimon just. Tells Lumine to touch the statue.
Paimon: Hey, maybe you should try touching it! Lumine: Uh, what-- Paimon: You heard Paimon! Touch the statue and pray to it! Lumine: Those are two entirely different things--
And so, Lumine resonates with Anemo...
...and accidentally windblades herself backwards onto the ground.
Paimon reveals that Lumine was likely blessed with Barbatos' blessing, the Anemo Archon, and that Mondstadt City would gladly welcome her in (to Lumine's confusion, because that's like calling the capital of England "England City", but whatever--)
Before they can decide to move there, gigantic-ass dragon flies over. The two go to check it out and see a green bard (we know it's Venti, this is very much obvious by now) talking to a dragon.
As the two peek in, Paimon accidentally floats too close, losing balance and bumping into Lumine, who creates a large blast of Anemo energy, startling the dragon.
The dragon flies off and Venti disappears. When they go to search for it, they find a red teardrop and have. No clue what to do with it. Lumine holds it in her hand.
Lumine: Huh... never seen anything like this before. Paimon: Paimon hasn't either! She can't tell what it is, but looks like we'll just have to take it with us! Lumine: You're saying we have to hold this the entire way? It's not like I have a bag or anything... Paimon: U-uh, m-maybe we...
The crystal randomly dissipates while the two ponder and Lumine and Paimon scream.
The crystal reappears in Lumine's held out hands. Paimon and Lumine scream again, Lumine falling backwards as it hovers.
Lumine: It just... a-appeared again. Paimon: M-maybe... perhaps... Paimon: Oh! Maybe you have a psychic storage space that you learned about from another world!
Half-right. It's the World System working in the "game inventory" mechanic.
Lumine: Yeah, no, I don't think that's it.
It's kinda that.
Anyway, Lumine tests it again, concentrating carefully, only for it to dissipate into thin air. She stares at her palms and--yeah, no, it's definitely gone now.
Paimon: And now it's gone again! Lumine: Seems like along with my Anemo prowess, I can summon items and store them at well... Paimon: So it IS a psychic storage space... Lumine: I'd like to think of it as a virtual inventory. Paimon: Haaah, well, if that's really what you think, then Paimon won't correct you...
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Virtual Inventory now introduced as an actual living breathing mechanic that Lumine can utilize as hammer space, they trek to the Whispering Woods, where they meet Amber, who is all like "hey you kinda sus"
Paimon and Lumine give Amber some sas, hilarity ensuing
Amber: You don't look like citizens of Mondstadt. Explain yourselves! Paimon: WE'RE NOT DOING ANYTHING ILLEGAL! Lumine: (internally) Only criminals say that kind of thing...?! Lumine: Sorry, ignore her. She's not good under pressure. I'm Lumine, and that's Paimon. We're really not looking for any trouble. Amber: Hmm... Lumine and Paimon, huh? Doesn't sound like any local names to me. Lumine: (internally) Not wrong... Amber: Well, other than your odd clothing style, you're clear, Lumine. Lumine and Paimon: (internally) Like your clothing is anymore conventional?!
No more time for chit chat, girls, because we got an issue with Hilichurs! Lumine feels like she can hear some sort of "Amber has joined your party" ringing in the back of her head, but she shakes it off as something she thought of herself.
So they find a Hilichurl Camp, and here is where we immediately start deviating.
Paimon: Whoa…! An entire Hilichurl Camp! Lumine: A Hili-what? Amber: Those. Hilichurls.
Amber points to the Hilichurls eating and dancing around a fire. Some are sharpening their axes, others stringing their bows.
Lumine: ...they look... kinda cute. Amber: Yeah, they seem cute, but they can get aggressive to people like you and me. They're too close to the city, so my task this time is to clear out their camp. Lumine: Wait, why can't we just say 'hi' and ask them politely to leave? Amber: B-Because they don't speak our language--wait, Traveler? Where are you going?!
Lumine then decides it's a smart idea to walk up to one of the hilichurls who's happily eating a Sunsettia. She kneels down and tries to talk to them.
Lumine: Um... Hi there, little fella. Hilichurl: ...? Ya!
The Hilichurl stands up, grabbing the club next to him and ready to hit Lumine. He drops his Sunsettia on the ground, but Lumine holds out her arm as if trying to show she means no harm.
Lumine: H-hey, no... uh... no fight! Paimon: Lumine, they won't listen! Hilichurls aren't-- Lumine: Shh, I think I'm making progress...!
Though she struggles, she tries to reason with the Hilichurl and hands it the Sunsettia, hoping to reason.
Lumine: Here… go on, take it.
The Hilichurl looks at her hand, then to the others in his group. They too seem puzzled, but do nothing. Finally, the Hilichurl takes the Sunsettia into his palms and stares at Lumine, before dancing a bit.
Paimon: …h-he… he seems happy…! Hilichurl: Valo valo! Ya mi tomo!
A flash of recognition appears in Lumine's eyes, as if she understands what the Hilichurl is saying. This shouldn't be normal, but she knows anyway. So, she continues conversing.
Lumine: You're welcome. Hey, do you think you can move the camp a little farther into the forest? Hilichurl: Dala? Lumine: Mm… mostly because the other people might be too scared of you, so they'll try and attack. Hilichurl: Mm…
The Hilichurl turns to his friends and starts speaking, Lumine understanding that he's requesting to move the camp farther from the city. After a bit, he returns to conversing with Lumine. Paimon and Amber look from afar in bewilderment.
Amber (shouting): What did he say? Lumine (shouting): He said that they were told to be stationed here by someone, but since I asked nicely, they'll move!
The Hilichurls seem happy that they were able to communicate, and suddenly, the one friendly Hilichurl runs over to the inside of the main hut, motioning Lumine to come over.
Lumine follows, and in front of the Friendly Hilichurl is a small, common chest. Lumine, in shock, looks at him as if affirming what the Hilichurl is offering. He nods in response, and Lumine opens it. Inside, however, is something uncommon…
Inside of the chest is a sword and a bow. The sword is glowing brightly with an aqua-green hue, while the bow seems to have the same sigil that Amber wears on her outrider outfit.
The Hilichurls wave goodbye to the trio as Lumine hands the bow over to Amber, keeping the sword in her grasp. Paimon and Amber are both astonished, as the Hilichurls fulfill their promise and start to move out further into the forest.
Amber: …How… did you do that? Paimon: Paimon's never seen someone interact with Hilichurls like that before… Lumine: Wait, really? No one's asked nicely? Amber: I mean, we've tried, but they couldn't understand us. It usually led to them getting upset and lashing out at us, so whenever they see a person, they strike first on reflex. Lumine: Well… that one Hilichurl said he'd try putting in a good word for me with the other tribes. So, maybe the issue's solved? Paimon: You understood Hilichurlian! That's amazing! Lumine: Just a bit. I'm more surprised he understood me. He seems like a sweet guy--seems like he's the youngest of the group. Amber: All that information from a single exchange with a Hilichurl… Ella Musk would be impressed…
Aside from me restraining myself from wishing Ella Musk's name was changed, the group then realizes that Amber gained a Favonius Warbow. And, for some reason... Luine has the Aquila Favonia?
No one really knows why, but anyway, the group heads back to Mondstadt. Amber catches 'em up: Stormterror is a big dragon that brings gigantic storms whenever he's near, and so Mondstadt's in a tight spot. The Knights of Favonius also have to deal with Hilichurls moving closer and closer into the city, but Lumine realizes something.
Lumine (internally): It doesn't add up... the Hilichurl I talked to said they were told to be stationed there, like they were told by a tactician. Not to mention the person in green who talked to the dragon… something's not right.
Detective Lumine, who decided to turn into Rosa from Tears of Themis for a good bit, then goes with Paimon and Amber to Mondstadt.
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They take a tour around the city, which is pretty empty, and learn about what Mondstadt is like. Lumine makes mental note to never indulge in any of the taverns because she apparently might get too caught up in taste-testing wine to the point where she'll become flat-out drunk. Sasuga Traveler.
And then, Lumine is given a Wind Glider by Amber. She glides around, and suddenly, when she lands, the wind glider dissipates. Amber explains this to Lumine. More mechanics.
Amber: Wow, you did pretty well! And it seems like the Wind Glider recognized you as it's owner. Paimon: "Recognized"? What's that mean? Amber: : Some of the items in this world have a will imbedded in them, like my new bow! Amber summons the bow in her hands, which seems to come out of nowhere. This surprises Paimon and Lumine. Amber: See, if an item recognizes you as it's owner and synchronizes with you, you can summon it at will! Practically appears and disappears when you ask it to. Cool trick, right? Paimon: So that's what it is! Amber: Though it's a bit strange. Usually, only Vision holders can achieve this, but… as far as I can see, you don't have a Vision, Traveler. Lumine: …a Vision? Amber: Yeah. A Vision! You see, a Vision is--!
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Woops, sorry walking exposition, but we got a dragon to deal with! A tornado begins to form--multiple tornadoes in fact, and as Amber and Paimon run away, Lumine gets Dorothy'd up into the air. Paimon and Amber try to hold her down, but nope.
But, with Venti's help, Lumine remains stable. She's instructed by Venti to "deal with Dvalin".
Venti: You're doing great! Keep it up! Lumine: It'd be nice if you could've introduced yourself before you put me in this situation! Venti: You really want an introduction at a time like this?! Mondstadt needs your help! Lumine: Okay, but when this is all over, I EXPECT answers!
On the ground, Paimon is watching worriedly for Lumine and is this close to flying in, but Amber is busy evacuating citizens.
Amber: Paimon, there's some citizens trying to seek shelter! We have to help! Paimon: B-but…! But what about--? Amber (serious): I know you're worried about your partner, but she looks like she can fend off Mondstadt against the dragon. Right now, these innocent people can't. I need your help.
Paimon seems unsure, looking back up at the sky for Lumine. Amber again asks, but this time, it comes out more as a plea.
Amber: Please…
Paimon then looks at Amber, nodding. Amber runs off, trying to help out innocents. Paimon hesitates, looking up at the sky one last time.
Paimon: …please be okay, Lumine…!
She then flies off in Amber's direction, assisting as best as she can.
Meanwhile, there's this guy... a guy with an eyepatch awtching from afar. He's doing that "cool guy" pose, leaning against the support beam of a building. Congratulations--we've met Kaeya.
Kaeya: So, an Outlander has come to save us from the big, scary dragon. How amusing…
Lisa, who is actually doing work for once, scolds Kaeya as she escorts a woman and her child to safety
Lisa: Kaeya! A little bit of help would be appreciated. Kaeya: Right. Sorry. Got distracted by the light show.  Lisa: Kaeya, not now! Kaeya: Alright, alright. I'm coming. No need to worry so much, Lisa.
While he's busy, though, he still is thinking heavily about that person in the sky... wondering about something. But, oh well, whatever.
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After some time passes, Lumine successfully shoos Dvalin away and lands on the ground, where Paimon tearfully hugs Lumine tightly, glad she's okay.
Anyway, then Kaeya comes up
Kaeya (clapping): Well, well, well. You've actually got the power to go up against the dragon... Lumine: ? Kaeya: Are you perhaps a new ally... Kaeya: Or a new storm? Lumine and Paimon (staring): ... Paimon (whispering): Is he really a Knight? Lumine (whispering): No, I think he's a pirate. Kaeya (surprised): Huh. That's. Not the reaction I was expecting.
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Anyway, we're introduced to Kaeya and the group heads to the Knights of Favonius, where they meet Jean and Lisa and basically go over how fucked the shit is.
Jean: So that's the situation. Stormterror's power sources must be cut off, and we need your help. I promise, we will help you seek out your brother. Lisa: Mhm. That's right, cuties! Lumine: ... Lumine: Okay so... stop THAT. Lisa: Hm? Lumine: And also, how... many Temples are we dealing with? Kaeya: Three of the Four Temples. Lumine: ... Lumine: I'm sorry, what happened to the fourth? Paimon: is it the rule of threes? Lumine: This sounds like the rule of threes. Amber: What are you guys even saying? Kaeya (snickering): Pffft... finally, my kind of crowd. Amber: No. Stop Do not.
So with that out of the way, Lisa and Kaeya join the party and embark on the quest to the Three Temples--I mean, Three of the Four Temples.
No, Paimon, Lumine, and Kaeya will NOT stop joking about it.
Lumine: But if the fourth temple is off-limits, shouldn't you just call it the three temples? Lisa: Well, you see, it's because-- Paimon: Yeah! If you keep saying it's dangerous but it still exists, then people who would want to visit the Temples would try to find the fourth anyway! Because completionism! Kaeya: Ah, see, I brought up that same point as well, but the Acting Grandmaster said otherwise. Amber: Listen, we're visiting THREE TEMPLES. Okay? Just three! No more! Paimon: No four. Lumine: What a bore. Kaeya: Such a chore. Amber: And no rhyming games! Kaeya: What a... Paimon, Lumine, and Kaeya: Shame? Lisa (sighs): A long errand this will be, won't it, Amber? Amber: You're telling me...
I'm not going to go over the stupid Temples, okay? Like. Literally no one remembers them. I'm skipping them. Shush. This is my fic, I do what I want.
Most you'll get is tidbits of what happens in each one.
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First up we have the Temple of the Falcon, where we see Amber in action. And, um...
Amber: Oh no, Hilichurls! Lisa: Quickly, we must defeat them! Kaeya: Right. Amber: Oh, there's explosive barrels over there! Maybe if I throw Baron Bunny over-- Lumine: Oh, hey! Is that you, little guy? Friendly Hilichurl (from before): Tomo! Kaeya, Lisa, and Amber: ... All three: What? Lumine: Sorry for intruding. Were you guys stationed here too? Friendly Hilichurl: Dada. Dala si? Lumine: Oh, some friends of mine. Hey, listen, do you know where some sort of... draconic power is? Friendly Hilichurl: Da! Zido, zido! Paimon: Wow, Lumine, your Hilichurlian is really helpful! Lumine: I know, right? Kinda glad about that. Kaeya: ... Kaeya: S... she speaks... Amber: Yup. Lisa: And she negotiated with... Amber: Mhm. Kaeya: ... Kaeya: That's... a new one...
--yeah, so I lied. Remember how Lumine communicated with the Hilichurls earlier? Yeah, it makes things significantly easier for them.
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They take out a Dragon's Breath, move onto the next Temple. Here, Lumine learns about Visions... and the group also tries to avoid every single sexual innuendo Lisa makes.
Lisa: So as you can see, when enemies are Wet, I can easily handle them via chain lightning, as they become electro-charged. Lumine: ... Paimon: ... Lia: The electrical discharge caused by friction is only a little less shocking than love at first sight. Lumine, covering Paimon's ears: Paimon, you're too young to hear this. Paimon, covering her eyes: Paimon is too Paimon to see this. Kaeya: Lisa, maybe cut down on the adult erotica you read? Amber: KAEYA! Kaeya, covering Lumine's ears: What? Just sayin'. Not in front of the children. Lumine: I AM 5'2", THAT IS LIKE AVERAGE HEIGHT FOR A FEMALE ADULT! Kaeya: Sure, kiddo. Lumine, squirming: HANDS OFF, HANDS OFF--!
Lisa also gets a new weapon here, but that's neither really here or there. I'm not gonna mention much about weapons, guys, unless the character is like super important.
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Anyway, two out of the four three temples left! Kaeya's turn! And. Um. Well.
Kaeya: Luckily, the Hilichurls weren't so much as a problem this time... Kaeya, turning to Lumine, swinging around his new sword he just got cuz he wants to look like a badass: So. You said they were stationed here? Lumine: Yup. That's what they told me. They typically want to be as far out from humans or human-traveled locations as much as possible so they can live peacefully, but they only ever approach if stationed there. Kaeya: Interesting... Then perhaps. Kaeya, to the Hydro Abyss Mage behind him: YOU were behind this! Hydro Abyss Mage: Gohus, Chiso Vo--
And then a gigantic ass flaming claymore bursts in, hitting the Hydro Abyss Mage.
Hydro Abyss Mage: GAH-- Kaeya: ..well, well, look who it is. Diluc: Knights of Favonius. Always so inefficient. Kaeya: Agree to disagree. But, since you got involved, this should be more interesti-- Amber: KAEYA, DILUC, I GET THAT YOU'RE BICKERING, BUT THE THING ISN'T GONE! Kaeya and Diluc: ?! Lisa, busy electrocuting it: Master Diluc, may we remind you the basics of elemental resonation and why fire doesn't work effectively on water? Diluc: ... Kaeya: ...
Kaeya proceeds to freeze the Hydro Abyss Mage.
Diluc: ... Kaeya: So. 'Inefficient', you said? Diluc: ...tch.
Diluc leaves, while Lumine and Paimon just stare.
Lumine: ...was he... trying to be cool? Paimon: That was... the worst first imperssion ever. Kaeya: Pfft. Yup. Knew I liked you two.
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So anyhow and anyway, the group returns to Mondstadt and updates Jean on everything, with Lumine and Paimon learning the Fourth Temple was actually Dvalin's. Insert an "ooooooh" here.
Well, actually, before they update Jean, they see her arguing with Fatui diplomats on things.
Jean: That was the Fatui... from Snezhnaya. Lumine: Actually, it's pronounced "Fah-twee". Jean: ...what? Lumine: You're pronouncing it like pah-tooey, like when someone expectorates. Lumine: Anyway, continue. Jean: Oh... kay...? Paimon: Wait, so the Fatui wanted to kill Stormterror? Kaeya: To be fair, the Cryo Archon and the Fatui have always coveted the other Archons' powers... Lumine: Okay, but why? Kaeya: Beats me. Paimon: Aren't you a Knight? Shouldn't you know more about politics? Kaeya: Aren't you the "number one traveling companion"? Shouldn't YOU know more about Teyvat in general? Paimon: D'oh...
Lisa and Jean then take a look at the red crystal, amused by it. They claim that it's impure, and surprising that Lumine isn't affected by it. Then, she is honored with the title.
Jean: Now then, Traveler... The Knights of Favonius have another favor to ask of you. Lumine: You can just call me Lumine... no need to call me Trave-- Jean: Please accept the title of Honorary Knight... and the gratitude of the Acting Grand Master! Lumine: Aaaaand a new title. Awesome. Paimon: Wow, look at that, Lumine! The Honorary Knight of Favonius! Kaeya: And now you're subject to being called Honorary Knight to the end of your days. Lumine: Haha, very funny.
The group disperses, going their seperate ways, only for Lumine and Paimon to ask for lodging! W-well, except, um...
Paimon: Paimon can't BELIEVE it! The Fatui took ALL THE ROOM IN THE GOETHE HOTEL?! Lumine: And to think it's the only hotel in Mondstadt... for the supposed capital of the place, you'd think there'd be more. Paimon: Urgh... those Fatui! And Paimon could've ordered food service. Lumine: Ah, so YOUR main complaint was food service. Paimon: W-well, who are we supposed to call here? Captain Eyepatch?! Lumine: Or Noelle. Apparently she's like the maid here? Paimon: Yeah, but... Paimon would feel bad asking her for room service... Lumine: (laughs) Paimon: So, Amber said that our room was... this one, right?
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Lumine and Paimon arrive at their temporary lodging--the Knights of Favonius HQ. Well, specifically, the area where the Knights who live in the HQ stay. Thankfully, there were open spaces due to a large majority of the soldiers being gone with the actual Grandmaster of the Knights.
When Paimon and Lumine open the room, they find it's... pretty quaint. They get a decent view, a comfy bed. Though, there is a LOT of Favonius paraphernalia--from the books, to the carpet. Even the curtains and...
Lumine: Huh. Didn't know that had Favonius-branded napkins. Paimon: And lamps. Lumine: ...interesting...
Lumine and Paimon take the chance to settle down, sitting back and getting comfy.
Paimon: Lumine, you sure are getting comfortable with the Teyvatan language, though! Those two months of practicing were worth it, weren't they? Lumine: I also had to relearn how to walk again... you know, they never talk about how over five hundred years of sleeping can seriously affect your ability to move. Paimon: Mhm! But it was all worth it in the end!
As Lumine and Paimon lie down on their bed, Lumine looks up at the ceiling. It's getting dark out... they've been busy all day. Talk about an action-packed first day properly interacting with Teyvatan locals.
Lumine: ...it's only been a day, huh? Paimon: ... Paimon: Lumine? Lumine: Hm? Paimon: Are you... sad?
Paimon turns around, looking up at Lumine. She's worried.
Paimon: Do you think the Anemo Archon is the one that took your brother? Lumine: ...no. Far from it. If the statue is anything like the god that took him from me? Definitely not her. Paimon: Do you think he'd at least know her? Lumine: Well... I guess we could ask. Paimon: ...Paimon's sorry. Lumine: Hm? For what?
Paimon grows quiet, then whimpers.
Paimon: ...if Paimon could remember, Paimon would tell you, but...
When Lumine found Paimon, Paimon commented that there were things she did and didn't remember.
Lumine: Well, you seemed to remember some things as we made our way here, right? Paimon: Right, but... it only happened when Paimon saw them. It was like Paimon couldn't remember until she had to remember. Lumine: ...then, when the time comes, you'll remember. I know it. Paimon: ...mn. Paimon hopes so.
Paimon lets out a big yawn, and Lumine smiles gently. For the past two months, it's just been her and Paimon against the world. They've practically become inseperable. Attached to the hip.
Lumine: Tired? Paimon: Mn... Lumine: Go to sleep then, Paimon. It's been a long day.
Lumine stands up, gently tucking Paimon into bed. However, Paimon calls out to Lumine.
Paimon: Lumine, what about you? Aren't you sleepy? Lumine: I'll head to bed in a bit. Just want to do some reading practice before anything.
Lumine stands up, grabbing some books from the shelves. With a stack of them in her arms, she makes her way to the bed, flipping through each of them vigorously.
Clues about her brother's whereabouts. Myths about that Unknown God. An unknown location. She'd accept anything at this point.
Book after book, page after page... the light in the room stayed on throughout the night. It was as if hours passed. And yet, nothing.
No mentions of a blond-haired Traveler in search of his sister. No Unknown Gods with flowing white hair that claimed to be the Sustainer of Heavenly Principles. It was all simply tales of Mondstadt, or fairy tales about some oddities.
Lumine's eyes began to droop... she was getting sleepier by the moment. Until finally, the weary girl dozed off.
The first night without her brother. How sad... how unfortunate.
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As Lumine dozes off to sleep, she hears a voice resounding... and suddenly, her surroundings change, and she begins to dream.
Once upon a time, there was a one-eyed peacock...
"He came from a long line of creatures that lived in a forest made by their own kind. They despised the gods that lived up above them in the sky, and wished to rule themselves. For they were the superior. That was their belief."
"But the gods were angered by these creatures. How dare they overstep such boundaries set in place? How dare these creatures be greedy and take life into their own hands? In anger, the gods set the creature-made forest ablaze."
"It was Hell on earth. Many cried, many screamed. Beings of shadow emerged from the depths, consuming everyone in it's wake... it was a disaster. No... it was a Cataclysm."
"Despite it being 500 years ago, the one-eyed peacock shared his ancestor's legacy. For his bloodline had been cursed by the gods. What that curse was, he would never say. But all he knew was this: his father had sent him to hide in a beautiful kingdom of dandelions, in hopes that one day, it would perish."
"The peacock, in truth, held a dark secret. His beautiful feathers were nothing but shards of ice. In truth, his true body was afflicted, tainted by his ancestors. And he had to bear that curse for as long as he lived."
"The peacock made his way into the hearts of the Dandelion Kingdom, and soon, he was taken in by an owl and his owlet. The young peacock and owlet grew close, standing side by side, learning and growing together."
"For once, the peacock wondered, 'Is this okay?'. He asked himself, 'could I live like this? Could I spend my days in this Kingdom of Dandelions?' He was comfortable, he was happy... perhaps, he thought, this could be his new home. Perhaps his curse didn't need to be his truth."
"...but the Gods forbade it."
"These Gods weren't the same ones who cursed the peacock's bloodline, not the ones who lived in the clouds. No, they were the ones who determined everyone's fate. The Gods, in their anger, were unsatisfied with the peacock's conclusion."
"You are cursed forevermore. It is your destiny."
"To prove their point, the Gods sent down a 'curse' that tore apart the owl that took the peacock in. Ripping him apart, limb from limb, pucking his feathers until nothing was left, but a mere husk. By the time that the peacock and owlet arrived, it was too late... the owl was no longer himself."
"The owlet watched in horror, his father growing mad and losing himself. No matter what the owlet did, he could only do one last thing:"
"The peacock watched as the owlet cried, curling up against his father's corpse, his beak and talons stained with blood. It had to be him that ended his father's life."
"This was the Gods answer... the peacock understood. There was no father here, no family here. The only thing left was his curse."
"For the first time, the peacock shed his icy feathers, revealing to the blood-stained owlet the truth. In tears, the owlet grew furious--how could the peacock have lied to him? The peacock, this entire time... was he glad that his father died?"
"The owlet clawed at the peacock, and in return, the peacock fought back. It was no longer a friendly duel between brothers. It was a falling out. They fought, and fought, and fought. But what the owlet didn't see were the peacock's tears."
"Ever since that day, the peacock understood. He must never shed his feathers, for he must keep the truth hidden within. The Gods have willed it so. It is, after all, his destiny, to lie."
"He cannot live a happy life in the Dandelion Kingdom. He cannot trust anyone, not even himself."
"And so, the peacock accepted his destiny, doing as the Gods instructed, until his body froze him to the bone, and he took his final breath, cold. Alone. Just as he had been since the beginning."
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Lumine immediately bolted up out of bed, her head pounding, ears ringing. What was that dream...? No, really, what WAS that dream?
She looked at Paimon, who was sleeping soundly next to her. A dream about a peacock, an owlet, a dead owl... it was all so vivid, so terrifying, so...
Lumine sat up in bed, taking in everything. What sort of dream was that? It was bizarre.
As she felt around for the lamp, her hand rested on a small book. A book she most likely was about to read before falling asleep.
The girl looked outside. Still dark out. Not only that, but her head still ached from such an odd dream--or would it be more appropriate to call it a nightmare?
Either way, she resolved to read the book and find a glass of water. Perhaps that would make it easier on her.
Lumine carefully crept out of the room, ensuring Paimon was fast asleep, before wandering the HQ. It was eerily dead silent in the middle of the night.
She looked around for the kitchen, trying not to make a sound, until at last she found the tap. Setting her book aside and grabbing a glass, she poured herself a drink--
???: "Teyvatan History 101", eh? Lumine: AH!
Nearly spilling her water, Lumine panicked, turning around. Standing there, carrying a lamp, was none other than Kaeya Alberich, dressed down into something she could only assume was his nightwear.
Kaeya: Snooping around in the middle of the night, little miss? Lumine: You scared the heck out of me...! Jeez...! Kaeya: Haha, sorry. Couldn't help myself.
As Kaeya laughed, Lumine held her hand up to her forehead before drinking her glass. Her brows were furrowed, and she seemed to be shaking a bit. At that, Kaeya decided to inquire.
Kaeya: ...hey. Couldn't sleep?
Lumine turned, then looked up at Kaeya.
Kaeya: What? Friend can't ask a friend how she's doing? Lumine: ...we're friends? Kaeya: I'm hurt, Miss Honorary Knight... are you suggesting we aren't?
Lumine laughs at that, before leaning against the counter, sipping her water. Kaeya joins her, leaning against the counter as well. The two are side by side in the quiet of the night.
Lumine: I, uh... yeah. Had a nightmare. Kaeya: Oh? Do tell. Lumine: I just... don't know how to make heads or tails of it? Kaeya: Surprise me. Not only am I devilishly good-looking, but I'm also an expert at interpreting dreams. Lumine: Pfft, that's a lie. Kaeya: You won't know until you try.
The two laugh a bit, until the mood seems to shift in a more... somber way.
Lumine: I, um... I guess I should start by saying I typically don't have nightmares. Kaeya: No? Lumine: Yeah... Aether and I always made sure that we were both at least in the same vicinity when we fell asleep so, I... guess he was like my nightmare repellent. It's... been happening for the past few months. Kaeya: ... Kaeya: I see.
There's a silence in the air, only for Kaeya to try and continue the conversation.
Kaeya: So. You and your brother were close? Lumine: Yeah. Well, are... Lumine: ...hopefully that's the right tense. Kaeya: Hey. I'm sure he's out there. Just gotta look for him is all. I'm sure he's trying to find you too, right? Lumine, quietly: Yeah. I... I hope so too.
Lumine looks into the water in her glass, before she begins to talk about her dream.
Lumine: ...the dream I had this time though was different from most of the other nightmares I've had. Kaeya: Hm? Like what? Lumine: In the past, it was... always about Aether leaving me. Leaving me behind, not letting me follow him, and in the end, I'd end up all alone in a vast, empty void. Lumine: But this one was... about a one-eyed peacock.
When that was mentioned, Kaeya's eye widened.
Kaeya: ...one-eyed... peacock? Lumine: Mhm. Again, a really weird dream, but-- Kaeya: What happened to it? Lumine: Huh? Kaeya: ...t... the peacock, I mean. Did... something happen?
Kaeya hastily tried to correct himself. Lumine couldn't tell if it was the dim lighting or not, but his eye seemed to dart around, refusing to make eye contact with her. Despite this, she continued.
Lumine: Yeah, um... so, the peacock was cursed by the Gods. Something about his bloodline being cursed by defying the creatures that lived in the clouds? It's really confusing. Kaeya: And then? Lumine: Well...
Lumine recounted the story, trying to piece together what she could recall.
Lumine: ...he was accepted into the Dandelion Kingdom. Well, more like sent to infiltrate it by his father to see it's downfall or... something. And he was adopted by an owl and his son. Kaeya: ...
Kaeya grew unexpectedly quiet at this. It was almost uncharacteristic for him.
Lumine: ...Kaeya? Kaeya: Continue.
When he realized how off he sounded, he corrected himself.
Kaeya: Sorry, sorry. I, um... tired. Lumine: O-okay... Lumine: ...well, as time passed, the peacock came to love it in the Dandelion Kingdom, but he questioned if it was alright to stay there or if he had to do what he was "destined" to do. Then, when he hesitated, the Gods got angry. The owl that took care of the peacock went made and his owlet had to be the one to kill him. And the peacock... just watched. Like he was being told "you have to do what you were destined to do now, there is no second option".
Kaeya's hands were shaking, though Lumine couldn't notice it. As if he was reliving a bad memory. A bad dream.
Lumine: ...the peacock decided to try and tell the owlet. I guess he felt bad and at least wanted to put all cards on the table. Shed his feathers, showed the truth and... they fought. And the peacock just... lied for the rest of his life, not questioning his destiny. Kaeya: ...what... happened at the end of the dream? Was... that all?
Lumine grew quiet, before whispering. Ah, so this is why he reacted this way...
Lumine: ...the peacock froze to death.
Kaeya's face darkened. It was like he was hoping for a happier ending deep down, but he knew that it wouldn't end that way.
A few seconds pass, before Lumine draws a conclusion.
Lumine: I don't... want to make assumptions but, I'm guessing from your reaction that... Kaeya: ...that the peacock was me as a kid?
Lumine looked up at Kaeya, who avoided her eyes.
Kaeya: Yeah. From a kid to my teens. Lumine: Then... that owlet was-- Kaeya: The owl was a man named Crepus Ragvindr. And the owlet? His son... Diluc Ragvindr. Lumine: The one who appeared at the Temple of the Wolf? Kaeya: That's right. He and I were close once. But, like you said. I wavered. Instead of being next to him when he had to kill his dad, end Crepus' misery, I just. Watched. Accepted that this was my fate as a descendant of Khaenri'ah.
At that, Lumine became curious.
Lumine: ...Khaenri'ah? Kaeya: An ancient nation made by humans. All Teyvatan nations have been established and run by the Archons, except for Khaenri'ah. Celestia, the big guys up above, hated that. They... wiped out everything. Lumine: I... I-I'm sorry, I-- Kaeya: Don't be. It was centuries ago. Nothing to do with me. Kaeya: Or... well, you know.
Yet another silence between them, only for Kaeya to suddenly chuckle sadly.
Kaeya: Haaah, why... why am I telling you this? Makes no sense. Lumine: Hm? Kaeya: I mean... think about it. We just met today, and suddenly, I'm telling you a secret that I only told one other person, and said person now hates me. I... I must've gone mad.
Kaeya ran his fingers through his hair, continuing to smile sadly.
Kaeya: Ah... that's fine. Just one more person to despise m-- Lumine: I don't despise you.
Kaeya froze in his place. Did... his ears decieve him?
He turned to Lumine, in shock.
Kaeya: What... did you just... Lumine: Why would I hate you for the sins of your father?
The man continued to stare at Lumine, who seemed completely serious. She said it so... matter-of-factly. Was something wrong in her head?
Surely. Surely something was wrong with her. After all, he's a sleeper agent, meant to wait there and watch as Mondstandt burned. So why? Why was she...?
Lumine: If anything, I hate the Gods. Kaeya: ...the... the Gods? Lumine: Mhm. The ones that said that you have to follow your destiny. It's obvious you love Mondstandt, right?
"Obvious"? Please, what does this girl know? Only a day and she's making assumptions on his character.
How could he love Mondstadt when he was to be there someday and watch it all crumble? It was his destiny, his God-given destiny. Written in the stars, unchangeable.
Kaeya: I... hah. I live here, obviously, so-- Lumine: But you love it's people. Kaeya: ... Lumine: I don't know why I got that dream, or why it was so close to your truth. But... what I do know is that every time I saw that peacock, I didn't feel angry. I felt... sad. Lumine: His dad abandoned him to make him fulfill revenge for something that he wasn't involved in, he found a family that was immediately ripped away because he wasn't following his destiny, and he just decides that he has to lie all the time until the day he ends up dying. Lumine: That's such a lonely existence... I couldn't hate a poor creature like that. Lumine: I couldn't hate you like that.
She looks up at Kaeya innocently. Something within Kaeya stirs--it's like she's staring straight into his soul, dissecting everything about him. As she continues to speak, he can't deny her. Like she speaks the truth.
Lumine: If that dream is your reality, then I can't be mad at you. Instead, I'd just be sad. Sad that you wanted to try and be your own person but instead felt like you had to live up to what someone in your past did. That's all, really. Lumine: ...in a way, the Gods never really gave you a chance to grieve at all. Because 'destiny' was more important than you were to them. Lumine: At least, that's just what I'm th--
As Lumine looks up, a strange sight is before her. Kaeya is paralyzed, staring at the ground... and for a moment, she swears she could see something trailing down his cheeks.
A teardrop. A small, tiny teardrop.
Kaeya had lost everything. He didn't want to admit that, but he did. There was nothing for him.
His birth father left him to carry his ancestors' burden. His foster father died in front of his eyes. His best friend, brother, despised him. All the while, he lost the ability to feel like "himself".
He's a liar. A hollow, empty liar.
And instead of falling for his bluff, Lumine, this random stranger from who knows where, shattered that bluff on day one.
Impressive. Scarily impressive. To the point that Kaeya actually felt terrified.
Kaeya: ...hah. Wow. Are... a-are you a therapist? You really should try getting into that. You're, um. You're a very good listene--
Immediately, Lumine sets down her water and hugs Kaeya tightly. She's a lot shorter than him, so her head barely reaches up to his chest, but... for some reason, it's not cold. It's... warm.
Is this a hug?
What kind of hug is it?
A hug of passion and desire?
No. No, Kaeya can tell it isn't... it's too different from that.
A genuine hug from someone that's worried?
...there's no way it could be that, could it?
Lumine: ...you can grieve now. Kaeya: ... Lumine: ...it's long overdue by now, isn't it? I won't get mad at you, so... Lumine: ...I lost something too. We can both grieve together.
...this girl was something else. That much, Kaeya understood.
His hands twitched, not knowing what to do, only to loosely reciprocate the hug. Suddenly, his head moved lower, resting atop hers...
...and tears began to flow.
He choked it back as best he could--oh, how hard he tried. He clenched his teeth, his fists tightening, but he couldn't.
Was this his true feelings? He didn't know. He thought he repressed it a long, long time ago.
But for some reason, Lumine simply saying that she would grieve with him... felt comforting.
Kaeya: ...haha. F-fuck... this is... the worst first impression I've ever made on someone. Lumine, also tearing up: Don't worry. I won't tell. It'll be our little secret.
The two continue to hug, tears flowing. Yet, it felt... freeing. Rejuvenating.
As he wept, as his soul began to thaw, Kaeya asked one question to Lumine. As if seeking this answer his entire life.
Kaeya: Hey, kid? Lumine: Hm? Kaeya: If... if I said I don't want to see Mondstadt suffer... is that okay?
When she heard that question, Lumine squeezed him tighter, nodding.
Lumine: Yes. It has always been okay since the very start.
Someone had listened to him. Someone had listened to his truth... and, for once, someone told him... it was all okay.
Was that all he wished for? A gentle voice to tell him he could do as he wished, feel as he wished?
Was all he wanted an affirmation that... perhaps he could have happiness?
Maybe. Maybe that was all he wanted ever since he was abandoned those years ago. Ever since he was a kid.
And now, finally, someone found him trapped in the ice and helped him break free.
It was almost as if he was reborn anew...
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As their tears dried, Kaeya and Lumine took the time to get some fresh air outside of the headquarters. They began to chat over mundane things to ease themselves of the pain. Perhaps it was the stars in the sky, or maybe about some passing cat. Whatever it was, they were at peace.
Then, Kaeya brought up a question.
Kaeya: So. You said you were grieving too. You... were talking about your brother, right? Lumine: Mn. I... don't feel the same without him, so. Kaeya: Right, right. Gotcha.
For a few seconds, there was yet another silence. But then, Kaeya began to speak once more.
Kaeya: ...Diluc was like my brother too. Lumine: Really? Kaeya: Yup. My best friend, my brother-in-arms... but I, um... Kaeya, looking down: I guess I just didn't get the chance to grieve that fact that we couldn't go back to that after he found out the truth. Lumine: ...hey, I'm sure that when the time comes, you could potentially go back to that. Right? Kaeya: ... Kaeya: Pfft. Optimistic, aren't you? Lumine: Haha, I try.
The two chuckle, before looking up at the stars in the night sky. The way they twinkle, the way the clouds roll through the dark indigo hue...
Kaeya: ...what if we try and fill the brother-shaped gap we both have? Lumine: Hm?
Lumine looks up, interested at Kaeya's query. Noticing her puzzled look, he laughs and reiterates.
Kaeya: I mean... you're missing a brother. I'm also just realizing I'm missing a brother. Why don't we both miss a brother together? A pair of siblings without their sibling.
The girl stares at him, then looks down, humming to herself with a smile on her face.
Lumine: So... it's like you'd be my brother and I'd be your sister? Kaeya: Well, if you'll have me. Just know though that, since you know the truth now, I'm not going to go easy on you. Lumine: Haha, wouldn't dream of it.
Right as she says that, she then gets another idea. Her voice has a hint of sincerity to it, a soft look in her eyes.
Lumine: And if you ever go back on your word about "wanting to keep Mondstadt safe", I'll be there personally to punch you back to reality.
Kaeya's stunned at this. To think, instead of being hated, instead, she says she'd be there personally to ensure it wouldn't happen... what an interesting girl.
His lips curl into a smile, and he holds out his hand in front of Lumine.
Kaeya: Sounds like a deal then, little miss Honorary Knight.
Lumine stares at the hand, then up at Kaeya, only to return the smile, firmly shaking his hand.
Lumine: It's my pleasure, Captain Eyepatch. Kaeya: Captain Eyepatch? Lumine: It's the ugly nickname Paimon gave you. Kaeya: Hm... Captain Eyepatch. Hey, maybe I should make that my new working title now that I have no cavalry to captain. Lumine: That... (laughs) that was terrible. Kaeya: You laughed. Lumine: I laughed because it was bad. Kaeya: Aww, come on. Admit it. Lumine: Hahaha!
Their laughter echoed throughout the night. The stars in the night sky shone brightly, the moon watching over the City of Mondstadt. That day, an unbreakable bond was forged.
...and that day, the wheels of fate began to turn.
Kaeya has now joined Lumine's team.
jesus christ holy shit holy fuck we're done so some lil notes here before we end it off. yes, this is how the fic is gonna look. im so sorry but also i like character dialogue so much. the way they interact helps them grow more naturally, and the way they talk gives you insight as to how theyre changing and how they act and just. AGH. love dialogue. hate descriptions. cant do that. yuck. also some non-story-relevant plot points (like the goddamn temples like srsly no one remembers those) will be skipped in the future, cuz fetch quests are both tedious to play and tedious to write. only major story events will be recorded. also no kaeya and lumine are not romantically attracted guys just cuz two people stand next to each other doesnt mean theyll kiss, they are like brother and sister. theyre besties. shush. lumines husband will show up to save his girlie in liyue okay this was genuinely a lot more fun than i thought it would be but also this was rlly fucking long im so fucking sorry anyway KLSDJHAFKLJHKL thats all i got for u
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inhuman-obey-me · 1 year
Congrats for 2.7k followers!! You guys are the best in writing, I always come back and reread a LOTT from your master list! For the request, can I have "🖤 - You fell in love with the evil that you bare" with Levi?? Don't care if mc is included-- I wish y'all a great day and take caree ^v^
This is like 8 months late and we're so so sorry for the very long wait!! But thank you so much for the sweet words -- that really means a lot and we're so happy people still enjoy our writing!! ; /// ; ❤️
"You fell in love with the evil that you bare." - Leviathan
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“I never wanted to come to this awful place to begin with!”
Leviathan’s eyes open with a start, his heart racing and breath shallow. Slowly, his surroundings come into focus – the soft blue glow highlighting the rim of the bathtub he was nestled in, the dim light flowing through his jellyfish fixtures, the posters and figures on the wall and shelves in view. He was in his room, in the present day – not in the past, like in his dream. With a sigh, he heaves himself up and folds himself over a side of his porcelain bed, watching Henry 2.0 swimming in the vast aquarium mere feet away. 
It had been ages since he had dreamt of the Great Celestial War or of their fall, which often were strange distortions of his own memory. Tonight it seemed his subconscious decided to remind him of a time soon after their fall, a time where Leviathan was full of anguish and despair at becoming a demon – the very beings he had before fought so valiantly against, had led the entire Celestial Army to defeat until a truce of peace had been declared. His life up until that point he had had the hatred for demons so firmly instilled in him, and even with movements towards tolerance and his own rebellion against the Celestial Realm’s ways, centuries of hate could not be so easily unlearned. 
Avatar of Envy, he soon was titled. Strange to think that the envy had rooted its way in his heart even before the war. With peace declared, he had lost his purpose – what was a General to do if there was no point in preparing troops for battle? No strategies to devise? He was rendered useless, his position defunct. How he envied the others who still seemed to have some purpose, some worth – no one ever said he might as well be gone, but why would they? It was clear as the bright celestial sky. 
But then he was asked to join Lucifer in his battle against the Celestial Realm, against their Father. And he joined, because he too had realized the unfairness of it all, not just of the punishment dealt to their sister who had just acted on love but to all the other strange cracks that their Father tried to hide or excuse. So he joined, because it was the right thing to do and oh he could be useful again! 
And then they failed. 
He failed.
As he fell, as white wings and halo were traded for a serpentine tail and branching horns and scales, he felt that envy burn brightly. It consumed him, it enraged him, it sickened him. The ugliest parts of him now spilled from him and oh how he hated it! Hated what he had become with every fiber of his being – and so he hid himself away, fearing to even look in the mirror and see eyes of raging envy look back at him. 
But then, ever-so-slowly, Leviathan acclimated to his new demonic nature. To be named an Avatar was one of great pride and importance in the Devildom, the very manifestation of the sin. It was who he was, and he even was named the Grand Admiral of Hell’s Navy (though he questioned the need with established peace). He would act on his temptations, on selfishness, on more violent and cruel impulses that would have shocked his former self. He began to find joy in raking his claws through an offending demon, joy in absorbing himself utterly and completely in his passions, joy in his power. 
There was a strange freedom to it all, one he was not afforded in the Celestial Realm. A freedom that had been for so long seen as evil by those more sanctimonious. 
Leviathan was by one of his shelves now, his hands having found one of his novels that he now absentmindedly flipped through, thumb brushing the edges of pages until it caught on one. He glanced down at the page, and he caught sight of a line: “You fell in love with the evil that you bare.” 
Had he fallen in love with it? Or had he merely accepted it, and had found his moments of exhilaration through it all? The freedom, that embodiment of sin that was his to claim. 
He placed the book back, dropping into his chair to boot his latest game up. A wry, hopeless smirk crossed his lips as he watched the 2d demon slayer dance across the screen.
What did it matter? It was pointless to think too long on the question, because the answer wouldn’t change a thing.
He let himself fade into another world once more.
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Twins twin twiiinssss
How would our favorite demon twins in Obey me willing to share the human darling?
I feel like the twins are absolutely the dream team when it comes to keeping a human darling 
Determination alone is strong enough to make this duo successful
I feel like they are the avatars for the most relatable to human things (Excluding Lust)
“Humans need to sleep (Y/n) so its honestly stupid to resist me.”
I feel like Belphegor isn’t the one to worry about your actual sleeping patterns 
But he’s definitely using that as an excuse to keep you in bed with them
“Just sleep with me (Y/n), don’t you love me? Or do you secretly blame me for what happened before?”
I feel like even technically killing you he’ll only bring it up when it's convenient 
I think he feels guilty and to counter that now he’s keeping you away from any and all things that can do what he did
“I’m protecting them, I’d honestly expect you above everyone else to get that!”
Beel on the otherhand is just protective
You’re so small compared to him
You eat so much less compared to him
You’ve been through so much already it's only right that he keeps you away with his Belphie of course
With you trapped in the attic or in their room he now gets exclusive rights to feed you 
And for whatever reason i can see him being super enthusiastic about that 
“Open wide, (Y/n). You have to eat. Do you need me to chew it for you?”
He’s the happiest ever 
he has his human darling and his twin…at the same time!
I can see him being so happy to see his twin tangled up in bed with you before joining in
“So soft. My (Y/n)’s sooo soft.”
As a team their dynamic on the surface is that Belphegor is the steer head and Beel’s his muscle
He’s the one making plans that Beels follows 
He’s the one that initiates the idea 
He’s the one that muses about his scheme to Beel in the morning while petting your head
But in truth he’s not the biggest yandere here
Its Beel
Beel is the shark in the water for both you and Belphie 
and i can see him being absolutely unstoppable when it comes to eliminating any one that goes against you two
You and Belphie are his to protect
And I can see him ursuping Belphie’s control if he feels like Belpies in danger or being tested 
When it comes to if and how they’ll be discovered for their deeds
Well I can see Lucifer intervening with the intent of including all his brothers
Or I can even see Diavolo intervening 
Because he’s already suspect of the demon who wanted to go against his law
If these two can make a viable excuse for why your suddenly missing 
Rile up their brothers to skim over their faulty timeline of when they saw you
Their so cushy with you though you may not notice anything wrong until it's too late:
“Hey you guys I really appreciate the room service but I’ve got some homework to get done.”
You tried to crawl over Beel and Belphegor as you made your way off the bed only to be pulled back into Belphie’s arms. You didn’t take it seriously until you tried once more to leave only to be stopped by the tiightening of his arms again. You wriggled and cried for Beel but no one did anything; uselessly trying to free yourself and being unsuccessful. 
“(Y/n) maybe you should eat something you're getting kind of fussy.”
“No Beel! I want to go back to my room but. He. Won’t. Let. Me. Help!”
“..sorry (Y/n) but we’re deciding that you shouldn’t leave our sights ever again. Now I think it's time you had your sleep soup.”
*Yawn* “Don’t fight it (Y/n), it's for the best and you know it.” 
The sleeping demon now awake continued to restrain you as Beel pulled a thermos out. 
“N-no, w-wait! Why are you guys doing this? I thought we were friends…”
They paused and Beel put the thermos down and Belphegor nuzzled his head against yours. 
“We’re more than that aren’t we? You're everything to us so we have to protect you.”. 
“You're a weak human in a world of demons, we’re doing you a favor. So just let us do our job.”
“Bon apetit.” 
Taking advantage of your gaping mouth, Beel stuffed a spoon of this soup down your throat. Soon after you couldn’t help but go limp in Belphegor’s arms and once again lying in between both demons. 
“Sleep well, (Y/n).”
“We’ll protect you.”
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cookiesandbiscuits · 2 years
Obey Me! Younger Demon Brothers + Diavolo & Solomon With an MC Who Gives Punches When Surprised
A/N: This is technically part two of the "MC Who Gives Punches When Surprised" headcanon I made a while back. It was only supposed to include Solomon with the younger brothers but with @miss-kiabelle 's request, I decided to add Diavolo to the mix. I won't add Barbatos and the angels to this hc because one: Barbatos lowkey scares me, and two: I can't imagine MC punching the angels, esp. Luke.
I also didn't use the action "punch" to all of the characters below because I was running out of ideas :((
Anyways, I hope you guys find this to your liking.
For those who haven't read the Older Brothers Edition, just click here!
Summary: The title is still self-explanatory
Genre: Crack + Comfort on Beel's part (kind of)
CW: Mention of past trauma/anxiety; might be a little out of context in some parts.
Another Note: MC has Nyctalopia (Night Blindness) in Asmo and Beel's part
You were at the library reading a horror-suspense novel that piqued your interest.
You chose to sit at the most isolated spot in the library so no one would bother you while reading. You regretted it horribly.
As you were finally reading the exciting (read as scary) part, you felt someone touch your shoulder.
As a response to the sudden touch and because you were spooked by the novel, you punched the person to wherever part of their body you can easily hit as a defense mechanism.
After your flight-or-fight response have subsided, you saw Satan crouched on the floor while holding his abdominal area.
You felt fear creeping back to you only this time, it's because the aura around the demon started to become somber.
"A-are you... alright?" You swallowed the lump that was forming in your throat in an attempt to calm yourself down.
"I am..." *cough* "...alright, thank you for asking. I was about to say that we should probably head home because it was getting late but you didn't gave me a chance to speak."
Urk! "S-sorry," you muttered.
To be honest, he was starting to feel a little indignant because of your unsolicited punch to his stomach but when he saw the title of the novel you were reading, he really can't blame you for doing that.
"It's okay. But I advise you to go into a not-so-secluded spot especially when you're going to read something like that." He points to the novel on the table.
You nodded as you promised yourself to follow his advice.
The House of Lamentation was fairly quiet that night. No bickering, no chaos, just a peaceful evening. And honestly, you were thankful for that.
You were scrolling through your D.D.D. when you saw the time on the screen.
You remembered that Asmo invited you to join him on his self-care routine tonight.
So you got up and made your way to the Avatar of Lust's room.
"Asmo, it's me. I'm coming in, okay?" You spoke after knocking on his door and upon knowing that it was unlocked, you proceeded to open it and let yourself in.
You needed to squint your eyes for you to see where you were going since the room was dark and the scented candles that were lit are the only source of light in the room. Which didn't help a bit to your vision.
As you searched for the fifth born's figure, you spotted a hovering creepy white face beside you.
As a response to suddenly seeing the face, your body automatically defended itself in a form of a slap.
You gasped as you recognized the voice, "Asmo, is that you?! Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!"
After explaining your situation to the shocked demon, the misunderstanding was quickly cleared.
As much as he wanted to get mad at you for slapping him, he really can't blame you for having nyctalopia.
He made a mental note to himself to keep the lights on whenever you visited his room.
You were loitering in the common room since you couldn't go outside because of a storm.
The moment you stood up to go to the bathroom, the lights went out.
You couldn't move an inch to your spot because you can't see that well in the dark. To add to your streak of bad luck, your phone just died.
As the thunder got louder, the more scared you get. Thunders remind you of a not-so-good memory you had.
So you just closed your eyes tight hoping that the minute you open your eyes, the thunderstorm has passed away.
But there was someone behind your back.
When another loud rumble was heard you leaped out in fear, inadvertently hitting the person behind you with your head while doing so.
When the lights came back on, you saw Beel looking at you worriedly, his chin a little redder than usual.
Putting two and two together, you realized that you accidentally headbutted the demon on his chin.
You profusely apologized to the demon, only to be enveloped in a bear hug in return.
"It's okay, MC. I know you didn't mean to do it. I saw you earlier frozen in place, so I came to check out if you're doing okay." (I believe demons have excellent night visions)
He'll bring you back into your room and will stay with you until the storm had subsided.
The student council has an emergency meeting that day so you were the only one left in the House of Lamentation, or so you thought.
Since you've got nothing else to do today, you decided to finish the novel you were reading the other day. (Referring to the novel in Satan's part)
Little did you know, Belphie chose to skip today's meeting to sleep.
But he can't find a comfortable position to sleep in. After countless turning and rolling, he suddenly remembered you, his living body pillow.
With a grumble, he left his pillow haven he called bed to find you.
When he did find you, you were too engrossed in your book that you didn't even notice the seventh born's presence.
The moment he spoke beside you, you were so surprised that you gave him a punch that was enough to knock him out. (Deja vu? 😆)
Well, at least you've helped him with his sleeping problem. Just not the way he wanted tho.
Expect to see him with a bruised face for a few days.
You, Diavolo, Barbatos, and the brothers were at an amusement park in the human world.
You've tried all of the attractions the park can offer except for one. The House of Horrors, the newest attraction of the park.
It was a horror house + escape room attraction, which was something that you loved to visit with your friends.
With the majority's vote, the group decided to visit the said attraction, much to Mammon's chagrin.
A few moments later after entering, you got separated from the group. You love these kinds of attractions but there was a difference when you visited them before than today. You didn't get separated from your group.
Now alone, you felt anxiety slowly creep into your heart. But you've gathered enough courage to go on.
But when you felt a looming presence beside you, all of that courage goes down the drain.
In a panic, you accidentally threw a smack at that person.
Wait, that voice. It's familiar.
When you confirmed that it was indeed Lord Diavolo, you felt cold shivers down your spine.
You were lucky Lucifer nor Barbatos were with you at that moment or you'll get a scolding for what you've done.
You let out a sigh of relief after knowing that the demon prince was alright. You were also happy that you now have a companion again.
As you comforted a shaking Mammon after your group finally escaped the horror house, you looked in Diavolo's direction with a slight hint of worry.
Don't worry MC, the incident that happened between the two of you will be kept a secret. (So that you can avoid Lucifer's lecture)
(Please refer to Lesson 21-1 for context)
"By the way, MC. I can't help wondering..."
You waited for him to finish his message when he suddenly appeared behind you.
"When will you mention how much you missed me?"
You were surprised to see Solomon out of nowhere. That much he predicted.
What he didn't anticipate was the punch you gave him after his surprise.
It was strong enough to topple him down to the ground.
"Wh- Solomon!" You rushed to help the poor sorcerer get back up.
"Did you perhaps practice martial arts in the past?"
You nodded slowly to confirm his question.
"Ah... I figured as much. You've got strong punches," he tells as he rubs his jaw.
The two of you teleported back to the Devildom, the brothers quickly rushed over you in disbelief that you were back.
Only after they get over their initial shock that they've noticed Solomon with his slightly red jaw.
"Solomon! What happened to your jaw?!" Asmo frantically questions him as he tilted the sorcerer's face to examine the newly forming bruise.
"Oh, you know. Just a little incident along the way," Solomon replied before glancing in your direction.
You averted your eyes to hide your guilty look. You'll apologize to him later.
And it is done! Hehe this was really fun to write even though I blanked out on some parts. I couldn't make Beel's part funny so I decided to make it a comfort hc instead.
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