#I decided to post this now tho bc it's like 1.5k anyways
sweet-little-dude · 1 year
hi hi taku my love!! <3 this is the k polycule ask plus i remembered that i’ve been writing a bajiharu fic and i also wanna talk about that hehe. actually i’ll talk abt that first bc the k polycule is all happy and the bajiharu fic.... not so much. and you deserve healing :)
btw btw beware this is long. really long. i copied this message into a wordcounter and it’s 1.5k without the paragraph you’re reading rn... whoopsies. i insaned a little on my ramble. do tell me if i should shorten it bc it’s too long, and take all the time you need to reply afhjfdgjjgdfh
so okay the bajiharu (baji x sanzu just in case that’s not clear for some reason) wip is currently sitting at 15k and. wtf man 15k ?? i wrote that ?? damn. anyways idk how many of my posts abt it you’ve read but it’s p much a giant character/relationship study of the two. basically bajiharu across the years and timelines. canon compliant too, which sadly means that baji is dead most of the time but oh well. it is VERY angsty (i mean baji is dead that’s where the angst is starting already... and i mean sanzu’s canon life) and uh. i keep describing sanzu dying in nearly every future timeline but i’m having a ton of fun :D also it’s gonna be angst with a happy ending when i’m finished and probably around 30k words. a 30k one-shot. i don’t think i can even chapter it.... welp. accidents happen. yk this was supposed to be a maximum of 5k of bajiharu in the og shin timeline (the one in which he lives and mikey has the accident and ends up dying and stuff) and the final timeline but. uhh. uhm. yeah honestly idk what i did but my brain wouldn’t let go of them so here we are lol
i would summarise the plot of the fic but there hardly is one ?? like it’s just random excerpts from their lives. i mean some of them are like 3k long too and def have plots in and of itself but there’s no greater plot to be summarised 😭
tho what i can say is that they actually are somewhat together in the og timeline and they are.. happily together. they are NOT happy in fact they are miserable but they love each other in a tender way yk. but but they WILL be happy in the final timeline. and happily together too!! i just need them to be happy pls okay thanks. in between baji is dead so not many feelings on his part (😭😭) but sanzu is a miserable wet cat. also i have the most tragic death planned for him in the bonten timeline bc i am a ‘‘weird on-off-ish romance-ish but they don't wanna admit it's that even though it very obviously is and there is so much emotional (and sexual) tension and my god how can they live like this’’ bonten rinzu truther. wowie. and wouldn’t it be really fun if rindou accidentally shot sanzu on a mission gone heavily wrong that ends in sanzu dying in his arms? yeah <3
also!! akashi siblings!! i very much plan on writing abt them too in some timelines. specifically i think i’ll have sanzu move in with senju in the manila timeline before mikey kills him off (i am so excited to write this you don’t know istg) and i’ll have him move back in with takeomi in that one timeline in which izana takes over and naoto & takemichi end up dying in the future bc i hc that senju was shot dead in the past and sanzu has nowhere else to go after mikey’s death (bc he’s actually dead in that future...) so yeah. akashi siblings <3
also in case you wonder what my current 15k cover so far (i’m forcing myself to write chronologically for once bc i really wanna finish this and i’ve got a lot of scenes i’m excited to write i can use to push through the others), it’s the og timeline, the timeline in which draken gets killed by kiyomasa, one of the two following timelines in which draken survives and ends up on death row (i decided to cut one of them bc imo they’re too similar to write abt again), and some past stuff happening before that. which. is not a lot. just now realising how unmuch that is actually wtf it feels like sm more- okay anyways i plan on writing about the bad toman timeline with takemichi as executive, the manila future, bonten future, the future timeline after that with izana, and naoto & takemichi dying, possibly some tenjiku timeskip stuff, and then ofc the final timeline. (i. i gotta say i hope those 30k aren’t lowballing it by like 10k bc if you consider that i’ve written for three timelines plus some inbetween bits and i’m planning for another five whole timelines with inbetween stuff-- ayayay bajiharu is gonna be the death of me)
uhm this is already mUCH longer than planned help buuuut some k polycule stuff bc i love them and they love each other and they are happy. okay so ik you read my posts abt them so i’ll just start with them in their mid/late thirties, finally settled down somewhere they feel safe and they actually like :3 cough cough switzerland mayhaps ? cough cough. yk it can’t be japan anyways... and switzerland is far away...... and i know it well....
okay. they adopt a cat. or maybe two. probably two actually. two cats for them bc they’d like some company other than themselves and kazutora loves cats anyways. i believe that koko is actually more of a dog person bc inupi, but he’s the type of guy to go ‘‘ofc YOU GUYS can get a cat. it’s gonna be YOUR cat. YOU will have to take care of it. i won’t (unless absolutely neccessary.)’’ and then a month or smth after they get a cat kazutora & kakucho are away for a weekend for.. work or smth idk and when they get home koko & the cat are sleeping on the couch while he’s hugging the cat close to his chest, and there’s cat toys all over the floor bc he spent hours playing with the cat. he will still refuse to admit how much he loves the cat but he continues to play and snuggle with it whenever his bfs (husbands? i feel like they’d wear matching wedding rings and call each other husbands even if they legally aren’t bc poly marriage is forbidden) aren’t there to see. also this is really random but kakucho is the small spoon, kokonoi the middle spoon, and kazutora the big spoon. or two of them just sleep hugging the third person.
kazutora would work at a pet shop again i think. maybe he’d even study medicine to become a vet assistant? tbh i’ve always seen him doing that more than chifuyu or baji (tho i love vet student baji too <3). struggling with giving the other two jobs bc after bonten i don’t think kakucho would still want to work with kids (tho i def see him doing some kind of charity work in his free time) and kokonoi... he can’t sponsor anyone like this nor could he do finances for anyone, and he would never ever work at a bank. he’d still like a high paying job/smth at least loosly related to money tho. maybe like some sort of secretary for someone in finances? idk. very open to ideas for these two bc well i am stuck lol.
i think they’d mostly just try to take it slow and enjoy their more peaceful lives now (well kazutora’s life was pretty peaceful before too.. but kokonoi & kakucho) without having to worry about illegal and dangerous and whatnot else stuff. they deserve it okay they all had to go through too many things 😭
also more random stuff about them. kokonoi is banned from the kitchen not because he’s a safety hazard or because he burned down the kitchen once or smth but because he keeps wanting to cook overly expensive gourmet foods, and while they do taste good they are way too expensive and take way too much. plus he HATES having other people in the kitchen with him (he straight up locks them out) and refuses to leave the kitchen while he’s cooking even if he has to wait two hours for something to slowly simmer on low heat so essentially he AND the kitchen are gone for half a day if he wants to make dinner. he doesn’t really mind the kitchen ban though so it works. i think kakucho enjoys cooking the most, but he and kazutora both cook a lot. and sometimes kokonoi forces himself to wake up extra early on weekends (like. 6am. and then he’s done at 7am. and the other two wake up at 9am when early, more like 10am to 11am bc weekend and kokonoi has to wait with his beautifully prepared breakfast for hours) to make pancakes for them all <3
uhh that’s everything in my brain rn i think. i hope. and this is already a fucking essay so whoopsies. anyways that was it, i very much hope you enjoyed my long ass rambles <3 fr fr i missed writing these rambles for you,, but aa i can do that again!! :D
hello elys my love <333 but allg!! i actually read this whole thing a few days after u sent it initially but ive been rlly drained these past like 3 weeks so i hadnt been able to get to it :(( apologies again my love
no cuz fr 15k crazy!!!!! good job!!! no cuz like that lil description of ur rinzu is actually so real.... (this is making me miss my tokyorev hyperfixation so bad ngl) but ur bajiharu fic sounds so good!! the idea and concept of it is so well thought of i applaud u so muchhh
NO CUZ FR WRITING ABT THINGS UR FAMILIAR WITH >> its like u know it so fuckin well which means u can go into rlly good amounts of detail like !!!!!!!!!! ok so first paragraph is so :333 koko being a softie for the cat is so sweettttt omg
i think the jobs u chose for them are good !! suits them all very well but yes agreed they most definitely deserve it <33
ofc its kokonoi doing that, but u cant blame him fr hez just being a good husband </3333
it was fun having this in my inbox again !!! i miss doing these too and i hope the late reply doesnt discourage u <333
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thelastspeecher · 7 years
Phoenix Enchantment AU: Redux
@nour386, when I answered your ask yesterday, I said I had a writing in the works.  Well, I wrote it.  And here it is.  The Phoenix Enchantment AU, but with Ford and Fiddleford as the ones to be turned into phoenixes.  I have some additional ideas (bc I cannot control myself), but this is what I’ve got so far.  Hope ya like it.
              Crash!  The distinct sound of breaking glass startled Ford and Fiddleford out of their slumber.
              “What the hell was that?” Ford muttered.
              “Burglars, maybe?” Fiddleford said. “I mean, the house does look uninhabited.”  He sighed.  “Should we go handle it?”
              “I think-” Ford started.  He stopped.  Voices were carrying to the bedroom.  
              “Good Lord,” a distinct, southern female voice said.
              “Angie!” Fiddleford chirped excitedly.  He stood upright, suddenly full of energy.  “She’s here!”
              “What happened?” a second familiar voice asked.  Ford’s eyes widened.
              “Stan!” he squawked.
              “This place is a sty,” Stan continued.  “There’s no way Fidds has been here recently.  He wouldn’t let it get this messy.”
              “Agreed,” Angie said.  She took a shuddering breath.  “Where- where should we start lookin’ fer clues?”
              “I dunno.  The bedroom? I can smell whatever’s in the fridge from here, so the further you get from the kitchen, the better,” Stan answered. Angie sighed.
              “Don’t treat me like I’m made of glass, Stanley.”
              “Just bein’ careful,” Stan muttered.  Ford and Fiddleford could hear their siblings in the hallway now.  The door, which was slightly ajar, opened the rest of the way, revealing Stan and Angie.  Fiddleford let out a hum of greeting.  “What the- why are there two big-ass birds here?” Stan demanded.  He stormed towards the nest on the bed. “Get outta here!  Go on, shoo!”  Stan gestured wildly at Ford and Fiddleford.  Ford hissed instinctively.
              “Stanley, don’t be rude!” Fiddleford squawked.  Stan frowned.
              “Angie, I don’t want ya in here, there’s bird shit all over.”
              “Stan, cut it out!” Angie snapped.  “It’s fine!”  She joined Stan in front of the nest.  
              “Get away from the birds,” Stan said, putting an arm in front of her. She sighed.
              “If I have to tell ya one more time-”
              “Why is Stan bein’ so overprotective?” Fiddleford burbled curiously.  Angie froze.  She stared at Fiddleford.  Her eyes met his.  “…Angie?”
              “No way,” Angie breathed.  She pushed Stan’s arm away and sat on the edge of the bed, next to Fiddleford.  
              “Ang, I mean it, get away from ‘em,” Stan said.  “Who knows what sorta germs are-”
              “You’ve gotta be careful, the doctor said-”
              “You can’t even handle the lizards at work anymore-”
              “Stan!” Angie yelled.  Stan stopped. Angie gestured at Ford and Fiddleford. “I found our brothers.”
              “Do hormones make ya hallucinate?” Stan said.  “‘Cause those ‘re birds.”
              “Gravity Falls is weird, remember?  There’s magic ‘n mysterious forces what work here.  Is it really that difficult to think that this is Fiddleford ‘n that’s Stanford?”  There was a flash of light.  Angie yelped. Fiddleford rubbed his eyes, trying to clear his vision.  
              “Wait…” Fiddleford whispered.  He stared at his hands.  “I-”
              “No fuckin’ way,” Stan said in a low voice.  Fiddleford looked up.  Stan was carrying Angie, bridal-style, and both were staring at the bed slack-jawed.
              “We’re- we’re human again,” Ford croaked.  
              “And buck naked,” Stan added.  Angie turned red and immediately looked away.  
              “Stan, put me down,” Angie whispered.
              “Sorry, babe, instinct.”  Stan set Angie down.  “Uh, what happened?”
              “I’d like to revisit my earlier question,” Fiddleford said, covering himself with a thoroughly dirty sheet.  “Yer never this fussy over Angie.  Ya know full well she can handle herself.  Why are ya bein’ so careful with her?”
              “Maybe get dressed,” Angie suggested, still looking away determinedly. “We can have a nice long discussion after that.”
              “Great idea,” Stan said.  He turned around and ushered Angie out of the room.  “Meet us outside.  I don’t trust any surface in this house.”
              Angie was eating a banana and Stan was reading a book when Ford and Fiddleford joined them by the Stanleymobile.  Angie swallowed her mouthful of banana.
              “Ain’t ya a sight fer sore eyes?” she said with a smile.  Fiddleford beamed broadly at her.
              “I could say the same about you, sis.”  Fiddleford embraced her tightly.  Stan tossed his book inside the car and separated Fiddleford from Angie.
              “Okay, Fidds, it’s good to see you, but ya haven’t showered forever, and yer huggin’ too hard.  Take a step back.”
              “What?  Stanley, what has gotten into ya?” Fiddleford asked.  Angie sighed.
              “He’s been like this ever since we found out…” she trailed off.
              “Ever since ya found out…” Fiddleford prompted.  Angie waved a hand airily.
              “Never mind that, Fidds.  We’ll get to it.  First, what happened to the two of ya?” she asked.  She took another bite of her banana.
              “We fell victim to an enchantment,” Ford said.  Angie raised an eyebrow.
              “There’s an enchantment in place in Gravity Falls, that turns a couple into phoenixes, if there are not currently any phoenixes in the area,” Ford continued.  “I’m not sure why we specifically were targeted, however.”
              “Huh.  That sucks,” Stan said.  He grinned. “But at least now yer back to normal, eh?  Humans.”
              “That…ain’t quite right,” Fiddleford said quietly.  He looked at Ford.  “Go on, tell ‘em.”
              “While we were looking for clothes to put on,” Ford said, “I came across an ancient bestiary I had hidden in the back of the closet.  It detailed some of the specifics of this particular phoenix enchantment.”
              “That’s lucky,” Stan remarked.  Ford nodded.
              “It is.  Now we won’t be surprised when- when we revert back to phoenixes tomorrow.”  Stan and Angie’s jaws dropped.  “Apparently, the enchantment is sort of a riff on a classic were curse.  We can only take a human form during the full moon, but for the rest of the month, we are stuck as phoenixes.”
              “But you two were missin’ fer months,” Angie pointed out.  “Did ya really turn human durin’ that time?”
              “Not once.  The ability to turn human was effectively unlocked after you recognized us, Angie.” Ford smiled weakly at her.  “Thank you for that, by the way.”
              “No problem,” Angie mumbled.  Ford put his hands behind his back.
              “We actually would like to request a favor from the two of you,” Ford said.  “Clearly, we owe you for coming to check on us and allowing us to resume a human form. So we understand if you’re unwilling to do this for us.”               “Yer our brothers,” Stan said.  “If the two of ya need some help, we can handle it.”
              “Thank you,” Ford said.  “While we’re working on getting the house back in order and trying to set things up to accommodate for our…new lives, we would greatly appreciate it if you could stay here to help.”  Stan and Angie exchanged a concerned look.  “What?”
              “Stan should’ve known better ‘n to offer to do it ‘fore ya said what it was,” Angie mumbled.  “We- I’ve got a doctor’s appointment next week.”
              “That’s fine, you can come up after it.”
              “And then I have another one next month,” Angie continued.
              “We can’t just drop everything to move up here,” Stan said.  “We’ve got jobs, and our house and-”  He looked at Angie.  “Should we tell ‘em?”
              “Tell us what?” Fiddleford asked.  He frowned, worried.  “Is somethin’ wrong?”
              “No, not at all,” Angie said.  She squeezed Stan’s hand warmly and smiled at her boyfriend.  “Somethin’s very right.”
              “Did you crazy kids fin’ly get engaged?” Fiddleford said eagerly.
              “Yes, but that’s not what we’re referrin’ to,” Angie said.  
              “Then what could-” Fiddleford started.
              “Stanley, why are you reading a book called Baby Incoming?” Ford asked, peering into the Stanleymobile.
              “Take a wild guess,” Stan said snippily.  
              “Yer expectin’!” Fiddleford squealed.  Stan nodded.  “That explains the doctor’s visits, ‘n bein’ so careful with Angie, ‘n- Angie, ya shouldn’t approach wild animals in yer state!”  Angie threw her hands up in the air.
              “Great, now there’s two of ya to fuss over me like I don’t know how to take care of m’self.”
              “Fiddleford has a point,” Ford said.  “As I understand it, pregnancy reduces the function of the immune system. Wild animals can carry any number of diseases.  It’s irresponsible to risk-”
              “You too, Ford?” Angie said, aghast.  She shook her head.  “I expected better of ya.”
              “But, given the situation, I understand why you’re reluctant to move here,” Ford conceded.
              “What if you moved in with us?” Stan said.  “We can send Lute and Harper up here to clean up the house, get things in order, and in the meantime, you crash at our place.”
              “That’s a good idea,” Angie jumped in.  “I think Stan agrees that it ain’t wise fer ya to be on yer own, and it’d take a while fer Lute and Harper to get here.  Not to mention, they can fix things up faster without keepin’ an eye on you.”
              “Angie, if you ‘n Stan are expectin’, we don’t want to be a bother,” Fiddleford said.
              “Oh, please.  It’ll be no bother.  Maybe you’ll even be able to help around the house, once I start gettin’ big.”
              “They’ll be birds, babe,” Stan said.  Angie shrugged.
              “Birds can pick things up.  I’ll figure somethin’ out.”
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coralsgrimes · 3 years
the fact this anon really thinks calahan and danielle are oooo genuine and lovely Ben and jessie are so fakeeee. Girl. Yes cal and Danielle are so genuine his ass got with a skinny insta model and posts about her every two business days. They were literally the only two people filming with each other, I would be more surprised if they DIDNT have BTS content and even with that it’s not that much. I don’t get how you can call Ben and Jessie fake bc of their interactions during the con, they never-
OKIE! before I start! I hope I put the part together in the right order lol also... feels like a first degree murder imma about to get maself into but will it stop me?
Okay, so the other muffin and me decided that Danielle and Clahan have more genuine relationship going on. Meaning friendship. Now, ye here are going for some shit which is not only his personal preference but makes ye sound misogynistic GIRL! Are ye pushing yer felling here like hard as fuck? I never seen Calahan post about her that often. There is only one pic of them on his insta and lotsa more of Dani. Yep, they were a clear couple in the show, which does not change the fact that they do seem genuine. Here is a post of them! GUESS WHO POSTED THIS??? does not look like backstage to me but ma eyes are bad so ;ccc
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FANS HAVING QUICK REFLEXES! They were literally constantly recorded? And Benny knows how cons works, lotsa folks and everyone wants to meet him xd he's fully aware, remember the video when he looks into the camera to fix his mask? He was embarrassing himself in the autograph booth while it was sure thing muffins were holding them phones up x.x OH AND THE HUG VIDEO? i won't repeat myself cuz there is no point.
There are couple of posts of Benny and Jessie on his ig. Most popular posts on his feed in 2021 they are. ALSO funny thing, they are mostly behind the scenes pics. The not so much pics came from Jessie and others but not so much from Benny! He does have a cute video with Freddy tho 💓 More than 200 fans seen the shite. There were fucking screams and moans when Benny was walking by. It's all posted online, watched thousand of times. Hundreds over the weekend the con happened... They were overexposed to them fans at every step like a fucking instagram filter ;c
LIL DIGRESSION! OMG thank good they separated the stupid vegans from everyone else (imma a vegetarian but huns vegan mindset is bad for so many reasons and if imma going all out I might call this shite out as well! so thanks god they were separated ;cc probably it was the overpriced side too right? cuz the PLANTS were exported for them rich kids from low income countries leaving people to starve am I right??)
ANYWAY! he ate lunch with her? APPARENTLY? I mean they basically married ;c thanks for educating me GIRL! also lol remember boy making fool of himself cuz he needs to show Jessie the vegan treats? ofc with best fan around and cameras... ACTION!
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I do know nothing about Jessie but even I can tell she ain't big on social media. She distanced herself from darklina fans on social media too, was also uncomfortable as fuck with Benny around. And im gonna say the same shit I said then. Im sorry for her. Cuz clearly Jessie is not into it. And by it I mean their non-existent relationship which would feed them fans full.
BUT BOY OH BOY! GUESS WHO IS?!?!?! Guess who initiated the shite? made fool of himself? knows how the cons work? KNOWS WHAT THE FANGIRLS WANT? take a guess. like any answer, really.... THEY were not into it, it was only Benny Boy who wanted it all.
I have over 1.5k posts on this blog (hold them applauses 😥) and 60% of these will show ye exactly that Benny needs the fangirls attention and love. All he does is on purpose and not genuine at all. He uses social media for that reason only, them fans and their praises. And lately darklina and bessie is all he has going on. Ye even got a classic example today. Boy posted a lil SAB picture, got them fans all wet and ready and then BOOM another one of his stupid songs drops. He was doing it constantly, when his engagement was low - DARKLINA. Before he drops the shitty music anything - DARKLINA! Soooo yeah, the con was perfect opportunity to push the shit up.
Soooo ye see where im going right? It is fake and even more, it's one sided. Probably forgot loads of stuff but that's the gist I feel ;c
Bessie is fake AF. Benny is into it and pushes hard cuz show must go on and it pays off to him big times. Jessie is not into it at all, SHE WAS FUCKING UNCOMFORTABLE WITH HIS ANTICS, so there is nothing here but well whatever ye see and believe in ;c
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