#I didn't even watch these movies growing up but my little sisters watched the second one *a lot* so. Some things stuck lol.
The world will never get to see the goofy silly Lark/Terry "I Don't Dance" (from High School Musical) animatic that plays out in my head on loop. Tragic 😔.
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lcriedlastnight · 3 months
Oscar has been planning on proposing to y/n for a couple of months by now, already bought the ring, tried multiple times to propose to her but every time he felt too scared/ anxious to do it. One time Y/n accidentally finds the ring somewhere in their shared apartment
this is so cute! thanks for the request! ilysmmm. mwah!
tw: fem!reader, swears, scaredy cat oscar, lmk if you want me to add anything.
w/c: 2.2k
the sunlight peered through your window, through the see-through blinds you insisted on buying for yours and oscar's shared room. the way the light hits your resting features makes your man sigh out in bliss. every single morning he has the exact same thoughts when he watched you sleep, 'i need to spend the rest of my life with her'.
it had almost been a eight months since he first had that thought. seven since he acted on it and asked your sister to come with him when he was shopping for a ring. a second opinion does not hurt.
the ring had sat in his drawer for a good few weeks, maybe even a month as oscar contemplated how exactly he wanted to go about proposing. this was one area he was completely clueless for. give him literally anything else and he would be able to rhyme off the answer quicker than he could answer for himself. your favourite food? those cookies with the chocolate inside. your favourite film? the lego batman movie. clothes size? you were a small but in most t-shirts you preferred them in a medium so they were a bit baggier on you. how you would like to be proposed to? no clue. oscar knew deep down that it didn't really matter where he proposed, or even how he did it. he was sure you would say yes in if he proposed halfway through taking a shit. it mattered a whole lot to oscar, he wanted it to be a memory you looked back on with fondness and love.
the first time oscar tried to propose, it was a super traditional and basic way. the boy had booked for you to both head on a cute getaway before the season started back up again in february. you had always talked about wanting to go to greece, so he had booked you both in for two weeks in santorini. oscar carried the ring in his pocket the whole holiday even though he had planned out when he wanted to ask you.
the restaurant you had both just eaten in was probably one of the most expensive buildings you had ever been in. you told oscar so. he laughed in response.
"i think the paddock costs much more than than, love." oscars arm was around your waist as you walked alongside him, you were basically leaning on him at this point too. you snort at his words.
"fine, the most expensive looking building i've ever been in." you reword your sentence. oscar laughs. he swears he has never laughed as much as he had in those two weeks with you. oscar had ended guiding you both up to the top of this hill, you barely even noticed, too busy talking his ear off from the glass of wine you had drank with dinner. you were on holiday, why not?
there was a cute little bench that had fairy lights wrapped around it sitting pretty at the top of the hill, over looking the city and the ocean next to it. oscar encourages you to sit. he knew he had made the right choice to propose here when, a few days after arriving you had told oscar that greece was probably your favourite place in the entire world now.
you sit with your head on your boyfriend's shoulder as you watch the tide from far above. oscar fiddles with the ring in his pocket, nerves beginning to eat away at him. you grow quiet as your eyes twinkle in the moonlight. jesus, you looked like something out of his wildest dreams, oscar was sure of it. your voice breaks the comfortable silence between you both.
"i know this holiday isn't finished yet but i really have had the best time with you osc. i appreciate you doing this for me. you do too much for me, i want to pay you back for it all one day." your voice is a whisper because talking at a normal volume just doesn't feel right in the moment.
oscar's nerves get the best of him as you bare your heart to him. here you were being vulnerable with him and he couldn't even build the courage to ask you to marry him. the driver was so unsure of where the nerves were coming from, he was completely sure you would say yes, he knew you loved him yet his hand slipped out his pocket to move towards your thigh to give it a squeeze. a sweet kiss is pressed to your hair before oscar is whispering back his reply.
"me too, sweet girl. wanna stay here with you, forever." a part of his brain tells him that if he just proposed like he was supposed to then you would be able to do this with him forever and it would be promised. he shakes the thoughts from his head as he tells himself that now wasn't the right time awayways.
you had come back from that holiday, still his girlfriend and your finger still void of a ring.
the second time almost caused him to have a panic attack. this time it was less traditional and more relaxed. it had been almost two months since your trip to greece and the sight of your ring finger being bare sent oscar into a spiral every time he caught a glimpse of where that diamond should be.
you finally had him to yourself after a gruelling triple header. those races had actually given oscar some of the best results of the season so far, but it had taken it's toll on your relationship as you had barely spoken to your emotional support boy. the time zones messing you up, plus the fact that you had way too much school work to finish causing you to be forced (by oscar, himself. it pained him to do it but he knew how important this degree was to you and he was not going to let you throw it away just because you missed him and wanted to watch him drive in circles for an hour and a half for three sundays straight) to stay at home.
oscar was sure you would be waiting for him on the couch in your shared living room, it's your routine at this point. when oscar gets back home, it is the late evening. maybe around dinner time. he hopes you haven't waited on him to eat.
as the australian boy unlocked the door, he looked around the apartment. three weeks without his home comforts (you) had taken its toll on him. it is sort of dark in the hallway leading to the living room, the door to the room laying wide open. oscar can see the back of the couch and the blaring light of the tv. it was bright.
the ring had stayed at the back of his bottom drawer in his bedside table. it was right next to you, right where you slept without him for twenty-one nights without him. oscar was desperate to get his hands on you.
as soon as the threshold was crossed and oscar was in the living room with you, your perfume hit him like a brick wall. the brown eyed boy almost started crying at the smell, he had just missed you that much.
your laying on the couch, asleep. this actually surprised oscar. you were never usually asleep, you were so good at controlling when and where you fell asleep, waking up however... that was a different story altogether.
oscar takes your legs and lifts them up softly to slide in underneath them. he was not going to lay down next to you because he knew for a fact as soon as he fell asleep there would be no waking him up until at least midday tomorrow. you were like that everyday.
oscar admires you for a bit before the urge to propose to you comes creeping back. the desperation of being yours for the rest of his life, reared its ugly head as his eyes follow the swoop of your lashes against your cheeks. he thinks about shaking you awake to do it.
the boy is too deep in thought to realise you've woken up. it's like you can tell when he is in mental distress and you come to save him from himself.
"you're home." you mumble into the air. it is left hanging, not responded to as you sleepily blink yourself awake to finally get a good look at him. he's lovely to look at. as lovely as ever.
"you okay?" you ask him after period of silence that is too loud to bring any comfort.
oscar doubts he is any good for you, so for the second time he chickens out and doesn't propose, although it does send his tired and self conscious mind into a spiral that almost brings on a panic attack. he's quick to assure you he's alright, "just tired after all that flying." is his excuse. you believe him and do not have to try very hard to coax him into bed.
once you both had done your night routines next to each other for the first time in three weeks and oscar was laying practically on top of you, he thought about the ring again. just sitting in his bedside table when it should be on your finger as you brag to everyone you see in the shops that you were getting married to the love of your life. it will happen and oscar will see it, he just has to build the courage, next time for sure.
that had been four months ago. the boy didn't even try to think about attempting to propose to you, it all bearing too heavy still. the longer he took the more he talked himself into the idea of you not wanting to marry him.
so when you find the ring on a tuesday lunch time, it is safe to say oscar is shitting himself. oscar had been laying on his side with his head on your lap on the couch watching some documentary on whether or not the remains some archaeologist had found was really an alien or not. you were listening in as you scrolled through your phone, carding your fingers through his hair. it had popped into the brunette's mind that he had forgotten to order his sisters birthday present, it was sitting in the basket, ready to checkout but you had distracted him by asking him what he would do if you chucked your glass of water in his face. so he asked you to log into his account and get it for him.
"it's asking for your card details, osc. where is it?" you ask, reading out what the phone in your hand was saying. oscar groans at the thought of you leaving him for even a second physically hurting him. "bottom drawer of my bedside, love." oscar mumbles, concentration falling back onto the tv. unknowing he had just told you the location to the item that had been plaguing his mind for the past eight months. the realisation doesn't kick in when he hears your gasp, or when he is rushing through to your room to check in and make sure you are okay. it only hits when he sees you sitting on the floor in front of the piece of furniture, turning around to face him with tears in your eyes and a ring in your hand.
"is this what i think it is?" you ask him, voice shaking. oscar really is dumb because he cannot work out his you are crying with happiness or out of sadness. although he is quick to sit beside you, hands reaching for the ring but you pull it back out of his grasp, waiting for the answer.
"yeah," oscar sighs. "i've tried to propose to you twice now but every time i get too scared and don't. i've been trying to for eight months". oscar gets even more worried than he originally was when he sees your frown. there was no way he had just fucked this up with you.
"i could've been engaged to you for eight months?" you ask, you seem genuinely disappointed by this fact and that is what snapped everything into place in his brain. you wanted to be engaged to him. oscar jumps forward to wrap you into a bone crushing hug that makes your heart skip beats.
"i will marry you oscar." you tell him.
"i'm so sorry i chickened out, i don't know what was wrong with me. i could've been almost married to the most perfect girl in the world. my most perfect girl." oscar murmurs his apology into your hair but you had already forgiven him. way back before he had even apologised.
the light still beams into the room, oscar thinks about buying black-out curtains until he sees the way the morning light hits your eyes just after you have just opened them. although they close again much too quickly for oscars liking.
it is like you can feel oscar's stare because you grab his arm, pulling him closer to you.
"love you osc." you mumble into the pillow. eyes drooping again as your face relaxes. oscar presses a kiss to the side of your head as he whispers "love you even more, pretty.".
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wysteria-clad · 2 years
Finding Dory
paring: William 'Ironhead' Miller x fem! wife! reader
genre: domestic fluff
reader is pregnant, is that a warning? oh, and brush your teeth after reading this cause it's so sweet 🧁
- you have a three year old daughter with Will, and you are pregnant again
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"Mommy, did you eat a baby?!" her eyes widened.
Were you actually going to eat her toes everytime you pretended to bite and said, 'I'm gonna eat your toes!' but kissed her feet instead?
"No," you chuckle, "There is a baby growing inside my belly."
"Oh," she blinked.
She definitely got her father's eyes.
The moment you entered Will's life, he got glimpses of how beautiful his life can be. When he left military for good this time, things got even better. Domestic life suited him well.
You've been dating him for four years, he wasn't a fool, he didn't waste any more time. Your daughter, was one year and six months old when Will got on his knees and asked you to be his wife—the mother of his child.
You, of course said 'Yes!', earning 'Finally!' 'What took you guys so damn long?!' 'I knew it!' and more congratulations from his friends who grew closer to you like family throughout the years.
"Welcome to the family, Y/n/n!" I knew it two years ago," Benny lifted you off the floor excitedly, making you laugh as he spinned a little. Will watched it with a sweet smile on his face.
You moved into a bigger house for the baby.
And now, you stood in the kitchen of your home explaining to your daughter why your belly is big, while grabbing a snack for your pregnancy cravings.
It was sunday and past three in the afternoon. Warm light peeked into the kitchen through the windows, painting the beige walls of the kitchen a golden yellow.
Will was sleeping. You didn't have the heart to wake him up from his nap, besides he looked so peaceful and cute when he was sleeping.
"A baby like me?"
"Yeah, baby, like you," you booped the tip of her nose with a smile. "Remember when daddy and I said you are gonna have a baby sister or a brother?"
She nodded. "How did you put a baby in your belly?" she poked your belly with her index finger to emphasize her question. Your flowy nightgown accentuated your growing little bump beautifully.
"Uh..Daddy helped me," you said, munching your snack.
Good save, you patted yourself mentally.
She went quiet for full four seconds. Tilting her head slightly to the left, she scrunched her eyebrows adorably.
"Daddy!" she let out a screech, quickly ran out the kitchen. You could hear her little, bare feet padding on the floor as she sprinted towards your bedroom to interrogate her dad on how he 'helped' put a baby in your belly.
You laughed. He can handle it.
Twenty minutes later, you walked into the bedroom to see your daughter cuddled with your sleeping husband with 'Finding Dory' playing in the background. You resisted the urge to take a picture right then.
But your daughter was awake.
"Shh, mommy! daddy is sleeping!" she whispered, placing a finger over her lip.
"Okay, okay.." you whispered, smiling.
"I asked daddy about the baby, he said he would tell me after this movie ends...," she said, trapped under his giant arm over her tiny body, "but I think he wanted me to nap so I would forget about it."
You stiffled a laugh.
You couldn't resist anymore, you slowly crawled into the bed next to him.
"And she is smart..like you," Will grumbled, half awake.
"Hey there, sleepyhead," you grinned and kissed his forehead.
"Daddy! How did you help mommy with the baby?"
"And she is stubborn too, just like you," he groaned.
"Yeah, tell us, daddy," you joined, laughing.
"I hate you," he threw a pillow at your face.
"I love you too," you leaned over to kiss his lips, with a wide smile.
"Alright, sweetheart.." he propped himself up on his elbow. He looked at your daughter, "I love mommy so much," a pause, "And when you love someone there will be a baby." He silently prayed it would suffice your daughter's curiosity.
"So, I was made with love?"
"Yeah, baby."
You and Will said at the same time.
"Okay." That seemed like a good answer. She smiled happily and went back to watch the movie.
He scooped you and your daughter with both hands, pulling you closer.
Your daughter wanted to be in the middle and you happily obliged. She felt her parents press a kiss on each side of her head.
Will reached out his hand to touch your bump. A soft, knowing smile was on his face. Life with you was soft, sweet and had little wonders.
You smiled, touching his hand with yours. And being with Will was everything you wanted and more.
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hughiecampbelle · 1 year
Being Connors Favorite Sibling Would Include:
Requested: could I request something with Connor and Roy!sibling? headcanons, a fic, literally anything I'm in love with their relationship and how much they love each other. I think a little sibling that loves Connor the way he deserves would be so good for him - anon
A/N: I love Big Brother Connor!!! He deserves the world 💞 Thank you for requesting my love! Hope you like it!! Feedback is always appreciated!!!! 💜
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Connor was ecstatic the day you were born. He thought he was done being a big brother, that his job was kinda done. Ken, Rome, and Shiv were grown up, they didn't think they'd need him anymore. Little did he know that you would be the closest to him out of everyone, that you would need him the most
Being a big brother is his favorite job in the world. He wasn't sure what being loved, really loved, felt like until Kendall was born. From the minute he could crawl, he followed Connor wherever he wanted. So did Roman. And when Shiv was born, he couldn't believe it. He'd always wanted a sister and now he had one. She was absolutely perfect
But you? You were his everything. Neither your mother or your father were all that interested, so the responsibility fell on him, not that he would ever complain. He loved it, even when you spit up on him. The other three were grossed out, hating to change diapers and getting annoyed with your crying, but he was more than happy to calm you down, sit with you, rock you back and forth, etc.
Your first words were his name, too, which almost killed him. Seriously, he still brings it up, he's so proud
He loved watching you grow into a toddler. You were a lot more fun. You could walk and talk and play. You loved when he got on the floor with you and played with you. He even dressed up with you when he wanted to play pretend, though mostly he was too tall for the costumes, so he made do with the hats and accessories instead
"Yes y/n?"
"Why is the sky blue?"
"That's a good question. . ."
He takes you to preschool every day and tries to be there at pickup as much as he can. He loves to hear about your day, what you learned, who you talked to, what you played with, the snacks you ate, etc. He only gets more interested the older you get, when you learn about the planets and dinosaurs and you read all these interesting books. When school started, he was sad to see you go. You'd been his little buddy and suddenly you were all grown up
Every presentation, award, musical, play, game, show, everything he showed up for, front row with his phone out recording, cheering the loudest
He takes you camping, to the park and the movies, wherever you want to go. He thinks it's good for you to get out of the city
"Why doesn't dad ever come with us?"
"Pops is a very busy man. . ."
Connor is constantly sticking up Logan despite the fact that he's never really shown an ounce of love or attention towards either of you. He wants to protect you from that unloved feeling. He needs to, like he has with your siblings
No matter how small it seemed to you, it meant the world to him. Eventually you stopped inviting your mother and father, going straight to him. He'd tell the president to fuck off if it meant he got to spend a second more with you
He helped you with homework, staying up late at the kitchen table going over the same math problem again and again. He never got mad or frustrated, though. He'd take as long as you needed
You could do no wrong in his eyes. When you fought with Ken, when you argued with Shiv, when you pushed Rome, none of it was your fault. None of them could stand it
When you cried he was the first person you went to. When you got your heart broken for the first time, when you wondered why your parents even had you if they were never around, when you had nightmares as a child and when your worst fears came true, you cried to him
The older you got, the more distance you put between you and him. Kids strayed from their parents once they became teenagers, that's just how it worked. Still, he felt unprepared for the days when you wouldn't need him so much
He taught you how to drive and study with you before your test. You weren't very good, but you had no idea. He was ecstatic when you parallel parked the first time. He made you feel proud, even if at first it felt silly
He was there when you walked across the stage for your diploma for both high school and college, cheering the loudest. He made a rule that you'd call him once a week in college and you never missed it, not even once. You'd tell him about your friends, the parties you went to, to the people you were seeing. He wanted to hear everything
Everything you've accomplished, he couldn't be prouder
You go to his ranch as much as you can, enjoying the distance between you and your father. The older you get, the more you realize how he was never in your life and how much Connor was. It makes you sad, thinking he had to step up, take responsibility for his baby sibling. He is adamant that raising you was a pleasure, the best thing he's ever done
He has pictures of you everywhere. Of the others too, but mostly of you. You can't help but find them embarrassing
"I look like an idiot."
"You were adorable." He looks at them every single day, proud as ever
He visits you in the office, taking you out for lunch when he's in the city. He's the only one who doesn't work for your father, but he likes hearing about it from you. He can't believe how grown up you are, how adult you've suddenly gotten. It seems like just yesterday they brought you home. Now you had meetings and deadlines and your own interns to boss around
"Look at you, all grown up. I can't believe it!"
He's the first person you call when anything happens. When Kendall's gone manic, when Dad hits Rome, when Shiv seems off, when you're getting a promotion, a first date, anything and everything. He's always there to offer advice on how to handle the situation. He's been dealing with them far longer than you have
You show him how to use social media so he can see the pictures you post, not wanting to miss out on anything. There are lots of pictures of you and him together
"Who's that?"
"I'm kinda seeing them."
"That's wonderful! When do I get to meet them?"
Forget your mother and father, it's Connor you're worried about when you're seeing someone. They're never good enough for you. He quizzes them on everything, bordering on an interrogation. In the end, no matter what he thinks of them, he's happy you've found someone that makes you happy
You and him go on double dates with your partner and Willa, who adores you. She lovingly calls you Connors Baby. She's glad someone else loves him like he should be, instead of being used and ignored and neglected like the rest do
You're one of the most well-rounded, healthy, adjusted Roys to come out of the family, or as close as you can get, because of him
He always sits by you at family dinners and vacations, between you and Logan, hoping he can be the target for his anger if need be
When you drink too much he takes care of you, especially at weddings, and always saves a dance for you at the end of the night
"Thank you, Con."
"For what?"
"For everything."
You care very little for your father, but when he dies Connor is right there offering comfort. You were never close to him. You never got the chance to build a relationship with him, no matter how warped, like the others. Connor was your dad, you thought so for the longest time when you were little, your fathers day cards addressed to him instead of Logan. You're sad for your siblings who loved him despite it all
You're the only one to attend Connors wedding, cheering and clapping when they kiss. You wouldn't have missed it for anything
Connor has spent your entire life protecting you and for that, you will always be grateful. It's something you can never repay
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sawtastic-sideblog · 11 months
Specs x Reader Gender Neutral Reader TW: violence, blood, mentions of death and school shooters, there may be more I have forgotten to mention so just a general proceed with caution.
"I'm looking for Sebastian Parker. Sebastian are you with us?" The psychic, Elise, calls to the room. You roll your eyes, not so subtly, and catch the eye of the bearded camera man, Tucker. He shakes his head and looks back at his screen as he continues to walk around the group of six gathered in a circle in your dining room.
Your older brother, Sebastian, died two years ago and your mom, Alice, hasn't been the same since. None of you have, but your mom seemed to be taking it the hardest. Sebastian was thirteen years older than you and from a previous relationship your mom had. Your dad, Patrick, always said Sebastian was his son. They were close. The year Sebastian turned eighteen, he went to your dad and asked him to be adopted. Your dad agreed, enthusiastically and cried hugging Sebastian and just repeating 'my son' over and over again. The night Sebastian died, your dad stood in his hospital room, stroking his head, repeating those words over and over again.
Your little sister, Olivia, sat across from you. She and Sebastian also had a good relationship. With a twenty one year gap between the two, Livvy and Sebastian were the closest. You alway envied their relationship. Sebastian was smart and loved to help Livvy with her homework. He was an English teacher at the local high school. Livvy would visit him in his class and would help him with presentations and fun stuff he'd do with his classes. You would help with costumes and behind the scenes stuff. Livvy and Sebastian belonged on stage together. Since his death, Livvy hasn't been as involved with the school's theater program, but still auditions and does the plays. "For Sebby," she says.
You and Sebastian were close, but only after he moved out. When you were born, he was a stubborn teenager who didn't want the attention of his mother and the only stable father figure he'd ever known taken away from him. He didn't want his weekends taken by some brat he'd have to watch, which was seldom if at all. After he moved out, you got sick with pneumonia and almost died in the hospital. He realized how much he cared for you and drove eighteen hours back from college to be with you. He transferred closer to be with the family and would let you stay at his apartment when your mom had bad days. Her pregnancy with Olivia was not an easy one. You and Sebastian grew close and went to all thr new movies, sport games, and community events together and with his friends. You were even the flower girl at Sebastian's best friend's wedding when you were twelve.
Your mom has Sebastian at fifteen and was a single mom until she met your dad. She struggled to get by and from a young age, Sebastian realized that they didn't have much and he would do odd jobs for people of the community. When your dad came to town, wanting a fresh start away from toxic parents and a crazy ex, Sebastian askedif he needed ay help with boxes "for a price." Your dad agreed and later met your mom. Your dad would always ask Sebastian to "help" with leaky faucets, painting walls, and working on cars. His job was to sit and make sure your dad was doing everything safely. Eventually your parents started dating and got married two years later. Your dad helped put her through nursing school and she has loved every second of her job. After being a single mom and her child, relying on each other, and practically growing up together, your mom and Sebastian were best friends. Losing him broke her. She stayed in bed for months. One day she was back to her normal self, making pancakes for everyone.
"What's this, honey? It's after ten at night?" Your dad asked, putting his keys in thr bowl by the door as you and Livvy put your coats on h hooks.
"Is it? Oh, well, I've been so busy. I guess I lost track of time," she replied with a smile on her face.
"What have you been doing?"
"I cleaned the whole house. Where have you been?"
"Work, school, dinner, and Livvy's play. Why are you cleaning the whole house? We did that this past weekend."
"Sebastian's coming home."
With that statement, all three hearts broke.
"Hey mom, it's late, let's get you to bed," you say and try to lead your mom to her room. After a little resistance you an your father manager to get your mom into bed. After that your mom kept insisting Sebastian would be coming home and recently she's started trying to contact him. Weird things started happening andit scared Olivia to the point she was always over at your apartment.
Last week, your dad woke up with scratches down his back. You immediately started looking for help and tracked down Elise. You arranged to meet at your parent's house tonight and Elise decided a seance would be the best course of action. You, being a skeptic, scoffed at her.
"There's no such things as ghosts."
"Ghosts, spirits, demons, they all exist, (Y/N), and we're the ones who are going to help you rid yourselves of them."
"No offense, Elise, but this is crazy."
"Sometimes crazy works."
So, now, you're in the dining room of your childhood home, having a seance to contact your dead brother. Still convinced that this is crazy, you look around the circle. You can't read your dad's face, but your mom has a look of hope, Livvy looks scared, Elise has a look of intense concentration, and her assistant, Spec, is writing at lightning speed as Elie speaks.
"Sebatian Parker. Follow the sound of my voice."
You scoff and try to coverit with a cough, but Tucker and Specs both give you looks. You put your gaze forward and close your eyes just as something grabs your chair and pulls it backwards. You let out a startled scream. You're lifted off the ground and feel your throat burn as if someone is choking you, but there is nobody there. You cough, gag, and sputter as Livvy watches in frozen horror, your mom stands with her hands over her mouth.
"Patrick, do something," she calls as she grips Livvy's arm tight. He leaps into action and tries to pull you off the wall. He's thrown across the room into Tucker and they both go down. Specs leaps from his seat and starts to rush toward you, but is thrown back into the China cabinet. The glass shatters and rains down around Spec's limp body. You try to scream, but nothing comes out.
Tucker sits up slowly. Once he's checked back into what's happening, he grabs his camera and springs to his feet, pointing the camera around the room.
"I command you to leave this family alone!"
You fall to the floor and take in a big gulp of air. Elise and her entire chair are tipped backwards and an invisible force starts to choke her. You mother and sister scream in terror and run to the corner and huddle together. Your dad sits up and watches, beary eyes and confused. You realize the danger Elise is in, so you run to the kitchen for salt and then the living room for an iron fire poking stick.
Hoping for the best, you swing the stick above Elise and she takes in a breath. You make a big circle out of the salt.
"Everyone in the ring! Don't mess it up!" You shout. Everyone does as they're told, except for Specs, who is still out.
"Steven! Steven, please, wake up!" Elise pleads. Specs' limp, bloody, body is dragged across the floor, up the wall, and is pinned to the ceiling. You all start shouting for him to wake up. He does and immediately starts to panic. He's thrown against the far wall and falls to the floor.
With every ounce of courage you have, you jump the salt line and swing the poking stick wildly as you run to Specs. You try to help him up, but you can't swing and lift at the same time. Luckily, Tucker followed you and lifts his friend up and over his shoulder. The three of you make your way back to the circle where Tucker sets Specs down. The China cabinet shakes and the broken glass rattles.
"Leave them alone!" Elise yells. A chair raises behind Elise. It charged forward and you shove her out of the way just in time for it to hit you in the face.
You open your eyes and it's the dining room, but darker. You look around and see misty figures. It's your parents, sister, Elise, and her two assistants.
"(Y/N)!" A voice calls, far in the distance. You stand up and walk through the house. The voice continues to call for you. You climb the stairs and walk to Sebastian's room. You open the door to be met with a lady in a black wedding dress. Her hands reach for your throat, but something shoves her aside. Sebastian stands in her place and grabs your hand. Together, you two run down the stairs and out of the house.
"The garage," you say as the two of you reach the lawn. The lady in black appears in the doorway of the house. Sebastian looks for the spare key and fumbles it into the lock.
"What now?" Sebastian asks as he locks the door behind him.
"Remember when I was a kid and you were in college you showed me how to make a flame thrower?"
"With the aerosol spray can and a lighter? Yeah, but what are you going to do?"
"Burn her," you say with determination as you grab cans of spray paint off a shelf. Sebastian grabs the lighters from a drawer and tosses you one. Sebatian unlocks the door as you hide. As the lady enters, Sebastian sends flames in her direction. She tries to back up, but you step out of your hiding spot and spark up your makeshift flamethrower. She vanishes and you both put out your flames. You look at each other and laugh. Sebastian holds his arms out for a hug, which you gladly accept.
"We miss you, you know?"
"I know. I've been watching. Mom kept talking to me. I heard her, but the lady in black wouldn't let me communicate."
"Well, now you can."
"No, Cesario, I don't think I can."
You smile almost melancholic at the nickname. You read Twelfth Night when you were in your first semester of college and hated it. You can't understand Shakespeare to save your life. You decided to watch it instead and you developed a crush on Johnny Young, the guy that was playing Viola/Cesario in the production. Since then, Sebastian has called you Cesario as a joke. You miss that.
Elise smiles warmly as you come into view, holding Sebastian close to your side. You look down to where your father is holding your head in his lap, your mom is crying into your chest, and your sister is staring at you, fear etched on her delicate features.
"Hello, Sebastian. (Y/N)," Elise greets. Everyone looks to the direction Elise is looking.
"Where are we?" You ask.
"I call it The Further."
"Is it the afterlife?"
"Something like that, I suppose. I know seeing your brother again has been good for you, but you need to get back into your body," Elise says. You nod in understanding as dark figures shift in the shadows. You turn towards Sebastian and grab his hands.
"I love you, Seb. I miss you every single day. Nothing will ever change that. I wish I was there to stop the shooter from getting to you, but you were a hero. All the kids were fine. Physically anyway. Emotionally they're all traumatized," you say, tears cascading down your cheeks. Sebastian chuckles at your last statement and wipes the tears away.
"I'm glad they're relatively okay. I love you, too. Make sure mom, dad, and Liv know I love them as well?" Sebastian asks. You nod and give him one last hug before walking to your body. There's a flash of light that engulfs you.
Your eyes flutter open to see your family hovering over you. You sit up an hug your mom.
"He loves you guys," you say into your mom's shoulder. "He saved me too. He pushed the woman in black away and he taught me how to make a flamethrower."
"You did that when you were little. You burned down my rose bush," your dad says through his tears.
"We used them on the lady in black."
"Makes sense to me," Olivia says hugging you.
"My son," your dad whispers as his arms wrap around you.
A little while later, you walk into th bathroom to find a shirtless Specs picking glass from his back. Ot at last attempting to.
"Need some help?" You ask. The man jumps and turns to you. He sheepishly nods ans his cheeks turn red. You take the tweezers from him and start pulling small glass shards from his back. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah," he says with a laugh, "I've had worse. Actually, no, not really, this is probably the worst."
"Well, a ghost threw you into a China cabinet, so I'm not surprised."
"Still a skeptic?"
"No, but I know not to mess with that stuff."
"Smart cookie, you are. Ow."
"Sorry," you say before chuckling. "I don't think I've ever hears a more pitiful 'ow' in my life."
"I don't see a point in screaming. It won't do any good."
"Could be quite pleasurable. Let me know I'm doing a good job," you joke. Specs turns around to face you.
"Is that an invitation, (Y/N)?" He asks quietly. He moves to your ear and whispers "because I may have to take you up on that."
Your breath catches for a moment before you make Specs turn back around. Your cheeks heat up as you start pulling glass from the taller man's shoulder blade.
"In your dreams."
"I can't wait."
You take the next twenty minutes or so to pull glass from his back. When you're certain you got it all, you leave Specs to clean up. Your mom provided towels and your father and sister ran down to the twenty four hour gas station to get bandages and pain killers. Tuck walks over with an ice pack wrapped in a towel and presses it gently to your head.
"He likes you. He's been talking about you since we met last week. He wanted to ask you on a date, but doesn't know how to ask. Or when to ask. Obviously, he couldn't during all of this mess," Tucker gestures vaguely around at the mess of shatter glass, a splintered chair, and blood.
"Well, he was right in that aspect," you say.
"You should've heard him the day we met," He says before pitching his voice up to mimic his friend. "Tuck, did you see (Y/N)? Do you think they'd say yes if I asked them out? They had th prettiest eyes I've-"
Tucker is cut off by the bathroom door opening and Specs walking out. Shock, hurt, and embarrassment on his. He opens his mouth to say something before shoving past you and Tucker.
"I think you messed up, there, buddy," you say as Tucker just nods and walks into the bathroom with the towels your mom gave him and his spare clothes.
"He'll get over it," he called as he closed the door. Feeling bad for Specs, you go to look for him and find him on the back porch steps. You grab a blanket from thr back of the couch and walk outside. You wrap the blanket around his shoulders. He flinched from the sudden coverage on his back.
"It's too cold for you to be out here shirtless and with wet hair."
"So? So, you'll get sick and miss our date."
He turns his head so fast he almost gives himself whiplash. You give him a soft smile and he smiles back. His face turns serious as he looks back across the yard at the old swing and play fort. He stands and hold out his hand. You take it and you both walk across the yard. Specs climbs into the fort and turns back to you with a goofy smile. You follow him up and you both sit facing the house where you see your mom and Elise talking.
"How did your brother die?"
"Some kid decided that if he couldn't have his ex girlfriend, nobody could. She was in Sebastian's class and one of the other teachers warned him and told him who it was. His class hid the girl behind a bookshelf and when the kid tried to come in and found the door locked, he shot through the doorknob and walked in. Seb stood up for the class. He blocked the kid from them. The kid kept threatening him, but Seb held his ground. The police came in at about that time and it scared the kid and he pulled the trigger. He claimed it was an accident. He went in with thr intention to kill someone. There was no accident. Seb was rushed to the hospital and died three days later. He was a hero. At graduation that year, all the students gave my mom a single red rose. The ones in his class that day gave my mom these folders full of letters written from themselves, their friends, and their families. They gave us some good memories to look back on and kind words of support and encouragement. It was sweet."
Specs' thumb wipes a tear from your cheek. He pulls you into his side for a hug, which you gratefully accept and return. The sliding glass door opens.
"Hey, we got stuff for Specs," Livvy's voice carries through the night. Specs let's you go and turns to slide down the slide. You follow him again and you walk to the house. Specs takes a seat backwards in a chair. He winces as your mom takes the blanket off his shoulders, the fibers from the fluffy blanket sticking to the fluid oozing from the wounds.
"You okay?" You ask, concerned. Specs nods and rests his forehead on the back of the chair. Livvy pulls you to the side to start cleaning up. Tucker and your dad pick up thr cabinet as you sweep the glass and Livvy picks up the broken chair.
"Can't belive (Y/N) broke this with their head," Livvy laughs.
"Yeah, and they've got a pretty good bruise to show for it," your dad replies.
"It's not that bad is it?" You ask as you sweep the glass into the dustpan.
"Well, it's not great," Livvy says. You set the broom and dustpan aside and make your way to the bathroom. You're looking at your forehead when the door opens.
"We've got to stop meeting like this," Specs jokes. You smile as you make eye contact in the mirror.
"You alright?"
"Are you? You have a bruise on your head. You should be checked for a concussion," he says. You turn toward him and he grabs both sides of your head. He places a gentle kiss on your forehead.
"I like your shirt," you say, pulling at his Star Wars t-shirt.
"Star Wars fan?"
"Nope. Never seen a single movie."
"Okay, well, that's what we will be doing for our date."
"Watching Star Wars?"
Specs leans closer to you and you loom up at him. Your eyes flutter closed. You can feel his breath fan over your face. A knock sounds at the door, breaking you two apart.
"(Y/N), you in there?" Your mom's voice calls. "I want to look at your head, darling."
"Yeah, mom. I'm in here," you answer. You barely open the door and slip through. Your mom checks you over and you agree to go to the hospital.
You and your dad walk out with Elise, Tucker, and Specs. You manage to pull Specs behind a tree as your dad and Elise talk and Tucker loads the van.
"Give me your phone," you say, holding out your hand. He does so and you put your number in. You two talk a few more minutes.
"Specs, let's go," Tucker yells at the tree. You bid him goodbye and he starts to walk away. You and your father walk to the car. Before Tucker can drive away the side door of the van opens. Specs jogs across the yard to you, spins you around, and crashes his lips into yours. You kiss him back just as he pulls away.
"See you Saturday," he smiles and pecks your lips one more time before running back to the van. You watch the van drive down the street as the sun begins to rise.
"Got yourself a boyfriend, huh, (Y/N)," your dad teases.
"Shut up," you say as you get into the car.
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imstraightandadude2 · 2 months
Story Time. A story about a girl we will Call "H".
A few yrs ago I saw a really cute pregnant girl on a dating site. I basically begged her to give me a shot cause of how attracted I was to her. She finally did. So we went out to eat. She was very attractive, dressed great, and fun to be with. I was turned on just being with her.
By our second meeting I came to her house. Her little sisters were always around and we never had alone time. I was forced to sit with her and just watch movies but not touch her......until one day she packed a bag and told me she was staying over.
When she came over she got in bed and pulled her shirt up to show off her big belly. I had only known her for a few weeks by now , but her belly had grown quite much in those few weeks. She looked at me and asked if it was okay that she was revealing her belly. Of course I told her yes.
She sat in my bed, continuously rubbing her belly. She would just stare at her belly in amazement. I could tell she really liked being that big. It turned me on so much that eventually I reached over and started rubbing her belly. She put her hands down and let me have the belly all to myself. I was so amazed at how round she was at only 7 months. I started kissing her belly all over, showing her that I was into her big pregnant belly. I could tell she loved the fact that I was so into her belly...Eventually it lead to other stuff...
As we kept seeing each other it was clear between the two of us that her ever growing belly was something we both enjoyed.
The bigger she got the more she would breathe out, so slow, like she was stepping in cold water. The more she would just continuously rub her belly. She couldn't keep her hands off her belly.
Eventually she told me she felt so sexy being pregnant, she loved watching her belly get big and round. She loved what was happening to her body. She talked about getting pregnant again after this baby. She wanted to be a surrogate just so she can have an opportunity to be pregnant many times more.
I never met a girl who loved being pregnant so much.
We didn't work out cause I knew my fetish wasn't real life...even though I stayed around for about 2 yrs off and on. We had different lives and I couldn't commit to her based on Lust. It just wasn't right.
One day ...a yr after not talking...i saw on social media that she was pregnant again....I messaged her , she told me that she was pregnant with her new boyfriends baby. She had just gotten with him and already let him impregnate her
I knew she secretly craved what was happening to her again...and I hope she enjoyed it just as good as the first time........I only saw a few pics of the 2nd pregnancy, and I must say, she looked amazing.
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thequeenopower · 2 years
Unplanned ; Sapnap
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I don't even remember the night, never mind where I met him. But he was cute, kind of awkward, but cute. He was forward even though he seemed shy around girls. So I went home with him, it didn't seem like he knew what he was doing, but once he figured it out he was great at it. But then it ended and I snuck out before the birds began to sing.
And two months later came two lines.
I didn't expect it, I was half expecting some sort of STD but definitely not a baby. And the worst part was, I didn't have any way to contact him. I gave him a fake number and the goddamn state of Florida is so huge that I have a better chance of finding him in outer space.
I tried planning an abortion appointment but since I've never done it before, I was too far along to get the thing out so know I had two other options;
Keep it and live with it, or, give it up.
Now I was planning on giving it up, I was never fit to be a mother. I was still in college with a shitty job. I couldn't support myself, never mind a child. But there's something people never talk about when going through with giving a child up, its the connection you make with the baby growing inside you. Now I never believed I'd make a connection with it, but the second I saw his face on the ultrasound, I fell in love.
I became a better person for him, and because of him. I quit my job and worked my ass off to try to graduate sooner, which didn't quite work out. But, I was able to get a good job at a high up corporation doing their finances while continuing school part time. I was also able to get an apartment and split rent with a friend.
Then when 34 weeks came along, so did the baby.
What had happened was I was on a flight from Florida to California for a family vacation and then went into labor on the plane. They landed somewhere in Texas where I soon had my baby, Benjamin Michael l/n.
That was nine months ago, and two months ago I re-discovered his father.
~~ two months prior
"Hey, y/n! Whatcha doin'?" Ashley announces her presence which scares Benji.
"Not much. Just changing baby butts," I shake a diaper on Benji's face, it itches his nose a little which makes him giggle.
"Could I use your TV in here to watch a streamer?" I nod, knowing she only wants to use this TV so she could spend time with Benji before her trip.
The three of us got comfy on my bed as she started up the stream called, "FORTNITE TOURNY WITH PUNZ AND KARL". By someone named Sapnap. It's an odd name for a stream but maybe it was normal. I never normally had time to watch stuff anymore, if I did it was either TV shows, movies, or Markiplier, cause who wouldn't want to watch Markiplier.
The stream turns on and it's immediately on the lobby menu of Fortnite, a man in the top left corner goes on for some time talking about god knows what. For some odd reason, the stream stayed on for about 2 hours. Though I wasn't paying attention as I was doing my own thing, like school work and checking up on Benji and Ashley. It wasn't until I was done with my work that I finally laid on the bed and paid attention to the TV. The man on the screen looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. It wasn't till I heard him speak that I realized who it was.
"Nick?" Ashley looked at me confused before her eyes went wide and her mouth fell open.
"No way. It can't be." I nodded as I was entranced by the man laughing and playing with a ball on the screen.
"You have to contact him and tell him! His name on Insta-"
"No, I couldn't do that to him. It's best if we just leave it at this. It'd ruin him and his career." My eyes were teary as I had finally come to terms with Benji not growing up with a father.
~~ present day <3
You had taken a trip to TwitchCon with Ashley's little sister Jenny. Ashley couldn't make it since she had an art contest at her school to be in. Though she wanted to still be able to give art to her favorite creators so she paid for Jenny and me to go. It was very hard to handle two other people but at least Jenny was 14 and was able to take care of herself when I wasn't able to.
Jenny was going to be wearing costumes for the days we were there for and the first day she was dressing up as someone called 'Dream'. So I decided she couldn't have all the fun and dressed up as a Minecraft creeper, which was three sizes too small, and Benji dressed as a Minecraft panda. It was a regular panda suit but I put a Minecraft panda head as the hood and made it so it could stay on his head.
We walked around outside for a bit before the building opened. We took some photos of people who asked, Benji getting complimented every two seconds. He would just smile and kick his feet since I was baby wearing him. Then it was time for us to go in and we got straight into line for someone, I never checked the name. It was about an hour-long wait, but it wasn't bad as Benji was mostly quiet. He did get fidgety at times which is when I would take him out and let him stand or be held by Jenny.
Finally we made it to the front of the line and Jenny was getting excited.
"He's one of Ashley and mine's favorite streamers. You have the stuff to show him right?" I nod and turn my back a little so she can take out the items from my bag.
"Hello," The man greets as Jenny excitedly walks toward him.
She gives him the pictures which he accepts and thanks. I then take a picture of the two of them. He goes wide eyed as he looks at me, as if he knew me.
"Hey, uh, cute baby." He replies. He seems unsure of what to say and kind of awkwardly stands there.
A couple seconds passed as I thanked him for the compliment. We're then told we have to move along which lets us go into the next line.
As we stand in line I try to remember who the man was. The person floats in my mind a little, it's fuzzy and only there for a few seconds at a time, like clips of a movie.
"Hey, what was that guys name that we just met?"
"His name is Sapnap."
I couldn't get him out of my head for the rest of the day. It was like he was stuck there and I had no intention of getting him out. He knew, he had to of. If he didn't, then why did he stand there like a fish out of water when he saw me. I knew he didn't know Benji, but he most certainly knew me.
Jenny and I sat in our chairs at the panel, the creators sitting above us all waiting to be asked questions. Jenny asked me to go up and ask a question for her and to ask them if they had seen a certain art by her which she had accidentally posted on my account.
"Hello, I'm y/n, this is Benji," I wave his hand for him which got people to aw.
"My friend has a couple of questions, if you don't mind me asking two." They sat in silence waiting for me to ask. Sapnap whispered to a boy beside him which made the boys eyes go wide and look at me bewildered.
"So one, what's your favorite Minecraft animal slash mob?" They all answered with their respective answers, Sapnap's animal being a panda.
"And second, my friend wants you guys to check out a piece of art she created but accidentally posted on my account. Is it alright if I tell you the user so you could check it out?" The blonde one all the way to the right nodded and took out his phone.
I told him my account and he replied back with his reaction to it which got some others to ask to be shown it. As I sat down, the man's phone was being passed down the line of people. It stopped at Sapnap as he took out his phone to most likely copy the user to also like the photo.
The panel continued on for another couple hours until it finally finished. Jenny begged me to stay a little longer and go outside to meet some people we couldn't before.
I waited off to the side as she took photos and just played with Benji outside of his carrier. It wasn't long until we were interrupted by someone tapping my shoulder.
"Hey, y/n, right?" I turn towards the voice and see Nick. I nod and he smiles leaning against the wall with me.
"So we finally meet again, at last." I chuckle and see Benji looking at Nick with his big green eyes.
"How old is your son?" He looks puzzled, like he knows something but just wants the last piece to be sure.
"He's going to be nine months soon." He looks at me. Does he know? Surely not.
"Is he- is he mine?" His voice is low, like a scared kid.
I nod, not really knowing what to say. A tense air blankets us and there's nothing else said between us. It took minutes, a couple of photos that he took with fans, before he finally asked a question.
"Could I hold him?" I stare at him blankly, not knowing what exactly to do. Finally, I slowly started to move Benji towards him. He holds him under his armpits, far away from him like the second they'd touch they'd explode. I push them together which gets Benji to laugh and clutch onto Nick.
Nick smiles, realizing that this is probably the best feeling in the world. He fell in love that day, not with the woman standing next to him, but his son that was in his hands. From that day onward, he vowed to take care of them both. He put their needs before his and eventually stopped streaming for some time to fix the relationship between the three of them. After a while, he got back into streaming and showed off his newly wedded wife, who was pregnant once more, and his son, whom he explained he loved more than anything in this world, and outer space.
ill be honest, the time line is a little messed up but fuck me it was hard to find things that sewed everything together perfectly. please just go with it, im tired lol.
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the-sky-queen · 5 months
JUST FINISHED EPISODE 6!!! Before I unblock the Knuckles Series tags, I wanted to give my closing thoughts.
Overall, I really REALLY enjoyed this! :D I laughed a lot, the tension was good, the animation and choreography was incredible, and everything was just all around amazing. I wish we got to cut back to Green Hills every now and then though. Getting a little side plot with Sonic and Tails would have been cute and very nice. But I really enjoyed Wade and Knuckles' dynamic, though I think Knuckles should have had a bit more development and screen time.
One thing I absolutely ADORED was the theme song, along with the constant theme of older music scattered throughout the series. I gasped out loud when I saw Wade's discman. (My sister still has one!) I grew up listening to CDs. When it was time for a roadtrip, my family would grab one of our big CD cases for the car ride. So looking at that theme song animation made my heart absolutely soar. ❤️ And while I didn't recognize any of the songs they played in the episodes (save for a couple), I can really appreciate the vibe. I also grew up listening to my dad's music. Stuff from when HE was growing up. It just felt right to have Wade into all kinds of music.
I have only a few complaints. First: Wanda was kinda really, really annoying. She got better as time went on, but she was really bad at first. She felt like a kid who never grew up. Like seriously, why is she still picking fights with Wade??? You're both adults! Act like it! The whole dinner scene over all was just painful to watch. It felt waaaay too similar to some dinners I've had with my own family, which yes, points for accuracy I guess, but I just felt like Knuckles the entire time. Awkward, wishing they'd just quit arguing and enjoy dinner, feeling out of place. I'm not sure if that's what they were going for or not. (The fight scene to protect the candles was very nice though :D)
Second: Pachacamac. I dunno, he was really annoying, and not at all like his power hungry, war mongering, cold, game counterpart. I also feel like he was really unnecessary? He probably could've been written out really easily. His 'funny' bits weren't even that funny and there was so many other opportunities for comedy during the episodes. He was really unneeded.
Finally: Almost everything in episode 4. The . . . low quality rock opera thing???? I'll admit, that the way they did all the practical effects and stuff was really cool! But everything else? WHY. Why are we doing this? Why are we singing? Why are we cutting Knuckles out of almost an entire episode? Why?????? I feel like this episode could've been done so many other different ways. HOWEVER! I really enjoyed the bit at the end. Seeing Wade stand up to Sinclair was AMAZING and I was cheering him on the whole time.
I kinda also wish they'd hinted at the third movie a bit. For a bit of set up. But they did clear up that GUN didn't always go by GUN, which I guess fixes our 'how did GUN kill Maria if they were only created after the first movie' problem!
Anyway, save for a few rough patches, this is a really good show! (Probably would've been better with one episode per week though. Can you imagine the suspense factor?? Would've been EPIC!!)
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symphonic-scream · 1 year
The Phantom Queers Notes
Thanks to the ever patient Cap for putting up with me gushing about them nonstop! Love you cap
Anyways. Ahem.
Firstly; the Noir's mural. I said it was based off of official art from Mementos Mission? Yeah so I wanted to add that image to this post so anyone who hasn't seen it can see it and know what I meant
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So it's like this. But with more vines.
And now onto the notes
Haru's dad slowly adapting to his daughter being with someone like Makoto and just,
Okumura: invite your wife to our next brunch. I'm ready to have a meal with the person who makes you glow
Haru: are you ready for that? Neither of us want to push you
Okumura: I'm ready. I love you, and you love her so much. It's about time I let you show me such
This is after like. Eight years of him knowing Makoto. There were some very awkward talks in the beginning but mans did his research! He knows how to be respectful!
He even frames a photo of their little family and keeps it on his desk, with little trans and lesbian flag stickers in the corners. He updates it every year as his grandsons grow older
Teenage Makoto and Haru going to see a spy movie as their first date as girlfriends, Makoto nervous because sure Haru knows she's trans already, but what if-
They end up making out halfway through in the back of the theatre.
Haru: this was lovely! We should go on some more dates, yes?
Makoto: y-yeah! That would be very nice,
And Haru gives her a goodbye kiss, a full one right out in the middle of the street, waving her fingers with a little wink as she gets on her train, Makoto just standing there watching her new girlfriend walk away with her heart beating out of her chest
Their first place together is a dorm at university. They push the beds together to make a double, though they sleep so closely they'd only need a single. Little flags on the bag of the door, little polaroids from dates and hangouts with their new friends on a wall, the way Makoto's study space is sparse, with clicky pens and things to safely chew on, and Haru's having plants and life and so many colours-
Makoto finding out Haru's actually pregnant and just. She's so relieved. She didn't ruin it all for her love,
But Haru would've been so happy either way, even if their kid didn't have Makoto's eyes or, like their second and third, her rebellion and cute little nose-
Okay gonna lay out the sons real quick! They have three sons; Seiji is their first born, has Makoto's sharp red eyes, Haru's curls, and a general softer shape to him. When he's like middle school age he goes a bit emo, remains into dark colours and music. And he loves to cook! Loves food
Then there's the twins, Kazuto and Hiroto. Dark curls, Haru's softer eyes, but they have that Niijima spark, they look more like Makoto did as a kid. Identical twins too! Pure evil. Menaces. Cunning and with sharp grins, their moms are lucky they aren't into arson
Sae, just barely out of university, now the legal guardian of her little brother and just. Sitting there as this little middle schooler comes out to her, and-
Well. She has to do everything she can for her sister.
Makoto: here, let's look at my childhood photos
Hifumi: you, do that? Look at photos from before you transitioned?
Makoto: it's different for everyone. I'm fine with it, I know Yusuke has a select few saved, Futaba doesn't like it for other reasons-
Makoto: I did change my name though. We have nothing that remains with my dead name on it. That is where I draw my boundaries. I cannot handle hearing it on my worst days
Hifumi: I see
Makoto: it wasn't me. And while I'm not as feminine as you or Haru, I'm still a woman
Hifumi: I'm starting to make sense of this all, thank you so much
Makoto: that's what family is for, sis
-new note-
Haru: if you want to discuss, hm, reassignment procedures, with someone, I know Yusuke is rather open about his. He'll even give you his professional's number
Hifumi: why are you saying it that way?
Haru: Makoto has, a thing with. *Hospitals*. So, I tend to reword those things
-new note-
Makoto: I'll wake up early and make Haru breakfast in bed for our first mother's day, I'll have the little one strapped to my chest nothing can go wrong!
Hifumi: what happened to you
Makoto, sitting on the kitchen floor covered in flour and butter, her infant son playing with Johanna on the couch: I tried to cook with a baby. Help me please
Hifumi entertains the baby while Makoto makes a plate of scones, an omelette, and a little fruit salad for her wife
"I just get so distracted when he's with me. I lost all focus"
"yeah but the flour?"
"I was measuring it. Saw Seiji clap. So, I clapped."
Haru wakes up to her son giggling on Makoto's side of the bed, her wife tracing soft kisses up from her hand
"happy mother's day, baby"
"Happy mother's day, Love"
They both have the day off, and just spend a nice day with their lil guy
Haru: if this is mother's day, I wonder what you'll do for my birthday?
Makoto: ah, well Seiji won't be helping me with those plans. That'll be a very special night out, just us two. After a morning with his plans of course
Haru: I'm so lucky I have you,
Makoto: sjdbskdhxidbdj baby,,
-new note-
Makoto: happy birthday baby
Haru: you, bought that small building between us and the shop next door?
Makoto: let's go inside and you'll see your gift. Full home gym, with a little sauna and hot tub room in the back
Haru: ...not gonna lie Love this looks more like a gift for you
Makoto: did you notice the lounge chairs? This is a private show for you~ I know you hate coming to the gym to watch me, so-
Makoto: you can have a private showing whenever you'd like, baby. All for you
Haru: can we, have a go right now?
Makoto: of course. Are you okay with me working on arms and upper body?
Haru: YES
haru just in her lil lounge chair aggresively sipping water
cause shes thirsty
(green was Cap akfhdj)
Staring at the back muscles
Makoto has to wear a long sleeve shirt to her run with Ryuji the next morning. Normally she runs in the like, sports bra thing. But her arms, back, and abs are. Covered. From Haru enjoying her gift
Haru: I'm gonna kiss every muscle on you
Makoto: oh wow
Ryuji: whyre you wearing a shirt? You hate the sweat cling
Makoto: Haru's birthday yesterday
Ryuji: ...fuck I forgot to get her anything she's gonna kill me- wait. GROSS DUDE DONT TELL ME ABOUT-
Makoto and Haru at like a parents night for the preschool Seiji goes to just trying to ignore the straight gossip going around all around them
One couple: hehe we're trying to give her a sibling, trying for a baby is soooo much work
Makoto: ...they're just openly admitting they fu-
Haru: shh, Love. I know. Don't get too stressed though, you have to be in good health for our appointment tomorrow.
Makoto: think we should tell people we're also trying? But heavily imply we're just fu-
Haru: yes. Absolutely. Put your hand in my back pocket, I'll leave a little mark on your neck-
Makoto excitedly explains this at the appointment they go to the next morning, she's had to take those. Relax pills before so she's a lil loopy, and Haru just smiles so tenderly as they run the tests on her wife. She loves their little family,, so glad the medical field has a way for them to have kids (I'm making shit up idk man. Au magic this world made it possible I don't wanna think about it too hard)
Makoto: ...do you also find it weird we only have sons
Haru: shh don't think Love. Happy moment, no gender thoughts. Hold one of the twins, be mesmerized by the baby
Haru adores her wife and their sons so much. Even if their oldest turns emo and the twins are feral demons
Akira: when I first met you two you were getting the drunkest out of the group at every night out, dancing all over each other- I'm pretty sure you two were making out more than you weren't
Makoto: I remember our uni days, ha
Haru: mm, good times
Ann: you guys were. All over each other then
Haru: it was our first time getting to be open about us! It was exciting.
Makoto: we're just as all over each other now, we just know how to close doors
Ann, three drinks in: you think that's all we do on that couch?
Yusuke: ...I think we need to sober her up before my roommates kill each other
Akechi, already grabbing the hose: on it
Ann and Ryuji, very wet the next minute:
Akechi: problem solved. Hey, lesbians. If you get too handsy you're getting sprayed next
Haru holds her hands up in the "don't shoot" position
Hifumi just sits to the side and drinks with Futaba, watching them all
Futaba: you want to stay on our couch tonight? Going home with Mrs and Mrs "Horny Drunk" won't lead to good things for your mental health
Hifumi: ...please tell me you're not speaking from experience
Futaba: me? No. Goro? Oh yes. Watching him be unable to look at either of them for four months was hilarious
Hifumi makes it back home around noon and notices only Makoto is in the house space
Hifumi: hey, where's Haru?
Makoto: hm? Oh, she's working downstairs. Want some tea? I can make you a plate of eggs?
Hifumi: Haru out drank everyone, how is she functioning?
Makoto: she's somehow immune to the hangover. Nah, I'm kidding. She drank water between every drink. Then it was the Gatorade and coffee mix, with a plate of my "Hangover Eggs". Neither of us have ever had a rough morning. Not since the first month of uni
Hifumi: ...I'll take a plate of the eggs, please
The day Haru finds out she's pregnant is. One of the best days in their household
She and Makoto had been having monthly appointments with their doctor over the last year, and. She'd felt off since the week after the last one but- she thought takin the test was wishful thinking
But the eight tests all read positive and- man she's gotta think of a way to tell Makoto
Before she gets a chance some dude tries to rob Noir's, barely nicks her with his knife but she goes to the hospital as a precaution cause tetanus
Makoto gets a call from one of the workers telling her her wife is at the hospital, they were robbed, and she gets there and is so relieved to see Haru looking alright, just some bandages around her arm, and Haru just Smiles
Eventually a doctor comes in to give Haru the all clear, but he pauses before they leave like: oh, and we did check. You're coming along just fine
Makoto: what does that mean?
Doctor: the pregnancy. Ms Okumura is early on, but all is going well
Makoto: ...it worked? Youre-
Haru: surprise?
Makoto is excitedly telling everyone for the next few months. Sure Haru was the one who wanted children more of the two, but that doesn't mean Makoto didn't want this. Her wife is pregnant! They're having a kid! And by some miracle, it's their kid
Ann: wait. How
Yusuke: but. You're on estrogen? There should be no way-
Shiho: ...Ryuji, stay on point here
Haru: science
Makoto: lesbian magic
Goro: I'm not watching your little spawn
Akira: dibs on godfather!
Futaba: in surprised you kept it a secret this long. Both of you suck at secrets
Makoto: no we don't
Haru: ...love you accidentally told me you were going to propose three days before you did it
They're much more open when they decide to go for a second kid, mostly because they're more convinced it'll work this time
Ryuji: gross
Ann: we already went over this. Science baby. Not like with straight people
Ryuji: but still
Makoto: you've known us for like ten years. How are you still like this
Makoto: so stop thinking about it?
Ryuji: ...oh.
Then there's a bit about Ann and Shiho, how they decide to have a donor baby, and. End up with Triplets. Two daughters; Asami, Nikko. And then a son, Tsukito
Makoto: Seiji, turn off the TV, go play with the trio
Seiji: but mom, they're playing field hospital again. They're gonna make me the patient
Makoto: buddy, sometimes we have to make sacrifices. You and I will have a day to ourselves if you do it, okay?
Seiji: can we go to the farmers market?
Makoto: uh sure
Seiji has the red eyes but the twins are pure evil
Makoto: Kazu, Hiro, how did you get up there
The twins, literally on the roof: climbed
The twins have the like innocent Haru smile. Devious
There's cunning behind those eyes. They have the Niijima mind
Kazu: mom I don't feel good
Makoto: oh no, what happened- ...why is there a pencil in your arm
Hiro: hi mom
Makoto: ...both of you. What happened. Why are there pencils in your arms
Kazu and Hiro: we wanted to see if we could stab each other hard enough
Makoto: get in the car we're going to the hospital
Kazu: we're going on a hunger strike
Hiro: we want the bigger room. There's two of us
Seiji: I'm older. Nice try.
Kazu: we will make you give in
Hiro: I'm studying up on CIA torture tactics
Kazu: we both take martial arts. You will give us the room
Seiji: oh yeah? You think I won't survive? Try me
Makoto: baby the boys are waging war
Haru: eh, they're tire each other out. Feel up for a workout?
Haru, who was working the shop downstairs: Love? What's wrong
Makoto: I lost the babies
Haru: ...what
Makoto: I didn't think they'd figure out how to open the door i- baby the babies fucking got out-
Seiji: they're under the couch they just opened it and went under the couch
Makoto: what did we do to deserve this
Haru: I mean, we did fuck at a party and break the urn with someone's grandmother's ash's in uni
Makoto: oh yeah. And then we blamed Goro
Uni Makoto and Haru are just. A different breed. Them in high school was sweet, them after is domestic with a hint of spice, but. The in between.
They all go to the grand opening of Noir and. Just stare at how normal the two are
Ann: no visible hickies... It's a miracle
Akira: I can't believe it. They've been tamed
Haru: hi darling, think you'll lie on your stomach for me?
Makoto: ngh, wait, its-
Haru: don't think about it. We'll get your shot over with quick, and then we can have the day in bed. I promise. We took today off for a reason
Makoto: nooo I don't want it,
Haru: you're just saying that, you love you. You won't be the you you worked so hard for if you weren't brave enough for a little shot
Makoto: ...will it be quick?
Haru: I'll even numb the area with ice
Makoto: and we can kiss all day?
Haru: whatever you want
Makoto: fine. Give me the e,
Haru: you call me baby and yet,
Makoto: OW
Haru: that's the ice, Love
Haru: there, all done.
Makoto: did you use the
Haru: yes, I used the Buchimaru band aid
Makoto: I love you so much
Haru: I love you too
Makoto: kiss time?
Haru: I suppose~
Makoto later on: hey, thanks for not listening. I'm already feeling better
Haru: I know darling, it's hard to stab you sometimes but I know it's what makes my girl happiest
Makoto: mm,
Sae: since you two are going to be rooming together when you go off to uni, it's time I passed on the torch
Haru: oh?
Sae: Makoto is a coward about her hormone shots. No matter how much she says she doesn't want it, she does. Unless she has a serious conversation about detransitioning on a non shot day, don't listen. Give her a lollipop or something, anything else to focus on. She does best lying down. She can't kick you if you sit on her calves-
Haru: i- have you been doing this all this time?
Sae: yes. And now we will have the awkward experience of me helping you give her the shot. It'll be weird. But it'll be your responsibility as her partner
Haru: I'm ready, Chief
Makoto: hey, sis- Haru? Wait, no
Sae: yes. Pants off. Lie down.
Haru: will you lie down for me my Love?
Makoto: ...uh yeah
Sae: pants.
Makoto: bite me.
Sae: Makoto, you know this is what's best for you
Makoto: lies
Haru: I'll hold your hand if that helps? And give you a kiss after for being so brave?
Makoto: you're much more convincing than sis
Sae: alright Haru, that's it. You did it, congrats
Makoto: I'm dead. You killed me
Haru: you're rather attractive for a corpse
Sae: I'm leaving now. I'll bring home dinner. Don't do anything stupid
Hifumi: oh I do my own shots
Haru: my wife is just a big baby about them, and I mean that affectionately
Makoto: yeah I. Don't do well with anything of that sort
Haru: our fertility appointments are. Very planned. She takes one of those relaxation pills before we go
Makoto: it's tough but it's worth it for the chance to give Haru anything she desires
Makoto is the most doting wife while Haru is pregnant. Foot rubs, vitamins, skin creams and talking to their son every day
"today your mama gave your mom her shot. That's right, your mama shot me"
"just kidding kid. She helped me feel more like myself, and I love her so much. You've got the best mama ever"
"They have the best mom too"
Haru: ...Makoto?
Makoto: it's 2 am,, what is it baby?
Haru: I want. Cold soba noodles
Makoto: easy enough,
Haru: covered in chocolate
Makoto: ...
Slow dancing in the kitchen, Makoto behind Haru, hands entwined over Haru's dark apron, heads leaned together
Makoto: a night to ourselves,
Haru: Hifumi moved out a year ago, and the kids are staying at the Quad,, so it's just us
Makoto: shall we treat ourselves? I can make you steak? Break out the good wine? We can have a nice bath, turn in early for some, us time
Haru: can you make baked potato with the steak?
Makoto: anything for you
Haru: carry me to bed later?
Makoto: of course
Buff Makoto and her pudgy baker wife, And their emo chef son and two demon spawns
Thinking back to scared little high school Makoto, more scrawny than anything, and petite Haru seated beside her, their pinkies barely entwined, both blushing and looking away
To Uni them, with Makoto playing rugby recreationally and Haru being very much a fan of that, them making out and boinking literally anywhere possible, somehow like top of their classes while still going all out for the fun side of things
Makoto being very awkward with Haru's dad.
Kunikazu: so. You are. Transgender?
Makoto: yep.
Kunikazu: you want to be, a boy?
Makoto: w-wrong direction, sir
Haru: you can't do anything, father. I love her.
Kunikazu: I see
Makoto: ...can I go home? And hire a bodyguard?
Kunikazu: I suppose you two can live together. Just. I do not want a surprise grandchild
Haru: that's not even possible
Makoto: yeah I'm leaving
Haru: father and I will be having monthly brunch
Makoto: oh, joy,
Haru: just us. You're not invited
Makoto: ...did he-
Haru: I uninvited you
Makoto: I love you so much
Haru: no marks, I'm seeing my dad tomorrow! Makoto-
Makoto: but baby,
Haru: ...no visible marks at least
Makoto: ...fuck I forgot the rule
Haru: it's, well. I didn't try to stop you,
Makoto: your dad is gonna murder me
Haru: he won't, he likes you, he's just. Still in his learning phase
Makoto: yeah but you're gonna walk in tomorrow looking like a dalmatian
Haru inventing the Gatorade coffee in university after a night of. Heavy drinking with her girlfriend. Waking up and feeling like death itself and just. Trying to make coffee but she's barely looking and brews it with. Gatorade instead of water
Haru: I know you spoke to Yusuke, but Makoto gave me permission to tell you about her surgery experience
Hifumi: oh?
Haru: she had top, which I'm sure you've noticed by now. She likes to ditch the shirt more than usual
Hifumi: yes
Haru: but she had such a horrible time recovering she cancelled for bottom and just. Never got it
Hifumi: oh. And she's okay with that?
Haru: it works for her. Makoto's never been, violently dysphoric about her body. Not since I met her. Her voice was one thing, but now she's at her best
Hifumi: thank you for sharing, and tell her thanks too
Haru: of course! And let me know if you need someone for care afterwards or to drive you to and from
Haru dealing with miserable Makoto post op from top and just
Haru: my poor girl,
Makoto: I'm dying,,
Makoto: but at least I'll die with boobs,
Haru: okay let's give you some more pain meds, HEY DONT TOUCH, MAKOTO-
Makoto: ow,,,
Makoto: I just wanted to feel,
Haru: I know you and your hands, but give it some recovery time, please
Sae walking into Makoto's room during their first sleepover in high school and just. Seeing the two all curled up, the content looks on their faces, She sees Makoto stir and the minor look of horror on her face at getting caught by her sister but, Sae just smiles, whispers a loud goodnight, and turns back
Haru nuzzles closer, and Makoto just. Smiles.
Them watching Seiji in a school play and just trying not to fight the group of mom's at the back of the room who are chatting
Makoto: the disrespect-
Haru: Love his line is coming up, make sure the camera is on!
Makoto: wait, shit, where did the twins go?
Haru: ...we can worry about bailing them out later
Surprisingly that's it?? But one last joke Cap made that I felt I needed to share
"of course Makoto's trans her Persona is a Transformer"
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thatbtsfan · 1 year
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Upcoming series: "MUST be LOVE"( 3 parts)
Pairing: Jungkook x redear (Y/n)(f)
genre/rating:m 18+) angst,fluff, smut: emotional, jealousy/jealous.friends to lovers au
Summary: Everything changes when from "friends" it becomes something "else" a party, a hot night and two friends.
⚠️ Warning ⚠️
Mature scene, cursing, vape/ smoking mentions, Partys, flirting, filthy, cocky, arrogant,SMUT
Notes: 3 parts. it will be only three parts of "MUST be LOVE".
the fact that your friend forced you to this party, where she apparently left you alone in the entire party. it doesn't justify anything you did.
well maybe?
You were a little crazier a month ago, you were childish, you did something bad. but not on purpose!
you really wanted to help her. because she was ashamed to confess her feelings to her college crush, you took this initial and wrote a letter to her crush. (Saying that she really likes him) but she got very angry with you,like I tried to help you? maybe it wasn't quite decent how I behaved? first of all, it was not my job to get into hers. I’ll be honest but that was in the past. now you have grown up and you will never repeat your mistake!!
Even if a month has passed since then, it's normal to grow up, you're already in your 20s, you can't be so childish anymore!
You was clearly sorry for the strange thing you did!
but that didn't give her any right to leave you alone,you were friends for many years,you were like sisters.
she came to my house, forced me to get dressed, and eventually to get in the car and bring me here! For what? to ignore me afterwards. She just told me that jungkook will be here too.
But you didn't get along with him, for a while. because of his girlfriend, he stopped spending time with you, stopped taking an interest in your life. and then somehow you lost contact in your spare time. because at college you see each other every day! but as on weekends or on days off, he was not there.
before you were always together! if he wasn't at your house, you were at his, watching movies non-stop or playing many different games. telling stories until late at night. you missed all this.
his girlfriend was very beautiful, you never saw her, because he didn't show you or introduce her to you at all. but according to him, she was a beautiful girl. Right? he always talked about her with big and sparkling eyes, maybe this was love? you didn't know because you didn't give the guys around you your time! it was pathetic and there was no point. because your first love was him. and you didn't know what your feelings are! even if you were a good girl, smart and had good grades at school, you were pathetic in love! you didn't know how to love and you didn't even know what that love is,if you never felt it of course!
you had the second glass of wine in your hand. drink nothing but wine. it sounds ridiculous, but you don't like it when someone walks past you and smells like beer, the wine is much finer to your taste. the atmosphere was unpleasant, many people moving their bodies to the rhythm of the music, drinking and smoking. and your discomfort to leave this place as soon as possible was great. just like a sight that caught your eye made you give it up.
jungkook’s friend Taehyung was here, maybe you like him a little.but as a friend,he was a handsome, attractive, smart boy. but he was jungkook's best friend. you knew it would never work
the boy was nice. but they were both friends, and you had something for both of them, jungkook was your first love.your first crush, since you met him in the fifth grade. he was the new kid in town, and he transferred directly to our school. his parents were rich, they could send him to a well-paid school and a higher one. but he was at your school like any other child. at first you thought he was arrogant when you saw that he wasn't even at school on his first day and he already beat two children, later you found out that he protected his sister from those boys. you started watching that cute boy with big and bright eyes every hour at school, his smile reminded you a lot of a bunny. He was soo cute.
later his sister approached you and you started getting to know each other, she was two years younger than you. but that didn't stop you from becoming friends. you were at her house as often as possible, because she loved you a lot. your mother immediately became friends with her mother and after that you stayed with her or her family with you. you saw jungkook more often, and she told you a lot about her brother.
you don't know how this happened but suddenly you and jungkook became good friends. but it happened. you didn't know about him but you liked him a lot, but after spending a lot of time with him, you realized that what you are doing is wrong. he saw you as a good friend and that's it. and after that you buried all your feelings for him. what you were doing was wrong, it was wrong. even if nobody knew that. it was in your heart your imaginations with him your feelings your thoughts about him.
you even tried your relationship with taehyung, but it didn’t work. it didn't feel right, it wasn't right what you were doing! maybe you wanted to make jungkook jealous. but you were wrong, he saw you as a friend and that's it. and that you used Tae for that was even more wrong. you felt miserable, that was clear, and then you told Tae that you didn't feel anything for him. that you really tried to love him but it didn’t work. you didn't really suffer because of jungkook, but still his absence was felt.
“Y/n what a surprise, you're here too?”
Oh tae oh
“Yeah I was thinking of leaving. As you can see, I was kind of abandoned.”
I'm really thinking of leaving. but he saw me, so there is no escape. he would never let me go home alone. even if our relationship ended well. we had nothing to talk about. it was uncomfortable and strange, like two exes talking like friends.
“You can always join us, I lost a bet and I have to buy the drinks all night”
"Join us?“
I didn't even realize that the words came out of my mouth, I thought he came alone but he turns around and shows me a table where there were several people . he was also among them, my best friend. Jungkook! maybe i should go home?
but before I have the chance to turn around and leave, he takes me by the shoulders, the drinks on his another hand,and we make our way to the others.
his touch was not uncomfortable, on the contrary, it made me feel less stressed. he was always a sweet boy.
when we reach them, jungkook's eyes are immediately on me. do i look as if I did something bad? is my outfit to blame? but I look decent, my dress is black, up to my thighs I have my favorite pair of boots, and because it's a little colder outside I had my brown coat in my hand.
something changes on his face, he stands up to call me to him. when I get close to him, he takes me in his arms. maybe he missed me like I missed him? and he forces me to sit on the chair next to him.
"did you come alone Y/n?“
in order to be able to whisper softly in my ear, he had to get very close to me. his hand puts a strand behind my ear and he looks me in the eyes with a smile. Was he flirting with me rn?
"No, i came with your sister,but i kinda lost her“
shy I said, looking back into his eyes,he was too close!!! I could feel his fresh minty breath with a little bit of beer on my face. he had been drinking. He is drunk!
it was boring, and late. were they playing truth or dare? and jungkook watched me all night.
"You wanna dance?“
He suddenly asked me.
What? No!
But i answer anyway.
it was clear that he wanted to escape from the crowd, so my hand is pulled by him somewhere secluded. I don't know where the road led, but it seemed to me that it was an upper room.
"Jungkook where are we going?” I'm starting to panic because he's never done this! to take my hand, to come close to me, to filter with me.
"Shhh you'll see"
he was drunk. that was obvious, but why did I let myself be carried away by him? I was stupid, he always gave me false signals, and like a fool I got my hopes up.
he was a boy who, when I told him I needed him, was there. but not for what I really needed! he saw my wounds on the outside, but not the inside ones.
he always broke me into pieces, but he was still the check that held me together. he made me smile, gave me comfort and liked me as I was, childish. I was a child spoiled by my family and when I had to live alone he was there to be my friend, my mother, my father. he was my family. but I consider him the man of my heart, I have loved him since childhood and still could not forget him.
"Y/n go inside!”
I didn't even realize when I got to my destination, and jungkook doesn't let me answer, he pushes me inside. he sticks me to the door and slowly approaches me. "Y/n I really want to fuck you"
My eyes widened.
I was shocked!
" you what?”
I couldn't process his words!! he was drunk right? he was not aware of what he is saying!
"I really like you! I've always imagined what it's like to make love to you….. I always imagined you under me! in your bedroom in my bed! always."
if I say I have no words, will you still believe me?
“since when do you have these thoughts about me?”
I couldn't help but ask this!I wanted to know when. this phase has begun!
“when you turned 18, at first I couldn't realize what was happening to me! I thought I was crazy. How can you like your best friend? how can you think such a thing about her? I asked myself every day but the thought of you made me feel good"
he pauses, looks into my eyes and presses his body tighter into mine. and then he continues...
" and then i couldn’t live without seeing Y/n for a day.I was thinking about you, I want you. not for a day nor for a month forever!”
“Jungkook i- we’re best friends?”
but I no longer considered him my friend for so many years, I was in love with him!
But I don't know what I want now. the boy I've liked for so many years, who is apparently my best friend, is he confessing his feelings to me? no his desires more said!
“Fuck this friendship Y/n i want you,for me you’re mine! I tried to distance myself from you, I thought I could forget you but I can't!”
"You have a girlfriend!”
I tried not to fixate on his words. even though I felt my stomach do a flip when he said I was his, I had to be realistic he has a girlfriend!
he takes me by surprise when his lips make contact with mine. he's aggressive and possessive with his movements. his hands are creeping around my waist, his lips are soft and a little sour from the beer. the first time when the smell of beer didn't bother me, it got me drunk too.but this is wrong!
I try to distract him so that he stop ” Jungkook stop! you have a girlfriend!"
“I don’t have a girlfriend. I lied to you Y/n!”
What he doesn’t?
“because I really wanted to forget you! I really wanted to start a relationship with that girl but it didn't work! you were always in my thoughts! I was jealous of you when you went out with Tae! I was jealous that's why I told you I had a girlfriend. but after Tae told me that there was nothing between you, that you doesn't like him.”
“Then why didn’t you tell me?”
“Y/n i’m too drunk to explain now”
he laughed and looked into my eyes for a few seconds before putting his head on my neck and leaving soft kisses. up to my jaw and up to my lips. he was kissing me slowly and gently, I couldn't believe that he was kissing me! is it a dream if it really is then I never want to wake up!
he kissed my neck, feeling how his teeth bit a potion from my neck, I hissed.
but he was quick to kiss the bite he made and lick the place. he continues like this down to the chest, his hands grasp my thighs from the back, lifting me up and placing me on the bed. I was drunk in his smell, in his kisses. everything about him was addicting. he takes the dress off my body and leaves me only in my underwear. it happens quickly, but in his head everything is written well, until he kisses the space between my breasts. until he took them in his hands. it covers them so well that a moan from my mouth is heard.
he arches my back so he can open the bra staples and takes it off. his mouth quickly catches my right nipple in his mouth. he sucks it, bites it, and plays with it, doing the same with the other one. I feel my private part pulsing for more, he goes down with kisses from the stomach to the thighs, his head is in my private part of the body, he kisses my inner thigh and puts the panties aside. I feel his breath on my clit and his finger makes contact with my pussy. One finger and then he adds one more, his mouth plays with my clit. Moans can be heard from my mouth. My heavy breathing, moans and heartbeats could be heard throughout the room. he removes his fingers from my hole and replaces them with his tongue, my hands cling to his hair, and I arch my back because of the sensation and how good he makes me feel!
"Y/n you taste heavenly baby”
“ jungkook i’m -g -going to come ahmm”
but before I came he stopped. frustrated that he is doing this.but he takes off his shirt and pants, his chest was well worked, his abs were well defined and that made me touch them, and that's what I did. he was so handsome. he looks divine and his smell intoxicates me. I quickly change positions and now I'm on top of him. he just smirked. and I kiss him with great passion, he is not the only one who imagined me under him, I did the same! I always wondered how would his dick feel inside me? how would he make love to me? I kiss his neck leaving a few marks on him and go down to his abdomen, I kiss him slowly, but before I reach lower, he leaves me on my back and stands on top of me.
“Y/n I want you. I want to fuck you all night raw, and then make love to you slowly and deeply.”
“Jungkook i want you too”
he takes off our underwear for both of us and positions himself at my entrance. I'm afraid, because it's the first time. and I didn't know how to tell him.
but with all the shame, I put my hands on my face, until he entered me and I told him..
“Jungkook i’m still a virgin.”
he stops what he was going to do and looks at me with soft eyes.
“Its okay my baby I'm going to take you slowly at first, but then, I'm going to fuck you raw. understand?
“Jungkook hmm”
before I could answer his cock was already inside me, he pushed himself gently inside me,all of him.it was painful but also pleasant. the pain was immense but he didn't move so that I could settle down, he kissed me on the forehead and on the lips, he gently pushed into my entrance and a wave of pleasure took control over me. and I tell him that he can move faster. he pushes himself so hard in me that he hits my g-spot countless times. it feels so good that I moan his name many times.
to make it even more intense, he takes my leg and puts it on his shoulder, that's how I feel it even deeper inside me, up to my stomach, it makes me feel so good. he thrusts into me a few more times and I come and tighten my walls around him and he releases in me with a long groan.
“Y/n i fucking love you”
. — MUST be LOVE —
End part 1
It will continue
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kanzakurawrites · 2 years
What are your honest unpopular opinions on Descendants?
I honestly don't know if any of these are unpopular, but here goes.
I wasn't bugged by the royal wedding or the engagement in the third film. The whole heir and spare thing is a legitimate practice and since Ben has no siblings and it seems to be unknown who's next in line (Chad mentions not knowing in the second film, and as the son of Cinderella he really should know the succession line), he pretty much needed to get married as soon as possible, especially with the villains taken into consideration (he has already been kidnapped). Their adults, financially stable, and true loves, so in the Disney realm it really does make sense for them to marry.
I don't really like Doug. I mean, he's okay... but something about him just rubs me wrong and I really wish Evie didn't end up with him in the end. I think it would have been nice for Evie to become confident in herself and find her place in Auradon before "finding a prince." Maybe Doug would have been an okay thing, if the relationship had began as a friendship in the first two films and only started a romance in the third movie vrs. the whole "I love you" thing and them apparently being true love? I don't know, I'm lowkey convinced that he was faking being asleep. (Also, if Evie was to fall in love with someone it would have been nice for it to be a person who had no ties to her mother's story. I guess I kinda understand, it could be sweet, maybe a little Romeo and Juliet without the tragic ending, or with it if the relationship didn't work out. But yeah...)
I like Mal. I don't like everything about how she was written, as some of it feels inconsistent, but I like her. I'm also not angry about the love potion in the first film. The VK's were raised by villains. What Mal did wasn't good, but its something she can learn from. It would have been nice to see Ben and Mal's relationship grow differently, not as quick and a bit more tentative because of it, but its a DCOM what do you expect?
While I'm on the fence about watching the new Descendants film, Chad having a sister isn't something I found shocking. As stated above, heir and spares are real. It makes a lot more sense for all of the royals to have multiple children vs. one for each couple.
I like the third film. (Though I very well might be biased as I love the Hades storyline XD)
I was not surprised or upset by Hades being Mal's father. I actually like it. Yeah, Mal is probably overpowered, but I'm here for it. Now if only we got to see powers she would have inherited from her dad...
I was not a fan of D2 Mal's hair, and while the dark root of the wigs in the third movie bug me SO MUCH that even though I like how Mal's hair gained blue I would have preferred the wigs and styles from the first movie being brought back.
Descendants would have been better as a teen/young adult tv series, either live action with a large budget, or an animated series. Some music could still be in it, but not excessively either.
I probably have more, but this is what I got off the top of my head and I'm still not even sure if they are unpopular.
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fandomdaydreamer · 2 years
The Lighthouse and The Ocean
Pairing: Pedro Pascal/OFC
Warnings: just fluff
Summary: Six years later
Notes: Also find this fic on Ao3 -here- or the series' Masterlist and Playlist -here-
Imagining 'In Dreams' by Sierra Ferrell for the "end credits" and their family pictures is a real treat.
Length: short and sweet 850 words
Six Years Later
It was like I could only really rest my eyes while looking at the sea. Scattered clouds, such heavenly bodies on a sunny day.
I relaxed my back against his torso and felt him radiate happiness. Comfort bloomed in my chest when Pedro softly planted a kiss on the back of my hand for no particular reason and held my gaze with a loving smile. Looking into these warm, coffee-brewed eyes, I realised nothing had changed. More greys in his hair and beard and lines upon his face perhaps, just like myself. He was still the man I fell in love with all these years ago and I loved him like it was the first day. I'd love him even more by tomorrow. What an uplifting and kind thought.
We didn't speak, for what could we say, my dearest one, other than let's do it all again by tomorrow?
Pedro's other hand, the one still adorning his bracelet, was currently resting on my heavy baby bump and I sighed, content with sinking back further into him as we sat among the sandy dunes of Montauk Beach. Bringing cheesecake and collecting sea glass had become a family tradition. I could almost picture us as phantoms of our past that skipped across the sand.
It had been six years since that summer day and so much had happened. Five since I started therapy and we moved in together, four since I released my second album and people began to film a documentary about me. Three since we had our shotgun wedding and our first child was born. Two since Pedro won an Oscar for his debut movie he wrote and directed. The world was proud of this angel.
Little Pedro from Santiago de Chile had dreamt of everything his hard work and kindness had brought him today. Little Nini from a small Dutch fisher town found more peace, love and freedom than she could have ever imagined. They had a family now and a home behind a gate with pink roses and friends visiting every day.
We'd been taking this last year off to focus on our family, healing from the losses and working through the changes life provided. Our second child was due in about three months. Oh, and how eager we were to meet them too. My hand joined his larger one, hoping our unborn baby felt our love.
We had everything we could have ever wished for. Children playing, parents waving.
Every time I watched our toddler play with my little sister, mops of blonde and dark hair whipping through the wind, I felt my heart warm at the thought of seeing our family grow. The children's far away cry of joy while running along the wet sand with the dog, the crashing of waves hitting the shore. The duo was picking up shells and stones off the sand, chasing one another with high laughter ringing through the wind.
On the far end of the beach stood a lighthouse in front of the ocean, I felt we were just as unlimited.
My husband pressed a kiss onto the top of my head and I felt a smile curling there when he felt the baby kicking beneath his broad palm. Pedro chuckled every time they did that, excited to meet the little miracle growing beneath my heart. He was a good father, to our babies as well as my little sister, whom he treated like his own ever since Fee came back into my life.
I simply knew I could bear anything with him in my heart. A smile played upon my lips and I closed my eyes into the ever-changing sunlight. Pedro softly breathed into the crook of my neck from behind, his chest rising as his lips rested there. It was okay to stop and breathe for a moment. I simply thought about all the people who loved Pedro into becoming the wonderful person he was today, knowing I owed them a world for it.
I wished nothing but light and love in his life, may everything good in this world come to Pedro. May he live happily ever after and continue helping so many people and improve so many lives just by being himself. I wished him sunny days and comfort when they'd grow cloudy. Sometimes and more than a thousand times I wished to be held by him forever.
I never grasped the feeling of a happy end until this very day, at a place right back where we started. At this moment, it made me feel like we had reached the final page of a book. Or the end credits of a movie, followed by the growing number of family pictures in our home. Our wedding, our family pictures next to a couple of trinkets. All of our beloved memories, from the decorated picture frame of our first date at Montauk Beach to our visit to Pedronie's communal gardens. These memories were captured in picture frames, one by one, a life lived.
The End
Thank you for reading.
Pedro and Nini will return for a second book, until then, loved having you here
- Lore
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ghettosoftie · 3 months
Damarcus Lasha Shakespeare: When you came back into my life I was at my lowest. I've never would have thought that I would have found a man like you. I met you at the young age of 15, we went on a movie date to see the stepfather not thinking much of it. Unfortunately, one date was enough and we ended up going our separate ways. But one thing about it, I always had you in the back of my mind. You ended up getting married and having two handsome boys with your wife. I ended up going a different route, I was hanging out with friends, living the single life, kinda doing me after high school. I ended having a daughter around the same time you had your first son, I wanted to tell you all about her, but I kept a distance because I didn’t want to ruin your beautiful family, we both became parents. Still living separate lives I still would find myself watching you grow as a man from afar. Fast forward to 2019, I had gotten unfortunate news that you were in prison, you had your auntie reach out via Facebook so I would write you on jpay. During that time I was in a shitty relationship with a man who didn't appreciate me or treated me the way I deserved, I was also pregnant with my second daughter, just thinking how I was going to end up a single mother all over again. You also was going through the worse, dealing with a divorce and the betrayal from your wife. Knowing both of us were going through hard times we still managed to start back talking catching up on the times we missed in each others lives. Not knowing where it would even lead towards we both just ended up being there for each other in our time of need. Eventually I left my relationship thinking I'll forever be alone and how I will never find Mr Right. Knowing we both was hurting we still continued to converse, over time feelings started to involve, I tried to fight the feelings and urge because I was so scared to give my heart to another man after putting my all into someone that never appreciated the things I've done. Eventually I couldn't fight the feelings and urges anymore and we told each other how we felt and instantly started a relationship without any hesitation. We thugged it out together throughout your sentence in prion. No, it wasn't all sunshine and rainbows but we had a lot of love and a bond like no other. Fast Forward March 26th, 2024, you’re finally coming home from prison, due to our rocky time we didn't know if we could be together or if we would even work out. But something kept us together and fighting for what we truly wanted, which was each other. You coming home was a little rough but we got through it, with a lot of tears and hard conversations we were still able to look pass everything because we always put our friendship and bond first. You became more than just my man, you became my best friend. There's nothing in this world I can't tell you or share with you. Once we really sat back and realized that this is what we truly wanted we worked through our issues and now we are is the best place in our relationship. You've helped me through my hardest time, you was there when my sister passed away, you was there when I was feeling alone and feeling like I wasn't enough. You always assured me that I was good enough and everything will be okay. I don't think I would have gotten through that chapter of my life without you. Mind you we were still rocky during the time of my sisters death, but you put all feelings aside and made sure I was okay. I could never thank you enough for that. Today, June 29th, 2024 we are in the best place in our relationship, we have our girls, we have goals and our bond is stronger than ever before. Every day I think about how lucky I am to have such a loving, hard working, sexy ass man in my life. I can't wait til the day I can take your last name and is able to show you how much love I can give. I can only imagine what the future holds for us, but all I know is that I never want to go through life without you. I love you more than you’ll ever realize. Thank you for being my backbone and changing my ways to make me a bet
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Rating: Gen Word Count: 4k
Since he forgot his phone at work Dean borrows Charlie's cell to send Cas a quick message. What follows turns his world upside down. (In which Cas thinks he's talking with Charlie and reveals way more about his true feelings than Dean is able to handle.)
Dean loves Fridays.
For one, his work day already ends around 2 PM. Granted, Dean adores his job and actually walks into his office with a big smile on his face most of the time. Which is kinda ironic since he's never in his wildest dream would've ever pictured himself using his engineering degree to design new airplanes and enjoying every second of it, not with him still being fiercely against flying as a concept in on itself and not keen at all on putting any of his designs to the test for real (FUCK NO!!). It's quite a running joke in the office, of course, and Dean laughs along to his colleagues teasing him about it, but at the same time he's dead serious about it.
So yes, creating new and improved airplanes? Dean is so down for this. Flying those things afterwards? NO WAY IN FREAKING HELL!!!
Either way, his Fridays at work are short and instead of heading back home into his cozy, little apartment he always throws himself into his beloved Impala and drives into the complete opposite direction.
To Charlie's place.
They had met in college about ten years ago and more or less bonded right away over their love for Star Trek. Soon enough they had found even more things in common and before Dean even knew it he traveled to LARP events, called himself Charlie's handmaiden, and started to see her as the sister he never really wanted, but somehow didn't mind having anyway.
Them meeting up every Friday for video games and movie marathons is a thing that began basically since Dean's been working at his current job straight out of college.
Dean's always eager to make time for friends and family, even with a full-time job, so he made this a tradition and refused to budge on the matter. Thankfully Charlie has been equally enthusiastic and as a freelancer who earns a shit ton of money by helping companies with their IT stuff or whatever (Dean is still not really sure what she even does), she is able to fill her schedule the way she likes it.
She has been keeping her Fridays free ever since.
Today is not any different.
Dean drove straight to her after work and has been at her place ever since. They've been watching a couple of episodes of Firefly while eating unhealthy snacks before switching over to video games. Dean hadn't had any consoles growing up, so it took him a while to get the hang of it when Charlie introduced him to it, but eventually he became quite good. At least good enough to beat Charlie's ass from time to time.
It's easy fun with lots of interactions and yelling and whooping and both Dean and Charlie have a tendency to completely forget the outside world when they're sucked into a specific game.
This time they're both so engrossed with chasing their Super Mario characters over some rainbow bridges in their colorful race cars that the hours pass by unnoticed.
When Dean eventually, after a devastating loss which makes him groan unattractively, glimpses at the surprisingly analog clock at the wall he ends up flinching in surprise at the lateness of the evening.
“Shit!” he exclaims, looking at the small hand already having passed the seven. “Why is it so late already?”
Charlie looks up as well and seems equally astonished by the passage of time. “Huh, I didn't notice.”
Dean grumbles and quickly leans back to fish his phone out of his pocket – only to discover that there is nothing to be found.
He blinks in confusion for a few seconds before realization hits him and he moans once again. “Oh fuck, I left my phone in the office!”
He recalls vividly how it had been lying on his table and he urged himself over and over to pack it before leaving. He basically had been reaching for it already. And then one of the other engineers showed up with an important issue and Dean found himself so distracted by it all that anything else slipped his mind. By the end of it he was so eager to call it a day and rush over to Charlie's place that he just grabbed his jacket and headed out of there before anyone else might have intercepted him with yet another problem.
“Sucks to be you,” Charlie chuckles while Dean merely rolls his eyes and wonders whether he should ride back to the office for his phone either today or at least tomorrow by the latest or whether he should just leave it there for the whole weekend.
Either way, that doesn't change the fact right now that it's entirely too late already.
“I need to call Cas,” Dean says, gritting his teeth.
Because see, this is yet another reason why he loves Fridays so much: Cas.
Best friends since Dean moved with his family into the house across from Cas' about twenty years ago they always made sure to stay in each other's lives. Granted, from the outside they look like they have nothing much in common and if Dean is being honest with himself he's not sure they would've even been on one another's' radars at all if it wouldn't have been for that one boring summer when Dean had been new in town at fourteen years old and didn't know a soul around and eventually found himself fixating on the blue-eyed neighbor since there was literally nobody else his age around to hang out with.
And yeah, Dean questioned his choice the first few weeks, Cas so odd and awkward and like no one Dean has ever met before, he certainly had no clue how to deal with that. But somehow Cas wormed himself into Dean's heart with his dorky weirdness and in the grand scheme of things Dean couldn't be happier about it.
So they stayed close, even when they eventually went to different colleges so far away from each other that they merely managed to see one another once or twice a year. In the end, though, they both came back into their hometowns and settled down there, Dean with his engineering job and neat loft apartment and Cas with his teaching position at the local university and him inheriting his old childhood home after his parents decided to move into a warmer climate.
Dean had been over the moon seeing them both back at the same location and he was determined from the start to meet up as often as possible, despite their time-demanding jobs. So of course after Fridays became a thing with Charlie, Dean couldn't help but incorporate Cas into that as well. Because why not make that day absolutely perfect, right?
And since his mom always invites her sons to brunch Saturday mornings and Cas technically lives right across from her, it became a tradition for Dean to crash at Cas' place and then on the next day go to his mom's, usually with Cas in tow because at this point in her life Mary considers him her third kid anyway.
So yeah, it's a date every single Friday for many years now.
And right now Dean is on the brink of being too late and the last thing he wants is for Cas to worry about his whereabouts.
“Can I borrow your phone?” Dean asks Charlie. “I need to call Cas.”
Charlie hands him her cell without a moment of hesitation and says, “Better send him a text. He might still be on his way back home.”
Contrary to Dean and Charlie, Cas always uses his Friday afternoons to catch up on his work. “To not be greeted by a mountain of paperwork first thing Monday morning, Dean,” Cas is never shy to explain.
Dean can't help a little smile as he hears Cas' voice in his head.
He catches himself at the last second, though, before his face might get too gooey or something, and he quickly opens Cas' number, vigorously ignoring his text chain with Charlie (which doesn't seem overly excessive anyway because for some unfathomable reason those two actually enjoy talking to each other on the phone, like a pair of old people), and hurries to type his message.
< hey how's it hanging?
And then Dean accidentally hits send.
He growls in frustration. “Charlie!” he complains. “Your phone is all wrong!”
Charlie huffs. “Only because you're a dinosaur and you're only used to your ancient phone doesn't mean mine has done anything wrong ever in its life. You just have to be a little bit more delicate.”
Dean rolls his eyes, eager to give her a piece of his mind, when suddenly the phone vibrates, indicating an incoming message. Looks like Cas is already home or at least at a safe location to text back immediately.
> I know why you're texting all of a sudden. And you don't have to bother, I won't change my feelings on the matter.
Dean just has time to wrinkle his forehead in confusion when another text arrives.
> Dean doesn't need to know.
Dean's eyes widen, for a moment too stunned to do anything.
And then he instantly finds himself torn.
It's obvious Cas thinks he's talking with Charlie (and why shouldn't he? It's Charlie's number after all) and Dean should hurry to explain the situation and stop Cas before anything else might happen.
He seriously should.
But then he ends up thinking back on Cas' behavior recently. For the last few weeks he has been downright weird whenever Dean was around (weirder than usual, that is) and Dean has been wrecking his brain for a while now what the hell might have happened that made their dynamic shift in such a way. It's not glaringly obvious or anything, at least nobody from the outside has commented on it so far, but Dean certainly noticed Cas keeping his distance.
Dean has no idea whether he did something wrong or whether something just came up and he is taking the brunt of it and he has been dying to find out ever since.
And now it's apparently offered to him on a silver platter.
Still, Dean really should do the right thing …
He seriously should.
But before his conscience is able to catch up with him his fingers already start typing.
< what do u mean?
And he leaves it with that.
Dean squeezes his eyes shut, hating himself a little bit. Who even does this to a friend in the first place?
Yeah, no, he needs to clear up the situation right here and now –
That is when another text arrives and Dean is too weak not to look at it.
> Don't play cute with me, Charlie. I have told you before, Dean doesn't need to know about my feelings for him. Things are good between us, I don't want to ruin that.
Dean blinks.
And blinks some more.
Wait, what?
Dean's heart stops for a couple of seconds, picks up one hell of a pace after that, only to pump the brakes yet again so hard he gets actually dizzy from it.
Because Cas … he can't mean what Dean thinks he means, right?
Dean feels himself freaking out, his breathing becoming labored as his heart continues to go crazy within his chest. For a long moment up is down and down is up.
Only when Charlie nudges his shoulder, seemingly worried by the expression on Dean's features, Dean gets jolted back into reality. He startles at first, feeling like a newborn deer trying to make sense of the new environment, before he manages to catch himself somehow.
And he doesn't wait around to shove the phone right into Charlie's face and exclaim, “What the hell is that?”
Charlie is, of course, highly confused by Dean's question and just frowns at him.
So Dean grits his teeth and gestures at the text conversation with Cas, urging her to read it. Which she dutifully does the next second.
And then her eyes widen as she mutters underneath her breath, “Shit.”
Dean huffs. “What the fuck is he talking about, Charlie?”
He doesn't expect a straight answer right away.
Damn, he doesn't even expect any kind of answer at all.
So he leans back and watches as Charlie starts to splutter and flail her arms around in every single direction and make the most unintelligible noises not even the most experienced linguist would have been able to decipher. She is clearly caught off guard in the most major manner and can't for the hell of it find a graceful way out of it. At least not quick enough to not be absolutely pathetic.
“Charlie,” Dean eventually cuts into her incoherent rambling, not in the mood to be witness to this for the rest of the night. “Just get a grip and tell me the truth!”
Charlie shakes her head and nods at the same time. So fiercely, in fact, that Dean for a moment gets actually worried that her neck would break in half by the sheer force of it.
“It's – um, it's nothing, man,” she says in the end, way over the top. “Just … uuuuuhhhhh, just some inside joke Cas and I have …”
Dean rolls his eyes at that. “Right,” he replies, the opposite of convinced. “So when Cas says he's got feelings for me …”
Charlie makes a noise that is probably supposed to be a dismissive snort. “Just – y'know – I mean – it's just …” Her gaze flickers anywhere but near Dean. “I mean, um … everyone has feelings about everyone, right? … I mean, I totally have all the platonic feelings for you, for example, you know? …”
Dean arches his brows skeptically. “So you're saying Cas has platonic feelings for me?”
Charlie perks up at those words. “Yes!” she agrees, far too enthusiastically for it to be convincing in the least. “Yes, that's what I'm saying!”
Dean scoffs. “And why would he make a big state secret out of it?”
Charlie pulls a face. “I mean, you know how he is … he is weird sometimes …”
Dean groans before pushing himself to his feet, not eager to listen to any more of her excuses. “I've gotta go talk to Cas!”
He hears Charlie voice some sort of protest, but Dean just grabs his jacket and is out of the door before she's able to stop him.
It takes about fifteen minutes to get to Cas' place.
And Dean's head is spinning so hard the whole drive there he is actually surprised that he doesn't end up in a ditch somewhere.
But what is he supposed to think after that text message?
Yeah, Dean highly doubts Cas would be so cagey about platonic feelings of all things, but at the same time Dean can't allow himself to imagine the alternative.
Because that would break him.
Because Cas actually admitting to having Feelings for Dean, the capital letter kind, sounds like so fucking much.
After all it would mean …
It would mean that Dean has been pining in secret for ages even though his feelings haven been reciprocated the whole freaking time?
Yeah, Dean can't even remember anymore when it started. It's probably been a gradual process that began a long time ago. Dean dated people and it was always okay, you know, but it wasn't it. It never felt like all those love songs made him believe it would be. At some point he even assumed that it just was something that didn't really exist. That people merely found other people they were compatible with and that was all the magic out there.
It only made sense all of a sudden when he admitted to himself about a year ago that he was head-over-heels for Cas.
There was no specific event or anything, but around that time it had been half an eternity that Dean had so much as a date with another person because nobody seemed to light even the tiniest spark within him. It only had gotten harder and harder, so eventually Dean just stopped looking.
And then he was sitting on the couch with Cas and Cas was arguing with the History Channel about something and Dean just watched him with a besotted smile on his face and thought, I want this for the rest of my life.
What followed was many weeks and months of doubt and uncertainty, but when he ultimately took the final step and was honest with himself it was suddenly easy enough to see that Cas has been it for a very long while for Dean.
But at the same time Dean was afraid to say something. Cas has never been much for dating and romance and his best friend out of the blue confessing his love might have freaked him out big time. Dean always pictured Cas withdrawing more and more until one day they wouldn't have been in each other's lives anymore.
And that – that would have been absolutely devastating.
So Dean kept his mouth shut and instead enjoyed all the things they had. While pushing thoughts of maybe scooting a bit closer and holding Cas' hand or even kissing him out of his mind.
Dean learned to live with it.
But now?
If this is really true …
If Cas feels the same way and he's just been as scared to ruin their friendship as Dean was …
Dean isn't sure he knows how to handle the possibility.
Dean senses both dread and elation when he parks Baby on his usual spot right behind Cas' ugly pimp mobile and he takes a minute or two of deeply inhaling and exhaling before he's got the courage to step outside and walk up to the front door.
Where Cas apparently has already been waiting as he swings the door open as Dean is just lifting his arm to knock.
As always he is stupidly gorgeous, with his piercing blue eyes, his unruly hair, and his comfy sweatpants which have become a staple for their Friday nights together.
Next to all that, however, Cas also looks mad as hell.
“How dare you pretend to be someone else to lure information out of me?” he growls so deeply a shiver runs down Dean's spine and it's only partially out of fear. “What were you even thinking?”
Looks like Charlie didn't wait around to call Cas and give him a heads-up about the situation.
Dean just scoffs into Cas' face and pushes past him into the house. Cas makes a disgruntled noise at his friend's behavior, but closes the door behind them, obviously not eager for the whole neighborhood to be witness to this.
“You have no right to be pissed at me!” Dean hisses back the second the door is shut and sealed.
Cas seems far from impressed when faced with such logic. “You are the one who betrayed my trust!”
“I didn't betray anything!” Dean is quick to make himself clear. “I just forgot my phone at the office and borrowed Charlie's to tell you I'd be late. And 'coz I'm not used to her super modern thingy I accidentally sent you a text before I could say it's me. Easy as that.”
Cas raises his brows. “You could have clarified yourself simple enough the second time.”
Dean chews on his bottom lip, his emotions spilling all over the place as he tries to stare Cas down and at the same time not get lost in his eyes. Because he has a tendency to do just that. Since basically forever.
“I could have,” Dean concedes since Cas did make a good point. “But I didn't.”
“So why –?”
“'Coz you've been weird lately,” Dean cuts in harshly. “You've been fucking avoiding me and that's certainly a skill considering we were always in the same room for that. You don't sit with me on the couch anymore, you flinch whenever I touch you …” Dean sighs. “Fuck, I was wondering the whole time what I did wrong.”
“You did nothing wrong,” Cas is quick to come to his defense. Only to add a moment later, “Well, apart from right now where you pretended to be Charlie –”
Dean waves him off. “Yeah, so? I was desperate for some info, sue me.”
“I don't think suing you over this would have much standing in court –”
“Oh jeez, man!” Dean interrupts once more. “See, you're doing it again. Avoiding the subject of us while being in the same room. Can you really blame me for grasping at straws at this point?”
Cas falls silent after that, Dean's question clearly hitting a nerve.
“I'm just …” Dean shakes his head in exasperation. “I just wanted some friggin' answers, that's all.”
Cas pinches his face as he slowly studies Dean and takes his time wrapping his head around the whole mess.
In the end he just straightens his back and says, “Fine.”
Dean assesses the guy warily. “Fine?”
“Yes, fine,” Cas states. Without looking anywhere but Dean's eyes. “Let's forget about it and watch one of your cowboy movies –”
Dean's blood starts to boil again.
“I don't wanna watch a cowboy movie!” he snaps, barely believing such words are actually leaving his mouth. “I wanna talk about this!”
Cas looks at him as though he seriously considers that Dean has been swapped by a clone.
“You?” he asks incredulously. “Want to talk?”
Dean rolls his eyes extra hard. “I talk about stuff,” he grumbles. “Only because I choose when and where doesn't mean I'm a repressed idiot –”
“I didn't say that!” Cas leaps in to make himself clear. “I would never say that.”
Dean knows that Cas never would.
And that's one of many reasons why he is one of Dean's favorite persons on the whole planet.
“I'm just …” Dean sighs, suddenly feeling so vulnerable and raw he has no clue what to do with it. “What does feelings mean, Cas?”
Cas' mouth snaps shut immediately.
It's obvious he's not keen on pouring out his soul just yet.
Dean rubs the palm of his hand. over his mouth. “Dude, if you're seriously worried that what you're going to say might ruin anything, it won't!”
Cas shoots him a disbelieving glance, not buying it at all.
“I'm serious!” Dean insists. “Nothing can ruin our friendship!”
Cas lets out a hollow laugh and it actually sounds so awful that Dean wants to grab it out of thin air and punch it in the face.
“Of course,” Cas says sarcastically. “What if I told you I'm a serial killer who has murdered twenty-seven people?”
Dean squints his eyes.
“That's an oddly specific number,” he can't help but point out. “But yeah, I'd help you bury the freaking bodies.”
Cas shakes his head. “Dean …”
“I would,” Dean insists. “I mean, yeah, sure, I probably also would put you under strict house arrest and get you the best shrink in town, but I also would be your alibi 'coz this is what friends do.”
Cas grimaces. “I don't think covering up murders is –”
“Okay, forget it!” Dean cuts in, not in the mood to drag this example along any further. “I'm just saying, you're my best friend and nothing can change that, okay?”
Cas' features soften at that.
He looks at Dean, really looks at him, what feels like the first time in forever, and there are suddenly so many emotions displayed on his face Dean has never spotted before. They seem meaningful and heavy and Dean's heart picks up its pace again at the sight of it.
Is this really it?
“Cas,” Dean whispers, his expression right now most likely equal to Cas'. “What does feelings mean?”
Cas sighs.
Shakes his head.
And then he breathes, “It means I'm stupid …”
The way he's saying it, the manner his voice trembles … this is so much more than meets the eye.
And Dean can't have him believe for even a second longer that he is the only one standing in the corner.
So he shoots back, “Well, then I'm stupid too.”
Cas frowns at first, clearly not able to comprehend it properly.
But then their eyes meet again and Dean tries to broadcast it all out there, tries to make Cas see, dammit.
Cas gasps just a moment later.
Looks like he's getting it.
“Dean …” he mutters.
And Dean could give a grand speech about how he's crazy for this dork and probably always has been, but somehow his throat feels way too tight all of sudden and he highly doubts he will get any coherent sentences out of there.
So he does the next best thing because at the end of the day Dean has always been better with actions instead of words anyway.
He grabs Cas by his shirt and yanks him impossibly close.
Their chests collide and Cas' eyes are wide and shocked and hopeful all at once as their faces find themselves mere inches apart. Dean's attention immediately flickers to those plush lips he's been fantasizing about for far too long and everything inside of him urges him to go for it, but he waits nonetheless, waits patiently for a sign from Cas that this is okay, that this is what he wants too …
Cas leans in the very next second and Dean stops thinking.
When their lips meet Dean feels like a heavy weight has been lifted from his shoulders.
The kiss starts sweet and innocent, some light pressure and nothing more, but then Cas wraps his arms around Dean's torso and aligns their bodies even more and Dean makes a pathetic little noise in the back of his throat before deepening the kiss. He gets lightheaded very fast and only Cas holding him so tightly keeps his knees from buckling in the most embarrassing manner.
Dean never thought it would feel like this. He originally assumed that it would be a bit weird to kiss someone he had known for such a long time. That it would be awkward all around and they would have to get used to the sensation at first before being able to enjoy it thoroughly.
Boy, he's never been more wrong in his life.
Dean is all warm and fuzzy and when the kiss turns even more passionate a moment later his body temperature rises right along with it. Dean moans as hands are roaming over bodies, Cas getting lost in Dean's hair while Dean can't get enough of the guy's ridiculously sharp hipbones, and soon enough Cas is pressed against the wall and Dean is only seconds away from taking things even further.
They've waited long enough after all.
But just as Dean is pushing his fingers underneath Cas' shirt, Cas slows down and eventually breaks to kiss. He draws back a little to gaze right into Dean's eyes and he looks so debauched and wrecked it takes Dean's breath away.
And then Cas whispers, “In case it wasn't clear earlier, I love you,” and Dean's breath is taken away from him in a completely different, yet no less powerful manner.
He feels himself melting into Cas until he buries his face into the guy's neck. It's warm and it smells really nice and Dean can't help smiling into Cas' skin.
“I love you too,” he rasps back. “I've been crazy about you since forever.”
Cas sighs as he lifts his arm to card his fingers through Dean's hair again. “Me too. I never dared to acknowledge it, though. I feared too much that things would change in a way I wouldn't be able to bear.” He drops a light kiss against Dean's temple. “But then Charlie found out about it and she has been pestering me for weeks to tell you and it got me all riled up …”
No wonder Cas has been behaving so oddly recently. He clearly had no idea what to do.
Dean actually shares the sentiment. He's pretty sure he wouldn't have acted any differently if their roles would have been reversed.
“Well,” Dean whispers, “I guess it all worked out in the end.”
“Because you forgot your phone at the office.”
Dean grins. “I'm sure we would've figured it out eventually. But yeah, me being a forgetful idiot sure helped.”
Cas just hums before he pulls Dean deeper into his embrace and Dean can't help but think that this might very well be the best moment of his entire life, hands down.
The next day when they both walk over to Dean's mom for their weekly Saturday brunch Dean introduces Cas as his boyfriend to his whole family and he manages to only blush a little as he does so.
Nobody seems surprised about their new relationship status in the slightest.
And two years later, when they exchange their wedding vows, Cas stares deeply into Dean's soul and says tearfully, “I'm stupid,” and of course Dean has to answer that with a wobbly, “I'm stupid too,” and Sam yells from somewhere in the background, “You're both stupid alright!”
It's perfect.
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nnaeilujsajirdnes · 7 months
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"My Story: Embracing Family Bonds, Overcoming Trials, and Celebrating Triumphs"
Hello everyone, greetings to all! I am Julie Ann S. Sendrijas. This is my life journey from childhood to adulthood. First and foremost, let me introduce the two best person and incredible people in my life – my father, Nelson, and my mother, Jesusa. They are the most amazing, kind, and loving individuals I have ever known. They have been the best parents, showering us with love. And there's more – my two beautiful sisters, our elder Jenevie, and the second, Janesille. They are not only amazing and kind but also have a strong desire to help those in need.
Although they have a high temper, just like our mother. Oh, and I'm included too! 😆 It seems like we inherited it from our mother. Yes, It's true, That I have a short temper, especially at home with my two annoying siblings—my brother and our youngest sister. They can be quite mischievous and stubborn. However, Despite my short temper or our occasional conflicts, I know my limits and l can manage my emotions. Even though I'm a short temper, I'm also a cry baby, easy to get hurt or affected, but it's also quick for me to forgive and forget.
Growing up, my parents worked tirelessly to provide for us, sacrificing their own comfort. My second mother, Mama Mercy, played a significant role in my upbringing, always there for me even when my parents were busy. I've spent much time at Mama Mercy's house, and she and her family have treated me as if I were one of their own. Despite the absence of my parents at times, I understand their sacrifices and appreciate Mama Mercy's explanations. I feel fortunate to have such loving parents, even if they cannot always be physically present. Their love and understanding have shaped who I am today.
I am the third among my siblings, and before I had a younger brother, it was quite dull because I was the only little girl. I used to wish for a younger brother, and when my mom became pregnant, I was overjoyed. I prayed for a brother, and when he was born, my happiness knew no bounds. As he grew up, around the age of 4 or 5, he became fascinated with the newly released movie "Frozen." He would watch it repeatedly, and because of "Frozen," he developed interest in girls things, It's funny how a movie can have such an impact.
Another Unforgettable and traumatic incident from my childhood is when there was an earthquake during my first or second grade. I was at my mama mercy's house at that time, and everyone rushed outside near the animal pens. My mom noticed I wasn't with them, and they panicked, thinking something happened to me. They quickly realized I was at Mama Mercy's room, asleep. My brother rushed to get me, and thankfully, nothing bad happened. They were relieved and thankful that the earthquake didn't cause any harm to Mama Mercy's house.
One vivid childhood memory involves trying to escape bedtime. We would prepare pillows to make it seem like we were sleeping, then slowly sneak out through the window to play wherever we wanted. We even ventured out with our cousins. We were cautious not to wake our mom, who was usually the one putting us to sleep. One time, we got caught, and she scolded us for not staying in bed.
One of the most cherished memories for me is the family day at my mom's workplace. It was a significant event, filled with various activities. We, along with our cousins, participated in many fun activities that we still fondly remember. Another unforgettable memory is when we visited our aunt (my dad's sibling) in Bohol. We had so many adventures and created lasting memories during those visits.
In seventh grade, I had some unpleasant encounters with boys, which made me wary of them. Some boys were rude and behaved inappropriately during exams, causing me distress. I even considered changing seats to avoid the harassment. However, despite these experiences, I never developed a general dislike for boys. In eighth grade, a boy expressed interest in me, but I was not interested due to his playboy behavior. It's amusing how some boys tried to court me, but I remained single, or as they say, "NBSB" (No Boyfriend Since Birth). My relatives' stories and my parents' strict upbringing contributed to my cautious approach to relationships.
Despite receiving occasional proposals, I never took them seriously, partly due to fear and my disinterest in entering a relationship. Even now, at 18 years old, I remain NBSB, and there's a boy who has been persistently trying to court me since eighth grade, which adds a humorous twist to the story. Although I've had charades in the past, I've been hesitant to commit to a relationship.
Opss wait! Sorry hahaa, Sometimes, I get tired of sharing more about my life journey, especially since some experiences are too personal or challenging to discuss. But, let me share this one, it's about my cousin marlon. 
One of the saddest incidents that happened was on December 15, 2023, when my cousin, brother Marlon had an accident. He collided with a modern jeep counterflowing in the streets of ibo, resulting in a severe and traumatic incident. He got trapped and suffered fractures in both hands and legs, causing extensive damage to his foot and one hand. Upon learning about it, I couldn't stop crying, constantly worrying about his condition, appearance, and whether he was okay. The incident occurred as my brother was commuting to work, often accompanied by his partner, in the early morning. I was aware that he left unusually early, and it turned out to be a fateful day for him. Our family was deeply affected by the situation, especially considering the unconventional relationship between my brother and his partner. They couldn't openly stay at each other's homes due to societal norms. Our family went through immense emotional pain, and the financial burden of hospital expenses added to our challenges. We redirected funds meant for our Christmas party to cover medical bills, but the atmosphere lacked joy. Instead of festive games, we only had a videoke machine for singing. Despite the hardships, the presence of relatives from Bohol and their support made the occasion somewhat special. We are grateful to God that my brother Marlon survived the accident, bringing a sense of relief and gratitude to our entire family.
"The most beautiful gift that God has given to me and my siblings is having wonderful parents. They are always there for us no matter what challenges we face in life. They consistently support us, never lacking in taking care of us, showing love, and showering us with respect. We are immensely grateful to God for blessing us with parents like mom and dad, who are truly the best we could ever have.
Even though we can be quite stubborn and respond strongly at times, our parents never fall short in caring for us. Despite our imperfections and mistakes, they continue to love us unconditionally. We are not neglecting the gratitude we owe to our parents.
I could share more about my own experiences in life, but it's difficult for me to express. Sometimes, I feel insecure due to people around me gossiping and spreading false stories about me, saying a hurtful words. This has become a significant reason for my loss of confidence. However, we must not let the negative actions of others affect us too much. Let's trust in God because He is always ready to listen to us and be thankful to Him." 
Thank youu for joining me on this journey through my life!
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sleuthy-scientist · 1 year
A Mother's Love IV
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Jack had snuck into their bedroom when Aaron was cooking Emily breakfast in bed for Mother's Day. He had repeatedly asked Jack to wait just ten more minutes and he could carry the tray into surprise her. Aaron should have known the second his back was turned and he was momentarily distracted, that his son would make a move. He just hoped Jack didn't manage to disturb Emily's slumber.
Jack carefully opened the door, peeking his head through the crack. When he noticed Emily awake whispering to his little sister he wanted to join in. He tiptoed over to the bed using the comforter as leverage to pull himself up. Quietly inching his way over, not intending to disturb his covert observations.
Yet, Emily had known the second he scampered up the stairs, no doubt sneaking away from his father. When he didn't interrupt, she carried on her musings talking to the life growing inside her. When she noticed Jack's eyebrows furrow with a faint sad look appearing on his face she knew she had to cheer him up.
"Baby girl I can't wait for you to get here so you can cuddle and play with your big brother. If only my big and strong 'Jack Attack' was here to give me one of his super duper hugs. They always make me happy, especially first thing in the morning."
Jack giggled seeing her eyes focused on him, knowing he had been caught. He slowly rolled a full turn sideways to land in the perfect hugging distance, only slightly squished by the belly where his little sister currently lived.
"Morning Emmy. I been thinking since you told me a secret, can I tell you one too. But it's not really a secret cause I already asked daddy and Auntie Jess awhile ago. Plus I also talked to mommy about it with my candle last week."
Emily grinned at Jack rambling about what constitutes a secret in his mind. "Good morning sweet boy. My ears are wide open, I am always willing to listen to my favourite not so little man. What's the secret buddy?"
Jack shyly looked into her eyes as he whispered his next statement. "I asked them if it was ok to call you mom sometimes, and daddy told me I had to be sure, because it was a big boy decision. Auntie Jess looked sad but told me mommy would be ok with it, cause she knows you love me like a mommy would and take care of me too. And, she said mommy would be happy, daddy and I have both you and my little sister in our lives."
Jack quickly replied to his own reveal, not wanting Emily to worry, thinking he wasn't sure about his decision. "But, I promise I'm not gonna change my mind. I know you're not my mommy, cause I didn't grow in your tummy, like my little sister, but you make me happy like mommy always did."
He started to worry when Emily didn't immediately reply to what he said, so he tried to explain why he wanted to call her mom too.
"When I miss mommy, you help my heart hurt less. I know daddy is also sad about mommy and work makes him grumpy, but you cheer my daddy up too, and make him smile, just like you always do for me Emmy."
Emily didn't realise tears had started spill out of her eyes, too busy trying to process what Jack was saying. Jack was afraid he had done something wrong and kept talking, hoping to cheer her up.
"When we were gone, Mommy told me, you and her were friends and you would take care of daddy even if we were gone for a long time. She said that you make daddy happy and she was glad he found you, because you're so nice and special. But, I think daddy likes you, cause your smart and pretty like a princess. Mommy laughed when I told her that, but it's true Emmy."
"Plus you help daddy fight the bad guys. And you read me stories, and help scare away the monsters at night. You always play my games with me, bake cookies, watch my Disney movies, and listen to me when I talk."
Emily wanted to respond, but could see he wasn't done speaking. "When I'm with you Emmy, I feel warm and happy like I did with mommy. I know she liked you and would be glad you are taking care of me and daddy."
At that Emily couldn't contain the waterfall of tears that exploded, pulling Jack in even closer, for the tightest hug she could manage with her stomach in the way. She hadn't even considered the possibility of Jack ever bestowing her with that cherished title. She didn't even realise how much she unconsciously wanted him to call her mom one day.
His next reply made her laugh boisterously out loud, knowing he got the wrong impression from her reaction. "I didn't mean to make you cry Emmy. I'm sorry, I don't hafta call you mom if it's gonna make you sad."
With that Emily couldn't stop herself from pulling back to smother his little face in kisses. "Oh my sweet boy, you didn't make me sad. That's the nicest, bestest, most favouritest secret anyone has ever told me. I think the best part of loving your father is that I got you too. I'd be honoured if you want to call me mom sometimes Jack. I love you so freaking much buddy. And I will always love you and your little sister exactly the same. "
Emily couldn't imagine a more wonderful gift for her first Mother's Day. It constantly surprised her, how amazing and loving Jack was, despite all he had been through in his short life. He was the most sweet, kind, adorable, and resilient human being. She couldn't wait to see him thrive as a big brother, knowing her daughter was already the luckiest little girl. Emily just hoped she could be the kind of mother they both deserved, and nothing like her own.
New or old, Emily aspired to be half as good a mother as Jennifer Jareau, Haley Brooks and Fran Morgan. In her eyes, after seeing the love they had for their children, they were three of the best examples of what a caring, supportive, and loving mother should be. Emily yearned to have a bond like they did with children, with both Jack and their little girl.
Emily knew her emotions were a little off kilter, she had been feeling out of sorts since Friday. She just never expected her first Mother's Day, barely 40 hours since she cut ties with her mother to feel so heartbreaking and yet freeing. But, she knew the core memory of Jack's request, she could never forget. The moment forever marked as a day of bittersweet sentiment, she would always hold in her heart.
Aaron was surprised neither Emily nor Jack heard him approach, until he heard his son's whispered confession to the woman he planned to one day marry. It warmed his heart knowing Emily's love for his son did rival his own.
Somedays he wanted to be jealous of this fact, of the way they so openly accepted and loved each other. But, knowing if anything ever happened to him, that they would still have each other, eased any envy he felt.
He was beyond proud of Jack and hoped his son's honest words had been a healing balm to both of them. Hoping it would ultimately put a rest or at least help settle some of Emily's worries and insecurities about motherhood.
She had been giving Jack all the love and attention he craved, putting on a strong and brave face for his son, but Aaron knew Emily had been struggling. Wondering if she truly had made the right decision about her mother, doubting what that meant about her own abilities parenting their children. Aaron wanted to scoff at such a ridiculous notion, but he knew it was something Emily genuinely worried about.
He hadn't minded her clingy and dependent demeanor the last two nights when they were alone. Aaron knew she craved his touch and comfort as she worked through the guilt, hurt, sadness, and the plethora of other thoughts and feelings bogging her down.
Aaron knew Emily truly might be better off without Elizabeth in her life, that it had been her choice to decide to cut ties with her mother. But he knew how difficult it had been for her knowing she couldn't take back the words she had written.
It was out there now, Aaron just hoped however Elizabeth chose to respond, even if she ignored her fault in things, that Emily got the closure she deserved. Even if Elizabeth tried to apologise or mend things, Aaron was well aware it wouldn't magically fix things. Elizabeth couldn't repair the deep seated damage she had caused. Emily would always carry that hurt and pain and feeling of never being enough.
Aaron just wished someone as supportive, strong, selfless, and kind as Emily could see the effect of her contributions and her worth to everyone else. That she hadn't formed such insecurities from her upbringing, experienced so much heartbreak, dissapointment, and pain in her life. But, Aaron also knew, it was because of those aspects, that she became the most amazing person he had ever known.
The two had been all smiles since breakfast, and Aaron knew Elizabeth was one of the last things on Emily's mind. She was choosing to focus on the little boy who had already given her a better gift than anything they could have bought at a store. Aaron knew Emily hadn't wanted them to make a fuss, she was just happy to have the weekend off to relax.
Yet, his son had been an endless ball of excitement since he revealed his secret to Emily. At almost 7 1/2 months pregnant, he was baffled that she somehow found the energy to keep up with Jack. It was like they were somehow feeding off each other and nothing could burst their bubble.
Emily had always had his son enchanted by her words and bewitched by her presence alone. But, it amazed him, how even with her physical limitations during her pregnancy, she always found endless ways to keep Jack entertained and having fun. She could always coax a smile or laugh from his son, yet today, Aaron was sure their faces would hurt from the constant and infectious joy.
But he was glad, he could tell Emily's grin was just as wide and genuine as the constant smile Jack was sporting. It made him happy to see the two people he loved most in the world, both enjoying themselves. Aaron almost wished the day would never end, wanting this state of peaceful bliss to last forever.
He luckily convinced the two to settle long enough to snap a picture of them, knowing Emily treasured photographs to commemorate special memories and occasions. Aaron knew she especially adored any photo containing Jack or that showcased the progression of the bump that currently housed their daughter.
He planned to have I printed as soon as possible, Aaron knew it was the perfect picture for the frame Jack had picked for his Mother's Day present. Emily would want to hang or display the frame as soon as it was filled with a photograph.
He had no doubt a copy of the photo he had just taken, would also end up in a frame on his desk, or in the middle pocket of his go bag. Aaron equally wanted to display it in his office, showcased with pride, and hide it away to keep for himself to cherish when he was away on cases.
Aaron knew their life together was just as much a dream for Emily, one she wasn't sure she would ever have. He was just glad she had never given up on him, and he was certain she never would. Because she saw him, Jack, and now their daughter as her true family and home. It constantly surprised him her capacity to love others and himself so wholly.
Aaron was truly grateful for all the family/friends, and their endless support in his life. He couldn't believe all the happiness and love he had been shown in such a tumultuous year. He counted his blessings, knowing in a few months, there would be only good reasons to laugh and cry together.
Aaron hated knowing Haley too wasn't here, to see firsthand the endless happiness and love bestowed upon Jack. He knew, he would never be able to make everything up to Haley, like he had planned when he sent them into WITSEC. But it was days like this, he knew he had at least managed to fulfill her dying wish.
Aaron silently wished Haley a Happy Mother's Day, knowing she would take great joy knowing and watching Emily and Jack both literally and metaphorically run circles around him. He knew she was laughing at him in heaven, as he wondered his odds of convincing Emily and Jack to take a nap together, before they wore themselves out completely.
If he was lucky, it would give him enough time to track down where Emily kept her photo paper, so he could print the picture he's taken after lunch. Aaron knew both Jack and Emily would secretly appreciate that extra little special touch of sentiment, for when she unwrapped her Mother's Day presents after dinner.
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