#I didn't like this character at the beginning of the show
evansboyfriend · 1 day
since the show is coming back tomorrow (!!!) and people seem to be a little bit confused about Tommy Kinard's canon character traits, as extrapolated from the source material, let's review, shall we?
Tommy put everything on the line, risked his job, not to mention entire life, by agreeing to fly Hen and Chimney and two more guys he's never even met before through a hurricane to maybe find (the wreckage of) a cruise ship that his old captain was on. He did it because Chimney called him and asked for a favour (also seen in 2x14, Broken) and because he trusts Hen's instincts (evidenced in 2x09, Hen Begins)
Tommy lied through his teeth to his co-worker when he stepped in to save Hen's unsuccessful bullshitting and made fake mouth static at the fire chief pretending the connection is bad before disconnecting the call. If there was nothing wrong with the cruise ship, he would have been fired, or at the very least suspended.
okay, what do we know so far? Tommy is loyal to his friends even if they haven't talked in years, he is dependable and will come through in a crisis.
we also know Tommy is a very skilled and competent pilot (given he's able to operate both the plane in 2x14 and helicopter in 7x03) and he flew said helicopter through a hurricane, landed it on the belly of a capsized ship, rescued the survivors, and flew everyone back to safety. and given the extremely dangerous conditions of the rogue rescue mission, I'd say he's also brave and/or a little bit reckless; when the situation calls for it, at least.
he's also super cool, an opinion shared by multiple characters (Buck, Christopher, and Chimney).
that being said, let's move on to 7x04
Tommy agreed to give Buck a tour of Harbor station, meaning he had to go to work on his day off, and then offered him flying lessons. So he's either super nice or he's interested in the cute guy (i think it's a little bit of both)
Tommy invited Eddie, a guy he barely knows, to a sold out big reunification bout, with ringside tickets that he got from the organiser, who he's apparently friends with, and flew them in a chopper! He's just a super nice dude.
Tommy offered to drive Eddie to the hospital, and talked about The Incident with him, because when he gets to Buck's loft, he says "he [Eddie] feels bad, in fact we both do" and honestly, he had no obligation to do any of that. He could have let Buck drive Eddie since he offered and wiped his hands clean of that mess. But he's a caring and considerate person, further evidenced by the fact that...
Tommy went to Buck's loft before he had to go to work, to talk to him in person and clear the air, saying he didn't want to do it on the phone or in a text. Tommy starts by apologising and stating very clearly that he never meant to come between Buck and Eddie and that neither of them meant to exclude Buck. He also easily reciprocated Buck's vulnerability. I think the loft scene alone does a great job at showing us that Tommy doesn't shy away from confrontation or a difficult conversation, is emotionally mature, values open and honest conversation, and owns up to his flaws and insecurities. (Yeah, I'm trying to be concise. There's meta upon meta about the goddamn loft scene)
He's also a little bit insane because why does hearing that the cute guy maimed his best friend make you want to kiss him. Tommy Kinard will see a red flag and pretend to be colourblind. (-> for tumblr purposes this is a joke)
anyway, moving on, Saturday rolls around...
Tommy noticed that Buck was a little tense, reassured him that no one's looking at them, and sympathised with him. He doesn't judge Buck, like, at all. I don't need to list all the ways Buck made an absolute fool of himself on their very first date. He also paid for the dinner.
Tommy cut the date short (abruptly, because this is a drama show) but before he left, he told Buck he's adorable, but not ready - and this is right after Buck forcefully shoved him back in the closet in front of their mutual friend, and especially after Tommy told him about his own difficult journey coming out of the closet.
Tommy showed up at the café, told Buck he has nothing to apologise for, and explained that he cut the date short because didn't want to pressure Buck.
Tommy asks Buck if he's absolutely sure, about Tommy being his date at his sister's wedding. Then says okay.
more character traits for Tommy Kinard: generous, non-judgmental, sympathetic, patient, and once again, a little bit insane.
night of Chimney's bachelor party/day of Maddie and Chimney's wedding:
Tommy shows up to the bachelor party even though he's on call for work, you know, as a firefighter pilot, and he could have spent this time sleeping or resting in case he gets called... and he does, to a wildfire! Before he goes he promises Buck that he'll try his damndest to make it to the wedding.
Tommy shows up as promised, after spending at least half a day fighting a wildfire? In his turnouts, covered in soot, but he shows up as promised.
I think this shows he is selfless first and foremost because he made time to show up to the (failed) bachelor party and he is honest and keeps his promises. Even if that means bringing a biohazard (himself) to a place full of vulnerable sick people (the hospital). Because, as previously established, he's a little bit insane.
these are the core Tommy episodes of season 7.
as for 7x09 and 7x10:
Tommy tenses up when confronted with his old captain Gerrard - who then subtly throws a slur at his face
Tommy is quick with the sass and will not indulge in his nosey friends' inquisitive questions
Tommy notices Buck's mood and checks in with him - he's caring and attentive
Tommy once again does not hesitate to admit to feeling jealous
Tommy doesn't really talk to his dad
Tommy likens his dad to captain Gerrard
Tommy admits that having Gerrard as his captain did not make him a better person (and okay, sidenote to talk about something that annoys me about this, because Tommy had different captains, including Bobby, while at the 118, and I think s7 canon seriously overestimated how long he worked under Gerrard, but let's say Gerrard was his first captain as a probie and influenced him to a certain extent)
some odd tidbits ~
Tommy has a sarcastic, deadpan sense of humour
Tommy is a goddamn flirt and unbelievably smooth
Tommy came out after he transferred from the 118 to the 217/Harbor Station
Tommy used to be a pilot in the army
Tommy flies for fun on his days off
Tommy plays basketball every other Thursday with Eddie and other first responders
Tommy knows muay thai
Tommy has a car lift and knows his way around an engine
Tommy likes watching half-naked pummel each other
Tommy likes karaoke trivia
Tommy likes craft beer, monster trucks, and the movie 'Love, Actually' (provided canon doesn't forget about this and/or retcons it for some reason)
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demi-god77 · 12 hours
(Explaining all the different theories, for anyone who is also lost with how many there are)
Flickergate: This theory involves a lot of time shenanigans and is connected to the Will having powers in s5 one (possibly manipulation of time or electricity). Theory claims Will and Mike will kiss in the UD, specifically outside Mike's garage, paralleling 1x01. Will is going to tell the truth at the same time his s1 self is ("it was a seven"), causing the garage light to flicker on Nov. 6th 1983.
Birthdaygate: This theory suggests that the Duffers didn't actually forget Will's birthday is March 22nd (the day of the rink-o-mania incident). It claims that Vecna is actually manipulating the characters' memories (possibly even Will's), making them forget his birthday in the process, maybe in an attempt to make him feel excluded/lonely and making him vulnerable. (Similar to the beginning of Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets, which happened to be on the inspo board for S4)
But also the Creel murders themselves happened on March 22nd.
Churchgate: More UD kiss related theories! This one claims Will is going to get Vecna'd or possessed in the Upside Down church (and that he's going to hurt/choke Mike in the process). With a crazy amount of religious symbolism, Mike would be the one breaking him out of his trance, through a kiss or a confession.
(More thorough explanation here.)
Lettergate: This gate's truthers believe that Mike did actually write to Will in the time period between s3 and s4, but never sent the letters. Said letters (signed "Love, Mike") are going to make an appearance in s5, revealing his true feelings. (Great post that has to do with this gate here)
Also related to:
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Pocketgate: Very connected to Lettergate™️, this theory has to do with Mike's infamous triangle shaped pocket in S4. It suggests that the letter signed Love, Mike is hidden in said pocket throughout s4, since it very closely resembles an envelope. Triangles have also been used in ST as a queer symbol (with Robin) and Mike's pocket consistently points to Will like an arrow.
Phonegate: Kinda similar to the previous two, this gate claims Mike did actually call the Byers in Lenora. For some reason, the calls didn't go through, either because of Joyce's telemarketer job OR because of Vecna manipulating things again (cough, birthdaygate, cough).
This is backed up by one of Dustin's lines, saying that the Byers' phone line is always busy and Mike won't stop complaining about it. We know he must have been calling WILL, since the whole reason he was communicating with El using letters is that they couldn't talk on the phone.
Loverslakegate: Related to Lovers' lake (obviously). The lake is shaped like a heart, tying into its name, but it was split in two after the gates opened, now resembling a broken one (and Mike is ofc referred to as "the heart" so it could be a reference to him).
According to this theory, Mike and Will are going to kiss/become lovers near said lake/Reefer Rick's house.
Heartgate: To put it simply: Heart reflections EVERYWHERE. This one is better explained through pictures:
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Also: Different heartgate but really interesting
Colorgate: I don't think I have to explain this one tbh but anyway
Blue meets yellow in the west.
Mike and Will have been HEAVILY associated with blue and yellow respectively since the beginning of the show (even wearing eachother's colours in both of their arguments). There's an insane amount of evidence that backs this one up.
It's speculated that the Russian code in s3 was foreshadowing for s4 ("The silver cat feeds when Blue meets Yellow in the west") Silver cat: Vecna who started killing when Mike (Blue) met Will (Yellow) in the west (California, literally west of Indiana)
Curtaingate: "They don't spent their lives trying to get a look at what's behind the curtain [...] They like the curtain. It provides them comfort, stability, definition" -Murray 2x05
Mike and El are pretty consistently framed in front of CLOSED (and more often than not, yellow) curtains, or ones that have closed blinds. According to this theory, closed curtains represent not being honest with one's true feeling. So, the truth about Mike's feelings is beyond the curtain and in s5 he will open it (and come out)
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Motelgate: This one has to do with the dreaded two day time skip at the end of S4. Theory claims the Cali crew stayed at a motel during that time skip and the scenes were cut for time, but we'll flash back to them in s5. It's based on a photo a production assistant posted from the New Mexico filming, as well as some bts pics of the Cali Crew playing board games in a motel.
Shoegate: In S4, we see a pair of Will's shoes in his bedroom. In s5, Mike seems to be wearing that exact pair. This, in addition to the fact that they wear the same shoe size (a 10 according to their rollerskates from 4x02), lead people to theorize they will share clothes/shoes in s5. More importantly though, this theory suggests Mike is figuratively being put into Will's shoes (maybe pining?). Also, both of them wear the same shoes they wore in s2. Interestingly enough though, even though the design is the same, the colors are reversed (so their roles will be reversed too).
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Possessiongate: This one runs DEEP so I'm going to link a bunch of posts
To put it VERY simply: this theory claims Vecna somehow attached himself to Mike (maybe when the vine grabbed him by the leg in the S2 tunnels- right before he started acting weird in s3 and s4) and he has been influenced/possessed for some time now.
He's not the dungeon master anymore, he's not in control. Both in s3 and s4 someone ELSE is the DM when they play D&D (Will and Eddie respectively)
More here and here
Victimgate: Very closely related to the previous one, this one suggests that MIKE was originally supposed to be Vecna's 4th victim instead of Patrick. Since Max escaped the first time, SHE ended up being the last victim but the original plan was for it to be Patrick. However, Patrick's curse doesn't fit the theme of all of the previous ones. We only see one of his visions, he gets cursed for ONE DAY, as opposed to the other 3 that are cursed for almost a week and we also know very little about him, even though we gradually knew more about the previous victims. Chrissy (no relation to main characters) -> Fred (friends w/ Nancy) -> Max (main character who we've known since s2)
More thorough explanation here
Twelvegate: This one is not really Byler related but i wanted to include it anyway
Theory claims Will was one of the lab kids (specifically 012) and him and El are actual twins. There are mentions of Will and El looking similar since s1, and a lot of twin imagery.
This theory obviously ties in with the Will having powers one and some people believe he wasn't 012, but him and El have a deeper connection/may be actually related. It could theoretically explain Henry's connection to Will, as well as things like El seemingly recognizing him in s1.(Alternatively called rainbowshipgate, because of the rainbow ship drawing Joyce mentions in s2 and the rainbow room)
Eightfifteengate: Again, not explicitly Byler but it's quite crazy.
TL;DR: The time 8:15 seems to have great significance in the show and it's mentioned all the time, if not by the characters themselves, (Eg. "It's 8:15, you're late"- El s2) then by small details in the background. There's even a whole track named after it.
Will left the Wheelers' house at 8:15 and it's the EXACT timestamp of his disappearance in 1x01. It's also the time in which most of the UD related weirdness happens and so it's very likely the UD is stuck on 8:15. (Also you know, 15-8=7)
Radiationgate: Related to the previous one! Clocks in Chernobyl are stuck on 8:15 and Hiroshima has been described figuratively as being frozen in time. Henry has burns identical to Chernobyl victims and almost all of his + his victims' symptoms can be explained through radiation exposure. As this post explains, for radiation levels between 8.3-11 Gy (SI unit for absorbed radiation), symptoms start with headaches and disorientation, move on to unconsciousness and bleeding (the exact symptoms of his victims) and finally, death happens at around 7 days (which is about how long Vecna's curse lasts AND how long Will was in the UD for)
Whiterabbitgate: The song "White Rabbit" is the first song in the show and it plays when we first get a sense of El's powers. Theory suggests it will also be the last song in the show (coming full circle) with either Will using his powers, or Willel using their powers together.
In general though, ST has a lot of similarities/parallels to Alice in Wonderland. The white rabbit constantly being late (Mike is late to something at the start of every season), great significance to clocks/ticking/time, a lot of hallucinations/visions, the overall similarities between the Upside Down and Wonderland. Henry's sister was literally named Alice Creel and there is SO much rabbit imagery throughout the show. There are also direct references to AIW with set pieces and paintings.
Soundtrackgate: This one has to do with the Stranger Things OST and the overall insane musical symbolism throughout the show. A lot of different theories talk about the show's soundtrack, but this one talks about 3 tracks in particular: Being Different, The First Lie, The First I love You
To put it briefly: "The First I love You" plays in both Robin's coming out scene and El's kiss with Mike at the end of s3 (Already a weird parallel). The three tracks not only share the same melody, but they also sync up perfectly. "Being Different" (s4 van scene) and "The First Lie" (Nancy and Jonathan's kiss in s2) especially, match up together to create an entirely new track, completing eachother. The scenes featuring those three tracks also share very similar themes at their core. (This post goes into a lot of detail!)
Playlistgate: Character playlists! At a certain point, every character's official playlist on Spotify was deleted, except for three: Mike's, Will's and Billy's. Songs were seemingly being added/deleted for no reason to the Mike and Will ones and people were struggling to make sense of it all.
Also, Mike's character playlist in particular is VERY interesting (so many byler coded songs, as well as "Smalltown Boy" a gay anthem, about a young gay boy forced to leave his home town to escape from their disapproval and homophobia.) There are three playlists on Finn's spotify that are very incriminating. "Love songs" (That has "BOYS DON'T CRY" on it, a song that Will literally has a poster of in his room), "drive" and the most recent one "STurn". These playlists feature songs like "Let her go", "Angst in my pants", "Me and Michael", "Gay thoughts" just to name a few. Basically a lot of the songs on all four playlists seem very relevant to some complicated feelings about Mike's relationship with El/Will but also with himself and his sexuality.
Scriptgate: Oh boy. Here we go.
On August 5th 2022, the byler fandom got #bylerscript trending worldwide on Twitter while waiting for the 8flix account (run by Nick Runyeard) to release some supposed s4 scripts (that people PAID for, mind you). These scripts dropped on August 8th, featuring lines like: "I hate who I am" from Will in the van scene, "His mouth dry, like a California summer" from the bedroom apology scene and also, Will seemingly recognizing Brenner at NINA, despite never meeting him in canon.
These turned out to be fake and the community was in shambles. Nick started calling people psychos, the Stranger Writers tweeted that everyone got scammed, Nick privated his account and the authenticity of some released s2-s3 scripts was questioned. This post explains the entire situation in detail.
Breathgate: This one is also script related and specifically about a Mike/Max parallel.
In the official van scene script, when Mike sees Will's painting "his breath catches." Then, when Lucas asks Max to the Friday movie date, "(her) breath catches" as well. People caught on that parallel very fast and since the latter is obviously a romantic moment, it boosted their confidence for both Byler and Lumax endgame.
Piggybackgate: This one refers to two different situations/theories.
One, the seemingly deliberate framing of Mike and Will inside the little bubble in El's piggyback drawing (and it referening to Byler). The framing is especially suspicious, because the bubble drawing was drawn two separate times (it's different from one shot to the other). In the second shot, they're framed directly inside of it.
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Two, Mike in his monologue essentially piggybacking off of Will's van confession. His monologue was going off of El's feelings, but since they weren't actually El's, the speech was based on Will's feelings. It also ties in with the parallel/foreshadowing between the monologue and Suzie's house, with Will being paralleled to the "director" kid, directing a "choking" Tabitha and their dad (more thorough explanation here).
(aka the joke-theories/memes)
Miniongate: Mike and Will are secretly minions. (Because you know, minions are primarily blue and yellow)
This information will be revealed to us in s5 and they will have a magical girl-esque transformation where we see their true minion form. (Original post here)
Localvillagegate: Related to the leaked Mike and El rooftop scene.
Basically, a mlvn used AI to lip read the scene and try to figure out what Mike is saying (and then posted the video on Twitter).
According to them, Mike was telling El they were going to leave the local village (AKA Hawkins) together and travel to a beautiful faraway land with "like, three waterfalls or something" (and also that she has to "improve her motivation", whatever that means).
People thought it was hilarious and started making a ton of memes based on it.
Parrotgate: This is directly connected to localvillagegate™️ and it was created by @cloudycleric in one of his streams.
Basically, the parrots are gay and represent Will and Mike, who in s5 will kiss under the three waterfalls depicted on the image.
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Backgroundguygate: People making headcanons and creating backstories for random extras. The star of this gate is Barrett, an extra from the Lenora high school, who wears a barrette, bright red pants and a shirt that says "Hell".
According to this gate, he's actually gay and in love with Will. He has a goth best friend named Claire who is a lesbian and in love with El.
Chancegate: The theme of shipping Will with random extras continues on strong
Chance is one of Jason's friends and part of the basketball team. People thought he was attractive and somewhere along the line started making headcanons for him and shipping him with Will (Bychance). Basically, they're gonna date and Mike will be jealous.
Mikhailgate: More shipping Will with randoms! (I'm beginning to see a pattern here)
Originally created by @paladin-n-cleric
Enzo in S4 mentions his son, Mikhail Antonov. Mikhail is the Russian name for Micheal.
People started making jokes that Mikhail would arrive to Hawkins from Russia in s5 and shipped him with Will (Willhail), since he's like Mike but Russian and cooler. They made fanart, edits and posted pictures of Finn as Boris in "The Goldfinch" claiming it's Mikhail.
@will80sbyers then begun to ship Mikhail with El and thus the ship "Jail" was born.
Baldmikegate: Did you know Mike is actually bald and is bullied for it? Well, now you do.
In 2022, a cult was born and the byler tag was filled with edited pictures of Bald!Mike. Terrifying honestly.
Some people made posts about how the rest of the party feels about Mike's secret baldness and some even wrote FANFICS.
Gridgate/whiteboardgate/pixelgate: The Stranger Writers posted a picture of a pixelated/blurred whiteboard that had the entirety of s5 mapped out. People were desperately trying to decode it and figure out what was written on it.
On the space for episode 7, there was a "big black hole" that people went crazy trying to make sense of, only for it to be revealed as a pen holder.
Babygirlgate: The babygirlification of Mike Wheeler. That's it. That's the gate.
I think pretty much every line Will has ever said to Mike has been posted with the word "babygirl" replacing his name (it's hilarious and I love it)
Some examples here and here
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Mattduffersbasementgate: Finn and Joe made up a third Duffer brother named Pete, who has no hair for some reason and is the actual writer of Stranger Things, while Matt and Ross are just the faces of it. Pete lives in a shed/Matt's basement and that's where he writes all of the scripts.
Finn and Noah are both also being held in Matt's basement however, and they're not allowed to leave so that they don't spoil byler endgame.
I definitely missed some gates, but omg this took SO LONG
(this post is for you @felix-fathoms @bibylers)
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anyydidi · 2 days
Before we begin, everyone is entitled to their opinion. If you really think Ford wouldn't truly care, you do you.
That being said, I feel like people who claim that Ford wouldn't do a single thing to bring Stan back if their places were switched do not understand his character at all.
Don't get me wrong, I don't think that he would open the portal. At least not right away. The one thing I agree with is that Ford wouldn't put the life of his brother above the whole planet like Stan did. He realizes the threat of the portal and Bill too much to do that.
But have people forgotten that Ford also loves his brother? Yeah, he was angry, bitter and resentful, but he wouldn't have just let Stan die in the multiverse. Especially since that would be entirely his fault he got stuck there in the first place.
For people thinking, "But Ford was too blinded by rage! He didn't care for Stan until after Weirdmaggedon!", have you seen the show? Have you read the journal? Through everything that happened, Ford kept a photo (tattered and worn, obviously taken out a lot) of him and his brother in his left, inner breast pocket which is the one closest to the heart. If that wasn't enough, for those who haven't read the journal, Ford kept reminiscing about and mentioning his brother before the portal incident. Even though those lines were often crossed out, it was obvious that at least unconsiously he had Stan in mind a lot. And at the end of the journal, it is written that he worked day and night, to the point of passing out, to bring Stan's memories (and essencially Stan himself) back. (Oh and have we forgotten about the absolutely shattered expression he had when he erased Stan's memories? You don't look like that for a person you don't deeply care about).
Still not enough to believe that Ford cared about Stan before Stan's sacrifice?
Let's talk about the fact that when Ford was at his lowest, that being paranoid, sleep deprived, tortured by Bill, drowned in guilt, and completely alone, he reached out to Stan? He says it himself, "I needed help, someone I could trust." After everything, he still trusted Stan to an extent and believed him to be his last hope. You don't give trust like that to people you truly hate.
Ford was self-absorbed and egocentric, but also hurt and betrayed. That feeling came from a misconception, but that doesn't make it any less valid. It is understandable that he acted towards Stan the way he did, with venom and bitterness. But we can be angry at people we love and still care for their well-being.
How I said earlier, I don't think Ford would really open the portal. He wouldn't risk the entire world for Stanley. But I do think he would do anything in his power to be able to bring Stan back safely. You cannot be telling me that he'd be able to live with the guilt and not do anything about it if he could. After all, in his head, it would be his fault. He got tricked by Bill, he built the portal, he made Stan come to him and showed him the portal and he wasn't able to let go of the journal and fought Stan for it. I'm convinced he'd still throw some blame at Stan for some of the fight to make himself feel better at first, but after some time he would just blame himself completely (the same way I think Stan did with the science fair incident). The guilt for all of that would eat him alive.
Let's not forget, Stanley worked for 30 years, basically half his life to bring Stanford home and I believe Ford would be willing to do the same. He would just go about it differently. He would either try to get rid of the threat of Bill and then be willing to upgrade the portal and turn it on again, or maybe try to find a completely different way to get Stan back from the multiverse, or in the end something entirely different, I'm not fully sure.
What I am sure of is that Ford wouldn't just let Stan be stranded in the multiverse without doing absolutely nothing. Maybe he wouldn't succeed, maybe Stan would actually have to find his own way back home because Stanford wouldn't be able to find a solution without risking their entire universe. But Ford would at least try, give it his all, because despite everything, he still loves his brother. Differently than Stan loves him, because Ford is a different person than Stan, but he still does.
So I beg you, people. Stop taking Ford's complex character from him. He can be a selfish, self-centered asshole, but he's not heartless.
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boguspearl · 2 days
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So what are my thoughts for Arcane season 2? Well from what I've seen in the trailer, I think almost every character in the series is going to go through a massive shift, starting with caitlyn in the first season caitlyn was calculating smart not rash (okay not rash enough to wage full on war, but rash enough to let a criminal out of prison) she was new to the scene but she knew that she didn't want war with the undercity, but now in a fit of blind revenge she's going to war anyway
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And by the looks of it Vi's right along side her she's given up on Jinx its even the first lines of the trailer, she starts out fighting along side the enforcers, along side caitlyn, but we see her off on her own broken, this most likely because she's finally seen just how far caitlyns taking things.
However the biggest change of this season is going to be Jinx, in the first season Jinx was crazy, but things are about to take a turn i mean sure on the surface we see her bombing the city leading a revolution piloting an airship while looking deranged but looking deeper does she really look completely insane.
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Personally i think she looks kinda sad, i mean sure they show her looking completely done with it all ready to blow the world that's wronged her apart, but there's something deeper I think we're going to start the season with Jinx truly regretting what she's done, she's going to panic as the floor gives away beneath her and that will be her tipping point the point where there's s small possibly of her being reached, but there's no one left to reach her no one left willing to try, caitlyn wants her dead, Vi has given up on her, Silco is dead her hand, she's alone, alone except for sevika who will most likely use her to rule the undercity Jinx will be forced back into believing what she's doing is right
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Until eventually she's going to snap, she's going to see that she has nobody and she'll be exactly who they think she is and she'll be more broken than ever.
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But never mind all that the real thing that i think the arcane trailer is showing or more accurately hiding is the enemy. Okay hear me out we all know that season 2 just like season 1 will be releasing in three separate arcs each obviously show casing a separate story of the same season, now while Netflix has released three separate posters for said arcs they seem to have only given us one trailer, now if you look the trailer like that you can see the story breaks of the arcs, in the first part they show a clear enemy jinx, Vi and Cait are trying to take her down, the second the people of the undercity as they rise up but near the end there's nothing each shot fired each punch thrown even jinx threatening to burn it all down unlike the beginning of the trailer we aren't shown the enemy, this concerns me because who are they fighting, am I reading into this is it still Jinx that's the enemy or is caitlyn and Vi fighting each other or and what is most likely is there a new enemy something so feared that it actually makes them all fight together in some strange twisted way and if so what, i mean im actually clueless I've never played the game or gotten into anything else part of this universe so i have no idea what they could be up against.
Anyway thanks for reading my craziness, debates bellow
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Right so, I currently feel a very strong urge to cut open my stomach like Chef Hong, but let's put that aside for now and focus on all the new evidence that Peaceful Property is very much gay, actually:
(somehow in light of the end of this episode all of this feels so shallow but well, I got this far, I'm not giving up now)
Peach is wearing THE shirt. The infamous "more than friends less than lovers" shirt.
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And as is usually the case when this shirt appears, it perfectly describes the current state of Peach and Home's relationship.
I'm not really attentive enough to analyse colours in these shows, but even I noticed that Home's shirt is pretty blue at the beginning of this episode
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Looks like both of them are (not so) subtly expressing their feelings through their clothes this week
We didn't really get confirmation either way about Peach's relationship with Best. Though judging by this little interaction between them, if there was something between them, it was probably initiated by Best. He's full-body reaching more than half-way across the frame, trying to get Peach to fistbump him while Peach only half-heartedly raises his fist towards Best's a little. (I admit I might be somewhat biased against him because of Pangpang, but I almost get the vibe that he kinda tried to get close to Peach to siphon off some of Chef Hong's attention. So he was using him from the beginning, first for his cooking skills then for his exorcism skills. But tbf it might have also just been innocent excitement.)
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Anyway look at Chef Hong frowning at their interaction. She knows this is not the right man for her son favourite student.
Home, deepely and sincerely, wants to help Peach.
As soon as he finds out about Peach's trauma his first priority becomes helping him, not selling the property and not exorcising the ghost.
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He even goes all alone to meet the ghost of Chef Hong and asks her to help Peach.
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This is kind of a parallel to the second episode where Home went to confront Rak alone (with Suradech and Kan) after Peach refused to help him anymore. Except this time he actually goes alone and instead of asking the ghost to leave so he can make some more money, he sincerely asks her to help Peach. Character growth. But also. Doing it for the guy he likes. And this is why he gets the mother in law approval and not Best.
But helping someone is not always easy, so:
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This is the face of a man who's desperate to help the person he loves even if that person doesn't think he can be helped. And he's willing to play the bad guy to get him that help.
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It so clearly hurts him to talk to Peach that way but he doesn't know what else to do.
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And Peach is also hurt because he thought that he and Home had gotten close enough that Home would care about his wellbeing more than making money. And he's right, too because Home IS actually doing this FOR his wellbeing and NOT for money. Peach just doesn't know that, yet.
(Quick aside about Peach: Shouting at someone while clutching their shirt. That's 'I love you so please understand me' level of fighting)
Classic tragic romance shit (in preparation for later things to come?). Especially with their next conversation happening through a glass pane. (Star Trek anyone? and many more that I can't think of right now)
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And Home gives him hope. Hope that maybe his mentor didn't kill herself, hat maybe he's not responsible for her death. And with that he gives him the strength to face his fear. Good (not yet) boyfriend.
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It's love, your honor!
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He litterally takes over the job of taking care of Peach from Peach's mother figure
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and then holds him while he breaks down. And not only does he hold him, he PULLS HIM IN so Peach can cry into his shoulder.
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And Peach lets himself fall apart in Home's embrace, to let out all of the grief and guilt he had been carrying mixed with the relief of realising it wasn't his fault she died, and she never blamed him for any of it.
(I know I've said it before but man, Tay and New are really blowing this out of the water. They're just so good. Everything about this show is just sooooooo good.)
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Is that jealousy I smell, Peach?
Don't worry. Home has already admitted that he's flirting with Kan as a bit not with any real intention. The real is reserved for you.
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He fully plans to give it to Peach, doesn't he? Simp.
Between all the real talk, raw emotions and vulnerability, they're right back to bickering and teasing each other.
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Now there's a classic BL trope. (And also again a callback to Chef Hong taking care of Peach, making it even more meaningful.)
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Its LOVE, your honor!!!
But seriously:
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Peach has fully fallen in love with Home at this point. And how could he not, after Home fully proved his kindness and selflessness and care for Peach this week. Peach had already started to really trust and be comfortable around Home last episode, but with this he's fully brought down Peach's walls. (too bad it's going to end up hurting them both soon)
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And Home knows it, too. Speaking it out while also giving the plausible deniability of a joke. And note how Peach denies on behalf of Kan but not of himself.
They're inching their way towards each other, neither of them willing to say it without beating around the bush but both of them fully aware of what's happening between them. (too bad there's a big storm coming for them that's going to wreck this puppy love bliss)
And this, ladies and gentlemen and everyone in between and beyond,
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is the face of realisation that you did irreconcilable harm to the man you love and you didn't even know it. That the man you love just said a most sincere and heartfelt "Thank you" to his killer. To you. That all your newfound happieness is about to come crashing down around you and it's all your fault.
Seeing them be happy and flirty in the credit scene hurt. Because how long will they still have this? And either way, any blissful moment from now on is going to feel hollow for Home. And Kan knows, too. Will Pangpang find out before Peach? Will Home get to tell Peach himself or will Peach have to find out from someone else?
Major angst is incoming and honestly? That's pretty gay. Silver lining and all that, I guess.
Anyway I don't want to leave us off at a complete downer so have a quick
Lesbian Corner
The focus was very much on Peach this episode and Kan was mostly off doing her own thing so there's not much but there is this:
Pangpang felt quite betrayed when Kan didn't take her side against Home. She's clearly aware that they should hook team up seeing as the boys are busy with each other.
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Don't worry girl, you'll get there eventually.
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greenconverses · 1 day
I’m big time upset about annabeth’s characterization in these new books. She looked for Percy for a year or something, did everything she did in HOO, she’s so amazing that she caught up on all of her school work (in fact she’s back on track to go to an ivy if she wants after everything that happened to her), she has all this extra time for Percy (having a boyfriend is time consuming enough without his quests), and then she’s so good at socializing with mortals and so popular…. Just to go to New Rome University (wtf is new rome university) and live in new rome. It makes me sad for her because I feel like RR won’t let her be bad at anything or awkward anymore and she just has to be this hyper competent angel gf all the time…
Oh also the way Percy is contrasted against annabeth in this new series makes me nauseous. I feel in some ways she only exists as this hyper-competent angel gf so that percy has something to "aspire to"… as though he hasn't proven himself a million times and deserves to constantly measure himself up against annabeth. It really just robs them both of their depth and motivation and mutual respect for each other that was so painstakingly built up in the original books.
I was telling @perseannabeth last night that while Annabeth had a lot of pagetime in Wrath, she felt like an utter non-presence other than the last couple of action scenes. And yes, it's because he keeps writing Percy as the only one with all the problems and Annabeth is the perfectest, smartest angel who is always right and can do no wrong, unlike stupid idiot Percy. Ha. Ha.
I do think a lot of the character issues in these books come from him avoiding or only introducing easily resolvable conflict with the main trio. Part of what makes Percy and Annabeth, well, Percy and Annabeth is that they have conflict. Conflict doesn't mean they have to be mean to each other or something terrible has to happen to them, but having them at odds with each other over something (anything) allows for interesting character development and growth.
Grover and Annabeth each get moments of "aw I kinda fucked up" in Wrath that are resolved with basically no effort because Percy shrugs it off or blames himself for their actions. I couldn't even begin to tell you how Annabeth's hubris played a part in the third act ghost fight, but apparently it did, so that's a thing he can brush off because teamwork is all that matters in the end, kids!
And the thing is, Rick is actually setting up a really good conflict with Percy constantly bottling up his rage and messy feelings, but he's too much of a coward to pull the trigger on it. Grover destroying the house and releasing the animals was the perfect spot to actually pursue that conflict and give everyone something to do other than mini quests. Percy could've yelled at Grover and Annabeth for failing to do what they had promised him, and then everyone could deal with the consequences (both of the initial mistake and the fallout of his anger) and make amends in a meaningful way. Instead, Percy has to grit his teeth and fucking apologize to Grover instead. (I'm gonna do a separate post about this because boy howdy do I have THOUGHTS on that.)
By making Annabeth the perfectest, smartest girlfriend ever for dumb dumb Percy, RR is basically removing the conflict that makes them interesting together. There's also the matter of conflict being one of Annabeth's main drivers. Conflict happens to Percy ("I didn't want to be a half-blood."); Annabeth looks for it. And now she's just along for the ride... as long as it doesn't mess up her studying schedule! Her job is school now. Don't get your hopes up.
Also, super controversial opinion ahead, but I think the show casting has contributed to how he's writing Annabeth now. He's deliberately avoided describing her in these books. It's all very vague impressions of her, to the point of Percy describing her having a "human face, human hair" when she turns back after the animal transfiguration in Wrath. No blonde hair. No gray eyes. It's weird.
(Note: I'm not saying the TV cast is wrong or weird, I'm saying it's fucking insane that this man is trying to retcon 15 books worth of character descriptions so his dumbass "actually we never SAID annabeth was white, you just perceived her as it!!!!" defense holds some water.)
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animeyanderelover · 14 hours
And Sfw and nsfw hcs for the Noahs (d. Gray man) sharing an SO, thank you!
I actually have a character limit of 10 which is kind of tricky since the family has over 10 members but I appreciate that you answered my question in time so that I knew which Noahs you definitely wanted to be in here. Nea D. Campell will be included as per request and we're going to go with the idea that he has also reincarnated in this post though not in Allen's body. I didn't write a Nsfw part for Road simply because whilst she technically is the oldest Noah alongside with The Earl himself she is still in the body of a child since their kind ages significantly slower. I actually went the extra mile and included all current members though I didn't write Nsfw parts for all of them. The Hc's for the individual characters are going to be shorter in comparison to the Arcobaleno post but that is because i simply had almost twice as much characters in here.
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, clinginess, paranoia, manipulation, stalking, emotional blackmailing, guilt-tripping, isolation, abduction, death, Nsfw, afab reader for the Nsfw part, oral sex, breeding kink, blood kink, Tyki uses his Teez during foreplay, dirty talking, bondage, strip poker, thigh riding, period kink, temperature play, panty sniffing, masturbation, doggy style, cowgirl, anal sex, praise kink, overstimulation, Lulu uses her shapeshift abilities, voyeurism, sadism, Sheril uses his strings, corruption kink, adultery, dacrophilia
Sharing an s/o
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There are a few possibilities of how you may end up being the shared darling of The Noah family, though the end result will always remain the same. You could end up being the obsessive interest of anyone of the Noah family who is going to introduce you to the rest of the family sooner or later and from that point on everyone is going to develop an obsession for you. If it would be the Earl himself who fell first in love with you there is going to be a slight hesitance under the rest of the members as he is the reincarnation of Adam and for that holds the highest rank as the patriarch of the family. No matter whose interest you end up catching first though, ultimately you will always end up being the shared darling of the whole family. Their bond is strong, their loyalty unmatched so even if some minor conflicts may arise, even if some members end up butting heads over who gets to spend time with you, unfortunately for you at the end of the day they always come to an agreement that spells forever isolation and doom for you. Especially the Earl himself sees it through that harmony and peace always remains, aware that fights and arguments would needlessly scare you.
It is in itself a miracle already that the entire family has gotten obsessed with a human even though most of them think of themselves as superior to the overall humanity. This sentiment includes that some members find themselves internally struggling with their own feelings at the beginning, unsure how to feel about their own obsessive emotions. They're thr True Apostles of God yet here is their entire family, foolishly in love with one human. Some can't help but think of you as a devil in disguise, as a sinister creature who tries to drag all of them into the abyss and their hostility shows for quite some time though those who have already embraced their emotions always shield and protect you from condescending words and harsh glares. The Earl is never happy when he hears about the discrimination you experience and likes to remind those of the Noah family who have treated you so rudely that such behavior is not acceptable with a slightly threatening air to him. You experience a great amount of isolation but you are never left alone as there are always a few members of the family staying with you and keeping you company.
You're kept securely in the new Noah's Arc as The Earl as well as Maitora see it through that you have a pretty and large room to yourself within with many luxuries that you most likely could only dream about in your old life. The life you lead is on paper nothing short of glorious. Fine clothes, excellent meals and the protection of the most dangerous family on the planet. Yet the discrimination against common humans is a major obstacle as most Noah object against your pleas to be let outside, especially all by yourself. You could never escape even if you were to try of course yet most Noah are too possessive to let you leave all by yourself. Akuma wouldn't attack you of course as they obey the Noah family and have been ordered to never ever touch you unless they wish to be disposed off but it is the thought of having you spent time under regular and inferior people that agitates most members of the family. You are a human who stands above the ordinary crowd, whether every individual member still sees you as beneath themselves or actually view you as an equal varies from person to person but the idea that you are better than humanity is a common idea that all share.
The Earl of Millenium aka Adam
🎃The Millenium Lord initially scares you. No wonder as he looks the least human-like in the first appearance he assumes when meeting you. He introduces you to every single member, he happily reveals your new home to you as he tells you almost gleefully that you're part of the family now. Family matters above all, pumpkin♡. That's why you're going to stay with them forever now♡. His cheerful and jovial personality combined with his inhumane appearance only manages to creep you out more, something that greatly flusters the Earl as he desperately tries to ease the fear you experience whilst looking at him. Lero makes a great distraction which is why the Earl always brings the golem with him in any attempts to ease your anxiety. Lero knows fully why he is being used, often complains to the Earl that he is using him to get closer to you to which the Earl only gasp offended. Nevertheless though, Lero actually befriends you and admits to you that for a human you aren't half bad which is a big compliment coming from him. You actually like Lero so much to the point where the Earl sometimes gets jealous and subtly threats his golem with a jolly tone in his voice.
🎃​Things get better when he reveals his human form to you and insists on you calling him Adam, awkward whenever you refer to him as the Earl. It is in this human form that you find him to be much more quiet, softer and almost melancholy. He's kind, he's sweet and desperately obsessed. Perhaps it is the paranoia of having been betrayed by Nea decades ago that leads Adam to be as afraid as he is of you potentially betraying him as well, even if Nea has also reincarnated by now. If you desire to have anything it is Adam that you always turn to and anything materialistic you shall receive the moment you ask for it. However, already spoiled with everything money could buy it is freedom you desire and it is freedom that you won't get. Much too cherished and beloved are you by Adam who adores you who is very attached to you to the point where you think that he might be the most sensitive of all of the Noah clan despite being the patriarch. You don't believe in destiny yet Adam seems to do, your appearance in the life of a Noah family a divine message. The world is filled with evil, evil he himself creates, yet it is not your destiny to become sacrifice. Your place is right here.
🎃​Sexual tension, something you sense in many other Noah long before you sense it in Adam who is physically very cuddly but has never touched you inappropriately. Despite the lust of other members none of them have made a move on you yet and you know that all of them are waiting for the Earl to claim you first. Nea is the only one who has ever dared to let his hands roam over your body, touched you suggestively and seduced you only to leave you aching and wet by the end, ultimately deciding to allow the old man to have you first. The Earl is in comparison to many other family members not very sex-driven, asks for your permission and doesn't try to seduce you, tease you and coax you into bed with him. When you do give him your consens Adam prioritises your pleasure over his own. He takes his time with you, every moment special and intimate as he caresses every inch of your body, worshipping the sight in front of him, warm lips pressing kisses all over your skin. He's lost in your pleasure and not his own as he explores your body devotedly, his attention always on you as he slowly pleases you, wanting you to experience every sensation as he has you climaxing around his tongue or his fingers.
🎃​He gives you a very intimate experience, a very vulnerable experience. He longs for body contact, arms always wrapped around you whenever his shaft slides in and out of you in a slow and sensual pace, his hot breath fawning against your neck as he places soft kisses against your skin and murmurs his sincere declarations of love and adoration. Eye contact is important to him, he always wants to be able to look into your beautiful eyes so he only ever desires positions where he can gaze at your face. You're able to dominate and ride him as the Earl is almost putty in your hands, his gaze always full of adoration that has your heart bursting. It's through him that you learn that purring runs in the family. His own love for you sometimes overhwelms him, though only in a good way as he starts shedding tears, incredibly grateful that you exist. He is vanilla, especially in comparison to many other members yet if there is one fantasy that he has it is his wish to have a child with his darling if they can carry. Adam's family is his entire life and he wishes to rise a precious baby with you, a baby not born out of possessive claims but a deep-rooted adoration that often moves him to tears. It's his one true wish he has.
Road Kamelot
🕯️​Road detests normal humans and thinks of them beneath her yet surprisingly she quickly grows fond of you and if you had to name a few of the clingiest family members she would be up there. She is very fond of skinship. Whenever she sees you she always runs to you and gives you a hug, she holds your hand as she walks around with you or unexpectedly wraps her arms around your neck or torso from behind, surprising you in the process as you didn't sense her until she touched you. You know that she is technically the oldest Noah yet you can't help but be surprised by her almost childlike personality. She always wishes to be entertained and always wants your attention on her when she is around and gets quickly all pouty when you don't give it to her. Even though she is small and looks younger in comparison to all other Noah you still discover that she is very well respected besides the Earl. Back in the days when some Noah still held conflicted feelings about their feelings for you she was always a fierce defender of you who wouldn't stop persisting until said Noah had apologised to you. You know that she most likely isn't a good person but to you she's always very sweet.
🕯️​She loves dressing you up in cute clothes, adores especially the gothic, punk or lolita aesthetic which is why lots of your outfits fall into those specific designs. She's very huge on wearing matching outfits so it isn't uncommon for the two of you to walk around together in identical or in matching outfits. You probably even have been gifted matching bracelets by Road and whenever she sees you she always checks if you wear them and if you don't she gets a bit upset. Even if her appearance and her behavior remind you often of a young teen you sometimes forget that Road has lived for actual decades and is a lot wiser than she lets on. She considers it a useful strategy to not let you know how intuitive and smart she actually is for the sake of not intimidating you. She knows that you let your guard down around the Earl in his human form since he appears so non-threatening and she uses that same strategy to earn your trust and to see more of your real self that you wouldn't be able to show freely if you have your guard up around her. That's how she senses how exhausted you are sometimes when the antics of the family overhwhelm you and smother you.
🕯️​Whenever Road senses that you need a break but won't get one because you are so rarely left alone and aren't allowed to go outside either, and if only for a limited amount of time and never by yourself, she uses her little pocket dimension to steal you for a while. The two of you always hold small tea and cake parties in this dimension of hers where she allows you to get a break and you finally allow yourself the freedom to talk to her and tell her about everything that has been weighting on your mind and that has exhausted you. She listens intently and always comforts you afterwards. However, those informations you reveal to her she sometimes does reveal to the Earl secretly. Ultimately Road is still a Noah after all and for that she wants you to be happy with her and her entire family and if there is something that greatly torments your soul and keeps you from feeling happy she knows that she has to fix that. She is a little manipulator but she won't allow you to suspect anything. Yes, she knows that for a mere human this entire situation is very overwhelming and frightening but as the representative of dreams she holds onto the vision that one day you'll love her family.
Tyki Mikk aka Joyd
🦋​Tyki is one of the few Noah who has decided to keep his human mindset still alive alongside with his Noah side. It isn't always easy to keep those two sides of him who are essentially night and day separate from each other but that is what makes it so interesting after all. It's those two sides of his that make every encounter with him always interesting as you can never fully know if he's currently Tyki or Joyd. As Tyki you feel a bit more at ease as he is much less intimidating like this. His light side is much more carefree and might teach you some bad habits by showing you how to gamble and Tyki is actually one of the few Noah who try to concinve the Earl to let you actually leave the Ark and go outside. Though even with him you hit the wall when you beg to at least be left alone as even Tyki can't do that. The best he can offer you is to protect you from a distance so that you at least won't see them but that is merely an illusion of freedom and not the true freedom that you want. He feels bad, after all he knows how taxing this situation for you is that you never expected nor ever asked for. At the same time he knows that his inner Noah is no better with his feelings than everyone else.
🦋​Tyki's Noah, whilst still fully aware of how unhealthy and toxic the shared obsession for you is, is much more indifferent about it as his own feelings of always wanting you close and wanting you with his family are stronger than any guilt he might feel. He behaves much more like an aristocrat and gentleman in this form, always courting and fluttering you with compliments and touches and only increasing his flirting when he senses how flustered you are. You get lots of presents from almost all Noah and Tyki is no different from them. Fine jewelry, pretty clothes and fine meals are all served to you. At the same time he still knows that sometimes the simple things are best so if he finds out that there is a certain meal that you were always served during your childhood and that you greatly adored he will prepare it for you even if it is a simple soup. In that aspect he is different from his brother Sheril who only considers expensive clothes and fine food to be good for you. Perhaps that is the advantage he has by keeping his human mindset alive. Tyki sympathises that expensive doesn't always mean better and that the cheap and the simple things in life tend to make you happy.
🦋​Keep in mind that Tyki is the Noah of Pleasure and that his darker desire tends to get the better of him whenever he has you to himself. If the Earl plans to make you feel loved and good, Tyki's goal is to have you writhing with pleasure and keep on wringing everything out of you until you pass out. His gambling habits he has when in his light side manifest themselves often in strip poker whenever both of you are alone and you can't help but feel like he's cheating as you are forced to remove piece after piece of clothing all whilst he remains perfectly fine. Unfortunately you can't prove whether he's cheating or not and he always only gives you a smug grin. Worst of all is that he deliberately chooses to tease you, sometimes losing on purpose before removing his shirt which leaves you only to stare at his chest whilst his eyes rack appreciatively up and down your curves, his cock straining against his pants. All until he suddenly drops the cards and pats his thigh, telling you to sit down, his hand grabbing your hips the moment you sit before huskily commanding you to start pleasing yourself by riding his thigh, his own hands starting to play around with your nipples as he watches you getting off.
🦋​As much of a gentleman as he is, in the sheets Tyki can be more sadistic. Whenever you have your period he often coaxes you into letting him eat you out, telling you that it'll distract you from your cramps and sometimes he bites down on your chest or shoulders hard enough to draw some blood, the taste of it eliciting a moan out of him as his hips start snapping with more force against your own. You know of his flesh-eating Teez, though they never harm you when Tyki shows them to you yet you don't expect him to use them on you during foreplay as those butterflies place themselves over your chest and even over your pussy as if they were wrapping paper and you are the present, gently nibbling your skin and making you squirm all whilst Tyki watches, drinking in the sight before he stalks towards the bed. He loves reducing you to a begging and moaning mess, uses ropes to tie up your hands to gain more control over you all whilst whispering with that smooth voice of his his dirty fantasies and plans into your ears. He isn't even shy to take you elsewhere than the bedroom. He purrs a lot, especially when you touch him.
💛​Jasdero and Devit are an inseparable dua, literally able to merge into one person so it comes as no surprise that both of them share you all the time even if they often end up bickering over you. Jasdero finds himself in a more tricky situation at the beginning though. He finds himself quickly adoring you but it is Devit who doesn't like you and as Jasdero is the more submissive one of the two he finds himself ending up tagging alog with Devit's antics. Only because he knows that Devit doesn't mean to truly harm you though, only because of that does he end up pulling all those mean pranks on you until his brother ends up taking it too far and even Jasdero stops, refusing to participate. As childish, possessive and needy as he is he still apologises to you for that particular event, especially if it leads you to feel instantly terrified the moment he chases playfully after you as you recall that event whilst seeing him and Devit running after you. Jasdero is quite clingy, gets jealous when Devit is holding you all by himself and more than once do you find yourself smushed between those two guys as they end up harmlessly arguing who you like more before asking you to choose.
💛​He often doodles on your skin, draws little hearts or writes "I love you" all over you. I like to think that Jasdero and Devit aren't as well educated as some of the other Noah so whenever Jasdero writes something cute on you it always comes with some misspelled words which you carefully end up telling him only for him to start pouting and complaining that he never learnt how to properly write. He does a lot for your attention so he ends up convincing you to teach him a bit only to never listen to what you try to tell him most of the time. That is until Devit enters your little lessons and that is when both twins get competitive and try to prove to you that they are the smarter twins. Every morning when he is there he bursts into your room unannounced with a brush in his hand and plops down on your bed, insisting for you to do his hair for him. At one point you stop requesting for him to knock on the door as you instead learn to not undress until you have done his hair. When Devit realises that Jasdero uses his hair as an excuse to get more affection from you he suddenly storms into your room and insists for you to do the same for him as well, even starts growing his own hair for it as well.
💛​What those two share with clothes on they also share with clothes off. Your first threesome is with those two guys and it is constantly a fight as both of them are greedy, selfish and needy. Jasdero is the more submissive one and that shows itself. Not only because he does comply somewhat with Devit's demands and normally lets his brother go first but also because he is a little masochist who loves to be beneath you. He loves it when you touch his hair and you're one of the few people he allows to touch and caress it but when you are on top of him and bounce up and down his throbbing cock he is quite literally begging you to just grab a fistful of his hair and tug at it with enough force so that it hurts, his eyes rolling into the back of his head the moment you comply as an abrupt purr leaves his lips and he suddenly starts ejaculating. Devit sometimes teases him for being so sensitive to the point where he cums way too easily and Jasdero does take quick offense in it but quickly forgets about those quiet insecurities when he sees you for the first time covered in his semen. He loves splashing his cum on your stomach and chest, it almost reminds him of painting on you like he does normally with pencils.
💛​Both twins are quite handsy even under normal circumstances and aren't even ashamed to squeeze your ass or your chest and Devit is only bad influence for you in that regard. The blonde twin has preferences for your chest though, your breasts almost like stress balls he can't get enough of squeezing, touching and even fucking once he discovers what a titjob is and it doesn't matter how small his darling is in that department. Adding to his masochistic tendencies he has a thing for temperature play though he takes it sometimes a bit too far for your tendencies. He asks you to bring matches with you and to put them out on you and if you are someone who smokes you can bet that he'll ask you to put them out on him as well. The sensation of the burning pain only adds to his already sensitive and overwhelmed nerves and he loves it. At one point during sex his brain ends up becoming kind of mushy when he's too stimulated, his sentences reduced to mindless babbles, singular words and purrs as his mind fails him. You wonder if this is what you look like to people like Tyki or Sheril. after they are done with you Still, Jasdero doesn't stop until Devit stops.
🖤​Devit is in many aspects still quite immature. He fails to control his feelings for you properly, actively attempts to rebel against them as he acts cocky and rude around you, constantly tries to put you down. Don't you walk around thinking that you have control over him and the other Noah. He plays pranks on you all the time, tries to intimidate you and does everything he can do to put you down without harming you. Deep down he feels sorry about it, especially once he sees the hurt and the wet shimmer in your eyes but instead of apologising he always walks away. In private Jasdero pleads him to stop this and his heart agrees with his brother's words but his arrogance and pride get in the way. Until one day he takes it too far as on that day he is especially pissed due to a failed mission and vents it unjustified out on you when he catches you alone when all you did was ask him if he's alright. He ends up chasing after you with a gun, occasionally fires one of his special bullets though he always makes sure to miss you. It's when Jasdero physically stops him and he notices for the first time the pure fear in your eyes, tears streaming down your face that he snaps out of his rage.
🖤​You run to Road after, Road tells the Earl about what happened and the Earl visits both twins later that night. The next day both are already on their knees when you step out of the room, furiously apologising to you, their voices sounding mildly terrified. As rough and possessive as Devit tends to be even after he has accepted his feelings, that memory is a sensitive spot that always shuts him up when you bring it up and as much as he would like to lash out and tell you that you were overreacting that time, he can't get that look you gave him out of his mind. You looked at him as if expecting him to murder you, something he would never do. Not to you... Never you... In comparison to Jasdero he is much more shamless and does everything whilst knowing that normally his behavior wouldn't be appropriate and Jasdero often ends up copying him. He slaps your ass when he walks by or makes some inappropriate comments about you, all with a smirk on his face. Some Noah still tend to be disappointed with him due to his actions, Road specifically has sworn to torment him with pranks of her own for the rest of his life and as angry as he gets with her, deep down he feels like he deserves it.
🖤​He is not going to admit it initially but you really make him horny, he is often half-hard when around you and he gets jealous once he realises that older Noah members have already had the pleasure of indulging in you. He struggles to voice those desires though and that is because the idea of being naked and vulnerable with you secretly scares him. To still rid himself of that pesky erection though he ends up stealing your used panties, stroking his hardened length all whilst his nose is buried inside the material before a choked growl escapes him as he feels his seed spilling all over his fist and the floor. Jasdero walks in on him one time, lets out a shocked gasp and before Devit can beg or threaten him to not let you know his brother is already running to you and all Devit can do is throw the underwear on the floor before hastily zipping up his pants all whilst chasing after his twin. You find them tangled up on the floor as Jasdero is calling your name whilst Devit tries to shut him up, even attempting shove his fist inside his brother's mouth yet he doesn't succeed and the shocked look you give him is enough for him to bury his face in his hands and muffle his embarrassed screams as he rolls around on the ground.
🖤​Jasdero takes claim over your chest and Devit in return seems to take your ass for himself during sex. Most of the positions are always positions where he has a good view of your rear and can squeeze and smack it however he likes. Doggy style is his favorite and whilst he normally prefers to dominate you and be above you all of the time the few occasions where he let you ride him it was in reverse cowgirl. The words leaving his mouth are pure filth and he doesn't even attempt to filter any of them as he calls you "little bitch", even if you should be taller than him but don't mention that since he probably feels slightly embarassed if you should be taller than him, "slut" or other slightly condescending names. Something both twins have in common though is that they are quite noisy but in very different ways. Whilst Jasdero is all moaning and purring like a broken mess Devit is constantly growling and cussing, especially if he climaxes and sees his seed dripping out of your ass. The twins can never stop competing even during sex so both of them constantly push your as well as each others limit until all three of you are so exhausted that you just fall asleep together in a tangled and sweaty mess.
Lulu Bell aka Lustol
🔳​Lulu Bell isn't a Noah you immediately get to know which is a bit strange considering that you are in the truest sense of the word swarmed by most of the other members. She's calm, she's quiet and she almost appears to prefer staying in the shadows. She remains someone you truly don't understand at all as she is quite aloof in your eyes. You haven't really interacted much with her nor have you had long conversations with her. It is this distance that you always thought existed between her and you that gives you the wrong idea about her true feelings for you. You thought that she was one of the Noah who didn't want to accept you but that could not have been more of a lie. Lule Bell has in fact accepted you since the very beginning, has acknowledged her feelings from the very start and has been infatuated with you from the moment you were brought here. She just has a very different way of showing it in comparison to people like Road or the twins who are very clingy. Lulu Bell is the one who stalks you, who always watches over you and who always memorises every little important detail she observes as she analyses you in your new life.
🔳​Road has been playing annoying but ultimately harmless tricks on Devit ever since one of his supposed pranks went too far, Lulu Bell has been punishing him much harder. She indulges in the activity commonly referred to as pranks as well, only that her attempts are far more dangerous. She one time set fire on Devit's clothes and whilst Devit accuses her of trying to murder him she just gives him a stoic and cold expression before stating that she would never do that and that he isn't made out of sugar. Once you manage to start a conversation with her you get a tad bit uncomfortable, mainly because you are caught off guard by everything she seems to know about you. In some form Lulu Bell almost reminds you of a guard dog. She's usually very composed, quiet and polite around even others from the Noah family, except the Earl, yet around you she is quite obedient as her entire interest seems to revolve around you, your interests and your safety. Another thing that surprises you is to find out that she is quite affectionate in her own ways. She likes laying her head on your lap, likes when you praise her, likes when she can do something for you to make you happy.
🔳​She represents the Lust of the Noah and that is really all you need to know about her to get a vague idea of what might lay ahead in the future. You would like to believe that Lulu isn't that kind of person since she appears always so melancholy and calculated yet the truth is that you don't know what is going on in her head and perhaps it is better that way. It is the woman's desire to please you to her best abilities and for her to prove that to you she is not above coercing you into bed with her. By the time you are nude in front of her whilst she grips your thighs and spreads them apart you have already had your fair share of sex with other Noah, a knowledge that only fuels Lulu Bell's own lust to finally get a taste of you as well. She always ends up overstimulating you, forcing orgasm after orgasm out of you until you're lightheaded. A glass of water is always pushed past your lips to keep you hydrated as she ensures your health before she picks up right where she stopped. You are the only one who looks like the mess when all is finally over as she still manages to look like the elegant and cold beauty even with your juices covering her chin and her hands, golden eyes watching you as she licks her fingers.
🔳​Lulu can shapeshift. She can change her appearance, her height, her gender and even her species. You've always known that about her yet it is only when she starts getting sensual with you that you realise what possibilities she has. Possibilities she fully utelises. She elongates her tongue to reach further into you, turns her fingers into almost tentacle-like appendages which wriggle around and explore the deepest parts of you that no one else, not even the other Noah, have ever reached. She's even offered that she could change her gender if you should prefer the feeling of cumming around a dick, an offer you shot down as the thought made you feel embarrassed and awkward. As unfaced as Lulu often seems, her facade crumbles when you start praising her as she is a sucker for compliments from you. That's when she starts purring happily, the vibrations making your walls clench whenever her tongue is diving inside of you as she gets drunk on your sticky release. As someone often stalking you without you knowing of it, Lulu has turned into a voyeur, her fingers sneaking inside her own panties whenever she spots you masturbating as she starts playing with her own clit.
Sheril Kamelot
🪢​Sheril has welcomed you with open arms the moment you were introduced to the family and it didn't even need Road to convince him of your worth. His own obsession took care of that very nicely all alone already. Being spoiled is nothing unusual for you but even you admit that Sheril is very excessive about it. There is rarely a day where he doesn't gift to you new jewelry, dresses or other articles of clothing. Once he finds out that Road always holds tea parties with you in her own dimension he gets ridiculously upset about it, whines to her that he'd love to participate as well and that he could bring the most wonderful tea, delicious cakes and expensive set of cups and teapots with him if she were to let him join. He even buys cute and frilly dresses, insists for her and you to wear them when she has her fun with you whilst denying him of his wish to see his cherished daughter and his beloved looking all beautiful and cute together. His reactions are comedical and he's almost quite ridiculous though at one point you know better than to underestimate him or let your guard down. A wise decision. After all Sheril is very possessive even if there may not always be a need to show it.
🪢​The Kamelot residence is one of the few places where you are allowed to visit, with preparation beforehand after all. It is only then that you are mortified to find out that Sheril is in fact married to another woman. Tricia is a nice and kind woman, though of fragile health and from that point on you try to reject his affection. You know Sheril doesn't love her, you know he only uses and manipulates her yet your skin crawls whenever he tries to touch you from that point on. What were you hoping by denying him though, doll? He doesn't react well to your silly attempts to distance yourself out of a sense of respect for his wife. In fact it only reveals to you the seedy and greedy man that has been hiding underneath that sappy facade all along. You shouldn't concern yourself at all with what Tricia might feel if she were to find out that her husband is obsessed with another and doesn't care about her at all. He isn't even shy to suggest that he could stage something to have her succumb tragically due to some fatal disease, words you know he means. Only by accepting his smothering affection from that day on you know you can guarantee her survival.
🪢​Sheril is the Noah of Desire and desiring he does you all the time. In innocent and in carnal ways. He's well aware of your inner guilt and shame of allowing yourself to be doted on and loved by him despite being married and he can already guess how you'd feel about committing adultery with him. A topic that would only ever heighten your shame and guilt only excites Sheril. You're quite an innocent thing after all so the idea of dragging you into his own desires and forcing you to writhe and cum around a man's cock who is wedded to another has his heart beating faster and his cock straining against his pants. He wants to see the tears of shame burning in your eyes, wants to watch as the discomfort on your face turns into pleasure until you're forced to cum around his dick. Sheril has a corruption kink going on and he doesn't even attempt to hide it at all. He adores cooing down at you whilst you're pushed over the edge and gush around his member thrusting in and out of you, chiding you for enjoying this all so much even though you yourself insisted on adultery being wrong. But if it really feels as good as it does, it can't be all that bad now, can it?
🪢​His corruption kink gets only more and more twisted as he forces to to wear Tricia's clothes and fucks you inside of them and at one point he even has you wearing her wedding ring, a mixture of purrs and growls rumbling from inside his chest as his hips move against your own whilst he's wearing his own wedding ring, fingers intertwined with your own. You don't know what he would have given to marry you and make you officially his beloved yet he knows that the other Noah would object to that and he has to oblige as you are a shared lover of the family. He marks you in other ways, leaves bite marks all over your skin as he shares the blood kink with his brother and he seems to share sometimes when lost in his own desires the same fantasy as the Earl to impregnate you, get you all round with his baby and to make you the mother of his children. Sheril is in comparison to his brother Tyki much more sadistic though, he hurts you and makes you uncomfortable to the point where you end up crying and shedding tears only to feel his hands wiping the hot tears away from your cheeks, a sickening purr vibrating in his chest as his hips pick up speed.
🕶️​You're actually quite comfortable around Maushyma. Whilst he is just as determined to keep you with the Noah family he isn't nearly as overbearing as most of the others. In fact when he is around he often intervenes when he notices that you're uncomfortable due to the antics of the family. He's protective of you in the same way an older brother would be and you appreciate that. Maushyma hasn't always been that way. There was a time where he held a slight grudge against you too, always gave off that slightly mocking aura when you were around as he couldn't understand how one single human had managed to worm their way into the heart of the Noah family. He's always been mature about it though and whilst not accepting you initially he always tolerated you at the very least. By now all those negative feelings have completely disappeared and have instead been replaced by something akin to pity. He pities you sometimes for the situation that you find yourself in, especially since he's aware that you had a normal life before all of this. It may not have been perfect and he might sometimes try to highlight the advantages of living now in the Ark but he sees the toll it tends to have on you.
🕶️​He advocates for you to get at least a bit more freedom whenever he has the chance or notices that your mood has hit rock bottom. If you should have had a pet before you were abducted he suggests bringing it over so that you have at least some semblance of normalcy in your life and if you shouldn't have one he would probably still suggest that they should get you one to help your mind to focus on something else than the isolation and the new life you're forced to lead. He loves drinking, has actually invited you over to enjoy a few bottles of wine with him only to be stopped by another Noah. Maushyma's tolerance when it comes to booze is nothing short of terrific after all and they don't want your liver to give up on you as Maushyma sometimes tends to forget that he can hold his liquor better than any human could ever. So instead he just drinks herbal tea with you as alcohol is out of option per say of all other Noah members. Whenever you're feeling depressed or down he prepares you hot tea and even lets you put on his sunglasses even though you know how important they are to him. Honestly, he's one of the Noah you feel most at ease with which does attract some jealousy.
👅​Fiedla is a very passive person who tends to follow the orders and the decisions of others instead of making his own. So whilst he might also harbor the common mindset that normal humans are inferior in comparison to his family he has never bothered to try to spite you. That carefree and passive behavior of his eases him pretty much into his obsession. It brings his fair share of disadvantages with it though. Often he is either too dense to realise that he is making you uncomfortable or he decides that he can't be bothered to care enough, forcing you to spend time with him all whilst you're feeling a high level of discomfort in his presence. The fact that he so nonchalantly showed you his Parasitic Tongue covered in eyeballs and told you very explicitly what it can do has only frightened you more and as if truly too uncaring or blind to see how uncomfortable and disgusted you are with those features of his he has even shown you the mouth on his belly. You feel queasy whenever you catch a glimpse of his tongue, his eyeballs always looking into your direction as if also sharing the same obsession with him and it always takes another Noah to reprimand him and tell him to stop.
👅​His passiveness has one advantage though which is that he also does most requests you give him without questioning it much or expecting a reward for it, even finding himself often taking your side when arguments happen. He isn't nearly as clingy as half of the other Noah and just like Lulu he is actually often watching you from behind the scenes. He could be laying on the couch whilst you're surrounded by Road, Jasdero, Devit and other members who are trying to get your attention yet his gaze would still be glued to you. If there is one habit of his that you really don't like it is the fact that he goes into your room when you aren't in it simply to walk around inside of it, open your drawers and cabinets to see what you have in your room. He's curious after all and he doesn't have anything better to do which is the most common answer he gives you when you try to tell him to stop. He doesn't even bother to justify himself and judging from the look on his face you know that he'll do it sooner or later again.
Wisely Kamelot
👁️​Wisely himself isn't even all that unpleasant for you. It is his Demon Eyes that make you uncomfortable as he is able to read your thoughts, your mind not safe around him. Sure, he insists that he respects your privacy and wouldn't want to poke around in your head but that is a lie and other Noah tell you so as well. You know it's a lie as he always responds to questions crossing your mind when you are around or comments on a thought that you had but didn't dare to voice. It's his ability to read thoughts of others that makes it impossible for Wisely to remain delusional as he can quite literally look inside your head to know what's going on and how you're feeling. He knows how you think and feel about other Noah so it actually isn't uncommon for the Earl or other Noah to ask him how you feel about them. Even Devit sometimes drags him away to ask him what you think about him though he threatens Wisely to never tell you about that. He shares such information the most with his sister Road as both of them muse how they can get you to warm up to all members as good as possible. Armed with the knowledge of what you think about him all the time, Wisely has the best requirements.
👁️​Even though he isn't the oldest Noah he is actually able to remember the lives of all of his previous reincarnations which give him a surprising amount of wisedom you don't expect. Wisely is sometimes almost childish after all, wanting to be the center of your attention and fighting over it with the rest of his family and sometimes even daring to ask if he can share a bed with you when he struggles to fall asleep. Still, he will make use of his abilities and the information he gathers through it. He is willing to compromise with you if it helps him to get closer to you but he simply can't stop reading your mind. It's his ability after all and deep down he actually enjoys that he has such an intimate bond with you where he can so casually always know what you're thinking. Like Maushyma his powers enable him to step in whenever he hears your thoughts and realises that you're not feeling well at the moment. You've learned after some time of being forced to live with the Noah that just sucking it up and suffering silently is the best choice you have. In such moments Wisely appears, hoping that you'll think of him in that moment as your hero.
👁️​The ability to look into the mind of other people can be a blessing as much as it can be a curse and that holds especially true if so many of the Noah hold such desire and lust for you. Tyki is bad, Sheril is worse, Lulu Bell is shocking and there are so many more Noah who give Wisely a headache. This is actually how he always knows who has already fucked you and who has fucked you most recently. It's partially embarrassing but he'd lie if he were to say that he doesn't try to peak deeper into the memory of other Noah to find out more about it. He often ends up with a headache and a restricting tightness in his pants as even reading the memories of other Noah having sex with you seems to affect him. It's especially bad if someone is currently devouring your pussy whilst he's also in the Ark as he picks up on the thoughts of you and whoever your current partner is, the thoughts just flodding into his mind whilst he's either not able to stop them or doesn't want to stop them. He can't help himself when he fishes his own stiff cock out of his pants and starts masturbating whilst listening in on the thoughts of you and the other Noah, able to visualise what you must look like in that moment.
👁️​As weird as it might sound by the point you have your first time with Wisely he already knows pretty well where to touch you thanks to all the thoughts of other Noah. He does often all the foreplay by using his tongue and his fingers, his five eyes watching you very closely. He gets more lazy though when it's his time to be pleasured which is why he often allows you to take the lead by riding him, letting you do all the work whilst he just leans back and enjoys the pleasure he receives. He might even get a little bit bratty and demanding whilst beneath you now that he has your entire attention only on himself. His hands are grasping your flesh tightly, his hips chasing after yours as he whines, growls and begs for more compliments from you. He's beautiful after all, there should be more than enough that you can praise and compliment him for. He especially adores it when he knows that your words of praise are sincere, your thoughts speaking nothing but the truth which leads him to let out happy purrs as he basks in your undivided attention and adoration.
👨‍⚖️​Toraido initially puts away his own feelings of confusion and distrust he harbors for you, unclear with himself whether he should view you as a threat or if he should plunge himself into the same obsession so many other Noah have fallen in already. Instead as soon as the Earl declares you to now stay with their family he instantly only focuses on the task he has been given each reincarnation. Toraido is the Judge, he is responsible to see it through that no family members betrays the Noah and now that you have been made part of that family his judgement is cast upon you from that day on too. Whenever he is around you can feel his golden eyes following you, the same serious expression always decorating his face as if he's judging your every breath. He's by far one of the strictest people within the family, always voting to restrict your freedom as much as possible which has led you to not like Toraido at all yet your feelings do not deter his determination in the least. Toraido has already once failed in his purpose when Nea not only betrayed but nearly killed the entire family and for that it is no wonder that he antagonises the recent reincarnation of him as much as he does.
👨‍⚖️​He doesn't even allow you anywhere near Nea whenever he is around and Toraido is by far not the only Noah who doesn't want you to be around the 14th too much. In Toraido's eyes the traitor would only be a terrible influence for you and he can't have that. Toraido is about as taciturn as Lulu Bell is, maybe even more as you discover that he really seems to dislike talking. The few times you tried to spark conversations with him he merely gave you a single glance, letting you bathe in the embarrassing silence. It is not within his desires to talk to you as it would seem, being able to observe you and ensure that you never betray the Noah family seems to be enough for him. However, sometimes he drags you to his own room where he guides you to sit down before he starts meditating, silently demanding from you to follow his example. Such an unexpected action from him happens almost exclusively when Toraido notices how tense and stressed you are and his forceful invitation to meditate with him is apparently his way of attempting to help you to relax. You must say, it is nice to be surrounded by nothing but silence for a while.
👨‍⚖️​Toraido has never considered himself to be impatient nor selfish when it comes to you. He understands that you are after all a shared darling for the entire Noah family and he has always put his own duty as the Judge above the silly commotion of sleeping with you. He doesn't mind that at one point he is one of the few who hasn't gotten his taste of you yet. It is only when he realises that apparently Nea, despite always edging you on and teasing, hasn't gotten you for himself either that he finally starts getting competitive. He doesn't want to be last, not when it is Nea who is also still left. He doesn't want to lose against the traitor once more. So the next time you find yourself knocking on the door to his room as he left a note for you informing you that he wants to see you, the meditation session you expected to happen to him never happens. Instead he sits quietly in the middle of the room, not even looking at you when you open the door which leaves you to tentatively step closer to him only to be suddenly grabbed by the hips and pulled down as his lips crash against your own, a quiet growl leaving his lips as he rubs his bulge against your cloathed pussy.
👨‍⚖️​You've never encountered someone so utterly quiet whenever he takes you. No teasing words, no dirty talk, no pleas, no whines, no moans. Only the subtle growl occasionally escaping his chest, so quiet and short that you sometimes wonder if you were merely imagining it or not. Sex with Toraido isn't always fulfilling for you though, mainly because he only pleasures you when he deems that you have behaved yourself well in your new life with the Noah family. If he deems that you haven't behaved properly and were very impolite and disrespectful you're only getting the feeling of his cock hammering against the back of your throat, only left with your hardest attempts not to gag as you're forced to suck him off until he comes and splashes his sticky and translucent semen all over your face and chin. Only when he judges your attitude and your actions around the Noah as obedient and good will he be the one to pleasure you, forcing you into all sorts of positions that vaguely remind you of yoga figures whilst taking you from different directions. Your joints and muscles always hurt as he bends you into shapes that always test your flexibility to its limit.
⚙️​Maitora always works from behind the scenes and even though you often don't notice them they are always somewhere in the background. In fact it is Maitora who has actually built the Ark and who has had a large hand in creating the room you're currently living in as well. All technology that you find yourself surrounded with, they have created and they take pride in knowing how amazed you are by their inventions. Whenever you accidentally break something or another Noah breaks something, a likely scenario if the twins are around anywhere, Maitora has it all fixed within 24 hours. It's no secret that you often feel down or bored, stuck in a room and spoiled with money until you almost become jaded with all the presents you receive, and it is then that Maitora has the idea to build you harmless machines with which you can play and entertain yourself with. Mechanical figures that can walk and dance around and other silly inventions that they come up with. Sometimes you're even allowed to watch them working on another project and can even participate if they're building something that isn't involved with the Ark.
⚙️​You're more likely to meet Maitora when little to no light is around since they don't like the brightness and prefer the darkness. Since they are so inconspicious they sometimes spend minutes watching you from a few feet away without you even noticing it until you finally look up and nearly suffer from a heart attack then and there. At least they listen when you ask them to inform you of their presence next time unless they want to be responsible for you dying due to your heart stopping. From that day on they tap your shoulder if you haven't noticed them two minutes after they have arrived. They like taking care of mice, even have a few of them as pets. If you shouldn't like mice they are going to be a bit sad since they're fond of the little animals but will accept your fear and hide them whenever you visit their room. If you should be someone who actually likes mice though they're going to be excited about the possible aspect of bonding more by taking care of the mice together with you. If you do a good job they might even gift you a few of your own which you can keep in your room and raise yourself. They might even cure some of your loneliness.
Nea D. Campell
​🎹​Shunned, distrusted, kept away from you as often as possible. Nea has successfully turned his own family against him when he betrayed them and killed multiple of them, leaving only Adam and Road left by the end of it all. It is only the Earl that still holds true affection for him, who still welcomes him despite everything that he as done and Nea takes advantage of the attachment the Lor Millenium still holds for him to gain more privacy and time with you. He has no shame using others to achieve his own goal, ruthless and manipulative as he goes about his day. He does not wish to be part of the Noah family yet is forced to do so by the Earl, hating yet temporarily resigned to the knowledge that a Noah can't hide from other Noah. For now he is left with no choice but to accept the fact that you will never be truly his, not with all the other Noah around. If there should ever be a chance for him to make you solely his though Nea is going to seize it as he embodies possessive love in its truest sense. He wants you to belong to him and only him. For now he has to remain patient though as he manoeuvres his way through each day, surrounded by Noa who don't want him anywhere near you.
​🎹​He's exceptionally skilled in acting and deceiving you, always sweet and gentle when he talks to you, luring you to his side by playing piano for you, his voice soft and his eyes warm when you converse with him. It almost manages to fool your heart even if it wouldn't be for the fear you hold against the Noah overall and the warnings you receive from everyone else. His feelings for you aren't pure, an unhealthy obsession mingling with his hatred for humans. You're no equal and he sees Adam's wish to treat you as an equal and as a lover as a naive daydream. Sure, you are infinitely better than any other human yet to Nea you are no equal. You are a little, exotic pet that he wants to own and possess yet he can't have it his way. So his only choice is to try to feed you with his lies and poison to get you as attached and as addicted to him as possible. The mere notion of sharing you with all the other Noah is ridiculous, nothing short of distasteful yet for now he has to practice his patience and wait for the right moment. He's going to betray them again as soon as he gets the chance and he will take you with him for he desires to have you only for his own eyes and his own pleasure.
​🎹​Nea doesn't want to have to approach you, doesn't want to bow down to his own desires and seek you out. Such a thing would be unsightly and beneath him. No, he wants you to be the one to seek him out, to beg for him and tell him that you need him and he doesn't even mind playing the long mindgame with you to achieve it. The moment you're left alone he lures you away, that kind look being replaced by a devious gleam in his eyes as soon as it's only him and you. It starts out with teasing touches, with sweetly condescending words yet every time you have another encounter with him the situation escalates more and more until your panties hang loosely around your ankles whilst three of his fingers are plunged deep within you, his thumb playing around with your sensitive clit and his lips muffling your whines and whimpers. God, you can almost feel yourself cumming as his fingers pump in and out of you fastly, can already feel your walls clenching around his digits until he suddenly pulls out of you, leaving your walls clamping painfully around the sudden nothingness as you let out a frustrated sob as he denies you once again an orgasm.
​🎹​He despises that he isn't the first one who claimed you even though it was his own pride holding him back. He loathes that so many Noah already got their hands on you. You're spoiled good, nothing more than a worthless human who has sold their own body to anyone available. The switch in personalities is jarring every single time as Nea's words are not meant to degrade you whilst turning you on but are meant to target your insecurities and to break you down whilst you're already so vulnerable and exposed, pressed benath him. You end up crying each time when you find yourself once again fooled by his sweet facade, his words hurting you and his denial of letting you cum multiple times leaving you on edge. He won't give you your desired pleasure, not until he has broken you enough for you to sob and chant to him that you're only his precious pet and that the other Noah should mean absolutely nothing to you. Only then are you allowed to gush around his cock, the cracks already in your heart. Who knows, he might just break the old man's heart by destroying him his dream and have you swell with his own child before anyone else and stake his claim over you in something as the first one.
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saurongorthaur9 · 12 hours
ROP S2E7 Spoilers
So...the stupid kiss did indeed happen, and as promised yesterday, I need to vent and get it out of my system. It was every bit as stupid and unnecessary as I feared it would be; somehow, I was hoping if that was what happened, that somehow it wouldn't be as bad as it sounded? But yeah...it was. This is probably going to be a pretty long post, as I've been thinking a lot about what bothers me so much about it as a concept and I have a lot of Thoughts.
A disclaimer to begin with: yeah, part of me is disappointed that it wasn't the kiss I hoped it would be, but I knew from the start that a Sauron kiss would be very, very unlikely. If it had happened, it would have been less about a ship for me, and more about the validation for me of getting an onscreen Sauron kiss in a huge, professional production as I've written about in other posts. I would have loved a Sauron kiss, but that's not what is really bothering me on more than a surface level. So with that disclaimer aside...
I think I can break what bothers me down into two basic categories.
The first is more straightforward: it was SO unnecessary. Yes, there needed to be some way for Galadriel to get free, but there are so many ways it could have been set up without a weird, incredibly uncomfortable kiss that came out of absolute nowhere being necessary. He could have gently stroked her hair and slipped it behind her ear or into her hair itself (I used to have very long hair, and a pin like that would definitely get stuck if you tucked it in.) If they wanted to go the humorous, cliché route, they could have had him sneak it to her in a pie (that's a joke, I'm also glad they didn't do that, but my point is, they had options).
They could have set up the scene with a different tone and gone the Frodo-and-Sam-as-orcs route and had them fake a fight. I actually would have loved this. It could have been a culmination of the resentment and tension that's been building between the two of them all season to let off some steam at each other. It could have been one of those "we're fake fighting, but we're also real fighting at the same time" sort of scenes (which are delicious when pulled off right) where we could have gotten some real interesting character development and relationship development between the two of them before the orcs pulled them apart (but not before Elrond slipped the pin into her hand or tunic while pretending to push her or something).
The kiss however did nothing. Per my last two paragraphs, it being a kiss wasn't necessary for the plot. It didn't do anything to reveal anything about Elrond and Galadriel's relationship or develop it in any way. It didn't develop either Elrond or Galadriel's character in any way. It was purely and utterly for shock value.
And that's the first big thing: I really hate things used for shock value. It's a personal pet peeve of mine. And to make it clear, there's a different between using something for shock value and doing something shocking. Mirdania's death was pretty shocking, but it served the purposes of both showing how utterly ruthless Sauron is and solidified the elven soldiers' doubt in Celebrimbor's sanity. But using something for mere cheap shock value is so disappointing of the show. The writing had been SO good, everything had been so deliberate and intentional, that it made the sudden breach of that even more jarring and unpleasant.
And it makes me super worried for the future of the show. This show isn't Game of Thrones; it doesn't need shock value. But now they've set the precedent that adding pure shock value is okay for this show. It makes me afraid what else down the road will be thrown in the audience faces just to illicit an unpleasant reaction.
The second major thing that is bugging me about that scene is a little more insidious and subtle. I've seen people saying "it wasn't romantic", but the thing is, whether or not it was intended, romantic tension has now been introduced to Elrond and Galadriel's dynamic. Let me explain.
That scene was a pretty clear example of the Forced Proximity Trope. For anyone who doesn't know what that means, it's the trope of forcing two characters into a circumstance where they share space or physical intimacy that they wouldn't otherwise share. The most infamous version of it is the There Was Only One Bed trope. And the thing is, it's an incredibly romantic-coded trope. It's almost always used between two characters who have suppressed feelings for one another as a way to force them to confront said suppressed feelings. Even if it's used in a not explicitly romantic way, it still sends a subconscious message of romantic tension because that is what that trope is almost exclusively used for.
So yes, there is now romantic tension between Elrond and Galadriel, and I have a feeling they don't plan on doing anything about it.
At this point, I'd almost feel better if they went all the way and went ahead with the subconscious romantic tension. Like, putting Elrond and Galadriel in a romantic relationship wouldn't be my thing personally, but at least it would provide a sense that the writers had a purpose for the scene and for creating that tension. Dropping that and then not going anywhere else with it, and letting that tension fester for the rest of the series without acknowledging it or doing anything about it would be so disappointing and insulting to the audience.
But again, I'll be very surprised if they ever bring it up again.
And I'm sure the writers knew what they were doing. The only two options are that they were oblivious to the connotations of using that trope or that they knew full well, and used it anyway. And I suspect it's the latter. As good as the overall writing for this season has been, I just can't imagine the writers aren't aware of what they were doing in using that trope. I mean, they've deliberately used a number of romantic-coded tropes to build up the Galadriel/Sauron tension. They aren't oblivious, which means they used the Forced Proximity Trope deliberately and fully aware of it's implications.
It just really seriously damaged my faith in the writing of the show, just when I'd been building it up after some big disappointments from Season 1. Again, they've set a precedent, and I'm really worried this isn't the last time they'll pull something ridiculous like this.
Maybe somehow they'll turn it around. Maybe they'll have Galadriel and Elrond bring it up again and deal with the tension, maybe they do plan to have a romantic subplot between the two of them, or maybe they have something planned down the road that will put that moment in a light that shows it as something other than shock value. But I'm currently pretty pessimistic about that happening.
And it's extra disappointing, because the rest of that episode was absolutely amazing. That one bad moment stands out like a wine stain on a white dress because the rest of the episode was so good.
Anyway, that's my rant. I just had to vent and get my thoughts out of my head where they've been swirling. If anyone is feeling the same way and wants to vent with me, my inbox and messages are open.
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darklinaforever · 17 hours
People who think they're smart to say that suddenly Saurondriel / Haladriel fans care about the Lore for the kiss with Elrond and that we would have preferred it to be Sauron... Yes for the fact that we would have preferred it to be Sauron (especially because sharing a kiss on the mouth has much more meaning with a partner for whom you have romantic feelings in fiction, I say that I'm not saying anything...) But the fact is, that writing a situation which forces two characters to kiss each other on the mouth, even though since the beginning of the show they have been written and played as best friends/brother and sister, or at least as having an almost familial bond, well that was fair not good either! And the fact that we know that Elrond is the future husband of Galadriel's daughter adds to that, yes. But even if the books did not exist and I did not have this information, I would still not like the principle of having her two kiss there, because beyond preferring that she kiss Sauron, a kiss with Elrond makes no fucking sense ! That's all ! And yes, the kiss is not romantic. I know. It serves as a ruse to allow Galadriel to free herself, and this kiss is also chaste. But the fact is that even if nothing actually changed for the characters, the writers still found an excuse to include a kiss between these two, purely in order to probably shock the viewer a little. Because nothing forces them to write that. They chose to do so. In addition to baiting the public of probably Saurondriel / Haladriel, by allowing the actress to say that she would have a kiss on screen in season 2. In the end, it is not even that important in the plot , since in fact it doesn't change anything for the characters. So allowing this information to be said was clearly to bait some of the public, and I refuse to believe that they didn't know what they were doing with the Saurondriel/Haladriel fans, given the way that this relationship was highlighted in the promotion of season 2. The whole concept of this kiss is dishonest to me in its conception. It was not required to be written. But in the context of the series only, let's forget our shitty reality, I don't care because the characters are not impacted by it and there was nothing romantic about it. I still love the Elrond & Galadriel relationship. And I always ship Saurondriel / Haladriel. This kiss didn't change anything about relationships for me, and canonically doesn't anyway.
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korithefox · 1 day
More Flipside spoilers. Fuck off im gonna talk about this stupid game as much as i want /lh
While we agree that all the endings sucked, i was thinking about Jeffery's death in particular and how the lead up to it was completely out of character for both him and Nicole
Let's start with Nicole: she wouldn't have even considered, let alone asked, to get involved with selling her feet to weirdos in the internet, especially if she knows that Jeffery is one of them. Now we know that sex work isn't completely out of the question for her. She sucked dick for drugs in the Re-Up because she was homeless and getting a "normal" job didn't work out. But thats the thing: she didn't have much of a choice. She was doing what it took to cope with her circumstances and have a roof over her head every night. But in the Flipside, she was still living at home and had her own income by stealing and reselling stuff on Ebay. In that case, there is no amount of money high enough that would get her to sell her body. Not to some old man like Jecka's dad, and definitely not to Jeffery of all people.
Speaking of Jeffery, hes fucking weird. That's nothing new. And it's no surprise that he gets off from being degraded by girls he likes. He'll put up with a lot of shit for sexual gratification. But he's also not completely socially blind. He's a dumbass but he knows when he's being bullied and whatnot. While going along and doing stupid shit because Nicole called him a "good boy" is 100% up his alley, i personally think he'd be too smart to let it go as far as it did. He puts up with a lot but he still has his limits. Consider how dismissive he was of Emily and Nicole when he started dating Karen in the Re-Up, and especially how he talked to Nicole and Jecka when they were trying to bully him at the beginning of the Flipside. It shows that he'd matured and realized he doesn't need fake validation from people who don't like him to be happy. He wouldn't do a full 180 on that principle and let Nicole overdose him on Robitussin and whatever else just because she took her shoes off and made his dick hard once
It feels like the first 2 games gave us a set of characters and established their traits, and while not necessarily realistic, they were believable, relatable, and entertaining. Then the Flipside comes along and turns the most well-known of those traits up to 100 just for the hell of it, to the point where the characters being assholes isn't even funny or clever, they're just assholes for the sake of being assholes. They took what we loved about the characters and completely overdid it so that they aren't even 3-dimensional, complex individuals anymore, but rather objects to create borderline pornographic content with that very obviously would've been hated if they (the devs) had taken even a second to look at the type of audience the first 2 games had garnered
The Flipside had so much potential to be an awesome game, but it was ruined by the decision to turn its beloved characters and world into one big piece of "technically legal" fetish art
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i feel like i didn't get to talk about this much online in great enough detail, but for the young or OLDER transmascs and trans men out there, it is perfectly natural to look for a masculine or male role model to look up to for masculinity inspiration and guidance, whether you personally know them or not. Whether they have passed or not, it's okay to search for somebody to look up to and grow ideas from on what it means to be a man in your eyes. It's natural for cisgender boys and men to do it, so why not you as well?
as you grow, you will come to discover there are all types of role models that'll you be able to relate to. or you may only find one. and when you find that person that brings out your inner sense of worth, and what it means to truly be a man to you, and not just from what the media presumes, you'll know. you'll feel comfort in not just your skin, but also your mind. you'll feel a sense of strength, security, protection, balance and loyalty. you'll speak with actions over words. you'll be able to proudly follow the path of a man, something you hadn't been able to envision before. thanks to having a masculine role model, you will now have something to strive to surpass.
there is no perfect male or masculine role model. there isn't anyone in this world who is perfect. in fact, due to your past womanhood and cautious upbringing, you may believe you don't deserve to receive guidance in this new world as a man. you may still believe and remember the words you spat and the evil you were taught about the everyday man, especially if you grew up in a dangerous area being groomed, abused or having had experienced traumatic history. this doesn't mean men can't hurt others, but you have been taught every man WILL and CAN hurt you, if given the chance, by the men AND women in your life. so now you worry and wonder, "Will people think I've become a man so I can become the attacker, instead of the prey waiting for the pounce?" you'll begin to think, you betrayed yourself as a fellow transmasc, and trans man. you'll see that frightened, confused "girl" who was still in the "attic"- because at this point you shoved those thoughts about your gender so deep inside the closet of your brain that it rose above your head until it finally collapsed on top of you. you'll wonder, "If I was cisgender, would I have hurt me too?"
the answer is you don't AND will never truly know. and it always will be like that. but what you do know is that if given the chance, you'd save yourself all over again in this life right now. you'd rescue and hold that little girl that was scared and misunderstood. because at the end of the day, your soul and values are your own. and your character still shows, regardless of your gender. and even if you aren't that socially aware, you'd comfort that little girl because you would KNOW what pain she was talking about. the pain of feeling misplaced. the anguish of following everyone else's advice, desperate to feel SOMETHING BETTER, only to end up feeling empty- just another puppet on someone else's strings. "But at least I made everyone else happy?, you'd think. but in the end, you didn't make yourself happy- not even a little.
you will know what it feels like to want CHANGE in your life, even if you are still unsure how you'd like to accomplish it. because you've been there. you've done that. and now you can say, you ARE your younger self's hero.
as you search inside yourself, and around you, for a role model on what masculinity means to you, you'll start to realize it all starts with acknowledging who you truly are, who you want to be, and how you want to stand. you begin to realize that the media and radfems have made you think a "perfect man" exists if they just follow a list of rules and guidelines they've made up when you KNOW it's not true. for you were born and went through a lot of the "womanhood" they experienced as well. and even if a masculine person meets ALL THESE GUIDELINES AND RULES, THERE'S STILL ROOM FOR A GRAY AREA. BECAUSE PEOPLE ARE HUMAN BEINGS. WHETHER FEMME OR MASC, ANYONE CAN BE A BAD OR GOOD PERSON.
being a masculine person or man doesn't make you a horrible person, it just means you're human. and if we aren't taught to self hate, hurt ourselves or dismiss our own feelings as men, we can achieve so much. especially when we aren't hating ourselves on our journey through our manhood. i am lucky to know the few cis men i do in my personal life that i do; and that i get to look up to them. for they are leaders, strong both mentally, and emotionally. they are loyal and love, loudly and silently. they behave differently based on their relationships with others, but are never indirectly inconsistent, for they are honest. and i admire them for that. for they are themselves and they demand respect. and to me, a nonbinary transmasc human being, that is and has been the hardest thing for me to do: demanding respect from others.
when you find your masculinity role model, you'll begin to understand what younger cis boys most likely felt when they looked up to some of their heroes; whether family, family friends, older classmates, entertainment stars, sports players or historical figures. you'll get to experience the newfound feeling of walking down a different path then originally planned as a transmasc man. some cis people will tell YOU you HAVE to act this way to discover your role model AND to live like said person. you do NOT. for your personality, AND your manhood are a part of you that show your inner character. your clothes, morality and male role model(s) show what you like, honor and value. but your soul shows your identity. your words explain your story and heart. your wisdom shows your willingness and strength to learn how to be an honest, hard-working man.
and just like the male role model you are searching for, you'll soon start to find out you may be someone else's reason and inspirational story. thanks to you they may have a reason to continue exploring their own masculinity. they can now define their own path on what it means to become a better man. thanks to you.
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waningwithoutwaxing · 11 months
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Wow. He's really asserting that poor people are willing to do any kind of horrible thing to get money. Do you want to know who really can do anything to get more money? Who has no qualms about crushing people and skirting laws to get more of it? Corporations. The unfathomably wealthy. The ones who don't even need more money to live. That's who.
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wikipedie · 2 years
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The train is late and your family is dead
I think grief is like a really ugly couch. It never goes away. You can decorate around it; you can slap a doily on top of it; you can push it to the corner of the room—but eventually, you learn to live with it. ― Jodi Picoult, Leaving Time
Joan Didion, The Year of Magical Thinking | The Mentalist season 1, episode 7: Seeing Red | Linda Pastan, The Five Stages of Grief | The Mentalist season 2, episode 23: Red Sky in the Morning | teashoesandhair, grief | The Mentalist season 1, episode 5: Redwood | Lemony Snicket, A Series of Unfortunate Events (for Beatrice) | The Mentalist season 4, episode 23: Red Rover, Red Rover | The Mentalist season 5, episode 2: Devil's Cherry | Anne Carson, Glass, irony and god | Jamie Anderson | Anne Carson, Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides | The Mentalist season 7, episode 13: White Orchids | Glennon Doyle Melton, Love Warrior
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anoddopal · 1 month
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Meanwhile, on Banaro Island...
Silva felt a degree of notable concern when the situation between Ace and Captain Teach escalated into pure chaos. Would today be it? Would this be the end of her days? She had predicted The Bla.ckbeard Pirates would be the death of her, but not quite in this way. Yet she hardly had time to ponder the matter before La.ffitte promptly scooped bun up when the rest of the crew booked it; for he feared her shorter stature wouldn't allow bun to run away in time.
The best they all could do was stay out of the way by fleeing the scene. The outcome of the duel was in fate's hands...
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fairyroses · 1 year
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She was the only thing I was living for. I’m sorry for your loss, sir, but right now we need to get you airborne. Police will be here any minute. I’m well aware of that. I’m turning myself in.
— SMALLVILLE, “Bizarro” (7.01)
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fromtheseventhhell · 10 months
I'm rewatching the season 8 of GOT, and it's amazing how it gets worse each time each time I notice a new inconsistency. the fact that the prophecy was for nothing, and how with arya killing the night king it made me understand that anyone could kill him, this person just had to have aegon's dagger in their hands like (???)
Why would you do that to yourself?? Forget rewatching, I haven't even watched the final episode (and I never will) 😭
The past few seasons of that show made no sense and I'm tired of people pretending otherwise. It was literally that "anyone could've killed him"; they just shuffled through characters to find one that "felt right" and even considered the Hound or Brienne. The only options should've been Jon or Dany, but Jon would've been "too obvious" (as though being able to tell where the plot is going is a bad thing) and Dany killing the Night King would've been "too heroic" for a character they desperately wanted to demonize. So we were left with...what we got, which really highlights how poorly D&D handled all of these characters. They made Arya's story all about being a fighter, erasing the majority of her development from the books, and then they didn't even make space for her to use those skills. Her face-changing skills never came up after she killed the Freys, she didn't carry out any actual assassinations (they didn't even consider sending her to kill Cersei?), and if they hadn't decided that she would kill the Night King she wouldn't have done anything significant. With the "Ed Sheeran was a surprise for Maisie's last season" thing I doubt they even initially planned for her to survive the entire time, which would've made her story even more pointless. They put no effort into writing her character and just did "whatever was most badass", but I'm supposed to believe that their writing for Arya is anywhere close to what George is writing for her 🥴
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