#I didn't mention it anywhere here since it wasn't brought up
rev3rb · 1 year
Hi, it’s me again. Now we’re really getting somewhere!!! New info about the progenitors’ origins, about angels on other planets, and about their purpose overall. Plus them obviously pointing at the parallels between the plagues & punishments The First and Guren both dealt with. History is obviously repeating itself which makes me really curious about their God’s motives. Particularly bc they haven’t done anything about the plague that’s so lethal to all their subjects. Bc seriously, HALF of them are gonna die?!?! And this has always been a problem left unaddressed 🤨 Perhaps the chp title is a clue. Ik Yuu wondered if they were in Hell, but to me it matches better with the idea of Purgatory.
There was a lot of good stuff, I think one of my favorite aspects was seeing more of Urd and Saito together. Them being paralleled with Yuu and Mika was great. I also enjoyed how trippy it was to see all the angels act so adoring towards The First. Truly, my only complaint is that it’s gonna be a bit difficult if we need to remember all the different names for the angels/progenitors lol
Hello Anon!
Yes! After all this waiting we're finally getting somewhere significant! I'm just hoping that it keeps up and we don't take another multipage "Yu needs to eat to replenish his energy" break soon. It can be nice to be "realistic" like that, but it'd just be an annoying detour if it happens.
Oh, I really adore how history is repeating itself because that sort of thing has been present throughout the series, just less obviously. Everyone has been constantly making the same mistakes, and I've always felt like OnS's story has been about breaking that cycle of similar mistakes. I believe I've talked about it before but Yu and Guren are very obviously meant to parallel each other, and Yu is (most likely) supposed to succeed where Guren failed. The fact that Guren is now being compared to The First is wild. Never thought that would be the case. It's actually really interesting.
The plague. See, I'm wondering if The First didn't somehow do something about it. After all, while most of them are demons, it's worth pointing that that everyone shown is still alive today. Maybe turning them into vampires/demons was how he saved them. I kind of doubt it and think it's part of a step in The First's plan instead, but who knows? This does make me wonder though, nothing the characters we saw in the flashback have ever made any indication that they remember stuff this far back. It makes me wonder if they just don't remember, either as a result of being turned into vampires or bc The First didn't let them remember.
While I do agree with you in the whole "this seems more like Purgatory than Hell", it is worth mentioning that, as far as I remember (my knowledge is admittedly limited), Purgatory is meant to be something you can eventually leave once your sins are atoned for. I don't really think there's any atoning going on here. The First is committing a "sin" and is willing to be punished eternally for that. But yes, I think the idea is supposed to be Purgatory since the chapter title is that.
So happy we got to see more of Urd and Saito together! Their dynamic ended up being really interesting, and it was nice to see that, at least before Saito left Urd, it hadn't really changed all that much between what we saw here and when they were both vampires. As for the name thing, I don't think we'll really have to worry about it since Mika and Yu don't seem to know those angel names. If anything it'll likely just be used in passing since really, we're taking Mika and Yu's perspective on things for the most part, so what they call characters will be more at the forefront.
Thank you yet again for your ask! Things are picking up and I hope we continue on this path! It seems like we're getting closer to figuring out what Yu really is and what's going on.
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dixons-sunshine · 5 months
Holding On To You | Daryl Dixon x Fem!Reader
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Summary: Despite not being too keen on PDA, Daryl craved comfort too. He got that comfort by holding your hand in his. It wasn't always that simple, though. He had to work his way up to being comfortable with that. Luckily, you were a patient person.
Or, three different scenarios in where the archer shows progress in his comfort with you.
Genre: Fluff.
Era: Pre-prison (on the road); pre-Alexandria; Alexandria, pre Saviour arc.
Warnings: Swearing, migraines, mentions of injuries.
Word count: 2.1k
A/n: @louifaith, the muse you are, feeding our Daryl obsessed minds with your beautifully crafted scenarios. I wasn't feeling well today (a migraine and I was pretty dizzy) and didn't get much writing done, but this idea deserved to be written. There's a bit of Eugene slander in this but it's because I don't really like S5 Eugene. He's way better in the other seasons imo. Anyways, I hope you like this!
The cruelty of life seemed endless. With the stability and safety of the farm being something of the past, having to scavenge for scraps and having to move from house to house every few days, and with the impending arrival of Lori's little baby, everyone's spirits were diminished. Everyone longed for the comfort the farm brought for those few weeks you had all been looking for Sophia, everyone wanted a decent meal to satiate their hunger and although Lori's unborn baby was a reminder that innocence still existed, it was also a cruel reminder that you all needed to find someplace to plant some roots, and fast—especially if you didn't want to attract the dead with the baby's loud crying.
You sighed softly as you quietly followed behind Daryl, yours and his boots making clear tracks in the deep snow. The archer, as observant as ever, noticed your shift in mood and turned his head, eyeing you carefully.
“Ya alrigh'?” he questioned, turning his attention back to the tracks in front of him. Your relationship was pretty new, only having been "officially" together since the two of you had shared a kiss back after the fall of the farm.
You nodded, although he couldn't see you. “I'm fine.”
Daryl hummed, unconvinced. “Yer not fine. I know ya better than tha'.”
Your lips twitched up into a smile, walking a little faster to walk next to him. Daryl slowed his pace slightly to allow you to walk next to him at a steady pace, eyeing you as you adjusted your compound bow over your shoulder—a gift he had gotten you when you had mentioned wanting to learn how to hunt.
“I'm fine, I promise. I'm just tired, that's all,” you replied reassuringly, walking almost shoulder to shoulder with your partner.
Daryl shot you a worried look, fully prepared to head back. “If yer tired, we can go back. This trail ain't leadin' us anywhere, anyway.”
“I don't mean tired in the literal sense,” you corrected. “I'm just tired of all this moving around. Not knowing what our next meals going to be, if we even eat at all, not knowing when our current camp's going to be overrun with walkers, not knowing when Lori's baby's going to be here... It's mentally exhausting. We all need a break.”
Daryl nudged his nose up in a nod. “Yeah,” he agreed. “We could do with a couple' of days where we ain't gotta worry.”
Before you could respond, there was a snap of a twig ahead of the two of you. Instinctively, you and Daryl raised your respective weapons in the direction of the noise, expecting to find a walker staggering towards you. However, instead of coming face to face with danger, you saw a small deer walking over to something in the distance.
Daryl raised his crossbow, aiming to take the shot. However, your hand on his arm halted his intentions. He shot you a questioning look, but you only hushed him and beckoned for him to follow you. The two of you slowly crept closer, the scene before you becoming clearer. The small deer made its way to what was presumably its mother, nuzzling against her legs.
You smiled softly at the sight. Despite the fall of the world, beauty still remained. Unbeknownst to you, Daryl was thinking the exact same thing at that moment, but he wasn't looking at the deer. He was gazing at you, taking in your radiant smile, the sparkle in your eyes, just everything about you. You truly were beautiful to the archer.
Hesitantly, Daryl brushed his hand against yours. Your smile widened but you made no move to grab his hand, not wanting to scare him off. You moved at his pace, and whether he held your hand at that moment was his decision.
In the end, the only thing he did was link his pinky with yours, and it was a perfect moment for you. In your mind, that was really good progress for a man who wasn't familiar with giving or receiving comfort. You'd wait as long as you needed to for Daryl to be comfortable around you. You'd never push him, never.
The road seemed endless. You listened to the incessant yapping from one of your newest companions in your group of ragtag survivors, Eugene Porter, and had to resist the urge to tell him to shut up. Despite the euphoria and relief that came with reuniting with your group and having new members that could help you all, you were tired. Not just physically, but mentally, too. It was so much worse this time around than when you were initially on the road two years back. You were sporting a bruised cheek with deep cuts and scrapes littering the rest of your body, and you had a raging migraine.
And Eugene's droning wasn't helping matters at all.
As if sensing your deteriorating resolve at not biting the poor man's head of, Rick finally called for a break. “We rest here for now. We'll get moving again in an hour. Everything you want to do, do it now. Once we move again, we're not stopping until nightfall.”
Everyone soon dispersed, some heading to a nearby creek to refill the water supply, some starting a small fire to heat up some food and some even laying down on the hard ground to get some much needed sleep. You walked over to a tree and slid down against it, resting your head on your knees, willing the migraine away.
You soon heard a rustling next to you, before feeling a body sitting down next to you. You didn't even have to look up to know it was Daryl—the archer's presence was something you had grown used to and you could identify him anywhere.
“Hey,” he greeted you quietly, loosely hugging his knees. “Ya alrigh'?”
You hummed, lifting your head to look at him. “I'm fine,” you replied. “I just have a migraine.”
Daryl nodded, his face showing sympathy for you. “M'sorry we dun' have anythin' fer yer migraine. I know how bad they can get.”
You smiled and shook your head, placing your hand on the ground beside you, right between you and Daryl. “It's okay. It'll go away eventually. It's not that bad, as long as Eugene's quiet.”
Daryl chuckled, eyeing the aforementioned man who was sitting near the campfire. “Yeah, he's quite annoying, ain't he?”
“No, he's alright. He just needs to learn to be quiet from time to time.”
Daryl hummed and quieted down, simply basking in the early afternoon heat under the shade of the tree while the two of you observed the survivors going about their chores. However, Rick soon called for everyone to regroup, and you and Daryl got up to follow behind him.
You and Daryl walked at the back, giving you some semblance of privacy, and some semblance of relief from Eugene's rambling as he was at the front with Abraham and Rosita. Slowly and hesitantly, Daryl moved closer to you and brushed his hand against yours, before slowly interlacing his fingers through yours.
You smiled up at him, and he returned the smile with a small one of his own. It may not have been the first time that you've held hands with the archer, but it was the first time that you've done so with people around. Although Daryl slightly manoeuvred the two of you in a way that your locked hands wouldn't draw attention if people weren't directly looking at you, it was still a big deal for you. He was starting to show you off publicly. Although people back at the prison knew you as "the hunter's girl" because of an incident where a guy flirted with you and Daryl put him in his place, PDA wasn't something they ever saw from the man. He preferred to keep that part of your lives private—so this simple gesture was a big deal.
You squeezed his hand, a gesture you and Daryl had come up with to quietly tell the other "I love you". Daryl smiled softly and squeezed your hand back.
You truly loved this man, and he had shown countless times that he loved you, too.
“You guys should come over again. This was nice,” Eric told you with a smile, him and Aaron walking out onto the porch with you and Daryl.
You smiled at him and nodded. “We will, especially if you're going to be serving that spaghetti you made again. It was delicious. Seriously, thank you. It's the best meal we've had in a while.”
“No thanks necessary,” Aaron replied, waving you off. “It was our pleasure.”
Daryl nodded, moving to shake Aaron's extended hand. “Thanks. This was a hell of a lot better than tha' party at Deanna's woulda been.”
Aaron nodded and withdrew his hand again, allowing Eric to take his place before moving over to give you a hug. You returned it before giving Eric a hug too, and then pulled back.
“We should get going. Once again, thanks for tonight.”
“Once again, it's our pleasure,” Eric laughed. “Goodnight, guys. We'll see you around.”
“Goodnight,” you greeted them.
“Nigh',” Daryl responded, turning to you and subconsciously extending his hand to you.
You smiled at him but didn't say anything, not wanting him to change his mind about it. You slipped your hand into his and walked with him down the porch steps and into the relatively quiet streets of Alexandria, music from Deanna's party playing very faintly in the background.
You and Daryl didn't instantly go home. You simply walked through the streets, familiarising yourselves with the community. Daryl never let go of your hand; he had even brought your hand up to his lips once to kiss your knuckles, and your heart swelled with love for the man.
The two of you had run into a couple of the people in the community who were returning to their homes after the party, and you had suspected that Daryl would pull his hand from yours, but he never did. His grip on your hand seemed to tighten slightly during your interactions with those people, seeking your comfort around people he didn't know. It made you feel special, important. It made you happy to know that the man you met back at the quarry trusted you enough to bring him comfort.
Later that night, when the two of you returned to the empty house and retreated into the sanctuary of your shared basement, snuggled up together under the covers was when you finally addressed what he had done. Daryl was laying with his head on your chest, absentmindedly tracing shapes and figures onto your hand.
“You held my hand today,” you told him, softly threading your fingers through his freshly washed, brown locks, the shower having been courtesy of your skillful convincing.
“Mhm,” Daryl hummed absentmindedly, nuzzling his face deeper into your chest.
“In front of people,” you said, eyeing his reaction carefully.
Daryl simply glanced up at you, his face not revealing anything. “Ya want me to stop doin' tha'?”
You shook your head. “No, I like it. It's just a little out of the ordinary for you, and it took me by surprise.”
Daryl was quiet for a few moments. “I always wanna hold yer hand when we're walkin' together. I jus' never had the courage to. Dun' want people to overreact when they see it. But, I dunno... I love ya and I'll be damned if I dun' hold my girl's hand 'cause of wha' people think.”
You giggled and kissed the top of Daryl's head. “So I can expect an increase in handholding?”
Daryl nodded. “Yeah.”
You smiled at him. “Good. That's exactly what I wanted to hear. I love you, Dar.”
Daryl placed a kiss to your chest, before laying his head back down. “Love ya more, sunshine.”
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tomhollandisabae · 2 years
lonely- simon "ghost" riley x f!reader
fandom; call of duty
summary; after simon had left for his next mission, you were faced with the biggest challenge of your life and you had to get through that all by yourself.
warnings; angst, pregnancy, fluff, mentions of death, english is not my first language
words; idk 🤷🏻‍♀️
a/n; this idea was stuck into my brain since last week and once i couldn't find anything similar to it anywhere to read, i decided to write it myself. also you can send me your requests!!
a/n2; f1 fans please don't come after me i know you're expecting the 2nd part of the story with lewis but i have no motivation to write it😭i'll do it some time, but i don't know when. uni has been draining me out so much.
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"please take care of yourself " was the last thing you told simon -your husband - before he left for yet another mission.
now it had been 12 months and there was no sign of him. however, a lot had happened in the past year, but most importantly you had given birth to a beautiful baby girl -all by yourself.
when you had found out that you were expecting, simon was long gone and you had no way to communicate with him. the only thing that you could do was to get through this pregnancy all alone. thank god that maternity leave was a thing, otherwise you had no idea how you could manage having a baby all by yourself.
whatsoever, you couldn't be mad at your husband as a matter of fact that you had found out about your pregnancy only one week after he had left, while the guilt was everyday eating you alive.
you had no idea how he would react though. you were aware of his past and how his father had treated him.
simon is a lovely human being... towards you. he's a sweet, loving and caring husband and you are absolutely sure that he will make a great father.
you had went through a lot during your pregnancy and you could admit that it wasn't an easy one; mood swings, cravings, morning sickness, back pain etc.
the worst part of it all was when you went into labour. you had spent hours and hours trying to bring the little bundle of joy, that you and the love of your life had created together, into this world.
and after many hours of pain and screaming you were finally holding your baby girl in your arms. the first thing that you had noticed about her were her eyes -same as her father's- and that made your eyes well up with tears.
now it had been almost 4 months since you had given birth and the constant stress of taking care of a baby by yourself had tore you apart both physically and emotionally. you were barely sleeping, you had lost your appetite and were actually a walking wreck.
some nights you would spend them in your bed crying yourself to sleep, wishing your husband was here to help you out.
currently, you were taking a shower as you heard your daughter crying. sighing deeply, you got out and wrapped a towel around you as you made your way to the nursery.
you took her in your arms and sat down on the rocking chair, lowering your towel and starting feeding her. once she was fed, you put her back to sleep and went into your room, changing quickly and laying on your bed.
you brought both your arms over your eyes in an attempt to block out any kind of light source and bit on your bottom lip trying not to cry, again.
as your mind wander in different places, you didn't hear the front door opening and closing as well as the heavy footsteps on the staircase.
you only raised your head as you saw your bedroom door opening, revealing your husband.
immediately, you were flooded by many different emotions as you jumped up from the bed and attacked him in a -suffocating- hug.
simon chuckled lightly and wrapped his arms protectively around you and kissed the top of your head.
"i can't believe that you're back." you pulled away for a moment "you're actually back." you embraced him again not having noticed the tears that were spilling from your eyes.
"i'm sorry it took me too long my love" he mumbled on top of your head as he squished you in his arms.
"i missed you" you lifted your head up, looking at him.
"i missed you y/n" he leaned down and slowly brought his lips on top of yours kissing you softly and yet so loving.
sooner or later, however, you broke away as you looked up at him with a huge smile.
"i have to show you something" you said excited and grabbed his hand, leading him out of your bedroom and across the hall way.
you glanced at him anxiously as you slowly opened the door of your baby's room. you turned on the lights and guided simon inside.
you were looking carefully at him as his expression changed from a curious one to a shocked.
"love..." he exclaimed as he turned to look at you while his bottom lip was trembling.
"i found out one week after you left. i had no way to tell you, simon, i'm so sorry" the guilt took over you.
"shh it's okay." he wrapped his arms once again around you as you sobbed into his chest.
"i just... it was awful, simon. first the guilt that there was a way to tell you, but i was too stupid to think about it and second all the pain, the emotions, everything... i just feel so... useless." you cried out.
"hey" he grabbed both your cheeks and looked you in the eye "you're the strongest woman i've ever known in my entire life, y/n. not only for going through a pregnancy and labour by yourself, but also for being able to get through that with being aware of a chance of me never coming back again and yet you got enough courage and look where that brought you love."
it was true. every time he would go on a new mission, the curiosity of his well being would kill you. every single day you were checking you mail for a letter that would be proclaiming your husband dead.
"i love you so much simon" you raised on your tiptoes and buried your face into the crook of his neck.
"i love you more sweetheart." he lifted your head once again and kissed you softly.
you were so grateful for the feeling of his warm, soft lips against yours, kissing them with so much love and care. every single time you would be in his radar, this man would worship the ground you were walking on.
finally, you pulled away with a small smile.
"come on" you guided him towards the crib where the newborn baby was sleeping in soundly.
carefully, you picked her up in your arms and turned towards simon that was looking at his daughter as if she was the most precious thing on earth.
"do you want to hold her?" you suggested.
"i... i don't know how" he admitted and you kissed his cheek smiling.
"that's why i'm here for. i'll show you how." you said and just like that you handed the small baby over to your husband that was feeling as if he was holding the most fragile thing in the world.
"she's... so small." he stroked lightly her rosy cheek with his thump.
what took you aback was that her little hand enveloped his pinky finger, holding it firmly. you gasped and his breath hitched in his throat.
"wow she didn't even do that to me. only knowing you for a few minutes and she's already a daddy's girl." you complained jokingly placing your hands on your hips.
"really doubt that. there's no one better than you." he kissed your forehead and your face broke into a huge smile as you wrapped your arms around your husband, admiring the way your daughter was rested in her father's chest, not really believing that you had finally built a family with the man you loved most in the entire world.
at that moment, you couldn't be more happy.
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bendyartistic · 2 months
Be aware of alexbstudios.
Over the course of what I believe a few months maybe, Alex has been harassing me with strange behavior and as of recent hurtful remarks too. He's been bothering other people as well from what I've seen. Probably going to say I should've just blocked him, but I wanted to keep an eye on things just in case. Today was the point in time after everything that I realized I should let people know about this kid.
I want to show from the beginning to present time of the interactions he's done with me. And maybe something can be done about getting him off the platform...
Firstly I want to say Alex has admitted to being 12 years old... apparently. I know this from this reblog. This already is a very large red flag. Considering the young age, no a callout doesn't seem right but I still want to warn people regardless since he's still active on the platform.
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Though I am uncertain if this is true, he did not confirm nor deny my question about it.
Now lets get to the start of things. I don't like people reposting my art anywhere without credit, surely that can be said for everyone.
Randomly in May Alex reposted my art, no credit, mention of who made it, or where it came from. I should mention Alex had been following me well before this post, so he knew who I was. Rightfully I responded with a request to take it down as I didn't appreciate this.
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Upon making this request he made a small complaint about it, which was unneeded. While he did "delete" the post, it still technically there, just edited. Therefore never officially removed like I had asked.
He also uploaded two other drawings I did, but he did not remove those ones.
Not too long ago on a post I made showcasing my Chris model, as it had been a while since I posted it, and I wanted to let people see it.
Alex later said some... questionable things about it. And it really made me uncomfortable to say the least.
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For context in my AU, my Chris is 29. This has been stated before a few times.
I want to get to the biggest thing here however, as this is what drove me to make this post. The consistent weird and hateful DM's he has sent me.
I have told Alex to leave me alone on several different occasions and he has refused to do so. Again I know I should've blocked but as I said, just wanted to wait in case. Truth is I don't like blocking people, never have, I feel weird doing it. But anyways Alex made a poll a week ago if I recall correctly of whether or not he should keep or delete his account. The poll won on keep. No sooner did this happen, Alex was in my DM's bothering me about it after I again told him to leave me alone.
The DM's are as followed with context and info:
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He responded with something along the lines of "Then my account would become lost media!" to which I only responded "No one really cares."
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Next post is where Alex starts to mock me for being slow with my replies. I don't quite understand what speed he expects me to write my replies at, I guess 5 seconds?
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So as you have noticed Alex is now making fun of my autism, and it's going to continue in this unfortunately. Bringing up a disability in an argument should not happen. However at some point Alex accused me of creating alts to vote against his poll, I have none.
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I'm not sure why me specifically... and I hate how me being "slow" keeps getting brought up. Also racism is somehow brought into this as well.
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He spammed me with the same image repeatedly, and it continued for a while. Passing that, he wanted me to run the same poll he did on if I should keep or delete my account. I obviously declined.
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He then blocked me after this.
Alex in the past DM'd me, when he made those remarks about my Chris model. I wasn't happy then and I'm still not about it.
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I'm still puzzled as to why he calls being blocked as banned. Besides that this comes to the end of the DM ark. Alex has done other things, such as suggest people to draw strange stuff, edited other peoples work, steal other peoples work, and tried to stir up drama at one point.
In conclusion,
Alex is immature. And should not be here, especially this fandom. But in general he should not be online, it is clear he has unlimited access to whatever he wants.
I am sorry to my friends and others who have had to deal with him. That is all I have to say.
Any questions or whatnot is fine. Reblogs are appreciated in order to spread the word.
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guiltysungho · 3 months
— blister
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genre : tags. soft angst, reader is anxious/ has trust issues, fluff, blood mentioned, skin picking, domestic, maybe toxic
pairing. established bf!sungho x gn!reader
wordcount. 883
a/n. guiltysungho's first sungho work, it's cute sungho is so gentle and soft so mother like in the way he cares so i wanted to write smth with that vibe you know.
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It was still on your mind, it had been two days now since it happened yet you couldn't stop your mind from reliving the argument. Prior to this, the only disagreements you would have with your boyfriend were futile about the differences in your personal tastes, but this was different.
For the past few weeks, the number of times you saw Sungho completely decreased, he hadn't brought up any reason for his sudden distancing, so you ended up thinking of all sorts of reasons for him leaving you.
And then you brought it up, by the look on his face you could tell he hadn't paid much mind to it, his response only reinforced that thought.
"What?" he smiled at the absurdity of your sentence, his eyebrows furrowed noticing the way your bottom lip curled between your teeth picking on the soft skin. His legs moved first making his way over to you, cupping your cheeks to bring your gaze up to his eyes so you could see that he meant it.
"Sweetie I'm right here I'm not going anywhere" reassuring words pronounced with a soft peck on your forehead as if to clear your mind of all the plaguing thoughts. Oh how you wish it helped.
For the next days he stayed over with you, so close, so careful, so attentive, it almost felt superficial. You couldn't help thinking he was doing all this just to get your mind off what ever had been keeping him away, maybe it was selfish of you to want to share his presence daily but if he says he loves you shouldn't you get that much.
You tried your best to stop your brain from multiplying the worst scenarios but then you'd look over to him and the fact that you couldn't tell what he was thinking when he'd give you a smile would just make it worse. A strong part of you hated that you even had space in your heart to doubt his sincerity, he had proven himself so many times, proven that he wasn't one of your exes, that he was someone you could blindly trust but a heart cannot work without the brain so there was still that glint of doubt.
A sting of pain from your hand brings your attention to your fingers which you had been toying with for the past hour, watching the blood slide down your finger you hadn't even noticed Sungho in front of you till he wrapped a tissue on your open wound holding onto the finger tightly in his hand before looking up at you, trying to force a smile but the worry in his eyes was blatant.
"Hold onto this, I'll get the kit" his voice is calm like a mother's, you watch in silence as he places your finger in your hand squeezing it tightly so you could apply the same pressure. He paces around the room for a second trying to remind himself where the kit was, you want to speak up but your throat is dry, you're just so tired of thinking.
After a few minutes he rushes back with a small red box in hand, kneeling on the floor before you. Every movement he makes is so delicate, he opens his hand for you to place yours in so he could treat you. Soft dabs of the alcohol infused cotton ball on your open wound sending shocks of pain through your hand, gentle thumb caresses on the back of your hand as you wince.
Watching him, all your worries seemed baseless, it was in his nature to care for you and even you knew that he would never purposefully hurt you, he wasn't someone who would just leave. He places the plaster carefully around your finger with a satisfied smile, a soft kiss on the pain and your eyes meet.
You didn't know where the tears were coming from but they just kept pouring down your cheeks, you hated that you couldn't trust him because of your past experiences, you had to be cautious even when there was nothing to be cautious of.
"Why? Does it still hurt?" he asks patting away your tears from your wet cheeks with a tissue, you shake your head sniffling along with your quiet sobs, "Do you want to talk about it?"
“I just love you… and I hate my brain”
"You can talk to me you know? If you're worried, if you're having doubts just let me know. I love you so I'll understand and I'll make it all okay." he tells you, his eyes don't leave yours for a second as he speaks with a subtle smile on his lips.
"I don't mind if you come over less, I just wish you told me" you look away, embarrassed by how needy you sounded but you meant it.
"I know. I should've. I had been away for too long I got wrapped in all the things I had to do, I'm sorry I made you worry" he gives you a sorry frown searching for your gaze, you turn back to him as he takes your hands locking your fingers together.
"Maybe... we could move in together?" a smile growing on your lips as you jokingly suggest the idea.
"Maybe we should."
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mrs-kmikaelson · 1 year
05| The Tribrid
Pairing: Klaus Mikaelson x daughter!reader Summary: As you settle back into the Quarter, you juggle your personal and new professional life—but with the Mikaelsons, it was almost as if there was no difference between the two. Warnings: none Words: 5.6K
Masterlist | Part 6
a/n: i see this series getting long, guys; just letting you know. btw, i'm pretty much unoccupied, so u can expect new posts for this series and possibly other imagines like every 2-3 days. and tysm for all the support! anyway, i'll let you get to reading now.
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I walked into the Abattoir with a façade of confidence. I was now completely sober, facing the repercussions of my drunken actions. It'd been about a week since my agreement with Elijah and he'd only just called me in to speak with him yesterday.
I was currently cursing my drunk self, but at least Marcel was now allowed back into the Quarter without any fuss. Of course, he wasn't allowed back into the slaughterhouse, but he did compel himself a nice little townhouse a few minutes of human-walking away from my place.
In New Orleans, it was always better to live in the Quarter than anywhere else. This was the heart of the city's supernatural happenings. You were both safest here and also at most danger. But I guess, if you had enemies, you wanted to be in the Quarter because, if you had a crew to roll with, then nobody would really try you.
That's how it used to be at one point in time, and that's what the factions were trying to achieve now.
I was immediately greeted after making it past the gates. "Y/N," Elijah said, walking towards me, hands held out. He wrapped an arm around me, walking me to the couches in the middle of the courtyard. I tried not to show any discomfort at the physical touch. "It's lovely to see you."
I chuckled a little. "Feeling's mutual," I replied, causing the nobleman to let out a little laugh himself. I sat down on one of the couches while he sat on the other. "So, what have we got today?"
He sighed, "The withes are unhappy because of- all due respect, Marcellus' actions."
Right. Marcel forbade anyone to do magic. While I understand his reasoning, trying to protect a little witch by the name of Davina Claire, it was cruel. To ask a witch to go without magic was like asking a human not to breathe; it was damn near impossible.
Even though I get what he was trying to do, I still didn't agree with it—but that didn't mean that I agreed with what the New Orleans witches were doing either.
"So I've heard. But I'm sure you're aware of why he did what he did." He was; otherwise, I wouldn't have brought it up. I wouldn't do anything to endanger Davina; she'd become like a family to me. I knew that the Mikaelsons knew all about Davina, the harvest, and whatnot.
"Yes, of course. To protect Davina, I understand. She is special, without a doubt." Elijah's voice with filled with nothing other than conviction; I'd expect nothing less when people were speaking about Davina.
I smiled thinking about her. "Yes, she is."
"However, it still hasn't done us any favours on a community-wide scale." Elijah ran a hand through his hair. "The witches' spokesperson, Genevieve, is just about furious with the treatment they've received." A look suddenly appeared on his face. "And considering the... interactions my family has had with her, I wouldn't want to anger her further, especially since Hayley is with child."
This was the first time my heart didn't stop at the mention of Klaus' unborn baby. Instead, I was too focused on the witch Elijah named: Genevieve. Now, this was a name Marcel had somehow neglected to inform me about, but I was well aware of who she was.
From my understanding, Rebekah Mikaelson killed her the same year the Mikaelsons fled New Orleans, sometime in the early 1900s. Marcel spilled the whole story to me one night when he was drunk.
Genevieve died. Yet, according to Elijah (and I know this is not a coincidence) she's alive leading the NOLA coven.
I responded after a beat, bringing my hands together. "Okayyy, so what are we doing?"
"Making the witches happy, love."
Now my heart stopped.
I turned my head to see Klaus just finishing walking down the stairs. "Elijah tells me you're our new... fixer." He shrugged, making his way to the minibar. "So fix it."
"Get a grip, Elijah. I don't think I'm offending the young woman," he said before turning to face me. "Am I offending you, love?"
I skipped the whole processing bit of this situation and dived straight into my persona. "Not at all."
Klaus made a gesture to me with his hand, turning back to his brother. "See, Elijah. Marcel's right hand has tough skin." Elijah responded with a much more exhausted sigh than before, rubbing his hand on his face. Klaus ignored this, turning back to me with a bottle of bourbon in his hand. "Want me to pour you a glass, Y/N?"
"It is ten o'clock in the morning, Niklaus."
"All the more reason," he quipped back. "Y/N?"
I tried to loosen up, but my smile probably came out a little more tense than I originally intended. "I'm good; thank you."
Klaus looked at me for a few seconds before shrugging and pouring his own glass. Elijah took this opportunity to continue, but not before letting out another sigh. "As I was saying before my brother so tersely interrupted us, Genevieve has agreed to meet with us after I told her that you—Marcel's right hand, as Niklaus put it—were going to be representing us."
I tried to focus all my attention on the task at hand instead of my absent father who kept looking over at me periodically. I remembered what this was like when I did it for Cellie; I just had to get back in the game. "So, if you are looking to make an agreement of some sort, what are you willing to negotiate—give up, even?"
Just as Elijah was about to answer, Klaus briskly cut him off. "Oh, that's all on you, love." I narrowed my eyes slightly and he elaborated. "You decide then and there what you think is fair." He shrugged again, and although he looked carefree, he also had a smug look on his face that I doubt he was even trying to hide. "Ball's in your court." This was a test.
I didn't ponder on that for too long, nodding to him. "I can do that."
Klaus nodded back. He looked like he wanted to say something, but a quick look from Elijah seemed to make him want to hold his tongue. Thank God.
While I seemed like I was coming a long way, just the mere idea of holding a conversation with this man was terrifying. There were so many things I was holding my tongue about. It was just lucky that I so happened to be 500 years old. A few, quick conversations with my dad who had no idea I was his illegitimate child would not break me. Maybe it fucked with my head, but it wasn't anything I couldn't handle.
I'm here after all, aren't I?
Elijah cleared his throat. "Well, it seems to me that we've discussed everything we needed to discuss for today." He stood up and I followed suit. "Again, it was lovely seeing you, Y/N."
"Likewise." I shook the hand he held out, once again ignoring the weird original rush I felt. "I'll see myself out." Couldn't get out faster.
I walked toward the exit before Elijah could say something gentlemanly about escorting me out and before Klaus could say something that'd boggle my mind even further. I assumed he'd text me the details about the meeting later.
I took a deep breath immediately once I was far enough from the compound that I was sure they wouldn't hear me. I had no idea how I was going to get used to any of this, but it was too late to go back now.
In the meantime, I decided to take my mind off the Mikaelsons for a bit by visiting someone who I've yet to see.
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I walked into the old church with caution. It wasn't like I had a problem with Kieran; I just felt awkward whenever I talked to him, so I'd rather avoid him. I've had enough awkward situations in these past few weeks to last me a lifetime.
To my luck, he was absent and so I just walked straight upstairs, dodging cobwebs as I went until I made it to the attic's ajar door. A girl sat on a stool in front of an easel, painting a landscape. She was so focused she didn't even notice me push the door the rest of the way open.
I smiled, leaning on the door as I looked around the room that'd changed since I last saw it, now more decorated and screaming it'd been touched by a teenage girl. "So Marcel's still got you holed up in here, huh?"
She instantly spun around with her jaw dropped. "Y/N?!" She ran toward me, engulfing me in a tight hug that I'm sure would've broken some bones if I was human.
I chuckled, "Hi, Davina. I've missed you, too."
She pulled back, looking over me with disbelief visible on her face. "Oh, my God- when did you get back?"
"A little while ago. I'm sorry I couldn't come see you sooner, but I've been absolutely swamped. I promise, though—going into the future, I'll make time to see you." Davina smiled, pulling me back in for another hug. Her happiness spread to me and I started smiling so hard that my cheeks hurt. I think this might be the first time I've been this happy since I got back to New Orleans.
Davina was an amazing kid. I was supposed to meet up with Marcel the night of the harvest when he saved her, and so I ended up meeting her a few months before I left. She just so happened to be one of the few people who know my secret. She was incredibly gifted and reminded me so much of my younger self. I felt like I owed it to her, to myself, to be there for her. In the short time I've known her, she's become something like a little sister to me, if not a daughter.
When we broke from the hug, we both ended up sitting on the bed. I let her catch me up on what's been happening, even though I already more or less knew it from Marcel's summaries. "Okay, so if the witches aren't trying to hunt you down anymore, why are you still hiding away in this attic?"
"Well, I'm not hiding away anymore," she replied. "Marcel just figured it'd be safer for me to stay here instead of with them. He still doesn't trust them and, honestly, neither do I. They've been acting kind of weird since the witches were resurrected, but I just deal with it and go there everyday to practice."
I hummed. I understood Marcel's reasoning; keeping Davina at the church was actually pretty smart. I wouldn't trust her with a bunch of vengeful witches, either, especially after they tried to kill her once. But this attic was far too small for a little girl to spend her days in.
I looked around the cluttered room, thinking before I said screw it and decided to propose my idea to Davina. "What if you didn't have to stay here?" I asked, looking back at her.
She furrowed her brows. "What do you mean? It's not like there's anywhere else I could go, besides with the witches."
"Not necessarily true." I sat up straighter. "I mean, my townhouse has three rooms, and only one of those rooms isn't empty." I shrugged, gesturing around the room. "It's bigger than this place, so all your stuff would fit."
She sat up too. "Wait, are you being serious?"
"Hell yeah, I am. And the protections on my place are a lot better than this church's, trust me."
"You want me to move in with you?"
"Yeah, Davina, that's what I've been sayi-" I was cut off when she threw her arms around me in the tightest hug she'd given me since I entered the attic, and that was saying something.
"Oh, my gosh! Yes, of course!" 
I giggled at her enthusiasm, hugging her back before pulling away to pull my phone out of my back pocket. "Okay, I'll drop you off at the apartment now and I'll text some people to come pick up your stuff and bring it to you." I glanced back up at her for confirmation, looking back at my phone when she giddily nodded. "You can just make yourself at home and get settled in. I'll be home a bit later; I just have a business meeting first."
"Yeah, sure." Davina then stood up, looking around and clapping her hands. "I'll start packing!"
I laughed for what felt like the umpteenth time since I've seen her, standing up too. "Alright, D. I'll see you later," I said, but she was already far too engrossed in packing her things, giving me a distracted goodbye. I shook my head, the corners of my lips going up even higher as I left the room.
Thank God I wouldn't have to come back to this creepy ass church anymore. I really hadn't even thought of asking Davina move in with me; it was such a spur of the moment kind of thing, but I had no doubts then and no doubts now. She'd be safer with me than here, with the witches, or even Marcel.
At the though of my friend, I went to text him about this new development, coming across a message from Elijah along the way.
Elijah M. We'll be meeting the witches at 7:00 PM at the compound.
You OK, I'll be there.
I stuffed my phone back into my pocket after responding to Elijah and texting Marcel about Davina. Seven was two hours away, so I had time to go home and freshen up before the meeting.
I wasn't nervous; I'd already been here before, already done it all, but I did feel a weird pressure to do this well. Something in me said Klaus was counting on me to fail, so it was my job to prove him wrong.
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I walked right into the compound later without standing out front for ten minutes like I did this morning. I was gonna have to get used to this all eventually and I'd prefer that'd happen sooner rather than later. 
I was apparently earlier than everyone else because there wasn't a Mikaelson or red-haired witch in sight. I checked my watch: 6:30, it read. Earlier than I expected, but that was fine with me. I wiped the imaginary dust off my outfit: slacks and a tight white dress shirt that I'd unbuttoned just enough to not look like a female Elijah. Resemblance to the Mikaelsons was not what I needed right now.
I was just about to pull out my phone to keep myself busy when I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around, my eyes meeting the mother of Klaus' kid. "Oh, hi," she greeted, a surprised look on her face. "What are you- oh, right, Elijah told me you guys were meeting with the witches tonight."
"Yeah- it, uh, appears that I'm a bit early." I chuckled, making small talk even though I really didn't want to have any unnecessary conversations with anyone that lived in this building.
"No, it's a good quality. Elijah's like that," she told me. I nodded, ignoring my thoughts which were questioning her relationship with Elijah. Something told me it was a lot more complicated than it seemed. "I wanted to thank you, by the way."
My brows furrowed. "Hm? For what?"
"For covering me that day with Elijah- and for saving me from that vampire that day, too," she expressed with an almost bashful look on her face. "I realize I was pretty rude to you, but I was really just having a bad day, and-"
"And I'm a vampire, so you were just being careful." She let a small, embarrassed smile form on her lips which I reciprocated. "It's fine, I get it. I'd do the same if I were in your shoes."
"Thank you for understanding; I really appreciate it." I told her it was no problem, resisting the urge to be nosy and ask why she didn't wanna tell Elijah what happened; I didn't want to risk her growing suspicious of me.
Before Hayley and I could fall into an uncomfortable silence, Klaus and Elijah strolled in through the gates into the courtyard. Klaus' eyes narrowed between me and Hayley, probably in a protective manner, while Elijah greeted me. 
"Y/N, sorry to have kept you waiting-"
"Oh, no, it was no biggie." I gestured to Hayley. "I had good company, anyways." Hayley smiled, excusing herself after wishing us luck with the witches, but I doubted I'd need it.
I was good and I knew it. Half a millennium alone in the world taught you how to negotiate, how to get your way when you had no one else on your side. Really, I was less worried about the witches and more worried about being in Klaus' presence.
Speak of the devil.
"The witches should arrive soon," Klaus announced, glancing down at his watch then up at me, a smirk arising on his face. "And then you'll be able to play your hand."
I stopped myself from narrowing my eyes or doing anything that showed I felt the shade he was so obviously throwing my way. Clearly, without even having really spoken to me, dear old dad has decided he doesn't like me, much less trust me. I don't know why that hurt because I don't even want to be talking to him period. I guess there's just a part of me that disagrees with that.
Like this morning, Klaus didn't waste a second before walking over to the bar. "Can I interest you in a drink whilst we wait, love?" He poured himself a glass. "Some... liquid courage, if you will."
He's being a jackass on purpose.
I declined, "No thanks." I shook my head. "I don't need it." And I also don't need to be under the influence around the Originals.
Klaus chuckled in an almost sardonic manner. Like the night I met him, he had a dark air around him that he barely cared to conceal. Klaus wanted people to notice that about him; he wanted people to be scared. And I was, but for entirely different reasons.
However, I'd sooner die before letting him know that. If he wanted to play hard ball, then I'd be the best damn batter he's ever seen.
Klaus turned around, tipping his glass to me. "You're quite confident."
"Well, I can back it up," I quipped back. In response, he sarcastically smiled, taking a sip of the brown liquid in his hand. From the corner of my eye, I saw Elijah glancing in between us watchfully.
"So I've heard- and you know, it got me thinking, what exactly is it about you that makes you so special?" This-
I was given time to pause by Elijah's interjection. "Niklaus."
He held his hands out in the air. "What, Elijah? I'm just curious," he reasoned.
I cut Elijah off before he could say something more in order to respond. "No, it's alright, Elijah; I understand the skepticism." I looked back to Klaus whose eyes just so imperceptibly narrowed. "The reason why people are more inclined to listen to me is because I don't operate with a desire to instill fear in others, just respect." I maintained eye contact with Klaus, hoping he was picking up what I was putting down. I knew he got the message when I saw his jaw clench.
He looked like he was going to say something else, but before he could, the gates to the compound opened. All three of us looked toward the entrance to see Genevieve and two other witches walking beside her, like a little entourage.
Elijah seemed to let out a sigh of relief at the intrusion. "Genevieve," he greeted, walking toward them. "Thank you for agreeing to this meeting. Please, take a seat. Can we interest you in any beverages?"
While Elijah was clearly doing his best to mediate, Klaus didn't say a word, only burning a hole into the side of Genevieve's head with a hard glare while he drank his scotch.
The three of them sat down on one couch as Elijah and I sat on the one parallel to it. "No, that'll be alright," she said, crossing her legs. "I know you appreciate verity, Elijah, so I'm gonna be honest: I wouldn't have agreed to this meeting if it weren't for the woman sitting next to you."
Elijah nodded. "Yes, I'm completely aware. Y/N is here to make sure that we both get what we want and to ensure that the future of the Quarter, and everyone in it, is prosperous."
I smiled, holding my hand out. "Hello, it's lovely to meet you. I've heard many good things about you." That was a lie.
Shaking my hand, she responded, "Likewise. The elders of the coven are practically smitten with you. I've never seen witches so eager to deal with a vampire."
"Well, I hope that, after our discussion, you will also be more eager to work with the Mikaelsons."
Genevieve almost scoffed at what I said. In my peripheral, I saw Klaus roll his eyes—at me or her, I'm unsure. "Please, Y/N—I'm sure you're aware of who exactly these people are and what they've done. Even though you're a vampire, you have to admit it's outrageous." Her voice was incredulous.
I really don't understand what she was making a big fuss about. From the way the story was told, Genevieve used to have a huge crush on Klaus back in the day—ew—but I wasn't gonna actually use that against her. I didn't want her to resent me; I actually needed her to like me for this to work.
"I understand where you're coming from," I told her, managing to muster up a sympathetic expression. "But we all want the same thing: peace. That is the final destination; there are so many stops along the way to get there, so if peace is where we truly want to be, then we need to be willing to put aside our differences."
The redhead sighed. "I hear what you're saying, but how can we expect peace while working with these people? How do you expect us to trust them?" Now, Klaus scoffed, causing both Genevieve and Elijah to look over at him, Elijah with a more stern look in his eyes. I, on the other hand, ignored him altogether, focusing completely on the witch in front of me.
I said her name to get her attention back onto me, thus causing Elijah to look away from his brother, too. "I am, in no way, asking you to trust blindly. We're willing to negotiate; just state your terms." I knew this was dangerous, giving her the opportunity to ask for whatever she wanted, but the witches had been recently oppressed; giving them the chance to ask for what they wanted was like an apology of sorts, one that I felt they'd appreciate.
Genevieve looked hesitant, glancing at both of her associates, to Elijah, Klaus, and then back to me. Even without looking at him, I could feel Klaus staring at me, probably questionably. None of them were expecting that move. 
See, because I was representing the Mikaelsons, Genevieve expected me to state their terms first then negotiate since they were more powerful. So, of course she was surprised.
After a beat of silence, she finally spoke up. "We want to practice freely."
"And we want to celebrate our festivals without a hassle."
"Of course."
"And we want to reclaim witch territory for ourselves and ourselves alone, like the Lafayette cemetery." 
"Reasonable," I noted, waiting for her to say something else. When she didn't, I asked, "Is there anything else we can give you? You don't have to answer right now; we'll take some time then I'll get a contract drafted-"
"Esther Mikaelson's grimoire." At her interjection, the room went silent. I didn't even wanna know what Klaus looked like right now, but Genevieve sure as hell seemed to have regained her confidence. "We want Esther Mikaelson's grimoire." That was one ballsy request.
"Are you out of your mind?" For the first time since the witches walked into the compound, Klaus spoke. I looked over at him to see a look of shock adorning his face as if the redhead just tried to kill him—and, I mean, was he that far off?
You don't ask for the Original Witch's spell book without wanting to kill or at least having the ability to kill if you so need it.
Elijah seemed to recover from a shock of his own, trying to calm his brother down. "Niklaus-"
"I am not giving you my mother's grimoire." Klaus had set his drink down, walking toward where we were all sitting. Smoke might as well have been coming out of his ears. I knew that, if I were one of the three witches sitting across from me, I'd be shitting myself. "After what you tried to do to my family, you expect me to hand over-"
"Niklaus." Elijah cut him off, but more firmly and this time Klaus actually listened, turning to look over at Elijah with hard eyes. His eyes flickered to me for a split second before looking back at Genevieve—or glaring, rather.
While Genevieve looked slightly startled, I saw the dead-set expression on her face. It'd be hard to try and convince her that Esther's grimoire wasn't what the witches wanted, but it was possible.
Gears turned in my head as I thought it over until a quick idea popped into my head. At that moment, I began, "I'm sorry, Genevieve. We can do everything else you mentioned, put it in writing, but Esther Mikaelson's grimoire is a no-go." I saw her shaking her head before I even finished.
"Then no deal-"
Elijah cut in, "Genevieve, please-"
"I can give you the next best thing." I caught Genevieve's attention easily, along with everyone else's in the room. In seconds, I had come up with a quick fix; it was a gamble, but if you aren't willing to go big, then go the fuck home. "I currently have a Bennett grimoire in my possession." I paused, gauging her reaction. Clearly, this night was full of surprises. 
I suppressed the urge to glance over at my relatives; I had a feeling that I already knew what their faces looked like.
Genevieve struggled to compose herself, so I continued, "It's yours, so long as you accept." I understood what was happening here: the witches or the spirits or whatever were already decided, and they wanted the Mikaelson grimoire, but how could they be upset with what I was offering? A Bennett spell book was a damn good replacement if I ever saw one, and if anyone knew that, it was Esther's children themselves.
I knew the history—I've spent my life learning it. Ayana taught Esther everything she knew; the Bennett bloodline was one of the strongest, maybe even stronger than the Mikaelsons. And although I doubt Genevieve knew the lengthy Bennett history, she quickly got her bearings and responded, "I- we accept-"
I cut her off, smiling, "Great. Now our turn." I clasped my hands together. "You guys can keep your sanctuaries, the cemetery and whatnot, but in shared areas like the rest of the Quarter, we ask that you remain peaceful and avoid altercations with other factions. We're asking the same of the other factions, as well. Similarly, the Mikaelsons don't want conflicts, so we'd also like to avoid altercations in that area." 
It seemed pretty simple because it was. It was like what Elijah said to me that night in Rousseau's: everybody wants power, and the witches were no different. They didn't agree to this meeting for peace; they agreed because they wanted power, and the Mikaelsons struck this deal for the same exact reason, even if that's not how the nobleman would've phrased it.
While I didn't provide the witches with the same prepared list of terms, what I was asking for would have the same effect. The Originals were already on top, so what more did they really need to ask for?
Genevieve, once again, looked over at the two girls sitting next to her who both nodded at the silent question she was asking. When she turned back to me, the smallest of smiles was on her lips. "You have yourself a deal."
I reciprocated her expression as we both stood up. I shook her hand. "Pleasure doing business with you. I'll work on getting that contract drafted in more detail, so please, come to us with any other requests you may have."
Genevieve nodded, letting go of my hand, and Elijah took the pleasantries from there, walking them out of the compound. This left Klaus and I alone momentarily.
I looked over at him to see that he was already staring at me. I felt a chill go down my spine from how intently he was looking at me, my mini adrenaline rush dying down. It looked almost like he was picking me apart with his gaze.
I didn't want him to think I had something to hide, so I held his stare. We were both silent until Elijah walked back. This time, he didn't seem to sense the tension in the room—that, or he just chose to ignore it. 
"Thank you, Y/N," he said. I looked away from Klaus to smile in response, but the second I did, he broke his vow of silence.
"How do you have a Bennett grimoire in your possession?" Klaus' voice was cold and accusatory, just as his eyes were. Elijah just might have frozen had he not been a thousand-years-old; hell, I probably would have, too, but I'd already been crafting an explanation as soon as the idea popped into my head.
Not the real explanation, but one that made more sense.
I shrugged, feigning nonchalance. "I met one a few hundred years ago. She died after she was in the wrong place, wrong time, but she left that book to me."
Klaus didn't look sold. "A Bennett witch left her grimoire with you, a vampire? Not with her family?"
"Well, to be fair, she wasn't in touch with her family at that time," I retorted. "And I was human at the time so, yes, she left it to me because she knew it could come of use one day."
Klaus didn't reply to me, instead choosing to continue staring me down. However, his glare was now lessened, so I knew he sort of believed me, even though he had doubts.
In the time that Klaus wasn't saying anything, Elijah cleared his throat, bringing the attention back to him. When I looked over, he smiled and tried to further de-escalate the situation. "Thank you, again, Y/N."
That was my cue to leave. "No problem. Are you okay with meeting up tomorrow to discuss the contract?"
He nodded. "Of course. Lunch?"
"Sounds great," I said, grabbing my bag that I'd left on the armchair next to me. "I'll see you tomorrow then."
Elijah bid me farewell while Klaus remained mute, but I still felt him staring at me, even as I was walking out; only when I'd walked two minutes away from the compound did I finally let go of that feeling
I didn't speed all the way home this time like I had been doing recently after exiting the Abattoir. Instead, I decided to take this time to think since I really haven't gotten a moment alone all day.
The excuse I gave Klaus wasn't too far from the truth—I only warped it slightly. I didn't know who he knew or how well he knew my mother before he slept with her, but I knew that if I gave him the real story, there was a possibility that he'd find out who I was.
The real story was that my mother was best friends with a Bennett. Almost like history repeating itself if you thought about it; Amelia Bennett was to my family what Ayana was to the Mikaelsons. She was both a mentor to my mother and me.
In reality, we were a lot closer than I made it sound. She was a lot closer to my mother than she was with the rest of her family. We were in Salem; the witch trials were just beginning, so any witch in the area was either preparing to leave or to die. She was anticipating the latter, so before she died, she made sure to leave the assets she had to my mother. 
The other Bennetts didn't dispute this, fleeing west. The rest of the story, I try not to think about. I needed to be strong, for Davina, for Marcel, for Amelia, for my mother, and for myself; otherwise, everything I've sacrificed would've been for nothing.
With that thought, I had a new resolution.
This, what I was doing here in New Orleans, could not fail. I have not lived the life I've lived just to fail. So from this moment forward, I decided to be better, to be stronger. No more quivering at the mention of my father or his baby, no more getting shaken up by conversations with the Mikaelsons.
Walking toward my apartment, I made myself a promise.
This city will not break me, no matter what.
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"I needed to lose you to find me."
Seth Clearwater x Swan!Fem! Reader
Summary: You and Seth always been childhood bestfriends, one sudden day in a romantic moment, Seth imprints on you and you try to hide your feelings and after a little while, you realize you need him.
Warnings: Angst. Poor sethy boy 😔
A/N: THERE WILL BE A PART TWO, JUSTICE FOR SETH. This is my first fic so I'm sorry if it's cheesy
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Your life changed when your sister came back from Arizona. She met the infamous Edward Cullen, you never thought she would date him, yet here you were. These whole two years have been rough. Your sisters vampire boyfriend, your best friends dad dieing, turning out he's also a werewolf, the volturi, Victoria's newborn army, and now it's Bella's wedding day. You thought everything was going way to fast. And it was. She was getting married at the young age of only 18. Of course it was a month before her 19th birthday but you tried to get her to wait another few years, but then she brought up her 'Aging', which you thought was stupid since she was not even 20 yet.
Bella was getting ready and I went in to go see her. As I walked in the room that Rosalie and Alice was working on Bella's hair and makeup. "Aww Bells you look so beautiful!" I said to her. "Thanks,Y/N. You look quite beautiful yourself." She giggles. "You flatter me, sister." She laughs as My parents come in and it's now time for me and my mother to go out. I walk up to Seth and sit next to him. He looks at me with a smile and says, "Well don't you look just gorgeous?" " You don't look to bad yourself." I laugh at him. "Why thank you my dear, you have touched my heart!" He says sarcastically as he places his hand above his heart. "Bella's gonna walk out in a few minutes, she looks stunning." I tell Seth. "I bet she's not as stunning as you." Before I could say anything, it was time for Bella to walk down. I stood up and seen her with dad. She finally started walking and everyone was looking at her. She smiled at me and Seth and looked at Edward.
They said their vows and so on and now everyone was slow dancing and me and Seth went outside. I was laughing at a joke Seth had told me about Eleazar and how he look like actual Dracula. We were just walking and then another slow song came on. "Shall I have this dance?" He said holding his hand out to me. "We shall." I say while laughing and we start to dance.
We were dancing then Seth breaks the silence. "Remember how you said that Bella looked stunning?" He asked. "Yes?" I say. "Well, Y/N, she might have been beautiful along with all the other girls there, but you were the most drop dead gorgeous girl there, anywhere in fact." He said while looking at me intensely. "Umm, thank you-" "No Y/N, I mean it! Seriously." He paused for a second. "I really like you, I have liked you since, I don't know, Forever?" He said and I looked at the ground. Just then Edward and Bella came out, and Jacob revealed himself from the shadows,he unexpected to see me and Seth. Seth didn't care there was people there,he still went on. "Feel this?" He said holding my hand and bringing it to his chest, and feeling his racing heart beat. "That's because of you. You make me so nervous- and I can't stand being without you- hell, Y/N, I imprinted on you!" And just then my world stopped. Everything was going to fast and turns out my best friend was in love with me also. I liked him but I wasn't sure I was ready to do this yet. And the imprint, Seth had told you about imprints a long time ago. Never did he mention, "oh and you're my imprint!" No! He kept it from you! "Don't you feel any love for me?" He asked. "Seth I like you. But I'm not ready... not ready fir this everything is going way to fast- and this! Imprinting? Seth if you would have told me, maybe we could have been together by now!" I replied. "Y/N,we can take this slow-" I was walking away. Till Seth grabbed my wrist. "Seth I need time." Is all I say before I walked away. I had completely forgot that Jacob, Bella, and Edward were there.
I wasn't ready. And quite frankly, I wasn't prepared, nor informed. I like him. But I need to grow to love him.
I walked home and went to my bedroom. A sudden since of sadness hitting my body like I had lost a loved one. I thought he hated me. Little did I know he was waiting for me.
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sihtricfedaraaahvicius · 11 months
After Bebbanburg
Note: reaaaaally struggling to get back into my writing flow after the line between Arnas and Modern!Sihtric was so awfully thin last weekend. So here's some SKMD!Sihtric as I try to get back into it again.
Warnings: fluff/angst. mention of blood and death.
pairing: SKMD!Sihtric x you (f)
summary: Sihtric came back after the battle of Bebbanburg.
wordcount: 2,3k
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'Valhalla came too close.'
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You had been waiting for days. Days that felt absolutely endless. Days of anxiously waiting for your husband to return from battle. You were prepared for every scenario. You always feared he'd get severely injured, and this time was not any different. Except Sihtric was older now than the last time he had fought in a shield wall. And you were terrified of what injuries he would come back home with. If he even came back home at all. Too many innocent lives had been lost prior to this battle already. Would the gods spare your husband? And if so, then why?
But the gods did spare him. 
And you ran outside when you heard some sober cheers and the sound of hooves stomping into the camp that was made for the wives and children of each warrior. You first saw Finan, the Irish man, who had only recently lost his wife. He hadn't been doing well ever since. You and Sihtric had kept an eye on him, as well as Uhtred, and even though Finan would tell you he was okay, you all knew better. You worried Finan would have lost his mind in the battle of Bebbanburg, and that he would not make it out alive. But he survived. However, his face told you that he probably wished he hadn't. You watched Finan approach with a concerned, colour deprived face as he sat upon his horse, riding along next to your husband, who looked just as concerned and even slightly lost, you thought. And you tried to figure out what was wrong as you made your way over to Sihtric, who ordered the warband behind him to a halt with a gesture of his hand. And then you realised you didn't see Uhtred anywhere. You gasped and clasped your hands, impatiently and anxiously waiting as you watched Sihtric dismount.
Sihtric gave the reins to a young boy as he laid eyes upon you, and as the boy took the horse to the stables, Sihtric took off his leather gloves while he walked over to you. Walked. You knew something was truly wrong then, as Sihtric would always run to you when he came back, no matter how tired he was. And you knew he was tired, but you could also tell he wasn't just tired. You saw a different kind of exhaustion and he was unsteady on his feet as he closed in on you. Your vision became blurry with each step closer he took, as with each step another injury became visible, and you teared up more and more. Sihtric grabbed your arms as soon as you were in reach and he fell down to his knees. He wrapped his strong but sore arms around your waist without speaking, and he pressed his blood stained face into your grey tunic, leaving traces of battle behind. You carefully brought your hands up to his head, but you refrained from touching him as fresh blood dripped out from several cuts.
'S-Sihtric,' you finally breathed as he squeezed you tightly, and you placed your hands on his broad, armoured shoulders.
'My love,' Sihtric sighed and looked up at you with his empty, mismatched eyes.
Everything around you faded for a moment when you stared at each other. Both feeling relieved yet afraid. You were relieved he was back home again, but afraid at what cost when your eyes darted over his face. Blood came out of his right ear and ran down his neck. A large cut next to his right eyebrow caused the same fluid to run down his cheek. His forehead was smudged with blood, not just his own you figured, as well as the other side of his tired face was painted red all the same. 
And Sihtric was relieved to have you in his arms again, but he was afraid of what would happen to Uhtred. And when you finally remembered how to speak, you asked where Uhtred was.
'In the cart,' Sihtric swallowed hard, 'he's alive… but… I need to take care of him, we need to… he…'
You watched Sihtric struggle to find the right words, and you hushed him when he tried to speak again.
'People will take care of him,' you reassured your husband, 'but you need to be taken care of too. Come,' you urged him to stand up.
Sihtric reluctantly agreed, and you helped him back up on his feet. You wrapped your arm around his waist and pulled his arm around your neck, in an attempt to support him. But Sihtric was a well built man, muscular, tall and all dressed in chainmail and leather armour. You both knew you could not carry him to the tent all by yourself if his feet gave out underneath him. You groaned in your desperate attempt to hold him up, and Sihtric let out a pained moan.
'S-stop,' he breathed, 'I can… I can walk, my love,' he said, stubbornly and not wanting to show you his pain. 
Regardless of his words, you still tried to support him as much as you could, and you stumbled to the tent you stayed in at the camp. You helped him sit down on one of the wooden stools and you ordered someone nearby to fetch warm water and clean rags. Then you kneeled down in front of him.
'Are your legs or feet hurt?'
'No,' Sihtric said softly, and you carefully took off his leather boots.
You tossed them to the side and the water and rags you had asked for were brought in. You ordered the young lady who served you to close the tent and to prepare some food and hot tea. You moved up a little and started to unclasp the leather belt around your husband's waist with care. Your eyes darted over Sihtric's leather armour, and you were relieved when you couldn't find any cuts or holes that would suggest he had been stabbed. You slowly removed the heavy belt, his knife and axe still attached and painted with blood from the men he had killed only hours before, and you shoved it to the side, next to his boots.
'Are your arms hurting?' you asked as you rolled up his sleeves a little.
Just because you couldn't see any blood, didn't mean he wasn't hurt.
'Just bruised and sore,' Sihtric confessed, 'no cuts.'
You gave him a firm nod, and Sihtric watched you closely and quietly. His big, tired eyes completely locked on you and every movement you made. He watched how your delicate fingers untied the laces of his leather arm braces, and everything slowly became quiet in his mind again once you had taken both of his braces off and looked up at him. His cold, blood stained and trembling hands slowly reached up to your face, and you let out a soft sob when his fingertips touched your warm cheeks.
'Kiss me,' Sihtric whispered, and his breath hitched in his throat while his huge eyes stared down at you, 'please,' he whined.
Your fingers curled around the neck of his leather armour, and without any hesitation you pulled him down towards you. You crashed into a kiss and your eyes closed at the feeling of his cold and chapped lips pressed against yours. His hands trembled their way down to your neck, and he pulled you even closer up to him. Tears rolled down your cheeks at the taste and touch of your husband, while Sihtric tried his hardest to not break down as he desperately tried to kiss your face everywhere he possibly could.
'My wife,' he breathed, and his lips brushed lightly against yours, 'my love,' he moaned against your lips before he captured you in another firm kiss.
'What happened there?' you sniffled after he broke the kiss, your hands holding his cheeks while his blood stained forehead leaned against yours.
'Death,' Sihtric simply said, 'Death happened,' he leaned slightly back and looked at you while tears escaped his eyes, and he gently caressed your face. 'It came too close,' his voice broke as he whispered, 'Valhalla came too close,' he sighed and buried his face in your neck as he pulled you in his arms, finally allowing his emotions to run freely.
You fought your own tears as you felt him tremble, and you wrapped your arms around him.
'Valhalla wasn't prepared for your arrival yet,' you whispered and kissed his cheek, 'and I wasn't ready to live without you yet either.'
'I wasn't ready to die without seeing you again,' Sihtric sniffled.
'You will not be dying any time soon,' you cupped his cheeks, 'I will not allow you.'
Sihtric smiled softly at your words, and pulled your lips back to his again for another tender kiss. Then you took one of the rags, wetted it and wrung it out before you cleaned his feet and his hands. And as he had told you, he indeed didn't seem to be injured there, except for some bruising on his hands and wrists. You kissed both his hands and then moved up to kneel in between his thighs, to untie his dirty, leather armour. All while Sihtric kept his eyes on you, keeping track of your every movement, every breath and every change of expression on your face.
'Are you hurting here, my darling?' you asked and carefully pressed your hands onto his armoured chest.
'Just bruised, my love,' Sihtric said, and he moved along with you to slip out of the leather protection and chainmail underneath, which had saved his life more than once.
He took off the tunic he wore underneath it all, and you let out a soft gasp at the sight of his bare, muscular, bruised and battered torso.
'Sihtric,' you whispered as you reached out, 'you're… you,' you were about to cry, but Sihtric was quick to hush you.
'No,' he said softly, 'don't. It's fine. Just bruised. Nothing that won't heal.'
You swallowed hard and collected yourself again to carefully bring the wetted rag up to his neck. You slowly removed the stains of blood, sweat and dirt off his sensitive skin, and then you moved on from his left shoulder to his right shoulder. Sihtric hissed lightly at your touch as a sharp pain shot through his body and he flinched.
'It's not broken,' you said after an inspection of his shoulder, 'but you need to take it easy for a few days, sweetling.'
'How am I supposed to take it easy,' Sihtric whispered with a cheeky smile as he held your chin with his tattooed fingers, 'when all I want and need is to make love to my wife?' he leaned in and pecked your lips, 'my beautiful wife,' he murmured and kissed you again, 'tell me?'
'I guess you will have to abstain,' you teased and got up to get a clean rag.
'Hm,' Sihtric hummed as his eyes followed you, 'I don't think I'm strong enough.'
He smiled and bit down on his lip as you returned to him. And instead of letting you kneel down on the floor again, he pulled you in his lap. You straddled him and chuckled softly as you brought the rag up to his face.
'You're strong enough to survive battles,' you smiled as you cleaned his forehead, and you saw Sihtric struggle to hold back a grin.
'Maybe,' he said as seriously as he could, and tilted his head playfully to the side, 'but that doesn't mean I am strong enough to resist you.'
You felt his already warmed up hands sneak under your tunic, move up your thighs and on to your waist. He chuckled softly and leaned in to nuzzle your nose, then leaned back and took off his hammer pendant, which he hung around your neck before he pulled you closer again.
'Come on,' Sihtric smiled and pecked your lips, 'the gods brought me back for a reason,' he said, 'perhaps, to bless us with another pup?'
'I surely hope not,' you laughed and continued to wipe the blood off his face.
Sihtric furrowed his brow, 'You don't want another pup from me?'
'Sihtric,' you chuckled and placed your hands on your hips, 'you're a great father, but you have not been around much for our other pups when they were young-'
'That is not my fault,' he quickly said.
'I know,' you agreed, 'but I will not give birth to another pup and go through most of it without you again. I don't want that anymore. Not now that I finally have you all to myself again.'
Sihtric smacked his lips and looked at you while you wiped the last blood off his neck.
'We know how to prevent pregnancy,' you continued, 'don't think I will stop using the potion just because the gods brought you back to me again, they may just take you away if there would be another battle.'
'Reasonable,' Sihtric smiled, 'but then can we at least enjoy the act of humping?'
'Perhaps,' you threw the rag in the large wooden bucket, 'after your shoulder heals up.'
'You don't mean that,' your husband murmured as he brushed his lips against your neck.
Your heartbeat quickened when you felt the soft, slow, open-mouthed kisses your warrior left while his facial hair tickled your skin. You smiled, moved your hands up to his hair and untangled his braids one by one, while Sihtric smothered you with his lips and held you close with his big hands. And when you had taken out all of his braids, you leaned back and tucked strands of his long, wavy hair behind his ears and you pecked his lips. You grinned and got up, to which Sihtric groaned and quickly pushed himself to stand up, despite the discomfort he still felt in his body after the battle. He took off his breeches and snuck up behind you, wrapping his arms around you before you could move down onto the bed.
'You haven't fully cleaned me up yet,' Sihtric chuckled in your ear.
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taglist: @clairacassidy @finanmoghra @uunotheangel @hb8301 @bathedinheat @neonhairspray @anaeve @bubblyabs @travelingmypassion @sylasthegrim @andakth @chompchompluke @willowbrookesblog @lady-targaryens-world @skyofficialxx @elle4404 @alexagirlie @sweetxime @solango @gemini-mama @cheyennep3107 @little-diable @jennifer0305 @drwstarkeyy @mrsarnasdelicious @verenahx @urmomsgirlfriend1 @moonchildrenandflowercrowns @foxyanon @djarinsgirl27 @sigtryggrswifey @liandav @diiickbrainn
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sturnzyolo · 3 months
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Matt Sturniolo x Reader
Warnings: fluff, swearing, a little eerie scenery, crying, stress, angst, bullying mention, comfort, anxiety, first person pov, and slight obsession (anything else will be added in later parts)
Summary: reader feels a significant connection to a particular classmate of hers, her teacher's favorite student. One day, when on her way home, she hears something.
sorry for the break on writing this! the series will end in part 4 most likely 🤍
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I didn't see Matt for the rest of the day after that class, we never did since Calculus was our only shared period. The day seemed normal maybe a bit more boring than usual since a few of my friends weren't at school, but it was finally over.
Everyday after school I would walk from the sidewalk away from school, through a small forest path, and over to my house back on the sidewalk.
The forest was always eerie, but this time was far different. I heard soft cries as I walked through, the sun beaming through the trees. The cries grew closer as I approached.
I noticed the cries were coming from inside the forest, which I never dared to go through since I was always scared from horror stories. I felt terrible if I just left, but what if it was a trap?
I decided to slowly hide behind trees to follow the noise, once I got closer to the sound I squinted to find the reason. On top of a rock was a person
I recognized the clothing, my brain worked to figure out who I had seen with that clothing. til my eyes widened when I realized who
I slowly tore my feet from the bushes and walked over slowly, not making much sound so I wouldn't scare him. Once I was right near him, I noticed his face shoved into his hands, his glasses on the ground with a crack through the left lense. His cries were soft, his button up was dirty, his hair was messy. I felt terrible, like my heart had dropped just seeing the image.
"Matt?" I said softly as I dropped my bookbag behind me right near his that had seemed throw and discarded.
His cries seemed to have hitched along with his breath, like he was embarrassed.
"Hey it's okay I'm not going to judge you, what happened?" I said in a shivery voice as I placed a hand to tear his hands off his face gently
"Wait please I don't want you to see me like this." He whined and tightly covered his face
"Come on I saw you earlier, it's okay Matt. I'm here for you" I said soothingly as I sat next to him on the large rock
"I look pathetic y/n" he mumbled with a break of his voice
"Please" I pleaded so I'd be able to try and comfort him
He sighed, his breath sounded shivery and panicked with anxiety as he tore his hands away and looked at the ground shamefully
I gently placed my hand under his chin to lift up his face, my face faltering as I brought his up, just to see his pained look and tearful face
"Matt.." I said in a pained voice as I cleaned off the tears from his face "Please tell me what happened, I can't leave you like this. Is it the same reason you were crying before?" I asked desperately
"Well n-no not fully" he spoke quietly "Uhm earlier it wasn't as bad." he sounded shameful
"What wasnt?" I asked with a head tilt and knitted eyebrows
"People. When you um left the class in calculus everyone looked at me like I was stupid, giving me glares and someone was talking about me and i heard it. they said i should've left instead of you, that nobody wanted me there if I couldn't even answer a simple question even though Mr. Robinson is easy on me." He explained
I nodded giving him my full attention "Don't listen to them, you just got caught by surprise, besides Mr. Robinson always goes for me, I would've been sent down by him today either way. Those kids are idiots don't take their looks to heart, their judgy highschoolers. So how did it get worse?" I swallowed harshly, preparing to hear the worst part
"Uh well, I was just walking in the hall and people kept staring at me, I felt like I couldn't walk or look anywhere without someone's eyes stabbing at me. People kept giggling and talking. Then some guy came up to me at the end of the day, saying to stay away from you, and that I'm pathetic for believing you would l-like me." He said in painful huffs of air
"What? why would they think that?" I said in shock
"Because he saw you walk me back to class after the bathroom thing, and he did that too." He pointed to the glasses on the ground
"How'd he.." I looked down at the broken glasses
"He grabbed them from my face and threw them to the ground before pushing me and leaving it on the ground. I tried to fixed the crack, but it just kept breaking." He looked down at his fingers again, picking up his hand to bite his finger nails
I quickly grabbed his hand to push it down "Hey don't do that alright? I'm here. Look he's pathetic, if anything. You're not pathetic at all. He seems like he was just jealous and everyone else is just stupid and nosy. I'm sorry about your glasses Matt, I can help you get new ones." I said as I slowly put my hand ontop of his
"Its okay, it's not your fault. I'm used to people staring and talking about me, but I don't know." He breathed out shallowly "I just didn't want to seem like an idiot to you."
"To me? Why?" I asked
"Because y/n you're smart, pretty, and really sweet to me for no reason, sometimes you stare and I get scared you're judging me but you're the only person that really talks to me other than my brothers." He explained
"Thank you Matty, but you're smart and equally as sweet. I never judge you I swear, I guess sometimes I just wondered why Mr. Robinson favored you and hated me, that's all. I would never make fun of you, I actually just wanted to get to know you.." My tone was nervous as I admitted my thoughts for the past time of calculus class.
"R-really you did?" His voice sounded shocked like he didn't expect it.
"Yeah, I mean it, I've always found you interesting, sorry if that sounds weird but I liked that you're not like everyone else."
Matt looked at me with puffy red eyes, which broke my heart even more
"Can I hug you?" he asked under his breath as he looked into my eyes
"Yeah of course" I smiled softly and got up. He got up right after me as I wrapped my arms loosely over his shoulders around his neck, he wrapped his arms around my waist respectfully.
"Thank you" he spoke in a whisper as he leaned his head onto my shoulders
"Always" I paused "Matt" I said in a breath as we let go slowly
"What is it?" he asked curiously, his voice becoming a bit louder
"Would you, um, want to hang out, maybe?" I asked shyly, I didn't know if he would reject me or find me crazy since we've barely talked til today
he smiled lightly "I'd like to, yeah" he replied
"Great, how's tomorrow after school, we can go to the beach if you'd like, it's getting warmer out." I offered as I slowly kneeled down and grabbed his glasses
"Mhm, yeah the beach is fine, thank you y/n" he blushed a bit which I noticed as I handed back the pair of glasses
"Maybe after we could get you a new pair" I giggled trying to lighten the mood more
he nodded before we hugged once more "I'll see you tomorrow then, thank you again y/n for everything."
"No worries, I'll always be here for you if you need, even if we aren't that close" I smiled as I walked over to get my bookbag
"Come on we live across the street from eachother, I'll walk home with you" I offered cheerfully
He walked over and put his backpack on, not even questioning that I knew we were neighbors.
"Alright" he said with a smile. I reached up to quickly fix his hair as he laughed while we walked back onto the path together to go home
The walk was enjoyable, he was sweet and we had a genuinely sweet and funny conversation til we split ways, waving and saying goodbye. I was excited for tomorrow, I honestly couldn't wait.
THIS PART WAS KIND OF SHIT BC I TOOK A BREAK AND HONESTLY GOT BORED OF THE SERIES SORRY. I just want to finish it for anyone that enjoys it, part 4 should come out this week if im in the mood for writing. I would make the series have a smut part but I still don't want to write any but maybe in the future I will
if anythings messed up it's bc it kept fucking giving me a hard time with shit and I dont wanna proofread bc honestly I cringed writing ts.
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devnmon · 2 years
Eyes on The Road
Daryl decides not to drive his bike somewhere for once, which opens up a new opportunity for you.
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Disclaimer: This is probably going to get filthy. Minors u are NOT welcome here! i mean it, don't even interact.
Warnings: Smut!!! oral (male receiving), dom!daryl, doggy style sex on the side of the road, head while driving, begging, teasing, fem!reader (reader with female anatomy), praise kink, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it ppl), language
word count: 3.3k
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Daryl and his bike were two things in the world that weren't without the other very often, much like his leather vest and familiar crossbow. He would become stubborn over taking a truck when one needed to be driven, because he was always sure he'd be faster on his bike.
Today though, he'd missed the smell of motor oil and a running engine of something that wasn't a bike. Before the turn, Daryl had driven his father's truck a hundred times and always loved being behind the wheel. As it was, there was a supply trip scheduled for you and him to venture out upon. The area for scavenging was big, not to mention guaranteed to have supplies. So, a truck with the capacity for a large amount of boxes was the right way to go.
Hesitantly, Daryl chose to leave his beloved bike home for a pickup truck that he had conveniently fixed up to use for days like this. Not only because the two of you continuously brought back an abundance of supplies; Daryl always wanted to be able to look over at you while driving, which didn't happen, couldn't happen, when he rode his bike.
Although, Daryl was fond of the way your arms gripped his torso when you rode on the back of his bike. Rick said the two of you looked like one of those couples in a movie that went riding off into the sunset together.
As Daryl walked down the hallway, he relaxed his eyes on you, sat on the couch. You were already preparing to leave on the supply run with him. he had always wanted you to be safe behind the walls while he went on runs. Though, him getting outside Alexandria without your company was never an option.
"Hey, you. So listen, uh, 'bout the run.."
Your gaze lifted from tying the brown boots at your feet to the familiar voice that met your ears. Rising from the couch, you looked at daryl who was stood a couple feet away, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. The leather jacket he'd found for you rested around your shoulders and the sight of you in it brought back Daryl's constant itch to kiss you.
"Hey, what about the run? If you tell me I can't go, Daryl, I swear-"
"No- no, sunshine. I still want ya with me. We're just gonna take one of them trucks outside 'stead of my bike. Just, we ain't gonna know how much we might find 'till we're out there. So, I wanna make sure we got 'nough room."
"Oh, okay. Wow, Daryl Dixon behind the wheel of a car for once, that'll be a sight to see."
"Pfft, stop. I'm just sayin' it'll be safer for us, ya know?”
"Yeah, I know. With you, it will be. I trust you."
The image of Daryl behind the wheel of a truck sounded unimaginable, since he’s always taken his bike on runs.
This time though, you would finally be given the opportunity to gawk at his charming face while he drove.
You could hold his hand, too. you could do a lot of things.
"Mhm, well we should get goin', 'fore we lose any light. Ya got everythin' you need?"
"Oh I definitely have everything I need." He picked up on the look you shot him immediately, walked over to where you stood and took your hand.
"C'mon, let's go." The grip he's got on your hand tethered both of you together. Even without it, you would follow Daryl anywhere, and you knew that already.
With help from the archer, the truck got packed to head out through the Alexandrian community you called home. Long roads you drove down were curved and lined with trees, until Daryl finally pulled onto the highway.
Your view moved from looking out the window to the man next to you, relaxed in his seat as he drove. You took in the sight of him, accompanied by his usual dark flannel shirt and pair of angel wings on his back.
In that moment, the pesky little idea you tried to push away earlier returns to your brain.
Daryl's ruggedly handsome figure sat inches from you, and you weren't all over him. It was time to change that.
That being said, it was the perfect time to put your idea into motion.
You shifted closer, just enough, so the both of you were shoulder to shoulder. That's when Daryl glanced over at you, seeing the slight smirk on your face. He thought nothing of it as his eyes went back to the road in front of him.
He felt your left hand drop softly onto his inner thigh, gripping it ever so lightly.
"What do ya think yer doin’?" Daryl cleared his throat, caught off guard by your movement. Without responding, your hand shifted further up Daryl's thigh, rubbing against the inner denim of his leg.
Your doe eyes studied his face, soaked in lust, wondering whether he would let you go further or not.
Daryl’s eyes didn’t budge from the road.
"I just wanna make you feel good, Dar."
That was the moment he realized what your motive was. It’s not that he didn’t want it, Daryl was damn sure he did.
It was just, well you caught him a bit off guard.
"Sunshine- wait-"
You paused.
Shit. Oh my god, what if he doesn’t want this.
“Daryl, you want me to keep going?”
His gaze on the road faltered a bit.
“I- yeah course I do, but-”
“But what? Daryl, if you don’t want this, please tell me.”
“No- it’s just- ya don’t gotta.”
Daryl wasn’t the type of man to believe since you were together, you had to do things like this for him.
No, in retrospect, it was the complete opposite.
Daryl was the one on his knees for you most of the time. Of course, you enjoyed it. Hell, you lavished in it. Though he didn’t speak often, Daryl was good with his tongue. He hadn’t given you a chance yet to be the one on your knees in the name of his pleasure.
Your hand moved again, rubbing over the little tent in Daryl's jeans, such jeans that were growing way too tight for his liking.
"But, I want to, Daryl. Let me, please."
There was a part of his brain that wanted to tell you no, that it would be dangerous for you to do while in a moving vehicle.
But there was a completely different part of him that was going to ignore the other half of his conscience and let you continue.
Daryl himself had one or two or several dirty thoughts about you in a car, so the notion of you doing that to him while he drove wasn't completely out of his comfort zone.
"God- shit, sweetheart. I-I mean.. shouldn't I pull ov-"
You scooted impossibly closer to him and leaned up to his ear.
Your hands moved then, undoing the button and zipper of Daryl's pants. he felt your hands moving swift as an arrow to rid him of his straining boxers.
Daryl could taste the tension on his tongue at this moment. He so very badly wanted to rip his eyes away from the road.
Though, he could feel the warmth of you surrounding him then. His length finally hit the air, and more importantly, your hands.
Daryl groaned at the sudden feeling from you and bit down on his lip so hard, he could've sworn it drew blood. His resolve weakened when he glanced down to catch an image of your hands on his length. One he could pull from his brain the nights he was away from you.
He didn't catch one, though. All Daryl got when he looked was you glancing up at him followed by your hands slowly halting their movement and pulling away.
"Eyes on the road, Dar. Or I stop."
His eyes locked right back on the road, in time to swerve around an abandoned car left aimlessly to rot away.
Though his teeth were hooked atop his lip, another groan escaped him.
"Fuck- fuck. Sorry, sunshine, shit. You just- you felt so good."
"Daryl. Are you watching the road?" The condescending tone you spoke to him with made Daryl want to slam on the brakes and cut your teasing short. The only reason he’d held out thus far was the sole fact that you hadn't put your mouth on him yet.
"Yes- yeah, I am." He felt your hands crowd him once more, one of them now resting at the base of his shaft, the other wrapped around his tip, thumbing gently.
Daryl's work-weathered hands gripped the steering wheel with more force now, the feeling of you egging him on so intensely. His foot on the gas pedal increased pressure, making the truck speed up.
Your hand dragged up and down slowly, as he hardened even more between your fingers. Your hand at his tip moved to his thigh, only for the loss of you to be replaced by your mouth.
Now circling Daryl's tip slowly, he tossed his head back with a groan at the sensation you brought him. He realized how much he almost couldn't take the wetness from your mouth dripping down his cock. In that moment, your lips leave him, only for your tongue to lick a stripe down his length.
One of Daryl's hands lets go of the steering wheel and landed on the back of your head to gather your hair in a makeshift ponytail. Groans slipped from his lips one after the other, soaked in his enamor for you. The pleasure of him surrounded by you, against your tongue, completely overwhelmed him.
You hum against him in response to the low sounds he made. He had to hand it to you, whatever the hell you were doing to him was damn good. The vibration he felt from your mouth on his length sent a shiver running up his spine.
You'd continued your path up and down Daryl's length until suddenly, the truck ran over a pothole. Daryl's torso jolted at the sudden dip in the road, your mouth enveloping an inch or so more of his cock. He burrowed his fingers deeper into your hair now as you gagged against him.
Daryl groaned at how much more complex it became to keep his eyes on the fucking road, like you'd asked him to.
All he wanted was to look down and admire the sight of your pretty mouth wrapped around him, tongue hungrily swirling. His gaze on the road ahead of him faltered more and more as another expletive followed by your name dropped from his lips.
A short moment was all it took. your lips around his length, the ever growing desire to look down and watch you, it was all too fucking much.
"Tha's it. Yer done, girl." Daryl's foot hit the break as his hand lifted your mouth off him. He stopped the car and shifted the gear to park, where you were now on the side of the road with him.
"What are you-"
"Get outta the car." Daryl's drawl deepened and you did as he said; he followed you to the front of the truck.
"Are you okay, Daryl? What's wrong?" You were clueless, like you didn't just have your head between his legs. It was fucking evil, how much pleasure you brought him, all while he was forced to just keep driving.
Yeah, he’d had enough.
"What's wrong is I ain't been able to see your beautiful mouth stuffed with my cock. Now yer not gonna get to see how good ya take me."
"Shut up.”
“This is exactly what you wanted, ain't it?”
“Gettin' me all worked up while I was drivin'? Forcin' me to pull over? An’ don’t even say nothin’, I know it is.”
All you heard next was “Take off your clothes” before you were being pushed over the front of the truck.
Daryl's demands rang in your ears as you watched him start to undo his pants.
Your hands hurriedly removed your bottoms, so he could take you.
Like you had planned all along.
Daryl wasn't stupid, he'd only played along because he too wanted to find the right spot between your thighs that made you whine, while in the car. Or in this case, over the car.
Now bent over the front of the vehicle, one of Daryl's hands rested on the small of your back. Your hands were placed on the hood as well.
Daryl's other hand landed on your ass, gripping tightly. His grip disappeared and landed right back onto your backside with a smack. a moment later, he leaned over against your back to whisper in your ear.
"So desperate for me, ain't ya? Bet you're all wet from havin' my cock down yer throat, too, huh? My pretty little slut."
Daryl's hand wrapped around his length and ran his tip over your sensitive bundle of nerves, spreading the wetness that leaked from your entrance.
"Daryl.. P-Please.." you whimpered at his payback teasing, which was only going to be worse on the receiving end.
"Hm? What's that, doll?" He halted his movements between your legs.
"P-Please, give it to me good, Daryl."
"I dunno.. Maybe I shouldn't give ya anythin' after teasin' me earlier. So i guess yer just gonna have to convince me."
"N-No.. I want you to take me.. please, please. Wanna feel you inside me, I need it. Need you."
"I want ya so bad, darlin'."
Daryl could tell you were desperate, craving so badly for him to thrust into you and hit those spots inside you only he could.
He couldn't lie either, he was desperate, too. And he'd quite frankly wanted to bend you over the truck ever since you'd gotten in it with him.
Daryl lined himself up with your slit. With each slow, heavy push of him, he entered you slowly.
As he bottomed out, a groan slipped from his lips.
"Sh-shit, Dar. Oh my god, you're so big." Those words slipping from your lips made his cock twitch.
"Mmm, yeah?”
“Y-Yes.. Love it, love you, Daryl.”
Daryl chuckled to himself. Just minutes ago you were beckoning his release in the truck, and now you were proclaiming your love for him with his cock inside you.
So innocent, yet lust dripped from your voice.
“You're so wet, sunshine, shit. All from gettin' on yer knees for me?”
You muttered a mhm paired with a pathetic whimper for him in response. The feeling of Daryl inside of you clouded any coherent thoughts you were going to have.
“What, got nothin’ to say now?”
“Daryl, please, move.”
His resolve diminished, as the grip on your hips tightened. Slowly, he pushed fully inside again, hitting the deepest parts of you. Daryl pulled back even slower, almost fully so just his tip remained inside you.
One loud moan slipped out, when Daryl pushed in again.
“Torture, ain’t it?”
You mumbled something under your breath, which you hoped Daryl didn’t hear.
Though, he was a hunter, of course he heard you.
“What was that?”
“I said, just fuck me already, Dixon.”
That had done it.
That was the key to cracking open a side of Daryl you didn’t see often: a rougher side. Especially during sex.
“Whatever you say, darlin’.”
Daryl didn’t waste any time as he found a steady but fast rhythm of thrusting inside you, only harder now. He cursed as you involuntarily clenched around him at the sensation.
Each time he fully buried himself into your entrance, his tip pushed against the deepest parts of you. Sultry moans followed by Daryl's name were audible as you gripped the hood of the car like no tomorrow.
One of his hands, followed by clever fingers, found its way between the two of you to swirl at your sensitive bundle of nerves. The sudden jolt of friction against your clit made your legs shake.
The onslaught feeling of Daryl only beckoned you closer to your release, one you were so prominently chasing. He pulled even more delightful sounds from you for his listening pleasure.
Daryl repositioned a bit before thrusting into you harder and rougher than before. The angle he hit now sent your head spinning with pleasure as your climax inched closer.
"Da-Daryl... I-I'm-" Despite the attempt to hold back, you couldn't bear to be without the feeling.
"You wanna come, don't ya, sunshine? I know yer gettin' close. C'mon, lemme feel it, babe. Let go for me."
Daryl's words pulled your orgasm out of thin air, quickly sending you over the edge as the last syllable left his lips.
"Tha's it, pretty girl. Fuck, look at ya, all messy for me. So damn gorgeous."
The jolting of your body as you rode out your high caused Daryl to quicken his movements inside you. He was chasing the same feeling you'd given him the very first time you'd slept together.
"Fuck, darlin'. You're perfect. Can't focus all day cause I just-just wanna be doin this." You moaned again at Daryl's reassuring words and clenched around him again, wanting so desperately to catapult him to his finish like he'd done for you.
"Shit.. Fuck, I'm gon'-"
"Daryl... You feel so good inside me.. No one can ever make me feel as good as you... C'mon, come for me, baby. Just let go.." The praise dripped from your mouth in a breath, and it sent Daryl over the edge. His pace quickened for a few thrusts until he pulled out and came in his hand with a groan of your name.
"Sh-shit... oh f-fuck, darlin'. You're so fuckin’ good at that." You blushed and turned to catch Daryl in his afterglow.
"I learn from the best. Besides, you always know how to make me like that.”
Daryl glistened in the sunlight, beads of sweat painted across his chest, his shirt sloppily unbuttoned. You stared a moment longer at him, his torso heaving from the activity you’d just participated in with him.
He chuckled, and beamed with pride at how he will always be able bring you pleasure, no matter what he did.
"I know I do. Now, listen to me. If you ever tease me like that again, I’ll fuck you till ya can’t walk, understand?"
"Oh, I understand. Just name the time and place." Daryl could tell you were half serious and he scoffed. He'd begun to pull his pants back on, and you did the same.
You glanced over at Daryl to see he was making sure the highway was still clear. Your arms wrapped around the nape of Daryl's neck as his hands met your waist again, more softly this time around.
"You would like that, wouldn't you?" Daryl questioned, but he already knew the answer. You just smiled with just the slightest twinge of blush on your cheeks.
"You know me so well." The smile cracked across your face was due to the brown haired, blue eyed archer before you.
"Course I do. Love you." Daryl's lips met yours in a soft kiss, as his arms surrounded you in the same moment.
"I love you too. Maybe we should get back on the road now. You know, before we're surrounded by walkers. I mean.. they definitely all heard me.."
Daryl chuckled, since the two of you in the act probably did catch the attention of whatever was roaming by.
"Yeah, we should. Just, no more teasin’, alright? Or else.”
You knew you really shouldn't tease Daryl anymore than you already did, but that or else option just sounded so good.
"Alright, let's go."
The both of you climbed back into the truck, your minds clouded by thoughts of what you’d just done.
If teasing Daryl led to things like that, you were definitely going to tease him more often.
a/n: likes + reblogs are appreciated!! it lets me know how much everyone enjoys my writing & sharing to others is a generous thing to do. much love & thanks :)
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blood-grove · 5 months
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odd adjustments
prev <- part 2 -> part 3
adoptive!soap and ghost + adopted!reader
× pairing: soapghost
× summary: the now retired couple decides that there house is feeling a bit empty besides there two cats and german shepard.
× tws: medication, mentions of ptsd, angst, minor injuries
The ride was long they lived ways out from the city which would be a change of pace and scenery.
Simon was quiet through the drive the silence wasn't uncomfortable it was nice you found yourself dozing off here and there along the trip jostled awake by the sudden bumpiness of the road glancing out of the window to see you were pulling up into a gravel drive way.
You grumbled quietly mainly out of tiredness you caught Simons eyes in the car mirror checking up on you as he parked.
"You can head inside out of the rain I'll grab the bags." Simon said as he promptly got out of the car with his own umbrella.
You quickly did the same heading over to the house where a cat waited behind the glass door seeing you it left.
The door opened luckily it was unlocked as you stepped inside wiping your feet off on the mat setting your dripping umbrella into the umbrella holder nearby awkwardly shifting around as you stepped into the short hallway glancing around at the pictures on the walls as you made it to the living room the house was quiet aside from the movement upstairs which you could assume was possibly John.
You felt increasingly awkward as you glanced around flinching once the door opened once more Simon coming in holding both your bag and suitcase gently brushing past you as he sat them next to the stairs glancing back at you.
"You can sit anywhere you'd like" He hummed as he headed upstairs and so you did that sitting down on the couch as you slipped your phone from out of your pocket it was a bit cracked but it worked.
You eventually heard footsteps coming down John coming into the room with the grin you remembered.
You found the mohawk funny.
"It's nice ta' finally have you here!..I made some food so you can eat if you want or If your tired yer bedroom is upstairs first on the right its bare bones for now since we didn't know what ye'd like to decorate it with."
His accent was funny.
Oh you should answer.
"Uh um.." You just mumbled which got you a confused look with just made you tense which he noticed.
"Oh ah sorry forgot to mention- Cant hear very well out of my right ear n all supposed to be getting a new hearing aid soon So you may need to shout ever now and then—"
"I'm uh kind of hungry." You spoke up a bit more which John luckily heard this time
"Oh! Good Ah didnae waant the food tae git tae cauld even if its just sandwiches."
This wasn't as awkward as you thought it'd be.
You had eaten chatted up with John a bit more he was a nice guy a lot more talkative than Simon but you knew that from the interviews.
Simon had come down as well not without John badgering his to sit down something about his leg and medication you weren't too nosy.
He'd seemed to be getting the dog situated as he brought her down Riley was her name wasn't it?.
She was a German Shepard you thought as you stretched out your hand towards her with a glance at Simon she sniffed it before licking your hand you guess it smelt like the deli meats from the sandwich.
You scratched behind her ear as her tail wagged.
You'd put up with the awkwardness of adjusting to here for the dog.
Simon and John started talking about something as you pet Riley the rain hadn't really let up and began to pour down a bit harder thunder rumbling out as John mumbled something to Simon the man getting up with a grunt and headed back down the hall.
"He's just going to check if we have lanterns in case the power gives out." You flinched as John spoke you didn't even realize you were staring where Simon had left you just nodded.
"You can go up to your room y'know still early in the day plus so you can unpack and unwind n' all." John glanced at you as he spoke you just nodded again maybe too quickly getting up Riley leaving your side and heading down where Simon had went.
You felt nauseous laying in bed so many things running threw your head.
Also there was a cat on your bed.
You were pretty sure this was Old man, The gruff appearance and the near mustache and beard combo look in his fur fur and the greying hairs.
You held you hand out for him to smell and he just looked at you with near human unamusement.
You pulled your hand back and went back to thinking.
God what were you thinking about even?
These are good people.
This room is good.
This house is good.
The animals are better.
Why do you have to start spiraling now? Always sinking yourself into doom spiralling.
Hypothetical's that made no sense as the storm just picked up outside.
You grumbled as you got up and started to search through your suitcase Old man had hoped down to watch you as you swallowed trying to ignore the nauseous feeling your now sweaty hands find your medication.
You fumble with the cap always forgetting how to open it before you finally pop it off and dig out a couple of pills swallowing them dry even if you know you shouldn't.
You just tried to focus on not hurling on your new floor taking deep inhales as you shakily dug your fingers into the carpet below sniffling.
a/n: idk why i had to leave on a sad end ALSO I LIED ITS GETTING MORE PARTS
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intriq · 1 year
dc universe characters but your their ex, and they want you back
could be hurt/comfort, maybe fluff. angst? idk, unsure about how to label this one chief
if you want to see any other characters in here, lmk via comment or send me an ask! [they are always open for requests n stuff, so feel free to send them] and i'll make sure to get them in here!
Also, big thanks to my beta readers: Lilac, Void, My bestie, and bat brat apollo! they helped make sure these didn't fall too out of character.
...at first, didn't realize just how miserable he'd feel after you guys broke up. Well, after he broke up with you.
He thought that you being possibly tied in to his life as Batman would make things oh so dangerous, and that maybe you'd be better off without him. And that just maybe he'd be better off without you.
But boy was he wrong.
After day one, he missed your presence.
After day three, he started missing your touch. Hugs, kisses, cuddles, the works.
After one week he missed seeing you whenever he came back to Wayne manor after patrol or whenever he'd had a long day being out and about Gotham, whether as just his regular self or patrolling the streets, fighting crime as Batman.
By week two, not even focusing on patrolling could keep you off his thoughts. It didn't exactly help that he knew your schedule. Actually, not even just knew. He had it memorized.
So he'd find himself particularly drawn to patrolling the area around where you lived more often, sometimes even doubling back to the area. Sometimes even three times.
Of course, it took a full month [and seeing you going on your first date since the break-up] for him to take action. He'd started sending gifts at first. Small things that you liked, whether it be books or lots and lots of flowers.
Then the gifts just got more and more expensive, more grandeur. After all, he is a billionaire, so it wouldn't hurt his bank account. Plus, it was a gift for you. So why wouldn't he?
If you still didn't take him back then, he starts sending you texts. Just cute little things such as "i miss you" and whatnot.
And then the in-person confessions, gift giving, and what-not started after. He'd drop by [after making sure no one was around to see at least three times] your apartment while he was in his full Batman getup, bringing you some smaller, easier to hide away things like bracelets and necklaces.
And during the day, he'd be where ever he'd knew you'd be. Whether it was your apartment, your job, anywhere, he'd personally come deliver you yet another gift.
Takeout from your favorite place? He's brought it to you for lunch.
He saw you post about something [whether it be a stuffed animal, jewelry, etc] on social media because it's cool or cute? It's been hand delivered to you by him.
"I saw you talking about how much you wanted these, so I got them for you. Why..? Because I miss you."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...was devastated when you broke up with him. He didn't realize that all this work being a vigilante that made him miss out on oh so many dates had taken as big of a toll on your relationship as it did.
And by the time he'd realized, the cracks had already formed, and you'd broken up with him. You wanted a partner who could meet you half-way, even if he was a little busy at times.
But that didn't stop him from immediately trying to win you back. Gifts? You've got it. Whether they were bought or handmade, it didn't really matter. He'd get you something.
Not to mention the texts, phone calls, voicemails, everything. He's going the full nine yards to show you just how sorry he is, and just how badly he wants you back.
"I know I've said I was sorry so many times, but I really am! I promise I'll do everything in my power to be there for our date nights, so please take me back.."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...definitely wasn't expecting for you to break up with him. Sure, he's been in plenty of relationships before, but he'd never expected you to get the courage to tell him you wanted to break up.
He didn't even realize he missed you as much as he did until one night while patrolling, a month or two after your break-up, he saw you walking along the streets of Gotham.
And damn were you still as pretty as the first time he saw you. In fact, scratch that, as pretty as the last time he saw you. Which was when you broke up with him.
So from then on, when Gotham is just a little less quiet and he can afford to do a little slacking off, he walks with you. You had this weird routine of walking for an hour at night, anyway.
At first he made small-talk. Asked you how your day was, why you were taking a walk [he already knew why. he just wanted to hear that pretty voice of yours more!], how you'd been since the break-up, if you were seeing anyone [this was extremely important and he'd express why after a bit of prompting], as one does.
Then it ramps up to him telling you how much he missed you, how pretty and attractive you were still, the works. He then ramps up to just blatant flirting, maybe even making sure he was touching you in some way, like an arm around your shoulder. Or maybe even subtly holding your hand under the premise of him wanting to show you something that you didn't know the way to.
And after that, if you still didn't miss him enough to take him back? He's just obvious. Asking you on dates, showing up to your home with gifts, everything. He'll go the whole nine yards for you, just so you'll take him back.
"Aww, c'mon! Just one date, sweetheart. Please? I promise that if you don't want me back after just one date I won't bother you again."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...definitely didn't want to admit he wanted you back until it's been nearly six months since you broke up, and words going around that your starting to date again.
This pisses him off, for reasons he wasn't sure about.
So before you know it, he's popping up just about everywhere. Getting him to admit he missed you and regretted the breakup is no easy feat, and you'll likely not ever get him to admit it out loud.
I can't really see Jason making any grand or large gestures, just small little ones that maybe have some sort of sentimental value.
He'd probably drop by your home every now and then. If he's hurt in some way, you bet your ass he's right there on your fire escape, knocking on your window to let him in.
Even if it's just something so incredibly minor he could take care of himself, he's using it as an excuse to see you again.
While he's not totally experienced with being overly romantic, he's got his moments of being just a little bit sappy.
"Why go through the hard work and trouble of finding someone else if I'm right here?"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...wasn't expecting to miss you after you two broke things off. She figured she'd be fine on her own, but she was quickly proven wrong.
I can see her giving gifts, but she'd be more-so trying to spend as much time as she could with you. Texts, both early morning and late night phone calls, voicemails about how much she regrets breaking up, and probably more.
Lot's of "I miss you" and "I still like/love you" texts, maybe some "Can we please get back together?" texts mixed as well.
She'll make how much she misses you known.
"Please come back, I miss our little movie date nights."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...is just like Jason in a way, when it comes to realizing she misses having you around.
But she does come to terms with the fact that she misses you. She'll be a little hesitant to admit it in words, but she'll make it known in small gestures.
The breakup was definitely amicable, so you two are kind of just awkwardly still friends. But any time you two hangout, it borderlines being a date.
Movies? Only if it's something that will remind you of stuff you two liked to watch together when you were dating.
Going for a walk? She'll make sure you two just so happen to pass by a spot you guys went to for your first date.
She'll even still pretend to "accidentally" call you by the nicknames she had for you whilst you were dating.
But if even that doesn't work, she'll just start making you two "hangout" at places you've gone to for dates before.
"Wow, this place hasn't changed a bit since the last time we were here, huh? Brings back memories."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...of course, isn't really sure what to do when she notices she's missing you. You were probably one of her first relationships, which just only adds onto her confusion of what to do.
She'd probably go seek Babs and Stephanie out for advice, asking them what they think she should do. Just what she should do.
After getting advice from the two, she thinks it over for a little bit before she starts anything. She probably also tries to feel you out to check if you feel the same way she does.
And if you do, or if she finds out your unsure, she starts giving you small gifts. And I mean small. Just mostly little trinkets and knickknacks that she finds while out and about.
Buttons? Pins? Small figurines, no bigger than the palm of your hand? She's getting them for you.
Of course, this is to help her just get a little confidence before she drops the question about getting back together.
And when she does drop the question, she tries to make it sound like she's being genuine. She probably brought another small little gift, maybe one of your favorite snacks.
"I know you said you liked these when we were together, right? I know you may think I wasn't really.. paying attention, but most of the time, but I promise I was. And I'm sorry I didn't do that great of a job of showing you that I cared about you. Please take me back?"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤKate Kane..
...is both similar to Stephanie and Jason. While she'll think she's better off without you, there's almost a constant reminder of you somewhere in her world.
And it just draws her back to you.
It's very much a push and pull sort of thing with her, as some days she's fully willing to admit just how much she misses you and wants you back, while others she'd never admit to even a word of it.
She'll also bring you sentimental gifts sometimes. Mostly just leaves them somewhere she knows only you will find them with a little note attached.
Though the contents of the little notes will greatly vary from "I miss you", "I know you like these so I got them for you", to just her name sometimes.
Saw these and thought of you. -K
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤDinah Lance...
...is most definitely bold and maybe even a little bit flirty. When she realized that she definitely wasn't ready to move on from you quite yet, she put all her effort into wooing you back.
She'd probably try to play off the fact you two are suddenly running into each other at things you like, it's really just so she can see you again. Making you unintentionally [but kind of purposefully] think of her again whenever you thought about the things you like.
After a bit of this, though, she just downright starts asking you out to dates. If she knows certain places hold sentimental value because they were your favorite date spots with her, she'll ask you on a date to there again.
"Oh? Didn't know you were coming here today. Maybe it's a sign you should just let me take you on a date today."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
‎‎‎‎‎ㅤㅤHelena Bertinelli...
...wasn't usually the type to dwell on her exes. But you? You were all that was on her mind after the breakup.
While she spends many a night deleting text after text, trying to come up with the right set of sentences to tell you just how much she misses you and wants you back, she does eventually send something.
And from there she just gets a little bolder.
Lingering touches, like her hand grazing against yours if you are handing her something. Staring at you for just a few seconds longer than needed, all that stuff.
It does take her a bit of time to get the confidence to just straight up asking you out on another date, though when she does, she's already got it all planned out.
"Do you still like that one restaurant we went to for our anniversary? .... Why? Oh, well, I wanted to make sure I didn't need to cancel the reservation I made."
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...didn't have thoughts of missing you. At first.
She did start thinking of you again when you two were assigned on a mission together. And all it did was really get you stuck in her head.
The way you looked, whether it was the way you fight or just generally how you look in your vigilante costume? It just kept replaying in her head over and over again.
So now anytime your out and about doing your own thing, under your vigilante guise? She's found an excuse to be joining you.
Whether that excuse is "you looked like you needed help", or "my patrols been pretty quiet, so I thought I'd join you", she's always got some excuse you can't argue back about.
Eventually she starts dropping hints about wanting to get back together with you. But whether she's good at dropping these hints or not is entirely up to how oblivious you could be.
Eventually she just tires out of dropping hints and just makes you look at her when she just drops the question. Think of the classic "grabbing your chin and turning your head to look at them" kind of deal.
"How about we go out this Sunday, hmm? ... Yes, on a date. What, did you think I was going to ask you to patrol with me or something?"
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ➶ 。˚   °
...most definitely is stubborn when it comes to your break-up. He doesn't even want to entertain the thought that the reason he might be so grouchy whenever he sees you talking to someone else, or hears about how you may be crushing on someone else, is because he misses you. And is jealous, of course.
Even the sheer mention of your name around him, whether it be from his older brothers [mainly Dick because he is most certainly the teasing older brother type], he get's all grouchy and almost pouty.
He does try to help you out around school, though. He may act all mean and cold towards you, he'll act like he's "reluctantly" helping you out.
"you can't be trusted to carry this stuff," he'll try and say as he takes that stack of chairs, books, whatever it is in your hands away to do it himself. His hidden little agenda is that he's hoping you'll miss him because of him helping you out.
His "compliments" aren't always easily understood as such, though. "You didn't do terrible, for once" he might say as he hands you your graded test.
In order for him to get the courage to ask you out again, though, will definitely take some coaxing. [And maybe some teasing from Dick, too]
But when he does, it's a 50/50 chance of him saying it in a sweet way, or in his usual cold and almost brat-like demeanor.
"If I take you out on a date, will that get you to shut up for at least five minutes?"
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sparrowrye · 6 months
Demi Demon || Alastor x Reader, A2 part 25
Synopsis: It’s been over a year since we were brought under Alastor’s watchful eye. We’ve unlocked our Demonic powers, discovered our own talents, and began building the Safe Haven with Charlie and co. Alastor seems increasingly interested in the power we hold as one and intends to use it properly.
Previous part
Part 25: comfort
Another big storm came from the ocean. I was grateful that construction and other projects were paused because it gave me the time to stress sketch. Reading helped but sketching really seemed to help loosen any built up stress I had stored in my neck and shoulders.
And stressed I very much was.
It was mid summer and four more surface Overlords had gone missing. Territories were toppling and being combined into a sort of Clan that Blackwater was running. Yet he still remained a ghost, completely untouchable. He was building an empire. And I knew he was going to come for us eventually.
Knowing Blackwater and how thorough and evasive he has been, I knew he would build up his power and empire until he was strong enough to come challenge Alastor. Or, he would be slick about it and try to catch Alastor off guard like he had done with Reagan and I in that hidden factory.
Alastor insisted we were fine but I didn't believe him. Blackwater was smart and obviously very good with technology. He created an entire room that could prevent people from using their magic yet he could wield it freely as a Human. What else could he figure out? He was creating the very thing Overlords had been working so hard to prevent: a collective power of Humans.
Hazbin Haven wasn't anywhere near the power of such a possible empire. We had Demons and Slight Humans but they were here to escape the persecution, to escape the fighting. Blackwater wasn't going to stop at just one nation or body of land. He was going to make sure the entire world was rid of Demon-kind. We might be last on his list but he was moving fast.
I knew I was bothering Alastor with my frequent concerns and nightmares but they were starting to become real.
Lucifer had mentioned during some of my training sessions that I might have future visions. I had already had a couple but I didn't think anything of it. Nowadays, I was starting to have small little scenarios during a nap or at the tail end of a dream that would come true a few days later. I couldn't change them or even predict them before they happened. I could only recognize when the vision came true.
I asked Alastor to speak with Lucifer and set up a more frequent time to meet with the King of Hell so he could teach me more about Angelic magic. Alastor wasn't happy about it but he didn't say no.
I heard him calling for me. I was sitting on the window seat in the library sketching the corner of the room. I was practicing quick, rough sketching before going in for finer details. I was trying to finish the quick sketch before answering. I didn't want to break my concentration, plus he would see me once he came down the stairs.
But he kept calling. It was a call, then a question, then sweet, then just annoyed that I was ignoring him. I knew he could see me from where he walked into the living room. Why was he still calling me? Couldn't he tell I was focused?
I shifted more comfortably, back haunched over the sketch pad, and continued to focus on the corner of the room. He tried again, more forcibly, and I responded with a terse, "What Al?"
I was finishing the edge of the rug in the corner when I noticed the prolonged silence. He had stopped calling my name and was just standing there, staring at me. That's when it finally registered in my head what I had just said.
I stopped sketching. I slowly straightened my back, eyes anxiously moving up his long legs to meet his eyes. I couldn't tell what his smile meant. Was it surprise? Was it annoyance? He blinked twice before coming back to reality. He stepped to the side to reveal Reagan waiting in the living room. I had forgotten she was coming up to chat with me.
"Sorry, I was just so focused," I laughed lightly. I closed the pad and left it on the seat, waltzing over to  Reagan and letting my tail drag lightly across his boot. I tried to briefly touch his mind but I couldn't quite catch what he was feeling. Why had I said his name like that? I had heard Husker use that nickname but I had never once used it.
Reagan and I took a walk along the shore. We couldn't go into towns anymore since Blackwater's rise to power. Both of us were too nervous after last time when we had left the haven. So we agreed to walk along the beach instead.
The rain was still present but the wind had died down for the early evening. I kept the rain from hitting us like Alastor had done so many times to the two of us. She talked to me about helping Vivian with the children and all the fun and stupid things that happen in the new school building.
We didn't walk for very long. The rain had made it cold and our feet were getting pale from walking on the cold beach. I walked her back to the haven where Lucas 'happened' to be walking along the edges. A smile grew on my face as I watched the two of them talk and walk down the street. I realized then just how much the haven had grown.
How much I had grown.
I found Alastor sitting by the fireplace. The dark outside made the living room feel more safe and warm. His eyes slowly opened to look at me, smile showing only a few of his upper teeth. "How was the walk?" he asked, holding his hand out for me to take.
I crossed the room, practically a magnet to his hand, and wrapped my claws around his. The last edges of cold disappeared as his presence and magic blended with mine. In one swift movement, he pulled me down and lifted my leg to have me sitting sideways on his lap, legs folded over his knees. His claw came up my back to keep me from falling over the armchair and the other kept my thigh securely on his leg.
"Relax your muscles, darling." He planted a few kisses on the side of my neck. It had taken a surprising amount of effort to get my shoulders, and especially my legs, to lower and loosen up. Now I was starting to feel way too warm.
He tilted his head up and waited, waited for me to lean down and kiss him. The action felt strange this time as I leaned my head down. His hand on my thigh moved a little further while the other one on my back pressed me closer.
I wrapped one arm around the back of his neck and rested a hand perfectly on the curve of his shoulder. A moment later he broke the kiss and found my eyes with his gentle, beady red ones.
"Say, my darling," his smile turned into a smirk, "what compelled you to say my name in such a way earlier?" My eyes widened and my face grew even more red. I tried to get off but he fastened his grip with a laugh, "Not so fast, my dear. I'm only curious."
"It just kinda came out," I replied, refusing to look in his direction. "I've heard Husker call you that. I'm sorry, I won't do it again."
"Come now, my darling." He placed a kiss on the exposed part of my shoulder. "I didn't say that you shouldn't. I had only asked why."
"Well...that's why." I still wouldn't look at him. My face was too hot and I knew he would make a comment about it. So he wasn't angry about the nickname?
"Darling~" He leaned his face close to my neck so his breath would brush against my skin. He then slowly ran his tongue up my neck muscle. I bit my lip.
He placed small, light kisses along it next. When I still wouldn't look at him, he ran his sharp teeth gently across my skin. I pushed him back in the chair by a splayed hand on his chest. A spark of anger crossed his features before the smugness took over.
"I do believe we agreed that I would have your attention in the evenings." His tentacle came up to pull on the bend of my elbow so we closed the distance. "So do hold up your end of the deal." His hand on my back pressed a little more.
"Of course, Al," I said right before I kissed him. His surprise lasted only a millisecond. He laughed into the kiss then let out a content sigh, breath brushing on my upper lip. The sensation sent goosebumps up my arms and made a heavy burning build in my chest. I pressed harder into the kiss.
I was higher than him, only slightly, but it was something different.
He gently pulled my one hand off his shoulder and led it to his hair. I hummed a laugh into the kiss as I threaded my fingers through his hair. I slowly moved up to his ear and gave just enough pressure up the entirety of it.
His claws held on to me tighter, deepening the kiss and running his tongue along my teeth. I moved my hand to the back of his head and pressed like he was doing to my back. Occasionally I used my claws gently enough and it earned a full body shudder from him each time.
His hands moved closer to each other, moving down my back and further up my thigh. His claws found the edge of my shirt and slipped underneath to touch my skin.
Scenes flashed in my eyes and I jerked away. My hands shoved his away and kept them locked in a deadly grip. I had pushed him out of my mind and kept him there.
His smile looked pained. "I overstepped again."
"I just...I'm not...we didn't..."
His hands were still locked in my grip but his eyes were holding me firmly in place. "Easy darling. Think on it before you attempt to explain it."
He glanced to his hands. I gradually unstuck each claw until I had let go of him completely. I stood up, facing burning from embarrassment, and avoided looking in his general direction. I wanted to curl up in a dark cave and never come back.
I hadn't realized how close he had gotten. He held out his hand from behind, towering from behind but not in his usual demeaning way. It felt like was trying to hug me from a distance.
It took me a moment longer before I placed my hand on his, back still to him, and let him press a soft kiss to the top of my head near my horns. My claws looked so small in his large palm, red claws covering mine. I lowered my shields to him only slightly, allowing him to press close but not yet enter.
"Let us begin our routine," he offered. I'm not sure what it was about our nightly routine that made me feel more at ease and more comfortable. I changed in my room and sat on the edge of his bed with my novel. His eyes remained focused on his abstract, eyes looking through his round glasses and ear flapping occasionally at slight noises.
I tried to read but I couldn't focus. My mind kept going back to him, kept forcing me to look over for any signs of anger.
Yet there wasn't.
I lowered my shields but didn't pull him in or try to touch his own. I wanted to know what he was feeling but I didn't dare try to go anywhere near him. I didn't want to risk upsetting him somehow.
I decided to call it a night. I turned away from him and left the book on the table. He noticed my back facing him and asked, "Done for the night?"
He took off his glasses, the sound of them bending and being placed on the table reaching my ears easily, and snuffed the fire out. I listened intently to the sound of him shifting down and eventually going still, going silent.
I stared into the darkness, heart pounding painfully loud in my ears and hands gripping the sheet tightly. I didn't like having my back to him but I was too scared to turn over.
"Darling," he called, making me jump.
"Why are you still frightened?"
"I'm not." I turned my head a little despite the pitch blackness of the room.
"I can feel it."
Shit. I drew my magic back not realizing that it had subconsciously melded with him.
"It is not something to apologize for. I was only asking the reason for it."
I went quiet. He didn't sound upset and he hadn't feel upset when our magic had touched. There was definitely something close to impatience but he always felt that way.
"I-I'm sure you wanted to do more but I made us stop," I finally answered.
There was a long moment of silence. I wanted to touch our magic to see what he was thinking. Was he looking at me or just staring into the darkness?
His voice broke the silence again. "Are you afraid I am angry with you?"
"Aren't you?" I turned over more so I could just see his dark outline. My eyes were starting to adjust to the darkness.
"No, my dear. I am quite the opposite. I am worried."
"Why?" I turned over to face him. I could sense his magic as he made it light enough for me to see his eyes. He was lying on his back with his head turned towards me.
"I do not wish to cause such fear in you. I wish for you to feel safe in my presence."
"I do feel safe around you. It's just..." I trailed off, avoiding his gaze again.
He pulled his hand out from under the covers and left it face up on the mattress in between us. I moved closer and laid my hand in his, watching his claws carefully and slowly enclose on mine. I still didn't know why I liked looking at our claws like that.
"Do you fear I will force myself onto you?" he asked.
I pressed my cheek into the pillow and casted my eyes to my shoulder until the edges went dark from the strain. I shouldn't be shocked by his bluntness. That was his style, after all.
"I'm not sure," I admitted slowly, tightening my grip on his hand, "I'm...I...get really nervous. That's all."
"My dear." He rolled on his side and gently brushed his fingers along my cheek with his other hand now that we were close enough. "Your definition of fear and nervous are sorely misguided."
"They're pretty much the same." I casted a gentle glared up at him. It instantly fell when our eyes met.
"It is an unexplainable fear when I touch you in that way, yes?" he prompted.
"Then I am telling you it is not. You are experiencing flash backs to what that wretched man did to you." My eyes stayed glued to his, somehow unable to look away this time. "At first I had thought it was because you still feared me in such a way. However, the memories that present themselves when this happens is from your time in the rings."
"Oh." I tore my eyes from his to look down at our claws. I had been trying to keep that memory pushed out of my mind. I had blocked it out after it had happened but had to face it when unraveling my curse. He had seen it. He had killed the man, too. It wasn't as if I was afraid this man would find me and do it again. Even if he did, surely Alastor wouldn't let that happen again. So why was I still scared?
"I will not force myself on you in such a way." He laid his large palm on my cheek as lightly and gently as he could, his thumb rubbing back and forth across my skin. "I have taken the lead in everything. This time, I will allow for you to take the lead."
I met his eyes and watched his smile turn genuine. I couldn't stop the smile that mimicked his, watching it grow as I did so. The weight on my cheek grew heavier as I moved my fingers to interlock with his claws. My tail came up to wrap around his ankle. A radio came on to play a soft, smooth tune. I laughed lightly at the action, knowing he was trying to find a way to make me feel more at ease.
I moved closer until my cheek was against his chest. I sucked in a deep breath of his smokey, cedar wood scent. I could feel the ridges of his chest under the black long sleeve without his usual layer of clothes. 
His arms wrapped firmly, securely, around my shoulder and hooked one of his legs with mine. He placed a gentle kiss on my hair before taking a deep breath of my own scent. I let our magic blend together. I could read his emotions, feelings, and thoughts. He was worried but seemed happy, too.
"Why are you sad?" Worry suddenly took over as he tried to pull away to see my face. I kept my arms tightly around him and face pressed into his chest. I didn't want him to see me crying.
"It's relief."
He wasn't sure what to do at that, still stiff and trying to see my face.
Just hug me back. I sent through our thoughts. The worry stepped away as he encased me back in his safe hug. The cold had disappeared and the overwhelming heat had abated, leaving me in the perfect temperature. I took another deep breath.
Author's Note:
Hope you guys liked this comfort chapter. @jgabriel1920 and @wendigonamecaller gave me the idea.
Thank you to all of you for your support and kindness! I honestly wasn't expecting it <3
Hopefully I'll be back to daily posts by next week.
@wendigonamecaller @saccharine-nectarine @thesimpybitch @papas-ghoulette
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creative-kny-fics · 5 months
For flame's birthday!
Lee! Kyojuro, Lers! Senjuro and Shinjuro
Please and thanks!
Yes, why not? Kyojuro is one of those who would tell you "you always need your birthday tickles!", so he won't have any problem accepting them hahaha
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Lers: Senjuro and Shinjuro Rengoku
Lee: Kyojuro Rengoku
When it's someone's birthday, it's normal for that person to hear "it's your day, you should relax" or "take the day off, you deserve it!", among others.
But Kyojuro had not accepted that, he was a young man very committed to his work, although he wanted to have fun with his friends, perhaps spend some time with his family, he couldn't, his duty was relentless.
'Brother, I insist, I'm sure that if you don't go today they will understand you. It's your birthday, why don't you stay and we go out to eat?'
'I'm sorry Senjuro, but unfortunately I can't do that, maybe you don't understand now, you're still very young', he said, ruffling his younger brother's hair as he finished getting ready.
It was still too early, and when I say it was too early, it's because the sun hadn't even risen.
And why was Senjuro awake? When Kyojuro stood up, he did too, to convince him one last time to stay and celebrate with them. 'Well, I think everything is ready! I have to go Senjuro, but I'll try to come back soon. Say goodbye to father for me, take care!'
'And where do YOU ​​think you're going?', Kyojuro turned around, not expecting Shinjuro to be awake too.
He was also like Kyojuro at some point, but it wasn't that that forced him to get up early that day, it was his son's stubborn behavior with his work, so he assumed that he wouldn't accept the day off they were offered and would go anyway
'Good morning father! I'm happy to say goodbye to you before I leave! It's the best gift you could have given me! Well, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to-' 'You're not going anywhere'
Shinjuro held Kyojuro by his clothes, preventing him from walking further, something that confused both him and Senjuro, who was already nervous.
He wasn't going to hit his own son, especially on his birthday, right?
'Mmmm father? Excuse me, but this is not the time for jokes, I need to go!'
'Well, you're not leaving here until you receive something' 'Mmmm?! What could it be?!', mhm, acts innocent Kyo, because I'm telling you in advance that it's not food.
Since there was no longer any need for him to continue holding him, he let him go, telling him to close his eyes while he "brought the surprise."
Kyojuro smiled and closed his eyes, curiosity was killing him, what could it be?!. 'Senjuro, take the surprise to your room, I'll go with you in a few seconds...'
'Eeeeh? But what a surprise-?' 'You know, that "surprise". Do you remember it?', when he mentioned the word 'surprise', he winked.
Senjuro understood, so he nodded and went to his room, peeking through the door to make sure he didn't misunderstand.
And he didn't, Shinjuro began to guide Kyojuro towards the room, he seemed like a completely different person.
'And?! Can I open my eyes now?! I want to know what you have prepared for me! I want to know! Tell me, I'm starting to feel nervous about not knowing!'
'Birthday tickles!' 'EEEEH?!', wait, had he heard wrong?
He didn't think Senjuro was lying, it wasn't like him to lie to his brother, but the fact that his father was also there didn't help.
And needless to say, Kyojuro continued with his eyes closed, as he opened them in surprise when someone grabbed his wrists, bringing them together and putting them above his head, it was undoubtedly Shinjuro. 'O-oh! This it is?! What do you think if we leave them for when he returns? I'll be late and...'
'We told you that you're not going anywhere, you're going to stay here to celebrate' 'You can't make me! I have to go!'
Oooh of course they can force you, Kyojuro, you're talking to your father and your brother, they know you and they know that tickling is probably the only time you lie when you ask them to "stop" when you're clearly enjoying it. 'Come on brother, stay for a while!'
'I'm sorry Senjuro, but-! Ehehehehe!! He-hehehey! Yohohou cahahan't stahahart theheherehehe!!'
'Well, how do you always say "you should get your birthday tickles" or did you forget?', Kyojuro denied, that's what you get for always going to the kill and not starting with something light.
Kyojuro is someone who is difficult to knock down when tickling him, he can't help it if someone starts kneading above his hips, of course, not so hard or it will hurt.
Senjuro was good at it, after all, because of his height he could always do it without difficulty, so he was an expert at it. 'C-Cohomehe ohohon!! We can do this when I get back!! Fa-Fatheheher!! Nohohot yohohou tohohoho!!'
'Wow, it usually takes you a while to laugh when I tickle your ears. You can't help it if someone started tickling your hips, right?', Kyojuro blushed but nodded.
But this was just the warm-up, the day had barely begun after all.
'O-okahahahay!! Nohohow you ahahaha guys aharehehe tahahakihihing ad-advahantagehehe of me!!'
'We're not, stop pretending you're not having fun! Besides, you know the rules perfectly, you can't let the birthday boy leave without first giving him a raspberry!'
'Wait!! Wahahaihit!! It's not necessary, it's not necessary!!'
Kyojuro would have been wishing he had closed his eyes, perhaps the effect would have been less, but seeing both his brother and his father start to inhale made him nervous and he started to laugh.
Too bad he couldn't do anything, Shinjuro had changed his grip, making a hug while still holding Kyojuro's arms so he wouldn't shake them, he knew him well. 'W-Wait!! AHAHAHAHAHA!! O-OKAHAHAY!! NO AGAIN!! COHOMEHEHE OHOHOHON!!'
'So soon do you give up? I propose something to you, if you stay, there will be no more raspberries, but if you decide that as soon as we finish this you are going to leave, we will keep you here until you accept your day off', Kyojuro saw them both and laughed.
He didn't want to say no to staying, but he also didn't want to look bad by canceling something he had already promised. 'There's no answer? Well then, we have to use more persuasion, don't you think Senjuro?'
'Mhm! Yes, you're right!' 'Hey, wait! Let me think! I can't do it if you TIHIHICKLEHEHE MEHEHE!!', well, we'll have to think of a quick answer to get out of that
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eitaababe · 2 years
a/n — just a lil drabble because i am OBSESSED with this man (i lied i turned it into a series)
part 2
part 3
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Adjusting to life by the ocean was, per say, more difficult than you had imagined. Once part of the Omiticaya clan, the forest your what was thought to be forever home, you find yourself facing unfamiliar waves, and a completely different clan.
You weren't necessarily a sully yourself, but ever since you and Neteyam had met as little ones, you were always inseparable. Following the death of your family, Neteyam and the rest of his family brought it upon themselves to take you in as one of their own.
Not that Neteyam viewed you as much of a sister, though.
It had been around a week of trying to adjust to your new surroundings, and you were exhausted. Trying to learn new breathing techniques, learning to ride new creatures, swimming in the ocean, it really took a toll on your body. Not to mention Ao'nung and his friends giving the constant reminder that you didn't belong.
So, here you were, sitting awake on the beach past eclipse. Though the waves were different, they were oddly comforting, in a sense. When there wasn't anyone to judge, and nothing to learn, you found yourself just being able to relax, and enjoy your new surroundings.
However, it seemed you were so focused on the ocean you didn't realize a certain na'vi missing your presence. He'd known you far too long and well to not guess where you'd be wandering this time of night.
"y/n!" Your head snapped around towards the voice, a smile quickly making its way once you recognized it. "I thought i'd find you here." He chuckled, once he'd sat down next to you.
"Well, there's not really anywhere else you'd find me enjoying the views. See there's the beach, and then more of the beach...oh! And then I think more of the beach over there." You teased, nudging him with your shoulder.
"You smartass," he heartily rolled his eyes, ruffling your hair lightly. "Sorry for being concerned where my friend was," he continued, his tone softening. "I know you've been having a hard time with Ao'nung lately."
Sighing, you averted his eyes, fidgeting with your fingers that were oddly enough, more similar to Jakes than the boy next to you. One of the stupid reasons Ao'nung and his friend group decided to hold a grudge against you. "It's whatever. They just always have something to say, you know? My tail, it's useless. My arms, they're too weak. My fingers! There's too many! Demon blood! I don't know why they hate me so much." Your eyes turned glossy, and it seemed as if all of it was just coming out after bottling it up the past few days.
Sympathizing with your pain, and wanting to kick their sorry asses for making you feel this way, Neteyam threw an arm around you for comfort. "I know, I know. They're assholes. All of them. But if they can't see past an extra finger, they aren't worth it. So don't give it a second thought, okay?" He smiled reassuringly, rubbing a hand up and down your arm. "And don't focus on them right now, the beach is finally peaceful without their annoying voices."
Giggling at his attempt to make you feel better, you nodded. "You're right. I miss the forrest, but the sights here are amazing," you paused, looking at the ocean, admiring how the night sky is reflected off of it. "It's almost like we can see two skies, in a way."
The young boy hummed in agreement. He wouldn't have known any better though, because while you were staring at the stars and their reflections, his attention was elsewhere.
He was staring at stars, but the ones that twinkled in your eyes.
a/n — anyways i hope you enjoyed! sorry it's kinda short i'm rusty 💪
taglist (but not really cause it's one person LMAO) / @fluloa
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One of the Best Dads ~Marc Spector and Steven Grant Imagine~
Requested by anonymous:
Hi! I saw you were taking requests for Marc Spector/Steven Grant. And I was wondering if you could write a oneshot with them and a F!Reader, where they’re married and just had a newborn baby. Just a simple slice of life type ordeal (with a sprinkle of angst, where Marc worries he’ll be a bad father, and Steven and the reader reassure him that he won’t be).
Summary: Now that your son is here, Steven is thrilled but Marc has an insecurity that can be reassured.
Author’s Note: Kinda still on baby fever because of my boyfriend who helped me take care of my niece and nephew during a family outing. I'm pretty sure many people thought they were ours because we were having a "race" to the restaurant my family was at.
Reader’s Pronouns: She/Her
Warnings: just insecurities from Marc, there's a baby in this fic in case people who don't like kid fics, mentions of childbirth, Layla doesn't exist in this fic sadly
Side Note: This is a secondary blog. If you comment a question down below, I will not answer since this is not the main blog. Please send the question to my inbox if you want a response back!
Do not repost this anywhere!
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The moment you gave birth to your son, there was one thing on your mind. Sleep. You had endured about thirty hours of labor before finally popping out your little one. So when you finally got home, you slept like you were dead.
"He's so tiny," Steven said as he held onto his son. He smiled down at his son as he slept soundly in his arms. "Marc, you wanna hold him?"
"I'm good buddy," Marc told him through the mirror. "You enjoy this."
Though it took a while to understand Marc and Steven. But once you understood how it worked and how you are able to love them both equally, you were glad to be with the two. After you had gotten married to them, you had brought up the idea of having a child. While Steven was thrilled to have one, Marc had his doubts.
It wasn't the fact of having a child that scared Marc. It was the fact of him being a father and whether or not he would be a good dad was what scared him.
It didn't take a lot for you to notice that Marc hadn't held your son since you had given birth. When your son was sleeping, you decided to corner Marc.
You spotted your husband sitting on the couch, sitting as he watched something on the television.
"Marc?" You asked.
"Can I talk to you?" You asked.
"Of course. Is there anything wrong?" Marc asked you.
"Kinda. Why haven't you held our son?" You asked.
"What do you mean?"
"I mean, why haven't you held our son? You always have Steven hold him but never you. What's wrong?" You asked.
"It's nothing," Marc tells you.
"It's not nothing. You should be able to hold our son. What's wrong?" You asked again.
"I said it's nothing, Y/n. Please, just drop it," Marc said before getting up and walking out.
Marc headed into the bathroom before locking the door behind him.
"Why won't you hold him?" Steven asked Marc through the mirror. Marc stared at his reflection with an upset look.
"It's not what you both think," Marc said.
"Y/n loves us all. She just wants to see us happy but she wants to see you holding our son for once. Why can't you hold him?" Steven asked.
"Because I'm scared. After what I've been through, I'm afraid of hurting him," Marc said.
"You don't think I was scared at first either? I was worried I was going to drop him but I didn't. It's scary at first but once you hold him, you realize that you'll do anything for him," Steven assures Marc.
"I can't. Not right now at least," Marc said before leaving the bathroom.
Your body was still tired which didn't surprise Marc when he saw you knocked out in bed. Steven felt tired too so he couldn't switch with him even if he wanted to.
He heard your son start to cry out, making Marc look over. He knew that you shouldn't get up, knowing that your body was still tired. Marc got up quickly to calm the baby down.
"Hey, buddy. Please don't cry. You're going to wake your mom up," Marc tells him.
He watched as his son continued to cry a little more. Marc let out a sigh before picking him up. Marc had watched you and Steven many times hold and calm you son down.
"Hey. It's okay. You're okay," Marc tells you.
Your son eventually calmed down when he felt Marc holding him. Marc stared down at his son before breaking into tears. He sat on the bed as he held onto him.
"I'm sorry, buddy. I didn't mean to refuse to hold you. I just... I was afraid of hurting you," Marc said. "I love you so much and I promise I'll always keep you safe."
Marc turned around to look at you. You sat up from bed, looking over at him and your son. Your eyes were droopy from your tired state.
"Go back to sleep. I got this," Marc assures you. You smiled tiredly before lying back down.
"Told you, you got nothing to worry about," you tell him.
"I know you did. Both of you," Marc smiled at you.
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