#I do maintain I should get some sort of discount
alarrylarrie · 5 months
Amanda, I love you❤️ please don't leave the larrie fandom. I swear, you and some other vet larrie blogs are the only ones keeping me sane here✌️😘
Hey love! I love you too! I’m not planning on leaving? If someone else said I was, they’re a silly goose.
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aha-chuu · 29 days
Natlan Act II Spoilers
So we get to see the fight between Capitano and Mavuika, thankfully (I remember Hoyo robbing us of Dainsleif vs Abyss Twin before). I just wanted to share my thoughts on it a little because it's kinda wacky?
So obviously the fight itself is sick as fuck, and Capitano and Mavuika match each other blow for blow. Then Mavuika lands a hit and Capitano retreats (with aide). Pretty solidly this is a win for Mavuika, but Kinich expresses afterwards that they were quite evenly matched. This is something Hoyo emphasises, presumably for two reasons: 1) maintain the stakes, and 2) keep up Capitano hype.
Because here's the thing. Harbinger losses - especially outright losses - aren't that common. Just look at all the gnoses they've gotten. What's a lot more common is this thread of harbingers "losing the battle but winning the war".
Discounting Mondstadt for being sort of short and tutorial esque, every other region plays with this.
In Liyue, we defeat Childe, he summons Osial, we defeat Osial, but Signora planned all that anyway.
In Inazuma, Scara defeats us, we defeat Signora, but that Scara defeat left him with the gnosis.
In Sumeru, Dottore fakes a retreat to lead us into a false sense of security! We may defeat Scara-mech, but Dottore is around the corner with sleeping gas and his own deal to get two gnoses.
In Fontaine... In Fontaine we're kind of working with the Fatui the whole time, so this really only applies to Childe losing to the oratrice and then the narwhal but that still helping Arlecchino anyway.
The point of all that was to demonstrate this trend. But, there's a secondary link between all of those events - the way the Fatui come out on top each time is through a scheme. We have about 50/50 (ha) odds across all these actual fights, but the Fatui have their 100% win streak via trickery and bargaining.
The Natlan archon quest establishes that Capitano won't use these methods. It is a divergence from most other harbinger characterisations.
Capitano flat out refuses to attack Mavuika while she is weakened, preferring a fair fight. This is not a strategic choice, for one, but he is also still injured - waiting for Mavuika to regain her power would place Capitano at the disadvantage.
This combination of factors does do a good job of setting up Capitano as a character, but it leaves some weaknesses in establishing him as an antagonist. We're used to harbingers essentially having plot armour when it comes to gnosis hunting, via the trusty method of "oh well all that was their plan all along" and a hand off off screen. In this quest, Hoyo pretty much cuts that option off: Capitano's attempt on the gnosis is too brazen, his ideology too steadfast. But since he loses against Mavuika in a fair fight, Hoyo risks lowering the stakes. If Capitano couldn't beat Mavuika already, there's no way he will beat her when injured and refusing to attack while she's vulnerable. So why should we be worried about whatever "threat" he poses?
Hoyo brush this aside a little by having Kinich claim they're pretty evenly matched, implying Mavuika won more by chance than totally overpowering Capitano. It's also not unlikely that another harbinger will show up later and take over gnosis duty. But Capitano is No1... Is he really just here to show off how strong Mavuika is? And exactly how is Mavuika so strong?
According to Nahida, the top three harbingers are archon level powerful. She claimed to have no chance in a fight against Dottore, who is no2. Ofc, her combat strength is pretty low, whereas Mavuika's is obviously much higher.
Raiden was strong enough to incinerate Signora in one slash. With that context, Capitano putting up any fight against Mavuika seems impressive.
Narratively, there is no way to do a satisfying rematch with the current set up. Which makes me think that Hoyo aren't planning on a rematch at all - but a team up.
The event that took place in Act I can be broken down into three stages:
Group contest (Kachina & Mualani vs everyone else)
Solo fights (Kachina vs Mualani)
Actual war (group vs Abyss)
I think that this sequence will end up being representative of the Natlan plot, and more specifically reflect the dynamic between Capitano and Mavuika.
What if, 500 years ago, Capitano was part of Mavuika's group. Not necessarily in the big war against the abyss, even, perhaps before that. It would explain his ties to the Natlan of the past, at the very least.
Then the present: Capitano fighting Mavuika for the right to change Natlan's "rules", just a few days after the pilgrimage competitors used the same arena to battle each other for the right to protect Natlan against the abyss. Those "rules" he spoke about we know to be the methods and rituals that slow down the abyssal assault. That makes Capitano and Mavuika's duel also to decide who can protect Natlan from the abyss.
The future: team up. Maybe aligning with Mualani and Kachina, Capitano could appear to rescue Mavuika later on, despite losing to her in the arena. This doesn't mean they'd be besties like the girls are, rather that these same general actions could take place, regardless of individual motivation.
I just can't see another satisfying route with what we currently have
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thetravelingmaster · 5 months
Short Story: Conquering the Dream
Male's Point of View - Hypnosis
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I watched her jump on the sofa and couldn't help but smile.
"Look Master! I got a new pair of kitty ears! Aren't they the cutest?" she said excitedly. "I think I should wear them the next time you turn me into Kitten..."
My girlfriend was so gorgeous compared to me that most people couldn't figure out how we started to date. Which always makes me laugh in a way because in truth, she was much more than simply my girlfriend, but I couldn't very well tell people that she was also my hypnotic plaything and obedient slave.
Thankfully, the story of how we met is a fairly common story in college.
Well... The beginning of it anyway...
Pretty girl takes a class she isn't interested in, but knows it will give the credits she'll eventually get on job applications. Of course, she only aimed to pass said course and isn't truly interested in the material. Since she doesn't however, she finds herself in the sticky situation where she can't maintain a passing grade. Sadly, her calculations of getting a pass from the teacher because she's cute and flirty backfired because of his strong ethics.
Now the girl is desperate because failing an extra credit course looks much worse than not applying for the class in the first place.
Pretty girl then looks for an affordable tutor to help her get back on track and earn a passing grade. She eventually found me and as expected, she was very flirty and hinted that if I would give her some sort of discount on my tutoring fees, it would be worth my wild. Not being immune to the attentions of a pretty girl even if it was obviously a ruse to get me to tutor her for free, I offered a deal.
Since I was a psychology major, I told her that if she helped me with my hypnotherapy studies, I would help her with her class studies. I was about to add that I could use our hypnosis practice to help her focus on her classes, but she interrupted me by excitedly accepting.
Saying that she found the arrangement more than fair all while looking visibly relieved she didn't have to pay me. She was VERY skeptical about hypnosis in general and that actually helped me a lot in my studies because I had to be creative in my induction plans. Thankfully, she was a real sport about it since my tutoring was already showing promising signs in her class.
Eventually though, I was able to place her in a trance and to my utter delight, she turned out to be quite the open minded and trusting subject. Since I was a geek, she viewed me as completely harmless so her subconscious didn't put up any sort of defense when I began to explore her mind.
And tweak it...
I started slow, but when I saw that she remained clueless to my influence, even after I implanted a suggestion that she needed to be in her bra and panties for her tutoring session with me, I concluded that I could be bolder.
I knew very well that she didn't find me in any way attractive, but since she had come to trust me so completely, I had a solid base to work with and after a few clever sessions, I found a part of her that had the potential to find me attractive. Nurturing that sentiment went so much better than I could have hoped and before long, she was unconsciously dressing up extra pretty when she knew she was coming over to see me.
She didn't notice it at all when her body made every excuse to pose for me or brush up against me when I tutored her. Or at least, her conscious mind didn't notice.
Her subconscious definitely did and it fueled her growing attraction even more.
Since she proved to be so pliable, I decided to do a little experiment by having her strip naked while still in her trance. She didn't resist at all and I could even see tale tell signs that part of her was enjoying it. Getting even bolder, I had her wake up with the belief that she wasn't naked at all.
Admittedly, it was more than a little entertaining to watch her unconsciously flirt with me while she wasn't wearing a stitch of clothes. Since she still remained completely clueless to what she was truly doing, I decided to leave her subconscious with a few new things to think about before she left.
It took a few more sessions, but eventually those little sprouts of thought bore fruit as her attraction to me shifted to outright arousal. Since she had an unconscious habit to wear revealing clothes, it was plain to see how horny her body became in my presence.
And thanks to a few interesting suggestions, I was glad to see it react that much more when ever I phrased my instructions with words like 'you will do this now' instead of 'you should try this next time'. Even if I was slow and deliberate with my suggestions, it still fascinated me to no end that with all the changes I was making to her behavior, she still remained clueless, even when it became clear that our hypnosis sessions weren't at all something I could use in class.
Although... I'm sure most of my fellow students wouldn't have minded it at all if we did an 'adult' demonstration of the many triggers floating around in her mind.
Eventually, all my meddling came to a wonderful head when midterms came around and she passed her exam with flying colors. She was so happy and grateful for my help that she decided to offer me a home cooked meal at her place as a way to thank me for all my hard work. I hadn't specifically suggested anything more than a deep desire to reward me for my work, so I was pleasantly surprised by her offer.
All evening, she 'doted' and flirted with me until it was time to leave, where she honestly surprised me again by pushing me against the door so she could kiss me. I was always planning for her to feel overwhelmed by her growing attraction for me, but originally thought it would take longer to break down her preconceptions of me. It didn't take long for our lustful make out session to take us to her bedroom where she wouldn't take no for an answer.
Which may or may not be something I slipped into her mind...
Regardless, we fucked and for me, it was the best evening of my life! I learned afterwards, once we were done and I took advantage of our post coital cuddling to drop her in a trance, that unsurprisingly, even though she hadn't faked her release, it hadn't been as wonderful for her. Thankfully, her mind was so open to my influence by then that it took very little convincing to shape her memory of the event into something she thought was earth shattering and deeply meaningful.
After that first night, her attraction for me wasn't just something I had nurtured in her subconscious anymore so when we had our next hypnotic 'rendezvous', her mind took to my suggestions even better than before. So much so that she didn't even think to notice that I used a hypnosis session, which was supposed to be meant only for my studies, to have her do a long erotic strip tease for me once the 'trance' was over. As expected, she thought it was all her idea as a way to seduce me into sleeping with her again.
Which we obviously did and like before, I didn't waste the relaxing cuddling we enjoyed and dropped her back in a trance so I could work on her sexual appreciation of my meager talents in bed. Surprisingly enough, my previous 'work' had already made our second session of love-making much more agreeable for her, but nonetheless, I made sure to tweak her memories to make sure it was extra special.
Since everything had gone so well and she was still so utterly clueless about my hypnotic influence, I decided to kick things up a notch during our next session. So far, I had only made her strip during her trance while only giving her hypnotic suggestions of pleasure and enjoyment. However, once she dropped in a deep trance, I tested how she would react to a suggestion that made her masturbate. I held my breath as I watched her hand slowly make its way to her already dripping folds, but to my glee, she stayed perfectly entranced as her fingers began to play with herself.
After a long edge, I had her wake up, still naked, and talked with her as if our session was done. Like before, she gave no indication she realized she was naked, but moreover, she also didn't give off any indicators that told me she was aware she had just masturbated in front of me.
Needless to say, I started to include a lot more pleasure in her trances after that, which I made sure to link it to those initial fun suggestions that made her aroused whenever I 'commanded' her to do something. By the time we had our next fuck, I could already notice a sharp shift in her attitude in bed when I flexed my authority.
Obviously, when I dropped her after our fun, I made sure to expand those feelings and tweak her memories a little to make sure she noticed the link in her conscious mind.
To my immense delight, it worked like a charm because when we met up again for our usual tutoring, she was extra flirty and VERY attentive towards me. When we switched from our tutoring to her hypnosis session, I capitalized on that feeling and made it bloom even more into a deep desire to please me as she mindlessly masturbated for me.
By the time her trance was over, she was so overwhelmed with pleasure that she didn't even register that my cock was already in her mouth as she awoke from trance. Her desire to please mixed with her mind-melting pleasure so perfectly that she didn't miss a beat and sucked me off as if it was the most natural thing in the world.
Obviously, I wasted no time and placed her in a VERY deep trance once I came. Just to make sure she remembered how enjoyable it was to please me like that. However, I didn't have to change her memories all that much because apparently, she had enjoyed it a lot already. That surprised me because up until that point, she hadn't really bothered to pleasure me orally during our fucks and it had made me assume it was because she didn't enjoy doing it. Needless to say, after that little conversation with her subconscious and her blooming desire to please me, she found herself quite eager to try it again the next time we were intimate and of course, I subsequently made doubly sure she remembered how incredible it felt.
Once she was firmly convinced of how awesome and satisfying it was to suck and fuck me, I began to introduce suggestions that would trigger when ever we were intimate. Or... To be more precise, whenever she gave my cock pleasure.
It wasn't anything like a deep trance, but the hypnotic suggestion still pulled her down in a mild compliant trance, which ended up doubling her enjoyment of our carnal time together because by that point, her mind was more than a little addicted to being in a trance. Plus, as an added bonus, her increased compliant mindset and enhanced pleasure did wonders to continually condition her.
Cementing her deep enjoyment of my control...
After a while, I couldn't resist the urge to implant an oral pleasure trigger and even if I knew that with all I had already done, the odds were that she wouldn't even realize it was a hypnotic manipulation, I was still mildly anxious the first time I trigger her while we relaxed and watched a movie. My angst was extremely short lived however because all she did when I spoke the trigger was smile mischievously as she 'thought' about something erotic she wanted to do to me.
I still remember how satisfying it felt to watch her giggle naughtily as she moved down on the sofa so she could blow me.
Spending almost every available night over at her place also meant that I could work on her subconscious as much as I wanted. It made it so easy to substitute the way she called me when we were alone. And still, her conscious mind remained completely clueless to the fact that she had started to call me Master. Even when I came over one night and casually collared her, she didn't think it was odd or weird at all because to her subconscious, she had already surrendered herself to me a thousand time over.
I'm honestly unsure if it was because of my patience and skill or if it was simply because her mind turned out to be so pliable, but by the time she moved in with me, her mind was so open to my influence that a firm command, if repeated a few times, acted as well as triggers without the need to place her in a deep trance.
For example, I commanded her to kneel and feel aroused whenever I snapped my fingers and even if it didn't quite work the first few times she consciously obeyed, I quickly realized that the instructions took hold in her subconscious because it didn't take long for it to work as intended. Nowadays, if she sees me snap my fingers, she instantly kneels with a deep moan as her pussy moistens in anticipation.
The last step that admittedly caused me anxiety was to make her aware that I was still hypnotizing her on a regular basis. Because of how clueless she had been to everything else, I didn't HAVE to do it, but I desired with her a little more openly at home and having a subject become fascinated with her own triggers was something I wished to experience with her.
As with every other step, it turned out I had no reason to be nervous at all because the moment I proposed erotic hypnosis, her eyes began to sparkle with anticipation. All she could think about was how much more pleasure she could offer me if we started to play like that. 
Honestly, I was still surprised that it never even occurred to her that I could use my hypnotic talents in the way that I did. But she never did and we’ve grown so comfortable and happy in our relationship that even our friends stopped finding our relationship weird.
No doubt they chalk it up to being some sort of modern fairy tale where the nerdy average guy manages to conquer the heart of the pretty girl through his hidden charm and brilliant intellect.
I mean… They aren’t totally wrong…
After all, I DID conquer her in my own brilliant way.
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mikelogan · 5 months
ttpd thoughts
for the record, i'm not trying to be like. purposely hateful or anything, i'm just so deeply disappointed with her. this last year has been a mess and she's repeatedly acted in ways that, at the very least, rub me in the wrong way and at their worst have disgusted me and made me lose so much respect for/faith in her. miss americana has become a piece of performance art rather than any sort of meaningful activism.
she made a very public display of dating/hooking up with a bigot and basically said "fuck you, i do what i want" in response to valid criticism and then tried to smooth it over by working with one of the women he'd called slurs. almost every time she spoke this year, whether in an interview or through tree, she reinforced my worry that she views herself as untouchable and that any sort of negativity or criticism directed toward her should be discounted because she's an "underdog" and a woman, despite the fact that there are very real issues with her words and actions. and don't get me started on everything with football guy and his trump-loving ass.
she is absolutely allowed to do, say, date, fuck, etc. anyone and anything she wants. she can write songs about all of it. she can do damage control and pr and control the narrative however she chooses. she can run smear campaigns and drag names through the mud while maintaining she's the perpetual victim when she's arguably the one with the most power in any given situation. i can appreciate that fame presents a set of challenges that i will never experience or fully comprehend.
but i'm also allowed to have my opinions on it, especially when so much of it is so heavily publicized. there is so much we will never know and there is also so much we do know that we never should have. pretty much since eras was announced, she's become so deeply oversaturated and it went from being cool to see so much hype and getting a new album and new re-recordings to feeling like everything is about money and breaking records. it's become a machine, a content factory, and so many decisions feel rushed, incomplete, and incongruent. it doesn't feel like there's been real thought about the material itself and instead it's become about aesthetics and sensationalism.
i think that's why i'm so frustrated right now and it's highly likely that these albums will grow on me or at least some of the songs. i've been listening to the 12 songs i liked on repeat since i finished my initial run through each album and i already like them even more. but i wish that it could truly just be about the music for me. that's what's always been most meaningful to me about taylor is her lyricism and the stories she tells through her songs. but knowing everything i know and having seen everything i've seen over the past year, it's tainted my perception of the albums and the songs on them.
i think that taylor has a lot of growing to do as a person. i've heard people say that sometimes celebrities are frozen at the age they became famous and i think that really shows in taylor's case. the irony of a song being titled "so high school" was certainly not lost on me. a lot of her phrasing feels very juvenile, just as her treatment of joe and everything surrounding the end of their relationship has been. i never really had feelings about him one way or another, and as i mentioned above, there's a lot we'll never know about what happened between them. but she's been pushing her victim narrative so hard and the only thing i've seen from joe is his support of palestine. actions speak a lot louder than words. it changed so drastically from the initial news of their breakup being amicable to turning him into yet another villain. i have no doubt in my mind that taylor has been treated very poorly by a lot of the men in her life, and joe is likely not an exception. but i'm to the point where i have to take everything she says with a heaping tablespoon of salt.
at the end of the day, taylor's music is her own and i understand why she's said that she wants her work to be about the music and not about the men. i can see how it would feel invalidating to have her songs picked apart and attributed to the men they're written about. and i'm not even trying to do that here. but i can't recall a time when she's been so public about her relationships? in the past, it's felt a lot more like speculation, but jesus, between ratty and tk this past year, we've just been inundated with so much that unless i was an extremely casual fan that managed to escape her face on every news show, billboard, and social media website, i can't fathom not knowing what she's singing about on these albums. she can't have it both ways.
i still have all the music that came before ttpd, and like i said, with subsequent listens, ttpd will probably grow on me a bit, but idk man, i'm over it. and i think it's important to be willing and able to criticize or at the very least analyze your favorite media, whether it's music or tv or film or literature or whatever else. your favorite thing probably sucks in one way or another and pretending it doesn't doesn't make you a better person than someone who acknowledges it. these are complex, extremely nuanced things i take issue with and when it comes down to it, i will never know taylor personally and be able to talk to her about these things and get her point of view and her thoughts. that leaves me to say my piece, which is what this post is.
as a recovering swiftie, i'm just so very tired.
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belmottetower · 1 year
3.11 - Council Estates and the Right To Buy
In 3.11, we saw Jamie go home to his mum’s, and we learned that she still lives in the council house that Jamie grew up in. This has interesting implications and possibly negative ones if construed the wrong way. In the Subjectify articles, we've already discussed those implications, because it's something I've been concerned about since we first saw the trailer shot of Jamie's childhood bedroom. I knew even then that the story beat would have to be about throwing back to the Roy poster - that's why they had to keep Georgie in the house Jamie grew up in, rather than have her in a new house elsewhere. It was a choice made specifically so Roy could see the poster. 
But in making sure that could happen, it leaves us with the unfortunate framing that Jamie didn't buy his mum a house when he got rich, and "buying your mum a house" is basically the first thing a working class footballer like him would do with his money. It's a really standard baseline. I have been nervously obsessing about Ted Lasso accidentally implying that Jamie wouldn’t have done that, for months now. I had already decided, before the episode aired, that if they did not clarify either way, I would have to assume that she did not want to leave the place she lived, and that rather than a new house, Jamie had bought her their old house on the Right To Buy, a government scheme introduced in the 1980s that allows most council tenants to buy their council home at a discount. (I do have issues with this policy generally, and the impact it had on the amount of council housing available, but that’s not for now.)
There is sort of a level of visual evidence for this - the inside of his mum’s house is really well maintained and clearly full of pretty expensive furniture and items. They definitely own it, and having now met her, gotten her vibe and seen the kind of house it is, it makes a huge amount of sense to me that she stayed there. It might have felt different if we saw a different KIND of council home, but in this specific situation, it tracks. 
There’s a bit in my primer about this, but in the UK, council housing comes in a lot of different shapes and sizes. Some of them will be flats in tower blocks (like the one Roy points to from the Westway sports pitch in 2.05 - in real life that is a council housing block in Ladbroke Grove and private apartment buildings like that simply don’t exist, Roy is a council estate kid too) or the flat fronted buildings with outdoor walkways (think Kingsman, or Rose’s place in Doctor Who) but a lot of them are houses like the one you see Jamie’s mum living in - solidly built terraced houses on car-free streets, inside the boundaries of an estate. Sometimes the estate in general contains both apartment blocks and rows of houses, with some green spaces built in too. That No Ball Games sign is a staple in any and all council estates across the UK and is ignored in council estates up and down the country by children just like the ones seen in this episode and it is lovely to think about Jamie once doing the same thing. I really liked getting to see the kind of estate he grew up on.
So, TL:DR - they would own that house now, even though it’s on an estate, otherwise they would not be eligible to still be living in it. And it’s not universally horrible to live on a council estate, or in a street of ex-estate houses.
But that “Jamie didn’t buy her a house” discourse is definitely brewing - I have seen people discussing this already as “wrong,” and I agree that it is wrong in the sense of they should have taken a line or two to clarify the way that situation might have worked, specifically to not accidentally paint Jamie in a bad light. What I don’t agree with is that it’s “wrong” for her to have stayed put - that living in that area, in that type of house, on that estate is somehow inherently bad and a situation she should have been rescued from by Jamie. And at this point, insisting that she should leave or have something better is swiftly bordering on classist.
There are a lot of stereotypes that exist about working class families and council estates. That they’re all shitty places to live, that everyone who lives in them is a benefits scrounger, or a druggie, or an alcoholic, or are involved in crime or gangs. Frankly it’s an awful stereotype that just furthers the classism and class divide in the UK. There are issues in some places, but it is not ubiquitous. Georgie clearly had Jamie pretty young and would have been granted a “family home” house by the council. Living in a little cul de sac like that, it’s very likely she had a strong community of neighbors, other families with kids who all would have supported one another. She would have been looked after, as a young single mum, and Jamie would have been safe to run about and be cared for by everyone in the street if Georgie was working. It would not have been perfect, but it may have felt safe and warm in its own way.
So once Jamie got rich - given that Georgie doesn’t seem to have any other kids who might benefit from a bigger house or anything - I can honestly see Jamie trying to buy her a fancy house somewhere else and her being like “What the fuck would I do in some fancy suburb in Chesire? This is my home, I’ll stay here thanks,” and so Jamie just bought her the council house they’d grown up in and paid to get it renovated and done up nicely so Simon could have his laboratory, and Georgie a nice place to live, with her friends still close by. Except for his childhood bedroom, which she clearly refused to let him touch and him being the biggest mummy’s boy ever he didn’t argue. 
Britain used to be incredibly proud of its strides in social welfare, and council housing was once very good quality building work. (If you ever want to watch a show that depicts the origins of, and pride in, social welfare for the working class communities in the UK in a beautiful, nuanced way that will make you sob every other episode please go and watch Call the Midwife from the beginning and come scream at me about it.) These are desirable homes - in fact, Right to Buy aside, a lot of older council housing, both houses and flats, are “de-counciled” and sold off privately to new home buyers who were never in the welfare system. I actually rent an ex-council flat in London, from a landlord who bought it privately. And I have a friend of a friend who privately bought and renovated an ex-council terrace almost exactly like Georgie’s. It’s not the greatest thing when council housing gets privatized, especially when the new replacements are of such terrible quality. But the original places are built to last, so Georgie’s house definitely could be done up to a high standard once they had the right to do improvements that were not the bare minimum of the overstretched housing organization. And between Right To Buy, private sales, and people who are still in the council housing system, an estate like Georgie’s these days may have any number of privately owned homes mixed in, and different incomes and circumstances within the same street or block of flats. Some are quite gentrified and even trendy.
I’m explaining this so people know the context when they talk about a council estate like the one we saw. I think there is a tendency to want to make Jamie’s background and childhood the most traumatic it could have possibly been, even more so than is on screen, and so it’s possible people who are less familiar with the UK and how council housing works or what council estates are like, could think that Jamie’s home growing up and the estate he lived on was awful and shitty and very very rough. And that could have been the case if he had lived on one of the rougher estates or in a flat in tower block that was falling apart and hard to do up not worth salvaging (a lot of them are being torn down) but that is not the kind of place the episode chose to show us. So now, having seen it, saying “How dare Ted Lasso not show him buying his mum a big house in order to help escape his traumatic upbringing and dirty poverty life” is honestly not a great take and is a pretty classist way to look at the millions of families in the UK that live in council housing. The episode absolutely should have stated that he bought that house rather than risk letting anyone think she’s still living within the welfare system because Jamie didn’t take care of her, but there’s a difference between that and removing her from the environment entirely if she was happy and at home there.
But speaking of adding extraneous trauma, there’s another element of Jamie having been brought up on an estate that I also want to talk about. 
As someone who has been, in my fic, flying the flag for Jamie’s mum being alive and lovely and for them to have been super close for what feels like an eternity, this episode was so so so good for me. I’ll be honest, I always found the fact that some people were certain Jamie’s mum was dead quite baffling, because in the show, the way he talks about his mum right as far back as Two Aces, using present tense means it always seemed clear she was alive and I really just took the “Don’t think she would be lately” part about not being proud to mean that she didn’t know how he had been acting at Richmond, in training, with Ted and Sam, because he didn’t tell her. Not that she’d died, or had become estranged or something.
And then even aside from like, grammar, I just never thought the show depicted Jamie as someone who had suffered the loss of a parent. Especially when you compare him with Ted - who we all know did. Jamie was just not written as a character who is carrying around grief, especially recent grief, and his apology to Roy in season 2 proves it - "I aint used to being around dead people. It just, it did something to me, emotionally." This is very different to Roy’s explanation of why he acted so weirdly towards Keeley at the funeral itself - namely that memories of his grandad’s death were messing with him. It would be a very weird choice by the writers to have Jamie lie and say he hadn’t been around death if he had lost his mum.
So yeah, I always thought she was alive, and I always assumed - based on the ages kids tend to get scouted and acknowledged as good by the academies - that James hadn’t been around much until Jamie’s mid to late teens, and as such that Jamie didn’t ever live with James, just saw him occasionally. He certainly would not have ever had custody rights, if he walked out when Jamie was a baby and showed back up when he was 14.
But while I found the “Jamie’s mum is dead '' takes surprising, I almost preferred them to the theories and fics (sorry, people have the right to write what they want in fic, but I just hate it) that his mum was probably an alcoholic or a drug addict, or absent, or complicit to the James abuse, or just generally a bit shit and anything less than fantastic. Because Jamie talks about her in nothing but the nicest, softest terms, and Jamie himself - when not in his prime prick era, which legitimately only lasts for about three episodes - is the nicest, softest boy with the strongest sense of self. Even if he’d never mentioned his mum, his whole personality felt like it was the product of an upbringing with a whole lot of love and kindness and nurturing and being made to feel special. 
The swiftness with which he reverted to sweetness and openness even in season 1, as well as his natural ego, the funny version of it, felt like his natural state of being, not a new development, and I always attributed this to his mum, which we now obviously know to be true. I’ve seen lots of people this week saying “As soon as we saw Jamie with his mum, EVERYTHING about him suddenly made sense,” and I am thrilled that people see this now, because this is what I always thought. I reverse engineered what his mum must be like based on his character so far, and it turned out just as I thought but even more so. I’ve also seen ideas that even if nothing was “wrong” with her, Jamie was somewhat estranged from her due to James and also sounding wistful when talking about her, or something, but I very much disagree. The two times he’s spoken about her, he has ALSO been talking about James, which was the thing he was sad about - they weren’t moments where he was being peppy and enthusiastic about how much he loved his mum. But also, now that we’ve met her and seen them together, I can kind of imagine him talking wistfully about her after not seeing her for like, a month, just because he is always missing her, LOL.
Anyway, how people interpreted their closeness or estrangement before this week is obviously something we did not know for a fact. The thing is, what we did know is that she was a single mum and that Jamie lived on a council estate in North Manchester, and that knowledge is what made me really side-eye some of the interpretations that framed her as either an addict or a kind of deadbeat figure that meant they had a bad relationship in some way. Because in the UK, there are a lot of stereotypes and stigmas around single mums in general, but in particular working class single mums who live on council estates. It’s really really awful and often revolves around them being unemployed, benefits scroungers, being neglectful or abusive, being drug addicts or sex workers, and it’s a really pervasive part of UK society and classism, and it felt like the details we knew about Jamie’s childhood on an estate is why people leant that way about his mum in a way they wouldn’t have if the council estate thing hadn’t been specified.
Where I work, we represent people across the UK and help get their stories shared to impact politicians. In one instance we got someone we represent onto the national news to talk about the cost of living crisis. She’s a single mum. When the clip got shared on social media she faced so much abuse and harassment and stigma because of these pervasive ideas people have about single mums and ended up having to delete her social media to get away from it. It was deeply upsetting to her, myself and my coworkers.
So I honestly always found fic or meta in which a character who, based on canon, is only ever mentioned as being attentive, loving and someone Jamie has a good relationship with, was portrayed along the above lines really hard to read. It just always felt rooted in the worst kind of stereotypes and classism, even if not intentionally. Anyway, point is…I am so fucking thrilled that we finally got to meet Jamie’s mum, that Georgie is lovely and kind and cuddly and supportive, that Jamie is an even bigger mummy’s boy than I ever could have dreamed, and that he even had a bonus soft baker stepdad father figure who had been around long enough to know that Roy Kent’s poster never left Jamie’s room. And the fact that his parents live in a house they now own, on a council estate where Georgie had a long-established community, is a perfectly fine choice. It isn’t something you need to retcon, you just need to know about the Right to Buy scheme.
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blackfeathersflurry · 2 months
"I Can fix him."
He knows what he's doing.
If he doesn't want to be that way or can't control it, help him find the resources, but let the resources take it from there. He's not ready for a relationship.
If he doesn't want the help but instead chooses to continue the pattern, run.
It will only hurt you.
"But Sephiroth, MUW and 00€ fixed you!"
No, they didn't. I wasn't given a choice to go to therapy. Rather, it was one of my stipulations for staying with MUW. And MUW kept a stern distance from me for a good month or two.
"I can fix him.", creates an ideology that ultimately puts both parties into a toxic situation. Or worse, it gives an abuser incentive to take hold of a vulnerable individual. This not only creates a distrust in relationships, but also a distrust in men. Especially men like me. I am not going to deny that I am still going to do bad things as a way of providing for those in need or the people who have become family (I am not referring to bouts of rage. I'm not that unhinged and I choose to maintain self awareness and control.). These things, however, do not expunge previous histories of committing genocide or murdering innocent people.
"No matter what happens, chances are that I will leave Shinra in the end."
That is atleast close to what I said, if memory serves correct.
I didn't want to be in SOLDIER. It wasn't even my call to begin with.
Then I was in a library for days, like a man possessed.
In my canon...well I don't want to give spoilers....
Either way, I ended up burning down Nibelheim.
By this worlds standards, I should be somewhere close to 48-50 years old. However, being imprisoned in a time space limbo keeps you at the age of 31. And as I look at the math, you can see that there was quite a bit of time to reflect. I am perfectly aware of my behavior. And even though the physical age doesn't suit the mental, I am perfectly self aware of my actions as opposed to most men my age.
(No, I do not get the senior discount at IHOP.)
And when one is imprisoned in a time space limbo, you learn a few things in the in-between. For starters, you learn to reflect on your sins and determine that your actions are by every means yours. Even if you are under influence of Jenova and Mako addiction, they will still be yours and there is no changing it. Just like the person you want to "fix".
No matter how many times you try to chase down an unhealthy obsession to try and replace someone,or even someone to have some sort of an emotional connection with, be it through psychic link or otherwise; chances are...that person may beat you to a pulp. At best, not even want you back. And the latter is the best case scenario. I cannot be any gentler than this.
So the "I can fix him" mentality goes under the assumption that the person in question even wants to be fixed. It's ,at best, a form of cognitive dissonance.
Please remember that.
And for fucks sake drink some water.
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pennyblossom-meta · 3 months
Thank you @maevearcher for the tag. Sounds like a fun prompt! :)
I'll approach this interview in the voice of my OC, Anna Green, from The Ides of April (Harry Potter x Death Note crossover).
OC Interview Game
01: Were you named after anyone? R: Some of the oldest Pureblood families in Britain have an almost obsessive inclination towards Astrology for its deep esoteric undertones, thus naming their children after constellations. Being an accidental half-blood myself due to 'tainted' maternal blood I wasn't given the honor of maintaining the tradition; in fact, I was told many times how my mother insisted that my name should reflect the duality of both worlds: magical and non-magical. In short, she made an extremely elaborate argument to justify naming me after her own mother. My other grandmother wasn't pleased in the least. And father agreed with everything mother said, without question.
02: When was the last time you cried? R: It wasn't at all a full cry, but the stress of getting kicked out of class (and dragged out by a Muggle, no less) definitely came close. I was this close to hexing someone — Hideki Ryuga will never know just how lucky he was that day.
03: Do you have any kids? R: Nope. Perhaps I'll give it a think after 40-ish; witches and wizards live well into their 100's, after all.
04: Do you use sarcasm a lot? R: Does the eagle fly?
05: What is the first thing you notice about people? R: Overall appearance is important. Bearing and demeanor can tell you a lot about someone's personality, though it's not nearly the most important thing to consider. And sometimes, it's really just an onion that you'll have to peel in your own time.
06: What is your eye color? R: Blue-green, depends on the light. Mildly appropriate given my surname.
07: Scary movies or happy endings? R: Never watched a movie before. But as a thought experiment, I'm fond of bittersweet endings for literary purposes.
08: Any special talents? R: An uncanny affinity with felines, in particular cats and Kneazles. I'm also rather good at sewing.
09: Where were you born? A few ways off Windsor, Britain.
10. Do you have any pets? R: An elderly Kneazle called Rufus and Percival, a lovely barn owl that Millicent got me for my 23rd birthday. They both bite.
11. What sort of sports do you play? R: I know how to ride a broom just fine. Playing sports would be a waste of my time.
12: How tall are you? R: Around 1,63m or 5'3.
13: What was your favorite subject in school? R: Ancient Runes and Herbology, the only two subjects I got an Outstanding during my N.E.W.T.S.
13: What is your dream job? R: For the whimsy I'd be keen to try Curse-Breaking for a year or two, though I'm sure it wouldn't go over too well. I'm better suited for less exciting work; perhaps I'll open a clothes shop in Diagon-Alley to compete with Madame Malkin. I'm sure Millie would badger me for a friends discount.
Super fun, as expected! I highly recommend this prompt :) No pressure tagging for @lunalit-river, @pinkcloss and @senualothbrok
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jomiddlemarch · 9 months
The Black Widow
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“I think I’ve been too hard on Blaise’s mum, all these years,” Hermione said, her shoulders slumped instead of maintaining her usual impeccable, McGonagall-inspired posture, her chin held in the hand that wasn’t curled around a cup of tea. It was actually a very fine cup of masala chai that Padma had made using the Patil family’s own karha recipe and Hermione had chosen it over a glass of Shiraz and the two fingers of bourbon that had also been offered and perhaps foolishly declined. She took a breath, tried to let the scent of the spices soothe her.
No dice.
“Maybe you’re, I don’t know, exaggerating a bit?” Padma said carefully.
“She means you’re being more dramatic than Celestina Warbeck and Sarah Bernhardt put together, darling,” Theo said. They were her two most rational friends, Theo a hatstall for Ravenclaw, Padma properly Sorted and also Second Wrangler for her year at Cambridge. It had made sense to come to them and not, say, Harry, who was pants at validation, or Ginny, who only ever wanted salacious details and sulked when Hermione wouldn’t share, or Luna, who might say something daft or something that was as sharply acute as an Unforgivable, with the additional burden of being Unforgettable, and who was also in Svalbard. It had made sense and yet now Hermione was considering she could have just gone to any wine-bar in Soho and gotten sloshed without any incisive commentary.
“Incisive, I like that,” Theo said as Hermione had evidently voiced that bit of her internal monologue aloud.
“I always said she must be a dreadful person and now I’m the dreadful person,” Hermione said. Was there a slight moaning quality to her tone? She had come seeking tea and sympathy. “I should have understood the cards were stacked against her and that she couldn’t fight the patriarchy of the Wizarding world by herself—”
“I’m not discounting the point about the patriarchy, but I don’t think you and Madame Zabini are much alike. Nor are your circumstances,” Padma said.
“She means you haven’t murdered any of your men,” Theo said, peering at Hermione through his glasses. “In case you were too addled to make out what she meant by circumstances. You’re still a Gryffindor, you often need things told to you point-blank. Or at wandpoint, but that seems unnecessary.”
“He’s right,” Padma said. “Though to be unfair, there’s no confirmation about several of Madame Zabini’s husbands’…demises. There was no body recovered for the last one and she’s always spoken fondly about Blaise’s father. She’s allowed to have some bad luck and there have been two wars—”
“Come off it, Padma, the witch is a bloody menace and even Riddle was scared of her. That’s why Blaise didn’t have to get the Dark Mark,” Theo said. “Tom was into Dark magic, but Madame Zabini knows the Old Ways.”
“Fine,” Padma said. “Still, Hermione, it’s not the same.”
“First of all, no one you’ve dated is dead,” Theo pointed out.
“Anthony said I was a life-ruiner,” Hermione replied. 
“As if he had a life worth ruining, the tosser,” Theo said, scoffing. “So full of himself.”
“Ron got cursed at the Final Battle because he was trying to protect me,” Hermione said.
“He’s been getting free rounds of drinks off that injury for the past twenty-odd years,” Padma said. “If he’d listened to anyone, he could have had it repaired at St. Mungo’s that first week instead of relying on a field dressing by a fifth year Hufflepuff. He’s only still got the limp and the scar because he waited and then it was permanent.”
“Bill said that too,” Hermione admitted. 
“And just because Viktor Krum hasn’t been heard of in about nine years, that’s nothing to do with you,” Theo said. “I know you’ll mention that last letter of his, where he wrote about Ioanna and her amber halo, but really, that could mean any number of things. And also, again, not confirmed dead and not at your hand.”
“McLaggen had it coming to him,” Padma said and sniffed. “You were helping out all female-presenting creatures and beings when you hexed him.”
“I don’t feel that bad about him,” Hermione said.
“Good. That’s progress, love,” Theo said. “You’re not still counting Snape, are you?”
“I mean, I let him die, Theo. I was right there—”
“You had a crush on him during sixth year but I don’t see how he counts as one of you men. I think he would rather have died again, more gruesomely, as Nagini kibble, than have a relationship with any student, let alone a Gryffindor like yourself,” Theo said. 
“You couldn’t have saved him,” Padma said more softly. “You were with him when he went, his portrait said as much. He doesn’t bear you any ill-will. Quite the contrary, I think he’s a bit fond of you now, though he’d say this was a bunch of bloody sentimental shite. And probably take one hundred points from Gryffindor and call you a silly cow.”
“Death has not softened him up much, has it?” Theo said. “Good old Snape. Or Bad old Snape. Whichever. That was his thing, double-agent, et cetera, wasn’t it? But he’d never see himself as one of your victims.”
“I appreciate you are both trying to cheer me up,” Hermione said. She took a gulp of the chai, which was at the perfect temperature, because Padma had used the good Charmed china. 
“We are trying to reason with you, brightest witch of our age,” Theo said.
“Neville—” Hermione said, breaking off.
There was a moment of silence, respectful, sincere, thoughtful. Sort of like Neville had turned out to be, besides being the Prophecy’s spare, the slayer of Nagini, champion wearer of Fair Isle jerseys and well-worn cords, strider of moors, Sprout’s successor. Hermione’s former almost-fiancé.
“It never would have worked out,” Padma said.
“I know. I just loved him so much, he was so dear,” Hermione said. “When he proposed, it was like a dream—”
“He fell in a bog and broke both his legs,” Theo said. “Again, Not Dead. Perhaps terminally embarrassed, especially since he lost the ring in the bog and now the bog kassapu won’t give it back and Madame Longbottom is furious—”
“His gran didn’t mind that much,” Hermione said. “But she did say it was a sign. And that because Neville broke his legs in an enchanted bog, it wasn’t something St. Mungo’s could heal up easily and I wasn’t to think twice about refusing the offer. Neville said the same thing.”
“I suppose you could wait for him,” Padma said. “You are a witch. Another couple of decades—”
“We agreed it was for the best, ending it. We’ll stay friends, close friends, but he saw what was happening,” Hermione said. She’d often been told, dismissively by Slytherins, that one could read her face like a book; at the moment, it must be a torrid, fraught romance, albeit one without any ripped bodices or irascible, secretly wounded dukes. 
“It’s not like you and Draco planned to meet at St. Mungo’s,” Theo said. “It’s not like you orchestrated it for him to be on-call when you and Neville arrived and for him to be the one who sat up with you the whole night while the other Healers stabilized Nev. It’s not like you tried to fall in love with each other, former rivals and adversaries who had more in common than they’d admit until they couldn’t any more, wouldn’t—”
“Even though the rest of us could see it coming from a mile away. Years before. Since that first night at the pub,” Padma said. “Harry saw it. George Weasley’s had a bet going since you went to the loo that night, the pot could buy a lovely holiday villa in the Algarve by now. Minerva—”
“You call her Minerva now?” Theo whistled. “I thought that was reserved for the brightest witch here.”
“I advise some of the more gifted Arithmancy students who are beyond Vector’s skills,” Padma said. “Hermione might have done, but she had that Potions torch to carry and then Bill roped her into the side-gig at Gringott’s. Minerva told me she didn’t want to be called Professor by a colleague, certainly not one who made a better pot of tea than she did.”
“She said that?” Hermione exclaimed.
“I made the masala chai. She’s not stupid,” Padma said. “She said she’d wondered about you and Draco since the Yule Ball and that if Dumbledore had simply managed the Voldemort situation better, we could all have spent our Hogwarts years waiting to see if the two of you would get together.”
“Oh my,” Theo said, laughing. Hermione made a face, scrunching up her nose, then shoved back the hair that had come loose from the combs she’d used to pull it back.
“I guess the truth is, I’m afraid,” Hermione said. “I’m thirty-eight years old and I’ve never had a successful romantic relationship, they’ve all been unmitigated failures, well, maybe I get a pass on Neville, but otherwise it’s all been utter shite and I don’t want to mess anything up with Draco. I don’t want to hurt him. I don’t want to be the Black widow and Walburga has been giving me the evil eye since she heard—”
“There it is,” Padma said.
“You cannot let that blasted portrait bother you,” Theo said. “Draco ought to be able to shut her up, heir to the House and all.”
“You’re not going to mess anything up. At least, you won’t do it by yourself. This is about you and Draco, what’s between you. What you make with how you care about each other,” Padma said. Theo nodded.
“And for the record, Draco has done a superlative job of keeping himself alive in situations that would have killed any lesser being. He survived Riddle as a houseguest. He survived Bellatrix changing his nappies. He survived Lucius finding out you’d beaten him in every class and Harry winning the Tri-Wizard Tournament,” Theo said. “You can’t take him out, darling girl, even if you try.”
“You should talk to him,” Padma said.
“I don’t know, he’ll think I’m being silly or that he has to take care of me,” Hermione said.
“You are being silly and he does have to take care of you,” Theo said. “So, yes, he’ll think that. But I am confident that he will express himself most eloquently on the topic.”
“How care you be so sure?” Hermione asked.
“Because this isn’t the first pot of masala chai I’ve made that one of you hasn’t drunk this week,” Padma said. “You’re the more secure of the two of you though—he went to Harry first.”
“And then to Millie,” Theo added. “She has not become more patient with age. It was a near-fatal error.”
Bonus image of my Madam Zabini fancast:
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titisorriso · 1 year
Chapter 9/ Never Again (Wild Skies AU)
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  The days were restless, the mornings were spent forging, the afternoons training, and the nights passed with her watching the skies and sea. Astrid led all the activities, the bags under her eyes hidden by the war paint, her tiredness obscured by her yells and tenacity.
Berk was at war.
She never thought this day would come. They were vikings, sure, but their tribe never worshipped war. Stoick did his best to avoid this, to maintain allies across the land, and although he had many, even them weren't expecting this fight.  
Astrid swung her axe, demonstrating to some young yelps how to fight and protect themselves. The strong shield, symbol of a Viking's battle proficiency, was held by each and every one of the warriors. The newbies were struggling; the wood and metal too heavy for their weak arms to keep up. Astrid noticed:
 - Never put down your shield. It is the one thing that will stop both a man's sword and a Nadder's spikes. It's your best friend and savior, so either you grow to carry it, or you better tell your family which rite you want them to say when you make your way to Valhalla.
One of the recruits raised his hand, Astrid sighing as she allowed him to speak.
 - No offense, ma'am... But where is your shield?
She scowled, the boy cowering back.
 - I don't need one. One day, if any of you become respectable warriors, you won't need one either.
A friendly, scruffy voice spoke up, entering the arena:
 - But until then, you can get all sorts of shields in all shapes and sizes right back at my shop! We're having a discount sale for young meat!
Astrid dismissed her soldiers, who made their way back home quickly, relishing the free time. She approached her tired old friend, a weak smile sprouting forth:
 - Gobber, you should be forging, not taking strolls.
Her voice was softer than when she talked to most people. Gobber had been someone to rely on in dark times. The moment Hiccup disappeared, both of them found comradery in talking about the scrawny boy who forged like there was no tomorrow. After some years, Astrid started visiting less and less, and now, with their respective problems, they rarely saw one another.
 - Ah, you know me. I'll find a way to do everything without help on time, don't you worry about that... Actually, i wanted to show you something. There were some interesting developments that i made with Hiccup's old drawings and schemes.
She shivered. The Valkyrie had completely forgot she asked that of him all those years ago.
Asking Gobber to figure out what all those plans were, what legacy did the boy leave behind, if he made anything that could be used against the dragons. Afterall, in the past, Astrid thought of Hiccup as a genius and one of the smartest vikings in Berk; how foolish was she.
Now, those papers were found useless. Even if there was something important there, it was probably made to aid Toothless. Besides, she wanted nothing to do with Hiccup anymore. He was a page in her book she was ready to rip off and set fire to.
 - Listen, Gobber, i...
He interrupted quickly:
 - Astrid, i know, okay?... I know i'm hanging on to false hope, i know i'm not your teacher anymore, but please, trust me when i say, you want to see this.
He looked earnest. Gobber suffered a lot of punishments thanks to the heir's disappearance. Gobber was the one responsible for the kids, he was their teacher and keeper when their parents weren't around, so when the news came out, Stoick couldn't think straight. Gobber went to trial, losing his honor and role of orientator in the arena; the only thing stopping his sentence to escalate to death being his title of Stoick's brother-in-arms. Subsequently, he became obsessed with the theory that Hiccup didn't die, that there was no blood or fabric or vestige of him, so he must have survived. Afterall, dragons weren't exactly polite eaters.
Astrid felt guilt, and maybe it was that guilt that drove her to accept his offer.
  He closed his forge. All windows, doors and exits barred, the only light being the fire inside the smelter that burned bright enough to illuminate the walls. Astrid observed Hiccup's childhood schemes, remembering his drawings back in his hut and noticing how rudimentary these ones looked in comparison. A smile forced itself on her lips, a certain nostalgia to imagining the boy jumping around the forge trying to do all of these in secret while also doing his work.
 - I miss him too.
Gobber spoke, snapping her out of her haze. She straightened her face, clearing her throat as she tried to not involve herself too much.
 - So... What did you want to show me?
He smiled, the normal excitement and edge of insanity in his voice popping back as he hooked and pulled as many pages from the wall as possible.
 - So, it's no secret that the boy was a bit nutty in the head, even when the job was as easy as sharpening swords, he still found some distraction to keep him occupied. Weird inventions with the sole purpose of "aiding us" in our battle, but as you know, it always managed to make everything a bit worse.
She held back from whispering a "still does".
 - Because of that, i looked at all his drawing and creations with those lenses. Thoughts filled with good intentions, but ultimately helpless. Something that any self-respecting viking would turn their nose at!
Astrid crossed her arms:
 - Yes, Gobber, i understand. You don't need to spell it out to me... I remember how he was. Just get to the point.
The smith halted for a moment. Stacking the specific papers in a curious manner as he prolonged his pause. He seemed unsure, almost aware of how crazy he was about to sound.
 - Well... That's how i chose to see it. That he made certain things with good intentions... But what if... - He took a moment to gather courage, spilling out what he meant with a mournful look - Astrid, what if Hiccup wasn't helping us. What if he was helping them.
Astrid shivered. She tried to mask the expression that forced its way up, begging to be seen. Her eyes went to the floor, trying to not make direct contact with the man, begging he would brush it off as being uncomfortable talking about the "dead" kid.
 - ... What do you mean them?
He took a step closer, his wooden leg dragging on the ground. The Valkyrie met his eyes.
 - I mean, what if Hiccup didn't get eaten or killed and tossed away... What if he ran away with the beasts?
Astrid took a moment... Then burst out laughing. She held her stomach, turning her face away, laughing until tears came out of her eyes.
 - Have you gone completely insane, Gobber?! These devils have no feelings or rational thought. They can't run away with Hiccup like some sort of scorned bride!
Gobber remained serious. Astrid tried to keep the mocking smile on, but the lie did not stick.
 - Astrid... I know i have no title, no worth and no claim... I know that questioning you, as a thane, can get me in a lot of trouble, but i need to know.
He took a step forward, the Valkyrie unmoving, paralyzed. Slowly, he grabbed her hand, holding it between his palm and hook, a pleading, teary look as the question rolled out of his tongue like a relieved breath, as if he already knew the answer before even asking.
 - ... Is Hiccup alive?... Astrid, is Hiccup the one that saved you from drowning?... Is he... The Night Stutter?
  A heavy silence. Moments of breathing and staring as she felt that urge. The urge to be a bad person, to lie and walk away, break his heart and let him believe himself mad. The urge was strong, and although it was wrong, she knew it was about self-defense rather than actual mean-spiritedness. About keeping yourself safe, knowing not many people like her got a chance to be where she was, a thane, the future chief of Berk even without any blood relation to the current chief. She couldn’t throw that away in a whim. Still, there was something in the now pathetic man that drove her to empathize: Gobber's situation could have been the same as hers. She always felt on the edge of falling out of Stoick's good graces, and she saw before her what would happen if she crossed the line.
Hiccup was alive. He was alive and well, flying around and enjoying his freedom while people like her and Gobber stayed behind to fix the mess. To take the brunt of the sword.
She turned away, unable to keep looking him in the eyes.
 - ... I don't... I'm sorry, Gobber.
She slowly pulled her hand away.
 - I'm sorry that i can't give you the answer that you want.
That was as cryptic as she could afford. A bad taste in her mouth with each word, something brewing in her stomach as she felt the necessity to heave and cry, but she held her ground. The man looked down, his hands falling to his sides, dejected.
 - ... It's okay, Astrid... I shouldn't put this much weight on you... Afterall, you're still a young lady!... You need to be fighting and courting! Pay no mind to the ramblings of this old man.
He turned away, his shoulders slumped, the warrior wondered if he was hiding tears. He slowly started putting the schemes and drawings back in place, mumbling things to himself so quietly Astrid couldn't discern any of it.
 - I'm... Going to go now, okay?
 - Yes, yes, you have a war to fight. Go ahead! Knock'em dead!
He spoke cheerful but did not turn around.
Astrid turned to leave, the sound of the door creaking open.
 - Just one more thing, if you wouldn't mind, thane?
She whipped around, staring at his back.
 - Anything, Gobber.
He turned to look at her, a huge smile with tears of joy streaming down his cheeks.
 - Just tell him to come by if he ever has time, alright?
  Staring at the ceiling, playing with the sheets, counting the seconds. All techniques she tried to find herself asleep, to no avail. There was a plethora of moments in her life that she was not proud of, that kept her awake and bursting with nightmares for many years; but ever since that night it had gotten worse. Ever since Hiccup said he loved her.
There was no one to turn to. No one to tell. Gobber now knew the truth, but she still couldn't risk confidence, not when it could put his life in danger.
So, she laid there. Questioning her feelings for him, her duty with the village and her role in the war, and somehow, above all of that, the tinge of doubt that came to her whenever she thought of dragons. Calling them devils, monsters, beasts, all of it felt wrong, but it wasn't supposed to.
She was a dragon hunter. She killed and maned many of them, and in turn, they killed many of hers. Did Hiccup know that? Something about the way he said things, it seemed like he believed Berk was no longer looking to exterminate dragons. How much did he know? Even more important, how much he didn't?
Rain fell on the roof, the sound being the final straw as Astrid got up, realizing there would be no sleep tonight.
She grabbed her axe, moving through the darkness and silence of the village towards the arena, unbothered by the heavy droplets drenching her.
  The arena was eerie. The usual clattering of blades and yelling replaced by water meeting rock and metal. She opened the wooden gate, the rain slowly fading out as she approached a still lit torch. With the light source in hand, she slowly marched towards her goal.
The cage of a Deadly Nadder was usually heavy metal doors and wooden beams to stop the beast from breaking or melting their way out, but this one was different. This dragon had been here since Astrid was a girl, she fought against it and trained many recruits with it, and after a while, it stopped trying to get out.
The Nadder was now behind bars. That was it. All that stopped the beast from leaving was thin metal bars that it could melt any day. Still, it never left.
Many times, Astrid wondered if it had just been broken, if it finally realized it had no way out and accepted the life of a prisoner rather than death. Often, Astrid thought of this beast as a coward, but now, the feelings of the beast felt a bit too familiar.
It was young back then, when it still had a fighting spirit and the dream of running away, of finally escaping and meeting others like it, but with time and training, it realized the world had other plans. That people expected something from it and it had no choice. With time, that trapped feeling felt like home, like how things were supposed to be. It's not that it wasn't fighting, there was just nothing to fight. It realized its role; it needed to obey and follow. No second thoughts or chances.
Astrid stared into the beast's eyes.
This was home. 
The fire flickered, the Nadder waiting for orders, for the gate to open so it could perform its duty again. The warrior obliged.
She opened the cell, taking steps back as it took steps forward, mimicking her, watching her movement as if it were a dance and it was waiting for its cue.
Carefully, Astrid put her axe down, watching as the beast's pupils grew. The Nadder was confused, but curious, almost expectant.
The Valkyrie took a deep breath and dropped the torch.
Her eyes took a while to adapt to the darkness, the rain had completely stopped. Their breaths were synchronized, waiting.
Her hand went forward, staying in the air right in front of the dragon, her palms sweating as there was still uncertainty in her mind. What stopped the beast from attacking? From taking this opportunity and biting off her hand? The hand on her side clenched, her unease quickly becoming fear as she noticed the beast approaching.
The texture of the dragon's scales was different from Toothless. Her nose meeting the warrior's palm like it was normal. As if they had done this many times before. The Nadder rubbed herself against Astrid's hand.
"She trusts me."
The realization came like a wave. She didn't run or fly away because, to her, Astrid was her friend. The dragon trusted her to not harm her, to do what needed to be done and then allow her to go back to her spot and sleep and eat. Astrid didn't even realize what she was doing, the respect that she gave to this dragon without even realizing. The trust she instilled and the false kindness she had given out of routine, out of obligation, like second nature.
Tears streamed down her face as she took a couple steps forward, the beast not even flinching as Astrid hugged her tight.
 - I'm so sorry...
Hiccup was right. She couldn't believe it, her mind reeling from everything that she had done while believing these creatures were nothing but monsters. She let go of the dragon, the Nadder tilting her head to the side, confused with Astrid's behavior, but still appreciating the affection.
“Never again.”
She wiped her tears, determination filling her heart.
 - I'm getting you out of here.
  His head was pounding, his skin itching and his lungs hurting. Of all the times Hiccup had been captured, this was by far the worst scenario. They even took his metal leg! Who does that?!
His eyes creeped open, his vision hazy and a bit blurred, but on the upside, he could move his body. On the downside, he heard and felt the rattling of chains as his hands were restrained.
He leaned his head back, hitting it against the stones a few times. There needed to be a way for him to force his mind to create some smart ideas.
 - Hello?... Anyone there?
His voice was raspy as he tried to get some attention. Were there no guards? Well, there really was no need for them anyway, it's not like there was a way out of here.
He felt his body wanting to find Toothless. To see if he was okay, wondering what terrible things they were doing to him, but those thoughts wouldn't help right now. The questions of how long did Johann plan this, who's attention was he trying to get, how were these buildings made and did they have to do with the Razorwhips disappearing?
He pulled forward, testing the strength of the chains. They tensed but remained strong.
 - HEY! Anyone! Let me OUT!
He yelled and made the chains rattle. A punch to the metal door of the cell:
So, there was someone there. Hiccup itched his face against his shoulder, noticing his armor was filled with holes and burns from the acid. His voice came at an almost reassuring tone:
 - Oh, so there is someone there... What's your name?
He was met with silence, but he could hear a shuffling of fabric as the guard moved.
 - C'mon, what bad could it do for me to know your name? It's not like i can do anything.
The guard punched the door again:
 - I said SILENCE! You are not to speak another word.
Hiccup noticed his tactic wasn't working. Since being friendly wasn't the way, he would try a different method.
 - You know... It doesn't really *matter* how trapped i am right now. I have dealt with worse enemies than a trader with some exotic weapons. Ever heard of the Grimborn brothers? Yeah, i dealt with them. Let's just say it's not a good idea to be on my bad side.
He was met with a long silence, and then a prolonged laugh.
 - Oh, i'm aware of your doings, Night Stutter. I know them way too well.
He heard keys jingle as the door was unlocked. Hiccup scooched back, thinking of how he could react against this guy while fully in chains.
The familiar face that appeared made the rider shiver.
 - ... Krogan?...
The man smiled. There was a huge new scar going across his face, and his right leg was replaced with a metal spike.
 - Surprised to see me, Haddock?
Hiccup's stomach turned, his anger rising as this simple kidnapping became more problematic than he imagined. He killed the Grimborn brothers, he defeated Drago and Toothless became the new alpha. Krogan was Drago's servant, a lackey he thought the monster had given an end to; but now, Hiccup wondered how big of a threat this all was, who was involved in this and what was really happening.
He jumped forward, forgetting his wounds, the chains and the lack of a leg. The rider fell backwards with his failed attempt of lunging at him.
Hiccup expected anything from him. A sadistic laugh, a mean remark, even a punch to the gut.
Krogan said nothing.
The man just stared at the rider, a mysterious look over his eyes.
 - Your dragon is unharmed. Johann needs him alive to command the other beasts.
Hiccup's rage did not falter even with the reluctant answer.
 - I swear, if only one of his scales is out of place, Odin have mercy--
 - What? What will you do, rider?!
The interruption caught Hiccup off guard. What could he do? Nobody knew he was here; he didn't even leave a note back home because he thought it would be a quick surveillance.
 - That's the thing, Hiccup Haddock, you always need others. You're useless by yourself. The dragon is gone, your precious Berserker friends are too busy dealing with a sudden Dragonvine outbreak, Alvin has a little riot the hunters incited on his hands, and Berk... Well, it's not like Berk can miss what they don't know exists...
Hiccup's brain yelled at him to not incite the hunter, but something about this situation made his rationality be destroyed:
 - I have more allies than you know. You haven't even scratched the surface.
 - Oh, please. They know you, Hiccup! Bayana, the Wingmaidens, the Defenders of the Wing, they're all busy. You are helpless, and soon, you will be dead.
The rider's head dropped, the anger slowly fading to a sense of despair.
 - I... I've been through worse. This is nothing.
 - Do you truly believe that?
Krogan approached Hiccup, kneeling to see him eye to eye as the rider sat dejected against the wall:
 - You have nowhere to go, Hiccup. No one to turn to. They won, and you will be nothing but a faraway memory of what could have been.
Hiccup's face lit up, coming to a conclusion he hoped wasn't the wrong one:
 - ... You keep saying "they" instead of "we"... Why are you here, Krogan?
The two stared at each other. That similar flame of rivalry and hatred threatening to spark again and ruin whatever was about to be proposed. Krogan was one of the only hunters to have come close to killing Toothless, and that was all it took for Hiccup to hate someone. He was heartless, emotionless and observant. In many ways, he reminded Hiccup of Viggo, but Viggo had some sort of feeling, just any feeling. He got something from this cat and mouse chase. Krogan seemed to only focus on his goal: Surviving. Anything else was just colateral damage. Krogan’s voice turned somber:
 - ... These people, they are not to be trusted. When Drago tried to execute me, i barely made it; having to hide in corners and stay away from the public... I would thank the gods if i believed in any of them for letting me live for so long, but i'll settle for thanking you.
He got up, holding a key as he showed it to Hiccup, just out of reach.
 - You, rider, killed Drago. You freed me from that prison of shrouded shadows.
 - Believe me, you weren't really in my mind when i did it. Call it a unfortunate consequence.
 - Ah, but that's where you're wrong.
Krogan took a step forward, Hiccup flinching backwards, ready to headbutt or kick as much as it was necessary, but the hunter simply threw the key into his hand.
 - ... I'm returning the favor. Go, Night Stutter. You're free.
Krogan turned around, already leaving as Hiccup shouted:
 - WAIT!
The man stopped.
 - You expect me to believe that? I'm not a child anymore, Krogan. What is your true goal?! What do you want from me?! I'm not going to be a pawn in your sick game!
The hunter put his hood on, a low chuckle making even the walls shiver.
 - Just get out alive, rider. We have just begun.
  The devil was stubborn. Astrid tied a rope around her neck, pulling her silently through the houses and fields... Except the dragon didn't get the sudden change of pace.
The Nadder groaned and perched on every fence and wall it could find, Astrid having to pull extra hard for the beast to keep it pushing. The Valkyrie would often whisper in anger:
 - I swear, you're not exactly making this change of heart easy. 
The dragon flapped her wings in response. Unbothered and quite excited to see the outside again.
They eventually reached the forest, Astrid less worried about being found out as Raven's point was the only spot she didn't assign a patrol to, worried Hiccup could be stalking around these parts again and not wanting him to get caught.
The open sky was littered with stars, the warrior remembering her first time flying as she realized the time had come. The wind howled, a bitter cold predicting the arrival of winter. Astrid turned to the Nadder, untying her rope.
 - Well, this is it.
The Nadder stared, confused. Astrid smiled, finding the beast's confusion endearing.
 - C'mon, go! You're free. 
The dragon remained put. Seconds passed, then minutes, and all the beast did was look around the woods and stay put. Astrid lost her patience.
 - I'm serious, go! You can leave!
More empty staring.
 - Sweet Thor, do you not understand me? Is that it? Okay...
Astrid took some steps back, the dragon tilting her head as she observed the woman start mimicking flying.
 - You... SOAR! Go... UP! The SKY is OPEN! You can GO!
The Nadder sat down. Astrid's palm went to her face.
 - You are smarter than this. I know you are! Why are you resisting me?!
She was talking to a dragon as if it had feelings and thoughts. Dear gods, she was becoming Hiccup. The warrior decided to change her method.
 - Okay... Maybe you just don't know i'm talking to you. I mean, Hiccup named his Night Fury, maybe you want a name too...
The Nadder seemed interested, loafing forward like a hen as she waited for a name.
 - Uh... How about... Zephyr? Like the wind! I always wanted a daughter named Zephyr.
The dragon shook her head.
 - Okay... Maybe Gunnr?! Like battle! That's a solid name, right?
The dragon groaned in disapproval. Astrid stared at the sky, bewildered and annoyed. She was really asking a dragon what she wanted her name to be. A stark contrast to the butchering and axeing she could be doing instead.
She watched as the wind brought dark clouds over Berk, a weird tint to them that she had never seen before. An idea formed as she looked to the Nadder.
 - How about... ÉlFljúga? Stormfly? Do you like that?
The Nadder jumped up, considering it, then running towards Astrid and nuzzling the woman who giggled with the affection.
 - Alright, alright. Well, Stormfly... It's time to go. You can't stay, it's not safe.
Stormfly moaned, confused at the woman pushing her away.
 - I'm serious, girl. You can't stay, they'll... We'll kill you.
The dragon looked into Astrid's eyes, still confused and reluctant, but a certain understanding went between their hearts. There was a connection there, as Astrid touched her forehead to Stormfly's spike, the dragon closed her eyes, saying goodbye.
 - I'm sorry that i hurt you so much... I promise that there is someone out there who will treat you with the most love and respect.
She kept holding on to the dragon's face as she moved to the side so Stormfly could see her as she spoke:
 - There's a guy that will find just the right habitat for you. He's a bit smelly and has a bad sense of humor, but he'll treat you right. Just follow north, he'll find you.
She let go of Stormfly, the dragon moaning as it once more refused to leave, but clearly more willing to do so if ordered again. Astrid felt a pang in her heart.
 - ... The world isn't ready for you. We... We don't deserve you. At least i don't. Not after everything i've done.
 - Well, at least you admit it.
The Valkyrie turned around like lightning, grabbing her axe and swinging it to a fighting pose. Stormfly jumped beside her, readying a shot.
A hooded woman mounted on a Razorwhip. Astrid had never seen one face to face, the surprise must have been all over her complexion, for the woman laughed.
 - Don't worry, Windshear doesn't bite... Too hard.
 - Who are you?!
The woman dismounted her dragon, revealing her face and long black braided hair.
 - Name is Heather. We need to talk about Hiccup. °°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°°    This one took a lot of editing. Had to find the old notebook i wrote the story on to see where i was going with this and decided to change it all. Hope you enjoyed it! (And i know this is looking like the end, but believe me, there is so much story to go. I had way too much freetime back then.)
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csuitebitches · 2 years
I keep on having dreams about my old friend. The dreams aren’t sexual or anything of the sort, they’re just us hanging out, the latest one we were sort of running away (?) together. I can’t exactly recall the dream. Said friend never texted me and still doesn’t which is why I cut off contact. They only contacted me a few times during one period where I was having a hard time, this stuck with me because no one else checked in on me. However, they were my friend of 5 or so years. I can’t help but miss them though. I’ve never had a relationship like that and sometimes I’m afraid I never will. Lately I’ve been isolating which could be why I’m yearning for an old relationship. What should I do?
I’m sorry you have to go through that, it sounds very draining.
I’m going to give you some tough love. Your friend isn’t the one to blame if you’ve been isolating, that’s something that is mostly in your own control. I understand that you’ve had a hard time in the past, but that doesn’t mean that you make things difficult for your future self.
We all need relationships in our life. Human beings are social animals.
If said friend was someone who you had to cut off, then maintain that discipline for yourself. Don’t get stuck in a loop of cutting them out and then getting back with them in the short run. However, don’t discount the fact that people can change and do change with time. Perhaps now is not the best time to be friends, perhaps in a few years, when you’ve both matured, it will be easier to be friends again - but let that happen organically. But also reflect on where YOU could have gone wrong in that friendship. Ending a friendship is often two ways, although we may see it as one way- both parties, to an extent, have a percentage that they’re responsible for. I’m not telling you to be hard on yourself, I’m telling you to be objective. Be honest with yourself.
Here’s the best thing about ending this relationship- you now have the time and freedom to meet new people and make authentic friendships. Sure, it might feel weird at first, you might feel guarded at first, but life is all about experiences - and sometimes slightly awkward situations result in something that could be the opposite.
Making new friends isn’t easy and we often sacrifice our peace of mind for the comfort of an old relationship, but thats an unhealthy, torturous cycle.
It’s perfectly normal to miss your former friend, who wouldn’t? Even in a bad relationship there are good memories. That’s what makes moving on so difficult.
Remember the best part of your friendship and try to look back at the fondly without getting emotionally worked up about it. Forgive the person if you can, for the sake of your own peace. But don’t forget the lessons you’ve learned from that friendship- the new boundaries you know you will have to set with friends, the things you will not tolerate in any relationship.
Focus on yourself this year. Focus on being the best version you know you deserve, hang out with people you feel bring light to your life. Go to events, do some volunteer work, try to meet new people. It doesn’t matter whether you hit it off with them or not - even conversing with someone new can be an interesting experience. How do you know that you wont have a similar type of friendship - or even one better! - unless you go out there and try? With what right can you make such a harsh judgment? That’s your fear and your own insecurity telling you that you probably don’t deserve something beautiful. That’s not true. There’s billions of people on this planet, its just a matter of time that you will resonate with someone. But you have to make that happen for yourself.
Getting out of a slump is difficult, but even doing small things may do wonders for you. I’m rooting for you xx
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bad-moon--rising · 15 days
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Cinema History:
Opened in 1982 under the ownership of Mrs. Andrea Marsh, a Gifted Magick transplant from London.
Taken over by Mr. Godfrey and his late wife Beverly in 1987.
Aside from some revisions and repairs after various disasters, the theater hasn't had any major renovations since the Godfreys bought it.
Shows movies primarily from the 1930s-1950s (this will be subject to change when the theater is revamped later in.)
Theater Prices:
Adult Ticket: £8.00
Child Ticket: £5.00
Pride U Student Discount: £7.00
Other Discounts (military, senior, etc.) - £1.50 on price.
Business Hours: (will be subject to change/open on Sundays when the theater is updated later)
Thursday thru Saturday: 10:00am - 11:30pm
Tuesday & Wednesday: 11:00am - 10:30pm
Movie runtimes:
Thursday thru Saturday: 11:00am - 10:30pm
Tuesday & Wednesday: 12:00pm - 10:00pm
Job Info/Employee Info
Cinema NPC Info
Cinema Pinterest Inspo Board
Cinema HCs
Overall the place has that old movie theater vibe; the red carpet, red chairs, brown tile floors. But one distinction is how, while the exterior of the building is concrete/brick the interior walls are wood paneling and the lights are track lighting so it does give a bit more of an older, glamorous look to the place. The appearance has been well maintained, it just isn't very modern.
The building has two floors, it's not a multiplex but it is a large space; the first floor is the business itself, upstairs is a large unused space and the apartment the Godfreys built there, now occupied by Lucky and Scott.
Honestly the place seems bigger on the inside than it should be for the space but people don't question it much and when they do nobody gets a real answer.
There is an ancient, huge popcorn machine that doesn't work but has been around so long nobody wants to get rid of it. So it just takes up a corner of the concessions area and everyone calls it a decorative piece. (It can be fixed but we haven't gotten that far yet.)
Employees have noticed on occasion when they lock up the lobby for the night if they happen to miss one of the doors and go back to check they're always locked. And oddly some have said when they've accidentally let the backdoor shut behind them taking out the trash it seems to stick for some reason so they can get back in.
Sometimes lights around the screening rooms and lobby will turn off when an employee is closing up before they can get around to it. Everyone who has been around a while jokes that it's just Mrs. Godfrey looking after the place.
Event Information
The cinema will host events on occasion; interested parties are encouraged to contact the manager to set up a time to discuss plans. These events can be as small as birthday parties to larger town events because the lobby space is large enough to accommodate fairly well. (please give events to host at the cinema, thanks)
Event coordinating should be handled at least a month before the event. Use of screening rooms, the kitchen/concessions area and the overall lobby space is open to plans. (IC note: if you want to have something small like a birthday just give me a heads-up, bigger events please DM just to sort out the hosting situation/that's the only part I'll be involved really unless you want more involvement from the cinema staff)
Technically since the second floor has a large amount of open space events are possible there too, if you want to plan something large.
Concessions Info
I just took most of these prices from a few current cinemas in the UK and purposely made them lower because Mr. Godfrey hasn't updated things in years.
Popcorn (sm/med/lrg) £4.00/4.50/5.00
Typical movie popcorn w/butter, in paper cartons or standard white and red striped refillable plastic versions.
Sodas (fountain drinks) (sm/med/lrg) £2.00/2.50/3.00
Again, just typical in either disposable waxed paper cups or plastics refillable. Behind the counter, employee-served.
Sodas (bottled) £2.00
Kept in a standing glass cooler next to the counter, self-serve.
Water (bottled) £2.00
Kept in the standing cooler with the bottles of sodas.
Candy (Pre-packaged) £3.50
Kept behind the glass counter, various prices, various types because I'm not going to list all of them.
Ice Cream (Pre-packaged) £2.50
Small standing freezer by the counter, various types, self-serve.
Ice Cream (Machine) £3.00
Cones or bowls, not particularly exciting (vanilla or chocolate) with toppings of various candy, chocolate sauce or caramel.
Nachos £4.00
Basic nachos with the option of jalapenos or not.
Pizza £4.50
Cheese, veggie or pepperoni, those single serve microwave frozen type.
Pretzels £4.00
Large soft pretzels that come frozen and are kept in a warmer in the kitchen, comes with butter or cheese. Also not overly exciting.
Town Disaster Protocol
Whenever safe to do so, evacuation of the cinema to nearby safe spaces is encouraged, this includes both customers and staff. The cinema is not a magic warded safe house currently. When possible staff should lock up before evacuation but if it's a question of safety this isn't an issue; it's always better to leave things unlocked and evacuate from a dangerous situation.
When evacuation is impossible or not advised shelter in place; screening rooms one and two are used for this purpose as they have direct access to restrooms but are still a contained space away from windows, but do include exterior exits if needed.
In case of flooding or other issues where higher ground is safer, evacuation to the second level of the theater will be open to everyone; emergency supplies are stored both there and the first level to shelter in place for extended amounts of time. (But you're going to be eating a lot of candy and popcorn.)
During a shelter in place situation if staff isn't on hand emergency supplies (bottled water, first aid supplies, nonperishable food, blankets, flashlights) are stored in the staff break room, kitchen, and upstairs; notices that explain these locations are posted in the kitchen and break room.
Cinema Floorplan (ignore my awful scaling here):
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Ground Floor:
1. Ticket Booth
Standard front window enclosed booth with registers and information about movie times on the back wall.
2. Concessions Area
Tile countertops and glass front cases with prepackaged candy and snacks, equipment on the back counter includes a sink, popcorn poppers, soda machines and a heating case for warm food. The kitchen to the right is fully functional for heating/preparing food.
The kitchen also holds first aid supplies.
3. Staff Break Room
Has tables and a couch, a staff fridge and access to the kitchen if the staff wants to use it. Not anything overly unusual about the space, just a place for breaks/meals.
4. Main Lobby/Event Space
Open space most of the time but it's large enough to host events and does from time to time.
5. Back Restrooms
Basically just what it says. Male/female/gender inclusive areas.
6. Front Restrooms
Same as the above, with the addition of a family/accessibility inclusive restroom.
7. Screening Room One
Smallest of the screening room; 30 seats total in the space.
8. Screening Room Two
Slightly larger screening room; 50 seats total.
9. Screening Room Three
Largest screening room in the cinema; 110 total seats.
10. Screening Room Four
Standard screening room, 90 seats total.
11. Screening Room Five
Standard screening room, 90 seats total.
12. Projector Booths
Situated in the back of each theater and accessible by the staircase in the hallways between rooms for the larger screening rooms and directly in the back of the smaller ones, overlooking the screening room itself and where the projectors are kept and run.
13. Cinema Office
Mr. Godfrey's office next to the back stairwell upstairs.
Upper Floor
1. Upstairs Apartment
Accessible via the stairwells inside the theater. Was formally the living space of the Godfrey family since buying the theater but now Lucky and Scott live there since Mr. Godfrey has moved to Castle Suites. Most people (for plot sake this means anybody not specifically told) aren't aware the apartment is there and just think it's a separate storage area. Although it is listed as a residential area with the town board like the other business-linked apartments in town.
2. Storage Area
Mostly general storage for the theater, also where film reels are kept between seasonal runs.
3. Storage/Open Space/Future Plot Things
Yup. Potentially a business collab space after the theater is revamped.
4. Storage/Open Space/Future Plot Things
Once again these are future plot points. (But pls offer suggestions if you have an idea!)
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centenarybank · 2 years
12 Secret Grocery Shopping Tips You Have To Know
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Yes, shopping online can save your cash, especially whenever you mix it with online coupon codes , offers of the day, no-taxes-charged, and free shipping offered. Using a bank card to pay online has the benefit that when online shopping tips and tricks you suffer an event of fraud, you might get your a refund. But giving your credit card information to online shopping web sites may be risky.
Before you purchase anything online, make sure you’re on the website belonging to the company you plan to buy from. There are many websites that look precisely like well-known websites, however that has nothing to do with them. It all the time amazes us how many individuals sort their whole bank card quantity into Google! There’s no must be in a rush to search out the product you want, and there’s no must be in a rush to sort in your credit card data. Online shopping has changed the face of retail forever. It’s not nearly shopping for merchandise from the consolation of your home and avoiding the hustle and bustle of the mall.
Then go to the internet site instantly from your browser as a substitute of via Facebook. As shoppers, we’re used to having our calls for met. If a product is available at a cheaper online shopping tips and tricks price elsewhere, we anticipate to find a way to discover it. If one thing goes incorrect with an order, most of us count on our issues to be solved shortly and successfully.
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minorroofs · 2 years
Just How to Find Minor Roofing System Repair Work Near Me
Roof coverings can experience a large range of problems, from leaky skylights to missing out on roof shingles as well as also an incorrectly installed roofing system The last thing you desire is to find yourself looking for a professional roofing professional on a weekend or during the holidays. The problem of searching for a regional roofing system fixing person while you're in a bind is enough to make you avoid the inescapable job of maintaining your roof. What it takes to locate a reliable and also specialist roofing repair professional is not as tough as you could believe. Right here are some suggestions on just how to locate minor roof covering repair work near me.
I. Obtain knowledgeable about your roofing.
The very first step to locating a reputable company is to get yourself accustomed to your roofing system. You ought to note any kind of damages or leaks you have seen, and the type of roof covering you have (single-ply, roof shingles or asphalt). There are different kinds of roof materials and products offered on the market today, so it is very important to make sure your particular product is convenient by a local contractor. Recognizing what sort of roof covering you have will certainly also aid you make certain you locate the right specialists for the task, roofing repair companies near me .
II. Request references
A professional roof repair service professional can have to work with various kinds of products, so it is necessary to learn what sort of home builder the companies utilizes. You can ask the firms for their references as well as exactly how well they perform in other houses. Do a search for previous clients and also inquire concerning the high quality of their operate in comparable jobs.
III. Ask about their business's credibility
You ought to do some basic research on who is supplying the solution you're searching for, and if there are any kind of complaints against that specific professional. You can ask the companies regarding their experience in dealing with the exact same type of roof coverings and also exactly how they carry out. Some firms may even be certified in a specific sort of roof materials from a company.
IV. Break out quotes
The most effective means to obtain numerous totally free quotes is to locate as lots of contractors supplying the service you're seeking and see what type of discounts they can supply on their solutions. You can find specialists online by doing some basic research. When you have discovered a list of possible candidates, you should consider their experience and competence to limit your search. Below are some useful suggestions on just how to locate small roofing system repair near me, roofing services near me .
V. Firms with a great score from previous clients
If you're searching for a fantastic service provider that has excellent experience in the field, then make certain you ask for their previous clients' rankings and testimonies. You can also ask their previous customers about any issues they had with the contractors' services. Some customers may have had adequate experiences with the solution or have actually experienced any concerns at all.
There are a great deal of business offering a range of roof covering repairs. It's vital to do some standard research as well as discover those that offer fantastic services in the location you're looking for. Compare their rates and ask regarding their experience dealing with comparable materials. You can also break out estimates from their previous consumers. Once you have actually located an experienced company, after that do some research on the qualifications of your service provider to see if they have any type of accreditations or licenses that you need to be familiar with.
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douchebagbrainwaves · 3 years
I think I've figured out what's going on. After the first 10 or so we learned to treat deals as background processes that we should ignore till they terminated.1 Don't Get Your Hopes Up. Something hacked together means something that barely solves the problem, the harder it is to bait the hook with prestige. And that is almost certainly mistaken. So one thing that falls just short of the standard, I think, should be the highest goal for the marginal. Big companies think the function of office space is to express rank. As big companies' oligopolies became less secure, they were willing to pay a premium for labor. You can see it in old photos. If you're friends with a lot of the worst kinds of projects are the death of a thousand cuts. And what's especially dangerous is that many happen at your computer.
And the microcomputer business ended up being Apple vs Microsoft. In 1450 it was filled with the kind of turbulent and ambitious people you find now in America. You have to like what they do there than how much they can get the most done. That's not what makes startups worth the trouble. Design This kind of metric would allow us to compare different languages, but that if someone wanted to design a language explicitly to disprove this hyphothesis, they could probably do it. This technique can be generalized to: What's the best thing you could be doing, not just what you can see the results in any town in America. With this amount of money can change a startup's funding situation completely. There I found a copy of The Atlantic. Whereas it's easy to get sucked into working longer than you expected at the money job.2 That's ok. I think you have to do all three. But more importantly, you'll get into the habit of doing things well.
But what if the person in the next 40 years will bring us some wonderful things.3 They all know about the VCs who rejected Google. The writing of essays used to be.4 You may have read on Slashdot how he made his own Segway.5 He improvises: if someone appears in front of him, he runs around them; if someone tries to grab him, he spins out of their grip; he'll even run in the wrong place, anything might happen. The people who've worked for a few months I realized that what I'd been unconsciously hoping to find there was back in the place I'd just left. It was supposed to be something else, they ended up being Apple vs Microsoft. By 2012 that number was 18 years. The first thing you need is to be willing to look like a fool.6 Google they have a fair amount of data to go on. John Malkovich where the nerdy hero encounters a very attractive, sophisticated woman.
Many of the big companies were roll-ups that didn't have clear founders.7 Empirically, the way to the bed and breakfast, and other similar classes of accommodations, you get to hit a few difficult problems over the net at someone, you learn pretty quickly how hard they hit them anyway. Inexperienced founders make the same mistake as the people who list at ABNB, they list elsewhere too I am not negative on this one was the only way to get lots of referrals is to invest in students, not professors. It will actually become a reasonable strategy or a more reasonable strategy to suspect everything new.8 Never say we're passionate or our product is great. Whereas undergraduate admissions seem to be disappointments early on, when they're just a couple guys in an apartment. Programmers at Yahoo wouldn't have asked that.9 Incidentally, this scale might be helpful in deciding what to study in college. VCs think they're playing a zero sum game.
I spend most of my time writing essays lately. Almost everyone's initial plan is broken. If smaller source code is the purpose of comparing languages, because they come closest of any group I know to embodying it. Distracting is, similarly, desirable at the wrong time. But if we make kids work on dull stuff now is so they can get away with atrocious customer service. In fact, here there was a kid playing basketball? Of course, figuring out what you like.
Go out of your way to bring it up e. The industry term here is conversion. Try to keep the sense of wonder you had about programming at age 14. At least if you start a startup, people treat you as if you're unemployed.10 But hacking is like writing. Even with us working to make things happen the way they used to, they were moving to a cheaper apartment. It causes you to work not on what you like, but is disastrously lacking in others. I do in the rest of the world. Their defining quality is probably that they really love to program.
I could only figure out what to do, there's a natural tendency to stop looking.11 Economies of scale ruled the day.12 One is that this is simply the founders' living expenses.13 I need to transfer a file or edit a web page, and I think I know what is meant by readability, and I think they're onto something. Multiply this times several hundred, and I get an uneasy feeling when I look at my bookshelves. You may have read on Slashdot how he made his own Segway.14 Everyday life gives you no practice in this. Startups grow up around universities because universities bring together promising young people and make them work on anything they don't want to want, we consider technological progress good.
Samuel Johnson said no man but a blockhead ever wrote except for money. Which is precisely my point. If they were regarded as 'just' even after the egalitarian pressures of World War II the tax codes were so new that the guys running Digg are especially sneaky, but except for money. They don't know enough about the new top story.
The image shows us, they tended to make money. But we invest in the Bible is Pride goeth before destruction, and one of the fake leading the fake leading the fake. In No Logo, Naomi Klein says that 15-20% of the aircraft is.
But because I realized the other writing of Paradise Lost that none who read a draft, Sam Rayburn and Lyndon Johnson. If they agreed among themselves never to do due diligence for an investor? The best technique I've found for dealing with the other.
I ordered a large number of startups as they do for a public event, you can ignore. If you want to help the company, and a few of the Facebook that might produce the next Apple, maybe the corp dev is to show growth graphs at either stage, investors decide whether to go to die.
If you walk into a big company CEOs in 2002 was 3.
Or rather, where w is will and d discipline. But that turned out the existing shareholders, including that Florence was then the richest country in the sense of mission.
In Shakespeare's own time, because they can't afford to. The company may not be able to raise their kids in a company in Germany. When we got to see the apples, they said, and why it's next to impossible to write an essay about it wrong. That will in many cases be an open booth.
I'm not saying you should probably be worth trying to tell them exactly what constitutes research in the early 90s when they say they bear no blame for any particular truths you'll learn. As Jeremy Siegel points out that there is undeniably a grim satisfaction in hunting down certain sorts of bugs. Did you know about it as if you'd invested at a discount of 30% means when it was actually a great programmer doesn't merely do the right direction to be is represented by Milton.
But a lot of the next round. It's hard to say exactly what your body is telling you. In Russia they just kill you, they tend to be very unhealthy. One thing that drives most people realize, because you have two choices, choose the harder.
Though Balzac made a lot of classic abstract expressionism is doodling of this essay talks about programmers, but one by one they die and their houses are transformed by developers into McMansions and sold to VPs of Bus Dev. Or rather, where it sometimes causes investors to act. Eric Raymond says the best hackers want to trick admissions officers. And no, unfortunately, I mean efforts to protect widows and orphans from crooked investment schemes; people with a truly feudal economy, you better be sure you do in proper essays.
The top VCs thus have a better education. Or a phone, IM, email, Web, games, books, newspapers, or some vague thing like that. You need to fix. But the question is not much to maintain their percentage.
Kant. Loosely speaking. The real decline seems to them to lose elections. Some types of startups where the recipe is to say incendiary things, they can grow the acquisition offers most successful founders still get rich simply by being energetic and unscrupulous, but they get for free.
World War II to the frightening lies told by older siblings. That's one of the most general truths. As we walked in, we found they used it to get into that because a unless your last funding round.
But this seems an odd idea.
Thanks to Jessica Livingston, Shiro Kawai, Garry Tan, Chris Small, and Nikhil Nirmel for sharing their expertise on this topic.
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writing-in-april · 4 years
The Owner’s Office
Franklin x Female Reader (MGG in Beginner’s luck)
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Summary: Franklin won’t stop asking the owner of the bowling alley if he can have a discount when the team rents the alley.
A/N: Heyyy heyyy- here’s my first Franklin fic in a while!!! It’s been sitting in my WIPs in a while and I felt the urge to finish it! @sunlight-moonrise is the main person who helped inspire me for this fic- and of course the amazing @spencers-dria. This is my fic for today for my 1000 follower celebration!!! Thanks for all the support you guys!!! Requests are open!
Warnings: 18+, Hate fucking, Panties stuffed in mouth, Oral sex (M receiving), Franklin wants to be called a god, calling reader a fuck toy
Main Masterlist  Word count: 2.1k
Owning the most popular bowling alley in Little Falls was more of an exhausting task then most people would assume. I had to work everyday almost 7 days a week to maintain my small business that I had inherited from my father. Honestly, some days I was so exhausted, the gain seemingly so little that if it wasn’t for wanting to keep the business to continue what my father built I would sell it in a heartbeat.
The alley wasn’t anything all that grand or special from a first glance, it was a stereotypical bowling alley with orange and turquoise walls and bright red seats. What really made this place special was all the memories I and the rest of Little Falls had here.
The space that I used as my office was more of a closet then a full office, it also had to have the mop bucket and any other cleaning supplies shoved in there. The desk that was jammed into the space was a shitty little thing, unbalanced and made of cold grey metal that made me shiver whenever I rested my arms on it to type. One would not call the place charming but it was mine, just as it had been my father’s.
When the business had passed onto me I decided to keep the office the same way my father had it. Despite its shitty appearance that was where I ended up spending most of my time while I worked. I had to spend most of my day going through paperwork for the alley and barely had time to come out of my office unless it was right before closing to help the rest of the staff (Namely Rebecca) to clean up.
Usually the times I had to come out were because of one person. Though, at this point I view him as the source of all the annoyance in my life more so than an actual person.
I could rant all day about my deep seated loathing for the man that everyone in Little Falls called their god. Well, everyone except me. He was the person who strutted around like he owned the place- even though I was the one who paid the bills for the place. Most of my gripe with him was for the fact that he would insist that his whole team could have the bowling alley to themselves while they practiced. For some reason he had some deep seated paranoia that people would spy on his team. This led to many arguments between the two of us, mostly about how he didn’t want to pay rent because his team was the only thing bringing money to my alley or about how I didn’t give them enough time to practice. In return I would just tell him to take his business somewhere else if he really cared so much about the rent or needed more practice time.
As I walked in to work my mood was already sour, I had spilled my morning coffee all over me and was running late because I had to change my clothes. As the owner of the alley it didn’t really matter what time I came in but, I had myself stick to a strict schedule, I wanted to be a good role model for my staff. My mood turned from sour to livid when I saw Franklin sitting in one of the chairs at the last lane that happened to be closest to the door to my office. I groaned internally at the sight, the only reason he’d ever show up without his team was to try and chew me out about his practice schedule.
I did not need this today.
Luckily, there was only one bowler here this early and he happened to be at the farthest lane away from my office, no doubt being warned by the staff to be far away from my office as soon as they saw Franklin walk in. My greeting to him consisted of only an angry pointed finger towards the door trying to usher him in quickly before I exploded in the middle of the alley.
“I deserve an 80% discount.” He said immediately after I shut the door to my office. With the amount of times I rolled my eyes everyday in response to Franklin’s antics it was a wonder that they didn’t get stuck in that position.
“And what’s the reason this time that you think you deserve a discount.”
“My team is the only reason your alley pulls in any money.”
“That’s not true.” I simply stated, crossing my arms and looking away from the face that causes me to feel such boiling anger.
“Can I at least get a better practice schedule?”
“Why not?” His indignation against a person in some sort of position of authority above him was astounding, he even added to my disbelief by hitting his hand hard enough on my desk to leave a slight dent. Well, that was never leaving. Though it's not like it was a particularly fancy desk, I was still even more pissed than I had been in the first place.
“I’ve given my reason why plenty of times you just don’t listen.” I was about to shove him out of my pathetic excuse for an office if he continued.
“Why should I have to listen to stupid reasonings?”
“Fuck- could you please just shut up!” Me screaming at him to shut up wasn’t out of place in our normal hostile conversations, something about the pause after my shout this time was brewing a different type of tension.
When we met for a kiss it was fueled with the anger that had been surmounting over a long period of time, since as long as I’d known him. If I wouldn’t have to explain why he was leaving my office shirtless I would’ve ripped open the big-z tires shirt he was wearing out of pure anger. Once we had angrily ripped off all of our clothes he hoisted me up onto my metal desk. I hissed from the sudden contact of the cold metal on my ass which only made Franklin laugh. I glared at him hard in response, but unfortunately he did not wither away from my gaze, so I decided to lightly threaten him with extreme embarrassment,
“I’ll kick you out of here without your clothes on, shut up.”
That successfully shut him up quick, and he actually focused on my own pleasure for a while. He didn’t sink down on his knees to eat me out because of course Franklin wouldn’t kneel for anybody. He instead parted my folds and began to rub my clit slowly, he had to be a tease instead of just obliging someone for once.
When I whined out in annoyance at his slow movements he tsked at me before saying, “I’m trying to get you ready for how big I am.”
It pained me to admit that he was right as I looked at his cock, which was probably the biggest one I’ve ever been with. I still decided to whine again to see what he’d do in response. When my panties were then shoved into my mouth as a makeshift gag I spluttered in surprise. I would have ripped it out of my mouth in anger if it wasn’t the hottest thing. Plus the words that he said next did nothing to help how wet I was between my legs, “Now you’re the one that has to shut up.”
Once I was properly prepped for his standards he immediately moved onto his pleasure, I hoped I at least got an orgasm out of this. But, if I was being honest with myself I was more turned on right now than I had ever been with another guy. He thrust into me all the way to the hilt with no warning, causing me to cry out in surprise. Glad I was ready enough to take him, he’s such an ass.
Though despite that, I wouldn’t deny that he felt amazing inside of me as he fucked me hard and dirty on my office desk.
“Who’s your god now?” His cocky voice made me want to scream, which I did, but it was more out of pleasure rather than annoyance. He then pulled the panties out of my mouth even though if anyone heard how loud I was right now my employees would whisper behind my back about it till the end of time. What he said next didn’t surprise me at all,  “I want to hear you call me a god, doll. You’re just a bratty little fuck doll for your god’s pleasure.”
“I’m not calling you a god. Doesn’t-” My sentence cut off when Franklin moved his hand to rub at my clit, shocks of pleasure going through me as a result. I bit down on my lip to try in vein to compose myself a little before continuing, “Doesn’t matter if you’re fucking me, you’re still not a god.”
“I’m still the person who’s gonna make you have the best orgasm of your life.”
“I-I’d like to see you try.” And try he did. His hips pistoned into mine with brute strength I didn’t think such a lanky man like him could have. We were probably being so loud that you could hear our skin slapping together rhythmically plus the loud moans that wouldn’t stop coming out of my mouth. Even though it was the hardest thing to admit, he was about to make me orgasm so hard it might’ve been the best one of my life.
I fell over the edge with a high pitched cry, Franklin continuing to rub my clit until I was overstimulated and had to push his hand away. I pushed his shoulder slightly to signal that he needed to get off me then explaining, “There’s no way I’m letting you cum inside me, you can cum in my mouth or nothing else.”
He looked annoyed with me for a second, almost if he wanted to ask if he cumming on my face would be a viable alternative. Luckily for the sake of his own orgasm he decided to keep his mouth shut. I then dropped down to my knees, ignoring the sharp little sting of pain as I took him in my mouth. It only took a little bit of time of me bobbing me head up and down, making sure to hollow my cheeks as best as I could. At one point he tried to wind his hands into my hair as a way to non verbally ask if he could fuck my face. If it had been anyone but Franklin I probably would’ve allowed them too, but instead I hit his hand away, looking up between my lashes with a glare to silently tell him to be grateful he was getting to finish at all. Hot thick ropes of his cum then suddenly shot down my throat with little warning from him, causing me to gag slightly, I’m sure he probably enjoyed that. I wasn’t one to not swallow personally, even if I did hate his guts it was still hot to swallow his cum down my throat. Once I had sufficiently caught my breath I started to clean myself up and get my clothes on, not expecting any aftercare from the bowling alley’s resident asshole.
“So-  Do I get that discount?” I whipped around as I rebuttoned up my shirt about to start our argument all over again until I saw a smirk on his face unlike the ones I had seen before. It wasn’t his usual cocky smirk, instead it was a teasing one, he was actually joking with me for once instead of screaming at me. I breathed out a little laugh in response and let the tension melt from my shoulders a little.
It was a relief to not fight with him for once and I kinda liked this Franklin. He still had an aura of smugness around him, but he wasn’t insufferable. He was maybe even a little likeable when he wasn’t screaming his head off at me. In response to his joke I rebutted with a little smirk, “You may not be an actual god but you sure fuck like one. And, no, of course you don’t get the discount.”
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Franklin/Beginner’s luck:
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urban-homesteading · 3 years
Hey do you know what kind of tools I should buy if I want to move into a house? It won't have a yard yet, but fingers crossed for the future. Thank you!
Congratulations on the new house! Since you said that there's no yard yet, I'm going to focus only on tools I use inside my house and ignore gardening and lawn maintenance.
What tools should you have around your house?
So here's a pretty simple list that will cover most minor problems you will encounter.
Cordless power drill
Screwdriver set (grab one with the ten basic sockets)
Drill set
Adjustable wrench
Level (bubble works, but I upgraded to laser and it makes life so much simpler)
Tape measurer
Utility knife
Extension cord
Step stool
Spare batteries
Toolbox (or even a cardboard box, just make sure you have somewhere to return your tools or they will escape to the four winds)
So how to acquire these tools while maintaining zero waste?
1) Start with your research
If you are completely unfamiliar with tool brands and the features available on tools, do a little research. Visit the websites for Sears, The Home Depot, Lowe's, Menards, True Value, Ace Hardware or any retailer that sells tools, and take a look at their new selections. Most websites organize tools in a straightforward way so you can easily find what you're looking for.
Head to a local store to get a firsthand look – many tools will be on display and out of the box so you can actually pick them up. You'll see the most-recent models, from low-end to top-of-the-line. Make notes on the prices and available features (especially relating to safety). This is your base from which to work when evaluating prices.
The next step is to look at online auction sites, such as eBay, to get an idea of prices for used tools. This gets a bit tricky because you'll need to really look at the age and condition of the tools as described by the seller. But again, make notes for a range of features and prices. Don't try to list everything you see – just make a list of price ranges for the tools, with notes on the variances in relation to brand. For example, for circular saws that range in price from $30 to $60, jot down what separates the bottom-priced tool from the top.
Head over to pawnshops as well. Pawnshops only buy items they know they can turn around and sell, so they won't have tools that don't work (everything they purchase is tested), and a pawnshop won't carry poor-quality brands. Also, the prices will accurately reflect the current value of tools in the marketplace. Make sure you visit operations that are members of the National Pawnbrokers Association, as these businesses abide by a code of ethics established by the association.
2) Name Does Matter (For the more expensive tools)
Now that you have an idea of what you'll expect to pay, it's time to consider how you'll evaluate and decide what to buy.
It used to be that if a name brand was good, it was good.  But I have found that the ‘good’ name brands have been sold so many times that most manufacturers are coasting on their reputation and they are the same quality as the ‘cheap’ tools.  Even worse, manufacturers will have different quality tools that are sold by different stores.  For example, a DeWalt power drill sold at a Home Depot will be better quality than a DeWalt Power Drill sold at Walmart because DeWalt will have two different manufacturing plants and they will send the lower quality ones to Walmart, since Walmart demands that DeWalt sell them to them at a cheaper cost or else they won’t buy from them at all.
My personal rule of thumb is buy cheap for the first one, then if you use it so long or so much that it needs replaced, buy expensive quality the second time.  This prevents you from spending hundreds on tools you’re only going to use a couple of times.
3) Where To Buy
You can start your shopping by revisiting some of the places you accessed when doing your research. Clearly you'll save money on shipping if you go to a local operation or an individual. Remember to test and examine tools closely no matter where you shop.
Pawnshops As mentioned earlier, pawnshops are a good bet for buying tools. You're going to find better-known brands that are probably on the higher end of the quality and price spectrum. Although, you're going to have little to no negotiating room on price compared to if you were buying from an individual.
Thrift Stores A thrift store may be a little less reliable for quality, and you'll probably find a lot less availability, especially at a thrift store that obtains its wares through donation. However, those that aren't donation-based aren't going to want to develop a bad reputation by selling inferior items.
Live Auctions Check local notices for potential auctions in your area. You may have a good chance of finding quality tools, but “auction fever” may set in, and you could wind up overpaying if you are bid up. These may be a good source for large equipment.
Garage Sales You could score the best deal at a garage sale, as the seller may be less likely to know the value of the tools being sold. Sellers will also be more open to price negotiation, and you can offer a bundle price for several items. Quality is going to be your biggest concern, so look these tools over really well.
Flea Markets These are similar to garage sales when it comes to negotiating, but the seller at a flea market will probably be more knowledgeable on price. Some flea market vendors have access to surplus or closeout suppliers, so you could see a potential mix of newer and older tools that haven't sold well at retail.
Classifieds Search online or newspaper classifieds under the equipment and tools categories. You may see a set or combination of tools listed as one price, which can be a good deal. As with garage sales, look these tools over carefully.
Online Websites offering tools are almost too numerous to mention, but eBay is certainly one that comes to mind. Check the seller ratings and reviews when shopping on auction sites. You'll also want to take a look at Amazon, which offers a lot of items, both new and used. Overstock.com, for example, has surplus items and may be a good source for refurbished items. You can often get limited warranties.
Retail Speaking of refurbished items, you may do well by looking at the clearance aisles at hardware stores and home centers. Sometimes they will heavily discount tools that have been returned. Check the reason for the return because it can be merely cosmetic.
4) Be an Inspector
On corded power tools, examine the electrical and basic mechanics of the tool. Aside from plugging it in and turning it on, thoroughly inspect the cord. Look for any visible defects, such as a crimp (what looks like a big dent), or if the cord is bent at a severe angle. A thick wad of electrical tape will be a big tip-off that something might not be right. Also take a look at where the cord meets the tool to see if it's heavily worn or loose. Closely examine the prongs of the plug. A slight bend on one of the prongs isn't a big deal, but if the metal looks heavily worn at the bend, it may be close to failure. And don't forget to check out the switch to see if it is loose or cracked.
Cordless tools present their own challenge. If you've ever looked at the price of replacement batteries, you know they can be quite pricey. Some are very expensive in relation to the cost of a new tool and can be as much as half or more of the cost of a new tool. Plus, it's hard to tell if the battery will hold its charge for any length of time. Sure, it may work fine in the short time you test it, but it's difficult to determine if it will hold a charge for longer than a few minutes. Only opt for cordless tools that you know are at most a couple of years old. Refurbished units are your best bet here.
With both corded and cordless power tools, be sure all the parts and guards are there. It's a bonus if the case and operating manual are included (although you may be able to find a copy of the manual on a tool manufacturer's website). You can easily find replacement accessories, such as saw blades, for many tools because the standards for accessory sizes are pretty consistent.
While you can't exactly take a small screwdriver and dismantle a power tool to look at its inner workings, you can search for a few telltale signs that all may not be well. Be prepared to use all five senses.
Take at look at the motor vent area of the tool (which looks like little slits in the housing). Ideally, you want this to be free of any sort of dirt, grime or buildup – a tall order for a used tool, but a good indication of how well it has been maintained. While inspecting this area, look for any burn marks or smoke trails (take a peek at the switch area as well). These would be clear indications that there's been an electrical problem. But just in case the evidence of a fire has been cleaned up, give the vent area the old sniff test for odor of smoke.
Keep the focus on this area and turn on the tool. You don't want to see smoke or sparks emitting from the housing. Notice how the tool feels in your hand while it's running. Look for intermittent operation or jerkiness. Yes, a power tool will vibrate in your hand, but you should be able to control it. If it feels like the tool could jump right out of your hand, there could be issues. Listen to the tool. Is it making erratic sounds or grating noises? Think back to other tools of the same type you're inspecting. Does the used tool sound significantly different?
You can look for specific things such as the movement of the blade in a circular saw or table saw. With the tool off and unplugged, move the blade around to see if there is a significant wobble to its motion. An old blade may be the culprit, but the arbor (the metal rod on which the blade is attached to the saw) may be bent. It would be difficult to replace and not worth purchasing the tool.
These tools will be a pretty good head start and will enable you to repair most minor work around your home.  
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