#I do not remember a single human being I have killed: MUZAN
echantedtoon · 4 months
Ok. So part 2 is here. Mostly because Hantengu is actually 7 people packed into one and I'll be needing to tackle them all in their own posts. I'll do a part 3 with the lower moons next
Warnings for yandere-ish (???) themes, kidnapping mentions, possibly death mentioned, mention gore(Hantengu ripping up his body to let the clones out) and threats, Mentions of Urogi accidentally cutting Yn, mentions of a dead animal, Karaku IS his own warning, possibly some innuendos, etc.
I won't really do them separately because I can't really see one developing feelings for a single clone because they'd be inside Hantengu most of the time so the only way you'd develop any relationship with the clones is by hanging about Hantengu the entire time.
Zohakutan will also be included as he is a part of Hantengu but his segment WILL BE PLATONIC!! I DON'T CONDONE ANY OTHER WAY!!
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-If you know him then you know his backstory and victim complex. Unless he's killing someone to eat or carrying out whatever orders Muzan wants him to, he's avoiding people like the plague which still he blames everyone else for. So it's unlikely he'd actually meet you unless Muzan ordered him to eliminate you, he's hungry, you're a slayer, or it's by complete accident. Let's go with the last one for this.
-Like usually he hides away from anything and everything. This time taking shelter in an old abandoned shed during the day. Only it isn't abandoned. It's YOUR house. And it's not unoccupied because you come home later in the day from hours of shopping and visiting friends in the town a few miles away from you. You don't even notice the demon in your home because he's hiding in the darkest corner shaking and watching as you walk about putting away new fabrics and food to be made into lunches and dinners later days.
-You accidentally bump into your kitchen cabinet knocking a pot off making a loud noise that startled the demon into shrieking and scrambling across the room startling you into shrieking, dropping objects, and whirling around wide eyed. You both freeze. He's mumbling and shaking like a cat dipped in cold water under your kitchen table and you're staring at what looks like an old man. You both just freeze staring at one another.
-Eventually you slowly relax seeing it was just an old man but you were still highly cautious. It was too dark for you to tell he was a demon in the limited lantern light and the fact most of him was hidden under the table. After a moment you speak to him in a gentle voice asking him if he's alright and when he answers you in sobs and shakes, you couldn't help but feel so bad for him. You took care of your grandparents until they passed away so seeing this assumed poor old man has you feeling so sorry.
-So you offer him something he's never had before. You smile so beautifully at him and tell him it's not his fault for being scared. You ask if he has any nearby family and as he answers no, you tell him he can stay the night in the guest room and you'd figure out what to do in the morning. You try to coax him out by offering him some food to which he reluctantly agrees. Being so used to helping the elderly thanks to the care you gave your grandparents, you easily held him pulling him slowly to his shaking feet and slowly walk him towards the guest room taking your arm in his. Hantengu is stunned, shocked, twisted-......And in his twisted mind it's already concluded one terrible fate for you.
-Hantengu is not one shy to marriage. As a human he's had many relationships and families even if they never ended well. He doesn't remember a lot about them. He has a faint knowledge of having previous wives but he doesn't remember any of them. But that doesn't stop him from thinking that you would be the perfect wife. Compared to other demons Hantengu is the most delusional and the fastest to turn yandere FAST.
-You are surprised when you wake up the next day and find the old man gone no where to be found in your home or the town and no one has seen any old man walking around by themselves when you ask around. Strange. You spend all day looking for him out of worry but give up when you could find him no where in the town, your home, or the nearby forest. You return home before it gets too dark and are surprised to find all of the raw meat you bought the day before completely gone. You only find one half pork chop left with what looks like a wolf's sharp teeth had taken a big bite outta it.
-It weirds you out. On top of the sudden disappearance it sends a bad feeling through you. However you chalk up the old man to a wild dream and the missing meat as a wild animal because honestly you did leave the front door open when you rushed out to search for him. There's no other evidence of him being there so you soon put it out of your mind.
-A few days later you truly realize the horror of your choices as your front door opens wide one night and lit by the bright fireplace is a horrifyingly terrible creature. Shaking with tears running down his face. You're too stunned, to scared, to petrified to speak as he just crawls towards you and tell you in a sobbing but affectionate voice that your husband was home.
-In Hantengu's mind you both are together with you being the perfect caring wife when in reality you're too scared and confused to correct him (for now). He will bombard you with needy whines and sobs expecting you to comfort him with whatever it is he's terrified about. Awkwardly and fearfully you do buying your time until you can figure out what to do about this demon sitting down at the dinner table shaking and expecting dinner (which is usually just raw steaks and such for him) to be served by his pretty wife.
"It's N-Not my fault! You know that d-don't you?"
The rest of these guys all share a similar sentiment to Hantengu however they do have their own opinions on the subject.
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-(Bare with me. It was the only gif of Urami I could find.) Actually is the clone you see the very least. In the year and a half of you nicely pretending to go along with Hantengu's 'wife' delusion before Tanjiro frees you unknowingly, you only ever encounter Urami twice.
-The first time you meet him is the same day you're bombarded by all of the clones. They were all itching to come out to meet their new 'wife'. As they're all extensions of Hantengu they all share the same delusions. So you shrieked as Hantengu ripped himself up forming two younger men before they ripped up each other turning into FOUR young men along with one giant version of Hantengu holding his now tiny form in the palm of his hands. You shriek out before fainting. Thankfully Aizetsu caught your limp form.
-Urami is the clone of Resentment, he embodies the resentment of all of Hantengu's past wives not being as good as you. Threatens you not to hurt his 'innocent self's' heart or else he'd make you resent it! You faint again from the intensity of that meeting causing the others to panic and Sekido smack him over the head with his staff.
-The second time you meet him is two months before Hantengu's death and your freedom being restored. He startled you just walking into your home right behind the other clones. He was so tall he had to duck just to get in through the door. Turns out a semi strong demon had challenged him to a blood battle for Upper Moon Four causing five of his six clone forms to appear. He ignores Sekido's arguing with him as he just places one giant hand on your head patting it like a dog as you stared frozen up at him.
"We go through a lot of trouble for you. Don't make me resent you for that."
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-If you thought Karaku and Urogi's antics or Hantengu's clinginess gave you headaches, then let me introduce you to Mr. Hothead.
-Sekido represents all of the things he's angry about in a relationship. 'His wife not being compassionate enough' or how their wives usually 'blamed them when they were nothing but innocent.'
-Despite this you'd much rather spend time with him than most of the other clones outside Aizetsu. He actually yells and pushes the others off of you angry he isn't getting a turn to just hold their wife. Does it give you headaches? Yes. Does it terrify you? Definitely. Would you rather silently let Sekido hold you and listen to all of his complaints than listen to Karaku make another innuendo or have Hantengu get your dress wet again as he clung onto you? ABSOLUTELY! At least Sekido doesn't smother you as much as the others.
-However he's ALWAYS nitpicking on the things he hates you do that make him annoyed or angry. Have a vase he doesn't like? Complain! You don't have enough raw meat ready for your 'husband's' dinner? Complain! Karaku and Urogi hold you too long? COMPLAIN! He never threatens you unlike Urami, after all he hates to think about you being upset with him. But sometimes he gets so angry with the others it starts a fight and parts of your home is damaged.
"Can't you just appreciate what I'm trying to do for you!?"
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-(For this instance of Karaku I'm keeping him strictly the clone of Relaxation because everything I write is sfw) Karaku is one of the main three you see most often. Mostly you only see Hantengu however since Sekido and Karaku are the first two clones that appear they're the main two clones you see.
-Karaku is giddy and like Hantengu is overbearingly clingy. He's always slinging an arm around you or taunting Sekido into blowing up again much to his and Urogi's amusement. He's the main culprit of why you have so many headaches because despite his relaxed personality he's...TOO laid back around you.
-You'll find him splayed across YOUR bed napping and if you ask him to move he only laughs with a relaxed smile and offers that you can join him. More than once this has lead you to end up sleeping on the floor because the other clones and Hantengu are taking the guest bed.
-He has ZERO filter let's just say. He's too relaxed and ok with many innuendos and jokes about your figure or at your expense making you shutter and start to prefer Sekido and Aizetsu's presence over his. It always rules the anger clone into a fight and makes Urogi laugh much to your dismay and horror.
-He's upset and confused by why you always avoid him leading him to want more physical contact much to your uncomfort. An arm around your shoulders or waist, patting your head, sudden hugs- He's hurt when you always scramble away to duck behind the nearest clone that isn't him or Urogi. He's very dense even if Sekido bluntly tells him you don't like that.
-One got smacked by a frying pan while you were doing dishes and he kissed your cheek suddenly. Urogi still makes fun of him for it.
"You need to relax and quite being so uptight all the time, Baby.~"
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-Out of all seven of them Urogi is the one who makes all of them keep an eye on him including Karaku who's usually relaxed. The thing is Urogi gets bored easily unlike Karaku who's relaxed 24/7 and doesn't need to be entertained. However because he's constantly doing antics or things that make him happy and he's overjoyed to finally be getting a wife...The others keep an eye on him like a pack of watchdogs.
-More than once you've gotten scratched by his talons. Not on purpose but sometimes he's so excited about you he ends up scratching you with his talons causing Sekido to rage and beat him to a cooked chicken casserole as Karaku and Aizetsu bandage your teary eyed self.
-His birb instincts take over a lot of the time he's out. One time you shrieked and ended up crying when he brought you a bunny he hunted out of instinct. He was confused and heartbroken when you didn't like it but didn't do it again after another round of Sekido yelling at him and seeing how unhappy it made you.
-Other bird husbandry includes him doing those weird birb mating dances much to Karaku's laughter and your confusion. He also builds a nest high in a tree. More than once you get carried up there shrieking and end up clinging to the tree out of fear of falling as the four argue. Karaku once tried blowing you down with his fan only to get smacked over the head Sekido. Aizetsu had to be the one to climb up and coax you into hanging onto him as he climbed down.
-This happens a few more times before you're ultimately freed of them but it doesn't happen too often anymore after the first time because the others keep a firm eye on Urogi while he's out.
-Joins Karaku in his antics of being clingy just to annoy Sekido. He finds it funny and gets a kick out of riling him up. However it saddens him when that only pushes you further away from both of them.
"Don't be such a a killjoy. You're acting just like Sekido."
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-The clone who you mostly trust. Aizetsu is an interesting case. He's still as delusional as the others but he's not oblivious to the fact despite your remaining kindness (outta fear) your 'relationship' is making you unhappy, stressed, and possibly depressed. He knows the signs being the clone of sorrow. Does he do anything about this? No. He's still delusional as said and believes that you're the one for them and somehow he can make this work. He just needs to be patient. As I said, they're all delusional.
-He becomes the go to clone you prefer to interact with. While he does nothing to stop the 'relationship', he doesn't cause you headaches or nitpicks like Sekido, he's not as prone to sudden antics or make innuendo jokes like Karaku and Urogi, he certainly does threaten you like the two times you see Urami, and while a bit clingy he is WAY less than Hantengu. If anything most your bonding time is him just silently listening to you vent. If the others weren't included or he wasn't a demon you might've actually dated him.
-He's the go to clone whenever you're crying, need space, or if the others can't console you. If you're trying to escape the others and Sekido isn't near, he's the first one you hide behind. He knows it's sad behavior but he can't help but feel proud you trust him so much out of everyone, and how sad his brother's behavior makes him.
-The downsides though is that in a similar way to how Sekido complains about anything you do that annoys him, he tells you that anything you do that that he finds annoying makes him sad. Give Sekido more attention? You're making him sad. Talking about how you like your favorite dress? You're making him sad. Want to do anything that doesn't involve Aizetsu? YOU'RE MAKING HIM SAD! You start to also get tired of that part of him quickly.
"You're making me sad acting out like this."
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-Like Urami you only ever meet Zohakutan twice in the year and a half you and Hantengu are 'married'. The first time you ever see him is also the first ever time you meet all the clones. After two hours of being petrified and having Karaku and Urogi fond over you, Aizetsu silently watching outside of introducing himself and saying their behavior is making him sad, Sekido complaining at them, Urami subtly threatening you, and Hantengu hiding/being clingy you think it can't get much more worse or terrifying. You are dead wrong.
-After subconsciously listening to the other six talk to you for a few hours, Zohakutan wants to meet the new wife too. So Sekido under his constant nudging, absorbs three of the others making you faint again. When you wake up later, the four young men are gone and Urami also disappeared. All that's left if Hantengu's tiny form shivering in the corner and a young boy that's old enough to be your younger brother is staring down at you. Scowling. "It's about time. I hate being kept waiting!"
-You quickly learns that this is just another clone. He's just as delusional too. No!! I'm not shipping him but his delusions make him see you the same as Hantengu. Weak, innocent, something that needs to be protected at all costs. So while he's not a romantic yandere he is a platonic yandere who deems you are not to be harmed under any costs.
-He absolutely HATES Hantengu's past wives, and sees you as the innocent angel Hantengu deludes himself into seeing you as. They share the same main brain so this thought process extends to Zohakutan too.
-You only see him briefly both times, around ten to fifteen minutes for each encounter before he goes back to being dormant in Hantengu. The first time was to just introduce himself to you. The second was right before their mission. He wanted to assure you that because of him all those demon slayers who dare hurt innocent people like you 'and Hantengu' would be dead. This only makes you more scared of him however. Thankfully that was the last time you saw Zohakutan or any of them for that matter.
"I hate those who prey upon the truly weak ones such as you. All evil scum shall perish."
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theyanderespecialist · 2 months
Base Yandere Lord Muzan Kibutsuji Headcanons: Power And Control (Demon Slayer)
[Hello, My Sexy Muffins, and Bad Butt Biscuits! I am here with a new chapter! This one has The Original Version of Muzan as I did the Female/Genderbent Version of him! So now let's Do Muzan! I hope that you all enjoy this chapter!] 
(Disclaimer: Muzan is not yandere in canon this is just for fun and not to be taken seriously at all! Simping for fictional and yandere characters is fine just do not be illegal or gross about it! You know who you are, you dirty flaky biscuits! Yanderes are not ideal partners to have in real life! Also, remember to separate fiction from reality and headcanon from canon! Thank you!) 
-Base Yandere Headcanons With Lord Muzan Kibutsuji- 
.He is a man that loves power and control and hates a lot of change.  .He does like things when they do change in his benefit. .Because if you look at him, he wears more modern clothes, has a more modern chair, and a more modern car (For the time period of the show)
.He may say he does not like change, but he does like the benefits of the modern age he is in. 
.Though the change he does not like it more the things to do with his demise, he has a fear of death. 
.He had this fear of death since he was alive and was close to death, being the first demon was not enough for him. 
.He has to conquer the sun as well. 
.He was not a good husband, as he pushed his five wives to take their own lives.  .He was not the best partner to have that was for sure as he had never felt love for anyone.    .That was until he met you, something about you consumed him. 
.He did not like the control he did not have over it or how he felt. 
.How his heart raced, how you were always on every single thought he had, how he longed to have you in his presence.  .It goes on and on and he hated it with all his being and blamed you for the lack of control you made him have. 
.Yes he would blame all these new and strange feelings on you, you must be some sort of magic user that has cast a spell on him and made him weak for a pathetic human like yourself.  .That is what he thought, at least at first.  .For at some point he could not stand being without you and you would become a prisoner in the infinity palace.  .That is right, Lord Muzan is the type of yandere to capture you/kidnap you, and keep you in a gilded cage.  .He finds himself to like your company and he likes the power he has on you.  .That you are fully dependent on him for food, company, and well anything really.  .Some days he forgets to feed you and other days he makes you beg. 
.He can be a very mocking yandere and loves the power he has over you.  .Though if you did try and hurt yourself or kill yourself to escape him, he would grab you by the throat, in a bloodthirsty enraged way.  .He learns in this moment that you are something special to him, and he is not going to let you take the easy way out and leave him. .This moment that happens will actually have him treating you better, he is less cold to you, and remember to feed you more often. 
.At this point he has learned that he cannot live without you, and he only would not have turned you into a demon yet because of the demon slayers.  .Even if he gave you a lot of his blood, you would still not be strong enough to fight off Hashiras.  .So he is not going to risk his prize being harmed or stolen from him. 
.He still has the power and control over you, he just allows you more freedoms now.  .Everyone now knows that you belong to him, so no one dares lay a hand on you, if they did well they would be slaughtered and made an example of.  .He also finds himself considering something, that you would need the best of things, if you are going to belong to the Demon King, then you must look the part.  .So he would spoil you, yes this is Muzan as a yandere for sure, once he accepts that he has a darling that is.  .Him showering you with gifts, is a way of having his ownership over you. 
.You are wearing the clothes, he thinks is nice. You have on the make-up that, he thinks you look good in, your hair is done in a way he loves. The list can go on and on. 
.But of course, Muzan is a master manipulator, so you would not know any of this.  .Muzan would have successfully tricked you into thinking that all of it is things you chose and things you liked. .And you are so deep into his mind games that you do not realize it was him pulling the strings. 
.He is the type of yandere that would mold you because he is not the type of yandere that needs to change for his darling.  .Why would he have to change, he is almost nearly perfect. 
.All he has to do is conquer the sun, and make you his spouse!  .That is all that he needs to do and then his life will be perfect.  .On a bit of a more steamy note, he would have much desire to claim you in an intimate way over and over and over.  .He will show you just a great lover, and future husband he can be. .If he did have "rivals" well let's be honest, it is laughable that they even consider themselves to be his rivals.  .No, Demon Slayer, Human, or Demon (other than himself of course) was good enough for you.  .So if someone claimed you to be theirs, they were simply erased from the world. 
.He would not confess his love, instead, he is going to just one day declare that you are his and that you were his the day he kidnapped you, you just did not know it yet. 
.You also would no longer be allowed to see family and friends, and if he deems it, he will be the only other person you ever see again.  .So you might as well as give up and accept your fate, be a good little spouse for him, and warm his bed.  .If you can do that you will get a treat, remember It does not matter if you love him right now, you will be immortal like him and then you both have all the time in the world... 
.And Muzan he will have all the power and control over you for all this time and all the time to come.  .You are his, you never had a choice. 
[YASSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS another chapter done! I hope you all enjoyed and stay sexy, all of my sexy muffins!] 
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blues824 · 1 year
Remember the izuru Kamukura and yoriichi tsugikuni request.
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🖤Can I please request request a sequel to it where the hashiras we know meet the desented of the legendary pair.
❤️The day of the komado trail he introduces the new hashira the desented of the Kamukura and tsugikuni couple that have inheared the ability to use all breathing styles from the Kamukura reader.
🖤(you can choose what gender the descendant is or if they are twins or a single child they are relatives of muichiro how would he react to see family on his side alive. )
❤️Talking about Kamukura mc her getting intedused to the hashiras how would they react to one the legendary hashiras being alive but sadly she became a demon.
🖤She trained all her Offsprings and was the first demon to concure the sun and not needing to eat human and always helped the ubuyashiki clan to kill muzan .
❤️Her taking care of nezuko because she knows how it is to be a new demon and being not trusted by the demon slayers she even has to convince her husband she whoud not eat human.
🖤How would the hashiras react her asking them to show them everything they got during a training session and how would they react to her using every breathing style.
❤️How would the sword Smith react to her requesting a new sword because hers is over 500 years old and she can easily make herself a new one but she heard about his passion for swords and why not support him imagine his reaction to her legendary sword.
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🖤Her sword becoming crimson like her late husband because she mainly usses sun breathing to honour him and Hotaru haganzuka seeing it and being happy he was able to see a crimson nichrin.
❤️She lived with lady tamayo giving her comfort because they have a lot in common and tamayo was especially grateful that she and her husband freed her from muzan.
🖤Her having a soft spot of muichiro and tanjiro because of their condition to her previous husband muichiro especially because she knows how it feels to forget everything about her past.
❤️And with tanjiro she knows how it feels that his sister became a demon and isn't trusted she went Through the same experience with her husband and the other demon slayers her seeing that tanjiro is abel to use sun breathing and training him.
🖤Imagen tanjiro wanting to give her husband's earrings back only for her not accept them saying her husband chose his family to carry on his earnings and saying that they are his and need to care on the family tradition to give them to his next of kin.
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Part 1
I’m going to do this a bit differently.
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All of the Hashira were gathered for the Kamado trial. They were aware of the young Demon Slayer named Tanjiro, and he seemed to be traveling with a demon. According to the rules of the Corps, that was not allowed. Thus, they wanted to kill Nezuko, as all demons should be. Also, they believed that both Giyu and Tanjiro should be punished for going against the rules. 
Right before they were about to, Ubuyashiki came out with a rather young-looking boy and girl. They seemed to be around Muichiro’s age, which made the young Pillar snap out of his in-the-clouds trance. They looked familiar, and they seemed to stare right at him. Then, the master claimed them to be the two Ultimate Hashira. Everyone let out a gasp and temporarily forgot about the Kamado siblings.
Of course, while this was a cause for celebration, there was the obvious still at hand. Ubuyashiki held his hand up to silence everyone, as he stated that the three rulebreakers would be spared. This obviously, as we all know, surprised everyone, and they promptly refused. However, the two new Hashira agreed to what the Master had said. 
“Before we proceed, I have someone I would like to introduce to you all. Please welcome Y/N Tsugikuni, wife of Yoriichi Tsugikuni, the former Ultimate Hashira, and now a demon. Also, she is one of my dearest friends.” At this introduction, you stepped out from the shadows and revealed yourself. A gasp resounded as the legend surfaced in everyone’s memories.
“How dare you all. I can’t believe you all have the audacity to call yourselves a Hashira. My descendants here are more deserving than the all of you combined. My late husband, the one who created Sun Breathing and thus all other forms, and I who have mastered each of them, are absolutely disgusted.
“Neither of you could see that this young demon slayer is trying to find a cure for demons so that he can aid his sister. Is that not a noble cause? And the Water Hashira was the only one who supported them. Would either of you kill me for being a demon? No. The young girl residing within the box has yet to consume a human, just like me. On multiple occasions, she has defended your comrades-in-arms, but you wouldn’t do the same thing for Giyu?
“As a matter of fact, if either of you would like to disobey Ubuyashiki, I am willing to fight in place of Nezuko. Sanemi, you seemed to be willing to challenge your master’s word, so I would like you to fight me. If you win, then the Kamados as well as Giyu shall be punished. If I win, then they shall be spared and the lot of you will be punished for disobedience.”
You turned to see if it was okay with Kagaya, and he made no move to stop the battle from happening. The Wind Hashira took his place, and put his hand on the tsuka of his blade and got in a ready stance. You did the same, and the others made sure that there was enough space. Giyu picked up Tanjiro and backed up a few feet.
Needless to say, you won using his ‘own’ Wind Breathing. He did not manage to land a single hit on you. The second he saw that you drew your blade way before him, he knew that he was done for. It seemed like the other Hashira knew as well, and they flinched upon seeing their fellow Pillar lying on the floor with the wind knocked out of him. Literally, he was wheezing and trying to catch his breath.
“I guess you all have your answer,” you stated. You didn’t even break a sweat.
Shinobu, Muichiro, Mitsuri, Obanai, Gyomei, Tengen, Rengoku, and Sanemi (mans was struggling) watched as you walked over to Giyu and Tanjiro to make sure that they were alright. You then gently opened the box that the younger girl was in and held your hand out gently to Nezuko. Both she and Tanjiro recognized your smell, but the former was the first to hug you. The sudden display of affection was a surprising one, and the atmosphere was suspenseful.
Then, a smile finally made its way onto your face. You realized that this was one of the few times where you had smiled after your husband’s death. Your children, long gone by now, had never gotten to know your smile. You then extended your arm out to Tanjiro and he gladly accepted it. They knew your name, and they knew your legend. 
Afterwards, the eldest Kamado sibling asked the question: did you know anything about the Hinokami Kagura, or anything about Fire Breathing? You nodded your head, and promised that you would teach him both Fire Breathing and Sun Breathing. You saw that he was more than ready, and you would partner with Rengoku in his training, as knowing Flame Breathing would be important as well. You also promised the young boy that you would help Nezuko with the muzzle situation and control her Blood Demon Art.
None of the Hashira were punished for their disobedience. Instead, you used a tactic that you used for the generations after you within your family: threats. Sometimes you would deliver, as it was not easy to learn how to become the Ultimate Demon Slayer, but you knew that your family could handle it. That’s why you looked at Muichiro and said that you would be willing to train him as well, since he is eligible for the abilities within your family as well. You made a promise to Ubuyashiki that his children that were being taken under his wing would be okay.
You personally thanked Giyu for looking after the siblings like he did, and he had to admit that being thanked by the former Ultimate Hashira felt nice. He tried to bow, but you instead pulled him into a hug. Tanjiro and Nezuko joined the group hug, also thanking him for what he has done for them, and the Water Hashira could not mentally process the hug. Oh no! Giyu! He’s broken!
Once you had brought both Kamado siblings and the Mist Hashira back to your estate, they noticed how outside-focused it was. You stated that you preferred a low-key lifestyle, as you were hunted by demons as a ‘traitor’. Lady Tamayo was glad to reunite with Tanjiro and Nezuko, and you had to explain that both her and Yushiro were friends and not foe. They were temporarily staying with you until they had constructed a place that could be easily concealed from Muzan and his Uppermoons. 
The first order of business was ordering a new sword from your old friend, Hotaru Haganezuka. Tanjiro let out a scream as he saw the swordsmith making his way to the estate, and you knew why. You stated that your sword was something that chooses you, rather than you it. Thus, every time he broke his blade, it was severing connection after connection.
But, as the swordsmith was about to kill the aforementioned slayer, you had asked him if he would be interested in making you a sword, as yours had collected a bit of rust. The man let out an almost girlish squeal, as it wasn’t everyday that the former Ultimate Hashira asked you to personally make your sword. You even said that you were willing to pay, but he tried to refuse. Unfortunately, once he got back to his forgery, he saw a pile of gold with a note saying that it was from you, and he let out an exasperated sigh before he got to work.
When you had gotten your sword, you gripped your new blade and it had turned red. Haganezuka was absolutely delighted, and you said that it was similar to your late husband’s sword. You turned to see that both Tanjiro and Muichiro were looking at you as you said it. You knew that you would have to tell them about him.
It was over dinner that you had prepared. You stated that you were, in fact, related to Muichiro, and were one of his ancestors that obviously wasn’t dead. You also said that your husband was acquainted with Sumiyoshi Kamado, and had given him his earrings. The same earrings that the present eldest Kamado son was wearing. He felt so bad, and he tried giving them back to you, but you refused. 
You said, “It was my husband’s wish for the Kamado family to receive them. Thus, I will respect his wish.”
Training eventually began, and both Tanjiro and Muichiro were struggling. You had said that training was completed when Tanjiro managed to land a hit on you and when Muichiro would not master each breathing style but be able to. Then his training would be from your direct descendants, as it would be too dangerous to keep training for too long. You did want to honor your promise to Ubuyashiki after all.
Tanjiro eventually began wondering if it was even possible to land a hit. He expressed his doubts, and you bluntly stated that Muzan was able to defeat you more than 500 years ago, and if he could do it but he couldn’t, then there would be no hope to turn Nezuko back into a human. You even showed him the scars you had received from that battle. You then decided that this was now or never, and you challenged him to a fight. It would only stop when he landed a hit, otherwise he would keep fighting.
Even though it was incredibly hard and lasted a few days, he finally managed to knick your arm with his nichirin sword. Lady Tamayo made sure to quickly heal it, and you had a smile on your face. You pulled the boy into a hug, but it was a very quick one. You then said that Nezuko’s training would start and he needed to train against Muichiro now.
Speaking of, your relationship with Muichiro was very weird at first. Up until this point, he thought his whole family was dead. Come to find out, you were alive and looking over him and the rest of your descendents. You were able to read him very quickly as well, and you could see the anger surging within him from losing his twin brother. You knew what you had to do, so you just took him on a walk throughout the town to talk.
You could see that his interactions with Tanjiro were helping him get his memories back, and he brought this up to you. A sigh escaped from your lips as you sat down with him once you had gotten back to your estate. You pulled back your hair to show him the scar on your head, and you stated that, when you were younger, you went through a series of medical procedures that were meant to create the Ultimate Human Being. You lost your memories, and your husband helped you in getting them back.
Now that he knew he was exactly like how you were, the two of you grew closer. But, your training still remained relentless. You did not let up at all, and his training was more severe than Tanjiro’s. You knew what he was capable of, and when he got the memory of losing his brother, you made him channel that anger into learning the beginning stages of each Breathing Style. You went through each element: Fire, Earth, Water, and Air, as well as Sun. Yes, you decided that it needed to be passed down to him as well, since he was born into the family where it originated.
As for Nezuko, she looked at you like a daughter would to her mother. You would tell her that the muzzle did help, but she needed to learn control. So, you would ditch your sword and just use a replica of Muzan’s Blood Demon Art. That’s the thing: you couldn’t replicate his to a perfect T. He was still stronger than you, and you knew that you were preparing these three as well as the other Hashira, Zenitsu, and Inosuke to be ready and prepared.
Your training for the young girl was to have her fight with her muzzle off. You wanted her to go into town with her muzzle off. You wanted her to go through daily life with her muzzle off. This would teach her self-control, something she would need if/when she went up against an Uppermoon or even the Rip-Off Michael Jackson himself.
It was a bit concerning, how harsh you were on her. But, you knew that her immortal body could handle it. There were broken bones, twisted joints, dislocations, lacerations, etc. Tanjiro didn’t like to see his younger sister get hurt, but this was also a part of his training as well. You had said that while it seems inhumane, Nezuko could regenerate without assistance. You couldn’t have either getting distracted when their sibling was injured in battle.
Eventually, you had gained three new scars: one from each of them. You told them that you were so proud of how they grew, and you were delighted to hear Nezuko’s voice for the first time. You looked into the Kamados’ eyes and said that their mother, father, and siblings would be so proud at how they endured through this. You then turned to Muichiro and told him that his brother would be happy at how far he has come with his memory recovery and also him actively learning each and every Breathing Technique.
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xxlady-lunaxx · 11 months
WAIT NO- | {Kokuzan}
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Theme: Silly fluff
Note: Kokuzan are dating in secret! (Only naki knows btw) - Idea by le amazing @GiyuuTomioka9374 (on wattpad honestly unsure if she has tumblr :>)
"Okay, remember. Keep. It. A. Secret," Muzan ordered, his hands on Kokushibo's shoulders as he looked into his boyfriend's eyes—or at least the two in the middle.
"Yes, I know, we've been through this 1000+ times, Master," Kokushibo sighed. 
"Yes but I need to make sure you-" Muzan started. But then the demons started arriving and he quickly stationed himself above the platform Kokushibo stood on. He gave the demon a warning glare and then cleared his throat. "All of you are lacking in your missions," he said, raising an accusing eyebrow. 
The demons all lowered themself in a bow, silent. Kokushibo did the same and waited for Muzan to continue. "I must assign all of you to more missions because clearly you assume that you'll have enough time to finish all of them now." 
Nobody spoke, all waiting for him to elaborate. 
"Very well," Muzan said. "Kaigaku, as you are new to our ranks you must learn most. I will have you take care of two villages per day."
Kaigaku nodded, his throat tight with fear. Kokushibo had been terrifying to encounter as a human but as a demon, when Muzan had even more control over him.. 
"Nakime, you must continue searching for the demon slayers faster," the demon lord ordered, turning to the biwa woman. 
"Yes, Master," she said, her hair splayed out as she mapped out the locations of those in the corps.
"Douma, stop paying such attention to your cult members and eat them for strength in the times to come. Akaza, you must locate the Hashira as Nakime is doing with the demon slayers. Find them and kill them now." Muzan paused, wondering what to make Kokushibo do.
"And you," he said, turning to his secret boyfriend. "You have been doing well, it doesn't matter. Just continue as you're doing."
Kokushibo nodded, not having expected this though. Muzan clapped his hands and Nakime plucked the strings of her instrument, taking the demons to their locations one by one. And then it was just Kokushibo and Kaigaku. Muzan, not having noticed Kaigaku, turned to Kokushibo and started to speak. "Alright, let's go now, Kok-" he paused, noticing the last demon. "Nakime!! Take him to the first village! Now!" 
Nakime did as she was told, but not before Kaigaku looked suspiciously at his superiors. 
Kokushibo sighed, although a bit amused. "Right." 
Both demons went to the office of Muzan's and sat down on the couch, talking quietly. Muzan kissed Kokushibo and said, "I don't think any of them noticed."
"Kaigaku might have," the multi eyed demon said. 
"Most likely not." 
They dropped the subject there and continued on talking.
As weeks past, Muzan and Kokushibo continued hiding their relationship. Nobody seemed to notice it, yet, except Kaigaku who's eye was starting to pick up things as he focused more. He didn't say anything, though, deciding he didn't want to get in trouble. 
Muzan kept calling the uppermoons for meetings checking up on their missions and such to make sure. He seemed to be planning some big attack on the demon slayer or something because he was suddenly focused on their training. But this also gave him away more as he favored Kokushibo over the rest of them and constantly tried complimenting him in a way that he appeared to find subtle. 
But subtle was probably a description of what he was not.
Muzan would say things such as, "All of you are so weak. Take over Kokushibo's examples, he's a lot stronger than most of you and he barely trains!" or "Kokushibo exceeds every single one of you. I'm beginning to think I should kick all but him out of the upper ranks." And so on. 
Most of them were used to this but Kaigaku, who was used to being the stronger one, noticed it was more favortism than truth. The demons were all getting a lot stronger but Muzan either didn't notice or just cared more for Kokushibo. And most likely it was the latter.
Kaigaku decided he couldn't take it anymore. 
On their next meeting, Muzan gave them their daily rounds of "You are growing so weak" and "Kokushibo is better than you's" before moving on to a plan of defeating the Hashira and Ubuyashiki in a week's time. Kaigaku studied his lord and the Uppermoon who'd turned him into a demon closely. He found their eyes constantly meeting and Muzan's gaze lingering on Kokushibo throughout the whole discussion that he didn't know how the other demons hadn't found out yet.
At the end of the meeting, as Muzan started to wave them off, Kaigaku turned to Nakime to tell her to stop. Nakime did but Muzan didn't notice, taking Kokushibo's hand into his own. Kaigaku smirked as Muzan tilted himself up to kiss the Uppermoon. 
Kaigaku cleared his throat and Muzan's eyes widened, turning to his demons who were staring at him, shocked. "So.. are you two dating?" Kaigaku asked, his arms crossed.
"Wait, no-! That's not it, I was, uh," Muzan stuttered, scrambling for a response.
Douma said, a confused smile playing on his face, "Were you going to kiss him?"
"No!!" Kokushibo and Muzan said at the same time, both of them looking flushed. 
"But you two keep staring at each other so much during the meetings," Kaigaku pointed out. "I'm sure you are dating."
Nakime stifled a smile and Muzan, wondering how the fuck he hadn't realized they were still there, shook his head rather violently. "I don't.. I don't do dating. It's.. it's not something demons should interact with."
Kokushibo raised an eyebrow, deciding he didn't care if people knew. "We are dating," he admitted. 
The other uppermoons gasped as if they hadn't known—Nakime pretending and Kaigaku out of amusement. Muzan grumbled and turned to Nakime making her teleport him away. Kokushibo sighed. "Right, I'll be on my way." 
Kaigaku smirked. "Have fun with your boyfriend!"
{Word count: 990}
Anything under 1000 words is short imo even if it's 999 ;x; sorry it's short and shitty, I had no ideas but wanted to finish 😭
(pt. 2 here)
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derangederensimp · 2 years
Uzui’s Fourth Wife: Chapter 9
Previous part | Masterlist
He couldn’t even bare to look at himself, any type of reflection he fled. His crow never returned to him that day it happened. He would’ve preferred death but that would’ve gotten you killed in the end. Riku took a form slightly different from what he looked like as a human. His hair still dark as the night his eyes instead of hazel burned a bright yellow with lines as pupils. Through his will, he maintained all his memories of being a human, but with those memories brought him pain. He would never allow you to see him again, he vowed to himself that he would never let you get close to him again.
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But with Riku maintaining his awareness of who he was he held great malice against Muzan plotting a way to kill him. Muzan kept his distance from Riku even after turning him into a demon because he still feared he would hold onto his humanity. But Riku played the part, acting as though he didn’t remember a single thing. He wouldn’t hunt people tho, only eating the blood of animals but luckily Muzan didn’t keep and eye on him to know something was different.
Riku was ashamed, disgusted, and horrified of what he became. His parents would never see him again, his sisters would never see him again, and you, you’d never see him again either. Eventually you’d forget about him, live your life with Uzui to the end. At least that’s what he hoped for. His chest ached at the thought. Would he eventually forget your face? How beautiful you are and how angelic your voice was to him? He shut his eyes tight bringing his knees up to his chest rutting his face into his hands. “If I was just stronger I could’ve defeated Akaza. I could’ve went on as a demon slayer and kept her safe even from afar” Riku mumbled to himself.
“Oh Riku don’t bum around and cry. Fight me. We can train for eternity” Akaza said, crossing his arms.
“Lady Y/n you must rest. Lord Tengen said to not let you get up!” Naho whined pulling on your clothes to try and stop you from walking. Her feet dragging across the wood “Sumi! Kiyo! Help me. Her will power is too strong” Naho yelled. Sumi and Kiyo stood at the open doorway “lady y/n you will not get through us!” Sumi huffed, pointing at you.
“Girls, girls let her be. Some fresh air would do her good” Uzui lowly said, his head peeking around the corner as he held his hands behind his back. “First you say don’t let her go and now you're saying to let her go. Make up your mind!” Naho groaned, releasing you from her grip. “I appreciate you three tending to my wounds. I just want to go out and walk the estate” you smiled softly. “Now Uzui what do you have behind your back” you furrowed your brows.
He knew you hated surprises but he was hoping to leave these with you while you slept but he should’ve known you’d be up on your feet in no time. Pulling the bouquet of your favorite type of flowers from behind his back. Your cheeks flushed pink as he handed the flowers off to you. Taking a deep breath to smell them you smiled widely “Thank you, are you trying to butter me up for something” you raised a brow. “Me? Butter you up? No. Just thought you’d enjoy some flowers being stuck in this room.
He was trying to butter you up but only for the purpose of him needing to tell you what some of the demon slayers have gotten sight of. His stomach bubbled with anxiety, you were healing but how would you take the news that your lover turned into a demon. Even if you were supposed to marry Uzui soon that didn’t change your feelings for Riku and Uzui knew that. He wasn’t going to force or fight your feelings for him or fight your feelings for Riku away. He just hoped one day you’d love him the same way he loved you.
He bit his tongue at every opportunity to tell you what happened that night but every time he’d try to speak you’d look at him and smile and not wanting to see you break he held in what he needed to say.
You held onto his arm walking through the estate enjoying the scenery. Talking to one another trying to gain more of a friendship than anything. You asked about his life growing up, his siblings, how he met the other wives, and he asked you similar questions but truthfully already knowing the majority of the answers. Stopping at some low hanging trees you sat onto the grass. “I haven’t seen Riku’s crow spying on me in awhile. I hope everything is ok” you said aloud.
Uzui’s face twisting into a frown before he sat beside you. “I know I can't make you promise to not get upset but please do not run off. You are still healing” he spoke.
Your heart already sinking to your stomach as your chest tightened. Uzui grabbed your hand placing something cold into your palm. His hand hesitates to move off of yours. You stared at him but he looked away skidding his warm palms off yours. Looking down at your hand you saw Riku’s necklace, one that you recall he would never take off.
Pain ripping through your throat as your mind reeled for an answer “Where did you get this…? WHERE DID YOU GET THIS TENGEN?” Silence, he didn’t know where to start, your mind already putting the pieces together. Riku was really there that night, why couldn’t you remember it? Did you really lose that much blood? Why did you have his necklace that was passed down generation to generation? Your hand shook as tears threatened to stream down your cheeks.
Uzui sat there holding his hands together trying to gain the courage to talk. “Y/n, Riku gave it to you before he left. When you got taken his crow was still watching you and told him, I was too weak to protect you and put you into danger. Once he arrived we searched for you and when we finally did you were in a cave bleeding while a demon named Akaza made a wager. Riku becomes a demon and you get to live. Riku agreed to these terms and Akaza let him take you back to the butterfly estate before he had to return. Riku didn’t leave your side till the nurses patched you up and assured him you’d be fine. I wasn’t trying to eavesdrop so I didn’t hear what he said to you while you slept but he rested his necklace onto your chest and then he left. There has been sighting of a new demon amongst the uppermoons..”
The last sentence ringing through your ears before your vision began to go blurry with tears.
The dreams or nightmares you’ve been having were true. It would always start off with you running through a dark area, getting hurt and Riku showing up. Each time he’d carry you back to your bed addressing your wounds before laying beside you pulling you into his arms, your nose filling up with his scent your chest heaving into relaxation knowing you were safe but then he’d tell you “it is time for me to go my love. Please stay safe and keep this safe for me okay?” Riku said, putting his necklace into your hand. A soft smiling across his lips before he peeked your forehead and stroking your cheek one last time. “Are you coming back?” You asked but no response as you watched him walk through the doorway. Your calls for him no longer reaching him.
“It’s been quite awhile since we’ve had an Alpin in our possession. You know your family is quite strong willed and regardless of my orders no other demon can go against they somehow always did. I hope with you I’ll break that.” Muzan said, tapping his foot on the floor as he stared Riku down.
“Such a stubborn bloodline” Akaza chimed in.
Riku kept his head down, there was no point in fighting. He knew regardless of his lineage he was still no match for Muzan, there was no point right now to go against him and with the threat still lingering if he tried anything they’d go after his family next. “Isn’t it a shame you can’t have your crow spy on that scum of a human you hold so dear” Akaza teased, making Riku snap his head to him.
“There we go” Akaza grumbled, getting into his fighting stance. Muzan just sat there resting his head into his hand watching Riku get onto his feet, his eyes glowing more and more yellow. Muzan watched bored as Riku and Akaza destroyed the remaining parts of the hideout. The thought lingering in his mind if he would finally achieve a blood art that his ancestors would always achieve. Muzan now just had to figure out how he could remove Riku’s humanity.
Your eyes felt heavy as you slowly blinked, Uzui held you close to his chest as he walked back to the estate. “You're awake, I’m glad. You need to apply a towel to your eyes when we arrive. His warmth was comforting as you drifted back into a daze.
Your mind going to a much simpler time. It was a rainy day making you stay in your room moping around from the gloomy feeling. The floorboards creaking the closer Riku walked towards you, his steps through the window were always too quiet till he approached you in hopes that he wouldn’t startle you. Picking your head up from your pillow a wide grin grew on your face as he sat beside you. “Why do glum? Isn’t the sound beautiful?” He said, closing his eyes to enjoy the rain some more. “I suppose it is” you said closing your eyes as well. The sound making you feel relaxed.
When you opened your eyes again he was laying beside you his face inches away from yours. Your heart began to race when his eyes opened and he stared right back at you. “Y/n, can you smile for me?” Riku asked, putting his hand onto your cheek his thumb rubbing in circles.
Your cheeks blushed as you softly smiled, he chuckled to himself before kissing your forehead. Spending the rest of the day beside you till it stopped raining and he’d leave out the window only to knock on the estates doors to ask your father if you were able to go out for food with him.
Your father would send your ladies to you to have you dress and they were surprised you were already ready. Riku couldn’t help but smile when he watched you exit the house, holding out his hand to you to grab. Helping you down the steps you waved off your father before you walked to the village.
All the older women of the village would gossip to one another saying things like “there goes the two love birds” “when will they marry?” Making Riku’s cheeks and yours turn a hue of pink.
Once he picked the place he would want to eat at he’d pull you into the building as quick as possible and telling you which foods were amazing that you had to try. By the end of the dinner you were stuffed and ready for a nap. Riku would pay the bill and the two of you would just talk till you worked off the food coma. He loved making you laugh and loved seeing you smile. Your laugh making him feel warm inside “how is everything she does is so cute” he’d think to himself.
A single tear running down your cheek as you cherished the memory of how he looked and scared of what he looked like now. How painful this must all be for him.
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Wonderful thanks to @Noburrra_ and @sighcard on Twitter. I commissioned two of my friends to draw Riku for us! He looks so good.
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purpurapoena · 2 years
tag dump
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xxsabitoxx · 3 years
Love Sick
Yandere Giyu x Lower Moon Reader + Shinobu lol
Warning: dub-con, experiments, semi-forced pregnancy, Yandere actions and behavior, essentially being held captive but enjoying it? Knife play, blood, etc etc etc
A/N: this one is a little…out there lol. I hope you enjoy nonetheless. It is also a full send lmfao, not even proof read or nothing so I’m praying it’s all cohesive and minimal errors 😵‍💫
Word Count: 7k
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You didn’t remember anything about your life as a human. All you knew now was to hunt and kill demon slayers, under the orders of Muzan Kibutsuji. He had high hopes for you, something you didn’t quite understand and you certainly didn’t like the pressure it made you feel. He still hadn’t prompted you to a higher rank, leaving you to sit at lower 1 for what felt like an eternity.
Now, here you were wandering a snowy forest alone. “As if anyone would be stupid enough to be out here.” Your eyes scammed the snow covered foliage and sighed, at least you couldn’t feel the cold. Muzan had promised to promote you to upper 6 so long as you defeated the Hashira stationed in this section. Ever since Daki and Gyutaro had died, the spot was open and practically calling your name.
“That man sent me on a wild chase. I don’t think a single demon slayer has even reached this area.” Your sandals crunched into the snow, leaving a trail of footprints behind you. The most annoying part of the whole thing was the fact that your hakama was getting damp from the snow. Compared to the other demon’s in your ranks, you were pretty covered. Your nose scrunched at the idea of wearing something as revealing as Daki had. You still weren’t sure how she managed to walk around like that without a single care…then again you doubt she had any insecurities.
You were pulled from your thoughts at the sound of snow crunching. Well that certainly isn’t me. Your eyes scanned the seemingly empty forest, you’d see them before they saw you. Your eyes widened in realization that there was, in fact, a Hashira roaming this section as part of their duties. It was one thing to go up against a demon slayer at your level, usually you wouldn’t be phased. Hashira, however, opened up a world of challenges. You decided it would be best to try and understand your opponent before heading in with no preparation.
Muzan didn’t exactly tell you who the Hashira was or what their breathing style was. None of that ever truly mattered to the demon king, so as long as they were dead he was somewhat satisfied. Though… nothing truly satisfied that man either. You leapt upwards, landing on a low tree branch to stalk your prey. The white sleeves of your kimono rustle in the breeze, your black hakama along with it. You concluded that it was a man when he finally got close enough, dark hair tied back in a ponytail with a half maroon half green and yellow patterned haori. How odd.
“You can certainly see me, just as I can see you.” Your body stiffened slightly, part of your demon arts was the ability to cloak your whereabouts. He must be the Hashira, there is no way a demon slayer of lower ranks could have discovered me that easily. You decided to play along, dropping from the branch and landing in the snow yet again. “I’m rather impressed you were able to detect me so quick.” Giyu was taken back by your appearance. Had it not been for your glowing eyes with lower one etched into them, he would have assumed you were a normal woman. His eyes trailed over you, you’d be the perfect choice for the experiments Kocho was telling him about.
“You what?” Giyu’s eyes followed the petite woman, watching her stir around some test tubes. “I’d like to figure out if there are any other ways demons reproduce.” He couldn’t believe those words had actually left her lips. “What does that have to do with me?” Shinobu set down her vials with an annoyed sigh. “Does it look like I have the ability to get someone pregnant?” So she was actually serious. When Giyu didn’t say anything, she continued.
“I’d like you to capture a demon, Tomioka. That way I can conduct some experiments on them. Though, I'm sure you have no interest in having intercourse with them. Since that is likely the case, I’ll need a sample of your semen. That way I can try to inseminate them myself.” Giyu actually had to take a seat after that, slightly embarrassed that the idea was causing his dick to twitch. “So? Will you help me?” Shinobu looked him dead in the eye now. “Yeah, I’ll help.”
“Why are you just standing there? I’m talking to you.” You didn’t know whether or not to put your guard up. He was a Hashira, naturally you should, but something about his aura was keeping you in place. “Are you really lower rank one?” Naturally this would be an easy kill for Giyu, but he could already sense that you would make the perfect candidate…he needed you alive. “No, I stole their eyes for shits and giggles. Yes I’m lower rank one.” Why the hell wasn’t he trying to attack you? You decided you’d initiate the battle yourself, not wanting to play around.
Your demon blood art was similar to the blood art of both Upper 3 and Upper 2, it was related to ice. Of course you had a few more tricks up your sleeve, like the ability to cloak your location. “Stop being fucking weird, you’re a Hashira aren’t you?” You got into a fighting stance, your promotion to Upper 6 was sitting right in front of you. Maybe Muzan would even grace you with more of his blood, maybe then you’d stop looking the way you did as a human. “How am I being weird?”
“You aren’t even drawing your blade!” You were already annoyed by the man’s aloof attitude. “I don’t intend to.” You felt a vein in your temple begin to throb out of pure annoyance. Instead of amusing him with more conversation, you charged forward. This was your first time going up against a Hashira, normally you wouldn’t lose your temper. The man before you dodged your attacks easily, you decided you wouldn’t use any blood art until the man revealed his breathing style.
“What is your deal!” You threw punch after punch yet he wasn’t even slightly phased. If anything it was becoming quite unsettling that the man was so reserved. You decided to start throwing kicks instead, hakama fluttering in the wind as each kick landed. Still, he was silent. “You’re freaking me out. Say something!” It wasn’t like you to lose your composure, never mind your anger. All you did was blink and he completely vanished from in front of you.
What the fuck?
Your head whipped around, you knew he had moved behind you but it was still jarring. “So this is the speed of a Hashira? What is your name?” You leapt back a few feet, just outside of his attack range. “Tomioka.” Your eyebrow raised, head tilting slightly “just Tomioka?” You assumed it was his surname. “That isn’t anything you need to know.” He still hadn’t drawn his blade. “Why haven’t you done anything yet?
You’re staring at me like a creep!” Maybe that was his plan all along, infuriating you until you threw a tantrum and taking your head off when you were too distracted.
“I don’t intend on killing you.” You rolled your eyes, if he was attempting to win your trust that surely wasn’t the way to do it. “You don’t intend to? You said that already.” You were about to take off in the other direction, there was no point wasting your time with him. Then again if you didn’t complete the mission or at least die trying, Muzan would surely kill you anyways. You decided to try again, still not using your blood art to attack. “Are you not trying to kill me? You haven’t used anything but your body.”
“You’re a real pain in the ass you know. Do something.” You’d come to quickly regret those words, the man before you moved at the same inhuman speed he did the first time. You weren’t even exactly sure how you let it happen, but you were flat on your back in the snow. “Is that something?” He was hovering over you now, leaving you to stare up at him stunned. “There is no way you are lower one, you’re rather weak. You’ll suffice nonetheless.” Before you could even say something back, his hand hit the side of your neck, effectively knocking you out.
Your eyes opened slowly to a dark room. “My my, you’re awake!” You went to move your arms, surprised to feel something tug them back down. As you adjusted you realized there was a woman sitting beside you. The more you woke up the more aware you became, your arms were tied to the bedpost. You stared at her for a moment, round purple eyes bore into your own. She was pretty and smelt like a floral perfume, one that made your nose twitch. Wisteria.
You remained silent, eyes travelling around the room you were in as you struggled to recall how you landed here to begin with. You jumped slightly as you landed on him, the same man from the forest. “So you kidnapped me?” He said nothing in return, the woman beside you spoke up. “He did, Tomioka did me a favor” you could already tell by the way she presented herself. She was also a Hashira. “A favor? For what exactly?” You pulled yourself up slowly, the rope tied around your wrists gave you just enough wiggle room to support yourself.
You could tell they had no intention of killing you, they would have done so already. “I plan on experimenting on you dear. Don’t be alarmed, it’s nothing that will hurt you.” Your brow raised, if you really wanted to you could easily break the restraints. Then again there were no windows in this room, only lantern light filled the room. You had no idea what time it was, if you even managed to escape you could be running straight into daylight. “You want to experiment on me? What kind of experiments?” The man you knew as Tomioka was still silent, letting the woman beside you explain.
“Well, I want to see how demons reproduce. What kind of offspring they’d have…” you looked at her and tried not to laugh. “Demon’s are sterile.” At least that’s what Muzan had said, you never had an interest to try and figure out if it was true or not. “Is that so? I find that hard to believe.” Her cheek rested on her fist now, legs crossing to support herself. You weren’t exactly sure how to proceed, you were basing your beliefs solely on Muzan’s word. For however long you had been a demon, that was all that mattered. “I haven’t tried out the theory myself, whatever he says…I follow.” You knew they were aware of your master’s name but you didn’t dare utter it out loud.
“Oh! So would you be willing to test the theory out?” Shinobu seemed intrigued by the fact that you weren’t fighting, if anything you seemed to be curious of the answer yourself. “I’d rather not.” You could see her deflate, panic spiking in your nerves. “I believe my master’s word. I have no reason to satisfy your sick curiosity.” You watched a sadistic look spread across her face, even as a demon you still felt a twinge of fear. “Who said you had a choice?” Your mouth opened and closed, slightly offended that she clearly thought so little of you. “Who the hell do you think you are?” You made no move to tug at your restraints.
“I’m a Hashira, though I'm sure you know that by now. You may have the title of lower one, but clearly you don’t have much fight in you. Though I guess that’s because you know you are outnumbered. Even in the scenario where you were able to escape, you don’t know what time it is. You may somehow overpower us, but you could be running into direct sunlight. Even then, if it’s not daytime, you would certainly run into other demon slayers on your way out. You have no choice but to sit here and let this happen. But like I said, it’s not going to hurt you. I think you’ll enjoy it.” She wore the smile of a woman who knew she won.
“So you’re going to have someone fuck me to see if I get pregnant?” You had to be dreaming, there was no way you had actually gotten yourself stuck in this situation. “Precisely, that someone being Tomioka. I offered to just use his sperm to inseminate you…but he seems to want to do it himself.” She stood up from her stool, walking over to a desk on the opposite side of the room. In the meantime, Giyu was making his way over to you. “So you’re going to fuck me?” You were slightly amused by the blush on his stoic face.
“Though I really shouldn’t be okay with this, you’re cute so I don’t mind.” A sly grin spread across your cheeks, at least you’d get a good time out of this bizarre experience. You took in the sight of the dark haired man for the first time in better lighting. Nearly porcelain skin stretched over his body, dark circles hung under his blue eyes. The dark hair turned out to be as black as ink even under the golden lantern light. He was beautiful in your eyes, now that you could truly appreciate him. He took a seat beside your bed, head downcast as if he was too shy to meet your eyes just yet.
“I won’t bite you know.” You leaned slightly, tilting your head in hopes of meeting his eyes. “I doubt that.” His head tilted slightly, looking at you through his bangs. He looked predatory, as if he were looking at his prey. “You aren’t some quiet man, are you Tomioka.” You finally felt some excitement course through you, the feeling making your thighs squeeze together. “You…took off my pants?” You finally realized you were in nothing but your kimono, one that was retied half heartedly at that.
“I had to do an examination, make sure you were in good health.” You watched the woman walk back over to you both, eyes trailing over you and then the man beside you. “When can I start, Kocho?” You realized she was holding a scalpel, handing it over to Tomioka as if she were simply sharing a cigarette. “Impatient? I’m not done talking with them yet.” The woman - you now know as Kocho - seemed a bit irritated. “What else could you possibly have to say? You told them what the end goal is, let me do my part.” It was becoming quite entertaining to you that he was so eager to get his dick wet.
You couldn’t remember the last time you had slept with someone. Of course Upper 2 always offered, but you were never quite interested in his poorly planned advances. Tomioka on the other hand was piquing your interest, sparking a desire you hadn’t felt in what you could assume was decades. “Fine, I guess it’s no fun for them if I tell them everything we’ve planned.” Her voice was as sweet as honey, so much so that you were beginning to forget you were technically in danger. He stood, the half and half haori slipping off his shoulders and tossed to the floor somewhere behind him.
You watched long, nimble fingers easily undo the buttons holding his uniform top together. The second his skin was revealed to you, you felt your mouth begin to water. You expected him to be slim with a little bit of muscle, what you didn’t expect was the clear, well defined muscles that covered his whole torso. “I certainly didn’t expect that to be hiding under there.” You shamelessly admired the hashira. Taking in every dip and curve of his muscles all the way down the v-line that disappeared under the waist of his pants. The part that really got you was the thin trail of dark hair that continued underneath, as if it were teasing you.
He glanced at you, the same stoic look on his face. Part of you questioned if you broke the restraints…would they kill you instantly? You were aching to touch him, and for once that ache had nothing to do with your hunger. “It’s surprising isn’t it.” Kocho was picking up the clothes he carelessly discarded, folding them neatly and setting them aside. Tomioka on the other hand remained silent, eyes focused on yours. You weren’t even acknowledging him at this point, your eyes were more concerned with his hands. You watched each bone flex as he undid the loop in his belt, veins becoming more prominent as he did.
He threw that to the side as well, reaching over for the scalpel he had left on the small table next to the bed. “Do you really think this will do anything? It’s so small.” You huffed in annoyance, upset that he had stopped undressing. “Worry about that later, our subject is getting impatient.” Kocho had taken a seat on a stool across the room, pulling out paper to begin documenting what she witnessed. This time you looked up at him, meeting his eyes and sticking your tongue out between your teeth. You watched his eyes roll, slowly undoing the bottom of his pants. You squirmed on the bed, leaning forward ever so slightly.
He pushed the garment off, it seems the man was full of surprises because his underwear came off with it. You struggled to contain your gasp, eyes drinking in the sight of his dick as it stood proudly against his toned abdomen. He was large by your standards, at least eight inches in length if you had to guess. “My my Tomioka.” Kocho had a sly grin on her face, clearly not expecting the man to have that either. His eyes shot over to her and then back to you, as if he forgot she was in the room for a moment. “Well? Get on with it, pretty boy.” You stretched your arms as much as you could, trying to pull some of your kimono open.
You stopped dead when the scalpel he had been complaining about only a minute or two prior pierced your skin. “You don’t move until I say too.” The bed was dipping as Tomioka shifted more of his weight onto it. Your eyes trailed to where the scalpel stuck into your shoulder, an excited chill running through you. He pulled it out as quickly as he stuck it in, the wound healing before any blood could even leak from it. “Well your regeneration is certainly that of a lower rank.” He was pulling the sheets away now, revealing your disheveled state. “I want a bigger knife, Kocho.” You couldn’t even begin to fathom what he wanted to do with a larger knife.
“I thought this was just about trying to see how else demons can reproduce?” Your faces were inches apart, breaths mingling as he looked disappointed in the lack of blood on the small blade. “We’ll get to that.” You half expected him to kiss you, but instead the flat side of the scalpel was pressed to your bottom lip. “I wonder how quickly you could regenerate your tongue.” You studied his face, realizing that this man just may be a little crazier than you thought. “Just as quick as I could heal the arm wound, though me not having a tongue doesn’t seem all that fun for you.”
You dared to touch his face, the restraints allowing you just enough room to do so. You were slightly worried he would try and push you away, but to your surprise he welcomed the gentle scrape of your pointed nails. “You’ve already got me all hot n’ bothered you know. The strip tease was so hot.” That was the other part of your blood arts, the ability to seduce without fail. You could make it so your victims fall under your trance, honestly you think that’s why Muzan is so fond of you. But you could tell from the moment he began undressing, you already had him wrapped around your finger. No demon art needed.
“Do something…” you smiled at him, bringing your head closer until your lips nearly touched. He pulled the scalpel away completely, pressing it into the side of your cheek as he closed the distance. The pressure of the blade sliding down made your lips part, welcoming his eager tongue. You fell back willingly, which in turn caused the scalpel to slit your cheek open completely. You were still unaffected, the wound healing as quickly as it occurred. You decided to pay him back for his little antics, waiting until muscular thighs caged in your hips. You sunk your teeth into the plush of his bottom lip, sharp canines piercing them. You whined softly, the metallic taste of his blood coating your tongue.
“You two are taking things rather slow.” Kocho’s voice reached you, a sigh leaving your lips. “I know. He made such a show of undressing and isn’t doing anything to follow it up with.” You watched as he tossed the scalpel off to the side of the room, letting it clatter before looking back at you. “You’re annoying.” The blunt statement coming from a man like him actually made you gasp. He pushed back so he was sitting on the heels of his feet, letting you admire his naked form up close. “Go on.” He watched you, eyes trailing from his dick to you. “Oh?” You tilted your head, catching on to what he was implying but choosing to feign innocence. “I’m not going to touch you until you’ve at least shown me what you can do with your mouth. It’s not like you can use your hands.”
“Well I have one other place you can use that certainly isn’t my mouth or hands…but if you insist.” You wished you could adjust yourself , it was slightly awkward trying to wrap your mouth around him sitting in the position you were in. Yet you still managed, coaxing him forward just a bit so you had better reach. He watched with lidded eyes as your lips wrapped around his tip, the colors nearly blending together. “Of course you’d pick this position to do things, Tomioka.” Kocho had gotten out of her chair in annoyance, how was she supposed to observe if all she could see was his bare back? Neither of you paid her any mind, far too focused on each other to care.
You looked straight up at him, watching his face as you sunk even deeper on him. Your tongue slid across the underside of his shaft, heavy and twitching in the warm cavern of your mouth. You sunk a little deeper, jaw falling slack just enough to allow it. You could still taste the salty precum on your tongue, the sensation of it oozing down your throat was teasing. As if it were trying to quench the thirst you felt. “Do demons have gag reflexes?” Shinobu was eager to write something down, a sly smirk on her face as you seemed to catch on to what she wanted you to do.
Without a second of hesitation, you took him whole. Your nose brushed with the dark hair that resided on his pubic bone. You swallowed around him, throat constricting perfectly around his sensitive length. A shaky gasp left Tomioka’s lips, long fingers burying in your hair and holding you tightly. “I’ll take that as a no.” Kocho scribbled away, laughing to herself. You repeated the motion a few times, gooey cheeks squeezing him perfectly. “Mercy…” he croaked, cheeks scarlet as he loosened his grip. You swallowed one more time just to spite him before pulling off. “I barely did anything.” You wiped the spit from your lips with the back of your hand.
Tomioka didn’t speak again, warm fingers coming to tear the kimono open. Because of the restraints he couldn’t just pull it off of so he would have to settle for what he could get. Though by the look on his face, he didn’t seem all that bothered. “Are you going to fuck me now?” You tilted your head, bating your eyelashes as he pulled the rest of the sheets off, leaving you completely exposed. “No.” You tisked, becoming irritated by his one word responses. It’s not like you had the wiggle room to do anything to satisfy yourself. “Did you get a better knife, Kocho?” He was still damn persistent on that knife.
You didn’t hear her reply, only catching a glimpse of shining metal before you were pushed flat on your back. “Not bad.” He was staring at the hunting knife she had handed him, one that curved outwards creating an arch. Before you could properly register it, he used the blade to split your chest binding open. A thin trail of blood blossomed along your sternum, healing once again as quickly as it appeared. “Oh?” You felt no embarrassment as your breasts were fully exposed to his wanting eyes. Tomioka set the blade off to the side, fingers slowly tracing down your sternum. “Soft…” he didn’t seem to realize he said it out loud. Slowly his fingers began circling the plush skin, watching as goosebumps followed.
“So demons can still get goosebumps.” Kocho scribbled that down in her notes as well, watching the scene before her unfold. “Yes, we can. We can do a lot more, if Tomioka here would hurry.” Your eyes trailed over his frame, eyes landing on his irritated looking erection. A sticky substance was slowly oozing from the tip, teasing you once again. “Why are you so keen on rushing me? We have all the time in the world, baby.” You blinked at him, not uttering a word until he pinched your nipple between calloused fingers. He used your gasp as an opening, spitting directly into your mouth. A surprised gasped left Kocho, watching as you swallowed with no hesitation.
“We have all the time in the world, but I’d like to do something with it.” You didn’t miss a beat, watching as Tomioka’s brow began to twitch with annoyance. You watched as he placed the blade directly against your throat, pressing down so you could feel it. “Try and keep still.” He wore an evil looking smile as his mouth landed on your breast. Dull teeth sunk into tender flesh, making your back arch into his touch despite wanting to pull away. “I-ah-I’d be careful there, pretty boy… don’t want you turning into a demon…” his bite loosened right before breaking your skin. Tomioka continued his attack on your breasts, finally taking one of your perked nipples into his mouth. “I thought it was only your master that could make demons?”
You couldn’t be bothered to respond, not when his tongue was lavishing you. Breathy whines escaped regardless of your attempts to keep them in. Thankfully your restraints allowed you enough room to bury your fingers in his hair. You couldn’t put together any coherent thoughts, every movement sending jolts of pleasure straight to your clit. “Would a demon still be able to breastfeed?” His breath was hot, but against your wet skin it made you shiver. “If a demon can get pregnant, I don’t see why not.” You were getting agitated by the slow pace of everything. “You nearly came ten minutes ago. Can you fucking do something already! Or are you a fucking coward?” You could easily break the restraints, at this point you were tempted.
“Did you just call me a coward?”
The blade you had forgotten about dug deeper into your neck. You knew he wouldn’t kill you, but it still had you choking for breath. “And…what if I did? Do something … about it.” You couldn’t stand his agonizing pace. You relaxed when the blade was pulled from your neck, only to tense again when he trailed it down your sternum. This time it was deeper, just to satisfy him you held off on healing. The blade dragged down your stomach to your abdomen, stopping right before your cunt. “Are you going to taste her?” You began healing your wounds, blood desingrating as you did. “I’m down here, aren’t I?” So he was feisty when annoyed. You spread your legs before he could do it for you. “Ugh finally!” You began to laugh when his nails dug into the plush of your thighs.
You could hear the gentle scrap of Kocho’s pen, probably writing down who knows what about the scene she was observing. Tomioka on the other hand looked fascinated by what he was seeing. “What? Were you expecting to see tentacles or something?” You tried to keep a calm composure as his fingers spread you apart. “Maybe…” a calloused thumb brushed over your exposed clit, a whimper leaving your lips as you were finally receiving the attention you wanted. “It would certainly be interesting if you did.” His tongue glided across the junction where your thigh met your cunt, perfectly avoiding where you wanted to feel him.
“Oh c’mon!” Your legs thrashed slightly, you were in no mood to be teased anymore. “Watch your mouth. I may just have to revert back to my original idea of cutting off your tongue.” He moved so quickly you barely registered it, his tongue licked a fat stripe straight up your cunt. Sucking and nibbling on the sensitive flesh before using two fingers to spread you open for a second time. He didn’t bother holding back anymore, his tongue lavishing your pulsing clit in ways that made you dig your fingers into the sheets below you. “At least - ha - you’re g…good at this.” You hated how you stumbled over your words. Tomioka on the other hand was loving every second of it.
The aching feeling began building in your gut, a feeling that you didn’t even get when using your demon arts. Usually you only used it for drastic measures, when the prey you wanted was putting up a fight. You never actually got pleasure from it. “Like that…” you croaked, hands tugging against the restraints in an effort to hide your embarrassment. You forgot how much pleasure could be delivered with just a skilled tongue. His tongue was moving perfectly, your pleasure continued to build when he slipped two fingers past your entrance. A shocked gasp flew from your lips, long fingers not so gently scissoring you open. “How are you feeling?” Kocho’s voice caught you by surprise, her breath was fanning against your ear.
She was kneeling beside the bed, soft delicate fingers slowly massaging the flesh of your breast. You mumbled some sort of response, one neither you nor her understood. “I’ll take that as a yes.” She pinched your nipple, making your back arch further into Tomioka’s touch. “Where did you learn to do this? You made her a mess, Tomioka.” He didn’t answer, his fingers busy trying to find the spot that would have you screaming. “I bet she tastes sweet.” She was right against your ear again, studying your every movement. A hum of agreement rattled you, causing your thighs to twitch around his head.
You were close, walls fluttering around his prying fingers as he continued to stimulate your clit. Kocho on the other hand was busying herself with your breasts but going no further, as if she just wanted to watch from a closer angle. Finally, he found it, calloused fingers massaging your spongy walls and feeling you quiver. The halt in your breathing was all he needed for confirmation. Tomioka continued as he was, noting how close you were with the way you tightened around his fingers. Had his mouth not been full, he’d probably make a comment about how well you’d take his dick. “Oh? Are you about to cum?” Kocho watched you with curious eyes, tears slowly slipping down your cheeks as your high was held just out of reach.
“Mmmhmm…” you whined after, toes curling in effort to concentrate. Your entire body was tense, you were convinced your muscles would cramp if you didn’t fall over the edge soon. Lucky for you, Tomioka was feeling generous. The gentle scrape of his teeth against your clit paired with his fingers had you seeing stars within a few seconds. The pleasure was blinding, your nails tearing the sheets as he continued to work you through your orgasm. “My my Tomioka! If you don’t mind, tell me how she tasted.” You hadn’t even realized Kocho moved back to her stool, ready to write down whatever he had to say. “Sweet.”
You blinked, finally catching your breath enough to bark out a laugh. “Flatter me, pretty boy. Say I was as sweet as Sakura mochi or whatever it is you humans eat.” Tomioka got up slowly, crawling back to hover over you. “You don’t take long to bounce back…good to know.” You froze when the head of his cock slipped between your folds, gliding easily and coating himself with your release. “I couldn’t say it earlier, but you’ll take me so well.” Two fingers pushed into your mouth, startling you as you tasted your own release. It really did taste sweet. Was that part of being a demon? You never really thought about it before now.
“I’ll need you to be a little more descriptive.” The pen scratching stopped, Tomioka glared at her “we can worry about that later.” His fingers were pulled roughly from your mouth, leaving you to stare wide eyed as he observed your body. “How do I want to take you? We can try absolutely any position, we’ll have so, so much time together. This time though? It’s the first, it has to be memorable.” Wet and dry fingers began scraping up and down your sides. “I could take you like this…” he leaned down so his mouth was against your ear. “Just so I can see your face…watch the way each part of you jiggles with my thrusts…” his hands came up to hold where the ropes sat on your wrists.
“Wouldn’t that be fun? Or maybe…” he bit down on your earlobe. “I could take you from behind?” His hand slipped between the mattress and the plush of your ass, digging into it gently. “I-I don’t care…anything…please.” You swallowed thickly, the needy ache beginning to throb between your legs again. “Either position allows deeper penetration, therefore increasing the chances of her getting pregnant.” Kocho’s voice was soft, hoping to not irritate the man above you. “Then we’ll try both.” His other hand slipped between your ass and the mattress, lifting you so you rested on his thighs. The new angle caused your legs to curl upwards, spreading wide for him. “Perfect.” The coo in his voice had you squirming.
He positioned himself at your entrance, “how shameful this would be if it got out. A Hashira fucking a lower moon. We’d probably be asked to leave the corps.” His head pushed past and into you, leaving your mind feeling like a puddle of mush. He kept going, not bothering to slow down or see if you could take it. The burning stretch was the only thing keeping you somewhat grounded. Your breathing stopped all together, panic ebbing it’s way up your body when you realized he was only halfway in and you felt like you’d be torn in two. You finally focused in on his face, sweat forming on his temples as his nails dug so deeply into your thighs you began to bleed. It was as if his goal was to hurt you rather than please you.
Finally after what felt like an eternity, he bottomed out. Heat radiated between your bodies as you tried to adjust to his cock pressing into your cervix, stomach bulging ever so slightly. You hoped for a second he’d stop, give you a minute to adjust. Instead he pulled all the way out until only his tip was left inside before slamming in again. A choked yell left your lips, restraints rubbing your skin raw as you tried to break them. “Hey, relax.” one hand left your skin to reach for your wrist. “Give it a second, you’ll feel good.” His pace started brutal, the bed jerking each time his hips met the skin of your thighs. The uncomfortable pain slowly changed into pleasure, whimpers and moans spilling from your lips as he moved.
You could feel every inch of him, especially the way he was already twitching. Each thrust against your cervix had you seeing stars, desperate pleas of his name leaving you. “So good…so good…” he couldn’t muster much else, eyes watering as you suffocated his dick. Tomioka’s mind was beginning to turn as mushy as you felt, the idea of getting you pregnant only making him trust harder. “You’ll look so…so good.” He huffed, nails scratching up and down your thighs in time with his hips. Your head was tilting back, eyes squeezing shut as your walls sputtered around him. Your orgasm caught you by surprise, so did the tearing sound you made as your nails shredded the sheets.
“That’s two orgasms, impressive Tomioka.” Her sarcasm made him move quicker, regardless of how tightly you clenched. You blinked tears from your eyes as a flash of metal caught your attention. The hunting knife was back in Tomioka’s hand. “Oh?” Kocho said what you were about to, watching with interest as he held it tightly. His trusts slowed, eyes narrowing and chest heaving as he studied you. As if he was trying to figure out what he picked up the knife for. Before you could say anything, you were face down on the mattress, arms crossed awkwardly behind you. “I said we’d try both.” The comment was barely above a mumble.
You began shifting yourself on your knees, sighing at the emptiness you felt. You froze with your ass partially in the air, the cool metal of the blade was digging into your lower back. “What…what are you…” your cheek pressed into the mattress, the slow sting of the blade cutting you open. “You’re mine.” It took you a second, but you realized he was carving ‘mine’ into your skin. “Don’t you dare heal this yet.” He finished a few seconds later, dropping the bloody blade onto the sheet next to you. You choked out a moan as he slammed into you again, the harshness making your eyes water yet again as you let him ruin you. This time there was a slap that echoed the room with each thrust. The new angle allowed him to put even more force into what he was doing, leaving you whimpering and crying.
You glanced at Kocho momentarily, noting the way she was squirming in her seat. This time, each movement had you seeing stars, your walls spasming around him as if to try and keep him in place. “You’re going to look so fucking good carrying my baby…” you still weren’t even sure if you could get pregnant, yet you uttered out “I know…”. The bedframe began hitting the wall as he started taking deeper strokes. Each one kissed your cervix as you struggled to keep your balance with the awkward angle. The warm trickle of your blood made you shiver slightly, you didn’t plan on healing your wound any time soon. You could feel that he was close, his cock was twitching in time with your own body.
You cried out his name when one hand came down to rub harsh, quick circles on your already sensitive clit. Two orgasms and your quickly approaching third had squelching noises echoing the room in time with his thrusts. “T-tomioka…you’re going to put a hole in the wall…” Kocho’s voice was feeble, she knew her words were falling on deaf ears. She had never seen such a determined look in his eyes, sweat beads dripping down his cheeks. Your third orgasm ripped a scream from your throat, warm liquid gushing down your thighs. Your ears began to ring, Tomioka’s thrusts were becoming erratic. You were still sputtering around him, walls clenching and unclenching until he buried himself deep.
“Shit.” A whiny croak left him, warm seed spurting inside you. His hips rocked slowly, working himself through his orgasm until stilling inside of you. “Can’t…can’t have any spilling out now.” His voice was soft. You tried to look back at him, straining your eyes just enough to see him pop two fingers between his lips. The two particular fingers he used to stimulate your clit. “Can…can you untie me now?” You were hoping they trusted you enough at this point. You certainly didn’t plan on going anywhere. “Maybe just one wrist…I can’t trust you fully yet.” He was still buried deep inside of you. “Well, since we’ll be here for a while…” Kocho turned to a new page, empty and ready to be filled with notes. “Why don’t you answer the questions you ignored, Tomioka.”
“Seriously, Kocho?” He eyed the hunting knife, the sigh of annoyance told you the intrusive thoughts didn’t win. “Yes seriously. You seem to forget this is my experiment, Tomioka.” Kocho tapped her pen in annoyance, Tomioka remained silent. “ If you aren’t going to follow the rules, I’ll find someone else to fill your spot.” It was a threat, the tone of her voice was soft and sweet but her words were laced with venom. “Don’t you dare.” His grip tightened considerably. A soft airy laugh left her plump lips, purple eyes trailing over the scene before her.
“I’ll just have to take matters into my own hands and join you two next time. Since you want to withhold such key information from me, Tomioka.”
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teamfreewill56-blog · 3 years
Sometimes Rivals are just Rivals
First off, if you disagree with my post don’t comment or reblog. I will not read or respond to it. 
You have your opinions and fan pairings and I have mine. My views are based off of the evidence given in the manga and movie. 
Kyojuro and Akaza are not a pairing, Kyojuro isn't attracted or romantically interested in Akaza at all. They are rivals and meant to be foils of each other and they do that perfectly. Not all rivals are a secret pairing/pining pairing. Everything Akaza says just pisses Kyojuro off, even when he’s “praising” him and Kyojuro flat out tells Akaza: 
“What is it you would like to discuss? While this is our first time meeting, I already dislike you.”
“If that is the case I do not believe we will ever get along.”
“Both growing old, and passing away, these are things that make being human beautiful, those may seem like weaknesses to you but our lives are all the more precious and honorable because of them.  You see true strength does not just refer to the physical body. This boy is not weak. Don’t insult him. Let me be clear, the two of us will never see eye to eye. No matter what -twisted reasons you give- I will not yield!” (Important to notice that when Kyojuro says this in particular Akaza frowns, because Kyojuro just struck a nerve because Akaza in that moment did believe Tanjiro was weak.)
“Let me make this clear, I do not like you. I will not become a demon!”
As Akaza is running away he’s not feeling bad Kyojuro is gonna die at all “This battle’s already been decided, with a wound like that, he’ll die before long!” And there is absolutely no sadness about the fact that Kyojuro’s gonna die. Akaza doesn’t even think about him again until Tanjiro brings him up in their fight. When Kyojuro is brought up, Akaza immediately ridicules him, he lays it on as praise but it’s not and Tanjiro calls him out on it. Just because you are saying compliments doesn’t mean that you mean it.  
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Remember that Tanjiro can smell people’s emotions even if they are smiling and being happy. Akaza is saying these flowery words but they are not compliments, they are insults. “I’m glad Kyojuro died that night.....his worthless values made him want to stay human.” and then he immediately says “I only despise the weak” after just confirming to Tanjiro that to him Kyojuro was a weakling even though he’s trying to deflect with the words that he uses. He says it as flattery and makes it sound like compliments to hide that its an insult. Akaza has such a hatred for what he perceives as weakness that Tanjiro calling him out on it makes him feel such disgust that he briefly loses his composure. Do I believe that he really wanted to make Kyojuro a demon and truly admired his abilities? Yes, I do believe Akaza was truly impressed because he loves fighting and he loves seeing people’s strength and their skills. But he also lays on that same praise heavy with Giyuu, in the exact same way he did with Kyojuro. 
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He praises Giyuu’s techniques heavily, and flat out says “I’m going to ask you over and over until you tell me your name” and then lights up like a Christmas tree when he hears Giyuu’s name. Every single thing he did in the fight with Kyojuro he does with Giyuu as well. Every. Single. Thing. That’s Akaza’s schtick: asking your name, getting you to use all your attacks, trying to convince you to become a demon and laying on the praise so that you will agree to become a demon while he’s actually insulting you. Once you've shown him all your attacks he kills you. Kyojuro shows his hatred for Akaza so clearly, and he doesn’t give Akaza even a fleeting thought once he’s gone either. He was just a demon that attacked them, that Kyojuro fought and got killed by, he wasn’t anything significant to him. Akaza replies in kind by being a swarmy little smartass, Akaza never gets flustered, never thinks about Kyojuro after their fight, even though we spend a significant amount of time in his head while he’s talking with Muzan, Kyojuro was just another Hashira on Akaza’s chalk board. He put Kyojuro down the instant he’s brought up, there’s no attraction in that relationship, because they’re rivals and foils, and they act as such. When Akaza dies, he doesn’t think about Kyojuro either, he thinks about the people he does actually love, his father, his mentor and his wife and no one else. Not all rivals are secretly in love with each other, sometimes they really do just hate each other’s guts and it’s a good and valid relationship. 
Again, if you disagree with this feel free to go elsewhere and do not comment or reblog. I WILL NOT RESPOND. 
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tothemeadow · 4 years
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Commissioned by @imightbeagoose​
Pillars x Reader
- When the Pillars agreed to meet a demon, they weren’t expecting... this. - 
warnings: swearing
words: 1k
“I… I can’t believe this.”
“Yeah, I can’t either, but this katsudon is the shit!”
“Kyojuro-san, please think with your head instead of your stomach.”
Gathered around a long, food clustered table, the Pillars share cautious glances with each other – well, besides Kyojuro and Mitsuri. They laugh joyously as they stuff food down their throats, their faces practically glowing with their glee. The others are too skeptical at the feast displayed in front of them, but they can’t deny the delicious scents wafting through their nostrils. Giyuu’s eyes go wide as his stomach abruptly gurgles.
“By the gods,” Sanemi grunts, “can’t you get a fucking hold of yourself? Talk about shaming the rest of us.”
“Now, now, now,” you chip in, a sly smile blooming on your features. “Haven’t you learned that insulting your host is rude behavior?” Leaning forward in your seat, you prop your elbows on the table, chin resting on your knuckles. “And I went out of my way to prepare all this delicious food for you… Can’t you humor me by taking at least one bite?”
“And potentially wrecking my fabulous insides?” Tengen says, rolling his eyes. Slamming a hand down on the table, he points a long finger at you. “We didn’t come here to eat dinner with a demon,” he hisses. “I should slice your head off already.”
“And yet you haven’t done so,” you shoot back, not missing a single beat. “In fact, none of you so-called Pillars have laid a single finger on me. I told you, I haven’t harmed a single human, nor have I devoured one. I do have a thing called class.”
If this “meeting” had been called at any other time under different circumstances, none of the Pillars would have hesitated in ending your life. However, ever since that fateful encounter with Nezuko and learning that some demons choose not to bring harm to human beings, things have been, well, rather confusing. So when Oyakata-sama told them about you and the mysterious letter you sent, their battle instincts weren’t too keen on stepping foot inside of a demon’s home.
However, they weren’t expecting to walk in on this. Table full of smoked fish, charred meats, sticky buns, and enough sake to feed an entire village. Nearly everyone’s eyes bugged out of their skulls upon seeing the sight; and then there was you, dressed in elaborate clothes and with a fanged smile on your face. You said you wanted to help them, possibly find a way to help others of the same nature as you and kill Muzan once and for all.
You were so calm as you explained your stance, saying that demons were a disgrace to the planet, that their barbaric ways weren’t suited for you. Truthfully, the Pillars found you to be full of shit, but once you convinced Kyojuro and Mitsuri to take a seat and help themselves, it became a battle they quickly lost.
“Please, feel free to eat whatever you’d like,” you say gently, turning to Giyuu as you do. “There’s plenty to go around. I insist all of you get something in your belly.”
Slowly, ever so slowly, Giyuu reaches out and plucks a meat bun from a platter. Both Shinobu and Sanemi watch on in disgust, their faces scrunching up in displeasure of their fellow Pillar. After a silent moment or so, Giyuu flashes the tiniest of smiles. “…It’s really good.”
“Attaboy, Giyuu!” Kyojuro booms, mouth full of rice. You flinch as some of it spews onto the table. “It’s delicious, is it not? All of you are missing out on something truly spectacular! It’s not everyday you get a demon willing to cook for you!”
“Yeah, because most of the time the demon wants to eat you,” Muichiro mumbles. Reaching over the table, he snatches a piece of pork from Kyojuro’s bowl and puts it into his mouth. His dull eyes light up, then, and he nods his head enthusiastically. “I’m impressed.”
“That still doesn’t explain anything,” Obanai says. “You don’t harm humans, you don’t eat them. Then what do you do?”
With a thoughtful hum, you sit back in your seat. “Well, I mostly eat whatever wildlife I can find and I have a… specific source for which I gather human blood. I still find it wickedly disgusting, but it’s better than eating a human being.” You shudder. “Seriously. Dead humans smell atrocious – and think about the mess!”
All of the Pillars blink at you, a mixed arrangement of expressions playing on their faces.
“Come again?” Tengen asks, a neat eyebrow cocking itself on his forehead.
“Humans are disgusting,” you say again, irritation lacing your words. “Obviously. I’m a demon, remember? I used to be a human! I didn’t want to eat them then, so why would eat them now? Gods, I have standards, you know. I can barely stand being around humans in the first place; why would I do if I was surrounded by corpses? Uh, no thanks.”
“Am I hearing this right?” Mitsuri speaks up, although it comes out more as a mumble since her cheeks are full. “You think eating humans is… disgusting?”
“Do I really have to spell it out for you?”
“There’s no need,” Gyomei’s deep voice rumbles. “Your position is rather… admirable. If only others followed in your suit.” He then pauses for a moment to sniffle and wipe away his eyes. “The very act itself if poetic.”
“Gyomei,” Sanemi starts, completely dumbfounded, “you’ve never read a single piece of poetry in your life���”
Clapping your hands together, you gesture to the spread of food. “Now that that’s out of the way, please! Eat! I insist!”
“Jeez, you’re pretty persistent about this…” Obanai mumbles.
“Just eat the damn food already before I shove it down your sorry excuse of a throat!” you snap. “Holy shit.”
“Hey,” Giyuu mutters around his meat bun, “if you don’t want to eat that…” He flashes Obanai a knowing look.
Shinobu sighs. “Can I poison him yet?”
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fortune-fool02 · 4 years
A Father’s Protection
Muzan Kibutsuji x daughter reader
Requested by: @the-seduction-anon
“Muzan kills baby readers parents but decides to raise them as his own. He makes them believe that demons are good and the demon slayers are evil. They want to help kill them but Muzan just wants to protect his child from the Pillars.”
Warning: Bit of angst, fluff
Thank you for the request. Please enjoy.
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The utter confusion that filled every single Moon demon when they saw Muzan walking through the building, holding a small human infant in his arms was baffling. At first, they assumed it was a snack for him to have later, and she was originally supposed to be just that. 
But then he looked into those wide [Eye colour] orbs, he saw no fear, only curiosity. She was too young to understand what had happened, how her parents had tried to protect her against the crimson eyed demon and fell during this, how he stood over their corpses without a second thought for who they were. To him, they were humans and he was far above anything they could ever be. But when she looked at him, no fear at all despite the blood on his claws, he felt something. He told himself that he would bring the child back to his home to eat later. 
He didn’t. He wanted to, this child was nothing more than a pest and yet when his coal black claws pressed against her skin, his entire arm went stiff. He just...couldn’t. The infant looks at his hand and actually grabbed it, leaning into his palm and hugged his hand. An unfamiliar warmth flowed through his entire system at this, the way that his bitter rage seemed to fade around this child. It was all so baffling for him how this small, tiny human could have such an overwhelming effect on him. 
That was when he decided to keep her as his own. 
Soft footsteps lightly patted against the flooring, [Eye colour] orbs looking around the dark room and spotting a knife on the side. [Name] walked over to the table and picked up the knife, being careful to keep the blade away from her flesh and turned to the room itself. A wide, clear space with plenty of room for her. She held the knife and remembered when she watched the other demons training and tried to copy their movements. 
She knew that the building was a place where her father’s most loyal and strongest followers came. The Twelve Moon Demons. Muzan had told her the truth of him and his kind but, of course, he did twist it a little. To [Name], demons were just trying to survive in a world where their kind wish to be eliminated just because they were not human. He has whispered these things to her as long as he has had her, just shy of two years now. She was old enough to walk about by herself and allowed her to express her curious nature.
None of the other demons were so much as allowed to touch her. Muzan has made that quite clear to them that if any harm befell upon [Name] then there would be Hell to pay. It had surprised even Muzan himself the intensity of his protective nature over this girl yet he did not care. To him, and all the other demons that exist, she was his daughter and none dared question him. 
The funny thing was, even after being told that demons have to eat humans to survive, [Name] did not fear them nor her father. It was another thing that surprised them. 
[Name] tried to focus in the room, demons were strong and if she tried hard enough, she could be too. They told her that there were humans who hunted them, the Pillars. After being told of them, she would sneak off to this room every day when her father rested and tried to train herself to become stronger. She wanted to help protect her father and his followers. 
She tried to keep her footsteps quick but light and her swings with the knife quick as well; though this was cut short when she tripped over her robe and fell to the floor, the blade cutting her hand a bit. Holding her hand, she tried to keep the blood from getting everywhere and bit back her tears. Demons were strong, they didn’t cry and so she couldn’t either. 
“[Name], what are you doing?” She turned around to see her father standing in the doorway of the room, faint concern furrowed his brow when he saw the blood on her hand. He approached her and kneeled beside her, “Let me see.” [Name] did as told as held her hand out for him, letting him examine the cut. Thankfully, it was not deep and didn’t require serious medical attention. A simple bandage would be enough for this. He picked her up carefully and walked over to a chair, setting her down and grabbing a bandage. 
“What were you doing, [Name]? You should be in bed.” he spoke, carefully cleaning the cut on her hand, his touch was gentle and comforting. [Name] sat on the chair, sniffling a little to keep her tears back. 
“I-I just, I wanted to b-be strong like you and t-the other demons. I want t-to protect you from t-those Pillars.” Everything stopped for Muzan when she said that. She wanted to protect him? Normally, anyone who so much as suggested that he was incapable of protecting himself would be eliminated without hesitation but to hear [Name] say it, it made his chest swell with a sense of pride. 
Muzan could no longer deny that he did love this girl as a father would love his daughter but [Name] was human, she was fragile. The fact that she was still just a child only made her that more delicate, if anyone needed the protection it was her, not him. He had thought on a handful of occasions of giving her a sample of his blood to transform her into a demon but there were two problems with this: 
One, she was still far too young. Her body was weak and delicate like a flower, all too easy to be damaged and ruined by the world around her. If he would allow her to become a demon, he would wait until she was old enough to. He would not take away her childhood for it. 
Two, there was always that tiny chance that his blood would kill her. No, not just kill her, it would destroy her cells and leave her as nothing but a puddle of blood and melted flesh. The mere thought of that happening to her made his chest clench with pressure. He could not allow that. 
So, he would wait. He would wait until she was old enough to understand all of this more, and give her the chance to become stronger. He will train her himself. He would have the Upper Moons train her as well. He will ensure with every possibility that she will become a strong human and then there was a better chance she would survive the transformation and become a powerful demon. But until that day, she was his to protect and he will fight every single Pillar and Demon Slayer to the death to protect her.
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calamxty-a · 3 years
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on muzan’s lack of secure attachment style & mental health // a relating headcanon about his childhood.
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I’m basing my conclusions on this article from uni of illinois//
As is canon, Muzan was considered dead from time of birth, and relating to the headcanon above, his parents really saw him as less than, or not worth their time because they assumed he was going to die. As a baby, he was fed properly, but he wasn’t really paid much mind to.
Ergo, he was basically ignored other than feeding time.
As a child he would have hit all the markers for the avoidant attachment style.
This would have spanned into his teenage development and then into his adult years. (not even bringing in the fact that even he didn’t think he was going to last that long--)
which is where I pull that he would be in the high end of the attachment-related avoidant spectrum. After he’s turned into a demon, he doesn’t need or want to rely on anyone else--yes, he gives people tasks, but ultimately, he could do them himself and does when he feels as if his own standards aren’t met and others fail him.
As an adult Muzan clearly falls into the category of the dismissive-avoidant attachment style within adults which is characterized by:
the ability to suppress emotion
capable of using defensive strategies/mechanisms in an effective way (not necessarily healthy!)
This would be part of Vaillant’s Categorization of Involuntary Coping Mechanisms.
Within Vaillant’s categorization, from what’s given I see Muzan exhibit the following consistently throughout the series:
Acting out (him killing the doctor that turned him into a demon, him punishing people, him killing the lower demon moons.)
Distortion (which is what happens with his fight with Yoriichi)
Projection (which is what we see when he punishes the lower demon moons + akaza, blaming them for his mistakes/failures/insecurities)
Disassociation (when he’s able to recall being human and nearly dying with merely clinical interest, when he’s able to mention all the people he’s killed without being able to remember a single name without feelings attached, etc.)
Repression (when Muzan first sees Tanjiro in the city and mistakes him for Yoriichi)
Which ultimately may manifest as PTSD and severe depression from childhood onwards and leaves him insecure when attempting to form bonds with others.
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today-i-forgot · 3 years
Okay so did anyone feel like the demon slayer manga rushed to get over with itself like even if the infity castle arc had to start where it started the fight with Nakime beauty got any screen time and douma couldve lasted longer maybe after pissing inosuke off we get to see a show of power from inosuke forcing douma to go on the defensive and shoeing that inosuke deserves to be with zenitsu and taniirou power wise and maybe kanoe could have her moment to show how strong she is against muzan maybe having a whole scene in which she single handedly fights off muzan for like five in universe minutes before I dunno finally being taken off guard and then saved by tanjirou we couldve gotten more time with demon tanjirou maybe he goes to attack an innocent kid and Gyomei sacrifices himself to save the kid being killed by tanjirou this somewhat knocking tanjirou back to his senses giving him enough agency to motophorically fight muzan in his mind while the medicine literally fights off muzan itd give Gyomei a more satisfying death one last action scene and more meaning to demon tanjirou he was awesome at first but in hindsight it feels like shock value and maybe as he kills metaphor muzan he like looks like his dad for a second possibly mimicking his dad killing the bear showing he has matured to an adult and is ready to protect his family im not a writer but I really do feel as though we couldve gotten more character development even in the last two arcs (at least I would separate the castle and muzan fight muzan gets a whole arc) and actually speaking of muzan I want him to have a whole scene that tanjirou sees in his mind in which its mizans tragic backstory he was dealthy ill form birth and fought to stay alive lets add to that give more tragedy make it clear his human life was living hell and then tanirou cuts off muzans head in his mind and muzan begs for forgiveness but its with his human face maybe crying something about how he just wanted to live and be happy and tanjirou along with all that muzan hurt and killed do forgive him I know that sounds crazy but demon slayer is about forgiveness also forgiving him doesn't mean he doesn't die or even suffer hell is canon in demon slayer and he goes there that clear as we see the face go up in flames as they all forgive him maybe muzan has a small smile similar too Ubuyashiki remember muzan is a Ubuyashiki as well tanjirou wakes up a human and the first thing he notices is Gyomeis corpse the second is a pile of ashes which he is informed is nezuko see nezuko chose to stay a demon to fight muzan and now that muzan is gone all demons made by him die meaning she's dead as well cut to later an unspecified amount if time has passed and sanemi and tanjirou are at a cemetery they speak of their siblings it cuts again giyuu is shown crying presumably over the deaths of the infinity castle and muzan fight next we see a door and hear nothing Shinjuro opens the door and let's in multiple people revealed to be tanjirous remaining friends they got to a room that is implied to be tanjirous senjuro is speaking with tanjirou tanjirou is despondent its revealed that tanjirou hasn't talked to anyone but sanemi they hang out zenitsu and inosuke fights and tanjirou calls them idiots I'd like the three to kiss but yknow realistically zenitsu and inosuke would turn to him crying before ending
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sun-daddy-yoriichi · 4 years
Not so much a romantic thing— but could you do headcanons about how you think Kokushibo would react upon being forced back to humanity? Not just in a psychological sense but also turned back into a human?
Oh damn we askin' the hard questions now-
Warning(s) : Spoilers, some angst
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Kokushibou / Michikatsu being turned back into a human (Headcanons)
Idk about the rest of you but I'm pretty sure he wouldn't just be turned back into a human out of the blue.
So I'm gonna go off on a limb and say that it was one of Muzan's experiments that turned him back.
He would either be fascinated or terrified about the economic advancements that Japan has made when he was a demon. He doesn't understand anything.
Also doesn't remember a single thing from when he was a demon.
If the Demon Slayer Corps found him, there would be a lot of tests and interrogations on their part.
I mean, he did kill like thousands of people and all.
But he doesn't seem to know that, and also doesn't show any signs of having any demon blood left in him.
Plus he's pretty strong, so they let him continue working as a Demon Slayer.
For the first few months, he's only put on missions with other Demon Slayers or Pillars (seeing as he's at that level). They need to make sure that they can trust him before they let him do his own thing.
His new crow has Seen Some Shit and doesn't fuck around.
I honestly see Michikatsu as the type to really like cute things. Why? No real reason. He gives off a brooding Vibe, but he's weak on the inside.
Mitsuri is his favourite Pillar, aside from Kyoujuro. She's so nice to him, and he tends to prefer going on missions with her.
(If he was infiltrating the Corps, he would quickly give up that job after meeting Mitsuri)
Michikatsu doesn't strike me as an incredibly traditional person, and he would probably appreciate having a significant other than can hold their own.
Plus Mitsuri is very cute. Opposites attract bitch-
Obanai is very jealous that she gives him so much attention.
Since he's been eating humans for give or take 800 years, it would take a bit for him to find foods he liked.
If neither of them are busy then Mitsuri will take him to any restaurant or food stall that she wants him to try because Michikatsu will SERIOUSLY eat anything.
Sleep? Don't know her
Would get very upset and weird if he ever ran into Zenitsu. Thunder Breath users always make him feel nostalgic for some reason, especially Zenitsu.
(He vaguely remembers a Demon Slayer who used the same breath. He can't remember their name, but they were obviously important enough for him to remember them when he didn't remember anything else)
He's still kind of a bitch, but living so long means that he had a lot of time to reflect. He's a better person, if not still a bit of a bitch.
Tries to visit his brother's grave, then realises that he doesn't have one. At least, not one that he knows of.
Can the moon cry? Because I think he might
He'll ask the Demon Slayer Corps to give his brother a proper grave, even if there's no body to go with it.
Yoriichi was the first breath user, after all. He deserved at least that much respect from the Demon Slayer Corps.
If I'm being honest, he's more upset about having to be alone than he is about killing his brother. But that's also his fault and he has to live with it.
But he would be fucking SPOOKED if he ran into Tanjirou.
("A child!?")
Would be even more spooked if he saw Tanjirou use Breath of the Sun / Dance of the Fire God in battle.
I'm not sure but I feel like there's a 60% chance he would totally fight Kyoujuro for the right to make Tanjirou his tsuguko.
If not, he would gladly take Zenitsu.
This turned out a lot longer than I thought it would I have to end this now or it'll never stop-
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saintheartwing · 4 years
Demon Slayer: A Full Review
So! At long last, the excellent manga series Demon Slayer’s reached its end. I’m very sorry its over...I’m going to miss it, the same way I’m going to miss reading new “The Promised Neverland” every week or so. But with Kimetsu no Yaiba, also known as “Demon Slayer” finished, I can now dive in deep into the story and explain why its so good. Warning. 
Let’s begin with the basic plot. Tanjiro lives out in the woods with his mother and his brothers and sisters. His father, alas, passed on a few years back, now Tanjiro’s a primary breadwinner as oldest man in the house, and his sister Nezuko remains behind with the rest of his family one day as he goes into town to sell his wares. 
That night, it’s getting dark out. It isn’t safe to return home. Not because of bears or the like...but demons. So he stays the night at an old man’s house who talks about demons. Tanjiro doesn’t exactly fully buy into it, but...then the next day when he gets home, his family is slaughtered. It’s a horrifying scene. But...Nezuko is heavily injured, not dead. So he tries to carry her to town...only for her to turn into a demon as he’s trudging through the snow! And he can’t bring himself to hurt her. 
That’s when a demon slayer appears. The Water Pillar himself! He tells Tanjiro he has to kill his sister, she’s turned, she’s dead now, he’s not going to get her back. Tanjiro however, is able to impress the demon slayer with his skills, and when the demon slayer sees Nezuko trying to save her brother’s life...he realizes MAYBE there’s something special about her. 
And so Tanjiro sets out to find a way to cure Nezuko, becoming a demon slayer himself along with Zenitsu, the cowardly Breath of the Lightning user, and Inosuke, a youth raised in the wild who wears a wild boar’s head as a mask. The culprit who murdered his family? Muzan, who’s been alive for eons, who can change his appearance, and has incredible powers, and can convert other people into demons like him! Can Tanjiro defeat him? Can he save his sister? All this and more in...DEMON SLAYER!
The characters are what makes the story so engrossing. Tanjiro is a sweet, kind, compassionate sort. He recognizes that demons have to be defeated, but he recognizes that they too are victims as well, many of whom were FORCED into becoming what they are. The cycle of abuse is very prevalent in the story, many of both the good guys AND the villains are the way they are because of abuse. Zenitsu was always being put down and emotionally abused by his comrade in training, fellow compatriot of the Lightning Breath, whom he viewed as a brother and his mentor as a grandfather figure. The Snake Pillar was abused by his family, only raised to be eaten by a snake demon who enjoyed eating the infants of the family he belonged to, but who was keeping him alive because of his unique heterochromatic eyes. The Wind Pillar’s father was abusive to him and his brother, forcing him to become, when their dad died in the street in a drunken brawl, to become the head of the family and try and protect their mother...but then when the mother became a demon and a murderer, the Wind Pillar was left with an even bigger responsibility. Now with only his brother left and the rest of his family dead, he ALSO became abusive because of the additional responsibility heaped on him AND the pressure AND because he wanted his brother to stay as far away from his demon slayer life as possible, so he thought being overly harsh and ignoring him would make his brother give up and just leave him alone. Several of the “Moons”, the main enforcers of Muzan who are demons, endured horrible abuse when they were young and that abuse led them to lash out at the world and, in their desperation to get out from their horrible life...to become demons. Akaza was dirt poor, forced to steal to buy medicine for his dying dad, and nobody sympathized with him, instead just beating him for stealing and threatening to cut his limbs off. He loses his father...then, just when he finds another father figure at a dojo, and true love, and spends years training as a martial artist and growing closer to the two and becoming happy...they get poisoned by a rival dojo. Akaza’s world is shattered, he becomes a demon because everyone he wanted to help and protect...is gone. The cycle of violence and abuse is continued and he becomes the sort of bully and coward he once hated so much.
That cycle CAN be broken...but it takes concern for others, and love. It is the love of others, and the desire to want to do right by them that helps lift them out of that cycle, that redeems them in the end. 
That DOESN’T mean Tanjjiro won’t kill the demons. He has to, and often does. But when he can, he tries to be honorable about it, even to make it painless. He’s not a coward, nor cruel, and he’s totally devoted to his sister.
Nezuko, in turn, doesn’t speak much in the story because, to keep her from going wild with demonic power and eating humans, she has a “Seal” over her mouth. But she gets a lot across with her actions, like her dramatic refusal to drink blood or attack a Pillar that stabbed her earlier, even when he’s offering his bloody arm for her to sup on. Her gentle treatment of others, the way she can shift her size and tries to avoid fighting unless absolutely necessary speaks to a pacifistic but strong soul. 
And no, there’s no ass shots or breast shots of her. The clothing she wears covers that up completely. There’s no fanservice-y shots of her. I appreciated that. 
Zenisu is a cowardly moron, but has hidden talent within that can be awakened when he’s asleep. When he dozes off, its as if his inner warrior rises up, and with a single sweeping cut, he can slice through ANYTHING. He’s also a pervert, who likes letting women touch him, or touching women. Naturally, he gets beaten the hell out of for this. At the same time though, he’s portrayed as being very compassionate too. He KNEW Nezuko was a demon, just as Tanjiro has a superpowered sense of smell, HE has a superpowered sense of hearing, he could “hear” that Nezuko, (kept in a box that Tanjiro carries around because, as a demon now, she’d burn up in the sunlight), was a demon...but because Tanjiro’s so kind, and because Tanjiro said the box was more important than his life...Zenitsu lets Inosuke beat the living SHIT out of him just to defend the box. ANYTHING to keep Inosuke from hurting Nezuko inside it. He doesn’t even raise a fist to defend himself.
Inosuke, at first, starts off as a roughshod, rowdy jerk who, beneath that boar’s head mask, has a BEAUTIFUL, almost girly face. But it makes some sense, because he grew up without any family. No mother, no father, raised by boars, and only barely able to read because of the kindness of a few strangers whom he hung around their porch sometimes. Nevertheless, he’s got incredible raw power and skill and has a very strong code. He’s not emotionally open...but he when he DOES show it, his heart is on his sleeve and he’s able to cut right to the point. 
Tanjiro is a good straight man for these two rather rambunctious, ridiculous types. He’s also clearly the heart and moral compass of the group, and the story. He’s able to touch people, to reach out to them and connect to others by being earnest, compassionate, and down-to-earth. 
The story, aside from diving into themes of how terrible abuse is and how it affects people and how we should break free from it, also dives into “what makes a human being a human” as it looks at the sad lives of many of the demons. Is there anything human left of them? What does it mean to BE human? The demons are just as much victims as victimizers, they’re pitiable, pathetic creatures as Tanjiro insists. 
Another thing the story has for a theme is that family. Many of the main characters have unusual families, or else tragically LOST family members, and this impacted them heavily. The Flame Pillar’s father was a good, sweet, loving father until he lost his wife, and then he turned into a despondent drunk. He’s too angry at the world and also, himself, to cry when he hears his son is dead, but when he hears his son’s final words were for him to take care of his body...in essence, “please stop drinking, you’re better than that”, he can’t help but sob uncontrollably. Tanjiro’s family is tragically taken from him and that loss motivates him to become strong. Inosuke was raised by boars because, alas, his mother and father aren’t around...but not by choice for his mom. She was FORCED to drop him off a cliff into a river after writing his name onto his diaper because she was being chased by a demon and she couldn’t think of any other way for him to survive. Zenitsu was abandoned himself, his only family was his grandfather mentor figure, and his brother Kaigaku. Both of them were very harsh on him, but his “grandpa” did truly love him and wanted to bring out his potential, despite not being of flesh and blood, and Rui, the Spider Demon, who ended up killing his own parents when he became a demon, ends up creating demons to replace his parents and to make a “happy little family” because, deep down, he wants to be happy with his family again...but he no longer really remembers what it means for a family to have a true bond. It takes dying and seeing Tanjiro protecting his sister to remember it again. Not everyone has to be family by blood...family can come from anywhere. But at the same time, there’s a responsibility that does come from it...a responsibility to be decent. To be kind. To protect those you love, and to try and do right by them. 
In fact, the ONLY decent thing the Wind Pillar’s dad does...besides dying...is giving his wife company. She, becoming a demon, murdered her children. She can’t go to where they’re going...she’s going to Hell for that. And the Wind Pillar, on the verge of death, is happy to give her company. But...nope! His dad is there. It’s not time for his son to die yet. HE’S going to keep his wife company, punishment for his own sins and his own pathetic life. The Wind Pillar has to keep living...and stay strong. So he literally saves his son from slipping into Hell as a final act of remorse. The only good thing he did in life...or rather, after-life. It doesn’t mean he doesn’t deserve Hell...but at least his final act was to try and do right by his son. And that does mean something.
So yeah, you should know this. The story is NOT afraid of death. It’s not uncommon at all for major supporting characters you’ve gotten to know very well to die. Quite a lot of them die. And I won’t give away any more spoilers beyond that. But..like, a LOOOOT of them die. A LOT a lot. Remember when I said the flame pillar tragically dies? He’s, like, the FIRST major death. Keep that in mind. He’s just the first indication that the manga’s willing to kill off its characters no matter how important or likable they are.
The villains of course are very memorable in their own ways. Some of them are just incredibly powerful swordsmen, others have magical abilities, and others are just so raw-powerful with their martial arts they’re a force to be reckoned with. And their leader exemplifies another theme of the story...that of selfishness and the disregard for life. Muzan is a selfish, egotistical, thinks-himself-perfect type who only desires to conquer the sun to be truly perfect. He’s insanely powerful, has NO value for human life or even much demon life, is manipulative, abusive, cruel, capricious, and quite sadistic. He’s like a baby, everything has to be HIS way and if he doesn’t get it, he throws a temper tantrum. 
It’s a bit of irony. When he was born, he was born dead. They were about to burn his body when he started crying, coming back to life. So in essence, EVERYTHING he’s done can be boiled back to that. It’s all about just staying alive and f-k the consequences for anyone else or really, EVERYONE else. He doesn’t care how he does it. And he’s killed COUNTLESS people over the years. 
So who leads the Demon Hunters to oppose Muzan’s Twelve Moons?  Kagaya Ubuyashiki. He’s got a lovely wife and...creepy kids.  Kagaya Ubuyashiki, tragically...can’t fight. He can’t even swing a sword properly. He tried, but he’s terrible at it. All he has is his money, his cunning, his wisdom, his MIND. He’s the brains behind their organization...and he’s also been blind for years. He’s slowly dying, in fact, which everyone’s aware of in the Demon Hunters. He’s not a king though on the board, he’s a pawn too, and he’s perfectly willing to kill himself if it means he’d hurt Muzan at all. And on top of that, he’s memorized every single name of every single individual who joined the Demon Hunters. It’s the least he could do. 
But I know what some of you are wondering. “Are there any...problematic elements in the story?” 
Well, several of the characters talk about being stuck in slavery, but its portrayed as clearly a disgusting practice, and society is viewed in the wrong for its horrible treatment of the poor. A magistrate angrily yells at one character to just get a f--king job instead of stealing, ignoring the fact that the medicine the character has to buy for his sick father is INCREDIBLY expensive, he can’t just go out and GET a job, nobody would hire a violent kid like him, and he’s desperate. Many girls are forced to be prostitutes just to get by, and it’s a somber thing, portrayed as a tragedy that they’re often at the whims of abusive johns or women who own the whorehouses they work at. 
There is also some clear bigotry against the demons from the Pillars, but this makes some sense. They’re supposed to fight and kill demons, and the overwhelming majority kill and eat humans, often very cruelly, so if you’re exposed to that type of being constantly and never see any demons being kind or decent, you’d think ALL of them were like that. For them, the human inside died when they turned into a demon, you shouldn’t pity them. But as Tanjiro says, that’s the wrong way to look at it. 
There’s also two demons that are friendly, “nice” demons. Tamayo and her assistant, Yushiro. Tamayo is an expert doctor and chemist, who seeks to try and help Tanjiro return Nezuko back to being a human, and she opposes Muzan. Tamayo was one of the first people Muzan converted and she was also a victim of his manipulative behavior. She was dying from a disease, all she wanted was to see her children grow up, and Muzan said sure, he’d cure her, all she had to do was drink his blood. Well, she did...and she became a demon and killed her family and a host of other people, and regretted it ever since. Since then, she’s sought a way to defeat Muzan...to kill him! It’s difficult though. You can’t cut off his head, his body is too strange. But the sun? The SUN can kill him, the same way it can kill other demons, who dissolve away in the sun. With her and her assistant Yushiro, the Demon Slayers finally have a way to beat Muzan.
Also, the anime is really gorgeous as well. I highly recommend it AND the manga. So anyway, the story’s great, check it out if you can. 
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blasphemings · 5 years
/ˈeskəˌtän/ noun
the final event in the divine plan; the end of the world.
(7.1k words, chapter 1 of kny [demon slayer] au. can read on ao3 if you want)
Losing is a release.
The process of losing was ugly. Such a long way down, all those moments when he could still see the exit strategy but couldn’t quite grasp it, when the possibility of victory existed but slipped farther and farther away with each missed step, each hit taken. But there was something nice about having the decision made for him, after struggling for so long.
It’s over.
Kakyoin glanced at one of his discarded arms, lying in the bloodstained dirt roughly five feet to his left. Had this been the beginning of the fight he would have already regenerated it. Too exhausted now to even twitch the fingers, let alone reattach it, let alone regrow it.
It had been a good fight, though. Good way to go out, if he had to go out. Satisfying felt like too shallow a word.
The slayer stared down at him with an odd expression. He hadn’t bothered to wipe the blood off his face yet.
The slayer—what was his name again? He couldn’t remember—could be a concussion among the injuries he hadn’t bothered to mentally sort through. Kakyoin didn’t plan on repairing any of them, regardless. What was the point? He had already— Thunk.
He blinked up at the retreating back, then sideways at the sword buried in the dirt barely an inch away from his skull. Burning air sizzled around the white blade and he twitched away from it, realizing with some exasperation that he been given yet another unwelcome opportunity to survive.
“You missed?”
Impossible. The guy’s aim had been perfect even after it was clear he was feeling the effects of blood loss. He had barely even flinched when Kakyoin wrenched his shoulder out of the socket, just grimaced and tossed his sword to the other hand before carving off a large chunk of Kakyoin’s face without missing a beat.
Regrowing his face was annoying. And it hurt in a dazzling way. He often wished he could choose which parts of him came back, thinking that his life would be a lot easier if he could politely refuse to regenerate his nerve endings.
Ultimately, he was a static target. No way the slayer would just miss.
“Hey,” Kakyoin said sharply. “Hey, wait—”
The slayer dropped heavily to sit against one of the trees the two of them had uprooted, calmly tying a ripped piece of fabric around his forearm to stop the bite wounds from bleeding further. He was remarkably pale, but his hands were steady.
“You just—that’s it?” Kakyoin struggled to sit up with only one arm to lean on. “Are you serious?”
No response. He looked bored, which only made Kakyoin angrier.
“What, am I not good enough to—you too good to finish what you start? Is that it?”
He didn’t remember busting the guy’s eardrums. Maybe the slayer’s own concussion was worse than it had seemed. This was the demon hunter Muzan was so worried about?
This jackass?
“Hey, I’m talking to you!”
Kakyoin’s arm struck his injured shoulder with a wet thud and the slayer winced. He hadn’t bothered to dodge. He wrinkled his nose, nudging it away with one foot.
“Don’t you need this thing, anyway?”
He glanced at his sword, still embedded in the ground. Kakyoin had grasped the handle, ignoring the way it burned his remaining palm as he attempted to drag himself to his feet. A stubborn refusal to acknowledge that his shattered legs weren’t about to hold his weight anytime soon.
“I mean, if you want to kill yourself with it,” the slayer said slowly. “I’m not gonna stop you or anything.”
“But you won’t do it yourself.”
“Don’t feel like it.”
Kakyoin laughed, a rasp that alerted him to vocal cords that must have been crushed at some point during the fight. He barely even remembered it happening. “You don’t feel like it.”
The slayer watched Kakyoin struggle for a moment before giving up and collapsing back onto the ground in a heap. He poked at his dislocated shoulder with disinterest, a half-clenched fist the only evidence that he was in any pain at all, before using his free hand to yank with enough force to pop it back into place with an echoing crack. He closed his eyes briefly, keeping his breathing steady.
“What the hell kind of demon hunter are you, anyway?” Kakyoin mumbled, stretching his legs out as the exposed muscle slowly began to knit back together. “I mean, the slaying part is in the title, right?”
The slayer shrugged and gingerly picked up the arm that still lay at his side, looking curiously at the sharp nails and long-fingered hand that had somehow remained mostly intact. “You threw your arm at me.”
“Flattered that you noticed.”
Kakyoin flinched when it landed in his lap. He stared up at the slayer incredulously.
“It’s easier to…reattach them, right?” The slayer looked over at him as though he had noticed him for the first time. “Easier than regrowing the whole thing, anyway.”
“There’s something wrong with you.”
“You can throw it at me again if you don’t want it.”
They watched Kakyoin’s arm reattach to the what remained of his shoulder, the bone clicking back into place with a sickening crunch. The slayer stared at the swaying veins and visible muscle, looking vaguely nauseous, which struck Kakyoin as a bit ironic, considering he had been the one to rip it off in the first place.
Emphasis on the rip. He hadn’t had his sword in hand, at the time. He had improvised.
“It is easier,” Kakyoin said grudgingly. He kicked the white sword back towards the slayer as he opened and closed his fist experimentally, not so much to thank him as to get the heat coming off the thing farther away.
“What’s your name?”
“There someone else here?”
He shook his head, bemused. “I’m Noriaki,” he said. “Noriaki Kakyoin.”
“Kakyoin,” the slayer repeated.
“And you?”
He chuckled, wiping the blood from his face. It was nothing, Kakyoin thought, compared to the scream-like laughter he remembered coming from all sides during the attack, as though the bloody mist the slayer left behind was mocking him. This sound was dull, lifeless where the other had been frenzied. Euphoric, even.
“Shouldn’t you know?” He looked at Kakyoin evenly.
“Should I?”
“I mean, you came to kill me.”
“Oh.” Kakyoin blinked. “I guess.”
“I really did crush your skull, huh?”
“Give me ten minutes and I’ll return the favor.”
The slayer laughed his dead laugh again. “I’m Jotaro. Kujo.”
“Right.” I was supposed to rip your head off.
Jotaro rolled his eyes and pushed himself to his feet. Kakyoin watched him limp a few steps, testing the waters, and marveled at just how reckless he had been, for a creature that actually had to sustain mortal injuries rather than play with them. He remembered the various bones he had felt crunching under his hands and feet. Couldn’t be comfortable, he thought.
“Hey, wait,” he called. “You’re just…?”
“Don’t have anything else to do with you,” Jotaro said. “Have other things to do.”
“You’re just going to leave me here.”
“Well, yeah.” He glanced up at the sky, the morning star just barely coming into view on the horizon. “Probably gonna want to get your legs back in time to get into the shade, though.”
“You realize I’m just going to come after you again, right?”
Jotaro turned, meeting Kakyoin’s eyes over his shoulder for the first time since the fight, and he smiled in a way that wasn’t quite as desperate as before, not quite as beautiful and blood-soaked, but still vicious, still hungry.
“Then we get to fight again,” he said.
No matter how many times Jotaro had come out of a scrape with a demon wishing he could heal his own wounds the way they did, he had never felt jealous like this before.
Early morning light filtered through the trees left crosshatched shadows on the dirt as he tried his best to pick his way over the roots without stumbling. He felt more exhausted than injured, though the searing pain in his shoulder and knee every time he took a bad step served as a reminder that he couldn’t exactly write off the latter just yet.
He squinted at the sunlight, wondering if that odd demon had been able to repair his legs in time to get to the shade and save himself. Kakyoin. That was his name. Very off to be wondering whether a demon had survived the morning rather than being what ensured that they didn’t.
Jotaro had fought more demons than he could keep track of but he had never seen one use their regenerative abilities the way Kakyoin had, relying on them rather than falling back on them. Not even bothering to dodge much of anything unless the swing would have come for his head, and that made Jotaro all the more frustrated by his own inability to fight with such abandon. Forced to be careful by the annoying fragility of the human body. He didn’t have the luxury of not needing to worry about having his arms cut off.
But Kakyoin hadn’t cared. It must have hurt, of course it must have hurt, but he had baited Jotaro that way, left his arm or leg open and banked on the way Jotaro’s momentum slowed when he cut into it. He had used Jotaro’s expectation that Kakyoin would have some degree of self-preservation against him.
It left them staring at one another for the space of a heartbeat, Jotaro’s shoulder hanging all wrong from the socket, Kakyoin’s arm a bloody stump with new muscles just barely beginning weave together at the base. He had felt like laughing as he tossed his sword to his remaining good arm, the violent lightness in his chest reaching a fever pitch. For a single, crazed moment Jotaro really thought he might thank that demon.
He had carved off a piece of Kakyoin’s face instead.
A horrible gargling sound raised the hairs on the back of his neck. He had leaned back, expecting some sort of explosive counterattack, maybe a sign of actual damage having been done, or at least a sign that Kakyoin was finally reacting to it.
It wasn’t until his throat began to knit back together a few seconds later that the sound grew clearer, and he realized Kakyoin was laughing. His eyes above the ruined lower half of his face registered no pain, only delight and surprise.
A moment of mutual recognition. After that it had really been fun.
Jotaro glanced over his shoulder, scanning the path behind him. It appeared vacant, the cascade of snapping twigs he had imagined hearing likely the consequence of some animal that had already moved on. Besides, it was silly to think that Kakyoin would have found some way to pursue him in the daylight, even if he had managed to regenerate that quickly.
Was it fear? Was it wishful thinking? Was it both?
He would have to stay away from home for a while once he was feeling better. It seemed inevitable that Kakyoin would track him down again. Couldn’t have that thing anywhere near his mom.
The house now coming into view beyond the trees always made him think of a patchwork quilt, the way the light and dark wood making up the walls wove together from a distance. Jotaro had found it necessary to repair some of the damages with wood that didn’t quite match the original siding, making the newer modifications stand out more than he would have liked. Less so because he was worried about how things looked, more because the constant reminders of what that had caused that damage did nothing to inspire feelings of safety.
Not that he could have forgotten about that even had he felt inclined to do so. Not when it was there for him to see every time he looked at his mother’s face.
As he limped towards the house, an all too familiar figure opened the door, pen in hand.
Jotaro nodded and yawned. “You gonna let me in?”
Avdol squinted at him, placing a hand on his elbow to steady him as Jotaro dragged himself through the doorway. Jotaro pulled away gently, shaking his head.
“That’s blood,” Avdol said conversationally, wiping his hand discreetly on his robe.
“Is it yours?”
“Not all of it.”
He sighed and put down his pen. “Are you hurt?”
Jotaro grunted.
“My shoulder’s fucked up,” he said, leaning carefully against the wall. “Didn’t lose that much blood.”
Avdol nodded, his eyes on the bloody bite marks on Jotaro’s forearm. “Demon?”
Jotaro looked across at what appeared to be a pile of blankets. “How’s she doing?”
Holly made a faint sound as though she had heard him, and both Jotaro and Avdol held their breath for a beat before she sighed and rolled over, still asleep.
“She’s…all right.”
“She asleep this whole time?”
“Well, yes.” Avdol looked at him sideways. “This is hardly outside the norm for her.”
“Yeah,” Jotaro said. “Thanks for looking after her.”
“Of course.”
Mohammed Avdol still held himself like a hashira, and sometimes Jotaro forgot he wasn’t actually in the presence of the acting flame pillar in an official sense. He advised his successor frequently enough that it often seemed Avdol might as well still hold the title himself, though the slayer who had taken his place was certainly formidable enough on her own. At sixteen, Anne was younger than Jotaro and still had risen in the ranks at remarkable speed, much to the dismay of her mentor, who would have preferred that she stay in a safer, lower-ranked position; without question he wouldn’t have relinquished his title to her if Holly hadn’t been attacked. Holly needed Jotaro’s help, Jotaro needed Avdol’s help, and Anne was ready to take on hashira duties, whether Avdol liked it or not. None of them were able to deny that Anne’s mastery of the breath of flame was in a category all its own.
Naturally that had always been the problem for Avdol: he was an incredible teacher, and his students always found success. The danger was in the nature of that success, as the more power demon hunters had, the more deadly the demons they found themselves coming up against. Higher ranks meant more dangerous missions, and more dangerous missions meant higher mortality rates. Anne was his first student to survive for longer than two years after joining the corps.
Jotaro didn’t count, he said, as he was never meant to join in the first place. Jotaro had simply been a young family friend who he gave basic breath training to as a courtesy to better help him defend himself and his mother; his partner, Jean-Pierre, had been happy to teach the young man the basics of swordsmanship. Avdol had made a point of discouraging Jotaro from attempting the final selection, and Jotaro, for his part, had never felt inclined.
When he had gone after that demon a year ago he hadn’t been thinking about what part of the forest he was in, or which night it was. He had only been thinking about the screams he was drawing nearer towards, how those voices sounded even younger than he was, how he had clearly already been too late for some of them.
Jotaro hadn’t known he was entering the grounds of the final selection examination until they were found at daybreak, the morphed demon crumbling into dust before his eyes. The other surviving candidates huddled behind him, a sixteen-year-old boy brandishing a sword nearly as big as he was, and he had been asked any number of times are you all right, are you okay, but even then he was already all too accustomed to being covered in blood that was not his own.
He wouldn’t have stayed with the corps at all if it hadn’t been for his mother, but he soon found he needed answers that only following the missions on which he was sent would yield. The bank of knowledge the hunters possessed was Jotaro’s fastest way to finding what he needed to do to help her, and even Avdol had eventually understood why he chose to remain.
Avdol turned to see him curled up against the wall nearest to his mother. His eyes were closed and his face uncharacteristically peaceful; Jotaro was asleep.
He shook his head, thinking of the bloodstains the boy was likely to leave on the wood, the questions he still had about what had happened. Avdol couldn’t remember the last time Jotaro had come home looking this beat up. Technically he hadn’t actually responded when asked about it. It struck Avdol that he wasn’t actually sure whether or not Jotaro had defeated whatever it was that had attacked him.
Well, of course he had. It was Jotaro. He would have ripped the thing to pieces.
Avdol tossed a blanket over him and turned away. The kid had clearly had a rough night. He would get his answers later.
Jotaro woke to Avdol standing in the doorway, framed by a wash of moonlight. He shook his head to clear it. He had dreamed of drowning again, and he couldn’t tell whether the long-fingered hand that had appeared above the waves was there to pull him out or hold him under.
“‘S everything okay?”.
Avdol raised a hand to silence him. “There’s something outside,” he murmured.
He glanced down at his sleeping mother. “Polnareff back?”
“No. No, I don’t think so.”
Jotaro was on his feet quickly enough to make his bruised head spin, feeling the prospect of danger like an electric shock from the soles of his feet to the base of his skull. Not here. Not again. Not yet.
“Jotaro,” Avdol said sharply. “Jotaro, I know what you—but you should stay inside with Holly this time. You’re still injured.”
“Screw being injured,” Jotaro mumbled. “Screw it. Stay here with my mom, okay?”
Avdol would have disagreed further had Jotaro not slammed the door in his face. He meant well, but most of their arguments ended with that anyway. Jotaro figured it was best to cut straight to the chase at a time like this. No malice, just resignation.
He pulled his breathing under control as he looked out at the approaching figures and wondered if Kakyoin had already come back for him. He had imagined he would have one night to collect himself, at least.
When he squinted to see them more clearly, neither gait or silhouette matched what he remembered. One was too stocky, the other far too tall, movements too jerky. More like a marionette than a puppet master. They didn’t look particularly special, Jotaro thought. Maybe it really was just a run of the mill demon attack with spectacularly abysmal timing.
Really shitty luck, though. He adjusted his grip on his sword, annoyed to find that his shoulder still rebelled against any attempt to tighten it. Jotaro’s end of this fight would be defined by breath tactics or it would be over very, very quickly.
Star breathing.
Both demons shied away from him, into the shadows. Clearly these two had encountered breath users before, at least well enough to know the tells, enough to know when to hide. He tried not to think about what that meant about their track record when it came to slayers. Generally speaking, there was only one set of survivors.
Generally. Not always.
Go ahead and run, he thought. Maybe that way things will get interesting.
The second form was made for that sort of thing. Not outstanding in terms of damage potential, but it did wonders when he needed to light up the place.
Second form: starlight.
The nice thing about having control over a form that, to his knowledge, had never existed prior to his having called on it, was the shock value. It was almost guaranteed that his opponents had never encountered the technique before. Jotaro wasn’t something demons survived long enough to become familiar with.
As he brought his sword down and the light tore free, the familiar fear on the suddenly illuminated faces of the demons was almost enough to make him smile.
His counterfeit starlight was no sunlight, and it would never be enough to crumble them, but it burned all the same.
The branching light splintered towards two separate points like a tracking bomb, detonating on impact in quick succession. Jotaro whirled on the second, far closer to the now open door than he had expected.
His breath caught. “Avdol—!”
“I can handle it,” Avdol growled, fire already flickering at his fingertips. “Focus!”
Jotaro’s head swam from the form execution, and he sucked in a long, irritated breath. Wouldn’t get anywhere like that. Had to finish it fast or he wouldn’t be finishing it at all. He wasn’t going to last.
The demon looked more and more like a mantis as Jotaro approached with his light, hands clasped together as though it were praying. Thorny growths protruded from its shoulders and forearms, arms and legs too long for its body, as though someone had taken hold of the hands and feet and pulled them out like putty.
Ugly bastard.
He leveled his sword. “This can be easy for me or it can be shitty for you,” he said quietly. “Your call.”
The demon blinked at him with three sets of crimson eyes and hissed by way of an answer, still backing away as the burns from his starlight healed over.
“Great,” Jotaro mumbled. “Outstanding.”
It just kept backing up. Would it run away? Leave its friend behind for Avdol to roast?
He shook his head. Demons didn’t have friends. Jotaro, on the other hand, very much did have a concussion. Besides, that thing wasn’t running away at all, it was—
Oh, fuck.
By the time he realized the demon was preparing to strike it was too late to dodge. It caught him around the middle with long, wiry arms and they hit the ground hard enough to knock the wind out, skidding back through the damp grass. The demon snapped at him as they fell, claws digging into his arms, and Jotaro avoided having his throat ripped out only by ignoring the screaming protests of his shoulder long enough to raise both arms and twist free. He felt something crunch when he kicked it off him, certainly, but that wouldn’t matter for long. Likely whatever he had crushed was already healing, he thought as he watched it scramble back.
Jotaro clung to his sword, breathing heavily. The new gashes on his arm were deep. It pained him to admit it, but Avdol had been right.
He would have one chance. He had one more breath technique left in him, he could feel that much. He would have one shot at slicing the mantis demon’s head off. If this one missed, if he failed, Jotaro was gone.
Sucking air through his teeth, he tried to wrestle his breathing back into some semblance of equilibrium. Wasn’t easy with bruised ribs that stabbed at him with every exhale.
If I make it out of here and see that Kakyoin fucker again I’ll rip his head off twice.
The mantis demon screamed, revealing several rows of needlelike teeth. God, he hated when they looked like bugs.
Star breathing, first form.
Not the form Jotaro preferred but it was the easiest to control. He couldn’t afford to sacrifice precision for power. The metallic ringing in his ears grew louder as the light pulled towards him once more, his knees close to buckling under the effort required to tap into the technique.
He felt strangely calm. If he died here, it would be no one’s fault but his own.
White-hot starlight blasted from the tip of his sword, and he had the callouses to compensate for the sudden heat searing the grip, though he still gritted his teeth in discomfort. Ordinarily Jotaro could withstand the nova’s force without blinking, but it was taking everything he had to maintain his balance. His sword felt like it would go flying if he shifted his hands at all.
Weak. You’re weak.
Jotaro screamed in pain and frustration, past caring about the waste of breath. The demon screamed with him, roaring with horror that was almost human as the light scalded its mottled skin raw.
He raised both arms and his shoulder exploded with pain bright as the flash of white light that slashed at the demon as he brought his sword down—he recoiled with a sharp gasp and his sword fell from a hand that could no longer form a fist—he felt something tear, and the excess light he had failed to control struck him hard in the chest, throwing him onto his back, leaving him staring up at the stars he tried so hard and so fruitlessly to replicate.
But the wet shriek coming from the demon was promising. Jotaro struggled to prop himself up on his good elbow, staring into the darkness to see where the head had landed. If he had at least managed to off it then he could pass out in peace.
Jotaro squinted at the shape swaying in the shadows and his heart sank like a rock.
Ragged though it was, the head was undeniably still attached to the body. The demon staggered towards him, still making that horrible sound, and he realized that it wasn’t screaming at all.
It was laughing.
The demon clutched its body together with one clawlike hand, but it moved. Even as he watched, the torso sealed itself back into one piece. His strike had landed, but his knee had buckled too quickly. It had landed too low, leaving a deep, sizzling wound from collar to rib. Enough to piss the demon off, enough to slow it down, but nowhere near enough to kill it.
That’s it. It’s done.
A blast of flame from the direction of the house told him Avdol was still occupied with the other demon, that he probably couldn’t even see what was happening out back. He had trusted Jotaro to get it done. He would likely blame himself for what was about to happen.
Regrets. Stupid. Jotaro shook his head in a futile attempt to clear it.
Thumping footsteps and the click of folding joints warned him of the approach before his eyes focused on it. It charged towards him, still choking out that gargling laughter.
Jotaro closed his eyes just before the impact. The sound of ripping muscle and snapping bone reached him as though he listened from somewhere outside himself. It was almost peaceful; he could barely feel any pain.
His eyes snapped open. He couldn’t feel any pain. Nothing new, at least.
The mantis demon hung in the air above him, arms and legs hanging at impossible angles. It looked almost as shocked as Jotaro felt. The sound had seemed too far away; it wasn’t his body being shredded at all. The demon had been coming towards him with enough momentum that the torso being yanked still had ripped the limbs at the joints.
“You’ll have to finish it off yourself, I’m afraid.”
Jotaro whirled towards the soft voice and froze when he saw a markedly more humanoid demon with pale red hair.
“You?” he hissed.
Kakyoin grinned down at him, sharp and wide, and the hairs on the back of Jotaro’s neck stood up. He stood very still, one arm outstretched almost casually as a latticework of green tattoos unfurled across his forearm. Bloody strings that stretched from Kakyoin’s veins hooked into the mantis demon’s torso, suspending it like a puppet. With the element of surprise, he had been able to immobilize the other demon completely.
The mantis demon’s joints were already beginning to fuse back together, and as Jotaro watched, Kakyoin dug his claws into his arm to free more blood and sent two more strings flying at it to embed themselves in both arms. He made a fist and lowered his hand to his side, pulling the demon to ground level. Jotaro winced when its pained shriek stabbed at his headache like a needle.
Their eyes met and Kakyoin made a small movement not unlike a bow, gesturing to his prey. The moonlight framed his curls like a silver halo and he smiled again, toothy and unnaturally wide. Jotaro stared up at him. Is that what a demon is?
He groaned and hauled himself to his feet, staggering slightly when he pulled his sword free from the dirt. Kakyoin blinked at him curiously.
Did I do that?
Well, of course he had. Humans were fragile. Kakyoin shook himself, watching Jotaro prepare to strike. His right arm hung limply at his side.
Kakyoin winced when the blade hit home, his skin going raw where the starlight Jotaro had used to compensate for his weakened state touched it. He rubbed at his arms, irritated. The blood he had sacrificed to his marionette arts ensured that his healing would be slower than he preferred, at least until he was able get some fresh blood.
He glanced at Jotaro, who had fallen back to his knees with his teeth clenched in discomfort as he gazed at the disintegrating head before him. It would be easy to just rip into him right now, Kakyoin thought. It was probably good quality blood, if he was that strong. Would keep him going for a while and satisfy Muzan to boot.
That would be the smart thing to do.
“You look like shit,” Kakyoin said helpfully.
Jotaro glared at Kakyoin’s outstretched hand and turned away. Kakyoin suppressed a snort. His body may have been wounded, but his pride was clearly intact.
“Why the hell…” he croaked, stabbing his sword back into the ground to better use it as a temporary crutch. “What was all that?”
Kakyoin raised his eyebrows, withdrawing his hand as he watched Jotaro slowly attempt to stand. “I saw them,” he said carefully. “Headed in the same direction you ran off in and I—well, you were pretty banged up.”
“You off in the head or some shit?” Jotaro stared at him. “Think I need help from—a thing like—”
“Oh, save your precious breath, slayer.” Kakyoin rolled his eyes. “You think I wanted to run around owing some meathead a debt? We’re even now.”
“So you play at having morals or something?”
“Mm. Strong word for it, I think.”
Jotaro glanced at the house, where the flames had finally stopped. “If you want a rematch—”
Kakyoin waved an elegant hand dismissively. “Please. You can barely stand. That wouldn’t be any fun.”
“So why—”
“Well,” he said slowly, “it’s not like I’ll ever get to fight you again if I let you get killed, right?”
Jotaro opened his mouth to respond before his eyes focused on something over Kakyoin’s shoulder. He blinked, looked at the house, looked at Kakyoin, set his jaw, and grabbed Kakyoin by the arm, dragging him down towards the forest with more strength than he should have been capable of.
“Shh,” Jotaro hissed, shoving him against the closest tree with his good arm. “Shut up.”
He looked back over his shoulder with narrowed eyes, watching for the flickering fire and seeing none. He turned back to Kakyoin
“Okay, you little shit,” he said, his voice a harsh whisper. “What’s your game, what—what the fuck are you playing at?”
“My—my what?”
“I’m not stupid and neither are you.”
Kakyoin shook his head. “I’m not playing at anything.”
“I know you were sent to kill me,” Jotaro said. “I can—come on, I can see the number in your eye, I know you’re a lower moon. You’re a lower moon, you’re—you’re one of his, aren’t you?”
Kakyoin flinched as though he had been struck. He raised a hand to his eye, pushing the locks of hair that concealed it out of the way so that Jotaro could see more clearly. Jotaro inhaled sharply.
“Was,” Kakyoin muttered. “Keyword there is ‘was’.”
He had assumed the mark on Kakyoin’s eye to be a birthmark or cosmetic in nature. Demons didn’t get scarred. There was only one being alive who could damage their cells like that.
Up close, it was impossible to overlook. Two clean slashes stretching from his eyebrow to the top of his cheekbone, forming an X that extended through his right eye and scratched out the number Jotaro had seen there in only flashes as they fought.
“I was,” Kakyoin said delicately, “one of his. Not anymore.”
“He did that to you?” Jotaro looked at him with an odd expression. “Muzan did?”
“I would prefer not to say his name.”
“Shit,” he said quietly.
“I have no reason to be invested in him further,” Kakyoin continued flatly. “As I’m sure you can imagine.”
Jotaro laughed softly. “That’s bullshit. Come on, that’s such bullshit.”
“I know you all love that fucker like he's some kind of prophet.”
“Believe me or don’t,” Kakyoin grunted. “Makes no difference to me either way. Are you going to try and kill me or not?”
They held each other’s eyes for a long moment until Jotaro swayed slightly, nearly losing his balance again.
“Not yet,” he said reluctantly. “I want you to see something.”
“I—you keep saying that like you think there’s someone else around. Yes. You.”
Kakyoin paused. Shrugged. He really is concussed. “Why?”
“I don’t trust you,” Jotaro told him. “I think you’re a bastard, really. But you might know something that could—you might know.”
“Follow me. Just follow me.” Abruptly he released Kakyoin and began to limp back towards the house. “You make one wrong move,” he said, “there are about to be two demon slayers in that house and one of them knows how to burn your body into ash faster than you can regenerate it, always looked like a very shitty way to go, and he is not injured.”
Kakyoin stopped walking. “The—you’ve got the old flame pillar up there?”
Jotaro snorted. “You know Avdol?”
“Heard of him.” He resumed, shook himself a little. “Is that why you dragged me down here?”
“He’d roast you as soon as see you,” Jotaro said. “Wasn’t done with you yet.”
“You have my thanks.”
“Keep it. Don’t want it.”
Kakyoin looked up at the sky nervously, watching for any sign of the approaching dawn. As the patchwork house came into view, an increasingly frantic voice could be heard calling Jotaro’s name. He sighed.
“‘Course he’d get freaked,” he mumbled. “Hey, Avdol!”
“Jotaro—? Jotaro!”
Avdol flew towards him, robe covered in ash and blood; apart from a few scrapes on his face and arms, he didn’t appear to be injured. His face twisted with disgust when he saw Kakyoin, who had backed up before he even realized he was moving.
“Another one—?” he snarled, thin blue flames beginning to crawl up his arm.
“Hey, hey, hey,” Jotaro said quickly, stepping in front of him. “Hey, wait, it’s—it’s okay. He’s—he helped me out. Against that other one.”
“He helped you,” Avdol repeated. “You hit your head?”
“No—I mean, yes, but that’s beside the point.” Jotaro put a hand on Avdol’s shoulder. “Avdol. Can you just—I want to show him.” He gestured to the house. “He’s a demon. He might—I want to know what he knows.”
“You…” Avdol shook his head. “You say he helped you?”
“Would be dead if he hadn’t showed up.”
“Hm.” He squinted at Kakyoin. “He looks like a kid.”
“I’m seventeen,” Kakyoin said, annoyed.
“Young demons are the worst kind,” Avdol announced. “Are you sure you…can’t we at least maim him before you question him? For security.”
Jotaro shook his head. “Seen his regenerative abilities. Not worth it. Besides,” he continued, starting for the door, “if he wanted to kill me, he would have done it already. Think there’s something wrong with this one.”
Kakyoin looked up at the sky again, where the last constellations were just barely beginning to fade. He swallowed, rubbing at his burned arm, and followed Jotaro across the threshold.
The smell of wisteria inside the house was strong enough to burn his throat, and Kakyoin wrinkled his nose at it, wishing he could cover his mouth with something. Avdol glared at him as though daring him to complain.
Kakyoin started to speak before freezing with his mouth still open, his eyes on the pile of blankets in the corner. The wisteria was masking something else, something acrid and intimately familiar.
“That’s a demon,” he said, face flat with disbelief.
Jotaro looked at Avdol and nodded. “That’s my mom,” he replied.
“Your—she’s your—?” Kakyoin stared at Jotaro, then back at the face and hair that just barely showed over the edge of the quilts that covered her. She almost looked human, asleep like that. Only her smell betrayed her, but it betrayed her without question. He stepped nearer to her and Avdol made a convulsive movement as if to stop him. “Is she…asleep?”
“Yeah,” Jotaro said. “She wakes up once a month usually. For a day or whatever.”
“How long has she been like this?”
“Two years and three months.”
“Two years,” Kakyoin repeated. “A little hypocritical, isn’t it?”
“I imagine you have to feed her somehow.”
He raised his eyebrows, surprised at the venom in Avdol’s voice. “No?”
“No,” Avdol said. “We aren’t murderers.”
Kakyoin rolled his eyes. “Sure, but she—”
“We don’t feed her,” Jotaro interrupted evenly. “She doesn’t eat humans. She never has.”
Kakyoin unclenched his fists, conscious that his nails had dug far enough into his palms to draw blood. “Never.”
“No,” Jotaro said, watching him curiously. “Never.”
Kakyoin watched the blankets rise and fall to indicate whoever was underneath them continued to breathe, despite her impossible existence. “I see,” he replied faintly.
“But she hasn’t…” Jotaro locked his jaw. “She hasn’t. It’s been six months. Since she last. You know.”
“Woke up?”
“Yeah.” He folded his arms. “So have you…do you know anything about…?”
She’s the key. It’s her. She’s the key.
“I might,” Kakyoin lied, twisting his raw hands together. “I need to check—she’s unique, but I might. I’ve heard of something…similar.”
He stepped carefully over the bed to pull a set of blinds more tightly shut where they appeared to have slipped, erasing the patch of dying starlight that had seeped through the slats to fall on the other demon.
“If starlight can make it through so can sunlight,” he told Jotaro. “Be careful.”
“I know how to take care of her,” Jotaro snapped. “Can you help or not?”
“Maybe. Maybe.” Kakyoin pulled his hood up, shuddering at the near-dawn that threatened him with the sun through gaps in the closed windows. He noticed they had been careful to place the other demon away from any such cracks. “It’s almost—you have to let me go now. You have to. I can’t help you if I burn up and I—I can’t help you if I’m stuck here. You understand? I’ll come back. Tomorrow night.”
There was a tremor in his voice he couldn’t stop from showing and he cursed himself for being so easily shaken. The two slayers watched him with deep suspicion, but neither made a move to stop him as he twisted around them and through the door, though judging from Avdol’s expression his refusal to attack was against his better judgment.
He had cut it close. Too close. His exposed skin protested where the light creeping past the trees struck it, dulled by the predawn filter though it was. Kakyoin hugged himself more tightly as he gathered speed, trying to ignore the mounting discomfort of being this close to the sun.
Humans never got it, the urgency of escaping the dawn. Sometimes it worked in their favor and sometimes it didn’t. Underestimating the desperation of a demon who was attempting to escape being burned was so often fatal, but it was sometimes a welcome surprise, to watch the creature unexpectedly crumble in the light when the slayer had been on the verge of defeat. Kakyoin knew this duality well enough. He had seen it happen both ways over the past nine months.
I have something. He called through his blood, the link that had been wired into him when he first received the demon’s power. Until death do us part, right?
Fifteen minutes later he had curled into a ball in the corner of a dilapidated shed, trying to make himself as small as possible so as to avoid the sunlight that seeped through the cracks in the rotting siding. It was less than he had hoped for, but the luxury of choosing where he would spend the day had been taken from him the moment he followed those two demons up the mountain, after Jotaro.
I have something, he repeated, aware from the heavy feeling in his chest that Muzan was listening, though he had not yet responded. When he did, the cold voice rushed into Kakyoin’s veins, impossibly close and too far away.
Have you killed Kujo?
No. Not yet. I have something better. I swear.
You have to give me time. I’ll get it out of him.
You have a week.
Muzan’s disgust blossomed from the inside as though it were his own. Maybe it was. He wasn’t certain the distinction mattered, most days.
You have a week, Muzan repeated. Then I send more. And they won’t be washed up former lower moons this time. Don’t make me take you out with the trash, Noriaki.
Cold wind through his heart and then nothing. Kakyoin closed his eyes.
The mother was the key. If she could be different, everything could be different. That was what Muzan wanted, wasn’t it? To modify the curse? If he could just figure out what it is that was different about her—if he could just get her to wake up—she might know. Jotaro was useless in that respect, unless he remembered something he wasn’t saying. But regardless, his saturated violence was interesting in his own right. He might make a good demon one day.
An upper moon. That was who Muzan would send next. Everyone was always so afraid of the upper moons. Civilians, slayers, even pillars, even other demons, the other lower moons had shrank from any mention of them.
Kakyoin imagined himself with two marked eyes, humiliating scars healed. He smiled.
Who wouldn’t want something so wonderful?
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nycttophilic · 5 years
KNY Verse—Kira
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So Kira’s KNY verse is constantly changing, so I decided to just remake her verse page for this verse and add to it what I’ve got so far XDD
Kira only became a demon slayer two years prior to the current timeline of the show.
There’s a few things that make it EXTREMELY tricky for her to be a demon slayer, and here’s a few things:
During the final selection, she seemed sick even before the exam even started. That was due to the Wisteria flowers at the “base”. How did she get through that? She wore a sight scarf around her mouth and nose that kept her from breathing in the pollen, and she was EXTREMELY careful not to so much as touch a single blossom. It was very difficult, but she made it. 
Kira sleeps during the day. Partly she does this to regain her strength (like Nezuko), partly because she can’t go out in the sunlight, and partly to make her seem HUMAN. She just works nights. Simple as that. 
She uses essential oils and lathers it onto her skin every night before she leaves to go to “work”. This is to prevent anyone from smelling her demon scent. It also makes her smell pleasant.
Why would Kira become a demon slayer and kill her own kind? Because she despises them for what they did to her and her family. She has a resolution similar to Tanjiro’s, but it’s more about herself and wanting to turn herself human as well as avenge her family. 
How did she not become a crazy demon like the rest with one goal in mind: to eat? How can she still remember her humanity? Also kind of similar to Nezuko, but different. When she awoke as a demon, she felt the need to devour human flesh as any demon would. But when she actually looked at her surroundings, she saw a woman…holding her. As if to protect her from something. Confusion hit her and she tried to find an explanation before realizing what had happened: her family was attacked by demons. Her elder sister died trying to keep her safe by holding her… Remembering her past and her love for her family, she made it her goal in her demon life to avenge her family and become a human once more. 
When Kira first became a demon, she was very weak because she didn’t eat immediately after her transformation. She had barely managed to find shelter before the next day, and was near death as a result. But despite this, she didn’t eat anyone... And she was hiding right next to a city at that. It was that night that Tamayo found her and realized that Kira was different from other demons, just like her.
Kira spent a while working with Tamayo and Yushiro. As such, she’s learned quite a lot and developed a bond with them. They’re like her family now... Tamayo is like a mother figure to her, and Yushiro like a brother. Often times, when Kira tries to remember her actual mother, all she can picture is Tamayo.
The first thing Tamayo did was tweak Kira’s body so that she was similar to herself, as well as take away Muzan’s curse from Kira. It took a while for her to get used to it and be able to live off of mostly blood, a few years actually, but Tamayo couldn’t help her with anything until that curse was gone because she didn’t want Muzan to be able to read Kira’s thoughts and just kill her. Kira’s now rid of the curse and as a result can live off of just blood, but she’s not nearly as good at it as Tamayo and Yushiro. After a really bad fight, she’ll sleep for days on end to try to recover. Either that or run back to Tamayo for a large supply of blood to help her heal.
Tamayo tried to teach Kira blood demon art multiple times, but Kira’s just not strong enough yet. She’s a new demon and as such doesn’t have that power yet. However, she’s trying every day to figure out her power and/or how to activate it. Most likely, when she DOES activate it, it will be to save one of her friends (kind of like Nezuko did to save Tanjiro). Also....i haven’t figured out her demon blood art yet XDD
While she can’t use any spells, Kira has learned quite a bit about medical studies under Tamayo’s wing. She’s not at all a master, but she’s very good at treating wounds and knows the basics of different medicines to give for different ails. She often carries lots of medicine with her just in case she or someone else needs it.
Kira would have loved to stay with Tamayo and Yushiro and help with their studies as well as learn from them, but she just isn’t one who can just sit around and do nothing while the man who killed her parents is out there. So, she left in order to become a Demon Slayer. She knows how dangerous it is for someone like her to be among those who kill her kind for a living, but she just has to. Tamayo understood and made her promise to visit often, which she does. Most of the time, if she’s recovering from a rough battle or has a break from jobs, she’s at Tamayo’s place.
Being a Demon Slayer:
Kagaya knows about her, of course. He’s not just gonna let some demon into the Demon Slayer Corps, and he actually was aware of her even before her final selection. So why would he even let her in?
I haven’t read that far and I don’t know much about him at all, but he did mention Tamayo. And guess what? Kira’s kind of her mentee, and like her daughter figure (at least, that’s how I’m going to write her once i add her as a muse). Similar to how Urokodaki sent him a letter about Nezuko and Tanjiro, Tamayo notified Kagaya of Kira—without actually telling Kira of this. Kagaya allowed her to join as more of a curiosity, and also because he trusts Tamayo’s judgement.
This does not mean he went easy on Kira at all. She still had to go through the wisteria flower like any other human demon slayer, and she has to deal with all of the hardships a normal demon slayer must do even with her demon limitations. She is expected to complete all of her missions in a timely manner despite the fact that she can’t travel during the day. Still, she bears these limitations and keeps trying to prove herself worthy.
He tries to keep her on the down low and doesn’t tell any of the pillars about her, similar to how he was about Nezuko. I mean...look at how the pillars reacted to a demon slayer who protects a demon. They would lose their shit if they learned a demon worked with them. Sooo....best to be quiet XDD
Kira is a Tsuchinoto ranked demon slayer. She’s very quick with her missions and an excellent fighter, mostly due to her demon strength as well as enhanced regeneration. Buuuuut with her rank going higher, it’s more dangerous for her. That means more people take notice of her, and if word gets out that she’s a demon in the demon slayer corps...that’s it for her, surely.
So I’ve actually been thinking about this a lot, and I think I’ve come to a conclusion. I was either going to have her breathing technique be Breath of the Moon or create a whole new one called Twilight Breathing. But, since Kokushibo created breath of the moon, I doubt it would still be around and ESPECIALLY wouldn’t be the same for whoever uses it. Soooo, I went with Twilight Breathing.
Kira actually doesn’t remember that much about this breathing technique, and if you asked her about it she probably wouldn’t even know what it was. It’s a technique passed down from her family that’s based off of a mixture of Breath of the Sun and Breath of the moon (created by use of various scrolls and stories about said breathing styles). Kira’s older sister, Midna, was actually a demon slayer who used that technique and learned it from their mother. Midna taught Kira the breathing style from a young age, and it’s written in Kira’s core. 
She can’t actually remember the forms, as most of her memory as a human is gone. However, sometimes if she’s in a very terrifying or stressful situation the memory of one technique kind of resurfaces itself for her, and she uses it on impulse. After remembering the memory that came with that breathing style, Kira can use it over and over again and enjoys using it—even when she’s just chilling at Tamayo’s place—because it reminds her of being human and of her older sister. However, most likely at the start of any threads she doesn’t know about it.
Her Nichirin Blades (she dual wields like Inosuke, and the one she carries in her right—dominate—hand belonged to Midna before she died—are orange due to her breathing technique. However, when she first got her (left hand) sword after becoming an actual demon slayer, she was surprised to see it turn orange like Midna’s already was. She had no idea what it meant, and was told that was the power of Twilight breathing. She had no clue what that even was. 
Here are the forms...
First form: Casting Shadows
A move used solely to plunge the battle into darkness. With a single spin attack, all flames around the user go out and create darkness. Since Kira’s family is of people with enhanced feeling, they can sense the space around them and don’t need the light as much. Doesn’t work in daylight.
Second form: Twilight Slash
Similar to Breath of the Moon. With a single slash, small particles of twilight form from the blade and attack the user’s opponent. Disappear within seconds, but are still useful
Third form: Twilight Shards
A larger form of the previous form, where the user spins their body horizontal 360 degrees and creates twilight particles in the air around them. These last a bit longer than the second form’s and will follow the blade’s path, so if Kira swings her sword from left to right, they’ll attack from left to right. Continue to spin around and the particles will fly in all directions and attack everything in immediate vicinity. If she does this, she can’t control where the particles go, so it’s only good if she’s literally surrounded by enemies
Fourth Form: Twilight Wall
Creates a wall of twilight that’s nearly impenetrable. Can be used to block attacks or shelter the user if they’re injured
Fifth form: Shadow Step
The user, with elegant movements, can “walk on air”. It’s actually stepping on twilight particles, and only those with exceptional grace and elegance can use this one. Kira can (once she relearns it, of course) 
Sixth form: Shadow Dash
Allows the user to teleport a few meters in front of them. They seem to disappear for a second and then reappear further in front of them. Is useful in dodging attacks, but also can be used to dash through walls. 
Seventh form: Twilight Double
Makes a shadow copy of the user that can help them fight. Only VERY strong users can make more than one copies at a time, and it takes a lot out of you to make more than one. They disappear when hit by a blade, and it’s harder to make another after just using one. 
Eighth form: Shadow Dance 
The most elegant of Twilight Breathing, and often seen as just a normal dance without blades. It’s a series of attacks (like a combo) that builds up twilight particles around the user in order to prepare an incredibly strong attack that would supposedly kill the enemy. This is the process (adjusted slightly to fit Kira’s use of dual blades): slice to the left, lower slice to the right, 360 spin that stops in a squatting position, leaps into the air and backflips with a horizontal spin attack, turns into a diagonal spin and then a vertical spin, land on the tip-toes of the dominant foot, twirls around the enemy with 3 revolutions and with the blade(s) out, uses the sixth form to dash at the enemy, flips over the opponent and lands behind them, then finally lands a spin attack on the enemy. The twilight shards that form from this dance follow the user’s blade(s) when they finish the dance, so the particles slice all through the enemy and will dice it into small pieces (cutting off its head in the process). This form is the hardest and takes the longest to master, and they must have incredible balance and coordination. Otherwise they’ll get dizzy or stumble
More TBA!!!
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