#I don’t do well with change it would appear🫣
sassyandclassy94 · 6 months
Now that I changed my profile picture to Don I don’t recognize my own blog🥴 it’s been SwanFire for SIX years….
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kithtaehyung · 2 months
lollipop (3tan) (m) | myg
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title: lollipop (m) | part one: summer bbq pairing: 3tan!yoongi x reader(f)  series: masterlist | three tangerines | fireworks | house party | basketball | stay | sidewalk talk | friends | dalo | like that | anytime | sundress season | yoongi’s interlude | forfeit | flutter | video call | busted | broken (pt. 1) | broken (pt. 2) rating/genre: m (18+) ; fluff , smut ; brother’s best friend au, implied age gap au summary: after the summer cookout ends, you say goodnight to your brother and his best friend. but the latter just had to have a lollipop in his mouth… and had to make you aware of it hours later.  note: this is part two of the three tangerines drabble summer bbq! undisclosed whether these are in the main storyline or not, so it’s a standalone for now. note 2: also..... hope y'all read this in private :))) hahahah  warnings: yoongi is the biggest warning, but reader almost inches him out here🤭, no joke we may need to form a new line for reader, kissing, hella kissing, a mirror makes an appearance.. 🫣, tense situations, tender moments, lollipop gets its own warning i’m so serious, cocky yoongi lolll explicit warnings: under the cut! drop date: july 22nd, 2024, 7:17pm est word count: 7.3k💀💀💀
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explicit warnings: food play (just roll with it😂), oral sex (m/f rec), masturbation, the struggle to keep quiet is real, mirrors are involved lord have mercy, spanking, breast play, multiple orgasms, yoongi hands, choking, fingering, face f*cking, titty shotsss, a little bit of manhandling and roughness but we love it🤭🤭, aftercare and cute cute reader afterwards
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It’s not long until you’re snuggled under your covers, every limb in your body relieved to be at rest. From getting ready, cooking for hours, to general host duties—all while trying to avoid sin in human form—you’ve completely exhausted your living battery. 
But for some reason, sleepiness is out of reach. 
Tiredness? For sure. But sleep seems to elude you, and you toss and turn before giving up and turning your television on. 
It’s after you get through two episodes of something random and endless doomscrolling that you get a text. 
From the last person that should be texting you right now.
And your heart slams on every brake it has.
Yoongi [2:37am]: You up?  
Why is he asking you that? It’s quite possibly the worst time and type of message to receive right now. 
Don’t overthink it. He probably just needs extra hands to drag your brother back to his room again.
You [2:37am]: mmhmm 
You [2:37am]: you need me for something?
With a sigh, you rest your phone by your side.
The last time that happened was so long ago. Back when you were fighting off sickness and absentmindedly grabbing tangerines to snack on.
You wonder what that man wants this time around.
Yoongi [2:37am]: Haha nah
Yoongi [2:37am]: Just curious
Well that’s interesting.
Is he still in the backyard? Somewhere in the house? You knew he was staying over, but is he in the guest room with Jimin lying down like you are?
Why is that making your soul squeeze? 
You [2:38am]: yeah i am. can’t sleep :\
After hitting send, you feel more awake than ever, staring at your ceiling changing hues from the light of your tv. 
It kinda hurts knowing Yoongi’s the closest he could be tonight. 
On one hand, you still remain feeling safer than ever, having all of them here. But on the other, you’d much rather Yoongi be right next to you, heart beating under the same covers and eyes covering you in moonlight.
He’s so close and yet… 
So damn far. 
Yoongi [2:39am]: Same. 
Your arm slings right over your eyes.
How is one word from him enough to make your legs shift? That is something that needs to be studied, but alas, you would only be the subject if someone paid you for it.
What do you say now? You miss him so much it practically hurts? You want him to be lying next to you even though it’s the riskiest thing in the world?
Maybe start slow.
You [2:40am]: did you have fun today? 
Shit, was that a little too slow? Abnormal? It’s not like you two have as much small talk as other people. Though you wouldn’t mind any type of talking with him at all, casual small talk just isn’t on the list of defaults.
When you check the next text you get, it’s hard to keep your phone from falling onto your face.
Yoongi [2:42am]: I’ll tell you if you open the door :)
So much for starting slow what the fuck! 
You [2:43am]: ???
You [2:43am]: front door? 
Yoongi [2:43am]: Yours
There have been many times in which this man has made you speechless. Some just for being so heartstoppingly handsome; others for being the most considerate person you’ve ever met.
But this time?
You can’t even form all the reasons why you can’t form words.
You [2:44am]: ?????
Yoongi [2:44am]: 🤨
Yoongi [2:44am]: Feel like this is pretty easy stuff, doll 
What is happening? What possessed your brother’s legitimate ride or die to stand at your door while still in the same house? When other people are also staying over?
You’re so close. He’s right there. You can see a slight shadow underneath the wooden frame and it’s making your stomach silly.
But you have to be sure.
You [2:45am]: is he asleep? 
Yoongi [2:45am]: Yeah he’s out 
Getting up, you already miss the warmth of your sheets as you tiptoe towards the only thing separating you from the man you’ve yearned for all day long.
Fuck. If this isn’t the worst decision you’re ever gonna make in your life.
But damn it, you already knew you were gonna let him in as soon as he asked.
After checking what you’re wearing before knowing it doesn’t matter, you open your door while fearing what it reveals. 
And Yoongi slowly enters through the night—freshly showered, still studded with jewelry, and decked in clean clothes while dirtying your mind to hell.
Because of the goddamn lollipop in his mouth.
“What’s going on,” you whisper, knowing your brother could wake up at any second. Maybe. Possibly. Everything bad is always possible when you’re paranoid about it—especially since Yoongi is in your room! “What are you doing?”
Your secret wastes no time as he quietly shuts and locks the door, hair shifting down his head in damp waves as he takes out the sucker,
Silent, he pulls you in slow for a kiss, melting you down with ease. When he presses you into one of your walls, you know the only thing propping you up is his pelvis molding with your front. 
Already, your senses are on high alert, wondering how long Yoongi plans on staying because as much as you want him here forever, you still want him in one piece. 
But it’s getting hard to concentrate on consequences and scenarios when this man is infiltrating your every thought. His lips feel like summer and his fragrance reminds you of spring, and you immediately know it’s that subtly scented body wash you picked to put in the guest bathroom. 
Strange. You both have now used each others’ soap and showers. That has to mean something intimate, right? How many people can say that about one another and not look into it too much?
Well, he technically hasn’t used the shower in your bathr—
“You looked great today,” Yoongi whispers into your neck. 
His kiss there renders you speechless for what seems like eons. Today. Uh huh. What were you thinking just now? “Thank you,” you finally sigh, relishing in the way he’s holding your side. “So did you.” 
“I mean.. You always do, so. Nothing new there.”
Yoongi quietly huffs a laugh before tugging your hips. But he doesn’t say anything in return, and you wonder if he didn’t have an answer or just didn’t feel the need to. 
So your nerves fill the space again. “Is it weird that I missed you? You were here the whole time.” 
“Mm.” His kisses traverse up your shivering throat, and his raspy answer has your eyes fluttering shut, “I get that.”
Fuck, you can’t deal with him. “Is.. Is that so..”
“People miss me all the time.”
A snort. “Ass.”
Yoongi immediately laughs into your skin. “But they aren’t here now, are they?” When you don’t respond with anything substantial, he squeezes the side of your ass. “Are they.”
“No,” you hitch out. “But you shouldn’t be here, either.”
“Tell me to leave then.”
Shit. You can’t. You both know you can’t. You try so hard to stifle a moan when you feel Yoongi grip an asscheek, his lips finding your ear at the same time he gives a firm smack.
“Do it, doll.”
“I…” Fuck, he’s surrounding you and there’s no way no way out. “I can’t.”
“Good.” Yoongi then slides your hand from his side down to his legs, placing it on his very big, very hard length. “Cus I can’t fucking stay away from you.” 
You grip him through his pants, pleased when he moans deep. “What if he wakes up?”
“He won’t,” your handsome rebel purrs. “Drank for hours.”
“You sure?”
“Course I am.” Yoongi slides a finger along the outline of your breasts. “He tried to keep up and lost.”
He keeps doing exactly what you want him to do. It’s quite scary how well he knows your body now, but you’d also like to think you have a good level of knowledge with his.
Especially when you reach up to twist his nipple. 
A groan mixed with dark chuckles has your knees shaking, and you prolong it by doing something else you know—or think you know—he likes,
“I think you’d like it if I kicked you out now.”
The volcano inside Yoongi rumbles. “Is that so?”
“It is,” you huff out in mock triumph, loving how his cock twitches against your hand. “Or am I wrong?”
He flicks his eyes to yours before holding a gaze. A look so telling, and full, and searing. When his mouth flicks upward, he admits,
“I’d love it.”
Laughing as softly as you can, you stop to simply hug him. Leaning forward until your head rests, feeling the most at home and happy hearing his own amusement vibrating through his clothes. 
And just like that, you’re conflicted. 
What the hell are you doing? Even though passed out and sloshed, your brother could still wake up. It’s not like he’s totally gone. And if he catches his best friend in your room? There’s no telling what damage could be dealt.
Actually, the damage could be told in gruesome detail.
But the way Yoongi’s filling the distance from today, you really don’t want to stop. In fact, you don’t even want to pretend to shoo him off.
So this is your first step onto a precarious, unpredictable tightrope. A step you are very okay taking. 
Shit, you got lost again. When you find your way back, Yoongi’s concern materializes at once,
“If you really aren’t down—”
“Fuck it.” 
Your kiss digs into his face so hard you strike gold, rewarded with a growl so potent it disrupts your core. Lightning zaps through your veins at the hands squeezing your hips, and you buck with a desperation that’s been stockpiling all day long.
Sliding along the wall, you notice that Yoongi tastes like alcohol and sugar, and you wanna lick every crevice you can reach, drunk off his cockiness and audacity alone. 
It’s no use fighting this. He’s really in your room, making out with you like a demon while the house is filled with your brother’s sleeping friends.
Fuck, you two could really get caught here.
The swirl in your belly keeps you on your toes, transforming your movements into sharp, hasty tugs on his clothes, hemlines, hair. You’re practically acting like you’ve never had him before and want to make up for all those missed opportunities.
Not like it’s any different every time.
But you’re quelled by a calm hand on your wrist. “As much as I like you like this,” Yoongi whispers across your cheek, “You can’t be too loud, baby girl.”
Your silent question must’ve escaped past your teeth. Because you hear a deep chuckle before shivers run down your spine,
“If you aren’t quiet enough I’m gonna fix that.”
Oh. Fuck.
“I didn’t even know I was talking,” you admit, body creasing in embarrassment and a bit of nervous laughs. Your grin cannot be contained by the fingers you slide up to cover it. “Oh, my god.” 
“What?” Yoongi’s devilish look is even more potent in the flashing lights of your television. “You serious?”
When you scrunch in deeper admittance, he flashes teeth with a wider smile than yours. It’s a prelude to the way he launches your heartbeat, his scent mesmerizing and his fingers lethal on the back of your neck. 
You groan into his swooping kiss, the rush of a thousand rivers carrying you to bliss. Breaths intertwined, the pair of you can’t seem to part until Yoongi accidentally shoulders something at his side.
Your mirror? When did you both travel so far that you got here? 
He lets off with a pop to steady the wavering furniture piece, pausing to make sure it’s stable before looking at the movie playing nearby.
And you watch in curiosity as he backs further into your room, eyeing himself in the mirror while slotting the sucker back into his mouth.
God. How did you forget he was still holding that?
And why can’t you move even as he turns around, even as he glances at the tv, even as he sits on the edge of your bed?
Move. Walk. Do something!
In the end, you can’t.
Because Yoongi’s stare alone gives you first time jitters, like you’ve never even conversed or much less slept with him before. 
How the fuck are you gonna get through the night? 
Swallowing and shooting one more look at your door, you pad your way to him, knowing he sees your nipples poking through your shirt and assuming there’s not much else you’re wearing. 
And he’s right. 
As you stop at Yoongi’s knees, you watch as he gives the lollipop another slow suck, groaning at the red smeared across his tainted lips.
That’s it. It’s decided. There’s no way you’re making it out alive.
“Get up here.”
Obliging but unhurried, you mount his lap, your heart skipping at the way he enjoys your shirt riding up your thighs.
So that damn sucker is gonna stay in his mouth? 
Min Yoongi is your enemy tonight.
Your nemesis, in fact. Even if he slides both free hands up your ass like that fuck he squeezes so expertly. Fuck. 
It’s keeping everything in you to hide your moan, your head falling forward as he slightly lifts you to drop you onto his comfy sweats.
When he chuckles in your ear, your muscles lock. And when he pops the lolly out of his mouth, you crumble at his mercy. “You were lucky to be off-limits today, doll.” 
“What…” You tense at another grip to your ass. “What do you mean.”
As you eye the silver around his neck, Yoongi’s smirk pours weight on your legs. “If you weren’t? There’s no telling what I would’ve done.”
You don’t think you’ve ever gulped so deeply. What toe-curling secrets is he hiding? Today could have gone a much, much different route depending on what he’d spill. “Tell… Tell me anyway.”
“You sure?”
The man below you huffs quick, and you watch the corner of his mouth lift at a dangerous angle. “Would’ve kept you in that bathroom,” he divulges, voice dragging across the rattled surface of your brain. “Bent you over the sink.”  
Your breath hitches when he gets close, lips caressing your ear but words striking through your chest, “Just so you could watch me fuck you in that sundress.” 
“Uh uh,” Yoongi coos, chuckle so, so deep. “Quiet, baby girl.”
“I just…” It’s already hard to think around this demon of a person. But it’s even more difficult when he’s got your ear in his teeth. “Wait.” 
As he pulls away, the light of your television highlights his features. And you find that this specific, comforting look of attentiveness is what attracts you the most. 
Now that you can think clearly, you remember exactly what you were gonna do. It’s simple but significant nonetheless. 
Because your dress from today is in the laundry already. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have another one. Another very particular one he may remember, in fact. 
“Go over there,” you whisper, smile wide as you dismount. “Turn around.” 
When he wordlessly asks what you’re up to, a single finger presses against your lips before you assure, “Just trust me.” 
The way his brows scrunch makes your cheeks hurt as you watch him get up and swivel, endeared by the casual lean on your wall and the lollipop stuck in his cheek. Just as his head falls in waiting, you slip into your closet, darkness getting even darker as you enter.
Due to an afterthought, you pop your head out. “No peeking in the mirror.”
“Uh huh.”
Satisfied, you go back to your lightless search. 
You know exactly what you’re going for. It’s too easy for you to locate your chosen piece of clothing before stripping and changing as orderly as you can. 
Okay. This is okay because you’re alone, right? No one else is here. Technically. Okay.
As you make your way out, a million nerves pop and fizzle under moonlight. The air surrounding your bare shoulders proves charged. Electric enough to send shivers down to your pedicured toes.
Composing yourself before you break, you softly catch his attention as you eye the sucker poised in his fingers,
The moon waits.
Your breath follows.
And when Yoongi turns, you know you’ll never forget this moment. It feels exactly like the time in that restaurant long ago, but more potent. Shimmering. 
Because you’re wearing the same sundress he witnessed you in on the night of Dom’s party. 
And you’ve never been so delighted to see the stars in his eyes go dark.
You expect him to call you over. Whether with words or not, you’re gonna do whatever he wants—because it’s what you want… too…
Yoongi’s aura billows as he closes the distance himself. No words. No gestures. Just step by breath-taking step, air around him so charged and commanding that your knees threaten to buckle. 
For reasons you won’t admit, your mouth can’t even create sounds. All you want to ask is if he likes the dress, or if he even cares you aren’t as dressed up as before. 
Of course he wouldn’t give a single shit. But you can’t stop yourself from these thoughts just yet. 
Swallowing, you stare as he rolls the sucker in his mouth, eyes in no other direction but yours. “You, umm. Does this one work instead? The other one is in the—”
Quick isn’t fast enough to describe what’s happening, your shoulders pressing into the nearest wall as your lips get consumed by lust and possession. Everything in your body tingles, and for a split second you wonder how Yoongi managed to swing you around so swift with barely a sound. 
Stars fly from your eyes before they slip shut, pouring want onto his veins as he circles strong arms across your waist. Sparks erupt the scant distance between your hips and his, and you are once again reminded why you feel so high-strung. 
There are so many people staying over. Not just Yoongi and Jimin. From what you can recall, at least ten people are passed out around the house, any of which could wake up for a bathroom break or something at any second. 
And yet. You will not tell this man to leave. Truthfully, this is exhilarating and all you’re doing is ki—
“Get down there.”
Oh, fuck. 
This is the new point of no return. 
If you do this, not only will Yoongi be a goner, but so will you. Both of you would never, ever come back from this. 
But that fucking lollipop…
Screw everything to hell.
Your smile grows with his, lip bitten in the throes of your newfound excitement. You already feel how rock solid he is through his pants, and you make it a point to stroke him on the way to the ground. 
There’s so little room that your ass skims the wall, your chest the second part to slide along his covered length and causing him to groan out a curse. 
Is there a shift here? Did you change the whole dynamic with one move? Maybe you’re the one with the power now. 
“Look at me.”
Ah. Maybe not.
Obedient, you stare upward, catching the fire in Yoongi’s eyes as he gives the sucker one more pass in his mouth. 
God, he makes it look so enticing. It’s just a piece of candy but you’ve never been this desperate to have one, too. Or be the one treated with his tongue like that goddamn does he have to make it seem so erotic?
With a pop, Yoongi releases the stick, lips shiny and tainted in the television lights. When he lowers it, you realize it’s descending—farther and farther—until it stops in front of your face. 
And shivers overtake you.
Well. You’ve never done something like this before. In all the relationships you’ve been in, you have never experienced anything like this. Much less in your own house. 
Which makes your eyes flare and the monster in your belly rumble, fire hissing from its nose and prying your mouth open to do exactly what you were told. 
“That’s my girl.”
Sugar coats your tongue immediately. Glowing, the heat in your core stokes embers, warning with each loll, each cave of your cheeks. You treat the candy so tenderly Yoongi will deny jealousy, and your lips pucker and puff with a sheen. 
Are you glistening as much as his eyes? Are you causing him as much grief as he has put you through?
You damn well hope so. Yoongi isn’t the only one that’s gonna unleash his needs from the whole day. 
So you keep sucking with closed eyes, swirling your tongue around the lolly and licking it just how you would his tip. It tastes like sweet rebellion, but also late nights with your friends. And with a fleeting thought, you know said friends would grill you if they ever found out this was happening.
Maybe Tae would just laugh his ass off. 
Fuck, this is so unbelievably risky. Your door is locked, sure. But the guest room is still very much missing an occupant and one look in there and at Yoongi’s car in the street would cause an eruption.
Through the haze of your thoughts, you hear shuffling and a low droning grunt. 
With one glance, you know Yoongi is crumbling. The shadowed promises under his bangs make you preen, and you remain on the precipice of anxiousness and glee.
“Keep that tongue out for me.”
Clearly, he doesn’t give a shit about risk.
So gladly, you oblige, flinching when the lollipop is replaced by something you’re much more familiar with, and your eyes bat on instinct as you know exactly what to do with this one.
When did he shove his pants down? Were you that lost in your sticky treat that you didn’t even notice? 
Doesn’t matter. You feel his beautiful weight on your stained tongue and it’s second nature to pleasure. When you grab hold of his base, you give one more suck before popping him out of your mouth to lick down.
For someone that’s been shushing you, Yoongi’s groan is not quiet, and you pause just in time to see him grit his teeth with a nose scrunched to hell.
And his attention is sideways. What is he…
Oh. Fuck.
You can see yourself in your mirror on the other wall. 
Is that… you? The one looking back with a visage so arousing your breath stops? If this is the person that Yoongi brings out you actually feel your confidence inflate like a parade balloon.
“So fucking hot.”
When you laugh in shyness, his eyes slide shut in agony as he rakes through his hair. Crumbling inside, you offer a compliment of your own, 
“You’re so unfair when you do that.” 
Yoongi has the audacity to grin wide as he grips his long strands. “This?” 
“Ugh. Whatever.” You wanna smack that smirk right off his face.
So you keep going, loving the way his walls and defenses are back to shattering at your knees. From your inappropriate level of experience with his cock, you go for what you know. Licking his underside, swirling around the tip, sucking just the first bit, gathering spit all over before taking him in deep. 
The smells around you coalesce into something potent. With the fruitiness of the lolly and the headiness of Yoongi, it’s pure bliss in your nostrils and you soak it all in. There’s no pause in your sucking, licking, tugging him rough. You’re giving it your all and feeling the effects between your legs. 
Huffs litter around your sundress as Yoongi yanks himself out, sticking the sucker in your mouth again while holding your head. And his smile puts devils to shame when he scoffs, “Unfair, my ass.”
You giggle, sliding the pop up and down your outstretched tongue before slowly pushing it in. When you watch one of his veiny hands grip his cock, your brain resets and rewires, prompting you to be a little bit more daring.
As if this whole situation wasn’t daring enough.
You coyly slide one of your sundress straps down your arm, slowly revealing the top of a breast before going for the other side. Not enough to show everything. But enough to give him a much better view from above. 
And the sound you hear in response causes pulses between your legs,
“What the fuck.”
Satisfied, you ride this high of praise and keep diligently sucking on the lolly, watching him pump himself until you can’t can’t can’t take it anymore.
It all happens in quick succession, your hand outright slapping the lollipop out of his hand before grabbing for him, shaky fingers knocking into his slick ones before slipping his dick in your mouth.
His scent captures your nostrils as he bucks forward, knocking your throat and causing your gag to hit the wall. When you keep sucking, Yoongi grabs your chin, chains swaying as he rocks in, out, in, out again.
Drool and spit cover your neck, seeping onto his fingers as he keeps them where he wants. Imagining how you look in the mirror makes you moan, and imagining Yoongi watching everything from his view makes your cunt leak onto your thighs. 
Fuck you wanna watch, too. What does that say about you? You’re legitimately jealous that you can’t see yourself taking Yoongi so deep he’s cursing in strings. 
When you choke, it’s disgustingly loud, so he has to pull out once again just to command, “Quiet.”
He’s shoved back in before you can finish one syllable, back out after a single suck before he drives his point home, “Understand?” 
Your words are pushed down your throat again, the intensity Yoongi’s exuding rolling your eyes back and shaking your muscles. Spent and unable to speak, you nod around him, and your arms are suddenly gathered against the wall until you’re fully flushed, held up by one of his strong hands.
“Good girl.”
You brace yourself for his complete control, dick sliding down your throat and pushing tears out of your eyes. Breathing through your nose, you keep your tongue flat, taking him in until your full body gag alerts him to pull out. 
As soon as he does, you buckle straight towards the mirror, eyes bursting with shock as you drink in the man watching your heaving, shimmering chest.
“This is what you do to me, doll.” When you shift your attention upward, you gulp at his smile of pride. “Can you stand?” 
“I…” Holy shit, he fucked the voice right out of you. “I think so.” 
You place your hand in his, muscles in your legs stinging at the change in position. When you go slow, Yoongi lets you, and your lips curve tenderly at the way he kisses you at your peak. 
“You almost made me come,” he whispers, chuckling when you watch his eyes. “Fuckin’ hustler.” 
“You didn’t want to?” 
“Not yet.” Winking, Yoongi gives you another peck before getting close. 
As you look in the mirror, you catch the way he kisses along your neck, his hair tickling your skin and his arms bent as he holds yours. It’s almost enough to make you feel higher than royalty, now knowing what it looks like to be feasted on by a king.
“Promise me something,” he rasps. 
“Anything,” you whisper in confidence.
“It’s your turn now.” Another kiss to your ear makes you flinch. “But if you’re too loud that’s all you get.” 
Bold statement coming from the guy that couldn’t stay silent. But you’re far too gone to dwell on the past so all you can do is nod in understanding. You need this. After today? You really fucking need this.
Yoongi tucks himself back in his sweats before kissing your neck again, lips leaving a trail along the tracks left by your own actions. When he gets to your chest, he gets to unwrap another treat, slowly peeling your dress down to suck on a nipple. 
You almost cut the whole thing short. 
A hand flies up over your mouth, and you watch your face twist in anguish in the glass. Sparks tingle from where Yoongi slides his tongue, and seeing this man in action from another viewpoint launches you across the edge instead of right to it. 
You’re gonna get yourself caught. There’s no way you aren’t crying out by the time he’s done but goddamn you’ve got to keep it toge—
Deft fingers rub your other nipple, causing your body to jump forward and Yoongi to chuckle into your chest. After he squeezes, you watch as he pops off your tit. “What’d I say.” 
This is the hardest thing you’ve ever done! 
You can only shake your head, hand still preventing your mouth to move and your throat stinging from suppressed screams. 
“That’s what I thought,” Yoongi quips before kissing the rest of your dress downward. 
And the fucker didn’t even look back at the mirror. Like he already knows exactly what he looks like or doesn’t care in the slightest. All he’s focused on is you and you alone, and you’re so enamoured that you watch his head below you, too. 
Calmly and surely, Yoongi lifts one of your legs over his shoulder, kissing along your skin and gripping you tight. When he lifts a brow upward, you nod downward, bracing yourself for him to notice something else you had planned to show.
Works like a sinful charm. His reaction could be felt better than seen. 
Because as soon as he notices that you don’t have any underwear on, Yoongi pours out dark amusement before giving your cunt the deepest kiss it’s ever felt.
A mewl smushes into your fingers as you cave, eyes shutting so tight as he eats you out like a man starved and never satiated. 
His licks hit just right, and the way he tongues you causes stars to pierce your eyes through. Over and over and over, Yoongi is merciless in how he pleasures, and your esophagus burns and burns and burns. 
Both your legs quake as he slips a finger under his tongue, and your eyes fly open just in time to see yourselves in the mirror again. 
Holy fuck.
You’ve always known this man was attractive. Overwhelmingly so, in fact. But seeing him on his knees and knowing it’s not a dream makes you so dizzy your brain can’t keep up. 
Yoongi’s hands flex on your skin with each minuscule grip, and his hair bunches as he moves between your legs. Your thigh covers his face, but maybe that’s for the best, because you don’t think you could handle watching his tongue while feeling it inside. 
“So fucking wet,” he hisses out before diving in again, and you use your other hand to grapple a chunk of his drying hair. “Fuck.”
Yes, keep going. He’s so close to making you come you squeeze even harder. By now, your whole upper body is burning with unreleased yells and your lower body is suffering just as much. He’s too good. Way too good for a quiet house.
You can’t hold it in. You can’t you can’t you can’t.
“Yoongi, please”—your legs start to twinge with want and pending release—“Gonna come, I—”
Everything snaps as soon as he reaches to grope your ass, tugging you forward to lick a spot that has you vibrating like mad. 
And your orgasm is so potent that your knees legitimately buckle, your body slipping with no purchase before you catch yourself on the wall. Waves hit you from all directions and you let out one yelp before you feel a moist hand clamp over your lips.
Oh, he’s standing now. Oh, he’s fingering you. Oh fuck, he’s talking you through your orgasm and you can’t understand him but your body reacts either way. 
“—another one for me.”
Your pulses wreck your body into angles, each one shifting into another as your mouth is still covered. Yoongi’s fingers prove fatal as he leads you into a second paradise, and you cry into his hand as you come into his other—harder, stronger. 
“Just like that, doll, fuck.”
Tears stream down your cheeks again as you lift, soaring into the summer skies and leaping over sleeping souls. It’s too much to keep inside. Too powerful to not let out all at once. 
“—this fucking dress.”
You don’t know what’s being said. Nor do you care. Your body is so spent from the vicious tempest and all the energy leaves you at once. 
“Uh uh.”
“One more for me,” Yoongi goads. “And you’re gonna watch this time.” 
Your chest beats and beats as his fingers pump slow, and your head lolls to the side as you catch sight of your salacious act in the mirror. 
Immediately, you know exactly why he said that. Watching the way his arms bulge with effort is encouragement enough to stay upright. With each thrust, you can see your dress hitching with your arches, and Yoongi dives into your neck to strike lightning. 
“Baby—” You feel it. You feel a third wave incoming and its crest seems higher than the rest. 
“Come for me,” he whispers, his dark bangs peeking from behind your neck in the mirror and his throat stretching out. “And don’t fucking scream.” 
Fuck! Your hand grips your mouth so bad it will leave soreness. But water pulls you under and twists you like a ragdoll. Unlike the other times, this orgasm quivers your legs to the point where Yoongi teases. And he can’t stop praising you for being naughty, for letting him in here, for letting him destroy you while everyone’s here.
“I love it,” you whoosh out into his throat, voice cracked and chipped. “Fuck, I love it.” 
“I know you do.” Another deep set of laughs. “You’re a problem.”
Head lolling forward, you slowly slip right into Yoongi’s arms before he helps you stand. “Come on,” he leads, walking you a short distance to your bed before chuckling at your cartoonish collapse.
Some moments pass. One, two, four or five more. Even the room seems to swim a little in your vision when you struggle to open your eyes. 
Finally, after breathing hard, you can only manage a gravelly, “Holy shit.” 
Yoongi laughs soft before wiping your forehead. “You okay?” 
“Yeah,” you exhale, chest heaving and heaving. “I’ll be good.” 
Fingers still wisping across your face, he praises, “So beautiful.” 
You finally calm your pulse before you slide your hand over his cock. “Did you come?” 
Looks like you aren’t done. “Mm,” you whisper, trying your best to prop yourself up. “Lie down for me.” 
“You sure?” 
You nod with heavy eyes, and he slowly occupies your bed while you caress him again. So smooth and so tender before squeezing just right. 
It’s already almost enough because Yoongi throws his head onto your pillow. “Goddamn.”
When you slip his sweats down, you use willpower alone to consume him again. You will not rest until he’s fully content, too. With this in mind, your cheeks and jaw work overtime. 
You want this, want this, want this. He gave you the world and then some, you can run on fumes to make him a mess. After all, you’re drunk off the pleasurable cocktail he just concocted with his tongue. This will carry you despite your functioning levels in the trenches. 
For a split second, you forget where you are. Your eyelids droop so low and your body twinges with aftershocks as you spit right onto his cock, sliding your lips along his pretty length before you feel him tug your sheets.
He’s close. He doesn’t even have to tell you. You can tell by the way his body reacts and bends and folds, and you quickly decide what that means for you.
Because you could swallow. 
But you instead make your way to the floor, commanding him before realizing just how authoritative and raspy you sound, 
“Sit up.”
Right as he does, you pump him right above your exposed chest, shocking him so abruptly his low groan shakes your core,
“Oh, fuck—”
Hot, thick spurts land all over you, his release your only focus and not the pain in your knees from hitting the floor in round two. As his head rolls back, you watch with heightened pride, loving the way he looks lost in delicious, honeyed ecstasy.
And just like that, both of you are satisfied. Both of you got what you needed and wanted from this… hot summer… day…
There was a sound outside your door, further down the hall but fucking close enough. 
And holy shit his cum is on your tits.
Holy shit holy shit this is the absolute last thing you should’ve let him do what the fuck what the fuck! 
If anyone sees you like this you are both finished. Cooked. Banished.
You glance at the door, body locking and hands massive weights at your side. 
One second. 
Two seconds. 
You’re fully awake now. 
Four seconds. 
Nothing else happens. Your ears strain wildly but you don’t hear any noises in succession, and you wonder if it was just a snore or something similar. 
Sighing, you breathe out relief before peering straight up.
And the look you get in return is pure, primal hunger. 
Yoongi’s never looked like this. Maybe he’s come close that one time before, but this is much different. 
What is this? His pupils are magnified and his lids are lowered in fire, stoking the heat within you and clutching your cunt with his eyes alone. You’re so wet that you can come again if he so much as touched you. “Baby?” 
Yoongi simply grazes your cheek with his knuckles. “Just want this in my phone so fucking bad.” 
Oh. Well, fuck. 
You blink at his shamelessness. But it makes you so exhilarated and shy that you resort to your default—cracking jokes. Of all the things he could’ve mentioned like the sound outside or possibly getting caught and dragged to hell he decides he wants your pictures in his phone. Right.
“Happy you painted me like Picasso?” You laugh before you can even finish, but so does Yoongi as he throws his head back. 
Immediately, the atmosphere calms. “You heard that earlier?” 
“He’s an idiot.” 
“He is.” Yoongi helps you up and onto your bed before he asks, “Towels in your bathroom?”
“Yeah,” you whisper. “Under the sink.”
You watch as he goes to fetch them, heart pulsing extra hard at his consideration. When he bustles around in a room you use everyday, it’s surreal to witness. Both unnatural, but so natural at the same time. 
He’s careful not to make loud sounds, gently closing your cabinets and coming back with a cloth he ran under water.
A sudden pang hits your chest and you have no clue why.
Is it because you’ll never see him in there again? Or is it because of the conversation you just brought up? 
Maybe both. The convo from earlier today still rings in your ears, everyone hounding Yoongi about the scratches you left on his back. They were old but still very visible. You need to be more mindful of what you can and can’t do right now. 
As Yoongi wipes your shivering chest, you ask something that’s been weighing on your mind, “Did I get you in even more trouble?” 
He just looks at you before finishing his cooling task, raising straps back onto your shoulders. “Course you did.” 
Ah. He didn’t seem bothered, but your apology follows him as he goes to pick up the abandoned candy from earlier. “Sorry. I didn’t think about it at the time.” 
“S’ok. Hope you’re fine being some chick from outta town, though.” 
Your chuckle hurts your throat on the way out. Not from disappointment, but from the very man you’re talking to. “I can deal with that. Is she nasty?” 
It takes a bit for him to discard everything. When he comes back, he bends down to answer, 
“So fuckin’ nasty.” 
You giggle right into his kiss. Fully spent, your arms around his neck pull him in close, and his rough laugh makes your legs even weaker. “Can’t believe we just did all that.”
“Guess you like the dress, huh?”
A hand comes up to squeeze your thigh. “Dunno. Might have to see it again when the sun’s out.”
“You get it.”
Yoongi hisses amusement, shifting to lay beside you across your bed. When he does, light from the window hits him just right, and you fall silent at once.
So perfect. So unfair.
“I think this is my favorite,” you admit, not giving him full context. So when he wordlessly asks for it, you reach up and caress his cheek. “When you look happy.”
“I am,” he says after a pause. “Cus of you.”
You feel starlight in your own eyes. “I’m happy, too.”
For this, Yoongi doesn’t need to ask for more context at all.
The lingering fear of being caught is still there, but it’s not as present now. Maybe it’s because you’re both content again, but you don’t feel too stressed. 
Did you want to get caught that whole time? Surely not when things were going down.
But what about now? If someone saw you lost in each others’ stars, would you care if they plucked you from the sky? 
Staring into this man’s eyes, you can’t bring yourself to say you would. 
“When will I see you again?” you blurt out of nowhere.
At this, Yoongi props his head up with an elbow. “When do you want to?”
His chest bobs with his laugh. “I’ll make sure to see you before I head out then.” 
You nod, eyes shutting when Yoongi goes in for another kiss. 
Another kiss is how you frame it. Because a final kiss is too painful to think about. 
Yoongi has to leave. You know he literally cannot stay.
But facts and logic don’t make this parting any easier, and your heart breaks when he slips out of your bed.
It’s too soon. Yes, it’s also way past the time he should be in your room, but it’s too fucking soon. 
Your chest burns. Sears make fiery ridges along your ribs until they overtake your heart, creeping closer and closer.
Until Yoongi bends to kiss you again, fingers slotting into yours and squeezing some liquid out of your eyes. 
But his rasp gives you pause, “I did, by the way.”
Blinking, you feel him swipe at oncoming tears when you ask, “You did what?”
“Have fun.”
Oh. Wait, he’s answering the text you sent? You already forgot about that. Ages ago. “Good,” you say with a slight ghost of a smile. “It looked like you were having a good time. And I.. Really liked seeing you laugh.”
Yoongi just stares, thoughts and emotions skimming across his eyes. When you reach up to cradle his cheek, they then slip shut, brows dipping as he presses into you further. “You were the reason,” he admits with no hesitation.
Don’t cry more. Not now.
He gives you one more hug, and you cradle his head into your skin. “Good night, baby,” you whisper so softly, planting a kiss on his cheek. 
When he does the same to yours, you wonder if his reaction was also reminiscent of tiny sparklers on a summer night. 
“Night, doll.” 
The steps he takes all stomp on your heart. 
But you find solace in the hopeful future. One where you can stand next to him at summer barbecues, or host them with him, or just simply be anywhere with him. 
But mostly, you’re yearning for a future where you don’t have to keep watching him leave through a door. 
But come back through one.
fin. :)
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a/n: thank you to everyone that has stuck around while i took my huge rest! it was a little strange to not be here everyday talking to you all, but looking back, the resting and step back was needed. although it looks like some people left - whether the blog or in general - i am happy to see so many familiar and new people! let's keep having fun with the 3tanverse and beyond, yeah? a/n 2: thank you for also being here despite the highs and lows! i'll be here to talk and scream with y'all whenever, and it should be more frequent now. also be on the lookout for some physical copy interest checks! we are getting closer to 3tan copies being A Real Thing! ++ feedback box: ⇥ of course, any reblogs/comments/messages are appreciated! ⇥ for the ones that are too shy to reblog with a review, comment on this, or send a message, i went ahead and made another anonymous form where you can send in what you think! ⇥ no emails collected, no need to put in a username. it’s literally just a comment dropbox :D feedback can be as short/sweet or as long as you’d like! ⇥ here! ++ more links: ⇥ masterlist  ⇥ three tangerines masterlist
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laligraves · 4 months
three a.m.
priest!joel miller x fem!reader
[18+] | wc: ~2.4k summary: You seek guidance from Father Miller after you find your fiancé cheating. masterlist | AO3
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warnings: HBO Joel, TLOU AU, NSFW, joel can speak spanish, pre/no outbreak, some proofreading, reader can sit on Joel's lap (he's a big, strong man), no use of y/n or too many details on reader's appearance, fingering, oral (f! receiving), squirting, unprotected sex, creampie, slight power imbalance (joel is a priest), all consensual
a/n: my first joel miller fic 🤠🫣
The incessant knocking wakes him up from his sleep. Joel swipes at his eyes, turning his head to peer at the digital clock on his nightstand. 
“Three in the mornin’?” he groans. “¿Quién será?” [who could it be?]
He throws off the blanket and stands from the bed, walking through the hallway towards the side door. The rain hits the windows hard, echoing throughout the empty church.
Joel takes a look through the peephole and swallows hard once he sees who stands on the other side. He watches as you lift your hand and knock on the door again. You’re shivering, only wearing a short dress that's soaked in rain water. 
“Sweetheart, what’re you doin’ out here at this time of night?” he asks in shock once he swings open the door. 
Joel catches you before you can fall as you stumble inside, wrapping his arms around you at the sound of your cries. 
“Father Miller, I just–I didn’t know where to go or what to do,” you stammer, “Nicolas cheated again! He said–he said I was failing him as a woman.” 
Joel can barely understand the last sentence. Your voice cracks, fat tears rolling down your face and mixing with the rain drops. Joel gently shushes you and brings you to his bedroom. 
He knows he shouldn’t. It crosses a boundary that can get him excommunicated from the church if anyone were to find out. But it’s the only room with a functioning heater and towels to get you warm. 
His heart hammers against his chest and his hands shake slightly as he sits you down on the couch. He’s angry, feeling a surge of violence that he hasn’t felt in years. 
That idiot fiance of yours has been more trouble than he’s worth. Having you move across the country, away from all your friends and family, and keeping you isolated in this tiny town. 
You’ve tried to build a community here. Every Sunday you sit in the second pew towards the far left and attend every bible session to bake sale the church has to offer.
Nicolas is more interested in sleeping with half the town while his beautiful fiance tries to build a home and a future. 
It’s not Joel’s place to tell you to leave him. If anything, he should be offering his services to make you a better, more understanding future wife. At least that’s what the church would want. The very idea makes his stomach churn. 
He gave an oath to the priesthood. This would be his life until his last breath. But the moment he laid eyes on you, Joel wondered if God had sent him a test. 
“What am I supposed to do?” your small voice breaks through his thoughts. “I left everything for him. I’m making this place my home–our home. And he’s more interested in chasing girls than building a life with me.” 
Joel sits next to you, bringing up a towel to wipe at your wet face. The scent of fresh rain and your perfume makes him dizzy. 
“Do you remember the first time you told me about the problems you two were havin’?” 
You give a jerky nod. “Five months ago, Father.” 
“Five months ago,” Joel repeats. “Your wedding is 3 months away, mi niña. Do you think he has any plans on changing?” [my girl]
Tears well up in your eyes. It hurts Joel to hurt you like this. Fuck this place, fuck this oath, he thinks. Joel will not allow this man to ruin your life. Even if it means you return back home and he loses your presence in this church forever. 
“N–no, I don’t think he’s going to change,” you whisper. 
“I think it's time for you to take a good look at what the future might bring. Do you want to raise a family with this man? Do you want this man as the father of your children?” 
Joel wraps his arms around your trembling frame as you begin to cry again. Your body shakes from the sobs and your tears wet his sleep shirt. His hands glide up and down your shoulders, warming your body. 
He’s not sure how much time passes, but eventually your tears cease. You pull back slightly and look up at him. He takes a quick glance at your glassy eyes and down to your puffy lips. 
“I haven’t been completely honest,” you whisper. “There–there’s another reason why Nicolas is angry all the time.” 
“What’s that, sweetheart?” 
“He thinks… he thinks I spend too much time with you–with the church,” you stammer. “He’s got this idea that I–that I have some sort of… infatuation with you.” 
“It’s normal for men to feel jealousy. That’s why we must work to–” 
“He’s not wrong.” 
You interrupt Joel, taking the opportunity to glance at his lips. Joel realizes just how close you two are on the couch. You’re at his side, his arms still wrapped around you and your faces only inches away from one another. 
“Mi…” Joel whispers, “mi niña, you’re confused. You’re hurt. You don’t know what you’re saying–” 
You're quick to stand from the couch and throw off the towel. Joel thinks you’re going to agree, that you’re going to grab your things and walk out from his bedroom before he decides to do something stupid. 
But you simply kick off your shoes and straddle his lap. Your tiny dress rides up the moment you sit down. His body jolts from the shock but you’re quick at grabbing his hands to place them on your thighs. 
“I made up my mind, Father,” you murmur, “I’m breaking up with Nicolas. And I’m moving back home.” 
His heart pinches at your words. You’re leaving. 
“I think that’s a good idea–” 
You slide your hips forward, placing your pussy right over his cock. Joel chokes on the rest of his words, suddenly aware of the clothes he’s wearing. Only his pajama pants and your panties stand in the way. 
Joel tries to say your name in a stern tone, but you bring your face closer to his and he forgets why he wanted to push you away in the first place. Your lips touch his in a soft kiss. 
He’s gentle at first, cradling your head to keep you in place while he presses his lips on yours. Joel licks at your bottom lip with the tip of his tongue then plunges it inside your mouth the moment you gasp. 
He licks at you, grasping your chin as he tastes you, bites your bottom lip, gives you his tongue to suck on. Your cunt grinds down on his cock in desperate circles and your fingers tug at his hair. 
His cock swells in his pants but he does his best to control himself. Joel can’t remember the last time he came, probably right before he joined the priesthood many years ago. 
Joel yanks down the straps of your dress and latches onto your nipple the moment your tits are bare. Your chest is still slightly cold from the rain but he uses his mouth to warm you up. 
You throw your head back and whimper as he bites and sucks at your tits. He’s ravenous, wishing he could eat you alive from how soft and plump you are in his mouth. 
Joel keeps one hand on your hips to keep you steady in his lap but uses the other to slide into your panties. He’s not sure who moans first. You, at the feel of his fingers swiping through the heat of your cunt, or him at how slick you are. 
“Oh God,” you whimper. 
He lands a quick slap to your ass with his other hand. 
“No blasfemes, niña,” he growls. [Don’t blaspheme, girl]
“I’m so–sorry,” you whimper, grinding down on his hand that continues to tease your slit.
“Stand up,” he orders. 
You quickly follow his command, shivering slightly from the excitement. 
“I want you,” he whispers, “since the first– fuck, I–I won’t do anything more unless you say you want this.” 
“I do, Father–” 
“Joel, just Joel,” he corrects you, wanting to hear you say his name.
“I want this, Joel,” you whisper. “Whatever you give me.” 
He tries not to show any reaction to how you whisper his name, choosing instead to watch as you strip. He drinks in the sight of your naked body. You're beautiful, way too perfect for any man. 
“Hermosa,” he murmurs, gliding his hand from over your breasts to your tummy. “Get on the bed, I want a taste of that pretty pussy.” 
You follow his orders and wait, ass up face down on the bed. He yanks off his pajamas and before he can get on his knees to worship your cunt, Joel glances at the bible on his nightstand. 
Perdóname, Señor. I can’t–I won’t stop this, he prays silently. Have I not given my entire life to this church? Do I not deserve this? [Forgive me, Lord] 
Your cunt glistens in the dim light. Your slick trails down your thighs, making a sticky mess. Joel’s mouth waters at the sight and before he knows it, he’s licking through your folds. 
“Aren’t you a pretty thing,” Joel murmurs as he runs a finger up your thigh. “Wet little cunt just f’me, ain’t it?” 
“Just for you, Joel,” you whimper, voice muffled by the blanket. 
He buries his mouth into your pussy. Joel drinks, licks and consumes the essence that drips from you. It’s everything he imagined and more. 
In his years of devotion, he’s never come close to breaking. There’s been countless women–single, married, widowed–who throw themselves at him.
But he’s never been interested. He’s been loyal to the cause and to his word. You’re someone he wasn’t expecting. A temptation wrapped in silk dresses and pretty smiles. 
Joel doesn’t know what this means, what will happen now that he’s broken his oath. He can’t find it in him to care that much. Not when you're screaming his name as he sucks your clit and pushes his finger into your tight cunt. 
Your slick covers his face, practically drowning him from how much he devours you. Joel brings a hand down to squeeze at his erection, trying his best to calm the blood coursing hot through his body. 
“Joel, please,” you cry into the blankets, “I’m so close!” 
He writes his name with the tip of his tongue on your clit, over and over again. He slips a second finger in your cunt and slowly fucks them inside of you. 
You stiffen, then scream out his name as you cum. A rush of sweet wetness gushes from your pussy and covers his face. Joel attacks, drinking and tasting every drop that he can get. 
Your hips grind in small circles on his face until you drop down in a tired heap. Joel doesn’t let you go, following your cunt with his mouth and licking up the slick from between your thighs. It's not until you give him a slight nudge to his head that he stops. 
“Joel," you whimper, almost out of breath, "fuck me, please?” 
How can he say no when you ask so nicely? He stands on shaky legs and tugs at his cock as you flip over onto your back. 
“Need me to fuck you, niña? Need me to fill up that tiny hole?” 
“Please, please, please,” you chant. 
Joel brings your knee up to your chest and positions that angry, red tip of his cock at your entrance. He swipes it through your folds a few times, gathering up the slick and teasing your hole. 
Just when he knows you’re about to pout for more, he plunges in. You gasp, your hands immediately gripping the blankets and your mouth dropping open. Joel stays still, consumed by the tight heat that grips him. 
This is probably the closest thing there is to heaven on earth, he thinks. 
“F–fuck, Joel,” you whine, “you’re–you're stretching me.” 
He leans over, pressing soft kisses on your nose and cheeks while you adjust to his size. With enough strength back in his body, Joel slowly pulls out. When he’s halfway, he thrusts right back in. 
“So perfect,” Joel groans as he picks up the pace, “such a sweet little cunt.” 
He reaches somewhere deep inside of you that has you shaking and whimpering in his hold. You can barely form a sentence, only chanting more and please. He fucks you into the mattress, using you thigh as leverage while he pistons in and out of your cunt. 
You grind down, matching his thrusts and using your inner muscles to grip him tight. Your cockdrunk face and the mess between your thighs makes it difficult for him to focus. 
“¿Te gusta, mi niña?” Joel groans, “Should I finish inside of you? Make you mine?” [you like that, my girl?]
“Yes, yes–oh God, please,” you cry, “please cum inside of me!” 
Joel moves faster, clumsy and harsh in how he fucks you. He folds you practically in half as he meets your mouth in a rough kiss. You're cumming again, tugging at his hair until it stings while your pussy squeezes his length in a bruising grip.
His orgasm catches him by surprise. White heat licks at his spine until it spreads like wildfire through each cell in his body. Joel drops his head into the crook of your neck and repeats your name over and over again. 
He spills deep inside of you, marking every inch of your cunt in his seed. Years of celibacy make this moment so intense that he has no choice but to fill you up with every drop.  
He drops in a sweaty heap right next to you. No words are spoken for the next few moments, only the sound of your breathing and the pitter patter of rain on the glass windows echoes through the room. 
“I guess I should get going–” 
“No,” he interrupts in a rush, “stay. For the night. I’ll take you home in the morning.” 
“What if someone sees?” 
“They won’t,” Joel says, knowing full well there’s a church meeting in just a few hours. “I’ll make sure they don’t.” 
“Okay. I'll stay,” you whisper, already falling asleep. 
He's careful in how he cleans you, not wanting to move you around too much and wake you. He throws the washcloth in the hamper and stretches out next to you. Joel doesn't fall asleep, more content in watching you in his bed.
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Co-Stars pt.4
Summary: Y/n post something interesting...
Warning: Sexism/ use of Y/n/ Swearing/
A/n: > Means Y/n's replies
Word count: 890 words
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@Official_Y/n: Guess who?
Liked by 78 345
@User5710: Mother posting!!!!
@Y/n_fan214: Soft lauch?!
@TimotheChalamet: Ew, there's children on this app. > Okay🙂
@Austin_Butler: 🫣 > Sush Elvis
@User9261: Did she just shushed Austin Butler? > She did 💅
@Dua_Lipa: That back tho! 🫨 > 🏋‍♀️💪💅
After her post, the Internet was like the volcano that flooded Pompei with lava: Smoking hot. Everyone was talking about the guy in the picture and how intimate they looked. Of course, everyone thought about Callum, and they were right, but they didn’t know it. So, when Y/n, Austin, Anthony and Callum went on the Graham Norton show, they were expecting questions about it.
‘’So, Y/n obviously you got a lot of attention this week, because of this’’ Her post appears on the screen. Anthony starts to chuckle. ‘’I know, my back looks great’’ she says, avoiding the question. ‘’You look amazing, but the real question is: Who is the gentleman in the two pictures?’’ Two red arrows pointing at the men in the pictures appears on the screen. ‘’I can’t see him, maybe point it to me’’ she says, sarcastically of course. The publics starts to laugh. ‘’I mean there’s a gentleman in my life, I won’t say who, but yeah. Thought I’d tease the internet a little’’ she says, crossing her legs. ‘’Boys do you know who he is?’’ Graham asked the 3 men. ‘’Yeah, I met him, he’s really nice’’ Anthony says. ‘’He’s amazing, he takes care of my best friend, and that’s all that counts’’ Callum says. Y/n has to bite the inside of her cheek to prevent her from laughing. Hearing Callum talk about himself at the 3rd person almost makes her laugh and blow away the surprise. ‘’Like they said, he’s a really nice guy. Really fun too, we had some great conversations with him. Awesome guy’’ Austin adds. ‘’But what about Callum?’’ Graham asks. ‘’What about him?’’ Y/n asks. ‘’W-w-well you guys. T-t-the internet ships you together!’’ he stutters. Y/n direct answer took him by surprise. ‘’We also have a video of Callum and a mystery lady, let’s take a look’’ What video? Shit?! It showed a video of Callum making out with Y/n, but we couldn’t see her face, it was badly filmed because the only action we could see was between the crack of the door. Y/n tried not to react, and she was hoping that Callum would improvise something. ‘’Graham, I’m sorry, but we’re here to promote our show, Master of the Air, not trying to get to the bottom of the rumors of who’s Y/n dating and Callum’s privacy being invaded’’ Austin said, as calmly as possible. ‘’Austin’s right, plus we have great things to talk about other than Y/n’s dating life.’’ Anthony added the woman smiled to the blonde, who just saved their life. ��’You’re right, I’m sorry, so Anthony…’’ Graham didn’t talk about relationships that night. When the interview was over and they got backstage, Y/n hugged Austin. ‘’Thank you so freaking much’’ she said. ‘’Thank you, Austin, I really appreciate it’’ Callum said. ‘’Don’t worry we got you’’ Anthony said.
After Austin and Anthony’s intervention, the people calmed down on the question, but the internet could still see their chemistry. Callum and Y/n still liked to tease the internet, but they calmed down too. Until the premier in the U.S.A, they kissed at the final premiere, in London. The one in the United-States was the before last premiere they all did. Y/n came on the carpet with a very reviling designer piece that the fans started to speculate.
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She didn’t want to come on the carpet dressed like this, but the designer put a lot of effort into the piece, so she wore it. But she already had a team ready inside the movie theater to change her outfit. When she stepped out the car, she felt very vulnerable, she arrived alone this time, she was already gonna get attention for her outfit, she didn’t more publicity. She walked on the red carpet, until she reached her co-stars. ‘’Y/n here! Show us your tits!’’ a male fan yelled, making her very uncomfortable. Callum, who had seen the scene, felt really bad for his girlfriend. He wanted to help her, but if he gave her his jacket, the rumors would just be unbearable, they like to tease the internet, but not like that. ‘’Austin, can you go give your jacket to Y/n, she’s really uncomfortable’’ he whispered. He nodded than went forward, to give Y/n his jacket. ‘’With your boyfriends’ compliments’’ he said, not wanting to be suspicious. She put the jacket on and continued her way on the carpet. They finally did a group photo, after they could go inside, and Y/n could change. ‘’Come on Y/n, you’re not afraid to be shirtless on Instagram! We want to see the tits!’’ another male fan yelled. The guys were all in shook of what they just heard. But Y/n took all the confidence she had left and stepped forward. ‘’Maybe ask politely’’ she gave the men a fake smile before showing him her middle finger. The flash of the camera doubled; she was certainly going to get attention now. But what she didn’t realise was that the hole cast was flipping the guy off. Callum was the first to follow is girlfriend in giving the middle finger, the rest just followed.
Surprisingly, it wasn’t her outfit that made the front page, it was the picture of the cast giving the finger to the sexist fan. They didn’t talk about the fact that it was disrespectful, they talked about the fact that men were supporting woman and how it should always be like this. The cast of Master of the Air were now icons in the feminist movement. All thanks to Callum…
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ysljoon · 11 months
Love Maze-Chapter 2
pairing: single dad!simon 'ghost' riley x live-in nanny!reader wc: 1.3k warnings: none for this chapter a/n: this chapter was a little slow BUT we made some progress eeee im so excited to go from here yall 🫣 MINORS DNI (have your age in your bio or you're getting blocked) <prev chpt. >next chpt.
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You stare at your apartment triumphantly once you see everything packed away. You lugged your suitcase out the door and now you’re on your way back to the Riley household. You were curious about Ella’s father. He was a very hard man to read and didn’t seem like a man for much conversation. Hopefully, you could bring down the walls he’s set up and get closer to him because to live with someone who appears unapproachable seems awkward to say the least. Yes, you’re there for the child first and foremost, but it would be nice to get to know him outside of being your employer.
Also the mask? What is that about? That should’ve raised more red flags in your mind, but the opportunity seemed too great to be able to look over that. He seems to be hiding a lot, but maybe he just needs time to warm up.
You showed up at 8 a.m. on the dot and knocked on the door. You distracted yourself with the pleasant dewy weather of the morning while you waited for Simon to answer the door. The door swung open faster than you expected and you had to dodge it at the last second to avoid it hitting you square in the face. Simon gave you a gruff ‘good morning’ and moved out of the way to let you inside. He still had on the black surgical mask, but his attire was a jarring difference in comparison to the first encounter. He had on blue cargo pants with harnesses hugging his thighs and a zipped-up blue windbreaker. Ella was held against his hip with one hand and the other hand had a black vest in the other. You were well aware that he was military personnel, but you didn’t think you would be acquainted with that side of him so soon. 
You rolled your suitcase in behind you and awkwardly stood in his kitchen while waiting for him to give you further instructions. He placed Ella down in her bouncer and leaned against the counter across from you. His eyes looked bored when looking at you and there wasn’t really an emotion you could use to describe it, but it didn’t feel good to see the least. “I just fed Ella her morning bottle. The formula is in the cabinet over there.” He pointed above your head behind you. “And all bottles are in the dishwasher. Feed her about every 3 hours or whenever she’s feeling fussy.” 
He tilts his head to the side to indicate to follow him and you do. He takes you to her nursery and it is very bare bones of a nursery. It has all the essentials with a crib, a dresser equipped with a changing table and baby monitor on top, a black suede rocking chair, and a trash bin. “In the dresser is where all the diapers and wipes are stored. The top drawer has all of her binkies,” He crouches down to the lowest drawer. “Here’s an extra baby monitor. I already have one in my room so keep it on your bedside table.” You nodded, taking mental notes of all the information he was giving you. He wordlessly walks out of the room and takes you across the hall. “This is the spare room, make yourself at home. The closet should have enough space, but if you need more just let me know and the bathroom is attached.” You gave him a grateful smile. 
“Thank you so much for your hospitality, Simon.” He gave you only a grunt in acknowledgment of your words. “I’m heading to work now, since we’re in a lull right now I should be home around 6 pm. Text me if you need anything. If you don’t hear from me within the hour contact my captain. His name is John Price.” He handed you a small square of card stock with John’s name and number scribbled on it. You reached for your phone immediately out of your pocket to input the number. Simon gave you one last look over before heading out the door and you bid him one last farewell. You made your way to the living room and looked at Ella with a fond expression. “Well, Ella it’s just me and you now.”
The day moved along swiftly. It was easy to turn on your caregiver mode, but you did do some quick online shopping when Ella was having her afternoon nap as it came to your attention quite quickly that there was a scarcity of baby toys for her to play with. Ella was an easy baby though she was rarely very fussy and during diaper changes, you were able to keep her distracted enough to have her giggling. The sounds of her laughs had you wrapped around her finger. She was an adorable little girl. 
Once 4 pm rolled around you decided to scour Simon’s cupboards to see what you could cook for dinner when he comes home from work. His pantry was scarce and you made a mental note to visit the grocery store tomorrow. You were able to scrape together a garlic chicken pasta for dinner and once that was done you let it sit on the burner on a low heat to keep it warm as it was only a few minutes until Simon was home. You made your way back to Ella to scoop her out of her bouncer that you kept her in while you were cooking, bounced her on your hip and sang lullabies to her. Her wide little eyes stared at you and observing her face made you realize how her eyes were identical to Simon’s. You weren’t sure how the rest of her facial features compared to Simon’s as he kept it concealed. 
The door knob jiggled and the jangling of keys alerted both you and Ella to the arrival of Simon coming back home. Suddenly Ella started getting squirmy in your arms and wanted to be held by her dad. He quickly shuffled at the front door putting down his belongings and kicking off his boots. He made his way over to you and scooped Ella out of your arms and cradled her in his strong, muscular ones. “How was she today?” “She was great, barely fussy at all! Oh, I made dinner by the way so whenever you’re ready to eat I can dish it out for us.” Simon did smell the aroma of food in the air, but he thought you only cooked enough for yourself he didn’t expect you to cook for him. He also noted how you said us instead of just him. He wasn’t used to someone being this nice to him since he joined the 141 and the task force tried their best to welcome Simon. This was definitely something to get used to. 
“I’ll take a shower first and then we can eat. If you’re hungry now though you can eat without me. You waved him off and told him you’d be fine waiting for him. He doesn’t strike you as someone who has an extensive shower routine. You sat on the couch with Ella accompanying you by your feet just crawling around and found a cartoon for her to enjoy on the TV.
Simon came out of the bathroom in 10 minutes flat with his blonde hair damp and-oh. Simon was standing in front of you without the mask and wow. You couldn’t understand why he covered up his face. He is handsome, to say the least. You averted your gaze and cleared your throat making your way to the kitchen. You silently plated servings for the both of you and Simon silently was by your side getting the utensils. Dinner was uneventful as Simon didn’t have much to say and you could see it in his face that he was tired so you didn’t want to bother him too much. Simon said he’ll wash the dishes since you cooked and you nodded. He wished you a goodnight and you made your way into your room to get ready for bed. The first day of the job is done and you would think it went pretty successfully. You couldn’t help thinking about Simon’s face until your eyes became heavy with sleep. 
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skzimagines · 5 months
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~ part 19 ~
Characters: | Obsessive!Hyunjin | Lee know | Female Reader | All of Skz | y/n’s friend. |
Genre: | Polyamory!relationship |
Warnings: | 18+ Minors dni | Smut | swearing | alcohol | threesome activity | Trigger warning! Mentions of self harm and su!cide. PLEASE Do not read if you are triggered by these things.|
It’s been three days… three days of not seeing or speaking to either of them. They’ve both called and texted, but you really don’t have the energy for any of it right now. You promised them both that you’d be in touch, but sleep hasn’t been apart of your schedule these past few nights. It’s crazy how quickly you get used to sleeping next to someone, but two people? It’s even more lonely when you’re by yourself. You had told Minho he had you all to himself before he left. But your mind still runs to hyunjin every other second of the day, even though you don’t want it to.
‘Maybe I should text Minho, tell him I’m okay.’ I think to myself. I grab my phone from the night stand and pull up Minhos name. A bunch of unread messages appear on my screen.
Minho🫶🏻: y/n please answer me. I’m worried about you.
Minho🫶🏻: you promised you’d talk to me. 😕
Minho🫶🏻: baby please, I’m begging you. Let me know you’re okay!
Y/n: hey.. I’m okay, just trying to wrap my head around things. I’m sorry I haven’t called or text.
Minho🫶🏻: oh baby, thank god! You can’t worry me like that. 😔
Y/n: I’m sorry 😔
Minho🫶🏻: It’s okay baby, you don’t have to be sorry. I know you’re going through a lot in that pretty head of yours. But I am always here to talk to if you need it. Don’t forget that. 😘
Y/n: Thank you min… it means a lot to me. I wish you could come here. 🥺
Minho🫶🏻: I mean… I can always come steal you for a few hours? 🫣
Y/n: you’d do that? 🥺
Minho🫶🏻: of course I would! I’d murder someone for you. 🔪
Y/n: okay woah sir, that’s a bit much lol
Minho🫶🏻: well I would. So now you know. 🤷🏻‍♂️ get ready baby, I’ll be there in an hour. I love you😘
Minho tells me he’ll be here in about 30 minutes or so, so I quickly get ready and sneak downstairs. I’m standing by the front door waiting for him to pull in when I hear a voice behind me. “Where are you going?” Ash asks. “Oh.. um, I-” I stutter, trying to come up with something in my head. But it was too late, Minho’s headlights flash through the windows as he pulls in. “Y/n…. It’s only been three days.” She sighs. “Ash, I know. But I need this. I need to see him.” I say. She shakes her head. “You have to quit putting yourself into these positions.” She says before heading upstairs. I let out a breath before making my way to Minhos car. He gets out of the car as I make my way towards him, he quickly engulfs me into a massive hug. “I miss you so much.” He whispers. I hum in agreement. “Let’s get out of here.” He says, pulling away and opening the car door for me.
“Have you talked to hyunjin?” It’s been a few hours since Minho’s picked me up. We’ve been at this park talking and holding one another, trying to make sense of everything, trying to make things okay again. “No, I haven’t,” I state. “You probably should” he says. I look at him confused. “What do you mean?” I ask. “Well, at the end of the day. He’s still one of my best friends. And I know he needs you just as much as I do.” He explains. “You said you wanted it to be just us…” I question. “I know. But him and I have talked and we-” he begins before i cut him off. “You’ve… talked?” I ask. Minho stays silent. “When did this happen?” I ask. “Yesterday…” he says. “I know what I said about him being an insatiable asshole, and all he ever does is bring you down. But, I think he’s actually trying to change this time. He told me he had counseling set up, he’s going to quit drinking. He said he loves you and misses you. He said he’d try to get ahold of you, but he doesn’t want to force anything.” He says.
And like the universe was sending messages through the three of us… my phone starts to ring. I tell Minho to hold on a second, searching through my bag for my phone. “It’s him.” I whisper, showing Minho my phone screen. He gives me a soft smile and nods, telling me to answer. “I’m gonna go to the car, give you some privacy.” He whispers, walking away.
I hit the green button on my phone and bring it to my ear.
“Hello.” I say softly.
“Y/n….” I hear him sniffle over the phone.
“Hey… are you okay?” I ask softly.
“Please…” he begs quietly.
“Jinnie… what’s wrong?” I say, beginning to panic.
“I’m sorry… I’m so sorry.” He sobs.
“Hyunjin! What is wrong!” I yell into the phone.
“I can’t do this without you…” he whispers.
“What did you do hyunjin?” I ask in a panic.
“Don’t be mad at me… please.” He begs.
“Where are you?” I ask. There’s silence. “Jinnie… please, tell me where you are.” I say.
“Home.” He whispers.
“I’ll be there soon, okay?” I say, but get nothing in response.
I quickly shove my phone in my bag and run to the car.
“Minho we need to go!” I yell.
“Wh-what’s going on?” He asks, shutting his door and starting the car.
“Hyunjin’s… now! Please hurry!” I yell.
Minho throws the car in reverse, squealing the tires as he pulls away. Thankfully Hyunjin’s house is only ten minutes from the park we were at. We arrive in 5. I quickly unbuckle and slam the door open, running up to his front door not caring to shut the car door. Not bothering knocking, I quickly open his door and run in. “Hyunjin!” I yell, but there’s nothing. “Jinnie.. where are you?” I yell. I run through his house searching through every room. Minho runs in behind me. “Upstairs bathroom.” He whispers, once he realizes I’ve looked everywhere downstairs. My heart sinks at his words. I quickly run upstairs, swinging the bathroom door open. Hyunjin’s laying on the floor, his eyes are closed. I look to the side of him and see a pill bottle laying next to him. “MINHO CALL 911!” I scream. I quickly drop down next to Hyunjin and pull him into my lap as best as I can. I shake him violently. “Hyunjin please!” I yell. “Come on please!” I say lightly slapping his cheek. I let out a sob. “You can’t leave me!” I shake him again. It seems like eternity before I hear sirens making their way down the road. “They’re upstairs!” I hear Minho yell.
Tag list: @greysweaters-blog @mimihwang248 @armystay89 @berryberrytan @multeciahucho @poetrycassie @nobody3210 @straykids5star @mabysblog @yaorzu-blog @elizalabs3 @abby-wanna-bangchan @lyracarvahall @silencionyx
To be continued…
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stevesjockstrap · 11 months
23 for Steddie please ❤️❤️
🫣 You’ve either under or overestimated what giving me free reign would inspire so I hope this is decent 😘
Eddie walked quickly into the library, wincing as his boots made loud sounds on the tile floor and echoed around him. He looked around briefly but didn’t let himself get distracted.
He saw a bay of computers along a wall and headed there. But after a lot of clicking and key smashes, he couldn’t get it to work. With a (louder than necessary) growl, he stood.
A man in a sweater and glasses wearing a lanyard was heading for him with a barely concealed scowl on his face. He found he was equally irritated and turned on by this.
“Could I help you with something, sir?” The man asked when he stopped a few feet away. The man pointedly took in his appearance, his big boots, his ripped jeans, the faded and torn band shirt that clung to him under the jean vest that was littered with pins and patches.
“Hopefully. I just need to print something from my email. But I can’t get in to-“
“Do you have a library card?”
Eddie grinned at the man now. He really did appreciate the no bullshit approach, and it was a fault of his for always falling for, well, bitchiness.
“I’m afraid I don’t, sugar.” He turned on his charm as he stepped closer to the man, pointedly looking him up and down. “I’m only in town for a few days so I’m not sure if I could accomplish that? You see, my band’s touring-”
The man, Eddie looked down at the end of his lanyard to see if he could spot a name tag or identifying information but came up dry, interrupted again, “Okay. We can just do a guest pass. Do you have change for printing?”
That did stump Eddie for a moment. “I’m sure I could go wrestle some up from the tour bus. Do I need that right now?”
Eddie chuckled when the man sighed and nodded at him, like he was the most insufferable person he’d ever had to deal with. “I promise I’m not trying to be a problem, love. We just got signed by a new record company and I need to look over the contract. And being on the road…” he shrugged.
“No problem. I’ll get you logged into the computer while you grab some money. It’s five cents a page.” He slid past him to begin typing on the computer.
Eddie jogged through the middle of the library, getting a glare from an older librarian at the front. As he came back in she watched him like a hawk. He grinned and gave her a little wave.
Approaching the bay of computers again, the hot librarian was nowhere to be found. He tried not to let it get to him. He logged into his email and hit print.
Nothing happened. He stood up again and looked around for brown waves and glasses. He finally walked around the corner in the back where he’d not been yet.
“Woah,” he breathed. He let out a low whistle as he approached a table set up with every manner of Dungeons and Dragons books, dice and memorabilia. He picked up the closest die and rolled it. “Fuck yeah. Plus six luck. Gunna need that, Munson.”
A throat cleared behind him and he grinned as he turned around. “Hey there, just who I need. I brought you a whole dollar in quarters. You don’t want to know what it cost me on the bus,” he winked. Jeff had made him promise to clean the bathroom. He shuddered to himself.
On the way back to the computers he continued trying to make conversation. “I dig the D&D table. You have a lot of nerds through here?”
He turned from the computer to face him with an unreadable look. “Yeah, my kids really enjoy it. We do a weekly campaign for the teens and a couple of them have wanted to start a younger group.”
“Y-your kids?”
Hot librarian smirked at him. “The kids in my teen group.”
“Ah,” Eddie nodded stupidly.
He stood up and walked over to a printer that Eddie hadn’t seen.
“Here you go,” he said has he handed over the pages. Eddie dropped the change in his open hand. “You owe me fifteen cents,” he looked up over his glasses at him.
“Oh fuck,” Eddie said too loudly. Kids behind him snickered and he turned to send a sheepish look at their grown up. “Uhh I can go grab some more… Maybe Gareth or Drew are back and their prices won’t be as steep.”
“What do you have to do with the contract after you look it over?”
“Huh?” Eddie asked eloquently.
“I would assume you have to send it back to someone? Fax it?”
“Oh. Maybe?”
The librarian shook his head, maybe affectionately. Eddie tilted his head and slid closer, dropping his voice. “All your librarian skills are so hot, you know?”
He huffed a laugh and Eddie grinned. “Well when you come back to fax it I’ll have to charge you again, so you can bring it then.”
“Ahh, so you’re already planning our next date, sweetheart? You should probably tell me your name first.”
“I’m Steve.” He actually held his hand out and looked up at him so he could see the blush across his freckled cheeks. Eddie was so done for.
Eddie shook his hand and didn’t let it go. “Eddie. Very good to meet you.”
Is 90s rockstar!Eddie and librarian!Steve a thing yet?
(The next day he comes in and Steve helps him fax the signed contract back and it gets brought up that Steve looked up his band.
“You checking me out, baby?”
“It’s one of my hot librarian skills, you know, research?”)
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asgardianangel · 1 year
working as an intern/secretary for Saul Goodman, hoping to break into the legal world but instead having to deal with your boss’s leering states and comments and touches, staying late one evening for a big case and suddenly things get a lot more intimate 🫣
Late night (Saul Goodman X Fem! Reader smut)
Warnings: 18+ Pure smut (I need holy water), riding, desperate reader, age gap, praise kink, Saul being sleazy, unwanted/very much wanted touches, harassment?, workplace shenanigans
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Your life had been full of ups and downs, but nothing was going get in the way of your aspirations. Wanting to work in the world of law hoping to serve justice to those who need it.  
But due to your past anti-social behaviour as a teen your dream had proven difficult to achieve. HHM was the last law firm you stopped by, and they just shamed you for having a criminal record of illegal possession and whatnot. Even though you had proven to be quite learner now. Hamlin and his snobs just couldn’t see passed the measly drug charge. 
That night you sat at the bar wondering what you could do next sipping the glass in your hand with a sigh. “Rough night?” The presence of the older man seated next you became noticed. He appeared familiar as he smiled at you. 
“You could say that” you nervously chuckled as his big blue eyes looked you up and down. “You want another drink?” he asked you glanced at your glass. “It’s on me sweetheart you look like you need it” His voice was smooth, and it made you question where you have heard it before. You agreed and the man began to strike a conversation while the bartender poured you another glass. 
He certainly had charm as he expressed concern and then it hit you when he mentioned his name. Saul Goodman. The lawyer guy you’ve seen on late night TV of course! 
You shared a few amusing moments with him. Especially when you told him about Hamlin shaming you. 
“What’s in the past stays in the past sweetheart and so what. I did way worse shit when I was a teenager, I tell ya. Don’t let people like lord Vader put you down like that” Saul shakes a finger at you with the advice and you giggled. 
One drink after another you really enjoyed his company, he made your night a lot better. There were a few little things you started to notice. His eyes checking you out his hand drifting across your thigh. But you blamed it on how drunk you were starting to get. 
Nah that’s just stupid. 
At the end of night Saul made you an offer “Well since your stuck at the moment how about you come and work for me?” he asked gently tucking a loose strand of hair behind your ear. 
“I’m in need of a new secretary and you can also gain some much-needed work experience as my intern as well” Saul explained. The offer sounded amazing and ideal since you had nowhere else to start. 
Little did you know what was going to happen between the two of you. 
First few weeks were easier than expected even with the vast amounts of unusual clients coming in. You were always by Saul’s side fetching him coffee filling out paperwork and on your breaks you would join him for lunch and chat away about cases. 
As time passed Saul’s behaviour had changed. The more comfortable you were at his office the more comfortable he was with touching you every chance he had. 
His hands would caress your shoulders while you were deep into paperwork while he admired your efforts. Praising you was a major thing for him. 
'You are doing so well sweetheart'
'Good girl'
'I’m so lucky to have you here' 
His words made you blush and smile softly. But his touches became more on the forceful side on occasions where you were stood organising files and he would reach for a file above you and casually move his hand to your ass. 
During conversations his baby blue eyes seemed to cloud with lust (something you had recognised from previous relationships). Signs of a man in need. 
Maybe you were reading too much into it. 
You found Saul to be very attractive and not the type of man you would go for given the age difference between the two of you. 
Then it became obvious by the comments he started to make towards you.  
Why do have to come in such a small skirt today doll? He once asked playing with the hem of it. You glanced at the paperwork hoping he wouldn’t notice the clenching of your thighs. 
He would also make rather lustful comments about your ass too. ‘God you are killing me with that booty.’ Saul mused as you walked out the office one night. You chose to ignore it, but he made it rather hard for you as his hands would linger on your skin longer.  
It was like he couldn’t resist any longer. Then he reached breaking point and so did you... 
It was late and you worked tireless on a new ground-breaking case of a rather wealthy client. Saul wanted your help with the case, so you stayed later than usual.  Organising each file before you on his desk. 
“This is big deal for us sweet face” he sighed loosening up his green tie and undoing his top button. You hummed in response looking through witness reports and whatnot.  
“I just love your determination it’s so sexy might I add” Saul spoke smoothly you looked over at him noticing his chair was much closer to yours. 
You would be lying if you said his carnal comments didn’t keep you up at night. “I see the way your body responds sweetheart.” his eyes once again clouded with lust “how your soft thighs clench” he spoke with such admiration as his hand met your thighs caressing in a circular motion. 
Clearing your throat, you could no longer be focused on what you were reading “I thought you said this case is important to us?” You questioned trying not to make eye contact with the older man. 
Saul suddenly took a hold of your chin causing you to drop your pen to the desk. “It is but I can think of more important things to do my doll” he said in a suggestive manner.  
His office became hot as his lips inched closer to yours, you couldn't think. Did you really want this? 
Quickly he pressed his soft lips upon you with such forceful passion you could taste the coffee he had been drinking. Wrapping your arms around his neck Saul groaned as you finally gave in to his advances. Oh god you wanted him you needed him so bad! 
Lifting yourself off your chair you made a comfortable place on his lap as his lips moved to the sweet spot of your neck suckling like a vampire. Never have you met a man who wanted you like this. 
“Saul ah” you moaned his name as he fiddled with the buttons of your white blouse. “I know baby I’ve been dying to know what these beautiful tits looked like” he confessed with another throaty groan as he finally got to your bra. Snapping it in an instant and then throwing it aside he stared at your bare breasts in such desire.  
“Oh, sweetheart you are so perfect, aren’t you?” he praised dampening between your thighs you started to grind yourself on him in response. Already feeling the hardness of his cock entrapped in his formal pants. Saul watched you working your body with his whimpering as he sucked and played with your tits. 
“My good girl, aren’t you? All mine!” he groaned like a man possessed his long fingers explored between your legs as he pecked kisses all over your chest. 
You were almost on the verge of begging him as his skilful fingers rubbed and his eyes kept in contact with yours. It was all too much, and you lifted yourself up to pull down your panties needing him to caress your bare heat.  
And Saul did sooo well 
“Pl-please ah” you pleaded him, and he smirked “Promise me this sweet face when I make you scream my name tonight” his fingers rubbed faster spreading you out for him “you will be my good girl forever” His words ended as he suddenly slid two of his fingers deep inside you.    
“Oh I-I promise S-saul just please f-fuck me ah” you have never felt so needy as he thrusted his fingers in faster as you buried your face into his neck. Saul tuts at you “you can’t hide your pretty little face like that” you moaned at his words turning your head so he could kiss you deeply. 
Excitement rushed in your already quivering body as you heard him fiddling with his belt. “Mmm such a greedy little slut for me” he hummed pulling his belt off and rolling down his pants along with his boxers. 
Sighing in relief his cock bounced up to greet your wetness and you started grinding on him on him again like a dog in heat. “Fuck” Saul cursed as he grabbed on your hips kissing you. As you lifted again to welcome his thick cock you gasped feeling the tip lubricated with so much precum it dripped alongside his cock with desire. Pushing down the two of you gasped in pure pleasure Saul was already so deep inside you. 
It took a minute to adjust as he kissed you madly savouring the taste of your tongue. Moving up and down gently “oh baby you feel soo g-good" the older man winced as you clenched around him like a vice. 
The noise in his hot office contained desperate moans and the squeaks of both you and his desk chair. Never before you thought of fucking your own employer, but it felt so God damn good.  
Saul decided to take the reigns as he sucked on your breasts again thrusting his hips hard into you. You ripped open his shirt and placed both hands on his chest as he fucked you roughly. 
“Y-you don’t know how long I wanted this sweetheart ah” he groaned as he felt himself nearing to that orgasmic end. 
 One hand moved from your hip to your bundle of nerves playing with them causing you to desperately chase that long awaited orgasm 
Almost crying out his name “Oh my good girl” he repeated over and over as he shot his load deep inside you. Tightening around him you came screaming his name like he said you would. He stayed buried in you as you both caught your breath.  
“Now we can finish this important case” he chuckled 
Note: I'm back for now my burnout was killing me :D
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Make That Kitty Purr
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Title: Make That Kitty Purr
Rating: Explicit, 18+, Minors - DNI
Pairing: Mike x Reader, August Walker x Reader
Fandom: Hellraiser: Hellworld x Mission: Impossible - Fallout, Crossover AU
Word Count: 3.5K
Summary: Uncle August doesn’t give a shit that you’re Mike’s girlfriend.
Warnings: voyeurism, cheating, unprotected p-in-v (wrap it before you tap it), creampie, breeding kink, August is an asshole, Mike deserves better (hurt/comfort with time)
A/N: This post (sort of) inspired this fic. So a special shout-out to @peyton-warren. I DO NOT CONDONE CHEATING, but these are fictional characters. This story is dark, so FAIR WARNING. Unbeta’d, we die like people who tried their best. (more notes at the end of the work - I am very nervous while posting this! 🫣)
Dividers by: @saradika
Support/Reblog banner by me
Cover Art by me
My Masterlist 
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When Mike invites you up to his Uncle’s cabin for the weekend, you are beyond excited. You’ve never been away with him and this is the perfect opportunity to have a little fun away from your college roommates. You love them, but it’s so hard to get some alone time with two other girls breathing down your neck.
You pull up to the cabin on Friday afternoon and notice another car already in the driveway, a tall man dressed rather sharply grabbing a suitcase out of the trunk. As he turns around, you recognize Mikey’s Uncle August. I guess we’re not going to be alone this weekend after all.
Mikey puts the car in park and jumps out before you can even unbuckle yourself. “Uncle August, what are you doing here?”
“My schedule changed so I figured I would come and check on the cabin while you were up here,” August put down his luggage and rolls his sleeves up before running a hand over his mustache.
“Well, we were kinda thinking we would have the place to ourselves, actually,” Mike says, walking around the car after turning it off.
“We?” August’s head tilts as his eyes land on the passenger window.
You watch the exchange from the car, seeing that August has finally noticed you. Exiting the car, you close the door behind you and join Mike who puts a possessive arm around your waist.
“Uncle August, this is my girl. You remember her, right?” 
August nods and correctly remembers your name, letting it pass over his tongue slowly. While Mike is smiling down at you, August lets his eye rake over you from head to toe. If Mike had seen, he would not have been happy. But, you decide it’s best to just let it go. Just harmless fascination. Isn’t it?
“Michael, why don’t you get the bags while I take your girl inside out of the cold? You can handle that, right?” Before you know it, your hand is taken by a large paw and you are led inside the cabin. August walks close to you and you can smell his aftershave up close, the scent intoxicating.
You’re surprised when it takes Mike as long as it does to get all of the bags into the cabin. You packed pretty light, but August has him take everything to the rooms instead of leaving them by the hallway. You notice August is staying on the bottom floor of the cabin while you and Mike are staying in another room on the second floor.
While Mike is upstairs, August goes to the refrigerator and pulls out a bottle of wine. He pours two glasses and offers you the other. You don’t miss how his fingers linger on yours.
“What shall we toast to, Princess?” You don’t hide the shiver that runs down your spine at the pet name.
“Um, to…a hot tub and time away from annoyances,” You lift your glass over to connect with August’s. He holds your gaze as he takes a sip. Alright, maybe not a harmless fascination.
Mike’s voice startles you as it booms through the cabin, “Sweetcheeks, you wanna get in the hot tub now or later?” Sometimes you really wish Mike had a chill mode, but you really loved the adorable goofball.
“August, do you wanna join us?” You try and appear innocent in your offer but you also are intrigued about seeing the muscular man shirtless.
“Maybe later, I’ll get started on dinner while you two have some time alone,” August takes your wine glass and tops it off, and sends you up to find Mike. You can feel his eyes on you as you walk away, but you don’t dare look back.
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As you get in the hot tub after getting changed into your bathing suit, the sun is setting over the mountains. Mike’s hands and mouth are over you in an instant, not caring what his Uncle may be seeing. He pulls you into his lap and attacks your neck. Your eyes close at the sensation and when they open, a gorgeous set of oceanic blues lock on you.
August is watching you as Mike slides a hand into your suit bottoms. You know you should tell Mike to stop but the idea of putting on a show for August is a temptation you can’t ignore. Your mouth opens in a silent scream as Mike’s fingers circle your clit before sliding into your entrance. Clutching a hand in his hair, you bite your lip as you ride Mike’s fingers.
As August watches you, he grips and strokes his cock through his pants. You reason with yourself that since you aren’t touching each other, this isn’t cheating. This is just slightly inappropriate, nothing to truly worry about.
Mike’s attention to finger-fucking you is gone as he pulls out his cock, pulling your bottoms to the side. He swiftly enters you and pulls you down onto him fully. Within seconds, you adjust to Mike’s cock and start to ride him while maintaining eye contact with August.
Mike pulls out your tits from your suit top and gives attention to your nipples. The man loves your boobies and it keeps him occupied as you continue your impromptu sex show for August. The older man unzips himself and for a moment, you think you’re going to be graced with the sight of his cock, but he only reaches in to stroke himself. Watching him watching you is enough to send you over the edge. Mike follows after you shortly, spilling inside you.
You watch as August pulls his hand out of his pants, zips himself up, and walks out of your field of vision. It doesn’t look like he came and you instantly want to help him over the edge but hold yourself together as you lift off of Mike’s sensitive cock. You move yourself to sit next to Mike and rest your head against his shoulder as you both catch your breath and readjust your clothing. A million thoughts run through your head, the most severe of which is gnawing at your soul.
You want August, and it’s obvious he wants you back. How could you want something like that? Mike isn’t perfect, but he’s yours. He adores you and you think the world of him. Yes, he can be a bit aloof, but he’s genuinely interested in your happiness. He doesn’t deserve to be fucked over by your own selfish desires.
You are broken out of your reverie minutes later as August beckons you both to come in for dinner. You both towel off and put on robes. August already has the table set with three plates and he sits at the head of the table with you and Mike sitting across from each other. 
The conversation comes easily enough, August mostly focuses on asking you about what you are studying and what your future plans are. Mike seems to be none the wiser that August is paying you so much attention as he shovels pasta in his face. August refills your wine glass, handing it to you, his fingers once again lingering. August finally turns his gaze to Mike and asks what you all have planned for the weekend. 
Mike mentions you are scheduled to go to a beer garden tomorrow and you would be meeting some friends afterward. You don’t remember making plans to meet up with friends but you go with it anyway. Mike’s friends were pretty cool anyway, at least the ones you’ve met. Well, Derrick could be annoying and could make Mike completely miserable to be around but hopefully, he wouldn’t be there tomorrow.
You all finish dinner shortly thereafter, a few glasses of wine in your system. August gets up, and you assume he is going to start clearing the table. “August, you cooked, we can clear the table.”
“Nonsense. You’re a guest here,” he says, waving you off, “Michael can clean up the kitchen while I give you a quick tour.” He holds out his hand to lead you through the living room, and that same hand ends up on your lower back. 
Your bare feet pad softly on the hardwood while his shiny shoes clack next to you. Your robe is the only thing preventing August from touching your skin directly. The heat coming off of his hand is enough to elicit a shiver from you. Instead of mentioning it, he just smiles down at you and walks you into the spacious entertainment room.
A large television screen is in front of a sectional couch. Two vintage full-height arcade game systems stand against either side wall. A pool table sits on the right, while a poker table is to the left. You’re impressed with the setup and you say as much.
“Yeah, I like to entertain sometimes. You’re welcome to this room whenever you want. Most of the streaming apps are already set up and there’s a Playstation and XBOX as well if you’re interested,” August points over to the tv, leaning in as he speaks.
“I can already see Mike getting lost in here for a few hours,” you snort, trying to hide your obvious annoyance.
“I’m sure you can keep him occupied, Princess.” There goes that pet name again. You look up at August and he grins like the Cheshire cat down at you.
If Mike hadn’t walked in when he did, you would have leaned into that smile. “I was looking for you guys. Sweetcheeks, are you ready for bed? I’m exhausted.”
“You’re tired from cleaning the kitchen?” August teased, knowing full well that wasn’t what tired the younger man out.
“Yeah…well, it’s a big…kitchen, so,” Nice save, Mike.
“Sounds like a good idea, baby. Let’s go,” you grab Mike’s hand and turn toward August, “Night, August.”
“Goodnight, you two,” August hums, looking from you to his nephew.
The two of you head to bed upstairs, arm in arm. It takes everything out of you not to turn around and look at August once more.
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In the middle of the night, you pull yourself out of Mike’s grip and head to the bathroom. You notice your throat is dry and decide to go to the kitchen for a bottle of water. August is already in the kitchen, pouring himself a drink. As he picks up the lowball of amber liquid, he turns to greet you.
“You alright, Princess?” The genuine concern in his voice almost overshadows the fact that he is only clad in a tight pair of boxer briefs. Almost. 
Instead of answering, you are entranced by his hairy chest and defined abdominals. Muscular arms and thick thighs are on full display. You’re sure you’re staring but he doesn’t seem to mind as he makes his way over to you. It seems like he moves in slow motion and your brain doesn’t fully comprehend when he reaches out to you.
His warm hand on your arm reminds you that you forgot to put on a robe before coming downstairs. Your crop top and cheeky underwear leave little to the imagination and you look down at yourself before looking from his hand back up at him. As if seeing your thoughts across your face, August removes his hand from your shoulder.
“I just came down for some water.” You’re surprised that you were able to get those words out, as whiny as they were. Your dry throat returns after you speak.
August nods and turns around to go back to the fridge. The ass on this man is ridiculous too, that’s just unfair. He grabs a bottle of water from the fridge and brings it back to you. He holds it out to you, and you take it shakily before opening it and taking a sip. You cap it again and hold it up to your suddenly warm neck. You let out a sigh and close your eyes for a beat. When you open them, August is standing closer to you. You didn’t even hear him take a step.
You slowly lower the water bottle from your skin and August takes it, putting your bottle and his scotch down on the nearby dining table. When he turns back to you, he reaches up and holds your chin between his thumb and forefinger. He takes his time leaning in, giving you an out to easily lean back.
But you don’t lean back, you lean into him as he slots your mouths together. You whimper into his mouth and it is all over from there. He drops your chin, his hands sliding from your face to your neck and down your back until they settle under your ass as he lifts you up into his arms.
“Tell me you want me, Princess,” August whispers, the heat coming off his clothed cock blazing into your core, “You want me to take care of you?”
“Yes,” you whimper, carding a hand through his thick head of hair. 
“That’s my good girl,” he groans, walking to his bedroom. He kisses your neck, nipping at it as he settles you back upon his bed. He hovers over you for a moment, rubbing your covered sexes together. Letting you have ample time to change your mind while making sure you won’t.
“Please,” you whine, no longer able to hide your desire to have him inside you.
“Please what? Say it,” he grunts, pressing his groin harder into you.
“Fuck me, August.” is all he needs to hear before he’s pulling your underwear down and off. He doesn’t remove his own, only tucks them under his balls as he runs the head of his dick through your sopping folds. He enters slowly and gradually, letting you adjust to his girth and length.
Once he is fully seated inside you, he begins a punishing rhythm that has your cervix screaming. Your legs wrap around his waist and his hand finds your throat, placing slight pressure on the sides. The older man has you in a daze soon enough, filthy words leaving both of your mouths.
Fuck, this pussy is too good…
Who do you belong to?
Oh, my God, harder, please! 
Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck…
That’s right, come all over this dick…
Gonna breed this tight little cunt, Princess!
His hips stutter in their movement and you are soon flooded with his spend. He doesn’t stop fucking you until you come again, some of his seed leaking out past his cock as he pulls himself out. He looks down and smiles watching you leak with his spunk, before laying next to you. He draws you closer to rest your head on his chest.
He kisses your forehead in a sweet gesture. Juxtaposed with the filthy act you’ve just committed, you suddenly feel nauseous. You bite back bile as you rest against August. You wish the Earth would open up and swallow you whole. You stay like that for a minute more, feeling your legs get wet with his cum as it leaks from you. 
Your world implodes, the gravity of cheating on Mike suddenly screaming its way into the forefront of your mind. You hate yourself and you hate August for tempting you.
You get up quickly, finding and putting on your underwear before all but running out of August’s room, his voice calling behind you doesn’t stop you. You reach the upstairs bathroom connected to your bedroom and make it to the toilet in the nick of time. Your dinner comes back up so harshly that you end up waking Mike up with your gagging.
He comes to hold your hair out of the way and rub a soothing hand on your back. As you finish, you spit, wiping your mouth with the back of your hand. You close the lid, sitting down on the floor next to Mike as he looks at you concerned.
“Mike, baby, I’m so sorry.” 
“Sweetcheeks, what are you sorry for? You just got sick is all.”
“Not saying sorry for that, I have to tell you something.”
“Babe, you’re scaring me, what’s going on?” Mike’s voice quivers and it is all you can do to stop yourself from kissing his frown away because you’re about to break his heart.
“I…slept with August,” you blurt out, and you start to cry before you can help it.
Mike isn’t saying anything and you wonder what is even going through his head. You hazard a look over to his face. His jaw is working in anger and he pulls his knees up to his chest.
“Mike, I’m so sor-”
“We’re leaving. Get dressed.” Mike cuts you off and gets up from the floor. You get up and follow him to the bedroom, pulling on your jeans and hoodie quickly as he begins to pack your suitcases quietly.
You watch him move about the room mechanically. You wish he would talk to you. But, you know you don’t deserve to be comforted. He needs and deserves better than you. As he finishes, he pulls on his own clothes and takes your things downstairs.
You follow him down, pausing when you both see August now wearing just pajama bottoms. He actually looks surprised to see you both dressed and holding your luggage.
“Go to the car, I’ll be out in a sec, ok?” Mike’s voice is eerily calm as he hands you the car keys and ushers you outside.
“Mike, let’s just lea-”
“I said, go to the car. I’ll be right there,” he barely raises his voice, but he pushes slightly on your shoulder to get you outside. Like he doesn’t want you to witness something.
You grab your own luggage and head outside, closing the door behind you. You try and block out the sounds of a struggle in the cabin as you walk across the gravel driveway. You put your suitcase in the trunk and get in the car. You’re putting on your seatbelt as Mike comes out of the cabin, his hair and clothes a mess. He gets in the car and white-knuckles the steering wheel as he stretches his jaw.
“Mike?” You cautiously reach out to move hair behind his ear and he lets you.
“I want you to know that I know he put the moves on you. I forgive you, but I can’t forget. I hate him, not you,” he groans, putting a hand over yours, “When we get back, we’re gonna start over ok? We’ll get through this.”
“Ok, baby,” you sniffle, trying to hold back your surprise that he still wants to be with you.
You make the long journey back to school and Mike comes up to your room. You both remove your shoes and lay down in your bed. He wraps his arms around you, your back to his chest. He pulls you close and you relish his warmth. 
“I love you, Sweetcheeks.” 
“I love you, too, Mikey,” you tangle your legs with his and thank your lucky stars for another chance to make this exquisite man happy.
You both decide to never speak about your time at the cabin ever again. 
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You don’t bring it up when you see August at the grocery store weeks later. The remnants of a black eye and an angry scar going down the right side of his face are a sight. Enough to have you turning around and going down another aisle before leaving your cart behind and exiting the store.
You end up going to another grocery store before heading back to your dorm. Mike is there waiting for you and trying his best to work his way through a term paper. He looks up as you enter, getting up to take the bags from you and kissing your forehead.
Sometimes, you can still see the look of sadness on Mike’s face out of the corner of your eye. You can still feel the sting of Mike’s promise to never forget with every I love you. You know you deserve to feel the pain of your actions and you do with every day that passes. You also know Mike will always deserve better than you, even when he tells you that he’s so blessed to have you.
Years later, Mike takes you to your favorite restaurant. He walks you along the boardwalk, waiting until you are all alone, and gets down on one knee. You’re so surprised that you immediately start to cry. He chooses his words carefully and he puts the ring on your finger. As he stands to his full height, he wraps you up in a hug. He tells you he loves you and you melt in his arms.
You try and push down the thought that he’s settling for you, but you know that is a futile effort. The only thing on your mind is making Mike happy. And you’ll do whatever he asks, with a smile on your face and love in your heart.
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A/N: Can you tell I was in a depressive state when I wrote this? This was a songfic originally and then *stuff* happened.
A/N: I’d like to apologize to both fans of Mikey and fans of August. While this story is dark and a complete AU, I still feel the need to say I’m sorry for this portrayal of August and that Mikey was hurt. I was thinking, for my crimes against humanity, I owe fandom very fluffy Mike fics. Two fluffy stories to make up for this, actually.
Make That Kitty Purr [Director’s Cut]
**Tag List**
@brattymum96 @ambinxe @avengersfan25 @kebabgirl67
@astheskycries @enchantedbytomandhenry
Let me know if you wanna be added and for what plz  😁 Also, if you want to be removed from tags, lemme know!
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pink-sparkly-witch · 1 year
The Widow - Chapter Three
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Chapter Three
Summary: Sam and Y/N are happily married, but everything changes after a fatal car accident leaves her a widow. The Winchester motto: "Family Don't End with Blood," takes on a whole new meaning for Y/N as she navigates her new normal with the help of her brother-in-law, Dean. But what no one can tell her, is what happens when she falls in love again?   
Pairing: Sam Winchester x F!Reader (past) | Dean Winchester x F!Reader (eventual)
Warnings: grief, angst, fluff
Words: 2,450
A/N: I am so sorry for making so many of you cry or get emotional from the last chapter. Although I made myself cry writing it, but I never thought it would have the same impact on the readers *hugs*. This one shouldn’t be so bad 🫣💖
You can catch up here!
My Masterlist     AO3    Ko-Fi
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One Month Later
Grief is a funny thing; on the good days, you can function like a normal adult by eating and sleeping quite well. But on the bad days, you stay on the sofa just staring at the wall, wearing pyjamas that – like your hair – haven’t been washed in days, and you can’t remember the last time you ate because everything tastes like ash.
Today though, is a good day. You’ve eaten, showered, done the laundry, and now you’re washing the dishes from the lunch you had with John and Dean. One of those things on its own is a huge achievement, and the fact you did them all feels like it should be worth celebrating, but your sense of accomplishment is whipped away just as quickly as it had appeared.
“Have you thought any more about clearing out Sam’s things?” John speaks softly and carefully, like he’s dealing with a caged animal. But when he’s met with silence from you, he lets out a sigh. “Darlin’, it’s not healthy staying cooped up in the house all day surrounded by his things.”
“Dad…” Dean attempts to shut down the conversation.
“Look,” John continues, ignoring his eldest son’s plea. “I know you’re hurting, believe me, I do. And honestly, it’s gonna be like that for a long time. Maybe even always. I’m just trying to make it easier for you. All these things you’re doing,” John gestures around the open-plan living area of the home you shared with your late husband, “aren’t healthy.”
You don’t need this right now. This is a good day. So, you do what you always do when John brings it up; you walk away.
Dropping the plate back into the soapy water, you quickly dry your hands, pick up the basket filled with clean laundry from the kitchen table, and walk away. You know it’s childish, but his argument is one you don’t want to hear because you know he’s right. You know seeing Sam’s things everywhere doesn’t help. You know wearing clothes that still hold a little bit of his scent will only prolong your grief. And you know that calling his number to hear his voicemail message several times a day isn’t healthy. You’re just not ready to let go yet. And that’s something neither he nor Jody seems to understand.
“Dad, you need to drop this. She’s grieving,” you hear Dean say as you step into the hallway. “Do you want to push her away? Because that’s what’s gonna happen if you don’t leave her be!”
“I’m only trying to help, son,” John sounds defeated, and you pause to listen to what else they have to say about you. “She’s a good girl, Dean, and she’s choosing to waste away by locking herself in this damn house day after day!”
“Sam only died last month! Her husband has only been dead for six weeks,” Dean yells. “He’s barely cold in the ground, just let her grieve!” 
You smile softly at the way Dean always has your back. That’s why the days he comes to check in on you are your favourite. He listens and understands you – or at the very least, pretends to. He gets why you’re still holding on. He gets that it’s not as easy as putting your big girl panties on and getting back on the horse. You lost your husband. The love of your life. You don’t just get up, dust yourself off and walk away from that. And Dean seems to be the only one who understands, which surprises you because John lost Mary when he was around your age and you thought that might make him understand what you’re going through a little more.
You hear John sigh, and from the scratching sound, run his hand over his stubbled face. “I just hate seeing her hurting. In all the time I’ve known her, I’ve never seen her do anything other than smile, and now, I never see that smile. Some days, like today, that hurts more than the loss of my son.”
“I know, dad. I miss her smile too, but she’s going through a process, and she’ll take her own time to do it. What she needs is for us to be supportive and stop pushing her to move on before she’s ready.”
You smile again, grateful beyond words that Dean gets it. Gets you. He’s always been good at reading people and emotions. He knows you better than you know yourself. Better sometimes, than even Sam did.
You’ve heard enough and make your way upstairs to put the laundry away, taking the time to stop, breathe, and reset because today is a good day.
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Deciding you’ve hidden away upstairs long enough, you make your way back down to your guests, but stop short when you see John standing at the bottom of the stairs.
“I gotta get going, darlin’. I’m sorry if I upset you, it wasn’t my intention. I’m worried about you and trying to help.” he steps towards you and places a kiss on your forehead.
“I know,” you smile softly. “And I appreciate it… Sometimes.” You smirk, and John chuckles.
“I’ll see you in a few days, alright? I’ve been putting this hunting trip with Bobby off for a couple of weeks and I’ve run out of excuses!” he chuckles again.
“It’ll do you good to get away. You work too hard, and you’ve been taking care of me too, you deserve a break.” John’s been getting the family business ready for Dean to take over for the past few weeks, and you have the suspicion he isn’t quite as ready for retirement from Winchester Auto Repair as he says he is.
“Alright, I’m going. Dean, take care of our girl. Y/N, take care of Dean,” he jokes, and you let out a bleat of laughter, the sound now so foreign to the men in your hallway that they grin like little kids on Christmas morning. With a hug and another kiss on your forehead, John heads out.
“I’m sorry about dad, sweetheart. When mom passed, he didn’t have a choice and had to keep going because of me and Sammy, you know? I think he thinks everyone should be able to do the same.”
“I get it, I really do. But I don’t have anything to fight for, and I feel like I’m barely treading water most days,” you chuckle sadly. “Jody says the same kinda things, you know?” You glance up at Dean and see he’s got his whole attention on you.
“Her latest is: ‘Honey, when are you gonna stop wearing his clothes? Surrounding yourself in his scent constantly is tricking your brain into thinking he’s coming home…’” You mimic Jody’s voice perfectly, albeit a little whinier than she really is, causing Dean to chuckle. “I know she’s right… and so is your dad, just don’t tell them I said that!” you point at Dean in warning, and he holds up his hands.
“Your secrets are safe with me, sweetheart. No one needs John Winchester knowing he’s right about anything,” Dean chuckles before asking the question you know is coming. “So, if you know they’re right, what’s holding you back?”
“Because some days it comforts me. Wearing his clothes, smelling him, seeing his stuff exactly where he left it, makes me feel like he’s still here. Like literally here, watching me,” you sweep your arms around you, “and that makes me feel safe and comforted and loved. And I’m not ready to give that up yet.”
“You said some days,” Dean brings up. And of course, he picks up on that.
“What?” You ask, in a bid to delay the inevitable.
“You said, ‘some days it comforts me’. Are there days it doesn’t?” 
“Me wearing his clothes, leaving his stuff around… it’s my choice. But sometimes I catch his scent when I’m not expecting it or find something in a drawer, and it hits me so hard, and I feel like I’m drowning in anger and grief and I–” your voice catches and you stop to take a deep, shaky breath. “Those are the days that kill me. The days I don’t move from the couch or even get out of bed. It’s like if I do these things – even though I know it’s not healthy – it feels better when it’s a choice I have and not forced on me.”
“So, it’s about controlling your grief?” Dean questions and it makes you stand a little straighter and give him your full attention. “They say the last stage of grief is acceptance, right?” He looks at you with a raised brow and you nod your head. “Sweetheart, I think you’re almost there, standing right at the line, but you’re not ready to cross it.”
“What are you, my therapist?” Your attempt at joking falls flat because you know he’s hitting the nail on the head.
“Hey, I’m not saying there’s anything wrong with it. I’m just trying to understand where you’re at and what’s stopping you from getting to the other side.” He stares at you intensely, and you can feel the heat rise from your neck. “Come on, sweetheart, help me out here. I just wanna figure out what’s going on in that pretty head of yours to see if I can help.”
“What if crossing that line means I’m forgetting him?” You mumble meekly.
“Y/N/N–” Dean starts but you cut him off, realising the need to say it out loud.
“If I clear out Sam’s things, get rid of all his clothes, put the photographs away, I’m removing every trace of him from this house. Our house. What if by doing that, and without seeing those reminders of him every day, it makes me forget him?”
“That’s never gonna happen, Y/N. Your relationship with Sam, your love for him and his for you, will always be a part of you,” Dean takes your hand and pulls you with him to the sofa and sits you down. Rather than take the seat next to you, he sits on the coffee table facing you. “I can tell by the look on your face you don’t believe me, so let me ask you a question.”
“Okay.” You’re dubious but agree anyway.
“Who was your first love? And I don’t mean Sam,” Dean states before you can try that argument. “I mean your first, first love. I’m talking like middle school and the first guy you thought you couldn’t live without.”
“Billy Richie.” It comes out of your mouth before your brain fully registers his question.
“What was Billy like?” Dean smirks, and you grin back at him, understanding where he’s going with this.
“He had blond hair, blue eyes, and a really cute smile. Oh! And he wore a leather jacket all the time, whatever the weather,” you giggled. “He sat next to me in Math class, he was always chewing gum and would wink at me every time he sat down.”
“Oh, Billy was a bit of a bad boy, huh?” Dean chuckles.
“Nah, he was a big teddy bear. He just looked the part.” You smile at the memories Billy Richie is stirring up. “He was my date to prom, and my first kiss.”
“And with that smile on your face, sweetheart, I’d say you remember him just as well now as you did fifteen years ago,” Dean holds your gaze, even gently pulling your chin towards him when you try to look away. “My point is that if you can remember bad boy Billy Richie so clearly after fifteen years, you’re gonna remember Sam even clearer in fifteen years because he was your husband.” Dean leans forward, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“I get that you’re not ready to take that final step, and trust me, I have your back against anyone who tries to push you over that hurdle before you’re ready to make the jump. And when you do jump, I’ll be right here with you.” Dean smiles softly as he takes your hands in his. “But I do want you to think about doing one thing for me,” Dean’s voice is kind and gentle, and you know whatever he’s going to say to you is a suggestion rather than an order.
“I would really like you to think about going back to work. Seeing people, getting out of the house and having a distraction for a few hours a day will do you the world of good, sweetheart.” 
Dean stares at you with such intensity and all you can see is how much he cares about you. It’s clear that he thinks this is the best thing for you, and the more you think about it, the more you agree with him.
“You know what? I’ll think on it a little more, but I think you might be right,” your answer is not what Dean expects by the way he looks like he’s just won the lottery.
“Awesome,” Dean declares. “Now we’ve got that out of the way, The Lost Boys is on tonight. Wanna order pizza and watch it?” He grins at you, and you can’t help but smile at how boyish he looks when he does that.
“Dean, it’s Friday. Don’t cancel your plans with whichever girl is your flavour of the week to spend the night in with me,” you tease.
“I, uhm,” he rubs his hand over the back of his neck, “haven’t had those kinda plans since the night Sammy…” he doesn’t finish his sentence. He doesn’t need to. “Even if I did,” he continues, “One: you are much more important than some girl in a bar, and two: I’d much rather spend the night watching movies with you.”
“I mean it,” he insists. “You’re not a burden or an inconvenience – I know that’s what’s running through your head, don’t even try to argue with me! So, are we watching this damn movie together or are you gonna make me go home and watch it by myself? All alone. On a Friday night.” Dean’s feigned grumpiness makes you laugh.
“Fine! I’ll order the pizza! But I don’t have any beer, so if you want some, you’ll have to go to the store.”
“On it!” Dean stands and leans over to press another kiss on your forehead, something that was second nature to all the Winchester men where you’re concerned, but you aren’t going to complain about the sweet gesture. “You need anything else?” he asks as he picks up his car keys.
“No, all good. Just… please promise me you’ll drive safe,” you beg, worrying at your bottom lip.
“Always, sweetheart. I promise.”
Next Chapter>>
@deans-spinster-witch @muchamusedaboutnothing @kazsrm67 @twinkleinadiamondsky @waters-2567 @leigh70 @waynes-multiverse @jesllianaquilesrolonsworld @chriszgirl92 @stoneyggirl2 @marilynnlew @ilovedean-spn2
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inner-viper · 2 years
What are their kinks? Their sexual intimacy? An overview of their sex life FS (18+ ONLY) PILE 3! (PART1)
Hello, my name is Viper and I am an intutive seer/oralce tarot reader. I am well versed in finding information through divination and using my intuition~ Today I wanted to do a spicy topic because its so fun. I haven't started explaining some piles and I already feel the heat. Damn, a lot of passion and fiery enegy in this reading.. Its making me horny LMFAO. THIS TOOK ME 2 DAYS AND I WAS NOT EXPECTING FOR IT TO TAKE THIS LONG. All three of these piles wanted me to do MORE DETAILS. My channeling DRAINED ME. That’s why I took so long because afterwards THEY SUCKED MY ENERGY. (Do not worry, I just received loads of messages. It gets overwhelming). Anyways, remember nothing is set in stone. This is for entertainment purposes only. NO MINORS. 18+ ONLY.
CHECK OUT MY SHOP AT: https://innerviper.etsy.com
I’ll be adding cheaper options in the future. I will be updating descriptions too, so SHOP WILL HAVE A NEW LOOK🔥.
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Classical Tarot Deck: Three of Cups, King of Pentacles, Page of Cups, Page of Wands, Queen of Pentacles, Justice (in reverse), Ten of Pentacles (in reverse), The Tower
Oracle Deck: The Thinking Woman, Deceit, Yin/Yang, Goddess of The Moon, Community, Victory (in reverse), Envy, Man Holding a Coin, Archangel Micheal/Root Chakra (THIS EXTRA CARD WENT FLYING).
Ok, GUYS, THIS PERSON IS A SWITCH. THEY CRAZY ASF. They definitely are into threesomes, that’s a fantasy of theirs. They probably want to be surrendered by multiple people. Specifically 2 girls, for some 2 men. I also see that they can BOTH DOM AND SUB. This person knows exactly how to switch. They are fucking experienced well. They can please anyone. They will take it as a challenge if you say you never came before. (They going crazy, this person is a master at sex🫣). They firmly believe that sex is about letting loose and it’s a part of being human. They say fuck the taboos, they definitely don’t care about conservative views. They might have grown up with conservative views and this caused their sex life to manifest that way. I’m seeing that you, the one reading this, might have grown up with extremely conservative views as well. I think you guys might have issues with being intimate and vulnerable with another person. This person will make you open up to a heart-to-heart connection. During the act of making love, they will want you to give them their heart. To pour your honest feelings out, to lay there naked and bare in front of them. Honestly, it would be very sweet and passionate. I’m seeing that they will kiss you deeply and passionately. It will be very romantic, expect to feel loved by them. This will be a very intense experience honestly. They will probably either appear to be innocent and shy on the streets but in the sheets, they are nasty asf. (LITERALLY, THEIR APPEARANCE WILL BE THE OPPOSITE OF WHAT THEY ACTUALLY ARE LIKE LOLLL). You MIGHT be that way too. They will like how you will challenge them.
I think if you guys are innocent looking but freak on the sheets, then they will love that you bring this other side of them out. The dominant side of them will want to push you to extreme highs. They will love to chase after you. In bed, they are into changing positions constantly too. WORSHIPPING HERE IS BIG. They will worship you as a god/goddess. They will trail kisses all over you. They may like your feet because they think it’s beautiful. (I’m seeing an image of a dark skin woman with beautiful feet being kissed on their feet by their FS). I also see that once you guys are more comfortable, they will like your dominant side. I’m seeing that you definitely have a dominant side. They will think it’s so fucking hot when you command them to do something. I think people get confused about dominant and being submissive VS giving and receiving. Being dominant doesn’t necessarily mean you are the giver. (For some people who might read this and be like “What! no way!” LMFAO).
(yes, i tried to fit it in one post with no intro and still couldn't upload.....)
Thank you for reading! Send suggestions and questions in the ask box!~
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cherryredstars · 10 months
Hi cherry! I’m SO happy that your got 1k followers congrats you deserve it 🥳! and you deserve everything for doing our werid, funny, sweet/fluffy, smut, angest fiction you write for us and having the time🥰 !
so I wanted to join the celebration on this and if I’m late to it I’m so sorry but I wanted to request um a jealous jock’s!miguel x a tutor/nerdFM!reader
like ok we all know jock are the one that are hella annoying but also bully nerd/freak but we all ok now Miguel right? 🤭 so what about Miguel being a jock mhm? Like he would bully nerdy boy and girl (but mainly the boys) and hangout with the popular girl and play football with his team but the. The coach call Miguel to his office and saying that he is failing one (or some) of his classes and he need to boost that up or he being kick out of the team.and which Miguel would just rolled his eyes and grunted of the idea or getting a nerd to help/tutor him. So THAT WHEN reader comes in the coach/ principal call her in because she needed extra credit for some of her classes and told her to tutor Miguel and reader was going to reject tutoring miguel… because first of all he a bully secondly the girls would target reader and third he wouldn’t care about it.
after reader made up her mind she told Miguel (through text message) to meet us up at the library and that that when Miguel actually meet reader. And miguel didn’t thought much of her look or appearance until she was told miguel that “I’m not interested in being your friend or some laughing stock.. so let get this thing ..ok?” and Miguel never ever get talked down to some nerd. And that what interests him about you 🫣. but of course you don’t show your other side to Miguel that sweet, innocent , worried, flustered, caring person you are with your friends and other people at the school but never to show to Miguel. But of course Miguel already know that side when he can stare at you while being at the hallway (with his friends) and in his mind the way that smile to some other nerd boy, laugh at his joke. It made him pissed off. like I feel like Miguel would be like “I could pleasure reader many way that nerd freak couldn’t do in a million year” and Miguel wanted to show reader that he can but reader keep saying that she busy.
but one day Miguel pin reader down in a alley that was behind the school and reader being the scared of Miguel action and thought that he was going to bully her and beat the crap out of and started to crying pleas. And Miguel stop in a instant and told reader that he wasn’t going to beat her up… but Miguel was getting turned on by seeing her crying and having mix idea and thought and was starting at her lip the whole time and then reader came to wipe her tears off and wipe the fog off the glasses off as well (sorry but I feel like reader in this will have those normal glasses in this) as Miguel just left and told her to only cry in front of him and only him. Which reader was so confused about what Miguel said.
nfsw/ try to make one or a idea for you to use or something 🤗
Miguel asked reader if she want to tutor in his dorm and reader was hesitant about the idea but said yes (because he change…. Well only to her) and came to Miguel dorm with a black short, and a white long sleeve shirt but of course with the her book bag with Al the tutoring stuff inside and then reader knocked on the door and Miguel came instantly to open it and reader was a flustered, shy and even have to look away from Miguel eyes …from seeing Miguel in a gray sweat pant and a tank top shirt that squeezed his hip especially the pants and the shirt look like it can break any minute.and Miguel was showing her where we could study. After the a hour of study, Miguel told reader if she want to eat something (idk watch an movie or something you can choose 😌) and miguel want to get her something to eat and reader was packing up her thing into the book bag. And miguel was just staring at the way that her short show her thighs and ass so perfectly.
Sorry if this a long request (I can wait as long as it take you I promise that) but I wanted to ask you because your writing is amazing 🤩 I love your nerd!reader and I wanted to add one more to the collection of your nerd!readers and I hope you have a great day and congratulations on your 1k FOLLOWERS 🤩🥳😝 bye
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whats-wild-to-you · 2 years
hi can i request for something too? jay keeps cancelling on u bc of work and u are always fine with it, even on an important day. then he feels really bad and tells u lyrics from ‘stay with me’ a little suggestive smut at the end maybe. thank u so much for writing :)))
man, Jay keeps disappointing y/n 🤣🤣 !!!!!!!! so close to the holidays too 😒 at least he can always make up for it in between the sheets 🫣🤭 enjoy!
Spending holidays, anniversaries and birthdays alone wasn’t new to you. By now you were fully expecting Jay to work through whatever special date your calendar showed. But this time you had your hopes up. Jay had been asking for days about your work schedule for December. December 10th was your 5th year anniversary and when you used his laptop a few days ago you noticed his browser history. He was looking at hotels in Hawaii and jewelry.
Two days before the anniversary you found Jay rummaging through his closet.
“What are you looking for?”
“A suitcase.”
“A suitcase?”
“Yes, a medium sized one, matte black.”
“Try your big red suitcase. Maybe it’s in there.”
You sat down on the bed, smirking.
“Should I pack too?”
“Huh? Why would you pack?” He said absentmindedly.
His answer took you aback and you blinked, making sure you heard him right.
“Aren’t we- Where are you going?”
“I told you, haven’t I? I’m doing a two-day festival in Busan.”
“Ah, right. You had mentioned that.”
You couldn’t hide the disappointment in your voice and so you left, allowing him to finish packing. Maybe you’d go on your trip a little later.
“Are you mad?” He asked, snaking his arms around you. You were in the kitchen, preparing dinner. When you didn’t answer, he sighed, chuckling lightly.
“I haven’t forgotten about our anniversary and I have something special planned.”
“I know. Hawaii.”
“No. Seattle. Well, actually Aspen but we’re making a stop in Seattle too. Why did you say Haw- oh the browser history! Babe, I’m sending my parents on a trip to Hawaii for Christmas.”
“I can’t leave now! I still have a few appearances and ChaCha is coming to finish the album.”
“So Seattle is happening in…?”
“February? I thought it’d be a nice trip for Valentine’s Day!”
“Right.” You went on with your work, almost completely ignoring Jay.
After dinner you went straight to bed, while Jay stayed up to watch some MMA.
When he joined you in bed, you turned on your side away from him.
“I’m not mad!”
“You’re my ride or die, babe! I’m non it got the long haul, you know it. But I have maybe 2 to 3 years in which I could still put out music and perform, I pr-”
“I know how much you love your job. Actually it was the thing that made me fall in love with you! Your dedication and your determination. I won’t rush you, but sometimes I need to feel important too.”
Jay clicked his tongue in frustration, cupping your face in his hands, looking deep into your eyes.
“Fame will go away some day. The money I made will get spent somewhere. People who looked for me will leave. But baby you, I hope you stay with me. Don’t change but forever stay with me!”
Slowly he pulled the cover off your body, whistling when he realized your were topless under the covers.
“Won’t you be cold?” He asked, smirking, his hands cupping your breasts. As he pulled the covers further down, he laid eyes on your red lace panties.
“So you’ll have something to unpack as an early anniversary gift.” You winked, turning to face him, your hands traveling up and down his muscular torso.
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m1ckeyb3rry · 2 months
LMFAO THE “what a weird ass dream” start has me REELING like oh honey you’re in for a rude awakening (literally)
Ok I paused to type that ^ and was gonna keep commenting in my notes as I went as if I were annotating but then I got too engrossed and forgot LMAOAO but anyways
STOPPPP KARASU??? SHDKSHSJS I will not swerve iwillnotswerve….but gardener Karasu AHHHDGHS it’s just giving more sweetheart humble Karasu I can’t
Ok pause SHSH the way you write Otoya is so?? >>>>>>> like ok I’m back on track now I want this Otoya LMAOAOA he’s like the perfect balance between go with the flow do what I want chill Otoya and deadly assassin ninja Otoya also that deal they made>>>>>> I’m seriously waiting for Y/n to succeed
Hiiragis also such an ass I love it because it also kinda reminds me of him in canon?? But I also never was really partial to him in the manga either so I love seeing him full villain here, also the constant distinction between Y/N being like her own (?) vs associated as. Hiiragi is something I really enjoy!! Idk I just kinda love the set up like we KNOW this mc is gonna be different and a lot more selfish and independent?? Like the constant distinction in identity is so satisfying to read for some reason like it’s refreshing to see y/n not try to reclaim the name
But yeah omg otoya <333 I mean I was already an otoya fan before hollyhock but this just opened my eyes to another Otoya Avenue and I LOVE IT can’t wait for the next installment…(also just out of curiosity how many installments do you think this’ll end up being? Very excited hehe)
Eita nation has been fed thank you for the feast
-Karasu anon
LMAOO i felt like it made sense that she wouldn’t believe what had happened considering she’s prone to nightmares and the entire situation is kinda crazy 😭 like yukimiya secretly betraying her family and otoya almost killing her…i wouldn’t want to believe it either 😔💔
HAHAHA omg well i’m glad you were engrossed in it at least 🤩🙏🏻
DO YOU SEE WHAT I’M SAYING ABT THEM LOWKEY HAVING A MEETCUTE like him waking her up while she’s sleeping on the bench swing in the garden surrounded by trees and flowers is so romance novel shoujo anime coded to me 😩 unfortunately y/n ruins it by being all “i can’t trust you 😐” and “you have a stupid name 😨” and “my half brother and father would kill you if they saw what you’re up to 🫣” LMAOOO poor karasu 😓 i’m excited to write more of their interactions though!!
AHHH YESSS i’ve been doing my best to incorporate his more chill go w the flow canon personality into his role as a ninja who kills whoever he’s told to!! it’s def a balance because if he’s too unserious then it’s almost disingenuous to the story itself but if he’s too proper and grave abt things he doesn’t feel like himself anymore?? idk but omg the deal…i’m so excited to write how it all plays out HAHAHA it’s going to be super fun i think!!
hiiragi is so horrible in this story but considering he was already kind of a douche in canon i don’t think it’s too terrible that i’m writing him like this!! i agree that he’s not one i cared much for in the manga either (he only even appears in epinagi for the most part and he’s antagonizing my man the whole time so we’re automatically enemies for that) so i don’t mind writing him in full villain mode here!! and yeah for y/n the name hiiragi has only ever been used to hurt her so even though she acknowledges that they’re her family and she’ll do her best to look out for them she’s also hyper aware that she’s different and her own person. her relationship to the hiiragi clan will evolve as the story goes on and her character develops and i think it’ll be interesting to watch how much things change from the beginning of the story to the end
HOLLYHOCK OTOYA MY BELOVED 💖💖💖 he and y/n are truly meant for each other…mr “your life is a game to me” and miss “i want you to belong to me” UM?? i almost considered going back and adding the toxic relationships tag but honestly the relationship itself isn’t even that toxic (if you can set aside all the murdering and death threats) it’s just between two very questionable individuals 😭 somehow it makes it much more fun to write than if they were perfect and normal though?? and honestly makes otoya more appealing to me LMAOAOA
hmm i’m not quite sure how many chapters it’s going to be but definitely a lot!! i’d be surprised if it was less than ten although ig it just depends on how long certain things take me to write 🤔 but i def anticipate it being on the longer side HAHA idk if it’ll quite get the opportunity to join the 100k+ club as many of my other fics have but for sure it’s going to be quite a lot…we’re still in the setup phase/prologue arc almost atm?? like these are relatively small-scale conflicts compared to what goes on later in the story so i don’t see it being less than 30-40k words (although again yk how accurate my predictions usually end up being — aka not very 😟)
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pastelwitchling · 2 years
hi friend 💞 can you write a story about malex and a pug 🫣 i love them and i love pugs so i was like MIX
Michael really should’ve known something was up when he’d entered his and Alex’s home, called out his husband’s name, and instead was met with a, “Daffodil Guerin, do not chew on his tail!”
“Alex?” he tried again, eyes narrowed as he made his way down the hallway. He barely managed to peek into the living room before Alex appeared at the doorway, out of breath, leaning against the frame.
“Hey!” he panted, smiling, and kissed Michael’s lips. “How’re the sunflowers?”
“Good,” Michael said slowly, suspicious. “Why’s your face red?”
“I’m blushing,” he said readily. “You know how you make me blush.”
Michael hummed. Something hit the floor in the living room with a thump. Alex’s expression didn’t change, and anyone else may have thought he wasn’t worried, but Michael knew him well enough and had spent every moment since he was seventeen learning how to read Alex’s every expression. So he saw his brows rise and his eyes widened slightly.
Michael stuck his tongue in his cheek, smirking. “What’s going on, babe?”
Alex scoffed, shaking his head. “What would be going on?”
Daffodil meowed, and Michael raised his brow. “What’d the cat do now?”
He shrugged. “Nothing.”
Something barked. Neither Michael nor Alex moved.
“What was that?”
“What was what?”
As if in response, a tiny pug, only slightly larger than their kitten Daffodil, came running out of the living room, scurried around Alex’s legs with Daffodil chasing behind him with her three little legs, and finally seemed to notice Michael. He leaned against Michael’s boots, looking up at him with his tongue sticking out.
Michael looked back at up at Alex whose eyes had shut, his lips pressed together. He pointed at the dog.
“What’s that then?”
“A pug,” he said.
Michael stared until Alex sighed, shoulders falling. “Potato.”
“Potato . . . the pug.”
“Po for short,” Alex said, like that was just common sense.
Michael was trying very hard not to laugh. He didn’t think he was succeeding. “I’m guessing you found him—”
“—In an empty potato crate,” Alex nodded, resigned. “I couldn’t just . . . leave him . . .”
Potato the pug and Daffodil the cat were chasing each other around Michael and Alex’s boots. Michael and Alex watched them until Potato got so tired that he just slumped against Michael’s foot and fell asleep, ignoring Daffodil batting at his curled ear.
Michael sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. Stop laughing, he told himself, trying very hard not to let his smile widen any more than it already had. Stop laughing.
He bent down, picked up the puppy, and took its paw in between his thumb and forefinger. “Hey,” he told the dog. “Hey. I don’t care how cute you are, Alex is mine.”
Potato just yawned and curled deeper into Michael’s chest. Michael nodded, having expected this, and looked up at an innocent, fond Alex.
Michael smirked. “Oh you trained him well, soldier.”
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