#I don’t like Mal being hated for dating or flirting with other girls either he’s not forced to be by Alina’s side all the time.
glitter50000 · 2 years
The double standard that people have for Mal and Alina is certainly something. Like Alina can go for who she wants cause she should be allowed to but if Mal looks or flirts with another girl then he is clearly a womanizer and should not be allowed to date Alina.
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malfoys-demigod · 4 years
I’ll Always be your Protective Brother - Draco Malfoy x Reader x Brother! Cedric Diggory
Summary: Y/N Diggory, a Slytherin, faces an issue when her enraged brother, Cedric, finds Draco Malfoy around her. 
Being a Diggory has its perks. First, your father was a respectable man in the Ministry for working in the Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, bringing honor to your family name. Then here comes your older brother, Cedric, who became popular for being an excellent Quidditch player. He became more well-known for being a Triwizard Champion after. You gained a popularity for being the gorgeous little sister of Cedric. 
You were truly happy for your brother as the both of you were really close to each other from the start. You could still remember how he made sure you were doing well on your first year in Hogwartsm especiallymaking sure you didn’t get lost around the castle. 
As you grew older, you blossomed into a beautiful young lady which attracted many boys from all 4 hourses. But they were scared to speak more than 2 sentences to you because they were aware of how protective Cedric was over you. Whenever a boy had the guts to simply ask things such as studying with them, Cedric would appear out of nowhere to answer for her saying, “Sorry, mate. She’ll be spending time with her big brother. You understand, don’t you?” 
You dind’t mind your brother swarming off countless boys because you had eyes for a particular housemate: Draco Malfoy. You were lucky that Cedric wasn’t placed in Slytherin like you, otherwise he would’ve seen the way you’d stare at Draco whenever you were both in the common room. 
Your friendship with Draco started out with being both the best at Potions which made Snape change the seating arrrangements, making you two seatmates and partners in Potions. 
Eventually, the both of you saw how you could work and communicate easily with him, making you seatmates and partners with him in every class you had. 
This lead to getting one another, and flirting with one another. 
You were both having the most boring period as the two of you had Professor Binn’s History of Magic Class. As he kept droning on about various Goblin Rebellions and Giant Wars, he managed to bore a number of students, successfully making them fall asleep as usual. 
Draco saw the sleepiness in your eyes and whispered to your ears, “Trying to have a beauty sleep right now, love?” You eyes shot up and looked at Draco with a blush on your cheeks which you tried to hide. “Trying and failing, sadly.” you playfully pouted. 
Draco patted on his shoulder and smiled, “Come, lean on my shoulders and rest your eyes. It’s a good thing we’re seated in the back, the old ghost won’t even see a thing.”
You smiled, trying not to hide the blush you had again as your cheeks turned frmo pink to red. “It’s a good thing I have you to lean on.”
As classes ended, you were woken up by the boy of your dreams as he carefully shaked your shoulders. “Time to wake up now, love. Binns finally stopped rambling about who knows what and ended class.”
When classes ended, Draco offered to walk with you to the common room, with his posse behind him. As he cracked some jokes about Professor Bins, a familiar Hufflepuff robed young man spotted you and jogged towards you. “Y/N!!” when you looked up, you saw your brother Cedric as he opened for a bone crushing hug. 
“Who was your last class, kiddo?” he said, ruffling your hair. 
“Professor Binns!” 
“Ah, I barely listen to the old man when I have him.” imitating a yawn. 
“Me too, thanks to Draco over here,” you pointed at your crush,” I got to have what he called, ‘my beauty sleep’.”
Cedric didn’t even see Malfoy beside you and when he did he gave him a cold glare, expecting him to run away. Despite being nervous, Draco remained beside you, showing that he slung your bag over his shoulders and waved. 
“Diggory.” he silently greeted. 
“Malfoy. Good game you had yesterday, winning over the Ravenclaws.” your brother coldly said. 
As much as Draco wanted to let your brother’s dominance win over him, he wanted to prove how confident he was in front of you. “Well I couldn’t have done it without the support of your sister here. Saw her from the crowds, cheering Slytherin on.” he said patting your shoulder. 
Cedric raised an eyebrow, “Is that so, Y/N?”
You knew where this was going and wanted it to immediately stop as you could see students exchanging glances and whispering, ‘I can’t believe Draco hasn’t left ever since Cedric stopped by!’, ‘Maybe Y/N Diggory is dating Malfoy?’ 
So you nodded and tried pushing Draco to move forward, “Well, we better get going, need to put our belongings back in our common room. I’ll catch up with you later, Ced. Love you!” you yelled as you were walking quickly away from your soon to be jealous brother. 
You were in the common room, laying down on the couch, thinking of all the possibilities your brother could do to scare off Draco. Your thoughts were interrupted when Draco walked in with a big smile when he saw you. “Hey, you.”
“Hey, Dray.”
“Did I interrupt another beauty sleep of yours?” he said as he sat on the couch. 
You didn’t want to tell him that you were thinking about your brother but you shook your head. 
“Just thinking about that Potions essay given this morning. I know it was just given out and that it’s due next month but I thought of starting it soon.” 
A great idea popped into Draco’s mind as he rose up from the couch. “How about we start right after dinner. Just you and me.” he smirked at the last line. 
Alone time, with Draco Malfoy. Just what you needed. So you nodded and the both of you walked out of the common room to have dinner at the Great Hall. 
Usually, you’d be always eating with Draco, his posse, and your posse. But as you entered the hall, your eyes met your brother’s as he montioned you to sit with him in the Hufflepuff table. “Sorry girls, my brother’s calling me.” which made them pout,”Could we come and sit with him too?” they joked. 
As you made your way to your brother’s group, he gave you a big smile, “Hey, baby sis.” You were weirded out by his cheerfulness, thinking he forgot about that moment with Draco earlier today. As you sat down, he made sure your Slytherin friends weren’t with you. And after you finished your meal, he gave you a serious look, “Okay, what’s up with you and Malfoy?” 
You rolled your eyes as you could hear Cedric’s friends whisper, “Little Diggory is off the market” they playfully sing to. 
“We’re friends, Ced!” you raised both your arms. 
“What kind of friend offers you to sleep in his loving arms while class was ongoing?” 
“It was his shoulders, but you said it yourself that you barely listen to Binns! We’re just good friends in the same group!” 
“Mhm, sure, Y/N.”
“Please! Draco and I-”
“Are heading to the library.” you were interrupted when Draco happened to have walked in your conversation. 
Draco offered you his hand to stand up, “Come, love. How about we finish what we haven’t started.” An enraged Cedric, not knowing what that really meant stood up and was about to draw his wand at Draco’s face when you stood between them.“Stop it, please!” 
“STOP WHAT? HIM TAKING YOU AWAY TO SNOG EACH OTHER?” this made countless of students whisper to each other. 
Professor Sprout came in and looked at you and Draco “I think we should stop the commotion right now. Mr. Malfoy, I suggest you take Ms. Diggory to the library now. Then she looked at Cedric, “Come with me, Mr. Diggory. We’re going to have a talk.” 
As you and Draco were in the library, neither of you could actually concentrate on your essays. It was either your thoughts were filled with the scene that just happened earlier in the Great Hall or groups of students would walk by the two of you, whispering once again. 
You placed your elbows on the table and covered your face to sigh. You quickly stopped as you heard footsteps walk towards you. As you looked up, it was your brother with a face full of sorrow. “Go awa-” 
Cedric stopped you as he raised his hand in defeat. “N/N, let me explain. As Sprout removed points from Hufflepuff and lectured me on my behavior, I realized too many things. Although you’re getting older, your still my baby sister, but... you’re old enough to make your own decisions which I failed to remember. I’m truly sorry if I was being overprotective back there. I just hated seeing my little sister with another man. But it seems that he makes you happy. I respect that, Mal- Draco. Just keep her safe and don’t hurt her, or else-”
“I’ll make her the happiest girl alive. I’ll make sure of that, Cedric.” 
Cedric nodded and walked away. You didn’t even get to say anything so Draco gave you a reassuring smile and you stood up to run to him with a bone-crushing hug. “I’m sorry for not telling you about my crush over Draco. I was just too scared you’d scare him away.”
Cedric understood what you meant and hugged back. “I’ll always be your protective brother.”
“Can I be your protective sister? I do see the way you look at Chang too.” Cedric blushed and covered your mouth as he saw Cho nearby. You saw as well and chuckled, “I’ll take that as a yes. I love you, big brother.”
“Love you too, Y/N.”
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psychic-refugee · 5 years
I want to start off that I never saw Audrey as the “villain” of Descendants 1. She plays the “mean” girl (sort of), but I wouldn’t describe her behavior as rising to the threshold of villain.  
I’ve seen people say that she had every right to hate Mal, but I feel like that hate is misdirected. It really ought to have landed on Ben. Not only is he the one in the relationship, he was the one who set up the relationship to fail in my opinion.
Also, Audrey was antagonistic from the get-go. Before Mal and the others had a chance to even do anything remotely bad or suspicious, she was the one being snotty.  
When Ben introduces himself, he’s trying to be casual and welcoming by omitting his full name and title. Audrey interrupts and stresses his royal status. I’m sure Ben is aware of what his title is and didn’t need or want her to explain. She was being obnoxious at best, and haughty at worst.
Evie does flirt with Ben at first, but she didn’t know Ben and Audrey were a couple. She was instructed to “nab a prince” and Ben was the highest ranking royal in the land, she was shooting her shot. Audrey points out that the Evil Queen has no royal status, and therefore neither does Evie. Audrey’s tone is clearly condescending and meant to put Evie “in her place.”
When Ben introduces Audrey, he not only omits her royal title but doesn’t say that she’s his girlfriend. I think that’s rather telling.
It’s also Ben, not Mal, that lingers too long with his introduction to her. He’s blatantly awestruck, Mal looks confused and even suspicious. Ben is the one who had a seemingly prophetic dream about Mal, she didn’t have one of him. So, he’s the one with questionable motives to invite the VK’s over, Mal nor the others had a choice.
Sensing the vibe Ben is giving Mal, Audrey unnecessarily brings up Maleficent and a fake offer of conciliation. Again, she is using her status to remind Mal and the others’ of their place and to disrupt the moment. She was the one to set the tone, and Mal returned in kind. If Mal was being rude, it’s in reaction to Audrey being rude first.
People assert that Audrey suspected Mal and was later vindicated, so she was justified in how she treated her.
Ummm…no, I respectfully disagree. That’s post hoc reasoning. At the time Audrey suspected Mal of doing something wrong, there was literally no way of her knowing for sure that Mal was going to do anything or what. Sure, she had her suspicions because of where Mal was from and whose daughter she was, but in general we call that being prejudice and profiling.
It’s like when store owners follow someone around based on how they’re dressed or their race, then the person did happen to steal something. How they’re dressed or their race didn’t cause them to steal anything. Just because the store owners happen to be right later on, doesn’t mean their prior behavior had any merit.
People say Mal “stole” Ben, but it looks to me that he left Audrey. From the first movie, I really don’t see a deep and loving connection between the two. Leah admits that the entire relationship was to encourage Audrey becoming queen, not because her granddaughter liked Ben for who he was. The entire third movie, Audrey wants revenge for being denied the crown.
It was harsh how Ben “broke up” with Audrey. I will give that it was humiliating for her. But I think that when she quickly “gets” with Chad, that shows more that she didn’t really care for Ben as a partner. I would think that if she did, she would have been like WTF BEN?! And further, if she suspects foul play from Mal, wouldn’t that have been the first question to ask? Like hey, do you think you’re under a spell? Instead she chose to save face, I think that says a lot about her priorities or that she knew deep down their relationship was on such shaky ground that she took him publicly declaring his love for another girl at face value.
Then there’s Family Day. Again, Audrey is antagonistic when Mal was just hanging around. Part of her motivation may have been to punish Mal for “stealing” Ben, but again misdirected anger because by Family Day, Ben wasn’t under a spell any longer and was still with Mal.  
Then there’s Chad putting in his two cents where it wasn’t asked for nor was it needed. For some reason he brings up “boyfriend stealing” all the while he is taking advantage of Audrey’s anger and vulnerability by dating her. This is after he used Evie to do his homework and in the extended universe, he’s been known to “talk to other girls” while dating. So, he has no moral high ground whatsoever and has no right to accuse anyone of anything ever.
We also see some insight to Audrey’s character before the movie. Belle doesn’t like her, she calls Audrey fake, self-absorbed, and a kiss up. I think that lends to the theory that Audrey (and her family) care more about an advantageous marriage than Ben himself and Belle sees that. Belle is none too happy to see him dating Mal either.
So maybe Ben needs to calm down and be single for a while.
In D3, Audrey straight out asks “You’d rather have a VK than me as your Queen?” The girls don’t deny it, I think the indicates that Audrey wasn’t well liked by her peers. I think this adds to the mounting evidence that Audrey is spoiled and arrogant, like Chad.
Then there’s Ben, who was not under the spell for long. He admits that it wore off at the Enchanted Lake. First off, he’s an idiot for being flattered. I agree with another poster who likens a love spell to being drugged.
Like, gee I’m so flattered you roofied me, it shows you really like me. Who does that?
Then he admits that he thinks Mal used a spell because he was with Audrey and Mal didn’t think they’d get together otherwise. He admits that his feelings despite the spell being lifted were not fake. That to me says he was looking for the first convenient reason to break up with Audrey.  There is literally no evidence that I saw that Ben had one IOTA of respect for his relationship with Audrey. Honestly, fuck this guy.
Secondly, once he’s not under the spell, he apparently gave NO THOUGHT to going to his ex and apologizing or breaking up with her properly. Maybe he didn’t want to rat Mal out, but that doesn’t mean he shouldn’t have apologized to his ex for breaking up with her in such a rude manner. He didn’t have to admit to a spell, he could have admitted that he didn’t feel a certain way about her and should have broken up with her in private. They both should have had a frank discussion of their feelings.
The fact that neither tried to talk to each other about their breakup to me says neither gave a real shit about each other.
For Mal’s part, “stealing” Ben was about freeing her mother (and to an extension the Isle) and not really about any feelings for Ben or to specifically hurt Audrey; hurting Audrey was just a byproduct. She did start to develop feelings for Ben and showed signs of remorse. She still wanted to free her mother but thought that she would undo the spell right after to not be cruel to Ben.
Now, that is rather harsh towards Audrey because regardless if Mal “meant to” hurt Audrey or not, she still did. I agree that Audrey is owed an apology from Mal for what she did do. Despite the illegitimacy of the relationship, Ben and Audrey were still in a relationship and owed each other a modicum of respect and Mal did play a part. I think she played a smaller part than people are willing to admit, but still a part.  
I also wonder if maybe Ben set Mal up to do a spell. He claims that the front is reserved for his parents and his girlfriend, but we clearly see Jane was invited up there too. I assume as a curtesy to FGM, so there was room for special guests at his leisure. If he could have clearly invited Mal and the others up as a special favor, why did he specifically mention that the person had to be his girlfriend? Maybe he didn’t think she’d resort to a spell, but I feel like he was trying to give her an opening to offer to be his date, and then he’d have a reason to break up with Audrey.
I feel like Ben’s the punk ass bitch in this story.
People say Mal got off easy but lets look at what actually happened. Yes, she grabbed the wand but only after Jane had taken it and freed the Isle. Mal simply held it while she had an existential crisis. In the end she stood up to her mother. Ultimately, she didn’t go through with her plans, and her actions didn’t actually free her mother.
Yes, she put a spell on Ben. But HE pretended to go along with it well after the spell wore off. He was only under the spell for like a day, and all she got was one date out of it. Her plan was to free the Isle, it didn’t seem like she was going to do anything to Ben beyond have him invite her up to the front. So if she gets dinged for the spell itself (which I think would be fair), we should keep in mind the longevity of the spell, and how a lot of Ben’s behavior cannot be blamed on the spell or Mal herself.
Yes, she had a plan to free her parents. But if Audrey can be excused because she was under family pressure, shouldn’t Mal get the same curtesy? Like either they both get dinged or neither get dinged.  
And lets also not pretend Audrey and Jane didn’t get off easy as well. Jane freed violent criminals and wielded what some could call a dangerous weapon, she didn’t even get yelled at.
Audrey put several people to sleep, turned some to stone, she had plans to take over Auradon, and she kidnapped and endangered a child. She was forgiven that night.
No one faces actual consequences in Auradon unless they’re a first-generation villain.
I see people saying it took 2 years for Mal to apologize, but if neither Ben nor Audrey brought up the issue afterwards, and they all gave indications that everything was fine then why would she assume she needs to apologize? Shouldn’t it be “It took Audrey 2 years to admit her feelings were hurt and she faked being ok?” Mal’s not a mind reader. We don’t know if Ben ever went into detail his relationship with Audrey with Mal, and we see Audrey get over Ben very quickly by getting with Chad, and staying with Chad through the second movie. As far as Mal can tell, Audrey was fine.
She did apologize after she found out Audrey’s motivations in D3. She might have apologized earlier if she was told how the break up affected Audrey. Ben and Leah owed apologies first, then Mal.
I have a theory that maybe D3 was supposed to be D2, but Sarah Jeffery wasn’t available for filming, so they skipped Audrey being the villain and went with “Mal has a hard time adjusting.” I feel like flow wise, it would have made more sense for Audrey to still be mad and dealing with the fall out six months after the events of D1, rather than 2 years. It never made sense to me that Ben would take Mal on official royal visits after only dating for a few months. It also doesn’t make sense that there would be some event where it was expected for Ben to ask Mal for “pre-engagement.” It does seem like a LOT of pressure to put on a new relationship, but not necessarily an engagement making Mal the future Queen. So, I think it makes a lot more sense that the second movie deal with the fallout with Audrey. The third movie could have started with the engagement, and then all the new responsibilities of being a future royal consort would drive Mal to seek out the Isle.
Yes, the “Did I Mention” break up was harsh, but was that Mal’s fault? The spell made him fall in love, how he expressed that love is his fault. It was a love spell, not a break up with your current girlfriend in the most fucked up way possible spell. If we’re likening the spell to drugs, then all the spell did was lower his inhibitions, the fact he had no regard for Audrey’s feelings deep down is on Ben.
I do feel bad for Audrey because of the expectations Leah put on her granddaughter. These expectations clearly gave her an extremely warped sense of entitlement. In Queen of Mean, she doesn’t talk about heartache. She talks about what she thinks is hers by right, being queen. She was promised from birth that if she was a hero/good guy then she was supposed to have a happily ever after. Her happy ending comprised of a crown.
While Audrey was born of the Good Guys, we never actually see her do anything good. To me, she thinks she’s owed something just for being born royal, and that was put into her head by Leah.
Leah berates Audrey for “failing” to become queen, which is completely unfair as Ben and by extension the crown cannot be “won.” Neither of them had real feelings towards each other and shouldn’t be shackled into marriage just because they’re both royal or because Audrey’s family overreached.  
I feel like Leah is coming from an archaic mindset where royals didn’t marry for love and puts these unrealistic and unfair standards on her granddaughter. We don’t have a full picture of royal hierarchy, but I feel like Audrey probably was the highest-ranking princess in Auradon absent a daughter from Beast and Belle. So maybe they fairly thought Audrey was the natural choice, but I doubt it was ever guaranteed or promised in any way.  
According to the Disney wikia, Audrey is spoiled because Aurora didn’t want her to ever know anything besides love and happiness. Being spoiled can warp anyone’s character.
Audrey deserves better, but a lot her problems were not Mal’s fault.  
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We need to talk about Jane and Carlos…
So if someone had to ask me what one of the most underrated things in the world was, I would definitely say dcoms. (Disney Channel Original Movies)
They’re cheesy and dumb and not a single one lacks their flaws.
But they are still just so fun to watch and you just get a whole new experience from watching dcoms than you do any other movie.
Now among all those dcoms is a sub genre of musicals, being made popular by the one and only High School Musical trilogy. But we also have the Cheetah Girls, Teen Beach Movie, ZOMBIES, and the Descendants.
Now while all of those movie series are amazing in their own right, I’m gonna zero in on Descendants.
Kenny Ortega’s big return to Disney Channel and oh my gosh was it hyped up.
You couldn’t go two minutes watching Suite Life on Deck reruns without having this shoved in your face.
And you’d be dang right if you thought I was excited to see it. The children of iconic Disney characters all in one shared universe? Sign me the heck up!
Of course we got rid of cable before it came out and it would be maybe two years later until i finally considered watching it with my sister.
Needless to say our reaction could be boiled down to, “Oh. Oh no.”
Love it or hate it, as a movie lover I can say that D1 is a fundamentally broken movie on every level.
Nothing is developed enough and it relies way too heavily on you loving Mal as a character. Spoiler alert, I don’t.
But regardless of that, D1 also introduced me to a guy named Carlos De Vil.
Now i will never be able to comprehend WHY on Earth, puppy-skinning, vampire bat, inhumane beast, Cruella De Vil would EVER do the do with anyone and then still keep the baby after not killing it during pregnancy.
But she did and there he was.
Canonically physically and mentally abused by his mother to such a degree that he wakes up at night screaming.
Something Disney had never really had the guts to do before.
And immediately he charmed the heck out of me because regardless of how awful he had it on the Isle, it didn’t take a genius to see that he was a genuinely a good person at heart.
He was so clearly different and that was shown through maybe a culmination of like five minutes of screen time and Cameron’s incredible acting abilities.
And he deserved so much more in those movies than what was given to him but I won’t complain.
Because we still need to talk about another sweetheart.
Jane gets even less development than Carlos which is to be expected since she isn’t a main character, but you can still figure out and understand her if you read between the lines.
In D1 you not only get the fact that she likes to hide in her own little bubble, but she’s also incredibly insecure. So much so that Mal is quickly able to see it and take advantage of it.
Spending her whole life having to repeat that it’s not the outside that matters, it’s the inside, even though she doesn’t completely believe.
And then someone comes forward and basically validates her in her belief that she isn’t pretty, but she could be if she stopped focusing on the inside.
That’s what leads to her downward spiral throughout the movie as she lets her newfound “beauty” (seriously bobbed hair is cute and Disney needs to calm down) go to her head and she turns on Mal and the rest of the VKs.
Now while I find Mal to be completely irrational, her reversing Jane’s spell makes sense.
It’s Jane’s actions that follow.
Her, so desperate to be beautiful (literally she is so gorgeous how?) deciding to steal her mother’s wand isn’t paced very well and doesn’t make a lot of sense in the plot. But they just wanted to avoid Mal being the cause of the barrier being brought down so her redemption would be easier.
A classic Kylo Ren of avoiding direct contact and having it all be indirect so they can easily be forgiven later.
Now by all means after her actions that day, I’m surprised Jane herself isn’t sent to jail.
But I guess in D3 they show that they have an AK bias so whatever.
Now the important thing about this is that Carlos is there for all of Jane’s worst moments.
The moments where she is not at her best emotionally and it’s manifesting in bad ways. He knows that Mal had planned to use her to get to the wand in the first place before dumping her when that wasn’t going anywhere.
He knows that’s she’s afraid of them by the way she reacts to them in her first scene in Goodness Class.
He knows all of that.
And he still drags her onto a dance floor, refusing to let her be alone.
You could argue that Jay was there too, but her immediately ditched to jump on the Audrey train so…
This small moment, Carlos’ selfless act of kindness, plants a seed that most people laughed at or rolled their eyes - but all the same it was there.
And that little seed began to grow until two years later (six months in the actual movies) we get a beautiful Janelos flower.
Now D2 Janelos is some quality stuff and never have I seen so many people hate a ship that hasn’t done anything wrong.
And I think it’s fitting that Carlos’ arc for D2 is all centered around Jane.
In the first movie, he conquered his fear of dogs.
Now in this movie, he conquers his fear of being rejected by her.
Now if you’re an over analyzer by nature and a Carlos stan by choice, you tend to pick up on subtleties that Disney doesn’t have the guts to cover. Most notably, Carlos being touch/affection starved
You can see it in the ways his mother doesn’t show him love outside of threats and total, emotional reliance. In the way the VKs don’t particularly reciprocate his touches unless absolutely necessary. Or unless you’re Jay and you need to pull and alpha male moment and start wrastling.
And you can definitely see it in the way he thrives off of contact with Dude, and later, Jane.
Now somehow you people don’t think it is absolutely incredible that Carlos De Vil, physically and emotionally abused since birth, grew up on the Isle where love and dating were not a common place thing, fell in love.
And with the girl that was afraid of him in the first movie.
And omg I could talk about Carlos “Heart Eyes” De Vil forever and ever. Amen.
But instead I’m gonna talk about the three most major Janelos scenes in the film.
First one is gonna be the truth gummy scene.
First of all, Carlos’ puppy dog eyes when he’s thinking about Jane restore my life to the full one million years I am supposed to live.
People you are not allowed to overlook what Carlos was going to do in this short and beautiful scene.
Because he’s never really lived a life where he can speak his mind and share his feelings, the whole movie he’s struggling to even figure out how he can open up to Jane.
Not change his personality to get her attention.
Not making a love potion that’ll force her to love him.
No, he decides that the only way to approach it is honesty - by that I mean he agrees to sacrifice lying for the rest of his mortal life. And Mal gives him plenty of reasons to back out, most of them being about her but still, and he simply replies, “I’ll take my chances.”
The world did not do anything good enough to earn Carlos De Vil.
But the thing is, the truth gummy is his only hope to help him spit out how he feels about Jane. Because whenever he’s in her presence all he can do is freeze up and stutter. Simply due to the fact that when he’s faced with the chance, Carlos has no clue how to describe what he feels and what he wants.
But he knows that his heart does.
It’s in there somewhere and dang he’s gonna get it out because he cares about her so much and just wants to TELL her how he feels when he looks at her.
Of course then Dude eats it and all those years Carlos’ heart eyes had given me instantly went away again.
And then the whole Janelos plot line takes a bit of a nap until the third act of the movie when Carlos decides that Mal alienating herself from the Core Four ain’t helping her mental health and their friendship.
That’s when he drops the absolute BARS of knowledge, “Then don’t.”
He tells her that she never should change herself just to make someone else happy, you’ll never know if they really love you that way.
And I just wanna take a moment to wonder where Carlos got all these strong good person energies, because being raised on an Isle where love and dating aren’t even concepts should show in all the VKs.
Yet in D2 and D3 we can see that Carlos and Evie both seem to approach love with an impressive maturity that I can’t even fathom how they figured it out.
His advice is a comfort to Mal as well as Jay’s protective big brother move, and then we get to see the way his own advice affects him.
His Lovecraftian horror paraphrases what he said in the earlier conversation, “If she doesn’t love you for who you are than she isn’t the one.”
But this applies differently than in the Ben/Mal situation.
Carlos doesn’t try to change who he is or how he acts (unless you count the sacrificing lying thing but that wasn’t really used to earn her love so) but he gets the general idea.
And so, Carlos offers himself to her.
Just him, and a date and his love because that’s all he has to give her.
And she can either say yes and accept him and he can finally begin to understand what he’s feeling.
Or, she can turn him away - not wanting anything to do with what he has for her.
Which leads to such a beautiful scene, ugh I could write songs about the Janelos confession scene it’s that good.
First you see Carlos running at the speed of sound just to catch her, and he was definitely running around the whole campus because he absolutely needed to do this before he chickened out like every other time in the movie.
And at first it doesn’t seem to click in Jane’s head, because she’s only ever been just Jane.
Not pretty like Audrey or athletic like Lonnie.
Boys didn’t flirt with her or ask her out on dates, certainly not the boys she liked.
So of course, like the other times he had tried, she just wasn’t getting it. Too preoccupied with party planning and not getting her hopes up to let it sink in.  And that’s when Carlos does something that he didn’t even need a truth gummy to do.
He gives her a list of all that he can give her, looking into her eyes and waiting for her to take or leave it
And not only does she take it, but she fully adds all the things on the list that she’s always wanted to do with him, giving herself right back to him in the process.
Leaving Carlos absolutely shocked and overwhelmed and happy.
He just figured she’d either say yes or no.
Her giving herself to him wasn’t even a consideration in his mind.
And then she throws him for a loop once again, by throwing her arms around him and holding him tight.
And honestly, Carlos’ reaction says it all.
The first time somebody initiated legitimate affection towards him, and it’s from the girl he loves no less.
He’s at a loss for words and can’t even fathom what he’s feeling, but finally, Carlos is the one hugging back. Clinging onto her for dear life because it’s almost like he can’t believe this is real.
The next time we see them, they’re both looking super fine at cotillion; and let me tell you that seeing touch starved Carlos finally getting to hold hands and cuddle with his girlfriend makes me weak every time. You can see that for now, they’re figuring it out, they’ve both been super far away from the whole love thing so now they’ve just gotta go at a healthy pace for them.
Regardless of that, you can really see how much they not only love but need each other.
And then it was gonna be another two years until we’d get to figure what the writers were gonna do with Janelos, if anything at all.
During that time I had gotten well acquainted with the horrifying wall of Janelos hate you had to walk along before getting occasional content. So obviously, I chose to have nothing to do with the fandom and then Janelos fell off my radar again until I found the nerve to watch the third movie.
And oh my goodness remember just a few lines ago when I said that Jane and Carlos needed each other?
That was the key point of their story in D3.
While I think it’s poorly shown, Carlos’ character arc from a quiet abuse victim with a good heart to an honest to goodness hero (I’m talking the kinds they write songs about) is just amazingly beautiful and deserved so much more screen time than it actually got.
In D3, Carlos finally has something to lose.
Or, more accurately, something he needs to protect.
I really wish they had zeroed in on him worrying about Jane more, because while it was still there it wasn’t very focused on.
Not that I can be mad because their reuniting scene was something that made me immediately sit up in my chair and go, “Oh my fluffing gosh they have a thing.”
Like I’m sorry, what?
You’re telling me that whenever they cling to each other like that Carlos has that same look of just, pure happiness.
“She loves me and I love her, I’m never letting her go.”
Carlos De Vil went from someone who had never known or felt love in his life, to loving a girl so much it made me fall out of my chair.
D3 just wanted to remind us that the VKs have come very far, and now they’re happy and loved and we don’t need to worry about them.
All I can say is that Jane and Carlos are just an amazing couple if you step back and just look at what it means for them to be together.
A touch starved abuse victim and an insecure cheerleader fell in love and surrendered their hearts completely. And you don’t see that anywhere near Disney as a franchise, much less dcoms.
Bottom line, I know I went off for a hot minute but if we’re being honest I still have about a trillion things I could say about “Jarlos.”
But I’m pretty sure I’ve elaborated enough  to get my point across.
I just wanna say that Carlos would literally never let his mother come anywhere near the light of his life and that was some total BS.
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hbostolemysoul · 5 years
Fluff alphabet: Joe Liebgott
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A = Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
When you and Lieb first met, the thing you found most attractive about him was when he shut the hell up. Joe has a temper, and a mouth to match. You two mixed about as well as water and flaming oil, both working desperately to consume the other, but ultimately never succeeding.
Yeah. You found it most attractive when he shut up. (his hair was definitely not attractive…or the way his mouth would quirk when he smiled…or how animated he gets when talking about superheroes...)
Yep definitely him shutting up…absolutely nothing else…
Joe on the other hand had no problem admitting you had a pretty face, “Too bad every word that leaves your mouth makes you uglier”
Lieb is an asshole, and he knows it. In fact, he is pretty sure that is just his default setting. Which is how he justifies being an ass to you. (he absolutely isn’t nastier to you when he sees guys from other companies flirting with you…and all he wants to do is fucking deck them). He feels that he is doing the rest of guys a favor. Bros before hoes or something like that (except that you definitely are not a hoe, and he will gladly square up with anyone who says that…other than him).  
B = Baby (Do they want a family? Why/Why not?)
Joe talks a pretty big game about finding a ‘nice Jewish girl with big tits, to make tiny Liebgotts with’. Maybe that was something that helped him to cope during the war but finding out you were pregnant actually broke something in Joe. You two had gotten into a fight about god knows what and ending up sleeping together…and then hooking up almost every time you two got into a fight after that (which was frequent). It was fiery, and passionate, and fueled by your mutual hatred/love for each other.
You found out shortly before you shipped off back home. You told him a few days before you left and he just…up and avoided you. You had searched desperately for him the day you shipped out, with no luck. You ended up writing a brief letter to him, leaving your address and phone number. Giving it to Web you asked him to pass it to Lieb.
You moved back home, 7 months later you gave birth to your daughter. Still no word from Joe.
You had been everything from sad, to scared, to furious. When you found out that he had cut ties with literally everyone from Easy you thought it would make you feel…well better. Instead, you found yourself worrying about him.
Word spread to the guys that you had a kid. Most knew that it was Joe’s. Some of the guys were furious (Guarnere, Babe, Roe of all people) most were sympathetic and supportive (Winters, Toye, Webster, Malarkey, ect.)
Your child may not have had a father for some of her life, but she had an army of uncles who would move mountains for your little girl.
Your daughter was three when you received a letter from one of Joe’s sisters. The letter explained that Joe had refused to talk about the war (fair enough) but one night she found him drunk as a skunk and crying. He told her about you. About the baby. About how he didn’t “know what to fuckin’ do anymore”.
She had left a phone number. That was how you met the Liebgotts. It took some convincing on their part, a bit of encouragement from Winters and Webster, and a sharp fucking shove into the back of Malarkey’s car for you and your daughter to make your way down to San Francisco (Buck had also decided to come along, because “Mal can't be trusted with kids, c’mon”)
You had decided to leave your daughter with Malarkey and Buck when you first went to visit Joe.
Things went about as well as the entirety of Operation Market Garden.
He was not okay, clearly not coping well with the effects of war. You had left shortly after getting there, leaving a picture of your daughter on the table. His mom was in tears as she saw you out.
Going back home was more somber than either Buck or Malarkey would have liked, but they did everything they could to cheer you up. It helped.
About 3 weeks after arriving back home your phone rang, it was Joe.
It was at that moment that he began to make…well an effort. It was a slow process, but your daughter deserved to know her father, and Joe deserved a chance at love and peace.
C = Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
While you two were hooking up it was usually rushed, clothing righted shortly after. But in moments where you two had a bit more time, his hands would sometimes linger as he gently rebuttoned your clothes.
Later in life cuddling often consists of the two of you in bed, arms barely touching as a few small humans squeeze their way between the both of you.
D = Dates (What are dates with them like?)
Joe likes to drive, its one of the few things that give him peace. Sometimes Joe would drive you all down to the beach, or to a drive-in. Somewhere a bit outside the craziness of the city.
E = Everything (You are my __ (e.g. my life, my world…))
“You are so much more than I deserve”
F = Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Joe knew he loved you back in Toccoa. Not that he ever admitted it fully to himself.
During the entire war, he loved you. He loved you when you told him you were pregnant. He loved you enough to push you away so you wouldn’t have to deal with the broken man he was trying so desperately to hide from everyone.
G = Gentle (Are they gentle? If so, how?)
While you two were sleeping together pre-daughter, he was intense. His touches bordering on painful until after the act, then his touches would gentle, lightly caressing your skin in a way that he could say was accidental if you ever called him out on it.
Once you and Lieb reconnect, it’s a slow process. He has a lot to make up for. Touches of any kind are minimal at first, but over time a hand on your back or fingers running through your hair become gentle parts of everyday life for the two of you.
H = Hands (How do they like to hold hands?)
No. Joe just does not like hand holding. He doesn’t want to look like a ‘sap’ in front of strangers, let alone people he knows. He will, however, sling an arm along the back of your chair when you go out. He finds comfort in knowing you are there without having to physically put his hands on you.
I = Impression (What was their first impression?)
He thought you were fucking beautiful, and so fucking stupid for being in the god damned paratroopers. Everyone took to you like a moth to a flame. You were kind and tough as hell, and he wanted to hate you so much.
When he didn’t hate you, it made him want to hate you more. It wouldn’t do well to get attached to a fucking broad who would be jumping into a warzone. Pushing you away and being an asshole was Joe’s way of trying to convince himself that he didn’t care about you. (It never worked)
J = Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Oh lordy yes. Training was a bitch, you couldn’t enter the same room as Lieb before he was spouting off some remark to piss you off.
Looking back now you realize his comments came more frequently when you were around other men.
Even now, married with a few kids Joe still gets mouthy when another man looks at you for longer than a second.
K = Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You honestly don’t know who kissed the other first. One minute you are screaming in each other’s faces, the next your lips met in an aggressive clash of teeth and tongue.  
L = Love (Who says ‘I love you’ first?)
He does. It takes him about a year of being back in both your lives, but he does say it. Your daughter had fallen asleep on his one side, you were smiling down at her sleepily. He gently brushed your bangs back muttering the words almost silently. Looking up into his eyes you smiled tiredly, “Love you too Lieb”. It took a lot for Joe to cry, but that did it. Something about that moment healed both of you a little bit more.
M = Memory (What’s their favourite memory together?)
His favourite memory is pretty mundane in comparison to most. It was the first time he came ‘home’ from work. He had just moved in with you two, entering your home, his home, after work was nerve-wracking. His nerves settled moments after he stepped through the threshold. Your daughter was sprawled on the floor, scribbling relentlessly on a piece of paper, while you sorted through work documents at the table. It was so domestic, and so much more than he ever expected. He was home.
N = Nickel (Do they spoil? Do they buy the person they love everything?)
Joe works with you to provide for your small family. You two are never rich, but you make sure your children want for nothing when it comes to the necessities.
Joe struggles a lot with having anything to do with the guys. You got him writing to Winters occasionally, and that was a HUGE step for Joe. The best gift he ever gave you, was calling the guys personally to tell them when you gave birth to your second child. It was hard for him. So terribly difficult. But he knew how much the guys mean to you, so he swallowed the grief and panic that came with anything that reminded him of the war. Seeing Luz, Perconte, and fucking Webster with a shark stuffed animal crash into your hospital room a few days later made the gesture all the more special.
O = Orange (What colour reminds them of their other half?)
You remind him of the sky during the sunrise. You are both an infuriatingly bright and absolutely beautiful.
P = Pet names (What pet names do they use?)
He uses ‘babe’ a lot, which was kind of funny when Uncle Babe came over for your daughter’s birthday. The confusion on poor Heffron’s face and the fury on Joe’s was priceless.
Q = Quaint (What is their favourite non-modern thing?)
(I know its still modern) Hersey bars. He likes to share them with the kids on Friday evenings. They will sit on the back porch, share chocolate and talk about their day. Its pretty cute.
R = Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
Joe is usually driving his cab, if the rain isn’t too bad he will continue on with his day. If the downpour gets ridiculous he will pull off and park somewhere he can see the ocean, watching as the tiny droplets disappear as they meet the waves.
S = Sad (How do they cheer themselves/others up?)
Before you and Joe reconnected he smoked a ridiculous amount. Something about the burn of each inhale helped to settle his mind.
While he has cut back on smoking, you still sometimes find him hunched outside in the middle of the night smoking. The sweat from his nightmares still gathered on his brow, in these moments you just hold him and wait for him to finish.
T = Talking (What do they like to talk about?)
He talks a lot about work, he has some pretty entertaining stories that he will share with you and the kids to get you all to laugh. Your family had brought life back into Joe.
U = Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Driving. Every June your family will pack up and head to some camping destination, or off to see one of the guys from Easy. Around D-day Joe gets anxious, so you two decided to make something that marked so much darkness for the two of you, into something positive to share with the kids.
V = Vaunt (What do they like to show off? What are they proud of?)
You best believe that Joe carries around your kid's drawings in his wallet. When Harry and Kitty come to visit it's almost comical to watch as they have a ‘dad off’ on who’s kids are most artistically inclined. You and Kitty often hide in the kitchen and drink.
W = Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
You had been having a rough time at work, a few of your co-workers had just quit and the work was piling up while the higher-ups tried to find replacements. You came home late one night, Joe had made dinner for you and put the kids to bed. Kissing the top of your head he ushered you off to have a bath while he cleaned up. Entering your bedroom almost made you cry. On your pillow was a small box and one of your favourite flowers. Walking over you opened the box, tears coming to your eyes, Joe had come to lean against the doorframe. Rubbing the back of his neck he just grinned at you, “So uh- what do ya’ think?”, He asked.
You just nodded as you walked over to him, his arms soon pulling you close to his chest as you cried.
Your wedding was small, just immediate family. Some of the guys were bummed, but they understood as Joe was still struggling with being around them, let alone a bunch of other people.
X = Xylophone (What’s their song?)
Found- Trenton
Y = Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/proposing?)
Yep. Lieb talked about it lots during the war, but actually doing it was another story entirely.
It took him a long time to ask you, he had a lot of healing to do after the war. While things didn’t play out in the most ideal way between you two, you are both happy with where you ended up in the end.
Z = Zebra (If they wanted a pet, what would they get?)
No. Your gaggle of children is more than enough. After all “we own a house, not a fucking zoo”, as Lieb so lovingly puts it. 
* Okay...so things got a bit angsty. Please forgive me*
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One Last Chance
Harry Hook x Shan Yu Daughter!Reader
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Request: If it isn't too much trouble, can I have a fic with the prompts 1,5,6 and 7 from the 50 prompt list. Placed in Auradon, it is between Harry and me who is the daughter of Shan Yu and is quiet, sassy, flirty, and short tempered. They are all centred around my jealousy of Harry and Uma's relationship because of how he treats her and even though we have been together for a few years, he has yet to tell me he loves me, even though he can express affection for Uma. This leaves me to confront Harry, where these prompts come in and when number one is uttered, Harry leaves. A few months later Harry has done everything to talk to me because he realises he made a huge mistake and I don't talk to him until he stands up a table and declares his love for me. We go to talk privately and he tells me why he has been distance with me and that I have nothing to fear from Uma, we kiss and get back together. Sorry this so long, I tend to ramble. 😣
requested by @serpensangel
Prompt: ‘50 Prompt List’
#1 ‘If you walk out of that door, there is no walking back.’
#5 ‘Why is it so hard or you to admit you love me?’
#6 ‘Are you forgetting who my parents are?’
#7 ‘You’ve had a second chance! And a third! And a tenth!’
Note: So I’m not putting a summary on this since the request itself is pretty long and detailed. This was actually pretty fun to write even though it took me 3 days to complete...
‘Dating’ was never a thing on the Isle of the Lost. People leave before they were left, avoiding heartbreak before it happens. Things are temporary, just like the loyalty that exists between Isle kids. 
You thought what you had with Harry Hook was different. That the two of you could actually break the loop of relationships on the Isle. You were younger back then, and naive.
You’ve been dating Harry for almost two years now. It started off as light-hearted flirting. You told yourself that was all it was, but as time went on, you often found yourself devoid of sleep, thoughts always drifting back to Harry. He was your best friend, always being there for you whenever you needed someone, no questions asked. 
With someone like Shan Yu for a father, you needed to have someone like that, and you found more than friendship in him. You found love, or so you thought.
You knew for a fact that you loved Harry Hook. Without a doubt. He could always make your mood take a 180 degree turn. He’d light up your day and when you were with him, you felt safe. He was home.
You told him you loved him. It was hard for you to accept the vulnerability you were subjecting yourself to by telling him, but you still did it. He couldn’t say it back and you understood. He wasn’t ready and you accepted that.
Time went on. Your relationship met a dead end. Harry had been spending more and more time with his pirate crew, often leaving you for them. You didn’t mind at first. You knew how much he loved his friends and you also had a duty to the Huns. Eventually, you realised that the relationship had become one-sided and you’d had enough.
One night, you confronted him. He’d forgotten half of your plans within the last week, and he was a half hour late to meet you in your village, leaving you waiting in humiliation. 
When he finally strutted up to you in the alley, your blood was boiling. “Took you long enough.” You growled, glaring sharply at your boyfriend. He snickered at your provoked state. “Chill, love. I was with Uma.” 
You took a deep breath, not wanting to say things you would regret. You did it often and the consequences were never good. “Harry, we need to talk.” 
He shrugged, leaning against the wall nonchalantly, “we’re talking right now.”
You rolled your eyes, ignoring his comment. “You’ve been treating me like dirt, Harry. I’m done being forgotten and ignored.”
Your pirate boyfriend only laughed, shaking his head, “Babe, you’re being too sensitive.” This only managed to rile you up further, causing you to raise your voice.
“Do you know how it feels to love someone and have that person brush it off like nothing? Don’t even get me started on your excuses. You tell Uma you love her every day, Harry! Do you know how that makes me feel?”
With a sigh and a roll of his eyes, “Is that it? You’re jealous of Uma?” Harry couldn’t see what the big deal was. You were supposed to know how he felt about love, and that Uma was only his friend. There was no point in you getting so angry.
“Christ, Harry! That’s not the point!” You yelled, exasperated. “You keep giving me the same excuse over and over again! Why is it so hard for you to admit you love me?”
This hit him like a slap across the face. He did love you, and it scared him to death. He’d never felt this way about anyone before, not Uma, not Gil. This feeling was foreign to him, and he was afraid if he said it out loud, he would be weakening himself.
“Have you forgotten who my parents are?” He snapped, starting to get irritated. You were supposed to understand.
You laughed bitterly, “Have you forgotten who mine are? If my father found out about you, I’d be ridiculed! But I still told you, despite everything!” You’d moved closer to Harry during your argument, and now you were standing chest-to-chest with him. Both heaved up and down, the two of you planning your next move.
Harry spoke first, eyes avoiding yours as he moved away. “I don’t need this.” He turned the doorknob to leave and the words left your mouth without contemplation. “If you walk out of that door, there is no walking back.”
That was the last you ever saw of him. After your breakup, you threw yourself into your training as the next chieftainess of the Huns. You never went back to the docks or the pirates’ territory, completely changing your daily routes to avoid seeing your ex. 
You resented the way he had let your break-up go down, how he had chosen cowardice and laughed in your face. You grew to hate him, your anger taking control of you completely. This wasn’t a bad thing, in the eyes of your father, who had taught you to make your anger your strongest weapon. 
A few months passed, and you heard about the mess Harry had gotten himself into. You’d heard the news from your new friend Dizzy. Despite your age difference, you both valued each other’s company. She had the child-like innocence that was so rare on the Isle and you protected her against other villain kids. 
When Auradon officials came to the Isle to invite Dizzy to Auradon, you thought you were going to lose another friend, but the younger girl refused. You didn’t get an invitation yourself, and Dizzy wasn’t going to abandon you in that horrible place.
That’s how you found yourself sitting in a cramped limo, Dizzy struggling to calm you down as you sat fuming across your ex-boyfriend. It had been half a year since you’d seen him, and as much you hated to admit it, you still loved him. As much as you told yourself you hated him, you knew deep down it wasn’t true.
That didn’t mean you weren’t angry. This was clearly evident as you fidgeted in your cramped seat, Dizzy’s hand hastily patting your balled fist. The pirate sat across you, joking about with Gil and other villain kids, laughing like nothing had ever happened between the two of you. But you noticed the way his eyes would purposely avoid you and never look towards your direction.
You chose against punching your ex-boyfriend. No, instead you chose to look away, to ignore him. Because he was your past, and Auradon was going to be your future.
You hated Auradon at first. It was filled to the prim with proper princes and princesses. The colours, the songs, even the kindness bothered you. It was just as preppy as you had imagined, but the only thing different was how genuinely kind the people were.
You had expected an abundance of dirty looks and glares, but ever since the first four villain kids had arrived, most people had given you the benefit of the doubt.
You’d been as good as possible, doing your best to stay out of trouble. You kept your head down, not giving anyone any reason to send you back to the Isle. If you had to act like the carbon copy of Audrey, you would, but you were not going back to the Huns.
You often found yourself sitting with the ‘core-four’ villain kids - Mal, Evie, Carlos and Jay. You’d avoided them at first, due to what Harry had previously told you about them, but Dizzy was determined for you to make friends.
That’s how you found yourself sitting in Mal and Evie’s shared dorm, watching them banter over nothing in particular when a sharp knock sounded of their door. You shrugged, thinking it would be either Ben or Doug. 
Evie went to open the door and you heard a gasp. You looked up, ready to fight whoever was at the door. When you saw who it was, your heart sank to your stomach. There, standing in the doorway, was Harry Hook. You’d been making progress in getting over him but every time you saw him only set you back.
“Y/N, I-” Harry had started to speak, but you never let him finish. You stood, blood running cold in your veins as your eyes bored into his and slammed the door in his face. The universe seemed to be laughing at you, its attempts at making your life miserable succeeding.
Unfortunately, that was not the last you would see of your ex-boyfriend. Throughout the next few weeks he had been endlessly pestering you, cornering you in corridors, waiting for you outside your classrooms. Each instance had ended with you glaring daggers at him and shoving him away from you.
Harry didn’t know what to do. He’d done everything possible to get a word in with you but each time he’d been forcefully rejected. His life was grim without you. He missed having you next to him everyday and knowing he had been the one to screw it all up crushed him. 
Harry Hook was desperate. That was the only reason he had finally gone to Jay to ask for advice. The son of Jafar hadn’t responded too kindly to Harry’s request, but eventually agreed when he heard how he spoke of you.
The blame was half on Jay for what Harry would do. It started out as any other day, with you meeting Mal, Evie and Dizzy for breakfast out in the gardens. You had gotten your breakfast and sat next to Carlos, across from Jay.
The older boy was clearly skittish and fidgeting in his seat. You had stopped your eating to stare at him. He avoided your eyes and played around with his food.
You cleared your throat, “You know I can murder you in a hundred ways with this butter knife.” Jay looked up, chuckling nervously while his eyes flickered down to the knife in your hand. His eyes widened and his stammering stopped. 
You noticed the five people surrounding you all had mirroring expressions - eyes wide, jaw dropped. You turned in your seat, expecting to see a unicorn with five heads behind you, but no, instead you saw Harry Hook standing high and mighty on the table behind you.
You narrowed your eyes and crossed your arms over your chest. If this was an attempt at further humiliating you, it was working. He held a single rose in his hand, clearing his throat.
“Y/N of the Huns, daughter of Shan Yu, I messed up. I was a stupid, young boy and I should never have let you go. I still love you, lass,” he proclaimed loudly, looking directly at you, “will you forgive me?”
At this point, people all around you were looking and you had turned as red as Tinker Bell herself. You huffed, standing from your seat and pulling Harry off the table. You stormed into the first empty classroom you found, whipping around to face him.
“The hell do you think you’re doing?” You asked. It was proving hard to keep your death-glare on him. You tried to ignore the ache deep in your heart when he flashed you the smile he used to.
“I’m winnin’ you back, love.” He smirked, his hook toying against the side of your face. You growl, smacking his hand away. “You broke up with me, remember? You chose to leave!”
He sighs, moving closer to you. His usual playful demeanour melted away, replaced by a sincere one. “Y/N, I wasn’t thinking. You have every right to be angry at me. I,” he looked away from you for a split second, before returning to your eyes, “I need you. Please, just give me a second chance.” 
You scoffed, backing away. Your sadness was battling the scale with your anger. “You’ve had a second chance! And a third! And a tenth!”
Harry shook his head quickly, moving to cup your face in his hands. You didn’t move away, your breath hitching. You’d missed being so close to him, actually touching him, that your anger almost faded. Almost.
“I know I’ve screwed up a thousand times, but please, just let me prove to you that I truly love you. Give me one last chance.” He pleaded, eyes searching yours for forgiveness. You whispered, “You broke me.”
Harry’s heart skipped a beat. It had never truly hit him until now that what he had done could actually have affected you. You seemed just fine after your breakup, seeming just as enraged as usual. It broke his heart to see the daughter of Shan Yu, leader of the Huns so vulnerable, suffering at his hand.
“Darling, I’m so, so sorry for what I’ve done. I didn’t ever mean to hurt you, please-” 
You shook your head and gently placing your lips on his. You sighed against him, missing the feeling of him and you together. Harry reacted immediately, tugging you closer towards him. The kiss only remained for a short few seconds, but it was enough for a small smile to appear on your lips.
“Harry Hook, don’t you ever dare hurt me again.”
Your boyfriend chuckled. He finally had you back, and there was no way in hell he was ever going to let himself mess up again. Harry smirked, pulling you in for another kiss, “Wouldn’t dream of it, my love.”
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evieshook · 7 years
caught in the act
pairing: harry/evie rating: t words: ~2600 a/n: a bit of a higher rating for some suggestive themes haha ;) prompt: Can you do a hevie fic where everyone catches them in the dorm? read on: [ao3] [ffn.net]
Their undoing had been a lapse of judgement on her part as Harry all but insisted that they were safe. She thought she had better self-control than she did, but she had to admit that in all honesty, he had been completely right.
Ever since they had made their relationship official, it was one characterized by excuses and secret hiding places as Evie had made it firm that their relationship was one that would be hidden by the shadows. She didn’t like the arrangement as much as he did, but they both knew that this would be their best option at this period in time. Despite him, Uma and Gil having arrived at Auradon four months ago, relations between both groups of VKs had been anything but friendly. While they all could get along with Gil, Uma and Harry were a whole different story. Uma was still unable to set aside her grudges against Mal, leading her to practically disliking the other three as well. And Harry, well Harry had a talent at pissing off people just by speaking. He and Jay still had their ridiculous rivalry going on, and Mal wasn’t particularly fond of him either. With Carlos, it almost like he was afraid of him, something that Evie could never figure out why.
And with her, let’s just say that all his endless flirting had finally gotten to her and she had fallen for him before it was too late. They had always had a little thing going on even before Auradon, but it never went beyond teasing banter whenever they were in each other’s presence. But once the pirate had escaped from the Isle, he had managed to take the banter one step further when he always seemed to openly seek out the girl, much to the curiosity of the others. Of course she had squashed it down by arguing that he happened to be his favorite person to annoy, which they bought easily because she made sure to shout at him every time they were in sight. Of course, Harry took it all in stride until one day it all boiled down to him grabbing her and pulling her into an empty classroom where he kissed her until her lips swelled.
From that day forward, their ‘extracurricular activities’ had been one of secret, Harry taking every opportunity he could to get them alone. It had worked for a good three months, if she said so herself, Evie having trained her senses to alert them if anyone was nearby when they were in the middle of their little activities. Of course it had gotten tiring when they had once been interrupted five times within a single hour, and it had all but killed the mood.
But now they had gone almost a week without being able to meet in private, mainly because of the royal celebrations coming up that garnered her all her attention. On the one free day she had to spare, Harry had taken the opportunity to sweep her away before she could say otherwise, stating that it had been far too long. She couldn’t help but agree; it had been far too long without him that she wondered how she even managed to keep her sanity with the piles of workload stacking everyday. He had wanted to ease her stresses by taking her out on a date near the Enchanted Lake, which was beautiful to say the least, until they had had to cut their date short because duty had called.
This had sent Evie running to the dorms where she was supposed to have delivered a dress in ten minutes, with Harry at her heels. He refused to let her go without him, so thanks to his help, she had managed to meet the deadline in time. When they had returned to her dorm room, which thankfully she now had to herself, Harry took this opportunity to kiss her, deciding this was the best time to do so. She was initially reluctant, urging that someone might catch them, but Harry argued that no one would be needing her today, not when she had her day off.
Without having anymore fight left in her, Evie had melted right into the kiss, sinking into his arms as he carried her by the waist, gently dropping her onto her fluffy bed. She leaned back into her pillows as he crawled on top of her, his lips curving into that sexy smirk of his before she pulled him by the neck to kiss him. Harry had returned her kiss with as much fervor as she had, using his arms to support himself so as not to squash her with his entire weight.
Her hands, which had been running through his hair, had lowered to push the leather jacket off his shoulders, Harry taking it off without hesitation. He threw it to the ground without a second look, his lips still attached to hers as her hands moved to lift up his shirt. He still wore that same ripped shirt he would wear back on the Isle, full of rips and tears that she could easily feel his skin beneath her touch.
Harry’s lips curved into a grin as he pulled away slightly, only to lift off his remaining shirt as Evie unzipped her own leather ensemble. Her eyes raked up and down his exposed chest with darkened eyes, teeth biting her lips before he lowered himself back down to kiss her, Evie letting out a small giggle in delight. Her hands roamed the expanses of his hardened chest, one carved from years of sword fighting and pillaging, as he moved his own to settle on her waist.
His fingers moved to the edges of her shirt, ready to remove the shirt when they heard a loud scream from her dorm room door as Harry felt himself being aggressively shoved off of her. Evie’s eyes widened in shock as she watched the pirate be tackled to the ground by a familiar bulky figure, her eyes soon moving to the door where she saw the shell shocked faces of Mal and Carlos.
“Oi! Gerroff me!” she heard an angry cry from the corner, but she couldn’t look as she kept her eyes on her frozen friends.
“Mal, Carlos…”
Mal’s eyes diverted to the blue haired girl, sharing a look before she turned to the side of the bed where Jay held Harry to the ground. A scowl settled on her face as she marched up to him, Evie’s eyes dilating when realization struck.
Before Mal could even do anything to the boy, Evie had finally jumped off her bed and blocked the girl, putting herself between her and her pirate. She raised an eyebrow in bemusement and slight anger. “What are you doing? Move Evie, I have to teach him a lesson.”
Evie shook her head vehemently, placing a hand out to stop her. “Stop, it wasn’t his fault.”
Her nostrils flared at this. “Not his fault? He came on to you! He was ready to take you!” she practically screamed, Evie wincing at the loudness of her voice.
“I was not gonna take her!” Harry shouted from below, Mal’s frown only deepening at the interruption.
“Liar! I saw what your hands were doing. You were ready to take off her shirt.”
“I wasn’t doin’ anything the princess didn’t want me to,” he managed to get out before Jay covered his mouth to shut him up.
Mal looked taken aback as she diverted her attention back to Evie, eyeing her in bewilderment. “Is what he said true?”
The girl turned back to share a look with Harry, who gave her an infinitesimal nod before she turned to face the girl’s green eyes again. Confidently, she firmly nodded, lifting her chin up. “He’s not lying. In fact, I was the one who came onto him.’’
She looked completely stunned at this, jaw dropping in struck silence. “How long?” they heard Carlos say from the right, Evie having almost forgotten he was there.
She turned to him. “Three months. We’ve been dating for three months.”
They raised their eyebrows in surprise. “Three months? Why didn’t you tell us? I thought we were your best friends E!”
Evie lowered her gaze in guilt. “You are my friends, my best friends.”
“Then why did you feel the need to keep something so important from us?”
Her eyes narrowed before she pointed to Jay and Harry, who was still being held down like some sort of animal. “Because of this! Don’t lie and tell me that you weren’t going to hex him if I hadn’t told you.”
Mal had the decency to look the least bit guilt as Evie carried on. “I couldn’t tell you, nor could Harry tell Uma and Gil because of the reactions you guys would have. You and Uma still have that rivalry going on between you two, and you all seem to hate Harry.”
Carlos opened his mouth in protest. “I don’t hate him.”
She shook her head. “No, but you are scared of him for some reason.”
He slightly nodded, lowering his eyes a little bit. Evie sighed before turning back to Evie. “You see why I had to hide it from you? I didn’t want you guys to misunderstand, or try to break us apart. I’m with him out of my own accord, and not because he seduced me if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“I honestly think it would’ve been the other way around,” she heard Jay quip from behind her, Evie turning to look at him.
“Can you get off him? I’d like to have my boyfriend in one piece,” she remarked, Jay looking sheepish before finally moving to stand up, Harry letting out a gasp of breath in relief. Evie moved to help him up, taking him by the hand as she carried him to his feet. He shot her a grateful look, the girl responding with a smile of her own.
“What’s going on here? I heard a scream and— why is Harry half-naked? And why are you all gathered around him?” they heard a new voice interrupt from the door, everyone turning to meet the gaze of a frowning Uma.
Evie wanted to slam her forehead on a table somewhere. She didn’t think she’d have to come clean to Uma so soon, hoping that perhaps she could’ve kept it a little while longer until it all settled down between her friends. But apparently not.
“Ooh, did you all catch them?” this time they turned to find Gil having newly arrived behind Uma, smiling at all of them smugly.
“Catch them? What are you on about?” Uma asked in bemusement.
He pointed to the shirtless Harry and the dishevelled Evie beside him, who were eyeing him like a hawk. “Those two. They’re dating, aren’t they?”
Everyone raised an eyebrow in surprise. “How’d ye find out?” Harry spoke out, just as bewildered as everyone else. Of all people, Gil had managed to figure it out all on his own accord. He had to give it to him, while he wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed, he was quite observant.
Gil shrugged. “It was kinda obvious. You two were always together, and I’ve never seen Harry annoy someone as much as he did you so I kinda figured.”
Uma frowned before turning to the couple in question, eyeing them behind unreadable eyes. “Is this true?”
“Yeah, I’m datin’ the princess.”
“And how long?”
“Three months,” Carlos quipped, Uma raising a brow. “That long? And when were you going to tell me?” she asked Harry this time, glaring hardly at him.
“They all only just found out a couple of minutes ago,” he replied, “But if Evie had it her way, we probably never would’ve told any of ye.”
At this, Evie slapped him lightly on his chest. “Not never. I was going to tell them…eventually.”
“And how long was ‘eventually’ before either of us found out?”
Evie winced. “I was hoping maybe, six months? Give or take a few.”
“Six months?” Mal uttered in disbelief. “Are you serious?”
She nodded. “I already explained it to all of you. I wanted to keep this a secret for as long as we could, perhaps until you and Uma had your thing sorted and we could maybe all be friends again.”
“It’s not my fault she won’t listen to me.”
Uma glared at the purple haired girl. “Oh yeah? It’s not my fault that you won’t listen to me.”
Mal returned her glare with even more heat. “Listen to you? What’s there to even listen—“
“Okay enough. Ye can both either take this outside and leave us both alone, or ye can all leave us both alone and we can never talk about this alone,” Harry finally interrupted, frustrated at what was going to be the beginnings of the fight.
“So in other words, we should all just leave?” Carlos asked, Harry nodding with a dangerous grin on his face.
“Nice to see someone understands. Now scram, the lot of ye before I find my hook and hook ye all.”
“Your hook is still in the museum,” Jay remarked, earning the glare of Harry who was ready to punch the smirk off his face before Evie interrupted.
“Okay stop. Please, no more fighting. Now that my relationship with Harry is out in the open, I refuse to stand for this stupid rivalry any longer,” she declared, eyeing all of them sternly. “We are all VKs, and we are all in the same boat. We were all good friends before we even came to Auradon, so why are we even fighting now? Why can’t we stick together?”
She could see Mal and Uma’s mouths begin to open before Evie cut them both off with a glare. “Either you two make up or I’ll make you do it myself. I have all day.”
The three were caught in a three way of glares, Evie unrelenting as her glare became colder and colder that Mal finally had to look away. “Okay fine! Uma, I’m sorry for everything I’ve done these past few years. I don’t hate you, I’ve never hated you but I can’t understand why we could never put these differences between us behind us and just start afresh.”
Uma looked away, eyes meeting Harry’s for a second before she turned back to the girl beside her. “It’s too bad because I always did hate you,” she began, Mal about to open her mouth before she spoke again, “But for Harry’s sake I’ll tolerate you. He’s been my friend for a long time, and I’m not going to lose him for this.”
Mal nodded in understanding. “Evie’s important to me too, and I don’t want to do anything that could hinder her own happiness.”
Everyone watched in stunned silence as the girls called a truce, Harry snaking his arms around Evie’s waist as she leaned into him. “I guess some good came outta them catchin’ us after all.”
She nodded in pride. “I guess something did.”
When Mal and Uma’s attention diverted back to the group around them, Mal’s eyes narrowed when she noticed Harry hugging Evie. “Before we leave, Harry put your shirt back on.”
Uma nodded in agreement, much to their surprise. “She’s right. I don’t want to see more of you than I have to.”
The pirate rolled his eyes as he tightened his grip around Evie’s waist. “Yer both just jealous the princess can have this and you can’t.”
The girls shared a look before scoffing. “You wish.”
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askauradonprep · 7 years
✒ I can't copy and paste on mobile but the symbol looks like a pen so here's a pen. (Now do I show self restraint or say screw it and beg you to do all of the poly pirates? Hhhhmmmmmm)
Ooooh, I like you. I love writing the poly pirate crew and I am always so happy when someone falls down the rabbit hole. This is like 19 people so...have fun. :P
1. Gabe is just....god he is constantly flirting with the girls. He’s like a mix between Harry’s style of flirting and just being a yappy, earnest puppy. He just wants the girls to be happy and flatter them. So, because of that, it can sometimes surprise people that he’s equally as admiring of the guys on the crew, albeit with the caveat that he also tries to be LIKE them as well as wanting to dat them. Case in point, his reaction to eyeliner being dismissed as ‘something for girls’ was ‘Wrong. Harry wears it and Harry’s really cool so it’s also for cool guys.’ Tl;dr? Gabe’s a hopelessly flattering nerd. 
2. Desiree was super super happy whenever the girls have to partner up because she almost always gets to room with Uma. In her opinion, there is no better meaning to the phrase ‘good company’. 
3. Zeke slowly gets less awkward around them as they spend more time with him and soon enough everybody’s groaning at his terrible jokes (except Gabe) and they are so done. He says they just don’t get it. They get it - you’re just a nerd. :P
4. Raphael’s hobbies like driving and working on wires or communications and his post on one of the crow’s nests are always rather solitary, so it gets assumed by a lot of people he’s the ‘weak link’ or the ‘lone wolf’. It’s their mistake - he’ll mow you down flat if he thinks you doubt his loyalty to the crew. He just appreciates his space and assumes the others do too.
5. Gonzo is always getting some chuckle on the crew playing with his braids - now if they weren’t crew, he’d have WORDS for them. Leave his hair alone! He’s long since let his crew do that - I mean, Desiree yanks them all the time for her own amusement or to get his attention and Uma likes to ruffle them. It’s a good thing the crew are cute some days, he’ll tell you that. 
6. Yamato is perpetually frustrated by his reckless dates when he has to deal with it but he has a lot of advice and he’s been known to smile at them when he’s NOT the one dealing with them. And, y’know, he’s on Team Make Sure These Idiots Don’t Die so you know he cares about them, even if he’s sitting back grumbling at other times. GET OFF HIS LAWN. He’s not old, just a deadpan grouch.
7. Jonas is the one who fixes and makes new clothes. He likes making stuff look good actually. Who’s gonna pick a fight with him about gender roles? Certainly not, YOU, are ya, buddy? (Not when you’ll have 18 angry pirate dates you won’t). 
8. Uma is kinda like Morwenna actually - she likes to dance a little but she also likes to sit and watch her crew have their fun. Sometimes she enjoys that more than anything else.
9. Morwenna is actually surprisingly flirty, especially if she’s had a drink or two. Also? Best wing woman. 
10. Lex has learned everything he knows about friendship and romance from having the crew. That’s both adorable and horrifying. He’s always got to reset after returning from his ‘no emotions allowed’ family. It’s the pits but he manages.
11. Micah can pretty much only be talked down from self destructive habits by the crew.
12. Vince doesn’t really like fishing with the others - that’s his thing that he does to relax. He’s let Harry once or twice though. He DOES like collabing with the other ‘nerds’ on their more scientific interests though.
13. Gil is perpetually trying to be helpful. He has the worst habit of picking the wrong button to step on, like the mean names Mal used to call Uma or Desiree’s height. He has the record for most time outs.
14. Zhao’s a workaholic - not in the ‘no fun’ sense but he HATES being unoccupied. He needs a thing to do. Sometimes the crew can channel that into having some fun but sometimes they come home and he’s done their chores or job on the ship because DARN IT you guys left him alone with his thoughts. 
15. Bonny is always skulking around, climbing, knocking things over, or doing gymnastics like cartwheels or walking on her hands. She’s like a super flexible, super impulsive, super skittish cat. Wait for her to come to you though (and if the rest of the crew ever treats her like a cat, it’s gone too far - she’ll bite them). 
16. Malachi is a very protective boyfriend. He’s not one to hold a grudge - he’ll get revenge or let it go. But if you mess with his crew, you’re going on the revenge list. Firmly. 
17. Drey sometimes has a hard time getting to sleep and she’ll walk around under the deck looking at rooms and dorms and remind herself she’s here. She’s not with Sykes gang anymore. 
18. Rosita is SO INTO her boyfriends oh god, do not get her started. Actually, don’t get her started on her girls either. She’s very affectionate and she dares you to make something out of it (which would normally be a bet you shouldn’t make on the Isle but they’re vicious and she’s usually only seeing them on the ship anyways). She and Harry are the WORST dear god it’s only a matter of time before they make out whenever they get to talking. It’s a good relief from the skeevs she occasionally has to charm information or resources from (like money or other objects). She’s never shown them interests but well, they can imagine things that aren’t there. 
19. The crew are some of the few on the Isle who aren’t afraid of Harry. Both because he likes them and because they know that. They definitely think he’s really cool and, admittedly, he usually has a decent idea for something fun.
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evieshook · 7 years
Headcannons for Harry and evies overprotective and jealous moments ?
ahhhhh, sorry for taking so long with these. i’m going to try focusing more on jealous!evie, because i don’t think we see enough. but i’ll throw in some jealous!harry too near the end.
when harry first comes to auradon, it comes as no surprise that he’s very popular amongst the ladies. they’re immediately drawn to his handsome face, and despite harry being rather crazy, it only makes them more attracted
evie notices, but she refuses to let this faze her. she knows how attractive the pirate is, and would be more offended if people didn’t appreciate his good looks more
however it starts getting to her when she notices that there’s always a small group of girls that begin following him around everywhere, including when they try to have some alone time together
funnily enough, harry doesn’t really mind. in fact he encourages them, and evie thinks he’s doing this on purpose
her suspicions are further fuelled when he starts flirting back, sometimes discreetly and sometimes blatantly in front of her face. she tries not to let her jealousy show, but it’s hard not to, especially when harry likes flirting with every moving object and has no sense of personal space
mal notices almost immediately, especially because the girl is more aggressive when it comes to sewing new clothing and her mood immediately sours when harry is mentioned
her jealousy reaches an all time peak when these two girls unwittingly crash their date, blatantly asking harry out in front of her and she can’t take it anymore. they’re supposed to be a very lowkey couple around campus (only the vks, ben, uma and gil know) but that all flies out the drain when evie grabs harry and kisses him right in front of them
“he’s mine,” she says and it becomes big news for the next week, with evie finding her face on the cover of the school’s newsletter with her declaration
harry finds nothing but amusement in all this, and never lets her forget it
evie also refuses to let him wear his eyeliner when he’s out in public, especially because she notices the increase in swooning when he wears it
harry always knew evie was attractive, she was the most beautiful girl on the isle, and knew she would have no problem snagging a prince when she came to auradon
when he hears of the unofficial evie fanclub started around the school (because lets face it, everyone loves evie), he’s intrigued. however he becomes irritated when he finds that the majority of members are guys, especially some that are on the r.o.a.r team
during r.o.a.r practice, he’s especially aggressive to those part of the club, this makes him a valuable team player
he’s annoyed when he notices the sudden influx in male customers for her fashion line, and decides to play her unofficial ‘bouncer’, standing guard in front of the room while she’s distracted and stopping anymore prospective princes from entering with threat of his hook. evie is at first confused at the sudden decrease in male customers, and only finds out through doug
when harry overhears someone planning to ask evie out, he makes sure to overdo the public displays of affection, much to evie’s bemusement
overprotective!evie and harry
whenever either hear of someone unfairly criticising the other, especially over the fact that they’re still ‘vks’ and ‘can’t be trusted’, both become very angry
evie is calmer in her approach to disses toward harry. she doesn’t care what people think about her anymore, but hearing people judge harry before even giving him a chance annoys her to no end
this is especially prevalent during the first weeks when harry first arrived. she knows they have reason to be intimidated, but after actually dating the guy and seeing an obvious change in his behaviour, she hates it when people continue to judge him despite him attending auradon for almost a few months now
when she hears someone diss harry, she flashes them a cold and unforgiving smile highly reminiscent of her mother. and embedded between sweet words are threats that she might slip poison into their food one day
harry on the other hand, makes it very clear that no one is to badmouth his princess while he’s around. when people accuse her of being fake and whatnot, he flashes them a maniacal grin promising pain, and a hook to the throat if they overstep their boundaries
he’s angry when he finds out what chad did to her, and it takes her her everything to prevent him from gutting the poor guy. but during r.o.a.r training is where he takes his revenge, showing no mercy as he aggressively pummels chad to the ground
evie has to scold him for eventually sending chad to the nurse’s wing because of his intensity, but secretly she’s grateful and pleased
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