#I don’t need a keating I need a Neil
Most English teachers try to be mr keating, and it never works, they just end up looking like they’re trying too hard
But why is that
The reason why mr keating worked was because of Welton
If he went to a public normal school it wouldn’t have worked. Sure his classes would have been fun, but it wouldn’t have had half of the effect than his classes on Welton had.
Because Welton is super strict, the lives of the students are super strict, controlled by parents who want them to be what they couldn’t have been. Mr keating tells them than there’s more than one way to be, to make their own decisions, than not being a doctor or an engineer is fine, than wanting to be an actor or a writer is fine, than at the end of the day, their lives are theirs, to make them theirs because before they notice they will end.
Kids in normal public schools already know that. Sure, some might have more strict parents than others, but they know, they don’t need a teacher to explain it to them, they wouldn’t be realizing anything new.
In Welton, where everything is super strict and their lives don’t really even feel theirs (no matter how strict their parents are, they don’t need to be mr perry, but the fact alone than they are in Welton, a private boarding school, than they put them there specifically to succeed, even Charlie and Knox’s parents want them to be a banker and a lawyer), hearing that come from a teacher’s mouth, while teachers for so long just wanted them to do the opposite, to be quiet to obey to just do all the work without complaining, hearing a teacher, an adult in a position of power over them, tell them than they should, and can choose, that has an effect on them.
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toddtakefive · 4 months
thinking about todd and his resolve toward… not quite isolation, but being alone in a room full of people again. he goes along to the study room to sit on his own and do his homework, he sits at the poets table and follows along with what’s being said while keeping quiet, he goes to the meetings at all but doesn’t necessarily contribute (in fact, if you watch him when cameron is telling the story ‘from camp in sixth grade’, you can see that he recognizes it before any of the other poets but doesn’t voice it until they all have). he’s not alone, necessarily, if you want to get technical about it, he’s just lonely, and he’s generally okay with that. he doesn’t have friends and that’s fine, he doesn’t participate in class and that’s fine, he doesn’t have a relationship with his family and that’s fine—he could live without any real connection and he’d have been, more or less, fine.
the thing about when he says “i can take care of myself just fine!” is that he isn’t really wrong, you can infer that he’s been doing it his entire life anyway, it’s that ‘taking care of yourself’ isn’t the same thing as really living or being happy. todd’s an introvert, certainly, and even as he gets closer to the group he defaults to sitting quietly in the background, but he’s also denying himself community out of fear not introversion. todd isn’t friendless because he’s an introvert, although that definitely plays a part, he’s friendless because he pushes anyone that might want his company away. if anyone has every wanted for his attention in the first place. (neil’s unwavering interest in him is unique (even when it comes to the rest of the poets, who are fine with todd coming along and joining the group, but aren’t really hellbent on him being there in the beginning) and his refusal to accept it is a direct result of being so lonely growing up.)
there’s obviously something to be said about the implications of his parents neglect, and the more than likely fact that he grew up friendless, and how those both play a part in in him being so skilled at dodging social interaction/being so avoidant of it, but by the time we see him in the movie he’s all but accepted his fate as being alone his entire life. he’s already accepted being the family disappointment, and he’s already accepted he’ll never amount to anything, and he obviously doesn’t like it, but he’d have managed living with that knowledge without the confirmation that it was all wrong. would he have been miserable? almost certainly. but he’d have managed. he’d done it for that long already, anyhow.
#and like obviously it’s BAD in the long run and his isolation IS only making his life worse but… genuinely he’d have been alright#all things considered#it’s super interesting to me how it’s neil who starts the domino effect of todd’s life becoming Less Shit#both by beliving in him and putting faith in him that he’s never seen before and refusing to let him hide away#but it isn’t a savior moment on neil’s part#and i find it so odd when people frame it as one#todd is like… actively irritated at him in that scene 😭#neil is right that todd needs to get out of his shell and put himself out there and Believe in himself#but todd can’t accept it yet because he can’t see what neil sees in him yet and doesn’t believe it exists at all#and it frustrates him because unlike everyone else neil REFUSES to give up on him#and as far as todds concerned it’ll be for nothing#as far as todd’s concerned ​neil isn’t a savior or a hero in that scene he’s an annoyance#a necessary one in the grand scheme of things but an annoyance all the same#i think people forget that just because todd DOES want to break out of his shell (‘don’t you think you could be?’ / ‘no! i… i don’t know!’ +#‘come on you heard keating don’t you want to *do* something about it?’ / ‘*yes* but…’) doesn’t mean he knows how or believes he actually CAN#todds autonomy can be taken away from him a lot (ironic) and he can be twisted into someone with no opinions or thoughts or whims +#outside of neil but that isn’t really the case#and a part of that blame lands on the movie because todd doesn’t get explored a lot but there’s still evidence of him being his own person#he’s not a yesman and he tells neil when his ideas are stupid (keeping the audition from his father) or he just doesn’t personally agree +#(the entire ‘no’ scene) and he functions perfectly well when neil isn’t around and while they aren’t focuses +#there are short scenes where todds alone or scenes that start eith them apart that make it clear they aren’t attatched to each other +#in the way people can often write them to be (that is in the trenches if the other is missing)#this post and all these tags are my long winded way of saying FUCK the codependent anderperry thing some people subscribe to it makes me#mad#neil’s goal is to help todd grow into himself and become his own person and find his identity more than anything#and todd doesn’t need neil to hold his hand to do literally anything and everything he’s a normal guy with anxiety#come on guys#dps#dead poets society#todd anderson
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augiewrites · 11 months
"secret admirer" - dead poets society (part 5)
summary: y/n receives a curious invitation from meeks and has a surprise encounter with neil and todd
pairing: anonymous!dead poet x gender neutral reader
word count: 1.2k
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It was finally Friday, and Y/N was looking forward to spending the weekend recovering from a week of non-stop exams, cramming, and a nonexistent sleep schedule. The morning’s classes had been a drag so far, and they were looking forward to the reprieve of Keating’s class. Knowing they'd be in close proximity to their admirer aside, Keating’s class gave them an opportunity to activate another part of their brain—one concerned less with grades and formulas.
No, this part was more concerned with matters of feeling. Matters of love, art, expression—everything crucial to finding true meaning in life.
Something that Y/N’s life—and the students of Welton’s lives—was severely lacking.
Y/N shoved the existential crisis to the back of their mind, shooting Todd a smile as he occupied the desk at the front of the class.
Their desk compartment was empty aside from their textbook and notes. Y/N felt their heart drop. It had been empty for days.
Did I make a mistake leaving that poem?
Y/N did their best to not look disappointed. The only thing more embarrassing than their poet’s lack of response was the thought of him observing their discontent.
Keating’s class didn't give them much reprieve that day.
Against their better judgment, Y/N found themselves in the library during common hour. In all truth, Y/N just wanted to go back to their dorm and bang their head against the wall until they fell asleep. Alas, the expectation of a 4.0 GPA was looming over their head.
Thankfully, Meeks was the only other person to show up. Y/N didn't think they had the strength to deal with Dalton.
“So are you just going to keep side eyeing me, or do you have something to say?” Y/N set down their pencil and turned to face Meeks.
“Y/N, you've sighed three times within the last minute,” Meeks quipped, "seems like you're the one with something to say."
“But I'm right, though. You have something you want to say."
“I'll share with the class if you will.”
The two stared at each other for a moment—Meeks' expression much lighter compared to Y/N’s frustrated features.
Y/N gave in first.
“I’m tired, Meeks."
“You’re going to have to give me a little more here, Y/N.”
"I'm waiting."
“My GPA dropped to a 3.7," Y/N’s gaze was fixed to the table, “my parents are not happy. I feel like all I ever do is try, but it's not enough, and it never will be. My social life is practically nonexistent, I don't remember the last time I had fun, and I can feel my spirit dying. Some days it feels like I'm dying."
“You’re more than your grades, Y/N. You have to know that."
“I know that, Meeks. They don't,” Y/N let out a bitter laugh, “they ship me off to this prison, don't let me come home for breaks, and they call me maybe twice a semester if I'm lucky. They see my grades more than they ever see me."
Meeks was silent for a beat as Y/N cradled their head in their hands.
“Tomorrow night. Meet me outside the East wing at 10PM.”
“Meeks, what are you—“
“Just trust me. If you care about your spirit, anyway."
“Fine,” Y/N began packing their bag and stood up, nodding absentmindedly, "yeah, okay."
Because everything was cosmically determined to go wrong, Y/N crashed into Charlie as they rounded the corner out of the library. Their armload of textbooks crashed to the floor.
“Don’t you know to look both ways before crossing the street?" Charlie joked as he knelt to pick up Y/N’s books.
Y/N kept their head down as they gathered the mess of note paper that exploded out of their trig book.
“I mean, really, Y/N. If you want to feel me up you don't need to be so aggressive about it—“
Charlie’s sly smile melted into concern when he noticed the tears in Y/N’s eyes.
"Hey, are you okay, Y/N?” Charlie passed the books to Y/N and placed a gentle hand on their upper am.
Y/N gave the boy a tight lipped smile and stepped away from his touch.
“I'm fine, Dalton," Y/N was already moving down the hall.
“If you're looking for Meeks, he's still in there."
Y/N disappeared around the corner, leaving Charlie staring at the space they just occupied.
Y/N wasn’t one for skipping class, but it was the last period of the day and Y/N thought their head would explode if they didn’t get away from everyone as soon as possible.
They triple checked that the hallway was empty before rushing into the storage room filled with students’ empty luggage.
But the room wasn’t unoccupied like they expected.
Neil Perry and Todd Anderson were in the middle of the room, locked in a gentle embrace.
They jumped apart when they heard Y/N’s soft sound of surprise, and the trio looked at each other in shock for a beat.
“We were just—” Neil took a step away from Todd before the other boy cut him off, surprising everyone, seemingly including himself.
“We’re together.”
They all stared at each other for another moment before Neil stepped forward again.
“You can’t tell anyone, Y/N.”
“I won’t,” Y/N blinked, suddenly coming alive again, “I would never.”
Relief washed over the two boys. Todd was more red than Y/N thought was humanly possible.
“Okay, I’m just gonna,” Y/N took a step back and jerked a thumb over their shoulder at the door, “go…”
They turned quickly to leave.
“Y/N.” Neil’s hand enclosed their wrist as they reached for the doorknob.
They looked up into Neil’s soft gaze, a faint smile on his face, “thank you.”
“Of course,” they returned the smile and waved to Todd as they slipped out the door, rushing to their dorm to avoid being caught for truancy.
Y/N had been laying in bed for all of fifteen minutes before they heard the familiar sound of paper sliding under the door.
They were out of bed and rushing to open the door before they could think twice. Truancy be damned.
The empty hallway mocked Y/N.
Frustrated tears welled in their eyes as they slammed the door and grabbed the envelope off the floor before ripping it open.
Beloved Y/N,
In your eyes, a storm silently brews, Emotional tempest, tears it strews. I stand close, a silent observer, Love entangled in your pain, a fervent preserver.
Your hurt, a whisper in the quiet air, A shared burden, a weight to bear. In the shadows, love stands strong, A balm for wounds, a solace lifelong.
In the heart's tempest, emotions entwine, Love persists, a steadfast lifeline. I may not heal all that pains your soul, But together, in love, we find a way to be whole.
x, Yours.
Y/N let the tears flow freely as they sunk down onto the bed.
They were certain of who wasn’t their poet, but they were in denial about who it could be.
part six
a/n: any reality where neil and todd aren't in love is a crime against nature
taglist: @vvnbxz @edb954
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yourfavvgal · 4 months
dps headcanons - at the beach!!
- i felt that because it is the start of summer and well.. i love dps, why don’t i make some hc so here i am!! enjoy!!
(also i apologise if there are any grammar/spelling mistakes!!)
- - -
- cameron and meeks burn. they fry. meeks burns less than cameron but as soon as cameron has spent at least 30 mins in the sun, he becomes a tomato.
—> to sort that situation, cameron always supplies an umbrella for just him and meeks to sit in so they don’t burn.
- meeks and pitts walk along the rock pools, searching for sea creatures - crabs, fish etc. pittsie gets bitten by a miniature crab and pitts being pitts, runs across the length of the beach, screaming like a girl.
- todd doesn’t really enjoy swimming in the sea so he tends to stay on the edge or not go in at all.
—> he’s AMAZING at volleyball though, better than knox and charlie put together (he’s way better on land then at sea)
- charlie will be in the sea, the entire time. he gets bored sitting on the sand so he runs in the sea and splashes everyone.
- neil and todd both build a GIGANTIC sand castle together and decorate it with rocks and seashells that they (and the rest of the poets) have collected
—> meeks helps to build a moat around the castle and fill it with water!! (amazing building skills)
- knox wants (needs) a tan to impress others (chris) but charlie keeps snorting and laughing at him telling him that she won’t care (she really doesn’t)
- the only people who don’t go in the sea are todd and cam but at one point charlie dragged cameron to the shore next to todd and shoved him into the sea. cameron was obviously not pleased.
- water fight!!! the poets totally have a water fight in the water (splashing around) and charlie screams when he gets salt water in his eyes.
- pittsie forgets to wear any suncream and accidentally burnt his ears, nose and shoulders. he complains about how much it hurts and how it feels like he is dying from the sun.
- mr keating agreed to take the boys to the beach and he sat on a old-fashioned deck chair with his sunglasses on (he also provided the cooler with food in)
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zer0brainc3lls · 8 days
Dps yap session about how Todd’s relationship with Neil and Mr Keating (mainly Neil) grew his character because I’ll never stop thinking about it (spoilers for the book)
In the movie we all know Todd has issues with public speaking but in the book, it’s not just public speaking. It’s speaking to almost anyone in general. He stutters and pauses between sentences, even being unable to finish what he’s trying to say.
“I… would…. Prefer…. Rowing….. sir,” - Todd “rowing? Did he say rowing? But here it says you played soccer at Balincrest?” - Mr Nolan “I…. Did…. But….” - Todd
The dots are not exaggerated if you haven’t read the book. That’s how it’s shown. Now he doesn’t speak to everyone like this, mainly if he’s asked about an opinion or something of that nature, despite this he speaks softly almost all the time in the start of the book.
But as time goes on and he becomes closer to the dead poets + Mr Keating he opens up, he may not speak much in meetings and in classes doing anything publicly still scared him but he opens up more nonetheless.
Towards the halfway/end of the book he watches Neil find his own voice through acting, standing up to his father and watching Neil grow confident in himself he too becomes more confident. Even putting a lamp shade over his head just for fun, in front of people, being silly. (The lamp shade part is never talked about omg.)
When Neil is performing he even mouthes the lines to himself, even though he knows Neil needed no help. And at the end of the play TODD starts the standing ovation (I think? He’s definitely one of the first.) with a smile on his face, no embarrassment, no shame. Just happy for his best friend for standing up and finally being himself.
This was never shown in the movies but after the play he reaches out for Neil, trying to tell him how well he did and when Mr Perry’s car drives off he screams Neil’s name. In front of a crowd of people.
After the car scene they go back to the cave, not just the dead poets, Chris is there to (someone Todd barely knows!!!) and you know what Todd does? He expresses his anger. In full.
“Todd suddenly jumped up and pounded the walls with his fists. ‘Next time I see Neil's father I'm gonna smash him. I don't care what happens to me!’ ” after this, HE RECITES A POEM IN FRONT OF ALL HIS FRIENDS, MR KEATING AND CHRIS. (THIS WHOLE CAVE SCENE WAS SUCH A PIVOTAL MOMENT FOR TODDS CHARACTER IM SO MAD THEY FUCKING CUT IT)
Todd gained his own voice watching Neil and the dead poets gain theirs.
Then Neil died.
After Neil died? Todd lost his voice. Almost. He almost went back to stumbling his words, he almost went back to speaking softly. But whenever someone tried to speak ill of Neil or Mr Keating? HE WAS ON THEIR CASE.
“You don’t seriously think his father…” -knox “not with the gun! Damn it even if the bastard didn’t pull the trigger he..” - Todd
“ ‘Who else do you think, dumbo? The administration? Mr. Perry? Keating put us up to all this, didn't he? If it wasn't for him, Neil would be cozied up in his room right now, studying his chemistry and dreaming of being called doctor.’ - Cameron ‘That's not true! Mr. Keating tell Neil what to do. Neil loved acting.’ - Todd
And in the books he took a large punishment instead of signing the note to get Mr Keating fired and of course we cannot forget the desk scene at the end of the movie. Todd may never be the same as when Neil was alive and Mr Keating was still his teacher but he grew a confidence from them, even them no longer being apart of his life could take away the impact they had on him.
Idk if this yap session is a “yeah no shit” kind of thing but thanks for coming to my ted talk yall
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inahallucination · 1 year
 knox: im just so SICK and TIRED of people telling me i have a ‘gay vibe’. like ??? straight people exist !!! and i AM ONE OF THEM! like??? I have no problem with the lgbt people but im NOT ONE OF THEM. AND IM SICK OF HAVING TO EXPLAIN MYSELF.
the poets:
the poets:
neil: knox literally a month ago you said ‘yeah, i don’t care about gender as long as theyre hot’ 
the poets:
knox: oh
keatings: okay now get with your assigned partner to discuss the reading
todd, an introvert:
pitts, an introvert: 
*5 minutes later*
keating: okay did everyone discuss something interesting ?
todd and pitts, who just kind of stared at each other: *nodding*
keating: you have to write these responses so I know you read your readings
charlie’s response: i think willy boy here needs to stop writing plays and go to therapy
keating, nodding: yes he definitely read the plays
keating: okay todd, its your turn to present your work
todd: *presents*
keating, turning to the class: any commentary ?
some student: that was good, i liked it
neil, nodding immediately, not quite wiping that lovestruck look off yet: yeah, todd ! u were really good ! i especially liked *very specific detail*
todd, shyly: thank you :)
some other student: yeah i liked the second one-
neil, cutting in: I liked the second one too, but I don’t think I could really pick a favorite 
todd, literally only listening to neil: thanks neil :))
some other student: could you explain why you chose-
neil cutting in again: like wow todd, I’mma be thinking about this for the rest of the day :) you were literally amazing
todd, still only really hearing neil: jfakdsfj thank you <33
neil, ready to bring up todd for the 7534987 time: yeah I liked ur presentation sticks, that part about the butterfly reminded me of todd’s! like how todd used it as a metaphor for -
todd, blushing pretending not to hear:
the rest of the class: 
the rest of the class:
all of them, minus todd and neil: 
meeks: hey i know its 11:50 and our project is due at 11:59 but what if we added background music
pitts: meeks
meeks: i mean it cant possibly make it worse right ???
pitts: yeah ! we’re gonna fail anyway so we might as add music at 11:59
meeks: ok turned it in
pitts: maybe the music will distract from how much this sucked ass lmao
meeks: lmao
(they both end up getting 100% becuz theyre /those/ kids
charlie: i am actually a very observant person
cameron: yeah i don’t beleive you
charlie: no like seriously; i take one look at people and i just know them
charlie: like, okay, see that group *points* i bet you theyre all potheads; like you cant tell but htey give off this vibe ya know
charlie: yeah im amazing
cameron: charlie, are you talking about the group actively smoking pot ?
keating: like, for example, the hit song WAP
cameron: excuse me? but what’s that
the class:
(ok probably not but he’d the only teacher who’s name i remember and that fits cam so)
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star-dust-stuf · 1 year
Neil Perry x period!reader
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title: girl you’re sweet like
warnings: mentions of blood, pain
a/n: you know me, I had to do this! I hope you like it, not proofread, as always enjoy.
Neil was studying in the dining hall, and to be honest I didn’t even want to study I just wanted to cry in my damn pillow. I went just for Neil though, maybe it would make me feel better. When I arrived and sat next to him he greeted me with a smile, “hey! I thought you had a girls soccer club to practice for?” He watched as I sat down.
I shook my head, “I quit before I even started.”
“Oh…” he put his head down to his paper.
“I-.” I cut off, my heart in my throat and a feeling I’ve felt before sat under me, I crossed my legs, he saw my worried expression.
“What?” He gave a small chuckle.
I shrugged, “mmh?”
He saw I was playing dumb so I got up, not thinking anything of it, when I made it out the door I felt him close behind me. “Neil-!” I turned and saw his brown eyes gaze at me.
“I think you-.”
“You forgot your books-,” I said, interrupting him.
“No- wait, y/n!” He tried to catch up with me when I walked off again. “I think you-.”
“Neil, my stomach is killing me.” I walked up the stairs, he followed.
“Y/n, you started your p- p-…” he stopped in his tracks, making me come to a complete stop.
“I… what?”
“You- you got your p- period.” He saw my face turn pink, I felt the back of my skirt, I was damp, “it’s ok- hey!”
He ran after me when I ran into the girls bathroom and shut myself in a stall. I didn’t expect him to follow me in there, but he was consistent. “It happens sometimes. Let me help you… please?”
I saw him outside the stall, i felt tears go down my chin. “I- I cant Neil,” I breathed as the pain intensified.
“Let me take you to your room…”
I took a moment, my heart going in its place when I opened the stall, his sweet face met mine, “I- I…”
“You’re in pain, let me help you!” He said softly holding out a hand for me to hold, I took it. He led me to my room.
He got me clean clothes, “put these on,” he smiled at me, he turned his face to the wall and waited, when I was done he got me tugged into my bed, he lied beside me, practically cradled my stomach.
“Why are you doing this?”
“Why not?”
When I lied there with him I felt his body rest against mine, he relaxed more. He took my pain away, his soft eyes over me like misty clouds in a pink sky, his smell was familiar and felt like home.
I jumped at the sudden knocking at the door, Neil got up and got to the door, opening it a crack He saw Keating. “Mr Keating!” He was surprised. “W- what are you doing here?”
“What am i, what are you in her bedroom?!” He laughed.
“Oh umm…”
“She’s late for class, and so are you!”
“She’s feeling a little- under the weather,” Neil replied.
“Is she ok?” Keating asked.
Neil nodded, “yeah, you know.” His voice squeaked.
I hid myself under the covers. “Will you be joining me?” Keating asked.
Neil looked to his feet, “well- she’s…” Keating listened carefully. “She needs someone right now so I thought I’d-.”
“That’s alright, Neil. Tomorrow then.”
“Yeah, tomorrow!” Neil smiled.
When Keating backed away, he the saw me in my bed, he gave a wink and walked away. When Neil shut the door he gave a sigh if relief, “ok.”
“Ok? What’s he gonna think when we go into class tomorrow!”
“He doesn’t think we’re- you know - i mean, Im sure he knows what I meant when I said ‘under the weather’.”
I looked down, “really?”
“Don’t be embarrassed, y/n, it’s a period it’s not that big of a deal- well, it is a big deal but not like that!” He got snuggled with me again.
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gayfandomnerd225 · 7 months
I need to talk about this because I’ve realized that people who have watch the move but not read the book don’t know this. Neil’s dad never gave him permission to be in the play. Neil never talked to his dad about it. When Neil told Keating that he had, and that his dad had given him permission to do it, he was lying to Keating. I just feel like people need to know this because some don’t
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DPS As Quotes From My Friend Group
- Me with my gay rights
- Why is it a beige flag? When you mix red and green you don’t get beige, you get brown
- To get Beige, you’d have to mix a white flag in there and I’m not surrendering
- I can’t see my face
- I had one but also two actually
- Every corner is a nap corner… if you believe
- You fish for dilfs?
- I can fake cry but it’s probably not fake so I’m just crying
Charlie: (honestly I could use all of these quotes for him)
- I’ll shoot your balls
- Did you have sex with a beaver or something?
- I’ll show up uninvited, with a gun
- He deserves to get shot in the penis
- Blood, sweat and tears, with a bit of semen
- When I die, I wanna crawl up his arsehole
- He looks like Brendan Frasier if he got stung by a bunch of bees
- *Recites the whole beginning of the Bee Movie*
- I get my news from a talking fish
- Your crush on him was so big… you had a fat crush, better yet, your crush was obese
- I need a lobotomy
- I’m gonna cut your leg off and shove it up your arse
- His long luscious beard I want him to choke me with it
- I wish Neil would stop sending me gay people
- What about a woman who has saggy tits… like a grandma
- No one look at me while I deepthroat this
- He (Mr Keating) could be the onceler if he really tried
- You only think I’m funny because I say dumb shit all the time
- We’re like the transformers of old people… Geriatrics roll out!
- I’m as tall as a traffic light
- I love this music! Is that water by dripping toilet?
- Why do you like Barbie if you hate women?
- I do not deserve to get shot in the penis
- Please don’t shoot my balls
- Readings for weenies and girls, and I’m a strong heterosexual male
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midwest-quill · 4 months
woo inspired by my recent post
dead poets at an amusement park!!!!
i would love to see your ideas
I believed I already made this one with the theme park one and I think I already have the same vision and it might just get repeated if I did this so, instead:
The poets’ favorite places!
Neil and Todd will probably like the amusement parks, yes!! Todd would love eating the snacks (esp if there is a cotton candy or maybe a mac & cheese on sight!) Neil would play games and stuffs to win prizes for him to give Todd and will say it is a “token of appreciation” for him for always staying by his side (NEILL!! IS IT REALLY JUST A TOKEN OF APPRECIATION?? NOT SOME SORT OF VALENTINES GIFT!!!? JJSBDISH) +Neil would also occasionally visit the theatre with Todd (pretty self explanatory I guess..)
Knox would love going to bars and parties, (pretty self explanatory) but only if Chris was there! Would also occasionally visit some nearby gift shops!
Charlie would also love going to bars and parties! He would also love visiting malls and stuffs cuz yk..,, he got the money!!
Pitts and Meeks would LOVE LOVE LOVE radio stations! Or maybe in a studio to maybe try and produce some songs? 🤔🤔 (idrk tbh..) Also, Pitts would occasionally visit coffee shops to have some time for himself!
Cameron would visit local libraries to ofc, study! He is a total opposite of Charlie (as we all both know) so yeah and do you think he would love attending courtroom sessions? 🤔 (you guys might find this weird because it is my hc but I just wanna ask u guys abt this and would love to hear your thoughts DJNDJSBSK)
Mr. Keating would ofc consider a school as his second home, it’s where he feels like he belongs, he could also be a good advocate among the people and would also be a good therapist! I NEED TO KNOW WHERE HE WENT AFTER THE FILM LIKE PLSSSS
Btw sorry if it’s kind of short, I don’t really have that much ideas rn because I poured it all over the 6 paged analysis thing that is one of the requirements on our class and let me tell you it was EXHAUSTING AND EXCRUCIATING
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txna-blxckthorn · 1 year
my thoughts while watching dps:
oh my god why do all the guys look the same, i can barely remember movie characters names as is. this is just gonna make it harder 😭
neil is so adorable, i’ll punch anyone who hurts him
fuck neil’s dad not letting him do the school annual honestly i already don’t like him
omg they’re going to make asian parents so proud. neil gonna go to med school. those two other guys idk their names, mr future lawyer and me future banker
mr keating making the students rip the pages j evans pritchard wrote i’m not sure if he has a severe grudge on that guy as if he’s insulted his mom or he’s just a cool teacher
i made my mind. he’s a really cool teacher and i wish every teacher was like that
“poetry, beauty, romance, love.. it’s the reason most people stay alive.”
omg they’re gonna go to the cave that’s for the dead poets society???????
awwww todd is so cuteeee <33333
i swear to god these boys look like they’re trying to start a cult. sneaking out in the middle of the night wearing long black cloaks and hiding in a cave to tell stories and dancing around the fire
“truth is like a blanket that always leaves your feet cold. you push it, stretch it, it’ll never be enough. you kick say it, beat it, it’ll never cover any of us. from the moment we enter crying, to the moment we leave dying, it’ll just cover your face as you wail and cry and scream.” i swear, who hurt my child todd? i’m gonna kill them
ew i hate party scenes in movies, esp if it’s like a teenage club. it’s a really big ick for me
I SAID I HATE NEIL’S DAD FUCK HIM FUCK HIM neil literally not the lead role in the play that’s the next day, can’t he tell his dad he’ll quit tomorrow????
broooOo neil was so good in the play it was amazing!!!!!!!!
maybe he just needs alone time
mr keating noooo don’t cry
he actually believed the school???
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dreamsofjanuary · 2 years
Hii! Can i request some Dating Headcanons with Neil Perry? Maybe some that reader is latina? If you don’t how to do it, it’s fine! Thank youuu🫶🏼🫶🏼 hope you are having a great day!
dating neil perry
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warnings: none!
note: i didn’t make the reader explicitly latina, purely because as a white person i don’t think i’d be able to capture writing from another race’s pov accurately, and it would feel wrong to impersonate another race like that. i’m sure there are plenty of other latina writers that would love to do your request justice, though! also this is kind of all over the place, i’m sorry 😭
- okay we all know that neil is fairly confident, but when it comes to you??
- he gets so shy
- like. blushing and awkward laughing around you level shy.
- he stays up at night trying to figure out how to ask you out
- the poets have tried multiple times to help him out, but he’s hopeless - which none of them really expected in truth
- they all seem to turn into kids again, physically pushing him towards you whenever they see you, or teasing you just enough so that your interest is piqued, but not enough so that you know that neil has a crush on you
- even mr keating had noticed that neil was distracted, and accurately put it down to teenage romance
- when he finally does ask you out, it’s only because he talked it out so much with charlie
- of course, he’s a gentleman, but he also doesn’t want to make a big deal out of it in case he gets rejected
- so, at a dinner party one evening, he manages to get you alone, and asks if you’d let him take you to a restaurant that weekend
- of course you say yes
- because why wouldn’t you
- since then, going to restaurants has been a bi-weekly thing for the both of you
- despite your best efforts, he ALWAYS pays
- he loves to see you all dressed up
- and the vision of him in a suit isn’t exactly something you complain about either
- after dating for a few weeks, you finally pluck up the courage to attend one of the society’s meetings
- you were nervous at first, worried that you weren’t as well read as the boys were
- neil reassured you that you were definitely intelligent enough to be there - “not that intelligence matters all that much, we’ve got charlie”
- you often write poetry for each other, and you keep all of the ones you’d been given in a drawer in your bedroom
- he has to be a little more discreet, so keeps all of the ones you’d given him in an envelope in his wardrobe
- he reads at least one every night
- todd is beyond tired of hearing about you
- this poor boy had to listen to neil ramble about you for months before he even had the courage to ask you out
- but now that you’re officially dating? neil never shuts up about you
- neil’s love language is quality time, so he’s always trying to find excuses to be with you
- definitely clingy - when one of you has to leave the other, he gets genuinely sad
- even if you’re going to see each other the next day
- also LOVES to see you in his clothes
- especially his jumpers
- he loves how they fit you, and how it’s a subtle signal that you’re his
- he doesn’t get jealous super easily, but he absolutely hates people staring at you
- even if you don’t mind, he’ll always wrap an arm around you or hold your hand to show them that you’re very much not single
- there have been occasions where he’s interrupted conversations being slightly more affectionate than usual - a clear sign that he’s jealous or insecure and will need reassuring later
- which ofc, you’re more than happy to do
- he always makes it look casual tho - he’s never dramatic or passive-aggressive about it
- neil is actually very insecure and needs a lot of reassurance - something that surprised you at first due to his joyful personality
- he’s also an amazing listener
- he’ll always let you vent to him, no matter what it’s about
- he’s sympathetic about everything you tell him, but especially if you don’t get along with your parents
- he knows how badly it can hurt, and he hates that you have to go through that
- on the other hand tho, he never loves you more than when you’re rambling on about something you’re interested in
- he loves how excited you get, how your eyes seem to light up
- even if he has no interest in the topic, he adores listening to you talk about it
- to conclude, neil is the best boyfriend ever and i love him so much xoxoxo
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morfitties · 1 year
Sometimes I get fixated on movies and watch them multiple times.
The first time I watched Dead Poet Society was with my best friend- I knew nothing about it, only that she loved it, it was one of the few movies I had never seen spoilers for and I’m so thankful for that. The first time you watch something and you make assumptions about what will happen; I thought Keating would replace Nelson and maybe Todd would grow up to be an english teacher and Neil an actor, maybe Meeks and Pitts would actually be the creators of the drone or something, I thought that maybe Charlie wouldn’t have to keep protecting them, that he could live with comfort, that Cameron would grow and learn and that Knox would lose his stupidity but not his dramatics.
I didnt expect a story about 7 boys and a very special teacher, about finding something you love that you’ve not truly seen before, of being unashamed of what you love, of not being enough to save someone, of feeling like you have no choice, of being left behind.
I’ve rewatched it a lot since then- me and my best friend actuallt watched it jjst the other day and talked about the movie all through the movie.
There’s a weird sense of comfort knowing that the ending is sad, knowing that if nothing else it is realistic and that it isn’t lying to you. Watching the lead up to Niel’s death, seeing him lie to Keating and when he finally acts in front of his friends, the amount of pride the people who loved him had for him, up until the argument that acts as the trigger to what ends Neil’s life.
The movie spends roughly twenty minutes exploring the people that are left behind.
The scene with Meeks, Pitts, Knox and Cameron in the doorway while Charlie tells Todd is heartbreaking because you can SEE the tears and the grief, you can see Charlie, despite being the humorous one, being the way to tell Todd that the person who helped him see what he was missing was dead. The fact that we only see Todd getting told, that we only see the last person to find out, it feels final and that hurts.
The scene in the snow is the nail in the coffin for me emotionally. Todd finally yawps but his yawp is for his dead best friend, the group themselves are torn apart after everything. In the church when everyone is crying but singing apart from Charlie, who just stares at his book. When Cameron and Charlie fight and Charlie gets kicked out and sent to military school and everything about this movie makes me sick to my stomach with emotion.
I basically just needed to rant about this movie, quite honestly. It feels so tenderly bittersweet, like looking back to when you were younger and wondering who else you could’ve been if certain things never happened. The boys feelings at the ending feel like that to me because none of them quite want to believe it. In a weirdly dramatic way it fully encapsulates what it’s like to have friends be torn apart- albeit most don’t have quite such drastic reasoning. But the wondering, if you possibly knew it was the last time that you would see them, would you change everything you did or said?
I fucking love this movie.
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shan0blight · 2 months
If the poets were in squid games this would be their duos and who’d survive the marbles round
Neil and Todd: Neil would sacrifice himself for Todd and Todd would promise him that he’d win the game for him, later spending his whole time writing abt his love. There is not much to say abt them since NEIL FUCKING DIED IN THE MOVIE!!! DONT REALLY NEED TO PRETEND HUH WHEN HIS PUSSY ASS IS ALREADY GONE!?!
Knox and Charlie: Even tho Charlie holds up a tough guy persona he would be the one to sacrifice himself. Knox would be against it completely but after Charlie gives him a long meaningful speech of how he seized the day the longest he could’ve possibly done and how Knox still had more left in him, Knox would turn away and cry silently leaving as they carry charlie’s away. Knox never got the image of his head abt how his blood looked like lipstick…
Mr.Keating and Cameron: This duo would be so amazing to see, especially because of the ending of the movie. Mr.Keating is 100% the one to sacrifice himself but not after one last fun game with the marbles. Cameron would tell Mr.Keating that he isn’t deserving of going on living and how he is sorry for ruining Keating’s career. Mr.Keating would tell Cameron that he has so much to live for and even if some might judge him, he must go on and suck the marrow out of life. Cameron would decline saying how out of all the poets he never knew how to seize the day correctly, but Keating would tell him that their is no wrong way to seize the day but just to enjoy it. Cameron would later in the series feel an overwhelming sense of guilt and take his life in honor of Keating and his own insecurities.
Chris and Ginny: This one is tough but I think ginny would die but if she lived it could be an interesting storyline for her and Knox. Like they try and murder each other because Knox blames her for killing his love but in the end the realize that fighting is crazy and not going to get her back. But it’s too late, ginny died forgiving Knox who was apologizing so much. They Both spent her last moments reminiscing on Chris and how much they both loved her. 
Meeks and Pitts: … I don’t know… Like I tried to think but I can’t!! They both are to great to die but to kind to let the other go… Here are some of my ideas on both sides of who would survive:
Meeks lives: They play a game of luck and they fill one bag up with all the marbles and the other with rocks. They mix up the two and chose but Meeks got the rocks. Pitts screams no!! But Meeks accepts his fate but right before the gun went off Pitts swapped their bags and he was shot. In a fit of rage Meeks screams at the unfairness of the game not knowing of the switch till pitts is gone. When he opens the bag he finds that Pitts swapped them, they have to drag Meeks off Pitts because he refused to leave his best friend:(
Pitts lives: They decided to talk during their last moments. Not to play the game but talk about what they will do with their future without the other. In the end they can’t find a reason for both of them to live in the future without each other. Meeks takes of his glasses and looks down at his hands that were wet from tears as he shakes saying he doesn’t want to die but doesn’t want to live without Pitts. As they hug and Meeks cries he secretly takes Pitts marble bag with his glasses and through hidden sobs he fills Pitts bag with all the marbles. When the guards finally come Pitts believes that they will die together but just before the gun goes off and they look at each other and Meeks says “Make sure you fix the volume button on the radio” just as he gets shot in the head. Pitts screams and holds him the same way he did when Meeks was crying, they also had to carry Pitts out cause he wouldn’t let go of his best friend. For the rest of the game he wore his glasses.
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*with the intent to make you cry* notice the lack of neil?
Charlie: I hereby reconvene the Dead Poets Society. Meeks: Charlie, we can’t do this. We’re breaking the rules. Charlie: Rules? We don’t need rules. We’re poets. We’re rebels. We’re free spirits. Pitts: Yeah, until we get caught and expelled. Charlie: Relax, Pitts. No one’s going to catch us. We’re too smart for them. *Headmaster Nolan walks in* Nolan: What is going on here? Charlie: Uh… nothing, sir. We were just… studying. Nolan: Studying? In the middle of the night? In a cave? With candles and a saxophone? Charlie: Yes, sir. It’s a new… learning technique. Nolan: A learning technique? Charlie: Yes, sir. It’s called… jazz poetry. Cameron: I can’t believe you guys. You’re all crazy. You’re all following Keating like sheep. Don’t you see what he’s doing to you? He’s filling your heads with nonsense. He’s making you disobey the rules. He’s ruining your futures. Todd: Cameron, you don’t understand. Keating is not ruining our futures. He’s opening our eyes. He’s teaching us to think for ourselves. He’s inspiring us to live. Cameron: Live? What do you mean live? You call this living? Sneaking around, reading poems, acting in plays, kissing girls? That’s not living. That’s wasting your time. You should be studying, working, preparing for your exams, applying for colleges. That’s living. Todd: Cameron, you’re wrong. That’s not living. That’s surviving.
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gothimp · 4 months
Book Recommendation Tag Game 📚
The last book I read:
The Greatest Hits of Harlan Ellison (edition with the foreward by Neil Gaiman and Cassandra Khaw). With the random online resurgence of I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream (and some of the worst takes I’ve ever had the misfortune of seeing) I had to re-read some Ellison to assure myself we’d read the same material… but yeah. Highly recommend. 👍👍
A book I recommend
Pretty much everything in this post, but specifically this year I’ve gotten like four of my friends to read The Long Way to a Small Angry Planet by Becky Chambers. It’s an easy read sci fi with so much heart, easily one of my new favorites.
A book I couldn’t put down
Juniper & Thorn by Ava Reid. I read it last year in one sitting and still think about it like once a week. The love interest really resonated with me and this book genuinely made me feel sick to my stomach from how well some of the content was portrayed.
A book I’ve read twice (or more)
I am not typically a re-reader but I have an extensive collection of John Keats and Percy Shelley, a lot of their works I have read and re-read and own several versions of.
A book on my TBR
Lud-in-the-Mist by Hope Mirrlees! I actually added this to my TBR because of a video Tim Downie made a while back and I just haven’t gotten to it yet because I’ve limited my new books until we make our cross-country move.
A book/series I’ve put down
Too many to count, I’m a notorious DNF-er. Finishing a book/series I’m fairly sure I’ll dislike usually just feels like a waste of time to me when there’s so many books I want to read. Here’s just a short list of recent ones, no offense if this is anyone’s favorite: The Dresden Files (hate Jim Butcher’s self insert and don’t like the mash of lazy lore he uses), Everything SJM (read her when I was in HS but she continually ruins the only characters I like and the author is just in general not a good person), Iron Flame (I hated fourth wing, rated it 2 stars, don’t know why I even tried other than it just being absolutely everywhere)
A book on my wishlist
The Djinn Waits A Hundred Years by Shubnum Khan and Certain Dark Things by Silvia Moreno-Garcia have both been on my list for a while and as soon as we move they’ll be some of the first I grab physical copies of
A favorite book from childhood
HOLES BY LOUIS SACHAR 📢📢📢 my childhood copy was so well loved that it was missing its front and back cover I love this book so much. Also a shoutout to two of my other childhood favorites: Howl’s Moving Castle and Maximum Ride.
A book you would give to a friend
Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb. I love the liveship trilogy so much that I always keep two copies of Ship of Magic. One is my personal copy of the first edition cover that matches the rest of my trilogy, the other has the newer cover and I lend that one out to friends.
A book of poetry or lyrics you own
I have several collections of John Keats and Percy Shelley. A personal favorite is my copy that has my annotated “A Defence of Poetry”
A non-fiction book you own
My Philosophy of Religion anthology that has my Kierkegaard annotations
What are you currently reading
One for my Enemy by Olivie Blake, I needed a palate cleanser after Ellison
What do you plan to read next
Bridgerton has me in the mood for romance and I have A Fragile Enchantment by Allison Saft and Half a Soul by Olivia Atwater unpacked from my physical TBR right now for summer reads. If my romance mood ends before then I’ll finally start Chlorine by Jade Song
tagged by @rosenfey thank you for giving me an excuse to ramble about books! 🩵📚✨
tag list (add/remove post in pinned): @nokstella @rindemption @katsigian @lestatlioncunt @mapeslyrup
@feykiller @werewolfspatula @archonfurina @haarleps @razz-berry
@elvves @estevnys @dragonologist-phd @superhaught
@avallachs @leopardmuffinxo @devilbrakers @pitchmoss @dekarios
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