#I don’t really want to text my mom happy Father’s Day even tho I used to say something
mommyhorror · 1 year
I’m becoming less petty about Father’s Day each year but still slightly petty. Like instead of harboring anger towards my absent father now I text him that I hope he has a good day w his new kids lmfao. But I mean it!!
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dynamicspacebud · 2 years
was just doing my moms dishes bc i felt bad for her when i just really started to dwell on how she is as a mother like WOW is she a SHIT mom and i mean that like my god she is awful. I don’t like to remember stuff like this or hold it in my head like how i really have to dig deep to re-remember all the ways my father is horrible but right now with her i don’t know i want to write down what i was thinking about. How less than a year earlier we had to change the locks on the door because he threatened to come even though she said no and i got really scared and started having terrible nightmares about him coming in and killing us and then she just surprise told me he is was coming over one day and completely disregarded my concerns and feelings about how i told her i felt uncomfortable and unsafe with him around she just did not care and was so selfish even though this was supposed to be my home too. Or how that night she was like I’m an adult i can have casual sex when i simply asked if he was staying the night and she was like i’m just being honest when i went wtf as though a year prior she didn’t blame me for him financially/ sexually abusing her for getting money for sex and she blamed me because i was using her credit card and not paying bills as though i wasn’t a teenager who didn’t even know any of this was happening i just got blamed. How could she even put that on me i knew then and now it wasn’t and had never been my fault but that’s such a sick thing to say honestly it makes my stomach curl. Her asking how and why my relationship with my father has to reflect and effect my relationship with her as though i didn’t write a whole fucking peer reviewed essay about how it does like how is she so fucking awful as a mother like i’m very glad i was born but god she should have never been someone to take care of someone else or anything else like how she also abandoned her cat when her boyfriend wanted her too. It’s so sick i don’t and never did deserve the terrible parents i have. I don’t want them. I cant wait to get to a place when i can genuinely never have contact with them again. Seeing and being reminded of it all holds me back i know that. I don’t want that. I cant have that. And every year in close and closer to breaking away. I’ll get there i know i will and i’ll never have parents i’ll only have s** and a***** but i’ll still watch bluey and cry cry cry because someone has those parents and that makes my heart warm enough. And maybe i’ll even be that parent one day. Mine are so beyond awful i will and can never be them it’s not even possible. I’m very lucky i got out i mean look at my shit brother that hateful bigot. Good for him tho he barley talks to them i wish i were him in only that way. They hurt him more than me and because he’s cishet and grew up in a rich highschool i think that’s why he turned out that way. I don’t know i want to say maybe he has changed but as a cop i know it’s impossible he has. I won’t have any contact to my immediate bio family. My uncle today asking me how long it’s been since i talked to my brother and me saying years. I mean often i genuinely forget i have a brother which is funny in a way because we lived together until i was like 19 it’s not even like we didn’t grow up together or he left when i was young. My mind just has such a strong way of blocking everything out. It’s for my own protection but i don’t know how good that is honestly. Like with hannah it did the same thing. Nes being like I REMEMBER how do you not ??? you were so close and i have to really think about it or see pictures or texts to remember and when i do it’s strong and im sad. I guess my mind doesn’t want me to be sad. But i don’t know i don’t think that’s a good thing. Not entirely. Ok funny enough im rewatching the 100 and they have kind of touched on this subject with raven not remembering finn and jaha not remembering his son but them being “happy” because they can’t feel the pain of losing them even though they don’t remember the happy and good stuff either. I think that’s kind of what my mind is
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thescreamingraven · 3 years
Promise 3
Dabi x reader
Genre/warnings: Fluff and angst, mentions of injury, swearing.
Words: 7 510
Summary:  Trying to fix what’s broken is not always easy.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
Hey, hey, so sorry this took so long I had a bit of a writers block but here it is, I’m thinking of doing part four soon. I think this turned out pretty well tho.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾I
It was already quite dark  outside, bright street lights added to the scenery as small snowflakes began to slowly decorate the sidewalks. Inside the cozy home, the smell of deliciously cooked food still lingered. It would’ve been a peaceful night if it weren’t for your loudly pouting son, who refused to listen to you.
  “Enji told me I’m strong enough to come…” your son pestered you.
  You put back one plate in the sink, looking down at the boy in front of you if you could call him that… he was soon going to be fourteen and in agreement with Endeavor will be starting U.A in only a couple of weeks. He was so eager to get into action that he wouldn’t stop pestering about letting him start patrols early.
You saw Hawks walking out of the bathroom with his hero suit on.
  “Give the kid a chance Y/n, it’s not like he will be doing it alone.” he chirped.
  “See, even Hawks agrees with me.”
  You crossed your arms, and leaned on the kitchen counter, giving Hawks a death stare, which he tried to soften up with his casual smirk.
  “It could be an early birthday present?” Your son suggested.
  You sighed and let your hands fall in defeat, his puppy eyes taking a toll on you.
“Be back by midnight or you’re grounded.”
  You could see his face light up with joy as he gave you the tightest hug imaginable.
You gave him an encouraging smile, before gesturing him to go get ready, as he was rushing to his room you shouted. “Don’t forget your jacket angel, it’s quite chilly tonight.”
  “He’s grown up so fast…” Hawks walked closer to you and leaned on the counter.
  “That he did…” you smiled before looking back at him. “Are you sure it’s safe? Criminal activity has skyrocketed recently and-”
  “He’ll be fine, we won’t let anything happen to him… promise.” He gave your hand a light squeeze.
  You both stayed silent for a moment before Hawks spoke yet again.
  “So… when are we going to tell him?”
  Your smile slowly faded away as you slipped your hand away from Hawks.
  “You’ve been saying that for almost 5 months now-”
  Hawks was interrupted by an opening door from your son’s room as he quickly rushed back to the kitchen.
“Sorry to keep you waiting Hawks, you ready to go?”
  Hawks concerned look was replaced by his usual wit and charm as he yammered.
  “Always ready for you, kid.” He turned back to you. “We’re heading out.”
  You nodded, saying a quick goodbye and getting back to the dishes you were doing.
≿————- ❈ —��——-≾
  Hawks quietly closed the front door and caught up to S/n, who was casually standing near the sidewalk. “Ready to fight crime?” Hawks asked as he approached him.
  “Hell yeah I am, I still can’t believe she allowed me to go.”
  “Your mom’s just worried about you, kid.”
  “I know, but she can be a bit overbearing sometimes… I’m not five years old anymore, I can fight now…”
  “It’s better to have that kind of parent than none at all.” Hawks murmured.
  “I know.”
  “Anyway… ready to go?”
  “Hell yeah.” your son grinned.
  “I like your enthusiasm, kid.”
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  It’s been fourteen years since that day….
    You were sitting on a nearby chair near the receptionist, patiently waiting for Endeavor to arrive with your daughter. You thought about your conversation with Dabi and silently prayed that he would only make the right choice. Your thoughts were interrupted by your daughter’s excited screams as she dragged the tall figure across the hall.
She let go of Endeavor’s hand when she saw you and leaped into your arms with a huge grin on her face.
  “Mommy, daddy’s not asleep anymore.”
  You gently brushed strands of hair from her face, softly purring.“I know angel… and he can’t wait to see you.”
  You looked up at Endeavor.
“Will you-”
  “I think I’d be better if I stayed back for a bit…. I don’t want Tou—Dabi to get the wrong idea.”
  You gave him a nod, setting your daughter down on the ground, taking her hand in yours as you took a deep breath before opening the door. Your eyes wandered to the bed Dabi was lying in moments ago, but yet you found nothing.
Your daughter stood there confused, tugging on your hand and asking for her father.
Endeavor saw the way you froze and came to investigate, when he saw the bed empty he called the nurses to ask if they’d seen him leave. But you assured him you were sitting near the door the whole time and didn’t see him leave, the window wasn’t open either.
You walked over to the nearby stand and found a brief note with only two words on it.
  I’m sorry.
Ever since that day, your daughter changed. She became closed off and cold, whenever you tried talking about her father you were met with silence until one day you mentioned his name, and she responded with a shocking answer.
  “Dabi… who’s that?”
  The doctors said it was something called dissociative amnesia, and that’s why she couldn’t remember her father, her brain blocked him out, it being a traumatic event. You were scared that she may forget everything else, but the doctor quickly calmed you down.
After her amnesia started she became her old self again, the same warm, hopeful person you once knew. She never asked for her father’s whereabouts, she just enjoyed life, spending the days with Endeavor, completely forgetting about her father's quirk.
Endeavor had suggested for her to become a hero like him, but your daughter just brushed it off. Instead, your daughter left the country  to follow her dreams, she got into a good college and made her own life… she even met someone special...
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  After you had your son, life became a bit more complicated, him being born with your quirk and having the number one pro hero as his grandfather really boosted his confidence; he began to train in secret when he was only seven years old, but it didn’t stay hidden for long. At first, you were a bit skeptical about the thought of him becoming a hero... but when you saw how your son’s face lit up when Endeavor suggested training him, well how could you say no?
  Your son hated Dabi, ever since he first saw one of his victims appear on the news he vowed to himself to at least destroy him if not all villains.
So when he asked about his dad…it got a little awkward, you would brush it off saying you’d explain it to him when he’s older. After a few years, he just gave up accepting the fact that he didn’t have a father… well, not a biological one.
  Ever since Dabi left, Hawks stayed glued to your side like a magnet, attending to your every need and satisfying your every craving. He even took some time off work, of the last few weeks of your pregnancy, whenever you would ask him about his generosity he would just brush it off with “I guess it’s my bird instincts” But you knew it was something deeper than that, he never had a normal family before maybe this was his way of establishing one.
When your son was born, Hawks didn’t leave his side, you didn’t know why he did what he did, taking the father role in his life as he did, he was there when he said his first words and took his first steps. He used to get up in the night to feed him and babysat him while you worked. While his actual father was doing god knows what... you tried calling him and texting him several times yet to no avail. Endeavor suggested to go out and find him, yet you declined the offer. If a villain is what he wanted to be, then so be it.
  You were furious at him for being such a stubborn person that he was, if only he would’ve stayed and actually solved the problems together rather than taking them on himself… maybe things would’ve been different...
Your thoughts were interrupted by a notification from your phone, you stood up from the couch and walked over to it and were met by a concerning message from Hawks.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  Hawks and S/n were walking through an empty valley, dim street lights barely lighting up their path.
“So… this is patrolling, huh.”
  “You don’t sound very excited, what... is this too boring for you?” Hawks leered.
  “I just thought there would be more action is all.”
  “The league has been really quiet recently, they’re probably planning something big.” Hawks stated before he caught a glimpse of curiosity from the boy beside him. “Don’t look at me like that…if your mother learned that I put you in danger in any way, she would make me a flightless chicken with that death stare of hers.”
  “You’re such a sap, ya know.” S/n chuckled.
  “Y/n this, Y/n that… just go kiss her already.”
  “I don’t think you understand how relationships work.” Hawks scratched his head nervously.
  “You’ve been doing this for years, Hawky it’s time to make a move.”
  Hawks coughed, speeding up his pace, trying to hide the embarrassment so clearly written all over his face.
  “Is it because of him?” S/n wondered, catching up.
  “My dear old dad… you shouldn’t be discouraged, he’s probably dead, anyway.”
  “Wh—why do you think so?”
  “Well, I assume since neither one of you are telling me about him.”
  “He’s—it’s complicated-”
  “And we’ll tell you when you’re older, right, right. I know the poem.” S/n mocked.
  “But isn’t it the perfect reason to confess soon? If the guy is still alive, who knows she might get back with him… so you should make a move while she’s still single.”
  “Ya know, when I thought about what I’d be doing with my life, I certainly did not imagine getting dating advice from a kid. Have you ever even seen a girl?” Hawks teased.
  “Of course I have, you ass…”
  Both of them walked in silence for a while, before S/n mumbled. “I think you’d make her really happy… and I-” Hawks saw the way S/n hesitated before continuing. “I wouldn’t mind having you for a father.” he quickly added.
“If you tell anyone I said that I’ll make sure you suffer a worse fate than being a flightless chicken.”
  “Kid I-”
  Hawks stopped himself from speaking any further when he heard a noise coming from behind them. He turned around shushing S/n and trying to listen in to the noise, which now became clearer...
At least 10 figures appeared from the shadow covered corners surrounding the two of them.
Hawks stepped closer to S/n, pulling him against himself, and mumbled.
“Stay close kid.”
  The pursuiters stayed quiet, letting out a few maniacal laughs.
  “Why are we not attacking?” S/n whispered, his question being ignored by the hero as he scanned the situation thoroughly.
  Suddenly another shadowy figure appeared, yet this one was a bit taller and muscular than the others.
  “Well, colour me impressed, here I thought you were dead already.” Hawks remarked as the figure slowly stepped into the light.
S/n froze upon seeing the scared men clearer, he looked even more monstrous in person.
  “The league wants to have a word,” Dabi spoke, looking at Hawks who was trying to keep S/n from his piercing eyes.
“They always do, sadly I don’t have time for a tea party at the moment… how does next Tuesday sound?”
  Dabi only rolled his eyes and gestured to the goons. “Get the bird, I don’t care what you do with the kid.”
  The ten figures let out several chuckles before slowly beginning to walk closer.
“It seems it’s your lucky day, kid. I’ll take the right side and you take the left.”
  “This will be fun.” S/n grinned.
  It all happened very quickly, the five figures on the left attacked S/n. He could tell they were inexperienced, so it didn’t take that long for him to defeat them, yet Hawks had a more tough time fighting, trying to dodge Dabis attacks which were thrown randomly for his amusement, no less.
Yet he wasn’t careful enough, one single slip up, caused Hawks to lose balance as he tripped and landed near S/n. He tried to get up again, but his muscles weren’t complying. He looked back up to Dabi who’s blue fire seemed to get uncomfortably closer by the second. He closed his eyes, shielding himself with his wings for the upcoming attack…. And yet nothing came, he quickly let his wings fall onto the ground and saw S/n standing before him with his arm raised, fresh steam coming from it, his hand burnt, now purplish and Dabi standing there frozen.
Dabi let his flames dive down, slowly walking forwards.
  “You’re-” S/n mumbling was interrupted by sharp, throbbing in his hand, he fell to the ground screaming in pain as Hawks rushed to his side.
Endeavor must have heard the commotion as S/n could hear his voice in the distance yelling something he couldn’t comprehend. He saw Dabis eyes hesitate before he slowly backed away, back into the shadows he came from; he saw Hawks who was shouting for Endeavor to hurry and restrain the remaining goons and he slowly fell into darkness.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  The two heroes quietly sat in the waiting room, anxiously looking at the staff that were passing by, before a familiar voice casually spoke. “He’ll be fine mister Endeavor, whatever caused his hand to burn up like that did some serious damage but with some stitches, we were able to fix it.”
“Thank you, doc we appreciate it.” Hawks sighed. “Could we… see him now?”
  The doctor gave them a quick nod before walking away, both of them followed close behind as Hawks tried to calm down his shaking heart.
They walked over to one of the rooms on the right wing before the doctors opened the door.
  “He should be awake soon, and whatever you have the time, there are some forms that I need you to sign.”
  “That’s fine, just give us a minute?” Hawks asked, walking over to the boy’s side.
  The doctor mumbled something under their breath before walking out.
Hawks scanned the boy’s hand, which was now heavily bandaged. “Y/n is going to kill us.” he looked back at Endeavor. “Did you call her already?”
  “No… not yet.”
  “Good, let’s… just wait a little while longer…”
  Both were quiet for a moment before Hawks mustered up the courage to ask.“Do you think he knows…?”
  “I’m sure he does, it isn’t that difficult to figure it out.”
  “So what do we do about him ? If he tells the league-”
  “He won’t, you and I both know that.” Endeavor cut him off.
  “We don't, he isn’t a very predictable person Enji and even if he doesn’t, those goons of his will. Didn’t you tell me one got away?”
  “Yeah… I’ll take care of it, in the meantime...I think we should postpone his U.A training…”
  Hawks looked down on S/n unconscious body remembering the endless tiring training sessions the two of them had.
“There has to be another way… he worked so hard for it, maybe we can take certain precautions-”
  “We’ll talk about this at home… I better go and tell Y/n,” Endeavor declared, pulling out his phone.
  “I’ll do it, you’re not exactly too subtle with words, you stay here.” Hawks stood up from his seat, pulling his phone out of his pocket, and walked out of the room, closing the door behind him.
  Endeavor sat there quietly, thoughts racing of what he should do, a thought of moving you two out even further away from the city flashed his mind, but he quickly shook it off. When he lifted his gaze from the ground he saw S/n laying awake, examining his hand.
“It’s good to have you back, son… how are you feeling?”
  “I’m fine… can we go home?” He asked with a gloomy sigh.
  “I don’t think that’s…”
  The door suddenly opened, revealing a slightly irritated Hawks, with the doctor following behind him.
“He’s all free to go if he wishes, just try to be careful with that hand of yours… it will sting for a while…”
  “Thank you, doc.” Hawks asserted. “What would we do without you?”
  “Do you seriously want me to answer that?”
  Hawks chuckled, walking over to S/n bed and giving him an apologetic smile.
“Ready to go home, champ?”
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  You sat patiently waiting on the couch as the door finally opened and your son walked in holding his bandaged hand. You rushed to his side, pulling him into your arms, trying not to squeeze too hard. “S/n… are you okay? Does your hand hurt?”
  “How… how could you keep this away from me….” he mumbled, pulling back.
  “Kid-” Hawks tried putting a hand on his shoulder to calm him down.
  “Don’t touch me, don’t you fucking touch me.” your son choked.
  “Shut up, you’re no better.” he snapped. “I need an honest answer and you’re going to give me one.”
  “Is he—Is that sociopath, murderous bastard, really my father?”
  You and Hawks looked at each other before murmuring “I… yes he is....look I’m sorry I didn’t tell you I just-”
“We didn’t want you to overreact,” Hawks added.
  “Oh… oh… you thought I would overreact? Yeah, okay, so instead of just straight up saying hey you have a sociopath for a father, you hide and keep it a secret from me. Well, you got your overreaction, I hope you’re happy, bursting with fucking joy no doubt.” S/n mocked.
“So for how long were you planning to keep this to your deary selves?”
  Endeavor finally decided to join in the conversation.
“As long as we had to… if the public found out--if the league found out you’d not be only putting all of us in danger but yourself as well. The league could use you as their trumpet card.”
  Your son stood silent for a minute, thinking if he should continue to stand his ground or walk away, he decided he needed to cool off first before continuing this conversation and walked away, shutting himself in his room with a loud slam.
“I need to go talk to him…”
  “No, what you need to do is give him some space… he’s confused and hurt, adding more fuel to the fire won’t make it go out faster.” Hawks reassured you, wrapping one of his arms around your waist and leading you into the kitchen.“Let’s sit down and I’ll make you some tea, alright? Enji do you want some?”
  “Can’t... I need to go to my agency, explain what happened and all.”
  “I… alright try not to take too long.”
  Endeavor only hummed before walking back to the entrance.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  “I’m sorry…” Hawks said with a sense of guilt.”I should’ve listened to you. I feel like such an asshole for convincing you to let me bring him along.”
  “You’re not the one to blame, I should have told him sooner.” you stammered.“What if he never forgives us… what will we do… I’m so scared Keigo… I-”
  He pulled another kitchen chair beside yours, wrapping his wings around and holding you close. “He will... just give the kid some time.”
  “How can you say that so confidently, look at Endeavor, and… he never forgave him.”
  “Different situation.” Hawks assured. “What’s the saying? Time heals all wounds.”
  You hugged him tighter and mumbled into his shoulder. “How did—how did he look?”
  Hawks sighed. “He hasn’t changed much… maybe a bit more scarred.”
  “I see… did he… you know...”
  “No, he didn’t say much.”
  “Why was he even there? You told me that area was secure.”
  “The league really wanted to have a word, whatever that means.”
  You pulled away from his warm comforting embrace and cupped his cheek
“I’m… I’m glad that you’re okay, you are okay, right?”
  “Yeah, a few cuts and bruises here and there but I’m fine… I should probably go clean up now that you mention it, don’t want them to get infected.”
  “I’ll help,” you muttered.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  When S/n slammed his door, he immediately fell against it. He sat there, his hands on his knees, staring at the mirror in front of him, his mind racing empty but at the same time full of thoughts.
He sat there for a long time, listening in on your conversation with Hawks. He sighed, finally getting up, and walked up to the mirror. Standing there, he looked over his features. He looked at his face and couldn’t help but finally see how similar the two of them actually were; he remembered Dabi's sharp eyes smiling at the amusement of Hawks struggle... how did he not see it sooner . He looked down at his hands, flashbacks coming back, the blue flame consuming it, consuming him.
You’re just like him.
  How could you ever be a hero?
  His mind raced to every possible possibility of his future, is he destined to become like him?
  It’s in your blood…
  That will be you someday, and everyone will hate you.
  Your family hates you, that’s why they lied.
  They fear you...
His thoughts were interrupted by a loud shattering noise, as he looked up, he saw his fist covered in blood, the mirror shattered, shards all scattered around the room. But yet there was still one small piece hanging up. He looked at it, and when he did, he didn’t see himself; he saw a broken, battered figure that so clearly resembled him.
S/n stumbled back, his breathing becoming quicker and quicker. He reached for his phone that was laying next to him on the ground and tried calling the only person he thought could help. It was already almost two am, so he could only pray to get a response in return.
After a few tries, the person finally picked up, with a sleepy undertone in his voice.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  S/n walked through an almost empty street when the playground finally came into view. On the swings sat a slouched figure, slowly rocking back and forth, his head was fixated on the ground, as he tried to push the sleepiness away.
The figure’s gaze quickly left the ground as he heard someone's footsteps approach his direction. He gave S/n a small wave and gestured for him to take a seat at the swing next to him, and so he did.
  “I’m sorry I called so late…” S/n mumbled.
  Shoto looked over at the kid, who was tapping his boots nervously. His eyes quickly made their way to the freshly bandaged hand.
“It is quite alright, you didn’t sound good on the phone… Did something happen?”
  S/n shook his head as he stayed quiet, trying to muster and find the right words to say.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  “And done…” you chirped, gesturing Hawks to stand up from the chair.
  “Thanks… see I told you it wasn’t that bad,” he replied, putting his shirt back on.
  You put away the bloodied towel and looked back in the direction of your son’s room.
Hawk’s eyes softened as he approached you. “I’ll go check on him, okay?”
  Your eyes snapped back to Hawks as you let out a sigh.
“I’d appreciate it,” you muttered.
  Hawks mustered a smile as he stood up and gave you a few pats on the head, before walking away and heading to your son’s room direction.
It was only but moments before he was standing at your son’s door, trying to listen in on any movements from his side. Not hearing a sound, he took a deep breath in and slowly turned the doorknob.
  He stopped, freezing up as he scanned the room. The window was open; the mirror laid shattered, shards scattered around everywhere, he saw S/n phone lying on the floor, and a few drops of blood on it.
  “Y/n we have a problem, ” He yelled, running back to the kitchen to pick up his phone.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  S/n told Shoto everything that happened in great detail, trying to muster the strength against his bottled up emotions. After the whole story was told, the both of them remained silent, before Shoto finally spoke.
  “I know how you feel.” he trailed off. “I’m sorry this happened to you S/n… But you have nothing to fear, the two of you are nothing alike, you might have his quirk but you’re still your own person.”
  S/n stayed quiet as he kept his eyes on the ground.
  “You should go home now, the others might worry where you’ve gone.”
  S/n sighed before, humming in agreement, he got up from the swing, stretching out his arms. He turned back to Shoto.
“Can you… not tell them that I was here?”
  “I don’t think-” Shoto stood up and glanced at S/n who seemed exhausted from the evening’s events.“I… alright, let’s go I’ll walk you home.”
  “Nah, It’s fine, it’s just 10 minutes away I’ll be fine,” S/n reassured.
  “It’s still quite late. I don’t think that it would be safe to let you go home alone.”
  “Oh cmon, I have a murderer’s quirk on my side, what can go wrong?”
  “I’m just joking Sho, trying to brighten the mood a bit, anyway I’ll be fine.”
  Before Shoto could disagree, S/n was already walking away and waving him off.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  He walked on a nearly empty street, the cars around him rushing, while he kept his hooded head down on the road.. His mind became a little calmer, like an ocean after a storm everything was calming down. He was so focused on his thoughts that he didn’t notice a quiet figure following him like a cat. He stopped near a crosswalk, looking up and waiting for the light to change, before he suddenly got grabbed and pulled roughly, a hand covering his mouth, he didn’t have any time to respond, everything became fuzzy as he was fastly pulled into what looked like a portal and thrown out the other side.
He moved onwards before quickly getting up into his fighting stance, ready to use his quirk on whatever or whoever grabbed him. Yet he wasn’t met by his kidnapper, only by a white haired man, who had some sort of hand on his face. S/n stood there for a second, trying to figure out if he should make a run for it or attack.
The quiet man poured another glass of whiskey, lifting one of his fingers from it, careful not to dust it. After the glass was half full, he murmured something under his breath before taking off his mask and giving the kid a creepy grin.
  “Come, take a seat…” the man gestured to a nearby bar stool.
  “Who are you and what do you want?” S/n hesitantly asked while he looked around the room.
  The man stopped his drink halfway to his mouth.
  “Ah, where are my manners, I’m Shigaraki… and you are?”
  “I’m joking, I already know who you are, you’re Dabi's little creation…” Shigaraki grinned. “You know, as Endeavor's grandson, he didn’t do a good job of protecting you… I mean you were just wandering around like a lost puppy.”
Shigaraki once again gestured to the empty seat next to him.
  “It’s not nice to reject a drink ya know.” Shigaraki looked at him, his grin slowly being replaced by a frown “Anyway, you must be thinking, why are you here? Well, I have a very appealing proposition for you, a deal of some sorts.”
  “Let me guess, you want me to join your evil boy club, is that it?”
  “Don’t call it that, ” Shigaraki snarled. “But yes, I want you to join the league ... now I can tell you’re hesitant, but think about it you’ll be accepted here.”
  “Oh, really?”
  “Why do you think they kept it away from you for so long?”
  “How do-”
  “They’re afraid of you like everyone else will be when they learn the truth…”
  That will be you someday, and everyone will hate you.
  “Shut up.” S/n hissed.
  “What about your dear old dad? You wouldn’t want to disappoint him now would you?”
  “He’s no father of mine.”
  You’re just like him.
  Shigaraki spun around on the chair, drink still in hand.
  “You might deny it now, but you’ll be crawling back here in no time… it’s in your blood, the hero society is broken enough, help me make it better.”
  It’s in your blood…
  “Shut up.”
  S/n wanted to walk away, he tried blocking out every word thrown his way, his eyes desperately looking for the exit, Shigaraki only stared at him, wondering what the kid will do next when the door of the hideout suddenly opened and an irritated Dabi walked in the room “Shiggy I’m back from-” he spotted his son in the room and immediately hissed. “Why is he here?”
  “Oh, him? I just wanted to have a brief chat with the kid, welcome him into the family.” Shigaraki grinned, turning back to face the bar.
  “I’m sure you did.” Dabi scoffed, making his way to S/n, grabbing him by the color and dragging him away while he struggled.
  Before Dabi could open the door, he heard Shigaraki quietly mumble to him.
“Didn’t think you were so soft Dabi.”
  Dabi rolled his eyes while his son kicked him and babbled. “Let go of me you freak.”
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  Dabi followed S/n close behind, stealing glances at the unfamiliar place he was leading him to, before he suddenly stopped on some old bridge, not budging to go any further.
  “Why did you stop?” Dabi asked, looking around at the old factory.
  “I’m not going to show a villain where I live.” your son returned going near the rails and leaning on them. “So leave me the hell alone, alright?”
  Dabi took a deep breath in, feeling slightly irritated, yet he couldn’t contain the drip of proudness rising in his chest, the kid might be stupid but at least you taught him well he thought. He approached S/n calmly, not trying to start a fight, as he could see the kid was on edge before he leaned against the rails next to him.
  “I don’t want to hear it…” S/n responded immediately.
  A painfully awkward silence filled the air as the two stood under a poorly light street light looking at the slowly moving water.
“I hate you”  S/n murmured.
  “I know.”
  “So that’s it? You won’t say anything else?”
  “I don’t think it will change much even if I did,” Dabi said casually.“You look… a lot like Y/n… is she—how is she doing?” he added, gripping the railing a bit too tight for comfort.
  “She’s doing good, a lot better without you no doubt.” your son smeared.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  Dabi's heart painfully ached, after so many years the memories of your warm touch still lingered in his mind. A few days later after he left the hospital he came back to your old burnt house, your future home as you used to call it, he walked around the ashed trying to calm down the stinging feeling in his chest, he could’ve gone back, hell part of him screamed and begged him to, but he was too much of a coward, running away seemed easier them facing his father and facing the reality of crimes he committed, going back to that house filled the shadows of the past. Part of him also knew that betraying the league never ended well for anyone, and no matter how far or how long he would run, they’d always catch up. So he decided to suffer in silence and finally do something else than be selfish with his life.
  He walked around in ruins of what was once his home, spotting a cabinet that was badly burnt but still standing in what seemed to be your bedroom. He carefully opened it and shivered, looking at the slightly burnt photo. He recalled the event like it was yesterday; it was your daughter’s sixth Christmas; she was babbling and rambling all day, while you both tried putting up Christmas decorations, Christmas music played in the background and the smell of cookies filled your small little home. At the end of the day, you pestered him into taking a photo with the three of you. He so desperately wanted to disapprove but your daughter’s puppy eyes convinced him otherwise. You printed it out, and kept it close, calling it a good luck charm, and here it was still okay. Dabis hands trembled as he reached for it, carefully wiping the ashes from the photo, trying not to make it dirtier than it already was, and put it in his pocket, walking away with his lost treasure.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  “I’m glad,” he whispered, a sad smile plastered on his face, before looking back at his son. “Whatever you think of me, it wasn’t easy for me to just leave.”
  “Mhm, right, because you care so much.”
  “Watch it,” Dabi growled before softening up once more. “How’s… D/n?”
  Your son froze, looking back at him before mouthing. “Wait… you’re her father too?”
  Dabi didn’t say anything before pulling out and carefully showing him the photo.
S/n hesitantly took it and mouthed, looking over it. “Are you kidding me…?”
A revengeful thought came to him as he looked it over, still trying to comprehend it. He could see this little picture meant a lot to the poor villain who was carefully observing him, anytime S/n would move it, he could see him grow a bit on edge. Yet he took pity on the monster standing near him and shoved it back into his hand.
  “Well, you can be happy then, she doesn’t remember you,” he murmured, returning his hand on the railing.
  Dabi froze, giving him a doubting look.
“Yeah, she has some sort of traumatic amnesia or so I’ve heard.”
  “Amnesia… what happened?”
  “I don’t know I wasn’t told much,” S/n remarked. “But hey now you have one less burden to worry about, don’t want to mess up your future plan.”
  “Is that why you think I left?” Dabi spoke, tightly gripping the photo which remained in his hand. “I did it to keep all of you safe and give you a good shot at life, not because you’re some burden.”
  “No, you left because you’re a coward, stop trying to justify it with some sacrificial bullshit.”
  “Listen here-”
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  Hawks has been flying around the city for almost 2 hours now, frantically searching every nick and cranny he could think of, he felt like ripping his feathers out, how did he not pick up the mirror breaking, how could he let S/n leave, or worse, maybe he was taken?
So many thoughts were rushing through his head as he finally allowed himself to breathe. He landed on a nearby rooftop pulling out his phone with intention of calling Endeavor to report the update, before he spotted a familiar figure on a bridge near an old factory, the bridge was on the brink of collapsing so no one bothered to light it up properly. Two figures were standing under a badly cleaned street light, which now began to frantically flicker.
Hawks quickly dialed Endeavor, explaining his suspicion and telling his location. Endeavor asked him to wait, not knowing if it could be a trap, but Hawks with a foggy mind and his protective instincts didn’t listen, he murmured a simple “see ya soon” and hung up the phone. He looked back in the direction of the bridge and let himself glide off the rooftop.
Dabi stopped talking when he saw Hawks approach them, he only looked at S/n, stuffing the photo back into his pocket, and mumbled. “Looks like our time is up.” before S/n was fastly carried by Hawks feathers away from the dangerously close villain.
Hawks landed near S/n, surprising him as he frantically searched for any kind of injuries.
  “You okay kid?” he looked back at Dabi with a nasty look. “He didn’t hurt you, did he?”
  S/n pushed himself out of Hawks grasp. “I’m fine.”
  Hawks looked at him with sadness and guilt in his eyes, which turned into fury and hatred when they fell on Dabi, who was now casually leaning on the bridge railing. Hawks pulled away from S/n and approached Dabi with a feather blade in hand and pointed it at his throat.
  “Why did you take him?” Hawks barked, trying to search Dabi's cold demeanor for any kind of tricks.
  “I didn’t take shit, he was the one that found me.”
  Hawks looked back at S/n, who only looked away with guilt running across his face. Hawks gave him a disappointing glare before turning back at Dabi, who was unfaced with the deadly weapon pointed at his throat.
“I know what you’re trying to do.”
  Dabi cocked his eyebrows. “Do you now?” he jeered.
  “S/n doesn’t need a screw up like you for a father nor does he need your baggage, leave him be.”
  “Playing the father role well I see,” Dabi responded ignoring Hawks’ sudden outburst.
  “I couldn’t let a child be fathered by a scoundrel like you, now could I?”
  How Dabi wanted to tear down the oversized chicken limb from limb, finally take his revenge for ruining his family, for taking you away from him. His hands were beginning to itch and beg him to give in to his little temptation. He looked past Hawks at his son, god he looked just like you , his mind replayed your voice trying to calm him down as the temptation quietly disappeared into a pile of mush.
Dabi furrowed his eyebrows, turning around from the confrontation, and stepped back.
“I don’t have time for this.” He stoically stated, trying to hold back any kind of resentment towards Hawks.
  “Running away like always?” Hawks remarked, getting no response from the grim figure who slithered away in defeat.
  After he disappeared from view, Hawks turned back to S/n, who was standing nearby, tapping his feet nervously. Hawks approached him, throwing his jacket over the boys shoulders, and growled.
“We’re going home.”
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  You were pacing around the living room, phone in hand, waiting for any news on S/n whereabouts, when suddenly the front door opened up. You rushed to the door.
  “Did you—Angel hey are you okay? You’re not hurt, right?” you blubbered, scanning his face for any cuts or bruises.
  “How’s your hand?”
  “It’s fine, mom,” he responded shamefully, looking at the ground.
  “You really scared me sweetheart… where were you?” you hugged him tightly, massaging his back, and mouthed a quiet “thank you” to the heroes patiently standing nearby.
  “I don’t want to talk about it… can I go now? I’m really tired,” he mumbled, pushing you away.
  “Good night.” Your son said as he walked off to his room, quietly closing the door behind him.
You looked back at Endeavor and Hawks, who moved over to the couch.
  “What happened? Where did you find him?”
  “He was with Dabi.”
  “Dabi… what? Why? Did he kidnap him?”
  “No, it seems the kid found him first.” Endeavor tried calming you down.
  “Why would he-”
  “We’re not sure...but right now we should all go rest it’s been a tough night.” Endeavor stated.
  Hawks stood up and got ready to head to S/n room to give him the speech he thought of in the car before Endeavor stopped him.
“I’ll talk to him, you go rest.” He looked back at you, nodding to Hawks, who hesitantly took a seat next to you, wrapping one of his wings around you, slowly massaging your back.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
  Endeavor approached the door and knocked a few times, not hearing a response he pressed on the handle and the unlocked door opened with ease.
He stepped inside closing the door behind him, spotting your son, laying in his bed with his back turned, as he was slightly shaking behind the covers, clearly trying to calm himself down.
Endeavor sighted, not bothering to turn on the light, and sat beside him. He sat there for a while, his mind racing with all the things he wanted to say, or should’ve said, yet nothing came up.
  “You won’t be going to U.A.” he finally stated.
  Your son froze, and quickly sat back up, now facing Endeavor. “You can’t do that.”
  “I already called the school.”
  Your son ran his hand through his hair trying to come up with a valid argument.
“I also think that you should stay homeschooled for a while, seeing as there is a high chance of probability that the league knows you exist.”
“I know you worked hard, but your safety is far more important,” he added tapping S/n gently on the shoulder.
  Your son was too tired to answer but gave Endeavor a little nod.
  “Good, now get some sleep.” Endeavor said as he stood up from the bedside. He walked over to the door and looked back with a serious gaze.
“Don’t run away again, am I understood?”
  “Yes sir” your son responded letting his head fall onto the comfortable pillow.
  “Good.” Endeavor muttered closing the door behind him.
≿————- ❈ ————-≾
It’s been almost a week and your patience was starting to run out, six days with only blunt responses from your son, him denying to eat your food or even come out of his room, and tonight you decided enough is enough and walked over to your son’s room with Hawks following close behind.
You turned back to him, trying to justify your sudden outburst. “I just want to see if he’s doing alright…”
  “I’ll go with you,” he reassured, giving your hand a light squeeze.
  You gave him a thankful nod before gently pressing on the handle and cracking the door open. Your son was sitting on his bed, with his earphones on, listening to something, paying no mind to your sudden entrance. His cheerful demeanor now became grim, dark circles under his eyes were too big for comfort, his bandage hand now bare.
Hawks hand fell on your shoulder as he gave you an encouraging glance. You took a deep breath in, before approaching his bedside and sitting next to him. Your son immediately looked up to you and Hawks who was leaning against a nearby wall, looking at him with his soft eyes. S/n took off his headphones and mumbled. “Please leave, I really don’t want to talk to any of you.”
“It’s been a week, kid, you can’t just keep ignoring us like this.” Hawks lilted.
  “Honey…” you tried reaching for his hand but he pulled away instantly. “I know--it's hard and I shouldn’t have kept something like that from you… and I’m deeply sorry.”
  “Good to know, the doors right there you can leave now.” your son jeered.
  “Can you at least come out of your room and eat something? I don’t like when you hurt yourself like this,” you said, once again reaching out to him.
  “Don’t touch me,” he said, pulling away. “You kept it from D/n as well didn’t you?”
  “D/n… her situation is different from yours…”
  “How?” he asked, not sparing you a glance.
  “She knew who he was… but after your d—Dabi left she couldn’t handle it, so her brain locked him out of her memory,” you explained in a simple manner.
  “And you let her leave just like that... “ your son scoffed as he got off from the bed. “Were you going to do the same with me?”
  “You know what, don’t answer that… I don’t think it’s good for me to hang around you two right now.”
  Your son walked towards the door but Hawks moved, blocking it. “You need to calm down, kid.”
  “Get out of my way Hawks.” your son warned, his sleep deprived, and angered mind getting the best of him.
  “You need to stop throwing tantrums and listen-”
  Hawks was interrupted by a loud explosion, he felt like he was falling before he hit something hard, his ears began to ring, he felt limb trying to gasp for air and he desperately fought to keep his eyes open as he felt warm like wood liquid falling down his face. He could see you desperately run to him, tripping over the fallen door, your soft touch masking the terrible pain he felt, he slowly reached for your cheek, accidentally smearing it with his blood, trying to wipe away your tears that wouldn’t stop coming.
He slowly shifted trying to spot the boy he carefully tried to father throughout his life, only to see him, standing there in the smoke of a now destroyed corridor, dark smoke surrounding him, as his sight got worse he could swear the little boy turn into a monstrous shadowy figure, who was now darting away. Hawks tried reaching out to him but he seemed to be getting further and further away by the second, he mumbled something under his breath as he let his body and mind succumb to the dark slumber he so craved.
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petri808 · 3 years
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Inukag AU
There was a genuine smile on Kagome’s face as she sat on her bed quietly while her family and friends did what they could to try and jog her memory. It was about 3 months since the accident and today the bed was littered with photo albums, old letters, newspapers from her college days that Sango had saved, or her mother pulled from her old bedroom, really anything they could think of to provide visuals. She didn’t want them to feel bad for her predicament, so thought it best to go along with it. They probably knew— she didn’t recognize any of it but bless them for playing along as she nodded or chuckled at appropriate times or patiently waited as she stared at certain items longer than she should have. Because Kagome really wanted to remember.
But in reality, all the words and images were viewed through a strangers lens. Yes, she recognized certain people, but not everyone or the situation in the photos. For Kagome, her last recollections end shortly after graduating college. She knew Sango since they’d been friends, but barely remembered Miroku. To her Miroku was still the boyfriend of less than a year, not a husband and certainly not a father to the couples 1 year old twin girls. Sango was her best friend, so to not remember the wedding or the birth of the twins who based on the photos were precious to her... hurt. There she was in those pictures holding one newborn in each arm, beaming at becoming an aunty, and no recollection of it.
“Tomorrow is the weekend, so we can video chat with Sota,” Mrs. Higurashi reminded her daughter. “I’ve been keeping him updated by text.”
“Where is he again?” Kagome asked.
“In Hawaii, at the University of Hilo.”
“Oh... right,” Kagome chuckled. “I forgot.”
“That’s okay, dear. Sota is in his senior year now and will be coming home in December after graduation.”
“I hope I’m well enough to fly there for the graduation.”
“I think you will be,” her mother smiled softly. “There’s always hope.”
Yeah... hope. It was the only thing keeping Kagome from breaking down. Each night as she drifted to sleep, she’d remind herself of the temporary nature of her condition. Truth or not, it was worth clinging to. Earlier her mother told her of how she’d flown to Hawaii to help Sota settle into his dorm. As the big sister, she was so proud of him, but again Kagome had no recollection of this event and only Hawaiian vacation pictures to prove its truth. Still, she was happy that her brother had grown up so much. The sense of pride she must have felt at the time was renewed in the new knowledge.
She didn’t remember a lot, but there were moments that brought tears to her eyes for more than one reason. Take the other day when Sango and Miroku brought the twins for a visit. The children remembered their Aunty Kagome and quickly reached out with their small hands to her. It brought out tears from the happy emotions such adorable faces could provoke in anyone, yet also tears of frustration for not knowing them at all. Clearly, they loved her, and she wanted to love them too. Bless them, showing concern for her tears, reaching out to Kagome’s face as if to soothe the adult. So, realizing her effect, she quickly smiled and told them she was just happy to see them.
“It’s still a little weird,” Kagome confided to Sango one day, “because my only memory of Miroku is of an annoying guy following you around while still checking out other girls.”
Sango laughed, “he still an annoying guy at times, but it’s true, he has settled down since those days.”
“What was it that finally changed your mind about Miroku?”
“Oh, um actually we’d had a fight... a really big fight over his behavior and I put my foot down. It was me or them because I wasn’t gonna put up with it anymore. I guess the proverbial slap to his face woke him up.”
Kagome chuckled. “It does appear to have worked. But it was obvious how much he loved you despite the stupid things he did.”
Sango nodded. “True. If I didn’t think so too, I would have just walked away and not looked back. Sometimes guys literally need a harsh wake up a call to realize what they’re about to lose.”
That made Kagome think about the supposed fight with Inuyasha on the night of her accident, because it resembled the predicament Sango went through. She frowned. “Why are guys like that?”
Sango shrugged. “If we ever found an answer to that question, we’d be rich.”
Kagome snorted a laugh. “Agreed. We could make money writing self-help books.”
The girls shared a laugh before moving on to other subjects, but as the day grew late, Kagome suddenly sank down on the bed. There was a question she’d been wanting to ask, and though Inuyasha would be the better one to ask, he was still a strangers in her eyes. At least with Sango, she knew she could trust her friend to tell her the truth.
“Before you go, Sango, I have something to ask about.”
“Sure, what is it?”
“Could you tell me how I met Inuyasha? Tell me what you know about our relationship?”
Sango’s eyebrows raised in surprise. “Hasn’t Inu told you anything?”
Kagome looked down. “He has told me things, but I— I still don’t know if I should trust him. I mean... I know my mom loves him and that tells me a lot, but it doesn’t change the fact he’s just a stranger at this point for me— it’s,” she shrugged, “awkward.”
“Oh... Guess I never thought of it that way.” Sango reached out and took her Kagome’s hand. “I’d be happy to answer your questions. It’s okay that it’s awkward, that’s understandable so don’t push yourself to accept things just to accept them, but even I would agree with your mom, he’s probably told you the truth.”
“You think so?”
Sango squeezed her friends hand and chuckled. “Yeah. I didn’t like him at first, but the guy really grew on me. Try it, test me,” she coaxed Kagome. “Ask me about something he told you and let’s see if my answers are the same.”
Kagome smiled and sat back for a moment in thought. “What’s something questionable...” she tapped her chin. “The first date he took me on was to a ramen restaurant. Which is not very romantic if you’re trying to woo someone. So, it sounds true and preposterous at the same time. He said he was so nervous that he accidentally spilled a drink on me. I wondered if he told me that just to be funny and endearing, but it never actually happened.”
“Oh,” Sango burst out laughing, “it definitely did happen! You’d told him to pick somewhere he loved to go and Inu’s favorite meal is ramen, so that’s what he picked. And the drink. It was a pink cocktail that stained your dress. You were so annoyed!” She giggled again. “But it was obvious how nervous he was, and I remember how you told me it was cute to see him get all flustered.”
“Oh, wow,” Kagome laughed too. “I guess I have to believe it now. Tell me more.”
“Hmm,” Sango pondered. “He was so nervous to even ask you out, Miroku had to ask you for him.”
“What?!” Kagome gasped and snorted a laugh. “And I’d still said yes?!”
“Yeah, because by then you liked him too. It took... if I remember correctly a year of interactions just for him to gain that much courage.” At that point Sango’s voice quieted. “I don’t know if he’s told you this part yet but, Inu was a broken person when you’d first met.”
“No, he hasn’t.” Kagome leaned forward with interest. “What do you mean?”
“At the time he’d already been broken up with Kikyo for 4 or 5 years I think, but he hadn’t fully moved on yet. I can’t say he still loved her. I think it was more just loneliness. His mother died when he was young as well. So, I think the combination of losing the two most important women in his life left him depressed.”
“I knew him as Miroku’s brooding coworker, how my husband tolerated that I have no idea, but they were close friends. When we’d introduced you to him, things slowly began to change. You almost made it a mission to help him get out of it.” Sango chuckled lightly. “You know how you are, always trying to help people. At first, Inu resisted, but you didn’t let up and slowly but surely broke through his defenses. He became a puppy dog around you, totally head over heels in love.” She smiled. “It was fun and so cute for us to watch it all happen.”
“I wish I remembered any of this,” Kagome sighed.
“You will. You’ve never been a quitter, so I truly believe you will get your memory back.”
“Thanks, Sango. All of your guys help really means a lot to me.”
Sango reached out and hugged her friend. “I know you’d do the same for me.” She sat back in her chair. “It’s tough now, and I know you described Inuyasha as a stranger, but treat it as if you’re dating a new guy with all those heart racing, excitements that come with it. I see how you look at him.” She teased. “You must at least thinks he’s cute?”
Kagomes cheeks flushed pink. “Is it that obvious?”
“Oh, yeah,” Sango giggled and squeezed her friends hand. “If all you do is focus on this situation, you won’t start to live again. They’re releasing you to go home in a couple weeks, so have a little fun with him. Create some new memories.”
“Maybe you’re right... maybe I will try to think about it that way.” Kagome tips her head slightly. “It is kinda fun to feel those giddy girly emotions when I see him.”
Speaking of. The girls hear a knock at the door and turn to see Inuyasha walking in with a bouquet of flowers and a bag of take-out food. “Hey gorgeous and Sango.”
It set off another rush of heat to Kagome’s face. “Hi,” she squeaked out.
“I’ll leave you two alone,” Sango stood up with a wink. “See you tomorrow.” She hugged her best friend and left the room.
Inuyasha took the seat beside Kagome and handed her the flowers. “How are you feeling today?”
“Mmm, it was good chatting with Sango.” She held the flowers up to her nose to smell them while keeping her eyes on him. “Thank you for the flowers, they’re beautiful.”
“Beautiful women deserve beautiful flowers,” he smiled back and held up a bag. “Hope you’re hungry. I brought dinner since hospital food must be getting boring by now.”
“Aww, that’s thoughtful of you, cause yes,” Kagome sighed, “it is.”
Inuyasha chuckled, then pulled out the containers of food. He handed Kagome a plate. “It’s salmon nitsuke.”
“Oh, yes!” Kagome almost moaned in delight as she opened the container and surveyed the food. “And it smells so delicious!” But before Inuyasha opened his container. “Wait! Let me guess what you got.”
“Okay?” Inuyasha chuckled.
Inuyasha’s eyes widened. “How?!”
Kagome giggled. “Sango told me it was your favorite.”
To her guessing was funny, but she didn’t expect the pained expression that instantly fell over Inuyasha’s face. It didn’t take her long to realize. “Oh my, I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to make you think I got my memory back!”
“I-It’s okay, really,” he tried to reassure her. Yes, it hurt, but, “it’s nice to see you smiling and happy.”
“Are you sure? I’m really sorry, I wasn’t thinking.”
“Kagome, it’s really okay.” He smiled with eyes clouded over. “You’ve been... stand-offish till now, so it makes me feel a lot better that you’re comfortable enough to joke with me again.”
“Yeah... about that... I’ve been talking with Sango and she’s been encouraging me to give you a chance. I do want... to take her advice, but...” her voice softened, “could I be honest with you?”
“Of course.”
“For me, this is all like meeting a new guy and, you know, the whole crush, dating steps, and such whereas for you, it’s different and must be frustrating.”
“If I’m being honest, yeah,” Inuyasha scratched his head, “it is, but I don’t know, also a bit exciting too, like a challenge, but a fun one if that makes any sense. I get to date you all over again— I-I mean if you’ll let me.”
“They’re releasing me soon, so I think...” Kagome’s cheeks flushed. “I’d love to go out on a date with you Inuyasha.”
“Whoo Hoo!” He pumped his fists in the air. “I feel like a teenager again,” Inuyasha laughed.
At that, Kagome giggled, her mood significantly lightened, and a weight lifted. It was the first step towards a sense of normalcy. Forget the fact she couldn’t remember a chunk of her past and live in the now where a handsome hanyo sat waiting.
45 notes · View notes
Anon asked: There is not enough ez tho and you are great writer so can you write something about him falling in love with someone else after emily? headcannon or oneshot ?
Word Count: 1.6k
Author comments: This work wasn't re-edited, so I'm sorry if you find grammar mistakes! I hope you all enjoy. Gif credits: @angels-reyes.
Tag list: @starrynite7114 ​ @chibsytelford ​ @dazzledamazon ​ @mara-mpou ​ @sammskellington ​ @gemini0410 ​ @1-800-imagines ​ @briana-mishell24 ​@sassymox @whyisgmora @aquamento @sadeyesgf @viviansafizada @samcrobae @jade770 @witchy-wish @rebel-without-cause-x @xx--day-dreamer--xx @spiced-reads @tita127 @ifoundmyhappythought @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat @angelxshiba @destynelseclipsa @sheeshgivemeabreak @abbiesthings @knowles-morgan @lady-pswrld @minnicelli ✨ (if you wanna be tagged, send me a message!)
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When you walked to their table and asked what could you do for them, EZ only thought “marry me”.
It's been six months since your father opened his cafeteria at Santo Padre, and the Mayans come every two or three days, except when they're traveling.
They're already your friends.
But, even if EZ is the cutest guy you have ever met, he acts kinda strange some moments. Mostly, when you two are alone.
“Morning, boy scout. Coffee?”
It's too early so the place is almost empty. The Reyes is sitting at his table, writing something in a small notebook that he hides as soon as he notices you.
“Uh?” He asks then nailing an elbow over the white wood, pretending you haven't seen anything.
“Su—Sure”. He nods clearing his throat, offering you one of the mugs on the table.
“Were you writing… poems?”
“Poems? Po—Poems? No. No, no, no”. He laughs nervous, shaking his head. “That... shit ain't my style. No. Definitely, no”.
“I like ‘that shit’”. You just say, wrapping your left forearm with your right fingers, after serving the drink.
He looks at you with parted lips, noticing that he's a complete idiot, trying to pretend he's a bad boy just because of the piece of leather he's wearing.
“Hey, mami! Damn! Te ves preciosa por la mañana”. (You look beautiful in the morning). Taza's voice calls your attention, behind you.
“Hey, Aztecas”.
“Uh, right to my heart, querida”. Bishop pretends that you hit him, turning to the guys coming to the table.
“Coffee, coffee, coffee!” Angel says leaving a kiss on your cheek. “Oh, sorry, guys. Have we interrupted your Disney moment?”
“If you say that because your brother looks like ‘Dopey’ from Snow White… yeah, we were having a Disney moment”.
EZ talked about you with the crew. They all were happy because he, finally, was forgetting Emily. And he also looked somewhat more focused. But he's too dumb to talk with you and the crew is always trying to help.
“It's too late, EZ can take you home”. Tranq says, looking through the big glass to notice the empty avenue.
“Yeah! Right, boy scout?” Coco palms his back harder than he should, causing him to almost choke on the beer.
“Fo—For sure. For sure”. He replies coughing, cleaning his mouth with a hand.
“Don' worry, my boyfriend is gonna pick me up”.
Angel spits his drink all over Gilly, when he hears your words.
“Do you have a boyfriend?” The oldest Reyes asks with a high-pitched and shrill voice, trying to recover himself.
“Angel, don' try to escape from the friend zone, it's annoyen' put you in once and again”. You point at him, raising both eyebrows. “I was just kiddin', relax... About my boyfriend, not about the friendzone''.
“Anyway. EZ will take you home”.
“Will you?” Turning to the Reyes, he nods with pursed lips. Well, you actually don't know if he's agreeing or denying, because of the moves of his head.
The whole ride you are preparing yourself for something to happen, but nothing. He just hugs you for a second, before leaving.
Because of the next two weeks listening to his little brother saying that he's going to ask you out, Angel ends up going crazy.
Someone is hitting the small bell on the counter, making you nervous, until you're able to turn around frowning. You find Angel sitting on a stool. Messy hair, eye bags and the same clothes than yesterday. Serving him a coffee, you rest your forearms against the marble edge.
“Rough night?”
“Yeah, like the last two weeks, querida”. He answers by opening his eyes too much with an annoyed and singing voice.
“Can I help you?”
“Yeah, by having a fucking date with my lil'bro”.
Wrinkling your nose, you lean back your head for a second. Confused like never before.
“You like him, dumbass. And since he took you home, he's the whole fucking damn time telling me he's gonna ask you out”. Bowing above the counter, he grabs your wrists resting his forehead on it, almost sobbing. “I fuckin' beg you, (Y/N). Go on a date with him”.
“Why doesn't he ask me?”
“'Cause he has never have a girlfri— Well, he had one, but that fuckin' bitch doesn' count”.
How was possible that a guy like EZ was single all the time. There is something fishy (...).
“But don' worry about sex. He's pretty goo— I mean, I don' know. Zero incest. But girls say so”. He says supporting his chin on the counter, smiling sideways. “I beg you. I'll do anything for you. Please. If I have to listen ‘I'm gonna ask (Y/N) out” again… Damn, preciosa, I swear to god I'm gonna be the fucking mexican Van Gogh”.
When Angel tells EZ that he has talked with you, he goes to the cafeteria like a bat out of hell. But you're not there. You asked for a day off. He thinks he fucked up things because of Angel's chat.
He has been trying to get your number at all cost to text you something. He doesn't know what. Maybe a ‘sorry, my brother is stupid’, maybe a ‘I would like to have a date with you’. But he can't get it.
The next morning he comes back to the cafeteria with the crew, but you're not working. And he feels somewhat disappointed. And Bishop already scolded Angel.
But then, EZ receives a call from the Romeros and Bros.
“Pretty girl asking for you, Ezekiel Reyes”.
He describes you getting up from his chair with his heart about to explode, under the Mayans look.
“Yeah, that's the pretty girl. She's waiting in the clubhouse”.
EZ rides his bike at full speed.
And he's about to have an accident. But it's Ezekiel Reyes. The golden boy. He can't have an accident. What do we say to the god of death? Not today, mijo.
EZ feels his legs trembling as he comes closer to the main door.
“He—Hey… Were you looking for me?”
“Why have you only had one girlfriend and ‘that bitch doesn' count’?”
The Reyes doesn't answer, turning around the bar in silence to grab a small glass, serve tequila on it and drink it in one gulp. After that, he holds your hand, pulling you to the closer sofa to sit with you.
“A man killed my mom. I chased him. I shot a cop by mistake. He died. I went six years to jail. I broke up with my girlfriend because she deserved someone better than me. Then... she aborted our baby, in some kind of revenge. But she still being around, even if I don' want her close, 'cause we work with his husband”.
You're freaking out, hiding it by a serious gesture with pursed lips, nodding for a second.
“I'm not the guy a father would want for her daughter. I should have told you one bit at a time, but I really fell in love with you, when you came to my table. A red lace with white dots tying your hair, the apple smell leaving a trail wherever you went, the smiley you write above every ‘i’ in our bills…”
Now you don't know if he's a psycho.
“Sorre', I remember shit. Photographic memory”.
“I would really like to have a date with you, (Y/N)”.
“Were you writing a poem?”
“My mom used to read me every night, and I was studying Literature at college. I fuckin' love poetry”.
He finally gets the date. Tacos, dance, tequila and poems. The perfect one.
Angel sleeps like a baby that night.
Some months before, he introduces you to the club at a party, even if they already know you. But they're Mayans. They need parties like they need air to live.
For life issues, you meet Emily one day walking around Santo Padre, hanging out with Leti. She jeers about your relationship, until you break her nose and also one of your knuckles. Of course, you get arrested because she's Miguel Galindo's BITCH wife.
When EZ goes to pick you up, that BITCH woman is there, making a complaint against you accompanied by a man with braids and black sunglasses.
“Ezekiel”. She sobs, while you live the scene from the cell, rolling your eyes with a heavy snort.
The club has paid your bail, so you can go home after spending the night there. But you're not sure if you want to go home in case that, because of what you did, you're going to have trouble with your boyfriend. You don't want to lose him and maybe you should have thought better about it before hitting her.
The Reyes passes her away, straight to the cell being opened by a cop. And you're trembling, until the man puts his kutte on your shoulders, leaving a kiss on your temple.
“Let's go home, ex-con”. He jokes laughing, surrounding your neck with an arm, walking stuck to you.
EZ usually makes fun of you because of it, calling you “the mexicans Bonnie and Clyde”.
At the end, even if he doesn't have to prove it, he shows you everyday how much he loves you. And after two weeks you don't remember who the fuck is Emily Galindo.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #767: Mother's Day Text (Kingdom Hearts)
Lea: Mornin' Blueberry Mom.
Aqua: Good Morning to you too, Lea.
Aqua: Also Blueberry Mom?
Lea: Yep. You're hair's the color blue so why not?
Aqua: But my hair color is clearly lighter than the entire fruit itself.
Aqua: I'd say it mostly resembles a clear blue skies if anything.
Lea: Funny you mentioned that ten-bit.
Lea: The kids are already calling Isa Blue Skies Father as we speak.
Aqua: You don't say?
Lea: Yeah, but it's whatever tho. How's the holiday going along on your end?
Aqua: Wonderfully. We were just finishing the breakfast Terra and the kids worked so hard to make.
Aqua: Vantias even gave me a really sweet letter he wrote for me last night.
Aqua: Regardless of how short it really is lol.
Aqua: The Letter.jpg
Lea: Well whaddya know? The kid actually has a heart after all.
Aqua: Of course he does
Aqua: Vantias can be real sweetheart when he wants to be sometimes. It just his way of opening up, you know?
Lea: Yeah. I get it.
Lea: Still think he's a twerp tho.
Aqua: ಠ︵ಠ
Lea: What? He still is one!
Lea: And no amount of sweetness is gonna prove me otherwise.
Aqua: .........Very well, Fire Mom.
Aqua: Mind telling me how's Mother's Day going on your end?
Lea: Petty insult aside, my day's going great.
Lea: The gang took me out to Le Grand Bistrot.
Lea: Apparently they also serve breakfast now.
Aqua: Neat. I wonder what their meals would taste like in the morning time....
Lea: They're pretty good for the most part. Still expensive as hell tho.
Lea: As for the gift the kids gave me.....
Lea: The Gift.jpg
Aqua: Awww~ They got to you Coco Soundtrack?
Lea: Yeeeeeup.
Aqua: Oh don't be like that, Lea. Didn't you used to like the movie itself?
Lea: You're kidding? I still love the movie to this day!
Lea: It's just too goddamn emotional for my heart to take!
Lea: Need I remind you what happened last year AFTER I watched?
Aqua: How can I ever forget lol? It was so sweet of you to so highly of us.
Aqua: You even made Vantias of all people, happy.
Lea: Yeah, well, glad I can make the twerp happy at least.
Aqua: Stop insulting my babies, Lea!
Lea: Okay. Okay. I kid lol.
Lea: But seriously though, watching that entire movie was one thing? But listening to the entire soundtrack of it?
Lea: I don't think I can make it.....
Aqua: You'll be fine, Lea. Just try not to think about the scenes too much and I'm sure you'll manage.
Aqua: Then again, it would be nice to hear you scream out how much you love us on the phone again.
Aqua: Can't wait for that to inevitably happen~ (✿^‿^)
Lea: ರ╭╮ರ
Aqua: Lol what? I can joke around too, you know?~
Lea: I'm starting to think the kids are being a bad influence on you.
Aqua: Says the former troublemaker.
Aqua: Wouldn't be surprised if you're still are one nowadays.
Aqua: Am I wrong?
Lea: ...........Touché, Teach. Touché
Aqua: (✿^‿^)
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retrievablememories · 4 years
try again | ten
Tumblr media
title: try again pairing: ten x black!reader genre: angst, hurt/comfort, fluff request: “Can I ask a dark Ten and his black wife having a miscarriage and feeling like she failed him in being a good wife and making him a father so she wants a divorce so he can be happy with someone else but he persists on being with her not matter what happens. Thanks for taking it!” word count: 2.9k warnings: mentions of a miscarriage, depression/grief, marital troubles a/n: my computer/photoshop is being raggedy as hell so i don’t have an actual banner pic or paragraph separators for now 😢 god. i ended up watching a 15 min youtube video about newborns b/c of this fic, tho, so that was fun
Seeing those two little lines was one of the happiest days of your life.
After trying for nearly a year and thinking it was never going to happen, you finally got a positive result. You took 5 tests to make sure you weren’t imagining things, but it was as real as it could possibly be. The doctor’s confirmation only sealed the deal.
To know that there was a small life growing inside you that you could call your own, made from both you and Ten’s DNA, was astounding to you. There were many nights where you simply laid in bed tracing shapes over your stomach, wondering what your child would be like and if they already knew how much you adored them. You especially loved it when Ten would lay his head on your chest and caress your stomach, speaking softly to both you and your growing child.
Some hidden part of you had wanted to be hesitant about celebrating this developing chapter of your life, not knowing if things would turn out alright since it had been so difficult to conceive before. Soon, though, you let that worry fade to the back of your mind in the face of your overwhelming joy. You filled your hours with thinking about baby names and baby nurseries and baby clothes, wanting to create the best life you possibly could for your little one.
You willed your fears not to get the best of you for once and instead poured all your energy into creating that reality. A reality that, unbeknownst to you both, wouldn’t come to pass.
You can still remember that blissful feeling now, if you concentrate hard enough and try to push past the pain. You hold onto that glimpse of happiness very tightly, drawing what you can from its memory until you can receive nothing more.
Back when you first lost the baby, Ten had promised you he could never be mad at you about it, even though you asked him over and over again—nearly everyday—if he was upset with you. Even then, he didn’t get angry with you asking all the time, which somehow made you feel worse. Like even more of a burden. You tried to stop asking about it, stop thinking about it, but his words weren’t quite enough to reassure you.
Despite your best efforts—from both you and him—the seed of doubt implanted itself in your mind anyway and slowly began festering there.
Where your bed once was a place where you dreamed about your future child, and even conceived them there, it’s now become something of a prison. A constant reminder of what happened and what won’t happen. The sheets are more like arms that suffocate you in their hold and keep you confined in a cocoon of pain. Despite your desire to be free of this cage that’s sprung up around you, you find it impossible to escape.
Whenever Ten is off at work, you continually ruminate on the past year of failures. Your one tiny hope and the end of its brief light, so quick that it’s difficult to remember how it happened. No, you don’t recall much from the day you were rushed to the hospital or how the miscarriage itself occurred, though you think maybe it’s better that way.
You’re somewhat grateful for how the human brain knows how to protect itself from trauma. Sometimes it’s the only way to survive. You find it incredibly ironic, though, how things we don’t remember still imprint themselves on our minds and souls. You experience the pain as acutely as if you’d been mentally present for it all.
The dark thoughts press in more closely whenever Ten is not next to you, though you never feel completely whole even when he is around to comfort you. Your mood worsens in the day, when he’s gone at work. You don’t even have your own work anymore to take your mind off of things, having taken a month off to recover. The worries that plague you during these hours make it hard to do much of anything but lie in bed and sleep.
You’re more grateful for his presence than he can know, but you also feel increasingly guilty when he’s the one who has to do most of the housework. If you had the energy or motivation to do it, you would; but right now, those feelings are lost to you. You keep hoping to yourself that you’ll find your way out of this dark place soon, even though you are more suffocated by it by the minute.
On a day where you find it especially difficult to keep the thoughts at bay, you contemplate many things.
What would it be like if you were no longer here? If Ten could find another wife who could actually give him what he so desired, without failing this time? He deserves that much, doesn’t he? To have a family of his own, even if it can’t be with you. Maybe you can’t have kids at all, and your short pregnancy was the only chance you had of conceiving. In that case, you reason that he should be able to go off and find someone else instead of you clinging so tightly to him, unable to let go.
It pains you to do it, but you begin writing a note for him to find later, too afraid to tell him out loud what you’ve been thinking and what you plan to do. You don’t know if anything you’re writing makes sense, but you feel like you have to do it either way; there’s no point in staying and making you both more miserable.
That night, Ten holds you as he falls asleep, like every other night. You stay awake for hours after he drifts off, turning your plan over in your head. A few tears drop from your eyes, but you quickly wipe them away, ignoring your own heartache. You’ve already set your mind to it.
When Ten gets home that Thursday, he’s surprised and a little panicked to see your car not in the driveway. It’s been sitting there for weeks, but now that it’s gone, it must mean you’ve went somewhere.
Maybe you’ve gathered enough strength to go out today and go shopping, something you always liked to do. A part of him suspects that isn’t the real answer, though, which only increases his anxiety. Maybe he’s just being paranoid, but he decides to check just in case.
He calls you, but it goes straight to voicemail. When he tries a few more times with the same result, his nervousness turns into full-blown panic. Unsure what to do, he decides to text you despite knowing he probably won’t get an answer.
6:25 P.M. Y/N are you okay? Where are you???
6:26 P.M. If you decided to go out today just text or call me back please, I just need to know you’re okay
6:26 P.M. I’m really worried
Ten finally gets out of the car and goes in the house, rushing up the stairs to your shared bedroom. He’s doubtful he’ll find anything there, but he needs some kind of answer for what’s going on. To his surprise, there’s a note lying on the bed.
I’m leaving for a while. Please don’t panic or be upset, I’ll be safe where I’m going. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you anything, but maybe it will be easier this way. I’m not sure if I can continue on like this. I have to think about some things. I want you to know that I’ve loved you since the first moment, but I don’t know if that’s enough anymore.
I did everything I could to help us form a life together, but I failed anyway. I hate myself for it. I don’t blame you if you hate me too, or if you’re only staying with me because you think I can’t make it on my own right now. I just want you to find happiness again, whether I’m there or not.
Ten shakily sits on the bed, covering his mouth with his hand and closing his eyes tightly against the tears. The absolute stillness of the house without you in it is overbearing, and he puts his head between his knees as he tries to block the quiet out. He doesn’t move from that spot for a long time, and his head pounds from the blood rushing to his skull, but that discomfort is nothing compared to the turmoil stirring in his chest.
A loud knocking on the door startles you out of your sleep.
It’s only been a few days since you left your home with Ten, and you’ve kept your phone off and buried at the bottom of your suitcase since then. You had no intentions of talking even if he tried to contact you, and you eliminated that line of communication so you wouldn’t have to. It’s been your small hope that your actions have built up enough to make him hate you, to not want to contact you anymore, to agree to a divorce—although that thought brings you more pain all the same.
You stumble out of bed and into the hallway, and there’s an ensuing commotion on the other side of the hall as your parents come rushing out of their room. Your mother comes to your side with concern and panic on her face, grabbing your arm. “Y/N? Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” you say, though you’re trembling a little from the sudden noise.
“I don’t know who the hell is banging on the door like that at this time of night, but let me tell you…” Your father curses under his breath as he heads to the living room to peek out the window and see who it is. He quickly comes back into the hallway with a puzzled expression. “Y/N, it’s your husband.”
“Chittaphon? I thought you said you both agreed it’d be best for you to come home for a little while? Why is he here at this hour?” Your mom gives you a wide-eyed look, waiting for your explanation, and your head begins to hurt from the hurricane of emotions you’re enduring.
Your fingers fidget as you try to steady your nerves enough to respond. “Please, just let me talk to him alone. I-I know why he’s here, but we have to talk…”
Ten bangs on the door again, and your dad gives a skeptical glance. “Are you sure?”
“It’s fine, I promise,” you say, gently ushering your parents back to their room. “Please, just let me handle this.” They look like they want to say or do something more, but they relent to your request and leave you in the hallway alone. Your mother glances at you from behind the door before closing it, though you notice she doesn’t shut it all the way.
When you open the door, Ten stands there looking at you from behind the screen door with distress written all over his face. The mesh screen obscures his features a bit, but you can still read him from a mile away. You immediately feel guilty, though you don’t make any move to open the door. You’ve already made your decision—but mostly for his sake.
Ten drops his backpack—the only thing he has with him—and presses his hands against the mesh as if he could touch you through it. You back up a little when he does, standing further away from the entrance. He sounds like he’s been running a marathon when he speaks. “Why did you leave?”
“Why are you here?”
“Y/N, I know there is only one place you’d go for sure in a situation like this. And I was right. Why did you leave?”
You shake your head. “I don’t think this is a good idea anymore.”
“What isn’t a good idea? Us being together?”
“We should get a divorce,” you say quietly, somewhat afraid of his reaction, though you still think it needs to be put out in the air.
Ten is lost for words, and he has to think for a few moments before speaking again. “Y/N. Just tell me this one thing. Do you hate me?”
You’re quiet for a moment. You want to tell him yes, to make this separation easier so he can forget about you and move on. But your throat tightens at the idea of letting that word pass your lips. Tears sting the backs of your eyes even though you silently beg them not to.
“No.” Your voice wavers a little when you respond. “I just...want you to be happy. I’m sure you read the note.”
“You’ve forgotten one thing. I can’t be happy without you.”
“But you were happy before you met me. You can do that again.”
Ten presses his forehead against the door, knowing he has to keep his patience even if he’s upset. “But we’re together now, and now that you’re in my life I don’t want you to ever leave.”
“Chittaphon, please. You don’t need me. The only thing I’ve done lately is be a burden to you.”
“Y/N. You know, I considered just letting you go wherever you needed to go to make things less painful for you. That’s the only reason I didn’t come up here immediately. I thought maybe you’d fallen out of love with me, didn’t want to see me again, and that I just needed to let you be for a while...but Y/N, I can’t be without you. I’m not going to leave my wife alone when she needs me the most—whether you’ll allow yourself to believe that or not.”
The first tears drop despite your resistance to them, and you have to struggle to talk through the knot in your throat. “But I-I couldn’t—I’ve been a terrible wife, I couldn’t give you the child you w-wanted, that we b-both wanted…” You lean against a nearby wall for stability as your body grows weaker. “We tried so hard for a year, and…”
Ten clings more tightly to the mesh, his own tears dripping from his chin. “Please open the door.” At this point you are too shattered to deny him, and you seek his comfort even though you feel undeserving of it.
When Ten finally coaxes you onto the porch, he pulls you straight into his arms and holds you close, allowing himself to simply breathe in the scent of your hair and skin. You both end up sinking to the wooden porch floor, with Ten embracing you.
“Y/N, I’m begging you to trust me. There’s no way I could hate or blame you for this,” he says quietly, your tears wetting each other’s skin. “Sometimes things happen that we don’t understand. That just means we have to get through them together.” He pulls back a little to make you look at him, his hands cradling your face. “We can always try again. This doesn’t have to be the end, Y/N.”
You nod slowly, looking into his despairing eyes. “I’m sorry.”
You allow him to bring your head to his chest—the same as he often did with you. His heartbeat thuds under your ear, and the sound makes you feel calmer than you’ve been in weeks. You sit together like that for a while, listening to the sounds of wildlife all around you and letting yourselves mend the broken pieces of each other.
You wake up to the sensation of a small, wiggling weight on your chest, and you’re confused as to what’s going on until you hear the sound of a familiar set of giggles. A smile crosses your face before you even open your eyes, and you reach your hand out to feel a bundle of soft, curly hair.
“Are you awake already? It’s so early.” More happy laughter is your response, and you finally let loose a chuckle of your own. You open your eyes to the sight of your 1-year-old son nose-to-nose with you, his warm breaths puffing across your face. He smiles and squeals loudly when he sees you looking at him, and you scoop him up into your arms to cuddle him close.
“Good morning my little boy,” you sigh, kissing the top of his head. He smells freshly-washed, so you know Ten must’ve given him a bath already. Your son is more interested in treating you like a playground and climbing all over you rather than lying in your arms, but you’re more than happy to let him play to his heart’s content.
The door to your bedroom opens soon after, the smell of breakfast drifting into the room. The bed sinks behind you as Ten climbs on, and your son squeals even louder at the sight of his father. Laughing, Ten picks the small boy up and nuzzles his face into his hair before turning to you.
“Hey sexy, breakfast is ready,” he says, leaning forward to kiss your cheek.
“Don’t flatter me, I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet,” you say this with a grin as Ten keeps kissing your face, with your son trying to get in between you so he can give you kisses too. You wrap your arms around both of them and you all huddle up in a heap on the bed, laughing and falling over each other. In this moment, you have little doubt that you’re the happiest person in the world.
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geekkatsblog · 4 years
Reviewing Grey's Anatomy Episodes but this time its Season 17
(To those people on my page who don't watch Grey's Anatomy but are being subjected to this I'm so sorry but I really just like to vent about this show.)
Its season 17 now Yay.
They're dealing with the covid 19 pandemic and I'm sure the writers probably did lots of research to make sure that they had the most accurate representation of the situation in the hospitals and otherwise.
First we're going to start with the love triangle that is Teddy, Tom and Owen.
Now this is in no way excusing what he's done in the past for the longest while I've loathed Owen Hunt but..... now I feel sorry for him. He saw he had a problem he went to therapy to get himself right, he was actually a good partner for once and communicated in his relationship, he took his time and didn't jump into marriage spontaneously and then Teddy cheated on him over but dial to be heard by everyone in the operating theater with Owen on their wedding day. (I don't want to sound bad but this might also be karma coming to but him in the ass.) I felt so much 2nd hand embarrassment for him and the pain he had in his face the whole time he pretended not to know about her cheating was just oof. I loved though the end where he drove away for the mean time I really do agree with him taking some time and space before he makes a decision. Most of the times he made a lot of sudden decisions that later came back to bite him.
Oh Teddy, she used to be one of my favorite characters from a little after she came to the time she left but now they just carried her character so far down hill that it's hard to keep the same energy I had before, now. Everyone at Grey Sloan is on Owen's side and giving her the cold shoulder and she really wants everyone to mind their own business (I honestly agree though, you're in the middle of a pandemic mind your business and do your job now isn't the time to be shunning coworkers because they cheated.) However when she did explain her side I kinda understood it a bit better. It's still an awful thing to do but I know plenty of people who sabotage their own happiness because they aren't used to it. Hell I do it myself sometimes. But then I was also pissed when she just pretended she did nothing wrong at first. First thing first she acted kinda offended when Owen explained why he hadn't called to cancel the wedding to her. Was it kinda sus? The answer is yes but you literally cheated on him that same day, you needed the extra time sis. Not to mention the several time he hinted to her that he knew and gave her the chance to confess yet she lied through her teeth whenever he hinted at it and flat out lied again when he asked if she had anything to confess. I get the whole sabotage route but God was I happy when Owen got in his truck, drove off and left her.
I was honestly rooting for Tom in the beginning, despite him being a douche I knew deep down he had a heart somewhere, but I actually started to feel less sorry for him last season when he continued to sleep with Teddy despite knowing her situation which he pointed out to her several times and she still ignored it. I know he loves her but let's be honest, she's going to pick Owen as long as he decides to actually take her back and Tom will be left alone and heart broken with his $100000 worth of boxes in booties and a golf club to measure 6 ft distance between him and everyone else. Honestly I kinda saw a panic attack coming, if they're treating Teddy bad then they're probably treating him even more like crap based on the fact that no one besides Teddy, Catherine and maybe Amelia liked him to begin with. This may also be an unpopular opinion but I actually agree with Catherine for making him resign of chief of all chiefs his head hasn't and probably won't be in the game for a while. At least he still gets to be head of neuro. He bought a whole $100000 dollars in booties alone by mistake during an already tough pandemic between that and everything else going on around him I'm not surprised he broke. What did surprise me was that no one even went near him to help even after the attack was finished. Dislike him or not at least ask him how he's doing geeze.
Jo and Jackson (Never thought I'd have to put the two of them together in a title.)
Truly the biggest shock of the night besides the trailer for next week which I will freak out about later.
So Jo has decided that in order for her to feel herself again she has to do the devils tango with someone and because they're in a pandemic and she trusts him she chose Jackson. The night of the appointment to do the deed Jo ends up crying in his mouth. The way she treated him afterwards at first was a little uncalled for in my opinion, I mean she was the one who asked for the favor. But later they talked and it was all cool again. Jo didn't really have that big of a plot this episode so not too much to talk about.
Agreed way to quickly to doing the devils tango with Jo if you ask me. Seems a little sus. I really hope they aren't rushing him and Jo into anything give the girl some room to breath and also give Jackson a proper plot he seems to be a plot filler for everyone right now like they have no real purpose for him on the show at the moment. I'm beginning to really think that he was the one who was supposed to die last season. I really do love his and Richard's relationship. Jackson never really had a good father and Webber seems to be filling that spot quite nicely. Him pushing Webber to fight to get better and convince him that his career can be saved was heartwarming. And can we take a moment to talk about Harriet finally appearing from the world of Narnia to bless us with her presence? And boy was she a blessing. That baby that plays Harriet was awesome from her repeating Vic saying she can't be a step mom all to her facial expressions. I hope to see baby Harriet again very soon. But speaking of Vic, did she not know that Jackson was a father? How the hell did she expect to never run into her at some point? Then there's the whole question of what did she even expect of the relationship with Jackson if she never intended to even try to accept being around his daughter? also if she really want to be Robbie Rotten from Lazy town and avoid being around kids, maybe she should call or text first instead of showing up in just a fluffy jacket and nothing else.
Glad to see he finally got the help he needed and is back put tho work. I felt so upset last season when everyone just treated him like crap without trying to help him, but they made up for it a little by trying to help him with the intervention. He was also right about the sex trafficking case and I was so glad to see that he was able to be there as her doctor. Plus he's now also finally in dark blue scrubs it has felt like forever before he got those but I digress. He is now on his way once again to be a kick ass surgeon with the awesome skills hes already showcasing. I just hope he continues to look after himself. Deluca shine like the star you are babe.
Has finally found a man who understands her, he is so nice and kind and caring the whole episode I was mentally yelling go get it hun to the screen. She deserves someone who can take her seriously and understand her awkwardness as well as her tendencies finally she has stepped out of the role of cheerleader and support character and is branching out to something else and I'm here for it. And her yelling at Catherine, to share her piece of mind. I was so proud. Go get it sis.
Richard Webber is back in the building, finally the king has returned to himself and already solving problems in day one. At the beginning when he publicly called Catherine a pain in the ass I was so stoked I finally thought that he was done being pushed around by her but then he took her back in the end it also kinda felt like she bought him in order to get him back with the hiring him as the new chief of chiefs but I wish them the best of luck, Webber deserves to be happy. I was also happy to see him and Bailey interacting like friends again. For a while it was awkward between them but now it's like the balance has been restored. Side note, him laughing at Teddy and Owen made me laugh so loudly especially when he asked Teddy if her name was still Altman despite the fact he clearly knew about the phonecall drama, not gonna lie I'd do the same.
Not much there, just her being angry at the pandemic and loss of money, lack of power to save lives as well as trying to win Webber back which she successfully did after firing Koracick and giving Richard his job and finally giving him a heartfelt apology without being petty.
It might just be me but so far despite the fact that it's only been 2 episodes. Bailey seems somewhat better this season. Her guilt over Deluca was definitely warranted but at least she tried to make up for it (and just like Harriet her OCD has decided to rejoin us for a visit from Narnia.) For the past few seasons she's been a slight pain but now she seems more like herself.
Her and Ben are adorable as usual, coming every 12 hours to clap for the doctors just to see her then the cute hand signals they made for each other, between Ben, Link and recently added to the group of awesome partners Winston, I'm beginning to wonder where I can find me one of these super thoughtful understanding handsome men. The two guys that knocked her over as well spraining her ankle really should have to pay or something or at least apologize, they literally just knocked a doctor off her feet and made her wheel chair bound, the chief ro be exact. Her and Webber are on talking terms and well again but she really needs to know how to express concern better. She once told Ben that when she's scared she yells but a lot of things would have gone a lot more smoothly if she'd just reminded him he was a high risk for covid and state her concern for him to begin with instead of barking out orders.
I'm also wondering if shes going to be able to handle the whole Covid situation so well for the whole time, with all the chaos and disorganization with the whole ordeal not to mention the whole fit she had with the germs in the episode. I think it'll be a good storyline now that Grey's seems to be bringing mental awareness back up.
Link and Amelia
They have now officially reached my list along with Ben and Bailey and a few others that are no longer on the show that have reached the stage of killing the couple goals on this show.
Despite the fact that they're not only raising their own baby but also Bailey, Ellis and Zola yet their relationship is still solid. I'm so proud of my baby Amelia she has come a long way from the woman who didn't even want kids to begin with.
I loved the fact that he wasn't upset over her forgetting his birthday and acted like nothing was wrong, just so she wouldn't feel bad about forgetting. I would have been livid set a reminder on your phone babes. Either way she definitely made up for it later with the whole redoing his birthday thing. Also welcome to the world Scout. Looking forward to seeing them more often.
How did it all turn so bad, Nico has turned into such a jerk at this point I'm not even sure I'd be to upset if he left if it wasn't for the fact that I ship the person he was before and Levi so much I'm still hoping that they'll go back to how they were before Nico became a lying hypocrite. At the end I was practically begging Levi to push him away, Nico doesn't deserve it not after the way he treated him and he hasn't even shown a hint of remorse to this day.
The biggest shock of the whole episode. I honestly knew something was going to happen to her from the time she fell asleep and started the dream on the beach. Dreaming of beaches have never been a good sign on Grey's I just thought she was going to collapse from stress because she really had been pushing herself all episode. The thing with Meredith is that she cares so much for her patients and does anything she can to save them, but based on the preview of the next episode and the tests they showed it doesn't seem to be test. And let's just talk about that huge bombshell they dropped by bringing back Derek I never thought I'd see Patrick Dempsey on the show again. By the end of the episode I was already literally shaking in anticipation for the next episode. I know they can't kill Meredith, without her there literally is no Grey's Anatomy. That being said I really hope they don't give her cancer, (I know Patrick is involved with helping a charity for cancer.) And I also really hope she isn't getting alzheimers I just hope it's nothing serious in general. She's been through enough man. I just want this to be a really touching moment where I get to see Merder have some touching moments and it doesn't end up to be Izzie and Denny all over again. I don't think anyone is ready to handle that. I read in a spoiler that there's supposed to be some more visitors arriving on the beach and I'm stoked for it so I really hope it's a real spoiler I'm tired of rewatching the newer seasons to experience some of the old joy.
Imma need them to give that intern Perez an official recurring contract for the show because he is currently one of the best things to come on that show in years. He's a breath of fresh air.
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greasykookietree98 · 4 years
Worth the Wait | bbh
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Pairing: ceo!Baekhyun x chef!OC (named)
Warnings: Tooth rotting fluff, Baekhyun being the cringey dad we know he’ll become one day; also some slight angst if you squint real hard
Word Count: 7,5K
Synopsis: It was a calm Sunday afternoon in the Byun household, before Baekhyun got all sentimental again.
A/N: So after years of not writing shit and deleting all my old, cringey work, here I am, back with a fresh, new, cringey work. Consider it my “Hey! I’m back! Happy Valentine’s or whatever!” gift. Hopefully 5 years of English at a university helped me somewhat – constructive criticism is well appreciated!
  “Dad, why do you keep calling noona a monkey?” the toddler inquired, sparkling eyes wide, munching on his favorite banana chips, while comfortably sitting on his father’s lap. Baekhyun brought a hand up to ruffle his son’s soft hair, earning a soft giggle from the 3-year-old. The house was peaceful this Sunday afternoon, almost idyllic even. Jaehyun was paying attention to his favorite cartoon while cuddling his father. Mina sat on the carpet in front of the couch, doodling mindlessly to her newest glittery notebook, occasionally taking a sip from her juice box. From the kitchen he could hear the clanking of dishes, the contact of knives and wooden cutting boards, a sure indicator that Mirae was working on something delicious.
  Upon Jae’s question, Mina put her crayon down and turned with her entire body towards the two Byuns, her lips slowly forming into a pout. “Yeah Dad, why do you call me a monkey, but not Jaehyunnie?”
  “Well princess, it all has to do with the time your mom and I started dating. Story time?” Baekhyun patted the couch next to his free leg, signaling for the 10-year-old to sit and cuddle him as well. With both kids in his arms, his smile widened as he fondly remembered the very beginning of his happy family.
  “It’s so useless, Chae. He won’t want a second date after he finds out. Why put in all the effort?” Mirae sighed, defeated almost, as she threw the black dress on top of the pile of rejects on her bed. She was really getting tired of this whole procedure – getting all dolled up for a man, just for him to zoom out the moment she spoke out about her life, leaving her empty, unwanted, hopeless until her best friend came up with another potential date. Rinse and repeat. See, the problem didn’t inherently lie with Mirae. She was 28, lead a healthy lifestyle with a decent diet and regular workouts. She had a steady job, one she was actually enjoying, one she could be proud of – not everyone from her culinary classes ended up as chefs in top restaurants. She had an at least okay personality, she liked to think at least. All her previous first dates seemed eager to get her on a second date, until her worst (best?) trait came to play. Honesty. She couldn’t leave a date without spilling the truth about her little secret. The little secret weighed 16 kgs, liked to have her chocolate brown hair in pigtails and couldn’t go a day without her Tigger plushie. Her little secret was Shin Mina, her daughter from a previous relationship.
  It always ended the same way. The men usually let her down slowly. Kind smiles, small promises of ‘see you soon’ before never texting her again. There were some, of course, who were appealed that she did not have this information readily available from the first second, did not have it plastered on her forehead – or her cleavage, for easier visibility for that matter. These men got angry that they wasted precious time and money on a women who already gave birth to someone else’s spawn – their words, not hers. She tried to react the same way to all of them. A small apology, a gentle smile and a tiny goodbye. She then entered her small apartment, went straight to Mina’s room to check on her sleeping daughter, pressing a soft kiss on her cheek before going out to the living room. The living room where her best friend, frequent babysitter and constant matchmaker, Chaeyon waited for her with tissues, ice cream and warm hugs. It always ended the same way.
  “Well for a start, this guy actually had the guts to ask you out – in person! Not on a dating app, not with some horrible pickup line, what if he’s really different?” Chae reasoned enthusiastically, throwing another dress Mirae’s way. It was rich coming from her, considering she was the one running Mirae’s dating app accounts, “filtering out” candidates before setting dates up for her. But she had a point. This guy, Byun Baekhyun, really was different. Never had a customer in the restaurant she worked at complimented her cooking while also noting her lack of wedding ring and asking smoothly for her number. Never had a man asked her every hour or two whether she was having a good day and if she remembered to drink enough water – even before their first date. Baekhyun was a natural charmer, which could’ve made everything easier. Instead, Mirae felt it would just be an even bigger disappointment when he deleted her number from his contacts with disgust in his eyes.
  Because let’s face it, Baekhyun was perfect. Fit, handsome, easygoing, yes. He was the CEO of his own company, Privé, one of the region’s hottest fashion and skin-care brands. If she were to go by the loud laughs of the friends he was dining with, he seemed fun to be around and for some reason she got the impression he would be amazing with kids. With his own kinds, preferably, she added. Cause why would a man of his caliber want to have to do anything with someone else’s child?
  “I can’t build my daughter’s future on what-ifs, Chae… I’m sure it’s not good for Minnie either. Seeing her mom go away for nights and seeing her all sad the next morning. I think I should just stop. Mina’s enough for me, I will always have her and she will always have me. Yeah, I don’t need a man to live a happy life!” She started rambling as she suddenly got up from her bed.
  “Okay, okay, calm down, fighter. You’re not wrong, you’re independent, you’re strong, you don’t need anyone. I’m also sure Mina is more than content to just have you and no one else. But! Mommy needs a little love sometimes, too.” Chaeyon winked, earning a slap on her upper arm from her friend. “Seriously, don’t leave Baekhyun hanging. Just this one last time, give this whole ordeal a chance. If it doesn’t work out with him, either, I promise to delete your dating profiles and not set up you with anyone, ever.” She promised, a hand rising to his chest.
  “I’d really appreciate that, Chae. I really appreciate you. Thank you for everything you do for me, for us.” Mirae pulled her best friend into a bone crashing hug, then grabbed the silky dress from her hands and went into her bathroom to get ready for her last date ever, potentially.
    Baekhyun waited anxiously in front of the restaurant. Wasn’t this too cliché? Bringing a chef to a restaurant for their first date? He scolded himself for listening to Jongdae’s advice – “You can get to know her the best this way, also, a way to anyone’s heart is through their stomachs”. Sure, Jongdae already had a family, so his advice should’ve sounded legit. Well, she didn’t seem to protest, even let him pick the location. She didn’t let him pick her up, tho, insisting that she can just take a taxi.
  Honestly, Baekhyun was never one to ask someone out so openly. Sure, he knew how to use his charms and words to his advantage, as it was how he fought his way to the top of his field, but flirting never came to him so naturally. What was he even thinking? Sure, his friends wanted to compliment the chef personally, a practice he always found cringeworthy, but the moment he saw her, all common sense was thrown out the wall-to-wall window of the five-star establishment. She gave him the time of day though, so he must’ve done something right.
  Just as he lifted the bouquet of yellow tulips to his nose – for one last closer inspection, he told himself -, a car stopped in front of his black Audi. If he didn’t know any better, he would say it was an angel emerging from the taxi – in his mind, he wasn’t too far off, it was her. Thanking the driver one last time, Mirae fixed the strap of her black bag on her shoulder, scanning her surroundings carefully before meeting Baekhyun’s gaze. Her lips perked up into a small smile, and she made her way quickly towards him, him doing the same so they could meet halfway. Shy greetings were exchanged before Baekhyun handed her the bouquet. He blushed slightly, thankfully hidden in the darkness of the night.
  The date was – for a lack of a better word – exceptional. While Mirae was completely ready to listen to endless hours of boring business talk from the young CEO, Baekhyun seemed a lot more interested in getting to know her than most of her recent dates. He asked about her childhood dreams, her deepest fears and most memorable trips and told her about himself in return. The conversation was balanced and Baekhyun was not opposed to taking her recommendations in consideration when it came to choosing appetizers, wine or dessert. Dessert! She couldn’t even remember the last time she and her date stayed until dessert. However, the closer the end of the date seemed, the more tense she got. It was soon time to tell him. It was soon all come crashing down again.
  “Let me drive you home” Baekhyun spoke up, breaking her out of her momentary haze. Seeing as he was just putting away his credit card, it was clear he has paid for everything already.
  “Did you really pay for all of this? Let me pay half of it” She protested, not even reacting to his initial proposition. A smile creeped up on his face upon seeing her surprise. Gosh, did he wanted to surprise her more in the future.
  “Maybe I’ll let you pay on our second date” He mentioned while helping her put on her coat. “If you’ll want to meet me again, that is.” He added, a glimmer of hope etched into his voice.
  It won’t depend on me, honestly, she wanted to add, but chose to just smile at him kindly. They exited the restaurant and Baekhyun didn’t need to do much convincing to let him take her home. She could enjoy these last few minutes with him; and it would be easier to just walk up to her apartment with her heart broken once more.
  The car round was silent on her part. Baekhyun played music on a low volume, but tried to upkeep small conversation. He could sense that something was off. He couldn’t have imagined this spark between them back in the restaurant. He could swear her smiles and laughs were genuine and she truthfully seemed interested in him. Byun Baekhyun, the 29-year-old human, not Byun Baekhyun, the CEO, the ATM on two legs. Did he say something? Was she offended that he paid the bill?
  “Hey, is everything alright?” He questioned after parking the car right in front of the address she gave him. “I hope I didn’t make you uncomfortable. If I did, I’m terribly sorry.”
  “No, no, that’s not it-“ Mirae took a deep breath and unbuckled her seatbelt. Turning towards him, she inhaled deeply once more. “I really enjoyed everything today. I can’t even begin to tell you, how much. You’re wonderful, so I think you deserve full honesty from me.” She fumbled with her fingers, voice suddenly small. “This is the part where all of them change their mind, so don’t feel bad at all, I understand.” Baekhyun would’ve lied if he said her words didn’t concern him. What was she talking about? After another deep inhale, she looked up, deep into his eyes. “I have a daughter, 4 years old, from a previous relationship.”
  “Okay, and?” was Baekhyun’s immediate response. He was honestly expecting something truly terrible, jarring, something a lot worse.
  “And? You’re not – I don’t know – mad? Disappointed? You don’t want to kick me out of your car as soon as possible?” She queried, absolutely puzzled by his reaction. “You really don’t have to act nice, I sincerely understand if you never want to see me again.”
  “I feel like you’ve had some pretty big assholes bring you on a date before, hm?” He gave her a lopsided smile. “If anything, I admire you even more. You’re a single mother, you work a tiring job and still make time for hopeless men like myself. But I think this is a bigger topic, something we could discuss on our second date. What do you say?” He leaned over to her, pressing a small kiss on her cheek. Her exes grew twice their size – because of his words or the small peck, she wasn’t sure.
  “I-… You really won’t stand me up, right? Because if you’re planning to do that, just do it now. It would be easier for both of us.”
  “Hey, I promise, this is not me pushing you away with an empty promise to never call you again. This is me, wanting to hear you full story, in a place and time you’re comfortable in. I don’t think my car’s the most ideal. How about this? Give me your phone?” She was so dazed, she put her phone in his palm without question. “This is my address. Which night are you free this week? Our second date can be at my place, I can cook us something, we can eat and watch a movie, and when you’re comfortable, you can tell me everything about her.” He gave back the device, sure enough with an address typed into her notes.
  “I could make my Wednesday night free, if that works.” She answered shyly. The inside of the car was getting hotter with every second. Or was it just her? Was it because this man could not be real?
  “Perfect, it’s a date then. Want me to pick you up or do you just want to drop by at 7?”
    “Chae, you don’t understand, he’s perfect.”
  This night, tissues were not spared. Ice cream was eaten, but not in sorrow. Mirae felt like she was floating on cloud 9. Maybe she was. Maybe it was all a dream – it sure seemed to good to be true.
  “Oh, is he now, Miss I Don’t Need A Man?” Her friend teased smugly. Oh, she was never gonna live this down.
  “No, really, I still can’t believe he wants a second date. What if it actually works out?”
  “Oh, we’re building on what-ifs now, Drama Queen?”
  “Shut up!”
    “Mommy, you look really pretty!” Mina exclaimed excitedly as soon as her mother exited her bedroom in her light jeans and blush colored blouse. She felt a lot more relaxed than in last week’s beautiful but restricting dress. “and happy, too!”
  “Thank you, sweetie” she cooed before she swept the little human in her arms. “Do you promise to behave for eonnie while mommy’s not home, like you always do?”
  “Of course, mommy!” She clapped her tiny hands together, right before leaning in and leaving a big smooch on her mom’s cheek. “Who are you meeting, mommy?”
  “I’m just visiting a friend I met this weekend, honey. I might be home late, so go to sleep with Chaeyon eonnie, okay?”
  After making sure Chae had all necessities at hand to deal with her little princess, Mirae put on her boots and coat, kissing her daughter one last time before exiting the apartment. This time, she decided to drive to Baekhyun’s instead of calling a taxi. She was a bit early, as she liked to be, when she parked in front of the simple family house in Gangnam. Was it really where Baekhyun lived? Wasn’t he living alone? Before she could question herself any longer, Baekhyun’s tuft of chocolate hair appeared at the front door, cheerfully waving towards her car. Quickly exiting and locking the vehicle, she hurried to the door with a bottle of wine in her hand.
  Baekhyun really outdid himself with the preparation. The table was set nicely for the two of them, and from the dining room she could see the living room couch decorated with soft looking pillows and blankets. While he was opening the wine bottle, she took a good look at the table full of side dishes and delicious food. Baekhyun’s soft voice, only slightly above a whisper, snapped her out of her thoughts. “I realize this is now the second date I took a chef on a date where she had to eat food probably worse than she can make at home, but I hope you don’t mind too much.”
  “And this is the second date I’m wearing my own clothes instead of the ones you designed, yet you don’t seem too bothered about it either” she joked lightly, hoping to ease his nerves – and simultaneously her own, too. A genuine smile appeared on Baekhyun’s face before his chuckle filled the whole room.
  Once they sat down and started eating they easily fell into conversation. How their week went so far, the plans they had for the rest of it. It was so easy talking to each other, almost like they’d known each other for far longer than the week they actually had. And just like before, Mirae could feel the heavy topic of her private life creeping up on her. As if reading her mind, Baekhyun spoke up, wine glass in one hand. “You know, you don’t have to tell me anything you’re not comfortable with. But I’d really like to know about your story, your daughter.” And yet again, with only a few words he managed to put her mind at ease, as if it was the easiest thing on Earth to tell him everything. He suggested moving to the couch, leaving the empty dishes on the table. He started clicking buttons on the remote of the TV, a seemingly endless list of movies appearing on screen shortly after. While he was reading through the titles, Mirae made herself comfortable between the pillows and blankets. “Have you seen Enola Holmes? I never got around to watching it.”
  “I haven’t either, we can watch that” she replied, smiling at him when she realized he turned his whole body towards her when he asked for her opinion. After starting the movie, he also made his way to the couch, sitting down a bit further away from her than he would’ve originally liked to, but he didn’t want to invade her personal space. Not yet, at least. He grabbed a pillow and put it in his lap, pulling his legs up on the couch so that his body was turned towards her. After a few minutes of comfortable silence, her body also turned towards him, her lips curling into a nervous smile. “Mina’s 4 years old. She’s going to kindergarten now and she absolutely loves it. She only made two friends, but she plays with them all the time and I’m really happy she could fit in. I was really worried, her not having a father when all her peers are picked up by theirs almost every day. She still sees him once every month, but I don’t think she enjoys spending time with him.”
  “Oh, so he’s dad is around?” slipped out of Baekhyun’s mouth before he could think it through. Eyes widening in panic he tried saving the situation. “I mean, that’s good, right? Or is it? I’m sorry, I don’t even know what I’m saying” his rambling earned him a hearty chuckle and a small smile.
  “Yeah, I’m happy that he finally came around and wanted to see his daughter. I mean, I wasn’t expecting much when he left with another girl only a week after I told him I was pregnant” she mentioned bitterly. It was a hard topic, not something she could take lightly, but it was her kneejerk reaction to stress. They continued like this, Mirae talking about her horrible experiences, white slight jokes sprinkled into the stories and Baekhyun reassuring her for the best of his abilities. Honestly, he could’ve easily gone out and beat the guy to a pulp for what he has done to her and her daughter. He knew better though, he knew she was fully capable of dealing with that jerk as much as she needed to, but he just couldn’t help this overwhelming urge to protect her at all costs. He was sure once he met Mina, he would feel the same about the little girl, too.
  “Do you want to see some pictures of her?” she asked shyly, and Baekhyun accepted within a fraction of a second. She scooted closer to him on the couch, his legs returning to the ground to give her space beside him. With her phone in hand she opened her gallery, full of pictures of food and a little girl. With every picture she showed came a small story – it started raining when we were in the park, she loves puddles, so she immediately jumped into one and she wanted to dress as Remy from Ratatouille, but we decided to stick with Colette in the end. With every little piece she revealed of herself, Baekhyun’s arms inched closer and closer, to the point where it was no going back from hooking his arm around her waist, pulling her closer to him. While caught off guard, she didn’t seem to dislike his close proximity. The movie still played in the background, but neither of them knew what the story was about. She put her phone away after a while, cuddling into his side and leaning her head on his shoulder. It all just felt right. With her previous dates, Mirae was always cautious about skinship and touching, but with Baekhyun it all seemed to come naturally.
  Once the end credits started rolling, Netflix already recommending the next movie to watch, Baekhyun reluctantly left his comfortable cocoon, and with that, her embrace, to turn the streaming service off. Mirae was almost dozing off underneath the warm blankets, and he hadn’t the heart to disturb her peace. When he started walking towards the dining area, all intentions of cleaning up, she also rose from the couch, following him with a smile plastered on her face. “Need help?”
  “You’re the guest, no work for you here” he answered softly, pestering a small kiss on the top of her head. His gesture made her cheeks heat up, momentarily speechless as he started cleaning up the aftermath of their dinner. With him refusing her help, she sat down on a chair next to the dining table, watching him move around the space smoothly. “There’s a carnival just outside the city, do you think Mina would enjoy it?” A kitchen towel was flung across his shoulder, dirty plates in one hand, empty wine glasses in the other. The implications of his question were deeper than she was prepared for. She honestly hasn’t thought much about introducing anyone to Mina lately, since she didn’t have any worthy candidates. Baekhyun, however, was different. She had no doubt Mina would warm up to him easily, he seemed to have that effect on anyone he wanted to. Wouldn’t it be too soon though? How long should she wait? These times, she really wished there was a guidebook to dating as a single parent, telling her exactly what was right and what wasn’t. But there wasn’t, and she decided then and there: she would give Baekhyun a chance.
    “Mommy, can I bring Tigger to the carni-war?” Mina asked excitedly, jumping around the living room with her favorite plushie in her hand.
  “It’s called a carnival, honey” she corrected her, pulling down her fluffy baby blue sweater to make sure she was properly covered in the chilly autumn morning. “And I think it’s best if Tigger stays home today. What if we lose him? He’ll wait for you to come home, right here” she placed the toy on the couch, sitting up. “Now go grab your bag, sweetie, Baekhyun will be here soon.”
  She didn’t even need to finish her sentence, her child was already running down the corridor, towards her room. Last night they had the big talk. Mommy’s friend, Baekhyun was coming over and taking them to the carnival. Mommy’s friend, Baekhyun is really nice and she doesn’t need to be afraid of him. Mommy’s friend, Baekhyun is really excited to meet her, so she should behave. Mommy really likes her friend, Baekhyun, just like in the movies, so she needs private agent Mina’s help to determine if he really is a good man. She hoped being a girl on a mission would ease Mina’s mind enough to not be too nervous around Baekhyun. She wasn’t particularly afraid of strangers, but she tended to be shy. Mirae was also afraid she would associate spending time with a grown man to spending time with her father, which she always threw a fuss about. She always said her dad was boring, that they just watched cartoons and ate fast food when she was at his place. Mirae scolded him every time for this, but things never changed. Just as Mina arrived at her feet, Hello Kitty backpack on her shoulders, there was a knock on the door. “Woo, he’s here!” the toddler exclaimed and Mirae couldn’t help but chuckle as she went to open the door. There he stood, dressed in his own streetwear, eyes shining, grin wide, with a bouquet of yellow tulips in his hand. After letting him in and thanking him she excused herself to the kitchen to search for a vase. When she came back, to her biggest surprise, Baekhyun was crouching in front of Mina, handing her a very small bouquet of various colorful flowers.
  “Shin Mina, what do we say?” She scolded playfully, arms crossed in front of her chest.
  “Thank you!” She bounced happily, running towards her mother with the flowers in her hand. “Mommy, look”
  “It’s really pretty, sweetie” Mirae picked her up, the little girl already too heavy for her to carry for longer periods. “Let’s find a glass you can put them in so they don’t get sad.”
  After putting their flowers in water, the two girls returned to the smiling CEO, Mina still having an excited bounce in her step. They were soon leaving the apartment, Baekhyun carrying Mina’s car seat to install in his car before letting Mirae strap her in the proper way. The drive to the carnival wasn’t too long, especially since Mina for some reason couldn’t keep her mouth shut. She kept telling stories to Baekhyun and asking him questions he never thought he would have to be ready for – Baekhyunnie do you think the sky is so blue because there’s so much water in it? Baekhyunnie why is unhealthy food so delicious and healthy food so- so- broccoli!. Mirae heavily enjoyed how flustered he got when trying to answer her nonsensical queries, trying his hardest to please the toddler with his answer.
  Saying that Mina went wild at the carnival would be a big understatement. Colorful rides, delicious smelling treats at every corner, it’s safe to say she was nearly overwhelmed with excitement. She wanted to sit on every ride, eat a sample of all the food and never rest. Mirae also learned a lot about Baekhyun on that date. Like when they were buying sandwiches and Mina offered him a bite of her own, Baekhyun almost accepting before realizing with disgust written all across his features that it had cucumbers in it. Or when you were on top of the ferris wheel and he let it slip how utterly terrified he was of heights, only to let Mina drag you two into the line for the rollercoasters. The fact that he was trying tens of times harder to make sure Mina was enjoying her day than her own father ever did really warmed Mirae’s heart. That’s why when the end of the day approached and Baekhyun dropped them off she didn’t refuse the idea of a fourth date, and didn’t hesitate to lean up and seal their goodbye with a kiss.
  From then on, Baekhyun was an engraved part of the Shins life. He would bring Mirae on dates every week, each of them drawing them closer to each other, and every week he would come over and spend a day with her and Mina. Sometimes they went out and did some outdoors activities – hiking was Mina’s favorite -, sometimes they just stayed inside and had fun with games and movies. That’s why Baekhyun’s revelation came as a shocking surprise after three months of officially being a couple.
  He hadn’t finished his military service yet, meaning he would have to enlist within the next 6 months. Enlist, for 20 months. He was terrified to tell her this. He was too focused on starting his own company in the beginning of his twenties, so he pushed it off for as long as he could. He was horrified of what her reaction could be. Would she hate him? She told him her biggest secret on date one and he waited three months! What was he thinking? She, however, was absolutely understanding. A bit sad, a little upset, of course, but inherently she understand his want to focus on his career beforehand. She made him promise to contact her every week when he could use his phone and to not get hurt while he was serving in the navy. The moment she kissed him softly, reassuring him that she would wait till the day she came back, he knew she would be the one he marries.
    The past 20 months were terrible for her, sure. Only speaking on the phone once per week, not even being able to see his face, since photographs were still strictly prohibited in the military, really took a toll on her. But being a grown woman she understood that he had to do this, that he will be back soon. Mina, now 6 years old, was a whole different story. She didn’t understand why Baekhyun stopped visiting, why he missed both two of his birthday parties since she knew him, why he was only calling once a week – not even videocalling, like her grandparents, but just calling! She really missed him, Mirae could see that. Never in her 6 years of life did she miss anyone like this. She had friends move away from their neighborhood, hell, she saw her real father only once a month. But this was different, Baekhyun was different. Mina could see how much her mommy missed him, too, and seeing her sad only made the little girl sadder.
  “Does Mina know I’m coming home next Thursday?” Baekhyun asked at the end of their hour long conversation. Mina was already asleep, seeing as it was near 10PM. He would soon need to hang up.
  “No, I didn’t want to tell her until you knew the exact day you were arriving. She really misses you, you know?” She smiled fondly, playing with a strand of her own hair. One week. He’ll finally be coming back in seven days. He’ll be discharged on Wednesday, but his base is so far from Seoul his friend, Chanyeol would have to drive late at night. So they agreed they’ll stay in a hotel near the base for the night, then drive home in the morning. You offered to fetch him yourself, but he insisted on surprising Mina, and he said that would give it all away. He may’ve had a point.
  “Is she the only one missing me?” he joked. ”Good, don’t tell her. When can you pick her up from school? 4? Gosh, she’s already in school, I’m sure she’s grown so much…”
  “Yeah, I can’t even pick her up properly, she’s so heavy” she giggled at his rambling. “She’s almost 120cms now, she really grew a lot. I wonder if you’ll even recognize her when we go to her school.”
  “She has your eyes, of course I’ll recognize her! I really can’t wait, I missed you both so much. I have to go now, curfew, you know… I’ll text you when I’m near Seoul” he promised, a hopeful sigh prominent in his voice.
  “Okay, take care. I’ll cook your favorite, no cucumbers.” She winked and even thought he couldn’t see, she was sure he knew. “I love you”
  “I love you too, see you soon.”
    “GPS says 34 minutes.”
  “28 now!”
  “Only 24 minutes and I’m back!”
  “19 minutes, I can’t wait!”
  She giggled, looking at her phone and the seemingly endless messages, before typing her response. “Wow, Chanyeol must really want to throw you out the window right now haha Door’s open, soldier.”
  His messages didn’t stop, if anything they picked up in frequency. 17 minutes, 14, 13, 10, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, I see the convenience store, I see your street, I see the building…
  By the time Chanyeol parked his car in front her complex she was already waiting on the sidewalk, immediately running to him and jumping into his arms after he exited the car.
  “Fucking finally, if I had to spend another minute with him in my car, I might’ve driven into a tree on purpose.” Chanyeol’s grumpy voice sounded from the rolled down window. She let out a chuckle, thanking him for not killing his best friend before inviting them both inside. Chanyeol declined, taking out Baekhyun’s bags before waving goodbye and driving off. She smiled at him fondly, arms still around his waist. He bulked up a bit in the past year and a half, his shoulders broader than the last time she saw him. His skin was also a bit tanner, probably thanks to the time spent in the sun. What haven’t changed, thankfully, was his boxy smile and sparkling eyes looking deep into hers.
  They spent the entire day in each other’s arms, exchanging kisses left and right, talking about anything and everything. Minutes before 4PM they were already outside of Mina’s school. Loud screams and laughter sounded from the playground at the back porch of the school, so they headed there straight away. Upon seeing Mirae, a teacher called out to Mina – Mina, mommy’s here – and the moment her big eyes found the pair at the entrance, she ran like her life depended on it, straight into the arms of Baekhyun who was already crouching down with his arms open. “You’re back!” she cried out, small sobs shaking her entire body. Baekhyun hugged her close, smiling up at Mirae sheepishly, clearly fighting his own tears. Giving them a minute of privacy, Mirae walked towards the teacher overlooking the crowd of playing children, to collect Mina’s coat and backpack.
  “So is he the Baekhyun the whole school was hearing about lately?” she smiled at the mother knowingly. She knew Mina couldn’t shut up about how her Baekhyunnie was in the army and would be coming back any time now. Mirae nodded happily, exchanging a few words about Mina before she walked back to the two loves of her life. Mina’s arms were still tight around his neck, but he was standing up now, holding her in his arms securely.
  “Honey, you’ll have to let go of Baekhyun eventually, or he won’t be able to drive us home” she cooed, pressing a reassuring kiss to the little girl’s cheek, rubbing her back slightly. “It’s okay, honey, you don’t need to cry.”
  “Will you leave again?” Her voice sounded barely louder than the slight wind playing with her hair, but they both heard. Baekhyun kissed the top of his head, making sure she wouldn’t fall from his grip.
  “No, princess, you won’t be able to get rid of me from now on.”
  They stood there for five minutes, Mina not budging a milimiter, but her tears subsiding, before Mirae decided she would drive, while Baekhyun could sit in the back with Mina in his lap. By the time they approached Baekhyun’s driveway she was soundly asleep on his chest, him rubbing her soft hair slightly. Once parked, Mirae opened the back door and tried to get Mina off him, but even in her sleep she still wouldn’t stir. Once Baekhyun carried her into his home – cleaned biweekly by a cleaning agency for the past 20 months –, he sat down with her on the couch, waiting for Mirae to join them. Cuddled together, they talked in whispers, not daring to wake up the exhausted little girl.
  For days after Baekhyun couldn’t get her to stop clinging to her like a koala – not like he really minded. He did need to go back to work though, having been running his company remotely with the help of his right hand, Chanyeol. Mina also needed to go to school, but he made it his mission to leave early enough every day and pick her up from school. He even had to carry her out to the grill party they organized in his backyard that weekend, a small event with family and friends to celebrate Baekhyun’s return. Well, that was the reason Mirae knew. For Baekhyun, this small event wasn’t precisely about greeting his parents and brother, his niece and nephew or even Mirae’s parents. He wanted them all there for one reason, and one reason only. The reason was snugly tucked away in the inside pocket of his blazer, the gem precisely cut, the size determined sneakily by sneaky texts with Chaeyon.
  Mirae and their mothers were in charge of the side dishes and desert inside, while their fathers did the grilling. Baekhyun always loved seeing their parents getting along well – it seriously was more than he ever hoped for. Baekhyun sat down at the makeshift sandpit where his niece and nephew were already playing, supervised by his brother and sister-in-law, and encouraged Mina to join them. “Nervous?” his brother inquired, a hand resting on his shoulder.
  “More than I imagined I’d be.” Baekhyun sighed, watching Mina enjoy her time with the two kids who he hoped could become her cousins soon. “What if she thinks it’s all too soon? I mean, it is, I just… Why wait when I know I want to be with her forever?”
  “Hyunnie, you grew up quite a lot, didn’t you?” His brother’s grip on his shoulder tightened reassuringly, a proud smile sitting on his lips. “I can see she loves you as much as you love her. And I mean technically, you’ve been together for 2 years already. Sure, most of it was long-distance, but you both fought through it. Her kid also adores you, which I think is already a selling factor.”
  “Still, I don’t think I’ve ever been this nervous in my life-“
  “Why are you nervous?” Mina appeared in front of him, hands full of sand, eyes full of wonder.
  “Oh, nothing monkey, I just need to ask your mom a question after dinner.” he replied, grabbing her and pulling her onto his lap.
  “But mommy’s not scary, I ask her questions all the time” she added innocently, snuggling closer to him. “Want me to ask it for you?”
  “No, honey, Baekhyunnie has to ask this. And this is our secret, okay, monkey? Mommy can’t know I want to ask her anything.”
  “Okay!” she playfully zipped her lips, before jumping off him and running back to play in the sand some more. He looked after her with fondness in his eyes, totally forgetting about the conversation he had with his brother before – or the presence of the older man for that matter.
  “See? It’s like she’s been your daughter all along.”
  “Should’ve guessed I’ll find you in the sandpit with the kids” Mirae appeared behind her, wrapping her arms around his shoulders and pressing her lips to his cheek. “Food’s almost ready, could you get the kids to wash up and sit in their chairs?”
  “Of course, love” he turned in her arms, pressing a quick peck on her lips. “Need help with anything else?”
  “Oh, no, your mom is running around like a rabbit on steroids, I think her and my mom got the table all set up already.” Oh, his mom. When they arrived earlier that day, Baekhyun pulled her aside – just like he did with his father and Mirae’s parents individually later on – to let her know about his plan. She was overjoyed, just like the rest of the parents, but he guesses she couldn’t fully contain her excitement like he asked her to do.
  Dinner was going as smoothly as it could, with family member and friends talking in small groups about whatever they deemed worthy. Mirae turned to Baekhyun midway, looking at him like he brought down the stars for her, and kissed the corner of his lips. Did she knew? Did one of their mothers let it slip out? Maybe he shouldn’t have asked for their permission to begin with, it’s all ruined now- “I was thinking about switching workplaces. The restaurant chain is opening a new location in Gangnam, I’d have a lot more regular hours and I could be closer to you, as well.” She ran her hand down his lower arm until their fingers tangled together under the table. His surprised expression only caused her smile to widen. “What do you think?”
  “I think you should definitely take the opportunity. And you should definitely move here, with me, you know, so you could be closer to work.” he answered dreamily, not believing how well this all played in with his plan. “Your lease is coming to an end either way, right? The elevator hasn’t been working for a while either, did they fix that already? And Mina could play out here every day, without you having to bring her to a park. And you know, we could wake up next to each other every morning, so that’s an added bonus-“
  “Calm down, I was convinced by the time you mentioned the elevator” she joked, pressing another short kiss onto his lips. “Let’s talk about this after everyone left, hm?”
  “Yeah, let’s” he spaced out, touching the hidden pocket with his free hand. “Actually” he let go of her hand suddenly, standing up from the table. Everyone looked at him, some expectantly, some curiously – including her. “I’ve been thinking about this for a long time now. I-… I never thought that I would find the love of my life when I went into that restaurant two years ago. Honestly, I wasn’t even looking for a relationship, I was planning to finish my military service and then maybe start looking but then I saw you and everything changed. I was terrified of everything, of this newfound confidence you gave me, of disappointing you, or Mina, and when I was lying on my bed in the navy every day, I was terrified of one day losing you. I-… I don’t even know where I’m trying to go with all of this, I should’ve practiced more, but you just had to surprise me today, as well and… Just please, will you marry me?” He blurted out, now on one knee next to her chair, with the velvet box opened in his palm. He was too afraid to look at her for a second, but then remembered it’s her, he shouldn’t have to worry about anything. Both of Mirae’s hands were covering her face, tears quickly gathering at the corners of her eyes. Gosh¸ she wasn’t expecting this, not today at least, not for a while longer honestly. But just thinking about spending the rest of her days by his side made her extremely happy. She had no doubt Baekhyun is the one – but wasn’t this all too fast? Or was it? What more was she waiting for?
  Without uttering a word she threw herself onto him, arms wrapping around his neck and suddenly she couldn’t hold back the tears anymore. Free hand wrapping around her waist, Baekhyun tried shushing her, to comfort her. “I kind of need an answer here, sweetheart.”
  “Yes, of course” she choked out, hugging him even closer before he grabbed her left hand, slowly sliding the shiny ring on her fourth finger before leaning down and enveloping her in the most romantic kiss they ever shared. Friends and family cheering, kids ew-ing, it all couldn’t be more perfect.
  That was, until a year later, a day before their wedding Baekhyun was panicking, walking up and down the living room – their living room –, worried that they must have missed something during planning, something will go wrong and she will hate him forever. “Honey” She ran her arm up his arm, slowly wrapping both arms around his neck and tangling her hair into his soft, black hair. “It’s going to be fine. The wedding planner took care of everything, most guests are already in their hotel rooms, your tuxedo and my dress are waiting for us at the venue and I made sure the wedding cake is the best they could make. Everything is going to be just fine” she tried reassuring him, pressing kiss after kiss on his pouting lips. “Besides, I don’t need my husband breaking down on our wedding day, leaving me to take care of our two kids on my own.”
  “I’m not going to-“ he protested, clearly not registering right away the secret in her last words. “Wait, what, two?” His eyes were wider than she’s ever seen them, and she could swear if she didn’t know he was nearing 32, she would believe he was 9 going by how cute he was.
  “Oops, did I say two? Might have spoiled the honeymoon surprise” she added cheekily, carefully watching as Baekhyun’s smile widened to his ears before she could feel his arms crushing her bones as he pulled her close.
  “I love you, so, so much.”
  “I love you too, honey. You were absolutely worth the wait.”
    “So, Dad, I’m monkey because I was clinging to you when you came back from the army?” Mina asked, pushing himself away from her guardian.
  “Yes, sweetie.” He answered proudly. Jaehyun was already snoring soundly on his shoulder.
  “Then why did you not just say that? Why did I have to listen to your whole story with mom again?” Mina whined. Just as she was about to give him a piece of her mind – like the scary, independent, full of anger 10-year-old she was – Mirae emerged from the kitchen, an apron still draped around her front. “Mom, dad is the worst!”
  “Tell me about it, monkey” Mirae picked her up, ruffling her hair. With a big puff of air escaping her small lips, Mina crossed her arms.
  “I hate that nickname.”
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hey how about hcs for the twins as parents (individually)?
also i’m sorry you’re having a bad day :( i hope you feel better soon!
Holy shit you are one of my favorite blogs I think I can die happy now k bye
By individually, you mean each of them as parents right? That’s what I’m going with and I warn you this is going to be a long one
With this, I’m going off the basis that they didn’t grow up basically one of the riches people in Japan as that generally affects how kids our raised and Money Is Literally Power™ in the business world
If I were to keep them rich, chances are they would be away working more often than not (both twins have stated in canon their parents where rarely home). In most, of no all, shows/anime/cartoons I’ve watched and manga I’ve read regarding high-status wealthy families, the child/children grow up being raised by staff and feel alone or forgotten by their parents. Yes they have money, but money isn’t physical affection humans thrive on.
In my college au idea (that I don’t think I ever posted on here...) I stated the headcanon Hikaru had gotten someone pregnant in college. Ngl, I really think this is something that would happen bc he’s never been one to think before he acts.
 As for Kaoru, uhhhh he’s the tougher one to put this together for as I’ve never really thought about it for him. He canonically isn’t straight, so for this headcanon we’ll say he’s bi and had a wife first, then a husband
Hikaru upon finding out:
with his first kid, he was utterly terrified the moment she said the words
He was barely an adult and now he was going to be a father the world was against him
The first person he told was (surprisingly) not Kaoru as they were going through a rough spot and not talking to each other
So Mori was the first person he told. It was on the roof of their dorm building at 3 in the morning 15 minutes after Hikaru texted him saying it was urgent and he needed someone to stop him from doing something utterly stupid bc his head was a rushing mess and he had no idea what to do
When Hikaru finally got his head out of his ass and showed up at Kaoru’s dorm a week later (also at 3am, that’s just when this boy has his breakdowns) he broke down and told Kaoru everything. That they we drunk at a party. It was a one night stand. They honestly never expected to have any ties afterwards. And all that was shoved back in his face
He honestly thought (and he thought long and hard about it) about not being in the kid’s life bc he wasn’t ready to be a father
Kaoru knocked some sense into him, figuratively and literally
“Next time, keep it in your damn pants idiot”
Telling his parents was even harder than telling Kaoru. He just called Hikaru and idiot. His father didn’t talk to him for three days. And his mother was torn between being upset or being excited to be a grandmother
He was terrified
But then he heard the heartbeat for the first time
He will never admit it, but he cried
And the sonogram technician told him the we having a girl
A daughter. He was going to have a daughter
He grew more and more excited and less and less terrified
He could do this
Her water broke 6 weeks early and the doctors tried to stop her labor but she was dilating quickly
No he couldn’t do this. He wasn’t ready
Kaoru actually punched him bc Kaoru tends to knock sense into this idiot more than anyone else
“That woman in there is alone which so many strange people with her and the one person who should be in there with her is out here in the waiting room trying to get his shit together. She’s just as terrified as you are, if not more. So take a moment. Get your shit somewhat together. And get in that delivery room”
The waiting consisted of: His parents, her parents, Kaoru, Tamaki, Haruhi, Kyouya, Honey, Mori, Renge, even Kasanoda was there—everyone was ready to meet Baby Girl Hitachiin
Holding his baby girl for the first time was single handedly the best moment of his life
His second kid was planned, he was married by then
His two kids have different mother’s but Hikaru, first baby mama, and step-mother/second baby mama co-parent like goddamn pros)
Hikaru as a father:
He’s a little immature for the longest time and with his daughter he makes a lot of mistakes
His mother is on speed dial and that woman is a saint when it comes to helping
“She has a rash Mom—no I don’t know what kind of rash! That’s why I calling you—no, I’m not sending pictures this time—because it’s down there Mom—a fucking diaper rash?”
He has very little experience and boy does this guy need lots of help
Parenting books, the internet, his mother—he’s using every goddamn resource he can find
Haruhi actually offered to watch his daughter literally any time he needed a babysitter—which brought on many long discussion between the two of them about kids
At one point, Hikaru made in offhand comment to Tamaki about their (Tamaki and Haruhi) future with kids and Haruhi about died on the spot
His kids are 6 yrs apart
By the time his son was born, Hikaru knew what the hell he was doing and totally had everything figured out
quit laughing Kaoru he’s trying his best
His son was named after Kaoru
The differences between how Hikaru raised his kids really show sometimes
With his daughter, he let her get away with a lot more than he should have growing up, he was very lenient and he didn’t quite understand parents aren’t supposed to be their kids’ best friend so she basically got anything she wanted for a long time and that was a hard habit to break for both Hikaru and his daughter
(and considering she was the first kid and between all the hosts and the first grandchild in the family, she was spoiled a lot)
With his son, as his son grew up in a two-parent home with his older sister being at her mom’s 50% of the time, he tried being more strict—he learn his lesson letting his first kid having whatever she wanted—although it was hard as he and his wife weren’t always on the same page when it came to disciplining their son
Hikaru and his wife discussed having another kid, but 2 ended up being plenty (even if the oldest was back and forth between Hikaru and her mother and only spent half the time and every other holiday/birthday with him)
He really is trying his best tho and all he hopes is that his children grow up knowing that
Kaoru upon finding out:
Unlike Hikaru, Kaoru was married for several years before his first kid
They actually tried for a little over 2 yrs to get pregnant with no luck for the longest time—he was beginning to think something was wrong—until Hikaru told him his wife was pregnant, then Kaoru’s wife found out she was pregnant (they were born 3 weeks apart)
Kaoru was super exited for have his first kid
After all, he had all that practice with his niece and his little sister (who was born as they began college)
In all honested, Kaoru was physically and financially prepared for parenthood (buuuut probably not mentally)
His first kid was a boy born at 2 in the morning after 36 hrs of labor, he was exhausted, his wife was exhausted, everyone was getting cranky and Hikaru’s first baby mama made labor look easy and Kaoru was not expecting it to be so bad—or that his wife had such a strong grip on his poor hand—but hot damn holding his son for the first time made everything worth it
I don’t have anything else to add here my brain hurts
Kaoru as a father:
Respectively, Kaoru had more experience with raising kids than his brother did (and he learned a lot from his brother’s mistakes)
Although with all his previous experiences, nothing prepared Kaoru for actually parenthood—it was nothing like watching his niece and little sister
He worked nights for a while so someone would be home with the baby
He didn’t want his son in any kind of childcare facility—nothing against them he swears, he just doesn’t like the idea of someone else taking care of his kid that he doesn’t know
Kaoru and his wife started having problems when their son was around 1-1&1/2yo, but trying staying together for their son’s sake. They ended up  divorcing when their son was 5 after Kaoru had fallen out of love with her
Co-parenting wasn’t as easy with Kaoru and his ex-wife as Hikaru and his baby mama made it look (damn Hikaru had to be a pro at this point)
He didn’t get to see his son a lot after the divorce as his ex-wife had custody. 
This killed Kaoru. All he wanted was to be there for his son. He grew up with his parents working a lot and being away and he swore he would never let his kid grow up without him around. He ended up only getting his son every other holiday/birthday and during breaks from school
Kaoru treasured every minute of it
Kaoru remarried a few years later and his husband treated his son like he was his own kid any time they had his son
They ended up adopting a little girl (about the time his son was 7 or 8) and a little boy a few years later
 Kaoru didn’t really have the best relationship with his oldest until he was in his mid-teens
I know I didn’t stay exactly on task here and I kinda went off and stated headcanons based around their lives as parents rather than how they are as parents and I apologized for that. This was very fun to write for and I enjoyed every minute of it. Thanks for the ask! Sorry it was so long, I’ve been working on this literally since the ask hit my inbox...
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szopenhauer · 4 years
Think of a movie and now give me that movie title: random Elvira: Mistress of the Dark 
Quote a line from that movie:
Tumblr media
Name a song: random MARUV & Boosin — I Want You 
What’s a line from that song? Baby turn me, turn me on All night long What’s the last word spelled backwords of that line? GNOL XD Whats the relationship between you and the last person you texted? my fiancee What would your name be if you replaced T’s with S’s & A’s with E’s? Zuzenne Would you ever legally change you name to that? nah Your boyfriend/girlfriend say they can’t hang out & it’s been two weeks. You? ok How often do you think about death? all the time Where were you when you had your first sleepover? Your house or a friends’? friend’s - P.W.
Are you hungry?: thirsty
What did you buy last time you went to the store?: food? bread not food? trinkets - for example - two books and a tiny stuffed dog
Do you think stained glass windows are pretty?: I don’t know tbh
Are you a chocoholic?: not at all
Have you ever been carded when buying something? : not even when I was buying cigarettes
Do you have a favorite highlighter color?: yellow
Do you have a flashlight?: I do
Do you like watermelon?: nah
Has anyone ever walked in on you while you were on the toilet?: obvi, many times but usually just family members
Do you like a lot of ice in your drinks?: noooo
Have you ever painted a room?: bathroom Have you ever petted a donkey? from what I remember
Out of all 24 hours, which one is your favourite? hmm... Have you ever been in a lighthouse? nope
What time are you planning on going to bed tonight? no idea Have you ever been bit by an animal? yeah Did it rain today? kinda What was the name of the last dog you pet? it was my dog - Łasuch Do you find that you have a certain meal you eat every time you go to certain restaurants? sure Are you constantly judging people? could say so Have you ever had anything stolen from you? sorta Which would you rather, a snowy day, sunny day, rainy day or cloudy day?: cloudy or sunny maybe rainy but definitely not snowy How long have you ever spent away from home? month? Has your luggage ever been lost at the airport? Did you get it back? - About how many times during the night do you wake up from your sleep? few Are there any air fresheners in your house? What kinds? no What scent of candle do you burn the most? we don’t For what reason did you last cry? ugh... What kind of surveys do you wish there were more of? deep
Last time you were attacked by an animal? this summer? Are you paranoid all the time or just during the night? more often during the day actually  Have you ever dated someone without knowing their name? last name, not first, I was a stupid kid and was dating a guy online once and several boys at camp just to show off somebody likes me that way even tho I wasn’t really interested nor knew anything about those matters
If you go to an all-you-can-eat buffet, how much do you really eat? a tiny bit If you need to ask a question in class do you raise your hand? of course How many times have you been engaged (if any at all)? once, currently Do you have to see something to really believe it? jak niewierny Tomasz - często Have you ever gotten so dehydrated that you passed out? I’m surprised that I didn’t :x If your friend was being cheated on, would you tell them? absolutely Do you always assume the worst? that me indeed Are you sick and tired of life? sadly Have you ever been busted for under age drinking? I wasn’t drinking underage, I still don’t drink  Do you have a picture of you and your lover kissing? 1 and a tik tok Have you witnessed a fight at school? bunch
What is your favorite time of day to run? when I’m late for the bus lmfao
When was the last time you talked to your mom? recently Do your parents crush your dreams? sometimes Did you sleep in today? I didn’t Do you hate sleeping in? I love sleeping in  How late do you consider too late to sleep in? noon, 11am is already late  How long have you had a smartphone? less than 5 years Do you keep lists of names that you like? even tho I don’t want kids :P Have you ever butt-dialed someone? it happened
First letter of the names of everyone you have kissed, like *that*; M.
Do you like going to school sports games? eww, boring Have you ever worn your boyfriend’s clothes? guy from camp gave me his cap for a day Have you ever stolen your sibling’s clothes? I had to wear them when she was growing up, gross Have you ever loved someone and HATED it? later? Do you like Starbucks or would you rather just have water or something? just water lol Have you ever walked into a door before? po maturze zapomniałam, że woźny zamknął drzwi, które się same otwierały i walnęłam w nie, raz przytrzepałam sie w futrynę bo za szybko skręciłam w nocy do pokoju, mama uderzyła mnie drzwiami jak byłam mała i stałam za blisko wejścia dzwoniąc do domu więc spadłam ze schodów, a ojciec stuknął mnie tymi dworcowymi przy wiadukcie i wylałam na siebie sok - to chyba wszystkie przypadki Do you know anyone who’s like, psycho-religious? fanatic? my uncle is one of those Have you ever been stuck on a ski lift? luckily never been there to begin with Do you know who Nancy Sinatra is? ain’t this the gal who sings “those boots were made for walking” or smth like that? Have you ever bought anything from an airport? I wasn’t there so... If I asked you who you were gonna marry a year ago, you would say; omg Do you snore, talk, sleepwalk, or drool? drool at times, sorry also roll/kick around and fart ^^” When you woke up this morning, what was your first thought? I was wondering why Nat fronted If you could start completely over knowing what you do now, would you? possibly
If you drink coffee, do you have a favorite flavor & brand? If so, what? not applicable Have you ever personally known a pair of Conjoined twins? woah What is your first thought when you see people kissing in public? "get a room” Would you ever consider being a professional stunt-person? I have no abilities/skills/health etc for that kind of job and it’s really sad actors get prizes for stunt-ppl’s work
How about a Mailman? my father was and that ruined his body so I doubt it (Besides Hello kitty) Do you have a favorite Sanrio character? If so, Who? Hello Kitty is evil Do you flinch when strangers touch you? don’t touch me! Can you remember the first time you went to a movie theater? I believe Is there something in particular you like to look at photos of? What is it? I have strange interests... Do you actually like the taste of Diet Soda? didn’t try and don’t plan to What brand of toliet paper do you normally use? I don’t give a shit ;) Do the Charmin bears make you feel uncomfortable? xD fact that they’re red makes me uneasy On average, how many cans of soda would you say you drink daily? zero Did/do you ever stick your chewed -up gum under tables? I spat it on grass when I was younger and had stuck it in my hair years before as well but every other gum I trashed properly Can you remember the last thing you watched on the news that upset you? that’s why I avoid news How do you feel about red lipstick, is it whorish? it’s my fav but I no longer use makeup What is your definition of feminism? fighting for equal rights between women and men like pay in workplaces Are you comfortable in shorts? am not So, have you watched that Bob’s Burgers show? Do you like it? fragments 
Do you ever get the feeling you dont belong? always Do you believe actions speak louder than words? good actors will use both ways to lie
If your friend tried to commit suicide infront of you how would you react? how, why, who, when etc. Ever had a rumour spread about you? plenty Have you ever tried to impress someone before? majority of my life and I hate myself for that If someone jumped on your back what would you do? die? If you had a child and they turned out just like you would you be happy? poor kid... If you could choose the gender of your child what gender would you choose? not that I want kids but girl
Name three people you want to meet in Heaven. from those who died or are alive rn?
What could be the theme song of your life? I was taking a quiz today and they gave me Kero Kero Bonito - I'd Rather Sleep
Do you have any embarrassing health issues? :( Who do you wish you could talk to? grandma and/or brother Do you lose or misplace things a lot? very rarely lose, misplace more often but still usually same item like my scissors What was the name of the street you grew up on (if you don’t live there now) I live here! Does it still feel like summer where you live? it’s too cold for that Do you have a Paypal account? I wish Have you ever had a brand or company reach out to you on Instagram? polyvore What is the last thing you purchased from Etsy? I have no bank account to be able to buy stuff there Do you sell on Etsy? I’d like to someday Do you have a favorite aunt, and if so, who is it? aunt Alice Who is your favorite cousin? no one Have you bought next year’s calendar yet? yup What year did/will you turn 30? 2022 What’s a food that you like, but it makes you feel sick? no comment Do you like the name Addison? sounds like a shoe Is there anything that you regret getting rid of? ... Have you ever stood up to a bully? couple of times Do you own striped tights? nude and transparent Have you ever made your own Halloween costume out of clothes from ur closet? yep When was the last time you received a hug? this day Do you have anyone who hugs you regularly? dad? Would you rather have the bottom bunk or top bunk? bottom Window seat or aisle seat? window, aisle if in church  Have you ever thrown up on an airplane? that’s one of the reasons I won’t fly Have you ever seen anyone else throw up on an airplane? that’s another... Have you ever gotten sick in the car? almost Do you still wear clothes from the children’s section? whoops you got me What color is your watch? I need to buy watch for Nat... What color was the last pair of flip-flops you wore? last time I was wearing flip flops was before middle school and they were pink I suppose Were you born in your favorite season? in the worst! Have you eaten oatmeal lately? regularly... Do you enjoy editing photos? if not a snapchat filter selfie then I prefer them “natural” What is your favorite app on your phone? Choices forever! lately I begun playing The arcana and it’s pretty good, Lisa downloaded Addams family mystery mansion or smth but it’s not that cool and I used to play the detective story which was awesome <3  Do you answer your phone every time it rings? hell no Do you like to decoupage things? scrapbooks/collages are way better How many tabs are open on your browser right now? 9 with this one but I forgot to close the background music 
How many times have you had sex within the past two years? Guesstimate? personal How many times in a month do you go to the movies? How much do you spend? not at all
When was the last time you heard thunder? Where were you at anyway? this month? home When was the last time you were in trouble with your parents? If so. it’s complicated Do you know anyone who claims to have the ability to see the future? I have dreams that come true and my parents do, also my gf When you go to the movies, do you actually watch the movies or not? ... what else would I do in the cinema? oh, you mean kiss and such? waste of money Do you love or loathe the Eurovision? I don’t mind it Have you ever wielded a sword? wanna try :D If you were famous would you want a statue or a building names after you? what for Can you erect a tent? hope I didn’t forgot How tall is the tallest person you know? didn’t ask Have you ever ridden a camel? might try What’s your opinion on rats? cute
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isrustandstardust · 4 years
1: Full name: Selena.
2: Zodiac sign: Scorpio.
3: 3 Fears: Abandonment. Not being good enough. Being lied to.
4: 3 things I love: Bones. Corpses. Books.
5: 4 turns on: Intelligence. Perversions. Sarcasm. Violence.
6: 4 turns off: Stupidity. Ignorance. Lack of hygiene. High pitched voices.
7: My best friend: Is the best bitch ever.
8: Sexual orientation: Bisex.
9: My best first date: A dinner and a walk by the lake.
10: How tall am I: 165 cm.
11: What do I miss: Woland, sometimes.
12: What time were I born: 3.45 a.m.
13: Favourite color: Teal.
14: Do I have a crush: Yup.
15: Favourite quote: So it goes.
16: Favourite place: Como.
17: Favourite food: Red meat, raw.
18: Do I use sarcasm: Way too much.
19: What am I listening to right now: I’m watching ‘my 600lb life’ on tv.
20: First thing I notice in new person: If he looks me in the eyes or not.
21: Shoe size: 38/39.
22: Eye color: Reddish brown.
23: Hair color: Chocolate.
24: Favourite style of clothing: Urban/edgy/grunge.
25: Ever done a prank call? When I was little.
26: What colour of underwear I'm wearing now? Black.
27: Meaning behind my URL: It’s a Nabokov’s quote.
28: Favourite movies: The Fountain, In the mood for love, Bin Jip, The pillow book, Only lovers left alive, Stoker.
29: Favourite song: Too hard to say.
30: Favourite band: Same. Maybe Tool.
31: How I feel right now: Relaxed.
32: Someone I love: My hubby.
33: My current relationship status: Happily married.
34: My relationship with my parents: No relationship with my mother, a distant one with my father.
35: Favourite holiday: Christmas.
36: Tattoos and piercing I have: 15 tattoos, no piercings atm.
37: Tattoos and piercing I want: I want to do some surfaces again and I want to ink both my arms. Full sleeves.
38: The reason I joined Tumblr: I wanted a safe space to write.
39: Do I and my last ex hate each other? No, we just have no relationship whatsoever.
40: Do I ever get “good morning” or “good night ” texts? When my husband is on tour.
41: Have I ever kissed the last person you texted? Yup.
42: When did I last hold hands? A few hours ago.
43: How long does it take me to get ready in the morning? 20 minutes.
44: Have I shaved your legs in the past three days? Nope, I don’t need it.
45: Where am I right now? On the couch.
46: If I were drunk & can’t stand, who’s taking care of me? My husband, my friends.
47: Do I like my music loud or at a reasonable level? Way too loud!
48: Do I live with my Mom and Dad? No. I live by myself since I was 18.
49: Am I excited for anything? In a few days I’ll begin renovating my home!
50: Do I have someone of the opposite sex I can tell everything to? Sure.
51: How often do I wear a fake smile? Daily.
52: When was the last time I hugged someone? Today.
53: What if the last person I kissed was kissing someone else right in front of me? That could be a problem.
54: Is there anyone I trust even though I should not? No, I’m very careful when it comes to trust people.
55: What is something I disliked about today? My stomach aching like crazy.
56: If I could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be? I’d love to have a chat with Jodorowsky.
57: What do I think about most? Work, work, work.
58: What’s my strangest talent? I can fit my whole fist in my mouth.
59: Do I have any strange phobias? Deep water, strange fishes.
60: Do I prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it? Behind, I’m a director, not an actress.
61: What was the last lie I told? I’m not hungry.
62: Do I perfer talking on the phone or video chatting online? Texting.
63: Do I believe in ghosts? How about aliens? I believe in aliens, I’m fairly sure that something similar to ghost actually exist.
64: Do I believe in magic? Kinda.
65: Do I believe in luck? Yup.
66: What's the weather like right now? Fucking cold.
67: What was the last book I've read? A criminology book.
68: Do I like the smell of gasoline? A lot.
69: Do I have any nicknames? MissFortune, Sally.
70: What was the worst injury I've ever had? Never had one.
71: Do I spend money or save it? Save it. I know what it means to have nothing. At all. I don’t want to find myself in that situation ever again.
72: Can I touch my nose with a tounge? Nope.
73: Is there anything pink in 10 feets from me? Nope. I don’t like pink very much.
74: Favourite animal? Snakes, moths.
75: What was I doing last night at 12 AM? Still working.
76: What do I think is Satan’s last name is? I know his name is Woland.
77: What’s a song that always makes me happy when I hear it? Do you realize - the flaming lips.
78: How can you win my heart? Be kind, be honest.
79: What would I want to be written on my tombstone? I don’t want a tombstone, I want to be cremated.
80: What is my favorite word? Weltschmerz.
81: My top 5 blogs on tumblr. No idea tbh.
82: If the whole world were listening to me right now, what would I say? Read a book, study something, stop being stupid.
83: Do I have any relatives in jail? Nope.
84: I accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow me with the super-power of my choice! What is that power? Mind control.
85: What would be a question I’d be afraid to tell the truth on? When was the last time you ate?
86: What is my current desktop picture? Mass Effect’s reapers attacking earth.
87: Had sex? Two days ago.
88: Bought condoms? A few years ago.
89: Gotten pregnant? Never.
90: Failed a class? Never.
91: Kissed a boy? A man. A few minutes ago.
92: Kissed a girl? Cannot recall.
93: Have I ever kissed somebody in the rain? Yup.
94: Had job? Of course.
95: Left the house without my wallet? Maybe.
96: Bullied someone on the internet? Nope, been bullied tho.
97: Had sex in public? Yep.
98: Played on a sports team? Nope.
99: Smoked weed? Yes.
100: Did drugs? Three times.
101: Smoked cigarettes? Yup.
102: Drank alcohol? Of course.
103: Am I a vegetarian/vegan? Nope, been vegan for a year but my health went to hell.
104: Been overweight? I was a little chubby when I was little.
105: Been underweight? Almost all my adult life.
106: Been to a wedding? Sure.
107: Been on the computer for 5 hours straight? Daily.
108: Watched TV for 5 hours straight? Yup. I love binge watching things.
109: Been outside my home country? Sure.
110: Gotten my heart broken? Once.
111: Been to a professional sports game? No.
112: Broken a bone? Never.
113: Cut myself? I self harmed for years. Been clean for the past four and a half.
114: Been to prom? No.
115: Been in airplane? Yup.
116: Fly by helicopter? No, but I’d love to.
117: What concerts have I been to? Slayeeeeeeer! This is the first that comes to mind.
118: Had a crush on someone of the same sex? Of course.
119: Learned another language? Yup.
120: Wore make up? Daily.
121: Lost my virginity before I was 18? Nope.
122: Had oral sex? Sure.
123: Dyed my hair? The last time I went blonde for my wedding, almost three years ago.
124: Voted in a presidential election? I voted, here in Italy, for every election.
125: Rode in an ambulance? Sadly, yes.
126: Had a surgery? Nope.
127: Met someone famous? More or less.
128: Stalked someone on a social network? A few times.
129: Peed outside? Yup.
130: Been fishing? I actually enjoy it a lot.
131: Helped with charity? Not that I recall.
132: Been rejected by a crush? Not in a while.
133: Broken a mirror? Nope.
134: What do I want for birthday? Being spoiled.
135: How many kids do I want and what will be their names? One. Nero if he’s a boy, Alya if she’s a girl.
136: Was I named after anyone? After a book character.
137: Do I like my handwriting? It’s not bad.
138: What was my favourite toy as a child? I didn’t have one. Maybe my art supplies.
139: Favourite Tv Show? Atm: Supersized vs Superskinny.
140: Where do I want to live when older? Iceland.
141: Play any musical instrument? I’m learning to play drums.
142: One of my scars, how did I get it? Almost all my scars are from self harming.
143: Favourite pizza toping? Cheeeeeeeeeese!
144: Am I afraid of the dark? Nope. I feel at home in it.
145: Am I afraid of heights? A lot.
146: Have I ever got caught sneaking out or doing anything bad? Doing something bad, surely.
147: Have I ever tried my hardest and then gotten disappointed in the end? Sometimes.
148: What I'm really bad at: Bowling.
149: What my greatest achievments are: I earn my own living since I was 18.
150: The meanest thing somebody has ever said to me: That I should never been born, I guess.
151: What I'd do if I won in a lottery: Sell my house and go live abroad.
152: What do I like about myself: My willpower.
153: My closest Tumblr friend: I don’t have one.
154: Something I fantasise about: My future.
155: Any question I’d like: I have no preferences, ask away.
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alindakb · 5 years
How Love Hurts - chapter 5.1 - by Alinda
Draco hates that he can’t be in the courtroom with Harry right now. Harry had looked so hunted this morning when Hermione came to pick him up. Draco kissed him goodbye and told him everything would be okay. He told him that just as much as to calm his own nerves as Harry’s. Draco has no idea what to do if Harry loses his children because of him. It will break them, maybe not right away, but one day Harry will start to resent him for being the cause that he lost the right to be a father of his own children, Draco is sure of that.
The phone in Draco’s hands beeps. It’s another message from the Weasel informing Draco that Harry is on the stand right now. Draco closes his eyes and hopes Harry knows that Draco’s heart and mind are with him even though he can’t be there in person. Harry had begged Draco to come along, but Draco had refused. The public and judges won’t understand, not with Harry keeping the main reason he left Ginevra out of all this. He can’t say it, can’t talk about what Ginevra did to him. And even if Harry could, he wouldn’t, knowing it might get Ginevra in trouble. Somehow he still cares about her. Or at least cares enough to make sure his children don’t have to go visit their mom in Azkaban.
Rhys Davis, Harry’s lawyer had agreed, just like Hermione. All of them thought that it was better for Draco to stay away from the Ministry’s court during this case. It won’t help Harry’s case when people see how close he’s with Draco. Hermione being the one to get Harry in the morning was the only reason why Draco didn’t come along anyway. Harry had cried, holding Draco close and told him he was terrified. Draco didn’t want to let Harry go by himself and it broke his heart to watch him take the floo to the Ministry without Draco.
‘They are drilling him about quitting his job’ the next text from Weasley says. Fuck, Draco knew it was a mistake the moment Harry told him had handed in his resignation. Why had Draco encouraged him to go do what would make him happy? Draco should have told him to wait till after the trial. Now it just looks like Harry’s having one big midlife crisis. Leaving his wife, coming out as gay and quitting his job. Next they will write that he’s spending all his money on expansive furniture and the latest professional brooms.
Draco gets up from his chair and starts to walk up and down the kitchen. Mila looks at him while she stocks the new kitchen cabinets with food, tableware and pots and pans. Draco is happy she and Toby agreed to move with Draco and Scorpius into Grimmauld Place. They have the attic floor to themselves, their own little home. It even pleased Hermione, which is saying something when the topic is house-elves. Mila brought some furniture from the Manor that she really loved with her. It’s more than Draco moved over. He didn’t want to keep anything. Only some personal stuff, like pictures, keepsakes that remind him of Astoria and his parents. Everything else wasn’t important. So he and Harry have been shopping furniture for weeks. The kitchen is one of the few rooms that is finished at the moment, but it’s fine. Harry and Draco managed to move into Grimmauld Place before the trail, and that is what matters. This way Harry at least doesn’t have to explain why he lives at a place best known for the years that Voldemort used it as his base of operations.
“Sir, do you want a cup of tea. It will calm the nerves,” Mila says.
Draco looks at her and nods. A cup of tea would be nice. Maybe it will stop him from feeling utterly useless.
“I should be there with him,” Draco uppers.
“You should, but you can’t. You know it will only make his changes worse than they already are.”
“I know,” Draco snaps at Mila. “Doesn’t make it any easier. He does better when I’m close. I’m scared he won’t find the strength to say what he needs to. If they side with Ginevra, fall for her sob story, he doesn’t stand a chance.”
“Master Draco, we all worry. It will break Master Harry’s heart if he loses. It will be a loss for all of us.”
Draco nods and sits back down when Mila places a cup of tea on the table for him. He takes a sip and lets out a deep breath. “Davis said he would do his best, even tho all the facts are against Harry. I should have told him. Nobody will fight Harry if they know what Ginevra did to him the last couple of years. Do you think I should have told Davis?”
Mila sits down on her own chair and puts a hand on Draco’s arm. “Master Harry doesn’t want anyone to know. He will hate you if you tell anyone. You remember your mother, she defended Master Malfoy’s actions till her grave.” Mila shakes her head and stares back to the boxes with new tableware. “She always thought it was her own fault whenever Master Malfoy would hurt her. Toby once tried to tell another witch. Misses Narcissa almost made him leave after that.”
“I remember,” Draco says. He was only six when it happened, but ever since then, Toby had to stay away from mother. She didn’t tolerate him near her, it was like he had betrayed her more than her own husband did on a daily basis. Draco lets out another deep breath and lays his arm around Mila’s shoulders. “I’m glad she didn’t make him leave, that you and he could stay together.”
“So am I, Master Draco, so am I.”
Mila takes a sip of her own tea and leans against Draco a little. “And I’m glad we can be here now to help you and Master Harry. You both deserve to be happy, together, with all your children.”
The phone beeps again. Mila picks it up from the table and reads the message. “Master Harry is done on the stand. It didn’t go well, Mister Weasley says.”
Draco rests his head on the table and tries not to think what it means that it didn’t go well. Davis said there won’t be any decisions made today by the judges, that they will take some time to investigate all the evidence that has been brought before them. Maybe a couple of days, but more likely a week or two with a case this high profile. They don’t want to make any mistakes. Draco doesn’t think he will be able to stay away on the day of the verdict. Not now the hearing hasn’t gone smoothly at all.
“I’ll make Master Harry’s favourite for supper, maybe he’ll eat some,” Mila mutters next to Draco. Draco can’t help but smile. It didn’t take Mila long to figure out that Harry skips meals when he’s nervous, so she always makes sure there is something on the table he loves when he’s having a bad day.
“Thank you, Mila,” Draco says when Mila gets up and finishes unpacking the boxes and starts on the preparations for supper. “For everything you do for me and Harry.”
“You are my boys, sir. I’ve known you since you were a little baby. And Master Harry is the person you love. I will make sure he’s okay for as long as you want me to.”
Draco smiles at Mila and thanks her again. Maybe it will work out, somehow, someway. Draco has no idea how, but he can’t lose the life he has now. Not now he’s finally happy.
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the-gay-in-the-way · 5 years
An AU after ages of absence
Alliteration is fun, isn’t it.
Was listening to a bunch of random songs from musicals and stuff while playing solitaire and imagining scenes in my head of my fave characters putting on a performance with the songs.
As you do.
And I had a fun AU idea.
So, basic setting is in a high school.
Main point tho is that Roman and Remus are twin brothers with rich and slightly overbearing perfectionist parents, Virgil has one older sibling and a bunch of younger siblings who were all adopted by his two dads, Deceit is Patton’s brother from a literal other mother who lives with his mom while Patton lives with his dad and mom, Logan lives with his single scientist father who loves him very very much but who is just as emotionally stunted as his son is, Thomas is an actual adult who works as a teacher at their collective high school.
Below the cut here is some further info on the AU. It’ll take a few post for me to get it all written out properly and stuff. I’ve got quite a few thoughts about it.
Roman and Remus are Virgil’s neighbors.
Which leads to some strange circumstances when they’re small children.
Because Roman and Remus, unsurprisingly, live in a rich ass neighborhood.
And so does Virgil.
Because his fathers are famous.
For those of you who remember these two, it’s Mackenzie and Ansley who are his fathers.
Mack is a famous fashion designer while Ann is a famous model.
And they live in that nice house cus it’s big and in that rich neighborhood cus it’s safely guarded.
Otherwise, Mack and Ann enjoy living relatively simply with their children when they aren’t busy with work stuff.
This leads to their children, tho capable of being very “celebrity appropriate”, seeming actually quite normal.
Virgil in particular just likes being comfortable and quiet when he’s living his everyday life.
Which is why everyone at school, when they hear he’s supposed to be living in the rich neighborhood, start to doubt him.
They call him a liar.
They say he’s just trying to act better than he actually is.
They start to hate him.
And Virgil, who’s young and shy and just trying his best, is forced to build up a hard shell around himself as quickly as he can to keep himself safe from his peers.
It certainly doesn’t help that his teachers also hate him for simply being born into a well off family.
He gains no friends in his elementary school but gets a couple from his neighbors.
This occurs when he’s outside in his backyard by himself one day.
The house behind his sometimes has music playing loud enough that he can hear it pretty clearly. 
The music is usually from musicals of all kinds and he grows pretty fond of listening to it.
So, whenever he notices the music playing, he goes to the backyard to listen and sometimes even sing and dance to it.
This is one of those times when the music is playing.
Virgil’s had a rough day at school and his fathers are out of town on traveling business while his older sibling is out with some friends, leaving him alone with just the “babysitter” who is essentially just a polite young woman who watches the house and makes sure he and his sibling aren’t actually dying while his parents are away.
So he’s left to feel terrible all by himself in the backyard.
A particular song starts playing eventually, “Man or Muppet” from the Muppets.
He knows the song and it’s kind of matching up with his conflicted mood right then so he starts to sing it without noticing that there’s someone else in the other backyard today.
He sings the first part of the song by himself until someone suddenly joins in for the accompaniment from the other side of the fence he’s sitting against.
He startles and almost runs away with an apology before the person/people on the other side shout for him to come back and continue singing with them.
He does so after a bit of cajoling.
When the song is over, the people on the other side of the fence praise him and ask him to stay and sing some more with them.
And, because this is the first time someone other than his own family members has actually wanted to spend time with him, he does so.
He stays there singing songs with the two on the other side of the fence for hours.
Until he’s called back inside because of how dark it’s getting.
And the two kids on the other side of the fence request that they do this again.
That, next time, he should just come over to their backyard so they can dance together as well as sing.
And Virgil does.
And that’s how he gains his first friends in the form of Roman and Remus.
Roman and Remus don’t have an issue in making friends.
They’re loud and enthusiastic kids that find it easy to talk to other children their age.
But the friends are never really friends.
Just other kids that like sharing treats with them or are forced to talk to them because of family connections.
The brothers themselves don’t really enjoy spending time with the other kids as much.
They do so because their parents say that they should.
But when they spend time singing with Virgil that day, they finally find themselves wanting to spend time with someone other than each other.
They practically beg their parents to let the shy kid from behind their house come over the next day.
And when he finally shows up at their front door, looking shy and scared but acting even more polite and collected than the young woman accompanying him, they drag him away to continue with their activities from the day before.
It becomes a regular activity for the three of them.
They see each other essentially every single day.
It even reaches a point where all three of them become almost obnoxiously good at climbing things from having to climb over the fence between their yards all the time.
Roman and Remus absolutely adore Virgil.
He sings and dances without restraint, enjoying the scenes they all act out together just as much as they do.
He listens to Roman’s fantastical stories and even plays pretend with just as much dedication as him.
He laughs at Remus’ gross jokes and is just as willing to get gross while playing with mud or food or homemade goo as he is.
And he adores Roman and Remus just as much as they adore him.
Roman is always happy to indulge in his inherited interest in makeup, nails, and clothes making.
Remus is always happy to indulge in his quiet love of all things halloween and horror.
And the two of them love music and acting just as much as he does.
The three of them become the closest of friends all throughout elementary school.
But then middle school comes along and they can no longer see each other in person.
Because Roman and Remus are forced to move away to spain with their parents.
And, because of his own parents’ wealth, Virgil gets to visit once or twice a year.
But, for the most part, they can only stay in contact through voice calls, video calls, and texting.
It’s good enough for them, even if they’d all prefer to see each other in person instead.
Thankfully, this only lasts for a little over three years.
A little ways into their first year of high school, Roman and Remus finally return.
They even enroll in the same school as Virgil so that they can attend it together this time around.
This leads to some wonderful scenes which is what led to this AU in the first place.
You see, after spending so many years getting used to singing and dancing alongside each other, it becomes an ingrained habit to follow along and join in when one of them starts a musical number.
It led to the three of them putting on tiny performances of musical numbers in public places when they were kids a few times.
It happened every time Virgil came to visit them during middle school.
And it happens again when they are reunited in high school.
One such moment is when Remus starts up “Sincerely, me” in the middle of lunch after he and Roman show up to school for the first time.
Virgil is very quickly dragged into the number with him while Roman applauds them both for the performance once they’re done.
Virgil, having simply gone on instinct to join in without thinking, gets very quickly embarrassed by so many people seeing him doing something like that and ends up running away.
Since, at this point in time, he’s gained a very clear and guarded reputation in his school life that is meant to keep him safe from any other kids that might try to mess with him.
Another moment is when Roman essentially drags him into an audition for their school by performing “A Lovely Night” with him.
Virgil instantly refuses but can’t properly leave the stage in time before Roman starts.
So he just sits on the bench on the stage, looking at his phone with a scowl on his face while Roman sings the song and tries to gently coax him into eventually joining in.
Roman, as the song goes on without Virgil even starting to smile or look up at him, eventually gives up when he reaches the end of his part of the song and ends up just sitting on the bench next to him and looking a little sad and disappointed.
Virgil, meanwhile, just gets more annoyed from how guilty he feels about not joining in even tho Roman is the one who dragged him out here.
So, when Roman finally looks away from him with that disappointed look on his face, Virgil gives in with an even more irritated scowl.
In perfect time with the music, he puts his phone away and then crosses one of his legs over the other in an exaggerated movement before turning to Roman and singing his part of the song.
Roman, unsurprisingly, is absolutely delighted.
And this time, Remus applauds from where he’s been watching and ends up dragging Virgil out with him a second time when he wants to perform his own audition with “El Tango de Roxanne”, which Roman ends up jumping into without warning or even prompting simply because they’re all so used to performing it together that it’s habit.
With this one, Remus basically drags Virgil out with him, starts the music before Virgil can even let out a complaint, and then begins the dance number as he always does.
Virgil, who’d always been particularly good at falling into a dance number, goes along with it instinctively before his mind can catch up with his body and make itself leave the stage.
And he can’t just leave the performance half done either.
That would be blasphemy.
And, unfortunately, both Roman and Remus know this quite well.
So Virgil ends up dancing with Remus thru the entire song with Remus singing the main vocals while Roman joins in to sing the second main voice part and Virgil adds in the small accompanying secondary voice parts.
There’s more to this entire AU that I’ve thought of and really like.
But this is all I’m gonna post right now.
Might say more about it later.
If not, well...
Here you go then, I guess.
This is the AU.
It’s some of my favorite bits at least.
So there’s that.
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kwimstixs · 4 years
Tsukkishima x Reader
~ ¹²:⁵¹, ᵃⁿᵈ ᴵ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰᵗ ᵐʸ ᶠᵉᵉˡⁱⁿᵍˢ ʷᵉʳᵉ ᵍᵒⁿᵉ ᴮᵘᵗ ᴵ'ᵐ ˡʸⁱⁿᵍ ᵒⁿ ᵐʸ ᵇᵉᵈ, ᴵ'ᵐ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵗʰⁱⁿᵏⁱⁿᵍ ᵒᶠ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃᵍᵃⁱⁿ ᴬⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ᵐᵒᵒⁿ ˢʰⁱⁿᵉˢ ˢᵒ ᵇʳⁱᵍʰᵗ ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵ ᵍᵒᵗᵗᵃ ᵈʳʸ ᵗʰᵉˢᵉ ᵗᵉᵃʳˢ ᵗᵒⁿⁱᵍʰᵗ ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵐᵒᵛⁱⁿᵍ ᵒⁿ ᵃⁿᵈ ᴵ'ᵐ ⁿᵒᵗ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ˢᵗʳᵒⁿᵍ ᵗᵒ ʰᵒˡᵈ ᵒⁿ ᶜᵃᵘˢᵉ ᴵ'ˡˡ ᵖʳᵒᵛᵉ ʸᵒᵘ ʷʳᵒⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ᴵ ᶜᵃⁿ ᵐᵒᵛᵉ ᵒⁿ ᵗʰʳᵒᵘᵍʰ ᵗʰⁱˢ ˢᵒⁿᵍ, ˢᵒ ᵐᵘᶜʰ ˢᵗʳᵒⁿᵍᵉʳ ~
(Y/N) hoped that she was just hallucinating, but some part of her wished that it was real. Kuroo was also here, that must explain how he managed to go here on a Tuesday when there's school.
"(Y/N), gosh! Slow down!" (Friend) rolled her eyes as she catches up to the girl who was running in a speedy phase.
"I'm hiding at home." (Y/N) said.
"Can I join you? I want to see the drama." She yawned as she scratched the back of her head and stretched her arms.
"(Friend)!" (Y/N) furrowed her eyebrows.
"What?" (Friend) innocently asked as she shrugged her shoulders. "There's definitely drama, y'know?" (Y/N) rolled her eyes.
"He's probably gonna look for your house, and then you'll have no escape." (Friend) added. (Y/N) stopped in her tracks as she thought about that, she then looked at (Friend).
(Friend) widened her eyes as she shook her head. "Oh no, we're not gonna hide in my place." She immediately said and waved her hands in front of her, declining.
"Pleaseeee?" (Y/N) said as she tried her best to be pitiful. (Friend) avoided her gaze as she gave pleading looks.
"C'mon now (Y/N). Accept your fate already." "I'll ask Kuroo-san to meet up with you." "On second thought, yeah we could hide in my place." " Thanks!"
And so, they went back to (Friend)'s place. It was four in the afternoon already, (Y/N) was just in (Friend)'s room scrolling through her phone.
She replied to a few messages here and there to waste time.
From: Minaki (Y/N), where are you?
To: Minaki (Home Country)
From: Minaki WHAT
To: Minaki Yeah, just for a week tho.
From: Minaki Oh
From: Hitoka Stay safe and good luck!
To: Hitoka Thanks!
From: Yamaguchi (YN), is Tsukki with you?
To: Yamaguchi What?
To: Yamaguchi Why would he be here?
Her eyebrows furrowed as she re-read the text. She acted like she didn't see him at the mall. So she was right, Tsukkishima is after her. Did he read her letter?
"I just wanna ask, why are you avoiding him (Y/N)?" (Friend) asked, her eyes still darted on the laptop as she was watching some shows.
The girl paused for a moment before hesitantly answering. "Because I'm staying here. I wanna repay my parents and give them a luxurious life first." (Y/N) muttered.
"I'm sure your parents won't mind moving on to Japan." "Heh, they will. Mom was so against me going to Japan in High School, if it weren't for my Dad." "Have you ever tried asking them?" "..."
"Hearts know where they belong." (Friend) said. It lingered on (Y/N)'s mind. Once you've found the right person, you'll know it, your heart will know that they belong to that certain person. She felt a lump in her throat.
"I-I'm going home." "Wait, are you alright (Y/N)? Don't force yourself if you can't." "I'll be fine."
(Y/N) smiled as she uttered those words.
She then walked out of (Friend)'s house. It was already 7 in the evening. She sighed as she made her way back at her house. She took a heavy breath and sighed. She opened the doors to the house, and there he is.
Tsukkishima was sitting on the sofa, with her mother and father talking to him.
"Kei," She whispered as she caught the attention of the three.
"(Y/N)! Thank goodness you're here! Don't go wondering off all day! And you should have informed us! We didn't know you'll bring a handsome man with you! You made him wait all day!" Her mother immediately yelled at her. (Y/N) blinked twice as she tried to answer back.
"It's fine, I don't mind waiting." Tsukkishima answered in a polite manner.
"Honey, don't go raging on (Y/N)." Her father said, trying to calm down her mother who was visibly angry.
"Oh no I won't! How dare (Y/N) keep this boy from us?! I should have known! When's the wedding? And are you guys gonna stay in Japan? And are you sure with (Y/N) already? This girl is a brat but she's still nice. And what about your family, did (Y/N) meet them already?"
"Mom!" (Y/N) yelled to stop her mother's blabbering. Her dad sweat dropped.
"Wait, you're ok with this?" (Y/N) asked. "But you guys wanted me to stay here!"
"That's because your mother is worried about you, she'd feel much safer if someone is watching over you. And Kei introduced himself to us, I'm at ease." His father said. "You do know you are one, reckless child, right?" (Y/N) gulped as she laughed nervously, she never thought this kind of dilemma would happen, Tsukkishima finally meeting her parents.
"Oh to think that (Y/N), the girl who never settles in one place, would actually have a boy she's gonna settle with."
"Mom! I'm still in college!" (Y/N) said. "We're not even graduated!" She said, heat rushed into her cheeks as she was red, embarrassed by her mother.
"It's just a matter of time! I wanna see my tiny grandkids soon!"
"I think we should let them talk first. Right Hon?" (Y/N)'s dad said as he grabbed (Y/N)'s mother to the kitchen. (Y/N) sighed in relief as her mother was out of the scene for a while.
"So..." (Y/N) started, she took a deep breath as she stared at him.
"I'm sorry." "I'm sorry."
The two of them said in unison. It was really awkward.
"Well, uhh, you go first. I already told what I wanted to say in my letter." (Y/N) insisted.
Tsukkishima sighed as he went on. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry for being so hard to understand, for being cold, my self probably thought that you don't have limits, that, you'll still go on with me even when I'm unreasonable. I was wrong, you're only human, you have your limits. I should have known better. I still love you (Y/N)."
She felt the sparks again. Tsukkishima saying those words to her was one of a kind happiness. Her lips curved into a smile.
"I should have known better too." (Y/N) said. "Can we start over?" She asked and smiled.
"We don't have to start over again, we'll just continue where we left." He paused as (Y/N) sat next to him. 'We both learned from our mistakes, and this time I'm not gonna let go of you."
"Same here, I'll hold on this time even when things get rough." They intertwined their hands together. "So, are we together now again?"
"Why do you want me to court you? If I did, I don't think it would last that long. Besides, your mom is even rushing us."
(Y/N) elbowed him and laughed. "Oh gosh no Kei. We're still in college, and you should go home." (Y/N) smiled. Tsukkishima kissed her lips for the first time after many years.
"I am already home with you, shortcake."
"Oooh! I'm still waiting for my grandkids!" "Honey! Don't ruin their moment!" "Oh puh-lease, (Y/N) knows we're watching already." "Yikes! You guys are embarrassing me!" "Welcome to our family Kei!" "When's the wedding?" "Moooommmm!!!"
Tsukkishima laughed genuinely as he watches (Y/N) getting all flustered. Finally, she's back in his arms again.
"It's just like Kiyoko-senpai said, all you need is a bit of curiosity at the start. Villager B has its own points too."
Hitoka still remembered that very day that she and (Y/N) became best friends. She sighed in relief as (Y/N) found her way back to Tsukkishima, now they're happy together again. She sipped her coffee and smiled as she stared at the letter that was sent to her a few minutes ago.
"Finally, a happy ending huh?"
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vandergeld · 5 years
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                  hey  everyone welcome BACK to my blog  ,  hi  , how  are  ya ?   i’m   RUZZY   (  or  ru  ,  rudy  idk  if thats too  much  lmAO  )  &  i  have  not  been  apart  of  a  group  in  84  years ............  that  graphic  is  so  extra  but  i  was  bored  &  first  impressions  are  everything  ,  ANYWHO  this  is  my  mans WARNER  played  by  my  mans  GRAYSON DOLAN  ,  who  lacks  f’n  resources  so  i  gotta  work  some  magic  w/  all  these  gifs  on  tumblr  lmao  so  any  gif  icons  are  noT  mine  for  the  most  part  they’ll  be  taken  from  gifs  alr  created  (  s/o  2  the  fly  hunnies  that  made  ‘em  )  anyway  ya’ll  don’t  really  care  abt  me  lmao  soooooo here’s warner ! PLS  feel  free  to  hmu ANYTIME  for  the  plots  &  things  of  that  nature  u  could  lit  never  bother  me  idc ,  my  discord  is  𝐫𝐮𝐳𝐳𝐲𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐝𝐚𝐮𝐳𝐢#1643 if  u  everrr need  to  get  ahold  of  me  when  im  not  on  tumblr  !
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         𝐆𝐑𝐀𝐘𝐒𝐎𝐍 𝐃𝐎𝐋𝐀𝐍, cismale, he/his. → look out, there’s 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐄𝐑 𝐕𝐀𝐍𝐃𝐑𝐆𝐄𝐋𝐃. you know, the 𝐓𝐖𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐘  year old 𝐁𝐑𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 of 𝐁𝐄𝐓𝐀 𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐁𝐀𝐃𝐀 𝐌𝐔. you know, i overheard someone say that they were 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐑𝐄𝐓𝐈𝐕𝐄, 𝐑𝐄𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐈𝐎𝐔𝐒 , 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐌𝐈𝐍𝐆  and 𝐃𝐄𝐕𝐎𝐓𝐄𝐃. but that’s just rumours. fresh new pairs of air jordan 1's, the roar of a crowd in a stadium, and lost weekends come to mind when i think of them. what about you? [ ruzzy, he/him, 18, est ]
//   »    GENERAL      :
FULL NAME   :   warner     evangelino   alexander       vandergeld       (   inspired by the antagonists of white chicks lmaooo   )     .
HOMETOWN  : new  york  city  ,  new york  .
NICKNAMES   :   dumbass   .
AGE   :   twenty  .
BIRTHDAY   :   october twenty-first   .
ZODIAC   :   libra   .
GENDER   :   male   .
PRONOUNS   :   he      &      him   .
NATIONALITY   :   american   .
ETHNICITY   :   german  ,   italian  ,  irish   .
LABEL(S)   :   the   golden boy   ,   the   lothario   ,   the   jock   .
TROPE(S)  :  chick magnet  ,  hormone-addled teenager  ,  unwitting pawn  , upper class twit  ,
OCCUPATION   :  college student  &  collegiate football player  & full time frat bro  .
FRAT : beta lambada mu  .
MAJOR   :   environmental science  .
POS  : charming  ,  charismatic  ,  brave  ,  athetic ,  dedicated  ,   eco-friendly  ,  high-moral compass  ,  book smart  ,  kind  ,  energetic  ,  optimistic  , loyal (  most of the time  ) ,  respectful  ,   well-rounded  ,  level-headed  , ambitious  ,  debonair  ,  life of the paty  .
NEG   :  compulsive  ,  easily-influenced  ,  dimwitted  , hypersexualized  ,  problematic  ,  addictive  , rebellious  ,  bemused  ,  defensive  ,  clingy  ,  hopeless-romatic  ,  overly-competitive  ,  envious .
INSP  : nate archibald  (  gossip girl  )  
//   »    PAST      :
          warner   was  born  &  raised  in  the  city  that  never sleeps  and    is  the  product  of  evangeline   moretti-vandergeld  , an   intelligent   american-italian  socialite  turned   environmental   politician  ,   and  captain  william   vandergeld  ,  a  former   navy   captain  ,   and  now   a   shareholder   in   some   boring   fortune   500   company   that   allowed   his   wife   and   son   to   live   an   affluent  ,   and   privileged   life  . his   mother  however  ,   was   the   real deal  ,   often   using   their   sum   of   wealth   to   donate   to   multiple   charities  ,  organizations  , etc, she was  dedicated  to  keeping  new  york  city  (  and  all  who  lived there  )  clean  and  safe   , and  she instilled  those  same  values  onto  her  son.
          some people are born lucky  ,  and others  ,  lucky  to  be  born  .   warner  was  the  first  option  .  his childhood  was  nothing  short  of  happiness  ,  and  happiest  days  were  with  his  mother  ,  for  as  long  as he  could  remember  ,  any happy  moment  in  his childhood  was  faded  right  into  her.
          things  took  a  drastic  change  his freshman  year  of  (  private  obvy lmao  )  high-school   .   warner’s  mother  was  diagnosed  with  breast  cancer  ,  and  little  to  his  knowledge  ,  it wasn’t  looking  pretty  from  the  start  .  she was  frequently  in  and  out  of the hospital  for  a  few  months  at  a  time  and  it  was  not  looking  good  on  any  fronts  .  one  day  when  she  went  to  the  hospital  it seemed  like  she  never  left  ,  maybe  she  didn’t  ,  those  days  were  a blur  for  warner  to  be  honest  .  watching  his  mother  lose  life  , every  single  day  was  not  a task  he  was  up  for  .
          by  then  it  was  just  warner  and  his  father  ,  they  were  all  they  had  in  the big  city  . (  when  he  wasn’t  always  away  on business  )  warner  grew  up  in   that  big  luxy  town  house  all  by  himself  ,  with  the  company  of  loyal  maids  ,  chefs  ,   and  nannies  of course  .  but  in  high  school  , the  more  he  really submerged  himself  into  it  ,  it  was  a  crazy  world  &  he  loved  it  .  whilst  getting  demands  from  his  father  in  tokyo  to  attend  those  boring  sailing  classes  ,  warner  instead  headed  out  to  their  beach  house  in  the  hamptons  for  an  early  20  rager  .
       warner  undoubtedly knew  the  power  he  possessed  ,   big  man  on  campus  type  &  it felt  good  , until  about towards  the  end  of his  junior  year  he  was  honestly  all   partied   out  ,  but  of  course reputation  is   everything  ,  in  order  to  keep  up  thats  when  he  picked  up  the   real  ugly  habits  ,  that  were  of  course  fun  .  smoking  numerous  amounts  of  marijuana  ,  various  girls  in  -  and  -  out  every other  day  was  a  feeling  like  no  other  ,   he  knew  it  was  wrong  ,  he  knew  his  mom  would  be  ashamed  ,  him  doing  all these  things  and  not carrying  on  her  legacy  in  some  way .  but  he  couldn’t  help  himself  in a  all  honesty   ,   and   no  doubt  some  of  that  transitioned  over  in  college .
//   »    AES   :
          lost weekends partying  ,  chicken  wings  &  french  fries  ,  air  jordan  1′s  ,  gucci  guilty  cologne  ,  friday  night  lights  ,  clouds  of  smoke  &  red  eyes  ,  diamond  encrusted  jewelry  glistening  under  bright  lights  in  a  dark  room  ,  nike  sweatsuits  ,  game  winning  moves  ,  new  york  city  at  night  ,  hamptons  in  the  summer  ,  spring  break  in  miami  ,  impulsive decisions  .
//   »    TL;DR   :
(  and  some  stuff  i  probably  missed  oops  )  warner  is  a  conflicted  mama’s   boy  who  knows  half  the  shit  he does  is  wrong  but  can’t  stop  .  after  his  mothers passing  he had  an absent father  who seemed  to  always  be  away  on  business  ,  only  in  town  for  a  month  or  two  ,  missing  his sons’ multiple  feats   to  keep  himself  distracted  from  the  fact  that  his  wife  was  no  longer  with  them. created  immense daddy  issues  for  warner  ,  especially  since  he  was  a  standout  football  star  &  2x   stage  champ in  high  school  ,  and is  currently  playing  collegiality  for  the  irish ,  with  dreams  of  making  it  in  the  nfl  cause  screw  his  dad  he  don’t  wanna  go   2  the  navy   ,   or  work  for  dat  company # not  gonna  happen .  warner  took  great  advantage  of  wealth  &  his  fathers  absence  ,  but  he’s  lowkey  partied  out  in  college  ,  or  so  he likes  to  say  but  he fakes  it ‘till  he  makes  it bc  he  doesn’t  his  brothers  to think  he’s  lame . HE’S  LIVING  FOR  EVERYBODY  BUT  HIM  BASICALLY .
//   »    HEADCANONS    :
warner  is  on  a  football  scholarship  majoring  in  environmental  science  bc  although  he  most  likely  won’t  do  shit  w/  da  degree its  for  mommy  .
he can EASILY  be  manipulated  or  taken  advantage  of  ,  he’s  book  smart  but lowkey  dumber  than  a  fucking  box  of  rocks 
immastonerbyyoungthug.mp3  .  occasionally ,  but  ,  more  so  than  that  ?  he  always  manages  to  flush  out  his  system  in  time  if  needed  be  ,  but  he  loves  2  roll  up  #  stress relief 
a  BEAST  on  that  field  (  student  athlete  meme  here  )
has  all  the  canon  gray  tattoos  bc  fuck  what  dad  thinks  .  he  wears  a solid  16 inch gold  chain  ,  and  another  of  the same  length with  his  moms’  name  on  it  , never  fucking  takes  it  off  ,  showers  with  it  cause  he  can  .
ok  ........  he  rich  ,  but  like  not  i  can  do  whatever  i  want  rich  ???  he  may  not  ever  have  to  work  a  day  in  his   life  ,  but  he  don’t  got  the pull  u  think  he  does  w/  his  dumb  ass  u  probably  couldn’t  even  tell  he’s  got  money  with  his  minimalist  fashion  sense  .
he  has  a  higher  moral  compass  than  most  of  his  frat  bros  ,  but  the  stupid  shit  he does  ,  u most  likely  won’t  even  be  able  to tell  ,  he’s  definitely  a  serial  romeo  and  a  heartbreaker  ,  one  compliment  ?  he’s  ready  to  drop  his  pants  &  fall  in  love  w/   u  .
HE DUMB  ,  but  like  he  can  talk  his  way  into  &  out  of  anything  ,  most  of  the  time  ,  batting  those  big  brown  eyes  &  a  million  dollar  smile  has  saved  his  ass  on  multiple  occasions  .
EX-GIRLFRIEND :  i’m  thinking  his  first  &  only  “  serious  “  relationship  while  in  college  .  were  going  pretty  steady  until  he  cheated  on  her  (  hmm wc  on  who  he  cheated  on  her w/ ??  ) ,  she  never  found  out  but  that  guilt  ate warner TF UP  so  he  cut  things  off  with  her  via  text  message  and blocked  her  number  ,  ignores  her  any  chance  he  gets  ‘till  this  day  ,  cause  he  doesn’t  have  any  balls  and  cannot  face  his  fears  .
FRAT BROS  : lowkey  what  i’m  MOST  excited  for  asdfgh  like  whoever  is  in  beta  lambada mu  hit  me  the  fuck UP so  we  can  discuss  dynamics  ,  roomates  ,  allat  .
FOOTBALL TEAM  : same  for  above  ,  he’s  lowkey  cocky  &  got  sly  comments  when  he’s  on  the  field  ,  he constantly  humbles  himself  but  can’t  helps  it  ,  he is  hot  shit  and  he  knows  it  , how does  his  team  feel  ab  that  ??  w/  his  defensive  ass  !
GOOD-LUCK CHARM  :  prolly  a  girl  (  bonus  points  if  a  cheerleader  ???  im  not  picky  tho  i promise  if  ur  muse  don’t  shake  poms  idc  )  it  happened  out  the  blue  ,  they  screamed  his  name  while  the  team  was  walking  out  for  a  game  ,  and  she  called  that  he’d  get  3  td’s  and  thats  exactly  what  he  did  now  they  joke  ab  it  and  shit  (  maybe  a  goodluck  kiss b4  games  bc  its  warner lolol  ) idk  i  came  up  wit  it  on the  spot but  i love  it.
//   »    MISC   :
i’m a dumbass  &  this  got  way  longer  than  i  expected  but  if  u  made  it   all  the  way  thru  ily . 
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