#I don’t want to have to explain that I’m bleeding every other week and getting mood swings and dealing with worse migraines than usual
reality-schmality · 1 year
I have done nearly no work at all in the last week because I cannot focus for the life of me and it’s baaaaaaaaaad.
My period has gone completely off the rails and my hormones are all over the map. I’m overwhelmingly depressed and crying at the drop of a hat and just I can’t function.
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vampwritesstuff · 1 year
TMNT Brothers when Reader is on her Period
I’m totally not writing this because I’m on mine rn 💀 Also, I’ve got a few requests and I swear I will work on them! I jst have a motivation issue and it sucks, but if you would like to see more of my work you can checkout my Multi-Fandom Masterlist ! (I swear I’ll attempt to make a masterlist for each fandom separately, but we’ll see if I can actually do it lol)
Type: Headcannons
Request?: not a request
TMNT Version: Unspecified, fits for most versions
CW: obviously, mentions of blood and talk of female bodily functions, reader is AFAB
Man, this guy is oblivious as hell, he doesn’t realize you’re on your period until he sees you in the lair with a heating pad on your abdomen.
Then he feels stupid because it was so obvious you had started.
He thinks he should’ve known as soon as you started becoming more emotional.
Will 100% get you any craving you want, within reason. He’s not gonna let you eat something that’s gonna upset your stomach later.
Is down to just cuddle and watch TV together.
Doesn’t care how much his brothers tease him, he’ll be constantly worried about you.
“Do you guys think she’s alright without me there?” *insert a collective “SHUT UP LEO”*
He knows that your cramps can get crazy bad, but you guys figured out that if he laid his head on your abdomen, the pain was somewhat relieved.
Low key gets sad when you get annoyed with him, he knows you don’t mean to and it’s just the hormones, but he still manages to feel like a kicked puppy when it happens.
Doesn’t act like he notices, but he does.
He notices hardcore.
He notices the way you’re walking to the kitchen so sluggishly, with a hand on your abdomen and your face scrunched into a look of discomfort at every movement.
He notices the weird period cravings and actually makes an effort to memorize the ones you like so that he can get more for you.
You get a lot more moody on your period so you’re constantly sassing Raph and he has to remind himself that it’s just your hormones talking.
Secretly restocks your dwindling stash of chocolate.
You don’t notice it though until you catch him in the act.
Acts like doesn’t know what you are talking about and claims he’s only replacing some because he ate a few bars.
You definitely know that’s not the case, but you don’t say anything about it.
He’ll hand you a bottle of ibuprofen/advil/midol etc. when he notices the cramps get debilitating. (Literally me)
Acts annoyed when you ask him to carry you around cause you can’t move from your cramps.
He secretly loves it though cause he can hold you and show off his strength.
Innocent boy doesn’t even know what a period is, was hella embarrassed when you explained it to him.
“YOUR BODY DOES WHAT?” someone help this poor boy.
He’s stunned at learning that your period can last up to a week or even longer.
“How do you bleed for that long and not die and it happens every month?!” Has gained hella respect for you.
He probably tried one of those period cramp simulators and it was horrible, Raph made fun of him for a while before you forced Raph and the other brothers to try it too.
They shut their mouths after that, and now Mikey gets to mock Raph’s squeals.
Willingly tries your period cravings, no matter how weird, and he’s ended up liking most of them.
You don’t even have to ask him to cuddle with you, he just does it because he feels so bad that you have to deal with this every month.
Mikey is very empathetic and in tune with your emotional state during your period, cause he’s an emotional boy too.
Only figured out that you were on your period when he made a joke about it.
“Ignore her, it’s probably just her time of the month.” “Actually, it is.” “HUH?”
Bro was so embarrassed and his brothers wouldn’t let him live it down.
He willingly, without you asking, will go buy you feminine products as a sort of apology. (Does that even count as one? He doesn’t know but at least he’s trying?)
Does research on what happens to the female body during menstruation in hopes of providing you some support.
Doesn’t touch his computer for weeks afterwards.
He’s easily flustered, he can’t help it!
Understands that you know your body better than he does, so he doesn’t really try to intervene with what you normally do during this time of month.
Gives you as much space as you want, but is ready to cuddle and watch pirated movies on his laptop as soon as you ask to.
Gets really happy when he sees you using the microwaveable lavender scented rice stuffed animal he got for you (if ykyk)
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cinnajun · 1 year
ᵕ̈ ೫˚∗: bro code | kgv
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summary | it’s not exactly a good idea to date your best friend’s ex. and, as of right now, you’ve confirmed that the same sentiment applies to dating your best friend’s ex’s best friend, too.
genre | kim gyuvin x fem!reader, university!au, situationship
warnings | alcohol, breaking the bro code :/, i DONT ship ricky and hiyyih she is just a character.
wc | 1.9k
a/n: originally this was a “situationships with zb1” post but then i realized i just wanted to write this so here it is
ft kep1 hiyyih, youngeun, hikaru, people i made up
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YOU HATE SHEN RICKY with your entire being. When you see him, your blood boils and steam comes out of your ears. When you hear his voice, your eardrums bleed and you get the worst migraine imaginable. When you hear about him, you complain for hours on end.
Once upon a time, you hated Kim Gyuvin too. He was guilty by association; if Ricky was that terrible to Hiyyih, there was no way Gyuvin wasn’t terrible either. You’d only met him once before Ricky and Hiyyih’s relationship took a turn for the worse—they’d been attempting to “merge friend groups,” in her words. He’d been awkward most of the time, cracking a joke or two when it seemed right and offering his two cents from time to time.
Back when Ricky wasn’t your mortal enemy, you felt many ways about Kim Gyuvin. He was tall and he was handsome, he was nice and you’d heard about how much he cared for Ricky and his other friends. The day before things went south, you’d nearly asked Hiyyih for his number.
Now, you wanted to hate him. You had to hate him.
You didn’t like admitting the fact that you didn’t hate him.
You don’t know how you got here. When you put your thinking cap on and consider what led to your fling with Kim Gyuvin, you can’t pinpoint an exact catalyst. Maybe it was the moment you met him, four months after Ricky and Hiyyih started dating. Maybe it was the moment you ran into him at a party drunk off your ass, and took all your anger towards Ricky out on him.
Maybe it was when he took you home and made sure you got there okay.
Whatever it was, now you were in possibly the worst position of your life. You’d run into the bathroom and locked the door, phone in one hand and a cup of water in the other. Your friend—perhaps an ex-friend, now—was banging on the door, demanding you come out and explain yourself.
For the past five months, you’ve done an outstanding job at sneaking around with Gyuvin. From getting caught in traffic from an accident when you really wanted Dominoes, to going to visit your parents, you had a mountain of excuses that all covered up every escapade you had. Both your friends and his were none the wiser to your schemes, and you’d been completely okay with that.
“I can’t believe you’re dating Kim Gyuvin!”
“I’m not dating Kim Gyuvin!” you yelled back, confident in your announcement because it wasn’t a lie. Sure, maybe you’d kissed him a few times or taken a couple of romantic walks with him, but you’d avoided ever defining your relationship in fear of this exact situation. And because of the raging guilt you both felt for having any feelings for the other.
Minju kept banging on the door and you hurriedly put your cup down on the bathroom counter, searching for your phone in your pockets. Once you found it, you opened your messages app with so much fervor that you could’ve set the screen on fire.
You scrolled through your messages, scanning over everyone who could possibly save you. Hiyyih probably wouldn’t talk to you for a week, but Youngeun and Hikaru wouldn’t drop you over this—hopefully. You sent them both a text, a hurried cry for help as Minju continued shaking the doorknob.
“Talk to me when you’re sober!” you called out, taking a seat on the edge of the bathtub. Subconsciously, your knee began to bounce up and down, and you resisted the urge to chew your fingers off as you waited for Hikaru or Youngeun to reply.
“How could you do this, [First]?” a new voice rang out, and you shut your eyes, taking a deep breath.
You didn’t know what you had done wrong—well, you did, but there was no way it was wrong enough to warrant this. Had you begun talking to Gyuvin while Ricky and Hiyyih had been dating, would they still be treating you like this? You were unsure of the answer.
Nevertheless, you tried to convince yourself you didn’t regret your time spent with Gyuvin. He was kind, nicer than anyone you’d ever dated, and he seemed to care about you. He asked how your day was and listened intently as you described whatever you had done. He held you when you cried and shared in your joy when you were happy.
He was good to you. Was that such a crime?
Five minutes passed, and both Hikaru and Youngeun hadn’t replied. Minju and her friend, who you couldn’t identify from their voice alone, still screamed at you from outside the door. They’d stopped the banging, but every few seconds they’d jiggle the doorknob as if you’d unlock the door. 
Desperation overtook you, and you felt as though you had no choice at this point. You were stuck in your mind, wondering why Hiyyih was letting people you barely knew harass you into explaining yourself for something that wasn’t any of their business.
So, in your panic, you called Gyuvin. You had his number memorized, mostly because you’d mutually agreed not to save each other into your phones to avoid any suspicion, so it took less than 5 seconds to have the dialtone filling your ear.
One ring. Two rings. Three rings and he answered, and you practically heard the smile in his voice. “My dearest, darling [First],” he said, a slight sing-song tone to his voice. “Whatever can I do for you?”
“Open the goddamn door!” Minju yelled, a lot louder than she’d been yelling before. She jiggled the doorknob again, and you flinched, letting out another big sigh.
“What’s going on?”
“Please come pick me up,” you said in a hushed tone, not wanting to explain everything over the phone. “I’ll text you my address. I’m desperate. Please.”
“I’ll be there as soon as possible. Are you at Hiyyih’s? I can be there in five.”
How he knew where Hiyyih lived, you didn’t know, but you were glad he did. “Yeah, I am. Please hurry. I don’t want to be here anymore.”
“I’m on my way.”
You hung up the phone, not letting him say anything else. Minju and her accomplice kept banging on the door, but for a few moments, they stopped. You heard another voice in the hall, Yeseo’s, but struggled to make out what she was saying—something about how they could yell at you another time, and that Hiyyih needed their support.
You felt like a criminal. Maybe you deserve to feel like a criminal.
All you knew was that Gyuvin made you happy, and that, sometimes, maybe it was worth prioritizing your happiness over other people’s comfort. At the same time, you felt like your friends should always be more important than a boy, and that losing your years of friendship with them wasn’t worth a single man.
Minju and the anonymous ‘other’ were pulled away, leaving you to sit in silence. It was a loud and uncomfortable quiet, the type that assaulted your ears and your mind the longer you sat in it—you felt miserable. Everything about this was miserable.
Yesterday, you talked to Gyuvin about this exact situation. You’d been on the phone with him, twiddling your thumbs as you stared at your bedroom ceiling. “What do you think would happen?” you asked, counting the random divots above you. “If Ricky and Hiyyih found out.”
Gyuvin had groaned, and you listened to him turn over in his bed, which sounded like sheets crumpling and fabric moving. “I don’t even want to think about it. I think it would be worse for you.”
“Well, I guess they can’t find out about anything, because we aren’t anything,” you replied, the corner of your mouth twitching into a smile. “Technically. We just hang out from time to time.”
“Yeah, just friends. Nothing more. You’re like Eumppapa’s dog walker.”
How ironic your conversation had been. Your phone buzzed and you picked it up immediately, feeling a terrible sense of relief wash over you. Your knight in shining armor, simultaneously the big bad dragon, had come to rescue you from your tower.
You ripped the window open, cringing at the beeping sound that echoed through the house as a result. Hiyyih’s parent’s security system was a good thing most of the time, but, at times like this, it was a bad thing. Nevertheless, you continued your escape, hopping out of the bathroom window and running towards Gyuvin’s parked car.
By the time you made it to the correct side of the car, Hiyyih was already emerging onto the front lawn, yelling for you not to leave. You didn’t listen, ripping the passenger door open and climbing in. Gyuvin didn’t wait for you to put your seatbelt on, speeding off into the night.
“I didn’t mean for this to happen,” you breathed out, panickedly putting on your seatbelt. “I promise. It was an accident. I got careless.”
“I don’t care about who knows and who doesn’t,” he said, glancing at you. He took your hand into his, resting it on the center console. “I care about what in the world was happening when you called. Why were they banging on the door? What in the world elicits that kind of reaction?”
“Sneaking around with the best friend of your best friend’s ex,” you sighed, looking out the window. “I just feel awful. I don’t know why. This is awful.”
Gyuvin stayed quiet for a moment, and you suddenly became aware of the quiet classical music coming from the radio. He must’ve been in the car with Zhang Hao before he came to rescue you—and the fact that you recognized that made you feel even more guilty.
“It’s the bro-code morality,” he finally answered, squeezing your hand. You looked over at him, somewhat confused. “You know. Not really the best etiquette to date your friend’s ex, and I guess it applies to your friend’s ex’s best friend, too. I feel it sometimes.”
“But I’m happy. And I think you’re happy. I don’t want to lose that.”
“I am happy, and you won’t. We’ll deal with it, the fallout and everything,” Gyuvin said. You were drowning in anxiety and wanted nothing more than to drown in your bed. “It’s Ricky’s fault for being a dickwad in the first place, not mine. And, if the time Hiyyih spent with him meant anything, she’ll at least know that I’m not a bad person.”
“I hope.”
You pulled up to a red light, and Gyuvin looked over at you. He looked tired, and you realized he was wearing his pajamas, meaning he’d probably gotten out of bed to come save you. That made you feel even more guilty and warm and fuzzy at the same time. “And we might need to stop avoiding the question we’ve been ignoring for nearly half a year.”
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thank you for reading !
tags: @happysmileybee @wtfhyuck
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areislol · 2 years
helloo! just wanna say that your writing is so good! could i request neteyam(or the sully kids), lo'ak and tsu'tey with fem! reader who's on her period? how would they deal with the bleeding and react? thank you ૮ ˶´ ᵕˋ ˶ა
sully kids, tsu'tey x human! reader
ft— neteyam, lo’ak, kiri, tuk, tsu'tey warnings— mentions of blood, inappropriate language(sperm, etc.), might be ooc? can be seen as platonic/romantic for neteyam/lo'ak. tsu'tey and reader are dating/the female na’vi’s do not menstruate, fluff!! not proof read but i will later, hopefully. a/n— tysm anon! i've been thinking about the boys with reader who's on her period and then this request comes in, thank you!! also spider isn’t in here because.. no. i’m sorry to everybody who wanted him in here. anything with tsu’tey in it is in avatar 2, he’s still alive. unless you request or i write it during avatar 1. synopsis— when your period arrives, they are curious and scared about why you're bleeding from that area, you explain to them about the female anatomy.
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"Wait... so you bleed from there every month?" they asked, you nod.
they stare at you in disbelief, mouth wide open and eyes bugged, you chuckle from their reaction, “so what do you have to do to stop the bleeding?”
you pull out a thick cloth from your satchel and fold it until it’s the right size. “this.” you say while holding it up
they exchange glances at the piece of cloth and you, when they don’t say anything and just continue to stare at the cloth and then at you, you sigh before speaking.
“i put it under where the blood comes from, and then i wash the cloth and reuse. if i can’t then i just get another cloth and then do the same thing, understand now?”
they squint their eyes, unsure of what to make of this, determined to make them understand you decide to teach them the (human) female anatomy.
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sully kids x human! reader
Kiri, tuk and lo’ak were talking to each other, wondering what you were going to be teaching them, neteyam on the other hand, watched you as you walk around to find a stick to use, his eyebrows raises when he sees you running toward where the group was, a stick in your hand. Once you reach them you sit down beside kiri, using the stick, you start to draw a human body on the sand, a very poorly drawn human body, well at least what resembles a body anyway. Everybody leaned in closer to look at your drawing, “hm.. okay! so this is the part where the blood comes from,” you say, pointing to the lower part of the body in between the legs, “okay?”, they nod, kiri and neteyam look at you which prompts you to go on. ”So this area...”, pointing at the uterus, “is the uterus, correct?” you ask, when they nod you start to draw lines coming out of the uterus and out of the part(v). “This is the period.” you say, pointing at the lines. “So every month a female starts her period which should only last for a week, the uterus lining, which is like tissue from our uterus, shreds because the egg hasn’t been fertilized.” Upon hearing the last sentence everybody raised their eyebrows. ”What egg? do you have a egg in you?!” tuk questions, worry filled her voice, she almost faints. You found it hilarious that she thought that, then neteyam and lo’ak also asked if you had an egg in you and if you were okay, you could see the worry on their faces, shaking your head you giggled, lo’ak stared at you in disbelief, why were you laughing at this serious matter? ”No no, not a literal egg. it’s like a small little thing in our ovary, it’s one of the main things that you need to get pregnant. Once the.. sperm reaches the egg,  the egg gets fertilized and you know, you get pregnant!”, once you were done talking you noticed how they all look dazed, their smiles faltering, like they didn’t understand, but you could understand. I mean, you were quite literally saying words that they didn’t understand. Sooner or later after you stopped talking, they started to ask you questions, what is “sperm”? why is the female body so “complicated”? and such. Kiri and tuk would grimace, scrunching their face, even sticking out their tongue in disgust whenever you answered their or the others questions. Lo’ak and neteyam were both slightly disgusted but interested. You then go on to explain how some girls experience cramps and mood swings when on their period. Neteyam expressions seem to soften after hearing the problems that you, girls, have to go through, while lo’ak expressions seem to harden, why did you, girls, have to go through that? Tuk shivers when she hears you talk more about periods. They all were interested in periods, all paying extreme attention to what you had to say. Kiri laid her hand on your thigh, giving you a sorrowful look. “I’m so sorry you have to deal with all of that... i’m so glad that we don’t have to go through that.” Tuk nodded, agreeing with kiri’s statement. You placed your hand over kiri’s, giving her a gentle smile you spoke, “it’s fine kiri, honestly, i’ve had it for a long time now, i’m used to it.” You pulled your hand back, kiri doing the same. After a few seconds lo’ak’s eye widens, he was crouching down, but after something had popped into his mind he moved closer to you, still crouching. “How can we help you?”, his voice was serious yet it also sounded like he was worried. ”Hm, well there’s nothing you can do really, but i guess for period cramps something warm? having an extra cloth on you and listening to someone rambling and comforting them when they’re having mood swings.” you answer, putting on your thinking face. While you’re still thinking for more things, you dont realize that all the sully children are taking in what you’re saying and remembering, so next time you have cramps or is leaking they have everything prepared. Every example you give they’re taking notes mentally, Lo’ak asks you more questions so that he can be FULLY prepared when you’re on your period, especially when you’re early. Neteyam, kiri and tuk are nodding at everything you say, remembering what you’re talking about. Once you’re done explaining you notice that they are all eager to go off somewhere. They all looked like they wanted to be somewhere, right now. When you all say your goodbye’s neteyam is off to his marui, grabbing some spare cloths. Lo’ak is off to grab everything to make the “heat pad”, cloths and something soft and some sewing materials. Kiri and tuk both run off to ronal, the tsahìk to ask for some pain killers. ”Pain killers? and for what?” ronal spoke, raising her eyebrows, eyeing the two young girls. Kiri and tuk exchange looks and giggle before answering ronal, “nothing!” Ronal contemplates whether or not to give the pain killers to kiri and tuk but in the end she gives in. They would all fight for your thanks' and fight to help you really, an example, you’re sitting on a rock, your legs swaying in the water, the sully children are playing in the water, chasing each other in the water when you feel a sudden pain in your abdomen. It was your cramps, again. Sighing you reach into your satchel, putting your hands in the pocket you feel for your pain killers but after trying to grab nothing you looked into your bag, a look of devastation feel on your face. Neteyam heard your groans and whimpering, just a few feet away from where he and his siblings were. His head popped up from the water, gasping for air once he got up, he turned around to see where you were, once you were in his sight his face dropped, you were tightly hugging your waist, your eyes were closed shut, you mouth agape, groaning. Wasting no time he quickly swims to where you sat and hopped on the rock, looking up you see neteyam standing next to you, his eyes said everything. ”Are you okay? do you need anything? period cramps?” with his question you nod eagerly. Neteyam hurriedly rummaged through his satchel when he saw shadows in the water approaching you two, neteyam closed his satchel, he fiercely stood right next to you, fists balled just in case ao’nung and his gang were going to cause trouble to you and him. Once neteyam seems the familiar faces rising up and popping up and gasping for air he eased, “What’s wrong neteyam? you just left us- oh, y/n? are you okay?!” kiri rushed to you, climbing on the rock and sitting beside you, placing her hands on your shoulder, looking at tuk she nodded and tuk swam closer to you and sat on the rock with you, but before tuk could open her satchel neteyam interrupted her, “what are you doing?” Tuk paused, looking up at her older brother her lips curved into a smile, “just giving y/n some pain killers, why?”, tuk saw how neteyam glared at her, playfully if you can even call it that. “Was going to give her some too..” he mumbled, gripping your stomach you looked at neteyam and gave him a faint smile, giving tuk one as well. Lo’ak and kiri then hopped on the rock and started to question if you were okay, when you told them that your stomach hurt they both opened their satchels, they were about to grab the pain killers when they stopped. Everybody looked at each other with confusion, kiri and lo’ak smiled in mischief, both grabbing the pain killers and offering it to you. Neteyam stood beside you, watching his brother and sister offer their pain killers to you, he wanted to give you the pain killers that he had, to you, but he didn’t want to cause a scene so he let his siblings to their thing. Tuk frowned but after you gestured her to come sit closer to you her smile appeared, although she was wet, she was warm, and that made your stomach pain fade away slowly. While that was happening kiri and lo’ak were both arguing, saying that you should take her pain killers because she’s a girl, lo’ak gives her a look of confusion and disbelief. Lo’ak then went on that you should take his because he got it recently while kiri’s was probably a century old, which was of course, false. Neteyam sat down beside you and put his arm around you and tuk, pulling you closer to his body, and again, he was wet but still warm, so with the warmth of two people, warmth on your shoulder and warmth on your stomach you sighed in relief, stopping the bickering between kiri and lo’ak. They saw you with a smile on your face, eyes closed, tuk laying on your thighs, hugging your stomach while neteyam held you close, his arms around your shoulders with a smug look on his face when he sees the look of devastation on his sibling face. ”Good luck next time” neteyam states, pulling you even more close to him even though you two were practically in each others bubble. Kiri looked defeated, lo’ak frowned before sighing, “I’ll need it..” and with that he sat beside tuk, kiri following him and sitting beside lo’ak. Neteyam, lo’ak and kiri looked beyond the horizon, Neteyam hugging you closely while tuk slept on your lap. “We should get home, dad won’t like it if we’re out any later.” kiri suggests, lo’ak and neteyam simultaneously look at her, “no, y/n and tuk is resting, later.” Kiri rolls her eyes and huffs, standing up and jumping into the water to see the fishes, again.
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tsu’tey x human! reader “What do you mean you bleed from there? are you hurt? should i call the tsahìk?” tsu’tey asks, worry filled his voice, “what? no! im fine, it’s normal.” you answer, holding back your laughter, he sounded way too serious for something that was normal, well, for humans anyway. Tsu’tey raises his eyebrow at you, giving you a small nod even though he wasn’t completely sure if you were okay but he trusted you, also since you were a human so your anatomy is different to his kind. You and tsu’tey stop talking for a bit before he breaks the silence with a question, “how do you deal with all of that? the.. ‘period’?” he asks, inching closer to where you sat. The first thing you thought of was the cloth, which was the replacement of a pad, humming you open your satchel and pull out a cloth, you then fold it until it’s the right size and hand it to tsu’tey, he was watching you with confusion written all over his face when he saw you grab your cloth. Tsu’tey takes the cloth from your hands and observes it, it looks normal, nothing is different other than the fact that you folded it. He looked at you, cloth in hand and doesn’t say anything, meaning that he’s confused. “Uh- so basically we just put it under our part.. so stop the bleeding from going everywhere.” you blurt out, with your answer tsu’tey nods, understanding you but not fully. You know that he doesn’t know much about the female body so you decide to teach him, reaching into your satchel you pull out your notebook and a pencil, you set the notebook down and move (even) closer to tsu’tey, you start to draw a human body, or what resembles a human body. “Okay, so this is our part, it’s called a “vagina”, that’s the proper way to say it, another way to say it is “pussy” but that also means cat.” you say, then you tell him to repeat what you said and he does so. You then point to where the uterus is, “this is our uterus, where the baby grows, the reason why we bleed is because our “egg” isn’t fertilized, so our uterus lining shreds, so we bleed because we don’t get pregnant and it’s like “oh! no sperm? might as well shred”.” Once you finish talking you look at tsu’tey looks overwhelmed with the information you’ve given him, to you it’s not a lot, but to him it’s a lot. Once tsu’tey calms down a bit, his brows furrowed before asking you a “serious” question, “do you have an egg in you?” he asks in a grave tone. He sounded too serious that you burst out laughing, while you’re laughing hysetrically he’s giving you a confused look before pouting, why were you laughing at his question? Tsu’tey puts his hand on your shoulder and tells you to calm down, in an attempt to calm you down, and you do. Once your laughter dies down you had to wipe your tears away, “now answer my question, do you have an egg in you? why?” and again, he says it in a serious tone that it almost makes you laugh again. Using all your will power you stop yourself from laughing and answer his question, you shook your head and once you do his shoulders rest as if he has been carrying something heavy on his shoulder. “They’re small things in our ovaries, we call them eggs. Without it we wouldn’t have any children.” Once you finish your comment tsu’tey gives you a nod and pulls his hand back. After explaining some things, like how some girls experience cramps which is when the stomach hurts, mood swings, when their mood changes very quickly, tsu’tey then asks if there was any way to reduce the pain or help the women, you give him a tender smile and answer his questions. While answering his questions, he’s mentally taking notes since he knows that you’re on your period and is taking notes so the next time you’re late or early he’s prepared, oh you don’t have any spare cloths? fret not! inside my satchel i have some cloths just for you! your stomach hurts? here my love, a handmade heat pad (it’s a cloth that’s sewed with something soft inside of it and was left out in the sun for hours) just for you. You also explain how some girls leak, meaning that their “pad” or cloth, couldn’t hold the bleeding (most times it’s heavy bleeding) and leaked, or the size wasn’t right or the absorbancy was poor. Everything you say, tsu’tey is taking notes, and when you tell him how some men get mad at their girlfriends for leaking he gets mad, like how could you get mad for someone who can’t even control something? Tsu’tey scoffs, he assures you that if you ever leaked he’d never get mad at you and would help you clean up, get you a new cloth and underwear if you feel too disgusted to walk, or if you can you can go get it. Once you hear him say that you give him a hug and you made sure to hug him tightly, kissing his cheek, “best boyfrien- no, mate, ever!!” you squeal. Smiling, he hugs you back while running his fingers through your hair, When you pull back your hands are still around his neck, his eyes are staring deep into yours, his yellow eyes with a hue of green never failed to make you awe, “i can say the same to you my love.” he states before pulling you into a kiss. To say the least, he definitely praises and respects women even more now, since you women carry babies and deal with all this nonsense.
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another note: im going on a cruise with my friends and family on jan 8th to jan 13th so i wont be writing for 5 days, literal hell. enjoy!! also i have others coming up to stay tuned bb.
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bucketslutz · 1 month
Don't Be Late
(Professor Logan Howlett x F! Student Mutant Reader)
Click here for chapter index
Chapter Summary: The President of the University hears you out about Logan's behavior.
(A/N): yay!! this chapter took me FOREVER!! i'm so sorry about the wait, i just wanted to make sure i got everything perfect. i mentioned in the notes for the last chapter that i might recommend a song for each chapter and i think i will start that this chapter!! so for this chapter i'd recommend listening to sailor song by gigi perez. enjoy!
Warnings: smut, 18+, MDNI!!, unprotected sex, p in v, oral, f! receiving, dirty talk, swearing, overstimulation lowkey
Word Count: 7,055
Chapter 5
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Time passes painfully slow outside of the president’s office. Your fingers fiddle with the hem of your blouse, trying not to get yourself too worked up with feverish anger as you organize your thoughts. You can’t let the president know how charged and complicated your feelings towards Logan truly are, no, all he needs to know is what Logan did wrong. You’ve never had a meeting like this before. You don’t have problems with people, you don’t argue with professors, you don’t report people. In all your years of academia, you’ve never had to do anything like this before. And you’re nervous. The president’s assistant calling your name pulls you from your thoughts, causing you to look up at her eagerly.
“He’s ready for you, ma’am,” she smiles politely, gesturing to the office door to her right. You thank her as you stand, smoothing your skirt down with your clammy hands. You open the door gently to find Dr. Charles Xavier sat behind a grand oak desk, scribbling on an array of papers. He’s a thin, older man, completely bald. You didn’t know much about him before this meeting, other than the fact that he’s paralyzed from the waist down and can often be seen traversing campus on his motorized wheelchair. He looks up from his work as he hears you come in, smiling politely as he confirms your name.
“Yes, sir, thank you for meeting with me,” you say, approaching the desk to shake his hand before sitting in a cushioned chair situated in front of him.
“I’m more than happy to accommodate you, my dear. Now, what can I do for you?” he asks, his voice seemingly coated in a genuine concern as he folds his hands in front of him.
“Yes, sir. Um, I’m not sure how much of my email your assistant disclosed,” you start sheepishly, clearing your throat in nervousness. “But, uh, I’ve been having some problems with my American Civil War professor—“
“Logan Howlett,” he cuts you off, a look of understanding washing over his face, like he’s used to hearing his name be brought up often.
“Yes, him,” you confirm, an awkward smile turning the corners of your mouth up. “You don’t sound surprised.”
“Logan can be quite difficult, at times. I’ve heard my fair share of stories from student and faculty alike,” he remarks, very matter of factly, not bleeding too much emotion into his words. Which makes it difficult for you to know which side he’s on: Logan’s or yours. “Now, tell me, what troubles you, child?”
“I—uh, I don’t really know where to start,” you admit, embarrassed as every ounce of preparation has left your mind. 
“Just tell me everything, starting from the beginning,” he advises, his voice soothing you in a way you can’t quite explain. So you start from the beginning, obviously leaving out the part about your repetitive, lewd sex dreams. You try your best to remain as polite as possible when you talk about the things you and Logan said to each other in the heat of an argument, omitting some of the more colorful language in an attempt to maintain Dr. Xavier’s respect. Once you finish detailing the past week’s events, you exhale a sigh of relief, Dr. Xavier offering you a sympathetic look.
“I see, I’m sorry to hear about all of those experiences and how they troubled you,” he offers sympathetically, “I will have a meeting with Logan and see to it personally he gets the proper discipline for his actions and the clear harm they’ve caused you.”
You sigh in relief, releasing tension from your shoulders you didn’t even know you were holding there.
“Thank you, Dr. Xavier, you have no idea how much that means to me,” you beam.
“Please, call me Charles, and I am always here if you need anything, my dear,” he consoles, a kind smile reaching his eyes in sincerity, “We must learn to take care of each other, in these trying times.”
“Yes, sir, of course, thank you again,” you reach across the desk to shake his hand, he accepts generously, using both his hands to encase yours.
His words put you at such ease, you haven’t felt this kind of relief in ages. It’s like you’ve just finished a productive therapy session. Like your mind has been tucked in and put to bed. You gather your things, and head to the door of Charles’ office. He calls your name, causing you to whip your head back around to look at him.
“Everything will work itself out, rest assured,” he remarks with a warm smile. You nod, believing in what he says wholeheartedly. For the first time in a week, you don’t feel plagued with overwhelming feelings for Logan. You often found yourself looking for him in places that you might run into him, in stores, on campus, at red lights. But you can’t bring yourself to care anymore. As you drive to work, passing by the bar, you don’t even think to see if his truck might be there like you’ve done the past few days. As you stock shelves in the store, you stop hoping that he might walk through the door to buy cigars and a case of beer again. You’ve effectively exiled him from your thoughts and feelings. He could be fired tomorrow for what he did, and it wouldn’t matter to you. There’s a warm bed waiting for you at home, and, for once, you do not wish for Logan to be there waiting for you too. 
You’re greeted in the morning to the sound of your alarm, no wet dreams this time that jerk you awake. This morning, you wake up by yourself. You make breakfast for yourself. You get dressed for yourself. The only thing you do for Logan, is print out your essay. You drive to class, not a worry or care in the world for him or his opinions. After your talk with Charles, you know Logan cannot, at the very least, pull another stunt like he did Monday. You didn’t see him on Wednesday, as you were in your meeting with Charles then and cared more about that than being in his class with his “bullshit lectures,” as Logan himself put it.
Yet here you are, sitting down in his class, ready to listen to another bullshit lecture. He looks almost sullen today, like something heavy weighs on his shoulders. Maybe Charles has met with him and he’s sulking now as a result of being slapped on the wrist. Maybe this is his last day. Maybe they’re putting him on a forced sabbatical and replacing him with someone who isn’t an asshole for the rest of the semester. Logan clears his throat, preparing to give his lecture to the class. He holds everyone’s attention now, the scattered murmurs of friendly conversations coming to a halt as notebooks open and pens are clicked.
“Westward expansion, manifest destiny, whatever the hell you want to call it, was the topic of your essay,” he starts, “A lot of people say that it was a cause of the Civil War. I’d be inclined to agree. Some people would say that it helped unify the nation after the war. But I disagree,” Logan states, speaking from a place you haven’t heard him speak from before. “I wat—I read about natives being killed in cold blood, kids bein’ beat in schools so bad they forget where they’re from, mountains of dead buffalo rotting to waste just so they can watch these native people die off. You can’t unify a country by hatin’ people. You can’t win a war against slavery then turn around and still treat people like vermin. You hear of these things now, you think shit like this doesn’t happen—won’t happen anymore. We all think we’re immune. Til’ one day you wake up and all of a sudden there’s a target on your back. Maybe you wake up tomorrow and they wanna put you in a school,” he points to someone in the class for emphasis, “Make you forget everything you’ve ever known, rip your child away from you like you’re cattle. It doesn’t take a lot to convince the world you’re less human than everyone else. You’re not guaranteed shit in this country. Not freedom. Not liberty. Not independence. We’re all one bad president away from becoming nazis. Don’t forget that. And don’t get comfortable.”
The room is dead quiet, almost like a collective shock has washed over everyone. Logan has never been this candid in class before. He just regurgitates facts from the textbook without much opinion or thought to what he’s saying. You barely know what to make of that, as well as the potential source of his rant. No one else dares to speak, to question, to think. Logan’s gaze flits to you briefly, you make eye contact. To anyone else, this wouldn’t be anything more than a passing glance. To you, that meant something. You don’t know what, but there was something underlying there. Jesus, what did Charles say to him, you think to yourself. And then, like nothing happened, Logan cracks open his textbook to carry on with his lecture, causing everyone to rush back to their notebooks to take their notes. You somehow bring your focus back to the curriculum, choosing to ignore his impromptu monologue and carry on with your day.
Yes, he surprised you. But you don’t care. Charles probably just knocked some sense into him so he’d stop acting like an immature prick and start caring about his job. But never mind with that, you still have a whole afternoon ahead of you, full of classes and work and not thinking about Logan. In fact, you really don’t think about him at all the rest of the day. You had too much classwork to really allow your mind to drift, the convenience store was busy with a shipment that you had to take inventory of, and you have a pint of ice cream calling your name at home.
The storm outside contrasts your state of mind as you drive home from work. You don’t feel clouded, angered, passionate—you feel quiet. But not the forced quiet you’ve put out into the world as a means of protection, no, there’s a tranquility to you now. There’s nothing to fear, as your feelings for Logan no longer threaten to reveal your powers. You can live the life of anonymity you’ve always wanted to. 
As you pull into your driveway, your stomach drops at the sight of a truck parked in front of your house. Logan’s truck. What the fuck is he doing here, you think to yourself, how does he know where I live? You put your car in park, stepping out into the pouring rain, you try to beeline for your front door, really not wanting to see or speak to him. Logan steps out of his truck and starts calling your name, you do your best to ignore him as you approach your door. Just as you think you’ve made it, he slides in front of you, stopping you from putting your key in and unlocking it.
“Logan, you need to leave,” you say calmly, avoiding eye contact with him, fixing your gaze to the ground.
“I can’t,” he says breathlessly. You look up to meet his gaze, his eyes look needy and earnest, like a puppy melting into its owner’s lap. His chest rises and falls as he pants heavily. “I have to...” He trails off, seemingly struggling to find the words. You don’t have time for this, you don’t want him here. You scoff in frustration and shove him away from you, he steps off your porch and into the pouring rain. You begin to unlock your door, despite Logan pleading your name. Your door creaks open, his pleading grows incessant, the rain pounds against your roof with intensity. You whip around to face him, throwing your things into your house before you charge towards him. 
“Goddamn you, I can’t do this anymore!” you bark, allowing the rain to soak you as you advance towards Logan further and further, watching as he backs away. “Just when I thought I was done with you, when I thought I’d never have to spend an extra second thinking about you again, you show up here, and for what? Why did you come here, huh? To beg for my forgiveness?”
Logan’s jaw tenses, like he’s unable to find the answer himself, looking like a wreck as he gets soaked by the rain without a care. Does he even know why he came here? You scoff in disbelief, almost laughing.
“Do you even know why you came here?” you ask, flicking wet hair from your eyes as you stare him down. He just looks at you. That’s all he does. God, does he have nothing to say? Nothing? “Well, if it’s forgiveness you want, you’re not getting it. I don’t owe you anything.”
You turn around, stomping to your door until Logan’s hand grasps your arm and spins you back around to face him.
“You owe me everything, damn it,” he utters passionately, his voice intense and low but full of sadness. His eyes almost look glassy, but you can’t tell if the tears in his eyes are real or a result of the rain that’s hit his face. His breath is heavy, like he desperately needs to convey something, his grip on your arm tightening slightly, “You owe me. In more ways than you know. For every time you’re in my head—in my dreams. You owe me. And you don’t even know it.”
Your breath hitches when he says that. Did he just say dreams? He has dreams about you?
“Dreams?” you question, trying your best to hide your shock as you push him to clarify, blinking the rain out of your eyes. He lets go of your arm and turns away from you, hands on his hips as he starts pacing. Like he’s considering what he wants to say—how he wants to say it.
“Almost every night since I’ve met you,” he mutters intensely, as he looks at everything but you. “You don’t know what it’s been like—the hell I’ve been through tryna’ get you outta my head.”
You’re dumbfounded. You don’t know what to say. Has he felt this way the whole time? Does he dream the same dreams as you? You’re buzzing with thoughts and feelings, ones you thought you put to bed.
“Logan, what dreams?” you press further as you take two steps closer to him, his back still to you as you search for the answer you’ve been desperately seeking from him. He peeks over at you, rain dripping off the tip of his nose onto his leather-clad shoulder, clearly hesitant to disclose the content of the dreams.
“I—I can’t,” he sputters.
You swallow hard, deciding to take a risk you probably shouldn’t be taking.
“The first dream,” you start, “Was I in your office?”
He immediately turns to face you, looking at you with utter shock painted on his face.
“How did you know that?” 
You don’t answer. You’re locked in place, incapable of speaking. Perhaps you’re too scared to say it. 
“Maybe you owe me too,” you murmur, stitching your brows together, trying to stop your chin from trembling.
He stares at you with a passion that makes you almost crumble to the earth. He walks towards you, a slight hesitation in his step once he’s no more than a few inches away from your face.
“Logan,” you whisper, almost gasp, feeling a surge of fear rise within you. You can’t give in. You can’t let him get too close to you. His hands reach up to cup your face, and you want to shove him off. You want to tell him to stop. But it feels so right when he holds you like this, thumbs attempting to brush the constant flow of rainwater from your cheeks. 
“We can’t,” you mutter, bringing your hands to his wrists, wanting to use them to pull his hands from your face. But you find solace in the way he’s holding you. He looks down to your lips, then back to your eyes, the corners of his mouth turning up into the slightest smile.
“To hell with can’t,” he husks, his voice bleeding gravel and a fervent want. His head dips down, his lips parting as he tries to capture your lips with his. But you push him off, backing away in fear of letting him get close to you. You can’t do it. Because deep down you know that if you let him kiss you, you’ll let him in to every part of yourself. There won’t be a corner of you that won’t be unknown by him. And you can’t let that happen.
“No. Logan, I’m sorry. I can’t,” you declare with a shaky voice, tears welling in your eyes as you take as many steps back as you can. Your retreat almost causing you to slam into the trunk of the oak tree in front of your house.
He utters your name, taking a few steps towards you before continuing, “If you don’t want to do this—if you don’t want me because I’m your teacher…Say the word, and I’ll never speak to you again.”
You gape at him, doe eyes staring up into him as he speaks to you with clarity.
“But if you’re backing away from this because of fear—you don’t wanna let me in,” he continues, practically pinning you to the tree as he steps closer, “Then you’re gonna have to trust me—you gotta let me in.” He brings his hands back to your face, keeping your gaze earnestly. You can’t help the tears that roll down your cheeks now. You could just say it—tell him that you don’t want to be with him because he’s your professor. Just one sentence and you may never have to speak to him again. You’d never have to see him, save for class, you can just forget about all of this. But you can’t. The words feel like poison in your mouth. You look like you’re choking on air trying to form the words.
“Logan,” you manage, “You don’t understand, you can’t—you don’t want to get close to me.” Your cries are growing louder, your words becoming choked by your sobs. Logan soothes your name, bringing his head down to your level, now eye to eye with you. You grip his wrists tightly, keeping his hold on your face firm.
“Well—maybe I do understand. But you won’t know unless you tell me!” he stresses, his voice growing in intensity as he tries to get you to understand. You go back and forth, Logan pleading your name, as you shake your head, yelling ’no’ insistently.
“Logan, I can’t!” you resist, your face twisting into a mixture of heartbreak and sorrow. He growls your name desperately.
“Listen to me, I understand!”
“You don’t!” you wept, pushing him off of you and turning towards your house, being done with this and him. He yells your name, but you stay your course. He yells your name again, you ignore it. From behind you, he lets out a vicious growl of effort before you hear a sharp ‘snikt’ and a slice, causing you to turn around to witness a broad limb begin to fall from above Logan’s head. You panic.
“Logan!” you gasp, reflexively raising your hands and using all your strength to project a large crystalline barrier between the tree’s limb and Logan’s body. You support its full weight before throwing it to an empty patch of grass, your eyes still glowing fuchsia from the use of your powers. Your stomach drops. Panic starts to set in from the reality of what you just did. Then a glint of something metal hits your eyes, drawing your attention to Logan’s balled up fist. Three prongs of metal protrude from his knuckles, sending a shiver down your spine. You almost don’t believe it. You blink in disbelief, stepping off the porch as you approach Logan slowly. The rain showers you once again, washing away your uncertainty and your fear. Logan stares at you, chest heaving, claws still bared. Teeth slightly bared, breath hitching when you’re within inches of him under the tree. Your hand reaches down to his wrist, pulling it upwards so you may get a better view of his claws. You stare at them incredulously, still struggling to comprehend how this is possible.
“The whole time?” you murmur in disbelief, eyes flicking between his eyes and the sharp blades.
“These don’t exactly grow overnight, bub,” he smirks, retracting them back into himself, startling you slightly.
“You’re like me?” you question, though it sounds a bit more like a revelation. You run your fingers over his knuckles, feeling where the blades once were. He nods gently, bringing his hand to your cheek, your hand staying with his wrist, leaning into his touch.
“I’m like you,” he confirms, bringing his other hand to your forehead, brushing stray wet hairs from your face. His gaze flicks down to your lips, then back up to your eyes. There’s nothing holding you back now. Standing on your tiptoes, swinging your arms around his neck, you pull yourself up to connect your lips with his in a desperate kiss. He leans into you, eagerly, wrapping his arms around your back to pull your frame into his as firmly as he can. Electricity rushes through your body, almost making you shudder with excitement at the feel of his lips on yours. His tongue swipes gently against your bottom lip, you welcome it into your mouth, meeting his tongue with your own. He swallows you, moving his hands to your face like he can’t let you slip away from him for even a second. You cradle the back of his neck, slipping your fingers through his soaked hair. He deepens the kiss further, sliding his hands down to your waist, dipping you backwards slightly as he grips you tightly there. You moan gently, growing more desperate the longer you kiss him, needing to feel more of him. You break the kiss, panting heavily, sputtering as rain water attempts to enter your mouth. Logan breathes with you, your nose grazing his, not being able to help the smile on your face. He smiles back.
“Can we get out of the rain?” you chuckle, a chill overtaking your body as the rain’s assault continues. He nods, and without hesitating, he scoops you up into his arms and carries you bridal style towards your porch. You yelp gently as he whisks you away, maneuvering through your front door, shutting it with a kick behind him. After he sets you down, the next few moments are a blur—kisses growing sloppy, shoes flying off, hands pulling at jackets. Clumsily, you lead Logan up the stairs, not allowing the kiss to falter. He eventually gets tired of tripping over you, scooping you up by the ass and lifting, which causes you to respond by eagerly wrapping your legs around him. It’s messy, the way he bumps you into furniture, pressing you against the wall, attacking your lips with a feverish desire. One hand glued to your ass for support, the other searching the wall for the threshold to your bedroom, in an effort to maintain the contact of his lips on yours. Eventually, pushing the both of you through to your room before throwing you on your bed, no care for the wet clothes and hair that are soaking your sheets. 
He looms above you, his strong stance making you wonder how you can be in the presence of someone so perfect. In one fell swoop, Logan pulls his white tank top over his head, revealing his chiseled physique to you, a silver chain hanging from his neck. You don’t have time to ask about it before he’s on top of you, swallowing you, your legs wrapped around him as he grinds down into you making you gasp into the kiss. He paws at your shirt, tugging and dragging it up your body until you’re forced to remove your mouth from his to allow him to take it off of you. There’s not a moment wasted with him. His hands need to be on you at all times; whether he’s grasping your breasts, your waist, your face. He explores every inch of you with his hands. A whine escapes your lips when he breaks the kiss, but he’s swift—trailing his mouth down your neck. The kisses there are sloppy, wet, harsh as his teeth nip at your skin. His lips drag down your chest where he playfully bites at your lacy bra making your breath hitch in anticipation.
This is more than you could’ve dreamt, you have to keep reminding yourself that this is real. He’s real. He’s here. His lips and tongue coating your body is real, his hands pulling down your pants is real, the gaze you see situate between your legs is real. Everything feels heightened, each touch electric and charged. Logan sits up, roughly pulling you down the bed so your hips are hanging off the edge, the floor meeting his knees so he can be eye level with your thinly clothed pussy. He’s savoring you, biting the soft skin of your inner thigh, gripping your waist in an effort to keep you planted. You squirm under his grasp as you grow more and more desperate for his mouth on your aching cunt. 
“Logan,” you rasp, scratching at the sheets beneath you with need. He gazes at you from between your legs, a cocky grin making you melt. 
“Dreamt ‘bout this,” he husks, his hot breath fanning your lace-clad pussy before he plants gentle kisses to the crease between your inner thigh and labia. The occasional dipping of his tongue to the sensitive skin there makes you writhe more under his grasp. Hands glide up your stomach as he continues carefully teasing you, avoiding your core as much as possible with each flick of his tongue and kiss planted. He palms your tits through your bra lazily before bringing his hands back down your body to toy with the waistband of your panties. You can tell that he’s enjoying this immensely, taking his time with such passionate care you almost don’t mind how slowly he pulls down your panties. Lifting your legs to allow him to pull them the rest of the way off your legs and to the floor, you almost want to giggle that you could’ve taken them off this entire time with your powers. But you enjoy this—how carefully he’s taking his time and savoring each swell and curve of your body till you’re spread bare in front of his eyes. 
In any other circumstance, you’d be hiding away sheepishly under such an intense gaze, but Logan’s eyes aren’t boring into you possessively. They’re drinking you, digesting your appearance with such an intensity you’re struggling to comprehend how he’s been able to resist you for so long. You gasp when his tongue flicks your throbbing clit gently, arching your back off of the bed. He’s testing the waters now, priming your arousal so you’re good and ready for him. His tongue moves painfully slow, licking the inside of your lips as you squirm in anticipation. Then he moves more center, running his tongue along the full length of your pussy, causing you to elicit a throaty moan in approval. He groans in appreciation at your neediness for him, taking it as a sign to dive into you completely. You can’t help the moan that leaves your mouth as his tongue laps at your clit hungrily. The sensitivity sending shockwaves through your body as he applies expert pressure to the sensitive bud. Your hand flings to his still-wet hair, gripping a fistful as you hold him to your pussy. 
He ravishes you. Lapping at your juices noisily as he brings one hand from your waist to dip a finger into your slick core. You groan at the sudden feeling of fullness, quickly adding a second finger to pump in and out of you. His pace is consistent, tongue at your clit, fingers in and out of you, and you can barely take it anymore. His digits stroking the most sensitive parts inside of you while his mouth works expertly at your clit—practically making out with it. God, you don’t know how much longer you’ll last like this, gasping and moaning with each curl of his fingers, Logan growling into your pussy with approval of the lewd noises you make for him. Every synapse is firing inside of you as you become laser-focused on the pleasure he gives you. You’re a mess—sputtering broken moans and words of encouragement as he works you closer and closer to your climax.
“Logan,” you gasp, “I-I’m—“ Your grip on his hair growing more desperate, trying your best to not flail your body too much as he devours you. He doesn’t say anything in response to you, far too focused on your pussy to offer more than moans in approval of your impending orgasm, like he’s egging you on with his groans and grunts. Your arousal swirls inside of you, butterflies fluttering through your bloodstream as you get closer and closer. A taut cord somewhere deep inside of you gets pulled tighter and tighter, till it snaps with white hot pressure. A guttural moan escapes your throat as a flood of pleasure rushes through your entire body, all the way to the bright fuchsia emanating from your eyes. Logan guides you from your orgasm, letting your clenching pussy ride it out on his fingers while your clit throbs on his tongue. Wave after wave hits you, like your body can’t shake the pleasure he’s given you. Back arching off the bed, your body wriggling and twitching from the force of your orgasm. The pace of Logan’s tongue slows and the pressure eases gently. Eyes half-lidded, breath heavy, you’re on cloud nine as you revel in one of the best orgasms you’ve ever had. Your bliss shrouded you so much you barely noticed the pace of Logan’s tongue quickening, his fingers gently curling inside of you as he tries to bring you towards another peak. You inhale sharply at the sudden pleasure pulsing from your clit.
“Logan,” you rasp, your body barely able to contain your writhing as he pulls you towards another orgasm. He groans into you as he feels you clench around his fingers, quickly approaching another climax. Tongue flat against your clit, lapping at it feverishly, your arousal bubbles up deep inside of your stomach before reaching its boiling point, yet again, and cascading white hot pleasure throughout your body. Your eyes pulsate pink as your moans reverberate around the space. You’ve never had an orgasm induced by another man, let alone two. Chest heaving, you attempt a glance at where Logan is situated between your legs. He’s pulled away from your center now, chin wet with a mixture of his saliva and your slick. He stares at you lustfully, panting as he plants lazy kisses to your inner thigh. Logan gets up off his knees, undoing his belt before he shoves his pants down his legs, his erection visible through his boxers. Your head falls back against the bed as he crawls on top of you, trailing kisses up your stomach to your chest. He stops at your bra-clad chest, his pelvis situated between your legs.
“Sit up,” he instructs huskily. You oblige, sitting up on your elbows to allow his arm behind you so he can unclasp your bra swiftly. The straps release their tension from your shoulders, shrugging the garment off with ease. Logan resumes the kisses to your chest from where he left off, beginning to suckle and bite at the tender flesh of your breasts and leaving marks in his wake. You hum in approval, arching into him, your bare pussy grazing his erection gently—the motion enough to elicit a low growl from his throat. He kisses up your neck, leaving licks to your jaw before capturing your lips in another needy kiss. You moan into his mouth, hips grinding down into yours. You long to feel him completely bare under you, growing desperate as the kiss deepens. Deciding you’ve had enough of his boxers, you take matters into your own hands. A slight flick of your wrist and you’ve unraveled the atomic structure of his boxers, leaving him bare above you. There’s a hesitation in his next kiss, breaking it to look down at his lower half in confusion, then back up at you.
“How’d you do that?” He asks, a mixture of confusion and amusement in his voice. You grab the back of his head, pulling him back down to your face so you can resume the kiss.
“Fuck now…ask later,” you murmur between kisses, to which Logan accepts without protest. Now you can feel the full length of his cock pressed up against your center. And this shouldn’t come as a surprise to you, considering you’ve dreamt about this, but he’s big. His size has become so much more real without the dreamy haze that you’re used to clouding it. His hips snap and the tip of his cock slips into your entrance, making you both groan at the contact. Your nails bite his skin, leaving light indentations that are gone almost instantaneously, you take notice but move on quickly when you feel Logan line himself up at your entrance.
“We’re gonna take it nice and slow, baby,” he husks, the dog tags around his neck swinging like a pendulum. You’re sure now that there’s a waterfall between your legs and that the warm up won’t be necessary, but then he presses his tip in further and you gasp suddenly at the sharp pain.
“Good girl,” he drawls, clearly trying to keep his own pleasure in control, “Take some more for me, princess.” He sinks in a few more inches. Tears prick your eyes from the stretch he’s causing to your pussy, but it feels so good. You need him deeper. Your legs hook around him, heels digging into his ass in an effort to spur him on. 
“Deeper, Logan, please,” you whine, lazily and desperately capturing his lips in a kiss.
“You sure, baby?” He asks cautiously, murmured between kisses. You nod eagerly, attempting to drive him further in and before you can even prepare it, he does. Spearing you nearly in half, you break the kiss, a mixture of moans and pained groans emanating from your lips. This is so much harder than you remember it being in your subconscious. The stretch, the fullness, the way he’s reaching your cervix already without even trying. Tears escape your eyes, but despite the strain his dick is putting on your body, it feels so good inside of you. You resume the kiss hastily, bucking your hips slightly in an attempt to get Logan to begin thrusting.
“Fuck me,” you murmur against his lips, groaning when he slides out of you, then back in languidly. You both groan into the kiss, Logan having trouble keeping his mouth on yours while he begins his thrusts. He keeps the pace slow in an attempt to preserve the integrity of your pussy and not tear you in half, but you need more of him. You want to feel him in every corner of you. 
“Logan, I’m not gonna snap, you can fuck me.”
He looks down at you, lips grazing yours, when suddenly his eyes grow darker and more lustful. Clearly planning on doing just that, he readjusts himself slightly for better leverage, and thrusts into you harder than he has all night. Back arching into him, your pained gasp melts into a high pitched moan. Logan quickens his pace now, slamming into you with animalistic intent. His mouth drops to your neck, where he kisses and sucks on the skin, marking his territory with bruised intent. He bites down into your flesh as your heels press into his ass and force him deeper into you. With each thrust he prods your cervix, making you unsure if your moans are from the sharp pain or the immense pleasure from the fullness of his cock and stretch he provides for your pussy.
“So—so tight for me, babygirl,” he growls, skin clapping against skin with a speed you didn’t even know a person could be capable of going. It’s overwhelming, you’re sure that an average person would break in half from the strength of his thrusts, even with your heightened strength you’re sure you’re going to be feeling sore well into next week. His pace doesn’t falter, not even for a second, his pants fan the skin of your neck as your nails dig into his back. You’re not even sure if he’s noticed the marks you’re leaving on his skin, caught up within his own pleasure.
“Fuck, baby—close, so close,” he groans, pulling his face from your neck to lock his lips with yours. His thrusts are so fast that you have a hard time keeping up with the kiss, a part of you growing exhausted from the onslaught on your pussy and ready for him to come inside of you.
“Come for me, please,” you whine breathlessly into the kiss. Logan doesn’t need much more coaxing before his hips stutter. He groans above you, reaching his hands above your head to support himself on the wall as he reaches the peak of his orgasm. You jump slightly at the sound of his claws retracting and stabbing into your drywall, then he unloads inside of you, releasing hot ropes of his seed with a throaty moan. His lips are barely on yours at this point as you try your hardest to maintain the kiss. He slumps over you, his back rising and falling quickly as he comes down from his orgasm. You close your eyes, feeling blissful, your pussy the perfect kind of sore. Logan trails gentle kisses up the length of your neck, peppering them along your jaw before capturing your lips with his. Pulling away, you smile at him, swiping wet hair from his forehead as he returns the smile.
“Dunno about you, princess, but I could go for another round,” he remarks, to which you laugh in response thinking he’s joking. Then suddenly you feel his dick twitch inside of you and realize he’s still hard. You huff in exhaustion, almost blushing. God, you could fuck longer, but you have nothing left in you.
“Logan, I don’t think I got much more in me,” you sigh in defeat, causing Logan to let out a soft hum in thought. He plants a gentle kiss on your lips.
“Mm, d’you…want it…again?” He murmurs between kisses, the gravel in his voice making you clench involuntarily.
“I do,” you whisper, suddenly feeling a second wind of arousal swirling inside of you. Logan slides out of you, eliciting a groan from him and a quiet whine from you.
“On your stomach,” he directs, on his knees above you now. You oblige, rolling over, arching your back slightly to allow Logan easier access to your pussy. You settle into this position—a lazy doggy-style. Logan lines himself up yet again, sinking into you with a rough groan as his hands plant on your hips. He uses your body as leverage to begin thrusting in and out of you, causing you to moan throatily at the way his dick perfectly hits all the right spots. Every ridge, every spongy part inside of you, Logan glides over expertly. Mewling and moaning in pleasure, each thrust of his hips hitting you perfectly. You’re in heaven, so relaxed, feeling so euphoric as he stretches your pussy and fills you. His hands squeeze at your hips, occasionally gliding down to your ass to give it a good squeeze.
“God, how are you tighter?” Logan groans, his thrusts hard yet languid with each roll of his hips. “Pussy so good—so, so good for me, baby.”
You don’t say anything in response—you can’t, you’re reduced to a puddle of moans and groans of pleasure beneath him. Complete putty in his hands that he can do what he pleases with. You don’t know how you’re still even conscious, exhaustion seeps into every pore of your body, but pleasure is keeping your blood flowing and your heart racing. Your clit throbs between your legs, you attempt to squeeze your thighs together to alleviate the pressure, causing Logan to moan above you as you clench.
“Keep doin’ that, princess, I just might come again,” Logan husks. You sneak a flirty glance from over your shoulder and clench your thighs together yet again, Logan clearly struggling to remain upright. Logan’s pace quickens, his thrusts snappier and more desperate. You squeeze again, and again, gyrating your ass gently each time. And that’s all it takes for him, hands flying from your waist, claws unsheathing and stabbing into your mattress as Logan rides out his second orgasm. Growling and moaning as he unloads his hot seed into you yet again. He sits there for a minute, dick twitching inside of you, claws embedded into your mattress, sweat sticking to his heaving chest. Quickly, his strength regains, and his breathing slows. He pulls out of you, still hard, slumping beside your exhausted body. You roll over, wrapping yourself around him, nuzzling into his chest. You can hear his heartbeat beneath your ear, your hand coming to play with the silver tags that lay on his chest.
There’s so much you don’t know—so much you want to know. But Logan feels so peaceful, this is so peaceful. His arms wrapped around you, his breath steady. He knows who you are, and he quite possibly might be the only person to ever understand you this innately. And, for the first time in your life, you’re excited for someone to see you for who you truly are.
(A/N): AHHHHHHHH!!! i'm so happy i got to write this chapter. this slow burn could've been slower but im impatient. the smut took me literal days to write, but im so happy with how it turned out!! i hope you guys are happy with the way i let it all play out, i hope no one feels it was too rushed or that some things don't make sense. there are plenty of things from logan's side that will become fleshed out later on. but if some things dont make sense feel free to ask questions in the comments and i will answer (so long as it doesn't spoil things for future chapters teehee). thank you always for the support, i read every single comment and it really keeps me going🫶🏻
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tags: @wolviesgirl @sanemis-piss @fictionalmen-dilflover @e-nonsense
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xetlynn · 1 year
Twilight- Youngest Shadow: Chapter Three, Crash It
(Alice X Reader X Jasper)
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[two] [three] [four]
Today was the day of my 6th Volleyball game out of 14. It’s a Home game.
Every single game has been attended by Jacob, Quil and Embry. Sometimes Sam and Billy. Bella made it to about two. Clearly needing to do her own thing I understood. If I didn’t understand a sport I wouldn’t want to go either.
She makes me sit with her at lunch still, I got kind of close with Angela. She’s cool. She also comes to games but that’s to take pictures, helping with the yearbook committee.
Bella and I walk out of the house together. I see my bike is gone and remembered I had to give it to Jacob for maintenance. Since he offered I was getting it done for free.
It’s also raining so I’m kind of glad I don’t have to choice to ride it. Sometimes the rain drops hurt like a bitch. I lift my hood up, walking behind Bella as we go down the steps. “Great.” She mutters under her breath.
Charlie pulls in with her truck. “Dad I can drive us to school myself.” As we get closer to the bottomed step she slips and falls on her ass. Tripping due to not watching where I was going I go forward.
“You okay, Bells? [Name]?” Charlie climbs out of the truck, helping Bella up and then the both help me. I ripped a new pair of jeans, hissing in pain from my hands I wipe it on my sweater that’s not so new. Luckily I didn’t bleed at all. “Ice doesn’t help the uncoordinated.” Bella frowns at her own joke.
“Clearly.” I groan.
“That’s why I got you new tires.” Charlie points to the red truck. “The other ones were nearly bald.”
“You got me new tires. No one’s ever don’t that before.” Both Charlie and I look at her confused. “I mean… nothing.”
He glances at me, not getting it but he heads to his cruiser.
“I won’t make it to dinner or the game. I’m heading down to Mason County. A security guard at the Grisham Mill got killed by some kind of animal.” He explains to us.
“An animal?” Bella asks, confused.
“You’re not in Phoenix anymore, honey. They’ve been hunting it for a week with no luck. Thought I’d lend a hand.” He puts it simply. “Be careful.” We say in unison.
“Always am.”
“And thank you for the tires.”
I’d thought by now they wouldn’t be so awkward with each other but I am very wrong. The tension is so thick it couldn’t even be cut with a knife.
Change of pov
Rain was still hitting hard. Eric and Bella walk together into Biology. She brushes off her coat as he talks. “And yeah, prom committee is a chick thing, but I gotta cover it for the paper anyway and they need a guy to help choose the music. So I need your playlist.” Eric explains but before the girl can respond Mike comes up behind her. “Come on, Arizone. Give it up for the rain.” He shakes his wet baseball cap onto Bella’s head.
“Terrific.” She walks away, ignoring them to get to her seat.
She freezes once she notices Edward. She straightens her posture, striding to the shared table confidently. Dropping her books in front of him, ready to address him but instead he looks up at her and speaks.
She stops, automatically stunned. “I didn’t have a chance to introduce myself last week. My name is Edward Cullen.”
She’s too shocked to respond, she wasn’t expecting him to talk to her. “You’re Bella.” He stares, not questioning.
“I’m… yes.” She finally sits, feeling stupid.
He abruptly moves to the edge of his seat away from her. She’s baffled to say the least, smelling her hair as if she stinks.
“Onion root tip cells! That’s what’s on your slides. Separate and label them into the phases of mitosis. The first partners to get it right win the golden onion!” Mr. Molina holds up a gold spray painted onion but disappointed by the little to no reaction.
“Come on people, tick tock.”
Everyone gets to work. Edward pushes the microscope towards Bella, still keeping a distance.
“Ladies first.” She grabs it defensively and snaps the first slide in, adjusting the lens. “You’ve been gone.”
“Out of town. Personal reasons.” He was curt like her, short with his answers.
“Prophase.” She says, going to remove the slide. “May I look?” She slides the scope to him, he looks into it. “Prophase.”
“Like I said.”
He writes it down on the work sheet. He takes a deep breath, turning to her. “Enjoying the rain?”
“Seriously? You’re asking me about the weather?” She seems offended. “It appears.”
“No, unlike my sister I don’t like the cold, or the wet. Or the grey. Or the parkas. Or the turtlenecks.”
There was a small smile that played on his lips.
He actually seemed interested in what she had to say. He studies her like her sister did to him days ago. But she can’t tell if he despises her or not. “What?”
He shakes his head and turns to the microscope, switching out the slides. She continues to stare at him, appreciating his evident beauty. His cheekbones to his lips.
“Anaphase.” She snaps out of her daze to go back to giving a dry look.
“May I?” She mocks him for before, looking into the lens.
“Like I said.”
They change the slide.
“If you hate the cold and rain, why move to the wettest place in the continental U.S.?” He quizzes her.
“It’s complicated.” Simple answer, but he’s intrigued so he pushes.
“I think I can keep up.” She looks at him quickly then looking away back at the scope. He seems to be paying attention very intently.
“My mother remarried.” Another simple response.
“Very complex. So you don’t like him.” A statement, he doesn’t question himself.
“Phil is fine. Young for her but nice enough.” She tells. “Interphase.”
At the end of school she’s still holding the golden onion. She bumps into Edward on accident. “Why didn’t you stay with your mom and step dad? Or your sister?” He waits patiently for her to say something, studying her like before.
“Alright, Phil’s a minor league baseball player, so he travels a lot. My mother stayed home with me and [Name] but it made her unhappy. And my sister has always been a daddy’s girl. So I decided to spend time with my father too.” She explains everything. “But now you’re unhappy.” He states himself again.
“No I… I just.” She turns away, embarrassed.
Back to You
At the end of the day I stood beside Angela and Jessica. Since our game was today I don’t see a point in going all the way home just to come back to the school.
I watch my sister head for her truck, shivering. Once she got there she looked back, making little eye contact with me and then staring at the Cullens. More specifically, Edward? I think that’s his name if I’m remembering correctly.
Their eyes met then there was a loud screech only getting louder by the second. A van skids out of control, heading right for my older sister.
I felt frozen for a second, running over there immediately. The van comes to a complete stop after spinning out. Like something forcefully stopped it. I didn’t see anything as it had happened so fast. The van had only hit the back of the truck, leaving a dent that was definitely noticeable to the eye.
After milliseconds everyone went berserk, roaring into screams of trying to get help, calling 911.
Mike and Eric yell if she’s okay, I watched Edward who was once at his Volvo now leaving the scene. Wanting to ask him what happened I shake my head, pushing the two boys out of my way. “Bells, Bella?!” I cried out, falling down to her level, feeling the pain in my knees from earlier but ignoring it. I took her into my arms as she was obviously in shock.
I ended up driving her and the boy who crashed into her, Tyler a ride to the hospital.
I told him to shut up on our way there. Even sitting in the room as they got checked up on I sat there glaring at him.
Minutes later, Charlie rushes in. “Bells, are you alright?“
“I’m fine dad, calm down.” She assures gun but it’s not enough. “I’m so sorry Bella. I tried to stop.” Tyler apologizes.
“It’s okay Tyler.” Bella tells him and I scoff. “It sure as hell is not okay.” Charlie says, I nod agreeing. “Dad it’s not his fault.”
“We nearly lost you.”
“But you didn’t.” She says, I pull her into a hug since Dad is glaring at Tyler like I once was. “You can kiss your license goodbye.” He sternly tells the boy and I watch his body falter.
I notice Dr. Cullen approach us and if I didn’t know anything I would’ve thought he was a movie star. I didn’t pay Trenton to what they were talking about. I focused on his face, observing him as he talked. Just like I did with his foster kids. Then I heard Tyler apologizing once again, since I was closest I closed the curtain getting a fist bump from my dad.
“It would’ve been a lot worse if Edward hadn’t knocked me out of the way.” Bella says ignoring dad and I’s antics.
“Edward? Your boy?” Charlie asks only to not get a response.
Dr. Cullen adverts his eyes, I watch Bella press. I’m guessing she knew something that was making him uncomfortable. “It was amazing he got to me so fast. He was nowhere near me.”
The blonde man smiles.
“As long as you’re safe.”
We leave the treatment area. “I just have to sign some paperwork. You better call your mom.” He points to Bella.
“You told her?! She’s probably freaking out!” He just shrugs and walks off.
She pulls her phone out and I laugh, earning an eye roll. Then we both look down the hall, hearing an argument. “Stay here.” She orders as if I was so much younger than her. She gets a little closer to whatever was happening.
Not meaning to but the curiosity getting the best of me I do the same thing.
“This isn’t about you. It’s about all of us.” It was Rosalie. I raise an eyebrow but Dr. Cullen definitely saw Bella, taking Rosalie inside his office.
I sit for a moment, but I see Bella talking to Edward so I just walk the other way, pulling out my phone as I felt it vibrating.
It’s Jacob calling, shit.
I answered it quickly. I forgot all about my Volleyball game that’s in… 35 minutes.
“Hello?” I spoke to,
“Hey, where are you? Are you okay? I heard something about an accident with you and Bella?” He freaks out, i why shush him trying to calm him down.
“Hey, everything is fine. No damage was done. Bella was apart if it but no scratches, just a bump on the head. I’m sorry I should’ve called.” I told him, hugging my self with my open arm.
“Oh, I’m glad you’re both okay, I’m glad shes okay.” He sighs like he had just been holding in a long breath.
“Yeah, yeah. Everything is good. I’m just going to keep watch on Bella for a little. Could you let my coach know what happened. I’m sure she knows but y’know?”
“Totally understand, I will let her know. Call me later tonight?” He sounded hopeful and I smile to myself.
“Of course, I’ll call around 9.” I say
“Can’t wait…”
“Knock it off.”
I was going to ask what he meant by that but I hear the other guys in the background and I laugh.
I hung up, not seeing Bella come up to me, she grabbed my shoulder causing me to jump and almost drop my phone.
“Who was that?”
“Jacob. He asked if we were okay since he went to my game as usual. Seeing I wasn’t there freaked him out.” I take a deep breath through my nose.
“I completely forgot about that. We can still make it.” She says in a hurried tone but I shake my head.
“Coach wouldn’t let me play anyway. There’s no point.” I laugh, putting a hand on her arm.
“I’m sorry.” She frowns.
“No need, you should call mom though.”
She whines to herself, pulling her phone out again.
Charlie walks out and we go outside. I drove the truck home.
Later that night I call Jacob like I told him I would. He tells me about the game since they stayed due to Quil wanting to.
“It would’ve been a better game with you for sure.” He says and I could hear the smile.
“I know, I’m just so amazing.” I brag, playing with my tongue piercing as I hear his laugh.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have boasted your ego.”
“What ego?” I jokingly say.
I look over to my clock, seeing the time and it was already 11:30.
I was surprised Charlie hadn’t come and told me to go to bed.
“Ah, we should go to bed.” I start to say, I heard a small thump from Bella’s room upstairs and I stood up carefully strutting towards the door.
“[Name]?” Jacob calls, I snap out of whatever trance I was in. Not hearing anything else from Bella’s room so I go back to my bed.
“Sorry I got distracted. Goodnight, Jake.” My voice was a little raspy from being tired.
“Goodnight.” He ends up hanging up the phone and I lay back in my bed.
Thinking about everything that happened today.
Chapter three, edited.
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dira333 · 1 month
Of Swings and Snakes - Matsukawa x Reader - part 2
part 1 for anyone who missed it. I apologize for taking so long. Life hit me like a train right after writing the first part. I hope you enjoy the second part, where they get their shit together.
tagging: @lees-chaotic-brain, @togament (the angsty Mattsun anon), @constantlybeingbiaswrecked @multi-fandom-fanfic @integers @sy1v30n @iatethemochi
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“Are you sure about that?” Makki asks, hands stuffed into the pockets of his hoodie, “Really sure?”
“Really, really sure,” you tell him, grabbing your purse a little tighter. “This will do me good. Get to know myself in a new city, you know? And I’m sure you’ve got other things to do than keeping me company. I’ve got to go now, though, I will call you when the plane lands.”
“No,” Makki’s hands are on your shoulders, keeping you in place, “Five more minutes, okay?”
“Makki?” You level him with a glare. “What’s going on?”
But there’s another voice behind him, one you wish you could have forgotten but still hear every night in your dreams. 
“Sorry,” Mattsun’s panting, sweat running down his temple, “Traffic jam.”
Two weeks before
“What’s for Dinner?” Makki asks, sniffing at the door. “I made Okonomiyaki,” you announce proudly, placing the dish on the table, “I hope you’re hungry.”
It’s gotten easier these days, pretending that you’re happy.
Sometimes you even find yourself laughing, smiling, forgetting about the cloud of sadness that hides in your chest, keeping you from breathing at the worst times.
You’ve yet to meet Mattsun again, and since you are part of the same friend group two weeks without him feels like a year in the real world.
But, a cold voice whispers, it’s not like you saw him a lot before your breakup anyway.
“I can’t believe you,” you pull away from Makki, dread heavy in your stomach. “You told him?”
“Hey,” Mattsun’s voice cuts through you like a hot knife. “Can we talk?”
“I’ve got a plane to catch,” you hiss, heart bleeding as his face falls. Somehow, even now, you’re still attached in places you didn’t know. Like two pieces of fabric, sown together so tight you can’t pull on one without hurting the other.
“You’ve got five minutes,” you tell him, throat tight. You send Makki the harshest glare you can manage. “And you can leave.”
“Sorry,” he has the decency to look ashamed as he slinks away.
You grab your purse a little tighter, the familiar feel of it soothing your nerves a little.
“Can we walk?” You ask, voice quivering, “I don’t want to miss my plane.”
“Yeah, sure, okay.” Issei rubs the back of his head as he walks, one hand dangerously close to brushing yours.
“I wanted… I wanted to explain.”
“Yeah,” he swallows thickly. “I think I messed everything up.”
You stop walking, make the mistake of looking into his eyes.
The noise and bustle of the airport fades away as you remember a different time.
1 year before
“Promise not to tell?” Issei asks over the low hum of the Fan. It’s much too hot to be cuddling like this, but desperate times call for desperate measures.
“No one’s going to judge you-” You start, your voice soft, but there’s an urgency in his eyes, a desperate vulnerability you’ve never seen before, just felt in your own bones.
“I promise,” you tell him, pinkies linked over your hearts.
You can feel, little by little, how his shoulders drop, the weight of the world sliding off.
His temple presses against yours, the skin flushed and warm to the touch.
But you don’t comment on it, and neither do you mention the salty tears that drop from his eyes onto your cheeks.
Because Issei might be taller than you and stronger than you and smarter than you - sometimes - but he has yet to learn to allow himself to be.
“Hey,” you grab his hand, too familiar with the sight of him when he tries not to cry. 
He used to joke about it, the lone benefit of losing a game, because no one would judge you for crying then when everyone would judge you for it the rest of the time.
“Issei, it’s okay.” The words come out of their own.
When he pulls you in you can feel the tears soaking into your hair, the quiver of his shoulders as you curl your arms around him.
Maybe it’s because you cared for him for too long, the comfort you give Muscle Memory. But you don’t think it is. Because your heart beats two beats instead of one like it usually did around him. 
“Talk to me?” You ask and he nods, his chin scraping the top of your head.
“I love you.”
“I know,” you sigh.
“No,” he shakes his head. You can feel it more than you see it. “You don’t know. Because I didn’t tell you as often as I should have. Because I thought… I was doing odd jobs in the evening, trying to get through the courses faster as a… as a surprise… Because I wanted us to get a good start. To do it right from the beginning.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You ask, pulling back to look at him. His eyes are red and the way he wipes his nose on his sleeve is less than appealing, but he’s chuckling dryly through the pain.
“I thought… I thought I was supposed to do this on my own.”
He shakes his head, stops you with a raised hand.
“I did a cooking class in the evenings… I wasn’t cheating.”
You gape at him.
“Because,” he pulls his shoulders up, “You were always cooking. I wanted to help out.”
“And you didn’t think to tell me? At least when I was breaking up with you?”
You sound almost hysteric now. Issei flinches at the sound of your voice.
“I was trying-”
“No,” you shake your head. “You weren’t. You just left.”
“Because you wanted-”
“Issei,” you swallow harshly and grab his hands. “Issei, listen to me. We’re no longer kids.”
He blinks. “I know.”
“If we can’t talk about things we can’t stay together.”
“No,” you shake your head. “You know that. It’s the little things, not the big things. You can’t just show up and ask me to stay only to make the same mistakes a few months in.”
“But I love you.”
“And I love you.” You swallow the tears that now threaten to fall from your face too. “But I think we need to grow up first.”
Overhead your flight is called.
“I don’t know,” you admit for the first time. You have no idea what you’re doing. “But I think leaving might be a start. I’ll… I’ll text when I get there, okay?”
Your hand slips out of his only for him to grab it again, pulling you back.
You want to say something but he silences you with a kiss.
“I’ll fight for this,” he promises, a fire in his eyes that you have missed.
“Good,” you agree a little breathless, “me too.”
But you still leave.
3 weeks later
“Oh, Boyfriend’s calling,” your coworker jokes as you sprint back to your desk at the sound of your ringtone.
“It’s not like that,” you try to explain what is, in fact, not that easy to explain.
“Hey,” you’re out of breathe as you pick up, checking the clock on the wall. You’ve got about fifteen minutes before your next shift starts.
“Hey,” Issei’s voice is warm, yet cautious. “Bad timing?”
“It’s okay,” you huff, getting comfortable. “We’ve got fifteen minutes. How’s everybody doing?”
Whoever said that relocating to a new country is easy has either lied or did drugs half of the time.
Because it’s neither easy nor enjoyable at first.
Or maybe that’s just the way it is when you relocate with a severely broken heart.
Your new apartment is even smaller than the one you lived in before even though you share it with a roommate - Sang Hee is a lot cleaner than Issei, but she plays the drums every night. You’ve yet to find your comfort foods in the stores near your apartment and making Onigiri yourself just doesn’t hit the same way.
And it’s lonely, living like this.
Sure, there’s Sang Hee and Ae-cha from your business Class and Dae-hyun from work, but they don’t know you the way Issei, Makki, or even Kyoutani knew you. 
All those inside jokes and memes are lost on them and it’s hard to build it all up anew.
“You do have a tendency to shut others out,” Ae-chan diagnoses you over coffee like she’s just guessed your favorite anime. “Have you ever thought about therapy?”
“I don’t- I- I guess, I-” You stammer as she blows on her tea to cool it down.
“I do have someone I can recommend,” she smiles. “And I apologize if I’m being too forward, but my mom and my dad are both therapists. I think it runs in the family.”
She laughs. “I get that a lot. Now, tell me about your boyfriend again.”
“He’s not my-”
“Tell me about your friend, who is a boy and used to live with you.”
You sigh. “Well, his name is Issei and he never put his dirty socks where they belong…”
“Why are you looking at me like that?” Issei asks.
“I-” You hesitate for a second, wringing your hands. “It feels weird to see you here. Like you don’t belong to this city yet. As if I cut you out of my dreams and placed you in front of a greenscreen.”
He doesn’t laugh. His arms hang limp and you move to grab one arm, feel the familiar sensation of his rough, warm skin on yours. 
Ever since you’ve left, you’ve been in constant contact.
Sometimes it’s just a text, letting the other know how you’d rate your day. Sometimes he calls, the conversation going for hours on end.
It’s easier, in a way, to admit things when you can’t see his face. 
It feels like noone can judge, in the Silence of your room.
“Makki says hello,” he mumbles now, his fingers closing around yours.
You leave that uncommented. 
You and Makki still talk, but you feel like he’s not quite understanding what you’re going through. Why you have to stay away for so long.
Issei doesn’t ask you to come back when he leaves. But he leans down to kiss you, steady posture even as you lean in as well, meeting him in the middle.
“One day, we’ll tell our children,” you tell him at night, his voice crackling through the receiver.
“That we were stupid?”
“Stupid as hell,” you agree. “Followed all the wrong advice.”
He hums low in his throat and you can see him, huddled up in bed, sleep dragging him down.
“Will you marry me?” He asks, the question as soft as the one before.
“Yeah,” you agree just as softly, “I will.”
Because this isn’t a proposal. This is what communication has come to between you. 
You can talk about the future with a different certainty now. 
It will happen. You just don’t know yet when.
“Welcome back,” Issei’s arms are open and you snuggle right in, giggling when his hug lifts you off the ground.
Behind you, our belongings wait to be carried to his apartment. Your apartment.
And even though you’ve been there before, it feels different now.
Because you’re not leaving again.
This time, you’re here to stay.
Oh and Makki? Rumour has it he’s renting the apartment on the other side of the hallway. 
“Hey,” Issei meets you in the kitchen around midnight. “Can’t sleep?”
“I needed to pee and when I got up I had this craving for chocolate.” You hold the spoon to his lips so that he can lick it. “I was going to bring it to you.”
Instead of answering, he pulls you close.
It has been a hard time, for the both of you.
Figuring out who you are, who the other is and, most importantly, how to find a way out of your arguments. 
“Did you find the box?” Issei whispers into your ear.
“Oh, you mean the box you hid behind the chocolate sprinkles.”
You can feel his lips stretch into a smile.
“So, what’s your answer?”
“Dunno, what’s the question?”
He snorts before letting go.
You already know what you’re going to see when you turn, but you do it anyway.
Issei, on one knee, wearing his ridiculous Pokemon Pajamas he got from Makki once… holding a velvety ring box in his left hand.
“Will you marry me?”
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unbreakabledawn · 4 months
The good part about being injured was the popsicle.
The bad part was literally everything else. Dick's chest hurt like nothing he'd ever felt before, worse than any bruise or scrape or bump from the numerous falls he'd gone through at Haly's, during practice for a show, or playing outside, climbing trees and vaulting across playgrounds. Never bad enough to need to go to a hospital, just band-aids and warm wash cloths and ice packs.
We should tattoo a band-aid on you, it would save us time and money, his dad would say every time Dick scraped his knee, which was every other week. And his mom would brush the hair back from his forehead, kiss his cheek with a warm hum, and sneak him a popsicle even though it was Wednesday and he wasn't allowed sweets on weekdays.
Another pang of pain flared in Dick's chest, and it wasn't his ribs this time.
And Bruce freaking poking right where the pain was at its worst did not help at all.
"Ow," Dick yelped, scowling at Bruce.
"I'm sorry. I need to examine you." Bruce continued pressing gentle fingers to Dick's side, moving along the bones and the edges of the blooming bruise. "Is it hard to breathe?"
"No," Dick said, lips wrapped around his strawberry popsicle. "Just hurts a little. If I breathe deep."
"Where does it hurt the most? Here, or here?"
Dick used his free hand to trace the throbbing center of pain. Bruce nodded and reached for his hand, slipping a small plastic clip with a tiny screen onto his finger. "Um, what's that?" Dick asked, watching numbers appear on the screen of the clip.
"Pulse oximeter. It measures the oxygen saturation in your blood." Bruce was now pulling a stethoscope out of a set of drawers. He'd shown Dick how to use one a few weeks ago, slipped the ear pieces into Dick's ears and placed the little disc on his chest so Dick could hear the slow, steady drum of his heart. Bruce was leaning forward to place it on Dick's chest now.
"Can you at least wait until I've finished my popsicle?" Dick said, sullen, trying not to squirm as the cold metal slid across his chest while Bruce told him when to breathe.
"You can multitask. It's a useful skill to have. Lean forward," Bruce instructed, and repeated the procedure on Dick’s back.
"I'm okay," Dick said, because Bruce was acting like the one who'd crashed straight into a concrete ledge instead of Dick. He'd been practicing hand flips in the garden, and he'd stumbled on a cracked tile and fallen and hit the side of his chest on a stone flower bed. Ugh, how embarassing. His first injury after moving in with Bruce, and it wasn't even as Robin! And still, Bruce had whisked him down to the Batcave's medbay, promising him a popsicle in exchange for being allowed to check him out.
"Yes. I just want to make sure," Bruce said, worried frown still firmly in place. He was scrawling notes on a chart, because he was a freak like that and needed to document the fact that Dick was clumsy enough to get himself injured playing in the garden.
Dick sighed and licked off the last bit of the popsicle, and the juice that had dripped onto his fingers.
The sound of something large being wheeled closer made Dick freeze. He looked up towards Bruce, who was bringing some sort of machine to the gurney Dick was laying down on.
"What are you doing?" Dick asked, alarm bells ringing in his head over the whirring and humming of the strange machine.
"This is a portable x-ray device," Bruce explained while he manipulated the machine into position. "I need to take an x-ray of your chest."
X-ray? That’s what they used for broken bones, wasn’t it? Crap, did that mean he broke his ribs?
“But I’m fine,” Dick said, trying and failing not to let his panic bleed into his voice. “I don’t need it.”
Bruce paused, hands on the handles of the machine’s head pointing it towards Dick’s chest. He peered down at Dick. “It’s just an x-ray. It’ll take me two minutes.”
“You don’t need to,” Dick said, accidentally raising his voice. “It doesn’t even hurt anymore.”
“Dick,” Bruce said gently. He hesitantly reached forward to brush the hair off Dick’s forehead. “It won’t hurt, you won’t feel a thing. It’s like a big camera that lets us look inside your chest.”
Dick stared up at what must be the lens of the camera. He bit his lip. It didn’t look like it would hurt. “How does it work?”
“This”—he touched the head of the machine—“sends out x-ray beams. They go through your body and this plate catches them, creating an image.” He held up a wide, black plate. “So I need to place this under your chest.”
“What are x-ray beams?”
“We can do a radiation physics lesson tomorrow, if you like. For now I need you to lean forward for me.”
He did, and let Bruce place the cold, hard plate behind his back. It wasn’t comfortable, but Bruce said two minutes. He could handle two minutes.
Bruce put on some sort of black apron, and attached a broad collar around his neck. “Lead protection,” he explained to Dick, and held up a remote that looked like the trigger to a bomb. “Ready?”
He nodded.
“Breathe in.” A buzz and a louder whirr. “And we’re done.”
Dick opened his eyes. “That’s it?”
“That’s it.”
“Oh. That wasn’t so bad,” he admitted, leaning forward again so Bruce could remove the plate and put away the equipment. "So,” Dick said once Bruce returned to his bedside. “Are my ribs broken?"
"I don't know. Probably not." Bruce was writing something down in the chart, but the line between his eyebrows was the familiar I'm-Concentrating frown instead of a Oh-My-God-You're-Hurt frown, so Dick felt more annoyed than upset for the moment.
"What?! What do you mean you don't know? What was the freaking point then?"
"I needed to check your lungs. Rib fractures can be hard to see or even undetectable on chest x-rays."
"Oh. So my lungs are okay, then?"
"As far as I can tell. I'm no radiologist."
Dick rolled his eyes. Good thing Bruce wasn't a doctor, because his bedside manners sucked. "Hmph. Well, you owe me another popsicle. Since I let you do an x-ray on me."
Bruce raised an eyebrow at him, and Dick just barely caught the quirk of his mouth before he smoothed out his expression again. "You drive a hard bargain, chum. Strawberry or pear?"
"Strawberry. Duh."
a/n: this is 50% due to @froizetta asking me about rib fractures for her fic, and 50% due to a patient i had last week: a young girl around dick's age who started sobbing as soon as i called her name for her exam, and who continued loudly sobbing throughout the two minutes it took to take a single x-ray of her hand. she was terrified, hospitals and medical tools and big machines can be scary to little kids! i work with a large variety of patient groups and kids are definitely the ones i struggle the most with, so this writing exercise also has professional merit (<- me making excuses for self-indulgent fic)
[ao3 link]
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morgana-larkin · 6 months
Hey I was wondering if u could do a Melissa x reader were reader struggles with SH and Melissa finds out some how and comforts reader and helps her to not SH or something like that (also I completely understand if u don’t wanna write this and really sorry if it’s triggering to u sorry and thank u)
Hi, thank you for the prompt! I will admit that this one got me a bit. It wasn’t that triggering for me but it was still hard to write. I hope that SH meant self harm or this fic took a very different turn than what you wanted. I went with the reader is autistic because I’m able to relate to that and made it easier to write the feelings and emotions. So here it is and I hope you like it. And of course not edited in the slightest. And I am still taking prompts, I’m currently writing another one for a prompt I got.
Little Droplets of Relief
This fic heavily describes and talks about self harm and cutting. If you think you’ll get triggered then please don’t read it.
Words: 4.38k
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Lazy, useless, unlovable.
3 words that you were used to hearing, mostly from yourself.
Growing up with Autism that went undiagnosed until you were 16 was difficult. There were times when you felt too tired to do anything or you forgot to do basic needs, like eating or brushing your teeth. Lazy.
There were other times when all you wanted to do was drown out society because everything was too much or when you didn’t pick up the most obvious social cues. Useless.
You’ve turned down many invitations from friends because you just felt like laying in your bed and live in the world conjured up by your thoughts. You've been clingy with some people because they don’t leave you and they’re someone you know but that led people to leave you. Everyone left you at some point. Everyone. Unlovable.
Those 3 words, a mantra in your head. Often led you to sit on your bed, rocking yourself back and forth and sometimes tug at your hair.
Until one day, those words in your head distracted you when you went to reach for a fork and ended up picking up a steak knife, from the sharp end. As soon as you picked it up, you dropped it and saw you were bleeding, and the voices stopped for a whole day. So when they returned the next day, you did your usual rocking on the bed and tugged at your own hair so hard you pulled some strands right out. Then you thought of what happened yesterday, you looked at your bandaged hand that your mom did when you told her you accidentally cut yourself. You bled and the voices stopped. So you grabbed a knife from the kitchen when you’re parents weren’t looking and you gave yourself a small cut on the wrist and you watched it bleed. You watched little droplets of blood fall from you and with the blood, the voices left.
It started off small, you would only give yourself a cut when everything else you tried didn’t work, but soon what turned into about once a week, turned into every other day then turned into everyday. Everyday before bed, you would do a small cut on your wrist and watch the blood fall, you called it your little droplets of relief. You always did small so you can easily cover it up with something, when it was hot out, like a scrunchie or thick bracelet.
You were 15 at the time when you started cutting yourself. Then at 17 you got diagnosed with Asperger’s which you were told was a form of Autism. You knew nothing about it. You were explained what it is, it’s mostly known as a social disorder but it’s other things too. For instance you can get tired from socialising, get overwhelmed and block the world out , have obsessions, and in some cases suffer on and off with depression. When you got told this, a lot of things made sense. And while you now had a name to it, you cutting yourself didn’t stop, it became an obsession, a dangerous obsession.
Now you are 27. You’ve been working at Abbott Elementary for a year now as a first grade teacher and you love it there. The kids are crazy, the staff even more, the principal was a whole different level though. You felt like you fit in here, you never felt like you fit in anywhere, always an outcast. You became friends with some of the teachers. The first one you became friends with was Jacob, he was nerdy like you, you had a lot of similar interests. The second one was Gregory, you don’t know why, but you felt like he was like you, he never said anything but a lot of things he does, you do. The third was Janine, although you still are wary of her, a little ball of energy like that can sometimes be too much for you. The next one was Barb, she was sweet to you since you started, always giving great advice if you need it and always lending an ear. Ava you’re still unsure of, her personality was big and her ego even bigger, but she cared about the students and she took some getting used to until you saw a person instead of well… Ava you guess. Then there was Melissa. She was wary of you at first, being new, but you saw she had a heart behind all those leather pants and insults. It took both of you awhile to warm up to each other.
While everyone was nice to you and you considered them friends, you never got close to them. You didn’t want to, because as soon as you did, then poof they’re gone. So you kept them all at a distance, you barely talked about yourself, you didn’t ask them questions about themselves either. You sometimes got up and left if the conversation got personal, mumbling out an excuse of some sort. The only one who really noticed that you did that was Melissa.
You’re not sure why but she seemed to take an interest in you. She kept trying to get to know you but always failed. Until one day she was talking with you in your classroom, you went to reach something and your sleeve rolled up, exposing your cuts right at her. You went a little crazier last night but it was chillier today so you thought it would be fine and just had to wear a long sleeve.
“What are those?” She said
“They’re nothing.” You said defensively. Pulling your sleeve back down
“They didn’t look like nothing.”
“Like I said , it’s nothing so just drop it ok.” You told her.
“Give me your wrist then.”
“If you say it’s nothing then you’ll have no problem letting me see your wrist. So come on, let me see your wrist.” She said and you froze. I mean she did have a point, you aren’t showing her because they are something.
“This really isn’t any of your business or concern Melissa, I mean I barely even know you.” You told her, trying to deflect and get out of the conversation revolving your wrist.
“Because you won’t let yourself know me, and you won’t let other people know you.”
“People aren’t worth my time , not if all they do is leave. Like I seriously don’t know why other people try to make friends, people don’t stick around.” You said to her and this confused her. You confuse her. First you have mysterious cuts on your wrist, then you say that people aren’t worth your time. Then she thought about it.
“How many people left you?”
“I said , how many people in your life has left you?”
“Too many to count.”
Melissa did end up dropping the cuts on your wrists, but she still worried about you because she has a pretty good idea of why they’re there. It wasn’t until one day, 2 weeks after she saw your cuts, that you came in tired, more tired than just the usual tiredness in the morning.
“You ok y/n?” Melissa asked as you walked into the break room.
“Ya I’m fine. Just didn’t get a lot of sleep last night.” You told her, and it was a half lie. You did get about 5 hours of sleep but that was only because you had to clean up some blood as you cut a bit too deep by accident. On top of that, you’ve been forgetting to eat, you didn’t eat at all yesterday and you forgot a lunch today, and slept in this morning by accident so you also didn’t have breakfast.
Melissa watched you walk to the coffee machine and poured yourself a cup. You look pale as a ghost but Melissa isn’t going to ask, the last time she asked about you, you shut her down.
It wasn’t until lunchtime that she got worried. She watched you stumble your kids to the cafeteria, and since she was paying attention to you, she saw you lose your balance a couple times and that you kept grabbing your head. When you came back to your classroom to grade some tests, Melissa was sitting in your chair.
“Melissa, what are you doing here?” You asked her.
“I think you know. You look pale. Did you eat recently?” She asked and you just looked at her. The thing is you need to sit down as you’re really lightheaded.
“Can I have my chair back?” You asked her and she got up. But you took 2 steps and you got dizzy and fainted. The last thing you saw through blurry vision is red hair hovering over you in frantic movements.
You woke up and looked around and realised that you’re in the nurse’s office.
“Oh look who’s finally awake.” A voice said and you looked to your left and saw Melissa sitting on a chair looking at you. She has one leg over the over and her hands on the arm rest of the chair. “I got Mr Johnson and Ava to cover our classes while we talk.”
“Talk about what? And where’s the nurse?” You asked her when you realised she wasn’t here.
“Like I said, we need to talk, in private.” Is all she said. And the look on her face shows she’s in no mood for anything and not going to let you shut her down.
You sighed. “Look Melissa, I’m fine, just forgot to eat and pack a lunch. But I’m fine now.” You went to get up but Melissa got to you and pushed you back to the bed.
She then walked back to the chair and bent down to get something out of her purse. “Here, after I brought you here I got some food from down the street.” She said and handed you a store bought sandwich. You didn’t take it though, you just looked at her confused. “It’s not poisonous if that’s what you’re worried about.” She said.
“It’s not what I’m worried about.” You said.
“Just take it and eat it. I don’t want you fainting again.” She said and shoved it into your hand. You finally took it and started eating it. “Now I’m going to ask you some questions and I want you to be truthful with me. And before you start getting defensive or try to shut me down, I saw your wrists and you fainted right in front of me.” She said, and if you weren’t already pale then you would have been now.
“You what?” Is all you said and froze about to take a bite of the sandwich.
“I saw them. Do you want to tell me why there’s cuts on your wrists?” She asked and you shook your head and she sighed. “Ok I know why but since you won’t tell me then let me ask you this. Why haven’t you been eating, I think you’ve gone a lot longer than just today of not eating, with how pale you were this morning.” She was really pushing it and you didn’t know what to do, she pieced a lot of things together and has you cornered.
“Can we not do this right now?” You told her, you knew that she won’t let this go and this was going to be a heavy conversation, and you didn’t want to do it at school.
“If not now then when y/n? When things get worse? Because I hate to break it to you, it got worse already.” She said and the tone of voice she was using, almost sounded like fear. Although you don’t know why.
“It can be today but just not here.” You said and looked at your lap. Melissa sighed and you looked back up at her.
“Ok, how about I drive you to my place after school and make you dinner and then you can tell me then?” She proposed and you looked at her confused, you don’t know why she’s doing this for you. “I don’t want you driving if you’ve barely ate. So either way I’m going to drive you. And before you think about it, I already took your car keys.” She said, you looked at her and she began spinning your keys on her finger proudly.
“Alright, but you don’t have to make me anything, I’ll just eat when I get back home.” You told her.
“I always make enough for 12 hun, you’ll eat at my house.” She tells you, leaving no room for argument and you nod. After you ate the sandwich you felt a bit better. You and Melissa went back to your classes and you just had your students read or draw for the rest of the day.
At the end of the day, Melissa came to your classroom to drive you to her place. “Ready to go?” She asked and you nodded, grabbing your bag. You followed her out to the parking lot and to her car. You noticed she kept looking back at you, probably to make sure you aren’t going to faint again.
She drove you to her place and got you to sit on her couch, you did as instructed and just sat there, twiddling your thumbs nervously. And at some point you dozed off because she was shaking you gently and telling you the food was ready. You both ate on the couch, she wasn’t worried about spills as the couch is covered in plastic. After you finished, pretty much inhaled your food, she put your plate on the coffee table then looked at you.
“When was the last time you ate?” She asked first.
“Dinner, the day before yesterday.” You said plainly and she looked at you worried. Well might as well come out and say it. “I’m autistic, and sometimes I forget to do basic things, like eat. It’s not the first time I’ve forgotten to eat, although it’s the first time I’ve fainted. I usually only forget one meal, not a whole day.” You said and she put her arm on the top of the couch, looking at you.
“And what about the cuts on your wrists? Why did you do those?” She asked the burning question.
“To make my brain shut up.” You said and looked down at your hands on your lap.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean the things my brain says on repeat, until I give myself a cut. It won’t shut up until I do, I’ve tried everything else before. This is the only thing that works.” You told her and she looks at you softly.
“Hun, there are so many ways to do that, and harming yourself shouldn’t be one.” She said and put a hand on your knee and began gently rubbing your knee. “What does your brain tell you on repeat?” She asks and a tear rolls down your cheek.
“3 words, lazy, useless, unlovable.” You said as another tear rolled down your cheek.
“Hun, you aren’t any of those things. When did this start? The words in your head and the cutting?”
“When I was 15. I couldn’t keep handling it. It got to the point where I was ripping my hair out. And then one day the voice in my head was telling me those words when I went to reach for a fork, got distracted and picked up a knife, from the pointy end. And as I watched the blood trickle out and down my arm, the voice went away for a whole day. And then the next day when they came back, I experimented and gave myself a small cut, and it worked. I only started doing it once a week, then that slowly turned into multiple times a week and then everyday, I like to call it little droplets of relief. I only ever gave myself small ones so I can cover them up with something, especially in the summer. But last night I cut too deep by accident.” You told her and she looked at you sympathetically. “I got diagnosed when I was 17, but by then it was too late.”
“And why don’t you ever let people in? You keep them at a distance.”
“People they leave, at one point or another. People always leave when I get close and it hurts. So to not get hurt, I don’t get close. It’s easier and less painful that way.”
“Hun, you shouldn’t be dealing with this by yourself. Everyone needs someone.” She tells you.
“I don’t need anyone, I’ve been fine by myself. It’s better that way for everyone anyway.”
“What do you mean it’s better for everyone?”
“I mean that I stay away and don’t need people, and they don’t have to deal with me.” You told her.
“Do you really think you’re so unlovable that someone wouldn’t want to be there for you?” She asks and you look at her with tear stained cheeks and nod. “Well from what I know about you, you’re a pretty great person who tries to take on too much by herself and doesn’t give herself a break.” She tells you and you lift your legs and pull them close to your body and hug them. Melissa thinks you look so small and vulnerable, it broke her heart that someone can think those things about themselves when they’re a good person. “I think you’re good enough.” She simply tells you and you look at her surprised.
“Why would you say that when it isn’t true?” And your voice is almost a whisper and you’re about to cry.
“Because it is true, you are good enough and you shouldn’t think otherwise.” She tells you and you start crying. “Can I hug you?” She asks you and you look at her and sniff, then nod your head as more tears roll down your cheeks. She brings you closer to her and you put your legs down and off the couch. Melissa wraps her arms around you and starts rubbing your back soothingly. You don’t know what to think at first about her hugging you, it’s been so long since someone has touched you, not even a hug for over 5 years. And you realise that you miss it, you miss physical contact with people. And you wrap your arms around Melissa’s waist and hold on tight as you continue to cry. You fall asleep in her arms and she doesn’t have the heart to move you, so she leans down on the couch and reaches for the blanket that’s on the top and puts a pillow under her. She drapes the blanket over you both and she falls asleep.
After that day, Melissa has taken it upon herself to help you, help you cope in healthier ways. Both of you try different ways and at first nothing seems to work, then after a few more tries. You found something, and you don’t know how you didn’t think of it before. The one thing you found that helped, was the one thing you never had before, someone there to rub your back or hug you or just there to listen to you. You started getting better and you kept finding more ways to help, like fidget spinners, earplugs, a rubber ball to squeeze if you need to squeeze something due to intense emotions.
And with Melissa helping you, you began to open up to her and you let her open up to you. And after some time feelings appeared, and you freaked out. You didn’t know how to deal with it, you’ve had small crushes before but the last time was in high school before you cut people out. And at this point you relapse after 3 months straight of not giving yourself a cut. The voices in your head only said one thing, one word now instead of 3, unlovable. You take a knife and drag it across your wrist, of course Melissa wouldn’t want you, she’s only helping you to be nice, nothing more. You did another cut and watched the blood flow down your arm. The voice didn’t stop and it got louder. You went to your other wrist and did the same thing, 2 cuts, but it still wasn’t working. You did it again, only this time, you made a mistake, you cut too deep and you were losing blood. You got lightheaded quickly and passed out.
And that was how Melissa found you a minute later as she came to your house every day to watch shows together or to chat. She opened your door with the key you gave her and she found you passed out on the ground, blood dripping from your wrist.
“Y/N! No no no!” She ran to you and tried to shake you awake and you wouldn’t, she checked your pulse and thankfully you were still alive but weak. She ran to your bathroom and grabbed towels and applied them to the cut and put pressure to try and stop the bleeding. And thankfully it did. As soon as it stopped, she went to get bandages and wet paper towels. She cleaned your arm up and then wrapped your arm with the bandage. She then picked you up and carried you to your bed and laid you down, then she sat on the other side of the bed and stayed with you until you woke up.
You woke up a couple hours later. You opened your eyes and blinked a couple times, you looked to your side and you see Melissa there. She hasn’t noticed you awake yet. She’s hugging herself and looks deep in thought. You call her name.
“Melissa?” You croak out and she snaps out of her head and looks at you. She looks happy to see you awake and then she gets angry.
“What the hell were you thinking!? I thought you were passed this?!? And then I find you on the ground with blood coming out of your arm!!” She yelled at you and you looked at her with wide eyes.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to, it just happened.” You tell her.
“I thought you were dead y/n! Do you understand that? And you could have if I didn’t show up when I did.” She tells you and you look at your arm, it’s now bandaged up. “I was able to stop the bleeding and patch you up. I almost called an ambulance.” She tells you and you snap your head to her. Too think that you were so close to death and you have her to thank. “Why did you do it? Why didn’t you try something else? We’ve been able to find different ways, healthier ways, not dangerous ways.”
“I tried but none of them worked and I only meant to give myself a little one, but the voice didn’t stop repeating that one word and it got louder and louder.” You tell her.
“What word?” She asks you.
“Y/n, I’ve told you many times that it’s not true, many people will grow to love you if you let them.” She tells you genuinely.
“What about you?”
“What about me?” She asks confused.
“You wouldn’t love me. I mean you’re only helping me to be nice. No other reason.” You tell her and you look at your hands.
“Y/n, I’m helping you because believe or not, I care about you. I’m your friend.” She tells you and you can’t help it, as soon as she says friend, it spills out.
“Ya, and that’s all you’ll ever be.” You snap a bit.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” She asks, she has no idea where any of this is coming from.
“Forget it, forget I said anything.” You tell her trying to backtrack, you’re not going to tell her how you feel. You don’t want to ruin this friendship with her over something stupid as your feelings for her. But Melissa pushes you, she’s not going to back down, not after finding you like she did.
“No, you’re not going to do this again. Tell me what you mean. Please.” She tells you. She almost begs you at the end.
“It means that you’ll never be more than a friend.” You tell her like it’s obvious.
“What else would I be?” She asks, still confused. And then you look at her and she looks into your eyes, and she sees the hurt and fear. And then she figures it out. “Y/n, do you have feelings for me?” She asks gently and you close your eyes and nod. You don’t want to see her reaction when she rejects you and then leaves. But she doesn’t do either. To your surprise she cups your cheek. You open your eyes and look at her in shock. “I’m not going anywhere. And if I’m being honest, I have feelings for you too.”
“I thought you were straight?!?” You tell her and she giggles.
No, I’m bisexual, I’ve dated girls here and there but nothing ever stuck.” She tells you and moves the hand that’s on your cheek to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear and you lean in. Your lips land on hers and she kisses you back. You think that this is where you’re meant to be, with her, with Melissa. She’s your shining light. “Is that what happened? Did you realise you have feelings for me and the voice in your head happened?” She asked suddenly and you nod. “Oh Bella, I wish you would have told me what was going on.” She tells you and your heart does a flip at the nickname.
“I will next time, before I do anything.” You tell her
“You promise?” She asks and you nod. She sticks her pinky out and you lock yours with hers in a pinky swear. “You can never break a pinky swear.” She tells you and you laugh.
“I pinky swear to come to you before I do anything stupid.” You tell her and that satisfies her. And she puts an arm around you and brings you to her and you cuddle on her chest, listening to her heartbeat. And this you think, are your new droplets of relief.
Taglist: @esposadejoyhuerta ,@imaginesmultifandoms
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suckerfordylansstuff · 2 months
New Journey (S.H.) Chapter 7 Season 4
Pairing: Steve Harrington x henderson!reader
Summary: Back to Hawkins for spring break. Y/n believed it would just be a quiet time to cherish with her loved ones, but one day in and another mess had already began.
Warnings: cursing, blood
Notes: Another day another chapter. Tomorrow I'm leaving for vacation for about a week. I will try to get all the chapters ready and scheduled for uploading but if I miss a day or two please don't come for me. Please enjoy the chapter and stay safe!💕
Chapter 6 << Masterlist >> Chapter 8
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You’ve settled into two groups while you were walking. You, Robin, and Nancy were in the front, and Steve, and Eddie were in the back, though a few meters apart.
It was quiet at the beginning. Everyone was trying to calm down their nerves, always looking where you were stepping in fear of alerting the bats or Vecna of your whereabouts.
“Hey, Y/n?” your head turned to the left when you heard Nancy’s voice call you “You had a big hit, huh?” she pointed to your back looking at the scars that were more visible now that you had ripped off the torn pieces of your shirt.
“Oh, yeah, but they’re surface wounds, I can barely feel them.” that was a small lie. You could feel them with every step you took but you weren’t bleeding so you felt no need to alert anyone “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, just… wondering.”
“About?” you questioned.
“What did you mean by Jonathan being scared?” she got straight to the point and you let out a sigh.
“Nancy, I really don’t think you want to hear this from me.”
“When did you speak with him?” her voice was strong, obviously in need to find out what her boyfriend was hiding, terrible scenarios already filling her head.
“A couple weeks back. Look. This is not my place to intrude, alright? You’re both my friends and I made a promise to him not to tell anyone.” she was ready to argue back but you were faster as you stopped walking a put your hands on her shoulders “But, I need you to put all your trust in me when I say that he loves you, and you have nothing to worry about.” her eyes were uncertain. However, the hug you shared right after told you everything you needed to know. I trust you. You smiled at one another once you pulled from her arms, just when Robin came rushing to you.
“Glad you’re having a moment, but you’re not leaving me alone to walk in these woods.” she grasped your arms and pulled you along.
Steve’s eyes followed your figures, glad to see you in good moods even after everything. Then his gaze falls to the only other guy in the group and he decides now is the best time to tell him everything he needed to. He calls out for him, Eddie slowing down to match his pace “Hey, man, uh… Listen, I just, uh… I just wanted to say thanks. For saving my ass back there.” he knew how scared and confused he must have been feeling because he was like that not three years ago. So, he wanted to make him feel welcome, as welcome you could feel while in a place like this.
“Shit. You saved your own ass, man. I mean, that was a real Ozzy move you pulled back there.” Eddie replied, raising a question inside Steve’s mind.
“When you took a bite out of that bat… Ozzy Osbourne? Black Sabbath? He bit a bat’s head off onstage.” Eddie explained, quite shocked by the fact Steve didn’t know what he was talking about “It’s very metal, what you did. That’s all I’m saying.”
“Henderson told me you were a badass. Insisted on the matter, in fact.” now it was Steve’s turn to be shocked.
“Henderson said that?” he knew the kid loved him, just like he did. He didn’t wanna pick favorites, but Dustin hadn’t really given him a chance. With his toothy grin and crazy mind, it was hard not to love him. Not that he’d ever say that to his face, especially now that hormones were taking control over his body making him the snarkiest teenager he’s ever seen.
“Oh yeah. Shit. Kid worships you, dude. Like, you have no idea. It’s kinda annoying, to be honest.” Steve scoffs, even though he’s feeling himself fill with pride “I don’t even know why I care what that little shrimp thinks, but, uh, guess I got a little jealous, Steve. I guess I couldn’t accept the fact that Steve Harrington was actually a good dude. Rich parents, popular, chicks love him. Not a douche? No way man. No way.” Steve wanted to tell Eddie how wrong he was. Those weren’t the things that made him good. They were everything that he most despised in himself “That, like, flies in the face of all the laws in the universe and my own personal Munson doctrine. Still super jealous as hell, by the way.” he admitted his face coming close to Steve’s, making him a little uncomfortable, and not sure how to respond “Which is why I would never have jumped in that lake to save your ass. Not under any, uh… normal circumstances.”
The sound of a branch snapping and growling in the distance startled them for a moment before moving on.
“Nope. Outside of D&D, I am no hero. I see danger and I just turn heel and run. Or at least that’s what I’ve learned about myself this week.”
“Give yourself a break, man.”
“See?” Eddie pointed at the three of you ahead before stopping to look Steve in the eye “The only reason I came in here was ‘cause those ladies came in straight after you.” Steve let his gaze fall on the girls ahead, his eyes landing on your figure “Now, I was too ashamed to be the one who stayed behind. But Henderson, right there, she didn’t waste a second. Not one second. She just dove right in. You better hold on to her, because that was as unambiguous a sign of true love as these cynical eyes have ever seen.”
You weren’t sure what it was, but something told you to turn around. You continued walking but looked back finding Steve’s gaze already on you. His eyes were soft, full of love, bringing a smile to your face and making him return it when he realized you were looking at him. It was nice having a small moment to yourselves especially when the earth began shaking again.
“Okay, second on my least of least favorite things, earthquakes. Seriously, I’m unsteady enough as it is.” Robin joked, but her tone completely changed when Nancy took off, not waiting for the rumbling to stop “Nancy! Where are you going? Nancy!” you all went after her, finding her standing, looking out in the open. You follow her gaze and see a house up ahead, her house.
“Come on.” she said and began walking again.
You finally arrived at the house, the street bringing a familiar feeling inside you, almost a weird one. Nancy decided to go through the side door, the one from the garage as the staircase there was closer to her room. You’re in the back of the group, waiting your turn to walk into the house but before you could, something else catches your attention. Three bikes parked on your left, and at first glance, you wouldn’t think anything of it, but you quickly realized that you knew one of the bikes quite well. The black and white one with the used tires looked exactly like Dustin’s old one did. Last summer your mother had gifted Dustin a brand-new bike, a blue one. So, what was his childhood bike doing here?
Your eyes inspected the other two and you recognized them easily. Lucas and Will’s. This confused you even more. Will’s bikes weren’t even supposed to be in Hawkins anymore.
Your brain started doing spins, trying to understand why these were here and what they meant. Maybe, you thought, that weird feeling of time being still here, almost frozen, wasn’t just a feeling after all. From the moment you entered this street, you’ve been getting a constant feeling of Déjà vu. At first, you had decided to ignore it, because you figured it was just your tired brain, but now you realized it was yelling at you to remember. Remember that you have existed in this moment before, three years ago, when you picked up the kids from their campaign after work. The night Will got lost and this nightmare began.
You gasped at the realization, rushing inside to find the rest “Guys!” you yelled out as you got inside. The first person you saw was Steve, standing still in the living room “Steve! The bikes outside, I think they’re-”
“Dustin!” he screamed from the top of his lungs, sending you back a couple of steps in shock.
“Yeah, one of them is Dustin’s, but-” you tried explaining after a moment but he interrupted you once again.
“No, can you hear him? Dustin! Dustin! Can you hear me? Dustin!” you stare at him with big eyes and mouth open, not understanding what was going on “Du- Hello? Hel- hello?” you see the rest outside of the living room, rushing to get here after hearing Steve’s yelling.
“Maybe he really does have rabies.” Robin whispered, meaning it as a joke, but right now even the thought of that being true scared you.
“Hello! Hello!”
“Steve, what are you doing?” you asked him, desperate to understand why he was calling for your brother.
“Hello!” his flashlight points at your faces, making you squint by the harsh light “He’s here. Your brother. That little shit, he’s here. He’s like… He’s in the walls or something. Just listen. Listen.” he doesn’t even give you a moment to listen before he starts shouting his name, making you think he was crazy.
However, before you could grab his arm and stop him, try and calm him down, you heard it. A soft mumble resembling your brother’s voice. You turn to look at the rest who had heard it as well, and you all started calling Dustin’s name.
“All right, either this kid can’t hear us or he’s being a total douchebag. Sorry.” Steve said the last part to you, but you shook it off.
“If he doesn’t answer, he really is.”
“Will found a way.”
“What?” you asked when you heard Nancy speak.
“Will. He found a way to speak to Joyce through the lights.” you watch her move to one of the lamps, trying to turn it on. Steve goes with her and points to the light switch on the wall, telling her to give that a try. He turns around to check if it lights up, but something else intrigues his interest.
“Guys?” he points his flashlight at the ceiling light “You seeing this?”
Your eyes look up and see it not lit up with actual light, but a small glow covers the entire thing, the mumbling becoming stronger. You go under it, Nancy on your left and you all watch her as she raises her hand, making the glow lit up as if you’ve thrown glitter at it.
“It’s like fairy dust.” you said and let your own hand play with it.
“It… tickles.” Steve commented, followed by Robin’s take on it.
“It… kinda feels good.”
“Does anyone know Morse code?” Nancy suddenly asked, pulling you out from your trance.
“I do.” you say, when the rest responded negatively.
“You’re definitely Henderson’s sister.” Eddie comments, making you smile.
“Thanks. He and I learned it so we could speak through the walls when our mom grounded us. The tapping sound drove her nuts.” you positioned yourself better under the light and brought your hand up. You start ‘tapping’ the glow to let the message get through to the other side.
“What are you saying?” Robin asked you.
“We always started our conversation by tapping the word ‘H E R E’. It showed the other person that we were ready and wanted to talk.”
You hoped Dustin would remember. After you had grown up, those secret, descriptive conversations stopped, both you and him had other stuff to deal with. Right now you missed those small moments. You feared you two had grown too much too fast. After everything that had happened with the Upside Down, you only had one goal, to get out of Hawkins. But it only occurred to you after you left, what and who you were actually leaving behind. Those moments with your brother were gone. When you get out of this alive, you make a promise to yourself to have a conversation with him and try to find stuff you can do together when you’re away, communicate through the big wall separating Michigan and Hawkins. Just like when you were kids.
On the other side, Erica has noticed the lights flickering and tells Dustin that Vecna is here. This alerts the boys and they get up, staring at the light. Lucas is scared, not understanding what was going on, but Dustin, he recognizes the rhythm. It’s a pattern he’s known ever since he was seven and you were twelve.
“H… E… R… E…” he reads the code “Hey, uh… Remember when I said they wouldn’t be stupid enough to go through Watergate?”
“Yeah?” Lucas answers.
“I overestimated them.” Dustin said and turned to look back at the light asking “Y/n? Is that you?”
“Yeah, it’s me.” you giggled and tapped ‘Y E S’ so he could read it.
“Can you hear us?” you repeated the answered and you hear him chuckle “Holy shit. Okay, uh… Go upstairs. Go to Nancy’s room. We’ll meet you there.” you do as he said. You walk up to Nancy’s room and wait for them to arrive. You can hear them moving around, their voices a big mumble before the same glow as before appears on top of Nancy’s bed.
“Okay, you guys seeing this?” Nancy lets her hand move freely through the shiny dust, the light becoming brighter. Dustin’s laugh was so clear it almost brought tears to your eyes “Uh, we’re not moving it, but we’re gonna unplug it. Stand by. Yank it.” the glow disappears “Okay try it now.” your brother instructs and Nancy writes the word ‘HI’ with her finger.
You wait silently waiting to see if their plan would work. You were using Holly’s game that let you use light to draw out pictures. Dustin believed it would be a good way to communicate without using code.
“That worked!” he announced making you all cheer. You hug Steve out of excitement while you can hear the rest laugh and scream enthusiastically.
“Okay, um…” after calming down, Nancy focuses again and starts writing on the glow. You watch the letters go by one by one, while hearing the kids try and understand what you were writing.
“S… T… U… Stupid? Stupid?” Dustin suggested, being a little too familiar with the word, but they quickly saw you were spelling out “Stuck!”
You nodded your head at their words.
“Okay, okay. They’re stuck in the Upside Down.” Lucas said.
“Okay. Uh, you can’t get back through Watergate?” Dustin asked you, making your brows scrunch in thought.
“What the hell’s Watergate?” Steve asked and you connected the dots right after, your eyes rolling.
“Cause it’s in water and it’s a gate.” Robin explained for you and the rest ‘oh’ed in realization.
“This kid and his nicknames.” you shake your head with a small smile on your lips.
“That’s cute.” Eddie commented.
“Um, no. It’s…” Nancy thought out loud before drawing out your answer.
“G… U… A… R… D… E… D…”
“Okay. Uh, Watergate’s guarded.” Dustin said.
“Perfect. Yes. Yes. Yes.” Steve said and you sighed in relief at how well this was going.
“Okay, we think we have a theory that can help with that.”
You smiled at that “Of course.”
“Genius child.” Robin said under her breath.
“We think Watergate isn’t the only gate. That there’s a gate at every murder site.” you listened carefully at his words.
“Does anybody understand what he’s talking about?” you all said no, so Nancy drew a question mark on the glow.
“Okay, seriously? How many times do I have to be right on the money before you guys just trust me?” you shook your head at your brother’s annoyed echo.
“Jesus Christ. This kid’s gotta get his ego in check.” Steve said and Eddie agreed completely.
“It’s his tone. Right?”
“I know.” Steve nodded, but you stepped in getting you back in track.
“Okay, so, I bet he’s right, because somehow he always is, if there’s a gate in every murder site…”
“How far is you trailer?” Nancy caught on your thought and asked Eddie.
“Seven miles.”
“Nancy?” Robin brought all your attentions to her “I- I know your house here is, like, weirdly, creepily frozen in time and shit, but haven’t you always had bikes?”
“Not enough. In ’83 we only had mine and Mike’s bikes. Holly was too young and my parents too… busy.” she said with a shrug.
“This is the day Will disappeared. The kids were here all-day playing D&D.” you stepped in “I saw their bikes outside. That’s how I realized we are in the past. We have bikes, just small sized ones.”
“They’ll have to do.” Steve said and you stood up after informing the kids you’ll be heading at Eddie’s.
“We’ll meet you there!” you heard Dustin yell and you smiled, exiting the room and heading outside.
You grabbed your brother’s bike and started riding it towards Eddie’s trailer with the rest following.
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On your way there, you were able to catch a glimpse at the house Vecna used for his attacks. It was filled with the bats that had attacked you. You remembered their claws on your back. You gulped and rode faster, wanting to leave this place as fast as possible. It didn’t take long after that to arrive at your destination.
“It’s right here.” Eddie pointed out and you got off the bike, setting it on the ground.
“That’s gotta be a Guinness World Record. Most miles traveled interdimensionally.” Robin said and you heard Steve cough.
“Just inhaled a bunch of that crap.” he coughs again, taking the flashlight out of his back pocket “It’s stuck in my throat.” you bring a hand to his back, patting it softly as you headed inside the trailer.
The moment you get inside you decide to never underestimate your brother again. The gate was right there, just like he had said.
“Goddamn.” Steve said in shock.
The gate was just like the one at Lover’s Lake. Small with a red layer separating your world with the Upside Down. It illuminated a red glow, lighting the trailer.
“This is where Chrissy died. Like, right where she died.” Eddie informed you.
“I think there’s something in there.” Robin told you and you were all able to see what she was talking about. Something was trying to break the barrier of the gate.
“What the hell is that?” Eddie asked, and you stayed silent to see what was going to happen.
Suddenly, the layer broke, making you jump in surprise, your yelps filling the room. Substances from the gate were falling to the floor as the stick that was sticking out was clearing the gate’s hole. The moment any kind of movement stopped, you decided it was time to investigate and see what had caused this. You moved forward, behind Steve who was leading the group. When you were able to have a clear view through the gate, your whole face lit up in a smile.
“No way.” Steve said from beside you, looking up at the kids, now including Erica, who was also staring at you. The weirdest thing however was the fact that you were looking at them upside down.
Dustin chuckled when he saw you and waved “Hi there.”
“Hey, Dusty.” you and the others waved back.
“Holy shit, this is trippy.” Robin said and Dustin laughed even more.
After you had calmed down, it was pretty easy to form a plan for your way out. You decided on making a rope by Eddie’s tied sheets and place his mattress on your world’s floor, so you wouldn’t hurt yourself as you climbed up and down. Max and Lucas place the beg mattress under the hole and you stare at it.
“Those stains are, uh… I don’t know what those stains are.” he turns his head upward, ignoring your gazes with an embarrassed look on his face.
Your eyes fall on Dustin who had just stepped on said mattress showing you his work on the rope “Not quite sure how these physics are gonna work. But uh… here goes nothing.” he throws the rope in the air and you watch it in awe as it stands still between the two dimensions “There we go. And if my theory is correct…” he lets go of the rope and it stays in the air “Abracadabra.” you let out a chuckle at the sight.
“Holy shit.” Max says and Dustin addresses you.
“All right, pull on it! See if it holds!” he instructed and you held out your hand, pulling on the rope. You let out a surprised laugh when you see it not bulging. Robin also comes forward, pulling the rope with her entire weight. Nothing happens, the rope stays perfectly still.
“This is the craziest shit I’ve ever seen in my life. And I’ve seen some crazy shit.” Erica told you and she high-fives your brother.
One by one you climb up the rope. First was Robin, then Eddie, and then you. You pull on the tried sheets and the moment you cross dimensions you can feel the gravity pulling you to the ground. You land on the mattress letting out a huff, the force making you feel the bruises on your back. You feel two arms pulling you up and you open your eyes to see Dustin above you.
“Welcome.” he sent you a smile and the moment you got up, you engulfed him in a big hug.
“You’re okay.” you whispered into his ear.
Dustin was shocked for just a second before returning the hug with just as much force as you “You too.”
You didn’t know what it was, maybe the universe hated giving you moments to relax, but before you could stop the embrace on your own, you heard Steve’s voice yelling.
“Nancy? Stay with me. Nancy! Hey! Nancy, wake up!” you look through the gate to see Nancy frozen, while Steve was shaking her shoulders.
“Vecna.” Max said and you felt your heart pummel to your stomach in dread.
“What do we do?” you asked the rest, and you quickly began looking around for something that could help Nancy. Music was your number one solution for this kind of situation so you headed to Eddie’s room, searching for music that Nancy could like.
“Steve says you need to hurry!” Erica informs you.
“Yeah? No shit!” Dustin yells.
“We’re trying. We can’t find anything.” Max was searching with Dustin and Lucas on one pile, while you focused on another across the room, but wasn’t at all successful.
“Eddie, do you have anything?” you said in exaggeration.
“I mean, what are you even looking for?”
“Madonna, Blondie, Bowie, Beatles? Music! We need music!” Robin held up some of the tapes you had littered across the room.
“This is music!” Eddie said annoyed at her words as he holds up one of the tapes she had on her hands.
“It’s not good enough right now!” you yelled back.
Luckily, before you could waste more time, Nancy was able to wake up on her own. Steve helped her get through the gate and you guided her gently on one of the chairs in Eddie’s trailer. She looked exhausted and before you could ask her anything, her body went limp against yours, fainting. You looked around the room, searching for some kind of answers as to what you should do next. Max sprung into action and told you, you could stay at her trailer. She said her mother would either be too drunk to care or at work. Turns out it was the latter, making the situation much easier for you.
Steve took Nancy into his arms, and you settled her in Max’s bed to regain her strength. The rest of you decided to also relax and have someone stay on watch for an hour each time. Steve offered himself to be the first one to start the shifts and then it would be your turn. Max handed out some blankets and pillows you could use. She also said it would be okay to sleep on her mom’s bed, so you told the kids to go lay there. Robin took the couch, Eddie situated himself on the floor and you were curled up in the armchair.
You closed your eyes, fighting to get the images out of your mind and get some sleep, but you failed to win. After half an hour you got tired of pretending to be asleep. You opened your eyes and let them roam around the room. You looked at Robin sleeping, her body in a position that only she knew how to sleep in. Then you looked at Eddie, sleeping on his back on the floor. His eyes were moving behind his lids, and you hoped he wasn’t seeing nightmares.
Lastly, you let your gaze fall on Steve. He was sitting on the small table in the kitchen, his head turned to look outside the window.
Steve’s peripheral vision saw something move, and his senses heightened. However, he relaxed when he realized it was you. His eyes followed your body as you made your way to the chair next to him. You made yourself comfortable and placed your hand on top of his on the table, caressing it. He felt butterflies in his stomach that only increased when he looked you in the eye.
“You’re supposed to be sleeping.”
“You know I can’t sleep without you.” you said sweetly but he didn’t seem to believe you at all “Well, I can’t sleep in general right now, but let’s focus on the first reason.” you chuckled together.
Steve wanted for you to relax and get some sleep, but having you here felt great. You were the only one who could make him forget even for just a moment what had happened today “This day was crazy.”
“Yeah… I never thought we’d ever fight our way through the Upside Down and survive.” your eyes wandered to Steve’s torso, your bloody shirt your main focus “How’s your side?”
Steve looked down and touched the place where the bat had bit him, scoffing “It’s not bleeding anymore, so I guess that counts for something. What about your back?”
“Oh, I’m fine.” one of his eyebrows shot up, clearly not believing you “Really. Just a little sad about the shirt. I really liked it.” he quietly laughed at your ‘sad’ face, bringing both of his hands now on top of the table and taking yours in.
“I love you.” his voice was now a whisper, making you soft.
“I love you too, Steve.”
“Thank you for coming after me. Thank you for saving me and taking care of me.” this caught you off guard, not expecting this type of kindness.
“You’d do the same for me. You don’t have to thank me.” you told him, shaking your head.
“I don’t have to, but I want to.” you smiled at his words and you immediately returned the gesture.
“Thank you for fighting for us. Thank you for protecting us and the kids. Thank you for being here with me.” he smiled and leaned forward. He grabbed the side of your face with one hand, bringing your lips to his for a soft kiss. It may not have lasted long, but it was perfect.
“I just hope what we’re doing is enough this time.” he confessed to you after the kiss, his hands now playing with your fingers. You could see the worry in his eyes. It must have been scary for him to see Nancy like that in front of him, shaking her awake and yelling at her but getting nothing in return. Not knowing if he could keep someone safe isn’t easy for Steve.
You brought your hand on his cheek and guided his eyes to look into your own “We’re surviving this together, Steve. You told me that.” you recalled the first promise he had ever made you, one of the only things that could bring strength to you even in moments like these.
“We will.” he agreed and stayed with you until your turn to watch them ended. You woke Eddie up and Steve took his place on the floor. You returned to your original sleeping place, finally able to get some sleep, feeling safe with Steve next to you.
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rindouheart · 2 years
Can I request kaiser and loki (i have a thing for prodigies it seems-) confessing to their crush right after a wisdom teeth removal bc they r all delirious and such?(and maybe if its not too much their crush tells them once they are back at themselves 😫) i love this scenario so much its so romantic and cute audosjddk thank u in advance and have an amazing day!❤️❤️❤️
KAISER and LOKI confessing to their s/o (while laughing) 🌿
content. these two omg + one mention of surgery + just fluff and crack :))
author’s notes. oooh tysm for this request, i absolutely adore it! i wrote a couple of short scenarios + some headcanons, i hope you like it! // i’ll probably have to get a wisdom teeth removed too (how fun).
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this bitch would be calm as fuck, that anesthesia knocked him off.
you’re actually his best friend, and you had the job of bringing him back home.
he is giggling at every thing you say + he’s petty, like, really petty.
“hop in, come on” you grunt, already tired of your best friend being all weird. michael sits down inside your car and fastens his security belt. then, after checking on him, you go the other way around and sit on the driver’s seat.
“mhhhhh” he murmurs, trying to catch your attention. “what’s the matter? does it hurt?” you ask before starting the car. “yeee~” he cries, leaning towards you “can i have a kiss to soothe the pain???”. you freeze and babble something like “on the lips?”. your friend nods and whines a long “pleaseeeee~”.
you’ve had a crush on kaiser for almost a year, but you never confessed directly to him, because he’s michael kaiser: focused on becoming the best version of himself and probably already surrounded by other people.
michael gets quickly impatient since you’re not doing anything “please y/n, i’m in pain and you’re the only person i allow to see me like this” and damn, your heart melts. “well, let’s do it”, you get as near as possible and kiss him on the lips. actually, you’ve never thought that this could have happened to you. “i love you” he coos, “stop it” you laugh back.
omg his face when you told him what he did 😭 would probably die of embarrassment: how could the great michael kaiser make a fool of himself?
however, some hours later, he would confess seriously since the damage was done earlier
a laughing mess: the total opposite of his usual calm and collected behaviour.
he called you and asked if you could go to this house, without saying why.
as a good friend you accepted.
“julian? why did you ask me to get here?” you ask, watching him laying on the couch. “i was lonely” he pouts while kicking his feet “i want to go play football”. you pinch the bridge of your nose. you knew he was stubborn, but fuck, he’s just got a surgery and the wound still hasn’t totally stopped bleeding.
“you know you can’t?” at your response, he grunts “when will i play again?”. “usually, wisdom teeth surgeries need about two weeks of care before being fine” you answer and see loki turning gloomy. “don’t give me that look, you know it doesn’t depends on me” you shake your head, making him laugh “can you stay with me for these two weeks?”. “i can come here when I’ve nothing to do” you explain “i still have to go to college and study for my exams”.
“but i love you and spending time with you”. did you hear it correctly or is your mind playing games? “can… can you repeat the last sentence?” you ask, stuttering a bit “i love you and spending time with you?” he repeats, wondering why you asked him to do that. “oh… okay…” you turn away to hide your faint blush.
after he calmed down, you asked him if he really intended what he said before.
and when he nods 🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻🫶🏻
julian will literally melt if you hug him after that.
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@rindouheart ‘s scenarios — 02012023
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ethanlandryshotwife · 2 years
All I wanted was you | Xavier T.
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Summary: All Y/n wanted was Xavier.
pairings: Xavier Thorpe x Fem!reader
warnings: Cursing and like rude comments ig??? No smut u lil weirdos (I was reading smut like 2 minutes ago but whatever)
Enemies to lovers??
I hate Xavier Thorpe.
I hate all the stupid things he says. All the unnecessary comments he makes. 
Sometimes I want to kiss him, but the other times I just want to bash his head into the fucking wall. 
Every guy that has tried to ask me out I rejected because of him, I only wanted him. He just won’t get what I’m trying to tell him. Most of my friends know about the feelings I’ve developed.
It’s stupid. I’m tired of acting like I hate him. When I don’t.
“What are you thinking about?” Xavier says from next to me. Right now we are in Ms. Thornhill's class. She gave us assigned seats and mine was next to Xavier's.
“Thinking of the best possible way I can kill you in your sleep and get away with it,” I reply to him. Snarky, like always.
“Aww, you’re thinking about me.” He teases. You don’t even know, Thorpe.
I chuckle in response.
If only I could get him out of my fucking head. It’s like I’m being haunted. “What plant is this?” Xavier asks shoving his paper in my face. Gosh, he is so stupid sometimes.
“It’s the bleeding heart, we have been learning about it this whole week, idiot,” I explained it to him. “How is learning about stupid ass plants going to help us in life anyway.” He remarked mostly talking with his hands.
I’ve always noticed that.
“It will help you if you decide to go out into the wilderness Mr.Thorpe.” Ms.Thornhill overhears from her desk “Now, do your work.” She adds then goes back to grading papers.
I quietly laugh. “Bitch.” He mutters.
“Let's go shopping for the Rave’n.” This is the sentence that brought me here watching Enid twirling around in her perfect white dress.
“Do you like it?” She asks, for the 100th time “Yea, its cute.” I reply. I’m not trying to be a bad friend or anything but I just don’t really care about the dress or the Rave’n overall, I don’t even think I’m going.
“You keep saying that!” She pouts like a child “Anyways, what are you going to wear?” She questions me. 
My PJs, then I’m getting into my bed and going to sleep.
“Um, I don’t think I’m going,” I answer honestly. I know she's going to freak out. “What do you mean!” She yells.
“I just don’t really feel like it this year Enid, I’m sorry.” I apologize. “Nope, you are going. Even if I have to drag you there with my own paws.” She threats. “Please don’t make me,” I beg already knowing where this is going.
2 minutes later I’m in a spaghetti strap white dress with a slit on the leg.(the photo is at the bottom, or Imagine whatever you want idgaf)
“Its perfect.” Enid squeals “we’re going to be the baddest looking bitches in the room.” She snickered. Oh lord save me.
“Put the heels on before I hit you.” Is what echoes off of my dorm walls right now.
currently, Enid is forcing me to put heels on. I promised myself I would fight back, but it wasn’t enough against Enid's wrath and her claws. 
I internally cried as I slipped on the white heels. “Gorgeous,” Enid says looking at both of us in the mirror. If only I felt it.
“My goal tonight is to make Ajax jealous,” Enid says. She has been mad at him ever since he stood her up and considering the way he talks about her something obviously happened.
“What is your goal?” She asks me. To stay away from Xavier as best as I can. “To sneak away when you’re not looking.” I answer causing her to giggle.
A knock on the door stops her giggling, “He’s here.” she squeals running to the door “Who?” I say. What is this girl planning? “Well, I found some people who didn’t have dates and.....” Enid trails. 
“What!” I yell. I wanted to go by myself, not with some horny teenage boy.
“Who are the ‘people’?” I ask her. It better not be some jackass.
“Kent and that guy from the pilgrim world.” She answers before I can say anything she opens the door. Just like she said Kent and Lucas are standing at the door. “Hey guys, we were just finishing up.” She says.
She set me up with Kent. He asked me how to spell ‘you’ last year. God, I’m going to kill her.
My heels click against the hard floor under me as I walk. “Let's go!” Enid squeals practically running down the hall. I try my best to catch up with her in these heels.
I almost fall over a few times but I managed to catch up with her at the doors. “Come on!” She says dragging me into the door leaving are dates. “Welcome to The Rave’n girls.” Ms.Thornhill says with a creepy welcoming smile.
“Let's go get some Yeti-tini.” She shouted over the loud music. She grabs my hand and we walk over to the stand. I end up bumping into someone while waiting for her to fill our cups.
“Sorry,” I say before I meet the eyes of the person. It was Xavier, in a white suit and his hair down like usual. (Kill that man bun it was triggering the first time I saw it.)
“You actually look good for once.” He says while looking at my outfit. For once? “Well, you kinda look like that old man from KFC,” I reply.
“Touché.” He snickers “Look who has been paying attention in french, I’m proud.” I say giving him a little clap “Only took me 2 days to learn, a new record.” He laughs.
I look next to me and Enid has disappeared. “You here with anyone?” He adds. So much for staying away from him tonight. “I mean I guess not, my supposed date is making out with someone right now.” I say pointing to Kenny making out with a girl I don’t know.
“What about you?” I ask “Not really I pissed her off and she ran.” he explains earning a hum from me. Who is his date?
“Want to dance?” He says changing the subject. I can’t dance for shit. “I don’t see why not.” I answer.
Unexpectedly he grabs my hand and leads me to the middle of the dance floor. Life just seems to love me right now because as soon as we hit the middle of the floor it turns into a slow song.
 “I’ve never slow danced in my life.” I tell him with panic on my face. “Just follow me.” He says as if we’re in some movie “People only say that in movies following you isn't helping shit.” I explain to him, I’m most likely going to bust my ass.
He starts laughing as I trip over my own foot “Shut up.” I say hitting him upside the head and making him laugh harder. I wish a hole would just swallow me whole right now.
“Do you just want to get out of here?” He asks.
“yea, but we better run before End attacks us.” I tell him he smiles in response. He takes my hand and leads me out of the dance.
Me and Xavier end up on the balcony that overlooks the quad. I usually hang out here when I’m not in the mood to hang out with my friends. 
Silence fills the air as we look over the balcony “You know I don’t actually hate you.” Xavier says out of nowhere. “I guess you’re okay.” I say sarcastically rolling my eyes causing Xavier to chuckle.
“The argument I got into with my date was about you.” Xavier confesses. “talking about me, eh?” I ask. I don't recall doing anything to Xavier or his date, I don’t think.
He laughs.
“I just felt like you needed to know.” He tells me “What did I do to start the argument?” I ask him. “You didn’t do anything, it’s my fault.” He answers.
“I’m so confused.” I giggle. Did I do something to his date? “She said I talked about you too much.” He says.
“Can I do something?” He asks me “Go ahead, Mr.Thorpe.” I say. I don't know what I expected him to do, but it most certainly wasn't this.
Xavier gently put his lips on mine. It felt like finally eating food you have been carving for a long time.
Sadly Xavier pulled away to breathe. Our noses touching “I think I kinda like you.” He admits. “Kinda?” I ask.
If only you knew, Xavier.
Taking request!
Damn this took all night my back hurts. Btw I apologize I was very bored so I wrote this, I’m begging you if I spelled something wrong tell me bc its so embarrassing. Anyways I think ima start a kill Xavier's man bun cult what do you think?
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The dress and heels or whatever u want idc<3
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lifblogs · 3 months
A New Home
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Week 3
Prompt: “It’s just a scratch.”
Rating: General Audiences
Word Count: 871
Summary: Omega wakes to find Hunter taking care of an injury. Things get overwhelming.
Omega gasped when she saw Hunter wrapping his forearm with a bandage, blood seeping through.
That was blood, right? It had to be. The lights in the Marauder were turned low for their sleep cycle, but she thought perhaps she saw maroon.
Hunter turned, wincing slightly as he put a hand over his arm.
“I—I’m sorry,” Omega said, stiffening, feeling like she’d been caught spying. “I… got thirsty.”
She watched Hunter’s hand held over the bandage as if it kept some secret hidden from her.
Oh gosh. Oh no.
“Are you okay?” she asked, rushing up to him. She had her shaking hands up, not quite sure what to do.
Omega had seen blood before, of course, but this was different. That had been on Kamino, in that pristine, controlled environment, medical droids hovering in every hall.
She wasn’t on Kamino anymore, and that was blood.
“It’s just a scratch,” Hunter explained, putting a hand on her shoulder.
She jumped at the contact, eyes so glued to his wounded arm that she hadn’t taken in his movement. Hunter immediately pulled back, and Omega reached for his hand.
“When did this happen?” Omega asked. “I don’t remember seeing you get hurt.”
She gulped.
Oh stars, I could get hurt. They could get hurt in any number of unforeseen ways.
For a moment Omega missed Kamino. She wanted to be curled up in her bunk, hiding.
“That last trooper—he nicked me with my vibroblade.”
“How bad? What if it gets infected? You’re still bleeding?”
Hunter crouched down in front of her.
“What’s all this about?”
Omega was surprised to find her vision blurring with unshed tears.
“Hey, it’s okay. Come sit down.”
Hunter helped her into one of the chairs in the cockpit, the raining night dark through the viewports.
“I’m gonna be just fine,” he told her.
She wiped at her face, and almost hid it, not used to being vulnerable around someone.
“Things just got so real for me.”
“Thinking about Kamino, about why we left?”
Omega nodded, and she appreciated that he didn’t call that home. She wished it could be that for her sometimes still. She missed the familiarity of it, even though each new thing, each bit of freedom, of expression, was something she cherished and sought for.
“It’s okay to miss it,” he told her.
“But what do we do if one of us gets hurt?” she asked. “And I mean really, badly hurt. We don’t have resources, we’re on the run.”
“We always figure it out.” Hunter seemed thoughtful as he went on, “I know that doesn’t seem to fix it, does it?”
When he put a hand on her shoulder this time she lifted her head a little higher, shame from crying washing away in a wave of warmth.
“Can I admit something?”
“I’m scared too.”
Omega laughed, and then covered her mouth, surprised at the sound.
“That’s ridiculous. You’re brave, and smart.”
“Do you think bravery comes from a lack of fear?”
Omega shook her head.
“Being brave is about doing it scared. And I am scared, not of this scratch—”
Omega rolled her eyes at his downplay of this.
“—but your safety. And theirs.” He tilted his head abaft, to where the others slept. “As their leader it’s my job to think of every scenario, and sometimes those scenarios are going to be scary to face, but that’s why we train and plan. It’s why we all look out for each other, why we look out for you.”
“Being a leader sounds hard,” Omega admitted.
Hunter gave her a small smile. “It can be.”
The ship hummed around them, rain pattering on durasteel and transparisteel.
“Will we… be okay?”
“As long as we have each other, we will be.”
“Then what about Crosshair?”
Hunter drew himself up short.
“He’s our brother,” she added.
“I know he is. I know. But things are complicated, and I realize it all happened so fast. Maybe we didn’t make enough right decisions, or maybe we did. I’m not even sure we fully understand what happened.”
Omega hugged her knees to her chest.
“I hope he’ll be okay.”
“Me too.”
Omega wiped dried tears from her eyes, eyes that suddenly felt so tired.
Hunter stood. “Here, let’s get you some water and get you back in bed with Lula.”
He offered his hand to her, and she took it, leaning in against his side. She realized he’d offered her his right hand, the one attached to his injured forearm.
She lightly brushed her fingers against the bandages.
“Does it hurt?” she asked.
“A little. I’ll be okay.”
Hunter got her some water, and was now leaning against the steps to the gunner’s mount.
He ruffled her hair.
“Get some sleep, Omega.”
“Yes, sir,” she got out through a yawn. Hunter chuckled, tucking her in with Lula.
“Everything will be less frightening come morning. I promise.”
“It’s already less frightening. Thank you.”
Omega settled in, closing her eyes, and Hunter let her curtain fall, giving her some privacy. The rain lulled her to sleep. It wasn’t the rain on Kamino. It was something better. A new rain, a new… home.
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trensu · 11 months
I set myself a goal to have this fic finished and postedon ao3 by Halloween. As you can tell, I have failed miserably since it's neither finished or posted. In my defense, my hands were in much more pain than usual for most of October and so far November's not looking so great either.
Still, I feel kind of shitty about missing my goal, so I decided to post the first couple of scenes here. This fic is part of the Hawkins Halfway House series and we'll be meeting Billy in it. Enjoy!
Eddie was enjoying a quiet, little Horrors-free day with House. He’d dropped off Max and the Sinclair siblings with Steve in the morning since they hadn’t been able to hang out with Dustin and El for longer than any of the little Horrors deemed acceptable. El had been living with Steve for about a year now, and Dustin nearly twice that long. The transition hadn’t been as painful as expected but the kids were not used to being apart from each other, so an arrangement was reached that every other weekend, the kids could spend the night together either at House or at Junior.
This weekend, the kids had opted to stay at Junior with Steve. Depending on how things went, they might stay longer seeing as the kids were on some extended human holiday weekend as of the night before. If that happened, then Eddie planned on having some slow lazy mornings. However, it was now past lunchtime and he really needed to restock their stores of red meat, thanks to the pair of werewolf cubs in his care. He had very quickly become the local butcher’s favorite customer because of them.
Eddie had just about convinced himself to get going and be a responsible adult when the phone rang. Eddie made his way over to where House decided to keep the phone hooked up this week. He leaned against the wall, already fiddling with the phone cord, as he answered.
“Hawkins Halfway–”
“EDDIE,” Dustin screeched over the phone. “You have to come over right now. Steve is DYING.”
“What?” Eddie asked, bolting upright from where he had slouched. He heard the voices of the other kids over the line.
“He is bleeding. Blood should stay inside humans,” El said seriously.
“Bleeding? Where? What happened?” Eddie asked, resting the phone between his shoulder and ear to free up his hands. He got a bit tangled in the cord in his hurried searching of his pockets for his keys.
“Guys,” Steve’s voice broke through. “Guys, I’m fine. Oh god, Dustin, who are you calling? What did I say about using the phone? Junior, what did I tell you about letting the kids use the phone?”
“This IS an emergency!” Dustin protested, loudly.
“There’s so much blood,” Lucas could be heard in the background. “It’s like that time I ate a rabbit just before the moon set.”
“See, Eddie? HE’S DYING!” Dustin shouted directly into the receiver.
“You called Eddie? Dustin, give me the phone,” Steve said. After a brief scuffle, and what sounded like the handset being dropped to the ground only to get hastily picked up, Steve was speaking directly. His voice sounded funny. “Eddie, hi!”
“What happened? Dustin thinks you’re dying,” Eddie said.
“I’m fine! Nobody’s dying,” Steve said. Then, presumably to the kids, “Give me some room, I don’t want to drip on any of you.”
“Steve, are you bleeding?” Eddie asked, his worry mixing with irritation.
“Yeah, but I’m okay. It’s a bloody nose,” Steve said, which explained why he sounded weird.
“And a bloody mouth,” Lucas added.
“His eye’s busted up, too!” Erica said loud enough for Eddie to hear.
“Yes, thank you for that,” Steve said to the kids in that bitchy tone Eddie secretly enjoyed hearing. “Go watch some TV while I talk to Eddie. I promise I won’t fall over dead.”
“I’m coming over,” Eddie decided out loud.
“You don’t have to, honestly, the kids are freaking out over nothing,” Steve insisted.
“You’re due for a home inspection anyway. See you in ten.”
Eddie hung up before Steve could protest.
Eddie didn’t have a chance to knock on the door before it slammed open and he was swarmed by the kids.
“He’s in the kitchen,” Lucas told him.
“We couldn’t remember how much blood humans are supposed to keep inside,” El said.
“Yeah, so Dustin freaked out,” Erica snorted derisively.
Dustin started to argue that his concern was legitimate, but Eddie pushed past all of them to get to the kitchen. There, Eddie nearly swallowed his tongue because Steve was indeed in the kitchen. Shirtless. And bent over the sink. The steam rising from the running water dampened his chest hair and made his skin dewy. The muscles in Steve’s arms flexed distractingly as he scrubbed almost violently at a bloodied shirt.
Eddie didn’t have much time to enjoy the view because as soon as he finished processing the vision, he caught sight of Steve’s face. He immediately understood why the children panicked. Steve’s face was a mess. Steve had done his best to clean up most of the blood, but his nostrils were still rimmed with some, and the split lip started to bleed again when Steve looked up at Eddie. The skin around his eye was puffy and bruised.
“It looks worse than it is,” Steve said immediately. “No concussion!”
Eddie covered the distance in a few long strides. He reflexively reached out to touch Steve’s face, then pulled back when he realized what he’d been about to do. Eddie had been adamantly ignoring the small crush he was harboring for his kids’ foster parent. Unfortunately, it meant he had to forcibly ignore opportunities to touch Steve as much as possible. In this case, it resulted in Eddie fluttering his hands uselessly around Steve.
“What happened?”
“First, you should know that I handled it and I was already planning on calling you to give you a rundown of the situation. I wanted to clean myself up a bit before calling but that didn’t go as planned, obviously.”
“I’m fine, really. I’m more worried about Max.” At Steve’s words, Eddie’s whole body tensed.
“What happened to Max?” Eddie asked before it occurred to him, “She wasn’t with the other kids. Where is she?”
“She ran to her room as soon as we got home. She’s kind of shaken up. I haven’t had the chance to talk to her about what happened because the others saw me and were freaking out the whole ride home.”
“I can talk to her,” Eddie said immediately. Steve nodded as if he hadn’t expected anything different, and began to explain what happened.
“I took the kids to the park nearby to burn off some energy before dinner,” Steve said. “Max stayed in the parking lot because she wanted to practice using her skateboard.”
While Steve spoke, Eddie maneuvered himself around the familiar kitchen. He grabbed a clean kitchen towel and dug out an icepack from the freezer. After wrapping it up, he handed it to Steve, who delicately placed it over his eye.
Steve continued to explain how he made sure he settled in a spot that would give him a good view of both the parking lot and the playground. Everything had been going well. All the kids were having fun, although Max had tumbled a couple of times while trying to find her balance on the skateboard. Then Steve had been distracted.
Erica had gotten a bit too into a game of chase. She had started to get a little wolfy around the edges. Lucas had immediately shielded her from view by throwing his hoodie at her face. Steve guided her a farther away from the playground to somewhere more quiet and secluded to give her a moment to calm down. Once she had collected herself, she and Steve rejoined everyone at the playground. Steve had given the playground a quick lookover to make sure everyone was still accounted for, but when he’d looked for Max over at the parking lot, a man was with her.
Steve had been too far away to hear what the man was saying, but the man was way too close to her. Max had frozen in place. If the unknown man approaching her hadn’t been alarming enough, seeing her freeze like that set off all sorts of bells. While Max wasn’t Steve’s foster kid, he knew her well enough by now to know that, when cornered, Max's first instinct was to fight, not flee or freeze.
“I ran over there as soon as I saw what was happening,” Steve told Eddie, as if Eddie would ever doubt him. Steve had a protective streak to rival a werewolf. “By the time I got to them, he had grabbed her by the arm.”
Steve had shoved the man away from her the moment he had gotten within reach. From there it had devolved into a fistfight that left Steve in his current state. Thankfully the other kids were too wrapped up in their playground games to realize what was happening at the time but one of the other parents at the playground had seen and used the nearby payphone to call the police. The cops showed up to break up the fight. As far as Steve was aware, the man who had grabbed Max was taken away by the cops. They took some statements from witnesses, but Steve, to Eddie’s utter lack of surprise, insisted on going home with his kids rather than going down to the station.
Eddie was grateful for that. He had seen how cops treat people they consider less than human, even when they didn't have an ounce of supernatural blood in them. Little Horrors in distress were not always great at keeping their human faces on.
Once Steve finished updating Eddie, he went to reassure the other kids while Eddie made his way to see Max. Eddie had barely stepped into the guest room Junior had made for Max before Max shot to her feet. She was very pale, made even more apparent by the dark red feathers that had sprouted through her hair and along her face. Her hands were rough and clawed.
“He found me,” Max said. “Billy found me. He tried to take me away.”
Eddie swore under his breath. It was just as he had suspected. He didn't think the cops would hold Billy for very long. He had to start planning a defense but first, he wanted to comfort Max, offer some reassurance. He stepped closer to her but slowed his movements at Max’s flinch. Instead, he redirected and leaned against the dresser close to Max. Her jaw was tense. She crossed her arms, clutching at her elbows.
“But he didn’t,” Eddie said firmly. “You’re still here. Steve stopped him and you’re safe.”
Max’s breath hitched.
“Is…is Steve mad at me?” Her claws dug into fabric at the elbows of her hoodie, nervously shredding it. “I have my backpack in the closet. I can leave. If he’s mad.”
“What? No, no, no, Max, Steve’s not mad at you. He’s worried, but he’d never get mad at you for something like this.”
Her voice dropped to a shamed whisper.
“But Billy hurt him so bad. He broke Steve’s face,” her breath hitched again, but she had yet to break into tears. It hurt Eddie to see her try so hard to keep it together. “It's all my fault, he’s going to be so mad.”
“Max Mayfield, listen to me,” Eddie said fiercely. “None of this is your fault. This is all on that hunter. Steve doesn’t blame you and he’s not mad at you.”
She gnawed at her lip, eyes cast down. She didn't believe him, he could tell.
"Billy's going to come back. He’ll hurt Steve again," Max said.
"If that happens, and I'm not saying it will!" Eddie said. Though he knew she was right about Billy. Billy was a stubborn, possessive, and angry man. "But if it does, it still wouldn't be your fault. He's a grown up making his own awful decisions, okay?"
"Okay," she said despondently, though she no longer sounded like she would break into tears.
"I need to let Steve know what to expect but he'll probably come up here after to check on you if you're okay with it."
Max nodded jerkily, not looking at him. Eddie suppressed a sigh. Max had been making so much progress, opening herself up more to others and getting attached to things that interested her. If Eddie hadn’t hated Billy already, the sight Max retreating into herself again because of his reappearance would’ve done it.
"Do you want to be alone? Or do you want some of your friends up here with you?" Eddie asked.
Max shrugged. Eddie glanced over at the unmade bed. The underneath looked darker than it probably should be. He smiled tentatively at Max.
"I think El is already under the bed, so if you want to be alone…"
An oozing black tendril squirmed out from underneath the bed to wrap gently around Max's ankle. Some of the stress that pinched Max’s expression eased at the touch. She easily dropped to the ground and scooched into the cramped space beneath the bed.
“You are safe, Max,” El’s voice hissed from the dark space.
Eddie left the room and closed the door quietly behind him. It was time to fill Steve in on some things he had hoped would never come up.
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suspensefulpen · 7 months
A Favor
TW: Sadistic Carewhumper, Fire, Bleeding Wounds, Cut, Threats of Violence/Torture, Implied Kidnapping
Carewhumper opened her front door and found Whumper standing outside. She noticed a bag and gallon of sweet tea in his hand. 
“I guess you need something.” 
“Yeah… kind of.” He nodded slowly. 
She grabbed the bag and looked through it. She hummed. “I guess I can help. Come in.” Whumper walked inside the house, following Carewhumper. She pulled out a chair and pointed to it. “Sit.” 
She put the bag down on the table and pulled out its contents. There were packs of cookies, brownies and cigarettes. Whumper reached in his pocket and handed her a lighter. She put away the items before retrieving a medical kit and sitting next to him. “For you to claim to be so high and mighty, you sure know how to beg.” 
“Well, who else could I run to without getting a thousand dollar bill afterwards?” He smiled. 
She frowned. “I should start charging you that much just because you said that. Let me see your arm.” He pulled off his jacket and allowed her to examine the large cut. “What stupid shit did you do this time?” 
“Let’s just say, I… wasn’t paying attention.” 
“You never know how to, do you?” Carewhumper was about to clean the wound when she noticed a bite mark below it. She ran her finger over it. “The hell is this?” 
“A…bite mark.” 
“The same thing that got me a cut…” 
“Things don’t bite Whumper, people do. Who cut you?” 
He smiled. “You sound jealous.” 
“Don’t start with me. I’ll cut the other arm just like this so it’ll match. Clearly they cut the wrong body part.” 
“Are you insinuating you want my throat to be slashed?” 
“I’m insinuating I’ll do it myself if you don’t tell me.” 
Whumper chuckled. “Fine. It was Whumpee.” 
Carewhumper paused. “Whumpee?” 
“Yeah, Whumpee. Remember? I told you about him. You wanna share him?” 
“I know, I know. And no, I don’t want to share him. I just heard his name somewhere else too…” Carewhumper thought for a moment. “The hospital. Caretaker was so concerned about him.” 
“Caretaker? You know who that is?” 
“Yeah, unfortunately I do. They’re my coworker. They don’t shut up about Whumpee.” She rolled her eyes. “He came in a few weeks ago. Caretaker got him. They said he had been found barely conscious on the side of the road by some older couple. Three weeks later, we came to work and he was gone. I’ve never seen Caretaker attach to a patient so easily. It seems like they always get the ones that’s been through it all. Or maybe they do that on purpose. I always thought nurses were weird anyway. They care too much.” 
Whumper narrowed his eyes. “I’m sure that’s why doctors like you don’t work alone.” 
“What? I just think it’s strange to care about someone you don’t know that much.” 
“How long have you been working together?” 
“Couple years. They piss me off. I’m just glad they’re not on my team.” 
“I’m sure a lot of nurses are.” She glared up at him, making him shrug. “Just saying.” She poured an excessive amount of rubbing alcohol over the cut, making Whumper wince. “Are you always this mean to your patients?” He asked through gritted teeth. 
“No, just you. You’re the only one I’m legally allowed to do this to. I would do it at work too but then the nurses might snitch.” 
“I think you just like to see me in pain.” 
Carewhumper hummed. “Yeah, that too. I think it’s only fair for you showing up on my doorstep at twelve in the morning every other week.” 
“You’d do this no matter what time I ask you for help.” 
She wiped his arm and placed a gauze over it. “I still want to make the other arm match. But I know you probably lost a lot of blood because you like to ignore your wounds until the last minute.” 
“No I don’t.” 
“Explain to me why your hand is so red then? It should be pale from losing blood.” He glanced around and shrugged. “Because you were trying to ignore it until you saw the blood dripping down your wrist. Were you not?” 
“Your lies might work on everyone else but not me.” Carewhumper put away all of the medical supplies and grabbed the pack of cookies. “And who told you I lost my lighter?” 
“No one told me. I just saw it and got it for you.” 
“Well I’m glad you did. I need to see if it works.” She bit a cookie and reached for the lighter. When the tiny flame flickered to life, she held it under Whumper’s hand. Watching him try his best not to scream made her laugh. “It’s perfect. And you got it in a nice design. You just might be my favorite patient since I got my degree.” 
“You had a favorite?” He asked breathlessly while gingerly holding his burned hand. 
“Nah, none of them squirm like you do. Gotta have them under anesthesia and all that in order to operate. You, on the other hand, I can torture any way I want.” She smirked. 
Whumper frowned, realizing he once said those exact words to Whumpee. 
What goes around, comes around right?
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For the last six months, Lance has been acting strange. It sounds like a long time, and maybe something Hunk should have brought up earlier, but he wasn’t sure enough to bring it up for a while — he’s sure now, though. Lance used to send Hunk fifty memes a night for Hunk to scroll through in the mornings, now it’s a rare day he gets even one. He used to get regular calls and facetimes from Lance about every little inconvenience Lance experienced, but now he’s lucky to hear Lance’s voice once a week. And he’s almost never available to hang out anymore.
“What I’m hearing is that you are getting a break, and what I’m not understanding is why you’re complaining about it,” Pidge says.
Hunk glances away from the dirt road he’s squinting at (country driving is hard, especially as the sun starts to set, why couldn’t Lance stay in the city like the rest of them), to roll his eyes at her.
“Oh, don’t give me that. You miss him too. It’s like he’s been replaced by a pod person!”
Hunk doesn’t know if it’s the conspiracy theory tease or if it’s because Pidge misses Lance more than he thought, but she deflates rather quickly.
“Yeah, yeah, okay. It’s a little strange that we haven’t heard much from him. But,” she bites her lip, looking away from her phone for once, “are we sure he’s not just grieving? I mean, he’s become a bit of a hermit ever since his Abuela left him her cabin in the woods. His tree-hugging ass never wants to leave. And I imagine he misses her, too. Is he maybe just trying to grieve in peace?”
“That’s a valid point,” Hunk concedes, “but I don’t think that’s it. Abuela died a year ago. He still misses her, shit, but if anything he’s even more clingy when he’s upset. And he just started pulling away a few months ago, so I don’t think it’s the death. It’s weird. He’s never been like this.”
“I mean, Lance is just kind of a weirdo,” Pidge says, because she and Lance have this weird relationship where they refuse to admit they love each other even though Hunk has seen both of them mope for days after a fight or argument. (But whatever works for them Hunk supposes.) “You’re right though, I guess. He hasn’t sent me a picture of an angry possum with the caption ‘this is u’ in a while, which is kind of concerning.”
“…Is that a regular occurrence?”
Hunk breaks concentration from the road again, looking at her strangely. She barely notices, attention back on her phone as she waves her hand dismissively.
“Oh, yeah. He sends a mocking picture whenever he sees a particularly gremlin-esque animal, I seen him one whenever I see a rat.”
“Pidge, you live in Queens. You see a rat twelve times a day.”
Pidge sniggers. “Yeah, and it’s funny every time. He gets all pissy.”
Hunk just sighs, shaking his head fondly. He will never understand their relationship.
Hunk has visited Lance at his new home a handful of times since he inherited it. He always, always has the porch light on (he says it’s in case someone were to get lost in the woods at night, they’d be able to see the light and come to him. Hunk has tried to explain to him dozens of times that that is an excellent way to get serial murdered, but damn Lance’s bleeding heart because Hunk’s worry does nothing).
There’s no porch light on now.
“Maybe he finally just started listening to you?” Pidge suggests.
Hunk levels her with a flat stare. “We have been friends for over fifteen years, Pidge. When, even once in that time, has Lance listened to a damn word I said about safety?”
Pidge shrugs. “Who knows! Maybe his newfound hermit lifestyle has made him wise.”
“Right,” Hunk says, snorting. He takes another moment to stare suspiciously at the dark house, and then sighs in defeat.
“I guess we should go in, huh?”
“I did not drive six hours through rural New York to turn the fuck around, Hunk. We are staying with Lance for the weekend if we have to break in through the goddamn window, and I mean that.”
Hunk doesn’t doubt it — Pidge hates long car rides, and only agreed to come up here in the first place because she misses Lance way more than she’ll ever admit, now that he’s not a two minute walk away.
“Desperate to spend some time with him?” Hunk teases, walking up to the door.
“Piss off,” Pidge snaps, but there’s not nearly enough heat in her voice for Hunk to take her seriously. (Hunk has heard her when she’s truly mad, threatening random cat-callers in the street. It is a terrifying thing to witness, which makes Hunk glad he’s on her side.)
She reaches forward to knock on the door — another proof that she very much does miss Lance, being the first to knock, which makes Hunk smirk — and then steps back next to Hunk to wait.
They stand there for two whole minutes.
“Is he maybe asleep?” Hunk asks, but dismisses it just as quickly as Pidge does.
“That loser never sleeps before, like, 3 in the morning.”
“Maybe the ambiance of the woods has made it easier for him to sleep,” Hunk says, just to be contrary.
Pidge snorts, knocking one more time and then moving shit around on the porch.
“The hell are you doing?” Hunk asks as she lifts the dorky little wicker chair Hunk knows Lance made himself in his basket weaving phase.
Mostly ignoring him, she flips the chair completely over and starts inspecting the legs.
“If I can just… ha!”
She sets the chair down, and triumphantly holds up a key.
“Lance is the most predictable bitch in these lands,” she brags, which Hunk thinks is rich coming from the girl who has lost every board game against Lance she has every played.
He tells her as much. She scowls.
“He cheats,” she insists, which is probably true, but she also cheats and still loses, so.
Hunk decides to drop it, because he likes his kneecaps exactly how they are, thanks, and Pidge has a violence problem.
“Hello? Dork ass?” Pidge calls as they walk in, which is as much of a greeting as any.
The entrance hallway is dark, as is most of the visible rooms. The only light comes from some faintly twinkling fairy lights Lance has strung up around various walls.
“Whose boots are those?” Pidge asks, staring at something right next to the front door.
Hunk peeks over her shoulder, squinting to try and make them out. It’s hard to see well in the low light, but there’s a pair of big, clunky combat boots next to Lance’s dorky retro sneakers.
“Maybe he’s got a friend over?”
“His car is the only one in the driveway,” Pidge points out, which is true.
Hunk shrugs. “Maybe he picked them up.”
Pidge huffs, still suspicious, and starts poking around the living room and kitchen instead of looking for Lance.
Well. Hunk is doing that too, so he can’t really judge. (It’s been so long since he’s had real Lance drama, okay? Sue him if he’s curious.)
“There is healthy food in the fridge,” Pidge says, in the same tone of voice someone might say ‘there’s a nuclear bomb in my toothbrush.’
Hunk blinks. He rubs his ears, he must have misheard her.
“Oh my God, there’s meat!”
Now he’s definitely misheard her, because Lance has been vegetarian since he was four and found out the pollo the feathered little animal was the same pollo in his happy meal.
Hunk scrambles over to where Pidge is starting incredulously at the open fridge, and his own jaw drops when he sees it: a gigantic steak, chilling on the second shelf, waiting to be cooked.
“Maybe he really has been replaced by a pod person,” Pidge breathes.
She’s started to sound nervous, for all her joking.
“Let’s go find him,” Hunk says, and he can’t hide the urgency in his voice. They both rush down the hallway, wordlessly agreeing to be as silent as possible. They pause before Lance’s bedroom door, exchanging a determined look. Pidge nods, and Hunk carefully turns the doorknob, soundlessly pushing the door open.
It’s dark. The only light comes from the moonlight pouring through the open window, and the small shark-shaped nightlight on the desk. Despite the brightness of the moon, the only thing really visible are shadows and figures.
The lump on the bed, wrapped in the covers, is far too big to be Lance.
Hunk hears Pidge’s sharp intake of breath, and is strangely reminded of the tale of Little Red Riding Hood. They’re both silent for a moment, tense as live wires, and then the large lump in the bed lets out what Hunk can only describe as a muted growl.
Pidge whimpers. The smallest of sounds. Barely a peep. But before Hunk has the chance to throw his hand over her mouth, the lump in the bed shoots straight up, and then both of them are screaming as glowing yellow eyes narrow and shining, razor-sharp teeth are bared in a snarl.
Hunk squeezes his eyes shut as the monster in Lance’s bed flicks his hand and a blade shines in the moonlight, extended at both of them as the monster is out of the bed in an instant.
“I am too young to die,” Hunk sobs over Pidge’s incessant screaming. He wonders if the monster ate Lance quickly, or if his own death is about to be slow.
It all makes sense now.
“Hunk? Pidge?”
Well, that doesn’t make sense.
Hunk opens his eyes just as the lights flip on, and sees Lance — he’s alive! — scramble out of bed and in front of the monster.
Right fucking in front of the monster. Zero space between them.
God, where is Lance’s brain?!
“Keith! Chill out. Put the luxite blade away. It’s fine, okay? They’re not a threat. No threat here. That’s it, babe. Take a deep breath. Put the fangs away, there you go.”
Hunk stares in shocked silence.
He thinks his jaw might be brushing the wooden floorboards.
“Pidge, stop screaming,” Lance says irritably, turning around to face the two of them. “You’re freaking everybody out.”
Pidge, predictably, does not stop screaming.
“No! I was just threatened by a real-life monster! A monster, Lance, what the fuck!”
“He has a name and it’s Keith,” Lance snaps. “And no shit you were threatened, you broke into our house.”
“And you’re fucking naked! Both of you!” Pidge continues — somehow more shrill — as if Lance had not spoken.
That wipes the fury right off Lance’s face.
“Out!” he yells, frantically yanking a blanket off the bed and throwing it over him and — and the monster that he knows on a first-name basis, apparently. “Get out! Right now!”
“I’m not leaving you with that!” Hunk argues, finally finding his voice.
He means it. Lance is bad at looking out for himself, and that thing is very obviously bloodthirsty.
“Get out of my room right fucking now, or the most bloodthirsty thing in the room is about to be me!”
Hunk’s not sure if it’s because Lance sounds deadly serious or because the terror of the whole situation is starting to fade into something like shock, but without another word, he turns away and walks out of the room. Pidge follows, closing the door behind her. The walk over to the living room, sitting gingerly on the couch.
Moments later, Lance stumbles out of the room in a robe, the monster following closely behind him.
“Stop looking at him like that,” Lance snaps, which Hunk thinks is unfair.
“Explain immediately,” Hunk says instead of voicing that particular thought.
“I’ll make some tea,” the monster says quietly, pressing a kiss to Lance’s cheek.
Hunk startles.
The monster can speak English, apparently.
Lance sighs, looking gratefully at the monster and squeezing its hand.
“Thanks, babe.”
And apparently Lance is — sleeping with the monster?
“That is the least surprising thing about this whole thing,” Pidge mutters, which is an astute observation based on Lance’s track record.
(Venom is not a good enough movie to watch 47 times. No one does that without Gay Reasons.)
Lance sits heavily on the loveseat, staring at them warily. “Why are you here?”
“Hi, Lance,” Hunk says sarcastically. “We’ve hardly talked to you in half a year, and it’s basically been radio silence from your end. Yes, I’m doing well, thanks for asking. I did miss you, too.”
Lance glares at him for a moment, but then he slumps forward.
“I know. I’m sorry. I’ve been…busy.”
Pidge, who has recovered remarkably quickly, snickers. She looks pointedly at Lance’s collarbones, which are littered with bruises and bites. He flushes immediately, pulling his robe tighter around himself and hugging a pillow to his chest for good measure.
“I can see that,” Pidge teases. “And from what I saw from Mister Tall Purple and Furry, which is unfortunately burned into my brain for all eternity, I imagine sitting in a car for six hours to come see us would be…difficult.”
Despite himself, Hunk laughs. It helps that Lance looks more flustered and annoyed than angry, now.
“Fuck off,” he says, shoving his face into the pillow. “God, you people are horrible.”
Suddenly a new voice filters through the room, a gruff chuckle making Pidge and Hunk sit up straight, looking at each other nervously. Hunk almost forgot his terror.
“Why are you laughing, you douchebag?” Lance says, begrudgingly accepting the offered mug. The monster says nothing, only smiling fondly — well, Hunk is having trouble looking at the fangs peeking out of that smile and thinking fond, but it certainly doesn’t look malicious — and sets two more cups on the coffee table, and then takes his seat next to Lance.
Like, right next to Lance. Any closer and he’ll be sitting on Lance, and he’s thrown his arm over the back of the loveseat for good measure.
“I’m Keith,” the monster says when Lance fails to explain himself. “I’m not from here.”
That is a gross oversimplification.
“Try again,” Hunk says flatly, and he wasn’t trying to be funny, but the monster — Keith — laughs anyway.
“I’m sorry for threatening you,” he offers. “I was shot out of the sky by the government a while back, so I’m a little paranoid.”
Pidge looks intrigued. “Tell me every single detail about that story and you’re forgiven.”
Hunk scoffs. “Speak for yourself.” But he reaches forward and grabs the mug Keith placed in front of him as a show of trust, anyway, because Lance has lifted his face from the pillow of shame to glare at him and Hunk always feels like shit when Lance is mad at him.
Keith looks hesitantly at Lance. “Is it…?”
“They’re safe,” Lance says with a sigh. He reaches for one of Keith’s hands and starts fiddling with it — a nervous stim.
Now Hunk really starts to feel guilty.
“Okay,” Keith says, only a little reluctantly. It certainly says something that he’s so willing to trust them just because Lance said he could, even though twenty minutes ago he looked ready to stick a sword in their heads. “Uh, I was born on a planet called Daibazaal, about three hundred million light years from here. Earth is well known among the Intergalactic Union as a danger planet populated by gigantic, monstrous lizards.” He grins wryly. “Obviously, that information is pretty outdated.”
“Why’d you come here, then?” Pidge asks, eyes bright in excitement. If she leans forward anymore she’ll fall right off the couch. Nerd.
“My father is human,” Keith says nonchalantly, as if that’s not the most insane thing to have ever been spoken in this timeline. “He was a Texan physicist. He was messing around with things he shouldn’t have been messing in and accidentally wormholed himself across the galaxy, and decided he liked it there, so he stayed. He never told anyone about Earth because he figured if anyone tried to come here it would be mayhem —”
Hunk inclines his head, thinking of his own (possibly) over-the-top reaction. “Fair.”
“—but I grew up hearing stories about it here, so I wanted to come see for myself. It took me a few years because y’all don’t have transporters anywhere near, but I got here eventually.”
Hunk glances at his best friend, who has yet to stop playing with Keith’s fingers and won’t look at them. “I promise I am not being a dick,” he starts, which in hindsight could have been phrased better based on Lance’s scowl, “but why are you here? Like, Lance’s house specifically? And why hasn’t he told us about you?”
Luckily Lance laughs, looking a little more at ease. “He’s here because his father only told him about the Earth he knew decades ago. He was shot out of the sky the second he appeared on government scanners. He crash landed in one of the forests around here, and eventually made it to my door one night because he saw my porch light on and figured hostile shelter was better than no shelter. Luckily, I am not hostile shelter.”
The irony is not lost on Hunk.
“And did you jump his bones the second you saw the claws, or did you wait a week?” Pidge asks, grinning evilly.
Lance goes red again.
“He was injured!” Lance says hotly. “My first thought was to help him!”
“So it’s a Florence Nightingale situation,” Hunk says, smiling just as sharply.
Lance sees the tease for the apology it is.
“You’re a jerk,” he says, pouting. “Nobody in this household loves me.”
“I do,” Keith says, as if it’s the easiest thing in the world to say.
Lance softens like a goddamn block of spilled ice cream on pavement during a summer heatwave. Holy shit. It’s so saccharine it’s honestly a little gross (not really).
“As much as I have decided to be happy for you, Lance, if you two start making out I am going to throw things at you.”
Lance rolls his eyes, but settles for a quick, chaste kiss.
“Alright, you prude. I assume you two broke into my house with the intention to stay for the weekend?”
“Yep!” Pidge says, completely ignoring the dig. “And you are no sooner making me drive the six fucking hours back to the city than fly to the moon, so point me in the direction of the nearest bed. I’ll make fun of you more in the morning.”
“You mean the late afternoon, you lazy dog,” Lance teases, but gets up anyway. He presses another kiss to Keith’s lips as he gets up. “I’ll meet you in a few, okay?”
“Alright,” Keith says, and then he says something else in a language Hunk doesn’t understand that makes Lance all moon-eyed before heading back to Lance’s — to their bedroom.
“I’ll get you guys some fresh sheets and whatever,” Lance says, waving them over. “And then none of you are to bother me until I leave. If you walk in on us again and get scarred for life that will not be my problem.”
Pidge and Hunk look at each other before looking away in disgust.
“Understood,” they say immediately.
Lance grins.
part two
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