#I don't even know what I was planning to achieve with this drawing XD
enzoo-art · 5 months
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not what master kenobi expected, how the night would end, after declaring he can take him...in a drinking contest of course.
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nerumii0 · 8 days
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I have no words to express my happiness towards this nice reblogs ❤️❤️
I'm still on the challenge, I left it postponed due to the strong storms that cause blackouts in my city and affect my follow-up, but I promise to continue with. I have the ideas and I hope to finish then as soon as possible T T
Thank you for supporting this fanart :'3
And I'm sorry if I didn't reply, I don't know how to do it directly, at this point I feel like a noob old lady on Tumblr XD
But anyway, answering to @phdbabygirlism, yes, I chose the cover idea, thank you very much for the nice suggestion :>
And lastly for @pure-penguin-gold , ah, nice questions my pal, to be honest I didn't think about the whole backstory very well, since at first I planned to draw them as I usually do, like human versions, but I don't know, I thought the concept wouldn't have hit as much as it's currently doing.
But let's begin, answering your questions and to create a interesting background, which by the way I hope will satisfy your curiosity, if not, any idea and suggestion you have in mind is welcome ^^
I was considering maybe a rich human got them, I mean having a boa like Savio is already a complex issue, because he managed to break his enclosure system easily from the two zoos where he had already been. So, he wouldn't even strive to break a common terrarium without so many safety protocols from a regular guy and wouldn't make sense at all why he's stuck in that terrarium alongside Clemson's annoying company :P
Given how expensive the materials are for reinforcing a good terrarium and subsequently preventing his escape, among some possible candidates as his owner, a rich human is perfect, he could cover those expenses.
He did not necessarily take them just like that at the same time in the same place, but rather he obtained them separately.
Starting with Clemson, considering the original plot we know very little of his origin, more than he's a multi-talented lemur giving the impression of being a servile subject who sought the crown and the power to reign unsuccessfully. Then, we've got nothing. Applying a different dynamic where he have never been in the Central Park zoo, and he never met Julien, instead of being a king, he seeks something similar to Blue Hen, a sort of wealth that will make him powerful and rich using his impressive wit and pretending to be servile for the humans in order to get what he wants.
I'm not sure yet what scenario would be accurate for the backstory of how the rich human did find him, but I'm up with these possibilities, such as in a private zoo, maybe an auction or an exclusive collectors club,
Surely it goes hand in hand with illegality, but not so close to animal abuse or exploitation, like I mentioned, Clemson used his charms winning over the staff of one of these places, and therefore the staff realized the amount of money they could earn thanks to him, to which Clemson didn't really mind temporarily, we know he's also a greedy guy, and he aimed to achieve being in hands of an influent human to be on top later.
The human attended in one of the possibilities and he got impressed by his skills and charming, so he decided to buy him, although Clemson doesn't see himself like a pet, instead considered the human his personal slave rather than his owner, and so since he earned a comfortable life, he didn't find the point to escape, in other words the owner's home it's a huge paradise for him. He has jewels, books, cozzy cushions to sleep and so on.
And of course, he has more liberties than Savio, he is able to go wherever he wants and where he shouldn't be without his owner noticing.
On the other hand, Savio's backstory wouldn't change much. Given his dangerous nature, I imagined that perhaps as Savio earned his bad reputation, through the news it reaches this human, I already mentioned the human is an animal fan, especially with reptiles, so Savio quickly caught all his attention, but unlike Clemson, the human had a more complicated time getting Savio, since at first animal control took it upon themselves to catch this untamable snake, basically saving him the dirty work. Maybe with bribes and through various dirty illegal paperwork processes he got him, In addition, Savio was at a disadvantage considering that the zoos where he had been no longer wanted to accept such an aggressive boa.
Savio is unaware of what awaits him, believing that he would be transferred to another zoo until he ends up in this human's mansion and that is where he meets Clemson. Savio arrives the same way he arrived at the Central Park Zoo and obviously attracts Clemson's attention, seeing a new animal around the mansion, at first makes him feel threatened to lose his chance to be on top, suspecting that Savio could be a rival, but after getting to know him he sees that he hasn't the slightest interest in human possessions, other than taking his revenge against the penguins and King Julien.
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nightdragon07 · 8 months
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Surprise kiss …
Even though I drew this in January, it's supposed to be a work to make fun of Valentine's Day (not meanly, it's just a joke! xD).
Arthur, the armarouge; really likes Akira, the ceruledge; and would so much to hug and kiss them. But Akira is aromantic, and pretend to experience no romantic attraction at all, but Arthur suspected that they experience just a little romantic attraction sometimes. He know that to achieve his goal, he has to wait on the right moment, and caught the ceruledge off guard. Thing he did, one night, when Akira didn't expect it at all, Arthur took them in his arms, and began to kiss them lovingly. Poor Akira was so surprised that it took them a little while to understand what was happening. But at the end, they did nothing to push Arthur away, they seem to appreciate his warm and lovely kisses.
Artist's note: Akira has tears in their eyes, NOT because they are sad, they are just emotional. And as I said, this drawing is more of a big joke, to make fun of Valentine's Day, in the sense that I don't want to draw a standard couple, but rather something atypical (and may be a little wacky, lol!).
Color pencil drawing 31/01/2024
The sea otters but Charcadet …
Originally, this work was not planned. But, as I wanted to try the bettertogethertutorial challenge from deviantart (but in MY way!), I tried to integrate this work as a prequel to "Surprise Kiss ..."
This is happening in Akira and Arthur's childhood, when they are still little charcadet. Arthur likes Akira, and wants to show them, giving them a little kiss on the cheek. At this point this is just childish, cute, and innocent but unfortunatly for Arthur, Akira is aromantic and that doesn't make them react more than that.
Traditional art (mixed media: watercolor, colorpencil, and ink) 10/02/2024
Art, fancharacters and story (C) Carol (NightDragon07) Pokemon (C) Game Freak / Nintendo
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unhonestlymirror · 1 year
I actually find funny how Gojo asks Geto, "You're gonna kill all the non-sorcerers and create a world with sorcerers only?" That's the "Aliens and America" trope.
Cause, as long as I remember, thanks to Tengen's barrier, about 99% of all sorcerers are in modern Japan. According to manga's map, there should be no sorcerers on occupied by russia Chishima and Karafuto territories, which is also funny: geopolitics influence the number of sorcerers. Although everyone behaves like it shouldn't.
I think what Gege tried to say by that American military arc is that if they tried to occupy Japan and "liberate them from evil spirits"... would Tengen's barrier update? XD How would it change, and by what logic? Does Tengen sit in her barrier reading newspapers and like, "Oh shit, non-sorcerers occupied Chishima and Karafuto, update the data!!!"
I don't believe it should work like this. Why? The answer is imperialism. Imperialism for countries is like Candida albicans for humans: it's present in everyone in small quantities, but if you neglect your health and let it multiply - not only will you ruin the mood of those around you, but you will also be in danger of death.
Every country is this or that way imperialistic, and Japan, as former empire, should be thrice as such. And it actually is. They draw Chishima and Karafuto as occupied territories on school maps nowadays. I highly doubt a state that draws its territories as occupied in school textbooks would remove Tengen's barrier from them. Unless a higher-up Tengen has higher prorussian higher-ups than her.
If Geto studied history a little better, he would know that genocide never ends good for those who genocide. Hitler killed around 30 million people - and it's about 2-3% of the world population. It's like modern Texas. Did Hitler achieve his goal? No. Did Hitler make himself a non-human who is perceived even worse than Satan? Yes.
Maximum any genocider can reach is to clean a certain territory AND fill it with someone else. Look at russia and Ukraine. Look at russia and Belarus. Look at Azerbaijan and Armenia. Look at Mongolian empire, Roman empire, Conquistadors, etc, etc.
Did Geto want to methodically, with understanding what he wants to reach, kill all non-sorcerers? As far as it seems, no. Because of Tengen's words about Japan being the main curse energy producing factory, it's not very clear to me whether Geto wanted to kill all non-sorcerers in Japan's borders or in the whole world. In the whole world, it's just NOT POSSIBLE to do. Not even empires with billions of people were able to do that. A one person just can't do it without destroying the planet completely - and it wasn't Geto's goal to destroy the planet completely.
I suppose he wanted to kill all the non-sorcerers in Japan at first. But once again, there are Chishima and Karafuto (status unknown), and there are AXILLARY MANAGERS who are non-sorcerers who can control their cursed energy. Let's assume that Geto wanted to clear Japan's territory at first - whom was he gonna fill it with? As Belaruthians say, Nature abhors the void. Whom was he gonna fill the world with if LOTS OF SORCERERS come from NON-SORCERERS FAMILIES, like Haibara Yu, like Ijichi Kiyotaka, like Nanami Kento, like Yuta Okkotsu who didn't know he had a far sorcerer ancestor.
Yuki Tsukumo said that killing all non-sorcerers is a decent plan, the easiest way to create a world without curses. Yuki Tsukumo lied to Geto Suguru, and I still don't understand why, considering she also mentioned she's chasing the second option - make all of humanity control their cursed energy - which is actually the fastest and easiest way, with many possible solutions: from inventing a some kind of "vaccine" or something to simply widespread by government programs to teach the population how to deal with curses. Or actually all of that. If you see that the sorcerers are not coping with their task, well, involve the average people. It's like with a drowning person. If you know that a child is drowning, you won’t go looking for him alone across the sea. You ask all the people on the beach to join hands and walk along the shoreline a few meters into the sea.
However, as we can see, Japanese government, including sorcerers higher-ups, didn't give a single fuck about less and less sorcerers being able to do their job and remain alive and healthy. Why? Because the JJK Japanese government was a financed marionette by someone who wanted Japan to collapse. I would bet on Kenjaku and China. Otherwise, I have no idea what that chapter was with Kenjaku speaking Chinese for. Yuki Tsukumo, as someone who cared, must have noticed that. Maybe she tried to involve herself in politics, by "fucking around taking trips overseas", maybe she even played political games with Kenjaku. But she was unguarded, and she relied too much on "impotent UN" Tengen, for which she payed.
Yuki lied to Geto, or rather shifted his focus, and it was very easy to do because he was 1)clearly traumatized teen, with vulnerable mental state, 2)on the verge of the mental illness, 3)most likely already with hidden xenophobic beliefs. What for? I suppose the goal was to separate him and Gojo, considering that highlighting on "the three of us special grades" - Yuki is not dumb, and she must have guessed that Geto would have questioned his own special gradeness after Toji incident:
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The whole conversation Yuki&Geto is such an obvious taking "on a dare". Unfortunately, people are not very good at expressing why they find Yuki suspicious, which ends in demonising Yuki Tsukumo. I suppose those people who know how it is - to be vulnerable mentally - dislike her the most.
Did Yuki cause Geto's fall? Nah, I think people exaggerate her role in Geto's character. Geto would have fallen anyway, she just made it happen faster, for her own unclear motives.
A world without non-sorcerers simply can not exist, just like the russian empire can not exist without Ukrainians and all the other people they genocided because it was built on them. They have been killing so many people with such pleasure that most of russia's territory is now simply empty and is about to be partitioned and consumed by countries that have overpopulation because the Nature abhors the void.
I love how Gege highlights the well-known drama of fighting a villain by dynamic action, awesome artstyle, some civil stuff and "WOW SUKUNA VS GOJO SATORU" while hiding the fact they are technically going through war, through partitioning of JJK Japan by other states, which fight for resources like that Gojo in a box, and maybe something more. JJK Japan is, in fact, alternative universe Ukraine, which was occupied by russia for 3 days. That's why JJK manga is very important to me. Gege doesn't use straightforward language, and that's why people are so confused and say, "Gege is so dumb, why would he include American military?" - Gege is actually very smart. He just believed more people would be interested in the background, I guess. Maybe that's why he gave up and decided to finish this manga asap with EPIC FIGHTS only.
P.S. Anticipating questions like, "JJK China would not fight for JJK Japan, JJK Japan is too small" - my brother in Ra, China fights for fucking Taiwan, have you ever seen the size of Taiwan?
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sviancontrast · 9 months
Hello! Just stopping by with a question about writing XD Do you have any characters who's role grew bigger than you expected? Any surprising changes your characters went through during the writing process?
Ohh! This is funny, actually.
Ok so at first my book had lots of worlds and I decided to ask classmates if they wanted to be part of the book (inspiring characters on them and possibly hearing out their ideas, of which not many ended up surviving in the final version) and most characters had their own llittle arcs, so it was surprising to me when writing and editing that:
One of those characters would be key to finally have my protags focus and make an actual plan on how to achieve their goals other than just- jumping into the pool and seeing what to do while at it. This character is the one from chapter 2's world.
I was recycling a character I made some years ago who ended up being the voice of reason and responsibility and he even narrated the epilogue! I wasn't expecting him to be such a great support but oh, well.
The narrator himself, I guess. Man's the protagonist of the secondary plot and is still gonna be narrating the next book...
Ok so for this one I gotta explain that the narrator's best friend is number 2, who is also 4's cousin. 4 is not really that relevant yet but he's the one responsible of the translations of the stories most worlds belonged to, so he's quite important now! It's also thanks to him that 2 and 3 know each other.
Ok, this one isn't even written out yet but she's going to be the next part's protag and it's only now sinking in how she's gonna be stupidly important for the plot.
Ok and last, but not least since this isn't ordered by importance but my brain remembering each of them, we have this other character who is the one that's gonna make sure the protagonists can regroup before the bad guys capture them.
And I think that would be it! I am avoiding saying too much since I don't want to spoil that much of the book, so sorry if it's kinda confusing lol.
Anyways now onto the second question!
One of the protagonists was actually quite normal and just some erdy in the first draft but a while before I finished writing it my cousin and I got bored and wanted to draw and somehow she ended up drawing THAT character and she simply decided to give him eyeliner and since then and in the edited version now he's slaying.
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self-ships-ahoy · 2 years
hi! any 5 of the end of year asks?
end of the year selfship ask game 
Oh- uhh I guess I'll do the first 5 then! Thank you for the ask, Kitty!!
1: Have you gained any new F/Os this year?
Indeed I have! Bruno and Sigma for romantic f/os, and Mic returned to the list as well. I think I also added the "Crush f/o" category this year, adding 3 more f/os to that list.
2: If you did add any new F/Os to your list this year, was there someone who you absolutely didn’t expect would end up becoming an F/O? if so, did it take you a long time to realize you like them, or did they take your heart by storm?
Sigma was quite a surprise. I only got to know him through a friend in a Discord server, and I had vague knowledge of ovw's existence prior to adding him. I really fought it too, seen in my "vague and frustrated ramblings". It was just so strange to me! But I honestly fell pretty quickly despite the fighting. He didn't leave as much of a lasting impact on me as I thought (I was expecting him to one day surpass Medic), but he's still here. 😊
3: Did a relationship with an F/O change in a major way (i.e. you started dating a platonic F/O or realized you prefer a formerly romantic F/O to be a friend, got married/engaged to an F/O, etc)? if so, did it happen more spontaneously, or was it something you had planned for a while?
Medic and I did celebrate our first wedding anniversary! I also dropped an f/o (Vinnie D.akota), finally realizing after a long feelings-testing period that I don't have any desire to date him anymore or any strong feelings for him. However...something might be happening with me and Dai Zong.. <u<
4: Who would you crown to be your “F/O of the year”? (the criteria for what makes them F/O of the year are entirely up to you!)
Medic, for sure. XD The new guys had some brief attention when first arriving, but most of the year went to mein liebe for the second year in a row. He's been the one I thought about the most, drew the most, posted about the most, and just overall held my braincell the longest lol. Also was the first f/o to achieve the honor of being the main f/o for 2 years straight, and the first to make it to a wedding anniversary!
5: Regardless of who you’d pick for the previous question, which F/O would you say you spent the most time with this year (i.e. by thinking/talking about them the most, creating a lot of art or writing for your ship…)?
...Medic! I technically probably have talked about him the most on here, but I've also talked even more about it in the Discord server I'm in; it's become one of the resident favorite ships due to how much I've talked about it lol. And again, I've drawn him the most as well. But that's gonna change soon as I learn to draw more of my f/os for the first time!
This has definitely been his year, even though creating our special au has been difficult, and sometimes I felt like giving up and that trying was no use. But I just love him too much not to try. And I'd like to thank you all for supporting me through it all, all the ups and down of self shipping in general. The f/os are why I'm here, but it's you guys that make it special, so thank you. :)
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setsumushou · 1 year
Ahhhh, well, so let's talk about Forest Pussy.
So it did start because I had mentioned wanting to draw a historical/fantasy thing for Roosmav (I come from a background of drawing very whimsical characters/settings - I would probably be in The Witcher fandom now if the Netflix show was any good), and it was actually Fopps who brought up the idea of Forest Pussy. And that was really exciting for me because I had always wanted to have more things in common with her, and honestly, that brief time we had planning that AU in its initial stages was one of my fondest memories.
I wish I could have access to that conversation now, but she actually came up with the "Forest Pussy" moniker because I had said something like "Forest omega!Mav with a Pussy," and she abbreviated it to "Forest Pussy" - that was honestly so big-brained! I'm glad I was able to tell her while I could, but she was just a fun-as-hell person to be around, even if our erections aren't exactly aligned...but honestly, my erection doesn't align exactly with anyone's. None of my friends - save one - share my slavering passion for my specific brand of bottom!Bradley, either.
But I get that her heart has never been in twink!Cruise (she likes twink!Bradley, lol), and I would never again want to force anyone into doing things that they aren't interested in. That definitely was a huge mistake of mine last year - me trying to push people into doing stuff that, if I want to have done, I should just do for myself. To be fair, at the time, I had felt like they were my friends, so it just felt like an encouraging my friends thing to me, but I understand now that I had probably come off as pretty annoying.
But the fact remains that I still have my fantasy of drawing for some sort of Roosmav historical/fantasy thing, and I get that I can no longer do that for Forest Pussy because neither of its authors want to talk to me anymore, and I respect that and don't want to make anyone feel uncomfortable with unwanted interactions. I'm sad about it, of course, because both of them were super nice to me in the brief time we were able to talk, but I respect their feelings. And I'm grateful that they were able to write things that I would have never been able to write myself (omg, I cannot write twinks to save my life - not twink!Mav, not twink!Bradley - I have found that I am a masc4masc girlie, after all, much to @unrealwasteland's disappointment xD) - so I know Forest Pussy is in good hands, even without my involvement.
SO - I have to make up my own shit now. Somehow. The cringey part is definitely me and my utter lack of writing ability trying to write things that I can draw for myself, but it is what I have to do now if I want to make my own dreams come true. I'm James Cameron: and I have to write, draw, direct, and produce my own shit now.
As I have said before, this has all been incredibly character-building, and even if I can't achieve my own goals, I think I will learn a lot in the process of trying. :3
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omaano · 2 years
16 and/or 25 for the artist asks!
16. What’s the most daunting part of your process? Ex, planning, sketching, lineart, rendering etc
I suppose saying all of the above would be cheap, ey? Currently sketching and planning are a little bit of the same thing, and it is incredibly daunting. Which makes starting anything new pretty stressful - that's why I'm mucking about with wips that I've been sitting on for weaks, because I dread the empty canvas and coming up with messier and messier sketches that would just refuse to turn up anything good or useful. They feel a little too stiff for my liking, I think? And like I will never achieve capturing the likeness of the character I'm drawing... it's - I don't even know how to deal with that, honestly, except for powering through. Sketching used to be my favourite part, but now I just want to get to rendering, which is incredibly weird for me.
25. Based on your recent reference searches, what would the FBI assume about you?
They wouldn't assume any wild things, I think. Either something along the lines of "this guy has never been to the post office before" or "they will need a stepping stool to go to bed, lol" I'm clearly trying to lul them into a state of boredom by looking up new mexico desert landscapes next so that they won't suspect a thing later xD
Thank you so so much for asking! <3
Artist asks :)
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indigobackfire · 3 years
50 Questions about your Romance [ 9/10 ]
41. How do their flaws clash?
Like I've said a hundred times, they're both stubborn, from this is easy to assume what problems may surge.
42. Why do you enjoy writing them?
They're my sweethearts, but also two idiots so it's really fun to write them figuring this romance thing out while also trying crack how to interweave their romance and the conflicts surrounding and inside them.
43. What small quirks do they like about each other?
I've answered dozens here, but I wanna say a couple more xD
Indigo likes how he shakes his legs when he's forcing himself to focus, how he loves walking into the rain and soaking in it; she also loves how, before they started dating, he tried to 'discreetly' flex his muscles to her, likes how he's often fixing her uniform tie even when his is completely out of place, how he crouches by any dog he encounters (likes and hates cause he almost lost his nose because of it a couple of times...), how he sticks his tongue out just the tip when drawing/painting.
Barnaby likes how clumsy she would get around him after they started dating, how territorial she gets while jealous, holding him and all; he loves how, even after years of being together, she always gets flustered when he catches her staring at him, how she takes every opportunity to touch his hands; he finds it very amusing and adorable when she 'loses' her glasses and they're on top of her hair, in her hand, in her shirt, on her face.
44. What would a stranger think if they saw them out together?
"Wtf is this allowed, wtf is that allowed!"
I don't know, depends on what point in their life that stranger saw them. As youngsters, they're this baby faced couple with silly looks on their faces, holding hands; at their early 20s, they're this hip on the rise couple, peak of their attractiveness and energy; at the high of the 2nd WW, they're looking exhausted and hanging by a thread of disaster; then years later they're a family of three with this little girl that thankfully (or not) steals the attention from them.
Rule of thumb, they're never afraid to be affectionate and silly around each other, and they're often standing tall and proud.
45. How do they show the other that they love them?
Also answered here, but more here because I'm never sick of them. Talking practical ways this time.
Indigo always makes sure that she's participative and enthusiastic in the things he enjoys, especially those he enjoys doing with her - talking creatures, playing games, his story telling, etc; always compliments him about his looks and even the smallest of achievements; making sure to shut down the pessimist in her and often gives a word of hope and encouragement (especially in regards to his family and their future together); she offers physical contact as much as she can - even small things like entangling hands, giving/receiving cafuné, sitting on his lap, welcoming hugs, etc; listening to his worries and ideas without making him feel like he's mad.
Barnaby always waits for her, even when absolutely everyone is gone; being open in a way he allows her to venture into his mind; supporting her in her crazy ideas and not making her feel like crap when those fail; worrying about her well being like her body's his own; allowing her to sit on his lap in her cat animagus form for as long as she wants; whenever he makes an effort to better himself for himself and hence for her as well; when he cancels plans to be with her even if she didn't ask him to; helping her with her tasks/chores when everything is overwhelming her.
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billiejean485 · 5 years
Karmiro Kiss
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(Text from DA:)
First of all, I'd like to state something: I don't usually upload art such as this often or at all, and I rarely even show it to anyone. Reason? Been bullied a hell of a lot for it in younger years, so I learned to keep things like these to myself. However, I am pretty sure the Karmiro fans would appreciate it, and I am having a really hard time finding artwork devoted to this ship myself (kudos to Iamaddictedtocoffee and KenKic4Ever - you guys are IMO the best I could find), and I honestly wanted to contribute.
Second thing I wanted to mention is that - although the show itself made me a huge Karmiro fan, this particular piece/sketch came as an inspiration from reading Arctimon's fics. My God - for the past 6 years I've been having a really hard time finding quality fanfics (I got older, and my standards became very high), and their in particular are among those rare that make me cling to it like an idiot, rereading it until I know it by heart (still in the process of achieving that btw XD). I haven't left a review yet, but, I can say here that that level of quality English, original ideas and great imagination is not something that you just stumble upon in the fan fiction world easily. I'm blown away. Still am. Still haven't read everything, so I won't drop that mentioned review yet. But, Arctimon, if you're reading this - you have my huge support, and I'm a really big fan.
Now on to the rant on the art aspect of this sketch.
I don't have much experience in drawing a kiss, and still learning to do that. What killed me even more here is just the position (that I probably didn't even figure out well) of the two - if you have that steamy kiss where both sides try to pull each other into it, and a couple with height differences between a girl and a boy such as Hiro and Karmi, everything gets complicated. The arm position is probably off (because yours truly was lazy enough not to reference anything). I hope at least I got their faces right - I haven't drawn either of the two enough for practice. Oh, and Karmi's hair was ridiculously difficult for me; it should be simple, but nope.
Ah, yes, and the Baymax sketch in the bg - the body probably should have been a bit bigger, but 'anatomy' wise I think it's okay. I just placed him in the wrong spot. And I have a feeling that it made perspective make no sense (he's speechless, btw XD).
Okay, and two last things.
I love the fact that Hiro is the shorter one in this relationship and is probably standing on his toes somewhat here, while Karmi has to bend down and/or pull him up. It's so relatable and heart-warming. :D I remember how all that went in those years of life (14~16). Wish we'll manage to see him grow, but who knows. Also, depends what Disney plans for the sequel of the movie, if they're even planning it (it got them an Oscar, so chances are high).
But one thing that saddens me in that is that - for most characters that appear in TV shows that are based on the movie there is like a rule that they don't appear in the movie's sequel. Which brings me to the second thing.
Even though I ship them with all my heart, I see little possibilities for these two to become something more than friends (there is more chance for that happening with Hiro and Megan, although the whole Karmutie stuff has led us on to believe otherwise up until she showed up). It seems as though Hiro and Karmi's relationship was made only to reach some "good friends" climax and that that's the whole point of it. Even Karmi's crush on hero-Hiro looks more like something that came as a product of her loneliness rather than actual need for a romantic interest in her life (I think she'd be a lot more invested in her relationship with 'Captain Cutie' if this wasn't the case). And when you take into account that this is a show aimed at kids... it all makes sense. Kids don't like romantic stuff, nor do they need it. But what do they need? Learning more about friendship, especially with that girl or boy they tend to fight a lot and don't get along well. It's a perfect reason to make you think that that there will never be anything more in this relationship. But it gets on our older fans' nerves because - naturally, the characters are not kids, they're teens. Things function differently here. I mean, okay - Karmi and Hiro may not be each other's type (debatable) in the end, but you can't tell me they don't care for each other at it's base, and that they will learn to get their rivalry out of the way to make a clear path for that. And when that happens, everything's possible.
But coming back to the first thing I brought up - the characters from the TV show rarely, if ever, make it to the sequel of the movie. Which means, whatever happens with these two, they will probably split up. It's saddening, and I wish things would change there. Hey, seeing Karmi in the sequel would make who knows how many of us happy. And not just her - bunch of other characters too. Or at least give them an honorable mention.
It's because TV shows get made for kids that nothing from it gets transferred to the sequel of the movie, which gets made for audiences of all ages. If there's something I wish would change, it's that - having TV shows dumbed down for kids. And with that I mean - seeing characters a lot older act like they're children. What the heck is that teaching the little kids? That reality will never be like they saw it on TV?
Kudos, and a really big KUDOS to the shows that are tackling this particular thing. It's good and it's healthy. If you wanna make something for kids, make it really appropriate for kids. Don't tug on the nerves of us older people, because - whatever the world says, there will always be those older ones that watch cartoons, ages ranging from older teens to who knows how old. We don't like watching those dumbed down things, no matter how profitable it is for you, content-makers, to target it only for kids, who will get you the most money. Yeah, it's harder to make such stuff, we know, but it's not impossible. At least show a little effort.
But, concerning that, I can't complain on BH6's TV show anymore. The second season was fantastic so far, and those 'dumbed-down' elements were reduced to the bare minimum. I just hope it stays that way.
... Well, this was a whole lot that came out of me just because of posting one silly fangirl drawing. XD Hope some of you actually managed to read this.... Too bad all of this is going to get dumped in the Scraps' section (please make a Sketch section, DA!), like most of my uploads do.
I live and breathe sketches. lol
Oh well - thanks for coming to my Ted Talk. XD I'm really done this time.
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