#I don't generally get along with comics – the format doesn't agree with me
aethersea · 6 months
you just reblogged one of my endless orv reblogs with 'to watch maybe' so I had to infodump a bit
orv is Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint, an excellent korean webnovel. it is LONG. The novel proper has been finished for years, but the side stories are still ongoing (it's more like a sequel at this point). Lightnovelworld.com has a decent translation, and an official english translation is announced but not out yet.
there is a webtoon adaptation from which the pictures are from. It started good and is getting better and prettier all the time, which is great. But since ORV is LONG it won't finish for years and years, which is sad.
It's going to be adapted into five movies, the first of which will be out next year. There has been talk of an animated adaptation as well, but I couldn't find official confirmation anywhere.
The basic premise is that the book our main character was reading comes to life, and he is determined to direct it to a better ending than canon. That book was an apocalyptic fantasy novel.
Orv has incredible worldbuilding and an amazing cast, all with their vivid personalities and time to shine. It has heavy focus on close platonic relationships.
It is incredibly layered, and some of those layers won't reveal themselves until you've finished it. It is also incredibly meta. The relationship between a reader and the stories they love is a core theme.
One of the reasons I'm insane about orv is this: This is a book that loves it's readers. It takes you gently by the hand and tells you that you matter, that you're worth everything. That to be a reader is something amazing, and this author and this world love you.
oh man that does in fact sound absolutely baller. I've seen it around on my dash enough that I'd picked up bits and pieces of all this, but I hadn't actually seen any explanations anywhere, just vibes and character art. thanks for the rundown, this sounds so cool!
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djwaglmuffin · 1 year
NOW HIRING: Colorist/Background Artist
Hello, DJW here:
I am actively seeking a COLORIST/BACJGROUND ARTIST for my webcomic 'Descendant'.
More info UTC.
You must have the following:
A good, fundamental grasp on color theory and the elements of design. Anyone who is also demonstratively improving their basics are also welcome to apply. Good grasp on lighting is also preferred, please.
MUST have a stomach for horror/Lovecraftian designs/mild gore/mild sexual content.
You MUST NOT be adverse to coloring People of Color, LGBTQ+ characters, (This is a very diverse story) as well as the problems they faced in the time period. This story can be very sticky but I do NOT want to traumatize a community for the sake of the story. These various -isms won't be tolerated.
You probably should enjoy some form of "Old Western"-style media: saloons, wagons, horses; etc. etc.
You should also probably enjoy occult stories: vampires, angels, demons, etc. etc.
You must be respectful of my story and how it progresses and have faith that I have control over my narrative.
This will be (hopefully be) a partnership so please do not apply if you don't want to commit to a serious comic endeavor. I've been working on this story for over 20 years.
You MAY build and/or use 3-D models but AI Generated content will NOT be tolerated whatsoever.
Even better if you're a Black or Native American artist so YOU can crack the whip if I'm not representing POC correctly or enough.
You MUST be okay with a 50/50 payment split, meaning: I ALWAYS PAY FELLOW ARTIST HALF UP FRONT AND HALF WHEN THE WORK IS DONE. (<---EVERYONE should be doing this. That way you still get paid for the work you did, and your payee doesn't lose out on hard work.)
MUST be willing to enter into a non-disclosure agreement, as well as a theft-protection agreement meaning: I will absolutely pursue legal action if, for some reason, we part ways and I find out you're using my characters or story ideas in your own works.
MUST have Clip Studio Paint or a program that allows you to work with the CSP files. Clip studio has a STUDIO option where I can add you, and you can open the pages from a cloud service, which really cool once I figure out how to set it all up.
Currently, I am offering $100/page (in reality, it's more like 1 or 2 panels, but we can discuss that later) in webtoon format (vertical form comics). You will not be required to draw much beyond backgrounds and only on select panels to be discussed with me as they come into play. I will specify through conversations what I'm looking for. I am not looking to micro-manage anyone, either. I will let you have your creative freedom, as long as it falls in line with the theme. <--this will be discussed during the planning phases of each chapter.
I will have a tryout period beginning on September 7th where I will pass along something that I drew, and you will color it to demonstrate your skills. I am paying $50 per person (up to 4).
For the work I'm doing: I will be writing, sketching, inking, lettering, paneling...pretty much everything but backgrounds and color.
I am open to different coloring styles, as long as we agree on an inking style and stick to it. I am pushing hard for quality but I understand I am not paying much right now. As time goes on, if this turns out well, I fully intend on upping that payout more and eventually setting up a Patreon which I will be using to pay YOU as well as my editor, and any beta readers I may need before posting. (you can also be that beta reader if you'd like; get that money, baby!)
Also, if this goes well, I am very open to also helping YOU create your own comics, especially on any downtime on my own, FREE OF CHARGE!!
And, if this goes SUPER-DUPER well, I've got a really great idea for a companion project to go along with this story.
If you are interested, please send me a DM on Tumblr, Instagram, or Deviantart along with a little blurb about yourself and a few examples of your best work:
Thanks in advance for the interest and I hope to see people apply!
PS: If y'all could reblog and share this on various places to drum up interest, that'd sure be swell.
Tumblr media
Here, have a sticker!
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