#I don't really do much Mun info things a lot either
pxison · 10 months
name — Rubi (was not a name I chose but it stuck and I kept it)
pronouns — She/Her
preferred comms — Tumblr dms are a mess so I'd prefer to take extensive convo over to Discord if people have it. Always available to those that ask.
name of muse — This blog has all the Vinsmoke sibs aside from Sanji so Reiju ,Ichiji, Niji, and Yonji
experience in RP — maybe 5 years because I did dip my toes into Rp a teensy bit before going into it more seriously with OP
best experiences — The friends made through rp are p great. Getting to see other muns amazing writing and character building through time and interact with them is up there as well.
pet peeves / dealbreakers — Too much drama can really turn me down from Rp a bit. Agree to disagree and let things be without starting witch hunts or vague post because resorting to that kind of shit is childish behavior and all of us should be beyond High school attitudes by now.
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — I like to tackle any kind of topic whether light or dark. Angst tickles my funny bone the most but getting to do fluff is nice as well even though I know I run muses that make enjoying that harder. Smut is also another subject I enjoy writing with close muns.
plot or memes — Could do both tbh though plotting seems to be the way to go when memes are hard to find for muses.
long or short replies — My ass can go for days sometimes when I'm really feeling it, but nobody has to match my length. A paragraph over a single sentence would be nice as a minimum though, and I don't ever mean to overwhelm.
best time to write — Been leaning on later in the day as I've had less energy and time to write then I used to. Sometimes I will but often times that's not the case.
Are you like your muse — Mmmm I'd hope not, I'm way too silly for any of the sibs but Reiju is cool, don't got the trauma she's carrying around though.
Tagged by @ikkaku-of-heart
Tagging people that weren't tagged yet idk
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batson-b · 21 days
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ıllı﹐꒰꒰🧸﹒ꕮ ﹕Intro﹒𖤐﹒Ꮺ
✦     .      ⁺   .     ✦     .      ⁺   .✦     .      ⁺   .    
➜ Pronouns: He/Him (pls refrain from using she/her or any femine adjectives with me) and paw/paws/pawself and tig/tigs/tiger/tigers/tigerself.★
➜ Uh.. hello there! My name is Billy Batson, you can.. actually no. I don't do nicknames with people i don't know so... Just call me either Billy or Batson, i don't mind either. I study at a daycare, i won't say what it is as... Mr.BlackCat and Mr.GoldenRetriever told me not to say my personal info online.★
➜ I am usually really busy, so i'm sorry if i don't interact much around here. Daycare is very important to me anyways, so yeah i can't neglect it! Feel free to interact how you want to, just don't be weird.★
➜ I got Tumblr only because Mr.BlackCat and Mr.GoldenRetriever are on here..if not i wouldn't have got it in the first place, but i will be happy to interact with you all very much. So feel free to send me asks.★
➜ I will probably posts lots of different things; Such as how my day was on the daycare, things i saw on my ride back.. to the house, animals i saw, drawings i did... All kinds of stuff. So feel free to follow me.★
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ıllı﹐꒰꒰🎨﹒ꕮ ﹕Out Of Character﹒𖤐﹒Ꮺ
✦     .      ⁺   .     ✦     .      ⁺   .✦     .      ⁺   .     ✦
±Hi there! Billy's Mun(owner of the blog) here, this Billy is based around @wayne-d and @kent-j AU! Billy is currently being fostered by them and will eventually be adopted into the family!
±Billy is 6 years old in this, so please, and i mean it; Please do not act weird with him, do not send suggestive or NSFW stuff aimed at him OR me./srs
±You can find much more about the AU on their blogs, so i recommend checking them out!
±Again; Billy is a really young here, so no suggestive stuff should be sent to him, y'all got it?/srs
±But yeah that's about it! Feel free to interact!!
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tendoujo · 3 days
SHIPPING INFO. answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
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what’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
i've been a r.ankane defender since day one so the answer might be pretty obvious 🫡. yet they are that one ship that requires so much effort and development to work as endgame. their love story is a chaotic one filled with ups and downs, lots of miscommunication as well, so it still got a long way to go. yet if rumiko was clear on something, it was that ranma and akane were made for one another. i could make an essay about their duo but to sum it up, i do believe that akane has grown to be the only person in the whole series that has accepted ranma for who he is regardless of his strength or gender.
besides that, i'm fond of any akane dynamic that truly shows the other person appreciating her. maybe that's why i wouldn't have minded ryo.kane as a possibility.
what are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
i'm open to almost anything as long as: 1. it makes sense. 2. there's clear interest between the two parties. 3. both muns have taked about it beforehand. but i have to say that when i play a female muse, i have a bit of trouble doing m / f ships ( except for r.ankane or r.yokae ), so it will be a little hard to romance akane with male muses ( very in character lol ).
how large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
for her highschool verse, 2 years at most. for the other verses where she's around 19 - 20 ( aus and the main verse ), i'll say that 5 maybe ? puppy crushes are acceptable but if they are not in the gap then it won't happen.
are you selective when shipping?
actually, yeah a bit. i don't just jump straight to shipping nowadays so i do ask for either some plotting beforehand or various interactions for things to happen.
how far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
when hands are where they aren't supposed to be lol. the moment clothes start being mentioned regularly in a new context, you know what's up.
how does one have to ask to ship with you?
most of the times, yeah. either it happens naturally in threads where certain nudges are thrown or it's all about plotting behind the scene.
how often do you like to ship?
when it happens, it happens i guess ??
are you multiship?
yes 👍
are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
with shipping i like to match energies. if the other person is just as excited and wants to throw interactions, musings, fanart, 6+ paragraphs of plotting, then i'll get just as excited. when i REALLY like a ship and the other person is in the "more-or-less" area or isn't as "obsessed" i'll try to contain myself cause i sure don't like it when the excitement is one sided ( i don't want to b annoying in that sense lol ).
what is your favorite ship in your current fandom?
it's me and r.ankane against the world. manga r.ankane, especially the one in the latter chapters where both are more mature and sure with themselves.
finally, how does one ship with you?
ask, tackle my dms, that's the easiest way to get me to plot or talk about a possible ship between our muses ( tho i suck at continuous messaging sometimes tbh ). ofc interactions are a good option too.
tagged by: @2isms ( thank you sm ❤️ ! ).
tagging: @hogarsis, @shrapnelsong, @glamwish, @ednaeflowers, @anemxvisions, @batoushoujo + anyone else who wants to do it.
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chaosmultiverse · 3 months
Mini Update
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Moewdy, I'm making this just in case y'all were worried about me & to give you guys a update on my plans & progress on my blog remake!
So firstly just a life update, still homeless, still working on that, but slowly it feels like we're moving forward, just don't know to what yet. It is also my birthday soon! 27th of this month to be exact, I'll be turning 22 alongside my twin @playedbetter.
Now blog updates
I am still going to remake my blog, I think a fresh start would be good for me, my mental health & my writing ablity, when this happens I'll archive this blog & redirect you guys to my new blog/account which will be Chaosmultiverse at that point, right now it has a random name while I work on it.
With this remake I am resetting the majority of my plots & characters, I really want a fresh start & I want to be able to account for the Community Verse system I am gonna be using to make things simple for me from the get go, this does not apply to server Community Verses (DC GC for example) or my affiliate blogs, which is right now just @playedbetter.
(When it is closer to the remake launch I will make a call for those that either want to maintain plots & ships, or want to figure ones out from the get go)
As for progress here is where I am at in a few different regards.
I have found a way of using photoshop on my phone, so have beening icons, a dash icon, and things for headers and promo pics, I still have a lot to make before I have the amount I want but I have made the templates
(There will be a second stage later down the road when I have reliable access to a pc again where I will be remaking my icon templates & remaking/making new pics for the other things, I just want pics for in the meantime)
I have made some of the important OOC pages like a updated rules page & a about the mun, when it is closer to being relaunched I'll make sure these are still up to date.
I have also made a new muse page & a credits page, both are WIPs right now, the muse page isn't still 100% settled, with some muses added & removed from time to time (plus lack of icons) and the credits page isn't done either as it's actively being updated as I use stuff or get permission to use stuff.
I now mainly need to work on character bios, I have a few done and these can really very in how long they take to make, but I want it to be easy to find info about my muses so I am not skipping this step or doing it post blog opening
Besides from the bios the other big thing is important Headcanons & Info posts & pages, along with templates for the info pages, since I tend to be canon divergent or have world scale hc's it's important to me that I communicate them.
There are also some muses I want to do more research on, specifically some LOL muses and DC muses, in general I'm trying to make sure I have a good understanding of my muses.
I unfortunately don't have any time estimates, life is really unpredictable right now & that impacts how much time I can put into this blog, I will say it is safer to assume it will take longer than shorter, so a few months at least, in the meantime I am semi available on discord for talking, plotting & RP'ing with the understanding it may not fit into my blog.
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inkypeppergidget · 2 years
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You overhear two young ladies talk with each other while waiting at a bus stop. "I can't wait until the festival begins! Helsinki always has such an amazing celebration! And Finland in general is such a lovely place to visit." the one with the gold afro tells her companion. "It's been so long since we've seen Agus, and Scoria could really use a vacation with what she's been through." the much paler young lady responds while adjusting her cute tophat. "I know! It's going to be so much fun with all the entertainment and holiday celebration! Do you think Boffle will be there?" she asked. "No one really knows what he's got planned, I'm not sure even he knows!" the first responded and they both giggled. "If there's anything I know, that village is a lot more open to monsters and magical beings, but we'd best wear our disguises to appear human while out in public. We don't want any... issues." The pale woman added, before seeing they weren't alone and moving on to more boring topics, hoping you hadn't heard what she said. Sounds like a fun festival, and it might be just the thing you've been looking for this holiday!
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The party starts Mid-December; active RP sessions will run on either Saturday or Sunday evening (determined by a server vote) and will continue on that day of the week until the RP reaches conclusion (likely 4 sessions). Casual RP sessions will continue when major plot isn't happening in active RP sessions.
To get invited, just copy the form below the cut into a reblog with your info and click the join link! If you are using a new muse without a blog yet please reblog this from your main rp or mun blog. You can join as a guest, or help by running a gift/food stand. Please reblog using the info under read more rather than the person you’re reblogging from, different positions have additional relevant questions! Have a question? Ask me here!
The tag for this event is #HelsinkiHolidayRP
**Blog URL(s)**: 
**Joining as a**: (Guest / Staff) (Staff will help by giving other muses a way to buy gifts, food, or access rides) **Mun Name** (pronouns): ()
**Muse Name** (pronouns): ()
**Muse Species/Character Base**:
**Fandom of Origin**:
 **Short Bio**: 
**Discord Username**: (Feel free to PM me if you don't want this public) Please make sure you follow Discord TOS Be sure your muse has a human form to blend in with a human city. It is best to choose a friendly active muse as there will be activities for muses to participate in together, and shy/rude/aggressive muses can be difficult for less experienced RPers to get involved.
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punch22s · 6 months
hey y'all! this is peyton [sh/th, 21+, cst—also the mun of selena, dylan, hyeon & dabin] and i'm stoked to be introducing you guys to one of my most pathetic characters yet, ma ilseong; or, as he'll introduce himself, mouse. you can view his stats here, his pinterest here & read all about him under the cut. ps pleassse add me on discord @ #seamonkeydefender for plotting!
born october 4, 1998 in indianapolis, indiana, usa... yippee! (/sarcastic)
the entire universe is evidently against ma ilseong from birth. he spends the first ten years of his life in fucking indiana of all places, he lives on a military base, he's 100% korean but his parents are like "nooooo we don't need to teach him korean or expose him to korean culture" so he sure as fuck doesn't feel korean, he's the only asian kid in his class though so he doesn't really feel like he belongs there either, his dad is a victim of racism so he comes home and treats everyone else like shit just 'cause he feels bad about himself like... Be Real. this gotta be a nightmare.
blah blah blah... after about 10 years, ilseong's dad is deployed to an american military base in south korea and it's a fucked up experience for ilseong to say the least because up until this point, he had had consistency if nothing else—the move was extremely hard for him, and it was especially hard being around a bunch of people he evidently shared a heritage with but couldn't communicate with beyond basic greetings and apologies (really setting the scene for the rest of his life)
starts being called by his english name (isaiah ma) while in korea, thinks it's stupid as hell 'cause how's he gonna be isaiah in korea and ilseong in america? / ultimately though he doesn't fully identify with either name, so it's around this time that he starts telling everyone to call him mouse, a nickname he was given when he was quite young 'cause he wouldn't fully enunciate his (korean) name and it ended up sounding like... well, mouse but i digress
stayed in korea for a year and a half, then was moved elsewhere: thus begins the beautiful adventure (/sarcastic) of never having a "real" home, never belonging, never being able to communicate with the people around him, never being able to get comfortable enough to do shit 'cause ilseong knew whatever life he was living was temporary; he did still half-ass try to learn basics of the native language of whatever country his family was staying in @ the time, tried to make friends, etc etc but let's be real... he was a kid. so he spent most of his time in his room, playing games and hoping to GOD that his parents would just leave him alone
was given a lot of slack as he grew up 'cause he was always "the new kid", had his assignments graded too kindly, didn't really get in much trouble even when he was doing "bad" things, was basically taught that if he just acts like he's trying and apologizes when he needs to, he doesn't actually have to put real effort in: yes he blames the kindness that was extended to him for turning him into the good-for-nothing failure he is now
anyway i'm not trying to ramble too much so tl;dr: continues to move roughly every two years and ends up back in south korea as he's finishing out high school / after he graduates, his parents move back to indiana—mouse really doesn't give a shit about indiana or being with his parents so he chooses to stay / spends his first year couch-surfing and flashing his pathetic "please help me <3 please forgive me <3 please don't be mad at me <3" face to survive / flies through jobs like CRAZY but ultimately decides his dream job is to act, has since starred in a variety of stupid ass cheap commercials and had a few background roles or very minor roles in dramas / acting doesn't pay his bills tho so atm he's really just chasing a pipe dream while working at a gas station AT NIGHT and hoping no one tries to rob him, god bless / will accept any odd job as long as the pay is enough to buy a meal or more.
other info: occasionally fills in for a good friend of his at their shop in changsin-dong toy market, you already know he's in there with his feet kicked up on the counter and bumping up prices when customers try to haggle 'cause "he knows what he's got" / at a very low, depressed point in his life he chose to adopt a dog and it's the biggest mistake he's made to this day 'cause he asked which one had the least chance of getting adopted, didn't ask many questions and now he has a dog who won't cuddle with him and scares the hoes away / in a perfect world, he would be an olympic swimmer but he never felt like pursuing the sport was something feasible for him as he moved so much throughout his adolescence; regardless, he does still love to swim / a parasite, not afraid to ask for handouts / type of guy who will sink his teeth into you until he's drained you of all that you have, and it's not always easy to tell what he's taking until it's gone. blame it on the loneliness and the laziness.
plot ideas
the good friend who allowed mouse to stay with them (and probably overstay his welcome) when his parents moved back to indiana and he had nowhere else to go. being friends with mouse (really being friends with him) is not something that's easy so their friendship is probably kind complicated but </3 we can discuss that!
surface-level/fake friends: people mouse has no real interest in, but he knows that they're rich/successful in an industry that he needs connections in/have something else to offer that he would like to keep around. maybe they know his intentions are self-serving and they don't give a fuck, maybe they don't know and drama is around the corner, etc etc.
night owls who come into the gas station late as hell... he's been listening to a true crime podcast and your character comes in acting weird as hell so he's contemplating calling the cops. shaking in fear as they're just trying to decide which energy drink will help them pull the all-nighter they're shooting for...
regular customers! mouse is a customer service flirt, so: people he's hit on a outrageous amount but he's all talk and no follow through / random ass people who mouse has gotten to know over the course of their 3minute convos and now they've gotten into a habit of hanging out outside the store / someone particularly lonely who comes in just to vent to him NJHBDJH
long-shot, but: a friend he met during his time in another country, potentially the reason why he decided to stay in south korea (assuming they were in korea before him) as they're one of the best friends he's ever had
someone mouse owes money to??!?!? wyd when you see him buying rounds for a pretty girl at the club as if he doesn't owe you 2,000,000won...
past coworkers in all of their forms: friends of circumstance, hating each other 'cause No Way Mouse Got The Promotion And He Doesn't Even Do Shit (re: they hate mouse in business settings, but can admit he's a great friend - just useless as hell), getting fired together 'cause they both skipped out on work to do something stupid as hell and their excuses didn't add up, etc etc etc, a current coworker could be fun too!
a neighbor who lives in the same cheap ass apartments as him. they share their food with him, he does minor repairs for them when the landlord can't be reached, everybody wins...
who's gonna take one for the team and get bit by his crazy ass dog. a one-night-stand gone awry 'cause she (obviously) didn't recognize your muse's scent, assumed they were an intruder and bit their leg?!?!? not super gruesome or anything but mouse is still in the process of making up for it (please don't report his dog to animal control </3)
open to anything <333 i wanna put him in the stupidest situations possible
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omi-nor · 1 year
Rules and brief about!
Welcome! This is a rp blog for ygo characters. Probably going to just stick with mostly Yami Bakura right now. But I might add others later.
Here are some general things you should know:
- I am very new to rp still. And still not super familiar with Tumblr. Still a lot of things I don't know or have never done before, so please keep this in mind
- It almost feels like my first time ever encountering ygo.
I've just picked up the manga for the 1st time about three days ago too.
- I am an adult and would prefer characters and muns to be 18+. No nsfw stuff with minors
- I really do try to read and remember everyone's rules, but sometimes I forget my own rules, so please forgive me if I forget something
- On that note, I am pretty forgetful, in general. I try to jot down notes to help with this, but there is a chance I may forget an ic interaction
- Try to give me about a week before giving me a reminder, though.
- I am VEEERY slow a lot of the time. Like, many days, maybe a week, slow. Sometimes more than a week. Not always, but just giving you a heads up.
- I try not to spam notifs or dash, but, it might happen, occasionally. I will always reblog from the source, unless the mun has made it explicitly clear that they actually prefer it be from them or don't care either way or, for some reason, I can't get to the source.
- I am kind of the exact opposite of most people, it seems. I actually would LOVE it if you went on a like spree. And I actually prefer it if you reblogged memes from me (as long as we have spoken at least once). And dash spam almost never bothers me. You can also come into my ims, that doesn't really bother me either.
- I'm not the best at # tagging stuff. I haven't really got a system going yet
- I follow #omi-nor and #ominor, but I don't look at tags very often
- Please don't be afraid to @ me for dash games, lmao. I usually love those. May not always do them, but yeah.
- I am a very heavy cell phone user, but, so far, I don't think I've run into trouble because of this. Trimming is the only big thing I have doubts about still right now.
- Rules could change. I tried my best to give some solid info here, but it could change. I'll probably make a post if there is a change?
(I really hope I'm not forgetting something because I am writing this from memory.)
- I am pretty anxious about stuff. I'm trying not to be, but it's hard.
Like, sometimes I look at a meme and there's a part of me that wants to do it, but there's also a little pang of anxiety a lot of the time. Lol, I dunno, man..
- I may not answer every ask or do everything thing. And I'm trying to get better at sometimes saying no to things. But I don't want people to get discouraged about interacting, either, lol.
I also try not to pressure other people and a lot of stuff coming from me doesn't have a whole lot of expectation attached to it. (Like, if I @ you in a dash game, for example)
- One important thing about communication: I always feel like I'm in a tug of war of trying not to talk too much to people because I'm worried I'm bothering them just a bit and then realizing I may not be talking enough, so I'm basically a stranger to them.
- "Plot something out" kinda scares me a bit, cause all the rp I've ever done - I think - was just off the cuff. Maybe it's not as scary as it sounds and maybe I've technically already plotted without knowing it. But yeah.
- I might need to take 2 or 3 weeks off from time to time. Just giving you a heads up. I'll try to say something.
- Going by Rainy for mun name. It just kinda stuck, lol.
- It's very easy for me to feel a bit overwhelmed. A part of me hates to do this, but I may need to temporarily shut down my ask box and not accept @s or #s for a bit if I feel like I have too much to do. I may need to make a very short ooc post just to let people know?
- I'm going to say, yes, all my memes have no expiration date, though.
- On a similar note, I think it's very possible I will go through your posts and send in stuff from a very long while back, in some cases. I usually assume there is no expiration date for other people's memes, but I usually try to ask first. But if there is, please feel free to ignore.
- I may or may not use icons
- If I see a reply to a thread and I am super tired, I won't read it until I've slept long enough for me to feel better (which could be a long time). I feel like being tired while reading really distorts things, so I like to only read it after I've gotten some sleep.
Honestly, the same is usually true for even ooc conversation. I just don't do well when I'm sleep deprived and sometimes I will just pass out for, like, 12 hours. (I LOVE it when this happens, though. I feel great afterwards.)
My Yami Bakura is, right now, based off of anime English dub canon, for the most part. But now that I have the manga, it might slowly start to change a bit. Not sure.
I kinda wanted to try Ryo, but I haven't found Ryo in the English dub to be very inspiring, so far. A lot of his screen time was him just kinda flatly explaining the duels. Poor Ryo. You see glimpses of an actual character, at times, but it's rough, man.
I was debating keeping Ryo or not, but just to avoid confusion, I'm gonna wait to see what the manga has to offer.
Can I lastly just say? I really like the ygo rpc so far.
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exastrisnonnocere · 11 months
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Character Info Sheet
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NAME: Silas Lane Garcia Alderin
NAME MEANING: Silas meaning 'of the forest' from the Latin Silvanus and he is named after his paternal grandfather. Lane is masculinized from his mother's name Elena (specifically her nickname Lanie), which is the Spanish variation of the name Helen, meaning 'bright, shining light'. Silas's surname is officially Alderin, with his mother's first surname Garcia (of Garcia Villegas or Garcia-Villegas from the traditional dos apellidos convention) listed as a sort of second middle name, since Elena had elected to take her husband's name at the time of their marriage. Garcia is a Spanish surname meaning 'bear', while Alderin is a spelling variation of Aldrin, either from the Old English meaning 'old and wise ruler' or the Old Norse Áleifr meaning 'noble leader'. (OOC: surname was definitely chosen because Buzz Aldrin but also more because mun is a Lily Aldrin from HIMYM stan no regrets)
ALIAS/ES: Nicknamed Si (pronounced like sigh), also called Miguel by his grandfather after he developed dementia and often mistook Silas for his father, Michael.
ETHNICITY: Mexican (Mother's side) & British/Italian (Father's side)
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THREE HCS YOU'VE NEVER TOLD ANYONE: ( I've been writing this man since 2012, I'm pretty sure I've told everything to one person or another at some point, so we'll go with some HCs I haven't posted on this blog yet. )
Silas is allergic to copper (and incidentally the blood and various other bodily fluids of Vulcans; he learned this the hard way with his Vulcan Academy boyfriend because I thought it was funny af and for literally no other reason)
He really, *really* enjoys getting flowers. Like, a lot. Give this lorge grown ass man flowers and watch him smile and blush.
Silas is not especially a fan of labels in regards to sexuality. Silas has almost exclusively dated men for almost twenty years, but he has also had many emotional relationships with women during that time. If pressed, he would say that he is primarily physically attracted to men and primarily emotionally attracted to women, though both attractions develop with either one, eventually. His relationships with men tend to be intensely passionate, but emotionally shallow or needlessly complicated, while his relationships with women are often deeply established before any kind of desire rears its head. Because of this, the women he falls in love with are usually already well-established as friends, and he declines to pursue any romantic involvement for the sake of the existing relationship.
Reading. This boy is always reading like five books at a time. He is partial to poetry and fiction, but he's also all up in the niche scientific and anthropological research spaces.
Cooking. He likes food. Real food. Replicators suck. The end.
Dancing/Singing. He sings while he's cooking. He dances in the shower. Music lives in his body at all times, thank you for coming to my TED talk.
EIGHT PEOPLE YOUR CHARACTER LIKES/LOVES: (PSA: multiship so each one exists in its own little verse unless there's an arranged poly situation going on; also, if you are not on this list don't worry, he likes almost everyone! I just picked the 8 who are closest to him currently and/or have been close to him for years; if we haven't interacted much or haven't discussed their relationship OOC then I don't like to make assumptions about it overall.)
Ten of Eleven aka Madeline - his baby girl, pride and joy, and the true love of his life, his adopted daughter.
Jin Kim - Long time OTP played off-site, biochemist with a crappy disposition but great legs.
Leonard McCoy (@onlybonesleft ) - Sometimes platonic soulmate, sometimes not platonic at all, but inevitably cut from the same cloth. Both men are too used to caring for others and not enough for themselves, so they pester each other into self-care submission and their relationship keeps me up at night because reasons.
Christine Chapel (@nursc ) - The bright spot in a shitty day but also 100% reliable when you need help on the floor. She knows her shit, she gets things done, she's the one he calls when he needs a hand. He hopes she knows she can count on him for the same. His work wife, his non-work wife, his gossip girl, his bestie. Can't live without her, doesn't want to.
Sergio Alderin - His middle brother, closest in age and the one he still sometimes talks to. Schoolteacher. Married to his childhood BFF.
Simon Castelo - His childhood BFF and brother-in-law, keeps him up to date with goings on in his brothers' lives more often than the brothers themselves, given their rocky relationships.
Michael (Mikey) Alderin Jr. - Youngest brother, wanderlust type with little guidance and direction in his life. Suffered in foster care and blames Silas for not being there to protect him.
James T. Kirk (@traiilblazer ) - On-again, off-again lovers, played off-site.
Losing his brothers. While they are all three alive and well, the relationship between them is strained. Silas leaving foster care and his subsequent failure to obtain custody of his younger brothers at the time of their parents' deaths is something he wishes had gone differently. He thinks he gave up too easily, that he should have tried harder. He also carries guilt because, deep down, his failure at the time had been a relief. Relief from the burden of trying to figure out how to provide for and raise his siblings when he, himself, was only 17.
Getting married. Not so much the relationships themselves, but the almost knee-jerk urge to put untested romances under the stress of a long-term, official commitment. Military marriages tho, amirite?
Autophobia, also called monophobia, isolophobia, or eremophobia, is the specific phobia or a morbid fear or dread of oneself or of being alone, isolated, abandoned, and ignored. For Silas, this manifests as a fear of ending up alone or almost an expectation of abandonment. This is, incidentally, contrary to how he has operated throughout his life in the past, where he is and always has been fiercely independent out of necessity and often chooses not to rely on others for help or support. He often pursues relationships with individuals who need him in some way, rather than pursuing mutuality and emotional intimacy which would require him to be vulnerable, thereby ensuring that he both has intrinsic value to the other person and that if/when the relationship ends, he is not utterly destroyed by it. He believes that love exists, but he does not believe it exists for him or that he is deserving of it.
Trypanophobia is the extreme fear of medical procedures involving injections or hypodermic needles. This seems like an inconvenient fear for a doctor to have, however it only manifests when he himself is facing an injection or medical procedure, himself. The fear, at this point in his life, is fairly minor and easily overcome, however it was, at one point, severe and debilitating to his ability to work. Early in his career, Silas and a few others on his away team encountered a Borg vessel and were partially assimilated during that encounter. After being recovered, the various nanite appendages were surgically removed, but the initial trauma of being injected and losing identity and autonomy was heavily damaging to his mental state for some time after the event.
TAGGED BY STOLEN FROM: @ensnchekov TAGGING: @onlybonesleft & anyone else (if u want u don't have to)
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galaxicide · 1 year
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SHIPPING INFO / answer the following for your muse so people know how shipping works on your blog !
ben and poe...but i don't think this surprises anyone now. some people might wanna thump me for saying they share some similarities: children of the resistance; so shared history (childhood friends if you're me), tempers, flyboys, stubborn and determined, competitive, huge hearts and sm more. they just happen to be fighting on different sides of the war, which only makes things all the more delicious to me. i just think theirs is an intriguing dynamic that should have been explored more in the sequels. but alas...the mouse is a hater.
i am a person who will say age is but a number when it comes to mcloving. but if there is going to be an age gap when shipping with ben, I prefer it to be a few years younger, perhaps five at the most? doesn't mean I can't be convinced further with the right mun and muse, but not to like 20, aka how old rey was... now, older...cough. that's a free for all. there's not really a limit there for me or Ben.
err...dicks out? nudity and touching is what i'd consider nsfw, personally.
umm, i don't think so. i'm always open to crossover and oc shipping as well as canon. but with ben it does take a partner who is rather understanding because loving ben isn't always easy, and he doesn't always find it easy either. he has a lot of baggage and black hole's worth of emotional and intimacy issues. at least in canon verses.
oh, boy....well, it currently is only poe. that's more or less the only ship I wrote on my old blog and it has haunted me ever since. but that doesn't mean I'm not 39585843% open to something else. i love exploring new dynamics sm.
you can send me a shippy ask and I'll see how I feel about it. or you can come kick my ass and be like WE'RE GONNA SHIP THIS BITCH. I'm pretty easygoing when it comes to shipping, always willing to dip my toesies in the water.
obsessed and proud. people who think romance writing is somehow less than other forms of writing are absolute whackos and we can't be friends. love keeps the world going around, we always need more of it.
yes. that is likely to remain unless my brain says otherwise. but it's rare that I singleship. hasn't happened in a long time.
are you gonna make me say ben / poe again? cus this is getting embarrassing. but aside from them. i enjoy the obvious han / leia, but also finn / rey, dinn / luke, obi-wan / happiness. the usual stuff.
we've been over this. jump into my ims and say BITCH GET IN THE CAR, WE SHIPPING. but again you can always send memes. they don't even have to be romantic. i do like to interact platonically, too, just to see how our muses mesh etc. that's important! being friendly ooc is a must too. friends make the best shipping partners. that's a fact, innit? and plotting stuff is so much easier if you have a good rapport. I'm always up for crossover ships and i love ships that take me by surprise.
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therapardalis · 1 year
Tagged by: Tumblr said @omniishambles but I'm not sure Tagging: Whoever would like to do it!
This feels like it's meant for canon/canon ships in a fandom so as an OC they don't really apply.
But otherwise, I'm reluctant to say. If I had to choose just one it would be the one I've had the longest (Hello, Dea XD!) but otherwise I don't like putting anyone below another.
I do tend to get invested in the ships I'm writing, and it's safe to say that if we're doing the thing I'm very much there for it!
In Thera's main verse, age gaps are usually a given; she's been around a good long time. In her AU verses she's usually in her thirties.
Either way, generally speaking she doesn't like hooking up with anyone under the age of 25, and older is better. We do have a few exceptions, but they're only shy of it by a year or so, plus those muses canonically have life experience beyond their years.
It's about the other person being an adult and old enough that they have a decent grasp of themselves and their place in the world.
I know I have long-time followers and friends who are sex-repulsed, have kids who may be in the background, or just don't wanna see that stuff, so I tend to start 'readmores' and lots of tagging pretty early- probably as soon as the groping or dirty-talk starts.
As far as how far it goes between the muses, that is totally dependent on what my partner is comfortable with. I'm cool with writing smut as part of an ongoing ship, but if the other mun isn't I'm relying on them to tell me when they want to fade.
Kinda, yes. I'm often very hopeful that a ship will happen, but it also depends on we muns being on the same page, the muses and the chemistry between them. Sometimes we want different things, or their muse and mine are such different people with different relationship and bedroom tastes that they just wouldn't match. Or the dynamic the other mun is chasing isn't one that meshes with mine.
Again, I really don't want to say. People who know me know where my tastes are at, but they're flexible and I'm not going to name names because it feels as as if I'm putting some people on the spot and excluding others.
It needs to be talked about, for all the reasons under the 'selective?' question above.
A lot of people write muses who are flirtatious or get harmless crushes without meaning to lead to a full-blown ship, so unless there's discussion OOC I don't like to assume.
Um ... half-half? I enjoy it, but again sometimes it just isn't going to work out, and I need some interaction to get a clue which way it's going to go.
I have too many fandoms to answer this - and again the question feels more geared toward canons than OCs.
Write with me, talk with me, engage with me and with Thera, and we'll see where we end up.
I came up through the era of 'ew, just another thirsty OC' (which really hasn't ended, do not get me started on this!), which made me very reticent about admitting I wanted to ship in case that label got slapped on and being ignored followed.
I was that way for around eight or nine years, but a few experiences recently have changed my attitude, and I hit people in the face with the potential (just an 'if it happens I'd be good with it') early on, just so it's on the table. We still need to work towards it, which I know also puts some people off, so be ready for that. Muse attraction may be instant, but Thera leans in the direction of 'demi' so she needs to get to know your muse a little first - whether this is IC threads or OOC discussion.
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cagedchoices · 1 year
name:  mel 
pronouns:  they/them/theirs
preference of communication:  mainly tumblr IMs these days, but i have discord and wire and occasionally i will drop my info on tumblr, give it out privately if asked, or add if someone else is looking to add. it can take me a while to work up the courage to message someone in the first place and i'm really... not good at the usual social cues of "hey how are you/good how are you?/what have you been up to?" but i'm usually game to chat about other stuff
most active muse:  Caleb. i've had a lot of other muses but he's been the one i've been most consistently able to write in the slightly over 3 years since i first started writing him.
experience/how many years:  i had a couple false starts trying to set up rp blogs for Samwise Gamgee from the Lord of the Rings trilogy and Wirt from Over the Garden Wall back in 2014 and 2015? but i just never really managed to get off the ground and start writing in-character for them because i was super heavily intimidated by the rpc and too nervous to approach anyone. finally in january 2017 i stumbled across a parody of Portal 2 on youtube called the Unauthorized Musical and discovered that there were already a handful of muns on tumblr who had picked up characters specifically based on that production and regularly hosted rabbit streams where they'd watch the video again together and welcomed anyone who wanted to join to do so. i noticed nobody was really writing any antagonistic characters against them so i wound up setting up a blog for GLaDOS and following everybody i met during the stream and that was essentially how i became hooked on tumblr rp. i've been kicking around on and off for about 7 years now.
best experience: there's so many to choose from, but i think i'd have to say my best experience was when i started writing Caleb. i was just fresh off watching Westworld season 3, i was actually feeling more compelled at the time to try and write either Dolores, Maeve, Clementine or Teddy but i felt like i wouldn't do any of 'em justice. i ended up making a sideblog to my old multimuse after deciding i would try writing Caleb, and that's where i almost immediately connected with melody/aworldofyou/copiesofme and was enthusiastically introduced to a bunch of other muns residing in the tiny but mighty westworld rpc. 🥰
rp pet peeves: one is pretty much the same as Sandra said; making a new main blog in the spur of the moment. exhausting all energy on curating a distinct aesthetic for icons/banners/promos/custom themes/etc, and then completely losing interest in a week or 2 without ever getting to write that character. and then more often than not the process gets repeated down the line until that person either becomes overwhelmed from having too many blogs to manage or too many memes to answer or too many starters to write.
i also don't particularly love memes that promote making rp into a popularity contest or seeking an almost constant stream of validation from other people. things like "send a _ and i'll rate your blog on a scale of 1 to 10/using a scale template" i try to stay far away from. arguably every notification you get on tumblr is an instant dopamine hit just like all social media is but. idk there was just something about those blog rating/character rating memes that made them feel more addictive to send and receive than like, taking the time to give someone your honest opinion on how you feel about them as a person or on their writing and characters and such.
another similar thing is reblog chains to the effect of 'reblog this if you actually like following me/seeing me on the dash.' i really don't like these. there's a level of self-deprecation and guilt-tripping involved and when people already feel awfully low and vulnerable to negative self image this just makes it worse. especially when people post with side commentary like 'oh nobody will reblog this from me lol.' and i don't think they're always necessarily aware that this is manipulative behavior, but...it is. even just the way the source post is typically phrased, it preys on insecurity and it makes me sad when i do see mutuals reblogging posts written like this because then i'm like. just sitting there thinking "i'm not a spambot so...if i didn't like following you or seeing you on my dash i would not be following you??"
other forms of reblog chains like 'reblog to give the person you're reblogging from a hug' or 'reblog this and say something nice about the person you reblogged from' are far better in my opinion because they don't inherently contain that same level of insecurity. they put the focus on lifting up and supporting the person you're reblogging from instead of centering on yourself.
plots or memes: i like both but i am very much a memes person because i feel like i'm not very good at plotting.
long or short replies: i don't really have a preference! but lately my thing generally seems to be letting the length creep up so my replies just get longer and longer over time. i never expect anyone to match me, but like. the one thing that would crush my soul is me posting like. 5-7 paragraphs and getting back a one sentence or one word response 😭
are you like your muses: i have a few things in common with caleb, one of them being that we're both neurodivergent and just trying to exist in a society where it is typically seen as undesirable to be classed as such. i stumbled across a venn diagram a while back comparing and contrasting common traits associated with ptsd and autism and it has given me a lot to take into consideration in the way that i portray caleb
tagged by: @k4ndall
tagging: @gunslingcr @paddyfuck @weirdwonderful @killjoysanonymous @prettydead & you (not labeled)
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Hey, Percy here. You know, that one mage of light. I finally started doing more stuff on my actual computer more than my phone and i saw the actual mun page for the first time bc hey cool more info, and I did want to let you know this, so you don't think I'm copying you but uhhhh.
we have the same extended zodiac sign and strife specibus choice. the knifekind I understand tho bc that's going to be the easiest weapon one would most likely have in ones kitchen. it's a practical option and you'd think you'd probably see a lot more knifekind users realistically?
just wanted to let you know, anyways.
That honestly just explains more of why youd probably feel in sync as fellow mages of light ngl.Its cool you got the same zodiac too tho lol. Proves my point! Sometimes theres just a lot of commonality between two folks with the same Godtier. (sometimes to awkward degrees)
Personally tho, yeah, I'd say its the most common strife youd see and its kind of generic for OC's and peoples sonas. That general brand of logic is why I personally went for it, I have a self defense knife, but I also like how Japanese Noodles or Sushi knives look/find em aesthetic and i knew somebody who owned a fancy set of them in their kitchen, so i just went for that. Theres not much else I could really think of for me to use realistically speaking
Theres just not many things set in my room or living space that id say would stand out enough to warrant something to be used as a unique weapon choice.
Tho if we were honest with ourselves, a Mage of Light would be barely fighting in the first place outside a few Sburb basic fighting points when absolutely forced to, really. So it works out that the knife isnt the strongest weapon you could have, either.
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truly-quirkless · 13 days
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Note: For this entire post, 'ship' and 'shipping' are referred to solely in a romantic & sexual manner.
YagiFin. That's about as obvious as it gets----
Any minors trying to get shipped with Yagi or Fin. Beyond that? Don't really care. I generally view it as 'is this character out of two-year college range and is a consenting adult that does not have the mind of a child', and if they meet those requirements? Then I'm down to discuss, so long as Yagi and Fin did not know the other character when said character was a minor (if either Yagi or Fin would have been an adult at that time), in which case they are eternally stuck in platonic/familial shipping only. That's just uncomfy as fuck.
Biggest reason for not being against age gaps is because Fin is twenty-six, and my take on Yagi (Pyre) is fifty. Man is basically double Fin's age- but he didn't meet Fin until they were very much an adult. Any character younger than twenty-one would be an instant 'no'. Any character meeting Yagi/Fin as adults when said character is a child, and then passing the age threshold and asking about shipping, would also be an instant no.
Kind of? I'm not going to ship Yagi and Fin with flat-out villains who show no remorse or signs of changing. And if the mun never DMs me OOC about it? It's not happening either way. Civilians and fellow Heroes are very much on-the-table, though.
With any muse I'd consider shipping Yagi and Fin with, one of the very first things would be that there would be mutual affection between all three, even if it's exhibited in different ways between them. If there ain't mutual affection, there ain't gonna be a ship. Yagi and Fin are a set.
Hm... Aizawa, Yamada, Midnight, Ectoplasm, Power Loader, Best Jeanist, Enji (this one would take plenty of development to even get to), Nighteye (also a lot of development required), David Shield (yet again, a lot of development required).
Yep. I get a bit antsy asking if others want to ship, but I do try to ask if they'd be down if I see our muses going that way. Especially since I refuse to get rid of Yagi and Fin being in a soulmate AU (with one another), which means every ship would require some degree of development/OOC chatter.
I...am definitely ship-obsessed. I do my best to limit what I post about to YagiFin and the occasional third party (glancing to you Potato), but. My mind really does default to ship. Ask and you will suffer. /lh /pos The only time it doesn't, is when Yagi and Fin are interacting with minors and the like- or characters who are immortal and coded as minors. In which case, I just think of the character in a familial/platonic context.
I also keep an eye on the rules of those I interact with. There are some muses who are of age that Yagi and Fin interact with, whom I refuse to ship with due to the other mun's views/rules/etc., since I want to respect the other mun's wishes.
...YagiFin. And no, you cannot ask me for my favorite 'canon x canon' pairing. YagiFin is my favorite pairing.
Send me a DM, all it takes. If I think it'd work, I'd be down to discuss and sort out the finer details. If not, I'll let you know- and we'll just not do the ship.
tagged by: @explodcor
tagging: I- don't know who's done it and who hasn't so! If you've seen this, CONSIDER YOURSELF TAGGED, (FELLOW) MORTAL-
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fairymint · 27 days
SHIPPING INFO. Answer the following for your muse(s) so people know how shipping works on your blog.
What’s your OTP for your muse(s)?
....there's a lot, and the most 'realized' of them atm is trainer Felix x Volo, although admittedly no OTPs are 'active' right now brainwise I've been slowly rotating Zivan and Felix, or Rex and Felix, but those are more vague sexual ideas rather than details;
What are you willing to RP when it comes to shipping?
Most everything, but my writing boundaries are more mun-based; I will not ship/write with you if you constantly churn out single sentence or generic replies-
I am not a fetish or smut/etc. machine that you can just put coins in to redeem. also, I don't care if your muse is shy or a bottom or whatever- you need to learn how to write descriptively to make up for that.
They need to be a good victim, or else it's not fun, and you're making me write a glorified fic in that case. Try to match my energy here.
Unrelatedly, I don't RP on huge image, generic 'open to all' starters; it just feels too close to 'bullshitting on stolen* fanart' than writing a story.
and lastly, I don't write super upsetting topics of active noncon for the benefit of everyone; writing it respectfully or realistically sounds like more work than it's worth. Theoretically possible, and I have a strong stomach, but nah. As for sexual myths, I'm just tired of seeing them and the misinfo pisses me off; not the person writing tho, so I'll ask you to edit your reply with more correct info.
How large does the age gap have to be to make it uncomfortable?
American School range, I suppose? As in, middle school with middle schoolers, high schoolers with high schoolers; 4 years at most. Case by case, as we all know that a lot of growing happens at those ages. (tbh in different countries w/ different school gaps, I'd follow those instead.) However, Kids are not usually the best at relationships IRL, so shit happens and I'm not actually super into 'toy shipping' as it's called, unless it's pretty wholesome. If it's adorable and interaction is reasonable, I'll find it cute. If not, meh.
As far as adults go though, I don't mind age gaps. Lots of teenagers get antsy waiting for the big 18, so are mentally prepared on purpose for the big leap- but just lack experience, which can happen at any age. (especially when sheltered/spoiled.) Relationship problems have all to do with cooperation and situation anyways- things like chores, financial situation, boundaries... I do personally prefer a slow-burn with 18 year olds dating anyone too much older, with small room for exception if they're exceptionally bold and/or responsible. (read: slow burn would feel undoubtedly ooc for them. But my older muses will not take the lead here, so to speak.) That's more about not being a creep than ability to consent.
Are you selective when shipping?
a smidge. I've rejected ships before based on excessive teasing because my muse really wasn't into it, as a pretty serious/stoic/smartass/dominant character that doesn't like to be thrown around playfully.
I think I need to be asked/told that you want to ship if our muses don't have chemistry, that way I can plot some instead. I'm a very 'my muses drive themselves' unless asked otherwise.
But I'm not here to play games, though. If you're a no ship blog, or the character is no ship, the intent is not there, regardless of IC feelings; I'm expecting IC rejection in that case, it's this magical thing called a 'crush'. On a similar note, I'm not comfortable with muse creation biases; If you 'don't ship with OCs/Self Inserts/trans' or any blanket statement, you're starting to make assumptions that will piss me off, and you don't get other ships. I don't follow people with rules like this, so springing it on me during discussion isn't welcome, either.
How far do steamy moments have to go before they’re considered NSFW?
I usually cut it as actual sex acts, and depiction of arousal; that moment when making out devolves into explicitly wanting sex. Suggestive tags usually lie on the border for me; things that people joke about or are allowed on radio/tv.
Does one have to ask to ship with you?
I prefer it, but technically no. If our muses have chemistry and the question pops naturally in replies, I'll count it and likely double-check ooc.
But, y'know, old habits die hard and I have the reflex as a self insert player to always ask first and be clear, if it's coming from my side. I usually let crushes and sexual desire bother my muses while they figure out the logistics of actually acting on them and asking.
I'm delighted if I'm asked before the fact and happy to help, however! Because that's both consent and a prompt/challenge; how to make em get together and like each other/etc.? These ideas sound cute to me.
How often do you like to ship?
it's my comfort zone, but let's be real, I'd interact with my entire dash if i had the time and muse. platonic or otherwise. I theoretically don't give a shit if i ship or not, but will fall into shipping content if i'm feeling lazy. Because I've written it a lot before. comphet i guess???
Are you multiship?
Yes, in the sense that I'm not playing with the whole 'jealous rp partners' thing; I'm poly IRL and not interested in ship wars.
But, I'm fine with things like IC Poly, have my biases, and am okay with commentary that's non-toxic on an ooc level.
Are you ship obsessed or ship more-or-less?
like i said, shipping is my lazy comfort zone; I'll be thinking of ships in bed and ooc when I'm chilling. But attention is good. dynamics are good. no need to be afraid if you're on the platonic and aromantic-interactions boat. We can't all be romantically compatible 24/7.
What is your favourite ship in your current fandom?
I'm not invested enough in my latest games quite yet; I suppose from Mistria, Eiland is cute, and I kinda ship the protag with Juniper as well!
I'm a bit of a LambxNarinder fan for the karma-esque, 'mercy is cruel' irony; marrying your biggest threat and User is just funny to me, especially if the relationship itself isn't cruel afterwards. I wanna see the death cat crumble under kindness-
in a meta way, my brain is rotisserie rotating Zivan, Rex, Volo, and Naoya as 'he's hot i'm gay' without much further thought; life's been a bit hectic for fantasy lately.
Finally, how does one ship with you?
Asking me at any point is the most reliable, IC chemistry and asking is possible. Suitable prompts and opens count as asking IC.
As a bonus, feel free to ask anytime about what my muse's opinion of yours is, if that's what helps you decide what to do. I'm honest when it comes to that shit, because it's fun-
Tagged by: stole it!
Tagging: take it!
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enruiinas · 8 months
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Interaction PSA: Memes
[With less time to RP lately, I've had to be more selective and realized I often find myself browsing new followers' blogs for the types of PSAs they post/rb. Things like their meme and writing preferences, expectations for reply times, etc. They help me get an idea of if we'll be a good "vibe" or not, so I wanted to add a PSA / Interacting Info section back to my pinned with some (hopefully!) helpful info.]
♥ My memes have no expiration date. I go back through them regularly and if there are ones I no longer feel like doing, If it's in my meme tag, you're welcome to send it no matter how long it's been since I rb'd it.
♥ Memes are always welcome & a great ice breaker. If you're a new mutual and aren't sure how to reach out ic or ooc, memes are always a great option. Chances are, if you send me a meme for the first time and we haven't talked yet, I'll likely crawl into your IMs to say hello and thank you for sending something, so it's kind of two birds with one stone. (I am shy, but less shy when I know someone wants to interact enough to send something.)
♥ Multiple memes are not only welcome, but encouraged. I LOVE having options to choose from. My muse is sporadic and unpredictable. Some days I'm in an angst mode. Some days I just want fluff. Sometimes my brain just doesn't want to give me anything for a particular meme for a long time. I feel really guilty keeping people waiting for a reply if I don't get quick muse for the one & only thing they've sent in, so I promise you're both doing me a favor and making my day if you send me more than one thing.
♥ And no, I'm not exaggerating when I say there is no limit. You're not "spamming me", you're not "bugging me", you're not sending "too much". I light up each time I see "new ask received", so as long as you know they may not all get responded to right away / in order / in a "quick" manner and understand that I may still rb memes or post and/or like meme & starter calls even if my inbox is not empty, seriously - go for it. Feel free to keep sending even if I haven’t finished all of yours yet.
♥ In the case of new interactions, I will likely reach out to bounce ideas/thoughts for answering a meme. I don't mean this to be uncreative or annoying, but sometimes I freeze up when things are too open / have infinite possibilities. I do better with light discussion, outlining, or some plotting. If I reach out like this it's because I'm really excited and just want to bounce thoughts off of you to break that ice and get my brain cells working. I generally feel more comfortable winging it as I get to know a mun, but I enjoy plotting in general so if that’s your thing we can plot as much as you want, always!
♥ On NSFW Memes: This is the only exception to the above rules. Sinday and other spicy memes are reserved for active ships ONLY. I'm a selective shipper, and shipping generally depends on good chemistry between both the muns and our muses. I feel like you'll probably know if we have what I consider an "active ship", but pretty much if we'd had the "would you be interested in shipping" discussion and gushed to some extent about their dynamic (whether it's fully written out in threads yet or not), I consider you an "active ship". I timeline hop and write lots of verses, so our threads do not have to be linear. Like with any other meme, I may hold on to one until I get a good idea for it or feel like it fits or I've asked some questions I need to know first - but if we have agreed to ship and bounced any ideas on how we think our muses' overall dynamic will go, you can send these!
In the event of NSFW memes received outside of active ships, I will either reply in a different, PG/platonic context or - if that's not possible - delete the meme.
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Other PSAs: Memes, Plotting, On Verses & Verse-Building, General RP Preferences (Coming Soon), OOC interactions (Coming Soon), Mutuals & Affiliates (Coming Soon), ALL PSAs.
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strawberry-barista · 8 months
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⚅ — Mun Info — ⚅
⚀ Name: Kohitsuji (Kohi)
⚀ Age: 29
⚀ Gender/Pronouns: Female, She/Her
⚀ Timezone: CST
⚀ About: Hello hello! My name is Kohi and I am a unrefined veteran roleplayer. I've been roleplaying since I was in elementary school, about 5th grade, from notebooks to online forums to Amino. Tumblr is a recent platform for me, and Discord even more recent than that. At this age time has been difficult for me to really keep up with, but I believe I've been here for about two years now!
⚀ Writing: I'm a primarily semi-lit writer, getting about 2 paragraphs out per reply on average. But my writing fluctuates a lot depending on how excited I am or how much I have to say, and I also try to match my partner as much as I can.
⚀ Triggers: While I don't have any triggers of my own, I want you to know that as a 21+ writer most of my content will at least contain blood, gore, and triggering dark content like mental illness, abuse, etc. Some blogs may contain NSFW sexual content and one blog contains SFW age regression content.
⚀ Selectivity: I am becoming a fairly selective roleplayer, in an attempt to keep from burning myself out. I will not roleplay with anyone that is not a mutual. However, I don't mind answering headcanon and ooc memes and questions from non-mutuals. Even anons and personals can take part in those. I almost never follow someone first, but if I follow you at all, I want to roleplay with you. I do have a hard time with my social anxiety, however, so I apologize in advance if it takes me a long time to reach out to you. Furthermore, my "finish before you start" brain may hold me back from sending you more things if we have a thread already running. That being said, I don't mind answering or replying to anything sent my way. If we are mutuals, please feel free to tag me in starters, send memes, whatever!
⚀ Relationships: I am someone that naturally wants to befriend everyone, and doing so can be very unhealthy for me. Therefore, for my own health and comfort, I will not consider us friends unless you tell me plainly that you consider me your friend. Otherwise I'll keep our relationship strictly business.
⚀ Activity: My activity levels are extremely sporadic, and sometimes I'll drop off entirely. I try to explain when I won't be active and why, but sometimes I simply don't have the chance to. Please be patient with me and my levels of activity.
⚀ Conditions: With my current insurance I cannot afford therapy or professional help, so everything is undiagnosed, but there are certain conditions which may effect roleplay. I almost assuredly have some form of either ADHD or autism (or both?) that makes organization and communication extremely difficult for me. I also almost assuredly have some form of either social anxiety or agoraphobia as interacting with people, even over the Internet, is incredibly frightening and any kind of miscommunication or perceived frustration/upset feelings can hurt me. I also appear to have something at least similar to RSD (rejection sensitive dysphoria). Depression is also a possibility, as there are times when general functionality can be difficult. I can't know for sure if any of these things are at play and which ones, but these are some things that have been tossed about based on my behavior and internal feelings alone. Is nothing else, my reactions to situations are similar to those in these positions. Even though I don't have a diagnosis, please understand this going forward.
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⚀ OOC Icons: These pink sheep icons can sometimes indicate me speaking ooc. I may not use them, but be aware this is not a muse, it is me. This is no character but are of my own making.
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