#I dreamt
catyuy · 1 month
Dreamt that there were lost episodes of Doctor Who from the 1980s with James Earl Jones playing a mysterious version of the Doctor.
Woke up being disappointed.
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catgirl-kaiju · 14 days
had a dream last night that there was this guy who made youtube and tiktok videos where he performed various experiments using a mysterious substance that looked like blue pop rocks that he kept in a big, clear plastic orb.
he always wore an open lab coat, t-shirt, and a big mask over his head that was, like a shiny blue orb that had been squashed vertically. at the end of each video, he would injest the results of his experiments, and the video would end before showing whatever effect this had on him. he did not need to take off the mask to injest it.
no one knew how it is he made this stuff. the leading theory was that it was crystal meth. no one knew who he was or where he was filming these videos.
at some point, he began to sell identical containers of his blue substance online. they came with a label that had "Cooking Instructions" at the bottom in small print that just read: "Harvest from nature. Cook under 700°."
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crystal-the-dragooon · 9 months
Nerdy prudes must die tumblr, I have to share with you that a few nights ago I had a dream.
I had a dream where for some ungodly reason I was back in public school, and they were doing a performance of NPMD, and I was cast as Grace Fucking Chastity.
Now, you see, after waking up and screaming, I processed this casting and it’s been living in my head. How would a high school theatre edit nerdy prudes must die to be appropriate. Would they just remove dirty girl? How would the ending go? Dear god what would happen in this scenario? And also most importantly why was I, asexual as fuck non-binary, cast as grace fucking chastity by my brain?
So tumble I turn to you. Tell me how you think a HIGHSCHOOL would go about making a fucking NPMD hosting.
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dragonfruitjazz · 4 months
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Dreamt this up so I made it
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bones-and-earth · 3 months
Sometimes dreams have meanings…sometimes…
One time I dreamt I was walking around a mall near closing time. I was approaching the mall fountain I saw Sonic (the fucking hedgehog) run by, he bumped into the fountain and dropped a ring before disappearing. I approached and picked up the ring. I was instantly teleported to the world of Sonic Boom where I was now engaged to Sonic (because I took the ring. As I came to terms with my impromptu marriage Amy told me I was Dr.Eggmans cousin.
Perhaps, it was a sign from the gods.
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caffeine-problems · 8 months
I had a dream i was Tim Drake as robin and i hot wired the batmobile to stop some robbers bc batman was busy being robbed as bruce wayne, and i was stopping THEM SPECIFICALLY HIGH SPEED CHASE STYLE
i got benched because i cant drive and not because i stole the batmobile
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themostfangtastic · 1 month
y’all i had the craziest fucking dream. (dan and phil were there?!??!!) (this reads like a clickbait youtube title lmao)
ok so i was just minding my own business when my mom tells me “yo these two guys are coming over just ignore them they’ll be in the garage” and i’m like uhhhh okay. but i don’t listen to her i go out to the garage and see DAN AND PHIL ARE THERE FILMING A YOUTUBE VIDEO??????!!!!! but i’m too scared to talk to them so i go back inside. but then they come in to get water or something and i stare at them from afar hyperventilating. then they leave and i’m like damn that was crazy. so the next day they come back to film another youtube video and i’m like okay okay i’m gonna talk to them this time. so i go out and im like CAN I HAVE AN AUTOGRAPH I LOVE YOU. and dan for some reason isn’t in the room but phil talks to me and is like yeah bro that’s cool. so i run to get a piece of paper and phil gives me an autograph and then for some reason phil is like “do you want dan to sign your forehead”. and obviously i’m like hell yeah man that’s my dream. so dan comes back in and phil is like “yo can you sign this kids forehead” and he’s like “erm no”. so then i have to beg him like a fucking loser and then dan is like well okay i’ll do it. so then he signs my forehead. then they get ready to leave ig or at least dan does for some reason but phil tells me “oh wait i gotta take a phone call can i stay here for a sec it’s about my kid” and i’m like. um okay. and then i mentally process right and i’m like WAIT WHAT KID??? so i run over to him and he’s like “oh shoot i didn’t mean to tell you that” so he explains that him and dan adopted a child and apparently the babysitter called and couldn’t take care of it anymore. so the baby somehow ends up at my house yeah idk either. and it was a cute ass baby from what i remember. and then stuff happens i forgor so phil leaves and i sit there head in hands like wtf just happened. so i hop on discord and i’m like “GUYS WTF” but none of my friends believe me so i go to send a picture of my head with the autograph. but plot twist of the century. ITS GONE DUN DUN DUN… so like it’s implied i had a dream inside of the dream. idk bruh it was insane but 👍👍
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candieduranium · 4 months
a couple weeks ago i had a dream that the next fnaf game came out but it was terrible and everyone hated it and i started crying
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27paperlilies · 1 year
I had a dream two days ago.
In my dream there was a man crouched beside a tree stump. His presence was a calming one and his demeanour that of a teacher, he reached forward and from the centre of the tree stump lifted a sort of heart. This was not a flesh and blood heart, but a heart nonetheless. With this stange heart in his hands he turned to me and said
"The map to the heart of life, lies insides the inner layers of the very heart itself, but the journey must be taken without bringing the heart along"
My interpretation of this is that the key to life is to strip oneself of ego and individuality, to simply exsist as a life form no different than a plant or bug. To sit and experience life as just a part of life, not a conqueror of it. A reminder that we are a collective. Sometimes your human biais can cloud you to true meaning.
But then again perhaps I am clouded.
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xxlea-nardoxx · 1 year
Last night I dreamt, that I found a 12!Raph plushie at a store, that was pretty close to the 12!Donnie one I possess.
Upon picking up the plushie (that looked rather traumatized if I'm being honest) to look at it closely, I noticed the tag on his leg only showcased the word "Mid".
Seeing that I yelled "RAPH IS NOT MID, HOW DARE YOU" and was so offended that I woke up.
Artistic rendition:
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the-frenchiest-fry102 · 11 months
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Shiver was Paradiso, Big Man was Purgatorio and FRYE WAS INFERNO
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cosybunny · 24 days
hey me who woke up at 4am to write this down and then went back to sleep??? what does this mean??? all I remember from that dream is it was a scene with Shadow and Tails???
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highwehyrat · 8 months
Just had a dream about being in a secret relationship with sukuna, and like my parents had no clue about it and kept trying to marry me off to other suitors.
Is this is a sign I should write about it???
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aablackwoodofficial · 10 months
A dream I had (it is sadly not real)
OKAY I had a dream that Adam Rosner (the bitch) hopped back on twitter solely to say "Eric Knudsen can't copyright Slendy he'd have to sue millions of people lmao" Eric Knudsen then proceeded to sue Adam Rosner for 1. Defamation (idk it was a dream) and 2. Using his character in a way unintended by the creator (I think it was a bit more complex and something along the lines of how Rosner used his popularity to groom minors) I think the total he won was like 100k and Rosner was never allowed to be associated with the Slenderverse ever again (basically TribeTwelve was no longer legally his property) Eric could've done anything with the money but he proceeded to call up the other members of the TT cast and say "hey I sued Rosner and took his money you guys wanna make a proper ending for TribeTwelve" and they were like "ah hell yeah" and they found a cosplayer on TikTok to be Noah TL;DR: I had a dream that Eric Knudsen (creator of Slenderman) sued Adam Rosner (creator of TribeTwelve/child molester), permabanned him from the Slenderman fandom, and then proceeded to fund a proper end for TribeTwelve. TL;DRTL;DR: Chaotic Good Eric Knudsen
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painterlad71 · 6 months
Ive never watched hannibal and idk the plot rlly i js see loads of stuff about it on here. Anyway last night i dreamt i found will crawling through a garden and i was like "no will its a trap, hannibals trapping you" and then he saw i was right. So we walked around for a bit and then we saw hannibal crawling through a garden about to go into a trap and i was like "wtf" and will was like "oh yh i forgot to take it down"
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trash----panda · 2 months
I dreamed again for the first time in awhile, and it was like a space rangers thing, and the main character was a human (imma call her Pip cause it's easier)
Imma say injury, near death, and some scary stuff ahead, just as a trigger warning
Pip was responding to a destress signal from a crashed ship. Pip encountered a native alien who was pretty friendly and started insisting they should be friends. He is rather pushy about friends and his facial language being different makes Pip uncomfortable. So she tried to ask what friend means and he claimed "i get dibs to eat you if you die" she's just kinda more disturbed and says no, trying to leave him behind. Cause she said no he kinda slinks around but keeps out of sight now. She finds the distressed ship on a beach, it's super quiet and empty which isnt a good sign cause there's not even native birds out there, like feels like the sea is even being quiet. She goes into the ship and finds ample blood, the only survivor being a shivering child in the dark. They try to coax him out but he just screams and resists, saying something about a monster. Pip turned around to check only seeing some claws breifly before they tore into her cheek, whatever it was tackled by the dude that was following her earlier (I'll call him.... Harper i can redesign Harper). Harper is holding it's arm down with his teeth but what she can make out he's telling her to run, so she grabs the kid and sprints for it, as soon as they get out there's a crash and snarl. The thing ran after them but this time she had time to activate a shield, it was focusing it's attacks on her so she at least got the child out of the situation, trying to fight back without injuring it further. It looked like Harper but smaller, they probably stumbled on a nest so she didnt want to kill it. She didnt get a chance to think of solutions as it smashed the shield, grabbing her leg in it's teeth using it's other arm to pin her chest, trying to rip it off. Harper stumbled out, getting it in a head lock, asking her to spike it (ig stab in the head) but she kept saying it's a baby she cant kill it, and he told her she should cause babies are born with more muscle mass they burn off later from lack of food to sustain it so they cant kill it, but she insisted spike it without the spike. Harper still insisted on being friends so he did as he was told and knocked it out, needing to carry her back to her ship cause her leg was mangled. He insisted on coming with so she agreed and he got elected her temporary partner. They ended up in another rescue in a collapsing mine shaft but ended up getting trapped in seperate pockets. Harper eventually found Pip but Pip was impaled through the lower abdomen, he broke down crying, i vaugely remember what he said
"do you know why i wanted to be your friend?"
Pip mumbled "cause i was the only human there?"
"no, there was the child, but he would've died sooner, you could live, i thought maybe you would be around long enough for me to know what a friend is in other's culture, so i could not be alone anymore... i thought it was a new purpose when your friends died but i dont want you to die!"
Pip kinda laughed at him, urging him closer, giving him a hug "well the indomitable human spirit wont let me"
He had no idea what that meant and kept trying to stop her from talking so she'd last longer. They some how lasted 3 days until they were found, the medics dumbfounded someone was alive with rock in their body until they found out it was a human. Harper was too panicked to help them keep her awake while they sealed the wound so they removed him. He was basically in shock and dehydrated but otherwise ok. They ended up walking him to see Pip when she was in recovery. When he asked if she was ok the reply he got was
"we get osmosians, we get glekarites, and we get heckates, but they all have a higher mortality rate then humans, the humans keep calling it the indomitable human spirit and just NOT dying, it's the weirdest thing, so if that human dies i'll give you 500 units"
Then i woke up, but im assuming Pip was ok
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