#I feel like Yata's the kind of person who gets nervous at the dentist
ridiasfangirlings · 4 years
Yata getting his wisdom teeth out
Be strong, Yata-chan! Imagine Yata's been having some tooth pain lately and he figures that it's just like a cavity or something, no problem, so he goes to the dentist. Afterward he returns to Bar Homra and Kusanagi asks him how his teeth are doing, Yata has this haunted look on his face as he's like 'Kusanagi-san...thanks for all you've done for me!'. Kusanagi's like wait what happened but Yata's already like talking to the picture of Mikoto and Totsuka on the wall asking them for strength and promising that he'll face this head on as Homra's vanguard. Kusanagi's trying to get him to just say what's going on until Anna comes walking in and tilts her head as she says 'Misaki needs surgery?'. Yata says that he has to get his wisdom teeth out and Kusanagi's like what that's all don't scare me like that. Yata gives a nervous laugh as he's like yeah I guess I was overreacting huh, which is when like Eric starts talking about how he knew a guy who went to get his wisdom teeth out and instead they took out his entire jaw. Yata's voice is a little too high pitched as he's like why would they take the whole jaw and Kusanagi gives this long suffering sigh as he says it's perfectly normal to need to have your wisdom teeth removed and there's nothing to be worried about. Turns out that despite getting fairly roughed up constantly Yata's never had any kind of surgery at all and he's a little nervous thinking about the procedure, like technically if they knock you out anything could happen.
Yata decides he'll just have to bear it, maybe Kusanagi has to come with him since someone's gotta take Yata home afterward. Anna comes along too for moral support, she holds Yata's hand in the waiting room until Yata's name is called. Yata's really nervous but trying to be cool, like he has to look good for Anna right (and then he walks into the operating room and sees all the dentist tools laid out on the table and has another small freakout). Luckily the procedure goes smoothly though of course when he wakes up Yata's a little loopy from the anesthesia. Imagine him just being like a little too chill and rambling a lot, talking about how his mouth doesn't even hurt it super doesn't hurt this is fine guys don't you think it's fine hey can we stop for ice cream I think ice cream would be cool heh cool get it. Kusanagi gives him a patronizing smile like right very good Yata-chan let's get you home.
Maybe Yata needs to have someone keep an eye on him right after too and say this is post-ROK the Homra guys all happen to be busy so Fushimi gets called in to play nursemaid. He's pretty irritated about it and complaining about stupid doped up Misaki smiling at him like an idiot but Yata's just being all happy and adoring like he's a middle schooler again and Fushimi kinda can't help but enjoy it a little. They end up eating grape popsicles together and Fushimi bravely resists the urge to tell Yata he's dying when Yata notices that his mouth is bleeding.
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