#I feel like a famous person being interviewed hahahah
holified · 2 years
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1. When are you usually online?  My working schedule has been so awfully overwhelming that the only free time I have is on the weekends, but sometimes I’m so exhausted I cannot even write anything, although I’m often lurking here on Saturday and Sundays nights.
2. What verses are you involved in outside of this page? I have a blog for Sakura Haruno, so every once in a while you can catch me there, but it usually depends on whether my friends there are online or not. As for my verses here, I most use my “alive” verse, and I have recently been able to use my Yu Yu Hakusho verse thanks to some amazing new friends! I also have a special verse in which Kikyo and Kagome are sisters with my beloved Rarity, and a Sesskik verse that I absolutely love.
3. What is your biggest RP pet peeve? I’m a pretty laid back person, so it’s hard to anger me (or so I believe). But I suppose I could say my biggest pet peeves are when people try to pressure me into writing/doing something or when people start drama over small things. I have seen so many people arguing over stuff that’s just... so stupid! Dunno, I’m just too tired to deal with people right now.
4. Are you drawn to specific types of muses? Hmmm, maybe I am? I think it has changed over time, but I LOVE an angsty/misunderstood character. Powerful, complex women that are often mistreated by their writers bring out my fire to write. I need to like and find the character interesting to write it. Oh! And I don’t write male characters, dunno, I just don’t feel comfortable, I’ve had blogs for male characters before but they were always short-lived.
5. Are there recurring themes in your writing that people might not notice? I don’t know, maybe? I LOVE shipping threads, like, omg I’m a hopeless romantic and all the romantic love I don’t have in real life I seek in my writing. But I also love an adventure and I LOVE angst so... I’m not sure which theme could be considered “common” in my writing.
6. What are your favorite RP trends? Hmmm... I think the return of big icons, some time ago it was SUPER cool to have tini tiny icons that were overly saturated and were just a blur of colors that was impossible to decipher. I never understood this trend tbh, to me icons provide a visual reference to your character’s expression, the scene or to focus on a particular aspect of your character’s face/body language, so those impossible-to-understand icons were absurd! Anyway, but enough complaining about old trends! I think the new aesthetic trends are pretty great!
7. What is your process for starting a new story with someone? Good question, I usually just IM them or we start writing and go with the flow. I like this organic kind of writing, where ideas pop up and you move along with them. Planning is great, and having a general idea of where the thread will go is amazing, but discovering HOW it will get there is so... rewarding! 
8. How do you feel about duplicates? I’m incredibly insecure, so I avoid duplicates not to compare myself and end up abandoning the blog for thinking I’m not good enough :|
9. How long have you been involved in roleplaying? Oh my, here is where you discover I’m a dinosaur on Tumblr. I’ve been writing on tumblr for around 10 years, and I’ve never written outside of this website, I think I wouldn’t be able to roleplay outside of tumblr at this point.
10. Is there a muse or verse you wish you could write in, but haven’t? Oh, quite a few! But alas, I have no time to write the muses and verses I do have, imagine writing new ones! But one day I want to make a couple more blogs for one or two muses I’d like to give a try!
tagged: @thuganomxcs​   — thanks so much! ♥♥
tagging: literally anyone who sees this!
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engekihaikyuu · 5 years
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Hyper Projection Engeki Haikyuu
Prince of Stage vol. 9 - Interview Translation with the new Karasuno cast!
Part 3: The Third Years Sawamura Daichi: Higano Shou Sugawara Koushi: Ichinose Ryuu Azumane Asahi: Fukuda Yuuya
Full interview translation and more photos under the Read More! Please do not repost my translations or scans.
Please give us a highlight or something to watch out for in the upcoming play. Higano: I feel very strongly that the biggest thing to look forward to in this play is our completely new Karasuno cast.  Because the characters have in their reality spent all this time together, I think we have to show on-stage a real sense of teamwork and that team atmosphere between us.  And then I’d really love for people to look for those little details in our relationships and our gestures and mannerisms. Ichinose: As we’re rehearsing, I find it super fun and interesting to work on how to present scenes on stage that don’t even have my character in them.  Because we do all the extra parts too, like the random people that are walking in a crowd.  If people pay attention to those parts too, then they can find us and think, “Oh it’s so-and-so!” and then I think they could have even more fun. Fukuda: Shou-kun's already said it, but this is our first production as the new Karasuno cast so I think one of the things to look for is our team’s atmosphere and closeness.  And then of course because it’s a production with volleyball as the main theme, I would love for people to enjoy things like our rhythmic breathing, the tension, and the realism during the match.  
Please tell us something about how you relate to your characters. Higano: Sawamura Daichi has that serious and strait-laced atmosphere.  Evidently, people have that impression of me.  That I seem really steady. (laughs)  But in reality, I’m not like that at all.   Ichinose: Are you okay?  To say that. (laughs) Higano: I’m fine.  People usually say to me, “At first it was hard to talk to you.”  That was true for you too, right? Ichinose: That’s true.  Are you purposely trying to put out that kind of aura?   Higano: I’m not doing it on purpose, but it seems that I just do.   Fukuda: You’re overflowing with it.  (laughs) Higano: Even if I’m really not upset, at rehearsals whenever I cross my arms and put on a serious face, people will just say to me, “Oh I’m sorry.” Everyone: Hahahahah! (laughs) Higano: Even though I’m not mad at all. (laughs)  For other productions I get to appear in, I’m very often the leader, or the person in charge, and this time I’m the captain obviously.  So I feel like I’m pretty close to Sawamura in that sense. Ichinose: I had a time in my life where I played volleyball, and I think I really enjoyed it and kept doing it because it’s really fun to score points during a match.  I think that Sugawara has such an incredible kindness to be able to keep being this nice senpai to Kageyama, who joined the team as this genius setter and took his position.  Even though he can’t be in matches, he’s doing what he can for the sake of the team, and I think that’s really amazing.  I’m not sure I could do the same.  I’m the type to quit the team if I can’t be a regular.  So I have to learn by his example.  But we are similar in that we both get carried away and end up just messing around sometimes! Fukuda: I think that Asahi-san and I are pretty much polar opposites.  I’m the type that likes being boisterous.  But what we have in common is appearance, and we’re pretty much the same height.  So I think we have pretty similar physiques.  And I’m also very bad with ghosts and bugs.  This is just my assumption, but I think Asahi-san is also bad with them. (laughs)  I think we might be linked in that way.  
If you could pick a favorite character within the series, who would it be? Ichinose: I love my own character of course, and like I said earlier, I really respect that he can behave in a way I can’t.  Aside from Sugawara, I like Noya-ssan.  When I played, I was a left wing spiker, but the setter and the libero really save the team.  Lastly, the Ace is the one entrusted with the toss, and the libero will pick up all kinds of plays.  Since Noya-san can combine these positions he definitely is the guardian deity of the team and you feel really reassured to have him around.   Fukuda: If we’re talking about Karasuno, I like Nishinoya and Tanaka and Hinata... I love how fiery they are!  And how direct.  They also get a lot of the more famous lines from the series, but yeah I really do love the characters that get depicted as being very passionate.  They can touch the hearts of anyone, even people who aren’t into sports, and I’m always attracted to those types.   Higano: My favorite is Asahi-san. Fukuda: Ohh! Higano: Even though Asahi gets discouraged, he does get back up and move forward when supported by his teammates... I think I can really sympathize with that.  I think people who get discouraged, who hit a wall in their progress, are definitely strong.  If they can then overcome it, I mean.  And because of that I think Azumane is a really wonderful character.  He feels especially human in that sense.
Please tell us a story from your rehearsals. Higano: Whenever we have time to spare, we’re dedicated to playing volleyball. Ichinose: That’s for sure!  Even during breaks we’re always holding and passing balls. Fukuda: Normally we rehearse for 1-2 hours and then take a 10min break, and normally you’d rest, or use that time individually for whatever, but everyone just picks up a ball instead and goes at it.  It’s kind of impressive. Higano: During rehearsals, I think it’s really great how everyone will discuss and explain their opinions and ideas.  For the younger ones, I would normally think it'd be difficult to speak plainly if the senpai are around.  I grew up in a very sports-oriented environment, and the senpai were definitely scary beings.  But at rehearsals, the more experienced people are more informal and we’re the type to want to be more unified.  Because of that, I think it’s an environment where it’s probably easier for the less experienced of us to voice their opinions.  And because I’m in the position of captain, I want to accept everyone’s opinions and of course be assertive with my own. Fukuda: At rehearsals everyone always makes sure to properly greet each other, and do the obvious without being asked to, and I think it’s really great.  When you look at any two people who are talking, people are always looking their partners in the eyes and listening intently.  Although if it’s Shou-kun, he might have a scary face or whatever. (laughs) Everyone: Hahahah! (laughs) Ichinose: It’s not just Karasuno, everyone plays volleyball together without really paying attention to our designated teams, and people from different teams will give me advice, and I’m really grateful for it.  Even if you’re together on the same team, there are things that you miss.  Since I used to play volleyball, I’d like it if I can give advice on that front. Higano: This wasn’t during rehearsals, but yesterday the three of us went to dinner together.  I think the majority of our conversation was about the play. Ichinose: Well we’re happy to be able to talk about the play over dinner and stuff.  Is there anyone who hates doing that?  Who’s gonna say, “Just do that at rehearsals?”  I think it’s pretty necessary.  So I’m really happy that we get to do it. Higano: Among the third-years I think all of us all like talking a lot so we talk about a lot of different things, not just the play.   Ichinose: Just recently we were talking about how huge the bugs are in Hokkaido. (laughs) Higano: I was really terrified.   Fukuda: When we tried looking them up on our phones, they were shockingly big. (laughs)  Shou-kun just went, “I don’t wanna look, I don’t wanna look at it!”   Higano: I’m so bad with bugs, I’ve had to call an ambulance twice. Ichinose & Fukuda: Ehh?! Higano: I really can’t believe I’m talking about this but... when I was in high school, I went to a friend’s house, and we went into this store-house type room, and we moved this luggage that had been stored in there forever and... this cockroach came out and started flying in circles around me.  And then I started hyperventilating and that was the first time.  The second time, I was walking around the Arashiyama bamboo grove in Kyoto, and above me a crow flapped its wings.  At the same time, something fell, and then there were all these caterpillars on me, so I hyperventilated again.  In this group, I’m confident that I probably hate bugs the most. (laughs)
What were your first impressions of each other, and your impressions of each other now? Higano: Ryuu hasn’t changed that much from when I first saw him.  He doesn’t really have a hidden side, and he feels kind of like a little brother. Ichinose: I’m the one that’s a bit more removed in age* so the two of you really feel like adults to me.
*Shou and Yuuya were born in 1991, but Ryuu was born in 1997.  
Higano: How cute. Fukuda: Definitely cute. Ichinose: They really feel like older-brother-senpai.   Higano: Yuuya feels more like, how should I say it, the same type as me?  He looks tough, so when you first meet him you might think to yourself, “If this guy were to get angry, it’d be pretty scary,” but in reality he’s not like that at all.  He’s really friendly, he sort of calms down the place, that’s the kind of atmosphere he can create.  So in that respect, my impression of Yuuya has really changed. Fukuda: ….I’m a bit embarrassed now. Ichinose: Yeah Yuuya-kun was scary at first, but after going out to dinner and messing around, I could see another side to him, and my image of him has changed too.   Fukuda: Shou-kun definitely left a strong impression, because when he’s not talking, his eyes are really intense. (laughs)  Am I being monitored?  Kind of like that. (laughs)  But when you talk to him, he’s so gentle and just really really nice.  He has that older-brother disposition.  And contrary to what he looks like, he can be lamer than you can even imagine.  Just recently when we were riding the train he tried and said, “That was a joke just now, did you get it?” because I couldn’t pick up on the joke. (laughs) Ichinose: He’ll just do it so suddenly and smoothly. (laughs) Higano: Yeah.  A little too smoothly sometimes that nobody will follow up on my joke, and then I get a bit embarrassed. Fukuda: My impression of Shou-kun now is that if you can talk to him even once, he’s very easy to become close to!  The first time I met Ryuu, he didn’t talk at all. Ichinose: I’m not great with strangers... Fukuda: Well I’m the same way. (laughs)  But now when I try to talk to you, you can talk quite a bit.  At a glance, he doesn't seem the type to talk much, so it sort of felt like he didn’t have any interest in people.  But in reality he likes to talk a lot and he’s quite sociable.  He’s very cute. Ichinose: Yay! Fukuda: In conclusion, everyone is wonderful. (laughs)
Please give one final message to people who will be going to see the show. Higano: One of the themes for this production is “connect,” and there’s not a single one among us that wants to do this half-baked.  As captain, as an actor, I want to charge ahead at full speed.  I hope that everyone looks forward to it. Ichinose: Personally, I really love the manga, so I do have my uncertainties about becoming part of the new Karasuno generation and being able to connect with the production that I’ve watched all this time... but I’m trying not to worry about it and instead I hope to rely on giving my all into having fun!   Fukuda: We’re using the format of a stage play, but I would love for people to be able to experience it not like a play and not us as characters, but rather imagine us as real people living out the story in front of them.  So many people have worked on this and we’re going at this with a lot of passion, so I hope that the audience can feel that.  Please look forward to it!  
Translated by @nimbus-cloud Please do not repost my translations!  To me, this includes screenshots of bits and pieces taken out of context, especially if they don’t link back to me.
If you appreciate the work I do for this blog and want to support my translation efforts, please consider donating a ko-fi!  (x)
If you’d like to buy the magazine that features the original interview, you can find it on Amazon JP: (x)
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nctinfo · 5 years
[TRANS] ViVi Magazine: Fan Questions with Yuta, Doyoung & Mark!
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Q. If you were to give a name to you 3? Mark: What would it be?? Yuta: Quite well matching team hahaha Doyoung: Rather than liking the same things I feel like there won’t be any clashing opinions. Mark: We have a similar vibe. Maybe Doyoung hyung will adjust to me and Yuta hyung. So me and Yuta hyung will do whatever we want… How do I say it? To put it simply, if the 3 of us went to a foreign country, one would naturally say ‘Let’s go there’ and all would just go that way. And if another person said ‘Let’s go to this place’ all of us would go too. It’s that kind of feeling. Yuta: And in the end there will be an image of Doyoung being exhausted hahaha Doyoung: That’s right…. Hahahaha Q. What’s a place in Fukuoka or something you’d like to do here that you can’t do this time? Yuta: I want to go to the seaside! Mark: I’ve seen an award winning restaurant in our hotel. I’d like to go there. Yuta: The mood of Fukuoka’s streets is really good too. I want to go on a walk with all the members. Mark: Also Mizutaki? I heard that Fukuoka’s Mizutaki is famous and because I really like chicken I’d love to try it. Doyoung: I’d also like to try Motsunabe.Mark&Yuta: Ah!!! Motsunabe!!! Yuta: And of course Yafuoku Dome. We can see it from the hotel we’re staying at, I want us to stand on this stage one day!
Yuta edition
Q. If you were to act out a gag with one of your members, who would it be? Which role would you play, boke or tsukkomi? (in a duo sketches boke is the dumb one, while tsukkomi is a smart-ass constantly correcting the boke) Doyoung! I would be boke and Doyoung would be a tsukkomi. In fact, when we’re normally chatting it usually turns into a gag. And Doyoung will tackle it right away. And I’d always say ‘I’m not wrong, it’s Doyoung who’s wrong’ hahaha Q. Tell us your trick for learning Korean! I think there’s a lot of ways. Isn’t watching your favourite drama or variety show the best? Because ‘studying’ is a pain, find something you enjoy while doing it and it’ll get better. For me whenever the members were watching TV I’d plop right next to them and watch together! Q. Is there anything like this that you need to do everyday to unwind a little? There’s a lot of things. Watching loads of videos or bullying Mark once a day hahaha He’s really cute, Mark is. When he reacts like ‘Hyooong~’ hahahah When I want to see this reaction I go and torment him unknowingly. Sometimes I get complaints from mark too but even that is cute of course ♡♡
Doyoung edition
Q. You must hear a lot that you look like a bunny. Is there any animal you’d want to raise as a pet? I’m scared of big dogs, but I’m okay with smaller ones so I think I could raise one. To be honest, when I was little and went to my relatives' house I had a dog bite me, so ever since then I’m scared of big dogs. Q. If you were given a week off, what would you do? I think I’d travel. I’ve mentioned that in the previous interview, but I want to go to Jeju haha Q. Who would you go with? If not on my own, then I’d go with someone who can drive. Jeju is pretty to go on a road trip too. Q. Something you’d want to cook for a precious person, something straight from your heart? I’ll make a Korean style sushi called Kimbap! Kimbap looks really easy when eating, but preparing is actually hard. Because preparation is a lot of work, this is how much heart I’m gonna put into it. So for a precious person I want to make the most sincere heartfelt kimbap!
Mark edition
Q. What do you do when you can’t sleep? Lately, I’ve been struggling with falling asleep. So I’ve been counting sheep… I counted 170 and still couldn’t sleep. So in the end I stopped counting sheep and just laid in bed hahaha You guys count sheep in Japan too when you can’t sleep? That’s the same! Q. Is there any Japanese food and Canadian food with a similar flavour? Uhm… Similar flavour… Uhm… I don’t really know. I eat a lot of Korean food in Canada so if there’s any similar Japanese food I’ll surely find it! Q. If you were to do a part time job what kind would you like to try? When I was little I wanted to be a waiter at a restaurant! I thought that talking to people and bringing them food seemed fun. In the US or Canada your tips depend on the quality of your service. So I was confident about getting a lot of tips. I wanted to do it for a long time but I don’t actually know how it all works so it just stuck in my head as something good hahah
Translation: Alex @ FY! NCT (NCTINFO) | Source: ViVi [ Kor ] — Do not repost or take out without our permission!
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Hello everyone, it’s been a long time but I have to say something about Choi Youngjae, so here it goes,
Well, today as I was watching videos of Youngjae on youtube, I came across this video about ‘Youngjae isn’t innocent’ and the picture of the video ‘Bad boy Youngjae’. This video was a response to a tweet and I know this video was made for a fun but I can’t help it because as a Youngjae fan I think that this video can actually create a misunderstanding about Youngjae especially to those people who don’t really know Choi Youngjae.   First of all, I can’t say that I know the real Choi Youngjae but I just want to make things clearer about all those claims that said Youngjae isn’t innocent and he’s a bad boy. Second of all, I’m not saying that Youngjae is 100% innocent but I don’t think by saying Youngjae did all these showed that he isn’t innocent.  The issue here is not really about Youngjae being innocent or not innocent but to clarify Youngjae. Even if Youngjae is not innocent, who are we to judge him and remember Choi Youngjae is a normal human being just like us and he has the full right of himself and that doesn’t mean Youngjae is fake by showing these cutesy or adorable or innocent act in public. That just the way he is.
So, according to the tweet and video here are the things that made Youngjae is not innocent:   
 1.       Tattoos
I bet most of us know now about Youngjae’s tattoos. If you don’t then now you know. So, the tweet said Youngjae isn’t innocent because he has tattoos.  I know some people with tattoos sometimes act badly but there are people who have tattoos but still act good. Tattoo is a unique form of expression because tattoo represents different things to different people. There’s a meaning or story behind every tattoo. So, I guess it’s the same with Youngjae too. As we know recently, Youngjae’s tattoo is his favorite quote ‘Ars Longa Vita Brevis’ and that quote must be meaningful to Youngjae because he chose ‘ARS’ as his composer name, as his SoundCloud & twitter username. Many times we’ve seen Youngjae put the quote on his clothes for performances so we can say that the quote has a deep meaning for Youngjae that he decided to have it tattooed on his arms.  I know that tattoo has bad connotations but not to all people. As I said, tattoo has different meaning to different people and I’m sure it’s like that too with Youngjae. Plus, I didn’t see any difference in Youngjae after he has the tattoo. You may ask why he didn’t want to reveal to the public though we pretty much know about it, well I think it’s because he has the tattoos not to be shown off but rather a personal decision. So, again, I would like everyone to respect his decision for not revealing in public purposely.
2.   Best drinker in GOT7
Well according to Yugyeom that among the GOT7 members Youngjae is the best drinker. Alright, so what about it? If someone is the best drinker that someone is not innocent?  Wow, I’m amazed at the logic. kekeke Even innocent people who are at legal age drink alcohol so that doesn’t make Youngjae is not innocent or a bad boy.  Also, are we going to start saying that all people in the world who happen to be the best drinker or have a high tolerance for alcohol are not innocent or bad? Maybe but here’s the thing, innocent can mean a lot of things and if you are referring to Youngjae being no longer innocent in a sense of ‘consuming alcohol’ I guess he is but so far, there’s no evidence saying that Youngjae behaves badly when he consumed alcohol. Any members of GOT7 can enjoy a sip of alcohol while having gathering and there’s no problem with it. In fact, I read that different bodies’ process alcohol differently and may appear to have a high tolerance but that can be very dangerous. So, we should concern about Youngjae’s instead.
3.    First one to move out of the dorm
Wow, is it wrong for Youngjae to move out of the dorm to stay with his real brother? And that shows he’s not innocent just because he was the first member to move out of the dorm?  Maybe not everyone read about Youngjae’s interview but he did mention in Bazaar Magazine interview where he said compared to the foreign members in GOT7 (BamBam, Mark & Jackson) he couldn’t go back home to Mokpo often. Most of the times, his parents came to visit him in Seoul so I personally think it is a wise decision of Youngjae to live with his brother. He said, the first three months he stayed with his brother, his mom stayed with them. During his birthday last year, all his family came to Seoul to celebrate his birthday and that made him very happy. So, by saying Youngjae was the first one to move out of the dorm just because he wanted to live with his brother and that made him not innocent? I’m speechless. He just wanted to be closer to his family. Even that, he couldn’t do?
4.    Supreme supremacist
I don’t like the word supremacist because we know the meaning of supremacist has a negative connotation. So, to say Youngjae is Supreme Supremacist is like accusing him of negative attitude or belief. To me, Youngjae simply loves the brand and the brand captured his taste well as we know Youngjae is someone who is very simple when it comes to fashion. Plus, Supreme is kinda the famous brand for the youth now so is normal if he likes the brand. Yes, we saw Youngjae has lots of things with Supreme in his house even but to dub someone as ‘supremacist’ is just not good. He’s a fan of the brand just like we are the fan of GOT7. So, it isn’t wrong for him to have the brand all around him because he loved it but that doesn’t mean he has the belief.
5.   Grapefruit technique (?) 
Wow, I’m really surprised that the person knew about it because I don’t even know. What I know is the grapefruit which is the fruit. Hahahah…. I might be innocent then because I didn’t know about this. Well, I’m not so sure how that someone could conclude that Youngjae called CoCo using that technique. So often, we saw Youngjae called CoCo using different ways and I just think that was just the way he called her as we know Youngjae loved CoCo so much. He said he knew that dog can’t live longer like human so that’s why he wanted to spend time with CoCo as much as he can. He also said in an interview whenever he came home from work, CoCo makes him feel better and even when he’s away he would call ask about CoCo and saw a video of CoCo and that made him feel better. So, I don’t think is nice to relate his love for CoCo in a sexual way.
So, most importantly what I want to say here is actually what we say could lead to a misunderstanding.  This is because I had enough of people hating on Youngjae. I had enough of Youngjae getting the hate from debut until now. You may see Youngjae is smiling, laughing out loud, and being happy most of the time but we never know what underneath all those. I’m not implying that Youngjae isn’t happy but he is someone who’s not showing so much especially whatever he has gone through and do you remember when he said in Masked Singer, that he cried just because of one hate comment about him and his vocal? Also, he did say in a magazine interview that he wanted to be beautiful by being thin so he had to control his eating. Why did he say that? Because in the debut days, many people said he was ugly and that’s why you see him very happy when fans compliment on his looks. There were many things that Youngjae being criticized for, his English, his acting, his only talent is vocal and also others.  Choi Youngjae is just a 22-year-old boy who is working so hard for his dream so we should support him and if you don’t like anything that Youngjae did, you can advise him politely and if you don’t agree with his decision then just keep silent until you see that action could harm him. As I said earlier, I’m not saying Youngjae is 100% innocent but those things that mentioned are not 100% showing that he is not innocent or becoming a bad boy. I know that tweet & the video were made for fun but those could lead to misunderstanding of who is Choi Youngjae. I’m not blaming anyone nor want to trigger someone I just want to clarify things that mentioned in the tweet & in the video. If you’ve been following my tumblr, then you know this isn’t my first time writing this kinda post to protect Youngae. So, I’m sorry if I offended anyone but when it comes to Choi Youngjae, I’m just very sensitive because as a fan I want to do the best for him and to protect him. Thank you for reading this and if you are not agreeing with whatever I wrote, it’s okay. We are entitled to our opinion.  
Spread love not hate
Thank you,
Admin fuckyeahchoiyoungjae
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alotofteez · 3 years
I'm trying not to activate my dirty thoughts lol BUT NO DOUBT HIS DUALITY KILLS ANYONE it's that the worst thing is that he knows that dancing so sexy kills atiny😑😑🤧🤧 LMAO I LOVE SEONGWHA FOR THAT i almost choked with my tea when i read he did a slow hip thrut, oh my god i had a heart attack😳😳😳😳 LOL mingi i have to stop imagining san dancing like this or I'm going to collapse😂😂💖💖 ohhh what a confession 7u7....
AY MY YUNGIIII 😤😤😤🤧🤧🤧i think ateez went wild at the concert last night,everyone being daring??? although I love mingi very much😭❤
I don't believe it, you saw woo's abs AND YOU EVEN SEEN HIM TWERK THAT I ENVY YOU, I want woo to flirt with me or well maybe Yunho 🥰
love that song!!! what a luxury you had to hear it live!! I also think he is the best vocalist also with joong's glasses he looked very cute☹❤
I thought you could touch them, I think the others are the fan meet, I'm so glad you enjoyed the concert!!! in spite of everything you were able to meet them😭😭😭❤❤❤Thank you for telling me how you spent it at the concert, it made me very happy and I had fun knowing the things they did💗💖
The first ask and my responses are below the cut! I don't want to take up a lot of space on people's dashes!
Of all the concerts I've been to, this one just didn't feel real. For some reason, my brain can't fathom that I saw them in person?? It's weird lol
edit: I just went to look at ateez’s picture they took with the audience in Dallas and you can’t even see my section💀 on the second floor, four sections are not in the frame; two furthest right and two furthest left🤦🏻‍♀️
also, I watched Ateez's interview with Wired on youtube, and San said he doesn't have piercings.... UM WHAT THIS ENTIRE TIME I THOUGHT THEY WERE REAL. I swear to god I've seen photos of him without earrings in and the holes were still there. After he said that, I had to pause the video for five minutes while I experienced a mental crisis. lIKE WHAT??? W H A T ? ?
How are you, my love? How was your day?
WOW I am speechless!!!! I am literally too happy for you, ever since I woke up and saw that you answered me I couldn't stop smiling (I still can't) I EVEN HAD TO TELL MY SISTER BECAUSE I COULDN'T NOT TELL HER🥰🥰🥰❤❤❤❤🤧🤧🤧🤧 okay with the ateez concert HOLY GOD YOU WERE IN HEAVEN!!! I have no doubt that they were born to be on stage, you can see the passion they have and the love they give to atiny is the most beautiful thing in the world😭😭😭💖💖
I couldn't help not save the photos you took of them, even though some of them look blurry THEY ARE PERFECT🤧 thanks 😭❤ Somehow on twitter a girl started doing a direct? 🤔 from the ateez concert in dallas I think and I could only see when they presented wave but what I saw was beautiful
oh by the way didn't you see a guy dressed like that man in the mask? the one that appears in the answer mv? because I think he was there or it must have been at another concert anyway IM SO HAPPY FOR YOU❤
He said he loved me AND I WAS LIKE GOD HE REALLY LOVE ME?! I obviously told him the same thing but apparently I don't think he was serious because he hasn't spoken to me for about 4 days🤷🏼‍♀️🙇🏼‍♀️😭 I know I'm a fool
AWWWWWWWWWWW YOU ARE SOOOOOOOOOO SWEET 😭😭😭😭🤧🤧🤧🤧💖💖💖 did you go with your sister?🤔
you really didn't know it ? I don't know if the name patch sounds familiar to you (By the way, HE IS THE SEXIEST MAN THAT CAN EXIST IN MY HEAD)? That name had become very famous, I also take a long time reading but it depends on what book it is and how entertaining the plot is. I hate cute books I prefer that they have their you know 7u7
I'm too lazy to take my books and study, I need inspiration😉💗
I don't know what to say but I can't stop laughing at what he called himself hahahah the captain hahahah OH YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN BLESSED BY HIS VOICE😎❤
I thought the devil would be woo and san BUT I DIDN'T EXPECT IT FROM SEONGWHA LMAO aggg I mean it can't be that they don't have mercy on our poor souls, I don't know how you survived those movements 7u7 I love that ability they have with words, they express their feelings too well, besides those movements I love when they give those super cute and emotional speeches❤
I don't know how I should feel, first you tell me they're super hot on stage and then boom they're the sweetest little things in the world😶😶😑😑😑💖
I feel so far attacked by each of them, I mean yeosang?!!!! oh my god I can't, I love that he feels so confident BUT WHO GAVE HIM THAT DARE TO ATTACK ME?!! Although I love that he is going the way of the demon line❤
I think my ask is very long so I will continue answering in another one so it is not so long😊❤
Has that guy still not responded?? if not, iN THE BIN, as my fave youtuber Luxeria would say.
I went by myself to the concert. There were a lot of fans there by themselves. Um, I may have gotten the virus from the concert. The venue was more concerned about the stupid fucking bag policy to "restrict contact" between employees and guests but never once asked to see a vaccine card or negative covid test LIKE THEY SAID THEY WOULD. I could have been more responsible and not gone inside when the staff told me they didn't need to see my vax card (I had it out and ready to hand over), but I had been standing out in the cold for two hours and spent a lot of money on my ticket (which the venue would not refund because of their stupid policy and because it was a secondhand ticket). I never took my mask off and tried to keep space between me and others, but that's difficult to do if the venue is not enforcing any policies for covid. I am beyond angry because this is the one time I did something for myself and I got sick from it. I'm terrified because I already have health issues that have to do with my respiratory system and covid can absolutely destroy people's lungs. I haven't been able to talk for three, almost four days. I keep using my inhaler but it doesn't really help. I can barely sit up for more than 30 minutes. Idk what to do because I don't have health insurance. I've really fucked up. Luckily, I haven't had a fever and some of my other symptoms have gone away. I've been in quarantine for four days now. Hopefully, I'll be okay.
I saw that the masked guy was there on Twitter and heard some girls talking about him while I was in line at the concert, but I didn't see him in person. Apparently, something was also being filmed at the merch tents outside the front doors by kq or mymusictaste??
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itsmikharla · 4 years
My fangirl life
Today gusto lang ko mag open up about sa akong pagka fan girl HAHAHAHAH All of us naa dyud tay gi ganahan mga artist, ma buang ka kung naa silay irelease feel nimo busy naka ana na adlaw labi na mga singers na imong gusto naay comeback or mga actors/actresses naay new movie or tv series. Naa puy times dili ka kahimutang sige kag open sa social media unsay mga new updates nila. Ang uban mag palit dayon sa mga gamit nila kung unsa ilahang gi promote na mga product ug mga albums. Mga sana all kaayo na sila intawon ako wala koy mapalit kailangan pako mag save huhu igo rako maghulat kung naay muhatag or mu support si mama USAHAY ra intawon akong fam mu support. Awa lang dyud ko maka trabaho ko ba HAHAHAH char
Daghan kaayo ko gi kaadikan na mga people na nahimo kog fangirl all these years daghan dyud ko gi kaadikan HAHAHAHA depende kung unsay nakit-an nako sa social media or sa mga friends nako na ma influence dyud ka mers HAHAHAHA Ako lang i share kung unsa akong life story sa akong pagka fangirl.
When I was in grade 4, my cousin introduced me about Michael Jackson songs. My cousin really loves MJ she always dancing and wearing black outfit and a black hat, because of her I started to stalk michael jackson and also I became a fan too I just love how he danced and the songs really catchy oh! He is handsome also HAHAHAH. Sadly he is already passed away 😔. I remember I have a lot of CD's of Michael Jackson I always keep repeating on it and I started to dance and same as my cousin, wearing outfit the same as MJ 😂 
When I was in grade 5 I started to like filipino love teams haha daghan na kaayo ko gi ganahan na love teams GMA pa man or ABS-CBN HAHAHAH pero ang isa ra dyud na loveteam na always in my heart until now kay Kathniel HAHAHAHA! 
I always watching their interviews, movies and their teleserye. Especially their first tv series “growing up” every sunday mabuang ko kung dili ko ka tan-aw HAHAHAHA! Grabeh nako kilig sa una uie mag rolling dyud ko HAHAHA naa man gud silay chemistry uie like BAGAY dyud kaayo sila mga gwapa ug gwapo HAHAHA nag himo sad pd kog page sa una about Kathniel intawon grabeh na kaayo to ka inactive ron HAHAHA pero yah hantud ron tig lantaw gihapon ko sa ilang vlogs and movies labi na ron confirmed na uyab sila happiest day kaayo na sa mga fans
When I was in grade 7, all of my friends mostly loves One Direction, I didn't relate them much because u know kathniel fan 😂 since I want to join their conversation I search about one direction and starting to memorize all their faces 😂 Before a fan I already know their famous songs like what makes you beautiful and one thing. But I didn't stalk too much of them which makes me so regret HAHAHA. After  I started to watch all their music videos and funny moments, I started to liked them, my first ever watch why I became a fan is when I watch their video diaries in the X Factor, I know most of the fans started there.  I've been downloading their videos and funny moments in YouTube until I became in love with them, I started to memorize their birthdays lol! No wonder my friends like them. One of the best memories is when I was in their where we are tour concert in the Philippines, I will never forget that! But it hurts for me because zayn wasn't in concert and zayn left one direction in feb 25 I cried too much, I feel like my boyfriend broke up with me I just can't process my mind that zayn left in 1D. 
When I was in Grade 10 I started to like Kdrama, ive been always hooked up in kdrama there was the time I watched kdrama 9am until 5pm everyday! 😂 I’ve started to list all my watched dramas and I’ve been stalking different actors and actresses on what are their other dramas. I also read some reviews, kung unsay na interested nako sa ilang mga gipang review i add na dayon nako sa list HAHAHA 
Sa pagka addict, I started to watch their awards, i enjoyed a lot! kay daghan didto naa akong mga fave actors/actress. Pero of course naa dyud mga  kpop artist performing of course! Akong naabtan kay naglantaw ko sa performance sa BTS katung DNA nila and yeah nainterested ko kay ngano daghan sad pud friends nako na ganahan kpop group. Nagstart na dayon kog stalk nila and nalingaw nasad ko sa ilang funny moments ma remember nako 1d sa ilaha HAHAHA MAO to nahimo na dayon kug army! Nabuang na dayon ko ma hype ko sa ilang new come back tapos mag sige sad ko katawa sa ilaha.Tig update nasad ko sa social media about nila lahi ra dyud ko ma fangirl HAHAHAHA
In 2020 I started to like 2gether, a BL thai series my friend brendan suggested me this and desperately want me to watch it.. then yep its true I enjoyed it.. they are so handsome!!! and first time I enjoyed BL series Bright vachirawit is what "cant stop thinking moment" feelz i started to feel loved at him! I just like him for being a talented person and he is my ideal type face lol!
DAYS PASSED! In November 2020, paglantaw nako sa akong instagram, naglantaw ko mga kdrama scenes sa igtv HAHAHAHA. Unya naa may ni kalit ni pop up sa akong IGTV na video is ang whisper challenge sa EXO HAHAHA nalingaw ko nila sge kog katawa sad tungod nalingaw ko nag stalk nasad dayon ko nila HAHAHAH I started to watch their mvs and their funny moments and boom! I became obsessed with them... I started to "can't stop thinking of them" feelz. Since I didn’t know much of their faces because they are so many HAHAHA  I tried to watch EXO next door, then I started to liked them more! They are so funny and cute! I know wala si Luhan na ug Kris Wu didto nilantaw pud ko sa ilang EXO showtime. Another na ngano ganahan ko sa ilaha kay ang ilang voice kay beri2 type nako HAHAHAHA tapos malingaw lang pud ko kay grabeh sila ka gubot kay different personalities kaayo sila sa isa’t isa AHAHAHHA then yep! I started to became an EXOL hahahaha I kinda regret tho why I started to liked them while in their hiatus... 
Sa tinood lang daghan pa dyud koy gi adikan HAHAHA daghan naman gud kaayo too many to mention pero kani gi explain nako mao ni ang nabuang kug ayo, mao ni ang ni patok like ni affect sa akong life CHAROT! Ang uban man sad pero lahi ra dyud ni akong gipang special mention inana bitaw HAHAHA kabalo ko daghan pd tag gi kaadikan pero naa dyud mga special place sa atung heart, am I right? HAHAHAH Bitaw ay bahalag daghan kag gi adikan mu balik gihapon ka sa imong gi ganahan. Like kung mahuna2 nimo mu lantaw dayon ka balik sa ilahang funny moments and sa ilang mga old music videos. Ana
Another extra mention kay nalingaw ko sa mga cast members sa maze runner, blackpink, aldub and Once upon a time TV series. HAHAHAH pero di lang nako na i explain why HAHAHA  Pero that’s it! Lahi ra dyud ko ma fangirl...
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