#I feel like crosshair’s enhanced vision would make him more susceptible to motion sickness so it’s a headcanon of mine
here-comes-the-moose · 4 months
Bad Batch As People on a Family Road Trip
The driver. It used to be Tech but he was banned from driving on long road trips, so Hunter had to take over.
Made them leave twenty minutes later than schedule because he decided that when they were getting into the car was the perfect time to use the restroom.
In charge of the music (he’s playing typical American dad on a road trip music). To everyone’s horror, he sings along (I headcanon that he cannot sing for shit).
Regularly reaching his hand back for snacks.
Will get annoyed at least once and threaten to turn the car around.
Somehow knows which route will take them by the best spot to stop for food.
Constantly checking on his siblings to see how they are doing. Mostly Crosshair.
Sitting in the back with Omega.
Constantly asking Echo for snacks and sharing with Omega.
Got bored halfway through Sleeping Beauty and decided to try and annoy Tech.
Kept trying not to laugh with Omega after Hunter yelled at them, but was actually solemn when Echo yelled at them.
Lets Omega rest on his shoulder.
Encourages Hunter’s singing and sings along with him occasionally.
Falls asleep in the last half hour of the trip.
Banned from driving because the last time he drove on a road trip he made Crosshair throw up twice and gave Hunter a migraine.
Just listens to podcasts now and stares out the window, occasionally pointing things out to Omega. Also texting a lot with Phee and occasionally smiling at his phone, causing Echo to tease him a bit.
Starts the most random conversations out of the blue. He’s just like me fr
At one rest stop he noticed Crosshair looking particularly pale, so he wordlessly disappeared to buy some cold cans of ginger ale for him to have in the cooler if he needed them.
Got so annoyed at Wrecker kicking his chair that he actually snapped and said some curse words. Echo and Hunter were not impressed.
Passenger Princess because he gets carsick.
His carsickness is the reason the AC is on full blast and everyone in the car either has on a sweater or sweatshirt or a blanket draped over themselves.
The only one who gets to ask to take a break outside of Hunter’s pre-planned schedule.
Was very touched by Tech buying him some soda when he wasn’t feeling that great.
Doesn’t talk much during the trip, mostly just stares at the road in front of him, drinks the ginger ale Tech got him or eats some crackers, or tries to take a nap until they get to wherever they’re going.
Complains about Hunter’s singing and music, but secretly enjoys it since it helps to distract him from how awful he feels.
Has a large bag with everything they might possibly need, from medicine to snacks to essential oils to hand sanitizer to barf bags. His brothers started calling it the diaper bag. He points out that they’re the ones who use it the most, so what does that make them?
Only person fussing over Crosshair more than Hunter. Constantly asking if he needs more ginger ale, meds, crackers, or a bag. Crosshair would find it endearing if it wasn’t so annoying.
Lost his cool and yelled at Tech and Wrecker for fighting, which made the whole car sit in tense silence for about twenty minutes.
Brought a cooler full of snacks and drinks for the car and to have at their final destination so they don’t need to go shopping.
The reason for the road trip.
Watching Disney movies with Wrecker in the backseat.
Ends up taking a little nap after lunch on Wrecker’s shoulder.
Convinces her brothers to get a sweet treat from a random drive-thru after lunch.
Also points out things she sees through the window, mostly so she and Tech can chat about them.
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