#I feel so bad for my boy he got whitewashed in fanarts and in his own game 😭
phatkochi · 4 months
Why are you white
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Steven???? 😭
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ubcs-dump · 5 years
Opinion on bby Carlos 🥺
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Okay now that I got that out of my system.
Carlos! Is! Adorable! (Nemesis Carlos that is). I love his voice, I love his looks, I love the way he interacts with the other characters! Everything about him screams handsome boi, baby boi, cute boi. But he is far from helpless. This guy knows more than he lets on. He’s seen some shit and that shows. Carlos feels like a real character to me, something I can relate to. A young guy who got thrown into a situation that’s way too big for him at first but he still manages to get out of it. He seems to be a bit naive (I’m thinking of how it took him a while to realize that Nikolai is a bad guy and definitely not on their side) but that just makes him more charming in my eyes. His eyes are pretty. His hair is amazing, I want to run my hand through it while I shower him in love and affection. Also he is a person of color. Ya hear that Crapcom? Person Of Color!!!! STOP WHITEWASHING HIM IT’S NOT COOL AND VERY DISRESPECTFUL!!!
Now. I love his relationships with the other characters in the game. While I am not a Valiveira shipper (I think that’s how you spell it?) I still appreciate his friendship with Jill. They are a great team and I love it!Nikolai and Carlos? So freaking chaotic. Carlos is convinced that Nikolai is a good guy until reality literally smacks him in the face. I could imagine these two being fucking hilarious together.Carlos and Mikhail? Tbh, Mikhail acting like a father figure towards Carlos is one of my most beloved headcanons. I usually don’t talk about the Resident Evil novels because they are a completely different universe but Carlos and Mikhails interactions in that book are so sweet and genuine and I fell in love with that. Fun fact: Mikhail/Carlos was one of my first Resident Evil ships that I legit shipped to death. I got extremely old fanart of these two laying around. It’s embarrassing lmao.Carlos and Murphy are said to be very good friends and by god I wish we had more info on that. Extroverted Carlos and introverted Murphy being best friends in the UBCS? Imagine the shenanigans! Bonus points if Mikhail has to clean up their mess afterwards and/or prevent them from doing something rash again. I love it. Not to mention the way Carlos reacts when he has to shoot Murphy in order to prevent him from turning. That shit was heartbreaking. I felt so sorry for him. Poor baby needs a hug.
I could imagine Carlos being the brother kinda guy. I think I’d get along with him very well. He’s very charming and cute while also being strong and determined. I respect that and I honestly need more Carlos in my life. I want him as my snuggle-buddy who I can play video games and just do whatever we want with.
10/10 - his original RE3 version is the best, next up UC, then ORC and R3MAKE is at the very bottom for me. Sorry guys. Just my preference.
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tiredandangry · 7 years
Dear Mango Cheese Fandom, this is a Call Out.
Hi! So for the most part, when it comes to book series, I stay out of the fanbases/fandom. Whether I think it’s because there’s going to be a lot of discourse or I just can’t find being in the fandom all that appealing. But, for once I decided, “Hey, let’s give it a shot.” and I went into the Mango Cheese tag. (Specifically the Alex/Magnus tag.) (this is a long post but since you guys 
Can’t saw I was surprised.
This isn’t directly in a good or bad way but? Specifically just in a “yeah, I’ve been in fandoms like this before and I can’t say I’m surprised.” From what it seemed, the content creators seemed friendly, and there wasn’t any ship wars/discourse from what I could find. So far so good right? Then I found what I had been expecting.
Whitewashing and Transphobia.
(I’m doing a read more cause this shit got long.)
First, if you don’t know, whitewashing is when someone takes a poc and makes them have lighter features/white skinned features. An example would be giving Blitz, a dark skinned poc, lighter skin/light skin is whitewashing and racism. Whether it was meant or not, it’s still racism.
For the most part I haven’t seen anyone whitewash Blitz, and I haven’t actually seen that much Sam art, but Alex? I’ve seen many a fanart of Alex Fierro, and I’m? Disappointed.
Not that the art style isn’t good or that they’re not “up to my standards” or w/e, I’m disappointed because I have seen a lot of art of Alex and in at least a quarter of it, she’s been whitewashed.
Yes, you can come whining to me saying “B-but!!! It was stated in the book that she’s lighter than Sam!!!” So? Even if she is lighter than Sam, that doesn’t give you the right to make her only one or two shades darker than me, a white person.
If you can’t figure on a specific tone to color her with, try to go through this helpful little checklist:
-Are there other dark skinned characters of color in your fanart? If so, how dark are they?
       -Is she as dark as them?
-Is there Magnus and/or Hearth in the fanart?
      -Is she as light as Magnus and/or Hearth?
-If Sam is about a shade or two darker than Alex, and Alex (in your fanart) is only one shade darker than Magnus? That means that both Sam and Alex are too light and you need to make them darker.
If you’re doing cosplay/have a character blog of Alex Fierro and you are a white person, just… stop? No.
Now, again, you may try to defend yourself by saying “But I’m just a traditional artist and I only have colored pencils, markers, and/or crayons!” There’s more than one flesh toned crayon/marker/colored pencil, tracy. If you only have one dark brown then?? Use pressures?? The amount of pressure you use on a pencil does affect the dark/lightness of a pencil?? Not hard to understand.
Here’s a few small swatches of skin tones I’ve seen of Alex:
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Collectively, that’s only 10 photos where I’ve seen her whitewashed. 10. Believe me, I’ve seen a lot more of that.
Also, if you’re doing an aesthetic/moodboard of Alex, please? Try not to use pictures of white girls with green hair/white boys?? I’ve gone in the tag and when I look at half of them, instead of an “alex fierro mood board” it’s “aaron fieri white board”.
Now to address the other frequent problem I’ve been seeing. I’m going to assume everyone knows transphobia so I’m not going to define it or w/e. But basically using “she/he” or “her/him” or anything of that sort? Is transphobic. Again, whether or not it was meant, it was transphobic. Even saying like “I love my daughter/son” or “take a shot if you love Alex Fierro and will defend my prince/ss always!” or w/e.
And here you may come in and say “but!! They’re genderfluid uwu!! They don’t have one gender they want to stick to for their entire life uwu!!!” sure, yeah, but it’s stated in the books that she doesn’t want anyone (or magnus in that situation) using he/him pronouns for her unless stated otherwise. So unless you’re writing a fanfic that uses more than one time and place, Don’t use he/him pronouns. Again, it was also stated in the book that she doesn’t like They/them either, so don’t use those pronouns just because you’re lazy.
I saw art of Alex with this on the bottom of it(which was whitewashed!!!! One of the swatches is on the whitewash swatches picture):
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I’m not genderfluid, but I could clearly see what was wrong with saying her/him or w/e but just to check what was wrong with it, I asked my genderfluid friend and (I’m just going to quote them) he said: “ohh yeah, things like "she-he" "her/him" "my daughter/son" "my prince/ss" r transphobic​ terms like "shemale" n the t slur, it's used to imply that no matter what u identify as, Ur still what u was assigned n yeah, while Alex still sometimes feel like a boy, she doesn't always n so when she feels like one or the other calling her "he-she" n that is transphobic bc it's implying she's still a boy.”
So, tldr; if you make Alex too light ur whitewashing her and if you use her/him ur transphobic and all in all, gross. And if you do either of these I’ll personally come into your rooms at night and haunt you, please and thanks.
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