#I finally looked through the photos and videos i took during warm ups
freebooter4ever · 10 months
I have more Geno pictures from behind the bench, do you want me to send them your way? They aren’t super different from what I have posted but some of them could be good references. Anyway, love your art and I hope your conference is going ok!
Oh my gosh i would love that!!! Your photos are great! A total different perspective than the publicity shots or official camera boys. i do have an email for this account: freebooter4ever @ gmail . So if that's easiest ^_^ i will gladly take any and all references for my collection lol! Sometimes i never know which one i want to draw until i try drawing it. Thank you so much!!!! (the conference, for better or worse, is over, and im still unemployed but now with extra sadness and depression and total hatred towards myself and my art, yay1 haha)
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joeys-babe · 10 months
Joey B Imagines: Birthday Boy
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Summary: December 10th, Joe’s 27th birthday spent with you and your twin boys.
Warnings: Fluff, *he's not injured!!*
Pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
Imagine universe: Into The Mystic
December 10th, 2023
Joe had awoken in bed by himself this morning to his surprise. He had expected you, his wife, to be waking him with smooches all over his face but your side of the bed was empty.
He rolled over to grab his phone off his nightstand when the setup sitting on it made him smile. Every year since you and Joe got together in high school when you guys were 16 and 17, on Joe’s birthday you'd get him white roses. The number of them would be the age he was turning that day. There they were, 27 white roses in a vase.
Realizing there was a card and a gift bag propped up next to it, Joe leaned up in bed and picked up the card first.
Happy Birthday, Joey!
Gosh, how are you 27?! You're getting old babe. JKJK. I just wanted to tell you that I’m so happy to share another birthday with you, this is the 11th one that we've celebrated together and I hope I've made every year better than the last. 26 was such a year for you, and I'm proud to say I was by your side for all of it. Cheers to another year of getting to show you how much I love you. You're my husband, my rock, my happiness, my high school sweetheart, and most importantly my best friend. I love you more than words can explain, Joey Shiesty.
To my nerdy, quirky, antisocial, video game, Kid Cudi-obsessed boy, Happy 27th birthday.
Love, your y/n.
Joe didn't realize tears were streaming down his cheeks till he put the card down and saw a wet spot on the blanket on his lap. He quickly composed himself and grabbed the gift bag.
Pulling the contents out of the bag, he felt his eyes well up again when he realized it was a photo album.
It was white leather and on the front in gold font, it simply read “Us.”
Joe flipped to the first page and it had a song lyric quoted.
“When they wanna see how true love should be, they'll just look at us.”
Flipping the page again, it was a collage of pictures of you and him as high school lovebirds. A picture of him picking you up after a win while you were in your cheer uniform, one of you two sitting next to each other at lunch just smiling from ear to ear, you and him sitting in the back of one of his friend's truck while at a drive-in movie, a pic of you two at senior prom, and finally one of you guys graduating.
Joe flipped the page and wasn't at all surprised to see it was the Ohio State era of his life. Since Joe was a year older than you, you were stuck in Athens still when Joe was a freshman at OSU. Long distance sucked, but you guys made it work, and multiple pictures were showcasing that. You took screenshots of you and Joe's face timing that he had never seen before. There was a lovesick look in his eye that made Joe giggle knowing he's still just as infatuated with you. His favorite picture was the one of him lying on top of you in his dorm bed, you were running your fingers through his mullet as you cuddled him.
The LSU page made Joe’s heart warm, so many pictures of you standing to the side and smiling at him just so proud of everything he had accomplished during his time there. There was one slightly spicy photo that made Joe do a double take. That was the first photo you had ever sent him with the intention of turning him on. While Joe was out doing something with the team after winning the national championship you put nothing on but his letterman jacket and the “Big Dick Joe” that he had.
The next few pages only made Joe smile get bigger.
In order it was him getting drafted, the 2022 AFC Championship win + engagement, the wedding, finding out I was pregnant, the gender reveal, the boy's arrival, and everything in between.
When the last few pages were empty for more memories Joe shut the book and put it off to the side. He again had to compose himself and wipe his eyes after the emotional walk through memory lane, you guys had been through so much together and Joe couldn't a picture his life without you.
Joe was about to text you but as soon as he went to grab his phone you were walking into the bedroom. Truthfully you had been downstairs listening to him secretly through the baby monitor you had put up in the bedroom. You had heard him wrestle around in the sheets before sniffles were heard. After it went quiet for a bit you went upstairs and watched him through the cracked bedroom door as he wiped his eyes.
You walked towards the bed with a stack of pumpkin-flavored pancakes topped with candles singing Happy Birthday as Joe wore a huge grin.
After you were finished singing, Joe blew out the candles and you placed the plate on his lap.
“G’morning, Joey. Happy Birthday, my love. - you
He pulled you into a hug and squeezed you so tight.
“I love you so much, y/n.” - Joe
You rubbed his back and kissed him after you pulled away, his arms still around your waist.
“What did you wish for when you blew out your candles?” - you
“Can't tell you, you know it wouldn't come true if I did.” - Joe
“You're no fun.” - you
“I'm just kidding, baby. I actually didn't make a wish.” - joe
“What why? Did I not give you enough time to? I'm sor-” - you
“No. You gave me plenty of time. I just don't have anything to wish for. I have everything I could ever want or need so there's no need for me to wish for something. I have a beautiful amazing wife, perfect twin boys, a good career…” - Joe
You stared at him dumbfounded, wondering how you were ever able to bag this sweet man.
“You’re gonna make me cry.” - you sniffled
“C’mere.” - Joe opened his arms to you
Immediately in his embrace, Joe held the back of your head and kissed your temple.
“I've already cried twice.” - Joe giggled
“Awe Joey. Okay enough sappy stuff, you eat your birthday breakfast while I go clean the kitchen up.” - you pulled away from him and headed for the door when he stopped you
“Wait don't go! I'll help you clean later, can you stay with me right now?” - Joe
You smiled sweetly at him before waking back over to the bed and getting under the covers with him.
Joe turned on Spongebob and ate his pancakes, a few minutes in you heard little feet in the hallway before knocks on the door could be heard.
“Mommy? Daddy?” - Tyson
“You can come in, Ty!” - Joe
The twins happily opened the door and toddled over to the bed. You lifted them onto the bed and they sat with their backs against the footboard.
Tyson giggled as he jokingly got his hand under the covers and tickled Joe’s foot. Joe played along with it for a little bit, loving the sound of his son’s laugh before he started fighting back.
“Do you boys remember what today is?” - you
“Uhm… no momma.” - Miles
“It's someone's birthday!” - you
Tyson and Miles looked at each other for a second before they gasped at the same time and yelled out the answer in unison.
“Daddy’s!” - The twins yelled
“Mhm! Remember what you guys made yesterday?” - you
The boys nodded and you instructed them to go retrieve what they made from their room.
Joe gave you a skeptical raised eyebrow look, but you just leaned in and kissed him while you still had the chance.
It wasn't long till you could hear those little feet again and Tyson and Miles were running back into the bedroom. They handed Joe a few pieces of paper after he put his empty plate on his nightstand.
Tyson drew a picture of him, his daddy, and his uncles passing football at the practice fields.
Miles drew a picture of him and Joe playing with Hot Wheels tracks.
The drawings had Joe feeling a different form of bliss, his heart warmed to an insane level as he looked at the little details in his boys’ drawings.
“I love them, boys. Thank you.” - Joe croaked
“You welcome!” - Tyson beamed
“Dada? You sad?” - Miles
“No, Daddy’s really happy.” - Joe
“But you cryin'…” - Miles
“He’s crying happy tears buddy, really happy tears.” - Joe
“Oh… okay!” - Miles
“You guys should go play. Mommy and Daddy are gonna clean up before Gramps and Grammy come.” - you
When the boys left the room you turned to Joe who was still crying. You softly kissed his cheek and wiped his tears off of his cheeks.
“You okay, baby?” - you
“Never been better. This is the best feeling.” - Joe
“Good. They worked hard on those. Come follow me downstairs. I have something cool to show you.” - you
“You gonna give me my 27 birthday spankings? Or is that later?” - joe
You laughed as you pulled him out of bed and shoved him into the closet, asking without words for him to put clothes on since he was only in boxers.
He returned in sweatpants and a T-shirt and followed you downstairs.
“Is the cool thing you have to show me a sink full of dishes? Or do I have to unload the dishwasher?” - Joe
“You’re exempt from those chores today since you are the birthday boy. But no, I’m giving you one of your gifts now.” - you
Joe smiled and I told him to close his eyes as we started walking into the kitchen. He did as you said and you took his hands in yours to guide him to where the setup on the counter was. You smiled at the secret camera you had recording and dropped Joe’s hands.
Telling him to open his eyes, Joe looked around rather confused but when he looked down at the counter his eyes went as wide as saucers.
There was a positive Clearblue test next to the same onesie you showed Joe when you found out you were pregnant with the twins.
You watched Joe’s eyes start to water as his chin started quivering, causing your own eyes to get misty as you smiled at him.
“You’re pregnant?” - Joe grinned
“Mhm.” - you smiled as tears dripped down your face
Immediately his arms were around you, lifting you and spinning you around as he cried into your neck.
“We’re having another baby!” - Joe cried
When he put you down, Joe picked up the pregnancy test with shaky hands and fell against the counter with his head buried in his arms. He was so overcome with emotion.
“Are you happy?” - you rubbed his back
Joe stood up abruptly and nodded vigorously.
“I've never been so happy. What if we have a girl, y/n? I could be a girl dad.” - Joe cried again
“Oh baby.” - you pulled him into your arms
Joe hugged you so tight but was now trying not to put pressure on your stomach now that he was aware his baby was in there.
“I love you so much, y/n. You and our family are the best things to have ever happened to me. I can't believe we're having another baby.” - Joe
“I love you and our babies so much. I can't believe it either, I'm so excited.” - you
“How long have you known? Well about the baby?” - Joe
“Not too long, found out a couple of days ago and thought I'd wait till today.” - you
Joe nodded and leaned down to be level with your stomach. It hasn't gotten bigger yet but Joe didn't care, his baby was still in there.
“Hey, baby. It's your daddy. Me and your momma already love you so much. We can't wait to meet you.” - Joe
“I have an ultrasound next week. Think you can go?” - you
“For sure. I'll make it happen.” - Joe
The rest of the day Joe couldn't keep his hands off of you, always making sure you weren't farther than arm's length away from him.
Robin asked what was up later at dinner when you rejected your usual favorite wine that she and Jimmy had brought.
You and Joe were ecstatic to tell his parents about Baby Burrow #3 coming next fall and they were just as happy finding out about their next grandkid.
That night after dinner, dessert (pumpkin pie of course), and putting the boys to sleep, Joe and I were lying in bed talking about everything baby.
“y/n, you know, I've only been 27 for a day but I feel like it's going to be the best year yet.” - Joe
“You think so?” - you
“I know so because I’m gonna spend it with you, our boys, and baby Burrow.” - Joe
You had a strange feeling that Joe was right, but also an overwhelming feeling of love washed over you. How'd you get so lucky with Joe?
Authors note: happy bday Joey B!
there was a birthday imagine request in my messages so here you go!
hope you enjoyed! 💕
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jaegeraether · 10 months
Sunsets and footballers (Part 31)
Lucy Bronze x Reader (29)
Masterlist (other parts here)
YFN eventually managed to find a car park and carefully park Lucy’s car. Still no phone call. It was now 6pm.
She turned the car off and sighed her stress, placing her head on the steering wheel. She didn't want to text, and now she didn’t want to call. Was Lucy ashamed that she’d been caught on camera with Ona? Was their relationship more serious than she realised and Lucy just didn’t know how to tell her? Was she just a convenient fling in England for her? Perhaps an easy break without emotional complications was for the best.
“You’re okay,” she whispered to herself. She heard her tears hit the centre of the steering wheel. “You’re going to be okay. This is why we don’t let people in, Blue.” She sniffled. “It hurts right now but we’re going to be fine. We always are.”
Talking to herself out loud always helped her when she was a kid, trying to understand the strong, scared emotions her father stirred in her, and she’d carried that on into adulthood.
She sniffed again and lifted her head, wiping her tears and attempting a smile for her colleagues. She knew that if she stayed in that car, she’d just fall further into that emotional wreck, and so she grabbed her equipment and entered the stadium.
The game hadn’t even begun yet, it was scheduled for 6:45pm, so she had time to get through security with her pass and head to the bathroom where she tidied herself up and made the decision to take Lucy’s hoodie off, and switch to a Lumos hoodie. It just felt like the right thing to do. She folded it carefully and placed it in her workbag, with the intention of leaving it at Lucy’s apartment that night. She figured it would make sense to leave the keys there as well, though her main concern was the car. She didn’t have one.
YFN: Hi Joe, any chance I can take you up on that previous offer for a work vehicle?
Joe was always working. She replied almost instantly.
Joe: Absolutely! I’ll get onto that first thing in the morning.
Joe: Also, I’ve had a look through the footage from tonight. It’s excellent.
YFN: Thank you, I appreciate it.
YFN: You picked some incredibly talented people for the job.. I can already see a need for a lot more people.
Joe: Just let me know what you need. I have a lot of faith in this.
YFN knew Joe was someone who poured her heart and soul into whatever she did. She was intelligent and a smart businesswoman, though the words from the twat, Mark, at the Charity Event had stuck with her. She knew she had to ask Joe what he’d meant when he’d mentioned “the controversy she brings”, though she knew it was best for another night, and perhaps not over message.
YFN: I do too. I was also roped into doing our first interview with a few of the Arsenal and City players. I’ll send you the rough footage now.
Joe: Looking forward to it!
YFN sent the footage and entered pitch side where the teams were warming up and was happy that the weather wasn’t nearly as cold as it had been the previous matches. Emily spotted her first and came over to chat about the best photo spots, while Bridget was scouting around the entire edging of the pitch the find the best video positions. She eventually looped back around to them to join in on the work discussions.
It was during their discussions that YFN noticed a photographer taking footage of them all together. She’d never been to Broadfield Street Stadium before and so she assumed it was perhaps someone from media for one of the teams, however he was incredibly persistent and focussed on the Lumos trio. YFN didn’t want to worry the girls, and so she finished up their discussions and let them get back to getting footage of the players during their warms ups.
As warm-ups finished, YFN took a few final photos of the teams and looked down at the images, proud of the action shots. It was then that she noticed Mary Earps walking over to her. She’d spoken to Mary at the pub quite a lot, having been introduced through the England squad. She was the goalkeeper for Man United, and for the Lionesses. Mary, Queen of Stops.
“Hey, you! Good to see you! How are you mate?” She went straight in for a hug. Mary was lovely and caring, as always.
“Hey Mary. I’m great besides the very long day I’m having.” She laughed. “You were looking pretty solid in warm ups.”
“Aw thanks mate!” She said enthusiastically, hands still on her shoulders and giving her a little shake.
“I have no idea how you jump so high or so quick and the speed that you get up… I was worn out just watching you!”
She laughed at that. “Aw you’re too kind..” then she whispered, “I’ll give you a tenner later.”
YFN rolled her eyes. “Still struggling to accept compliments, I see!”
“Always mate. It’s just so awkward! Anyways, you girls are looking so cute in your little merch. Any chance I could have a beanie?”
“Oh course.” YFN chuckled and grabbed a beanie from her merch bag before putting it on the keeper herself. “Look at that!”
“Do I look cute?” She asked cheekily. “I look cute, don’t I?”
“You’re adorable.” She laughed. “Do they put you up in hotel overnight for these late night games?”
“Oh, yeah. They’ve booked us in London though so it’s a bit of a travel. Late night for us. Where are you staying?”
“London also.” She shrugged. “We probably won’t be home until 11pm.”
Mary groaned and she joined in. They bantered for a little longer until Mary was called into the training rooms and ran away excitedly with her little beanie on.
The game was fairly evenly matched, which was a surprise as Man United were a notoriously a hard team to beat. Because it was so back and forth, the Lumos crew including YFN found themselves running up and down the field for the best footage. It was almost comical. Almost.
At half time, Brighton were up 1-0 and Mary looked disappointed in herself, regardless of the fact that she’d made some incredible saves. Following the break, there was a 2nd yellow given to yet another United player, and it wasn’t until both teams had made multiple substitutions that the next goal was scored, and it was a United goal. 10 minutes later Brighton scored their 2nd, however United managed to equalise again in over time, ending it in a 2-2 draw.
The whole game was entertaining, especially watching Mary have to make so many saves, but also uncomfortable as YFN kept noticing that one photographer who was still taking photos of Lumos around the pitch. She didn’t understand until when they were nearing the end of the game, and she saw a businessman in a suit talking to the photographer and pointing to her. She hadn’t recognised him as he walked down from the crowd, but she had when she saw them talking a little closer to her. It was Mark. Mark from the Charity Event. The one who had basically warned her about Joe without actually warning her. He looked up from his photographer and caught YFN’s eye. Usually it would be normal to smile and wave, but he didn’t. He simply stared with an expression on his face that she couldn’t decipher. Whatever it was, it wasn’t positive.
From then on, she tried to move further away, working her way around the edge of the pitch, however the photographer was always close behind, following her. She felt uneasy, however she was glad he was focussed on her and not her colleagues. She tried to keep him far away from them.
At the end of the game, Mary came back over for her usual, friendly chat and brought Katie Zelem and Ella Toone with her. They were all Lionesses, having played in major tournaments together, and she'd met them all at the pub, so it was a great, natural banter they had about the game. Somehow, she was also roped into doing an interview with the three of them, after Mary had seen that she’d interviewed others and insisted on it, fakely threatening favouritism if YFN didn’t. Bridget came over, they set them up with mics and the ‘interview’ was basically a good chat about all things in the match. YFN realised how much she loved the dynamic of interviewing multiple players who would tease each other and bounce off each other. It was the perfect, relaxed setting. She also made sure to not ask too many questions about the game, preferring that the girls talk about whatever they wanted to about the game to avoid the typical media response. It wasn’t lost on her, however, that Mark’s photographer was filming everything. She put on a brave face for the camera, smiling and laughing with the girls, but felt uneasy.
They all parted ways and Bridget, Emily and YFN didn’t hang around long as they’d all had long days. It was now 9:30pm and they still had a 90 minute drive back to London. They agreed to do their editing tomorrow and call it a night. As YFN entered the car, the hair on the back of her neck stood up as she saw a car parked behind her, on and idling, as if waiting for her to leave. It was strange because most of the car park was already empty, and it was right behind her. One look in the driver’s seat and she could see who it was. The photographer.
She tried to keep her fear under control as she entered Lucy’s car and locked the doors. She immediately felt better but that all went away when she found herself on the M23 being followed.
She told herself to calm down and that they were probably taking a different exit, but they weren’t. They followed her to the M25 and all the way back to towards Lucy’s apartment.
YFN was starting to get scared and ran a cheeky orange light to lose them, which worked. She parked up Lucy’s car and entered the apartment, feeling like she didn’t belong. She turned the lights on and put the keys down near the entrance as she wandered into the beautifully modern place with her overnight bag over her shoulder. She looked around briefly and was reminded of the few happy memories. Sex here. Flirting there. Making out here. Massaging Lucy’s knee there. Making breakfast there.
She shook her head as if it would remove those memories and entered the guest bedroom. She couldn’t bring herself to use Lucy’s bedroom. The one they’d cuddled in and done much worse things in. She unpacked the few items from her overnight bag and looked at the time. Just after 11pm. She needed sleep. She quickly showered and then got dressed into a pair of pajama shorts and a loose top by itself, no bra.  And socks, of course. She always needed socks.
She went to get some water and then found herself fighting a losing battle and letting curiosity and her emotions get the better of her as she entered Lucy’s room. She didn’t pry, she just… looked. Remembered. Then she went into the bathroom which was still filled with Lucy’s face care all lined up and… a blue toothbrush. Like the one she’d left at Jordan’s. YFN picked it up slowly and stared at it before her lips trembled and she gave in to those emotions from the previous few days.
“You’re okay.” She whispered to herself in between sobs. “You’re okay… it’ll pass, remember? You’ve got this.”
Suddenly she heard the front door and ran out as far as Lucy’s bedroom door to see the front door handle shaking, someone palying with the lock. The photographer? Or Mark? She didn’t call out because that would be an admittance that she was in fact there in the apartment. Instead her reaction was to close Lucy’s bedroom door quietly and then move into her bathroom, shutting that and entering the shower. None of the doors had locks and she’d never been more frustrated or scared in her life. She stood in the shower with her back to the corner of the wall, and looked down at the blue toothbrush that was her only form of defence. She couldn’t fight a man.. especially with her being so small.
She heard footsteps and could feel her body shaking as the bathroom door swung open.
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cherryxblossxms · 1 year
Masturbation May - Day 1b: On Video/Sexting (Nanami Kento)
A/N: This is part 2 of day 1 of the On Video/Sexting prompt for Masturbation May! An anonymous sender suggested the dear husband Nanami. These were so fun to write. This ended up being so much more dialogue heavy than I expected whoa
Featuring: GN reader || Nanami x reader
Warnings: Sexting, talk of masturbation obviously, Kento is pent up; reader is also a sorcerer (but not relevant); pet names (darling, love); technically mutual masturbation but shhhh. Edited at 5am so ignore any mistakes....
Word count: 1812 (wtf—)
Looking at Kento, you would never guess that he could be into sexting. But during your relationship, he surprised you many times with how much of a tease he could be, the way he joked with you, the saucy photos he occasionally sent, and the suggestive yet elegant words he'd use when he wanted to play with you.
Sexting was one such surprise, but given the numerous times you two were separated when sent off on important missions, it was a big way for you two to connect over the distance. Although Nanami didn't like saying it explicitly, feeling it was a little vulgar, fighting always seemed to make him hunger for you. Maybe it was just primal instinct, or simply a side effect of the blood pumping in his veins going to sensitive areas. But he often found himself in want of you after a fight, and when you weren't physically available, sexting was the next best thing.
Today was one such exception as Nanami entered his hotel after taking care of a particularly difficult curse. He'd quickly showered and got some room service to sate his appetite, but a different type of hunger was lurking just below. No matter what show or movie he put on, he couldn't seem to get his mind off of you, wondering what you were up to, what you were wearing at that moment, how you were faring without him.
In all honesty, he didn't often fully indulge when you two did sext; he still let you have your fun and worked you through your orgasms, your pleasure was so important to him. But he'd rarely get himself off, instead preferring to satisfy himself fully once he was with you. However, he couldn't seem to shake the neediness emanating from himself tonight.
It felt a little silly, but you were always understanding and indulging in him as he opened up to his more passionate feelings. The time had become late after the fight, but he knew you would likely still be up. It took a moment of mental fighting before he finally unlocked his phone to send you a text. Something simple, he'd never be so vulgar as to jump out the gates with an explicit text; he always tested the water first, your comfort was his first priority, his dick could wait.
You responded promptly, as he'd imagined, just asking him about his mission and making sure he was okay. But as he continued responding, you seemed to show that you knew something was up, about some ulterior motive for his late night contact. Your responses became more teasing, gauging how he was feeling as you let things become a little more risqué. Nanami always thanked the fates that you knew him so well and finally unleashed a little of his hunger into the chat.
He could feel himself getting hard against his thigh, a tent forming in his soft pajama pants as he let his imagination wander, but he ignored it for now, just letting the temperature turn up between you two naturally. However, he did slip off his sleep shirt, feeling too warm suddenly. Finally, an innocent looking text at first glance but with deeper meaning that he expected:
(9:36PM) You: What are you thinking of?
He couldn't help but chuckle at that as he typed out his response.
(9:39PM) Nanami: You are asking something you already know the answer to.
(9:40PM) You: And? I'd still like to hear it in your words. Or read i guess
He thought for a moment over your choice of words. To be honest, he hadn't expected to really get anywhere with the chat. But the aching in his groin was reaching an annoying level, and you seemed interested in continuing. More than that, he needed to see your face, wanted to see the one he loved.
(9:45PM) You: Kento? Are you still there?
(9:47PM) Nanami: Yes, sorry, I'm still here.
(9:48PM) Nanami: I know it is late. But would you be interested in doing a video call?
He could just picture you raising your eyebrows at him, he so rarely initiated like that; now that he thought of it, he's not sure he ever initiated over video before. But a second later, his question was answered as a call came in from your number in place of a response. He quickly accepted, and he couldn't help the smile that formed when he saw your face. You smiled back immediately. He could see you dressed in your pajama shirt with the sheets visible in the background, lying back against your shared bed.
"Hi, Kento."
"Hello, darling," he responded. His brows furrowed a little, worried he'd caught you too late. "Are you going to bed soon?"
You shook your head, your smile teasing. "No, I'm not tired yet. But with the way our conversation was going, I thought the bed might be the best place to get comfortable."
Nanami raised an eyebrow at that. Knowing full well what you were implying, he straightened his face as he questioned, "Oh? Get comfortable for what?"
"You know full well what for," you responded, frowning at him. But he could see the playful, fiery look in your eyes, showing you were far from upset. "I think someone needs some stress relief, and I'm here to help."
Nanami's cock twitched in response, and he held back from reaching down just yet to relieve the ache that had built up. He hummed instead, pretending to think.
"And how do you intend on doing that?"
"I thought maybe a little video sex would be good. If you're feeling up to it, of course," you quickly added. "But if you're tired, then we can just talk."
Nanami shook his head almost too quickly. "No, love, I'm alright. I think you're exactly what I need right now."
The look in your eyes was captivating, and you angled the camera down to where your hand rested on your chest, before slowly trailing it down your front to your groin followed by the camera, revealing a lack of bottoms. Your thighs were pressed together, your hand covering your groin as the camera aimed down, before slowly opening your thighs to expose yourself.
Nanami couldn't help but groan, wanting nothing more than to be buried between your thighs. It was times like this that he hated having to travel and be away from you, his favorite form of stress relief was pleasuring you. He knew all the ways to unravel you, had your reactions down to a science; it was torture not to be able to deliver this pleasure to you himself.
Your arousal was obvious, your essence already leaking and catching the soft glow of the lamp light, and he watched as you traced a light line along the inside of your thighs, seeing the way your body twitched from the teasing. He repeated the action on himself over his pants, now fully hard, shivering as he felt the soft material rub against him.
As you worked your hand towards your center, rubbing slowly, Nanami tugged the hem of his pants down, freeing his aching cock. He was normally a patient man, working up his pleasure slowly to fully enjoy the experience. But seeing you work towards your own pleasure and knowing he couldn't touch you seemed to be doing all sorts of things to his body.
He quickly spit on his free palm as lube and wasted no time in stroking his shaft in time to your own movements. He couldn't help but imagine it was his own fingers that were stroking you, too, doing it just the way you like.
As things grew hotter and more desperate, he could start to hear your voice more, panting and soft moans coming from his phone's speaker. Suddenly, you swiveled the camera back up to your face, lust evident in your eyes but a frown on your lips, making Nanami stop in his tracks.
"What's wrong, darling?"
"I want to see you too, Kento," you replied. "Please?"
He immediately understood what you meant. This was another rarity for him, that even when you two did engage in phone sex, he didn't really like having the camera on himself. But that seemed unfair to you, especially when you asked so nicely, and he did want to show you how much he needed you right now. How could he not indulge his lover at least this once?
"Sorry, darling, of course," he said, and changed the camera to the back camera on his phone.
As the image changed from his face to his cock instead, he heard a breathy "fuck" come from your lips. Your camera view went back down as you resumed your movements, and Nanami continued as well. As he grew closer to climax, little groans began to spill from his lips, and you were being just as vocal; you both just needed a little push to fall off the edge together now.
"Are you close, my love?"
"Yeah, I'm almost there."
"Good. You're doing so well." Nanami worked his hand over the tip of his cock, squeezing and rutting his hips. "I'm almost there, as well. I want you to come with me, please."
"Yes, oh, fuck—"
Nanami had barely gotten your response before he saw your body twitch and tremble as you came. The sight of you cumming was enough to push him over the edge too and he joined you in climax, aiming himself towards his chest so as not to dirty the hotel sheets, covering his chest and hand with his release instead.
His thighs gently shook from the aftershocks of pleasure, and he hung his head back, just catching his breath. He heard your giggle and the camera went back up to your face, a sleepy but satisfied smile on your face.
"That was so hot, Kento," you said, lying back against your pillow. "Was it OK for you?"
Nanami switched the view to his front camera again, his face filling the video thumbnail once more, and smiled back at you. Oh, it was more than okay. However, now something in him craved your touch, your physical presence, even more than earlier, but he kept that part quiet.
"It was perfect, love, thank you," he said. "You always know just what I need. I should be able to come home soon, so I'll make sure to repay the favor to you when I get back."
"Ooh, I look forward to it," you replied, wiggling your eyebrows at him suggestively. "I love you. I'll let you get your sleep now. I can't wait to see you soon."
"I love you too, darling. Good night."
You two exchanged air kisses before ending the call. Nanami had never felt so satisfied, physically and mentally restored just upon experiencing that mutual bliss with you. Although the distance was difficult, he was glad you two could make something work on the phone, and couldn't wait until he could be back in your arms again.
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umichenginabroad · 8 months
Stockholm Week 3: Travel Preps!
Hej! I can’t believe it’s already February. Time flew by as I made more unforgettable memories in Stockholm :)
I am definitely getting more used to school and living like a local (we went through so much recycling in the past three weeks).
But for now, I'll dive right into my third week:
1/29 Mon: Freedom in Gamla Stan
During lunchtime, my friends and I visited Matchaya to get bubble tea and lunch. It was only a 10/15 minute walk from the DIS building! Very convenient. The bubble teas were AMAZING and the ramen was good too :)  
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My first bubble tea (Mango passion fruit) in Stockholm was a huge success <3 They put chunks of real mango in the drink too!!
I’ve always wanted to go back to Gamla Stan to go into some specific stores that I passed by when I was with my friends, hence I went to Gamla Stan again. Granted that I have been there multiple times now, I didn’t need Google Maps to use the metro or get to the stores. In a small souvenir shop, I found the perfect key chain for my housing key!
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It’s a tiny little fuzzy Viking friend! 
As I walked in the warm sunshine and the occasional breezes, I could feel the definition of peace of mind. It was exactly what I came to study abroad for and I was suddenly on the verge of tears due to pure happiness. It was an inexplicable moment :)
1/30 Tue: Searching for the One 
I had never imagined that finding a cream-colored puffer in XS size would be this hard.
There was this white jacket that I saw in UNIQLO during my arrival shopping, and it had been living in my head rent-free since then. I have visited other stores to look for jackets with similar properties but I never succeeded. Moreover, UNIQLO was out of the size I was looking for both online and offline. When I went to the website and applied the filters it said “VERY LOW STOCK” in the mall. I had no option other than to go to the Mall of Scandinavia to look for the exact jacket. I had to try!  
I took the astonishingly smooth commuter train for the first time, and it only took 25 minutes in total. Much to my joy, I was able to snatch the last one at the mall!
1/31 Wed: Let’s Book Everything 
I didn’t have any field trips today, so I had a great time waking up late in the morning (afternoon to be exact). 
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I appreciate the sun so much more than I did back in the States 
My roommate and I had a conversation the day before about going to Austria, Vienna together as a weekend trip. We searched through Ryanair (at 1 am) and found the best flight that perfectly suits our class schedules. It gets better: it was $65 per person for a round trip to Vienna! That’s what I call a deal.
Next, I called my dear college friends back home. They have been talking about going to London ever since my study abroad in Sweden was confirmed. My friend and I scheduled a time on Wednesday with Google Calendar (this is what we need to do when we each have 10 billion events going on in our lives) to finalize the trip. Again, Ryanair did its trick and I got my flights booked in an hour. 
** Ryanair is recommended if you are on a tight budget AND don’t have a lot of stuff! I’m only bringing my backpack since these are all weekend trips :)
My roommate and I also had a fabulous dinner, ramen. 
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As you can see from the photo, we had a feast
2/1 Thu: Self-Care Day
My morning film class was canceled today, so I had the pleasure of turning off all the alarms. For once I had plenty of time to make breakfast. 
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*・+:*。・ Golden French toast *。・:*+*
When I was done with my late afternoon three-hour core course, I really didn’t feel like doing anything. So I didn’t! 
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The view from the DIS building 
We just cooked together following an Instagram recipe
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(could have used thinner meat)
and watched Memento together. It played with my mind too many times… I highly recommend it + a video essay that unfolds the movie from a different perspective! 
2/2 Fri: Banksy!  
To make up for the work I didn’t do last night, I woke up at 5 am to finish my homework. 
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Sunrise view at 7:30 am 
After class, I briefly ate lunch and headed to The Mystery of Banksy.
I had no prior background knowledge about Banksy, which allowed the museum trip to be a fun learning experience. There was a lot more political and social criticism than I imagined in Banksy’s artworks. The pop-up ends on February 4th, so if you are interested check out the Banksy website! 
Here are the pictures we took: 
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My roomie even brought her camera!!! I was so jealous
2/3 Sat: Fika with Friends
Of course, I went to Gamla Stan again. I was invited for a fika brunch and there was no reason to say no.
We walked around until there were seats available at Fika and Wine.
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The food and the desserts were all flavorful. 
After devouring everything, we strolled around the city to digest. All four of us took pictures of each other at the same time and the conversations we had were too funny.
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So much laughter &lt;3
I started turning around and around while my friend was taking pictures of me - it resulted in me getting a new nickname of rotisserie chicken.  
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The picture depicts a chicken in the midst of rotating
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Your answer better be YES to this question!
Maybe it was the turns that led me to lose my transportation card. That’s right, I lost my 90-day SL card. Thankfully, I registered for the replacement guarantee during the first week because I knew it was bound to happen at some point (but not this early ;-; ). I went to the SL Customer Service Center in Central Station, near the T-Centralen metro station, and got my 90-day plan transferred into a new card for $2. 
Sending love to my roomie who stayed with me until the problem got fixed. Couldn’t have done it without you <3 
2/4 Sun: More Planning (Hopefully the Last)
I finally finalized all the details for my Spain trip during the Exploration Travel Week Break! I got the flight and the hotel in Barcelona, and I am extremely excited for this trip. Going to Spain has been on my bucket list for a while now, and I can’t describe how THRILLED I am. I will write more about it when the time comes :) 
My plans for the rest of today are doing more homework and maybe getting dinner with my friends at a Ghanaian restaurant. 
I hope you enjoyed my relaxing but vibrant third week! The past three weeks in Stockholm have been exactly what I came to study abroad for, and I wouldn’t change this experience with anything. 
I hope to share more of my everlasting memories with you!
Vi ses, 
Jiwoo Kim 
Chemical Engineering
DIS Study Abroad in Stockholm, Sweden
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linesforskits · 3 months
I had a dream where I found myself entering a long hall lined with monitors. It was like entering the hall of a theme park ride where they set you up before the ride. I walk down the hall looking at each monitor. Each screen showed pictures of a fanciful universe filled with stars and planets. I reach the end of the hall and find a little creature that is a mix between a Dutch rabbit and a sea bunny. It was so cute as it started to hop after me and into the new world to explore.
            I was in a space station where there were many people who were eager to explore the universe and all its wonders. I and my bunny companion manage to weave in and out of the crowd to the counter to see where I can go. I am directed to a small spaceship that seats only one and I put my space bunny on my lap and take to the stars.
            The wonders I’ve seen are numerous and glorious. I flew past a comet up close, practically riding its tail for eons. I saw a supernova up close, the end of a star but the beginning of much more. I discovered a new star and named it after my favorite flower. I floated lazily through an asteroid field while enjoying a nice snack with my bunny friend.
            I would visit planets too. Planets that are mostly water were good for diving. I visited the many creatures under the waves. I went to a planet whose foliage and beats were like something from my favorite video games. I witnessed a volcano erupt spewing blue lava so hot. I skied on pink snow near a lodge that served the best hot cocoa. My bunny friend would be in my side bag, enjoying the sights and sounds during those times.
            The adventures I took were a thrill. I rescued a fleet in the midst of a meteor storm. I stopped a rouge robot from kidnapping a child. I fought space pirates and stole their treasure, returning it to the original owners. I traversed the deepest reaches of space to discover plants that can be used to create new cures. My little bunny can’t fight. He was just moral support.
            The best thing was the people I met. The myriads of different personalities and races I met made the universe less lonely. From the quiet yet stoic to the loud and silly. From normal humans to alien lizard-folk. I raced with some speedsters and flew with great aces. I swam with a researcher looking for new marine life. I helped a spry young turtle-boy find his new goal in life. I even explored a terrifying crypt to help a somber spider-woman who was searching for her sister. But none stayed by my side like my little space bunny.
            I felt like I lived forever exploring every inch of the universe. I took photos of a lifetime's worth of memories. I shared my meals with my bunny friend and shared selfies too. We drifted through space for a time. Suddenly I saw the space station where my adventure started. I decided to go back and check it out.
            I entered an empty space station void of life. Not a single moving body besides me and my bunny. I wandered past the main hall where there were screens full of the very pictures I took of my life here in this universe. I eventually found my way to the hallway where I started. The lights were off and the rows of screens were too. At the other end of the hall, I see the ornate wooden door I first pass through. I step quietly toward the door when I notice that my bunny is no longer following. I turn to see him at the other end of the hall just watching me. I knew deep down, this is it. My journey here is at an end and my friend can no longer follow me. This is goodbye. I felt an overwhelming mix of sadness, joy, and loneliness as I went back and kneeled down to give my longtime friend a final grateful hug. As I pet his head, I truly feel how soft and warm they are. Without a word, I stand up and wave and walk slowly to the door. I look back one last time to see my bunny watching me. I reach for the door handle open to a darkness that felt oddly warm and comforting. My final thought was that despite the fun and wonderous adventure I had, sooner or later I have to wake up. For some reason though that thought was not a sad one.  
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somedarkhollow · 2 years
the last view
 It’s mid march and you’re sitting on the edge of your parent’s bed staring out the large windows with your feet up on the sill. It’s not cold by New York standards but it certainly isn’t warm by California’s. Dad is in the bathroom applying sunscreen and I take a photo to post to instagram through the side of the window not gridded by a black screen. That’s it. A few months later Mom and Dad pack up the house and it’s sold very quickly and, from your vantage point back in New York City, unceremoniously. The house you lived in for fifteen years, the house next to your best friends’ house, to quote Miranda Lambert: the house that built me. And by me I mean you and by you I mean me. 
I guess this is a universal happening, the leaving of the childhood home is one thing because, seemingly, it was a timeless place you could always return to. It was a choice to leave, mine at seventeen as I moved to New Jersey for college. I was leaving so much behind, so much had happened in my seventeen years in my house on the canyon, so many things I couldn’t wait to put behind me. So much so that I didn’t find a way to make it out there to help pack up my remaining belongings and say goodbye, so much so that I haven’t looked in any of the boxes from that place. 
But there is so much I miss. By the time I moved out we had painted the walls in my room at least 3 times. We finally landed on a seafoamy light blue, it matched the Virgin Mary window cling the elderly nun we cared for when I was young gave me. That room and that tiny twin bed where I listened to every Lana del Rey song, scrolled through early tumblr, wrote down crushes names, kissed boys, made videos with friends, learned lines for every show I was in, and my resting spot each night. I remember the mourning dove coos echoing between the stucco walls, terra cotta roof tiles, and cinderblock wall between our’s and the neighbor’s side yards. I remember how misty it would get out my tiny front facing window, so misty that all I could see as I stood on my bed to look out was the eucalyptus trees in the front yard. Sometimes, if I went downstairs to get a glass of water I would look in the backyard and see the yellow street lights across the canyon looking fuzzy in the fog from the marine layer. I remember the bricks embedded with the concrete in the driveway surrounded by small bunches of weeds, even in the drought they’d still pop up there and my Dad, even with his bad knees, would kneel on the concrete to pull them up. Our neighbors had these iconic palm trees and we had an iconic pine tree, for years it grew and grew until it threatened the house and Dad took it down. 
Tonight as I laid my head on the pillow to sleep I had an idea for a song lyric, so I got up and grabbed my mandolele and began to find chords to match this line “We were the ladies of the canyon and we didn’t even know it.” I meandered along through a few more chords before coming to a chorus of “In California I’m always a kid” before I broke down sobbing. 
One memory that always feels strange to me and pops up from time to time is one from the summer between freshman and sophomore years of college. I was back in San Diego in my neighborhood and I ran into a guy I had briefly had a fling with in high school. We ended up making plans to hang out at his place the next evening and we decided to watch Footloose as our netflix and chill. I was still a virgin at this point and it seemed like that might change at the rate things were moving. I stopped him at one point and he understood, spending the rest of the movie playing with my hair and holding me. This memory feels so out of place with home. Maybe it’s because there was a glimpse of adulthood in that moment that I had yet to see in my hometown. Early adulthood, for me, was kept relegated to the college town I terrorized in New Jersey and was basically stripped away when I went home to my family in San Diego during breaks. 
Now I lie on my couch facing the window shrouded only by lace curtains. Propped up by a pillow I’m gazing upward at the high rises across the street from my modest apartment building in New York City. This is a dream I had in that small bedroom in San Diego and now in my small studio apartment in New York City I dream of being back home. 
0 notes
chippedaxe · 3 years
stepbro george smut 🤤 if u could do hard dom george with fem reader?
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Title: 𝒮𝓉𝑒𝓅𝒷𝓇𝑜𝓉𝒽𝑒𝓇 𝑔𝑒𝑜𝓇𝑔𝑒
Warnings: NSFW! (Minors DNI), coarse language, sub reader, hard dom, stepcest, degrading, teasing, masturbation, slapping, voyeurism, (unedited)
Pronouns: she/her AFAB
Synopsis: You and George are left alone at home which causes you to become bored and restless, you then bother George with your boredom.
Word count: 1.6k
Note: I'll try to write this the best I can, I don't rlly know how to write hard dom george but I'll try! Thank you for the request <3
* Let me know if there are any warnings or any other things to change !!
Welcome 🧝🏽‍♀️ anon btw!
*My emojis updates since I took that photo so now the emoji looks different
Your eyes shifted to stare at your stepbrother George, you then quickly glanced away when he looked over at you. You heard him scoff a bit before he walked away, the heat rose to your cheeks and made you blush. You were sitting on the couch watching the TV and zoning out but stopped when you heard your parents at the door "We're leaving to stay at your aunts for the weekend! George is in charge of the house!" you had barely caught on to what they were saying as they had just suddenly left.
"George?" you called out to him just as your parents had left "yeah, what?" he came down the stairs "Why're our parents leaving?" you asked "didn't you listen to them? They're staying over with our aunt" George rolled his eyes at you "No yeah- I got that, but why?" you turned around on the couch so you two were now face to face "They left because you were annoying them too much" George snickered "Hey! That's mean- Why're they really leaving??" you got up from the couch.
George shrugged and started walking off "Don't be an asshole!" you crossed your arms and pouted "An asshole? Me? Never! I'm one of the kindest guys you'll ever meet, and I know you won't meet many but that's not the point" he teased you "HEY! What's that supposed to mean?" you followed him up the stairs "What? I'm just saying the truth!" George slipped into his bedroom and tried to get away from you, you groaned as he shut the door on you and went into your own room.
'George is an idiot, he keeps teasing me' you thought to yourself as you laid down on the bed, you tossed around in your sheets as you were becoming restless and bored. "I'm so BORED" you groaned out in boredom, your hands pulling at your face in agony "ughhhhh" you made random noises to try and satisfy your boredom "Hey- do you mind not being annoying?" George opened your door "I'm so bored though!" you exclaimed "Yeah well go and do something then, stop bothering me about it!" George went to slam your door but you stopped him "Why don't you hang out with me or something??" you suggested.
"Because you're just my dumb little sister" George walked off "C'mon! We can play a game or something!" you were desperately trying to satisfy your boredom "Why don't you just go on your phone like a normal person?" George left you alone once again. You slumped down onto the floor and held your head in your hands "Why's he always gotta be so difficult?" you huffed in annoyance, you take your phone out and decide to bother George over the internet.
You called him a bunch of times until he picked up "WHAT?! WHAT DO YOU WANT??" he screamed into the phone "I'm bored! Why don't you just hang out with meeeee?" you asked "because then you'll just complain the whole time!" George hung up but you repeatedly kept calling him "I'm literally so close to blocking you!" George sighed "We could play one of your video games??" you smiled as you thought he might finally agree to do something with you "I am not gonna let you touch my shit, just go touch yourself or something, I don't fucking know" he hung up again.
You blushed at his suggestion 'Touch myself? I can't believe he suggested that! He's a gross pervert!' you thought to yourself but your hand was ironically already subtly making its way down between your legs. His suggestion couldn't hurt and it was an easy way to pass sometime and cure your boredom, you had to be quiet though, George's room was literally right next to yours and you'd be embarrassed to hell if he heard you.
You pulled down your pants so they were hanging around your thighs and then you proceeded to rub yourself down there, you moaned quietly but then had to quickly shut yourself up. You leaned over on the bed and positioned yourself so your face was buried in the blankets and your fingers were rubbing at your sore clit, you were huffing and puffing into the sheets.
Your fingers slipped inside and you let out a small gasp, you moved your other hand to cover your mouth. Your eyes closed as you felt yourself getting closer and closer to releasing, your orgasm already approaching hastily, you didn't know that anyone was there watching you until you heard a clear coughing noise "Having fun?" you blushed all over. You slowly moved your hands and looked up at George "h-hey.." you gulped nervously, you stupid girl- why didn't you lock the door?!
"That looked fun, why'd you stop?" He crossed his arms over and looked down at you "B- Because you're watching me.." you whispered "If you didn't want my attention then you should've been more quiet. Fucking yourself right next to my bedroom? Naughty girl" George smirked "I- I-.." You tried to speak up but he didn't let you "Keep going" He ordered you. You meekly listened and started to touch yourself again "There's no use in hiding your voice, our parents are gone and I'm already here" George told you.
You let out a choked moan, you glanced away from George as his eyes were on you "Didn't know my sister was such a whore.. Getting off because I told you to, aren't you?" George teased, you nodded shyly "I knew it. Are you thinking about me while you do it?" He leaned in closer to breath hot hair onto your ear. You shiver from his warm breath "m- maybe.." you answer him "maybe isn't good enough, doll" George crawls on top of you and pins you to the bed.
You pull your hand away from your crotch and you try to back up a bit "Are you tryna run away? Just let me know now if you want me to leave" George gave you a way to back out but you rejected it "Fine with me, c'mere.." He leaned in and kissed your lips. You kissed him back gently, you were still half stunned that your stepbrother was here doing this to you. You pulled away quickly "G-George! You're my stepbrother!" you exclaimed "Yeah, you just realize that now?" George laughed and pulled you back in again.
"Come on, don't use me like this, you don't even like me!" you pushed him away "Who says I don't like you? I might tease you and you might annoy me but that's just regular sibling things, right?" George had a point "Is that all you think of me? Your sister?" he shakes his head "During the day I do, but at night-" He didn't finish his sentence as he captured your lips in another kiss.
You closed your eyes and kissed him back, your hands running through his hair as you two kiss. George pulled away for a bit of air and then started to roughly kiss at your neck "fuck.." you gasped "D- don't leave any marks!" you warned him "And if I do? Just put some makeup on" George bit down on your neck "ah!" you moaned from his little actions.
"Did you stretch yourself earlier?" George started to unbuckle his belt, you nodded and opened your legs to show your aching hole "You're such a slutty sister.." George bit his lip as he zipped down his pants and positioned himself at your entrance, he slowly slid in and you let out a loud groan "ahhhhh fuckkkkk.." you threw your head back.
He grunted as he started to thrust inside of you, his cock felt huge inside of you, the tip of his dick was hitting every part inside of you and it felt amazing! You held onto his arms and dug your nails into his shoulders "S-shit!" you swallowed down another moan "Damn, you gonna cum already?" George teased you. He started to buck his hips even faster, his free hand was bruising your hip while the other one was clamped around your neck and holding your head up to look at him.
"Cum for me, cum for your fucking stepbrother" he slapped you across the face which left a tingle on your skin. You came just after he had slapped you, your pussy clenched around him and he groaned loudly "oh fuck-" he didn't mean to but he ended up cumming inside of you after you had an orgasm. You laid down on the bed and tried to catch your breath, George sighed and left the room to grab a washcloth.
He started to clean your insides, his hand sliding inside of you just to clean the cum out "Ow!" you winced "Sorry Y/n.." he whispered "What're you being so nice to me now for?" you asked "I'm your brother, I can still be nice and an annoying dickhead" he smiled up at you. "What'd you slap me for by the way? Now my cheek hurts.." you whined "to knock some sense into you" George joked around "asshole."
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luimagines · 3 years
Hi! I have a request, but first i wanna say your writing is absolutely amazing! The length + amount of time you put into these prompts is insanely good. Now! Onto the request, how would the boys react to a reader from a more modern era? Maybe a more modernized hyrule or our current point in time?
Thank you so much for the compliment! I'm happy to see the response even if this blog is still relatively new.
I hope I do your prompt justice.
I probably could have done a headcanon list but I was hit with inspiration.
I also might have given Reader some backstory.
Scenario below the cut! It’s long, take caution.
It was a cool night, but you didn't mind. Your bed was warm, the WiFi was fast and even if it was three AM on a school night, you managed to keep yourself giggling with cat videos and blursed memes until the words and colors merged.
A night well spent.
But it led to questionable decisions.
Even if the shredded cheese in the fridge was beginning to seem a more and more enticing snack, your body was tempted to succumb to slumber.
Until a large purple light encompassed the entirety of your window.
Something was in your backyard.
Aliens. Your tired brain supplies and you sprint to the glass and push away the curtains. Is this it? Is this where I'm kidnapped and never seen or heard from again?
You pull out your phone and open up the camera.
"Pics or it didn't happen." You remind yourself and snap a few before showing your face.
What you see isn't what you're expecting. Instead of a flying saucer in the sky beaming down a laser or a weird pear shaped space craft on top of the grass, there's a single panel of glowing light, swirling with black accents that creeps in a circular motion.
"Cheese and crackers...." You gasp and begin to blatantly stare at it with no regard to whether something may be coming out of it.
You wait and nothing happens.
You wait some more and nothing happens.
You spend an hour watching this portal that has appeared out of nowhere, waiting for something to happen, willing for something to happen. But you get nothing.
The unknown stares right back at you, unblinking and unchanged.
Go through it. A voice tells you. What if there's something on the other side?
"I'm going to die." You gulp and take a deep breath.
Who else gets a chance like this? The voice talks again. This could be a grand step towards a more modern society. A whole new world could be on the other side, waiting, reaching out, calling to humanity!
You think you a see a shadow move behind the portal and out of sight but it’s gone before you can even process it.
"Should I call the police?" You step away from the window, ignoring the thoughts, the voice- you're too tired to know if it's your own any more. What's the plan? How does one go about something like this?
Where’s your sense of adventure? Pack a bag and go! What if it goes away?
That last thought seems to get through to your tired brain and for a reason beyond your understanding, it latches onto it.
Now you’re excited.
You run to the closet and take out your old backpack. It used to be for school but it was fancier since it was the only one you could get. The bag had a replaceable water bag with a plastic straw connected through the back of it and the straps have just worn down enough to where they’re actually comfortable. It doubled as a hiking backpack and came with its own insulated lunch box that clasped on the back of it.
It’ll finally serve its purpose.
You quickly roll up your favorite blanket and strap it in tightly beneath the lunch box. You’re quick to take out two extra outfits and pack them as well as change out of your pajamas.
Ok. What would you need? You don’t know where you’d be going so this has to a catch all kind of deal.
You pack away your swiss army knife first for good measure. A solar powered charger for your phone and an extra pair of socks follow suit even after you’ve picked out the extra clothes.
You take out the water bag and run to fill it all the way to max capacity as you think of any other necessities.
You’d need food. You have a small jar of peanut butter and granola bars that can fit in the lunch box. You can bring your extra water bottle and put in the side pockets of the backpack, and maybe bring some of those powered flavor packets your brother loves so much. You think he has lemonade and some green tea ones.
Those would be great. He won’t mind, hopefully.
You let the bag overfill momentarily before running back to shove it in your bag. with the lid screwed tight.
Next you run to the kitchen, grabbing the first things that you thought of already and begin to look around for more.
You grab an unopened pack of beef jerky, a bag of veggie sticks and a half eaten bag of dried mangos.
During your search you grab the water bottle and fill that too.
You return to your room with your bounty and begin to carefully put everything in the box. With some more deliberation, you run back to the kitchen and make yourself a quick sandwich, eat it, make another one and pack that as well.
You look out side the window and the portal is still there.
The sun is beginning to rise now so you’re trying to go as fast as you can, unless you want to neighbors to think something is going on.
Even if it is.
You’re about to leave but in a stroke of brilliance, you run to pack sunscreen and bug spray as well. You see a small first aid pack that was bought recently for when you would take your family vacation but you reason that it might one of the most important things you’d have if you got hurt.
Into the bag it goes.
You grab your hoodie before you leave the door, wrap it around your waist and pocket your phone, your headphones and your wallet.
You feel immediately under packed when you step outside and see the portal up close.
It’s weirdly triangle shaped, you think and step closer.
You reach your hand out and try to touch it. It feels as if you put your hand through a humidifier but it’s not wet. It’s misty and cold but not necessarily unpleasant.
An idea hits you right before you take your first step through.
You pull up one of the earlier photo’s you took and send it to your friend’s group chat. It showed up in my backyard. I decided to make a bad late night decision and I’m going through. If you never hear from me again, I want you all to fight over my electronics. Winner takes all. Godspeed.
And you step through.
You had first assumed that it would merely take you tot he other side but very quickly realize that you have to walk through it.
The first part still had a little light but with time, it got darker. So dark that you couldn’t even see your hand in front of your face.
You kept walking.
As fast as the light disappeared, it came back and you stepped into the light of an open field, right in front of one, two, three, four, nine males that had appeared to be traveling towards you or rather, towards the portal.
The portal disappears in the process.
“Oh so we didn’t have to go through it! We had to gain another member!” One of them yells. “Would have been nice to know before we packed everything up!”
“Ho boy, where am I?” You ask and tighten your grip on your backpack. Why didn’t I bring a weapon?
They all had long tunics and swords on their backs. Old fashioned leather boots and hand bracers were the norm in this group and you realized very quickly that your jeans and t-shirt had wildly missed the memo.
“Dang, I didn’t think I’d walk into a LARP group. Sorry about that.” You sheepishly smile. “I had no idea where the portal was going to take me. But if you would be so kind-”
“Wait, what’s LARP?” One of them speaks up. He was a dirty blond and somewhere in the middle of the group height wise. He wore a white cape like thing with blue designs on the back but you didn’t recognize the symbol.
“Live Action Role Play?” You tilt your head. “It’s why you’re all dressed like that? Right?”
“This is just our clothes.” What appears to be the youngest bounces up to you. “What are you wearing?”
“First I could grab in my closet.” You admit and look down on it. It’s one of your comfiest shirts and best looking pants. You’re a little proud of yourself for finding those in the dark.
“We’re heroes. We’re all named Link.” Cape guy speaks up again. “Is it safe to assume that you’re in the same boat?”
“Heroes?” Your eyebrows furrow together. “I’m not a hero and my name’s not Link.”
You’re quick to tell them your name and you watch as the confusion covers their faces. “My brother’s name is Link though if that helps anything.”
“Oh we needed him!” The youngest groans and it instantly irks you.
“What would you need with a five year old?” You deadpan and cross your arms. 
The information stuns the group.
“The portal showed up in the middle of the night and I’m the one that went through it. I’m pretty sure I was the only awake to even see it. Are you telling me that it was for my little brother?” You’d be lying if you said that you weren’t a little pissed. “My baby brother was supposed to go through it? He was asleep! He’s five. What kind of logic is that?!”
“Well...” The biggest and oldest of them runs a hand over his face. You think he has some cool tattoos and sick scar going across his eye but he looks about as angry as you feel, so you don’t say anything. “It appears the gods truly do not care for the hero’s maturity, only his existence.”
“Ok...What’s with all this hero talk?” You bite back. “What did... Where am I?”
“Hyrule.” The second with cool face tattoos speaks up. He’s got a large fur pelt around his shoulders and you have to tighten your grip against your backpack again to keep from reaching out to touch it.
Even so you feel yourself deadpan even more. “Hyrule? Like the ancient empire? The one that collapsed more than two thousand years ago? That Hyrule?”
You’re inclined to not believe them and write all of them off as crazy... but you also walked through a portal. And your grandma did say that magic existed in the strangest forms.
They all share looks of concern and some begin to murmur quietly amongst themselves but you’re too far gone to even notice.
“Did I time travel?” The idea hits you like a bus and you feel your eyes widen as you stare beyond the group. You quickly take our your phone and unlock it.
No signal.
“Is that a type of Sheikah slate?” Someone asks you.
“I don’t know what that is.” You reply automatically. “Wait, hold on, what year is it?”
“Why don’t you tell us what year you’re from and we can start from there?” The darkest brunette of the group speaks up.
“202x PC” You say robotically, not really processing the world around you anymore.
“That’s...” The blond with a long blue scarf speaks up with a slight hiss. “...Beyond any of our timelines. You see, we all come from different worlds and eras of Hyrule’s history.”
“I don’t think you’re the farthest down anymore, Wild.”
“This would then make them my successor, right?”
“It would make their brother your successor.” Someone amends. “I think they just jumped in his place.”
“Leave my brother alone.” You snap back into the present, pocketing your [hone again. “Ok, you know what, screw it. I don’t know what you’d want my brother for but I’m here now. I’d gladly take his place if it means he gets to stay home!”
“Hey.” A boy with pink hair stalks up to you looking a little more serious than you’d like.
“Nice hair dude, way to defy the gender norms.” You smirk a little before genuinely grinning, hoping to quell the tension. “What product do you use? It looks like Artic Fox but not every place sells their brand.”
“...I have no idea what you’re talking about but what happened to Ganon in your world? How have you been handling it?” He snaps and places his hands on his hips.
“Ganon? Like my old principle? That’s a name I haven’t heard in forever.” You’re confused again. “Last I heard he joined the police force only to be reassigned out of state. I don’t know what’s happening with him. Kinda hope he gets fired though. He’s not a bad guy but he’s not someone you’d want in that kind of position of power, you know.”
“Police force?”
You blinked and look them all over. They look very medieval. “Oh... You don’t have that...”
You begin to think about your history lessons and what they might be familiar with if they’re telling the truth about being from Hyrule.
“Ya’ll got knights?”
Many, almost all of them nod, a few with face of despair already on them before you finish speaking.
“It’s kind of like that. Mixed with a towns guard position... kinda. They enforce laws... at least they’re supposed to but the whole system is flawed and racist and really needs to be dismantled for the abuse of power that they have-”
“Abuse? Of power?” You have their attention again.
“It’s stupid and it won’t really make any sense if I try to explain because I doubt you have anything similar but it’s basically a group of people given the right to treat the public in anyway they like for their own benefit because they have no one telling them that they can’t.” You groan and slowly begin to feel your lack of sleep catch up to you. 
You slowly reach to behind you and sit down on the dirt, looking at all of them. “Mr. Dragmire wasn’t like...Demise or anything but he was a huge jerk. No one liked him. He liked me though. I remember that. I was the envy of the whole school because I somehow got on his good side while everyone else wants to strangle him. I think he was transferred for some misdemeanor or something like that... like he might have been throwing hands with someone he wasn’t supposed to. I never heard all the details. I didn’t really care for it when it happened either. I’m pretty sure he lost that fight though. The dude looked like a blast of wind could have knocked him over let alone someone’s knuckle sandwich.”
“I would love to hear more about this.” The youngest sits next to you with a large grin on his face. His eyes are bright and his body language reminds you of your cousin Zelda. You instantly think they’d get along like a house on fire. “What are your monsters like?”
“Monsters?” You tilt your head. “Be a little more specific bud, it depends on where you’re from.”
“You have that many?!”
“It depends on if you believe they’re real or not.”
“Speaking of monsters, can you fight?” The shortest walks up to you. You like that his tunic is stitched up with multiple colors and designs. It gives it personality, you think. “Do you have a weapon you’re more comfortable with?”
The question throws you off your rhythm and you don’t fight your wince. “What would happen if I say that I do not, in fact, have any sort of weapon on me?”
“I wouldn’t believe you.” Pink guy speaks up again. “That pack is huge, there has to be something in there.”
“It’s food, water and extra clothes my guy.” You lean back against said backpack since it won’t let you lay down with it still on. “Not a lot of space for anything else. I’m pretty good at hand to hand combat though. Karate’s a good way to fight out stress.” 
“Your bag’s not magic?”
“Why the hell would it be magic? ...Are you trying to tell me magic actually exists?” You raise an eyebrow as your eyes begin to close against your will. “I know my grandma said it does but I thought she meant like fairies and shadow demons.. and bigfoot. Can’t forget him, he’s the real MVP... You know...Children’s bedtime stories and stuff like that, it’s not real. But like magic magic? Magic items and the like? Find me Tinkerbell and I’ll show you Neverland, that’s what I say.”
“Are you serious?”
“Second star to the right, straight on till morning.” You respond.
There’s a moment of silence as the group in front of you processes your words. It’s hard to tell their reaction since you’re not looking at them but you no longer have the energy to do anything else.
“Are you falling asleep right now?” It’s the one they called Wild.
“I...” You try to open your eyes. They don’t budge. “I haven’t slept in nearly 20 hours... I think. I might have past 24 hours a while ago actually. Portal showed up at like four in the morning... I had to get up at six and I didn’t sleep at all before then.”
More silence.
“Great another one.” Someone scoffs.
You snort.
“Why did we pack up camp again?”
“No one kill me.” You say right before you lose consciousness. “Please and thank you.”
“They’re doomed.”
“Have some faith Vet. They stepped in for their little brother. That has to mean something?”
“They’re in for a rude awakening, and that’s all I have to say about it.”
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dysfunctionalcrab · 4 years
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pairing: karl jacobs x reader
pronouns: gender neutral
-> requested by anon: ive been having a really bad day so if it’s possible for any karl fluff that would be very appreciated :)
note: i hope you feel better anon! this ones for you and all the karl simps
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you awoke to sound of your ringtone. your eyes adjusted to the moonlight sneakily seeping through behind the curtains. you blindly started looking for your phone, your hands tapping random areas of the drawer until you located it. your head was still a little hazy to check the contact. whoever it was, you were a little irritated that they woke you up after so much effort of trying to get yourself to fall asleep.
“hello?” you answered groggily, rubbing your eye
“hi [y/n]!” you heard an enthusiastic reply.
you raised an eyebrow in confusion.
“karl, why are you calling in me so early in the morning? are you okay?” you questioned, a little concerned.
“baby, i’m fine,” he assured you. “i just want to ask for a favour?”
you held your breath in preparation in what it might be.
“can you go to mcdonald’s with me?”
you stayed silent. did you even hear him right?
“the sun hasn’t even come up and you want me to do what now?”
“pleeeeease [y/n]...” he begged. “i drank too many monsters and i couldnt fall asleep, now i’m really craving a mcflurry but i don’t want to go alone,”
you sighed, thinking about it. he really just interrupted your sweet dreams for mcdonald’s? you thought deeply about the stupid choice you were about to make.
“pick me up in 5. i’ll go get my jacket,” you told him, defeated. you put the phone down back on your side drawer and started getting up, stretching your arms out a little.
“yes!” he cheered through the phone. “thank you!”
“you’re so lucky i love you.”
“trust me, i know,”
you jumped into his car with your pyjamas, a jacket and scarf. it was pretty warm during the day but during the night the whether tended to go cold, forcing you to wear something like a hat and gloves.
he gave you a small peck on the cheek and giggled adorably. “thank you for doing this with me,”
“yeah, yeah. if the ice cream machine is broken i’m going to be so pissed,”
the sky was pitch black, the sun nowhere to be seen. the roads were eerily empty, it felt like a ghost town, but it was a surreal feeling. karl’s signature song ‘sweater weather’ was playing on the radio. you suddenly felt grateful that you decided to come along, nothing beat making memories with the person you loved the most.
karl’s hand was resting your thigh while his other controlled the wheel, he was tapping along to the sound of the music. you two started to sing along
“cause it’s too cold.. whoa, for you here” you both sang along
you began getting carried away with the music, humming and looking outside the window, probably pretending you were in some sort of music video. karl watched you lovingly, wondering how he got ever so lucky with you.
soon enough, you pulled up to the mcdonald’s drive thru. karl finally got his long awaited mcflurry and you got yours, karl also got one of those giant sodas he always got, pepsi to be specific, along with two packets of large fries for the both of you.
you and karl sat in the car park, eating your fries and mcflurries. until a fry got stuck in your throat. you let out loud cough and started to silently choke, grabbing karl’s drink as fast as you could and sipped a little.
“you know,” he began, he grabbed the drink from your hands after your coughing fit had stopped. he took his own sip. “ you just indirectly kissed me.” he said.
you gave him a weird look
“we’ve literally made out, what do you mean we indirectly kissed?” you chuckled, popping another fry into your mouth.
“i don’t know, i was just saying,”
you shook your head, smiling to yourself.
you went to check your phone, wanting to take a photo and capture this moment without ruining the atmosphere, but it was dead. you silently cursed.
karl took out his own phone, as if he just read your thoughts, and then took a photo. posting it immediately on twitter.
“i love you,” you blurted out randomly, honestly you had no idea why but you didn’t regret it
karl’s eyes softened, preciously grinning at your randomness. he leaned forward, looking into your eyes. his nose bumped yours, and then he kissed your lips gently, his lips were cold from the ice cream but you assumed it was the same for you.
he then moved to kiss the tip of your nose
“i love you too,”
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hyunsuks-beanie · 3 years
Come With Me
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Culinary major! Soobin x food vlogger! reader; just some teeth rotting fluff
Word Count: 3.35k words
Mellow speaks: So I finally completed this long overdue and super fun request!!! Honestly, writing this was just so amazing, and I kinda drew Y/N based on my own self, so I hope you enjoy reading it!!
Rushing into his apartment, Soobin didn't waste a single minute in discarding his bag on the floor, rushing towards his laptop and turning it on. As the screen booted, the final-year culinary major prayed to the gods for the livestream to not have started yet. The winner of the contest from last month was to be announced at the beginning of the stream, and even though Soobin didn't have any hopes of him winning, he couldn't help the tiny voice at the back of his head saying, "What if?."
He was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a voice, sweet and velvety as always. There you were, on his screen, the biggest of smiles plastered on your face, making him feel warm all over. Y/N L/N, his favorite food vlogger in the world, ready to start another livestream. Soobin had always been more of a silent supporter, his introverted self being too shy to even post a comment under any of your videos, partly because you had a habit of replying to as many of those comments as possible, and he knew for a fact that he would combust on the spot if you were to ever reply to his praises of you.
You see, he greatly admired your love for food and your wanderlust. He was also a great fan of the way you spoke, and the way you articulated your ideas and thoughts. Truth be told, he genuinely liked you, and not just your voyager self. Watching your videos over the years, he had found himself developing a small crush on you, knowing full well that it was probably just him being starstruck. So, gathering all the bravery he had, the boy had finally pressed "Send" on the application form for the competition on the last day, after contemplating it for God knows how long.
There had been only one question on the form, asking respondents to describe what food meant to them. A smile had graced Soobin's lips as you answered it, pouring in his most sincere thoughts on everything culinary. What had pushed him to participate, you ask? It had been the prize, of course. A chance to hang out with none other than you yourself, through a one-on-one video call. He had always wanted to see you in person, to tell you how much your vlogs meant to him. How they had helped discover his own love for food, had helped him find his happiness in the kitchen.
And that had brought him to right now, biting on his fingernails as he listened to your regular introduction, one that he knew by heart and repeated after you, subconsciously. "Hey my food-holics! How are all of you doing today? Hale and hearty, I hope!," you said, following up quickly with a brief overview of the contest, before announcing the winner, as Soobin waited with bated breath. "All your answers were amazing, and I could relate to so many of them! It really sucks that we can only have one winner, since you're all winners to me!," you smiled, and he caught himself copying your expression. "So now, the winner of the contest, and the person who gets to be my new friend, is @aglio_olive!!," you exclaimed, clapping your hands as your eyes crinkled up in joy.
The fact that you had just announced him as the winner of registered belatedly, as Soobin was busy gushing over how adorable you had looked while clapping. He felt his mouth drop open, finding it hard to focus on what you said next. "I'll be contacting you via email shortly," you had said, and that was all it took for the rest of the livestream to go by in a blur for him, as he waited for your mail, checking and re-checking his inbox every two minutes. But it wasn't until the next day that he finally received what he had been peeling his eyes out for. An email from your official account (or that's what he figured), informing him that the meeting would take place on the coming Saturday, at 6:00 pm. Now all he had to do was wait three days, but it was easier said than done.
By the time Saturday rolled around, Soobin was equal parts bubbling with excitement and panicking with nerves. Reluctant to trust his own fashion choices, he had called over his best friend, Yeonjun, hoping to get some much needed guidance. "Should I wear this suit? Or will simple tracks be better?," he had asked, making the older boy shake his head as he patted him on the back. "My friend, Y/N's neither your professor, nor your friend. You're meeting them for the first time, so why don't you just wear something comfortable, that would make them feel at ease too?," he smirks, throwing a plain blue hoodie his way.
As the clock struck 6:00, Soobin found himself seated at his study table, ready to start the meeting. He had even prepared cue cards to help him if he got stuck, and they were propped conveniently next to the laptop. He reached out for them, but just at that moment, his screen came alive with someone waving at him with a smile on their face. Awestruck, he simply waved back, too tongue-tied to say anything. "Wow," he thought to himself, "They look so much better without makeup." A couple seconds later, a new kind of panic set in. "Am I staring too hard? Is it creepy? Should I look down? No but I need to keep eye contact!"
Little did he know, you were having similar, if not identical thoughts. "Wow, no one told me he was gonna be this cute. Blue suits him so well! I'm no staring, am I? Should I speak first? Or should I wait for him to say something?" This finally resulted in the both of you speaking at the same time, something you would later smile about. Because saying "How are you? I'm Soobin," and "I'm Y/N! How are you?," helped you crack into laughter, breaking the ice and easing the awkwardness. Once you had gotten past the niceties, it was time to get to know each other better. The cue cards lay unused, as Soobin just spoke about whatever came to mind, praising your vlogs and thanking you for teaching him more about cuisines. You, on the other hand, took the time to get to know him better, asking him questions about what it was like to study culinary science, something you had never gotten the chance to do.
The hour-long virtual meeting flew by in the blink of an eye, or so it seemed to the both of you. Talking to you, Soobin didn't once feel that you were a stranger or that he was just a fan. You seemed like a genuine and warm person to him that he couldn't help but admire you even more than he did before. To him, somewhere during the meeting, you stopped seeming like a famous vlogger anymore, and instead, all he saw you as was a friend. You, on the other hand, had made up your mind about him being the most interesting person you had ever met, and couldn't stop a sad sigh from escaping your lips as you looked at the time. "Well, Soobin. It's been a pleasure meeting you," you had said, making him smile wistfully.
The moment he had logged out of the meeting, he found himself missing you. He thought back on how nice you had been, smiling when he pictured your face, your hair slightly messy but not too unkempt, an oversized hoodie thrown over your body. To him, it had honestly felt like he was conversing with a friend, and he couldn't bring himself to let such an amazing person walk out of his life. So, without thinking, he began typing out an email to your account, his finger hovering just above the "Send" button. He stopped short though, realizing that your official account wasn't meant for personal mails, and realizing that he had no other means to contact you. Pouting, he fell face-first onto the bed, his energy going down all of a sudden.
He woke up to a "ping," indicating an email on his phone. Unlocking it, he noticed a mail from an account he had never contacted before. Clueless, he clicked on it, the phone nearly falling out of his hand as he read through it. It had been you, after all, reaching out to him through your personal account, and telling him that you had loved talking to him, and would like to be his friend. And thus began the most beautiful friendship either of you had ever forged, full of memories even though you hadn't met each other.
Late night video chats and good morning calls became a ritual, and Soobin found himself busily typing away on his phone every free second he got. You told him all about your escapades and trips, sending him photos and urging him to try cooking whatever you ate and whatever you liked. He, on the other hand, would teach you to cook, sending you tips and giving you suggestions on what to eat. Food was an intergalactic part of the relation you shared, but it was far from being the only thing.
When things got hard for him, you were there to push him towards his dream, reminding him day in and day out that he would have to give in his all to achieve it. "You'll be the greatest chef one day, Soob," you'd giggle, causing him to let out a whine as he said, "How would you know? You haven't even tasted my cooking yet!" He too, was there to provide you a taste of what it felt like to be grounded to one place, to have everything you wanted right next to you. He was there for you to cry to when someone posted a nasty comment under you video, and he was there to virtually feed you when you missed a home-cooked meal. Inside jokes became a thing, as did bitching about classmates and complaining about managers.
Over time, your friendship started blossoming into something more, as Soobin found himself catching feelings, real feelings, for you. The way you smiled, the way you would bite your nails just like him as you went through what people had to say about your videos, the way you cracked stupid jokes and laughed at them alone, he found himself loving them all. He had given his heart out to you, and he didn't want to take it back. You, meanwhile, had been a bit more careful of your feelings, wary of harboring any hopes for a long-distance relationship. But over time, you too, found yourself drowning into the oceans that were his eyes, watching the way his lips moved through the screen, imagining them on yours. Over time, you too, felt your feelings grow, but being your stubborn self, you didn't act on them.
Days turned into months, and soon enough, you were keeping Soobin company through his late night study sessions, talking to him in the hopes of keeping him awake. Helping him prepare flashcards, and letting him teach you a full four-course meal so that he could practice for his practical exams. "What are you gonna do once you graduate?," became a regular question you posed towards him, and every time, it was the same reply. "I don't know yet, Y/N. I want to do something like you. I want to travel the world and learn about different cuisines first-hand."
As Soobin's exams drew nearer, you found yourself bring just as worried as he was, worried about how he'd fare in the examinations, worried about what he'll do when he gets his degree. But keeping your concerns aside, you did your best to push him to do his best, study that last chapter, practice that last technique, memorize that last recipe. "I just wanna sleep, Y/N," he'd whine, only to have you let out a giggle at how adorable he looked. "It's for your own good, bub," you'd reply, your smile somehow managing to give him the strength to put in just a little extra effort.
Seeing him work so hard, you couldn't help but want to give him a surprise by congratulating him in person when he graduated. So, you decided to plan a trip to Seoul, shooting a film vlog just an excuse to finally meet your closest friend, and the person you had a crush on. You had initially wanred to keep the plan a secret, but soon realized what a waste it would be to not use it to your advantage. And so started your ingenious way of getting Soobin to hit the books. "I'm coming to Seoul after your exams, but I'll meet you only if you put in all your effort," you'd tell him, repeating it like a mantra day in and day out.
In response, the boy would pout and whine about how he "hated" you, but started putting in double the effort, just to make you proud. Your tactic seemed to work, but Soobin was still nervous. Nor about the theory, but about the practical exams. "What if I don't do well on the exam? It happens all the time on Masterchef," he said one day, looking into your eyes as you attempted to calm him down. "I know you'll nail it, Binnie," you replied, smiling at him through the screen. "Just think about what makes you happy while you cook, and you'll be good to go." As if on a whim, Soobin muttered out a soft, "You," causing your breath to hitch as you asked him to repeat. "You make me happy," he said again, looking down as he felt his cheeks growing warm. You couldn't help but smile at his sudden confession, sending a virtual kiss his way. "Now go study, you idiot," you giggled, proceeding to tell him about your day as he pored over his books.
The day of his practical exam rolled by, and as you had said, Soobin decided to cook while thinking of something that made him happy. He thought back on the day when you had told him about a delicacy from a city you had visited, and had convinced him to teach you how to make it. The memory alone made a smile appear on his lips, reminding him of how happy the two of you were. And so, that's what he cooked, passing his exam with flying colors. He was so happy he could have kissed you if you were there, and he told you that, causing a laugh to escape your lips. "I'll be there soon," was all you said, fighting to control your excitement.
Soobin passed with flying colors, earning his degree fair and square. And the one person he wanted to thank for it, was you. As you had promised him, a week later found you roaming the streets of Seoul, as you hurriedly made your way towards his college, ready to finally meet him at his convocation. Climbing up the stage to accept his degree, his eyes were busy scanning the crowds, eager to see your face. When he couldn't find you, however, he felt his smile falter, as he took in a gulp.
"Where are you Y/N?," he thought to himself, hand itching to check his phone that was lying in his back pocket. You had told him you'd be here on time, so then, where were you? Just as he feels himself falling deeper into his thoughts, he (like everyone else in the hall) hears footsteps running down the corridor, finally revealing you standing at the entrance, out of breath and with a huge smile stretching across your face. "You're here," he mouthed, his smile matching yours, as you replied with a simple nod and a "Congratulations," your eyes brimming with tears of joy for the boy.
Accepting his degree, Soobin walked off the stage to sit with his classmates, eyes meeting yours every so often as he tried to fight the urge to rush to you and hug you. Once the ceremony ended, neither of you wasted a second in finding each other, throwing yourselves into a hug long overdue. It didn't feel weird as you snuggled your face into his convocation robe, and it didn't feel weird as he did the same into your hair. Pulling away, you just couldn't hide the smiles that threatened to take over your entire face, taking each other's hand as Soobin left you to his parents. "Mom, Dad, this is my friend Y/N," he introduced, and his mom didn't miss the spark in her son's eyes as he looked at you.
Once you were done with the niceties, the two of you made your way out into the city once Soobin had handed his robe over to his mom. Walking the streets with him, with you cracking jokes and him pointing out tourist sights to you, you felt something you had never felt, no matter how many cities you visited. A sense of comfort, a sense of belonging. You felt like you were home for the first time in ages, and it was all because of the guy walking next to you. As if on a whim, you whipped out your video-camera, switching it on and turning it to yourself. Soobin belatedly realized what you were doing, when he heard you recite you introduction. Looking at you in shock, he felt his mouth fall open as he heard you say the words, "Friend," "Soobin," "Featuring," "Guide," in quick succession, piecing the sentence together in his brain.
"Y/N! What are you doing??," he whined, looking down to hide his face. "Awww Soobinnie is shy!!! Sorry guys, it's his first time," you cooed, a giggle escaping your lips as you turned your camera off, trying to convince him to feature in your vlog. "But I won't know what to say!!," he retorted, making you snicker. "Just take me out to eat somewhere tell, and tell the camera why you like the place you like and the food you like. It's not that hard!," you replied, and after much convincing (and some borderline begging), he finally agreed.
He showed you all his favorite eateries and restaurants, gawking at the insane discounts you got him, and just enjoying watching you eat in person, sharing his food. By the time evening rolled out, the two of you were full to your throats, looking out over the river from the bridge. "Thank you Y/N," Soobin said, turning to look at you. "For today, and for everyday. For being there for me, and for being the best friend I have ever had, and more." "Thank you too, Soob," you replied, your eyes stinging as you looked up at him. "Thank you for making me feel at home. Thank you for becoming my home." You hadn't noticed just how close your faces had become, both of you having leaned in subconsciously. Finally, Soobin closed the gap, your lips meeting his in a kiss that's full of the pent-up love and emotions.
His lips were soft against yours, molding with yours like two pieces of the same puzzle. Pulling away, a smile graced your lips as you looked up at him shyly, whispering an "I like you," causing him to repeat your words and adding a "too," cheeks rising up in a smile. Biting you bottom lip, you say, "Come with me," making him tilt his head in confusion. "You said you wanted to be like me. To learn about cuisines first-hand. Then come with me. I don't want to be away from you, I want to be with you 24/7, and not virtually. I want to talk to you in person, to hug you, to kiss you." You notice his smile growing wider, and so you ask, "So, what do you say?," as he replies by placing his lips back on yours.
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youarejesting · 4 years
Sly like a... ? Part 2
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[Master list] [Sly Master List] Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x FailedHybrid!Reader Genre: Hybrid au, fluff, action, adventure, angst, drama, slice of life. Some marked chapters will contain mature/smut scenes, BUT they will not have plot in those scenes and are 100% skippable without losing your place in the story. Words: 2.1k
Summary: Human’s strive to be better, faster and stronger looking to animal DNA. Thus Hybrids are born. As the rise for designer and Pedigree Hybrids increase, so do the failed attempts. There is one species scientists are unsuccessful in creating, but, folklore says they have been here all along, hiding and blending in with the humans for many millennia. How clever they are.
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It was your dream to convert a large warehouse on the outskirts of town into a home and education center for Hybrids. Somewhere they could learn to be self-sufficient. You would have professors and volunteers, teaching and fundraising, all for the day you could buy another warehouse on the other side of town. You wanted it to become the norm that these Hybrid facilities would build and grow in every city. Allowing the Hybrids to become an independent race no longer looked down upon by society.
You were on the last day of your heat and craving something savory. As it was late your best option was the convenience store that was always open late.
Things were falling into place as you received an email earlier that day confirming that all the items you had requested were acquired. That meant school books, equipment, and more. You were also granted the first loan for the Hybrids, a loan you would receive every term. The board wanted no less than five and no more than ten participants for an adequate examination of results.
You assumed for the program to be officially approved, you would have to show successful results from Hybrids with different backgrounds during this trial. That meant different ages and different upbringings. Wondering if it was worth visiting the adoption agency or perhaps a Hybrid store, it wouldn’t hurt for more variables.
Shaken from your thoughts by a shadowed figure rustling through the garbage, in a dark alley between the antiques and postal office. Your ears picked up the sound easily, feet scuffing to a halt on the pavement catching the Hybrid’s attention. Their eyes searched the dark for any sign of threat before falling upon you, a deep growl resonating on the wind. It was best to not get involved with stray Hybrids, they tended to be more violent. This is what you were doing the program for, to stop Hybrids from ending up homeless and on the streets. To prove that they aren’t dangerous and are capable of learning.
Struck by an idea, if you could get a Hybrid from the street to join the trial program, you could prove they weren’t violent and show that given the opportunity they could all learn and grow into members of society.
“Can I buy you dinner?” You called out, voice cracking from the cold. Your breath puffed out like smoke visible between you both. The night brought you more energy, it made you feel alive.
Cars passed, their headlights illuminating the entire alleyway and reflecting in his eyes a blood-red. He stalked forward, his body moving gracefully but you could see he was hurt, his shirt ripped and there was a strong scent of blood in the breeze. That was a downside to having heightened senses. You tried to control the disgusted look on your face, “I will pay and there is nothing else to it, just sit and have dinner with me, so I don’t look like a woman in her mid to late twenties eating alone at a convenience store”
He looked you up and down, it was then you noticed his features, he was a feline, not a common house cat. No, he was a big predator.
“Do I look like some charity case? Some pathetic creature who needs help from a human?” His words rumbled from his chest in a growl. You wanted to correct him that you weren’t exactly human yourself but decided against it. Stuck somewhere between Hybrid and human you didn’t fit in either category.
“What’s it to you? My reason is my reason, just take the free meal. Hell! Exploit me for a free meal, anything you want, go crazy.” You shrugged, trying desperately to charm him. He seemed to contemplate his choices for a moment before turning to walk away. You scrambled for your wallet and grabbed out twenty dollars, holding it out to him.
“Wait! At least take this; if you don’t want to eat with me, get something warm, and here is my card if ever you need help.”
He eyed the money but didn’t move to take it. Hoping he wouldn’t rip your arm off, you grabbed his hand. You knew it was risky. His fingers were cold, but you didn’t want to linger and make him mad, quickly placing the money on his palm with your business card.
“Have a good night, mister,” He nodded confused about the whole encounter, before shoving his hands in his pockets and leaving. It seemed even if you tried your best, it wouldn’t be enough to persuade him. He was too defensive, the best you could hope for was that he would stay safe in the cold.
What trials and tribulations must you go through to have these Hybrids trust and confide in you? Hopefully, it wouldn’t be this hard to get through to the group of Hybrids you were soon to obtain.
This was going to be a rather difficult experiment and you weren’t sure if it was going to go well but you hoped with every fiber of your being that you would see this through for the sake of the Hybrids.
That night you dreamed about the group of participants being hostile and unresponsive to the program, it did little to soothe your nerves the next morning. When you received an email about the new house. Jimin would have the key and would meet you outside later that day with the other Hybrids. No matter who they were, you were going to make sure they were achieving the best result they could.
The government had registered two Hybrids in your name, their files attached to the confirmation email. The two participants were so contrasting, Hoseok was a deer Hybrid, from a small farming family. The other was a Lion Hybrid by the name of Namjoon. He was from New Zealand and had participated in another government program regarding genius Hybrids.
Altogether, there were four: Namjoon the genius, Hoseok the country bumpkin, Taehyung, and Jimin. You decided to look for possible participants within the Hybrid store, and rehoming center. That would give you a wide variety of variables for the experiment; each would have a different background and would require different tools to help them.
You started at the nearest Hybrid shop. There were several rooms each with an observation window, a photo card, and a brief description of the Hybrid sitting, reading or playing video games inside. It was such a small space, how could they live in these tiny rooms every day until someone adopted them. Reading their descriptions by the windows you analyzed each of them, your attention caught by one playing video games. He had dark ears that stuck out from his dark hair. He seemed fun and you thought it would be easy to connect with him.
Hello, My name is Jungkook, I am twenty-three and I am a fully vaccinated Melanistic Jaguar.
You didn’t bother reading the rest, thinking you would like to learn about him properly, “Sir, I would like to adopt this Hybrid,” You declared, whilst walking towards the counter to begin the paperwork. Once everything was signed the young Jaguar boy was led from his small room. He looked nervous holding a small store backpack filled with all his essential items.
On the drive to the next location, you were the one doing most of the talking, receiving quiet one-word answers and small fidgets. He seemed excited when you finally parked the car, you guessed he was eager to see his new home.
However, as you walked towards the menacing rehoming center, he grew quieter and quieter, slowing to a stop before the entrance. Looking at his feet crying profusely, you realized how this must look. He must have thought he had done something wrong, how could he think you would buy him and rehome him on the same day.
“Jungkook, I am not abandoning you, I am picking up a brother for you to play with.” It took a few moments to console the young man. Wiping his tears and giving him a few pats on the head careful of his ears.
Deciding anyone younger than Jungkook would be too much to handle. “You have to help me find a big brother, someone you think will be really nice and that you like to play with, what do you think? Can you do that for me?”
Jungkook nodded, sniffing and wiping his eyes on his sleeve. “Okay, I can do that,”
The inside of the rehoming center smelt like disinfectant, you explained you were looking for another Hybrid and were led to a large room. There were Hybrids of all ages all playing and entertaining themselves with different activities.
It was overwhelming even for you, so you grasped Jungkook’s hand and encouraged him to look around, “Hey, what about ping pong?” You grinned at Jungkook who smiled playing a few rounds with you, the two of you giggling.
“Have I told you I am the ping pong master,” an older Hybrid grinned, he had a striped tail. You handed over the paddle and stood near Jungkook. “Do you want to play a game?”
Jungkook nodded, was this boy unable to say no. Either way, the two were getting along quickly, the older Hybrid was very playful and funny, even as he lost you were holding your sides from the laughter and Jungkook seemed to grow really comfortable with him.
Talking to one of the volunteers she explained that Seokjin was a raccoon hybrid and the oldest in the center. She explained that he often took the younger hybrids under his wing. It was an easy decision to adopt him. While you were filling out the paperwork, Jungkook was telling you all about his match with Seokjin.
“And I got the winning shot,” He grinned, swinging his arm like he was hitting an invisible ping pong ball.
“He seems really fun, would he make a good big brother?” It was cute how he nodded wholeheartedly. “Jungkook why don’t you go tell him that he is coming home with us?”
He grew embarrassed again, his dark ears twitching but followed the volunteer nonetheless. You were quick to finish up the last of the paperwork before the two came back laughing volunteer in tow.
“Unbelie-Bubble” Seokjin said before squeaking in laughter. He had all of his things and like Jungkook was nervous, but he showed it through talking.
You felt good with your selection, there was a Hybrid for every walk of life and socio-economic background. This would be perfect for the trial. They all seemed like lovely young Hybrids and you could already see them forming friendships.
It was on your way out that you saw a familiar face struggling against Hybrid control. “This is your last time, you know what happens to strays.”
“Wait!” You shouted, everyone in the lobby froze turning to look at you, the cold room felt quite warm with all of the attention “He is mine”
They froze looking between you and the hybrid before letting him go curiously. The injured Hybrid staggered over to you, knowing this was his best chance at survival, “why didn’t you tell them my name?” you asked him curiously but he kept his head down.
“This white tiger Hybrid is yours?” The handler spoke in disbelief, practically accusing you of lying. “why is he not microchipped, or registered in our system?”
“I was supposed to register him last week when I got him but I had been busy with work, I would like to properly register him under my name today,” You didn’t break under this man's pressure, you could notice the more he held eye contact the more he seemed to falter himself. “so that you will stop taking him in when he is harmlessly walking the streets”
The man opened his mouth to argue but you blinked up at him, watching him lower his hand.
“I am so sorry miss, we didn't mean to cause you trouble?” It wasn’t exactly odd behavior, you often found your arguments nullifying this way. You liked to think that your self-confident stare was what made people give in.
“Miss we have just noticed some suspicious activity in your account it says you have adopted four Hybrids today,” The woman behind the desk said, “We are legally required to ask your intentions or we can detain the Hybrids from you”
Almost questioning her, you remembered the government was placing two Hybrids in your name; they would be arriving today as well. With a smile you removed a folder from your bag, “I have a grant from the government.” You said brandishing the signed document, “I will be placing these Hybrids in my care”
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maybedefinitely404 · 3 years
Day 30: Dukexiety
Day 30 - When you look in the mirror, you can’t see your own reflection, just your soulmate. (Never heard of this prompt before, so I guessed)
Content warnings: maybe some anxiety? Just some wholesome for ya.
Word count: 1.5k
This ficlet is dedicated to @marshymoop. 
Virgil was told he had brown hair; the color of a walnut. Sometimes if he grew it out long enough, he could just catch a glimpse of the color when it fell into his eyes. Apparently those were brown too. 
A friend of his mom’s was an artist and had drawn him when he’d turned thirteen, but it hadn’t looked right. The face staring back at him from the canvas didn’t feel like his at all. He didn’t recognize the curve to the nose or the bags under the eyes; it just looked like a stranger. The more he looked, the more uneasy he felt, and he’d tucked it into the back corner of his closet, never to look at it again.
His reflection, where he’d seen the face of his soulmate since he was a baby, was far more familiar to him.
Black hair streaked with white.
Sharp green eyes.
A smattering of freckles over olive skin.
Sometimes it was odd, smearing makeup under eyes that weren’t technically his, and trying to fix hair that was shorter than what showed in the reflection, but it was a problem everyone had until they met their soulmate. He just hoped that the dark clothes looked as good on the real him as it did on his reflection. 
Virgil was struggling to focus on the textbook paragraph in front of him when his phone chimed. It was a welcome distraction from the existential quandaries that came with Philosophy 103. Just a quick break, he promised. 
 Remus: heyyyyyyy
 Aaaand there was that plan out the window. He couldn’t care less though, studying be damned, because now his heart was pounding and a nearly painful smile was stretching his cheeks. It had been a week since Remus had messaged him, and the pent up joy was all coming out at once. 
 You’re back! He replied amidst flapping hands. How was camping? His fingers hesitated over the keyboard. 
 I missed your messages. I missed you. I was lonely.  
 He said nothing.
 Remus: i caught a squirrel. i couldn’t keep it though
 Virgil: Did you name it at least?
 That’s adorable. You’re adorable and a goof and amazing.
 Remus: Yep. Squirrely Temple
 A picture message showed up moments later, showing a surprisingly relaxed squirrel sitting in a styrofoam cup, a single peanut clasped in it’s little hands. The taker of the photo wasn’t visible, though that was to be expected. 
The next one featured what Virgil assumed was the same squirrel, this time wearing a crudely constructed paper top hat. It held another peanut, and once again seemed shockingly unconcerned. 
The photo was quickly replaced with a call screen and Virgil accepted it eagerly, still laughing.
 “Did you see the squirrel?” Remus asked excitedly, to which Virgil could only laugh harder.
 “Why is it in a hat?” He wheezed.
 “I made it out of sap and a brochure I found. I think Squirrely Temple looked rather dapper.” The grin was evident in Remus’ voice.
 “And you didn’t keep it?” Virgil inelegantly kicked his schoolwork off the bed to lay across it, grabbing his fidget cube from the side table.
 “Nah, something about preserving wildlife and not having enough room at home,” he yawned, “Me an’ Roman gave him plenty of peanuts before we left though. A whole pile on a wood stump.”
 “You sound tired,” Virgil teased. There was a small twinge in his chest at the idea of Remus going to bed already. He’d been off the grid for a week. Virgil was loath to admit, but he’d missed his friend more than expected. 
 “I think my body just sees an actual bed and the ‘tired’ protocol is,” Another yawn, “activated.”
 Virgil yawned in tandem. “You should probably sleep, then.” He tried to keep the disappointment from his voice. 
 “Take your own advice, and I’ll consider. When’s the last time you got six hours of sleep?”
 Remus snorted. There was a whoosh of air as he dropped onto his bed, and a brief lull in the conversation before he spoke up. “I think I’d rather talk to you than sleep, actually.”
 Damn, how was he supposed to respond to that? He pressed a cool hand to his reddening cheeks, glad the other couldn’t see him. “Wow, is that genuine emotion coming from Remus?” Virgil retorted instead. We can talk for hours if you want. I missed talking to you. 
 “My bad, I think I still have some fresh air in my system.”
 God, he’d missed him. A single week had felt like a whole year without their constant interaction and updates throughout their days. They’d only known each other for months (had it only been months?) but in that time, talking to each other had become so ingrained in their lives, it seemed wrong to not wake up with his phone blown up from messages. It was so effortless, wasting hours away but feeling like no time had passed at all. It meant the world to Virgil.
 And despite their jokes and snarky conversations, he had a feeling it meant a lot to Remus too.
 It was as if he blinked, and the sun had set in the sky. The room had gradually turned dark as ink but Virgil couldn’t be bothered to flip on the lights, not when he was so captivated by Remus’ voice as he recounted his family camping trip. He didn’t notice nor care; this was more important.
Only when Remus’ yawns grew closer and closer together did it occur to him that the other was several hours ahead, blasted timezones. It would be early morning there.
 “I think you should try to sleep,” Virgil grinned as Remus tried and failed to keep talking through another yawn.
 “Maybe,” He sighed.
 “Talk tomorrow?” For the first night in a bit, Virgil felt that same, familiar warm bubble in his chest.
 “I actually had a question for you, first.”
 Remus sounded uncharacteristically nervous, putting Virgil on edge instantly. Everything he’d ever done wrong flooded through his mind. Oh god, how did he find out about the third grade Christmas concert?
 “Do you want to vid chat?” He blurted.
 Virgil’s breath caught in his throat.
  “Like, tomorrow. Or not. It’s okay if not.”
 Remus never stuttered. Something about it was unbelievably adorable. 
 “Just for fun, because we haven’t before, but if you don’t want to there’s no pressure-”
 All blubbering screeched to a halt on the other end, and Virgil couldn’t decide if his predominant emotion was anxiety or excitement. Besottedness, maybe? Either way, it made his face heat up to the tips of his ears and his feet wiggle.
 “Yeah, let’s do it.”
 “Okay!” Remus let out a relieved laugh that bordered on a giggle, “When?”
 “I end classes at one tomorrow.” 
 The man murmured his way through timezone math for a moment. “Yeah! Yeah, okay! I can do that! Yes!”
 Virgil bit his lip, but a laugh made its way through anyways. “I can’t wait.”
 Whatever confidence Virgil had developed the day before, it had completely evaporated by the next morning. His mind wandered during classes, too busy coming up with worst case scenarios. What if the connection sucked? What if they spoke over each other and it was awkward? What if they had nothing to talk about and it got awkward? What if they weren’t compatible face to face? It added a whole new layer to their relationship they hadn’t explored before.
 What if they weren’t friends by the end of it? 
 He was equal parts relieved and petrified when his final class ended and there was nothing between him and the call. The whole walk back to his dorm was spent watching the numbers on the clock tick by, each minute sending a rush of adrenaline through him until he was sure he’d collapse from nerves right there on the path way. 
A text from Remus came through three minutes before their agreed time.
 Remus: Ready?
 NO, he wanted to scream. There were too many variables, they were leaving the comfort zone and that’s where Virgil thrived!
 Virgil: 5 mins
 He set up his computer and paced around his room for the remainder of his time. His eyes caught a blur of motion in the mirror and he turned to his reflection, his flapping hands slowing as he studied the face before him as he’d done hundreds of times before. Not his face, but the only one he knew as his.
A part of him was suddenly weighed by guilt as he looked into those bright eyes, because the guiltier part of him knew what he had was a crush. A helpless one, at that. And a hopeless one. What was the point pining after someone when the universe had already handpicked someone else for him? 
Stupid universe and it’s stupid soulmates. 
The chime of an incoming call startled him out of his reverie and he swore under his breath. He tried to soothe down his hair, rub the stress from his eyes, but it was hopeless when he couldn’t see if it actually looked okay.
He sat in his desk chair and took a few measured breaths before clicking accept. The video stuttered and glitched before it finally settled, and Virgil’s breath caught in his throat. 
 Black hair streaked with white.
 Sharp green eyes.
 A smattering of freckles over olive skin. 
 The silence stretched between them for achingly long before Remus beamed into the camera, and it was the most beautiful thing Virgil had ever seen.
 “Well, hello there, soulmate.”
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shadowjackery · 2 years
Departing from Antarctica
We land at Williams International, to transfer to the train that will take us south to Orion First Starport. Just another generic big airport, everywhere pandemic posters and ads for McMurdo Ski Lodge, very few windows.
At the train station, we see groundskeepers spraying to kill the wild grasses and flowers that have sprouted in the bare patches exposed by global warming. They're invasive species, you see, and some kill penguins. A few fat, molting rockhoppers, sullen like gang members, block access to the wastebins and charge anyone carrying Moon Fries, hissing. Someone sprayed "FUCK penguins" on a junction box in hi-vis orange, and a group of tourists loudly agree.
The Starport Express arrives, and we embark. Across the land we go, a perfectly straight path, periodic lights stretching forward into the long night. It's a full moon tonight, but cloudy, as it often is down here. The land goes dark, then dim again, then dark, then momentarily bright, then dark again. A long cargo train rumbles past on the return line.
We must have missed seeing the fortified gate to the branch line, but during one bright period, we catch on the horizon the lurking silhouette of the Fuel Depot. Somewhere in there are the peaceful nuclear bombs. I keep watch for the steward while you use your binoculars app -- it's against the rules! Later, I help you identify the dug-in tanks and artillery that surround the armored bunker, the spiderweb of covered trenches that presumably hold shivering infantry. Here and there, twin flags flutter over a strongpoint -- the blue of the UN, and whichever army happens to be in that sector. It seems Italy had the honor this week to be closest to us.
Then it's down the tunnel to the Starport Concourse. Another airport, except the parts we get to see are entirely underground, save for the observation deck, topside, which is overpriced. Down one tunnel is the commercial quarter we've seen in photos, the fields and hangars of standard orbital cargo containers. Down another tunnel is Quarantine. And, it is rumored, yet another tunnel has more military.
But we don't board our launch here. No, after final luggage and health checks, we turn off and stow our devices, don the required bunny suits and face masks, wrap our carry-ons in disposable baggies, then board the bus. It's lead-lined, too heavy for its engine, and lurches slowly into motion, belching the smell of Moon Fries, penetrating even through the masks.
Across the field we roll, the headlights of maintenance vehicles weaving around us. Another horizon away are the lights of our waiting ship. Kids bounce around the cabin. People keep getting up to use the toilet in the back of the bus; last call before launch.
We arrive at the gantry, and they hustle us aboard so we don't slow up the loading of the next cargo container. They spray us down, and we drop the suits, masks, and baggies in the designated receptacle at the passenger lock, keeping the tags as a souvenir. Then we fumble into our cabin, and I doze through the steward's safety video while you take nervous mental notes. But I'm always awake in time for launch.
Your choice of video channels for the festivities: cameras all along the ship, the camera at the distant Control Bunker, or peaceful nature scenes. You tell me it seemed to take forever for the trucks and forklifts to clear the field, scurrying to their safety pits or rattling back over the horizon, and I nod. The steward checks that we're strapped in, scolds us for failing to properly stow and latch one bag and a pair of headphones, sets the air to standard, leaves us again. You switch the AC back on.
Countdown, and the first bomb kicks us in the back. After that, it's easy.
To keep our minds off things, we get into an argument over how much each Orion launch raises global cancer rates and kills penguins, and lament that we're not allowed wifi during takeoff to look up our numbers.
Ageless minutes later, we're orbital. I took my SAS pills because I know free fall makes me hurl. You didn't, because you didn't, and so you do, but it's not too bad, and you even start to feel hungry once we're under acceleration again.
As always, the first dance on the first night out is to the Blue Danube Waltz, as the Moon spins past the ballroom wallscreens, and only a few nerds like us know why.
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nopefun · 4 years
Interview #494: Ryan Frigillana
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Ryan Frigillana is a Philippine-born lens-based artist living and working in New York. His work focuses on the fluidity of memory, intimacy, family identity, and visual culture, largely filtered through the lens of race and immigration. Embracing its plasticity, Frigillana explores photography’s relationship to context as a catalyst for thematic dialogue.
His first monograph, Visions of Eden, was published as two editions in 2020, and is held in the library collections of the MoMA, Getty Research Institute, and Smithsonian among others.
We spoke to find out more about Visions of Eden, his love for photobooks, and photography as a medium for introspection.
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Lee Chang Ming Ryan Frigillana
Thanks for agreeing to do this! As we’ve just arrived into the new year, I want to start by asking: how did you arrive at photography and how has your practice evolved so far? Your earlier work was anything from still life to street photography, but your recent work seems to deal with more personal themes.
It’s my pleasure; thank you for having this conversation with me! Wow, looking back at how I’ve arrived at this point makes me feel so grateful for this medium, and excited to think of where it will lead me from here. I came to photography somewhat late. I was initially studying to become a nurse and was set to start a career in that field, but I found myself unhappy with where I was going. My mother was a nurse and I know what goes into being one; it’s not an easy job, and I respect those who do it, but my heart wasn’t in it. I found photography as a creative outlet during that stage of my life, and I’ve clung onto it ever since.
My first exposure to photography (no pun intended) came in the form of street and photojournalism. I would borrow books from the library a lot, consuming works by Magnum and other photographers working in that tradition. At the time, it was all I knew so that’s what I tried to emulate. Even early on in my undergrad career, these modes of creation were reinforced by curriculum and by what I saw from my own peers. My still-life work branches off of that same sentiment: the only names that were ever thrown around by professors were Penn and Mapplethorpe, so that’s who I studied. Thankfully over the years, I’ve been able to broaden that perspective through my own research. Though I don’t necessarily pursue street or constructed still-lifes anymore for my personal work, I’d like to think my technical skills (in regard to timing, composition, light) owe a debt to those past experiences.
I suppose now I’m starting to explore how photography can be used as language, to communicate ideas and internal conflicts. I’m thinking more about the power of imagery, its authorship, its implications, and how photographs have shaped, and continue to shape, our reality. That’s where my work is headed at the moment.
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I liked how you mentioned photography as a language, which calls into question who we are speaking to when we make images and what kind of narrative we construct by putting photographs together.
In your work “Visions of Eden”, you trace your family’s journey as first-generation Filipino immigrants in America. I was quite struck by how you managed to link together original photography, archived materials and video stills. To me, with the original photography there was a sense of calm and clarity, perhaps in the composition. But with the archived material it was like peering through tinted glass, and the video stills felt like an unsteady memory. What was the editing process like for you and how did you decide what to include or exclude?
For me, editing is the hardest part about photography. Shooting is the enjoyable part of course because it can feel so cathartic. Sometimes when I shoot it feels almost like muscle memory in the sense that you see the world and you just react to it in a trained way. But with editing, it’s more of a cerebral exercise. More thought is involved when you have to deal with visual relationships, sequence, rhythm, and spacing, etc. The real creation of my work takes place in the editing process. That’s where the ingredients come together to form an identity.
When creating this identity, I not only have to think about what I want to say, but also how I want to say it. It’s like speaking; there are numerous ways you can communicate a single sentence. How are images placed in relation to one another? How large are they printed, or how much white space surrounds it? Are the images repeated? What’s on the following page? The preceding page? Is there text? How are they positioned on the spread? All of these little choices impact the tone of your work. And that’s not even mentioning tactile factors like paper stock or cover material. I think that’s why I have such a deep love for photobooks because 1) they’re physical objects and 2) someone has obsessed over every aspect of that object.
I’m aware that my photographs lately have a quiet, detached, somewhat stripped-down quality to them. I think that’s just a subconscious rejection of my earlier days shooting a lot of street where I was constantly seeking crowded frames and complexity in my compositions. As I’ve grown older, I realize less is more and if I can do more by saying less, that’s even better. Now, the complexity I seek lies in the work as a whole and how all these little parts can form something fluid and layered, and not easily definable.
For Visions of Eden, I wanted the work to feel somewhat syncopated and wandering in thought. That meant finding a balance between my quiet static photographs and the movement and energy of the video stills, or balancing the coldness of the illustrations with the warmth of the family snapshots. The work needed to be cohesive but have enough ambiguity for it to take life in someone else’s imagination. Peoples’ lived experiences in regard to immigration and religion are so complex that they can’t be narrated in any one definitive way. Visions of Eden, hopefully, is a rejection of that singularity.
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Yes, there’s definitely something special and intimate about flipping through a photobook! For your monograph, you recently released a second edition which is different from your first (redesigned, added images, etc.). Why did you decide to make it different? Was the editing mainly a solitary process?
The first edition was a partially hand-made object. Illustrations were printed on translucent vellum paper and then tipped into the gutter of the book. When you flip through the pages, those vellum sheets would overlap over certain images, creating a collage-like effect. That was my original concept for this book. Doing this, however, was so laborious and time consuming, and not to mention expensive! Regretfully, I wound up making only twenty copies of that first edition. I wanted the work shared with a wider audience so that’s why I decided to publish a second run.
The latest edition is more of a straight-forward production without the vellum paper. With this change in design, I had to reconfigure the layout. I took liberties in swapping out some images or adding new ones altogether. Also, a beautiful afterword was contributed by my friend, artist, writer, and curator Efrem Zelony-Mindell. I still feel so fortunate and grateful to have had my work seen and elevated by their words in my book.
For the most part, yes editing is quite a solitary process for me. But there does come a point when I feel it’s ready, where I share the work with a few trusted people. It’s always nice to have that outer support system. Much of Visions of Eden was created during my time in undergrad school so I had all sorts of feedback from peers and professors which I’m grateful for. But in the end, as the author, you ultimately have the final say in your work.
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Given that Eden is a starting point and metaphor in the work, I was thinking about ideas of gardens, (forbidden) fruit, and movement of people.
How do you view yourself in relation to your place of birth? In your series, I see the most direct links in the letters, old photos where tropical foliage is present in the background, and the photo of the jackfruit (perhaps the only tropical fruit in this series).
I came to America when I was very young, about five years old. For my family and for many other families still living in the Philippines, America is seen as a sort of ideological Eden: a land of milk and honey, of wealth and excess. We all know that’s far from the truth. Every Eden has a caveat, a forbidden tree. Which leads me to ask: as an immigrant living in this country, what fruits were never intended for me?
I honestly don’t remember much about my childhood in the Philippines aside from fleeting memories of my relatives, the sounds of animals, the smell of rain and earth, the taste of my grandmother’s cooking. The identity that I carry with me now as a Filipino is not so much tied to the physical geography of a place but rather it is derived from a way of life, from shared stories, in the values we hold dear, passed on from generation to generation. This is a warm flame that lives on in me to this day as I write these words thousands of miles away from where I came.
Photographs have a way of shaping our memory and our relationship to the past, which in turn affects how we engage with the present. The family photographs and letters used in my book act as anchors in a meandering journey. They serve as landmarks that I can return to whenever I feel lost or need assurance so far away from “home”. They give me the comfort and affirmation that I need to navigate a space where I never really felt I belonged. The spread in my book­­ that you mentioned—the jackfruit on one side, and the Saran-wrapped apple on the preceding page—was a reference to my duality as both Filipino and American. It’s a reminder and an acknowledgment that I am a sum of many things, of many people who have shaped me. If I flourish in life, it’s because my roots were nourished by love.
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I like how you mentioned photos as anchors or landmarks. Isn’t that why we create and photograph? To mark certain points in our lives and to envision possible futures, like a cartographer mapping an inner journey. Do you feel like you and your relationships with those you photographed changed through the process of making your works?
When my parents took pictures of our family, it wasn’t done solely in the name of remembrance; it also served as an affirmation of ourselves and our journey—a celebration. Every birthday, vacation, school ceremony, or even the seemingly insignificant events of daily life were all photographed or video-taped as a way of saying to ourselves, “Here we are. Look how far we’ve come. Look at the life we’ve made. And here’s the proof”.
Now, holding a camera and photographing my family through my own lens still carries all of that celebratory joy, but with so much more possibility. Before I really took photography seriously, I never realized its potential as a medium for introspection, but that’s ultimately what it has become for me. In taking pictures of my family, I not only clarify my own feelings about them, but the act of photography itself informs and builds on my relationship with each person. The camera is not a mere recording device, but a tool for understanding, processing, and even expressing love...or resentment. Though I may not be visible in my pictures, my presence is there: in my proximity, my gaze, my focus.
Does all of this impact my relationships? Absolutely. Photographing another person willingly always demands some degree of trust and vulnerability from both sides. There’s a silent dialogue that occurs which feels like an exchange of secrets. I think that’s why I often don’t feel comfortable photographing other people unless we’re very close. Usually my family is open enough to reveal themselves to me, other times what they give can feel quite guarded. That’s a constant negotiation. After the photograph is made though, nobody ever emerges the same person because each of us has relinquished something, no matter how small.
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Being self-reflexive in photography is so important. I agree it should be a constant negotiation, but it’s something that bothers me these days – the power dynamic between the photographer and photograph, particularly for personal and documentary projects. More significantly, after the photograph has been made, who is really benefiting. But I guess if we are sensitive to that then perhaps we can navigate that tricky path and find a balance. 
Right, finding that balance is key and sometimes there are no clear-cut answers. That power dynamic is something I always have to be mindful of. As the photographer, you are exercising a certain role and position. At the end of the day, you’re the one essentially “taking” what you need and walking away. There’s an inherent violence or aggression in the act of taking someone’s picture, no matter how well-intended it may be. This aggression carries even greater weight when working, as you say, in a genre like documentary where representation is everything.
I remember an undergrad professor of mine, Nadia Sablin, introducing me to the work of Shelby Lee Adams—particularly his Appalachian Legacy series. Adams spent twenty-five years documenting the disadvantaged Appalachian communities in his home state of Kentucky, visiting the same families over a long period of time. Though the photographs are beautifully crafted, they pose many questions in regard to exploitation, representation, and the aestheticization of suffering. He is or was, after all, an artist thriving and profiting off of these photographs. Salgado is another that comes to mind. This was the first time I really stopped to think about the ethics of image-making. Who is benefitting from it all?
I think the search for this balance is something each photographer has to reckon with personally. Though each situation may vary with different factors that have to be weighed, and context that must be applied, you can always ask yourself these same ever-pertinent questions: am I representing people in a dignified way, and what are my intentions with these images? Communication (listening), building relationships, acknowledging your power, and respecting the people you photograph are all foundational things to consider when exercising your privilege with the camera.
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Well said! The process of making photographs can be tricky to navigate yet rewarding. Any upcoming projects or ideas? What’s keeping you busy these days?
Oh, let’s just say I’m constantly juggling 3-4 ideas in my head at any given time, but ninety percent of the time they don’t ever lead to anything finished haha. This past year has been tough on everyone I’m sure. I’ve been dealing a lot with personal loss and grief and the compounded isolation brought on by the pandemic, so for months I’ve been making photographs organically as a subconscious response to these internal struggles. It’s more of an exploration of grief itself as a natural phenomenon and force—like time or gravity. Grief is something everyone will experience in life and each of us deals with it differently, but in the end we have to let it run its course. I see these photographs as a potential body of work that could materialize as a zine or book one day, so we’ll see where that goes.
Other than that, I’ve been working on an upcoming collaboration project with Cumulus Photo. Speaking of which, I saw your photograph featured in their latest zine, running to the edge of the world. Congrats on that! It’s beautiful. But yeah, just trying my best to keep busy and sane, and improving myself any way I can.
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Thanks! Looking forward to your upcoming projects! Last question: any music to recommend?
I feel like my answer to this question can vary by the week. I go through phases where I exhaust whole albums on repeat until I get tired of them. So I’ll leave you with the two currently on my rotation: Angles by The Strokes, and Screamadelica by Primal Scream.
Thank you for your time!
Thank you for a lovely discourse. I had a lot of fun!
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his website and Instagram.
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yumehoxo · 4 years
⚠️WARNING⚠️ 18+ content (contains threesum, vaginal sex, oral sex, etc..)
~You’ve been best friends with Armin and Eren since you were really young but as time grew on you all changed leading to the conversation of having a threesum with them~
You’ve known Eren and Armin since elementary school you guys were always together, you watched them grow up with you, you were with them for all their ups and downs and you even watched them as puberty slapped them in the face during their last year of high school. You weren’t always the type to go after looks but damn did these boys get so fine as time went on. Everything changed when they both changed their hairstyle, eren letting his grow out, and armin cutting his short. As they went into college tattoos and piercings came along with them, armin got his neck tatted and ear, eyebrow, and nose piercings. Eren got a full sleeve and half a sleeve, with tongue and ear piercings.
Armin and Eren never seemed like the type to smoke or drink they were always agaisnt it, but after a little convincing from Mikasa, Jean, Connie, and Sasha they caved in. It was like their whole personality’s changed, from one party to another, one girl to the next, it honestly shocked you that these were the same boys you ate sand with when you were 5.
“Y/n!... Y/N!!” You herd your named being called but it was barely audible over the sound of the music. You turned around to see Eren and Armin doing a little jog uo to you, their eyes were bloodshot and there were two blonde girls following them. They looked at you like they were in trouble and it took you a minute to find out since your thoughts seemed to have come in slow motion since you just smoked not even 5 minutes ago. They didn’t want to be rude and tell these girls to ‘fuck off’ since they were Mikasa’s friends.
“Act like you need us” Armin whispered in your ear as he hugged you from behind.
“U-uh where have you guys been?!” You asked them raising your voice little bit to make it seem like you were upset.
“Haha..sorry we couldn’t find you” Eren said with a nervous smile on his face as his eyes widened and shot a look to the shirt blonde girl next to him. She was clinging onto his arm like it was the only thing she knew how to do.
You grab both of them by the wrist and drag them along behind you, the two girls letting go of them
“oh sorry bye Historia!” Eren said to the blonde girl unlatching her arm away from him.
“Bye Annie” Armin said as he slid out of her grip.
“Oh my fucking god thank you so much” Eren said rubbing his arm like some type of bug just touched him.
“They don’t know how to give up, that fucking bitch Mikasa and her weird ass friends” Armin said with a look of anger and discomfort on his face.
“Y’all bitch asses owe me.” You said through gritted teeth upset since they pulled you away from a conversation with Sasha.
“Yeah yeah sure we do” Armin said rolling his eyes.
“How about all those times we had to save you from the guys at Marley University hitting on you” Eren said with a smug smirk on his face knowing that they won this conversation.
“Yeah yeah shut the fuck up” you said rolling your eyes back as you maneuvered your way around the crowd making your way upstairs to where Jean and Connie were. As you made your way up the stairs you held onto their wrists as you saw Annie and Historia shoot dirty looks at you from the first floor. Finally making your way up the stairs struggling to keep your grip on the both of the boys you were greeted by Connie and Jean who looked like they were about to pass out as they lazily raised they’re hands and gave you a short ‘wel-c-om to the partyyyyy’ they both said holding up their beers immideatly laughing afterwards so hard that they almost started crying.
“Uhhh let’s just go onto the balcony” Eren said as he looked away from them before they ask for him to come over there.
“Yeah good idea” you replied. You three made your way to the balcony closing the double doors behind you. You three sat shoulder to shoulder letting your legs hand out from the gap of the fencing, as you passed your last blunt around.
“So.. y/n” Armin said turning his head to you.
“Hmm?” You said lazily not even bothering to meet his gaze.
“If you had to fuck one of us who would it be” he asked with a smirk on his face, the sudden question causing Eren to turn his gaze to you. The question gave you butterfly’s in your stomach, you’ve always thought about it wondering if you had to choose one to hook up with who would it be, but as always you came up to the same answer...
“Both of you” you said taking a hit from your blunt and passing it to Eren. He didn’t even bother taking it as both of their heads shot in your direction since you sat in between them.
“Ayo.. did you really just say.. both?” Eren asked you with a smile mixed in with a look of surprise.
“What are you? Deaf?” You answered his question taking another hit since he decided not to take the blunt.
“So if we asked you to fuck right now you would say yes?” Armin asked with a lustful smile on his face, you could only imagine what he was thinking.
“Most likely, but I’m not fucking on a balcony where all the people below can see our sex show on display though.” You said passing the blunt to Eren and he actually took it this time.
“Damn that was the last answer I would expect from you y/n” Eren said while exhaling
“That’s what they all say”
As time went on you all scrolled through your phones until your high wore off so you could go back to your apartment, they decided they were spending the night since your the one that drove them here and they couldn’t be bothered to go back to your apartment, just to have to drive back to theirs. You three made your way home as ‘Deam Man Walking’ played from Erens phone since he had the aux Armin was sitting in the back seat with his legs spread out and his phone in his hand. Occasionally Armin would show Eren a photo or video and earn the reaction of ‘damnnn whats her @‘. You finally made it home parking in the car garage for the apartment building.
“My feet are killing meeeee” you whined.
“Want a piggy back ride?” Armin asked you.
“Is Annie going to get mad?” You teased.
“Oh my god please shut the FUCK UPP” his voice echoed through the empty parking garage.
“Shhh, it’s like 3 am” you said while climbing onto his back. The scent of his cologne and marijuana lingered. You placed your head on his shoulder, he still smelled like a little boy, you had to admit it was adorable. As you guys walked ahead Eren stood behind as he was texting Mikasa that he was with you and he was going to spend the night.
“She still treats me like I’m 4 I swear” you heard him say about 6 feet away from you and Armin. He sped up to you guys suprising you by smacking your ass causing you to let out a little scream.
“Eren! What the fuck?!” You whispered screamed to him. The only response you got back was a smirk. You three made your way up to your apartment door, handing Armin the keys to open it. You were so glad to be home greeted by the scent of your place. Armin carried you all the way to your room as Eren followed and threw you onto the bed. Eren turned off your lights and turned on the led’s instead putting them at red. You were laughing mess as you fought Armin to stop tickinling you only earning Eren to help restrain you.
“PLEASE- I CANT-“ you yelled through laughs. Eventually Armin stopped tickling you to grab your lava pen on your night stand but eren still held on.
“Wanna hit?” Armin asked you teasingly.
“Arminnnn I just bought that cart yesterday!”
“And it slaps as fuck” he responded back.
“Armin- Eren I swear to god if you don’t let go!” You said to him trying to keep a serious look but need up failing from his cute smile.
“Here I’ll let you have a hit” Armin said rolling his eyes with a smile on his face.
“Bitch-” you were cut off as Armin put the tip of the pen in your mouth.
“Finally got you to shut up” Armin said. You started kicking your legs at Eren
“LET ME GO IMMA BEAT HIS ASS” Eren obeyed letting go but the second you say up you only got pushed back down by Armin falling into erens chest as he sat behind you.
“Who’s ass are you going to beat?” Armin asked you while lifting up your chin to look at him.
“Hmph since your being an asshole I’ll take back what I said about fucking you both earlier.” You said with a pouty look on your face. You were basically on Erens ass now his hands wrapped around your stomach with his phone in his hand.
“Oh is that so” Eren whispered in your ear, soon afterwards pressing kisses down your neck to your shoulder soft moans leaving your mouth as his kisses were warm and wet. Armin’s hand made his way to your face holding onto the sides of your jaw making you look up at him, his lips crashed onto yours and your tongues started gliding over each others in sync. Soft moans left your mouth as you felt Eren grow hard underneath you, his hands wandering around your body. Armins grio was still tight on your jaw as you both were engaged in a heat make out session saliva dripping down the sides of our mouth and occasionally the strand that connected your lips for when you both needed air. Eren tugged at the hem of you shirt indicating that you pull it off. Armin let go of your jaw as he and Eren removed their shirts while you removed yours, Eren unhooked your bra and taking it off completely. As your back was pressed up against Erens chest he left bight marks and hickeys all over your neck and shoulders, Armin took one breast in his mouth and massaged the other with his hand, causing you to whimper. Erens hand traveled down to your already slicked heat rubbing circles over your clit making you moan loudly as your legs slightly shook. It didn’t take long for you to cum as Armin sucked harder on your breasts leaving hickeys all over your chest and how eren slipped his fingers into you curling them so they hit your g spot making you see stars. Eren and Armin were both hard by now you could see their cocks aching to be free’d from their pants.
“Scoot to the edge and get on your knees” Eren said. You obeyed so your backside was facing the headboard and you were facing the end of the bed. All of your clothing was now off by now and so where Armins and Erens.
“Open your mouth and stick your tongue out” Armin demanded. He placed his tip on your tongues as Eren positioned himself at you entrance, Eren took his time going in, while Armin didn’t, he grabbed a fistful of your hair and started thrusting in and out of youR mouth. Erens pace picked up as time went on. Your moans were cut short from Armins’s member making its way in and out of your mouth, barely being able to take his length spit and precum leaked down the side of your face. The sounds of sweaty skin slapping and moans and grunts filled the room. You could feel both Eren and Armin twitching by now and it didn’t take long for them to release, your moans turning high pitched from all the pleasure as you reached your high aswell. You stuck out your tongue to show Armin that you swallowed it whole earning you smile from him.
“Sheeesshhhh that felt so good” Eren said while fixing his buckle.
“Yeah you think” Armin said glancing over at him. You didn’t say anything since you were quite surprised from what just happened.
“I’m going to go have a shower” you said. Good thing Eren brought you a towel already.
“Tell me when your done so I can have one too” Eren said.
“Same here” Armin said as he lied on the bed shirtless.
“Who said I was going to let you guys have showers and use my soap” you asked them raising one eyebrow as you held the skimpy towel over yourself. They both busted out in laughter..
“Yeah yeah OkAYYY” Eren said in a mocking tone.
“I hate you guys” you said turning around and slamming the bathroom door behind you.
“We love you too y/n” they both said in unison.
Authors note:
Omg please don’t kill me this is my first threesum smut 😭😭✋ALSO I DO NOT HATE ANNIE AND HISTORIA PLS DONT GET ME WRONG I LOVE THEM!
But uhh anyways tell me if I should change anything!
Love y’all *muah* *muah* 🥰🥰😍😍😚😚💓💓💘💘
Btw I do requests!
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