#I found out about this ff from a video
caleism-1 · 1 year
Kim Dokja thought his life was finally peaceful. He was even content just to be able to look at Yoo Joonghyuk’s stupidly handsome face from afar while working at the esports company.
Then, he knocks the pro gamer unconscious at a sponsorship event live on Twitch.
“You walk into the company’s break room, see the constipated bastard, and then proceed to throw up all over his clothes?” Han Sooyoung laughs at Kim Dokja as he groans and slides down the wall into a fetal position.
“How was I supposed to know the kimbap in my fridge was rotten?” Kim Dokja covers his face with his hands.
“Dokja, I bought you that kimbap a month ago.”
“I was starving.”
“No, you were a thirsty fanboy. It was a limited edition Yoo Joonghyuk kimbap I bought for you as a joke that you refused to eat until now because ‘I can’t bear to rip his face on the packaging on accident.’ Like, bitch, I know you’re thirsty for the man, but that’s just a whole new level.”
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insomniac4000 · 1 month
Hello! May I request a ff about chrizzMD where y/n participated in the 20v1 and everything kept going wrong for her but somehow she managed to win or something like that? Thank you very much x
I really enjoyed writing this. If anyone wants a sequel with their first date let me know
20vs1 ChrisMD
When Y/N saw the tweet that the one, the only ChrisMD was taking applications for a football themed 20v1 she immediately thought about entering. She had a following, it wasn't huge by any means, about 75k subscribers where she did book reviews and some travel to different destinations and attractions like odd museums, places off the beaten path. It was enough to make a living and that was enough for her, knowing not everyone achieves major success but she could do what she loved and paid the bills so she liked her life.
One of y/n's worst personality traits was her indecisiveness, she liked the thought of doing the video, it could be fun and of course she thought Chris was a very attractive man but on the other hand what if she made a fool out of herself? She went back and forth about this for days, it was her friends who eventually convinced her it would be a good opportunity. It was only when she had filled in the application and sent it off that she realised she was one day over the deadline.
“Fuck,” she said to herself when she read the line again and cursed her indecisiveness again. She pushed it all to the back of her mind however and once again just concentrated on her content, using a random number generator to chose the order of the five books she had just purchased to review.
To her surprise one day y/n received an email to the account she used for professional matters, when she looked at the address of the person who sent it her heartbeat quickened, she could feel it beating hard through her chest, it was from ChrisMD. She went to click on it quickly and in her haste clicked on the one wrong email at first, but she found the right link and read the words, trying to keep calm.
Dear y/n Thank you for your interest in the latest 20v1 video. We had more applications than we thought so firstly we would like to thank you for your patience while we went through them all. We didn’t expect the response we received and are sad we cannot have everyone in the video we would like to. However we would love to have you participate in the video, please respond to this email if you are free to film next week Thursday and we will give you further information and instructions. ChrisMD and his team.
The message was professional and a little cooperate but y/n had to real in her excitement, this was a video for content and Chris probably wasn’t truly looking for love in a video, then again who knows what would happen.
The day of the shoot y/n was incredibly nervous. She walked onto the pitch and met all of the other girls, Chris’s producer Jamie introduced himself to everyone and explained what was going to happen for the first round. The weather wasn’t great, it was grey and cloudy which wasn’t too unusual for London, everyone just hoped it wouldn’t start to rain.
“Oh my God there’s Chris!” A girl with an American accent enthusiastically shouted, y/n looked over and there was the small curly haired man, taking a seat next to Calfreezy and ArthurTV. Y/N had to admit that although she did find Chris attractive he was much, much more attractive in person than he was in photos, he seemed quite relaxed as he laughed at something Arthur had said. The girls were all lined up, y/n was firmly in the middle of the pack.
The first challenge was to go up and introduce yourself, you were to say a pick up line and then try and score a goal. Y/N watched on as she saw her fellow competitors go bye and soon enough it was her turn.
“Okay Chris next up this is y/n,” Jamie said off camera knowing this would be edited out of the video, the girl walked in front of the table and had a small nervous smile on her lips.
“Hello y/n how are you?” Chris asked smiling and nodding at the girl in front of him. She smiled and swept her hand through her high ponytail.
“I’m good how are you guys?” Her voice came out a little more high pitched than usual but at least it wasn’t shaky.
“Good thanks, so when you’re ready.”
“Do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again wearing my Arsenal Jersey?” Y/N said, and Chris laughed a little bit, ArthurTV however wasn’t as impressed.
“Then why didn’t you just wear an Arsenal top?” The brunette asked, a confused yes slightly mischievous look on his face.
“Actually yeah!” Chris laughed along with his friend. Y/N looked down at her England top and panicked slightly, fumbling over her words.
“It’s the Euro’s I’m being patriotic,” she replied hurried.
“Fair enough, kick the ball when you’re ready.” Chris could tell the poor girl was really nervous, he had gone through all of the applications and knew a small bit about all of the girls there, he knew this wasn’t the usual type of content y/n was used to so understood her nerves, he wanted to make sure at least the girls all had a great time regardless. Y/N took a deep breath before running up to the ball, kicking it with her right foot she looked and put her hands on each of her cheeks when she saw it slam into the post on the right hand side.
“Unlucky! But you seem really sweet so I’m going to put you through to the next round,” Chris said, his hands clapped together in his usual way whenever he spoke in videos.
“Thanks!” Y/N replied and skipped a little when she went back to the waiting area to watch the rest of the girls.
The next segment was taking free kicks. Something y/n wasn’t looking forward to too much, she wasn’t much as footballer, she instead used to do dance and gymnastics when she was younger so the complete opposite end of the spectrum to football.
“Any tips?” Y/N as she placed the ball in the spot. “Just run up and follow through with your foot, like one swift movement,” Chris coached y/n nodded before muttering to herself. “I’m going to hit someone,” when the eventual video was released this utterance was clipped three times, which could only mean that her foresight was unfortunately correct. She had a good run up but looked in horror as the ball span and landed straight into Arthur’s face.
“OH MY GOD I AM SO SO SORRY!!!!” Y/N exclaimed through her hands which were over her mouth in shock. Both Chris and Freezy of course found this hilarious and Chris couldn’t stop laughing at the sight of his friend now rolling around on the floor.
“I am really am sorry,” the girl said over and over again as she walked over to the injured party.
“That was amazing, for nearly decapitating ArthurTV you’re through,” Chris stated clapping his hands in amusement.
“This is going to go on the shorts channel isn’t it?” Y/N replied blushing as she walked away, causing further laughs from Chris and Freezy. Round three was a talent round. Instead of doing something she did usually y/n decided to learn a new skill, she had spent hours and hours learning to juggle.
“Oh no she’s got more boys, quick everyone duck!” Arthur joked when y/n walked up.
“I’ll stand far away enough so no one should get hurt this time,” the girl explained. She started off well, juggling the three red balls with ease, that was until she dropped them, cursing as she did.
“At least I didn’t hit anyone this time,” she said sheepishly.
“You know what, I’m going to put you through to the final round,” Chris said with a smug smile on his face, y/n was as shocked as anyone and thanked Chris before calming herself. The last portion was a chat with Chris, Arthur and Cal. Y/N sat down saying hello again.
“So, you hit the bar, hit Arthur in the face, dropped your balls and you’re still here,” Cal started off the conversation.
“I know I can’t believe it!”
“He must really want to shag you,” Arthur added and the girl sat there open mouthed and Chris places his head in his head.
“Fuck sake,” the curly haired man uttered.
“I have had a shocker though, and I was late getting my application in. I must seem really scatty but I promise I’m organised,” y/n defended herself and Chris nodded.
“Give me some book recommendations,” Chris asked looking into y/n’s eyes. They were green with flakes of brown throughout, Chris loved how unique they looked.
“The ministry of time is a great escapism if that’s the kind of thing you’re looking for,”
“I am always looking to escape the intrusive thoughts,” Chris revealed and y/n couldn’t help but agree while feeling her heart a little.
“I get that too, but books are a great escape.” The talk they had wasn’t too humorous but it was deep and real and meaningful, as much as a five minute conversation could be. The final girls lines up, the three hosts looking over towards the two finalists. Chris had his hands clasped together as he faced the women.
“Well it’s been a fierce competition and you both did amazingly well but my winner and unfortunately a date with me is, y/n! congratulations!” Y/N smiled in shock and hugged her opponent. She ten made her way over to Chris and for the video they held hands and looked back towards the camera but both y/n and Chris felt a little thump when their hands intertwined. After the shoot y/n held back at Chris’s request, he had his phone in his hand and a sweet smile on his face.
“Thank you so much for coming. I know it was a video but if you did want to go on that date for real then I’ll be happy to,” Chris asked a little shaky. Y/N smiled and nodded.
“I’d love to.”
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foodfightnovelization · 3 months
Foodfight! The (OFFICIAL) Video Game
Yes, you read the title right! No it's not the fangame I made a couple months ago, this is the real deal, the whole enchilada, the ACTUAL Foodfight! tie-in game! Shortly after ROTTEN: Behind The Foodfight was released, its creator Ziggy, myself, and everyone else in the Foodfight! community thought we'd found everything there was left to find. After all, we'd uncovered the workprint, the novelization, almost all the original footage, Ziggy had interviewed countless people who worked on the movie, some character models had even been found...so that was it, right? But as I hinted at in my last few posts, the Foodfight! story wasn't quite over yet.
Reese, a friend of Ziggy's, had reached out to one of the developers involved in the Foodfight! tie-in game that was set to be released alongside the movie, and shortly after ROTTEN came out, Ziggy also managed to get in touch with them. One thing led to another and we were sent a HUGE 10GB folder of art, documents, models, and footage related to the game. What you see above is a concept submission trailer created to show off the game and what it'd look like, similar to the pitch reel created for the movie itself. Needless to say, this blew our minds! If you've read my previous post on the subject, you'll know that up until now the only thing anyone had EVER seen of this game was a few seconds of grainy footage from E3 2006. To go from that to a whole stockpile of material from its development was INCREDIBLE! To learn more about how this found its way into our hands, I'll direct you to a blog post from Ziggy himself, explaining a little more about the game's developers (and relaying a truly hilarious story about Larry Kasanoff)
However, I want to talk more about the INCREDIBLE plethora of material included in the folder that was shared with us. Ziggy uploaded everything he was sent to archive.org, so I'll link it below if you'd like to peruse the files yourself, but keep reading if you want to know more about what's included!
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Just to start off with, the footage from the above concept trailer and the assorted screenshots- doesn't it just look awesome? It's way more visually appealing than the finished movie ended up looking, for one thing, and it's seemingly inspired more by the early pre-motion capture footage than anything that came later on. It's also just mindblowing to finally see all this, to suddenly go from knowing basically nothing about the game to knowing so much about it! And best of all...doesn't this just look EXACTLY like a movie tie-in game from the mid 2000s? I mean, that shouldn't be too surprising, that's exactly what it is, but tie-in games of that era had a very specific look and feel and this just takes me right back to that. Remember the Charlie and the Chocolate Factory game where you're racing around on a trashcan lid, the Spider-Man game where you're running around Oscorp avoiding security robots, or the Incredibles game where you're rushing through a burning building fighting guys with flamethrowers? Doesn't this just look EXACTLY like one of those?
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And you might be thinking "it's too bad we only have a few minutes of footage and some screenshots, I wish we could know even more about what the game would've been like". Well, your wish just came true! Buried deep in the files is a copy of the game's design documents, telling us EXACTLY how each level would've played out! (If you're struggling to find it, it's in AUDIO> Final Drop> FF> Docs) So not only do we get to see a ton of what the game would've looked like, we also get to see how the whole thing would've come together, with 26 action-packed levels consisting of a variety of different gameplay types. Looking at several other files, it seems like the number of levels may have been cut down to 15 later in development, but hey, it's fairly common for design docs to be more complex than the finished game. Regardless, reading about everything they had planned...this really is the ultimate stereotypical tie-in game. I mean, just look at some of these level descriptions! Isn't this every movie-based game you've ever played, all rolled into one? You can bet your boxtop if it had made it all the way through development, it'd easily have the honor of being one of the few tie-in games BETTER than the movie it was based off, although considering how the finished film turned out maybe that's not saying much.
Based on what the developers said in the article linked above, it's unclear exactly how much of the game was finished before it was cancelled, and unfortunately it's incredibly unlikely they'll ever be able to compile a build together to send our way. However, there's just SO much included in this folder it's hard to complain. Not only do we get basically a complete picture of how the game would've come together from all the documents, screenshots, audio, cutscenes and footage included, there are all kinds of additional files that are both interesting and incredibly useful.
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Not only are there models and environments from the game itself (unfortunately the only character model included seems to be Dex), there are also models of the ENTIRE CAST taken directly from the earlier version of the movie! Every main character is here, from Dex to Sunshine to Mr Leonard, as well as a bunch of other models such as Dan's plane and cockpit. This is HUGE, and I can't wait to see what talented artists will do with all these resources. At the time I'm writing this, someone already ported several of the models into SFM (Source Filmmaker) and another made several animations in Blender!
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I'm sure even more will happen soon, but right now this is pretty incredible. Who thought this would EVER happen? That one day we'd have models of every main character, a complete workprint of the movie from 2005, a tie-in novelization, footage of the long-sought after videogame, and so, so much more. In the span of less than a year, Foodfight! went from some of the most obscure lost media of all time to some of the most well-documented lost media of all time. We have so much there's no way I'd ever even be able to discuss it all, that's how far we've come in the past few months.
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Seriously, I've barely even scratched the surface of what's in this folder. There are 3D cutscenes from the game, 2D cutscenes, concept art for the planned toy line, footage of prototypes of those toys in action, MORE gameplay footage, previously unseen storyboards not included in the workprint, raw audio of Charlie Sheen's voice sessions from the movie, tons of songs from the game, the entire score from the movie, and that's STILL not everything! I mean, holy chips! I STRONGLY encourage you to download the folder for yourself and take a look...maybe you'll even find something I haven't yet?
I really think that with this folder now out in the public, this is as much closure on Foodfight! as we'll ever get. I know I always say that and then there's some amazing discovery a few months later, but this is just such a huge smorgasbord of material that I don't even think we can count Foodfight! as lost media anymore...okay, we haven't found absolutely everything so it's partially found media at best, but could you really ask for more than all this? We have countless models from the movie, design docs and footage from the planned tie-in game, early drafts of the script, we know EXACTLY what the movie and game were going to be like before everything collapsed... now, if you're so inclined you can take all that and make something out of all of it, but me? I'm pretty satisfied just having the knowledge. Knowing what could've been before it all fell apart, getting to see so much I never thought I'd get a chance to see... right now, I'd say my Foodfight! cravings have been satiated. Unless another monumental discovery is unearthed anytime soon (at this point I wouldn't be surprised), I think there's really not much more to say. If nothing comes up in a month or two, I'll make a post showing off my personal collection of Foodfight! merchandise, an epilogue to the past year I've spent obsessing over this movie. In the meantime, I hope you all enjoy the absolute treasure trove of Foodfight! material that's been discovered! Dig through it all! Make something out of it! There's so much in these files, you could create your OWN Foodfight!, with blackjack and hookers!
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blandtako · 3 days
Why did it have to be a Daffodil? | Sung Hanbin x GN!Reader | Chapter 1
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➤ Summary: After having become close friends during their first year of Highschool, Hanbin and Y/N have become inseparable. Highschool, college, adulthood, nothing would change the fact that they'd always be there for one another, no matter how much it hurt. ➤ Pairing: Sung Hanbin x GN!Reader ➤ Genre: fluff, angst, highschool au, college au, unrequited love, slight smut (In certain chapters, there will be warnings). ➤ Warnings: language, alcohol consumption, allusions to anxiety and/or depression, suggestive, Hanbin is bisexual. The ff was written with the perception of a Male!Reader in mind, but I will be using gender neutral pronouns. More specific warnings will be added depending on the chapter. ➤ Status: Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 (Working) | upcoming ➤ Word Count: 6,6K ➤ A/N: Finally finished working on Chapter 1! This is mainly an introductory Chapter in which we get to know Y/N and get to see a few of the characters within this story! Keep in mind that at least in the first few chapters (Probably around Chapter 4-5) the characters are attending highschool, and most romantic moments will happen after that. I hope you enjoy! This is my first ff, so I'm gonna try my best, even though I've found writing dialogues a HUGE hassle lmao. If you have any suggestion or constructive criticism, please go ahead and share it! Any help will be appreciated <3
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Y/N’s train of thoughts could be quite dispersive at times. From imagining themselves in made-up scenarios to worrying about how to optimize their time spent on video games, there was one thing in particular that they often thought about. How would their life be as a TV series? What events would be shown, and what wouldn’t be considered interesting enough to be put on screen? Their responses to themselves would change from time to time, but the one thing that wouldn’t change was the fact that even within their own life, Y/N would be a supporting character at best. Nothing particularly exciting had ever happened to them. They had a loving family, and while there could be a few small fights, it was nothing more than an argument any kind of family would have. To be fair, Y/N had never been a rebel, and while they did have their share of flaws (such as an intense need to procrastinate that led to their votes not always being the best), they weren’t the type to cause much of a ruckus. Middle school wasn’t exactly the greatest, but Y/N had soon realized that most kids used to be menaces to society around that age and thus acknowledged that there were many who had been subjected to the same type of treatment. That isn’t to say that Y/N’s self-esteem had managed to come out of it unscathed though, and their trust within humanity as a whole had descended quite a bit (although that might have just been their edgy years talking). But bullying was something many people experienced, and some cases had it much, MUCH worse than Y/N ever had, so to them it just felt a bit egotistical to complain. Besides, while there weren’t a lot, Y/N did have friends who cared for them and who they cared for. Y/N would exaggerate when it came to having to define how tough their life was, but truthfully they knew that they didn’t really have it that rough, and deep down they’d be thankful for that.  What type of TV series could ever be made about such a monotonous life? As the sunlight streamed in through the cracks in the blinds of Y/N’s bedroom window, drawing colorful patterns on the sheets and part of the wooden floor, a subdued growl vibrated throughout the entire room. A muffled groan complained in return, as Y/N was practically begging to be left alone to sleep just for a bit longer, but not even a second after the sound had made it out of their mouth, a high, loud bark responded to them right away from the end of the bed. “FINE, I GET IT!” Y/N yelled out in frustration as D/N (dog’s name) got closer to them, wagging its tail as it raised a paw in Y/N’s direction, trying to obtain their attention, to which Y/N faked crying. “See? D/N doesn’t want you to be late for your first day of high school either.” S/N (Sister’s name)’s voice came out from behind the door as she slowly creaked it open. “Mom already took D/N out for a walk before heading to work, but it hasn’t had something to eat yet. Refill its bowl when you go downstairs.” Y/N simply hummed in response, raising their torso and stretching their arms before getting off of bed to aid D/N in doing the same. Approaching the bedroom’s window, the first thing Y/N did after having woken up was open it to let fresh air inside. As they opened the blinds, Y/N’s eyes were forced shut by the brightness of the sun that now flowed into the room, filling every dark space with a cool, yet peaceful breath of air.
Blinking in rapid succession, Y/N rubbed their eyes with their right arm to adjust his sight to the rays of light they were met with. Y/N was surprised by how cold the weather had gotten, especially considering how warm the climate was just a couple of days prior. It felt like the world had simply decided to skip over Autumn, going directly to Winter. Not that Y/N could blame it, to be honest; their opinion on Autumn was perhaps controversial, but they could not stand it whatsoever. Y/N liked the colors and products associated with it, and they were a huge fan of Halloween marathons on TV. What they did not like was the abundance of bugs that would reappear throughout this season. In particular, they’d consider bed bugs the bane of their existence. Making their way downstairs, Y/N found their sister already nicely dressed and ready to leave the house. She smiled back at them, a comforting look in her eyes. “Are you ready for your first day?” She asked. “As ready as one can be when they’d rather just keep sleeping through the day…” Y/N responded sarcastically, despite appreciating their sister’s concern. She chuckled, adding a small “You’ll do just fine.” before hugging them and walking out the door. “Thanks…see you at dinner.” While Y/N and their sister never really had a bad relationship, it was only now that the two had actually started spending more time together. They had a 4 year difference, and S/N was always considered pretty mature for her age, while Y/N could be a bit dense at times. Y/N cherished her a lot, even though they couldn’t help but be jealous of how she seemingly went about her life so…effortlessly? It felt like she would be able to tackle anything put in her path, unfazed by the level of difficulty presented to her. She was also very beautiful; Y/N would often joke to her about how it wasn’t fair that their parents had tried harder when it came to conceiving her as opposed to them.
After having been woken up by D/N’s excitement, Y/N realized that it was quite early. They refilled their dog’s bowl with food and water and then slowly went to take a warm shower, after which they brushed their teeth. Y/N was surprised as to how calm they were at the moment. They felt like maybe they hadn’t fully grasped what was about to happen quite yet. High school could be quite dire for teenagers, and being someone who greatly despised attention on themselves, Y/N’s plan was to live out their school life as smoothly and quietly as possible; avoid any embarrassing situation; avoid people who looked like they could bring trouble; and attempt to be as pleasant as possible but not to the point where others would actively be seeking out for them.Unfortunately, plans didn’t always unravel the way one wanted them to, and Y/N would have soon had to reconsider most, if not all, of their ways.  Petting their dog’s head one last time, Y/N picked up their gray backpack and walked out the front door, locking it as they did so. The autumn breeze hit Y/N’s skin, coldly reminding them that summer was now gone, alongside their hobby of doing nothing throughout the entire day as there was no need to. The leaves of trees blushed hearth hues above, contrasting the sapphire color that tinted the sky. Y/N sighed as they mentally prepared themselves for the bus ride that was waiting for them. Despite having showered, they could feel their eyes doze off, struggling to remain open as Y/N was now used to getting much more sleep than what they got this night. It had been a couple of weeks now, and Y/N would always tell themselves that they had to go to bed earlier and wake up earlier as well, so that they would be prepared for the school year…alas, they always failed, claiming that they functioned much better at night. Now, they cursed at themselves for that. Brushing their thoughts aside, Y/N slowly walked to the bus stop close to their house. It was a couple of minutes walk at most, and they still had about 10 minutes left before the next bus would arrive. They tilted their head to the side as they saw cars driving in and out of a house closeby. Y/N’s mother had told them that someone had bought it and would have transferred there soon. Y/N simply spent the wait scrolling through their phone, and once the bus did get there, they were thankful to see that most of the seats were still free. Y/N was thankful that this was one of the first stops the bus had to take, so this was usually the case. As they got on, they showed their bus pass to the conductor and then went on to take a seat. It was a 30 minutes ride, and as such, Y/N thought it wouldn’t be that bad of an idea to lean their head on the bus’ window and get a bit of rest. Their gaze was initially fixed on the landscape outside, taking some type of enjoyment in observing the rest of the world wake up and also go on about their lives, but soon, their eyelids began fluttering, and his mind started to drift away to the land of dreams. Only, instead of being able to wander through Morpheus’ reign, Y/N’s mind was immediately picked up and thrown back to reality by the uncomfortably loud voice of a familiar person that had gone to take the seat right next to them.
“You couldn’t even wait for me to get on the bus…did you stay up all night playing League again? ” Y/N didn’t know whether or not this voice sounded incredibly irritating or lovingly familiar to them. Y/N’s immediate groan left space for a soft smile, as their eyes were met with the sight of the person they considered their best friend applying blush on her own face. “I don’t think we’re allowed to wear make-up…” Y/N’s voice was muffled due to them being on the verge of falling asleep. They recomposed themselves, straightening up to leave their friend more space. She paused for a second, turning to face Y/N as she spoke up. “It’s not a lot; it shouldn’t be an issue…besides, I have to look my best if I want to make a good impression on others, no? You’re going to leave me to do all the talking anyway…” The brunette exclaimed as she went back to focus on what she was doing before. Y/N simply chuckled in response, as Alice wasn’t wrong at all.
Alice and Y/N met during their second year of middle school. The two did not attend the same class, and weirdly enough, had never even seen each other around school before their meeting. Their school had organized a field trip for all classes within their year, and because theirs were the ones with the least amount of people in them, they ended up sharing a bus. Still, there were many free seats, and thus Y/N took advantage of that to basically lay on two of them to use as a makeshift bed.  Just like a bolt from the blue though, Alice and a friend of hers decided to approach Y/N to ask if they could let them sit there. Asking themselves why out of all people, the duo had to go and disturb them, Y/N groaned but let them take the seats anyway.  Normally, that interaction would have been their last, but unlike them, Alice made it clear right away that she was a big extrovert.  Alice and her friend started making riddles to all those that sat close to them, and as Y/N also fit in that category, they were brought into it as well.  It felt awkward at first, but Alice had been capable of bringing Y/N out of their shell, which Y/N was grateful for. They started hanging out together since then, and quickly became very close. “There is only one person from your class in middle school, right?” Alice asked as she put her hand mirror in her brown backpack. Y/N hummed. “Mhm, Kang Hye-na. She can be kind, but we weren’t really close.” “Don’t worry, Jisoo and Mingi will be with us too. I’ve already introduced you to them. There are also a few more names I’ve seen around, but there are quite a lot of people I’ve never met yet.” she added nonchalantly as she smiled at them. “It’s alright, you’ll carry my social life like I carry you in League.” Y/N responded by chuckling to themselves, but quickly jolted in pain after having received a jab to the stomach by their friend. “We’re doomed then.” Alice added, joining Y/N in their laughter. Y/N was indeed worried about having to meet new people. Making a good first impression was quite important, but they also didn’t really feel like having to put too much effort into getting to know them. Socializing with people truly was tough, and Y/N was never really fond of having to do that. Fortunately enough, their new class didn’t really have a lot of people.
The bus ride continued smoothly, and soon enough, the pair got off the bus alongside a number of other students who immediately walked towards the gate. An intense feeling of nausea started dwelling up within Y/N’s chest as a back and forth of students began surrounding them, as everybody attempted to get past the morning rush that was causing a cluster of people to form in front of the gates.  Students, teachers, staff…it all made Y/N’s head hurt, as they narrowed their eyes in an attempt to stay focused on the road ahead. New students clearly did not know where to go, and it quickly became a mess. Crowds were something Y/N really couldn’t deal with well. They felt out of place; they could feel their lungs burning up as breathing started to become harder and a need to escape invaded their thoughts. Like a slap to the face though, Y/N was brought down to earth by Alice’s gesture of grasping their hand to hold onto. “Stay close to me…” She muttered out as people pushed through. And almost as quickly as it came to be, the crowd dispersed, as everyone was finally able to go on their own merry way. Y/N and Alice did as well, managing to find a sign that indicated the location of their classroom.
The first thing Y/N noticed after having entered the room were the beige walls that enclosed it; they were mostly empty, giving off an eerie yet nostalgic feeling about them. There were a few maps attached to them, yet it wasn’t enough to shake off that apprehension. Two windows on one side of the room and three more at the back of it took over the role of illuminating the class, allowing light through them to repel darkness. “They’re already here!” Alice’s voice whispered (but also not really) to them, pushing Y/N to divert their gaze from the walls and onto the few people that had already arrived. Mingi and Jisoo, Alice’s friends, were already there, having taken two adjacent desks around the left side of the class. Y/N could see Alice moving from the corner of their right eye as the girl basically rushed to greet her other friends. Y/N counted six other students but couldn’t really recognize any of them, assuming they all had to be coming from other schools. Some of them were interacting with each other, while others were simply sitting on a chair, fidgeting with their fingers. That made them feel slightly better, as there were people who were in the same situation as them: riddled with anxiety.
Y/N reached Alice, greeting Mingi and Jisoo with a polite bow. The duo smiled in return. “How are you feeling, Y/N?” Jisoo asked with a small smile painted on her face. “Could be better, will definitely be missing sleeping up until lunch time…” Y/N replied, to which Mingi chuckled. “I get that; I have spent this summer rotting away in my room…” He added. “You kinda did that even throughout the school year though?” Alice’s voice interrupted. “You say that as if you haven’t been doing the same…” Mingi stated, to which Alice shrugged her shoulders. “I need sleep to be as perfect as I always am.” “Have you applied make-up?” Jisoo’s quiet voice came out, interrupting the banter between the two, and Alice struggled to find the words to respond immediately. Y/N chuckled. “It shouldn’t be an issue, right?” Their words filled with a teasing tone that Alice immediately shut down with a loud groan. The four of them kept talking for a bit, pausing themselves from time to time to observe those who they would have soon called classmates. Alice and Mingi would greet familiar faces, while Jisoo and Y/N remained still, both too introverted to really go out of their way to say hello. They’d awkwardly smile at each other when those moments happened, finding some type of comfort knowing that they weren’t alone in that struggle. Hyena had also entered the classroom at some point, but Y/N limited themselves to waving at her, to which she replied in a similar manner.
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It didn’t take long for a middle-aged woman with black hair tied into a ponytail to enter the classroom, which led to students all taking a seat. Alice and Y/N sat in two adjacent desks, right next to Mingi and Jisoo’s. The woman introduced herself as Mrs. Choi, their class’ coordinator. She began a whole speech about integrity, the importance of studying and then remarked multiple times how her role was that of acting as a liaison between the class and their teachers. To be honest, be it due to lack of sleep or be it due to the whole speech being as basic as one could possibly be, Y/N didn’t really put a lot of effort into listening to her. The words ‘introduce yourselves’ stuck out to them, and by the time the first student began speaking, Y/N realized what was going on and what they had to do. They found these types of introductions a bit awkward, but could understand why they were important…you can’t really spend the future 3 years without knowing your classmates’ names. Everyone was stating their first and last name, their age, and one thing they liked and disliked. Y/N could feel second-hand embarrassment take over them, but soon enough came to the conclusion that they couldn’t waste time feeling empathy towards others when their turn to do the same wasn’t that far away. Jisoo introduced herself, then Mingi, and as Alice was about to finish speaking, Y/N had yet to decide what to say. As soon as their friend was done, Y/N could see eyes shift onto them, waiting for them to talk. As their heartbeat became irregular, Y/N opened their mouth to speak. “Y/N L/N, I turned 16 this summer…one thing I like is…sleeping…I guess? and I dislike bitter food.” “Well, I sure do hope you won’t be sleeping during my classes.” Mrs. Choi made an attempt at a joke, to which some students chuckled. They survived that first experience, but knowing how these things work, Y/N didn’t expect that round of introductions to be the last one. Once everybody had finished introducing themselves, Mrs. Choi started talking about her subject and what the class would have been about. They had three more classes before lunch break, and three more after it. The second and third one came and went about as smoothly as they could have, despite the fact that each student had to introduce themselves again. By the time they were done, Y/N and Alice would tell each other what each student would be saying before they could even finish, pretend to be mind readers, and then chuckle at their childish sense of humor. The issues came during the last lesson before lunch break. Their math teacher, Mr. Kim, thought it would have been fun to shuffle the class a bit, assuming that everyone would have sat close to students they already knew. He wasn’t wrong, but it was still very much unneeded. Alice couldn’t contain her laughter when Y/N stared at her with imploring eyes. “Sorry, can’t save you.” she stated lightly. All students folded a piece of paper with their name written on it and gave it to Mr. Kim, who improvised a lottery.
As each name got extracted, Y/N couldn’t help but think about how pointless this whole thing was. They would have rather taken a test than having to do this. Why would a teacher force them all out of their comfort zone right from the beginning? ‘Just leave us be…’ Y/N thought to themselves, holding their temples with an exasperated look. “...L/N Y/N!” a shiver went up Y/N’s back as they could feel their skin getting warmer. Why did this whole thing remind them of the Hunger Games? They stood up, moving to the new seat that was waiting for them. The spot next to it was still empty, but the best they could have hoped for was for Mingi’s name to come up, as Alice and Jisoo had lucked out by being paired with each other. “...Seok Matthew!” Mr. Kim mouthed. ‘Oh, the Canadian guy.’ Seok Matthew had lived in Canada for most of his childhood, transferring to Korea during his last year of Middle School. He had also skipped a year, so he was actively younger than the majority of the class by a year. ‘Seok Matthew liked eating and is recently getting into cooking as well, he dislikes rain during summer…which is oddly specific.’ Y/N thought as their gaze was fixed on the young man walking towards them. Matthew was also the only person who came from his previous class, and didn’t really seem to know anybody, yet he approached Y/N beaming a smile that radiated happiness through and through. The way he spoke and expressed himself had an innocent yet contrastingly sly charm about it. One could describe the young man as being similar to the sun: it makes you want to stare at him, but the more you do, the more you endanger yourself. The type of person who’d be able to convince you to do something even if you didn’t want to. Y/N would know, their best friend was that type of person. Y/N hummed to themselves ‘Be careful, Y/N.’. “Matthew. It’s nice to meet you!” the young brunette offered a handshake, his toothy smile shaking Y/N to their core. Recomposing themselves from the initial dumbfoundedness, Y/N accepted the handshake, sporting an attempt at a smile. “Y/N. Nice to meet you too.” “I saw your keychain…” Matthew pointed at Y/N’s backpack, a small Eevee keychain being attached to it. “I’m a HUGE Pokémon fan!” “A-Ah, I see…” “What’s your favorite generation!?” Matthew’s whispering did not resemble a whisper, and Y/N’s anxiety spiked up due to not wanting to be scolded by the teacher. “Heart Gold was my first game…I’ve got a soft spot for Gen two.” “Ah! Blastoise is my favorite, I do like Gen one a lot!” Y/N nodded. Y/N was quite the fan of Pokémon as well, but they could discern that there were better moments to talk about that than lessons. “I understand that you want to get to know each other, but could you please do so another time? L/N, Seok?” Mr. Kim called them out, and Y/N immediately jolted up, mumbling an ‘I apologize’. Matthew did the same, but Y/N couldn’t really hear him, due to embarrassment having fulfilled most of their thoughts. They could feel their chest tightening, their cheeks were blushing, and their ears’ color was also darkening. Deep down, they were cursing the sunshine boy next to them, although that feeling died down the moment Matthew turned towards them to apologize. “It’s alright, don’t worry.” Y/N couldn’t really manage to say anything else, as the puppy look their deskmate was giving them was making them feel guilty for even having had such thoughts.
Once their seats were rearranged, Mr. Kim also went over the program they would have studied throughout the year, but Mr. Kim had also decided that surprises were not over with him. “Your last class today will also be with me, so I figured I’d give you a little assignment! I want you to get acquainted with your new deskmates. We’ll be doing a small test later to see how much you’ve managed to accomplish that and what your cooperation skills are looking like! Is that all good?” A chorus of yes followed their teacher’s request, but all Y/N could think about was: ‘What the hell does any of this have to do with math…’. As soon as the teacher made his way out the door, a buzzing of voices followed, as people began exchanging pleasantries to get to know each other. “Can…Can I ask you something?” Y/N turned around as Matthew’s voice spoke clearly. “Oh, sure.” “Do you want to have lunch with my friends and me?" It’s ok if you can’t, I figured that we could maybe…take advantage of that to get to know each other more?” Y/N’s brain became foggy for a second, not expecting that request. They were aware of the fact that Matthew must have felt alone in the new class, but they also weren’t much of a fan of having to socialize with a number of people they had never spoken to. ‘It’s easy Y/N, just reject saying that you’re going to have lunch with your friends and that you can’t leave them alone.’ “I…” Matthew seemed very hopeful. Those puppy eyes… “Sure, I’d be happy to. Could my friends join us too?” Those damn puppy eyes. “Of course! The more the merrier!”
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The aroma of savory meat spread throughout the entire cafeteria, making its way down Y/N’s nostrils the moment they walked through the door. Mrs. Choi had mentioned how the school’s cafeteria’s cooking was quite good, but they did not expect to be surprised THAT much. “Can you smell that? My mouth is salivating…” Matthew said, and next to him, Alice nodded with energy. Y/N hoped that Alice would have given them any reason to refuse Matthew’s offer, but their hopes were foolishly misplaced, as Alice grinned and accepted right away. Mingi and Jisoo weren’t against it either, and so the quartet made their way to have lunch together. Y/N truly felt disappointed in themselves…they thought they’d be less inclined to be convinced by people’s antics. They all got in line to get their food tray, and slowly filled them up with what they wanted to eat, with Y/N being the last. “Oh, my friends are here!” What happened after that all felt like a confused and foggy mess in Y/N’s head. The sound of footsteps protruded all around them; Y/N thought they heard Alice introducing herself, and voices they couldn’t recognize started responding back to her. Y/N turned around. A loud thud followed. They could feel something bumping into them, or maybe they were the one who bumped into it? Y/N could feel their body lose their balance, making its way to meet the floor beneath their feet, only to halt halfway through. Was there a way to prevent this incident? If Y/N hadn’t accepted Matthew’s request, would they be in this situation? They couldn’t blame the poor boy for their own incapability of standing perfectly still. Were Y/N’s shoelaces untied? Or were they simply extremely clumsy? Y/N couldn’t really tell. Y/N’s eyelashes fluttered as they continued to rapidly blink multiple times. Their vision became clearer, and everything started to be put in place within their scattered brain.
Y/N’s food tray was on the ground, food scattered all over the floor. ‘That must be the source of the thud.’ they concluded to themselves. “Are you alright?” Y/N’s head whipped towards the direction of the voice that spoke to them. Y/N was being held by a young man with short, black hair. His uniform had been stained by Y/N’s food, with grains of rice and a couple of pieces of marinated beef laying over it. Y/N’s whole face was turning red, as they could feel their chest getting heavier with each breath. They had goosebumps all over their arms, and their whole skin was getting warmer and warmer by the second. It was over. It had to be over. Y/N would have never been able to live knowing how much of a mess they had made. Disappearing right then and there was the only way they would have been able to avoid dying from humiliation. That was the only way. Y/N had to conjure a hole to swallow them up and never spit them out ever again. “Can you stand?” The young man’s question seemed genuine enough, not really emanating any type of angry vibe…yet, Y/N refused to believe that the raven haired boy that was holding them did not want to punish them for their clumsiness. “A-Ah! YES!” Y/N basically yelled out as they recomposed themselves, finally feeling ground under their feet again. “I am so, so sorry! P-please let me help!” The boy chuckled as Y/N took out a napkin from their pocket. “It’s all good! Don’t worry!” He smiled, disarming Y/N in the process. Turning to look at the food tray that laid on the ground, he opened his mouth again. “Your food on the other hand has likely seen better times…” “Oh.” Y/N mumbled. They started to lower their upper body in order to pick it up, but the boy had preceded them, doing so and handing it over to them. Y/N bowed, their head almost hitting the ground to show their gratitude. “It’s ok, really. You don’t have to worry!” Even as the boy claimed that, what else could Y/N do? They had just embarrassed themselves in front of a large portion of the school. They could feel an increasing amount of eyes laying on their figures, scanning every single one of their motions. Y/N’s survival plan when it came to high school was fairly simple. Do NOT make a scene, EVER. The least amount of attention you gather the better. You don’t want to give people a reason to think of you as memorable, you want to be forgotten, not noticed. Y/N had just failed that one task. On their first day of school to boost that up. How much of a failure could they be? “You know you could have picked something else if you didn’t want rice and beef, right?” Alice’s voice became clear, as Y/N snapped from their thoughts of impending doom. This got a laugh out of the boy who had saved them. “She’s not wrong, you could have just asked me if I wanted to eat it instead.” “Hanbin Hyung, don’t tease them like that…” Matthew’s voice was the one thing holding Y/N back from falling into an abyss of shame. Matthew’s friend chuckled. “I know, I’m just kidding. Besides, it was also my fault for standing so close to them. I’m sorry.” Y/N’s body reacted before they could properly think, as they went to shake their hands in front of their chest. “Don’t worry, I should have looked where I was going…also, I should probably clean, shouldn’t I? You guys go up ahead and take a table.” As they said so, Y/N immediately kneeled down, picking up remains of food with a napkin. “Ah, wait.” Y/N looked up to see Matthew’s friend move to talk to one of the lunch ladies, and then come back with a broom and a dustpan in his hands. He helped Y/N clean the food off of the food, and then went back to give the broom back, throwing the food he had gathered in the dustpan in the garbage bin. Y/N didn’t know what to do except from thanking the boy over and over again. From Y/N’s point of view, they were the cause of the mess, dragging in a poor guy who responded with nothing but kindness. It was sketchy, but he seemed genuine.
“Thank you…and sorry.” “I told you it’s all good!” The boy, who had introduced himself as Sung Hanbin, stated while smiling. Y/N couldn’t help but think that maybe all of Matthew’s circle of friends had positive mindsets, it felt surreal. As Hanbin and Y/N got food for themselves again, they walked towards the table the others had sat around. Alice, Mingi, Jisoo, Matthew and another young man, whose name was Taerae, sat at the table talking to each other, and when they saw Hanbin and Y/N approach them, they scooted to the side of the table to let them some space. “Cinderella, I’m not sure you cleaned everything properly…” Alice lightly mocked Y/N. “Ah, I apologize, evil stepmother, next time I shall do better.” The two chuckled, and a few giggles could be heard around them too. “We were talking about how we met each other!” Matthew said as he looked in Hanbin and Y/N’s direction, who were now sitting in front of one another. “Mhm, I told them that the moment I saw you laying on those seats in the bus, the first thing I thought was ‘That sack of potatoes is going to become my best friend.’, and it turns out I can predict the future!” Alice jumped in, explaining the story again so that Hanbin could be caught up. “...So most of your first times meeting someone are eventful moments.” Hanbin joked, referring himself to their own meeting. “I know, right? I don’t know what it is, but I can’t meet someone without dragging myself through the mud first.” Hanbin chuckled again, his eyes litting up as he did. Y/N thought he had a beautiful smile. “What about you? How did you guys meet?” Jisoo asked. “Oh, Taerae and I attended the same singing lessons! As for Matthew, our parents have known each other for a long time, so I’ve been taking care of him since he transferred here.” Hanbin explained, to which Matthew interjected. “You make it sound like I’m a baby or something…” “Yeah, my baby!~” The black haired boy went to tease the other by poking his cheeks, and a small whine came out of Matthew’s mouth, although it seemed clear to Y/N that he was actually enjoying it. Y/N smiled as Mingi yelled out a ‘cute!’. The group kept on conversing up until time came to head off to class again. “We should probably get going…” Taerae said as he tapped Hanbin’s right shoulder. Hanbin nodded. “We’ll see you around then! and take care of Matthew for me!” Hanbin chuckled as he smiled at the others. Matthew lightly hit him on the shoulder, pretending to complain. “Y/N, you’re his deskmate, you’ve gotta make sure he doesn’t get in trouble!” Mingi replied. “Well they’re not doing that well of a job considering how both of them got called out by Mr. Kim already…” Alice joined in. Y/N sighed, they waved back at Hanbin and Taerae, and then walked their way back to their classroom. Matthew’s friends weren’t that bad at all. It was surprising to Y/N how quickly they managed to make them feel at ease.
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The remaining lessons were over quite quickly, and when Mr. Kim came back for the last class, he had prepared a small evaluation test for the class to take in pairs. It wasn’t really difficult, and by then, Matthew and Y/N had had enough conversations for them to avoid feeling awkward and focus on the test, even joking around from time to time as some of the problems presented to them were quite funny. After they were done, they handed their test over, and made their way out of the class. There were a few people already out, waiting for everybody to finish. They were discussing what answers were correct for each question, and Matthew basically dragged Y/N into the conversation. The two were satisfied as it seemed like they had done a good enough job. Not too long after, the bell rang, and people started making their way out of the school. After having said bye to Matthew, Mingi and Jisoo, Alice and Y/N got on the bus back home. They were slightly tired, but the fact that club activities had not started yet made everything easier on them. “T’was not a bad first day, was it?” “That’s easy for you to say, you’re not the one who made a mess in the cafeteria…” “Nobody even noticed…” “People were looking though.” “Not for long!” Y/N sighed. “...I guess that’s true. It wasn’t that bad. Matthew and his friends seem nice too.” Alice nodded. “Pretty cute as well.” Y/N laughed out loud in response. Alice wasn’t wrong, they were all quite handsome. Y/N could have seen all of them as potential idols or models in the future. “That’s my stop!” Alice said as she waved to Y/N. “See you tomorrow!” “See ya.” Soon enough, Y/N’s bus stop also came in sight, prompting them to stand up and move to get off. It didn’t take long for Y/N to walk down the road to reach their house, their mind empty as they only thought about wanting to take an afternoon nap. “Well, hello there.” A familiar voice called out to them. Y/N turned around to stare at the source of said voice, only to find Matthew’s friend, Sung Hanbin, standing behind them. “...Oh, hi. What…are you doing here?” Hanbin was smiling gently, and Y/N’s body couldn’t help but react by smiling back at him. They noticed he wasn’t wearing the same shirt that was dirtied in the cafeteria. Did someone lend him a new shirt? Did he get in trouble with teachers for having dirtied his school uniform? Y/N’s paranoid mind brought them to worry about things that likely didn’t even matter. “I transferred there.” Hanbin pointed in a direction behind Y/N, and when they turned around, they saw it was the house that was recently sold that Hanbin was pointing at. “Oh, I see.” “What about you?” He asked with a curious tone of voice. “I live there.” Y/N exclaimed, pointing at a house that was two buildings away from Hanbin’s own.
Y/N didn’t know what to say and how to react to Hanbin’s surprised face. His small smile turned bigger, as his eyes started to shine a light of their own. “Are you for real?!” Y/N lightly nodded their head. “Mhm.” Hanbin immediately went to grab Y/N’s hands in his own, shaking them up and down energetically. ‘...What is wrong with him…’ Y/N couldn’t help but think that, even though they didn’t mean that as a mean question, they were weirdly happy about that outburst of energy. “I’m so glad to have someone I know in the neighborhood!” He said as he finally let go of Y/N’s hand, only to take a step back, cough to himself to recompose himself, and lean a hand forward. “I should officially introduce myself: my name is Sung Hanbin, it’s nice to meet you, neighbor.” Y/N’s eyes widened as they paused for a second to stare at the young man in front of them. They opened their mouth to say something, but only a loud laughter came out. “W- I was just-” Y/N took Hanbin’s hand in their own, shaking it firmly. “L/N Y/N. It’s a pleasure to meet you, neighbor.” If Y/N’s life were to be transposed to a movie or a TV series, Y/N knew that they wouldn’t be able to be a main character. They did not have the qualities to be one. But Sung Hanbin did. Sung Hanbin had all the qualities to be the main character of any story he’d be put in. Even if it were Y/N’s life, Sung Hanbin would end up becoming the protagonist. Y/N was ok with that, as Sung Hanbin was the person that would have turned their entire life into something Y/N would have never let go of. On that day, Sung Hanbing and L/N YN’s story began.
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lycomorpha · 8 months
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Dusty's field notes and sketchbook
Flora of Kreet: Dust root
Found in volcanic habitat nr research outpost on Kreet, moon of Anselon, Narion system
Largest plant species in area, 2-2.5m tall, other small scrubby plants/grasses visible, all appear red
Single stem forms a loop - emerges, puts out aerial roots leaning in direction of growth, reconnects to ground
Small needle-like cauline leaves arranged in threes at intervals along whole of stem
Incongruously colourful pod (could be to attract seed-spreading wildlife?) in cerise pink and turquoise
Pod is source of fibre, intricate tiered surface texture
Stem and roots have a rough, peeling or wrinkled texture
Are these huge looping stems individual plants, or is each part of an even larger underground whole? Is the structure we see above ground only there to spread seeds from its pod, or is it perennial? So many questions, no time to dig for answers.
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Video game botany: the flora of Starfield
Alternative title: "People got me games and now here I am with even more botany nonsense lol." I have many video game botany things I want to do, and not enough time. So for BG3 and Starfield, I'm just sketching as I go and making field notes as if I was out with the botanists IRL. Dusty's field sketches for Starfield, notes from druid Tav in BG3. First up...
Dust root
The first plant I came across in Starfield. I wonder whether the dust root plants we see above ground are many individuals or each parts of a mostly-subterranean whole. Some plants on earth rarely emerge above ground and most of their life cycle happens out of sight. I've read about at least one plant that even flowers underground. So maybe dust root is like that and just puts up these loops when it's time to go to seed? Their brightly coloured seed pods seem so incongruous compared to every other plant around. So maybe the colour attracts fauna that eat and spread seeds.
There are things I love in Starfield (botany, Andreja, ship-building) and things I do not (why TF can I not give Cora Coe books??, needing to run soooo many mods, the persuasion omfgs.) But it's game with botanical/entomological opportunities, so I'm in.
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Dusty and dust root. They'd probably smile if they weren't about to be jumped by a Kreet stalker, little baskets won't let people botanise in peace FFS
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zdbztumble · 8 months
Yet Another Kingdom Hearts Revisit, Part FINAL
I'm shocked every time I play the game by the ending. I still cannot believe that Kingdom Hearts was allowed to end the way it does. Video games might not be as expensive or as influential as a major motion picture, and Disney might not be terribly hands-on with the development of each game, but I can't imagine the company today allowing such an untested, improbable, and high-profile crossover to go through without a happy ending for some insurance. I can scarcely imagine the Disney of the early 2000s allowing it, but what do we have? An ending where Mickey Mouse is trapped in the realm of darkness with an edgy teen who was tempted by a figurative devil, Donald and Goofy are adrift in the universe with no clear way home, and the young/first love story between the original characters ends with them literally pulled apart. It took two more games for any of these characters to find a happy ending which was later torn up, but never mind.
But if those other games had never come - if Kingdom Hearts was a critically acclaimed but financially unsuccessful game, or if Square folded after 2002, or if they and Disney had a parting of ways that kept any more games from being made - the ending of KH I is still an almost perfect finale. And a large part of that comes down to the fact that it is an ending.
Leave out the rest of the series and take KH I on its own terms. The main conflict is that world after world is being consumed and destroyed by the Heartless, ostensibly due to the League of Disney Villains but really due to Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. King Mickey recognizes the danger and organizes a resistance with Final Fantasy characters that tries to learn what became of Ansem, and Sora ends up tasked with saving vulnerable worlds and undoing the damage already done.
By the end of KH I, the goals of the heroes are all accomplished. The story doesn't turn out to be a cog in the ever more convoluted scheming of a guy in a black coat; it's self-contained and resolved. All the Ansem Reports are found, Mickey's efforts with the FF crew provide vital aid to Sora, and Sora saves the universe.
On a character level, everything set up in the beginning of the game has a resolution. The innocent, childlike, plucky underdog proves himself a responsible, selfless, true hero over everyone's expectations (except for Kairi's). The posturing, swaggering big man on campus technically chosen to play hero proves himself a pawn to darkness, but finds redemption in the end. The girl caught between them, a girl with a mysterious past and budding insecurity about the future, turns out to have a big destiny and gains renewed faith through her love and trust in Sora. Donald and Goofy honor their vows to their king, and the king is confident that all is well. They all may end up separated, their victory tinged with loss and sacrifice - but they've all grown and changed through their adventures, in ways that satisfy the conflicts and doubts they have at the start. Their conflicts end.
It's not necessary that they all make it home for a happy ending (as beautiful as that moment is when it finally comes in KH II). It isn't necessary that they die either. And it isn't necessary to have a secret movie teasing a possible future entry, as fun as that is. The finale, as bittersweet as it is, ties up the game, in a way I can only fault for how technically illogical (but thematically brilliant) Kingdom Hearts the place is, and for not making as good a use of Chernabog as they could have.
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vroomvroomsposts · 11 months
I’m sorry…. *checks notes* What do you mean people are shitting and hating on Carlos because of a video from awhile back that is taken totally OUT OF CONTEXT!?!!
And he wasn’t even saying anything bad!?!!! He just said he would rather meet fans at a race and give much time to them considering that some of the fans you know saved up to come to these races, than during his private time for people that aren’t really fans but just there for clout. Not that they aren’t “real” fans because they can’t go to a race.
Even if it’s just a short clip and not the long video. It still isn’t that difficult to understand. How are they even misinterpreting that!?? I don’t understand!?!! Like do they hate him so much that they can’t even think logically and critically? Like what happened to comprehensive skills?
And calling him privileged? PRIVILEGED!?! He is. I am not saying he isn’t. But y’all do remember that most of them do come from wealthy backgrounds right? That is like one of the basic traits of being an F1 driver.
Also, I found out that the CS55 grandstand in Barcelona is cheaper than the normal price. Its normal Grand Prix price is €400 and the price for the CS55 grandstand is €180. There are some gifts included too. And he has done that since 2016!
Come on now! This is just getting fucking ridiculous at this point. Every. Single. Week. They find something to hate him for. For someone they hate they sure do talk about him a lot. Like I talk about him 24/7 because I am in love with him, why are you talking about him 24/7 if you hate him? Get off his dick ffs!! 🙄🙄
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ohchosen · 5 months
AUTHOR PORTRAIT ... get to know the author behind the blog! repost, don't reblog !
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NAME:        val AGE:         24 PRONOUNS:         she / they YEARS OF WRITING:          ok how specific are we talking. because i can say like circa 2010 i was on facebook writing bad twilight fanfiction + rp ( which then progressed into bad thg fanfiction ) or i can say elementary school and my little short stories i was always ad - libbing. regardless, it's definitely something i've had a knack for my whole life and it was literally just a matter of time before i found out about rp. and yes before you ask it was my personal facebook. when i was 11. that had all of my relatives added. yes they saw it. years writing on tumblr is different and i think i jumped ship and found out about tumblr rp around 2012 / 2013 and with that came my first formative decision which was to watch supernatural. you know where this is going. yes it was bad. no i'm not showing anyone.
WHY DID YOU PICK UP WRITING?           i needed a hobby and had unrestricted internet access. i kind of answered this in the question before so jokes on me blah blah blah but without getting too personal i had a very difficult time in school with mental health and tumblr, known weird kid haven, was my little safe space where i could freely pursue what i enjoyed and was really my first venture into fandom spaces. i started in the supernatural rpc [ horror music ] and slowly meandered my way through book fandoms, to animanga, and finally settled on the video game community where i've been good and SAT for like six years now.
DO YOU HAVE ANY WRITING ROUTINES?          not necessarily. it's a miracle if i'm able to sit down long enough to open up my drafts and get going, but if i can lock in i'm all set. i find it hard to listen to music while writing because my brain cannot separate the two and i will accidentally start writing down the lyrics but i've never actually considered tuning into instrumentals so ,, thank you vos. writing that down............
WHAT'S YOUR FAVORITE PART ABOUT WRITING?         stealing from vos in stealing answer solidarity but the rp community aspect. it can be awful and exhausting as some of us know good and well but it can also be incredible depending on who you surround yourself with. it's so validating finding people who share your little niche interest or even niche - er pairing ( hi vos ) and then to just completely devolve into sending memes and posts and screaming until 2 am in dms. i've met so many of my closest friends through rp, and stealing vos' answer again, but the characters i write who turn out the most developed are those who have been shared with friends. noctis would be nowhere near as fleshed out as he is if not for the people i met in the ff fandom all those years ago.
THREE THINGS YOU LIKE ABOUT YOUR WRITING.         oughhghh, um. i'm bad at taking compliments and even worse at complimenting myself so bare with me.
i've definitely grown a lot in terms of style and prose, and i'm actually pretty happy with what i'm able to spit out in terms of aesthetic styling as compared to even a few years ago. one of my biggest insecurities ( that still pops up here and again mind you ) was never being able to match length, and i was in the worst writers' block for a few years that i finally managed to escape out of around 2020 and now i can confidently say i'm writing more regularly than i ever have. so to answer the question: it has been my personal growth in my writing and it turning into something i can be confident in and proud of.
i really do enjoy the mundanity of editing my replies. i love to see the progress i make edit by edit and how cohesive and put together a piece of writing becomes the longer i work on it. i fully 100% devote myself to one reply at a time, which is a nightmare for quantity but sooooooo rewarding if it means i can put something out to the best of my ability and not stress myself out worrying about whatever else i owe. i am a self appointed slowpoke, and i've learned over the years to not let myself feel guilty about that because as long as it can become something i devote time on and put effort into, then it really shouldn't bother me how long it takes.
three things is too much to ask for lets all just walk away slowly.
HAVE  YOU  MADE  ANY  STRONG  CONNECTIONS  /  FRIENDS DURING YOUR TIME WRITING?          i'm pretty sure this question was intended for vos only but its way too late now and i've already written your accolades so you have to deal with it. this post is just going to be exceptionally long now.
vos @stagehunt my right hand man who has been with me for every gacha related poor financial decision. everything you said i'm literally sending right back to you. i knew no one in that fandom and was in way out of my depth before stumbling across you and your blog. i am so thankful we crossed paths and shoved our little barbie dolls together and said kiss because developing, and i mean really developing tomo would not have happened without your input. at this point you definitely deserve writing credits on him too because the way he turned out would be nowhere near the same if not for your influence. i've had a blast experiencing genshin's story with you and knowing without fail you'll be thinking the exact same thing whenever hyv fumbles the bag again, and yes. one day i GUESS i'll play more than 7 hours of hsr. luv u xoxo.
plum, @sherez, my love, my heart. it's crazy how fast the years have flown by and now all of a sudden i've known you since 2018??? i still remember seeing you from afar on ez and always being blown away by how much love and devotion you put into your characters. we are quite literally bonded for life after surviving the [ redacted ] rpc and i can't think of anyone better to come out beside than you. you can't get rid of me bitch!!!!!!!!! the amount of effort and care i've seen you throw into v, and how far she's come in terms of development blows me away. she is easily one of the best written characters i've ever had the pleasure of reading and i am so excited to keep following her growth. besides how freakishly talented you are, it's astonishing how much we have in common. bc who tf else would i be talking to about forgotten mcr lore in the year of our lord 2024. if no one got me, i know plum got me. booket....... booket for my sweety.......
lu @tactition its crazy how in the short little time we've spent together how much i've bonded with u. if i got down on one knee and pulled out a ring would u say yes.... my yaoi soulmate........ its INSANE how well our character Types (tm) mesh together, and i know karma is coming with its kiss for me when i finally download nier and have to atone for what i put u thru when i made you play final fantasy. please be gentle with me im delicate........... real talk tho.. you have so quickly become such an important person in my daily life and i literally feel myself go !!!! whenever i see a new dm from you because i know its always gonna be good. your character takes blow me away and even for myself who's nearly 7 years deep into the final fantasy scene, it amazes me how you still manage to shed light and new perspective on characters i've known for years. let’s kiss freaky style.
i've very much condensed my little bubble into people i actually want to surround myself with atp, and there's always a handful of mutuals on every blog that i don't necessarily talk to but who have been with me for years now so. sorry you can't leave or i'll become a danger to myself and others. kisses :*
WHERE DO YOU DRAW THE MOST INSPIRATION FROM? this is definitely a muse - specific question since it varies from character to character. with noctis specifically, it's mostly music. i have a few different playlists for him after writing him for so long, and while i can't listen while i write they all offer different types of mood setting for him. other times, its media involving fantasy tropes or characters that have similar struggles to him, off the top of my head ( and something i connected early on ) is the character u.enoyama r.itsuka from given. there's a lot i could say here regarding which aspects i took inspiration from but the majority was the similar personality he has to noctis, the internal thought process he offered when i read the manga, and the way he struggled with his sexuality that struck the loudest chord. don't quote me on any of that since i haven't been caught up with given for like 5 years now but !!!!! yeah the end.
NEW QUESTION: how do you relate to your character personally? are there any overt similarities to the two of you?
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tagged by @stagehunt my lover..... tagging - @lunabrae @tactition @sherez
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tap3wormm · 1 month
i just saw the modt disgusting shit this morning on insta.
I come from a multi religious family of muslim and hindu, and as you are aware currently in the Uk people have issues with islam for some odd reason.
Also in india as most are aware theres been a long standing hatred between islam and hinduism.
And the thing i saw kinda just made me want to say a few things.
So basically it was initially a video of some people being chased by a bull, a video made as a joke thats very common to see. However, some disgusting, shameless piece of shit decided to make this about a bull (i guess theyre kinda sacred in hinduism) chasing some muslim people up a pole and around.
The sound was (rough translation from hindi) ‘this is the best video you will ever see on insta’ and laughing and hindu religious music, with stickers sailing (another translation) ‘hail lord shiv/hail the lord’ (idr remember exactly but smth like that) and some religious symbols.
and i found it so disgusting that ppl still think stuff like this today. My family is proof that these two religions can very easily be friends and get along.
My hindu cousins absolutely ADORE my dad and could not care less thag he’s muslim. My aunts on my dads side love me my sibling and my mum
My uncles and aunts on my mums side love my dad
ive also been in situations myself that i cant go into some places in india bc i have a muslim surname.
My dad also has to give a different name when we’re in mandirs and stuff otherwise we’d all be kicked out and never allowed in ever again.
Also look in england. A very developed country compared to india, multple faiths, races, everything, yet theyre still so backward.
No? Its not the immigrants fault thag anythings happened?? Like, you guys are destroying places of worship ffs. Using weapons, anything. The stuff you guys are doing is NOT HELPING!!!
Judt because a muslim person has done something wrong DOES NOT mean you can make it the religions fault.
i have nothing else to say thag wont be offensive and get me banned or something so yeah
Thanks if youve gottwn this far
I think awareness should be spread a bit about how backward the world is going.
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jolinaprincess · 1 year
CHAPTER 2: Teenage Life/Friends/Training
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An: Hello everyone! FINALLY IT'S HERE CHAPTER 2 Well, I know it took forever for me to edit/update, but I was stuck with how the story was going so I asked for some help from other authors, and I would like to thank them for their help and for making me see where the story was going wrong so hopefully now with direction and such. Please leave a comment or critic down below.  I DON'T OWN THE VIDEO OR PICS AND BTS. Oh, one more thing thank you for voting.... even though I rather have your input then votes but it's very much appreciated. NOW ON WITH THE STORY!!!!!!!
Yn was taken from her former home by Yuki, who she quickly realized was the son of the individual who had acquired her from her former father. During their journey to her new residence, Yuki provided her with a comprehensive overview of the rules and expectations she would face. He also gave her a glimpse into the true character of his father, Mr. Melgar, warning her of his deceitful and dangerous ways. Additionally, Yn was informed that she would have a mentor, Jolina, who would guide her on how to survive and thrive in this new and challenging environment.
Upon arrival at the magnificent mansion owned by Mr. Melgar, Yn was greeted by the father and son duo at the main entrance. As they made their way inside, Yn was awed by the grandeur of her new home, but also mindful of the danger that came with living in close proximity to Mr. Melgar and his two sons. Yn was taken to her room on the second floor, which was situated next to her mentor, Jolina's room. The door to her room was marked with the letter "Y," and as Yuki opened it and stepped inside, Yn followed closely behind, eager to explore her new surroundings but also cautious and alert. The room was elegantly appointed, but Yn remained focused, aware that her survival and success in this new life would require constant vigilance and determination and asked Yuki 
Yn: "Now what is going to happen? I know I have to train, but what about the school and parties/ business parties?
Yuki: " Well, for you, the outside world will know you as Mr. Melgar's adopted daughter that he kept hidden for a while to get you ready for facing the spotlight. You will have time to study the high school curriculum on some days while you have Survival Training and Pleasure training with Jolina on other days.
    (What the bedroom looks like except behind the wall part)
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Yn was already well-informed about what Pleasure Training entailed, being a highly intelligent individual. As she said goodnight to Yuki, she retreated to her room for the night, intending to watch some K-dramas before sleep. However, after taking a shower and getting into bed, she found herself unable to sleep as memories of her past life flooded her mind, causing her to break down in tears. Just then, she felt a soft touch on her head and turned to see her mentor, Jolina, who had become her partner following her successful completion of the training program.
Yn was just 16 years old when she began her training under the supervision of Mr. Melgar and his sons, Yuki and Zero. During the first year, Yn received education in the fundamentals of survival, assassination, seduction, and learned to adapt to her role as Mr. Melgar's adopted daughter, while also pursuing a high school curriculum. Mr. Melgar made it clear to Yn what was expected of her, and in his absence, Yuki and Zero would step in to provide additional training and support. On days when Jolina was out on missions, Yn was subjected to brutal Omega training, leaving her physically scarred and battered. Despite this, Yuki and Zero would always be there to tend to her wounds and offer comfort through their friendship.
The Second Year of Yn's training was a continuation of the harsh and grueling experience she underwent in her first year. At 17 years old, Yn was put to work at one of Mr. Melgar's nightclubs, where she learned that BTS was searching for her through their connections. Despite being uncertain about what to do, Yn pretended to have died, until she came across a teenage girl who was being accosted by some drunken men. Yn stepped in and defended the girl and was stunned to find that she looked like a twin of herself. Introducing herself to the girl, Janet, Yn sought her help and during Mr. Melgar's absences, Yn visited Janet and trained her in self-defense techniques. The exact details of Yn's relationship with BTS remain hazy, but it is known that she eventually became close with the members of the group and was ready to travel to South Korea.
As the time for Janet's departure approached, Yn gifted her with plane tickets and wished to accompany her to the airport. However, due to the impending return of Mr. Melgar, Yn had to forgo the opportunity to see Janet off. Janet arrived safely in South Korea and made her way to one of BTS's businesses, but it must be noted that BTS was unaware of Yn's experiences in the Mafia world and saw Janet merely as a stand-in.
The third year marked Yn's official introduction to the United States as Mr. Melgar's adopted daughter. She was often required to attend family gatherings and business parties, where Mr. Melgar would expect her to spend time with his business partners or use her as a bargaining tool. Yn was still undergoing training, as well as completing her final year of high school, but with the added pressure of attending these events. Despite Yuki and Zero's best efforts to protect her, there were times when things would still go wrong. To make matters worse, Mr. Melgar would send Yn on missions for his benefit or that of his allies, further testing her skills and fortitude.
The Fourth Year of Yn's training, she was 19 years old and was now fully trained in all aspects of survival, assassination, seduction, and acting as Mr. Melgar's daughter. She was now considered a top-notch Omega, one of the best in the world, and was sent on some of the most difficult and dangerous missions. Yn was tasked with tasks such as infiltrating high-security facilities, gathering intelligence, and taking out high-value targets. During this year, Yn continued to refine her skills and was often sent on solo missions.
In the Fifth Year of Yn's training, she was 20 years old and was now considered a seasoned professional. During this year, Mr. Melgar started to trust her more and more, sending her on more complex missions that required a higher level of skill and precision. Yn was now tasked with leading a team of Omegas on various missions and was responsible for their training and development. She was now considered a mentor to the other Omegas and was often called upon to provide guidance and support to them. Yn continued to work closely with Jolina, who had become a close friend and confidant.
During lunch, Mr. Melgar informed Yuki, Zero, and Yn about an upcoming business party hosted by one of his allies, at one of the finest hotels in California. He emphasized the importance of the guests attending and instructed Yuki and Zero to negotiate deals with them. If the negotiations fail, Mr. Melgar instructed them to threaten or steal information from the guests and to have Yn pay them a visit to ensure that no mistakes were made. He made it clear that someone would be observing their actions during the party. Yuki, Zero, and Yn acknowledged Mr. Melgar's instructions with a firm, "Yes sir, I understand."
After a fulfilling lunch, Yn retired to her room to relax and watch a Korean drama while browsing through YouTube. During this time, she received a notification from Janet, who was in California with BTS for an upcoming business party. Janet wanted to meet with Yn to catch up and discuss potential new partners and investment opportunities. Yn eagerly agreed and arranged to meet Janet at the Jolina Cafe & Bakery at 5 PM. After responding to Janet, Yn got ready for the meeting. She took her time to ensure she was comfortable and well-presented, while also concealing a gun and two daggers for safety. As she was leaving, she ran into Yuki and Zero and asked if they wanted to join her, to which they both agreed. The trio then set out together to meet Janet, ready to make the most of their time being outside.
The two arrived at the Jolina Cafe & Bakery and were seated in a private VIP room, as requested by Yn. She had approached the hostess and requested for a secluded space for her and Janet to catch up on each other's lives without any interruptions. The hostess, understanding the request, had one of the waiters prepare the room for their use. Before heading to the room with Yuki and Zero, Yn informed the hostess that she would be expecting additional guests and asked the hostess to kindly show them in when they arrive.
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BTS was lounging in their rented apartment in California when they noticed Janet frantically leaving her phone on the sofa before hurrying to her room to get ready. One of the brothers picked up her phone and saw that she had made plans to meet someone at a Cafe at 5pm. They were hesitant to let Janet go with her usual bodyguards, so they decided that two of the brothers would accompany her while the others listened in on their earphones.
Janet and the two disguised brothers arrived at the Cafe and were led to the VIP room by the hostess. Inside the room, they saw a lady wearing a mask with two men standing behind her. As she approached, Janet realized it was Yn and they hugged each other, catching up on life in South Korea and discussing how BTS was doing. Yn then removed her mask, revealing her true identity, which shocked the brothers.
Yn took a deep breath and removed her mask before sitting down and ordering their drinks. Despite the relaxed atmosphere of the VIP room, Yn couldn't shake off the tension she was feeling. She glanced over at Janet's bodyguards and noticed the anger in their eyes. Although she couldn't understand why they were upset, she sensed that something wasn't right. Yn cleared her throat and asked Janet for a favor, sharing her concerns about the Omega's at the upcoming business party. She urged Janet to stay close to the BTS brothers and only bring bodyguards she trusted, warning her that something big was coming. Yn gave Janet a card with Jolina's picture, instructing her to show it to the hostess to be directed to her or her brothers in case of an emergency. After discussing the serious topic, they moved on to lighter subjects before Janet and her bodyguards departed.
As Yn sipped her drink, Yuki asked her if she had noticed the tension in the air after taking off her mask. Yn nodded and shared her observation of the bodyguards' anger. Yuki and Zero exchanged a look, wondering if they should mention that two of the BTS brothers were with them. Yuki suggested that they have a talk with them, and Zero agreed. Yn finished her drink and stood up, followed by Yuki and Zero. They left the VIP room and headed home.
After their outing, Janet and the two BTS brothers returned to their accommodations. Janet retired to her room to prepare for bed, while the brothers gathered in the meeting room to discuss the puzzling events that had just transpired. They were bewildered by the existence of two Yn's and questioned how such a situation could be possible. As they entered the room, they found the rest of BTS already seated, with the eldest, Jin, taking his place at the head of the table.
Jin turned his attention to the two youngest members, JK and V, and asked if what they saw was real. They confirmed that Yn was indeed alive and well, but they were taken aback by her companions, who posed as her bodyguards. The brothers explained that even before Yn removed her mask, her companions seemed to recognize BTS, and their certainty grew when Yn revealed her identity.
Feeling a headache coming on, Jin tasked RM and Suga with gathering underground information about Yn's past years. J inquired about the Yn currently with them, and the Hyung line exchanged glances before deciding to act as if everything was normal for now. They speculated that Yn had brought her companion to ensure she had a chance at a better life.
After further discussion, the group decided to call it a night, with everyone heading to bed, except for one person who remained deep in thought, pondering the mystery of the two Yn's and their unexpected connection to BTS.
In his room, JK sat on one of the sofa chairs, gazing out the window at the city lights, while sipping on a stiff drink. His mind was consumed with thoughts about the recent events at the cafe, where he encountered the real Yn, and the revelation of her existence left him astonished. He could feel in his soul that she was the true Yn he had been searching for all along.
Recalling the day when the fake Yn appeared, he understood why he couldn't be happy or relieved. He had always felt a deep connection to the real Yn, and now he knew why her sudden return had left him feeling unsettled. JK's thoughts drifted to the past years when Yn had disappeared without a trace, and how he and his Hyung's started training in secret while he continued his education.
As the months went by, he tirelessly sought information on Yn's whereabouts until, miraculously, she reappeared in one of their buildings. A surge of emotions overwhelmed him, and for a moment, his eyes turned red as his instincts took over. He had kept this knowledge to himself, not sharing with his Hyung's that Yn was indeed theirs. He discovered the truth when, a month after Yn's disappearance, his second gender emerged while he was lying on Yn's bed, surrounded by the scent of cherry blossoms.
The realization that Yn was back in their lives brought a mix of emotions, and JK knew that he had to tread carefully, especially since Yn had brought her companion to them. He took another sip of his drink, contemplating the complexity of the situation, and decided that he would be there for Yn, no matter what, as he was determined to protect and support her in this new chapter of their lives.
Janet roused from sleep as her alarm chimed, marking the beginning of a new day. She went about her morning routine, heading downstairs to find the boys had left for work earlier than usual. With the outside world deemed too perilous for her, Janet opted to immerse herself in the world of Kdrama, passing the time until the boys returned home.
Meanwhile, the boys convened in a secure location for a meeting with their trusted allies. Jin led the discussion, starting with updates on recent events before delving into the crucial matters at hand. Turning to Rm and Suga, Jin inquired about the progress in gathering information about Yn's whereabouts. Rm distributed copies of the gathered intel to the assembled group, providing a comprehensive overview of Yn's life and recent experiences.
As the details unfolded, JK's emotions boiled over, his anger palpable as he absorbed the information being shared. After Rm finished explaining, a consensus emerged among the group: they would maintain a low profile until they could safely bring Yn back into their territory, strategizing their next moves with caution and determination. The room buzzed with intensity as plans were formulated, each member of the group prepared to do whatever it took to reunite with Yn and ensure her safety.
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Under the glittering chandeliers and amidst the lively chatter, Yn, Yuki, and Zero made their entrance to the party, their presence commanding attention. Yn, her arm interlinked with her brothers, scanned the room with a mix of curiosity and apprehension. Her gaze fell upon the four elder brothers of BTS, engaged in conversation with mysterious figures. A surge of frustration gripped her as she recognized them as associates of Mr. Melgar's clandestine empire. She knew all too well the kind of entertainment they would demand.
As they approached their father's associates, Yuki effortlessly mingled with the older members of Super Junior, while Zero engaged with the younger members. The origin of their friendship remained a mystery, guarded by unspoken agreements. Yn, ever inquisitive, decided to unravel this enigma.
While Zero went to fetch her drink, Yn mustered the courage to approach Siwon, a member of Super Junior, seeking answers. With a chuckle and a gentle pat on her head, Siwon teased her curiosity, leaving her with a sense of intrigue. Disappointed, she settled at a nearby table, her eyes wandering the room until they fixated on BTS's table.
Lost in thought, she tried to recall where she had seen their faces before. Her reverie was interrupted by Zero, who handed her a cocktail, a silent understanding passing between them. Yn sighed, her anticipation mingling with apprehension, as she took a bold gulp of the drink, bracing herself for the challenges the night might bring.
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7grandmel · 7 months
Todays rip: 15/02/2024
Corridors of Vine
Season 6 Featured on: SiIvaGunner's Highest Quality Rips: Volume FF
Ripped by Heboyi
Right, okay, we've had a good streak recently of covering more "traditionally good" rips for the blog - arrangements and remixes like NIGHTMARESCAPE 〜Unrestrained HyperCam 2〜 (Final Boss Phase 2), genuinely good arrangements like mlp racism anthem (comix zone arrange), even the premiere of a new Season with the Joke-Explainer™ 7000 Fusion Collab. I think its about high time we change the clock to something "stupider" - the kind of rip that reminds you just how much SiIva is driven by the wild imagination, skill, and commitment-to-the-bit of its contributors. Only within a community like SiIvaGunner's will you get something like Corridors of Vine.
With memes as a whole, there seems to exist some sort of...invisible hierarchy that defines their public perception, that I've always found really fascinating. It's not impossible to understand why this hierarchy exists: Memes like the Hampsterdance in Wario's Hampster Mine, the Sparta Remix in THIS. IS. SOLEANNA. and more call back to a different, more innocent time in internet history, wheras memes like Despacito in Plains of Des-passing-to and It's Everyday Bro in It's Everyday Lake are oft met with comments like "I hate that I love this", or other similar sentiments. Memes generally follow a trend where, once one has worn out its period of inferred relevance - typically once it stops being a niche internet activity and spreads to marketing teams and unfunny people in general - its labeled as "dead" and unwanted, left as a relic of a smaller period of internet activity. That is, of course, unless it gets brought back into fashion by virtue of nostalgia and given some sort of new spin, as we've seen happen with Doge as of late - until that then too becomes co-opted by unfunny people (this time crypto-grifters) and the cycle begins anew. Yet part of what makes SiIvaGunner as a channel so great, is that very few of the memes it uses ever reach that state of abandonment: the team is so good at finding new, inventive ways to use memes as old as from Season 1, to where they rarely feel stale. And if they do feel stale - well, then that can ironically become part of the joke, playing into just how samey and played-out the joke is for a sort of ironic appeal.
All of this is to say, that I always find it immensely funny whenever the team decides - seemingly at the drop of a hat - to begin using memes that have been thoroughly labeled as dead for years by that point. A meme like the Harlem Shake didn't have so much as a pulse by the time Season 6 rolled around even past its sole revival to relevancy a few years back from being attached to Ajit Pai - yet The Harlem Shakeover of that very season was one containing over THREE HUNDRED rips utilizing the joke, next to none of which were made with the intention of sounding bad. Funny enough, then, that one of the first events we'd see during that same Season would be doing the exact same thing to a meme that's likely far more loathed than the Harlem Shake ever was - Damn Daniel, the core joke to Corridors of Vine.
Damn Daniel is perhaps the closest we've ever gotten to having a meme that felt like a social experiment - a complete non-sequitor of a joke starring an average, marketable teen and his immaculate footwear. At the peak of Vine's age of randomness humor, the series of various videos on Daniel's Vans absolutely blew up - and immediately, there were cynics from outside of Vine, older internet dwellers mainly, who made a big point about how lacking-in-funny the videos were. Yet the guy, Daniel, made it onto the damn Ellen Show of all things within mere weeks after his debut, and in a way it kind of made Damn Daniel a symbol for everything considered wrong about Vine: its mainstream appeal and focus on short, memeable videos had created a form of shitposting that...no longer felt like they were part of a community.
That is, of course, just my summary of the opinions I gathered from all the way back in 2016 - back when SiIvaGunner itself was first revving up into gear. And I find it so incredibly befitting that it was during Season 6 that the Damn Daniel event occurred on SiIvaGunner - the Season all about letting go of the past. To have it begin with SiIvaGunner, itself a 2016 meme, acknowledging its near polar opposite made around the same time: A meme that was, for a solid while, one of the most wanted-dead memes of all, one that the internet as a whole frankly felt a kind of hatred toward during what would come to be a rather cynical, hateful year in general.
There's definitely an overarching aura of irony applied to the anniversary celebration's rips regardless, of course - part of the joke with Corridors of Vine is that its using a song otherwise so closely enveloped in emotion and vulnerability (one SiIva itself used to similar effect with 時の回廊 <ver. CCC>), alongside a joke that's so bitterly remembered that its mere inclusion makes it difficult to take seriously. Yet Corridors of Vine takes itself as seriously as the concept could be, it is a genuinely fantastic YTPMV using several of the famous Damn Daniel Vines in conjunction with one another, resulting in an infectiously catchy combination of lead- and backing melody instrumentation. I do think the commitment to the bit worked excellently, and the comments of the video itself appear to agree with me - despite how beloathed Damn Daniel itself was, the time to properly acknowledge and accept it had arrived, and we were for once actually...enjoying the meme?
To circle back to the point made in the second paragraph here - the truth is, there are very few memes that wind up actually full-on dead for long. Dead memes as a concept are a label we put upon jokes we feel have ran their course, yet especially in the world of YTPMV there will always be people out there able to prove the naysayers wrong, even if the intentions are purely ironic. Ironic or affectionate, the end result is the same, isn't it? You've got a smile out of your audience through your work in adapting the meme! And through all the comments expressing their concerns over returning to the hellscape that was 2016s meme culture, those smiles - even through the barrier of the internet, felt as if they were shared by all of us. The entire event - and Corridors of Vine in particular - showed Damn Daniel a sense of affection it likely hasn't had since the days when the SiIvaGunner channel's name began with a G.
Here's to 8 years, Daniel.
...Stussy man, Damn.
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nana-kom · 1 year
Hi 👋🏻 I finally found an idea 🥹
This is a wg ff, and this contain feederism, weight gain so if you don’t like don’t read.
Minho’s Boyfriends
When Minho and Jisung met, it was love at first sight, everything worked between them and they felt like soulmates, the more the days went by, the more they loved each other and despite difficult times, they managed to endure everything together thanks to each other. Then they met Hyunjin, who was attending the same university as them at the time, and they were both blown away by his beauty. They didn't have long to get to know him and realize that they both had feelings for him, and Hyunjin also realized his feelings for Jisung and Minho.
From that moment on, the three of them decided to go out together, and their relationship couldn't have been more perfect and balanced, as they loved each other equally. After a few years, when they started working together, they decided to live together. And all went well for the three of them: Minho thrived on his work as a choreographer, Jisung spent most of his time at home working on his music, and Hyunjin traveled often enough to visit exhibitions and work on his art. The fact that Hyunjin was away meant that when he came back Minho gave him more attention and spent more time with him than with Jisung, and Jisung was a little jealous about that, although he loved Hyunjin with all his body, he wanted to be cuddled and taken care of just as much. And he wanted to find a way to remain Minho's favorite, and luckily one day when Hyunjin wasn't around, he came across Minho's history on his computer. He was used to using his boyfriend's computer, but this was the first time he'd come across videos of rather large men being feed by other mens. Jisung was very surprised to see that and so he didn't really understand and didn't think twice before meeting Minho in the living room.
"Can we talk?"
"Sure baby, what's up?"
"Well...I think you forgot to clear your history..."
"Jisung, I promise I'm not weird...I...I don't really know how to explain it but..."
"Do you like fat guys?"
"No...well yes I do but...I love you and Jinnie too!"
"Neither of us is really fat..."
"Because it doesn't matter, it's a...kind of fetish...but...that doesnt really matters ok?"
"You know it doesn't matter, you're entitled to like what you like and besides, I think it's pretty sexy too!"
"Really? I find it embarrassing..."
"Don't worry Minho, I'll keep your little secret..."
Jisung then sat down on top of Minho before starting to kiss him, having a very good idea in the back of his head. He didn't take long before trying to gain weight, eating more fast food, and more quantity, he also learned to always fill his stomach to the maximum, he wanted to do everything to become ideal in Minho's eyes, and when he began to gain weight, he realized that he too was excited by the idea of getting bigger and wider. Because eating so much food make him very horny and being full and feeling heavy was amazing.
As the months went by, Jisung's appetite increased tenfold, and he began to put on weight. He also noticed how Minho became more tactile with him, and how he began to prepare more and more meals for him. Jisung felt confident in his new, plump body, but what he liked best was having attention. Hyunjin was surprised to see his boyfriend become a fatter version of himself, but the fatter Jisung got, the cuter he looked. His cheeks were much softer than before and his belly served as a cushion when Hyunjin wanted to lie on him in front of a movie. Jisung had become fat, yes, but above all he had succeeded in his idea, and even if they didn't say anything, Hynjin and Minho had understood that Jisung was using his new body to attract them more and to need them much more often.
However, after putting on 40 pounds, Jisung decided to call it a day, feeling that he'd put on enough weight for the time being. What's more, with Hyunjin gone, he had less reason to want to be the center of attention. Indeed, Hyunjin's final year at university had involved a six-month internship abroad, so time had passed slowly for the three men, who were eager to meet up again because, despite numerous calls, they missed Hyunjin dearly and Hyunjin miss them so much too.
Yet today was a big day, for Jisung and Minho had risen early to pick him up at the airport, so eager were they to see him again and give him a big hug. Hyunjin really meant a lot to them, and living at a distance was too difficult for everyone. Minutes went by and neither Jisung nor Minho found Hyunjin among the passengers, until Jisung's eyes fell on a boy much bigger than him waddling towards them, Jisung's eyes widened and Minho, who had realized at the same time as him, let out a slight groan.
"Fuck...I've missed him so much" said Minho before hugging Hyunjin. Jisung did the same and realized how much Hyunjin had grown. His belly protruded over his pelvis and his thighs were so wide that he could hardly move, his double chin fell into his neck and his arms struggled to pull his suitcases. What's more, the walk through the airport must have tired him out, as he was sweating profusely and had already been catching his breath for some time. The three men finally returned home together and for the occasion Minho had prepared a large meal for everyone, and when he left for the kitchen Jisung jumped at the chance to ask her boyfriend for an explanation.
"You're fat Hyunjin! What happened?"
"Be careful what you say! I didn't say anything when you gained weight!"
"Yes, but it wasn't the same and I didn't hide it"
"I was afraid of your reaction..."
"Oh stop it, you know as well as I do that you're even sexier, look at you, and then look at Minho I thought he was going to cum when he saw you! But doesn't that explain how?"
"Well...the food over there is really caloric and at first I thought I'd be okay but I gained 20 pounds...then I let myself go on all the fast food and cakes...sweets...pastries... and I started to get hungry more often so...I stopped thinking and ended up gaining...110 pounds..."
"Thats...hot...and I think it's really too cute." said Minho, arriving with food in hand.
Hyunjin wasted no time in devouring the food they had prepared before his little friends' very eyes, Minho continued to bring back dishes and Hyunjin enjoyed them all evening, Minho even ended up massaging his belly after that big meal and then helped him to bed. After that evening, Jisung decided that’s he has now a new weight goal.
"I can take 110 pounds too...it's easy..." he said, looking at himself in the mirror.
It has to be said that Jisung loved the rivalry as much as he loved Hyunjin, and Minho made sure to take good care of Hyunjin in the days that followed, knowing the consequences it would have on Jisung. And he didn't lose his bet when, a week later, he found Jisung on the sofa, belly up, eating his fourth meal of the day at 6PM. For his part, Hyunjin also continued to eat as he had done for six months. He'd enjoyed seeing his body change and he found himself much sexier, especially when he was getting full and then needed a massage to digest and his belly found his penis during the meal, which aroused him even more.
Months went by and Minho found himself with not one but two feedee's, totally addicted to food and always asking for more, more food, more massage, more kisses and more sex. It must be said that in a relatively short space of time Jisung had managed to close the gap with Hyunjin, and they were just as big as each other. One day, after a big meal, Minho went into the living room, where his two feedees were resting.
"Come on, I've got an idea!" he said, smiling.
"Do I have to get up?" asked JIsung.
"Yes, do you need help?"
"Of course I need help, look at my stomach." Say Jisung pointing is belly resting on his lap.
"Even without help I'm able to stand up!" then said Hyunjin as he began to make numerous efforts to try and stand up, he had to try several times and take breaks but after about ten minutes he was standing.
"Impressive...I'm sure I can do better!" Said Jisung before in turn starting to waddle over to the sofa to get off it as his buttocks sank into the hollow he'd created. Like Hyunjin, he took several minutes and was out of breath when he stood up, before holding onto the sofa to stand.
"Wh...why...do...you...need us...?" asked Jisung.
"We'll weigh you!" said Minho excitedly, and Jisung and Hyunjin's eyes met.
They headed for the bathroom and Jisung was the first to step onto the scales Minho had bought especially for the occasion. He helped his boyfriend onto the scale, then waited for the number to be displayed.
"Well?" asked Jisung. "Tell me! I can't see!" He said, trying to pull his belly up, but he couldn't even see his feet.
"326 ponds! That's great baby!" Jisung smiled before kissing Minho, who gently caressed his belly. "Your turn, sweetheart!" said Minho.
Hyunjin then climbed onto the scale and waited as Jisung had done. Minho looked at the number before smiling at her.
"Looks like we've got a winner...337 pounds!"
"WHAT? But I've got a bigger belly than him!"
"Yes, but I have a much wider butt!" said Hyunjin.
"Don't argue, you're both good boys, to reward you I even baked two cakes, one each!" said Minho going into the kitchen.
"I'll overtake you sweetheart!" said Jisung.
"You can try...but I can't guarantee that you'll win..." respond Hyunjin.
"I'm sure I will..." said Jisung.
"I love it when you set yourself impossible challenges!" said Hyunjin, smiling.
Jisung smiled back before placing a kiss on his lips, despite the fact that they were now finding it hard to kiss because of their respective big belly, they finally take each other hands before going to the kitchen, unable to resist the call of food.
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vidavalor · 7 months
I bring you a humble offering of dark chocolate with raspberry today? I hope you like it!
And, I found something interesting and, of course, would love to hear your take on it!
This is a video comparing how Aziraphale lied about doing a miracle for Maggie & Nina to fall in love, with how he acts in the final fifteen. And also this post below:
Here, someone analyses the way Az keeps looking to the window. What struck me here is the final observation that Aziraphale goes to the clock, where Crowley stood earlier, and looks out the window exactly as Crowley did and Crowley now stands close to where the Metatron was a few moments ago. Foreshadowing much? I wonder if you can somehow tie that into your ‘The Metatron is The Devil in disguise’ theory as well.
I think the OP did a great job editing the video together and I think these are great bookending examples of what Aziraphale is like when he's anxious. I'm not sure it shows that he's lying. I think it's more just that he's on edge. You could also add into this Aziraphale lying to Shax in The Bentley on the way back from Scotland. It's what he sounds like when he's trying to justify something-- to himself or to someone else-- but he knows the other person is unlikely to buy into it or be super jazzed to hear it, imho. I was reminded from the way it was edited how big a role Jimbriel was playing in the background in the scene with the angels and how much I wish he was around at the end of S2 because that's the only character who would have been like "Aziraphale, srsly? You don't want my job. You literally just took care of me for a week after I had a nervous breakdown and now you're signing up for that shit? Go marry Crowley, ffs." 😂
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sapybara · 7 months
I've been a huge q fan in the past so I know all his history. I am not even surprised, how long has it been since we found his server management to be sketchy, not even talking about his merch compagnie. 
In no fandom have I ever truly called anyone a BITCH and a cunt . But he is one. Hey, I never expected anything from him about Shelby/ or Wilbur and forever, we know who he is and he does not give a fuck, but to lie so blatantly about how much involvement he has in the qsmp management, that a scrum!! Dude, how could anyone believe him?? It makes NO sense!
Exploiting workers, literally putting anti unions mesures , stealing people ideas (fans on twitter) then blocking them (probably not him who did it but he still got credited for the ideas and said nothing)
That's to ONE thing I will get entertainment CC crucified for. It's not difficult to not be a greedy corporate snake, especially when you are already so rich! 
Also, people who say that he is just shocked because Wilbur was one of his bff so he doesn't want to go into (any) detail about that: Q and Wilbur haven't been close for half a year and Shelby posted her video a long time ago. Even Tommy said something for fuck sake!
You are literally talking with dtblr last quackity main™ believe me I know what you're talking about, I'm not surprised either.
His stans are being all "they were close friends! Give him some time!! You're all being cruel" well first of all they were not. Second of all, I do not want a statement, a simple kicking him out and asking people to support victims would've been enough. But no, he talked about it for the grand total of THRITY SECONDS, didn't mention Shelby or any victims, didn't mention he's an abuser, and made it all about him. How this is hard for HIM and how sad HE is, etc etc.
He goes on saying he "didn't know the volunteers weren't being paid" and that he thought it was a process were they would eventually (!!!) get paid. Excuse me? How do you not know? One thing is asking the admis not to spoil you what will be tomorrow's event and another radically different thing is saying you don't know what's going on in YOU OWN TEAM of YOUR SERVER. Especially not when it's your money ffs, do you not know where's that going? Do you not know who do you work with? You can't just brush it off as "not knowing" when it's your fucking enterprise. And im not even mentioning the whole NDA thing and how no one could even speak to CCs or other admis off stream, how they were requested to censor themselves in their personal accounts because "controversies" (real life crimes) could stain the server's name. Be for fucking real.
He doesn't even talk about all the merch problems, the fake giveaways and how ridiculously sketchy his merch company (that he/his family owns!) is.
Look I'm not trying to be a hypocrite here, I don't wanna apply dranti logic and demand a perfect apology and explanation the second all exploded. I'm not gonna ask him to know about every little conversation that goes on inside his server or discord. I'm not gonna say he doesn't have the right to mourn whatever friendship he may have had. But that doesn't mean I'm not fucking pissed and none of that excuse him for not knowing what's going on with his employees, his merch and reducing the actions of TWO abusers to "controversies". He needs to be held accountable, but, funnily enough, his fans are too parasocial to realize they're babying him and telling everyone who listens how he's not responsible for anything and it's the higher ups fault. His name is literally everywhere, he prides himself of being the owner and sole inventor of the server, how much higher can you go from there?
I'm upset about the poor guys who are being exploited and actually pity the fans that truly can't see what's before they eyes. Hope those people have it better from now on, but Quackity? He can go cry about it on stream if he wants, this entire thing has been a mess since before it started and I'm happy to see it crashing down. Deserved!
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pokenoire · 13 days
I mainly wanted to say that your tumblr blog is like a breath of fresh air as someone who saw a lot of the pokemon character shipping wars when I first got into the fandom around 2015. I'm also an amourshipper, it was my first ship and the way I got into fandom, but I genuinely love seeing other ships also get love, multishipping is so fun and just freeing, like why choose when you can just enjoy both!
Also do you had any amourshipping headcanons?
I've been in this fandom on YouTube and on Deviantart since 2007, I thought it was so peaceful compared to the current shipping fights, Of course I was a person who rarely looked at ship comments, since I wasn't interested. I have had contact with many if not multi-shippers, they were respectful and seemed to make fanart of everything (Poke, Advanced, Pearl, Negai...even Amourshipping and Yumeshippers or Canon X OC), I think it helped me to be neutral in that sense...
Oh I just love them so much, I have so many different headcanons I consider them as multi verses (UAs) both what I wrote in 2013-2018 and what I did in this fandom in 2019-2023.
Well, let's take it one step at a time. In 2013, I started watching XY and joined the fandom on Deepy. I watched absolutely everything other than AMVs...uh I looked at FanFiction FF net (I used page translation to read on my first phone) and saw that there were many other different things, I chose some ships to write about... specifically (Amourshipping/Mirroramourshipping) being the main ones from my pre-teen era the second one I chose to write about was, Palleshipping (I thought I had to have a separate account for everything so... I kind of did something like "I was a Palleshipper") which wasn't very cool, but I apologize because I was a kid and didn't know that, I didn't need to go THAT FAR, and could have posted this on my main (2014-2015) I started reading Shinsato, before I saw some things but...it was just hitting some random site lol, I just ignored it. Sapphirepearlshipping IS THE NEXT WHO I CHOOSE WRITE 😭🩷🤎🧡🥰
But reading it all and rewatching it I know I'm neutral to the palettes on screen. I also got to write Gary X Serena lol I just didn't see it happening in the show but it was fun to make this conflict of feelings so you could say it's my fanon (this was probably the beginning of my bi Ash Ketchum headcanon)
When I was younger I didn't know about the things that PokémonRangerboyguy did, but...I remember watching his own videos with Fancyfashionshipping (Dawn X Serena with Lost in you style) so it began + my wlw Serena agenda and Dawn lesbian even more deeply (despite knowing Sana x Serena and Miette X Serena...I was more neutral towards them too and saw them as friends/BFF)
I admit that in my new rewatch... I was more in favor of Serena X Aria imo...
Now, let's go to part 2, wlw SatoSere this is something that I simply, ONLY found out about entering the miraculous fandom, they usually have a VERY strong headcanon wlw ship or mlm ship or male/fem genderswap...male Marinette/ trans Marinette/ transfem Adrien/ fem Adrien Agreste etc. I just took this and did the same for SatoSere (I already wrote Adrien X Marin and Marinette X Adrianne (which helped me to do Amourdreamshipping) crosdessering Ash in fem Ash slash SatoSere...many things I couldn't finish or start in 2016-2017 because at the time I didn't have time (in high school I tried teacher training and it took up all my time 😭🫠 so I deleted all the stories I was working on)
Now, the third part is that I REALLY LIKED MIRRIOR ASH HE SO CUTE AND HOLY SHIT IT TOOK MY MIND ✨⭐ I DID SO MUCH THINGS WITH HIM THAT I CAN'T SAY one blog without becoming bigger than it already is 😭 but one universe in particular is that he is AUTISTIC (before I was diagnosed with autism) so this is my favorite. ❤️🫠
Ok sorry I talk too much...
Male Serena my BELEVOLED I never had a chance to write Male/Boy Serena because I NEVER COULD COME UP WITH A GOOD NAME FOR HIM Ç.Ç
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russellius · 9 months
i genuinely believe the memes are being taken by people in a positive way, in the sense excluding a certain group the majority of people are laughing with him rather than at him. george doesn't seem to publicly mind too much which def helps the way these jokes are perceived. the more neutral f1 fans seem to like that he doesn't take himself too seriously either esp since merc's driver image and in turn george's since he left williams is...well we all know. but the problem is the frequency of these jokes and it does leave a bad taste in my mouth that they have no problem taking advantage of whenever george gets positive attention be it the memes or the hair change but the minute it comes to actually protecting him or their other employees from attacks from ykw then they are silent. it real says a lot.
eh, maybe. i'm not too sure about that first part, but it could be just me being pessimistic.
and yeah i kinda mentioned it here that on their own, posts like these wouldn't be a problem, i wouldn't mind them. as you pointed out george doesn't take himself too seriously, he is always up for a joke, he is a genuinely fun and funny guy, with a great sense of humour, all of which i adore about him. but i feel like we are reaching a point where it's too much, and it's being used in a way that i'm not a fan of. when it's done so often, when the memes are what get pushed all the time, and like you said the team is quick to jump on all of this stuff to milk it, and yet when they should be showing him appreciation, or they should be protecting him, it's... crickets... it just gives me the ick. and it's especially :| when you know that only one guy on the team gets this treatment. and when you know how much hate george thrown at him.
i don't know how much of this is a conscious response to the "ew, george is so serious at mercedes" shit we got starting with 2022, and how much of it is just... riding the wave. but at the same time, it's a formula that (as far as i can tell, because i didn't follow the team before george went there) already kinda existed when bottas was there, like. i'm thinking of him doing the same silly tiktoks etc. one guy is the man who gets all the glory, the other is there to be made fun of. i don't think i'm subscribing to that.
idk, it's getting massively irritating. like, do one of these posts every once in a while, but don't make it george's entire image ffs.
Tumblr media
i'll be honest i'm not familiar with her page/posts! to me that part was actually one of the better segments of that video, and i found it kinda sweet (+ bro was speechless for once too!). i mean from her pov i can totally understand it, like, i would want to k word myself lmao... but i was also like, finally, that part was appreciative of george, and you could tell she genuinely loves him, plus gr fans were at least somewhat acknowledged by the team... 🥴 that doesn't happen often, so we gotta take the small Ws.
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