#I fucked up an interaction with my doctor cuz they can't read and I can't pretend to be a sane normal human for two seconds
Didn't even make it til 10AM without sobbing at my desk this time.
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actual-bill-potts · 1 year
🛒 🧐 🦅👀 for the fanfic asks please! And I hope your Monday improves ❤️
🛒What are some common things you incorporate in your fics? Themes, feels, scenes, imagery, etc. Ooh this one made me think. I think that grief and loss are very common motifs; I have written a lot of fic about characters' response to irredeemable loss. Part of that, I believe, is an effort to deal with my own angst re: the passage of time. That theme is something I find very compelling about the Silm, because pretty much every character in the story is doomed forever (or at least they think so).
It's also something that I am fascinated by in Doctor Who: how do you continue to love and go on when everyone around you is dying? It's a very potent metaphor for the human condition, because all of us are doomed to suffer and die, probably sooner than we'd like. What does it look like to create meaning in a world like that? For Finrod (and the eleventh Doctor, blorbo of my late teens), the answer is: there are always new people to love. Maglor would, perhaps, answer: the art we make is worth it. Maedhros might respond: there is no meaning, but I'm gonna live anyway cuz fuck Angband. etc. etc.
Apart from that - I use a lot of dawn/dusk/starlight juxtaposition imagery because, well, I'm writing silm fanfic lol. I think I write a lot of scenes where characters are trying to say something but just can't and end up saying something entirely different/characters are talking at cross-purposes/etc, just because I find that fun and brain-tickling to write.
🧐Do you spend much time researching for your stories? ...yes and no. I spend a ton of time checking timelines, maps etc of First Age Beleriand. And various other details. But other than that I'm not like. too picky about most things? For instance if there's a lot of medical treatment, etc. in my stories I do enough research to make it generally plausible and then kind of elide a lot of details because a) I am writing this for fun and don't have time for thesis-level research and b) it's a fantasy setting anyway so realism is not my #1 priority.
🦅 Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants? Depends on the length of the fic! Oneshots/vignettes I do not outline whatsoever, I get an idea and sit down to write it and whatever comes out is what you get lol. For multi-chapter fics, I do outline but it tends to be pretty rough. For instance, for towers I have a general outline of major events and then I will do a slightly more detailed outline for a chapter or two at a time to make sure I'm including everything I need to for the plot to move along (at least a little lol).
A peculiarity of mine is that I find it very difficult not to write in chronological order, like if "Maedhros and Maglor have a conversation where they say X Y and Z" is in my outline and then something happens later in the fic based on that conversation. I cannot write what happens until I've written the conversation. Really when I'm writing dialogue - and dialogue drives a lot of my fic - I kind of turn my brain off and just try to channel the characters. Sometimes that takes me fun places :)
👀 Tell me about an up and coming wip please! Oooh. ok I have two.
The Athrabeth script! I am writing a movie-style script inspired by the Athrabeth, in an attempt to make it read a little more easily/convey what I think Tolkien was trying to get at to a modern audience. I'm about halfway through currently - it's been much more difficult to write than I expected, lol. There are so many undercurrents in the piece as written that are difficult to get across without having Finrod and Athrabeth just monologue at each other - and I'm trying to make it flow like a conversation rather than competing speeches.
WIP currently entitled "Finrod and babies," an entirely self-indulgent piece of work in which I write Finrod interacting with. many small children. no major plot, just utterly shameless fluff.
Thank you so much!! <3
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danses-with-dogmeat · 2 years
Hello 😊 I absolutely adore everything you do for the characters you write for! You get the interactions and such perfect everytime I read something new 💕 I have a personal headcanon, not full blown request if you don't want it to be, question for you. If you could romance the companions in New Vegas like in 4, what would some of their lovers embrace quotes be? I love how you think and can't wait to hear what ideas you have for any of the characters ❤ have a good day
FO3 and FONV Companions' Lover's Embrace Quotes
Ahh, thank you so much lovely! You're so kind! 😩❤
And oh my goodness, I just love thinking about this! Thanks so much for the ask! 😁 I kind of went about it with the FO4 ones in mind, where there were a few ~suggestive~ responses, and just a few general characterization-type comments about waking up for each character, so I hope that's around what you had in mind!
I went ahead and took the liberty of adding the FO3 companions as well, just cuz why not? But as always, let me know if you wanna see anyone else!
Sorta NSFW below? But mostly just the implication.
"You actually can't get up now. Doctor's orders."
"Well, I suppose there really are worse ways to start the morning."
"Irrumabo, puto sum amare te..."
"You expect me to function at this hour?"
"Mirus creatura..."
"Morning, love."
"Damn... You're amazing."
*whispers* "Thank god."
"I love seeing you this way..."
"Better be a good reason for getting me up at this hour."
"Let's do it again sometime."
"See anyone leave this place with a hammer? My head's poundin'."
"Sheesh, didn't know you had that in ya, partner."
"You seen my hat anywhere? ... Or my bra?"
"Buenos dias, hermosa/o."
"Ay carajo, I think I pulled something."
"Mm, that was good, boss."
"Is it morning already?"
"Mierda, amor... should've gotten up earlier."
"Finally up, are ya?"
"One more kiss."
"Wakey wakey!"
"... Oh my god."
"Well, good morning, sweetness."
"Goddamn, babe, that was... wow."
"You. Are. Amazing."
"How was that?"
"You sure we gotta go now?"
"Damn, that sun's bright."
"Sleep well?"
"You alright?"
"Sun's up."
"Think you can walk?"
"Rise and shine, sugar."
"You like the way I woke you this morning?"
"Just one more minute..."
"Damn, baby, you got me worn out before the day's even started."
"Aww, can't we just stay in bed?"
"You wear me out, babe."
"Up and at 'em, soldier."
"Whew... think we can skip training this morning."
"Time to get up, love."
"Did you rest well?"
"Good morning, my love."
"Shall we prepare for the day?"
"You never cease to amaze me..."
"You are brighter than even the sunrise, my love."
"Must we get up already?"
*whispers* "You're still here..."
"Wish we could stay here for good."
"Can't believe I'm this lucky..."
"... Incredible."
*sighs* "Guess we have to get up some time."
"Fuck, that was good."
"Shit, you sore as I am?"
"If you think I'm getting up this fuckin' early..."
"Gotta catch my breath."
"Damn, fuckin' sore... Heh."
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