#I guess I’ll have to anxiously wait for any sort of reaction since I did swallow bits of it?
bitchapalooza · 1 year
The 18th should come quicker so I can be less scared to have orange stuff because idk if the popsicle brand popsicles use food coloring or it’s actually real oranges so—
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inkandpen22 · 3 years
Permanent Chaos (4/?)
Pairing: MGK x Female!Reader
Word Count: 4k
Warnings: mild swearing
Part Summary: While Y/N is out shopping with Cara, news breaks that ties her with MGK. 
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Two days later...
Cara and I go out shopping and have lunch for a girl’s day. I have yet to talk about the other night with Sam. Cara hasn’t mentioned it and I have no plans to either. Cameras have followed us up and down Rodeo Drive. By this point, Cara and I are both used to it. Carrying my bags however, I doubt I look graceful for these videos their taking. Oh well, they have fifteen thousand more of me.
Cara ignores the paparazzi and points out a dress in the window at Dolce and Gabbana. I request to go inside to try it on. I’m not sure where I’d wear it to, but that doesn’t really matter.
“Welcome ladies!” A woman in a black dress approaches. “Can I help you find anything in particular?”
I point over to the dress in the window, “could I see that in a size six please?”
She leaves us to go find the dress for me and we roam around a small section while she does. My phone rings and I see Nicole’s name pop up. My heart immediately begins to race. She doesn’t call me unless absolutely necessary, usually we text. I step away toward the corner to be discreet.
I answer the call hesitantly. “Nicole? What’s up?”
“I got a call from Stephanie,” she sounds agitated on the other end.
Stephanie is my publicist, she handles everything that Nicole can’t basically. They bicker a lot since they’re both so headstrong and constantly need control. It’s the classic good cop/bad cop scenario, yet I don’t know who’s who. These two cover every aspect of my career, God bless them.
“Oh no, sounds bad,” I grumble anxiously.
“Depends how you look at it,” she lightens her tone.
“What is it?” I press.
“Well…” she hesitates.
“Nicole!” I drag out her name.
“It’s all over social media, magazines and it will be on TMZ tonight,” she stammers. “I’m surprised you haven’t already heard if I’m being honest-”
“Nicole! What?” I rush her.
“An article about you and Colson Baker just dropped on some gossip sight,” she explains. “It says that you and Colson Baker are dating. Stephanie and I figured no one would believe it but it’s everywhere! They have videos and photos of you two leaving The Ivy plus talking by Sam’s car. If I didn’t know you, I would be convinced.”
My head hangs low as I rub my forehead, letting out a deep sigh. “Oh dear God.”
“We can handle it, don’t worry!” Nicole assures. “This story will be gone soon!”
“I need to go, talk to you later!” I hang up on Nicole right when the woman shows me the dress.
“I’ll take it” I attempt to hurry up the process.
Cara comes up next to me “don’t you think you should try it on first?”
“I’ll explain later but we need to go” I whisper to her and just like that, she’s hurry the woman along at the register.
I have the dress and exit the store in a rush. I must act cool, the paparazzi will take notice of my mood change.
“What’s going on?” Cara asks concerned.
“I’ll explain once we’re somewhere private,” I whisper so the cameras don’t pick up on it.
We speed walk to the car and I offer to drive since I made us cut the day short. Once we’re on the highway towards home Cara asks what the heck is going on.
“Why did they keep asking about Colson?”
I turn on the radio and Elvis Duran, along with his team, are discussing no other than me and Colson.
Danielle summarizes the article for the listeners. “The article says they’ve been dating for the past few months. They’re very happy but the relationship is still new. The pair has not yet met each other’s families but Colson is going on tour soon so maybe Y/N will join him and eventually meet the family. Throughout, there are tons of photos of the cute young couple leaving The Ivy Wednesday night. There’s even a link to a video showing them, what appears to be, having a deep conversation by Sam Merka’s car. If you watch the video, the two are clearly looking at each other very lovingly. I mean, he’s looking at her the way I look at a fresh pizza!”
The rest of the cast laughs and I can’t believe what I’m hearing. Actually, scratch that, I can believe it. I’m just pissed.
“If MGK and Y/N are officially an item, why did she leave with Sam Merka?” Elvis questions.
“I’m glad you asked! According to sources, they’ve been very close friends since the start of TSL. In fact, the duo have taken many vacations together along with their co-star Penelope Glass.”
Cara turns down the volume and looks to me with a steady expression. “Is it true?”
I narrow my gaze at her in bewilderment. “What? No! There’s no way in hell!”
“Okay, just checking,” she lets out a sigh of relief.
“Never ever!” I add and change the station.
Colson Baker is everything I despise in a person. I’ve never hated someone so fast as I’ve hated him. Us together as a couple is impossible. It’s completely irrational.
Later in the afternoon, Stephanie sets up a meeting for us to meet with Colson and his publicist. I had to drag myself to her office. My Fridays aren’t well spent in an office building with enemies. In fact, my whole day could be tarnished by this incident. The meeting room we’re all ushered into is freezing and I’m still in my sundress from earlier. Cara and I were never able to get lunch so I’m starving on top of being cold. The photos of us play in a slideshow on the meeting room’s tv. An endless cycle of false advertisement is how I see the photos. The media is selling us as something completely far from the truth. On top of everything, I’m in a meeting with the one guy in all of Los Angeles I can’t stand. Death would be less painful than the current situation. I tune out the debate between Stephanie and Colson’s publicist. He told me his name but my brain is so numb from the temperature in here I can’t recall it.
“Y/N!” Stephanie calls my name and I search for her around the room until I find her in the doorway with Colson’s publicist.
“We’re going to go make a few phone calls. You two will stay here while we handle the press.” I nod “sounds good.”
I send her a weak smile to charm her out of an apology for zoning out. She huffs and escorts Colson’s guy to her office so they can talk on speaker privately. I stand up from my office chair and stroll over to the windows overlooking the courtyard. I watch the cars zoom by on the street and businessmen and women shuffle in and out of the Starbucks below.
“If it means anything, I’m sorry,” Colson says quietly behind me.
I nearly miss it, he speaks so quietly. I lean against the wall, crossing my arms as I face him.
“You’re sorry?” I shrug, not really seeing his blame. “Why? It’s not your doing.”
I return my gaze to the chaos below us. I watch as people with office jobs travel about. I wonder if they’ve heard of me? I wonder if they like me or think I’m a stuck up actress? I shouldn’t care what people think, but it’s easier said than done. When millions watch TSL every week, it’s hard to ignore the wondering.
“If I hadn’t walked you to the car none of this would be happening,” Colson reasons guiltily.
I shake my head, finding humor in the situation now. The paparazzi can make nothing into a months long romance. A brief conversation outside a restaurant and suddenly we’re meeting each other’s families.
“We were only walking to a car. How could either of us have predicted the amount of attention that would come of us walking?” I justify, not to ease his mind, but my own.
My flicker over to the tv, I examine the slideshow of us. Examining the photos I realize it wasn’t all in my head, the way in which Colson was gazing at me is a tad bit gawk-like. Images of us walking to the car while I’m answering the paparazzi’s questions depict Colson glancing at me with what seems to be such admiration. A picture of when Cara calls for Colson comes up and I’m stunned by how we look. Even I appear to be in awe of him in return. It’s evident Cara is speaking yet neither of us react. We were so caught up within on another.
“I have one question!” I blurt out suddenly with my arms crossed I walk back over to the table. Just one and then I wish to put all of today’s events to rest.” Colson perks up and hums for me to continue. I point over to the photos on the screen “why did you look at me the way you did?”
Turning his head, he reviews the photos blankly and I wait anxiously for some sort of reason. “I’m not looking at you in any particular way,” he disregards my accusations.
I chuckle, amused by his horrible way of lying. “Lies!”
He’s thrown off by my reaction and I storm over to the TV screen to point it out to him.
“It’s clear as day to the press, the public and now me included. You’re clearly lost in some kind of thought! You were there, so was I and our friends! Say all the lies you want but you’ll never convince anyone.”
His jaw clenches and he avoids my gaze. He leans back in his chair, staring out the windows. “Colson,” I sigh, slowly approaching the table. “Maybe the truth could help the lies disappear! If we’re honest then maybe the press will leave us alone!”
He shakes his head low, letting out a brief laugh. “I highly doubt that.”
I have a thousand questions but I’m aware none will go answered. He’s a lost cause. I’m in this alone I guess. Turning my back to him I return to my position by the window. Observing the worker bees swarming around the spaces below. The sound of Colson’s chair rolling back comes from behind me but I don’t even shift. Out of the corner of my eye, I see his figure in the reflection of the window beside me. My attention remains outside. He won’t give me the time of day so why should I treat him any better?
“You wanna know why I looked at you the way I did?” His presence hovers of me and he feels like a wall surrounding me.
“Please,” I mutter a subtle beg.
 “I... I had this imagine of you in my head, pre-judgements. You’re supposed to be America’s Sweetheart, Little Miss Perfect! You told me you had been working for this for years, had drive and trails.” He confesses. “You’re not what I expected... It caught me by surprise is all.” 
My eyebrows furrow close, “So you thought I was just some pretty face, goody-two-shoes, ditz? If it’s because my image, my past, you said so yourself it doesn’t matter!” 
“No, no, that’s not it!” he runs his hand through his hair nervously.
Narrowing my eyes, I press further. “Why then?”
The door swings open and I straighten up before forcing a warm smile to my face. I step back from Colson before the person ever appears in the doorframe. One of Stephanie employees informs us that we’re free to go. Steph doesn’t want to keep me here all day and since I’m allowed to go Colson’s publicist is releasing him. I clasp my hand together, walking over to fetch my purse.
“Thank you so much!” I gush. “Have a good day and please tell Stephanie “thank you!””
The young intern eats up my pleasant expressions. “You too Miss Voss! Will do!”
The young woman shuts the door behind her and I return to the state I was in. Expressionless, I gather my belongings and Colson does the same. Checking my phone for any missed emails or calls I can tell he’s staring me down.
“Does it ever get tiring?” His tone is light, but I can hear the ounce of mockery beneath the surface.
My attention is locked on my phone as text after text pops up from Penelope. She’s more likely than not has seen all the articles and Twitter posts. I should call her and explain.
“Y/N!” Colson shout pulls my from my thoughts.
“Huh? Does it ever get tiring?” I restate his question back to him. “What exactly are we talking about?”
I slide my purse over my shoulder while stepping over to the door, leaving Colson behind. That is until he follows me.
“Your whole act.” He forces a fake smile and tosses imaginary hair over his shoulder. “The “happy go-lucky goody goody All-American girl?””
I scoff, eyeing him up and down. “You’re ridiculous. It’s not an act.”
I swing open the meeting room door, eager to leave here. My heels clink against the white shiny tiles on my walk to the elevators. After hitting the down button, I call up Blake now that I have some time to kill. She’s my oldest friend, I’m sure she sees right through all of the tabloids and is only checking in.
“Calling your boyfriend?” Colson mutters over my shoulder and I quickly move away.
“Don’t have one,” I answer plainly, waiting for Penelope to pick up.
He smirks and props himself up against the wall beside the elevator doors. I side eye him, all he does is smile all the time and he calls me out for acting so happy all the time.
“Can’t you find anyone else to annoy?”
He grins proudly, “sure I could. None would as entertaining as you though.”
“Geez,” I mumble under my breath.
I pace outside the elevators as I wait for one to arrive and for Penelope to answer. Classic of her to text me non-stop but not to answer when I call her back. The elevator doors open and I step inside, ready to get out of here. I hit the ground floor and Colson strolls in lazily not rushed at all. He checks the button and doesn’t add any. The doors shut then silence sits flat in the small space with us. My phone buzzes continuously, I check the name at the top of the screen.
“Frickin’ frackin’!” I clench my teeth together in a growl.
Colson’s eyes widen at my sudden explosion. Closing my eyes, I exhale to calm myself then bring the phone up to my ear. Smiling helps to fake enjoyment when talking to someone on the phone. Sometimes I can fool myself into thinking I’m not miserable during discussions.
“Finn!” I greet. “What’s new?”
My southern accent surfaces. I flip the switch whenever I speak to my family or friends back in South Carolina. I can’t have them thinking I’m not the same Y/N from Charleston. Colson eyes me with his eyebrows raised, surprised by my sudden transition. He makes fun of me in a whisper for my fake enthusiastic voice. I wack him on the arm and it only encourages him more.
“Hi ya Y/N, uh so ya prolly already know butcha face is everywhere along with this MGK fella...” Finn’s voice falters at the end.
I sigh and press my forehead to the wall. Finn asks me if any of what he has read is true and I instantly deny.
My tone goes timid, “who all knows?”
“Just us, Odelle, Greyson and Myself,” he assures.
A sense of relief rushes over me. I turn back around and Colson sends me a sympathetic look, it shocks me. Going from mockery to sympathy from him has my entire mood shifting.
“What ‘bout Momma or Daddy?” I ask, keeping eye contact with Colson.
“Nah, at least I don’t think they do,” Finn guesses. “I’m not entirely sure. Greyson is sayin’ they don’t. He’s the only one that’s home at the moment.”
“Heavens to Betsy,” I exhale deeply, looking up to the heavens. “Let’s hope to the high heavens they don’t. Thank you Finn.”
I go to hang up but he says one last thing. Bringing my phone back up to my ear I reply. “Sorry, missed that.”
My brother becomes stern on the other side, “do you and this guy spend tons of time together?”
I shift uncomfortably, preparing myself for the older brother advice I already see coming. “From time to time but I promise, we’re just friends.”
There’s a pause on his end, an unbearable pause. “I trust you Y/N,” Finn finally speaks. “It’s him I don’t trust. He’s not the best sort of guy. Ya’ll aint right for one another.”
I hope Colson can’t hear any of what Finn is saying. To keep him from becoming suspicious, I keep my replies indifferent. “Sure thing. Uh, talk ya later Finn.”
“Bye, talk to you soon.”
We hang up and I slip my phone into my purse.
Colson leans back onto the railing next to me. “Who was that?”
“My older brother, kinda overbearing,” I laugh nervously then bite my lip. My accent begins to subside again.
“I didn’t know you had a brother,” Colson remarks.
A faint smile appears across my lips thinking of my brothers. “I have two actually and an older sister. The order is Finn, Odelle, me then Greyson.”
Colson returns a kind and gentle smile. “That must’ve been nice to grow up with so many siblings.”
“It was.” I nod as memories flash across my mind. “Finn and Odelle were grouped together and so was me and Greyson since our age gaps are less.”
As we pass each level on the elevator there is a “ding.” Facing toward the doors again, I absentmindedly watch the numbers go down as we pass the levels. My mind wanders to the many memories I’ve made with my brothers and sister.
“Finn is about Sam’s age, so he likes to believe he’s almost a co-parent for me and Grey,” I describe with a pleased expression. “He’s the total opposite of Odelle.”
Colson genuinely shows interest, “how is she?”
“She’s a total wild card! We all joke that it’s every other kid. Finn and I are the rule followers. He was student body president, quarterback of the football team and still managed to graduate with honors. I’m nowhere near him on the perfect child spectrum but I’m supposed to be “America’s Sweetheart.” My parents eat that up. Then there’s Odelle, she’s the total opposite of Finn. My parents had to beg her to improve her grades so she could graduate. I remember being twelve, it was the middle of the night when I got up to get a drink. I went downstairs and saw her sneaking out of the backdoor. She made me promise not to tell our parents. I haven’t talked about it until today. There were days she’d fake being sick just to ditch school with her friends. By her senior year nothing had changed. She ended up graduating but my parents forced her to go to a college close to home so they could keep an eye on her. Her antics continued the entire time I was in high school. College for her was a playground. For some reason, I envied her. I still do. I suppose it’s because no one expects anything from her. She messes up, well, that’s Odelle for you. She causes trouble, just another day. For me, my parents have me up on a peddle stool. By the time I turned sixteen people out here started taking notice of me. When I reached seventeen the title of “America’s Sweetheart” popped up and from then on, I was longer a teenager. I had a role to play and an image to uphold. I could never make mistakes like Odelle. I have to be “perfect” constantly. Sometimes I feel like a doll, plastic. None of it is real.”
The bell rings for the floor. I comprehend the words escaping my mouth and snap back to reality. I revealed so much about myself while I was in that daze, private facts about myself that I’ve never spoken of before.
Straightening up and adjust my dress, I apologize. “I’m so sorry. I have no idea what came over me.” The doors slide open and I step out. “Good to see you Colson,” I rush out a farewell before speed walking towards the exit.
I mentally slap myself for all I confessed. If only Nicole found out, my head would be on a stick. My life, my background, every aspect of my being is supposed to be flawless. An All-American girl from South Carolina with a wholesome up brining is who I’m supposed to be. If word gets out that I’m not so perfect then… then I would be finished. My hand digs for my keys in my purse.
“Y/N! Wait up!” Colson jogs up next to me then steps in front of me, blocking my path.
“Colson, please....” I practically plead in a mutter, stepping around him.
He wraps his hand around my wrist, stopping me. “Let me buy you a drink!” 
Workers around us walk around in multiple directions like zombies. I wonder if they’re taking notice. Hesitant, I narrow my gaze at me. The reason we’re in this mess is because we were seen with one another.
“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” I admit and release myself from his grip.
I only make it a few feet before he’s in front of me again.
“Fine, no to a drink! How about we go get some coffee? Or tea? If you prefer tea!”
His chest rises and falls rapidly, his desperation is evident. The reason behind is desperation is still unknown to me, along with the reason he looked at me the way he did last night. Who is this mysterious man who stands before me? So many questions I wish to ask but I can’t get passed his eyes. Puddles of crystal blue settle on a white canvas. Confused beyond belief, for a reason unbeknownst to me, I accept. Could be my curiosity is getting the best of me.
“Coffee it is,” I give in to his request.
He grins ear to ear and steps to the side so we can leave side by side. “Unless of course you prefer we get tea!” he suggests, sounding a tad nervous.
Honestly I like both drinks but I prefer coffee. He holds the door for me and the bright sunlight of California weather strikes me.
“Nah, I normally drink a cold brew with a shot of espresso,” I describe.
He winces and pretends to gag. “Ew! That sounds horrible!”
“It gives you a boost in the morning! Nice and strong!” I laugh.
“You’re nasty!” He waves his hands in disgust.
“Eh, you’ve called me worse,” I laugh, unfazed by his insult.
He chuckles, “you’re not wrong.”
Our laughing dies down a little as we stroll over to the Starbucks. I peer up at him with a side eye. When our eyes meet we begin laughing again uncontrollably.
Tags:  @canyoubuymetoast @bri-3530 @asil1652 @andstilltryingtofindmyself @nadia2021 @olafsidehoe @mgkobsessed @fairywriting101 @ferrell-cat @naylanae-0308 @tonystarkswife10 @alexsa56 @brocksbabyyy @stormrider505 @magnificenthumancopangel @sarcasticfangirlus @lilramencup95beech @missyviolet123 @skeleton-gxrl @glitterybearllamaflap @margaritaville20 @amoresixx @Thysagclub @hockeybabe87​ 
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moon-light-jukebox · 4 years
You’re not my type [Hotch x Reader]
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Summary: Reader is the new press liaison to the elite Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI. A stray comment from her leads to a lot of questions from her teammates, especially her unit chief, Aaron Hotchner. When they’re thrown together on a case that hits close to home for Reader, will that comment tear them apart? Or will it bring them closer together?
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner / (Female) Reader
Rating: Mature
Category: Angst then smut, with plenty of fluff sprinkled throughout.
Word Count: 8.4k
Content Warning: This gets pretty angst heavy in places. The team is chasing an Unsub that’s a serial r*pist/mu*derer. Mentions of an attempted a*sault to someone Reader cares about. Providing comfort to victims of the unsub. It’s dark in places, but if you can stick with me, I promise I will mend the angst and take you to the land of smut and fluff. Because there is plenty of smut.
A/n: Have you ever had a story that just grabbed hold of you and refused to let go? This story was supposed to be half this length and pure fluff. Reader and Hotch dug their claws into me and made me tell their own story. I’m not mad at it, and if you give it a chance, I hope you love it as much as I do. masterlist
y/n = your name. y/l/n = your last name. italicized text = reader’s thoughts
--“You’re not my type” --
The clock was moving so slowly, I couldn't help but think it was moving backward.
Come on, hurry up. I wanna go home.
I sighed, resigning myself to the fact that it was going to be 4:30 pm for the rest of my life. I still had some files to hand out to the team; I usually do that part of my very glamorous job in the mornings, but since I had nothing but time now, I thought why not.
I had been a “sort of” member of the FBI’s Behavioral Analysis Unit for 5 months. Jennifer- wait, JJ, had the job as media liaison before me; she was the last person to officially hold the position. When she left the unit chief of the BAU, Aaron Hotchner, and the technical analyst, Penelope Garcia, had split the roll. That is until Chief Strauss had decided that she wanted the BAU to run more efficiently. Meaning that Hotch got less paperwork, Garcia got a break from talking about mutilated bodies, and I got shuffled around from the public relations office.
Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed working with the team, I really did, but I couldn't help but feel excluded sometimes. They're all practically a family. I didn't really have any sort of family anymore, just a best friend that has always felt more like a sister.
Pushing those thoughts aside, I made my way towards the bullpen, shoving the doors open to see the team sitting on various desks talking to each other. Loudly.
“Shut UP, man!” Derek Morgan’s voice was loud, but amusement was clear on his face. Actually, everyone seemed sort of amused. Rossi and Hotch were leaning on the railing near their respective offices, watching the events unfold with smiles on their faces.
Hotch smiles? Huh. Weird.
I quickly tried to make my way around them, hoping none of them would notice me.
“Okay, I know how we can settle this. Y/n!” Shit. No such luck. I turned to look at Emily Prentiss, with her long dark hair and angular face. Why is everybody here so fucking pretty?
I cleared my throat, trying to compose my face. “Yes?”
“Answer something for us.” Everyone seemed very eager for me to be a part of this now, which I didn’t think was a good sign.
“I’ll do my best.”
She smiled at me like she was sensing her victory. "If Morgan asked you on a date, what would you say?"
Oh, they couldn’t have picked a worse person to play this game.
I chuckled awkwardly, trying to appear calm. “Um…I’d probably say no.” Morgan took a dramatically loud breath before slapping his hand to his chest. “No offense,” I quickly added.
Morgan wasn’t giving up his dramatics that easily. “Damn, girl! You’re gonna cut me down just like that?”
“I’m sorry,” I said with an awkward laugh. “You’re just not my type.”
Garcia’s eyebrows hit her hairline. “Excuse me? He’s not your type? Tall, dark, and extremely well-muscled isn’t your type?” She scoffed like I was insane; I mean, maybe I was. Jury’s out.  “What about that is unappealing to you?”
I couldn’t think of a believable lie, so I went with the truth. “The tall and extremely well-muscled part.” I shifted from foot to foot anxiously.
Emily blinked. “O-okay. Fair enough,” she laughed, looking at me like she’d never seen me before.
I was preparing to turn and make a very quick escape, but JJ had other plans. "Woah, woah, woah," the blonde hopped off the desk, walking a bit closer to me. "If Morgan isn't your type…who is?"
Fuck me running. “Um…” I trailed off. “I don’t think I really have a type, to be honest.”
"Do you like men," Morgan chimed in. "No judgment, little mama."
Not for the first time, I wished I was a lesbian. “I am sadly mostly heterosexual.” I was convinced no one could be completely heterosexual, it just didn’t seem natural.
Emily chuckled at that. “Okay then,” her hand moved up to adjust her dark bangs, something she did when she was thinking. “What if Hotch asked you out?”
“Okay, okay, don’t drag me into this,” the Unit Chef boomed out, much to Rossi’s amusement.
“…Um.” Why couldn’t I just die? “Sorry, boss, but no.”
Morgan crossed his arms over his chest. “Is Hotch also too tall and well-muscled.”
“Probably,” I answered without much thought. “I can’t comment on the state of his muscles. But he’s very…big. And he intimidates me.” I didn’t let my eyes stray to my boss; I simply couldn’t.
"Ah-ha. There it is!" Morgan slapped his hands together like he had solved some big puzzle. "You don't like men that intimidate you. So, if pretty boy over here asked you out, you'd say yes."
I didn't know a person's ears could blush until that moment when my eyes drifted over to Dr. Spencer Reid. The tips of his ears were bright pink and he was looking anywhere but at me.
I answered honestly again, I figured they’d know if I lied. Fucking profilers. “Yeah, I would say yes. But only if I didn’t know him.” Spencer’s eyes finally shifted over towards me. “You’re easily one of the most brilliant people in the world. You’d be bored to tears on a date with me,” I said, my gaze meeting his wide eyes.
The boy genius’s head tilted ever so slightly to the side, his lips moving like he muttered something under his breath.
Is it 5 yet?
JJ wasn’t totally prepared to let this go, because she asked, “Okay, so a yes to Spence, a no to Hotch and Morgan.” She tapped her chin with her index finger. “What about Will? You’ve met my husband, right?”
I had indeed met her husband with his Princess and The Frog accent. I couldn’t help but smile. “Yeah, I met him the other day when he brought your son by. And…I don’t know, maybe him. He doesn’t give off an air of intimidation.” Which was the nicest way I could say ‘your husband doesn’t scare the shit out of me.’
I glanced down at my watch, seeing it was finally 4:55 pm. “Sorry guys, I need to get these files out before I go home.” With an overly bright smile, I darted away as fast as my uncomfortable shoes would let me.
My final stop was Hotch’s office, and I was so relieved that he wasn’t in it for once. I placed the file on his desk, looking at the pictures of a little boy, his son, I assumed, on his desk.
“I’m sorry if that made you uncomfortable.”
I'm not sure what I was more embarrassed by, the tiny yelp that escaped my lips or how I smacked my hand over my chest in such a dramatic fashion that I could have given Derek Morgan a run for his money. "Jesus fucking Christ, Hotch! You scared the shit out of me!"
His lips twitched in poorly concealed amusement, either at my reaction or my swearing at him. “Sorry, y/n. I didn’t know I needed to knock before I entered my office. I’ll try to do better next time.”
Oh, this guy has jokes now too.
I couldn’t help but chuckle at his dry humor. “I’m sorry. I startle easily. I didn’t mean to swear at you.”
“Y/n, I’ve been with the bureau for almost 20 years. Trust me, I’ve heard worse.”
I bet he has.
“Well,” I cleared my throat awkwardly. “Alright then. I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, sir.”
“Of course,” he stepped out of the doorway so I could exit. “Y/n?” He said it like it was an afterthought. “Do you really find me intimidating?”
My eyes were wide as I looked all the way up at him. Really, what was the point in being that tall? "Oh, absolutely, sir." Then I hurried out the door, not wanting to see his reaction or lack thereof.
After stopping by my office, I was waiting for the elevator when I felt someone behind me; turning I saw the pretty boy himself standing awkwardly off to my side. I offered him a small smile before shifting my attention back to the bank of elevators in front of me.
The middle one opened first, Spencer waved me in first before he entered and hit the button for the ground floor.
He was clearly working up his nerves to say something, you didn’t have to be a profiler to see that. “Hey, um, y/n?” I turned my head in his direction, waiting for him to continue. “What you said back there…that you’d go on a date with me if I asked, did you mean that?”
There was that blush again, he really was adorable. “Of course, I meant it, Spencer.” He didn’t look convinced. “I mean, why would I lie? I turned Morgan down right away. And Hotch, who is my boss.”
Spencer let out a small laugh at that, unable to argue against my point. “I guess that’s true.” The elevator doors opened, he waved me out first, again, before exiting himself. “Do you really think that I’d be bored on a date with you?”
"I mean, you have 3 Ph.D.'s and a super high IQ." I waved my free hand around, gesturing to myself like it would help me prove my point. "And look at me. I'm smart, but I'm not that smart. I couldn't put you through a date like that."
He didn’t seem to appreciate my self-deprecating humor. I headed for the doors without giving him a chance to respond. “Have a good night, Dr. Reid!” I offered a small wave before I all but sprinted out the doors towards the parking garage.
Why? Just why?
“We have to catch him before this turns into a spree,” Hotch’s voice was grave, his face the same stern mask it always was. “Wheels up in 30.”
Taking that as a dismissal, the team rose from the table, hurrying towards their respective desks to get their go-bags. That was the part of this job that took the longest to get used to. I never traveled much in public relations; now I'm on a plane several times a week. That in itself wouldn't be so bad…if I didn't still get terrible motion sickness. I don’t know why I hadn’t gotten used to it yet, but I had to keep some non-drowsy motion sickness pills in my go-bag at all times. I tried to take them before I boarded the jet; it was probably silly, but I didn’t really want the team to know. They were all superheroes in my eyes; superheroes don’t get motion sickness.
I was the last one to board the jet today. I was usually one of the first onboard, but I got held up on my way here speaking to someone from my old office. When I came through the plane's doors there rest of the team was spread out. Dr. Reid was laying on the couch, book propped open in his lap. Emily and JJ were on one side of the table with Morgan and Rossi on the other. The only seats available were towards the back of the plane; I could have sat by myself…or I could sit in the seat across from Hotch.
I always get anxiety about things other people find silly. I’m a grown woman, I should be more confident; I’m a fucking FBI agent for god’s sake. Yet here I was, nervously trying to decide where to sit. It would be weird to not sit near him, I reasoned. Offering Hotch a tight smile before I stored my go-bag, I sat down across the aisle from him.
I fastened my seatbelt over my lap, taking deep breaths through my nose. I had taken my medicine, but take off always got me a little bit, no matter what. I never took a window seat either, sometimes I’d look out and see how fast the world was passing by underneath us and…I shuddered just thinking about it.
"Hey," the voice beside me called, his voice was so quiet I don't think any of the others could hear it. I opened my eyes and turned to face him. His dark eyes looked oddly soft like he was concerned about me. "Are you alright?"
I offered him a tight smile. “Yeah, I’m okay, Hotch.”
"Did you take your medicine?" At my puzzled expression, he clarified. "For motion sickness."
What in the- “How did you know I get motion sickness?”
The corners of his mouth quirked up. “I’m a profiler, y/n, and I’ve been one for a long time.”
A little chuckle left my lips at that, right as the plane started moving forward, gaining speed for takeoff. I closed my eyes, telling myself that it was the impending take off that was causing my stomach to flutter, not the fact that my boss, who I thought was always indifferent to me, noticed me more than I thought he did.
Cases with kids were the hardest, there was no question about it. For me, the second hardest cases were women who were assaulted. It filled my gut with such a heavy, boiling rage whenever I thought about it. These women were just living their lives, unaware of the danger that was hunting them. Some fucking monster decided that being a man in our society didn’t offer him enough power; he had to hurt women, try to take their power so that he could feel more powerful.
I had heard stories about Elle Greenaway, the agent that resigned under suspicion that she shot a rapist in cold blood. I never commented on it, but I can’t say as I blame her. That attitude is probably why I don’t comment on it, I thought dryly.
The unsub the team was hunting in Northern Texas was a serial rapist and murderer. He had claimed 3 victims in the past 2 weeks; the locals were concerned that his pattern and level of violence were escalating too rapidly. The BAU agreed.
They started piecing this monster together through the clues he left behind. A white male, mid 30's, has a high-power job, won't be able to have stable relationships with women. They were tracking his comfort zone, interviewing families, and canvassing for information.
My job was to warn the women of this small town that there was a monster lurking in the shadows.
The team was sitting around in a small room in the center of the police station that was crammed with evidence boards. Emily was leaned back in her chair, JJ's head resting on her shoulder. Dr. Reid was facing the map of the county like if he stared at it long enough and answer would just pop into his head. Morgan's head was in his hands, elbows resting on his knees. Rossi and Hotch were talking in the corner, glancing around the room every so often.
Eventually, our leader cleared his throat. "Okay, lets head back to the hotel." At the groans of a few team members, he pressed on. "I know, I want to find this guy too. But we all need rest. We'll come back tomorrow with fresh eyes."
With that, we all headed to the black SUVs parked outside, ready to head to whatever hotel the bureau put us in for the night. The drive was quick, we all stood in the lobby while Hotch spoke to whoever was at the front desk. The conversation seemed to take longer than I needed to.
He walked back over, looking mildly uncomfortable. “There aren’t enough open rooms,” he said at last. “We’ll have to double up.” He held out his hand which contained 3 key cards.
…Wait a minute. “There are 7 of us.”
Hotch nodded. “Therein lies the problem. One room will have to have 3 people.”
I turned towards Emily and JJ, assuming I’d just room with them when Rossi interrupted. “No offense, guys. But…I’m old,” he laughed, his whole face lighting up. “I need my beauty sleep. I’m not sharing a room. I’ll go get my own.”
"They don't have any rooms, Dave."
Rossi looked at Hotch with a patronizing little smile that would have been extremely offensive coming from anyone else. “They don’t have any rooms for you," he clarified. "Not only am I old, but I'm also rich."
Sure enough, he walked over to the desk and spoke to the clerk for less than a minute before he was handed a keycard.
“Well I’ll be damned,” Morgan said with a laugh.
Rossi turned to us then, his eyes filled with poorly hidden mirth. “Sogni d’oro!” And with that, he walked towards the elevators.
“Huh?” JJ asked, her voice scratchy.
“Sweet dreams,” Reid and Prentiss supplied at the same time.
“Right.” Morgan shook his head. “Come on pretty Ricky.”
It hit me right then. Oh hell.
Hotch seemed to realize it at the same time Prentiss did. “Y/n, you room with JJ, I’ll stay with Hotch.”
Somehow this was more embarrassing than the conversation in the bullpen. “No,” I said quickly. “No, you guys go. I’ll room with Hotch.” I put a smile on my face, hoping I was convincing.
“Y/l/n, you just said that I intimidated you.”
Again, why couldn’t the earth just swallow me up? My laugh was forced, but hopefully, they hadn't heard my real laugh enough to know the difference. "Intimidated to go on a date with, Hotch. This isn't like that." Right? “C’mon! I’m sleepy.”
With that display of false bravado, I grabbed a key and made my way towards the elevators. I felt his presence behind me as we walked down the hall towards our rooms. I tried to control my heartbeat, calm my breathing the closer we got to the room. This is ridiculous, y/n. I had shared a room with Morgan before, no problem. I was comfortable around the team, I really was. Not for the first time, I wish I had the sense to not open my big mouth.
I reached for the door right when Hotch cleared his throat; I busied myself with getting into the room, ignoring him. Was it cowardly? Yes. Did I care? Not at that moment.
Until I walked into the room…and saw that there was one bed. Oh, you have to be fucking kidding me. “What is this, a rom-com?” I apparently didn’t mumble that part as quietly as I thought I had given the soft laugh I heard come from the man behind me.
“Y/n,” he said, his hand coming to my shoulder. “I didn’t realize there would only be one bed. Come on, let’s go down to Prentiss and JJ’s room.”
I let out a groan. “Hoooootch,” I whined. “All of this is just making me more embarrassed. This wouldn’t even be an issue if I hadn’t been a dumbass and opened my big mouth. This isn’t a big deal but going to talk to them will make it a big deal.”
He didn't look convinced, but I was so tired. I reached out and grabbed his arm before I could think better of it. "Aaron," my voice was soft, barely a whisper, but it was like he'd been struck by lightning. His eyes snapped up to mine, his lips parted slightly. It was then I realized I'd never called him by his first name before. "I trust you with my life. You'd intimidate me if I didn't know you. But I do know you, Aaron." My gaze never wavered from his.
I laid in bed for 30 minutes pretending to be asleep. I listened to his breathing even out and I kept my back to him the entire time. I had tried to keep my bedtime routine brief, taking a quick shower and changing into my sleep shorts and a baggy shirt I’d had since college. My hair was pulled back so I wouldn’t get it wet in the shower.
The weirdest thing was seeing Hotch in normal clothes. In all the months I’d worked with him, I had never seen him not in a suit. He had a pair of flannel pajama pants on, a gray t-shirt stretched over his broad chest. He has really nice arms, I thought.
When I was sure he was asleep, I rolled over onto my back. My eyes had long since adjusted to the dark, allowing me to just stare at the ceiling.
“You’re thinking very loudly.”
I let out a squeak while my whole body jerked. "Goddamnit, Hotch!” That asshole had the nerve to chuckle. “Stop scaring me!”
“I’m sorry,” he said, not sounding even slightly sorry.
“I thought you were asleep.”
He rolled onto his back; I felt his eyes on my face. “I know,” was all he said.
I sighed, wondering how I had gotten myself into such a situation. “You really don’t intimidate me.” He made a noise which caused me to amend my statement. “Alright, alright. You do intimidate me. You’re just so…stern. And you’re so tall. What is the purpose of being that tall? It’s excessive. And I feel like your eyes can see through every single thing about me. I didn’t know you had muscles until today, but I always assumed you did. They’re very nice muscles-“ I cut myself off. Fuck.
That was the first time I ever heard Aaron Hotchner laugh. Not chuckle, not snicker quietly. He actually laughed. His laugh was a higher pitch than his speaking voice; it boomed out of him and transformed the whole mood in the room. That laugh warmed a part of my heart that I wasn’t comfortable thinking about. A huge grin broke out on my face. I made him laugh, and I was oddly proud of it.
“Thanks, y/n,” his voice was still filled with amusement. “I hadn’t known you were curious about the state of my muscles. You should have just said something.”
My head snapped to the side so my eyes could meet his. He was teasing me. SSA Aaron Hotchner, BAU unit Chief, was teasing me. I lifted my hand to his arm, giving him a shove. His bicep feels like granite. “Shut up.”
That asshat just kept laughing at me.
“Anyway, you do intimidate me,” my voice was soft again. “But I’m not afraid of you.”
Aaron regarded me thoughtfully. “So, it’s not that you’re not attracted to intimidating men,” he surmised. “You’re afraid of men.”
“Not all men,” I countered. “I’m afraid of men like you. Not you, but ones like you. You overwhelm me.”
He was quiet for a few moments. “Y/n…did someone hurt you?”
It was a natural question, a normal thought process; I should have expected the question. I felt tears prick the corner of my eyes. “Yes,” I whispered, feeling safe in the darkness of the room, safe but still so alone. “But not in the way you think.” I filled my lungs with a deep breath, hoping I would find some courage. It wasn’t until I felt his hand brush over mine, his calloused fingers brushing over the back of my hand, that I finally found it. I flipped my palm up and laced my fingers through his. He gave me a reassuring squeeze.
“I’ve had the same best friend all my life,” I began. “She’s marvelous. We’ve always been together; her mom said we were like peanut butter and jelly. I love her like she’s a part of me, Aaron.” I knew he would understand; I just knew it. “We were in college when it happened. We went to this frat party because I had a crush on some guy.” My voice was filled with venom and bitterness. “He was overwhelming, so tall, and so handsome. There was a darkness in him, but I was too young to see it. She did; my best friend could see he was a monster. I didn’t listen.” My breath was shuddering through me. “I didn’t listen to her, Hotch.”
He didn't say anything. He just shifted in the bed and pulled me to him, nestling me into his side, wrapping his arms around me while I laid my head on his chest. "I was so mad at her. So mad." The shame from all those years ago was still so fresh. "She took my drink and threw it on the floor. I told her she was embarrassing me… So, I went outside to get some air."
His arm tightened around me, his free hand coming up to stroke my hair. “You don’t have to-“
“I do,” I said, refusing to let another sob escape. “I came back inside and couldn’t find either of them. I thought maybe she was going to hook up with some guy…but she isn’t like that. She’s never been like that.” My stomach rolled at the thought; sometimes when I closed my eyes I could still smell the beer in the air, I could still feel the wood of the banister under my fingers. “I found them in a room upstairs. He had her pinned on the bed, he was-he-he was trying to take her pants off.” I didn’t deserve the comfort Aaron offered me in that moment, but I clung to him, grateful for it. “I screamed, and I guess I scared him. She kneed him and was able to push him off. We ran all the way home.”
“You saved her, y/n,” Aaron’s voice was so sure, so reassuring, no matter how hard I shook my head ‘no’. “You did. You could have just left; you were mad at her, but you still went back for her.”
I wiped my eyes. “You make it sound so simple.”
His lips pressed softly against my forehead, his hand stroking up and down my back. “That’s because it is.”
Things felt different in the harsh light of the police station than they had last night. Aaron was already in the shower when I woke up this morning. I fell asleep in his arms after I told him one of my darkest secrets. He didn't judge me; he didn't tell me I was a terrible person. He just held me; he offered me comfort and made me feel deserving of that comfort.
I dressed quickly and headed downstairs before he got out of the bathroom. My feelings were already swirling around in my head. It wasn’t that I wanted to be away from him, not at all. I just didn’t think it would help my feelings settle down to be confronted by a wet, hot, well-muscled Aaron Hotchner. It was an act of self-preservation if you think about it, I reasoned.
The next time I saw him was when the team was piling back into the SUVs to head to the police station. He offered me a small smile, and I think his eyes may have twinkled a little bit when I smiled back at him a little too brightly.
The team was as refreshed as they could be. Dr. Reid was looking at access and service roads on the map, trying to determine the route the unsub took to dispose of his victims. JJ and Morgan were out canvassing the women's neighborhoods. Rossi was with Prentiss in the sheriff's office speaking with the family of the most recent victim, Bethany Mooreland.
This was the hardest part of my job. I wasn’t a profiler. I felt like I had nothing to offer. I was fielding calls from the media, trying to organize a targeted strategy. The team thought that if the unsub saw that he was being mocked in the press, or his masculinity was called into question in any way, that he would act out more viciously. While acting out might cause him to make a mistake, we couldn’t risk another woman’s life.
The conference room doors burst open, Hotch storming inside with Morgan and JJ hot on his heels. “There’s been another attack.”
I felt my stomach drop. “Fuck.”
“Y/n, she’s alive.”
The dark-haired man that held me in his arms last night only nodded. “She’s at the hospital. I want you to come with JJ and me to interview her.”
Summer Webb was 25 years old; she was a customer service rep at a call center just outside of town. She lived alone, had a cat named Pringles, and was close with her family.
I held her hand while JJ and Hotch put her through a cognitive interview. I rubbed her back while she recounted how the unsub only left her because he thought she was dead. Tears ran down my cheeks when she described what he did to her.
Steel and ice ran through my veins when I looked her in the eyes and promised that we would get this monster.
I’d kill him myself if I had to.
Once her mother arrived at the hospital, we left, promising to call with any updates; uniformed officers were stationed outside her hospital door. Hotch spoke to Garcia, then to Rossi, then to Reid, then Garcia again on our ride back. JJ read over Summer’s statement, occasionally jotting down notes.
I was quiet.
Almost. Almost there. I walked into the station without really seeing it. I navigated my way down the hall on instinct. I pushed the door to the bathroom open, looked around to confirm I was alone…then I broke. I placed my hands on the countertop that housed 3 separate sinks, my tears ran down my cheeks and splashed on the fake granite.
I don’t know how long I had been there when I thought I heard a knock on the door. That didn’t make any sense, the door didn’t have a lock; there were multiple stalls in this bathroom.
But I had heard a knock. The door swung open and someone walked inside. I heard him whisper my name, the tone of his voice was so soft, so fucking sad, that it only made me cry harder. Aaron put his hands on my shoulders, turning me around to face him, then letting me collapse against him.
He murmured words I couldn’t understand against the top of my head, he wrapped his arms tight around me; I was sure I would have fallen completely apart if he wasn’t holding me together.
“You must think I’m so weak,” I muttered when my tears had finally slowed.
He stiffened, though his hands never stopped moving, stroking my hair and my back. "Just the opposite, y/n." I pulled back to meet his eyes; I saw nothing but honesty swirling in those dark brown pools. His eyes appeared so dark from far away, almost black. From this close, I could see the subtle shift between various shades of brown. They weren't cold like I had always suspected; Aaron Hotchner's eyes were warm and understanding. They were the eyes of a man who had seen far too much evil for one lifetime but refused to yield his fight for even a second.
I could fall in love with those eyes.
“You’re the furthest thing from weak I’ve ever seen,” he continued. “Your heart is so big that it aches for a woman you don’t even know. It’s alright to cry right now, it’s alright to let yourself fall down for a moment. But I know you, y/n,” he was repeating my words from last night back to me. “You’re going to pull yourself back together. And then you’re going to help us find that son of a bitch before he hurts anyone else.”
Maybe I could fall in love with more than just his eyes.
There are certain moments in my life that I will look back on and remember with perfect clarity. That night when I almost lost my best friend, the day I graduated from the academy, the first night I spent in Aaron Hotchner’s arms were just a few.
I would also remember when the call came in from Garcia; how Morgan and Reid ran into the room. How Hotch’s eyes shot to mine when we found out the monster’s name. I didn’t have to ask; he nodded at me, those warm brown eyes were hidden now, hardened by pure ice-cold rage.
I strapped on my vest and road in the back seat in the SUV Morgan drove.
Summer’s monster was named Jeremy Carpenter. Her monster was a white man with brown hair, brown eyes, with a scar on the back of his right hand.
None of us were sure how he knew we were coming, but he had already barricaded himself inside his house. We heard a scream when the first gunshot was fired. I wanted more than anything to bring Summer's monster in alive; I wanted to offer her the chance to face him if she wanted to.
Aaron didn’t ask if I wanted to go to the hospital once everything was over; he really did know me. He took me to see her, he kept his hand on my back while I told Summer and her mother what happened. What I will remember most of all is how her mother hugged me when I told her the monster was gone, that he would never harm anyone ever again. I hit him in his leg; he was in pain before our unit chief put a bullet between his eyes.
We had come to the hospital alone; the rest of the team went back to the station to finish up paperwork. I held his hand on the way back to the hotel; I held his hand while we walked to our room.
I offered him a small smile before I made my way into the bathroom, determined to wash the events of the day off of my skin.
He was gone when I came back out.
It goes without saying that I had doubted most men in my life, especially since that night all those years ago.
I never once doubted Aaron Hotchner.
I was sitting on the bed when he came back, staring at the TV without seeing.
“Hey,” he said softly. “I thought you’d still be in the shower.” He set two bags down on the only table in our room. “You haven’t eaten since breakfast. I thought-“
“Hotch,” he looked at me then, his eyes locking onto mine. “Thank you.” I didn’t need to specify for what. He knows.
He pulled our food out while I made my way to the table. I couldn’t hold in my chuckle. “You know I get motion sickness; you know my favorite foods…just how closely do you pay attention to me, Agent Hotchner?”
He didn’t look the least bit embarrassed. “More closely than I should.”
We sat together and ate in comfortable silence. The next time he spoke was to answer a phone call from Jack. I tried to hide my smile while I listened to his conversation. Unlike the rest of his team, I hadn’t gotten to see Aaron Hotchner, the father. What is it about men being good father’s that is so attractive, I mused. Is it biological? I made a note to ask Dr. Reid.
After we ate, he went to shower while I stretched out on our bed, scrolling through my phone. When Hotch emerged from the bathroom he was in another pair of flannel pants paired with a black t-shirt. I pursed my lips in both amusement and disappointment.
“What?” His eyebrow was raised quizzically. Why are his eyebrows hot?
I giggled. "Nothing." At his incredulous look, I amended, "it's nothing interesting."
He sat down beside me on the right side of the bed, his back resting against the headboard. “I’ll be the judge of that.”
“Hooootch,” I whined, covering my face with my hands. “I’ve already embarrassed myself in front of you enough for one lifetime.”
His hand came up to grab mine, pulling them down from my face. Any attempts I made to wiggle away from him were in vain. Apparently, those muscles aren’t all show and no go. My body had shifted down the bed during my halfhearted struggles, meaning Aaron was now propped up on his elbow, his body angled over mine. “Embarrassed? I don’t remember any embarrassing times,” he pretended to give this some thought. “Unless you’re referring to last night when you mentioned how much you think about my muscles?”
I tried to jerk my arms out of his hands, but he held fast, laughing openly while my face turned red. “Oh, I’m sorry. Were you not talking about that?” He pushed my arms back onto the bed, rising to his knees, positioning his body over me, his face hovering over mine. “Then it must have been when you lied to the whole team a few days ago.”
I squeaked in outrage. “I didn’t lie about anything!”
He was so beautiful when that scowl left his face. “Yes, you did!” he insisted. “You said you wouldn’t say ‘yes’ if I asked you out. And, based on the evidence, I have to say I don’t believe that to be true.”
“Oh, I forgot I was dealing with a former prosecutor.” He nodded gravely, earning another giggle from me. “Okay, counselor. What’s the evidence?”
“The most glaring piece of evidence is you won’t tell me what you were thinking when you were looking at me when I came out of the shower.”
I let out a whine, accepting my fate. He’s literally on top of you, dumbass. Something tells me he’s gonna be receptive. “Okay, okay. I may have…hurried out of the room this morning while you were in the shower.”
Hotch quirked an eyebrow. “I know. Go on.”
“Asshole,” I muttered, delighted when he laughed. Hearing his laugh was one thing, but seeing it too? My insides were basically liquid. “I may have ran as an act of self-preservation. I was…worried that you’d come out of the bathroom in a towel. And you’d be wet, and hot, and I would…make an idiot out of myself, much like I am now.”
Aaron was delighted by how bright red my face turned; he made no attempt to hide his amusement. “So, just now, you were disappointed that I came out fully clothed?”
“Hotch,” I moaned out in embarrassment. He wasn’t making this easy on me.
My eyes were shut tight, my head turned away from him like this would somehow prevent him from seeing me. His left hand lifted from my wrist, his fingers coming to rest on my chin, turning my face towards him. "If you're going to moan my name while we're in bed, y/n, I'd prefer if you called me Aaron." My eyes snapped open. His eyes were still warm, teasing, but there was a certain heat in them I hadn’t seen before that made my lower belly flutter. He leaned closer to my face. “It would be hard for me to focus at work if you every time you said ‘Hotch’ I thought about you like this.”
I waited for a few moments for him to act before I realized Aaron couldn’t cross the line first. He wouldn’t be mean if I rejected him; that wasn’t the type of man he was. But the choice was mine; it had always been mine.
I lifted my free hand up to cup the side of his face, urging him closer to me. The first brush of my lips over his was so soft I wasn't sure it was even happening. It was so hesitant but so pure that it made me ache. Aaron pulled back to look at me; he was breathing hard like he had been running instead of just kissing me.
“Don’t profile me, Aaron.” I lifted my head, my teeth nipping at his bottom lip. “I want this. I want you.”
His posture shifted, he released my left arm to brace himself above me with his arms caging me in; he moved his legs, wedging one of his thighs in between mine. “I’m not profiling you. I can see how much you want this.” No need to sound so arrogant. “But I need to be sure…I’ve wanted to touch you for so long.”
My hands moved up to touch him, one hand feeling the soft hair at the nape of his neck that was still a little damp from the shower; my other hand gripped his bicep. “Then touch me, Aaron. Please.”
I wasn’t ready for the full force of Aaron Hotchner. He was the most intense man I had ever known, and that intensity didn’t stop in the bedroom. Aaron didn’t kiss me, he tried to consume me. His mouth moved over mine with a carnal hunger that made me throb, shifting against his firm thigh that was rested against me. I was desperate for any friction. I felt his hand move down from where it was cupping my face to rest on my collarbone, his thumb tracing over the base of my throat.
His lips moved off of mine to blaze a path down my jaw, his teeth nipping at the skin there before he moved back to my lips. “Don’t worry, sweetheart.” He pushed his thigh against the seam of my body, causing a whimper to escape from my throat. I didn’t even mind the smirk that covered his mouth. “We’ll get there. Just let me make you feel good.”
I opened my mouth to him; his tongue swirled around mine while the hand that wasn’t bracing him up moved to my hip. His fingers ran over the skin of my stomach that was exposed from my shirt riding up. I placed my hand over his, guiding it further up my stomach; how was I supposed to take my mouth away from his to tell him what I wanted?
Of course, Aaron knew what I needed; I was beginning to learn that he always did. His fingers trailed up my body until he got to the underside of my breast; the callouses that roughened his fingertips were heaven on my overly sensitive skin. My mouth broke away from his in a guttural cry when those fingers finally found my nipple. Aaron moved his kisses down to the side of my throat. I felt his breath against my throat when he murmured, “you’re so sexy, y/n.”
Raising up on his knees, he started tugging my shirt up; I lifted my upper body so I could slide my shirt off quickly. I heard Aaron groan when my chest was revealed to him, but I was on a mission of my own. Once I had his shirt pulled up over his abdomen, Aaron reached behind his back and pulled his shirt off at the neck.
My nails raked down the skin that covered his chest, reveling in the groan that left his mouth. He leaned over me again, his lips wasting no time before they covered my nipple. My hands tried to grip the short hair at the back of his head.
“Aaron,” I gasped out. “I need…more. Please.”
He started kissing his way to my other breast. “What do you need, sweetheart? Do you want to grind against my thigh? Do you need to use me to get off?” His tongue flicked over my nipple. “Or do you want me to use my hand? Is that what you need, Angel?” My heart stuttered at the sweet nickname just as much as it did at his filthy words. “Do you need me to put my fingers in your pussy?”
My thighs were shifting restlessly. “Yes, yes, please Aaron.”
When his mouth closed around my nipple, I felt his left-hand slide down into my shorts, then into my panties. He shifted his wrist, allowing his hand to cup me. He groaned against my skin. "I haven't even put a finger inside of you and I can already feel how wet you are. Your little cunt is just dripping for me.”
I didn’t have a chance to respond before he parted my lips, his finger ghosting over my clit, causing my back to arch off the bed. He smirked but didn’t tease me further; he slid his fingers down to my opening before pushing his middle and ring finger inside of me, using the heel of his hand to grind against my clit. I moved my hand to my mouth, having to bite on my skin to silence the scream that his actions brought forward.
“What’s wrong, sweetheart?” He leaned back, never pausing the movement of his fingers. “Are you trying to be quiet? Do you not want everyone in this hotel to know how wet you are? How desperate you are to have my fingers inside of you?” All I could do was nod. “It’s all right, baby. Once we get home, I’ll hear you scream for me. But for now; be a good girl and try to be quiet. I’m the only one that gets to hear what you sound like when you cum for me.”
I was grinding against him, working my hips desperately, matching his rhythm. I was so close. “Aaron, NO!” was all I could say when he removed his fingers from inside me. The man just smiled at me, looking me straight in my eyes when he put his fingers in his mouth, licking me off of them.
He grabbed my shorts and panties at my hips, roughly jerking them off my body. “When we get home,” he said as he slowly started to push his own pajama pants down. “The first thing I’m going to do is lay on my back and make you put this pussy on my mouth. You taste so good, angel.” His cock sprang free; he was so much thicker than I expected. I was transfixed, just watching his fist pump up and down his hard length. “Will you do that for me? Will you ride my face?”
“Yes,” I was so desperate I would agree to anything in that moment. “I’ll do anything. Just please fuck me, Aaron.”
He used the fingers of his free hand to part my pussy lips again, rubbing over my clit. “I don’t have a condom, sweetheart, but-“
“I’m on the pill,” I reach out to grip his shoulders, pulling him on top of me. “I trust you. I trust you with everything. I need you inside me, Aaron.”
He shoved my thighs open, running the head of his cock up and down my pussy, coating himself in my arousal. He looked up at me again, giving me another moment to back out, before he slowly started to push inside of me. He stroked in and out of me, going a little bit deeper each time until he bottomed out. Aaron’s head fell to the dip of my shoulder. “Fuck,” he whispered. “You’re so fucking tight.” He started moving then. Slowly pulling out before he shoved himself back inside me. My hands were on his back, my nails digging into his skin. I wrapped my legs around his back, trying to draw him deeper inside me.
“You feel so good,” I whisper, biting his shoulder to keep my moans quiet.
Aaron raised up on straight arms, changing the tempo of his thrusts. “You’re not doing a very good job of being quiet, baby.” I whimpered; I couldn’t help it. “I think we might have to do something about that. He quickly pulled out of me; I didn’t have time to complain before he flipped me over, gripping my hips and lifting me up on to my knees. His hand palmed my ass cheek while he leaned over me, his breath hot on my ear. “This is how you need to be fucked.”
Raising up, he lined himself up and slammed inside of me. I bit my lip so hard that I could taste blood; Aaron tangled his hands in the back of my hair, pulling my head up while he set a brutal pace. "Quiet, baby. You don't want everyone to know what a dirty girl you are. Screaming for my cock, so wet that you're dripping down your thighs." His pace didn't slow down; I felt my orgasm rising up inside me. "Touch your clit for me, sweet girl. I want to feel you cum on my cock."
My fingers began circling my clit in a frenzy, causing my pussy to flutter around him. “That’s a good girl. Such a good girl for me. Can you be quiet when you cum? Or do I need to shove your face down in the mattress while I fuck you?” He gave a dark chuckle at my needy whine. “That’s what I thought.”
In the way that he knew everything, Aaron knew when my orgasm was peaking. He pushed my head down, never too hard, but hard enough. I bit the comforter in an attempt to silence my scream. I felt myself clamp down around his thick cock. My orgasm broke inside me so quickly. I screamed his name while I came; the comforter silenced some of it, but he heard it. That scream along with my pussy cumming on him was ultimately his undoing. He gave a few final thrusts before he went all the way, holding himself inside me as deep as he could, filling me with his cum.
I collapsed after that. I had never felt anything like this before. Aaron was there, knowing what I needed even when I didn’t. He held me for a moment until I caught my breath. Then he went into the bathroom, coming back with a damp washcloth to clean me up. He was so tender with my sensitive flesh; he didn’t say anything, he just focused on his task.
Once he was satisfied, he laid down beside me, drawing me into his side just as he’d done the night before. I couldn’t help the dry chuckle that left my exhausted body. Aaron made a ‘hmm’ noise. “I was just thinking about last night,” I said quietly, my voice raw from the screaming I had just done. “You held me like this last night. It was just 24 hours ago, but the whole world feels different.”
He made a noise in the back of his throat that I took as an agreement. After a beat, he said, "well, maybe you won't run out on me in the morning this time."
I looked into his eyes, raising up to press a kiss against his stubbly jaw. “I’ll never run again.”
And I meant it. I could face any monster, as long as Aaron Hotchner was beside me.
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dreamescapeswriting · 4 years
BTS Reaction || First Ultrasound [Request]
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[BTS XFem!Reader] [GIF Rights to the makers]
First Pregnancy Scan - 10 - 14 Weeks
Jin watched the screen as the baby started to appear, it was hard to see at first but once the nurse began to point out where the baby was it was easier.
"Look at that, we made a whole new person." He chuckled as he held onto your hand, tears were streaming down your cheeks as you smiled but the nurse shook her head as she giggled.
"You better make that two new people, it looks like you're having twins." She smiled proudly but Jin's face fell and he looked as though he'd seen a ghost,
"Two?" He stuttered out making you laugh softly as the nurse began to point out where the second baby was hiding,
"We're having two babies?!" He finally yelled out in excitement jumping up a little as he realised what was going to happen, then he repeated the same statement in a more scared tone.
"I'm going to guess he's happy but worried?" The nurse asked as she began snapping pictures of the babies, you nodded watching as Jin began to pace back and forth while mumbling about twice as much work.
"Baby, it'll be a baby for me and you, it's okay." You reassured him as you stretched your hands out to calm him down but he began shaking his head and trying to work out how many nappies and supplies you were going to need.
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The whole drive to the nurses office Yoongi had been silent, you knew it was becuase he was nervous about going for the first scan. This was your first child together so he'd been going out of his mind researching everything almost scaring himself as he realised youcould have had a false positive and the baby might not be there. But as soon as the baby appeared on the screen you visibly saw the tension leave his body,
"Whoa," He mumbled as he looked at the screen, letting go of your hand as he moved closer to get a better look at the baby on the screen. A warm gummy smile appearing on his face as the nurse zoomed in closer for him,
"I'll leave you alone for a minute while I get the print out's." She whispered turning to leave the room,
"You okay Yoongi?" You whispered as you sat up in the bed, wiping the goo off your stomach as he nodded at you,
"I'm perfect, we're perfect...We're creating a family," He smiled brightly as he held onto your hands ignoring your whines about wanting to get the goo off your stomach and pointing at the baby on the screen once again,
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"I have to tell you, this is the weirdest ultrasound I've had to do." The doctor spoke as you held up your phone to face the screen, you smiled softly.
"Well, he's away on tour and he didn't want to miss the first scan," You told him as you watched Hoseok squint to see what he was trying to see on the screen,
"Here-" The doctor began clicking on the computer to outline the baby for Hoseok and you smiled, tearing up as you realised that you were growing your baby inside of you. Hoseok smiled to himself as he bit down on his lip, he'd promised you that he wouldn't cry but he was starting to realise he couldn't keep to his promise.
"Would you like a video recording of the heartbeat?" The doctor questioned but without giving you time to answer for yourself Hoseok screamed out yes and smiled shyly at you through the screen.
"I'll get it all sorted for you," The doctor chuckled as you turned the camera to face you once again,
"I told you we could do this, two more months and I'm home to look after you." He promised as he blew you a kiss through the screen.
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You knew how badly Namjoon wanted to be a father so when you first got pregnant you were both over the moon about it, always smiling and getting excited about it.
"Is this your first child?" The nurse asked as she pointed at the screen, your small baby appearing there making you smile brightly.
"Yeah, how can you tell?" You questioned looking at her when she nodded to Namjoon, you turned to look at him and he had tears streaming down his cheeks as he stared at the screen.
"Joonie?" You whimpered as you realised he was almost just as emotional as you were at this point,
"I'm going to be a dad." He mumbled before sobbing into his hands, you laughed softly bringing him into a hug as he held onto your arm the nurse smiling to herself as she continued to take videos and photos of the baby for you.
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As soon as the baby was shown on the screen Jimin was a wreck, started crying and blabbering more than you had since becoming pregnant which made you and the nurse giggle.
"You sure you're okay?" You laughed as you got down from the bed and walked towards the door, he nodded at you as he took a tissue from the nurse and began wiping his eyes.
"Do we have to ell the boys?" He groaned as he remembered who was sitting in the waiting room for you, all of you had bets on when he was going to cry and you'd won.
"Baby, yes. I want my money," You laughed as you swung the door open and smirked at all of the boys who knew instantly that you had won by the look on your face.
"Pay-up, I had bets on as soon as he saw the baby," You giggled holding out your hand for their money. Jimin grumbled about being the source of your entertainment while the boys grumbled about you being right all of the time.
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The nurse had finally stopped asking all of the routine questions and was about to apply the cream to your stomach,
"This will be a little cold," You bit down on your lip as you held onto Taehyung's hand, he'd been silent the whole time as he waited anxiously to see your baby on the screen. Since the moment he found out you were pregnant he'd been stunned by everything going on inside of your body. Amazed by the fact that your body could make a whole new person, all of their vital organs and 10 toes with 10 fingers.
"You okay?" You giggled as you cupped his cheek in your hand, running your thumb under his eye to remove the tears that were starting to fall from them.
"Perfect," He breathed watching the screen as your baby first appeared,
"Do you want to hear their heartbeat?" The nurse questioned as she continued running the wand over your stomach, clicking a couple of buttons before a small healthy heartbeat was playing through the speakers.
"That's our baby, Jagiya," Taehyung whispered excitedly as he held onto your hand tightly and squeezed it softly watching the screen.
"All ten fingers, all ten toes and one very strong and healthy heartbeat." The nurse spoke as she began taking photos for you both,
"I'll leave this playing while I go to print off the photos." She whispered before leaving the room, Taehyung immediately started to cry as he looked at you.
"Oh baby," You laughed softly bringing him into your arms.
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"Miss Y/l/n?" You looked up at the nurse that was calling your name out and sighed, Jungkook told you he was running late but you didn't expect him to be this late. Almost an hour late to your first ever pregnancy scan, you couldn't hold it against him but it didn't make it any easier to deal with.
"Coming," You mumbled as you stood up from the chair in the waiting room and a couple of the other mothers all watched you walk towards the smiling nurse.
"No dad today?" She questioned as you laid back on the small bed that was inside the room, you bit down on your lip trying not to get too emotional over him not being there.
"He's running a little late-"
"That's okay, we can print off some pictures for him." She promised you as she began to get everything ready, pulling your files up onto the screen and asking you routine questions.
"EXCUSE ME YOU CAN'T JUST-" The door slammed against the wall and you jumped to see a sweaty and panting Jungkook standing there with an angry nurse behind him,
"Y/n? Did they scan yet?! Am I late!?" You giggled as his voice went up in pitch as he asked the questions, the nurse who was about to press to ultrasound wand against your stomach began to laugh softly.
"Father I presume?" Jungkook walked further into the room and the angry nurse from before shut the door, Jungkook came over to you and held onto your hand tightly.
"The boys are outside aren't they?" You laughed as you looked up at him, he nodded shyly staring at the screen as the wand was placed onto your stomach. A black and white image appearing on the screen, it took a couple of seconds until the nurse finally began to point out where the baby was and that they were in perfect health.
"We made a baby," He mumbled as he let go of your hand, staring at the small baby on the screen as he began to tear up.
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Tagline: @lyoongx​ @mitzwinchester​ @fan-ati--c​ @kneel-begyourpardon​ @taestannie​ @rjsmochii​ @bisexualmess007​ @innersooya​ @sw33tnight​ @sweeneyblue1​ @agustdjoon​ @jin-from-the-block​ 
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sunkissedpages · 4 years
idk if you're taking requests but I would die to have a tom x bi!fem!reader I guess I never read one. like something with her ex girlfriend calling and him getting jealous. treating this as a normal thing CAUSE IT SHOULD BE A NORMAL THING. sorry my bi-self its kinda angry today lol. BTW you're writing its just... omg so good, you're freaking talented girl!
you had me at bi!reader lol also yes i named the ex after jade from victorious don’t @ me  
i’m also tempted to make a nsfw version of this but...
warnings: swearing, drug mention
You sighed when the music you had been playing in Tom’s car cut off suddenly and reached up to reject the incoming call, but froze when you saw “j (don’t answer!!!)” pop up as the Caller ID. Your thumb hovered over the End Call button, hesitating for a second too long before finally tapping it and swiping away the notification. You held your breath as the music came back on, hoping your boyfriend hadn’t noticed your reaction. But he knew you better than you knew yourself and picked up on your nerves instantly. 
“Who was that?”
You cursed under your breath and sunk further into your seat. “Oh, uh, just... Jade.”
A spark of recognition lit up behind his warm, brown eyes and he pursed his lips. “Jade? Your ex-girlfriend?”
“That’s the one,” you confirmed, nodding. 
“Why is she calling you?”
You shrugged and tried to play it off. “I don’t know.”
To be fair, you didn’t know why she was calling, but you knew it had to be important if she was reaching out at all. Your relationship hadn’t ended on the best of terms all those months ago, and there was still the dull ache of what was associated with her name. You didn’t want to talk to her. And you really didn’t want Tom to watch you talk to her.
“Should you... call her back?” he asked.
“No,” you answered a little too quickly, averting your eyes from your boyfriend’s gaze. “It’s fine.”
“Are you sure?”
You were about to reply when the Incoming Call notification popped up on the Audi’s touchscreen display again. You muttered fuck under your breath and pressed the answer button against your better judgment, worried that she might be in some sort of trouble.
“Hey, y/n,” her voice echoed through the speakers softly and you had to force yourself to take a breath before responding so your voice wouldn’t shake.
“Uh, Jade. Um, is everything okay?”
You glanced over at Tom who was focused on the road. He appeared to be as calm and composed as ever, but his grip on the steering wheel gave his true feelings away. His knuckles were turning white around the dark leather and the seams were pressing into his skin. You reached out and put a hand on his thigh in an attempt to calm both his and your own nerves. 
“Yeah, everything’s fine,” Jade said after a moment, clearing her throat awkwardly. “Actually, no it’s not.”
“Oh, what’s up?”
“Do you remember our shitty landlord back at Monty’s?” she asked.
“How could I forget?” you laughed bitterly, even though it was all you wanted to do. “That asshole tried to make us pay double rent like six different times, claiming we hadn’t already paid it.”
“He was also homophobic as hell,” Jade added. 
“And creepy.”
Jade laughed and those old, fluttery feelings in the pit of your stomach threatened to surface again. It was the effect she always had on you and apparently still did, at least in some capacity. Guilt began to set in when you felt yourself smile listening to her laugh and you retracted your hand from Tom’s leg. 
“But why do you ask?”
“Oh, right. He’s being a dick about the faucet in our- my bathroom. It’s leaking and he won’t fix it because he says it’s my fault that it’s broken in the first place.”
You hadn’t realized Jade still lived in that old apartment you used to share. Maybe you should have guessed, since you had been the one to move out when things ended, but it had been so long ago that you had just assumed she was living somewhere else now. You wondered if she had taken other people home there, if there was someone different sleeping in your spot on the bed every night, cooking for her like you used to-
“Anyway,” she went on, snapping you out of it, “it’s bullshit. It’s leaking because it’s old, not because I did anything to it. But he always listened to you because you were better at sweet-talking him. I’m... too bitchy, I guess. I know it’s a lot to ask after everything that happened between us, but I was wondering if you could maybe... give him a call? And ask him to fix it?”
Tom looked over at you with eyebrows raised expectantly, him and Jade both waiting for your answer. 
“Yeah, I can give him a call,” you sighed reluctantly. “But if he says no, I’m not asking again.”
“Oh my god thank you, y/n,” she gushed. “You’re the best! I-I wouldn’t have called, but the leak has already damaged part of the floor and he’s dodging me-”
“You don’t have to explain it all. I’ll call him, okay?”
“Okay, okay. Thank you so much. You’re a fucking lifesaver.” 
“Don’t mention it,” you said, “I’ll uh, I’ll text you to let you know what he says.”
“Sounds good!” she chirped. “Hey, if everything goes well you should let me smoke you out as a thank you.”
“Oh,” you paused, glancing back at Tom who wasn’t even hiding his scowl now. “You don’t have to do that.”
“Well the offer’s open if you ever want to take me up on it. Ya know, for old time’s sake.”
“I’ll keep that in mind,” you promised.
“Okay,” she said with a sigh, “I’ll let you go now... it was nice hearing from you again.”
“Yeah, likewise,” you lied through gritted teeth and hung up, finally feeling like you could exhale.
Your music started playing automatically again once the call had ended, but Tom turned it down immediately, clearly distracted.
Your head was still reeling from the conversation you’d just had and you would need three to five business days to process it, but you knew you had to say something to Tom. You couldn’t tell what he was thinking, but his jaw was clenched like it was when he was upset so you knew it couldn’t be good. 
“I’m... sorry if that was weird for you,” you tried. “I know it was weird for me.”
Tom turned his head toward in surprise, as if he hadn’t been expecting you to say anything, and his eyes softened immediately. “Are you okay, love?” 
“Yeah,” you said and nodded like you were trying to convince yourself too, “I think so.” 
“You sure?”
You nodded again, then asked him the same. “Are you okay?”
He took a deep breath. “I’m trying to be.”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, my girlfriend’s ex just called her out of the blue and basically asked to hook up with her right in front of me, so I’ve been better.”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes at your boyfriend’s jealousy and settled for crossing your arms over your chest instead. “Tom, she did not ask to hook up with me. Were we listening to the same conversation?”
“It wasn’t that hard to read between the lines, y/n. ‘You should let me smoke you out as a thank you’, like that wasn’t just straight-up flirting. She was obviously using the god damn faucet as an excuse just to talk to you again.” 
He wasn’t wrong, and evidently you both knew that. The faucet might have been a legitimate issue, but it was an awfully convenient one too. You brought your thumb to your mouth and started chewing on your nail anxiously, not even realizing you were doing so until Tom gently pulled your hand away. 
“Sorry,” you murmured. 
“No, darling, don’t apologize,” he insisted. “I know it was probably difficult to hear from her after so long, and I, I’m not making it any fucking easier. I just got in my head about things... because your relationship with her was so serious and it lasted for like two years and you lived together and we’ve only been dating for a few months-"
You sighed and leaned over the center console to rest your head on his shoulder. “All of that may be true, but you know I would never go back to her, right?”
He paused for a moment before finally nodding. “I do.”
“She’s my past. You’re my future.”
Tom smiled and leaned down to kiss you on the forehead. “And you’re mine. For as long as you want to be.”
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mythichang · 4 years
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➠ pairing . . . george weasley x reader
➠ genre . . . fluff!!! pining on both parts, pretty short but i think it was a lot of sweetness 😣😣 they ARE students!!! same grade and all that jazz
➠ warnings . . . nothing really!! although they doooo talk about butts but,,, you’ll seee,,,,,
➠ word count . . . 1.8k
➠ authors note . . . this is super duper late and was requested by anon so looooong ago!! i did fall out of the fandom for a bit because tiktok sort of made me realize that a lot of people were on the wrong side of my many situations, but hp will always be in my heart so here i am!!! i hope you all enjoy!!! talk to me about this imagine!! give me scenarios or ask this george and yn from this universe a question!!
➠ masterlist
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george was being quite adorable on that particular monday afternoon
you had taken your usual seat, a two-seater splat in the middle of the class
you hadn’t even noticed that the red head fumbled into class, excited to sit besides you as you were too engrossed in your book
it was another thriller, one that made your skin crawl but in the most satisfying way
george got to his seat besides you, a smile on his face as he watched you bite on your lip the tiniest of bit in concentration
he plopped down beside you, head tilted to watch your concentrated face
although he wasn’t as confident as his twin brother, he always watched from afar, eyes full of puppy love
and by afar, he meant right beside you— because that’s where he always was— right beside you
befriending you hadn’t been the easiest of tasks, your quietness not being filling enough for any other person
but he admired the way you didn’t have to yell at the top of your lungs about your excitement
or the way you could sit with anyone in silence and make them feel more comfortable than words could ever manage
really, he was sprung on yOu and only YoU
it wasn’t a surprise to anyone really
not with those longing looks and the way the boy follows you around like a lost puppy
a lost cute puppy albeit
you didn’t mind either
he was an incredibly sweet boy and managed to help you out a lot in different instances
like the way he helps you find the right words to speak to someone whenever you’re stuck
or helping decipher exactly what others are feeling, since you had the smallest of trouble doing a mundane thing
he helps in all of the classes you two have together and is often found getting you to pull away from your little bubble
it’s a great bubble, you love the bubble, it’s always been YOUR bubble but you didn’t mind stepping out of it for the red head boy with the mischievous twin brother
“did you get a chance to study for OWLs?” the boy pulls you out of trance
you look up, a small smile blossoming upon your face at the sight of your favorite boys face
“i did, you?” you ask faintly, gently putting your book back into the small bag that helped you carry all of your books thought out the day
“not a chance.”
“im guessing you want my notes?” you turn in your seat, arm perched up on the desk as you leaned your head up on the palm of your hand
“hmm, i think i would greatly appreciate it.”
“oh, you think?” you laugh softly at his words, same bright smile on your face
you could feel your mood immediately spike as you spoke to him
he was so incredibly comforting and kind, something that you couldn’t find often at hogwarts with rivalries blooming left to right
“i'm not saying i would decline if you offered them up.”
“who’s offering them?” you feign a look of innocence as you exaggeratedly look around the classroom and back at him. “i don’t see anyone doing that.”
“it’s you. you’re offering them up.” he softly pokes the side of your stomach, making you squirm in your seat.
“ask nicely and i might consider handing them over.” you click your tongue and tap your wrist as if signaling that his time was almost up.
“y/n, may i kindly take a look at your notes so that i don’t totally bomb the OWLs?”
“i think i need a little more begging.”
“you suck”
it wasn’t as if you wanted to be staring at him
he was just there— standing there so gloriously beside his twin brother
it was no doubt that the weasley twins were popular around hogwarts
you weren't sure if it was their likability or the parties they seemed to make a thousand times more fun
whatever it was, they ravished in it, not that you cared either, even if it did get you into too many uncomfy situations
seeing george oh-so happy among the crowd of wizards was oh-so gratifying
he smiled so bright that his pearly whites shone throughout wherever he was
now was one of the moments, except you weren’t anywhere special— just another day of sitting across the room from one another in herbology
professor sprout had separated the two of you in hopes that you wouldn’t mess or speak to one another in class any longer
that didn’t work out great,,, clearly
because now you were dazed
dazed as you watch the boy laugh and work with his brother
you weren’t quite sure what was going on between them but you knew you looked like one of those ridiculous people in those ridiculous romantic movies
where the main character is staring at the boy they find so attractive— hearts floating around their head as they sigh out in happiness as if they were watching their entire world
ridiculous ridiculous ridiculous
but could you blame yourself? was it really your fault or was it george’s for being very cute? for having a laugh and smile that just manages to grasp your entire self?
it was george’s fault you like to think
“what are you doing?” the sudden voice makes you jump in your spot, utensils falling onto the floor with a loud clatter
you look down at the utensils out of embarrassment, not wanting to make any eye contact with anybody
“sorry, didn’t mean to scare you.” angela bends down over with you, helping pick up your things
“it’s quite alright,” you mumble softly, not exactly knowing what so say
“i figure you’re into george.” the girl’s sudden words throw you off, your head snapping up to look at the beautiful girl
“w-what? where… um, where’d you get that? it’s nothing but… lies.” you sputter out as quickly as possible— and quite literally too loudly as many others glanced to you and the girl
you could feel your cheeks brighten up even more
a sense of deadly remorse wafts over your already flushed body as angelina gave you an unimpressed look
“alright, calm down, it was just a random conclusion i’ve came up with.”
“that’s a crazy hypothesis!” you continue to sputter out your words as if in disgust of her word
“it wouldn't be that crazy, now, would it?” she laughs gently as the two of you stood up, finally coming up from your crouch on the floor
“he’s just a friend”
“it’s no big deal, i’m definitely into fred. nothing to be ashamed of.”
“yeah, well everyone knows that.” you sigh, fixing up your utilities, angelina helping you with the task
“and no one knows about you and george? only so many can be as, and i mean this in the nicest way possible, oblivious as you two.”
“what’s that supposed to mean?” eyebrows scrunched, you turn to her
were you supposed to be offended? you felt as if you should but you didn’t care enough about it any longer
“it means... make a move.” she shrugs from beside you. “i don’t think it’d ruin anything. if anyithing, you two could stop running circles around one another and finally make out.”
“you are a very crude person.”
“masking out is crude to you? bless your soul, no wonder you haven’t noticed him.”
and that was where the conversation stopped, only making your thoughts run 100 mph
what was she saying exactly? was george as into you as you are into him?
it made your brain feel mushy and it was a horrible feeling
one filled with anxiousness, trying to figure out exactly what being a teenager with feelings meant
but it pleasantly relaxed you to know that angelina was going through the same things as a teenager herself
having started hanging out with her and listening to her advice, you began to notice more things about george and the way he was around you
he was a lot more touchy than you ever remembered, and not in an uncomfortable wait either
but what seemed platonic and innocent to you suddenly sent an alarm through out you (again, not a bad one,,,, just a slightly nervous one)
what were you supposed to do???????
you were always told that you were HORRIBLE with emotions and confrontation
confront him about your feelings???? now how were you supposed to deal with both???
you were unnerved to no end and george was quick to catch in as well
“okay, what’s up your butt?” at hearing george’s voice, you jump up slightly
“there’s nothing up my butt.”
“yes there is. you have that look.”
“the ‘there’s-something-up-my-butt’ look?” you scoff lightly, hoping to rid of the conversation with a tiny bit of humor
“exaclty the look. tell me what’s wrong.”
“nothings wrong.” you shrug him off, turning back to your book, one of which you had to read the first sentence repeatedly
you couldn’t even sit beside him any longer without feeling as if you’re about to burst with terrifying feelings and hypothesis, courtesy of angelina
“is someone bullying you?”
“what?” you turn to him in disbelief. “who would bully me?”
“i don’t know,” he mumbles softly not liking the reaction he managed to grab from you. “just... you look... weird.”
“and here i thought this flimsy uniform looked great with my legs.”
“okay sassypants, i’ll let you be.”
you sigh softly at the sight of a defeated look on him
your mother always said, “if something is painful but can be rid of in an instant, rip it off like a bandaid.”
you always thought it was dumb, why would you rip off a bandaid? bandaids were there to make you feel better so it should be working on whatever it’s put on
you’re ridiculous
you knew you needed to stop being such a wussy, it was a bad look on you
that much you could tell at george’s hesitant looks
screw it
“want to go on a date?” it was too late to stop the words from coming out.
george looks over at you, wide eyes
you felt as if time was suddenly going to slow as you awaited his answer
so far,,,? things didn’t look too great for you
but you weren’t going to strike-out immediately, maybe he was too shocked
“you want to go on a date? with me?”
“no, actually, im asking professor snape... yes with you.” your cheeks were flushed red as you refused to look the boy in the eye
“sassypants is coming out again.” the melodious tone of his laughter reaching your ears, making you feel at ease
“i’d love to go on a date with you.” you shut your eyes tight, hands covering your face
“goodness, i felt like i was suffocating.” you mumble, embarrassment continuously coursing through your body
“is that what was up your butt?”
“you really do have a way with words. yes, that’s what was up my butt.”
“hmm, i knew something was wrong. weirdo, you could have asked me so long ago!”
“you could’ve told me too!”
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weasleydream · 3 years
dreams are my reality - last part
this is the last part, finally! I really hope it’s good, please let me know! 
As usual, feel free to like, comment, reblog and enjoy!
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~ although it’s only fantasy ~
If I was being completely honest, opening my eyes the following morning surprised me a lot. However, this bubble of relief exploded when I realized three things: Sirius was not next to me in the bed, this bed was not in my room, and I wasn’t alone.
_ _ _ 
I was pretty sure I didn’t know the woman. She was wearing some strange kind of white dress and a headdress that was covering her hair. She said something to me, but I didn’t understand. Another woman, younger than the first, said something too, but no sound reached my ears. I thought with annoyance that they were just moving their lips on purpose, but then I realized I was plunged into a deep silence, and if what I felt until this moment was anxiousness, this new information made me trip over the edge. The women reacted quickly; one put her hands on my arms, firmly but with goodwill, I knew it. The other quickly left the room, and something caught my eyes just before the door closed, something familiar even though I couldn’t put my finger on it. She came back a few seconds later with two vials in her hand and made me drink them one after the other; the first transformed the deep silence into an annoying buzzing and the second made my eyelids so heavy that I didn’t have any other choice than to close them. 
The next hours, or maybe days, passed in a blur. The only things I perceived were a mix of undefined forms and colours, with sometimes a sound I was unable to identify and sensations I couldn’t hold onto. It was just me and my confused mind, a succession of questions I didn’t really formulate and answers I couldn't even begin to think of. 
I didn’t know it yet, but soon I would wish for things to stay like this forever. 
_ _ _ 
It was usually a bad idea to go to St-Mungo’s when we were hurt after a mission for the Order, but Sirius’ life was threatened, and no one thought of another option. James and Remus had disappeared through the magical barrier way before Lily, Peter and I. They were carrying Sirius’ body as carefully as they could considering the fact that they were running. Lily and I were helping Peter whose leg seemed to be broken in several places and making sure no muggle was around. At first I had taken this task as an opportunity to avoid thinking about Sirius’ lifeless body, but it appeared that it was inefficient. Each dark corner of the empty street was a new hiding spot for the ghost of the death eater, and each pavement seemed to be stained with blood that shouldn’t have been spilled. 
The barrier eventually appeared in front of us and we crossed it without a second thought. The boys’ arrival had already disturbed the usually perfect organisation of the nurses; they were running everywhere, sometimes barely dodging patients that didn’t understand what was happening. Three nurses stopped in front of us. Only now did I realize how much of a poor sight we probably were: Lily’s left arm was folded against her stomach, Peter was standing on one leg and he was paler than death, and my shirt was soaked in blood. That was without taking into account the shock that was paralyzing us. Two of the women exchanged places with Lily and I to bring Peter in an empty room at the end of the main corridor while the last put a hand on Lily’s back and a hand in mine to lead us in another room.  
“How- Sirius?”
The nurse looked up to me with a neutral expression. 
“I don’t know. I’ll ask my colleagues as soon as you're up and around.”
She left a few minutes later, and Lily and I followed her. She brought us to the part of the hospital where Sirius was being taken care of, and we joined James and Remus who were already waiting. Peter wasn’t here yet. That’s when the longest hours of our lives began, as we were waiting to know if Sirius would live.
_ _ _ 
Slowly, the different sensations that were forming my world for way too long stopped being confused. And before I could even clearly realize it, I opened my eyes for the first time since the incident with the two women. 
This time, the room seemed empty. It was getting dark outside, and the light that was coming through the window was weak enough for me to look around me without being blinded. The walls were white, the sheets were white, the bedside table was white, everything was white. The only touches of colour were coming from the flowers on the bedside table and from the blanket that had been thrown on a chair that seemed uncomfortable. If my instincts were correct, I was in a hospital. 
As if my questionments had summoned her, the old woman I had seen the first time opened quietly the door and her head appeared. When she realized I was awake, she slipped through the entrance and closed immediately behind her. 
“Miss Y/L/N, how are you feeling?” Without waiting for my answer, she reached the side of my bed and helped me sit before arranging the pillows on my back. 
“How long-” I croaked out, and the soreness of my throat gave me the beginning of an answer. 
“You arrived here five days ago. You woke up a first time yesterday but there was a problem with your ears, I guess you remember that.” I nodded and she squeezed my forearm gently. “Your friends have been waiting impatiently for your awakening. I’ll have you pass a few exams and then you’ll see them.”
The next hour or so was full of all sorts of medical exams that I had never heard of. The nurse made me drink dozens of different potions, cast several spells, and she even asked me to cast a few myself. Finally, after what felt even more tiring than a match of Quidditch, she took a few steps back and grabbed the flying booknote that had followed her since the beginning. 
“Mmm, yes, okay…” she murmured as she was reading her notes again. Then she stayed silent for a few seconds before looking up to me again with a small smile. “You’ll stay here with us for another few days, simple precaution. But I’ll allow your friends in your room - this way, maybe they’ll stop harassing me with questions every time they see my shadow.”
I nodded, amused to think that it was indeed like them or at least like Sirius. The nurse put the notebook on the other table that was on the other side of the room and opened the door widely. A split second later, a hurricane burst through the door.
“Y/N!” It was Lily’s voice. I barely had enough time to register her red hair flying behind her that she was kneeling on the bed and tightening me against her as if her life depended on it. “Don’t you dare do this ever again! We were so scared!”
I wrapped my arms around her and attempted to stroke her back in a soothing way, but I only had one question in mind. 
“What- what…?” Talking was too painful, so I looked up to Lily hoping she would understand what I was asking. 
“You mean what happened?” she asked with furrowed eyebrows. “You don’t remember?” I shook my head. “It was- I don’t know if I should tell you, then, I think- I think it’s better if you forget it.” She seemed embarrassed now, as if what had happened would be too much for me to bear. “You really don’t remember the mission?” 
_ _ _ 
Four days and still no amelioration. No one said it because it was our duty to stay hopeful for each other, but we had all thought of the possibility that… Sirius wouldn’t make it out alive. The first time it had been implied by a nurse, James had exploded and almost pierced the wall with his fist, and nothing like this had been said again. It was twenty-four hours ago. 
Peter had obtained the right to keep his room, but he was never the one sleeping in his bed. We were all so worried that walking away from Sirius’ room for two minutes was too hard; the only moments when Peter’s room was occupied were when one of us would fall dead asleep on a chair. It never lasted for long, though. 
The night after the fourth day was the hardest without any hesitation. Somewhere around 3 a.m. Sirius' state changed brutally. It was so unexpected that we didn’t even understand what was happening, not until Peter, Remus, James, Lily and I were told to wait outside of the room. It was a strong stream of people that was coming in and out of the room and no one ever answered our questions. We were all on the verge of a nervous breakdown; it seemed so difficult for James that he repeatedly snapped at Lily whereas she was giving him news about Harry, who was still at the babysitter. Remus hadn’t said a word in hours, Peter had been staring blankly at the wall for at least ten minutes, and it felt like my heart was simultaneously stopping and exploding with every noise that reached us from the room. 
It’s during the middle of the fifth day that, finally, a nurse told us what had happened. 
“Your friend woke up during the night,” she first announced before lifting a hand, which stopped Peter’s exclamation. “He’s suffering from aftereffects, but we have good hope they’ll be temporary.”
Then she stopped and looked at us one by one, visibly waiting for a reaction. For my part, I was afraid I had understood it wrong, and I didn’t dare say anything. The last days had been so hard, so horrible, that it seemed impossible that they could have a happy ending. 
“What- what…” stuttered Remus. 
“He’ll be fine. I’m positive he’ll wake up today or tomorrow.”
I wanted to let my relief and my joy burst, but I didn’t have enough energy. Instead, I looked up to my friends: James had wrapped Lily tightly in his arms and she was murmuring soothing words in his ear, Peter was looking like he had deflated and Remus was as white as the wall. And yet, there was a bubble that had taken place around us, a bubble that had brought warmth and a feeling of security. Sirius was going to live, everything would be okay. 
He would live. 
_ _ _ 
Lily knew there was an internal battle that was raging in my body. She used to say my eyes always showed what I was feeling; this time, however, she didn’t say anything. She was sitting on the uncomfortable chair, waiting for the news to sink in, and I was sitting in the bed. I was staring at something that I couldn’t see, probably because I needed to fix my eyes on something to be sure I wouldn’t have to face reality. Somehow, it didn’t seem that surprising to me; maybe it was because deep down I knew it, or maybe it was because of some strong instinct, the fact is that I wasn’t exactly flabbergasted. But it didn’t make it easier to accept, far from that. In a way, it made it even more painful, as if the knife that had just been plunged in my chest was now being shaken in every direction. 
Since I was a kid, I had always had this little notebook on my bedside table. When I was 7, it was pink with flowers on every page. When I was 10, it was the colour of the sky in the middle of a summer day. When I turned 11, it took the colours of an old parchment and some green ink, and it had stayed the same since then. If the colours had changed throughout the years, its content had always been the same: it was my dreams. Sometimes, I just described an image, a vague memory of something I thought I had seen, and sometimes it was a detailed account of everything I remembered. Now, if I had felt like thinking in an ironic way, I would have said that I soon would have a novel to write. 
Without even realizing it, I crossed my fingers. This is when the missing of the very simple golden ring Sirius had given me hit me, and it took me a second to comprehend what it meant. 
“Do you understand what it means, Y/N?” Lily asked quietly. “Whatever you remember… It didn’t happen. It was just- it was all in your head.”
_ _ _ 
“How is it possible?” Lily saw my lips moving but my voice didn’t reach her ears. She got up slowly and sat next to me without a word. “How is it possible?” I repeated, louder this time. “It was three years ago… I- I remember every day, I’ve lived everyday… Lily, it’s impossible! It’s- no, I don’t believe it, I-”
“Calm down Y/N, it will be okay.” 
Lily used her most soothing voice and put both her hands on my shoulders. If usually it was enough to help me, this time it was completely useless. I jumped backwards and folded my knees against my ribcage. This position made me feel a bit later, as if being curled up in the tightest ball would make me become invisible. 
“You’re lying…” I sniffled. “I want to see Sirius…”
Lily sighed and got up. Without a word, she opened the door and glanced once again at me before disappearing. A few minutes later, the door slammed open again. 
“Y/N! I’m so glad you’re alright!”
It was Sirius. I had the hardest time believing all of this was true, but to see him brought me another proof. His hair was longer than they were the last time I had seen him - or the last time I thought I had. His cheeks were more hollowed too, and he had dark bags under his eyes. It was exactly how I remembered he was before that mission. 
“Y/N… What’s wrong?” Uncertainty was filling his voice; he had probably realized I was looking like a scared animal. 
I was now sobbing. With each sound that left my mouth my throat tightened a bit more, and each tear that rolled on my face made my eyes sting a bit more. No matter how firmly I was trying to brace my knees, my arms and the rest of my body were shaking like a leaf when the wind is the most powerful. Sirius’ hand slowly brushed my back; it earned him a weak flinch. 
“Tell me what’s wrong.” he murmured again before delicately stroking my hair. “I need to help you, please…”
I shook my head, and Sirius rolled his eyes. 
“Have I already told you how stubborn you are?”
“Only a dozen times... “ I whispered. 
Sirius chuckled softly and his fingers brushed my cheek. 
“Is it a smile that I see?” 
The only answer I could give him was a slightly larger smile. My heart was still heavy and my face still covered in tears, but Sirius was next to me and wedding or not, he was still my anchor to this world. His arms surrounded my shoulders, and without thinking about it I hid my nose in the crook of his neck. It was hard not to think about all the things I had lost without having had them at all when his scent was all around me and when his hands were on my skin, and they soon became so vivid that I couldn’t ignore them anymore. 
“We were married…” I whimpered, and the lack of reaction from Sirius led me to wonder if he had heard me. Until he asked me more about it, that is. 
“What did you just say?”
However he didn’t move, and it made it easier for me to tell him everything. Absolutely everything. I didn’t know what terrified me the most; that he could laugh, tell me it would never happen, or just think I had gone crazy. Clearly, the story of the three years of living together my brain had created had taken a toll on him, he was tense and stayed silent for way longer than usual. I couldn’t bring myself to talk first, so I just sat there, still hidden in his neck, waiting for any reaction he would give me. 
“You said James cried when we told him?”
It was my turn to stay silent, because I didn’t understand why the first thing he found to say among all the possibilities was to ask if James had really cried. Sirius slowly loosened his grip on me, and his shining eyes found mine. 
“And… Were you happy?”
“I was.” 
Sirius nodded and lifted his hand to untangle a strand of hair. He was smiling, not really looking like he was outraged or something like this, and several times he opened and closed his mouth. He was obviously looking for something to say and I was too, but what was I supposed to add to clear the air? 
Even though it was less violent than earlier, the door suddenly opened and three heads appeared. James, Remus and Peter rushed in the room and literally jumped on the bed, which sent Sirius on the floor. James was just in front of me, his arms were the first to wrap around me and he hugged me for a few seconds before pushing me backwards and looking at me with a mix of anger and relief. 
“Why the hell did you do that?” he shouted, even though in his voice too different feelings were fighting. “I was that close to cast Protego! Remus would have killed him without a problem and- and-”
“Shut up James, would you?” intervened Peter. “You see that she doesn’t understand what you’re saying, don’t you?”
Indeed, I was completely lost; I did remember Remus killing the death eater, but the rest was obviously very different. I glanced at Sirius: he had gotten up but his eyes were attached to the floor. 
“What happened?” I enquired. “I don’t-”
“You protected me, that’s what happened.” Sirius’ voice was firm and emotionless, way too similar to the one he used when he was deeply hurt or ashamed. “You shouldn’t have done that, by the way. It was stupid… I’ve never wanted you to risk your life for me.”
“Sirius, a thank you would have been great too, you know.” 
“Certainly not! You almost died and I’ll never forgive myself for it! Y/N, I just can’t bear the thought of you being hurt and even less when it’s because of me!”
“Hey, hey, Sirius!” I tried to reach out for his hand, but he was too far. Sirius sighed and sat on the edge of the bed and I grabbed his hand. “You know, one day you told me- or no, I imagined you telling me… No, said like this it’s weird. It’s just that… Sirius, dying to protect you is not something I fear. It would be… an honour.”
“Don’t say that…” he murmured. “Please, never say that again.”
And he engulfed me in a strong embrace that I gave him back. Our friends had discreetly left the room to leave us some intimacy, and I stayed in Sirius’ arm for a long time. For the first time since I had opened my eyes, things felt like they made sense. 
_ _ _ 
Real life was less easy, that was for sure. The war wasn’t over, Voldemort hadn’t magically vanished, we were all still more or less hurt after that mission, Harry was still growing up in a dangerous world. But we were fighting to make it better, and things were slowly working out the way we wanted them to. 
Sirius and I had spent a lot of time together, and he had made a point to make sure one day, my dreams would become my reality. 
It was a promise that he had stuck to, and that he had fully kept the day he had asked me to marry him, more or less three years later. 
The end 
tag: @padsfirewhisky​
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Skyline Manor by GleefullyCaptainSwan Chapter 2/13
Read on AO3: | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2
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Stacy's Tortured Crew: @teamhook @kmomof4 @stahlop @lfh1226-linda @ilovemesomekillianjones @itsfabianadocarmo @mariakov81 @qualitycoffeethings @zaharadessert @jrob64 @jonesfandomfanatic @natascha-ronin @tiganasummertree @xarandomdreamx @therooksshiningknight @batana54 @superchocovian @onceratheart18 @ultraluckycatnd @snowbellewells @karlyfr13s @the-darkdragonfly
Chapter 2: The Swan Thief
“Do I really have to go to dad’s tonight? I was gonna help Will with all the planning for the barbeque!” Henry was packing his clothes into his small suitcase that he used on the weekends he spent with his dad.
“Yes, this is his weekend, and you know it’s important that you spend time with him.”
“I know, I get it.” He groaned. “But can I still see Will before dad gets here?”
“Alright, but don’t be late getting back, your dad will be here in less than an hour. You know how much he hates to wait.”
“That’s because he gets uncomfortable being around you for longer than two minutes.”
Emma laughed. “Well, let’s not make him uncomfortable then.”
As soon as his mother walked out of his room, he reached into his drawer to pull out the notebook he kept so well guarded. He stuffed it into his backpack and zipped it shut. Carrying his stuff, he tossed everything down by the door and slipped into the hall.
Instead of heading across the hall to Will’s, he walked next door and knocked on 4C. Looking around anxiously, he waited for an answer. As he was about to give up, the door opened, Killian stood in front of him, his hair disheveled with a cup of coffee in his hand.
“Morning, lad. Everything alright?”
Henry glanced down the hall toward his apartment. “Yup, just checking in to see how your first night went.”
“Are you some sort of welcoming committee?” He joked.
“Nah, did Ruby come by yet?”
“Ruby?” He said with a twitch of his lip and a look of confusion on his face, obviously she hadn’t invited him to the barbeque yet. God, no one ever did anything urgently around here.
He heard a bark from behind the man and a dog came skipping out from one of the rooms. “Cool dog.” He exclaimed, slipping under Killian’s arm, and entering the apartment.
“Why don’t you come in and say hello to the dog.” The man said sarcastically before pausing with a sigh. “His name’s Smee.”
“Hey Smee. I’m Henry.” He looked up at Killian. “Anyway, I stopped by to invite you to a barbeque, since apparently Ruby hasn’t done it yet. And by the looks of the place, you might need somewhere to eat.” He looked around at the empty apartment.
“Yeah, my stuff is supposed to arrive tomorrow. So, what’s this barbeque you’re going on about?”
“It’s an annual thing we do here, barbeque on the roof to welcome summer. Everyone comes and it’s a good place to meet all the neighbors. You can bring a friend or girlfriend…”
“Ah, well, I don’t have a girlfriend, but I suppose I can bring a date.”
No girlfriend. “So, you’re single?”
“You’re pretty nosey for a kid.”
“Mom says I’m curious. You should meet her; her name is Emma.”
“I think I met her boyfriend yesterday. Graham I believe.”
“Oh him, yeah. He’s a security guard for old people.” Henry said, brushing off the question.
“I beg your pardon?”
Henry ignored the question, not wanting to get into any discussion with him about Graham. “So, you’ll come to the barbeque?”
The man laughed. “Well, I don’t suppose you give me much choice, lad.”
“Awesome, I’ll let Ruby and Will know.”
“Is Ruby your little friend’s mom?”
Henry shrugged, “Ruby doesn’t have kids.”
Killian just shook his head, “Alright, well I need to get to work, so I guess I’ll be seeing you at this barbeque.”
“Oh, where do you work?”
The man narrowed his eyes. “Do you work for the CIA or something?”
“I bet you work on a boat.” Henry mused.
“Bloody hell kid.” The man’s eyes widened.
“I knew it.” Henry cheered as he patted the dog on the head and walked to the door. “It was the anchor keychain. And you seem like a boat guy.” He shrugged, stepping out into the hall. “See ya later, Killian.”
The door shut behind him and the grin on his face grew wide. He knew he was a Captain. He just knew it. He ran back to his apartment, turning back quickly to knock on Will’s door.
“Oi, I thought you went to Neal’s today.” The man answered with just a pair of shorts on. “You know I sleep in on Saturday’s.”
“Sorry, just wanted to tell you that 4C is coming to the barbeque.”
“Bloody hell, I didn’t even talk to Ruby yet, how did he know?”
“I invited him, we’re friends.” He said with a shrug, turning and entering his apartment, closing the door behind him. As soon as he did both of his parents turned around from the spot they were standing.
“There he is. I told you he would be on time.” His mother said with an icy tone.
“Hey kid, you ready to go?” His dad walked toward him, grabbing his bag from the floor.
“Yup.” He wrapped his arms around his mom and hugged her. “I’ll see you tomorrow night.”
“Love you, kiddo.”
“You too mom.” He squeezed her tightly and then gripped his backpack, turning to his father who nervously shifted toward the door.
“I’ll have him back by 7pm tomorrow. See ya then, Ems.” He paused, then opened the door, ushering Henry into the hall.
“Be good, Henry.” His mother hollered after him.
“Hold the elevator.” Henry looked up as his father called toward the man at the end of the hall. Henry smiled when he recognized Killian.
“Hey, Killian.” Henry greeted him happily as he entered and stood next to him.
“Hello again, lad.”
“This is my dad, Neal.” He said, staring back at his dad. “Dad, this is Killian, he just moved in next door.”
“Perfect.” His dad mumbled under his breath. “Why isn’t it ever an old lady?”
“Sorry, Mate, what did you say?” Killian inquired.
“I said, nice to meet you.” His father lied. Henry wanted to laugh at the man’s immediate reaction to Killian. His dad always seemed to be intimidated by other men, especially if they were anywhere near his mom.
He had long since given up the childish notion of his parent’s getting back together. While he was sure his dad still had an interest in his mom, he had overheard enough conversations between them where his mother had made it clear that there was no future between them.
His mother never said a negative thing about her father to him, but he was old enough to know that his dad wasn’t exactly husband material. He had heard Ruby refer to Neal as a “grown child” when she and his mom had returned from one of their “girl’s night out” parties.
The elevator arrived at the ground floor and Henry parted ways with Killian with a wave, climbing into his dad’s truck for the drive across town. His dad lived in the city, preferring to be in what he referred to as the hustle and bustle of the big wigs or something equally as stupid as that sounded.
As soon as he got to his room, he pulled out his notebook scribbling excitedly after the events of the afternoon.
Captain Jones strutted through the town of Bostonia, observing the townsfolk as they scurried around preparing for the annual ball. Occasionally he caught the eye of a maiden milling about, sizing up his options for the evening. He had been summoned by the King on an urgent yet delicate matter, one that required him to be discreet regarding the reason for his visit.
As he approached the castle, a guard gestured to him and immediately escorted him to the back of the castle, he was led into the garden and told that the King would be with him shortly. Killian had never been to Skyline Manor before, he was unfamiliar with the town of Bostonia, and its inhabitants.
“Captain Jones.” He turned and saw a man striding toward him. Surely this was King David. He bowed, then stood to meet the man’s eyes.
“Your Highness, I came as soon as I got word of your request.”
“I appreciate your expedience, as well as your discretion in this delicate situation.”
“I fear I do not know the details of why you have summoned me.”
The King caught the eye of his guard and nodded slightly, the man stepped inside the castle walls, leaving them alone. “I am not sure if you are aware of my sister’s situation.” Killian nodded that he did not know the situation that the man was speaking of. “Princess Emma is to choose a husband at the upcoming ball.”
“I am not looking for a wife.” Killian said with a slight chuckle.
The King laughed heartily. “No, no. My sister is being courted by a dear friend of mine, Duke Humbert. It is my hope that she will choose him to marry on this night.”
“Then I truly am confused as to why I have been summoned.”
“I don’t want anything to distract my sister from her suitor. However,…” He leaned toward the Captain. “Have you heard of The Swan Thief?”
“Aye, he is renowned throughout the lands. No one knows his true identity, yet he has managed to lighten the purses of many a kingdom. The rumor is that he has a reputation of sullying plenty of fair maidens in his wake.”
“Including my sister.” He said quietly. “Many years ago, my sister placed her misguided trust in him when he was but a young man, he deceived her, and she was left with a son. Obviously, the scandal of an unwed Princess suddenly finding herself with child would have brought dishonor on our kingdom and thus Princess Emma hid away until Sir Henry was born. Our people were told that Sir Henry’s father died and abandoned him, his pockets full from the kingdom’s coffers and Princess Emma took pity on the boy and raised him as her own.”
“And what of the boy? Does he know of his origins?”
“Sir Henry knows that he is the son of Princess Emma and that if the truth came out, it would be dangerous for both he and his mother.”
“My apologies, your highness. Your sister’s virtue aside, how does this involve me?”
“I have it on good word that The Swan Thief plans to disrupt the ball this evening.”
“He is in town?”
“Yes, my wife, Queen Margaret has received a special jewel from the Queen of Arendelle. I believe he will attempt to steal this item.”
“And you would like me to stop the man? Why me, I’m certain you have very capable guards?”
“You have a certain reputation, one that has reached the shores of Bostonia. You are the most feared Captain in all the realms, and you always catch your man.”
“For the right price.” The Captain added.
“Yes, and I believe you will find this price to be most pleasing.”
“And all you require of me is to capture this Swan Thief in order to take my payment?”
“Discreetly, yes. I do not wish my sister or my nephew to know of his presence. His being here would be most unpleasant for the festivities and my sister.”
“And where will I find this Swan Thief?”
“I believe he is on his way to the castle, even as we have this conversation.”
“And you will divulge to me his true identity?”
“His name is Neal Baelfire.”
Emma spent the rest of the evening nervously cleaning the apartment. She was never prepared for Henry to go to Neal’s. Half the time he would call and cancel hours before Henry’s was to leave, other times he would show up thirty minutes early wanting to know why he wasn’t ready to go.
As much as she wanted her son to have a relationship with his father, she hated the fact that she had to share him at all.
Her front door opened, and her best friend Will came bounding through the room. “Do you have beer over here?”
“I thought it was BYOB tonight?”
“It is, but I forgot to go shopping because I slept in.”
“Which one was it, did you forget to go shopping or sleep in?”
He laughed nervously, “Which one gets me beer?”
“Why do I love you so much?”
“Because I’m handsome and I put up with you?” He jumped over the back of her couch and landed on the cushions below him.
“How old are you?”
“Come on Em, please?”
The door swung open, and Ruby walked in with a twelve pack of beer and a bottle of rum in her hand. “Let’s get this party started.”
“My hero.” Will exclaimed, jumping up to unload Ruby of her treasures.
“I figured you would forget again.” She said with a roll of her eyes.
“I knew you loved me.” He said lovingly, kissing Ruby on the cheek.
“Eww, you know we’re never gonna happen right?” Ruby shoved him toward the kitchen.
“Only in my dreams, lass.” He teased in their usual ritual.
“Where’s Graham?”
“He gets off at eight, he’ll be here in a bit.”
“Is that when they put the old people to bed?” Will laughed.
“You’re as bad as Henry.” Emma groaned. “He has a great job.”
“I know. I’m kidding, Emma. It’s just…sometimes he’s a bit…”
“Wooden? Boring? Predictable?” Ruby chimed in.
“You guys are terrible friends.” She complained. “He’s a really nice guy and I like him a lot.”
They were interrupted by a knock on the door and Emma gave them both a warning glance before she opened the door. However, it wasn’t Graham at the door but the new neighbor she had seen in the hall the night before.
“Hello, sorry to bother you, lass, I’m your new neighbor. Killian Jones.” Emma tried not to stare, she really did, but the voice was mesmerizing and his eyes kept drawing her in, suddenly she found herself unable to blink. “Hello?” He repeated and she shook herself out of her trance.
“Sorry, yeah, I’m Emma.”
“My stuff is still being delivered and the moving company lost a few of my boxes. You wouldn’t happen to have a bowl I could borrow?”
“Um, sure, yes I mean. One second.” She turned around and wandered into the kitchen, looking through her cabinets for a bowl.
“So, you’re the mysterious Jones in 4C?” Will questioned the newcomer. “Henry told me he invited you to the barbeque next weekend.”
Emma’s head snapped toward Killian. Her son invited him to the barbeque?
“Um yes, the lad is very friendly.” He said with a tone of discomfort.
“Here you go.” She offered the bowl toward him.
“Thank you, love.” He responded and she felt as if her tongue was swelling in her mouth causing her to be unable to speak.
“Uh yeah, no problem.”
“I’ll bring it back tomorrow, if that’s alright.”
“Of course.”
“Well, enjoy your evening.” He turned to leave before Ruby crowded behind her.
“You like poker or alcohol?” Emma turned and glared at her friend. “We’re having an adult night.” She announced with her tongue practically hanging out of her mouth.
“Oh, well, I’m making dinner for my date, actually. But thanks for the invite. Perhaps another time.” He said with a smirk that made Emma’s heart race.
“You’re welcome any time at my place. I’m just across the hall at 4D.” Emma shoved her friend backwards into the apartment.
“Thanks again.” He smiled and Emma slammed the door shut quickly.
“Oh my God, Ruby, I’m surprised you didn’t throw your bra at him and start screaming his name.”
“Did you see that man? Damn.” Ruby sighed.
Emma bit her lip, she had to admit the man was easy on the eyes, but he did just say that he was making dinner for a date. And oh my God, she had a boyfriend. Greg or Garret… her brain was suddenly going blank.
Killian walked back to his apartment in a haze. So that was Henry’s mother. He had only caught a glimpse of her when he saw her in the hall previously, but up close she was almost intoxicating. It was a true shame that she was attached to the man he had met previously.
He opened the door to his apartment, Belle standing at the counter stirring the pasta on the stove. “Did they have a bowl.”
“Oh great, it’s always nice to have good neighbors.”
They finished preparing dinner, sitting down at the table with Belle to enjoy their hard work. “I forgot to mention that I was invited to a barbeque this weekend, care to join me.”
“Who invited you?”
“Apparently I moved in right before the annual barbeque. Henry, the lad next door invited me.”
“You got invited by a kid?”
“Aye, odd child, very curious. Possibly working undercover for the CIA.” Killian joked.
“Aww, you made a friend your own age.” She teased.
“Very funny.”
“I’m serious though, it’s nice. Maybe he doesn’t have any other friends around here.”
“Not true, he said his best friend lives across the hall. I think he said his name was Will.”
“Well, I think it’s sweet.”
“You think everything is sweet, lass.” He teased.
“I think you’re sweet.” She blushed and he tried to ignore the smile on her face and the way she stared at him with emotion in her eyes.
“You wound me, French. I may be dashing, dare I say devilishly handsome even, but sweet? You take that back, woman.” He chased her down the hall toward the bedroom, capturing his prize as he dragged her into the darkened room.
When Henry returned home the next evening, he found his mother lying on the couch, her sleep mask over her face. “Mom?”
His dad dropped his bag on the ground loudly and Emma jumped from the couch. “Oh hey, what time is it?”
“It’s 7pm.” Neal announced. “Are you sick?”
“Not really, no. Headache.” She groaned. “Did you have fun, kid?”
Henry glanced at his dad and lied. “Loads, we watched Pokémon and ate pizza.”
His mother started to laugh, and Henry narrowed his eyes. She immediately recognized his warning. “Well, that’s great. Sounds fun.”
“I’ll uh guess I’ll see you in a couple weeks.” His dad announced, and Henry wrapped his arms around his waist before taking off down the hall toward his room as he shouted his goodbye.
He stopped at his door, listening to his parents talking softly in the other room.
“So, about the next visit. I have to…” His dad started before his mom cut him off.
“Seriously, Neal?”
“I’m going out of town for a couple of weeks. Business.”
Henry rolled his eyes. He was pretty sure the business he was talking about was a dark-haired woman with big boobs that his dad had spent all weekend facetiming.
“Did you tell him already?”
“I was kind of hoping you would just let him know.”
“Of course you were.” He mother said flatly.
“I just hate seeing the disappointment on his face.”
“Maybe try not disappointing him so often then.”
Henry sighed and quietly closed his bedroom door. He tossed his bag into his closet and slammed himself down onto his bed with a thud. Digging into his backpack he pulled out the old notebook and scanned through the last words he had put on paper. Biting his lip, he grabbed his pencil.
Neal Baelfire sat alone in a darkened corner of the Thirsty Lion tavern in the port of Bostonia. The busty red haired bar wench sauntered over to him with a cold mug of beer, slamming it on the table as the suds poured down the sides of his glass.
“Anything else I can get you?” She cooed.
“How bout some company?” He offered. “Perhaps just the two of us?”
“You payin’?” She said with a drawl.
“You got a room here? I need a place to stay.” He asked, dropping a cloth bag onto the table, the sound of coins clanging together bringing a smile to her face.
“Let me get you a key, sugar.”
As the woman retreated, Neal watched the portly man on the other side of the bar, drinking his pint alone. The man was always on time, never a moment late. His plan was falling into place. Soon he would take what he needed, what was owed to him. He would be able to afford the life of luxury that was denied him, that she had kept him from. Once he had the ice diamond, he could afford a new life, far away from Bostonia.
Once he had the ice diamond, he would have his son again.
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pluto-writes · 4 years
hello!! this is my first bsd req aha,, can i have hcs for the port mafia members (like chuuya or akutagawa) reacting to the reader revealing that they've been secretly dating akutagawa? thanks ^_^
Hello to you too anon ^^ Pleased to be the one to receive your first bsd request! Thank you for your patience, and I hope you enjoy ヽ(〃^▽^〃)ノ (Sidenote: Apparently the human body needs these things called ‘vitamins’ and without them you ‘can’t function’ and ‘feel tired all the time you just sleep for more than half the day’. So now I take vitamins.)
Words: 2,420
Reader revealing that they've been secretly dating Akutagawa/Chuuya.
Akutagawa Ryunosuke 
Higuchi was on her way home, thinking about what to make for dinner for her sister. Until she spotted her senpai coming out of a store, his arm looped together with another person.
She froze, coming to a bunch of different conclusions, but then she remembered about the incident not too long ago with Gin, who ended up being his sister. ‘Maybe this is another relative?’ She thought to herself, hoping that she was right.
That hope quickly shattered when the person kissed Akutagawa on the lips and he returned it. Mouth agape, Higuchi could hardly believe her eyes.
“Akutagawa-senpai is dating someone??? And I didn’t know?” She continued to keep an eye on them, seeing how they act together, and debating if she should just barge in on them and save her senpai. 
She refrained herself from doing so since she didn’t want her senpai to get mad at her again, he made it clear before that he doesn’t like receiving help when he doesn’t want it.
After an hour passed, the two walked away, presumably on their way home. She called it a day and decided to continue her personal investigation as to who that person was for tomorrow. When she got home, she couldn't think of anything else and left her sister to make them dinner.
Morning finally came, and she had a plan ready to figure out who the mysterious person with her senpai was. When she walked into the headquarters she saw you immediately. 
“Ah, (Y/n)-san, can I have a moment with you?” She called out. Her being your superior, you obliged.
“Yes, what can I do for you, Higuchi-san?” You respond, being respectful towards her. 
“You work as part of the espionage group, correct?” You nodded, wondering why she would need you, as far as you knew Mori hasn’t given you any work for a few days and you’ve been using that free time to spend it with your boyfriend. Gah! Even thinking about it gave you butterflies. 
“One of the best!” It was thanks to your ability mostly, it helped you render yourself unrecognizable so you can be free to spy without your true self being seen. “What happened? Do you need my help?”
“It’s selfish of me to abuse my power this way… but I need your help. I want you to stalk- uh… follow Akutagawa for the rest of the day. Yesterday I saw a suspicious person with him, and I want you to figure out who it was…” Truthfully, Higuchi would’ve liked to be the one to get to the bottom of this situation but she knew that would upset him.
“Alright,” you agreed, “wait… yesterday?” That’s weird. You were with him yesterday, and you’re sure you would’ve noticed a person like that on your outing. Even if it was your day off your instincts would kick in and alert you of any danger. 
“Yes. it was most concerning. Senpai didn’t seem to be aware of the danger that could be present. At first I had thought it was another relative I did not know about… but then… I saw the person kiss him! Clearly they have him under some sort of spell so that they can have him obey them!” The more she spoke the more her eyes gained a fire in them, “We have to save him! I’m counting on you!”
Oh. Oh. She must have seen the two of you yesterday. This was embarrassing but you can’t let her think that you were using Akutagawa.
“Um… about that…” You pulled at the collar of your shirt, clearly nervous. You would have liked to keep it a secret that the two of you were dating but you guess it was inevitable to try to keep it hidden. “The person you saw yesterday with him was me…”
You let your words sink in, Higuchi gasped. “Huh!? But you looked so different- the two of you were- you and him- I saw you kiss-” She jumped from topic to topic, stunned by the information you told her. After a couple minutes she composed herself, “You’re dating Akutagawa-senpai?”
“Yes… I’m sorry you had to find out this way. We wanted to keep it a secret since things would just be better without people knowing, so please don’t tell anyone!”
Higuchi couldn’t believe it. The truth was right in front of her but she still didn’t want to accept it. You? Dating her senpai? It didn’t make sense to her.
The thought of commanding you to stay aware from him briefly crossed her mind, but she didn’t want to indulge in that fantasy. She remembered how carefree her senpai seemed while he was with you. And how he smiled your way without hiding it. 
He just looked overall calmer with you… and she didn’t want to take that happiness away from the two of you. 
You waited anxiously for her response, if her earlier reaction was anything to go by, it was clear that the news didn’t please her.
“I won’t.”
“Please, I’m begging, don’t tell anyon- wait. What!? You won’t!?” You’re genuinely surprised by her answer, you thought she’d flat out deny you. 
“I won’t tell anyone you are dating Akutagawa-senpai.” Before you could say thank you to her she cut you off, “But don’t be mistaken… I’m not saying this solely for your sake. Yesterday, I saw how he acted around you. He seemed happy with you… at peace by your side.” 
Her words moved you and made you feel overjoyed. For her to say this to you was basically the same thing as a blessing. 
“Know that if you cause Akutagawa-senpai any pain, I will return it ten-fold.” As she said this her eyes pierced your soul, it sent a shiver down your spine since you’ve never seen her like this.
Nodding, you responded slightly scared by her threat, “Of- of course! I wouldn’t dream of it!”
When she walked away, her words were still rooted in your head. You wouldn’t want to do anything that would cause him pain, not because of her threat, but the idea of causing him any suffering after everything he had endured would hurt you more than any beating, a mafia style execution wouldn’t be enough punishment.  
Nakahara Chuuya
Kouyou noticed a shift in Chuuya’s behavior recently. He wasn’t as rash as he used to be, one could say he seemed to be calmer, but at the same time more on edge. As if something was bothering him.
He didn’t have a permanent scowl on his face throughout the day, whenever he was on the phone with someone, a gentle smile appeared on his face. And even after the short call was over he’d still have that same smile on until someone called out his name.
She thought it was strange, since before whenever Chuuya was bothered by something, he’d come to her and tell her his problems and she’ll be there for him and help him. But he hasn’t told her anything yet, and she’s worried about him.
When she was first told to watch over Chuuya, she wasn’t that interested in his well being. However, as time passed she came to hold a certain fondness for the boy and wished to be there to protect him.
Which was why now, she was trailing after him. Staying a little over a block and a half behind him so as to not be suspicious. Earlier, she had overheard him on the phone making an arrangement at a restaurant. While making that call he had that same stupid smile that infuriated her. 
‘Why hasn’t he told me anything? He knows I’ll always be there for him… so why?’
All these thoughts rushed into her head, and confused her as to where she had gone wrong for Chuuya to not open up to her. 
She had no more time to dawdle on these thoughts, when she saw Chuuya stop in front of the restaurant. In one smooth motion, Chuuya turned his wrist towards his face and checked the time. 
“Good, I’m here a bit early. Wouldn’t want to make them wait on me,” A soft blush blossomed on his face as he thought about you. After checking in with the receptionist he came back outside to wait for you.
From the corner of the building, Kouyou listened in on what he was saying, “He’s waiting for someone? Just what could he be planning..?” She muttered to herself. Just as she was about to look over, a new voice entered the scene, causing her to retreat back to her hiding spot.
“Chuuya!” You cheered, unable to contain your excitement. “I’m so glad to see you!” You locked your fingers with his gloved one. “We haven’t been able to go out like this for a while.”
“I know, between our missions finding time to spend together was hard, but I’m glad too. Being able to see you today is the best part of my day.” 
His comment made your face get warm and caused your heart to skip a beat, “ U-um,” you shifted in your spot, unsure how to properly respond. “Let’s head inside now… we wouldn’t want to be late, now would we?” You smiled at him in an attempt to calm your nerves but he just smirked back at you. 
“Of course, whatever you want, my highness.”
“Chu-Chuuya! Please don’t tease me…”
As you moved to pull open the door, Chuuya was already there to open the door for you, “After you, your highness.” He bowed.
“Stoppp,” You groaned in embarrassment, but he knew you liked it when he called you that.
Once Kouyou heard the door close, she moved from her hiding spot and looked through the clear door. She could see Chuuya holding your hand as the waitress guided the two of you to your table. 
‘Just who is he with? If I get a closer look…’
As if some being was heading her prayers, the same waitress that sat you down was walking towards the side door to throw out garbage. ‘Perfect.’ It was fortunate for Kouyou but bad luck on the waitress’ part. 
After she knocked her out, Kouyou donned on the waitress uniform and made it back into the restaurant undetected. She picked up her pen and notebook and walked her way over to your table. 
“What can I start with for the lovely couple here?” She wasn’t dense, she knew that the hand holding, the smiling, the looks she saw that the two of you shared, and the choice of restaurant must have meant. She didn’t want to face that reality, she wanted the two of you to deny it, tell her that she had the wrong assumption and that you two were just friends but that wasn’t the case.
“I’d have the...” Chuuya told her some name that you didn’t really understand. “And my lovely date here would like-”
“Chuuya!” You lightly kicked his leg under the table, and leaned over the table, “You can’t just say that! I thought we were keeping it a secret!” 
“(Y/n), it’s fine. We have nothing to worry about here, we come here all the time and the staff have a no talking policy. Plus, it’s probably obvious by now…”
Even though the two of you thought you were whispering, Kouyou heard everything she needed to hear. Her suspicions were correct, the two of you were dating… She wasn’t sure how to take the news. So she continued to take your order and passed it onto the kitchen staff.
When that was done and said, she slipped out of the restaurant. “(Y/n), was it? Hmm, where have I heard that name before…” She mulled over it on her way back to the mafia. 
She also thought about what to do, she had her own opinions with love, none of them positive. She had experience as to what love can do for a person, and she doesn’t want Chuuya to live through the same experience. It took her awhile to cope with her loss.
Back in the comfort of her office, she found a distraction to lose herself in, until a knock interrupted her. “May I come in?” The voice was simultaneously unfamiliar and familiar. 
“It’s open.”
The doorknob turned and the door opened to reveal you, the same person she saw with Chuuya earlier that day. She hid her surprise when she saw you and put on a fake smile, “What do you wish to speak with me about?”
“I know you know… about Chuuya and I. You were at the restaurant…” Your words shocked her, she thought her disguise was enough to not get recognized. “I never seen you face to face before, so it would’ve worked. But your thoughts gave you away.
“My ability allows me to hear the thoughts of others. I heard what you thought about Chuuya, and your views on love and… I understand that you care about him and want to protect him, but know that I love and care for him too! He talks very highly of you, and I wouldn’t want to be the reason your relationship with him gets strained. So, please,” You kneeled on the floor and placed both of your hands in front of you on the ground, “allow us to stay together.” You placed your head down.
Kouyou wasn’t expecting a dogeza… She opened her fan and covered her face as she contemplated it. She was now aware of your ability, but it still comforted her by having her face covered. Once she came to her conclusion she walked over to your bowing form on the floor.
“Get up,” she put her hand under your chin to look at her as you started to get up, “Now listen cause I’ll only say this once.
“I may have my own opinions on love, but I trust that Chuuya knows what’s good for him. That you’re a good fit for him, and won’t be the one to bring him down, but that you’ll be the one who gives him strength.” 
Elated by her words, and feeling as if a weight has been lifted, you go in for a hug, “Thank you! Ane-san!” You felt her stiffen under you as you said that, “...Too much?”
She hugged you back, “It’s… quite alright. Thank you,” she spoke softly. She didn’t say what she was grateful for, but you had an idea what she was thanking you for.
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aricazorel · 4 years
“The Shirt”
Kaidan Alenko x Kori Reese ME3- post citadel siege
Fluff prompt list 3-here
#15 “Is this okay?” “It’s perfect”
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Kori in the shirt Kaidan gifted her from “Broken Road” by @crqstalite for her giveaway
Kaidan Alenko glanced down at the neatly folded shirt in his hands. It had been shoved in his duffle bag for a couple of weeks now. He’d washed it and refolded it when he’d found it as he put away his clothes in the drawer Kori had let him have. They shared quarters now; Kori insisting that he not camp out in the observation lounge living out of his duffle.
Sharing quarters with the Normandy’s first officer wasn’t a normal occurrence. In fact the Sentinel was pretty sure it was against regs, but Reese hadn’t cared when she made the offer. It was typical Reese attitude when she thought the rules were stupid. And honestly with the state of the galaxy, there was truly little chance of any one giving a damn about it. That being said, his thoughts circled back to the light blue shirt in his hand.
He had meant it as a replacement of sorts for the shirt he had given her on Earth. The one with “1st Special Operations Biotics Company” on it. And his last name which she later admitted was her favorite part of the shirt. She had left it on Earth along with many other things when they had been forced to evacuate. He was working on replacing hers as well as his but in the meantime he’d found something to make do. Well, sort of. He’d gotten an idea while in the hospital.
An idea that spurred him on to have the tee shirt made special for Kori soon after he’d accepted Shepard’s offer to return to the SR-2. He hadn’t given it to her yet mainly due to the initial strain their reunion had been under and then his worry that he had done something wrong again while trying to continue as they had been before Mars.
Now the Major stood in the middle of their quarters—Kori insisted he call them that—staring at the shirt, waiting for her to return from a briefing with Traynor. Would she like it? Had he gone too far? Would she even wear it?
His worried thoughts were interrupted by the opening of the door and familiar footfalls across the deck plates. He turned to see Kori tossing a data pad onto the nearby desk as she blew a stray strand of hair out of her grey eyes. She glanced at him, giving him a half grin.
“You waiting for me, Kaid?”
“I’ll always wait for you,” he replied automatically as the door slid shut, returning the room to the soft white light from before.
Reese frowned as she began taking off her uniform. It was the end of another long day and she most likely didn’t want anything but a relaxing evening. “Did I forget something? It’s not date night, is it?”
The Major shook his head with a chuckle remembering how forgetful she was about their one a week attempts at dates. “No. But I was waiting for you.”
Discarding her uniform shirt, she began working on her boots. “Am I in trouble? I haven’t done anything stupid or impulsive recently. And you can’t still be mad at me for jumping on the back of a Reaper enhanced Atlas to disarm it. There wasn’t much choice in that…”
“Oh, I’m not mad but just know I’m not going to forget about that or about you jumping out of the back of the Normandy to do an atmospheric jump without taking the meds you were supposed to take to prevent becoming sick. Or that you threw up on my boots because of that.”
“Fine. Next time you can upchuck on my boots and I won’t say anything,” she replied as she tossed her boots at him.
He caught them with his biotics and tossed them harmlessly to the side. “I don’t think that’ll be necessary, Kori.”
The Lt. Commander shrugged as she stood back up. “The offer still stands.”
Kaidan rolled his eyes as she motioned to the tee shirt in his hand. “What’s that?”
He glanced down at it, moving to hold it in front of him. “What? This?”
“No, Alenko. The second head you just grew,” Reese said sarcastically as she flipped her braid over her shoulder. “Yes, that.”
The L2 grinned up at her sheepishly. “Well, it’s a tee shirt.”
“Really? I couldn’t see that,” she quipped as she wormed her way out of her uniform pants, looking for the pair of yoga pants she frequently wore around their quarters.
“Well, maybe you couldn’t,” he pointed out, feeling cheeky. “It is folded up…”
Reese let out an exasperated sigh as he tossed her the pants she was looking for from the chair she had thrown them on that morning. She nodded her thanks as she pulled them on. “Kaidan, is there a reason you are being cryptic about this tee shirt?”
“Cryptic? You’re the one who’s made a big deal about it,” Alenko pointed out as he walked over to her. “All I did was stand here with it.”
“I was going to give it to you,” Alenko explained as he fidgeted with the garment, his playful impulses replaced by nervousness. “I—I’ve had it since shortly after coming back aboard. I just didn’t know when to give it to you.”
“It’s a tee shirt, Kaid. What could be so hard about giving me a tee shirt?”
“It’s not the shirt itself but what I had put on the shirt.”
She eyed him suspiciously as he handed her the shirt. “Please tell me Joker or Vega didn’t put you up to this—”
“N—No,” the Major exclaimed as he held his hands up as if in surrender. “They had nothing to do with this. I thought of this while I was in the hospital. I wanted to replace the one you had to leave behind on Earth.”
“If that all it is, then why are you nervous?”
“Because it’s not the exact same…”
Frowning, Reese unfolded the shirt. She arched an eyebrow as she read the words on the front. Kaidan waited anxiously for her reaction. He couldn’t be sure if what he was seeing was sincere since she was notorious for teasing him.
Her expression remained neutral as her eyes looked intently at the shirt. She was making him wait on purpose. She had to be.
“Kori, I—”
“I won’t wear it.”
“What? Why?” He asked in confusion. She had a sense of humor, surely what the shirt said didn’t offend her. She had to get the joke.
Her grey eyes met his whiskey brown ones as she turned the shirt around to reveal the front: ‘I [heart] makos.’ The heart was literally a red heart. “I won’t wear it outside our quarters.”
Kaidan felt a grin spread across his face. “So you will wear it?”
She nodded, a small thoughtful smile tugging at her lips. “It’s soft. I might sleep in it.”
“That’s an idea,” he said as he pulled her undershirt over her head. “I think I like that idea.”
Reese gazed up at him as he threw her shirt in a pile with her pants. “Kaidan, have you told anyone about the Mako?”
“Well,” he began as he took the new shirt from her. She’d made him anxious for no reason. Two couple play that game. “I’ve told people I really like Makos, and I just don’t care for the Hammerheads at all.”
“That’s all you’ve told anyone?” she asked skeptically as he pulled the new shirt over her head.
He smirked at the Lt. Commander as her head popped out of the shirt. “I have never once told anyone the real reason I prefer a Mako over any other vehicle. I simply say it’s more reliable than Hammerheads and an improvement over the Grizzly.”
“Alright,” he conceded as he helped to pull her long dark hair out of the collar of the shirt. “I may have mentioned that the back seat is very comfortable…and spacious.”
He cupped her face with his hands as he kissed her tenderly. “I have never told anyone why I thought it was comfortable or how spacious it is for non-military purposes.”
She made a face but took him at his word. “Fine. I believe you. But don’t ever tell anyone we shagged like rabbits for the first time in the same Mako Shepard used to drive like a manic on away missions.”
“I promise,” he assured her as he pulled her down to the bed. With Kori snuggled against his chest, he added, “Too bad there aren’t any Mako’s on the SR-2.”
Reese thumped his chest as she said, “Kaidan, really?”
“Fine,” he said as he rested with his arms folded under his head. “You know though…There are two shuttles…”
“Hell, no, Alenko!” she exclaimed as she raised up to leer over him.
He stared back, amused by her glare. Grazing her cheek with the knuckles of one hand, he admitted, “I guess I’ll have to settle for the memory of the Mako and my cabin and that hotel room and the roof of the—”
Reese kissed him in an attempt to stop his rambling. “Thank you for the shirt, techboy.”
He pulled back just a little bit as he gently tugged on the shirt. Despite her thanks, uncertainty still remained in his whiskey-colored eyes. “Is this okay?
Kori smiled. “It’s perfect, Kaid. I like the Mako too and everything that came after because of it.”
Kaidan smiled as he kissed her back. The shirt had been a good choice. Returning to the Normandy had been a good choice. The Mako had been a good choice. Being with Kori again was the perfect choice.
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a great team ~ yungblud
word count: 1730
request?: yes!
“could u maybe write a dom/yungblud fic?? maybe he meets a writer working for his record label (she could be writing someones biography or smth) and they hit it off and then maaaybe flashfoward to them being together??”
(i made her a songwriter i hope that’s okay!)
description: in which a famous songwriter is paired up with a famous alt. rock musician and they find out that they’re a great team, in more ways than one
pairing: yungblud x female!reader
warnings: swearing mainly
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You checked the time again as you tapped your fingers against the steering wheel. You were late for the meeting you had with the new artist you were supposed to be working with because you left your house later than you meant and got stuck in traffic. You didn’t even know who you were supposed to be working with because your agency hadn’t told you who it was yet, so you couldn’t even contact the person to tell them you’d be late!
You sighed heavily as your car moved about another inch. You looked at the time once again, willing the traffic to let up so you could make it before the artist just left.
The one upside to being stuck in traffic was that you were having some good ideas for songs. The downside was that because you didn’t know who the person you were supposed to be working with was, you had no idea if the song would be the right genre for the artist. Regardless, every time your car came to a stop you wrote some more lyrics down. By the time you finally got through the traffic you had a whole song written.
You were humming a possible beat to yourself as you raced through the hall till you got to the studio you were book in for the day.
“I am so sorry, traffic was absolutely awful and I got stuck,” you explained the moment you pushed the door open.
The person waiting for you was a younger looking guy with a messy mop of black hair, wearing an oversized hoodie and a pair of skinny jeans. He looked up at you and smiled.
“It’s cool! I figured that’s what it was. I’m not long here myself,” he responded. He stood and held his hand out to you. “I’m Dom, professionally known as Yungblud.”
“Oh! Yeah, I know you. I love your latest EP, it’s like the most played thing on my phone right now.” You realized his hand was still extended to you. “Oh! Right! I’m (Y/N).”
“Nice to meet you, (Y/N),” Dom said.
“So,” you said as you both sat down together, “why do you need a songwriter? I thought you wrote your own stuff.”
“I do,” Dom responded. “But my label is pushing for my next album like now, so they called in some help. Don’t get me wrong, I’m grateful for the help, but I hate being rushed. Making music is a process that can’t be rushed.”
“Trust me, I understand. I’ve had my fair share of singers essentially being forced to work with me because they’re under some sort of time limit to get an album done. Record labels just don’t get it because all they do is slap their name on the thing and release it to the world.” You shrugged. “On the positive side of all of this, while I was stuck in traffic I managed to write a song if you wanna check it out.”
“Like a completed song?” You nodded your head and laughed at Dom’s bewildered expression. “Yes! Let me see it!”
You passed Dom your phone. You watched him read through the lyrics in silence, waiting anxiously for his reaction.
He started nodding his head and humming to himself before singing a couple of the lyrics. The melody he came up with was definitely much better than what you were humming.
“It’s amazing!” he finally said. “That’s perfect! I have to make a note of this melody in my head before we continue. We’ll work on the instrumentals later. I only need like four more songs and then the album is ready to go.”
“Let’s get to work then!”
You two were sat there for hours on end. It was easy bouncing ideas off of one another and banging out three more songs together. It was as if you both had the same mind when it came to songs and lyrics, and even melodies as you were eventually coming up with the instrumental ideas for the songs and both your ideas were the exact same.
Before you knew it, you had the album written. All that was left to do was figure out the instrumentals and the vocals.
“Well, that was a breeze,” Dom commented. “We make a pretty great team, huh?”
“Honestly, you’re the best musician I’ve worked with,” you told him. “Most people I work with, especially on such a strict deadline, are so hard to write with. They want the album to be perfect since it’s so close to being released that they refuse some of the stuff I write because it’s ‘not their style’ and ‘too simple’. I wonder why they kept me around for so long. Realistically, you could’ve told me to leave at any time if you weren’t enjoying my company.”
“That’s awful,” Dom said. “I don’t understand how people can turn down help when they obviously need it. It’s hard enough to write one song by yourself, let alone having to do multiple in one session. Even if the lyric didn’t sound like something they’d sing, that’s why they’re there, to make it sound like their style.”
You shrugged. “Some people are afraid of being called out for having a ghostwriter, too. I’ve worked with a couple artists who said they’d consider my ideas and then didn’t use them at all so they didn’t have to put my name in the writing credits. It’s all about appearance, you know. If you’re found out to have a song writer help you they accuse you of ghostwriting. It’s hard in the industry to be a songwriter alone and not a singer-songwriter.”
Dom shook his head. “That’s not right. Most people need a professional songwriter to help them out.”
You chuckled. “Yeah, tell me about it.”
There was a prolonged silence between the two of you. You weren’t sure what else to say or do. You both technically had the studio booked for another hour, but there wasn’t much that could be done right now without a producer or any musicians present. A couple of the songs written were meant to be collabs with other singers, so those couldn’t be done until Dom reached out to those artists.
“So,” Dom started after a moment, “you said I can tell you to leave at anytime. I know we technically have another hour before our session is up, but would you be opposed to being kept a bit over our time?”
You raised an eyebrow, confused by his question. “What do you mean?”
“Like...I dunno, would you wanna grab something to eat or something?”
You couldn’t help but smile at the question. “Yeah, I would love that.”
A few months later, you were sat at home watching a late night talk show in which Dom was performing and being interviewed. His performance, which was of the song you had written that day in traffic, had just ended and you were waiting for the show to start back up after the commercials.
When it finally did, there was Dom, sat next to the interviewer and smiling widely.
“Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen we are sat down now with Yungblud!” the host announced. The crowd cheered in excitement and Dom was beaming at them all. “So, this new album, it comes out in about a week. What can fans expect from the album?”
“It’s a sort of different album as far as what fans usually get from me. It’s still my usual style but it’s sort of different subject matters on each song than what I usually sing about.”
“And I heard that you actually had a songwriter brought in to help you write some of the songs.”
Dom nodded proudly, unashamed to admit it. “I did, yeah! Her name is (Y/N). She’s honestly the best songwriter in the game if you ask me. We got together and I’d say in 2 hours flat we had songs written, melodies figured out and we had sent out samples to artists we wanted featured on the album. That’s the fastest I’ve ever gotten anything done.”
The audience applauded and you couldn’t help but smile at, even though no one could see you.
“On the topic of this songwriter,” the interviewer continued, “there have been some reports that the two of you may or may not be dating. There’s been pictures of the two of you together getting very cozy.”
The smile on Dom’s face only got wider. He looked up at the interviewer and shrugged before responding, “I guess the cat’s out of the bag. Yeah, we are dating. We have been since that day in the studio, actually. We thought we made a great team songwriting wise, let’s see if we make a great team dating wise. And so here we are.”
The crowed cheered excitedly. You felt as if a massive weight had been lifted off your shoulders. Keeping this relationship a secret, even if for a couple of months, had been the toughest thing for you. You just wanted to tell everyone that you two were together. To post all the cute pictures you had saved on your phone, to not be afraid of being caught by fans or paparazzi. To just be a happy couple in public no matter what.
Now, it was out there for the world to know, and you couldn’t feel happier about it.
The interview continued until the host thanked Dom for coming onto the show and plugging his album one last time before going to commercial. Nearly seconds later, you phone was ringing. You looked down to see that it was Dom trying to facetime you. His face was still beaming with pride when you answered his call.
“Did you see it, babe?” he asked. He sounded so excited, like a kid in a candy store.
“I saw it,” you confirmed. “How do you feel, baby?”
“I feel so free!” he declared. “I’m so glad to publicly call you mine.”
You couldn’t help but giggle. “I’m glad to publicly call you mine, too. Finish up your press tour for your album soon and come back to me, I miss you.”
“I miss you, too, love,” he told you. “I’ll be back soon, I promise.”
He kissed his camera and you giggled again, kissing yours back. Yeah, you both definitely made a great team.
I’m sorry if this sucked :/
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oopcio · 4 years
Could I request an HC of the main 6 with an MC that is sorta dense and just REALLY oblivious about the LI having a crush on them? MC still reciprocates their feelings, they just suck at telling whether or not someones flirting with them. If you're up for something extra to add: LI confesses to having a crush on MC, but MC thinks that they are under some sort of love spell and so they start freaking out and trying to “reverse” the spell.
yes omg pls this is me
as much as it pains him to feel like his feelings are unrequited, he knows you better than anyone and that you, with all due respect, are a bit dense. don’t be mad! he still loves you though! it got to a point where, he inwardly proposed, that he could blantantly say he was deeply in love with you with every fiber in his being and you’d turn it right around, somehow. oh, it was so cute, though... was it possible to fall even more in love with you? if so, he definitely did. “even the cards are telling me that the person that you’re destined to be with... is right across from you.” he watched as your dumbfounded expression landed on the stove salamander in the middle of the table, and laughed the hardest you’ve ever heard him laugh.
but when the signs kept pouring in, he saw no use in trying to defy fate any longer. so he decided that he would close up shop and go stroll through the market and grab some bread from your favorite baker, find yourself walking through town square into the shopping district where you’d both goof off and wrap one another in scarves and hats that were as big as you just to put on stupid, silly accents to make the other laugh. no matter how childish, it was one of the best nights of asra’s life. and then it came time for the main event.
“mc, i have something to tell you,” he started out, his tone serious for the first time today. you urged him on, and that’s when he spilled the news. “i... i really love you. i’ve been in love with your for a long time - actually, ever since i first saw you, truth be told.” he reached out and grabbed your hands, looking deeply into your eyes with nothing but adoration for you and only you. but there was only one thought in your mind.
“did the baker put something in the bread? no- wait- did you drink something you weren’t supposed to before we left? cast any spells?” he chuckled and cut you off, ceasing any words that were going to leave your throat. “i can assure you, i’ve not done anything of the sort. i’m serious; and i’m far more responsible than that, i’ll have you know.” you laughed nervously and played with the hem of your sleeve, suddenly feeling the pressure. “wow, that’s reassuring. i feel the same way, actually. i... i never saw this coming, though.” this set asra off into a giggle fit, leaving you clutching the hem and rolling it under your fingers. “i’m... actually not surprised by that.”
she finds your oblivion absolutely adorable, especially when she feels as if her crush is so clear. she sends fine jewelry to decorate your nightstand, has extravegant clothes specifically tailored to you, taking everything possible into consideration - quality of the cloth, your measurements, your favorite colors and patterns, occasions you can wear the garments to, etcetera. “i apologize, i couldn’t help myself. when i first seen this, i just knew it would look so perfect hanging from your wrist. don’t you think? oh, the diamonds sparkle so beautifully, it truly brings out your skin tone. hm, i was going to save this to present to you at the masquerade but... here, earrings to match.” she was more impressed than anything at how you managed to make even her most embarrassingly obvious actions seem... well, not obvious.
when the day came she decided to be open and honest with you about her feelings, she was so nervous and rosy the whole day, waiting for the absolute perfect moment because you deserved nothing less. you’ll walk through the palace gardens until you reach fhe gazebo, and nadia will promptly urge the both of you to enter. while you admire the flowers that decorate the beams holding the structure up, she speaks. “the view is beautiful out here, don’t you agree? i could certainly get used to this... hm, and the flowers are quite lovely too, i suppose.” you feel her long, slender fingers pull your hair back as she stands behind you.
you turn around quickly to face her, your eyes immediately fixating on her flushed face. “what do you mean? i’m not sure i understand.” she smiles and reaches for one of your hands, putting in in hers as she speaks. “i mean that, even among the variety of rare blooms in season and the sight of the city far peering behind the vines and trees, the most delightful sight i can see from here is you.” she carefully raises your hand to her lips and presses the most delicate kiss to the back of your hand, but not before making sure you were okay with it. “and, if i may ask and if you’re comfortable answering, how do you feel about me?”
you had an internal panic before raising your free hand to nadia’s cheek, and then her forehead to check her temperature. “nadia, have you accepted any drinks from anyone untrustworthy? oh, no, could it be one of the servants?! this can’t be,” you sigh, ready to storm back into the palace and interrogate every servant before nadia laughs and catches your wrist. “i can assure you i’ve not had any drinks spiked if that is your concern, mc. rest easy in knowing that.” you anxiously laugh and rub your forearm in self comfort, blushing and avoiding her eyes at all costs. “then, i guess it wouldn’t hurt to tell you i feel the same way?” even when you muttered, nadia seemed to light up and clutch her chest. “ah, wonderful. what a joyous day this has amounted to be. tell me, darling,” she says, gently grabbing your chin to pull it upwards, so you can no longer avoid making eye contact. “shall we go back to the palace and celebrate?”
he is certainly in the same boat as you. he is whipped for you, head over heels - he loves you so much his heart aches at the mere thought of you, but he is completely unknowing about your reciprocated feelings. it was a miracle how long no progress had been made because both of you are (respectfully) too dense, even when the most blantant phrases happened to slip from him. as flirtatious and grandoise as he is, he’s blinded by his own feelings and thus cannot see yours. he can easily make flirtatious jabs and not be affected by it, but if you ever did, he’d flush and hide his face at all costs. “what’s on the agenda today, mc?” / “world domination.” / “ooh, ambitious, aren’t we? can i be your... partner in crime?” / “sure but, you’re my world.” / “OH!”
honestly, it took a lot, and i mean a lot of convincing from portia for him to admit his feelings to himself, and then he had to do the same thing over again but, this time, to you. so he planned on doing so while you both would go out to stroll around vesuvia, wherever you wanted to go. and, if nowhere in particular, he’d take you to the docks and sit with you there while you had lunch, letting your legs dangle in the water. he was so nervous and it was obvious - he was as stiff as a stick in the sand. you’d ask him what’s up, why he looked so tense, and he’d finally sputter it out.
“i-i really... i like you, a lot, you know. i know i’m probably a lot to handle, and you’ve put up with me for so long already, so i-i’ll understand if you don’t feel the same, you know? i just wanted to get this off my chest, it’s been eating me up for so long now, i-“ but you were already frozen, only breathing and kneading your hands through the cloth that laid over your lap. “oh, i shouldn’t have said anything, i knew this was a bad idea!-“ but you cut him off before he could finish. “did you take any potions from the shop or anything? anything that made you feel weird after?” he froze.
then he was breaking down in laughter. “a potion? mc, what do you take me for? a thief?” then you send him a look and a nudge and remind him of how the two of you met. he nods his head bashfully after granting you that point. “wow, i thought that you were going to reject me. i’m kinda glad that you asked me that question instead, though. unless, this is the part you reject me?” the look on his face as he asks has you grabbing your sides, nearly falling into the water from the intensity of your laughter. julian visibly eases and holds you, making sure you stay balanced. “are you kidding? can’t you see how much i like you?” he blushes, color creeping over his cheeks and even towards the tips of his ears. “i... didn’t know. if i did, i wouldn’t have tortured myself this long.” / “yeah, because that’s my job now.” he clasps his hand over his beet-red face, frantically looking around in hopes no one heard you. he certainly wouldn’t complain, though...
it’s really a miracle that you ever get him to let something about his crush slip. he’s like you in the way that he couldn’t realize your feelings for him, and in that sense he was very thick. but, he still kept it to himself - not because he didn’t want anything to happen, or because he was afraid of whatever your reaction might be, but because he didn’t want (what felt like) his burden to become your burden.
he didn’t have anything planned the day he told you. honestly, he didn’t plan on telling you in the first place. it just... came out. before he could stop it. inanna laid under the table as the both of you sat across from each other, each working on your own projects - muriel, his widdling, and you, embroidery. you told him it was just something to do to occupy yourself, but, really, you were making him a gift basket, and this little embroidered pillow was one of the gifts. there was no occasion - you just wanted to give him something since he’d always tried to be so nice and open with you. a bit of a ‘thank you’, you suppose.
you finished perfecting the pillow and stood with it, turning to leave the hut. you had a basket outside with all of his other presents, hiding behind a rock that was near the creek that ran beside the hut. once you’d gotten it and placed the pillow inside, you plucked around until you were happy with the placement of all the items inside. and then, all you had to do left was give it to him. you walked in and placed the basket on the table, making muriel look up at you and halt his widdling. “what is this,” he asked as he sat his things aside, so he could give you his full, undivided attention. “surprise! i made you a gift basket. are you surprised? look inside!” you could hardly contain your excitement; you’d worked on this for over a month. there were pressed flowers, homemade candles and soap, a little painting of the forest, and a handwritten letter.
finally, he grabbed the letter after examining all the other items thoroughly, you could see a small smile teasing the corners of his mouth as he read it. a few silent moments later and he finally spoke, folding it back up. “thank you. this is really nice. really cute. reminds me of you.” he placed the letter back inside, not realizing what he said until it was already out in the open. “n-nevermind, i-“ but you were already interrupting him. “did asra give you something? did you drink anything weird, muriel?” he would have laughed if he wasn’t so embarrassed. “no, i meant it,” he grumbled. what was the use in denying it now? you wouldn’t let him live it down. you were so shocked, snapping out of it only moments later when you stepped forward to play with his hair softly. “awh, muri... you’re the cutest.” while you were distracted, he looked down at his lap to smile, just a bit. inanna looked up at him, knowingly. “liar.”
as adorable as she found your ability to turn even her riskiest flirt into something small or dismissable, it was quite frustrating. not because she didn’t respect you and the possibility that you might not return the feelings, it was more being frustrated by not being able to convey her feelings in a way that you would understand it’s severity, so you can make the decision from there.
before long, enough was enough for her so she decided to plan out a whole day to spend with you so she could finally tell you how she felt. first, you were going to have breakfast at her cottage by her window with the sun shining on your faces, then water on the garden a bit, and after that, go to the markets and look around. finally, she’d bring you back to the cottage where she would tell you everything. and, unexpectedly, she had a sudden great idea when her gaze fell on a bottle of ink while at the markets, and it might have taken some buttering up for you to agree, but no less, you agreed. and the minute you got back to the cottage, your fingers were smeared with ink as you both drew on one another.
you drew a shaky sketch of vesuvia on portia’s collarbones, and she told you that what she was writing on your hip was a ‘surprise’. you were more excited than anything else, you didn’t expect anything out of the ordinary, after all. today was just you and portia goofing off, per usual. only this time, ink was involved. “hey, hey! that’s cheating! you’re just tickling me now!” you were both laughing so much, the finger-painting was half of the fun. “uh oh, you caught me.” when you were both done, portia grabbed your wrist, rubbing ink all over your forearm as she dragged you to her bedroom, showing you the mirror that hung over her dresser. you played rock, paper, scissors to see who would go first. portia won.
“awh, mc! this is so cute! you’re so talented!” she cooed, and you knew she was just slapping it on at one point. the painting was all shaky and smudged from how hard you were laughing while making it. finally, she stepped aside and gave you enough room to reveal yours. you caught a glimpse of portia biting her lower lip and wringing her hands as you pulled your garments aside just enough to see her artwork. it read ‘portia ♡ mc’. you stared at it for a while, jaw slacked and silent. “i tried to find the best way to tell you, but it was hard. when i seen that ink well in the market today i got the idea, and it wouldn’t quite be me confessing if it wasn’t fun and silly, would it?” you looked over at her to see her still chewing her lip, only now paired with a blush on her face. “are... are you serious? are you sure you haven’t drunk anything... weird?” you ask quietly, only to recieve her most genuine confirmation. “nope, i’ve felt like this for a really long time. i just wanted to let you know how i felt.” you smile and return to looking at it in the mirror, finding it cuter as the seconds pass. “i feel the same way,” you told her, carefully placing your garments back in a way where they wouldn’t rub the ink. she ran up and brought you into a hug and you both stayed embracing one another for a long but comfortable while. until; “hey, um, are you ready to wash these off yet?” you shook your head, pulling back to look into her eyes. “i think i want mine tattooed,” you both giggled.
you are not allowed to be oblivious to his feelings. he could say “wow, i really like you,” and you would say “yeah i like you too, you’re a really neat person.” cue the face where his eyes are all big and his mouth is open in an eternal screech. “no, mc, i really enjoy spending time with you, i like buying you the finest jewelry and exotic gifts just to give you something that you’ll enjoy wearing and know that it’s from me.” / “oh, cool! like friendship bracelets?”
and the day finally came where he decided he’d take you out to the palace gardens for a pleasant walk and a picnic date, so he could finally confess his feelings. after taking a little stroll and finding a nice spot to sit, complaining about all the little bugs and itchy pieces of grass tickling him, he’d break it to you. and not easily. “i really love you. i could seriously see us being together for the rest of our lives, couldn’t you? how do you feel about me? uh, mc?”
you were already freaking out. no way he was serious right now!!! was he? no!!! don’t be silly!!! this is obviously the work of... a love potion! “where did you find a potion, lucio?! did someone give it to you? you couldn’t have found it, right? oh no, did you drink something when we visited the shop the other day?!” he scoffed and pursed his little lips, crossing his arms like an angered toddler. “what on earth are you going on about? you’re talking about potions when i, the count of vesuvia, have confessed my undying love to you and proposed that we grow old together while i shower you in gold and exotic animals, and you’re thinking about a potion?!?!”
it was certainly quite silly once you heard it from his perspective, but you couldn’t help but laugh at his hopeless expression. “well, when you put it like that...” you start quietly, picking at the blanket laid beneath the both of you, seperating you from the most of the grass. “i feel the same way about you. i guess i just never noticed, until now.” he cooed, immediately throwing anything he might have had in his hands aside so he could wrap his arms around you, pulling you against him. “oh, how cute! let’s start planning the wedding. let’s have doves, and how about some rare, expensive wines and glassware, and...”
(a/n: 1. i just wanna say i can def picture y’all’s wedding n lucio putting the ring on ur finger n u go ‘but like, just as friends, right?’ just to tease him AHAHA and 2. wow i’m so sorry this took me so long!!! been loaded with work & life so i wanted to perfect this and it rlly stressed me out when i accidentally lost muriel & portia’s first draft but oh well. i’m too tired to proofread so i’ll check it in the morning. hope you enjoy!!!)
- jiah 💖
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kookiebunnii · 4 years
🌗 two. confrontation
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pairing: jinyoung x vampire!reader
word count: 2.1k
warnings: n/a
There aren’t a lot of things you have to fear as a vampire. Having superhuman strength, speed, and healing capabilities made you the epitome of an apex predator. Yet for some reason, standing outside of his bedroom window absolutely terrifies you.
You already took a huge risk by waiting three days to go back and finally resolve your mistake. In those three days he could’ve told a number of people, and you would have no real way of tracking them down and wiping their memories too. When you’re done pacing for the hundredth time, you jump up the side of the complex the same way you had three days ago. Throwing the side of your body upwards to grip the ledge of his window, you grit your teeth and once again enter through the slightly opened windowsill.
Silly human, still making the same mistakes after being dinner for a vampire.
This time you land a lot more gracefully, likely because you are not on the verge of insanity this time around. Having fresh blood was working wonders for you. These past few days had not plagued your throat with dull aching like before. Surprisingly, your features were also much less sunken and distraught as if the man you’d preyed on had simultaneously been a fountain of youth. This change wasn’t something you banked on for the long term though. You were still against feeding on people directly.
When you look up, the dark-haired man is sitting at his desk with a book in hand. The light thump of your entrance immediately causes him to set his reading material face down upon the wooden surface. His eyes instinctively find yours, and despite the prickle of fear you feel in your spine, you don’t look away.
“I’ve been waiting for you.”
He says this with no semblance of horror or anxiety. Instead, his soothing tone could easily be acceptable if he were commenting about the weather or scolding a pet for finally returning home. It causes you to momentarily forget the whole purpose of your trek here, forgetting the dangers in letting a human remain aware of the existence of vampires.
“You aren’t afraid of me,” you mean it as a statement, an observation based on his responses, but you can’t help the fascination that holds onto the end of your sentence like condensation clinging a cool surface.
He smiles sadly, as if he realizes the same thing you do. Leaning his fingers against his cheek, he whispers, “Yeah. I guess not. Perhaps when you live in fictional worlds as often as I do, the supernatural rarely surprises you.”
Confused by his words, you step forward to move around the border of his mattress and approach his figure that is sitting by the desk. Your footsteps barely make a sound against the floorboards, but what interests you more is the lack of tension in his shoulders even as you stalk closer to him.
When you’re finally in front of him, his chin tilted upwards to maintain eyes contact with your empty gaze, you wonder if this human is formidable or foolish.
“You have no idea what I could do to you.”
The words slip out your lips without much thought, appearing into the air as soon as they’re formed in your head. The acknowledgement that a human could look at you in your entirety without disgust was something completely foreign. While you took the shape of a person, he knew that the essence of you being was far from that. From your oddly pale skin and your predatory movements, he should fear you like the monster you were.
“Maybe not,” he leans his cheek against the palm of his hand and continues to observe you, “I’d love to learn though.”
At this point you have absolutely no idea what to do. Mark had never taught you what to do when a human didn’t fear you, instead seemingly wanting to talk to you. You still had half the mind to wipe his memories, knowing that even if he didn’t tell others, it would still be a huge liability. The less entangled you were with others, the better. Humans included.
“I’m not your friendly neighborhood housecat that you can just chat up every afternoon. Besides, last time we met I drank your blood. Do you need another reason to be scared?” you take a seat on the side of his bed, allowing yourself to finally see him at eye level.
Seemingly ignoring your question, he scoots his chair closer to you. This causes you to momentarily seize up in fear. How funny, a human is making a vampire quake in their boots.
“Do you have a name? Maybe something dreadful like Dracula or Vladimir?” he asks, as if he were speaking to a friend, one he made online whom he was finally meeting in person.
“Pretty such Vladimir is an actual name humans use. That’s an insult to Vladimirs everywhere,” you crack a smile, and the motion feels so awkward on your face that it instantly surprises you.
Sitting back in his seat with a small smile of his own, he crosses his legs and says, “You don’t look quite that fearful when you smile.”
Quickly fixing your features back to the monotonous one you’re used to wearing, you quip, “Don’t get used to it.”
“Sure thing. Can you answer my question now?”
You hesitate, considering your options. It doesn’t matter all that much if you amused him for a bit. You could easily wipe his memories at any time, and he was too weak to stop you even if he tried. He wouldn’t remember anything you told him, so perhaps you could enjoy this brief lull in your journey. It’d been years since you actually spoke to someone about anything beyond the end you were searching for.
He looks at you quizzically and you roll your eyes to retort, “Not sure what kind of demonic name you were expecting, but most of us are turned and we keep the names we had before.”
“Turned?” he echoes, and for such a bright guy he was really struggling to connect the dots.
“Most vampires were humans at some point. I don’t know all the lore about how they first came about, but we’re not just born as a monstrosity.”
He considers this briefly before looking at you with a new shine in his dark eyes, “Why did you come back? Looking for another bite?”
You scoff, humored by the way he doesn’t seem to either dislike or like the proposition. It’s almost as if he asked you if you stopped by to borrow another cup of sugar, and you swear there must be something wrong with the man. He’s giving you all the wrong reactions.
“I’m here to wipe your memories. I forgot last time.”
His eyes widen slightly in surprise as he nods and runs a finger under his chin in thought, “So vampires can wipe memories too, that’s interesting.”
“It makes feeding a lot easier. For us and for you,” you fix the cuff of your shirt as you answer his musings.
“Does this happen often? Are the statistics crazy? Something like…one in every three humans gets bit once a week?”
You laugh, and the sudden noise seems to make him jump more than when you catapulted yourself into his bedroom without notice. Once you’re back to just giggling lightly, you notice how embarrassed he looks. This just makes you chuckle all over again.
“I don’t think there’s anything like that, no. Feeding from a live human helps dispel the thirst for a good amount of time,” you say, tilting your head to view him with interest, “You’re a rather curious sort of person, aren’t you?”
He rubs the back of his head shyly before responding, “I guess so. It’s just an interesting experience for me, waking up from a nap to see a woman hovering over me with fangs.”
You give him a lilting smile, “I agree, it must be rather odd.”
“My name is Jinyoung, by the way. I live alone so you definitely picked your prey wisely,” and once again, the nonchalant air about his words intrigues you.
“I don’t think I had much choice. I was practically delirious when I fell through the first open window I saw,” you note, slightly sheepish with your confession.
“Why? Were you sick?” bless his heart, he actually has the audacity to look concerned.
“Nothing like that. I needed blood but the hospital here was too crowded, so you became the lucky victim. Congratulations.”
“Hospital?” he echoes as if he couldn’t fathom why you’d need to be there.
“I don’t like feeding on humans. It’s rather dehumanizing for me. Which, I suppose, must be a rather funny notion coming from a fully-fledged vampire. All hospitals keep some portion of blood bags available for emergency purposes. I like to take some of those when they’re available, and I switch locations frequently to ensure I don’t drain the blood supply,” you explain, looking around his room to absorb the environment as you do so.
There’s a brief pause before he says, “You’re rather kind for a self-described monstrosity.”
If vampires could blush, perhaps that would have been your cue. Sputtering in anxiousness, you quickly blurt, “Kind? You’re actually crazy.”
He gives you a laugh of his own before saying, “You could bite any stray human any day of the week if you wanted to. You could take a whole city’s supply of blood bags if you were feeling particularly mischievous. Yet you do neither.”
You decide not to add anything further, knowing that there isn’t much you could respond with. Perhaps it would be strange for a vampire to take so much care, but it was something you naturally adapted to. Considerations like these were simply habits, and even if it made for a slight inconvenience on your part, you’d lived just fine for the past two centuries. No big deal.
Standing up suddenly to close the small gap between the two of you, you declare, “Well, I’ll have to wipe your memories now.”
He stands up abruptly at this, once again training those deep brown orbs on you. It unnerves you, that the only thing he seemed to fear was forgetting his whole ordeal with you, but you didn’t want to stick around long enough to figure out exactly why it was happening.
“Please don’t.”
You don’t know what to say, a feeling that’s overwhelmed you multiple times this evening. You knew that this was the right thing to do—the easiest thing to do. But why did it feel like such a loss? This human, Jinyoung, could you let him live knowing something dangerous like this?
“There’s no benefit to remembering. Leaving you like this puts me in danger. It’ll put both our peoples in danger,” the words are difficult to get out, but you know that the responsibilities mean more than whatever internal conflict you’re battling.
“I won’t tell anyone. In fact, I don’t even have anyone to tell. I’m not a threat.”
You laugh harshly, running your fingers through your hair. He was asking you to put your faith in a human, of all things, whom you’d just met formally half an hour ago. You might be a little wacky with all the years you’ve spent devoted to ending your immortality, but you weren’t stupid.
“It’ll be better for you too. It’ll be quick and painless. You won’t remember a thing afterwards,” you reach up to brush the side of his hair away from his forehead.
The strands are soft against your skin, and when you rest your fingers against his temple, you can feel the tiny vibrations of his voice when he speaks.
“Let’s make a deal.”
You can’t help but smirk, wondering if you were in some teen webcomic where the main character makes a pact with the devil. There wasn’t anything a human could offer you, especially since you weren’t exactly looking to bargain for souls as the cliché goes.
“Let’s hear it then,” you decide to give yourself, and Jinyoung by extension, a last moment of interaction. You can feel his pulse quicken under your fingers, likely excited by the possibility that you were actually interested in his intentions. Humans are so easy to read.
“You can have my blood. Anytime you want it, I’ll be here. In exchange, let me keep my memories.”
Smiling at him as if he were an innocent and foolish child, you reply, “You’re really giving yourself up like that? Just to remember the countless times your skin is pierced, your blood is drawn, your eyes meet that of a starved vampire? You’re rather masochistic, Jinyoung.”
A slow smile draws itself against his lips, and not even living for more than two hundred years could prepare you for his additional proposition.
“Six months later, I also want you to turn me into a vampire.”  
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telli1206 · 4 years
A Christmas To Remember (Ch.1)
I was SO happy to get the chance to gift one of my favorites, @vndooms with a fic for @descendantsgiftexchange​! Your Jaylos fluff warms my heart, I have much love and respect for your fics. And your Descendants character artwork is undeniably adorable. Your Jaylos art lives rent free in my mind always 💖
Anyhow, I was inspired into a multi-chapter fic of all the Jaylos fluff, which I think you’ll notice was somewhat inspired by your stories. And I truly hope you enjoy it!
Chapter 1 - Truly Christmas
Jay curses himself for not dressing warm enough when his body starts to shiver uncontrollably. A thicker coat would have definitely been a better idea. The light one he threw on absentmindedly is doing absolutely nothing to combat the icy breeze, which is getting colder by the minute as the sun fades over the horizon. 
He sighs as he cups his hands and blows. There’s no way he’s letting the cold stop him from enjoying the breathtaking holiday views. Fingers be damned, this is the most Christmassy thing he’s seen since he got back to Auradon.
From his vantage point on the front yard, he can see the fresh blanket of snow completely covering every surface, casting delicate blooms of crystal white that sparkle in the twilight. It’s like something out of a painting, it’s almost too perfect. 
Evie and Doug are standing just outside the front door of the castle, talking to the decorators perched on the rooftop, all busy at work draping gleaming white Christmas lights all over the castle overhangs. Multiple strands are dripping over the sides, glittering like the most beautiful icicles, reflecting all sorts of colors over the snowy ground beneath them.
He’s in complete awe, eyes wide and glossy as they try to absorb every gorgeous wintry detail. He’s not even aware Evie’s approaching until her quiet huffs distract him. 
His gorgeous friend is stumbling slowly through the soft mounds of snow, and he chuckles as his arms shoot out to steady her when she gets closer. Only Evie would be able to wear faux fur-tipped hiking boots with heels and not even look silly trying to use them as if they’re proper winter gear.
“Jay!” She pants quietly, gripping gratefully to his forearms as she catches her breath. “I’m so glad you came outside! Doug has been at this all day, I swear,” she shakes her head, still smiling slightly. “But I think it came out great, don’t you?”
She looks over her shoulder at the castle, beaming happily when Jay starts nodding. 
“For sure, Eves. It looks great. Really gets you in the Christmas spirit.”
He smiles as Evie leans in to hug him tightly. “Thanks Jay. I’m so glad you came! This is going to be so fun.”
Jay nods. “Thank you, Eves. I can’t think of a better way to spend my holiday break, honestly. It’s going to be so great having us all together for Christmas.”
Evie smiles and gives Jay another squeeze. “So, do you know if they’re close? I figured that’s why you came outside, right?” She cranes her neck to peer down the darkened driveway, looking out for any signs of movement.
“Yeah, Lon should almost be here. But I guess her new… ‘friend?’ is coming on her own.” He perks a brow, following Evie’s gaze down the empty path. 
Jay was shocked, to say the least, when Lonnie had confessed to him that she had recently started up a relationship, especially after revealing that it was long-distance. But the new girl lived in Auradon, so Lonnie jumped at the invite to stay with Evie and Doug, especially since they were more than welcoming to her bringing a date with her for the week.
“So, she still hasn’t told you her name even? That’s odd…” Evie comments when Jay shakes his head. “I wonder why?”
“Dunno,” he shrugs, checking his phone again. “Maybe it’s a surprise. Or I know her.” 
Jay chuckles at that last thought. He already knew there was a good chance he might know the girl if she’s been a local Auradonian for a while. But Lonnie had joked with him all through high school about the slim pickings for her in Auradon, so it just didn’t seem likely. 
He could be wrong, though. It’s not like things haven’t changed a lot for him since then, too. Anything is possible.
Jay’s phone lights up then, and he checks it quickly, trying to hide his reaction from Evie as he reads the message he’s been anxiously waiting for. But Evie already can tell who it is just from the look on his face. Only one person makes Jay smile that brightly.
“And...Carlos will be here soon?”
The sudden red blush warming Jay’s cheeks is answer enough for Evie, and she grins triumphantly. Jay ducks his head to avoid her knowing look, opting to turn and face the driveway to wait for the cars to arrive. An icy tingle in his fingers reminds him of just how cold he is, even if the heat in his face is helping with that...just a little bit.
The familiar crackling of ice on tires alerts Evie and Jay to a bright blue sedan coming through the dark shadow of the trees that line the road. Jay immediately recognizes Lonnie’s car and walks around to the driver’s side when it pulls up, with Evie leaning in to wave excitedly at Lonnie through the car window.
In an instant the dark-haired girl is launching out of the car towards him, wrapping her arms around him in a suffocating hug, pushing air out of his laughter until he’s barely wheezing. Jay hugs back, but he doesn’t even attempt the same strength that Lonnie puts into it. Just in case he can’t...and then she won’t let him live it down all week.
He holds her tight, letting his chin rest on her shoulder. The familiar tickle of her hair on his cheek makes him smile. “You have NO idea how much I’ve missed you.”
“Oh, it better be tons.” She quips. She stands back and shoves him lightly in the chest, furrowing her brow to feign anger at him. But there’s no hiding the curl of her lips as they start their usual banter. It’s almost like it hasn’t been months since they’ve seen each other.
Jay chuckles and pushes back at her, going for her shoulder instead. “Yeah, yeah…I did. It’s so good to see you, Lon.” 
She gives him a final smirk and a wink before she turns away, facing Evie with a wide smile.
Evie immediately grabs Lonnie by the shoulders and pulls her in close, squealing happily. “Lonnie, so glad you could make it! Welcome!”
Lonnie’s face scrunches when Evie squeezes her in tight, but she manages to wiggle a little space between them. “Thanks for having me! And, my...date?”
She looks back to Jay, who’s raising a surprised eyebrow. 
“What, you’re not sure now?” He teases. “You’re spending the week here just so you can hang with this chick! Don’t-“  
He puts his hand up to silence Lonnie, and she snaps her mouth shut.
“-Don’t...bullshit your best friend, ok? We’ve never spent Christmas together as long as we’ve known each other.”
Surprisingly, Lonnie doesn’t try to argue. Instead, she just smiles softly, ducking her head a little to avoid Jay’s glare.
“Fuck, I better like this girl, Lons, if she’s already so damn special to you!”
“Don’t worry, I’m pretty sure you will.”
Lonnie’s slight smile at her comment is a little unnerving, and Jay finds himself studying her face, as if he could figure out what she’s thinking. But when another car pulls into the driveway, he loses all focus. Of everything.
He’s here.
He doesn’t even remember getting to the driver side door, but he already has it open, and is smiling down into the deep brown eyes he’s been waiting to see. He reaches out to take Carlos’ hand, helping him out of the car to stand in front of him. 
“Hey ‘Los. Long time no see.”
He smiles, and Carlos smiles back. It’s Jay’s favorite smile, bright and wide and golden, and meant just for him. His heart is wild and thrumming to life at the sight of it. He stands there for a moment, trying to etch the smile into his memory, and Carlos lets him, just holding his hand and feeling the warmth in their palms pressed together.
“Um. Hi. Jay?”
A petite voice shocks Jay back to life. One that is very familiar, but very unexpected. He dares a peek over Carlos’ shoulder to the girl that’s standing there, with shocking blue eyes and curly brown hair.
Her cheeks are pinking when she smiles at him, and he watches as Lonnie steps over to her, putting a tentative arm on her shoulder. But Jane doesn’t shy away. With a breathless giggle, she slowly leans herself into Lonnie’s touch.
“Lons…” Jay tries, processing slowly. He looks between both girls as he thinks. “Jane is...your date?”
His best friend looks nervous to respond, scratching her head and looking away from Jay. But Jane tilts her head up to Lonnie, giving her a toothy grin, and Lonnie catches it and smiles, too.
“Yeah,” she says, with Jane nodding her agreement.
“Ohhhh!” Evie coos, clapping again. “This is amazing! I can’t wait to hear all about how you two got together!”
Balancing on her heels again, Evie takes a wobbly step forward, waving everyone inside as she flails a bit across the snow.
“Come on, let’s get inside and get you settled. We’ll have a lot to talk about in the morning once we all get a little sleep in us.”
Jay grins and squeezes Carlos’ hand, using his grip to pull him in closer. Carlos snickers as he brushes against Jay’s side. They swing their hands together playfully, following carefully behind Evie, Lonnie and Jane.
“I missed you,” Carlos barely whispers, and Jay smiles at him, releasing their hands so he can grab him by the hips.
“Missed you too,” he whispers back, sneaking a kiss to Carlos’ temple. “But tell me, did you know about Jane and Lonnie? I mean, you had to if you drove her here, right?”
Carlos shushes him but offers a tiny nod. “Not everything, but Jane did need someone to talk to about it. This is totally new to her, you know?” 
Jay smiles in agreement and squeezes Carlos’ hip. “I’m sure she thought you’d be able to relate  best.” Carlos hums quietly but doesn’t look up. “Ok, I’ll let it slide that you didn’t tell me. Just this once. But you better tell me any of the juicy details she told you.” Carlos chuckles as they walk inside, stopping the conversation once they close in on Jane and Lonnie. 
Evie immediately ushers everyone up to their rooms for the night, insisting that rest is needed before their break truly starts. But Jay’s not complaining. He’s been waiting for this for much too long, and time alone with Carlos will be the perfect start to what he has planned for this week.
Once in their room, they make quick work of getting ready for bed, stripping off all the cold winter gear and frosted clothing in favor of their dry t-shirts and boxers. The bed is warm when they crawl in, but Jay still takes the opportunity to hug Carlos to him, making him laugh as he stumbles into Jay’s too-fast embrace.
They snuggle into each other, tangling their legs together and settling their heads onto the pillows. When they’re laying sideways and their faces are close, Jay starts to stroke his fingers lightly through Carlos’ hair, letting the soft curls thread around his fingers. Carlos tips his chin up, eyes bright and intently focused on Jay. Jay leans in, and presses a kiss to Carlos’ soft lips. 
“Best way to start Christmas break,” Jay mumbles against Carlos’s lips. He snorts out a laugh when their teeth clack harshly from Carlos’ wide smile.
They stay like that for a while, sliding their lips gently against each other’s, kissing lovingly but lightly. When he starts to feel the heaviness of sleep taking over his body, Jay gives a final sweet peck to Carlos’ lips and grins lazily.
“We’d better sleep ‘Los. We’ve got a lot going on this week.”
Carlos raises an eyebrow curiously. “Oh really? Sounds interesting.”
Jay chuckles as he hugs Carlos in to lay on his chest, letting his fingers dance across his arm soothingly.
“I hope so.”
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What Mattered Most (3)
Characters: Dean x Reader; Sam
Summary: Dean wakes to find she’s gone. What would make his best friend leave him? Sam may just know.
A/n: This will be a mini-series of two to three parts (jk... four), based on the song “What Mattered Most” by Ty Herndon. This has been rumbling around in my head for a while, so I finally committed to getting it down. And down with a quickness I did for this part. Couldn’t resist. Thanks to @winchester-writes​ for stopping her super important shit on a Sunday to read it. Love you boo.
Warnings: Angst. Sadness.
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Dean sat idly by, feeling his heart tear into a million pieces as he watched another man show you affection in ways he only wished he could. It wasn’t anything he’d not witnessed before; you’d be in relationships since you’d known each other, but the pain in his chest made it more apparent that he’d missed the signs of his own longing for you.
You raised your hand to stroke his cheek as he pulled away, bright eyes shining as you glanced up at him from your barstool. He draped his arm around the back of your chair as you conversed for only the two of you to hear. You laughed and smiled, actions that Dean had missed for so long, but he also knew he’d never seen you look more beautiful. The happiness that radiated from you made him yearn for time passed, when he could provoke those reactions from you with a corny joke or impersonation. It was just another sign of something he’d failed to do the last few years.
As he stared, you drew your attention away from the man whose arms you were carefully tucked between to glance around the bar, only then meeting the hunter green eyes of none other than Dean Winchester.
Dean felt his gut twist as your once cheerful demeanor and grin fell from your face, almost as if in slow motion. Your eyes kindled as the recognition flowed through you of who was gracing your presence, only then to follow with a wilt and somewhat nervous stare. It felt like an eternity as you gazed at one another, before you were whispering something in the ear of your companion and lowering yourself off of the barstool.
Dean threw a few bills on the counter, still watching as you made your way through the crowd, unsure if you were coming to him or preparing to flee. You met his eyes as you walked through the sea of people and Dean stood, squeezing his large frame between the adjacent chairs to meet you in the crowd.
As you stood in front of him, peering up through your lashes with a saddened and sheepish expression, Dean resisted the urge to pull you into his arms and never let go. He wanted to apologize, to yell from the rooftop how much of an idiot he was, but he quietly and anxiously shoved his hands into his jean pockets.
“Dean.” You breathed.
“Hi—hi, Y/n.”
“What are you doing here?” you asked, already knowing the answer, but curious none-the-less.
“Um, a case. Didn't know you’d be here, though.” He said with a dry chuckle, a sad smile donning his lips.
“Oh.” You replied, also shoving your fingers into your back pockets, attempting to stop yourself from fidgeting, an action that Dean recognized. You typically did it when you were nervous. “Is Sam here too?”
“Yeah. Well, not here here.” He gestured, “But at a motel, yeah.” Smooth, Dean.
“Oh, yeah, no. I got it.” You said with a nervous laugh.
A heavy silence fell between the two of you, neither of you able tear your gaze form one another.
“Listen, Dean…”
“Listen, Y/n…” you both started simultaneously. A quick laugh was shared before each of you quipped, “Jinx” at the same time, an old habit that had driven Sam crazy from time to time. Dean couldn’t help but smile, hearing your laugh once more.
“Let me start, okay?” you asked, Dean replying by nodding slightly. “I—I want to apologize.”
Dean’s eyes widen in surprise, not expecting anything of the sort. “Y/n, what—”
“Wait, Dean… let me get this out, okay?” You held up a hand and exhaled heavily. “I shouldn’t have left the way that I did. You deserved more than that.” Dean shook his head. “Yes, you did.” You insisted. “But, I knew if I did try to have some big, elaborate goodbye, I wouldn’t have had the strength to go.”
“Why did you go?” Dean questioned solemnly, seeing a flash of hurt behind your eyes. He knew the truth, but wanted to hear your reasoning.
You sighed, suddenly shifting your gaze to the floor, “I just wasn’t happy anymore, Dean.”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything?”
You glanced up sharply, anger igniting your y/e/c eyes, “How was I supposed to do that, Dean? You wouldn’t talk to me anymore.” voice even and controlled, but stern.
Dean dragged a hand down his face and bowed his head somberly, “No, no. I know, Y/n. It’s my fault. I’m so, so sorry.”
The tension melted from your stance, obviously taken aback by his apology, “Dean. Its okay. We both made mistakes. Just—how are you doing?”
“Uh…” he stammered. “I’ve been better.” He paused, looking over to see your friend in conversation with someone else. “I can’t lie, I miss you.”
“I miss you too, Dean.” You said earnestly. “But I also missed me.”
Dean huffed, shaking his head at the mess he’d made, “I understand. I do.” Then, after a short pause, he clenched his fists in his pockets and asked tightly, “So, who’s the guy?”
“Oh, uh.” you said tensely, turning in the direction of the man you’d left at the bar. “His name is Travis. My boyfriend, I guess. We’ve been dating for about two weeks.”
“Yeah, its new.”
You bit your bottom lip, another habit you had when you were nervous. Dean didn’t respond any further, but for a smile that seemed a little too forced.
“Well, I should probably get back over there.” You said, but not moving. When Dean only stared, you began to turn away. “Y/n, wait…” Dean said hurriedly and forcibly, grabbing your hand gently. “I just want to say I’m sorry, again. I wasted a lot of years not taking the opportunity to tell you how I feel and I can’t do that anymore. I never took the time to let you know how much you meant to me, and that’s no one’s fault but mine.” Your y/e/c eyes were boring into his with your mouth slightly agape, but Dean couldn’t stop. Not now. “I want you to be happy, sweetheart. I want you to be so happy.” He choked slightly, glancing down towards his boots. “Before he takes you away, I just need you to know that you’ll always be my best friend, okay?”
You whispered, eyes beginning to water with tears, “Okay, Dean.”
He squeezed your hand, and pursed his lips, “You look good in love, by the way. You’re beautiful.” You blushed and turned away. “No, I mean it, sweetheart. You do. The way you look at him… I just wish—I wish I would’ve noticed all the times you looked at me that way. I hate that I didn’t. I missed any chance I had with you.” He sighed.
“Dean—“ you breathed.
“Don’t, Y/n. I know. I know that’s my mistake. I see that now.” He paused, only looking towards the ground. “I’ll, uh… I’ll see you around, ok?”
As soon as the words left him, he quickly dropped your hand and fled towards the exit, only turning once to glance back to see a tear stream down your cheek.
As he left, you could only stand in shock, your chest tightening with each of his words sinking beneath your skin. You’d never seen him so vulnerable and broken. You wiped your eyes, resolving to ignore every fiber that begged you to run after him, before turning back to Travis. When you approached, he was wearing a bright smile and his blue eyes glistened in the light of the bar.
“Hey, babe. You okay?”
Babe. He called you that all the time.
For the first time—it felt wrong.
To be continued...
<Series Masterlist / Part 4 (coming soon)
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diazevan · 5 years
I Hope I'm Ready (For Something New)
Happy holidays everyone!
This was written for the Irondad Fic Exchange. I loved writing this. Of course, I adored writing Irondad. However, exploring the dynamic between Tony and Michelle was a highlight!
I hope you enjoy it, @apawcalypse632-blog! 
“What is it?” Tony combs his fingers through Peter’s messy curls, “Is college work driving you crazy?” Peter doesn’t answer, “Spider-Man trouble? Need relationship advice?”
“I don’t know.” Peter cuts in, “All of them?”
“Ah, well, you see…I can help you there...work…”
“MJ’s pregnant.”
This is mostly fluff, but there is some angst.
Warnings: Description of Injury, Traumatic Cardiac Arrest, CPR.
Read on AO3 (it’s pretty long) or under the cut
Peter hates the rain.
Well, usually it doesn’t bother him, considering he is Spider-Man and has to survive every condition Mother Nature can possibly throw his way.
Right now, he isn’t Spider-Man. He is a college student, who stupidly forgot his raincoat and is struggling to survive the down-pour of the century in Tony’s old MIT hoodie.
So, yes, he hates the rain.
He pulls his paper grocery bag closer to his chest, attempting to shield it from further damage. “Ugh, crap...” He curses as he charges across the street, towards his apartment complex, neglecting to check for oncoming traffic.
A car stops abruptly, and honks, the driver starts to scream expletives without rolling down his window. Thanks to Peter’s heightened abilities, he hears every word.
Peter holds up his hand and skips over to the curb, “Sorry!”
In his defence, he does have a lot on his mind.
Peter hugs the grocery bag under his arm, he fumbles for his key card, “Come on, come on, come on.” He stutters, he pats down his sweatpants, “Ah.”
He pulls out his card, scans it, and hurries into the lobby. It’s warm and welcoming, the opposite of the storm outside.
Peter hurries to the elevator, blatantly ignoring two of his classmates from MIT.
It’s Friday night, they are already drunk. They’re all twenty-one now, and you know, the skies the limit and all that shit.
Peter didn’t have the patience to deal with drunk people. Not today.
Normally, on a night like this, he would be out patrolling or acting as a designated ‘sober friend ’ for his classmates. Sometimes, he did both. Everyone thought Peter was a super chill dude who didn’t drink but in reality, he can’t get drunk. Thank you mutated genetics, thank you very much.
Peter pulls his hood down, “Eh.” He brushes a hand through his matted wet hair. As much as he loves wearing Tony’s hoodies, they aren't exactly weather-proof.
They used to give him ‘street credibility ’ among his peers. Being the kid, who Iron Man took under his wing, did a lot for Peter, but as time passed by, that buzz died down.
Before, they treated Tony like a God. Now, they treat him like Peter’s Dad.
Peter doesn't wear Tony's hoodies for that smug reason. He wears them because they make him feel safe.
After everything that went down with Thanos, Peter likes keeping Tony close. So, moving out to Massachusetts hasn’t been easy, and Tony’s hand-me-downs ease Peter’s constant worry.
Peter runs across the corridor, to his apartment door. His teeth chatter, and he prays that Michelle remembered to turn on the heating. God knows Spider’s suck at thermoregulation.
“I’m back!” He lets out a tired sigh, as he relishes in the warmth.
Michelle paces over, she has changed out of her work clothes, into her oversized Havard sweatshirt that cuts off above her knees. She anxiously bites her nails as she studies him, “You got it?”
“Um…” Michelle stares at her feet. She sways back and forth. Peter’s never seen her at a loss for words like this before. Not since their first kiss. He understands why. He is potentially holding the key to their future in a torn and wet grocery bag, “Good.”
Peter places the bag on the small table by the door, he pulls off his hoodie, “Ew.” He tosses it to the floor, making a mental note to sort it out later.
Michelle walks over, now holding a blanket. She throws it around his shoulders, “Here.”
“Thank you.” Over the years, she has seen him pass out too many times to count because of his blatant lack of self-preservation. She’s grown accustomed to the downfalls of his abilities - including the inability to stay warm.
She bends down and grabs the bag, with a shaking hand.
Peter places a hand on her arm, “It will be alright.”
“I know.” She pulls out the Pregnancy Test and looks up at him.
Peter offers her a reassuring smile, knowing there is nothing either of them can say that hasn’t already been said. He leans up to press a kiss against her cheek, “I’ll wait here.”
She nods and rushes into the toilet, leaving Peter alone. He puts down the blanket and throws his Star Wars hoodie on.
The toilet flushes.
Peter jolts back, he yelps, “Crap...” He drums his fingers against his hip.
Michelle taps the door, “Come in.”
Peter’s stomach gives out. He isn’t ready. He scrapes his teeth across his lower lip. If he is this scared, he can’t imagine what Michelle is going through, “Hey....” He greets, as he cracks open the door.
Michelle is sat on the floor, with her back rested up against the bathtub. The test is balanced on the corner of the sink, “Hey…” She shuffles up, giving him some room, “It’s not ready yet.”
“Oh.” Peter sits beside her, she takes his hand.
They sit in silence and wait. They aren’t teenagers anymore, but sometimes it feels like they are.
Inherently having a baby isn’t terrible. They do want children but the timing sucks.
They have a plan and they’re pretty good at following it. It helps ease their anxieties and it works around Peter’s double life; they want to finish college, find a job, travel for a while, and then, maybe get married.
Kids are on the agenda, just further down. They're headstrong, if the test is positive, they can simply change their plans. That doesn’t make it any less terrifying.
Michelle squeezes his hand, “I’m sorry.”
“What for?”
“If this is just me... “ She stutters, “Freaking out for no reason. I mean…” She smiles unsurely, “I’m like...sixty-seven percent sure I’m being stupid.”
“No, you’re not…” Peter shakes his head, “Don’t apologise…So, the other thirty-three percent?”
“I don’t know…” She sighs, “The plan…”
Peter scoffs a laugh, “I guess Tony’s right.”
Michelle raises an eyebrow, “About what?”
“Life’s too short to follow a plan.” Peter recites, doing his best Tony impression.
“Oh, I get it…” Michelle rolls her eyes, “He’s full of wisdom.”
“More like a collection of quotes that he stole from the internet.” Peter mocks, Michelle chuckles. She looks up at the sink, her face falls, “Is it ready?”
She nods. “Yeah.” She turns, her eyes misty, “I don’t want to look….”
“Me neither.”
“Not looking isn’t gonna change the outcome.”
Peter tightens his grip around her hand, “Want me to look first?”
“I got it.” She leans up and grabs it.
Peter can’t see it from where he is sitting, so he relies on her reaction.
Michelle’s breath catches and her eyes widen.
“MJ…?” Peter speaks with caution. She looks at him, wearing a small smile, “Yeah?”
Peter leans forward, pressing his forehead against hers, “That’s….”
“Um-hm.” He lets out a wet laugh, “Pretty, um, great too though.”
“Yeah…” She leans back, “It is.”
Peter deflates and leans his head against her shoulder. She keeps her eyes locked on the positive test in her hand, she shakes it, like she doesn’t believe it. She wraps her free arm around her front and barks out a laugh. Peter chuckles nervously, “What?”
She lays her head on his, “Screw the plan.”
“Screw the plan. ” Peter echoes, “You think we can do this?”
Peter mindlessly pulls on the string of his hoodie, “Hm.”
“It’s too early to tell…”
“Yeah.” He agrees, “We’re gonna be parents…”
“That’s usually how this thing works, dork.” She teases, “You see when a woman and man love each other…”
“Shut up.”
“We should probably work out what to do next. You should tell Stark...first.”
“He’s been through some shit,” She shrugs, “He’ll probably know...what to say.”
Michelle knows Peter too well. He does want to talk to Tony, he is the first person who came to mind, along with May. Tony is Peter’s confidant, and also, his dad, in every way besides blood, “Maybe...but..”
“You tell him everything and I know--”
“You want to talk to him.” She chuckles, “I mean, he’s a good dad, so…”
“Oh, you’re complimenting him now?”
“Don’t tell him.”
“I won’t.” Peter hesitates for a second, “I love you.”
“Eh...how cliché…” She nudges his arm, “I’m messing with you, loser...I love you too.”
The front door opens.
Tony leans back in his chair and listens out. His forehead creases. He wasn’t expecting anyone.
He skips out of his office and heads down the stairs.
He is home alone. Morgan’s spending the day at her friend’s house, and Pepper’s got meetings until late afternoon. Tony was planning to spend his alone time watching shows that he needs to catch up on.
It’s Pepper, he tells himself. He knows that she wanted nothing more than to escape her strenuous workload, and knowing her, she wouldn’t call ahead. She loves to surprise him.
“Honey, you’re home early…” He stops at the bottom of the stairs, “Oh.”
It’s not Pepper. It’s Peter.
Worry tugs at Tony’s heartstrings. Right off the bat, Peter looks like he hasn’t slept in months. He’s wearing Michelle’s hoodie and there is no telling if he chose to put it on or if it was an accident.
“Yeah…” Peter waves mockingly, “I’m not Pepper.”
“Clearly.” Tony snorts, “I didn't know you were coming over this weekend. Keeping secrets from us now, hey?”
“Kinda.” He gestures back, “MJ needed to...pick some things up, and I.. need …”
“What’s wrong, Pete?” He asks, “I can tell you’ve got something on your mind.” Peter kicks his foot forward, he chews his lip, “Kid, what do you need?”
Peter manages a half-smile, “A hug.”
“Well, you see…” Tony moves over, “You’re lucky there, kid. Hugging happens to be one of my many specialities.”
He wastes no time, he pulls Peter into his open arms. Peter sniffles, as he lays his head against his shoulder. Tony rubs circles on his back and gently shushes him.
“Hey, what’s going on?” Tony eases, “Something’s got you all riled up. I would like to think that you travelled all the way here for a hug, kiddo, but I know that’s not true…”
Peter steps back, wiping his arm over his face. Tony keeps a firm hand on his shoulder, concern settles in the pit of his stomach.
“What is it?” Tony combs his fingers through Peter’s messy curls, “Is college work driving you crazy?” Peter doesn’t answer, “Spider-Man trouble? Need relationship advice?”
“I don’t know.” Peter cuts in, “All of them?”
“Ah, well, you see…I can help you there...work…”
“MJ’s pregnant.” Peter blurts, it sounds rehearsed and Tony can tell he’s been practising in front of a mirror, for days on end. He sounds prepared, but at the same time, his voice cracks in fear. Tony prays that fear is directed to the situation at hand, and not him, “Um, and we like have…”
Tony’s jaw drops, and he stares at his kid for a moment, as he blabbers. Tony holds his hand up, it’s too much input at once, he needs a moment.
Peter freezes.
Peter is the definition of a tired college student. Now, Tony’s finding out that in a few short months, this kid would be a dad. Peter’s going to be a dad. Perhaps it is Tony’s fault, that whenever he looks at Peter, he still sees that Bambi-eyed teenager from Queens, too stupidly determined to run away from a fight.
“Um, err, okay…” Tony feels like he is malfunctioning, “Well, um...You’re having a baby…” The words sound foreign, “But...you’re a... baby .”
Peter snickers, “Um…I’m what?”
“Oh...ah, nothing. So…” Tony claps his hands, “You’re serious? You two are...”
“Having a baby?” Peter finishes, “Yeah …Are you mad?”
Tony narrows his eyes, “What?” He reaches over to reassuringly squeeze Peter’s shoulder, “Oh come on, kid...” He says softly, realising how scared Peter is, “Of course, I’m not...You’re both adults, and well...you’re gonna make pretty fantastic parents.”
Peter swallows a lump in his throat, “Are you sure?”
“As sure as the sky is blue.”
Peter snorts as he leans his forehead against Tony’s collarbone, “You need to stop letting Morgs choose the movies you watch.”
“Ah, try stopping her.” Tony wraps a strong arm around Peter’s back, “Anyway, it was Jones who introduced her to those Barbie movies.”
“True,” Peter mutters quietly.
“So…” Tony starts, Peter leans back, “I can...help out...I’ve been through...something similar.”
“I thought…” Peter’s eyebrows knit together, “...Morgan was planned.”
“She was….” Tony nudges Peter’s chin up, “You weren’t.” Peter shakes his head and giggles, “You see, Spider-Babies, I have experience there. Fourteen-year-old superheroes are very similar to energetic toddlers.”
“Oh really?”
Tony is not joking. Following Morgan around when she was a toddler, was essentially the same as chasing after Peter when he is on patrol, “Yeah really .”
Peter playfully pushes Tony’s arm, “You’re going to be a grandpa.”
“Nonno.” Tony locks an arm around Peter's back and pulls him close.
“My grandkids are going to call me ‘Nonno.’” Tony explains. His heart skips a beat. Grandkids.
“Ah,” Peter grins, “I like that.” Tony places a kiss on his head.
They are the same height, but to Tony, Peter is still so small. So young. Tony wants to spend the rest of his life protecting his children because he lived through the alternative when he lost Peter, and he never wants to go through that again. He knows now, he has to learn to let go. Sooner than he wants, but times change.
“MJ will be here soon,” Peter says, “Um, don’t be awkward.”
“Me?” Tony squeaks, placing a hand on his chest, “I’m never awkward.”
Peter moves away, hiding his ashamed expression.
Tony wishes Peter would have clarified that by soon, he meant a few seconds. He catches sight of Michelle outside. She walks up the path that leads down to the train station. She buries her hands in her pockets and skips up the porch steps.
Peter rushes over, he opens the door, “Hey.”
“Hey, Tiger.” She kisses him. She steps off to the side and nervously fumbles with her fingers. She turns to Tony, and nods, “Stark.”
Tony’s mouth twitches into a smile, “Jones.” He steps ahead, pulling her into a hug.
“Oh.” She hiccups, bemused. Peter chuckles on the sidelines. It takes her a while but she moves her hands, folding them around Tony, “Hey…”
Even though Michelle and Peter are not married, Michelle and Tony’s relationship is what all ‘in-laws ’ should inspire to have. Essentially, they coexist to tease Peter, and they love every second of it. They were pushed to become closer, with everything that happens to Peter. Tony loves her, he’s more than grateful to have her in his life. He is glad that she’s the one that Peter fell in love with because they are good together, and that’s what is important.
Tony clears his throat, he steps back, “How are you?”
“Good.” She dots her eyes between the pair, “So, you know …”
“Yeah,” Tony nods, “I know.”
An invisible weight shifts off Michelle’s shoulders and she relaxes. Something warms spreads across Tony’s chest. He is the first person they’ve told. He can tell.
“Um,” Peter catches her hand, “We need to tell May...ugh, can….”
Michelle squeezes Peter’s hand, “Can you come with us?”
“Of course.”
Tony knocks on May’s door in his usual upbeat manner.
Peter and Michelle hover close by, whispering among themselves.
Tony knows how hard it’s been for them. He learnt that they've known for a month now and haven't told anyone besides the doctors. Even when you plan, having a child is scary. He panicked non-stop when Pepper was pregnant with Morgan.
May swings the door open, she welcomes him with a smile, “Tony?”
“Hey, Mrs. Parker.”
She pulls him down into a bone-crushing hug, “You should have told me you were coming over. I would have cooked something.”
“Oh….” What a shame ... “We can order in.”
May narrows her eyes, “What’s wrong?”
“Um, well…” He steps into the apartment, revealing the awkward couple.
Peter waves, “Hey, May.”
“Peter!” She exclaims overjoyed, “MJ…” She throws herself around the pair, “Hello.” She takes holds of their wrists and tugs them inside, “Come in, come in. Why didn’t you say you were coming?”
“We know you like surprises.” Peter kisses his aunt’s cheek and sits down on the couch beside Michelle.
Tony leans against the wall, May looks at him, knowingly. She’s not dumb, she knows something is up.
“What’s going on?” May asks, she settles in Happy’s armchair, “Something tells me this isn’t a normal visit.”
Peter falters, clearly overwhelmed by everything, “Um, May..you see, um...well….”
“I’m pregnant.” Michelle cuts in. Tony admires her bluntness, she cuts right to the point. Trying to get Peter to open up is like talking to a brick wall.
May sinks in the chair, “Oh.” Tony can’t read her, but her surprise is paramount, “You...you're having a baby?”
Peter nods, “...Yeah.”
“Wow.” May smiles, “That’s amazing…”
“We’ve got a plan.” Peter blurts, unable to hold anything back.
“Which is stupid…” Michelle says deadpan, “Because the last one failed.”
“Well, not everything’s perfect…” May reassures them, “But...so, what...have you…”
“We can finish college…” Michelle says, “Um, I’m not due until August anyways…”
“Then we want to move here.” Peter continues, these two finish each other’s sentences so effortlessly, it’s fucking adorable and painfully endearing, Tony’s heart can hardly take it. The kid turns, “Tony is that apartment by the Headquarters still ours if we….”
“It’s yours,” Tony tells him. No strings attached.
Peter has turned down that apartment a dozen times. He isn’t a fan of handouts, and Tony gets that. It wasn’t meant to be that. It was an idea. A thank you gift, for everything Peter does as Spider-Man. He isn’t on the payroll for his superhero duties. Even though it is technically a job. He thought being paid tainted what he does, and what he stands for. The suit is enough, for him.
Now, it’s about the baby. Peter’s thinking as logically as he can.
“Thank you.”
Tony waves his hand out, “Don’t sweat it.”
“I…” Peter sighs, “I guess being Spider-Man will take some thinking…”
“Yeah, kid.” Tony says gently, “We can sort that.”
“Well, we’re here…” May says, “Whenever you need us. You’re not alone in this.”
“Thank you.” The pair recite in unison.
May fumbles with her hands, “When do you both need to be back?”
“Um, tomorrow….”
“Everything is…”
Tony skips forward and taps the back of the couch, “Chaotic?”
“We just wanted to tell you.” Peter admits, “Like...face-to-face.”
“That’s okay....” Tony ruffles Peter’s hair, “Dinner at mine tonight?”
“If that’s alright.”
Tony turns to May, “May?”
She is spaced, trying to understand what she’s learnt, “Um, sure.”
“Are you two planning to tell anyone else?” Tony asks.
“We’re meeting Ned and Betty for lunch.” Peter says, “We can tell the others tonight…”
Tony stifles a laugh, “Prepare yourselves for Morgan’s questions…”
Peter pales, “Oh, God.”
Michelle nudges Peter’s arm, “That’s your job.”
“So," Tony trails, "You need me to drop you off anywhere?”
“No thanks...” Peter points to the door, “They’re only down the street…Can Ned and Betty come tonight too?”
“Of course. We cook enough to feed an army.”
Michelle taps Peter’s leg and jumps up, “We should go.”
May gets up as the couple move to the door, “See you later.”
Tony watches them go, and it feels weird. They’re adults, they come and go as they please, but part of Tony doesn’t like seeing them leave.
May’s breath hitches. Tony turns to face her, “Hey…” He rushes to place a supporting hand on her shoulder. She dips her chin to her chest and blinks tears away, “May?”
“Tony….” She breathes sharply, “They’re having a baby.” She flaps her hands out in front of her, “Peter...is ...you know, our baby...and he is having a baby.” She shakes her head, “I’m not ready...and they seem to have it all…”
“May…” He guides her to the couch. They both fall onto it.
May hides behind her hands, “Sorry. God, I’m a mess.”
Tony snorts, “So am I.”
“They aren’t.”
“They are great..” Tony sighs, “But I think they’re more scared then they’re showing.”
“You know, Peter was six when Ben and I took him in…” May starts, “We never dealt with...this bit. Feels like I can’t help them…”
Tony gently nudged his foot against her leg, “Pep and I will deal with this. You take over in six years.”
May barks a quiet laugh, “Hm.”
“Or we just...try.”
May tucks her head on his shoulder, “Yeah.” Tony wraps an arm around her. May is like the older sister that he never had. Well, thanks to the blip, they’re the same age now, but still - she treats him like a little brother, and he’s got nothing against it. Since losing Natasha, he holds May a little closer, and loves her, knowing how easy it is to lose someone.
Tony reclines his head back, “This is selfish.”
“We’re way too young to be grandparents!”
Tony stops himself, every day, from phoning Strange at some ridiculous hour in the morning to ask him if someone is messing with time. Time can’t go this quickly. It doesn’t make sense. Tony’s life used to move slowly.
He knows that he is an idiot. No one is messing with time. It’s him.
He is going to be a grandparent. He still can’t wrap his head around that. Even after five months. He’s gone through every possible emotion.
It’s been pretty morbid recently.
Michelle wants to be ahead on everything. She likes to be prepared, and she’s not a sugar coater, she says things how they are. She doesn’t do it in a harsh way, she’s gentle but straight to the point. Tony can tell that sometimes it hurts her to admit certain things. She knows that Peter being Spider-Man can be dangerous. She wants a plan for everything that could happen.
From life-altering injury to death.
Peter and Michelle are home for the weekend but they’re staying at May and Happy’s apartment.
Tony is reviewing one of Happy’s lengthy emergency plans, this one specifies what they'd do if Peter’s secret identity was revealed to the public, suddenly and accidentally. It includes scenario after scenario. They make his stomach turn. Happy did his research. Tony knew that all these schemes would work if they were ever in that situation.
A loud thump drags Tony out of his head. He leaves a sticky note next to the subsection he’s reading and hurries downstairs, “Please, please…” He prays that his stupid alpaca, Gerald, hasn’t managed to find a way out of his pen again. The last time was a mess. He stumbles to the kitchen window. Gerald is in his pen, minding his own business.
There’s a creak. It’s at the front door. It’s quiet but Tony’s on edge.
He runs over and pulls the door open. His heart sinks.
Peter is knelt on the porch steps, hugging his knees. He is leaning against the pillar, his head hangs lifelessly against his chest.
He’s in the suit. This happened on patrol.
Tony didn’t get an alert.
Peter isn’t wearing his mask. Tony can’t see it but that’s not important right now. Peter’s hurt. Like really fucking hurt. He’s covered in blood, there are multiple lacerations over his face and chest. He wheezes with every breath he takes.
Tony’s at a loss. Peter hasn’t been hurt like this in years.
“Peter!” Tony slides over on his knees, “Hey, hey, hey.....” He places a hand on his cheek, holding his head up for him, “Kid…”
Peter’s eyes are open but unfocused, “M’ster..” He leans his forehead against Tony’s collarbone.
“Alright, alright…” Tony cradles his head, “I’ve got you. Pete, talk to me.”
“Yeah, it’s me.” Peter grows heavy, “No, no...” He leans back. Peter’s eyes are shut, “Kid, open your eyes!”
“Boss, Peter is going into cardiac arrest.” Friday’s voice echoes from inside, “You need to perform need to cardiopulmonary resuscitation. A medical team is on its way."
“Shit, shit...” Tony scrambles. He moves Peter onto the porch, “Come back to me, kid.”
This isn’t happening. This can’t be fair. Everything was okay. Yes, they’re all having an existential crisis about the baby but that is a good kind of scary.
Tony knows how to do this. He’s trained. It’s a routine, but this is Peter. This is his kid.
With every rescue breath, a sob catches in his throat. “Pete?” Nothing, “Come on!”
One of Peter’s ribs cracks. Tony's stomach jumps into his throat. “Shit...” He carries on, “Please, kid, don’t do this...please” I can’t lose you. It will kill me this time, you hear me?
Tony spent hours reading protocol after protocol, all potential things that could happen to Peter. Reading them didn’t solve this, even if they were written for these situations. They didn’t reflect reality. Facts and figures don’t touch on emotion. They are just words.
This is happening. Right now.
Peter’s heart isn’t beating. He isn’t breathing.
Tony’s mind turns to the darkest of places. If Peter dies, what do they do?
Peter’s child will never know him.
How will Tony hold it together when he holds his grandchild? Knowing that their dad died in his arms. Twice.
“Peter!” Tony sobs desperately. Don’t go, don’t go, don’t go. “Fuck!”
This isn’t just about the baby.
Tony is scared. This is his kid. No matter what happens now. If he lives or if he dies. Peter is Tony’s kid.
“Peter…” Tony pleads, he brushes a hand back through Peter's sweat-ridden hair, “Please.”
Peter breathes.
Tony holds his hands up and watches to make sure it wasn’t a trick of the light, or in his head.
Peter’s chest rises and falls. Again and again.
“Hey…” Tony checks his pulse. It’s weak but it’s there. He takes his hand, “Hey, hey..” He eases, “I'm here, kiddo.”
Peter’s eyes wander around, he’s spaced. Unaware of what is happening. He catches Tony’s gaze, he squeezes his hand weakly, “T'ny?”
“Hey.” Tony keeps his voice quiet, “It’s me, kid…” He leans down to kiss his forehead, “It’s me.”
“I’m--” Peter’s face crumbles, he frantically darts his eyes around, “W’at…”
Tony shushes him, “You’re okay.” He loops his arms under Peter’s back and moves him onto his lap. Peter leans his head against his torso and curls into his hold, “You’re okay.” The Quinjet flies overhead. Peter winces at the sound. Tony pulls him closer, “I’ve got you, kid.”
Tony bites on his lip, to hold back a cry. He doesn’t want to startle Peter. He leans down and presses his forehead against Peter’s.
He’s gonna be okay, he’s gonna be okay.
We’re going to be okay.
Tony won’t leave Peter’s side. Even if someone held a gun to his head.
Peter is asleep. They’re alone in a private hospital wing at the Headquarters.
Happy’s rushed off to pick May up from work. Tony had a quick call with Michelle, who’s on her way. Ned and Betty are close behind.
He’s trying to stay awake. He doesn’t want Peter to wake up alone.
The door clicks open.
It’s Michelle. She freezes, her red-rimmed eyes lock onto Peter. She looks like she’s on the edge of breaking.
“Hey, Jones.” Tony greets softly.
She jumps. She rests her hand against her small bump, and looks over, “Stark.”
Tony buckles. He rushes over and wraps his arms around her, protectively. Images of what could have happened flash through his mind. The unimaginable.
“Hey,” Michelle says gently. A tone she usually reserves for Morgan, “Hey…” She folds her hands around him, “We’re okay.”
“Yeah…” He leans back, “We’re...okay.”
She squeezes his arm, “How’s he doing?” She pokes his chest, “No sugarcoating, Stark.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
She walks over and sits beside Peter. She holds his hand, tight. Her knuckles turn pale. Tony used to roll his eyes at young love but these two, they are the real deal.
“So…” Tony sat opposite, “Um…” He can’t remember the details. It’s a blur, “I wasn’t really listening to the…” He reaches out and grabs Peter’s other hand, “You know…” Michelle extends her other arm over Peter’s chest and catches Tony’s wrist. “He took on that Rhino guy, it was...um, traumatic cardiac arrest but he’s healing. He’s got a few cracked ribs...that’s…”
“Not on you.” She cuts in. Up until that point, Tony thought that it was his fault. Even though the doctors told him he wasn’t. The assertiveness in Michelle’s voice makes him doubt that self-deprecation. He nods.
Silence grows between them. Michelle fiddles with Peter’s hand and keeps holding onto Tony’s.
Tony wishes he could go back in time to when they first met. Michelle’s distaste for him, in the beginning, seems laughable now. She wasn’t a fan of the whole billionaire thing but she outgrew that. Flash forward to now, and Tony couldn’t imagine his life without her in it. She is part of the jigsaw piece that completes Tony’s family.
It took a while, but he can read her. She is itching to ask something. He knows not to push her.
“The baby.” She mutters quietly, almost unsure.
Tony looks up, “The baby?”
Michelle shifts. Tears fill her eyes, “Are they going to be like him?”
Tony’s heart sinks. He’s already thought about that. He’s written a protocol for that. Code: Spider-Baby. Tony's kid being Spider-Man is hard enough, the idea that his grandchild could follow in the same footsteps is fucking terrifying, “You mean…”
“I--” His voice cracks. “Peter’s unique, Jones.” He squeezes their hands, “We know that. There’s no one else like him. There are the Inhumans, like Quake, and then there are people like Wanda, who were engineered. Peter was changed, his DNA...his genetics, mutated to make him Spider-Man. That’s part of who he is…” He falters, “And…”
Michelle lets go of Tony’s hand, and holds it against her bump, “Part of..."
“I think so, yeah.” Tony nods, “I can’t be certain.” Michelle sniffles. She wipes tears out of her eyes with the back of her hand, “Hey…”
“I get it.” Tony admits, “I hate this. He does this because this is who he is…We can’t stop that.” He laughs falsely, “Trust me, I’ve...tried but this..” He stutters, “I don’t know if your kid is gonna go down the same road, but if they do, I’ve got some first-hand experience with...a certain Spider-Baby.”
“I’m not…” Peter mumbles. Michelle and Tony look at him. His eyes are still closed but he’s slowly coming to, “Spider-Baby.”
“Of course you’re not, kid.”
He so is.
Peter and Michelle’s bedroom at the Lakehouse is a shadow of what it used to be. With the baby coming in a few short weeks, Tony knew it was time for a change. Peter and Michelle designed it first, then he got to work. They stayed over whenever they felt like it, and Tony wanted them to feel welcome at all times.
This was their second home. No matter what.
Morgan already claims that her future niece or nephew is her best friend, so she must see them as much as possible.
The Star Wars wallpaper is the only thing that has gone unchanged. All the old furniture is gone. The gifts from the baby shower are all scattered by the window, ready to be used.
“What’s that?” Pepper is sat on the couch, getting her shoes on. She’s on her way out to collect Morgan from her best friend's house.
He holds out the parcel that’s just arrived, “I think..” He tears it open, “Ah, yes.” He takes out Iron Man and Spider-Man plushies, “These.”
Pepper grins, “They’re amazing.”
“I’ll put these upstairs…” He smiles, “And then the rooms done.”
“Wow.” Pepper leans her chin on her arm, “The next time they sleep in that room, the baby will be here.”
Tony chuckles. That’s a scary thought, “Yeah…” He kisses her forehead and heads upstairs, “See you later.”
He heads into the bedroom. He places the soft toys in the corner of the bedside crib, he steps back to admire his work. He is pulled from the moment when his phone rings. He digs his hand into his pocket to retrieve it.
It’s Peter. Perfect timing.
“Hey, kid!” Tony exclaims, “Guess..”
Tony snaps into fight or flight mode, “What’s going on?” He heads downstairs, ready to jump into a suit and fly over.
“Sorry…Um, I’m trying to…” He’s not talking to Tony. Michelle’s voice is muffled in the background, “Yeah…” There’s a loud bang, “Ow.” Peter squeals, “No, I’m fine. I walked into the wall…” Tony debates whether he should interrupt or not, “Yeah, I’ve got the bag.”
The bag? Holy Shit.
“Peter. Is the…”
“Yeah…” Peter answers. The question doesn’t need finishing. The baby’s coming, “We’re on our way out...um, can you like...get everyone?” He stops to take a breath, “May’s not picking up and--”
“Don’t worry, kid.” Tony interrupts, “I’m on it. You concentrate on getting there, we’ll meet you.”
“Thank you…” Peter hums, “Love you.”
“Love you, Pete.” Tony smiles, “See you soon.” He hangs up and hurries downstairs, “Pepper!”
Her eyes widen in alarm, “What?”
Tony wraps an arm around the banister, “Baby Parker’s making an early appearance. “
Pepper jumps up, “The baby’s coming now?”
Two weeks early. It was always a possibility, “Just like Morgan.”
“Shit, um…”
“I’m gonna get hold of May, and make sure Happy’s gets her there. You..”
Pepper runs over and plants a kiss on his cheek, “I’ll collect Madam Secretary and we’ll meet you there.”
The waiting area at the Headquarters Infirmary is desolate. There’s not a living soul in sight.
Tony and Rhodey are alone.
Tony leans his weight on a pillar, he’s messaged Peter and is waiting for a response. Rhodey is busy staring him down, with a knowing smirk, “What?” Tony whines.
Rhodey shrugs, “Nothing.”
“Tony!” Peter shouts. He runs around the corner and skids to an abrupt halt, “Hey…” He pulls Tony into a hug, “Wow.” He’s out of breath. It takes a lot for Peter to get like this. Well, this is ‘a lot.’
“Kid…” Tony pats his back, “You good?”
Peter clings to Tony’s arms and leans back, “I think so.” He turns, “Hey, Rhodey.”
Rhodey nudges his bicep, “Hey, Pete.”
“Um..” Peter leans his head down, he takes a deep breath and points back, “I better get back.”
Tony taps his shoulder, “We’ll be here, Pete.”
“Thank you…” Peter dashes away.
Rhodey snorts, “Oh…” He places a hand on Tony’s shoulder, “He’s totally going to pass out.”
Tony rolls his eyes, “No, he won’t.”
“You did.”
Tony’s jaw drops. He playfully pushes his friend away, “Not this again.” He groans, “I slipped over.”
“You keep telling yourself that, Tones.” Rhodey laughs, “I have to say the kid’s got some guts, I mean at least he doesn’t look like he’s going to throw up.”
“I hate you.”
“Love you too.”
Eight hours go by, slowly. Still no baby.
May’s in the room with Michelle and Peter, so Tony hasn’t seen her all day.
Everyone is dotted around the waiting lounge. Ned is sat nearby, with his back rested against one of the couches. Betty is tucked against his side, snoring on his shoulder. Morgan is scrawled across the floor, with her head rested on Ned’s hip.
Rhodey is in an armchair, fast asleep. He’s holding a half-finished cup of cold coffee in his hand, that’s a disaster waiting to happen. Tony can’t wait.
Pepper is tucked up on the couch next to Tony.
He's the only one still awake.
Footsteps echo close to the room.
Tony sits up.
It might be Happy. He left after noticing a nurse wasn’t wearing his identification badge.
Peter walks in. Dead on his feet, “Tony?” He holds a hand in front of his mouth and yawns.
“Hey, kiddo.” Tony smiles, he holds his hands up and gestures to everyone in the room, “You see this bunch of lightweights?”
“Yeah.” Peter laughs, “I can’t blame them.” He stretches his hands up over his head, “You not sleeping?
Tony jumps onto his feet, and closes the distance between them, “I’ll sleep when you do. How’s everything?”
“Okay.” Peter sighs, “Um, midwives think it’s gonna be a long night.”
He moves and tucks his face against Tony’s chest, “How are you holding up?” Tony asks, with a laugh.
“I’m good.” Peter mutters, “I came to get…” He holds out a hand, and points to the vending machines, “Some water.”
“Oh.” Tony pats his back, “You wait here. I’ll get a few bottles.”
Peter came and left.
Tony is now more awake than ever. Everyone is still asleep. Even Happy - who came back in, promised Tony he’d stay awake, and then fell asleep within five minutes.
Tony paces around, muttering quietly under his breath as he rubs his hands together, nervously. Having children and being minutes away from being a grandfather has made him soft. He ended up taking Rhodey’s coffee cup out of his hands, saving him from that embarrassment.
A crash comes from outside the room.
Tony jumps out his skin, “Jesus.”
“Shit.” Peter curses, “Ow.” He stumbles into the room, almost pulling the door off its hinges, he nurses his wrist in his hand. He might be Spider-Man but he is constantly running into walls.
The room stirs. Ned sleepily leans up, “What…”
“Oh…” Peter holds onto the doorframe, “I’m gonna puke.”
Tony runs over. They’re here. The baby’s here, “You good?”
Peter catches his wrists, “It’s a boy.”
Tony’s eyes fill with tears, and he smiles. A boy.
The room erupts in excited mumbles and celebrations.
“I knew it!” Morgan shouts. Suddenly wide awake. She drums her hands against Ned’s arm, “I told you.”
“A boy?” Tony sniffles, “That’s…”
Peter pulls on his arm, “Come on.” He guides him out, down the corridor, and into a room.
Michelle is sat up, cradling her son. Tony can’t see his face, it’s covered by her hand. He’s wearing the small knitted Spider-Man hat that Rhodey bought. May is in the chair, watching them with misty-eyes.
“Hey.” Tony coos quietly.
Michelle looks up, she smiles, “Hey, Stark.”
Tony darts his eyes between Michelle and Peter. He stops, to focus on the baby.
The last few months feel like a dream. Like it wasn’t real. It is now.
Peter pushes him forward, and they approach the side of the bed.
Tony leans over to see. His grandson is perfect. He looks like both Peter and Michelle, but he has Peter’s eyes without a doubt. Tony would know those puppy dog eyes anywhere.
“Wow.” Tony grins, “Can’t believe you two managed to pull this off.”
Peter crosses his arms, “Shut up.”
“You can talk, Tiger….” Michelle mocks, “You threw up.”
Tony turns on his heel, Peter holds his hands up in the air, “What…”
“You’re never gonna live that down,” Tony tells him.
“Never,” May giggles.
“Hey, Stark...” Michelle moves, “You wanna hold him?”
Tony’s heart flutters, “Of course.” He crouches down, with Michelle’s help he guides his grandson into his arms.
He’s awake but isn’t crying. His big brown eyes dart around. Taking everything in that they can.
Tony bounces him, “Hey…”
Peter holds out a finger, his son grasps it, “Benjamin.”
Tony looks at May, with glazed eyes. She smiles.
“Hey there, Ben.” Tony bops his nose, “I’m your Nonno.”
Everything clouds Tony’s mind.
A series of ‘what ifs ’ and ‘buts .’
Thanos took Peter away. Michelle and May too. They were gone, for five long years. It could have gone differently. Ben wouldn’t exist if Tony hadn’t discovered time travel when he did. So many little things happened to make this day a possibility. Tony’s only just met Ben and the world would be an empty place without him.
Ben notices Tony’s bright red prosthetic arm, he stares at it with wide curious eyes. Tony chuckles.
This is his life. He loves it and he wouldn’t change a thing, “Welcome to the world, kid.”
Shortly after everyone met Ben, Michelle fell asleep.
Peter took Ben onto the balcony, to see the outside world.
Tony steps out and tip-toes over, “Hey, Pete.” Ben is fast asleep, curled against his dad’s chest, “Well done, you’re a natural.”
“Morgan hardly slept...” Tony snorts, “We had to hold her under the fan in the kitchen.”
Peter grins, “If Ben’s anything like I was...he’ll sleep most of the time.”
“Like you were?” Tony raises an eyebrow, “You still do. You’re either out there being Spider-Man or sleeping on the couch.”
“That’s an exaggeration.”
Tony shakes his head, “It really isn’t.”
Peter laughs. It fades. He studies Ben, fear etches over his face.
His life is different now. A good different but Tony knows how scary that can be.
Tony plants a kiss on Peter’s temple, “You’ve got this sorted, kid.”
Peter’s mouth twist into a smirk, he looks at Tony with narrowed eyes, “Kid?” He chuckles, he motions his head towards Ben.
Tony rolls his eyes, “I’m not letting it drop, kid. ”
“Okay, okay...” Peter rubs a thumb across Ben’s cheek as he carefully bounces him.
“You’ll always be my kid.”
Peter leans his head against Tony’s shoulder, “I know.”
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