#I had a lot of fun with this!
atrueneutral · 5 months
Any thoughts on warlock!Tav? I don't know which would be more fun, having Raphael as a patron or Raphael being jealous of Tav's patron 🤭
They were four moves in, and Tav had yet to learn why Raphael had called her to the Devil’s Den.
She doubted it was as simple as a ‘friendly match of lanceboard’; there was always something just shy of his ambitious reach, and she was waiting for when he would be forthright about what that something was.
Thus far for their appointment, the fiend (in his mortal disguise) offered only polite pleasantries; an inquiry about how she was faring after being rid of the tadpole, a recommendation that she try a glass of ‘perfectly aged wine he’d been saving for her’, and, of course, a ‘friendly’ game of lanceboard (to ‘personally witness her strategic skills in action’).
And here they were; barely talking as she concentrated with a pinched brow on what move to make next, all while Raphael stared at her with a glint in his eye and the faintest of smirks on his lips.
She was a piece down (lanceboard was not a strong suit of hers), meaning he was in the lead.
Which was probably the main reason as to why he looked so arrogant and relaxed.
Tav bit her lip in question of whether to move her priest or send out another pawn.
“Am I correct in the knowledge that you’ve been in a pact with your patron for a few years?” he asked.
More pleasantries - so that the scales of their appointment didn’t tip towards awkwardness.
“Yes, that’s correct,” Tav answered softly. The reply was automatic; all attention was centered on the game before her.
She wanted to win - especially when her opponent was none other than Raphael.
The white priest slid to a free space, and, in response, Raphael swiftly mirrored a similar move with his black priest.
“Tell me about this patron of yours, my dear.”
Her previously focused gaze flicked up from the board to meet that oh-so-devilish glint, and, in response, Tav’s eyes mirrored his in forming a glint of their own; it was a mischievous twinkle that her fey patron would appreciate and applaud - hence why the pact was offered to her to begin with.
After all, it wasn’t every day that a mortal outtricked a trickster in the middle of a dangerous wood.
“They’re from the feywild,” Tav said, her brow pinching again in pretend consideration of her the next (literal) move. Yes, lanceboard was assuredly not her strong suit, but games involving ‘Reactions from Raphael’ were a favored pastime she excelled in. “I’d ask if you knew him, or of him, but he never gave me his name…”
She glanced up, and at the mention of ‘him’, a muscle twitched in Raphael’s cheek.
“Perhaps you could describe this patron, and I would know their name? I’m versed enough in the archfey and the dealings of their ilk,” he said with the offhanded shrug of a shoulder.
What a wonderful idea!
“That’s a wonderful idea!” At that, Tav mentally bid the game of lanceboard farewell. She lifted a foot to sit on the cushion with her and rested her elbow upon her knee. Her cheek leaned into the palm of her hand, and a wistful expression was painted upon her face. “With as often as I think of him, he should be easy enough to recall…”
Raphael’s glint was becoming lost to an approaching fire on the horizon.
“He’s tall, dark, handsome - the classic, romantic type from the stories. His hair color reminds me of yours, actually, but it’s a fair bit longer - goes past his shoulders, and not a strand is out of place. Now that I think about it, he’s about your height, too. Slightly less broad-shouldered, more wiry I’d say, but still quite muscular. Not sure what he was doing in the middle of the woods without a shirt, but, hey, that’s the fey for you…”
None of it was true; Puck was a small and sprightly creature with rosy cheeks and other impish features. His hair was not long and tidy, having been an unkempt mess adorned with twigs and leaves at the time of their meeting, and also unlike her false rendering, the fey’s childlike frame had been dressed in greenery and animal skins.
“He’s very strong! Lifted me easily - ah, forgive me. That probably doesn’t help you much…”
Raphael was battling a sneer, and his relaxed pose was becoming less relaxed the more she went on.
So Tav did the next best thing.
She continued.
“There was a…” She tried to find the correct word while miming in the air with her free hand. “Certain regalness about him. I thought he might be a part of some high court of some kind. He appeared in fog and left in fog, but not before offering me a pact - which I accepted, naturally.” Tav sighed. “The whirlwind encounter, however brief it was, left me breathless. I’m so grateful to have lost my way in the woods that day.”
Raphael looked livid, and she could imagine Puck clapping.
She pushed a pawn forward. “Do you know of any fey by that description?”
“It is unfortunate that I do not,” he deadpanned.
The glint had long been lost to the fire of his burning stare.
“I believe it’s your move, Raphael.”
The cambion worked his jaw, and his tongue ran across his top teeth, emitting a slight sucking sound.
He was determining his move, but it was not a move involving lanceboard.
Tav dropped her innocence along with her tone.
“You’re not jealous, are you?”
His tone dropped to match hers. “And if I was, Little Mouse?”
Humored, she huffed a breath and smiled.
“Why did you have me come?”
Raphael glanced at the board and aggressively (recklessly) took her pawn with his priest. “I wished to become your patron.”
An exciting prospect that she’d thought about but never considered as being a possibility...
His interest in her… did it mirror her interest in him?
“I’ll tell you what,” Tav snatched his priest with her rook. “If you win this match, I’ll see what I can do about breaking my pact with Puck, and I’ll happily sign a new pact with you.”
Disdain drained the color from his face.
“Puck,” he sneered, and it was then that he knew he’d been played. “Like attracts like! I should not be surprised that one chaotic wretch of a creature was drawn to another!”
“On the contrary, surely you also believe that opposites attract?” Tav smiled with a tilt of her head. “Or have you changed your mind about wanting me, a ‘chaotic wretch’, to be your warlock?”
Raphael’s silence was confirmation that he had not changed his mind (though it disagreed with his contemptuous stare and scrunched nose).
A moment passed.
“And if you win, my dear?”
“I want a written and signed letter from you stating that you lost our lanceboard game and that you were jealous of Puck.”
The huff that left him was not the humored kind.
“I agree to the terms of this match, and you are to forfeit should I get the slightest whiff of any tricks.”
“Good thing my sleight of hand work doesn’t smell,” Tav said before dramatically cracking her knuckles.
 Raphael’s eyes narrowed. “No cheating of any kind, you fey-touched miscreant.”
Tav’s bright laugh filled the room, seemingly disarming her fiend of an opponent.
Her poor skills in strategy were likely to lose the match for her, but Tav was not bothered by the potential loss.
She’d won the more important game.
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toxicdogs · 1 year
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My piece for The Locked Tomb Big Resurrection Event for Lanzi's Bloodborne fic! Go check out @crippledpastrycryptid ! and Laladotpng over on twitter! they also worked on this fic!
(I will be editing and posting links to the fic and other artists and cosplayers when I get those!)
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xejune · 7 months
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your wish is my command >:3c @elmonstro (bonus under the cut)
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alternative color version provided by @lakka-arts <3
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plus bonus hamster LMAO
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unikorppu · 3 months
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My first revenge in Art Fight, for @stories-in-the-wind !
A rare fullbody!
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ghostbergara · 1 year
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✨mystery files✨
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pears-palette · 3 months
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Devour your Earthly Desires
[ID in Alt]
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Rejoice! More Colormari Art be upon ye!
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Prompt: Own Music (I chose: "As Your Father I Expressly Forbid It", by Lemon Demon)
Time: 60min
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circuitreats · 11 months
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Hi hi, I did a redraw of an old FNAF Mangle piece I did a long time back, and I wanted to share it with all of you! Gonna offer this as a print available in my etsy shop here within the next few days! :) Link below cut!
My etsy shop currently features multiple fnaf items, among other fandom stuff too! Looking to add some original options here soon too.
I'm also available for custom merch comms for stickers, prints, and buttons! Feel free to contact if you're interested :)
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wexhappyxfew · 4 months
how old are the silver bullets girls?
HI ANONNNNNN! please know my reaction to this immediately went a little like this:
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me as i’m about to start rambling about the girls and their ages because these little things bring me so much joy and i am so happy you asked this (truly….always open to questions like this about the Silver Bullets girls i’m more than happy to provide commentary!!!)
-> these are all their ages in 1943 <-
Annie: 23, second oldest in her family, oldest girl in her siblings so automatically always seems to take on the older-mentor role with people. why she fits the role of command pilot so well.
Francis: 22, had to grow up quite fast in her childhood so she feels a little older than she actually is at 22, but is one of the most mature people on base.
Bessie: 24, she graduated from Barnard College in New York City before joining up in the war effort and here she is!
Carrie: 22, was halfway through college when she joined the war effort and has intents of finishing. that or flying planes still, but she fits that mix of adulthood but still youthful.
Kennedy: 22, similar to carrie with her vibes of entering adulthood but still withholding youthful tendencies. came from quite a wealthy background too so sometimes she feels she had to grow up too fast.
Vivian: 24, same as bessie, both who are the current oldest of the crew! people thinks she always very maternal and one of the wisest people they can go to. a lot of life stories and experiences too that people find comfort in :)
Judy: 21, the youngest of the group!!!!! people really see her as their little sister, and she’s usually a little bit more naive and youthful. very hopeful and usually one of the happiest crew members. but she still feels innocent and like there’s so much experience left for her to see in the world. people are always looking out for her.
Marianne: 22, one of the girls who is in that same age of being an adult but still feeling young — sometimes wonders what she’d be doing if she wasn’t here but she does a lot of future-thinking for herself and that usually makes her feel older than she normally is.
Margie: 23, a ball of sunshine, sometimes judy and her are two peas in a pod and then she’s best friends with kennedy who is a storm cloud and she’s the sunshine and it all makes sense. friend to all, always cheering people up. usually needs some cheering up herself.
Paulina: 22, only just turned 22 by this time, so she still feels like she can say she’s one of the youngest alongside judy. young at heart, carefree, and always a shoulder to lean on. she’s got your back more than anything, and a ruthlessly loyal to her folks and her crew.
Birdie (since passed): was 25, previous command pilot for Silver Bullets before she was KIA. was like that protective, maternal older sister to the crew. always would provide advice and stories and back up her girls. one of the best there was!
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fightingtheplums · 2 years
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Did someon say Jingler and Jangler? No? Have them anyway!
Design by @he1ian <-- Send them some love and check out their art, it is amazing!
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burntotears · 2 years
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i had plans, you had options i've got issues, you are all of them you seem nice, i seem confident i'm a fool, i won't get over this
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absolutely-existing · 4 months
pick two or three songs for each of your OCs!
yeah it's always gonna come back to song asks I fucking love song asks
ooh, song asks! delightful, thank you
so this is a mix between song i relate to them, and songs i think they’d like, because why not.
on the road to BC, by grace petrie. the soft instruments (until it reaches the chorus) and the theme of travelling, is very much her
welcome home, son, by radical face, because it’s so perfect for her. “and the backs of my eyes/hum with things i’ve never done,” “you were never supposed to leave,” and “peel the scars from off my back/i don’t need them anymore/you can throw them out.”
the band and i by maisie peters —i both relate it to her and think she’s listen to it. she’d like the storytelling and sound.
not strong enough, by boygenius. can’t really tell you why, but it vibes.
i think bailey would listen to paramore, which is tough because i don’t, but i skimmed the music a bit and i think she’d enjoy this one mayhaps
secret worlds, by the amazing devil. i think the opening fits him energy-wise, and “you were a king and his castle/ i was every dirty rascel,” “write me well, my love, write me weird/ write me willing, write me well/didn’t the trees tell us their stories?/yeah but we, we thought you were mental/you were talking to trees. is perfect for him.
conner would like ‘angel of small death and the codaleine scene’ by hozier. it’s fun to listen to it, and he would enjoy the lyrics; very dramatic and a lot of interesting imagery.
and last but not least (ariae is not delveloped enough for this. maybe later),
loud like love, by placebo. don’t ask (in this essay, i will)
6 seconds left, by tx2. he doesn’t always feel like it, but fir has bad days sometimes. conner shares custody of this song, because there’s parts that fit his character arc so well.
fir has a running (flying?) playlist, that probably has a lot of generic pop on it, like harry styles, alec benjamin, halsey. definitely halsey. otherwise, he’s not really a music person? like, i can’t think of any songs he’d particularly like.
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inkspottie · 2 years
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Eddie Brock kofi doodle! Thank you for the donation!!
My kofi is here!
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shrimpfriedeggs · 1 year
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for @birdghosting !!
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scribblyshipping · 4 months
hmmm i think i will make you do all of the quetions on that ask meme you just rbd
WOW pretty stoked to do this actually. Theres another ask game I wanna do too SO EXCITEDD LETS GO
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🍒 ;  what's you and your f/o's go-to meal to cook and/or order for dinner?
They tend to stay within Scribbly’s safe foods, so stuff like macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, noodle soup- but sometimes if they’re feeling crazy they’ll get Chinese takeout.
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🍉 ;  if you and your f/o could go to another world or universe, where would you want to go?
MLP :] Quick doodlie of potential designs.
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Ik I have a ponysona but I wanted the designs to match better. Also I came up with both names on the spot, I think they work? I’m also not a fan of Pim’s mane but whateverr
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🍵 ;  on a lazy Sunday, what is your favorite activity to do with your f/o?
Depends on the weather, really. If it’s not too nice out, they’re cuddling in bed all day watching the telly. If it’s nice, Pim drags takes Scribbly to the park or Daveland. She’s okay with it, she just struggles with going out sometimes.
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☕ ;  what kind of drink would best resemble your f/o?
This is hard!!! I don’t really drink a varied amount of things. I’m just gonna say a strawberry milkshake with a healthy helping of whipped cream :] Sweet and pink just like Pim!!!
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💐 ;  what’s your favorite season versus your f/o? 
Scribbly’s favorite leans more towards summer whilst Pim leans more towards spring.
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🌸 ;  what's your f/o's favorite type of flower?
BOUQUET BLAST He likes multiple, and their meanings!:
Pink Hydrangea (love and sincere emotions)
Purple Roses (storybook or love-at-first-sight romance)
Pink Tulips (affection, caring, good wishes, and love)
Purple Anemones (protection from evil… he’s still a little on-edge from last year’s Halloween)
Pink Roses (admiration, happiness, and love)
Purple Chrysanthemums (thoughtfulness and care)
Pink Carnations (gratitude and the concept of never forgetting someone)
Purple Campanula (gratitude, humility and everlasting love)
I even put all of them together!!
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🧸 ;  what is a song that reminds you of your f/o anytime you hear it? 
Just one? No, take a whole (work in progress) playlist.
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🎀 ;  what's your f/o's go to style?
Generally business casual, even outside of work, though every now and then he’ll just wear something he finds comfortable…. Like one of Scribbly’s sweaters.
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👑 ;  what book genre would best describe your f/o?
Whimsical fiction that all ages would enjoy :] 
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💎 ;  what is your f/o’s preferred love language?
Words!!! He declares his love every day, all the time! He also likes to give gifts if he has the money saved.
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Original Ask Game
Since I answered everything on that one… keep an eye out for my next ask game rb! I already have another I want to do ^^
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knightinink · 11 months
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Some designs I made for my game design class :)
(please don’t repost my art!)
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