#I had this dream a few days ago that my sister in law found this cute white and gray carb
useless-englandfacts · 2 months
We have had an influx of messages from people in Gaza, and so I'm putting them all in one post.
Please have a read of all of them - I've only included a summary of their stories here (you can read their full stories on their respective blogs and gofund.me pages), and the amount raised is at the time of posting. If you can't afford to give, then at the very least reblog and share this post.
@ahmednimer: raised €40,521 out of €49,000
I'm Ahmed Alanqar, 34 years old, married to Dina Alanqar, and we have three children Zeina (7 years old), Eileen (6 years old), and Yamen (4 years old), have faced all the challenges brought by the war in Gaza, but now we need your help to escape this tragedy.
His gofund.me is here
@alaakh9: raised €3,748 out of €20,000
My name is Alaa, I'm a Palestinian mother of two children: Maria and Hamza, and expecting another child, as well as a wife and a daughter. Until last October, I was living a regular and stable life with my husband, children, immediate family, and my in-laws. We lost everything: our home, our jobs, our dreams. My biggest worry is for Hamza and Maria, their future is uncertain. Where will they live, study, and grow up? Gaza offers little hope now, as the essentials of life are being destroyed. My children's future seems bleak, overshadowed by uncertainty.
Her gofund.me is here
@hmzamahamed3: raised €25,994 out of €37,000
Your support is a lifeline of hope. A few days ago, the area where my family's tents were was bombed, and the situation was very dangerous now. There is no water for thirst everywhere, and there is no food. Food is very expensive. If they want to eat, for example, a simple meal, they need a hundred euros, consisting of vegetables and simple things. If they want fruit, which is not available, the fruits they have not seen for months, and if they find their prices are exorbitant, they live now. I hope you support them and help them get out
His gofund.me is here
@shahednhall: raised $43,719 out of $80,000
I am Shahd from the southern Gaza Strip. All my life, I have been building a life for me and my family. It persisted in a good future, when the war in Gaza began on October 7, 2023. We were in extreme fear during the displacement, and found ourselves in an insufficient small tent. Despite the lack of safety, food, clean water and the spread of diseases, we had to live this difficult life under bombardment, knowing that at any moment, my family and I could lose our lives My whole life has been scattered, and I am extremely frustrated and sad by the ongoing genocide I witness every day.
Her gofund.me is here
@safaabed8: raised €13,194 out of €50,000
I'm Safaa, 25 years old, the wife of the best man in the world and the mother of the two most beautiful children, but the war deprived them of their childhood and its beauty. As you know, the Egyptian government imposes entry fees to its territory ranging from 5,000 to 8,000 dollars per person. Therefore, we need you to stand by us to leave Gaza and stay in Egypt, including rent expenses for my family and children. I hope everyone can help us do this as soon as possible. We do not want to lose anyone else from our family, just as we have lost many of our friends, loved ones, and relatives. Your support can be the light that guides us to safety, to a place where Ibtisam and Ibrahim can grow.
Her gofund.me is here
@tamer200333: raised $2337 out of $60,000
My name is Marcus, from North Carolina in the US, and I am managing this fundraiser on behalf of Mahmoud and Maysaa Baalousha. I recently found Mahmoud on social media in need of someone to make a fundraiser to evacuate his sister, Maysaa, who is displaced in Al-Shati, Gaza with her husband, Muhammed, and four children, Tamer, Mohamed, Dana, and Dima. Mahmoud is presently displaced, but safe, in Egypt, but is unable to make a fundraiser for his sister. I am currently in contact with him on WhatsApp where he has provided me information on his sister and her family. Maysaa suffers from pulmonary fibrosis. Due to the continued siege on Gaza and the specific targeting of hospitals, she is unable to access the care she desperately needs. This campaign will provide the funds she and her family needs to evacuate and access medical care once the border re-opens.
His gofund.me is here
@hadeelmekki: raised €9,338 out of €35,000
I am Hadeel Mikki from Gaza, Palestine and this is my husband Waseem Mikki, my daughters Mira and Nadia, My mother Tahani Mikki, and my two brothers. The objective of this fundraising drive is to secure the passage of my family, comprising my husband, two daughters, mother, two brothers, and myself, through the Rafah Crossing to Egypt. Presently, this journey necessitates £5000 per person. This campaign stands as our sole opportunity for survival, and I earnestly implore your aid during this pivotal juncture. Rest assured, I will furnish you with a detailed breakdown of the expenses, vowing transparency, and lucidity throughout.
her gofund.me is here
@ashraf-family2: raised €13,029 out of €20,000
My name is Ashraf Alanqar, and I am 30 years old. My wife, Widad Issa, and I have a one-and-a-half-year-old son named Bakr. We used to live peacefully in the Al-Shuja’iya neighborhood, in a house we built just a week before the war began. I worked as a farmer and owned a large chicken farm that provided for my family. We urgently need your help. I am asking for your support to fund this campaign to move my family to a safe place, provide us with a proper home, and ensure we have enough food, water, and medical care.
His gofund.me is here
@88mohammed: raised €1,338 out of €100,000
My name is Mohammed Shurrab , a qualified medical doctor, palestinian living in Gaza, facing significant challenges with my family due to continuous attacks and shortages of food, water, and medicine. We need your help to escape this dire situation and find safety in Egypt. Please help us to preserve the lives of my child and my family. My family consists of my child and my wife in addition to my parents, grandfather and 4 sisters with her families and 3 brothers, since the start of war our house has been damaged and we have been displaced to a safer place, but there is still danger to our lives. The cost of crossing into Egypt is high reaching 5000$ for adults and 2500$ for children, and there is no job and no income in the war, we have been lost every things in this war, our house and our jobs and now don’t have anything.
His gofund.me is here
@amira-world: raised €16,865 out of €20,000
After my father's passing, I found myself taking care of my family, consisting of my mother, sister Noor, and brother Abdulrahman. My mother, suffering from high blood pressure and diabetes, faces health problems that further complicate their situation. But courage and determination drive Amira forward. I worked as a teaching assistant at the university while pursuing a master's degree in data science, and also worked as a programmer in a company. My life was going smoothly until war came and destroyed everything.
Her gofund.me is here
@mohammadayyad: raised €12,698 out of €35,000
I am writing to you in a time of dire need, seeking your compassionate assistance for my uncle Mohammed and his five children, who are enduring the severe hardships of the conflict in Gaza. For over 200 days, they have faced unimaginable fear and suffering. The ongoing crisis has left them without a home, employment, or access to education. Moreover, the healthcare challenges in the region have tragically claimed the life of my grandmother, who passed away not directly from the conflict, but from a critical shortage of medical supplies.
His gofund.me is here
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a-heart-attack-ow · 6 months
The Arrangement. Part nine
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Part Eight
Part Nine: Smut/Unedited
A line of unmarked black cars cascaded up the winding driveway of our estate. A parade of cars that seemed like an ominous omen of what was to come next. I stand there, looking out the gigantic circular window overlooking the front lawn, my eyes tired from the night before. Colby Brock had called in his associates for whatever he had planned to do next.
Regardless of the consequences.
I shake the thought from my head as a quiet voice comes from behind me. 
“Are you ready?”
Sam rasps, his hand on the small of my back. I glance over my shoulder and breathe a deep sigh. He looked at me slowly, noting what I was wearing. A pair of skinny jeans, oxfords, and a blue sweater. Kris had put my hair up in a half up and down look, the updo part supported by a blue bow, which looked like something Belle from Beauty and the Beast would wear. It was a more casual look but I figured I didn’t need to dress up for whatever revenge plot Colby was cooking up. It was clothing that I would’ve worn before my new life started a year ago.
Clothing that felt more like me for the first time in so long.
I nod feebly and turn to face him, our eyes meeting. For a moment he allowed his eyes to drift to my stomach, the nonexistent baby bump was almost enough for me to believe I’d dreamed everything up. But the blood test I’d taken confirmed it, I was pregnant.
I was pregnant with Colby Brock’s baby.
Though no one could tell yet, it was still too early. A look moves to Sam’s face as he reaches forward to place a hand on the side of my face. For a moment I froze, because he never touched me like this. He breathes a deep sigh, his thumb lightly grazing my cheekbone. He swallows hard when he sees the look of confusion move to my eyes and then he moves his hand from me. It looks like there’s something he wants to tell me, but he doesn’t. It's the same look that I’d seen once or twice throughout the duration of my first year of marriage. My marriage to his best friend and adopted brother. 
“Sam? Is something wrong?”
I ask. Genuine concern starts to overtake me as I look at him. I don’t know what’s got him being like this with me. I don’t know if it's because he found out I was pregnant two days ago and he was being a protective friend or if he knew something I didn’t know. Whatever it was, it caused me great pain to see him looking at me like this. 
At first he doesn't respond, only takes my hands in his, his thumb tracing over the wedding ring and wedding band that I haven’t taken off since I got married. He traces the gaudy design in silence for several minutes before he dares to look up at me. 
“Colby is so lucky to have you...”
He sounds almost bitter when he says this. 
“... He’s always been so careless when it comes to loving someone. Always seemed to be in it for the sex and he didn’t care who he fucked over in the process. He’s hurt a lot of people in pursuit of his own desires, but with you…”
He pauses once more, his hands gripping mine a little firmer. As if to drive his point home. 
“... With you he’s been so different. But if he ever does anything to hurt you again I don’t think I could forgive him. I love him too much to let him make that mistake and I love you too much to let him treat you that way…”
At first I think he’s saying he loves me like a sister-in-law, but when he looks at me he continues speaking.
“... Over the past seven months, when Colby got distant with you, when we started spending everyday together hanging out, that’s when I fell for you. When you came home from that event sobbing I wanted to hit him, seeing you upset because of him, drove me insane. I love you and I just wanted to say it out loud once.”
His admission causes my heart to skip a beat and for shock to reach my face. For a few minutes neither of us speaks as we study each other closely. I don’t know what has brought this on, but I knew that we didn’t have the time to get into this now. I knew that I didn’t feel the same way about him. Even if he was one of the best people I’d ever known, Colby was my person and nothing was going to change that. 
“Sam, I’m sorry. I-”
I attempt to say, but he cuts me off with a small smile.
“I know you love him and I know that it was wrong for me to get those feelings. I will deal with my shit, but I just wanted you to know because keeping it to myself had been really fucking hard Emilia.”
I smile back at him and give his hands a firm squeeze this time. Sam had become the brother I always wanted and I felt bad that this had happened. But I was glad that he understood how I felt. 
“I already told Colby.”
He rasps quietly, his eyes on the ground in shame. I feel my stomach drop for a moment as I try to mentally picture how my husband handled that conversation. 
Is all I can manage in response, my eyes searching Sam’s face for any sort of indication of how it went. Especially since Colby hadn’t bothered to tell me what his best friend and adopted brother had said. Sam sighs moving his hands from mine to swoop his bangs to the side, exposing a black and blue fist sized bruise on the side of his head. My jaw drops as my hands move to my mouth in shock. I only get a good look at it for a second before he swoops his bangs back into place. 
“I’m sorry he hurt you.”
I manage softly, his shoulders shrugging like it’s no big deal. 
“Can’t say I wouldn’t have done the same thing if another guy who was close with my wife told me he was in love with her. I’m sorry to spring things on you. I just had to get it off of my chest.”
I give him another small smile as Celina’s voice carries up the stairs, my eyes meeting hers at the bottom when I look around Sam. 
“Get down here you two.”
He breathes a sigh and extends his arm to link with mine so we can go down the stairs. When I link with him, he makes sure to slowly guide me down the stairs. 
“You know I’m not that pregnant that I can’t manage the stairs.”
I whisper to him, with a playful grin on my face. He rolls his eyes and smiles back. 
“You’re literally carrying precious cargo. I’m not risking you tripping down these stairs. I’m already on Colby’s shit list and that’s the last thing I need.”
I can’t help but laugh at the logic, a deep hearty laugh that I needed to release after that brief moment of tension up stairs. A laugh that Sam returns. However, my husband’s face looks less enthused when we reach the bottom of the stairs and he sees us both cracking up. Jealousy seems to find a home in his eyes when Sam and I unlink arms and I make my way over to him. He stares at his brother for a few seconds before leaning down to press his lips to mine. Pulling my body in against his as he deepens the kiss. Putting on a show in front of his brother as if to say ‘she’s mine’. I break the kiss when I realize what he’s doing and our eyes meet. 
“Colbs. Everyone already knows who I belong to.”
I whisper just for him to hear, his eyes fixated on me. His breathing is uneven and I can see the lust burning deep within him. He likes it when I say that I belong to him, likes it even better when I say it and he’s deep inside of me. I smirk up at him, through innocent eyes that seem to taunt him. 
“Baby, you’re playing a dangerous game…”
He growls back at me, as quietly as I had spoken moments before.
“... When this meeting is over. I’m going to fuck you so hard you never doubt who you belong to.”
A chill moves up my spine at his words, but I don’t let any physical reaction show as I take a step back. I look over my shoulder, into the living room and sigh when I look at his friends who’d come today. All of them were doing their own thing, Sam just now joining them. I didn’t know why Colby had invited Corey, Johnnie, Jake, and Nate, but I didn't question it. He told me not to, so I didn’t. I knew that I needed to keep my head down and focus on our baby, not whatever was up his sleeve. 
“Hey Kris and Celina?”
Colby asks, the two girls moving from the living room where everyone else is. Joining us as Colby takes a step back from me. 
“Do you think you two could distract my wife for a few hours? I have an important meeting I’m going to be holding in my office. I don’t want her getting any ideas about eavesdropping.”
He shoots me a playful look before turning his attention to the girls. They answer him back with friendly ‘sures’ and he gives me one last kiss on the forehead before going into the living room. He tells the guys they’re going to be going into his office and they all leave without so much as a second glance. Leaving us all alone. 
“Anyone feel like that was a little sexist?”
Kris jokes, Celina and I laughing. It felt weird for sure. Why would I need to be distracted? Was this work related? What did he need to talk about that I couldn’t hear about? I tried to consider that maybe he was just trying to keep me from stressing out and that’s why he didn’t want me near the meeting. I look at the girls and smile. I can’t think of what to say to them, suddenly feeling awkward, so I decide to try and get out of the house. 
“Anyone want to go for a walk? I’ve lived here for over a year and I still haven’t seen all of the grounds. It might be nice to make this place feel more like a home.” 
Celina looks from me to Kris with a look of suspicion. Knowing full well that this home felt more like a museum I was forced to stay in than a real home. 
“We can, but I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me.” 
Celina says, her eyes narrowing at me for a moment. She can see right through me and I’m too excited to not say anything. 
“I’m pregnant.” 
I say with a small smile, hoping they don’t judge me too harshly. They might not have said it out loud, but I’d seen the looks they’d give Colby when he was an ass. They’d seen the way that he treated me and they’d seen how hard this adjustment had been. Now, having a baby just took that adjustment up several notches. 
They both look at me in genuine shock. Both faces look serious as they process what I’ve said. Something that makes me wish I hadn’t said anything at all. My smiles fades and I look at the two of them feeling any joy I felt flee. 
“Is he going to step up?” 
Is all Kris asks, her face slightly more sympathetic now that she sees how the joy I’d been feeling has faded. 
“He says that he is.” 
My voice replies, sounding small and slightly ashamed. They probably thought I was ridiculous for being excited for even a moment. They knew that our relationship had been volatile at times. They knew that the main focus of our relationship was sex, but they didn’t know that it was loving too. That was something that we hadn’t been great at showing others, it was even harder when Colby pulled his latest bullshit. I realize they were right to be weary and I have to remind myself to be weary too. I have to remind myself that he still needed to prove himself to me. 
“He better or Sam might kill him...”
Celina states, more to herself than anyone else, a statement that earns a look from Kris. A look that tells me they were well aware of how Sam felt about me.
“Did he tell you guys?”
I ask, my voice unable to hide the shock I feel. Did everyone know about this before I did?
“...We’re really close friends and we have been for the past five years. Colby’s always been distant and doing his own thing, but Sam is the reason we started working here. He’s the only one who’s ever taken the time to actually talk to us and not just boss us around.” 
Mentally, I think back to every interaction Colby has had with both Kris and Celina and realize, to my horror, that they were right. He didn’t treat them like friends, even if he let them come over and spend time with me or Sam. He kept everyone at arm’s length until he needed something from them. A thought that I’d had on more than one occasion. 
About my own relationship with him.
“I’m sorry.”
I whisper, feeling selfish and idiotic. I couldn’t understand how I could quickly forget his shortcomings. Was I willingly allowing him to treat the people I cared about like this? What would I do if he was like this with our child? 
“You don’t need to say sorry. We’re sorry for being negative. We are happy for you and I know that you’re going to be an amazing mom.We just want him to be better for you.”
Kris says this hopefully, as if her words can take away the mixed emotions falling over me. My eyes meet both of the women standing in front of me, their eyes more sympathetic with fake encouragement laced on their face and suddenly I don’t want to hangout with anyone anymore. Regardless of what Kris had just said to me. Suddenly I just want to go upstairs and cry myself to sleep. 
Everyone leaves eight hours later. 
The house is eerily quiet as I stood in the kitchen all alone. I’d sent Celina and Kris home for dinner, along with our kitchen staff. I didn’t like relying on other people to do everything for me. It didn’t feel right, I used to cook for my dad every night. I used to clean for fun (all while listening to my cleaning playlist on my phone). I used to do so much more than be a doll who dressed up and did what she was told. So I stood in the kitchen with cooked jumbo shells and a bowl of ricotta filling. It had been so long since I made stuffed shells and it made me think of my dad. It was his favorite thing I cooked. The thought of him tugs at my heartstrings, my eyes watering as I fill the shells up and start lining them in the pan. I hum to myself to fill the silence and fall into a steady pace as I fill the pan. Once I’ve filled it with the shells, I open the tomato sauce and cover the shells and add the mozzarella on top. I slide the food into the oven and breathe a deep sigh.
“Okay, now it just needs to cook for 25 minutes.”
I whisper to myself, my focus turning to the sink behind me. I begin to wash the dishes I’ve dirtied when I hear a loud sound come from behind me. The sound of voices shouting from behind a closed door. I want to investigate but know that I can’t leave the food unwatched. I breathe another deep sigh and dry my hands off. Grabbing the pot holders I slide them on and take the food out of the oven. Once it’s safely out and set on top of the stove I investigate the sound of shouting I’d heard before. 
Down the long corridor connecting that leads out of the kitchen is Colby’s office door, which is where the sounds of shouting were coming from. The rest of the guests had left over an hour ago, but Sam had remained in the office. From where I am standing I can’t quite make out what is being said, but the muffled voices are booming from the otherside. Out of curiosity I place my ear against the door, my focus on whatever words I can pick up. 
“This will work Sam!”
Colby’s voice sounds like venom when he speaks, each letter biting.
“If we follow the plan then Emilia’s father will be safe. We just have to get him to the safe house.  If we take away the leverage they have over her then that’s a start. We just have to plan how it won’t get tracked back to us.”
I feel my heart start to beat in my chest when I hear the sound of Colby’s voice talking about my father. What were they planning? I hear Sam sigh, his voice tired as if they’d gone over what to do for hours.
“I think the plan of attack needs to come from me. Mom and dad have always been blind to any of the things I’ve done that are unsavory. They act like I'm an angel or something, but it’s my fault that we are even in this position in the first place.” 
My heartbeat quickens when I hear him say this. From the other side of the door I hear Colby breathe a deep sigh. A dangerous growl that seems to indicate that he’s on the verge of losing it on his brother. 
“What the hell are you talking about?”
He asks Sam in confusion. Sam lets out a bitter laugh, like he’s uncomfortable with what he’s going to admit to.
“Mom and dad let it slip that someone stole money from them. They needed someone to scare the person who owed them money. They didn’t go to you because they’ve been pissed at you since you went blabbing to some reporter when you were drunk at the bar. So, they sent me out. Gave me a gun that is identical to a real gun and I broke into some guy's house and intended on scaring him into paying mom and dad back. His daughter came home and started begging for me not to hurt him. She’d just come home from a night class and she looked so fucking scared and I didn’t mean to scare her. But then she offered herself up to spare his life and I had an idea. Mom and dad had been planning to put you in an arranged marriage for months and when I saw her. This beautiful, green-eyed, sweet little thing I knew that she would be perfect for you.”
I feel sick hearing Sam speak. The night replaying in my mind. The night I’d come home and saw a masked man with a gun to my father’s head. The blue eyes that had looked back at me as I offered myself up to save my dad. The man who laughed in my face and told me he knew what he was going to do with me was Sam. 
The Sam that held me through the roughest moments of my life. Who’d become my best friend here. The man who’d told me he was in love with me hours ago. He was the reason I was here now. He was the reason I entered into this marriage. He was the reason for all of it and it made me sick. Because I trusted him more than anything and he’d done this. I cover my mouth to hold in the tears that escape me. 
“You helped cause all of this?”
Colby asks in disbelief. Shock is laced into his words and I can only imagine the look he’s giving his brother. Whatever he’s doing Sam is quick to defend himself. 
“You should be thanking me. Honestly, she’s perfect for you and for our family. When I saw her I knew you’d like her. She’s your type only better because she’s not a random skank who is going to ruin our family’s image. She’s perfect, beautiful, kind, and you wouldn’t be with her had I not made an executive decision.”
I feel sick. My stomach turns and I don’t know how to feel. Yes, I’d met the love of my life because of Sam. But my dad, my entire world, was getting hurt because of it. I keep my mouth covered as Sam speaks again. 
“Remember what I did for you the next time your fucking her sweet little pussy. Remember what I did for you whenever the tabloids have something nice to say about you for once. And remember that, had it not been for me, you would’ve ended up with someone who wouldn’t have played by the rules. Our sweet little Emilia is the only one who could’ve gotten us here. She’s bringing new life to our family and it’s all because I made it so.” 
The way he says our makes the hair on my neck stand on end. Like they both own me. With shaking hands I go to grab the door knob, my hand resting on the cold gold for a moment. Colby says something harsh to Sam, but I can’t bring myself to listen to the words. Instead, I move my hand from the door knob and walk away. 
Clinging to the wall of the corridor I retreat back to the kitchen. I put the food back into the oven and stood there in utter shock. I hear the office door open and the shouting resumes, but travels away from me. As if Colby is kicking Sam out for the night. The front door slams so loud that it almost feels like the house is going to crumble around it. I tremble as I hear Colby’s feet travel down the hallway. 
“My love?”
He calls, when he’s unsure of where I’ve gone. With a shaking breath I reply out of fear of worrying him. 
“I’m in the kitchen.”
I call back lifelessly. All I can do is think of Sam’s eyes. Now when I picture his pale blue eyes I can see it. 
I can see that night. 
How could I not see it before? How could I have spent so much time being with him and getting to know him and not see it? We’d spent nearly every day together for well over a year and I had no idea. He had been so scared the night he found the severed ear of my father. He had held me through any of the loneliness I’d felt with Colby. And he’d been so kind to me whenever I needed it, but it was him. This entire thing happened because he was doing what mommy and daddy wanted him to do. He’d threatened my dad and used me as collateral for his family image. Used my dad as leverage for whenever I didn’t do as I was told. Suddenly I didn’t know if I could ever face Sam again. How could he have said he loved me earlier when he’d done all of this? All of this without telling me? Maybe we could’ve moved past this if he’d been honest with me from the beginning, before the maiming of my father. Before he’d got his hooks in me and befriended me. I can’t stop the tears from hitting me, even as Colby enters the room, his eyes finding me. Without saying a word he knows that I know everything that was said. He can tell that I’m utterly devastated and betrayed. The same look that he wears on his face mirrors mine. We’d both been played by Sam. 
“Emilia-I-I’m so sorry-”
I cut him off by placing my hand in front of me, gesturing for him to stop. He sounds so broken when he speaks and the tears in his eyes are legitimate as he takes a step forward. Without saying anything I pull him in for a hug and bury my head in his chest. I hold onto him tightly as if hugging him could take away the pain of this newest discovery. He holds onto me too, his head on top of mine.
“... It’s okay baby. I’ve got you. I’ve got both of you.”
His nod to our unborn child makes my heart swell, my arms squeezing him firmly. We remain like this for several minutes before I dare to pull back and look at him. His blue eyes are filled with concern as we look at each other. He’s unsure of what to do or say. 
Because he knew nothing he said could change what happened. 
“I’m cooking dinner.” 
I rasp when I can’t think of anything else to say. I didn’t even know how to unpack every single emotion washing over me. He gives me the smallest smile and places his hands on either side of my face, his thumbs brushing the stray tears away. 
“How much of that did you hear?”
He asks. 
“From when you started talking about a safe house for my father. I heard what Sam said. I heard all of it.”
A nod is all he gives me at first as he mulls over what to say next. 
“He’s going to be staying with some friends for the time being. I told him we both need space to process everything.”
It’s my turn to nod and process. Suddenly I’m thankful that he’s being level headed for the both of us. We both felt betrayed and it was all so raw right now. Space would be the best thing for everyone involved. Even though a small part of me wanted to slap him for saying what he said and doing what he did. 
“Now, what do you need from me?”
He asks, trying to do whatever he can to help me through this. I pondered the question for a moment before deciding on what I needed at this moment. Here, in his arms and with these feelings that felt like they were going to break me into a thousand pieces, I needed a distraction. I needed him to distract me and make me feel something else. 
Anything else but this.
“I need you.”
The desperation in my voice gives my desires away immediately. For a second my husband looks down at me in confusion, only to replace the expression with a dark look of desire.
“How do you need me?”
He asks, his voice deeper as he leans down to press his lips to mine. He deepens the kiss instantly, his tongue in my mouth. I can feel that he needs this distraction too. That he’s hurting as much as I am and in need of reprieve. I feel his hands move to my waist as he lifts me up off of the floor to the counter top. He spreads my jean covered legs apart and stands between them as his hands find my hair. His lips never seem to leave mine, not even when he needs to take a breath. 
“I need you to fuck me, so hard I never doubt that it’s you I belong to.”
Repeating his prior words towards me is enough to send him spinning. He pulls my body in against his, removing what little space had been between the both of us. The way his hands tangle in my hair and the gentle pull they give me is almost too much to bear. I can feel myself getting wetter the longer we remain like this. 
“How long does that have to cook for?”
He asks, wanting to know how long we have before the oven interrupts us. I can’t help but giggle when he says this, amused by the question. An action that causes him to groan against my lips. 
“20 minutes.”
Is all I reply as he lifts me off of the kitchen counter. He guides us to the kitchen table, staring down at me for a moment before his hands move to the button of my jeans. He undoes them and slowly drags them down my body, pulling them off with my pair of oxfords. My clothing gets tossed to the floor without any consideration, his hands moving to my underwear. A smirk finds his lips when he sees how wet I am. 
He groans when he pulls the underwear down my legs, eyes fixated on my arousal. The care he’d put into tossing my clothing away is the same with my underwear, adding them to the pile. I can’t look away from him as he watches me. Quietly debating what he wants to do next. He turns his attention to the sweater I was still wearing. He gets on top of me on the table, his lips finding mine once more as he kisses me, I feel the ghost of his hands moving the sweater up my torso. He’s so gentle as he does this that it causes a chill to move up my spine. Goose bumps form on my arms as he pulls my sleaves off of me. He pauses his kisses long enough to lift the sweater over my head and off of my body. I hear the fabric fall to the floor, and I can’t help but whimper at the loss of his lips as he starts to kiss down my neck. His lips travel down my throat and to my chest, kissing up to the valley between my breasts. 
Our eyes lock as he uses his teeth to unclasp the front of my strapless bra, removing the last peice of fabric on my body. Once the bra is gone he continues kissing down the valley of my breasts, stopping on ly when he decides to give my left nipple attention. He uses his mouth to suck the sensitive bud of my breast, his free hand carefully messaging the other breast. My body arches into him as he does this relentless assult on my breasts. I knew if this lasted too much longer I would cum. 
He knew it too.
Which is why I am not surprised when he stills his actions and gets off of me. I look at him, my chest rising and falling as he moves his hands to his black button up. 
“Can you touch yourself while I undress baby doll?”
He asks, his eyes on me as he waits for me to do as I’ve been told. Realizing he won’t undress himself until I’ve done as I’d been instructed. I slowly moved my hands down my torso, our eyes never leaving one another. My hands reach down to my slick sex. He unbuttons one button and waits until I’ve dipped my index finger into my wet folds before resuming. I can’t help but moan at the sensation of finger fucking myself. It was the same as when he did it, but I was so sensitive that even my fingers offered some relief.
But only some.
“Hmm, that’s my girl.”
He practically purrs as he finally completely undoes my shirt. The fabric finding its place in the pile on the floor. 
“Add another finger baby.”
He speaks in a lower register. His hands on his jean button.  My heart skip a beat as I add another finger, anothe rmoan escapes me. I slowly pump my fingers in and out of myself. The entire time I do this I can’t help but think about how much better this would feel if it was his fingers inside of me. My eyes flutter closed as I bring myself closer to the edge. His pants fall to the ground and I hear his shoes lightly thud to the floor. 
“That’s enough baby. Daddy doesn’t want you to cum until I’ve had my chance to play with you.”
His hands still my actions and before I truly have to process it. His lips are on mine once more. His hands pulling my fingers away from where I need them the most. I whimper at the loss of them. The loss only lasts for a moment before I feel the tip of his hardened cock at the entrance of my soaked sex. I make make sure to open my eyes and stare directly at Colby as he slowly sinks his hardened length inside of me. His jaw clenches and his lips part as he pushes himself as far as he can inside of me. A small gasp of pleasure escapes me the moment he’s inside of me. 
I whisper his name, unable to say or think of anyone else. He chuckles, knowing all too well that he’s scrambled my mind before even moving inside of me. He pushes his lips back to mine as he guides his hands to either side of my lips. He lifts me up slightly  and starts to move. His thrusts are careful as my elevated hips allow for him to hit deeper inside of me. 
With every thrust I feel like I could cum without warning. Every movement felt euphoric. After a while I can feel myself moving to meet his thrusts. My body in desperate need of a resolution to my climax. Careful groans pass his lips as he soaks me in, savoring each second he’s inside of me. 
“Does my sweet little wife need to cum?”
He mumbles against my lips in between kisses. I hum in response when I can’t think of actual words to say. Which earns a hum from him in response. He quickens his pace. With each thrust he’s sloppier and sloppier as our bodies both reach our highs aand we come undone. 
We cum together. Both of us falling into a heap of breathlessness. 
Neither of us speaks as we collect ourselves. Both of our bodies tired from the range of emotions we’d felt today. He smiles down at me sweetly, his eyes flicking over to the stove before returning back to me. 
“How about we eat what you cooked, have some sparkingling grape juice, since someone is preventing you from drinking, and watch a show?”
He lightly places his hand on my stomach when he mentions our unborn child as the reason for drinking grape juice. He stares down at my stomach in wonder. I don’t think it had hit him that we were expecting. It still didn’t feel real to me either. Something that I knew would change as my body changed. Without speaking he places his lips on my stomach, giving me a soft kiss.
“I love you little one. I promise to be a better parent than what I had.”
He looks up at me and smiles once more. He looks so genuinely happy and it’s enough to make my eyes fill with tears. Was Sam right? Should we be thanking him for bringing us together? Where would we be if he never did what he did? Its an unbearable thought. 
I wouldn’t want to be anywhere else.
But even still, I couldn’t just forgive him. Colby might’ve been an ass at times, but he was always up front with me about who he was. He never tried to hide it. 
Even when I wished he would’ve.
Sam’s betrayal stung because he’d hidden this from me. Even when I overheard him speaking to Colby he didn’t sound like the Sam I’d gotten to know. I look at Colby, blinking back the tears as he helps me up off of the table, his hands careful and cautious. 
“I would really like that Colby.”
I whisper as I think of how much we both needed a night of normalcy. After everything that happened today, we deserved a nice relaxing night in. But I couldn’t shake the fear of what tomorrow could bring. 
The fear of a new day and whatever Hell could come with it.
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giowritess · 9 months
fortnight [1]
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gif by @dameronscopilot
pairing | Benny Miller x female!reader [Grace Stratford]summary | you somehow end up pretending to be Benny's girlfriend for two whole weeks. is your heart going to survive that? probably not. warnings | mentions of sex, alcohol, mentions of cheating by a third character word count | 1.7k author's note | so. happy new year! i deeply apologize for not showing my face here for the last two years lol things have been complicated and i haven't found the time to write. i've recently fell in love again with the miller brothers from triple frontier and this came up completely random, it's gonna be a small series and i'll post as soon as i write them. future smut. no mentions of y/n; grace's name is only mentioned once. english is my second language and this wasn't proofread so i apologize for any mistakes. hope you enjoy it. xx masterlist | main masterlist
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"Meaning: 14 days; fort·​night ˈfȯrt-ˌnīt : a period of 14 days : two weeks."
Pretending to be Benny Miller's girlfriend for two whole weeks wasn't how you planned to spend your days off, but here you were.
After working so hard for so long, you finally had your well-reserved month off, plus a few days more. You spent a few days with your family and now were all set to enjoy two weeks of summer bliss at a friend's super fancy summer house, along with lots of other friends and others not so much, as you soon found out.
The moment you got there, you could hear the laughter coming from the house—a mansion, one could say—even from your car. The moment Will showed up at the doorway, Maddie, your best friend and his girlfriend, jumped out of the car to run to him and you rolled your eyes. They saw each other yesterday. But then Benny showed up at the door, shirtless, laughing as Will picked Maddie off the ground, and you sighed. 
Yeah, you had it bad, and he was completely oblivious to it.
While you and Maddie made the trip there, she filled you in on a lot of things. The house belonged to Luke's parents, Luke being an Army buddy of the boys and your long time friend since high school. What a small world, right? Besides him and the three in front of you, you couldn't say you were “friends” with that many other people there. At best, “acquaintance” was the most appropriate word, but you didn't mind, you were there to enjoy the summer, the Fourth of July and Luke's birthday. But the thing is, Maddie also told you some other rather interesting things. Benny was pissed for two reasons: one, he was the only single guy there, and two, his ex-girlfriend was there with her new boyfriend. His ex that, according to Maddie, was the one who broke things up and he still had a thing for. His ex that Maddie hated because she was a typical Regina George—nevermind being almost thirty.
The idea started to form in your head the moment Maddie told you all that, but you still weren't so sure of it.
The thing was, your relationship with Benny was weird. Since Maddie was your soul sister and you were always around when you weren't deployed, he was basically a brother-in-law to you. You two had always been friends, got along just fine; there was, however, one alcohol-filled event two years ago that changed the trajectory of your relationship. 
You still remembered it as if it had happened yesterday. You'd just gotten back from deployment, happy to be home at the beginning of summer, your favorite season. Maddie and Will were in the early stage of their romance, lots of longing glances and unsaid words, so you were starting to be around Will and Benny more frequently. The thing was—you had a thing for Benny since, well, ever. You just couldn't help it, guys who knew how to make you laugh were your downfall, and it was only a bonus that he was handsome as fuck and had eyes that made your parties drop. Suffice to say, Benny Miller was your dream guy, but he never made a move on you as seemed interested in you. It wasn't that you weren't brave enough to go for it—you just couldn't bear the possibility of being rejected by him, so you accepted your fate of liking him from afar. 
That night in particular, your first night back, the four of you were at your favorite bar to celebrate your Captain promotion—after four whole years in the Air Force, you finally had a helicopter to call your own. To say you were happy was to say the least; you were estatic. Your little brother would be proud of you. All drinks that night were on Maddie and the boys; you weren't a heavy drinker, but that night you let loose and really enjoyed yourself. And shit, you could swear Benny had never looked as good as he did that day. It didn't help that you hadn't had sex in a million years and he was basically sex on legs, nor did the fact that the trash bag of your ex, who cheated and dumped you through a phone call while you were overseas, had just walked in with his brand new girlfriend, the one who he cheated with. It served only to make you want Benny even more—he was so much more man than your ex, and you'd bet an arm that he was better at sex, too. You were sure of it, even though the only place he'd been recently (every night) was in your dreams. 
You were both drunk, you more than him. Maddie and Will had abandoned you already. You weren't sure how—maybe because of your sex deprived and lust-filled mind—, but the subject turned to sex, asking each other what sort of crazy things you'd already done. The thing in question was 69, which you'd never done, and Benny surprised you when he denied it, too.
And then, maybe it was the alcohol running through your veins, fogging your brain. Or how close he was and how good his perfume smelled. Or maybe you'd just had enough, so you said, taking a sip of your beer:
“I bet you know how to properly eat a girl out.”
You saw the moment his eyes darkened, one of his eyebrows raising up. He slowly placed his beer on the table. You didn’t breathe, feeling as if you were about to die while waiting for his reply. 
“Wanna find out, Captain Stratford?”
You were bracing yourself for a rejection, for him to say he wasn’t interested in you that way, anything but that. You definitely weren’t expecting that. He didn't ask, but you'd never had sex in a car before. Or had three orgasms on the same occasion that weren't self-induced before. But yeah, he was way better than your ex, and your dreams. 
But then it got awkward between you two afterwards. Sure, it was the best sex of your entire life, and sure, you'd love for it to happen again, but you weren't really sure how to treat Benny. So you tried to act as natural as possible and so did he, almost as if pretending that nothing had happened. Except it had, and every time you looked at him, you remembered it. Everytime you looked at his hands, you remembered how well he worked you up with those long fingers. Everytime you looked at his face, you remembered his beard glistening with your juices after he made you come twice with his lips alone. Whenever you saw him holding something, you remembered how good it felt to have those fingers wrapped around your throat while his cook hit every right spot, again and again. Safe to say, you were having a hard time focusing whenever he was around, and it made you wonder if the remembered it, too, when he looked at you, because sometimes you could swear he looked like he did. And sometimes... sometimes he looked at you the same way he did that very same might when he asked you that question. But then it faded as quickly as it came. So you tried to treat him like you used to, but for the past two years it seemed to have an elephant in the room with you, and you just didn't know what to do about it.
Truly, you'd already accepted that nothing would ever happen between you two again. But the moment Maddie told you all that, the gears in your brain started working. It was risky—what if he didn't like it? And honestly, why? It wasn't as if you really wanted him to get back with his ex... yeah, there was no rational motive you could come up with. At least no motives that weren't selfish. But then, still sitting at the driver’s seat in your car, you glimpsed your ex, wrapped around his current girlfriend—a new one, who looked suspiciously like you—by the pool, and that gave you the courage to go ahead with your plan. So that was how you found yourself in your current predicament. Exactly when Benny was awkwardly talking with his ex, still by the door, you called out his name and went to him, the surprise evident in his face. And then you kissed him.
This was the defining moment. You were scared of his reaction—and then he kissed you back, way more fiercely than you expected, his tongue slipping into your mouth, until the girl in front of you cleared her throat.
“And you are?” She asked, and the tone of her voice made you want to strangle her.
Instead, you took the jealousy and anger cursing through you and transformed into confidence, and you gave her your best smile.
“I'm Grace,” you replied, and you felt Benny's eyes on you. “Benny’s girlfriend.”
You didn't know what surprised you more: the giant scowl in her face, or one of his hands going around your body. 
“I'm sorry, what is it again? Pam, Tam?” You asked before she said a thing.
You knew damn well what her name was.
“Sam,” she replied through gritted teeth.
“Oh, that's right. Lovely to meet you.” You turned to him, dismissing her entirely. “Help with the bags?”
He nodded and gave her an apologetic look, before grabbing your hand (another surprise) and following you to your car. The moment you opened the trunk, he let go of your hand and you already missed the contact.
“What's going on?” He asked, confusion clouding his beautiful features.
You glanced around to make sure you were alone and tugged him closer.
“Look,” you whispered, “both our exes are here, and according to Maddie, you still like her. This way, you make her jealous, maybe win her back, and I rub it in his face that I landed someone way better than him.” His lips tugged up in the slightest shadow of a smirk. “What do you say?”
You didn't realize you were holding your breath until he replied.
“Huh. That's really smart,” he said, surprising you once again.
You expected him to say something more, but then he grabbed the bags and walked back towards the house.
And that was how you found yourself pretending to be Benny Miller's girlfriend for two weeks.
Would your heart survive those two weeks? Probably not.
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by @reveriesources
➜ part two
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way-of-love · 2 years
The Heat of Adam (Teth-Adam x FemReader) (SPOILERS) (R-RATED) (PART 2)
Alright guys, here's PART 2! I've been quite sick so please bare with me as I try to write these beautiful ideas on my laptop! Also thank you so much to those who truly found this story a good read, love you all!!
And yes there will be a part 3!
-Currently you are the sister-in-law to Isis, the woman who found the tomb of Teth-Adam. You are the sister of the deceased husband of Isis and the only living aunt of Among, Isis and your brothers son. You felt for Adam during your time with him knowing all along that he was filled with more good than bad. During your journey with him and your family, you finally knew you cared for him more than you should...-
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After internally admitting your feelings for the hero you were now waiting for the perfect moment to admit how you felt to him. You knew it would be difficult, especially knowing his past and what the poor man went through with his previous family. Not that you were saying you’d want to start one with him but, you know, maybe he could start something with you?  
You were with him hours ago when he admitted to wanting to spend more time with you. That, you obviously didn’t deny. He sat with you at the foot of the throne talking and giving you an insight into his past, even spoke briefly about his wife and son that he thought he allowed to die. That, he blamed himself for. You knew there was nothing he could’ve done, or anyone for that matter because after all everyone was still human. For him, it was a mistake he truly wasn’t going to make again. And he made that perfectly clear to you. He confessed he enjoyed speaking to you about anything and everything and he was grateful for the things your family had done for him and you for always being there and showing you how the world changed, how his world has changed.  
Then it came to the hardest thing you think he had to do yet, he confessed that he would have to go away for a while and discuss a few things with ‘important’ people. And he won’t be back until those discussions are over. In your mind you thought the Justice League finally snatched him up, but he quickly shut that idea down when it presented itself with Superman. Khandaq only had a hero for a few days and already the world was snatching him for itself, well the damn Justice League was. And you, left with nothing but the ghost of him until he returns.  
First, you brother was taken and killed, your nephew gets kidnapped but thankfully saved and now the only man you’ve ever felt something for was leaving. Oh, how cruel the world could be. 
You sat in the living room early that morning when Adam dropped you off through the hole in the wall by the shabby balcony, saying he’d visit before he departed. After spending those few hours just talking to him and hanging by the thread trying not to fall asleep, he called it a day and flew you home where you found yourself more awake than ever after he flew away. 
You were in a dream-like state replaying the conversation earlier that morning before the sun rose. He kept telling you that when he returned, he’d be a better man than how he was currently. He even asked you to wait for him... did that mean he liked you too? You wanted to ask him so much what he meant by what he said but you couldn't muster up the words to do so. 
“Auntie? When did you get home? I didn’t hear you come in,” Amon, holding his skateboard under one arm and his backpack slung over the other. He looked ready to start his day as usual.  
You glanced back at him with a small smile, even reached a handout for him that he took without hesitation. Though he was a tad confused and a bit worried, you were the fun aunt not the mood dampening aunt. Looking at him reminded you why you never had kids of your own, too much emotion was needed to raise a child and you thought you could never do it in your line of work. But seeing Amon like this caring and comforting you made you realize maybe one kid wouldn’t hurt. After all, if your brother could raise a family, why couldn’t you? 
“Are...you okay auntie?” His brows furrowed in concern while the corner of his mouth tilted up trying to smile a bit hoping to ease this atmosphere of longing you created.  
“After the events of yesterday I’m more than alright. I was so glad that we saved you before anything worse happened. Adam...Black Adam is a hero, without him I’m not sure we’d save you,” Amon smiled warmly at you before dropping to one knee beside where you sat placing his skateboard down and looking up at you. 
“You saved me too, Auntie. You’re a hero too. After dad...died. It was hard on both me and mom, but mom took it the hardest. Then you started living with us and it felt like Dad never left. You helped mom find justice for him and while you did that, you guys found Teth- Adam! I mean, you are the reason he even stayed here in Khandaq,” Amon looked more bewildered with every word that left his mouth. It warmed your heart seeing him like this, and it was all thanks to Adam. Though one thing did stick out about what he said.  
With furrowed brows you asked him, “What do you mean he stayed because of me? He stayed because this is all he’s known...for the time being,”  
Amon gave you a knowing look and shook his head, he looked like he had a secret he wasn’t going to tell you,” Auntie, Black Adam wouldn’t have stayed here in the city if it weren't for you,” The young boy stood back up and placed a solemn hand on your shoulder feigning pity, “Just wait ‘till he tells you because I don’t like meddling in adult stuff.” 
You sat there staring pan faced at your nephew trying to understand what exactly this kid was saying at eight or nine in the morning. Your brain wasn’t functioning quickly enough for him, so he shakes his head, picks up his skateboard and heads towards the apartment door. 
“Amon you better not be pulling my leg here or I swear no more late-night secret comms tapping.” Slowly you came to a stand and narrowed your tired eyes at him and all he did was snicker. 
“Auntie, I’m not sure if adults still call it this but... Black Adam does like you. He’s just, how do you say, like a rock. Stubborn and doesn’t admit it easily like a normal person just give him time.” 
You didn’t realize it then, but Teth- Adam left a big mark in not only your life but in your families lives as well. It was going to be a hard... goodness however long he was going to be away. You just hoped by the time he comes back things, feelings will be the same and that finally you could tell him just how much you care for him. 
As it turns out after saving a few cities with the help of the Justice League Black Adam was getting a handle of this superhero stuff. But the damage, the intel you worked for, was taken for granted. You had hoped that he wouldn’t be over glorified like all those red, white, blue washed heroes but turns out he was slowly becoming just like them.  
The real heroes were the ones who rebuilt, sacrificed their very lives for information that delt damage to their enemies. Who killed their enemy. Yet, the root of evil keeps coming back with more heads after one was slain. So many people suffered because of these decisions, people without power never lasted long in this world, it just wasn’t fair.  
Now, you who worked for a secret organization had an insight into everything these heroes did thanks to a leak in Amandas Wallers systems, you knew what the heroes knew so that meant your organization did too. With vital information like this you could easily sell it to the highest bidder on the blackest market known to man or do the good thing and use it to your advantage. Of course, you were the good doer and used it to better the lives of people who were done wrong by heroes and their mottos.  
Shifting the black hot liquid in the mug you and Isis, your sister-in-law, watched the news in your new boxed tv. Her brother managed to scrape together some electronic parts to fix a semi modern tv up. Amon was currently in school, so he didn’t have that pleasure to witness the little surprise that was in store for the adults that morning.  
After a year of a no call no letter and even a no show of Adam you simply gave up. You tried to contact him without raising suspicion or alarms in your direction, but you heard nothing back from him. Even when you went away to America on a solo mission, you were so close to his floating form that you called to him, but he did not answer. Right then you knew this was not the Black Adam that asked you to wait for him, this was Americas Black Adam. And with a heavy heart you accomplished your mission and returned home heartbroken and confused. Why’d he ignore you like that? You knew there was nothing wrong with his hearing. He was superhuman! He chooses to ignore you that day. 
It took you weeks to get over that ache in your chest, you went on missions, took under the table jobs until you ended up hurting yourself on a dangerous info retrieval mission by Russia. You were in an arm cast for months, last week the doctor gave the okay and removed it. Isis was also scolding you about how much you’ve been working, that if you worked too hard, you’ll land in an early grave…just like your older brother. It hurt but it was true. He lived his life trying to free Khandaq and died trying so hard to do so. You’ll be next if you don’t take a break. 
After a few calls and Amons complaints to you, you decided to take a month off to…relax. Now at a different apartment further from the city and closer to Isis’s new teaching job in the university, you ran the house for her. The freed city gave her the job she lost back with more privileges, meaning this spacious apartment and higher pay. Amon was taking full advantage of the time he had now that his mother was working at the university; going out exploring more of the ruins before his mother came home, discovering more hidden nooks and crannies inside the apartment building. You always thought he was a smart kid, so you gave him a time limit to do so. 
He reminded you so much of you and your brother when you both were just children. As you cleaned up around the kitchen you noticed the picture Isis kept of the small family when your brother first moved in with her. The four of you, Isis, your brother, and her brother were piled onto a tiny kitchen table with open boxes everywhere filled with dishes or glasses. Isis was pregnant with Amon during that time and didn’t know, that’s what made the picture so sweet. Everyone was in it. Everyone except Adam. 
With a heavy sigh you placed the picture back on the small fridge replaying the memories you had in that one tiny apartment when you heard the front door of the apartment open. Immediately you thought Amon was home, so you spoke without looking up from the picture. 
“Dinner’s ready Amon, make sure to wash up and put your skateboard away. Also, dust off whatever dirt you may have so,” You turned around to face Amon, “That your mom…doesn’t…” 
Your words trailed off when you noticed Amon wasn’t the only one standing in the doorway. The big, tall familiar being wearing a dark hood over his head stood there behind a nervous looking Amon. 
He quickly came inside and went straight to you grabbing your arm and shaking it lightly. But your attention stayed fixated on the man who had your heart standing by the now closed door of the shared apartment. You were shocked to see him and even more shocked that he had the audacity to come back. 
“Auntie! Auntie! He came back, Teth Adam came back!” Your poor nephew sounded excited or relieved, you didn’t feel any of that whatsoever. In fact, you felt…angry that he was here. How dare he show up and not even to you or to his people but to your nephew. The one person he knew wouldn’t push him away because of how long he’s been gone.  
“How…How dare you come back?” The words were out your mouth before you could stop them. You saw how his shoulders tensed under his fucking cloak as if what you said hurt him. Oh please. You crossed your arms under your chest and tilted your head as if to say, ‘Explain yourself now.’ 
Amon stood in front of you looking like a kid caught awkwardly in a fight between his married parents. He shuffled closer to you and looked up into your furious eyes,” Auntie, I saw him by the old apartment. He was looking for us, who knows how long he was looking for us!” There he goes justifying the heroes' actions. 
“Khandaq isn’t that big. If he was and wanted to look for us, he’d find us by now on his own,”  
“Auntie please- “ 
“Amon,” His deep voice shook your bones and warmed your core. “Let me talk to your aunt. There’s a lot that needs to be said and I won’t shy away from this confrontation,” 
“Look at you using big hero words,” A scoff left your mouth. 
You guessed that’s all Amon needed and nodded. Adjusting his backpack that was slung over his shoulder he began to head towards the living room but not before stopping by Adam and giving him his own warning a childlike one, “Try not to hurt my aunt again this time.” And he disappeared into the living room. 
The two of you were left, him by the door and you in the kitchen. But you suppose the distance wasn’t a fitting one so Black Adam decided to close that distance and walk slowly, not usually like him, into the kitchen. That stupid hood still covered most of his face except for below his nose so you couldn’t see exactly what he was thinking or see how he was feeling. He now stood a few feet from you peering at you no doubt from under his hood. It was annoying. 
You released an exasperated sigh and raised a hand to pinch the bridge of your nose, “Are you going to leer at me or are you going to give me an explanation? Why’d you suddenly leave without a proper goodbye and not even bother to acknowledge my presence? Did you find an American woman and decided to leave your life behind here? What?” You didn’t realize the tone of your voice was rising until Isis’s brother peeked over at you from the living room with Amon who was also wide eyed. You rarely yelled and when you did it was either while playing a game with Amon or yelling during your own missions but never like this, not when you were upset. 
Being tense like this wasn’t good for the heart. You relaxed a bit well as much as you could while having the man that almost broke your heart standing before you. 
“I know you're upset with me. And you have every right to be. I made you a promise that I intended to keep but I broke it instead,” He reached up and slowly removed his black hood revealing his face to you finally, after a year and some months you saw his face. He looked the same but his dark eyes...they looked so worn. As if he hasn’t slept in days, no scratch that month.  
Without hesitation you raised your hands and cupped his cheeks, worry written all over your face, “What in the world happened to you? Did they send you out into space or something? Adam...you look so bad,”  
He closed his eyes briefly and you felt the way he gently nudged his cheek into your palm some. “I told you, I wanted to come back a changed man. And I did accomplish that,” You only shook your head and took your hands back. A changed man wouldn’t just leave, ignore the person who clearly freed him from that stupid prison, never contact you when he clearly knows you’ve been trying to contact him. Nor does he suddenly come back out of the blue and try to mend things back to how they were. He must’ve seen how conflicted you were, so he didn’t bother reaching for you, he gave you space.  
“I know I have no excuse for the way I acted. Nor do I have an excuse for communicating with you about where I was, when I’d be back,” You didn’t bother to look up at his face now because if you did, you’d probably fold and tell him that it was okay when clearly it wasn’t. He knew how you felt you made it pretty obvious to him when you were helping him run around the city after you freed him with Isis. And for some strange reason your nephew knew Black Adam had a crush or liked you, yet after the whole year of not hearing a single response or even a look of acknowledgment in America to feel reassured that he was the same Adam that flew you to your home that beautiful morning. But you got nothing. Did he even like you? Was that even a thing? 
You felt a thick warm finger tuck under your chin and forced your head up, now you were looking up into those dark eyes that seemed to hold so much emotion as clear as day. Some may think he was glaring down at you and others may think he was plotting your death but for you, for you he looked like he was trying to show you how sorry he felt.  
“I tried to protect you. No one knows you as a spy, they only know you as Y/N the person who helped liberate Khandaq and freed me. If I showed any more interest, then I’d be freeing you from your own prison right now,” He spoke low and close to you. No one knew what you really did as an occupation, it was dangerous work and you only told Adam because...you were head over heels for the brute and truthfully no one would truly believe him, unless...unless he showed interest and Waller decided to investigate. Squeezing your eyes shut it dawned to you that what he was saying was absolutely true. And here you were yelling at him like some kid in middle school all because your feelings were hurt. You must stop hanging with your nephew so much. 
“Adam I... I’m so sorry, I wasn’t even thinking about that. I was just—I didn’t know what I was thinking,” Apology after apology left your lips and all he did was cup your delicate cheeks with his calloused palms and smile, he genuinely smiled down at you.  
“Y/N, there's no need for apologies. You did what you felt and... you thought you were doing the right thing. I, on the other hand, will need to apologize,” Adam leaned in closer to you, shoulders hunched a bit, and he was blocking most of your view from the living room and blocking the view to you.  
Brows furrowed you looked at him confused while cradling his wrists with your hands, “Apologize? You were just protecting me Adam,” Now he was getting a little too close, but you couldn’t jerk your head back even if you wanted to.  
“No, for this,” It didn’t take long for you to put the pieces together as to what he meant but when you did his lips were already on yours. Surprise wasn’t the word to describe how you felt. Excited? In awe? Shocked? Maybe all the above. He was kissing you, really kissing you! This wasn’t a dream...this was real. You slowly closed your eyes and let his slightly chapped lips mold against your softer ones. You’ve dreamt of this day for such a long time and now that it was happening you didn’t know where to put your hands or even breathe. But Adam did. 
He lowered one of his hands to your waist then your hip while your hands slid down his forearms feeling the thick barbed muscle and went straight to those broad shoulder you absolutely drooled over. As big as he was, he sure was gentle. Though you were glad that didn’t stop him from taking the initiative and pushing the kiss up another notch. A tongue gently glided across your bottom lip causing you to stop and open your eyes encountering two dark chocolate orbs staring right back at you half lidded.  
“I apologize,” His voice was hoarse when he whispered, it sent a shiver down your spine. As quickly as he apologized just as quickly his tongue slipped between your awaiting lips crashing against your own tongue. A sudden moan left your lips when you finally got to taste him which in turn made him make a low groan himself. Your tongues were clashing against one another in a heated wet battle of who was sorrier than who but you both knew that wasn’t it. This passionate, desperate kiss was long overdue and now that it was time to collect you both were like teenagers making out.  
His hands no longer respectfully stayed in their PG stations, they now roamed and gripped wherever they could. Gripping your sides, your hips before sliding back and finally cupping your plentiful rear. You were thankful you were wearing shorts because you were able to feel his rough hands upon the skin of your thighs. You pulled at his cape over his shoulders wanting him to be closer, closer than skin. That's what you wanted.  
It wasn’t until he slid his hand back down your thigh and gripped it pulling it up over his hip, you were now flushed against him. Groin against groin and you felt just how happy he was to be kissing you in your sister-in-law's kitchen. Goodness, were you really going to do it here? In the kitchen?  
“What in the hell is going on in here?” Isis’s voice broke you out of your trance causing you to jump and stare wide eyed at Adam who looked like he was about to dive in for another kiss. Luckily you stopped him with a shove to his chest, but he didn’t budge, wouldn't budge. Slowly you stood on your toes on the leg that was touching the ground to peer over at Isis over his shoulder.  
“Um-- Adam is uh... he’s back,” Your other leg was still being held captive by his hand keeping it pressed to his hip. 
“Clearly,” Isis crossed her arms looking at the two of you standing in her kitchen with disapproval written all over her face. “I’ll give you both five minutes and then I want to see you two in the living room.” And with that she turned, giving the two of you some privacy again. 
“We can do a lot in five minutes lets-” Quickly you swatted at his shoulders and shoved him away, red all over your cheeks. 
“Five minutes my ass! Go, get to the living room!” Honestly, it wasn’t possible to do anything in five minutes with a normal person but with Adam, you were hoping a lot could be done in less. 
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lilacmuse · 1 month
The Tiny 'Arif and her Unseen Friend
When i was in Arizona in June, i was playing alone with my niece in the living room one day, when she suddenly stood up, walked toward the wall, and said 'salaam alaikum' with a huge smile on her face. She walked back to me, looked deeply into my eyes and said, "the uncle is here," in a soft, reverent tone, as if she were telling me a secret. She then scampered off, giggling and playing with the invisible person for a while. As i watched my niece laugh and play, i wondered who this unseen 'uncle' could be- i knew it wasn't her imagination because i felt the presence too, and something about it felt familiar, safe, and deeply reassuring. I smiled and figured it might be the soul of my brother coming to visit his niece, but i wasn't sure.
Later that evening, my niece and i were in the middle of playing again, and she suddenly stopped and informed me that the uncle was coming. My sister-in-law was in the kitchen, so i looked up and mentioned that my niece had done the same thing earlier in the day, but i didn't know who she was talking about. My sister-in-law mentioned that she's at an age where she might be starting to imagine things and play pretend, so she laughed it off as a cute toddler habit. 
A few moments later, my niece repeated that the uncle was coming, so i turned to her and asked her what the uncle's name was, but i couldn't discern her reply. I asked her again and she repeated herself, but i still couldn't understand what she was saying. With tears in her eyes, my sister-in-law looked over and told me that my niece was saying "Imam Mahdi". We exchanged stunned glances for a moment, but i didn't want to startle my niece, so i didn't react. A little while later, she repeated again that the uncle was coming, so i asked her, "when is he coming?" She looked at me intently, smiled with a gleam in her eyes, and said, "inshAllah." 
The next day, we were invited to a little boy's birthday party at a trampoline park. Even though i'd slept well the night before and had been excited to go, i woke up that morning with the worst nausea of my life. I had never felt so nauseous out of the blue before and nothing seemed to help, so i told my brother i'd have to stay home and skip the party. After trying and failing to eat, i felt too weak to stand, so i laid down on my bed and waited for the feeling to pass. As soon as i laid down, a wave of intense drowsiness suddenly overcame me, and i fell asleep. The only other time i'd ever experienced such sudden, intense drowsiness was last October, when i dreamt about the scholar who had passed away.
This time, i had another strange dream: i saw myself walking into the Sunni youth center i attend sometimes, but it was different; it looked like a fusion of the Sunni center and one of the nearby Shi'a centers, as if the two buildings had physically merged. As i walked into the main hall, i looked to the right and noticed several chairs in a special section away from the main stage. On these chairs, there were around a dozen scholars seated, both Shi'a and Sunni. As i scanned their faces, i saw one of my favorite scholars, and my heart immediately felt at ease. I also saw another face that looked vaguely familiar, but couldn't remember who he was or where i'd seen him (i recently realized, after 3 different people mentioned him on the same day, that he was the scholar i'd seen at the wedding in New York last year- it turns out he does a lot of Shi'a-Sunni unity work, so his presence in my dream made perfect sense).
My favorite Sunni scholar was giving a speech, so i sat down and began to listen. The lecture was extremely disjointed and he didn't seem like himself- there was a strange, detached coldness in his energy, as if he were adrift from his own soul. I realized he was reflecting the changes i'd noticed in him earlier in the year. When i had begun attending about two years ago, i had almost felt like i'd found the spiritual home i'd been longing for since the end of my beloved akhlaq class. His lectures were extremely heartfelt, deeply spiritual ruminations about God and the Holy Prophet (pbuh), and he regularly cried out of sincere love for them, which made me respect him immeasurably. I gradually noticed that every time he looked at me, it felt as if our souls knew each other; from the look on his face, i could tell he sensed it too. I'd only experienced that once before in college (that entry is on here somewhere), so i was perplexed. After a while, i came to the conclusion that it was likely because we were on a very similar spiritual wavelength- in a world addicted to rationality and material distractions, we were two souls deeply in search of Divine love; perhaps our hearts could sense that we were seeking the same thing. It's rare for me to experience that kind of spiritual resonance with anyone, so it felt like finding an oasis in the middle of a spiritually barren desert.
Around the beginning of the year, i noticed his energy and rhetoric began changing; his lectures felt increasingly sectarian, and he began staring at me pointedly every time he talked about certain sahaba, who he now mentioned more than the Prophet (pbuh). I shrugged it off; every word of praise i've ever heard about any other companion has only made me fall more deeply in love with Ali ibn Abi Talib (as); my conviction in his wilayah is as unwavering as my belief in the prophethood of Rasulallah (pbuh) and the oneness of God. But he also began telling stories that seemed to cast the Ahlulbayt (as) in a denigrating light- each time, he'd look at me pointedly, as if seeking a reaction. I tried not to take it personally given our differences in aqidah, but i felt sad at the change in his rhetoric and demeanor, and i noticed that he had stopped crying the way he used to- it was as if God had temporarily taken that taufeeq away because he was speaking from a place of ego and hostility, not sincerity. I had faith that he'd find his way back to higher ground- i still believe deeply in his goodness- but i stopped attending for a while because my soul no longer felt at peace there.
In my dream, his rhetoric took a similar turn, so i got up and walked out mid-speech. In an outer lobby area, i saw a group of little girls playing together, so i walked up to them and said salaam with a smile. A group of older women then approached and greeted me- likely the mothers and grandmothers of the girls- and the eldest of them stood out. She had beautifully deep, dark eyes and an ethereal aura, and she began asking me questions about myself. As we spoke, i asked her if, from all her years of living, she could give me some sage advice for my life. She quietly took my hand and led me to a room that looked identical to the prayer room at the Shi'a masjid. She leaned down to a shelf in the middle of the room, picked up a long, beautiful tasbih, and placed it in my hands. The tasbih was unlike any i'd ever seen before; the beads were made of luminous midnight blue glass, and were dappled with tiny golden specks of various sizes all over, as if depicting the night sky. Given my love of astronomy, it felt like it was made for me. I realized the tasbih seemed to have 1000 beads instead of 100, as if it were made for adhkar. She then leaned down again and picked up an unusual copy of the Quran that featured sections on Qur'anic meditations. The Qur'an had an exquisite midnight blue cover dappled with golden constellations, matching the tasbih perfectly. The woman handed it to me, i embraced and thanked her profusely, and we parted ways. 
After that, i felt an urge to return to the main hall, so i went back inside and found that while most people had left, all the scholars who had been sitting to the side had now gathered together at the front of the room. At the center of their huddle, an elderly man was singing a beautiful qasida about yearning for Medina and the Prophet (pbuh), and all the other men were weeping profusely. Electrified by the beauty of what i was witnessing, i started weeping, too, overcome by my own longing to see the city of the Prophet. From a distance, i noticed the Sunni scholar sitting off to the side; he was crying, too, and looked as if the ice inside his chest was breaking.
I woke up shortly after, floored by the intensity of the dream. I then realized that my nausea was completely gone, as if i'd never felt sick at all. I checked the time on my phone and laptop; it was 5:31. I was surprised because my brother, sister-in-law, and the kids were supposed to leave for the party at 5:30, but i couldn't hear any signs of them leaving or getting ready to go. I walked by their room on my way downstairs and realized my nieces seemed to still be asleep from their afternoon naps- strange; it was unheard of for them to sleep so long. I went to the kitchen to get some water, then glanced at the time on the appliances: it was 5:30-something, but still no sign of anyone waking. I laid down on the couch for a bit, then went back upstairs. 
After a while, i suddenly heard my brother's voice in the hallway and realized everyone was finally awake. I glanced at the time to gauge how late they'd be (unlike me, my brother & SIL are very punctual people mA), but was startled to find that it was now 4:31. I frantically checked my phone and laptop, then rushed down to check the time in the kitchen: 4:31. Noticing i was better, my brother asked me if i wanted to come with them. I realized i now felt fine and had an hour to get dressed, so i said yes. As i rummaged through my clothes, i was still baffled: after the strange dream i'd had, i had somehow gained an hour of time. I'd been reading glitch in the matrix stories featuring time loss for the past decade, but i had never experienced it firsthand... Until now. I told my brother about it and he tried to come up with a logical explanation, but couldn't- it was beyond reason.
Once at the party, we ended up having an absolute blast- if you're wondering whether i put on a pair of ugly orange grippy socks and jumped right alongside my niece: of course i did :) She was absolutely terrified of the trampolines, but they also had a delightful play area with tunnels, slides, and various levels designed for smaller humans. My niece is at an age where her primary love language is slides, so she spent most of her time climbing up and sliding down with me and her baba.
For lunch, they had some nostagic Chuck e Cheese-style pizza that took us back to childhood, along with some halal fried chicken that was greasy and overcooked to the point of being nearly inedible. The thought of throwing away food while children in Gaza and Sudan are actively starving made my heart ache, so i covered the piece of chicken and decided to take it home with me. The entire car ride back, i secretly went through an internal moral panic about the chicken: there was no way anyone would be willing to eat it, so would i have to throw it away? Would God forgive me? How could i even consider that, knowing about the famines and all the children starving to death?
As we pulled up to my brother's house, i heard a loud meowing sound and watched a small shadow dart toward the car. As i opened the door, i realized it was a tiny, incredibly gaunt black-and-white cat, likely less than a year old. He meowed frantically and came rushing toward me, as if he'd been waiting for me. As i assessed the flatness of his belly and the desperation of his voice, i realized he was hungry, possibly starving. Just as i was about to go inside to get some cat food, i remembered the piece of chicken i was holding. After peeling off the overcooked skin, i tore off a few pieces of the meat and tossed them to the cat. He immediately chowed down, demolishing it in seconds. Smiling, i continued to tear off more pieces, throwing them to him bit by bit. As i did this, i thought about all the suffering children again and asked God to accept this act as a sadqah for their safety and liberation. I then asked Him to accept it as a sadqah for the safety and happiness of the 12th Imam, and asked God to hasten the Faraj so he could help the oppressed people of the world and finally give Palestine its freedom. 
As my new friend hungrily finished the entire piece of chicken, he strolled up to me as if we'd been best friends for years, and i petted him tenderly as he rubbed his face against my body- never in my life had i met such a friendly cat in the wild. My niece excitedly looked on, occasionally chasing him off with her excitement, but he always returned- it was a magical experience. I then realized, with amusement and relief, that the moral chicken dilemma had been miraculously resolved, and i marveled at the way this tiny cat's rizq had been so clearly written at our doorstep that night- he had come rushing up to me as if he'd been sent by someone.
Before i went to bed that night, my heart was extremely heavy- even though the day had been such a joyful one for us, i read the news about the children and families being burned alive in their tents in Rafah, and the weight of their losses crushed me. I asked God to grant them relief, and prayed for the Faraj again with a greater desperation than ever before. I then spoke to the Imam (atf) directly and apologized for being such a sinful, unworthy follower, and admitted that i felt ashamed to call on him despite my sins, but i was calling anyway because the world needs him. With tears in my eyes, i pleaded with him to come soon to bring peace to humanity, and confessed to him about how hard it's been to see such horrific things happening while being so powerless to stop them.
The next day, i was in the living room with my SIL and nieces, and we were all playing and talking together. My niece suddenly froze while playing, and excitedly told me that the uncle had come again. She darted off, said salaam, and began playing with him excitedly as my SIL and i looked on in wonder. After a while, my niece returned and tapped me on the shoulder with a merry grin on her face. She looked deep into my eyes and happily told me something, but i couldn't understand. My SIL asked if i wanted her to translate, and i nodded. This was the message my niece had for me: "the uncle said he wants you to give him a huggy and go with him." Smiling softly, i asked, "when?" My niece gazed at me with a soft, knowing smile and simply said "inshAllah". 
Upon later reflection, i smiled at how it seemed as if the Imam had responded to me through my niece; as if he were giving me reassurance in response to the heavy things i'd said the night before. I had assumed 'give him a huggy' was my niece's interpretation of whatever affection or kindness he'd expressed, but i remembered something later: earlier in the year, i had taken a beautiful class on Imam Mahdi, and one thing had stood out to me and affected me more deeply than anything else: one of the titles of the Imam is Mudhtar, the one who grieves. As the Wali of our time, the Imam feels the entirety of the world's grief and knows each person's pain intimately. My heart broke when i thought about the weight of that, and i cried when i went home that day- this aspect of the Imam made me feel understood in a way i'd never felt before, but i also felt deeply pained for him. All my life, i'd often struggled with the weight of being able to feel the pain of the world a bit more deeply than most; sometimes, i could look into a person's eyes and accidentally discern their deepest, most buried grief. But i could turn this instinct off sometimes, enjoy my life, and disconnect from the heaviness when it felt like too much. For my Imam, the pain would always be there- he is perpetually conscious of all of it. 
Every time i thought about or talked about him in the days following that class, i had just one simple, childish thought, which i occasionally expressed out loud: 'i wish i could just hug him.' I thought about how even the greatest of God's creations have always had a fellow mortal being to comfort and support them; Rasulallah (pbuh) had Lady Khadija (as), Imam Ali (as) had Lady Fatima (as), and they each had a handful of incomparably loyal companions who brought them comfort in this world. Who does the Imam of our time have? I know that there are many people in this world who occasionally meet him, speak with him, etc. But it brings me the deepest pleasure to think that the Imam might also find comfort in visiting innocent, sinless children like my niece; it makes perfect sense. The pure laughter of a loving child can cut through every pain of a world submerged in darkness. ♥
x r
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dreambunnynotes · 10 months
daily reflection: nov. 17th ❤︎
whoops, i didn't post my to-do lists or check-ins this week, but that is okay! my usual instinct is to give up and restart when i don't do something perfectly, but the whole point of documenting my self-improvement journey is to break the habits that don't serve me. i'm in the early stages of trying out this blog and it's okay to make mistakes, and i'm going to avoid the perfectionist loop by posting what i wrote up for the 17th of november! 🥰 it was a really successful day for my mental health and so i want to document it. here is what i wrote a few days ago:
today i primarily focused on my social health, and i absolutely killed it!! it's actually making me tear up writing this reflection. i am currently dipping my toes into meeting new people, rekindling old friendships, and loving myself enough to show up as myself, which is my absolute biggest hurdle in my self-love journey due to my own trauma and life experiences. wonderfully, the successes i have had so far in trying to be myself and pushing through my fear and shame have been SO rewarding, which only encourages me to keep going and reminds me that it is safe to try! one of my most wonderful manifestations right now is manifesting my dream friend group where i feel loved and also have FUN, since i have had very low standards for friendships in the past. i kept receiving the message of "being true to myself" this week, and i set the intention that i was going to try to be my bestest, silliest, most authentically neurodivergent self no matter how hard it was. so many beautiful things have happened since setting that intention, and here are the results from just yesterday:
i hung out with my sister for an hour or two (which doesn't take energy for me, she is my best friend and the person i wish to base all of my future friendships off of!! c':) and even though i was nervous and apprehensive, we went to hang out with her theatre friends before their show that evening. i decided to try being authentically me despite the fear of being judged, and not only were they super lovely and fun, they also laughed at my jokes and made me feel very valued for being there! i felt really grateful to have that experience, and grateful to myself for giving it a try.
i hung out with my friend "ac" at their house for a bit while we got ready for a show, and it was really nice to see them again! i had been feeling a bit bummed about our friendship lately because they had been treating me in a way that felt pretty triggering, but i reconnected with the law of assumption and realized that it was because i expected them to show up that way, which helped me heal my relationship with them a little.
we went to pre-game at their partners house, though i wasn't drinking. i met several new people, and they were all so sweet and nice! instead of feeling lonely that i was a new person being introduced to a very longstanding friend group, i chose to ask those at the house party questions about their friend lore (lol) and was my sweet and silly self. i found myself laughing along to things i didn't find funny and not really enjoying myself, which ended up being helpful; instead of listening to the internal voice that often says "you'll never find your friends," i was able to witness the voice and reply with, "you're trying new things, and you're learning about your preferences; how beautiful is that!" i was really proud of myself for this witnessing and not-shaming, and i did end up having quite a few wonderful conversations after that. i was able to see that the situation was not black and white, and that there can be multiple perspectives per experience!
i had a negative interaction with someone i knew there that made me feel embarrassed because of the way they responded to me. instead of internalizing it, i remembered that real friends wouldn't make me feel that way, which was another win for connecting with my authentic self despite the fear!
i made a new friend who i had never met before which was so, so beautiful! we talked about vocal stims and musical theatre karaoke lmao it was so great, i felt really accepted by them and it was just such a treat to hang out and laugh with them! it's so nice to meet new people you instantly feel connected to, and, again, was proof that by being my purest self, i will meet the people i connect with.
at the venue, i put on my massive ear-protectors because i am very overstimulated by sound, and it was just so comforting to know that none of my friends there in the big friend group were judging me. it was safe to do what i had to do; in fact, it was celebrated!
anyway, i'm feeling really positively about my social experiences today. it was the biggest part of my day and i feel proud of myself for overcoming my biggest fears. it's so funny to me that my body reacts to seeing a friend the same way it would react if i was being attacked by a lion; the nervous system is a funny thing, but i'm glad it wants to keep me safe!
other accomplishments:
i didn't cancel work even though i really, really wanted to. i showed up and did my job, which shows that i can trust myself to get things done when i need to!
improvements to make:
i need to set clear goals so that my days are easier to navigate, because without clarity i wander pretty aimlessly with the time i have. i will improve this by getting specific about my dreams and desires, and planning my days accordingly!
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woo! kind of a long and rambly post today, but it's alright, it's important for me to document. hope everyone is doing wonderfully and taking care of themselves the best they can!
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lantur · 2 years
I can't believe I haven't written in almost two weeks. :// I really regret falling so behind with journaling on here. I want to get back to it, because it helps me process my thoughts. Long post underneath the read more.
notes on life,
I was thoroughly overwhelmed by my work trip two weeks ago, but I was delighted to get to see @thatisadamnfinecupofcoffee and @annespelledwithane again. Spending time with them (going out for ramen and to the prettiest tea house in the East Village, and then eating an entire buffet of desserts from two different bakeries, and staying up until 2 AM) was a mini-vacation I very much needed.
It took me a whole week to recover from being out of town for a few days. :// I truly don't bounce back from travel the way I used to a few years ago...
I've been in my new job for almost exactly one month now. The challenging transition phase is over. I'm still adjusting to being way busier than I used to be, putting a lot more mental effort in. It's tiring. Every day, I do roughly as much work as I used to do in one week at my old job, so I have to work faster and harder than I used to before. It makes the days go by super fast, which is disorienting. I feel like February just started, but actually the month started eight days ago.
I've been trying to keep on top of my personal goals despite all of that. I've been enjoying swimming and yoga. I cooked a new recipe, halal cart chicken and rice, and it turned out really good. I'm hoping to cook two more new recipes before the end of this month. I finished my audiobook of The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater, and it was so good that I kept thinking of the ending for days after I finished it. I started listening to My Best Friend's Exorcism by Grady Hendrix a few days ago as well.
I had my long-awaited psychiatrist appointment yesterday. I was nervous, but the psychiatrist was very kind and empathetic, and she is also another WOC. She has suggested starting a new medication to treat type 2 bipolar disorder. I'm nervous, but hopeful that this could help me.
I've been going through pelvic floor physical therapy as well for the past couple of weeks, which is quite a time and energy commitment - weekly appointments with the PT, and regular practice at home. It's tiring, on top of everything else going on with work, social life, home maintenance, exercise, etc., but I'm hopeful that this too will help me address longstanding issues with excessive pelvic floor tightness. I wish it could be fixed quickly, but I think it might take months to sort out.
I've been enjoying spending time with Derek playing board games, and cuddling my cat Westin and watching The Wire at night/in the evenings after work. The quiet time really helps me recover before the next work day.
I have been loving watching The Last of Us.
I had a wonderful time hanging out with my little nieces, five and almost three years old, on Saturday and playing hide and seek with them. <3
I had a dream that really hit me hard a couple of nights ago. I dreamed I got to see my brother again. We hung out, and I gave him a big hug. I was adopted, so we weren't raised together. We only saw each other once every few years, until our families became estranged. I haven't seen him in 10 years now, as we live in different countries. We're in touch occasionally over text. I wrote on here last fall that I thought I processed my grief over that separation, and found surrogate siblings in my brothers- and sisters-in-law via Derek's family. So this dream hit me hard. I wouldn't have normally done this, but I sent my brother a short text tonight, just saying I was thinking about him and I hope he and his wife are doing well. It hurts a lot. I always wonder if I'm ever going to see him again. I would love to give him and my sister-in-law a hug.
I'm looking forward to therapy on Friday. I haven't been able to have an appointment in about three weeks or so, and I'm excited to be able to process my thoughts and feelings with my therapist, and getting back to doing that on here by myself as well.
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imaginarydaydreams · 1 year
Picking Flowers on Devils Point: Prologue
Fandom: Persona 2 Eternal Punishment (ft. Innocent Sin) Concept: “A bouquet for the boy who loved too much. That way, you never forget the sin you committed.” A retelling of Persona 2 Eternal Punishment, but Tatsuya Suou has hanahaki disease. A retelling of Persona 2 Eternal Punishment, but Tatsuya Suou has Hanahaki disease. Heavily implied Tatsujun but this ain't about them. Date Written: 7/22/2023 Thoughts: Welcome…to the Sky Museum—Thunderdome. Welcome to the Thunderdome. This is the first part in what I hope to be a multi chapter fic that I will actually finish. Thank you to my collaborator, @thatrandomlittlegirl, for being my enabler and most importantly, helping me fact check everything because god knows my memory in terms of events that happened in Persona 2 IS and EP is shaky at best, despite us playing the games together. AO3 Link | Tagging: @pieuteu
"You know what? I'm glad we met again. Next time, you're gonna join my band, got that? It's a promise; don't forget." "Chinyan, darling...remember me, no matter what. I love you..." "I won't forget; not my sin, not you, not anyone. We'll meet again, and together, we'll save Maya. So I won't say goodbye, only...thank you." "I shall always watch over you from within, and pray that you break through the unwritten laws of destiny and remember each other...Farewell." Farewell.  That was such a finite word, Tatsuya thought as he watched his friends leave one by one through the portal connecting the new world to the old, into the new timeline they had created. With each tearful goodbye, each back turned on him, he could only stare silently while they disappeared into the void, the memories reclaimed after years apart melting away in exchange for a hopeful future where their big sister figured lived once more.  But was that not such a steep price to pay? They had only just found each other again. Saving Jun from the clutches of a demented god; clearing up the misconceptions from ten years ago; fighting for humanity’s future with the power of the friendships once forged at an unassuming shrine so long ago… A mere few days wasn’t enough when the world sought to fall apart around them before they could even play catch-up. Especially when a majority of that time was spent ignorant to the truth and each other’s identities.  Tatsuya clenched his fists at the unfairness of it all. He didn’t want to do this—to forget his time with his beloved friends. He had only just gotten them back. It wasn’t fair that they were so cruelly taken away because of a stupid bet between gods and a cheating prophecy that they couldn’t ever hope of beating.  And yet, he didn’t really have a choice in the matter anymore. Eikichi, Lisa, Jun, and he had all made their decisions immediately. Their memories as payment for Maya’s life. To go back on his promise now was to trample the hopes and dreams they carried for this new world. One where humanity’s dark wish didn’t follow them and bring to fruition a future of ruin. He didn’t have a right to step back on that decision. But that didn’t mean that he wasn’t upset about everything. Heaving a sigh, Tatsuya took a step towards the portal, readying himself to pass through and lose everything, when he was stopped by a hand roughly grabbing the sleeve of his blazer. “And just where do you think you’re going?” The voice was as distorted as ever, but he recognized it all the same. He turned around and came face to face with his shadow, its bright red eyes gazing back at him with scorn, just like back in the Leo Temple. Tatsuya unconsciously moved to flick his lighter, but the comforting feeling of metal clasped between his fingers was nowhere to be found. Ah, that’s right. This was the passage between dimensions; if he was going to move on, then in this new world, he and Jun technically would never have met—never would have exchanged their personal treasures with each other in front of that shop once upon a time. It made sense if he was already being stripped of everything that connected him to this side.  The loss of yet another precious memory burned in his chest.  Instead, Tatsuya shoved at the hand still holding him in a vice grip as irritation began prickling at his skin. His other hand, still seeking out the cool metal of his once prized possession, clenched and unclenched at his side. This only made his shadow laugh, the harsh sound carried through the vastness of the void around them.
“What? You think I’m stepping out of line?” His facial features twisted into a cruel grin, eyes practically gleaming with derision. “I’m only telling the truth, Tatsuya; after all, that’s why I’m here in the first place. “I’ve told you before, you self-righteous hypocrite, your weakness is a sin. What makes you think that you can take on the necessary burden to save the world? “You couldn’t even save the life of your beloved older sister figure.” At those words, Tatsuya grabbed his shadow by the collar, arm poised at the ready to strike. However, his shadow didn’t even bother gracing him with a flinch, as if expecting this of his other self. Rather, he only looked unamused, eyes watching Tatsuya like a hawk, waiting.  "If you really want to go to the Other Side, go ahead. Strike me down. Forget about your friends, your memories—all of the things you did, here and now. Your other half isn’t here to shelter you like before. So let's see your resolve.”  Tatsuya’s fist shook with barely restrained anger.  How dare he. Was he not already proving his resolve by choosing to give up everything for this slim chance at a better future? Was he not already showing how strong he was—giving up the sliver of happiness he was denied after ten long, long years of loneliness and isolation? He didn’t have his friends by his side for so long yet, through a chance meeting, met them again… only to have them ripped away oh-so suddenly because some god decided he wanted to win a stupid bet that damn badly? And now his shadow of all things was saying that he didn’t have the strength to move on?  He could kill his shadow right here and now with his bare hands. Prove his resolve and leave this doomed world behind. All he had to do was let go of everything holding him back.   But as his mind filled with the last words spoken to him in the Sea of Souls, he hesitated. He thought back on everything that happened—the impromptu Joker game at Sumaru Prison leading a ragtag group on a wild goose chase throughout the entire city; finally getting closure for the Alaya Shrine incident; and reuniting with people he thought he would never see again. Could he really give all of that up? It was such a short amount of time they had together…  “I don’t…I don’t want to forget what happened. How could I forget…?”  Tatsuya’s fist dropped, his grip on his shadow’s collar loosening ever so slightly.  His shadow sneered. "Oh you can't? Figures. You’ve never been able to make decisions for yourself, always relying on the strengths of others. Pathetic, aren’t you? You can't do anything, the way you are now. 
“And this is why you don’t deserve this second chance.”  The split second hesitation was all that was needed as hands shot out and wrapped themselves around Tatsuya’s neck, squeezing and constricting his air flow immediately. The crushing weight of the memories that clung to him like a vice felt suffocating in the grip his shadow had around his neck. Tatsuya tried to scramble to break the hold on him—to shove his shadow away, kick him, bite even, anything to just breathe—but his shadow was relentless. The fluttering of his heart pounding incessantly against his rib cage spoke to the very real part of him that didn’t want to die yet, fear crawling down his spine. Was he really going to die here? Was he really not going to be able to fulfill his promise? After a few moments, the grip loosened and Tatsuya fell to the floor, lungs burning and coughs racking his body as he tried to take in the oxygen he was deprived of.  His shadow looked at him, disgusted. “Whatever. In the end, you’re free to continue to cling to those damnable memories of yours. But—“ Hands immediately pulled Tatsuya back up to his feet and every nerve in his being seized up on instinct, moving his arms sluggishly to protect his throat. His body was pulled forward with such force that he stumbled, face to face with red eyes that glowed with an ethereal anger. “—just know you can never outrun the guilt of your sins.” With that, a rough shove propelled Tatsuya backwards and he fell through the portal. A darkness unlike any other began to overtake his vision. Right as he was carried to the new world, Tatsuya could have sworn he heard muttered words in the distance. “For your sake, I can only hope the consequences of your actions come back to bite you.”
When the world came back into focus, Tatsuya was lying on a dark checkered tile floor, marble pillars positioned in a semi-circle reaching into a starry sky. Glowing runes floated around him, undulating with magic that seemed to keep the entire place together. He slowly sat up, taking in his surroundings. He was back in the Sea of Souls. But why? Didn't he just come from there, or some extension thereof? And where was Philemon?  However, before Tatsuya could stand and start to look around, the sound of loud clapping and thunderous laughter reverberated through the space, bouncing off the shadows that enveloped him. "Let's give it up for Tatsuya Suou, Philemon's beloved champion! The boy who doomed the whole world with his selfishness!” From the darkness, a sharp click was heard before a tall figure stepped out, the edges of a Sevens uniform coming into view and fluffy brown hair illuminated by the runes that surrounded them. A gleam caught Tatsuya’s eye, a familiar sight of a metal lighter held between the figure’s hands.  For a moment, he thought that his shadow had followed him across universes to perhaps finish him off—his muscles tensed in the case of a fight breaking out—but the golden eyes that stared down at him with contemptuous condescension spoke to who it was that greeted him. The creature wearing his face gave him a mouth-splitting smile, the corners of its lips curling impossibly far as it delighted in Tatsuya’s shock. “Don’t you think this visage suits me? Or, perhaps—“  A blinding flash of light forced Tatsuya to close his eyes and, when it was once again safe to open them, he found a mockery of his best friend, eyes closed and a sweet smile on his face, standing in its place. A silver watch adorned his wrist, catching the light as if to further taunt Tatsuya on what he couldn’t have.  “—you’re more inclined towards his face, hmm? After all, this is your beloved, the one you yearn to see most.” Even the voice was the same. Yet the distortion underlying the words served as a reminder to who was truly in front of him.  Tatsuya immediately lunged at the cruel god, the burning embers of rage licking at his veins as hands readied to rip him to shreds. He already played his asinine game; no way in hell was he going to let this farce continue for even a second. Not on his nor Jun’s honor.  However, inky black hands sprouted from the floor below, grabbing onto his limbs and pinning him down with an inhuman strength. The pressure was enough to force Tatsuya in a kneeling position no matter how much he struggled. A smile began to slowly spread across Nyarlathotep’s lips at the sight of the proud lion reduced to a mere docile kitten.  “Ah, ah, ah, watch that temper of yours, Sun Arcana. You wouldn’t want to hurt the face of the one you hold dearest, no?” Another haughty and malicious laugh echoed through the void as Tatsuya snarled but didn’t make any further movement. The nails digging into his skin served as a well-needed distraction because, loathe as he was to admit it, Tatsuya couldn’t bear to attack any version of Jun. 
Even if that version was currently a monster wearing his face. Swallowing his pride, Tatsuya just bowed his head, hiding his eyes behind his bangs. At least this way, he didn’t have to witness this disgusting display before him. Nyarlathotep resumed his closed-eyed fox smile, head tilted in contented glee as he circled Tatsuya like a predator to prey. “In the end, you chose to forgo the parameters you yourself decided and kept your memories in an act of pure selfishness. You pushed all the pain upon your friends, yet retained your memories…you claim that I’m evil, but I would say you’re just as heartless as you say I am."  The footsteps stopped directly in front of Tatsuya but he refused to look up. Nyarlathotep instead bent down at the waist and hooked a finger under Tatsuya’s chin, forcing his head up so their faces were leveled with one another. “So tell me, how does it feel to sit upon your throne of lies and broken promises, knowing that everything is and was futile in the end?”  Tatsuya flinched at the words. The Crawling Chaos cackled.  “What will you do now, hmm? Doom this world like you did the other, on account of your selfish wish? Start over again anew? You had your one chance and yet you squandered it, all in the name of the tepid things you humans call bonds.” From his spot, Tatsuya began to curl into himself, fists clenching tighter. He hated this. He hated the fact that he had done the one thing he swore he wouldn’t while he was still battling with uncertainty towards the decision to start the world anew. And in doing so, he had betrayed his friends’ feelings. And for what? Because he himself didn’t want to let them go so soon? Maybe his shadow was right about him being a hypocrite… “No need to feel bad—this is what you humans wanted after all. But perhaps you wish for some comfort? A shoulder to cry on? You’re looking for the wrong person if you think I can provide that. But maybe…” The monster knelt down in front of Tatsuya and slowly reached a hand out to touch his hair, fingers tracing down—past his bangs, the curve of his cheekbone, under his chin—before settling back against his cheek in a tender caress. It felt cold. Tatsuya closed his eyes.  “Tatsuya…” 
No… “Tatsuya, it’s alright…”
Anything but this… The hand cupping his cheek was so achingly gentle. The telltale distortion marking the cruel, faceless god had disappeared, the voice calling out to him light and soft, so much like the voice he was so familiar with. Flashes of memories exploded behind his mind’s eye—small touches here and there, a dazzling smile, bright laughter, and the scent of floral notes mixed with a mild perfume… He should know better. He should know better, but a part of him wanted to give in, to chase after the siren’s song that lured him in. Even though Tatsuya knew—knew that behind those closed eyelids awaited, not the beautiful brown irises he loved, but a cold, unfeeling golden glare—it was the closest he could ever be to his beloved in a world that pegged them as strangers.  But still, Tatsuya remained quiet. Silence passed for a beat or two and, ever the hopeful one, Tatsuya thought that perhaps Nyarlathotep had given up on this charade and gotten bored. However, the sound of feet shuffling closer and a body shifting positions gave the answer. “It’s okay. You don’t have to say anything, Tatsuya. I’m never leaving your side…” Something soft pressed against his forehead.  The tender dissonance of the action caused Tatsuya to jerk his head to the side, away from the offending figure, biting down on his tongue as his body shook with unbridled rage. He thrashed against the hands holding him down but they didn’t let up. This only caused the figure—brash, cold, and threatening; nothing like the soft and sweet memories of his Jun—to cackle. "Now, now, don't turn away. You and I both know that this is the one face you could never deny," ‘Jun' opened his eyes and instead of the warm browns that Tatsuya knew and loved, they shone gold, glimmering with malice. “Brilliant. Look at that expression, teeming with desolation." “As much as I would like to keep you here to torment for eternity, that’s not what I’m here for.” Having said that, the fake doppelgänger stood up. With a snap of his fingers, a crown of red flowers materialized into his hands. It seemed to pulsate, swaying in an invisible wind as a few petals dropped to the floor like droplets of fresh blood. Between each bloom, the same inky hands that held Tatsuya down linked together in a mass of writhing limbs, forming a monstrous Mobius strip of sorts.  “A gift for you, Paradox Boy. The first of two. I think you’ll find it quite thoughtful.” Nyarlathotep chuckled as if proud of himself. “A crown for the king of fools May it serve as a testament to your greatest sin, the reminder of the point at which this world was doomed by your own hands.” Another silence rang out in the Sea of Souls and Tatsuya peered up cautiously, bracing himself for whatever that monster had in store. He could still see the image of Jun—‘not Jun,’ he reminded himself; the unnatural gold staring coldly down at him shattered all illusion he could have deluded himself into—looking at him with an expression he never thought his Jun could have.  “I won’t give you an explanation for what this does. That would ruin the fun. But considering all the time you’ve spent with my previous pawn, you’ll know what these mean.” Bending down slightly, the Crawling Chaos placed the flower crown upon Tatsuya’s head.
As soon as the crown touched his brow, a sharp pain coursing through his body caused his sight to become blurry, body quaking and writhing from the shock. Tatsuya wanted to scream, cry, curl up onto the floor–anything to get away from the pain assaulting his body—but the hands still gripping onto him kept him upright. At least there was the comfort that they loosened enough to give him back mobility in his arms, even if it was slight. An involuntary cough left him, shaky as the breaths he tried to take in through the hands that covered his mouth. When he pulled one hand away, Tatsuya could barely make out the blobs of red that coated his fingers. They smelled slightly floral with a hint of iron.  He could only stare bleary-eyed at the god in question. Said god only huffed in response. “Oh don’t worry. This won’t be enough to kill you. After all, this is meant to be a punishment. There would be no fun if I just allowed you to simply die. “No, no. I want you to remember your sins with every breath you take and have carved into your heart the reminder that no one can escape Fate so easily. “That is my final mercy to you, Paradox Boy,” Nyarlathotep said, his voice still distinctly Jun’s but now carrying the power of the monstrous god behind it. “And one that is far more kind than anything Philemon could ever give you.” As the Crawling Chaos dissipated into the shadows, the echoes of maniacal laughter leaving Tatsuya alone in the Sea of Souls, he swore he could see the faint, weak fluttering of golden butterfly wings in the corner of his eye.
At the front of an unassuming train station, six strangers met for the first time.
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ghostyv · 1 year
I saw the tags - I wanna know about your ocs! 👀 how many you got? Which ones your fav? Got a specific pairing (romantic or platonic)?
*deep breath* THANK YOU AAAAAA-
Okay. So. For starters, there’s Lauren Caster. She’s gone through many names bc she’s basically my self insert and I can’t seem to pick a name for myself so she’s been cycled through the name box—but she started out as Lauren caster so we stick with that(she’s also a character for a book my best friend and I are writing called Purple War, so)
Then we have Nes and Noah Caster(from the same book) They’re twin brothers who while still in the womb were cursed. Basically long story short, Lauren Caster was cursed by this woman with the intention of harming the children but it didn’t work. The boys ended up with purple(see what I did there?) splotches on their faces. Well—Nes ended up with large splotches somewhat mimicking vitiligo, and Noah ended up with millions of tiny freckles all over his face and neck and shoulders/arms(Nes is still bitter about it💀). They reside in a world where two sisters, the red queen and the blue queen, were at odds. The red queen was defeated years ago and her spirit was magically entombed in the ceiling above her throne. To summarize the book, Nes goes to steal from the royal vault, meets princess Atari(my bestie’s character. yes their names are a play on the game systems, that’s an even longer story if you wanna hear that too. It’s really really funny.) after being thrown in the dungeon, was let out and they begin to fall in love but while the two were snooping around the blue and red connected castles meant for the two queens to rule a purple kingdom together, they found the red queen’s throne room. Atari sat on it and was possessed. Where Noah comes in is he was the royal cook and helps Nes with pulling the red queen’s spirit out of atari(we haven’t completely ironed out the details of how).
The next character is also from the Purple War universe as well, and I actually have a picture of her if you scroll down to a tag game I was in, it’s on my blog. Her name is Aisling Bohdi. She’s a Dragonborn woman who’s parents were killed by a town they used to live on the outskirts on. Aisling was about 14ish when it happened, and she’d been out running errands and such in the next town over. When she returned she was chased by the townsfolk up a mountain trail and into a cave, where she lost the mob and resided for another roughly 7ish years. When she finally exited the cave, she met a man named Malek Bruce, the son of a lawyer and he actually practiced law as well, but in a falling out with his father, quit. He acts dumber than he is, and he’s got some major detective skills. Together the two end up going on a few adventures and wind up teaming up with nes, Noah and Atari to ultimately defeat the red queen in(get ready to come full circle) the Purple War(whoaaa!)
Now for someone not from purple war. Honeybee Vega. I’m extremely proud of her—and I had some art somewhere but apparently I deleted it in my desperately needed camera roll purge(I had over 65k in there dude, my storage was begging for it’s life constantly). Honeybee came from my dream smp phase(I’m aware of how cringe it is, but it got me through the hardest year of my life). She’s a humanoid honeybee with one human eye and one giant complex eye(the eyes visible on the sides of bees heads. Quick detour for a bee anatomy lesson bc they’re my favorite animals—they have two large complex eyes on the sides of their heads which humans who aren’t insane like me and love bees perceive to be their only eyes but depending on the type of bee, they can have more eyes on the top of their heads called simple eyes that are used to assist bees with sun orientation so they can navigate during the day.) anyway, she has a complex eye as well as a human one so her eyesight is very bad, bless her. I adore her, she’s one of my more visually complex characters. She also has wings, and used to be able to fly but during a war one of those wings were slashed and she was stabbed and almost died, had it not been for a friend saving her.
And that’s it! Those are my major ocs :) if I think of more I’ll add onto it.
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helloneighborfan · 2 years
PS: The moons will be to identify who is who, that is, the new moon is from the distant future and the full one is for the current time. It is a vision that occurs in the dream.
🌑 "What's going on?" 🌑
The woman looked around her and seemed to notice that the storm was over and the one that had nearly killed the couple. If it hadn't been for him, she'd be in a grave writhing with death. Part of her abdomen was perfectly bandaged, although she had a hard time standing up because of the stab wound she received in her abdomen. It seemed that they were still in the heptagonal room that they found hours ago.
There was her husband, lying on one side of her.
The storm, the Ravens, the assassination attempt, the cold dark night that nearly ended their lives and her husband. Rita! She didn't see her return that night. Had they taken her? Or worse yet, had she been killed? Many questions came to her mind causing her to slowly break into anger and immense tears, causing her beloved to wake up quickly. Without the strength to be able to stand up again, as if she had given up on the situation that was presented to them as the lack of income, the financing of her research had stopped financing since they were no longer interested at all the topic. Still separated a fair distance across the room, Roger decided to speak first.
-Adelle, I know you're overthinking things because of what happened, I understand, but-
Then she totally exploded on top of hers, causing him to be interrupted again. "Don't be hard on her, a lot more has happened than we could see that night." he thought
"What if the cult finds the children and involves them?!"
"We solve this, the children have nothing to do with this ."
"I guess you're right" Adelle said more calmly. Although a strong rain of memories came to her mind. Her head was exploding with everything, making her try to get up from where her husband was. She was fighting the twinge coming from her abdomen and the terrible headache that was making her wince. But she fell to the floor, living again a terrible night:
"They'll be alright, they'll be alright, they, they'll be alright, they'll be alright, they'll be alright, they'll be alright, they'll be alright."
"Believe me, sometimes we have to take the law into our own hands, my dear, and that justice is what we take."
"ahhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh"
"They won't do anything to my wife while I'm standing!"
"I feel like my head is about to explode, I can't stand this rotten smell anymore, but I have to get out of here alive"
"This is what you caused, we did it the hard way this time and the next one will be worse than before"
"At that moment, the woman groaned in pain as she was stabbed causing her to faint; the meteorologist was forced to watch as her wife was slowly seriously injured."
Suddenly, he remembered the process of the food chain. They were the prey that escaped from the beast that ate the other animal so that later the three of them would fight for the end of the chain. But an instinct of his witnessed that all was not lost. With the little strength that he still had, he slowly crawled into a room that he couldn't see but he went towards that room. where everything turned dark
She didn't hear anything at all, just those terrible memories, until he slowly began to come to his senses. Apparently a worrying voice had called her name a few times. Roger
She slowly opened her eyes looking at Roger. She was dragging herself towards where her partner was, her savior. "thank you, thank you" she whispered. He noticed that and touched her pale cheek, he smiled sadly into hers, her wild emerald eyes, he didn't know how to express her concern so he hugged her deeply, forgetting all the nightmare he had. past.
"Don't despair Lisa, they'll be back soon, I know it."
"But it's been 2 days!"
The boy takes his sister by the shoulder. "As long as I'm protecting you, you'll be fine."
Lisa slowly calmed down until someone knocked on the door. "Come with me Lisa, I'm not going to risk being taken away." Both brothers went and opened the door and to their surprise, there was no one on the porch of their house when a hoarse and masculine voice was heard in the hallway.
"What's up Peterson? Did the cat get your tongue or are you seeing a ghost?
“You are a protective forest!”
She analyzed him from head to toe in detail, he had a black hood that covered part of his head along with a beak similar to that of a raven, only it was black as dust and had long claws, but he saw a pair of eyes through the lenses of the beak.
"That's right, girl." he said proudly. "We are the ones who seek the misery of your family and total ruin, they deserve to be dead just like your brother!"
Her tears began to run down her face until her voice cried out in pain. "Get away from my sister!" Ted, with all his strength, pulled the forest protector by the arm, taking him out of the house. "I will not have remorse with you again, not even from myself."
🌕 Raven Brooks is quiet in the middle of the night as life continues... 🌕
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ben-the-hyena · 1 year
Well during my hiatus out of NOWHERE I had another dream taking place in the SAME HC continuity. One year ago I had a dream that had the black feathered one be the brother of Beaky's mom and the brown one be Beaky's dad who has just a fling with her, and for being useless parasitic hunters she had kicked out both. Hence why they starve and also why they don't look like friends even before trying to eat each other, as if they were stuck together
In it, it made sense. The 2 buzzards obviously are fake friends (aside frol the fact despair and hunger have them try to eat each other, they have no hesitation or regret and are happy to try to do so it's not tragic as it would be if they liked each other, and even before resorting to canibalism they obviously did not like to share abd fought and argued) and were most likely stuck together. Well the dream established they are in laws. The brown one, Joe, had a fling with Mama Buzzard (and making sense she is taller and buffier given she is a female bird of prey !) which resulted in her hatchlings among thel Beaky. She is kinda pissed that got her gravid since he is not a mate she selected for being well an actual mate, and sees Joe is a terrible hunter so doesn't want to include him in the family not to influence badly her "killers" given how much of a loser he is to her (and ironically Beaky is kinda like him) so he doesnt get to see his kids often
But at the same time she kicked him out, she kicked out her brother, the Jimmy Durante-like black feathered vulture, who was a parasite lying around ib her nest who was hypocritically criticizing him (as well as kind of protective glaring at him like "SO YOU GOT MY SISTER GRAVID...") and ecnouraging her to kick him away while he was just as useless as him in the nest life. So both found themselves alone together that way because she wants excellence and doesnt want to feed 2 adults or badly influence her more capable kids, hence why they are starving and trying to eat each other now. She didn't cut ties either, she tolerates them occasionnally
Well it was weird, like a HC I never made myself but my brain thought of while sleeping, and it was silly enough. Plus in that first dream logic, there was no explanation why her Jimmy Durante-like bro had an American accent and she an Eastern European one, so I figured cartoon logic since unlike him she is menacing and a capable huntress
BUT during my hiatus I had another dream taking place in that universe ! (Animaniacs have both Looney Tunes and Hanna Barbera in the same world. HB also has MGM cartoons. So they all make sense to be in the same universe !)
It is foggier, but I dinstinctly remember the 2 guys trying in vain to hunt, and the Durante one chilling with his sister in a nest a day they could tolerate each other and it seemed like for once Joe was with his kids. And that dream GAVE an explanation why the siblings have a different accent ! Both come from Eastern Europe and Durante-like buzzard just has a better ear than her and mimicked the way he heard the local accent. HOWEVER the dream established that despite him having a very very good level to the point you can think he is American, there is a few modern slang he takes literally. Cues him wanting to say that so far he and Joe are happy, so he says, chilling "yeah Joe and I are gay" and his sister SPITS OUT HER DRINK. She still sees from his face and knowing him something must be wrong so she holds in a laughter and begins trolling him and ask questions which out of context are hilarious and he doesnt even realize and anzwers with assurance... until the end he realizes "HEY" and she laughs her ass off
And only a few days later I HAD ANOTHER
And this one depicted Joe STILL into her and struggling between trying to survive, see his kids he wants to see as not very responsible as he is, and trying to awkwardly win her back despite how they never were more than a fling because he likes them tall and buff like her (and as much as she denies it and calls him everything she is not unsensitive about it), all under his in-law uncaring eye
It was weird how in one year I had THREE dreams of a same headcanon a dream had created and not my own conscious self, and developped it more than I would !
It used to be a side thought, now I really headcanon it XD
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cmoniqueeeee · 1 year
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we went to high school together, rarely talked, he left after freshmen year. my biggest memory of him was this girl who had a crush on him making him a pair of mittens (he doesn’t remember this lol), never heard from him again until he added me on ig a decade later. in 2018 we seen each other at a restaurant in Minneapolis but either of us said anything but kept making glances. he slid into my DMs the summer of 2021 when I was in Europe and never stopped. told me to come to Budapest with him and I was thinking we was crazy… like you don’t even know me. he would like and comment my stories and i wouldn’t pay it much mind. I was dealing with a decade long entanglement with my best friend who I finally had to realize would never be able to support me emotionally and would never accept/understand my attachment to my dysfunctional family, my sister found the love of her life overdosed in their bathroom a few days before I returned home from my summer abroad, I moved in with my sister who was grieving the loss of her love, winter came and I felt like a shell of a person, I didn’t believe in love and thought I would never find anyone who I felt would really love me, my brother was getting in trouble with the law once again staying with my sister and I, my dad started drinking (not like him, my mom is/or was the only alcoholic in the family), his wife kicked him out and he also came to us for refuge, I was smoking all day everyday, had no appetite, with no one to lean on because I didn’t want to burden my family with the burdens they were burdening me with and felt like none of my friends could relate because they didn’t come from such dysfunction, I desperately reached out to the ones who made me feel the most in love, silence, I give up on love, I gave up on the idea I would be in a mutually obsessed relationship again… long story short, my cup was parcheddd!! cup full of tears that evaporated and left nothing but salt behind. long story short, I was in no head or heart space to entertain a man who was sliding into my DMs.
Then spring came and I thought… maybe I’ll give Louis Govrik a chance, I told my best friend and she said he slid into her DMs too so… turn off. I will never love again. (I later found out it was ages ago and it was all friendly interactions and she was reading into it as more).
Then summer came and I went to this annual event in Minneapolis, “Lyndale Open Streets” with my girlfriends. right before we met up with my ex-lover/best friend and his friends, I hear someone call my name and it’s none other than Louis Govrik, looking hot cha cha, we side hug and introduce our friends, we tells me he wants to take me to Sooki and Mimi, I’m interested. (He later tells me that he told his friend, Miguel, that he was with when he saw me that I was his future wife, how did he know?) I tell him I’m moving to hawaii and i tell myself this will be a fun summer fling. we don’t actually meet up for 2 months, (that’s another story), however we talked on the phone almost everyday, we talked about everything, our family, our dreams, our past, we grew really close. he encouraged me through this summer accelerated physics course I was taking and wanted to quit so bad. I was coming home from working at the wellness clinic, looking a hot mess, it was a hot, humid, summer day in Minneapolis and he calls me and says he’s was running Lake Harriet, which was a block from where I was staying with my sister and to come meet him, I was hesitant because I looked crusty but I was waiting for this moment, to finally met the man I was falling in love with over the phone all summer, so to hell with it!, I meet up with him, he’s sweaty from his run, he asks if he can kiss me, I said yes, gives me a little peck, and he adds the sweetest kisses on my neck, we held hands around the lake and of course, pass my best friend/ex best friend and his girlfriend, Minneapolis is so small, he walks me back to my sisters, my sisters neighbor, Mary, an old white woman who loves me, says, “Cyarra, who’s that? Aren’t you leaving to Hawaii?”, a wise and unsolicited reminder, I say bashfully, “yesss…”
I finally get that date to Sooki and Mimi, I’m wearing all white with my cheetah heals. and he picks me up in his white car, we have a delicious meal, I’m nervous during dinner, he makes me feel giddy, we walked back to his car, he asks me if I wanna drive, I say yes, nothing like driving around the lakes in Minneapolis in the summertime, we pulls me in for a kiss, fireworks, I’m starting to believe in love again, the light from the fireworks give me flicker of hope, we get to the lake, walk a little, end up on a bench, kiss under the moonlight, wet, hard, I will never forget, he walks me home, I go home pulsing, and it’s pretty much history ever since.
I had three weeks before I left for Hawaii, we cooked meals, went to the farmers market, laughed, made love, never had anyone made me orgasm so much, watched love island, and had a bath. the bath, I brought over Lush bath bombs, we just ate a good meal (I made my famous salmon cakes and he made steak on the grill) and had some drinks, made love in tub with expense of my knees which he kissed the bruises and expressed his gratitude, after we were on opposite ends of the tub and just staring at each other, not saying anything, I swear I heard him say “I love you”, oh so quietly, I acted like I didn’t hear it, could he love me already?, could I love him?, I leave so soon, is this wise? Why do boys always tell me they love me before I leave for home or they leave for home? Annoying.
This is the bath we’re referring to. Lol. Long story short. He later confirmed he did say he loved me and thought I didn’t hear it. I’ve always been good at acting oblivious.
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pandoraslove · 2 years
Rumor Had It
Finn Shelby x Reader (part 4)
Summary: A new job, supportive friends and family, what else could y/n ask for. She’d never thought to look in the shadow until she caught onto his.   
She got the job. Y/n got the job! She was as excited as a child on Christmas morning. She received a letter 2 days after she’d applied. Today. She jumped up and down in the comfort of her small living room, then calmed down, then did it again. Freddie had told her that he, Ada, and Karl would all be having dinner with the Shelby family. All of them since Ada of course would go off on who ever dared not to show up. Freddie and Ada both extended the invitation to her, but she’d said no and then Ada threatened her with telling Freddie the incident of nearly a week ago. So in the end she is having dinner with the Shelby family.
Y/n’s last day at the flower shop was yesterday, She honestly wasn’t too sad to leave. She didn’t get along with the owner... too authoritarian.
It was almost noon so y/n made her way to #6 on Watery Lane. She was incredibly happy, she held a small smile on her face, as she day dreamed about the different dresses she’s make, She’d try to make trousers, and skirts, oh how she loved skirts. She tried to control the smile on her face as she walked into the home, there was already commotion. This time John’s wife, Esme, and their kids were here. She walked into the living room and greeted the guys there, then walked into the kitchen where she found Esme, Polly and Ada and greeted them too. 
“Wise of you to show up, Y/n.” Ada says with a smirk. she narrows her eyes at her sister-in-law jokingly making her laugh. 
“Why don’t you go with Freddie and Finn for a while, we have it handled in here.” Polly says with a smile. She nods and walks back into the living area. Karl was playing with John’s kids in the back yard now, so there was a little less noise in the house. Y/n sat next to Freddie who was currently talking to Tommy about something she wasn’t really paying attention to. She’s was staring off into space thinking about the new job she got. 
“Y/n.” Freddie calls out to her. 
“hm?” She hums looking up at him, she instantly dropped the smile she had, knowing she’d get interrogated. 
“Why are you so giddy?” He asks. 
“What ever do you mean, Prince Frederick?” she says, sniffling a small laugh at the end of her sentence. 
“That smile on your face, Why is it so bright?” He says narrowing his eyes. 
“Am I not allowed to be happy?” 
“You were just smiling while you stared at the floor biting you lip, a little suspicious.” John says. 
“I bite my lip when I’m distracted so what?”  
“So, you weren’t thinking about a boy?” Fred asks. 
She scoffs, “ no. ew. no. why- what the fuck?” She chokes up making everyone look at her surprised. “No offense but I don't have to for men in my life, right now I'm focusing on making myself rich.” She says smuggly. 
“and how will you accomplish that?” Arthur asks. 
“By working hard at the boutique.” She says with a big smile. 
“you got the job?” Finn asks. she nods excitedly, as Fred gives her a side hug. 
“well, no wonder you were so happy, congratulation y/n.” Thomas says. 
“thank you.” She says. Karl walked back into the house and right into her arms. She’s gotten close to her nephew over the past few days. He crawled onto her lap and laid his head on her shoulder. “Are you alright, Karl?” She asks softly. 
“mhm. sleepy.” He says quietly. She could feel him growing heavier. She leaned farther back on the couch and allowed the boy to fall asleep. 
“How has he fallen asleep so fast?” Arthur asks surprised. He said it a little loudly causing Karl to stir a little and making y/n glare at him. he muttered a small apology while everyone else laughed. She ran a hand up and down his back to help him fall asleep as he was still slightly awake. 
“When is your first day, y/n?” Freddie asks. 
“in 2 days.” 
“Do you need anything? We could help you out a little.” 
“I’m fine, Freddie, I have everything I need.”
“Well, tomorrow we are cele-” Freddie begins, only to be cut off by her. 
“No.” She says, not in a harsh manner, but a little sternly. 
“Why not?” He asks. 
“Because, I’m not feeling up to it.” She lied, she always loved her birthday, but having Freddie back and people who look out for her is enough. 
“Fine, Dinner?” He asks and she nods. 
“What’s tomorrow?” Finn asks. 
“Nothing important,” She tells him with a small smile, He eyes her suspiciously. 
“The foods ready,” Esme announces and everyone walks into the dining room. Y/n stays behind to lay Karl down on one of the couches, Finn stayed behind as well. 
“You know you aren’t a very good liar, you look around a room after telling on subconsciously.” He states, she laughs. 
“It’s honestly nothing, just a normal day.” She says. 
“It’s your birthday isn’t it?” He asks. 
“How’d you know?” She asks surprised. 
“context clues.” he grins. 
“Don’t say anything, please? It’s not that big of a deal.” She says sincerely, he nods in understanding and they walk to the room everyone else was in. They sit in the only remaining chairs that were left, right next to each other too. she stayed quite listening to everyone else talk and also getting stuck in her head.  The last nice, fun birthday she’d had was when she was 5. Her father was still alive, her mother loved her, and Freddie was there too. Her father had given her rose and sunflower seeds to plant, her mother gave her a red bow, and Freddie gave her a sewing kit. Her flowers bloomed but died soon after... since she stopped taking care of them. She used the sewing kit to make more bows for herself. Y/n finished her food and listened to the conversation between the Shelby family absentmindedly. Her leg was shaking under the table and when Finn noticed he nudged her arm softly. She looked up at him in question. 
“Everything alright?” he asked softly enough that only she heard. she nodded, but her leg continued to shake. He put his hand on her leg and watched her calm slightly. 
She felt his hand on her leg but didn’t make any attempt to move it away. It calmed her in a way. She tried to keep the change in her mood unnoticeable, not wanting to bother anyone. 
Freddie eyed the two as he sat next to Ada. He noticed the slight change in y/n’s mood after bringing up her birthday. Even though he said they’d only have dinner, he owed it to her to have something bigger, especially since her last birthday with him was nearly more than a decade ago. He’d mention it to the Shelby’s later. 
“So y/n I hear you got the job at the dress boutique?” Polly asks. 
y/n nods but not as excitedly as she had earlier. “Uh, yes. I got the letter this morning. I start in 2 days.” She says a bit quietly. 
“I’d think you would be more excited.” Ada says, a hint of worry in her words. 
“I am, It’s just I'm a little tired is all, the food was delicious, thank you.” 
“Are you sure you’re alright?” Arthur asks.
she was beginning to get flushed and a bit overwhelmed. “yeah, yes, I’m fine.” she smiles at him. “just tired and thinking of all the dresses I'll be making.” she tells them. 
“Will you make me one?” Ada asks. 
“Of course, you know now that I think about it I could open my own dress shop and make dresses.” She says. 
“Well, This is just a start to that, that could be your goal in the future.” Freddie says. 
“Such a wise man.” Y/n jokes. 
“Why, Thank you.” Freddie says with a grin.
“Shush, Princess Fredericka, you’re ruining the moment.” Everyone burst out laughing at the nickname. including Finn and Y/n. 
“Wasn’t it Prince Frederick an hour ago?” Freddie asks amused. 
“I like Princess Fredericka better.” She says cutely. 
“Right, well, Rosie, we shall settle it in the Thorne manner just like when you were younger later. you’re still ticklish aren’t you?” He asks with a huge grin, the old nickname didn’t faze her much, it felt nice being called Rosie again. Y/n Rosie Thorne
“You wouldn’t dare.” She says staring him down. 
“We’ll see,” He says, “can you go check on Karl?” He says with a smug grin, changing the topic, But she was more than glad to go check on her darling nephew. He still needed to eat. She got up, forgetting about Finn’s hand, and smiled at him as she walked away. She walked to the couch Karl was on and ran her finger through his hair. He stirred a little before waking up. 
“Well, good morning, minx.” 
“Morning?” He asks. 
“It’s still dinner, you have to eat bud.” she says softly. The four year old reaches his arms up and she picks him up. He rests his head on her shoulder and they walk back to the dining room. She didn’t fail to notice the shadow in the corner of her eye. She was tense, Freddie noticed that as she handed Karl to him. She whispered into his ear, “pass me your gun, don’t ask just don't do it.” she says so softly only he hears. He passes the gun to her discreetly and she excuses herself to the bathroom. His shadow was in the window, so he must’ve been outside. She stepped out and looked around, noticing him about walk away from the house. 
“I thought I told you to stay away.” She says sternly. 
“You actually thought I would listen?” Derrick asks. 
“Did you think I was bluffing? I am Thorne and I keep my word.” She says before shooting him in the leg. She would have shot his dick off but she was feeling a little Merciful today. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” He screams in pain. 
“I don’t know you tell me.” She says walking back into the house. Of course the gun shot was heard by everyone else other than the shelby’s do to the loud bickering and laughter of the children. She sits back down at the table next to Finn after putting the safety on the gun and tucking it into her boot. Freddie looked towards her and she only smiled. 
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versadies · 3 years
Hey hey!! I've been following you for a while now and I love your work sm aaa
Saw the event, I love soulmate au's 😩‼ as a gemini, may I request a gemini prompt + kaeya? Up to you who the enemy is, I trust you ^ ^
-🦚 @pavo-ocell-me
someday, one day (hc scenario)
penpal: omg hi !! im glad u love my work, i hope this is to ur liking 🙌
prompt: gemini the twins, enemy-lover soulmate au
pairing/s: kaeya x gn!reader
sypnosis: when you thought he was your enemy but is actually your lover.
includes: spoilers on diluc and kaeya's backstory, spoilers on genshin's official webtoon, violence, physical pain, burns, arguing, enthusiastic!diluc (pls take note that its canon that he USED to be like all the other pyro characters b4 his father's death.),
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when you first met diluc, it felt like he was your knight in shining armor.
the first time you two met was when you accidentally fell down from your balcony after leaning too much on the railing and diluc managed to catch you bridal-style whilst he was on patrol around the city as a knight.
it truly was romantic– and a near-death experience for you.
so when you found out that his name is imprinted on your wrist, you felt ecstatic, and so did he.
since then, you two were known as the youngest soulmates who had found each other in mondstadt, people admiring your relationship with envy and happiness.
of course, you and diluc were a happy couple. although you would be lying if you said diluc is overall your type, you managed to find yourself falling in love with the man.
when crepus, diluc's father, found out about diluc's once-in-a-lifetime moment, he simply laughs and pats you and his son by your backs with a proud smile.
"by the time my son turns 18, we better make arrangements of your wedding! it's a ragnvindr tradition, after all." he comments eagerly. you honestly weren't sure if the man was joking or not.
it didn't take long before you meet his dear brother, kaeya.
when you find out his brother's name is the same as the one that's imprinted on your other wrist, being surprised is far from your reaction.
"don't worry about it, y/n." diluc reassures you one night as the two of you stroll around the city together. "i'll make sure nothing will go wrong between you and my brother. besides, you always have me, right?"
if diluc hadn't tried what he said, perhaps things would've gone differently than now.
in fear of being enemies with your future brother-in-law, you decided to avoid kaeya like a plague, giving the young man apologetic looks whenever you walk away from his presence.
as much as you're avoiding the man, you couldn't imagine hating on kaeya. every night, you always think of what can make kaeya your enemy. what is there to hate him? he's funny, chivalrous, everything that screams your type of men.
wait.. type?
your heart drops from the moment you started thinking romantic things about diluc's brother, looking behind you to see your soulmate sleeping soundly with a frown plastered on your face.
is diluc really your lover?
doubts started to cross your mind. what if diluc isn't your soulmate? what is there to prove that kaeya is your enemy? are you just overthinking things?
"i can't think about this." you murmured to yourself, pulling up your comforter before laying back down on your bed and try to fall asleep.
"i have a wedding to worry about next year."
just as you said, you did try not to think about the possibilities you have with the two brothers, distracting yourself with tasks and dates with your lover, who's quite oblivious to your problems going on inside your head.
unnoticed by you, you weren't the only one who has been burdened with your thoughts.
by the time diluc's birthday has arrived, the two of you started to get excited from your future wedding, excited to finally marry each other after years of spending your adolescence together.
you didn't expect an inconvenience during diluc and crepus's trip.
you didn't expect crepus trying to save diluc from a monster using something that no one but snezhnaya has ever heard of.
you didn't expect crepus asking diluc to put him out of his misery.
you didn't expect diluc to come strolling back to your shared home with blood stained in his clothing at a late hour.
you never, ever, expected your lover to fight his own brother when he took a visit.
and you did not expect your lover to plan on leaving you and everyone.
"what do you mean you're... you're leaving?" you ask in disbelief, staring at diluc as though he has two heads. "can't i go with you–?"
"no, this journey will be too dangerous for you–"
"this applies to you as well! you're not an immortal or some god–"
"i can do this on my own, y/n." he says with his eyes narrowed. you couldn't help but scoff in disbelief. this isn't the diluc you know and loved.
"but diluc.. isn't this too much? your father... i know crepus's death is too much but, why can't you stay?" you whispered, cupping his cheeks. "what about our wedding? the life you and i planned after your bi–"
"my father died and you're seriously thinking about our wedding?!" diluc forces your hands away from his face, glaring at you. "why can't you understand that i'm trying to find out the truth on this delusion–"
"i do understand!" you yelled out. "i do understand that you want to do this for him but what about monstadt? the knights? what about your brother–"
"HE'S NOT MY BROTHER!" he yelled, lashing out at you as you screamed in surprise when you saw fire in front of you, immediately covering your face with your arms out of reflex.
you didn't notice how your lover's eyes widens on what he did,
you couldn't notice him, not when you're too focused on the huge burns on your arms.
"oh my god..." diluc murmurs, slowly taking a few steps back as he takes a look of what he did, ignoring the sudden presence of adelaide and elzer, who both gasped from the scene.
your eyes starts to water from the intense pain, trying not to cry out and scream your heart out in fear of making your lover feel regret. you could honestly care less on what diluc is doing, all you could think about was the intense burns from your arms.
suddenly, the door was slammed open by kaeya– who was wet from the rain outside.
"what the hell did you do to them?!" kaeya exclaims, running towards you with a shocked look on his face. "i'll take you to the cathedral alright? the sisters will heal you." he whispers, wiping off the tears from your face as he wraps his arm around your shoulder and takes you towards the doors.
before diluc could let out a word from his mouth, kaeya gives him a glare.
"you may hate me for what happened," kaeya says.
"but for celestia's sake, don't ever come to them or call them your lover ever again."
that was the last time you saw diluc.
you eventually find out from the chattering nuns that the man had already left monstadt with no news of when he'll return, causing everyone to pity you and for diluc about what happened.
you were thankful that no one except the nuns found out about the incident of your arms.
throughout your stay in the cathedral, you usually find kaeya beside you, keeping an eye on you with a concerned look on his face. you honestly couldn't imagine what would've happened if the man didn't storm inside dawn winery. would diluc actually try to help you later on and leave? would you have suffered more with your injuries as he stands by watching you in disbelief?
whatever outcome you could think of, your heart ached from them all.
would diluc stayed had he been the one who tries to take care of your injuries?
either way, you knew the man is no longer the one you fell in love with from those years ago.
as years grew by, so did your friendship with kaeya.
although it was awkward from the start, you eventually warmed up to the man who you thought is your enemy, feeling more comfortable with him than before.
the two of you started having careers by then, with you having a successful career whilst kaeya becomes the calvary captain of the knights of favonius.
although the two of you are busy, you agreed to always meet each other at night in angel's share, where you drink the night away and talk about anything that comes out of your minds.
there wasn't a day when you thought about diluc.
thankfully, your burns weren't too severe and is slowly fading away throughout the years. but that doesn't mean the memories you had from it disappeared as well.
ever since that dreadful night, you started having nightmares about the incident, always finding yourself sitting up from your bed with a scared look on your face.
you wished you didn't want to see diluc this way, but you honestly couldn't bare to face him if he ever comes back to the city.
you don't see him as a lover or a friend. all he is to you at this very moment is your nightmare.
your nightmares simply washes away when kaeya comes up in your mind.
whenever you think about your so-called destined enemy, you felt comforted and safe. it was understandable really! you were touched by how he took care of you regardless of you being his "enemy".
however... now that you could think about it, the calvary captain has a lot more common with you than diluc himself. the fact that his brother made you laugh a lot and supported you in many ways made you started thinking that maybe diluc really isn't your destined lover.
your heart skips a beat from the thought of kaeya being your true lover, the smile you wore never fading away.
perhaps when you're finally starting to move on from the relationship you had with diluc, maybe... just maybe, kaeya could be the one you've been hoping for.
you started to sleep more peacefully, excited for the future that awaits.
somewhere in the calvary captain's home, the man is dreaming and hoping of you too.
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starryhyuck · 3 years
pride. (m)
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pairing: sugardaddy!xiaojun x reader
words: 4.7k+
summary: stacked with two jobs, tuition bills and rent payments, an opportunity falls into your lap that leaves you wanting more.
genre: fluff, smut
warnings: creampie, breeding kink, semi-public sex, oral sex, degradation, overstimulation
It all started before you hit rock bottom.
When you enrolled in college and decided to study music, your parents refused to pay for your tuition as they had hoped you would pursue law instead. You’ve been passionate about music since you were younger, and financial burdens were not going to hold you back from pursuing your dreams.
You spend most school nights working a low wage job, and switch to a different low wage job on the weekends. You hardly had time to balance studies and work, but in order to make ends meet, you fill your body with caffeine and call it a day.
You’re in the middle of wiping down the counter of the campus’s local ice cream parlor, ignoring the email you received from your landlord minutes ago. It was yet another warning notice to pay last month’s rent, a task you’ve been putting off for weeks.
There’s barely anyone who comes into the shop this late at night on a weekday, only a few who have a midnight craving they have to fulfill. You’re surprised when Doyeon comes barging into the shop at half past midnight, dressed to the nines in her custom Versace gown.
She sighs and throws herself down on one of the parlor chairs. “I feel sick to my stomach. Is it possible for your intestines to hurt so much from champagne?”
You laugh at her. Doyeon was your first friend when you came to campus, and you were blissfully unaware of how wealthy she was until three months into your friendship. Her mother recently remarried and Doyeon despised her stepdad, but she never had any complaints about the money he carried with him. Doyeon’s offered to pay off some of your loans so that you wouldn’t have to work two jobs, but you always turned down her offer. You couldn’t take money from her — you had to have a little bit of pride.
“What happened now? More sleazy old men hitting on you?” You question, leaning over the counter to ask her.
“You know me so well,” she sighs, her curled hair styled perfectly down her shoulders. She removes her heels for a bit so she can breathe. “And Doyoung was complaining the entire time, pissing off my mom. You know how my brother is.”
You’ve met Doyoung once or twice, and he was very similar to Doyeon — confident, smart and not afraid to speak what’s on his mind. Doyoung had a very difficult time adjusting to their mother’s new beau.
“You know what would be nice?” Doyeon asks, eyelashes fluttering at you. “If you come with me next time.”
“You know I can’t,” you decline, moving to check on the tubs of ice cream. “I’m too busy with work and school. Can’t leave for a night of luxury.”
“But you can,” she whines loudly. “Just let me pay your rent for last month and we’ll call it even!”
You roll your eyes. “I hardly call that even, Doyeon.”
She huffs. “Please? I can’t stand to go to another one of these things and listen to those snotty people tell me how lucky I am that my mom found that douchebag. You would make it so much more fun, and save me from a night of torture.”
For the first time, you’re contemplating Doyeon’s offer. You’ve known for a long time now that you’re running low on funds, and you’re scared that if you don’t find a way to pay your landlord, he’ll end up evicting you. Your eyes glance up to meet Doyeon’s, who has her puppy dog gaze turned on.
You sigh. “Just one event. That’s it.”
She squeals, and almost jumps over the counter to hug you.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! I love you, thank you!”
You awkwardly pat her back. “Yeah, yeah.”
Doyeon failed to tell you that the event she was dragging you to would actually take place within a week.
You scrambled to find a dress and how to style your hair, knowing that if you showed up in an off-brand name, you would immediately look like an outcast. Doyeon saved you from the humiliation, shoving you into a Valentino dress that had your eyes rolling out of your head at the price tag. She also hired a hairstylist on the day of to come over and fix you up, which you clearly disagreed on until Doyeon told you it wasn’t up for debate.
And now, here you were, standing in the middle of the most luxurious place you’ve ever stepped foot in. Doyeon leans over to whisper to you while you’re eyeing the waiters and waitresses walking around with trays of champagne.
“Just smile and act like you only care about money.”
She tugs you forward and you try your best to match her pace. A girl approaches you two first, nails wrapped around the stem of her glass. She’s wearing one of the most beautiful gowns you’ve ever seen, a Chanel piece her mother imported for the event.
“Hyojung, you’re way too young to be drinking anything,” Doyeon scolds.
“Calm down, mom. No one’s snitching except you. Who have you brought?”
Doyeon beams and loops her arm through yours. “This is my friend from college.” She gives Hyojung your name and you offer your best smile.
Hyojung returns your grin. “Nice to meet you. Where do your parents work?”
Doyeon opens her mouth to tell Hyojung the truth, but you stop her.
“They own a few chain businesses in our hometown. Nothing too grand,” you inform. Hyojung nods in agreement, eyes darting somewhere else.
“Well, Chanwoo is here. I’m going to get the gossip that he owes me from last time.”
When Hyojung leaves, Doyeon frowns at you. “Why did you lie?” She questions.
You shrug. “I would rather not be a fish out of water here more than I already am. It’s better if people think I’m at least middle class.”
“Okay,” she says slowly. “You know I’m not ashamed of you, right?”
You giggle and pat her cheek. “Of course I know.”
“Finally!” You hear someone exclaim, and you turn to see Doyoung rushing over to the two of you. “Where the hell have you been? Mom’s going to murder you for showing up so late.”
Doyeon rolls her eyes. “Relax. We took a long time getting ready.”
Doyoung smiles gently at you before tugging his sister away. You feel even more awkward, hands folding together as you sway in the middle of the room. The people around you are talking animatedly and you can faintly hear the sound of the violin in the back of the room. You wonder if you should pretend to go to the bathroom or find somewhere to sit-
“Never seen you here before.”
You turn to see a guy your age, dressed in a full Armani suit and Rolex watch shining under the sparkling chandelier. You awkwardly clear your throat.
“Uh, yeah. My friend brought me. Do I look that weird?”
He chuckles, running a hand through his chestnut locks. “You look beautiful. I’ve just been to plenty of these galas before and I’ve pretty much memorized the guest list.”
Your heart lingers on his compliment and you avert your gaze.
“My first one. Are they always like this?”
“Boring, you mean?”
You laugh and he joins in. You swear you feel butterflies frantically flying in your stomach.
“So, what’s your story? Also have rich parents?” You ask.
He nods. “My mother owns half of the city’s major businesses. I’m Xiaojun, by the way.” You give him your name and he smiles, motioning to the back of the room. “Want to talk where it’s a little less loud?”
You agree, smiling and taking his arm as he leads you to the less chatty part of the room. You both sit on a luxurious velvet couch, a piece of furniture that most likely costs more than your entire apartment. Xiaojun hands you a glass of champagne, his smile taking your breath away.
“Tell me a little bit about yourself,” he muses, eyeing you carefully.
You laugh. “Is this a job interview?”
He shrugs. “Could be.”
Your eyebrows furrow at his answer, but you figure rich people were always weird and vague like that. “I go to the same college as Doyeon, and I’m studying music. Not really much to say, I spend most of my time working.”
He nods, and you can’t place what the look in his eye is for.
“Music, that’s interesting. What made you decide to take on such a daunting major?”
“Daunting as in it’s not law or business?” You counter, giving him a look.
He holds his hands up in surrender. “Hey, no judgment here. In my world, I haven’t met anyone who isn’t a law or business major. It’s nice to have a change of scenery.”
He challenges your gaze, and you feel a warmth in your stomach you haven’t felt in months. You jump when you hear the shriek of your name and Doyeon comes charging towards the two of you.
“There you are! Jesus, I had to hear Doyoung fight with my stepdad for almost ten minutes.” Her exasperation turns into surprise when she sees Xiaojun seated next to you. “Oh! Hey, Dejun. Didn’t see you there.”
He offers a smile. “Hi, Doyeon.”
“Do you mind if I pull her away for a bit?” Doyeon asks, but she’s already looped your arm through hers. You slightly protest when she tugs you away from Xiaojun, but you’re immediately distracted by her next question. “What the hell were you doing talking to him? You know what Xiaojun is famous for, right?”
You frown, looking over your shoulder again to see him, watching as his line of sight carefully follows you and Doyeon.
“No, I don’t. He seemed nice. What’s the issue?”
Doyeon rolls her eyes. “He’s a sugar daddy. Always looking for new sugar babies to satisfy him. He’s been blowing through girls like the wind for the past year. He’s not good, and I don’t want you in his company without me.”
You try to process that the man you were just talking to was, in fact, scoping you out to get a potential new sugar baby. You can’t wrap your mind around it, even when Doyeon drags you to the corner of the room, where Doyoung and her stepdad are still fighting.
Your eyes linger on Xiaojun’s table, but he’s already long gone.
“Nice shop you got here.”
You practically jump out of your shoes at the sound of the familiar voice, almost spilling a cup of ice cream down your front. You nearly get whiplash with how fast you spin around, eyes widening at the sight of Xiaojun standing in the middle of the ice cream shop. Your manager, Seojeong, raises an eyebrow at your skittish nature.
“Is there a problem here?” She questions, but you immediately brush her off.
“No, no problem!” You squeak. You immediately rush over the counter and push Xiaojun out of the shop. “Seojeong, I’m taking my 15!”
“Um, okay?”
Once you’ve got Xiaojun on the street, you take notice of what he’s wearing - another dark Armani suit, same Rolex watch, and hair styled in a way that’s meant to make your panties drop. You push back your thoughts and whisper harshly to him.
“I know why you’re here.”
He raises an eyebrow, smirking. “Do you now?”
“Yes, I do,” you state confidently, tilting your chin up. “Doyeon told me about your little sugar daddy scheme.”
He laughs. “Ah, is that what they’re calling it now? Didn’t realize I was such a bad guy for wanting to help out girls in bad situations.”
You scoff. “Do you get off on this? Lowering yourself to the underprivileged lives of the poor? Pretending to be the hero that saves the damsel in distress?”
He snickers at your line of questioning, shoving his hands in his pockets and eyeing you. He leans down so that you’re face to face, and you falter as he becomes closer to you.
“And if I do? What if I like giving you money so you don’t have to work two jobs?”
“How do you know I have two jobs?” You inquire.
“You looked so lost at that gala. I told you I’ve memorized the guest list — you’ve never been on it. It became relatively easy to discover the rest of the details. It must be exhausting doing this everyday, haven’t you ever wanted a break?”
You fold your arms across your chest and take a step away from him. “What’s in it for you?”
He grins. “The pleasure of your company.”
“What kind of company?” You ask, doubting him. You won’t lie and say the offer isn’t intriguing to you. You still have pride, definitely, but the weight of two jobs has really taken a toll on you lately. Plus, Doyeon said Xiaojun breezes through girls anyways. You could get a break from paying your rent for a few months and before you know it, he’ll move onto the next charity case he wants to help out.
There’s no harm in that, right?
Your thoughts are blown through the window, however, when his smirk grows wider. You’re sure there’s a large damp spot in your underwear right now.
“Whatever company you like, little one.”
You’re fucked.
You keep the relationship with Xiaojun quiet and under wraps. You know Doyeon would have many thoughts about your choice, and she would probably convince you to let her pay your bills instead of Xiaojun. You couldn’t place that burden on her shoulders.
Surprisingly, Xiaojun doesn’t ask for much. He swings by the ice cream parlor once a week, drops off a $1000 check, stays to chat for a little, and leaves. Seojeong doesn’t raise any questions, albeit you’ve seen her glance at the envelope you leave in the back room. You would’ve thought that Xiaojun is the type of guy who invites you over to his penthouse apartment to get to know him, but he’s been quite reserved. He never crosses the line with you, and his questioning stays on the topic of your classes and work. You continuously wonder how to captivate his attention and if the other girls before you failed to do so.
About a month into the deal, your patience wears thin. You’re not even really sure why you’re frustrated in the first place. Anyone would love a no strings attached deal like this, getting $1000 every week with barely any commitment. You quit your other job because you don’t need both paychecks now and you’ve been able to keep up on rent. However, a part of you expected to be close with Xiaojun in some way at this point, especially considering the way he was flirting with you when he first propositioned this.
You’re fully prepared to confront him on Friday night, the same day he usually drops off the check and chats with you for a bit. You practically throw yourself over the counter when he takes a step inside the shop, yelling over your shoulder to Seojeong that you’re taking your break.
Xiaojun laughs at your eagerness, allowing you to tug on his suit as you pull him outside.
“Someone’s excited today. Need the check that badly?”
You frown at the accusation and exhale. “No, as a matter of fact, the money you’ve given me so far could probably cover me for a year.”
“Then what’s with the frowny face?”
“There’s a catch here, Xiaojun, I know there is. You’ve been too nice,” you say, waving a finger at him.
He smirks. “Have I been? I told you, little one, all I need is your company. You’ve given that to me every week, haven’t you?”
You scoff. “Barely. We talk for a few minutes while I’m making orders for other customers and then you leave. I would hardly call that company.”
He gets even cockier, if that was humanly possible. Xiaojun has to know what he’s doing to you — the mystery of his true personality starting to make you curious.
Similar to your first meeting, he leans down until he’s a few inches from your face, eyebrow raised. “Didn’t mean to neglect you, little one. Did you want more from me?”
You shift awkwardly, tension building in your stomach from his words. He was clearly teasing you and his patience was stronger than you previously believed. He waited a month just to have you desperate like this, wanting something more than a few minutes of his time. You’re so wet at this point that you’re definitive Xiaojun knows.
To prove your point, his smirk grows wider. “What are you doing after your shift?”
“U-Um, I have some homework to finish-“
“Great, I’ll pick you up after work and you can finish it at my apartment.” He doesn’t give you any time to protest, moving closer to you, his breath hitting the shell of your ear. “Next time, little one, just tell me you need more attention. Daddy will gladly give it to you.”
You’re a nervous wreck when Xiaojun’s expensive Rolls-Royce pulls up to the curb after your shift has ended. His car looks terribly out of place on the streets of your dirty campus, but he doesn’t seem bothered in the slightest. You quickly get in and ask him to go before anyone can recognize you.
The ride to his apartment in the upper part of town is filled with silence, making you even more jittery. Xiaojun, on the other hand, is calm and collected with one hand on the steering wheel and the other on the console. You try to swallow your nerves and reason with yourself.
This is just Xiaojun — son of a multimillionaire, heir to many respective companies within the city. This is just Xiaojun — the man who’s been giving you $1000 every week with no strings attached, the man who’s clouded your dreams for the past month on more than one occasion.
Unfortunately, you don’t have any more time to dwell on your thoughts when Xiaojun pulls up to the parking garage of his complex. The both of you exit the car and he hands the keys to one of the valet drivers. His fingers fall to the small of your back as he guides you inside.
You try to avoid the blatant stares from other residents. You’re still dressed in your work clothes, a simple t-shirt and pair of jeans, but you couldn’t look more like a fish out of water. Xiaojun doesn’t seem to mind, walking into the elevator and pressing the top floor button. You ride the elevator in silence, and your eyes nearly fall out of your head when you reach the penthouse.
The apartment is straight out of the movies. The decor is extravagant, and you’re afraid if you touch anything, you’ll have to pay a fine. Xiaojun leads you to the dining room, pulling out a chair for you, despite your confusion.
“You can finish your homework here. I’ll be in the study upstairs.”
“Wait wait wait,” you stop him, placing a hand on his chest. “You’re leaving?”
He grins. “Did you want me to stay?”
He was really going to make you beg for it. Your eyes narrow and you feel a burst of confidence run through you. You tilt your head up until you’re a few centimeters from his mouth.
“You said Daddy would give me more attention if I asked for it.”
He growls, eyes darkening. Before you know it, he has you pinned to the grand table, staring at you as if you’re his last meal. It’s your turn to smirk as his control snaps, fingers digging into your hips roughly.
“Think it’s fun to test me? The other girls before you were more behaved,” he hisses, eyes wandering to the valley of your breasts.
“But you don’t like that, do you? You like it when they disobey,” you murmur, pulling him closer to you. “You like giving them their punishment.”
Xiaojun’s lips are pressed to yours before you can even fully register what’s going on, his body locking you against the wood. You whimper, hands gripping his forearm to keep steady. It’s messy and frantic, and you can see all of the built up tension starting to show.
“What would Doyeon think of you whoring yourself out for money?” He snickers, making you feel small under his gaze. “I bet she would be so ashamed. Little one gave up her pride for a few thousand dollars?”
You whine. “It’s not like that.”
“But isn’t it?” He questions you, fingers unbuttoning your jeans and sliding them down your legs. You wish you had worn a sexier pair of panties today but Xiaojun seems satisfied nonetheless, snapping the elastic against your skin. “Can’t wait to get a taste of this cunt. That’s what you wanted, isn’t it, little one?”
You probably look pathetic like this — half of your body sprawled across Xiaojun’s dining table, pants around your ankles, and a large wet spot ruining the fabric of your underwear. You pitifully nod in response to his question, eyes locked on the bulge straining against his expensive trousers. He chuckles when he follows your line of sight.
You fall into the role so easily. “Yes, Daddy.”
He directs you on your knees, the cold marble floor sending a shiver up your spine. You eagerly watch him unbuckle his belt and exposing his leaking cock for you. The tip is red and angry, demanding to be touched.
“Go ahead, little one. Make Daddy feel good.”
You wrap your mouth around the tip, nearly moaning at the taste of him. You haven’t been intimate with someone in so long and his cock has your mouth watering.
“Good girl,” he soothes, pushing his cock further down your throat. Tears immediately spring into your eyes when he ignores your gag reflex, hands gripping the back of your head as he guided you. “Shh, doing so well for me, little one.”
You allow him to fuck your mouth, trying to brush aside the tears falling down your face and saliva pooling at the sides of your mouth. It’s filthy and you love it — you haven’t been used like this in months and you never realized how much you missed it.
“Your mouth is so perfect, fuck,” he groans. “I’ll pay for anything you want if you stay on your knees like this, all pretty for me.”
You gasp when he lets you breathe, pulling his cock away. He chuckles at you, fingers returning to stroke himself as he watches you regain yourself. He tugs you back on your feet, overlooking your wobbly legs and pushing you into the living room. You’re about to question him on what he’s doing until he’s shoving you up against his glass window. You gaze downwards, seeing a plethora of people passing by on the street and cars honking to one another. It’s a view you only see in the movies, and you know Xiaojun’s eager to fuck you into the fantasy.
His fingers slide into your underwear, breath hot against your neck. “Look at all of them down there, little one. Bet they want to be just like you, fucked so good for everyone to see. Even better when I cum inside you, hm?”
You freeze. “D-Daddy,” you whisper frantically. “I’m not on the pill.”
He’s silent behind your figure before you feel him playing with your folds, your wetness coating his hand.
“Isn’t that nice? What do you think of getting knocked up, little one? This entire place could be yours, you would never have to step foot in that ice cream shop again. All the wealth you never imagined, you could spend all day in bed with me while I stuff you full. You would look so pretty on Daddy’s arm. I wonder how many times we could sneak away from the crowd so I could fuck my cock into you. Wouldn’t that be a dream?”
You gasp, growing wetter by the second. He easily slides a finger into your heat and all common sense is thrown out of the window.
“Please fuck me, Daddy,” you beg. “Please please please. I’ll be good for you, I promise.”
He laughs at your desperation, pushing another digit inside. “Even though you’re not on the pill? How filthy of you, little one.”
It’s sick. You barely know this man but all you want is his cum inside you. You can imagine the headlines now — Millionaire’s Son Gets Poor Girl Pregnant. But you want it. You want it so badly.
You hear the tearing of your panties but you couldn’t give a fuck what happens to them, pushing yourself further into him. He laughs again at you, tip lining up to your entrance.
“Beg for it.”
You cry. “Please, Daddy! I want it, I’ve been so good for you! I’ll let you cum inside me and everyone can watch. I want them to see who I belong to.”
“Fuck,” he growls at your submission. You nearly scream when he pushes into you, his girth bigger and thicker than you’ve ever taken before. On top of that, you haven’t had sex in months and the stretch is almost unbearable. Your head rolls back but Xiaojun grips your chin and forces you to look outside the window. “Look at all those people, little one. They’re about to get a nice show.”
He gives you no time to adjust, thrusting into you like he wants to break you. His fingers tangle into your hair and he pulls roughly, causing you to yelp at the pain. You’re past the point of coherent thinking, Xiaojun’s cock fucking you so good you can barely talk.
“Good, little one?”
“Mmf,” you gurgle, gasping at the force of his movements. You can feel him in your throat, and it’s as if he’s waited all these weeks just to spill his seed into you.
You tumble over the edge when he pinches your clit, whispering the dirtiest confessions into your ear. “Needy whore,” he laughed sinisterly. “Probably can’t go a day without my cock after this. Going to be begging me for it, wanting me all the time now. I can’t wait to take you everywhere and anywhere I please. I’ll buy you so many cute outfits, little one. So many skirts that make it easy for me to slide right inside and fuck you until you’re crying for me.”
You clench around his cock and fall over the edge, your wetness spilling down your thighs.
“Daddy,” you breathlessly hiss, body going limp in his arms.
“You came so much for me, little one. Your slutty cunt is so good for me, isn’t it?”
“Please, Daddy,” you plead. “Please, Daddy. I want to feel your cum.”
“Yeah?” He grunts, the sound of his balls repeatedly slapping against your pussy echoes around the room. “You wanna get pregnant? All baby wants is a big fat cock to stuff her full of cum, hm?”
“Yes, yes, yes,” you cry out, not even caring how pitiful you look at this point. “Want it so badly.”
Your desperation snaps the cord inside of him and he spills every last drop into you. You whimper at the warm feeling, some of his cum starting to drip out and coat the inside of your thighs. You both attempt to catch your breaths, your legs feeling like jelly.
You’re about to move away from him until Xiaojun keeps you pinned to the window, stopping you from leaving.
“W-What are y-you doing?” You ask, still out of breath from the fucking you just received.
“I don’t think that was the one,” he muses, eyes locked on where you two are intertwined. He offers an experimental thrust that has you scrambling.
“No, no,” you sniffle, trying to move away from him again. “I can’t, I can’t.”
“I think you can,” he chuckles, enjoying the way your cunt wraps so nicely around his cock. “And you will. Haven’t gotten you pregnant yet, little one.”
You spend hours fucking like bunnies with Xiaojun taking you on almost every surface of his apartment. You don’t even care that you’re impregnated, allowing him to use you in any way he pleases while the sun falls under the skyline.
Your pride didn’t matter that much anyways.
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theladyofdeath · 3 years
Life As We Know It {Chapter Two}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Chapters will be posted on both my and Shelby's blogs! >> @snelbz​
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby's Masterlist
Tara's Masterlist
Trigger warning: death
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The vibrations beneath her pillow had nearly stopped by the time Nesta dug it out and held it up to her ear.
“Hell-hello?” she asked, barely able to keep her eyes open, barely able to get the words out.
Her eyes adjusted as she sat up and looked at the alarm clock on Feyre and Rhysand’s bedside table.
1:26 a.m.
“Is this Nesta Archeron?” a quiet, female voice asked.
It was the tone that got Nesta. 
It was the tone that had her sitting up straight, her heart slowing in her chest. “Yes, this is Nesta.”
“Nesta, this is Claire from Velaris Hospital,” she began. “There’s been an accident-.”
It was all she heard.
After that, everything became blurred and the words that Claire spoke made absolutely no sense at all.
Rhys and Feyre were supposed to be home the following evening, the last she’d heard from her sister, she and Rhys were going to dinner and then out dancing before heading back up to the cabin.
That had been a little before eight, almost six hours ago. She could hear the rain coming down, much harder than it had been when she’d gone to bed, even a few hours before. Nyx had been asleep by seven, only waking up to cry once or twice a night the whole time she’d been watching him. All in all, the weekend had been uneventful, but she was ready for Rhys and Feyre to be home, so she could go home to her townhouse, to peace and quiet and blessed, blessed silence.
But as she quickly tucked Nyx into his car seat, doing her best not to wake the sleeping baby up, she tried not to think about the phone call. She tried not to think about the firm, but steady tone of voice as she drove across town, to the hospital. 
She had been to the hospital before.
Twice in the last fifteen years.
Once when her mother passed, once her sickness finally took her.
And once again when their father passed over complications from his heart surgery.
Nesta hated that drive, hated pulling into the hospital’s parking lot. She didn’t trust it, not one bit. She hated it. Hated the ground on which it stood.
As she parked her car in front of the building, she looked in the rearview mirror. Nyx was still fast asleep, completely unaware of what was happening, completely unaware of the phone call that had just occurred only half an hour before.
There’s been an accident.
Nesta got out of the car. She shut the driver’s side and went to the back. She carefully unbuckled Nyx from his carseat and picked him up, holding him tightly against her chest as she covered him with his oldest, softest, favorite blanket. 
The parking lot was nearly empty.
Nesta carried Nyx inside.
You need to come quickly.
She found Azriel by the doors leading deeper into the hospital, calling out his name as soon as she saw him. He turned, and she nearly froze at the look on his face, the paleness and hollow look in his eyes. But she couldn’t and she hurried to where he stood, with a stone-faced doctor.
We did everything we could.
The next few minutes were a blur of explanations and condolences, but Nesta could do nothing but hold onto Nyx, still sleeping soundly in her arms. She hadn’t even realized she was crying until Azriel slid an arm around her shoulders, offering her what little comfort he could.
They’re gone.
They had been driving back to the cabin when the storm had hit. Both of them had been drinking, but not enough to even break the blood alcohol level. The winding roads leading up into the mountains quickly grew slick and when they hydroplaned, Rhys had lost control of the car.
With how hard it was coming down, he hadn’t even seen the ledge coming up, or how far the drop was to the bottom of the ravine.
Nesta prayed that wherever they had gone after their final breath that they were together.
And that Rhysand wouldn’t be blaming himself.
It wasn’t his fault.
She repeated that prayer one after the other until she had begun to doze in and out of sleep.
When she woke, it was nearly five in the morning.
Nyx had slept through it all, hadn’t even realized what had happened. When they got home, Nesta had laid him in his crib, where he had remained, sleeping soundly, ever since.
4:56 a.m.
Nesta had managed to sleep for nearly forty-five minutes.
That in itself was a blessing.
Yet, as she threw her legs over the side of the bed, Nesta felt guilty. How could she sleep after the news she had just received?
None of it seemed real.
Her little sister, her youngest sister.
All that was left of their family was her and Elain. 
Her, and Elain, and Nyx, and Seph.
Dad. Mom. Feyre.
Nesta stumbled into the bathroom and looked in the mirror. She didn’t feel a thing. After turning the faucet on, letting the cold water run for a minute, she splashed some on her face.
It didn’t bring her back to reality like she was hoping for.
She was hoping it was all a dream.
But it wasn’t.
Her legs carried her into Nyx’s nursery, where she sat for the next couple of hours, watching him sleep, peacefully. Not knowing, not realizing, not understanding his parents were never coming home.
She heard the front door open around seven-thirty, rushing down the stairs, praying that she had, in fact, dreamed it all and Rhys and Feyre would be coming inside, home a few hours early.
But it wasn’t Rhys, or Feyre. Instead, it was another familiar head of golden-brown hair, her eyes trained in the hardwood just inside the walkway. The door had barely closed before Nesta made it down the stairs and wrapped her arms around Elain.
They both collapsed, falling to their knees on the worn rug, as Elain sobbed into her sister’s shoulder.
The following days were a blur. A constant stream of people calling, texting, reaching out to see what could be done. Nesta and Elain handled the arrangements, with Azriel’s help, but none of them realized how prepared Feyre and Rhys had been for their own deaths.
Maybe it was because they’d both lost their parents young. Maybe it was because they didn’t want Nyx to ever have to deal with it on his own. All Nesta had to do was sign some paperwork and present their death certificates.
The funeral home had taken it from there.
She sat in the corner of the room, wearing a simple black dress that Feyre had always told her looked matronly on anyone else, but made her look like a badass CEO. It was one of her favorites. She figured Feyre would have wanted her to wear it today.
She hadn’t been able to bring herself to look into the caskets yet, to see what her sister and brother-in-law looked like, if they even looked like themselves.
She’d never be able to wipe the memory of their pale, lifeless bodies from her mind, as she and Azriel had to confirm that it was them in the hospital. Until that moment, she’d held out hope that maybe they had been wrong. That maybe someone had stolen their car and they were waiting at the bar for the rain to die down.
But even in death she couldn’t mistake their faces.
She couldn’t imagine that they looked anything like they once did, knowing that she’d never see Feyre’s bright smile or amusement sparking in Rhysand’s eyes.
The funeral dragged on, a preacher they had grown up with leading the crowd that had gathered. Nesta was asked if she wanted to say something, but she didn’t. What was there to say? There was too much to say. 
Nesta couldn’t.
So, she didn’t.
They carried the caskets out and loaded them up in the hearses. 
Nesta didn’t remember getting behind the wheel, didn’t remember loading Nyx into his carseat, didn’t remember driving to the cemetery.
And yet, she ended up standing in front of a set of holes in the ground with Nyx on her hip. Only a few words were said before the caskets were lowered into the ground.
Nesta wondered what was going through Nyx’s head. The one-year-old didn’t make a sound, not a peep as the day went on. He simply remained perfectly calm, his head resting on Nesta’s shoulder as she swayed back and forth.
“I can take him, if you want to say goodbye.”
Nesta spun around, meeting the eyes of Cassian Nazari.
He’d been crying, she could tell. If it wasn’t for the redness in his puffy eyes, Nesta surely would have snapped.
“There’s no need,” Nesta said, with an empty calmness. “I’ve already said my goodbyes.”
It was a lie, of course.
Could you ever really say goodbye to someone you loved?
He didn’t push her, just silently stepped up next to her and stared at the mounds of dirt. Nearly everyone was gone, Azriel taking a silent, distant Elain home. Mor, Emerie, Gwyn, Amren, and Varian had left just a few minutes after them. The only ones still present were those who had filled the graves, the preacher, saying a few final prayers for peace, and the three of them.
“I don’t…” His voice was rough, in a way she’d never heard it. “I keep waiting for him to call me and tell me it’s all dumbass prank,” he breathed. “That this was all some elaborate joke to get back at me for something.”
Nesta nodded, understanding. She blinked, but was unable to stop the few silent tears from sliding down her cheeks. She didn’t know what to say, but for once she agreed with Cassian.
“If you, uh, need anything…” Cassian began, before shaking his head and taking a deep breath. “If you need anything just give me a call.”
Nesta nodded once. She knew he was just saying it out of kindness due to the situation, but she supposed it was still a kind offer.
“I’ll be fine,” she said, after a moment had passed. Without giving Cassian another glance, she was turning toward her car, walking away.
Her legs became heavier with each step she took, but she continued onward until she was sitting behind the wheel of her little black car, Nyx buckled into his carseat.
He began to fuss.
Nesta understood.
Maybe he was beginning to realize that his mom and dad were never coming back.
As Nesta drove back toward the house, her vision blurred as the tears came.
The next few days passed by slowly. She and Nyx made it just fine, but the time seemed to drag on and on and on.
She had just put Nyx down for his afternoon nap when her phone began to ring, a number she didn’t recognize showing up on her screen.
She hesitated for a moment, not sure if she could handle another one of Rhys or Feyre’s friends offering their condolences. Their pity.
Ultimately, she grabbed her phone, swiping across the screen to answer the call.
“Nesta Archeron speaking.”
A smooth voice came from the other end of the line. “Ms. Archeron, my name is Tarquin Hadrian.”
She paused. The name didn’t seem familiar, so she cleared her throat. “How can I help you, Mr. Hadrian?”
“I’m terribly sorry for your loss, Ms. Archeron,” he began. Nesta sighed quietly, waiting for the words to continue, but he said something she wasn’t expecting. “I’m the Lunasa’s attorney. I was hoping to speak with you about their will.”
Shit. Nesta hadn’t even thought about a will, hadn’t thought about any of the plans Rhys and Feyre had made. If they’d planned everything, down to their burials and graves, surely they had prepared a last will and testament. “Of- Of course.”
“Are you free this afternoon?” He asked. “I know it’s short notice, but I’d wanted to give your family as much time as possible to grieve, however, there are some matters that need to be handled sooner rather than later.”
“Yes, I can be there any time,” she said, looking at the clock. Nyx wouldn’t be up from his nap for another hour or so, but she could figure something out. “When would you prefer?”
“Is three o’clock okay?”
After Nesta’s agreement, he was giving her the address to his office and the call was over and Nesta was calling Elain, asking to drop Nyx off on her way over. She didn’t want to wake him, nor did she think a meeting with a lawyer was a good place for a one-year-old.
An hour later, she was pulling into the parking lot of the small law office, and she froze in her car when she spied a familiar truck across the lot.
What in the hell was he doing here?
Nesta made her way inside, letting the pretty receptionist know who she was here to see and she was escorted back to a plush office.
Cassian already waited inside, sitting across the desk from a handsome, dark-skinned man.
“Ms. Archeron,” he said, standing, extending a hand. Nesta shook it with her own. She didn’t miss that Cassian merely sat there as she entered. “Thank you for meeting with me.”
“Of course,” she nodded, taking the seat next to Cassian. Neither of them acknowledged the other, which was for the best.
There was a large stack of papers on Tarquin’s desk and as he sat, he began to lead through them one by one. Sighing, he laid his hands atop the papers.
“I’m going to cut right to the chase here,” he said. “Did Feyre or Rhys talk with either of you about what should happen to Nyx in the event that both of them should die?”
A glance at each other, but they both shook their heads. Cassian said, “No.”
Another deep breath. “They...named the two of you.”
His blue eyes looked between them, and it took Nesta a moment to realize he wasn’t just speaking to her. Just as long as it took Cassian to realize the same.
As one, they both leaned forward, Nesta resting her hands on the desk, Cassian letting his elbows fall in his knees. Nesta said, “They picked us together?” at the same time Cassian asked, “I’m sorry, what?”
Tarquin cleared his throat. “I tried to advise them against it. An unmarried couple, with your own personal history…”
“I don’t understand,” Nesta said, shaking her head. “I…don’t understand.”
“Yeah, me either,” Cassian added.
“Here,” Tarquin said, handing the two of them a letter.
Neither of them reached for it, but Tarquin didn’t back down. He held out the piece of paper until Nesta snatched it and opened it up.
Cassian hovered over her as she read.
Cassian and Nesta,
We are writing this letter in case of a tragedy. Of course, we don’t expect a tragedy to happen, but you never know.
In case something does happen, you’re to take custody of Nyx. Both of you. We know you two don’t get along, but if something were to happen to us, we need you. You see, we want Nyx to have a mom and a dad. We want him to have two people who love and support him no matter what.
There’s a reason we chose you both to be godparents.
Nesta, you have a heart bigger than anyone we’ve ever met, even though you don’t often show it. When you care about someone, you care about them wholeheartedly. You devote your life to them. You make them feel loved, make them feel wanted, make them feel protected. And we know you care about Nyx.
Cass, you love more fiercely than anyone we have ever known. You were dealt a poor hand as a child, and instead of making you bitter, it made you stronger. It made you realize how you want others to be treated, instead of the opposite. You would make an incredible father. Therefore, we made you godfather.
The two of you are opposite halves of the same coin. One of you cannot succeed without the other, even though you’d both probably argue against that statement.
If you’re reading this, it means that something awful has happened. If you’re reading this, it means that we are gone. And, if we are gone, Nyx needs someone. He needs his godparents.
We know you’re scared. We know you’re heartbroken. But, if you love us, the two of you will work together to create a family-like environment for Nyx.
We love you both.
We believe in you both.
Tell Nyx we love him, too. So damn much.
Rhysand and Feyre
Nesta’s hands shook as she lowered the letter. “We… The two of us can’t… We can barely be in the same room as each other, much less take care of a child.”
“As I said, I advised them against this, especially once they explained your personal history to me,” Tarquin said, leaning back in his chair. He laid a hand atop the paper on his desk again. “As I mentioned before, they were very thorough in their planning, even going so far as to put a sum of a portion of their life insurance to pay off the mortgage of their home. They’ve left it to the two of you as well, to ensure Nyx has the easiest time possible. No on and off weekends, no moving back and forth.”
Nesta was still processing his words, when Cassian asked, “Wait, so we’re supposed to live together? Not only take care of him, which I’ll do anyways, but live in the same house?”
With a blink, Nesta looked at him. “You’ll take care of him? I’ve been taking care of him for over a week now.”
“Well, he’s my responsibility, too,” he replied, practically snarling at her. “I’m not going to disrespect Rhys’s wishes by shirking it off on someone else.”
Nesta was about to say something else, was ready to snap, but Tarquin cut her off. “It was my duty to give you the letter, per their will. What you do with it is up to you.”
Nesta left twenty minutes later, ready to set the entire city on fire. She burst out the front doors but didn’t leave alone. Cassian was just behind her, right on her heels, calling her name.
“I’m his godfather and I’m not letting Rhys down,” he said. 
She wasn’t backing down, either. “You realize this isn’t a part time job, right? This is a lifetime commitment, Cassian-.”
“You think I don’t know that?” He asked, stopping in front of her. He paused and blinked, as if he’d just realized she didn’t have him with her. “Where is he?”
She scoffed. “With Elain and Seph. I didn’t want to bring him because I wasn’t sure what this meeting would entail. He’d just gone down for a nap and I didn’t want to mess his schedule up.”
She watched as the words registered, watched as he processed them. He probably didn’t even know Nyx had a nap schedule, and he sure as hell didn’t know what it was.
Nevermind the fact that she hadn’t known it the week before, when Feyre had explained it to her before they’d left. Before they’d-.
Tears stung her eyes, trying to spill over as they always did when she thought about her sister, about Rhys. The fire inside her, the will to fight with Cassian, disappeared almost immediately.
“I need to go get him,” she said, adjusting the purse strap on her shoulder, stepping off the curb towards her car.
Cassian didn’t follow her, and when she pulled out of the parking lot, he was still standing in front of the law offices, looking as lost as she felt.
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