#I had to add a goofy response after seeing souls one
blacktofade · 6 months
Gemtho Fortnight Day 6
Prompt: Gemtho prompt: RPF, Etho actually gives Gem his address (or a PO box maybe) so she can send him a Christmas gift, they start sending goofy penpal letters and trinkets back and forth, but it soon becomes extremely horny letters and perhaps physical nudes.
cw: rpf
“I went to the post office yesterday,” Etho says instead of hello when Gem answers the Discord call.
His voice is rough and strangely echoed, like he’s halfway to taking a sip of the first coffee of his day.
It’s early for him. Gem doesn’t usually see any sign of him until later in the afternoon, and her stomach jolts with anticipation.
“Get anything good?” she asks, feigning innocence, and Etho grunts.
“You’re the only one with my address.”
It’s not Etho’s address, it’s a PO box in Edmonton he’s kept open for months now.
It had started as a joke with Gem threatening to find him to send him a mic stand, but she’d only brought it up once, and yet a week later, Etho had dropped the address into her DMs. Nothing else, just the address, and Gem had taken it and ran.
She’d sent the mic stand, not that she expected him to use it, but she’d also included a Funko Pop of Kakashi, just because she wasn’t about to miss the opportunity.
Eventually, he’d DMed her a photo of the same desk setup that she’d seen before, but the tissue box was gone, replaced with the stand, and near his monitor was the ridiculous Funko figure.
It had made her feel strangely powerful.
She’d started sending him things regularly, not expecting him to continue paying for the space month after month, but nothing had ever been returned to her. It all made it to him.
She’d sent him Easter candy she’d found in the back of a pharmacy, almost a year out of date. She’d sent him an old Sega game with no label from a flea market. She’d sent him a little piece of her soul in the form of a postcard from Boston, wish you were here scribbled on the back.
Later in the year when she’d got home from Twitch Con, she’d sent him a signed photo of Bdubs. She’d got it from John as a joke after too many drinks in the California sun, when they’d both laughed to the point of tears at the thought of Etho opening it.
And a week later Etho had sent her a photo of it framed and sitting on the shelf behind his desk.
It was around that time she’d realized he was doing it for her — the whole PO box setup, his strangely candid responses. He was letting her sneak her way into his life.
Which leads to now and the reason why her palms are sweating.
“Have you opened it yet?” she asks and she hears a creak, like he’s leaning back in his chair.
“I opened it last night.”
Gem swallows, tugging anxiously at the hem of her sweater. “Am I wildly off-base?”
“Depends what reaction you were expecting from me.”
Gem takes a breath. “What reaction did I get?”
“I'm only human,” Etho tells her and Gem shuts her eyes and thinks she understands.
The envelope she'd mailed him had contained Polaroids. The kind of Polaroids she's never sent anyone else, the kind she's never wanted to take before.
She can imagine him at his desk, tipping out the contents and sitting in stunned silence. She can imagine him holding one of the photos — maybe the one of her topless, one hand resting on her ribs, face turned away from the camera but hair unmistakable — touching himself and knowing they'd be having this conversation later.
“That's the reaction I was hoping for,” Gem admits quietly.
“I'm going to keep the PO box open a little while longer,” Etho tells her, and it feels like an aside until he adds, “if you would like to send more.”
He says it like he's doing her a favor, but Gem feels breathless.
“Yeah,” she says, too quick to be anything but eager. “I can do that.”
“I'm also going to need your address.”
Gem's mouth is suddenly dry.
She can do that, too.
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pondslime · 1 year
I've been absent from Tumblr for a couple of days and somehow my FYP is full of Sinclair thots??.?? Is this some national holiday?🥶🥶🥶🥶 I have so many that gnawl at my brain at night.
Imagine calling Bo Beauregard for the first time🤐🤐🤐 You're either trying to be serious and have a real conversation with him for the first time since settling in Ambrose (spoiler: this is impossible. He's misogynistic and a firm believer that there's nothing to talk about with girls🩷🩷🩷🩷 he gives off that TikTok vibe "Do girls even have hobbies?" Like bro, drinking bear and crying ain't a hobby either), or you're so exhausted with his neanderthal shenanigans that you just sigh "Beauregard...." while absolutely pissed off and annoyed.
I just KNOW mama Sinclair would call him Beauregard in that no-nonsense tone when he would rip a hole in his dress pants before church , he must have PTSD from hearing his own freaking name. He's so used to being just Bo, that the only times he even acknowledges his full name are when he's either being scolded by his parents or when he's arrested and sees it on the paperwork.
So yeah, long story short I doubt he'd be amused by anyone calling him Beauregard. RIP MC.
*bonus crack thought* I remember talking here with someone about how Fucking Funny™ would it be to call Bo Robert. I'm not a native English speaker and I honestly never heard of the name Beauregard before😭😭😭 I just assumed Bo is like Bob, which is Robert😂😂😂😂 I'd get smacked on the head with a wrench for trying to be cute and calling him Robert. End scene
omg jhdsjhfjd not the fyp being inundated w/my dumbassery 💀
I lowkey felt like I was spamming the dash last night. BUT idk what came over me, I've had a couple days off work and I'm in a chatty mood hjhdsjahjhsdjh like. I just wanna TALK about this goofy ass movie?? **note to all the poor souls that might be following me rn: pls feel free to block the tag "sinclair brainrot hours" if u would like to save urself from my shenanigans**
this ask is killin me dshjhdfsjhj DRINKING BEER AND CRYING AIN'T A HOBBY BOY
I'm unfortunately part of the Anti-Beauregard Sinclair Hater Nation. I am, after all, the graphic designer responsible for THIS abomination:
Tumblr media
context for this can be found here, with poki's galactic big brain take
I also love this take on what his real actual name is 🐔🧊
I just CANNOT buy this guy as a beauregard hdjhdfjh I simply cannot
HOWEVER. I do this thing w/ppl I'm fond of where I'll lengthen their names in ridiculous ways. like just add in entire syllables and letters that just. wholly don't exist. and I could see one of two situations playing out w/bing bong
scenario one: u drop a "beauregard" out of the blue one day. maybe you're trying to be cute. maybe you're trying to piss him off. he looks over @ u. crinkles his brow and gives u the bitchest lil expression. u best be glad u make good pork chops, WOMAN. bc u can't even remember his NAME. who tf u think ur talkin to??? one of ur fancy shmancy city boys?? get outta here!! just grumblin' around the living room abt how if u want some prissy ass boy w/a genteel ass name like that, his brother's right downstairs grumble grumble mutter mutter
scenario two:
he's been slurpin up that good ambrose moonshine (some crazy ass shit that comes in a jug w/x's on it. u know the one. lester labeled it as "ambrosia" and walks around saying it's the "fruit of the gods" and slappin his knee. bo has no fuckin' idea what he's saying.) and despite his high tolerance, boy's a bit sloshed. so are u. u drunkenly crawl into his lap and call him beauregard. he thinks this is v heehaw funny. whatchu think I am girl?? some kinda royalty?? that pretty lil head of urs is all kindsa messed up!! figure I AM like a king here hehehehehe
both equally as annoying😔
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randomshipperhere · 2 years
Favorite moments from Markiplier Ego vids
From the main series and fan popular ones and the reasons why.
More like me raving about Dark again. Do you have 90 minutes for how did we get here?
ISWM Countdown- 6 days......
ADWM (general)
I’ve never properly discussed why I love ADWM so much but now I get the chance to. I’ll actually get into a dissection post sometime but this is SPECIFICALLY about moments.
“Bonjour” is the greatest joke in this video series and I will not take any criticism.
I have the exact same boots that Mark uses here and I just realized that while rewatching the series for this post. Wild.
He just gave us a massive fan service feast by making all of the fanfics come to life in a comedic, interesting, and very Markiplier manner.
The Romance poster is amazing. I still don’t know who edited that but I want to print it lol.
The fact that we actually get to see (Y/N) Fischbach in the NO option.  I’m so happy Mark is for Y/N rights. Made a post of how funny it is in the ADWM timeline we’re still most likely going around with the name Y/N Fischbach.
We still have the long running joke of not getting back our credit card. 5 years since that date and we never got it back.
Skeleton getting thrown in frame is still an on-going visual gag and I’m sure ISWM will find a way to bring that in. Along with the PB&J and Tuna sandwiches.
That ain’t makeup under his eyes, it’s an edit of Mark’s eyes. In the BTS when they reach to filming in the theatre, Amy says they’ll just add it in post production. Gosh dang it’s a good edit that at first glance you’d really think it’s makeup. It’s most obvious at like 1:11-1:30. It adds a creep factor to it. Most fans when watching this don’t quite have the same scared reaction live (on the day) watchers had y’know. Same for the ear ringing. The goosebumps were real.
Dark you’re really making it hard to not fall for you. 6 years of this bullshit we going round and round in circles and you make me grin way too fucking wide damn it.
I’ve always found a certain VFX funny. It’s the one where Dark’s outline gets larger in the background. Not good at explaining so timestamp, 0:24. That. Same effect is used in Heist but just the enlarged ears. It’s funny to me okay.
Another case of fanon and death of the author. We all like to think of Dark as this untouchable and indestructible being but when confronted with Mark (or Tyler with a printout of Mark’s face in this case), no murder or fight to the deaths happen. Dark just curses at him and proceeds to bag his fucking head in response to his own head being bagged. Sir, you are so fucking goofy. Just the transition from serious blackmail(?) to the fight. Comedy gold everyone.
When pleading their innocence, Dark’s more controlled movements just screamed theater kid to me. I don’t know, I just really found it charming.
Mark’s death sound will never not be funny, I want it as my ringtone.
Dark out here and his first instinct is to reassure us and that’s it’s alright. Master manipulator you are sir! Since you’re fictional I’ll allow it and willingly go forth! At least you had a nice reaction, Mark just assured us that murder was okay in that situation. Even their monologues after, similar script but reactions are night and day.
Also I love chocolate!!!! you aren’t the wrong choice at all~ ISTG if yandereplier didn’t exist I would think you were the yan with your parting words.
Feb 2017 Charity Livestream he explains Amy was the one holding the camera here. So :)))))))))
Markiplier TV
Ethan bless your fucking soul. I love every second of him, especially the one where he came home with flowers.
Santaiplier has a grudge is because of this.
My favorite egos sitting next to each other at the table :D
Someone relaxing in the other room during the ego meeting.
Dark fixing his hair. Fuck this character just needs to exist and I’m head over heels like it’s the first time every time. How annoying.
Host you had so little screen time but I love you to an extent that should not be possible to a minor character who over the span of over 10 years of content has less than a minute and all you did was narrate the event.
2:34 By the district attorney’s body, well I’ll be- I will never get over Santaiplier saying my beloved Dark is NOT on the *not copyrighted* Naughty List. Mark may (jokingly) hate him and Dark’s fans but Santa gets it. One of us! One of us!
Once again. I love Dr. Iplier. This bitch is in my top 5. He’s just so fucking bad at improv. Please don’t let him advertise things. He either forgets or just ignores that the cameras are still rolling
I don’t need to talk about our baby Eric, the fandom already does the justice for him.
Who Killed Markiplier
Poker table recollection by William is underappreciated and I want to say that is in my top moments of Chapter 1.
We’re aware of the Life quotes gif sets from this series and boy are they just immortal. I’ll take all three to print out please!
The groundskeeper is probably the weirdest one off character we’ll ever get.
The Chef is one of my favorite recurring side characters, and the Butler’s presence is nice. It’s funny how little buddy was just there when they rented out the place. The stars aligned for that moment.
Celine, I loved her outfit. Would wear that 10/10.
Actor’s robes are so fucking slutty in the way he descends down the staircase and you just see the legs underneath. No wonder Mark was so careful with how he moved.
Abe. My gosh this detective is so weird but so funny and we just get dragged around and everything is a mess but his presence is fun.
William is a walking fucking stereotype and he is just taken out of Jumanji but he has his own character! I really love the outfit design for him. Those glasses. Very cool. I want to steal those glasses.
Okay but can we talk about how every time Damien is on screen it feels like I’m reading a fanfic but it’s in video form. I swear to God, so many shots it feels like there’s a halo above him. The one on the second floor with those bright ass lights, the gazebo. The whole he’s the only one that trusted you from start to finish (before any of you say there’s the Detective, remember he turns on you for a bit in chapter 3 when Celine arrives at the table). He is an angel. I will die on this hill and I will die for him (quite literally but it technically wasn’t for Damien).
All the Jim videos are a fucking masterpiece of a shitpost that they are my canon Jims. Don’t know those bitches in Markiplier TV, I like them unhinged. Demons Jim is the fucking best.
To note: I’m pretty sure that there were only two hands that it kept alternating with throughout the series. That is Ethan (starting shot in chapter 1), and Amy (last Y/N hand shot in the final chapter with the cane). Make do with that information.
Wilford ‘MOTHERLOVING’ Warfstache
First joke that made me laugh? When the briefcase fell from the car.
Any long time Mark fans know that the party place is the same one from Ninja Sex Party’s Cool Patrol where Mark had a cameo in.
I loved the hmm.... would it classify into environmental story telling? Color theory? IDK. But the way the noir colors with Abe turn into this fucking pop and lively full colored world that Warfstache lives in is just so telling of the kind of characters they are. It’s fucking brilliant. And the way that when they’re in the same frame the colors are somewhere in between those two, it’s just so cool. The art kid in me gives it a thousand thumbs up.
A joke I love to this day: the person who just casually dances away after Abe shot his gun in the air until they’re out of frame.
Wilford doing that thing again where the other person is still talking to them but Wilford isn’t quite there.
The entire car scene. Fuck I love that car scene. Did I mention how much I love the car scene?
The 2 moments where he directly looks at the camera, to you, the viewer while he’s dancing. One at the start and the end. Very cool.
The look of realization in Wilford’s face that he knows Abe. Shit that gets me.
Not at both Wil and Actor saying Celine would carve their hearts out. Bro, she so ruthless.
That small glitch in 10:38.
The fact that Wil’s mustache has frosted pink tips.
The way he just fucking talks to the gun as if it was an actual child.
Both of their acting is top notch. Mick when he finally burst after all of this nonsense, Wil when he delivered his speech to Abe. I will say without bias (and this one really is without bias) that among the WKM storyline videos. This is the series’ Magnum Opus. The Best of the Best.  From the comedy, to crime, and the drama. The tragedy of it all! Even without knowing the story or anything about the Markiplier TV/MarkCU this would be the one video that I would show to friends if they ever asked me to recommend any of his more professionally made videos.
I also feel for Abe to a spiritual level of like wanting to make sense of nonsense even if in the end it doesn’t mean anything. It’s what’s fun for me. Just like right now! with this post! Putting feelings into tangible things through words. With my appreciation for the team’s craft and overanalyzing of things. I like things to make sense even if it doesn’t need to.
This is a half baked thought process but Celine tells Damien to go to sleep and Dark tells the viewer to go to sleep in don’t remember.
Actor says to Damien what he said to the viewer in WKM “It’s not fair, is it?”
Those earlier two points just point the similarities of The DA and Damien.
First most notable thing. From being the author’s head canon during the WKM explanation stream, Celine and Damien being twins is now canon! Congratulations Mark one of your visions has been fulfilled!
“Don’t let anyone ever leave” Fuck the shitty house entity. All my homies hate the house entity.
Bro let me tell you, I liked Actor even with what happened in WKM but this video made me like him a lot. The lilt, the sing song voice. Bastard but I don’t hate him. Never in the way the majority of the fandom feels for him...
The emotion in fucking “Acting like you’re the only one without blood on their hands!” sent me. Bro u right but you got no right to say that to our sweet beloved Damien. Rude.
Actor just has so much character and I am a villain apologist in multiple fandoms so...
In both WMLW and DAMIEN, Mark just saying the word “carve” in each characters accent gets me in a way I’m not sure how to explain. That’s actually explainable, I liked Heathers. You know the song with the word carve. The ones that do, they get it.
Celine is a very cool sister.
Just the entire exchange towards the end, it was so heartfelt. The emotions, wow. “I can’t remember the last time I slept” “Don’t worry I’ll protect you” and the callback to what Celine said earlier. Celine warning Damien of the consequences of his actions, Damien fully understanding this and taking up that mantle. God, such powerful stuff.
In the explanation stream for DAMIEN, it’s incredible how different his views are about certain characters when you compare it to let’s say the ADWM explanation stream. Speaking of, at the end of the stream, he was basically saying the DA is an observer to everything that happens. We are in DAMIEN as simply the viewer. As the actual you behind the screen. Crazy how we’re such an integral character to the plot even if we can’t do anything because without our presence, these stories wouldn’t see the light of day. What’s a hero without a villain and what’s a story without an audience. We may not directly affect what happens but we do get to see as everything unfolds, as the world gets built and broken down.
(this is a long winded way of me saying that the DA is not being sad and miserable the entire time behind the mirror. We are just vibing. Still don’t let my rant stop you from creating your hundred year stuck in the mirror DA fanfic.)
A Heist With Markiplier
This is the longest of the entire thing so I’ll batch them up and really really make it short as possible.
Main video- banger we got to go on a quick heist adventure. Quick in and out. The story is finished we did the Heist. Mark dummy is incredible comedy in the works. Waiting for this tradition to come back in ISWM.
Dark tunnel & Endings- SMH why does he want to die so badly. No Mark, I will not allow you to kill yourself. Laughed my ass off when we cuffed ourselves to Mark. He ain’t leaving. Very final split up option, I really like the vibe of ending 29. Alright, I’ll live in a foggy area in a cottage. Sure. Ending 30 is amazing with the whole seeing the alternate endings without having been there in that timeline. About Ending 31? I’m just a simple simp simpleton. My most popular post in this fandom is saying how much I love him.
Light tunnel & Endings- Animation is cool as shit. Very sus for Mark to say not again with the alien ending because that implies in Ending 23 that ADWM came first then AHWM. Caveman MatPat fuck yeah. Ending 25 fun but terrifying love the not actually freeze frame. Captain Magnum’s death by snu snu line delivery is funny. Out of all the random deaths, getting cannoned out is my favorite. Golden Treasure’s an entire reference that I like kind of ending. Treasured Gold is cheesy but at least its one of the better endings.
Car & Endings- underrated moment is when you wake up and he cooks breakfast for you. Heist Mark huge BF material. Illinois being such a flirt intentional or not is much appreciated. His wink, with the whiplash! What a heartbreaker but Illinois is pretty charismatic so he get’s a pass. Then there’s this zombie apocalypse route is where Mark is the best partner you could ask for. Like when he punched Zombie Tyler for us, asked us if we were okay and if we needed something for the cough. Ending 4 is cute. Screaming with Ed is great. That oh so familiar pb&j and tuna sandwich options. Endings 8 & 9 are way too wholesome. Time is fucked but we got a scientist this time and Mark is on our side. Awww. Seriously, how sweet. Ending 6 is a very satisfying end. Honestly the Car route is like the best way to go, least bad ends.
Helicopter & Endings- Worst idea since we get sent to prison. Not so bad idea when Mark got punched and we got Yancy singing. Incredibly rude to kick dance us to death but incredibly bittersweet when we had to say our goodbyes. Yancy’s “youse gonna fit riiight in” hits the right notes. Not much to say about the Charm the guards route. Bob and Wade’s appearance :DDD. I have a love-hate relationship with Wilford’s I ❤ U underwear. I love how we’re in the hot seat and we got to live.
The Ned Affair- The Warfstache Saga
This comment sums up everything concisely
yamiaainfero (4 years ago) comments: Warfstache has an affair, murders a bunch of people, and shoots a detective (It was an accident, I swear). Wil...really can't let go of the past, can he?
The Fall of Slender Man
It is canon that Warfstache beat up Slender man during the time he had an afro and went to Jamaica with said afro. His popular ‘Warfstache don’t take shit from nobody’ line.
Warfstache Interviews Markiplier
The Nani is everything to me.
Another moment I found hilarious is the shot where Wilford just wasn’t in the seat and Mark is just continuing on his ramblings as if Wilford was still in that chair.
Final one, is when Wilford unsheathes the knife from his stockings. Like that implied he wasn’t wearing pants during the interview and Mark either wasn’t paying attention or just didn’t comment on it.
And while it was just a funny skit at the time, with the lore we have now it’s interesting how our perception of the video changed. It’s as if Wilford isn’t lucid enough to recall a certain Mark he used to know or this could be the egos testing the waters on how they could kill Mark.
Honorable Mention:
For being a canon non-canon and very fan service video. Well it seems on the Mark side it’s non-canon. Jack’s side seems to be semi-canon in fanon lore. Even rewatched explanation video for it. Gosh, simpler times. The bloopers video is such a good cringe too. Seems to be the video that solidifies how Dark is just kinda flirty, kinda sensual without meaning to. So yes people, he is both flirting and threatening you.
+ nose boop and embarrassed reactions from everyone. Fucking SS tier quality bloopers.
The Warfstache Automated Interview Automaton
Honestly I should be ashamed at myself for forgetting this but yeah this short very FNAF inspired CYOA was sad. Potato salad and exotic butters kinda sad. Also whoever created the 3D models. Amazing work.
Don’t Open the Door
Not considered but this was just a fucking fever dream of an experience. The title naming suggests it’s a Dark related video but it’s just Mark. Very confusing.
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hiccanna-tidbits · 3 years
this is a genuine, curious question! what's appealing 2 u about jackunzel :^] ??
Sure, I can talk about why I ship Jackunzel!!!
@gryffindorkxdraws has some posts about why she likes Jackunzel here, here, and here, so those are a pretty good rundown of reasons to supplement mine. But I’ll make a list of my own!
Why Jackunzel Owns My Entire Soul: An Essay in Disorganized Bullet Points ~I dig the sun/moon symbolism! Like Jack was chosen by the moon and Rapunzel has the powers of the sun. It’s such a nice contrast, and it also lends itself really well to star-crossed lover-type fantasy/fairy tale AUs (which I am ALWAYS a sucker for!) ~From what little we know about Jack’s preference in girls (i.e. the slight crush he seemed to have on Tooth), Rapunzel seems like EXACTLY his type--bubbly, energetic, optimistic girls with a bit of a maternal streak. I think even the RotG director confirmed Punz is the kind of girl Jack would like! ~Jack also absolutely seems like Punzel’s type--if Flynn/Eugene is anything to go by, she’s kind of into sarcastic troublemakers with a hidden soft side XD And she also seems to like guys who are good with kids, if Eugene reading “The Adventures of Flynnigan Rider” to the younger kids at the orphanage is anything to go by! ~They both seem to be naturally pretty social people who suffered a lot from being isolated for a really long time--Jack had it worse, obviously (300 years--OUCH), but it was rough on Punz as well, growing up for 18 years with no one for company but Mother Gothel and Pascal. Jack, spending all that time with no one able to see him and only the guardians (who weren’t even really his friends from much of that time) for company, would understand that pain a lot. I feel like they’d be able to connect on a really deep and intimate level about the pain they felt at being isolated for so long, and this would give them a really strong bond that I can easily see turning into something romantic. ~They’re both just such genuinely lively and fun-loving people, and I can imagine them having a ton of fun together and just genuinely really enjoying spending time together. Like imagine the snowball fights!!! The ice-skating!!! The sledding!!! Chasing each other through the forest!!! Jack grabbing onto Punz and her wrapping her hair around a tree and swinging them around Tarzan-style!!! Like literally the entire scene where Punzel leaves her tower for the first time and is goofing off and doing Silly Shit for like an hour straight??? Like man...if Jack was there, they’d have the TIME OF THEIR LIVES together. Idk I just really love couples who I think would have a lot of fun together, it’s so pure <3 ~They’re both so loving!!! Like Rapunzel goes out of her way to be supportive to an entire tavernful of terrifying “ruffians and thugs” because they have dreams, and she’s so sweet to Flynn/Eugene no matter how many times he snarks at her and tries to alienate her!!! And Jack loves loves LOVES entertaining kids, and it genuinely makes him so happy to give them snow days :3 I just feel like they’d shower each other with love, and it’s honestly no less than they both deserve!!! ~Rapunzel especially is such an affectionate person, and I can see her doing just absolutely everything in her power to make Jack feel as seen and as loved as possible after 300 years of being alone. And god, does he NEED it, too. Like no way is this boy NOT touch-starved, and with some MAJOR self-esteem issues (although he’s good at hiding them). Rapunzel would do absolutely everything in her power to build him up and make him feel wanted and validated--and since it’s in her nature to do so, it would never feel like a burden or an effort for her. And she’d love him so much that hyping him up just comes naturally! She’s just got the kind of nurturing personality that someone as affection-starved as Jack really needs, and I think she could help him feel safe, comfortable, and loved in a way a lot of people couldn’t. ~For all the fun they’d have together, I also feel like Jack needs someone to ground him a bit and provide the Brain Cell to perhaps reign in that Unchecked Chaotic Energy of his sometimes XD Rapunzel certainly has a smart and rational side--I mean, she charted STARS as a teenager!!! She figured out how to get this stranger she captured to take her into the kingdom to see the lanterns!!! Girl can be spontaneous and goofy, sure, but she’s got smarts and kind of a mature streak that I think mesh with Jack really well. He’d never feel like she was a wet blanket stifling his fun, but she’d also have a sense of when to transition away from goofing off and focus on responsibilities (princess and guardian responsibilities in this case, I suppose?) ~On the flipside, I don’t see Rapunzel as being someone annoyed or irritated by Jack’s antics. She might like...gently scold him if he takes a prank too far, but she never finds his shenanigans to be grating and tiresome the way other people might. Rather, I think she’d be endlessly entertained by him. Like in his memory reel when he’s dicking around pretending to be a deer, she’d get a kick out of that! Jack would always be trying to make her laugh and make her smile, and Punz would love that so much about him! ~They’re both searching for a deeper meaning and a deeper sense of purpose in their lives. Rapunzel entertains herself with hobbies, but doesn’t feel like her life has really “begun” and is desperate to find out if her hunch is right and the floating lights really ARE meant for her. Jack has no idea why he was chosen by the moon or what he’s meant to do, and he’s determined to find out so he can finally have a sense of purpose. Rapunzel clearly wants a sense of purpose too, since she wants to do more with her life than pass the time with hobbies. I can definitely see them bonding over this! ~They’re both just so adventurous, and love to explore! Rapunzel is curious, and loves to read and learn, and she wants more than anything else to see the world and all it has to offer. Jack loves adventuring and flying around the globe spreading winter and fun, and he could show Punz everything she ever wanted to see. A perfect match, honestly! ~Aesthetically I LOVE the similarities!!! Like they both like to go barefoot, kinda showing their free-spirited natures. And I love how they’re both naturally brunette, but had their hair turned a different color by magic. It’s a little thing, but I think it’s a really neat parallel and it helps cement me thinking they really ARE perfect for each other in every little way! Haha XD AND they both have small green companions, and as of Ralph Breaks The Internet, they’re hoodie buddies as well!!! Not that surface-level parallels like that are actually that significant BUT I just think they’re neat XD ~While I am fond of Flynnzel/Eugenzel (still my favorite canon Disney couple!), finding out their age gap is around 8 years admittedly made me a bit uncomfy and just pushed me further into loving Jackunzel as an alternative option. I still really love Eugene as a character and adore his and Punzel’s dynamic, but these days I prefer their relationship as more of a big bro/little sis type thing. Jack I think is the best match for Rapunzel romantically, and Eugene I prefer with Elsa--or poooossibly Tooth, Astrid, or Zarina, if I read a fic that sells the pairing well enough! ~On a related note, I was into Jack x Tooth the first time I watched RotG, but after discovering Jackunzel, there was no going back--I was hooked! Rewatching the movie, Tooth strikes me more as a mom figure/”fun aunt” for Jack, and I actually prefer her with Bunnymund (I am WEAK for “the grumpy one is soft for the sunshine one” lmao)
Well, I think that just about covers it!!! I’ll add more reasons if I think of them! Thank you for the ask, and I’m always happy to answer more ship asks about CGI crossover pairings :3
Also @ the anon who asked for Jackunzel headcanons--fear not, I shall provide them!!! I just wanna make a complete list and accumulate all the ones from my various fics so it’s gonna take a while XD
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I’ve seen a fad where people describe their original character’s personality with a few canon characters from different series.
What characters do you think you could combine to make Joelle?
☆꧁✬◦°˚°◦. ♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ .◦°˚°◦✬꧂☆ Thank you for the ask Mel! It actually took me a good amount of time to even decide upon who would be most fitting to build Joelle. Since she has some of my own self insert in her , but really which oc doesn't? It was kind of hard to decide xD But I think I've managed to collect the ones that are pretty relatable with my character. So here it goes!
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Lucy - Elfen Lied If I have to be honest I've never would of thought upon how similar Joelle and Lucy stories are. I was never intending to have so many similarities with this specific characters until recently I stumbled upon a video that made me remember a bit more about the anime and how it played out. Lucy is a very interesting character , born with a 'sickness' ever since she was little kind of reminded me upon Joelle's origin as a pillar both past and present . Lucy has been bullied , barely knew any kind of friends and because of her 'sickness' everyone was after her because what she can cause with her powers , until she stumbled upon one that really liked her for who she was [Kind of gives me the possible Joseph or Rei vibes but without the romantic kind of intent that was implied in the story because Lucy did fall in love with her best friend.] She was brought into a lab to keep away from the outside world and experimented on , until she broke out and was given a chance for a second life regardless of what she had witnessed and did in her youth.
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Ren Tao - Shaman King A few aspects that I can collect from Ren are the anger he has built for humanity that really matches with Joelle's story . Because when she ended up in the XPD facility where they did various of experiments on her and basically played her like a toy she began to pile up a lot of anger upon those people creating an image in her head that they were all the same . But after meeting with someone who opened her eyes to the world , she began to have another look upon things and wanted to try and move on and heal but also find a new purpose in life .
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Edward Elric - Fullmetal Alchemist When ever I would look at Ed I could actually see a few aspects of Joelle as well , because of his own determination to fix what he has done in the past and return his brother back to his original body , reminds me of how Joelle wants to protect her new family and find a way to stop evil from prevailing . It also gives a pinch of hint upon how him and his brother were trying to bring back their mother , is a similarity upon how Joelle wanted to bring back her own mother but instead she ended up releasing a curse that later on haunts her , the same way Ed and Alphonse tried to bring their mother back and ended up creating a homunculus being. Sadly I haven't watched brotherhood and I really need to , but I'd assume I'd find even more similarities if I do so~. But I do however see a lot of pieces of Ed in Joelle!
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Misaki Ayuzawa - Kaichou wa maid-sama This goes a bit on her emotional side to be honest. Misaki is a perfect representation of Joelle , a strong and very responsible individual and yearns for a piece of romance in her life that will assure her that they will stay with them for who they are . A perfect aspect of her Tsundere side because she is very conflicted and very confused when it comes to these sort of things. I absolutely adore her strong character and how she is able to handle so many responsibilities , reminds me upon her current position in the SpeedWagon foundation , a lot fear her because of how she would act and how her attitude just goes across the room, but a good amount also admire her when they get to know her personally and understand her better upon why she is the way she is , that she has a very gentle side to her.
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Chise Hatori - Ancient Magus Bride Another little lost soul that was being sold to the world. Chise has always been one of my most favorite characters once I started the anime , the aspects of her that I see in Joelle are the growth she managed to accomplish with herself , she used to have a normal life a happy family , but eventually that turned around when 'dark beings' (which would hint the cults of Hearteater) began to make their way into their life and make it more dangerous to be around , and even the fact that her own 'blood and family' tried to kill her is the hint of her father that almost killed her. [But in the anime it was the mother that tried to.] She eventually ends up in good hands which help her see the world with different eyes and find who she really is and help her discover her own courage and determination that she wants to do better for herself and others around her .
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Shigeo Kageyama - Mob Psycho Little little shy Mob~. He was one of my main inspirations if I have to be honest because a lot matched with the two of them. This comes around her more doubtful and shy side. Mob is a perfect representation of both Joelle's moods , when she is sweet and respectful to a menace and a deadly being if they come near their family. Her relationship with Reigen matches with the one me and my friend Mel have with Joelle and Yorie . Let's not forget about how crazy batshid he went when they took his brother away and he was willing to do everything in his powers to save him... but there was also the fire in his house.. now that is basically the next level of Chapter Death in a sense. But for real there are a lot of aspects behind Mob that I connect with Joelle and how her character is displayed~.
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Yuuji Itadori - Jujutsu Kaisen Yuji is the aspect of Joelle that exists kind of rare but it's still there , it's her little goofy side , but the amount of love for her friends and family is also there . His determination and courage to protect his new friends is the same as Joelle trying to protect her own regardless of what kind of burden both of them carry that can cause the destruction of the world, even if the the two of them might appear weak to most they would always throw themselves in danger to protect their loved ones , but later one begin to grow in personality and strength . Maybe I can even connect a tad bit Sukuna and Chapter Death because both are the representation of the final stage when the 'scary' takes over and would basically erase your existence . Yuji and His friends remind me a whole lot of Joelle and her own little crew and how each of them help each other and will always be there no matter what. Basically the hero that wants to save everyone and doesn't really care what happens to them , as long as everyone is safe .
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Manjiro Sano and Ken Ryuguji - Tokyo Revengers These two go in pair ~. I see a big portion of aspects of the two in Joelle and each of them kind of represent her 'goofy' and her very serious and respect side. Mikey is a bit more laid back and chill but at the same time very scary , a bit how Joelle is in a sense how she can be so calm on certain occasions until she finally snaps and beats the crap of anyone who doubted her and called her 'small and helpless.' This is the aspect I enjoy the most between the two because they underestimate their opponent and then get their ass handed to them , that's how the two kind of go xD. Draken would be maybe her grown up and mature side in a way and the one that keeps things in line when ever there is justice that needs to be served because no one is allowed to hurt their friends and family. Very loyal and determined and even jump down to apologize for their wrongs to try and correct themselves and possibly help their friends understand the situation a little better , unless there is no way out they always try and reason first before jumping into action.
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Nezuko Kamado - Demon Slayer / Kimetsu no Yaiba [New Add] I almost forgot!! Honestly I can't forget to include my favorite little goofball . Another little demon that I can see a lot of personality traits and aspects in Joelle as well. Nezuko and Tanjiro are also a good representation of both Jericho and Joelle in a sense because of how strong their bond is beyond anything . I don't want to spoil anything in my current arcs because I want to keep it a surprise since I have a whole lot of things to decide on . Nezuko displays Joelle's very protective side and very caring one as well the side of value she feels towards her surroundings and regardless of being a little 'different' she still is the same person no matter what happens and will never lose her humanity even after being 'cursed'. And even be a little bit of a hint of her sensitive and cute side too regardless that she doesn't show it too often xD.
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Saitama - One Punch Man And last but not least , I put him on the bottom because at the beginning when I was creating Joelle I would always think of Saitama and how she was going to play out of sort of a joke that is really powerful and kind of blunt in a sense . But now she has grown so much and has so much potential , story and personality behind her that you can't even imagine! Saitama was maybe my very first inspiration when I created her because for some odd reason I really like OP shid and I mean literally xD. I don't know why but I just do , but regardless of Joelle being kind of OP orientated , later on when I began to play out her story I started to balance her because I wanted her to seem a bit more real other than I just came here to kick your ass and you're dead now lmfao. She still has some funny little aspects of Saitama behind her that's for sure , but she is completely different now and I am super proud of what a long journey she has gone through and grown so much as a character ^ ^. Thank you so much for sending in dear!!I really enjoyed this ask <333!! - Cards
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dreamties · 4 years
Poly!Ghostface x Male S/O Dealing With the Loss of a Sibling
A/n- Anon, I really hope you’re doing okay! I know losing a family member can be really hard, but I’m sending you lots of good energy your way. You’re gonna get through this. ❤
Word Count: 1,133 :)
T/W: Vague Death Mention
As much as he tried avoiding his feelings - it never worked out with you and Stu there. You'd always find little ways to coax them out of him. Push all the right buttons, and you'd unlock one of Billy's many secrets.
No matter who was upset, and who was comforting who- it always got messy and emotional, and ended with lots of physical affection. Though, Billy quite enjoyed the last part. After baring his soul to his partners, he liked the feeling of your bodies sandwiching him together. The way their legs entangled his, and the soft caress of your hands through his hair.
And with how long the three of you had been together- this should have been second nature to him. But he still found himself freezing up and unsure of how to approach you...especially now. He couldn't tell you it was all gonna be okay, and that it would pass soon enough- he had no real connection to such events. He had no siblings (neither did Stu), and he'd never lost a significant family member in such a way...with it all, he felt more at a loss for words than ever.
He decides to approach it in the only way he knows how- with horror movies, and snacks, and practically hanging off each other as you watch your selected films. It may have been a somewhat unorthodox way of helping someone through grief, but it was the only sense of comfort Billy knew...at least it used to be. He smiles at the small memories of the three of you, smiling and laughing at something dumb Stu had said. That goofy grin of his, tongue sticking out.
Now, he supposes the two of you- the love that was shared- was the best comfort he could ever have in this world. And he'd do what he could to share that feeling with you.
Billy's seated on the couch, your form curled up next to him, head lying in his lap. You’re quiet as he idly pets your hair.
He's smiling down at you- in that soft type of smile that only you and Stu were allowed to see.
He presses a gentle kiss to the top of your head, "We got your favorite."
You hum in return. Billy's smile falters somewhat, but keeps playing with your hair. "Ya like that, baby?"
You nudge your head closer to him. "Good," he says.
He turns his attention towards the kitchen, yelling out for his other boyfriend. “Hey Stu, ya almost done in there?” 
Stu responds with a simple ‘yeah’ in return. He was in the middle of fixing up some popcorn. You simply can’t have a movie night without your proper movie snacks- those are just the rules. 
Usually you'd all do it together, and then spend a little while playfully bickering about what to watch- no, Billy, we are not watching Psycho again, we've already seen it twice this week. And yes, Stu- you still haven't seen that film yet. And no, not today, it's too long.
Though tonight, while it wasn't filled with little chatter like that- it was nice to have something decided on. A few classics- not too gory and generally more plot focused- but mostly ones that were your favorite. Ones that always got you going, got you in the mood. Made you happy. That’s what was important here.
Soon, Stu- with the big bowl of popcorn-was joining the two of you on the couch. He places the bowl in front of you, and leans into you, wrapping one of his long arms around you. You let out a surprised squeak- and he laughs in return.
"It's okay, babe. Just me. Ya excited for our movie night?" He grins at you.
You tentatively nod, humming in response.
He all too excitedly nods, “Yeah?”
"Yeah, of course, it's just," you sigh.
He gives you one of his classic, worried, puppy-eyed looks. "Just what? Do ya need anything?" 
You try swallowing, finding it suddenly all too hard to do. “It hurts,” you admit. Finding yourself nervously playing with your hands, picking at your nails, your skin. Stu’s quick to cover your hands with one of his, and you find yourself calming down. “To think about,” you add on.
“You wanna talk about it?” Stu murmurs, still holding onto your hands.
You shake your head, “I don’t want to think about it right now, okay, Stu?”
He nods back understandably, and rests his head against you. He notices how red your eyes look, and how the tears cluster at the corners of them. He looks expectantly up at Billy. Billy cocks a brow at him, unsure. Part of him thought that this, this whole night- would be enough. It would fix things. Which...was silly of him to think. He wanted him and Stu to be the only people that could help you, and hold you- and make everything better. So he doesn’t know why Stu, of all people, is looking at him like that. Like Billy had the answers that he didn’t. 
"Well,” Billy hesitates, freezing his movements for a second. “Well, you've got us," he says, wiping the tears from your eyes.
Stu nods again in return, nuzzling his face against yours. Pressing tiny kisses along your face, “Ya ready to start? We’ve got (favorite movie) all set up!” He grins down at you, giving you a long, wet, sorta sloppy kiss.
When he pulls away, you can just make out a trail of saliva dribbling down his chin. He quickly wipes at it with his sleeve, sticking his tongue out, smiling wildly. You scrunch up your nose, cringing in response. “God, that’s gross, dude,” you mumble. And with the silly positivity radiating off of your boyfriend- so intense and magnetic- you can't help to smile back.
"There it is," he giggles, finally letting you go to start the movie.
You whimper as Stu gets up again, a wave of cold instantly washing over you- Billy instinctively holds on tighter. With a free hand he reaches up towards their boyfriend, "C'mon man, the movie can wait- they need you."
It doesn’t take much for Stu to join you back on the couch, wrapping his arms tight around you once more. Billy leans down pressing a light kiss to Stu- who seems all too thrilled at the affection- and a tender kiss to your forehead, murmuring a small “I love you” to both. 
You smile, allowing Billy’s hands through your hair again, down your neck- touching you so delicately- to lull you into a dreamy state. You weren't sure about the future, but you knew right now would be okay- between the warmth emanating from your partners, and the soft words Stu whispered in your ears, and Billy simply being there.
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worryinglyinnocent · 3 years
Fic: Sheltered By Memories
Summary: The night after the Promised Day, there’s a thunderstorm. 
Ed hates thunderstorms. 
He can’t exactly wake Al to keep him company through it, not when he’s only just able to sleep again.
But Hohenheim’s awake, and as the weather rages outside, Ed and his father begin to tentatively rebuild the bridge between them, starting with memories of a similar storm many years ago. 
Rated: G
Sheltered by Memories
One would have expected the night after an event as momentous as the Promised Day to be clear and still, with the stars shining brightly and a big full moon. Ed knows that he can’t hope for a full moon since it was an eclipse today, but he can still be utterly furious that he’s woken up in the middle of the night to find that it’s hammering down with rain and howling a gale, with lightning flashing across the sky every five seconds and thunder rolling loud enough to wake the dead.
Ed curls up, pulling the thin hospital blanket over this head in a futile attempt to block out the storm. Across the room, Al is sleeping peacefully, undisturbed by the weather outside. Ed feels a pang of something he can’t quite define. Al’s never been bothered by thunderstorms. Even when they were little kids, Al was always at ease with the weather, never flinching or cringing at the bangs and crashes and flashes. 
Al never normally sleeps through storms, though. Even back before the armour, he would always stay awake with Ed if there was a storm.
Ed can’t wake him now though. Not when he’s been unable to sleep for so long and now he finally can.
Ed peers out of the blankets and as the next flash of lightning plunges the room into brightness again, he sees Hohenheim sitting in the chair at the foot of Al’s bed. 
“Hohenheim? How long have you been here?”
“I’ve been here the whole time, you just weren’t awake.”
“Oh.” Ed’s not exactly surprised. After the adrenaline of the final battle with Father and that final trip to the Gate to get Al back had worn off, he’d all but collapsed. He has a vague memory of Hohenheim catching him before he hit the ground, and the haziness of waking up in this bed a few times before the thunder started and woke him properly. He thinks he can be forgiven for not paying attention. 
Hohenheim gets up and comes across to perch on the edge of Ed’s bed. 
“Your mother hated storms too,” he says. “I remember the big storm of ‘02. Al slept right through it and the rest of us had a terrible night.”
It’s jarring to hear Hohenheim talk about events from Ed’s childhood that Ed himself can’t remember. He missed so much of their lives that it’s easy to think that he wasn’t paying any attention to any of it, and easy to forget that he was there until Ed was five, however much he might have stayed in the background. 
That said, now that he’s mentioned it, Ed does have a vague memory of being three years old on a night like this one, and tiptoeing into his parents’ bedroom because the light was on. He remembers Mom curled up tight against Dad (because he was still Dad back then, he hadn’t left yet and lost the right to that name), her fists pulling his undershirt out of shape and mangling it more with every flash of lightning. He remembers crawling into bed with them and Dad pulling him in close, one arm around Ed and one around Mom, keeping both of them safe from the storm. 
“I forgot Mom was scared of lightning.” He feels bad about it. How could he have forgotten something like that? He tries to reason with himself - it’s been ten years since she died, he was so young, Resembool so rarely gets thunderstorms like this one - but he still feels a gnawing guilt at having forgotten something about Mom.
“It’s all right. Trisha was always so brave and strong. It’s hard to believe she was ever scared of anything.”
The lightning flashes again, illuminating Hohenheim’s face. He’s off in the middle distance, deep in memories of Mom, but he’s there, and against all the odds, Ed feels safe. His heart is still leaping to his mouth with every roiling rumble of thunder, but he’s not alone, and Hohenheim doesn’t mock his fear. 
Strange. Just as he can’t really believe Mom was ever scared of anything, he can’t really imagine Hohenheim being scared of anything either. Maybe it’s because he was always so distant, always concentrating on something else. The only emotion Ed can remember on him from his childhood is frowning.
“What are you scared of?” he asks presently. 
Hohenheim doesn’t answer for a long time.
“My worst fear came true,” he says eventually. “So I don’t think I’m scared of anything now. I lost you and Al and your mother. I think that was always what I was most scared of.”
There’s a kind of catharsis in hearing him admit that. He and Ed and Al are all in the same room and all three of them are alive and comparatively well, but he still admits that he’s lost them, that he messed up royally when he left. Even though Ed now understands why he did it and why he didn’t really have another choice, that he would definitely have lost them all if he hadn’t done anything, it still soothes the sting of it all. 
“Did Mom know?” Ed asks. “About the souls, and Father, and the Promised Day and everything?”
Hohenheim nods. “Not all of it. She knew about the souls. I didn’t think it was entirely courteous to start a relationship without her knowing about the several thousand voices in my head. She knew I was immortal. That’s why we made that promise; that I’d find a way to get back to normal and she’d outlive me. She knew about Homunculus, because I’d told her the story of how I got this way. I didn’t tell her about the Promised Day and why I had to leave. She knew I had to do something that only I could do, but I didn’t want to worry her with the scope of it.”
“She always believed you were coming back. Even right at the end.”
“I always was coming back.” The lightning flashes, and Hohenheim’s eyes look old, every one of those four hundred odd years showing in his expression. “I didn’t realise I would be gone for so long, but I was always going to come back. I dared to hope that once it was all over, we could have a normal life and not need to worry about anything again.”
Outside, the storm continues to rage, and Hohenheim continues to watch it calmly, just taking it in.
“I think it’s fitting that it’s storming tonight,” he says. “Washing away the old, getting rid of it all in one big rumbling explosion. Nature’s last act of violence to drown out the violence of the old world and make way for something new and peaceful. There’s always sun after a storm.”
Ed huffs, pulling the blankets up again. “There’d better be.”
Hohenheim smiles. “There will be.”
Ed closes his eyes, the bright flashes and sudden cracks of thunder no longer making him shiver. Even as he’s drifting off, he can feel that Hohenheim’s still sitting on the bed, still watching the storm. 
Still there. 
The sky is bright blue and sunny without a cloud in it when Ed wakes up. The birds are singing and the dissonance from the previous night is almost mocking. Still, the storm is over, and the rest of their lives can now begin in calmness, just as Hohenheim said last night. 
Ed sits up, looking around. Al is still asleep, and Hohenheim is nowhere to be found, but Izumi is sitting in the chair. She gives him a tired smile. 
“Hey Ed.”
“Hi, Teacher. Where’d Hohenheim go?”
“The men’s room. And I think he’s probably searching for coffee as well.”
“Oh.” It’s such a mundane explanation for his absence and Ed has no idea why he was expecting something more weird and wonderful other than the fact his father seems to be a magnet for the weird and wonderful.
Ed is prevented from any further contemplation by the sound of Al yawning from the other bed. He scrunches his face up before he opens his eyes, and Ed’s missed that goofy expression so much. 
“Hey. Welcome back.”
“Hey.” Al looks over at Ed, and then at Izumi. “Hi Teacher.”
“Hey Al.”
“Was there a storm last night? I think I remember hearing thunder at one point.”
Ed laughs. “Yeah, it was ridiculous. I’m amazed you slept through it. Guess you really needed a nap, huh.”
“Yeah. I hadn’t realised how much I enjoy sleeping.” Al stretches out his thin arms and looks over at Ed again. “You could have woken me. I wouldn’t have minded.”
Ed shakes his head. “I think the nurses would probably have minded. You need all the sleep you can get to get your strength back. I was ok. Da-- Hohenheim was here.”
Al quirks an eyebrow at the slip but doesn’t say anything, and it’s another expression that Ed’s missed. He’s always known when Al’s making that face, even in the armour, there’s something in his silence that Ed knows equates to that little quirk, but at the same time, it’s so good to finally see it again. 
There’s a knock on the door and Sig and Hohenheim come in bearing coffee, handing off a mug each to Izumi and Ed. 
Hohenheim smiles on seeing Al awake. 
“Good morning Al. Did you sleep well?”
“Yes, thanks. Honestly just any sleep is amazing right now.”
“We did check with the nurses but no coffee for Al,” Sig adds. “It’s good to see you awake, kid.” 
“That’s ok.” Al waves the arm with the IV line in. “Probably for the best right now.”
Ed just sits quietly, sipping his coffee, watching them all. It’s going to be strange now; his life has been completely turned on its head, but he knows that no matter what, he’s got Al to see him through it, and it seems like Hohenheim’s going to stick around. Maybe before Ed wouldn’t have wanted him to; they’ve got this far without him, they don’t need him going forward. But this is a time for new beginnings, and maybe a time for his feelings finally beginning to thaw, now that he knows Hohenheim takes that responsibility that has so long lain on Ed’s shoulders, now that he’s taking back that burden that has been Ed’s to bear alone for so long. 
It doesn’t undo everything that’s already been done and suffered; those memories will always be there and will always be painful. 
But it’s a start, and that’s all they need.
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thefandomsurfer · 3 years
Favorites-Fruits Basket
Favorite Characters-
1. Kyo
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Hes angry, hes tragic, and he's a secret soft boi all in one. Kyos tied to me in a very dear way since, before the remake, He was one of the very first anime characters I fell in love with. I even named my orange cat after him! He's also a cat boi, and who does love cat bois? Hes someone who has been through so much in his life and decided he'd hate the world, himself, the person who he felt was responsible for his misfortunes, everybody. But he grew softer and softer as the episodes went on, until Tohru broke through his shell completely. He's a good boi, who deserves the world but instead got nothing.
2. Yuki
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Yuki is someone who slowly but surely climbed up my list until he made it to number two. This rat boi is not my ideal type at first. He was always sad, and I liked him enough, but I never warmed up to him. Until suddenly, I realized I just started to love him. His character grew, and developed and It happened so organically I didnt notice until I saw him acting so freely with Manabe. Hes such a good character, like most of the characters in this show.
3. Rin\Isuzu
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Shes been through so much in her life. She was told time and time again how much she was unwanted, how much nobody cared for her. But she found solace in Haru-And then the time came to let him go or he'd get hurt. So she did. Shes angry-Like Kyo-And a little too violent at times. But she's got hope yet, and shes very protective and loyal to those she cares about.
4. Hatsuharu
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Haru is an old favorite and he still holds a high spot on my list to this day. Hes funny and cute and his relationships to the other Zodiac members warm my heart. I love his relationship with Yuki, Rin and him makes me smile, and everytime he picks up Kisa and hugs her I get super soft. He also has that 'dark' side to him that adds spice to his character-So he's not just comic relief. Also-How protective he got over Rin?? When he tried to punch Akito?? Perfection.
5. Tohru
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Tohru is adorable and sunshine incarnate. However, shes also just as broken up inside as a lot of other characters in this show. She had also been through a lot, and even though she seems like the typical 'Overly-Kind, Cheerful Girl' she becomes so much more then that the more you watch her.
Honerable mentions: Hana, Manabe, Akito, Kureno, and Momiji.
Favorite ship:
I am a simple soul, I see angry cat boi go soft for sunshine cinnamon roll, I ship.
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What they both stand for in each others lives, the light in the darkness, their hope-Everything. Kyo was essential to Tohrus development, and Tohru was a key part to Kyos. His softness with her, his protectivness, his desparte want to be with her, and her finally being selfish and putting her wants first-Her want to be with him, and her need to keep him by her side-Its all I want in a ship. They have angst, they have fluff, they have domestic moments...The playfullness he exudes around her and the goofiness she has around him...They both dont show that side to other people.
But Haru and Rin grew on me in the final season and Manabe and Yuki are v cute. (Even though thats not the cannon Yuki ship)
Favorite Quote:
I have so many I dont think I can choose just one. But I'll say the one that sprang to mind first-Even if this is not the 'absolute favorite'.
"During Katsuyas Funeral some no-good relatives said some no-good things.
'She doesnt look a bit like Katsuya.'
'Are we sure shes even his?'
And 'She'll be no comfort at all.'
She was so young, maybe they thought they could say what they wanted and she wouldnt understand.
Idiots. Children absolutely understand what adults say."
Best Looking Girl: Rin\Isuzu
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Runner ups: Kyoko, Machi and Hanna!
Best Looking Boy (These two are a couple and it has my bisexuality quaking): Haru
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Runner ups: Kyo, Hatori, Kureno and Shigure.
Gosh this is hard....I love so many! Kisa and Tohru are so adorable, Haru and Yuki make me go so soft,Kyo and Kazuma warm my heart, and Saki, Uo, and Tohru are the definition of best friends...
But I think the end is a tie between...
Yuki and Tohru:
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Yuki and Tohru-I love them. Hes so soft around her and she cares about him so much. They are abosultly adorable! But not in a romantic way. I think their friendship is beautiful-And how much she helped him grow, helped him become more of a person with hope and strength pulls at my heartstrings. And now he wants to do whatever he can to help her the way she helped him and he seems to be willing to do nearly anything possible to do it.
And Rin and Tohru:
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Tohru and Rin are another soft spot more me because of just how cute they are! Rin also acts tsundere about it and it makes me giggle. Tohru brings comfort to Rin, a mothers comfort, and Rin never had that before so she clings to it (Much like Yuki). And Rins protective nature when it comes to Tohru how she was going to defend Tohru to Kureno and in the manga how she did it back because of Kaguras attack-I just really like it. And Rin gets a little soft for her sometimes as well-Its adorable.
Thats all for now! I'll do more of these sometime.
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alpacaparkaseok · 4 years
7 Secrets <pt. 7>
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GENRE: Soulmate!au BTS!
I loved getting all the guys together with their soulmates in this chapter! There is so much to come from this group. I hope you enjoy! 
“Here I was thinking that we were about to have the most relaxing time, then she suddenly starts scolding me like I’m some kindergartener! Can you believe it?”
Jin’s voice is unmistakable, as is Kyung-soon’s laugh.
“Honestly, yeah. I can believe it.” Seohyun’s voice echoes down the hallway, and I pick up the pace as we go toward the open door.
Dr. Kim goes in before us, announcing our presence to everyone. Right, there’s still a bit more bonding to be done. I take a deep breath, Namjoon locking his jaw in concentration.
I have no idea where to look when I first enter the room, Namjoon leading the way. He looks a bit protective, and I almost snort at his behavior. I can feel the other bonds clicking into place, they don’t require physical contact to be triggered. I rest my other hand on Namjoon’s forearm for extra support which he readily gives me, leaning into my body.
Kyung-soon stands just in front of Jin, his hand resting on her shoulder. His ears are bright red, but he makes no move to change his position. The two of them make a striking pair, my jaw nearly drops to the floor at the sheer amount of beauty in the room.
Seohyun is who I see next, her blinding smile drawing in my attention. Namjoon gives her a polite smile back, his eyes drifting to where Yoongi stands at her side. Yoongi is clearly just as drawn in by her as everybody else is; he only gives me a small nod before turning all of his attention back to Seohyun.
Himari breaks from where she was leaning against Hoseok, leaping forward.
“Good news, I didn’t pass out!” She exclaims, causing laughter to fill the room. Hoseok follows after her, his heart smile making an appearance.
“She was pretty close though,” he tells me and then dodges Himari’s death glare. “You’re Bethany, right?” I nod, reminding myself that Hoseok is simply another human being. No need to freak out, right?
“She goes by Beth, though.” Namjoon pipes up, looking at me for confirmation. I squeeze his hand.
“Yeah, I do. It’s nice to meet you guys.” I say, and Yoongi comes out of his trance enough to mumble something under his breath that sounds like ‘nice to meet you too’. Seohyun glances at him, and his eyes quickly turn away from her to avoid being caught staring. She grins back at me, completely aware that she’s got him wrapped around her finger.
“Where’s everybody else?” Namjoon asks, reluctantly letting go of my hand as Himari pulls me in for a hug.
Another doctor who I just noticed answers his question. “They’re all still in recovery, Jungkook and Minsuh just completed their bonding. They’ll be brought out when sufficient time has passed.” The doctor rattles off the information like he’s reading from a book. “Is everybody feeling alright?”
I nod, glancing at Namjoon the same time he looks at me. He’s clearly more embarrassed in front of his fellow members, because his face goes red and he fidgets for a moment. Hoseok quickly wraps an arm around his shoulders, masking his embarrassment with a question.
“So, how did it go for you guys? According to Dr. Choi,” he nods to the doctor standing beside the door. “You two took the longest time.”
I huff out a sigh of defeat. “Oh, no. You guys are keeping times? Seohyun’s never going to let us hear the end of it if she wins.” Himari hums in agreement, and I notice Jin and Kyung-soon sharing a sweet look. It makes me happy, seeing her so happy. No doubt she’s already stolen his heart.
I look back at Namjoon who’s stumbling to explain why it took us so long, and wonder how long it will take for me to steal his heart. Heaven knows he’s had mine for the past three years.
Himari whispers in my ear. “Can you believe how smitten Yoongi looks right now?” I chuckle at the pair.
“I wonder what happened when they bonded.”
“They haven’t said much, but it sounds like it was pretty intense. They still feel the shock every time they touch. Seohyun about jumped out of her skin a second ago when his hand brushed up against hers.”
I chuckle again, looking at my friend in adoration. Himari has been my closest friend throughout this entire journey, but our friendship somehow feels more complete now. The look in her eyes returns the sentiment, her arm slipping around my shoulders like Hoseok did to Namjoon earlier.
“What are you two giggling about over there?” Kyung-soon raises her eyebrows at us. She somehow seems bolder with Jin by her side.
We shrug, looking every part the conspirators we are. “Nothing, just catching up.” I say, winking at her. I see Namjoon’s eyebrows go up at my wink, which wasn’t even directed at him. Hoseok bursts out into laughter.
“She didn’t even wink at you,” he says, only making Namjoon go more red and hide his face. I get second-hand embarrassment just watching him. Poor guy. Thankfully Dr. Choi cuts in, announcing that Aera and Jimin are on their way.
I drift back over to Namjoon, needing a bit more strength from him in preparation for meeting another soul brother. His eyes are closed, still fighting the red that has taken up permanent residence on his cheeks. I take a chance, gently wrapping my arms around his waist. I’m worried for a moment that he’ll feel too embarrassed to return my embrace, but he releases a shaky breath that goes straight to my heart and wraps his arms around my shoulders, resting his chin on my head.
I hear Seohyun cooing over us. “Aw, look at them.”
“Seohyun,” I warn. I can feel Namjoon’s laugh rumble through his chest, making me melt more into the embrace.
I turn so that I’m leaning against Namjoon, facing the door. A second later Aera peeks her head through the door, smiling as she sees us.
“Hello everybody,” she says cheerily. She steps in, Jimin trailing in behind her with their hands firmly connected. He has a goofy smile on his face.
“Somebody looks pleased with themselves,” Jin says. Jimin laughs in response, growing a little shy.
He shrugs, looking around at all the new arrivals and waving. “It’s a good day.” Aera practically glows at his side.
Seohyun comes forward, and I grin as Yoongi looks uncertain whether or not to follow her. He takes a step and then decides to simply wait for her to return. I can almost hear him inwardly reminding himself that he’s not a lost puppy, but a respected member of the music community.
“You look surprisingly calm,” Seohyun says. She hugs Aera, who returns the hug with one arm and keeps her other hand in Jimin’s. Jimin notices her decision, his eyes turning to crescent moons as he smiles even brighter. “Everything went well?”
Aera nods. “Everything went well. Quick, what was everybody’s time?”
Oh, this is definitely turning into some sort of competition. I groan, burying my face into Namjoon’s shoulder. Everybody laughs at my reaction.
“I’ll just say it,” Namjoon says from above me. “We were just over 6 minutes. I know, I know.”
“Ah-ha! I knew you were taking longer! Jungkookie wouldn’t believe me!” Jimin exclaims, pointing at us. I want to die from all of the attention.
“Knowing Namjoon he probably had to give a speech before bonding,” Yoongi adds from the back of the room. Now it’s Namjoon’s turn to groan, and I smile up at him. He holds my eye contact for a little longer than what would be deemed normal, and I decide to turn away before I get too lost in his eyes. We’ve already embarrassed ourselves enough today.
“Glad to see you’ve found your voice again, Yoongi,” Hoseok chimes in, causing the other boy to promptly close his mouth as Seohyun chuckles.
“Oh, what did Namjoon say to you, Beth?” Aera giggles at my discomfort as I remember Namjoon’s sweet words. ‘Can I just hug you?’
“Well first we had tea and then we discussed literature.” I fire back. “You two didn’t?”
Jimin and Aera exchange a glance, a lopsided grin forming on Jimin’s face. Neither one of them respond, which only makes me more curious.
“We took almost exactly 5 minutes,” Himari says, keeping the conversation flowing. “What about you guys?”
Next Jin gives their time. “Ours was 5 as well.” His voice is quieter than before, clearly his mind is preoccupied with the beautiful girl in front of him. Kyung-soon pretends to not notice.
Seohyun glances back at Yoongi sheepishly. Now I really want to know what happened between them. “2:42, wasn’t it?” Yoongi nods, only able to hold her gaze for a moment before dropping it.
“Wait, why does everybody have exact times?” I ask. Dr. Choi glances at his clipboard, scanning for our names. “Does the time really matter that much?”
“Your exact time,” Dr. Choi says, “was 6:50. The time doesn’t hold that much significance, however it does tell us a bit more about the kind of bond you have.” He catches my worried look and rushes to reassure me. “Trust me, it doesn’t have a negative effect. There is just a different emphasis, if you will.”
I nod, trusting him and the other doctors to go over everything in more detail later on.
“Oh-ho!” Kyung-soon laughs out loud. “That’s nearly 7 minutes you guys! What book were you discussing, again?”
We continue the banter, drinking in the different dynamics of each pair. It fills me with excitement. That excitement only triples every time Namjoon adjusts his hold on me, getting as close as possible. It’s surprising, I’ve seen enough BTS content to know that Namjoon is definitely not the most touchy. I can see from the looks of the other members that they’re also surprised, but I bask in his touch for now. Maybe it just had to be with the right person. I know that’s how it usually is with me.
By the time Taehyung and Ichika make their appearance I’ve learned that Kyung-soon did indeed call Jin out for making her go first, Yoongi started working on some new music the second they got into the recovery room (Seohyun got to help him, which was a dream come true for her, although she denies the fact that she’s the inspiration for the music), and Himari and Hoseok were so excited to finally meet that they ended up having to sit down mid-bond because their legs were giving out.
Taehyung holds nothing back as he hugs Ichika from behind, chin resting on her shoulder. When the other boys ask him if he cried he nods. “I cried a little,” he admits. Ichika smiles down at her shoes, and he steals an adoring glance at her. The look makes me sigh, they’re so cute. They look like they were made for each other.
Well, I guess that they were.
“I may have cried, but I doubt I cried as much as Jungkook probably did.” Taehyung defends himself, and everybody chuckles. No doubt the maknae of the group was a mess if he was on the verge of hyperventilation earlier according to Mr. Bang.
“How long did you two take?” Namjoon asks, joining in on the competition. Maybe they took longer, if they were crying. One can hope, at least.
Ichika looks at Taehyung, confusion clear on their faces. “I’m not sure,” she mumbles. The two of them were so lost in the moment that they didn’t hear or ask for their time. “Is it important?”
Dr. Choi explains the times again before checking their time. “You two took...3 minutes and 38 seconds.”
I huff everybody whoops and hollers. “You two are definitely the slowest,” Himari teases. “Only one opportunity left. You’d better hope Jungkook was bawling his eyes out.”
Almost as though summoning them, Dr. Kim and the male doctor who’s name I have yet to learn enter the room, informing us that Jungkook and Minsuh are on their way.
It’s Jungkook who enters first, checking behind him as he waits for Minsuh. They’re careful to stay close, but not touch. Almost like Yoongi and Seohyun.
“Oh, our little Jungkookie finally made it!” Jimin exclaims from where he’s standing beside Taehyung. Jungkook ignores him, and I notice that his eyes are red and puffy.
Taehyung wanders over to him, his boxy smile on display which Ichika clearly appreciates. “Are you ok?” Jungkook falls into his embrace, and I notice Minsuh’s shaking hands as Ichika hugs her.
“We’re alright I think,” Jungkook says, eyeing us all sheepishly. “Are you ok still?” He questions Minsuh quietly, and she gives him a little nod.
Jin breaks the awkward tension. “Alright, what was your time?” Then, he looks over to Namjoon with a prideful smirk on his face. “Prepare to lose, Joon-ah.”
“Uhm, what was it again?” Jungkook asks Minsuh.
She ponders for a second, looking to the doctors. “What did you say it was? 2:39 or something?”
I can hear Seohyun’s intake of breath as the doctor confirms the time as 2:39...3 seconds faster than her and Yoongi.
“I can’t believe this!” Seohyun exclaims, her laugh joining the rest of us. “For once in my life, I was winning! How could you do this to me, Min?”
Yoongi looks like he desperately wants to reach out to her, but he doesn’t move. I remember what Himari said earlier about the two of them still feeling the shock of the bond each time they touched.
“Yeah, welcome to our lives,” Jimin speaks up. “He’s the golden maknae, what did you expect?”
Namjoon nudges me, and I turn to face him amidst the chaos in the room as everyone starts bickering over the importance of the times. “You know,” he begins, leaning down to whisper, “The way I see it, we’re the real winners here.”
“Oh really?” I raise my eyebrows at him, chuckling at how self-conscious he becomes as he ponders touching me and goes against it, settling for just being close.
“Yeah, of course. We got to enjoy our...bonding, everybody else’s was over too quick. Don’t you think?” He looks at me with a hint of a smile, even as his ears turn an impressive shade of red.
I grin up at him, a startled laugh leaving my lips. “You’re right!” I say, the words coming out a little louder than I intended. I glance around, but nobody besides Himari seems to have noticed; they’re all too busy teasing each other. Himari just shoots me a smile before returning her focus on Hoseok.
Dr. Kim, who appears to be running the show, speaks up. It’s a good thing, too. Jungkook looks like he might pass out if he gets teased much longer.
“Everyone, we’re going to give you something of a debriefing now. If you’ll follow me to the conference room just down the hall we’ll begin.” She turns on her heel and walks out the door. Jungkook and Minsuh are closest to the door, so they follow after her first. Like before, they’re careful to stay close but not touch. A glance behind me shows Yoongi and Seohyun doing the same thing.
Indeed, the only pair that are walking hand in hand down the hallway are Taehyung and Ichika.
Before we enter the conference room I notice a bodyguard at the end of the hallway, guarding what looks like a door to the stairs. Another stands before the elevator.
“Are they blocking every exit or something?” Seohyun wonders aloud.
“They’ve blocked off the floor for us today, so nobody wanders up here.” Yoongi gently explains.
Bang Si Hyuk greets us upon entering the conference room, a couple of other people that I recognize as BTS’s managers by his side. One of them is still in the process of signing a paper, and I recognize it as an NDA, similar to the one I signed 3 years ago.
“Hello hello,” Mr. Bang says, his eyes roving over us all as though checking for injuries. He turns to Dr. Kim. “Everything went well?”
She nods. “Yes, everybody is doing just fine. Are we all set in here? I’ve got a few things to go over with everybody.”
Mr. Bang gives us the ok to take our seat, and Namjoon leads me to the front. Before we can take our seat, however, Dr. Kim stops us.
“I think it might be best if we have the girls sit on this side and the boys take the opposite side of the table.” I notice her smirking at Taehyung, who has yet to relinquish his hold on Ichika. “It will help everybody to focus better if they’re given some...space.”
Namjoon is quick to slip into leader mode, taking the initiative and settling down in the seat opposite me. I shake off the feeling of disappointment, content to just be seated in the same room as him.
Himari takes her seat beside me, Hoseok making sure he’s across from her. They grin at each other like school children from across the table.
“All settled? Great. Let’s get started. First off, you all did wonderful. There were no major hiccups in the bonding process, and despite all your nerves, it’s paid off. So take a moment to breathe, the worst is over.”
Hoseok takes her advice literally, sighing loudly and collapsing against the back of his chair. Himari giggles at the action, rolling her eyes.
“Now, I know that you’ve all been comparing times.” Seohyun uses this opportunity to glare at Minsuh, who appears to have gained back some energy and sticks her tongue out at her. “We’ll take some time to explain what we can learn from this, however we will leave up to each pair to learn through their own experiences together how to best mold their relationships.” Everybody in the room blushes at the implication of Dr. Kim’s words.
Behind her, Dr. Choi takes up a marker and begins writing on the white board. I wish that I had my notebook on me right now. Or my phone, which I just realize I left in the recovery room.
4:00 or less: Eros, Ludus
5:00: Eros, Pragma
6:00 or more: Pragma, Eros, Ludus
I stare at the board in confusion, my mind whirring as I try to translate the unfamiliar words. I can tell that Himari and Ichika are trying to do the same thing. There’s only one that I think I recognize, but I may be wrong.
Namjoon speaks up, his brow furrowed and I can practically see the thoughts bouncing around his head.
“Aren’t these types of love?” He asks.
Dr. Kim looks at him appraisingly, and I shrug off the defensiveness that rises in me. “Yes, exactly. Do you know what each one means? In total there are eight, however these three are typically reserved for significant others.”
Namjoon looks across the table at me as though waiting for me to help him. I merely shrug.
“If you can translate them, maybe I could help. But we’re not going to be much help to you, sorry.” I gesture to the three of us foreigners, and everybody hums in acknowledgment.
“Oh,” Namjoon says sheepishly. “Right. I’m not sure I know what these translate to. Sorry.” He returns his attention to Dr. Kim. “I think that eros has something to do with more...romantic love, doesn’t it? The other two I’m unsure of.”
She nods, looking around the room for any other answers. She continues on when nobody offers up an answer.
“Eros does have to do with romantic love. Ludus is playful or flirtatious love, and pragma is enduring love.” My eyes drift back over to the white board. “First off, it’s important for you to know that each of you have and will have to develop all three of these types of love. However, the amount of time you took while bonding does say a lot about the kind of role each type will have in your lives.”
Yoongi speaks up, his eyes firmly on the board even as I’m sure he can feel Seohyun’s gaze. “So does this mean that for those of us who took less than 4 minutes, eros and...ludus will be more prominent?”
“In a way. If I may use you as an example?” Yoongi nods hesitantly, biting his lips nervously. I can see Seohyun fighting against the urge to coo over him. “You and Seohyun had a very intense bonding, which can be attributed to the prominence of eros there will be in your future.” Oh, now Yoongi’s definitely nervous. He looks like he might just take his chances and make a run for it. “However, it was quick. This tells us a couple of things. One, that you feel things on a deep emotional level, and can process those feelings quickly. Ludus on it’s own can reflect infidelity or not taking things seriously,” everybody stiffens at the mention of infidelity, “however when it’s paired with eros it can lead to a deep and meaningful relationship, without missing out on all the fun.”
I sneak a look at Seohyun down the table only to see her barely holding herself together. A gigantic smile is threatening to break through any second now.
“Typically we see that these kinds of couples need to set plenty of time aside to simply be together. So this goes for…” Dr. Kim looks off of Dr. Choi’s clipboard for a second. “Not just Yoongi and Seohyun, but also Taehyung and Ichika, and Jungkook and Minsuh.” Each couple straightens up, listening carefully. “The presence of ludus is an indicator that each couple needs to work on being open with each other. Some of you may be rather closed off,” the boys share a knowing look, “however you will need to work carefully to be open and enjoy your time together. Does that make sense?” A quick nod from around the room.
“I’m surprised jhope doesn’t have this...ludus thing,” Taehyung says. “Isn’t he playful?”
Dr. Choi jumps in. “Yes, and that brings us to the next category.” I feel like I’m on a gameshow. “Those right around the five minute mark are focused on eros and pragma. This isn’t to say that ludus isn’t a factor, however if you look at these couples it’s something that they may already have and don’t need to focus on so much. Instead, they need to focus on longevity. Working together and spending quality time are crucial here.”
I can almost feel the invisible trickle of sweat going down the back of my neck as everybody talks amongst themselves. What is our time supposed to mean then?
“Did you hear that Taehyungie? We’re already fun enough.” Jimin teases, earning himself an elbow to the ribs.
Dr. Kim is quick to correct him. “That’s not exactly what that means. It simply means that those who need to focus on a healthy balance between ludus and eros need to realize that they aren’t a burden to their significant other. You’ll each receive a packet with more information on the soulmate bond later today, we encourage you all to study it together with your partner and separately.”
It’s quiet for a moment, and I take the moment of silence to jump in with the next question. “So...what does this mean for us?” I gesture between Namjoon and I. “Do we just have to work on everything?”
Kyung-soon leans in front of Himari, gripping my hand in hers. “Yes, darling. Long story short, you two are a complete mess.”
I snort out a laugh, and I notice Jin’s look of pleased shock at his soulmate’s behavior. I already know that these two are going to wreak havoc together.
“Pragma is enduring love, which essentially means: practice, practice, practice.” My eyes grow wide. Will we struggle loving each other? I can’t imagine having an issue falling in love with the man across the table from me. Dr. Kim sees my look of fear. “Not to worry, these relationships tend to be very successful and fulfilling. Hence the prominence of the three types.” I ease back a bit, still not convinced.
Dr. Choi picks up where Dr. Kim left off. “I’m sure that during your bonding the two of you felt a myriad of emotions, correct? Some were positive, and maybe there were a few negative or sad ones as well.” Namjoon visibly winces across the table as he remembers the pang of sadness. I can still feel it like an electric shock, but with it comes the memory of Namjoon holding me tight, and the calming feeling after.
Everybody looks a little concerned as they stare at us, but I keep my eyes on Dr. Choi. Apparently they didn’t have the same experience.
“Do you remember, when you felt those...unhappy emotions, what was it that helped you through it?”
I’m not sure if it’s a rhetorical question or not, but Namjoon mumbles out an answer almost as though he’s thinking out loud. “Ah, Beth.”
Dr. Choi nods vigorously, apparently Namjoon is onto something. “Go on, Namjoon.”
Namjoon’s head shoots up as he realizes with a start that he was indeed thinking out loud. “What? Oh, oh. Well,” he fidgets around in his seat uncomfortably, not daring to look up at me. I, on the other hand, can’t look away from him. “When I felt the sadness Beth must have realized it, and she...um...shejusthuggedmetighter and I felt better.”
My eyes go wide while the poor boy is nearly the same shade of a tomato, his eyes glued to his lap. “I did?”
Namjoon only nods, his eyes flicking up to mine and back down so quickly that I almost miss it.
“No, you did.” I say. “You did and then a second later I felt really calm and-and happy.” I mumble out the last part, Namjoon’s embarrassment transferring to me. I await the laughter of everybody else in the room, but it’s deathly quiet. I wonder if the boys have rarely seen Namjoon in such a state.
“You’re both right,” Dr. Choi interjects. “Which is what I’m trying to tell you: the two of you have to rely on each other. This kind of bond reflects the amazing love, support, and joy that the two of you can have, however you must rely on each other. And I know that’s scary,” Dr. Choi raises his hands up in innocence when both Namjoon and I turn to look at him. “You’re both independent people, perfectly capable of handling life on your own. However, just because you can doesn’t mean you should. So, like Dr. Kim said: practice. Pragma is all about working together. Think you can do it?”
He shoots the question at us, and I want to shout out a yes. Yes, of course we can. But my eyes drift back over to Namjoon, silently asking him the same question. Do you think we can do this?
Namjoon’s eyes are filled with a determination that I envy. I realize that I shouldn’t be surprised, this man can do anything he sets his mind to. So really, it’s not a question of if we can, but if we want to. If we want this.
If we want us.
And I do. Without speaking a single word, I try my best to relay that information over the table through the bond that if I focus hard enough I can still feel pulling us together. Namjoon looks into my eyes a moment longer, and I can see the moment it clicks. Message received. Now it’s up to him. I won’t stand in his way. Despite these 3 years of wanting, loneliness, and dream-filled days, I won’t stand in his way. But if he wants, I will stand beside him.
Namjoon gives a slight nod, and turns back to Dr. Choi. “Absolutely.”
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Guys! Thanks for reading this far. I’ll upload the next part soon! Taglist is open if you want to join, just let me know! 
taglist: @mae-musicbitch @taylorroe3​ @heartblackerthancoffee
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bladekindeyewear · 4 years
HS^2 bloggin’ mainline 2020-10-31
THE SPOOKTOBER SPOOKD8 IS HERE!  Time to blog it and hope to the lord of bones that it heavily features the 12-foot Home Depot Skeleton!  Continuing from last time.
Will John remember that he should be off protecting the other kids from running off?  Or will he search for Vrissy finally, now that he’s spent a literal DAY staring at his house burning down?
> (==>)
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This is the last Blood tie with your childhood and the past you were clinging to like a man-child, finally cut.  Your psyche is no longer allowed to be....
Now get your Breathy ass over to your more adult responsibilities.  Or do something as irresponsible as usual, but more forward focused and thus singularly impressive.
> (==>)
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I knew I was a fatally addicted Homestuck fanboy despite the trauma but I didn’t know I was THAT much of a just-over-thirty-year-old fanboy, I literally GASPED out loud.  To finally have the joy and confidence for the future that comes with JOHN and KARKAT together IN PERSON and interacting with a common goal.
What a dramatic, perfect shot.  This IS Karkat right?  That’s what the visuals and my heart and soul said
> (==>)
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Karkat and John conversations are some of the strongest in Homestuck, I ship them as FRIENDS so hard
It brings to mind something I mentioned in the Breath, Blood, and the Flow of Reality explanation/theorypost, which was holy shit SEVEN YEARS AGO wow
I didn’t always understand the appeal of John as a character, ranking him in the middle of my liked characters list. But after a while, I suddenly noticed how enjoyable he was for the things his conversations did to others, making his pesterlogs some of the most enjoyable to read. I wrote the following two years ago, in a character rankings thread, back when we knew jack shit about the import of classes and roles:
“I didn’t really see why I should think John was such an amazing character until I realized his consistent effect on the other party. He’s goofy and doesn’t really understand anything, but he understands just enough about his friends and others to make cutting, hilarious, almost unintentional insights that can change people for the better, even if he’s off the mark. It’s not what he says himself, but what he brings about in others that makes him so great to read. I mean, if you wall him off from everyone else… he kind of fails.
That’s why I take issue with the complaint of protagonist syndrome, here. John is very little by himself, but enhances all the characters around him immensely. Imagine if John were doomed to stay the least powerful and/or game-advancing of the kids and trolls combined; notice how little that would do to the story, or his beneficial role in it.”
John cut himself off from EVERYONE for YEARS in the Candy timeline.  He tried to be close to people and just ended up distancing himself from it.  He tried to keep himself tied down by his old home and memories of the version of Dad he lost, and all sorts of childish stuff.  But that tie is cut, and the bonds he’s forged need to be grasped to bring him out to exercise his maturity, because Breath is futile without real BLOOD.
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Awesome shot.
(that was supposed to skip to 2:26 when you click but I couldnt embed it that way -- I haven’t metal geared i just seen clips and super best friends & know some memes)
So many scars.  I used to even ship Jane and Karkat a little so they could just be aghast together at everyone’s shenanigans and level criticism at them together, but to think Jane’s fought and hurt Karkat THIS much...
(And yeah, his blood color is shown through his eyes now at this age, that’s correct.)
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Oh my fucking god, going from that to Sprite mode that abruptly.  XD
This is great.
JOHN: karkat? JOHN: what are you doing here? KARKAT: IT'S NICE TO SEE YOU TOO.
Hah, SO close that Karkat’s immediately critical of NOT being greeted warmly.  :)
JOHN: this isn't a battlefield, it's just... KARKAT: THE OBLITERATED, SMOLDERING HUSK OF YOUR FORMER HOME. JOHN: well, yeah. KARKAT: WHICH WAS DESTROYED AS COLLATERAL IN AN ONGOING MILITARY CONFLICT. JOHN: oh all right, fine. JOHN: it just feels weird to call it that. JOHN: i guess i'm used to thinking of home as somewhere far away from all that war stuff.
Yeah John, the burning down from a bomb that was meant for you and ALL of your friends’ children is supposed to shatter you out of that illusion.
I’d continue criticizing, but Karkat’s about to do it for me:
A BIT DISTRACTED.  You empty-headed irresponsible guardian.
Mhmm.  Many of the characters in Candy AND Meat are currently in a situation where due to either years of unpractice in a worshipful society that discourages it by fueling their insecurities or inability to due to confinement in a years-long space trip has caused them to AVOID using their powers for the main beginning stretch of our new story.  People have complained about them outright “forgetting” to use their powers, and they’re right, to an extent, but it’s story-justified.  They’re almost all physically or psychologically prevented from doing so!  But those walls are coming down, starting now.  They’re going to come back into their own.  And we’re bound to see a LOT MORE of these literal Gods using their abilities to shape the fabric of reality as the story progresses.
JOHN: i suppose i'll add one more notch to the daily tally of crazy stuff that happened which i just have to accept as my life now.
It was all already happening, you just refused TO accept it until now.
Wait.  Oh, God.
Someone brought up the possibility that Gamzee might still be revivable by Jane, and I speculated that she’s deliberately CHOOSING not to because she actually doesn’t like him that much or has some semblance of fucking sense left in her.
But what if she PLANNED to have a public funeral for him, and then revive him SOON AFTER to turn him into a Christ-like resurrecting figure?  D:
Pretty much.  Get serious, John, actual people are dying by the--
--oh right, he was like this through the apocalypse and death of everyone on Earth.
I guess this is in character.  Paradox Space made sure to choose someone empty-headed and disconnected from reality enough to withstand this shit easily.  He really is a Breath player.
Excellent, yeah.
JOHN: it sounds like she'd be a pretty welcome addition to your ranks then. KARKAT: SHE'S A CHILD, YOU MORON.
Yeah, you’re fucking grown up now, John.  Stop thinking of the kids as the ones who have to rise up when the adults aren’t all doomed or dead.
At least he messed that part up while he was TRYING to watch them, and not when he wandered off and watched his house burn for a whole day instead of protecting the remaining kids.
Leave it to Karkat to point out the blatant absurdity of Homestuck’s nonsense in any given situation.
JOHN: wait. JOHN: wait a minute. JOHN: you said that both vriskas have been captured, right? KARKAT: EXCUSE ME WHILE I WEEP FOR JOY AT THE REVELATION THAT YOU HAVE BEEN PAYING ATTENTION FOR ONCE. JOHN: okay, well putting that emotional outburst aside for a moment. JOHN: how is that even possible? JOHN: doesn't vriska, the original vriska, still have her magic alien mind control powers? JOHN: it seems like it should be basically impossible for anyone to kidnap her. KARKAT: YOU'VE STUMBLED ASS BACKWARDS ACROSS THE MOST IMPORTANT POINT OF THIS UNFORTUNATE DEVELOPMENT.
...Is Karkat going to put two and two together and realize that Vriska must have been intentionally captured of her own free will for some sort of ploy?
Guh.  I guess Karkat is underestimating Vriska a bit or just assuming the worst out of a habit of assuming the worst of everything.  (Or, if he has his suspicions, he’s not telling John.)
Yeah, use your shoosh-paps from Karkat wisely, John.  You needed them.
JOHN: i don't really know? JOHN: this all feels wrong, karkat. JOHN: no offense, but when you're around, it's usually a lot... KARKAT: A LOT WHAT? JOHN: a lot funnier. KARKAT: FUNNIER. JOHN: how to put this. JOHN: normally listening to you go on and on about how much we've fucked everything up is just very funny! JOHN: but now it's just not the same. JOHN: maybe it's part of what's going on with this entire reality? i don't know. JOHN: once upon a time i would have put down your ability to pull a silly rant out of your butt as a fundamental law of physics or something. JOHN: remember back when we first knew each other? JOHN: it felt like all you ever said to me was how much you thought i was screwing up and being a useless asshole. JOHN: and once i realized that you were also just a dumb kid who didn't know what was going on, i started to kind of enjoy it. JOHN: but now it's like... the only one who's still a dumb kid is me, and everyone else has something big and important going on that i just don't understand.
Mhmm, Karkat has every reason to be mad.  And everything really, REALLY close to you that you care about is in danger from the very things he’s mad about.  Karkat is RIGHT for once with every angry seemingly-exaggerated-but-not word, and that’s throwing you.
JOHN: i thought that i finally got what was going on with this whole war and everything. i wanted to be useful! JOHN: i guess i got a little too wrapped up in the feeling of something finally happening again. JOHN: and then watching it all blow up in my face, kind of literally now that i think about it...
...you think maybe something that happens to be A WAR is actually a big farking deal that you should be serious about??
JOHN: it's hard not to feel even more dejected about the situation than i was before. JOHN: and now even the patented karkat vant rant has lost all its sparkle.
JOHN: maybe if you had like, painstakingly itemized a list of all the things wrong with my plan in a comically overdone fashion or something. KARKAT: I CONSIDERED IT, BUT HONESTLY THERE WAS SO MUCH WRONG THAT I CONCLUDED THAT THE BEST THING FOR EVERYONE WOULD BE TO NEVER SPEAK OF IT AGAIN. JOHN: oh. okay.
All Breath and no Blood?  All concept and influence and ephemeral accomplishments and no physical impact or results?
Karkat has been fighting this whole time with physical results in mind.  He NEEDS to tie that ephemeral shit down, and once added to his plan, once Breath sweeps the tide of actual sentiment of people, inspires them, you have an actual victory in reach instead of just more attrition.
Really need to dig yourself out more than that, John, yeah.
(Which is why your plan of attack needs more Breath!)
Phew.  Let’s hope he takes Karkat’s gift of a worldbound, arms-in-the-dirt sense of responsibility (Blood) and runs with it.
--is it gonna be a hug?
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JOHN.  Put it together.
JOHN: you can't be leaving already. JOHN: there's... so much we still need to talk about!
No, not that!!
...well, yes, I’m all for more of you two talking but.  This ain’t just about you two.
KARKAT: WHAT MORE COULD THERE POSSIBLY BE FOR US TO DISCUSS?? KARKAT: PLEASE DO NOT TELL ME YOU JUST HAD ANOTHER EMOTION THAT WE NEED TO DROP EVERYTHING IN ORDER TO DISSECT. JOHN: no, that's not what i'm talking about at all. JOHN: karkat, we still haven't spoken about *you*! KARKAT: ABOUT ME? JOHN: yes. KARKAT: ABOUT *ME*? JOHN: about you. KARKAT: WHAT THE FUCK ABOUT ME. JOHN: well... JOHN: you know, how you feel! KARKAT: HOW I FEEL. JOHN: or just... JOHN: argh, i don't know!
This was more of an intervention than a feelings jam, John.  I’m not sure John’s in the condition right now to Breathily inspire Karkat somehow and help his war with an idea and drive he didn’t have before -- like he SHOULD eventually -- but I suppose we’re about to see.
JOHN: it's just been so long since we've seen each other. JOHN: all sorts of things have happened in that time, and it doesn't feel right to just not even mention any of it! KARKAT: LIKE WHAT?? JOHN: oh, i don't know karkat, literally anything! JOHN: i mean, look at you. JOHN: you are decked out in a tight body suit and have an eyepatch and everything. there is simply no way there isn't something to discuss there.
You talked with him plenty while NOT in person, though.
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Such MOOD.  What a good image.
JOHN: or like, forget the eyepatch, we don't have to talk about the eyepatch. JOHN: i feel as though my point still stands? JOHN: there is basically a bottomless well full of stuff to go through. JOHN: i mean we kind of glossed over it when you brought her up earlier, but what about yiffy? JOHN: this might not come across so easily due to human troll cultural boundaries, but her existing is kind of a big deal?? JOHN: i feel like somehow i missed the part where we all sit around and talk about how strange it is that two of our friends went off and had a secret child without any of us knowing! JOHN: is it too much to ask that we have that part now, karkat?
That’s fair.  And they DO need to talk about it!  But this is sort of like in the Game -- there’s important shit to do, and not a whole lot of time to do it.  You’re going to do a lot of talking, but you won’t be able to do all you want with certain people separated from you by the circumstances of how this war is dividing your responsibilities.
JOHN: i mean, maybe it just doesn't mean that much to you. KARKAT: JOHN. JOHN: which is a little strange, given that it ties in to the whole conflict that you had with jade and dave. JOHN: oh god we have to talk about dave. KARKAT: JOHN. KARKAT: FUCKING HELL! KARKAT: I DON'T WANT TO TALK ABOUT DAVE. JOHN: no, this is what i mean, karkat. JOHN: we need to talk about dave! KARKAT: HAHA! LIKE SHIT WE DO!! KARKAT: I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE HOW THIS IS EVEN A RELEVANT TOPIC OF CONVERSATION. JOHN: oh come on. JOHN: there's no way you aren't feeling kind of messed up about him, right?
THIS is fair.  Karkat does need to talk about this with somebody.  Whether John is the right somebody... I guess he is where Dave is concerned.  And he has to talk to Jade eventually, too.
JOHN: i know i am. JOHN: whenever i think about how things ended between you two... JOHN: especially now that he's... JOHN: ugh, i'm sorry. i'm SO sorry karkat. sorry doesn't even begin to cover it. JOHN: this whole thing feels so impossibly sad. JOHN: all i'm trying to say is... JOHN: it's not healthy to bottle these feelings up and not acknowledge them. JOHN: even if you aren't feeling anything right now, and i don't for a moment believe that's true, *i* need to talk about dave! JOHN: so can we please just talk about dave for a moment. KARKAT: NNNNGNGNGGGGGGGUUUUUUGUUGHHHHHHHH FINE.
It’s difficult to live in a Daveless world.
--it’s not gonna be short, or cut away, is it?  --actually it could just switch to a very sad sunset-like vista of the two sitting there, and one poignant line from him followed by a long, hanging pause.
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A giant expletive isn’t it.
The best sendoff you could give him.
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Holy shit.  It really IS a rant!
Okay he dealt with it by keeping his hands in the dirt working on hard-fighting responsibilities, yeah, as a Blood player might.  But the way he’s ranting about it seems a little-
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Oh no... oh no, they’re BOTH about to let it out together.
They’re gonna have to cry it out.  Finally, onscreen.  THIS is why they weren’t showing us, why they were saving it.  It felt so awkward at the time but it’s because it has to culminate in these two, some of the closest to Dave since CHILDHOOD, get to show us the effect on everyone in a microcosm.
KARKAT: NOT ONLY THAT, BUT MAYBE WITH BOTH OF US HERE WE COULD HAVE DISPENSED WITH THIS ENTIRE SORRY TOPIC ONCE AND FOR ALL, IF ONLY FOR YOUR BENEFIT! KARKAT: OH HI DAVE, JOHN SEEMS TO BE UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT THE UNSPOKEN HISTORY BETWEEN US IS OF SUFFICIENT IMPORT THAT WE NEED TO HASH IT OUT THIS VERY SECOND IN FRONT OF THE BLASTED REMAINS OF HIS HOME! KARKAT: yo karkat that does seem to be a strange thing for my best friend john to be concerned about given that he has spent the past five years wallowing in the depths of deepest divorce fever KARKAT: and especially since jade and i have meanwhile been working as part of your resistance with no complaints, but sure, we can brofist each other and arrange our limbs in an unambiguously platonic way KARKAT: a way which is also flawlessly calculated to communicate to everyone present that here are two guys who are totally and unequivocally over each other JOHN: (oh god. you don't...)
Talk about John’s comment about Karkat’s rants not being hilarious in a situation.  THIS situation really tugs it out of them.  :(
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These visuals are ON POINT.  This entire sequence since Karkat showed up is masterfully done.
That last bit with John.  I can HEAR the rawness in his voice as he shouts that last bit... he’s about to burst into tears.  And Karkat is going to have to with him.  And they’ll cry it out together, as they should.
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JOHN: ugh, fuck, this is just too much! JOHN: i thought you KNEW! KARKAT: KNEW WHAT??? JOHN: dave's GONE, karkat! JOHN: he's... JOHN: he's dead.
Let’s see it happen.
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Just body language, the blow of the words...
JOHN: i didn't mean for you to find out like this at all, i thought... JOHN: i mean, i only heard about it yesterday, but i was convinced someone would have told you already! JOHN: apparently one minute he was there, and the next... JOHN: none of us even know how it happened, and it doesn't make any sense that he's dead, but he is. JOHN: he is dead and he's not coming back. KARKAT: JOHN: talk to me karkat, please. JOHN: please talk to me karkat. KARKAT: KARKAT: HE...
Jade and Rose were on a different part of this battlefield, they didn’t have the ability, time, and/or heart to break the news--
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What a fucking expression, wow.
And what a regret RoboDave has to have for abandoning everyone without so much as a farewell letter.  To think that ditching them like that was IN his Ultimate Soul is going to eat away at him.  He may be linked to all of his self of selves, but he’s still an individual with individual regrets.
This was a damned good update.  See y’all next time.
(It may be the new meds I’m on, but between this and the thorough love I see put into the unofficial archive, I’m suddenly reminded that despite all the drama, I fucking LOVE Homestuck.  Even its current incarnation.)
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ikathemadhatter · 3 years
For the meme, top 5 Death Note characters and why!
I’m sorry for the late reply, you know I had a hell of months but here ich back  💪 Characters aren’t really in order of preferences tho, but here we go:
1. L Lawliet
Rather predictable, he was my favorite character since I watched Death Note for the very first time.
What fascinated me back then (aka 2008) was the fact L character broke the canon detective type I’ve seen in movies and series for a long while. In a typical crime story, the detective is the good dude chasing after the evil criminal and bringing back order -swaying indeed the flag of justice. Following the reasoning of several characters, especially some in the Kira Task Force, L is Justice while Kira is the evil criminal. Apparently -but, in my brutal and honest opinion, I don’t believe L is the emblem of justice. He is represented as that but Death Note is also a story that talks about justice and shows how justice, a misleading concept created by imperfection itself (humanity), is a tool to justify your actions. Because let’s face it, L used his power and all his means to confine and torture two young people just to prove his suspects were true, he wouldn’t mind using people to achieve his goal aka catch Kira. He represents justice because he’s the three world's greatest detective because he solves the most difficult cases but haha this is his main hobby, his reason to live and he doesn’t exactly empathize with other characters. There are some panels where he shows feelings, I think he truly respects some agents of the Kira Task Force and didn’t want anyone to die, but at the same time the most of his actions weren’t righteous at all. At least this is my opinion but this is also why I love this character; last but not least, his quirkiness is unique and funny and another fact that tickled my interest is what is shown of his personality... I like to believe that his truer personality is what we see in the Yotsuba Arc, but I also think he is rather good at adjusting his personality to the task. I would see it coming from a person really able to lie and doing it with no regret.
2. Light Yagami
To be rather honest, I relate to this character for a variety of reasons and this is probably why it breaks my heart to see his decline in the second arc. I’ve read tons of mangas and watched tons of anime in my life, but he keeps being the best protagonist of a shonen manga in my opinion.
Might it be a controversial opinion or not, I don’t think Light is an evil character -especially he’s not a sociopath or a psychopath. Death Note’s plot marks perfectly how much the use of a simple tool like the notebook itself corrupts the soul no matter how good their intentions are; it’s a magic object, but most importantly it’s a tool that lets you kill someone by not effectively showing you’re committing murder. I think the human mind is affected in a different way if murder means washing your hands with blood, visually doing it, instead of simply writing down a name on a notebook and waiting for that person to die of a heart attack. This means I guess Light wouldn’t go that far if he has to actually kill people with his own hands; at the beginning of the manga he realizes what he did -killing people-, but he ‘recovered’ rather quickly from the shock because of two reasons:
- he didn’t physically kill them so his mind didn’t process the action of murder in that sense
- he found quickly a coping mechanism aka he rationalized the Death Note as a holy tool that would serve for a better purpose
Light is in fact a character with pure idealism. He killed most wanted criminals who actually deserved to die in order to make the world a better and safe place. Every one of us, at least once in our life, has thought a rather evil criminal should deserve to die -because we’re humans and our emotions may be harsh and strong even towards our similar. It’s within our nature. And so it was within Light’s nature, to naively believe that killing criminals the world would be better. He also did kill people coming in his way, yes, and he also knew that it was wrong to kill those innocent people meant to be a threat to him. Why did he do it anyway? Because at some point he knew he was a martyr, someone who had the responsibility to sacrifice for the sake of the whole world. He is more selfless than other characters I might say, rationally avoided any futile emotion that could hinder his actions and plans. I mean, try to think what it means to push back your emotions, to block out everything that makes you human in a sense. Someone else would have probably gone crazy... This is why I believe his last speech is much more a liberation like he’s spitting out everything he’s held back and carried alone on his shoulders for years. At some point you want people to understand your achievements, your ideals.
Light is indeed a controversial character, rather complex and there’s a lot you can tell about him. He did bad things, I  know but... I admire his will, to be honest.
3. Naomi Misora
MY QUEEN. I still think her death is the most brutal one... And even if I understand why her character needed to leave the main plot, it would have been rather interesting to see her interacting with L and the Kira Task Force. 
I thank the existence of Another Note, because we can form a better idea of her possible personality. She’s absolutely a strong woman, intuitive and her kind of reasoning follows L’s investigations somehow. It’s that kind of character who’s able to balance rationality and acumen, which makes her surely a good FBI agent; her only flaw, probably, but it’s also the reason I love her, it’s her empathy and ability to feel. It’s also true that in the Death Note she was veiled by the loss of her fiancee and she was too reckless at following Light, but it showed how fragile and human she could be.
Speaking of Another Note, I loved all those scenes where she follows B’s weird suggestions -like pretending to be a corpse or sitting in a crouch- because even she knows it might be stupid she’s also like ‘Okay let’s try’. Demonstration of a kind of open-mindedness.
4. Aizawa
I love the critical thinking process of this character. He never takes things for granted and let’s remember he even left the Kira Task Force because he didn’t agree with L’s me and methods. In the second arc, he suspects of Light, senses that something is off, and trusts his guts enough to make some researches on his own. He incarnated the typical detective character who really wants to bring back order and justice and probably his way to clash with L and Light’s way of thinking made me like this character. It wasn’t love at first sight, in fact, I appreciated him more reading the manga (which I read after watching the anime) but it’s a character you learn to respect.
5. Ryuk
Just look at him. At his design, at the weird way he twisted his body or when he goes crazy eating a delicious apple, at his stupid jokes and any silly moments... and you think he’s just a goofy character when bam! the least you expect he reminds you he’s a Shinigami, a very bored one, and as a Shinigami, his task is to write down some human being’s name. Light’s included -though in this case, he did say till the beginning he would be the one writing Light’s name when the moment would come.
What can I say? Look at him, he makes you laugh, he’s the Boogeyman, he’s goofy, he’s fucking scary.
In this list I should also add Beyond Birthday, but probably I like the idea I have of him. Anyway I love him we all know it bye haha-
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kaweeella · 4 years
Bonding Time, Kids
Chapter 2- You Say It So Normally, But What You’re Saying Is So Absurd
Warnings- Swearing, let me know if I should add anything else.
Words- 1368
Author note- :D
“Wait, do you have my quirk?!”
“It would appear that the fog did more to our quirks than we first thought.” Momo stands up with a sigh.
“I presume this was her objective since square one. I ponder, however, what she wishes to gain from this.” Reiko says so quietly it’s nearly a whisper.
“Aaah!” Kosei screams. Looking at him, everyone sees a large, dark, bird-like entity coming out of his midsection. It does not look happy.
“Dark Shadow!” Fumikage runs towards the two and gains their attention.
“How do you control it?!”
“I haven’t even done anything yet!”
“The sun is still out, so this is as controlled as he gets.”
Dark Shadow gets really close to Kosei, uncomfortably so.
“What is it…” Dark Shadow bumps into his face. “Why?”
“He needs enrichment.”
“Yeah, alright. I’ll just pretend this is normal.”
While that goes on; Mashirao sits up, rubbing his head. But he feels something on his temples, and feels uncomfortable sitting.
“Oh hey, Ojiro. Good to see you’ve come-to.” Denki sat by him the entire time, not really doing much, but there isn’t really much he can do.
“What happened? Where’d the villain go?”
“Well, we don’t know where she went, but we do have a pretty good idea of what she did.”
“Which was…” Mashirao prompts Denki to finish the statement.
“She scrambled up our quirks.”
“Does that have anything to do with whatever it is on my forehead?”
“Yeah, probably. It’s weird to see you without a tail.”
“Oh.” So that’s why he’s so uncomfortable. “You seem pretty calm about this.”
“I was so confused and startled that I looped back around into a zen state.”
“You know, I think I’m going through that, too.”
“Who’s quirk do you have?”
“I don’t know.”
“You don’t?”
“Haven’t really checked.”
“I don’t know. Maybe I don’t want to. Maybe I’m nervous.”
“It’s probably silly of me. It’s dumb, a lot worse could’ve happened. I can only imagine what it felt like for you.”
“I guess, but that doesn’t mean you can’t be nervous.”
Something grabs Denki’s attention. He gets up and walks over to Hitoshi, with Mashirao following behind.
“I found your tail.” He says, pointing at the boy who’s still laying on the ground.
“Fuck, what happened?” Hitoshi props himself up on his elbows. Denki sits down and starts petting the tuft of hair at the end of his newly acquired tail. “The hell?”
“You should try this, it’s calming.” Denki says, not to either of them in particular. 
Mashirao sits next to him and looks Hitoshi in the eyes. After a second, Hitoshi gives a small nod, and he pets the tuft too.
“It’s soft.”
“Are you aware of the… horns?”
“I had some idea of them, yeah.”
After a few seconds, Hitoshi lays back down.
Meanwhile, Izuku mutters, as he is one to do. Looking up, he sees a bunch of mushrooms have sprouted around him.
Kinoko slowly walks up to him, inspecting the fungi around him.
“I guess that means I got your quirk, Komori.”
“Hmm.” Is all she says in response.
“It doesn’t seem like the swaps were one to one.”
“Yeah, looks like it.” She pokes at a cluster of thin, tall, and white mushrooms. “These are flammulina velutipes, also known as enoki mushrooms. These ones are specifically cultivated ones, that’re grown specifically for eating. They’re also referred to as the golden needle mushroom in Chinese.”
“Why are they called that?”
“Probably because the wild ones are more orange-yellow in color.”
“That’s cool!”
Yosetsu lays on the ground where he was thrown by his teacher. He’d been laying there for a while now, on his back and limbs splayed.
Itsuka reaches her hand down to help him up. “You doing alright, Awase?”
“I feel like my insides are trying to become my outsides.” He says as he takes her hand and stands up, with a bit of a slouch. Yosetsu mumbles curses under his breath.
“Hey I think I figured it out!” Denki yells and large amounts of ice jets out of his side, freezing up Yosetsu.
“Fuck. What th-the fu-fu…” He can hardly finish his sentence.
“Whoops, my bad.”
“Awase, are you alright?”
“No… I…” He passes out.
“Oh god I killed him!”
“No, he’s still breathing. Why’d that happen, though?”
Tsuyu walks over to him and pokes his face. “I think I know. Could you give me a hand here?” The three of them pull him out of the ice.
“Now what?” Denki adjusts his grip.
“If I’m right, he just needs to be warmed up and then he’ll be fine.”
“Alright,” Itsuka isn’t sure how to go about it. On a normal day, she could just cup him in her hands, how people warm up hibernating hamsters. Actually, on a normal day, she wouldn't need to be warming him up at all, but this is not a normal day, no matter how hard she wants it to be.
Tsuyu looks around, and spots Shihai sitting on the ground. It’s obvious who’s quirk he has, with the six arms. “Hey, could you help with this?”
“What problem do you have that could possibly require my assistance?”
“Awase needs body heat.”
“And you think my cold dark soul will provide?”
“No, just hold him in your arms.” The three of them sit down with the strange brooding boy and try to warm up Yosetsu.
“If I’m correct, he has my quirk, so he just needs to be warmed up.”
“Wait, I have Todoroki’s quirk, so I could use his fire to warm him up!”
“No, you don’t have full control over it. Or any, it seems.” Tsuyu taps her finger to her chin.
“It’s not surprising, this is new for all of us. We can’t expect to figure it out immediately.”
“Yeah… hey, who’s quirks do you guys have?”
“Uhm, I’m not quite sure. It seems pretty hard to test, since we don’t know what we’re testing for.”
“It seems we’ve become chickens with our heads cut off, running around blindly to die soon after.” Shihai says.
“Actually, chickens can survive over a year without their heads. About a year and a half, if I’m remembering correctly.”
“How do you know that, Kaminari?”
“I was looking up random facts as a way to procrastinate on my work.”
Their conversation was interrupted by a small “Kero...”
“I was right.”
Yosetsu starts squirming and slowly gets up, still looking kind of tired.
“What happened?”
“Your body temperature dropped and you went into hibernation.”
“... what?”
“You have my quirk, and my quirk is frog.”
“So what can you do with your quirk?”
“Well, you can shoot your tongue 20 meters, create three different types of mucous, climb walls, and spit out your stomach and clean it. Among other things.”
“What the hell…”
“I get that reaction a lot when I get to that point.”
“It is pretty unusual.” Itsuka says.
Ibara runs her fingers through her hair, which was once thick and thorny vines. Now it’s just… normal hair. It’s such a foreign feeling to her.
“Oh lord, what is it that I have done for you to forsake me so?” Her eyes are concentrated on the engines that have taken root in her calves.
“Oi Bible Thumper, you’re not the only one going through this shit.” Katsuki is growing increasingly tense. He’s always a little tense, but with the stress of everything that just happened and everyone freaking out, he’s getting really tense.
“What has brought you opinion of me so low that you see me as on the same level as this repulsive sinner?” She continues to prey.
“The fuck did you just call me?”
“Hey guys, check this out!” Mina cuts in, grabbing Ibara by the arm and lifting her gently. When she lets go, Ibara hovers in the air. “Tada!”
“So you got Round Face’s quirk.”
“Yep yep!”
“Would you put me down please.”
“Oh, right.” She presses her fingers together. “Release!”
She lands back on the ground. “Thank you for the demonstration, but I’d appreciate it if you’d never do that again.”
Mina gives her a big goofy grin in response.
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hobiwonder · 5 years
kiss my soul | (m)
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Pairing: Namjoon x Reader
Genre: Smut. Incubus!Namjoon. 
Warnings: Unprotected sex, exhibitionism, dirty talk, marijuana use, first time, unrealistically good first time bc it’s namjoon and he’s a demon lol
Summary: Namjoon needed a fix. He needed it fast before the consequences were fatal.
a/n: it’s here finally. i hope you guys semi enjoy this! let me know what you think and don’t forget to check out other stories in this collab :) this was a last minute story lol rbfgbieeifhwkf. I incorporated the first time request in this story as well.
“You sure you don’t want to come? I heard everyone is going.” Soobin is wiggling her eyebrows at you while she rummages through the same pile of clothes for the tenth time, probably thinking she’ll come across something new.
“That’s what you say every time.” You try not to be rude and roll your eyes at her but it was true. This wasn’t the first party she had said the exact same thing about. Finally grabbing the little black dress she’d been eyeing, she’s plopping on the bed next to you, almost knocking over your laptop.
“Yeah but, this time everyone will be there. Like, the seniors, football team and,” she hesitates slightly but not out of fear or uncertainty, “Kim Namjoon.” She whispers his name like it was a secret that only a few people knew in murmurs and gossip. Maybe that’s why it sends a slight shiver down your spine hearing the campus dealer’s name again. He was definitely not the crowd you mingled with. Or knew how to mingle with.
“So? It’s not like I know him…” Of course, Soobin won’t leave it alone, only sighing in exasperation when she didn’t really need to be this dramatic.
“And you never will if you stay cooped up in this room! Come on! Just go this once? You need some friends.”
“I have friends.” Your mumble is barely tangible but she has probably memorised the shape of your lips whenever they form these exact same words.
“Other than me.” Her glare can be felt on your back – that you’ve turned as she changes. She doesn’t mind you watching but you definitely did. You wouldn’t want anyone seeing you naked while you change so god knows how she can handle it.
“You know that I don’t really have problems with just one friend, right? This is why-”
“-Why you started mid-year so you wouldn’t have to be forced into making friends yeah yeah.” She’s waving her hand in dismissal but you only send her a sweet smile.
“See? You get it. Now go and have fun drinking, dancing and… whatever it is that you do there.” Soobin just scoffs at your nonchalant shrug, curling her hair while she watches you in the mirror.
After about 3 minutes, you’re starting to get jittery at her stares. “Okay, what?”
“If you go to one party with me I won’t annoy you anymore.” Exhaling, you’re actually kind of considering this. Maybe you can get her off your back about being ‘out there’ if you just show up to one.
“Fine. I’ll go but-” her face is lighting up like a hundred watt bulb until you put up your finger to slow down whatever plan is running through her head. “Not today. The next one.”
She’s shrieking as she lunges for you, hugging you tightly like you told her she won a million dollars or something. “I can accept that. Eee! I’m so excited.”
Her excitement is a little contagious and for some reason you feel yourself looking forward to actually going. Maybe it won’t be that bad after all. As long as you had her to guide you through. This was not your forte and you’d never been to any sort of party other than prom.
“Promise you won’t ditch me? I have never been to a party before.” You figured there was no way of hiding that fact anymore and judging by her face she probably expected it too.
“I won’t! But I honestly can’t understand how you’ve been so oblivious to the social side of college or even high school. Did you guys not have parties?”
“Well, my town was pretty small. And my mom is very,” you try to find the right words that don’t sound as harsh as they did in your mind, “conservative. So I didn’t really do much back home.” Shrugging your shoulders, you feel the wave of nostalgia crash when you remember the simpler life back home a couple hours from your university and even a slight disdain for your mother for keeping you so sheltered that just even the thought of attending a gathering of people outside of class gave you anxiety.
“Hey, it’s okay. This is college and you’re far away from your mom. So, time to do everything that you were told not to.” Her eyebrows are wiggling again and you can’t help but laugh at her goofy face.
“No thanks. I’ll stick to trying to have my first drink. Or not. I hope I don’t die.” Could one die from having a drink of alcohol in their 20s? Was that too late?
“Oh stop. You’ll be fine. You have to try everything once okay?” you opt for paying attention to the laptop screen as you take notes from the lecture that you missed.
“Fine! Gosh. As long as they aren’t narcotics, I’ll… give it a try? Wait not. I’m scared.” You lean back, making a horrified face when the image of you passed out on some fraternity’s couch floods your brain. Okay maybe you have a completely wrong perception of college culture.
“No need to.” Soobin is getting up to finish up her makeup as she continues. “As long as you get the stuff from Namjoon, you’ll be on cloud 9 babe. He’s the real deal.”
In the few months you’ve been here, you’ve heard the mysterious name more than a dozen times and all those times, it had been in whispers. You had yet to see him up close because the glimpse you got the other week while you were coming back to your dorm from the pharmacy was too good to be true. All his angles had been sharp as glass, lips plump and made you bite yours, body proportions that you’d only seen on super models in the many magazines Soobin read. He was so beautiful you’d stopped in your tracks until your eyes had locked with his own, catching you staring at him like a fool. You remembered the way all the blood in your body had rushed to your cheeks and yet, all this movement of your blood in your body didn’t translate in to your limbs moving with it. You’d been frozen on spot, looking back in to his dark eyes until Soobin had clutched your arm, shrieking in your ear about Kim Namjoon.
Maybe you saw him at night so he looked better than he actually was? You’re hoping that’s true because you’re not sure you can really enjoy a party he’s at since your body seems to grow restless around his presence. It’s like it knows that Namjoon is in close proximity. He makes your blood sing and you want nothing more than to get closer.
“Who exactly.. is he?” Soobin is taking in a sharp breath as if just remembering him brings her great gratification.
“He’s a senior in Music. Resident dealer that has a seemingly endless supply of weed. But he adds something to it. No one knows what it is but it’s damn good. Plus, he only sleeps with you if it’s your first time. In fact, I lost my virginity to him. It was almost…. Supernatural.”
Her sigh of contentment is very telling when she doesn’t say anything else for the next few minutes, seeming to be in deep thought remembering the said moment. Your own cheeks are going red at the mention of losing virginity because you certainly haven’t lost yours yet.
“What if it’s harmful? Do people not care?” She shrugs again.
“Nothing has happening to anyone yet. His older brother dealt the same thing. Plus, it’s not like he’s forcing you to take it. Unsurprisingly, his clientele is mostly females since most of the guys hate that he pulls.”
“That sounds very cliché. Hot guy every other guy hates and every girl loves? There must be a catch.”
“There is. I just told you about it. He only sleeps with virgins.” She’s pouting at you like it’s such a great inconvenience for her that she isn’t.
“But why?” You couldn’t seem to wrap your head around the fact that a very experienced man would want to sleep with very inexperienced women. You thought it was the exact opposite?
“I don’t know.” She seems to be thinking over that fact for the first time too. Like she hadn’t questioned it before. “I don’t know of anyone who’s slept with him twice. Oh other than Hyuna. Though she’s hot on another level so I can see why he would say yes to her. I’d totally bang her.”
Your cheeks are screaming once again at the mention of the – yes, insanely attractive – female. She seemed to hang around that crowd too since you never really saw her outside of that group. Only glimpses.
“Are they dating by any chance?” While you talk to Soobin, you open another tab on your laptop, typing the two names that you both were having a conversation about and bookmark the facebook page that shows up. You’ll have to look these people up if you were going to come face to face with them. Soobin’s snort however, snaps you out of your little bookmark spree and you close the lid shut when she walks to the side where her heels and other shoes were lined up.
“No way. She is just like Namjoon. She sleeps with guys once and then moves on. Maybe Namjoon is just one of those guys who’s all in to purity and shit.”
“Weird.” You can’t help but mumble as you think over her response.
“Weird but hot. If only he’d let me in his pants again.” She’s groaning as you roll your eyes once more at her. She always sounds like she’s in chronic pain when she isn’t getting laid.
“It can’t have been that much better than other guys you’ve… been with.” You wince at your hesitation. Hoping to not offend her but she just giggles in response.
“Don’t worry. I’m not going to be mad at you for little things like this y/n. And to answer your question,” she falls back down on the bed once again as she stairs up at the ceiling wistfully, “Yes. It was. It’s like I don’t remember anything at all but at the same time I do. It was almost… magical. I know it sounds cheesy but I can just remember that it was the best night of my life.”
You’re so pulled in to her story, leaning your head on your palms as you listen to her recall her first time. Would it be like this for you too? Would he be that great?
“Is someone thinking about doing the dirty with Namjoon?” She’s whistling at your reddening face and you don’t even try to deny the fact that you’d been fantasising about it.
“W-When you say it like that.” You don’t meet her inquisitive eyes as she just laughs, turning her gaze back to the ceiling and pulling you with her so you both stared up like the white paint held some sort of profound meaning and answers to life.
“I felt like I was high but I don’t remember taking anything before. Maybe I did? I don’t know. I just felt like I was floating and it didn’t hurt at all. Felt really sore the next day though.” She turned to face you, making a face in distaste.
“My head hurt like a bitch and I had to like, take a few days and rest. But that was probably my hangover.” Soobin just shrugs and gets up, putting on her high heels and grabbing her purse.
“My point is, you’re lucky you have the option to have your first time with someone like Namjoon.”
“I-I never said I wanted to.” You’re getting up from the bed to lock the door once she’s gone. Hoping that you’ve made a face strict enough that she believes you even just a little bit that you didn’t want anything physical to do with Kim Namjoon. He sounded like…. Too much for you.
“You say that now. We’ll see! Bye, don’t wait up!” She’s giggling as she runs off with the other girls standing and waiting in the hallway.
“I won’t.” You’re just mumbling to yourself as you close the door, heart slightly pounding and you’d only been just talking about the mysterious Namjoon.
Not long after, you’re climbing back on to your bed, bringing the bookmarked tabs back up as Namjoon’s sultry eyes appear once again. Scrolling through his profile, the information there is limited. You don’t find much more than just a picture that had been uploaded 4 years ago. Had he not changed it? Maybe he wanted it that way because of the ‘business’ he was involved in. There are a couple of other pictures taken in the same year with Hyuna and a few other men that you recognize from campus as well. You’d only seen them around once or twice but never at day time either. It was obvious they were a clique.
In each photo, Namjoon seemed to look intensely at the camera. You’re mesmerized momentarily, just by a picture. Watching his droopy eyes looking right back at you. What was is about his eyes that reeled you in so? You never wanted to look away and yet you wanted to scroll away at the same time. In fact, all the men in the picture gazed intensely at the camera lens as if they knew someone was looking back at them. Just imagining that face above yours sends a shiver down your spine and quickly, you’re exiting out of the tab. Too overwhelmed. If you were going to feel this overwhelmed from just one picture that maybe you couldn’t do this.
You were probably over thinking it. Maybe you won’t even come in to contact with him at all. And who said he’ll even take a liking to you? You were pretty average in all aspects. Yeah maybe a little above average in your studies but that was it, really. So it probably won’t be the way you were thinking. Like he was going to pick you, specifically, out of the crowd and ask to take away your virginity.
“Namjoon.” Unknowingly, you’d been whispering his name as thoughts of him ran through your head. Why was there such little information about him online when so many people seem to know him? You didn’t understand.
You phone pings indicating you’d received a message. Bringing up your phone, you see a photo message from Soobin. Clicking on the image to load, her smiling face pops up with a couple of other girls from your area standing beside her, smiling up at the camera. Smiling, you’re just about to lock your phone again until a certain pair of eyes have you doing a double take at the photo.
Clicking the image and dragging two of your fingers apart to enlarge the photo, you can clearly see Namjoon’s familiarly intense eyes peering in to yours. Your blood runs cold just for a moment as you blink a few times to make sure he was actually looking at the camera or just somewhere beside. But even blinking a few times doesn’t make the intense pair of eyes go away or look somewhere else. He was definitely looking in to the camera.
Your eyebrows furrow at how eerie it was that you’d been just looking at his photos and now.. he was looking in to the camera like he knew the photo was being sent to you. Like he knew… your phone is suddenly dropping from your clutch as you bring your hands up to your mouth, eyes wide. Wait could he know? What if there was some sort of software that told you who was looking at your page? Was your webcam hacked? You shake your head at that thought when you see the band aid on the camera lens. No way anyone was able to see anything. You were just being paranoid. This is why you didn’t want to go outside and socialise.
“This is exactly why you have to socialise!” Soobin is shrieking at you – while you try not to bleed out of your ears -  as she curls your hair. It was a week after you’d agreed to attend one of the many parties held at the frats every Saturday. Soobin had come home last week and hadn’t been able to shut up since about how boring the party was since Namjoon and his crew of attractive men were apparently not there despite you having seen him in the background of the picture you saw. When you’d tried to show her what you meant, she’d still hadn’t been able to see his sparkly eyes in the background. Much of your time had been spent since then to try and convince her that Namjoon was definitely there in the photo.
“I don’t see him y/n. You just want him so badly that you’re seeing things.” She’s singing mockingly – playfully – as she curls the last few bits of your long hair. You were wearing the shortest dress you owned – it reached just above the knees – and unsurprisingly, it was white. The tops were lace that framed your décolletage modestly. The only ‘immodest’ thing you could see that your mother would definitely scold you about were the spaghetti straps. It was the closest thing you owned to a dress that didn’t look like you were going to church. Which you still hadn’t gone to ever since you’d arrived in the city. You really needed to go to the nearest community church and introduce yourself. Your mother’s incessant voice was scolding and shaming you in the back of your head the longer you stalled. Tomorrow you definitely will.
“I’m not! I don’t know what’s wrong with your eyes. He is in the back it’s so obvious.” You can’t help the pout when you’re trying to convince her for the thousandth time that you saw him looking straight in the camera but somehow she can’t see him. You hadn’t even told her about the dreams you’d had of him every night this past week. Watching yourself walk a dimly lit pathway in a strange building until you reached the room he sat in. Every dream ended as soon as you opened the door, never being able to quite have good look apart from a glimpse of Namjoon’s face.
“Y/n, he wasn’t even there so I don’t know how you saw him let alone him looking straight in to the camera. Don’t you think I would’ve noticed him when I was sending it to you?”
You shrug, wincing when she pulls on a tendril a little too hard. “Maybe you were too drunk.”
“I wish. It was pretty tame and boring last week. So no. I wasn’t drunk.” She’s glaring at you through the mirror while you just avert your gaze. Maybe you were confused… hm.
“Okay! All done. Now, let me quickly change and we’ll go.” She’s scurrying off to change in the bathroom for once and you just look at the final result in the mirror.
You looked pretty but still you. You who was very unaware and ignorant to the life you were about to go experience. Maybe you should adjust the way you stand so you don’t look completely like a fish out of water?
“What are you doing weirdo.” Soobin is chuckling behind you while you quickly straighten up.
“I don’t know. I look so… me. I feel like ‘I’m a virgin’ is written across my forehead or something.”
“You’re fine babe.” She’s squeezing your shoulder from behind as she smiles kindly at you. She was gorgeous. She looked gorgeous in no matter what she wore so maybe it was easy for her to say. But nonetheless, your nerves ease enough for you to grab your purse as you both lock hands and walk out.
When you both arrive, the heavy bass can be almost felt from outside the building. Crowds of people loitering the front porch and your nerves are already kicking in.
“Soo…,” you sound just as unsure as you felt. There were bodies everywhere and you could feel your anxiety about to kick in. You were so out of depth.
“Hey, it’s okay. It’ll be fun!” She’s smiling widely at you as she grabs your hand, leading you inside ahead of you. Both of you have to slide between bodies of strangers who are dancing, drinking or doing both. While Soobin seems to slither away with ease as she smiles charmingly, saying hi to some and ‘excuse me’ to some, you feel the exact opposite. You’re sure your face looks horrified to some degree and the curious looks from other people just confirms your suspicion.
“Gosh, it’s packed today!” She’s looking around happily, having to scream a little so you can hear her.
“Y-Yeah.” Your nervous laugh goes unnoticed in the loud booming noise of the sultry music.
“I’m glad you came with me this week and not last.” She’s laughing as she flips her hair, watching the two boys who were looking her way ever since you two stopped near anther hallway.
“Yeah I’m not so sure..” looking around, you don’t see a single familiar face. You can definitely feel people looking at you and probably how out of place you looked but that could also be your brain making you overthink.
“Don’t flake out on me now. I’ll go get us a drink!” Before you can stop her she’s disappeared off to probably where the drinks table was. You remember seeing it when you entered but there were too many people here to figure out on your own where it was. Thinking it safer to stay put than wander around, you lean back against the wall, trying to look around insouciantly at the crowd. As soon as you lock eyes with one of the boys dancing on the floor, your gaze is turning down and you take out your phone to fiddle with it while waiting for Soobin.
Unknowingly, you pull up the picture that she had sent last week and instantly, you can see Namjoon’s eyes once more.
“How…,” you keep exiting out of the messages app and entering again just to make sure you weren’t seeing things. And you definitely weren’t. Where was Soobin? You needed to show her this. Looking up, you walk forward a little bit, hoping to see her among the crowd but you can’t see anything in this dim light. What you do see, however, is how familiar the hallway besides you looked. Trying to rake your brain for answers, you decide to have a look. Why did it feel like you’d been here before when this was your first time coming to this frat house?
You walk a little further towards the darker hallway, lit with a dim yellow light right at the end of it. All breath is sucked out of you when you realise where you’d seen it before. Every marking on the wall starts to come back to you when you remember the exact place you’d been dreaming about this past week. You can feel the skin of your arm raising up in goosebumps, mouth running dry as you continue to stare. How did you dream about a place you’d never seen before? How was this possible. What was even more eerie was how your body had started to take you further in to the hallway as if moving on its own accord. You find yourself bracing your hands against the walls as you walk forward, reaching the end of the hallway. With every step, you felt yourself growing calmer and calmer.
Why did you feel like this was what you were supposed to do? You didn’t even know where you were going but your feet seemed to. Somehow, you’d lost all control of your body and you weren’t nearly as scared as you thought you would be. Turning to the right where you saw a door, just like in your dream, you walk further towards it. Your fingers reach forward on the handle as you gulp in the saliva that had pooled in your mouth all of a sudden. When you open the door, even though you know to some extent what will greet you, you still close your eyes, afraid that this unnerving coincidence was not that at all. A coincidence.
“Hello, y/n.” The deep, euphonious voice sends a shiver down your spine so violently that you’re stumbling forward in the room, breath held but eyes finally open and coming face to face with Namjoon. How did you know he would be here? How did he know your name? Did he know you were coming in? He sure sounded like he was expecting you. And just as you had expected before, you were awestruck at his beauty and once again, his sharpest and the most attractive feature were his smouldering eyes. Looking at you like he wanted to devour you.
“She’s cute.” Your head jerks towards the female voice and the blush creeps up on your skin furiously when you see her on the lap of another man who you would think looked a bit forlorn with her on his lap if it wasn’t for the possessive way he was holding on to her.
“And all mine.” Namjoon sounds even more menacing than he looks while the girl in question, who you recognize as Hyuna, just smirks and resumes placing kisses on the boy’s long neck. You should be turning away and running out. This was no place for you with Namjoon sitting on the couch, legs splayed like he owned the place while unfamiliar girls sat at each side, kissing his neck, caressing his hair.
This was too scandalous for you and yet your eyes took in their every lustful look. “Come on. Don’t be shy, y/n.”
Something about his smile is so reassuring and has such a calming effect on you once again that you’re walking forward with ease, almost in a trance until you come to a halt in front of him. What was happening to you? You were being so reckless and yet, you physically couldn’t stop yourself. For all you knew, he could be a murderer. Oh god.
It’s not until you’ve been tugged down on his lap that you snap out of your inner monologue and notice the thick smoke surrounding you, lacing the air that you breathe in. It didn’t reek heavily of marijuana and you wonder if it’s because of that ‘secret’ ingredient that Soobin said Namjoon used. When his hands slither around your waist, you can feel your flesh getting covered in goosebumps, skin feeling like it had been electrified where he touched. Your back straightened slightly at the contact, in turn pushing out your chest involuntarily closer to his.
“H-How do you know m-my name?” Namjoon just continues to stare you down, a playful smile on his lips as his other hand also clambers up your thigh where your dress had ridden up a fair bit.
“Don’t be like this, love. You know we’ve met before.” Your breathing had picked up significantly and you think you might faint as your mind wanders back to the strange dreams you’ve been having. And the photo… Namjoon has not broken character. He’s as put together as you’re about to lose it. His warm hands caressing your back and thigh are not helping. Not to forget the salacious noises coming from Hyuna and her boytoy who are now locked in a heavy embrace.
“T-That’s not possible. I-I have to go. I-” you’re shaking your head while closing your eyes for just a second to gather your thoughts. Maybe coming here wasn’t a good idea.
“Y/n.” Your body halts where it is on his lap at his commanding tone. “Sit. Here, take this, darling.”
You can see him reaching besides him where the smoking cigarette lay, almost looking like a cigar, before bringing the sweet smelling stick towards you. Namjoon makes sure to keep his eyes locked on to yours when he parts his luscious lips, wrapping them tantalising around the thick object and takes in a deep drag while his eyes close as well. It’s the single most erotic thing you’d seen tonight. Or maybe ever. You’re mesmerised as you watch him hold in the smoke in his mouth for a few seconds before he’s bringing his face even closer to yours and then blowing the smoke gently, right on to your face.
Your eyes close on instinct, anticipating a foul smell or for your eyes to burn. But as surprising as everything else tonight, no such thing happens. Instead, you can feel yourself breathing the sweet yet earthy scent in even deeper, lungs seeming to not be able to get enough of the thick smoke inside. When your eyes open, you find Namjoon’s sparkling ones staring right at you.
“You want more?” There is no question about you being under the influence of something at this stage. Whatever it was that Namjoon was making you inhale – it was messing with your brain and making you that much more receptive to everything that was happening. You didn’t feel the need to suddenly get up and go. Instead, your hands found purchase on the silk of his shirt as he took in another deep drag of the cigar. You had your eyes closed, ready for the gust of smoke to hit your nostrils but instead, you feel Namjoon’s nimble fingers taking a hold of your chin as your eyes fall open in surprise.
The next thing he does almost makes you faint but you just hang on to him tighter, knuckles turning white as he taps his fingers on to your lips in a signal for you to part them. Your eyes are wide, a small moan escaping your mouth that’s painted red and then – Namjoon is exhaling the thick translucent smoke right in to your mouth. You could feel the warmth of his lips that almost touched yours and the closeness only makes you yearn to have them locked with yours.
“You liked that baby?” Every movement from his mouth can faintly be felt on your lips – that’s how close he is. But for some reason, he doesn’t close the distance. Though the strange wetness between your thighs makes you want to rub them together until you would no doubt chafe them. Your shifting on his lap however, has him looking down with you but he doesn’t look as clueless as you. Instead, he’s biting his lip, a heavy hand running down your thigh before running up on the insides of it – dangerously close to your white cotton panties. If you’d known you’d be lured in to Namjoon’s sex dungeon, you would’ve worn something sexier.
The thought has your eyes going wide – remembering Soobin’s words.
He only sleeps with virgins.
Did he plan to have sex with you? Were you ready for that?
Before you can comprehend anything else, you’re blurting out the words as they form on your tongue while the smoke has clouded your brain, giving you courage you otherwise wouldn’t have. “A-Are you going to h-have sex with me?”
His body is rumbling with the laugh that he lets out, head tilting slightly backwards revealing the long column of his throat. You never thought someone just merely laughing – and at you no less – could look this picturesque. His hands have started to play with the hem of your dress while you wait for him to reply. When he finally looks back at you, the playfulness is replaced with something more carnal.
“Do you want me to?” Did you? Your body was humming with need when just an hour ago you weren’t even sure you wanted to stay at the party.
Namjoon’s hand that had been on your thigh was now drawing irregular shapes on the exposed skin, making it harder for you to think straight when each touch of his finger sent a jolt of need straight to your core.
“You don’t exactly have the luxury to choose Namjoon. Don’t be a fool and stop playing with your food.”
Once again you’d forgotten that Hyuna was right behind you but when you see her walking towards the door with the man she’d been with, your nerves come back at the prospect of being left alone with Namjoon. Were you safe here? What did she mean by food? All these questions are running through your head as everyone leaves the room one by one until you’re left completely alone with Namjoon.
He’s staring at you like he wants to devour you and you wonder if Hyuna meant that figuratively. How else could she possibly mean?
“Don’t be scared, love. I’m very gentle.” The way he tilts his head, a small grin on his face – it all makes you forget whatever it was that you were worried about. The burning needs is even more noticeable now as Namjoon’s large hands slip down to your bottom, pulling on your hips to slide you further up his lap.
“Lift up for me, y/n.” His voice is even while your breathing is not. You’ve never been in a compromising position like this with another man let alone one as attractive, terrifying and mysterious as him. Now that your legs were on either side of his body, your dress had all but been shifted up your ass most likely exposing your cotton panties. Not only that but the dampness of your panties was very much getting worse – Namjoon probably able to feel your arousal if he just slipped his hand a little further down. At this point, you were trying to not faint in his lap while under the influence of whatever the mysterious cigar had been – yet, you’re not feeling frightened or even the slightest worry. Instead, the excitement is bubbling deep within your core making you squirm under his heavy gaze.
“You smell divine little bird.” His hands have started to caress your back, fingers dancing along your spine while his gaze holds yours hostage. If you thought staring at his eyes through a photo was overwhelming – looking in to the dark irises now was an entirely different experience. The pounding of your heart is intense and loud – being able to feel your chest ‘thud’ with every beat.
A breath leaves escapes when Namjoon’s hands put pressure on the curve of your back, making your body move in a provocative rhythm with the heavy, muted music that can be heard from outside, making the actions even more wicked. The steady trickle of arousal from your core making your underwear stick to the contours of your pussy as the bundle of nerves situated above grazed the denim of Namjoon’s tight jeans with every roll of your hips. Soon enough, you’ve started to control the rhythm on your own as wicked desire has taken a hold of all of your senses – all worry and apprehension long dissipated in to the thick smoky air.
“N-Namjoon.” His name falls from your lips like a plea and his smirk only deepens as he sits back, settling in to the plush couch while a hand stays at the curve of your back to guide each movement.
“Hmm… you’re really good at this despite your inexperience little bird.” The pet name has you even more bothered. The seemingly innocent nickname rolling off a lot more alluringly from his tongue.
The hardness laying heavy between your legs was the testament to how effected he was too and that was where any indication of how much he was affected – ended. The sensual man looking you over like you’re his personal entertainer was only urging you on further in the roll of your hips. Never having felt any sensations like this before – you’re drunk on the pheromones in the air that was becoming smokier and smokier as Namjoon took deep inhales of the cigar. Your hands are clutching desperately on to Namjoon’s silk shirt with each roll of your hips – not being able to stop the inevitable.
Leaning forward, Namjoon is wrapping his hand around your hair at the nape of your neck, tilting your head backwards as he moves even closer. For a mere moment, you could cry with joy thinking he’ll finally kiss you. But alas, the wait is still on as he only exhales the thick smoke in your mouth, dragging his other hand down the middle of your chest as if he was tracing the pathway the smoke was taking inside of you.
“Please,” you didn’t know what you were asking for but for some reason this burning need had replaced the steadily growing arousal. It’s like with every inhale of the thick, sweet smoke, you were becoming desperate for something unknown, something you didn’t know you needed. However, Namjoon seemed to know exactly what he’s doing when he’s sliding off a strap of your dress of your shoulder, pressing hot open mouthed kisses up the column of your throat.
“It’ll be such a shame to ruin you.” His plush lips press a searing kiss underneath your earlobe, sending a chill down your spine. “But I have no choice. I’ve been waiting too long for you.”
Maybe If you weren’t so focused on trying to relieve the growing ache in your core, you would notice Namjoon’s dangerous words. But his actions and words didn’t corroborate each other. Where his words were somewhat threatening and worrying, his touch was soft and sensual – eating away at your rationality until you were a shivering mess in his lap. Your soft groans and needy whimpers only egg him on as he slides the other strap down your shoulder too.
Where you couldn’t even change in front of Soobin – you were being undressed by a man you barely knew and somehow you didn’t care. In a haste – you’re clawing at his shirt, trying to reveal some skin you could taste yourself. Never having been this bold – you even surprise yourself when you start unbuttoning Namjoon’s shirt.
“Slow down little bird. We have all the time in the world.” His chuckle doesn’t do much to halt your actions. Instead, you’re hurriedly popping off each button, revealing the smooth expanse of his chest and tight abdominal muscles. With his hair pushed back, eyes heavy – he looks like the definition of an angel. His skin is somehow almost glowing and you want nothing more than to cover it with your kisses.
“P-Please. I-I need-” Namjoon slides his hands inside your dress, dragging the fabric upwards until you lift up your arms to let him take it off completely.
“What do you need, y/n? Where do you need me?” He doesn’t sound like he genuinely wants to know. You can tell he just wants to make you say aloud. Say things aloud you never thought you would ask for let alone let some stranger do to you.
“Y-you. I need… you- oh.” Namjoon has started to palm one of your heaving breasts – pulling on the nipple through your white bra.
“Where, little bird? Where do you want me?” His reverberating growl makes another trickle of arousal escape, soiling your panties and no doubt staining his pants too.
Taking his hand that’s on your chest and dragging it downwards until it rests just above your underwear band. If you thought Namjoon’s eyes were dark and heavy before – his irises were completely black now. His pupils dilated and nostrils flaring as he looks down at your hand covering his own. “Here.”
You don’t know how you kept yourself from being a stuttering mess when asking something so completely shameless from him. No morals or ethics were currently holding you back as you asked him for what you needed. With another noise that sounded much like an inhuman growl, Namjoon’s shoving his hand inside your panties as his fingers dive straight for your slit making your head fall back as the delicious sensations have you singing.
“I can’t wait much longer but… I’ll make you feel good y/n. I’ll taste every inch of you.” You’re none the wiser when he’s growling like that, caressing your silken folds with his fingers that drag against them – relieving the pressure slightly. But that doesn’t make you want him less. A jolt of electricity goes through you when his index and middle finger slide upwards – settling on your clit and rolling it in tight circles.
“Ah! N-Namjoon I’m so c-close.” You felt like you were about to burst in to tears. So tightly wound but not being able to untie that knot somehow. Namjoon doubled his ministration, mumbling his erogenous words and promises about what he would do to you. But at no point do you ask him to stop. When his two circling fingers suddenly slip back down – your eyes are going wide at the loss of the sensations. You were so, so close.
But you don’t have to wait for too long as he’s spearing his two fingers inside your clenching entrance, making you shout aloud from the sudden thick intrusion. “Breathe, y/n. Just relax for me baby. Just like that.”
His soothing voice is enough for you to be doing exactly as he says. Your vaginal walls are relaxing around his digits as they rub your insides – nudging at that spongy spot that has you seeing stars with a shout.
“Namjoon! Oh god…” His chuckle is somehow heard through your own cries as he starts to thrust the two slickened fingers in and out.
“God won’t be able to save you now darling. Not when I’m about to have a taste…”
In an instant, Namjoon has you pushed back in to the couch, back laying on the soft velvety couch while his lithe figure loomed over you. His silk shirt open, exposing his smooth yet firm chest, hair falling forward as he supported his weight on the arm that wasn’t occupied. If you’d thought he looked beautiful before – he looked almost otherworldly now. It was as if you were in a dream – barely able to comprehend what was going on other than the intense burning in your core that seemed to flow out to the rest of your body. Your legs had fallen open, giving Namjoon full opportunity to continue his assault on your core that you welcomed. Back arching, his name falling from your lips – you revelled in the hedonistic pleasure that Namjoon was forcing inside your buzzing frame.
“That’s it little bird. Cum for me. Give me a taste, won’t you…” The slight tilt of his head as his mischievous tone asks you the rhetorical question only pushes you closer to your peak. As Namjoon continues to scissor his two fingers in and out of your pussy, your mind his becoming hazy.
“Fucking hell. You look amazing. Cum now y/n.” It’s his last growl that has you clamping your legs around his waist – crying out his name like a prayer while you spasm beneath him cumming harder than your own hand had ever made you.
Gently – Namjoon continues to thrust his fingers inside, momentarily pulling them out completely to rub your leaking fluids all around your pussy. Just when you think the burning in your core would subside – nothing of the sort happens. Instead, you can feel like desire clawing its way back in to your pussy faster than before and you’re extending your arms to bring Namjoon closer to you.
“K-Kiss me. Please, N-Namjoon…. I need-” He pulls his hand out of your panties, bringing them up to his lips as he pushes his slick, dripping fingers inside his mouth – tasting you on his tongue. A deep rumble from within his throat makes your body shiver once more and makes all the blood rush to your cheeks when he closes his eyes as well – savouring the taste. Maybe he was trying to distract you from asking him to kiss you. Whatever it was, it works as you watch him in a daze.
“I wish I could eat your pussy until you’re all I can taste but… I need you. Now.” His growl is carnal and you’re just following his every command. The buzzing in your core has become more incessant and you’re positively vibrating with need. Namjoon makes haste of his shirt, pushes down his arousal stained jeans and even before they are off – you can tell that he’s bigger than the average man. His erection stand proud and thick, the pearly white pre-cum leaking from the mushroom head as he palms himself.
You’re staring in amazement as even his own hand just barely fits around the base and it’s the first time tonight you’re having second thoughts. But Namjoon has quickly come forward, hovering on top of you again as he bites his lip.
“Take everything off little bird. I want to see all of you.” He watches you with his sparkling eyes while you unclip your bra and take off your panties that have strings of arousal keeping it from being completely torn off and Namjoon hisses at the image. “Fuck, you’re so wet baby. So wet and ready for me. I’ve been waiting so long…”
There it was again. What did he mean by waiting? Waiting for you? Did you know him from somewhere else? You don’t remember telling anyone about coming to the party or even your university. So how did he know you would be here?
“Ah!” All breath is knocked out of you once again tonight when Namjoon’s warm tongue is licking across your nipples – wetting them and sucking them gently to have you writhing. Your head is pushed back and eyes closed as his hands pull your pelvis closer to his own – getting ready to connect you both and it only makes you mewl louder.
It’s only for a second – if not less – that you open your eyes. What you see, however, has your blood running cold. Namjoon’s tongue is still laving your hardened nipples but the shape of his tongue is something else entirely. You’re so sure that his tongue edges were a serrated shape but before you can scream or say anything – Namjoon has pushed his entire girth inside your weeping pussy.
“Fuck!” He’s growling while your eyes are blown wide simultaneously. You expected excruciating pain to go through your entire body but apart from a slight pinch – you feel nothing but bliss. Maybe it was the effect of whatever he had you smoke or maybe sex felt this good even for the first time? You don’t get to mull over that thought for long when he grabs on to your hands and pins them above you head – gazing deeply in to your eyes.
“You’re better than anything I ever imagined. I’m going to ruinyou, darling.” His chuckle is sinister but you can only push your hips up in an effort to take him deeper when he was already pushed to the hilt. Your cries can be heard throughout the room and finally – Namjoon starts to move his hips.
With each thrust of his fluid hips forward, you’re being pushed backwards on the couch, a symphony of his name falling from your lips. Soon, sweat starts to trickle down his temples as he pushes his hips in to you with ever increasing force. His teeth are clenched hard enough that you can see every twitch in his cheek muscle. Your breasts bouncing with every vicious thrust of his length as it spears in to your pussy.
“Na-am-jo-on. Oh god.” Your eyes are tearing up as the knot in your core gets tighter and tighter – Namjoon’s length growing even harder inside you. Even when you two are joined so intimately like this; he doesn’t kiss you. He doesn’t even indicate if he even wantsto kiss you. Your hands are clawing at his back, mouth hanging open like a drunkard as he grabs one of your legs and pulls on it until your ankle hangs off of his shoulder. The new angle reaching depths inside you that you hadn’t felt before and the new sensations make you cry harder – so good that they border on painful. It’s like he’s shoving the powerful sensations inside you with every deep thrust.
“Fuck yes. God won’t be able to stop me from having you, love.” His laugh is just as hypnotising – but now with a ominous edge to it. He’s looking down at you with his tongue peeking out from the edge of his enticing mouth. You’re in no shape to fight him off – or that you want to. Not when you’re so close to the finish line you could taste the relief. It’s so persistent that you feel as if it would never stop. Your breaths growing shallower as high pitched sobs sound from your mouth – tears streaming down your face as your overheated body takes every slap of his hips against your ass. The lewd noises that accompany his every lunge only make you gush more.
“You gunna cum for me, y/n? Your needy pussy ready to gush for me? Hm? Answer me!”
His tone is nowhere as gentle as when he’d started as he stares you down – sweat dripping down his temple and the bridge of his nose while all you can do is sob and nod out your reply. Namjoon is taking it a step further as he brings your other leg up too until both of your ankles now hang off of his shoulder – almost folding you in half as his cock slices in to your pussy like a hot knife going through butter. Your body so pliable from his hands constantly squeezing and running across it.
Just when you feel the string inside you about to snap – Namjoon makes the sensations tenfold more severe when his palm lands on your blood filled clit, rubbing it in circles before he pinches it to push you face first in to an almost violent orgasm as your whole body twitches. You can’t recall how long your orgasm went for – or how long you’d actually been with him, really. But it seems to go on and on and on. Your body stretched tight as your back remains arched – hands trying to grasp any part of Namjoon’s body as he continuous to push his cock in and out of your sloppy cunt.
Your orgasm is prolonged surely because of Namjoon’s never slowing ministrations. Your body is flopping in to the couch as the toll of your strenuous and debauched activities finally kicks in. Your arms and legs are quivering and yet, the stiff length that’s being dragged in and out of you is not relenting. The sweat dripping from Namjoon’s temple tells you how much of his energy is being used – and so is yours. Because it felt like the soul was being sucked out of you. Suddenly, the same sensations that were so mind numbingly pleasurable now felt like were making you dizzier and dizzier.
“Fuck, fuck! you’re so sweet I can’t stop little bird.” Namjoon’s growling out his words as he pushes your trembling legs off his shoulder and wrapping them around his waist. You’re so far gone that your head is lolled to the side, arms just trying to hold on to him as his hips continue to slam in to yours – the wet sounds accompanying each move incredibly erogenous.
“I can’t a-any m-more. Oh god…” His hand has slipped back down, swiping against your clit which reignites the pleasure a little more for you until you’re moaning like a vixen again.
Swiftly, Namjoon has risen from his position above you, leaning back with your legs still locked behind his back until he has you in his lap – his hands wrapping around your hips to gain leverage as he pushes his hips up in to your pussy in this new position.
The new angle is enough to have your eyes tearing up because somehow – the sex feels even more good than before. You’re losing sight of what is happening and the only thing you can focus on is the burning needs rising in your center again even if you felt like they were on fire. Tears have started to escape, your tongue loose as you shout out Namjoon’s name again and again. The was something happening and you couldn’t understand what. Not in the state that you were in. Past your hazy eyes, you could see that Namjoon looked…. Different. You weren’t sure how but you felt it. You felt the shift in the air now that he was ravaging your body unlike anyone else. You thought you wouldn’t be able to handle more but somehow, you were still clinging on to him as he repeatedly drove in to you. Now bouncing you on his lap to milk out his pleasure.
He was starting to glow. Radiating such energy you thought you were seeing an angel. Your body was getting more and more tranquil and pliant – letting him whisper all the sweet dirty things in your ear while he brought you to your peak again. This time – him joining you too. And doing the completely unexpected.
“I’m going to cum y/n. I’m going to fill you up with everything that I have so you will remember me forever.” His grin is not fear invoking anymore. It seems like he is content – unlike how he’d been at first. Purposeful. Almost vengeful as he coaxed you in to his arms. You were losing your senses as the time went – only able to recognise the stabbing pleasure at your core that Namjoon was stuffing in you to the brim. He looked scenic. Like a Greek god with the sweat shining on his body and muscles bulging and the urge to kiss him again rose with an agonising need.
“Please,” you pant with every push of his hips up in to yours. “Kiss me N-Namjoon. Kiss me. Please.” You’re pleading as your walls clench around his hard length and for the first time – his eyes soften enough for you to actually think he might be concerned. For what, you didn’t know.
“I don’t want to… hurt you.” His brow creases as he stares up at your dishevelled state, with the kindest eyes you’d seen on him since you step foot in to the room. But there was no reasoning with you as drunk on pheromones as you were. Clawing at his chest to pull him closer. And for once – Namjoon gives in and seals your lips in a searing kiss.
In a matter of seconds, he’s growling in the kiss as he cum with such stagnant force. You follow suit – body trembling as you feel the spurts of his cum splash inside your overheated pussy – dribbling out like saliva. But nothing compares to the feeling of his lips on yours. You don’t care that with each passing second you’re losing conscious – body suddenly growing weaker and weaker. More fatigue kicking in despite Namjoon doing all the work. You felt like you were in a dream – floating through the air feeling light as a feather. Namjoon’s lips were like having a glass of the richest red wine. You wanted even more as you clung on to his frame – pushing your tongue against his to drink him in.
“You’re like the sweetest fruit little bird. I will miss you.” You can hear Namjoon’s voice but somehow you can’t place where it’s coming from. Your eyes are falling shut and your limbs have lost all control as you lay your head on his shoulder – too spent to even bat an eyelash.
No one told you you’d be this tired after sex or was it just a thing with Namjoon? Whatever it is, you can vaguely feel yourself being put in something familiar. Some surface that feels all too familiar that the next thing you know, is blackness. Not before you hear Namjoon’s last words.
“Thank you little bird. You were a special one.” His voice sounds pained and you want to ask him why. But you can’t seem to open your eyes or even speak. You can tell he’s standing near you because the pull is too strong for you to ignore. Then, with a gentle kiss to your forehead, you hear nothing from him anymore. All you see is blackness.
Namjoon is thankful to be alive as he walks back to his place. Leaving you was harder than he’d thought it’d be but you wouldn’t have the energy to speak let alone walk back to your place after that. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d slept with someone and he was getting weaker. When you’d arrived on campus – he’d been thrilled. But watching you these past few weeks had made him in to another man. A weaker man. Caring about you was never the plan but he’d come to do that too.
Alas, he had to leave you alone now. He wouldn’t hurt you anymore. He may be a demon – but even he would not act this evil. He could tell you’d remembered him from the dreams. He’d been too greedy. Too selfish that despite Hyuna’s warning about him getting too close to his prey – he’d inserted himself in to your life more than necessary. Maybe a one night stand would have been easier for you to forget if he’d met you for the first time today. But the way you screamed his name, begged him to kiss you… he knew he was in trouble.
Because something told him that you wouldn’t be staying away.
a/n: dont forget to tell me what you thought!! 
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salvia-plathitudes · 5 years
Bela Talbot escaping from Hell when the angels leave an aperture in 2008 after their reconnaissance. She escapes and she finds a vessel similar to how she used to be, and goes right back to rebuilding her empire of cursed and stolen artifacts while adopting disguises to add to the already convenient new body so that she can only be found by those she wants to find her. She turns to Crowley with the upper hand of being a capable demon already free to walk and that’s respected no matter how it came about, she was nobody, just another soul on the rack so she doesn’t matter. Bela is granted the promotion of crossroads demon by choice.
She finds desperate young girls who were driven to sell their souls. Bela confuses them to the process, telling them what they really need, offers them her gaudily large ring not to her taste resting on her knuckle and uses that to seal the deal, warning them to be careful not to touch her skin as the girls kiss it. Usually what they need is information, cash, directions. She keeps ten thousand dollars from her enterprise on hand for the express purpose. And she damns all of the other idiots she can get her lipsticked teeth on. She does this and pays people to break into archival storage units that become more and more easy targets as the older hunters die and nobody inherits them, being of the old ways of no connections beyond maybe a hunting partner, and she puts out the word that she wants her cat back.
One day she runs into Sam and it’s shocking. He’s no longer that goofy boy. He’s accompanied by Rowena, and suddenly all of that contempt and the sorrow and panic and even brief period of blame and resentment that she held for the Winchester goes out the window. She’d wondered down there what she would say to him if she had this chance she never thought she’d actually get and now all she can feel is relief because he exudes safety. He’s stayed alive and stayed kind and he knows what he’s doing.
They stay with Bela while they’re working leads. One day Sam brings home this abused psychic girl Magda and Bela accepts her into her home immediately. Magda doesn’t have anyone. Sam tries to convince the teenager that her powers are a gift and that she’s incredible, and Rowena tells him to put his money where his mouth is and use his own psychic powers again so that they can work together. Sam discovers that his powers have been dormant and with a little help from magic, they’re his again. It’s rocky and it’s scary but it’s proof to Magda that they’re in this together in the most real way he can possibly show and he’s excited. Rowena is proud of her witch.
While working as a crossroads demon, Bela has been working along the side— another insult to Hell. She purposely killed a Hellhound on its way to collect and bathed in its blood and reveals that next she plans to rescue an innocent soul from Hell. She’s going to shut the gates of Hell forever. But Sam has seen firsthand what the trials do to the person— or demon— completing them. She’ll die by the completion of the third trial.
Soon the adult trio and Cas concoct an insane plan to raid Hell together and shut it down— use Rowena’s Book to send every single soul up to heaven. Sam, with his psychic powers, revives the idea that he should be the new king in Hell, not Crowley— who Rowena has no lost love for. She enjoys personal pursuits, not long lost familial. Bela is obviously perturbed at the thought of her parents being pardoned and having a cushy eternity. Her father tortured her in Hell when she was sent. But they conclude that no, better to have every innocent soul saved than to damn them so that the evil can burn. It’s what Bela works for at the crossroads with the girls and the ring, after all. Even evil deserves perhaps their first break in their lives. And most importantly, if Sam is in control of Hell, Bela won’t have a need to complete her trials and die in the process.
Cas was there the day Bela escaped through his entry. He can get his family as far as he knows— but not all of the way to the throne. Magda has to stay in Bela’s apartment, with regrets by Sam. If he fails and dies on the mission, Magda won’t have her brightest beacon of hope and integrity. If they all don’t make it, she’ll have no one. Bela asks Magda to promise she’ll take good care of her Savannah foster kittens, which are illegal in New York.
Bela confronts her father, but she is not alone this time. When the souls are reaped from Hell, heaven-bound, Death arrives, curious. Rowena agrees to give up her current power over souls and store the Book of the Damned in Death’s library.
Sam encounters Lucifer and Michael in the Cage— Lucifer sees Sam’s powerful state and tempts him that he is strong enough to be his vessel now. In response Sam is calm, almost paternal to the devil. He saw what the Mark did to Dean and knows what twisted up thing God can turn his toys into. He offers them the same word they’ve been spreading throughout all of Hell: they’re going to Heaven.
The siege does not go without incident or injury. Weakened by the the completion of the second trial, Bela searches for Cas to fly her out of Hell. Instead of Sam, Rowena is actually the one who makes it to the throne first. Crowley is reasonably furious that his kingdom has been revoked, and ruthless as the witch is— he chokes on his last breath so that she can crown herself Queen of nothing at all.
When everyone comes back to earth, they discover that they have cured a demon. Just like Cas rescuing Dean in 2008, he has flown Bela’s soul out and transformed it— saved her, given her humanity back. Behind them, last one out please turn out the lights, Hell is shut forever, a land inaccessible to the last Queen who ruled it.
When she was in possession of the Book, Rowena didn’t only bring the souls up, she brought an old acquaintance down. The original, real, amazing Charlie.
But that’s just how I would have liked Bela to return.
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Dancing in the dark (Peter P.)
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Summary: Weddings are always fun.
Warnings: fluff, possible ENDGAME SPOILER (although not really, but just in case)
Word count: ~ 1800
Prompt 10. You're quite possibly my favorite person, for @starksparker writing challenge.
She was nervous like never before, that much was true. However, there was a deeper meaning to her quick pacing up and down the small room.
Clicking sound of her heels on marble floor echoed against the walls and caused an annoying ringing sensation in her ears. Peter was only down the hall, so close but too far for comfort. She knew it was unreasonable, but they were never able to properly handle being away from one another for too long.
Especially after Thanos snapped his fingers and the two disappeared into the Soul stone - so close, but still so far. 
Ever since then, it’s more like she couldn’t handle it. 
After years of being together, constant worrying became a normal thing for Y/N. There was never a simple day for her since Peter told her he was Spiderman. Whenever he’d go out, Y/N would clean, cook, work, do whatever possible not to focus on what he might be facing. If Peter didn’t make it home by bed time, she turned and tossed, sleep evading her in every possible way until his body laid next to hers and his arms wrapped around her protectively. 
Fear of losing him, not being there for him was sometimes overwhelming and today was one of those days. Against better judgement, her mind convinced her something would go wrong. It’s them - the couple with worst luck in the world and she just had to see him. 
Every ounce of her being craved his proximity, touch of his skin on hers, their lips connected once more. There was nothing and no one capable of calming her nerves and making the crazy thoughts go away but Peter, so she realized he was what she needed.
Picking up the hem of her dress, she headed for the door, watching her best friend step in front of her.
“Move or I’ll move you.“ Y/N threatened, her eyes narrowed slightly and her lips set in a firm line. 
If there was anything everyone could agree upon when she was in question, it’s that she’s scary when she wants to be and her best friend immediately stepped away spotting a mad look in her eyes. 
Without waiting, she ran out the door and her clicking heels soon stopped in front of yet another obstacle. 
Gently, she pulled the door-handle, watching the door budge with a content smile and walked in, her eyes scanning the room for Peter.
“There you are!“ She exclaimed. 
Peter squealed, jumping in place like a frightened mouse and looked around in panic. Noticing there was nothing but drapes near him, Peter decided to take cover behind them, his feet sticking out from the bottom as the heavy, lacy, white drapes were a bit shorter than he expected.
“What are you doing?“ Peter shouted, his voice going a few notches higher and she arched an eyebrow in response.
“I needed to see you. What are you doing?“ She retorted, chuckling at the sight of a human shaped hideout behind the curtains.
“It’s bad luck for the bride to see the groom on their wedding day!“ Peter pointed out in his defense and she couldn’t hold back a loud snort at his statement. 
A wide smile spread across her face at his goofy behavior, her hand set over her heart to slow down its irregular rhythm. Peter always had that effect on her. Whenever he was around, even if he was just mentioned in her presence, her heart jumped and changed its course, beating wildly inside her chest for minutes on end.
“It’s bad luck for the groom to see the bride in her wedding dress on their wedding day, silly!" She corrected him, tilting her head to the side to try and take a peak at him.
“Come out! I really need you.“ She whined, placing a hand over her lips to hold in a laugh when Peter peaked his head out in concern, his eyes slightly narrowed and eyebrows raised.
“Are you having second thoughts?“ Panic made his voice pitchy once more and even though she teased him about it mercilessly, she couldn’t deny how cute it was. It’s one of the best things about him; he’s not capable of being duplicitous, even if he tried.
“What? No! No! Peter, I love you and I wanna marry you, but I just…I just wanted to see you.“ Y/N averts her gaze to the marble floor, gnawing on the inside of her cheek as her nerves took over. 
It wasn’t just her nerves, rather anxiety pulling at her mind, inserting negative thoughts as each moment passed. Every muscle felt tight, sprung for action and she couldn’t even walk. Even her face felt tight, like smiling just wasn’t an option anymore and her usual calm had been replaced by a carousel of ideas, each one more worrying than the last. Supervillains, natural disasters, her crazy family - all of the possible ways of the wedding going nuclear visited her all at once.
She didn’t consider running from the wedding, far from it, but she feared messing the whole thing up. 
Peter could sense her spiraling, exchanging his hideout for her comfort in a heartbeat. When it came to Y/N, there was nothing he wouldn’t do, no rule he wouldn’t break. 
Peter crosses the distance between them swiftly, taking her in his arms before his eyes got a chance to properly see the dress she was in. She buries her head in his chest and he wraps his arms around her tightly.
 He is sweaty, but his scent lingers and informs her it’s safe to put her guard down and relax in his warm embrace. Peter was there, he was safe and she was safe with him. She repeated that statement over and over in her head, feeling herself growing stronger with every moment that passed by. 
In one swift move, he cast a web at the lights, dimming them for effect. 
She raised her eyebrows in question, getting a nervous chuckle.
“So I don’t see the dress.” He explained, leaning his forehead against hers.
Peter began swaying them gently and her feet moved with his, no longer heavy and stuck to the ground beneath. She felt light as a feather as he moved them in circles, guiding her body in the right direction as she was never the best dancer, but he was.
Looking up, her eyes met his entrancing orbs, stained with the colour of hot chocolate on a cold, winter night that wraps around you like a blanket and engulfs you in its warmth, making you feel at home. They consisted of raw emotion and if you observe closely, they will reveal to you the exact thought that crosses the marvels of his pure mind. 
Peter was easy to read and although it would make anyone sane be bored with him, to her, it made him even more interesting. Every thought he had caused her to smile. His mind was an intricate place, filled with a thousand untold stories, neither being told twice. Peter grew to be a man with emotional warmth, a real hero among regular men. 
He’s the one with skin so thin that his heart shines though and showing her the best a man can be every day she spends with him. He is a man who loves and holds compassion and kindness as his highest treasures, and all the while unaware that to her, he is the greatest treasure of the Earth.
“You’re quite possibly my favorite person in the world.” She whispered to him, eliciting an honest, tender smile on his behalf.
Their last dance as an unwed couple was cut short by sundown, darkness taking over slowly and the ceremony approaching. The dimmed lights weren’t enough for her too see him quite well as she did before.
“Do you want to do this?“ Peter brushes his nose against hers affectionately, lips inches away from hers.
“Never been more sure of anything.“ She admits, smiling unapologetically at her prince charming.
“Are you sure? I can cancel if you want? It would be nice to officially claim you as my own so the rest of them stop flirting with you, but I don’t need a paper trail to prove my love for you. I’ll always love you regardless of what you say. Okay? Don’t agree just because you’re afraid of hurting me. You’re more important!“ Peter rambles and she giggles, nodding slightly.
“I WANT to marry you. I love you, Peter.“ Y/N speaks confidently, watching Peter’s lips stretch into a wide, boyish grin. Brushing away a loose curl from his forehead, Y/N leans in, kissing his soft lips and releases the last bit of stress she felt.
“I love you too.“ Peter whispers against her lips, smiling into the kiss which was her favourite thing in the world. It meant he was so happy and in love that he couldn’t pick just one action to focus on and knowing she did THAT made her blissful. 
“However, can we not mention this to Thor?“ He adds and she furrowed her eyebrows in confusion, licking her lips before speaking.
“Why not?“ Her question is soon answered as Peter explains.
“Well, you see, Thor promised me a blessing from all the Norse gods, but I wasn’t meant to see your radiant good looks before the ceremony and if he finds out we will miss out on so many blessings and I don’t want to risk angering the gods!“ Peter spoke so fast she didn’t even have a chance to interject. 
Whenever he rambled nervously in the beginning of their relationship, Y/N had difficulty catching up or understanding a single word leaving his mouth, but by now she became an expert and understood him perfectly no matter how quick the words left his small lips.
“Peter, breathe!“ She chuckled, caressing his rosy cheeks lovingly. Peter inhaled sharply, slowly exhaled and smiled at the end. 
“My lips are sealed.“ She whispers to assure him, kissing him once more before turning to leave. 
“Don’t be late!” She points her right index finger at him, stopping once more at the door, flicking the light back on.
“And ignore your spider senses! Otherwise, I’ll become a bridezilla and you’ll have to stop me.“ She gave him a warning look, seeing his eyes widen just as they did when she walked in.
“I’ll be there. Love you!“ Peter chuckled nervously, trying hard to keep his eyes on her face and not on her whole appearance. 
Even with all his effort, her glow was evident and he couldn’t stop his erratic heartbeat and excessive sweating. 
She was gorgeous and Peter couldn’t believe how lucky he was.
“I’ll be the one in white.“ Blowing him an air kiss, Y/N returned to her room, prepared to walk down the aisle and take Peter as her husband, for better or worse, until her heart stopped beating. 
Perhaps even after that. If the misfortune of being snapped into the Soul stone by an evil alien taught them anything, it’s that their love always prevails.
*           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *           *          *
Tags: @xalayx @heyits-claire @fallinginlove-16 @accalialionheart
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forestwater87 · 5 years
A moment to chat about “The Butterfinger Effect” (obv spoilers for S4e17)
Wow, so a lot of people fucking haaaaaated this episode. And since I’m addicted to That Discourse, I had to say something because I think they’re super wrong. (And this isn’t me just being a total Camp Camp fangirl here; like, the pee episode was bad. That was bad tv and bad for all the senses. There have been mediocre and even shitty episodes of this show; this just wasn’t one of them.)
There are a couple different points of criticism aimed at this episode, and while there’s one I’d like to take a deep dive into in particular I might as well take some shots at the others real fast:
The moral was too obvious: god, you guys whine all day and night that you wanna see Max show character growth and whenever he displays it you hate how it’s done. This show has never been one for subtlety. I mean, the climate change ep? This is how the show works; it’s part of its twisted-Saturday-morning-cartoons charm, it’s the most efficient way to get a point across in a short runtime, and it was the set up for the joke at the end of the episode.
It didn’t advance the plot: bitch what plot are you talking about???
Not enough dad//vid: listen I’ve made my thoughts about the fandom’s idea of dad//vid incredibly clear at this point, so let’s just:
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The most common argument, though, is that it’s all so very “unrealistic” and “out of character.”
Considering the show’s concept of “realistic” involves squirrel armies (hey, another mediocre episode! See, I can call them when I see them) and a universe-destroying space octopus, I’m not sure how to rebut that without another Bianca del Rio gif. So, the out-of-character accusation. 
Listen, characterization is hard as balls. Everyone fucks it up sometimes, and not every characterization in every episode is gonna work for you. 
But you know who nailed it this time? Eddy Goddamn Rivas, the writer for this episode, that’s who.
In fact, I’d argue that the entire point of the episode is that it’s not Space/Race Kid’s new interest that caused the majority of the changes, or some sort of mystical “butterfly/finger effect,” but Nurf’s attempt to put things back to “normal.” He caused the thing he was trying to prevent -- which happens to dovetail perfectly with the moral of accepting change and not letting it freak you out.
This episode is brilliant, and plays with the canon characterizations of all our campers while staying true to them, and I’m gonna show you how.
Under a cut, because not everyone has time for that shit. But first, a juicy preview of the sexy discourse to come:
Space Kid
This one is the easiest to defend, because Space Kid is just . . . Race Kid. Aside from maybe having an idea that he’s cooler than he used to believe he was -- which makes sense, because why do people buy fancy sports cars except that they think it makes them look cool? -- we’ve seen his tendency to latch onto an interest and go 110%. 
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Reasonable, hilarious, and adorable. I actually don’t think anyone has any problem with Race Kid, so this is a quickie. 
As for why he dropped it so fast: I mean, hasn’t everyone gotten really into something before deciding it wasn’t as fun as an old hyperfixation? I’ve been coming back to the Camp Camp well since 2016 because it’s just so much fun.
Nurf is the one I think people are sleeping on. All the time, always, but especially in this episode. The summary hints that Max is the one unable to handle the idea of change -- something this entire season has been working towards, and I literally just realized change has been a thematic thread throughout several of the episodes and that’s really cool -- but it’s actually Nurf who can’t stand the thought of things being different.
And, in trying to prevent the “butterfinger effect,” he sets it in motion. The irony is delicious, and his head in a fishbowl makes me laugh every goddamn time.
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(Also, “A battle of wits is not my strong suit” was just hysterical. Nurf is full of great lines and y’all need to stop ignoring what a comedic goldmine this kid is.)
Oh, I’m sorry, are we shocked that Preston would jump at the chance to be admired by people, even if it means doing something he doesn’t particularly enjoy?
Were we all in comas during the episode this very season that was literally only about this exact thing?
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As to why he’d pick football: he’s a theater kid addicted to the corniest, most cliche tropes. When he got a taste of power by bullying Nurf -- which was also totally in character, because honestly, Preston is not a very nice kid -- of course he went to the thing that in every 80s teen movie meant “cool bully who’s super popular”: the sports jock.
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Add to that getting positive recognition from Campbell -- who we’ll get to -- and this swap is totally in-character, and entirely kicked off by the power rush he got from finally getting to be the one who bullies instead of being bullied. 
Nurf created his own worst nightmare by being afraid of change. This episode is fucking brilliant.
To nobody’s surprise, Harrison is a sadist who thinks he’s hot shit.
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He’s emotionally traumatized Neil to win an argument, he’s made Max vomit up, just, like, so many things and shown zero remorse, and got an unflappable sense of self-worth that skates right off the edge into total egotism.
These are the things we love about him. (And yes, obviously his arrogance comes from a deep well of insecurity, but that only exacerbates why he’d absolutely refuse to help Nurf, because it gives him a chance to be better than someone.)
As for why he’d choose to model himself after goth!Max . . . 
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Honestly, this one doesn’t entirely make sense to me. He’s never shown any particular interest in Max. The only thing I can assume is that . . . well, actually Max was right, and at least in Harrison’s eyes, he is at the top of the social hierarchy. And he got there by giving zero fucks about what anyone thinks of him.
Which is what Harrison did, by refusing to help Nurf. We come full circle!
(WAIT: When Max asks why he’s acting like . . . you know, him, Harrison’s response is, “Why? It’s not making you insecure, is it?” While we could take this as “I’m coming for your shtick,” it could also imply that Max’s general Maxyness makes Harrison feel insecure about who he is. Which explains why, as soon as he’s offered a chance to emulate someone who makes him feel insecure, he chooses Max.)
Nerris and Ered have established themselves as friends, and she at least has expressed a token interest in playing DnD before. She’s listened to Nerris talk about this stuff enough to repeat it at times -- albeit incorrectly -- and so, when there’s “nothing better to do,” she tries something her friend is super into and finds it really fun and embraces it.
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I can attest that DnD totally turns you into a massive, shameless nerd. It’s just that awesome.
Plus, she’s too cool to give a shit if people think she’s being nerdy, so of course she’s not embarrassed about being seen dressed like a Viking; in “Ered Loses Her Cool,” she had that moment of growth where she decided that her coolness comes from her happily choosing to be herself. 
Also, she gets to carry an axe around. So like, extra cool points for that.
Nerris is gonna grow up to be a band geek, and she’ll especially enjoy the theatricality of marching around in parades while dressed like a Christmas Nutcracker. It’s like being a real-life bard.
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This is the only one that really has a “supernatural” level to its change, except maybe the counselors (yes, I’ve come around on Neil; I’ll defend him at the end). While everyone else can be explained by psychological and in-character reasons, I have no idea what caused her to suddenly have this whole getup. I’d chalk it down to her seeing everyone else trying something new and being interested in upping her LARPing game, except she explicitly says she doesn’t know where it came from.
It’s one of the few that doesn’t make perfect sense, but I don’t really mind it because it’s such a top-tier episode otherwise.
This is another one with questionable backing in the rest of the canon. However, I think it works less on a characterization basis than on an archetypical one. 
Hear me out: how many artists actually make it professionally? And how many of them end up falling back on something solid and lucrative and artistically unfulfilling to pay the bills? Some people are of course lucky enough to land their dream job, and others are lucky enough to find something close enough to that dream job to make money while still doing something creative and adjacent to their interests (becoming an art teacher, for example).
But in Hollywood, at least, the idea is that you’re either a professional artist who Makes It, a starving artist who’s sacrificing for their dream, or a total corporate sellout who abandons their soul for the sake of profit. A child, especially one with a father so unsupportive of his artistic interests, would only have the Hollywood idea of success to fall back on, which means if Dolph was tying to think of a way to “grow up” and stop wasting his time on being an artist, of course he’d jump straight into the most famously corrupt, artistically soulless type of job possible.
The problem here, of course, is that I don’t know what triggered it; like Nerris, I don’t really see a clear line from motivation to new hobby. However, it works really well at poking fun of the “artist to sellout” pipeline portrayed in popular media, so I certainly can’t be mad at it.
Also, look at these credit scores:
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David’s score is either astoundingly good -- 825 out of 850 -- or astoundingly bad -- 325 out of 850 -- depending on what that first number is. Gwen’s credit is pretty bad, which isn’t surprising considering she’s working at Camp Campbell, but I’m still proud of her for being either the second- or third-highest person at the camp.
None of the campers should have credit, so these numbers are just goofy, but I’m as shocked by Nikki’s “exceptional” credit as I am by Nurf’s “literally not on the chart by 298 numbers” rating. Assuming Dolph made at least the campers’ scores up, and we know he’s pretty good friends with Nikki, I assume he gave her a higher score because he likes her, Max’s is trash because their relationship is rocky at best, and Nurf’s is just petty and spiteful because he bullies Dolph, and I just love it. 
(I assume Mr. Campbell’s credit is in negative numbers, and QM doesn’t exist on any official records.)
Counselors & Campbell
Campbell, I’m going to argue, makes sense.
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This? Not so much.
I have no idea what Gwen’s talking about -- “I need her showing. We all agreed to it”???? -- and literally none of this makes sense in any understanding of characterization or anything, but my counterpoint would be:
Look how cute Gwen looks dressed up like David.
“Mumble, grumble, aliens!” and something about Mormons in David’s cheery voice adds 5 years to my life.
David’s floof is now beard.
David is wearing plaid.
QM. Just . . . QM.
Did I mention that Gwen looks so fucking good here? I swoon. So hot. Babe. Step on me, mommy.
Anyway. Campbell. 
He’s not what you’d call . . . nurturing, by any means, so at first this weird dad!swap is totally out of left field. However, he has proven himself to be . . . well, not a great caretaker, but someone who does put in the effort when he has to, and is surprisingly good at dealing with the kiddos when forced.
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He’s also proven himself to be remarkably introspective, starting back in Season 3. He does to an extent feel bad about what he’s done, and to varying extents wants to make amends for it. So when he starts talking about legacy, and what a man leaves behind -- 
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-- I can’t say I’d be all that surprised if he stumbled upon Preston trying to be “cool” with sports camp and decided (probably with the help of whatever supernatural strangeness came over the other counselors) that he wants to have a better impact on this camp than a bunch of broken-down equipment, a pile of debts, and a “son” who’s disappointed in him. 
Listen, what I’m trying to say is that I will die defending my Trash Grandpa and there’s nothing you can do to stop me. There’s good in him!!!! I CAN SEE IT!!!!!!!!!!
On a less “Campbell is my dad” note, as a rather stereotypical Manly Man(TM), he’d be best served helping some weedy little brat become more traditionally masculine. i’m saying Campbell was great at football in high school and is in part reliving his glory days, okay?
Oh, come on. Nikki’s always shown an interest in science, and particularly in the mayhem it causes. When Neil is out of commission, and she sees that everyone else is doing major hobby swaps -- including Ered, who I believe she still sees as her idol -- why wouldn’t she want to join in on the fun in the most destructive way possible?
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The show didn’t say she was a good scientist, after all. 
Remember when I said I couldn’t defend Neil? WELL SURPRISE BITCHES, TURNS OUT I CAN! 
(I didn’t realize it until halfway through writing this post, to be fair.)
But think about it: the boy does not respond well to his mind being freaked. We have observed this.
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This is not a good reaction to an unsolvable logical problem.
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I’m just saying, there’s not a huge difference between these pictures. Neil doesn’t do well when his brain is overloaded with things he doesn’t understand, and everyone around him turning into different people -- which is how it must look from their perspective, even if I can sit here and explain it in ways that make sense at least to me -- broke the poor boy’s brain.
He’s a very fragile ecosystem, our little Neil. You must protect him from thinking too many thinks and getting overheated.
So . . . yeah. This episode is rad, way more of it makes sense in terms of the characters’ motivations than people are giving it credit for, and the ones that don’t make a ton of sense are at least funny and clever enough to be overlooked, at least in this broad’s humble opinion.
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