#I hate Perrin
lodgeofeilhart · 1 year
I hate that man. Mon deserves so much better, ME, for example!!
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flagsontheland · 2 years
AITA for inviting my wife's political enemies to a dinner I organized?
I (M45) organized a dinner that's happening tonight for my regimental mate, a governor, which I discussed with my wife (F41) months ago and I put it on her calendar. She forgot about it, but she's a fairly busy politician herself so I understand.
Anyway, everything was fine until she looked at the seating chart, and saw that I had invited some of my politician friends to the dinner. She asked me if I was being serious, and claimed that these friends "hated her" and were "trying to undo everything she worked for." She said that I should have made her aware that they were coming, but I made sure they were seated at the other end of the table from her, and I made a lighthearted joke that I sat her at the "boring" end of the table with her political friends as my friends are more fun.
She didn't get that I was joking, and went off on me and tried to guilt trip me about how my "fun" friends were causing a sector to starve because they passed some legislation recently concerning shipping lanes.
I could see she was tired from her work and it was making her overemotional, so I suggested she go take a nap.
I really don't understand why she's so against having them over even though she deals with them in the Senate all the time. I've known them for a while and they're all pretty fun to hang out with, so I don't get her problem.
She seemed fine by the end of our conversation and walked off, but I'm struggling to understand why she had a problem to begin with. So AITA?
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dansemacabre · 1 month
back on my yaelokre shit. i really hope they feel comfortable coming back and releasing more music after everything blows over and the weirdos go back to hazbin or whatever bc a new yaelokre ep for fall would go SO crazy. hayfields is such a fall ep i NEED to have a yaelokre fall so badly it’s wild. plus meadowlark is such a fascinating world! like we’ve heard from/about the storyteller but what about yarrow!!! what about the rest of the kids’ harkers! perinne has only spoken once and i NEED to know more about perinne! i think im the only perinne kinnie alive and there’s zero perinne content and im running around in circles in my room like a feral cat waiting for the perinne appreciation!!! genuinely if tiktok fandom is the reason one of my new favorite artists stops sharing their stories and doing what they love im going to explode that entire evil app with my mind
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numelfanclub · 1 year
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markantonys · 2 years
i was rewatching s1 and thinking about how much chemistry the ef4 have with each other in the show, and i have come up with The Final Boss Polycule
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(optional addition if desired: egwene x aviendha)
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alectology-archive · 2 years
I think what really upsets me specifically about the gathering storm is that rand spends 11 books internalising terrible advice about giving his body and life over to a greater cause and suffering in silence because he can’t bear to let anybody figure out that he’s in such a bad shape - mentally and physically - but he spends all of book 12 telling everybody that he’s suffering, and nobody moves to help him! at least in the 11 books RJ wrote, people were unaware about the extent to which he was struggling! In book 12 they either offer him sympathy, occasionally, when they can stand to be around him, or they avoid him entirely. they talk about how he’s becoming a problem and a tyrant behind his back and cozy up to people who’re responsible for his worsening mental health. rand does not deserve to be perceived as an unconscionable human being beyond redemption just because he doesn’t want to die and hates being picked for a greater purpose when RJ’s whole intent behind writing him was to critique and explore the idea of how traumatic the role of a hero in a story is. he does not deserve to be characterised as a monster as he grows increasingly depressed and traumatised. and he did not deserve to have his disability downplayed to such a great extent except when swordplay was concerned.
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polka-spots · 1 year
I can't stop thinking about Dain Bornhald, they actually made him semi-likeable in the show whereas in the books he has such a hate-boner for Perrin it's ridiculous. Interested to see how this goes in the show.
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kevin-sedai · 1 year
With season two of Wheel of Time now over, which character are you most looking forward to seeing how their story has been altered by the combining of book 2 and 3 plotlines?
Probably Perrin! I liked how they had him already be with Avi, Chiad, and Bain, so I'm curious to see how they handle him going back to the Two Rivers, and if he goes back with either Chiad or Bain. I wonder how they'll handle the storming of the Stone since it looks like Gaul's been cut, so Perrin looks like he'll be more involved with the Aiel getting into the Stone
I'm also just interested in how they do Perrin in general. He wasn't my favorite character in the books, so I'm excited to see how they translate his story to screen to make him more exciting!
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llycaons · 5 months
that does remind me I actually do want to catch up on ehr bc those women are top-notch haters and I do very often agree with them so when they're on a rant about how elayne is the worst or how rj doesn't know dick about how trauma actually works im like yesss keep it up legends
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je-lurk · 1 year
I hate the batman-y thing almost every male cast does in this show but sometimes a little voice appears and i remember that they’re all goddamn tenors
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spectrum-color · 2 years
I know that “Lanfear survived!” is the current hot WoT discourse, but after a few days to think on it, I still don’t understand the purpose of this twist? Her character was already pointless by aMoL; when Moiraine pushed her through the twisted doorway it was both one of the most memorable scenes in the series and the last time either of them were especially relevant (I like them both a lot but they really should have stayed dead.) I can’t think of what significance her tricking Perrin and living has or what it could do for the story. It just seems like it’s there to be a ShOcKiNg TwIsT
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piratemousey · 1 year
I knew the Perrin/Dain breaking point was coming but it still hurt so bad. They were friends and they fought for each other.
God damn fantasy books crushing your soul from your body.
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shunderdome · 2 years
0 to “I have never hated a man more” in less than 12 parsecs.
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iliiuan · 1 year
What's up with people blaming Perrin for telling Maighan/Morgase to marry Tallanvor? Does no one remember it being Faile's idea and Perrin being like wtf is wrong with you? Pretty sure she browbeat him into it.
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craanbery · 1 year
started reading crown of swords again recently after stopping for a while and now Perrin's back after 1 billion years without perrinvision he's immediately BANISHED?? GIRL WHAT DID HE DO
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singsofecho-misc · 22 days
Crazy how I like every single character in Andor. Every single one. Even the ones you're supposed to not like are interesting and fun to dislike.
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