#I hate working with people who have no fucking clue of what’s going on because they don’t listen
peapod20001 · 3 months
Did sleeping help
No </3
#vent#tsk. isn’t it like. if you hate everything then eat#if you think everyone hates you then sleep#if you hate yourself take a shower?#sooooooooo. uhhhhhhh. didnt. work?#hng. artfight... I was so excited I have so many ideas#but it’s like. everything is triggering me or making me upset or freaked out or sick. idk what to do#I go ‘oh lemme see what my friends have done so far’ and then I see an oc from someone not my friend anymore and I’m like. ougghhh#I feel like such a baby for caring. stupid for being upset still. it’s like it only mattered to me and no one else had to deal with such#crippling anxiety and stress because of it#everyone is getting so much done so fast and I STILL can’t submit the second thing I did. I’m going to lose my head or cry or both or die or#SOMETHING uhhhhhhggggggg and it’s like all my anxieties are circling back around cus it was this time last year shit hit the fan#I have college!! I have no clue what my plans are!! all I’m good for is making fake people and drawing said people!!#I’m such a fucking. stupid.. I wasn’t even supposed to take this last semester off. we just didn’t know what other classes to take or what#to focus on... I’ve been literally free all day every day since December and it’s like I’m STILL not doing anything worthwhile#mmm I’m so alone in this I can’t DEAL well I guess I’ve been ‘dealing’ but I don’t believe thinking about bad situations literally every day#since they’ve happened can be considered as ‘dealing’ with it. I doubt anyone else is thinking about it that hard but I can’t help it#I can’t do a complete cut off from the internet. my only friends are here! what then? then I’m just. some sad sack who doesn’t talk to#anyone? mmm this isn’t a good way to start the day but I can’t NOT think. it’s all I do. my brain is one of the things that makes be I can’t#self labotomize myself into being a chiller person without killing everything that makes me with it#ugh. I’m going to be stuck in this headspace forever. even with apologies and make ups or agreements to stay apart#I’ll still be the one dealing with the negatives and fallout from shitty situations. funny seeing as I still don’t understand how things#even escalated so fast. but whatever. I’m the bad wolf forever. can’t change that
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forgotten-daydreamer · 6 months
I hate group projects, I hate them.
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rakumel · 1 year
“It must be nice to have a job where you read all day!” :D
Read that article, and now you know why I get pissed when people tell me that. It’s also why I shudder when well-intentioned people wish that libraries were open all night. The article talks about libraries in Canada, but I guarantee you libraries in the United States are dealing with nearly identical issues.
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fatphobiabusters · 5 months
It says a lot about society that a beach towel that actually fits me is labeled "oversized" on the packaging so that thin people can know which of a select few beach towels will make them feel all warm and cozy and small.
I already buy beach towels to dry myself off with because it's easier than looking for bath towels that fit me, so labeling a beach towel "oversized" because this world is made solely for thin people is just added cruelty. I've been using beach towels to dry myself off with even when I was in the low 200s weight range.
What's fucking wild is that 99.999999% of thin people are blissfully ignorant of what the world is like for fat people. They have no clue what it's like to have to check the weight capacity of a chair on a website before buying it or seeing everything that's the perfect size for you being labeled "oversized." They don't know what it's like not being able to find clothes that fit you at a regular store, thrift store, online store, or even those plus size stores that only go up to a 3XL and just resize thin people clothing.
They don't know what it's like being thankful to learn online that Plan B doesn't work for most fat people before you bought and assumed in a post-roe world that Plan B will be effective. They don't know what it's like to live in a world where everyone freely hates and discriminates against you without even having backlash from progressives and people who claim to support equality, because oppressing you is just accepted fact even to the people who fight for the rights of all of your other oppressed identities. They don't know what it's like to live in a world where hating you is so expected and normalized that it's ingrained into your own people to the point that you literally cannot trust that
anyone you meet
not a single person
who looks like you will share solidarity.
Whenever a thin person suddenly becomes fat, that is the closest we have to a person realizing they've been living in the Matrix. The most intense epiphany you'll ever have is rapidly becoming fat and then seeing how this world changes for you almost overnight.
-Mod Worthy
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alchemistc · 2 months
eta: based on my spiral in the tags of this post
Tommy's quiet as Buck nuzzles his nose into his neck, fingers stretched wide against Buck's back, rubbing absentmindedly.
Buck tilts his gaze up. He's staring at the ceiling.
There's nothing wrong with a little ceiling staring. Buck is actually a really big fan of ceiling staring, when needed, but Tommy's been so good at being a sounding board when Buck needs it, way better than the silently judgey rafters, and Buck wants to return the favor.
"What're you thinking about?"
Tommy hums, lifting his head just a bit, the skin under his chin wrinkling like a shar-pei.
His hand slides up, down, palm lifting so he can swirl his fingers a bit.
Buck's always been a big fan of cuddling, but there's something extra sweet about Tommy's version of it - skin to skin, even if it's just rucking up Buck's shirt so he can get a hand in there, arms and legs all tangled up in each other, his hand always drawing aimless patterns. Buck's getting too used to it - had caught himself pouting, a little, the last time Tommy hugged him in a rush out the door and didn't do the little circular motion against the small of Buck's back that usually indicated when a hug was over. He's a little worried someone else is gonna hug him and he's gonna melt into it, tuck his face into someone inappropriate's neck.
"Eddie asked me something earlier, and I didn't have a clue how to answer it."
Buck tips his chin against Tommy's chest, a little eager at the idea of providing answers. Tommy knows how much he likes that.
"What about?"
"About you." He pinches at Buck's side. "Us, technically."
Oh. Well. Buck doesn't have facts and figures and statistics about that. Yet.
He hums.
"He wanted to know why I don't call you Buck."
"Do you two talk about me enough for him to notice that?" He's pretending not to be pleased about that. He's doing a shitty job, but still.
Tommy blows out a breath, hands drifting down, over the hem of Buck's briefs to squeeze. "You are one of the things we have in common. It's not all shirtless men beating the crap out of each other and trauma bonding over enemy gunfire," he says, wry, fingers sliding over Buck's ass and around to his hip, no real intention in the motion, just touching to touch.
And that's - oh that's kinda nice. The idea of that, just being a shared interest between them.
"I didn't know what to say," he continues, like he can't see Buck really fucking enjoying the idea of being a topic of conversation between his boyfriend and his best friend. "You introduced yourself as Evan. You've never corrected me, so - I didn't see a reason to change it up."
Buck grins, a little bashful. "Yeah. It took me a while to figure out why I did that."
Tommy raises a brow, hands still wandering as he waits for Buck to expand on that.
"Buck was a work thing, to start," he tells him, still working his way through it, because he's only recently considered exactly why he'd never told Tommy to call him Buck. "And then the 118 kind of became my family, and Buck - it just felt like Buck was who I was. The person I wanted to be. Evan was just - the guy I was before I found my people." Tommy's hand sweeps over his back. "And, like - I never hated that guy. Evan. He was just - he was just there, in the background. People only used it when they had something serious to say." Except his parents, but that - that's not the point he's trying to make, anyway.
"Good serious or bad serious?"
"Just - important. Something - something that needed both of those parts of me to be present in the moment."
Tommy hums. "So when we met, and you introduced yourself..."
"I think I was just trying to manufacture some intimacy." Buck admits, like he hadn't spent a ceiling-staring evening of his own figuring out this exact thing. "Get you to call me sweetheart right out the gate."
Tommy's eyes go soft and sweet. Buck never means to do this, give Tommy all these chick flick moments of introspection, but when they stumble into his lap he can't deny the little thrill that races up his spine at the sight of Tommy tucking them away. Tommy's hand settles between his shoulder blades, fingers spanning wide. "I'm not telling Eddie that," he teases, and Buck nips at his arm in retaliation.
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divinesolas · 5 months
Worth it
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Summary: your little sister has a big crush on cregan stark, you attempt to help her score him but his eyes seem to be stuck somewhere else.
c.w: reader is older than cregan, reader is 24, cregan, jace and readers sister are 21, tension, fingering (fem), sister is referred to as kit, cregan is taller (not specified how much) not proofread
w.c: 2k
a.n: was asked if i could do modern cregan and im like OFC !! once i open up my requests again i will definitely add cregan to my list !!
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You just watch as your sister paces around your room with a bored face.
“What am i gonna wear? omg my nails look so bad i knew i should have gotten my nails done yesterday fuck!”
Your sister had gotten an invite to a party tonight but it wasn’t just any party. It was cregan starks party. your sister has had a big crush on cregan since the beginning of this school year. You have seen him around before, living in a college town leads to you seeing most of the college students around. You hated to say it but he was hot.
But you can’t tell that to her, when she showed you his picture you acted like you thought he was ugly to make her happy, knowing she would have lost it if you told her you thought he was hot. He was just your type, a bigger guy that clearly worked out, he was kind from what you had heard about him. But none of that mattered what you did know is your sister was completely delusionally in love with him and wanted to sleep with him tonight.
“Kit it’ll be fine, you’re cute, if he doesn’t like you then he can go fuck him.”
“ugh but i want him to fuck me!” she flops face first onto your bed with a groan and you just roll your eyes. “You’re acting like this over a guy….” “I know i know but you must get it, wanting a guy so badly.” You stop and think to yourself. You’ve been with a couple guys in the past but when you try to think about anyone the only guy that pops up in your head is cregan. No. It must be because your sister was just talking about him.
“I guess? but i promise you will never catch me rolling around like a baby and whining over one.” She lifts her head and pouts at you, “I am not.” “I didn’t even say it was you but if the shoe fits.” She stands mumbling to herself about how much she hates you but you just laugh and fall back.
“Well what are you gonna wear tonight?” “What are you talking about?” “They said i can only come if you come with me.” You sit up and look at her confused, “What?” “That's what Jace said, oh and he asked if we can pick up some booze.” That must be it, but you have no clue why you have to come. and how close was she to these people they know who you are?
“im not a college student kit it would be fucking weird if i showed up.” “Y/n please i really wanna go,” she pouts and you and laces her hands together to beg you. You can’t say no to your sister. Your face must admit defeat because all attempts of arguing with you sister go down the drain as she throws and dress at you and demands you get changed so she can go see if she can try to chat with cregan. Fuck it, you’ll stay for like twenty minutes or atleast until you see cregan and your sister chatting then you’ll leave.
You feel awkward as soon as you walk in, especially since your sister runs away from you basically as soon as you step through the door because she spotted some of her friends. You grip the boxes of beer you have tightly in your hand as you try to glance around to find a kitchen. You walk around a bit and manage to find it, letting out a sigh of relief as you place down the boxes.
“Thanks gorgeous.” You jump and turn around being faced with the man himself. “Cregan.” He had a wide grin on his face, “My reputation proceeds me.” You open and close your mouth trying to come up with something to say. God he was hot. fuck you can think like that. Your eyes drift down and you can see a little bit of his chest due to his unbuttoned shirt and hear him laugh and look back up and you see him just watching you. You take a major step back as you flush.
”I'm sorry-” “Don’t apologize i like you looking at me.” He moves closer to you and you move back until you hit the table and he’s standing right in front of you. “You’re beautiful.” “Thank you..” You look away from him and from where you are you can see you sister chatting with her friends. Your eyes widen and you push his chest making him stumble back from you out of view.
“I can’t talk to you.” He raises one of his eyebrows, the look on his face never dropping. “And why can’t i?” you shake your head trying to move around him so you can leave, “I'm not a student.” “I know.” He keeps on standing in front of you, “ Your kits sister, wanted you here.” You tilt your head, What?
“Huh?” He steps closer and you can feel his breath on your face, “I like you. Wanted you here tonight so i can finally get the chance to talk to you.”
“I can’t.” You can’t do this to your sister could you? She seemingly really likes this guy. No matter how hot you think he is. “Why not?” “My sister likes you.” You blurt out. He doesn’t seem shocked by your reply. as if he already knew this info already. he just looks up to the living room with a shrug, “Doesn’t seem like she likes me much.” You turn your head and see her sitting on some guys lap making out with him. You’re gonna fucking kill her. She was so determined early what happened to that?
“oh..” “come with me.” he offers you his hand, no pressure for you to take it. You shake your head, “im older than you..” “And? that's even better.” you raise your eyebrows at him, finally feeling relaxed for the first time since you stepped through the door. “You into older women?” He shrugs with a smirk on his face, “could be, never been with one. never been with anyone like you.” you flush but try to keep up your attitude. “You couldn’t handle me.”
He leans down and whispers in your ear, “I would love to try,” He presses a kiss on your ear before pulling back and once again offering you his hand. “You don’t have to say yes.” With one more glance at your sister who seems to be eagerly shoving her tongue down that poor guys throat you grab his hand. “fine, but you better make this worth it.” “Believe me, i will.”
You don’t make another sound as he’s leading you up the stairs. you try to keep your face hidden in case you sister just so happened to look in your direction. you don’t look up until you enter a bedroom, standing in the middle of it. You hear a click behind you and you turn around. He grips your face and pulls you into a kiss.
You can feel his facial hair scratching against your skin in a delicious burn. He’s a good kisser, a really good kisser, but you won’t tell him that, it seems like his ego is already high enough. you two walk back until your falling back onto the bed. You watch as he rips the buttons off his shirt and throws it aimlessly on the floor. “You couldn't just unbutton it?” he laughs, “You should take it as a complement i want you so bad.”
That certainly has you pressing your thighs together and he grins before getting on top of you and kissing you once more. One of his hands slide up to your titties and play with them over the fabric of your dress while the other slides down to your core, rubbing you over your underwear. “Fuck you're so wet, all this for me?” “yes, just for you.” He laughs, “your tune as changed from the kitchen.”
He rubs over your clit and you throw your head back, “Shut up and touch me please.” he lets out another chuckle before taking his hand off your titties and bring it to move your underwear aside, “Anything for you.” He suddenly shoves two fingers into you and your hands grip his shoulders. “Fuck you’re so tight.” You can feel him wiggle and press his fingers against your walls. “cregan…” “I know i got you.” His pace is fast enough you are not whining but slow enough to where you are left aching all over. Your dress is far too tight. you are so hot you feel like you can’t breath. you arch your back and try to pull down the zipper on your back to take it off. You hear some mumbled curses from cregan before he reaches his free hand to your back and pulling it down. You let out a sigh of relief that is quickly followed by a loud moan as he plays with your clit with his thumb.
He pulls your dress down far enough with his free hand to free your breasts and lets out some more mumbled curses, admiring you with a shine in his eyes. “You are so gorgeous.” You don't respond. not that you could in your state. He leans down and takes one of your nipples in his mouth and rubs the other one with his hand.
The stimulation is too much for you to bear, your legs begin to shake which causes cregan to lift his mouth off you and look at you, “You gonna cum?” You nod your head, your eyes closed tight. “cum, fuck i wanna feel it cum.” He does not still even as his hand becomes drenched in your juices. He stops after awhile, letting you ride out your orgasm before he slowly pulls out his fingers, bringing them to his mouth and sucking on them.
He goes down to unbutton his jeans before there's a knock on his door. “cregan!”
an annoyed look dawns his face as he glares at the door, “What the fuck do you want jace?”
“Kit’s looking for her sister. want’s to tell her shes leaving. you know where she is.” You look at him alarmed and try to sit up but he just pushes you back down. “If i see her ill let her know.” there's some talking outside the door you can’t hear, its your sister and Jace. you hear footsteps fading before a key gets inserted in the lock and his head pops in. cregan lays the blanket over you to cover you.
“Jace i though i told you to fucking cover for me.” Jace just rolls his eyes, “I've been fucking doing it you dipshit, she got worried about her sister when i tried to take her back to mine.” you finally get a good look at him and you realize he's the guy that your sister was making out with on the couch. Cregan just shakes his head and rolls his eyes, “fine fine you leaving?” Jace nods and sends you a smile before you turn your head away embarrassed. “have fun.”
The door clicks with a lock and cregan tosses the blanket off you, “sorry about that.” “did you ask jace to hook up with my sister?” “don’t say it like that he actually likes her.”
he goes back to unbuttoning his jeans, “you still wanna continue?” You nod, reaching your hands over to pull him out of his pants. “You still need to make this worth it you know.”
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drugsorgasmsandcheese · 7 months
trouble, j. miller | chapter one
mob!joel miller x fem!reader
chapter summary: after getting fired from your job at the bookstore, your grandparents introduce you to the man who’s been helping them out for awhile: joel miller. now, it’s his turn to help you.
chapter warnings: reader swears and has dry humour (she’s a bit of me x), mentions of vip’s getting touchy but it’s hypothetical if that makes sense?? reader calls her grandparents ‘pops’ and ‘nonna’, no beta cause i cba, blah blah blah that’s it
also no hate to anyone who reads romance/physical smut books, the hate is simply towards minors who read them & their parents for allowing them LOL
word count: 2518
(series masterlist)
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you really don’t know how much longer you can do this.
you’re six hours into your ten hour shift. you’re bored, you haven’t had your lunch break, and your phone is charging behind the desk where you were watching criminal minds before two teenage girls walked into the bookstore.
you’ve watched them for the past twenty minutes. they practically ran to the romance section, picking up books and flicking to certain pages you know had the most pornographic scenes in them before they’d giggle amongst themselves and add it to the pile they were building.
can teenage girls even afford this many books? you had been working since you were sixteen, and you’d barely get enough money to buy yourself two books whilst the rest would be stored away for college. and is this what people were reading nowadays? a male character that exudes toxic masculine standards whilst the author plays into the whole “innocent, virginal” female character who hadn’t the slightest clue about sex or life? is this what parents were allowing their children to-
“we want these books.” a demanding voice speaks to you, and you almost have to do a double take when you see the two teenage girls stood before you at the counter. god, you couldn’t even rely on the younger generation to be polite these days, especially not when one of them is judging you for your oversized hoodie and sweats and the crocs that sit on your feet.
“of course.” you force a smile, biting back on the insults you wish to hurl upon them. but, your boss is in the back. probably doing jackshit like she usually does, leaving you to work your ass off without any breaks.
the scanner scans the barcode on the back of every book before placing them in two bags. dante’s nine circles of hell sounds more appealing than this. you might just grab one of the books and hit yourself with it, hoping you hit so hard you might pass out and get to leave early. not like your boss would allow it, but the thought of having a hot shower and slipping into bed sounded nice.
“and your total is $194.68, is that going to be cash or card?” you rest your hands on the counter, looking at the two girls. one of them whips out a card, so black and matte you almost feel the courage to ask her if: it’s her fathers, and if so, is he single?
you hand her the card machine where she taps the card, and once the payment is deemed successful, one of the girls takes the bag, looks into it and frowns. “these aren’t in the right order.”
“excuse me?”
“the books aren’t in the right order.”
there’s a right order to put books in. none of them were even a series, and even then, does it really matter if your fucking fairy porn trilogy is separated?
“did you ask for them in a certain order?”
the girl gives you a look. “no?”
“so then why would i know what order to put them in?” you’re so done. you’re so fucking done, mentally, physically, and in the eyes of your boss, as well. the girls look at you, mouths agape, probably because they didn’t think they’d be spoken to this way, but you always said that the second a customer is rude to you, you’re being rude back.
the duo scowl at you as they leave the store, muttering insults under their breaths like it was a middle school friendship break up. you sigh, going to turn around to grab your phone when you jump back, spotting your boss leant against the wall.
“you’re fired.” she states.
“yes!” you fist pump the air sarcastically, grabbing your stuff and practically racing out the store. you didn’t even care if you were supposed to wait until the end of your shift to fully leave your job. you were hungry, tired, and your pops and nonna had told you that pops’ infamous burgers would be made for dinner and you were eager.
on your walk home, you listen to your music. it was relatively dark outside, and ideally, as a woman, you shouldn’t be wearing headphones in the dark. but you had always been more frightened by the noises you could hear rather than the ones you couldn’t.
you step into your home, taking your shoes off by the door and walk into the kitchen. you stop at the sight. your pops and nonna were stood in the kitchen talking to a man you have never seen before and you’re almost offended that your grandparents hadn’t allowed you to meet him because jesus christ and all things holy, that man is beautiful.
he’s tall. scarily tall, actually. and not to say you have a thing for muscular men but you would not mind letting this stranger throw you about. he leans on the kitchen counter, arms folded across his chest as he eyes you up.
“he. who is he?” you point to the man, looking at your grandparents.
your nonna tuts your name. “he is joel miller, helps us out where we need it. why are you home so early, sugar, i thought you had a ten hour shift today?” nonna embraces you, kissing your cheek as she taps your arm, signaling for you to sit down at the kitchen table.
a faux laugh escapes you. “heh, well, you see-”
“don’t tell me that damn boss of yours ‘s been givin’ you a hard time again.” your pops speaks up this time, interrupting you this time. your pops was a scary man. he used to be involved in a lot of shit back in the day, constantly being chased down streets and alleyways by the police, always having them on his doorstep which would cause his mother to scold him. you can’t count the amount of times he’s threatened to come down and give your boss an earful on both hands.
“she actually fired me. apparently addressing one’s stupidity isn’t allowed. however, i am more focused on joel. joel, what is your purpose in this here house?” your head turns to look at the man as he addresses you, and he gives you a small smirk, walking over to the table and sitting across from you.
“she got a mouth on her, don’t she?” he asks your grandparents, and your nonna chuckles.
“always has. only started living with us when she was eighteen because of college, but she’s always had something to say.”
“something that’s gotta be shared with everyone.” your pops adds, and you give him a playful pout.
“right here guys, right here.” you announce. “back to the topic at hand. joel, why have you interrupted my pops’ burger night?” you’re facing each other now, your eyes analysing his face but all he does is smirk and since when was smirking so attractive on a man?
“well, your grandparents here mentioned how you hated your job, and i just so happen to have one that needs filled at one of my clubs.” his texan accent was prominent and full as he spoke, his brown eyes never leaving yours. “‘s if you want it, of course.”
“what club?”
you slam your hands on the table with a wide grin. “i’m sold. when do i start?”
joel chuckles. “no questions about the pay, the shifts?”
you shake your head. “nope, don’t care. you know how hard that club is to get into?” you turn your head to look at your grandparents. “extremely fucking hard, i’ll tell you that right now. and i’ll get to work in there? god, life is so generous to me sometimes.” you exhale lightly, jokingly.
joel doesn’t stay for your pops’ burgers, but he’s given some to take home anyway. you decide to walk him to the door, being the ever so kind woman that you were, ready to see him off when he stops.
“ya’ start at five p.m. tomorrow, alright? i’ll have someone show you around, get you your uniform ‘nd all that before the club opens.”
nodding your head at joel, you bid him goodbye and watch as he makes his way to a sleek, black porsche, get in, and drive off.
“what do you mean you’re working for joel miller?” alicia asks you. alicia was the first friend you made at college after you chewed her ear off for the entirety of your first class. a girl who followed gothic fashion and was an absolute sweetheart compared to the people you’ve known in the past.
“i mean exactly what i said, babe. he’s apparently been looking after my grandparents for awhile and he offered me a job at apocalypse after that old bitch fired me.” you shrug, taking a bite of burger you got from dining hall.
“but joel miller is…he’s dangerous! everyone says his clubs are just money laundering schemes to hide his actual money.” naomi spoke up this time. ever the worrier, she was.
“money laundering would mean that no one was using his clubs and they were just there, naomi. the clubs are exclusive. i mean, we’ve all seen the lines to get in. we’ve been in those lines!” alicia somewhat comes to your defense even though you know she’s fully against you working there.
“my friend tina, the one from the political science class, worked there last year, and she says the pay is amazing!” a woman with black curls approaches your trio, another close friend of yours: georgia. “don’t get me wrong, she said some shady stuff happens in the v.i.p. lounge, but probably just guys gambling or something.”
you embrace georgia. “see, good pay and all i have to do is not ask questions. i’ll be fine, guys. and you,” you look at georgia “need to meet me at our cafe so you can tell me about that little masc lesbian of yours.”
you finish the rest of your burger, and pick up your bag. “gotta get home, but i’ll fill you all when i see you.”
you wave goodbye to your friends, walking out of the building as you scroll on your phone. when you get to the street, you bump into someone, about to apologise until you look up and gasp dramatically. “you! are you stalking me. god, joel, i didn’t know i was worth being stalked. that’s so flattering.”
joel scoffs, and opens the passenger door to his black porsche. “get in. ‘m gonna drive you down to the club.”
“don’t have to tell me twice.” you get into the passenger seat, placing your bag down in between your legs and joel closed your door. he rounds the front, getting in beside you and starts the car.
“ya’ hungry?” he asks, driving away from your college building.
“i ate just before i left. had a cheeseburger. not the most edible thing i’ve ever had, but it worked.”
“if you’re hungry when we get there, i’ll take ya’ down to the kitchen and grab you somethin’ there. house mom might have some snacks for ya’ too.”
brows furrowed, you turn to look at him. “the fuck is a house mom?”
“older woman who works with the dancers, takes care of ‘em in between dances. she’ll have snacks, spare outfits or shoes, hygiene products. helps ‘em all like a mom would.”
“nice.” you nod your head, and soon you’re in the private parking lot for the club. joel gets out first, rounding to your side and opening the door up for you. “gotta love a southern gentleman.” you snicker, walking into the club behind him.
he walks up a set of marbled stairs, heading to the second floor. “you’ll be working in the v.i.p. lounge, ‘s where all the dancers are and most of our staff.”
the second floor of the club is lit with red led lights, creating a sultry atmosphere. there are private rooms scattered all around, but there are booths scattered in the middle. joel walks you down to a hidden room and opens the door.
“this is my office. you can put your shit in here.” you walk in and place your bag down on the cushioned sofa, taking a seat beside your belongings. “i’m here when i’m not in the booths doing business, but if anything happens out there, ya’ come and find me, alright?”
you nod your head at him.
“all v.i.p’s know dancers and staff aren’t to be touched, but you gotta promise you’ll come find me if that rule is broken.” after promising, he continues. “i’ll take you down to adele and see if she’s got any spare uniform for you. she’ll walk you through anything else.”
joel guides you down the haul with a hand on your lower back, and if there was a camera following you, you would’ve hand an office moment with this simple touch.
“momma!” joel yells, knocking on a pink door.
the door opens, and an african-american woman opens it. she looks at joel, then you, and embraces you in a tight hug. “welcome, baby. this the new girl we’ve been hearing about?”
“yes ma’am!” you answer before joel can, shooting him a shit-eating grin.
joel speaks your name, and your eyes meet his. “go inside while i talk to adele, she’ll be back to help you in a minute.”
as you step inside the room, you’re met with an abundance of dancers. some are singing, doing their hair and make up, zipping up their heels, and others are lay on sat around eating some snacks.
“hi guys!” you wave at everyone, and they all squeal when they see you, immediately asking questions.
you answer them as best as you can until adele comes in. “now, i gotta get her some heels and her uniform, and when i come back-” adele glances around the room, pointing at an east asian woman with pin straight black hair. “lucy, do her make up, just so she knows what the standard is. your hair is fine, baby, don’t need anyone touching that.”
lucy smiles and waves at you, and you return it as adele leads you into the changing rooms. “uniforms are simple. black shorts, black long sleeve, and…what size shoe are you, baby?”
you respond, and she goes over to a rack of black, leather heeled boots. they’re platformed, shiny, and you know your feet are going to hurt the second your shift is done. “and these. i’ll let you get changed and you just come straight out when you’re done. help yourself to some snacks as well.”
“i don’t have to pay you for them?”
adele chuckles. “no, baby. joel gives me the money to buy the snacks. anything for you girls, joel pays for.” and with that, she leaves the room.
you sigh, looking at the mirror in front of you. this was a new job, with a hot boss, and from what you could tell, the rest of the girls in there were lovely.
this was your life now.
a/n: first chapter mother fuckers let’s GOOOOO
taglist (if you want to be added, pls let me know!! & if your name is in bold, i couldn’t find your account :()
@dugiioh @amyispxnk @skysmiller @alyhull @noisynightmarepoetry @elliaze @dendulinka6 @zliteraturehoe @atyourmerci @al33naaa @mermaidgirl30 @lulawantmula @nana90azevedo @endlessthxxghts @getitoutofmymind @you-taste-so-sweet @blazeflays @iveseenstrangerthings50 @regalwhovianbrowncoat774 @aquanatalie @katw474 @ludwigxii-blog @eloquentdreamer @kyloispunk @txmel @din-jarring @daddysmilf0123 @sofiparallel @dunkinzjm @runningmom94 @ashhlsstuff @moel-jiller @isimpforfictionalmen @drewharrisonwriter @stormseyer @rodriguez31 @elliesswearjar @vvitchesh3x @joeldjarin @untamedheart81 @ellishamae25 @pedropascalfan221 @mellymbee @pedritosgfreal @yassspose @casa-boiardi
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wynnyfryd · 11 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 21
part 1 | part 20 | ao3
“Right?” Steve asks, scratching his head as he glances back at the door. 
“No, I meant you, dingus! What the fuck was that with you?” 
Steve feels his face go hot. “What? What do you mean?” 
She throws her hands in the air, stomping over so she can get in his face and say, “Don’t ‘what do you mean’ me. Your faces” —she lifts her hands like she’s about to applaud, palms hovering an inch apart— “were like thiiis close to just…”
She claps them together, and Steve feels the blood drain right back out of his face, dread pooling in his gut as she twists her palms this way and that, like two people tilting their heads to kiss deeper. Oh, god. Oh, god. Were they—? 
“Mwah,” Robin says helpfully, mashing her hands more tightly together. “Mwah mwah mwah mwah—”  
Steve grabs her by the wrist. “Dude. Stop.” 
She drops her hands and stares at him — one of those Detective Buckley looks, combing over every inch of his soul for missed clues — and then her mouth does some horribly self-satisfied thing that he hates. “If I didn’t know any better,” she draws, “I’d say someone has a crush.” 
I’d say someone has a crush someone has a crush someone has a crush someone has a
Steve’s gonna pass out. The words feel like bile in his brain, acidic and sharp; like puking right after chugging a glass of orange juice. It’s not like he’s— 
Look, he knows that he’s— but—
The bell dings. Thank fucking Christ. A big family group, three generations of people talking and laughing and fussing over a baby in a stroller and carrying leftovers from the Italian place down the strip. 
Steve sags in relief. 
Robin hisses in his ear, “We are so not done talking about this.”
He doesn’t want to talk about it.
About Eddie, about the word Robin lobbed at him like a lit bottle rocket, about any of it.
Just thinking about it is giving him a stomach ulcer and a migraine and maybe an aneurysm, too. 
He was hoping he made that obvious enough during the last hour of their shift that Robin would just drop it, but that girl has never dropped a single thing in her life. Worse than Nancy, the little bloodhound. Steve saw this documentary once about crocodiles; remembers how they can lock their jaws shut after clamping down on their prey with up to 4000 PSI of pressure. 
That’s enough pressure to cut a person’s arm off with a jet of water. 
Damn, nature’s cool.
You know who’s not cool? 
“Steve!” Robin hollers again over the song he’s currently blasting to drown her out on the drive home. “Steve, you can’t use ABBA against me like this!”
Steve ignores her protests, responds by shout-singing “DIGGING THE DANCING QUEEN, OOH OOOOOH” at her in his most nasal falsetto because he absolutely can and will use ABBA against her like this, and it works like a charm. He’s pretty sure this song has, like, hypnotic power over her or something, because every time without fail she gives the answering “ooh-oo-oo-ooh-ooh-oooooh” as if on auto-pilot.
“HEY!” she shouts when she realizes what she’s doing. “No sir!” She reaches over and mashes the volume button. 
Silence falls over the car. Sucks the air out of Steve’s lungs in the sudden void; his ears adjust slowly, picking up the quiet thrum of the engine, the whispered whoosh of the wind outside. Is he ever going to get used to being kind-of-sort-of-deaf? This shit sucks.
“...Okay, look,” Robin says tentatively. She’s staring at the side of his head, and he keeps his eyes on the road; tightens his grip on the wheel. “We don’t have to talk about you, okay?”
“There’s nothing to talk about with me.”
“Right!” she rushes to agree. Playing along like they don’t both know that’s bullshit. “Totally.”
Steve risks a glance at her. Her expression is earnest, some full-paragraph silent communication like: whatever bathroom-floor-confessional crisis you’re having, we can leave it alone for now. We can let it stay hidden in the dark corners for a little longer; I promise I’ll put my flashlight down. 
“Totally,” Steve echoes, nodding at her. 
“Okay. Cool. Cool…”
She lets out a long breath, cheeks puffing out as she sits on her hands. Oh, my god, just spit it out. “Can we please talk about him, though?”
part 22
tag list pt. 1 below the cut, comment if you want me to tag you tomorrow (heads up i'm not tagging any new under 21 or ageless blogs unless we’re mutuals or you dm me to verify your age. gonna purge this list when i get some free time)
@heartsong18 @hellion-child @hiimlevi @hotluncheddie @jackiemonroe5512 @jaytriesstuff @littlebluejane @lololol-1234 @marklee-blackmore @melonmochi @messrs-weasley @mrsjellymunson @mugloversonly @nburkhardt @nerdyglassescheeseychick @noodle-shenaniganery @notsopersonalcharlie @novelnovella @nuggies4life @pending-dope-username @perseus-notjackson @ppunkpuppyy @questionablequeeries @remosdeerica @runninriot @sadcanadianwinter @shamelesspatrolshepherdcowboy @silver-snaffles @singmeyoursimpsong @slowandsteddie @slutforcoffein @solalasoforth @spookednsaucy @steddieas-shegoes @steddie-island @stevesbipanic @steves-strapcollection @taleah-bonnick @teatimeeverybody @th30ra3k3n @thealwithnoname @thespaceantwhowrites @thestarslittleking @thesuninyaface @trensu @violetsteve @wormdebut @yourmom-isgay @zoeweee @zombiecreatures
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issdisgrace · 10 months
WARNINGS: Use of the word fag, nothing else​
A/N: There will be a part 2 in the future eventually.​
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You and Billy officially met when you two were paired together for a History project. Both of you hated the idea of having to work with each other because why wouldn’t you.
You two were complete opposites. You were a 6’2 metal head that wore corpse paint, band tees, and arguably way to many rings. While Billy was a 5’10 blonde hair blue eyed fuck boy that drove a loud ass car.
So it was no surprise that you both asked the teacher if there was anyway to get a different partner.
Unfortunately or rather fortunately the two of you couldn’t get out of doing the project together. While neither of you really cared all that much for your grades you both needed to pass the class and the project would count as 50% of your grade. So you both had to do it whether you liked it or not.
Anyway you begrudgingly both shared your information with one another and planned to meet up at your place that Friday to work on the project together.
Eventually Friday rolled around and Billy showed up late as always in his blue 1979 Chevrolet Camaro.
To say Billy didn’t want to be there was an understatement. Fortunately for him you had all the information the two of you would need to put together the project.
So things went smoothly and you two talked back and forth as you worked getting to know each other.
Which was when you both found out that you shared a genuine love of cars. This definitely helped your guys acquaintanceship and made the project go by quicker.
Anyway in the end the project only took you guys 3 hours which was less than what you both expected it to take. After you guys finished Billy left your place and that Monday you guys presented to the class before you both went back to strangers.
You two stayed strangers again for 2 months until Billy had a problem with his Camaro and didn’t want someone he didn’t know touching his baby so instead of taking it to a mechanic and knowing you worked on cars, he showed up at your house asking for you to look at.
You were of course surprised by this visit and even more surprised when he asked you to take a look at his Camaro. You of course agreed and took a look. It ended up being something real easy to fix so you.
So you took off your rings and handed them to Billy for safe keeping. As you bent over the Camaro fixing the problem.
Billy quietly watched you from the side as you worked on the Camaro. He took note of everything about you from your height and build to your clothes and corpse paint.
As he watched you he felt something grow in his chest. Something all too familiar. Something that he frankly hated. Something he wished to ignore specifically being in this shit hole of a town.
This town wasn’t all to found of people like him. People that liked same gender. But Billy would never call himself a fag sure he liked men but he also liked women. He had no clue what he was but he knew he liked you.
Maybe it was the fact you were so openly yourself and didn’t care what others thought of you or maybe was it the way you held yourself and talked. Who knows because Billy certainly didn’t.
As you were finish up Billy realized he needed to pay you for your work somehow. He wondered if you were gay and would go out on a date with him as payment.
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“You’re all set. Your baby should be working at 100% again.”
“Thanks……Um would you maybe want to go out on a date with me. It’s all on me, I just want to um pay you back for your work.”
“Sure that’s fine with me. I’m free this Saturday if that good with you.”
“Yeah that works for me.”
“Well it’s a date then.”
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c0ld0utside · 3 months
Do you write angst/sadder ideas?
I had a idea of a reader whose mother died during birth, and because of the grief their father accidentally ignored them? Working constantly, missing important events. Like he’s not the worst father, just absent. could make him rich so reader spends more time with a nanny then their own father.
So reader runs away, and the father finally realized what he did and has to try to find reader? (Readers at a friends house but the father doesn’t really know their friends. Or something like that idk)
sorry if this is long or something that’s boring, perfectly fine if you don’t want to do it :)))
Sorry this took me so long. No TW's really (not that I know of at least).
Could you blame him? Being a single father was hard, especially when you’re a CEO for a company that owns other companies and so on… and when you remind him so much of who he lost. Maybe it’s your eyes, or your face shape or the texture of your hair. Maybe even the way you talk. Regardless, Steven was a busy, sad, mourning man who’s grief worsened upon seeing you, his only child.
He tried to make it up to you. He hired you a nanny- Ms. Noya- to be there for you instead. He’d send you birthday cards- May 18th is your birthday, right? Steven would even send you cupcakes- only to find years later that you didn’t like cupcakes. Odd. Who doesn’t like cupcakes? Whatever. Point is, he tries. Even if Steven’s work is more important than you and those soccer matches and choir concerts that he missed.
At least Ms. Noya attended, right? Well- even if she couldn’t make it to all of your games at least someone is cheering you on. Steven doesn’t know that some of your classmates make fun of you for needing a Nanny. That they mock you for your lack of attention. That Mommy died because of you and Daddy hates you for it.
If he had known sooner he would’ve dismissed all of those things. Told you that no, he doesn’t hate you for what happened because- well, these things happen. He and your mother knew the risks. Steven just didn’t expect it to hurt as much as it did.
Steven stands there in your empty bedroom on the verge of having a panic attack. After seeing your posts online of games you won and concerts you were a part of, he mustered up his courage and decided to finally come home. Only to find that you weren’t there. Nor was your Nanny. He searched all over the home, calling out for you and Ms. Noya but got no answer. He tried calling you with his phone- you wouldn’t pick up.
So, he searched your room and found your diary. Steven knew it was a #1 rule to not go through your child’s diary, but he needed clues to where you were. And he hasn’t spoken to you in so long- it suddenly hit him that he knew nothing about you. How shameful.
Steven set the diary down with a shaky sigh.
I don’t know why I’m still not used to him being here.
I’ve been throwing the cupcakes away.
I don’t even use most of the stuff he gives me. I should give it away. It’s cluttering up my room and closet.
I wish he’d actually just stop by for once. I didn’t kill her. It’s not my fault. I don’t even want to be here.
Fuck this. I don’t know why I’m still waiting for him. I’m going to Lucy’s.
Lucy? Who is Lucy? A friend? Steven quickly calls up the school to ask them about a “Lucy.” On a rare stroke of luck, there’s only one Lucy in your school. After getting her address (people are so easily bribed with money), Steven immediately called the police.
Was it the best reaction? Noooo. But come on- if it was him who had showed up you wouldn’t have come back. Steven was sure of that. Especially after reading your diary. (He was 100% wrong.)
Yeah you freaked out on him once you got home. He expected that! You were just put in a police car after all. It’s amusing, really, how nervous he is. Him, Steven (l/n), a CEO that essentially has it all. Has been through countless meetings where he was calm and precise and knew what to say.
“I’m really sorry sweetheart! I didn’t know where you were and I- …I had to see you. I know it’s been a long while and that that’s an understatement but it’s been so long and I need to make it all up to you.”
Going back to school the next day had been extremely awkward for you and your friends. When you got home, you were horrified to find out that Ms. Noya had been…”removed,” putting it lightly.
“I’m going to be working from home from now on, so we won’t be needing her anymore.” Steven had told you. He shushed you when you started to protest, patting your head like a toddler.
“I know there are huge changes happening, but it’s okay! I’ll fix everything and we can make up for lost time. I promise.”
“Daddy’s here now, and he won’t leave you alone again.”
Yall I'm sorry this is taking me so long forgive me please. My chromebook has been acting up so I'm stuck writing on my phone.
Criticism is welcome. Remember to drink some water and eat.
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demilypyro · 1 year
Okay since this doesn't seem to want to go away here's me addressing every single "allegation" that I've heard about. I hope to have at least given a good explanation where the horrible things being said about me came from, and why I consider them either just totally not true or badly misconstrued. Some of my friends have recommended I don't say anything at all, but I've always preferred openness and honesty, so I hope that's appreciated.
I understand that some people will still dislike me even though the things being said about me are not true. That's fine. I don't need everyone to like me, but it's when I'm being consistently harassed and lied about that it interferes with my mental health and ability to work. So I'm gonna try and end things with this.
"She's racist"
From what I can tell this is about one time when I said I keep my interest in anime to myself around new people. I do this because showing you're a Huge Fucking Nerd right off the bat can make a bad impression. I could have said the same thing about Star Trek or comic books, I just happened to be talking about anime in that moment. Someone seems to have misconstrued this as me finding Japanese culture something shameful and lesser than other cultures?... Which I would call a total willful misinterpretation. The rest of this seems to stem just from being Dutch, because the Netherlands is a country that has a problem with xenophobia. This is true, but uhhh I'm mixed myself so I'm pretty well aware of that, and I obviously don't support our infamous "blackface holiday." Just because I live here doesn't mean I agree with everything this country does, be that historically or in the modern day.
"She's friends with racists/misogynists/transphobes"
The only thing I can guess this is about is when I was mutuals with a user called porko-rosso at least 5 years ago and didn't really believe it when people told me they were a bigot. I haven't interacted with this user in over 4 years but people still claim we're like best friends, which was never true in the first place, we just knew a lot of the same people. Most of the resentment from the people who repeatedly spread these rumours about me seems to have started here. So for the record: no, I am not friends with any racists, misogynists or transphobes.
"She thinks she's better than other trans women because she passes better"
This is just not true. This idea seems to pop up just whenever I post about enjoying the benefits of HRT or surgery, but most recently this was misconstrued from a post where I said being trans is about being yourself as much as possible. Since this was in response to someone saying that me trying to pass is "erasing my identity", people thought I meant trying to pass is the same as being good at being trans, which was not what I meant, but some people didn't seem to want to believe me when I clarified. My apologies for the misunderstanding I guess, but that's all it was. So no, I do not hate people who don't pass as well as I do, nor do I think all trans people should be transitioning medically, and I resent the implication.
"She has a secret discord server where she makes fun of pictures of other trans women and calls them slurs"
I had absolutely no clue what this was about when I first heard it. I was sent screenshots that supposedly prove this but all they show is me being rude about someone's appearance one time in january of 2022. I actually thought these were faked because I don't remember this happening and the things said confused me, but one of my friends says she found it was in her server, where she had showed a picture of someone and asked everyone present (mostly other trans women) if they were hot. Apparently I did not think they were hot. So yes, I did insult someone's appearance back in january 2022, but it was an isolated incident. Frankly even I find my remarks in these screenshots distasteful, I don't know what I was on when I wrote that stuff. I'm sorry to that person specifically. What I said has weighed heavily on me and I apologize for it. It's not something I approve of, and don't intend to repeat that mistake. Still, to say it means I hate trans women and I love to make fun of them in my secret discord server and call them slurs is just... a super-villain level of exaggeration. I didn't even know about the word that was named as an example. It's not true.
"She's often rude"
I can't deny this one. Autism gonna autism. I've seen many therapists, doctors, experts, what have you, to try and help me with this, but it seems my particular brand of autistic in combination with the cultural differences between mine and other countries just really often ends with my foot in my mouth when I speak English. I apologize! I have never meant to personally offend anyone. It just keeps happening and I can't stop it from happening.
If after reading all this, you still consider me bad enough to hate my guts, I can't stop you, but I wanted to have at least had my say. I swear that everything in this post is the honest truth as I understand it, and that I've never acted with purposeful malicious intent.
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intotherumiverse · 5 months
★ ૮₍ ≧ . ≦ ₎ა 𝐎𝐧𝐞 𝐏𝐢𝐞𝐜𝐞 𝐔𝐧𝐢𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐢𝐭𝐲 !!
ღ. synopsis ; one peice characters and the majors and trades they're in !
ღ. featuring ; luffy m. ; zoro r. ; sanji v. ; ussop ; robin ; nami ; chopper ; brook + bonus !
ღ. cw ; weed mention, cursing, shitposting
ღ. notes ; i haven't written in so long I forgot how to so this.... bare w me on this one !
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luffy is an international relation major
all the professors love him and its defintely the only reason he's passing his classes
he has not one clue what going on (most of the time), head empty
also has really good finals grades
like its so surprising to see him pass with a low b high c average
he's really likeable, everyone and they momma wants to hang out with him
usally hanging out with sanji (bc he cooks) or zoro (caus he thinks he's cool)
he tutors with nami and robin sometimes (they're the only ones that can deal with him on the regular)
he's so silly and goofy i love him your honor
bussniess major but is never doing what he needs to do
classes? not in them. Homework? What's that? he is no where to be found and that should scare you.
he's somehow doing well in class and no one can figure out how he's doing it.
he's the captain of the fighting club (first rule of fight club? no talking about fight club) and he's good with members and running them
he hates the idea of hazing in his club and will kick you out if you try it
he has a special bond with one of the advisors given to him and he defends him like hell
he hangs around luffy bc he thinks of him as a little brother and wants to make sure he's alright
fights with sanji because he thinks its sooooo fucking funny
he's a regualar at the local bar to the point they don't even I.D him anymore they're just like "there's zoro."
definitely a food science major
he loves trying out new recipes and helping in the kitchen
sometimes when money gets low, he'll have a bake sale and they always do really fucking well
sometimes he'll take apprentenships for "fun" and so he's just racked up expirence in working in different places
his dream job is to have his own resturant where he can create his own dishes and not take any shit from anyone
also (because my sanji is a weed smoker not a cig user) will sometimes make weed pastries and they do so well when he sells them
would be outside on a smoke break but somehow never smells like weed its so crazy
would be the type of student to grumble and complain about homework but still do it anyway (he's just like me fr)
went to a shopworking trade school (his momma didn't want him to learn nothing after high school so she made him)
he found out later that he like working on different things and keeping himself busy
he also like gardening in his spare time
he's like really good at it and sometimes when his garden is too much for his family, he'll either give it to his neighbors or sell it in the farmer's market
his most frequent customer is sanji because sanji likes the freshest products avaliable
sanji askes him to hang out and try his recipes from time to time and eventually he makes friends with everyone
earth sceiene major with minor in accounting
she is the the most ruthless student you'll ever meet
she don't take any shit from no one regardless of who you are, which is why she makes such a good tutor
she makes sure all her students get a good grade and because she tutors both zoro and luffy, she makes BANK
she also is the pretty girl on campus and all her friends pretty too !
hair done, lashes done, lashes done, face card don't decline, body tea !
she loves hanging out with the group but she'll never tell you that but everyone knows she cares about her people
she's lowkey scary
she isn't afriad to curse you the fuck out when you piss her off
fiercely loyal my girl nami is badddd
history major with a minor in english
knows everything about everything and is one of the best tutors of the campus
she's kinda shy (mostly cause she doesn't like people but she's trying)
luffy thought she was cool and just kept bothering her until she reluctantly accepted
she's a real history buff and can debate her history like no one else
once got into it with zoro for a peice of random history
struggling medicene major
he looks stressed at all times and somehow is keeping a 4.0 gpa
luffy and zoro will come over with brusises and he just takes one look at him and sighs deeply
he helps in the nursing home with the doctors because he feels happy when people are treated
he doesn't like when people treat him or others differently so he's such a big advocate for anti discrimination against anyone
he likes helping people that most doctors would ignore and people hate him for that
he's not good at taking compliments so its funny to see him react to the compliments
he loves sweets and he loves when sanji makes them so he's always first in line at sanjis bake sale
he's so cute and small your honor
mechanic (trade school)
a literal grease monkey
he's always making something in his garage and
he makes custom peices for his friends and even sold some to some of the rich kids
besides that he's really cool about things
he's co chill about everything and help fix things whenever the crew needs it
all in all a cool dude
old ass music head
he's one of the best musicains and he's so casual about it
he's a allumi for the school and he takes students every year to train them and teach them what he knows
he only takes like 5 students a year so the spots are very competative and very hard to get into
hes so chill otherwise
the type of mentor to call you out on your bullshit but still
extra little bonus scene!
the gang goes to Jinbe's resturant every week after all they're classes. Luffy had stumbled upon it one day and he just slowly started to get his friends to go their and that's just become their hangout spot since then. Jinbe pretends to hate when they come over but in all actuality, he loves talking to them and getting to know them as a group and as individuals. he loves their energy and will make sure they eat well and they're getting good grades.
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no tag list for now but make sure you're supporting the people that are spending time making works for your entertainment !
@rynfiles ; @strawhatkia
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captainx-camino · 14 days
I'm about to be the Internet's most hated person again but, uhhhh...I'm a chronic over analyzer, so, deal with it.
So, Jeremy - and here me out on this - wasn't the cold-blooded murder kid the movie wants you to believe he is.
*insert shocked and horrified reaction here*
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Yeah, that one will do....
Okay, so first of all: Jeremy's parents are AWFUL.
His father is clearly an abusive drunk and his mother is clearly a traumatized beaten wife who makes excuses for her husband's abuse.
Jeremy wasn't lying about what his parents were - we can see that through their behavior when they're shown and by small clues in the background of the shot.
His father probably became abusive due to feeling he could no longer fulfill his role in the household and succumbed to drinking to patch his depression.
His mother probably took the brunt of this, causing her to fall into fawning and do the only thing she could do to keep the household together. A very common response to domestic violence is to dote on the child in an aggressively overbearing way - which we see her do.
Additionally, the only person we learn of the incident from is the 'Karen' of the town - who states the boy was bad news. But was he really? Or was he a troubled child dealing with severe abuse at home and escaping into himself?
Was he a 'bad kid'? Or was he just different?
(There are some other points but I have like 10 min to write this so you get what you get.)
Personally, one of the things that really drove home for me that Jeremy wasn't the monster he was made out to be is how he died:
You want to tell me that this "cold-blooded killer" went to his treehouse to hide from the cops after committing his awful crimes? That doesn't sound like some crazed murderer to me - that sounds like a scared child running away to the one place he felt secure.
Which he still does, by the way. As a fucking ghost who has now been trapped in his living nightmare with the two people who probably abused him for 20-some-odd years.
With the given evidence, I shall construct you a possible alternative series of events that makes far more sense than his simply killing his parents...
-Jeremy comes home from school, his dad is already in a mood.
-Mom is baking in the kitchen in an attempt to forget the throbbing in her right eye
-Someone, possibly Jeremy, makes an offhanded remark that unintentionally triggers his father.
-The situation escalates with Jeremy becoming the target of his father's aggression this time.
-the father, already several sheets to the wind, goes after Jeremy in a fit of rage.
-the altercation continues, eventually ending up with Jeremy and his father tussling in the garage.
-Jeremy grabs at his father's abandoned tools in an attempt to protect himself and lands a hit, killing his father.
-Jeremy's mother, a victim of abuse herself, is too traumatized to react appropriately to the situation.
-Because her coping mechanism is to fawn, she reacts negatively towards Jeremy.
-Her first reaction is to scream and panic, asking Jeremy what he has done and believing that he has ruined their family that she has worked so hard to keep intact.
-Her defensiveness causes her to lash out at Jeremy and attack him.
-Jeremy is once again forced to defend himself, knowing no other way of fending her off.
-this altercation also ends in a defensive strike towards his assailant with another convenient item within the room the attack took place.
-After the incident, Jeremy, a child, quickly realizes that he is going to be in trouble.
-Jeremy's first instinct upon hearing the approaching police sirens is not to flee custody, but to hide in his childhood treehouse.
-When authorities inevitably find him and coax him down, he slips, breaking his neck instantly.
-This untimely demise causes him to be stuck in the world of the living with no other contact besides the people who neglected and abused him, causing him to become desperate for escape.
-That desperation was answered by the single person who was able to see him in 20+ years and Astrid just got caught in that crossfire.
I'm gonna say it now because I know how y'all are: This post is not to justify what he did to either of his parents or Astrid. It is simply what I have gathered ACTUALLY happened leading up to Jeremy's death and his possible true motivation to return to the world of the living outside of "ooooOOOOOOoooo so he can KILL AGAIN~" which is frankly just boring.
You don't have to believe it. I am not saying this interpretation is canon.
It's just what I picked up on watching the film.
Do with that what you do.
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sgiandubh · 3 months
Chère Madame Connasse/ Dear Mrs. Fuckwit
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First of all, please excuse the length of this answer (you have also been blocked, incidentally speaking). This deserves its own audio. In French, since the French connection is so fucking tenuous:
Here is the English translation, since I am pretty sure Madame Connasse does not speak any French:
'Dear Mrs. Fuckwit,
Oh, well - how may I put it? I also find interesting that such an idiot would lose her time sending such enormous things to a page she hates and which, in return, cordially tells her to go fuck herself.
I usually am entitled to some pretty mighty garbage, but you do have enough vocabulary as to use words like 'hubristic' and 'vortex'. That makes you, by the way, very vulnerable and also more exposed than Uganda's current budget.
But why not you, after all, like so many others? The more, the merrier and you do write, not without some chutzpah, that my French connection is tenuous, as is my legal expertise and that I make you laugh, along with all the rest of the shipper community. Which, to be honest, is as untrue as possible. But it must be such a pain in the ass for you to see that people read me, that people like what I write and that, who knows, all those people (of which there are many), have a better day, in this bizarre environment.
I have already shown you some pictures of myself, including at official events. It was not enough.
I have already shown you my car, my office, my desk and my diplomatic passport. It was not enough.
With just one click you could have checked all the (very transparent) clues I have patiently scattered in my posts, in order for you to find me. Some did. They know perfectly well that you lie and you know it, too.
So, here's the deal, you stupid bitch: your cackle will turn sour when you'll see this very official paper:
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This is just one of my law degrees - my Public Law BA at the Paris II University, in June 2001, as you can see by yourself. I have worked so hard and so passionately to get it, that I don't give a flying fuck about the fact that a nobody, and a coward to boot, doubts me. I have nothing to prove, nothing to demonstrate and I owe you nothing. However, sometimes one must set the record straight and I am a very impulsive person, after all.
I shall spare you all the rest, dear Mrs. Fuckwit. There is much more, but I am afraid your self esteem could never bear it. That being said, think twice, the next time you'd try to humiliate someone you do not know. Internet is so wonderfully sketchy that you never know (pinky promise: like never, ever know) to whom you're really talking. People lie very easily in here: I find this ridiculous and useless, in 2024, when one can find more or less everything about anyone. In no time at all, provided one knows exactly how to do it (between you and me, it's not even that complicated).
You and your posse of Pointless Underlings have insulted and intimidated dozens and dozens of people of our community, with an absolutely revolting ferocity. You have been doing it for years, with complete impunity and the strong belief that you were protected by a particularly perverted context, by some obscure agendas and by the indifference of the Two Main Characters. I am here to tell you I am not afraid and also that I couldn't care less about whatever you'd write or think. You will do it again, of course, because I think your obsessive universe is limited to the tiny window of your delusions.
But don't worry, dear Mrs. Fuckwit: until further notice, I shall make mine what a distant descendant of Irish Rebels, marshal of France Mac Mahon, said during the Crimea War - I am here and I am here to stay.
Also, you know: she who laughs last laughs the best.'
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I know Tumblr folks are very understanding and supportive of the WGA strike, which is super refreshing to see as a writer, but I have noticed that understanding absolutely does not translate into real life.
I’ve only talked to maybe ten people about the strike, but most of them have no clue about how terrifying and depressing this all is. Most of them understand after *I* explain it to them, but news outlets are failing to explain why this strike needs to work out for the writers guild and how awful the studios are. Most of them care more about movie and television delays than the effect this is going to have on writers now and in the future.
You want your shows and movies to come out? Okay, but do you want them to have a chance of being good? You want the late night talk shows back? Do you want them to be funny? Do you know anyone with a passion for writing? Do you want them to have a chance of surviving in their chosen career? Then support the WGA and stop complaining.
It’s really frustrating how undervalued writers are, and a lot of the time (I’m part of the problem here I will admit it) they get the most hate when in reality studios and show runners are truly the villains. Shitty shows aren’t always terrible because of bad writing, but because of what studios and show runners block the writers from including. Yet, writers get the hate and are barely making pennies at the same time.
And despite all of this people are still surprised that the WGA strike is lasting so long. It’s not the writers who are being stubborn, it’s the studios. Studios would rather pump garbage through an AI to save dimes and focus on quantity over quality, because that’s what they have decided is in their interest. It’s bullshit. An AI cannot compare to a group of humans, even if those humans are idiots, and with streaming becoming so incredibly popular over cable and satellite, writers, actors, and directors alike need to be properly accommodated for their work in new ways.
Anyway, fuck major studios, fuck capitalism (it’s the root of this issue), and fuck any hope that the people controlling the media could be half decent human beings.
WGA Strong.
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bunmurdock · 2 months
hey bun :) what you said ab performance anxiety got me thinking... i love the new/young lawyer take, but may i present to you: bitter academic rivals w dark!mean!matt
you’re an anxiety-ridden student at Columbia Law and you have a visceral hate for Matthew Murdock. he’s always been cocky and smug, sometimes even downright mean with the snide comments he makes about your test scores falling just short of his. you have no clue what the hell you did to make an enemy of him, but when two weeks pass and he still makes an effort to contradict every point you make in front of the entire class, you’re over him being a menace and start being snippy back. 
thus begins a long, long semester of the two of you trading thinly veiled insults and barbed comments, only cordial when in front of professors (and sometimes Foggy, who’s become something of a neutral mediator that both of you had an unspoken agreement to respect). 
but as finals approach, you’re starting to work yourself into a frenzy. your caffeine intake has skyrocketed. you barely eat, and when you do, it’s granola bars and chips and sometimes fruit roll ups (i.e. library snacks that can be easily stowed in your bag), not actual food. you’re always in the library, leaving in the early hours of the morning to trudge to your dorm to catch a few hours of sleep before dragging yourself out of bed to get to the dining commons as soon as they open, scarfing down whatever is quickest, and then hightailing it back to the library before it gets packed. 
it’s become something of a routine for you, to the point that even Matt has noticed. and far from being relieved that his academic rival was driving herself into the ground trying to beat him (which strokes his ego, i’m sure), Matt is more… irritated? like, you and Foggy are the only people he really keeps a metaphorical eye on. it’d be hard not to with Foggy because that’s his roommate, but with you, he’d actually had to put some effort into getting to know you (i.e. stalking recon), so he’s more than a little miffed that your downfall is going to be at your own hands instead of his own. sure, he’d still win this little cat and mouse game you two have been playing, but it wouldn’t be as satisfying, you know?
the day before your final, you’re barely even functioning. you’ve been running off caffeine and empty calories for so long that your memory has started to suffer, a fact you’d become forced to come to terms with when you got to the library and realized you’d been in such a hurry to leave that you’d left your laptop—which held all your notes and court documents—on your desk, charging. 
you’d been close to tears as you made the trek back to your dorm, feeling as though everyone you passed was staring at you, aware of your monumental mistake. 
as you fumble with your keys in front of your door, you could already feel yourself choking up, your vision blurry as the tears well up in your eyes. god, you’d been working so fucking hard for the past week. you were in the home stretch now, the second most important day of the semester (the first being actual day of the final, of course) and you somehow managed to screw up in the most pathetic way possible. it was your fucking laptop, for god’s sake! how stupid could you be to forget the one object that was arguably the most important thing in your life at this moment. 
sniffling, you just managed to get your door open when you hear someone say your name behind you. you turn around and see Matt of all people. you’re too sleep-deprived to be mad (or wonder how he’d gotten in your building without a key, or how he’d even known what building you lived in), and it takes all your energy to tell him, “i’m not in the mood.” 
it comes out more defeated than you’d wanted it to, but you’re too tired to care, hurrying inside and going to shut the door—only for Matt to shoot out a hand and stop it just before it closes. 
“the fuck do you want, Murdock?” you ask, your voice shaky and exasperated. “i promise you can’t make my day any worse than it is, so don’t waste your time.”
his expression is one of contemplation, his eyebrows furrowed behind his dark glasses. “you’re upset,” he states, sounding almost… disappointed?
you can’t help but laugh wetly at how fucking pathetic you must be for the blind guy to notice. “and?” you challenge, the word feisty despite your obvious distress. you try to shut the door again, but he doesn’t let you, an aggravated noise leaving you as the conversation is prolonged. “why do you care?” 
he pauses for a moment, weighing his words carefully. “you need an 89% on the final to stay at an A,” he says evenly, and you’re too tired to wonder how he knows your grade. “if you want to go up to an A+, though, you need at least a 94%.”
your eye twitches in irritation, and you get the strong urge to punch him right in his stupid face. you manage to control yourself though, gritting out, “get to the point or i’m breaking your nose.”
it’s a bluff. you’ve never punched anyone in your life, but you know how to make a fist without breaking your thumb and you’re angry enough to not be worried about the consequences of violence against another student—a dangerous combination as far as you’re concerned. Matt, however, seems delighted at the prospect, his eyebrows raising in silent challenge as the cocky grin you’ve grown to hate slides onto his face. 
“my point,” he says slowly, as though explaining it to a child, “is that i’m already going to get points taken off my final because of that little stunt i pulled last week.” he’s referring to last Wednesday, when he’d gotten so pissed off at the professor’s reasoning for a case he’d been a judge for that he’d blatantly insulted him in front of the entire class, and had been swiftly told that points would be docked for ‘unprofessionalism’. “so even if i ace the test, i won’t be getting any higher than an A in the course.”
you blink once in the 10-second silence that follows, understanding what Matt was saying but not understanding why he was saying it. 
Matt sighs, as though not sure why you weren’t quite getting it. “you want to beat me, right?” he asks exasperatedly. 
“well, duh,” you say, though your thoughts are admittedly more along the lines of physically beating him rather than beating him academically. 
“so stop fucking crying,” he spits condescendingly, leaning in close to hiss the words mere inches away from your face.
you’re not totally sure what comes over you, but your fuse is so short that you don’t even hesitate, flinging the door open and smacking him across the face. the sound echoes through the deserted hallway, and in the silence that follows, you’re not sure who’s more surprised, you or Matt. 
apologizing is out of the question. he was being an asshole. he’s been an asshole to you all semester, and though you’d done your best to give as good as you got, it was tiring to have to mentally prepare yourself for every 2-hour lecture just because Matt was going to pick on you. he was an asshole. he’d deserved it. but still, smacking a blind guy who had no real way to defend himself didn’t exactly sit right with you.
for a moment, you both stare at each other, jaws dropped, and in the next, Matt has surged forward, crashing your lips together. the kiss is rough and messy, but you’re too tired (and he’s too horny) to care. his foot kicks the door shut and he spins you around so that you’re pressed against it, caging you in with his body. you have half a mind to try and shove him off, to hit him again and tell him to get the fuck out. Matt had been a pain in your ass since day one, constantly taunting you and belittling your knowledge of the law. he wasn’t someone you’d ever pictured yourself doing this with… but then he shoves a leg between yours, chucking menacingly at the strangled sound that leaves you, and your mind begins to spiral with a mix of fatigue and—surprisingly—arousal. 
“always so fucking difficult,” he mutters between kisses, his fingers already dipping beneath the waistband of your sweatpants. “if i’d known all it took to shut you up was some goading and a kiss, i’d’ve done this sooner.”
he dips his head to kiss you again, and you bite at his lip and palm at his hard on in retaliation, smugly noting the way his hips twitch and his jaw clenches. 
“funny,” you say breathily, all thoughts of the library and studying and your forgotten laptop drifting away. “i was about to say the same thing.”
both of you are breathing heavily, sharing the same air, but you gasp as Matt’s fingers slip between your legs, gently running along the hem of your underwear, as though the stitching was a boundary he wouldn’t dare cross without permission. 
“i have a proposition,” he says, his tone strained. “every time i make you come, you get three hours of sleep.” 
you blink, surprised. “t-that’s your proposition? you want me to get more sleep?” the next moment, your eyes narrow, your sleepy, paranoid mind wondering if this is all some ploy to get you to study less and do worse on the final. “are you trying to make me fail?”
Matt huffs out a laugh, and—weirdly—your heart skips a beat. “i’m trying to make sure you don’t.” 
you lick your lips, thinking quickly. “counteroffer,” you say, your own mischievous grin mirroring Matt’s. “every time i make you come, you get a question wrong.”
a triumphant smile makes its way onto your face as Matt’s grin falters, his eyebrows jumping up in surprise. you’d been around Matt long enough to know that he’d have no problem acing the test, but with the professor already docking points for his antics during class, if you could get him to intentionally answer 1 or 2 questions wrong, his grade would drop to an A- or maybe even to a B+, giving you the chance to finally take his spot as #1. 
“you can’t be serious,” he says, seeming astonished that you would even propose that.
you make a nonchalant noise, shrugging. “you’d be surprised,” you say, impressed with your own ruthlessness. “if you’re not willing to take the risk, though…” you trail off, pointedly removing your hand from the bulge in his pants and smirking at the way his mouth immediately twists into a scowl. 
you’ve got him—hook, line, and sinker. 
“fine,” he grits out, taking off his dark glasses. his voice is aggravated but there’s a bit of a manic pride to the smile that makes its way back onto his face, as though he was reveling in the (minimal) danger posed by your suggestion but also proud of that you had thought of such a scheme. 
you barely get the chance to celebrate your victory—and admire just how pretty his eyes are—before his lips are on yours again, his fingers rubbing at your clit until you’re a panting mess. you come once against the door, your moans muffled by his mouth on yours. by the time you’ve quieted down, he pulls back, suave and cocky once more. 
leading him to your bed takes a while, as you’re both shedding clothes while simultaneously trying not to trip on them as they’re discarded. your fingers are fumbling with the button of his pants when he shoves you down onto the bed, kneeling down and resting your legs on his shoulders as he dips his head down and starts licking and sucking at your still-sensitive clit, easing a finger into you as he works you back up again. he’s able to fit three of his fingers in your pussy before you come again, this time having to use a pillow to muffle the sounds you make and avoid being found out. 
“two,” Matt pants, his voiced strained as he rests his forehead against your thigh, his cock throbbing. 
it’s halfway to your third orgasm that he finally breaks, spilling inside his boxers like a fucking teenager as he eats you out, the taste of you on his tongue too much for him to handle. you raise yourself up on your elbows, half-surprised and half-flattered at the dark spot on his front. 
“one,” you giggly teasingly, your mind so foggy with both fatigue and pleasure that everything seems funny. 
Matt only grins in response, quickly shucking off his pants and boxers as he catches his breath, a wicked gleam in his unfocused hazel eyes. 
“i'm still winning,” he says, catching his breath. “i’ll take those odds."
long story short, you sleep 9 hours, the irresistible tug of sleep trying to pull your eyes shut almost immediately after your third orgasm, your body completely wrung out. Matt makes you drink some water before he redresses, pulling a granola bar and some fruit gummies from the bag he’d had slung over his shoulder and placing them on your nightstand, knowing that at this point you're really only half-conscious and trying to get you to eat now would be impossible.
he dresses you in his shirt and helps you back into bed, chuckling softly as how you immediately burrow beneath the blankets, snug and warm and... cute. he brushes the hair out of your face in a movement that’s much too fond for what’s supposed to be a casual hookup borne of spite. you think you feel soft lips ghost against your temple right as your eyes slide shut, but you’re probably just imagining it… right? 
matt murdock who is doubly cocky and triply intelligent and will play cruel, twisted mind games with you but not let you sabotage yourself WHIMPERING SO LOUD SMOKE COMING OUT OF MY EARS BANGING MY FISTS ON THE TABLE
“so stop fucking crying,” he spits condescendingly, leaning in close to hiss the words mere inches away from your face.
H- HEY. *visibly shaking and tearing up* HEY UM WHY.. HOW DID YOUR BRAIN THINK THAT UP AND NOT EXPLO- *explodes*
reader in this fic is so so cute i’m gnawing on my fist. i love the way you characterize both of them, it’s hypnotizing. and maddeningly hot how toxic he is before they hook up whimper.. ꩜_꩜
ANYWAY, THIS FIC IS MY LAST STRAW OKAY. i’ve been getting many a masterpiece in my inbox, i will be creating a masterlist soon so followers can read and reread these posts, attributions to respective emoji friends and all. this is too good to get lost in my inbox tag. thank you so much for sharing, please come back.
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