#I hate you isayama
hazy-pink-skies · 6 months
when lunarelles deleted all their eremin art bc they didnt like the way aot ended. yeah that was like the burning of the library of alexandria for me
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tojiscrack · 10 months
the fact that i’m forced to attend five days of college and then spend my weekends at work when i’m a woman in MOURNING is actually cancerous. i lost eren AND satoru, all in the span of less than three months. my manager and my college are heartless fr 😐
p.s. i’m still patiently waiting for my husband’s return. satoru WILL win because he said so 😊
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acoldsovereign · 3 months
I see Eren...
I have a question as a humble anon. Im curious but, how do you feel about him as a character? And how AOT ended? I feel like your answer will be fun to hear. :) I had mixed feelings but idk. Seeing him made go "oh no" because like, I forgot the existed, lol sorry but also because of all the infighting that happened in the fandom. So I was wondering if you had any thoughts?
*ignore my typos if there's any
SUBJECT MATTER: OOC talks / fandoms // sender: anonymous // status--always open!
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{{ Oof. Okay, so--I think I'm not the best person to ask about this because when THAT happened in the fandom, I was highly confused as to why people hated it. I legit didn't understand. I had to go back and re-read the manga and I still didn't understand why people were pissed? But looking back on it, I can see it. Before I continue on that point, I'll answer you:
I adore Eren. He's my poor little meow meow. My smol angry husbando. He's a complex, traumatized, aggressive, violent fucker. I love him. Many of my current muses are on the spectrum of 'ready for violence for whatever reason'. I think it's okay to like him. Folks don't owe you a ten page essay rife with sources as to why they like or don't like a character. Moral judgements shouldn't be made about what piece of fiction someone engages with; you're not their parent and shaming isn't cool, whether you're fine with what they like or not. Very rarely will you change their mind, and instead of blocking them/moving on, you're just making yourself upset/creating an unsafe/unwelcomed environment from those who think and engage with the source material differently from you. Putting the rest under a read more because spoiler territory.
With that said, the ending was fine--I quite liked it! It's tragic and sad for sure, but I had no illusions about Attack on Titan ending horrifically. It's a dark fantasy story that began with what's left of humanity defending itself from flesh-eating monsters picking them off one by one. If . . . you thought a story like that would have a happy ending (or would have romance in it--a complaint I saw in many, many places), I have to ask why. Why is that where your mind is when there's death and destruction on every page? Then the plot twist--Titans are actually people, and they were created and planted in strategic places around the world because of [REDACTED FOR SPOILERS]. It's so fucked. You'd be lucky if your favorite character survived to the END. (Which, didn't happen for me. As I said, Eren gets love around here because I adore how layered he is. I did mourn another character who died earlier, though. And Eren's response to her fate broke my heart; yet another thing the fandom twisted around and made into something it's not). Point is--there is no real 'moral lesson' to AOT. It's a dark story made to entertain. The theme is "senseless violence begets senseless violence". It's funny because I was talking about this recently with the Eren I write with (@scarlxtleaves). Isayama himself in many interviews stated he just made it because he wanted to. Many times he was pressed for an answer and that's what he kept saying. There was one interview I remember where he did give a 'proper' answer (a generic answer about hope/optimism/determination, I think? Don't quote me on that), but it was because he was pressed for one--as if people couldn't just take him at his word. It's a bit sad, honestly. Not everything needs to be so deep--which brings me back to the fandom.
I think many people took the ending out of context, Eren out of context and used the manga as a way to attack Isayama. Many people were upset their ships didn't happen, some felt betrayed that Eren turned out be the ultimate villain/antagonist, some even went as far to send him hate mail, tell him his manga was horrible, that he should d*e, etc etc. Again, in hindsight, I understand all of this. I got whiplash too. 😂 I was like "for real??????? Y'all deadass rn???? Someone say SIKE" but nope, that's who he was--which encouraged me to reread and rewatch EVERYTHING. It all clicked and I went "how the hell did we not see this?!" 😭 So yeah, I get that Eren doing the Rumbling is extreme--but that's the point, he's BEEN that extreme since chapter and episode 1. We just didn't pay attention and thought he was bluffing. That's not the character's fault. And it doesn't mean he's written badly. He's not.
We just thought he wasn't gonna stand on business. Eren Yeager stood on that shit, 10 toes down. Genocide IS extreme (it always is, no doubt about it--and I'm not a fan of those who call Eren fans/appreciators genocide apologists because whoa??? Buddy, it's not that serious???? Again, we're not in school, we're not getting tested for morality or what have you, please take a chill pill. You're NOT getting a medal for being more moral or 'gooder' of a human than me because of . . . what character I like??????), but I get it. Don't blindly cheer him on but also: AOT Earth is NOT equivalent with our Earth. The cast is dealing with abnormal situations that we don't (people turning into giant weapons/human eating monsters, a government conspiracy to continue using SAID monsters, a even more secret plan by multiple world governments/nations to wipe out a defenseless island of people who have NO direct connection with the vile Empire that spawned them, etc etc). So if you're gonna put Eren on a crucifix, put the Marleyan government on that shit first. They LITERALLY are the reason why Eren's mom (and many innocent people) died/became mindless killers (the Titans), which made him want to kill them all in the first place. Put Grisha Yeager on that shit too, because he was a deadbeat ass father who ONLY had Eren just to pass on the Attack and Founding Titans BECAUSE SOMEONE TOLD HIM TO. He's the same thing as Gaara's father from Naruto. Same reasons why they had their youngest sons. EXACT SAME. Unlike Rasa, Grisha never apologized to Eren. Not once for bringing him into such a cruel world, not once for forcing the Titan serum on him, not EVEN for SHORTENING HIS LIFESPAN (Eren would die at 23 or until someone else killed/ate him for his Titan powers), none of it. Annie, Reiner, Berthold--they BROKE. The wall. And allowed the Smiling Titan in--the same one that ate Eren's. Mom. Like, c'mon now!
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Eren save me
Save me Eren
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milaghoul · 11 months
Alright, watched the finale of attack on titan and I will never recover 👍
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madewithspice · 2 years
Honestly, I don't know if I suffer more because the show is ending or because of the story. I hate the ending, I don't like what they did to Eren (although he got a lot hotter after become the villain). Is it just me who miss Bertholdt and Ymir!
The ending is sad but in my opinion, it fits with aot’s dark themes. It doesn’t make sense to have a happy ending when it’s all about the cycle of hatred and violence and how it’s never ending. I do wish they all did get a happy ending and Eremika lived peacefully away from everything but it just shows how unfair life can be. There’s no happiness in war and violence no matter what the situation is, someone will always be at a detrimental disadvantage. No one is truly free no matter what they do, they’re a slave to something.
Eren’s story is so sad. The things he had to do and go through was heartbreaking to watch. I think in aot there is no real villain, everyone has their own perspectives and ideology so nobody is completely in the right and vice versa.
I didn’t really click enough with Bert but Ymir I can feel for. She deserved better.
- Kiki.
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annieshowell-main · 2 years
nowadays i completely abhor attack on titan i think it's a horrible anime i hate it BUT I MISS MY DEAR JEAN KIRSTEIN SO MUCH I LOVE YOU JEAN MY LOVE... I WISH YOU WERE A CHARACTER FROM ANOTHER ANIME
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schoolgirl739 · 1 month
i wish i could gatekeep historia from the AOT fandom they don’t deserve her
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swagging-back-to · 2 years
the reiss arch is so incredibly bad it's genuinely revolting
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httpxxg · 3 months
I find it really rude to some people say that they don't care about Gege's jjk exhibition and only care about wanting Gojo back
Okay i get it that it's really upsetting that our favorite character is officially not coming back but saying some stuff like they don't care about Gege having a jjk exhibition and only want Gojo to comeback is beyond fuck up for me because like seriously???? Tbh Gege deserve this because of how wonderful and tragically beautiful jjk is needed to be shown and how beautiful his hardwork and his team did so they deserve to have this exhibition and i don't like seeing authors getting the hate saying they don't deserve this and their work is shitty like what happened to Isayama and besides the jjk exhibition for gege is important because he said he's goal is to make visitors to think they can draw too and that's really heart melting for me and some artists that given up on art.
To some people please be respectful and be mindful of what you guys are saying, and i think y'all not even appreciating jjk storyline much and just focusing on Gojo wanting to comeback is too much.
For artists, having an exhibition is like having a dream come true, so I can't help but talk about it. Exhibitions are essential resources for artists working at any level. They enable you to exhibit your work in front of a viewing public so that others can see and enjoy it. Exhibitions frequently provide a great way to interact with visitors and Gege's goal is wanting for visitors to think they can draw manga too.
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kelthebarb · 11 months
my favorite thing will always be domestic levi.
- waking up & seeing him buttoning his shirt in the mirror, having already showered before you due to his inability to sleep in.
- dragging him back into bed with you cus it’s barely 7:30 in the morning and you have all day with nothing to do.
- showering together, gently washing his hair and him kissing your shoulder and wrapping his arms around you from behind.
- him not knowing how to cook very well, but he can make good tea. you stick to the cooking, and he makes drinks. always.
- after the war, he’s not used to so much peace and quiet. he’d always been used to tons of work, always running around, and almost no downtime. most of the time, he has no idea what to do with himself. he found that he enjoys reading a LOT.
- he was very iffy on retiring at first, and it did take a lot of convincing before he finally decided it was time to leave the military and what it did to him in the past. he doesn’t cry a lot, but when he does, he cries hard. almost 40 years of pent-up trauma and emotion will do that to a man, even one as tough as him.
- you & him go to visit erwin and hange’s graves at least twice a month, and you find it slightly heartbreaking that he talks to them, the same way he did when they were alive. quiet and short conversations with what he hopes is their ghosts. you find yourself grabbing his hand and squeezing it when he starts getting shaky.
- sometimes when you can tell he’s in a bad mood, you say you need a hug, but it’s really him that needs it. he doesn’t like asking for affection, so it’s a way to help him get over a bump in the road.
- as most people say, he’s not big on pda, and it’s true, but he will hold your pinkies together when it’s crowded. you’ll think it’s because he doesn’t wanna lose you in the crowd, but he’s so short that he’ll be the one getting lost 💀
- with that being said, he hates it when you poke fun at his height. it’s not that he’s insecure about it, he just finds it annoying that that’s one of the first things people notice about him.
- i’m a firm believer in levi with a slight size kink. as isayama said, levi just likes tall people. i think he’d like it if you were able to manhandle him, toss him around, pin him to the bed, shit like that.
- he’s definitely a switch. he’s the softest dom - he’s experienced too much hurt in his life to hurt you in any way - and he’s the most adorable sub.
- when he’s the dom, he’ll be gentle with you. slowly pushing into you, stopping and giving you little breaks if you need them. never degrading, always the sweetest words coming from him. he groans a lot, frequently but quiet enough to where it’s just you that can hear it.
- when he’s the sub, he loves hates being teased. he’s a little embarrassed to beg, but he will if he needs it bad enough. he almost always cries a little, now matter how nice or mean you’re being. definitely louder as a sub, more whiny.
- it doesn’t matter if he’s the dom or sub, he will hold your hand. never fucks without your fingers laced with his. when he’s on top, he’ll have both hands on the sides of your head, holding yours gingerly. it works vice-versa.
- going back to the hurt thing, he’ll never hurt you. BUT. he does like biting. him biting you, you biting him, doesn’t matter. he does it pretty soft, though, but just hard enough to leave marks (very territorial tbh).
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tojiscrack · 11 months
i already miss eren. that’s it. that’s the post.
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lucysarah-c · 1 month
Hii do u think levi likes coffee? and if he doesn’t but his s/o does, would he try to put her into tea or would say something like “how can you drink that shit?” ?
Hi, dear! How are you?
Ah, maybe I’m mistaken, but I believe—take this with a grain of salt—that Isayama mentioned Levi actually hates coffee? I’m not sure if it was said in an interview or as an extra detail at the end of a manga volume, but I think I read somewhere that Levi finds coffee way too bitter.
Which perhaps makes sense, since it’s mentioned that Levi takes his tea without milk or sugar because he considers it a "luxury." Plain black coffee is probably a bitter taste that Levi simply isn’t used to.
Now, if his girlfriend likes coffee... I personally think Levi is the kind of person who doesn’t like being told what to do with his life, so he applies the same logic to others, lmao. Levi wouldn’t mind if his girlfriend liked something he doesn’t—he’d even put it on his grocery list and buy it when he does the chores. Levi sleeps very little overall, so he’s probably the one who wakes up first. If he can wake up earlier by nature and allow his girlfriend to rest 20 minutes more by being the one to make breakfast, he will.
That’s Levi—he’ll learn how to brew coffee even if he hates it, just for her. Will he annoy her about it with love? Absolutely. Something like, "Ugh... I slept horribly last night."
"Maybe it’s because of that crap you make me prepare every shitty morning. If you switched to tea..."
Or he’d bring her mug and say, "Here, your liquid crap," and yet kiss her forehead and leave the mug as she works.
I’ve mentioned it multiple times, lol, but Levi’s love language is "acts of service mixed with degradation."
Lots of love!
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leviismybby · 5 months
My anon asks have been:
"What if Isayama confirms a ship in bad boy?"
"Do you think that Isayama will give Levi a love interest in the upcoming manga/drafts?"
Or similar.
And thank you anons for those questions, but the simple answer is: probably no but who knows. Isayama had all the time in the world to do that, he didn't because Levi simply doesn't have a love interest. Believe it or not, some people can be single, not every character needs a love interest. Levi doesn't have one, let it go.
If he does, than he does but it isn't Isayamas way of writing and I don't think it fits Levi as a character. Also if Levi does in fact get a wife or anything like that, I better not see any hate on Isayama or Levi, this is fictional media not a political debate.
I am starting to think that people aren't even excited about the fact that we are getting more on Levi's childhood, they just want thier ship to be proved or a ship they hate to be disproved and both are equally bad. We really have to let this be.
The story is about Levi and his childhood, we get to see more behind his character and that's something we should focus on instead of gripping at every last straw for ships or a love interest confirmation.
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klaraslevi · 3 months
Levi and the most irrelevant topics about his character
I have been seeing so much discourse in the fandom lately so I wanted to clear a few things up. I think Levi and his great character gets lost in all the pointless discourse.
His sexuality
Oh boy, you people make me irritated with this one. It was never confirmed or brought up simply because it doesn't matter, it is irrelevant as it gets especially for a character like Levi.
One thing I see poeple often bring up a is an "interview" where Isayama supposedly says that Levi like tall people and I would like to make one thing clear, that is an answer with no written down evidence or an actual translation. There is a version where Isayama says "does he like women?" And then there is another version which says "the type of women he likes?" Among 30 other translations and some fans saying that this was never even said, you cannot take this as canon, let alone give someone a screenshot from a random article online to convince people into your headcanons. This interview, be it fake or not, is not canon evidence and shouldn't be taken so seriously. In canon? Levi showed no interest in either genders. Using offical art as evidence that he is straight or gay based on way he is sitting standing or how he dresses is the dumbest thing ever and I don't even think I have to tell you why.
Bottom line: Levi has no confirmed sexuality, he could be straight, bi, gay, pan, ace etc. It is irrelevant to his character and wouldn't change a thing about him. You're free to headcanon Levi as you like just don't push it onto canon when none of us know and quite frankly, shouldn't care that much about it.
Ship wars/ships/Levi's love interest
Again, another topic that people take way too seriously. Ship wars for Levi shouldn't even exist but he is among the most popular anime characters so I suppose naturally they will. Levi doesn't have a canon love interest and no matter how much some push thier ships into canon, it won't change that fact. The shipping fandom is having fun most of the time and you actually going into thier spaces to hate on them is stupid.
Shipping community is huge and most poeple are having fun. You cannot group a whole shipping fandom into the toxic bunch which I see so many poeple do. No Eruri's, Levihan's, Rivetra's, self interests etc. aren't all bad because you saw one toxic fan send hate to people who don't ship or ship a certain pairing. People seem to forget that the person they are attacking over FICTIONAL CHARACTERS is an actual person, with hobbies and emotions. Sending someone death threats or hat over a ship they ship or don't ship makes you an asshole and shouldn't be a thing.
Fun fact: Japanese fandom has a name for poeple discussing Levi and his love life. They call it "landmine" because it's so irrelevant and poeple get so worked up over who he should/shouldn't be with rather than just acknowledging the story and his character for what it is.
Bottom line: Levi has no canon ship or a love interest. Headcanons are fine and having an opinion is too but pushing it onto canon and hating on poeple because of ships is not a way to go.
The sub or dom debate
Do I even have to explain to poeple why this is stupid?
It's mostly discourse around Levi x reader writers on here and other platforms. I am a Levi x reader writer, I have a separate blog for that but as I said many times before, those things are just my little fantasies and I never push those into Levi and his actual character. I see so many get worked up when someone sees Levi as a Dom or a sub and someone doesn't agree. This is fanfiction, it is not an analysis on his character. We don't know how Levi is during sex or if he even had sex in the first place and the fact that people actually get so worked up over it is ridiculous. This is super irrelevant, has zero baring on Levi and his decisions in canon. I have my headcanon, we all do but let's not pretend like we actually know anything about Levi in this context because we don't and it's the last thing we should focus on. None us are right, it is not that deep that someone sees Levi as a sub while you see him a Dom, trust me, this shouldn't be in discussion, it had nothing to do with canon. And who even actually cares? How does this affect Levi?
Levi is a great and complex character, the fact that people let all his qualities get lost in such discourses is upsetting. We can't decide these things because we emotionally attached ourselves to a headcanon or a ship. Levi is not something because you "feel" he is, remember facts over feelings. Worrying about these irrelevant things makes Levi's character get lost in pointless and never ending debates.
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quillsandblades · 3 months
What could be the reasons for Hange's death?
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I’m not best at doing these analysis posts, but I’ve had this in my mind for a while now and it needs to get out.
As a sort-of writer, I know there’s always reasons to kill off a character, especially if they're well-developed and play a crucial part in the story. So what could’ve gone through Isayama’s mind when he decided to kill our precious Hange? Here’s what I think.
First of all, reading the manga I really felt like her death was forced, staged. It didn't seem right, didn't seem to fit. Now I don’t know if the rest of you felt this way but I sure did. And that's why I'm gonna talk about why I think Isayama killed her.
There are four points in this post and each explains a potential reason:
1. To make the readers cry
Many characters are killed just to give a truck load of emotional damage to the readers. And sometimes authors enjoy it — don’t get me wrong, we love the characters, it’s just what even is a good story if devastated readers aren’t sending you death threats for killing their fav fictional pookie? Such characters often possess some or all of these qualities: Lovable, witty, humorous, determined, has big goals/dreams, you get attached to them easily and if they have a love interest that you’re invested in, and they both got plans to *ahem* live peacefully once a certain war is out of the list of duties, it’s over for you (IFKK 😭).
And who do we know that holds nearly all these characteristics, and died?
Maybe Yams was in killer mood the day he wrote chapter 132. I wonder if he’s doing the evil laugh somewhere, thinking how we’re suffering every day.
2. It’s crucial to the plot
These kinds of deaths aren’t in the author’s hand, and they really hurt us sometimes. I have a few characters very close to my heart and I hope I never have to put them to death cuz I may not have the willpower to write ahead if I do. It happens when you get dead-ends (yes you can get dead-ends even in fiction as well, at least that’s what I think because the setting or world you create has to have some limits), when the rules you have set up to make that world start to cage you in. And sometimes there’s no option but to kill them. Their death is important, it’s a key point, or maybe it’s part of what their personality demands. It’s needed, and it hurts.
But coming to Hange, I can safely say that’s not the case. Her death could’ve been avoided. In the manga she barely managed to get much time. Yes the plane made it, but it’s Hange we’re talking about and she has a big brain. She could’ve made a less harmful plan to stop the Colossal titans right there, I don’t doubt her intelligence at all. Or someone could’ve helped. The part about titan shifters saving their strength was a flimsy excuse Isayama, cuz taking out a Colossal isn't such a back-breaking task for the Shifters - they’ve had worse and done better.
3. Some other character needs to take the spotlight
This happens when our character is in the way of someone else’s glory. They need to be taken off the stage so the next one comes up.
For Hange I’d say, that was Armin. I think Isayama might have wanted to give the stuttering blonde kid a glow-up, and I gotta say it worked well. I’ve seen countless posts where Armin back then and as commander is compared and people are like, ha! Y’all used to laugh at him cuz he was a timid, scared little thing but look at him now, Commander of the scouts and such.
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I’ve seen him get a lot of hate for not being strong enough, not being confident and such things. So what does Isayama do? He takes that character and upgrades him to Commander. I think he’s wanted to do this for a long time, to show just how much potential the kid has, and take it as a character development. He was chosen over Erwin and then Hange. He couldn’t be Commander after Shiganshina cuz Hange was named successor. He got his chance in ch 132 and took it. The only way to make Armin Commander was to kill Hange and so we had to part with the crazy genius we loved. (I don't hate Armin though, it's Isayama's fault not Armin's)
But here’s the thing, she could’ve still come back. Battered and bruised, and Armin would still be Commander as the title was already handed over. Then why go all the way and kill her? Here’s why.
4. External reasons
This and the 3rd point, In my opinion, are the main reasons for Hange’s death.
The external factors here include her relationship with Levi. The man has a HUGE fanbase and he’s shipped (and shippable) with so many characters it’s concerning. And the most popular ships are Ereri (this one doesn’t even make sense) and Eruri. As a character that’s so popular among fans, I don’t think Isayama wanted to confirm anything related to his love life as that would only create rifts among fans or even drop his popularity. By keeping it vague he kept the fanbase up. But what has Hange living got to do with it?
Well, we all heard her ‘Let’s live here together’ confession. It’s probably the most romantic thing anybody said to Levi canonically and no one can deny it gives hints. Then comes Levi's double meaning statement of ‘Unrequited titan love’ and I’d say that pretty much sealed the deal. ‘Devote your heart’ was the cherry on top and now if Hange returned they both would be so canon.
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But for the sake of argument, let’s say all of that meant nothing romantic. But if Hange’s still alive we all know she’d never leave Levi alone in his impaired state after the war. She’d be the one pushing his wheelchair around and since they’re already veterans and very close friends, Levi would only tolerate having her around him at all times. So if someone’s gonna say that all of those ‘confessions’ meant nothing, then these facts are proof enough that after the war Levihan had all the chance of being canon. So if Hange had lived these two would have been a sealed deal - but that isn’t possible in reality due to Levi’s popularity.
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So, Hange dies and Isayama avoids a ton of mess for himself.
All of this is entirely my take on breaking down my fav character’s death, not saying it’s 100% legit. Just a harmless analysis.
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