#I have a few that I want to do outside of the 'tober events
misc-obeyme · 1 year
Today (Saturday 9/30) is the last day to submit a prompt suggestion for either Kink or Flufftober! Submissions are open until midnight (US eastern time). You can check the rules here and check the lists for which characters are still available!
Thank you to everyone who has submitted an ask so far! If you submitted a kink prompt and want to submit a fluff prompt or vice versa, please feel free to do so! I'm pretty chill about it and there are still characters on both lists. :)
I'm going to try to alternate between kink and fluff prompts, but no guarantees lol. Just my last event I went in the order the asks were received and it was like five nsfw prompts in a row followed by five sfw prompts and so on. It was kind of funny and I think I'm probably the only one who noticed, but yeah. This time I have a specific number of prompts for each list for each week, so I'm gonna do my best to alternate!
As always, I love you and thank you for reading!
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yeeshastone · 2 years
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I don’t know if ill be able to do this all month, but I thought id introduce you guys to some of the Animalia NPC’s for OC-tober. This lad here was one of the first ones I made and I still think he is quite a fun/ cute guy.
full backstory bellow the cut if you want to know more. (heads up, I like to write so all full backstories are quite long)
also, if anyone draws any art of any of my characters and @’s me I will reblog that stuff so fast. I live for that kind of thing.
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Nick is the younger sibling in a family of 2 kids with his older brother being Neve Mendoza. He is about 11 years old and was born and raised in Frostreach under his mother's care. His older brother left home when Nick was about 4 years old to find a means of making money after their father died.
Nick doesn't remember much about his brother and even less about his father, but what he does remember is his brother's confidence and warmth when comforting him and his mother after their dad passed on. Ever since his brother left to Windwall Nick has been helping to take care of his now much older mother and their family restaurant 'the frozen fish' (the only restaurant in the small town of Frostreach), and by ‘help’ I mean he has practically been running the place by himself since he was 7. 
Frostreach is a small town with very few visitors so there rarely is any kind of large crowd allowing him to be able to run the whole place by himself on most days. 
On special occasions, the whole town will get together to have a 'Snow Day' in the Frozen Fish. During these events, Nick will spend most of the day (and the day before) cooking and preparing for the event. With a bit of prompting from the rest of the town he will even try to make a few new dishes for the event. A few of the townsfolk will help him out during the event by cooking and serving, but it's mostly on him to make sure it all comes together and he loves it. Not only is the sudden increase of income necessary for him and his mom to keep living there, but its the only time he gets to feel the electric vibe of a crowded restaurant and to try out new dishes.
Unknown to Nick, the town actually does this for him. He works hard and yet can barely keep the family afloat. They see him using up his childhood on spending long, lonely nights doing his best and it not ever being enough. So once or twice a year they will pitch in any extra funds to have a 'party' at the frozen fish giving Nick enough money to keep going as well as giving him a night to look forward to.
As time passes, his mother grows older and older. Although she is a nice, compassionate soul, her memory is starting to fade. Every night near the fire in the frozen fish Nick will tell stories from her past to her that she had once told him when he was a child. The stories are about all sorts of things like how she met his father, what she did growing up and all the trouble his brother got into when he was a kid. 
Nick never really got to be a part of any of these memories, but he enjoys reciting them because as he tells them he feels closer to the family that he never really got to know.
Every night when he finishes telling the family stories to his mother she will insist on leaving a light out for Neve just in case he returns. Although he knows it is highly unlikely his brother will be coming back soon (if at all) he will leave a lantern hanging outside the restaurant lit for him. At first, he did it just because his mother told him to, but now he does it a bit out of habit, and a bit because he longs for his brother to return so that he can finally start living his own life. He isn't angry and doesn't hate his brother for leaving, but holds a quiet wish deep inside of him for his soon return.
if anyone wants me to post information about locations as well such as the frozen fish or Windwall leave a comment and if enough people want it ill post them as well
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sunset-peril · 2 years
FAQ (Read first please ^^)
Tumblr won't let me link to the FAQ section I have on the desktop version (for whatever reason) so here it is for mobile users.
What Does HFS and AMNT stand for?
HFS = Hyrule’s Final Stand (My Zelda Series)
AMNT = A Man Named Terran: A Dual Destinies Tale (My Ace Attorney Series, no relation to the Mutant Ninja Turtles, haha)
How does your ask box work?
When submitting an ask, please note whether you want to talk to a character, or me. Options are as follows:
Anyone from A Man Named Terran 
Anyone from Hyrule’s Final Stand 
Silly little ask blogs are what got me onto Tumblr, so I'd love to answer those types of things!
Do you post any art?
I can’t draw very well. Sorry to disappoint. I’m a writer over an artist, and most of the art that might be here are reblogs or presents.
Is this a personal blog or a themed blog?
This is my everything blog. Myself, my Zelda series, my Ace Attorney series and other related nonsense will be here!
May I draw an OC of yours/draw a scene from your stories?
PLEASE! I’d love that very much. You don’t need to ask, I just ask you credit me for the story/character and send it to me so I can marvel at it. ….and shove it in everyone’s face like it’s Phoenix Wright’s attorney’s badge because someone likes my stuff enough to make more stuff.
Do you take requests?
Nah. And I can’t promise it will happen in the future either. I don’t do “trends” or “-tober” events either. Sometimes I’ll do a few Shiptobers casually, but with no intention to do the whole month. The ask box is what I offer for interactives.
What about prompts?
I accept prompt suggestions, but may or may not complete the prompt. That is up to my own discretion.
I get so into my stories that I forget what is a headcanon and what is not. Keep this in mind when interacting. I’d love to hear your headcanons about my stories!
Anything obviously canon-deviant will be noted at the top of the post if I think it will be problematic. However, if its obvious then... its obvious.
I found something unrealistic in one of your stories!
I probably put it there on purpose. Especially with the Ace Attorney series, A Man Named Terran, I’ll sometimes sacrifice complete realism. There will still be some degree of realism, but it may not be 100% guaranteed-to-work-on-Earth. Don't try it at home.
Do you have a Ko-Fi or Patreon?
No. Because I don’t expect people to use it, and I don’t really have reason to restrict things at the moment. If many people become interested, I might open a Patreon or something for exclusive stories and whatnot. Emphasis on the might.
Also, Paypal hates me so I have no way to take donations due to the sucker refusing to link to a financial account for withdrawls.
Do you make NSFW material?
Not intentionally. I prefer to keep material PG-13 and under. Sometimes I’ll make something that’s Mature/R-rated for gore/violence, but making that material M/R is not the intention. Usually my M/R content is related specifically to the UR-1 Incident from Dual Destinies, which is mostly where the game’s M rating comes from anyway.  
Spoiler Policy -
Official content like trailers and Direct content must have been published by the producer (Nintendo, CAPCOM, etc) before I will publish or talk about it. I don’t like to deal with “leaks”.
Gameplay/Story information will be released (with a spoiler warning) ONLY after the end of the day of release (Usually 8-9pm on the day a game releases)
Yes, that means I won’t talk to you about the storyline of Tears of the Kingdom outside of trailer material until May 12th, 2023… if I even get off my Switch for long enough to interact, haha.
Major Spoilers will be tagged as spoiler warning until the game’s first birthday. Minor spoilers will depend. After the content’s first anniversary, you assume sole responsibility for avoiding spoilers on my page.
It is always implied that one of my stories about a certain game will contain major and mild spoilers.
Proceed at your own risk. :D
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forbodium · 3 years
“oc”tober part 2
so i would like to continue sharing more of my ocs for my pl story ( see part 1), but for this post i’m jumping universes to fantasy life! love that game. if you haven’t played it. please play it.
same as before: picrew images and descriptions under the cut
this is my player character (placeholder name tarel):
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at age seventeen (during the events of the game) and several years later for my story. they’ve mastered every life and are regarded as a hero. they are currently preparing for a “tour” of reveria and origin island-- basically to check in on all of their friends and make sure there’s nothing threatening going on. that’s something that people expect you to do when you’ve saved the world apparently
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tarel has taken on an apprentice, diarmad. she’s about to turn seventeen and start her own training, and has made up her mind to master every life just like tarel. she’s super excited to leave castele for the first time and see the world with her mentor.
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ok now don’t judge me but i made a prince oc and inserted him into the castele royal family. his name is owain, he’s laura’s little brother and the reason you didn’t notice him in the game is because he was a baby who’s obsessed with reading and wants to be a scholar. he’s also getting close to starting his first life and his mom is making him go along on tarel’s tour so he gets out of the library for once. he’s excited to collect more knowledge from around the world but also. terrified of everything else. good luck owain
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ok this one. this one is ky. he’s a forest spirit like pino and leilah, and an orphan. he’s been raised by danuta with pino and leilah’s help. he likes hiding in bushes and catching things that pass by. he’s my trash child. guess what?? he’s coming of age and danuta wants him to see the world outside of the elderwood. guess what else?? when tarel visits, danuta asks them to please take her feral son along. he’s the last of tarel’s trail of ducklings, i swear. (maybe.) 
(also, he doesn’t actually have elf ears, they should be some kind of animal ears to match the others in his species. idk what they are yet)
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oh boy, an antagonist. this is wren. she’s the leader of a group of bandits in the grassy plains. they’re performers who were separated from their troupe and decided they were better off this way. wren is big and tough and i love her. she also cares a lot about her friends and it hurt her to have to kick one of her closest companions out of their group a while back. still, watch out, wren and her bandits will knock you out and take all your stuff. she is absolutely not scared to knock some paladin heads together.
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last one for this post: clover. he was friends with diarmad as kids, but he’s a few years older. he’s passionate about cooking, and quickly got frustrated with his apprenticeship, which he felt was moving too slowly. he decided to move to port puerto to start learning about more exotic foods. he tried crossing the grassy plains by himself with a copper dagger. he got caught by wren’s gang. it was ok though, since he made a deal with wren-- he cooks for them while the group moves in the direction he meant to go anyway. 
thanks so much for reading :) i think in the future there will be a post showing the rest of wren’s group and a few others perhaps. please tell me what you think and send questions if you have them! 
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decodamalion · 4 years
Oc-tober Day 19: Fruit
I hope you enjoy the fruits of my labor, all thanks to @oc-growth-and-development.
Characters from: Malion Series on Wattpad
The following prompt challenge containing characters from the Malion Series is a part of the canon and should be avoided if you do not want to spoil the events of the first Novel, Malion.
This is a part of Alex's story, before she killed the Prince and met Herross.
I heard the clicks of a key in the lock outside. As the door swung open, I kept my gaze on my hands folded on my lap.
"Good day, Mistress Alexandrite. The Royal Family will be eating shortly. The King has said you join them." The old, crooked Coalwalker said in his dry, grating voice.
"I would like to decline this request. My deepest apologies." I told him. His hollow eyes stared at me.
"I am afraid that this is not a question of invitation. You do not deny a request from our great Ruler." He husked and skulked off, leaving the door slightly ajar. I got up, feeling my heels scream as I stood in the shoes provided by the Queen herself. Maraline Malion was a crow-faced, wicked lady. The hag always had a boy with him, that barely looked older than 12. His upper body, although muscular was always covered in wounds, old and new, deep cuts that varied in diraction, placement and length. He looked miserable and tended to stare at me hopefully with those wide, sorrowful amber eyes. I saw that boy again as I left the room, following the spindly Coalwalker.
He lead me to the massive hall filled by a large table that was sparsely surrounded by chairs. At the head sat the King himself. His cold, silver eyes were trained on me and seemed to ignore the Coalwalker as he told the King that I would be joining them. I gave a small bow in his presence. He didn't say anything when I looked up at him in the midst of my bow, but I knew this was not enough. I lowered more, searching for any kind of approval in his leer. I would not dare lower myself to the ground for this monster. I looked into his eyes with a blank but polite glance as I righted myself. His nod was dismissive and off-putting. The Coalwalker lead me to the seat to his left, one away from him.
I felt his silver gaze linger on me for far too long as I focused on my folded hands before me. I felt a sense of relief sweep over me when the door swung open. The relief quickly died when I saw the Queen enter. She looked at me with a scowl, deep wrinkles etched into her paled, folded face. She sat fown beside me and began speaking in a harsh language I didn't recognize, or understand. Her voice was similar to her face: Crow like. She squawked and barked in this strange tongue whereas his voive was calm, deep, somehow hypnotic.
The table was slowly filled as I sat there, feeling a sense of emtiness as I stayed there, alone. The boy from before sat beside me and tapped on the table just within my line of site. Slaftap. He repeated the message a few times before the Queen barked at him to "stop annoying the guest."
I thought about it, and slid my hands off of the table. I silently tapped back and we communicated in that way. He told me his name was Baron. The King was his father and his mother married his uncle. He knew he had a half sister living in Nefeli back on Aslen and only met her once. I told him about my father and asked him why I'd been brought here. Before he could answer and when the table had been filled, a grand meal was brought out into the hall. Fruits and meat were given to the King, Queen and the Prince, who looked like the perfect combination of the Royal couple: Square jaw, pointed nose, narrow eyes and pitch black hair. His eyes matched none of them. They were brown, like mine. It was a hearty colour, happy and patient. He looked at me with a small hint of excitement, the kind of childish glee one would have when getting to go to The Festival of Light for the first time. I found him charming, although all together unsettling.
I noticed Baron only recieve a small plate of vegetables and a loaf of bread. I was the very last person to get food. Mine was large and matched the contents of the Royal Family. Why was a prisoner being treated like royalty? I watched as the King gave a nod, signaling us all to begin. I picked up the fruit first. A Ventell berry...
Another late one but oh my God this one was good.
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stonebreakerseries · 4 years
Day3: Youth + “You did this?”
Day 3 of @oc-growth-and-development​​’s OC-tober challenge and the @fictober-event​!
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Series: Stonebreaker (Original Fiction) Characters: Tellene & Re’an
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If the knock at her door had been any more timid, Tellene might have mistaken it for a trick of the wind. Well, it’s about time. Huffing, she reached down, sliding the key around her wrist into a small hole in her desk. With a twist, the door at the far side of the room clicked open. “Come in,” she said, taking a brief moment to check the state of her robes, making sure the red lapel lay flat and creaseless. Appearances were important business in Tel Shival. Almost as important as one’s skill, although the two seemed closer in competition now than they used to be. It was difficult to stand out in a place so overflowing with talent. Both the Allied Kingdoms and Khathi Empire only ever sent their best, and even then, most were turned away.
Luckily, Tellene, First of the Weavers, never had a problem making a name for herself.
It had been quite some time since she last dealt with an accolt. Being the youngest and least capable among their ranks, Tellene never had the patience to hold their hands as they trembled their way through basic glyphstrings. In fact, it was a testament to her dislike of instructing that she only spent a year as a Leirah before seeking - and gaining - a place among the Maesars. Now, Tellene folded her hands in front of her and fixed her narrowed gaze on the door as it tentatively inched open.
Oh Divider’s Own...
“Quickly, accolt. My time is precious. I will not have it wasted.” 
That seemed to do the trick. By the drawing of her next breath, a nervous youth stood in her study, the door swinging shut behind him, his hands worrying the white sash around his waist. Like many from the western-most regions of the Empire, Re’an was slight in stature, his grey-brown skin reminding Tellene of the ashewoods that bordered her childhood home. While his entry record placed him at nineteen, he looked at least three years younger, with wide brown eyes and an almost frenetic disposition. Although, she conceded that could be circumstantial, given her reputation. Not to worry. The rigours of study and the intellectual warren of academia would age him soon enough.
However, and most interestingly, this young man had already found a way to stand out from the herd.
“M-Maeser Tellene,” Re’an stammered. Then, like a panicked afterthought, he raised two fingers to his throat and bowed his head reverently. Or it would have been reverent, if he didn’t appear moments away from fainting. “I, um… y-you sent for me?”
Tellene arched a brow. Rather than state the obvious, she simply cleared her throat and raised a small bundle of papers, bound together by a red string. Holding them aloft for Re’an to see, it was hard not to feel a little sympathy as the colour drained from his skin. “You did this?” she asked. 
Funny, how simple questions rarely received simple answers.
“No,” he replied immediately, almost instinctively, then hesitated. “I mean, I-I’m not… I’m not sure if… I don’t---”
---“Let me make this easier,” Tellene interjected. She flipped the papers over and inspected the cover page. “Is your name Re’an?”
He cringed, but nodded, some of the nervous energy bleeding out as he resigned himself to his fate. “Yes, Maesar.”
“And you are a third year accolt?”
“Yes, Maesar.”
“And you recently sat an exam for Leirah Sonoval’s class on...” She glanced at the paper again, barely concealing a frown. “Thaumic Rhetoric: A History of Dissent?”
What in the Divider’s name were they teaching these days?
With her opinions carefully hidden behind painfully endured etiquette training, Tellene simply returned her attention to Re’an. Again, he nodded, apparently having lost the ability to use his voice. Sighing, Tellene was about to press on, but an errant thought stopped her in her tracks. This could be an interesting moment to gauge his mettle. In fact, with what she intended, she would be remiss not to seize such an organic opportunity.
“I imagine,” she continued slowly, setting the papers down and turning to the first page, “you have some theories as to why you are here?”
To her surprise, Re’an didn’t hesitate, equivocate, or attempt any other twist of rhetoric he had so clearly studied. 
“I cheated.”
Good. So, he was reasonably honest, despite evidence to the contrary. That or he was clever enough to know that lying would serve him poorly. Either way, Tellene approved. If nothing else, it showed he could assess a situation quickly and with some accuracy, even while shaking hard enough she swore she could hear his bones clicking together. 
Folding her hands on her desk, Tellene flicked her gaze to the wooden chair at the side of the room, nestled between stacks of books. Hesitantly, Re’an followed her silent instruction, picking it up and carrying it over. Once he set it down, he stood awkwardly by its side, unsure of how to proceed. I love that my reputation still precedes me, Tellene thought, before making an acquiescing motion.
“Sit, and tell me exactly how you cheated.”
Even though Re’an perched on its edge, chair seemed to swallow him, his arms drawn close, heel bouncing agitatedly against the carpeted floor. But then, much to her surprise, his brown eyes flicked up, meeting her gaze. Holding it. 
“You don’t already know?”
A faint smile threatened the corner of Tellene’s lips. She fended it off. “It is clear to anyone with a set of eyes that you copied entire sentences - sometimes paragraphs - from a variety of seminal texts.” She leaned forward, chair creaking slightly beneath her. “I asked how you did it, in an exam hall, under the watchful eye of three supervising Leirah. And do not lie to me. This is important.”
Re’an shifted, wiping his palms on his robes. It was though his skin was too tight and he wanted nothing more than to be rid of it. “I, ah…” The words stuck like glue to the back of his throat. “I... have a bane, Maesar.”
Tellene regarded him flatly. “A bane.” With a suffering sigh, she reached up, massaging her forehead with her fingertips. Unfortunately, it took time to overcome a youth spent surrounded by misinformed superstition; nonsense like banes and knacks and the old gods. It was yet another process she lacked patience for. “Oh, very well. What kind of bane, then?”
Clearly sensing her irritation - mostly because she never bothered to conceal it - Re’an refused to meet her gaze, chin down, fists pressed to the tops of his thighs. “I-I remember things well. Too well. Mostly things I read, like words, pictures, symbols...” He pulled in a breath, then mustered the courage to look up again. “Maeser Tellene, I read every text Leirah Sonoval set, then a few more outside the curriculum. The Maeser Librarian recommended some papers as well, and I read those too. Exams, they… they make me nervous. It gets hard to think, so I always over-prepare.”
“Many accolts feel the same way, and compensate similarly.” She tapped his paper with her nail, the sound sharp, ringing through the room. “That does not explain what you did here.”
Re’an hesitated. “I know what I need to say, most of the time. But when I start changing the words it just…” He wrinkled his nose, and Tellene saw an old frustration in the expression. This was not a recent struggle for him. “It just doesn’t sound right anymore. It’s like the way it was written the first time was how it was meant to go, and when I change it, something always gets lost. This time, when I saw the question, I panicked. So I just took the parts of what I read that seemed relevant and wrote them down. I didn’t even think about---”
Tellene held up a finger, silencing Re’an mid-sentence. “I did not ask for excuses. You are not here to beg forgiveness.”
The comment seemed to surprise him. “I’m not?” A genuine look of confusion swept across his face, followed closely by an even more surprising emotion. One that straightened his spine and brightened his eyes with something alarmingly familiar. “Then... why am I here?”
Tellene leaned back in her chair, folding her hands over her stomach. “I have met many thaumists with incredible memories. In truth, as a Maesar Weaver, I consider myself among them. But even in the best of circumstances, none of us can transcribe entire passages of relevant information - from multiple resources - with perfect accuracy. Not the way you have. It is highly unusual.”
Some of the young man’s self-consciousness returned. “Yeah, I know.” He caught himself, stiffening. “Ah, I mean: yes, Maesar Tellene.”
She waved a dismissive hand. “How long have you been in Tel Shival, Re’an?”
“Three years.”
“Do you lack ambition?”
He blinked, startled. “No? Maesar, I---”
---“Then why have you hidden this skill for so long?”
Still rattled by her previous question, he answered this one with far less hesitation, hands shaking. “Because I didn’t want people treating me like I’m---”
Tellene raised her brows as Re’an bit off his sentence, his jaw physically clenching from the strain of it. “Like an anomaly?” she offered. Re’an huffed, a rueful smile tinging his lips that made him appear much closer to his age. Maybe even a little older.
“That is a... nicer way of putting it than I’m used to, Maesar.”
Ah. There it is. He had been hurt before. Treated like an oddity at best, an aberration at worst. She would have to tread more carefully than she thought. “Re’an,” she said, and her tone pulled him out of his mind and back into the room. “You are aware that what you are capable of is in no way a ‘bane’, are you not?” 
“I…” He looked down. “Yes, Maesar.”
Not so honest, then.
As much as Tellene lacked patience for most accolts, this one tugged at her. It spurred something almost protective; an instinct she thought she had fed to the sharks years ago. Perhaps being faced by a unique mind, still young enough to doubt its own capacity, had struck a chord she thought severed. Or perhaps she had simply uncovered some long-buried empathy.
Either way, she had made her decision.
“Cheating on a final exam is grounds for severe censure, depending on the Leirah. You are aware of this?”
Re’an squeezed his eyes shut. “Yes, Maesar.”
“And you are aware, being in your third year, that any censures on your record will severely jeopardise your opportunities when selecting a discipline?”
He sounded almost feverish. Defeated. “Yes, Maesar.” He swallowed tightly. “I… I want to apologise. I made a mistake. I will accept whatever punishment Leirah Sonoval sees fit.”
“Leirah Sonoval would have you expelled.”
Wide brown eyes fixed on her, horrified. ”He---what?” Re’an bolted to his feet, breaths coming in short bursts. It was as though he was unsure of whether to stay, run, or faint. “Maesar, please, I won’t do it again - I swear I won’t. It was one time - the only one in the three years I’ve been here. I can retake the exam, a harder one even, I don’t care. I’ll do anything, but please, please…”
Part of Tellene thought this moment would be somehow satisfying. It was an important moment - one she could not avoid if she was to make sure she got what she needed. But instead, as she watched Re’an blink back tears, frantic and terrified, all she felt was pity. Maybe even guilt.
Divider, what was happening to her lately? She was losing her touch. It was a good thing she rarely left her studies, or maintaining her reputation would be significantly more difficult.
“What discipline did you plan to join, Re’an?”
The change of subject - possibly even her change in tone - managed to shake him from his panic. Somewhat. “I… I couldn’t decide between the Augists and the Weavers.”
For the first time, Tellene allowed a smile to tinge her lips. “Well... perhaps I can help you reach a decision.”
This time, when he looked at her, there was no more fear. No more self-consciousness. No more dread. There was simply hope, pure and reckless. 
“Y-You would let me join the Weavers?” Re’an swiped his eyes hurriedly with his sleeve, clearly embarrassed. “But Leirah Sonoval---”
---“Has no power over a Maesar’s charge.” She met his gaze. “I will allow him to assign you some texts on academic ethics to appease his wounded pride, but should you accept, that will be the end of the matter.” She paused, then added, “Provided you do not do it again.” Unless instructed.
She gave him a moment to let her offer sink in. It was an extremely rare thing for an accolt to be taken on as a charge, yet alone by a Maesar. In her twelve years as First of the Weavers, Tellene had never even considered taking a charge. Even from among the Leirah, who had petitioned her incessantly for a good ten of them. It was too much work for too little return. Too much like mentoring, which she had gone to great lengths to avoid.
Yet... here she was.
“You won’t regret this,” Re’an said suddenly, as though reading her mind. He seemed to have collected himself, and while he still trembled, there was something else about him now. Something charged and determined, if not to prove himself, then to prove others wrong. That was good - he would have to do a lot of that. No one takes kindly to someone pulling ahead of the pack. Divider, he reminded her of another man she knew. All he needed was red hair and about ten times the stubbornness. “Maesar Tellene,” Re’an continued, “I don’t know how to thank you.”
At that, Tellene snorted, arching a brow. “If you think you will be thanking me for this, you clearly have not been paying attention. I suspect your dormmates have already reallocated your bed and said their farewells to their fallen friend.” When Re’an actually smiled, Tellene struggled against the urge to immediately scare it away. No, that would not do - not if he was to be her charge for the foreseeable future. She could not bear timidity for any length of time. “You will meet me here every morning, directly after first meal. I am beginning your lessons in advanced glyphwork early.”
Re’an nodded frantically, swept along by the moment and all of its promise. 
Then he stopped.
“Um... Maesar?”
“I have Leirah Pelona’s class after first meal tomorrow.”
“I see.” Tellene leaned back, chair creaking beneath her weight. “Have you read the works of Djenovir?
“Yes, Maesar.”
“And you can recite them?”
“Then you have already completed the class.” With that, she turned the key in her desk, and the door on the far side of the room clicked open. “Don’t be late.”
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vegetacide · 5 years
Whump●tober - Isolation
Veg-notables:  ::crawls out from under a rock..clears throat as if nothing happened::  
Little late getting this one out due to...life...food...irritating biological need to sleep.. All that fun stuff.  
@gumnut-logic  - KOALA!!! 
Thunderheads, you guys are a riot.  I love reading your reactions to the crazy sh!t I’m putting these guys through.  I can almost feel the laser beams pointing at my forehead.. Tee he he.. Can defo feel the assault’mallows.. ::bounces one of  @gumnut-logic head::
Obligatory whumptober stuff: @whumptober2019 @la-vie-en-whump
Blanket warning:  stuff happens..  O.o; 
Characters:  Scott, Gordon/Penny, Colonel Casey 
Whumptober - TaG’verse
Previous post can be found HERE
7. Isolation
Gordon scowled at the transparent 3-D rendering of his Godmother and resisted the compulsion to swear. Foul language wouldn’t get him anywhere with the formidable woman except disapproval from all those sitting within ear shot and a disconnected call. 
“Look,”  Gordon beseeched. “We need Scott back here.  Things aren’t looking good.”
“I understand the urgency,”  The commanding voice of the Colonel softened. “But this is out of my hands. He nearly beat a man to death and we can’t just ignore that.”
“Colonel,” Gordon voice raised as he pushed up from his chair, winced at a twinge in his back.  Fucking plastic torture device. A look from the attending at the nurses station had him gritting his teeth with frustration  “That so called man, has landed my brother in the ICU with a tube shoved down his throat to keep him alive.  At least Scott left that piece of shit still breathing. Which is more than I can say for Virgil. One of ours is rapping on death’s door. You’ll have to excuse us if we don’d give a royal flying fuck what the GDF wants right now.”  
The colonel visage soured as anger sparked in her gaze.  “No organization is an island, Gordon.”  
Gordon eye twitched,  well technically iR’s home base was an island…if the day hadn’t been so ‘arse over teakettle’ as Penny had occasion to say,  he would comment on that little tidbit.  Right now though, it wouldn't get them anywhere
“There are rules in place that have to be adhered to.” She went on. ”Laws, international ones put in place by the World Union that are not kindly suggestions no matter who the individual is or what the cause. He crossed, unauthorized into Canadian airspace without their foreknowledge or direct invitation and attacked someone on their soil. A dual citizen at that.  Yes, it was with provocation but it doesn’t excuse his actions or the handful of laws that he decided didn’t apply to him.”
“Really, with everything we have done? The lives we’ve saved? This is the response we’re gonna to get?”  His voice took on a pleading edge and he looked away.  “Aunty Val,  Virgil is dying.”
The authoritative posture dropped away from his Aunt with the utterance of those three words.. The sternness and anger evaporating to be replaced with the woman they had spent so much time with as children.  “Gordy,”  Her voice underlaid with a fount of  emotions. “I am doing everything I can. This is coming down from the top brass and the odds are stacked.”
Gordon’s expression must have revealed something the seasoned GDF colonel didn’t like because she sighed and gave a brief nod.  “I’ll call in a few markers. Shake some tree and see what falls out.
“Thank you,”  And his gratitude was real. His eyes held hers a moment before skittering away. A hand reaching up to dash away at his face before turning back. 
“I can’t promise anything.  If you have any options on your side I suggest you try them.” Her brow rose pointedly and it took Gordon a moment to understand what she meant.
As realization dawned, he tipped his head in a nod.  “I understand.  Thank you.”  
Scott's pensive stare drilled holes in cold grey, unadorned walls of the interrogation room.  He'd lost track of how long ago he'd been accompanied into this friendly little corner of GDF territory and shifted his weight on the hard, metal chair. Enough time for his legs to go numb from disuse.
The bright overhead panel lighting was unforgiving as it drove a spike through his brain when he rolled his head on his protesting neck. The tension unrelenting with the stark, searing luminescence frying his retinas. 
‘Note to self,’ he thought wearily. ‘Lights suck.’  
He wanted to yell and scream at the GDF to let him out but he knew it was pointless.  He was well aware of how this worked. Making a person 'sweat it out' was an old tactic. One he went through counter intelligence training for back in his military days.  A brief in-counter but one that was necessary prior to a rather sketchy mission that had a very small success rate. 
Let the suspect sit and stew so you could use their mental exhaustion against them.  Throw them off balance.  Then when they reached the point of critical mass, grill them hard.   
His stare shifted to the two way glass.  He wouldn't give them the satisfaction of seeing himself crack.  He was too proud for that.  And his energies were best used elsewhere on other things.  Like getting back to his family...to Virgil.  
The image of the prone figure that flashed through his mind pulled Scott up short and he schooled his features. If he let himself go down that rabbit hole again he was done for.
It was his own actions that put him here and he would have to live with it. It didn’t stop him from yearning to be elsewhere.  Being cut off and not knowing how his family was fairing was slowly killing him but he’d made the decision,  against the colonel’s direct order not to intervene in their ongoing investigation.  
He hadn’t had a choice though.  As Virgil’s status got worse.. as he’d had to watch his family suffer along side...as he’d seen the look of despair pass over his sister, heard the sudden catch in her voice...his decision had been made.  
His family wouldn’t lose anyone else. Attend another funeral, bury another Tracy.   Not if he had anything to say about it.
Time had been short and a plan had been hastily thrown together.  One that avoided putting anyone else in harm's way bar himself.  
Now, thanks to him, the GDF had an illegal bio-weapon manufacturer under lock and key. The makings of a firm case against a criminal organization they hadn’t even known existed and a pocket ace up their sleeve to help them locate everyone involved… once he regained consciousness.  
And Scott had the intel he had hoped would help his brother.  Along with some he wished he didn’t.  
Closing his eyes against the unforgiving light,  he rubbed the bridge of his nose.  Irked as the cuffs that were secured to the metal table, which in turn was bolted to the floor, pulled at his wrist and forced  him lean forward to accomplish the task.
Doubt clouded his mind, made him second guess his every move. Question how things could have been differently and if they had been, would it have made a difference?  Would Virgil be safe? Or would it have just happened to one of his other siblings.   
He didn’t know.  
What he did know was that a greedy individual had panicked when things had gotten too hot. An unsanctioned, hidden bio-engineering lab had been rigged and to cover his ass when the top of the whole thing was about to be blown wide open, this scum had calmly flicked a switch.
No care given to human life.  To his brother’s life. 
A gas filled lab had been remotely unlocked to the smoldering remains just inches outside the door and his brother’s life was now dangling over a precipice with no way back.
Clenched fist came down hard on the metal table just as the interrogation room door opened.
 Gordon braced his hands on his knees and arched his back in the small hope that the crazy knot of muscles would loosen up.  He knew the likelihood of that happening was next to non existent without a muscle relaxant, heating pads and his bed but it was worth a try.
The hand that started rubbing slow circles from the base of his spine up to his shoulders made elicited a grunt of appreciation.  
“Darling, you need to get some sleep.” Penny’s voice was filled with worry and he looked over his shoulder at her.
She was perfect. In every aspect of the word.  From her finely boned, aristocratic face, to her intricately twisted champagne blonde halo of hair.  To the slender curves that held so much strength, right down to her Louis Vuitton clad feet.  Every inch of her was perfect and Gordon was goner from the moment he laid eyes on her.  
He didn’t deserve her and would never be able to even touch her regalness and intelligence but for some completely ridiculous reason she loved him.
And right now, he would forever be in her debt.  
“I’ll get some shut eye once Scott gets here until then it’s not going to happen.”
Penelope knew a set mind when she met one and she nodded her understanding.  “In any event, let me get you something.  You are a twisted knot of muscles and I can imagine it is dreadfully comfortable.”
Gordon’s lip tweaked up a bit in a soft smile and he shook his head.  “I’m okay, Penny. I need to wait to hear back from my contact at W.A.S.P.  They owe me one but I’m not sure it’s going to be enough.  If I take something now I’m going to be a useless pile of mush on the floor.”
“Well, that would certainly be something to see.” 
“I’m sure it would.  The hospital staff would be able to mop me up into a bucket.”
Penny lightly nudged his shoulder with her own and her hand continued its circuitous route over his seizing back. 
Gordon dragged in a breath as her ministrations melted some of the tightness, his head lolling forward in the quiet din of their private waiting room. He was flagging in a bad way and he knew he needed to get back up to his feet if he wanted to stay this side of dream land.  Besides the last thing his back needed was for him to fall asleep in one of these God forsaken chairs.  
Giving his head a shake to dislodge the cobwebs he caught the time on the old school analog wall clock..  He wanted to see his Virg but Kayo was in with him.  The idea of interrupting that intimacy was not something that he found very appealing. He would give her five more minutes  than he would offer her a break.  
Calculating if he had enough time to grab a coffee from the little shop the next floor down he patted his pocked down for spare credits. 
He was about to turn to Penny to see if she wanted anything when a sudden disturbance in the hallway had his head coming up sharply.   Frowning, he forced his back to unbend and pushed to his feet.  
Stepping out into the corridor, he was met with pandemonium as hospital staff raced passed.  The alarm blaring somewhere down by the nurses station made his heart skip a beat but it was  his sagging sister being escorted from a very busy and familiar room that had his lungs refusing to work.   
“Oh god...no…”
Next post can be found HERE
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FicRec Friday #13 || Weekly Reading List (October 6th, 2017 - October 12th, 2017)
Hello!! :D
So....week thirteen...on Friday the 13th....What kind of fuckery???????????? That oddness aside, there are more reader inserts this week!!! Also, advance warning, there are going to be a lot of WonderTrev fics in next week’s list! Apparently there’s a WonderTrev drabble event happening (that I’m low-key sad about not participating because I didn’t know about it until a few days ago :p (but also McKirk-Tober has consumed my soul)) and there are a lot of fics that I could not get to this week so those are going to kick off next week’s list :) 
: Each of these fics are ones that I have read over the course of the week as I perused Tumblr (marked by ♦) and Archive of Our Own (Ao3) (marked by ☼). If I found that a fic was posted on both platforms, links to both posts can be found. You’ll also find that they are sorted by character and ship and most have some detail about what the story contains - mostly if it’s a reader insert, nsfw, or if it features a trope. It’s also very likely that I forgot to give one of those warnings, but the fic itself should have them listed so make sure to check those. But, please, if you read a fic you love just go ahead and share it so others have a chance at reading it :)
Now I guess it’s time to list the stories ;)
☼ Guising || phalangine || Halloween fic
☼ Brighter Days || jenny_wren || Sugar Daddy!Bones 
♦ Darlin’ you’ll be alright || @pinkamour1588  
♦ Scorch My Soul || Part Six, || @thevalesofanduin || Suspense/Spooky!AU 
☼ Little Do You Know || chapter(s): ten, || arrowinthesky (restfulsky5) || Age Regression!AU 
☼ a peach by any other name is just as sweet || chapter(s): two, three, || phalanges mccoy (RyLeeLouis) || Beauty and the Beast!AU
♦ Are You Jealous? || pinkamour1588 
♦ Before... || auduna-druitt 
♦ The Shape of Us || Part Six || thevalesofanduin || Shapeshifter!AU
♦ Liberate Tutemet || @thevalesofanduin || Star Trek x Even Horizon 
♦ Imagine: Spock Missing the point of Horror Games || @youre-on-a-starship || Reader Insert
♦ Imagine: The Crew Helping With Your Anxiety || youre-on-a-starship || Reader Insert 
♦ Intertwined || @theassetseyeliner || Bucky Barnes x Reader || Royal!AU
Leonard McCoy
♦ Imagine: Sexy Halloween || @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse || Reader Insert  
♦ Take Me Home || @trade-baby-blues || Reader Insert 
♦ In Over Your Head || @outside-the-government || Reader Insert 
♦ Late Night Reports || @pythonees || Reader Insert  
♦ Imagine: Seven Minutes in Heaven || star-trekkin-across-theuniverse || Reader Insert  
Steve Trevor 
♦ Something More || @imaginingthefandoms || Reader Insert 
Jim Kirk
♦ One Last Time || @dorkychris || Reader Insert
♦ The One He Lost || @auduna-druitt  
♦ 21st Century Girl || Part One, || @bbparker || Reader Insert 
♦ Imagine: The Aftermath of Being Injured || star-trekkin-across-theuniverse || Reader Insert || nsfw 
♦ Marriage Material || Part Fifteen, Part Sixteen, Part Seventeen, Part Eighteen,  || @enterprisewriting || Reader Insert  
♦ Imagine: Getting hurt on a training exercise || @imaginestartrek || Reader Insert 
☼ Star Trek: Age of Wonder || chapter(s): twenty-eight, twenty-nine, ||  RobinsGirlWonder, @robinsgirlwonder  
☼ Resurrection || chapter(s): nineteen, twenty, || JCBeckett || nsfw
☼ a renaissance evergreen || chapter(s): ten, || ThoughtfulConstellations 
☼ What is best loved || redjacket || Soulmate!AU
☼ Grace and Motion || roboticonography || nsfw
♦ Imagine: Starships || youre-on-a-starship || Reader Insert || nsfw
♦ An Interrupted Nap || @whatif-animagineblog || Reader Insert || nsfw
♦ Imagine: Breaking Up With Scotty || youre-on-a-starship || Reader Insert
I also want to give a huge thank you to all of the writers here for taking the time to give us these wonderful works! Writing is such a peculiar experience so I thank you for sharing these with us :)
*note: Some of these will show up on future lists due to it being a series/mulit-chaptered or a re-read. Also you are more than welcome to tag me in things if you so wish :)
My past reading lists 
Fic Rec Tags: @dirajunara
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