#I have a huge crush on her it isn't even funny anymore
cryogenicshopetown · 2 years
I don't think I will ever get over how the cc in portal says glados' voice sounds "seductive" after you incinerate the core because it's right.
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Wally and a Puppeteer Reader (part 4)
No thoughts. Only silly.
TW: Derealization, Idol Worship, Obsessive Behavior, Mentions of Stalking
🍎 The last few days have been a blur of the bright colors in the neighborhood mixed with the dull, more muted tones of your world for Wally. It seems like every "night" in his world, he is now ripped out of his false reality and into your true one. No sleep him, because whenever he enters Home with even the slightest intention to rest after a long day of playing, he's suddenly being picked up by you and brought to the box.
🍎 His friends have noticed, of course. Especially Julie and Frank. His movements are much more sluggish and lethargic. His eyes seem more empty than before. They hear his off-putting mutterings about a world beyond their own, a benevolent being controlling all, the lights above being so bright - harshly so! - and missing the warm, comforting arms of some savior.
🍎 Wally's tried to explain what he has seen, saying otherwise would be a huge lie! Nobody believes him, though. Frank says that he is simply trying to scare them all. Frank says that, back in his home town, they spoke of these puppeteers as a way to keep bad children to behave. They are just little myths and nothing more, which is why he doesn't have any books about them. Why worry about these fake beings when he can learn more about his precious butterflies?
🍎 The only one who cares to listen is Julie. She's concerned for her friend as she looks up to him from her place sitting on a rock. She watches as he moves his arms in extravagant flourishes, emphasizing just how passionate he is about the subject of this benevolent being.
🍎"And then," he begins, spreading his arms out wide before pretending to scoop something up and cradle it, "the being scooped me into their arms! Their arms were warm and smooth! Their skin didn't feel like mine or yours! It was smooth and felt a bit like... I don't know how to explain! It was the warmest thing I ever felt in my entire life!"
🍎 Julie simply chuckles, a strained, forced sound that didn't hold any amusement. Wally knows that she only listens to him because she is concerned for him. She must think he is crazy! That he lost his wits! It doesn't matter, though, because he needs somebody, anybody to talk to about the puppeteer. About the one behind everything he says and does. The one behind everything everybody says and does! If he can't talk about it, he would truly go insane from keeping it all in.
🍎 Wally's words are cut off by Julie's voice saying "Wally, you're scaring me." He could only grow silent, his eyes wide and a desperation building up to just... continue talking about the puppeteer. He holds back, though, watching as she stands up from her seat. The puffy skirt of her dress bounces as she steps over to him, slowly but surely, speaking in a hesitant tone.
🍎"Wally... I love you, and you're scaring me. Poppy loves you and you're scaring her. Barnaby loves you and you're scaring him! EVERYONE here loves you, and you're scaring us! You keep talking about strange, fantastical things. You keep saying that we aren't real... That this puppeteer controls all. That we have no free will? Why are you doing this? Is this a joke? A prank? Please, tell me it's a prank! It wouldn't be a funny one, but it would be better than if you are serious..."
🍎 With a simple shake of the head, Wally seemingly crushed Julie's hopeful spirit. He then continues, explaining "It's because it IS true! Can't you see it? The walls look fake! The flowers don't smell like flowers should! Can't you see that this isn't real? There is more out there!"
🍎 Julie shakes her head, taking a shaking step back as she quietly mutters "I don't know what's really anymore, Wally. You make me think of awful things... That's why you're scaring me. I don't want to think of all this." With that, she leaves in a hurry, almost like she's seen a ghost in the place of her friend.
🍎 Wally, however, is satisfied. She's thinking about what he is saying! Even if she doesn't want to, she is thinking about it. She'll understand one day, hopefully! Even if it is just one other puppet, it is better than being the only one who knows of those bright lights.
🍎 Now, though, it is time for Wally to return to Home. He needs to write more notes to his beloved puppeteer! He can't wait to tell them how one of his friends is thinking about his words! He can't wait to tell them more about how much he loves them! They're the as above to his so below. He... might not know what an "as above" or "so below" is... but he heard one of the other creatures in your world say it, so it must be something cool! Plus, you do stand above all in his little world.
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aquamine-amarine · 2 months
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I've got a lot of thoughts.
And it ended up being way too long again. Spoilers, analyzing, half assed translations, rants... Has anyone translated this or summarized it yet? Did I just waste my time? It took hours.
The title page is an obvious throwback to the very first chapter. It's nice I guess, I would have liked something a little more original and unique to this new series though. This new character still bothers me so I'm not sold on him just yet...
The official X account for the series is killing me though, cropping out that middle part to use as a header... Also this:
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Where will Amu-chan's love go...!?
I'm telling you're the Nakayoshi editorial department is full of Amuto shippers.
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The armband is on the wrong arm...
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This is a huge red flag and a major regression in character development, because Amu should NOT be acting like this anymore. It's a huge problem.
Her crush on Tadase pretty much died after volume 7. During volumes 8-12 she isn't fangirling over him anymore and doesn't have any fangirl fantasies involving him like she used to. She started acting normal around him, like close friends, and it was nice. It was a positive development. WHY is all that development being thrown out the window? Just to cater to new fans?
I fully expected Tadase to continue trying to whoo her because he pretty much said he would continue to do so in volume 12. So I'm not annoyed about that. Amu's reaction to him is what annoys me, because she's not supposed to be acting like this anymore. You can keep trolling us with the love triangle WITHOUT regressing Amu's behavior to how she was in volume 1. They proved they could do this in volume 12. So this is bad.
As for the reason they're still in their elementary school uniforms, it's because the new school term hasn't started yet. This scene takes place during spring break in the Royal Garden, and there's a scene where Rima is asking if the middle school uniforms have arrived yet. I was wondering why they were still in their elementary school uniforms, when we know middle school uniforms DO exist. So the transfer happens before they even start middle school, it makes sense now.
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The school they're transferring to (because Tadase is going with her) is called Arcana Academy. It's Seiyo's sister school.
A Japanese fan I follow on X noticed something very interesting about the kanji in the school's name. 聖或奏学園 translates to "Saint Arcana Academy". The 或 kanji is present in Aruto's name (it's the "aru" part), and the 奏 is present in Souko's name. Although in Souko's case it's a different reading. For her name, it takes the on'yomi reading of "sou", and when it's used in the school's name it uses the kun'yomi reading of "kana". From volume 10:
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That's pretty interesting, I wonder if it ends up having any significance later? Or maybe it's just a coincidence? They do like being funny with the kanji they use in names, like all the celestial references they used here.
Tsukasa tells them they're transferring because there's an outbreak (he actually uses the word plague) of X-Eggs at Arcana Academy. He also says that Amu has a "secret mission".
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Fast forward to the new school...
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Amu's thought bubble says he's the Principal. He looks so familiar... He kinda looks like P from Kugiko-san (another Peach-Pit manga, from the Kugiko-chan series). And I feel like I've seen a character similiar to him in some other manga...
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Someone said something they weren't supposed to during introductions in the auditorium... don't traumatize your new classmates already!
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This little psycho is going on a joyride on this chandelier...
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It did not want to be cleansed.
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He's telling the entire auditorium that what they just witnessed were a "character change" and a "character transformation". The students are all amazed.
In a later page Tadase says that everyone in this school has a guardian egg. He said "egg" and not "character", so maybe most of them haven't actually hatched yet?
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Daiya is a fucking airhead and slept through the entire fiasco in the auditorium. Because of that, everyone thinks Amu only has 3 guardian characters and not 4!
But Tadase thinks that's fine, they should keep Daiya a secret and use the fact that everyone thinks Amu only has 3 guardian characters to their advantage. Daiya can be their trump card.
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She introduces herself as Erito Rose, a guide. Is that a name or a position? But if it was supposed to be "Elite Rose" instead, the whole thing should have been written in katakana... The guardian character's name is Rosetta.
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Amu's dorm room is haunted... so the rumors say.
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Phone call with Rima! And oh boy is this juicy...
Rima: By the way, did you contact Ikuto and Nagihiko who are overseas? Amu: Ah, not yet… Rima: Is that okay? Rima: Isn't Ikuto your boyfriend? Amu: Boy…!? Amu: There's no way!!
Rima!!! I love you, you angry little midget. That last text bubble was giving me trouble, so I gave up trying to translate it...
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Amu: We've been apart this whole time. The replies to my messages vary.
I knew they were going to hurt me by bringing out my repressed long distance relationship memories... you stop that!
She was also saying how he's actually studying music overseas right now... no mention of looking for his father.
Also they forgot to draw the belt/strap things on his pants.
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Amu: Even though you said something like that! Amu: Jeez! I'm an idiot! It's the same pattern. Rima: Amu? Amu: I won't be swayed by him anymore!! Definitely! Rima: Hey Amu, I just had a thought.
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Rima: Do you live with someone in the dorms? Rima: If you say something like "I'm sharing a room with a boy", it'll make him jealous. Amu: Ha?! Amu: No no, this is a single room!? Amu: That's just a lie!! Rima: Amu, you're a kid. Rima: Boys like it when you tease them sometimes. All the servants say that it's a reward. Amu: This girl is scary...
Rima!!! Now I know why the Chinese Amuto fans were rolling around in their feels all over the place. Girl is giving Amu advice on how to flirt with Ikuto. I'm dying. How did I miss this page the other day...
Exactly what has Amu been telling Rima? Did she tell Rima they've shared a bed together already? I was not expecting Rima to be pro-Amuto! I always assumed Rima would hate Ikuto - for one, he's fucking tall and she's smol. Second, it's another man that's way too close to Amu (the other one being Nagihiko) and I thought that would make her angry. Although she mellowed out around Nagihiko in volume 12... and she's gotten REALLY attached to Amu in this chapter.
As fun as these pages were, time for some more ranting...
Amu: I won't be swayed by him anymore!! Definitely!
What the fuck are you talking about?! Did you forgot ALL OF THIS:
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What the fuck happened to all this character development?! Why is she regressing?! Her reaction to him should NOT have been that hostile. Not after all these scenes. Which only happened months (some of them only weeks) before the graduation and wedding. The fact that 14 years has passed is definitely showing, and not in a good way… It feels like they're going backwards and I don't like it.
This bullshit right here is why I didn't want a sequel, I just knew they would fuck something up. They're either senile and completely forgot the events of volumes 8-12 (how, when they clearly took that quote from volume 12…) or their editor is braindead and giving them horrible advice, like how erasing 5 volumes worth of character development is a great fucking idea by setting Amu's relationships with Tadase and Ikuto back to pre-volume 8 levels. It's fucking stupid. It shouldn't be happening. It's bad writing to just erase all the good stuff that happened near the end of the first series. For what, to cater to new fans and drag the love triangle out some more? That's so stupid.
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Should I make her my girlfriend?
I see someone has a death wish. I'd pay to see that cat fight.
There's a LOT of things that were left out. No mention of Easter, Hikaru wasn't in the Royal Garden with everyone, no mention of Nagihiko actually being Nadeshiko, no mention of Yoru being gone... hopefully these are all addressed soon. Maybe I'm being too critical, since it's still just the first chapter... I just have high expectations. I don't want them to ruin this.
As for the art... miles better than what they drew for that stupid ad (NOT a "short story", that was a lie). I hate the way Ikuto looked there, he looks a lot better now. The eyes look a lot better too, more detailed like they used to be. So that's a plus. The way they drew eyes were always one of my favorite parts about their shoujo artstyle, and it was sad that for their other manga they got lazy with it.
As for the story... everyone in this new school is aware that guardian eggs exist. Like I said earlier though, they were always using the word "egg" and not "character", so perhaps only a few people have actually had their eggs hatch.
Near the end of Amu and Rima's phone call, Amu talks more about her "secret mission", and how purifying X-Eggs isn't the only reason she's there. She also has to look for something. So I wonder what that's about...
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starguardianniom · 11 months
The Paris Special
Ok so here's what I thought of it:
Loved it.
Shadybug and Claw Noir owns my heart entirely now.
Seems Shadybug's backstory is a bit more than just Chloé bullying her, given that in her universe, the world is controlled by the Supreme who rules with fear. Her outright saying that she will be spared if she gets the Butterfly back also seems to imply that she will probably get killed if she doesn't, so she's threatened with violence too I guess, and same goes for Claw Noir, yikes. Oh and them using their powers for evil while so young apparently is destroying them from the inside? Double yikes. 14 years old being threatened to not be spared if they didn't complete their missions, kind of see why they're so intense they don't really have the luxury of failing or they'll probably be killed, ouch. Angry, sad kids being offered power in exchange for living, because even if they hate their lives now they also want to live, I'll probably get more in details with that in another post.
Ok so alternate Gabriel was not a good man at first either, then after losing his wife he decided to redeem himself by trying to do the right thing, unfortunatly seems he neglects his son in the process. So here he's the not main big bad, the Supreme seems to hold that position and being nastier than he is/was so there is a huge difference between that universe and the one we've been in for the show, and maybe losing his wife made him realise the errors of his ways. He's not perfect either since his son seems to resent how he moved on so fast probably, and well, I have feelings about that too, but well, he was able to move on, because he has bigger problems than grieving his wife and wanting her back.
Claw Noir is freaking insane, he Cataclysmed himself and kept walking and going without any trouble, wow, meanwhile Chat Noir and Gabriel kept groaning and flinching and being in pain the entire time they were cataclysmed. Also he got a crush on Marinette from watching her in the bakery the first time around, she didn't know about it but reverse love there, too bad Shadybug didn't have feelings for him, but well, I dunno, found their bickering also entertaining for some reason. He doesn't take Shadybug's crap, he fights right back and isn't passive at all.
Shadybug and Claw Noir struggling to work together was believable, they try to take each other's miraculous, and insults and hurt each other too, and neither takes any crap from the other and gives back as good as they get. But they also still manage to work well together despite it all, and manage to calm themselves and let go of their anger to focus on their objective. In the end they get better and they also know each other's identity so they might become a couple too, given Adrien already loves her it seems, so they won't be alone anymore, would be funny if they revealed themselves to Betterfly and Betterfly to them and Adrien realise it's his dad and then says Marinette is gonna be his girlfriend and Gabriel ships them so hard and welcomes her into the family and Marinette just takes it all in shy stride and stuff and I need to see them again one more time to see how it goes in their universe RIGHT NOW!!!!
So Tikki knows about the multiple universe stuff and thought Marinette's life was too short to get into that so she stuck to the basics, given the trainwreck that Marinette is sometimes I find it understandable that Tikki wouldn't want to burden her with other universes either so.
Slow motion akumatized Chat Noir, that was weird, but ok.
Alternate Alya, love her hair and looks. Ubiquity looks amazing.
Shadybug realising Ladybug is also her in that universe and reading Marinette's diary and keeps commenting and then tearing up over it, my heart. Then she finds the stuff about the wish, tries to do it, but apparently the Supreme fucking put a lock on that somehow? Wow! Ok. Meanwhile Adrien being restrained on the floor blushing at Shadybug's civilian self looks a bit kinky to me, and I'll leave it at that.
Ladyfly looks ok I guess, still weird to see her with the miraculous that she's been fighting against for the entire show but ok.
Shadybug and Claw Noir being talked out and become better, Shadybug using her Miraculous Cure which cures Claw Noir, and them getting new costumes, not gonna lie here, I prefered their villain looks, but well they still have more style as heroes too. Shadyclaw for the win, love how Claw Noir likes her new looks too.
It was hilarious to see Monarch working with Shadybug and Claw Noir, teaming up with villains versions of the heroes he's been fighting against the entire time is pretty ironic but it was ok too, but most likely they would probably have all turned on each other the moment they succeeded too if they would have won.
The parallel universes fights between akumatized Ladybug (omg it finally happened but with a good kamiko instead of an evil akuma what a time to be alive and she reminded me of a purple Sailor Moon) was nice, Scarabella and Kitty Noire (glad there's a universe where they are the heroes), Mister Bug and Lady Noire universe also is nice because it means Adrien can lead probably, and of course animated 2D cartoon universe, let's go.
So yeah I loved the special more than the others, now it dethrones the Shangai special in my heart.
Shadybug and Claw Noir are my kids now.
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weebsinstash · 1 year
Batsister! Reader tells Bruce she wants to date, get married and build her own family so he just buys her The Sims as a substitute.
No crushes! No boyfriend! She goes out with the family for a rare outing for a special occasion and if she as much smiles at a guy she finds cute and he smiles back at her there WILL be a world of trouble waiting for him later. If she manages to escape and stay hidden long enough to meet someone and date, have sex and maybe move in together... Oof. Not good when they find her.
You hit your "rebellious phase" (which would be a really funny thing to call it if you're just straight up a grown woman) and you manage to use all the tips and tricks you've picked up to sneak out of the house, and you sneak into a huge raving house party where you're dancing and drinking and your phone is just BLOWING THE FUCK UP like some real "12 missed calls from Bruce (maybe you had him as Dad in your contacts before and he just feels his heart break lmaooo), 20 missed calls from Jason, 10 missed calls from Damien" and just like tons of text messages and shit, and you're just ignoring it as you're in a guy's lap practically sucking the tongue out of his mouth because wow he's a man and he sees you as a woman and isn't like totally looking down on you or treating you like a little girl like he WANTS you and you're totally completely ready to fuck that guy even if he's a total loser
You take him into a bedroom or something and his hands are under your shirt to start stripping you when SOMEONE KICKS THE DOOR IN just SPLINTERS THAT SHIT and your bed-partner-to-be just has his eyes bulging out of his head "fucking BATMAN???" And he's scrambling out of that room faster than you can breathe, and maybe for extra rebellious points Bruce can't help but notice that disgusting little punk who doesn't deserve to touch you has like, a Joker neck tattoo and now Bruce can lull himself into a false sense of security that this is just you acting out for some kind of attention and not the truth which is, maybe you were always kind of weirded out by your "familyhood" and the way he kind of scooped you up and housed you and now you're ready to set out on your own again and by this point he's too convinced that you need some sort of caretaker or guardian and FUCK letting anyone else do what he considers HIS job
Reader: I don't want to run around in a costume anymore. I want to actually be an adult. I want to have a job. I want to have a boyfriend.
Bruce, shoving all the best VR and Simulator games his money can buy at you: we've got jobs and boyfriends at home
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josiedoe · 11 months
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funny weird fursona from ages past hours while i wanna take this opportunity to share my art, i kinda also wanna reach out to everybody who had cringy neon old fursonas and oc's that they're embarrassed of or feel like they need to shittalk every time they mention them bc "theyre totally better at making characters now i swear!" this is my fursona splash. i've changed sonas a few times, but none of them will be as important to me as her. she's not there yet, but next year in february, on my birthday, she will be 9 years old. i made her feb 22nd of 2015, my 9th birthday. i stopped using her eventually, because i thought i'd grown out of her. i used to show her to people and laugh about how stereotypical of a mary sue she was, how she had a demon AND angel form, how i'd ship her with characters from whatever media i was interested in at the time, how she had super secret sparkle powers that could do anything and how she's "not me anymore" then i remembered how crushed i felt when my friends at the time first started calling her one. i was knee deep at that point in thinking mary sues were dumb, and felt really bad about it when a friend said she was a huge mary sue and how i should probably change her. they even got mad when i said i didnt want to and told me i "couldn't take criticism". ive tried so hard over the years to distance myself from her while trying not to be too hard on her, to enjoy her in an "ironic, more experienced way" and regard her as what NOT to do.
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this is the first ever drawing i did of her. another oc of mine turns 9 on my bday, and ill do art of her too, but this is where i made her. she was a drawing of firestar that i got bored drawing and decided to slap some neons on from the ms paint advanced preset colors. as you can see, she hasn't really changed much. her name used to be colordrop, because i had a stuffed bunny around that time with the same name. i think i renamed her to splash because i liked splashkittyartist. is the art good? no. did i really care? not really! i didnt even know it was bad at the time, because it honestly wasn't. i just wasn't as far in my art journey as i am now. im glad i never deleted my deviantart account, and i plan at some point to go through and save the images that are important to me on a google drive of some kind. aslong as im able to remember and keep her, she's an important part of myself. she's still me, just from a different time, and also so much more than that. im not sad about her, not in a nostalgic "i wish i could go back way". im happy, if anything, because i only recently realized we shared a birthday. isn't that cool? to not only have an oc that was made on your birthday, but reaches milestones with you? when she turns 18, i'll be 27. when she's 27, i'll be 36. i think that's pretty neat. i think it's important for every artist, if they struggle with this, to look for their old oc's and fursonas and whatnot from when they were kids and instead of looking at them through a lens of "im better now, do you see how bad i used to be at this whole character making thing though? its funny.", instead be kind to your old creations and go "wow, i had alot of fun with you. i wonder if i can have even more." if you're able to, start using them again. write with them again, even if its small and silly and more out of whimsy and joy than actual plot development. i implore you to be kinder to kid you. even if kid you wasn't very kind themselves. if you would look at another kids drawing and oc and go "wow thats amazing! you're so creative!", then you should regard what you made then with the same enthusiasm. put your own work on the fridge if nobody else did. anyways, ramble over. i'm very passionate about this subject because i lived it, and i deeply enjoy reclaiming what i was made to feel embarrassed of. so moon darkraven, demon wolf with an anime scythe and scene bangs and red eyes and neon colors that don't mix, i think you're doing great. i hope you're doing well, wherever you are now, and that so is the person who made you. happy early birthday to me and my special little gal
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HI FELLOW EPIC XENOBLADER I HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT QUESTION! How does the rest of Torna feel about you and Akhos? Tbh I think his feelings for you are VERY obvious bc he is just very down bad. So even before you get together Mikhail teases him all the time like ‘LOOK YOUR LOVE IS RIGHT THERE!’ Or going ‘Just ask her out already’ YFVGUBHI. Did I guess correctly?
BAHAHAHAHA! You did indeed guess correctly!
So... You know how Akhos wears red glasses? Here's a bit of Ash lore for ya: I wear red glasses too! So the first time I saw him, I hated him. I felt a rivalry. But... As I hated him... I fell in love with him.
My S/I and him absolutely hate each other at first. They're always at each other's necks and bickering constantly. But it's pretty obvious whenever those insults don't have that same bite to them, when they're sneaking glances at each other instead of wanting to punch each other. They both fall for each other so hard.
Mikhail teases Akhos quite a bit, and Akhos denies his feelings every time.
"Oh please, her?! A foul beast like her is in no way suited to be the leading lady of my story!"
(Oh and, once they do get together, Akhos does affectionately call her "my leading lady". He calls Pyra something similar in his boss fights, but the difference here is that Pyra is the leading lady of the story. Ash is HIS leading lady.)
All Akhos can imagine is Ash being his leading lady. More and more of the plays he writes end up being about her. She's become his muse. Obrona teases him quite a lot for it, saying that she'll show Ash the play he wrote that features a main character that just-so-happens to have dark red glasses and long, black hair like Ash does.
As for Ash, she tries to deny her feelings. But she can't for very long. Mikhail catches her staring quite often, and although she tries to deny it, she gets quite flustered. Enough pressure, and she admits to it.
However, Ash is quite close with Patroka! Since they're such close friends, Ash just tells her. Tells her that she has a crush on Akhos.
Patroka is disappointed. SO disappointed. She's all 😐. Really?! Akhos?! Ash could do better than him! She thought Ash hated him!
"Well- I mean- Yeah! ... But he's cute. And so strong. And that passion he has for his writing... I admire it so dearly. He has such stunning eyes and-"
I love Jin, but he is not the kind of man you discuss your feelings with LMAAOO. However, he does pick up on it. He thinks that Ash works well with Akhos and so they often do a lot of Torna work together.
Ash loves Malos. Loves him so so so much. She loves how bold he is, and he's the reason Ash swears so much. Ash kinda tends to follow him around like a little duckling. I won't get into Ash's backstory right now, but it's not very happy. Her old Driver treated her very poorly, and Torna was what helped he'd escape from that horrible situation. She'd do anything for Torna not because she believes in their goal, but because she loves them all. Ash gets all happy whenever Malos calls her a little shit!
(It's pretty funny how huge he is considering that Ash is around 5'2")
I actually think that Malos was the first one who noticed! He doesn't pay Ash too much mind usually, but she likes to be around him. So he picks up on the little things, like when she isn't looking at Akhos with so much hatred anymore.
Anyhow, Akhos and Ash do get together eventually! And they're very sweet and cute... Until the end. Ash watches what happens, is heartbroken, and suffers a very similar fate. However, Blades are Blades and you can have Ash in your party too eventually. I like to think they find each other in almost every single life they live and always fall in love. They truly are soulmates.
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sabraeal · 5 months
3, 6, 11, 16 and 20 for the fic rec asks!
3.) 😂 A fic that made you laugh out loud
First one to come to mind is @claudeng80's Away From It All, which she wrote for the 2020/2021 winter challenge. Obi is just SUCH a disaster in the first chapter, having agreed to essentially put himself in a bottle episode with the object of his huge, life-shattering crush, and Shirayuki isn't faring much better in hers. Both their POVs are SO funny, it gets me every time (especially Shirayuki really pondering if she should let that terrible mattress Take The Wheel on this whole thing)
6.) 😊 A fic that made you smile on a bad day
I can't remember any SPECIFIC bad days but every time @codango posted a chapter of The road to Clarines is gravel it was an EVENT in the server. Fully everyone dropping everything to scream at whatever new twist had happened. I think me and Joanna spent several days after every drop speculating over what might happen next, and even if there was no outstanding crummy day to pin this on, it at least gave me a whole lot of joy.
11.) 🛳️ A fic that brought you aboard a new ship
Tension in Three Parts by negoshi26. I watched the first season of Attack on Titan right when it came out, and as much as I loved the characters, I didn't have any like...bulletproof ships out of it. Beside knowing I really just did not like either Jean or Eren for Mikasa. One of the people I followed from BSG fandom was a mod on het_reccers, which became a mainstay for finding new pairings for me, and this fic showed up on it as a rec for Levi/Mikasa. Kinda squinted a little bit over it-- I don't mind an age gap but even this one was a bit big-- but I liked both the characters, said what the heck, and then came out the other side of this one being like, OH WELL THIS IS IT FOR ME, I GUESS 🤣
16.) 💞 A fic that led to you making friends with the author
Analysand by @infinitelystrangemachinex. There were like a total of 20 fics on AO3 when I first fell into AnS fandom, and about 7 of them were obiyuki...and about three of those were Andi's fic 🤣 After I inhaled Sharon's Knots, I fell straight into Andi's fics...and I think it was this one where I was like, I cannot lurk anymore. I must come be this woman's friend. She needs someone to feed her as regularly as she is feeding me. And so then I very coolly and calmly left comments on EVERYTHING SHE HAD EVER WRITTEN, and started commenting on posts she made on the comm, and definitely made Andi worry I was going to invite her to a Secondary Location until I posted the first chapter of Seven Suitors. AND NOW WE ARE FRANDS.
20.) 💖 A drabble that made you want 100K more words
Listen there are so many but I must say that is it this drabble where Wen Ying suffers over his working dick by @bubblesthemonsterartist. If you don't know, Joanna and I have OBSESSED over this modern AU EXTENSIVELY, with absolutely no intention of ever writing it, but like. I mean I do want to read it. All of it. In my eyeballs. I KNOW THIS MEANS I WOULD HAVE TO WRITE STUFF TOO. But it would be worth it for the complicate Wen Ying dick feelings okay???
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llycaons · 1 year
Ep5: the gay porn episode
even tho we know that lwj is at the very least attracted to wwx, this early on it really doesn't come off like that at all to anyone else besides lxc. he's even harsher and stricter with wwx than he is with anyone else. of course, later on he does a 180 because he's incapable of acting like wwx means as much to him as anyone else does
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a boy is FLIRTING
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wwx goes to a lot of effort this episode to repair his relationship with lwj, which indicates a lot more responsibility and maturity than, say, jc would have us believe. though tbf, wwx isn't trying to become friends for political reasons, he just wants lwj's attention. but he's also defending and explaining his actions, and the fact that he'll retaliate when attacked is of course extremely important later on. even with all the changes he goes through and and nuances we see, his core character is intact throughout. such strong writing
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saw a blog once claim this wasn't necessarily sexual but um that's definitely how I read it. with that look? come on.
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their rooms are so gorgeous
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this is so funny to me. wwx is so shocked that the extremely uptight young heir of a famously conservative and traditional sect hasn't seen gay porn. my boy idk how open-minded the jiangs are but you are not in yunmeng anymore...tbf lxc and lqr aren't even homophobic, but the kind of distress that his feelings cause lwj have got to come from somewhere, and I don't think it's just 'not wanting to be into someone so different from the lans'
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wwx turning back the rules on lwj extremely fucking funny
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aw :(
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nooooooo jc don't say that
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jc is so happy to see wq, and his little pleased smile when wwx complains that she's only paying attention to jc....oh boy. boy oh boy. this is so sad
young jc is like. he's so fragile. he still has potential. he hasn't done anything he can't come back from yet. he loves his siblings. he likes a pretty girl. I mock him for the comb but it's not a great wrongdoing to be a little awkward and go for the thing that adults say girls like. it's not like he has any healthy relationship to emulate. ough.
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SO MEAN. in contrast lwj is just a huge fuckin brat
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see we rag on wwx for not telling people shit but early on at least, he was a good communicator! he saw that his actions could be misread and he took steps to clarify where he was coming from and why he did what he did
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this is still one of my favorite jokes
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wq literally is doing her job as a doctor and jc is like 😳 lady wen... I don't blame jc for having a crush but I DO blame shippers for being shitheads about a woman who is literally just doing her job
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wen ning rushing in to save su she is so. he's the weakest cultivator here and he still put his life on the line to save this guy. this is something else we'll see later, when he uses his meager position to save jc and the jiang parents' bodies, and when he tries to stand up for his fellow wens at the camp
ppl who ship jc and wn are unhinged for various reasons but the kicker is right here. wq briefly held fast to her principle of looking after her family and nobody else, but wen ning never did. he puts himself in danger for people he barely knows over and over again, with no possible reward. this mindset is so alien to jc's caution and 'I got mine' outlook that there's no conceivable way that they could ever make a relationship work. even in an AU, I could barely see them becoming friends. they're just too different at their core
whew, what a long episode. ngl, this sequence at the lake ties with the maze forest as my least favorite parts of the show. it's just so BORING. there's some character work, like wwx saving wen ning and giving him the amulet, jc getting himself a crush, and wwx flirting, but it's not enough to liven up this very dull passage. regardless, the ending where lwj bought the ES for wwx was sweet
personal highlights: ep5
wwx being very openly and vocally into male erotica. I mean how are people STILL saying he didn't know he was into dudes. boy was about to start crying when lwj destroyed his treasured collection
wwx flirting in the library. he knew what he wanted. oh and him being really good at communicating. nice job, wwx!
jc has such a nice smile it breaks my heart for him
wwx giving wen ning the protection pouch 🥺
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whole-circus · 2 months
Your relationship with creepypastas as book tropes!
➥ Nina the killer, 'Ticci' Tobby, Jeff the killer, BEN Drowned, Jane the killer
a/n i feel like such an ass T^T i had a huge break from writting and left you all - huge apologizes to people who sent me asks, i love you, appreciate you and im so sorry!! i take the blame for all bad things in the world, i deserve it
i dont promise anything! >:))
ps. they took away my yellow font color, im more than devastated
WARNINGS! mention of alcohol in jeffreys part, author is terrible with enemies to lovers, the word sex in bens part?? tried to keep it gender neutral but if you see anything wrong then let me know!
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Nina Hopkins - fake dating
Nina is such a lover girl - almost always crushing on someone, falling in love easly. She just cant help but love the love. Connecting her hopeless romantic (in some way) part and her constant need of being liked by others creates a pretty dangerous combo. I feel like Nina is the type of person who feels like she is worthy of something only when others see her that way, she need a lot of attention as well as acknowledgement from others. Propably follows the "It doesn't matter what people say about you, as long as they're talking about you." phrase, she just want to be seen.
That is why when she got her eye on a person and then they had broken her heart she decides to make that person jealous. And that is the part where you came in - her bestfriend that decides to help a girl in need, becasue thats what friends do..right? Right?? Your job was to pretend you are her partner, some small kisses, gentle touches or hand holding in public. Everything to make that person feel any emotion, especially sadness, about what they had lost by rejecting Nina. The problem started when she started to enjoy your warm hand in her, your lips pressing against her body as well as petnames and fake love confessions in public. She felt scared, becasue she started to see you in diffrent light that friends should do.
Propably confessed while you both were spending some quality time together, just hanging around in your room or during not so uncommon kisses in public. What makes this moment so diffrent from what you guys had been doing already for so long? Who knows!! Your body so close to her, sun shining on you both.. everyhing felt just right. The way your hands fits perfectly into her, how your noses touch and how your lips were just made for hers..werent you just made for eachother..? Thats when her quiet "Hey, um..I think I dont want to pretend anymore.." hits you.
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Ticci Toby - friends to lovers
Okay, i feel like Toby needs a lot of time to make friends, not saying anything about falling in love. One night stands or speed dating aren't for him. He needs time to feel comfortable with you and especially with himself in something-more-than-acquaintance type of relationship. Not only he has trust issues but there is a lot going on in his poor head!! Thats why he finds himself the most comfortable with familiarity. It takes Toby a lot of time to open up to someone, but it is worth waiting for.
So i can see you both being friends for a long time already, not necessarily childhood friends, but around 3 years or so?? You spend like a lot time together, eating together, having sleepovers, giggling about everything and everyone, comforting each other, etc. etc. - you both are basically glued together! With you being always so sweet, compassionate, funny and the list goes on and on..there is no way Toby wouldn't fall in love with you. Of course he is scared to tell you about his feelings, after all you are you and he is just,,well, him. You start to notice all the signs - he gets more touchy, he compliments you even more and he is somehow always around you, weird, isn't it??
Toby being already so anxious, he does not have nerves to do something fancy to confess. Sure, you wont get flowers, fancy dinner or anything like that, but are you really mad at this lover boy?? It was rather normal evening, you both laying on bed and listening to some music or just talking. Both of you on your back and while you stare at the ceiling Toby's eyes are the whole time on you. Looking at the way your hair frames your face, the way you smile while telling about something silly, your scent and the way your eyelashes flutter with every movement and both of your guys hands almost touching eachother. He could die in the comfort of your warmth, you were his happy place after all. And when you keep talking and talking he just mutters quiet 'i love you', while looking at you with those hazel eyes and admiring you like you are the most enchanting masterpiece.
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Jeff the killer - enemies to lovers
Look at that guy and convince me he wouldnt be an asshole to you at first. Am I pretty basic for assigning him to that trope? Yeah and im not sorry for that. Jeff is a mix of being mean becasue he finds it amusing and being mean because he is scared to let people close to him. He is basically an asshole to everyone he meets, so its not suprise it was the same way with you.
He hates you with every fiber of his being - your voice, your laugh, the way you look and dress, hell, even the way you breath. Jeffrey isnt the type of person to just let it go so from the moment you two met he will try to make your life the worst he can. Constant insulting, fighting, name calling or even being more physical - but i wouldnt be suprised if i were you. If you do something to him, he will repay you with two time strenght, no matter how small. It not like its his fault that you are such an pain in the ass after all! And god forbid when he actually starts appreciating your beauty, it gets even worse.
The whole confessing would be propably while he is drunk. World somehow feels better while not sober - your voice sounds more sweet and pleasuring to hear, your clothes suits you better and your hair look absolutely stunning. Your face looks good from every angle and the light seems to catch your beauty in all the right places. And its weird, becasue Jeff feels the urge to be in your presence and to treat you like another human being, he actually want you to be near him. While he sees you passing by, he cant himself and pins you against the wall. He study your face in silence, looking into your eyes and for a moment you can swear you saw his eyes turning softer. Jeff press his lips against yours, waiting for you to push him away..but you didnt. He smiles against your mouth and feel all emotions rushing through his body, as he feels your warmth and scent.
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BEN Drowned - puppy love
Its easy to say that your relationship with BEN gives off energy of 'its my first boyfriend and we do all cute stuff together,learning how to love'. BEN is your guy whenever you want to feel like real, careless teenager - going to amusment parks, spending the day on playing video games, going to cinema or just walking around and having lots of giggles. You cant be bored with this guy and he is also very chill, so no pression at all (but do expect some teasing).
Although you may or may not be experienced with all romance stuff he is the right guy to do everything for the first time (but noc necessary) and still have those first-timer innocence behind all the acts. Yeah, your first kiss with him was messy and you both propably giggled a lot after, the same comes to sex (if you are interested in that part) and not to mention slight shyness whenever you guys touch, hold hands or hug etc etc. But you nust admit it has it own charm. Lots of compliments, one can be weirder than another, and gifts taken out straight from cheesy romantic movies - roses, jewerly, chocolates.
BEN loves you to death and immidiately is obsessed with you (not in weird way), thinking you are the love of his love. Now you better think the same about him and not extinguish his enthusiasm! The fact that your relationship gives off puppy love like vibe doesnt mean you two wont last forever and ever, it can still be as innocent and cute as it was at first. BEN just gets more cocky with time. Summing up, he is just excited for loving you becasue you are like sun - brighting his days and warming him with your love.
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Jane the killer - love at first sight
Now Jane isnt the type to fall in love a lot, she doesnt have time for silly crushes or to be in relationship.. but when she finally do? God help her! She comes off as stoic and maybe even cold person at first, but she can be a sweetheart when you get to know her better. Besides its not like she doesnt want to be in relationship, its just not her priority. It may seem like her hate and need of revenge runs deeper than love, but that is not true.
You and Jane met in not so special circumstances. Innocent eye contact as you happen to be in the same room as her? Just a glimpse of your hair when you are in public, not even expecting someone to look at you from undercover? That would be the case in this situation. No matter what it was, Jane got this sudden urge to get to know you better, to know everything and anything about you. And since that, she keeps observing. It is not in some stalker-creepy way, just looking in your direction from time to time to admire you or to see what are you doing. But Jane didnt expected one thing - you do exactly the same. Since the day you two met you felt weird connection to her.
And on some normal day (as you thought) she makes her presence visible for you. Maybe Jane tries to make your first official meeting taken out straight from romantic comedies - bumping into you, helping you pick uo your stuff that you had dropped - you get what i mean. Or maybe she just comes up to you like completely normal person and tells you her feelings and the fact she finds you cute, asking you on a date or proposing. Now it all depends on you if you gonna confess back or not!
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cipheress-to-k-pop · 3 years
Could you write a Wally West (Young Justice) headcanon, when his Future child with comes to the Present?
Wally West when his Future child comes to the Present
Dick Grayson Ver. | Jason Todd Ver. | Tim Drake Ver. | Damian Wayne Ver.  | Bruce Wayne Ver.
Conner Kent Ver.| Artemis Crock Ver.| Roy Harper Ver.
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It was no secret that Wally was madly in love with you
Well, no secret to everyone else
To you?
You probably wouldn't have known if Wally proposed to you
Well because Wally practically proposed to everyone
Before he decided to get serious about you of course
But you didn't know that
And you didn't even know how serious it was
Besides, you weren't on the team so Young Justice could turn into Love Island
You were here to train and help people
Hence comes the age of Wally's hopeless pining
Let's be honest here
Wally is such a simp that it's not even funny anymore
He's willing to do practically everything for you
And he's so easy to please
Like you smile at him and he'll be on cloud 9
No joke
No one on planet earth thought Wally would ever be so head over heels
But they stand corrected
Ever since you came into his life
It's only been you
Wally can't explain it
To be honest he can't even understand it
But he knows that his heart does 360's whenever he looks at you
And all he wants is your happiness
The team try and convince you at times that Wally isn't the same person that he used to be
Sometimes they want to tell you how madly in love with you he is
But Wally always stops them before they do
He doesn't want you to know
Part of the reason is because he's scared of rejection
The other reason is because he doesn't want things to be awkward
He doesn't want you to feel guilty for rejecting him
He doesn't want you to feel pressured to accept his feelings
He'd much rather be crushed by his crush than make you feel even a fraction of what he did
For the moment, he was fine admiring you from afar
Of course, that all changed when the incident happened
Now this isn't your first rodeo so if you read my previous parts on this yall already know what happens
One day when the team was having a beach day
Wally was taking a breather and eating a hot dog on the shore
Calmly watching you play in the ocean
You were so happy and excited
He was smiling brightly just watching you
Your happiness was his happiness
"Dude, you've got it bad."
His head snapped up to see a boy who looked eerily similar to him
Red hair, green eyes
Another Allen? Again?
His mind was already whirring a with super speed
"That girl? Your eyes were practically going to fall out of your head."
Wally blushed
"I wasn't staring that hard."
"Are you kidding? If you were in a cartoon (haha I make jokes) your pupils would be hearts and the phrase 'Awooga' would've come out of your mouth."
The kid continued to smirk at Wally before offering his hand
"I'm Leo."
He laughed, "Yeah I know."
"Never mind. So, you're madly in love with this girl?"
And so, Wally pours out his heart and soul to some stranger on the beach
Not to mention the setting sun is super romantic
Leo is super attentive, listening carefully to everything Wally says and doesn't make any interruptions
Not even when Wally starts gushing about how beautiful you look in the rays of the sun
Even when Wally starts lamenting about how he's going to be alone for the rest of his life
By the end of the talk Leo gives him some advice
"Ever think of a huge gesture? Something to show her that she means something else to you than the others?"
"Hm? Like what?"
"You have superspeed genius. Take her somewhere she wouldn't be able to go otherwise. My opinion, take her someplace that brings a lot of nostalgia to her."
"I don't know...what if she doesn't like me that way?"
"Just trust me, you guys are meant for each other."
Now Wally doesn't know why exactly he's putting blind trust into some stranger
It's so unlike him
He's also so methodical and smart about things
More of a trust your mind than your gut kind of person
But even then, he found himself believing this random person he found on the beach
Wally took his advice seriously, promising that the next time they see each other, he would have at least tried
And he came through on his promise
One day Wally asked you if you were free and you said yes
Not knowing that Wally was just going to grab you bridal style and superspeed somewhere
He took you to a fair by your hometown
One of your favourite places on earth
And the two of you spent the whole day together
Going on rides, eating at each and every food stall you could find
Only in that order because you didn't want to throw up
Playing carnival games, going to the haunted house and house of mirrors
And of course, the grand finale, watching the fireworks from the Ferris wheel
"So, why the sudden outing?"
Wally shrugged, "Just wanted to do something special with you."
"Something special as friends? Or something else?"
He blushed, "Well, I mean, if you want it to be but there's not press—"
You couldn't even let him finish before throwing your hands around his neck and kissing him hard
Nothing beats hearing actual fireworks in the background and actually being off the ground in the Ferris wheel while kissing Wally for the very first time
Wally thanks Leo for the start of your relationship
He didn't think he would see him again after that
Honestly began thinking that Leo was some sort of guardian angel or something
Or cupid
Until one day he shows up again in at the cave
Everyone was immediately on attack mode
Until Wally saw who he was
"Woah! Guys stop for a second! He's my friend."
They all stop attacking because Wally vouched for him
But that still doesn't explain how he got in there
Or why
"So, what exactly are you doing here."
"I kinda need the plans to Uncle Bart's time machine."
"Why would you need that? And what do you mean Uncle Bart?"
"So, I can get back to my time? My parents are probably freaking out."
He tells you about how he's from the future and he got zapped to the past through some warp hole or something
And he needed the plans to Bart's time machine to go back to his own time
"So, how'd things go with that girl?"
Wally outright beamed and you just looked mildly confused
"Girl? What girl?"
Cue Wally wrapping his arm around you with a giant proud smile
"Things went very well."
It was then you realized you were the girl he was talking about and blushed
Leo on the other hand smirked
"Great. I hope you'll keep this in mind when you want to ground me."
"What? Why would I ground you?"
Leo doesn't answer your question, just smirks and holds out his hand to you
"I'm Leo West. Nice to meet you, (Y/N) West."
PLOT TWIST lol not really cuz we all knew it
You're in utter disbelief
How is he so blatant
Now you can see the resemblance to Wally
And Wally is damn near a heart attack
Cuz like? You marry him? Have a kid with him? He can't compute
"So, you mean to tell me that you're my future son?"
"In the flesh."
"Huh. Damn I guess I have better genetics than I thought."
And Wally is just simultaneously flustered and agitated that you're not more triggered than he is and in utter adoration of you and how cool you are
And everyone is just like she didn't react because she's emotionally stunted and traumatized
And Wally is like shh she's amazing let me love her
Even though Leo was totally blatant about his name and the fact that you and Wally get married and stuff
He seems a little reluctant to tell you about the future
Which you understand
Besides, it's not like you wouldn't find out eventually
You help him build the time machine so he can return home
And you learn much more about him
He's the spitting image of Wally but is more brash and unfiltered than he is
And that says something
Leo's mouth works faster than his brain
And that's abundantly clear within the first 5 minutes of meeting him
He says some mean and straightforward things sometimes
But you know that his intention is never to hurt you
He just has problems framing his sentences in a non-offensive way
Eventually you do send him back
And you'd take about 20 years before you'd find out what happened on the other side of the time machine
But I'll tell you anyway
"Mom! Dad!"
"Leo! Oh, thank goodness! I thought I was going to have a heart attack!"
You grabbed him in your arms, checking him over for injuries and kissing every inch of skin on his face
"Mom, I'm fine, stop slobbering over me."
"Well, I'm glad you are fine. Because you're grounded for a month."
"What?! I get you both laid and I get grounded for a month?!"
"You're right. You're grounded for two."
Forever Taglist:
DC Taglist:
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evvlevie · 2 years
it's all about your mindset: my shifting journey (in every detail possible)
Hi, Hello, to all my beautiful spiritual people out there! My name is Evie and today I will share my shifting journey with you. Actually this Tumblr blog was created only to connect with people on this topic. So how did it all start for me?
In 2020 when the whole world was shutdown I basically found shifting like nearly everyone else: TikTok. I was scrolling through my for you page and came across a bunch of people who claim to have experienced the Hogwarts-life. I was intrigued and confused at the same time. Obviously I was curious, but my first reaction, was the same as everybody's else: No way on earth this is possible. The 3D is the only reality and all of them must be unable to separate lucid dreaming from real life. I know why this came up on my fyp: I am very invested in astrology and if you are interested in that area you probably believe in manifesting and shifting, too. I decided to give it a try. It was a very half-assed try tho. I laid flat on my back on my parents bed and did the raven method. It didn't work. Obviously. I didn't understand what shifting is plus I was doubting it heavily. After that I didn't try to shift for a very very long time again.
Now I might not have tried to shift anymore, but I got deeper into the topic of manifesting and the law of attraction. As many people, I was very suspicious of it at first. How the hell can you have everything you want, just by wishing for it? I told my friend about it, and we decided to try it. She had a crush on a girl back then and I was crushing on a guy, so we both manifested a certain Text-message from them. Funny thing is: it wasn't working for me. He never texted me, BUT MY FRIENDS CRUSH ON THE OTHER HAND texted her exactly what she had manifested with the 3-6-9-Method. Why did it work for her and not me? My friend has adhd and she was able to do the "letting go"-part way better than me, who constantly thought about it and sat by the phone impatiently, waiting for him to finally text me. I didn't really believe in manifesting either at that time and I made it way harder than it actually is.
Fast forward a couple of months: August 2020. I was on vacation and my crush on this guy didn't budge. I was still utterly obsessed with him, but I had all sorts of feelings of worry: Should I keep chasing him? What if he isn't worth it? So what did I do? I manifested a sign. Fuck it. I heard you could do that, so why I wouldn't I? I laid in my bed and I prayed to the universe: "Please universe, if he is the one for me, give me a sign!". I went to sleep after, and the next morning I nearly forgot, that I had manifested a sign the night before. NOW I know, that if you want to manifest a sign, you should be as specific as possible. Anyway, my parents and I went to go sightseeing in this foreign city we were in, and I couldn't believe it. We went to get ice-cream and there were two streets you could go down: left and right. My intuition told me to go left, so I told my parents hey lets go this way! I turn the corner and THERE. A huge, and I mean huge, sign that says: *my crushes name*'s Photo-shop. I took a picture in disbelief. This was THE incident, that made me believe in manifesting, because a year later I was actually dating him. I manifested my entire relationship with him, because I realized how real manifestation was.
What do I want so say with this experience? This was the incident that really kickstarted my belief in manifestation. I told myself: Look how easily this comes to me! I noticed that many times, when friends would mention certain things or names in my presence suddenly we would see them. I remember thinking that I haven't seen my friends mom for a long time and 10 minutes later she is in my bus and sitting down next to me, starting a conversation. I remember thinking about one of my old colleagues from my internship 2 years ago, and that I absolutely hated that woman. Not even an hour later I see this woman across the street from me. Mind you, I never seen her in that specific place before, and never again after that incident. My friends and I started calling me the magnet, because you'd only have to think about something or mention something in my presence and suddenly I would accidentally manifest it into reality. I considered myself a master manifestor. I passed all my Finals even tho I barely studied for them. I got my dream job, without really trying hard for it. I got my crush with only a simple thought. I never missed a bus ever again, because I simply tell myself: Oh the universe loves me, the busses always arrive exactly when I arrive. And they did. They fucking still do. I am even fully convinced that I accidentally manifested the death of my friends dog. Because her dog hated everyone and everything. It was one of those annoying Chihuahuas. Every time it barked at me or tried to bite me I told him to go die. And guess what he did 4 days later... Listen I am not proud of this, I am really sorry actually, but because of incidents like that I fully believe in my power.
So now it's 2022. My friend casually asks me wether or not I have ever heard about shifting. I told her that I even tried it once, but never really got into it after that. She was shook that I, the magnet, the master Manifestor, didn't shift left and right. She basically brought me back to the community of shifting, and got me interested in it again. I tried for a while. I tried some methods, but after a couple of weeks or so I gave up. I decided I didn't want it hard enough and went about my life.
In April 2022 I came across a trio of YouTubers. The Sturniolo's (I am sure basically everyone knows them at this point). I started watching their car-videos and I remember thinking: "Damn it would be so fucking fun to do this with them." I just wanted to be their friend and scream and yell in Matts Car with them. Eventually my wish, my desire to do that, grew so much, I decided to give shifting an honest try. Its May now and let me tell you I have tried everything there is to try. Every Method imaginable, Every Guided Meditation, Drank Water 'til I nearly peed myself, scripted 5 different times, and I woke up every day disappointed, that I was still in my CR room not smelling oranges and hearing rain drops. I was on reddit, I was on amino and Shiftok (which is arguably the worst place for information on shfting). Hell I was even on Pinterest. I was so goddamn frustrated. Everyone talks about how easy it is, but why am I here struggling so hard?
Suddenly I saw angel numbers. And I don‘t mean the usuals like 111, 333 etc. I was seeing to specific numbers EVERYWHERE. 37 and 17. I decided the universe is talking to me. I couldn't give up. Shifting is real, I could feel it in my heart. I knew I must be doing something wrong and I just couldn't figure out what it was.
I had tried every platform for help, and I felt lost. Until I remembered that Tumblr existed. And holy hell. This flipped everything for me. EVERYTHING. I started re-blogging all the posts that gave me insight on what I was doing wrong. ITS ALL ABOUT THE MINDSET.
and goddamn it is. I read through all those posts and it made so much sense. My Methods never worked, because deep inside I knew that it's not the methods that would make me shift. I realized that I would never shift if I made it so hard to do. If you treat it like an impossible task, if you come from a place of desperation and frustration you won't shift. You EXPECT it to be hard, which is why it IS hard. I remembered my manifestation journey. How it never worked because I treated manifestation as the hardest and most magical thing ever. And how I can now manifest anything I could ever ask for because I treat it like the easiest thing ever, and how I see myself as the master manifestor and manifest knowing I can manifest. I never doubt myself anymore. I realized that you have to greet shifting from the same place.
So Evie, does that mean you yelled with Nick about birds taking over the world, yet? No, and I know exactly why. 10 Minutes ago I was going through everything I had reblogged and tried to write myself a little summary, because up until now I had really struggled with my mindset (I'm such a virgo). I overcomplicated everything for myself. "What am I supposed to say in my mind again so that it'll start working?" or "Wait how am I supposed to treat it again? Like it already happened? Or Like it is coming?" I got caught up in all of it, as if there was a specific recipe to follow. I was taking my notes when I saw my phone light up. My coworker had asked me previously if I could cover her shift from 2pm-8pm instead of my own which was 12pm-6pm. I agreed to, but in my head I was secretly wishing to cover my own instead because I didn't want to work the closing shift. I glanced over at my phone and read, that she texted me, that I would cover my own shift tomorrow instead of hers. I read the message and I stopped taking notes. Wasn't it obvious? I am the master manifestor. I am the magnet. I only have to think of my wishes for them to come true. I know it was the universe who stopped me from taking those notes, by showing me that all you have to do is wanting it. INTENTION.
You truly just need to desire something. Your desires are yours they are promised. When would I finally understand? There is no correct sentence to say in your head every five minutes in order to shift. I have this entire history of me figuring out how easy manifesting is. Dude, I got Asthma, it is literally easier than taking a breath but here I was obsessing over methods and ways to think even though they were all explaining me what I was doing all along since 2020: Manifesting by just simply wanting to manifest.
They were all so right when they said, that there is no definite tipp that will finally make you shift. There is no recipe, no formula. Don‘t stress about shifting. I know I will shift. Because I want to. Don‘t get too caught up in what affirmation to use, or what law to use or how long it's taking or ANYTHING. Your desires are promised. That's all you need to know. All I have ever wanted manifested into my reality, without ever stressing over it, because I believed in my power, and made it easy. It is literally just as hard or just as easy as you make it to be. it's never been any different.
You will shift. Because you want to. And as long as you believe that THAT is all it takes, then that's the truth you are living.
If I can kill my friends dog by telling it to die, then you can shift. Seriously. Stop worrying. Say you will and believe it. Periodt. That's your mindset now.
a lot of love,
Evie <3
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twin-books · 3 years
👀 plagg (or all kwami, if there's not a lot to say abt him)
Thanks for the ask, anon! And I'm glad you said all the other kwamis so I can knock those all out. But firstly let's just talk Plagg. I still love Plagg. He's my favorite kwami to draw and I very much love cats but I also have my own little black cat. Hilariously, she also tries to eat everything in sight and is obsessed with dairy products. Ironically not cheese. (I am also pretty sure she has a crush on Chat Noir. Shh... don't tell her he's just a human kid in a cat costume). Anyway, so yes, I'm a bit bias. But also he actually helps his kid and when he doesn't it isn't wildly out of character like it is with Tikki. He's also funny which is super great. Also, let's take a moment to appreciate his English VA specifically because that guy goes hard when he voices characters. Max Mittleton is a gift, a treasure. Anyway, he's fun. And his friendship with Adrien is to die for. He also tends to be the character that basically speaks for the audience and I love those characters. XD He's a stupidly adorable, irresponsible but loving, little kitty who I adore. I hated what they did to him in the NY Special because Plagg was pretty much the only character improving and they just went and threw that all away but now in s4 they love to act like that never happened but I remember... :' D So, since there's 19 kwamis (20 if you count Liiri 21 if you count that one kwami in Shanghai which I don't because I didn't get to know them), I'll be rating each kwami out of 20. So Plagg gets a 19/20. Not perfect but I still love the little man. Now let's talk about the other kwamis... You could probably hear me sighing from here. Tikki used to be my favorite kwami (next to Nooroo) but I don't care for her at all now. Especially after Dearest Family. She's now extremely unhelpful, encourages Marinette's bad choices, and apparently can't control herself at all when she gets hangry. Also, yet another adult figure in Marinette's life who has the downfall of hangry for some dumb reason. She's also no longer any fun to draw anymore because I cannot figure out how to properly draw her and make her look more like a ladybug while still keeping the show's style. Still, I hold season 1 Tikki very close to my heart and she's at least not stupidly annoying so... 10/20. Nooroo. I freaking hate his English voice. I don't remember his French one if I ever heard it but hopefully it's better? He also deserved antennas and prettier wings. Anyway, I know he technically hasn't gotten much focus but I do still really like him. Despite his kind of ugly design I still got a stuffed Nooroo and a Nooroo keychain as well as that huge Nooroo sticker. I really like Nooroo. He's kind of my favorite kwami and I feel very bad for him (especially since in the future he is still subjected to the same dumb, horrible fate because I guess the writers hate him :' D). But despite he's my favorite, Plagg is still obviously better so it wouldn't be fair to rate him above Plagg... 15/20. Wayzz was ruined just like Tikki. I miss season 1 Wayzz so much. He's honestly just a 9/20 because his supremely stupid decision to crawl on the ground to try and see Master Fu still makes me laugh at how dumb it was. He's annoying now like most of the kwamis. His dumb little antenna still annoys the heck out of me too because it in no way relates to a turtle and you can't even argue it's a kwami thing since some of the kwamis still don't have those things. Plus his is absurdly thick compared to the others... but he looks so dumb when you draw him without it and that drives me insane. Trixx is okay. 10/20 for them as well. They're freaking annoying but they look better than Wayzz and Nooroo and they're still kind of fun to watch. Plus, Trixx's relationship with Alya I hold very close to my heart. Pollen has no personality really and I actually preferred her concept where she didn't really have pupils or irises. I liked it so much I can only remember her like that even though she's not like that. She also got very annoying like the rest of the kwamis. 5/20 for probably being one of the
least annoying ones... Dusuu is super cute. Haven't seen much of him but he's super precious. (I call the kwamis by the gender I was kind of introduced to them as even if it wasn't the majority choice except Dusuu who I just think should be male because he's designed after a male peacock. Yes, the English dub made me very bitter. I really like animals. XD) I feel super bad for him too and I find him a bit more fun than Nooroo (sadly). I also like that he shifts emotions so drastically. Also his design is perfect and I love drawing him (though I do wish the bird kwamis got like real wings but I know that's hard in CGI so I won't blame them. I also tend to dial up his design a bit by giving him eyelash dots because I can). 17/20. Fluff was fun upon their first introduction. I was also partial to them because of the pastel blue and the time travel. And when I was a child bunnies used to be my favorite animal. I like drawing them with a Wonderlandiful kind of vibe (yes I stole that word from Ever After High and no I'm not sorry). As much as I'm not really a huge fan of the bunny being so heavily modeled after the white rabbit from Alice in Wonderland (especially since that was arguably the more down to earth character compared to the rest of them) I still can't say I hate it. They're super fun to draw. Stupidly annoying now though. 9/20. Xuppu is okay? I barely really got to know him. I really need to rewatch Party Crasher in English to truly get it. He's stupidly annoying now though and I really don't like monkeys and apes all that much... I actually have a fear of apes and so that has kind of turned me away from monkeys too, to the point I kind of got them mixed up because my fear made me not really educate myself on that whole animal family. But he's super cute at least and I think kind of funny? Still, s4 really ruined the kwamis for me so... 5/20. Kaalki is a cool idea but I'm afraid I'm just not a fan of the whole pompous thing. I also think it's supremely weird she didn't go to like Chloe or Lila or something? I give them props for trying. Too bad she was ruined in s4 too. 5/20. Mullo had no real personality, or nothing I can remember. They also just became annoying in season 4 but they're at least kind of cute. 1/20. Sass was kind of fun. I find him to be chaotic evil and hilarious. I also kind of like his design. S4 almost ruined him but then went back and made him a tad better again so he gets to sit in 10/20 with Tikki. Longg is pretty much the same as Mullo but I like his design a bit less. I also think something went wrong with his CGI model? Props for finally being a kwami that's actually opposite the gender of his holder in the English dub. 1/20. Liiri means nothing to me but I can at least appreciate she has a decent design where she actually looks like her animal and was kind of cute. 1/20. Alright, as for the rest of them... they supremely annoy me. I can't believe they ruined the kwamis for me. I used to adore those little guys. RIP my love for the kwamis. -20/20 for all of them. I wish Marinette kept them locked in the box since that makes infinitely more sense especially since they all love to be absolute toddlers who disobey her and screw her over constantly. Also, the rooster looks more like a goldfish. There, now you can't unsee it. Thanks for the ask, anon. Hopefully that was an okay answer. I hope you're having a wonderful day, afternoon, evening, night, or whatever time it is where you are. <3 Send Me a Miraculous Character
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hamarhemmo · 3 years
Not related to my usual content but it's Pride Month so I'm gonna give some LGBTQ+ book/TV show/movie recommendations. This is a long post so feel free to skip.
The Song of Achilles: About Achilles' and Patroclus' relationship from Pat's POV. Not entirely historically accurate but great none the less. Has some slightly graphic sex scenes.
The Secret History: About a group of (mostly rich) college students who commit murder and have a bacchanal. Has one canonically gay character (Francis), one canonically bi character (Charles) and the main character is implied to be queer. There are also some other characters who are probably gay or bi (ex. Henry and Julian). A very messed up book but I love it.
Good Omens: A story about an angel and a demon saving the world from Armageddon. All of the ethereal characters are non-binary. (The main characters usually use he/him pronouns and present masculine.) The story is also practically enemies-to-friends-to-lovers personified. The lovers part is more explicit in the TV show version. A very funny book/show with great characters and some diversity. I recommend.
Brokeback Mountain: Read the movie section.
The Picture of Dorian Gray: A story about Basil Hallward, a moral artist; lord Henry Wotton, a very immoral man who just corrupts people for fun; and of course Dorian Gray himself, a young man who changes his soul for eternal youth. Written by the gay icon Oscar Wilde. Has a shitload of homoerotic subtext and was even used as evidence of Oscar being gay. Basil is in love with Dorian (and so is possibly Henry), Dorian is probably bisexual. (Explicitly in the 2005 movie.) The book has murder and suicide in it but no graphic violence. The movie has some sex scenes. Overall TPoDG is great and I recommend it warmly.
TV shows:
Brooklyn Nine-Nine: A sitcom about detectives. Talks about racial issues, LGBTphobia, the flaws in American prison system, sexual harassment etc. Of the main 6 characters one is gay (Holt), one is bi (Rosa) and one is possibly bi (Jake). Lots of LGBTQ+ and POC representation. Is on Netflix in some countries.
Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Pretty standard anime (and manga). Tells about the members of the Joestar family. Explaining the plot or the universe would take way too much time so I'm not going to do that. Practically all characters are queer coded and some are canonically LGBTQ+ (DIO, Jotaro, Speedwagon etc.) Very funny but weird. Doesn't have a lot of well written femle characters but I still definitely recommend. First three parts are in Netflix in some countries, all animated parts are in Crunchyroll for free.
Good Place: Tells about a woman named Eleanor who, despite being an awful person, got into the good afterlife by accident. Eleanor is bisexual, Janet is non-binary (uses she/her pronouns tho), Tahani is possibly bi and Jason is attracted to non-binary Janet. A pretty good show, I recommend giving it a go. Is on Netflix in some countries.
Good Omens: Read the book section. Is on Amazon Prime.
Hannibal: A show about everyone's favorite fictional cannibal Hannibal Lecter and an FBI agent called Will Graham, who are obsessed/fall in love with each other. The show is extremely homoerotic and Hannibal is canonically omnisexual in it. Unfortunately the show got canceled after 3rd season so the ending isn't very good. Has some lesbian side characters. The show also has lots of gore so if you don't like that, I can't recommend it. Surprisingly funny despite the violence. I'm not sure where you can watch it anymore. Has some pretty graphic lesbian sex scenes.
Umbrella Academy: About seven siblings with superpowers. One of the characters is canonically pansexual and according to the actor non-binary (Klaus), one is wlw (Vanya, not sure about her exact sexuality) and one just has huge bi vibes and a possible crush on John F. Kennedy (Diego). There is also talk about child abuse and drug addiction. The show has its problems, like two of the siblings dating (they are not biologically related but it's still messed up). It's still a great show tho. (The show is based on a comic but I haven't read it.) It is one Netflix at least in some countries. (Also Elliot Page plays Vanya and I love him.)
The Road to El Dorado. It technically doesn't have canon queer characters but the main bois were apparently supposed to be a couple. They act very couple-y and are bi kings in practically everyone's books. One of my favorite animated movies. Is on Netflix in some countries.
Brokeback Mountain: A classic and very sad. Tells about two cowboys in the 60s living together on a mountain for a while and falling in love. One of the main characters (Ennis) struggles with his sexuality. As I said, it's a classic abd I recommend watching it. Ver slow paced but I kinda like that. Has one pretty graphic sex scene. Is on Netflix in some countries.
The Picture of Dorian Gray (2009): Read the book section. I'm not sure where you can watch it.
I can't add more tags so I'll possibly make a second part.
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clairecrive · 4 years
“Burn” - Bane x reader [Requested]
A/N: this is for this anon. Thanks again for requesting! I missed writing for Bane.
Warnings: angst
Word count: 2.5K
Taglist: @mollybegger-blog, @evelynshelby, @br0ck-eddie, @sopxhiea, @shadow-of-wonder, @fandom--0verdose, @fuseburner, @kind-wolf, @innerpaperexpertcloud (let me know if you wanna be added or removed)
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The vastity of the night sky had always helped y/n ease her worries. Surely, whatever was bothering her couldn’t be as big and impossible to solve as she was making it out to be. Because, would you look at that? The universe is so big and we’re so small, so insignificant. and that applied to her problems too. 
At least that was what she always told herself whenever she’d feel lost and hopeless. Thinking this way helped her put things into perspective. And sure, not everything was as easily solved but, even in that case, it helped a bit.
And so here they were, she and Bane were laying down staring up at the starry sky. Sometimes, they would spend it in silence, just enjoying the warmth and comfort the other’s body would bring. Others, like this one, they would easily fall into conversations about everything and nothing.
“Was there someone special in your life? Someone you wish to get back to?”
“You mean, romantically?”
He nodded.
“No. Single for life.” She did a peace sign to lighten up her embarrassment but Bane was curious and did not pay it any mind.
“You mean to tell me that you’ve never given your heart to anyone?”
“Well, if you put it that way I have to change my answer to yes. Being in a relationship with someone and giving someone your heart are two wholly different things.”
“Let me rephrase then. Have you ever been in love?”
She really thought about the answer, her mind going back to any romantic involvement she might have had during her life. Even if she scouted her memories, she found that it wasn’t a yes or no question.
“I guess,” not only was the word she chose explicative of her indecision but the tentative tone of her voice left no doubts as to where she was standing. But Bane was confused, to say the least.
“I’ve always been under the impression that love was one of those things where absolute certainty was involved when it came to its presence or absence.”
“I don’t know what to tell you. I have had mostly one-sided crushes, you know?” she started but Bane could see the faraway look in her eyes and knew that she had more to tell but was lacking the right words. So he waited.
“I said ‘I guess’ because I don’t really know what love is. I mean, everyone has a different take on it depending on their experiences but I don’t think I’ve ever felt it,” she paused turning to meet his eyes, “once there was a guy I strongly had feelings for. Even that was one-sided though and it took me a long time to recover from that because he was my best friend at the time. Looking back to it, I guess it was love or the closest thing to it that I’ve ever felt for someone. It hasn’t happened again though so I don’t have anything to compare it to.”
“Maybe it wasn’t love, just deep infatuation. Or maybe I just confused my love for him as a friend for something more. I don’t know. I guess I’ll figure it out when I fall in love with someone else. “ She concluded and refrained from correcting that when with if. she couldn’t see herself being as lucky as to have someone that cared about her and that loved her in the future. But Bane didn’t need to know that.
Turns out that those unspoken words had become a sort of oracle, ‘cause here they were now, years after they had that conversation. Just when she thought that she had found that one person to share her life with, to give her heart to, life quickly come into play letting her know that that wasn’t the case.
Because the man that had saved her from a destiny worse than death, who had given her hope and made her trust him to the point where she had felt safe enough to open up to him and allow him close to her heart, had now shattered whatever remained of it.
"So let me get this straight, first you save my life than you decide to keep me with you so you basically kidnap me, get me to fall in love with you, put me through an insanely difficult training so that I could stay with you but it was all done in vain because now you’re  sending me away?"
"I'm not sending you away but you cannot stay here anymore. I’m doing this for you."
"And why is that? What changed?" and when Bane stayed silent she added, "what happened to 'I want you always' ?"
"I did not lie to you." His words were in striking contrast to the ones he had said before but y/n had learned to read him and could tell that this time he was not lying. But then the question naturally arises, what's really going on?
Nothing out of order had happened in the last few days. Bane and she had been the same as always, even his work had proceeded as usual. So what was it? What was she not thinking about? What was she not seeing?
Letting her mind go back through the last day to fat check that nothing happened, she went through their actions. Light breakfast together followed by a not so light tête à tête then they trained together until he had to deal with something for his work and she had occupied herself otherwise. She had called him to see when she could get dinner started and he said that he had a meeting with Talia first but had come right after. They had dinner and while they consumed their healthy and perfectly balanced meal she shared with him whatever came to her mind while he ate in silence. See, nothing out of order.
Wait a minute...
He went to meet Talia.
"It's her, isn't it?" Suddenly, everything was clear. She knew what had happened, what had changed. And she sneered at the pull Talia had on him. Suddenly, she understood but at the same time, the last year lost its meaning.
"I just wish I realized earlier that you didn't care about me as much as you said you did," turning she went to her cabinet to get her stuff, "I wouldn't have put myself through so much otherwise." 
Nodding, she knew what she had to do. She had to leave. There was no reason to stay. Resolute and defeated she put everything her eyes fell on that was hers in a little bag. Clothes, lingerie, cosmetics, books. But when her eyes landed on the little box where she kept everything connected to him, her heart broke further and her anger was fueled. 
In there, there was every present Bane ever gave her. Every little thing that made her think of him in some way. The letters he wrote her whenever spoken words failed him. She knew that going through its content would equal to a chronology of their relationship. If it was possible her heart broke even more. Everything she did to stay with him, everything he did to keep her now was all vain. She gave up so much for him, for a man. Her former self would be ashamed of her and knew that her heartbreak was contributing to making her feel something akin to that. 
"Here," she said walking where he was standing, "take this. I don't want it anymore," and she threw it at his feet. The only acknowledgement on his part was a tilt of his head but it wasn't needed. He knew what it was and what she kept inside of it. He felt a pang in his heart but kept his face void of any emotion. 
"I'll want you always," she said mocking his voice, still stuffing stuff in her bag and chuckled with mirth, "what a load of bullshit." 
"Actually," stilling for a second, with a shirt cramped in her fist she faced him, "I am the biggest clown between us because I believed you." retrying her stuffing, shaking her head she added in a whisper, "I should have known better," but Bane heard. 
As soon as he decided on this course of action, he had also prepared for her reaction. He knew her well and so far she hadn't done anything that he hadn't expected. And while he had been ready, he couldn't help but feel hurt by her words. He knew how she was looking at this situation, knew that his words had led her to believe it to be so. At the same time, a little part of him wished for her to oppose to his words, to see right through them and see that he was lying. That he had been honest when he had told her those things, he had opened up to her and meant everything. But knew that she was too lost to rage and hurt to think clearly. And it was also the reason why she was acting up and had thrown the box on the floor. He knew that she deeply cared about it and what it meant to her. He almost thought of offering some kind of comfort, to give her some hint about what was really going on. But knew that it would be unfair to her. After all, he was doing for the sake of her safety.
“You know,” her voice brought him back and his eyes were immediately drawn to her, “isn’t it funny how you man always pride yourselves to be strong and all that bullshit when even someone like you, who’s the epitome of masculinity and strength, at the end is totally subjected to a woman?” 
They would always have this kind of conversation. Bane, being a leader of a huge army, had the tendency to be bossy. Even in situations when it wasn’t needed. It was just who he was and he felt the need to remind her of his alfa status an unnecessary lot of times. While she could enjoy this inclination of his when they were in bed, she definitely couldn’t stand it in their everyday life. And now, it made her feel stupid that she had to put with it and learn how to deal with it but when it came to Talia, he just did whatever she told him to. Also, this changed her consideration of him. What a clown. She had tried to warn him about his rather toxic relationship with Talia but he’d always get angry and dismiss the conversation either by leaving or shouting at her. She could remember their last fight about it like it was yesterday. It was also the first time that she had ever doubted her relationship with him. The first time that she had thought that maybe she had made a mistake by staying with him, by falling in love with him. Maybe she should have left as soon as she had rescued her. It wasn’t for the motive of their fight, neither her jealousy and worry about his relationship with Talia, but it had all to do with what he shouted her in rage that made her blood run cold and her heart shatter. For it was said that angry and drunk people were the more honest ones. And since that moment she couldn’t help but wonder if he really thought what he said to her or if it was just an impulse propelled by anger as he had explained.
“Maybe I shouldn’t have saved you.” 
And then, as if that wasn’t enough, he decided to twist the knife further.
“I told you not to fall in love with me.”
As if one could choose who they fell for, she remembers thinking.
Those words still haunted her to this day. It happened a while ago and Bane had made it up to her, mostly. But it was in situations like this that they would come back and mock her for even forgiving him and thinking that he loved her as she loved him. To think that even a small part of him thought that it was best that he had left her to suffer in the hands of a sex abuser until he would have eventually tired of her and killed made her sick. How could anyone say something like that to another human being? One they presumedly loved? She couldn’t wrap her head around it. Bane had then explained that by that he didn’t mean leaving her with her captor but simply bring her with him and keeping her with him. Despite the fact that his explanation made sense, y/n still didn’t think it made things better.
And as for his second statement, it went mostly unmentioned. 
Sure, that had been something he had told her in the beginning. It was after her training required them to spend most of their days together since he wanted to attend to it personally. Y/n knew that being in the military and with his past, it wasn’t easy for Bane to show emotions let alone let someone close enough to him to allow himself to love them. She understood that. She had a few things she was dealing with that made it difficult for her to entertain the idea of something more between them.
But that was almost a year ago. So much had happened in their life and between them that even though the words were not spoken aloud, she felt the shift in both their behaviours when it came to them. Hell, they even started dating. 
Not that any of them labelled it that way. But that was beside the point.
They slept together, they ate together every meal, they lived together. If there was a band on both their left ring fingers and it was a more conventional setting, people would assume they were married. 
While y/n didn’t like thinking about what they had in that way, she surely considered the commitment they had made to each other equivalent to a marriage. 
She hadn’t considered Talia though. 
Or at least, she had hoped that if she ever would try and come between them, Bane would stand up for her. 
Turns out that she really was foolish.
“Whatever, I guess it’s not my problem anymore.” Giving him her back again, she closed the almost full bag and went to put on some shoes and coat. 
“I don’t have any use for it, you should take it with you.”
“Neither have I. Burn it, see if I care.” 
And with that, y/n turned around and walked out of their shared apartment at last.
It hurt to say the words, it hurt that things had ended to abruptly, it hurt that even after all this time he didn’t care about her, it hurt like hell but y/n was resolute in leaving all of this behind her. Yes, it wasn’t going to be easy and maybe it would be like leaving a hot fire trail behind her but at one point the fire would burn out, wouldn’t t? 
It may take a while but she would be okay,
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some27-url · 2 years
I was tagged by @jacksothereye to do an interview with an oc! Thank you for the tag! It was fun to visit with Leo while I take a break from her story.
I am tagging @twosides--samecoin and @pumpkinov
General Leonora Jean Arnold
Are you single?
Are you happy?
I've got plenty to do, that's for sure!
Are you angry?
I've got plenty to do, that's for sure!
Are your parents still married?
They were together still when they passed, yes.
Birth place?
I was born in something of a hospital up in a settlement you wouldn't've heard of. They had a whole suite just for pushing a kid out. Lexington is going to have something like it. A floor for pregnant and laboring women and children. They'll have their own doctor too! Curie's already found a midwife who's delivered 9 babies and she's going to teach her to do all sorts of procedures you and I have never heard of that can save all sorts of women and children from being lost in childbirth. It's really gonna be an amazing thing to see, just wait.
Hair color?
Eye color?
Also brown
November 12th
Typically? Just generally excited. Maybe a bit annoyed. Fatigued. Anxious. Ready to rock n' roll... Jittery. How many more questions is this, exactly...?
I'm comfy identifying as female.
Summer or winter?
I love being able to wear a good coat.
Morning or afternoon?
Afternoon! Mornings drag. You've gotta do so many things before you can get started doing things.
Are you in love?
...I mean yeah I am. I dunno why that's all that important right now but I've got a guy and he makes me really happy and... I dunno. It's weird. It seems like he likes me too. I mean he's said he likes me. Loves me, even. I mean I said it too. First, actually. I said it first... do you maybe wanna go back to talking about the hospital? I've lined out a whole floor for mental health servi-
Do you believe in love at first sight?
Oh lordy I sure believe in head-over-heels infatuation at first sight. And lust. Lust at first sight is for sure a thing... interest at first sight? Unfathomable certainty at first sight? Is that an oxymoron? I don't care if it is. I've had it a few times now.
Who ended your last relationship?
Mutual. It was mutual.
Have you ever broken someone’s heart?
I was a bit of a heartbreaker in my formative years... had some unrequited crushes, rebuffed some unrequited crushes... you know how it is. People get this idea of you that just isn't what you are you know? And it's easier to just... deflect than to go through the motions of showing them they're wrong.
Are you afraid of commitments?
No I like committing to things and having people commit to things. It's nice to have something stable in your life and to be able to rely on people.
Have you hugged someone within the last week?
OF COURSE. I mean RJ for one and also Dogmeat for sure. I hug John every time I see him. Curie LOVES to be hugged. Archie isn't huge on it but Wayne likes to overstep his bounds and get one in and what the hell, I love it too. As long as I'm not in uniform it's all good.
Have you ever had a secret admirer?
I had a guy sending me letters at once point. It spooked me a little bit and my uh, boyfriend at the time told me he'd take care of it. I didn't ask how. I also never got any more letters...
Have you ever broken your own heart?
Aha. Yeah that's a funny way of putting it but sure. Like I said I've had unrequited crushes.
Love or lust?
Do I get any passes? To just not answer some of these? Because this one is complicated and I don't have time to dictate a novel to you.
Lemonade or iced tea?
What's a lemon? 🤔 Those don't exist anymore, right?
Cats or dogs?
They're both great but I'm for sure a dog person.
A few best friends or many regular friends?
Many friends!
Wild night out or romantic night in?
I like to stay in! Not really a drinker and it's nice to have one on one time with RJ.
Day or night?
Night. For sure night. It's like free time. Not like time I can spend doing whatever, like "freetime", but like a big chunk of time that I can just... steal. People usually aren't after me for things at night and it's quiet enough I can settle into some bigger projects. As long as I'm allowed to, of course. Sometimes I get put to bed early anymore...
Been caught sneaking out?
Nope! Rose hell, never caught.
Fallen down/up the stairs?
Nope pass next move on next next ne-
Wanted something/someone so badly it hurt?
...yeah. I mean, of course. Uhm. Next.
Wanted to disappear?
OK fuck off with these ones, alright? NEXT.
Smile or eyes?
Eyes. You can tell a lot by the eyes.
Shorter or taller?
You know? I used to be really into taller dudes but... yeah RJ kinda snuck up on me. He's still taller than me but not by a lot, and I feel like his height makes his boasting confidence all the more attractive. I mean endearing. I mean-
Intelligence or attraction?
I've never had to choose.
Hook-up or relationship?
Well, you know, I tend to go for hook-ups and end up committed. Not that I've ever been against commitment, it's just never really been my goal going into things. It's just where I end up...
Do you and your family get along?
Yeah we did mostly.
Would you say you have a “messed up life”?
It's... you know. It's what it is. Could be worse, I think. I don't wanna, uhm. Yeah. Next question maybe?
Have you ever run away from home?
Uhm... I mean I left home kind of early but no I wouldn't say I ever ran away.
Have you ever gotten kicked out?
No, as far as my parents knew I was pretty much a star.
Do you secretly hate one of your friends?
No! Nononononono-
Do you consider all of your friends good friends?
I mean yeah the ones who are my friends are definitely my friends. People I just work with but who aren't really my friends? We're friendly. None of them are safe, though. I'll set you straight if you need it.
Who is your best friend?
RJ. Definitely RJ. Archie's a close second and Vee is up there, but RJ and I are very, uhm. Close.
Who knows everything about you?
Everything? I don't think anyone knows everything about anyone! What color shirt was I wearing on the third Sunday after my first childhood dog died? I dunno! I don't think anyone knows. That information is lost to the ravages of time as is... like... a lot of things about a lot of people. You can't know! No one can know. It's just lost. And you have to make peace with that. However you can.
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