#I have attempted writing these essays four times this week
plutoids-thoughts · 2 years
Am I listening to the age of extinction soundtrack for the fourth time this week? Unimportant.
What’s more important is WHO IS CUTTING ONIONS????
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reachartwork · 11 months
how to write fight scenes
many people have told me that Chum has good fight scenes. a small subset of those people have asked me on advice for how to write fight scenes. i am busy procrastinating, so i have distilled my general ethos on fight scenes into four important points. followed by a homework assignment.
Fight scenes take place on two axii - the physical and the intellectual. For the most interesting fight scenes, neither character should have a full inventory of the other's abilities, equipment, fighting style, etc. This gives you an opportunity to pull out surprises, but, more importantly, turns each fight into a jockeying of minds, as all characters involved have to puzzle out what's going on in real time. This is especially pertinent for settings with power systems. It feels more earned if the characters are trying to deduce the limitations and reach of the opponent's power rather than the opponent simply explaining it to them (like in Bleach. Don't do that). 1a. Have characters be incorrect in their assumptions sometimes, leading to them making mistakes that require them to correct their internal models of an opponent under extreme pressure. 1b. If you really have to have a character explain their powers to someone there should be a damn good reason for it. The best reason is "they are lying". The second best reason is "their power requires it for some reason".
Make sure your blows actually have weight. When characters are wailing at each other for paragraphs and paragraphs and nothing happens, it feels like watching rock 'em sock 'em robots. They beat each other up, and then the fight ends with a decisive blow. Not interesting! Each character has goals that will influence what their victory condition is, and each character has a physical body that takes damage over the course of a fight. If someone is punched in the gut and coughs up blood, that's an injury! It should have an impact on them not just for the fight but long term. Fights that go longer than "fist meets head, head meets floor" typically have a 'break-down' - each character getting sloppier and weaker as they bruise, batter, and break their opponent, until victory is achieved with the last person standing. this keeps things tense and interesting.
I like to actually plan out my fight scenes beat for beat and blow for blow, including a: the thought process of each character leading to that attempted action, b: what they are trying to do, and c: how it succeeds or fails. In fights with more than two people, I like to use graph paper (or an Excel spreadsheet with the rows turned into squares) to keep track of positions and facings over time.
Don't be afraid to give your characters limitations, because that means they can be discovered by the other character and preyed upon, which produces interesting ebbs and flows in the fight. A gunslinger is considerably less useful in a melee with their gun disarmed. A swordsman might not know how to box if their sword is destroyed. If they have powers, consider what they have to do to make them activate, if it exhausts them to use, how they can be turned off, if at all. Consider the practical applications. Example: In Chum, there are many individuals with pyrokinetic superpowers, and none of them have "think something on fire" superpowers. Small-time filler villain Aaron McKinley can ignite anything he's looking at, and suddenly the fight scenes begin constructing themselves, as Aaron's eyes and the direction of his gaze become an incredibly relevant factor.
if you have reached this far in this essay I am giving you homework. Go watch the hallway fight in Oldboy and then novelize it. Then, watch it again every week for the rest of your life, and you will become good at writing fight scenes.
as with all pieces of advice these are not hard and fast rules (except watching the oldboy hallway fight repeatedly) but general guidelines to be considered and then broken when it would produce an interesting outcome to do so.
okay have a good day. and go read chum.
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Having spent the last few weeks un-fridging Catherine Todd, let me tell you, I NEVER want to see another motherfucker complaining about how Jason was """fridged"""
Like, sorry folks but he just fucking wasn't!!! Even if he had been a female character, that would not have been a fridging. The narrative at all times was deeply concerned with his internal experience of the world, his motives and emotions, and always considered him a human being whose agency and autonomy needed to be considered and highlighted. At least half of Death in the Family is about Jason's wants and needs and his attempts to fulfill them. Jason constantly makes decisions that alter the course of the story.
"Oh but his death was used for the development of the other character and the tone of the narrative as a whole" yeah, no fucking shit, of course it was, that is the entire fucking point of killing a character off! When a character dies, they stop developing through their own story arc, so they can only effect the arcs of other characters. The fact that this is done disproportionately to women is only one part of what the concept of fridging is about and reducing it down to only that ignores the real meat of why fridging matters.
Fridging is about the way that female characters are killed off in ways that disregard their agency, write off any choices, emotions, or motivations they might have had as not worth examining, and pointing out that the reason female characters are so often killed this way is because women are thought of as being less capable of agency and less fully people than men.
A good way to tell if a character has been fridged is to ask yourself "Hmm, if this woman was replaced with a literal bitch, an actual four legged puppy dog, would the narrative meaningfully change?"
Catherine Todd was fridged for Jason. She has no opinions, no meaningful personality traits, no agency in her own story or basically anyone else's for that matter. She is sad. She is addicted. She is dead. That is the whole of her character. Her entire purpose is to be a bullet point of angst in Jason's backstory. If you replaced her with a dead dog, none of Jason's story would be meaningfully changed.
"Oh but she was a parent, all the Robins have dead par-" They why was it Willis Todd that got resurrected in order to turn Jason into the 'Damned Prince of Gotham' and not her? It's because misogyny. If you come to any other conclusion why Scott "Known to Write Misogynistically" Lobdell didn't make Catherine Todd the one to come back, you are fucking kidding yourself. She is a female character and was therefore not given the same consideration as the male characters, it is as simple as that.
We all have every right to rail against the way Jason was killed off, the way the narrative blames him for his own death, the ways that he has been badly mishandled. He's even a character that's suffered due to prejudice! The classism in the way he's handled is really strong! I also think there's a ton of value in an analytical comparison between the ways that Jason's mental health is treated and the origins of mental health stigma that are rooted in misogyny. The Jason Todd Hysteria Essay is a frequent reread for me.
None of this makes him "female coded" and any serious comparison of how female characters are treated and how he is treated must inevitably run into the truth that he does benefit from all the privileges that a male character gets for being male. He is treated in classist and ableist ways, and both classism and ableism intersect with misogyny, but the fact of the matter is that he does not have direct misogyny wielded against him and the female characters around him suffer from misogyny to his benefit.
You can call his death obnoxious, a callow cash grab, poorly thought out, bad for his character, of overall detriment to society, et.c. and be perfectly justified in doing so
But if you claim that he was fridged you are factually incorrect and for the crime of ripping the label off of a feminist theory (and failing to learn what it means beyond the most reductive single sentence 'definition' possible) for the benefit of a male character I sentence you to having all of your socks dipped in musty ass bog water.
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missjomarch · 1 year
Thoughts about sitting between lukeys legs against his chest while you write an essay you’ve been stressing over
A/N: loved LOVED writing this request. Came to me in the middle of finals week so perfect comforting thoughts. Thank you for your patience anon, I got busy (again, finals 🥲). Enjoy 🫶
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You had always taken school very seriously, and you were good at most subjects. However, as a STEM major, writing essays was the bane of your existence. It wasn’t that you weren’t good at it, having earned a high grade on all previous essays for this class. But being the perfectionist you are, you had a terrible habit of nit-picking everything you wrote. You’d finally get a thought down, only to delete and reword it a million times until it felt perfect. It made any simple essay into an extremely daunting task. Luke knew you struggled, and while he wasn’t much help in the academic department, he was your biggest cheerleader.
Currently, you were working on an research analysis paper you’d been putting off for two weeks. Now it was due in two days. After your minor mental breakdown the night before, Luke promised to help you get it done today. He had gotten you set up on the couch of your apartment before he left for morning skate at 8. However, he hadn’t expected to find you in the exact same spot when he returned four hours later.
Your eyes meet his as he walks through the door, and it feels like the first time you’ve looked away from the screen in hours. His hair is still wet from his shower, and he holds a Chipotle bag in his hands.
“Hey babe,” Luke calls into your apartment, setting the food on the kitchen counter before making his way towards the couch. He wears a small smile as he leans down to place a kiss to the back of your head. You attempt to flash a smile over your shoulder, but Luke has already noticed the tension in your face.
“How’s the essay going?” Luke hums, leaning down to see your computer screen as his hands begin rubbing at the tightness in your shoulders. You let the singular paragraph on your screen do the talking, opting for a slight shake of the head instead of a verbal response. You let out a heavy sigh, and attempt to rub the burning sensation from your eyes.
“How long have you been working on it?” Luke mumbled, hands still working at your shoulders.
“Since you left this morning,” you uttered, leaning your head slightly to rest on his forearm. “I swear I’m trying but my brain is just not wording today.”
Luke leaned to press a soft kiss to your temple, “let’s take a break, yeah? I brought you food.”
You let out another soft sigh before agreeing and closing your laptop. You stand up from the couch, Luke’s hands falling from your shoulders, and make your way to the kitchen. You get each of you a water from the fridge as Luke takes the food from the bag. You take a moment to drink in all six feet and 2 inches of your boyfriend as he grabs forks from the drawer. The sight of him in a backwards hat and fitted long sleeve is much more pleasing than the glaring computer screen.
“You’re staring, love.” Luke calls from the other side of the kitchen, breaking you from your trance. You roll your eyes at the smirk playing on his lips, and sit down and the island. Luke hands you your food and stands across from you to eat his. You can’t help the smile that forms as you realize he never texted to ask for your order. You know he has most of them in a note on his phone, but it always surprises you. You chat while you eat, Luke doing most of the talking as he gives you the details about morning practice and his upcoming games. You avoid the topic of the essay until you’re finished eating. It doesn’t take near as long as you’d like, and 30 minutes later you’re cleaning up your food and mentally preparing to start again. Luke doesn’t miss the dread in your eyes, and comes to rest his hands on your waist.
“How can I help you, baby?” Luke mutters, eyebrows furrowed in concern. One hand massages your hip lightly as the other comes to brush a fallen piece of hair from your face. You pout lightly, knowing he won’t let you procrastinate any longer.
“I don’t know…” you sigh, thinking for a moment. “Can you just sit with me?”
Luke is nodding his head immediately, “anything you need, babe.”
He grips your hand and carefully drags you towards the couch. He sets up on the chaise and settles you between his legs.
You lean into his hold, back against his chest, before moving your computer to your lap. His familiar scent engulfs you immediately, and it soothes your stress slightly. One of his arms snakes around your waist, and he keeps the other to scroll through his phone as you work. You set your focus back on the screen, determined to finish this damned essay.
The two of you remain like this for two hours as you type away. Occasionally you have Luke read a section to ensure it sounds decent. He always happy to insist that it’s perfect, awarding you with a small kiss. After managing to reach just past the halfway point, you take a small break and relocate to your bedroom for a change of scenery. You remain in the same position, only this time on your bed with Luke propped against the headboard behind you. He has a few wordage suggestions here and there, but is mostly silent as you write.
It’s 4:30 pm when you finally shut your laptop, letting out a long breath you had been holding. Your head falls back against Luke’s chest as he looks down at you.
“Finished?” You nod, eyes closing briefly as you mumble out a ‘finally’ in response. He laughs, setting his phone to the side to wrap you in his arms more firmly.
“Good job, babe. Knew you could do it.” Luke says, lips pressed to your hairline. You send him a small glare, still slightly annoyed at him for forcing you to work but thankful nonetheless. You break from his hold to turn and face him.
“Thank you for helping me, I don’t know what I’d do without you.” He smirks back at you.
“Probably flunk out of college,” He teases.
“Andddd lovey dovey moment over,” you sigh, rolling your eyes at his typical antics. You flipped back around to lay against his chest once more.
“Nap?” Luke proposes. He knows you’ll say yes and is already scooting down to lay down. You just nod, humming an ‘mhm’. You let him spoon you as you lay, sleep already overtaking you both. Your legs become entangled as Luke moves his head to rest in the crook over your neck. His warm breath is comforting, and you relax further into his arms. You feel Luke press a soft kiss to your neck, and your eyelids finally shut against the stress of the day.
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cleolinda · 5 months
Weekend links, April 21, 2024
My posts
Initially I wrote, “I ran my mouth about the Watcher streaming/paywall situation because I make bad decisions,” but I think the post has actually gone over well? In short, I want to see them succeed but I am also deeply fuckin’ baffled. I so desperately want the tea about what was really going on behind all this, and how the guys are reacting to it now, and I really hope they can turn this around somehow. 
Side note, Friday was CHAOTIC. 
Reblogs of interest
The Hot Vintage Lady Polls are escalating in round four. We got to a point where I posted propaganda for Ava Gardner AND Dorothy Dandridge in their matchup. Probably the biggest scandal of round three was Vivien Leigh getting knocked out, but she’s now High Chancellor of the Shadow Realm. The most contentious matchup this time seems to be Judy Garland vs Natalie Wood, which is nearly 50/50 as of this writing. But keep your eye on Hedy Lamarr, who may have Mifune Sweep energy. 
(I think I love these brackets for the same reason I love Dracula Daily: it’s delightful that thousands of people on Tumblr actually have deeply-held opinions about things from many decades ago, and if they didn’t before, they do now.)
(“I’m Katharine Hepburn, and this is Jackass!”)
Happy Bread Day (Observed)!
Hozier Watch 2024: “Why Would You Be Loved” has arrived on the Wasteland, Baby! special edition. I like this post about how that song is in conversation with “No Plan,” one of my favorites. (I wrote about “Movement” a while ago, but I could have fully inflicted an essay on you about how “No Plan” pulled me out of my six years of hiding from the internet. Anyway, it’s a great album from a few years ago, check it out if you haven’t.) 
Generally I keep my mouth shut about Taylor Swift, but the new songs sure have some lyrics. I love Florence Welch, but I’m scared.
You’ve heard of spoon theory, now check out spell slot theory
“You’re either frolicking in this field with me, or...” is funny, but then you get to the reblog.
What if we lay in this field together and held feet
A deep breach of etiquette with a little dog named Gucio
A story about statue vandalism with a delightful twist
You gotta fight mint with mint (like I can bring in my lemon balm, but at what cost?) 
I saw this post about feeding wild skeletons on Pinterest and I loved it so much that I tracked down the original. 
Once again, Holy Shit, Two Cakes theory
Remember the haunted house I grew up in? Yeah, it had a carpeted bathroom like this.
“gonna start formatting my posts like fics on ff.net circa 2008” will do you exactly the psychic damage you’re imagining 
The Round Table attempts to use Zoom
Lil Nas X covers “Jolene,” Dolly Parton loves it, and @oscar-wet-and-wilde has further Black Country recs
A big loud steppy
“He’s retrieving”
Crispy meows
Watching this angel of a Doberman get a full spa treatment is also self care
The sacred texts
I don’t like thing, now with artist credit 
Personal tags of the week
I love when I can use a really niche, specific tag, and this week, it’s mouth perfect size for meme, with a little shaped on the side.
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starstruckwillows · 2 years
♡ good cop, bad cop - n.w ♡
requested by 🐍<3 i absolutely love this, may be my favourite thing i've written in ages
nancy wheeler x fem!reader, tired!reader, fluff, hurt/comfort, set before s4, exhaustion, suggestive?
nancy steps in when you're about to fall asleep standing
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dustin had started the cop analogy.
in reference to the four older kids that babysat them, there were two pairs. robin and steve, you and nancy. between the two former, there was no distinction. but all the kids agreed that you were good cop, nancy was bad cop.
which is why they begged you to take them to the arcade. you were tired already, and you had an essay to finish writing, but then will said, "please, it's my last week before we move!"
funnily enough, that excuse also had you dragged into the cinema, the park, the wheeler's basement, the park again because el left her bag, and then the library.
by the time you'd dropped them all home, your alarm clock read 10.24pm.
you still had an essay to write.
the rising sun cast shadows through your window, pronouncing the dark half-moons stamped beneath your eyes even further. they cast a slope across your nose in the new light, following the hair spread across the desk you'd fallen asleep at, too exhausted to crawl into your own bed.
a knock at your door stirred you, as you removed a piece of hair from your eyelid via confused blinking.
"c- come in?"
you weren't expecting to see brunette curls around the side of your door, and a perfectly manicured hand leaning against it.
"nance? hi..." you didn't want to be rude and ask what she was doing here, but you were almost definitely sure you didn't have plans today.
she smiled, approaching you and kissing your forehead briefly, "morning, your dad let me up. i've got coffee and bagels."
at the mention of breakfast you sat up properly with a stretch, gladly accepting her offerings.
you yawned, "do you have anything to do today?"
there was still a slightly giddy, affectionate smile on her face, as she let her thumb run a course over the sleepless stains under your eyes. you tried not to lean into her touch, but your deprived brain failed.
"no, darling, i've got the whole day free. we can just relax, unless you're busy?"
you shook your head to indicate your availability and let her move to face your back, arms around your midsection. she noticed the tension in your tired body as she bent down to whisper, a slight rhythm to her voice, "when your parents leave, we've got the whole house and a lot of the day... bet we could come up with some way for you to relax."
despite yourself, you smiled again and leaned into her, curling your hand around her arm, "that sounds good."
not even twenty minutes later, you were curled into a corner of your couch while nancy fiddled with the television. your hair had been brushed, your clothes from yesterday swapped for fresh ones, your face washed and teeth brushed. beginning to feel slightly more alive.
"i'm gonna grab something from the kitchen, i'll be back in a second love."
they didn't even knock. will hung at the back, seemingly unsure about the home intrusion, but clearly powerless to stop it because mike was on a mission.
he stood before you as you sat up and put your best attempt at joy on your face.
"morning guys." you repressed a yawn.
mike waved, "hi. can you drive us to family video?"
you frowned lightly, "can't steve?"
"nah his shift was too early, we weren't up in time."
you bit your lip, picking up your car keys with a sigh, "alright, but he can take you back."
they nodded amicably, will and dustin offering you a speedy thanks. they hadn't noticed nancy in the doorway with her arms folded.
"guys!" she wasn't shouting but there was a clear tone involved, "no, no way. you dragged y/n around all yesterday, and gave her like two hours to sleep. leave her alone."
mike threw his hands up, "nancy! she already said she would."
"don't care, get out. and knock next time you heathen."
grumbling under his breath, her brother shot her the finger, half-smiled at you, and left. dustin, lucas and will trailed after him, mumbling their thanks to you as they went.
chucking your car keys back onto the table they'd rested on previously, you sagged into the sofa. nancy joined you, and her hands went to yours.
"thank you," you were barely whispering, but she was paying enough attention to your lips to figure out what you said.
she didn't answer you in words, simply tugging your head towards her chest and returning your focus to the television.
@anordinarymuse @kingshitonly
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Billboard project
* * * *
Trump lashes out at women accusing him of sexual assault
In a second bizarre appearance this week, Trump spent 45 minutes in a grievance-filled “press conference” overflowing with defamatory attacks on women who have accused him of sexual assault. The one thing the “press conference” did not include was questions from the press.
Trump's 45-minute rant reminded voters of the multiple accusations of sexual assault against him. And in a breath-taking admission, he said he did assault one of his accusers because, “[S]he would not have been the chosen one.” That defense repeats his claim that he did not sexually assault E. Jean Carrol because “She’s not my type.”
It is Kafkaesque that one of the major party nominees has so many credible claims of sexual assault lodged against him that he can spend 45 minutes denying them. In any other era in American history, such allegations would be instantly disqualifying. But the major media focuses on horse-race polling to the exclusion of character and demonstrated unfitness for office.
Even as Maggie Haberman of the Times provided an accurate recitation of Trump's rambling discourse, she acknowledged, “As a one-off event, Mr. Trump’s diatribe was already receding from view in headlines by late afternoon.”
Of course, as long as the Times continues to lose interest in Trump's meltdowns in four hours, it is no wonder that Trump's depravity is overlooked by the public.
There is a growing consensus that the press is failing to hold Trump accountable for his criminality and corruption. Rebecca Solnit of The Guardian addresses the failure of the press in her op-ed, The mainstream press is failing America – and people are understandably upset.
I recommend Solnit’s essay to your weekend reading, but to whet your appetite, I excerpt the following:
The first thing to say about the hate and scorn currently directed at the mainstream US media is that they worked hard to earn it. They’ve done so by failing, repeatedly, determinedly, spectacularly to do their job, which is to maintain their independence, inform the electorate, and speak truth to power. They pursue the appearance of fairness and balance by treating the true and the false, the normal and the outrageous, as equally valid and by normalizing Republicans, especially Donald Trump, whose gibberish gets translated into English and whose past crimes and present-day lies and threats get glossed over. They neglect, again and again, important stories with real consequences.
Solnit’s criticism that the press “translates Trump's gibberish into English” was also discussed by Isabel Fattal in The Atlantic | Daily, A new level of incoherence from Trump. Fattal writes,
But the biggest problem, the problem that all journalistic analysis of Trump's response ought to lead with, is that his answer makes absolutely no sense. Earlier this summer, The Atlantic’s editor in chief, Jeffrey Goldberg, warned about “one of the most pernicious biases in journalism, the bias toward coherence.” Journalists “feel, understandably, that it is our job to make things make sense,” he wrote. “But what if the actual story is that politics today makes no sense?”
When Joe Biden stumbled in attempts to express himself—a lifelong characteristic driven in part by his stutter—the Times wrote dozens of stories suggesting that Biden was unfit to be president (despite his spectacularly successful current presidency). But when Trump speaks gibberish, the Times strains to glean meaning and coherence where none is to be found.
The question is, “Why?” Why does the media believe it is their role to filter and correct Trump's incoherence? The answer to that question will vex historians for decades and centuries to come.
In the absence of a satisfying or clear answer to that question, my default assumption is that the major media sees Trump as good for business, even if he is bad for democracy. Profit über alles. Shame on them.
Trump is a uniquely unfit candidate for the presidency The presidential oath of office requires the president to swear to protect and defend the Constitution—which Trump has already attempted to overthrow on one occasion and has promised to do so again.
Before Joe Biden withdrew from the race, there was a general sense that “the need to defend democracy” was not an argument that resonated with voters. It should be. Perhaps it is time for Kamala Harris to revisit and reframe the argument, especially given the renewed activity around Trump's legal and criminal jeopardy. It sure would be nice if the major media viewed Trump's threat to democracy as newsworthy.
[Robert B. Hubbell Newsletter]
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onlyseokmins · 2 years
too many holes to choose from • hhu
Pairing: hip hop unit x afab!reader
Genres: smut (minors dni!), fivesome w/ hhu, CRACK/HUMOR ABSOLUTE CLOWNERY don't take me or this seriously at all
Warnings: unhealthy coping mechanisms in order to take four dicks in the most impossible way = best crack content out there ❤️ kinda gross and weird if taken too seriously (don't be like mingyu)
WC: bulleted list 🤷🏻‍♀️
A/N: this is what happens when hhu are being whores onstage + @duhnova (credit to their silly sexci brain) and I are up way past our bed times... Might be expanded on seriously in the future 😅
CONCEPT: You've got four dicks for the taking and offer up your seven holes to accommodate them 🫡🫦
"There's... more?"
Poor baby is baffled when you ask which of your seven holes he would prefer
Only really learned about the main three just a few weeks ago
He's so confused and unsure about what other four you're referring to
Eyes blown wide, mouth hanging open when you attempt to explain
But you decide he's a lil too dumb (affectionate) to follow
WILL take you too seriously
He's also too big for your other tiny, special holes
He can use and choose from the regular ones however he likes
Oh and he does
Proving what he learned about the three main holes very well in the end
Does his little eyebrow wiggle and pouty lips — you know what I'm talking about — when you say you'll take him up your nose
"You'll what?" Are... you sure?"
You're going to snort this man
You're going to make it happen
Because that's just how things should be
And he's like how and why
Will be very doubtful, concerned, amused, and somehow turned on by your absolute weirdness and tenacity
Of course, that doesn't work out but there is a hole somewhere close enough that you can accommodate him in
So your nose is somewhere involved in there but not in the dick-taking way and that's a win for all of you really
"I've got two ear holes," you inform him.
"So do I, sweetie. You're not special."
“No, you don’t get it, sweetie, 'cause you’re not hearing me obviously... I want you to stick your dick in them.”
That shuts him up real quick
He obviously doesn't think this will work
But he can't help but be curious wtf happens if he sticks his dick in one ear does it come out the other???
Listen, brain worms but like dick worms
Anyways, y'all gonna end up having a deep conversation about how this could all work while he's balls-deep inside of you so it's a win-win
Love a man with a sexci, thought-provoking brain (derogatory)
The only normal one
And by normal I mean he isn't having any of your shit
Not in his Christian Minecraft server
*pushes his glasses up anime-style*
He's going to fix y'all make you worse
WILL educate everyone on the proper holes to fill
Various positions, many times...
Takes education very seriously
Might even find some online pdf / article for mingyu to study and you to write an essay on later
He will consider asking cheol to demonstrate along with him because he trusts the older just enough despite the morbid brain conversation
Simply pretends he does not have two ear holes to hear
Honestly though by the time he's done with you you're going to be wishing you had those four extra holes because he's a beast *sweats*
Anyways y'all have normal fivesome fun sexci time and it's even more enjoyable after having some good humored clownery beforehand 🙏🏻
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up-in-space-reading · 2 months
Average Weekly Screentime - Chap 1: Let's Make a Bet
pairing: Jake Peralta x Amy Santiago
word count: 2472
warnings/tags: college au, texting, drunk texting, text fic (mostly, there's prose a few chaps in), bets, bisexual!jake peralta, jake peralta has adhd, parties, drinking and alcohol, sexual references, implied sexual content (nothing explicit, just suggested its going to happen/has happened), friends to lovers, swearing, mentions of cannibalism, lighthearted threats of violence (typical rosa stuff yk), fluff
read on ao3
Average Weekly Screentime masterlist
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Story Summary: texting fic college AU with the squad! It's the beginning of the school year and while everyone else thinks it'll be the same as the previous year, Gina has a feeling things are going to be different and wagers a bet with Rosa and Charles. Told through all the various group chats everyone is in.
Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: So I attempted writing a text fic for another fandom i used to write for buuut abandonded it when i left the fandom. But i wanted to give it another go!! I think it helps me be a bit more creative, and I had some content that I hated going unused. I've tried to make everyones nicknames and stuff in group chats obvious so you don't get too confused who is who but I do have a "key" written out in my notes I can include if you need, just comment and lmk!!
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Jimmy Jabbers
[9:05am, Monday]
Four Eyes: Jake has fallen asleep in class, bets on how long until he wakes up?
Queen G: The whole class
Mr Grapes: 30 minutes
RoRo: Professor?
Four Eyes: Wunch
RoRo: She’s gonna wake him up in 12 mins
Four Eyes: Will keep you updated
[9:17am, Monday]
Four Eyes: Rosa you terrify me
RoRo: I know RoRo: what do I get for winning?
Four Eyes: I’ll make Jake give you $10
Vic Kovac: not happening
RoRo: you say that now RoRo: but you will give me my money
Vic Kovac: is anyone else feeling threatened
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:37pm, Wednesday]
Ferris: hey santiago Ferris: i have a super important question Ferris: how did fountains work way back in time Ferris: or did they not have fountains and fountains r a recent thing Ferris: has media ruined my perception of fountains
Cameron: You do know that google exists?
Ferris: i wanted to ask u first bc ur smart
Cameron: Jake, I’m working on our essay that’s due in two weeks, google it yourself please
Ferris: ur so boring
[11:59pm, Wednesday]
Ferris: it was gravity Ferris: gravity made the fountains Ferris: fountains are like SUPER old
Cameron: Yeah that makes sense Cameron: Now please let me go to sleep
Ferris: goodnight!!!!!!!!!
Jimmy Jabbers
[8:43pm, Thursday]
Queen G: okay losers gather around Queen G: we are partying this weekend, no arguments Queen G: its happening and EVERYONE will be participating
Vic Kovac: YES G LETS GO Vic Kovac: whats the plan?
Queen G: one of terrys housemates was thinking of having a party and terry said he can persuade him to have one
Mr Grapes: oohh a party! I’ve been wanting to take my new slacks for a test run
RoRo: @vic kovac how bad are the slacks?
Vic Kovac: so awful
Mr Grapes: you guys hate my style! Its not fair :(
Queen G: because Charles the clothes you wear make you look like a background extra of a movie set in an office but not a new york office more like a used car salesman office in ohio
Mr Grapes: message received loud and clear :(
Four Eyes: Count me in for the party!
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[8:47pm, Thursday]
Ferris: YOU are gonna go to the party?
Cameron: You’re acting like I never go to parties
Ferris: just surprised is all
Cameron: You’re weird
Dance Squad
[9:02pm, Thursday]
G-Hive: okay we need to start a bet NOW
Charlese: what are we betting about??
G-Hive: it’s the beginning of the school year, the two of them seem different this year G-Hive: i think this might be the year! G-Hive: rosa, u in?
Scary: of course I am, dumb bets are my specialty
Charlese: I’m in!!!
G-Hive: ok, start date is today, place ur bets now and u can change them until the clock strikes midnight tonight G-Hive: after that they are locked in
Bi Besties
[9:06pm, Thursday]
Dagger: what r ur feelings towards amy?
El Baboso: she’s my friend El Baboso: why r u asking??
Dagger: dont worry about it
Dance Squad
[9:07pm, Thursday]
Scary: three and a half weeks after we get back from winter break
G-Hive: weirdly specific i like it
Charlese: in three months
G-Hive: awful guess but sure G-Hive: im gonna go with a month before the school year ends
Scary: fair enough
G-Hive: okay im writing all the dates down in my notes G-Hive: remember u have until midnight to change G-Hive: how much is everyone putting in the pool?
Charlese: $50 – feeling confident
Scary: you shouldn’t beScary: I can match that
G-Hive: same G-Hive: its gonna be an interesting school year babes
Jimmy Jabbers
[4:36pm, Friday]
Queen G: party at terry’s tomorrow is ON! Queen G: he said “BYO booze, I’m not made of money” Queen G: hes my fave
Vic Kovac: as ur childhood best friend i resent that statement
Queen G: i said what i said
Vic Kovac: ill find a new bestie
Queen G: you do that pineapples
Four Eyes: HA pineapples
RoRo: pineapples lol
*Jake Peralta has left the group chat*
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[4:38pm, Friday]
Ferris: amy add me back pls
Cameron: I’ll think about it
Ferris: pllllleeeeeaaaaassssseeeeeee
Jimmy Jabbers
[4:39pm, Friday]
*Four Eyes added Jake Peralta to the group chat*
*Four Eyes changed Jake Peralta’s nickname to Pineapples*
Pineapples: im gonna find better friends
Queens, Legends, Icons
[3:13pm, Saturday]
Ginaa: babe what r u wearing tonite????
Rosie: what i usually wear
Ginaa: so real of u
Jimmy Jabbers
[9:27pm, Saturday]
Pineapples: charles and i on our way!!!!!
Four Eyes: Rosa, Gina, and I will be leaving as soon as Gina is satisfied with her hair
[10:46pm, Saturday]
[11:22pm, Saturday]
Queen G: i can’t find rosie Queen G: has anyone seen rosa
RoRo: in the bathroom RoRo: DONT COME FIND ME
[12:34am, Sunday]
Pineapples: me and charle takin amyyy home
Four Eyes: one more daaance
RoRo: freaks
[10:04am, Sunday]
Four Eyes: I want to die
Mr Grapes: seconded
Pineapples: thirded
RoRo: gina and i are getting brunch in 20
Pineapples: count me in
Four Eyes: Me too
Mr Grapes: me three
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[3:15pm, Sunday]
Ferris: ik ur embarrassed but drunk amy was kinda fun ngl
Cameron: As bad as I feel today I will admit that I did have fun
Ferris: in a few weeks when u forget how bad u felt we shall do it again!
Cameron: Whatever you say haha
Jimmy Jabbers
[1:37pm, Wednesday]
Queen G: this class is KILLING me Queen G: someone entertain me pls
Pineapples: ok so if human skin is like pig skin would u be able to make pork crackling but like with human
RoRo: probably if u prepared it properly
Four Eyes: You most probably could. Part of me would want to say that human skin would react to being in an oven differently, but I think if you just used a part of the body most similar to a pork roast it would be fine. Pat dry, oil and salt, all good to cook. The only issue would be knowing how long to cook it for and what temperature so that it does crackle
Pineapples: jesus christ amy…
Queen G: amy i think i just gained a bit of respect for u
RoRo: me too
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[2:55pm, Thursday]
Ferris: im SO bored rn
Cameron: Focusing on the class is usually a good way to cure boredom
Ferris: i tried Ferris: its not happening
Cameron: You’re distracting me
Ferris: come ooonnn we both know u already know the lesson plan
Cameron: That’s not the point
Ferris: stop replying to me then
Cameron: If I don’t reply you’ll just continue to bug me
Ferris: i believe that is what they call a rock and a hard place Ferris: check mate to me Ferris: always get what i want Ferris: do u think holt will get mad if he sees me texting Ferris: probs will Ferris: worth it tbh Ferris: im hungrryyy
Cameron: I’m going to kill you
Ferris: amy pls, get in line behind rosa
Jimmy Jabbers
[7:23pm, Saturday]
Four Eyes: Need movie suggestions, please
Pineapples: mamma mia
Queen G: the mummy Queen G: Brendan Frasier is way too fine to pass up
RoRo: Somethings Gotta Give
Mr Grapes: Dirty Dancing
Four Eyes: Hm okay Four Eyes: No documentaries?
Queen G: NO
Pineapples: n o
RoRo: no
Mr Grapes: Blackfish?
Four Eyes: That’s a bummer Charles…
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[7:30pm, Saturday]
Cameron: I decided on Mamma Mia, thought you’d like to know
Ferris: i knew u were smart
Bi Besties
[6:45pm, Tuesday]
El Baboso: do u have the notes from yesterdays lecture?
Dagger: yeah, why?
El Baboso: can i borrow them? El Baboso: i lost mine
Dagger: no, u never returned the last notes i let u “borrow”
El Baboso: :(
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[6:47pm, Tuesday]
Ferris: amy Ferris: ameesss Ferris: ur my bestie right
Cameron: What do you want, Jake?
Ferris: can i borrow ur notes from holts class yesterday Ferris: PLEASE
Cameron: Yes you can
Cameron: Don’t worry about it, I made an extra copy of mine after class when I noticed you hadn’t taken any notes
Ferris: this is why we r friends
Cameron: So you can steal my notes?
Ferris: uuhhhh
Sleuth Sisters
[6:50pm, Tuesday]
Rosa: cant believe u gave jake ur notes
Amy: I keep hoping that if he has all the material then he might try and study more
Rosa: optimistic
Amy: I know..
Jimmy Jabbers
[9:32pm, Wednesday]
Queen G: a girl in my class just text me that theres a party happening this Friday at her friends place Queen G: which one of u bitches is in
Pineapples: obviously im in!
RoRo: feel like even if i said no i’d be forced to go
Mr Grapes: who’s gonna be there?
Queen G: definitely NOT the professor you have a weird crush on Queen G: just say yes
Mr Grapes: i don’t have a crush on her…
Four Eyes: I can’t do Friday, sorry. Have fun though!
Pineapples: amy pls just forget your study schedule for ONE night
Four Eyes: I’ll think about it, but no promises
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[10:03pm, Friday]
Ferris: i knew u would come
Cameron: Shut up and bring me a drink, if I’m going to miss studying then I at least want to make it worth it
Ferris: 3 drink amy coming right up!
[10:42pm, Friday]
Cameron: rosa just gave me SHOTS
Cameron: you’re weird lol
[11:14pm, Friday]
Ferris: COMING
Jimmy Jabbers
[01:11am, Saturday]
RoRo: anyone seen amy?
Mr Grapes: ive lost jake too
[01:20am, Saturday]
Pineapples: amy threw up in the garden Pineapples: taking her back home in an uber
RoRo: k
[11:24am, Saturday]
Four Eyes: Can’t begin to explain how terrible I feel right now..
Pineapples: im not surprised based on how u were when i took u home
RoRo: drink some coffee and you’ll be fine
Four Eyes: Don’t even talk to me about food or drinks unless its water or plain toast
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:27am, Saturday]
Ferris: sorry u feel crap today
Cameron: I knew what I was signing up for when Rosa handed me the tequila shots
Ferris: if its any consolation i just remembered i have an essay due on monday that i havent done yet
Cameron: If you need help let me know
Ferris: dont make promises u will regret santiago
[01:07pm, Saturday]
G: what was with u taking amy home last night???
Jacob: nothing was with it Jacob: shes my friend and i helped her Jacob: id do the same for u or charles or rosa
G: hmm okay G: ill accept that G: for now
Jacob: despite being friends with everyone im friends with ur still at the top of the weird list
G: thank you sm <3
Jimmy Jabbers
[08:27pm, Wednesday]
Pineapples: guys im so booorreeddd Pineapples: someone talk to meeee
Queen G: we could play a game?
Pineapples: like what???
Queen G: ive been saving this screenshot for a rainy day Queen G: what movie is this, wrong answers only Queen G: 1 image attachment – screenshot of movie review which says “These two fuck like they’re gremlins in a rainstorm”
Pineapples: Home Alone surely
Four Eyes: Point Break
Mr Grapes: Dumb and Dumber
Queen G: @four eyes point break isn’t a documentary, you know that right?
Four Eyes: I don’t just watch documentaries, Gina
RoRo: Saw
Pineapples: do i wanna know who in saw ur talking about
RoRo: no you don’t
[10:07pm, Wednesday]
Pineapples: how long has the concept of whiteness been around
Four Eyes: For the love of God…
Mr Grapes: this feels like a conversation I should stay out of
RoRo: take a guess or google dumbass
Pineapples: b* idk like 12 AD
RoRo: don’t hide it under your little asterisks Peralta, call me a bitch like a man so I can slap you like a woman
Pineapples: if my dead body is found tomorrow use this gc as evidence
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[05:03pm, Friday]
Ferris: dark academia has been done to death
Cameron: Yeah?
Ferris: its time for stripper academia
Cameron: Is this you trying to tell me you want to open up a strip club cross with a library?
Ferris: amy ur a genius!!!
Cameron: Oh god no…
Bi Besties
[02:42pm, Tuesday]
El Baboso: would u rather meet a ghost or a vampire??
Dagger: why??
El Baboso: im curious El Baboso: also ur a deeply unreasonable and angry person so i wanna know ur answer
Dagger: that checks out Dagger: now go away
[02:45pm, Tuesday]
Jacob: would u rather meet a ghost or a vampire?
G: vampire obvs
Jacob: good answer
G: i know
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[02:46pm, Tuesday]
Ferris: would u rather meet a ghost or a vampire?
Cameron: I’m not sure, I’ve never thought about it
Ferris: well nows the time
Cameron: Maybe a ghost, they couldn’t really do anything to hurt me unlike a vampire
Ferris: what if the vampire is very sexy
Cameron: That does change things
The Night Boys
[02:50pm, Tuesday]
Deathblade: charles Deathblade: would u rather meet a ghost or a vampire??
Sidewinder: ghost
Deathblade: what if the vampire was sexy?
Sidewinder: if I get bitten by a vampire then I can’t eat food ever again, only blood Sidewinder: no vampire is sexy enough to make me give up food
Deathblade: fair enough buddy
Jimmy Jabbers
[02:53pm, Tuesday]
Four Eyes: Who else has been asked about ghosts and vampires by Jake today?
RoRo: me
Queen G: me
Mr Grapes: me
Pineapples: you weren’t supposed to talk to each other about it!! Pineapples: you have ruined my important data collection
Four Eyes: What data??
Pineapples: … Pineapples: which of you could be swayed by a vampire
Jimmy Jabbers
[11:12pm, Saturday]
Pineapples: just thinking about if the hudson flooded
RoRo: what would you do about it?
Pineapples: get a big straw
Queen G: girl what
Skipping School Is(n’t) Cool
[11:14pm, Saturday]
Cameron: You alright, Jake?
Ferris: yeah Ferris: why?
Cameron: You’ve just seemed a little all over the place this week
Ferris: ah right Ferris: yeah idk just been a bad brain week i guess
Cameron: Fair enough. If you need anything I’m here :)
Ferris: thanks amy
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Chap 1 | Chap 2 | Chap 3 | Chap 4 | Chap 5 | Chap 6 | Chap 7 | Chap 8 | Chap 9 | Chap 10
authors note: Thanks for reading, i love u <3
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alianoralacanta · 2 months
Coulthard, Sato and Pit Stop Misadventures: Spanish GP (14-05-2007)
Context: The blog plugin for the forum received an upgrade, including shiny new mood and activity indicators! I mostly used it to state what I was reading at the time, because I was and still am a bookworm. (In case you are wondering, my current reading is:
Travel reading: The Time Traveller's Guide to Restoration Britain by Ian Mortimer
Home reading: "No Offence But…" by Gina Martin
e-Reading: A Little Princess by Frances Hodgson Burnett
"Light reading": GP Racing, August 2024)
I'd spent most of the weekend trying to persuade my undergraduate dissertation to print off the computer (I'm not sure if my alma mater has an online copy - it probably does - but since I didn't write it under my psuedonym, I hope you will forgive me for not linking to it). Thus, I'd been on an adrenaline high when I finally succeeded. "Most" of the weekend, because I'd also watched the Spanish Grand Prix, where the accidental comedy had leavened things nicely…
Coulthard, Sato and Pit Stop Misadventures: Spanish GP
Reading The Age of Spiritual Machines by Ray Kurzweil
No Category
Firstly, I apologise if I doze off in the middle of this entry - I've spent a lot of today convincing an unreliable computer system to print off a 2800-word essay (I managed it and handed it in with one minute to spare - don't ask!)
The "Oh no it's all falling to pieces" feeling must have struck David Coulthard at some point during the race, as his Red Bull once again attempted to thwart his efforts to finish a race for once. I was very impressed by his ability to almost maintain the same speed minus third gear as he had with it - and fifth is a great way to finish the first race his midfield car has finished with him in it.
I particularly loved James Allen's comment just before the gearbox issue manifested himself; "This is the best performance we've seen from David since… [pause] …er, the last time we saw a good performance from him a few weeks ago." This proves three things:
1) Walkerisms still sound funny, even when Murray Walker isn't the one saying them 2) four weeks is too long to wait between races 3) David Coulthard is going through one of the best phases of his career - not that the points scoreboard shows that right now
Speaking of good performances from rarely-rewarded people, Takuma Sato put in a lovely race from 13th to 8th. With all the attention ITV lavished upon Anthony Davidson and Jenson Button, you could have been fooled into thinking the guy who'd outqualified both of them didn't exist.
At least, until Sato took Giancarlo Fisichella's 8th place off him and scored Super Aguri's first point ever. Even I, a Fisi supporter who thought that it was unfair that a malfunctioning pitlane device should have put him in that position, could not begrudge Takuma his just reward for a great drive. It seems that Takuma is currently having more success with his self-orientated team than Jacques Villnueve did at BAR. That is a credit to the staff at Leafield as well as to Takuma.
Returning to the pitlane, I was rather miffed at the stuff that was happening in the pitlane - and not just because the Renault rigs forced both Giancarlo and his team-mate Heikki Kovalainen to switch to the slower three-stop strategy mid-race. No, the incident that really got my blood boiling was Massa's portable barbecue.
It is rare for a fuel hose to do that sort of thing, and it was dangerous for both the Ferrari and the McLaren mechanics (the fire had nearly burnt itself out by the time Felipe went alongside the McLaren staffers, but it could have so easily been a considerable amount worse. Intertechnik are not in my good books right now, and I'm sure they're not in Ferrari or Reanult's good books either.
BMW could not blame Intertechnik for their Carry On moment - they caused that one by themselves. How Nick managed to miss the front-right jack man not raising his hand is a minor mystery (not that it was really his fault, but…). How he got away with getting it around the track minus the front right wheel nut without being a hazard to anyone or damaging his car is a major one. (On the upside, the shot of the Toyota mechanic holding the nut aloft, in his best "Has anyone lost something?" posture, was priceless).
It has to be said though that the Spanish GP has been the most interesting race for me all season. I'm not sure what that says about the three flyaways, except that I am now looking forward to Monaco with renewed vigour.
On the blog front, you may have noticed that I have recently added a menu on the right-hand side of the blog screen. With access to a blogroll and the site policy, it should help make things that little bit more enjoyable. Please tell me if there's any other changes you would like to see.
Oh, and I broke the 2000-visit boundary today. I think my involvement in the wider blogosphere may have a lot to do with it, but I am pleased to see so many enjoy my site. Please come as many times as you like, and I hope you'll be here when I celebrate the next milestone (and for the more serious entries in between).
Wow! I managed to stay awake for all that. I'll just go and have a lie-down now…
La Canta Magnifica Blog - After the very interesting Spanish GP, Alianora La Canta looks at two of the stand out drives of the race (David Coulthard and Takuma Sato), as well as the unintentional action down the pitlane.
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nanowrimo · 2 years
How to Win NaNoWriMo While You’re Busy Running NaNoWriMo
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We couldn’t make it through November without the help of our amazing, talented, and dedicated interns! Today, our Fall 2022 Editorial and Programs Intern Josie Gepulle shares some wisdom on how she made it to 50K while also working hard to help keep NaNoWriMo running:   There’s a lot I accomplished during my time as a NaNoWriMo Intern. I found myself doing things I would’ve never thought I could do. I’m naturally a shy introvert, so could I really handle coordinating projects or running Virtual Write-Ins?
The answer is yes, I can do that, and so much more.
What really surprised me, though, was that I won NaNoWriMo for the very first time. I first learned about NaNo when I was around eleven years old, so what was different about this year?
How in the world do you win NaNoWriMo when you’re busy running NaNo itself?
Well, I can’t say I have the perfect answer, but these four things helped me a lot.
1. Take part in NaNo’s online events.
Maybe this is a little unfair, considering I was hosting Virtual Write-Ins. But whether it’s a VWI, Community Meetup, or even an Author Webcast, all these events helped me connect more with the amazing community NaNo has to offer.
My past NaNo attempts were pretty isolated and I was used to writing on my own.
I quickly learned, however, that writing with other people is the best thing in the world. Writers are strange and quirky, but we understand each other more than anyone else. We were able to support each other and give advice that genuinely helped.
There’s also so much community outside of these events too! Shout out to the DFW Rhinos Discord, where I did most of my writing sprints. Each sprint ended with congratulations from fellow writers.
Seeing everyone’s progress in real time is an amazing experience. It inspired me to keep writing too.
When I say any success during NaNo feels like a shared one, I truly mean it.
2. Consistency is the key!
As much as I tried to keep close to a daily word count goal, it was more important to write every single day. Building habits is hard, I’ll admit that.
I tried really hard for NaNo though. I did my best to write the same time every day, usually before work. Sometimes though, writing at night gives you the same feeling as writing an essay an hour before it’s due.
While my time of day wasn’t consistent, I quickly became accustomed to writing every single day. If I truly couldn’t sit down and write that day, I’d type one single word on my phone and count that.
Of course, I will always stress that you should be taking care of yourself first. If you can’t write every single day, that’s fine. Maybe you start by writing every two days or every week. If you can’t write at all, that’s cool too! You’re the one that matters first.
3. Be public about your writing.
Talk to your coworkers about your writing. Talk to your friends about your writing.
I made sure to put my word count in my Discord status and Twitter display name. Everyone was going to see my progress, even if they weren’t a writer.
I was very annoying about my NaNo project, yelling to my friends every time I reached a significant number. They didn’t mind though. They were glad to cheer me on.
The more people you tell, the more cheerleaders you have. Don’t underestimate the power of a cheer squad.
4. Return to your writing roots.
I’m very much aware that a traditional NaNo challenge involves coming up with a new novel idea. Except when you’re running around trying to prepare for November, prepping for a new novel can slip right out of your mind.
Initially, I was disappointed that I couldn’t work on a brand new novel.
Then I realized I had something I could work on. Something I’m very familiar with.
There’s a novel I wrote for my very first NaNo. I never finished it, but I’ve been revising the world and characters for years. I always thought the plot was too difficult for me and I wasn’t ready to write it.
I’ll be honest, I still wasn’t ready when I started writing that new first draft. I felt comfortable though, writing for old characters that I grew up with. The more time that passed, the more I started to enjoy the discovery process. You can do as much planning as you want, but you’ll still end up learning so much about your characters in the writing process.
Return to your old writing friends, the old ideas of your childhood, and maybe something will lead you to success. I’m proud that this is the project that led to my win. Isn’t it poetic? To win NaNo with the novel that inspired you in the first place?
In a lot of ways, maybe these tips are for the super specific version of me that existed last month. Still, I hope they can help a little bit, no matter who you are.
I’m thankful for meeting everyone on the NaNo staff and for all the cool writers I got to interact with. NaNo is truly driven by the principle that every story matters.
I got to experience a few of those stories. I can’t wait to hear more. And dear reader? That includes yours.
Lots of love, Josie
Josie Gepulle is a longtime NaNoWriMo participant and wrangler of characters that become just a bit too alive. She enjoys coming-of-age stories that bring magic to the mundane—sometimes literally! Outside of writing, she loves baking, analyzing media, and staring at hamsters. They’re also an artist and stop motion animator! Feel free to check out their newly created writing Tumblr (@josiewillwrite)  or art Instagram (@ubepengu.draws) for more shenanigans. Feel free to add them as a NaNo buddy as well!
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stressedlawsecretary · 5 months
Today's Focus
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05.09.24 - I am back at work after taking two days to travel for a concert. Frankly, I wish I was back home in bed being lazy rather than here. I suppose I always have time I can take, plus I only have two full weeks of work before a paid holiday.
Work - I mean...I have to clean out my inbox for sure. I remember something from my supervisor about needing to get a hotel and flight for a couple of my lawyers to attend a CLE, and I see a bunch of emails regarding that, so that's probably going to be the main thing I tackle today. I'm sure there are some efiles in there as well but I don't expect it to be very busy.
Background Noise - I'm back to binging YT, and will be doing a lot more of that while my dad is gone visiting his sister. I wanted to bring my earbuds on my car trip; the hope was that somewhere on the 4 hr round trip drive I could get through a nearly 2 hr podcast on SSSniperWolf's bad behavior but I forgot them and so I'm catching up now.
That is not to say that I didn't watch any YT; I did eight videos over the two days, and I kept up on my news program even while my hunny started Hades II to distract me.
Study - Well it's Thursday, so I suppose I should attempt to read some of the actual books I started and not just articles. I'm still counting pages instead of chapters though.
Last time I studied was on Monday, and I read like four random articles/press releases, four Horizon Post Office scandal articles, three pages of HR 5376, and the whole Wiki page for Adamson v. California. I continued to read the other couple of decisions & complaints I started, and I got more pages in, but I haven't finished them yet.
Extras - It is Thursday, so I do need to make sure the trash goes out to the curb; I kept up on the weekly chores so I don't have extras, but I do need to go grocery shopping because the last time I did it only took me to the day before the trip. Thankfully, I can do more microwave kinds of meals while dad's gone to give myself a break; it'll probably be one of the handmade pizzas my local grocer does for tonight. Two more episodes of Carranger; we did do three yesterday and have a total of five left so I bet I can finish the series on Friday. We're also about halfway through the first episode of The Tick, but also probably won't watch more because I'll want hunny to continue playing Hades II. Mini-essay was done quick today; I'm working on another longer one to post and hope I can write a lot when remote working tomorrow.
I'm going to finish my post today by sharing some of the pics/videos from the TWRP concert.
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how-gross · 5 months
3:29am — Sunday, May 5th, 2024
Totally underestimated the power of senioritis and academic burnout. Talk about a double whammy.
I already got into college and the money seems alright (by “alright”, I mean I hopefully won’t be drowning in eternal debt), but I still have so much work that still needs to get done. I have a Semester Project for my Theater 1 class that is meant to act as a substitute for our general exam due on Tuesday, I have 3 AP exams for the next two weeks — AP Literature and Composition, AP Psychology and AP Biology II — and I have a College Trigonometry Dual Enrollment Exam from Tuesday-Thursday (we can choose the dates; for me I’m taking the first part on Tuesday and the second part on Wednesday because my AP Psychology exam is on Thursday and I can’t handle a DE Exam and an AP exam in the same day).
I’m mainly stressed about that Dual Enrollment exam. My teacher says 4-6 attempts on the practice exam should allow you to feel prepared for the exam, and that she’ll give you 5+ bonus points if you do 5 authentic attempts (like don’t just do an attempt and make a zero on it cuz you didn’t try and just wanted an attempt under your belt). The problem is College Trigonometry is SO FUCKING HARD — Literally, the unit of the HARDEST TESTS is in the exam, and no matter how many times my teacher says “the exam is easier than test 3” it doesn’t take away from the fact that Test 3 IS APART OF THE EXAM—
And my AP Literature Exam… I don’t want to admit it, but I honestly gave up on that exam and am planning to just yolo on it. But let’s be honest, my version of “yoloing” anything is just me studying less for that assessment than I would for any other assessment. By that, I mean I’m just gonna watch the AP Classroom Videos that she’s posted throughout the year, read through the notes on this app for AP Prep called Knowt, and try to remember the slim advice she gave for writing essays and the general format of the exam itself, and just hope for the best.
It’s hard when the fucking teacher gives you shit-all to help prepare you for the exam. She literally gave my class NO practice exam assignments on AP Classroom, NO practice essay assignments on AP Classroom— and when I tried to find her on my last day to ask for the AP literature exam prep book in my school library, SHE WAS NOWHERE TO BE SEEN. Don’t even get me started on the essays. I don’t feel confident nor prepared for my essays at all. And I know why— it’s because we did NOTHING but IN-CLASS ESSAY ASSIGNMENTS for MAJOR GRADES for THE ENTIRE YEAR. I got a B on every single one of those in-class essays— on only one of those essays, I got an A, and it was a pretty low A to say the least. And when my class asked her to give us more prep for essays — such as take-home essays, or assigning the in-class essays for a lower grade, or both — and she said no because she knew that she would take a long time to grade them. I can account for her on that, she does take a long-ass time to grade the in-class essays. Like about three-four weeks, maybe even longer cuz my perception of time is off.
But… that all falls apart because here we are, AP Literature students, writing or trying to write full-on essays in a 40-MINUTE TIME SPAN. And you can’t get grades in within 2 weeks or less? My mom was an English teacher and a pretty damn good one at that. I’m swallowing my pride for this, but she’s the whole reason I’m a good writer right now. My mom straight up said that if you know what you’re looking for in an essay, it shouldn’t take you that long to grade an essay.
And my past English honors and AP language teacher can vouch for that; this woman would give us in-class essays as well as take-home essays, and would give them back to us fully graded either the next day, or the day after that. No more, no less. I understand that all teachers and people are different, and they have own strengths and weaknesses— but when those weaknesses interfere with my success, that’s when I become frustrated. I literally don’t feel prepared for a NATIONAL EXAM that could guarantee me for college credit, that COSTS MONEY TO APPLY TO, all because my teacher can’t grade papers fast enough to provide us with more preparation. This is literally insane.
And yeah, that’s pretty much all I have to vent about; my AP Lit and my DE exam. AP Psychology doesn’t count because it’s mainly just my academic burnout talking— my AP Psych teacher is an angel blessed upon this Earth. This woman literally gave an entire Exam Cram worksheet to go by, along with multiple respires to fall back on, and they’re required, which helps me because it forces me to study, which I needed because probably would have procrastinated and had an anxiety attack otherwise (probably still gonna have an anxiety attack but that’s neither here nor there). I’m not focusing on my AP Biology II exam right now because if I do, my head may actually implode in on itself and we can’t have that. I’ll focus on that when the time comes.
Fortunately, my AP Bio teacher is still hosting classes and exam prep days for us, and she’s allowing seniors to come back regardless of administration has anything to say about it. I love her for that.
My poor boyfriend. I feel so bad. I’ve unintentionally ignored him for a good couple months now all because of my academic burnout and senioritis, and the fact that I’ve learned some not-so-good stuff about my home life that has impacted my mental health in a weird way. I have to promise myself that I’ll call him the minute summer hits. There’s no excuse after that (unless I pass out or sm).
Ughhhhh and graduation is a thing that exists. Kill me now. I might just relapse.
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onlinealiasnu · 10 months
music in narnia - pt. 2
that’s probably what kickstarted my love for music. it’s the songs of my childhood that nurtured my appreciation for sounds and music. honestly, growing up, i started falling out of my love for music at first. i remember using my family’s only computer at the time to open youtube and watch lyric videos of the songs i loved as though i was watching an entrapping television show. in actuality, i was watching the lyric video for “you belong with me.”
in sophomore year of high school, once quarantine started and the age of loneliness started, i felt myself more and more attracted to the appeal of music. i started scoping out spotify for a favorite genre or favorite artist for me that i knew was out there but didn’t know about before. i wanted to have a niche music taste that i curated for myself, something so special to me that no one else could relate to. and due to the nature of quarantining and not being able to step outside, i had all the time in the world to do so. so it began: the journey of my acquired music taste and the many playlists i would create and destroy in my attempt to seek this.
i know it all sounds so superficial: my wanting of a niche interest that make me stand-out from the rest of the dingy teenagers that could not compare to my music taste. i wanted to have an “elite” taste that i could feel proud about and that i could define my personality around. i will admit, this thought was incredibly superficial at first, but it was due to this desire for an acquired taste that i began to truly appreciate music for what it did for me.
me and my group of friends spent hours customizing our spotifys to look exactly the way we wanted them to. we would spend hours looping certain songs on repeat, to demonstrate to the world our love for those songs and to tell each other how much we projected onto those songs. throughout this time period, there were certain moments that have truly defined the person i am today and stick out as special memories to this day.
i remember spending my nights up till four or five a.m. on voice calls with my friends. we would discuss monotonous things, and aspects of our lives that we would delve into a psychoanalyze. we would talk about our love for critiques, video essays, and deeper thinking while geeking out over pieces of media we really loved. we played games up until the sun rose, keeping our screams silent as to not wake up our families. we giggled, laughed, and snorted together and even though none of this was in-person, we felt truly connected through the music that would play in the background of it all.
we took turns queuing up songs, humming and singing along to them while doing all the things previously aforementioned. i remember sharing tens of tens of playlists that i made, each for a specific purpose and fleeting feeling that i felt was important enough to create a playlist around. we would go and share songs, ones we loved and others we had “unpopular opinions” about. we bonded over songs by the 1975 and 88rising, sharing videos of our favorite artists on live.
i remember spending nights doing homework and studying for exams, which i would procrastinate until after midnight. after settling down by grabbing a bowl of cereal to munch on as i grinded out assignments and projects, i put on my headphones and turned the volume up, putting on my favorite playlists. while finding the values of x and writing cornell notes for ap world, songs would continuously play for hours on end so i wouldn’t lose my sanity. my most precious moments of quarantine came out of this. there was this tradition that developed between my friend and i where we would not start our week-long and weekly assignments for ap world until the day before. we would call each other while silently working on each of our assignments, music playing in the background. even as the streets became quiet and the sun started rising, we continued working, not letting ourselves succumb to the heaviness of our drooping eyelids and the slowness of our brains. once the clock hit 7 a.m., we would reach the last stretch of our assignment and once we hit the last enter on the document, we rejoiced, saying our goodbyes and shutting off our laptops to crawl into bed for the much-needed half-hour of sleep we would get before class started again.
i remember days spent doing nothing, even with the piles upon piles of responsibilities i was expected to fulfill. i would feel so overwhelmed that i wanted to forget it all and just cease existing—not in the way that i was majorly depressed or anything because whatever i had going on was nothing compared to everyone else’s, but in the way that i just wanted an out so my responsibilities meant nothing to me. but i knew that wasn’t possible. just like time will keep going on, the world never stops turning and i realized that in utter defeat. so on those days, when i wanted an escape, i found myself starting up at the ceiling. no words said, no notifications to bother me. i kept the lights turned off, laying down on the childhood bed next to all my plushies i’d accumulated over the years. i would lay there, next to the wrinkles on my bedsheets, my baby blue bear blanket thrusted in a corner on the foot of my bed. my floor would be a mess, clothing sprawled everywhere and fallen books scattered about. i would cut myself from contact for those couple hours staring at the holes in my ceiling, with the only voice cutting through that silence being the singing of melodies quietly echoing from the speakers of my phone to the rest of my room. eventually, my eyes would slowly close and the muscles of my face would relax, as i drifted away to nothingness. and when i would wake up, i would be greeted by the quiet hum from my phone once again.
i remember yearning and dreaming of better times, listening to the cheesiest songs to ever exist and quiet upbeat ones that lightened my mood. i spent hours talking with my friends, to songs like “fall in love with you in every 4 am” by friday night plans, talking moreso with friends i became extremely close with. i found people that i trusted and people that i knew i wanted to keep in my life, thanks to the dreamy melodies that would accompany my interactions with them. i learned to romanticize what i could, to keep my head afloat and myself motivated. i was lucky to have developed this mentality because my experience in such utter loneliness was not as lonely as other people’s.
so that time, spent with friends—though not in-person—and music, had nurtured me to become the person i am today: someone that truly cares about people.
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abroadeducation · 1 year
How I scored 318 on the GRE in TWO WEEKS
If you can find the right approach to studying for the GRE, it's not out of reach. In fact, I scored 318 on my first attempt at the exam in just two weeks! How did I do it? And what can you learn from my experience?
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How to score 318 on the GRE in 2 weeks.
Use practice tests and review mistakes
Get a copy of the ETS 12-Week Official Guide, which contains over 1,500 questions in total. The guide is divided into four sections: Verbal Reasoning, Quantitative Reasoning, Analytical Writing, and Math Skills Practice Exercises (which is where you'll find all of your drills).
Identify your weak topics within each section: for example, if you're weak at algebra but strong at geometry then focus on drilling those specific areas until they feel comfortable again before moving on to other topics that might be easier for you but still require some work such as vocabulary or reading comprehension passages
You're going to need a study plan. The most important thing you can do is use the ETS 12-Week Official Guide, which has detailed explanations and practice questions for every section of the test.
Take full-length practice exams under timed conditions with scratch paper. This will help you identify your weak topics so that you can drill them later in your studies to increase your score in GRE exam. Make sure that before attempting a question again on that topic, you understand it fully--don't just guess at answers!
If there are any math concepts or skills that you don't fully grasp yet (e.g., algebra), make sure to go over those first; otherwise, they'll just be wasted time in terms of scoring points on the GRE because they won't allow for accurate answers when applying knowledge from other subjects like geometry/trigonometry or arithmetic reasoning (arithmetic).
DAY 1-4
Use practice tests and review mistakes.
You should use practice tests to identify your weak areas and review mistakes. Don't spend too much time on any one question, because this will only lead to more anxiety about the score. The GRE is a test of logic and reasoning, not memorization or speed-reading skills (though those can help).
You will also want to stay calm during the test; being nervous won't help you do well at all! If possible, take a few deep breaths before starting each section so that when it comes time for an essay question or experimental section, your mind is clear enough for effective analysis rather than overwhelmed by anxiety about how much time has passed since the last question was answered correctly.
(Explore: GRE sample papers and question papers)
DAY 5-8
Use the ETS 12-Week Official Guide and take full-length practice exams under timed conditions with Scratch Paper.
Review mistakes and identify weak topics:
Look at your score report, which will tell you which questions were answered incorrectly and how much time you spent on each section of the exam. If a question was hard for you, determine why before attempting it again in future practice sessions (or during your real test).
After each practice test, review your answers so that you can see how well or poorly they match up with what ETS considers correct answers for those questions!
DAY 9-14
Identify weak topics, drill them, and make sure you understand them fully before attempting questions on them again.
Now you can begin identifying the weak topics. You should have a good idea of your strengths and weaknesses by now, so this will be easy to do.
Once you have identified your weak topics, drill them until they are no longer a problem. If one topic is giving you trouble (as opposed to just being on the harder side), make sure that before attempting questions in that area again that it is fully understood by doing some more practice problems or reviewing your notes from class/the textbook if necessary.
The GRE is a challenging test, but with proper preparation, it's possible to boost your score significantly!
The GRE is a challenging test. It's important to prepare for it by taking practice tests under timed conditions, and using the ETS 12-Week Official Guide to get familiar with the format of the test.
I took full-length practice tests under timed conditions once or twice per week, as well as shorter diagnostic exams every day (usually 25 or so questions per session). This helped me identify weak topics that I needed to drill on and make sure I understood them fully before moving on to other topics.
I hope you found this post helpful! I know that the GRE is an intimidating exam, but with the top preparation tips for GRE  and a confident mindset, it can be conquered.
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eijishimas · 3 years
caught red handed.
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18+ nsfw content. minors dni. all characters are aged up.
content warnings: f!reader, college!au, masturbation, mentions of alcohol, voyeurism, daddy kink, bit of a handjob, bit of oral (m!receiving), filming, slight degradation, creampie, one (1) instance of bakugou slapping your pussy.
notes: happy belated birthday to my bestie, @rekiri . you deserve the world and so much more, you’re sweet and hilarious and i fucking love talking to you, whether we’re joking or being more serious. i know you told me not to, but i really wanted to write something for you as a gift (because ya girl is a bit of a broke bitch). ik it’s not eren, kiri, or reki, but i hope you like this piece regardless. i love you, even if you annoy me to death, you whore /j. this one’s for you <3
wc: 2.6k | inspo (nsfw link): xxx
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Everyone knew college was stressful. Deadlines nearly every single week, assignments and essays, not to mention attending classes brought a whole new wave of anxieties for students every single day. Sometimes that stress was either doubled or relieved by having a partner for a project or two. Luckily for you, you and your old high school classmate Katsuki Bakugou were paired up for a project for one of your Quirk Law classes. It was a research project, one that required a forty slide presentation. You were headed on your way to Katsuki’s dorm today to work on it at the time you agreed upon: 5pm. Then you two would study together for upcoming midterms. It was all planned out down to a tee. So at around 3:50pm, Katsuki knew he had time. He figured he needed a break from his Rescue Tactics Indoors II class, otherwise his brain would begin oozing from his ears.
Pushing aside his overpriced textbook, he rolled his shoulders back, hearing the cracks of his stiff muscles while he stretched at his desk. He let out a sigh, propping his chin up on the palm of his hand as he scrolled mindlessly through his socials. Mina had posted a Throwback Thursday post, an old one of him and you back in your freshman year of college. His nose twitched in annoyance as he recalled the parties, more specifically Denki Kaminari’s birthday party, where he had gotten so drunk that the walls melted and bent before him. Katsuki’s expression changed however, as he swiped through the collection of photos to stumble across an image of you and him. Have you always worn dresses that tight? You practically had your ass out from how short your garment had been cut, tits threatening to spill out of your low hanging neckline. Not only that, but Katsuki had an arm slung around your shoulder. His smile was stretched wide due in part to the alcohol in his system, but also because you were standing next to him. You were laughing at something Mina had said behind the camera, your hand tossed against the slightly unbuttoned shirt Katsuki had worn that night. Your fingers had brushed against his toned chest and he scoffed at the thought. Slowly but surely, memories of that party flooded back to Katsuki in waves.
They were mostly recounts from Kirishima and Mina, but apparently you two had made out in front of everyone that night. He swiped left again, swallowing dryly as he saw just that. Your manicured fingers were wrapped tight around his party shirt, tongues in a deadly dance of want and desperation for each other. Katsuki’s eyes grew as he noticed that the photo hadn’t cut out the part where he had been kneading your ass through that skimpy dress of yours. Immediately, Katsuki went to Mina’s dms demanding to take down the photo. And she did, thank god, but not without sending Katsuki more than ten photos of you and him making out at the party. He clenched his jaw, anger and a low desire plaguing his conscience. Glancing to the top left corner of his phone, he noted the time. 4:10pm.
He had time.
Saving the photos to his gallery, he pushed his chair away from his desk to have some fucking breathing room. His eyes flitted down to his sweats and as he expected, there was a tent forming. He groaned, wiping the sweat from his palms off on his pant leg before languidly beginning to palm himself through his clothes. His breaths quickened, chest stuttering as he looked to his phone displaying the photos of you and him. There’s a faint recollection in the back of his head of how you taste. Like cherries from your glossy lips, like vodka from the shots you took off of Denki earlier that evening, how you moaned into his mouth the night you had drunkenly kissed.
Katsuki tugged the waistband of his sweats down, allowing his previously constrained cock to breathe. It slapped against his stomach, heavy and leaking. Shit, he didn’t remember being this horny at the beginning of this. Spitting into his palm, he lubed up his dick as best as he could on short notice. His eyelids drooped as he swiped through the pictures like a filmstrip, a montage of all the best moments he had with you at that party. You grinding on his lap, you whispering dirty ideas you wanted to do with him later, you, you, you…
Katsuki squeezed his aching shaft, fisting his cock as precum dribbled down his slippery head. His face was an uncanny shade of crimson, a testament to how horny he was all for a few old pictures of the two of you. “Y/n.” He swore he barely recognized his voice from how breathless and needy it was. He continued to pump his cock, the only thoughts replaying in his mind were perverted fantasies of you bouncing on his dick hard enough to hear the slap of your ass cheeks against his abs.
Tapping the screen of his phone twice to zoom in, he admired your curves with pursed lips. Fuck, you really were gorgeous. Everything about you radiated a sinful nature he could never put his tongue on. You were tempting him, licking flames up his body with such intensity that made him shiver. He cursed, thumb drifting over his slit as he hissed. Fuck you for being as ravishing as you were that night, fuck you for making him feel so goddamn needy for your-
“Bakugou, I was about to text you but I remembered you were studying today, so I figured it would be okay if I came a bit...” your words trailed off. You blinked rapidly in an attempt to process the scene unfolding before you. Katsuki Bakugou, holding his dick in his hand, face on fire with a deep blush, his other free hand secure around his phone with- was that a picture of you from your freshman year of college? There was a beat of silence, Katsuki’s uneven breathing the only sound in the room aside from the low drawl of the ceiling fan over both of your heads. You gaped at him, tongue darting out to wet your lips upon realizing his hand hadn’t stopped moving. If anything, you saw his hand flex around his cock, further tightening his grip as you stood right in front of him.
“What the fuck-”
“What?” he beat you to the punch, his lips twitching into a devilish smile, “Don’t like what you see?” His confidence knocked the air out of you, your bewildered attitude showing true on your features. Your body feels warm, searing beneath his gaze. “Excuse me?” you squeaked out, overcome with both curiosity and a hint of lust for the ash blond.
“Are you gonna fucking help me or not?” His pride was refusing him to be flustered, not when he was this feverish for you. He needed the upper hand, he needed control over this situation. And it seemed by how you were shifting your weight from side to side, that it was happening just as he wanted. Who were you to refuse such an offer from Katsuki Bakugou?
And that’s how you ended up here, nestled between thick, muscled thighs with your hand wrapped around his throbbing cock. He had you spit over his dick, his entire shaft gleaming in all its glory as it stood to attention in your grasp. The flash of his camera burned your eyes as you suckled on his crown, hand continuously jerking his cock while he ravenously watched you through the screen. The guttural groan that escaped him was nothing short of music to your ears, your thighs tensing as the coils of heat continued to build and knot between your legs.
“Mm. Keep going like that, take it. All the way in now, like a good little slut,” Katsuki instructed, his voice slicing through the heavy atmosphere of desire. The words make you whimper, enveloping his sensitive head in vibrations while you lick around his slit. A large hand cupped your face, forcing you to make eye contact with the ash blond behind the camera. His black tank top truly had no confines over him, since it was tight enough to see the outlines of his pecs and ripped torso. Katsuki sure worked hard to maintain his appearance, but you knew he had the strength to back those muscles up. The thought of him completely dominating you, holding you with strong arms and pinning you down with his body made your pussy even more wet with your slick than it already was. Even from how you were on your knees, Katsuki possessed an unspoken will over you. You wanted to please him, make him feel good, make him have no good reason not to give you everything he had to offer.
You took your lips off of his head with a little ‘pop’, eyes wide and expectant as a string of drool connected your bottom lip to the tip of his cock. Bakugou’s smile grew, making sure your face was completely in frame and in focus. “Dirty girl,” he hummed, thumb tracing the apple of your cheek before guiding your lips toward his twitching cock. You slowly kissed the vein on the side of it, mumbling out four words:
“Your dirty girl, daddy.”
The moment the words left your mouth, Katsuki let out a low, gravelly moan. It was as if a switch inside him had flipped. Without warning, he’s pulling you off the floor and sitting you down in his desk chair instead. He’s a bit rough, his vision clouded by the sheer want to fuck you until you were screaming his name, until his name was the only word your pretty little brain could recall. He abandoned his phone and instead had his hands drop to the armrests of his desk chair, encasing your body as he towered over you. Your skirt was immediately shucked up your waist and Katsuki’s hands went to work on your panties. He ripped them off completely, tossing them aside without a care as to where they went. He gazed down at you with fervour, licking his lips at the sight of your dripping cunt.
“Who’s pussy is this?” he coaxes with a grin, teeth shining. His hand slipped between your thighs, his index and middle finger tracing up and down your slit. Goosebumps erupted across your skin, your thighs instinctively closing around his hand. Your face bloomed with warmth, eyes darting away from his cocky demeanour, “Baku—”
Your body jolted as a firm smack was delivered to your sensitive pussy, a wet, lewd sound meeting your ears as he did. It made a high pitched, whiny moan be pulled out from your throat.
“Try again,” he ordered, tone demanding and almost condescending. His lips ghosted yours yet he never had any intention of moving close enough to seal the gap between the two of you. You whimpered, eyes meeting the dark red irises that were staring straight through you.
“‘S yours, daddy.”
“Now that’s a good fuckin’ girl.”
His lips found yours, teeth tugging at your bottom lip hard enough to make the warmth in your stomach double. The liquid heat had been building ever since you walked in, and you were fairly certain that you weren’t going to last much longer.
He hooked your knees over his elbows, biceps flexing as the muscles in his arms supported your full weight. He picked you up with such ease, your arms flying around his neck as you squeal, gasping at how little effort that took him. He was a pro-hero in training, of course he had practiced lifting people up no matter their body type or size. Either way, it didn’t matter to him. He thought you looked rather angelic clinging onto him regardless. He wasn’t even breaking a sweat with his hands spreading your cheeks, grunting as he adjusted you in his arms. He slid slowly into your slick cunt inch by suffocating inch, your walls fluttering and enclosing around his throbbing cock. Katsuki’s breathing was unsteady, eyes watching your expression intently in hopes that this new position would give you as much pleasure as it was giving him. His ego was running rapant from how you were holding onto him for dear life. You were practically shaking in his grasp, mouth open in an ‘o’ shape as all you could do was gape at how deep he reaches within you. You were keening, eyes hazed with lust and nails digging crescents into his shoulder blades hard enough to make him hiss.
When you finally catch your breath and adjust to his size, you give him a curt nod as an indication for him to start moving. Slowly, he lifted you up off his cock until his head kissed your entrance before allowing gravity to do most of the work. This position had his cock nudging your cervix and it made the knot in the pit of your stomach squeeze further, threatening to snap with every loud smack of his balls echoing through his dorm room. He pistoned into you like that, reaching deeper to rearrange your insides. It was like your entire body was being engulfed with pleasure and fire. He took in your face, how it scrunched in pleasure, hair sticking to your face as you mumble out how much you want to cum, how much you need to cum.
“Fuckin’ tight just for daddy, hah?” he cooed to you, “You wanna cum all over my cock like a little slut? You were watching me from the door jerking off for you. Dirty fuckin’ girl. Who’s making you feel good? Say it. Spit it out.”
“You!” you moaned, your head feeling light from the way the veins on the side of his cock rubbed your walls, “You, daddy. Please let me cum. I w- wanna cum!”
“I can’t hear you,” Katsuki rumbled, eyes steeled before you unmoving and unwilling to give you permission just yet. “Please!” you begged, “I’m a dirty girl. I’m your dirty girl, daddy! Please let me cum!” You were too engrossed in your pleasure to have any semblance of shame. Katsuki grinned. That’s what he wanted to hear. He let out a tiny ‘tch’ before uttering out, “Then cum, slut.”
Without another word, you let out a final wanton moan, gushing around him as the liquid heat finally expels from your body. Your orgasm hits you in waves, your body quivering with each new sensation as you hold Katsuki’s cock within your cunt. Your nails leave angry red marks along Katsuki’s shoulders, ultimately sending him hurtling towards his own release.
Cum dripped down his twitching cock, your chest heaving as your legs feel like jelly. Tingles shot down your spine as Katsuki pumped rope after rope of his sticky cum well enough to paint your inner walls white. He helped you ride out your high, delivering harsh bitemarks to your neck to leave a mural of hickeys claiming you as his. The smile he gives you is cocky, prideful, and arrogant. He placed you back down on his desk chair, your thighs still going through the aftershocks of your high. Reaching for his phone, he tapped the app icon for his camera. He knelt down, chuckling as your fingers slid between your legs to spread your lower lips for him. His cum seeped out past your slit, leaking down to your puckered asshole.
“There we go. Aren’t you daddy’s good girl, hm?”
Tiredly, you nodded.
“‘M daddy’s good girl.”
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all works © eijishimas 2021. do not reuse, modify, or repost.
@lonleyweeb77 @cynthus-no @lonelyheart-cluband @smhhyung @stoopidnekobish @kiridarling @kirislilrock @baku-deku1 @hajisuu @damnitcrowley @foruthemoon @peaxhcringe @justanotheruselessextra @izukuuarchive @katsuki-kitten @shokoarashi sorry i couldn’t tag all of you!
want to be on the taglist? see here.
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