#I have basically all the Pokemon I want at this point I already have a team of 5
emile-hides · 2 years
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They were not kidding, you really can go anywhere anytime in this game huh
#Emile's Arts#Pokemon Scarlet#Guess who may have cheesed a jump you're not supposed to make until after you unlock the rideable legendary#And then proceeded to get creamed by a Dunsparce#Not to worry my starter was already level 13 and he handled it marginally better#(was able to run away)#Besties I am SO lost ALL THE TIME in this game#I got lost in the swsh wild area you think I can play a whole GAME BUILT LIKE THAT#It's me an Pachirisu against the world here I have no clue where I am any of the time#I don't like it I don't get the love for open world games I feel so lost and like I'm making no progress ever#And I'm scared to interact with anyone or anything because what if it's 40 levels above me how could I possibly know#I have a route planned but I still get the liner game itch to search every nook and crany for items and stuff#Also I'm broke is anyone else just??? Broke???? All The Time in this game???? What's up with that????#Every time the game gives me a pop up that I can go back to school and take a class I get so happy#YES! A SMALL SPACE WITH LIMITED MOVEMENT OPTIONS AND CLEAR GOALS#Take me to school I do not want to do the treasure hunt#Grandpa PLEASE let me stay in school#I have basically all the Pokemon I want at this point I already have a team of 5#No idea who the 6th should be I want it to be the sushi dragon fish but they aren't till late late game huh#I mean I guess in THEORY you can go get one whenever you want that's the point of open world games huh#But it's still a level 50 wild Pokemon and I am just now getting my team to their 20's soooooo#Pass....#Yo the map turning to match what direction your facing is there a way to??? Turn that off????#Can I lock the map or something PLEASE????
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jaredthebc · 2 years
I’m sorry to the Hilda is the main protag enjoyers I physically cannot imagine Hilda being the protag after all the Masters brainrot or at the very least I cannot see it without her setting a ton of things on fire
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Folks talking about Game Devs dropping Unity or how it won't hurt small indie devs with under 200,000. Are missing the point.
Some of these Unity games can't change to another engine because they have years of code piled on top of each other at this point. aka POKEMON GO. They'd basically have to rebuild the game from scratch.
Not to mention Unity is mostly used by phone app games or Indie's that are lucky enough to get picked up by console. Indie games on Mobile easily pass 200,000 downloads. Temple Run 1 and 2 are in Unity, Crossy Road, Angry birds 1 and 2, and Hearthstone. All of these past 200,000 downloads years ago but aren't bringing in money now except hearthstone.
The Developers will do what happened to the first Angry birds app. They'll take it down, build it in a new engine for "HD", and add a shit ton of micro transactions. We are about to lose countless original versions of the OG pre lootbox mobile games.
We are also about to lose some of the biggest Indie games of the last decade. Among Us, Plague Inc., 7 Days to die, the original Slenderman game and it's sequel, I am Bread, Ori and the Blind Forest, Dream Daddy, Overcooked 1 & 2, Pathfinder online, Cup Head, Bendy and the Ink Machine, Oxygen Not Included, Bloons Tower Defense 6, Beat Saber, Subnautica, The Stanley Parable, Untitled Goose Game, Power Washing Simulator, Fall Guys, Inscryption, Phasmophobia
And the big one FUCKING HOLLOW KNIGHT. Silk song has already been pushed back out of this year specifically because it's being made by a team of like 3 people. It is so close to being finished and now they are being told they have to start over from scratch basically. Hollow Knight got over 200,000 downloads from being on playstation and was eventually put on Playstations subscription service. Every cent they made from hollow knight has gone back into making silk song. Which might now be delayed by multiple years and oh they are going to have to use some of that funds to pay unity now. Or find a way to get out of a contract with playstation. Because folks will keep downloading Hollow Knight for free and Unity will send the Hollow Knight team the bill.
oh and there's one more teeny tiny game made in Unity that you guys might not want to suddenly disappear. One with almost 3 years of monthly code updates, one with 139 million downloads to date, and 4.8 million monthly users.
Genshin. Guys Genshin Impact is made completely in Unity and that's not a game that can have it's code just copy and pasted to another engine.
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aya-luri · 27 days
Am I the only one who doesn't associate Zekrom with Ingo and Reshiram with Emmet but do it the other way around? Well, perhaps this will become an unpopular opinion, but, if you stop to think about it there are quite a few points that can support this theory. Let's check them out! To begin with, it's the legendary dragon Zekrom the one who appears on the cover of the White version of the game, while Reshiram does the same on the Black version, which would indicate that they actually represent their opposite color. Such small detail is already important in itself, not just the basic color of the dragons per se. Also we all know that Zekrom's associated element is the electric type, like Emmet's Eeleektros, while Reshiram's is the fire type, like Ingo's Chandelure, both being the most representative pokemons of the Subway Bosses.
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Although the issue of ideologies of each dragon is used to link them with each brother among the fandom, "ideals" being the one typically attributed to Ingo for his passionate way of encouraging trainers, while for Emmet it is the "truth" for his direct way of communicating, this could work much better the other way around. If we have learned anything from Ingo on Pokemon Legends Arceus, it is that this man is full of existential doubts that lead him to want to get closer to the player in order to know more about himself. That's it, the truth about his origins. But he already had some tendency to this type of behavior long before, as it was evident in the first Black & White games.
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"Where is my destination? I've kept thinking, and I've learned one thing. That is, you cannot know what happens after winning without winning." Through such questions, Ingo seeks to reach a real conclusion, his own truths. And perhaps in our idealized image of him we forget that he can also be frank and direct, without the need to embellish words with lies.
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"However, it is difficult to win unless you and your partner are in total sync." On the other hand, and as we have said before, the frankness with which Emmet expresses his opinions makes him look like an open-minded character, sincere, making this seem (for many people) to be his only notable characteristic, despite the fact that it's kinda obvious the way in which he greatly idealizes Pokémon battles.
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"This time, I am really serious. Really serious. Because if a battle is not serious, it is not fun." He firmly believes that there is a way to go about Pokémon battles, and that way is by giving it your all in them, and in an ideal world, everyone would have fun battling just as he does, but this is not always the case. Emmet clearly expresses how he believes things should be, and he's also aware that his own victory may not only be due to his skill but also to circumstantial elements or, put another way, luck. So he also idealizes the player's own defeat when it occurs, having enough consideration to make it seem like something unfourtunate. Further proof that the fandom has been associating the wrong dragon with the wrong twin can be found in the legend of the twin heroes, where it was the oldest who pursued the truth, while the youngest pursued the concept of ideals.
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This birth order also corresponds to Ingo and Emmet, Ingo being the eldest of the both and Emmet the youngest.
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That's why despite being white, I think Reshiram suits to Ingo much better and the same for Emmet regarding the black dragon Zekrom. All of these points put together carry much more sense than simply thinking that each dragon's ideologies relates to a brother just by the main color of his outfit. Although this, in the end, does not have much relevance either, since canonically there is no relationship between these legendary Pokémon and the Subway bosses, other than the simple fact of playing with mere chromatic issues. Still, it's always fun to speculate, right?
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What the h*ll is "basic hygiene" anyway?
If you're like me, you've been struggling with hygiene for a long time. I'm neurodivergent, I have chronic fatigue and chronic pain, so yeah, it's been hard, my whole life.
Here's a few tips that helped me or some of my friends.
1. Redefine "basic hygiene"
No, really. Redefine it. Neurotypical and able-bodied people will tell you all can of things about what is "basic" hygiene.
The rule is: do what you can. That's it. The rest of the post will be tips to increase what you can do. But in the meantime, just do your best. You're fantastic the way you are.
2. Time
There's two thing here.
The first is: find the right time for you. It's not always easy, because we often have obligations, and we're supposed to be clean at those right moments. It's not easy. Sometimes it "helps" because it gives us that "boost" we needed to start getting clean, but most of the time it's just stressful. So instead find the moment that works best for you. I know there's moments in the day when it'll be easier for me to start tasks that I would struggle with at an other time, but I prioritise other things instead for a reason or another. Try washing yourself then, even if people will tell you it's strange to have a shower at three pm. Who cares.
The second is: divide to conquer. You don't have to wash ALL the parts of your body at once. You don't necessarily have the energy for it and it's okay. Also it can feel daunting to face that long list of steps. A body has a LOT of parts to wash and clean. Really, that's scary and exhausting. So the solution might be to do smaller things here and there. Do what you can when you can, that's okay. At least you've done something, that's great!
You are also allowed to take breaks in the middle. It can help if you are tired, or if it makes you anxious.
3. Wipes.
I personally hate washing with soap and water, whether it's a bath, shower or just at the sink. It takes time, it's a lot of steps, and it feels horrible. I do it when I can, but I don't enjoy it. The partial solution is wipes.
Baby wipes are great, they're soft, some smell good but faint, some has no odor. You can clean yourself quickly without rinsing. And they don't let that terrible feeling on your skin.
There's wipes made for your private parts. Which is an important part to clean. Also wet toilet paper is good. (For private parts wipes, buy the organic ones, you don't want anything too harsh there)
Make-up removal wipes are not just to remove make-up. They do clean you face.
Don't use antibacterial wipes though. At least not regularly. They are too harsh for your skin, you'll just damage it. Also too much antibacterial stuffs just make bacterias more resistant.
Bonus point: wipes can easily be carried in a bag. Handy.
4. Charts and lists and apps.
Whether you forget to do it or it you have done it already, or you can't get motivated, or you can't manage to start washing, or there's so many steps you get overwhelmed, or you start but can't remember what to do next, etc., those tips might help.
There's apps like Habitica (it's the most well known but there's others) that help you building habits and remembering to do stuffs and making it fun (help with rewards). It's about general tasks but can be applied to washing. A friend also told me there's a pokemon app to brush your teeth but I haven't tried it.
If you get overwhelmed by the steps and get lost in the middle, making a list of those steps, laminating and putting it in the bathroom near the sink or in the shower can help you keeping tracks. You can even put a dry erase marker near the list to check what have already be done.
5. The "bath buddy"
If you live with someone, you can ask their help.
I'm not saying they have to wash you. Or maybe I am? A friend takes his showers with his boyfriend to help getting motivated.
It can just be your platonic roommate behind the door talking to you, telling you funny stories.
Having company can help start the task and make it more enjoyable which help in itself but also make it less daunting the next times. Having a bath buddy also helps if you get lost in the middle of a task, they can tell you what the next step is. They can also keep you on tracks and in the present (I know I tend to dissociate a lot in the bathroom). And they keep your mind off the bad stuffs (body dysphoria for example, or sensory discomfort)
6. You're never too old for "kids' stuffs"
Because you're never to old for fun stuffs.
No, really, there's no reason why you should deprive yourself of something that would make washing more fun.
Wash your teeth with bubblegum flavored toothpaste.
Play with bathtoys. Buy those little plastic boats and those little squirting animals. (Seriously, the fact that the only fun thing for bath for adult is bubbles is a crime)
The word here is "fun". Make the bathroom fun. Buy a shower curtain with cute elephants playing with water. Put adhesive ducks on the tiles. Make that darn room a place you want to be in, not just to distract you from the bad stuff but to enjoy your life.
7. Teeth. Oh no, the teeth.
First thing: as I said, you don't have to use that "adult toothpaste". The menthol contained in it can be sensory hell. You can use kid toothpaste, it cleans just as well. If you can't use any toothpaste try brushing without it with just water. You can also try toothpaste tablets (you chew on them and then brush). You can try mouthwash. You can try oil-pulling. The point here is to remove some bacteria from your mouth.
About brushing. There's different hardness in toothbrushes. If you're using hard, try medium. If you're using medium, try soft. If you're using soft, try baby toothbrush. If no toothbrush works for you, try a wet cloth, or your finger. Try using toothpicks to remove the remains of food and then use mouthwash.
If the storebought mouthwash doesn't do with you, make it yourself. There's recipes online with essential oils (optional, but maybe there's one you might like), baking soda and water. (I don't recommend using lemon juice, it might damage your enamel.)
My friend just told me I should mention dental floss. I personally hate it, but it might be useful to some of you. It's probably more effective than toothpicks. They also comes mounted on these little plastic sticks if you struggle with the thread alone.
8. Chair
No, really, you have the right to sit down during washing. Buy a shower chair. Put a bench on your bathtub instead of struggling to stand up. Put a chair in front of the sink to sit when you brush your teeth.
You don't have to be physically disabled to use a chair to wash. And if you're disabled there's still no shame. Standing up can be boring, it can be painful, it can be tiring. So sit. You are allowed.
And if you prefer standing, do. You can pace. You can dance. You can do gymnastics. (Just be careful if you're brushing your teeth, okay. Or if you're in the shower. Don't hurt yourself.)
9. Music
If you don't have a buddy to talk to you, music or even podcasts, anything to listen to, can be a nice way to help. They makes the experience more enjoyable. They keeps your head away from the bad sensory experience or the awareness of your own body.
I also find using the same playlist useful to keep track of the time I've been spending in the shower. I even time the steps on the tracklist, I know I washed that part of my body for long enough if that song is over, I need to do the next step.
Also, for me me music is part of the ritual. It helps me to get in the right mind, it motivates me, it makes the routine.
10. Multi-purpose products.
I've seen all those beauty posts about "layering". It's nice if you have the energy and the time, but no, it's not for me.
I hate moisturising creams. I really do. They smells funny, they feels gross and sticky, and it takes forever to apply. It's an unnecessary step for me. But I have dry skin (at least on my body). The easy solution is to use surgras soap or surgras shower gel. (Not just the "moisturising" soap, that won't hydrate as well.)
I don't just remove the unpleasant experience of moisturiser, I remove a step. I save energy.
Also, multi-purpose products help with organisation, there's less things to think about. There's less risk of taking the wrong bottle because you're too headfogged. Less chance of chaos in the bathroom.
I personally can't do that for everything. I'd like to have one soap for everything, but my body skin and my face skin and my private parts and my hair all need different stuffs. But I do try to keep things to a minimum, because the number of products can be quickly overwhelming. So try to balance your sensory needs with your organisation problem.
(Also, if like me you hate the feeling of moisturiser, aloe vera gel is great. It is a bit sticky, but in a different way than cream. I personally prefer that one. There's also the option of oil, there's different kinds for different skin types, even for oily skin.)
11. Japaneses know best: the bidet.
This one might sounds strange for some folx. Where I live, bidets used to be extremely common but they are disappearing. We used to have a bidet next to the toilets in our homes. Japanese toilets have a built-in bidet but they are expensive. There is a cheaper (but still not cheap) alternative. You can buy a bidet toilet seat attachment to put on your own toilets.
Why am I telling you about bidet? Because when you struggle to wash regularly, bidets are incredibly useful.
Toilet paper is highly unhygienic. Wet toilet paper is a bit better. Bidets, that spray a jet of water on your privates, clean so much better.
And they are easy and quick to use. You just press a button and you are clean.
If you have a vagina, it's even more important, because it lowers significantly the risks of getting UTI and the likes.
If you can afford it, I recommend it.
12. The hat, or "well, f*ck it"
You can fail to wash in time for whatever obligation you have. That's okay.
Just use the card "camouflage".
Greasy hair? If they are long, brush them and tie them tightly, and put on a fashionable hat. Or you favorite, silly, hat. Or just a random hat that your aunt gave you (you know the one, you wondered for three weeks if you smiled enough when you received the gift because you didn't want to offend her). Scarfs are nice too.
Other idea to hide greasy hair? A wig. They are higher maintenance, but they are good to have for occasions where you have to look a bit better or if you can't wear a hat for whatever reason.
About odors... Well you know the trick of deodorants and perfume. Not what I recommend, at least not alone. For once not everyone can stand their smell. Also, they aren't that great to succeed at masking odors. If you can, use wipes to clean your armpits (also the underbreasts if you have them) and the neck and chest area. It might not remove all the odors but it'll help and with some deodorant if you can stand it, you should be good.
About deodorant: you can use a dollop of moisturiser (yes, I know I said I hate them, but listen), it will help to stop the formation of odors but the fragrance is usually mild or absent. It's also less harsh than the usual deodorant. You only need a small amount for it to work. You just need to clean before (wipes should be enough)
13. Don't stew in your dirty clothes.
Try to change your clothes often even if you don't wash. Especially your underwears.
I know it might sound counterintuitive to wear clean clothes when your skin is dirty, but staying in old clothes is like wearing a petri dish. By keeping the same clothes on you, you also keep the bacterias that live on it and your body.
It's especially bad in some areas, like your private parts, your feet and your armpits.
If you live alone, or if you live with someone who don't care, don't put clothes on at all. You'll just stew in your bacterial crock pot otherwise.
Staying naked also has the upside of reducing the amount of laundry you have to do.
14. Use your strengths.
Sometimes it's as simple as using your other hand because your dominant one is achy.
Sometimes it's listening to a podcast about your special interest.
You're an artist? Put a whiteboard in the shower. Or, I don't know, draw your body, laminate the drawing, and color the parts you have already washed with a dry erase marker.
Your thing is to make lists of animals of Paraguay? Recite them alphabetically and make a song with them while you brush your teeth and wash your face and clip you nails.
Dancers here? Each movement you make is part of a choreography.
15. Aftercare.
Hygiene is immensely stressful and energy consuming. You don't just deserve a reward, you need aftercare.
It's okay to take a nap. It's okay to need to engage with your special interest. It's okay to need a hug. It's okay to want to be alone. It's okay to feel bad too. Have a cry. Be moody. Don't be ashamed of what you feel. Of course it's better if you manage to avoid these emotions. But it's okay if you have them.
And give yourself a little treat. Have a cup of your favorite tea. Put a shiny sticker in your "things I've done good today" diary. Cuddle with your pet. Read the Swedish dictionary.
Drink a glass of water and eat something.
Also, if you have chronic pain, like I do, take your meds. (My joints are always a bit achy after standing too long, or my shoulder are stiff after washing my hair)
Write an essay about why keeping up with your hygiene is a pain.
Do what you want and do what you need.
16. Shame has no place in the bathroom.
If you've read my previous post, you know what I mean.
I've said it in this post, it's okay to struggle, to not be perfect, or as perfect as neurotypicals and able-bodied people say we should be. Their criterias are bullcrap.
Shame won't help you to keep up to these unachievable standards. They'll just undermine you.
Also, it's okay if some of what I've said here seems unachievable also. I shared what helps me and some of my friends, but your needs might be different and that's totally okay. Maybe someone will make a post with tips that'll help more? I hope so.
Anyway, you do what you can and you congratulate yourself for it. Every step is an achievement worth of praise.
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sexhaver · 1 year
ive been playing Cassette Beasts for a minute and it never stops being funny to me how flagrant they are about making this "Pokemon but with features you didn't know Pokemon has always needed". off the top of my head:
super effective/NVE hits have added benefits/debuffs beyond just doubling/halving the damage (hitting Electric types with Ground reduces their evasion and speed, hitting Steel types with Poison gives them poison-coated spikes that do contact damage, etc)
legally-distinct-Pokemon will learn new moves while in your party without having to battle, and you can then straight up steal these moves from them and put them on a not-Pokemon you actually care about using, which gives an actual incentive to hunt down and raise otherwise fringe not-mons beyond completing the not-Pokedex
we all played the Pokemon Infinite Fusion fangame right? we know how fusions work? okay so this game has them as temporary per-battle things instead of permanent ones, which is only marginally less cool while being infinitely easier to balance around
attempting to catch something shows you the percentage chance of success so you know whether you just got unlucky or if you should save your Pokeballs-i-mean-blank-cassette-tapes
leveling up is tied to your not-trainer instead of your not-pokemon, so you don't end up in the classic trap where your starter is way overleveled and everything else is underleveled and then you hit a fight your starter can't solo and have to spend an hour grinding to get the weaker not-mons up to par (funnily enough most Pokemon Nuzlocke romhacks have already figured this out and give you infinite rare candies with the only restriction being that you can't level past the next gym leader's ace pokemon, because Pokemon fans have realized that grinding is the worst part of the game way before Game Freak has)
moves, not-Pokeballs, not-PokeCenter visits, and healing items are all bought using entirely separate currencies which stops you from trivially breaking the economy in half
the soundtrack, fittingly, is pretty good! the vocals were a bit much for my taste but there's an option in the settings menu to straight up turn them off (letting the BGM play on its own), which i've never seen in any other game and really appreciate
on a game design level, i understand why can i only carry a max of 5 not-Potions and 1 not-Revive at a time - it's to put a limit on how far away from fast travel points i can get by just running away from everything and healing off damage. on a gameplay level, however, this feels pretty bad
the pixel art style is trying to look as much like Pokemon as possible without actually being Pokemon so the overworld sprites look more like beta stuff from Pokemon that they cut for looking too weird. i have yet to find a haircut that doesn't look bad
this is super petty of me but something about the bloom and lighting of the 3d environments combined with pixelated 2d sprites that still cast shadows makes me painfully aware im playing a video game. it's like they were going for the same aesthetic as Octopath Traveler but fell just barely short. i can't think of a better way to articulate this feeling but if you know you know
it does that really obnoxious half-assed style of voice acting where plot-relevant characters will sometimes (maybe every third or fourth textbox) speak the first two or three words of dialogue before trailing off. mashing through textboxes (as one does) means constantly getting jumpscared by "hmm"s and "haha!"s "okay then!"s
i get that they wanted to make the player feel involved in the story, and it has a pretty decent hook so far, but oh my god. the amount of dialogue "choices" that just transparently do not matter. you know how people memed on Fallout 3 and 4's dialogue choices all leading to the same outcome, to the extent that you were basically choosing between "yes" and "yes (rude)"? and you know how Bethesda would at least attempt to justify how both options led to you accepting the quest anyways, even if it was really dumb? Cassette Beasts has streamlined this process even further by making the options in most of their binary decisions so identical that they don't even require different followup dailogue before rejoining into the main conversation thread. a solid 2/3rds of the dialogue options in this game so far feel like checks that you're still awake. i know this is a minor issue because people aren't playing Pokemon-likes for the engaging "choices matter" approach to storytelling, and i did ignore it at first, but it's so pervasive that you really can't ignore it
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rinstrumental · 1 year
ellie gf headcanons pt. 2
# i’m a headcanon machine i cant be stopped… also she is literally a cheesy ass lose girlfriend this part is actually canon confirmed by naughty dog. modern au
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if your native language isn’t english/speak any language other than english she is going to think you’re ten times cooler than you already are. best believe she’s hopping on duolingo first thing she gets home too so she can impress you (i know duolingo isn’t the best but she’s TRYING)
she took spanish in high school though
even though she can’t retain the info for shit she will search up terms of endearment in your language and call you them all the time even if you think its corny she can’t stop
whenever someone asks her what her type is she just says “my girl” with the most stupid grin on her face
she fidgets SO much omg she doesn’t wear rings often but when she does (you said they looked nice one time and all of a sudden she’s wearing rings every time you see her) she’s constantly playing with them. she also plays with the strings of her hoodie/loose threads etc.
*playing basketball* “this one’s for you babe” *completely misses*
such a nerd for collectibles!! has been since she was a kid. she has funko pops, vinyls, pokemon cards, snowglobes, plushies, smiskis, calico critters she’s a slave to capitalism
little social media presence. her only instagram account is basically a photo dump which is private with only her closest friends following it. (spoiler alert, most of the pictures are of the two of you)
in the last post i said she’s have a pet gecko but i also strongly believe joel would have a dog. could be a teeny tiny chihuahua or a fucking great dane idk just give my man a good friend! ellie also loves that dog (whatever it is) dearly
doesn’t have any piercings and doesn’t ever consider it unless you say that they’d look good on her… your word is her law FR 😭😭😂😂
okay no she’s not dependent on you to the point of it being toxic though. HOWEVER it’s a bit hard for her to express when she feels upset sometimes and gets jealous easily but she tries her best to communicate and keep it healthy
she has her tattoos though of course. although this is a modern au so she’d have different ones i guess… forearm one is definitely in the cards but also lots of tiny little ones. a few for her friends and family and a few she got in a drunken stupor
pottery lesbian that’s it
gets SOOO red when she’s drunk i dont care what anyone says her alcohol tolerance is average at best
i think she would play a sport sometimes. like volleyball. she plays competitively if she’s in school and she always wants you to come “watch your girlfriend be cool”. bring a sign - she’ll love it
kisses and hugs u after the game while she’s all sweaty too…ew but aw
she also really likes animated movies, not disney but like how to train your dragon and the spiderverse and puss in boots (im projecting). she went to see barbie and oppenheimer on the same day and she didn’t dress up but the spirit was there!!
she’s not a gymbro per se but joel probably would have workout equipment in the basement which ellie uses from time to time. and she’s just naturally lean because she’s an active person. pls tell her how big and strong and sexy and amazing she is
ok fine i think she likes being praised AND SHE DESERVES ITT like she’s such a wonderful girlfriend ❤️ ugh shes perfect I CANT STAND HER
goodnight and good morning texts are part of her routine
sunburns easily so you have to remind her to wear sunscreen all the time
doesn’t really know how to do makeup but she’ll paint your nails for you and do your hair
whenever the two of you spend the night together she’s usually last to get up. this bitch could sleep through the rapture i’m not kidding but it’s okay because it gives you time to admire her pretty face as she sleeps in peace and quiet for once
takes the aux very seriously you guys HAVE to share it. unless you like the same music and i think she would like radiohead, joy division, deftones and loser sad songs like that…. she also is a big fan of the spiderverse soundtrack and kendrick lamar though and thee stallion 😜 (i have two wolves inside me)
please reblog mwah thank you!!
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anderswelten · 2 months
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Suspicious offerings
You may remember that I said in one of my past blog posts how important it is to inform yourself about methods for hacking etc. - obviously not, because I want to teach you how to cheat, but knowledge will always be the key and your trump card to prevent yourself from scammers.
Today, I stumpled over a suspicious offering. From time to time I check classifieds, because sometimes you can be lucky and dig out a little treasure. However, this time I found an offering of a used Pokemon Diamond card. In the description it was highlighted that a rare Pokemon is on the card, an Arceus which was only distributed in Japan and it was not „traded via a module“. To proof that the mentioned Arceus is on the card, some photos were shown. I‘m attaching them for you. Please take a minute and look for hints, why this Arceus might be suspicious:
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Ok, you may have already an impression what is going on here. Let me summarise everything what seems wrong here:
Arceus was redeemed/received in January 2021. Pokemon Diamond is a Generation 4 game. All distributions took place around 2010 - to be fair, the redemption date is the date of the DS system, therefore 2021 is not completely impossible, but at least very strange and let‘s say „uncommon“
Every event Pokémon is a fateful encounter which is „Schicksalshafte Begegnung“ in German. This phrase is completely missing.
This Arceus was caught in a Master Ball - event Pokemon are usually (not all!) carried in a Cherish Ball
This Arceus is level 80, but all Arceus distributed in Generation 4 were level 100.
The OT and TID seem to be custom, I‘m pretty sure that this is the OT and the TID of the trainer himself - or rather the trainer who caught it.
There was only one Arceus distributed in Japan - the Cinema Arceus - and its data are different from this one (OT, TID, level, Poke Ball, …)
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Now, we can guess what it is or where it was obtained. Actually, I do believe that this Arceus itself was not transfered with the help of any kind of module. And I‘m aware of two possibilities: it is either an Azure Flute Arceus or an Arceus obtained over the Void glitch - which is basically the Azure Flute Arceus as well. That this Arceus is really an Azure Flute Arceus can be confirmed by the find spot: „Halle d. Beginns“ which is „Hall of Origin“ in English.
You may have already heard about the Azure Flute Arceus - it is the Arceus from Pokemon Brilliant Diamand & Shining Perl (BDSP) which all shiny hunters are after it, because shiny Arceus became accessible. And you also know that BDSP are the remakes of Pokemon Diamond & Perl, so it seems logical that the Azure Flute was also accessible in the original games, right? Unfortunately not.
The Azure Flute was meant to be distributed through an event in Japan, but it never happened. That the Azure Flute item was programmed into the game, it was already known, but after several years it was finally confirmed by Junichi Masuda that they have decided to not distribute the Azure Flute. So, literally, any Azure Flute Arceus from Generation 4 is somehow hacked, because the Wonder Card and the item have to be injected in your game, otherwise the in-game event would not be triggered. But even if no external module was used to inject the necessary things, a glitch has to be used. And just for those who are curious: you will not be able to port up this Arceus to a higher generation. Pokemon Bank will not accept it at the latest.
Here is the point what bothers me the most in this context:
The guy who offers this Pokemon Diamond card with a hacked Pokemon is advertising that it is a rare Pokemon.
Additionally, he is rising the price of this card, because of its „more value“ due to the „rare Pokemon“
If you are not that deep into the topics of event Pokemon, you may not have noticed it
It is the same like last time: it is absolutely fine if you do hacks and glitches just for yourself, but it is an absolute No-Go if you are trying to trade or sell it without telling its correct origin - whether consciously or unconsciously does not matter.
I‘m currently thinking about reporting this offer, but I have just little hopes, because this is such a niche - and most people care more about if the game itself is real of fake.
I can only recommend: keep continue to inform yourself and be suspicious every time and everywhere. And sadly, this was an easy case…
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quillpokebiology · 5 months
what happens if a nickit and a rockruff have puppies when they grow up? sorry, I just don’t remember the name of nickit evolved form… but curious since my grandma’s evolved nickit is having babies with my grandpa’s midnight lycanroc soon (midnight is the boy and his name is Stacy.)
Pokemon Crossbreeds: Corsac
Corsac is the name for Nickit/Thievul whose fathers were Rockruff/Lycanroc. The breed was named after their fluffy fur. The breed was made a couple hundred years ago in Galar, when people started wanting to utilize the abilities of Nickit and Thievul. They work as a hunting breed and are primarily used by farmers and hunters.
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Corsac Nickit gain a curled tail (still with a broom-shaped tail because it's basically a death sentence if a nickit can't cover its tracks), extra neck fluff, and floppy ears. They're more loyal and friendly than standard Nickit and they act more dog like. In the wild, they tend to live on rocky mountains, so they are known to enjoy climbing.
Thievul (Midday)
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My favorite of this breed! Corsac Thievul in midday gain the traits of Lycanroc. Their ears become pointed inwards, and they gain fluffier fur. They're very loyal and hardy and while they don't have claws, they are better pacers than standard Thievul. While in captivity they don't mind Boltund, Boltund might still have a problem with them.
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Corsac Nickit that evolve at night gain the appearance of Midnight Lycanroc. Their fur becomes a lot fluffier, especially on the head, and they gain a more reddish color. They're sneaky and while they have sharp fangs, they still prefer to steal food. Unlike Midday Corsac Thievul, who will sometimes hunt in groups of 3 or 4 when convenient, Midnight Corsac Thievul almost always hunt alone. Many hunters love them for their focus and drive to get a hunt done, no matter what.
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Corsac Thievul that evolve at dusk gain thr appearance of Dusk form Lycanroc. They have fluffy orange fur and unlike their midday and midnight counterparts who will sometimes have blue or red eyes, they always have green eyes. Out of all the Corsacs, this one is the sneakiest dueto Lycanrocs already quiet nature and Thievul being naturally mischievous.
//My designs can be used by anyone if you credit me for the original design!
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xiabablog · 2 years
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@hezalife I wanted to make a post about this because my answer was longer than what I could put in a reply comment! The comment was about this post I made about the project ideas I have saved in my notes app on my phone!
Okay to answer the question, I get a bunch of ideas from literally everywhere. Here are some of the ways I come up with ideas:
Hobbies/interests I have and think of a way to make a web app/program/web page out of it. E.g. I like playing Minecraft, Pokemon, Stardew Valley, The Sims etc so I would thing of ideas around those games and create a programming project out of it.
Get the stereotypical “beginners” project ideas and expand on that. Calculator? How do I make it better, more advanced! To-do list? Don’t like basic, add more and more features to it. Text-based RPG console game? Make it more complex. Stuff like that.
Same with the other point above but add a theme to it. Hello Kitty version (my go-to theme since I started programming…)
I follow people on GitHub and Twitter that share their projects and I think of something similar or get inspiration from them and think “Okay, how do I make myself and better?” Sometimes not even better but how would I tackle that project myself.
What would make my life a little bit easier - I made TumblrTextTint generate the code needed for formatting colours in text for me. I coded it and I use it. Don’t care if someone in the past did it already, I sat down and coded my own one. It’s all experience and a good feeling in the end~!
Since I’m all for experimenting and gaining experience with programming, I also follow some tutorials on YouTube and from that’s programming blogs online. I don’t like following the instructions exactly, I like to add my own twist!
Get stuck? Use those online generators to give you a prompt on a theme or a whole idea for a next project.
I have a blog and I like to add pages and changes to the theme a bit so I make a whole ass project out of it. “Build a navigation page”, “Build an About Me page” etc.
Things I use a lot and create a project idea from it e.g. I have a lot of Tumblr-related project ideas because I use Tumblr a lot. Find something you use and do a lot and create an idea from it to work on.
Hope this answers your question!! Sorry, it’s a long post!
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disappointingcabbage · 4 months
TMAGP 19 thoughts, spoilers under the cut
Celia why do you have so much paper, what in the hell are you making that many photocopies of?
She’s looking into alchemical explanations for universe hopping, I think (transference stuff)
Celia why are you looking at incomplete transference stuff??? What was missing when you universe hopped????
Sam found alchemy stuff when looking into the Magnus Institute, which is very much consistent with the ARG
“What’s got you looking into this?” “Just curious” *immediate glitch* yeah Celia we’re all aware that this research is way more than just curiosity bestie
Sam is doing what’s best for his personal safety but not what’s best for narrative flow (ditching the institute stuff). Good for him tbh.
old ass statement this time (1684), I’m surprised it’s Chester reading it instead of Augustus tbh
A regrettable anti Newtonian PROTOCOL????
yooooo this dude is on a first name basis with the gravity man himself sir Issac Newton
Protocol against the entirety of London???? Destruction of knowledge?? DREAD EMISSION????
Did the people of this universe just straight up know about the fears in the 1600s? Was it then covered up???
Looks like this universe’s Newton got into alchemy and letter writer guy Does Not Like That
As an aspiring biologist I’m curious as to how exactly the “vegetative propagation of metals” would even work, seems like a funky little experiment
Awww Issac has a disabled dog!! Hell yeah animal rescue
“Yo what’s that big ass glowing flask?” “Oh that? Yeah it’s no big deal, just the philosopher’s stone in liquid form” bro WHAT
I sincerely hope that that means protocol verse Issac Newton is still alive and that we get to hear his voice in canon. I think that would be Neat.
bro has a tiny tree growing in a flask. That’s awesome. Why is letter guy upset at this? Is my brain refusing to see some horrific implications here? probably lol
I cannot get over the writer of this statement just casually calling Newton “Issac”, actually (might be because my dad is a physicist so Gravity Man is a fucking legend in my household)
ohhhh vegetative propagation of metals. The tree is made of mineral/metal
“I made a metal tree wanna eat its fruit?” “what???? No???” “Too late it’s already in my hand dude you’ve gotta try it”
fullmetal alchemist war flashbacks
dog is now an alchemy plant/dog pokemon what the fuck
The dog now has human intelligence, apparently
Oh it’s reversible. Dog is dog again. That’s so mean to the dog why would you do that to him???? Dogs don’t deserve the burden of human comprehension they are too babey
“Are the computers listening to us?” Daaaaamn Sam caught on fast
Alice, bestie, ignoring the obvious supernatural elephant in the room won’t make it go away I fear
I’m scared Sam is just going to stop confiding in people at this point and then get into danger alone. That ain’t good.
Alice seems to be getting a stupid amount of JMJ errors. Maybe it’s because the Jon, Martin, and Jonah are all arguing over which cases to give her lmao
lmao Lena’s basically just telling Gwen to put her big girl pants on and deal. Iconic.
oooh Lena lore, she used to be the externals liaison.
bros holed up in his house, probably paranoid as shit
Definitely paranoid as shit, he knows the phones are listening and wants to yeet it in a fish tank
Colin’s got alchemy on the brain too, apparently
Poor Alice, she just wants her friends to be okay and they’re all spiraling.
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agentc0rn · 5 months
ok so I found my old XY playthrough bookguide and damn.. am I happy and miffed. Long list of thoughts ahead.
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As someone who enjoys lore especially now with a resurfaced interest in xy (hyper fixated on az + legends z-a), I’m bummed about the way the story turned out in later years after I played XY.
Three details I've noted: no concept art, early and first planned out ideas, lore implications of aging immortality with regards to AZ
Wished this man had concept art!! :( The book even inquires about what he could have looked like 3000 years ago (though the cutscene has shown his younger self + the painting in the museum in Lumiose city).
Second, as the images of translated statement based on the interview with Masuda suggests, the story of AZ was planned out first apparently. Wonder what happened during the development cause he only became sidelined…
Thirdly, the last image shows a side info about why AZ looks old. Now, this may have been already addressed at some point, so I may be just repeating something that was said long ago. Nevertheless, it basically states how Floette remains the same for eternity due to being fully subjected to the ample life force energy from the pre-ultimate weapon, whereas for AZ, he received the effect partially; while becoming immortal, he still aged in a natural process but at a slower rate - still not sure if this is because of his close exposure during the revival event or the aftermath of the ultimate weapon beam? Though from what I recall, he was "bathed in the ultimate weapon's light and doomed to wander forever" and not from the pre-ultimate weapon, so but I feel like it could have been from the first time the machine was used too.
last thoughts: character arc -
I really wish we interacted more with him throughout the story - as travellers then eventually friends towards the end (we need adult companions!!). Maybe we could have helped him by fighting a team flare grunt or that he turns himself in to protect us from team flare at some point hence him being in jail. Alternatively, I feel like if he had been freed before and was there to witness the legendary battle and/or lysandre, THAT would have given him a reason to try to understand the bonds between people and pokemon, what a trainer is, therefore broadening his view on the world that he had been long oblivious to, etc - all leading up to his request to battle with us. He wants to know the world better and to coexist with pokemon, thus reverting to his “old self”.
I also think that him telling the story should have been a big shift in his character because of being helplessly stuck physically & mentally and witnessing someone young and small (protagonist = floette) bearing the burden of duty in solving the big crisis and all that.
Anyhow, thank you for reading my rambles lol
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katyspersonal · 2 months
Okay the last post about SoTE progress for today!! (3/3)
1) So, after I defeated Romina, I of course....
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came back and finally got to that bridge area that I wanted to get to!!!
Yes, I just wanted to get to that side of the map where I saw a Horned Knight that I just really wanted to murder for some reason XD However, to my surprise, I saw another Dancing Lion boss ;-; That one was a hard battle and I could not have imagined to need to do that AGAIN ;-; But my way layed through that spot, and also I am a perfectionist..
1.1) But surprisingly, at the Stage 2, it summoned several Basylisks and started to use Deathblight! That was significant for me! So yesterday I concluded that Scarlet Rot, Deathblight and Formless Blood (? is this even a correct term) all spawn flies and plants? And whereas Romina of course raised Scarlet Rot here since the buds in Rauh church she brought here were not always rotten, some Hornsent here use same flies swarms as Mohg's people! Seeing how a Dancing Lion here uses Deathblight, but no Deathroot was anywhere on its arena, I felt even more convinced that these three powers are basically Pokemon Eevelutions of the same initial concept, 'stagnation', whereas fly sickness that fell upon Hornsent is its initial unaltered form! + I guess all Hornsent in Rauh are runaways from Belurat particularly, then?
2) I finally killed that poor particular Horned Knight whom I had eyes on as soon as I saw them!!!!! They've dropped the greatsword if I remember correctly? Happy end! XDDD
3) So... Yeah, at last, finally, FINALLY I proceeded and burnt the sealing tree. I got to explore Enir-Ilim! It was already beautiful, with all the pale yellow trees. Took me some time to adjust, though, the place was tangled from the start!
4) Yeah yeah Inquisitors are female feminism wins whatever
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Vfggghgjhgv unironically though, I love subversion of the trope xD
5) Something creepy/funny happened along the way though, I was laughing so hard wtfffff gfbfgcbfg
OKAY SO at some point my joy from the new location went down because my focus shifted towards the memory of the final boss, and I just remembered how much I dreaded them.. so, I broke my vow to not fuel the negativity which is already abundant and wrote a rant(ish) post about how much that decision soured otherwise amazing DLC and ranted about Radahn (disliking about his involvement, not the character jfhyggfg). And what do you think? That frankly sour post got eaten by Tumblr!
And yes, I know, Tumblr is a broken website and all that, but listen.. It never made the posts disappear for me. Ever. It could glitch out a post with bad internet and randomly publish it later as I log in, it could glitch an ask response and not have the draft saved thus losing it. It has invisible ask glitch and glitch where same post gets reblogged from 3 to 5 times. It never just made post disappear instead of being posted even with delay or giving me error message. Never. Ever. Ever. Except for now. The one time I spoke unkindly about that choice, not just "mannn weird how it wasn't foreshadowed :("
So since I am infamous amongst my friends for my super bizarre coincidences regarding fictional characters ( @heraldofcrow and @val-of-the-north witnessed so many they can swear I am cursed) me and my friend are joking that Miquella is real and he nuked the post for talking shit about his blorbo LMAOOOOOOO FFGDHTGG WTFFFFF 🤣
6) OK sorry hghgggggf Anyways, to my DELIGHT, I discovered variant of Hornsent Knights that wore smaller variant of Dancing Lions masks and use their powers like lighting and blizzard.... fun... :/
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Kind of ironic how it is called 'Euphoria', because I could not be less happy about that lore being cut, all for...... *looks around in case if Miquella is somewhere in the walls*
8) There were so many nooks.. I found a secret passageway on accident, by trying to run from an old lady spamming so many spells under my feet that I was BARELY able to move! 🤦‍♂️
That eventually led me to a part of Belurat that I didn't get to explore before! Yes, the bridge above that area was where I picked Euphoria in! But below was poisonous swamp (truly a Miyazaki lol) where I got to fight a GREEN variant of Tree Spirit! It just dropped a Horn Charm that boosted poison and Rot resistance!
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^ This find, though, was interesting for me, because it is a variant of a glove that was dropped by an NPC Maddening Hand earlier! That one had eyes and dealt Frenzy and specified to be weapon of Hornsent hunted by their own as heretics, but it was also forged in yearning for revenge! So, it is not even that exceptional; for Hornsent, it is a cultural thing to stitch a weapon of revenge from the skin of the victims! Kind of like giving victims a chance to strike back, albeit in death. Very poetic.
9) There was a lot of running, and a lot of getting lost. Found Spirit Ashes of Horned Knight, too (nothing new about them in description), had to use Rainbow Stones to finally stop running in circles, found Ancient Somber Smithing Stone secret via elevator (good because I ran out of them).. and THIIIIIIS:
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I wondered where was the head piece of this set! Pieces of it are scattered and I found all previous three! And, again, isn't it interesting how white birds (death) are here, whereas bird variant of Horned Knights were favored 'gold' birds? Second half of Twin Bird is gold life bird guuuuuyyys-
10) Okay, eventually I've met Leda telling me to step away! I was given the choice to summon Thiollier and Ansbach, presumably because I finished their questlines, so I did! It just felt like it would be more fun.. and it WAS! Holy shit gfgggcbch I did NOT expect the ultimate NPC showdown XD And, again, Freyja and Ansbach had an actual CONVERSATION! Look, this is a breakthrough for Soulsborne games, trust me they just DON'T have characters interact "on screen"!
10.2) No, seriously, I just wanted to jump on Tumblr and post just this! The best fucking moment
11) Instant interest:
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Which Outer God? Is it one we know of, or some random guy? I decided to not think about it too hard, yesterday it ended in an over 3 hours long brainstorming and my brain still short-circuits! But maybe later! ...I am sure at some point I'll find a similar pattern in the game itself and it will all click..
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^ They were both picked by a respective final boss personally.. Simon+Brador to Ludwig+Laurence moment and so on
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^ *points like in a meme AGAIN* Hey I read about it in a post, she killed all other Needle Knights! And by the way, I never found the seal (?) that revealed that lore! @val-of-the-north help bvbgggvh
12) Ansbach also had a dialogue after that battle to praise Thiollier's poisoning skills! That was lovely!
13) I kind of wondered though: why could not we summon Vengeance-Seeking Hornsent in this battle too, if we did his questline correctly? That would make fair 4 Miquella Simps vs 4 of "us" battle! Like, why just cast away the character to have him die as invader somewhere in Scarlet Rot place? I later realized that it would crash the "balance" of the final boss later, and I guess he was the "safest" to leave behind since he already had his goal (to see Messmer die)! Whereas other two target Miquella in particular!
13.1) This distribution is still a meme material for shitposts about characters doing competitive sport, fighting in an online game etc hfgfggbhcbx 4 vs 4
14) I actually checked and just like I thought, the last painting secret was only accessible after burning the seal!
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Yeah no shit man we could tell
15) So.... yeah, finally, I've met the final boss. I never wanted to fight Radahn again; he somehow gave me problems even on Torrent with all the friends summons, and now I have to somehow dodge him in a small arena т.т Or maybe I am dumb and this is just my skill issue idk gfggjhhy
16) I actually got to the second stage first try somehow! It often happens how I play better when I still don't even know what I am doing XD And...
Okay, is this a good time to say that so far I only was spoilered some footage and lore, but not the voicelines? So.. I shared that story already some time, but a few months before the DLC, I was simply one of the people here 101% convinced about Miquella being kind and the good guy and all! I wasn't like aggressive or anything about it unlike some more avid fans (got stabbed by Bewitching Branch, did you? :p), but still also said "they should read something besides Berserk" or "people are reading into 'fearsome empyrean' line too deep". However, as DLC was approaching, at some point I had an extremely vivid dream where Miquella appeared to me, and his vibe was exactly like in the DLC in retrospective! Okay, maybe more sinister; not cold or evil, just... "forceful" in a similar way, "for my sake".
So, back then, not only that dream permanently altered my brain chemistry to accept and become open to "evil/manipulative Miquella" interpretations, but also helped me to Expect Anything which softened the blow regarding the DLC xd I had a shock moment, but far not as bad as other fans from 'this' camp! ...... so now, I found out that his voice is EXACTLY like it was in my dream 2 months ago. 🌛I really am cursed LMAOOOO WHY IS IT ALWAYS ME XDDDD
Like I said I am a dumb looser with skill issue so I've been trying to beat the boss for next 2+ hours and still didn't.. I will probably get them next time, for now I have to travel for a week and then work again т.т Watching what insane ways YouTube come up maybe will help..
I also one time got a grab attack where Radahn snatches Tarnished and says "I promise you a thousand years voyage of compassion" which got me flustered a little and already made it harder to play, but NOW that I think of it, Ranni also said "a thousand years voyage (under wisdom of stars") 🤔 So that's at least two Demigods hinting at how whatever order (or lack of) they establish won't/can't last forever, but only for 'thousand of years'! Good to know that any system, good or bad, will eventually crumble x) Gwyn: TRIGGERED
All in all, it is a very hard battle and I can't see shit in second phase, everything is too bright. But also oddly enough, I no longer dread new lore/final this much..? Meeting the final boss in person helped to finally accept actual Miquella and get over my prior mental image for good, and I am no longer hung up on Radahn involvement beyond 'some more foreshadowing needs to go in base game via patch now'. I start to wonder whether I simply got caught in the shared disappointment mood and effect of not having the full picture rather than actually dreaded thing from the start? It reminds me of that time when I was clowning agreeing that Malenia was unfair boss but only when I fought her like 70 times myself I realized I exagerrated hfhyggh Not saying Twin Dunces is a good battle, but just saying I don't dread it as much as I thought from spoiler and getting there MYSELF helped
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harapeveco · 6 months
Rei's house
I’m insane and I know a lot about interior design against my will so I used it to make a rough floor plan of Rei’s house
This wasn’t an easy thing to do for two reasons: 1) the only rooms shown so far are the living room and the hallway and 2) Newo doesn’t know how to draw a house apparently LMAO. It’s something I noticed while skimming through the manga to get references but yeh Newo doesn’t put too much effort in backgrounds unless it’s absolutely necessary, what they do is draw the basics to give the reader an idea of where the characters are. I went through their other art and it’s also that way, tho in their pokemon art it has more detail than in knk but I would argue that since knk has to be ready within a month while their other art doesn’t it shouldn’t be surprising it’s drawn that way
Anyway here’s what I could make out so far
Rei’s house seems to be the kind that’s square rather than rectangular so let’s work keeping that in mind
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The first room would be the living room which as you can see it’s pretty clear how it’s supposed to look however there are a few weird things going on with it, the first one is the couch on the left that has a ? next to it. I put it there bc there’s two panels where it doesn’t appear at all…those panels being these two
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But for the sake of my sanity let’s say it’s there. Then there’s the dinning table and you can tell it’s in the same room since in the front you have the left couch that sometimes disappear. Another thing to take into consideration is the door in the far end, I put it there bc when it opens Rei looks to his right and seeing the direction Tobi is opening it it seemingly opens that way which is weird bc doors usually are supposed to open right next to walls but whatever
Next thing I want to point out is the hallway
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This one is interesting bc it shows what seems to be a door close to Rei on the left side and another door in the back to his left. There isn’t another visible door which makes sense he’s probably covering with his big head but yeh I wanted to point this out bc that either means that door goes to the dinning room which wouldn’t make sense when supposedly theres already a door at the back that takes you to the living room OR Newo accidentally put the living room door in the wrong place, which could be, I don’t think they really are thinking about making it consisten which makes sense, you don’t read manga to see rooms you pay attention to the dialogue and characters
The rest of the first floor (kitchen, bathroom, laundry room) are just guesses on my part. Going on a tangent here for a moment but the reason why I made the kitchen like that has a reason you see, kitchens follow this “triangle rule” where the three most important elements of a kitchen (these being the fridge, the sink and the stove) need to be put in a triangle formation so there can be better mobility. Also important to keep in mind fridges need to be far away from stoves. If you look closely to the first picture you’ll also notice the window to the right has also a curtain. Curtains aren’t meant to be near stoves for the obvious reason that they can catch on fire so I put the sink there and the stove the other way. I’m assuming there’s a window there behind the stove too bc something something air circulation there’s a lot of science behind this stuff
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Also idk if this is relevant but the entrance is also kinda easy to make out for some reason
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Another thing I noticed that made me want to kill myslef is there’s this part where reinochi sits together in what seems to be the couch form the right bc in the front there’s the window HOWEVER in the very next panel you see a window behind them as if they are sitting on the left couch what they fuck 😭😭😭 bitches be rotating….like I know it’s not supposed to be like that and was a mistake Newo overlooked (the same way they’ve overlooked the fact Tobi has a turtleneck in recent chapters but I digress) but after you notice it you can’t just unsee it 😭😭😭
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Anyway this house is a mess that’s why I decided to make my own floor plan that makes sense to me
The living room, dinning room and kitchen I kept them all the same as well as the bathroom and laundry room tho the change I made was the mystery door. Instead of it being in the far back I put it in the same place as the door we saw in the hallway and by the end I put the stairs that lead to the second floor and next to it a closet but now that I look at it maybe the stairs themselves can be the closet 🤔🤔🤔 you know how some stairs have like a door and space inside you know what I mean
The second floor is a bit more simple with Rei’s room right next to the stairs. The bathroom is in exactly the same place as the first floor bathroom bc plumbing is all supposed to be in the same place and next to it the master bedroom bc it’s the biggest room. There’s an extra room that leads to hell idk I haven’t thought that far
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Anyway it’s almost 3 am idk why I did all this but I hope you get to enjoy my insane ramblings uwu
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fruit-sauce · 1 year
im so happy other people have the headcanon of “qsmp eggs look like their parents + start looking like the people they hang most around” because i’ve had that idea since like. day one of the eggs lmao
i’ve only drawn dapper, but! i have many design ideas that i wanna write out (bc i might forget them lol), if you have any questions, feel free to ask them, I love talking about my designs, they are weird and silly and i love them all, i promise i will not be upset if you ask something i will instead by very happy
first, each egg started off basically as a blank slate (this is all with human designs in mind), just whatever is their defining detail but also pure white clothes, white hair, etc. but the more they hang around their parent(s), they go through a transformation and then look like their parent(s), typically after an emotional/impactful moment, like how pokemon evolve in the anime
second, to be more specific, every egg has different “Styles” that match each of their parents, as well as a few having mixes of parents (the beginning 8 [except Tilin and Dapper] and Richas w/ TazerCraft) called Duo Styles. All these Styles represent and resemble their parents in some way. 
Still, these Styles can change over time, fading when a parent is absent, or warping to fit the people (not their parents) that are around them the most. This came from the idea that BBH takes care of a lot of the eggs very often, even being referred to as another parent. but what if he hangs around them so much they start to look like him,,, as an example, now that Tallulah sees Phil as her father figure and wants him to refer to her as his daughter, she technically has two Styles, Wilbur and Phil, but since Bad takes care of her so often, tiny details start to change. most obvious, her eyes are becoming lighter, like Bad’s pure white eyes, as well as the tips of her fingers and fingernails creepily starting to turn into the charcoal black that Bad’s skin is. 
Warping to Styles can be stopped if the egg accepts the person as their parent, in that case, a new Style would be made, and the previous Styles revert to being not affected. 
Negative relationships with eggs or even between egg partners will reflect in the egg’s Style, for example, Mariana and Slime’s... thing they had going on? It showed in JuanaFlippas Duo Style
this is gonna be an entire essay, i’m sorry, but now its full on ramble time of each egg, some things will be vague, i’m just too lazy to try and describe it fully, while others i have more specific ideas that i wanna talk about ok lets get on with this mess:
Bobby - Since he had such a close, positive relationship with both parents, Bobby has fully defined Styles of Jaiden and Roier, both having full patterns and even a bit of color in his hair. He also has a Duo Style, again, very developed, comfy, and stylish. As for any particular warping, he wore fingerless gloves (Cellbit), had yellow and green accents in his clothing (Mariana and Slime), and had slightly light eyes but nearly had his hands fully black (BBH)
Chayanne - Fully defined Style of Philza, even to the point of having small crown shaped arm bands from his stories of Techno. As for Missa, his Style is less defined from not being around very often, but still very Missa, lots of bones and purples/blues. His Duo Style is more leaning towards Phil, but noticeably different from Phil’s Style. His clothing has soft yellow accents (Wilbur), a leather holster for his sword and one shoulder pad (Fit), and lately, his eyes are pure white (Missa Style already had pretty light colored eyes, but they’re now pure white from Bad)
Dapper - He’s basically Bad’s mini self, I’ve already made a design for him a while back, but it needs to be updated. After Baghera, he now has a second style! Lots of soft, fluffy colors and textures. Owns a pair of sunglasses that he wears every now and then (Max), has some brown accents in his clothing and a dark grey glove on his left hand (Fit), horns have bright yellow tips, his shoes have purple accents, and his hair is braided back in Baghera’s Style (Forever), and his clothes have gold and diamond details (Foolish and Skeppy respectively)
JuanaFlippa - With Slime’s Style, the ends of her limbs and hair were slime-like and green, and even had one of the slime creatures (?) that Slime has on his head and shoulder. Mariana’s Style wasn’t as defined, but still had the same colors and generally shapes. Her Duo Style was messy and vague, kinda like if you took the two main Styles and mushed them together, instead of being a third new one.
Leo - Very defined Styles of Foolish, Vegetta, and Duo. Foolish’s Style has many gold and emerald details, and is comfortable to even swim in (because shark). Vegetta’s Style resembles Trunks/Bulla from Dragon Ball because haha funny. While not being a parental figure, Leo does have a Roier Style, with heavy details of Cellbit. They have semi-red horns (Bad), black accents in their clothes (Bad and Max), and fingerless gloves (Cellbit)
Ramon - Duo and Spreen Style has nearly fully faded, but Fit’s Style, similar to Bad and Dapper, is very much like Fit himself. Lot’s of warping from Bad, charcoal skin goes up past his knees and elbows, horns are almost fully red, and eyes are also nearly fully white. He wears fingerless gloves and has a white streak in his hair (White streak earlier resembled Spreen, but is now closer to Cellbit’s hair)
Tilin - Never formed a Luzu or Duo Style, and his Quackity style barely resembled Quackity. Bright purple eyes and accents in clothing (Jaiden), bright red accents and spider web details (Roier), red/white shoes and green under shirt (Slimcicle)
Trumpet - Dan and Duo Styles vaguely resemble Dan at all, but it was still noticeable. On the other hand, Maximus’ Style was very defined. Had pure white eyes and red horns (Bad)
Tallulah - Again, Wilbur’s Style resembles Wilbur exactly, even after all this time. She doesn’t use his Style since he left, but it’s still exactly how it was since then (aside from warping). She had HEAVY warping from Phil, but since asking him to refer to her as his daughter, she now has a Philza Style. She has a lot of colors in her clothing, im gonna have fun designing her (i say, through gritted teeth) Her hair is now a lighter brown, nearly a dirty blond, and is braided back (Forever), eyes are fully white, hands are becoming that pure black, and she has many black accents in her clothing (Bad), a white streak in her hair and some dark brown accents in clothing (Cellbit), previously had dark brown eyes, still has light brown/blue accents (Fit), previously had dark blue accents(Quackity, not anymore tho), and her horns are purple (Jaiden). I’m gonna regret doing this once I get to drawing her design but its ok i’ll survive. maybe.
Richarlyson - Style for all five parents, Felps is the least defined but still there, and TazerCraft does have a Duo Style. He also has a Quackity Style, but that has been slowly fading since the arrival of El Quackity. Red horns and black accents (Bad), yellow accents (Baghera), and a few emerald details (Foolish)
Pomme - Has five Styles, but Kameto’s is basically just a dark blue dress since he was barely there, all others are very defined. Consistently has bright blond hair in all Styles (Forever), red accents in clothing (Forever and Bad), and has some black accents (Bad)
This is gonna be the death of me but I just needed to get these ideas and designs out of my head, I draw so slowly and I didn’t wanna forget anything so spitting them out in text form was my best bet, once i finish this kirakira precure drawings, i’ll start drawing these out, some of the wording might be confusing, i apologize, but it’ll all make sense once i draw them out
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bluerosesburnblue · 4 months
@oveliagirlhaditright I'm putting my Missing Link thoughts in another post because it would be too long, and honestly I have SO MANY thoughts about why the basic premise of KHML was a bad idea (completely separate from my own distaste for the "Ephemer is Xehanort's ancestor" stuff that might be in it)
Because you're right to mention Pokemon Go and it really, REALLY feels to me like it's just trying to ride the hype from the mobile ARG boom that started with Pokemon Go a whole eight years ago. Because KHML as a concept doesn't even seem to be utilizing any of the unique features of an ARG that make them appealing
There's two real franchise-based mobile ARGs that I ever remember hearing about: Pokemon Go and Harry Potter: Wizards Unite*. These two projects do make sense to me, as opposed to KHML because of the way that both franchises make use of the central concept of the augmented reality feature. They're additions to reality, which both series already played around with. HP takes place in our reality, but with a "what if magic was real and just hidden" premise, so it's insanely easy to make an ARG that's just "yeah, you're one of the people in on the secret magical society that always existed in the real world." Pokemon takes place in an alternate version of our world; every location in Pokemon is based on a real-world location. So that's also a natural progression for it, and it's easy to pretend that the "reality" you see in the ARG is just the Pokemon world. Other than location names and the presence of Pokemon, the Pokemon world is practically identical to reality
That is literally the central concept of an ARG. To make the game part of reality. And that just doesn't work with KH, a game about flying through space to reach Disney worlds. Sure, some of us might have wanted to pretend to be Keyblade wielders as kids, but did we want to be wielders in our small backyards? Not even imagining that they were another location, but the yards as they were? No! We wanted to be in the Disney worlds! Or Traverse Town! The central facet of ARG gameplay doesn't mesh with the functionality of a story-based canonical title. And so what do they do to force it to work? Complicate the lore with the Astral Planes, which completely take the "reality" out of Augmented Reality aside from... a map? Like, it might have worked with Quadratum depending on how much of "our reality" that ends up being, but that's not at all what they're doing
Additionally, ARGs are not conducive to story-heavy games! You're supposed to play them while walking around town, maybe stopping for a few minutes to take a break. Or you play them on work/school breaks. You need to be able to pick them up, play a bit for 10 minutes, and put them down. The typical gameplay cycle for most ARG players does not include 20 minutes just to watch cutscenes to get the Exclusive Lore before being able to do anything, and the people who like KH for the story aren't going to want to wait all the time for their mobile game energy to recharge before they can get their cutscenes (a thing that even KHUx did away with for story chapters after some time!)
The entire decision to make KHML an ARG, to me, feels like corporate checking off a box of "style of game that got popular in recent memory" and trying to copy it rather than thinking of the gameplay as a medium in and of itself to tell a story. Nothing about the ARG concept works with what KH is at its core, and I honestly feel like they unintentionally admitted that when it was announced that you'd be able to play it without leaving home. What is the point of making it an ARG at all if you're going to remove literally the only benefit that it has as a medium, as opposed to something that could benefit the story you're trying to tell? We are a long way from the days of TWEWY making revolutionary use of the DS technology to have its gameplay tell a significant part of its story
In an ideal world, I think that KHML should have been an MMO like we thought KHx was going to be back when it was announced. They wouldn't have to mess with the lore to make it work, other players running around would help to "populate" Scala ad Caelum in a natural way, people could form "families" with their friends to further the bloodlines narrative, and MMOs can function on the drip-fed narrative style that they wanted. It doesn't even have to be a big-budget MMO like FF14, because I actually do like KH3's artstyle and KHML's simpler usage of it (it manages to be distinctive and colorful, working in hallmarks of Nomura's hand-drawn style while still being more detailed than the PS2-era). It could just be... basically what it is now, but they add in new Disney worlds every couple of months to keep the story going
And now here we are, with a game that was supposed to be out by the end of 2023 still missing (lol) and only having had two betas by the near-midpoint of 2024 because they're having developmental issues that I would personally guess have to do with the game's self-defeating nature. I find it very frustrating
*Adding in, Wizards Unite literally ran for less than three years (June 2019 - Jan 2022) before shutting down so even being tied to a big-name franchise couldn't save it. I have a strong hunch that the Covid-19 lockdowns played a huge part in killing the ARG boom so it's doubly insane to me why Square Enix thought trying to bring it back was a good idea
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