#I have more cities than this too if anyone wants them hehe just not as thought out yet
moss-and-marimos · 11 months
saw ur post about needing to infodump ur dnd campaign. this is my invitation to u to do so :)
ouuyghhhhhhhhhh I love doing world building stuff so much, I have this huge world ive been homebrewing to hopefully eventually run a campaign in and I just have so many characters and locations ive made for it and I like them so much Inchunder- one of the locations is called inchunder, its a town and its called that bc the sidewalks are always an inch underwater because its always raining in the town, its a haven of sorts for those that like the rain or the cold or the dark, and was magically made to rain by a wizard or something a long time ago, its a chilly place, people usually wear cloaks and you can see your breath when you walk around, people who make cloaks and cobblers are some of the main professions in the town, well-renowned for their waterproof shoes and clothing. Some other important jobs in the city are lantern-lighters, metalworkers, and glassblowers. Watch out for potholes, because there is a very rare chance if you step into one deep enough you wont come out, and will get transported somewhere else. Fireplaces are a staple in the city for heating. Tidal Town (filler name)- for lack of better name atm ive been calling this place tidal town, its a coastal town mostly made of white stone and copper, most of the structures are made of pillars with domed oxidized copper roofs with spires or statues on top, the architecture is intricate and well-maintained, very ornamental, the town is very isolated and a sort of retirement place, most of the people there are older people who dont want to be disturbed. Most houses are single story, with only 1-2 people. in the center of the town is a sundial that tells the time, and allows people to know when the tide is coming in or out, because this town floods and un-floods with the tides. there are also kelp and seaweed gardens scattered about in box gardens. Most of the people who live in the town are tritons, water genasi, or other amphibious/water breathing creatures. There is a section of the town that remains entirely underwater, but thats deeper and not accessible to creatures who dont breathe water. The town's main exports are jewelry and embroidered clothing, as well as other methods of ornamentation. Hybrid City (again filler name)- The hybrid city is exactly what it sounds like, its a city for people without anywhere else to go. It's a haven for creatures who dont fit in anywhere else, and has different districts for different species, who all have their own developed cultures. Genasi hybrids and half elves are especially common here. There is a lot of variation in clothing styles here, but almost all of it is colorful and considered to be fashionable. There is also a lot of variety to fit the specific needs of various species, and tailors are a common profession here that can be paid very well, as are textile and fiber artists. For example, a fire genasi might need cooler clothes, like sleeveless shirts and pants that can be hemmed, whereas a water genasi might need warmer clothes. The variation in body types also contributes to this, as tabaxis will have different needs than centaurs for example. This city is quite literally in the clouds, and was established and is maintained by air genasi. Insect/music Dungeon- I'm not sure exactly if this'll be a oneshot or if its part of the world but im putting it here anyway because its cool, the insect dungeon is what it sounds like, an insect themed dungeon. The entrance is above ground, guarded by an older man who is an anthro giant African snail, and a younger man who is a weevil knight. Inside, there are a collection of insect themed puzzles, for example one themed around cicada years, and the floors go down and down deeper into the earth, structured like an insect nest. The final boss fight is probably an egg sac of sorts. The dungeon also has a music theme, with things like cricket songs being a theme, and one of the items you can get being a magic lute painted like a pair of insect wings.
theres more but this is basics of the ones I have pretty thought out, theres also specific characters that live in those towns if you want to hear about them :D
0 notes
shinysobi · 15 days
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pretty u
summary: when joshua, your best friend gets engaged, you can't help but feel as though you're missing out on something important. jihoon, your other best friend, kindly offers to set you up with one of his many friends. chaos ensues, seungkwan is an observer who knows everything, and unfortunately, mingyu is a hapless victim.
pairing: woozi x fem!reader
genre: crack, fluff, angst
word count: 10k~ish
warnings: alcohol consumption, general warnings apply
A/N: uhh..hi? this is the first time i've written rpf, and it makes all the more sense for it to be centred around woozi, my svt bias. this has no plot at all, and i just wrote it for fun and vibes...also unbetaed, so if you see any mistakes, no u did not :)) shout out to my twitter gc for cheering me on as i wrote this hehe u guys are the best
a/n 2: reblogs and comments are much appreciated! please tell me if you're liking this lmao
chapter 1 | chapter 2
Chapter 1
Whoever said that every love story is universal, was not lying, unfortunately. Every good love story is a mix of tropes that unfortunately work well together to form a coherent plot. And the longer you read books, the easier it becomes for you to identify (or avoid) these tropes.
The enemies turn into lovers.
The friends turn into lovers.
The inn only has one available bed.
Your brother’s best friend is somehow smoking hot and doesn’t see you as an annoying little sibling anymore.
Your one-night stand is your new boss, and he is inexplicably obsessed with you.
Your parents have forced you into an arranged marriage, and your partner is a. incredibly hot and b. also obsessed with you. You get the gist, so on, and so forth.
All love stories go for a trope that becomes the central conceit of the story, no matter how unique they try to be. The small-town girl/boy falls for the hotshot city lawyer/businessman/vague marketing executive and shows them the importance of family, and of course, of love, because without it, business is notoriously low. People need romance to feel something other than hatred in their already terrible lives, and books offer escapism. Escapism and on some other level, a sense of belonging. You can identify yourself with the girl who falls in love with her brother’s best friend, or the man who has feelings for his sworn enemy, or the person who has, surprise, fallen in love, with their best friend. Or their best friend’s brother. Take your pick.
And unfortunately, as a critic, reading romance implies wading through the countless reiterations of trope-y goodness on offer at every bookstore, and trying to find something that strikes a chord. It is a given, that one has to kiss some proverbial frogs in the meantime, and of course, any professional mishap has to be accompanied with a gossip session with one’s friends, where any complaints you might have about your work, is unloaded onto the brunch table, for my friends to laugh about.
Because at the end of the day, everyone is a character in their own kind of romance novel. A victim of the tropes, if you will. In my case, I am the perpetual single childhood best friend, who puts up with every single antic of the main character. In of course, an enemies-to-lovers romance. Apparently unrequited love sells too, if its written well. If not, then it just becomes one of many repetitive marketing gimmicks that frankly, don’t sit well with anyone, let alone someone like me, who critiques books for a living.
“It’s your attitude that’s a problem.” Jihoon says, taking a sip of his coffee, “you’ve been writing for the newsdesk for years and I have never seen you actually be satisfied with a book. There’s always something that could have been better. Maybe this is why you are so—”
“I am so?” I say, eyes narrowed, “finish that sentence, Jihoon.”
“You want me to?”
“Do you really have to fight every time we meet?”
Both Jihoon and I turn our head to the third person at the table, Joshua. Dressed impeccably in a freshly ironed pair of shirt and trousers, he looks far better than either me or Jihoon, because both of us look as though we have been through botched murder attempts. I am in a hoodie and sweatpants, and Jihoon is somehow worse than me, wearing a pair of shorts and a black t-shirt. His abandoned khaki bomber jacket hangs on the back of his chair, and I cannot believe I’m saying this, but he actually looks worse when wearing the jacket. Joshua looks as though he has been seated at our table by mistake. I’m slightly annoyed by this, but it seems as though Jihoon is more annoyed than me, “what do you mean we fight every time we meet?”
Joshua makes a vague hand gesture, “really? Look at us. You both are dressed as though you’ve been through a typhoon. I feel horribly overdressed.”
“I had a long night.” I reply, “worked overtime at the desk for the Sunday paper.”
“I came here straight from the studio.” Jihoon says, “I didn’t even go home to shower.”
“See, this, this is what I am talking about.” Joshua groans, “both of you dress like homeless people, and then when you come to brunch, you fight all the time. Do you guys never get tired of fighting?”
“Never.” Both Jihoon and I say in unison.
Joshua sighs, before picking up his knife and fork, “I give up. I can never get you two to agree on anything apart from the fact that you guys, apparently, don’t fight.”
“She needs to quit complaining about her job.” Jihoon points his fork at me, “she’s got the cushiest job imaginable, and she manages to complain about it all the time. Every week, she’s here complaining about something at her job.”
“As if you don’t complain about your job all the time too,” I reply, not one to back down from a fight, “you complain about the people at your job all the time as well. And it’s not as though your job is shitty; you literally work at the biggest music corporation in the country—”
“Guys!” Joshua half-yells, and I stop. Everyone is looking at the three of us, and unlike the two of us, he looks embarrassed. “Guys, if you have to fight every time we meet, maybe I suggest we stop this weekly brunch. Jesus—”
“Oh, he swore,” Jihoon whispers, and I giggle, “we finally made him take the Lord’s name in vain.”
“—it’s like you’re kids all over again. This isn’t freshman year of university, for heaven’s sake,” he takes an elegant sip of his coffee, “and for your information, Jesus isn’t the Lord. I’m not letting you guys get the satisfaction of hearing me fucking swear.”
“Does he hear himself?” Jihoon mutters. “I don’t think he does.” I whisper in response.
“Yes, I’m aware I said ‘fuck’, thank you very much.” Joshua sits back in his chair, “I’m proposing to Eunseo tonight.”
“Tonight?” Jihoon yells, bolting upright from his chair, and everyone in the restaurant looks at us, “you’re proposing to her tonight?”
Joshua grabs his hand to drag him back onto his chair, “yes, tonight. Are you stupid? Everyone is looking at us now.” He looks at me, “what do you think about it?”
Oh. Oh.
Remember when I said that my role in a romance novel is that of the eternally-spurned childhood friend? The one who has loved the main character from a distance, never really daring to express their feelings? Well, I’ve not known Joshua since my childhood, we met at high school, and it hasn’t been that long since I discovered that I might have a tiny, the most miniscule of crushes on him. But I’m that trope. The childhood friend who gets spurned, and the main character turns away to the actual love of their life, leaving only a broken heart behind. Too little, too late.
Well, who wouldn’t?
He’s tall, good-looking, gentlemanly, with just the right amount of unhinged, has a good, stable, get-off-at-the-right-time government job, and above all, he’s unflinchingly kind to everyone. Yes, including me and Jihoon, even though we make his life a living hell on most days. Realistically,  it was only a moment of time before either Jihoon or I had any feelings for him. And I was betting on Jihoon too. Fuck.
“Are you okay?” Joshua’s voice is soft, insisting, and all I can see when I break out of my reverie is the swoop of his collarbones as they disappear under the shirt, and suddenly I feel very dirty. Not just dirty, but also simply awful. Why am I out here thinking about his collarbones when he’s thinking about how to propose to his girlfriend? His very nice, very beautiful girlfriend?
“I’m fine,” I nod my head, “have you picked out a ring for her?”
“Not yet, but I have a kind of ring in mind already.” He says, turning to Jihoon and starting to talk about the different cuts of diamonds that are present at Tiffany’s, and how they suit different kinds of people. Eunseo, I learn, is partial to a pear cut. Jihoon, the idiot,  who can’t shut up when it comes to arguments with me, is unnaturally quiet, only offering comments here and there. It’s very uncharacteristic.
And then he gets that look on his face which is a signal for both me and Jihoon that we are about to hear an hour’s worth of praises of Eunseo, and I step in. Making a vague sign towards my completed plate of fish and chips (not that great, the fish was soggy) I say, “before he begins singing praises of his girlfriend, sorry, fiancé, can we get the check?”
“You keep saying it as though you don’t know how much I love her.” Joshua sounds annoyed  but unfortunately, I can see through his mask of fake annoyance, “I already paid.”
“Thank goodness, I forgot my wallet.” Jihoon smiles, “for a moment, I thought I would have to use my online wallet.”
“Aren’t you ashamed?” I elbow him lightly in the ribs, and he doesn’t even flinch. Apparently, music producers these days have to be certified gym rats, or they won’t let them into the building, “you’ve mooched off of Joshua and me for the past twelve years, maybe it’s time to start paying.”
“Maybe I do pay, but I just don’t like you.” Jihoon replies, sarcasm evident in his tone, “so I don’t want to pay for your meal.”
“You little—” I’m about to commit a murder in broad daylight, but Joshua, the sweet angel that he is, stops both of us, waving his card in between like a bullfighting matador.
“You guys just don’t stop, do you?” He grins, evidently thinking about how he’s going to propose to his loving girlfriend this evening. Nauseating. It makes me want to throw up. Because Joshua is not going to wake up one morning and decide that he wants to throw away his living relationship of five years to—to pursue his unfortunate best friend, who has nursed an unfortunate attraction towards him for the past year. That is never going to happen. So, let’s scratch that. That should not happen.
Because apart from being unfairly gorgeous and rich and beautiful and did I mention gorgeous? Eunseo is also unflinchingly nice, the kind of nice that leaves other people wondering if the person in front of them is real or not, or if they have some kind of hidden intentions that border on murderous or at the very least, fraudulent. She’s the one who took me under her wing when I was a freshman and had no friends except the two weird guys in my required sociology class, and thanks to her, at the end of four years of university, I had friends in the journalism club, people I come into contact on occasion such as weddings and the odd reunion.
Her niceness is also the reason why Joshua fell for her at first sight.
“I’m out.” Jihoon picks up the abomination of a bomber jacket from his chair, “and before you ask, no, hyung, I’m not helping you with picking out a ring for your girlfriend. You can do that yourself. Or ask her for help.”
And before Joshua can look at me and before I make a fool out of myself (yet again), I turn away, rejecting his proposal for looking at pear-cut diamond rings on a Sunday morning, “I’m ideologically against the institution of marriage. Do it yourself.”
Joshua sighs, because of course he has anticipated this. The fucker. “cannot believe you’re still on your Dworkin streak. Fine,” he says, getting up from his chair and walking out of the café, “I’ll get Eunseo’s ring myself. And when she asks, I’ll tell her that none of you helped me.”
“Ooh, threatening your girlfriend on us, I’m shaking in my boots,” Jihoon replies, sarcasm evident in his voice, digging through his pockets to get his car keys, “when are you planning to get the ring?”
“Later, in the afternoon,” Joshua is opening the door to his car, and looking at me, “do you want me to give you a ride? Your house is on the way.”
“She only takes buses and the subway,” Jihoon grins, “don’t you remember the time in university when she kept saying about how much she likes welfare policies and transportation benefits?”
“Shut the fuck up,” I reply, elbowing him, harder this time, and Jihoon flinches, “I’ll just go to the office. Jihoon will give me a ride.”
“When did I say that I’ll give you a ride?” Jihoon looks like he wants to begin an argument with me in front of the café, but he acquiesces, “ugh, fine. I’ll give you a ride. Your office is on the way.”
“I’m still not convinced that you simply wanted to ‘spend time with me’.” Jihoon grumbles an hour later, seated at his studio and fiddling with his computer. “You’ve been lying there and scrolling twitter for hours now.”
“Your couch is much better than my office chair,” I hum a non-committal reply, before making myself further comfortable into the soft plush material of his couch, “and I’m not scrolling on twitter, I’m trying to find another flat to move into.”
“Lease up?” Jihoon asks, “wasn’t your agreement still valid for at least another few months?”
“I’m just trying to get ahead of the curve,” I reply, “if I start looking from now, maybe I’ll get a better flat by the time the lease is up. My current flat is—”
“A shithole.” Jihoon finishes my sentence for me, “seriously, I don’t know how you manage to live there. And you’ve been holding onto that flat for the past seven years. everyone moved out of their university flats, but you managed to hold onto yours for so long.”
“That’s because it’s a good deal,” I mutter, “ugh, I can’t manage to find a single good deal on any of the flats.”
“Because you’re never satisfied with any deal,” Jihoon replies, “your ideal deal is if everything was free.”
“And I still maintain that housing should not be monetised.”
“Why thank you for that insight, comrade.” Jihoon puts a finger to his mouth, “shut up for a while, I’m trying to concentrate on this song.
“Who’s it for?” I sit up, intrigued, “a new artist?”
“The company’s new girl group.” Jihoon says, “I was asked to produce the title track for their debut. I only have four months on hand, and I still haven’t finished the track. The higher-ups are going to have my head for this.”
“No, they won’t,” I reply, “they like you too much. Speaking of—”
“—if you want me to give you an interview, I won’t, I’ve already told you five times,” Jihoon cuts me off, wheeling his chair away from me, “jeez, you’re tenacious.”
“Oh, but come on, it’ll be fun,” with an extra emphasis on come on, I think I’ve got Jihoon’s attention, “people keep speculating on the kind of person you are. I mean, people know Woozi, but do they know what kind of person he is, underneath all that secrecy? You’ve never given an interview, and you keep avoiding any kind of public appearance. One might think you hate the spotlight.”
“Even if I were to give an interview, I wouldn’t be giving it to you. Who knows how you’re going to spin my words.”
“I’m hurt, Lee Jihoon. This has hurt me.”
Jihoon turns around and blows me a raspberry. I roll my eyes. Is he twenty-eight, or just eight? “whatever you say won’t affect the way I think. I still won’t give you an interview.”
“Just so you know, I’m known to be an excellent interviewer.” I say, walking over to his chair, “come on, Jihoon-ah, give me an interview. Please?”
“Pretty please?”
He turns around at that, fixing me with a stare, “don’t you ever fucking do aegyo in front of me. I’m going to kill you if you do that again.”
“See, if you gave me an interview like I’m asking you to, then I would not have a reason to subject you to aegyo, but as things stand, you really give me nothing else to work with.”
“Ask Joshua for an interview then, if you’re so desperate for one,” the words coming out of anyone else’s mouth would have given me enough reason to walk out of the room, but Jihoon made them sound softer, almost romantic. It was funny, how he managed to change the intonations of every word, changing them to his whims. I suppose that’s what I do with words, and that’s what he does with sounds.
“Joshua is not the elusive Woozi,” I flop back onto the sofa as I counter, trying actively to not think about Joshua picking out a ring at Tiffany’s for Eunseo right at that moment, “he’s an adjunct professor. Not the most interview-friendly of all occupations.”
Jihoon looks at me, and for a moment, I think he’s going to ask me a very uncomfortable and difficult question, but at that moment, both our phones buzz simultaneously. I check the phone, and it’s a single message in the shared chatroom. Joshua has sent a message, a single picture of a pear-shaped diamond solitaire ring (don’t ask me how I know the cut of the diamond) with an attached message;
joshuji: picked up her ring! <3
“Damn, an exclamation point, and an emoji,” Jihoon says, typing out a reply in the chatroom, “our joshuji is entirely too far gone, isn’t he?”
I don’t say anything. Its far easier to pretend that you’re typing out a reply and can’t hear anything, especially when it comes to Jihoon. He’ll take anything in stride.
hoon: wow Eunseo has you whipped
big dick (canon): hey I think it’s cute
Jihoon sets his phone down with an audible clack, and fuck, I’ve messed up. Joshua is oblivious and blissfully happy in his own little life, but Jihoon? The Jihoon that I’ve known ever since our seats were beside each other in the sociology class that made me develop an irrational fear of surveyors? He’s single-minded whenever it comes to pursuing anything. One doesn’t become the most sought-after music producer in the industry with just talent, they need to be dogged in their pursuit of success. And unfortunately, when Lee Jihoon turns his mind to something, he accomplishes it, whether it’s producing a Billboard Hot 100 hit, or, judging by the way he’s looking at me right now, getting words out of my mouth.
“Okay, spill, I’ve seen this go on for long enough,” he says, getting up from the chair and walking over to the sofa, where I am currently hiding behind a throw pillow, “you’ve been weird for months now, and we need to talk about it.”
“We, don’t need to do anything,” I reply, “I’m perfectly fine. If something happened, I would tell you. Or Joshua. Or both of you, at the same time.”
“Like you inform us after every breakup of yours?” Jihoon laughs, “you mean to say you’re going to hold another one of your ‘meetings’ to tell me and Joshua about how some poor bastard made the mistake of trying to date you?”
“I’m actually nice when I date, and I can hold down a relationship for more than two weeks, Mr I-don’t-like-commitment. Tell me, how did your last date go? Did she walk out of the date itself, or did you ghost her?”
Jihoon blinks at me, and then, a slow, catlike smile passes over his features. Fuck.
“You’re being combative today,” he grins, and fuck, its infuriating how predictable I am, and how absolutely incapable I am of not taking his bait, “so, there is something that you’re hiding.”
“Ugh, I hate this.”
“Then you shouldn’t have taken the damn bait,” he replies, “do you want to tell me yourself, or do you want me to guess your little secret?”
“I’m not telling you anything, and its nothing you can suss out either.”
“I can just beat it out of you,” he smiles, flexing his arms, and I belatedly remember that Jihoon, to my disadvantage, had decided at the early age of twenty-one, that he was going to make up for his height by being The Broadest Man on Earth, and now carried a protein shake in his bag everywhere he went, that somehow tasted more disgusting than it looked. He could easily beat me to a pulp. And he would do it too, the little shit.
“Jihoon, remember the time I carried you home when you were drunk?” I don’t know how to do the specific variant of the thing they call ‘puppy eyes’, but I try my absolute best to emulate the little I know, “and you threw up all over my clothes? Remember? It was at Mingyu’s birthday party, and you got drunk on an empty stomach—”
“Don’t fucking do that,” he throws a pillow at me, “fuck, that’s creepy. Also, I got drunk and threw up on your clothes in my second year of university, damn, how long are you going to milk it for?”
“As long as I can,” I reply, “please, Jihoon, just this once.”
“Damn, fine, weirdo,” he stands up, going back to his chair, his back now towards me, “isn’t as though you like Joshua or something.”
I freeze, hoping that the intake of breath at that last sentence hasn’t been heard by Jihoon. I know I’m an atheist, I pray fervently, to whichever god that’s listening, God, Allah, Buddha, Jesus, if anyone’s listening, please, please, please, let Jihoon not notice—
“You like Joshua?”
“No.” I lie brightly, “I just—stubbed my toe on the table.”
Jihoon looks at me in a way that screams bitch, I know you’re a liar so don’t even try. “You know you’re a horrible liar, right?”
“I am?”
He nods, “its one of the many endearing things about you. But unfortunately, you’ve given yourself away now. Really, Joshua? The Joshua Hong we know?”
“Really, it isn’t like that,” I’m sweating, and praying Jihoon doesn’t notice that I’m sweating, “its nothing, and besides, I don’t even like him in that kind of way—”
“Do you want to fuck him?”
I choke on a breath and begin coughing. “What?” I manage to say, after I recover enough to breathe properly, “I don’t want to fuck anyone!”
“Great, because if you wanted to fuck him, it would have become massively awkward.” Jihoon shrugs, “since it’s one of those passing feelings, you can take care of it; it happens all the time. I once had a crush on you too. It’s bound to happen.”
“You had a crush on me?” I screech, “what the fuck, Lee Jihoon, you’re supposed to wait before dropping this kind of information on me!”
“Dude, its long gone,” Jihoon places a hand on my shoulder, a touch that’s meant to be reassuring, but it only suffices to make me angrier, “it was during my military service. I remember that you came with my parents to see me off, and it was—nice. So, I had a crush on you. I got over it when I got out of the military, though. Turns out seeing your best friend live in a hovel really does wonders for your lingering feelings.”
“For eighteen months?” I hold my head in my hands, “you had a crush on me for eighteen months? What the fuck kind of information is that? And you got out of the military three years ago!”
“M-hmm, see, that’s what I mean when I say these feelings will go away.” Jihoon looks sage, as if he’s imparting the secret to life and how to be a good Buddhist, and not bombarding my mind with information I would rather not know, “wait, have you masturbated to Joshua?”
“What the fuck?” I stand up, pacing the room at a speed that would closely rival that of an Olympian, “why would I masturbate to Joshua Hong?”
Jihoon shrugs, “people masturbate. You are a person. Hence the question.”
“Of course, I haven’t masturbated to—wait did you masturbate while thinking of me?” I’m yelling now, yelling and pacing the room like a woman possessed, because of course, Jihoon has made me lose my mind, “Lee Jihoon, did you jerk off to my pictures?”
He shrugs. “What are you going to do if I say yes?”
“I’m going to kill you, and then I’m going to kill myself,” I say, grabbing his shoulders, “you know what, Jihoon, lets do that. Let’s both die.”
“Why would I consent to a murder-suicide with you?” he sounds terribly composed, which again, does not bode well for the numerous murderous thoughts I have currently running through my head, “its just a little masturbation. I was twenty-three, I was bored to tears at the military camp, and I had a crush on you, so, I did what I did.”
“Which was apparently, masturbation.” I flop facedown on the couch, “I want to castrate you, you know that, right?”
“Figures. You’ve always been weird about sex.” Jihoon makes a face, “So, you didn’t tell me. do you want to fuck Joshua or not? Because if you do, then it just means that you want sex. If you don’t, then I can’t help you.”
“How can you help me in any way if I say I want to have sex with Joshua?” I ask, “even if I do, which I don’t, just by the way—”
“You want to jump his bones. Right.”
“—how can you even help me, short of getting me a male prostitute.” I pause, horror spreading through my features, “oh fuck. Jihoon, are you going to hire a gigolo?”
To his credit, Jihoon looks appropriately disgusted, “why would I hire a prostitute? No, I would set you up with one of my friends.”
He thinks for a while, then says, “Soonyoung.”
“No offence, but I’m about 90% convinced that Soonyoung is a furry.”
“Jeonghan-hyung, then.”
“He’s too similar to Joshua,” I groan, “why am I going along with this idea? This is literally the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.”
“Then do you want to help yourself?”
“Masturbate to thoughts of Joshua? Yeah, like that’s gonna work.” I hold my head in my hands, “fuck, I have to sleep with Soonyoung, don’t I? I’m half-convinced he will do a tiger impression in bed.”
“I’m fairly convinced he mimics a roar when he orgasms.” Jihoon mutters.
“Oh, fuck, now I have to talk about orgasms with you,” I say, face buried in one of the pillows, “I have to sleep with one of your weird friends and then everyone will know about my crush on Joshua and I’ll be shunned from our three-person group forever and ever—”
“Calm down, no one is going to spill your secrets,” Jihoon says, “and I have other friends too, you know. They don’t talk as much as those idiots, but they are good people.”
“But I don’t want to fuck anyone right now.”
Jihoon stares at me.
“Okay fine, maybe a little bit.” I concede, “but still, not enough to warrant a setting-up. Maybe I’m just sexually frustrated.”
“Then go fuck someone!”
“It isn’t that easy!” I snap, and Jihoon looks surprised, because its so unlike me to be incandescent over something as stupid as this, but I can’t help the shiver of anger running over me, “it isn’t so fucking easy. If it were, I would have gone and slept with a stranger from a bar. Yes, I know it’s dangerous, but I would have done it. But I’m telling you now, its difficult for me to even know if I’m attracted to Joshua, and if my attraction means I want to jump him or whatever.”
“Then what does it mean?” Jihoon, it seems, is also incapable of not reacting to my moods and temper, he gets angry easily sometimes, “What does it mean when you tell me you’re attracted to someone? We’re twenty-eight, for fuck’s sake. What the fuck else do you mean?”
“I don’t know!” I half-yell, half-sob, “I don’t know what I want, and I don’t know if I want to sleep with anyone, least of all Joshua. I’m confused, and I don’t know what to do, and all I want is a little acceptance, not you rattling of a list of people I should sleep with in order to get over my feelings for Joshua—”
“Hey, I’m sorry.”
“—and you can’t even give me that, Jihoon,” I finish lamely, looking at his concerned expression, “yeah fine, I’m leaving.”
The door is loud when I close it behind me. to his credit, Jihoon doesn’t pursue me, because even if he’s abnormally idiotic in matters like these, he’s got some sense.
I deeply regret befriending either of them, because both Joshua and Jihoon have apparently no sense of boundaries between people. Joshua keeps assaulting my inbox with messages along the lines of oh look how much I love my girlfriend and how much I can’t wait to see you guys and celebrate my engagement because I’ve got my life sorted out unlike YOU fuckers, and Jihoon has rewarded me with radio silence ever since I blew up in his face about his idiotic idea regarding me having sex with one of his friends.
And, as a testament to my misfortunes in life, Joshua has decided that his proposal to Eunseo must be followed up with a party thrown in her honour, or at least a dinner as per his last text message; which of course, he has to send to the shared chatroom with a  variety of threatening and non-threatening messages.
joshuji: just saying if you guys aren’t here for the dinner, I’m never talking to you
hoon: aren’t proposals supposed to be an intimate thing? For couples??? Why are you asking us to be there????
joshuji: Eunseo wanted you guys to celebrate, too
joshuji: also, I’m proposing to her in the afternoon. I’m asking you guys to come over for dinner
hoon: maybe we should ask Eunseo about her feelings?
hoon: idk if she would want two others celebrating her engagement. Maybe we should stage an intervention and try to convince her to leave you. Its not too late already
big dick (canon): idk if I can make it guys
joshuji: I told u I wouldn’t be forgiving you if you don’t attend
hoon: you also tell us that every other week, I think we’ll be fine
joshuji: please?
hoon: don’t you fucking dare
big dick (canon): send us the location. Also, you’re paying
hoon: that’s the least he can do, after inflicting all this on us, and on her
joshuji: don’t worry, dinner is on me. [location attached] be there.
Fuck. Fuck my life, and fuck the two other people also in my life, and also, fuck Eunseo for good measure, because if it hadn’t been for her coming over to the mixer in third year, Joshua would never have fallen head over heels with her at first sight, and he wouldn’t have asked her out, and then I wouldn’t have had to deal with my conflicting feelings in the middle of a random Sunday. In the middle of me contemplating whether to clean my flat or not, too. If you look at it, its all her fault. Her fault for being so flawless and lovely and gorgeous that even I cannot bring myself to be jealous. The woman volunteers her free time at an animal shelter, for god’s sake. She’s the kind of person you write rambling horrible love sonnets about, and inflict them on your best friends after getting drunk and vomiting on a sidewalk at three in the morning. I should know, because that was Joshua when he was twenty-five.
Everything seems to go to shit at the same time, so of course, my landlord has to make an appearance when I’m in the middle of a neurotic episode over whether or not to do my laundry and contemplating hurling myself out of the window. His knocks are rhythmic, three seconds apart, which gives me enough time to prepare with a butcher’s knife in my hand. To ensure my safety, of course, in all my good conscience, I could never murder someone.
“Ah, yes, if it isn’t my favourite tenant,” he smiles, wide enough for me to see the gold tooth he had put in four years ago, “don’t worry, I’m only here for a routine check.”
“I bet you say that to all your tenants, Mr Kim.” I mutter, not moving from the doorway. If this man can sell me a glorified hovel posturing as a flat, I can disrespect him as much as I want. “I’ll get back to you on the renewal on my lease as soon as possible.”
The nosy bastard (man) that he is, Mr Kim cranes his neck around me to take a look inside my flat, “don’t worry, you’ve been one of my longest-running tenants for a while, you can take your time.” Then he looks at me, and the gold tooth is again on display. Ugh, I fucking hate it, “Is there a man inside? Boyfriend?”
“I don’t know why I’m saying this to you, Mr Kim, but I don’t have a boyfriend.” I reply, suppressing my urge to bury the knife held in my hand in his chest, “I was cooking, if you want to know that badly.”
“No boyfriend?” he tuts at me as though my dating life (or its lack thereof) is a personal slight against him, “but there are men coming over to your house all the time?”
“Those are my friends, Mr Kim,” I grit out, fake smile getting more brittle by the second, “men and women can be friends, you know.”
“Ah yes, I know, I know,” he nods, before clapping his hands like he’s received some sort of epiphany, “I forgot to tell you, but if you do decide to renew,” here he takes a deep breath, as if he’s bestowing upon me some great honour, “the rent will be raised. By twenty.”
“Twenty percent?” I screech, and the student in the flat next to me has probably heard it, “is that even legal?”
From the smile on his face, I don’t have to hear anything else. It probably is.
Mr Kim goes away from my line of sight (my kitchen knife’s line of attack) with another, equally insufferable, smile, and I close the door with a loud enough bang that the hinges rattle. I lied to Jihoon, because I only have two months left on my contract, and I still have had no luck in finding a new flat to move into. Everywhere I go, its either overpriced, or the facilities are too shitty, or the vibes are off.
Back in the room, I try to busy myself with laundry, when my phone rings. Its Jihoon, who’s apparently decided that making me angry is a full-time job for him. He’s making use of the private chat, which is rare for him, and somehow, equally annoying for me.
hoon: sorry about what happened in the studio this morning
hoon: offer still stands though
big dick (canon): that’s not how you apologise to someone
hoon: what? I’m trying to help my bestie get some
hoon: is that such a scandalous thing to ask for
big dick (canon): yes. Yes, it is
big dick (canon): also, fyi, I’m not sleeping with any of your friends. They’re all too weird for me
hoon: Mingyu? I remember you saying once that you’d motorboat him
big dick (canon): platonically
hoon: not sure how you’d motorboat someone platonically
big dick (canon): he’s too outgoing for me. cannot imagine I’d ever have a moment to myself if I ever dated him
hoon: Wonwoo? Everyone liked him back in university
big dick (canon): unfortunately, all he seems to talk about is gaming. I don’t mind gaming once or twice, but talking about it all the time? That bores me
hoon: Chan? He’s younger than you, but you could be a cougar, for all I know
big dick (canon): I’ve seen Jeonghan beg on his knees for him to go home after a drinking session
hoon: Minghao?
big dick (canon): He once teased me for my curtain bangs for a week straight
hoon: fine then, Cheol?
big dick (canon): Too competitive
hoon: Seungkwan?
big dick (canon): Too athletic. Also, isn’t he joining the culture desk soon?
hoon: Seokmin?
big dick (canon): Too outgoing
hoon: Vernon?
big dick (canon): Too quiet
hoon: Jun?
big dick (canon): Too weird
hoon: Jesus, fuck, woman, what kind of person do you want to date?
big dick (canon): ykw, just set me up with Mingyu. If nothing I can still get to say I motorboated some great pecs
big dick (canon): seriously, his pecs are bigger than my boobs
big dick (canon): how does he do it
big dick (canon): can I hold them
big dick (canon): respectfully
big dick (canon): in a non-sexual way
big dick (canon): please
hoon: I’m sure he’s going to appreciate that
big dick (canon): please ask him
big dick (canon): how does one get that kind of pectoral muscles
big dick (canon): wow
hoon: my pecs are bigger than his
big dick (canon): is this some new sort of dick-measuring contest idk yet
big dick (canon): if it is
big dick (canon): you’re losing
big dick (canon): I need to take a bite from his tits
big dick (canon): One
big dick (canon): Teensy tiny
big dick (canon): Munch
hoon: I’m so close to blocking u
big dick (canon): They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth
hoon: maybe you need to consider that Jesus had very bad vibes
hoon: so, you want to go on a date with Mingyu?
hoon: I feel like I should tell you that he eats the equivalent of three people
hoon: at the same time
big dick (canon): As long as he lets me motorboat him
 big dick (canon): I don’t care
big dick (canon): He can eat as much as he wants
hoon: why must you be so horny over Mingyu of all people
hoon: he’s not even that attractive
hoon: and I’ve got bigger pecs than him
big dick (canon): congratulations on having bigger pecs, but I’m still gonna motorboat Mingyu
big dick (canon): going to gently hold his tits
hoon: between you going feral and Joshua badgering me about his engagement party dinner
hoon: I can’t help but feel as though both of u are out to make me go insane
big dick (canon): are you gonna go to that?
hoon: he’s already made plans at the barbecue place where we go to
hoon: even got a whole discount coupon and everything
hoon: normally I’d be upset that he’s being cheap, but after researching the price of that ring, I’m prepared to forgive him this once
hoon: next time I’m forcing him to take us out to a good dinner place
big dick (canon): are you planning to spend all his salary
big dick (canon): I’m in
big dick (canon): Ugh I haven’t eaten anything since the morning
big dick (canon): Can you ask Mingyu to bring me food
hoon: you’re incorrigible
hoon: have you been able to maintain eye contact with him?
big dick (canon): UNFAIR
big dick (canon): You know I can only do that with you
big dick (canon): Since you’re exactly my height
big dick (canon): Hehe
hoon: I’m blocking u and this number right NEOW
hoon: cannot believe I’m conversing WILLINGLY with someone who slanders my height
big dick (canon): see u at the barbecue place tonight
big dick (canon): have fun on the song
hoon: I’m trying to finish it
hoon: cannot believe I’ve gone into a slump
big dick (canon): you know how this can be cured?
big dick (canon): An INTERVIEW
big dick (canon): With yours truly
big dick (canon): Please
hoon: ask someone else
hoon: Soonyoung
big dick (canon): he’s an idol, yes but  
big dick (canon): I’m terrified he’s going to do at least three tiger impressions
hoon: wrong, he’s going to do at least five
hoon: ugh gotta go
hoon: see u at the dinner
I stare at the dark phone screen for about five minutes after I’ve finished texting Jihoon. His interest in setting me up with one of his friends aside, he’s not wrong. I’m sexually frustrated, which means I’m just projecting my desires onto the closest available person, which in this case, happens to be Joshua.
Okay, fair enough, then why not anyone else? The people at my workplace aren’t that bad, and some of them are fairly good-looking, so why not them?
As soon as that thought comes into my mind, I shake it away violently. To willingly date someone in the workplace is inviting a whole host of problems, HR notwithstanding. And to imagine the fallout when I eventually break up with them, while still having to work with them in the same office—no, I’d rather take a transfer. The only option that remains are Jihoon’s friends, and while they’re all nice, they can also be terrifying, and therefore, not the best options for dating. Or sleeping around, which is what Jihoon wants me to do.
“Ugh, why do I have to have these feelings,” I moan into my pillow. It would have been great if I were born as an amoeba. Or as a plant. No need for my feelings to take centre stage, no need to maintain friendships with annoying people like Jihoon or Joshua. Just peaceful photosynthesis, and being eaten by a random goat on a random Tuesday. I wouldn’t even need to go to university. Nothing required. Just basking in the sun.
And unfortunately, because my mind is a little traitor, it focuses on the one thing that I don’t want to focus on: Jihoon’s offhand comment about his pecs being bigger than Mingyu’s; which, if I know Jihoon as well as I do, is a blatant lie, but even the thought of it is enough to send me into a downward spiral. What the hell does he mean, he has bigger pecs than Mingyu? Its not as if I want to see them, and let this be known, and made into public record, that I’ve never once wanted to see Jihoon’s pecs.
Of course, its not as if I haven’t thought about it. not as far as Jihoon, who apparently masturbated to the thought of me, but of course I have idly wondered, what it would be like. When he came back from the military, its all I could think about for a couple days, before I had to physically slap myself back into reality. Unfortunately for me, his one petty comment about the size of his pectoral muscles, threatens to throw me back into the pits of desperation yet again.
Ugh. I slam my face into the pile of fresh laundry, hoping for it to soothe my nerves. Spoiler alert, it doesn’t.
Its at that moment that the chatroom pings again, this time with a  message from Joshua.
joshuji: SHE SAID YES!!!!
hoon: congratulations!
big dick (canon): Congratulations!!!
The barbecue place is good enough for us, but for a dinner celebrating Joshua’s engagement to Eunseo, it seems a little too shabby. Although given the amount of money he’s spent on an engagement ring (I saw the prices, and I had to stifle a gasp) it can be forgiven. Just this once, as Jihoon said.
I’ve come here late, on purpose. Between the excited texts from Eunseo, who texted me a picture of her ring, and I had to act appropriately surprised, and Joshua’s infamous enthusiasm for a. showing the world how much he loves his girlfriend and b. to torment his friends, I’m feeling drained. I’m dressed for a night of eating greasy food and drinking cheap alcohol: a hoodie borrowed (stolen) from either Jihoon or Joshua, and jeans. I can’t even lie to myself and give myself a reason to dress up, because even I can’t delude myself into doing that. Jihoon once saw me with day-old vomit on my shirt, and Joshua has seen me dress in my sleepwear for exams week.
The place is filled with smoke, emanating from the meat being cooked on the grills, and it takes me a moment to adjust myself to it all, before I look for the other three. They have all arrived, and according to Jihoon, who’s sent a message out of his own accord on the chatroom in a long time, they’re all eating lots of beef.
“You’re late,” Jihoon grumbles as I approach the table, “I had to sit through half an hour of these two being happy and in love.”
“You’re a liar,” I say, sliding into the seat next to him, “you enjoy romance movies.”
“Wow, that’s something I didn’t know about him,” Joshua says, with a twinkle in his eyes that I don’t want to decode, “how come you know everything about Jihoon?”
“Occupational hazard,” I reply, reaching for a piece of meat, “every time you bailed on us to go on a date with Eunseo, Jihoon and I would be forced to hang out together.”
“It was horrible,” Jihoon agrees, “she’d force me to watch all these romance movies.”
“Says the man who cried while watching Love Actually.”
Eunseo giggles at that, almost doubling over herself. I narrow my eyes at Joshua, “have you both been drinking since the afternoon?”
“No, no, I haven’t,” Eunseo wheezes, and it’s unfair how gorgeous she is while laughing, too. She’s wearing an apron to prevent grease falling on her expensive clothes, and she’s still gorgeous. I snort when I laugh, and once Jihoon saw me with mango juice coming out of my nose, “it’s just funny.”
“What is?”
She points at the two of us, “you know, the both of you keep talking about how annoying you find each other, and yet you’re both closer to each other than anyone else. It’s just so funny to me.”
“Joshua,” Jihoon says, very seriously, “I think your fiancée has been taking drugs.”
“At the very least, she’s insane,” I supply helpfully, “no one in their right minds would date Joshua. Not to mention agreeing to marry him.”
Joshua puts an arm around Eunseo, “stop slandering my fiancée.”
Jihoon puts a piece of meat into his mouth, trying to change the topic, “have I mentioned I’m helping her hook up with someone?”
I cough violently, while Eunseo and Joshua wear twin expressions of confusion. “Wait, Jihoon,” Joshua says, “I thought you—”
“I told you not to talk about that!” I wail, a noise that’s fortunately covered by all the meat-grilling around me, “no, I’m not going to hook up with any of your friends. Jihoon has terrible taste in people, not to mention that all your friends aren’t exactly hook-up material.”
“You take that back,” he gasps, “weren’t you talking about how you’d like to motorboat Mingyu?”
“That was platonically!”
“I’m sorry,” Joshua interjects, looking at me as though I’ve sprouted another head, “how can you, and I’m just going off on a limb here, motorboat someone platonically?”
“That’s what I said,” Jihoon grumbles, “she keeps asking me to set them up once.”
“That’s because he’s the hottest out of all your friends.” The soju is bitter as I drink it, “if I have to engage in a night of mindless sex, might as well do it with the hottest guy around.”
“Knew it,” Jihoon wags one of his fingers at me, “knew you only wanted Mingyu for his body. How dare you do that to my friend.”
“You once stole his socks.”
“For a whole semester.”
“Fair enough.”
“Both of you,” Joshua says loud enough for us to stop bickering, “explain it to us properly. What do you mean you’re helping her hook up with one of our friends? And why are you letting him hook you up with one of our friends?”
I shrug, “It’s not a big deal. Besides, you heard us. It’s only going to be one time.”
“Do I need to give you the talk?”
Jihoon  laughs, “you do realise she’s an adult?”
“I’m not saying she can’t do anything; I’m just saying she needs to be careful!
“If I have to be careful around the rest of the guys, then maybe you shouldn’t be friends with them.”
“What do you mean she should be careful around the people who have known her for so long?”
“All of you!” Eunseo claps her hands, and like kindergarten children, we all turn to look at her, sheepish, “Josh,” she turns to the man in question, who looks sufficiently contrite, “let me have a word.”
As they leave, Jihoon pulls a face. “asshole.”
I take another shot of the soju, “he’s just looking out for me.”
“Then he shouldn’t be so overbearing about it.” Jihoon takes a look at me downing another shot, “should you be drinking this fast?”
“Don’t you start.” I say, shaking my head, “I’m going to drink enough to wipe out Joshua’s bank account.”
Jihoon says nothing, just looks at me, and then, after ten seconds, “do you want to do it?”
“Do what?”
“The date. With Mingyu.”
Maybe its just the alcohol getting to my head, or maybe its all this smoke, but his voice seems different. Is he concerned, or is he joking, as per usual? It’s confusing. Should I blame the alcohol? That seems easier, given how it’s getting to my head. “I don’t know.”
“He’s not that bad, you know. He’s a good listener, and if you want him to shut up, he will. He’s great that way.”
I stare at him. Jihoon has a strange look on his face, one that I can’t really place. Alcohol. Yes. Blame it on the alcohol. I take another shot, but before I can form a reply to him, Eunseo and Joshua are walking back to the table, hand-in-hand, identical smiles on their faces. As soon as it had come, the look in Jihoon’s eyes is gone, replaced by the usual, blasé attitude he has perfected.
“Sorry for being late,” Eunseo breezes as she settles into the table, “Joshua needed to be reminded of adult boundaries.”
“I’m sorry.” Joshua offers by way of an apology, “I overstepped.”
“Damn right you did.” Jihoon mutters.
“Apology accepted,” I smile, picking up a piece of meat, “can you order some more?”
Mondays are, unfortunately, the worst. Especially if one spent their Sunday evening drinking enough alcohol to lose half their memories. I slide into my seat at work, yawning as I inspect the things I have to finish working on before the end of the day.
“Morning, sunbae,” a cheery voice says, placing a cup of coffee on my desk, “you look like shit.”
“Not the time, Seungkwan,” I mutter, pressing two fingers to my forehead, “too loud, too loud.”
“Heard you got shitfaced with Jihoon and the others last night,” Seungkwan says louder, “Jihoon texted the chat with the others at two in the morning, saying how he was going to take you home.”
“He did?” thankfully, I have no recollection of this happening, so I just let him fill me in on the details, “all I remember is drinking too much at the barbecue place.”
“Celebrating Joshua’s engagement, right?” Seungkwan’s smile is irritating, and I hate how cheery he is in the morning, “he texted about that, too. The pear-cut diamond was, oof, it was something to see.”
“Why do you know about diamond cuts?”
“I grew up with sisters,” he shrugs, as if growing up with sisters imbued one with all the hidden knowledge of womankind, including, but not limited to, engagement ring diamonds and their specific cuts, “you pick up stuff from listening.”
“Jihoon told you all he took me home?” I ask, “he doesn’t usually say that kind of stuff.”
“You got especially drunk last night, so he made an exception for you.” Seungkwan grins, leaning in, “what do you think about Jihoon?”
“He’s a pain in my ass.” I mutter, switching on my computer, “also, go back to work, Seungkwan. You’re not even supposed to be here until next week!”
“Yoo-min quit, so they asked me to join a week early,” he gives me a grin that again, I try not to decode (what is it with all these men and their mysterious grins?) before settling down into the seat next to me, and promptly jumping up to subject me to a ninety-degree bow, “Boo Seungkwan, at your service!”
“Ugh,” I wince, waving at him, “sit down, for the love of god, no one needs to be that loud in the mornings.”
“You are my senior, as it happens, and I’m very keen on maintaining proper relations.”
“Get me one of those hangover cures.”
“I like the American style.”
To no one’s surprise, Seungkwan is a very competent worker. He’s a social butterfly, which means that he quickly endears himself to everyone at work, and by the time lunch rolls around, I have to hear praises of Seungkwan from everyone. It’s terrifying, how competent he is.
Being one of the associate editors, means I have to mostly edit the articles sent in by the reporters on ground, not to mention I get to pick and choose which issue I want to cover. I maintain as much of my professionalism as I can, while having a raging headache.
“Sunbae,” Seungkwan approaches me right before lunch, “will you be going out to cover an article?”
“I have an interview with an author after lunch, so not yet,” I reply, putting the finishing touches on a report sent in by one of our field staff, on some celebrity’s rash driving case, “I have some time.”
“Do you want to have lunch with the rest of us?” he asks, gesturing the group of five waiting behind him, “we’re going to have naengmyeon at the place down the block.”
“I have enough sense to not butt into the affairs of my juniors, Seungkwan,” I say, standing up from my chair, “here, have the card. Since its your first day here, the office should treat you.”
Seungkwan takes the offered card with a bow, and smiles brightly, “oh, but the editor said we’re having a company dinner tonight? Won’t you be joining us for that?”
“A group dinner?” I ask, and the group behind him nods their head, all in unison. It makes them look like little bobbleheads, for some reason. “Sure, I’ll join in.”
“Yes!” he seems unusually cheerful about the company dinner, which in my own experience is nothing but a pain that I had to accustom myself with when I joined the paper, “see you tonight, sunbae!”
“This kid,” I groan, picking up my coat. The prospect of lunch makes my stomach turn, and now I have to contend with dinner?
I text Jihoon while walking out of the offices. Joshua is busy with his new fiancée, and Jihoon’s building is far closer to mine that it is to Joshua’s place of work.
big dick (canon): Are u free
big dick (canon): For lunch
Unless Jihoon texts first, he takes an hour to respond at best, but as soon as I send the message, he’s typing a reply.
hoon: lunch?
hoon: if it isn’t lunch I’m killing u
hoon: dude I’ve never had a block this bad I think I’m going to go crazy
hoon: not to mention the hangover from last night is crazy
big dick (canon): it is for lunch, you idiot, why would I text u otherwise
big dick (canon): and I can agree on that, my head is killing me
hoon: is hangover soup cool with u
hoon: I know a good place
hoon: meet u at the front of your building in five
hoon: please tell me all the details about Seungkwan
“He took five minutes to get the editor to warm up to him?” Jihoon cackles, as the lady serves us two steaming bowls of seollongtang, “of course, it’s Seungkwan. He can make anyone warm up to him in minutes.”
“I fear he takes it as a challenge.” I say, spooning the milky broth into my mouth, “ah! Its hot!”
“Why can’t you just wait for a while, before eating your food?” Jihoon pours me a glass of water, “did you die of starvation in your previous life?”
“I don’t believe in that.”
“Yes, yes, Miss Atheist. Tell me what else our little dongsaeng get up to in the meantime.”
“He’s not been given a lot of work, given that it’s his first day,” I take another, more tentative sip of the broth, “but unfortunately, I’ve to attend another company dinner tomorrow morning.”
“Another company dinner? Haven’t you gone through enough pain to consider drinking again, what,  barely twenty-four hours later?”
“Twenty-fours is pushing it,” I say, wincing at the sound of my own voice, “ugh, this damn hangover. I can’t even function. Let’s just eat in silence.”
“You want a cider?” Jihoon asks, looking around for the owner to ask for two cans of cider, but the owner is faster than him, setting down two cans of soda in front of us with a smile on her face.
“Your boyfriend is very caring.” She tells me, “its so nice to see someone taking care of their girlfriend so well. The sodas are on the house, okay?”
“Oh, but he’s not—” even before I’ve finished my sentence, she’s gone again, tending to her other customers. Jihoon opens one of the cans for me without saying a word.
“We should stop coming here.” I say, accepting the can from him, “why would anyone think that we’re a couple?”
“They can’t accept that men and women can just be friends, that’s why.”
“Too bad the food is great.”
Jihoon pauses for a moment, then a slow, sly smile spreads all over his face. I know that look. That look does not bode well for me, or for anyone else involved. The first time I saw Jihoon have that look on his face, Seungcheol embarrassed himself so badly in front of a group of first-year students, he refused to come out to any events where Jihoon was invited, for almost a month. This look means that he’s got some sort of evil plan in his mind, one that involves another person and their total embarrassment. He takes a look around the restaurant, and sits up straight. The words that come out of his mouth next, however—
“Babe,” Jihoon says, loud enough for half the restaurant to hear, “don’t you think this place is great?”
What the fuck?
“Jihoon, what are you doing?” my voice is a whisper, “they’re all looking at us!”
“That’s the point.” He whispers, before smiling, “you should say something too, you know. Make the whole thing more believable.”
“I don’t want to!”
“They gave us free sodas; they deserve a special performance at least.” He points to the owner, who looks like she’s about to break her face from smiling so damn broad, “sorry, my girlfriend is a very shy.”
“Oh,” the lady waves it away, “anyone can see you are in love!”
In the end, when Jihoon is paying for our lunches, she takes a final look at the two of us, and croons, “you two make a lovely couple!”
“What the fuck was that?” I turn on Jihoon as soon as we are safely out of the restaurant and far enough for anyone to eavesdrop, “Why the hell would you tell her that we’re dating?”
“Thought you needed a pick-me-up,” Jihoon grins, “at least I got you to stop worrying about things so much.”
“There are better ways of going about that than telling unsuspecting diner owners that we are dating!”
“It was funny, you have to admit,” he smiles, and I have to begrudgingly agree, “see, told you we’d make a cute couple.”
I would rather die than tell Jihoon that I agree with him on anything, so I keep quiet. Thing is; it was rather funny. Especially with how the owner reacted to us.
“And later on,” Jihoon says, holding on to my arm as we cross the road, “when you come to this place with someone else, you can just tell her that we broke up.”
“You need to stop talking about how I’m going to start dating other people.” I mutter, “just because I’ve got some frustrations I need to work out, doesn’t mean I’m going to go running into the arms of whoever it is who offers first.”
“Careful with that,” he says, standing at the crossroads where he’s supposed to walk towards his building, “you might end up regretting it.”
And with a single wave, he’s gone. I stand for about five minutes, like an idiot, while the busy crowd walks past me, trying to decode his words. Why would I regret my decision to not date someone just because I need to get over myself? Not to mention Jihoon has been behaving strangely since the previous night.
“Sunbae,” Seungkwan materialises next to me, “penny for your thoughts?”
“Jesus!” I narrowly escape jumping three feet into the air, “give a girl a warning!”
“I did call out,” he pouts. Its disconcerting how adorable he is. “You were pretty engrossed in looking into the distance to even notice my presence.”
“Are you upset?”
Seungkwan smiles, “if you agree to a badminton match with me over the weekend, I’ll overlook this slight.”
I sigh. “You drive a hard bargain,” I say, making my way into the building, “see you at the dinner, then.”
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dreamescapeswriting · 7 months
Dancing In The Shadows ~ LF [MATURE WARNING]
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GENRE: mafia AU, hacker reader, felix technically kidnapping her, insta love (sorry but its fun to write hehe) enemies to lovers? Cute, fluffy, SMUT MINORS DNI, protected sex, public sex (kinda) links into the other stories too ehe
PAIRING: Felix X Fem!Reader
⤜Copyright: © DreamEscapesWriting - February 2024
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Felix sat behind his imposing mahogany desk, his eyes fixed on you as you stood before him, pulling on the sleeves of your hoodie nervously as you waited for him to say something. You were the reason for his recent financial troubles...well, not really, Felix had more money than he knew what to do with but you'd been the one with the balls big enough to steal from him. The one who had infiltrated his bank accounts with such skill and finesse that even Felix had to admire your audacity. Felix wasn't stupid though, he'd done his research before he'd "hired" you, taking you from your boss with the impression he'd bring you back but it simply wasn't true.
Once he had you he simply wasn't going to just throw you back, you were a once in a lifetime catch and he wasn't dumb enough to drop that. In the hacking world, you were simply known as Firecracker. No one knew who you were by physical appearance but the jobs you would do told people what they needed to know. 
You stole from the rich to give to the poor, a real modern-day Robin Hood. If Felix wasn't so rich he would have been pissed off at you for trying it on him.
"You've got guts, I'll give you that," He finally spoke, his gravelly voice breaking the silence and making butterflies flutter inside of you, you hated them for it. Ever since he'd taken you from work you couldn't stop the tingles in your back or the butterflies whenever he'd touch you or speak to you. 
"Hacking into my accounts takes some serious skills. I should be mad, but I'm impressed." All things he'd already told you in the office but was going back over on his own, leaning forward he studied you closely. He wanted to know more about the elusive Firecracker that no law enforcement or underworld man had been able to catch. 
"So, what? You're going to kill me now?" You'd seen the man standing outside of his office with guns, he might have promised you a job when you were at work but who was to say it wasn't just some ploy to get you to go with him.
"I gave you my word. I take that seriously," Felix said as he leaned back in his chair, a sly grin playing on his lips as he watched you. While you were faking confidence he could see the nerves seeping out of you and it impressed him more than he would have liked to admit.
"I want you to work for me," He declared, you arched an eyebrow at him. 
"You've proven yourself to be quite the asset, and I could use someone with your talents, you already stated my computer security sucks...So fix it." He turned his desktop computer around and you blinked at the screen before turning back to face the man who was watching you closely.
"And if I refuse?" It wasn't like you had much of a choice but you wanted to know the repurcations.
"Then I'll have to resort to less pleasant methods of persuasion. But trust me, you'll find it much more lucrative to be on my payroll." Kissing your teeth a little you looked back at the computer. Despite your better judgment, you found yourself intrigued by the offer. You'd never worked for anyone but yourself in the security way before, but the idea of being affiliated with one of the most powerful crime families in the city was undeniably tempting.
"I have conditions." You weren't dumb, you were going to do this with rules in place. You'd seen enough movies and read enough articles about the underworld that you had to be prepared.
"I would be surprised if you didn't." A slight smirk played on his lips as he watched you scramble to think of something but he couldn't help but think about how beautiful you were, how cute he found it whenever you'd play with the sleeves of your shirt.
"I want full access to your network. I need to know everything about your system if I'm meant to be fixing it." He nodded at you, it was his full intention to give you anything you asked for. Hell, he'd give you a house and a more stable job if that was something you wanted from him.
"Okay. What else?" He got out a notepad, ready to write down a list of everything you wanted but you just stared at him,
"Lastly. Once I've fixed it, I'm out. No strings attached." The pen in his hand stilled as he stared down at the notepad, it had never occurred to him that you would want to leave but he nodded,
"Fine. But I have a feeling you'll want to stick around." He tried to make it seem as though he was joking but you shook your head.
"Nothing will make me stay, Mr Lee." You sounded so sure of yourself and maybe you were but now that Felix had you there was no way he was going to let you go so easily.
"Hmm. We'll see." He mumbled, getting up and readying his office for you to use.
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With determination and skill, you set to work. You fortified Felix's digital defences, erecting layers of encryption and implementing state-of-the-art security protocols. It was insane how poor his security was for someone who was supposed to be the best of the best. You thought you would have been working alone but Felix watched you work the whole time. You spent every night in your own room in his huge house, the two of you would eat meals together giving you time to get to know each other which was something you were feeling unsure about.
The more time you spent with him the more you wanted to leave, growing attached to someone was never an option for you and getting attached to a criminal? Never. 
But Felix found himself falling for you and hard, every day you'd work he would watch you with a mixture of fascination and admiration, impressed by your intellect and resourcefulness.
But as the days turned into weeks and your job neared completion, Felix found himself growing reluctant to let you go. He had his men ruin some of your work so that you'd stay around longer but it was getting harder and harder to do that with how good your work was. He had grown accustomed to your presence, your sharp wit and unwavering confidence a welcome distraction from the monotony of his daily life.
You pushed your chair away from his desk, smirking to yourself. You were unbelievably proud of how well you'd done your job, despite the obstacles that had been thrown in the way. 
"I've fixed your security systems, Lix," You announced, Felix's smile dropped from his lips as he stared back at you. He knew this time would be coming but he thought he would have more time than this. 
"It's time for me to move on." You stretched in the chair, your heart breaking at the thought of leaving him but you weren't going to listen to it. Felix's heart sank at the thought of losing you.
"I- I still need your help," He stuttered a little, he hated that he was stuttering but you were the one person who turned him into a nervous wreck with just one look.
"I fixed everything Lix, everything is unbreakable." You weren't going to allow yourself to stay any longer, you'd already felt yourself falling and you wanted to stop it in your tracks.
"Firecracker...Come on, you're the best of the best. I need you around," He sounded desperate but he honestly didn't care, he didn't want you to leave. Not when he was so close to you now. As soon as you were gone he'd be alone and the thought of that terrified him.
"You'll find someone who's just as good." You shrugged, you knew people who could replace you and if he really wanted you could get him their names.
"I can't let you go." He said simply as the door to his office opened,
"You promised." Your voice was strained as you realised what he was going to do.
"I'm sorry."
"You said you kept your word!" You screamed as two of his men stood at the door, holding their guns another led you to the room you'd been staying in.
"I hate you!" You screamed at the door, Felix' stared down at the floor. He knew he could get you to like him, he just needed a little more time with you.
You were trapped, despite your skills, you'd been no match for Felix and his powerful organization. Reluctantly, you resigned yourself to your fate, knowing that you were at Felix's mercy.
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It had been a few weeks since Felix had taken you in, every day you were forced to spend meal times with him. You hated him but at the same time, your heart was still falling for him, despite him taking you hostage. 
"Yn, you have to speak to me eventually," Felix stated as he watched you walk away from him. You'd spent most of the meals in silence, with Felix taking the conversations and talking about his day mostly. 
"Why? You want me to be some trophy in your grasp, trophies don't speak." You mumbled. It was the first time he'd heard you speak in weeks and even though it was a mumble it was music to Felix's ears. In the dimly lit confines of the home, tension hung heavy in the air as you turned on your heels to face him.
On one hand, you hated him for taking you but on another, he had taken you away from everything you hated about the real world. You were given the freedom to explore - with an armed guard by your side. You had no bills to pay, no responsibilities, it was nice...It would have been nicer if it hadn't been against your will.
"Yn, you have to understand," He pleaded, his voice tinged with desperation as he tried to justify his actions as if that was even possible. 
"I didn't take you hostage because I wanted to. I did it because... because I couldn't bear the thought of losing you." You scoffed a little, your eyes flashing with anger as you met his gaze, your fists clenched at your sides. He was unbelievable.
"That doesn't excuse what you did," You retorted, your voice sharp with reproach. 
"You can't just kidnap someone and expect them to forgive you because you're afraid of being alone." You grumbled at him, folding your arms across your chest, you weren't just going to forgive him for kidnapping you just because he gave you some piss-poor excuse.
Felix winced at your words, the weight of his guilt pressing down on him like a suffocating blanket. He knew that he had crossed a line, and had violated the trust of the one person he cared about more than anything else in the world. Even though he'd barely known you, part of him knew the two of you were meant to be together and he wanted it to work more than anything.
But if he'd let you leave when you were supposed to, he never would have seen you again and this had been the only logical part his brain could come up with. 
"I know I messed up,"  He admitted, his voice thick with remorse, it was now or never to make it up to you. 
"And I'll spend the rest of my life making it up to you, I swear. But please, just give me a chance to prove that my feelings for you are real, that I'm not just some monster trying to control your life." Your anger softened slightly at his words, your heart aching with the weight of his confession. 
"I love you...I have a shitty way of showing it but I do." You blinked at him. Love? He barely knew you. 
"Your idea of loving me is to kidnap me and force me to stay against my will?" A pang of guilt shot through his chest as he stared at you.
"I'm sorry, Yn, I know I messed up and I'll do whatever it takes to make it right, but please...Just...Just give me a chance to prove to you my feelings are genuine." You wanted to believe him more than anything in the world but it was hard when everyone in your life had used love as a weapon.
"I want to believe you, Felix," You whispered, your voice tinged with uncertainty.
"But you have to understand that trust isn't something you can just demand from someone. It has to be earned, and right now, I'm not sure if I can ever trust you." Felix's heart sank at your words, the realization of his mistakes hitting him like a freight train. 
"I'll do whatever it takes," he promised, his voice trembling a little, he was willing to do anything to get you to agree to be his. 
"I'll make things right, I swear. Just please... please don't give up on me." You stared at him, biting the inside of your cheek as you thought about it.
"I'll have conditions." If you were going to give this a real chance then you were going to do it with your own conditions and speculations.
"Anything." He breathed out, relief sounding in his voice as you finally agreed to him.
"I want to go out more. Alone." You stated plainly, that all you wanted was time alone. Time to go out without someone watching your every move.
"Anything but that." He bit off a little, his tone unsure of what to make of that. What if you ran? What if you found a way out and never came back?
"You said you want me to trust you but you won't trust me," You snapped at him angrily, the anger bubbling over and finally spilling.
"That's the only thing I want. Time alone." He sighed a little and rubbed the bridge of his nose, looking back to you before nodding.
"Fine. You'll come back?" You knew running would be useless but part of you didn't even want to run.
"I promise." You whispered as he watched you, his eyes narrowing a little as if he were trying to figure out if you were lying or not.
"There's a ball coming up. A charity one, you can go shopping for a gown and accessories." He told you,
"I don't have money," With that, he handed you a black car with a smile on his lips.
"Buy yourself something nice," You stared down at the black card. Oh, you were planning on buying something nice, but it wasn't just going to be one thing.
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You found yourself decked out in silk and diamonds, courtesy of Felix's card that you'd kept on you ever since you'd gotten back from your little trip. Felix carefully walked you through the grand hall and smiled as he looked around, the event was in full swing as people began to mingle with one another. But you were the only person Felix wanted to spend all night talking to. Felix escorted you through the grand ballroom, all of these things had become to the same for him over the years but he would always make sure he came to them to donate a wealthy sum before leaving.
Only tonight, he wanted to stay. He wanted to take you out on the dance floor and show you off in the stunning dress you'd worn and let everyone know that you were his.
"This place is so beautiful." You gasped out, you couldn't believe your eyes. The opulent chandeliers cast a soft glow all over the room, soft music played through the hall and people chatted among themselves. 
"You look beautiful," He whispered in your ear, smiling to himself as he looked at you. Ever since you'd walked down to him that night he hadn't been able to keep his eyes off you, not that he ever did before. Your attention slowly turned to Felix who was dressed in a tailored suit, looking as handsome as ever.
"You look handsome," You whispered, part of you wanted to hate him for keeping you hostage but after almost maxing out his card - or so you'd hoped - you were starting to feel a lot better about everything.
Felix began to navigate through the crowds of people and the more you walked the more out of place you began to feel. All of the people in attendance were wealthy and powerful people, you were a hacker who had a chance incounter with a man worth more than you could possibly think about. The further you walked the more aware you were of the curious glances and whispered rumours that were being passed around. Felix didn't even seem fazed by them as he reached for a tray of champagne and handed one of them to you.
"To a wonderful night," He cheered to you, both of you drinking from your glasses until his phone started to ring inside of his pocket, smiling weakly he pulled it out.
"Hello...Yes, this is he," He mumbled into the phone before turning to look at you, and you smirked already knowing what the phone call was about.
"200K...Hmm," He hummed as he stared at you, he had to admit he was a little impressed with how much you'd managed to spend on the card he gave to you.
"No, not to worry. That wasn't fraud, just my future wife throwing a tantrum. Alright, thank you."
"Future wife?" You giggled a little as he licked his lips slowly and shook his head at you,
"200K? What did you even buy?"
"A whole computer system, a whole new wardrobe and some diamonds." You showed him the earrings you were wearing and he couldn't help but laugh to himself.
"You didn't give me a spending limit," You shrugged it off, you expected him to get mad but Felix was quite impressed. He never thought you'd be able to spend that much in one day.
"For you? There's never a limit baby," He smirked before kissing your lips softly. For a fleeting moment, you forgot about the dangers that lurked outside the ballroom walls, or that you'd been taken hostage by Felix. You just allowed yourself to feel happy, wrapping your arms around the back of his neck and kissing him back deeper this time. 
Tonight, you weren't just some hacker girl that Felix had brought along to the ball to play Cinderella for the night and you weren't his captive. You were simply a woman lost in the enchantment of the moment, captivated by the enigmatic man at your side.
As you slowly pulled away from one another there was something different in Felix's eyes, 
"What's wrong?" You were almost scared your kiss had been bad but he shook his head at you, hesitating for a moment as he thought about what he could say to you. He wanted to let you go, to let you leave the home if that was what you truly wanted but part of him was scared you'd never come back. Taking in a deep breath he reached out, his hand trembling slightly as he cupped your cheek,
"Yn, there's something I need to tell you." Your heart skipped a beat as you stared at him, waiting for him to say something but your heart raced faster with anticipation. 
"What is it?" Your voice barely came out above a whisper as you stared at him. With a sigh, Felix searched your eyes, his gaze intense and unwavering. 
"I know that our relationship began under... unconventional circumstances," he admitted, making you smirk a little.
"But as I've come to know you, I've realized that you are so much more than just a skilled hacker. You're intelligent, brave, and fiercely independent—a woman unlike any other I've ever met." He had no idea where he was going with this, it wasn't something he'd rehearsed. But your heart was fluttering at his words, your chest swelling with warmth you'd never felt before.
"And...I find myself, drawn to you in ways I can't quite explain." Your hand slowly moved to cup his cheek and you felt how hot he was getting,
"You've become an integral part of my life. And I don't want to imagine a world without you in it."
"I know I technically held you captive so...I understand if you don't want to stay with me but I needed to let you know my feelings are true." He looked at you, swallowing a lump the size of a boulder in his throat,
"But I'm going to let you go. You can leave the house, you can move out."
"Lix," You whispered, your voice trembling with emotion as you stared at him. His confession washed over you as you watched him closely, you felt the same way for him and hearing him say he was willing to let you go made you only want to stay.
"I feel the same way, I-I never wanted to...I always thought love was   just a weapon but you..." You didn't even know where to start with him.
"You care for me more than I ever thought possible." You whispered to him before Felix' blushed,
"Dance with me?" You added before he nodded, taking your hand in his.
As you swayed in each other's arms, the world around you faded into insignificance, leaving only the gentle embrace of the music and the warmth of your shared connection. Your head was rested against Felix's chest, your heart racing with a mixture of nerves and excitement. Despite the lavish surroundings and the curious glances of the other guests, you felt safe and protected in his arms, as if nothing else mattered but the two of you at that moment.
Felix held you close, his touch gentle yet possessive as you moved together in perfect harmony around the floor. With each step, he felt the weight of his past sins and regrets fall away, replaced by a sense of peace and contentment that he had never known before.
"Lix," You breathed out as you stared up at him, your eyes sparking a little as he stared down at you. In a moment of unspoken understanding, your dance slowed, your movements becoming more intimate as you gazed into each other's eyes. The soft melody continued to play, wrapping around you like a cocoon as you drew closer, your breaths mingling in the air.
With a gentle touch, he cupped your cheek, his thumb brushing against your skin as he leaned in, his lips hovering just inches from yours. your heart raced in anticipation, your eyes fluttering closed as you surrendered to the inevitable. You'd kissed before but now there felt a sudden pressure for this one.
Your lips met in a tender, electrifying kiss—a silent declaration of the feelings that had been simmering beneath the surface for so long. Time seemed to stand still as you lost yourselves in each other, the world around them fading completely as you shared a moment of pure, uncontrolled passion.
"Follow me," You breathed out, grabbing his hand in yours as you made your way through the crowds, ignoring the people who were staring and mumbling. Right now you needed Felix and you didn't have time for pleasantries as you made your way through the hall.
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"Here?" He chuckles as he lifts you up onto the countertop of the bathroom you'd just dragged him inside of, your heart racing as you watch him closely.
"What if someone comes in?" He arches a brow at you before you drag him closer to you by his tie. He knew no one would come in, his men had followed him to the door and were no doubt waiting outside refusing anyone entry if they tried.
"Then they'll see we're busy and leave." You grumbled before kissing him, this time the kiss was deeper and more intense as you pushed off the blazer he was wearing onto the floor and worked on the buttons of his shirt.
"Someone's very needy." He chuckles to himself as you glare at him, you weren't in the mood for any games, you needed him and you weren't afraid to show it.
"Shut up and do something about it then,"
"Gladly." He groans, his hands rolling up your dress until he exposes your bare core and he smirks to himself,
"No panties?" He arched his brow at you and you giggled spreading your legs for him to get a better view. His eyes run down your body, his tongue darting out to wet his lip.
"You're so fucking beautiful," He groans, his hands drifting to your thighs, his knuckles catching on the edge of your pussy making you whimper.
"You take my breath away," He tells you breathlessly,
"Prove it." You demand, spreading your legs, his eyes drop to your pussy and he groans instantly falling to his knees. You were the only woman he would ever drop to his knees for like this. Having the great Lee Felix on his knees for you sent a power trip through you like no other. You grab his head as he trails his tongue along your slit making you whimper a little at him,
"Please." You plead with him, your hips bucking a little toward him as he chuckles softly sending vibrations all over your body. His tongue touches your clit, circling it, then tracing it down your centre and dipping inside of you, lapping you up hungrily. Your hands tighten in his hair, pushing his face closer to you as you grind against his tongue. Your eyes fluttered shut as your head rolled back against the mirror behind you.
"D-Dear God, Lix, please." You moan out as he removes his tongue, licking his head to look at you as he licks his lips.
"You taste like paradise," He groans before dropping his head and eating you out like a man starved, His eyes meet yours as he keeps his face buried between your thighs, your hips trying to get more friction as you cry his name out loudly.
"Felix!" You scream, his teeth gently biting on your clit as he sends you over the edge. Ecstasy washed through you as your hips shuddered beneath him, a giant smirk toyed on his lips as he got up from the floor.
"That was fucking hot," He moans out before kissing you deeply, your legs wrapped around his waist as you yanked him closer to you. The kiss was desperate, raw, filled with a need so strong you began to grind against his pants.
"You'll make a mess, firecracker," He chuckles softly before you pull away, unbuckling his belt and kicking his pants down leaving him bare in front of you. Felix was quick to reach for his wallet, grabbing a condom from the inside and rolling it onto himself as you wiggle your eyebrows at him.
"This is going to be quick," He winks at you, he could hear a commotion happening outside but you smirked at him. The two of you were at a ball filled to the brim with rich people and you wanted them to hear you getting fucked by him. 
"Lix, don't make me beg," You whine before he slams into you, holding you tightly as you groan, throwing your head back against the mirror so hard you were afraid it was going to break. You scream his name out as he pulls back and thrusts into you again, your legs wrapped around his waist as you bring him closer to him.
"Felix!" You cry out as the door handle jiggles, making you giggle as Felix chuckles to himself.
"Felix! Is that you?!" A man yelled from outside the door, you whimpered a little but Felix only continued to plow in and out of you.
"I'm busy fucking my girl, we'll be out soon!" He calls out before slamming into you again, your head rolling back as your hips bucked toward him. You dig your heels into his ass urging him on and his hand presses onto the mirror behind you, the other on your hips as he fucks you. His thrusts wild and hard as he groans your name out.
"L-Lix." You moan out as he continues to drive into you, your hands digging into his shoulders as you yank him closer to you, your release drawing closer as you cry out his name.
"I've got you, you can come, firecracker," He moans out, reaching his hand down and rubbing your clit roughly. Your release rushes over you unexpectedly as you cry out his name loudly, whimpering and bucking uncontrollably. Felix chuckles to himself, completely in love with the way you come undone around him but he doesn't stop.
He continues to fuck into you, one leg over his shoulder as he hits you at a different angle,
"G-God, YES!" You cry out as he smirks to himself, his fingers rubbing your clit as you whimper his name out, your third orgasm of the night already fast approaching as you whimper his name again and again.
"Come for me, firecracker. One last time," He grunts, thrusting harder as you cry out his name, your stomach clenching as you cum around him once again, clenching so tightly you send him over the edge and he spills into the condom.
The two of you stay like that for a few seconds until Felix carefully lowers your leg down and leans his forehead against yours, panting heavily as you let out a tiny giggle.
"Think people will stare when we go out there?" You leaned back against the mirror and watched as Felix smirked and nodded.
"Who cares?" He chuckled before slowly dressing himself. A loud banging sounded on the door as you rolled your eyes, someone was clearly desperate for the toilet or for Felix's attention and you hated them for it.
"I've got info for you!" Someone yelled from outside the door as Felix stuffs himself back into his trousers, did himself up and checked that you were dressed before opening the door he wasn't going to risk anyone but him seeing you.
"Minho," Felix greets with a smirk on his lips, the man glances in your direction before looking over his shoulder.
"Kitten, take Felix's date to the girls for a chat. The men need to talk business." You glanced at Felix to make sure it was okay first and he nodded, kissing your cheek quickly before you ran off with the woman Minho had spoken to.
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The girls you'd been standing with were all so friendly and each of them had been telling you about their dates, you since learnt that all of them were with a criminal madman which had made you feel a lot better about yourself and Felix.
"I hate you," You grumbled, jokingly as Felix stood behind you, his lips brushing against the skin on your neck making your body shiver. The bathroom sex wasn't enough, you wanted to go back home and fuck until you saw the morning sun,
"I hate you more, my little firecracker" Felix smirked down at you before you swatted his hands away from you, but he successfully managed to get his hands around your waist and he smirked.
"Excuse us, ladies but we have some making up to go and do." Felix chuckled before dragging you away without a second to even say goodbye to them all.
"Hey I was having fun, who knows when I'll see them again?" You pouted a little, but Felix spun you around and pulled you into a tight embrace.
"You'll see them at our wedding no doubt." He shrugs as if it was the most casual thing in the world for him to say and you roll your eyes at him,
"You're that sure I'll marry you?" You quipped, he was. In fact, he was willing to put money on it.
"I'm sure I can convince you after a few more orgasms," He winks before you shove against his chest and make your way out to a car.
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ja3hwa · 2 years
Day 15 : Size Kink - Yunho
「Title」 : Better Than Him
「Word count」 : 3.3k
-> Genre: Smut, Angst, Some fluff at the end.
Paring: Mob Boss!Yunho x Female Reader
[Warnings] : Swearing, Mafia Life. Cheating (don't do this but in this case, it was a good choice) making out, unprotected sex (big no-no) rough sex. Size kink in all areas. Yunho is 6'0, beefy and just a very big boy. Shitty Husband. Reader gets objectified by gross men. Reader cries. Pure filth. Dirty talk. Pet names. Oral (reader receiving) mentions of killing someone. Getting caught. Creampie. Yunho has a big dick and big dick energy. Yunho has a bit of an obsession with the reader. Mingi and Hongjoong are mentioned. Hehe. Let me know if I missed anything.
Note: I went a little overboard with this one...whoops
Read Part Two -> [Here]
February Filth Fest Event Day Calendar
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Through a life you had not chosen, you knew from the moment you met your husband. He was a pig in human form. His gaze would linger on your form rather than looking you in the eyes. The first time you met he introduced himself as your soon-to-be. Being the only heir and daughter in one of the largest mafia families had perks, but it mostly brought downfall. Your father warned you, never to fall for anyone. You must keep your family first. Keep them successful. Be married off to another mod boss in order to keep the peace.
That’s how you ended up where you were now. Standing in a ballroom, dressed in the most luxurious clothing and with a tall glass of wine in hand. Your husband―well you are still not married yet but he introduced himself as so―Lucas, kept his hand on the small of your back, not wanting you to wander too far from him. People milled around you, chatting politely in the enormous mansion. You nursed your drink, the plastered smile making your cheeks ache in disgust. You wished to leave his side, be painted as something, anything else other than a wife with no voice.
The famous Jeong Yunho stood across from Lucas. He didn’t have to speak any words for you, or anyone to know he ran the city. He was the definition of power. In an all-black suit, he stood stark in contrast to the plain white and gold theme ballroom and the bright lights of the chandeliers. Lucas wasn’t oblivious to the way Yunho drank you in as he approached the two of you for the first time this evening. He could always catch Yunho sneaking glances every time you all meet at public events. He didn’t mind one bit though. Eye candy was better for business and plus his ego would rise every time someone would eyeball you. He knew he won, the golden prize. You. He cleared his throat, and Yunho regretfully ripped his eyes from your face to look at your husband with a blank expression.
“Babe, Mr Jeong is our host tonight. Be a dear and fetch us more refreshments to say thank you,” Lucas said, squeezing your back, not looking at you for a second. He never really looked at you, unless it was to perv at your form. He didn’t think of you as a human being, you were more of a piece of meat to him. Before you try and politely take your leave Yunho stops you by placing his hand up to rest of your arm in a small unmotivated gesture but it ignited a fire inside the pit of your stomach.
“Thank you. But that will not be necessary.” He clicked his fingers and one of the staff suddenly stood in front of you within seconds, fresh wine already made. He smiled slightly at you for a moment, something he didn’t do until he met you. His enormous hand enveloped around your one. His silver rings indented your skin lightly, making you relish in the feeling of his touch, and he seemed to do the same. Lucas cleared his throat, obviously feeling excluded from the conversation but being a little too stupid to see the lingering glances you were giving Yunho. You rolled your eyes so only Yunho could see, and he shot you an amused wink before turning to your husband.
They began to talk business making you tune out easily at the boring details of work. It became a habit you grew once you became the fiance to a useless man. And now don’t call yourself short for brains. You knew the business far well than most of the men in the room. In fact, you knew more than Lucas and you could —no, you would—do a better job at negotiating than he ever could. But he would never give you such a chance. Again, to him. You were a mere side piece, an object for him to gloat over and make himself more desirable. You watch the conversation unfold, seeing a slight tremor in Lucas’s voice, you could tell that Yunho terrified him. It was clear why, the man practically owned Seoul City and could command a room of mob bosses with a flick of his fingers. 
“It seems I have finished my drink,” you whispered not really caring if anyone heard but to your surprise, Yunho suddenly addressed you personally. Your eyes shot up, full of curiosity as he shot you one of his killer smiles. His voice was deep as he said your name. You loved the way it rolled off his tongue, and you vaguely wondered what else he could do with it. “I hope to see you again...” His gaze held yours as he cupped your hand once again. “Maybe one day I’ll show you my home in more, depth. And If you need anything at all, Mrs Kim, don’t hesitate to find me.”
Your lips curved, pleased at his offer. “Thank you, Mr Jeong. I certainly will.”
“Please, call me Yunho.”
Lucas, once again, cleared his throat, and this time you didn’t even try to hide your annoyance at his neediness. He tried to smile smugly, wrapping his arm tighter around your waist to pull you into him closer for a moment as if he wanted to play the role of a dear loving husband for once. But you tugged off him quickly. God you hated the way he smelt, the cologne he wore was unfaltering and it made your nose cry in pain. Yunho’s eyes narrowed at your husband's actions before shooting you one last smile making you walk off with blushed cheeks, leaving the two to their o’ so important business.
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A couple of hours passed slowly, and you had grown tired of the event that still strangely had life to it. Now, having your third glass of Wine, you were still not tipsy enough for your liking. You weren’t an avid drinker by any means, but you had built up quite the tolerance because of these parties. You weaved your way through the crowded room, slinking between guests. You eventually arrive at the set-up bar, not bothering to find another staff with a tray of drinks, instead, you chose to go straight to the source, but what you are met with was much more than another full glass of grape juice.
“You must not be enjoying yourself,” You turned to find Yunho. He walked up to you, his gigantic figure looming over you, with a fresh glass of wine in his large hand just for you.
“What makes you say that?” You asked, peering up at him noting your height difference, blushing slightly as he hands you the drink.
“Alcohol is the only thing that gets me through events I have no interest in attending. I’m assuming it’s the same for you?”
You sighed. “Don’t take it personally, Mr Jeong. I’ve just attended one too many of these parties for them to be interesting anymore. Especially when the company I'm entertaining is also...”
Yunho smirked. “No worries, doll. I understand. I wouldn’t enjoy myself either if that Scumbag’s arm was around my waist, and hand was gripping that ass all night. Seems like you need some better company.”
You snorted, covering your hand with your mouth. You would have been disgusted by the blunt comment about your ass but when it came out of Yunho’s mouth it made a tingle shiver down your spine. “He’s not that bad,” you said, weakly trying your very hardest to defend your husband, but one glare from Yunho had you giggling again. “Okay, he’s an ass. A total ass.” before you could think of another comment or snarky remark Yunho caught you off guard with yet another blunt comment.
“If you were mine, I’d be showing you off to every person in this goddamn city. But not how he does, as if you were an object but as my wife, the person I trust most by my side. ” You stifled a gasp at Yunho’s words. He stared down at you seriously, dark eyes piercing yours with careful curiosity. You had no words, it was as if your fantasies were coming to pass. But how could you possibly think of such a thing when you were already destined to be another's?
“I’m not yours, Yunho” you neatly whispered not trusting your own words.
“No,” Yunho said, narrowing his eyes. “You’re not mine. Yet.”
“Yet?” You gulped, watching his figure lean into your own, covering your body from the crowd and any prying eyes. Your back hit the bar, making you crane your neck to see his face only mere centimetres from your own. Was he always this big?
“Tell me…” His fingertips grazed your goose-bumped skin on your arm. “Tell me you don’t want to be mine. That you don’t want me to shower you with my love. I would give you everything your disgusting husband could never. All you have to do is ask.”
“I can’t.”
“Can’t what?” his voice almost sounded scared, worried you might not let him in, but his heart jumps the moment he heard the next few words leave your gorgeous lips.
“I can’t tell you, I don’t want it. Because I do. It’s all I’ve ever wanted since the day I met you…” That was all it took for Yunho to grab your wrist, hastily pulling you away from the bar, abandoning your drink and everything you had to go back to. He did not care about the side eyes he got or how some of the women you passed started to whisper. All you cared about was him and what he was going to do to you. He pulled you into an empty hallway and immediately pushed you against the wall. Your heart was beating so fast as he snaked an arm around your waist, breath tickling your face as your fingers flew up to pull on his dark hair. He growled into your mouth as he clashed his lips against yours, moving his body with your own. One hand cupped your ass in the same place Lucas would put his, but it felt different. You didn’t want to push away from the contact, instead, you wanted more. You moaned pathetically into his mouth, and he seemed to like it, shoving his tongue inside, dancing it across yours.
“Yunho,” you said, pulling back. Your lips were already swollen, and Yunho felt his chest leap at the sight. You were perfect. “I need…” Yunho nodded, pressing open-mouthed kisses down your neck and across your collarbone, letting his hands grip at your hips tightly, pulling your body flush against his own so you could feel his erection against your stomach. Fuck, he was so much bigger than you, it made your knees weak.
“I know, Darling, I know. Not here though. Come with me.” He pulled you through the halls and it wasn’t long before the two of you were in what you assumed to be his private sitting room. Or is it a study? You couldn’t take much care of the details hearing the fireplace roar dully while seeing a blanket draped over an expensive-looking emerald couch. Yunho wasted no time in hoisting you up onto his waist, then carefully dropping you onto the velvet couch, his body slotting on top of yours. Your stomach was cluttered with emotions, your head running wild with overthinking thoughts. Lucas had never treated you with so much attention and care. Let alone any real care at all. You couldn’t remember the last time anyone had kissed you like this. Then again, you remembered, you’d never been with someone else other than Lucas before this. Feeling love slipping from Yunho, it was like your first time all over again. But this time it felt right. Not some dirty transaction of body fluids. But actual love-making a husband would do to his wife... Yunho seemed to read your mind. “Never been treated like this, huh, my love?”
You shook your head weakly feeling as if you were about to cry. “N-no.”
Yunho growled against your skin. “Fucking immature little boy who doesn’t know how to treat a woman like you. Can’t believe I’ll be the first to ruin you completely. Not that I’m complaining. I bet that little fucking excuse for a man couldn’t get you to bed properly” he said with a shit-eating grin, his tongue lapping your neck. He pulled back to look at you in your eyes. “Has anyone ever tried this sweet pussy baby?” Your eyes widened at his filthy question covering your mouth with your hand you mewled a little, No, to his reply.
Yunho smiled devilishly. “So let me get this straight. You’re saying I’m gonna be the first one to taste you. Have you come on my tongue? Jesus Baby. You are spoiling me right now.” He groaned, and without warning he hooked his fingers on the hem of your pants, pulling them down as well as your panties. But not before he slowly slid off your heels giving your ankles a little kiss while doing so. You were dripping for him, some of it leaking onto the expensive couch already. He licked his lips, running a finger through you, loving everything he was witnessing.
You moaned, bucking into his touch. He slowly inserted two fingers into you before pulling them back out, then pushed it in again a little more harshly. His fingers were huge, making you wonder if you were struggling with his fingers, how would his cock feel deep inside you. He lowered his mouth to you, giving you a chance to feel his hot breath on your folds before diving in. You felt sparks fly across your skin as his mouth finally touched you. He groaned, lips moving and sucking across your clit as his tongue moved in unison with his fingers. He continued his assault until you were writhing against him, practically shoving your hips into his face for more friction. He took it all, gripping your hips with a bruising force. It wasn’t long before you were coming undone, sparks flashing across your eyes as you tensed and twitched. Yunho didn’t give you a second to recover before he was freeing himself from his suit pants. He was enormous, you could see his cock throbbing from where you laid. You gulped, eyes widening with worry. He is definitely not going to fit.
“It’ll fit, don’t worry, Darling. You might be tiny compared to me, but I’ll make you’re stuffed nicely,” he said with a laugh when he saw your shocked expression. “Cause I’ll make you fucking filled when I’m done.” He stroked himself a few times before lining up with your entrance, slowly pushing the engorged head into you with an audible pop. You gasped at the sensation, your mouth forming a perfect ‘o’ as he shoved himself in. His eyes screwed shut in bliss when he bottomed out. His hands gripped the back of your thighs, pushing them to either side of you so he could start his thrusts slow but deep.
“So fucking tight, did your pathetic husband even fuck you? Fuck, are you crying baby? Am I that big for you?.” He hoisted both of your legs over his broad shoulders, finding a new angle to pound into you from.
“God, you feel so good,” You whined. “Oh shit, you’re so big Yuyu...” He lost control hearing the nickname slip off your tongue, snapping his hips roughly. He was going to ruin you if it was the last thing he did.
“That’s it, sweetheart. All mine, aren’t you? Yeah, you’re fucking mine. I was made for this pussy.” Your fingers clawed his covered back, tugging at his dress suit jacket. His thrust were inhuman, becoming faster and harder each time he pushes inside of you. “Never gonna let that fucking douchebag, pathetic piece of shit ever touch you again,” he panted. “I’ve got you now.” He kissed your neck, then your jaw, before kissing you on your soft lips.
“I only want you, I’m yours,” you moaned, feeling an unfamiliar white heat inside of you, coiling around your stomach. “Y-Yunho I can’t I-I take… fuck, you’re so big.”
“You can take it, I know you can because you’re my good girl, right? You want to be my good girl don’t you?” You nodded against him, tightening your grip. He snarled into your neck as his hips began to snap into you with a roughness you already knew you would come to crave every day and night. “you coming, Baby?” Yunho said, feeling your tightness around him, “I need to feel you come around my cock. Please."
You didn’t have to hear him twice as you came around him, moaning so loudly you thank the party was loud enough to conceal any noise. Yunho wasn’t far behind, stuttering and shoving himself as deep into you as he could reach, spilling his hot white seed into you. His thrusts wore slower before finally coming to a halt. You both took a minute of catching your breath, Yunho moved off you, watching himself slip out of you before his cum began to leak out after.
He picked your underwear off the floor before shoving them in his pocket with a smirk. He then pulled your pants back up your legs, readjusting your heels and smoothing your hair, whispering just how well you did for him. He made sure you were presentable, even though you looked beautiful at any moment, especially when you were fucked out on his cock. But that was a visual just saved for him. You felt a blush creep up your cheek you wanted to speak, but it didn’t last as the doors to the room burst open, making you jump up in fright.
Lucas stood there, his fists clenched at his sides. “What the fuck is going on here?” He snarled, stalking over to you. Before he could get too close, Yunho stood. He absolutely towered above Lucas, coming in between you and him.
“I’d watch yourself if I were you, Mr Kim,” he spoke. His voice was deadly calm and his expression showed nothing.
“You just fucked my wife you bastard.” he spat straight in Yunho’s face making him suddenly see red.
“Remember who you’re speaking to.” Yunho got straight into Lucas's space, his deep voice growling lowly.
Lucas audibly gulped quickly giving up, but he peered around Yunho and glared at you. “Fine. Come on, we’re going home. damn slut,” he said backing away from the larger male but Yunho lunged forward, grabbing Lucas by the collar and lifting him off the floor with ease.
“You don’t get to fucking speak to her like that,” he growled. “She’s not your wife. And I vow that you’ll be begging for death once I’m done with you.” Yunho threw Lucas onto the floor and he scrambled backwards, staring up at the mob boss with clear terror in his eyes. Yunho turned around, kneeling beside you and pulling your hands into his large ones. “Come with me, Darling. Let’s get back to the party shall we.” You nodded, tucking yourself into his side as he guided you out of the room, and back towards the main hall.
“So, you were really serious about me being yours?” You said, gazing up at Yunho curiously not even worrying about how two very scaring-looking men that Yunho called Mingi and Hongjoong entered the room that you left Lucas in. 
“Damn right,” he replied, pressing a kiss to your forehead. “I gotcha now, My love. And I ain’t letting go.”
Ateez Masterlist
Taglist : @yunhofingers @violetwinters @lmhmh01 @purrhwa @joti17 @jess-1404 @pinki-minki @yesv01 @minkiflwr @rielleluvs @dilfjohhny @whatudowhennooneseesyou   @az-con @jen176pink @sundaybossanova @8tinytings @mysticfire0435 @yeosan8 @spookyauthorspopmusictrash @zi-ever @fl0r4f4wn @candypop1611 @toxicccred @yvnjin-s @meltheninja13 @atinyreads @e-ahn19 @stardragongalaxy
© 𝐉𝐚𝟑𝐡𝐰𝐚. Do not steal, plagiarise, translate, repost, or use my work in any way, shape, or form.
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oweninadaydream · 7 months
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𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 : Hangman is the certified ladies' man and everyone thinks they can read him like a book, but what neither the Dagger Squad nor anyone else can even begin to imagine is where the hell Jake has been going every Saturday night for the last few months…
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 : Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x male!character
𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐚𝐢𝐧𝐬 : mentions of alcohol, some making out but nothing too smutty, emotional distress lmao, age gap relationship (27-35), some religious trauma, self-deprecating thoughts, post Top Gun : Maverick, the Dagger squad is stationed together.
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 : 2k
𝐚/𝐧 : Gif by @tay-swifts , M/N (Male Name). Hello beautiful people!!! I'm so exited about posting this project I've been working on for a while. I just wanted to say that since it's my first time writing for Jake this might be a bit OC Jake but I do hope I got it right hehe. Enjoy the fic and stay tuned for the next parts!!!
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It was well after midnight when Jake arrived at the club’s entrance. The throbbing bass emanating from inside made the whole building shake, making his mind wonder what it would be like to live on top of such an obnoxiously loud place, contrasting with the quietness of the accommodations the Navy offered. The reflection of the neon sign reading  “Mon Ange” turned his natural olive-toned skin into a vivid dark azure that matched perfectly with the baby blue in his eyes. The smokers (all with stamps on their hands) were all gathered some feet away from the door to get back in after dragging a final puff from their cigarettes. The queue was not very long, mainly because everyone who was meant to be there had arrived way earlier than him. He reprimanded himself for getting there so late ; in less than two hours the nightclub would shut its doors and Jake would feel like he wasted four hours of his life for nothing. Well, his journey would not be in vain if he caught a glimpse of- 
This was L.A, a city 118 miles away from the Marine Corps Air Station located in Miramar, which is a two-hour long drive away from everything he knows. He had to remind himself of those facts to avoid spiraling  at the sound of his name in such a place; he hated how his body kept reacting to these kinds of situations, but not even a skilled lieutenant like himself could take the reins of these unnamed emotions that coursed through his entire being.
"What are you doing here by the door? I was worrying about you not showing up today, I was just about to send a search party. C'mon , let's grab a drink. Perhaps I can even convince you to dance this time" A wide playful smirk accompanied the flirty comment exquisitely and, even though Jake was more than used to these antics, his heart skipped a beat. Trying to compose himself, he answered while staring at the concrete floor. 
"I don't belong on that dance floor and y'know it, darlin' "
“Oh don’t say that, the 30s are the new 20s! … Even if you’re not planning to dance, you must’ve driven all the way over here for something, right?”
The damn question hit him like a truck. He could try to think of the right answer, but putting something into words made it terrifyingly real, and that was exactly what he'd been avoiding for months. The breeze made them both shiver, as the party outfits didn’t properly protect them from the chilly weather. 
“You're right” he muttered “Okay, lead the way. Make it worth the while, mh?" he teasingly replied. Even if what he was doing was definitely outside of his comfort zone, something about the constant banter between them calmed him.
"Don't you always have an amazing time with me? I thought that was why you only talk to me" a fake pout appeared on the face which Seresin couldn't help but to stare intensely in awe. Their hands intertwined and the pilot quickly melted into that comforting touch. His companion briefly exchanged some words with the bouncer and the doors opened for them. 
"Thankfully it was Joseph working tonight, I don't think Marcus would have let you in for free just like that" “I’m sure you would've charmed him into doing whatever you wanted anyway”
The thick air of the room embraced him as soon as the doors closed and the familiar feeling appeared in the pit of his stomach almost instantly; it seems like it was yesterday when he first stepped into the nightclub he now knows like the back of his hand, but in reality, that day was what it feels like ages ago. Still, the contradictions that manifested within him every time he returned persisted and only grew each day.
“I’ll go to the bar while you stay here and look pretty, okay? Same drink as always?”
It was because of moments like these that Hangman felt comfortable enough to let his guard down and be his usual extroverted self. Grabbing his wrist to stop him from going any further, he raised his voice so his words could be heard even though the music was top volume. “ Don’t you even dare to try to pay for those drinks, they’re on me.”
“Here it is, the Texan charm of Jake Seresin. I didn’t know you could apply those rules to this situation. Are you trying to imply I’m the girl in this whole affair? Shouldn't we at least draw lots for it?”
"Very funny, M/N'' the hostility that emanated from his rolling eyes made the other man realize his comment had affected Jake on a deeper level than intended. “Hey I’m sorry, I know I shouldn’t hav- I know it’s  a touchy subject and I’m extremely sorry, please forgive me” the regret was visible in his expression and it also could be detected in the stuttering caused by the words rushing their way out of his mouth trying to obtain his forgiveness as fast as possible. Jake took a deep breath and closed his eyes for a second. 
Hangman was no saint, he didn’t go to church every Sunday or tried to look for a good christian wife to have kids with like his father did in his day. He knew God was not exactly pleased with the way he was running his life but he used to think that when the time came, He would welcome him with open arms (after having apologized profusely, that is). But now that he had fallen for the most vile trick in the book, he couldn't trust that previous statement anymore. Lust was a capital sin, pretty serious if you asked any priest from the church the Seresin family attended back in Texas, but sodomy? Say goodbye to eternal salvation, son. If Jake was being honest, the promise of heaven or the threat of hell didn't scare him. It was the destruction of all the life lessons that made him act the way he acted,  of his purpose as a son, as a man. The thing that truly haunted him at night  was the thought of a deity (and his father)  designing him to be this flawless individual with a very clear life path , only to end up as a filthy, disgusting f-
“Hey, are you okay? Would you like me to leave you alone for a bit?”
The thought of M/N walking away while he sank deeper and deeper in the sea of guilt and fury frightened him. “Please don’t” he begged “everything’s fine, I promise. Let’s down a couple shots and , who knows, maybe I’ll be in the mood to dance for a bit” the last comment was a futile attempt to hide the everlasting agony that clouded his mind. M/N moved so they were a few inches away and raised his hand to caress his cheek. His next step consisted in resting his arms around his shoulders and starting kissing him delicately in the neck and in the whole face in general, in hopes to kiss the discomfort away. 
How could something so delicate and sweet be so dirty? Was it even dirty to begin with? What about the women he had dated? He was attracted to them but now he- Too many questions Jake was not willing to answer that night. He only wanted one thing, and he was about to claim it. 
After regaining control of himself, Jake put his right hand on the younger male’s back to guide him to the counter where people were piling up fighting to get the barman’s attention. Being as attractive and well-built as he was, he obtained the alcoholic beverages rather quickly. After the last drop of tequila had made its way down their throats, Hangman took control and led him onto the dance floor. His mind was only filled of the smell of M/N’s cologne mixed with his natural scent enhanced by their bodies crashing against each other while swaying to the 2000s pop remixes, his eyes fixed on his partner’s hypnotizing movements and his hands focused on feeling what they can reach, testing if they can go further in their journey through M/N’s body. Jake was simply standing close and moving according to the song's beat but in a subtle way, just like he would do at the locals he frequented with his coworkers ; manly enough to keep his dignity intact but provocative enough to awake that lustful hunger in the other person’s soul.
‘Mon Ange’ had finally closed down and the two men were still all over each other on the angelino streets. The tingle settling in his chest could only be compared with the adrenaline rush he had previously experienced on those wild nights spent in college, the farewell by the porch of the first girl he had taken on a date or the night out after his first deployment; if he closed his eyes he could swear he was 20 again, but reality made sure to remind him of those fifteen more years that had passed. 
M/N had this juvenile thing about him, Jake couldn’t guess confidently his age from afar and his curiosity was finally satiated after befriending him and asking him about it directly ; he was 27, even though he looked some years younger. His bold character combined with his kindness and humor made M/N resemble a butterfly flying around collecting the pollen from every flower in the garden and making it seem effortless. That was one of the many things that hooked Jake on him as if he were the most addicting drug out there, making him throw away his plan of not getting attached and limiting this experience with sporadic hookups that would end then and there, never with the same person twice. That was the problem, he appeared and started moving his hips to some song, making the whole room turn around him and ever since then (even if Jake was still in denial), he was a goner.
The next thing he knew, he was laying down on M/N’s bed, a king size mattress close to a very big window that allowed him to take in the beautiful sight of the sleeping city. He had only been to the apartment twice, but he had always  left before the sun had made its appearance in the sky, moved by remorse and skepticism. This time though, he had stayed the whole night that was filled with passionate sex and heart to heart conversations and finally some cuddling that lured him to rest for a while. Now he was wide awake, sitting against the headboard, resting his eyes on the sunrise and on the slumbering figure facing him. He looked so calm, so peaceful. In that moment, turning his gaze away, he tried to repress a sob that came with a single tear falling through his left cheek. 
M/N had always known he was queer, embracing his bisexuality in childhood. Jake had never had any problems with people who were not straight, even if the people around him growing up did, but everything was different when it came to himself. For fuck’s sake, he was closer to being 40 than from his teenage years, what was he doing? He could only paralyze at the idea of anyone seeing what he was doing. It was definitely too late for him. Risking his life everyday up in the sky felt like a minor burden compared to the endurance of the dilemmas he carried with him everywhere, just like Christ had carried the cross all the way to Calvary.
He could feel himself falling for the person right next to him, and that was the worst thing that had ever happened to Lieutenant Jacob Seresin. His calloused hand cupped M/N’s soft face, making the other man lean in closer in search of that delightful warmth. Jake’s lips burned in desperate need to say something out loud. His heart started palpitating at a dangerous speed, as he knew the thing trying to escape from his mind was a cruel thing to say and that he was a horrible being just by thinking that. It was no one’s fault and it had no solution, yet the idea popped up in his mind like an unwanted ad appearing on your phone. His chest ached at the possibility of M/N hearing the words, so he tried to whisper as quietly as it was humanly possible. 
“I wish you were a girl”
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seraphinitegames · 1 year
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 14/April/2023
Aaaahhhhh!!! Book Three is out! People have played it! People are enjoying it!
*incoherent screaming*
I have been such a happy buzz all week! :D
But I did manage to get my brain to work past the internal ecstatic dancing in order to get a lot done too, hehe!
I wanted to make sure I was on top of any bug fixes that came through and get those back asap. There's a stat-based one I'm still working on checking out, hopefully will find the issue with that soon, but all the rest I've managed to send back without problem.
Around that, I managed to lightly plan out the opening to Book Four, which is different than my original thoughts, but I think this works WAY better. The original idea I had will now just come later at the start but my original plan had it opening right in the middle of the action like Book Three (which is a preference of mine) but I realised I really didn't want that this time around.
I also managed to look through the variables and coding etc to start looking at what I can streamline. A bit of housekeeping, as it were, lol! I'm still learning a lot about coding with each book, so hopefully each one will get smoother to write as I go!
Also got to answer Book Three asks, which was SO much fun! Getting to see everyone's excitement over Book Three just made me even more pumped for Book Four!
And I also managed to schedule up the Spring Scenario Specials on Patreon after going over those again to check for possible spoilers (think A's has a minor spoiler for Book Three, but I have noted it!):
Golden Memories (Nate/Nat Special) - 12th April
Looking after Dylan, the golden retriever, brings back happier memories for Nate/Nat, as well as a chance to get some quality couple time!
"Take your shot" (Adam/Ava Special) - 19th April
A game of paintball turns into an impromptu training session—but both the MC and Adam/Ava seem to be having far more fun than expected...
You are my Haven (Felix/Farah Special) - 26th April
After receiving a voucher for a couple's treatment, Felix/Farah and the MC head into the Big City to take full advantage of the relaxation together.
Leave it in Dust (Mason/Morgan Special) - 3rd May
Mason/Morgan reluctantly (very reluctantly...) agrees to help the MC give their apartment a Spring spruce-up. But when Mason/Morgan finds some of the MC's memories hidden beneath the dust, they realise how much more they want to know about them...
Next week, I am really going to throw myself into Book Four planning now! My brain is practically exploding with ideas, and I need to get them down and start organising where I want things and how it's going to happen.
And plan for that big formal ball scene we've all been waiting for...
Masquerade, anyone?
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idyllic-affections · 2 years
what if kaveh adopted a child?
summary. kaveh adopts a random child.
trigger & content warnings. implied past trauma.
tropes, pairings, fic length, & other notes. comfort, found family. kaveh & child!reader. 0.6k words. they/them pronouns used for reader.
author's thoughts. hehe kaveh <3 this was written before the fontaine release, so i dont know how villainous focalors may or may not be but i implied her to be a lil bit villain-like. anyway i probably wont expand upon this one, this brainrot is just a silly little thought i had
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kaveh is a man with a heart much too big for his chest.
alhaitham can't really say he's surprised when kaveh tries to sneak in an orphaned, seemingly nonverbal child barely any older than six or seven. they're clinging to the blonde like a lifeline, face buried in his neck and little hands clutching the fabric of his shirt. given how frail they look...
"quit staring. they came from fontaine," kaveh scoffed, one of his hands absently toying with the tips of their knotted hair, "if you must know."
there's a little bit of surprise on alhaitham's face at that—a child that small ran all the way from fontaine to sumeru city? did they communicate that to kaveh, or did he just assume based on their attire?—but it washes away quickly as he turns back to his book. kaveh almost dares to think he'll get off easily at his roommate's brief silence. he should've known better. just as he starts to walk away... "you can't keep them."
what alhaitham doesn't know is that they avoided so, so many others in sumeru city but approached kaveh because they felt safer approaching him rather than anyone else.
it annoys him beyond belief that the scribe fails to understand how intuitive children are (he's far too petty to admit that maybe it's because alhaitham doesn't know what happened, that he wasn't there to witness such a sweet little one approaching him while flinching away from others). they approached kaveh because, in their mind, he felt safer than other people.
there's no way in hell he's abandoning them.
"it's not your choice to make."
"it's my house."
"what do you suggest i do, then?!" he snaps, quickly regaining his composure when the little one in his arms trembles. a sense of guilt weighs on his chest; the poor thing must be exhausted, hungry, and possibly even sick or injured. they don't need any more stress. as infuriating as alhaitham can be... the blonde is more concerned with the child. kaveh's voice lowers significantly as he continues, "i'm not going to just leave them on the streets in a foreign nation."
"oh, i don't know," alhaitham muses, "maybe head to fontaine and find their parents?"
both of the roommates fall silent at the little, meek voice. they peek upwards at kaveh.
a sense of calmness washes over them at the gentle, sympathetic expression on his face. he... looks like he could cry for them, actually. they don't have the capacity to completely understand the extent of the architect's empathy quite yet, and so, instead of trying to process why he looks so utterly bothered, they settle on laying their head back on his shoulder. he makes a very nice pillow.
"they're, um, gone," they repeat again, a little louder so the objectively scarier man could hear them with clarity. despite their sleepiness, they do their best to speak clearly and steadily. "l— lady focalors took them."
"...take them to gandharva ville."
kaveh doesn't reply to that, merely walking past his roommate and heading towards the bathroom to run a warm bath for them.
he knows he should. he's busy and won't be able to provide such a fragile thing with the care and attention they need to grow properly, not to mention his looming debt. he also knows that tighnari and collei and all the other forest rangers would take very good care of them until he rids himself of debt or until they're old enough to care for themselves. he knows, but... he just doesn't want to get rid of them. it pains kaveh to even think about doing something like that.
archons... he sincerely hopes that he can get rid of his debt and do it fast.
please consider reblogging, it helps me out quite a lot!
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weird post inspired by crowley's walk but kinda sad what is this fandom doing to me
Okay, I was watching a bunch of compilations of Crowley's walk (don't look at me, you've been there) and I had a thought that I sincerely doubt was anyone else's first thought looking at them walk.
It was more specifically that scene, you probably can see it right now, when they get out of the throne-chair hip first, so absolutely fluid, and saunter off.
I wanna be like that. I want to be that light on my feet. I feel that every time I watch the recordings of plays especially musicals, looking at the theatre actors, and yep, I know David Tennant is one too. And it's not just because I've always wanted to do theatre but never have, though that is true.
(TW: uh, talk of being tired/ill, I want to put the warning just in case)
It's because I'm not very well, and I haven't been for a while. Nothing serious, I don't think, but I have very low stamina to start with, and because of medications for my mental health I'm always so tired. Even standing up or walking without waiting a whole minute can make me dizzy enough to flop right on the ground. Even when I (probably) had COVID a couple of years ago, my main symptom was intense, intense tiredness. A few months ago, I had a viral while living alone, and had to crawl my way around (hehe crawl) (this is the state of my dark humour, I am sorry).
And watching Good Omens just reminded me of everything that I want to do, looking at them dancing around rooms and racing in cars, walking through streets for ages and sitting on the arms of chairs. The show is just so filled with life, sprawling in bathtubs and driving through the English countryside, children running around and on rope swings, desperate kisses and reading in a bookshop.
And I want that so, so much.
I want to be able to spring up from chairs and be around human beings and saunter around the city. I don't want to be sleeping through more of the day than I am awake for.
Anyway, just thoughts.
But I do want to take this post to give some love to all of you, and special love to any of you who are struggling with illness. Chronic illness or otherwise, mental illness or physical illness, just any illness. Even if it is just that heavy, heavy tiredness, that we know all too well. When I studied disease, it was broken down into its roots: dis and ease, a lack of feeling at ease. And I am reminded of that one post I saw about chronic illness, and I'd like to say what I read there to you all:
"I hope the pain eases soon."
I know that life is waiting just outside this screen, but as long as I am too tired to go out to meet it, I'm so grateful to this show, to this fandom, and to all of you maggots for bringing life to me. The loneliness has eased since I've been here, and the smiles are a little more often, the tears a little less.
And I think that's really quite wonderful.
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skulla-rxcks · 1 month
I wish you’d stay another night
Paring: Dick Grayson x f reader
Rating: explicit
Genre: smut
Warnings: or4l (fem and male rec), drinking, drugs, protected s3x, mention of injuries
Taglist: @f3lix00 @channiesgoodgirl @mal-lunar-28 @bangchans-gf5 @fun-fanfics @iwannabangchan @linosluver
Please dm me or use my inbox if you’d like to be added to the taglist ^^
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Dick saw you getting a little too drunk at a party so he had to take you to his place to sober up.
It’s 11pm there was a massive party happening in Bruce Wayne’s Mansion, I somehow won an invitation, it was a one in 30 chance to be invited and I somehow got it. It isn’t that surprising as it could’ve been way harder to get in due to it being a party in a billionaires mansion. the party only started half an hour ago and I’m already 6 drinks in, all of the alcohol, drinks and food are all expensive high quality stuff, I didn’t end up reading the alcohol percentage on the drinks due to not being able to because of the flashing lights, but that’s not the worst part. I didn’t know how strong and rich tasting the drinks could be.
I can barely stand or move around without stumbling over myself. I cannot go home like this yet alone take care of myself while drunk. I need to get out of this party and get some fresh air. I place my hand on the wall as I walk trying to keep myself steady, I continue walking slowly, trying to keep my balance.
I look around anxiously praying that no one’s staring at my pathetic attempts to walk, especially important figures in this city, cause oh god that would be so embarrassing, I would fucking kill myself! What if Nightwing saw me like this? He’s helped patch me up after I got stabbed once but being found and saved while being extremely god damn drunk is probably 10 times worse than me being stabbed, that’s just my personal opinion though. I’d rather cry in front of someone instead of them seeing me intoxicated.
I make it to the door and exit the mansion that the party was held in, once I’m outside I sit on a step and take a blunt I rolled up before I left out of my purse, lighting it with a flick of my lighter. I hold the cigarette between my fingers and inhale softly, trying to get my senses back to sober up faster; even though weeds definitely not going to help it, not even a little bit. I don’t have enough money for cigarettes lately so my stash of pot is all I can rely on.
“Y/n? You shouldn’t be doing drugs outside it’s risky, especially outside of Bruce’s property. Look I won’t turn you in or tell anyone but just for future reference”. It’s a man, he has the same physique as Nightwing as well as the same voice. “Who youuu an how do you know my naame..?” I ask, god why do I sound so fucking stupid when I’m intoxicated? “I’m Dick, Dick Grayson, you probably know me better as nightwing, since that one time I saved you. And for your name well, I looked it up in the files, I was curious and wanted to learn more about you and that was the only way to do so.”
He takes a seat next to me on the stairs. “Ohhhh hi dick… hehe, dick..” I lean my head on his shoulder, I reek of alcohol and weed. “You’re drunk, how much did you have to drink?” He takes my hands in his and looks at me sternly in the eyes. “Like 6 or….orrr 6… or mayyybee 7…?” I respond before quickly turning to the side and throwing up on the pavement next to me, holding my head in my hands, it’s pounding and I can hardly feel anything. “Fuck you’re drunk. I’m going to take you back to mine and take care of you for the rest of the night, you’ve had way too much to drink.” He sighs, lifting me onto his back like I’m a child again and bringing me back to his car, he buckles me into the passenger seat before hopping into the drivers seat and starting the car.
“I’m sorry... I’m sorry..” I mumble, resting my head against the window. “For what?” He questions.
“that you have to.. to waste time… looking after me” I whine, trying to keep my eyes open, but it’s difficult.
“you’re not wasting any of my time, trust me. I’d rather help you out than some other random drunk guy.” I close my eyes as my head sinks into the car seat relaxing myself as the drive continues on. a few minutes later Dick wakes me up “We’re here. need help getting inside?” he asks. “where are.. where are we…?” I look up at him rubbing my eyes. “my house, hope that’s okay, it was closer after all.” He says, opening the door and helping me out of the car. I wobble along slightly before finally standing up straight with his help.
“My room is upstairs, come on.” He tells me pointing the stairs up ahead. “okay,.” I attempt to walk up the stairs but end up stumbling and falling backwards. Dick grabs my arms to stop me falling backwards and luckily ends up catching me. “careful” he mumbles, taking my hand and helping me get up the stairs and into his room. “Here, lay down here” He places me onto the bed, I’m still drunk but my head feels more clearer now than before. He sits down beside me. “So how do you feel now? Are you still feeling sick? Do you need anything? Food, water..?” His hands are clasped together, he’s nervously tapping on his leg, clearly not used to practically ‘babysitting’ a drunk person. “I’m okay… I think”. I say, yawning a little. My head starts hurting all of a sudden. “ow.. fuck, p-painkillers maybe.” I whisper to myself, feeling a headache coming on. “You want pain killers?” he questions, raising an eyebrow at me. “Yeah please.” I reply, he gets up from the bed and leaves the room. Minutes later he returns and gives me two pill bottles. “Here, the blue ones are for extreme pain, red ones are for slight.”
“whatever you suggest, my heads fucking killing me.” I groan as I open them up and swallow them down accidentally taking a few more than the container prescribes immediately regretting it. “Oh shit!” I yell, grabbing my head in pain, I fall off of the bed and land heavily on the floor. “Hey careful!” He yells running towards me, stopping at the side of the bed. I lift my head out of my hands and see a small trickle of blood dripping down from my head into my hands. “fuck, you’re bleeding. okay, we’re definitely getting you into the shower. come on.”
Dick takes my hand once again this time leading me into his bathroom, he turns on the shower taps, fiddling with them and testing the water to see if it’s not too hot or not too cold, letting me adjust it if I need to. “Come put your hand in the water. Is the temperature okay?”
“Yeah, it’s perfect thank you..”
“can you help me shower?” I ask, looking at him and receiving a nod in response to my question. i strip down until I’m fully nude. the cold air of the bathroom making my nipples hard. once Dick’s undressed we hop in the shower, he makes sure to wash all of the wounds and injuries from all of the fights I’ve been caught up in and around Gotham.
I look down at the shower floor as he washes my hair and back. I watch the excess water drop onto the floor and travel down into the drain to keep myself entertained, I see some blood joining the water. I move so I can face Dick, there’s wounds on his chest and thighs, they seem new, not exactly new but not exactly old. “Dick? you’re bleeding..” I look at him concerned, I reach out and put my hand on his chest, hoping if he’s in any pain contact will soothe it. “it doesn’t hurt” he assures me, moving my hand away. “but..” I look at him sadly, knowing that deep down he knows it does, he just doesn’t want to say that he’s hurt.
“thank you for worrying about me though, I really do appreciate it.” Dick looks at me and smiles softly. He brings his lips towards mine and connects our lips gently. His hands find their way around my waist pulling me closer towards him as he presses himself against me harder. “You taste like alcohol mm..” I pull away from the kiss confused, but still allowing his grip on my waist. “what.. what.. was that for..?” my face turns red with embarrassment, his straight forward actions making me realise that I crave him, I need him. I want him.
“I don’t know, I apologise if I made you uncomfortable I just-“ before he can continue speaking I cut him off by pushing him against the cold tiled wall in the shower, bringing my lips back to his as the warm water sprinkles over us. “Dick.. I want you.” I mutter, putting my arms around his neck and pushing myself against him, feeling him grow hard against my thigh.
“Are you sure? You’re still tipsy.” He asks for my consent, reassuring me, reminding me that Im not fully sober.
“I’m sure..” I giggle, moving my hand down between his legs, cupping his cock with my palm before stroking him softly, trying to convince him to let me do stuff even if I’m still not sober. “Then..fuck.. can you please.. uh, suck me?” He groans, pressing little kisses along my neck. “here in the shower?..” I ask. “Yeah, here. In the shower.” He chuckles. I get down on my knees, not caring if water accidentally gets into my eyes, since that’s not what my goal is. My goal is to make Dick feel good all over. I take him into my mouth, surprised at how many inches he gained just from growing hard. I begin moving my mouth up and down, trying my best to impress him even though I’m definitely not the best at giving blow jobs. I use my hand to stroke his base, since I can’t manage to take all of him into my mouth.
It’s not long until I feel his dick twitch in my mouth, so I continue sucking on it bobbing my head faster now and tightening the inside of my mouth. Feeling his hands gripping onto my hips as he thrusts into my mouth faster. I’m starting to get a bit turned on and excited. who knew just by having someone in my mouth would get me so hot, especially Dick Graysons! “I’m close.. fuck..” He moans out, I nod and increase my mouth skills once again. Not long after he cums down my throat, I swallow it all like a good girl to impress him. “Jesus Christ that was good.. haven’t gotten sucked off that well in years..” Dick groans, pulling his dick out of my mouth and pulling me up to my feet to kiss me deeply once again, this time parting my lips with his tongue and exploring more of my mouth with his.
“Dick? can we go to your room. I need you..”
“of course.” he smiles, leading me into his room where he lies me down on his bed, hungrily prying my legs open to reveal my wet needy cunt, without warning he grabs my thighs and brings my crotch towards his face, beginning to thrust his tounge into my pussy. “mmg…!” I gasp in delight, tangling my fingers in his black messy hair as he starts devouring my pussy like a starved man.
“o-oh my god Dick.. !” I moan, my head falling back into the pillows, I buck my hips upwards trying to get more out of his mouth, as if it weren’t already perfect for me. He takes note seeing that I want more, he takes his tongue out of me and flicks it on my clit, but he also gently thrusts two fingers inside of me curling them upwards to hit that sweet spot of mine inside of me so my dripping hole won’t be lonely. he starts moving his fingers faster inside of me, making me arch my back in pleasure.
“Dick.. I want your dick..”
“Don’t worry baby, I wanna be inside you as well.” He smirks as he moves away from me to get a condom out of the night stand, he rolls it on before positioning himself at my hole. “Ready?” He asks. “M-mhm just put it in.” I beg “please Dick.” His expression changes as I use my manners, looking pleased at my obedience towards him. He pushes inside of me letting both of us letting out loud moans, he stretches me out perfectly, so fucking perfect. “Oh god!” I cry out, wrapping my arms around him and hugging him closely as he moves inside of me, slowly increasing his movements. “So tight..” he whispers into my ear before nibbling on it lightly. “Harder.. more.. please.” I tell him, as a response he starts thrusting even harder than I expected, making me scream louder than I ever have in my entire fucking life, the mixture of both pleasure and pain his cock is giving me makes me feel unreal. “I’m gonna cum..” I warn, hugging him tighter as my orgasm creeps closer and closer towards me like a spider. “Me too. I’ll cum after you don’t you worry.”
Dick says, a mixture of groans falling out between his words. Just hearing his groans is enough to make me cum on the spot, I cry out as I tighten around him, finally cumming, having the best orgasm of my life. Not too long after I feel the weight of the condom fill up, indicating that he came too. “Oh my god.. Dick.. I…fuck.” I kiss him softly before we get underneath the covers.
“Fuck, I needed that. I needed you so badly Y/n thank you.. now how about we get you drunk again so you can stay another night?” Dick winks at me.
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darkerthanblack-666 · 5 months
Ok, so the summary of today's day (it's fun, you know I'm a writer, so I can make it fun):
Before the concert+the concert
I went out. It didn't rain. I got to the city centre and it was raining like hell, but of course I didn't have an umbrella... I had my leather jacket though. Leather jackets are useful, because you can take them off and cover your hair and they don't get wet. But when I got there, it stopped raining, yay! Lucky me 😆
I got there maybe an hour before the doors? I would get an usual spot at the barrier on the side, but a girl was keeping it for her friend, so I let them have it and went to the middle. It was scary at first, because I never know what my happen and it's hard for me to stand for too long (which everyone knows, because I talk about it here a lot), but as usual the BC fandom here is very chill and most people were super nice and friendly and polite to each other, it's one of the main reasons why I love their concerts so much 💖
Most of the time I didn't see much, but Joel and Joonas got many interactions, if I find videos of those, I'll let you know! I had Joel right in front of me almost all the time, I could see his red snoot and wet upper lip, and he hit his face with the chain all the damn time... this guy 😆. Honestly, I had more fun there, in the 3rd row, than at the barrier on the side. Maybe it's because I was close to Joel, dunno 🤣. But it was probably my best BC concert so far, because I finally managed to relax and my anxiety was on a very low level. It really makes a huge difference!
Oh, and of course I lost my hairband with a big red bow. All because of Ghostkid's vocalist! I was filming Dark Side and he got near the crowd, I had no idea he was going to jump into it, because I'm small, I barely can see what's going on with everyone around being so tall. So he knocked off my hairband and I managed to catch my classes on time 😭. But I did catch him somehow, I made sure he didn't fall. Also damn, this guy is so light! Even with my health issues I feel like I could carry him myself easily. Also I'm not super sad about the hairband, if someone found it they can keep it, it's just a funny story 😂. If I lost my glasses, THEN I'd be upset. Because glasses are expensive. Btw I literally have it on video, I have proof! It's the funniest part of it 🤣
We also got another "kurwa bob" moment and Niko got a flower crown in the colors of the Polish flag! I even managed to take a quick photo (as I said, my camera is shite):
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(he took it off soon after, so I was lucky to catch this moment on my camera, also hi Joel you look awful here, but so do I in most of the photos and you're still my fave edgelord 💖)
Meeting the band after the concert
I wasn't sure if it was worth to wait for them. It was still a bit rainy and the last day bus was leaving in 30min (night buses arrive only every 30min, so it's a pain in the ass). Most people have left, there weren't many of us left, maybe ~20 people waited? But I thought I don't get to see them live that often, so what the hell, I'll wait.
There were staff members and guys from the supporting bands walking around freely (everyone is always polite and we let them work in peace, it's why I love the fans here, they don't chase anyone away 💖), even Olli just walked around unbothered (I think only I noticed him at that time tbh, but I ain't a snitch hehe).
Tommi and Aleksi just went to the bus and it's understandable. Tommi is just Tommi and Aleksi was sick. All of the other guys actually stayed with us to talk and I've never had such a long interaction with them before! I feel even luckier and I'm so happy that I stayed 😍
I think everyone knows Joel is sick, so we didn't want to bug him too much. He was nice enough to let us take some photos and let us give him hugs, and he was pretty much braindead 😂. But it's understandable, he's usually braindead and he's also sick, so it's worse. I'm happy I could give him a proper hug this time, because the first time I met him I was too scared for one. The 2nd time I asked for one and patted his shoulder nervously. But this time? I just hugged him with no fear! I'm making progress here 💖
Niko is always the most friendly one, so we had a chat with him and he asked what does kurwa mean (really dude? you have no google in your phone?) and I told him it's like vittu, other people added more information, and I said he should google it, he'll find funny things. Niko, please. Just google it, dude 😂.
I also hugged him and he has a really soft coat, which other girls pointed out and he joked he's wearing nothing underneath, because he's Finnish and isn't cold (a deja vu moment, because there was exactly the same situation in Poznań before: "Niko, aren't you cold?" "No, I'm Finnish"), so I also told him it used to be much colder here in general, because we did have very cold winters before. It's always fun talking to Niko 💖
The next one was Olli, but I'm leaving Olli for the last part of the story, because it's the best. Now, I did hug Joonas and got a photo with him, but my brain is totally blank if we actually did talk to him. I think not really? Uh, dunno 😂. But it was a positive interaction as well 💖
Now, Olli. Everyone knows I just couldn't like the guy because of his crazy stans, so I was "meh" about him, but actually meeting him properly just changed my mind. He's really easy to talk to! But I really didn't think I'd manage to come up with an interesting topic, I usually have nothing to say and I'm horrible at asking questions.
My brain decided to ask him about Silent Library. It basically went like:
Me: "So I watched this show, Silent Library Suomi, and you were getting all these red cards. Was it done like that on purpose, or was it just a coincidence?
Olli (grinning): "it's called back luck"
Now, if you watched their vlogs and he had those funny moments with puns everyone loved, IT WAS LIKE ONE OF THOSE MOMENTS. But I don't have it on the camera (which is ok, I did that just for myself).
He explained it really was accidental and no one was plotting against him (I did joke that Joel maybe did 😂). I think he enjoyed talking about it, because I doubt anyone would get an idea to ask him about this show (though I might be wrong).
So here you go, it's called bad luck. That's it. I got the info from the man himself 😂
But, there's more. The girl who was taking photos of us had a malfunctioning phone and accidentally took a photo of his feet and he was wearing flip flops (she did show it to him too lmao). I'll share it as soon as I get it. Also she came up with a joke that I already told her I'm going to steal:
(feet pic coming soon 👌)
We all laughed really loud at it (Olli wasn't there anymore, so we=us girls), so I'm releasing it into the world, because it can't be kept in containment 😂
That's it for now, more video content coming tomorrow (cause I'm tired)
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animation-is-my-jam · 4 months
Whos the most underrated villain in wordgirl amd why is it Granny May?
Hehe \(゚∀゚)/
As the resident Granny May defender, I shall say why. But first, I will admit to why some don't like her or her episodes. If you don't like, "Everyone turns on protagonist because of one individual obviously lying" or "Antagonist getting away with scamming but in a super obvious way" plot lines then yeah I don't fault anyone for not liking Grandolyn. Since those kinds of stories can easily get under people's skin, especially when you experienced something similar to Wordgirl in these. And out of the villain's Granny is like the most mentally ruthless next to probably Miss Power jgjfbjvjg, so I can see why some don't jell with her, BUT HEY, if people can accept Miss Power bullying a ten-year-old then they can accept Granny doing it everyday with back breaking affect/lh
Granny is funny too,,,I don't know if it's because I like old mean characters (not in real life, fuck that), or because of Cree's performance, but she's funny. Honestly, it's a hustle to constantly fake being a helpless lady and also take on a superhero. Like I respect her, idk why, but I do. Sure, she gaslights and unfairly tries to cancel a child, but like if I was her age and lived in the world's most gullible city, then yeah, why not.
I think another thing that is fascinating about her (because I do analysis on her) is that she is definitely in the villain game for fun and has probably done it for years. Compared to others who do it for either having notoriety, getting respect, or valuables. Granny does it because she loves the thrill of it. She is technically living a conformable life, and let's not forget she has a whole ass family who are respectable citizens with her mother kind of being loaded, so she has no reason to do it besides it's fun. Though I guess another thing that interests me is her relationship with her family, as we know in her first appearance, she's tried to use her own grandson as a henchman and then not again. We know she has other kids than Eugene's dad, and it makes me wonder what is there relationship to her and, in general, her family. Besides Eugene, who is never seen around Granny May again in the show proper (that's so funny like tf), I don't think it's all good. Granny uses photos and excuses of people looking at her big family as a trick, as if she's close and adores them, but she's crimepilled and probably her more normal family don't approve of her villain status. So either their a strained family and Granny is coping real hard not being the matriarch anymore, or they're okay with it, and Granny May is just known as "Grandma who steals"
Regardless, despite that being a headcanon, it makes her character very fun to dissect. Does Granny really love the fun of being a criminal more than her own family she made? Or does she want to appear like a good granny to her family, but her hobbies have let them in shunning her since she uses them in her schemes and they don't want to be associated in that life.
We know Granny has had a villainous mindset since she was young, I could only imagine for the May kids to have their mom being a thief since she's pretty boastful about it, lucky they live in Fair City where people have a memory of a goldfish.
Another for why I like her, as I mentioned somewhere idk or maybe it was on discord...Eh I can't remember. Anyway, it's because when she's on screen, she helps elevate a very unique Wordgirl/Becky. Like say what you will on Becky's contempent for her villains, I think straight up, she dislikes Granny May. They're so petty with each other, and I think it what makes it so much funnier. Not to mention, they're kinda similar in attitude, at least when it comes to theit drive and stubbornness. Granny May probably sucks as a parental or maternal figure so much that she doesn't even have moments with Wordgirl that could be found family-esc. Or maybe idk they could. Granny May is no different than the average overcritical gaslighting brash grandmother....nevermind she would be the ideal grandmother to Wordgirl. /jjj
Idk I just like Granny May. Most don't get it, and that's fine. More for me to headcanon and write.
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ask--eggman · 6 months
hey, im sorry if this is a sensitive topic but i cant stop thinking about it, do you recal your attempted suicide bombing in station square? do you recall what drove you to suicide? it must have been somthing awful if it pushed somone as brave and as strong as you to take your own life.. did anyone at all try to reach out? i doubt any of those so-called "herros" tryed to offer suport to somone undergoing sutch agony, again, you dont have to respond if you dont want to, but i truly want to know, and im shure the whole empire will suport you in whatever you were or are going through :)
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I'm never one to lose hope and determination and give into defeat but that was just a time when it all got to me. I work so hard to accomplish my goals and put so much time, effort and passion into my plans but something comes along and ruins it, again and again. On that particular day, I'd finally reached my capacity for the disappointment, anger and stress. Not just for that day but for my entire lifetime.
Anyone else inferior and weaker than me would be broken down by failure much more often and much sooner, than the one time it pushed me too far. It wasn't really a conscious decision more than something that hit me in the spur of the moment. At first I just thought I'd at least blow Station Square up if nothing else. There would be some catharsis in that blue pest still not succeeding in saving their pathetic lives.
Oh but then of course the missile had to be a dud. Of course even that couldn't go right. So I just thought "Oh, fuck it all", and went to detonate it by hand. I knew I was going to die and I was going to happily take the whole city with me. Once I'd made my mind up, I felt happy, I had a blast trying to race Tails to that missile. I found myself begging for him to wait for me when he was ahead.
It was something to be determined to accomplish again, one I was sure nobody could ruin this time. One last glimmer of hope to succeed in something, one last thrill racing across the city in my Egg Mobile onward to destruction, then I'd be free from ever having to experience failure again. I'd go out having accomplished one part my plan of destroying Station Square, even if I didn't get to build the empire I always dreamed of.
I was tired of being the one who it all ended in destruction for, I wanted others to experience that devastation. For once, I wanted it to end with their destruction and my success and it seemed like the only way. But I obviously lost that race because here I am today. Well, that snapped me out of it and so I went back to trying to kill the little pest Tails who stopped me, since he's the one that actually deserves death really.
Nobody reached out to me and I didn't expect them to. They're used to breaking down everything I build and waiting for the next time I get back up to try to bring me down again and the cycle repeats. It's always just me alone to pick myself up and keep fighting in the end. But I don't need anyone else. I know if I keep at it, I'll succeed. So I try my hardest to fight to accomplish my dreams and not let my mind slip back into that place.
Anyway, enough about that.
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The way I still came back from that and have only become stronger and more successful and determined over time just further proves my power! It's another of the many reasons why I deserve to have all of your support, admiration and praise and be your mighty emperor! So that's to be expected, you wouldn't have a choice either way, hehe~
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gojowh0rcs · 2 years
anyway, imagine despite all precautions taken and how careful and vigilant the two of them might’ve been (save for that one very spontaneous emotionally charged night), gojo still manages to get his s/o pregnant. it probably isnt even smth that crosses the realm of possibility in gojo’s mind at first just BECAUSE of how cautionary they (he) would have been. having a kid isnt really on his agenda. so much preparation and thought would have had to gone into even entertaining the idea on normal circumstances. but gojo--what with everything going on pre-shibuya arc--would be too buried under his responsibilities to dedicate the proper time and energy into caring for a pregnant s/o. it’s probably pure denial and avoidance that halts him from delving deeper into the possibility at first. he doesn’t have the time so the universe wouldn’t be so cruel as to layer another obligation, especially one as important as this, onto his already sky-high pile---is what he thinks. but then he remembers the universe has never quite been on his side (perhaps terrible luck was the karmic balance of the strongest). being head of his clan and the sole pushing force of it does deem him a little freedom. there’s nothing anyone could truly force him to do, which is why he’s the nerve to be so rebellious in the first place (along with just being the literal strongest sorcerer---who gon check him? LMFAO). but gossip and social pressure from the higher ups is bound to aggravate him. he still has to stay somewhat within the lines of their politics. play a little by their rules. impregnating a s/o without any social standing or status in jujutsu society probably spreads rumors of diluting the gojo bloodline. he ignores it, ofc. lets them have that if they want. but he draws all lines at dragging his s/o and specifically their baby into that world. there’s a huge, steal wall of separation he builds thicker than before between his s/o and jujutsu society. no one is forcing his s/o into the gojo clan, no one is forcing his child into obligation or training either. he decides. this is his. and they belong solely to him. 
(that being said he’d definitely train his child regardless if they’re born with cursed techniques or not when they come of age. its just under his say not anyone elses :) SDJDSDFJ)
as for the relationship with his s/o, idk if he’d marry them outright just because they’d get pregnant. that entirely depends on the s/o and their own perception of marriage. if its important to them, then maybe. but i dont think gojo would want to put that pressure, and he doesnt really care about what society or anyone would have to say abt having a child out of wedlock either. actually it seems more in character for gojo to never actually legally marry but have a whole secret long-term relationship on the side that no one knows abt until he’s sealed and his s/o comes lookin for him 💀. when his students find out hes just like oops lol hehe silly me 
their relationship would definitely take a different undertone. gojo already regarded his s/o as his, but the pregnancy would make that x100000. he’d start making decisions on their behalf without them always knowing, takes more of a lead. might not legally take the title, but definitely assumes the role of a husband. a lot more protective, but its all very subtle. his s/o would feel the change in energy coming from him. he might move them out of their apartment and somewhere more safe and secluded. the city is crawling with curses, so the farther out they are, they less likelihood of danger. might set up a curtain that protects their home that keeps curses and curse users out when hes not there. he’s still not as present as he’d like to be, so his s/o might be left feeling lonely, but there is a notable effort in how much more frequent his visits will be (especially closer to the delivery date). 
gojo might  🤏 be a little more vulnerable than usual too. it might actually catch him by surprise. he thought he’d be just as vacant and as distant of a father as someone like toji. there’s probably a theory out there that jujutsu sorcerers make for shitty parents. they’re all too hardened to coddle the dearness, the preciousness of youth. hence why so many sorcerers are forced to grow up early and thus the cycle repeats. he probably rationalizes that he’ll be like that too. that even if he’d try, and god will he try, he’d still manage to fuck his kid up a little. it’s just how these things kind of go. but there will be so many nights that he rests his cheek against his s/o’s growing belly and tells their baby stories about his day, his students, his battles. he complains about the higher ups and their stagnant ways. he tells their baby that he’s the strongest sorcerer alive, and thereby the coolest dad in the world. and on nights where he’s troubled by things he’s too proud to divulge, he tells them that he will rip time and the universe apart for them with his strong hands. that no one could touch a hair on their head without his permission. that he’d do anything for them. that they were his, and he’d protect them for the rest of his life.
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katerinaaqu · 2 months
Hi! I’m the anon who asked about Odysseus’ character changes and how you deal with them. Tysm for such a detailed and knowledgeable answer!
I’ve got another question if that’s alright. I’ve fallen in love with the complex and flawed but ultimately good Odysseus I read about in the Iliad and Odyssey. But when I started reading the other myths I kinda hated him lol (the myths themselves were good but Odysseus was…morally grey at best). I’m not one for liking villain-coded characters, complex or not. So I guess what I want to ask is would it be offensive to anyone if I decided to ignore certain myths and accept as “canon” per-say others? I know these myths are part of Greek culture and history so I just want to ensure I’m being respectful in my enjoyment of the characters
My oh my thank you very much! Of course it is alright! I always love questions or comments to my fics and all. That is why I am here hehe.
Why would it be "offensive"? Honestly the only thing I would consider "offensive" is someone who uses the modern day adaptations to form "fandoms" about the Greek gods or myths as if the modern day is somehow "correcting" them or something apart from that as you can see from my previous answer I also do that when I write my stories.
Like I said before I should link the "anti-Odysseus wave" to the different wars or challenges faced during the time which called for war propaganda (or antiwar for that matter) so the idea of a guy using indirect methods didn't agree with the spirit of "noble war". Which was further enriched by popularity of guys like Eurypedes (pretty much like the overhype of things like Epic the Musical or Percy Jackson in modern day)
Some popular creators didn't particularly favor Odysseus methods, made him their anti-hero, got popular and so many other creators followed tye same spirit while Romans blasted it out of proportion due to their own propaganda against the guy that took their mythical city. Quite frankly even the ancient Greeks made choices among the versions they favored.
For example there is no doubt for most myths that Helen was at Troy. Homer says she willingly followed blinded by love to which later on Helen justifies that Aphrodite blinded her with passion so that Paris could have his new wife. Other accounts say she was abducted. Either way Helen herself was at Troy, no doubt about it. But Eurypedes wanted to justify Helen even further thus creating his play "Helen" to which Helen was never there, but her copy and that Helen was suffering from the unjust anger of the world plus the advances of the king of Egypt.
Even the ancient Greeks had "favorite versions" of the myth. I see no reason why not you too make the selection of your favorite versions and stick to them. I do too.
For instance the only other creator of antiquity so far that gives me somehow the same vibes (not as complete of course) as Homer is Sophocles. Many people pick their favorite material of mythology to enjoy. Quite frankly most homeric fans ignore for example Telegony and that is for obvious reasons. I am one or them. Telegony is not a continuation of Odyssey but rather a different tale that takes the Odyssey as a starting point. 😉
I hope that helps. Personally I get tired of people who only hear one version and claim it as the only truth (see for example Ovid and Medussa) but I just called that "ignorance" rather than "offensive" but I cannot see why someone would be ashamed that after a thorough research of the ancient sources they just settle more with those that resonate with them better.
I hope that makes sense.
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stars-n-zeds · 5 months
Hiii I really enjoy your tugs ocs, and I was wondering if you had any other fun facts or doodles of them.
@6lovelytenders (because the fact you can't send asks from a sideblog infuriates me)
aahhh thank you sm for liking them!! they’re very much my beloveds [also yes it is very aggravating you can’t send asks from sideblogs but that’s another time]
this is my actually decent first attempt at a half-body design for mockingbird! and if you're wondering yes that is boo perched on her
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Mockingbird is GREAT at mimicking bird calls [obviously like her namesake] and it’s a little quirk she picked up from living upriver since there were so many more birds at her old port.
She also has very extensive albeit pretty useless knowledge about all sorts of animals, whether they be land, air, or water.
Mockingbird is biromantic! She likes guys and gals.
She’s taught Boo a few basic words like hello, friend, bye, and trouble. He’s been trained to come back repeating “Trouble, trouble!” whenever he spots something wrong, like a ship needing help and similar situations.
She's VERY quick to defend Sea Rogue whenever anyone tries to bring up the pirate situation upriver since word of it got there. Hell no is anyone gonna try to accuse her older brother of being an actual damn pirate. [i do want to do a post ab this in the future hehe]
Boo is also very fond of bringing Mockingbird trinkets, making a neat little pile at the top of her dock that is specifically off limits for workers who clean her off every now and then.
Contrary to popular belief, Boo doesn't only hang out with Mockingbird [even though he does a majority of the time] and actually will hang out with Zebedee too, as he's the only one of the Z-Stacks that doesn't flip out when he lands on them [besides zos of course, she doesn't really care].
Boo also has a weird feud with Top Hat since the railway tug really doesn't like birds, but he knows better than to make a snide remark about the crow whenever Mockingbird's around otherwise he'll definitely get an earful. [or whatever the tug equivalent of ears are]
In more general headcanons, here's what I imagine both Mockingbird and Zosteria's voices to sound like!
Zosteria -
[very VERY different from each other but they fit both characters pretty well]
While Zosteria does look pretty intimidating and it can be a little difficult getting close to her since she's so tough-shelled, once she lets her walls down a bit she's a great listener and gives pretty good advice.
She definitely has a soft spot for younger tugs and tries to look out for their well-being, even from afar.
One rule of thumb that you should always remember when you're around Zos is to never try to wake her up after a long day unless it's absolutely necessary. Because you'll have a considerately grouchier and angrier Zosteria on your hands, which is is not a very fun time.
Although she'll never admit it aloud, Zosteria has a big soft spot for dogs. She's the one that pushed [well, more so forced] Captain Zero into giving food scraps to the small packs of stray dogs that live around and in Bigg City Port, and she secretly hopes one of them will imprint on her hard-shelled captain one day. One day!
She has a very sarcastic and dry sense of humor which is very true to the current situation of the 1920s/1930s.
Zos doesn't really tell the story of her scar that often because it's source is actually pretty stupid, and she finds it funny listening to boats come up with some WILD ways she got it.
Zosteria is very AroAce. No romantic or sexual relationships for her, the only ones important to her are platonic ones.
Though it might not seem like it from first glance, Zosteria has many, many stories she's willing to tell to those who want to listen.
I didn't mention this on Zos's main bio but she also considers Lillie as a decently close friend. Zosteria and Hercules are the main ships Lillie sees from her point at Dem Der Rocks, and it's always nice to just meet up there and talk whenever they want a little bit more time away from their fleets. [although Zosteria is always quick to skedaddle whenever Lillie and Hercules want to be alone with each other]
Something else I also forgot to mention is that Zosteria and Zip are supposed to be a reflection of Hercules and Ten Cents, mostly because I love the younger switcher sibling looking up to their older ocean tug sibling VERY much.
i'll probably make more as i develop them [and hopefully others!] more, but that's all i got for now :)
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tr1ckysp00k · 2 years
if your still doing requests i have one! reader is in the process of becoming a vampire, i like think of it as 3 phases first, reader will be more hungrier than usual, yearning for human blood. second reader will start biting things like themself and sometimes even bob! and finally their ears turn into a sharper shape and start stalking people at night to suck their blood! >:) also a small note this happens when they start dating so bob is our s/o! and we help him with his "work" as well! :) take your time!
Hehe I like this :D
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{warning: ¿suggestive? mention of blood, hints of violence} {it is now sorta proof read}
•Bob x vampire reader•
You were both born and raised as a vampire. And it wasn’t easy, not at all. Having to blend in with the locals was a bit of a hassle! And those sunny days made it no better.
You often have to go city to city and town to town. Until you found one particular town that stuck with you. It was a bit of a shady place both figuratively and literally , which was helpful for a vampire such as yourself, and was filled with some shady people.
A lot of weird-what-nots would happen here and there, which made it easier for you to blend in. No chance of anyone noticing you.
You often lured your clueless victims into the dark wood, which was embraced by thick, green-like fog, resting at the feet of the scrawny-like trees.
To be honest not a lot of the people on the town were ‘bright’, most of them were very stupid actually. So catching your prey was easy as pie! Until you bit more than you could chew. .
You heard of a place called ‘grills n boys’. Which was quite popular with the people in the gloomy town. You wanted to have a look for yourself. More people, more victims. Of course you never liked picking off of innocent people, you needed to stay alive.
You spot someone prefect! He was a bit on the bigger side, meaning he would have plenty of blood to share. He couldn’t be that hard to handle. . Right? The poor soul doesn’t know what’s after him.
You decided to make your move, scurrying through the small crowd of people to the front of the line, while faces of disgust and disapproval trailed behind you.
The rang the small bell ,that was placed on the counter, continuously and swiftly. Attempting the catch the large man’s attention. When your ringing was out to a stop, the man turned swiftly, a large smile engulfed upon his face. It made your skin turn more pale than it was.
He quirked a thick brow, seeming confused. “Well howdy there. You must be new in town!” He said in a southern drawl, you weren’t expecting.
“Yes. New.” Your eyes narrowed at the table, unable to look into his own, let alone look at him at all. He is clueless on what’s coming to him. .
You both stared at each other for a uncomfortable amount of time, his eyes wide, and giving you a wide smile. After a bit he glanced down, then back at you, causing you to look at what he was looking at. The menu. Ah yes, you have to order something.
You scrambled to grab it, opening it swiftly and shielding your face from his stomach-churning stare. When you looked above the laminated-paper, you saw his back faced towards you, his cooking carrying a delightful aroma.
He turned to serve a costumer their dish. You swiftly buried your face in the folds of the menu, catching his attention. “Are ya ready to order?” He questioned. You slowly arose, making some-what eye contact with him. Humans are so hard to communicate with. Especially the ‘intimidating ones’.
Clearing your throat, you made your way to answer. “I’ll have the uhmm. . Number one?” Your tone was shaky and weak, and you were a bit in question of what you just ordered.
“Ah! The classic! Comin’ right up, doll” You couldn’t help but flush. Doll? That’s new.
Hearing the slab of ground up meat giving off delightful sizzles on the pan was up most satisfying! And the breath taking scent, made your hunger grow more. Too bad it wouldn’t satisfy your hunger. You’ll still need the blood.
After a bit of waiting, your order was ready. Steam arose from the juicy, burger. “Order up!” He slid the plate of food towards you ever-so gently. “Enjoy, dear.” He turned to the stove, then stopping himself, to turn towards you once again. “By the way, I’m bob.” He hummed, placing the tip of his hand on his chest. “Oh, I’m y/n.” You said in a soft tone. “Nice to meet you, y/n.” A toothy smile appeared on his cheeks.
You took slow bites of the food, it tasted amazing, but unfortunately it wasn’t filling. He watched you eat the meaty delicacy, his eyes trained onto your small structure. It gave you chills. Though, he did look kind of. . Cute. He wouldn’t last long though. . you have to do what has to be done. It’s either you or him.
It took time for the crowds of people to die down. Hours later, you and bob were left in the shop. Soft music played off a radio in the back of the kitchen. The hunger in your eyes was intense and evident, staring at bob while he tidied up the dirty plates and bowls.
He turned towards the counter, a bit startled at your presence. “Ah! You’re still here? It’s a bit late don’t cha think?” Curious to why you stayed behind. Maybe you were still hungry. “Well, I don’t know about you, but I’m headin’ home! I’m a bit famished!” he smiled, once again it made you a bit timid. What kind of human smiles like that? And that sickening hunger in his eyes. It was akin to yours.
He made his way out the shop, his large hand placed on your back as he lead you out the doors. “I’ll see you around then!” He tilted his scarlet red hat, bidding you adieu. You were not letting your prey get away that easily. No way. You snuck behind the building, and followed him. Following his thunderous booms until you met the rim of the forest. You saw his large silhouette been engulfed by thick fog. Now where is he going? You hesitated but followed him, taking quiet steps behind. Until once again you were put out to a stop. You nearly bumped into a wooden dowel which was connected to a shack-like house. And the stench that surrounded the rotten hut was unbearable, even for you. No way he lives in this garbage heap of a home. You pinched your nose, the stench making your eyes slightly water.
You enter anyway, you never let you victim slip past you!
The door shut close behind you, the culprit of the loud noise was none other then bob. You panicked, at the mere sight of him, and the large snarl that immersed his face. Maybe letting this victim go wouldn’t be a bad idea.
“Now now, what do we have here?~” he hummed. You took a chance and attempted to pounce on him, only to be knocked on the ground, dust flew around your grounded body. “I knew there was somethin’ off about ya. .those sharp teeth n’ ears. That pale skin.” He growled, digging his claws into your neck. You hissed, pitifully attempting to scratch his face. He threw you onto your stomach and cuffed your hands with his, pinning you to the ground. your stomach pressing against the wooden frame of the floor.
Drool creeped out the sharp corner of his lips, dribbling onto the floor. Hunger took over his eyes, they were blood-shot red. Wanting nothing more than one. Bite. “Well, how the tables have turned. . I Wonder how vampire taste like.~” this was followed by a roar of a laugh. causing you to panic, your eyes going wide in terror. “WAIT-“ you’d screech, but he wasn’t stopping for nobody. .
A sharp pain in your neck, caused you to whine out. Clawing the rotten wooden floor underneath you. He latched his jaw into the flesh of your neck, making sure you couldn’t escape his grasp. His claws dug into your wrist the more you tried kicking him off. No matter how much you squirmed his grip didn’t loosen. This was indeed a grave mistake.
Right when you were about to lose all hope, he ripped his teeth out of your neck causing you to yelp In pain. He licked up the blood that fell on the surface of your neck. “That-thats not fair. .” You said weakly, hardly able to muster up a sentence due to your hunger, and the loss of blood. It wasn’t supposed to go this way. This was supposed to be YOUR prey, not you being HIS PREY. God, it was humiliating.
The large man chuckled above your crippled own. “Taste smokey.” He tittered. You yanked your arms out of his grip, scooting towards a wall. You hissed once more, anger clouded your eyes. You were just hungry. Bob stood were you left him. He glanced at you then his eyes flickered around the room. Picking himself off the ground, he squandered in the living space in search of something. You watched inquisitively, yet still giving him a deathly glare while rubbing your red-lit wrist.
He then reached down to get something, turning and making his way towards you. You’d cower away, hugging the wall that was besides you and squeezing your eye shut. You then felt a soft tap at your shoulder, which caused your eyes to snap open, looking up at the large male.
What he had in the claws of his hand was a limb, he seemed to be offering it to you. ‘He mauled at my neck? Then offers me food? Am I missing something?’ Was you thought, but you snatched it out his hand anyways. Sucking the left over blood that was in the fore-arm. “Just a little hungry thing aren’t cha?” He chuckled, reaching his arm out towards, you causing you to hiss at him. You glanced out the broken window then back at him, he turned back in curiosity of what you were looking at. You took this chance. You threw the limb at the back of his head and ran towards the shattered glass frame. Transforming yourself into a small, winged creature {a bat}, while blue-like smoke surrounded your small body. He didn’t say or do anything about it surprisingly. He stood near the window frame, watching you vanish into the star-lit sky.
Time skip~
Because I’m lazy like that
You did often come by to get a ‘snack’, when you were too tired to catch prey, and he happily obliged! Though, you’d wish he’d put an end to that horrid stench. He also let you stay for a while, or spend the night with him when it wasn’t safe to go out.
You two get more and more attached and start dating! When ever he needed help with ‘getting dinner’, he’d ask you to come along! (He likes your company.) you often pretend you were hurt, fooling your prey to help you out. Only to be surprised.
Bob often spoils you with heavy amount of cuddling and kisses! Sometimes he even lets you bite him, though it’s a bit of a weird feeling for him. Having your blood sucked out of your body. After doing so, you kiss the little souvenir you left on his shoulder better!
He also questions you a lot. Like a lot! They mostly go like this; ‘how does it feel when you transform?’ ‘What happens when human food enters your body? Does it digest?’ ‘Do all vampires sleep in those lil’ coffins?’. Stuff like that! Or he’ll tell you some of his iconic cannibalistic facts! Either answer to his head-aching questions or. . Listen to his on-going facts about the human body. You decide.
Bob collects blood for you! Loads of it. He does not want you going hungry on him! After all you are his little blood-bat.
Mk! That’s it! I apologize if it wasn’t exactly what you wanted!
Hope you enjoyed! Thank you for reading! :D
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