#I have more to say about dex but I’m going to wait until I finish the show
butcherb1rd · 5 months
poindexter’s superpower: throw things reaaaaaal hard :)
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elisela · 1 year
‘this is my husband/boyfriend/partner etc.’ + NurseyDex
that's mine nurseydex, alternating pov
Nursey goes flying. Headfirst into the goal, arms flailing, Will thinks he hears a yelp sort of flying. He only resists the urge to roll his eyes because Bitty’s looking right at him and he doesn’t want a lecture. 
Still—when one of the assholes on the other team barks out a laugh and says, “Who was that, Bambi?”, Will can’t help but sigh.
“That’s my teammate, asshole,” he says, and cuts over to check him against the boards. 
Derek misses the days that the frogs were wide-eyed and respectful in the Haus. These kids—he’s going to need some sense knocked into them soon. They’re loud, rowdy, and far too interested in integrating into the group by joining in on the teasing, which is a right they have not yet earned.
Like now, when they’re giggling to themselves and looking at him.
“So—” one of them starts, smirking, and never finishes.
“So,” Derek repeats, jerking his thumb at Dex, “that’s my roommate.”
The laughter grates on his nerves, but not as much as pretending he doesn’t care about sharing a room with Dex.
Nursey is … singing? Will thinks that’s what he’s trying to do at least, and he’s heard him sing almost every day in the shower so the warbling coming out of his mouth is surprising. He’s not saying Nursey is good by any means, but he can sound decent with the right song and this … this is not the right song.
He doubts the fact that all the words being slurred thanks to being absolutely trashed is helping.
Will stays at the bar until the song is done, resolutely facing away from the somewhat dimly-lit karaoke stage so he doesn’t get dragged into participating. Luckily—or not, considering Ransom and Holster seem to have disappeared so the drunken idiot is now his responsibility—Nursey doesn’t say anything when he comes crashing up to the bar except, “Tequila shots?”
Will can barely understand him, but the look on his face—the one that appears whenever Nursey thinks he’s had a particularly good idea—speaks volumes. “Water,” he says firmly, sliding a waiting pint glass over. 
He really doesn’t understand whatever Nursey mumbles then, but he has more pressing problems, because his lap—previously empty of everything except his coat—is now occupied. “Jesus,” he mutters, trying to wiggle away. “Dude—Nursey—”
“S’comfy,” Nursey says, and Will tries once more to get him to move to his own seat with no avail.
The bartender, when she returns, gives Will a raised eyebrow. “He bothering you? I can get him out.”
Will sighs. “He’s a friend,” he says, and adds, “so he pretty much bothers me all the time.”
“Ya love me, pretty boy,” Nursey says. He starts to laugh—at what, Will has no clue—but it makes him wiggle in a way that Will isn’t sure he’s entirely comfortable with, and Nursey goes sliding to his own seat after another shove.
“Shut up and drink your water,” Will says, and motions to close their tab.
“That’s Jack,” Derek says, nudging his grandmother and pointing at the television, where Jack is leaning on the boards and chatting with the coach. “He’s on the Falconers.”
“I’m rooting for them,” she says, and tuts when Derek makes an aborted noise. “Hush, you don’t get to choose who I like. Is he a defender?”
Derek’s been playing hockey most of his life and every time he watches a game with his grandma it’s like she’s never heard of the sport before. “No, he’s not a defenseman,” he says. God help him, he’s never going to get through this game alive. 
The shot switches to a close-up and she hums. “Handsome.”
Derek shrugs. Jack’s fine, he supposes. A bit too bland for him, nothing that really stands out, not like—”And that’s Dex—Will—over there, in the white. Will—he’s my—” he swallows a bit too hard.
“If you think I haven’t figured out you like men and women, Derek, we’re going to need to have a conversation regarding your assumptions about my intelligence.”
He wonders if God would actually strike him down if he prayed hard enough. “He’s my boyfriend, Gram,” he says, staring resolutely at the television.
She hums again. “That Jack is more handsome though, don’t you think?”
It’s going to be a long game.
Will’s trying to hide. Table at the back, hat still on and pulled down low, black hoodie and black jeans. Anything to make himself blend into the background, because he doesn’t want to be caught dead here.
He also doesn’t want to be involved in any conversations, not that the girls at the table next to him have picked up on that. He’d made two fatal errors: being cordial when one of them had said hello, and admitting he’s never been to an open-mic poetry night.
They haven’t stopped talking to him since. 
“Okay, this guy—I’m not sure he’s your type, you know? Not that you aren’t like, super intelligent—I mean you’re here, right, so obviously—but he has a lot of heavy themes in his work if you really dig in and you really need to hear them a few times to peel back the layers. I’m hoping he reads the tree above the grave again, it’s—”
She cuts off, finally, when a cough sounds from the front and Derek begins to speak. There’s utter silence while he recites words that Will’s heard a hundred times over in various iterations, tweaked and stressed and polished until he could probably say them in his sleep, then an excited outburst of conversation among applaus when it’s over.
“Amazing, right?” she says, and keeps talking while Will nods. “Have you heard of him before?”
Will looks at her. “He’s the one I came for,” he answers honestly, grinning for the first time all night when he sees Derek making his way over. “He’s my husband.”
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takenbypeter · 1 year
pllss do more dex fics! ur the only one who writes for him, i don’t know if you have any more prompts but i love ur work
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Ben Poindexter x reader
Words: 773
Author’s note: hey hey! Ask and ye shall receive! I had this fic in the drafts and totally forgot about it and it’s fitting since I am currently sick 😷 but I do have another prompt list coming out soon and if anything feel free to send me a prompt of your own, it doesn’t ave to be one of mine. But yeah thanks for requesting!!! Love you!
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You hated sick days. From the coughs and sore throat to the stuffy nose and weak limbs, you hated it all. The one good thing that could come from sick days was the sleep. After waking up with a massive cold and calling out from work, you conked out on your bed eventually waking up at four in the afternoon.
Well actually it was more like your brain was awake but your body refused to follow. But then you heard a noise coming from outside your bedroom. Slight confusion and fear suddenly built up in your chest at the thought of someone having broken in, you poked your head out from under your covers too tired to move and tilted your head to hear better. Even with a throbbing head your thoughts got confirmed and you immediately grabbed your phone.
The first thing you noticed were all the notifications from Dex. Figuring it’d be best to call him you hit the dial button and waited. It was only a mere second before you heard his ringtone that he had for you coming from the kitchen. Letting out a breath of relief you relaxed once he answered
“What are you doing here?” You asked without missing a beat but tone still light at the sight of your boyfriend in the other room.
Your body is planted on your bed refusing to get up.
Dex's voice comes through clear, “morning, sunshine.”
From behind the door Dex stood at the counter, a frying pan held between his hands with an egg sizzling on the pan. “I messaged you a bunch and when you didn’t respond I got worried. So I came here and found you knocked out on the bed,” he added with a smile growing a little at that last part no doubt recalling the sight.
“I…” you paused, building suspense before finishing the sentence, “can’t think right now,” you exclaimed before your eyes closed and you facepalmed yourself trying to wake up but your legs still refused to get up.
When you were sick, who knew what you were going to say or do next it was completely idiotic.
“Mmm, that smells really good, but you know what I want right now?”
Dex waited until you answered your own question.
“A cheeseburger.”
“A cheeseburger? You can’t have a cheeseburger right now.”
Clearly discontent with that you pressed your lips together, mumbling, “you’re a cheeseburger.”
Dex laughed from his spot, “no, you're a cheeseburger, I’m a double cheeseburger.”
Grinning from your spot you opened your eyes, “whatcha doin?” You asked still on your end of the phone.
“Just making food for my sick girlfriend.”
You took a moment to take in the sweetness that was behind the thought.
“Just toast and eggs,” he put it out on a plate and hung up on you.
Gasping at the rudeness of the action you’re offense didn't last too long as a knock on your door interrupted your train of thought, “coming in.”
The door handle turned before it opened and you shouted out, “no wait!” Followed by a, “don’t come in,” as he stood at the doorway.
“Come on, eat it while it’s hot.”
Oh god, he was going to come into your sick infested room, get all your germs. Plus you looked like fresh garbage and you seriously didn’t know what was going to come out of your mouth next.
“No thanks, I'm not really hungry.” Which was the truth.
Dex shrugged leaving the room and you hear some dishes assuming he’d put the meal in the fridge before he returned once again.
“Don’t come closer!”
“Because I don’t want you getting sick. Dex I love you but I’m contagious. Probably.”
“Oh come on. I don’t care about getting sick.”
“Well I do.”
“Aren’t you cold?” He asked and it was at that moment that you realized you were rubbing your arms, already used to the goosebumps that were on them.
“Okay, just if you get sick it’s on you.”
He steps closer to your bed lifting the two covers off. And for a moment you feel a chill run up and down your spine before it’s gone as his warmth fills up the cold space. His chin placed itself on top of your head pulling you close into his arms.
You immediately hated how right he was about this. The whole, his warmth mixing with your warmth. How good it felt to finally be warm.
You opened your mouth to say something but instead of a logical sentence, what came out was, “would you consider yourself a Cheeto, Cheese Puff, or Cheese ball?”
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the-neverseen · 2 years
💖 KOTLC Book 9: Stellarlune Barnes & Nobel Virtual Tour Notes 💖
Shannon was wearing an elephant finger puppet that she bought at a portland airport on her way home that reminded her of Ella! ♥
She knew she wanted at least 10 books right from the start. She knew that writing about the rebellions and all the reasons they came to be, along with all the details about them, would take a long time to really flesh them out well.
After book 5 the series was popular enough that they basically said they would give her as many books as it –reasonably–  takes to finish the series!
Dialogue is one of her strong points due to her screenwriting background in college.
When Sophie had to leave and only got to take one thing, she choose Ella because it’s what Shannon herself would take. 🥺
One moment she wrote in Stellarlune has been in the works since 2008! She was going to add it earlier, but the time wasn’t right yet. 😮
She’s on the downhill part of writing the series, working hard to wrap up all the storylines that have happened throughout the books.
She doesn’t really outline so she had an editor help make one for books 8, 9 and 10 so that she could wrap everything up as smoothly as possible to make everyone happy.
If she needs to make book 10 into two parts then she will do so! ("I might have to walk back the "only one more book!" thing, oops!")
The Movie is still happening, just slowly as they are in the very early stages of making it. She mentioned that it could even turn into a tv show??
There was a zoom poll (Shannon's answers are in bold) sci-fi/fantasy, banshee/imp, elven desserts/gnome veggies, talentless/pyrotechnic, and throwing stars/sword (she said she has too bad of an aim for throwing stars lol)
Her writing advice this year is about finding your style and what you like and don’t like. She reads books she doesn’t like so that she can find the weaker points in her writing. Likewise, find inspiration in books that you love!
Her favorite things to write are humor and dialogue, and it’s why there is a lot of each in the keeper series!
From the Q&A:
Q: Will we ever get to see what The Great Gulon Incident was?
A: “Not in one of the books. It will be in a short story eventually.” She also hinted at an entire short story book. (She said since it has been a running topic throughout the series, she’s not sure how to write it in a way that wouldn’t feel underwhelming. “Sophie would just be like “...Okay.””)
Q: Did you know Fitzroy Avery Vacker rhymes with Ritz Savory Cracker when you named him? “Please tell me yes. Please I need to know”
A: Shannon, “No, I really didn’t.” James, “You should just say yes, I would.” 😂
Q: Are you working on any new stories yet?
A: She doesn’t have time to flesh any out until she’s done with Keeper, but she has a notebook full of shiny new story ideas.
Q: Team Sofitz or Team Sokeefe?
A: They talked about love triangles and how it’s something that whole swaths of fans get very dedicated about, and can shape how you write your series. How it turns into trying to appease fans instead of what the characters would want. Talked about Susan Collins’ experience with it as well.
Shannon said she always wants her characters to make the choices that seem right to them in the moment, so she is solidly team Sophie for now. “Maybe Sophie will say I don’t want any of you! Basically, I’m team Sophie.” (TEAM SOPHIE FOR THE WIN) James said he's still team Dex lol
Elephant finger puppets sightings @ 6:20, 6:26, 6:35, 6:50, 6:52, 6:54, 6:58pm 🐘
Shannon and James' friendship was really sweet, and the event never had an awkward moment or silence! (Both of their first books came out on the same day, and he read the email he sent her that day!)
Emoji reactions constantly scrolled during the event, we sent many waves of hearts, one of "O" faces, and hands waving until they ended the zoom call!
Overall the event was a lot of fun, and went really smoothly!! Can't wait to get my hands on that lovely B&N edition!
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hunterofthemist · 3 years
I rush around the street and into an alley, hoping to avoid detection. Checking over my shoulder for anyone following.
"Found you!" The wall of the building next to us explodes and sends me into the empty street. Im winded and I can't get up. "Took us some time but we found you. Gave us quite the slip"
I try to get up, but my arms give out. " aww, poor little thing cant stand." The thing in front of me speaks with a grin.
"Fuck you," I growl. I try once more to stand, Im able to move my leg underneath myself and begin to stand.
An array of lasers come from a small device held by another one of the Dex. "uh sir? You're going to want to see this." In response, the one In charge leans back and looks at the display of the device. "What the fuck?" He questions.
"How are you even standing?" The leader asks in annoyance. I smile and start walking towards them. They point their weapons at me, but I stumble and fall onto my hands and knees.
Upon witnessing me the Dex start roaring in laughter. "Oh, I thought we were going to have a problem." The leader bellows.
I grab the pipe beneath me. I stare at the ground and see drops of water hitting the ground, it's raining.
I stand up again, pipe in hand. The rain goes from small drops every now and then to light drizzling.
In response to me, they start chuckling to themselves. "A pipe? What do you think you stand to gain by fighting us. You are going to die if you fight, just accept it."
I wait there for a moment. A crack of thunder hits somewhere nearby and with it the rain starts pouring, obscuring my vision down to a minimum. "Then I'm taking you fucks with me!" I shout as I sprint towards them.
The pipe collides with the first one's skull with a sickening crunch. I hear the sound of blaster fire and feel the pain of plasma burning through me. I turn my attention to the one who shot me. I start walking towards him, unable to fully run after being shot. He starts shooting rapidly at me in fear. "Just die already!" he screams in fear.
I block a good portion of the incoming shots with the pipe, the rest burning through me. I get close and punch him across the face, knocking him to the ground. My pipe was reduced to a simple blade from the plasma hitting it.
I Attempt to stab the thing in the chest but they grab my wrists to stop the blade. I push harder and after some time the blade punctures his chest, killing him.
I grab the gun he was holding and start firing back to the one who has been firing at me and missing all of his shots because of the heavy rain and fires eight shots at him, the last one hitting its target and killing him.
I sit there a moment regaining my stability when I the sound of the pained groaning front the first one. "Why did you fight back, you're only one man," He says as I walk in front of him.
" I could give you a lengthy diatribe about the spirit of humanity but Im certain I'd die of boredom. That and the several gaping holes in me, so I'll give you a better reason. Because I felt like it." I say with a pained grin.
"Go to he-" He doesn't finish his sentence as I shoot him dead with a single shot. "What was that? You didn't finish." I laugh, which soon turns into a fit of coughing. I fall over and turn to over to my back.
Eventually, my breaths become shallower and shallower, until simply they arent there anymore. I stare into the sky, pelting my face with rain, and smile one last time.
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cricketnationrise · 2 years
hi congrats :)) nursey, annie's, february 12
hi annie, thank you! hope you like this little look into Nursey's freshman year <3
_X_ _X_ _X_
Annies, Feb. 12
Nursey doesn’t know how long he’s been in Annie’s today. Long enough that what’s left of his latte has gone cold and the sun is mostly set. He straightens up, wincing at the number of times his back cracks, and blinks to try and clear the haze of calculus homework from his mind.
He rolls his neck and shoulders to try and loosen up, but all he wants to do is head back to his dorm and sleep until practice tomorrow morning. Unfortunately, his math being done is not the end of his misery today. Holding in a sigh that he suspects would sound more like a whimper, he swaps his math for his history reading. With a groan, he leans his elbows on the table and scrubs at his face, taking another minute for himself with his eyes closed. The scrape of a chair across from him has Nursey’s head jerking out of his hands and his eyes fly open in surprise. 
Dex sits down across from him, and hands him one of the cups in his hands with a slightly nervous smile on his face. Nursey blinks, taking the steaming mug reflexively, startling at the smell of hot chocolate and cinnamon beneath whipped cream. He takes a sip and raises his eyebrows at Dex over the rim. 
“Saw you in here on my way back to the dorm,” Dex shrugs. “It looked like you could use some company.”
“And the drink?”
Dex’s flush deepens. “It’s after five, if I got you more coffee you’d never sleep tonight.”
“Thanks,” he says, oddly touched. He and Dex are friends these days, pretty good ones, actually, when they aren’t arguing about stupid stuff. But this is the first time Dex has sought him out without Chowder.
“No problem,” Dex says. He pulls out the novel he’s been slogging through for his Gen Ed literature class with a sigh, and starts reading. Nursey sets the mug down with some reluctance, and starts his own work. One day, he’s not going to have to memorize facts about Christopher fucking Columbus and it can’t come soon enough.
They sit like that for a while, the easy silence broken occasionally by the squeak of a highlighter, the scribble of a pen, a distinctly Maine-flavored huff of annoyance, a groan that sounds like New York City frustration.
Finally, finally, Nursey finishes both his reading and his hot chocolate and starts packing up. Dex smiles softly at him, stowing his own book. He pulls out a wrapped package and slides it carefully to Nursey.
“For me?” he can’t resist asking.
Dex nods, biting his lip. The blush is back, faintly, but unmistakable on his freckled skin.
“What for?”
“It’s your birthday in two days. And – I wanted to make sure you got this since I’m going straight from practice to class to my late shift at the computer lab. And then probably right to bed,” he says, rubbing the back of his neck.
Nursey doesn’t know what to do with that actually. He just stares down at the present, wrapped neatly in brown paper and a string bow. His fingertips brush the simple Happy Birthday Nursey, from Dex in Dex’s characteristically untidy scrawl.
“Are you going to open it, or just stare at it?” Dex chirps.
“Right, yeah, I’ll just—”
He unties the string and tears the paper and reveals a book – wait no, it’s a journal. The leather cover is worked to look like a star-filled sky, and the letters DMN are stamped in gold along the spine. The paper inside is a lovely cream, the pages not the perfect cut edges of a generic journal, but the uneven, almost ripped, look of something from the last century. There’s even an attached ribbon bookmark in a deep green color.
“Wow, it’s gorgeous, thank you, Dex. I’ve never seen anything like this before, where did you get it?”
Dex’s cheeks turn even deeper red. “I, um, made it actually.”
Nursey’s mouth falls open in shock. Dex made this. Dex made this. This work of art masquerading as a journal – Dex made this.
“What?” he croaks.
“I just – I noticed at the end of last semester that your writing notebook was almost full, so I was gonna buy you a new one, but when I was looking around I couldn’t find one that I thought you’d like, so, I made you one instead.”
“You just made a journal. Casually.”
“Well – yeah,” Dex says, bites his lip again, before— “Is it – do you like it?”
“Do I like it, he asks,” says Nursey, shaking his head. “Dex, it's probably the best present I’ve ever gotten in my life.”
“Oh. Well. Good then.” Dex’s face looks good with a smile.
“You just knew how to make one?”
Dex shakes his head with a shrug and his blush trailing down his neck now. 
“Wasn’t that hard to learn,” he mumbles.
Nursey throws his hands up in exasperation. “Fucking hell, Poindexter. Absolutely insane, you just fucking learned how to make a book over winter break?”
“Ayuh, I guess.”
“Seriously, man, you didn’t have to go through all this trouble. But, thank you. So much. It’s beautiful.”
“I’m glad you like it. Happy early birthday.”
_X_ _X_ _X_
if you follow me and want your own ficlet details are here! 💜
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asterlark · 3 years
ok. samwell college of music au. i wrote all four years let's go babey
eric bittle is this lovely southern tenor (sounds kinda like mitch grassi or ben j pierce) who posts covers (& sometimes originals, but always with neutral or no pronouns because he can't post anything that says he or him ☹) on his youtube channel and has major stage fright but is very talented; he also plays ukulele
he got into samwell college of music on a voice scholarship and his dad doesn’t exactly approve but eric was never the 6′2″ masculine football player he wanted anyway so why not go for his dreams
he auditions for the very competitive samwell men’s contemporary chorus (there’s like 20 choirs; chamber choir, jazz choir, a cappella groups (lax bros do a cappella), combined choirs, etc- smcc does contemporary pop/rock music) and while he’s very very nervous and shaky as he auditions, directors hall & murray see a lot of potential in him (with major grumbling from student director jack)
(the rest of this ridiculously long au under the cut)
the group is small, for a chorus, because the point of the group is not a wall of sound but a focus on all of the very talented guys’ voices coming together in these gorgeous harmonies and basically they’re like one of the best choruses on campus and all the male singers want in
so there’s jack zimmermann, who of course eric knows because everyone knows who he is, he’s the son of bob and alicia zimmermann, both incredibly talented and famous musicians, and basically those genes were in his favor because he’s mega fucking talented
(jack was supposed to sign a recording contract to be in a band with his best friend kent parson when he was 17 but something happened between them and the pressure was too much and jack overdosed on something- there’s so many rumors no one knows what’s real- and kent signed solo in LA & went on to win grammys for his albums about a mysterious ex and jack disappeared for a few years to be a counselor at a music camp and reappears at samwell, knocking everyone’s socks off again like he’d never left, except with a renewed vigor and intenseness that freaks everyone out)
jack is a contemporary writing & production major, freaky talented and sings like a modern day frank sinatra, and he plays like 20 instruments and can read music like breathing air and writes songs like if he stopped he’d die; his music is folksy and mournful and he plays all the instruments on his tracks himself- guitar, piano, strings, drums- it sounds like a full band but nope. just jack. he’s intense
“we all get nicknames in this choir,” justin informs eric on his first day, “we’re those kinda guys.” so he’s bitty, which he finds vaguely offensive (bc he’s not that short!) but still cute, & the rest of the group is introduced to him:
“shitty” knight (voice like colyer) is a musical education major and an enigma of a singer with this awesome, earthy, raspy voice that’s really interesting to listen to and a very.... unique style & look; he writes cheesy but shockingly good raps about social justice topics and he will sing-lecture you if you’ve said something offensive (he also plays banjo)
justin “ransom” oluransi is a music business & management major with an angelic voice you can’t help but listen to; he’s sultry and has an incredible range and does runs like nobody’s business (with a voice like daniel caesar or leslie odom jr UGH)
adam “holster” birkholtz is a voice performance major, wants to be on broadway and it’s all he ever goddamn talks about basically, he’s a belter and has a lot of charisma and starpower and he’ll charm the pants off of you within one note; can also play piano and irritates everyone constantly because his regular volume is like a level 11 (voice like the frontman of my brothers and i combined w/ x ambassadors lead singer)
larissa “lardo” duan is at the local art institute because performing arts is not her jam and she’d much rather paint; she’s a barista at annie’s and supervises open mic nights and keeps the annoying choir dudes from driving away all her patrons
“i’m not even in your dumbass choir,” she says when the group gave her her nickname. holster just told her that she was an honorary member and then started sing-shouting a song at her about how good she is
bitty’s first year is hard because he’s talented and he works hard but he shies away when anyone asks him to sing outside the group and like, he can sing to a camera by himself but being on a stage with everyone looking at you and the sole responsibility of the song on your shoulders is terrifying and no thanks
jack does not. understand this. he’s been performing practically since he came out of the womb and he doesn’t really get performance nerves (what he gets is anxiety about how he did after he gets off stage that follows him home and makes it so he can’t sleep) - so he bothers bitty about it constantly like “you just need practice, you just have to sing by yourself a lot and then you’ll get over it” which like.... that’s true but it’s also hella scary and bitty’s like “no thanks!!!!”
but jack’s annoying and intense so he makes bitty do open mic with him every saturday night and it’s going okay and bitty loves his choir and loves his school and these new friends he’s making and he finally feels comfortable enough to come out to them during his second term
then during their spring choral showcase at the end of his freshman year bitty has a solo and he’s worked really hard on it and he’s feeling good- okay he’s completely freaked out but he’s trying to feel good- but when he gets up on stage there’s so many people and the stage lights are so hot on his face and he flips out a little and maybe he passes out from anxiety and stress right on stage and it’s terrible and he’s so embarrassed and ashamed that he ruined their set at the showcase
of course jack blames himself because “we shouldn’t have given you a solo before you were ready, i misjudged it, i’m sorry” - and they all feel kinda bad bc holy fuck they didn’t know his stage fright was that bad like they didn’t know someone could pass out just by being anxious to sing
he practices all the time over the summer and goes to his local open mic at jack’s insistence and it actually helps a lot because instead of a sea of strangers judging him it’s a bunch of people he knows and they’re all smiling at him and when he finishes his song they cheer for him and it boosts his self-confidence a lot
his sophomore year they have three new members- chris ”chowder” chow (voice like ieuan), an excitable music education major with impressive rapping skills, derek "nursey" nurse (frank ocean or leon bridges type), a songwriting major who can also play violin and guitar, and will ”dex” poindexter (like tom west), a production & engineering major who tried out with chowder bc he needed moral support and didn't expect to get in but impressed the directors with his voice
the year’s going pretty good, bitty’s still pretty scared of singing alone but more confident now and the open mic nights with jack haven’t stopped, so he’s getting better. and one night they’re hanging out at annie’s after closing waiting for lardo to be done so they can walk her home, and bitty suggests that jack sing with him one of these nights, and jack says he doesn’t know any of bitty’s songs and bitty says they can write one together half jokingly but then jack is like “yes.” with that Intense Look
SO they get together a couple days later in jack’s room at the house they all live in together (bitty moved in at the beginning of the year after previous smcc member john johnson called him- how’d he get his number?- and told him he could take his room if he wanted), jack with his guitar and bitty with his ukulele, and it’s a little awkward until bitty says jack should play him one of his songs
and, okay, he doesn’t really know what to expect because the only music jack ever released to the public was that one single he did with kent parson when they were 17 so bitty doesn’t even know if he has anything to play him, but he does- he starts playing these soft, sad notes on the guitar and opens his mouth and sings about being lonely and scared and unsure, about false starts and shaky ground and not knowing where you stand with someone, about expectations and lying awake at night and wishing so hard you were someone else, and bitty watches him sing and just kind of... realizes he’s head over heels for this boy and internally Freaks Out a little
he tries to put that aside and they start to write this song, at first it’s weird because jack’s like “all your songs are love songs i can’t really relate to happy love songs” and bitty’s like “listen... i’ve never even had a boyfriend i just write a bunch of sappy love stuff because it’s not about me it’s about whoever’s listening to it, they’re gonna project their own experiences on my music anyway so it doesn’t matter if it’s my real life or not” and jack’s like “alright while fake af that’s smart and i respect you” (what bitty doesn't say is that he writes about what he really wants which is to fall in love & be in a happy relationship)
they say they’re just gonna write this kinda vague sad song but they both secretly write lines about their actual lives so it ends up being really personal and real and raw for the both of them
they sing the song at open mic that saturday and the crowd at annie’s is never that big but they’ve never got a standing ovation here before, and some girl shouts “MAKE AN ALBUM” (it may or may not be lardo) and they both blush furiously and bitty’s like “... that was really nice, jack” and jack’s like “... yeah it was good good job you’re really getting some confidence out there nice work” (bitty: “THAT’S NOT WHAT I MEANT AAAAH”)
around this time jack’s really thinking about what he’s gonna do when he’s done at samwell, talking with his parents and his agent and looking into different record companies and deciding if he wants to sign with anyone or possibly start his own company- the head of a small company called falcon records in rhode island has been talking to him a lot, and jack talks to bitty about how he thinks it’d be nice to start small, and the record exec georgia and the producer marty had both been really nice and welcoming, and bitty’s so happy for him but also just... sad that he won’t be around jack every day after he graduates
THEN at a haus party celebrating their win of a local choral competition, who shows up but none other than pop star kent parson to Ruin The Fun
bitty sees the way jack pales when kent walks in, notices them disappear upstairs together and feels a little sick worrying about jack but chalks it up to the highly alcoholic concoction shitty and lardo had cooked up but nonetheless decides he’s sick of the party and goes up to his room and hears.... a little too much
and YIKES he’s standing right there and kent parson, pop star, two-time grammy winner, is looking a little rumpled and staring right at him and he puts his hat on and clears his throat and snaps at jack- “hey. well. call me if you reconsider. but good luck with rhode island. ...i’m sure that’ll make your parents proud.” and jack’s shaking, and bitty doesn’t know what to do but jack goes back into his room and bitty’s just kind of standing there like What The Fuck
so.... he kind of stews over winter break but tries not to think about it too much and he and jack text a bit and jack tells him to practice and bitty’s like “oh, you” and jack’s like “im serious” and bitty’s like “>:( it’s christmas”
spring semester starts and they're doing well in competitions and they go to semifinals and then finals for a prestigious collegiate choir competition and the pressure is mounting but they all are so optimistic and really feel like they're on the same page and bitty’s confidence is better than ever and then.... they don't win
jack especially takes it very hard, but then he also has signing to worry about, which everyone helps him with and he decides to sign with falcon records and start work on an album after graduation
speaking of graduation, shitty and jack graduate and it's hard for them but harder for bitty who feels like he's losing jack in a way, he knows how intense jack gets when he's making music and it doesn't feel like he'll have any time for bitty anymore so when they say goodbye bitty goes back to the haus and listens to his and jack's song and just cries
but, like in canon, dadbob has words of wisdom to impart and jack has an "oh" moment and races across campus to kiss bitty
they get together and the next few months are spent with jack working nonstop on his album (which tbh, he'd had many of the songs written already so it's mostly recording and producing) and texting bitty constantly and coming to visit him and playing him demos of all the songs
jack also asks bitty if they can record the song they wrote together & have it as a bonus track on his album & bitty says of course, so when jack visits they set up an impromptu studio and record vocals in the guest bedroom and this deeply personal song they wrote before they were ever together means so much more to them now
and bitty is so happy but so scared and sad too because jack is playing him these songs telling him "they're all for you bits, & a lot of them are about you" and he just doesn't know how he's going to keep all this love inside even though it feels like jack's career is at stake
he tries to shove it down and stay strong though, especially since he's now an upperclassman and they're taking on new members- connor "whiskey" whisk (voice like finneas or the male singer in valley), a music business/ management major who seems to hate bitty's guts and tony "tango" tangredi (like chaz cardigan), a jazz composition major who astounds everybody with his endless questions but also his ridiculously impressive composition skills & naturally perfect pitch (he can also play saxophone??)
i want ford in this au so fuck it she is a composition major with dreams to write scores for musicals and she stars training as a barista at annie's (aka training to corral the smcc)
the pressure of it all proves to be a lot and bitty and jack have their hi, honey moment where bitty's like i can't be this deep in the closet!!! and so they tell the smcc and also jack's label that they're together and that eases things a bit
jack's album comes out to much critical acclaim and shouting in the groupchat ("#1 ON ITUNES BRAHHHHH!!!!!!!!") and several months later, when smcc has already been eliminated from choral competition in an earlier round, jack is nominated for SEVERAL grammys including best album, song of the year, and best new artist
when the time comes he takes his parents and bitty on the red carpet which, everyone keeps being like "who are you here with jack?" and he's like "my family and my good friend :)" and yes it is awkward
jack wins... all three awards. it's the comeback everyone is stoked to see and when his third win is announced, he and bitty are so elated that they kiss before he goes to accept the award
his speech is basically just "um... wow. thank you. i just kissed my boyfriend on live tv. this is amazing and i'm so humbled. i'd like to thank my boyfriend and georgia and marty and my parents and my friends and my boyfriend"
obviously the press has a FIELD DAY with this but bitty & jack are honestly vibing and so happy that it doesn't matter untiiiillll bitty's mom calls and he has to tell her "mama i'm gay and i'm going on tour with jack this summer okloveyoubye"
the last few months of bitty's junior year pass quickly and he's voted student director which is a huge honor considering how much he struggled with stage fright and confidence & how he'll now be stepping into ransom & holster's shoes
r&h and lardo all graduate (the smcc basically crashes the art school graduation and all scream when lardo gets her diploma lmao), which is a bittersweet occasion and they all do a bit of tearing up
that summer bitty goes on tour across the u.s. & canada with jack and his touring band (snowy is a bassist, tater is a drummer and poots does backing guitar, he also brings nursey to play violin on a few songs) as well as georgia who's there to manage logistics
and tour is so fun & chaotic with many bi and rainbow flags in the audience that end up thrown on stage and draped around jack's neck and they spend so many nights in the bus drinking and laughing and fooling around on the guitars and bitty's uke and exploring new cities bitty has never been to before and it's the freest bitty has felt in a long time
summer ends though, and jack leaves for the uk/europe leg of the tour, and with the new school year brings a few new members- river "bully" bullard (voice like gregory alan isakov), a music therapy major who draws his own cover art for his songs, lukas "louis" landmann (like jr jr), an electronic production and design major with a penchant for EDM, and johnathan "hops" hopper (like keiynan lonsdale), a film scoring major who wants to write music for movies and video games
bitty meets and befriends some of the other student directors- shruti, sd of the women’s contemporary chorus; sharon, sd of the chamber choir; and edgar, sd of jazz ensemble (even chad l., sd of the all-male a cappella group)
senior year passes similarly to the comic; coach visits and sees one of bitty’s competitions, jack comes to madison for christmas, smcc does well in competition and goes to regionals etc
however… bitty keeps putting off and putting off gathering the songs for his senior recital
he has a hard time doing that because he’s so focused on the group and making sure they’re performing well and as they advance in competition, everything else starts to fall away
eventually the rest of the smcc has to lock away his uke and change his youtube password and FORCE him to choose songs for it and start preparing because he cannot graduate without doing this recital and doing well on it
he chooses (of course) a beyonce song, a few of his own songs, an ellie goulding song, and an adele song
with all that his breath hitches and his hands shake before he goes on stage, he does really well and his voice instructor prof atley tears up a little in the audience as does his mom
meanwhile smcc goes to semifinals, then finals, of the national collegiate choral competition they participate in
and i imagine bitty faces somewhat less homophobia in this au because i mean, he’s in the performing arts, but i think it’s still there and he also faces a good amount of classism from richer students and performers who think they’re better because they had the resources and money to be performing professionally from a very young age, and he has been practicing via filming himself on a shitty camcorder and posting it to youtube
but they still get there! and the national finals are fucking HUGE and a big deal and a little overwhelming
bitty’s stage fright is Present because this is the biggest stage and the biggest stakes he's ever had and he has a big solo in one of their songs so if he fucks up, he fucks up a national championship for his whole group and school
luckily though, when he steps on the stage with his best friends and sees his boyfriend and family and smcc alums in the audience and they perform their first song, a high-energy pop medley that always gets the crowd going, everything seems to melt away and it's just him living in this moment and singing his heart out
when it gets to the next song and his solo, he forgets to be nervous and belts it out, getting screams of approval from the audience when he finishes
(dex and nursey do have a duet together that they had to practice for many long nights in the practice rooms alone but that's neither here nor there)
their time on stage seems to last both hours and no time at all and then they're done, the crowd gives them a standing ovation and it's at least 30% r&h & shitty's hooting and hollering and jack's enthusiastic clapping that makes bitty & the others beam with pride
then it's just waiting, giddy and nervous beyond belief in their green room, for the judging to be over
after what feels like forever they're back on stage, arms linked together waiting and hoping for their name to be called and it is, they win and it feels like years have built up to this moment, and bitty tears up because years ago when he was fainting from anxiety at having to perform in front of people he never could've imagined that he'd do this, that he'd be the student director that led them to a championship
they get the trophy and a ridiculous amount of flowers from their loved ones and they all are just in giddy disbelief that this is happening, they're national champs!!! they are the best choir boys in the nation!!
they come home and the rest of the school year passes by so quickly that it's very suddenly graduation and bitty can't believe his college career at samwell is over 😢
(he and ollie and wicky take pictures together, o&w talk about how excited they are to devote full time attention to their band & wedding planning and bitty's just like wait you're gay??)
bitty got plenty of offers from record companies but he likes his freedom of creativity and he has a built in fanbase from doing youtube all these years so he decides to make an album independently (jack helps him produce & master it 🥰)
when bitty's album comes out about a year later, full of bops about being gay and in love and having struggled but come out the other side more confident than ever, it doesn't get any grammy nominations- and he didn't expect or need that.
what it does do is it resonates. it makes the rounds in youtube and queer internet circles; people his age reach out to him saying this is the music they wish they had as a kid and kids reach out to him saying he's a role model and they're so glad to have his music to listen to. his album is written about as an underrated gem that shines with queer brilliance and is sure to start a party when it comes on.
his parents may not fully understand the road he's chosen for himself but they're still so proud and promote the album as hard as any of his loyal fans (especially the one country-inspired song on the album that he wrote and dedicated to them).
and jack, jack who saw this album from its infancy to its release date, who took the film photo that ended up being the album cover, who worked with bitty to make sure his vision was realized exactly how he wanted it to be, is proud beyond words.
jack starts using his semi-abandoned twitter again to tweet "stream [album name]" every day and bitty retweets them sometimes, with just a "this boy. ❤"
and they're happy. they're good. they have come so far and they are reaping the rewards of all the hard work they put in to make the music that they truly love.
the end :)
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itwoodbeprefect · 3 years
Inge! sorry I'm a little late to the party, but do you still take prompts? if yes, I'd like to request a friendship piece for either Rodney&Teyla or Rodney&Ronon (w/ or w/out a dash of McShep is good for me) pretty please? thanks! <3
Not that late at all, and what a lovely warm prompt! Thank you. :D
I went with Rodney & Ronon, but also kind of Rodney & Teyla and maybe Ronon & Teyla, and also John is around, and it’s almost teamfic? Also, Jeannie.
The door to John’s quarters slides open exactly like his own would, which he expects, but he stops cold after two hasty steps into the room anyway. He turns back to the door to check, and in the process has to look past the Johnny Cash poster above the bed and the surfboard leaning against the wall and the giant brick of a Tolstoy book on the nightstand, so yeah, he decides in the end, without stepping out to doublecheck - these are John’s quarters. There’s not a single thing out of place, except, well, the obvious.
“McKay,” Ronon grumbles. It sounds like a greeting. Like Ronon, sitting fully clothed on the edge of John’s made bed, is saying hi.
“What are you doing here?” Rodney asks, by way of saying hi back.
“Meeting Sheppard.” Ronon grins, in a way that looks a little dangerous. That’s a good sign with Ronon, who has no problem looking a lot dangerous, if he wants. “Unless you want to spar with me.”
Rodney does not. Rodney thinks that’s a little too predictable for him to say out loud; quite honestly, he thinks John is crazy for endangering his life that way voluntarily every week.
Rodney looks back at the door again, which has slid closed, and in front of which the person he’s been looking for has not suddenly materialized in the last ten seconds. “Where is John?”
“Not here.”
Rodney’s nerves make him skip the snappy comeback. “Any idea where he might be?”
“Why?” Ronon asks.
Which is more than enough to make Rodney spill his guts. He was barely holding it in, anyway. “I think Jeannie’s mad at me, and I’m not sure why.” He frowns and starts to pace back and forth and rub his hands together. He’s a multitasker. “I don’t think I did or said anything rude lately, but her emails are shorter than usual, and she didn’t even sign the last one. It’s really not like me to overthink these kinds of things, because I don’t care what people think of me anyway-” That’s a lie, he’s come to realize in recent years, but it’s a comforting one to repeat out loud, sometimes. “But, you know, I think I was the bad guy for not contacting Jeannie all those years and we’ve only just started being brother and sister again, so I’ve been trying to put in the effort, and now I think she’s mad at me.” He stops marching and gives the too long, didn’t read version. “So I need someone to tell me what I did wrong, so I can fix it.”
Ronon levels a look at him. “And you need John for this.”
The look says more than the words, and it has a point, of course. John’s not known for his exceptional social grace and skill. Rodney wags his head a little, considering how to justify his choice. John is his best friend, but he’d feel a little pathetic saying that to Ronon, who he’s pretty sure is also John’s best friend. “He had some surprisingly clever insights about my relationship with Jeannie last time she was here,” is what Rodney lands on, reluctantly. He spots John’s golf stuff in the corner, and wistfully thinks back to being able to just ramble at John without Ronon sitting there, judging him.
Ronon leans back, planting his hands behind him on the mattress. “I could help,” he offers, out of the blue.
Some deep, deep blue. Blue enough to make Rodney stare, hands stilling mid-wring. “You?” Rodney’s not trying to be offensively puzzled, but he thinks he’s allowed a little surprise. If John is dubious in his social grace, Ronon is a tripping hazard. “You could help?”
Ronon stares back like a challenge. “Yeah.”
“Okay,” Rodney says. He waits and looks at Ronon expectantly, but nothing happens. Ronon just looks back at him mutely. “Please?”
“What would Teyla do?”
“Huh?” She’s not here, either - if Ronon’s help is just sending him to chase someone else around the city, that’s not very helpful at all.
“Ask yourself,” Ronon says. “What would Teyla do? And then do that thing.”
Rodney is right back to baffled. He’s not sure he ever left - he’s talking to Ronon Dex about feelings. “Is that how you handle a problem?”
“No.” Ronon leaves a pause there. Rodney finds himself unexpectedly distracted by the question if Ronon talks so little because he really just doesn’t have much to say, or because finding words takes effort. “I glare at it until it goes away.”
Rodney huffs a laugh out of pure surprise, because that almost sounds like a joke. It may not have been, but either way Ronon doesn’t glare at him, which Rodney takes as a sign that he hasn’t just become a problem.
“And if that doesn’t work-” Ronon continues, which Rodney feels is surprisingly talkative of him, until he lets that sentence hang unfinished.
But Rodney can do that, now. Finish Ronon’s sentence. “What would Teyla do?”
Ronon nods. He looks a little smug, like there’s a dead Wraith around here somewhere. “Yeah.”
“Oh,” Rodney says, both because he would have guessed that Ronon’s backup plan would involve a lot more knives (though it could, potentially, still involve knives sometimes - Teyla’s very good with those) and because that’s actually good advice. If there’s one person who would know how to get someone to tell them what’s wrong, it’s Teyla.
And if Teyla thought somebody she loved might be mad at her, but she wasn’t sure why, she would... ask. She wouldn’t go into a tailspin and try to guess at the answer while assuming it had to be her fault, she would ask why and listen and then talk it out.
“Oh my God,” Rodney says, feeling like a whole new world just opened up to him. “Words.”
Ronon pulls a face. It looks a little like a sympathy wince.
Rodney flings a hand out at him. “Thank you!”
“Thank Teyla,” Ronon says, which Rodney thinks is a little weirdly modest for the galaxy’s greatest Runner who just counseled him through a family emergency, but they can work on Ronon’s ability to accept gratitude later, over lunch or something.
For now, Rodney sweeps out of the room, because he needs his computer so he can type so he can get Jeannie to tell him what’s bothering her so he can be a good brother, and apologize only once he knows what he’s apologizing for. God, Teyla’s smart.
As luck would have it, John is just stepping out of the transporter when Rodney storms towards it. “Hey,” he says, slowing to a stop when Rodney doesn’t. “What are you doing here?”
“Asking you for help.” Rodney brushes right past him with a pat to his arm; no time.
“You’re going the wrong way,” John calls after him.
“I’m fine! Ronon helped me by making Teyla help me help myself with Jeannie.”
The last thing Rodney sees before he steps into the transporter is John’s bewildered face. It’s clear John is left with some questions, but Rodney doesn’t need to hang around for that. Ronon can take over; that’s what Teyla would do.
Or, Rodney thinks, what a friend would do.
(Turns out, in the end, that Jeannie was never even mad at him to begin with - her next email is much longer, and details all the mundane little circumstances that piled up and left her very stressed last month but that she didn’t think Rodney had wanted to hear about (it involves a flu and lice and a car that wouldn’t start and visiting in-laws and school play preparations and a lost teddy bear and half a dozen other little things Rodney is glad he doesn’t have to deal with in Pegasus), and then she calls him very attentive for picking up on her mood and sweet for thinking to ask if everything is okay.
The next day Rodney bribes one of the botanists to cut a bouquet for him and gives it to Teyla, and he hoards one of the last pieces of pie at dinner until Ronon shows up. “What’s happening?” John asks, suspicious. Maybe Ronon’s explanation wasn’t all that comprehensive after all.
“Emotional intelligence,” Ronon says around a full mouth, spewing little pieces of pie across the table, and Rodney nods solemnly.
That’s not what Teyla would do, because she’s smiling at them both, but close enough.)
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Prompt: Y/N is having some trouble with Dexter’s new storyline, and he will have to use all of his tools to make her admit her feelings
Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Dexter Lumis x Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, dom x sub dynamic, brat taming (slightly), bondage (limb restriction), dirty talk (a shit ton), spanking (light), jealousy
Editor: @thenightmareismyreality
Tag: @moxgirl , @theworldofotps , @galens-mistress , @sassymox , @yungbludjazz360 and the lovely anon (who just like me) is a part of the “Thristy for Lumis” club 😈���
Notes: I wanted to “keep it light” with my first fic (hopefully first of many!) with this beautiful blonde man, so here we go. If you’d like to check out my other stories, you can find them on my Masterlist
Yes, I am a little jealous, ok? I’ll confess that to you, but to him? Never!
“Hey babe, I was thinking maybe we should-“ He stopped talking once he realized I was zoned out
“Y/N?” He asked, a little louder “Are you listening?”
“Yes” I spat
“Jeez, are you ok?”
“Peachy, just peachy” I mocked, applying the moisturizer on my skin, which was still damp from my shower
“You’re angry...and you’re angry at me, I presume” I could feel his blue eyes staring at me “What did I do? Did I say something? Do something? Or maybe, it was something I was supposed to do but didn’t?”
In the short amount of time since Dexter and Indi’s storyline started, it already irritated me deeply! I like Indi, she’s nice, funny, a good friend to me and a damn good actress! The way she convinced people that she was actually in love with Dexter was insane. Even I had a little trouble remembering that she isn’t.
But I’m...territorial, I don’t like people trying to get what’s ‘mine’ , so needless to say that the plot vs. reality is starting to get a little blurry for me (although it wasn’t for them)
I love Dexter, and I’m happy for him! I was also happy for Indi, but my brain was having a smidgen of trouble processing it.
“Hello? Earth to Y/N? Peanut...please talk to me?” He sweetly asked
I sighed “You’ve done nothing wrong, Dex. I’m just...it’s me ok? Don’t worry about it”
He sensed my insecurity and crawled to the very end of the mattress, kneeling when he reached the foot of it, staring at my still-standing figure.
Placing both of his hands on my hips, he trailed his nose up my neck and collarbone, saying
“You smell so fucking good” He tried to pull me towards the bed but I declined
“Dex, not right now” I took his hands off my hips and took two steps back
“Not right now?” He tilted his head to the side, in confusion, knowing I never decline to have sex with him “Something is wrong, what is it? What happened?”
“Nothing! I just...I’m not in the mood right now” I said
“You’re not in the mood?” He chuckled, in disbelief “Peanut, you’re ALWAYS in the mood! Fuck, even when I’m not in the mood you get me in the mood! So that excuse will not work for me. Tell me, what’s going on?”
“Dexter, please, not right now, ok? We’ll fuck as much as you want to later, just not now, damn it!” I said, angrily
“I’m not pushing you to talk because I want to fuck you, I’m pushing you to talk because there’s something on your mind, and instead of talking to me, your husband, like a grown woman would, you’re just pushing it to the side like a fucking teenager!” He grabbed my hands, asking “Don’t you trust me?”
I nodded, and he continued “So tell me what’s bothering you! I love you and I wanna help you! But I can’t do it if you don’t tell me what’s wrong, peanut”
“I don’t want to say it, because it’s dumb” I murmured
“Baby” He cupped my cheek “If it’s bothering you, it’s not dumb. Tell me, what is it?”
A muffled and inaudible ‘I’m jealous’ left my lips
“I’m afraid you will have to say it a little louder” He cackled
“I wish that storyline with Indi would be over soon” I looked up at him, to find a smug smirk
“You’re jealous?” He asked
“No! I’m not jealous! I don’t get jealous!” I crossed my arms in front of my chest
“Yes, you are!” He teased “I like when you get jealous, that way I know you still have the hots for me” He tried to grab my waist
“Stop it!” I shoved him away “The reason I don’t like the storyline is because you always receive a script with too many lines to memorize and…” I trailed off
“Babe, my character doesn’t talk!” He laughed “You will have to find another excuse for your jealousy”
“Stop saying I’m fucking jealous” I pouted
“Come here, my lil peanut” He beckoned me
“No, I don’t want to”
“Y/N, I said, come.here” His eyes were turning into a cold shade of blue
“And I said, no!” I stomped my foot
Dexter quickly grabbed a handful of my hair, and pulled me towards him
“When I tell you to come here, you better come here, do you understand?” He asked, with an icy tone in his voice
When I didn’t respond, he tugged on my hair harder
“Yes, sir” I said, nonchalantly
“Oh, she’s bratty today, huh?” His other hand wrapped around my neck “I’m sure we can fix that, can’t we?”
Part of me was mad at him for teasing me because of my jealousy but the other part was getting slightly turned on with his attitude. So I decided to test the waters
“Let me go” I yanked his hand off my neck, but Dexter stared at me amused, as he kept his grip firmly on my hair
“You don’t want me to let you go, do you?” He teased
I huffed in response, which made him laugh loudly
“Of course you don’t! You want me to fuck the jealousy out of you, don’t you, baby?”
“I’m not jealous” I tried to wiggle away from him, but that only made him tug on my hair harder
“Y/N, if you wanted me to make the jealousy go away, you just had to ask nicely”
“I don’t want anything from you” I spat
“Na ah” He slapped my face lightly “Don’t you fucking talk to me like that!” He warned “Ask for it nicely, like a good girl” He teased
“Fuck off!” I tried to push him away, but he was faster
Dexter pulled me towards the mattress, I landed on it facing down and he quickly straddled my hips, securing both of my wrists behind my back with one of his hands
“Such a dirty mouth for a pretty girl” He chuckled, dragging his cloth covered bulge against my ass
“You look so cute when you’re all mad like this'' Dexter bit my shoulder and scraped his teeth against my neck “So my lil peanut is jealous, huh?” He cackled “You think Indi will steal me away from you? That’s why you’re so angry?” He took my hair away from my face, so he could look into my eyes
I stared deeply at him, with something in my gaze making his blue eyes soften
“Baby, neither Indi nor anyone else could take me away from you, you’re the woman of my dreams! I don’t want nor need any other woman in my life. The storyline is just that: a storyline, pure fiction. I like Indi the same way that you do, as a friend! She’s never tried to cross that line and if someday she or any other woman crosses it, I know what to do. I love you and I’m more than happy with our marriage. You’re my best friend, my lover, my wife, you take care of me, support me, you’re my everything! My intelligent, sexy, funny and gorgeous everything! Do you understand what I’m telling you, peanut?” He asked softly
“Yes, Dex. I understand” I smiled
“Good, now” His eyes began to get mischievous again “About that attitude...” He trailed off, reaching down to his sweatpants and undoing the drawstring
“I’m sorry for my behavior, sir” I said sheepishly, with my eyes glued to his hand
“Oh, what a drastic change!” He smirked “If I knew that at the mere thought of a dick inside of you, you would change into a good girl so quickly, I would’ve shoved it in you earlier”
Dragging my oversized t-shirt up, Dexter began to slide one finger through my wet folds
“Please, sir” I moaned “I’ll be a good girl, I promise you, just please give it to me” I whined
“Such a greedy little whore for cock, aren’t you?”
I nodded, but that didn’t suffice to him
“Say it! I wanna hear you begging for it, I want you to say the words”
“I’m a greedy little whore for cock, sir. Please, give me your cock, sir. I need it so bad...please, I’ll behave. Can I have it? Please, let me have it” I begged
Dex knelt in between my knees and placed himself on my entrance, sliding only the tip in before he stopped
“You need it? So get it, it’s all yours!” He slapped my ass “C’mon, take it”
I moved back towards his dick, as much as my restricted arms and position would let me, but I couldn’t slide him as deep as I wanted nor could I move as fast as I wished, which made me whine in frustration
“Awww, my poor peanut, what’s wrong? You can’t go as fast as you want to, can you?” He teased and I shook my head
“Do you want me to do it for you instead? Do you want sir to fuck you deep and hard?”
“Yes, sir. Please!”
I gasped loudly when he finally gave me what I was begging for...hard, fast, rough and so deep.
“Is this what you wanted?” He asked
“Yes, thank you, sir”
The familiar burning was already starting to rise inside of me
“Are you gonna cum around my cock like a good little slut, Y/N?”
“Yes, sir” I said, breathlessly
“So what are you waiting for?” He chuckled in my ear, and that was the only confirmation I needed
Dexter slowed his pace as I came down from my high. Noticing he didn’t cum, I asked
“Why didn’t you cum?”
He slid out of me, released my wrists and turned me around, so I could face him
“Who said” He slid back in “I was done with you?” Smirking, he began to increase his pace bit by bit “I still need you to confess that you’re jealous” He winked
And I knew that this little game wouldn't finish until dawn..
Please, if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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betelgeuse-1988 · 3 years
pale blue eyes: obi-wan/reader
hey so i fell in love with ewan mcgregor recently and proceeded to watch all of the prequels and started the clone wars. how dangerous! probably more obi-wan content in the near future. sorry if this isn't canon compliant...i don't know enough about star wars and i'm so sorry!! give me tips if you have any
obi-wan is also probably totally ooc and i’ve definitely disregarded the jedi code (bc screw the code!) but...i don’t care...obi-wan is too beautiful for that lmao. if anyone can handle a little temptation from the darkside and still be a good jedi, it’s obi
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tags: smut, fluff, light angst, hurt/comfort, grief/mourning (mention of death), master/padawan dynamic (sorta), possessive sex/behavior, rough sex, marking (hickies), smoking, implied age difference, porn with feelings (and maybe plot), dirty talk
There was something oh so terrifying about being a Padawan. Of course, it was all you had ever known, but realizing that there would be a day when no one would be there to hold your hand as you traversed the daily experiences of being a Jedi was overwhelmingly terrifying. But, what was even more terrifying was the thought alone of losing your Master.
Actually losing her before you’d finished your training could only be described as unquantifiable.
Obi-Wan broke the news to you soon after reporting to the council after the mission on some outer-rim planet went wrong and led to several Jedi being killed. He spared you the details as you broke down in front of him, apologizing immediately for letting your emotions get the best of you. You tried your best to keep everything in, especially in front of one of the best Jedi Masters. Obi-Wan looked down the hallway before slowly walking you back into your quarters. He sat you down on your small bed, taking a seat next to you.
“I know how you feel right now, as I too lost my Master. But, you must remember your Master has returned to the Force. She has become something better and will always be with you. It will be difficult, but as time passes the intensity of your emotions will fade.”
You looked up into his blue eyes, the truth behind them reinforcing what you sensed in the Force. His statements were genuine, facts that had been seen in countless other Jedi who had experienced what you did; but, his eyes (and the Force) held a sadness that seemed as if it was too big and too fragile to even consider touching. Having heard some pieces of what had happened to Master Kenobi and his Padawan, it seemed as if he never had enough time to grieve. He never had time to consider what loss meant and how to deal with it. The words he spoke seemed to be monotonous, as if they were a mantra he thought to himself often. An attempt to rid himself of emotions that council members told him that he would be drawn to the darkside because of them.
“And yet,” you said, pausing to control your breathing, a few tears escaping your eyes now and then. “Those emotions will never go away, huh?”
Obi-Wan broke your gaze, sighing and rubbing a hand over his face. “I’m...I’m sorry, I’m not helping, am I?” He let out a sad chuckle before looking back at you. “It’s just...I know too well how you feel. And yet, I cannot bring myself to tell you that you must rid yourself of these emotions because they will lead you astray. I so wish that one person would have allowed me to feel, just for one moment.”
You take his hand into yours, unable to bring yourself to look him in the eyes. “You’ve helped me more than you know, Master Kenobi. And I only hope that you are able to take your own advice, too.”
“I will try, young one.”
After this moment, you found yourself drawn to Obi-Wan in the late hours of the night. Master Windu took over the last few weeks of your training before your trials. When you were not training or sleeping and Obi-Wan was not training his Padawan, you were together. This often caused you both to spend late nights in one of your quarters (most often his, as they were bigger). At first there was nothing sexual or even romantic about these meetings. They allowed you both to explore your grief and help each other control emotions most Jedi would consider distracting or unwanted. It was nice to feel safe in your emotions.
At least, until your emotions became romantic feelings for Obi-Wan.
This realization hit you like a podracer a few weeks after you became a Jedi. You had been given a mission to protect a queen from an outer-rim planet visiting Naboo for a week. The distance alone is not what caused you to realize these feelings. Obi-Wan and his Padawan had been sent on small missions in the past few weeks, causing you to go days without seeing him. Sure, you missed him, but training for your trials could fill the void he left. But, now, being away and nearly bored out of your mind in your down time was horrible. You felt a constant sense of longing and desire that you could only trace back to Master Kenobi. Your thoughts would drift back to late nights you spent with the sweet man who could comfort you with only a smile. Thoughts of running your hands through his auburn hair as you begged him to keep growing it out, especially with the beard. Watching his eyes flutter closed as you gave him a massage through his undershirt. He lets out little groans and moans, telling you to push harder in certain spots. Holding his large, calloused hand in yours as you cuddle close together on his bed. It wasn’t until the final day of your assignment that these thoughts turned sexual.
You laid in bed, too excited over going back to Coruscant and having a few days off. A half-dreaming vision formed in your mind of Obi-Wan laying in his bed. The image became clearer and you realized that his sleeping pants were pushed down slightly, his hand grasping his cock tightly. A moan slipped past his lips, the words he choked out indecipherable as he thrusted harshly into his fist. You attempt to will away this vision but it’s stuck--almost engraved--in your mind, drifting in and out like a boat rocking back and forth on waves. His thrusts seemed desperate, as if he had been attempting to reach his climax long before you created this vision. He moans again, this time it is clearer and louder than before: your name. It slips past his lips smoothly as he finally tenses slightly, forcing his hips upwards. Cum shot out of his cock as his thrusts stuttered to a stop and his hand took over. Some particularly thick shots hit his lower stomach, covering the hair above his cock. The rest flooded slowly over the tip and down onto his hand. He groaned all through his climax, panting once he had finished completely. Your mind often drifted back to these images as you fell in and out of sleep throughout the night.
Getting back to Coruscant was a welcome return home. After your report to the council, you saw Obi-Wan and Anakin waiting for you outside of the chambers. You found it difficult, at first, to hold Obi-Wan’s gaze as he greeted you.
“Hello, Master Kenobi. What are you doing here?”
“I heard you got back. If you’d like, Anakin and I would like to take you to Dex’s,” he says simply, a wide smile on his face. Anakin gave you a toothy grin, excited to gorge himself on greasy diner food.”How was your mission, young one?”
You smiled widely, slightly forgetting about the waking-dream that had been plaguing your mind. “Sounds like a great idea. I can tell you all about my mission over dinner, then, I suppose?” Obi-Wan nodded in response, a smile (albeit smaller) on his face mirroring yours and Anakin’s.
After dinner at Dex’s, Obi-Wan dismissed Anakin to his chambers (though, Obi would confide in you that he knew for a fact his was talking to his fellow Padawans late into the night, to which you would chastise him for doing the same thing with you) and invited you to his own to meditate. The walk there was quiet, yet comfortable. But, as you reached his quarters, you saw the bed that was ingrained into your visions from the night before. The panic and embarrassment ran through you, piling heavy in your stomach and causing you to stop in your tracks at his doorway. Obi-Wan took off his boots quickly and made his way to the large window at the opposite side of the room.
“You can come all the way in, y’know?” Obi-Wan said once he realized you had not followed, his tone light and playful. He was teasing you, like he always did, always a flirt. And yet, tonight, it made you nervous. You took slow steps towards him after taking your boots off by the door, meeting him at the window he liked to meditate at. “Are you okay? No witty comeback for your favorite Jedi?” He moved to cup your face but you turned away, noticing it was the hand he had so elegantly wrapped around his cock in your vision.
You looked back at him and shook your head, your eyes becoming watery out of embarrassment and fear. You knew you needed to talk to him before this got any worse. “C-can I talk to you about something?” He nodded, his face becoming serious, and sat down on the plush cushions he used to begin meditating. He patted on one next to him and you sat after taking off your cloak. You two sat almost too close, knees touching. You could almost smell him and could almost feel the calming warmth radiating off of him. “I...During my missions I was plagued by visions, Master Kenobi.”
He frowned slightly at what you said, worried about the potential dangers of visions Jedi see. “You do not need to use my title in my quarters, young one,” he said, calmly, so as not to scare you or make you feel he was reprimanding you. “But you can tell me anything. What were in these visions, young one?”
You sighed, attempting to muster the strength in admitting what you saw. Obi-Wan could sense your struggle and reached out to touch your knee gently. You placed your hand over his and squeezed gently, closing your eyes to center yourself. The minute you opened your mouth, the word-vomit flowed fast. “They were of you. They began as nice and comforting. Domestic moments. Like holding your hand or cuddling. I could see myself doing that with any friend. But...last night, it was sexual. I, uhm, watched you...pleasure yourself. Y-you moaned my name. Maker, I feel like I’ve used you, I am so sorry, Master Kenobi.”
“This happened last night?” he asked, blushing slightly under your curious gaze. You nodded slowly, unsure of where he was going with this. “Then I don’t think you were making these visions up, darling.”
Your jaw dropped, with Obi-Wan only smirking back at you. “W-what do you mean?”
“I think you saw me, somehow. I saw some of those visions you described earlier in the week, too. Perhaps we are connected, young one.” He looked at you processing what he just said and smiled. “I like you, a lot. I admire your work as a Jedi and I am so proud to see how much you have grown since I first talked to you that night your master died.” He moved the hand that was resting in his lap to cup your cheek. “I believe I have fallen for you. I am sorry that you had to see me in such an inappropriate state, however. I would understand if you didn’t want to be with me.”
“No! I mean, I do. I want to be with you. I never imagined that you would ever want to be with someone like me.” You smiled brightly, giddy about this change in your relationship with Obi-Wan. “And, if I may say, you looked quite beautiful last night. I am honored that you thought of me just as I have thought of you. Although, you have a much different imagination than I do.” The man in front of you blushed and chuckled brightly, almost proud of what he had done.
The hand on your knee tentatively moved further up your thigh. “Perhaps I can spark your imagination?”
You shifted to be on your knees, placing your hands on his thighs. You leaned close to him, almost brushing your lips against his. You were able to feel the tickle of his beard on your face as you whispered out, “Perhaps I can fulfill yours?” You pressed your lips against his as he shoves his hands through your hair, tugging on it slightly. Even as he moaned, you tasted the strawberry milkshake you shared with him at Dex’s. But, as you kissed him deeper, tongues exploring each other’s mouths, you tasted tabac, causing your mind to wander. You never thought of Obi-Wan indulging in the toxic substance, but you can’t bring yourself to be surprised. Images of Obi-Wan shirtless, just-fucked and sweaty, his hair a mess, flooded your mind. A cigarra hung from his mouth, barely hanging on to it as he took puffs from it.
A nasty habit Obi’s voice rings through your mind, almost embarrassed, I can’t seem to kick it, young one. I hope you aren’t angry.
You pulled away and cupped his face. Not wanting to ruin the tender moment of vulnerability, you kissed him lightly and projected your thoughts to him, I could not be mad at you. I find it shamefully attractive, but if you are ready to quit, I know you can.
He smiled into the kiss as you pulled away to begin stripping. “Allow me to help you,” he said, moving to push your robes off your shoulders as you took off the belt around your waist. You shrugged the robes off of you completely and threw them to the side, followed by your undershirt. Obi-Wan moved to help you take your pants off, but you stopped him.
“Allow me to help you, Master Kenobi?” he blushed and leaned back, copying your actions by starting with his belt. You help to shrug off his outer robes followed by his undershirt. You admire his chest, speckled with freckles. You pushed him down lightly, his back hitting his carpeted floor lightly. “You are truly beautiful, Master.” You kissed his chest lightly, kneeling at his side and helping him to shove his pants and undergarments off. Even though you had seen his member the night before, it was different in person and being able to see it uncovered by his hand. Semi-hard, all you could think was that it would look even more beautiful in the moonlight and neon lights streaming from the window. You flicked your hand, flipping the light switch by the door.
“I was going to ask if you liked what you saw, young one, but it seems I was wrong,” Obi-Wan hummed.
You smirked, taking his cock in your hands. “Oh, I do, but I am one for aesthetics and I would prefer to be fucked under the moonlight.” You jerk him off slightly, getting him hard. As your movements become a tad more difficult, you hold your hand up to the man’s mouth. “Spit, please.” He looked at you with a raised brow but spits. You rubbed it up and down his cock, making your movements much smoother. You squeezed lightly around his cock and he began to thrust lightly under your touch. You moved to lean down and use your mouth on his cock, but Obi-Wan stopped you.
“Let me get you ready so I can fuck you under the moonlight, just like you want, my young one.”
He moved you down to lay on the floor, pushing one of his cushions underneath your head. After helping you out of your remaining clothes, he shoved the other pillow under your hips, angling them upwards. He then kissed down your chest, as if attempting to kiss away the moonlight with how fervently he pressed his lips to your skin. Yet, as you pushed his hair back to get a clear view of his serene face, you thought he may be trying to pin down the moonlight to your skin. The way his gaze locked with yours showed how intensely he cared about this moment. His kisses acted as an attempt to encapsulate you in the light, an attempt to preserve this moment forever. You were not just another nightly escapade (not that either of you had many of those, both unknowingly too caught up in being smitten by the other). Rather, in this moment, Obi-Wan was declaring he was going to make love to you with each and every kiss pressed to your skin. The final kiss he pressed to your skin was your clit. Once this was finished, he began fingering you, stretching you with two fingers immediately and suckling on your clit. You gasped and moaned under his touch, fingers diving into his hair.
I want to make you mine, young one. After we began talking I wished I had fought with the council more to train you instead for the remainder of your time as a Padawan. Perhaps we could have been here sooner.
“Master Kenobi,” you moaned aloud. Not being able to form words verbally, you responded with the Force. How I began to wish the same. I suppose, then, I was always yours?
He pulled off of you, but added a third finger to his thrusts, smiling up at you brightly. “Yes. And I suppose I was always yours, then, too?”
“Yes,” you moaned out, high pitched, almost squeaking. You hummed and tried again, regardless of if Obi heard you the first time, “Yes, Master, you’re mine.” Obi-Wan’s smile somehow grew, but he quickly went back to working on you with his mouth. However, this time, he leaned more on his arm that he’s using to finger you. That way, his other hand was free to jerk himself off. You only noticed when he moaned against your clit lightly. “Master Kenobi, are you--”
Yes, he sent you, almost strained as if he was speaking, I think I could cum just by eating you out, I wouldn’t even need to touch myself.
“I wouldn’t want that,” you said, pushing his head lightly, “so why don’t you fuck me instead?”
He pulled his head up and smiled, “Anything for you, my darling.” He stood up, pulling you to join him, and guided you toward the bed, stopping by his drawers to grab a condom. Laying down on the bed, you watched him roll the condom over his cock and climb onto the bed with you. He kneeled between your legs, pulling up your leg to rest it on his hip. He used his other hand to grip your hip and pulled you towards him. You gasped, both at the sudden movement and his member pushing into your pussy slowly. “Such a good girl, taking me so perfectly. You can take me all, right, my young one?” You nodded your head fiercely, unable to form a coherent thought as he continued to thrust in and out of you, each thrust going deeper than the last.
Once he settled into you completely, your hands fisted his bedsheets roughly. “So full, you fill me up so nice, Master Kenobi.” You shifted your hips against him, attempting to get him to thrust into you. His grip on your hip dissipated as he moved to push down on them. You moved your hand over his, pushing down on it lightly while also gripping his hand.
“Is there something you need from your Master, young Jedi?” Your grip on his hand tightened as you nodded. “What do you need? You can use your words.” You blushed as you attempted to quantify what you wanted him to do. You attempted to shift your hips as the position became uncomfortable from being held for so long without moving. “Please, princess. I want to give you what you want, but I will not move until you tell me.”
“I want you...I…” you trailed off, becoming embarrassed for what you were trying to ask. You threw your head to the side and thought to him, I want you to mark me. I don’t care if it hurts. I want to know, as long as the bruises last, that I am yours. I want to hold on to this moment.
“Is that all, young one?” You nodded in response, trying not to embarrass yourself more than you felt you had. “There is nothing to be embarrassed over, sweet girl. I want to please you, and the only way I can do that is if I know what you want. Never be embarrassed when asking for what you want.”
You smiled as his hand moved back to your hip, his grip stronger than before. Timidly, you add on, “Can you also move, Obi-Wan? I...I need it.” He silently responded by squeezing your hip and thrusting into you. He quickly picked up speed, however, thrusting into you desperately. Obi-Wan shifts, dropping the leg he held at his hip to be able to lean over you. Moaning at the new angle, you wrapped your arms around his neck, keeping him close. Your fingers delved into his hair, tugging at it as he thrust into you just right. Obi-Wan moaned at that, flicking his hips faster in response.
“Where do you want me to mark you, hm? Maybe a place above your robes so all the other Jedi Masters will see and know you’re mine?” You tensed slightly under him, even as your pussy clenched. “No, darling? I didn’t mean to worry you. I will make sure no one can see.” Obi-Was pressed light kisses to your collarbone, as he had before, but quickly began to suck on your collarbone and lined it with love bites.
Too overwhelmed with the pleasure, you think to Obi-Wan, Perhaps another time, you can make them more visible. Let everyone know I am yours and yours alone.
He only hummed in response as he busied himself with bruising your skin. You shoved a hand between the two of you, rubbing your clit in small circles.
Am I not good enough for you, young one?
You stopped your movements and began to stammer out an excuse.
I am only teasing, darling. I want you to cum on my cock. And, you’re making it much easier for me to achieve that goal.
You both continued like this, attempting to reach your climaxes by pulling on Obi’s hair, him suckling on your skin to leave marks, and you circling your clit. Eventually, your legs tensed and you lifted your hips up towards him. You gasped, the inner walls of your pussy fluttering around his cock. “Obi-Wan, I’m cumming,” you exclaimed, moaning even more as you flung your head back against the pillows.
“Let go, love. Cum for me, show me you’re mine.”
Your hips stuttered against his, legs tensing and shaking on either side of the Jedi Master. He pulled up and off of you, shifting back onto his knees. He thrust through your orgasm, attempting to reach his own. He moved his hands again to grip your hips tightly, bringing you against him roughly. Obi-Wan moaned as he thrust into you as fast as he could, wanting to cum so badly. “Cum for me, Master. I can sense how desperate you are, n’ I wanna know I made you cum. You came inside your young Jedi’s cunt, all for her. Only for her.” His hips began to stutter irregularly against you as he came, moaning your name just as he did the night before. Obi-Wan eventually stalled against you, collapsing slightly. “After that show, you can put your full weight on me. You deserve it, and I don’t want you to pull out just yet,” You said, rubbing his head gently..
“I always had a feeling you’d be insatiable,” Obi-Wan chuckled. He leaned his full weight on top of you. It was surprisingly comforting, especially after his rough grip and bruising kisses. He snuggled into your neck, pressing sloppy kisses against it, as your hands settled at his waist. “I can only hope to completely satiate you, one day, I suppose.”
“You did perfectly fine, Obi-Wan. For now.” He finally pulled off of you, forcing you to come to his refresher with him to clean up. When you finally laid back down in his bed, both of you naked and comfortable in each other’s arms, you were too tired to do anything more than hum in content. Just as you were trailing off to sleep, a warm thought entered your brain.
I love you, young one. Never forget that.
You responded quickly, though you assumed the sleepiness that would have been present in your voice was also present in your thoughts.
I love you, too, Obi.
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scatter-the-stars · 3 years
Prompt: Terror
Prompter: @okaybutihitanightfury
note: Once again, I apologize since this part doesn't stick to the prompt that much.
Part 2
Part 1
The moment on the couch from the night before replays in Kurt’s head as he sits on the edge of the bed.
He woke up an hour earlier and briefly thought that the night before was some wonderful dream. Like the many others he had in the past year. But the delicious ache in his ass said otherwise.
Blaine fucked him.
His boyfriend’s seriously hot dad fucked him in a way he had never been fucked before.
To say he liked his boyfriend’s dad is putting it mildly. From the moment he first saw Blaine, he was smitten. Wanted the older guy. Wanted him more than he wanted his son.
Last night was inevitable. Blaine and him had been racing to that moment from the very first time they met. And he’s glad it finally happened. Glad they reached the place where they were always meant to be.
Kurt stands and goes to the bathroom. He brushes his teeth and splashes water on his face. Forgoes a shower for the time being so he can have Blaine’s scent on him a bit longer.
With Dex still sleeping, he dresses and walks out of the room. His heart jumps at the sight of Blaine in the small kitchen scrambling eggs. The mere sight of him has the night before replaying in his head. Has him wanting to repeat it again as soon as they can.
“Good morning.”
Blaine looks up. One corner of his mouth lifts in a lazy smile. “Good morning, Kurt.”
Kurt takes a seat at the breakfast bar and watches Blaine cook. Isn’t sure how to bring up the night before without sounding needy or desperate. Because he wants more. Wants to ask Blaine for more.
“So, um…”
“About last night.”
Blaine stops and gives all his attention to Kurt. “Last night was…” He blows out a breath. “It was phenomenal.”
“Yeah?” The hope Kurt has that Blaine wants more grows.
“Yes. But…”
That one word kills that hope. He deflates like a punctured balloon. “But, what?”
“It was a mistake that can’t happen again. Let’s just forget about it,” Blaine suggests.
“Yeah. Of course.” Kurt does his best to hide his disappointment. Doesn’t want Blaine to know he wanted more. “It’s for the best.”
He barely tastes the eggs Blaine serves him. Forces himself to eat every bite so Blaine can’t question if something is wrong. Says he’ll clean since Blaine cooked.
“Thanks, Kurt.” Blaine walks back to his room.
As he starts cleaning the dishes, Kurt hears the shower in Blaine’s room start to run. By the time he’s finished with the dishes, he’s somehow talked himself into going to Blaine’s room to confront him. It’s ridiculous, but he has to do this. Has to at least try before completely giving up.
Stood at Blaine’s closed bathroom door, he takes a deep breath before opening the door. He chokes on a breath at the sight of Blaine’s naked body under the spray of water. His cock swells as arousal pools in his belly.
He wants this man. Wants him more than his next breath. And he’s going to make sure Blaine knows that.
Before his confidence leaves, Kurt undresses, opens the shower door, and presses to Blaine’s back.
Blaine turns to him. Surprise on his face. “Kurt. What are yo-“
“I don’t want to forget about it,” he says. “I want it to happen again.”
“But Dex?”
Kurt loosely winds his arms around Blaine’s neck. “Dex barely notices me anymore. I’m lonely, Blaine. I want to feel good again. And you made me feel amazing.” He skims one hand down past Blaine’s defined chest and toned stomach. Stops right below his belly button. Teases his fingers at the base of Blaine’s cock. Feels Blaine grow hard against his hip. Confidence growing about this whole thing knowing Blaine wants him. “Please, make me feel that way again.”
Blaine says nothing for a long moment. Kurt starts to fear that he royally fucked up. That maybe he wanted this more than Blaine does, and he just made a complete fool out of himself. And that growing doubt and fear only intensifies when Blaine grabs his upper arms and pushes him away a few inches. The hard set of Blaine’s eyes feels like a precursor to his anger. Which he rightfully deserves. Because here he is propositioning his boyfriend’s dad for sex when said boyfriend is nearby. He really is what he confessed last night: a terrible person.
Tears fill his eyes as shame and embarrassment have him wanting to flee. Not just this bathroom, but the hotel and Aspen. He wants to run away until there are states between Blaine and him. Until endless space between them is all they share.
“I’m sorry.” He looks away from Blaine. From the man he’s shamelessly and selfishly fantasized about for a year. He drops his eyes to his feet.
He would give anything to curl into a ball and disappear in that moment. To go back a day and rescind Blaine’s dinner invite. To not know how it feels to be with Blaine. Wishes things were better with Dex so he didn’t have to fantasize about his dad, or turn to him when he wants to feel good.
“Kurt, look at me.”
Although he would rather continue to stare at his feet and not see the sympathy and anger in Blaine’s eyes, he lifts his head. A small, surprised gasp is torn from him when, instead of sympathy and anger, he finds Blaine’s eyes darkened with arousal and need.
Hope and excitement start to bloom. They chase out the shame and guilt he was feeling moments before.
Blaine pushes him until his back comes in contact with the tiled wall. “We shouldn’t do this.”
Kurt hears the underlying uncertainty in Blaine’s voice. And he should be the good guy he’s always been and accept Blaine’s answer as finality. But he can’t. Not when last night was the best night of his life. Not when he’s never felt desire so great for someone. That’s why he confidentially hooks a leg around Blaine’s waist and pulls him close. Why he says, “But?”
A sexy, salacious grin spreads across Blaine’s face. “But I want you too fucking much to push you away.”
Kurt moans when Blaine crushes their mouths together in a brutal, fiery kiss.
This is so wrong and fucked up. But he can’t stop himself. Won’t deny himself what he wants, even though he’s hurting someone.
Whatever the consequences are if Dex finds out, he rightfully deserves.
Right now, though, he deserves to feel good.
He rocks against Blaine. Their cocks glide together. The glide is made easier by the water and precum sliding down the sides of their cocks.
Blaine lifts his other leg and wraps it around his waist. Starts to rock faster against him. Admits with a groan, “I wanted this for so long.”
Kurt shivers at the pleasure Blaine is creating inside him and the honesty in his voice. He looks at Blaine and admits his own longing.
“How long?” Blaine curiously asks.
He doesn’t feel bad saying, “Since I first met you.”
Blaine groans and roughly kisses him.
They suddenly become frantic in their movements. Kurt wraps his arms around Blaine’s neck. Smashes his lips together to hold in the moans wanting to break free.
The mounting pleasure inside him spills over moments later. He buries his face in the side of Blaine’s neck as his orgasm slams into him. He spasms against Blaine while his cock jerks and spills between their bodies.
He’s still trembling against Blaine and riding his high when Blaine finally comes. A moan escapes him when Blaine’s hot cum hits his skin and mixes with his own. It’s dirty and hot.
A few minutes pass where they say nothing. Both of them trying to catch their breath. Kurt feels Blaine’s heart pounding against his chest. Hears his heavy exhales by his ear.
Blaine finally steps back after setting him down. He moves to stand under the water.
Kurt stares at him. Stares at his back that is to him. At the strength he sees. He knows Blaine works out to keep the body he has. That he works hard for it. And he appreciates that. Appreciates every single inch of Blaine’s sculpted, hard body.
Eyes drop down to Blaine’s full, round ass. An ass he’s thought about more than his boyfriend’s. Said boyfriend who does not take after his dad.
Tired of staring and wanting to touch, Kurt steps close to Blaine and presses to his back. Water cascades down around them. It quickly washes away the cum still on his skin.
Blaine covers his arms when he wraps them around his stomach. “We should get out soon.”
“We should,” Kurt repeats, but not wanting that. He wants to have more fun.
He reaches a hand down and skims his fingers along Blaine’s soft cock.
“Kurt.” Blaine groans.
“How long until you can get hard again?” Kurt wraps his hand around Blaine’s cock and gives a soft stroke. He kisses at Blaine’s neck. “Because I want you to fuck me again.”
Blaine covers Kurt’s hand and guides him in jerking him off. “I’m forty-five years old, Kurt. I’m going to need a few minutes.”
“That’s okay. I can wait.”
Kurt understands Blaine’s concerns. So, he eases his worries. “Trust me, he’ll be passed out until after noon.” He’s dealt with a drunk Dex enough to know his patterns. To know he’ll sleep until the middle of the afternoon sometimes after a night of drinking.
Kurt isn’t sure if Blaine says that more because of what they’re doing or because he’s upset with his son. Maybe a combination of both.
As he strokes Blaine, guided by his hand, he takes in every ridge and vein of Blaine’s cock. The length and girth of him. Which is something else Dex didn’t take after from his dad. Where Dex is average in size and not that girthy, Blaine is bigger in length and girth. And he loves the upgrade.
He reaches his free hand down to play with Blaine’s balls. Feels the heaviness of them in his hand. Rolls and tugs them. Anticipates the moment he gets to suck them into his mouth.
With his hands on Blaine, and one of Blaine’s hands covering his, Kurt imagines what they look like. Groans at the mental picture he has. Knows there would be no coming back or talking himself out of this if Dex were to walk in and find them.
That should be enough to stop this and walk away. But it’s not. He’s positive nothing ever will be.
After several minutes of slowly stroking Blaine, Kurt feels him start to grow hard again. “Someone is ready,” he hotly whispers into Blaine’s ear before sucking and lightly biting the lobe.
Blaine grabs both his wrists and removes his hands. Kurt is about to complain when Blaine turns to face him with a fiery need in his eyes. He shivers at the sight. At the possibility it brings.
His whole body suddenly aches for this man. The emptiness he feels intensifying. He’s never wanted someone so badly like he wants Blaine.
Kurt steps back as Blaine steps toward him. His back comes in contact with the wall again. He breathes heavily with anticipation and need.
“You going to fuck me now?” His body would really love it if Blaine fucked him.
“No. Not yet.”
That’s not the answer he wanted to hear.
“Because,” Blaine grins, “there’s something else I would like to do first.”
Blaine drops to his knees and looks up at Kurt. He wraps a hand around his stiff cock and strokes. Thumbs at the head. “Last night, when I sucked your cock, I quickly realized I could do that every day for the rest of my life.”
Kurt loves the sound of that. So does his cock since it twitches in Blaine’s hold. He rocks forward so it glides in and out of Blaine’s tight fist. Does that a few times. But whimpers when Blaine suddenly lets go and grabs at his hips.
All the warning he gets is Blaine saying I need to taste you before sinking his mouth down around him. He barely has time to slap a hand over his mouth before he loudly moans. With his free hand, he grabs the back of Blaine’s head.
Mouth clamped shut, and sure he won’t be loud, he drops his hand to grab at Blaine’s shoulder. He shuts his eyes and allows himself to sink into the sensation of Blaine sucking him off.
When Blaine did this the night before, he nearly came the moment his mouth was on him. This had been something he fantasized about frequently. Thought about it when he jerked off. Is even ashamed to say he thought of Blaine whenever Dex would go down on him. But it’s been months since Dex has done that. That’s another reason he almost came so quickly the night before. It’s been a while since he’s had the kind of attention Blaine is giving him.
He won’t apologize for going after something he needs and craves. Even if it’s with someone that isn’t his boyfriend. He’s human. Has needs just like everyone else. Needs that are not being met. Dex hasn’t attempted to touch him in weeks. And he’s tried on his part. He’s done everything he can think of. Even went as far as greeting Dex naked when he came home. But Dex took one look at him and walked away. That hurt more than Kurt will ever admit. To have your boyfriend look at you with no interest and walk away. He felt ridiculous. Held back tears as he dressed and fled Dex’s apartment. Promised himself as he made his way home that Dex’s sudden loss of interest in him had nothing to do with him. That something else was going on.
After that, he tried a few more times to get Dex to fuck him and ended up with the same results. Each rejection felt more and more disheartening than the last. That’s why he was happy for this Aspen trip. He saw it as a perfect opportunity for them to rekindle the spark that had gone out. To try and save what they had.
Fate, though, had other plans.
Confessing to Blaine the night before that his son hadn’t touched him in weeks seemed to light the fuse that started this. And he wouldn’t go back and take those words back.
As Blaine sucks and bobs his head, twirls his tongue around the swollen head of his cock, Kurt thinks of what else he told Blaine. That he had his reasons for staying with Dex.
At first he stayed with Dex because he thought he was happy with him and didn’t want to lose that. But he quickly realized that wasn’t the truth. It dawned on him one day a few months ago when Dex asked if he wanted to have dinner with him and his dad. The excitement and rush of joy he felt at the mere mention of Blaine was like a light bulb going off. He knew right then and there that the only reason he was staying with Dex was because of Blaine.
Guilt washed over him as he sat there. He tried his hardest to shove the thought away. Spent the next few weeks trying to fix his relationship to ignore the glaring truth. But he couldn’t. Blaine was his happiness. The person to make him genuinely smile and laugh. To make his heart race and stomach flip. The guy he thought about when he first woke up and before he went to sleep.
Blaine is why he stayed.
He didn’t want to lose that. Decided to stay with someone who lost interest just so he could still see their dad. But he made himself promise he would never do anything with Blaine. Promised to try and fix his relationship with Dex.
He kept those promises. Until last night. Until everything boiled over. Until his long denied desires and needs and feelings had him going after the one person he shouldn’t have fucked.
Karma is a tough bitch. But he deserves whatever it throws at him for what he did, and is doing.
Cold air hits his dick when Blaine pulls off. He looks down and watches him kiss and mouth along his cock. Thrusts forward when Blaine lightly nips at the base of his cock.
Before he can say anything, Blaine dips his head down and takes his balls into his mouth. Sucks on them a few times before releasing them. Lifts his head and sinks his mouth back down around him.
Kurt lets out a small moan as Blaine starts to suck him again. He holds the back of his head tighter and starts to shallowly thrusts his hips. Revels in the sensation of his cock sliding between Blaine’s lips.
He does that until the water starts to turn cold. Doesn’t increase his force or pace. Keeps his slow momentum since he doesn’t want to come this way.
Slowly fucking Blaine’s mouth, terror suddenly seizes Kurt for a brief moment when he thinks he hears something outside the door. He stops Blaine and listens; stares at the bathroom door expecting it to be flung open at any second by Dex to confront them.
Blaine stands and looks at the door. “What is it?”
Kurt looks at Blaine and breathes a sigh of relief at knowing they’re still safe. That they’re horrible secret is still just that. “Nothing,” he says. “I thought I heard something. It’s nothing.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah.” He grabs Blaine’s chin and turns his head so he’s looking at. “As much fun as this has been, will you please fuck me now?”
Blaine chuckles. “Yeah. Not here, though.”
They turn off the water and step out of the shower. After drying off, Kurt follows Blaine out to his massive bedroom. The king sized bed draws his attention. A blush staining his cheeks at what they’re about to do on it.
“Bend over the end,” Blaine orders before walking to his open luggage and grabbing his toiletry bag.
Kurt bends over the end of the bed as instructed. Shivers as the cool air hits his hot skin.
The sound of a lock sliding into place reaches his ears. He looks back in time to see Blaine walking away from the door while holding a condom and small bottle of lube. His stomach clenches as his need ramps up.
“Your ass is amazing.” Blaine grabs at his ass with both hands after dropping the supplies on the bed. He palms and squeezes at the flesh. Spreads him open. “How could he not want you?” he silently muses.
That’s the million dollar question right there. One Kurt has no answer to.
Blaine drawing the pad of a finger over his hole makes him shiver. He pushes back on the touch. Wants more when Blaine pulls away.
He hears the click of the bottle of lube being opened. Steps out further right before Blaine presses in with two slick fingers.
“Tell me, Kurt?”
Blaine works his fingers in and out. Slowly fucks Kurt with them. “Have you always had a thing for older guys?”
The answer to that surprises even Kurt. “No.” Before Blaine, he wasn’t into older men like some of his friends were. Didn’t see the appeal. Then he understood when he met Blaine. Saw how mature and grown up he was compared to the guys his age who still acted like kids. And he really understood the appeal last night when Blaine fucked him. Where men his age are just in the game, someone older like Blaine has years of experience. Which showed last night when he fucked him better than any of the men he slept with previously.
“You love having this older guy fuck you now, huh?” Blaine says as he pushes into him after rolling the condom on. “Love how I made you feel?”
Kurt arches and pushes back to take more of Blaine into his body. “Yes,” he whines.
Once Blaine is sheathed inside him, he immediately starts to rock back on him.
“Can you reach a pillow?”
Kurt reaches up and barely manages to grab a pillow with his fingertips. He gives it to Blaine, who shoves it under his hips to prop his ass up. Hands on his shoulders hold him down. Blaine shoves as deep as he can and grinds against him. Rolls his hips over and over. He clutches at the sheet beneath his hands. Humps the pillow under him for some relief on his aching cock.
Blaine’s grunts and groans mix with his moans and whimpers when he really starts to fuck him. When he slams his hips forward so hard he’ll be feeling it later.
Sex has never been this good for him. Especially with Dex. Where with Dex it was always about him, and getting him off, with Blaine it’s the opposite. Blaine makes it about him and his pleasure. Makes sure he is taken care of before coming. And it’s nice to come first instead of lying there afterwards and jerking off to finish.
Skin slaps together as Blaine fucks him hard and fast. And when Blaine pulls out and flips him over, he lifts his legs to wrap around him. Moans when he sinks back inside him. When he grabs behind his knees and pushes them up to his chest.
As Blaine moves, he notices him keep his eyes trained down on where his cock is disappearing inside his ass. Remembers him doing the same thing the night before. Realizes Blaine likes watching himself fuck his ass. It makes him grin.
The pressure builds until he can no longer ignore it. He reaches a hand down to grab his cock. But Blaine immediately grabs it and his other hand and holds them down by the wrists above his head with one hand. “I make you come,” he growls.
Kurt trembles.
Blaine’s free hand wraps around his cock and strokes.
It takes all of four strokes before he’s coming. He cries out while spilling over Blaine’s fist. Pleasure swirls through him. And it only grows and grows as Blaine continues to stroke and fuck him through his release. He makes sure to wring out every drop of pleasure from him that he can.
Right as he finishes coming is when he feels Blaine bury himself deep inside his body and come. The hand around his wrists tightens its hold as Blaine’s cock jerks inside him.
After, after Blaine rides out his release and pulls out, after they scoot up on the bed to lie in the middle, after Blaine disposes of the used condom in the trash and wipes their stomachs, Kurt lies on his side and stares at the man he can’t stop wanting.
“I’m sorry.”
“Why?” Blaine reaches over and brushes a strand of hair from Kurt’s face.
“I was loud,” Kurt replies. “That was dangerous.”
“Considering the moment, I won’t hold it against you.”
Kurt moves close and cuddles against Blaine, who drapes an arm over his side and holds him. He wishes he could spend hours in this bed with Blaine fucking and being held close.
“I’ve been thinking about something,” Blaine says.
“Last night you said something.”
“I said a lot of things last night.”
Blaine chuckles “At dinner.”
“What did I say at dinner?” Kurt has a feeling he knows where Blaine is going with this.
“You said you had your reasons for staying.” Blaine skims a thumb down Kurt’s cheek and strokes it over his lips. “At first, I thought it was because of the sex.”
Kurt snorts. Can see where Blaine would think that. “And now?”
“Now, I’ve had time to think.” Blaine wraps his hand around Kurt’s neck. Strokes his thumb along his jaw. In a serious voice, he asks, “Why did you stay, Kurt?”
A sheepish smile spreads across Kurt’s face. A blush stains his cheeks. “You know why.”
“I do. But I want to hear you say it.”
Kurt pushes Blaine to his back and lies on top of him. He smiles a big, happy smile down at him. “I stayed because of you.”
A huge smile of Blaine’s own turns up his mouth. “We are in so much trouble.”
“We are,” Kurt agrees before dipping his head down and claiming Blaine’s mouth in a kiss.
They steal a few more minutes on that bed kissing and holding each other. It takes great effort on Kurt’s part to finally climb out of bed and walk out of Blaine’s room. But he does so with a grin and a wonderful twinge in his ass. And a promise from Blaine of more.
Dex is still sprawled on the bed passed out when he walks back into their room. Anger unfurls inside him at the sight. At his reckless, childish boyfriend who seems to only care about himself.
He can’t remember what he ever saw in him. Can’t remember what made him agree to that first date. And that’s not a good thing.
Kurt takes a quick rinse to wash away the smell of Blaine and sex and the last of cum on his skin. Steps out of the bathroom to Dex still sleeping.
He walks out to the living room after dressing and finds Blaine sitting on the couch scrolling through his phone. Without thought or care, he walks up to him and grabs at his shoulders before straddling his lap.
Blaine sets his phone aside before grabbing at Kurt’s hips. “What are you doing?”
“Having some fun.” Kurt drops down to sit in Blaine’s lap.
“Some dangerous fun.”
“Isn’t that the best kind?”
Blaine grins. “It is.”
Even though he shouldn’t, considering Dex could wake up and walk out of the bedroom at any moment and catch them, Kurt closes the space between them and kisses Blaine. Fire immediately ignites the moment their mouths touch. It grows wild and uncontrollable inside him when Blaine teases his lips open and thrusts their tongues together.
Kurt begins to rock against Blaine. Holds in the moans at the wonderful sensation of their cocks rubbing together.
“Want you again,” he softly murmurs against Blaine’s lips.
This sudden and strong hunger for Blaine is no surprise to him. Not only has he gone weeks without his boyfriend touching him, but he’s been crushing on said boyfriend’s dad since he first met him. So this is him finally being able to unleash all the desire and need that’s been built up inside him for over a year.
“We can’t,” Blaine replies.
Kurt playfully pouts after pulling back. He hates the reply but understands. It’s too much of a risk to have sex right here right now.
Blaine slides one hand around and pushes it past the waistband of Kurt’s jeans and underwear and palms at his ass.
“Let’s go somewhere, then.”
He watches Blaine consider the suggestion for a moment. Really hopes he takes him up on his offer. Because this morning wasn’t enough for him. He’s hungry for more.
“Where do you want to go?”
“I don’t care.”
“Alright. I know a place.”
Some time later, Kurt holds Blaine’s hand as he leads them to something called the Silver Queen Gondola.
“What is this?”
“A gondola ride up to the mountain.”
“Oh. Um…” Kurt rips his hand out of Blaine’s even though that’s the last thing he wants to do.
Blaine looks at him with worry. “What’s wro- You’re scared of heights. Right.”
Kurt’s heart jumps at Blaine remembering that. Just as it did last night when he remembered why he learned French.
“I… I can’t.” He shakes his head and starts to walk backwards.
“No.” Blaine grabs his hand and stops him. “It’s okay, Kurt. It’s a twenty minute ride up that mountain.” He points up the mountain. “And twenty minutes is a long time.”
“Yeah. To be filled with terror.”
“No.” Blaine grins and leans in to whisper into Kurt’s ear, “To suck your dick so you forget about the height thing.”
Kurt’s stomach clenches. “Oh. Yeah. That… That is enough time,” he babbles.
Blaine pulls back with an even wider grin. “Then lets go.”
In front of the gondola that will take him up the mountain, Kurt pulls in a deep breath to calm his already racing heart. He steps inside and clings tight to Blaine after he joins him. The terror he spoke of earlier coming on in full swing.
“It’s okay.” Blaine kisses the top of his head and says, “I’ll make it better soon.”
Soon happens a couple minutes into the ride. Kurt sits down and lets Blaine pull his ass to rest at the edge of the seat after he drops down between his legs. “I can’t believe you’re doing this. What if someone sees?”
“No one will see. Now, relax and enjoy the ride.”
Fifteen minutes later, Kurt walks off the gondola flushed, riding a pleasure high, and wearing the biggest smile.
“That’s a new way to start to get over a fear.”
Blaine chuckles.
“So, what are we doing now?”
“Lunch and then I figured we could do the guided nature walk. How’s that sound?”
“Sounds like fun.”
For the next few hours, Kurt has the most fun he’s had in a long time. Blaine and him talk and laugh like they haven’t done in a while. He completely forgets about his boyfriend. Has no remorse or guilt since he is owed this piece of happiness.
Later, laughing at something Blaine said as they walk into the hotel room, Kurt is a bit upset to see Dex awake and sitting in the dining area eating. He quickly hides his disappointment at not being able to fool around with Blaine. Plasters on a fake, cheery smile. “Hey, Dex. How are you feeling?”
“Like shit,” Dex grumbles. “Where were you two?”
“Oh, Blaine invited me to go on a gondola ride.” Kurt removes his scarf and hangs it over the back of the chair. “Then we had lunch and went on this wonderful nature walk.”
“It was great. I wish you could have joined us,” Blaine adds.
Kurt knows that’s bullshit. Especially since Blaine took every opportunity they had to kiss him out in the open where no one knew them and what they were doing.
“That’s not for me.” Dex stands and takes his dirty dishes to the sink.
“What are you doing tonight?” Blaine asks.
“I thought we could all have dinner together.”
“Oh. Um…” Dex runs a hand through his shaggy, curly hair. “The guys invited me to a party they’re throwing.”
“A party?” Kurt questions. “But you promised to make -up last night to me.”
“I know. But we still have two weeks here,” Dex replies. “I can do that any time. You can come with me to the party if you want.”
“No thanks.” Although he knows their relationship is basically over at this point, it still hurts to be rejected and ignored in this way by Dex. “I’ll go with Blaine to dinner.”
“Alright. I’m gonna go shower and get ready to meet up with the guys. They want to hangout before the party.”
“Okay.” Kurt turns and walks away. Hears Dex tell Blaine that he’ll most likely crash at the house where the party is being held. And he feels no guilt at the excitement that courses through him at knowing that while his boyfriend parties away he’s going to be having hot, dirty sex with Blaine all night long.
As he sits on the couch, he notices Blaine walk after his son looking angry and frustrated. He yawns and lies down; tired after everything he’s done today. Eyes fall closed and it feels like seconds later that someone is kissing him awake. He returns the kiss. Already knows the feel of Blaine’s mouth against his to know it’s him that he’s being kissed by. Briefly forgets where they are and who could catch them. He tenses with fear and pulls away.
“It’s okay. He’s gone,” Blaine says.
Kurt relaxes. “How long have I been asleep?”
“About an hour. I wanted to let you sleep.” Blaine cups the side of his face. Strokes a thumb over his flushed cheek. “I’m sorry about Dex. I tried talking to him.”
“It’s okay. I expect nothing different from him. Besides,” Kurt covers Blaine’s hand with his own, “I can spend the night in your bed.”
“You can.” Blaine grins. “Are you sure you can handle what I can give you?”
Kurt’s stomach clenches at the promise Blaine’s voice holds. “I’m ready to try.”
He sits up and climbs into Blaine’s lap after he sits down next to him. Hungrily kissing him, he can’t help but to think that between Dex and him, he got the better deal on this trip to Aspen.
As he kisses Blaine, thrusts his tongue against Blaine’s, he reaches down and pops the button of Blaine’s jeans before shoving his hand inside. He grabs Blaine’s hard, thick cock. Aches to have it inside him.
“Let’s skip dinner,” he suggests.
“Yeah. We can order room service. I want you to fuck me.”
Blaine groans. “Sounds good to me.”
Kurt lets out a small squeal when Blaine stands and tosses him over his shoulder before heading to his room. Tossed on the bed, he is perfectly content and happy to start their night of sex early.
A few hours and a couple rounds of amazing sex later, Kurt watches Blaine as he takes the power nap he suggested. The warmth that blooms and grows inside him is something he’s never felt before. No man has ever come close to making him feel what Blaine makes him feel with a simple look or smile.
He’s fucked. Well and truly fucked. Because he knows with all that he is that he’s in love with his boyfriend’s dad.
He’s in love with Blaine.
It fucking terrifies him to come to that realization. Because this will cause nothing but trouble for everyone.
Kurt pushes that realization down and focuses on the moment. Doesn’t want to ruin this night with Blaine. And when Blaine wakes up and pulls him close, he drowns in the pleasure he gives him to avoid the feelings raging inside him.
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crispyjenkins · 4 years
A third part to the JangObi locked in a cell/ weapons courting if there isn’t one yet. Jango or Boba calling Obi Mandokar. At least I think that’s the word. A Mando’s wet dream basically.
(this one entirely got away from me and i didn't get to Boba actually using the word Mandokar, but both Obi-Wan and Satine know what he's getting at (ノ*゜▽゜*)
again, i do not hate Satine, but I also do not particularly like her! she's clearly got some stuff to work through here >.>
Thank you as always, Roxy!)
  When Jango had told Boba that he'd finally get to see the inside of the Senate Rotunda (legally, this time), Boba hadn't been particularly thrilled. Why should he care about the politics of a Republic neither he nor his buir are a part of?
  Well, Obi-Wan is a part of it, but he also clearly doesn't want to be.
  To put it shortly, Boba hadn't had high expectations for his afternoon, especially since it was preceded by Obi-Wan taking him to Dex's and letting Kote teach him how to use two vibroblades at once. Why couldn't they have just waited by the Slave I for Jango to finish his politicking? 
  He supposes Obi-Wan makes it bearable, taking him on a tour and telling him facts about the building itself, as well as stories from the Sacking of Coruscant, but Boba's good will ends rather abruptly when they run into Kryze and Padmé in one of the main corridors.
  Tense pleasantries are quickly exchanged, and Boba realises they haven't seen Kryze since Jango had helped Obi-Wan save her from Darth Maul; Boba still isn't sure of the details of what happened after, but his buir had been furious. 
  When it takes all of two minutes for Kryze to mockingly call Obi-Wan General Kenobi, Boba shares the kriffing sentiment. 
  Obi-Wan heaves a sigh, and Padmé looks wildly uncomfortable. "My lady, I do not know what you hope to achieve by reiterating your position on the Order’s involvement in the War; I am but one Jedi."
  "A Jedi on the High Council. You are just as implicit in its continuation as the rest," Kryze retorts, and Boba may be thirteen and a little out of his depth with the Politician Speak, but he knows this isn't about the Jedi, or the War. "Do not think you can absolve yourself from fault."
  Boba looks up at Obi-Wan, eager for his witty retort, but he just looks tired, and Boba has to remind himself that Obi-Wan had loved her, once. 
  Padmé smiles apologetically, trying to pull Kryze's focus. "The decisions of the High Council are not made by Obi-Wan alone," she says, even though they all know that isn't really the issue. 
  "You’re right," Kryze agrees, not sounding like she agrees at all, "individual Jedi have absolutely no control over their political participation in needless violence." Boba grinds his teeth as she gives up trying to hide her scowl.
  And Obi-Wan just stands there and takes it, like Boba hasn't seen him talk entire armies out of battle, or fight off both Savage and Maul at once. He hasn't seen Obi-Wan like this since Waxer's death on Cato Neimoidia.
  Obi-Wan sighs again, trying to offer Boba a little smile. "Individuals always have a choice," he says, more to Boba than Kryze. "But preventing the death of millions outweighs our personal beliefs, don't you think?"
  Boba nods firmly as Padmé shifts on her feet, but doesn't disagree; she's certainly seen more battle in this war than Kryze. 
  Kryze who scoffs to hide what must be genuine hurt. Anger is rarely about the thing you're angry with, Boba remembers Lama Su trying to teach him, and he reminds himself that Kryze had loved Obi-Wan once, too. That was the real problem, wasn't it?
  "Back then, you avoided conflict whenever you could," she says, flat and a little sad, "you would always rather go around than force your way through. It saddens me, Obi-Wan, to see what's left of your honor."
  "At least Obi-Wan hasn't murdered an entire half of his people!" Boba snarls, deciding he's quite done listening to this nonsense. 
  "Boba, it's alright," Obi-Wan says softly, but he's also keeping his left arm behind his back, keeping Jango's vambrace out of sight, and Boba is livid.
  "'Gar taldin ni jaonyc,'" he says, because he knows the "Duchess" still understands Mando'a, even if she pretends she doesn't.  Bloodline means nothing. "I don't care who your clan was, or what title you claim to have: until you are ready to die for your people, they are not yours."
  Kryze stares down at him, and Boba can feel Obi-Wan prodding at his mind in question, in an attempt to calm, but Boba shoves him back out. 
  "It's easy to call Obi-Wan a murderer when you're hiding in your glass palace, when you wouldn't know the first thing about defending it. Do not speak of honor until you even know what that is."
  There is a tense beat of silence before Kryze rounds a glare on Obi-Wan. "I would hope you could speak for yourself, if the Senate trusts a third of the Galactic Army in your hands."
  "Satine," Padmé murmurs, glancing at the passing senators who aren't even trying to hide their stares. 
  Obi-Wan’s eyes are colder than Boba has ever seen them, the hand behind him clenched into a fist, and Kryze had known him very well at one point, Boba knows she can read between the lines of Obi-Wan’s blank expression.
  "And I had hoped we had reached an understanding that there was nothing else for us to discuss, my lady. There are only so many times we can beat a dead bantha."
  Kryze sniffs. "You need not show me so much disdain, Obi-Wan: we are not sixteen and foolish anymore." Padmé tries to cut in, but Kryze waves for her silence. "But I agree, I do not think any new peace can be reached here, and you should be getting the child back to his progenitor, no?"
  "Jealous hag," Boba chirps, rocking on the balls of his feet and wondering if she had had dreams of having kids with Obi-Wan. "You didn't deserve Obi-Wan back then, and you certainly don't deserve him now. At the very least, he can separate his feelings from his politics."
  "Boba, please," Obi-Wan sighs, setting a gentle hand on the back of his neck, and Boba gets to watch with a vicious glee the exact moment Kryze sees Jango's vambrace, the only piece of armor Obi-Wan wears, and realises he is far past fraternising with her enemy.
  Padmé puts a hand on Kryze’s arm and gently starts to lead her away. "We should return to the committee, Duchess. And I'm sure Master Kenobi has his own business to attend to."
  "Of course," Kryze agrees icily, and actually returns Obi-Wan’s nod of farewell; she barely spares Boba a glance, though he smiles innocently up at her and mutters,
  "Demagulka," just loud enough for her to hear.
  Obi-Wan casts him a stern look, but luckily doesn't get the chance to scold him further, when Padmé quickly returns without Kryze and looks harried enough for all three of them. 
  "I'm sorry, Obi-Wan," she says, hushed in the still rather busy hall, "You did not deserve that."
  "That's quite alright, my dear," Obi-Wan is quick to say, and smiles at his friend. "I'm afraid I'm quite used to such treatment, though perhaps not so... publicly."
  "I don't know if I've ever seen you in the Rotunda without the council, and I highly doubt you came all this way just to butt heads with the Duchess. What are you doing here?"
  "Ah, that would be this one's fault," he says, Boba yelping as Obi-Wan sticks his hand into his curls and tousles them roughly. He only smiles down at him when Boba growls and grabs onto his arm, and though he knows Obi-Wan could easily lift him like this, the Jedi would never do so here.
  "It was Boba, yes?" Padmé asks kindly, folding her hands in front of her. "What brings you to the Rotunda?'
  "Buir said he was meeting someone," he scrunches up his face. "But we're leaving right after so Obi-Wan was watching me and brought me over to meet him."
  Padmé’s smile only slips a little, looking back to Obi-Wan. "Fett's meeting someone?" she asks, even quieter, "Here?"
  "It is perhaps not my place to speak of it, we are still in the very early stages," he says mysteriously, tugging Boba around to lean against his front, arms draped over Boba's shoulders as if trying to make up for Jango’s resistance to public displays of affection. Grumbling, Boba still lets himself be held there, and meets every stare from passing politicians with a glare. "When we get a little further along, I would very much like to speak with the Delegation of 2,000."
  Bemused but not particularly surprised, Padmé shakes her head. "Of course, Obi-Wan. Are we to see you on Coruscant more often, then?"
  Obi-Wan winces and holds Boba a little closer. "The 212th is coming off leave at the end of the tenday, I'm afraid. And of course Jango and Boba will be returning to Mandalorian space."
  Padmé looks over Obi-Wan’s shoulder, smile becoming strained but not quite unfriendly. "Speak the name of the Dianoga," she sighs.
  Boba wriggles to look behind them and immediately perks up. "Buir!"
  Jango pauses on his path for the elevators, turning instead towards Boba's voice; the lines of his face soften at the sight of them, joining them after an encouraging finger-flick from Obi-Wan. 
  "Senator Amidala," he greets with a nod, and Boba thinks his buir actually likes Padmé, but won't admit it because Obi-Wan would never let him hear the end of it.
  "Mr. Fett," she returns, shaking his hand firmly like any good Mando. "Although, if my suspicions about your presence here are correct, I will be adjusting my term of address in the near future?"
  Letting Boba latch onto his side like a Corellian limpet, Jango raises a brow at Obi-Wan. "Haat'ade do not change their clan names at marriage," he says, Boba rolling his eyes at his buir's failed attempt at humor, and Obi-Wan rubs his eyes with one hand. 
  "Jango," he sighs, Padmé looking like Lifeday came early. 
  "Obi-Wan, you hadn't told me the Council had approved your request," she plays along, "When can I expect an invitation?"
  "After I'm done with him, never."
  "Now, cyar’ika," Jango chides, "it's best not to publicly threaten your–" 
  "Finish that sentence, and I'll have Anakin steal the Slave I," Obi-Wan says it into his hand, but Boba can see the edges of a smile. "Padmé, please don't encourage him, he'll be insufferable after this."
  Padmé casts a quick wink down to Boba. "You best tell Anakin next, if he's the last to know, he'll be whining for weeks."
  Jango brushes his fingers over Obi-Wan’s back like a sap, and his smile is even worse. Maker, Boba loves the both of them, but no one should look as smitten as his buir does any time Obi-Wan threatens him. "I don't know how we're going to fit your entire family on Concord Dawn, or all the kids." 
  "You mean the vode? Buir, I think Obi has more people on the Negotiator than have ever even lived on Concord Dawn."
  "Why in Corellian Hells would I agree to have it on Concord Dawn?" Obi-Wan wants to know. "Maker, but this entire conversation is ridiculous."
  Padmé tilts her head with a small hum, expression entirely too innocent. "Didn't you agree to marry Anakin on Tatooine for the one mission with the three-lekku Twi'lek and their five footed goa–"
  "Yes, THANK YOU, my dear, that's quite enough of that."
  Jango looks put-out, just short of an actual pout, and Boba wriggles against him in embarrassment. "You didn't tell me about that mission," Jango says, feigning hurt.
  Obi-Wan side-eyes him, and only gets a smile for his trouble. "You know," Obi-Wan starts casually, but with a mischievous twinkle in his eye that has only ever meant great deals of fun for Boba, "by Stewjoni rites, we're already married."
 Jango chokes on nothing, and Boba wonders if he'd even known where Obi-Wan was from. He should probably tell his buir he's already met Obi-Wan's grandparents.
Mando’a: buir — “parent”, gender neutral Demagulka — (from mandoa.org) “someone who commits atrocties, a real-life monster, a war criminal - from the notorious Mandalorian scientist of the Old Republic, Demagol, known for his experiments on children, and a figure of hate and dread in the Mando psyche” Haat’ade — slang for Haat Mando’ade, lit. “true children of Mandalore”, True Mandalorians cyar’ika — “darling”, “sweetheart”
*“Gar taldin ni jaonyc” from the full phrase “Gar taldin ni jaonyc; gar sa buir, ori'wadaas'la,” lit. “Bloodline is not important, but you as a [parent] [is] the most valuable thing”,  used in the context of not judging someone by their lineage (blood or not) but by their own actions as a parent. I’ve used it here as Boba both calling Satine “dar’manda” and calling out her hypocrisy in criticising Obi-Wan/the Jedi from her ivory tower when she is a Kalevalen imperialist ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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grailfinders · 3 years
Fate and Phantasms #171
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Today on Fate and Phantasms we’re making the Berserker of El Dorado, a.k.a. the CEO of Amazones, a.k.a. yet another reason why Type Moon should stop designing teenage characters. Like several other servants from Agartha her true name is hidden when you meet her, so expect spoilers below the break.
Check out her build breakdown below the cut, or her character sheet over here!
Next up: The reason they call him that is because you have to resist punching him in the face.
Penthesilea, queen of the Amazons, is a Zealot Barbarian for a whole lot of anger issues and godly boons.
Race and Background
Penth’s the daughter of a god and also fuckign terrifying, so that’s why she’s a Fallen Aasimar. When she fell she got +1 Strength and +2 Charisma, as well as Darkvision which explains the black sclera, Celestial Resistance to radiant and necrotic damage, Healing Hands to keep her golden body in top condition, and the Light Bearer cantrip. Your weapons are glowy, this’ll take care of that for now.
You’re queen, but a queen of the amazons, so modify that Noble background to get History and Intimidation proficiency.
Ability Scores
If you want to be the daughter of a war god you’d better be able to war good, so make sure your Strength is as high as possible. Your Dexterity also better be good, I know jumping is strength-based, but running around in half a suit of armor is dex based. It definitely doesn’t look like armor, but it’s spiked, and a +2 to dexterity will let you use medium armor efficiently. After that is Charisma, you’re a shrewd businesswoman and also fucking terrifying for anyone vaguely greek. Your Wisdom’s also pretty solid, you’re good at sniffing out Achilles, and you’ve got an even keener business sense. Constitution isn’t that solid, you’re kind of a glass cannon, but you’re still pretty solid. Finally, dump Intelligence. Half the time you’re a raging ball of teeth and spikes, the other half you’re a CEO. Neither of those make me want to put much faith in your smarts.
Class Levels
1. First level barbarians start of strong (pun intended) with Rage, beefing up as a bonus action for advantage on strength checks & saves, damage resistance, and a bonus to attack damage. You also get Unarmored Defense, making running around in that outfit a slightly less bad idea. Or it would, if your constitution modifier wasn’t +0.
You also get proficiency with Strength and Constitution saves, as well as two barbarian skills. Athletics because you’re literally an amazon, and Perception to help you find that damnable greek hero.
2. At second level, your Reckless Attacks will help you pierce through that jerk’s magic skin, giving you advantage on all attacks for the round, at the cost of taking attacks at advantage. To be fair, your AC’s probably like 12 right now, so it’s not like it makes him more likely to hit you.
You also get a Danger Sense, giving you advantage on dexterity saves you can see coming, like a fireball. Or a giant careening chariot. Either or.
3. Your brand new Primal Knowledge gives you proficiency with Survival. It’s a dog eat dog world, and now you know how to cook that dog. You also get a Necrotic Shroud as a bonus action, adding necrotic damage to your attacks once per turn for a minute and when you transform you scare the crap out of people nearby if they fail a charisma save. You can transform once per long rest.
On top of your divine blood activating this level, your divine blood activates this level, making you a Zealot barbarian. Your Divine Fury adds even more damage to your attacks once per turn while raging. Pick either necrotic or radiant damage, I’m not your mother, it’s your choice. You also become a Warrior of the Gods, so now reviving you doesn’t cost money. You don’t have a guts skill, so this’ll come in handy.
4. Use your first Ability Score Improvement to become a Dual Wielder, letting you attack with both sides of that giant mace thing using your bonus action. It also gives you +1 AC while dual wielding, that’s nice. Some barbarians have to die to attack with a bonus action, and you got it as a feat.
5. If you want to attack even more, Extra Attack lets you attack twice with your action, so now you can attack three times per turn. Your Fast Movement also adds 10 feet to your movement speed to catch up to that carrot.
6. Your Fanatical Focus lets you re-roll a failed save once per rage. Your golden rule means it’s hard to mess with your body, and this will help with that.
7. Seventh level barbarians get a Feral Instinct, giving you advantage on initiative checks. You can also ignore being surprised if you rage immediately on the first turn of combat. You also get an Instinctive Pounce, moving half your speed when you start a rage. Your rival is basically a manic the hedgehog humansona, so you’ve got to be able to keep up.
8. Use this ASI to bump up your Strength for more damaging and accurate attacks.
9. Ninth level barbs get Brutal Criticals, giving you an extra die of damage when you deal critical hits. Shockingly, giant metal balls hurt when slammed into people. Wild.
10. Tenth level zealots have a Zealous Presence, spending a bonus action once per long rest to inspire nearby creatures to get advantage on attack rolls and saves until your next turn.
11: Eleventh level barbarians get a Relentless Rage to avoid death while raging. If you pass a DC 10 constitution save, you drop to 1 hp instead of 0 and the DC goes up by 5. When you finish a short rest, it goes back to 0. I guess you do have a guts skill after all.
12. Use this ASI to grab the Mobile feat for even more movement speed and the ability to ignore difficult terrain and opportunity attacks. Achilles is really going to have to step his game up here.
13. Another level, another Brutal Critical, making your critical hits even more brutal. Don’t really have a joke for this one, it’s pretty self-explanatory.
14. Fourteenth level zealots can Rage Beyond Death, meaning you can’t die until you stop raging. Damage that takes you to 0 hp still starts the death save train a-rolling, but you don’t die until your rage ends, and even then only if you’re still at 0 hp. It’s a good thing you don’t have the ability to heal yourself right before your rage ends, or that would be busted. Wait...
15. Fifteenth level berserkers get a Persistent Rage, so now your rage only ends if you want it to, or if time runs out, making you immortal for a full minute of combat. Or until someone casts Sleep, a first level spell.
16. For this ASI we’re getting a little experimental with Flail Mastery, a feat from an old Unearthed Arcana. Technically it only applies to flails, but if you can convince your DM to use UA this old you can probably convince him to extend the definition to morningstars too. Anyway, you get +1 to attack rolls, can use your bonus action to negate a shield’s defenses on your attacks for the turn, and your opportunity attacks force a strength save, on a failure the creature gets knocked prone, which eats up half their movement. Not a big deal for a halfling, very big deal for Achilles.
17. Did somebody say Brutal Critical? I did, just now. Speaking of, you get another one of those, meaning your critical hits now deal double the amount of dice plus three extra.
18. Your Indomitable Might means all your strength checks are now at least your strength score, which is pretty freaking good. It’d be even better if we could bump that up higher though...
19. Your last ASI is going towards your str- no, sorry, it’s another feat, now you’re Menacing. This rounds out your Charisma, doubles your proficiency in Intimidation, and you can replace one attack from your action with a contested Intimidation v Insight check against a humanoid. If you succeed, the target is frightened for a turn. Really we’ve just been giving you better versions of the Berserker class features. Shame we couldn’t get that strength up one last time though.
20. Just kidding! Primal Champions get +4 to their strength and Constitution, and your maximum for both scores increases by the same amount so you don’t have to worry about capping out. You also get unlimited rages, so just pop a new one whenever the old one’s about to run out.
Your race, plus all those feats you took, give you a lot of options in the middle of combat, even while raging. You can heal yourself, scare people, attack... okay, it’s three things, but that’s two things more than most berserkers.
By the end of the build, you have unlimited rages, and you can’t die while raging. Tack on your healing hands at the end of a battle, and you’re effectively immortal to anyone not packing Sleep. It’s a first level spell, so a lot of people will be packing it, but by the time this combo comes together most people will be using 9th level spells, so they’ll probably overlook it.
You’re also pretty speedy, even compared to other barbarians. 50′ of movement speed and the ability to ignore difficult terrain will make it hard for your to get space between you and it. Even moreso when your opportunity attacks knock it flat on its ass.
Before you become an immortal rage machine, you’re pretty squishy thanks to your low constitution score. I mean, squishy compared to other barbarians. You’re still rocking almost 200 HP and rage protection, but it means you’re not quite as tanky as Herc. Until you hit level 20.
We picked up a lot of Feats in this build, so that’s a good part of the reason why your ability scores are so low compared to other builds. Your fighting style only cares about strength and charisma, but if you get in a business meeting you can’t scare your way out of you’re going to have a rough time.
You have absolutely no way of dealing magical damage. You might be able to eke out some chip damage with Divine Fury and Necrotic Shroud, but if you go up against something with resistance or immunity to nonmagical weapons you’re going to have a bad time. It’s lucky you’re not super pissed at someone who literally has that as their defining feature, huh?
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obiwanobi · 4 years
Ok ok but Clem, hear me, I need to share my personal Obi-Wan gets out release some steam in the lower levels of Coruscant but instead of stripping or raving at club, he gets into clandestine fistfights. He just goes all fight club on who wants to get punched in the face. Once, Anakin follows him in secret and find him his nose bloody, bare torso glistening with oil like a gladiator and dozens of fans screaming his (fake) name. He whites out instantely.
THIS IS WHY I’M HERE FOR I wanted to write like 2 paragraphs but then I got really into it, so here’s Anakin going from “time to laugh at my boring old master who I’m definitely not obsessed with” to “ANYWAY denial time’s over, I need him to pin me to the ground in front of everyone immediately”:
It takes fifteen minutes after landing on Coruscant for Anakin to decide that it’s time to bother Obi-Wan. For once, it’s not a decision on a whim, despite the carefree way he announces it to Rex before leaving his troops and ship in the hangar. The Force guides him through the halls and corridors toward the warm and familiar presence of his former master, but Anakin isn’t surprised to feel him preoccupied. 
Obi-Wan has been stuck in the Temple for the past four months.
Because of some careless planning, he was unlucky enough to be on Coruscant when Yoda realised that he was the only council member not currently swamped in various missions off-world. Since it was an unspoken rule that at least a few Council members should always be at the Temple, Obi-Wan has been asked to put his missions in the field on hold, and dedicate his time to represent the Council, until more of its members come back.  
Since then, Anakin has only seen him through holotransmitters for official briefings and reports. The artificial blue lights haven’t hidden the creases between his eyebrows and the twitch of his hands when Anakin raised the topic of his time away from the front, telling him all he needed to know about how Obi-Wan felt about being stranded on Coruscant to do paperwork all day or act as the face of the Jedi Order in the Senate.
Now that he can finally see him in the flesh, it feels natural to seek out Obi-Wan, poke at his poor master and laugh at his concealed misery. There was no doubt that Obi-Wan always brilliantly plays the role of a calm and serene Jedi Master, but Anakin hasn’t spent more than ten years around him without catching on the fact that at heart, he’s still a man of actions who needs some excitement and tangible problems to solve before he grows bored.
Anakin isn’t surprised to find him in the middle of various maps, datapad in hand and pointing something on a holotable at another Jedi. What does surprise him, after a few minutes of waiting for them to be done and the Jedi to go away, is that Obi-Wan is not putting any weight on his left leg. It’s the most subtle of change, probably undetectable to anyone else but someone who has spent so much time watching the way Obi-Wan walks and moves and carries himself. But it’s there. 
“Oh, that?” Obi-Wan says almost like he hasn’t noticed, after Anakin didn’t even bother with a ‘hello’. “A knight asked me for some hand-to-hand training sessions. Since I’m to stay at the Temple for an indefinite period of time, I can at least be useful to others. He didn’t go easy on your old master, that’s for sure,” he quietly laughs, and Anakin will be annoyed at himself later for not noticing the clear bait.
But for now, it’s the perfect opportunity to make fun of him, saying that old men like him should pay more attention to their health, and “be careful Obi-Wan, you’re already part of the Council and drink your tisane before going to bed at 2200, you can’t be going around holding your back and complaining about young people or I’ll start mistaking you with Master Yoda!”
A datapad comes flying at his head and it only makes him laugh harder.
Anakin starts to become suspicious two weeks later.
He arrives in the middle of the night from an exhausting mission in the inmost depths of the mid-rim, and his feet take him directly to Obi-Wan’s quarters. it’s closer than his anyway, and he knows Obi-Wan keeps his old room just the way he left it. If he’s being honest, he should also admit that he spends half of his time there instead of his own quarters. It’s just a question of being used to it, he thinks as he lets himself fall on his old bed. And here at least, he knows he will find the bed made and a cup fo caf waiting for him in the morning. Plus, there is nothing more comforting than the feeling of slipping between fresh sheets and the smell of the familiar citrus detergent, unchanged since his childhood. He should really ask Obi-Wan which one he uses. 
When he opens the fresher’s door the next morning to brush his teeth, he barely notices that Obi-Wan is already taking a shower, complaining about sacred personal space and unruly boys who never learnt common courtesy like not leaving their muddy boots in the living room or barging in occupied freshers behind the curtain. Nothing out of the ordinary, until Obi-Wan comes out with a towel high on his hips, but not high enough to hide the large bacta patch on his back and shoulder. 
“Wha-” Anakin tries to ask between toothbrush and toothpaste, but Obi-Wan is already out of the room, and even outside their quarters with a hurried goodbye when Anakin finishes brushing his teeth. 
Anakin starts to get annoyed when he comes back from Corellia a week later and Madame Nu catches him near the entrance of the library. 
“Please come get your master,” she sighs with a hand grabbing his arm, already dragging him in with unexpected strength. “I don’t know what he’s trying to do, but this is getting ridiculous.”
The ‘not my master anymore’ is still on his tongue when she makes an exasperated sign to a corner of the library where he finds Obi-Wan seated at a table, chin on his hand and head bowed toward a screen.
Anakin barely contains his giggle long enough to take a holo and send it to Ahsoka. He takes another one then, closer, focusing on the way the late afternoon sun catches his hair, his beard and his lashes, enfolding Obi-Wan in its warm golden light. Focusing on his peaceful expression. 
 He saves this one for himself. 
Reluctant to disturb him, he allows himself a few more minutes of fondness and gentle affection in front of the scene before putting his hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder, and shaking it gently. The wince and sudden jerk he gets as a result surprise him, before he remembers the flash of a bacta patch in the fresher a week ago. 
“'N’kin? You’re already back?” Obi-wan mumbles, straightening himself with difficulty on his chair. 
“Yes, just arrived a few minutes ago.”
 “What are you doing in the library?” He asks in a light tone. Something cracks, and his hand makes an aborted move toward his shoulder before thinking better of it. “I thought you would only come back this far in the economy section under death threats.”
This time, Anakin doesn’t take the bait. 
“You’re still hurt. Are you going to tell me which knight beat you up and apparently kept you up all night?”
The words have barely left his mouth when he realises the double meaning of his question and there are suddenly a dozen images in his mind and- No no no, it can’t be- Obi-Wan would never... Well, he would. But not this way, not the- Hand-to-hand training? With another knight? Every time Anakin leaves for a certain period of time, when no one will notice if Anakin’s not here? Being so tired that he’s sleeping in the middle of the library? The bacta patch? To get this, that would have- Oh, that would be a sight to- NO, no, this is definitely not it, Anakin has to believe it, or he will lose his mind right there. 
“A knight?” Obi-Wan asks, apparently still too drowsy to sense Anakin’s inner meltdown. He stretches his arms, and Anakin grows even more confused when he realises that his knuckles are scraped. “What are you talking about?” 
 “The- The one you’re training?”
Something passes in Obi-Wan’s eyes and he puts his hands in his sleeves just a little too quickly to look natural. 
“Ah, yes, the knight. Yes, he- we, we’re still having sessions now and then. Good to stay in shape, you know. Now, since you’re back, what do you say about dinner? I’m paying for Dex’s takeout if you go get it.” 
Anakin doesn’t feel focused enough to harass him about his flimsy explanation or tease him about taking a nap in the library. There are way too many incriminating images in his mind he needs to get rid of first. 
The next time he comes back to the Temple after a few days trapped in negotiations with neutral planets, he doesn’t comm anyone and is careful not to let Obi-Wan knows he’s here. He sends R2 and one of his droid pal to stand close to Obi-Wan’s door, and then, he waits. No one pays attention to droids, and most people forget that they have cameras that can be turned on at any point in time, if you ask nicely. It doesn’t take long. At 2240, R2 sends an alert to his comm. He gets his robe, shields himself heavily in the Force, and starts following Obi-Wan.
Anakin really, really doesn’t expect his former master, his “remember that wherever you go, you represent the whole Jedi Order, Anakin, so act accordingly” master, to make his way to the bars and clubs district of the lower levels through hidden shortcuts, bypass cameras and security officers like he’s done it all his life, and knocks at a durasteel door full of graffitis in a language Anakin can’t read.
Definitely not meeting a Jedi knight for regular hand-to-hand training. 
Under his hood, Obi-Wan nods at the Twi’lek who opens the door for him. Anakin lets a few minutes pass before making his way to it. It takes him a heavy mind suggestion to get her to let him in, and when he walks through the door, his heart suddenly starts beating faster in anticipation of what shameful secret he’s going to find.
The thought of seeing Obi-Wan sprawled on a couch of a hidden club with a harem of girls around him crosses his mind, and it twists something he usually tries to ignore in his stomach. It’s not Obi-Wan’s style, it’s so far from everything he knows about his master, but his mind won’t stop entertaining the most insane possibilities of what he does when he’s stuck without Anakin at the Temple and bored by meaningless paperwork. He wouldn’t have imagined Obi-Wan doing anything else but meditate to release tension, but here he is, in the worst part of the whole planet. So what’s next to come?
His throat is already dry, but it’s even harder to swallow when he imagines Obi-Wan letting himself be lead to a private alcove by one of these imaginary girls.
Or boys.
Anakin suddenly thinks that there is no way he’s going to handle this whole thing well.  Whatever he will find will make the effect of betrayal, and he’s not certain why. But Anakin is also convinced that he will be restless and unable to sleep for the rest of his life if he doesn’t get answers. He needs to see, to understand, to know everything about Obi-Wan, even the things he apparently doesn’t want to share. It’s selfish and unkind to his master who has always made a point of respecting his privacy and was probably way too lenient with him during his apprenticeship. He knows that. Now that Anakin has a padawan of his own, he’s fully conscious about all the things Obi-Wan let him get away with for years. He knows. 
But there is something about him that Anakin can’t let go, will probably never be able to let go, that makes Anakin greedy. Demanding. Needy. A poor example of a Jedi that his master would be ashamed of, especially for being the source of it. 
 Anakin refuses to think about it for too long. 
The arena is a distracting surprise.
All of a sudden, he’s pushed in the middle of a crowd, unbalanced by the music, the loud cheers, the flashing lights, the Togruta yelling into a mic, the bell ringing and the thunderous applause all around. No one pays attention to him, way too engrossed in what’s happening in the centre of all this agitation, a few meters down from Anakin’s position.
Nothing could have prepared him for watching the two fighters in the centre of the arena. 
One of the men, the largest one, is face down on the red sand, clearly defeated for the night. Anakin barely notices him, because above him, rubbing his knuckles against his bloody nose before raising it in a universal sign of victory, is Obi-Wan Kenobi.
Polite, well-mannered Obi-Wan, who once lectured Anakin for ten minutes because he walked on a nice carpet with his boots on, is now bare-chested in front of a rowdy crowd roaring at him- no, for him. He’s sweating, cheeks, knees and hands covered in sand and exhibiting massive bruises on his ribs and his shoulder. The wide smile on his face says enough about what he thinks about it. 
When Anakin thinks that he will never truly recover all parts of his brain from seeing Obi-Wan’s muscles gleaming with oil and sweat under the artificial lights, he realises that people are chanting his name. Well, nickname. Even with the deafening sound of his blood pumping in his ears like he’s the one fighting in the middle of the arena, Anakin can’t stop himself from scoffing. How can Obi-Wan get into illegal street fighting in the lowest levels of Coruscant and choose to call himself Ben? At least some of his boring master’s choices don’t surprise him. 
It's not the first time he's watching Obi-Wan fighting with nothing else than his fists. It was even quite common when his master was teaching him how to defend himself, when Anakin was still a young padawan. But Obi-Wan was always so proper about it. Focused on the fastest and most efficient way to get the upper hand without maiming his opponent. The picture of calm and serenity, even while throwing his padawan down on the mat to teach him an important lesson about self-defence. Rarely a strand of hair out of place.
But here? Here it's nothing like the impassive and soft-spoken Jedi Master who doesn’t even seem to sweat in the training room of the Temple. Here, it's a fascinating grin on his face, bloody knuckles in the air, adrenaline and flashing lights painting his red hair a shade too wild. It's a violent and brutal show for glory and entertainment, and it suits Obi-Wan like nothing else before.
Anakin has never wanted to be slammed down in the sand so badly in his life. 
The crowd around him suddenly goes quiet, and it takes Anakin a second to realise it’s because Obi-Wan asked for it with a simple hand raised. There is something fascinating in watching all these strangers obeying him so promptly, eagerly waiting for a word from him, when Anakin can still remember all the times he cut Obi-Wan off in one of his tedious lectures. 
The whole arena holds its breath, and Obi-Wan takes a few seconds to enjoy it. 
“Next!” He finally yells, and the crowd yells back in delight. 
Anakin needs to gather his thoughts. Or what's left of them anyway. Unfortunately, Obi-Wan dodging the punches of his new opponent with a flourish, parrying and making an acrobatic show of throwing him over his shoulders on the ground just for the crowd’s enjoyment is more than distracting. Despite the blood on his face, the bruises, the dishevelled hair and the sand sticking to his torso because of the sweat, Obi-Wan hasn’t looked this carefree since the beginning of the war, and Anakin can’t look away. 
 He can’t decide if he’s content to simply be mesmerized by the whole thing, thrilled to be able to admire Obi-Wan being this bold, almost smug, from far away, where his clear feeling of want doesn’t have to be ignored right away, or angry at him for putting himself in danger for no reason when he’s taking enough risks as it is fighting a war. For once, Anakin is tempted to be the voice of reason for the two of them.
It doesn’t last long.
A minute after the commentator enthusiastically yells into her mic Ben’s victory, a bell still ringing in celebration, Anakin has already made his way to a little booth away from the show, where a bored Kiffar asks him what he wants. Anakin licks his lips, and can’t help feeling like he’s a young padawan again, giddy with excitement and vibrating with anticipation. 
“How much to join?” he asks, but doesn’t let him time to answer before adding, pointing to the arena, “How much to fight him?” 
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atelier-dayz · 4 years
I wish you would write a fic where Anakin accidentally interrupts a date Obi-Wan's on and doesn't realize it until after he leaves them
Yeees ehehehe I had fun with this one. Hope you enjoy this too!
Anakin needs Obi-Wan's help. 
Anakin really needs Obi-Wan's help. 
His Galactic History homework is due in only two hours, and he's barely started it. He’s already in deep Bantha poodoo in the class. He'll take another lecture from Obi-wan if it means avoiding having to take the class all over again. 
But Anakin runs into another problem. Obi-wan isn't anywhere in the temple. Which doesn't make sense, since he makes sure Anakin knows if he leaves for a solo mission or anything like that. And yet, Obi-wan isn't in their apartment, or the Archives, or even the planetarium. Anakin searches the entire Room of a Thousand Fountains, and yet, no Obi-wan. 
Eventually he’s desperate enough to venture down to the Aquatic Levels Tunnel. He might have learned to swim now, but that doesn't mean having all that water around him with only transparisteel separating it from him doesn't make him a little nervous -- not that he shows it, of course. 
But unfortunately, Obi-wan isn't there either. 
"Anakin, what's wrong?" He turns to see Bant floating in the water on the other side of the glass from him.
"I'm looking for Obi-wan," he says. "I can’t find him, and he's not answering his comm!"
Bant tilts her head. "Don't you remember? He mentioned this morning he would be at Dex's for a long lunch today."
"Umm." Anakin thinks back to breakfast and remembers goofing off with Aayla and  Obi-wan saying something about Dex's that he definitely hadn't been paying attention to. 
Bant gives him a knowing look and grins. "Well, he should be at Dex's if you really need him. Anything I could help with though?" Bant asks.
Anakin quickly shakes his head. "No, thank you! I'll go find Obi-wan!" He waves to her before running off, glad to be leaving the Aquatic Levels. 
He heads straight for Dex’s diner, absently waving hello to Dex and FLO before looking around the room for Obi-wan. 
“Obi-wan!” he cries, finding his master seated in one of the corner booths almost tucked out of sight. Anakin slides into the seat across the table from him, ignores Obi-wan’s exasperated “Anakin!” and practically flings his datapad at his master. “I need help in Galactic History, and this is due in one hour, and you know I’m awful at it,” he says. “You have to help me, Obi-wan! You’re my only hope![1]”
He doesn’t even realize there’s someone sitting next to Obi-wan until the man, a stranger, pulls the datapad closer and, with a contemplative hum, starts answering the questions:
“The B’ankor Refuge was created because...the B’ankora’s planet was destroyed by a cataclysmic meteor collision in 869 Ruus.
“In 876 Ruus, the Senate declared the Outer Rim Territories...a free-trade zone exempt from taxation. 
The Diktat became the head of state for Corellia when…the monarchy was overthrown by a coalition of corporations in --.”
“Wait! Wait! Wait a second!” Anakin interrupts, snatching the datapad back from the man. He starts entering in the answers. "Okay, meteor collision in 869 Ruus...free-trade zone tax exemption... coalition of corporations in...what year?"
"850 Ruus," the man says readily. 
"Anakin," Obi-wan chides him, but Anakin ignores him, recording the date. "Jango, you really don't have to help him. If he'd done the readings for the week, he wouldn't be in this situation."
"I don't mind," the man said. "I've always wondered what they're teaching you Jedi."
"Okay, in 808 Ruus, what happened to the Fere?" Anakin asks.
"Wiped out by plague," Jango answers as Obi-wan sighs loudly but settles back in his seat, clearly resigned. 
Anakin takes full advantage of that, asking, "Okay, why did the Tarasin revolt happen?"
The next twenty minutes go by with Anakin reading off questions and Jango answering them, Obi-wan interjecting here and there for the more Jedi-specific topics. Between the two of them, Anakin finishes his assignment in what is honestly record time. 
“And...done!” he exclaims, saving and sending off the assignment with a good thirty minutes to spare. He looks at the time and hops out of the booth. “I have to get to class! Thank you for your help, sir! See you later, Obi-wan!” 
He runs off before they can say anything, though he’s sure Obi-wan plans to give him an excruciatingly long lecture in the evening, not just on procrastinating but on good manners. 
Anakin makes it almost into the Temple before he realizes that Obi-wan had been on a lunch date. He had interrupted a lunch date. That had definitely been an arm around Obi-wan’s waist. Obi-wan had definitely been leaning subtly against Jango. 
He nearly trips down the stairs in front of the Temple.
He doesn’t know what to focus on. Obi-wan on a lunch date? Obi-wan dating? Obi-wan apparently dating one person -- this Jango -- for a while? Obi-wan with a--a--significant other? Obi-wan openly cuddling with someone -- in public? He interrupted Obi-wan’s date? With homework?
He feels like a droid with its programming stuck in an infinite loop[2], questions going round and round inside his head and freezing him in his steps.
He does not make it to class on time.
[1] I could not resist.
[2] Ah good old flashbacks to learning to code in high school...
I had to trawl through the Canon and Legends timelines for material here.
Also, Anakin and his tunnel vision LOOOOL
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tigerkirby215 · 3 years
5e Fluttershy, the Element of Kindness build (My Little Pony: FIM)
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(Artwork by SophiesPlushies on DeviantArt.)
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Like, it took me a solid 5 minutes to find the first image in this post and I had to sift through so much softcore porn to find it. I didn’t even find it by searching DeviantArt I had to go on fucking derpibooru oh my lord.
Anyways: here’s another shit brony build because people don’t hate me enough! Well that and I do genuinely love the characters from My Little Pony, and think that they’d be fun to make builds for. But feel free to call me a garbage brony at your leisure.
These are the words of a man who has been beaten down after being a brony for around 10 years.
I'm just good with animals - Fluttershy talks to animals. That’s one of the main things she does really.
I'm doing this because you're my very best friend - As the element of kindness we of course need to share our heart and soul with our friends.
Nopony pushes new Fluttershy around! - MLP Wiki makes an express point of mentioning The Stare in Fluttershy’s powers, so of course we’ll do our best to include that.
Before you say anything no I’m not a pegasi stan just because I did both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash. Regardless Aaracokra still makes the most sense for Fluttershy unfortunately because there’s few bird races and fewer flying races.
As an Aaracokra you +2 to Dexterity and +1 to Wisdom which we’ll be keeping because I don’t know if your DM will allow Tasha’s rules. You also get 50 feet of Flight but you can’t be wearing Medium or Heavy Armor to do this, which means I don’t get to say “something something Medium Armor.” And finally you can buck someone to deal damage equal to a d4 plus your Strength; technically their Talons which deal slashing damage but feel free to view them however you want.
If I was to build Fluttershy I’d honestly use the Owlfolk UA race (which will hopefully be out in Wild Beyond the Witchlight and / or Strixhaven) for a multitude of reasons, the most notable of which being the fact that you can fly with Medium armor as an Owlfolk. But the Detect Magic Ritual ability is also nice as is the reaction to stop yourself from falling. Unfortunately Aaracokra technically made more sense since Fluttershy can’t detect magic.
Basically even I have to make choices which are suboptimal in order to ensure maximum roleplay, and even when I play my builds I change them to make them better to play.
15; WISDOM - You are compassionate and good with animals: both those things are Wisdom skills!
14; DEXTERITY - Since I can’t go “something something medium armor” for this build (yay Aaracokra) I guess getting a 16 in DEX thanks to your race is a good call. If playing an Owlfolk or something you can afford to having 14 total in DEX, as you can then wear medium armor.
13; CONSTITUTION - Look, roleplay stats are great and all but so is not dying.
12; CHARISMA - You are cute small pony... bird... Pony-bird...
10; INTELLIGENCE - Most of your time was spent taking care of animals and most of your knowledge comes from on-hand training as opposed to studying. Basically you’re not Twilight.
8; STRENGTH - As a young filly Rainbow Dash would do most of the heavy lifting for you. As a young mare Rainbow Dash still does most the heavy lifting for you. She is a Barbarian after all!
Most ponies know to come to you if their pets are in trouble, and if you’ve ever had pets you know the doctor that helps them is a true Folk Hero. As a Folk Hero you get proficiency in Animal Handling (yay) but I’d swap the Survival proficiency out for Stealth because well... you’re very good at hiding. You also get proficiency with Land Vehicles (most Land Vehicles in D&D are controlled by animals; usually horses! Wait... aren’t you a horse?) and an Artisan’s Tool of your choice: go for Carpenter’s Tools to make some bird houses and chicken coops!
After living in Ponyville for so long most ponies are willing to give you some Rustic Hospitality, giving you a warm place to rest and recover... as long as you can get over your crippling shyness! Eep!
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(Artwork by probablyfakeblonde on DeviantArt.)
Starting off as a Cleric because I thought Wisdom and Charisma saves were more fitting for Fluttershy, and for the Insight and Medicine skill proficiencies.
As a Cleric you get to choose your subclass at level 1, and there’s nothing you love more than a little bit of Peace and quiet. As a Peace Cleric you get proficiency in Performance thanks to Implement of Peace, for those great MLP song numbers. But more importantly you can call on the power of friendship for an Emboldening Bond!
As an action, you choose a number of friends within 30 feet of you (this can include yourself) equal to your proficiency bonus. Your friendship bonds them together for 10 minutes or until you use this feature again. While any bonded creature is within 30 feet of another they get a d4 they can add to an attack roll, ability check, or saving throw once per turn. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and you regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
And finally we can talk about the Spellcasting! You get three cantrips from the Cleric list at level 1: Guidance is always welcome among friends, and Spare the Dying can be a literal life safer! Other than that you are still expected to fight in D&D so take Sacred Flame to defend yourself. You can also prepare a number of spells equal to your Cleric level plus your Wisdom modifier. As a Peace Domain Cleric you can inspire Heroism among your friends, or protect yourself (and hide!) with Sanctuary.
Other than that Healing Word is a staple healing spell (we aren’t taking Cure Wounds right now for reasons but feel free to prepare it), Shield of Faith will let you defend your allies, Protection from Evil and Good will help you invoke the Elements of Harmony against the big bad of the season, and Detect Evil and Good will help you find the Elements of Harmony!
You could also take Bless, but I’m not going to tell you to take Bless because optimizers would crucify me for telling you to double up on d4s.
Second level Clerics get their Channel Divinity once per short rest and you have a variety of options to choose from:
Turn Undead will make skeletons and zombies not want to hurt the cute little ponies, which will force them to run away for awhile.
Balm of Peace (the main reason we took the second level in Cleric) will let you run around and heal all your friends for 2d6 plus your Wisdom modifier.
And Harness Divine Power (ty Tasha’s) will let you recover a spell slot, but can only be used a limited amount of times per Long Rest.
You can also prepare another spell and be a little less nice with Command. Telling your enemies to “LOVE” isn’t going to be that effective, but making them grovel or drop works just as fine.
When you spend enough time around animals you’re automatically either a Ranger or a Druid. Quinn? Never heard of ‘em. Regardless multiclassing into Ranger gives you proficiency in a skill from the Ranger list and it’s good to know about Nature so you can find plants to help your fluffy buddies! Deft Explorer also gives you two language proficiencies (again: pick your poison) and Expertise in a skill. You’ll never guess which skill we’ll be getting... it’s Animal Handling. You’re good with animals.
We actually aren’t going to be taking Favored Foe because we aren’t using weapons for one, but more importantly despite it’s name Favored Enemy is also good for tracking friends! You have advantage on Survival checks to track your favored “enemies”, as well as on Intelligence checks to recall information about them. Go for Beasts to easily find a feathered or fluffy friend! Oh and you also get more languages because I don’t know why, so again pick your poison.
Second level Rangers get their Fighting Style, or as I like to call it your Helping Style because we’ll be going for Druidic Warrior! You can pick up two cantrips from the Druid list: I opted for Druidcraft (you can grow some flowers for your friends; yay!) and Mending to tend to your cottage.
And of course with cantrips we also get more Spellcasting! You can learn two spells from the Druid list: you’re never not going to want Cure Wounds (which is why we didn’t take it earlier btw) and Animal Friendship is an obvious must.
Third level Rangers get to choose their Ranger Archetype and we’ll be going for the Gloomsta- Ah you all know it’s going to be Beast Master. You get a Ranger’s Companion not from the PHB but from Tasha’s! The Beast of Land would make the most sense and while it’s probably expected that they be a wolf or something you can pretend that you’re playing Fighting is Magic and have Angel Bunny fight for you! Anyways here’s a crash course on your new fluffy friend:
Their AC is equal to 13 plus your proficiency bonus (currently 16.)
Their health is equal to 5 + five times your Ranger level (currently 20) and they have a number of d8 hit die equal to your Ranger level.
They have a 40 foot movement speed and a 40 foot climbing speed.
You can command it to attack with your bonus action; it has the same hit chance as your spell hit chance (WIS mod + Prof Bonus [currently 6]) and deals a d8 + 2 + prof bonus damage.
If they move at least 20 feet straight toward a target and then hit with an attack on the same turn, the target takes an extra 1d6 slashing damage and must make a Strength saving throw against your spell save DC (if they’re a creature.) If they fail they’re knocked prone.
You can command the beast to attack, dash, disengage, or hide with your bonus action.
If you don’t command it they take the dodge action.
You can revive them with a spell of first level or higher 1 hour after they die, and can change your beast after a long rest.
Man, who knew that taking care of a pet was so difficult? Well you also get Primeval Awareness (because Primal Awareness actually doesn’t work that well for this build.) You can use your action and one spell slot to sense the following types of creatures within 1 mile of you: aberrations, celestials, dragons, elementals, fey, fiends, and undead. This lasts for one minute, and doesn’t reveal the creatures’ location or number.
And you learn another spell: Goodberry is good to feed yourself and all your friends! As long as they’re okay with eating berries, of course. C’mon... they’re good for you! Pleeeease?
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(Artwork by AssasinMonkey on DeviantArt.)
Finally an Ability Score Improvement... or Feat? We’ll be going for Eldritch Adept, which is admittedly weird but it’s the only way to get Beast Speech so you can Speak with Animals at will! Is total level 6 a little late to finally be able to speak with animals? Yeah, but this is unlimited so it fits better and doesn’t spend your spell slots.
Finally back to Cleric land which means finally we can prepare some second level spells! As a Peace domain Cleric you automatically get Aid and Warding Bond prepared, both of which are very good for keeping your friends alive. You can also finally get Hold Person to finally have The Stare!
Level 4 in Cleric means another Ability Score Improvement: Wisdom is still your core stat so increasing that by 2 would be your best choice.
You also get another cantrip at this level, and can prepare two more spells! For cantrips I’d recommend Light to see with your dumb bird eyes unless you’re an Owlfolk, and I’d recommend preparing Lesser Restoration and Enhance Ability to further boost your friends.
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(Artwork by Koveliana on DeviantArt.)
5th level Clerics can now Destroy Undead of CR 1/2 or lower with their Channel Divinity. Don’t feel too bad about it; they were big dumb meanies anyways!
You can also prepare third level spells too! As a Peace Domain Cleric you get Beacon of Hope to help with healing, and Spike can send letters out for you with Sending. You can also prepare Dispel Magic in case Twilight needs help with more dangerous spells.
6th level Peace Clerics get Protective Bond. When a creature affected by your Emboldening Bond is about to take damage, another bonded creature within 30 feet of the first can use its reaction to teleport to an unoccupied space within 5 feet of the first creature. That creature then takes all the damage instead. It’s worth mentioning that since this specifies “creature” you can actually bond with your beast companion and have it use its reaction, or have others go in to defend angel.
You can also prepare another third level spell like Revivify, so you don’t lose any friends. And to top it off you can use your Channel Divinity twice per short rest! Woohoo!
7th level Cleric, 4th level spells. As a Peace Domain Cleric you get Aura of Purity to protect your friends, and Otiluke’s Resilient Sphere to put your enemies in time out. You can also prepare another spell like Freedom of Movement, in case you need to run!
8th level Clerics get a variety of features. To start off you get an Ability Score Improvement, which means we can finally cap off your Wisdom for maximum spellcasting! This also means you can prepare more spells, but we’re actually going to hold off on getting more spells for now.
You can also put a little more LOVE into your spells with Potent Spellcasting, adding your Wisdom modifier to the damage of your Cleric cantrips. And finally your Channel Divinity will now Destroy Undead or CR 1 or lower.
The reason we held off on getting more Cleric spells last level is because now we get those big 5th level spells! As a Peace Domain Cleric you can help your friends out of any jam with Greater Restoration, and know what they really mean to say thanks to Rary’s Telepathic Bond.
You can also prepare some of those big hitter spells like Mass Cure Wounds to save your friends, and you can cast both Dawn and Summon Celestial to call on Celestia herself! Isn’t that Twilight’s job? Well, it’s still good to have contacts!
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(Artwork by CigarsCigarettes on DeviantArt.)
Now that we’ve got all the support we could need for our friends it’s time to return to our roots and focus on Angel! Feel free to focus more on Ranger instead of Cleric if you so desire when building this yourself; I simply opted for more healing instead of damage.
We’re finally 5th level with Ranger which finally means you’ll be getting an Extra Attack!... Which you probably won’t use because you can use cantrips instead. Well it’s still nice to have?
The good thing though is that you can learn more Ranger spells like Healing Spirit, which is a really strong healing spell that was kinda gutted by erratas. But it’s still nice and efficient regardless of what spell slot you casted it at, effectively being a 6d6 heal for a second level spell slot!
6th level Rangers can now add Roving to their list of skills from Deft Explorer. Your movement speed increases by 5 feet, and you get both a climbing and swimming speed equal to your walking speed. Is total level 15 a little late to get a 30 foot movement speed? Yeah probably, but every little bit helps!
Speaking of another little bit you get another Favored Enemy... I mean friend! ...I don’t know pick whatever you think will be relevant for the campaign. Also yes: you do get more languages, because Ranger.
7th level Beast Masters have Exceptional Training with their Animal Companion. You can use a bonus action to command the beast to take the Dash, Disengage, or Help action on its turn... which you could already do anyways thanks to Tasha’s.
I’d say that after Tasha’s this feature would work even if you don’t command your beast, but as always discuss the rules with your DM.
Well at least Angel’s attacks count as magical to overcome resistances, which is good because you were probably dealing with nonmagical resistance for awhile now.
You can also prepare another spell like Pass Without Trace, so you and your friends can sneak around unseen. Pass Without Trace is one of those spells that is always useful regardless of what level you are, so picking it up now is still useful!
8th level Rangers get another Ability Score Improvement. You’ve probably noticed our uneven Constitution score by this point: yeah that was because we were going to grab Resilient Constitution at some point. Increasing your CON gives you a nice +17 to your health and makes your Constitution saves (and concentration saves!) a +8 total.
You’ve also spent so much time on the ground moving through nonmagical difficult terrain costs you no extra movement thanks to Land’s Stride. You can also pass through nonmagical plants without being slowed by them or taking damage from them. Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against plants that are magically created or manipulated to impede movement. You may be able to fly but that doesn’t mean being able to move on the ground isn’t useful!
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(Artwork by AssasinMonkey on DeviantArt.)
9th level Rangers can learn third level spells, and you’ve probably spent enough time training with Rainbow Dash by this point to make a Wind Wall to protect your friends! (Basically the Ranger spell list sucks and we’re only really going down Ranger still for more subclass features.)
You get a new feature from Deft Explorer at this level: you are now Tireless! As an action you can give yourself a number of temporary hit points equal to 1d8 plus your Wisdom modifier (so 5.) You can use this action a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest. Additionally whenever you finish a short rest your exhaustion level is decreased by 1.
You’re also a master of avoiding social interaction. Nature’s Veil lets you turn invisible as a Bonus Action until the start of your next turn. You can also use this feature a number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and regain all expended uses when you finish a Long Rest.
11th level Beast Masters can invoke Bestial Fury! With 11 level in Ranger and 20 total levels in this build your Animal Companion can now... attack twice! Look Beast Master is playable now, I never said it was good.
At least you can learn one last Ranger spell: in your ultimate stand against darkness Daylight will help you banish the dark! ...Or something. Look again: the Ranger spell list sucks.
You do not hurt my friends! You got that? - Even with the multiclassing you still get spell slots up to 7th level, and have more than enough magic to shake a stick at. Not to mention that Angel will always be by your side to pump out a bit more damage with your Bonus Action!
You’re the cutest thing ever - Maxed out Wisdom was rather expected from a Cleric, but Expertise in Animal Handling combined with unlimited Beast Speech means that you can easily make friends with any beast you come across! Just make sure your DM is okay with you giving a hydra belly rubs.
Whatever you wanna do is fine... - You’ve got quite a good mix of features that will help you both in and out of combat, meaning that there’s plenty that your friends can rely on you to help with! In fact there’s a lot of things that only you can do as a Ranger which are quite helpful!
You’re such a loudmouth... - Most of your class resources only come back after a Long Rest, with only your Channel Divinity coming back after a Short Rest. You’re still plenty capable with just Angel by your side but don’t spend everything in one fight, or else you’ll be left with nothing but Sacred Flame and Animal Companion attacks.
Are you coughing because... - So let’s talk about Angel: even with 11 levels in Ranger they’re not great. AC of 19 is pretty good but they’ll probably max out around 60 HP. Your average Wizard will have more HP than this by level 20. Two maul attacks will do decent damage but you could get equal value out of Spiritual Weapon, and you only get the second attack with Angel at total build level 20. And yeah for most of this build Angel is going to be sitting around 25 max HP, meaning they’re likely to go down a lot. Aid can help keep your pets healthy and happy but don’t be upset when your level 4 Ranger companion keeps going down.
Awful, just awful! - We kinda miss the best of both worlds for the sake of a build that’s “in-character.” No 10th level of Cleric means no Divine Intervention (even if it’s only a 10% chance it’s still good to have), and no 12th level of Ranger means no ASIs. One good thing about this build is that it does peak around level 10 or so where the multiclassing doesn’t start to damage it, but if you really expect to run all the way to level 20 I’d sooner play either a straight Ranger or a straight Cleric.
But you’re coming along to share your kindness with everypony around you, and guide your friends to victory! Use your expertise to keep your friends alive while Angel kicks some major tail! Get down and be assertive, but remember not to push yourself too hard. Everypony already loves you for who you are, even if you’re in fact a little shy.
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(Artwork by Rodrigues404 on DeviantArt.)
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