#I have no clue what I wrote
milaisreading · 1 year
Hi! it's me again, can I request a scenario where the manager is on a day off and visits a cafe and meets Sae's mother with him? and after getting along with each other Sae's mom told Sae to drive her home, and the paparazzi saw Sae with her hand on her waist and manager is wearing a sundress and started a new issue with her being pregnant and accepted into the family? I really loved how you wrote the misunderstandings and more rumors part. Thank you if you'd write this!
Author: At this point I might make a chapter where they are dating for real with how much of these rumors we made😭😭 thanks for the request🩷
Warnings ⚠️: Reader uses she/her. Requests are open
⚽️Blue lock belongs to: Muneyuki Kaneshiro and Yusuke Nomura⚽️
"Marc! Come back here!" (Y/n) scolded as she held the redhead's hand tightly, glaring sternly at him.
"But aunty, it's so boring." The boy pouted as his free hand pulled on the girl's (f/c) dress. (Y/n) glare softened and she patted the boy's head.
"You just know I can't be mad at you, huh?"
"Yep! Because I am your favorite!" The boy nodded his head as he giggled when the man at the counter called their name.
"Our food is ready~" Marc cheered as he pulled (Y/n) along to get the food.
'He really is my favorite person.' (Y/n) agreed in her head.
"And then Itoshi scored the goal! Aunty, you really should have seem it. Nobody on PXG was ready for it! Even Itoshi #2 was left speechless." Marc talked about the last game Real Madrid and PXG had as he ate his fries, (Y/n) nodding along as she added a quick word here and there. She did watch some parts, but due to the hectic schedule in Bastard München she had, she wasn't able to watch all of it.
'It's kind of funny that he keeps calling Rin Itoshi #2."
"Really? And what was your favorite part?"
"Hmm... probably the part where Itoshi Sae scored the winning point! It was so fun-"
"Oh? Marc, (Y/n) I knew I heard someone familiar." The girl and Marc looked up, only to find Sae and a unfamiliar woman with dark green hair looking down at them.
"Ah Sae-san, you are back in Japan?" (Y/n) smiled as she got up from her seat to greet him while Marc immediately hugged the football player.
"You must be (Y/n)! I am so glad to finally meet you." The woman smiled as she moved past Sae and (Y/n) bowed.
"Yes, (L/n) (Y/n) it's nice to meet you ma'am."
"Same here, I am Sae and Rin's mom, Itoshi Minako. I heard a lot about you from my sons. Sae, she is much prettier in person, you were right." The woman smiled and looked at Sae, who had an embarrassed look while hugging Marc back.
"T-thank you, ma'am. Do you want to join us, the restaurant is pretty packed today?" (Y/n) offered, trying to get over the embarrassment while pointing at the two empty seats next to her and Marc.
"You don't have to-"
"That's a nice idea, thank you." Sae's mom nudged him and then looked down at Marc.
"And you must be Marc...we heard a lot about you." The woman chuckled nervously as the other two blushed, remembering the article that came out a while ago.
"Mhm! I am a huge fan of Itoshi! He is the best!" The boy grinned as the older woman started gushing over the cuteness.
They sat at the restaurant for the next hour or so and talked about random things. Sae gave Marc some tips and tricks as a beginner and the boy in return would ask him about his job. (Y/n) and Minako would look at them from time to time, finding the interaction adorable. Minako would then move to ask (Y/n) some questions about her job and her opinions about her sons, which (Y/n) found odd, but answered them regardless.
Minako's eyes had a strange look to them, Sae noted, and he could feel like something weird would happen soon.
"Well, Marc and I need to go now."
"Do you have anyone to pick you up? It's pretty late." Sae raised an eyebrow as (Y/n) put on Marc's jacket.
"Don't worry, Sae-san. I will call a taxi, my home isn't far away-"
"No, no. Sae will drive you two home." Minako interjected, causing Sae to look at his mom oddly, but flinched as he noticed her glare at him.
"There is really no need, Itoshi-san. Besides, you need to go home too-"
"I need to finish some shopping anyways, don't worry about me. Sae, doesn't mind it either." The said boy looked at (Y/n) and gulped, nodding his head in agreement.
"A-ah thank you so much... alright then, I will just go and call my brother to inform him, come on Marc."
(Y/n) smiled as she pulled the boy away. The two Itoshis watched them keenly before Sae turned to look at his mom.
"Why did you offer me, mom?"
"Didn't you tell me you liked (Y/n)?"
"Well yes, but-"
"No but, Sae. This is your chance to spend some extra time with her! Plus I love this girl already, I can't wait till I start picking wedding dresses with her~" the woman giggled as Sae's face turned red and shook his head.
"(Y/n) doesn't like me that way-"
"But you do, now try and make her to like you back. Ahhh~ I can't wait for the possible grandchildren."
"Grandchildren?!" Sae blushed even more, but didn't protest the idea much.
Once the two said goodbye to the older Itoshi woman, Sae escorted (Y/n) and Marc to his car and drew off. (Y/n) gave him the directions to her house, the two would talk about some random things, mainly about their jobs, with the occasional interjection from Marc. Soon tho the boy fell quiet and (Y/n) looked at the backseat, smiling softly.
"Ah~ he fell asleep. I guess all that walking and eating tired him out." The girl commented as Sae nodded his head.
"So your family is in Japan?"
"Yeah! Big brother wanted to visit his mom and for her to see Marc again, and my sister-in-law always liked summers here more than in Portugal." Sae nodded his head.
"So you two share the same father?"
"Mhm! He married my mom 5 years after his divorce to bug brother's." Sae noticed a sad look on the girl's face as she mentioned her mom, but decided to say nothing and switch the topic.
"Sorry if my mom jumped this idea onto you."
"Oh no! Not at all, I am just sorry that you had to bother yourself driving us here-"
"It's not a bother. I don't mind helping you. Besides, Marc is adorable when he talks about football, he seems passionate about it, more than I was at his age at least."
"He really is. He looks up to you and Isagi a lot, actually. It's always fun when he talks about a game of yours." (Y/n) smiled as Sae nodded his head.
"You sure you don't want me to carry him?" Sae asked as he held (Y/n)'s bags while she carried the sleeping boy out of the car.
"No Sae-san, you did honestly too much by now. Thank you so much again." (Y/n) smiled as the redhead stood silently for a moment, admiring her smile. Sae was about to speak up again, but someone clearing his throat behind them interrupted him.
"Anyways Itoshi, thank you for bringing my sister and son back, have a nice evening."
The two looked at a man, a few centimeters taller than Sae as he was glaring at him.
"Big brother! You are here already, I thought you were still at your mom's house." (Y/n) raised her eyebrow as Sae glared back at him.
"We had to cut the visit short since she wanted to visit you and dad as well. Come on now, she made your favorite cake." The (h/c)-haired man said as her took the bags out of Sae's hands and waited for (Y/n) to join him.
"Thanks again, Sae-san. Have a great evening!" (Y/n) smiled and the taller nodded his head. He watched the two walk towards the house and Sae couldn't help but roll his eyes.
"Great, now I have to deal with an overprotective brother..." Sae sighed as he smiled and got into his car.
"(Y/n), he is perfect for you!" The red-haired woman, Isabella said as she took her son from her.
"You two were spying?!" She asked in disbelief while looking at her dad and the woman.
"A little..."
"Sis!" (Y/n) and her sister-in-law looked at the father and brother, who were fuming.
"He is too old for you." The father said.
"Isn't he like 2 months or so older than (Y/n)?" The Portuguese woman questioned.
"Too old, and he looks like a punk." The brother butted in and the two females looked at each other in disbelief.
"Aahhhh!!" The next morning screams were heard through the (L/n) household as (Y/n) and her brother ran to the kitchen.
"What is it?!"
"Is someone hurt?!" They looked around frantically around the room, only to find their father pale as a ghost and Isabella.
"(Y/n), you never told me Sae proposed to you! Look! It also says you are pregnant! I will become an aunt, oh my God!" Isabella said as she showed the two this morning's newspapers, crying as (Y/n) gulped at the rage her brother was radiating.
"He touched you!"
"He didn't, I swear we are just friends!!"
"Come on honey, (Y/n) is an adult now." Isabella protested as her brother shook his head.
"She is still a baby!"
"I hate my life..." (Y/n) groaned as she saw the picture of her and Sae leaving the restaurant yesterday.
"SAE ITOSHI!" Rin and the said boy flinched as they heard their mom's yells while their father stayed silent, eating his breakfast.
"Yes mom?" The redhead asked as his mom stormed into the kitchen, holding her phone.
"I am offended, happy, hurt and excited, all because of you." His mom cried as Rin and the father looked at each other.
"What happened? I didn't do anything, I swear." Sae defended himself.
"Clealry you did. Look at this, my own son. My own flesh and blood won't tell me got engaged. And that I will be a grandma soon! Is that why you wanted me to meet (Y/n) yesterday?!" Rin spat out his drink while their father looked at Sae in disbelief. The redhead took his mom's phone and read the article she was showing him.
"Mom... (Y/n) and I aren't engaged, I swear and that meet up was an accident-"
"Really? Because you look all cozy holding her waist, Sae you fucking backstabbing brother!" Rin yelled, enraged at the picture. Sae started shouting back as their father tried to shut them up. Meanwhile their mom took her phone back and dialed a number while sobbing.
"Hello? Mom? Did you read this morning's newspaper?"
The arguments became louder as Minako continued sobbing.
"Yes, my poor baby seems to be embarrassed to admit it, but the girl is such an angel. I met her yesterday, finally we can pass the heirloom onto a girl. Oh! I already know some places where I can take her wedding dress shopping!" The woman cheered as Rin chucked a glass at Sae, who dodged it.
"Are you out of your mind, Rin?!" Their father yelled.
"Ahh~ no, Rinnie is just excited to be getting a sister-in-law AND a nephew or niece, he just doesn't know how to express it."
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stitchchan · 3 months
Who ever need to hear this
I would rather touch your soul, instead of touching your body. Because if I touch your soul I know I'm already and always in your heart
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forgottenfeesh · 1 year
Also just a thought to think of (if that makes sense which I’m 99% sure it doesn’t)
I keep seeing fan art of Logan being controlled by Remus , Janus and orange but don’t forget literally all the other sides have been doing it to him for the entire show.
Like who made him turn more apathetic as a desperate attempt to get people to listen to him.
Who made him stop talking about his passion because he got a little pissy that Logan had some attention.
Maybe even the dark sides are trying to free him from this so he can actually be himself.
Just a thought.
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sheerbadluck · 1 year
rarely do I post personal shit here
but I think if I post this to my 1000+ followers (even tho none of you fuck nuggets actually read my posts) I will feel some sense of responsibility to achieve my goals
so here goes
I’m going to have one of my songs played on the radio
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bonchobrick · 1 year
Duke and Danny bestie fic im co-authoring with some cool people for Patrol Partners! :D
A fic where Duke knows a lot about Gotham’s new problem, ghosts. The Waynes think the worst and assume he’s had some terrible experience with ghosts in the past (in reality is just very happy to talk about his best friends culture and doesnt realize how odd it is that he knows all this stuff)
Duke is pretty much just vibing, the bats are having a meltdown, and Danny is having a blast!
Then Duke pops the question
“So, what are you guys researching?” He asks raising a brow to the papers littered all over the room
Collectively the entire room groans as Duke absentmindedly picks up a paper on the table with the failed, static over-run image.
“We don't know!” Steph bemoans frustrated
Tim starts, “There are new entities–”
“Creatures.” Bruce corrects
Tim casts a piercing glance at his father, “I am pretty sure those are entities. Eye witness reports state that they look fairly human-like–”
Bruce challenges him right back, “Eye witness reports were also very likely to be unfactual, they seemed partially intoxicated. It’s more likely they are some kind of mutated animal.”
His son’s teeth grit, “Even so we still can’t rule out–”
“Oh right, the ghosts are back in town,” Duke's comments, gaze absorbed in the static image
Silence drowns the room as their weary eyes blink at Duke, processing what he had just said.
Then it clicks
“R-repeat that?” Tim stares intensely at Duke
“Um, the ghosts are back? That's what these are.” Duke nervously replies confused, “It’s been a bit since they visited Gotham
Tim opens and closes his mouth, immensely struggling to find any words to say. It seems like the rest of his family is fairing no better, some of them letting out noises of surprise and shock with others trying to hear if they heard that sentence right.
“There used to be ghosts in Gotham?” Bruce says incredulously
“Yeah?” Duke tilts his head, “I mean they don’t like living here with the corrupt ectoplasm but I’m friends with a few ghosts?”
Jason springs on him with wide eyes, “What are ghosts like, personality-wise?”
Duke thinks and responds with the first thought that comes to mind, “Fickle, they can be super friendly or super destructive. They do whatever they’re in the mood to.”
“Are they aggressive?”
“Sure? Sometimes?” Duke blinks at them bewildered before a petty smile crosses his lips, “They can be, hmm, commanding.”
Dicks eyes turn cold and protective, “What–”
“Listen guys,” Duke backs away from the discussion going with his internal task list in mind, “I gotta go wrap up putting together all my documents for my topic on my science fair project so uh, see-ya!”
The second youngest bounces out of the cave and the rest of the family stare dumbstruck at him.
New entities (ghosts?) pop up in Gotham + Duke describes them as fickle and commanding =
Duke is being made to do things for Ghosts who can be kind and cruel which =
= Duke is being bullied by Ghosts?!
Not on their Bat-watch!
Damian is already sharpening his ‘not murder tools’, Tim has sprung into research on the bat computer and the rest of the family have already dipped into Gotham ready to search for these perps!
Paranoid Family #1 will help Duke’s ghost problem starting now!
( pssst heres the fic :)
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
Steve was doing this for Robin.
He had to keep telling himself this. He could get through the day, the weekend, life, if he just kept repeating this to himself.
But an hour into their day, his pants ripped.
Not in a place it can be hidden, not a small one.
Right along his ass.
And because Robin insisted he’d be fine, he didn’t bring a bag with a change of clothes.
He could buy some, sure, if he wanted to spend $60 on special convention sweatpants that would be entirely too hot, unflattering, and ruin the costume Robin insisted he wear to match hers.
He was hiding in the bathroom currently, furiously texting Robin to let her know he was just going to stay there until it was time to leave.
She’d be mad at him, but she’d be more mad at herself for not letting him bring a change of clothes.
His pants weren’t even tight. Luke Skywalker doesn’t exactly wear tight clothes. He had no reason behind the rip other than the universe just hating him as much as possible.
Robin told him she would find someone to help, whatever that means, but he didn’t think that was possible without just buying new pants.
He stood in the corner of the continuously crowded bathroom, trying not to draw attention, but knowing it was incredibly odd to just stand in the corner of a public bathroom.
Ten minutes passed and a guy walked in with a backpack and a sign that says “Free Cosplay Repair” and Steve knew what Robin had done.
The man was pretty, and not dressed up, but seemed like he wished he was. Maybe it was difficult to repair if he was wearing some elaborate costume.
Steve didn’t know how this worked.
“Are you Steve?”
Steve nodded.
His voice was calming, and Steve instantly trusted him to fix the problem.
“Heard you’ve got a bit of a problem with the costume. Big or small?”
“Uh. Pretty big, man.”
“Ah. Tear along the ass, then. Happens all the time.”
He set his backpack down and started rummaging through the front pocket. When he pulled out a sewing kit, Steve realized he was going to have to get this fixed in a public bathroom with this very attractive man staring at and touching his ass for who knows how long.
“It’ll be better if you can take them off. I’ll be able to sew it much faster.”
Steve couldn’t just stand around in his boxers. That was not part of the plan or the agreement with Robin. People were coming and going from the bathroom at a rapid rate.
“Is there somewhere private we can go?”
“Awww, Stevie, feeling shy?”
Steve’s face was beet red. He was feeling a little shy, and being called out on it by a hot guy kind of made him think about being called out on other things in other ways and his brain was not doing well.
“My name’s Eddie. I come with my friend Chrissy to a bunch of these every year. We have a tent set up on the show floor for privacy, but you’d have to walk to it. I could walk behind you if you want?”
“Oh. Okay. Um. Sure.”
It was better than standing half naked in this bathroom.
So they left, and Eddie stayed right behind him, covering him from possible exposure to the growing crowd.
He would lean forward and direct him to the tent every few seconds, leaving goosebumps behind from how close he got to his ear to be heard.
When they arrived, Chrissy was finishing up with supergluing something to a mask. Eddie touched her shoulder and whispered something to her. She rolled her eyes and smiled at him before turning back to the person she was helping.
Eddie nudged Steve into their tent.
“Alright, shouldn’t take too long. Take them off, Luke.”
Steve rolled his eyes but followed directions. The faster this was done, the faster he could get back to Robin, who was probably so deep into the crowd by now that he’d never find her anyways.
Maybe he should just stay here. Learn to sew. Become a part of their traveling repair team.
They seemed nice enough.
Eddie got started immediately, and Steve was grateful for the privacy the tent provided. He sat down on a stool they had set up in the corner and put his hands in his lap, covering as much of himself as he could. He was definitely not confident in this place.
He’d embraced that he liked some nerdy things. He was fine with it.
But he was way out of his element here.
“You come to these a lot?”
“No. Just supporting my friend.”
“Explains not being as prepared as the pros.”
“I did try to be. My friend said I’d be fine. Don’t know why I listened to her.”
Eddie snorted. “She a friend or a…friend?”
Steve laughed so loudly, Eddie jumped. “Sorry. She’s very much not straight and I am very much not interested.”
“Is she Leia?”
“Everyone will assume you’re together, you know?”
“Yeah, well. She said I had to and I owed her.”
“Must’ve done you a big favor.”
“You could say that.”
Eddie’s hands were moving quickly, and Steve couldn’t help watching in amazement.
“How long have you been doing this?”
“What? Sewing? Or conventions?”
Eddie smiled while he worked.
“Sewing since I was 11. I was in charge of fixing my and my uncle’s clothes since we couldn’t really afford new ones unless I outgrew them. Then in high school I did costumes for drama and cheerleaders. That’s how I met Chrissy. She was a secret nerd so she took me to a convention and I saw too many people crying over broken and torn cosplays so I started doing this.”
“For free?”
“Yeah. I already had most of the supplies on hand and I’m not using them all so why not?”
“That’s really…kind.”
He saw Eddie’s cheeks blush, but he didn’t comment.
Maybe he’d gain some upper hand here despite being half naked in a tent with a stranger.
“It’s not a big deal.”
“It kind of is, man. Just take the compliment. It’s really selfless.”
“Okay. Yeah. I guess. Thanks.”
They settled into a comfortable silence and Steve really took in the tent. There were things hanging up that he vaguely recognized as D&D monsters from Dustin’s room.
“Hey, the kid I babysit is into that.”
“The dungeons game.”
“Yeah! I think he even has that exact print in his room.”
“No shit? I made these. I have an Etsy shop.”
“You’re kidding. He’s gonna freak out that I met you.”
“Well, shit. Take one for him.”
“Oh, I couldn’t do that.”
“Yeah you could. I’m not letting you leave until you do.”
Steve felt his heart flutter.
Dustin was like his little brother and he loved him so much. Any time someone did something kind for him, it melted his heart.
He didn’t have time for feelings for a stranger.
Not at a convention where he was the outcast.
“I guess if you insist.”
“I do.”
Steve was a fucking mess. Emotionally, he was the type to get really attached really quickly. It’s why all of his relationships ended within weeks. He was ready to be completely committed and they never were. He fell hard and fast for anyone who showed him even a tiny bit of interest.
He had to get out of this tent.
“I’m not rushing you, but how much longer?”
“I’m almost done. Few more minutes. Doing okay?”
“Yeah. Just wanna find Robin.”
“Text her to meet you here. She knows where it is.”
“How would she know that?”
“I’ve met her a few times at other conventions and she always stops by to say hello.”
Robin knew this guy?
Suddenly, he realized what was going on.
She was setting him up.
“Take your time. She can wait.”
Eddie slowed his hands and looked up at Steve.
“Uh. Okay.”
“She’s a traitor who did this to me on purpose.”
“Ripped your pants?”
Eddie stopped what he was doing completely.
“She ripped your pants on purpose? How would she have done that?”
“She pulled a seam out or something.”
“Why would she do that?”
“Because she’s trying to set us up.”
“Yep. Sorry. I promise I don’t expect anything. She just does this sometimes. Thinks I’m lonely or whatever.”
Eddie searched his face for a minute, then looked back down at his work.
“Are you?”
“Am I what?”
Well, yeah. Robin didn’t get the assumption from nowhere. But he didn’t really want to admit that to a stranger.
“Yeah, I guess.”
Apparently, he was going to anyways.
Steve huffed out a breath.
Eddie stood suddenly and came over to Steve, pushing his shoulder back and his legs apart so he could fit between them.
Eddie’s hand cupped his chin, pulling it up so he could look at him.
Steve gulped.
He was feeling more than vulnerable at this point and wasn’t sure what to do about it.
“Your friend must really love you to want to make sure you aren’t lonely.”
“Um. Yeah.”
“You know, I’m taking a lunch break in about an hour if you wanna hang around. I could use some company.”
“Yeah. One condition though.”
“What’s that?”
“You take the pants off again.”
Steve laughed and Eddie couldn’t help the smile he aimed down at him.
“You want me to eat in just my boxers?”
“Well, not just your boxers. That’ll be later at the hotel.”
God, this guy was good. Smoother than Steve’s ever been and he was known for his charming nature for years.
“You think I’ll come back to your hotel?”
“I know you will.”
“Why’s that?”
“Because I only temporarily fixed these pants. The stuff you need is back at my room.”
“What if I don’t care about the pants?”
“All the more reason to leave them off when you come to my room.”
They smiled at each other.
Steve felt brave. He felt a little ridiculous. Most of all, he felt like he couldn’t pass up the opportunity literally staring him in the face.
He leaned up a bit more and waited for Eddie to lean down.
When their lips met, Steve knew he was completely fucked.
Robin had fucked him over and he’d never been so grateful.
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iyohme · 2 days
and i know that you mean so well;
but i am not a vessel for your good intent!
("Tongues and Teeth," - The Crane Wives)
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my serotonin got jetpack bursted into the stratosphere with this blurb by OP. Your brain is so juicy and moist and wrinkly OP. Godspeed. I'm not even into DC but the whole "Burnt out and neglected, and now a bunch of people driven by guilt guilt guilt want me back so they can feel less guilty?" just made the racoon in me rub its hands menacingly hoho
Just imagine not even living your best life; just a shadow in the lives of the illustrious Waynes, a ghost in a castle, visible only to the loyal servant and the occasional curious paparazzi who shrugs and looks away--after all, there was no mention of you in any occasion: must be the kid of in-house staff. How nice of Brucie Wayne to allow even the children of in-house staff the opportunity to study at such a high-end college! (The reporters chortle and snicker at your barely-passing marks, sighing at such a wasted opportunity. Oh well. And then they move on to the tabloid topic of the week, after the strutting socialites and the rich and the arrested Rogues.)
You gather things.
You gather pieces of a cracked dream, a single plastic teacup you had brought into the cavernous mansion the day you held Alfred's old, gnarled hand. Ears ringing and slippers still stained with your parent's blood as they were gunned down before your very eyes. You gather your things, what made you before you were "Wayne," so to say. Your mother's old cigarette box, smuggled from the crime scene, your one memento of the woman who you could not forget but never forgive.
A juxtaposition of love and hate, forever crucified. The image of the Virgin Mary inside the tin box seems to be a mockery of faith, across from her image lying cheap cigarettes.
You gather test papers, all barely passing and with more reds than blacks, and grind them up into strips with the shredder you had brought; just one time the black card Wayne had given you, and it left the bitterest, sourest aftertaste in your mouth. They burn so cozily on the school Bunsen burners, especially when sprayed with alcohol, immediately immolating like timelapse sparkler videos. You gather your name before the Incident, you cherish it, and you repeat the syllables in the dead of night, spilling past your mouth. Even if it was the name of a child-abusing monster, it was still yours, and it was still of use.
And use it, you would.
While they go and be a family, you work to begin yours.
You gather funds: it's easy to take on odd jobs when people do not suspect you. You tuck away that black card at the bottom of your study table drawers, forgotten there like scribbled-out pages of an essay, an unfinished drawing, and leftover candy wrappers. It's a bit-by-bit work, but you know the Waynes wouldn't even see it happening. Your brothers and sisters (an absurdly alien concept, as they don't even acknowledge you exist ninety-five percent of the time) are prodigies paraded around at every event. You are the unseen ghost flitting through their shadows.
Graduation comes and goes. It's laughably easy to falsify having lost your social security number and other documents--Gotham is that much of a shithole, you suppose. The man in the cowl notwithstanding. His efforts are admirable, but weak. Recidivism is common in this place, as if there were some sort of pull that incited the people in Gotham to cruelty, to madness.
It's absurdly Lovecraftian, in its own way.
You are not even living your best life, and yet you are free. Alfred knows; he always knows. If you are The Ghost, then the aged butler is a man one step between the doors of death, and he sees you every time you move. Your room is empty, and he raises an eyebrow at your satchel: all your items already stored elsewhere or given away.
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("I suppose this was a long time coming, Little Master."
Tap tap tap. Footsteps on marble floors, setting sun.
You shrug. "Eh. The Waynes gave me a roof and education. It's all good."
You grunt. "Well, people change. Like you know, how kids being gifted stop being gifted when they grow older." You say, instead of 'Well, if a child doesn't get any praise or attention if they do good and probably even less if they were bad, why even bother?')
A pause. "Your academics were not so lackluster when you were younger."
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You promise to try and stay in touch. (You crossed your fingers behind your back.) You leave, sunset on your face.
The nap you had in a dingy hotel with far too many odd stains and not enough locks you could put on was the soundest you've ever slept in years.
Freedom smells like summer air and the last rays of sun, followed by the cold blue hour.
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It takes three months for an out-of-state college to accept you. It's far from Gotham. It has a dormitory. Excellent. While you were indeed a mediocre academic student, you had banked everything on band scholarships.
Who knew more than a hundred clarinet players had unclaimed scholarships yearly? Packing up your small life in bags, you take a train upwards to another state.
(Meanwhile, in Gotham, there is an odd sense of unease as Bruce Wayne stops by an inconspicuous door. It's relatively clean, as expected of his manor, but the worn out brass on the handle suggests that someone had lived there before. He opens the door. Steps in. A bed, a dresser, a study table. Bare bones.
The unease intensifies. But who?)
Someone had lived in here, yes.
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strawberri-draws · 1 year
Whats up with Zuko and the dragon egg? Whats ur au abt 👀
It's mostly an amalgamation of all my fav zuko fic tropes lol. Basically like a month into banishment, iroh decides to cheer zuko up and takes him to the sun warriors island. Zuko of course immediately gets involved in shenanigans tm and somehow winds up (reluctantly) being entrusted with the last dragon egg (druk!). Iroh is somehow oblivious to this and thinks zuko just really needed that weekend retreat. Zuko's mental state drastically improves with a pet to take care of, and basically is too busy keeping druk busy to be angsty lol.
When aang rolls around he's like "oh…I guess I should capture you- wait omg can I pet your bison??" Basically just morally neutral zuko keeping druk out of trouble (and then defeating the father lord on the way, somehow)
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kjoooooji · 1 year
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I’ve done evil home now it’s evil Wally. Next on the list are evil no one and evil everyone
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marokra · 10 months
honestly the jokes about hatsune miku creating minecraft are so fucking funny if you take into account the mcyt rp extended universe. girl is literally a watcher
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brigid-faye · 3 months
Loving Sirius Black felt like letting his heart walk right out of his chest clad only in a leather jacket.
props to whoever wrote this in 2005 and tattooed yourself into my psyche; I have no idea who you are and I think that’s beautiful
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oh-no-its-bird · 7 days
bird. bird please. please. please write a ficlet/short oneshot for me about kakashi having raw meat cravings and how he deals with them. please. and at night he starts having dreams about the ghosts of his ancestors (including tobirama) at a feast or something where theyre eating. raw meat. or he dreams that theyre encouraging him to like 'you're so skinny because you don't have enough meat!' and kakashi thinks he's developing a mental disorder. please bird would you do it for me
Anything for you random anon in my inbox <3
Kakashi, the unfortunate lack of knowledge of the Hatake clan kekkei genkai, and his relationship with food; As seen by others over the years.
Oh also if you're brave enough to come off anon and give me ur ao3 I'll edit the fic to be gifted to you
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gophergal · 1 year
*drops this here* take my favorite mk crackship
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papertowness · 8 months
i’m losing my mind .
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assortedvillainvault · 10 months
Chance anon here! Sorry if the is a duplicate ask, my internet is acting up. I hope you had a wonderful trip! I’d like some comfort headcanons with either a darksiders character or Starscream, please. You did really well with the Blitzwing comfort headcanons!
Chance anon your patience is legendary, I hope you like this little headcannon/drabble bit!
Mild warning for allusions of self harm, not described and can also be read as the general tolls and incidents of a human living through the apocalypse.
Vulgrim Comfort Headcannons/Drabble
- “What Would You Ask of this Humble Mercha- oh.”
- He blinks down at the awkward, shuffling form of his...favoured little human. Oddly, no other little morsels have accompanied you to his plinth outside the maker tree. From inside, he can barely make out the snores of the other survivors, and the slower but ever present clang of the Black Hammer at work.
- A closer look at you reveals red, swollen eyes, and a lick of salt on the air. Under your dirty sleeves, fresh bandages peek out.
- It doesn’t take much to deduce that the trials and grievances of the apocalypse are taking a harder toll than usual tonight.
- He floats a little lower and brings his voice down. “...do you need to forget, little one?” he croons.
- It takes a couple of...admittedly awkward seconds – but you nod shyly, hesitantly, and a small triumph blooms in his chest. See, he knew he’d figure out humans and their odd little ways eventually! All species could use a distraction from the monotony of war, humans just leaked a bit more often about it, thats all-
- - he stiffens as tiny arms grip at his waist.
- He is certainly on the scrawnier side for a demon, but even so, your bruised little hands can’t meet around his gaunt middle. Mainly because you’ve got your face awkwardly smooshed up against the wares on his belt, but even so...you’re on your tiptoes. Humans are so so tiny it’s ridiculous. Appalling species design. He’d file a complaint if he didn’t have to fight the foreign urge to urge to pick you up and squeeze like some kind of...squishy trauma-toy.
- “...Um.”
- He awkwardly uses the fingertips not encased in gold to carefully pinch your shirt, peeling you awkwardly off him and holding you up like a sad little rodent. He makes a concerted effort not to look at your wobbling lip as he does so.
- “Ah ah ah ah! No, no leaky eyes at me, little one. You know they don’t work...”
- His other hand frantically scrabbles about in the pocket dimension he uses to store his backup wares and dumps a blanket, packet of hot chocolate, mismatched slippers and a switch into your arms before plonking you down and nudging you back towards the maker tree.
- “there there hush hush etc -” he’s not flustered, nope -, “- No need to thank me, run along, I’m adding this to your tab-”
- He’s gone in a burst of purple smoke that is very much not rushed, thank you.
- Later, secure in the secure depth of his serpent holes, he idly listens to the background noise of earth as he waits for the next customer to swing by. Underneath the quiet wind, creaking brickwork, the distant roars of demons and the occasional lingering earthen bird, his ears catch the faint tinny of music, clicking buttons, and the happy little gasps of humans waking up to a game of whatever this...this ‘Animal Crossing’, contraption, is.
- (‘Your Tab’ is never something fully discussed. Vulgrim is fighting every instinct he has to get money out of you for his services, but it’s ok. He starting to consider your company, your time and your touch payment enough. Don’t ever bring it up though.)
Thanks for the ask Chance!
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literallys-illiteracy · 3 months
uuh i write essays about Project Moon stuff, mostly just when im bored but my brother suggested for me to post them online somewhere
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