#I have no idea how to tag dear god idk if I’m using these correctly I’m so sorry
bivproject · 2 years
I’m an artist and writer, and this blog is dedicated to a group of original characters that I’ve spent the last 4 or so years creating (at the time of writing this), and I’m very quite excited about them :)
A lot of those four years have just been me building up and tearing apart the world building and plot, and overall just being indecisive and unsure. By this point though, I feel like I have a fairly good idea of the both of them, as well as of the characters, meaning that it should be relatively smooth sailing from here. Probably. Hopefully. Maybe. Eh, we’ll see.
As for what am I planning to post on here, I'm currently trying to get all of the major characters’ designs finished up as that seems like a good place to start. The story has a, uh, rather large cast of characters (of various plot importance) and I'm really looking forward to talking about all of them. But, for the sake of clarity (and to make things less overwhelming for all of us), I'll try to begin with the main characters and work my way outwards in a progression that feels natural.
This blog will include character designs, concepts and ideas (both drawn and written), world building stuff, sketches, finished art, and perhaps some writing snippets (because I do plan to write for these characters, but it's quite the daunting thought so I don't expect to be doing that anytime soon. I wanna make sure I'm thoroughly prepared before I start) and everything else that relates to this little world and it's characters. Maybe some background information of what BIV has looked like in its previous versions, who knows. Wherever the brainrot takes me, I'll go lmao.
I'm mainly just creating this to have a place to unapologetically ramble about my silly little characters. I have a lot of other ocs as well (that will be brought up in my general art blog and on other platforms), but these particular ones are especially dear to me which is why this whole blog is about them only.
Also, I should probably give the name a bit of explanation: BIV is a placeholder name, and is the acronym of an old title I once gave the story, tho, the original meaning behind that name is not at all relevant to the current version of the story. It's just nostalgic (and already all over my notes) so it'll stick around until I feel confident enough in another one.
Just like the title, everything I mention here on this blog is subject to change as I further develop the whole thing. I think a lot of it will stay the same anyways tho as I'm pretty content with most of it, but it's not guaranteed!
As a thanks for reading all of this, here’s some themes and things that you'll definitely find in this project:
Royalty, overprotectiveness and restrictions, family dynamics (both blood family and found family), a constant search of your place in the world, a pub owned by two ex-pirates, at least one cat (and one dog, I think)*, hurting and healing, at least one royal ball and some self-indulgent gayness.
(*Update: One cat, one or two dogs and a horse. Perhaps more horses. Maybe more cats. Perhaps birds. An undecided amount of animals, but trust me, there will be animals)
That's all for now! Thank you for reading :D
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space-unicorn-dot · 6 years
Oh, hey! I’ve been meaning to do this thing for a while since I first saw it and I keep forgetting, so thanks to @stormiesquall for the tag! And this also solved my crisis of what to do first in the morning! I’m also still hella in the mood for tumblr dev, so if you have any more questions or ideas for any of my sso ocs, go hit up their sideblogs with an ask, kids!
[name] dot, we’re gonna say. cause i’m still a wee bit uncomfortable just sharing that unless its close friends.
[sign] gemini
[height] 5′ 4″ ish.
[put your songs on shuffle and & list the first four]
going from my “general playlist” on spotify cause it’s where i dump anything and everything i enjoy. (dear god it pulled songs i haven’t listened to in a while, way to call me out, spotify)
all star // smash mouth
setting sun // miracle of sound - an rdr2 inspired song
drunk on a plane // dierks bentley
fuck this shit, i’m out
hey. you wanted honesty. i swear, there’s actual shit on here. but sometimes, you just gotta have a good meme song.
[grab the nearest book, go to page 23. what’s the 17th line?]
“your goal here is to control it by pulling the rod left or right in the [line 18, opposite direction to the movement of the fish].”
this book happens to by my official guide to red dead redemption 2, hard back, collector’s edition, if i remember correctly. and page 23 happens to be about the fishing mechanic.
it’s actually really relaxing. i’m not much for that sort of outdoorsy hunty stuff irl, but the few times I’ve done fishing in rdr2 have been really fun. i should do more of it. Let arthur have some arthur time away from camp idiots like micah, i mean, what?
[had a song or poem written about you?]
maybe? i did creative writing in high school for two years, and there was lots of poetry involved in my second year. we had lots of good times no matter what we wrote, and that was really the best part. i loved that class and all we shared in it.
[when was the last time you played air guitar?]
fucc, i dunno. probably coming home from work one night cause we listen to the radio a lot. if my mom doesn’t decide to talk my ear off. so probably within the last week or two.
[do you believe in ghosts?]
i don’t know. i’m a baby when it comes to anything horror, so, usually, i don’t like thinking about it because people like to portray the spooky scary of it, and if i think about, i scare myself thinking about those ghosts. but maybe. i’m also not religious, so like... i don’t know? i think it’s possible there could be, like, spirits that have unfinished business, or like they stay behind to look after someone, you know?
[do you believe in aliens?]
do i actively think about whether or not i believe in aliens? no. do i believe in aliens in, like, the sci-fi sort of sense? eh, not particularly, but in the whole concept of some sort of life out there on another planet? sure. why not? just because earth is perfect for us and we’re so widespread on this planet, that doesn’t mean that some sort of life out there somewhere else doesn’t exist. Microorganisms are fucking everywhere here, after all, and plenty are important in several natural processes.
[do you drive? if you do, have you ever been in an accident?]
i have a permit, but i haven’t done a lot of driving. i’m talking like around the block and in a parking lot kind of driving. i don’t think i’ve personally been in anything too bad that i can remember as a passenger? scrapes and dings, yes, but nothing that wasn’t ~easily resolved.
[last book you read? actual book?]
fuck, i also don’t know this one. i do like to read, i just... don’t do a whole lot of it now that i’m not in school. i think, oh god...
i mean, technically, i’ve read out of my rdr2 guide as needed and, of course, continue to do so when i want to reference something.
but the last book i remember reading is the first book in the warriors series about the origins of the clans? like, the one about the tribe splitting up and the group from the tribe travelling to the area the clans lived. i’d get up and go grab the title and series name exact, but i’m lazy cause i’m under a really comfy blanket. >.>
[do you like the smell of gasoline?]
i’m gonna be the odd one out and say kind of, actually. sometimes, not so much, but, usually, i don’t mind it. would i want to spend loads of time around it? fuck, no, but in a gas station, i’ve found it like... idk, interesting, how it smells, i guess?
[what was the last movie you saw?]
i literally had to look up a 2018 release schedule to figure it out, y i k e s. the last movie i think i saw in a theater was the nutcracker and the four realms. i intended to see more, but my mom and i are actually horrible at making plans and sticking to them when it comes to going out to see movies?
the last movie i watched though was... i think sherlock holmes (2009), with robert downey, jr. and jude law. i love that movie.
[do you have any obsessions right now?]
star stable online is like my ongoing obsession, and red dead redemption 2 - mostly arthur morgan is a good character and i’m still not over how pretty the game is and i’ve had it since release.
[do you tend to hold grudges?]
i don’t know, i don’t think so. tldr, i have a fucked relationship with my biological dad that took me maybe three or four years to finally cough up that i wanted him the fuck out of my life cause he was a toxic, negative influence, and i still want nothing to fucking do with him for good reason. i’d like to think most of the people i purposely cut out of my life are for something like that, not because of some dumb grudge. i was way too fucking forgiving for way too long in that case, so... i just. i don’t think i do grudges. if you’re bringing me down and otherwise being more of a bad influence and energy in my life than a good one, i won’t want to be around you. that’s what i do. if you hurt my friends, i’m going to keep that in mind.
that one bad experience i kept going for too long was just too much for me to not be hesitant and careful now when you really hurt me or someone i trust. i don’t have time to give twenty undeserved second chances, especially doing so much better like i am now, far away from all that.
sorry that got a little personal, but i mean... hey, it’s a personal ask. might as well be honest.
[are you in a relationship right now?]
fuck nooooooooooooooo, as friends and i would say memeingly. i’m very asexual when it comes to me things, and i’ve honestly just... never been interested in anyone that way. not seriously. i was the one in high school to hear all my friends’ relationship woes and think to myself “i don’t need that kinda extra added bs stress, i have enough to worry about.”
and i like to joke that being single = more pizza for me, myself, and i when i want pizza, so that is a definite plus.
so tldr, no, and i’m not interested. i’m happy being a single pringle.
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directionr · 7 years
11 Questions!
tagged by a BUNCH of people, i feel so popular haha. but thanks for thinking of me, guys!  rules: always post the rules. answer 11 random questions posted for you. create 11 new ones and tag 11 people. let the person who tagged you know that you answered.
@dearcindymoon​‘s questions
if you could have anyone’s wardrobe, who would it be? this is a cool one! either Zendaya because her clothes are always on point or maybe millie bobby brown’s
what’s a song that reminds you of when you were younger (your childhood)? Dynamite by Taio Cruz or the entirety of Miley Cyrus’ first album, Breakout 
what’s a character that you feel describes you? Alana Beck from Dear Evan Hansen!! we’re like the same person
when did you have your last “aHA, now that makes sense” moment and why? aahh i don’t remember these things... probably in math class haha
what is a movie you have been meaning to rewatch? I never rewatch movies bc they stress me out oops
what is your favorite physical feature you have? my hair
are there any words you pronounce differently then how they’re supposed to be? no bc I’m from ohio and I pronounce everything correctly
where was the last place you just randomly started dancing? i randomly dance in the kitchen a lot
what is hobby you’ve always wanted to try? i have no idea... maybe actual photography? or vlogging haha
what restaurant can you get the best fries? ARBY’S CURLY FRIES YES GAWD
what is your favorite vine? omg that one by quensadilla that’s like thERE IS A VULTURE ON MY HOUSE-- THIS IS NOT YOUR LAND! GO! iconic
@tohollandback‘s questions
favorite shrek movie? none of them
if you were the sibling of a celebrity, who would they be? honestly i would love to be tom’s sibling, like i would get to roast him a lot plus have residual fame just from being his sister, and on top of that he has money so we’re getting gooood christmas presents (college tuition might be covered? idk if he’s that nice though)
what kind of art/posters/photos do you have in your room? i actually have a lot of posters! on top of my bed i have window cards from hamilton, deh, newsies, once on this island and the band’s visit; i have wonder woman and one direction posters; and i have a photo wall of pics with my friends/pics that mean a lot to me 
what’s the first song in the playlist of your life? born naked by rupaul!!!! 
how many windows are there in the room you’re currently in? 2 
favorite/least favorite words to pronounce? favorite- laughter least favorite- moist
quick! make a horrible pun or dad joke! why’d the scarecrow give a ted talk? he was outstanding in his field! 
describe your foot in the most artful way possible her foot, the color of caramel, with red nail polish glittering like a stone in the sun idk
did you dress up for halloween & what was your costume? 2 words: pikachu onesie
innie or outie belly button? innie
be constantly slightly hot or cold? slightly hot, i feel like that would help in winter
@prettylilparker‘s questions:
who in your life knows you the best? probably my friend mae haha I always rant to her, and myself? maybe?
if you could talk to anyone (alive, dead, fictional, real) for an hour, who would it be? probably God so I could get all the answers to questions we’ve never been able to answer before 
first thing you do when you wake up? either use the bathroom or go on my phone 
do you believe in soulmates? what’s your take on them? i guess i don’t really expect to find one for myself, but if someone says “they’re my soulmate” i’d generally believe them, at least if they were together for a while 
do you think ghosts are real? no
how old were you when you had your first crush? either like 4 or 6
home and lock screen? home screen: ben platt’s tony awards picture lock screen: hailey kilgore and isaac powell
why’d you start a tumblr in the first place? to join the tom fandom, my twitter’s more for musicals 
if you could redo any moment in your lifetime what would it be? my birth. HAHA no there are a lot, idek, some of them are personal but i’ll go with when i moved states
your take on death? (is there an afterlife, reincarnation, etc) i’m catholic so i believe in the afterlife 
your go to social media, not including tumblr hmm probably twitter 
isabel’s questions:
what do you feel most confident in?
do you believe in God/a higher power? why or why not? 
what’s your favorite picture of yourself?
when do you listen to music? (in the car, doing hw, etc) 
how long does your morning routine take? (from waking up to leaving the house/feeling presentable)
are you a feminist? (there’s one correct answer)
one thing you wish you could tell your peers? 
where does the nearest door to you lead? 
are you procrastinating right now? (my answer: yes)
are you up to date on current events? what are your main news sources? 
and finally, the most important question: do you stan jacob batalon? (there’s one correct answer) 
tagging: @transpinoyleeds @cahtastrophie @spee-iderman @tomsaloha @petersjacket @the-crime-fighting-spider @s-ondheim @itsybitsypetey @shutyourmoustache @thepoliticalabyss @sarsmusings and ANYONE ELSE WHO WANTS TO DO THIS! if you answer the questions, tag me! (if you don’t want to answer the questions you don’t have to, either)
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