#I have no idea what the ship name is for Eddie/venom/Anne/Dan
symbiotic-slime · 2 years
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sepublic · 5 years
Rough Draft for a Venom 3
So I just posted a fan plot outline for Venom 2 earlier, and the idea is that this plot outline follows the continuity previously established in that post.
The basic premise is that Eddie and Venom now have to deal with a potential Symbiote invasion... but not on Earth, but at Venom’s homeworld! Eddie travels to his boyfriend’s old home and meets his extended ‘family’! AKA;
Venom 3: Meeting the In-Laws!
Plot Outline below:
           The film begins in space, with a massive alien vessel floating in the void. A distress call reveals that aboard the ship are the last survivors of a planet destroyed by some unknown incident. Although the ship is a war vessel, the caller insists that the inhabitants aboard mean no harm.
This doesn’t do much for them, however, when the adrift War Vessel floats through an asteroid field and scrapes past a few of the rocks. Unbeknownst to the crew, this has allowed a team of Symbiotes to hitch a ride, and crawling through the ducts, the Symbiotes quickly seize a few unwilling hosts.
The opening sequence culminates with the bridge being stormed by our new Symbiote friends: Lasher, Agony, and Malady, all led by Phage! Cue a sequence where our new friends get to show off their abilities, utterly decimating and tearing apart the crew as they seize control. Now in charge, Phage orders the others to set course for Riot’s path.
Cue Title sequence! Back at Earth, Eddie, Venom, Anne and Dan, and the rest of the group are enjoying life as usual. We see Cletus still imprisoned, with Red recovering from their last battle with Eddie and Venom. The scientist-cultists experimenting on them have devised fleshy mannequins for Klyntar to use, allowing them an ideal host that physically works and has no mind of its own to rebel. 
           In the background, the Homeworld Squad from the previous plot outline (Plague, Clash, the Apocalypse group, etc.) is retrieved by the second group. Cletus and Red eventually escape and wreak havoc as Carnage once more, and Venom tries to stop them. Venom is surprised, and Carnage reveals how these scientists, ex-employees from the Life Foundation, have formed their own group continuing on Drake’s work. They are led by a masked figure who Eddie refers to as a ‘Diet Carlton Drake’. Venom and Carnage fight, and Anne and Dan are on the scene, as well as the scientists, who want to retrieve Carnage.
Eventually, our protagonists and Carnage are confronted by the Cult Leader. Eddie/Venom and Cletus/Red are very skeptical and sarcastic towards the ambiguous person, until they unmask themselves to reveal...
Dora Skirth?! Eddie is baffled to her survival, noting that he thought she’d been killed, her whole body eaten, during the events of the first film. ‘Skirth’ confirms that no, her body wasn’t eaten- She just escaped. Skirth transforms into a familiar yellow-and-red Symbiote, none other than Scream!
It’s revealed that the Yellow Symbiote from the first film, Scream, had survived the conditions of the lab. After the Blue Symbiote failed to bond with Skirth and nearly killed her, Scream took advantage of the situation and seized Skirth, taking full control of her against her will and inadvertently saving her life in the process.
Scream was too weak from Drake’s poor oversight to help Riot fight Venom, hence his death in the rocket ship. In the wake of Riot’s death, Scream has since decided to be her own leader and prepare humanity for its inevitable role as livestock for the incoming Symbiote Invasion.
            Right on cue, Scream is interrupted by the second wave of Homeworld Klyntar, whose space ship appears and lands. Out comes the second squad, followed by an angry original squad, and they overwhelm and pin down Venom and Carnage and the humans. The scientists try to welcome the Klyntar, but they don’t seem to care too much.
           Venom asks what’s going on, and Phage reveals that back on Homeworld the Klyntar hierarchy is changing. With the planet yielding less food, other Klyntar leaders have emerged and begun to fight with one another, and it’s now ending with Rampage, a cannibalistic Symbiote, on top. Phage and his group are Symbiotes who aren’t in exactly good graces with Rampage. Expecting Rampage to be the one on top soon enough, Phage has planned to appease Rampage’s wrath by finding her old foe, Riot, and offering him to her as a tribute to devour.
           As Ven recalls Rampage and warns Eddie of how crazy she is, Scream and Phage confront one another, with the former explaining her situation. Phage attempts to challenge Scream over continued control of the team, but Scream quickly curb-stomps him, revealing that her talons can extend rapidly like Lust from Fullmetal Alchemist. Having been put in his place, Phage acknowledges Scream’s superiority and defers to her, the others following.
Noting that Riot is dead and unpresentable, Scream decides to take Venom and Carnage and their hosts instead. She notes that Rampage will like meals with such combat experience and bloodlust, and hopes her offerings will appease the new Symbiote leader (Especially since Scream was Riot’s lieutenant). Before the Homeworld Squad heads back home, they decide to bring Anne and Dan and the other humans, including the remaining cultists, as roadtrip snacks.
           Cue the ship flying out into space, back to Homeworld. As Ven worriedly notes the possession of such a ship enabling the Klyntar to attack other planets, Eddie and Cletus fight but are prevented from doing so thanks to sonic speakers in their cage. As Venom and Carnage bicker, the Scientists offer the mannequins as a gift to the Klyntar.
           Some of the Homeworld Symbiotes take them… And then decide to eat three of their snacks as a meal. Luckily, Anne and Dan are spared, but throughout the trip, many others aren’t. Anne and Dan are spared because Anne is She-Venom, so Rampage would want to eat her as well. As for Dan, the group makes up some stuff about him having important knowledge.
           At the very least, Dan seems shrimpy compared to the other snacks, so the Klyntar do a consensus on saving him as one of the last ones.
           Eddie asks Venom what Homeworld is like, and Venom gives a brief run-down on it. He also discusses the story of Rampage- A Symbiote who once went off-planet in search of food with her own squad, like Riot. When she returned alone, Rampage revealed she had come across a dying planet with only a few sentient tribes that died off quickly. When she controlled one, she absorbed the knowledge of their belief systems, including the belief that eating an enemy would allow the person to retain their greatest skills.
           Heavily influenced by her hosts/meals, Rampage has since become a ruthless and willing cannibal. Venom remarks that he’s not surprised that Rampage has begun to take control, noting that even other Klyntar leaders such as Riot or Ambush were fazed by her.
           Meanwhile, Red and Cletus, still celebrating their reunion, overhear what Ven has to say and muse over it what this new planet could provide for the two…
           Eventually, the Klyntar Homeworld is sighted and everyone goes to the windows to get a glimpse. It’s very dry and barren, like a crumbling world, with massive volcanic vents and cracks in the crust. According to one of the Homeworld Symbiotes, most likely Scream, the damaged core of the planet has gotten worse thanks to Klyntar excavation attempts to find subterranean food.
           As Dan marvels at seeing another planet, the ship enters orbit and they fly over a large gathering of Klyntar, many of whom have odd shapes due to using the native species as hosts, surrounding a large stone mesa. Atop it is Rampage, a maroon Symbiote with a mouth full of long, clustered fangs, who is fighting another Klyntar named Havoc.
           The Homeworld Symbiotes explain that Rampage has challenged another rival towards Klyntar leadership to a duel, and it’s ending predictably. Rampage tears Havoc from his host, holding him above her head like a trophy to the cheers of the crowd, and then devours her enemy whole, taking a few moments to digest.
           Everyone is fazed except Carnage, who thinks Rampage has style. The ship lands, and out comes everyone under tow of the Klyntar as they present them to Rampage, explaining the situation. While everyone else is trying to not garner Rampage’s anger, Carnage is far more defiant, and he and Venom look at one another, and wordlessly reading the terrain, break out together and free everyone else.
��          Venom and Carnage hijack smaller land vehicles from the ship and use it to escape, with Venom taking his friends. Some of the scientists and other humans stay with Rampage, while Carnage goes on his own. Rampage, angered by the events but at the same time impressed by the tenacity of her prey, revels in a grand hunt. The remaining scientists present their mannequins to Rampage, promising to assist her in her planned invasion of Earth, which she decides upon after hearing of Earth’s bounty from the original Homeworld squad.
           The rest of the plot involves Venom and Co. trying to survive the treacherous wasteland of the Klyntar Homeworld, all while Rampage gives a personal chase on foot, preferring the sport of that to flying on the ship. Meanwhile, Carnage’s vehicle crashes and he is cornered by several Klyntar.
           These Klyntar muse that Carnage smells different, and Carnage remarks on how Klyntar prefer to use their hosts, and criticizes this, declaring that the host is the way for a true Symbiote to express itself. Said Klyntar are unimpressed and lunge in for an attack, but Carnage easily defeats them, and after killing one, places the rest under his leadership.
           Venom and Co. deal with the horrific wildlife. Venom explains that most of the remaining prey has holed up in the Pyrosphere, a region of the Homeworld covered in flames and volcanoes. Fire is dangerous to Klyntar, but every now and then a brave Symbiote leads a pack to get meat from the Pyrosphere- One of said symbiotes being Rampage, who has begun to coordinate more campaigns into the Pyrosphere. To demonstrate this point, we cut to Rampage leading a group into the Pyrosphere, slaying several predators.
           Venom also notes the presence of the Klyntar’s main predator; massive Space Dragons.
           Along the way, Eddie and Venom battle other Klyntar, proving the strength of their bond. They also get the aid of fellow ‘losers’ Toxin, Payback, and Purge, the last of whom is meant to be Anti-Venom. To survive in the alien atmosphere of Homeworld, Anne and Dan and others need Symbiotes to bond with. At first turns are taken with Venom, but the new additions make things easier. 
Payback bonds with Anne, as both are rebels by nature. Toxin, definitely the weakest and most timid of the group, bonds with Patrick Mulligan. The creepy and intense Purge, who was an outcast not due to being weak but because of his defiance towards Rampage, ends up bonding with Dan of all people.
           Meanwhile, Carnage is gathering his own faction of Klyntar, forming his own milita and pack that is challenging Rampage’s. Carnage plans to seize control of the Klyntar, preventing them from completely devouring Earth. He’ll still take them to his home planet, however, which is a concern, and Carnage revels in how his barbary isn’t as judged on Homeworld. Rampage and Carnage fight, but it’s clear that Rampage is stronger and Carnage is forced to retreat.
            Payback gets her hands on alien weapons from the ship, a pair of electro-blades that fit over the hands. Payback and Anne fuse with these blades, giving them an edge in combat; At one point, they fight a Symbiote and slam it into a wall before swiftly decapitating them with a spin. 
At least two more altercations occur between the protagonists and Rampage. In no particular order, Rampage tears Toxin from Patrick and devours the poor guy; During one of the altercations, Rampage resorts to flying the War Vessel over the area and firing down at the protagonists. They attempt to circumvent this by sticking close to Rampage’s allies on the ground below, reasoning that she wouldn’t shoot her own troops to get to them... And lo and behold, Rampage blows up several of her soldiers trying to kill the protagonists.
           Eventually, Venom and Co. hide in the tunnels beneath the planet and learn that an impatient Rampage is planning to just abandon her hunt and head to Earth without them. Realizing they need to stop Rampage, Ven reminds everyone that even without a ship, the Klyntar will still be able to make it to Earth- Killing Rampage won’t stop them.
           Eddie decides that they need to do the best they can, and the group sets out to take Rampage’s ship. They end up reuniting with Carnage’s group, and form a temporary alliance with him and Ambush, another Symbiote leader, to defeat Rampage.
           In the climax, the protagonists seize Rampage’s ship and fly away with it, but Rampage and several of her soldiers are still on and fighting. In the chaos that ensues, Dan ends up piloting the ship into the Pyrosphere, burning off several Klyntar who are on the outside, and the chaos causes the ship to accidentally fire a powerful laser into a crater connected to the core.
           The energies damage the core, causing the entire planet to begin to rupture and fall apart. A panicked Venom warns the others of this damage, even as the ship crashes in the Pyrosphere. As several predators converge on the ship and devour the Klyntar, Venom, Carnage, and Payback get off to fix the ship and lodge it loose from the ridge it’s struck.
           However, an enraged Rampage attacks them, still not defeated. Through teamwork, the group manages to defeat Rampage, tearing apart her host. The Rampage Symbiote slithers off and they assume that’s that, and continue trying to fix the ship as the planet begins to split.
           Cut to several shots across the planet as giant gorges form, heat and lava burst through, and quakes ensue. Then cut to a final shot of the whole planet, which is beginning to break.
           As giant heat vents send massive parts of the crust hurtling into orbit, with some Klyntar trapped aboard said asteroids, an enraged Rampage slithers about and devours a random Symbiote before setting her sights on a rampaging Space Dragon. She ponders- Then lunges.
           Cut to the protagonists dislodging the ship, when a column of flame bursts into the air, bigger than the rest. One of the protagonists dismisses it as a geyser, until a horrified Venom realizes it belongs to a Space Dragon- one that arrives over the horizon, controlled by Rampage.
           A horrified Venom notes that the fire of her host is killing Rampage, and Rampage notes that the same will happen to Venom and Co. as well, attacking. Dan and Purge get the ship flying up with the help of the remaining human scientists, who have decided that Rampage is a maniac, and fire a devastating laser at Rampage. Wounded, Rampage is vulnerable to Venom and Carnage, who deal a final blow to her that shoves Rampage off of a cliff and into a lake of lava. Rampage screams and fluctuates as she incinerates, and the team ponders… Before Carnage turns on Venom, attacking them.
           Carnage notes that, alas, Venom is a thorn in his side that also must be dealt with. However, Payback arrives and fights Carnage- At one point, Red unravels and she throws a grenade right at Cletus, even as Red reforms around him. The grenade detonates, vaporizing Cletus and splattering Red’s smouldering bits all over the place, apparently killing Carnage for good.
Payback remarks that ‘Payback is a bitch’, with Klyntar and host remarking on the corniness. They gather Venom and board the ship, which flies off, the entire surface of the planet cracking and bursting with lava.
           As the camera cuts to the ship leaving behind the crumbling planet, a depressed Eddie laments his condemnation of the Klyntar species. However, Venom reassures him that many of their kind will survive on the bits of the planet hurled into the atmosphere and will hibernate, just like he and Riot’s team did, until someone else finds them or they land.
           The Klyntar will survive, albeit scattered. Maybe some will end up on one planet. Others may come across a ship and hijack it. Either way, they no longer have to worry about a full-scale Klyntar invasion… So as far as Ven is concerned, Earth is saved.
           However, Dan reminds them of all of the other native species on the planet, and Ven admits that they’re goners. Oh well.
           The protagonists relax, and even as they all wonder what they’re going to do with the ship when they land, they also muse on the fates of the other Klyntar…
           Cut to a montage showing what has happened to several others. Some time later, a ship of aliens retrieves an asteroid, unaware of the Symbiotes aboard planning to seize the crew. Elsewhere, shooting stars streak through the sky and crash-land, and out emerges a few Klyntar. A boy, travelling to meet them, offers these ‘Shooting Stars’ food and snacks he had on his being.
           Cut to a nostalgic song, Guardians of the Galaxy style, playing as various Klyntar are spread throughout the universe, landing in different places, all having their own stories to tell. Some will remain vicious predators- Others will learn how to interact with advanced societies. Either way, this is not the end of the Klyntar- Far from it. In actuality, it’s more like a new chapter for their species.
           The protagonists muse on this and sit back, enjoying the view of space as the ship flies towards Earth. Again, they lament the fate of several of the dead species, but then the camera cuts to below in the ship’s storage areas, revealing several stowaway native species from the planet, some of whom were placed there by Rampage as rations for the trip.
           Cue credits. A mid/end credits scene shows Red, or what’s left of them, crawling around the ducts of the ship. Another potential credits scene could have Eddie waking up to a newly-born Sleeper.
-A potential plot thread has one of the human ‘snacks’ who is brought to Homeworld is Tanis Nieves, who has a dark hatred of life and society due to her past. She ends up as Rampage’s new host once Rampage’s native one dies out. She and Rampage actually ally with one another, but by the end of the day it’s a bad, codependent relationship that enables the other. Eventually, Eddie convinces Tanis to reject Rampage, which then leads to Rampage controlling another host/the Space Dragon. Tanis survives and is on board the ship as it heads back to Earth; Alternatively, it could be a different character besides Tanis, who regardless of either draft is one of the humans abducted by the Klyntar.
-Dora Skirth is quickly abandoned by Scream for one of the mannequins after the big reveal. As Skirth goes off with Venom’s group, Scream forms her own bond with Donna Diego, another human abducted for the trip who was the new CEO of the Life Foundation after Drake’s death. Scream and Donna end up having an interesting dynamic and bond over having always needed to be conniving, cunning, and underhanded in order to survive. Scream is absent from the final battle, wisely noticing the danger of the situation, and she and Donna, alongside Ambush and a few others, band together on a piece of the planet and hibernate for the time-being.
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