#I have now gotten Wally in a leather jacket out of my system
sketchy-tour · 4 months
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Using whiteboard as a stress relief doodle place for a bit and now I have indeed drawn them...in the Grease Musical
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geigercounters · 4 years
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          ❝ ── Yeah, because that's how Snakes fight! Right up in your face, with fangs and... knives and stuff ! ❞
     ── 𝗜 think i just saw BUTCH DELORIA ( he/him, cis male )! don’t you know them? they’re a canon character from fallout. have you heard that they remember some things from their previous life? apparently they appeared here in March 2019 just after getting caught in an explosion protecting the Lone Wanderer. crazy, isn’t it? now they’re 20 years old and working as a HAIR-STYLIST. still, they do have well-worn leather jacket, hiding vodka in a water bottle, breaking curfew, writing obscene messages in the bathroom stalls & jerk with a heart of gold vibe about them.
> NOTE: all surveillance recorded in the C.O.’s office is scheduled to be destroyed pending examination and approval by a senior staff member - by order of XXXXXXX > NOTE: approved by XXXXXX
【 ❝ Alright, we'll start off with a few simple questions. Can you tell me your name? ❞ 】
【 ❝ ..... ❞ 】
【 ❝ ...You're full name. Full legal name. ❞ 】
[ An over exaggerated sigh is heard, followed by a few seconds of silence. Finally, as if done deliberating what the pros & cons of being purposely irksome would bring onto the table, the young man answers. ] Butch DeLoria.
【 ❝ Alright, Butch! Where are you from? ❞ 】
Here. Kinda. I dunno.... my Washington looks kinda different. Shit's wrecked to hell & back. The lack of radiation though? I dig that. Just not used to grass & ... /that/.
【 ❝ ...That? What are you referring to when you say 'that'..? ❞ 】
The sky. It's big. It's blue. Neverending. Freaks me out, man. I mean, I've seen the sky before. Even in my home, ya know? But it doesn't sit right with me. Don't know why.
【 ❝ Well, memory loss is common amongst many who come here. You've discussed having experienced this yourself. Maybe that Casadastraphobia stems from something you don't remember. What is the last major memory you can detail? ❞ 】
Casadasasara.... what the fuck? I don't speak Italian. [ He muses over the question for a few seconds... before his face actually drops to something closely resembling melancholy, an expression so rarely seen on him. ] ...Me & a... friend got caught in a scuffle with some punks. There was a fragmentation grenade, I pushed them outta the way, the loser fell into a ditch, I didn't make it in time & then Boom. [ He blows a rather long raspberry, only stopping once the interviewer clears their throat. ]
【 ❝ That wasn't Ita-... Right. Well. Getting back to what we were talking about, I've heard you've found a new job here in Sallow Hills. & as a hair stylist no less! Have you been- ❞ 】
[ The interviewer gasps as they're loudly interrupted by the sound of a chair scraping against the floor. At this point, it's best to presume Butch has pushed himself off from his seating & is now standing directly in front of the interviewer's desk. ] Whoa, whoa, whoooa! What are you, kookie?? Hair Stylist? Man, I ain't no hair stylist. I'm a barber. There's a DIFFERENCE. You got me? You don’t go around calling EVERY doctor a surgeon. There’s a CASTE system to this babe, & I’m at the top. You dig?
【 ❝ ...Uh. Yes? ❞ 】
Right-o. I’ll let it slide this time. [ He sits back down, arms crossed, & looking quite pleased with himself. Despite the fact that he is very much still a hairstylist & that any difference between being that & a barber are fundamentally minuscule in the grand scheme of things.  ]
【 ❝ ..What was the strangest thing you had seen before arriving here? ❞
.... This guy. Named Gary, right? Except there's a ton of him. & all they keep doing is repeating their name. & tryin' to stab me. 
【 ❝ And all they could say was Gary? ❞ 】
Get with the program, nosebleed. Isn't that what I just said? Their names are Gary, that’s all they can say, & they like to attack & kill.
【 ❝ Just confirming! It's certainly very surreal, even amongst the other responses we've gotten to that question. & believe me! We’ve gotten very... interesting responses. What traits would your friends give to you? ❞ 】
Uh... [ This question certainly seems to strike a nerve, considering how uncomfortable he looks all of a sudden. The interviewer quickly jots down a note, something Butch quickly takes note of. ] Cool.... smart... bad... you know, I'm me. The Butch-man. [ Very vague answer. He can count on one hand how many friends he's actually got. ]
【 ❝ Okay Butch, is there anything else you'd like to say before we conclude this interview? ❞ 】
Yeah, where the hell do I go for a drink around here? Being sober & dealing with this really sucks.
[ CLICK! ] "Born on December 27, 2257, Butch is Vault 101’s resident bully and Serpent King of the Tunnel Snakes (i.e. leader). Butch masks his fear and sense of inadequacy about not having a father and having an alcoholic mother by being boorish and overbearing. Masking his shortfalls has stunted his secret desire to become a hairdresser. Carrying his switchblade nicknamed "Butch's Toothpick", he is usually found alongside his lackeys Wally Mack and Paul Hannon, harassing other students. Some of his peers, among them Amata Almodovar, view Butch as a loser destined to become a garbage burner." ( X )
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Smooth Evening || Z & Wally
 As they both finally take initiative, Wally and Z go on a date. From their house to the bar, to the movies and back again, it’s a night of good food, good theater and some wonderful company.
Happened on 11/11/17
Wally hoped he looked good. He’d gone to their neighbors apartment to change, thinking it’d be nicer if he actually “picked up” Z at the front door. Wally hadn’t been on a first date in years and he wasn’t sure if he should have gotten all dressed up or just gone in something simple. He decided on a simple white shirt, brown leather jacket and jeans. Wally’s neighbor seemed to think he looked good, which helped to sate the blondes nerves. He went over to the door of their place and knocked. “Is there a Z here? You have a blonde, uh, hopeful demigod waiting outside.” Wally already knew he’d be bad at talking tonight. He hated this, feeling like there was pressure on him to do a good job and try to impress Z. It was easier when they had just been getting handsy on their counter top table.
Living as a hopeful, bright-eyed lover of romance in a city full of people meant experiencing a few of the same routines over and over again. For Z, those specific experiences usually fell into the category of first dates. Somehow, they never lost their magic, despite how often they lead to nowhere other than a night tousled in sheets and then a text message later indicating how ready the other man was for another taste. Chivalry may have died, but the romance stayed strong. The thought of how dreamy the night could be had led him to dress in something comfortable, but methodical. His violet colored button up fit perfectly. Two buttons were open nearest the collar and the sleeves had been perfectly folded up to reveal forearms lightly dusted with soft brown hairs. His wrists were adorned with two bracelets made of leather and his legs filled his grey colored, form fitting slacks in a way that gave just enough to the imagination as they lead down to a nice pair of black shoes. Honey eyes surveyed the man in the mirror as hands worked to tame the dark curls on Z’s head when a knocking sound reverberated loud enough to reach his room. With a nod to himself, he headed for the door, grabbed his beige colored trench coat and the key to their flat, and opened the door to reveal his roommate. An easy smile grew on his lips as he took in the sight of the taller man. “Very clean,” he said after a moment, tilting his head. “It’s a relief to know that I’m not overdressed.”
“You look fantastic, Z.” He opened up his jacket and smirked, looking over his body and tilting his foot up. “You like it? Just something I pulled out of the closet.” Wally put his arm out for Z, grinning at the other. “Shall we? I don’t know that they’ll give our table if we’re late.” A little joke to help ease his own nerves. “Then again, I doubt the bar will be backed on a monday night.” It had been about a week ago they planned on going on a real date, now the night was finally here. Wally and Z went down the stairs and out to the street. “So, I heard you’re going on a date tonight? Who’s the lucky schmuck that gets to kiss you tonight?” The blonde tilted his head as they went down the sidewalk. It wouldn’t be a far walk, just two blocks in fact. Thankfully the lived close to The Forum.
All that could be offered as a response to Wally asking about his outfit was another nod before took the man’s arm into his hands and chuckled softly. “What a gentleman,” he mentioned as they headed out of the building. He was incredibly excited about the prospect of going on their little date, though he’d hardly admit to it. Z decided to allow the small pep in his gait serve as an indicator for how delighted he truly was. “I am, indeed. I’m hoping my date is going to go well enough for him to earn a kiss from me.” The shorter man made sure to apply a bit of emphasis to the word just to play up the aura that was already present. “Ten points to you for using the word ‘schmuck’, though. Very nice touch.” His hand delivered a few soft pats to Wally’s bicep.
“Oh I think he’ll earn it well, trust me.” Wally looked down at Z and his eyes lifted.  “Really, I’m getting points already? Damn, it’s going better than I thought. What does fifty points get me? Or, a hundred points?” Wally looked ahead. The street was lit up every with lamppost on the sidewalks, then brazers on the walls of buildings. He took a look up at the sky and smiled, silently praying to his mom that this went well. “The sky is clear tonight, it’s really pretty. Have you ever been star gazing before? I used to do it when I first got to camp. A few of us would go up and sit on the roofs of the cabin and just talk about who we thought our parents were, looking up at the stars.”
Perhaps it was the haze of event or the purity of the atmosphere, but there was something intransically magnificent about Wally tonight. He hadn’t ever been entirely unpleasant. In fact, Z would confidently say that on a general basis, his roommate was a little over tolerable at worst. At best, or nearest to it, he was a wonderful man. “If you can manage to get fifty points, I’ll hold your hand...I may even interlock our fingers. At one hundred points, though I wonder if you’ll be able to get that many, I’ll kiss you at the door after fiddling with my keys in proper date-night fashion.” He looked up then after, eyeing the stars. “What was it like? Camp Half Blood, I mean. What were you like there? I didn’t meet you until after you’d departed.”
Wally couldn’t help but chuckle at their little game. “Hmm, so using enormous and dignified words already got me a few points. What else can I do to earn your tokens of affection?” This was not nearly as bad as he thought. Wally found it quite easy actually to talk with Z. On a usual day, back when they had first been staying together, Wally never pressure to try and please Z. He wanted to make himself look good, naturally, but he never went out of his way to appear more than he was. “Mm, crowded for a long time. Until Percy, Grover Underwood and Annabeth saved the world and all, it was a little messy. Not every god  had their own cabin, so all the minor gods, my mom included had to stay in the Hermes cabin. Staying on the roof was actually more comfy and then being sandwiched between other demigods. But, the rest of my time there was amazing. The activities were fun, I got to learn about who I was. I made some really good friends. I wish you could have been there with me while we grew up. I think you would have liked it.”
“That was a reasonable guess, but the reward came from the fact that ‘schmuck’ is Yiddish. It would be far too generous of me to give you points because you’re broadening your vocabulary,” Z explained as he tilted his head. A single star had grabbed his attention and held him there, too entranced in its twinkling to look away. “I can’t imagine how crowded the Hermes cabin must have been if so few gods are regarded as major to the pantheon.” Just the thought of children piled up on top of each other, for any reason, in a place designed to give them security was absurd and awful. Though, considering their heritage as a whole, it wasn’t entirely uncharacteristic. The Ancient Greeks weren’t exactly the moral apex of the civilized world. “Hm...I don’t think you would’ve cared much for me back then, nor would I with you at that age. You’re already a big baby now, but back in your camp days, I would’ve seriously thought you were infantile...” he trailed off as he moved his shoulder over and bumped it into Wally’s form as they moved. A soft chuckle left his lips. “...but I’m thankful that we met when we did. I was older and more patient, plus we grew up at different times. Right here and now is the perfect time, I think.”
“Then I will make sure to be on my best behavior tonight. I swear that by the end of the night I’ll have the most points.” Wally noticed Z was looking up for a while and then tried to see what he was staring at. Though it wouldn’t be good for neither of them to be watching the street ahead, so he looked forward as they made their first turn. “Well, there were only twelve cabins, each for one of the twelve olympians. Any child of any god not included got stuck in the Hermes cabin - until Percy set the gods straight.” Wally agreed with Z that now was the perfect time for them to be together. Wally was a real kid back then, despite being a kid. But, in his defense, it was a “camp”. You don’t really act like a grown up in camp. They got to the bar without conflict. Wally got them a seat at the bar. Right away he opened up the menu. “You wanna share an appetizer? Maybe some fried pickles or nachos?”
There was a promise on Wally’s lips that Z had no doubt he would keep. “Confidence definitely earned you five more points,” he said with his eyes still pointed up to the sky. His little star seemed to move and his lips opened ever slightly, eyes full of wonder. It hadn’t occurred to him to look down until Wally began speaking again, to which he lowered his head just a bit so that his upward gaze would be on the man’s face rather than his special star. “What an odd system.” He didn’t have much else to add. There had been talk of what Camp Half-Blood was like for many people, but he still couldn’t very well fathom the notion that gods could be divided in such a manner that they would treat the children of some like the destitute. As if being a demigod wasn’t divine punishment enough. He waited until they were inside Wally’s choice in dinner locations before he spoke again. “Oh yes. I would love to.” His mouth watered at the options, but he didn’t express it openly. “I think nachos might be better for the breath, though. That is, of course, if you’re really intent on getting enough points to earn a kiss.”
“I think we’ll go with the nachos then, Z.” Wally smiled at the bartender. “A long island iced tea please for me, whatever he is drinking, then nachos for appetizer.” He looked to Z quickly and said, “I’m only having the one drink, is that okay with you?” He then looked down at the menu, going right to the options for whatever kind of chicken strips they had. He actually hadn’t been to this bar before, so that was two new things he would trying out tonight. But Wally, chicke strips are basic. Go out of your comfort zone, witch! He to himself.
Wally had a habit of ordering for Z and the older man grew to think fondly of the gesture. It saved him the trouble of speaking any extra words to servers. This way, he could order just his drink and not have to worry about much else. “I’ll have a water, please,” he said with a soft smile. The server was regarded for but a moment more before leaving and Z watched over his date rather than look down at his menu. He knew what he’d be getting. There was always some sort of bite sized pasta or risotto to be offered in these places. “Are you alright?” His head tilted as he continued to survey Wally carefully. “You look as though you’re trying to refrain from setting your menu ablaze.”
Wally heard Z order a water but didn’t ask him yet why it was that he wasn’t getting even the simplest of refreshing sodas. Perhaps Z figured Wally was paying - which he was - and didn’t wanna empty the man’s wallet. “Hmm? Oh, no. No, I just can’t decide if I want this macaroni pasta with chicken strip, or if i just want the chicken strips. What do you think? Either way there’s gonna be a side order of mash potatoes.” He smiled a little and looked down at Z’s menu. “Don’t you wanna take a look?”
Z’s eyebrows furrowed as Wally spoke, but they evened out in tandem with the private laugh that escaped from him. “I think you should go with the chicken strips if it was the defining factor of the pasta,” he suggested, nodding a bit. “Though a macaroni does sound pretty delicious. How about you get one and I’ll get the other for later? I don’t think I could do a side of mash, though.” He’d choose something green. If he were nothing else, it was conscious about his carb intake for the sake of maintaining his body mass index. “Not until dessert. I prefer to ask about the specials first and only open the menu when it’s time to try something drizzled in chocolate or caramel.”
Wally’s mouth popped open and his jaw locked. “Z! That’s really sweet dude, what a great idea. So, we’ll each get the other thing. But if you like pasta, get the macaroni and - oh, did you see this? It’s a four-cheese macaroni.” Wally licked his lips and made an obnoxious popping noise. He laughed a little and put his elbow on the table, resting his head while looking at Z. “Specials? Aren’t you a fine dining man? Next time I’ll try and reserve a table at That Snooty French Place.” Wally looked over, seeing the bartender plant down one water and one long island iced tea. Wally smiled at him. “Can I get a water too please?” He only took a sip of the fruity drink, looking back at Z again. “So, did you see the news, about The Alley?”
The look was absolutely adorable and Z had to blink in order to avoid staring. “Four cheeses? I’ve gone to Olympus,” he reveled, though the tone he used gave off a level of ambiguity that could’ve just as easily been sarcasm. He smiled anyway, perhaps a little brighter when the other man’s body language made him feel as though he were the only thing worth looking at for a moment. He was being hopeless. “I don’t think you’d survive very long at ‘That Snooty French Place’. Vous avez l'appétit d'un enfant.” Once again, he gave the bartender a wordless look of gratitude, but quickly returned his attention elsewhere. This time, it was on his glass of water, which he brought to his lips. “Yes. I knew the divide was...serious, but I hadn’t thought on just how serious it was until this.” It was a half-truth. He had an idea, thanks to Callum. To stop seeing someone strictly because they weren’t Roman meant he really was in over his head by living in New Rome.
Wally’s eyes widened a good bit when Z slipped into a French. It was then that his hand reached for the long island iced tea and he took another sip, rolling his eyes. “Ah,” he said, annoyingly. “I may not speak French but I did understand ‘appetite’. So I’m going to assume you just said,” he cleared his throat, “‘Wally, you are the smartest, greatest man I’ve ever met and I am so hungry for you.’” He tilted his head and then raised an eyebrow. The waiter returned with the nachos and asked if they were ready to order. Wally nodded, giving Z a look that suggested they’d pause the conversation. “I’m gonna have the chicken strips with mashed potatoes. He will have the four cheese mac and cheese chicken pasta. But we’re gonna keep the one menu to look at desserts.” He smiled as their waiter nodded with a soft expression and went to go put their orders in. “Yeah, does it make you feel any way about living here?”
Now, Z had two looks to commit to memory when thinking back on the night later on. There were many things Wally didn’t know about his roommate and Z looked forward to seeing the reactions to each. Just as he went to reply, he noticed the server. As Wally spoke, he snuck a hand over to the nachos and pulled one tortilla chip away from the mass. Hungry eyes watched as the cheese strung the whole and he brought it into his mouth before anyone could notice. His hand covered his mouth as he chewed, which did a bit to muffle the sound of his crunching, but he managed to swallow it before the server left. “I absolutely did not say anything like that, but I respect your attempt at translating,” he said finally, smiling for a moment before keeping his features schooled. He didn’t want to give off how bothered he was by the thought of what had happened recently. “I don’t think my opinion of New Rome has changed much from this. Admittedly, I don’t know much about this culture, so I imagine it felt different for me than it did for you. Are you going to be okay to live here longer?”
Wally plucked a cheesy covered nacho from the basket and popped it in his mouth. His stomach cheered as it finally received food for the first time in seven hours. Wally was just now realizing how hungry he was. “Those are pretty good.” Wally shrugged his shoulders and nodded. “That makes sense. It worries me a bit, but I’m trying to focus on the good stuff, ya know? Like controlling my powers -- so I don’t give my friend a pair of ears, even when they match his person.” Wally winked and nudged his side. “Did you have a nacho yet?” Wally took another and smiled. “They’re very good!” Wally looked at his drink, wondering if he should have another sip. He’d ordered the beverage to help ease the mood, but Wally wasn’t feeling the need to do so at all. Instead he sipped heavily on his water and took another nacho, pleasing his tummy.
“That’s awfully positive of you. Though, I think your powers of perception need just as much work as your magic,” Z said with a pointed look. His hand reached out to grab another nacho and eyed it before chuckling a little to himself. “If you didn’t notice me eating a nacho earlier, I could perhaps give up my career as a medical psychologist and become an assassin instead.” After taking the food into his mouth, he made a few motions with his hands as if he were chopping the air. It only made him laugh more around the food. His eyes turned to half moons and his cheeks got a little rosy. Once he was done chewing, he spoke again. “I could be a secret agent—a sleeper agent!”
“Nah, your life would be way to easy an assassin. All you would have to do to get your guy is to put him to sleep then kill him in any way you see fit. You need to do something that,” Wally thought on the word for a moment, “challenges you. Something totally opposite from helping others and sleeping.” He smirked. “Maybe you could be a lawyer? Like that kid Otis, have you met him? Son of Nemesis.” Wally slapped Z’s arm suddenly, pointing over with gusto as their food arrived. “That was really quick, thanks!” He smiled up at the waiter who accepted the gratitude and went off since the two young men seemed alright. “Okay, lemme know how yours taste.” With that, he dug into one of the chicken strips, then dipped it in honey mustard and then took a bit out of that. Wally moaned again, looking over at Z and nodding. “Oh dude, chicken strips never fail to be a classic anywhere you go.”
Z thought over what Wally said and had to agree as he calmed down from his laughter. Though he couldn’t imagine himself actually going through with killing another person, he had to admit that his powers gave him an unfair advantage in the field. “I have met Otis, yes. Lovely bloke, but being a lawyer would be even easier. I could just hypnotize people to tell the truth,” he shared just before the food came. He ignored the other man’s childish patting in excitement in favor of smiling at his meal. The fork had already been placed into the pasta when he was addressed. Z scooped some up and then pressed the tongs of the fork into a piece of chicken before pulling it all into his mouth. With a groan of his own, he nodded silently. “I’ve truly gone to Olympus...:”
“Glad I could take you there.” Wally nudged him again and winked. As the date continued, Wally only got happier and more excited for what was to come. The food was good, he’d barely touched his long island tea, and Z was just great company to have around. Wally took this time though, while they talked to think about what it’d be like dating Z. He imagined that it was just like this, only with more kissing and touching, which he was all for. As they finished up, Wally looked over at Z, after handing the waiter his money. “So, you still up for a movie?”
Dinner had carried on with pleasant conversation and a mutual gushing over the deliciousness of the food they’d ordered. Z had managed to get Wally to eat some of his pasta off of his fork, which was a sight to behold given how absolutely adorable the blond looked enjoying the meal. The food was heavy, but not overly so, and had managed to make the darker haired man a bit sluggish. His body fought the urge to slump backward and slouch—his perfect posture would suffer. Once the server came by to collect the payment, Z let his eyes fall on Wally instead of at the man now wandering off. “You were serious about the dinner and a movie sort of date?” he asked. The corners of his lips upturned, pushing his cheekbones up until his eyes became half moons yet again. “I think that sounds lovely and certainly worthy of some brownie points, but only if I get to pay.” The way his eyebrows lifted showed that he wouldn’t waver on this.
Wally smirked and nodded at his date. “Of course. The theater has a few good movies playing, but I thought we’d see Thor: Ragnarok. You like Marvel movies, right?” The blonde beamed at the way Z’s eyes showed. They were easily the most beautiful thing about Z’s face. “You can pay for the popcorn and drinks. I’ll buy us the tickets.” He smiled and nodded at the waiter when he came back with the change. Wally left a nice tip and got up, offering his arm again to the son of Hypnos. “Shall we, Mr. Z?” He walked out of the bar with Z, so happy that he was still sober and immensely proud of himself for not acting weird or trying to be something he wasn’t. “That food was so good. We’re gonna have to go there again. Gods though, your dinner was delicious!”
Z couldn’t help the way his face lit up at the thought of seeing the new Marvel movie. He had intentionally avoided looking at any trailers and advertisements so he could be completely surprised while watching the film. Originally, he’d planned to see it sometime in the following week by himself, but getting to see it with whom he deemed the closest person to him currently sounded amazing. He was too excited to even fight Wally’s suggestion on who would pay for what. “I’d love that,” he said, tone not nearly as boisterous as his thoughts. Though, the sultry and smooth nature of his voice didn’t ever personify excitement very well. “We shall.” He took Wally’s arm and they were off into the evening air again. As they walked, he thought about where they would sit in the theatre. “I agree. It would be a nice lunch place if neither of us cooks. You picked the perfect place.”
Wally was so happy that Z was on board to see the film. He too was anxious after catching up on all the Marvel movies he hadn’t seen. Hopefully this would compare to Spider-Man: Homecoming. The trip to the theatre wasn’t that long and when they got there, Wally looked positively giddy. “Alright, I have something to admit. Chris Hemsworth . . . he might be one of my favorite celebrities. So, if I fall for him again in this film, we might have to end things. Is that okay? You can find some other marvel stud, I’m sure.” Wally bought their tickets and went inside, pointing over to the counter. “Go on, boy, get your daddy and you some foods.” He laughed at that, having put on a thick and very bad country accent.
“I’m more of a DC actor man anyway,” Z commented as he considered the ratio of attractive actors in each production company. With people like Henry Cavill and Jason Momoa, Marvel’s casting direction never really stood much of a chance. “You can have your god of thunder because I’ll have Superman.” The tickets were paid for and Z could barely contain his own personal giddiness, which came in the form of his smile getting a bit wider. It faltered just a little when Wally used the poor quality accent, but it was replaced with a gentle snickering. “Don’t ever call yourself daddy again...Please.” With that, he headed toward the concession stand and ordered their popcorn bucket deal with two drinks. He settled on a lemonade for himself and a sprite for Wally. It didn’t take long for any of it to be prepared; and, once it was done, he looked to his date. “Are you ready?”
Wally rolled his eyes. “Is it because of Wonder Woman? I don’t think the Amazons would treat you any differently just because you like DC more, Z!” He got louder as Z walked away, then just gasped and yelled across the commons area. “I bet you’d let Superman call himself daddy, hmm?!” Wally slowly walked over, tickets in hand. He nodded to Z and smiled. They walked into their appropriate theater and took a few seats in the mild. He looked over at Z and smiled. “I guess we chose a movie where we can’t make out. Unless it’s bad.” Wally looked back to the screen then bit his lip. He leaned over, eyes still on the screen and whispered. “Let’s hope it’s bad.”
There was a bit of pink tint to the tips of his ears as he finished up with the concession stand, cursing himself for allowing Wally to once again find a way to make him feel even the slightest bit embarrassed. “You’re incorrigible,” he said, for what felt like the hundredth time in their time of knowing each other. When they arrived in their theatre, Z had ushered them to the perfect spot and he sat down, wide eyes staring at the screen and getting all the more enthralled by the pre-movie games that flashed on screen. “I suppose you’ll just have to wait and see.” His voice was hushed as he turned to eye his date’s profile. “Besides, if it turns out to be half as amazing as Spider-Man or Guardians, the excitement may be electric enough for you to get even more time snogging me after the movie.”
Wally blushed a little and nodded. “Just don’t eat all the popcorn, okay?” Wally dug his hand into the bucket and - despite having just eaten a full meal, scarfed down a fistful of popped kernels. The trailers went by too slow it seemed. He didn’t have much interest besides the one that was for Justice League, in which he nudged Z at the appearance of Superman in a dream sequence. “There’s your guy.” But once the movie came on, Wally’s mouth went off. He was good at that, not talking during a movie. It was the one time he seemed to actually not be able to talk. Wally would remember just laughing till his cheeks hurt from this movie, because that’s basically what happened. He was loving it from beginning to end. The comedy, the costumes, Thor. He cheered at the end and was shaking Z by his arm, looking at him for answers. “Well? What did you think?”
Z was almost positive that Wally’s jaw practically unhinged in order to fit that much popcorn in between his cheeks. It reminded the man a bit of a chipmunk storing its nuts for winter and that image only made him think even more fondly about Wally. It remained as the only image that he could really commit to memory until the Justice League trailer came on, which he perked up to watch his celebrity crushes. The movie was met with an equal amount of thorough tunnel vision. He laughed at many of the jokes and inside references, found himself awestricken with the visuals of the battle sequences, and appreciating the small nods to Marvel’s shift into a more light-hearted plot environment. The cheering from beside him pulled him away from the credits and he crinkled his nose, chuckling. “I thought Valkyrie was easily the most enjoyable part of the movie,” he said with a shrug that defied how chipper his tone had become. “I did think Thor was exceptionally fit in this, though. I really liked it.”
Wally rolled his head back onto the seat and let his mouth hang open. “That was so good! Like, easily one of the best films. I loved it. I loved Thor and Hela and Korg and Valkyrie!” He laughed a little and looked at Z. “She was really cool! I loved that thing she did with her ship and the gauntlets, ya know?” Wally’s hands worked to help create what was he thinking of. He got up and took Z’s empty drink and threw it into the bucket of popcorn - or the bucket of kernels left. He walked out of the theater with Z, breathing in the fresh air of the late night and putting an arm around Z’s shoulder without much thought. “So, did you have a favorite part? And do you see now why Thor is such a G.O.L.F. aka God I’d like to fuck.”
“Absolutely. Marvel is really stepping up when it comes to movies recently and they did not disappoint me with this one,” Z said as he followed after Wally, gait filled with more ease than it had before. There was really nothing like watching a good movie with someone you enjoyed. It filled him with immense happiness, and taking in the night sky once they exited had only given him more to be happy about. “I did have a favorite part! It was when Hela told Thor and Loki to kneel before her. The command...the raw power when she caught Mjolnir...I loved it! And yes...I admit that Thor is insanely hot.” He fanned himself jokingly as he laughed a bit, letting his body move in closer to Wally’s after his arm had been strung across his shoulder. “The short hair was all sorts of yes. I wanted to run my fingers through it.”
“I’ll be honest, I kinda want Hela to destroy me. I think it’d be fun. I’d totally let her kill me.” It hadn’t even occurred to Wally before that moment that Thor and Hela were real. There were tons of Greek myth movies and the Greeks were real. Was Thor, Odin, Loki and the rest of them all real too? He shook away the thought and just smiled at Z. “Her destroying his hammer was so cool. I don’t know if I have a favorite moment thought. But it’s all just super good. I can’t wait for Infinity War. That will be so freaking bomb!” Wally looked around them as they walked. His kept falling to Z. “Little disappointed we couldn’t make out. Would’a been pretty hot, but, ya know. It is what it is.” He sounded like he was trying to play it off, act cool and all. But really, Wally wanted to kiss Z again. They got to the apartment, having had a lovely walk between the theater and here. “So, I guess we say our good nights here? Maybe uh, you go in, then I’ll go in a few minutes after you? Just to, you know, make sure we do this first date thing right.”
His laughter only got louder and more genuine at what Wally had to say about Hela. “Words have never resonated with me more than just now,” he said in between fits of inhaling air, body only drawing closer to Wally’s in his comfort. Z would think on such a reaction later, when the high from their first date had settled down and had been replaced by their routine. “I couldn’t be more anxious about what Marvel could do to possibly make the franchise any better than it already is. This film was top.” They talked a bit more about the movie as they wandered toward their apartment. It was still a bit strange thinking about the fact that they were doing this date night thing despite living in the same place, but the quirkiness of it all was somehow enchanting. Z pulled out his keys when they got to the door.. “I think before I go inside and you twiddle your thumbs for a bit to keep the fantasy…” he trailed off, hand shaking a little to hear the jingles of his keys. He intentionally dropped them and gasped in obviously mock shock. He smiled warmly, yet with a hint of a challenge. “Could you?”
Wally rolled his eyes and nodded, smiling. He bent over and slowly went to pick up the keys. “Gotta be careful, Z. With those kinda butterfingers, you might drop more than just your keys.” As he stood up and handed the keys back to Z, he pocketed his hands in his shoulders. “I had a wonderful time tonight. I think - I wanna do it again.”
Z had expected as much from Wally when the keys were returned to him without much attached to the sentiment. He rolled his eyes, letting his smile show more teeth as he gripped the other man’s jacket in both of his hands. “That was the part where you did this…” he started, pulling on the material to yank Wally’s body down enough for them to be at eye level with Z standing on the tips of his toes. His eyes closed as he planted the softest of kisses to Wally’s lips. They tasted of buttered popcorn and a hint of honey, all too sweet.
Wally closed his eyes as he melted into the kiss, smiling against the man, putting his arms softly around Z’s waist. It was quick, the kiss, but memorable. As he brought himself away, licking his lips and staring quietly at Z, he realized he had stopped breathing for a few seconds. Wally quickly fixed that by sucking in a long draw of air and then blushing. “That . . . that was really good too, Z.” He ran his fingers through Z’s hair and leaned in to kiss his cheek. “Sleep well, buddy.” He winked at Z, grinning as he took a step back to let Z go in.
The kiss had been short and chaste, but something about it seemed to go on forever. When they parted, Z’s eyes fluttered open and he found himself laughing again. His grip on Wally’s jacket weakened and he tipped his head back a little to gaze into his roommate’s eyes. “Congratulations on your hundred points,” he whispered. He then released the man in time with a kiss being planted on his cheek, which only made him smile more. He pulled a rather comedic face when he turned to open the door, shooting back a look that involved him sticking his tongue out to his roommate. It dissolved into a smile sooner than he intended. He’d blame it on the moment being still too romantic. “You too, Wally.”
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