#I have storm anxiety I’m part pomeranian
zevlors-tail · 4 years
Lonely With You
Pairing: ProHero!Izuku x GN ProHero!Reader
Warnings: Self doubt, self deprecating thoughts/words, cursing, reader is very angry in the beginning and throws something if that’s a trigger for anyone (doesn’t throw it directly at anything or anything in particular), lots of crying on reader’s part, song fic, tooth rotting fluff at the end. <3
A/N: Song fic! Sports by Beach Bunny. I said I couldn’t write shit but here we are. I just one shotted this thing in the span of like 3 hours and in 3 more hours, I have to go into work with no sleep. :’) But really it’s fine bc I had motivation and I DID THE THING. I wrote something I kind of liked! I am obsessed with this song right now, so suffer with me I guess.
The second you stormed into the house and slammed the door shut behind you, Izuku could tell something was off. Sure, you had your bad days, but somehow this was different.
“Hi, love! How was your da-” Before he could even finish, you cut him off with an angry look and a short response.
“Fucking awful. I don’t want to talk about it.”
Izuku knew better than to take your short response personally, though he would be lying if he said it didn’t irk him in the slightest. However, you didn’t curse often, and using the “F” word usually meant you were at your wits end with whatever situation you were dealing with. He watched you as you strode past the kitchen with blind rage and threw down your headpiece to your hero costume. A piece of it actually busted off from how hard you had chucked it across the room, nearly missing his eye as it flew past him and making him visibly flinch. 
Upon seeing his reaction, you immediately stopped in your tracks and snapped out of your fit of anger, concern for your partner taking over you instead. “Shit-! Izu, I’m so sorry, are you alright!?” Tears welled in your eyes as you panicked and checked his face over for any collateral damage, and when you could find none, you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding.
“I’m fine, Y/N. Are...you okay? I know you said you didn’t want to talk about it, but you look really...upset.” He struggled to find the right words for a moment. You looked upset, sure, but it was more than that. There was a foreign look in your eyes he hadn’t seen before, something heavy and dark lurking behind your usually bright orbs. His heart couldn’t help but ache for the look you gave him.
If you feel lonely, I could be lonely with you. Tell me baby, why do you seem so blue?
You broke down in tears within seconds, cries of frustration and anguish clawing their way up from your ribcage to your throat. Today had drained you for all your worth and made you feel utterly exhausted. But if you were being honest, this had been going on much longer than just a day. It just so happened that today’s events had been the last straw for you and left you feeling defeated. Months of self doubt and anxieties were finally catching up to you, and now you were paying the price.
Izuku wrapped his arms around you tightly and held your head to his chest as you hiccuped. “Shhh, it’s okay. I’ve got you.” He nuzzled his face into your hair before pressing a sweet kiss to your crown, his hand sliding to your back to rub comforting circles.
“I’m no good,” you managed between sobs. “I’m a terrible hero, and I should just quit while I’m ahead. I’ll never amount to anything useful. All I do is get in the way and cause problems for others!” You continued to cry while Izuku let you vent, although it took everything he had in him not to interject that all of those things couldn’t be further from the truth.
Why are we so complicated? Maybe love is overrated...
“I’m a failure. I failed my mission and if it wasn’t for Uravity...” You let out a strangled cry as you admitted what was weighing you down so heavily. “They almost died! They almost died, and it would have been all my fault! If I had just pushed myself harder, if I had done more, then- then- then none of this would have happened!” 
“Oh, love...no.”
“I should just do everyone a favor and stop being a Pro. My manager did always say I was better as a sidekick, anyway,” you laughed bitterly at the memory, distracted only for a moment before returning to crying, albeit a little quieter. “I’m ready to give up. Everything I do is wrong... I don’t think I’m cut out for this anymore.”
I’m tired of waiting! I was never good at sports; save the games for the girls on the tennis courts.
Izuku sighed softly before cupping your face in his hands and gazing intently at you. “Y/N Y/L/N, you are not a failure. You are the light of my life and the best thing to have ever happened to me. Do you know that?”
You hesitated a minute while you sniffled and rubbed at your eyes. “Are you sure about that? Because I feel like I’m failing at everything... At being a hero, at being a friend, and at being your partner. I’ve been so stressed out lately that I’ve barely been able to pay attention to you. I’m so sorry, Izuku...” Fresh tears pooled at the corners of your eyes as your self doubt ate at you.
Say you need me, but lately you feel unsure.
“You didn’t let me finish.” 
“Ah, I’m sorry-”
“Nope! No more apologizing, especially when you didn’t do anything wrong.” A small smile found it’s way to his lips as he spoke, “I’ve watched you grow from a student in the hero course with me into the wonderful person and amazing hero you are now, and I want you to know I’m proud of who you’ve become. You’ve been nothing but nice to Uraraka, Iida, and Todoroki, and you’ve done everything you can to support me and be there for me when I need you to be. You cheered me on and pushed me to do better when I felt like giving in so many times. Without you, I wouldn’t be the hero I am today.”
“That’s really flattering, but I think All Might was mostly responsible for making you the hero you are now.”
Come on to me, come on to me...I need more!
Izuku laughed a little as you smiled at your comment, though the pain remained behind your eyes still and his gaze was just as intense as before. He quickly regained composure and continued. “You’re not giving yourself enough credit, love. I was watching the live feed from home while you were on your mission, and from one hero to another, you did all you could with the hand you were dealt in that situation. You can’t place unnecessary blame on yourself for something that’s not your fault. You weren’t a hinder to them, and you didn’t cause them any further problems. I mean, unless you were the one who set the building on fire, but that’s not likely, right?” His teasing tone was meant to lighten the situation, but it seemed to have no affect against the worry and anxiety radiating from you. “Y/N.”
“Hm?” At some point you realized you had zoned out and starting daydreaming about all the possible ways the situation could have gone wrong. Izuku’s voice pulled you back to reality and away from your twisted reverie.
“I love you. It’s okay to feel upset and angry about today, about yesterday, about last month- and especially about that comment your manager made. Which, by the way, we need a new manager for you now, but that’s not the point. I want you to know that I will always be here to support and love you like you’ve supported and loved me. Your friends love you and support you also, you know. Uraraka was just asking me about you yesterday, actually...said you looked a little blue. Oh, and Todoroki wanted me to pass on a message. Something about an angry pomeranian? Are you two making fun of Kaachan again?” He gave you a pointed look.
“Well...yes and no?” You sheepishly grinned and laughed while he just rolled his eyes.
“Anyways, the point I’m trying to make is that you are worth so much more than you think. Your friends love you, I love you, and your fans also love you. You’re more than just a sidekick. You’re an amazing hero and an even better partner to me, and you are not and will never be a failure at any point in time. You did all you could to save those people, and if you hadn’t stepped in when you did, Uravity might not have been able to get to them after all. If you don’t want to be a hero anymore, then of course I’ll support you no matter what, but that’s not really what you want to do, is it?”
Deep down, you knew Izuku was right. There was no way you could step down from being a hero; you loved helping people almost as much as he did. Being a hero was just as much a part of you as your nose or your eyes or your lips. It was a second nature, something you couldn’t just give up on so easily.
“I want to help people and be a hero. I just...lately, I just don’t feel like I’m good enough.” 
You sounded so sad and dejected still, and it absolutely broke his heart. Izuku silently promised himself to do everything in his power to make you believe in yourself again before racking his brain for ideas on how to further cheer you up. When you had bad days, there were certain things he did to comfort you and help you relax, but this seemed to be a bit more serious, and thus, required a more elaborate solution than the normal hot bath and back massage. Maybe...yes, that was perfect! It probably wouldn’t fix the problem long term, but it would be a good start.
“You are good enough, and I will always be here to remind you of that.” He leaned in and gave you a soft kiss. “Come on, let’s go relax in bed. I’ll even give you a ride there if you want.”
Your eyes immediately lit up as he turned around and crouched down so you could climb on to his back. As goofy as he was, you absolutely adored him. “Yes! You’re the best!” You squealed as he lifted you up with ease and locked his arms around the back of your legs to keep you nice and secure while he strode to the bedroom. Once there, he set you down on the bed before putting his plan into motion.
At the foot of your bed, you had a night sky projector that would cast the image of stars and planets onto your ceiling. Izuku had gotten it for you for your last birthday, and you loved it dearly. It made you feel content and relaxed when you were restless. Often times, you used it while you were in the bath or right before bed when you were having a rough night. It was perfect for occasions like this. Choosing the setting with the purple colored lights, Izuku powered it on and the two of you watched as your bedroom lit up all over. It was like you were really in space.
He made his way back to bed where you were currently snuggling into the giant comforter you both shared, a blissful smile on his face at the sight of you. You seemed to be feeling better already; you cuddled up to him as the little spoon as soon as he slid under the covers with you. He made sure to find a comfortable position for the both of you, and with the ambience set, there was only one last thing to do.
“If you feel broken, promise I won’t break your heart. If you shatter, I won’t let you fall apart. Why are we so complicated? Love’s a word I’ve always hated...”
You listened to him sing softly, the words falling from his lips effortlessly as he serenaded you with your favorite melody.
“I’m tired of waiting! I was never good at sports; save the games for the girls on the tennis court. Say you need me, but lately you feel unsure. Come on to me, come on to me, I need more...”
You closed your eyes and slowly drifted away from your worries as he sang. If every night could end like this, then maybe everything would be okay after all.
“It always feel like I need more... Jesus Christ, you’re so confusing! If we keep score, bet my money that I’m losing...”
“I love you.”
“I love you more.”
“No, I love you more.”
You felt his laugh reverberate through his chest as he snuggled closer.
“Go to bed, Y/N.”
“If you feel lonely, I could be lonely with you... Tell me, baby, why do you seem so blue?”
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blushbot · 4 years
owo ocs u say? have u got a lot? Just a few? Would you give a brief rundown of your favs? I like other people's ocs.
I have...like.......I wanna say like 8 main ocs right now, related to my would-be comic A Thorn Stood Between (usually abbreviated to ATSB) and like of those 5 that I really focus in on as my faves.
My current icon is (very old) art of one of them! His name is Gautier he’s a 516 year old vampire, he’s genderfluid (more masculine than anything else but there is wiggle room in there...) and he was born in Paris. He’s a bastard BUt he loves his family. All of them. The whole family tree. Even the ones who don’t accept the gift of vampirism. He’s telepathic and can fuck with peoples dreams also. He was turned by another of my ocs, an ancient Roman vampire who currently goes by the name Aurelio (it was originally Aurelius!) and they were lovers for uh... maybe a century before Aurelio had to go to Egypt for a currently indeterminate amount of time (this part of his backstory is barely fleshed out right now sorry) and didn’t leave any indication of why he had to leave and never sent any letters back to Rome or anything... Once he came home, no worse for wear, gautier got pissed because he figured Rello was dead and he stormed out, never to be seen again.
Aurelio is in his 2000s... he’s forgotten his exact birthdate so for simplicity’s sake he always says he’s 2000 and that his birthday is on January first. He’s demiromantic/pansexual, he kinda sorta has depression, and he’s a writer! He’s got his work published under many different names spanning... his whole life pretty much. He can also turn stuff into gold. I like to call it a selective Midas touch. I have the idea of him being a Roman emperor who faked his own death to not get assassinated for real rattling around in my head but idk if I want that to actually be canon.
My main character and current favorite boy is named Benji. He’s a piece of shit stoner who self medicates with weed for his anxiety and ADHD because he refuses to take his actual meds. He also kind of gets murdery if he doesn’t smoke weed because he’s only been a vampire for about 100 years. Gautier turned him when he was just 25 because Benji had watched his then-lover, Lance, die in some sort of work related accident, while he was in New York to go to school. He went back home to Montreal, gautier saw the state he was in, and... Benji was afraid of dying so he accepted gau’s “gift.” He almost went blind the first night he was a vampire because he stayed outside at sunrise and looked at the sun and now he has to wear glasses forever. In like the 50’s he reached the murdery phase that all young vampires go through and somehow got himself a wife at the same time? Who he got pregnant? But then he tried Drugs for the first time and it fucked with his head and he almost killed his wife but he decided to just leave instead because he was like actually lucid for once and realized he was a menace to society. He ended up living in a hippie commune for a while, got into punk subculture in like the 80s, dated another character, Desdemona, in the 90s until she cheated on him. A few years before ATSB starts a vampire hunter shows up in Montreal and almost kills him so he flees to the city he and Desdemona lived in, Theodore, hoping that she still lived there in the same apartment. She did and she let him live there! But Desdemona has a dickhead boyfriend named Luca who happens to be an alpha werewolf and he and benji do not get along but it’s fine. Really. Benji was really uncomfortable sleeping on their couch at first but he got over it. Until he crashed his car. Despite that he kept putting off finding his own place. He did manage to find himself a boyfriend though! Another main character and best boy, in fact :]
Zeb is a big buff himbo and he’s GAY and TRANS because I like to project. Zeb is an ex-Catholic satanist and part of him and Benji bonding at first was Zeb telling benji about how he beat up a nun and got expelled from catholic school when he was like 13. ...truth be told, the two met on Grindr and were SUPPOSED to just hook up but. Benji fell in love with Zeb immediately upon laying eyes on him (plus Zeb kind of looks like lance...) and insisted they go on a date instead. Zeb agreed and now 2.5 years later at the beginning of ATSB they are living together and in wuv. Zeb has a Pomeranian named princess and if anything were to happen to her he would kill everyone in the room and then himself. Princess is very small. Zeb can hold her with one hand. That makes him cry sometimes but unless you’re benji or his best friend Monica he will End you if you ever see him crying. He has a shitty mom and doesn’t like to talk about it. Zeb is a mechanic and works for his dad’s rival, which is the only thing his dad is unsupportive of. He has an older brother named Ray who lives in like Seattle or something whom he hasn’t seen in person for a while and he kind of dreads Ray eventually visiting because Ray is a vegan and zeb doesn’t know how to feed a vegan. Zeb really likes muscle cars and motorcycles and benji fucking bought him a vintage muscle car for his birthday or something one year because benji doesn’t have a good grasp on the value of money and zeb cried.
The last of the main 5 is Wiley...he’s the very oldest of my current ocs out of universe but the youngest in universe. He’s a 23 year old and he still lives with his parents on their family’s farm. He’s a werewolf BUT NOT THE SAME KIND AS LUCA. He’s a beta which I assure you isn’t related to a/b/o please believe me please. (I can explain the difference if you want) he’s a good ol country boy from the south but he’s actually good I mean that genuinely. He’s gay because I can’t resist having exclusively mlm in my main cast. He is just a simple farmer with self esteem issues. He was kind of a dickhead in middle school and to overcompensate for that he’s overly nice to everyone he meets. Part of why he acted a fool is because he hadn’t come to terms with being gay yet, part of is it because his folks moved up to Theodore, NY (as far as I know that isn’t the name of a real place. That’s a fictional city that I made up to be the setting if that’s the name of a real place I’m gonna die) because that’s where his grandpappy went to retire and Wiley’s dad, Baxter, wanted to be with his pa when he died. And Wiley wasn’t really able to properly process all of that when he was like 13. So he acted out... he and benji are best friends nowadays and benji and his younger brother, Grayson, are the only people he can really be rude to. He just can’t do it. He sells his family’s produce at a local farmers market every Saturday.
I’d talk about desdemona, Luca, and Monica a bit more but I’ve written a damn novel already Jesus Christ. I have a toyhouse if you wanna take a look there though!!! A lot of pages are kind of outdated and only four characters have proper profiles (gau, Aurelio, benji, And Zeb. I’m sorry Wiley) but you can at least see what my guys look like on there!
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a new type of dance part 2
continuation of my Anna and Katherine fic!! part one here. I rlly liked this one haha so hopefully this one goes okay too. this parts a little more angsty but I <3 the end ;)
for the first few weeks they were together, Anna and Katherine were blind to everything but each other. they had told the rest of the group right away, and everyone was supportive. Jane finally understood why Katherine was so receptive to Anna, and loved her for the support she showed. the morning after they told everyone, anne came downstairs and proclaimed “after a lot of thought, I’ve decided to give you two my blessing. congrats!!” Katherine and Anna made confused eye contact. “well thanks for that” Cleves said “but what makes you think we need it?”. anne laughed and said “don’t be silly. I'm Kat’s cousin, so only I'm allowed to give her permission to date. but don’t worry, you have my approval! just don’t hurt her or its-” anne made a slicing motion across her neck. Katherine and Cleves could barely keep from laughing, but they decided to let anne continue her charade. in the beginning, they could barely keep their hands off each other. whenever it seemed like the others were occupied (they usually weren’t, and always knew when the couple was sneaking off) they would go to Katherine’s room (her bed was much fluffier) and made out. Katherine still didn’t seem comfortable going any further than that, and Cleves was happy to accommodate. 
at first, Katherine’s anxiety and panic attacks didn’t bother Cleves. she knew that the younger girl had been through hell and back, and she would do anything to help. but the more they continued, the more they weighed on Cleves. every night on stage, she would violently flinch when the other girls touched her as part of the choreography. she hid it from everyone else but from Anna, there was no hiding. she noticed when Kat’s lips would tremble, when she would mysteriously disappear to the bathroom and return sniffling. it broke anna’s heart. she couldn’t help but feel guilty, like she had played some part in Katherine’s torture. the first three queens had been dead when Katherine took the throne, and Parr wasn’t yet in the picture. she alone had been witness to the abuse that she had experienced, to Henry’s jealousy, to the way he twisted the entire country’s opinion against her. and when it came down to it-when Katherine was actually being dragged by guards to her death-Anna simply sat in her castle. on her stupid throne that she had to brag about every single night. it killed Anna to sing about how much fun she had, only to be followed by Katherine’s heartbreaking tale. one night, as Anna tried to help Katherine calm down after another panic attack, Anna couldn't take it anymore. she texted Jane “Kat needs help, quick”. within seconds, she could hear Jane running up the stairs and she burst into the room. Katherine looked confused, but not upset to be embraced by Jane. they were growing closer and closer, and Jane was pleased that Anna had trusted her to help in this situation. as Jane rocked the younger girl, Anna quietly slipped out of the bed. she went back to her own room and locked the door. tears escaping her eyes, she knew what she had to do. as much as it broke her heart, she knew that she had to do whatever she could to help Katherine. after her previous failures, being selfish wasn’t an option. she had to break up with Katherine and let Jane take care of her. although Kat might be upset at first, once she wasn’t around Anna so much Kat would see what she really was. A selfish, weak, coward. she wasn’t there for Katherine when she needed it most, and Anna didn’t deserve her now. 
After 20 minutes or so, Anna had made up her mind. she would break up with Katherine in the morning. she had to warn Jane first, so that she could be there immediately after. as she walked out into the hallway to speak to Jane, lost in her own thoughts, Anna nearly knocked Boleyn over. her anger at Anna’s carelessness quickly turned to concern as Boleyn saw her puffy eyes. Boleyn hadn’t seen Cleves cry. ever. she immediately knew something was wrong. before Anna could say a word, Boleyn yanked her into her room. nearly tripping over dirty laundry, the pair sat on her bed. Boleyn awkwardly started “look, I'm not good at this. but I’d like you to tell me what’s wrong, if you’re up for it”. Cleves sniffled. she was embarrassed to be crying, especially in front of Boleyn. normally she would have stormed out, but she was too distraught to think clearly. she said “I just can’t see why Katherine would want to be with me. I’m basically the reason she got raped, then murdered. how dare I think I could be worthy of her?” she burst into tears, burying her face in one of Boleyn’s (many, many) pillows. bewildered, Anne awkwardly smoothed Cleves’s hair. she said “what are you on about?? how was that in any way your fault?” Cleves scoffed. “I sat there in Richmond, with my palace, while Katherine was abused. Henry and I were friends. I’m sure I could have stopped him”. Boleyn pulled Cleves into a sitting position, a little rougher than Cleves expected. looking directly into Anna’s broken eyes, she said “Anna. listen to me. you had nothing to do with that. Henry was a jealous, mean, awful man who hurt all of us in different ways. don’t you dare blame yourself for his actions. plus, I seem to remember giving you my blessing. that didn’t come lightly; I thought about it for a whole night. if I thought you were good enough for Kat, then you met some pretty high standards”. Cleves couldn’t help but chuckle at that. “how can I look her in the eyes, knowing that I could have done something while she was being hurt?” Boleyn thought for a minute, then said “by being there for her. always. she can’t be abandoned again. she trusts you and she loves you, and there's nothing you can do about that. you owe it to her to help her grow, help her heal.” Cleves was taken aback. she always forgot that beneath Anne’s chaotic and silly appearance, she had a sharp mind. she sighed, and hugged Anne. as they broke apart, Cleves was struck with an idea. she leapt up, and quickly left Boleyn's room. Boleyn smiled in a self-satisfied way, and muttered to herself “another happy customer”. 
Anna slipped back into Katherine’s room, and saw that Jane had calmed her down. the younger girl was now sleeping, and Anna didn’t want to disturb her, but needed to feel her warmth. She slowly, carefully, lowered herself into bed next to Katherine, gently putting her arm over the girl’s shoulder. though asleep, Kat grabbed hold of Anna’s hand and snuggled closer. Anna almost cried with relief. as she listened to Kat breathe, her mind was racing. the next morning, unaware that anything was amiss, the six queens continued their usual banter over breakfast. Boleyn couldn’t help but glance over at Anna, who only smiled back at her. As they cleaned up, Anna announced “I just want to run to the store and grab some more milk, we seem to be running out”. before anyone could react, she was gone. 
twenty minutes later, Anna returned. she wasn’t alone. she was accompanied by a little white Pomeranian that went by the name of “wolfie”. she picked the dog up, and softly walked into the apartment. absorbed in getting ready for that afternoon’s matinee, no one seemed to notice her furry companion. she almost sprinted up the stairs to Katherine’s room. entering quickly, she closed the door behind her. Katherine, without turning around said “sorry love, I don’t think we have any time now. I’ll have to wait until after the show to have a piece of you”. Anna blushed, but didn't say anything. bemused, Katherine turned around from her makeup. she gasped. crossing the room in a leap, she snatched Wolfie out of Anna’s arms. Cooing gently, she gushed “aren't you just the cutest wittle thing in the world. you are, aren’t you? oh you are just adorable”. Anna beamed. Katherine said “who’s dog is this? where did she come from?” Anna said “well...he’s yours. ours. if you want it, that is. I’ve just been thinking a lot about how I wasn't always there for you-you know, in the past” she cleared her throat awkwardly. “but I always will be now. and if I can’t be there, then wolfie will be. and when you snuggle her, you’ll know I’m there”. Katherine was stunned. she launched herself into Anna’s arms, and the trio fell back onto the fluffy, pink bed. Katherine alternated kissing Anna and Wolfie, and a warm feeling came over Anna. She was finally felt worthy of Katherine’s love.
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Shit I Pulled In High School - Part 2
ALL RIGHT YOU ALL ASKED FOR MORE SO HERE WE GO 7th grade - Snuck back inside the school during a fire to rescue my bookbag and avoided getting caught by pretending I was in the baseball field and couldn't hear the alarms ( which was true enough , you couldn't hear shit from out that far , but I was ACTUALLY in the science lab when the alarms went off and just busted ass across campus to my locker and then hid in the baseball field ( bitch I wasn't about to leave my bag in there , I was reading Naruto manga , wasn't gonna let Gaara burn ) - Waged a brutal three day war over the proper pronunciation of Neji Hyuuga's name with my friend , I won when she actually googled it - Got caught drawing kunai knives and shuriken , convinced math teacher they were not in fact pagan Satanic symbols but instead symbols of a noble ancient tradition I was studying ( I mean technically the art of ninjutsu is noble yeah ?) - Got out of most physical activity in PE because I had a severe asthma attack once in front of the coach and she thought I was gonna die right then, so from then on I got babied - Had to put up with a super bitchy teacher in Home Ec who WOULD NOT LET ME WEAR MY GLASSES, she claimed I was being a lazy attention seeker I proceeded to become EXACTLY that just to spite her , and despite my reporting her rude treatment of me ( including constantly making me redo my assignments , making comments on my health , weight, and appearance, and criticizing my voice ???) the school board did nothing. So I became Mrs. Smith's worst nightmare ( because of this bitch my vision got like ten percent worse over two years when before it's only been like half a percent worse ) I would pass in tests with snarky answers , blatantly call her out on her shit ( I was the only kid in class with glasses so she was clearly ostracizing me ) and made a huge nuisance of myself. For 4 years I was a waking nightmare to her , and she had no choice but to pass me or risk another year of my pettiness I stole about 97 pens from her desk over the years and i still have all of them. The worst thing this bitch did was pay a guy to take me to prom my junior year because she thought I was too ugly to get a date Thanks for ruining my prom you bitch 8th Grade - Smuggled food into science class constantly, ran a successful food trade for months with no consequences - Bought cookies from a school club , then resold them for cheap and made bank before I got caught - Ran a thrift store out of my locker , I'd have new stuff to sell each week and I made a decent amount and never got caught -Helped a friend smuggle her dog out of school ( her Pomeranian had hidden in her backpack ) 9th Grade- - Convinced a sub I was the sole heir to the Lithuanian Amber industry and was thus foreign high society, resulting the sub being afraid to upset me or deny my demands " Can we have a pizza party?" " I don't know .. " " That's too bad , my father's company pays well , and I'd gave given you a priceless antique. But if you don't want to buy amber, or have any kind of method of travel through Europe .....I suppose it's up to you . " - Convinced another sub that I was allergic to water from 'unclean sources' and thus was allowed a water bottle of spring water in class - Accidentally convinced a teacher my brother and I were twins ( I call him twin jokingly a lot ) and thus we were referred to as such ( we were the odd twins since my brother is freakishly tall and I'm barely bigger than a hobbit) 10th Grade - Became the 'Anonymous' of my school by writing " The revolution has begun , join us or be undone " in places all over the school ( the inside top of lockers , under bench seats , the auditorium break room , anywhere I was left unsupervised pretty much ) This resulted in a bunch of other kids picking up on the bit and copying it ( I only started it because I read The Schwa Was Here and it was a fun read and in the end this kid starts a graffiti trend and I wanted to try it ) - Got nicknamed " Gaara " because of my temper and the fact I had two siblings similar to his ( but I'm the oldest so I should be Temari but whatever I like Gaara most anyway ) - Bullshitted my way thorough math by googling answers in secret - Avoided driver's ed because I had such severe anxiety and somehow the school never told my dad I wasn't going - Got nicknamed Zuko in drama class because of my tendency to blow up over little things / rant about my father - WAS CALLED NICO IN ENGLISH BECAUSE MY ENGLISH TEACHER THOUGHT WE HAD THE SAME ATTITUDE ( I mean he was right we're both gay depressed angst storms ) 11th grade - Made my U.S. Marine drama coach weep when I performed a monologue I wrote about the loss of my mother and how it shaped my life , he hugged me afterwards and made me swear to someday perform that monologue on Broadway ( oh my god I would love to do that ????) ( I can post it if you want ) - Wrote a story in English class that resulted in the teacher coming up to me and demanding I make a book series with tears in his eyes He wrote in my yearbook " If you never become a published author I will hunt you down and gently slap you with a single cooked spaghetti noodle " -wore pajama pants often enough that teachers just ignored it after awhile and so everyone started doing it - rebell
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