#I have that good zelink brainrot
jdetan · 1 year
A Gentle Touch
Link thinks about his relationship with Zelda as he lies in bed with her. Little does he know it's about to change forever. For the @zelinkcommunity weekly prompt: Gentle.
Link lay across from Zelda, quietly watching her sleep. Her chest softly rose and fell, she’d issue soft snores every few minutes, and if his position shifted, she’d reach over and pull him back in towards her. It had been a year since the Calamity, and Zelda lived with Link in their cozy Hateno house. Link wasn’t sure why Zelda wasn’t looking for a home of her own– she was well loved across Hyrule as the Princess who vanquished the Calamity. She could live anywhere she wanted… but she stayed with him, steadfastly refusing  any offers that came her way of alternate housing or even a different bed. The bed itself was small: big enough for one person, but with two people sharing, it necessitated contact. Link had offered to get a new bed or even make one, but Zelda had just smiled and said “This is perfect, Link.” before climbing into bed and gesturing for him to join her. They’d been sleeping together since the end of the Calamity– well, that was TECHNICALLY accurate, but they hadn’t so much as kissed. They shared the bed and held each other, each helping to fight off the other’s nightmares. Not that Link didn’t want more, of course: Zelda was so gorgeous it left him breathless: he looked at her like the goddess made flesh that she truly was. “Mmm…” Zelda groaned lightly, shifting her position slightly. “Link… you’re going to be just fine… please don’t die… I…” Tears began to well in her eyes as she began dreaming of the worst day of her life. “Shh, it’s ok. I’m here.” Link gently ran a hand along her cheek, a motion he’d found would calm her down- and brought him sheer joy, getting to lay a gentle touch on this perfect woman. “Mmm…” Zelda nuzzled against his hand, smiling softly. “Thank goodness, you’re alright…” She pulled Link in closer, resting her head against his chest. “I don’t know what I’d do if I lost you…” Link rubbed the back of Zelda’s head softly, smiling happily. He loved her– of course he did, she was, after all, perfect– he could only hope she had any feelings for him. Little did he know that he was about to find out. Zelda’s eyes fluttered open, her beautiful emerald eyes focusing on him as she woke up. “Hey.” She said, quietly, smiling at Link. “Hey.” Link replied, still gently stroking her hair. “Are you feeling ok?” “Yeah.” Zelda didn’t sit up, still staring at Link happily. “I had a nightmare, but it faded.” She yawned lightly. “How about you?” “Slept like a log.” Link chuckled. “Hopefully I didn’t wake you by snoring.” “You don’t snore. You sleep like a Sheikah.” Zelda's face was inscrutable as she scooted a bit closer to Link. “Hey, Link? You trust me, right?” “Of course I do. More than anything in the world.” Link answered, immediately. “Good.” Zelda said, and pulled him into a kiss. Link’s eyes went wide for a moment, until he decided to let a good thing happen and returned her kiss, running his hand along her back. After several seconds, they broke apart. “I’ve had feelings for you since before, Link, and… I can’t ignore them anymore. I want us to be more than just friends… if that’s alright with you.” Zelda looked away, blushing furiously. That had taken all the courage she had within her. “Zelda.” Link whispered her name, like a prayer. “Kiss me again, please.” Zelda turned back towards Link, smiling happily. “Nothing would make me happier.” Their second kiss was much less gentle than their first.
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zellink · 8 months
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all the bells say
a pre-calamity zelink longfic. [chapter 1 of 28 // Act 0 of 5]
>> Read Act 0: "Genesis / Heavy" on AO3
Rating: M Main Tags: canon compliant / angst with a happy ending / character study / romance / slow burn / all the goddamn tension. / mutual pining / self-doubt / following all the botw memories / Zelda is an unreliable narrator / Link is so hopelessly in love (until it's not) What will you do with what you've been given when the story forever tolls the same way? Link and Zelda, the Calamity, and their tale of inevitability and doom, and most of all, of love.
Here I am, 7 years late to the party, 3 years after witnessing my boyfriend first play BOTW, with a Starbucks in hand and yet another pre-Calamity long fic that absolutely nobody asked for. But I have to do it. I have to bounce these two blonde elves in my head indefinitely and breathe life into my many, many headcanons.
All my love and thanks to my trench buddy and writing soulmate @1up-girl for all your invaluable beta'ing, brainrotting, and everything in between—I seriously owe you forever and ever. Thousands of thanks to the lovely @mustardcheesedog for your amazing energy and hype as an early reader and the daily zelink brainrot.
I also wanna to thank @milkywayes for doing the beautiful banner art for Bells; for understanding my vision and for all the conversations we've had about zelink—headcanons concocted in our DMs that I eventually adopted into this fic.
Fic title taken from the famous John Berryman poem, "Dream Song 29".
~~~ Please go to the fic page on AO3 and read the extended author's note in the beginning for warnings! ~~~
Anyway..... here's Act 0, y'all!
Act 0: Genesis / Heavy
There sat down, once, a thing on Henry's heart só heavy, if he had a hundred years & more, & weeping, sleepless, in all them time Henry could not make good. […] Ghastly, with open eyes, he attends, blind. All the bells say: too late. This is not for tears; thinking. “Dream Song 29” - John Berryman
Link is no stranger to death.
At five years old, he’s already witnessed more than his peers ever would. Growing up at a farm can do that to a kid. Cows, lambs, cuccos—all to the slaughter for sustenance, for profit. He stations himself beside Father and Mother as they butcher them to sell at the family shop. He’s also seen Father shoot countless deers and elk during their leisure hunts whenever Father is back home from Castle Town. More often than not, Father would let him borrow his old bow, and Link would contribute to their hunt, too.
But then Link’s pet fish dies one afternoon—a fat white freshwater carp with gold and black splotches he named Goldie—and he weeps and weeps in Mother’s lap. Goldie was his friend. Goldie was always there in the morning when he would wake up, and was there at night before he’d go to bed. But now Goldie is floating in the pond, its tiny mouth agape.
Mother strokes his hair. “It’s okay, Link. Goldie is with the Goddess, now.”
“Can I be with the Goddess, too?” he asks. Snot runs down his nose.
“Well, no.” Mother huffs a laugh. “Where Goldie is… we cannot go there. But what you can do is pray.”
Link withdraws his head from Mother’s lap. He wipes the tears from his face with the heel of his palms.
“Can we pray together, Mom?”
At that, something unreadable passes through Mother’s face. Her blue eyes turn steely.
“You can pray, Link,” she says, something sad about her small smile. “I won’t join. But we can arrange a funeral for Goldie, if you would like that?”
So they spend the rest of the day gathering flowers from the brambles that surround their estate until Mother’s wicker basket is full of white roses, blue nightshades, and armoranths. Mother also allows him to use the small wooden box that sits atop her vanity—a coffin perfect for Goldie. Mother says that it’s a box that used to house a necklace she bought and gave to Father long ago, but that necklace is long lost, so she has no use for it now.
Link wraps Goldie in an old rag and lays it gently inside the box. Then, they dig a hole in their backyard and bury the box and Goldie in it. He cries again, but not as hard as earlier. He clasps his hands in front of his chest, shuts his eyes, and utters his prayers aloud.
“Goddess Hylia, please welcome Goldie in your loving arms, give it many, many worms to eat, and bring it back as a strong and healthy fish in its next life.” Let its next life start tomorrow, please, Link does not say aloud.
When they make it back inside the living room, Father is already there, sitting at the dining table with a cup of coffee. He asks about what they have been up to, and Link answers honestly. Father doesn’t press on, and he looks rather exhausted, so Link goes back into his bedroom and closes the door behind him.
He climbs into his bed and crawls toward the far end of the wall, looking out from the window and into the backyard. He sees it—a small grave by the shrubs, complete with a rock roughly the shape of an oval as the tombstone, with flowers surrounding the little plot of land.
He hears voices from beyond his bedroom door.
“I don’t think it is best for us to go soft on him.”
“Wha— soft? He is five and his pet just died!”
“And you helped him throw a funeral. For a fish.”
“Because he’s just a child!”
There’s a grating sound—a chair being dragged on the floor. “Well, he’s always said that he wants to become a knight. Then we must prepare him for such an occupation.”
“Being a knight does not mean he can’t feel emotions.”
“Eleana, being a knight is not easy. He will see hundreds of deaths in his lifetime. The next death he’ll witness won’t be of a fish, but of a comrade. I just want to prepare him for when he eventually becomes one.”
“Well—” a pause, “—then I hope, for Link’s sake, he never becomes one.”
Link, however, doesn’t pay much attention to his parents’ conversation. Instead, he imagines Goldie wiggling its way past the layers of cloth and wood and soil, flopping around the backyard until it finds its way to the pond again. Once everybody is asleep Goldie will rise up from its grave, he thinks. He prayed to the Goddess, after all.
But come morning, the pond is still empty, and Goldie remains lifeless in its little coffin.
And he never sheds another tear after that.
Link is no stranger to death, and no stranger to funerals, either.
A year after Goldie’s humble funeral in his backyard in Hateno Village, Father must attend one of the most important funerals in the kingdom for as long as Link can remember.
(Well, six years is quite long for him, anyway.)
So here he is, holding Mother’s gloved hand, in the congregation at the Grand Chapel of Hyrule Castle. It’s a sad occasion, of course—everyone’s wearing black, all the women have their faces obscured with a veil, and he can hear sniffles from the crowd. But Link also can’t wait to tell his friends back home of his first real experience in the castle.
There are speeches, sermons, hymns, and many, many other long-drawn-out processions that he has no choice but to zone out on. But once the burial is over, Link is rather excited, because the Royal Guards (and by extension, Father) must accompany the Prince Consort to the Sanctum for an intimate reception.
The Sanctum is grand—big, luxurious, grand. Red velvet is draped everywhere—the thrones, the floor, the curtains, the banners. There’s also a lot of gold, and streaks of blue here and there. Link likes the blue the most.
When Father makes his way through the crowd to find Link and Mother, Link knows it’s time. He straightens his back, draws his chin a little bit higher, and follows Father.
“This is pretty exciting, right, Mom?” Link whispers. “Meeting the Prince!”
“The King,” Father corrects him. “He was the Prince, and now, without the Queen, he has become the King.” He sounds annoyed. “Please don’t make that mistake in front of His Majesty.”
Link clears his throat. “Sorry, Father.”
He gazes up at Mother again, but she’s quiet, and it’s hard to look past her veil.
They climb the grand marble staircase leading to the floating dais above the room, and find a large man standing in front of the throne.
Father and Mother immediately drop to their knees. Link follows suit.
“Your Majesty,” Father says, his head bowed.
“Sir William! Please, no need for this,” the King’s voice booms. Father rises, followed by Mother, and then Link. “I am very pleased to see you again, Lady Eleana. It’s been too long.” The King sounds friendly, but there’s a lot of sadness at the edge of his voice. That makes sense, Link thinks. He just lost his wife.
Then, the King sets his eyes on Link.
Link’s hands feel clammy, all of a sudden.
“And you, young boy—how you have grown! It was not that long ago when your father brought you as an infant to the Castle to celebrate my daughter’s birth,” he says. Link can only muster up a nod and a shaky smile. “Speaking of—” the King turns around to shoo something from his back. “Don’t just hide! Introduce yourself.”
From behind the King’s robe, a little girl emerges, clad in a black dress and a black surcoat. Her face, however, isn’t covered with a veil like the other women, and the first thing Link notices is how golden her hair is compared to the rest of her outfit. It’s almost blinding.
The second thing Link notices is how green her eyes are. Very green. Like grass, like trees. Like the forests that he likes to spend time in.
The girl extends a gloved hand. Palm facing down.
“I’m Princess Zelda,” she says. “Nice to meet you.”
Link takes her hand in a gentlemanly way that Father has taught him when greeting noblewomen. His thumb pad rests on her knuckles. His left hand rises to splay over his right breast. Then, he puts one foot in front of the other and bends his knees, bowing his head.
“Nice to meet you, Princess,” he says. “My name is Link.”
As he straightens up again, Link finds it hard to let go of her hand. The Princess doesn’t, either; her forest green gaze is still piercing through his eyes. It feels like vines are growing out of his wrist and twining around his hand and the Princess’.
“Hello, Link,” she says.
Oh, his heart is racing.
Father lets out a cough, and the vines vanish. Link withdraws his hand as if shocked by a jolt of electricity. The Princess lets her arm fall limp at her side once more, but her eyes are still on him. Mother grabs him by his shoulders, pulling him back to stand next to her again.
“Your Majesty, once again, Eleana, Link, and I would like to offer our deepest condolences for your loss,” Father says. “For this kingdom’s loss. The Queen is—was—a strong and wise monarch, and as a people, we shall mourn her absence forevermore.” His lips are trembling a little, Link notes. He’s never seen that on Father before.
“Thank you, Sir William,” the King says. “You were a steadfast presence in her life, truly.” At that, Mother’s grip tightens. Link tilts his head up to look at her, but is met with that layer of veil again. “Well, I must be on my way. Duty calls upon us all, after all.”
With one last bow from Father, Mother, and Link himself, the King makes his way toward the other end of the dais and descends the opposite staircase. The Princess follows, her back straight and steps never once faltering.
She doesn’t turn back to cast one last glance at his family, but Link watches and watches and watches. He’s still watching as she disappears beneath the grand archway that leads further into the castle.
On the walk back to Castle Town where Father resides, Link feels something heavy settling in his gut. Like his little inconsequential life makes sense, all of a sudden. Like being six years old doesn’t really matter because, in that moment, he feels like there are hundreds of ancient men residing within the confines of his bones. And all those men are whispering the same name over and over.
The name he heard just a half hour ago.
So he speaks up.
“Father, I think I’m ready to really train,” he says. “I really wanna be in the Royal Guard.”
Father laughs.
Mother, beneath her black veil, stays quiet.
>> Continue reading on AO3
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aheavenscorner · 8 days
Yes I know I’m a bit late for wip Wednesday, but when the brainrot turns your brain upside down on an evening and you have to study… well, here it is! Have a Skyward Sword Zelink fake-dating moment, courtesy of my very sleepy brain.
“I said—“ she sat back on the couch, a smirk growing on her face, “we should practice kissing.”
Link’s face lit up redder than the crimson loftwing, and it was actually shameful just how much Zelda was enjoying the sight. “Why?”
She paused for a moment. Her suggestion had no real meaning behind it besides making him blush, but now she’d have to come up with an excuse. A really good, compelling excuse, one that wouldn’t give away just how much she wanted to kiss him.
“Why not?”
…or that.
“Think about it, Link. If we’re really going to look the part, we might as well make it as real as possible. Nobody would bat an eye if we kissed in public, but they probably would if we never did.”
He grunted in response, hands now completely covering his face, and the smirk on her face only kept growing. Oh, had he no idea how adorable he looked?
“What’s up, sleepyhead? Afraid to catch feelings?”
A pause. Her smirk vanished into widened eyes, now worried. Had she gone too far? Before she could open her mouth to apologize, Link finally turned back to her. His disgruntled look had given way to a gaze burning in sheer determination, the likes of which she had never seen before. It sent a zing down her spine, making her next breath come out shaky.
He took a step forward.
“Are you?”
She gulped drily as he reached a hand to cradle her face, waiting, hoping even. Answering truthfully would lead Zelda to admit that catching feelings was a non-issue, since she had already caught them a long time ago, but since Link didn’t know that, she deemed it wise to keep her mouth shut.
He inched closer by the second, until their foreheads touched and her eyes started to flutter shut. He was looking at her with so much warmth and determination and something else just below the surface and she was absolutely positive her brain turned into jelly as soon as he lifted her chin and his thumb brushed over her bottom lip. It was hard to bite down the squeal threatening to leave her throat, but she managed it. Victory.
“It’s your call, Zel.”
Having lost all ability of coherent speech, all she could do was nod. With eyes bearing the warmth of the sun itself, he pulled her closer, and not a moment later, his lips pressed softly against hers.
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clowns0up-felix · 1 month
Hi! You mentioned domestic totk zelink brainrot?
Could you maybe draw them reuniting at the end of totk? (Does not have to be anything big at all)
If not that’s fine! I really like your art style, have a good day :D
Here you go! I think it’s not exactly what you asked for, but I was too tired to draw much more, sorry,,, if it’s not at all what you wanted lmk and I’ll try again tomorrow!
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louwhose · 11 months
Twenty Questions for Fic Writers
Thanks for the tag @cooking-with-hailstones!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
uh. 57. not at all prolific.
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly for Breath of the Wild or Ocarina of Time in the Legend of Zelda, though I've done a couple for different games. Other than that Dwight in Shining Armor, that one random cosmere one, Spy X Family, and Miraculous.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Semblance of a Sentiment
Fall Under Your Spell
One Little Scare Ought To Do You Some Good
Link's Lawn Mowing Service
deliberately ignoring the sxf ones because I'm not that into the fandom anymore and it's so much more popular that I feel that skews things
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I used to. I should start again. I'm just... lazy.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Ooh. Oh. Oh, uh that's actually a tought one. Well, if I had to say angstiest it would have to be Even Though You're Not Here. Though there are definitely a couple other contenders.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Hard to say. I have plenty, but my favorite ones tend to be at least bittersweet, but let's go with... Reading Between the Lines (../.-../---/...-/./-.--/---/..-)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
The closest is once (for my tiny fandom actually) I got a comment that was like "I didn't like this." So I just deleted the comment.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
I do not. The closest I come is putting characters in a different universe that I love.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I did one with @linktheacehero! And I like to rp, so I could theoretically have more in the future... if one ever gets finished, that is.
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
Zelink. Without a doubt. They just claimed the brainrot about a year and eight months ago and haven't relinquished it yet and I kinda doubt they're gonna.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
A botw au where it starts in a hyrule equivalent to the 1920s. The first chapter is one of the first things I wrote, but I am no longer satisfied with it but some simple edits aren't enough to fix my issues with it so I don't know what to do with it at the moment. I'd ideally love to fix it or restart it or something so that I can get to the parts I want to but I'm just not sure what is going to become of it.
16. What are your writing strengths?
Um... horrible at analyzing my own writing, but I really like the way I am able to do prose sometimes.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Complex stories? Maintaining momentum for a multichapter fic? The biggest thing I feel is doing any sort of action, because I like to spend too much time either in a character's head or in the dialogue.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Cool if you can do it. I can't.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Miraculous Ladybug. Sometimes I miss the fandom, but it's just not the same anymore.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
It's gotta be When Things Cease to Flow. Probably weird for most people since it's second person POV but I love it because it just works so well for me. Probably the fic I've written I've reread the most.
No pressure but tagging (and sorry if you've already been tagged) @linktheacehero @angelicgarnet @whogirl2011 @deiliamedlini and um. er. whoever else wants to.
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tsukinoshinjiu · 1 year
Hello Tsuki!
Congrats, you've been visited by your LU Self Care Anon!
I hope you had a great day, and if not, don't worry, you did your best, and tomorrow's full of new possibilities!
Have you drank enough water? It can really help your body and mind feeling well! Also, remember to get enough sleep, did you know underground rooms are often the freshest in the house? I can assure you there's at least a 2F difference between my basement and my ground floor. It really makes a difference in hot days!
What have you been working on lately? Would you like to show me a wip, or describe it? I'm sure it'll turn out amazing, even if you now think it's nowhere near good!
You can do this! Believe in yourself, you're awesome!
Heheh this is so sweet!! Thank you so much!! Big smile on my face rn I do need to drink some more water, but i am having a pretty good time right now! Short term, i am working on a lil zelink piece (again, lol) that i keep getting distracted from because of LU brainrots xD Here's a sneakpeek!
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Though, it's pretty easy to tell what's happening from that alone, lol Long term, i am also preparing to open comms sometime this month, though i will admit most of that is mental preparation... Having so much time off has been so fun that i hardly want to stop it! Hopefully that'll happen soon~ Thank you for the sweet message! I hope everyone that reads it can also be inspired from it~ And i hope you have a great day as well! PS: Sadly, my house only has the ground floor 😔 no goblin cave for me
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thunderpetal · 2 years
1, 2, 23, 49, 50 <3
Hii casey!
1. What fic of yours would you recommend to someone who had never read any of your work? (In other words, what do you think is the best introduction to your fics?)
Hm, probably Walking The Same Path. It has wind and wild bonding. It has transgenderism. It has a little dash of botw zelink on top. It's a good introduction to my brainrot
2. Go to your AO3 “Works” page, to the sidebar with all the filters, and click the drop-down arrow for “Additional Tags.” What are your top 3-5 most used tags? Do you think they accurately represent your writing habits?
My top 5 tags are: Fluff, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, Wild-centric, and Post-King's Tide. Yeahh these are pretty accurate. I have my fluffy fics but I do love putting in that good bit of angst on top to make the fluff feel more deserved. I didn't realise Wild was so prominent in my fics though - every LU fic of mine bar one is him centric lmao
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
OOH. I'm really not sure. I guess a timeloop fic is something I've never written but would like to, hence why I have one in the works. But I haven't actually written it yet so it counts for this question.
49. What are you currently working on? Share a few lines if you’re up for it!
Currently we are in the trenches of SWSHBTS, my long ass owl house fic, as I have four chapters left to upload before oct 15th HELP. A few lines from chapter 12:
“A few months ago, all I cared about was joining the Emperor’s Coven. And, well, that’s obviously not a thing anymore. Like you, I want to see that the Isles are okay, but after that? I have no solid plan.” Amity breathes out. “I guess I don’t care what it is that I do, as long as it’s with the people I love.”
“The people you love…” Hunter repeats thoughtfully. “That sounds nice.”
“Looks like you’ve found those people too,” Amity gently tells him. “People who won’t make you feel worthless.”
“Oh-” It’s hard to see in the night, but Amity swears she can see a bit of a blush on Hunter’s ears. “Yeah, I, uh… yeah. I have.”
50. Answer any question of your choice, or talk about anything you want to talk about!
Thanks for sending this again <3 going to unofficially answer no. 37 and promote my wind & time Sunset fic, As Time Passes, which is very underrated but still my fav work. It is also no longer canon compliant, which just makes it more fun! Here's a link
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inkandmoonbeams · 3 years
I’m feeling very sad and overwhelmed by the world today (as I am sure most of you are) and I think after I see my friends tonight I’m just going to get cozy and write fluffy fanfic. 
And I truly cannot wait to do nothing for the rest of the weekend. 
Take care of yourselves, loves. 
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chemicalbrew · 2 years
by @radellama​ thanks bro
3 ships
the all-time ones: zelink (any) \ chrobin (either) \ any combo of chrono + schala + marle
current hyperfixation (censored so i don’t get any dumb fucks after me again): rex + ae_gis (+ optionally nia platonically) \ sh_ulk + alv_is (ah yes the ship where you’re into it, but have no clue what the relationship is like yet) (+ optionally zan_za  in any combination, but then it’s absolutely not 100% romantic cause that guy is a motherfucker i want to study like a bug) \ mo_rag + brig_hid
i love how one is straight, one is mlm and one is wlw. winning
First ship
the real answer is fucking embarrassing (ha**y po**er..), so i’ll say zelink
Last song
bro do i even need to say it
Last film
i should start answering this with the last video essay instead. and i’m gonna half lie and say it was this because i loved the video (warning: nia xb2 brainrot)
Currently reading
your ST fic (technically soz I can’t afford to finish it yet), Vintage Season by C. L. Moore and Henry Kuttner, and I have like half a dozen xb fics on the backburner also
Currently watching
my watch later list growing because i’m either busy at uni or busy bopping to remote control
Currently craving
TIME TO WRITE XB STUFF WITH MY OTHER BRO- oh you meant food. idk i’m just thirsty. i had my sushi craving fulfilled around the long weekend, so i’m kinda good now
Tagging @catalystscimitar @hanabira @virtua and anyone else who wants to (no pressure obvi i don't have many people to tag in this stuff)
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botwstoriesandsuch · 4 years
Alrighty it’s Time 2 Rank Ships
Here’s my top ten list of Botw ships because I was inspired by recent events
10) Sooga x Kohga 6/10
some gay little ninjas just vibing with some potassium fruit. need I say more? you’ve SEEN hwaoc right? There is no way they’re not gay, it’s just an impossibility. Sooga basically carries Kohga like a bride. they’re getting married, and instead of flower petals it’ll be banana peels 
9) Sidlink 6/10
Tall happy shark boi, tiny gremlin, one of the best dynamics. honestly I think I prefer them platonic, but it’s still a very good ship. Perfect for your fluff AND angst needs.
8) Tebasaki 10/10
fucking SUE me I love a loving husband and his wife just being normal and hanging out with their child ok call it basic or whatever but god fucking dammit I love them so much ok. Tebaharth is valid but nothing can replace the family sized hole in my heart except Tebasaki. I still hate that Nintendo named them after fried chicken, but at least they’re really cute together. Also TULIN 
7) Miphlink 7/10
sof fish girl pining after handsome knight....friends to strangers to friends to lovers.......or even friends to best friends to lovers....or you could chuck the sweet romance build up completely in the angst bin and just kill one or both of them off. Mipha being a ghost but still healing Link and keeping him in the world of the living....god so much narrative potential, there’s much to do in the Miphlink world!
6) Urbosa x Queen 8/10
Let’s go lesbians let’s go. Urbosa literally says in her diary “I do not worship the goddess, I worship her” like BOI HELLO GAYSSS that is the gayest fucking thing I have ever seen. Also Zelda with two lesbian moms yes please, fuck king Rhoam. 
5) Zelpha 7/10
MORE lesbians, because I said so. Well actually I see Zelda as pan, and Mipha bi, but long story short, girls. Mipha being supportive of her science gf, Zelda taking care of  Mipha and helping her as they both grow as princesses....There’s a lot to foil with them, and thus a lot that they can learn from each other and grow as BATTLE WIVES because Mipha teaches Zelda how to kick ass change my mind
4) Zelink 8/10
shut the FUCK up, it’s not basic. it kinda is, but shut up still. I love them. Yes they also make a great platonic relationship, but the sheer romantic tension of falling inlove with your body guard, and also the overarching story of your love lasting centuries and being the thing that saves each other and the entire world. when the world told you to worhsip and pray to a goddess, and instead you love and learn from your once hated companion and now your best friend and also learn to love yourself through that and also you both continue to save each other both physically and metaphorically time and time again fucking SHUSH it’s a popular ship for a reason and also chaotic science girl and arsonist is good
3) Miphvali 8/10
there are nice...they are cute......they are like the tebasaki of 100 years ago change my mind. They’re just NICE, it’s again with the foils and facade breakage and the tough sarcastic one softening to the cinnamon role dynamic GHHU I love them so much....Mipha’s kindness even being able to reach out to someone like Revali and then Revali helping her move on from Link and then brrrrrrr brainrot, they are so cute 
2) Astor x Rhoam 10/10
A fantastic ship. 9/10. They both fucked the queen. They both aided in the destruction of the Calamity (Rhoam kinda fucked everyone over by digging up the Guardians). They both are mean to Zelda. Astor’s a greasy twink, Rhoam is the bimbo. PErfect. they should ballroom dance
1) Revalink 10/10
I have given many an essay on the topic, and there’s probably a few more in my drafts. I love them....enemies to lovers is my absolute jam. They’re in love. You can’t change my mind. Soulmates. This is a pattern but ships where two really flawed or broken characters find each other and mend and become better is my blood and life. Revalink rights forever
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bringingglory · 4 years
catch up!
tagged by the mightiest of megs @megthemighty ily queen <3
Three Ships: royai (yeah its been 6 months since i watched fmab, no i am still not over them, no i will never be over them), zelink (all zelinks good but im thinking esp about botw zelink), iwaoi (watched haikyuu a few weeks ago and WOW iwaoi brainrot is real. its about the *pinching fingers emoji* childhood best friends, also i love it when one person is a clown (oikawa) and the other is level-headed (iwaizumi), it’s a great dynamic)
Last Song I Listened To: alsdjfhaskljdf magic by one direction, idk why but its been popping up a lot on tiktok lately and hearing it transported me back to middle school and nostalgia etc etc anyway magic is lowkey a BANGER
Currently Watching: the fate: winx saga on netflix akljdflakjsdf i watched winx club when i was a kid and i LOVED IT and then i saw that there was going to be an edgy gritty darker teen reboot of winx club and i was like “this is going to be a disaster, i have to watch it” so im currently hate watching it with my roommates and it is, in fact, a disaster. no teenager acts like whatever the fuck they’re doing in the show (”i saw you creeping on my insta last night” is a real quote from the show), and also kind of fucked up that they white-washed 2 characters and removed one, also added an unnecessary love triangle and girls hating each other for no reason but WHATEVER!!! at least its funny. also i started watching jujutsu kaisen a lil while ago and its so fun! v engaging and funny and also sad, pog/10 anime
Currently Reading: These Violent Delights by Chloe Gong! its like a romeo and juliet retelling set in 1920s shanghai and im loving it!!! 1. bc its set in china 2. its fucking??? childhood friends (ish) to lovers to exes and enemies (and then probably back to lovers!!!) 3. the cais and montagovs are rival gangs??? how cool is that??? also reading Women of the Fertile Crescent bc i started like 1289761283 different poetry anthologies last fall but have been going back and forth between them so im trying to focus on one poetry anthology before i go onto another one. and yeah, women of the fertile crescent fucks, the poems are so beautiful, pog/10 again
How’s it going? hahaha at the risk of oversharing on the internet (which no one has ever done on the internet before im sure, least of all me), the semester’s starting to creep up on me more and more and ive been getting more anxious, like im starting to fall back into the old habits last semester that made me a cold, nervous, constantly nauseous never-ending working machine, but at least i recognize them this time!!! so i can halt them before they sink their shitty little claws into my brain, and im trying to pick apart my mindset and stop the thought processes that tell me im always running out of time, and im also trying to remind myself that i objectively do have enough time for things and i will get things done even if im not thinking about them 24/7 akjdhfklajsdf i mean i also had a midterm last week which sucked ass and probably contributed to these feelings, but i dont have another midterm until the next 2 weeks! so im trying to relax for now and enjoy my time in the present :)
tagging @firewoodfigs @meridianheroine @notkorras @tophbeifong and anyone else who wants to join in! absolutely no pressure :)
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zeldadiarist · 3 years
Wip game
Rules: Post the names of all the files in your WIP folder, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. Send me an ask with the title that most intrigues you and I’ll post a little snippet of it and/or tell you something about it! And then tag as many people as you have WIPs.
Tagged by @zeldaelmo ! Thanks a lot!
So... I have 4 wip (three in the freezer and one active) but I’ll share them all, and tag one:
The Golden Chain aka the modern Zelda AU that’s been my brainrot officially since 2018. It’s all over here and my Instagram. Sorry not sorry. Some of you know the premise: Zelda is a spunky teacher, heir to the throne, but lives as a regular hylian in Castletown, along her half-Gerudo roomie/appointed knight Link. They live regular lives until an attack against the king puts the wheel of fate in motion. The current chapter is literally the onset of their departure into their life-changing adventure.
The ones on the freezer are:
The wrap up chapters of Zelda’s Log. It’s basically the 2-3 final chapters, focused on some decisions that have to be taken, and how true love not necessarily needs a wedding band to be real. I was really blocked about it on early 2019, and then the botw2 trailer happened. So, even if I really like this story, I’m super close to rewrite parts of it and close it for good.
Son of the Wild. This is legit an anthology of the botw Zelink kids shenanigans I came up with. Also Zelda and Link’s wacky, yet wholesome parenting at work. Since it’s sorta tied with Zelda’s log it went to the freezer with it.
Kinky Vanilla. The sequel to Playgirl, aka the smutty modern TP AU nobody needed, but it involved Zelda being the daughter of the owner (also manager) of a burlesque club and Link, a young writer from the countryside who found a perfect muse. People liked it, and I still have smut to write - which involves Zelda showing Link the basics of bdsm and other shenanigans.
I’m tagging @spicychestnut for this!
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louwhose · 2 years
Congratulations on 100 followers!!! That's so exciting! Can I please request a crossover doodle of OoT Link as a Bridge Four member? (Bonus idea of Navi as Syl but no pressure unless you want to)
Um. So. You see. I went and drew this and forgot about that whole "crossover" bit. So I drew Link in a bridgeman outfit and Navi as Syl. Is that good enough?
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Also I... really liked this idea so I brainrotted a little more under the cut
Couldn't help myself and had to draw Zelink in this au...ish thing? I wanted to do a story for them but at the same time since I already have a BOTW Stormlight AU going I wasn't about to start another one, so this picture and a small (sad) snippet of a story is what I've got. I hope you like this as much as I liked working on it.
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A lighteyed musician and a darkeyed bridgeman pass each other on a crowded street. They stop and turn around, feeling a spark as their eyes meet. But after a long moment, they turn back and continue on their separate ways, wanting to chase that spark but knowing they could not. After all, she was a lighteyes and he was a slave.
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aheavenscorner · 9 months
20 questions for fic writers!
Thanks for the tag, @linktheacehero ♡
1. How many works do you have on Ao3?
Seven! Looking to make that number go up a little in 2024...
2. What's your total Ao3 word count?
9010. *hides the 100k words of various unpublished projects*
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Mainly Zelda, with the eventual side of Star Wars, Fantastic Beasts and Tinker Bell.
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
Mrs. Scamander...? (177)
the fire of the fight (72)
I won't say (I'm in love) (70)
End to a beginning (46)
One last look (43)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
YES!!! I love engaging with the very few readers that I have, and comments just always make my day. I want to show some love back!
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Published? Probably one last look. Unpublished? ...well. Probably Hylink.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I won't say (I'm in love), it's just cuteness overload.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
Haven't written enough for that to happen.
9. Do you write smut?
10. Do you write crossovers?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
No, and I don't know why anyone would. Do people have nothing better to do?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
By myself, yes! By others, never.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Several! Both Mask and Duet of Time were co-written with my lovely friend Ace. We will publish chapter 2 eventually, it's almost finished...
14. What's your all-time favorite ship?
A tie between Ocarina of Time Zelink and Han/Leia.
15. What's the wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
HADESTOWN ZELINK!! I've been speaking of it since September of 2022, I have the entire idea set out but... I never got around to writing it. I don't know how to write good longfics.
16. What are your writing strenghts?
Descriptions and dialogue, I believe. You tell me.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Action scenes, pacing, actually writing...
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Hell yeah!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Marvel. Man, that was... a very long time ago.
20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
Probably Duet of Time, from my published list. It's the foundation for so, SO much insanity and stab scene and brainrot...
Tagging @pastelsandpining and @writingnocturne to join this one, if you so desire!
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